
Smith Thos. & Johll, blacksmiths, ToR, UDDEB..SH:~Lll,~tD¥ter81!'!ttU To , tbe~Royal Mail (from Live,r..- Slack, ,a,epto~stall . , ',' " . , . (from Todmorde~) ~very mo~nm,g (~un- p.!>o~r, every n,lgbt at twelve, goes~,' ,cr~·lth u71·1l1·am' dm'rJrr·ll!t,·~lld -lrOiJl:- da.Js excepted) at, D\1le.' " , -: ~aijf~x.Bradfond,.Le~,&o. '~., vu~ ."" '." .~~ -: ';, ,.; ToMANCBE$T,.ER & LIVERPOOL" . ' <", ' ','.'" • ,. ,.., , r:nO!Hrer, e.ep~~'n~a.Il, ,~he, ~oya~ Mai~ (from York), ,every ",CARaZBaB. I. sutcbffe, WIlbam, hnen draper,momlng at three; goes thro' Roehdalfi,! ·To HALtFAX, Almtbam., MVsball an8 H'eptonsta')I , , , ' , ,Bury, Bolton, &c.-& the- Perseverance" --'(Been, . e"ferr' Saturday, , Wheethou'se Wini~ril, corn' Inillel", :(fr~in 'RalifB;x), 'e~~ry Tuesday and Sa- To MANCHESTER. rrhomas fMal'8h~J '~taYl'oyd Hebden bridge ',turdaymommgs'at seveD.:.. ~ Monda.y,. ,ey~ry.MondayaDdThu~I~Y.. , , ,,' ,", Wednesdal', Tbursday& ,t'nday morn-, CONVBYJII;N",/rI ~,.. . C040HBS. . in~ateigbt; goestbrough Rochdale" ,. I . ,u.&.- ... ..& All call at the Whtte Ho,rse, Hebden IJrl,dge. , Mlddleton" &c. ' ' W'A 'rBa. To HALIFAX, the p.,erseve'rance (f!'Om To TODMORDEN, the Doc!or 81Lntax 'fo ~()NDON, MANCHESTER, Ll .. 'Manchester) every nIght (Sundays ex-' (from Huddersfield) every 'nIght (Sun- VERPOOL,& 'HULL, daily; the Koch.. cepte~)at eight. ,days excepted) at half-past six. dale Canal !Cornpany, wharfiagers. ', KIRK, ELLA, NORTI-I FERRIBY, ANJ;j'ABY . . "AND NEIGHBOURHOQOS. ' HESSLE.-, 'an ancient parish and manor, in the latter town. 'fhe cht1l'cb is dedicated-to St. Andrew, rlivisionof Hulls11irf!, ill the east. ridi.ng: the village of which the Re,'. William J.' Wilkinson' is vicar. is sit.uated '9uthe banks of the HLunbel', across which The population 'of I\lRK ELLA and tOWD;- is an allc1ent. fe.-,·y, and five miles \V.S.W. of Hull. ships, ,in 1821" was 368. . The churc~ is dedicated to All Saints; it is a vicar- . a village aDd parish, in the east age, of ,wInch ,~he Rev. Edmund Gal'wood, M .A. is riding, six miles from and eight from the incumbent. T,here ,are a small hospital and a H,uU, is pleasantly situated in the .proximity of tl~ free school, the e,ndow.ments of which are slender; Hunlber, and several handsome residences giVe ,'aD and one upon the national system; there 1S also a air of o~ulence to the place. ,rfhe chut'ch is aeCJicattd .gc;h~olof industry. ,Near Hessle, is Hesslewood to All Saints, and the King is patron of 'the living. house, ~ Dlansion belonging to ". R. Pease, ES(I.. Here is one of those useful establishments for instruc.­ and t.beveare be!>ides, many other genteel residences dOll a national school. The parish con~lued, by the ic the immedia~e vicillage of the village. Considerable census of 1821, 765 inhabitants" and ~e iil!age 3'47 'of .gu~nt:ities of.chalk ~ton~ are obtained in this pal~isb, tbatnumber. , ' ' ~ and Paris, w.hite is manufactured of an excellent qua- is a village and township, partly in 'Hes~le lity; Th~ populatipn, in 1821, ':Vas 1,02]. . 'parish, ~Dd partly i!l .that of- ~ir.k~Ella.,,~ree 'miles ',, a VIllage, five mIles W.N.W. of HuU,- west of Hull, contaullng, by the returns made,at the i& the residen.ce:ofmany of the merchants of the last census, 307 inhabitants. ' GENTllV &.CLERGY. NATIONAL 'SCHOOL, Hessle-Geo. Levitt Wm.miller,H'e!'1s1e: '(Ella .Barkworth Jobn., gent. Anlaby Burton, master ' ' , Mal'shall,Rjcftal'd,bhrek~tb,;:Kirk Barkworth 1\I1's. Elizoi Tl'anby hall "Rogers R,ev. R. (boarrli'ng) Hessle Marshall r:rhomas, miller, '-;Hess1e -Honrne William, gent .. Ki-rkElla SCHO.oL OF INDUSTRY, Hessle- MichaelJ.acob,1;mtcher,·:Hfissle " Br.oadley H(lnry, gent. lV~elton hill Mr~. Stathers, mistress 'Nicholson Jno~shoe Dlkr,N.Ferriby Bl'oadley John, gent. South ElIa Tap!> l\'laryJboardg.) North Ferriby PetfieldGeo~boot&sl1oemkr;Anla'by BurMall Sanluel, gent. Hessle PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Petfield Matt. wheelwright, Anlaby Cankrien John C., esq. Anlaby Anderson J. B. surgeon, Hessle Piersoll Dl. baker & flour dlr, HeS!le 'Cooper Samuel. est). 'rranhy hall ,'Hodgson Wm. surgeon, Anlaby Pinning, JacksQD,.Waliis&Co.ctialk Dobson ~rs.l'1'a:ry. Kh'k 'E-lla INNS TAVERNS &; PUBLIC ~to~e mchts. Hessle , [lDfrslHe~le ·Earnshaw ~eonard B. esq ... ~essle JHOUSE,S. PInnIng, Ward ~nd CO. Paf.!~Whl1Je 'Ea1"~shaw Robert, e~q. Hessle' Aa· .' (H k W·lr R d ,Ranson John, ,bl"Jcklafer,. K!rk;EUa EggIntonGardne'l', es:q~ N. 'Ferriby ,Dlua awe, I lam. ,U ston, Ranson Wm~wheelwr,ght,Klrk EUa Eggintoll .Joseph, esq. Kirk Ella Hessle '. r~lla Ricbardson Jno.wheehvrgbt,.Hessle -Gal'wood Rev. Edmund, Hessle Anchor, Thornas Thlu~tle, "Kirk, Joe],m-altster, ;Hess)e 'Hall Francis, esq. Hessle ,Duk~.~f Cum?erland~ lVlatthew Wm. blavksmifh, 'Hessle lIammond Mrs. :North Ferriby , ' Wllhams, No) ~~ Fe~llby . S~llers Geo.:taU(')1·,' H~,sle " f'sle Hammond 'Peter, gent. Kirk El1a ferry,~ B~~t, Wm. Blown, Hessle Slssons Wm. boot-&'sboe-lIlkr, .Ftes- Hesslederi 'rhos.·esq. North Ferl'iby 1\1 H.a G 'b (d f Speck Jno.wbeelw·rigbt,Hessle fs)e ~llsl~e 05 ·Jacksoil Thos. gent.' North Ferl'iby .J: 1 y lug SpicerJno.ool'n & coal mercht.If'eS­ ,~lqUIS\ M ra ~ sf Jones A'1Ithoily;gent. Kirk EHaR do~~e} ;,.1' ~d ~l~n~, h'lf Xn1 1 y StephellsonRiC!ld.miller, N:.Ferrlby Locke'I's.Bentley,esrr.Hesslemountl'rh. l~~, _IC J: ~slla, H a Story John, bl'1ckl~yer, H~ssle, 'Mendham R:-ev. 'Jno. North Ferl'iby lee IQwns, :110. e ers, ess1 e Story "fhom'as, taIlor, H~~&l:e 'PeaseJ oseph' Robiuson, esq. Hes'" S, HOPKEEPEBiS & ~~DE~S. 'I'brustleJoseph, butcher, K~~ Ella " slewood hOllse ' , . AC'ey Tbos. shopkeeper,Ktrk 'Ella rradd' John, sbopk>eeper,.H-essle Ra:ikes Robt• .jutl. e'sq. East'-dale Ar.tGr-e,\vMk.wheelwright,N .Ferriby . Todd Robt.. ,but<.'her, North ~erriby Rogers Rev. 'Robert;Hes~le Appleton Christl" ,builder, Anlaby W(l'inmanJes. blafksm.i~~l, ,aessl~ Scholefield Chas. gent .. Spring,head Ap,pleton Simon, m,altster, Hessle Wainman Wm. watch maker, Hessle Schonswar Geo.' esq .. N01·th Ferriby Bellal~d SI. bout & $h,oemkr, Hessle Wallis Wm. Paris white mfrbHessle Smith Jobn,gent. :Kirk Ella ' ' Bibbins Willianl, ~liller, Anlaby Wandby Philip, wheelwrig t, Hes- Sykes Jos~ph, esq •.Kirk Ella BiltOll JOhn! l!lough maker., Hessle sle, " [m~rchanh., Hessle Sykes Mrs. Ann, Kirk Ella' 'Booth 'Vm.Joluer,. Hessle· rHessleWard, Steel an.a: Co. chalk stone Sykes Rev.' Richard, West Ella Brickh~ballk 'William, briCKlayer, Watson Jas. taHor,'Hessle " rodd John,esq.Tranby:hill " Brown J.olln, sh~pktieper, Hessle We~ellcraft ,Charles, wheelwright, rUl'uer Chas.esq. North ,Fer-riby ,CampbeU John, shopkeeper, Bessle Hessle '", rElla TUf'uel'l\1l'$~ :NOl·th Ferdby , Carlill, Jno.,butcller, 'Hessle ,,[sle Wilbel'forceTs~;,b'QO,t,&c~,mkr'-:kirk Vause WilHam,gent. A'i1laby Clarkson Fraucis, blacksmith, lIes- .' .' . WhitakerCapt:rbos. R.N~ Kirk Ella Dewick Juo. cabinet'maker, Hessle COACH. WilkinsonJosep.h. gent. Me.lton ' ExtobyRt. boot & shoe rnkr, f;[essle To HULL, M'TS. Green's: PtlMh, from Wilk-in~on'~Rev. Win. J. Ki·rk Rlla FenwickGeo.boot&shoemkl·,Hessle Hessle, everyT~esday morning. WilliamsouMr.s. Jane~ Kirk Ella : Fostel'Peter,postinghouse,WestElla CARBIERS. ' 'Vilso~'Mr~.M~lton.hill , Harri~011 WiIliam,gl'ocer,&c:HelSsle To HULL,Geo, Welbol'n, Robt. Speck Bc I Wood'rhoma's,-gent. Hessle Hess'eyWm.boot&shoemr,Ku·kElla Rt. Wallis, from Hessle, every Tue8d~J ACADE'lVlIES & ,SQHOOLS. Jackson Rd. blaeksmith, N. Ftrriby & Fridavmorniug-WilliamBlilncham, ~risp John (day)' Kil'k~l~a J enkil1sonTs.wheelw.right,~irkElla from Welton, from tbeAdmira.Ut)aw.ke, FREE SCHOOL, Hcssle--~Charles J~oh,nson S,l,. wheelwrIght, KIrk Ella every Monday, We