Latin American P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Book Store Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945
[email protected] Literature Titles from Mexico -- April 2020 1. Abenshushan, Vivian; et. al. PERMANENTE OBRA NEGRA. Mexico, D.F., Madrid: Editorial Sexto Piso, Sexto Piso España, 2019. 459p., photos, illus., facsimles, wrps. New . Paperback. ISBN: 9786078619122. "Permanente obra negra" is an experimental writing project spearheaded by Mexican narrator Vivian Abenshushan, which emerged as a concept more than 10 years ago, and focuesed on copying, rewriting, cut-ups, strikethroughs, collective writing machines, and more. The resulting book uses six fonts, and each one configures a kind of autonomous book, while at the same time bringing together adjoining themes and phrases that are associated with each other, like a hashtag or a Twitter thread. (70620) $44.90 2. Agueda de San Ignacio, Maria Anna . DEVOCIONES VARIAS. México, D.F: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, (Colección Libros de Mujeres siglos XVI al XVIII, vol. V), 2019. 138p., wrps. new. Paperback. ISBN: 9786073013291. (72040) $24.90 3. Aguilar Camín, Héctor (Mexico, 1946-). HISTORIAS CONVERSADAS. México, D.F: Penguin Random House, 2019. v, 367p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786073185615. In "Adiós de los padres" Camín tells the story of his family marked by the absence of his father. The stories of "Historias Conversadas" can be read as an autobiography of a fictional character that is invented or stolen in each life; this volume completes the familial saga of Héctor Aguilar Camín. (71864) $34.90 4.