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Davince Tools Generated PDF File -- - , 195~ ~:~rab Attitude Worries SeCurity TO-NIGHT'S I'll !~SEN ;s PLAY 8.15' THE .DAILY. NEWS BART 0 K ~'fO~ available at pETE'$ SAKE111 Vol. 63. No. 276 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER B, 1956 (Price S cents} Charles Hutton &Sons Hungarian Woman Fighter ease 1re• an 1reatene . i - ommunist ; .I ' Canada ~oycotts 1Egyptians Charge ation Red .Celebration O'l'1'AW A ( Cl') - Canada ami ICanadian ~cnior civil servants :o Battle Continues most of the Western world Wed· boycott the affair. nesday night o!flcially snubbed Til·~ external affairs department LONDON {CD) Sh • p 5 'd d b Hnssia'sbig and glittery annual said it would send only two juniur ,- ootmg at crt at a 11 Ara -Communist demands that celebration. Officials said the boy. ?llicm in an unofficial capacity. foreign invaders be thrown out of Egypt Wednesday night threatened to colt resulted from the 'iol'ie( blourl fhc department sent out a lclc. hath In Hungary. gram to Canadian diplomats at a!! undermine the base for any -solid cease·fire in the Middle East. As usual, Sol'i·~l Ambassador overseas posts to keep clear of the The Egyptian army charged that Frenr.L,.Br'tt'•sll f"'rces'In Port 5a'ld Dmitri Chuvahin loaded his tables eo~lebrahon. r. ..., - with luxurious foods and wines. Informants said the boycott plan at the northern entrance to the Suez Canal continued .to attack after the expecting some 1,800 guests to was in essence a decision of the help him celebrate the 39th an·, NATO puwcrs, taken after Russta cease-fire went into effect at 2 a.m. Wednesday Cairo time. Cairo radio ~s)· n:! ~iversary of the Russian ~volu·l' refused to wilhdr~w her forces advised Egyptians to resume fic_hting " jf the enemy advances on~ •1n,.h". !hi~ t':l· twn. · . !rom Hungary, Sol'tcl butch·~ry uf - " early.'' The affair usually draws ton freedom fighters there is reported Prime Minister Eden told the House of Commons th~re had been on nr1 gol'crnmcnl, diplomatic and mili· to be con1inuing though the lJ:II , h • • , • on a em:. tnry figures in this capital, But has condemned the massacre. some S ootmg In the town. ~ protelU !'rime ~linistcr St. Lnur'cnt told Th.~ offici:rl deep r~ccze cor.-1 Gen Sir Charles Keightley at British • Fren::h h~a~!'J,IJCirters in le~ations. reporters he would not attend and I trastcd with the situation a year I ' ' that Canada would not be nffci. ago ~~·hen ~!r. St. Laurent and part; .,Cyprus, denied there had been any ar;tua! fighting, btJt se~id there hcd all)' ro~prescnted. of hts cabmct turned out to pay · r. f 1 E • 1 • r Hepre.s~ntntivcs .hc_re n.f the I tlwir mpcc.ts. i ;-:.een a case 0 gypttan ootmg. t!ultcd States, Bntam, I· ranee, 1 Vodka, whisK)' and erimean an't 1 , 1 , : , • • . .. · Au;ll·alia, New Zealand and many, ~corgian wine flowed fp~ell' l.iant; COU.D l\llLCK Pl..\_:'11 1 llfln anml·rr;;n·.<· ~jlf·'•:t ;n :.rn.,. "lt:rrr :, no rtur,!inn in our mind other clemocraci·~s said they also . turkey,, and l'arinus llu,si~n de. Arah and Cn_nnnu~l~~ deman.d-, cow that l:tb>b \ras. rr:.'cly I~ ,emi ''.:l~:dr~·,.t; _n_f withdrawal'' by 'tht would sta)' away. licacie.s graced huf!et t ahlcs in ~or ~omplel.~ lltthrlr,l.ll .11 of ~hl!-, force, to t~u·ow the hnt1-h. !• rcnl It , hcn~,•-bnll-h force., Mlit there 1 .\ 11111' \ illrll 1~ TilE 11.\TTI.f. FOil lll'D.\I'EST-HUIIaJ!rst, Jlunl(al·y-llcr rille t'!'stlng on I!Cl' l'ltEI'i\Rl\ llF.~lO~STR.\'l'IOS 1 four rrowdcrl front room, 0 [ tiw i l;<h·t rcnrh an~l lsq~h .ror~c> m_ch- anril<r:.tch,: o~11 ;111d ")i?uidatc thi<, i~: a ;I;U force nn h"n<l lo keep th·~ 1 1011 l•1· ' ''' 111.11 r.•lrllll is >Cl'll tal,in;: time nul tnr 11 d:mrctle durin!! :1 lull In the !i::hting. Hungarian~ quietly prcparrd for 1 emhas.\y. catcd the Unil~rl "'· ~ s c.nt1rc a~~rc-,wn -:!I th1• 1.:'\ 1\'ouk! llt-, <':111ill safe anrl enforce peace. :;.,, .... •(I,· t:::,•l:lll> in llucl"pc>1. ~··1·irt t~nk~ Mild troop~ l'l'nshrrl ~II hut fnnaticnl Ja~t·<litch 1 1\ .demonstl'ntion in front n!Am-1 Bill liwt oicl rmhil.•-'.l' h•ll'IW·i pi all to tlirllll' 11~ an iulcrnatumal: l'llt• ~u~h a~lill!!: . • , Pro•mit•r D:11 id llcn-l;nrion in a 11 rrq-:.•·,., ,.f llw palnol'' rrl'nit in thr llilt'lnrn rnunlr)'· l'rcmir1· N;1~y an 1 Imrmhrr~ of hi~ gr.1•. i ha":~rlor Chn1·ahin'~ re,irlence 1 clull'n l:t<l :'\•ell' Yc~1·\ Da)'. A nr11, pnhrt• fnlre to krrp r·~~··c mdtl R,I11SI_t \Ill_:" r 1.1· .. \\ I. : ,pr.'".'h to l':oriiamrnt in .'·~rusalem r"'":·r;:l .. ,r:·•· plarr<l tliidl'l' ~l'rr>l hy thr' Ru~~inn~. .latinS 1\ndar, nn nhl·linr 11rd, wa~ in~tall I The 1\nrrl was ~lipprd ont lo top nne nnw is umlcr ron.,ll'ti<'linn. : hr .~i:<'II.Prrd on that pmnl. !·.~yptlan. dopinn.'"'' in "n,rn·,l I imlle~trrl l'r~rl ll'<'llld rot with· . -- •. -----------.. --- -----· I l·.g;·pt1an _de!r~.1lp Omnr l.nult•, ;:nrtl!on~ ~>••II~ ,~1<1 S•>:irt rr:·~l'l ~ 111'01'1' h)· der·:~riu;: l1i~ count;y . ~ ~:h,•::·~ .. ,:ot•a~thcnrll'tll'rlllirr.--(ir\l'hotol 'p •d o• ~ol:l the I.;,/ t;rnrrnl A,.-,~mht;·:nrril'rrs :tnrl2-i!I,Oflll P.rd l'hinr,n'wnnld not a;:rrr tn any forei~o I • res/ en t ISCUSS€5 ·.~olh::'c.. ca_n be ..•.lone 1111~.11 ..~he! 1\'~·rr l'<:iuntrerin:: to help i·:~)'}ll.. flll"CC'b r;ll;: ,tal inned in I< rae! or . : 1\lthlit.i\la) ·~ c:UIIrd _out. I Ill- i rl•o SIII'ICI _o;drllllrs. J:omam~' all)' lrrnt.•r)· oe~np'.;d b:• her. Ht> I CO\Stlioubt on whethrl· l~gyptwouid; ~nil t'z•:l'hn>lOI':•kia, infonn:·cl the s;licl the w.w annHirr l':lh Egypl ·s Launch A. N • . a;lrcc to a pollee force. llr. \\'H" U~i .\<>cmhi)' the)' 11 ere will in: tn w;os de;•d-;t p~,:tinn that could :n· 'hnck•c~l hy .Jordan anrl Syria. ; cnntrihntc fm·,·c,-alnn~ with Ill ciicat~ t'rarl c~prl'l.• t11 ~,t greater d ! '~~~111 tlircatcnm~ .intcrl'cntinn: other l'niuntccr 1~alinns - In the. >ccnrily than that gil'en hy the old e ew FOrelgn Po 1Icy 1 , , , • . , SO\ let D~[c~cc ~limstcr l.rorg1; p:·opo•crl intcrnattonal polkc. : r!•.'lllal·cntinn lines. \\AS,J.IIlliGTOi\ (AP) - P.rcs- ,pffers. by Communt~t Czccho-. Zhukov saul 111 a Bolshcnk rcl'ulu-1 on· the otlm hand, F.dcn snirll <Continued on page 51 I~". u n g· a '~~~~;~~~~m:o~~c;~r~~~r~~: tr;r~i ~~wi.~i~~d~~leR~:::;~nc:: :,~:,:' N Approves Poll. c-e ry CD · congt,~ssiun~l lenders to a White Russia'~ thrcn~s to .use. Coree to. u ·ttack On 8 · lhmse mcctmg Friday on t•ritical stop Middle East !1ghtmg, Hag. ' rcl'olution and llunoan· counted' south of Btulapest Jt was uniil re· i ~liddiu East and E:uropcnn del'el· crty aid the president has no I · H:~\.1 • i:1•tl'l't' 1-Th~ HUS· iH'I' lllUIIII\ing thuus;nds o[ clcail' ~cntll' named Sita.iinvaros, or Stal· i Opl~lcnts. ~Inns "at. this tim~" lo ~ummon . m:y ~~'•·rltll·, lay night wa> in the two·weck·nlil national upris.! in';; 'city. 1 1 he en !I to lhe Je~tslators went Congrc.ss 111to specml scsswn. , F I · t,, '1•1<· Iaunclll'd an all.! ing against Communism and It us· Tucsda~·'s broadcast by the In· f out only a f.~w .mmutes before ably concerned, bt:t not Ol'crly, 0 r c e n 11 t/1 p!:onc. and tank; sinn domination. surgcnts station had r.ppenloed to 1 De~ocrats, _ .hucktn~ the Eisen. drlar.mcd, hy the l'l~lcnl tunc ol · Suez Hun:.:: .1:: .n-ur~cnt force; i Annt)lcr insurgent radio hroa•l·! the \\'est tor. guns, ammunition and 1 ho11cr lan1bhdc, c.hnchctl control Russ1.an staten~e~l; ~a~ce _t•~·~ .R:~l 1 ,,~·: ,•t :.1,. ;:rf'a of the st·~cl ca.;t \1 cdnesdal' report.;od the !Ius· food to be dropped bv parachute, of bot_h the Senate and House. Arm) b~gnn 1t, mtlttar) ct ack- . • . _ . nfll·m .. ·~·n• i . , uth n! Burl· ,ian~ hnl'c bcc'n dropping incenll:·t in the area. · 1 Obl'lo~sly ~I'OtTied b_Y Rus~ta's down on Hungarr Saturday. l.ly R?ll u:.nnll·. ... '1.:'\ run·.~ itnl·e_,.nol "l~•;thm;:, l':tr._m•.•:HL . 1 1 11 1 10 nr~· bombs 011 llnn;:at'i.111, holding, Other reports from Communist more htllg~mnt pollc1•~•. E1sc~· ~~~~.~•han ! r.css ~!aff. l~ttlc~, he 1lnnc 1nth _11 untll ~;:ypt, Llt- .t;.tc;nrnt ron Bl':h•h p•rltry ',, I: .. :, , •. r.n insurgent nut in Budapest, the Hungarian ;tncl insnrgent radio stl••ions hull· I h?wcr c.1rlier wen! to t!.tc army s J.
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