Ike ^Ites Russian Threat; U. S. Aid Shifttiig To

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Ike ^Ites Russian Threat; U. S. Aid Shifttiig To •4 - . i ' A^^erage DaRjr N et Preaa Run ThaWeatlrar - Far Um Waak M ad Aug. 18, 1888 Fiwiaat at D. & WaaOwr Osi CIbor and aaol taolabt. Fair i 10,456 Httle eiiaaga lo taiuparatura IT ae. Ow Andlt marrsw. a< gfanlaM aui Manchester^A CUy 4»f Villago Charm VOL. LXXIL NO. 276 (Claaalllad AdvarOalng aa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONNh MONDAY, AUGUST 17.1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTB Ike Strolb Past Admirers Blast Kills Ike ^ites Russian Threat; Me n New York, Aug. 17 (/P)— An exploaion blew down the 'wall o f an officer's home at' U. s. Aid ShiftTiig to Aaa the Brooklyn Navy Yard last night, killing two men and in- juring nine others. The blast victlrtia included Navy Yard tlraman and lha duty officer POW Sou Greets Dyimm. Father •who had bean auromonad to check P r e s i d e n t o f S i j n f i a *»» West Told a abort circuit In the frame and mortar house. While looking aroqnd they wara caught by tha axMoaion. MSA Can’t Daad ware two fireman, Francis K i l l e d b y A s s a s s i n s Conklin, 50, and Frank IJcotta, 88. Tha flraman wara civilian am- ployas of tha Navy. Do It Alone Invaetlgallug Wiring Beirut, Letianon, Aug. 17 </P)— Unconfirmed reportn from Cmdr. George Greer had called neighboring Syria said President Adib Shishekly, his coun- them to invaaUgata faulty wlrlng'ln Wsshington, Aug. 17 — hia houae. He and hla wife and try’s "strong man,” was assassinated today in Damascus. The President Eisenhower today aon, George, Jr., 18, were otanding reports said unknown assailants mowed down Shishekly with told Congress that Soviet Rus- outaida whan one aide of tha build- machinegun fire iz ha ateppad--' ing blew up. Tlia Graera aacaped sia continues to be s serious from a buUetproof car. ocrloui injury, Skmree Not INaclaaed threat to peace and that U. S. Tha exploaion, bclitvad rauaad by (Thiz dispatch did not diocloac aid to ch^k Communist ex- gaa that leaked from a water heat- Mossadegh the ootirce of the report of the z«- pansion is now shifting in er, tumbled the wall of a firat floor .vaMinatlnn. News iiziially »eep» room. The second Hoor wall re- emphasis from Europe to qilicklv over the 8yrian-Lebane«e mained In place. border, though an official an- Asia and the Pacific. Rules Iran; A crane waa uaed to lift the nouncement on an event Of th,z In a report to tha nation's law- flattened wall off the men, who makers, iUaenhower said weatern kind might be bottled up in vere ruahed to Brooklyn Hoapital. Damascuz for several hours.) nations should strive for greater None of the injured was reported self-help toward rallective security flhishekly, Sj'riz's "strong man” Coup Fails in critical or aerious condition herauoe American aid “ cannot do earlv today. the whole Job.” ° ~ -----AihWg the IdJOfetf W ti t t . Tehran, Iran, Aug. 17 (JP; Beirut, Lebanoa, Aug. IT iJ5 Beviews MSA .PragirM ' Cnidr. James J. Madden, 35, night Preoidcat Rlaeahower, paialag admlrem af all agea oa he ealera — Aged Premier Mohammed His report reviewed the Mutual — Unrmllmwd report# eireu- duty officer who went to Oreer'z the Coroas Preahyteriaa Otareli. Denver, Cola., after walking the Security program for the . aix lated la I.«liaBoa today that .Mosxadegh held supreme hotiie with the firemen. Ijve Meeha from the aummer White Hstiae heme cf hie mether-la-law, months ended last June 80 and In- Police Identified fhe injured S.vria’a PreaMeat Adlh I4hl- power in Iran today after Mra. John 8. Doud. dicated that “while it ia clear the firemen as: e- ohekly had beeu aaaoaaiiujted cruxhing a bloodleax attempt In Damaaoua. hhi capital, but strength needed by other free na- loaac HoUberg, .54, Alien Ro- *0 unseat him by supporters aotharttattve Syrioa ; neureva tions cannot be developed without land SB. Nicholas Hantella, 37, 8al- of Shah Mohammed Jleza substantial American ozalatance, here denlM the reporta. 'vatorc Nicola, 50, Thomas ciinlff, Pahlevi. it is equally Clear that the Mutual 38 and Gabriel Pctrella, 35. Kremlin Proposes 'The young ruler and his beauti- Security program alone cannot do Injured from flying debris were the whole Job. who stagrd two successftil roups ful empress. Sorays fied to neigh- Hoapital Oorpsman Donald "Other measures are neceasary, ,n 1949 snd 1951, yesterday had boring Iraq and Communist mobs Donaghy, of New London, Conn., and it ia important that the and the younger Greer. Neither made his first public appearance screamed for an end to the mon- .vlutual Security program and our was hurt seriously, police said. German Unity Pact since his election s.s President loet archy. .Tilly 10. He drove 200 miles in nis foreign relations as a whole be Across the river in Pallsadez, Jolla Top I.Mdera 8gt- I,awreaoe Bosbee won his race ogalaat time to oae his father, conducted In such a way as lo German-built Mercedes armored N. J.. an earth tremor waa recoid- Acting swiftly in the wake of I.. R. Boabec. whose lost wish was to aee hit son beJore he died. 8gt. faciliUte the taking of these car to Homs where he addressed s the attempt against him early ed minutes before reports of the Washington, Aug. 17 (fP)— Russia suggested last night that Ituabee was released from a Communist POW camp Aug. 10. TTie measures." Navy Yard explosion. Rumblingii graduating class of 186 military Sunday, Mossadegh Jailed top father has been III for five years. RatifleaUon of tha European De- were heard over a wide part of a Germany be reunified—and severed from military ties with cadets at the school he once at- leaders of his opposition snd dis- fense Community Treaty, trade -New York-New Jersey area, ....... 4he West—in what Western diplomats generally regarded as tended. solved, the remnzmt o f the parlla- As chief of staff and army com- ment. Though the 34-year-old cxpaniton, and greater investment fIciaMitsla UadecMed a propaganda move aimed at the overthrow of the Adenauer of private capital in under- mander with 'the rank of colontl. monarch had not abdicated, the fieiamologista could not say West German government. -------------------------- - • ~ developed countries were three Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's Shlesekly rose to power by twj government was believed readying Nine New Englanders definitely whether the exploaion or steps tha President mentioned. Bonn government fsces popular military roups, in 1949 snd 1951. a regency council lo Uke over his an earthquake caused tha tremor The first was the climax to two powers. ___ Eizenhower limited his own re- recorded on their instruments. elections on Sept. 6 and. as diplo- Soviet Seating marks to a 3-sentenee letter of mats here read the Russian •f>TO~ other roups in March and August 'The leader of the coup attempt. Follce in Fort Lm , N. J., said MaJ. Gen. Fazellah Zahedi. hid in Listed Dead by Reds tranamittal saying America'a poaals. Moscow was doing all it of 194P. In December, Shishekly sounds heard by residents tharc imprisoned the army chief, Gen. the hills. In a statement to news- safety U "inextricably tied in with might have btan from a artworks could to asBure overthrow by hold-, A t K orea T al ks the aecurlty and well-Mtfig of ‘ng o4tt hope-for'early., unification : Sami Hannawi,. wpo the . .previous^ men he claimed tha Shah had given display. ' ’ him' an Imperial decree busting ’Wsfhiniirtoh, Aug; 17 (Jp)--Tof Mrs; LoVeHe Meyer, *4 Summer other free nations.” By forwarding of Rost and West Germany. Augu.st had executed ITesident Reporta of haaring a blaat or Mossadegh and proclaiming 2iahedi the report to Coograsa. however, “Important <)ueat>an” Seems Certain Husni Zayim, himself a would-be rumblings came from Bergen and strong, man. premier. ^ The Defense Department to-, Masenchusette ^ he endorsed it in effect. The most Important question in Hudson Obuaties. N. J., Weafehea- In a swift, bloodless action In Police .ana troops, armed with Jay identified 207 additional: Sgt. Owen J. Camerom’''<on of BUUone to Spend tar County, N. Y „ and Manhattan Burnpe, the Moscow Radio said,' United Nations, N. Y.. Aug. 17 November, .1951, Shishekly and his rifles and sten guns, started a de- The report said during the cur- ahd tha Bronx in New York City. Is the "peaceful reunification of IJP) — Russia appeared oMured to- termined hunt for the rebel leader. Americans reported b> the Germany and the concluaion of a aides arrested Hsrouf Dawslibi, rent fiscal year ending June 30, Soma Weatehaatsr rasidants aaid day of a seat at the forthcoming populist pro-Rusatan Premier who Tehran radio broadcast orders Com niunistR to hflve died in capt. Richard R. Koron^r, rod of 1954, the Foreign Operations Ad- - they felt-tka-traasori. - . ------ halt h e w in- "cffflc«r'lezs tluifi w f 'from- Mossadegh-to eustome and tneRi.T prison camps; • irine- wr£ iiiidrza a ’; 'TConway, »• CMird- nmiTztrttitm'^ r^OA^7Which ferzOT^^ Dr. Frank Preaa, director of In notes delivered In Moscow to i Korean potitleol MnTire'HCe — IT the United States. Britain, and |js»r oatellltez North Korea and hours, and qil Dswallbi'a minis- frontier farces to prevent his es- ner Ter.,'“Worcester. ly absorbed the Mutual Security Ooliimbia’a University Lamont cape abroad at any coet. were New Englanders. Fiance, the Kremlin urged imme- Communist China want her there. ters. With today's Hat the Pentagon Cp). John Martins, son of Mrs. Agency, will have 88.600.000.000 to Oaologteal Laboratory, aaid hia Ten'sidh lessened in Tehran to- diate creation of a provisional All- India’s chances of being asked to Was Reatlees Couatry has made public the names of 795 Amelia Martins, 92 Lockland Ave., spend or obligate.
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