eA CA News Builetin of the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association MME. OLGA SAMAROFF and her husband, Leopold Stokowski March 1984 Volume 21 Number 2 I! I AMICA MEMBERSHIP RATES: AMICA International Continuing Members: $22 Annual Dues Overseas Members: $28 Dues New Members, add $5 processing fee NEWS BULLETIN (Write to Membership Secretary, PUBliSHER see address below) Dorothy Brornage Single back issues at the News Bulletin are P.O. Box 387 available from the Publisher for $2,00 each. La Habra, CA g063 Hl387 Change of Address: If you move, send the USA new address and phone number to tht' Membership Secretary, Will Wild and Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collector'; Valerie Anderson AssoCiation, a non-profit club devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment ol musical instruments using INTERNATIONAL OffiCERS perforated paper music rolls. AMICA was founded In San Francisco in 1'163. PRESIDENT ferry Smvthe (204) 452-2180 ' Contributions: All sublects of interest to readers of the 547 Waterloo St., Winnipeg, Manitoba Bulletin are encouraged and invited by the publisher. ,>\11 Canada R.3N 012 articles must be received by the 10th of the preceding PAST PRESIDENT Robert .'\-1. Taylor month, Everv attempt will be made to publish all articles 01 (215) 735-2662 general interest to AMICA members at the earliest possible 1326 Spruce St. #3004, Phildelphia. PA 19107 time and at the discretion of the publisher VICE PRESIDENT Mollv Yeckley (419\ 684-5742 ' Original Bulletin articles, or material for (epnnt that is of 612 Main St .. Castalia, OH 44824 significant historical quality and mteres!. are encouraged and will be rewarded in the form of ,AMICA membership SECRETARY Richard Reutlinger (415) 346-8669 dues discounts. (Chapter reports and Forum inquiries are 824 Grove St., San Francisco, CA 94117 pxcluded.) PUBLISHER Dorothv Bromage ADVERTISING (..'Il) 697 -1545 Classified: 101t per word, $'1.50 minimum. PO. Box ;87, La Habra, CA 90b.B-03B7 • All copy must reac h the publisher by the 10th ot the MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY preceding month. Payment must accompanv order. INew memberships and mailing problems I Make checks payable 10: AMICA INTERNATIONAL. Will Wild and Valerie Anderson (803) 758-8846 • Checb or money order, trom advertiser, In toreign P,O, Box 172. Columbia, SC 29202 countnes must be drawn on a U.S. bank. TREASURER Mike & Liz Barnhart Display advertising (5131254-5580 919 Lantern Glow Trail, Dayton, OH 4.5431 ~ull pagE' 7'!1"X 10" $100.00 Half page 7"1'x4',;' 50.01l BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Qu,uterpage \;',,"x4'/., 25.00 Founding Chapter: Howie Koft Southern California: Dick Rigg • Each photograph or half-tonE' $7,00 Texas: Haden Vandiver • See Bulletin deadlines on iirq page oi th" Issue. Midwest: Vincent Ri( ca Philadelphia Area' Len Wert • We rpcommend display advertiser., supply camera­ SOWNY: Rick Drpwnlak ready copy. Copy that IS oversized or underSized Rocky Mountain. Dick Kroeckel will be changed to correct size at your (ost. We can New ler,ey: lohn De Paris prepare your advprtlSement tram your suggested iowa: "'Ivirl lohnson Boston Area: Santord Libman layout at (ost. Northern Lights: Lowell Boehland • All copy must reach the publisher by the 10th of the Sierra-Nevada: Bob Moore preceding month. Chicago Area: Jerry Blasella Heart of America: Ron Bopp • Payment must accompany order, Typesetting, layout Southeast ArPd: lohn O'Loughlin or size alteration charges will be billed separately. Make checks payable to: AMICA INTERNATIONAL. COMMITTEES TECHNICAL, Mel Luchetti • Checks or money orders irom advertisers in toreign 3449 Mauricia Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051 countries must be drawn on a U,S. bank. HONORARY MEMBERS, Alf E. Werolin • All ads will appear on the last pages at the Bulletin 2230 Oakdale Rd., Hillsborough, CA 9401 at the discretion of the publisher. ARCHIVES, Jim Weisenborne Publication of business advertising in no way implies 73 Nevada St., Rochester, MI48063 AMICA's endorsement of any commercial operation. AUDIO-VISUAL, Howie Koft However, AMICA reserves the right to refuse any ad that 4271 No. First St., #1, San Jose, CA 9.5134 is not in keeping with AMICA's general standards or If PUBLICATION, Dorothy Bromage complaints are received indicating that said business P,O. Box 387, La Habra, CA 90633-0387 does not serve the best interests of the members of AMICA according to its goals and bylaws. I ! flMICfllnternational CHAPTER OffiCERS AMICA International News Bulletin Volume 21 Number 2 March 1984 FOUNDING CHAPTER NEW JERSEY Pres: Phil McCoy Pres: Oliver Vitakis CONTENTS Vice Pres: Isadora Koff Vice Pres: Lenny Finkel AMICA International 25 Treas: Bob Wilcox Rec Sec: Millie Freyer Sec/Reporter: Jack & Dianne Corr Sec: Margery Vitakis Book Review 26 Edwards Treas: John Ellems Reporter: Richard Groman People ... 27 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IOWA Instruments Pres: Warren & Rosemary Deasy 30 Pres: AI Johnson Technicalities 31 Vice Pres: Jerry Pell Sec: Holly & Peggy Hollingsworth Vice Pres: George Apland Rolls and Music 34 Treas: Larry Norman Sec/Treas: Bob Shimp Reporter: Jack Niewoehner News from the Chapters 35 Reporter: Bill Toeppe BOSTON AREA TEXAS Pres: Barry Kasi ndorf Pres: Bob Smith The Cover: And yet another book about Stokowski. Vice Pres: Judy Welsh Vice Pres: John Morris Sec: Bill Koenigsberg See review on page 26 by Emmett Ford, who also SeclTreas: Carole Beckett contributed the rare photograph of Stokowski and Treas: Philip Konop Reporter: Wade Newton Reporter: Donald Brown wife Olga Samaroff. a famous musician in her own MIDWEST right. Pres: Edwin Ward NORTHERN LIGHTS Vice Pres: Ruth Owen Pres: Steve Leppa Vice Pres: Terry Goepel • 1984 Convention Greater kansas City Area June 21·24 • Sec: Lawrence & Margaret Frazer Treas: Alvin Wulfekuhl Sec/Reporter: Barbara Leppa Reporter: Sue Ricca Treas: Robert & Katheryn Dumas AFFILIATED SOCIETIES PHILADELPHIA AREA SIERRA·NEVADA The Player Piano Group (England) Pres: Bob Taylor Pres: Bob Patton The North West Player Piano Vice Pres: Doug Mahr Association (England) Vice Pres: Frank Diamond Sec: Frank Basil Sec/Treas: Audrey Winters Netherlands Mechanical Organ Reporter: Rick Simms Society - KDV Treas: Len Wert CHICAGO AREA Australian Collectors of Mechanical Reporter: Bob Rosencrans Musical Instruments SOWNY (SOUTHERN ONTARIO, Pres: Jim Edwards WESTERN NY) Vice Pres: Carol Dayton Dutch Pianola Association & Mabel Zivin Pres: Jim Brewer Society of Friends of Mechanical Sec: Bob & Gloria Taylor Vice Pres: Janet Drewniak Musical Instruments (Germany) Treas: Bill & Dee Kavouras Sec: Alice Guhlow Reporter: Mike Ehart Treas: Jim & Chris Barley Reporter: Fred Buchwald HEART OF AMERICA BULLETIN DFADLINES FOR 1984 Pres: Ron Connor ROCkY MOUNTAIN Marcrl10 for April issue Vice Pres: Tom Hellstein Pres: Jere De Backer Sec: Leonard Railsback May 10 for May/J une issue Vice Pres: Bill Arthur June 10 for July issue Treas: Margaret Taylor Sec: Rae Burdetter Reporter: Katie Hellstein July 10 for August issue Treas: Art Tarr September 10 for September/October issue Reporter: Deane & Patty SOUTHEAST AREA: October 10 for November issue Pres: John O'Loughlin Fehrman November 10 for December issue Vice Pres: Norman Arnold SeclTreas: David Burke Reporter: David Burke )I II,U "::11 'EU 'lUI liEn 1I11! ir::J! 'Ill! !a~IlIIIlII '1,1' !1lI! !1lI~1lI1 I 11II1I.mll.IIIII.;:III.III1I.IIII1.illlI.IIIH.liill.IIIII.IIIII.'lIn.llli1.iI.11I1I.!ilII.IIIII.IIW.llln.lIIll.~II.I_IIIII.:nIl.IIIII.rnll.IIIII.IIUI.1I111.1II11.U1nl.'IIJI.~m.I_lml.IIII1.J1I11.II!!.III.IIIJ1.IIIiI.mJl.IIiIJ.I!II1 NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT The Board of AMICA has selected a Nominating Commit­ tee to present candidates for the International offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Publisher. AMICA '84 Convention The Chairman of the Committee is Jeff Depp. Other mem­ bers are Bob Taylor (Philadelphia), Dick Rigg, Liz Barnhart, Available to all AMICA Chapters for free use is a Ken Long, Larry Kerecman, and Bob Taylor (Chicago). short slide sound presentation, which was given at the Ifany members wish to nominate candidates, they may do Annual Business Meeting in Chicago, in July. Any so in accordance with Section 4(b) of AMICA International Chapter having available for its use a Singer Caramate By-Laws. Projector or a Kodak Ektagraphic Audio Viewer Pro­ Contact for the Nominating Committee is the Chairman, jector, may obtain the slide/sound set from Ron Bopp, Jeff Depp. His address is 5700 W. Glen Dale Dr., Lockport, NY Rt. 6, Box 676, Joplin, MO. 64801, for use at any Chapter 14094. Meetings. <) 25 <) 1984 AMICA CONVENTION IMPORTANT CONVENTION ADDRESSES HIGHLIGHTS Convention registration by Ron Bopp, Convention Chairman Charles Tyler 1630 Topping By now we are all aware of the annual AMICA meeting in Kansas City, MO 64126 the Kansas Cityarea, June 21 to June 24, 1984. The committe is busily working so that all will have a fun-filled weekend. Mart Our workshop schedule is filling up and will allow every AMICAn something of interest. Jerry Biasella will present a Gerold Koehler fascinating session on nickelodeon art glass. Jerry has had 1002 Forest years of experience in rebuilding coin-operated machines and Joplin, MO 64801 has the advantage of living in a city where a lot of the original art glass was made. We will hear Charles Tyler talk about his Hotel experiences with the Edison phonograph. Charles has col­ Regency Park Resort lected almost every model and his collection is endless so we Suburban Kansas City can expect a lot of information from him. Overland Park, KS 66212 Mel Septon will give an interesting and enlighting talk about piano actions. Mel is a piano rebuilder and has excel­ lantly restored reproducing pianos. Those of you that have a Mills Violino will have a chance to pick up some tips as Chuck Pfeiffer will discuss different aspects of the Violino. Chuck's involvement with the Mills has afforded him an in-depth knowledge of the subject.
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