Index of Proper Names and Works Cited
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88236-1 - Dante and the Making of a Modern Author Albert Russell Ascoli Index More information Index of proper names and works cited (N.B., Dante Alighieri is not included in the index, while his works are cited individually in alphabetical order. When the author is known, the work is cited under the author’s name. When the work is anonymous, it is cited by title. Name and works cited in notes are indexed only when discussed.) “A ciascun’alma presa e gentil core” see Vita Anteus (giant), 172 Nova, chapter 3 Antigone, 326 Abelard, Peter, 82, 82 n 26, 284 Antiphon, 326 SicetNon, 82, 284 Apollo, 360, 361 n 76 Abrams, M.H., 32 Aquinas, Thomas, 6 n 5, 7 n 7, 48, 70, 77, 81, 83, Adam, 118 n 81, 140, 142 n 22, 143, 146, 147, 147 n 83 n 29, 83 n 32, 89 n 38, 97, 98, 102, 105, 31, 157, 171 n 57, 173 n 59, 258 n 41, 332, 105 n 56, 106, 106 n 59, 107 n 60, 112 n 340 n 49, 349 n 60, 363 n 81, 370 n 93, 69, 115, 115 n 75, 116, 119, 234, 236 n 13, 373 n 99, 376, 387, 387 n 126, 388 n 129, 243 n 23, 244, 246 n 26, 370 388 n 130, 390 n 132, 392 n 134, 395 n 141, De Regimine Principum, 236 n 13 396 n 143, 399, 399 n 145, 403, 403 n 153, Expositio (of the Politics), 105, 105 n 56, 106 404 n 154, 404 n 155, 405, 405 n 157 n 59 Adolf of Nassau (Emperor), 233 n 8 Summa contra Gentiles, 97, 234 Adriano V (Pope) see Ottobuono Fieschi Summa Theologiae (ST), 6 n 5, 7 n 7, 48, 81, Aeneas, 22, 157 n 43, 310, 311, 375, 383 n 115 83, 84 n 32, 89 n 38, 112 n 69, 115 n 75, Aeneid see Virgil (poet) 243 n 23 Aganippe (see also Parnassus),
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