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¥otIt~I1ftt. HESSLE, ANLABY, KIRI{' ELLA, NORTH FEltRIBY, WILLERBY AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. HESSLE is a parish in the county of the town of KIRK ELLA is a small parish, in tIle game county and Kingston-upon-H ull, locally in the East Riding: it de- riding as H essle; the village is situated about five miles l'ives its name from Hest and Hull, having originally w. N. w. from Hull, and is the residence of many of the been ecclesiastically united. The village is situated on merchants of that town. The church, dedicated to St. the hank of the Humber (across which is an ancient Andrew, is a very ancient structure: the benefice is a ferry), " miles w. s. w. from Hull. The Hull and Selby vicarage, in the gift of Major Sykes, and incumbency of railwar passes on the south side of the parish, where the Rev. Mr. Thompson. The parish contained, in 1831 there IS a station. Considerable quantIties of chalk 97:1 inhabitants, and the townships of Kirk Elll\ and stone are obtained in this district, and Paris white, of West Ella 387 of that number.-Partly in thifl parish, an excellent quality, is manufactured. The places of and partly in that of Cottingham, is the township of worship are the parish church, dedicated to All Saints, WILLERBY, situated about five miles and a halfw.N.W. and a chapd each for Wesleyan and primitive metho- from Hull. The population is returned with the paw dists; the benefice of Ressle is a vicarage, in the gift ofl rishes in which it is situated. the crown, and incumbencY' of the Rev. Henry New- NORTH FERRIBY is a village and parish in the same march. A small hospital and a free school have each a r county and riding as the before-described villages, six trifling endowment; besides which there is a free school i miles from South Cave and eight from Hull i pleasantly for twenty-five servant girls. established and supported I' situated near to the Humber, which river oounds the by Mrs. Locke. 1\1any genteel residences are 1U the parish on its southern part. The church, dedicated to "Wage and lleighbourbood. Hessle House is an esta- All Saints, is supposed to be a part only of a more spaw blishment for females afflicted with insanity, conducted dous building; some handsome monuments adorn the by Miss Taylor, assisted by two medical advisers. The IiuteriOl': the living is a discharged vicarage, ill the prew parish, including Garrison Side, extra-parochial, con- sentation ofWatson Wilkill~on,Esq, Several handsome tained, in 1831, 1,538 inhabitants. residences are in and near to the village, which also conw Near to Hessle, partly in that parish and partly ill I tains one of those useful schools 011 the national I'lan that of Kirk £l1a, is the village of ANLABY, containing I The parish contained, ill 1831, 823 inhabitants, and tho about 400 inhabitant~. I towllship ;345 of tha~ number. pOS T, HESSLE, Receiving House at William Wallis'.-Letters from LONnoN and all parts arrive (from Hull) every evening at five, and are despatcheq every morning at a quarter before nine. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Wilkinson Anthony, esq. Kirk Ella Tatam Samuel, Hessle Barkworth John, esq. Trapby house wilkinson Fewstel', esq. KirkElla TatamThomas, Hessle BaJ'kworththeMisses,NorthFerriby Wilson Mrs. Ann, Welton Wilberforce Robert, Willerby Beadle John, esq. Anlaby Wilson Mrs. Diana, Hessle Wilberforce Thomas, Kirk Ella Bourne William, esq. Kirk ElIa ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BREWERS. Briggs Miss MaJ'Y, Alllaby Not Olbl'fWbe described are Day Scbools. White]ey J"oseph, Wotfertou Bl'Oadley ~] 1'8. AUIl Eliz. l\leltoIl hill llibbins Elizabeth (preparatol1) Wit- Williams Matthew, H essle Buru Ml's. 8urah, Hess]e lerby LHessle BRICKLAYERS, Cankl"ein John C. l'I!q. Aulaby Burtpn GeOl'ge (hoarding: and day) Bricklebank William, Hesslcs - Carlill Mr. Thomas, Hessle Dawson John, Kirk Ella Hare WilIiam, Hessle Cavill MI'. Joseph, Hassle ~lIis the Misses, (boarding and day) Kirby Richard, 8wanIand Eggiutoo JQseph, esq. Kirk Ella Hessle lmaster Ranson John, Kirk Ella Eg~iIltou Saml. Hall, elo1(}. N. Feniby FREE SCHOOL, fIessle-Wm Wallis, Story John, Hessle :Fisher Rev. Thomas, North Ferriby FREE SCHOOL FOR SERVANT GIRLS, Ashton Jo:rI~~~reERS. FOI"d James Timothy, esq. Kirk .E;lla Hessle--Lydia Stather, mistress Carlill John, He~~le Gresham John, esq. AlIl~by Harris l\largrt. (~reparato.J'Y~ ADla~y Prust TholllW Kildllll'ton, Hessle Hall Francis,eslj. Hellsle Houghto1l4nna Mary (pleparator) Tate \\ alter, Nllrth Ft'rr'by Hud-on John. esq. Anlaby Hessl~ , . ThrulItle Jo~eph. Kirk ElIa Humble 1\1r. Ralph, Hessle INFANTS SCH!,OL, Kuk Ella-Mary CQALK STONE MEROHANTS. Jackson ThoSe esq. North Ferriby l\Jarshall, mIstress . IGresham John, HeslIJe JODes Aptbony, esq. Kirk Ella N"TIOl'lAL SCHOOL, North Fernby Hearfield Davirl, Hessle cliff [cliff Joues Joseph, e8q. WilIerby "7Rohert J<\CkSOll, Pl~ster Pinning, JackHon,Wallis& Co. Hessle Lamarch Mt·s. J. B. Anlaby Sm!th Aun. North ,Fernby GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Lambert Mrs. North Ferriby SmIth !Ohll (boarding & day) North SUNDRIES. Laverack William, esq. Kirl~ Ella Fern by . Acey Thomas, Kirk Ella Locke Thom~ Bentley, esq. He.ssle WreasallAnn, North Fernby Andrew Mark, North Ferribf N::,o':~:ch Rev. Henry, Hessle BLACKSMITHS. Call1pbell John, Hessle Pease Henry, esq. He~le Appleton Christopher, Anlaby Harrlson Mary, Hessle Pease Joseph Robiusou. esq. Hessle Clarkstone Francls, Hesltle Kemp Richard, Anlaby wood hOUlie • Jackson Richard, North .Ferriby Rl1dston Thomas, Hessle · . Lacey William. Hessle Smith Thomas, Anlaby P llllllng Mr. Robert. Hessle Marshall Richard, Kirk Ella Thompson Rober*, North Ferriby Reynolds Andrew F. esq. Melton Petfield John, Hessle Wray Sarah, Haasle Rhodes l\1F. ThoQlas, fIessle Smith John, Anlaby JOINERS. Rose Rtlv. Chades, NQrth Vel'riby Speck John, Hessle Cook George, Hessle Rust M I'. l<'.tancis, Hessle Stather Robert, Willerby Habbershaw William, Swallland Smith Rev. John, North Ferriby Wainman Joseph (& white) Hessle Samuel, North Ferriby SpiceI' John, esq. Hessle John~on Sykes Daniel, esq. WilIerby Westerdale George,8wanland Waudby Philip, Hessle Sykes Joseph, esq. Wofferton house BOOT .I'.:rfD SHO-t: MAKERS. LAND AGENT. Sykes I\Jajor Richard. Kirk EUa Bellar!! Joseph. Hessle Earnshaw Lwnard Brooks, Hessle Taylol' M 1'. Joseph, Heasle [land Blanshard David, Alllabr MAL'fSTEBS. Thompson Miss Mary Jane. Swan- Brown ~(Jhnt Hessle AppletoQ Slmon, Hessle Todd John, esq. Trallby park Carlill John, Hessle IElplinghqm Joe]. Hessle Todd John, esq. Swanl~nd Dodsworth Gregory, Kirk Ella lYIILLERS. Tottitl Richard, esq. Anlaby Downes Robert, Wilierby Beilby Georgt', Swanland Turner Mrs. Mary Ann. N. Ferriby Everin~pam George, North l"errihr Kirk JameR, Aulaby Voase William, esq. Aolahy !JQuse Extoby Robert, HeslIle jl\Iarshall Thomas, Hessle Waltham JoshUa, uq, Hassle Kern}) Richard, 4nIaby l\larshall Willi~Ol, Hessle common Whitake, Charles, ~sq. l\Jelwn mnt. Nicholson Thomas, North fernlly l'iJ!3RSERY .. 6J:EDSMJ;Jf. Wbitakel'Cap$. Thos, ft· Ill. Kir1i. ~Pa 8isiOU8 WiUiam, HessJe Danlels Cl. HuU road, HesBle Whitaker Ml'.lsaac, !l~sle ~lQitq CqriliitopJ!er, Wille.{Py fors)'the .Johu, AQlabl 103 .