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A^^erage DaRjr N et Preaa Run ThaWeatlrar - Far Um Waak M ad

Aug. 18, 1888 Fiwiaat at D. & WaaOwr Osi

CIbor and aaol taolabt. Fair i 10,456 Httle eiiaaga lo taiuparatura IT ae. Ow Andlt marrsw. a< gfanlaM aui Manchester^A CUy »f Villago Charm 4


Ike Strolb Past Admirers

Blast Kills Ike ^ites Russian Threat;

Me n

New York, Aug. 17 (/P)—

An exploaion blew down the

'wall o f an officer's home at' U. s. Aid ShiftTiig to Aaa the Brooklyn Navy Yard last

night, killing two men and in-

juring nine others. The blast victlrtia included Navy

Yard tlraman and lha duty officer POW Sou Greets Dyimm. Father •who had bean auromonad to check P r e s i d e n t o f S i j n f i a *»» West Told a abort circuit In the frame and mortar house. While looking aroqnd they wara caught by tha axMoaion. MSA Can’t Daad ware two fireman, Francis K i l l e d b y A s s a s s i n s Conklin, 50, and Frank IJcotta, 88.

Tha flraman wara civilian am- ployas of tha Navy. Do It Alone Invaetlgallug Wiring Beirut, Letianon, Aug. 17

. Tha exploaion, bclitvad rauaad by (Thiz dispatch did not diocloac aid to ch^k Communist ex- gaa that leaked from a water heat- Mossadegh the ootirce of the report of the z«- pansion is now shifting in er, tumbled the wall of a firat floor .vaMinatlnn. News iiziially »eep» room. The second Hoor wall re- emphasis from Europe to qilicklv over the 8yrian-Lebane«e mained In place. Asia and the Pacific. border, though an official an- Rules Iran; A crane waa uaed to lift the nouncement on an event Of th,z In a report to tha nation's law- flattened wall off the men, who makers, iUaenhower said weatern kind might be bottled up in vere ruahed to Brooklyn Hoapital. Damascuz for several hours.) nations should strive for greater None of the injured was reported self-help toward rallective security flhishekly, Sj'riz's "strong man” Coup Fails in critical or aerious condition herauoe American aid “ cannot do

earlv today. the whole Job.” °

~ -----AihWg the IdJOfetf W ti t t . Tehran, Iran, Aug. 17 (JP; Beirut, Lebanoa, Aug. IT iJ5 Beviews MSA .PragirM ' Cnidr. James J. Madden, 35, night Preoidcat Rlaeahower, paialag admlrem af all agea oa he ealera — Aged Premier Mohammed His report reviewed the Mutual — Unrmllmwd report# eireu- duty officer who went to Oreer'z the Coroas Preahyteriaa Otareli. Denver, Cola., after walking the Security program for the . aix lated la I.«liaBoa today that .Mosxadegh held supreme hotiie with the firemen. Ijve Meeha from the aummer White Hstiae heme cf hie mether-la-law, months ended last June 80 and In- Police Identified fhe injured S.vria’a PreaMeat Adlh I4hl- power in Iran today after Mra. John 8. Doud. dicated that “while it ia clear the firemen as: e- ohekly had beeu aaaoaaiiujted cruxhing a bloodleax attempt In Damaaoua. hhi capital, but strength needed by other free na- loaac HoUberg, .54, Alien Ro- *0 unseat him by supporters aotharttattve Syrioa ; neureva tions cannot be developed without land SB. Nicholas Hantella, 37, 8al- of Shah Mohammed Jleza substantial American ozalatance, here denlM the reporta. 'vatorc Nicola, 50, Thomas ciinlff, Pahlevi. it is equally Clear that the Mutual 38 and Gabriel Pctrella, 35. Kremlin Proposes 'The young ruler and his beauti- Security program alone cannot do Injured from flying debris were the whole Job. who stagrd two successftil roups ful empress. Sorays fied to neigh- Hoapital Oorpsman Donald "Other measures are neceasary, ,n 1949 snd 1951, yesterday had boring Iraq and Communist mobs Donaghy, of New London, Conn., and it ia important that the and the younger Greer. Neither made his first public appearance screamed for an end to the mon- .vlutual Security program and our was hurt seriously, police said. German Unity Pact since his election s.s President loet archy. foreign relations as a whole be .Tilly 10. He drove 200 miles in nis Jolla Top I.Mdera Across the river in Pallsadez, 8gt- I,awreaoe Bosbee won his race ogalaat time to oae his father, conducted In such a way as lo German-built Mercedes armored Acting swiftly in the wake of N. J.. an earth tremor waa recoid- I.. R. Boabec. whose lost wish was to aee hit son beJore he died. 8gt. faciliUte the taking of these ed minutes before reports of the car to Homs where he addressed s the attempt against him early Washington, Aug. 17 (fP)— Russia suggested last night that graduating class of 186 military Ituabee was released from a Communist POW camp Aug. 10. TTie measures." Navy Yard explosion. Rumblingii Sunday, Mossadegh Jailed top father has been III for five years. RatifleaUon of tha European De- Germany be reunified—and severed from military ties with cadets at the school he once at- leaders of his opposition snd dis- were heard over a wide part of a fense Community Treaty, trade -New York-New Jersey area, ...... 4he West—in what Western diplomats generally regarded as tended. solved, the remnzmt o f the parlla- As chief of staff and army com- ment. Though the 34-year-old cxpaniton, and greater investment fIciaMitsla UadecMed a propaganda move aimed at the overthrow of the Adenauer of private capital in under- mander with 'the rank of colontl. monarch had not abdicated, the fieiamologista could not say West German government. ------• ~ developed countries were three Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's Shlesekly rose to power by twj government was believed readying Nine New Englanders definitely whether the exploaion or steps tha President mentioned. Bonn government fsces popular military roups, in 1949 snd 1951. a regency council lo Uke over his an earthquake caused tha tremor The first was the climax to two powers. ___ Eizenhower limited his own re- recorded on their instruments. elections on Sept. 6 and. as diplo- Soviet Seating marks to a 3-sentenee letter of mats here read the Russian •f>TO~ other roups in March and August 'The leader of the coup attempt. Follce in Fort Lm , N. J., said MaJ. Gen. Fazellah Zahedi. hid in Listed Dead by Reds tranamittal saying America'a poaals. Moscow was doing all it of 194P. In December, Shishekly sounds heard by residents tharc imprisoned the army chief, Gen. the hills. In a statement to news- safety U "inextricably tied in with might have btan from a artworks could to asBure overthrow by hold-, A t K orea T al ks the aecurlty and well-Mtfig of ‘ng o4tt hope-for'early., unification : Sami Hannawi,. wpo the . .previous^ men he claimed tha Shah had given display. ' ’ him' an Imperial decree busting ’Wsfhiniirtoh, Aug; 17 (Jp)--Tof Mrs; LoVeHe Meyer, *4 Summer other free nations.” By forwarding of Rost and West Germany. Augu.st had executed ITesident Reporta of haaring a blaat or Mossadegh and proclaiming 2iahedi the report to Coograsa. however, “Important <)ueat>an” Seems Certain Husni Zayim, himself a would-be rumblings came from Bergen and strong, man. premier. ^ The Defense Department to-, Masenchusette ^ he endorsed it in effect. Hudson Obuaties. N. J., Weafehea- The most Important question in In a swift, bloodless action In Police .ana troops, armed with Jay identified 207 additional: Sgt. Owen J. Camerom’'' the Germany and the concluaion of a aides arrested Hsrouf Dawslibi, rent fiscal year ending June 30, Soma Weatehaatsr rasidants aaid day of a seat at the forthcoming Tehran radio broadcast orders Com niunistR to hflve died in capt. Richard R. Koron^r, rod of populist pro-Rusatan Premier who 1954, the Foreign Operations Ad- - they felt-tka-traasori. - . ------halt h e w in- "cffflc«r'lezs tluifi w f 'from- Mossadegh-to eustome and tneRi.T prison camps; • irine- wr£ iiiidrza a ’; 'TConway, »• CMird- nmiTztrttitm'^ r^OA^7Which ferzOT^^ Dr. Frank Preaa, director of In notes delivered In Moscow to i Korean potitleol MnTire'HCe — IT the United States. Britain, and |js»r oatellltez North Korea and hours, and qil Dswallbi'a minis- frontier farces to prevent his es- ner Ter.,'“Worcester. ly absorbed the Mutual Security Ooliimbia’a University Lamont cape abroad at any coet. were New Englanders. Fiance, the Kremlin urged imme- Communist China want her there. ters. With today's Hat the Pentagon Cp). John Martins, son of Mrs. Agency, will have 88.600.000.000 to Oaologteal Laboratory, aaid hia Ten'sidh lessened in Tehran to- diate creation of a provisional All- India’s chances of being asked to Was Reatlees Couatry has made public the names of 795 Amelia Martins, 92 Lockland Ave., spend or obligate. Including 4 ^ osiamograph racordad the tremor the parley dimmed, however. Tha action put a period to the day as truckloads of armed troops Ludlow. billions o f new money. at 11:23:51 p.m. New York time German government. It also urged and Sherman tanXJ"ealled 95f hy of the 1.022 U. S. servicemen said tha Western Big Three to support Diplomats, gathering for the oariaa coupe in a restless coun- by the enemy to have died in Com- C. W, O. Leo J. Manegre, son o f “ In draarlng up the new flocol (eastern daylight). U. N. General Asaemblv beginning try nsAdc bitter by military defeat Mooeadegh rumbled back to tbeir yaar'z program," it said, ’’em- a peace conference on Germany of barracks and bases. Yesterday the munists hands. Arthur H. Bfonegre, 1338 Alien St., Dr. Proat, not knowrlng at tha "all interested parties" within alx this afternoon, freely predicted ap- in the 1948 Palestine war. Springfield; phoais was shifted more toward time of tha Brooklyn explosion, Shishekly at first ruled behind city had bristled with troops pro- InfOrmntlsB rm erifled months. proval of a carefully worded West- Cpl. Eerie C. Newton. J r. hus- Asia and the Pacific. Including tha tecting the government against The families of ail Americans on special * assistance for Indochina, Moscow simultaneously . called, ern resolution tossing the issue of the. lists suDPlitd by the Reds 'hand of Mrs. Ina S. Newton. 31 it soviet participation to the Comf (CeaWaaeJ oa Page. Twe) .their, titular .commander.in chief, aJiout 37 par cant of the now funda. . for an end to German reparations the Dbah. have ^ n t^d the Information l Ofchifd St. Leomihifer. nrorr.m Jrill be munlst side. for by next Jan. 1, and It summoned Alo^q theUt W capital’s0.1 main streets given them can not be verified and Sgt. James P. O Leary, son of . ^ with i« D«r rent In Try Ta Base SpUt Its East German puppets to the today shopowners cleared away j that the men are still officially Mr «nd Mrs. Timothy J O'Leary. . ^the previous fiscal ytar. The Euro- Two British Commonwealth Kremlin for talks. left hy ' anti-Shah | listed as missing in action. 262 North Main Bt., Acushnet. pean program will drop from 73 per Metal Process The- All-Giermsn government, countries — Australia and New Prin ting O ffice P oland — came up with this ___ C? : demoostratorawho stoned the I Those on the new list, by states ' • cpI. Frank J. Pina, son of Mr. cent of the total funds In 1883 to 80 proposed to replace the Adenauer included (Army personnel unless | »nd Mrs. Harrison Pina, 16 Ball per cent in 1964. " formula yesterday to patch-up regime and the Red-controlled otherwise indicated): st., Roxbury. "The Soviet Union retains tha ra- Patent Righ ts part of the split between the Unit- W o r k er Nam edir.‘S;’* r " lUst' German governmant. would ed BtafeVand BritaTn.BbTh'ag -r— ^ ...... -I—r-The-city^e iaiurchlll Avenue was ...... “'OoaaecHcnt'*— ----- “•"i— ------— pacity for aggression.’*' the report be assigned the task of devising to support it. A ' without the lozt Of lU street signs. Sgt. Albert W. Meyer, husband ' (OonUnued on Page rear) declared, "and it has demonstrat- an election law which would per- O ffered Soviet . The Anglo - American differ- A S u o m in u n is i The rest were tom down in prevl- ed aggressive intentions on numer- mit free elections throughout Ger- ences over tha proposed inclusion ous anti-British'riots. The last one ous occasions in the recent post. many; Moscow called • for “wide war ripped-ilown -lost night by the of India at the .conferisnee table, Its fumrs'lntemiona remain on un- New Bedford, Maos.. Aug. 19 participation by Democratic orgsn- Washington, Aug. IT UP) — A demonstrators os a tip-off to their certain quantity." however, 4’efnained os great as Government Printing Office em- —The New Bedford Standard- i Izstlons"—obviously a reference to ever, and It w'os doubtful whether defiance of their pro-Weatem-ruler. The report sold Ameriron mili- the Communist Free German ploye identified a fellow worker. McCarthy Asks Probe Times reported today that a cold India could’ win a ' two-thirds Bods AM Mozaadegh tary ohipmenta were about 70 per Trade Union Federation snd other Edward Rothschold. face-to-face Tha mob of Communizta and majority In the 6p-nation Assem- cent higher in value in the first six flow mztal forming process, to Red-controlled groups. today os a onatime member of the Moozadegh aupportaror-more than months of 1983 than tn the previous which Raymond N. Skllton of New- bly. ftfisaia offered to give up more U. 8 / Delegate Henry Cabot (Communist party. 100,000 strong—had packod the Of Washingtoii editor half year. Western Europe's pro- tonvillc, Maas., claims patent than three billion dollars worth of JZmae Phillips, a bookbinding capital's main parliament square duction of military items increased rights, was offa'red for sale by Lodge. Jr. said frankly yesterday German manufactuwa now ear- that Ehe United States would not machine operator, told Senate In- last night, howling for the ruler’s four-fool for the year.ended lost another person to the Soviet veatigators that Rothschild has no blood. Banners demanded “ death June 30 over the pre-Korean levels. Union in December, 1944. marked for her from Bast Ger- vote for a British-sponsored reso- Wfifihington, Aug. 17 (ilp)— **ver /filed a separate statement many, while proposing that lution -to include India In the con- direct access to secret material In to the Shah” and “ end the dy- But this is not enough, the re- Makeu Steel Flow the government printing .ftlant but nasty.” ^ n . M e C fH h y ^ ( R - w j . i h . , 1 ,J . port said.'adding America'a “part- The process, which Skllton says rrpajatioiu payment end by Jan. ference. 1 and that the Big Four Powers Lodge insisted Indian member- could easily get such material froiq The meeting bawled assent to r naked fellow editors to. \ooV./^om ot the press, ner nations” can constitute a tre- was patented 30 years ago under other workers. demand for a regency by Foreign mendous asset to free world to- the name ’Telenar.” Is described into the professional conduct l McCarthy wrote to the seven (CnnHnaed en Page Fear) PhUBpa Oonfroata BothacMId as a method of making steel flow (OaaNaued on Page Twa) V)f J. Russell Wiggins, man-' members of the committee who Phillips confronted the slightly (OsaHaned oa Page ' s) (Coutiuued ea Page Fear) at'' room temperature, without did not sign the minority report, built, pipe-smoking Rbthschid at aging editor of the w h m g - inclosed a copy of a Washing- change of strength, by uie of tre- a hearing by the Senate Investiga- men&us pressure. ton Post find fi Mctyfirtny ton .Post editorial which sgld the Itiona subeommittee. which Is look- critic. And Wiggins savs questioning of WechSler .was a He contends that despite recom- ThR F r u k NorI Story! ing for evidencs that secret ma- mendations of ordnance experts, nothing would please him pretext to ask him about New “ myiterioua Interests operating in terial in the Government Printing York Post editorials critical of Office has been leaked to tha Ckim- News T id bits more. BuUetins and. through the government” pre- McCarthy. miinists. Culled from AP Wires Members of the American So- The Washington Post editorial, vented Telenar production before POWs Always Feared ciety of Newspapers- Editors from the AP Wires and during WPrid War II.” He has Phillips testified he first met McCarthy Wrote, could “ not have 'been^isSSlhg’N!cegliltr6*r As 'dwhiif RothSemh? in- -1*38. “H e MlmtHled .(AaNIJ. ,ad- -been-air boaeut .mistake but rather draosed hia request showed no In- ot tlM process whjch hs ssys now .Rothschild as one o f 35 or 30 per- Former U .8. 8th Army Com- a deliberate and dishonest attempt REDS DELAY MXXnNO clination to undertake any inquiry. to .d eceive the public," and he is Mith r used hz Tmvat».Amsrlasn ^essives sops who attended a jnteMngJa a manA.i- ftan. Jamas A . V«n Fleet 'pri.vate.-iM)«ne. to-.orgaatae. A Com- D rtg iewM - > (BMIeFa -N aW r Ftank NtwirMiuuUbninf by. th* . CommunUta, Fpun.datiiMi .Joe Kmergmicy. A M .lq A WHt'oominlHee.'heeded-by "Wig' about fresriom o f :.Uie -i ireaa . - i t . '-B|g:’Fesip~sinaSlsig'*fid- fSee-.elee-..- mant foilad to taka mdvanUga of flinfrintril Piaoa photographer, la; said things tbe Communists did Later, Phillips said. Rothschild Korea. gine, info the Senator’s question- wotild seem incumbent upon you to Moon tbroogboot tienBaay. It tha raportad Offer and the paper n free man again aftZr more Hun ' not like.' and a Fred Sillers approai:hed him Civil Aeronautica Administrator ing of editor Jameg A. Wechzler Investigate the extent to which . . . waa tba deparlmeat’s efflclol said it hod failed to find that the •t mentha aa a prisoner of the As s result, lots of us went into on the street and asked him In a Fred B. Lee saya lOO-pozaenger of the New York Post. The com- Mr.-Wiggins. through His paper . . . rasameat oa tha Ruselaa pro- FBI ever acted on the matter after "threatening and belligerent” atti- has prostituted and endangered OUneM Bella In North Korea. New the "hole.” - a cell, in which a man American-built Jet airplane auiy mittee agreed on no clear-cut an- posal for a paora roafareaea Inueztigating the alleged eorres- In Tolcyo for medical and dental (could neither aland nor stretch. tude whether he was for nr against be In eperatloa by lfi65.. Wild ty- swer os to whether that McCarthy freedom of the press by consfant witji Germany. their efforts to organize zuch a cell. pondencc. tientDZent ncceaaltated b.v hla long One particularly bad hole was phoon rips aeraos China asaSnlaad investigation threatened freedom false, vicious and Intemperate at- Skllton was quoted os saying he eaptivity, JNoei has collsborated reserved -for prisoners the Reds Phillips said he thought it over after sideawiping big American of the press. Wiggins and three FIRE KILLS TWO braufht the oorrezpondence to the with AP correspondent Olen hated most. When you went In- and gave them their answer by hose at Okinawa and Chineae Na- other committee members, how- (Poattaoed ea Page Two) Saa Fraactsco, Aug 11 sttanUon of the FBI. Oeiaenta to tell of some of the (hat hole, you stayed for weeks going before the House Committee tionalist island of Formosa. . Fire, apparently oat by aa nr- n te aUndord-Tlmea reporU sea- things he add hla fellow Amerl- vrithout ever leaving It, even to on Un-American Activities, then Former Premier Abdullah Yoil soalat, flaehed through a wooden eaas saw and endured aa prisoners go to tha latrine. You sat and of Lebanon eoiapletea fonanUoa apartment hotel here today. UIL (OazillhMd oa Pnga Four) of war. Tills Is the firat sf three slept In your own filth. (Continued on Page Fonr) of I new eablaet following Leba- lag two reoideate nod oaaolng m TIc Im ) ' In winter you froze, day and non’s parliamentary elections last French Troops Keep Alert aeriouo injury to eight otkrr night. In aummer you aweltered. m onth.. Transfer of U. S. Air persona. Mx tlrcmea, nuMiy ot By FRANK NOEI. A. little food was thrown In once Force’s 80th fighter-bomber wing whom porfumiad herole work la New Italy C^binel As Told to Olen Oemeata Ionian iHlamls Hit To Avoid Moroccan Riots ih a while, and a Chinese guard from Naw Mexico to Hahn, Ger- raocalng poTOoae trapped hy tha Tokyo, Aug. 17 rid’)—Life as a flamrs were treated far enzoko was on duty at all times. many, .eompleted witb. arrival of c Sworn into Office prizoziqr o f the Chinese Commu- Many of us spent days, months. Bv Nc4Y T r e n i o r s Ssdwe plaasa. iahalatioa. nists waa a thing "of doubt and In the hole, simply as punishment Dr. Royal Meeker, 80, former Casablanca, Morocco, Aug. 17ir They named as Imam—-"Leader fear -doubt of what our captors for not thinking the way the Oom- U. 8. commissioner of labor statis- OP)— French soldiers and polict of the Faithful"— the Sultan's VIOLENCE OONTINUEfl Rome, Aug. 17 A new cab- Argostolion, Greece. Aug. 17 IT) uncle, Moulay Mohammed Ben would do to us next, and fear that muniata wanted us to think. tics and Internationally-known kept an uneasy watch over the ladlaaapoUa, Aug. 11 —The new earth tremors including UH— inet of Christian DemoersU ltd by an inbautlous .word might be over- main cities of Morocco today, Arsfs. TTiey barked down, how- Giuseppe Pella waa sworn in to- A Red prison la one of the cniel- one rated os a strong earthquake economist, dire la Oroee-New Violence coattntied today tat Ifeo heard by some fellow prisotteis eat forma of torture even devized Haven Community Hospital , . . seeking to avoid new outbreaks ever. from a previous deciaion to day, giving lu ly a breather from WTseked the stricken Ionian Sea of violence over religious leader- install him os the new Sultfin. laiMaaa BoH Telaphoao Oe., who had become an Informer. by man. Islands today as officials esti- Aircraft Carrier Tarawa leaves strikd aa nogotlatoro aaet agalfi political crisis. J . There is a strange thing about ship of the North African protec- The. Sultans previously have President Luigi Binoudl odmin- There are still Americana \ip mated the toll from the week's New London after brief visit to In aa offart lo ag roo aa a mam all the CommunUts I have met. (hers — some of them driven in- devastation at some 800 dead and Connecticut which "adopted” it. torate. Thirty-five persons died in been considered both the temporal istared the oath o f Office to tha bloody riots over the weekend. apirituol rulers of the coun- coatraet. gy.year-old Premier, a financial They trust no one especially sane -in prison. 700 seriously Injured. National Grange Master Her- their fellow Ckimmunists. Some- ProdamattoB issued | try. axpart. In tha prealdantial office. I am sure there arlll be soma of Fifteen new t remora were re- zchel D. Newson li to speak at the FlBBiTMBBA’m f OM M ’ OUiar cabinet members /zrare how, they managed to ifiatlll thiz them there when the Cbineoe say corded during a 13-hour period lost SSth annual ceafereore of Orange The fighting followed a procls-. The move against Sldi Mohsm- matiow Saturday by some 300 tobehMT.off’rloiW in Mtfrriiketch PWoottrtBa,. Qaow UTt sworn in in the neighboring Hall zame feeling of dlatruzt Into their repatriation has, been finiahed. nightr aad-tafiay;>- They heightened lecturers now starting at the Uni- prlzonerz, even though t-hfigz .pztesk man will be a club which the Islanders' near-panicky desire versity of''Connecticut . . . U. 8. Berber chieftains and the Pasha of Saturday night which claimed —New triads zzhipped fMoy sM o f th# Madonna. forest fires ea tim aortli share ef Miaathg from the lineup waa the onerz had fought bravely aide by the Reds will hold over your haa^s to flee their homelands biit.,other- Defense Department Meattfiao 183 Marrakech, Thaml El Glsoul, that seven Uvea. aide before being captured. in the poat-armlatice political con- wiae could moke little difference addIHoaal battle eaenalHes of Ko- the Sultan, qf Morocco Sidl Sixteen more deaths Were fe^ the M . LawrtsMs |Utror today, dominant figure of poatwar ItMlan yoliUca; elght-Ume PrenMer Alcide ^ Few Mhn TuraMl ftrenec. on the three Islands practically rean War including nine Hilled, 97 Mohammed Ben Youosef, no ported from Oujda, eastern M6- •od Rod Crsoa .wortMtfi.. lizqpiB.. Soitie few men turned inform- wounded, 19 missing and t in- longer was the religious leader of I ------oosnofittsfi of *a rmtmm oc • the Moslem eoumlry. tObetUwefi aa Page FWa) riBfigo hi tho Bps's pallk fOanUnnaS an Paga Iw a ) •rz. Others, In. tha conatont (Oeelleeed mi Ffige Twe) '(CMHfified Ml Ffiga Five) jured.


\ - -ft / f ..rt’ V ' ... . \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. AUIiUST it , 19B8 PAGE TWO ANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEE, BONN, MONDAY. AUGUST IT, I95S who signed the minority report a-aa sean, Ukewlfs, as an sfftirt with Wiggins, said: "Tha Sanatory Cycle Upset f W F m k Nm I of the law to require that dogs he the real wftrkhoraa among modem W orry of to build up the praatlge o f the ASNE Is Asked attack on Mr. Wiggins vaiiftsd the chained at all times. day pitchers. 1^ haa pitched 804 Reds Propose Elast German government and to NOTICE conclualona we made In reviswing Rockville-V emon Fund Sought Roaming Dog or moi'e innings during tha last try M put Admhuer on the apot F A LSE TEET H the Wechsler case. It Is simply an- Robin Roberta of the Phllliea 1* three seaoons. for refusing to a g m to Commit To Investigate jures Bfan POWs Always Feared Dr. Harold Neimin, SN ^ tim or In itortm? Carman Unity nist prbpoMls fbr'AlV-QermahVHsc*' m ove to try - to Intlaaldats CaseDropped Optometrist, RnnoolieM- sditora for their honest opinions." Man >^ForOreeks Don't bo omb«rrn»ii«J by .Soo«o lt«l» tions independently of the West- McCsrthy has maintsined that David M. Caywood Gets the new location of hit iMih Jllpplnf. <>roPP*"* «' ern nationa. Editor Wiggins Wechaler waa aum m onsd tor .street floor office for the «hon you ont. Ul* or lauftb. Ju« ^ 'O ' In Government The fact that the 14-page note ‘Progressives’ in Canap Prosecutor Tells Court kl" n ^ l o rxSTKETH on your pinir.. questioning aa the author of books Local Red Cross Unit Tbl» plonmnt powdrr *tvo» • romark- was released through the Soviet Broken Ankle, Pagaen* As Dog Darts Out in Road examination and cart of (ConUaued frem Page Oaeji which are on the shelvee of U. 8. nblo aonao of added comfort and ar^** (OiMiUaiMr lT««i O m ) licensed German news agency on the coldeet night of my mem- Joins in A|>|»cal to Aid Investigatfon Shows No the cyex. ' , rlly by holdln* platra “ T "}' Information -llbrarlea overseas. ger Escapes Injury n«Hi Phgn Ons) nimmy. aoory, paaty laate O'" ADN offered |s further indication Wechilcr. who has testified re- ory. Rockville, Aug. 17 (Special)— Violation of I^aw It'* AlhiHlao ries and the bridegroom's inoth- "Duke," waa retrieving it. fusing, snd officials of the United lease from the hocplta'l. among aevan whn left ua at which offered scanty cover. Fifty sonalities." Paws! Selo. But last July 10 Patrolman Raymond PMk Invas- Edward J,. Beure, 23, Jamaica will be shipped from Bwltaerlsnd er wore beige lace over talfeta. • REPAIRIN G States, Britain snd Prance are to Prison Camp No. 8 whan the ur 60 men were killed and about Both -wore orchid corsages, and Guy Tangerone. aon of Mr. and meet in Parle this week to consider .ASNK...... Members...... Comment . Stiishekly waa elected ' president tigntad and placed Caywodd under the same number wounded. The Plain. Masa., failure to grant half |o Greece, and *10,000 for antl- Mrs. Phil 'Tsngerone, 29 Harvard nnhlatice waa signed. Juat tw i the highway, bond 824.00 for- Mollc drugs from the^ United assisted the bridal party at a re- what reply they should make. Comment from members of the constitution was ap- arreat. The pollcaman'a report In- guns frosa and tha ammunition Rd.. waa about lo throw the ball • RECO RIN G ASNR Committee, none of who"] proved. dicated Caywood was traveling be- mpntha ago this man and I feited', Anthony Mancuac, 30, Bast States. ception at 1:45 at Cavey's Res- The belief that the new Rusaian pliannad a new aocap* attampt. ran low. acaln. "Duke" waa sitting beside signed the separate statement with ; constitution separated hind a car going eaat on Wood, Boston, Mass., speeding, boiid, drugs from the United tates. taurant at Manchester Center, at; him. As Guy raised his arm to H O O D'S P-F note was intended primarily as I had saved and acrounged nome . Finally Maj. McLaughlin fiv e . E. Roland Harriman. president tended by approximately 100 Prompt service for all BMki Wiggins. Includedi leglaiatlve f r o m e x e c u t i v e land Street. The car dacraeaed It* the order, "fix bayonets!” *18.00 forfeited: Irving Brecher, throw the ball, "Duke” leaped up propaganda waa supported by a food, about 10 pound! of hard of the American Red Cross has guests. In our specially staffed ladh broadcaat ^by' German language William H. I branches of the government, gave peed nearing the railroad tracks. 1 thought to myaeif, "wall, this 30, Eaat Haven, apeedlng. bond to give chase. While leaping, the G IRLS' W H ITE l i f e t i m e candy, 8 fountain pens aiid a contacted Mrs. Arnold C. Thomp- For s wedding trip to Niagsra tnr repair departaneat. Boris Gaorrlev over editor of the Wail Street Journal; ^ women the right to vote and Caywood, who police aay waa *18.00 forfeited; John H. Lennen, dog's paw scratched Guy's face on commentator Borii Oeorrev over McCarthy believes, as guafanteed frae ele^ wrtat watch. TYie pons and watch la It.” son. executive secretsry of the Falls, Canada and Nova Scotia, tha Moscow Radio, made a few traveling too clone to tha car, Throe young fellowa were cry- Jr., 28, Hyde Perk, Maaa., failed the right side. Ten stitches were S N E A KERS ^ 3.49 If t K/K Aluminum Siding hi* letter indlcal«i.------th»t th« mentary education and called for would have served ue better than local chapter, urging an appeal to the bride la wearing a pink linen houra after raleaso 6f the note. ‘ In applied kla brakes quickly, aendtng ing, whether tram fright or fatigue to grant half the highway, con- required to close the wound. Washington Post has engaged redistribution o f atate - owned tte cycle Into a spin. Both ridare money If w* bad gotten out. They tinued to Aug. 31. local residents. suit. She la a graduate of Rock- He said reunification of Germa- ‘false, vicious. Intemperate attacks were given to mo by soma of thi I do not know. I do knew that Harriman. In a telegram to Mrs. ville High school. The bride- The dog was not roaming. Keith ny would be a blow to the Weatern lands. were tossed from the motorcycle when that dread ordsr eanaa - Also. PaUy O. BlaMgIta, 88. Hr. and MrS. Rufus Deaso, nf contended, because It was In the Ml him. he has recourse to the In all hia coups, Shishekly’e an- tick end wounded Amerloena who Thompson, said: groom 'A'as graduated from Cros- powers’ "intention to eaplolt W est, which cruahad. Caywood'a nnkla ihaanlng hand-to-hand flghting — Worcester, lless., spe^ng, bond, South Rd.. 'Somcre, announce the custody of a member of the fam- A IR-C O N D ITIO N E D BRO W N- courts, as he well knows. nounced purpose was to protect whan it fall on him. were exchanged last April. *15.00 forfeited; WHMem A. La engagement of their. daughter. "Series of earthquakes followed by . High School, Waterbury. and Germany aa a tool for their eg- i George W. Hesly. New Orleans , interests of the country and Our eerspe plan did not jell be- they Immediately quit crjrlng. It by landslides and fires hsve re- uConn in June. He Is vice oresi- ily. The McIntosh's 12-year-old greeelve policy" and added: "But eemed to atcel tham, and they - may, 42, 39 Brooklyh St., paaatng Miss Phyllla Jean Desao, to W il- daughter waa with the dog. There Times-Picayune editor; ,..,h the Aripy. In the last four years cause the armlatlca came before sulted in tragic disaster and mis-1 riant of the Stevens Company, Inc., tbe Soviet Union was and is for quietly fixed bayonets. a atop algn, hondA*‘ at *26, after liam Newton Sweet, Jr., aon of were adults within a few feet of BEA UPRE It seem* to me that ‘ he he had exerted hi* Influ.nc* to w» were Teady. Tet tWe man who Mr. and Mrs. William N. Sweet. ery for Greek people. Because < Wa'ealmry. The couple will live Ineorporatcd the creation of a united peace lov- McCarthy New Italy (^bliiet A Chinas* sailed out In Kng- failing te show ,hp at court. fen broken. ' ' where the Incident occurred- R " i *: 5 between Sen. IV<* { hern «»Raaeesm Introduce many raforma aimed at • ' planned It with ms did not com* Henry D. Ruieell, 37, operating Sr., 82 Starkweather St. was not a dog bite, he said, but a ing and democratic Germany." editor Wechsler should ha%e b e e n ------^ back with the rest of ua. I will lleb, asking ua to aurrender. the full extent of the toll is not ')W the remodeling Syria's feudal, aco- an unreglsteYed motor vehicle, Mlaa Desao attended ochobla in scratch of a claw. . . 30 IISSELL ST. Moscow'* note proposed *n "im confined to Capitol Hill .paver underatand why. He mdat be Maj. McLaughlin asked tha man known. W’llson-Kristoff cohimns of^thV'New York Sworn into Olfic^e what, thay wanted to do. lined *36; .Robert E. Royal, 18. Rockville, and Mr. Sweet. Man- "However, latest confirmed re- In dismioaing the case. Judge MI-9-5234 lihder tome form o f pressure from Hhftford,/speeding, noloed; Alton chester achools. Both young peo- Mrs. Wilma I..eona Kriatoff. 80 Rottner said It Wqs not the Intent Weet and Eaat German ParhS; | p ""J " ~f Vertainiy don’t think it the Ciqmmunlata or from the "Pro- "I am willing to stand har* and ISM that the army constated of J. Maine; Jr., 35, intoxication, two ple sre employed at the Pratt and ment* to form a unified govern! | have become a i Buse cele-, graealvea,"—aa the turncoat pris- die If you want," he said. “ Ton ment or, if that waa too difficult, s (he concern of the Amer- between 30,000 and 40,000 men. (eiM> b d U M J J RMO) Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford. tt' s enera ware called. are not going to live, forever. There countai^ned *20. tho....,d. Inlurrf .nd m ci Ih.n » Woodl.u,d St.. w .„ provialonal regime with limited j ican Society of Newspaper Edi- Atihur Trnbrlnk, 25, Norwaik, An oictober wedding is planned. 100.000 homeless m marriage. Saturday at 3 p.m. . 1 personally spent many draary Is no ammunition and no hsip com- , The double-ring- reremony waa Dinctlons. tors . . . M crerB eeld“ r th e l*rmy. UieM U «*• v‘e w * “ he Ing” •p^diTijr* bond, SV) Rnlph 'T he Greek government and the -This government, the note-con- - —It detiniteiv is not-tbe .respoil- Thr meir look about fiva 'Wln- - - - oIccauelH:- 32, Bridgeport,- failed tel. she lived-In-thla reglon aH her Oreek--Red eroas- are -engsged-4n- .ftc.tjor.mril..1it the Jsputh Jtfthbdlst-L tinued. should l a r represent Ger- .sihililv of A.SNE or its lommittees 8,000 men. , portfolio In a government which , / . n reduce speed, continued one resciie snd relief operations. The Church at 3 p.m, by the Rev. Dr. | tm mr tmimw iiiss to talk It over. They voted life. Fied R. Edgar. The bridal attend- ' many at the proposed peace con- lo cxp:c.'M opinion.s for its mem- | Shiehekly was born in 1S0» «t i to surrender If the Chinese would / week., She leaves a son, W lllltm F. Greek Ambassador haa reqiieated A t Keilh^sl tllstleie nfeeilseai tMlag bet ference, lb) keep Germany out of / Charles Burdick, 17, of Mani hes- the American National Red Croaa ants were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liberal Budget Terms Easily Arranged hiddea earl egallialleel - •h.v, ...... '’"Tur* H ....,. . mlnlitrative . housectaqnlng ... kt.C i'S.".'';!,™";! promIte to leave the wounded to Zinsser of Manchester, two grand- Irwin, 12.1 Benton St., friends of "coalitions snd military alliances ‘jit D do that fill themselves , government military school at measures. ^ ter failed to grant one half "the to aaaiime responsibility in the planes. I he picked up by Americana later. rhlldren and a alsler, Mrs. Anna the couple. | directed against any state whose in th#lriiAr editorial pages. | HomE. After graduation he mar- - cabinet will go before The Chinese agreed. *nie]r ware highway, fined *15. Diedering. United States for collecting relief i armed forces took part In the war "No letter from Senator Mi- pi^ and railed a family of eight chamber of Deputies Wednes- Russians wore flying MIG jals funds for Greek Red Cross, The bride was attired In a navy against the Allies all through the I rombeta'iae veterena and ao'far a* Vnung OOP Club Panel Set The funeral will be held Tues- blue irlde.scent taffeta dress, with I against Hitlerite Germanv" end Carthv regardinv Ruasell Wiggins | ^ildiren. ; day. It seems certain lo win i I rould datarmlnc, thay kept thair The Young Repubilcah Club will day at 2:30 p. m., from the Ladd "Colleclion of clothing and other (c) carry out All-German "free has come to rsy de.sk. If one doe.i, j/ INsliagij^lied la Warn : vote of confidence. The only par Korean war. items of material assistance here pink acce.ssoriea and corsage of | / ___ Besides the two that I saw. I promise. eponsor a panel discussion on the Funeral Home, the Rev. Forest pink aweetheart roses. Her mstroir ; sfectlona without the Interference rii I'onHtdrr U." He distinguished hlmeelf ae a yea pledged to vote against it are We wrapped', the wounded as political histot^bf Tolland Coun- Musser, pastor of the Unloi) Con- and should not be undertaken. of foreign states." * . managing ' soldier In 1948 when he led both Communists and Pietro Nen heard from reliable sources- Ko- "The Greek Ambassador is re- of honor wore a black crepe dress, MAOi or niTNOina’ tiritiMt Hi vmond Ci'owley reans who hats Communism of best we could In sleeping hags and ty Tuesday Aug. 18 at 8 p. m. at gregational Church officiating. white accessories and corsage of editor of the St. hp.uis Post-Dis- military and civilian voluntaera In nl's party-line Socialists, who be-1 RnMisns who questing cooperation of all agen- h l e r blankets and then eufrendared. Hhady Lake, Som^a. Burial will be In Grove Hill r o e aiUMINUM pink sweetheart roses. patch: fighting against ths Jews in Pales- tween them control only 218 of »hree other Russians who , The pan^'lVUr be composed of Cemetery. The funeral home will cies in thia appeal and is urging aue eg Is* were shot down In combat early Moat of tha neat day we w^ra active support of appeal by Greek For traveling to New York City • lEAUTinCS Tout HOMt. "It is quite obvious that Sen. tine; Even after the 1948 armistice arc seati. thia year. kept standing on e frosen preek r.ep. E.-O. Smfth. veteran Mans- be open Monday from 2 to 9 p. m. Personal Notices he didn't forget hia fight against | Pella's new cabinet is made up national organizations and aorie- the bride wore a gray suit with ; MrCsrthy, if he did intend, There weft many other Russian* beneath a cliff to avoid detection field legislator; Milo E. Hayes, pink accessories. On their return e INtULATES SUMMER AND IMNni the Jeiii-a. Shortly before his second ^ of veteran administrators, all . lies in the United States. Believe j through the Wechsler lnqui.Sitlo;i, engaged In the Korean war. by American plane*. Wahiid athrt- selectman from Ellington; Theo- Taloottvlile Items are uow hon- they will live ta 80 Birch St., and • HIDES AU NAIIS. In Meraorixm lo silence the voice of edlthrinl coiip d'etat, he told a reporter "we - members of hia pro-Western and American people desire express I saw Russian truck drlveii. ! ed on a living hell. / <; dore Palmer. Ellington and Paul dM through the Moaoheoter Rve- sympathy for'diaaster victims snd be at home to their friends after [ At A Thrilling August Sale Price! Want the injustices suffered by the I middle-of-the-road Christian Dem- • SAVES fAINTINO COSTS. \ In lAvtnit m*n»orv of p«vi<1 W. Mi f ritlci.«m and to Intimidate editt>> s. Rusaian engineers. Russisn Intclli- | Hike f {tlaatho B. Sweeney, county sheriff. Blng Herald Rockvillr bureau lo- Aug. 22. has failed miserably. For him t<>! Arabs in Palestine repaired." ! ocrat party. will desire to contribute for the re- who iHM; Auf. IT, 1^1. . gene* agents, and a headquarters , ^IVed for fhontha after that. To Open School Bids cated at One Market Bt., tele- lief funds. The bridegroom is an employe of , e ftOTEaS AGAINST MRL demand tlist the ASNE make it-\ He cbntinusllv fought to build i PeJJa himself is known as a firm pheue BoolorUle 5-9188. ThrV %mv tlma haRl» all aortow. tj;*! the Russians maintained ^in | Finally, after-ibout 7 » mile* of Bids for the proposed 18-room "I urge your chapter to take im -! the Connecticut Co. self In^ effevl a subcommittee of ] up Syria's military might and friend of the U. 8. and a believer ChOnchciig. elementary school on East Street • TERMITE MlOOf. ------— (if 1 • • .%ttd “^ p a f»na to ffvr*ai; ...... * seemingly Wmleaa waKdaring^^ our mediate steps to present the a p -; ______jlo far\lma haa «nly prnvad Mcf^rthy'i gmup for the purpose i combed the World niarkete in an ; lb Hi* Atlantic Alliance, The Riiaiian language is taught captors ibok ua to^ Prison Oamp will be opened Tuesday, at 8 p.m. HrtW miffh wa mlM .vr»u rat. of accompUihing this auppreseicn 1 effort to buy rritlitarj- equipment.! CaetlnR a shadow over todays peal to your community." |______• NO ROTTING OR WARTMgi m m i m i t t m m aa the second language In North'' No. .8. dutside of Pyektong. on the at the office of the board of select- '10 Assist Neills . 5 0 and intimidation ia too ridiculo'js But'he wt.a not veCy aucceaeful. ceremony w-aa the fact Pella is $ u n m t AUMnm sm tt n vested in property which may presslVa value! Uphol- r.ll oo» OT'fJ mo.' ‘ he coufS ' Alwsv» r^m»mh.r-d bv. cern for our American ways, I Center party majority in Parlia- first saw a Russian flier. After I Moepital. I haie just had have as many bids as possible. 40th or ruby wedding. 1 brother, Thoms. J. Ford. don’t believe we would be coii- Naiiieil for Area ! waa permitted tb take a few pic- extracted, and am to On March 5, a special town The party was arranged by their and Ralph gariton Stevens, of^ he destroyed by fire or other stered lii fe.xtiired fsb- ment to 16 votes last .Line, Italy Waterbury. ric a-lth fiilKpoil spring ‘ iniiing tht.s Investigative farce has had a cabinet for Juat one 13- ' turee in priann. the Communists „ „ u„tn ,n , r , removed. meeting voted 8685.000 for this daughter. Miss Alice M. Neill, and shn of Mrs. •‘"®'*cUe j j ^ s t e r with another pubilcity atiiilt con- ; kept me away from the other pris- , por lunch I bed Scrembled egga. school to cover the over-all coats daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert F. Stevens. 27 Lake St., and CHrllon construction through- day period. R. Stevens, of Che.shire. took place out . .. may easily be cocted for our Sunday newspaper Colchester. Aug. IT (Speciall- Pella and his cabinet of techni oners. '* I soup.,two pieces of meat loaf, two which included archltecla fees, NeBI, the former Dorothy M. An- Do yiju have adequate in- Saturday ,at..J p.m~.in-.the.TalnoU, - opened lo .a xestful .full,. -.jXIpon the .nomination -had iiectMn-.) 'A|.*-'e-ertei;tad' tm' MbVeiu-fn r* ...-On-thia'-eooaaion.. I .wna. allUng 4pannes -of -'milk ehneolate -'and—n equipment'and -other-expenses.— - derson.- The couple -peceiwed many- Su ra he c p rol 4*tf y W AKfflnst' reader*. i>,|ter j------mendatlon- of the .X* NewM ... I.«ndon, wFire ... : ‘ beside a road, enjoying the warm : ,pp|, pj, „ ,„y „n e had Carl Mslmfeldt and Associates beautiful and appropriate gifts, vllle Congregational Church with size bed...idesl fhe the minister. Rev. James Bull offi- such a blowT homes requiring extra .loseph W. Lee! the Topejia iKan) ; 2!’ *"* In the interim political leaders »"<• pretending to read one of , i„i,i i could eat a meal like are the srchltects with Robert currency and flowers. \ Fire ChiefThiireton 8. Howard of ciating. sleeping accommoda- .lounmal'i editorial director, said: *111 decide whether a permanent the Communist propeganda lioohe. | ,h*t two hours after having eight Leinhard repreaenting the firm In Mr. and Mrs. Neill were married Don't Ruesfl. Otll on us for "I have not seen the IcMer but It Waterford wa.s appointed Friday malltlon•ui. ggovernment o v e r n m e n t cen---- — he------form- i A.. . jeep . _ came along., - In it waa . a calracled. I'd have said he ita dealinga with the city. Aug. 15, 1913, In the then ao-called Mrs, Anthony Urbancttl played tion*. ~ " - - - J I stems to me this is a quarrel be- by Comdr. Robert H. Barnea. ed or whether a new general elec- ! Ruealen flier in uniform. The aide ^ ciaiy Zoning Board lo Meet Hilliard parsonage of the Second the bridal marchea. and accom- protection check-ilB^ today! panied the soloist. Miss Rowena tween Sen. McCarthy and Mr. Area Civil Defense Directnr, to tion la nec* Riy. I of his face was bleeding. He ap-^ hiyn stuffed myself every dav The Vernon Zoning Board of Ap- Congregational Church on North new! the poet of New Ixindon Civil ] parently had been Injured when he i i jo t out -and Pm at III peals will meet Tuesday. Aug. 18 Main St. The officiating clergyman Higgins, who-sang "Because" snd Wiggins. And 1 think Mr. Wiggins M Mrfectly capable of taking care Cemrdinator ^ r e Chief I was shot down. I was about 10 i hungry, at the Vernon Center Fire Houae was the Rev. Charli's M. Cslder- "I Love You Truly." Palms pre- Open a Keith _ F ' . ... * ^ 'l*rir\mmw Vt Qninawimae n f M*teo I dominated In. the deci^tions. i of hlmaelf. Thomas H. Shipman of New Lon- feet from him and" could not have ; at 8 p.m. The meeting is being wood. now of Pseifle Palisades, don. resigned. _ been mistaken. j I ___ _ called to hear the appeal of Luther Calif., who waa minister of the Presented in marriage by her A N O T H IR .WiUtam U... Tugman. editor of father, the bride was attended by X - Budget Account the Eugene (Ore.) Register-Guard. Chief Howard will join Fir#' Local Stocks The second'Riisaiah. pilot that I" P. Menge. church from 191 I to 1918. Chiefs A. Morrison Ennis and saw was about-two months later. Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Neill have lived in her aiater, Mias Aline Higgins a.s'* B Y P A K * A * W A Y Howard G. Reynolda. Civil Defense He too had been shot down by an maid of honor. Miss Lorraine tMaaa F a n ffa M Mr. and Mrs. LiOUia H. Chapman the same house all their married coordinators for the counties of Luetjen. of Rockville, was brides- it’s thw ana B RMApbraak, American Sabre. of Mile Hill Rd. left Sunday morn- life Mr. Neill who was employed Windham and Tolland, reapcctivc- When I was In Chonchong oiiN|^ ing for a two-week vacation. They for 41 years by the Underwood maid. Robert Ch-erbaugh, of W at- ly, which with New London county I p. Bk FriMS picture-making trip, 1 saw the Corp.. Hartford, retired last fall. erbury. was best man for Mr, CLOSED YYF.DNF.SDAYS DURING THE Bank Staeka plan an extended motor trip SUMMER C . OPEN EVERY THURtSDAY form the New I.s)ndon Civil De- Bid asked Russiaw headquarters. 2 TECHNICOl through northern New England Th*y hAVR one frandchlld, Robert Stevens, and uahers were Robert fense are*.------— -i-—:— • These are- some o f the things. 1 Geric.h, Tolla nd. -and Wlaller John- EVENING UNTIL- .E JBegnlgr _ Store S a J4 NItsI Usfaor and Canada. Willtam NrtH...... Chief ifoward has had 3fi yea First Natlodol Bank EEU. ITU MW and experienced in the long a-a-H Mllrksm son. Terryville. Hour* From t A. .M. Until 5:80 P. M. of Manchoatsr .... Jss* Oroer Soldier Injured experience in fire flghting. i months of captivity. koMs HazoarS Pvt. Francis W. Miner Jr., aon The bride wore a waltz length In World War II. and In addli Hai tford National vai,. Mil. ‘ One of the things I have learned "Down Among ' Nazarene Revival gown of Imported hand-clipped AWAY ^hk §nd •• "White Witch of Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Mlnner r-Ff to memberaWp In the-New don S » « - at my preasnt age, 48. is that a . , . H i a . . ,. of .53 Grove St, s a patient at lace. The baaque-bodtee had a ecal- Hartford Oofim ‘fHiiit Sheltering 1 County Fire Chiefs Aser s a man can endure almost anything. i Doctor" Madigar General Hospital. Seattle^ lopfd icoop neckline and long Manrhaatcr Tniht Tha facts of my capture are Pnhsia" At South Coventry alrevea tapering to a point at the X , member of the State. Ne hig at 4:11 Wash. He is receiving treatment land, and International Fir iiafs Phoenix State BAnk pretty well known. It was on the ' ;la - *:H wrists. The bouffant lace skirt had H O ME FREEZER and T r u s t...... 86 61 for a fractured leg. He sustained road between Koto and H agan. s scsiloped hemline. Her elbow ' Aaan. Fire Ineaiaaee CaaeMiil' the Injury jusr prior to being sent The Rev, C. E. Winslow, pastor ig wjth the 1 n>6.. 'XMAkr." la Terk. It's OrmC length veil of silk Illusion was I75'El..t Given On C O D. Deliveries I One of hia jobs. Aetna-Fire ...... 8.8 air reodnissed - Pres Parkis* to the Far Fast of the Manchester Church of the ; other two coordinat will be to i Playground Schedule Noaarane. will preach at the open- caught to a crowm of seed pearls, Center St. Hartford F irs'...... 1.8,8 -lace and rhinestones. She . carried I participate niire month in the | National Fire ...... AT The Co'm-m u n 11 .V Playground ing aarvtce of the Tent Kvangelletic Tel. MI-9-7665 I atate-wide Civil efense radio drill. i Campaign at.. South Coventry. a bouquet of white bridal roses. Phoenix ...... >••••• ^ MANCNfSIfR - eounducted at the Recreation Field I For thia piirposj radio equipment | enters Us final week today. Mom morrow, 7 :80 p. m. , ' TTie maid of honor wore a waltz Life andd Indemnity Ina. < length gown of coral nylon net Edgar Clarke J h as' recently installed at the Aetna Casualty .....1 1 3 \ Ing and afternoon programs are The aeriea of lervlcea continuing I area control /Center at Colchaatar scheduled during the first four through Aug. 80 will be c^ffucted over taffeta, with matching jacket Insurer { Aetna L if e ...... 76 ' . and velvet tiara. The, bride.smaid'a State PoliM Barracks, and ' this i Conn. General ...... 194 S T A T E EASTWOOD days of the week. On Thursday, under the-ausplcei of the^ Manches- RANGE & FUEL OI L makes pqMble the coordinating which IS Awards Day. a special ter Church of the Naaar,«na. Special gown was similar in dealgn of aqua I Hartford Staam Boll. . 42A4 nylon net. Both attendants carried %nd control of the flre-Rghtlng Travelers .« ...... 735 — NOW PLAYING — AIX CXIIdOm MIOWt program at 10:15 a. m. will be singing will be provUled by mem- radio network ' in Eastern Con- bers of the church .jcholr. PoMIe UtiUttea Ammi h f|«rw«pA MMsI Os | r a * * ‘*e'd. necticut during wartime and in Conn. Light Power Mkriraia Oarld Wars* The playgrounds will clos* Fri- The tent is located on South 81. any,m ajor natural disaeter. •t For**! Rd. ill South Coventry. Conn. Power . '...... s i a h day at 10 noon. with the "Down Arnang Mr. WIneloW’a eubject for th* The BOLAND OIL CO. Hartford Elec. Lt. ...,.8 0 '4 52'/i “While The Outing Well-Attended Xhlmpanaeas arc reRrarded ai Hartford Gas Co. ; 35 58 Witch Over 3,0ft attended the Democrat opening **r^c* will he "Th* King the smarteet of the apes says the Hhalteilng 1* H*re-rBven at Tour Door, exclusive So, New England Doctor” Pnlma- | outing held Sunday afternoon at ONLY Manchester Dry Qeanen TEL. M ltclidt 3-6320 National Geographic 8oclety. Ti-I...... 33n »5>4 Henry Park. Tables were set up In Save $10 O h This Maaafactorkig Compaaien iiiaaiaaaiu I;4*a:l6 I the pine grove near the baseball ' Cheese Polato Salad Am. Hardware...... 16 18 field and there were, a .Variety of (Serve# 8) / - Thraa.cupa diced toftljiad pota.tow, Arrow,' Hdrt. Heg.-i v-. S» , 'a l - a' PTES. MATINEt: O N t r 9 ' aals da and rake* served, . Gives You UNIT CLEANING FRCEZE8 Assoc. Spring . . . ----- 27 80 Pta’a'Oea. Montgomery la* Joseph Glrardini. couhty pres? 3 tableepopna aalad oil, 1 table- KNEEHOLE Bristol B rass...... 15*4 17'4 , ~Jaek MeOaH Deaparada" Kiddiea EaM KnrUon RIaUnee Ident; and Alderman N iiffl^ s spoon vlnaffar,' 1H teaspoons *alt, INLAID LiNOtEtIM .... PAwJi&;jbf«wt*a Ircup thmi3raMced' c»lery,“ % cup .8HIW W eb; -;THTK?L'^Tin. :?RA% ..-LSdoWBOF-. AND THR- - OoUina - . ------IS 1W» -and hamburger grille. M ajo-r ...... — .... iD E S-K , : n r Em-Hart ...... 38'4 4lVi — PRIZE nttirnai* ..... Frederick Berger and other city diced pimiento, 1 (4*.*-ounce) can . ^wAaw.aao9;.3.D^^jgK- Fhfnii' imarillg , . ."BA 61 - ’ Phn fialar Cnrtbenn o^nclala greeted -Vlirttwa.i " topped'Tip*-edivea; 1/8-oupmay-' Cemenled -To Your A revolutionary refrigeration discovery A handaome period design Mahogany DesTc Hart Cooley ...... 40 , 4S phm: "White WIteh DneRa^ During the afternoon there onnalaa, 1 cup creamed cottafe ...with famou* "Nevermar" top... resists . . . the KOLROD freezer ahelf permits Ijinders, Frary. Clk. . 26'i 28*4 fm p a u iu M wete baseball games, quoits and chetse. 1 teaspoon grated onion. Unit Cleaning ? scratches, cigarette bum*.. .not affected New Brit. Mach. Co. . 36 38 nther s'^rts acfiVltiet. A few took Dice hot boiled potatoes to make For thr Average faster freezing on much less current, bdtter WED.: Alaa Ladd "SHANE" by fruit Juices, alcohol! Carefully propor- 9x12 Room. North and J u d d ...... >6 2* WuniimKnffi a dip In the swimming pool. 3 cups. Stir together oil. vinegar PROCESS 1. tioned^ bujit to Keith's exacting specifica- Russell M fg...... 12 14 Martha Zlneoer and salt and pour over hot pota- $49 Other circulation, more visibility and lighlnin); k__nli£tinnMi_____Sana -sniWS It I* CoB*tant flltratlan of soap during the heavy * ^ p cyele or tions for lasting beauty in your home. RiHun Hlaea ''"qiHlIlllllUIMiH Stanley Workroom. ..44 47 JUBHUBDUCBB Mrs. Martha Felstal Zinsser, 89. toe*. tossing lightly. Cool defrosting. See the PAK-A-W A'Y before cleaning cycle. The ayitrm dor* not allow the soap to redrposit REGULARLY 859.95! In Proportion. Terry Steam 88 98 of 16 Thompson St., died last thoroughly. Add celery, green or break down because the soap and solvent I* filtered constant- V A LUE! you buy...enjoy tremendous savings, won- Torrington ...... ** 28 night at the Rockville City Hos- pepper, pimiento and olive*. Blend »39 8. Envelope com. .. 79 8* ly In a separate system durthg the cleaning cycle. THE «OOD OLD DAYS V . PLUS...ALI. KTAR CAST pital after a long Illness. Bom mayonnaise, cottage cheese and Vour clothe* ran never get gray or dull looking. This Is the se- drous convenience and betlef health! 8. Ehvelcipe pfd. .. 83 88 ____ , onion, pour over aalad mixture and Remember when a dime bouFbt a loaf of V . In "NUN FOR ‘HfE HIUJI” June 6, 1884 In Ellington, the cret of the UNIT CLEANING colors, the pure whites, and the Sparkling "home appliance” beauty . Veeder-Root ...... 30 83 daiighrer of Frank and Anna Fela- toa* lightly. Serve whil-chllled .9 5 SAVE *10! Heavy quality Inlaid.. .with colors right through bread, a quart of milk, or enough irround for The above qiibtatlont are not to fluffy clean feel io the hand the IlNIT CLEANING give*. Every ounce ot eoll Is removed and trapped In the aeparate soap filter to the back! Completely installed and cemehtbd by Keith's a supermarket right in your own kitchen the entire family? Living: wax cheap, but be construed as actual marketa. factory trained-mechanic*. We have featured the installation never lo redeposit, again on your clothe*. / ______. .. yours only with the proven dependable mother paid dearly—bending over a wn«h- 1 of Linoleum for over .50 years. . (extra assurance of your com- PAK-A-WAY! hoard, cooking on a wood range and breflking Bud get. Terms plete satisfaction. Wide choice of color* and design*! " her back fiweeping carpeta. The good old daya! SPECIAL 1 DAY CLEANINB SERVICE All Medelt . . . All tiie* . . . UafTiaf at $299 S iE T H ESE FEA T URES 1 . Mother loved them but wouldn’t want them ? ANGLER ? WORK ACCEPTED UP TO 10 A. M. SeefheFemavs FAK-A-WAY flr*t...«t back. Remehiber? MANC-HESTER AitRle 8 wxy to buy this lake front, S-room furnished C lose d - W e d n esd a y Lib eral K eit h Budget T e r m s a AwlemoNc Warning Ball ..... eottaRC and enjoy your angUnc in n private lake. D ru v 6 -9 a liL /4 it‘if EXCEPT SATURDAYS a AdjuttaMa “ Oaiik Eraaia** Cankal H OLM ES Landsepped lot 265 feet deep. 50 foot lake frontage. a Key-lacMng, Flngar-4ip UHeh FU N H A L H O M K One minute to extensive privktr beach. O p e n T h u rs d ^ T i l 9 a E Yean Read Epsdage Warranty 88 WaadbrMgk S t I.,es8 than 30 minutes to Hartford. 44M Mala «M. TQDAF—FEB8T BUN a S Year Sealed Unit Warranty MItrliell 9-1992 Large screened porch on 2 aides of cottage. Sale price includes 2 boats. , CABTOOM aad RRWl YBBT MOW -euMr m OF MANCHESTER a AW staal. AW-araUad. CanWfuWlan. A SK IN G $ 6 ,5 0 0 . w l i k e IT? : BUY . , Mowa By Appolataaea* Only. TTe/ f/i ’S' BHDGS^ TER m WitassRair. » PWar HMs m * T*m _ We8., TM n. SB la Cilil 91 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER Co-Hit In TeeJuilcolar "9AU W iiln n i» « M B BANCBB" "niB tana kigTBMB" as8 1115im MM&iN M N STliT OPHUSmnPi*uMTi w u. - - iQlmi ^ i "LONE HAND" dael REeCma ••mSBie* OTRB gOBKA" ' "TRHM". H A Z EL FL O Y D , A g en t ANDOVER. CONNECTICUT 13 - W E U S ST. T EL MI-3-T2S4 TELEPHONE rUgfla* 8-1888 1 mamm kF i t . I if. . ) X.- -V. • -V-. '4 '0

. ------r t , "x:z4~ • 1


went into its 13Ui day. Coal mines MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 1 7,19S8 Judaa sold his life for 10 piacae remained shut. louian Islands Hit PAGE FOUR Minister Takes of allvar. Th* rich fool tn th* French Troops Premier Joseph Lanlel qnd hia Opening Sf9dai Maater'a story lost hi* Ilf* after top ministers met yesterday to By New Tremors Police Warn Role of Christ’s building larger barn* to house hU Halt Nijarly Trap* discuss auggeatlona by Laon Jov- Work in Vain to Revive Man at Crystal Lake Printing Office Obituary abundant crops. The man or Keep on Alert haux, head of the Socialist trade le Peter woman who worria* ~m;• Mealy Woman in France unions, for breaking the impasse. (ContfaHMd fron* Pagt Om ) Holliaid Window Shade 1.15 Nine New En^ On Ice Boxes ------about tha health of th* body and To Curb Riots Later they handed th* labor laad- Worker Na who spanda money trying to_ pr«w ar a reply, but Its nature waa n ot levell^ by th* past weak ot up- ON YOUR ROLLER — SAME DAT SBRVIC* TivliUY ’ttetnfariwiatic^baoowaa * discloa^. heavals. neRlKs X cein ramambar so TivMuy.un aivkUy.. , mentally-lll peraon. Wapplng, Aug. 77 (Special)— t- Take Steps to Ppevenl (OaallMiafi trtm Page Om ) A group of labor chiefs met last The new casualty aatlmaUa Listed Dead^hy Reds As (SinnAinist day my Ilf* waa changad. Andraw ‘The ovar-protactlng mother, who |dlaa Ida Raichenbach of Tucson, night to study the government re- Slid 1 war* flshlng witk our nets At4a„ who with a party of friends caiiie from tha Argoatollon head- Jaaeph Btaka Deaths o f Children in ahlelds her atm from facing tha rocco, yesterday and 12 from Casa- ply but gave no indication they quarters of Gen, DImItrioa Istrides, Joaaph BInks. 3S0 Woodbrldge by itaa Saa of Oallla*. AU at once, iMuca of Ilf*, auccaeda in driving has t>ean touring England; Franca, were about to end th* strtkea. Venetian Bfinds 2.79 (Condiracd from PHt« 0«e) camp and mada it aound almoat a (OeattMMS Abandoned Appliances blanca. A cprfew was Installed In who is directing th* Greek rescue diedond tWs-4»o»nli*ffthis-aMmlng 4 a . inpn apprptclMd _UA. M -if - to him away from hSr, and mahing S w itaaria^ Italy and othar~plaoea, Parle hue and subway worker* vacant St., peak. H* waa. th* moat attrac- (>tjda, and communication by work. Previously It waa fsared ~ SAVE MONEY — heaited by Dies (D-Tex). and cheater MamoHaFHoapUal after a of him a mnoill oitl Invalid. arrived aLAh* home of her mother voted today *o stay out another 24 more than 1,000 persona hkd bean Rhode Island The broadcast said American Uv* man I hava avar eacn. IlMra hours. Army truck* continued try- long illaass. dtlea and town* *11 "The nation which takes Isola- on Darning n -, Tuesday night. telephone and telegraph, was cut killed. Cpl. Roland Lambert, son of prisoners "elected” by ether POWa tastlfylag About the whole offair. waa eomathlng magnatic about Miss Relchanhpehwnarrowly es- ing to replace th* city's usual Buy Direct Frow Our Factory Store Mrs. Blanche Lambert. TS Waah- Bom la Fortadown, Northern country are Uking . tionism as th* core of lU foreign off. The new figures were baaed on told a Red Cross team at Pyoh- Phillt|M alw tsatiflad he one* prevent fiirth*r death* In a ^ - Him, aomathtng which draw m* caped being atraddad in Faria ba- transportation. inirton 8 t„ Central Falls. Ireland. Aug. M, 1194. he had lived policy and whoa# citizens ar* con- All the demonatrations appar- complete reports from th* Island tbnK's Camp 5 that they did no saw aiiotlMr fallow workar, Bartha Joned Ice box## and rafrigaratora , Irraatibly to Him. And Hia ayasi caiiae of th*’transportation strikes. Some independent union work- Not In Directory work, had their choice of food, and In Manchaatar for about SO yaara cerned with making life secure and ently were set off by supporter* of of Ithacs and naariy complata ra- 8(ft. Meyer, the Connecticut lax, try to leava th* govam- H* was antployed by Cheney and thl* town 1* no , ‘Thay were flUad with auch k>v*, comfortable, falls Into dlsaater be- TTielr plane waa flow^- from the the -Natk>nallst-mlndad.~ Sultan, ers and.euperylaors, ran train* on ports from th* other two atriokan had excellent religious and cultural Pollc* Chief Herman O. Bchandei aympathy, and toncam, that...l Faria airport to BriiiaelarRetglHrtl', some lines, but membera of the ' aervice man reported dead, and his opportunities, ant printing offlc* with aacrat Brcdbrn -for a time, and for 35 ciu i#'of ita aelf'^enteredn***. Yes. Trotiblt developed when the pollc* isles, Zakinthos and Kefalllnia. yqara waa an employe of the New today said he took atep* knaw H* had aomahow taken minutes before the etrika. was two biggest unions were having no Arrow Window Shade Mf|. Co. wife are not listed in the Hartford ; prceMita Oleen POWe material in her pOcket. It has been rightly said t l» t it Is tried,to Intervene. Three hundred of the badly In- directory. A reporter, calling at | peipjhg said the Chinese had Xork, New Haven end Hartford following news of * * '**?*^'’ m* into HI* heart. Then H* aald to npt Impossible to live aelflehly, but called. / part of It. The few overcrowded jured have been moved by boat 249 NO. MAIN ST., MANCHESTER — TEL. MI-M04T •That employe continued to work A a many of Mlaa Relchenbach’a . Multan I.nahea Rack the Summer Street address, was ^ givehxeach Allied POW pres- lUllraad. children in an unuaad Ic* Andraw and to me, "Follow Me, what an trapoealble life It Is! trains ran far behind schedule. and plane to Athens! The others at th# printing offlc# for three Mr. Blnkf wea a veteran of the porch of their home and I will make you llshara of touring' party who could be The Sultan lashed back at El The British liner Queen Mary told that Mrs. Meyer was not llv-1 ^ tn^hday. months after ehe was caught, "Give yourself away to God and Olaoul yesterday. In a communi- have’ been hospitalized in Patral. World war I and a member of Ark. Since, then, the refrigerator man.’ Iramedlataly, w* laft our hIs work, then you will dlacover reach^ were transported by ex- arrived in Cherbourg from New Fears of x typhoid qutbraak still 1»B tbero- "but could have been.at j Howerer.- freed Americans told Phimpa aaid. _ press train to Bruasela, where they que, he proclaimed himself the York, and only, 205 of 500 pSs- some time or another." 1 m.*,tically diWerent story. Mons-Tpree Poet. Brttteh War Vet- death toll ha4 mounted to 11. Ashing nata and followed Him." your tru6 Rclf,** J**ur ••Ifl. hung over the devaalatad araa to- Chairman McCarthy (R-Wla) erana. He wae a member of St. Chief Schandal aald hia men had The aarmcm yesterday of the boarded their plane for Newfound- "only soyarelgn of Morocco and its engera achcdule'd to get off In Other Connecticut report^ j Rjpotriotes already have de- that wae Hia name, the name of only spiritual chief." He claimed a day, and one case of smallpox had commented that th# Incident Mary*! EpUcopel Churchy and of been asked to keep their eye* »I^n Rev. John E, Post was delivered land. France disembarked, 'The others wounded are; Pfc. Thomas M. pyoktong as a bleak and the man to whom 1 owe my Hf* separation Of temporal and spirit- been found. showed how easy it would b* for WnahlngtoA Loyal Orange for unused Ice boxes and refrlgert- aa an Impanranatlon of Peter, one Democrata Back Burgesa went W*| on toa,-w England. i Naval BiUlMOships V* of A4VW five nationaa*»VBWS*« Xewas con- Scully, son of Mrs. Jennls La. brutal camp with - no quarter ^------given. — and Us fullest Joy*. He was th# ual power waa contrary to Islamic SciUly, 468 BreWef St.. East Hert- a G.P.O employe to cam# into pov No. I l f ; and a life m em ^r of St. tora and to aak owner* to dis- of the diaciplea of Jeaua Christ. Friday night the Democratic Those who stayed were give* a j tinued lo pour In thousands of And other prisoners said'return- Son of God who became a doormat law. ford, and Cpl. Charles F, Mace, son aeaslon of claaaiflad matarial. He- John’i Lodge of Maeone of While- mantle them. He aent cnilaera to Th* entire mesaegc was given In Town Committee voted at thair box of food and told theyOkkA** eB/sYitl«4would h*be tons ^0 of A«MAwnr*at/*v emergency ffiimnll** auppllea tffi in Affl an ing Allied POWs are not telling added the Lom ax^om an wouldn’t that the children of God might 81 Brihim Olaoul, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mace of Inch, No. US of Glaagow, Scotland; several places In town where un- the first person and waa centered wftlk over Him Into the Kingdom. meeting to back Thomas Burgess, taken to Faria by but. effort to feed nearly 120.000 hun- ne\itral Red Cross interviewers the have been caught If Phillips hadn’t of th* Marrakech Pasha, already S8 Ashley St., both of the Army. truth abdut camp conditions be- and of Star o f the Eaet. Royal used boxes were known to be upon one of the perplexing state- He waa the one w h o bore the Sr., for the office of first selectman Roman Catholic Church officials gry and mostly homeless island- seen hci taka the material. had asserted: "For us, the Sultan . Two Marine Corp privates from catjaa of the many eavesdropping Black Praceptory of this town stored. In all InatMca*. *»» ments of Jesus found In th* Gospel shoulder-crunching cross lo the hill ami Malcolm Juno for second announced that because of the dis- era. Sailors, aoldiera and Marines simi I Earlier, ,a former FBI under- He leavea hie wife, Henrietta no longer exlete.” from Greece, the United States, greater Hartford were also listed Reds. added, the poUpatnan found the of Hark. "Whoever would save hia called Golgotha, to <«l« selectman. The committee will also ruption of travel, the national an- cover sgaht Identified Rothachlld’s Sloan Blnke: one eon. Victor X door* had a)raidy been t a k e o f f - life will loae it, and whoever loses worthy alnners. like me. That day back John Madden and Joseph There waa no way of knowing nual pilgrimage to tbe shrine at Britain, Italy and New Zealand UWTIIll as wounded in action. They arc; how much popular support either worked side by side In the gigantic Pfc. Michael J. Shilosky, Jr., son of wife, Esther, as an active worker Blnks and a daufhtar* Paari M. As an added precaution, CSilef hi* Ilfs for my sake and th* gos- on Calvary. Jeaua showed ps what Krawaki for membership on tha Lourdiea In aouthwealem France for Communist party organisation Blnke. both of Menchester; two Schendel asked the owner* who God was truly like. Our God Is a Board fo Finance. Fred Doocy for eld* could muster for a ehowdown haa been called off thla year. rescue and ’ relief operation. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Shilosky pel’* will save It." or how many of Morocco's nine in th* 1940’s. brothera, Robert Blnka of Man bs^several boxee to atack them BUffaring. loving and forgiving town treasurer and Charles Bnei of C-138 Charter Oak Ter., and Lions Awards A go’*‘ for town clerk. WITH ' Mrs. Mary Markward of Silver three slatera Mre. Thomas Seprt A nominating committee was either man. , and Mrs. Donald W. Osborn, RFD area* would not be acoaaslbla to waa held In th* North Methodist In the developing Chriatlan life. CARTON Spring, Md., who said ahe as- of Detroit. Mich.. Mra. EdWaid appointed to recommend candi- Tha Sultan already has had most Town St.. East Windsor. To Four Girls youngater* playing. Hi# dump waa Church and shared by friends of "The aacrat of it all la in what sociated with Communists ahd re Dowds of Mancheater,afid Mra date* to fill the remaining officers of his govsmlng . powers taken Army Pfc. Nicholas DeSimone. Caroline Flannlgan or 1) eland alao' checked. the Second Congregational Church. the Master taught about away by tha French although he is AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas ported to the FBI, polnlad - to OUI* for Safety Maaaura* The Rev. Arnold W.Toaar waa a on the ticket. Mrs. Rothschild at a Senate hear- __ Funeral aervlceswill be held In ship. He satd a m a u m o** Fire st BricJi PIsat atm thaoretically an absolute mon- WE AMESITE EQUIPPED FOB LAWGE DeSimone, of 110 Chapman St.. Formal Announcement 81. Mary's x'Epiecopel Church, Chief Schendel ha* aakad local guest at the service yesterday deny himaeW, a*y no to arch. OE SMALL JOBS New' Britain, was reported to be ing and said ahe "moat deSnltaly” residents to Uka measures In thsir ceaiie making himself «>e object A fire alarm at 8:10 p.m. Friday TENNIS OOUBTM Thursday kt 2 p.nt-. with burial In morning. from the Kejsey-Ferguaon Brick Th* split left Prance as an un- PARKING LOTS MACHINE SPREAD—FORMS 0£ Scholarships for knew her In th* Communlat move- own behalf and aaaure aafety of of his life, to be a disciple. It Is missing in action. the,.East Cemetery _ tn hU eermon, the Rev. Mr. Poet Co., was snswersd by the Fire happy peacemaker. Gen. Augustin AND WALKH SET—POWER ROLLED ment. children by diapoaing of unuaed virhen we glory In juiothet r ^ I - Nursing Due Tuesday Under queaUotilng. Mr*. Mark- -^Friends may calLaL.thf Holme* Department. Th* first occurred Gulllalini*, Franch resident gener- MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED 400 rows FREED refrlgeratbr*. ”I ahall never forget what H# nltlon and Ilk*, the men In Jeau* al, went on the radio last night to ward said she could not say, how- Funeral" Home. 400 Main St., T"**' when bricks were being flashed. FREE EHTIMATEM— TTERMS TO 8LTT TO U R PURSE In Hartford, a move waa etart- eld to us In the many converaa- parable, take the least attractive plead for peace and order. He ask- Panmiinjom. Aug. 17 —The Four local young women will ever, whether fklward Rothachild, day from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and Wed- Heat from the furnace set the / UP TO t TEARM TO PAT Communists freed 400 Allied war nesday,. 3 to 5:30 and 7 to 9:30 ed today by Hartford City Coun- tlona we had with him. He told ue eat at the wedding feast. we raflera afire in the rear part of ed th* population lo disavow thoee study nursing this fall under the husband of Mra. Rothschild, wss begin to gtv* our Uvea away In His prisoner.^ today—73 of them p.m. , cilman John L. Bonee. Jr., aimed of the bleseednei* of being humble, the building. Fite Chief Georg* "Who plunge the country Into Uona Club Nurse Scholarship Pro- a member of the Communist at outlawing th# Indiicrlmlnale anarchy by atlrrlng up hate and Americans-'and promised their parly. poor for God'a sake. He said the Enea. reported that damage w*a DEMAIO BROS. gram. They are Mary Ann Rice, James Brown discarding of unused Ic* boxes and mournful would be iximforled and **’Then. we must take up our creating disorder." X biggest shipment of the Korean Mrs. Markward was the first alight. MINCE 19J0 refrigerator*. nroaaea dally, he aald. 1 Msanwhila, the French were hav- POW exchange for tomorrow—450 Helen Cronin. Mary Lou Delaney witness in public hearings by the Newa of the death of Jaraea those who pass through severe dlf- Raymond Smith, water safety TELEPHONE MANCHESTER M ltclidi 3-74f 1 Allied captives Including 75 s:hd Mary Patrlcca. Brown, veteran schoolmaster of Pointing to 11 youngster* auf- pculUes should not be without Hie what that means, for I am n had served with tl. 8. forces as a training under the program this latory and prohibitive nature” at the worship of God and service to burden of others is a 'Cripriple of .Elaine 8.C Valadc, David ;Clhrke. given prcvloualy (in secret aea- of 90. life which cannot -tje. avoided. If ______shd .traiupoH houSeboy, and a Japan-born Korean fall. Miss Delaney is slated to be- Pakistan Premier Mohammed All, slonl Is true, thenAthcrc la a vary lha Aug. 24 meeting of the roun- our brothera and alstera in this fjerard Lavoei'Dsvid Roberta. One niin' c^ n iu n lca Q o n a on A native of County Antrim, Mr. who said he served with the South gin training at St. Raphael Hos- Ellington, ^ig. 17 (Special)— Nehrii said India’s custodian force cil to protect Hartford youngsters you and I a re'-t* ,b e ;.w M h y helds.'Som e oub-oMoSvn papdrs An Ellingtra'man suffered a fatal Soviet Seating serious question of espionage." , Brown came ae principal teacher world. intermediate award waq made to pabliahed under an sgteement with i^wrin biiu ri1(C|0Q)iR^‘i; J Korean army although he was re- pital in New Haven and Miss aa.algned to guard prisoners of war McCarthy said. "If not, fronf tragedies of Oili type. disciple*. If w e are .iftlosa llfy .to Mhxlne Hoxqr.'.. i . ' Cronin enters Middlesex Hospital heart attaiCk here yesterday after- to Derrj’corey Natlonel School at Cost of Being Diaciplea .ester at Tkanita , th*-unlKia which ceSed for them to ’ 24 Hour dc/ircry- SiWice leased as a civilian. at Panmunjom 14'ould begin couraa- -" In Haverhill, Maas., City C- and Claire Chsm- frigeratora. prisoners to the port of Inchon from | t]se country sponsoring the pro- bera, are great grandchildren of aa 1 remembered some of tha per- day, for about 20 yeara and employed declared hia-country la rot a "can- and assurances given Which have waa called forward for identifica- Elsewhere, police heads In Quin- Koje island were forced back by gi-am. Mr. Brown. Randall. Miss Gloria | cy. Weymouth, Braintree and Mil- sona with whom our Master had There a on* deal Detroit must at Pioneer Paracmite in Manchea- didate” for a place at the confer- not been fully made {iubllc. and we tion by Mrs. Markward. Manchester Evening Herald typhoon winds. After this identlOcation. Mc- and Robert Brown, children of ton. Maas., renewed campaigns to dealt In the three years we were certainly regret. The Tigers sent The POW Command said the de-1 ter, had gone to the beach with a ence. don’t know how /a r they might together. There wss Zacchaeiis, Billy.Pierce, southpaw'ece. to th* Wapplng rorreapondent, Mra. An- daughter, Mrs. Astrid Felber, 36 The resolution on the psrticlpa- come in the w-av/of full discussion Carthy asked Mrs. Markward: Mrs. Emma Brown, of Spruce St., rid their communities of illegally lay would not effect Tuesday's, abandoned refrigerators. the tax-collector, who though be White Sox late In 1948 for Aaron nie Collins, telephone Mitchell delivery but may reduce W edpes-' Drivq A, Manchester, and her two tion of Russia merely calls on the of this probleti/m the political con- "Did you understand that her and th* lata Thomas Brown, are -husband,^(Edward Rothschild) was Milton Deputy Chief Richard R. became rich aa far as hta bank Robinson •-44I9. - day’s-shipment- to -600.- The -IfNCj. olilldren,...... - - — - assembly- to- recommand- that, the fe r e n c e ...... - giSAchUtteen .q t .the d * '* "* ? ..* !’*’.. 'hccount wa*' concerned;-was all West Hanaen's wife, Inga, suffered a sVad a' meihber 'of the CommuKiat Thomas and Randsil Brown. Jr., Chamkbeflath ' Said 'hS ' ’wlbiild has been sending back about 2,400 Soviet Union take part "provided Nehru. ^Ald the "difficult ques- prosecute persona "discarding any hie life troubled In conactence. For Beds at Panmunjom dally. fatal heart hltack about a year the other aide deairea it.” party?" great grandchildren.' tions" tlje conference must aettle-- Mrs. Markward said Mrs. Roths- ice box with locks and doors still he had secured hia wealth by Reds Tally Shlpmaot ago. Lodge contended this 'waa in line withdrAval of ail foreign forces child never sctually came out and laMore Gottfried on It” over-charging the people. The Communists said their big A ion. Meldel. a World War II with his repeated demand.a that from ^ orea and a peaceriil settle- r MSA Can’t said her husband was a party Isidore Gottfried. 61. of Mpodua The National Safety Council in "And the rich young men who shipment Tuesday would include veteran./ ia listed as missing in Riiasla must go as a representative ment of the Korean problem member. But she added that. Mra. died Sunday night at Ml. Sinai Chicago, warned parents to make came to our Teacher to declare ...and what this means to 75 Briti.sh and 300 South Koreans. action In Korea. of the Communists, if she went at ‘‘require calm, dlapaaalonate con- that he wanted to know what fur- Rothachild nevar indicated her Hospital after a brief illness. sure discarded refrigerator* have They usually have been tending Hqnsen was born in Norwsy, all. He haa insisted fthat Russia sideration and a w'tll to peace. If their doors and locks removed. ther thing he might do to be as- back about 400 Allied POWs a day. Do It Alone March 4. 1301. BesIdesMrs. Felber, could not alt on the U. N. side or husband was "hoetllc’’ urthe work H* waa born In Poland and had they’re to be solved satisfactorily.” he herself was dofng. x Last August. Gary Smith. 4, of sured of eternal life. He waa ao HIUIIM There whs no reason given, im- ha leaves a son. Robert, of Elling- as a neutral. lived in Mood us for 47 years Until “ Unfortunately, there have been "I cannot parsonally testify to Sprin^lfleld. Vt.. narrowly em-aped proud of his achievements and I MODERN IN EVERY WAY mediately for the itepup. ton: two brothers. John Petersen Clle New Formiria hia retirement two years ago he (OqnUBoed From Fag* Oa») indications recently this will to ..that::. ,«lj.e..sq.l4„______::______death when he locked himself In a de believe our Master loved him ^ a t c lo l nppoliiUBeBta and wodem fneW- The returning Americans told of of Long Island City. N. T.. and . - BriUah.^ diplomats Jeel lha^L .. the. peace IX' nor -Blway* tn 'evtderree; was In the poultry business. ih apit* of hia self-centerednea*. T o wfdb bverwhelmingly AmeMM'f fifsr Sen. DirHsen (R-III) was the He waa a member of the Jewish discarded refrigerator. fhJuiY lu Uea prove the Quiah Funeral Home to be seeing what they believed are new Hanken Petsraen of Houston, Tex., Russlani would not go to the con- and even threats have been held ciirlty only if they are "healthy, ference as representatiyea of the only subcommittee member pres- Synagogue of Moodus. Besides hia brain tissue through lack of oxy- Well. Zacchaeua made things right modem In every respect. Service la al- choice, Camels must have something special. types, of Red Jet aircraft — twin- strong snd progressive." ' and two grandchildren. • out." gen left the Is^y partially blind and with the people. He returned Red countries, which have been ent besides McCarthy. Ho asked wife, Mr*. Ann* Gottfried, he wnye complete, regardlee# of ezpenditur*. Camels are made from an exclusive blend of engine fighter-bombers and Jet The foreign aid program. U as- The funeral will be held Wednes- He told Parliament that the In- an invalid. the stolen many many times over. fighters smaller than the Ruaaian- idav at J o’clock from the Burke ; bf^anded a. aggressor* by the U^^ Mra. Markward whether Mra. leava* two daughters. Mr*. Barney serted, must be buttressed by: dian advance party in Korea, head- In Richmond. Va.vfour bova per- But the rich young man? Well, costly tobaccos, aged and blended to give you a built MIGs. ^ and This new formula.-however. -doea Rothschild was "in your Judgment M. WIchman of Manchester, and 1. A greater degree of coop- ; Funeral Home in Rockvlll^^ana , say specifically that Russia ed by Foreign Secretary R. K. I a member of the Communist Mlaa Sarah Gottfried of New York ished In an old atorkg* room ice we never heard of him after he Onf repatriate said we saw nine eralipn among Western Europesn . burial will be In Grfice ^ § i'n a’ city- ' "i disclpleahip. ’Co.-sell what you a flavor A at doesn’t tire your taste! formations of three each, aa he tion of the treaty creating a Eu- ral home from 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 manda had been “ In every way wide check today for abariddned have, give it to the poor and you passed through the North Korean it might be, acceptable, to all con- Communist political saaoclation,” ris Goldberg of Hartford and Mrs. And Camel’s mildness is c, 6*;.' c.n..?Tifu ,f.v.9.ut 1 ..9.1-. c h o p g ; relied it. Such help, it said, te a JMl.iJl A„merohar, .Pt lhq,,.krmy ,and use^ bec|uSe j»f^ th^^^^ •’.sound' and hfgh-yi«dm g -^mveet -nowhaiw in- their offorta with th* armistice agreement, it must open [ ' . (io'ng who were ' convicted of ,U. S. government.- So I and my hefnr. net 2* i V # no desire to lntertere|.j^„j,rson on Persllntimon Tree Navy Chib of Manchester. value. ' ' ' ' ' ...... “ crimes’’ Just before the armis- ment In national safety.” aaaoclatea tried to interest the So- oeiore uri. ao. i in the affair* of other countries. | Montgomery County, Mary- Bealdea hia wife, Mra. Sarah Providence, R. L, polio* began ,JLi;aUe4-.the flret. half of 1953 __X That countries participating j -a aimUar saaxch for/apibaii^oad-ice .*l*t” *nwm m*nt.” Tv * -,,aa.jKa,:,aca-=noL -jitapared . to ~land. Truaman Ftnnagan. .he-leaves two — SgS.-Oari R. Head-«f EvansvHle , a-period______o f “ oomwata-adUaxaiMlRC!: injfi*-;- , . . , .,...... HolerBte--*nv dnterference wHh ouS'^'- alatar*,''Mnt;' Marry-McGann-of tkle( boxee-on- S*t•< • aid they would have to serve them and Streamllhlng, and ' of ” " *n country directly Involved in carry- number of atatea began drafting New Haven, Aug. 17 iJb—An Superior Print Shop, were Com/ Funeral aervtcea will be held before they could go home. couraging progress In fra* world ing out agreements or decisions of legislation to control th* dlsp(Ml- attempt to 'sell "Telenar.” patent- iinleta. The A'nderaanaf ahe said, Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the 8*1- Hit ‘ Progressive’ defense and developmeht.” the conference. vatlon Army Citadel, with Oapt. tlon of these hoxea ed cold flow metal forming process, West Nations Agree Public Records were membera of the Communist “ The guy who got three years to Russia waa made only by letter Norinan Marshall officiating. wa.i sentenced for hitting a "Pro- The Western countries were re- political aasociatlon and substan- Friends may call at the Hol- gressive." They cqlled the others to a trading corporation and was , _„rted agreed that the Assembly Ts-^ Warrantee Deeds tial contributora to the party. not followed im up when the letter , „j,ould not try to flx-the agenda of loran Funeral Home. 175 Center instigators” Sew Fiscal Year Harrj’ J. Rylander- to William A reporter who telephoned the St., from 7 to 10 this evening and About Town / , __ went unanswered, a New Haven the parley. The Armistice agree- Head said he knew of three other ! E. Powers, Jr., and Mary B. Pow- print shop waa told that the pres- tomorrow from 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 lawyer said today. ments calls for diaciisslon of the ent operator ia Jacob Hyama. men in .Camp 1 who stayed behind Starts f«fr Town Joseph Shelnltz was counsel foy ; era. property at 36 Wellington Rd. p. m . The emergency truck o f tke voluntarily. Korean problem “ etc., etc." The Hyams aald Solomon Mlnowitz the now defunct Cold Flow Asso- Western diplomats have indicated ' william -Lang and Stella H. South Mancheater Fir* Depart- "I think they were afraid to i Lang to Joseph B. Moriconi, prop- died flv* yeara ago and that Tllle Bdwaed MacElaney Town employes began their work ciates who. he said, wera unmic- they wantqd to avoid any fight Mlnowits now la in Israel. He .-nent answered a call at 180 Sum- come back. They signed too i ccssful in trying to interest th# erty at 550-552 East Middle Tuke. Friends In town have received mit St., yesterday morning to take many things and did too much at the Municipal Building this over trying to spell out what sub- aid he had no furthet comment. United States government in the jects might be covered by the I Eleanor E. LeBcl to Walter Ja- news of tbe death of Edward Mac- a refrigerator from th* Home. The stuff for the Chinese," he said. morhing on the first work day of McCarthy said th* govamment Elaney, former local resident. Sat- - w n ,u.u u, oil I the town’a new flical year which of- procaaa. "etc." ; coby and Pauline S. Jacoby, prop- refrigerator was leaking gas. Several POWa .told of an un- Raymond N. Skilton of Newton- erly on Autumn St. printing office has informed him urday , at hie home In .Dorchester, Maurice Schumann, French that it has In the past farmed out conflrmed report that the Chinese ' *lf^***. atill rille. Mass., who claims patent mlnlatar of state for foreign af- Denis E. Frechette to John C. Mass., after a short illnsas. All membera of th# various cir- at Camp 1 had planned to hold : H i rlj^U to "Telensr." had reported some work to the 'Superior Print He leaves his wife, the former fairs, said in a broadcast ,ast night Morrison ahd Florence G. Morri- Shop for various government cles composing tha Woman's So- back 200 men but the Red Cross : to the Federal Bureau of Investi- that tlie future of the political con- aon, property on Woodbrldge St. Margaret Crockett of this town, ciety. of the Community Baptist gation the attempt to .sell the aganciaa. Nona of this work, who Is a sister of Mrs. Florence Church will meet j tomorrow at 8 ference depends entirely on the Kenneth Warher to Kenneth L. McCarthy added, waa Hated as se- process to Riiaaia. sincerity of the Russian represen- Yeomans and Margaret L. Yeo- Crockett PIttt of Edgerton St.- He p.m. to work on matarial for the ’ threetM^le unitsimHs and all of them left to-1 , jyt below P'®*' the amount ‘ ***"* Gan-, ** Aaked about the rep—A I*. S. give-McCarthy sol* power to hire Mancheater, died in Rocky Hill and the p 11 a t (Had IM the :)fave described it as a cold Itell on mlt. ’ the .parley tabi* want her and fiamlag wraekage. Wttaeaaea the. Manchurian border, relating tU» (VOA) awnady*atas»y Air Force pilot today balled out and fir* staff employee. , yaaterday. Funeral services will111 beI The llrat parmlt of the 19U4M .‘‘unlM ‘it la clear that we can held from the Thomas Fitzgerald. aald thay ballavad Hm pUat gave stories of Red brutality, poor food year was issued to WUUam H. tlw lalssipa. .affaeWva Sept. 1, af at Me TTumderkt elf tbe caMt perform :aom* useful function in Funeral Home In Wallingford, - mp Ma rheaiCB to paewdhate to an j American- informers in Ihalr Sheehan who proposes to . incloM a nldas* Hanaaa. dearrtbed by of Hokkaido fuid was rescued Maximum height of waves found' to- Sask MeCartby (R-WU) la 19M th* intereata of peacd.". from, the water, but waa dead in the Atlantic la about M faat, morrow morning, with burial j In aafety Ifi erder to heap hia piato midst'.. side porch on a home at U Willard aloft leaf aaeagh t* mlaa a Rd. Th* estimated coat of th* work aa tmmm -with a nataaMn t* In. a foreign policy review tp on arrival at a hospital, the Air sayt the National Geographic So- that town. r , / ed -feipir !>•» Y farm hewta. different Ufa in a prison la 176. ' Parliament, heard also by visiting Force said. f elatjr. . H* tsavaa g son andj. (laughter. 9tt0y . • , J 4 t u charge of spaodlag againat Bay- what* ha had worked in 1*40 ba Errol r . Burton, «6. of 180 Tolland "Tplt#., racalvad a suspended Judg* monr B. Kairian, 8*. of 138 Conway fora going Into tha aarvfca. Rd. Ha waa also charged with To ii F< n M Who O w b b ------_ PAGESn C Bolton When ha continued the case a ment for Intostmitlon. O b Hm O B tikim off Mooriiw tor Ifcoff b Hot Pio- Court Cases weak ago, Judge Rottnsr told Jennie Wohrlln, 84, of *08 failure to sign hls^Ildanae. EjUnjil^ whan the laadacaptiu la complatad Spruce St., waa ftnad a total of A chirge of rulia of tha road diKioG Aoy locoiBo- ______stin aufgaaUd it will ba an attractlva sattlng. Pride Itwould not be noceaaary for against Bllck Oohan, AA, of H art- The change of location and tM Town Fails to Petition PUC Chargaa of causing dellnquancy him pr hia wife to ba present In *30, 810 each for latoxicatlon and what it would actually ha because Synagogue Slated M’!SX to cblldran against a Malaa couple court today If they ward back branch of peace. ford, waa nollad. Improvamonta hava baaa it coataliied the word "military." arraatad hers last waakand ware home. Tha Walfara paparjmant LouU RIdolB. 93 Btaaell St., paid WE OFFER A HAMSONE NNOW Talent Show Set poaalbla through tha g an ar^tjr of T$ JSitf ..MsrcliMdiM CLIEANINO m N T Conimg Ifwalb So now it la to be labeled "Nn- U lcers Ca n B e F o u n d tha liberal contribuUona of mam- On New Notch Road Bridge brought up tn Town Court this gave ‘Pride $39 to get him home- a Ane of 818 for violation of rules For Holiday Use' morning And Judge John B. O. ward bound. Out of \hla amount, Hw Uw «> e Sewa r ^ e* tw* t f * «» PiL* ttwBl SdcuHty T:valnlag.” Which For Young8ters bars. Tha land on which the Syna- r# Arjf.. v«rdiM bills of tha road. Kitchan areas that get the moat Mottor Conpool WWeh W «io U o o < f f orlfco O t o* wogua la now located waa donated 0 Rottnar auapandad judgment. ha first had to purchase a driver's Oaorga E. Olenty, 5«. of Belton, la to make It mors palaUMe. But • 7* Mptf tm»r§»H€y Bolton, August 17 — (Sparial)-fCSoRfrtga'-loim,l Church will bv chargaa wars brought Ileanae because ba did not have waa Anad f t for violation of rules fingarmarka. such aa doorknobs, auiiawi •# Seprtc ToMi Slodge.^ when any other country does It, In Ju n gle ^Advertising , BUington. Aug. IT (gpadal)— by .a member. It la planned to paint ______... Knse- Columbia, Aug. 17 (Special)— Only ona Itam oa tha agenda waal?**” against Harold and Bertha Pride On*. . . . of tha road. light awitchea. and caWnat and ap- Tha KnaaU larael Synagogua, El- tha exterior shortly. Mnnay immIs . t. rfpcfsr, land Jones. Sr.. Mra.i Harry Pel- Pride said be would return to we atm will call It conscripttfm. Columbia Recreation Council le Tipeak of a "fraah eigaretta" be- HanHag Slated defeated at the spwslal Town Meet- of Auburn, Maine, in court last Cheater U Kenny, *8. of 88 Brat- pliance handlsa, show wear soon. PaMUban That la what It la; and what It By SAM- PETT lingtoMt.which waa racantly moved dfoiiffaf, h9$pHtil. . .and larin, Mrs. Howard F. Jensen. Mrs. Monday. They had baan picked up Mains with hla family, return here Instead of washing with flnlah-re- PHONE MIMwII M M irauBda* Octobw._l Ijtt. . preaenting a Talent Show and Ktd- ii.i Hoviev ,; chuae In Portuguese the word A public haarlng on the pro- ing Friday evanlng at the Commu- Erncat Pesola and Mra, David to reaume application for tha job ton Rd.. waa Anad 88 for keeping I-' +■- - would be. and it is the fw t that New ToVlc"i»^UU(For I U r . matter "freeh'- ha. a naughty connoU-^ frbttt Abbott Rd., Ellington to PHi> posed budget for Tolland CJo^ty s/mffar bllla. by state police Sunday afumoon. an unlicensed dog. movtng aubatanoaa, you Might try dla Review at Teomans Hall Fri- nay St.. Ellington, will ba ready for nity Hall. Indoclalon rather than Toomey. Aug, #, whan found living in a he had been Intervlawad for at the cleaning them wUh a kitchen wax this country has not had perms fbrthe ensuing fiacgl year will b« opposition saamed to be the chief aircraft plant, and then bring hla Continued unUI Wednaeday was day. The talent show will Include tho Jawlah holldaya in Saptambar. held Thursday, Aug. 27, at 8 p. m car off the.Wilbur Cross Higkway a charge of apeedihg against Ray- containing claanaing aganta. This nent peace time conscription which, SJ.?^*in "n Vanesuela. a man -aid. you reason for tha Mgative vote on the family her# when he had eata- traatmant will leave a protective local youngstera The kiddle revue Tha Synagogda la now being used at the Superior Court Room, MsMsheater Evealag Herald with six children and a dog. A d vertife in Th e H w nld— It Pn y t has been one of our great good Karachi or Jphahnaaljurg or Hong can claim anything. „ uestion of petitioning the Public Pride had come to this area to guascRipnoN ratks will be 'more or lesa a parade of Kona iuat as easily as he does say your tire Is the only punc and the improvements which have Rockville. The Senator and Qrtllitlea Commlsalnn for the con- BoHaa eorreapeadeat, Mrs. Joseph Payabla In A4tmc« fortunes. local youngsters of pre-school age. M ^g Madison Avenue. New York, tiire-proof, blowout been going on for aome weeks will aantatlvea of the IS towns of Tol- struction of a naw hridga at Notch D’itaila, telephoae M Itrhell 8-9549. TMT-a < cr* . . . P^**^*i• A.• .A. <•*•••« -A-^Itttle-Mtss-OolumbU"- and a land County, will attend,...... OOllM •••••••••*••••««***** i'ln In nahfln* this commission to Ohiv fh'e cauaes vary...... *---- the workl.^ _,Thay. have JUt.laws praetIcoUy-ba aoaaplatad In Bap- -Rd*a...... littia Mister Columbia" will be In India, he has to avoid sax in or codes against stich things, tambar. X aum of M.OOO waa transferred .Mqjttha ...... J-g Investigate the question of "Na- chosen from the entrants by Mr. aUnolMOtor Evaalng Herald B - toMh ...... * 'S tional Security Training.” Presi- at least 14 different languages. In in South Afrioai, mobile units Tha wooddn teiUding, of attrac- from State Aid funda for currant ...... and Mrs. John CSnislns of (Cousins Latin-America, he can pull out al- carry recorded coromejgilals In tive design, will have a number Of HngtoB correapondent. Mra. O. F. copr ...... " dent Eisenhower has loadad It Studio In Coventry. The vdnning Burr, telephone Bockville S-SSIi. uaa in tha mainttnabco of town- MncnK or couple will be photographed by most all tha stops. In Hong Kong, English. Afrikaans. Zulu, Basuto modem eonvanlangsa. In its for- nld roods. -* «THB S o C lA T B D P R E M . , i.with Individuals i^ o are already the Cousins and presented-with ha can’t tall tha Chtneaa to smoke other tribal tonguee. They ar* ntox.locaUoa It had no baaomant, Tho aaUctaaan ware authoriaodi a given cigarette without saying pi,ycd in native vlllagca. where while in the new location It will A ricenfly Invented device,* the <*ha AMoeUUd Pr*M t* 1 on record In favor of conacriptlon. thalr photos as a gift. to nama two commlttaea; ona to' MMtlad to tho uM ot ropubllcotlon of So lU raport U to ba a foregone pleaae. The Chinese are very lenai- j frequently the favorite music la have a haaamant. fathometer, has located ao many atudy tha quaatlon of tncraaaas of 3r£2is dlwwK# cndiud to It. or Master of ceremonies for the live about courtaay. , American Jive. unknown mountains and chaama _ -PINANCI eO„ INC. aalarias of town offtetaU and an- ftrajJlar^S U ttic'm thu p«»«r conclusion, ' It is to be aasume.l talent ehow will be Charles Mul- New restrooms have baan tn- «8S MAIM mttf • . ImmS Nssv a lM lS o X c a l oowo In Calcutta, he can't even tell the \ Hong Kong, the advertleeratallad and tha interior has baan under the oceans that chart-mak- MANCNinU . Maas. M ffoSuVdSS othar to invsatigata and study th# All rIEbt* ot ropuWlootlon of opoolol that President Elsenhower >will laney of Columbia Lake. Mrs. Don- Hindus to smoke, pleaae. The Hindi, j,,, off the color blue. Chi- repalntad. Tha grounds around the ers have a hard time keeping up. Ome SIse. r«5 *. WW; t,i. »,jp j,jp need of an addition to tha clamen- dtspotcMO horoln ore »l»o rootrrtd. then reestablish his own backing ald Tuttle, Mrs. Howard Thayer language, "I'm told. Just has n o ; «aeix;late It with funerals, W rkwtdsr* * J# M i . ClMSd SWvfJers and Mrs. C, Randolph Foibes are tary school. roll aorotaaoiilM oUtBt of N. *. A. bor»' of the project, and seek to^have word for amoke. Over there. I t. ^obb over big. The Chinese Bonrii Mtenhrra Added In charge of the program. coigea out "drink a cigarette." think it is accompanied by good The motion to Increase the mem- **pSii{>ot» Congress enact it. Any child desiring to perticlpate All this information I picked frequently clothe their bership of the Board of Educa- ^oltaM bjothoM 8pj»^«> Among the argumenU for it will in either of the contests is asked \ip this week while smoking a ’ ...... — ------•— to get }n touch with one of the kids in red to "drive away the tion to seven waa carried by a be the argument that tha world few drinks with foreign office devil." It’s Juat a auperatUlon, strong affirmative vote. Motions to q R CPLATlOW. committee members as soon as managers of the Grant Advertla PRESORIPnONS situation requires our permanent possible. A rehearsal for the pro- not politics. traiurfer the balance In the PWA preparednaas. the argument that Ing Agency. Besides talking ^OAKEFtnxT o o tn w m m EP fund to tha general fund nnd to gram will be held Wednesday, over local problema, they played discontinue the public sign poets ■loUtr conscription would be fairer than maoharged Prom Navy , local commercial recordings for with th* exception of tha one locnt- Herman T. Brown, Jr., son of Week End Deaths Mm Inf SI*rM In XtnchMtar gypntpg WPild. the draft, since it would take I US- :1 •d at the Community Hall were everybody and not Just one man Mr. and Mrs. Herman T. Brown I YuU should have heard that •i.'TortldnB tloolBf booro of Lake Rd., la vacationing at the both carried. TO. Frtdoy. out of five, the argument that, ex- ' shampoo commercial sung In the By THE ASSOCIATED FItBSS Diaeuaa NaSch Bond Bridge Covcrcd-lo-ordcr a . Kocoar. home of his parenta after being pensive aa^.lt would It ")l«ht Tagalog and CJabuano dialects of Lob Angeles—Michael Gore, 77, F irst Sclsctmea Charles A. Rob- y. m. Tuoo^y. Honorably discharged from the the Philippines. Personally, I movie induatry pioneer and found- bins addraaaad the maatUig of m. WodMOdor. Navy with the rank of lieutenant. Tbondor. still constitute an economy com- like it better that way. er of tha Fox West Coast chain of about 39 voters on tbs quaatlon - Sofas 189.00 m. PHdoy. . pared to our present syetem for Brown served two years in the thaatera. Died Sunday. Navy during World War II. He An Indian toothpaste Jingle waa GEt th« of replacing the wooden bridge at jLhrrOip— nialnUining military manpower accompanied by a band that Boaton—Bradford C. Oolcord, Notch Road and outlined what had then spent four years as a Naval “ dr; R. r , ALTON been nccompJIahed in approx- TTie graceful line* of arm* and crown back and the deep n preparedness, and, of course, the ROTC student at Columbia Uni- sounded like a calliope falling 98. a director of the National Aa- toucle fringe valance assure* this iofa a hannonioui argument that everybody else does versity. He returned to the Navy apart. Indian muaiclana. it waa aociatlon of Manufacturers. Died Protection Imataly two years negollatioh with Moodby, Aucuat It Sunday. - DR. E. H. ALTON the railroad. place in the living room furnished with mahogany. You it. In addition, we suppoee there after receiving hla bachelor'! de- explained, will use eight different gree for an additional two and rhythms at once while they em- Athol, Maaa.-^Army CJapt. Rod- CHIROPRACTIC He stated that the railroad had °choo.4e vour cover from a fine collection of aroiDpnate •13«e«rity^ Wi«« ArrIr will be revival of arfumenta that one-half years. Brown plana to re- ploy only a live-note scale. ney F. Cloutman. S3, famed for of presented specificallona for a new fabric* including dama*k* and brocatelle*. texture* and It would hbra baan a booat for this nation's youth heads some enter Columbia in September to' Some things are the aame the capturing 1,800 Germans during PHYSICIANS . bridge which they estimated would gacratary of Agricultura Benson's system of healthful discipline and work for his master's degree In world over. A filmed TV com- World War II. Reported to have coat about SS.'i.OOO, and offered to frieze*. Usually $225.00. education. mercial in showed a died a prisoner of the Communlala Fireproof apllt the coat with the Jown. In phileaepby « tha nation's wheat indoctrination, to make up for the HAVE RESUMED petitioning the Public Utllitlea growers had ra)aclad federal con- progreaslve failure on the part .of New Arrival pretty blonde stepping out to a in Korea. A aon-waa born, to Mr. .and. Mrs. .diving. board...... J'Vlt M.. .»•*«. ... Louiaville, Ky— Edwin Ideleri ----- PRACTICE..... Oimmisalon, he at^ted. this was tr^ amt wWditi Ih OfStr "vote home, church antf 'sch'661. Alfred Brand of Old Wtllimantlc about to go in. a sing-song voice iw. concerlmasaer of 'the loiiia- Wollboord the 'maximiim idi^ of the 'iffoata last friday. But It'would have Against all these arguments. said, "un momento,” and aha waa vllle Orchestra and widely known the town would be aseeeaed. Rd.. Aug. 11 at the Windham At the other extreme, the PUC been a painful victory for him. too. Community Memorial Hospital. called back for her hair oil. in music circles. Died Sunday. V a lu es for m ah o g an y roomsT therv is perhaps .really only one Birmingham, Ala. — Ersklne could rule that the railroad must He wouldn't, as yat, have known thing to be said, "niat is that if An ad appearing in India, l«ld Ramsay. 88. wealthy Industriallat bear the whole coat although thia this nation winds up with perma- Manchester Evening Herald Oo- Aubrey Mendietta of Bombay, can aeema unlikely. In any event, he what to do with It. himMa eorreapondent, Mrs. Frank not show a girl ktsalng. Several and Investment expert whose num- tt_lSj_ everybody, with the nent conacriptlon in, its life, both erous inventions advanced Amerl- stated, the town would be bound O ccasio n al T a b les 17.50 MaKhlaai telephone HArrison merchants who tried it had their a;an coal mining. Dl«l Saturday.. by the PUC decision. ----- :— poaaibla exception of that oner its foreign policy and its own do- •-•ses. shop Windows ifoiiea by angry Those who spoke on the motion aeventh of the wheat farmers who mobs. Hindus insist that aex ia Hamden, Conn.- John J. Heaae, GLADIOLI . (Below) Reg. *83.90 Oval mestic tradition must be Judged to 81. who had managed movie thea- seemed agreed upon the neceialty Gallery-Top Lamp Tabla voted against controls, is com- have been grievous failures. It is private. No Indian woman can be pic- ters in Maaaachuaetta and New You know rock can’t burn! Gold Bond for a new bridge but were reluc- With Duncan Phyfe lyr* fortable. that' if this nation goes for con- tured in anything but the moat Haven, died at his home yesterday BOUQUETS tant to say they were willing to pedeatal; braaa feet. The wheat farmar.s can grow as Rulh miletl after suffering a heart attack. Gypsum Wallboard, made with a core assume any coat of it. When put scription, it Is no longer ths proper clothes. Decolletage is ab- FRESHLY CUT ’ to a vote, there waa complete much wheat as they can pack Into solutely out. This, said Mendietta, Greenwich. Conn.—Dr. Harriet •of »yp»um rock, provides dependable, America it has been. It is that if Way to Get Housework Baker Hyde. 78. died Saturday affirmative silence. There were thetr generous scresge allotment. we saddle ourselves permanently adds to the advertiser's problems fireproof protection when u.xed to re- Done Is—Just Do It in view of the fact that 80 per cent night in Greenwich Hospital which model atticB, cellars, kitchen* and WOODLAND negative votes voiced. o w , f o r t h e la st t i m e . . . . They are guaranteed a fat price with a lyitem like thia. we have Here la one woman’s answer to of the shopping, even for womeh'a she helped found In IMiS wdth her Mrs. Myron I-e«. a member of for it. If they wind up producing lost and aacrlficed that attribute the reader who asked for help Iq clothes, is done by men. However, husband, the late Dr. Fritx C. other rooms. Big Gold Bond sheet* GARDENS the Board of Education, raised a stceamlinlng her housework: Hindus don't object to seeing Hyde. are easy to handle, saw and nail. question on th# motion to Increase more than the market can ab- of American life we once .were 168 WOODLAND STREET the membership of th# board to sorb, we, the taxpayers will buy it most xealoua to defend. It is that if "I don't know if I am sticking American or British women shown Strong, sturdy, durable: won’t warp. my neck out too far with the assay in bathing suits. Take* any decorative finish, or use TEL; MI-3-8474- . ..seven, .Rhe.: stated..Jier..belief., that, '/Ever! ■ :_____' from them at these generous we come to the point where we letter I am about to write, but this But in LAtln-America. the neck the next tnereaae. according to prices. In return for our expend! consider this necessary, we have is about the woman who wants to line in ads plunges even lower , the new pre-finished panel* in bleach- Open Dally Until 9 P. M. law, ahould be to nine members. know hdw to 'streamline' her than in North America. This j ed or dark walnut, or knotty pine ef- Moderator Ralph Broil stated that ttire, we will gat the privilege of ’oat in our struggle with present Mra. Lee waa crorrect but the , a. continuing to pay high prices foi housework. despite the fact that Latin-Ameri- j fect*. Low in coat! world coliditlona and. instead, cans, aa Individuals, generally are i DR. THEODORE recent aesalon of the General As- % Stra tfo r d H ouse So lid M aple the wheat products we buy as con "I have two active boya. The aembly passed an act enabling a j | Joined them in their dire threat, to baby ia 13 months old and the modest. 1 EXTRA McRINNEY SERVICE: .V . ' * aumers. •ha future of all mankind. It will In BrSall, the ad writer cannot i ROSEN town holding biennial eiectiona to other ia three and a half years and PAY TELEPHONX BILLS HERE ' - have a flve or aeven member board. i Lounge Chairs 98.00 There was some fear, before the mean we have given up the strug- I manage to get my work done by 808 MAIN STREET '!faan Referring to the act. Broil read 1 - voting, that the wheat_fnrmers gle to niAlnfaln.. our .own .hcfimi* noon, leaving my evening meal aa pocUona of. It. to. the meeting in I at Sale Prices! might turn ddwn all this security. the last and final Choi’s of thb day. WILL RESL'ME which it waa brought out that all in the world. "Usually I bake in the after- " H O ME O F Q U ALITY " 1 Reg. $125.00. Styled to fit into But they read the signs of the We are supposedly fighting In noon as a diversion because I can’t ^ term! of membera of a three, nix. . the finest styled living room; prices in dis wheat pits as this OFFICE HOURS nine or twelve man board would the fect o ry. So, if you w ent the the world to preserve the Ameri- think of an^hlng else to do, end- DAVEY expire with thia election which 1 Stratford H ouio Solid M aple is designed for down-deep loung- fear spread Itself, and they voted can freedom!, to preserve the ing up with a walk with the baby OPTICAL COMPANY MONDAY, AUG. 17 would eatabliah the board on ann best styled, the best mede, the ing comfort. Choice of Wal- to continue their own extra- before suppertime. home comfort the finest Selem C h est group, we right of Americana to live in the "What these women who are _ *4 Hour Service initial aerlea of ataggered terma ,Wt,„Cei®er_()_r.LA^ .... -•rdinary. by, govern, leading tw aiB-year 4arma. -Pr.oyla■ i|. betieve, B t i ts- p ric e eny w here. finest furniture in . ways of peace. No one can be sure, always c6m'plainli)g gbout liDnse- 70l'Maiia St- '■ Maiicheater ment guarantee. Iona of the act eatabliah four-year textures. but it seems as If we might be on work need is a good old-fashioned MORIARTY Bros. terma for membera of the five or i- But it won't be mode egein! The here's your lest chence. A veil- Free antarprise might have the road to success in that en- spanking. The best way to get the W'ork done is to do it. and as fast 1 3 1 S CENTER SI f aeven member board. j • •b le O pen Stock . . . choose the seemed a nice thing in principle; deavor. It would be a tragic Irony HIx Membera Now ; meker cen no longer continue to as you can. Then there will be no The current Board of Education i pieces you need . . . es long es the votes went for government if we ourselves should throw awsy complaining about it- ' C SILENT GLO W produce it e t such low prices. patemsltsm. The wheat growers conalata of aix membera. three Re- j j (Below) Reg. *125.00 one of the most vital things we Imckv to Have a Hume ' U M O IR & S U F F L Y C O. publican! and three Democrat!. ; I our stock remeins e t Sele prices! are safe back under the govern- ••They should be glad they’ve SPECIA LIZIN G IN OIL BURNERS There'^s not e'sin gle piece left e t Queen Ahnc Barrel Chairs are defending while we still have a The bi-partlaan tradition of Board! ^ come in a choice of one- ment umbrella. Secretary Benson got a house to clean, instead of of Education ia maintained by the < chance of making that defense being like so many women in so CUSTO M B U ILT HO MES JUST OVER BOLTON NOTCH BRIDGE T d. M ltchdi 3-5135 of-C’klnd Decorator cov- 1> safe, too. If he can devise some auccessful,______many other parts of the world new act. Bolton’a aeven member, I •ringa; complete with Biratem Which hiur'more common who woui(i*thlnk tt 'was wohderfur: —— general CONTOACTING ■■ board -to be • eleeled • in .. Octxiber eoft^aa-dowB' fddift Latex would undoubtedly rem it in a acata! sense, which gives, legitimate pro- The Good Life to have a comfortable home to REMODELING AND REPAIRING memberahip of four Republlcana tection both to agriculture and to care for. We have been reading a news "These lazy women- who always and three Democrat!. the ordinary taxpayer, he is still story concerning the type of "busi- grumble either don’t go - to bed FREE ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED Offlciala in town aay. however, at liberty to bring it out and start ness expenses” which are viewed early enough or else they Just that the political breakdown ia al- campaigning for It. But he does haven't sense enough to know how mnat meanlngleaa alnce the board •as legUlroate bjr offlclaU pf J.he 'hss GlwliyG -In A .noi)*p9r:_i hot have 16 start 'thlhkihg "of such lucky' they are;----- ——— — —-y ER N EST A . RIT C H IE ^ - Internal • Revenue department Well, there's one woman'! ad titan rather than bi-partiaan man- j a plan in the midst of tha disaster down in New York City, and we 15 LIBERTY ST. TEL. MI.3 S172. MANCHESTER vice to the wife who wrote in asli- Budget Heuring Blale which might come so easily If the find ourselves immensely etimu- Ing for help in streamlining her j A public hearing on budget re- . —---- —i— .....* ■ whaat 'tarmera started managing lated We ehall be trying some of bouaeworlcr ^ ' queaU for the next fl*cal year will , Flat Top Desks 69.4^ their own'affsdrs. It does make two good points. $179.00^Triple Dresser Base 159.00 these things, sooner or later like, One ia that the beat way to - be held tomorrow night at .tw i $49.00 Triple Dre**cr Mirror 44.50 So far, Uia early experience of for instance, Joining a golf club streamline a job ia to get at it Community Hall at 8 by the Board ^ | the Elsenhower administration has and. get it done, instead of putting ART SCHOOL OF FASHION of Finance. ... w ' ” $64.^0 Low Bo*t B eds...... 57.50 Reg. $89.95. Three gold- as a ron-folfer. That, providing Following thia hearing at which , $2^10.00 Hithboy Chest and • revealed that ever.vbody Is in we say we did it to meet people it off and dreading It. The other KOUNDED 10S5 ..-I—. DELPHINE DEIjSEt tooled genuine leather pan- Is that we women need to remind all ettiaens may be heard regard- ■ Drawerii...... 189.00 ^avor of free enterprise in prin- on business there, is a deductible Ing the uidlvldual ltema of expen- | el* protect the top of this ciple, but that each special groiip ouraelves once in a while that it Specializing Exclusively in the Art* of $102.60 Single Drex-ier Base 89.00 business expense. b\it wotild not be is a real blessing to have a •home dllure In the propoaed budget, the , Chippendale; desk. Double FASHION ILLUSTRATION and COSTUME DESIGN Board of Finance will draw up the | $24.50 Single Dresser Mirror 21.95 favors its practice by everybod.v If we actually played golf. to take care of. deep file drawer included else, not by itself. The admin- final budget for preaentatlon to j $143.501 Chest-6n-Chest . . . 125.00, We shall not go to Florida and Fashion Drawing, Designing, Textures, Sketches. IJfe f'J***> the annual Town Meeting on Octo- $102.50-'5-Drawer Che.st . .. .89,00 in the eight drawers. istration ie, we thinks right in iU play the horses and try to deduct Thxtile Dealga, l.«4terlBg, Layout. Pattern Drafting. Grading, battle to try and advance free en- the expenses of the entire trip, Draping. Styling, Drenamnklng, Tailoring. ‘’*^\irm an Kingaley B. $105.00 High Post Bed* y. . .85.00 85.00 terprise principle^ But from the Individual InatrucHon, Dny-F.yenlng Clnaaea. IJmIted r.nrollment ter haa reminded realdenta. that $210.00 Highboy, riot shown 189.00 89.00 plus our losses on the horses, be-, PASTRAMI AND HERE’S k SHOrPIHR IDEA the budget aa preaented to the ( manufacturers who.- want higher cause the government ruled, on th ' FAIX TERMS SF.PTEMBER • REQl'EST BOOKLET tariffs on down through every eco- C O KE . • REGISTER NOW Town Meeting in O cto^r n>*y man who did. that he could achieve 45c AT 35 O A K be increaaed al that tinle. A budg- nomic classification which wants nibre modest ways of meeting hia THAT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES! et cut la the only action, other 65 Foreat Street, Hartford 5, Conn. Tel. 6-0356 than approval of ‘•‘e *>udget m protection and favor and subsidy friends. from the government, there is con- It's tiM WsMoii Drug-MoBebestef Tnut preaented. that may be taken at If the aame man, however, main- the annual Town Meeting. tinual specinc objection to the tained a yacht for the purpose of Com p M y Chor^B PIb b Entera Hoeptlal operation of tha general principle meeting Iriends with ulterior Mra. Stanley ^ V a lu es k eye d to m a p le ro o m s aver^body prctenjl|i ■ to aceWm. •buaineas .motives in meeting them, RLEASE REMEMIER! - W HEN YO U U5E HERAI.D A DVERTO W G Rd„ wife of Bdlton'a third aelec^ ^e administration is righL But, if 'm in. ehterdd Mkiirttwrter Mo- and ha waa able to produce ih^ morlal Hoapllal Fri^y.™ ,- it is going to get anywhere, it has Bhii;^,.J|ig.^th. tluLnamfa.pfLJiLi Uoyd To Speqk . li: t i ^ h l h ^ r ^ gueata'ln tt;'he could-have-deduct-- Afthwr Lloyd of B quttJW . pwIv-laM 7yoar ,*4M»l^ l-^ » ^ ~ r - ConacriptioB Again - = ■ artiHid Ow-world-aecdiPPM*^.^ yacht’s" expanaeC'We thihk well C . Uoyd. will During the campaign. President try that some day. If T om 'WMi T* Tour Ad Mont Be la HERE’S dOW WORKS! aneaker at th* meeting*Of the •nw Herald Office Eisenhower, who had praviousl.v In a more modest .vein, we find Advertlao Ob ' Kd‘ e. Benevolent Society tonjm, been an unabashed'advocate of that a tavern owner, or anybody FRID AY 1 F. M. You simply dial MI-3-5.T21 to do all your row night. He will ahow alldfa-aSd M O N DAY shopping for drug*, cosmetic*, toiletriea. etc. talk on Guatemala- . peace time conscription for Amer- else with anything to advertise, we Hoateaaea for the * icans, apparently found it good. presume, is entitled to deduct thew... If You Wish To Your A,d Must Be In It’s no longer necessary to make, tiremme, Ing in the pariali Toom of Bolton The Herald Office Document Print politics to hedge on the issue. In I cost of outfitting and maintaining Advertise On time-consuming trip* downtown with it* at- tendant traffic snarl* and .pprktng diffi- Al l s his campaign speeches, ha achieved a ball team, that a garment manu- TUESDAY M O N DAY 1 F. M. Sofas 189.00 al least a postponement o! the tacturer may deduct the coat of culties. If Ton Wish To Your Ad Must Be In Pieces . Issue, by admitting that it Christmas carda and presenla to Advertlie Oa The Herald Office Juat telephone your order to u*. We’ll de- fr esh candy ^ wouldn't be very practical to try buyers; and that a beer distributor Graceful roll arms, a winged ^ WED NESD AY TUESD AY 1 P. M. liver it promptly. AH you need ia sign for the and quaint document prints, mal^e this the perfect ,to operate a permanent con- lan claim the cost of drinks he delivery. • " " S ^ o S lS iS * 1 Rugged Maple takes 64.50 scription system alnth. Simple, isn’t it? ** Reimiar^2.00 Solid Old Ipswich Maple Drqj^lid Reg.! $74.50. There’s nothing quite der present conditions. tractors but not public officials. If Von Wish Te Tenr Ad Mnet Be In Now he is In offtes he has ap- If we don't know which of theie The Herald Office If you are not already using thia new, Desk is just the right size for living room or Jike solid maple for taking the scuffs Advertlaa On of daily use. Rubbed with a bit of wax. parently gone back to his own things appeals to us most, as our FRID AY THURSDAY 1 P. M; convenient way of shopping, we auggeat you ' #**•*•#•••••••••****** ® erigina*. convictions. That, at least, Own futura way of getting a few SERVICES Reg. $32! ^ ^ lid Maple Cobbler’s Bench with the miellow old time maple finish is give it a month’f trial. You’ll be amazed at quickly restored! This group has a la the interpretation being placed dollars away from the clutch of If Ten Wish 'To Tour Ad Moot Be In how much time and trouble it will save you. Th«t Interpret Th* Wish** “id ra w e r ...... v'LV Uncle Sam, we do know that the Adverttso Oa The Herald Offleo Reg. $12.50 Lamps; poli.*hed brass with bottle g r ^ table that intends from 29 x 40 inches on hia action' In setting up a Na- Of ijie F»«>Hy to 58 inches long by means of an extra tional Security Training Commia- -whole atmoaphere--yachting, win- SATURDAY FRID AY 1 P.M. glass font and red Havana cloth sh ad e...... 10.50 alon and asking it to report by ing, dining, owning a ball team, , leaf. Four of the sturdy, boxed-seat and giving.. presSnta to everybod'/ JOHN ' O. oilRKE - chairs with strong ladderbacks ara Dec. 1 on the feasibility of having Fellowa of 10.95 conscription along with the draft. in sight has a natural, Intrinsic ap- Prescription Pharmacy M N ERAL H O ME included in each five-piece group. The fitle .of the new commission peal, all oh its own, to our oU-n 901 Main Street T he American College Is, incideatally, one more step in high-living .nature, without even a DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 87 EAST CEMTEB ST. the proceas of trying to make con- thought of outwitting Uncle Sam. 10:30 A i Mi D AY O ^ P U iU C A llO N (EXCEPT SAT. f A . M.) Tel. Mitchell .T-SSZl of Apothiicarica T#L MeutekedM r .W.-'WBM scription sound like something And it Is aic* to-know, that even ' a MBULANOB SEBViaB T pleasant. Until now, we have been Uncle Sam, in his hard-bitten, iianfiffBtfr lEwfiting ?l|pralh ^ •. - • ' Aa r / isUing conscription Universal grudging, Yankee sort of way, . > does encourag* the good Hf«, MiA. ’ Military Training. This, .It has ■V ■ \ iw I ——*■ — ■» — •j-'- -/■— >r m ' '53 r- tjV-, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST J7,1S58 • ______— II l . al l a l l l — » n a w iM . a i n i— JiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER^ CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 17.19M Tax Reftindfi Await wtnrr—isae iffb n M DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE WHAT— tie Skywatch Schedule by HERSHBERGER ^^JfadioandTV wno—i«ee Ouslodian Bids Six Area Persons Sense and Nonsense WOOO—13B# Stestam DajrBght Thne WNHO—Oh. e Answer tePryrfous Punle; Reserved by TModay. Aug. IB Six parsons who gave Rockvllla. BINISd inriri H MC-iwuci I n u n WUa, (^•tSe^WCCC-Nswa; Br«>kfaat Nawa- 13 M id n ig h t- 2 A ...... Robert MoOomh Coventry, or South Windsor *d- Korea Roherta-le 9oh a conArmed l*'«55i!E.M r?ss: ...... Votanteora Nerdrd VcgstoUt Platt ur:{n|nuuau|iJW ii Joo—I Juat got a letter from i^Baaie 3 a. m»-—4 A m, . dreaaea ^ e n they flied their 1962 BnciRrjinni iciti ii.ii i a guy threatening to knock my bachelor 7 M«.a*nt WTOT-Kewii'OiuaU^ Myato. -. I>BC>^airat' »K «v — . . S c h o o l B o a r d 4 a. m.—e a. m.^...... Vakmto.ara W*adod WAR R!ONlU^«abrlelw4.i#riib*i4Bnrie'i nwwicwr.Heattar. Income tax return* *r* among tha ELKS CARRIAGE HOUSE um uii uuu u uun block off if 1 don't atop pteylng WUNB-Jate Dowser a 6 a. m.—t a. m...... Victoria rttewies ACBOM S Dwallar* in ■MaaaaUlin n U U hirprttSraph te “ “ ha WDRO—moaert Q. Lewis; Tha Rec- l;d»-WONe-OBbrltl HsMIar...... ‘...M r *. M ary Cloar, Jac<|u«llfi« too In Connecticut who have ra- ROCKVILLE around with hU girl. ^ «)•>—WLIHC--Nowe. „ H*bnm, Aug. IT — (BpMitel) — V A m . - r i 2 N o o n Sodom riinu u n - nuiJU Lj BMinctt IKindol Suu uuuuu uun Blow— Thie can bo dahgoroua. w io fS H ^ w a i Baseball Mattaaa. w m ^ l l Huaered aad 10 Hits. funda coming from the V , S. Gov- 4Louncoa - I 4 iia -w n C —atella .Uallaa. Mda rwwivad ht Ui* Auguot wwat ...... Mrt, Robert Coleman, Robert ' UtUicc t lur.^ t iciuH U I iLin Why don’t you leave her aione . 13 Noon— I p. ernment I# they come forward and S Arrow poison lonely." I WPHC—Haelth AMs. ■ W ^ t^ N e w a : Moraiac BUr Btvlew tng Of tb* H*broa Board of Bduch. Oenoveat 4Kind-o( bMn aauun ■ WTHT—Breakfast Chib. EVERY TUESDAY NIgW • Ditordorf _ Joe—I'd like JP. Igill-W Tirr—Batty Crocker^^ ....Trr..Mrs. Hasel email, Mra. Beatric* eaUMieh their idantltteS. know which one eho te. Thia fol- n , 3 —WDRC—The Recore ghop. WTIC—Theelei el Helocy. 0«B, for the offlc* of a e h o o i S p. m-.—• p. • Kind o( 7 Donkey Phil - O n you aee any difference WKNB—News; Tea Pavel. _ Connecticut Director of Internal nauu “ “ Mr low didn't sign the letter. 1 WTHT—Joe Qlrand. euatodten ar* boteg raaorvsd for LIttI* cabbAS* • Gamblini U M LJ ■n t j u u n ■ ui-jc-J in your drinking brdteer^a'nce he I WTIO—Toung Wldder Brewa. Oils- WOlti'-MdtH n n*...... Leeving Orsng* Hell at 7 P. M. • Eager "urJ I u u n r .ik ju ^ The dentist In a Kentucky Boyd— Oh. eure. Now he doea me B e .gpM BfoilC*-News; 014 Raeaeg ^Bap. •iia-WCOC—Newa; 19M Hits. to tb* oscrotery, Mrt. Qbartea N. eoaae sons who cannot b* locatad. Somd 14 A l w a r t mountain town looked aympkthel- WTIC—Newer foii| Harder 10 Unaspiratcd WTHT—News; Joe Oimad. nUteora, thd rooult wtE bo I. m.—*Jh msumsiH Lloyd Oavldaoa, Richard Harrla of the refunds data back to 1943 ISFtm 43 Slain drinking on a couch. WHAY—News; Dinah ghore. WKNB^Dial for Dollare; lluele foi 10 p. m .~ 12 Midnight 11 Work unfit. 21 Scent ically at hla paUent Oollere. MHlBCMd MMML VoHinteera may rogteter at Civil Dafenae Headquarter*, Munlci> returns. IC A batint-^ ____ 30 Period 43 Iroquoian WON8—«orbr. lyajon. 17 Evaded Dentlit—I'm eorry. Zeke, that WTU —.tUffE e-i»in WIM. •iM -W ORC—Blag Blaas., , T k * M W ackool huportatetMtoat. pal Building, .Manckeater on Monday* and fridays from 1-9 p. m. The six who gave addreaaaa from 31 fem ale Indian It waa neceaeary to extract your A coat of arma may have ^m» WKNB-Bcoreboard; BaaebaH MaU' g,4g_WHAT—Pamout Trlela. Alldraw J. Haag**, waa prasaat for this area when they made oiit 44 Cape Vm c-Jack Barry. relativec front tooth, but— place te hUtor>’. but te gigl—WDRC-Ncwa ^ Ui* first UsM at Ute board moat- their forms thla year aro Georg* E. SlMiddU ISGranU 40 Humbert laslA^^WTIC—front Page ParralL lay, Aug. 19. Thar* waa a family 24 Pertian poot 23 Document Mountaineer —Hit a all i^lE***; tval action ie atteined by men te I aiia-WMAT—Crosby QusrIar. UilP—WDBO—Arthur Oodtrar. teff. munity Hall, tomorrow, tha 19, at Avery, Hyde Ave., Rockvllla; . ( p r e A x ) addition 47 Baked cley Doc. Shucka! 1 lam t to pull ■hlrt-aleevca. ■'WONB-WIIIwii. Billwill rlieaoea. WTHT—My True Btory. Itegalr* oa th* teiiool auditorium 9:90 pJA A aaotloai pidtur* wUI b* dlnMr in her honor. Tralfle Demers, Ledo Rd.. Covtn- 29 Scandinavian 4t Heroic poem P m e —WeleouM Travelers. Miaa Joan Von Roemar haa me 31 Old fren ch SgCuatom — Si Egyptian gclod Jug corka with a knife blade when WDRC—NemoryRC—He WCOO—It Hundred and 10 p is. b*gla teday, aad tbo auditorium on* o< tha aUractiona. Tha public try: Harry Doubleday, admlnlatra- A V O ID iem 90 Shoohoncan WCCO-H»Wf! Huale. n r u A W ___W . w _ e i Am t o rn H a m wm 40 Property « ' I loat my Aret teeth. Mews lB.IiaUan. will bo closMl for pubUc uao unUl te cordially tevited. captad a poaltion In tha enginaer- tor of th* Estate of Alfrad Double- MMir TOMr 27 Thoaeliioac who wiiw ^ P reeld en t-W h y did jmu engage W’rT(%-L..ranie Jones S4Norae god read and write41 German atete WKNB— Dial for Dollari; Baieball frwni.—News; Bd Iwett Bhow. tho opdalng of school, iopt. t. lag dapartmant with tha P ra tt and day, South Windsor; Howard H. that man aa caahler? He ’ IOi U-WDmU—A rtaui Oedfrey. Obaarva Analvataary C O STLY 2( Employed H e— 1 hope you don’t think lin I HaUnee. ^ _ WHAT—Itellar Muds. Work on tha furnaco ha* b*Mi Joa*ph MaaaalU of MIddlatewn Whilitney plant ntU, Covsntry; James Tateaos, hee a crooked noie and ouUtand llit e —WORC—Curt Maasty. RfT> 2, Rockville; and Chartes E. 27 Dotilny 1 T“ 1 conceited (after he had ffnlahed I WHAT—News. ^ WONB-Paula Bloae. _ •osapteted and it te now te fiM waa a vtelter te Hebron for a Oarda hava baen recalved from REPA IRS! SO Morning I WTIO—Motes and (Joetea^ IdiU—WTHT'—Whlaarnng Streets. •kap*. Work on tb* baaongont room tha Rav. and Mrs. Harold R. Kaan. Taro, RPD 3, Rockville. telling her all about hlmaelf). |B>aa_WONB—Cecil Brown. Mewa IP;*a-WDRC—artbur OMfray. short Um* ITtday. H* and hi* wlf*. prayert' 5“ ' Bhe— Oh. no. but I ’m Juat won- M w ^ e r -O f , ” \ ' ‘” ver WnC—Boh Hope. te fit it for a elaasroom, and fo from Harrisburg, Penn. The Kaans Refund checks to these Mrsons PAINTI ■ WHAY—At Bat with Dlplemat. tha form*r LoU Pmidteton. daugh- 53 Mock ao eaay te identify if h* WCCO—Newe.t B ira c e /W ___hdm mem . Music.l A u Inatell a fir# aacapo will ba com- ar* an thalr vacation which they have been returned to the Director dering how you can keep from absconds. WONf...JNB-Newe; ------— Mystery — Shopper. ter of tha late Dr. C, H. Pandleten 54 Bloodlettnett if" giving three hearty cheera when- Id iM - WUNB—Ntwa. pteted for Ute aebeol oponteg. Btee* of Colchaater, obaarvad th*ir 10th are taking on an auto trip. The aa undeliverable. They may have WTIC—News. _ _ . WHAT—Gemma Mueleali. trie Bghtlng wiU b* Instelted on SSRevitar ever you look at youraelf in tha WHAY-Bnarta; iupper t e i^ d A WKNE-DUl lor Dollars; Veie* < wadding annivaraary at tha oM Rav. Mr, Kaen expecU to ba back their money by sending a signed SO L e g a l m a U e r t R Ah elderly school teacher g ^ on WTHT—News. Joe Olremt. th* audlteSium bateeny. horn* te Oolohaatey that day. horn* in time to bfflctate ac letter or card to the Director’s glaaa. WDRC—Newe. 1*!«A—W7'HT—WBea a Girl MartiSA A spaca haa boon roaorrad for t«SlkfMtAtsM«.lH. S7Sclvet a bus and took the only empty WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. Tha MaaaallU have thra* chil- Patar’a Episcopal Church tha flrst office at 460 Capitol Ave., Hartford UyeJUigjfc S« Skin (preBx) seat, next to a man who had had a WKNB-Newe; Bporle •"epbo^. uao o f Um librarian to raplaca an or by calling there in jAraon. Tw o men named Wood and WCCC—iei46, p £«>pau u ?^ -i-eoosi-e amo who weara out several aulle to Dinner II tl* WONS-.Newe. traMportatlo* will h* eoiuid«rabiy man o f tha Rad Cross sponaorad (Bib.) right busT" WKNB—Dial lor Dollare t WHAT-Newa la lullaa. I6THI61H6CMI.V cyPeMfifiS.Xk 99 Try FTK every pair of ahoea. _ Date. lit* * —WDRC—Gram Slanh IOW#f^do - ...... gwlminiiig pours* st Amstoa Lake, VCXJSOTOFMVROPe- ^)l £TVOOH«V6 MEaiential Is iU -W T IC —Three tear BxtrA WTHT—Double or Nothing. Tho towR will te futur* r«- say* that Chav* wlU ba only an* BY DICK TURNER “ WTHT-Sporle. _ _ ^ V4»NS—Vueen tor a Oa.v c*tT* a 90 p*r e*nt raimburaamant mor* waak ot tha ragular awlm- TWlttLlMfe PERFpRMAKJCE?/ /.-*emary. Thee* arc all urged to be praa- SSUte . WKNB—Newe: Songs by Jo SlaKord. taachar*. euatodlan, and many wnC—fecoM dunce. aat and do . thalr practicing faith- |7:i*-^WONt.^Jelio leeli WUAT.^Rnri..(iBl Pnigram others, ar* roqulrad to und«rgo an WTHT—Elmer Derle, _ WCCC—A Friend...... of ... Tours .ours. •xamteatlon as to th*lr phyelckl fully: 'ITie course w ill close with an WDRC—Johnny M erer »^ w . lIsU-lfTTlt- -inira to a Friend. aquacade, Aug._ 39, _ *t about _8 WKNB—NeUonal Guard. Show. fltnaaa. ThU ruling wk* in fore* BUGS BUNNY I liM —WONS—Gabriel Heattar. 13 :**-.WDI«C—Wendy WarrsA for til* flfri.'tim* M u ryiif, p . mV...... " ...... REUPHOLSTEB ■ WTIC—Newe of the World, W(XX;—Make Mlae Musle. Rounlon Held Personal Mentio*~ WTHT—I.j)ne Ranger. WONB^'urt Meeeey Time. Somathlng o f a fam ily raunlon Gayle Porter, daughter of Mr. 62 Years of Father and' Son Leadership WKNB^TopS In Pope. WTTC—Newa: Weather. Ig.ea—WDRC—Ed Murrow. WKNB-Newe; aporu DIseel: Ferry took pted* thla pact w**k*od at and M r(. G. Bterl Porter, reached WONS-Top Turee. Como Bhow. th* Hebron country home of Mr. her second birthday last TTiur*- I WTIC—One Men’s FemllT. WHAY—Newa In lUIUn; Mulieh. gtea—WDRC—Crime CleeeIcB. 13:1*—WDRU—Aunt Jennie's teoriSA aad Mr*. Arthur BUemanh of THE BEST IN L O C A L CRAFTSM ANSHIP .WHAY—News: Keynotes by Cerle., WONB—Newe. Elmburat. U I. Th* EUemaniM WTIC—Rellroed Hour. w n C —Medl»> Time •nt*rtelned th*lr aon, Arthur; Jr., WONB—Adrdiituree of the Falcon. WHAT—Gemma Program, WTHT—Tour I.*nd end MIba 13;?*—Wone—Alleweel Muele Boa o f Blaahurat, and their aon>la>taw KOI TUCKU WTHT— Jack Berch; New* had and daughter, Mr, and Mr*. Doug- |g:ie—W’H A t—Bit of Ireland, Weather. Special Aaeel « I WTHT-Treeel Diary. ISgg*—WCCC—Newa: Make Mlae Mostc, te* P o rS r and Uira* ehUdran, rrw tobb uf b id s . tM. 3-Piece SET ■l *\ ig:W —WDHC— Arthui Godfrey Talent WTIC—Marjorie Mills. Mtcha*l, Richard and Maliaaa A rm Bualneaa I sa—Endewmente WONS-Hell of Fenlaay. WONB—Women'sWON8—Women's Page. WTHT—Chautauqua Symphony. WDRC—Bomtnea of Helen TreaL of Larado. T*xa*. Rettreaaeat Plaas WTIC—Muelr. By Manio»an|. WHAT—La Rose PrMrtm. Mr. and Mr*. William EUamann. Mortgage la*.— ^Ufa lasnraace WHAT—We.lern Caravan. WKNB—Men on thele SIreel.-...e.-.. anothar »on and daughter-te-tew g:M—WDRC—Summer Theatre. 13:4g—WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. TEL Ml.f.St33 WTtC—.The Telephone Hour. WTHT—Perry Como. of tb* alder EiMmann’a ara vlaiUng WON8—BUI Henry and the Newe WKNB—Keyboard Bhetchea. trianda In Loa Angales, Oallf. Reporter's Roundup. ^ 50 I:t*--WOk(.-.riewt. Otaidag Bvsate WHAY—News: Weelera (teravaa. WnC-Newa. 1:30—WONB Show Tune Time, WCCC—Menebaater MsUbsa Tha Woman's Guild o f St. 1 WTIC—Bend ol hmerlCA WHAT—Newe. P fts r’a Episcopal Church ta plan- BY V.Ti HAMLIN hd:da-WDRG-Walk A MUe, > ------WONBi-Heare...... ' ’ Fw Y« Yes, Sey Curious WHAT—News; Nile Watch. WTHT—Ken end Carolyn. ning a aUppar siad Baaaar for Oct. ALLEY OOP WTHT—News of Tomorrow, WKNB—News. Baaeball Matinee. 17. The Guild alao plans to put on wnvs—Frank Edvreroe. :l*—WDKi—Me Pemine. a minstrel show, Nov. 13. Further ...BUT SINCE SEEINCTWO . WTIC—Hollywood Spotlight. WONB—Yankee Food Show. OF THE EXPEDITION'S Iiettn—WoN8-.-Jliteii ...over e Hour. WTtO-Roas. The Musical Miller, partieulara wUl b* givaa laUr. ■ WTHT—Straw Hat Huelcale. Habron Oranga will hold only Mrs. Ebl* Mbricvcct CREW CAVORTING IN A Iie:l*-W T1C - ClKton UUey: Sure from w n ^ —Batlr Kimball. CURRENT -nWE MACHINE I IgA-WDRC—TOnns Dr HeloaA on* msating this month. Thla will PliWM ML3-7737 Parle. _ WCCC—News: Music Room. ^ WEEKLY AXMENTURE.. . WDRC—News: Moods tor Romance WTHT—Paul Harvey, be an open maating at OUaad Com- JlSitt—WHAT—Newe/ WKNB—DUI for DolUra; BaeabkII Illite-A ll SUtlone-Ntwe. Meilaee. ■ WHAY—Nile Watch...... 1:4*—WOHC—Th# Guiding Light. r-WTHT—Edwin C,-HIU: Valenliao. W'ONB-Cluries-Kesber. -V- lliia —WTHT—Bporu Report. WTHT—Guy Lombardo, ONE WEEK DELIVERY WHAT—Nile Waten. lisa-wccr;—Muelr VVONS—Waxworks. » WHAT—News; Yeaterdey’e HU Ttr (GUAKANTEED) WTIC—Newe. rede. DRIVING LESSONS WDBC—You and Ihe World.’ WDRO—Becoad Mrs. BurtsA III!? *—w n i’C - I’lio'i. (ternr- Program WONS—Conn. Ballroom. Lfft MS prMBtM y«M for yoor Bcooeo toet. lodhrMod Tn;3p—wn c —Surprise Serenade, WTHT—Newe; Tap Hit Thae. wont- Symohosy Hell, w n c —The Doetor'e Wife, ImtnictioR OR iMiirod dod control cor by ogpori* NO MONEY DOWN •R w n M tb w . IM A . W t OtJd W k * W.-H be r o «ih | n i It WIOfB-Nowe; Bee»k*U. Mellaed- ...... •wtS’’*'-.'- " ’-- ...... -’ - • . • ewwireyewwwxiaaaA'^-S’ -’ '1 ' .'. . . - ;-.’.V'.jfSMSV_’»ime*-W*e. • ^ 3ilA-*VDRC—Perr> Meson. oo^ tfoiood teetroetiirr AbiilMH'iofb^^^ #r — 4to T V fo r thr## d e y f ! " T*«i«rF«« wnc—Curketnee Quia. -WTIC—Prayer; Frank Atwood. IlVA-WO.Nh-New* ALL WORK DONE ON PREMISES — OVER 50% SAVINGS. I ;**-W-WDRC—fTirm — ...... - Program. WKNB—Nair'a, gl. lAMls vt. Chk-aao. W V n ili^ IVWVWD* •ap, m« he m» W—I. >ial T. IE t g j Sil*—WDRC—Hymn Ttinm |;*a-VVCXN'—.News Mukie. • OoMcwlwr trmiMif rejweae» O Euptru ruk daaea BY EDGAR MARTIN :?»—w n c —Newe. WDIIC—.Yore Drear JIaieA f 'rmmn IS BY RUSS WINl-ERBOTHAM In PerBon ri^W ONS—Yankee Exprsm. WONAr^^aavtloul Ballroom. CORONER AUTO SCHOOL M4ie*e ewW •« y*nf * • «“ No Deal boots and her Bpi)DIES WDRC—Tewu Petrol, 3:W WDKC—Bri*ht*r Da.-. • I’M f Amso /tmm aa aeeerl- fiHiaWetiuae rekaifl tritk CHRIS WELKIN. PUwetvei w n c —.V.’ether: Frank Atwood. WTIC—Ncere, TEL Mttebdl Y-MIO new Sprimf CVIANG'. WCfiC—Breekleet Newkboy. |;ea-WDRC—HlllVm House Moal •/. {•krin CALLS TAKEN TIL 10 P. M. Wfc.v4-*.-VMhX WHAY—Sacred Heart Pregrem. 0 Truekt pifk up .vear fur- lUAPAftilCH TWM>y^- WHAY—News: Beeoid geeMoA If No AiiGwor Cen HartforC T-iWRO (Colloet) 0 .dagfeee conelrarliM need 7 - A WTHT—Momlns DeroUon aflare 9» appeintmtnt Ihrmaknul irWAvVOO.KESAe. 1:tt-WKNB-News.: « • W t V t Y O — iV r ' W P . . . . . '^AECHEP «l6}f MX> yacwtuat.* WTHT-Newe...... Top Hit TIma WiTlRfA -tOWfOCWUlltldllT. ANPTMeANvWEe ^WHAY-rKlonnerilcul, Tlmr laW.e, ,-WOMg—W*aw«rkA_.. 9- M - .rwae « U ea*Atea* -r*-^ ■'i'ri'fM iii' • ■YO-reii*''-ga-*ni';> T:»»-'W0NB—Berty Edition. WTIC.-Llie Car Be BeeufifuL g lo r^ aew TbugAOC.lU t i4AIO/l'VE60T . WTIC—Newe. * WKNB-Newe: Music RelU •nlM jiatyiuiur/ AAIBITIOMA6AIN SDMfClVXAl k:aA-WCX:C —Oooa Morning; Good • Pnrailare 1« tUHHitM end •ELf >Ot> WITH tone j Ilia —WDRC-House Parly. • Aew (Sfitag end - rotum /ell JUE ANP. Musle. WTIC—Rosa of Life. molhproo/ed WOCl^l WTIC—Bob Steele. Is»*-.WC««-Newe; Music. edded fO^TWUlLt 0 .deef pimlforin M rippti ta WDRC—Newe. , _ WTHT—Country Mask;. • .Si'dei end kmrkt rekmill end pee.BLicr, ’.‘WONB-Weelher; News; Tank*# Bx- WTH'—Pipper Toiitig e Petaily. ■BHMbVdW iHtllBini ffce /romei prree. 3:4*—WDRC-Get on IM BaA ^■ITl*M e.Pka ikkiAnw padded I (MAKE‘S'A HT—Ben Ilaxrthorne., • Alt corner Moefc* /fftaJ ar WTIC—Might to HeppinfSA . 1 9.72 _0_OHi«d* „e#*me aa^,; "••• . I FLteEFOC .\v»NB~P:Uojita;r.,. . i-**—W'THT—Xewe,...... RBT 1 lY T -repierod ’ ------3- I glM^EtP ■ 1 WKjer—Newx; 310 'Corfek Club. 4:4*—WTHT—New#. •goo 24.99 19.29 lOENS carer we/led • Fremee ere m afjJelely re- ATTitg ■Ul I ’t*—VrPIC—Wexttier. Morning Welch. WDRC—Rf>bprt Q. Leowla. •MM____ 90.70 - • Ml •ale/da eaoau haadeawa ":ia—WCCC — News; Good Morning W^C-liuaic. Ab«M eeiwwni trim tb $Mb Im/areed \ nmrEse. Muei«V\ wriC—fUckitaO-lUc Wlf*. a |M« of »I*a mPt 9J*A* wtae SAVE. , 'W D RC^ld Muel* Boa _ WHAT—Newi.W . . ^ . - mtmDr make M it mawtaa e. *TfES" proaapdy to 4 aot *f 9 I WKNB—Neka; Pbll Halt Show. WKKB—Kowi mmw , IwwHewN ef *'*'**||*5j^ aaployad man, wontao;—aianted I i 4*—WHAT—Newe. •r single. • l-d*y eervie* . . . phono |:»*-WTHT—VfMIher. WDRC—News. \ •rat. • Yoa seloct boat payment date. • Ueo your lu i^ WONS—WeelherX Manchester Mart hour to apply# • CooAlarato eervie# M y#«r boat UANK I.EONARD 1;**—WDRC—WorlTH0U6OT I WHAT—'feting with Wimp, \ fe A M m a i ^ . -RStm i! IT \ltV0P*»MT I WTHT—Tup O’ the Homing. totki akiaa of 93.4W.65. Tho mar- ket dtapokod of 189 half biishal eeiN9siNAUir \ Am reAuet i.tvONS—Yankee CxpreSA ( M AIN ST., 2nS FI., O vw W M lw w th’t, M A N C H E iT U baakata of tomktooo. 309 buahola OFCeSWMBIS! MltalMN t-tim * OantefC J. CusmingliMM, Jr.. VCS RIAIIagw WINDOW! of cuciimbora" and 113 buahola of M A DE T O O RDER OrtN IHUISOAT EVININCS UNTIl I PJA boana at yaataitiay’* aoaalon fo r a total of 31.043.90. Television Tomatoea brought a high of 3-Pe. SET iM t tbo FoM 900900 Mqh prico9. Lot lbrllch'9 mob# 9liy cocon to 92:90, a low of 92 and an avarage of protoct yoor foroitHro tbroufb tbo yoor. ChooM frofo bo w tifw .. M. $3.42. Cliciimbara want for a-high V. e-iT I'NHC— of 91.26.and a low of I t while ahall The 3mOd0r*S tth n d 3 1:00—On Your Arrnunt, W O O D Y new l f S ^t c orotor pOttonw oob colon. A ll our tNp covon ore I; .VI—IJi'llce ITholr.c. bean* aold for a high of $3.89 and l.'iL'VK j .00—l.tltlc Thoelcr. low of 32.30. 9owod OR tho wroo^ 9lbo of tbo fobric. Too bo oot fo t ooy oorovoM |:J&—Meet Ih* Stars, The market la open dally axcept - tbgot; W o ovofflodi o«h co vo n for obbod p r o t o c ^ o o b woor o f . •IT ia. J;IXI—Whsi One. Person Can Do. Fridayg Slid ‘gdflihlAyK’''’^-'':' ■ iBBi. Jtei |:19—yaricly Club. mmi HAUTY um l Y MERRILL C. BLOBSER ortecopc. • ------#• M#M iioMjimrinrttf' fOKflM lf AfM M H I HO obbitioiiol eo9t. linkEC K b lM JdTO J R I E M I S Action Begins »p Kebler’a Sbeisei jHather r9t4S**t’ . r .. captain 1TASY A«OE150H: vhukmJi gEcicbtT HET»« Human ^ mmsTL. PORMT TMAT— r -renic Vewc Tiararaa. - BROTHERS worrtHS) £w^! WH^TtxJ : 00—Name That Tune. PR^UCE 'CIAiOR WB^ V ,0 P a ------■'rtXJltUFF al l kindc voo BfmiK , P dolct J. 30—Voice el eircetunA GET R P O’ tAcWE R O W !^ ----- <-uu<-ie ■ —^ 1:00—1— • LoreI Wt J V V LiicjA * « » k . J TEUIAEJlWi IWAMELff 1:39—Maaquerade Party. ED'S SIGN C O . ’ A9 Lew A9 M ONTHS PAY Te lAfeicge ■ ANO. J;0n—S.uu.u—8 t u c . : u O n e . TOMveei |;m—Rhelngnld Theater, 1:19—The Bennetx. MltchoN 3-t24t . 1:30—Blind Date. LEFT THE fKNB Our bocoroton wiU coN ot your homo with mooy *2 !!! L. OANCE— _ 1-30—Arl i nn In Aficrnnon: ■ TeMFORAItCr I.no—Jeanne Pnrier. $1.25 WEEKLY which to chooio. So coE uc toboy oob got io eo oor big SpiW f 1:30—Don Winslow, n.iio—Weetern Theater. [:00—Newa . _ Spocioi. 13—T h f Ea r l y Show. .29—Weethervene. J-mi—Newe. 1:49—TV’ s Top TuncA T ixt—I’V Theelfr..' — 1 30—Arthur Godfrey. J:(tO-WrrMII^. ■lOOr-Uludln CniA |;nO— News. THE 8»Tl¥'orM ARTHA WAYNE : 19—The l > t c Show. BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY Teaienww And There He la! fNHC— VIC FLINT I M. ^voo pipnX think i ’p for- ..AND W^IE GOINS ID , H O W C O U L D t W W E no—Today . m FgQ»a,t.V HAE a ' m AN at f v ^ C7.W.. - ^ GETMf u r f lE SWEETHEAltl'S^ THCCONCEKT SUSPECTED zir? vmKT 1:00—Yankee Peddlers. BANTLY 3*1 Asiav ‘ I 4&—Mi.ri llig Newe. J glKTHOAV,PIDVOU?„r aieruoa 1:00—Di ng Dong School , I naSEwORP*^AshjrmoA AisJPANJ^ xtun,K M W lost f • # j I Tso- Tour Wlrdi.w Shopper. SHBEf pnoyi etramnG in /_ :00—Hawkins FkllA OIL CO. :iSWOODWORKfi^^ t0 .;iN (. ■ . . U g k C . . RMliEJIlM ild-ARern*'” * NewA 1:110—Break IhejBank. ' COP PlEASANT yALLEV ROAD f ROUTE 5 .10—Welrjihie Treyelere. OIL DISTRIBUTORS 1:00—On Your Account bOU-H ^yiND^OR CONN. TEL. 8 6398 li.NB 3 3 3 Mdo Stroot V AcUoo In the afternooA r ■\- ■tr' :L ■■A- ^ ™ A’i

F A G IEL X V I N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. ALGUST 17.19W I . e , . wj>wtjnc«oxiai*MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.------—i — CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST...... 17.195S '*"- — ^ Brown and Beaupre Alu; Tournament Elizabeth Trounces Legion in Sectional Play, 11 to Start of Alumni Little League Tournament C hrom e s P e n d e r Sca tters T w o aen s THE R o b in R ob e rts R a n k e d Ann McBride Wins Woi S core Q p e iiin g W in s L E G I O N H its ; E r r o r s C o ^ ly H er a ld A n gle W ith G a m e ’s G reatest Noteif Quotes Event j? Club Championship or Philadelphia, Aug. IT bP)-'’rhe a pi Big Six Run Upriaing Keeney Guay to Toeij j„ u r „ p y Results EARI, W. YOST name ttootn noberts aounua like e himself. He has an even tempera- Slab for Loral Alumni \ ----— iSperta EdIUr celluloid creation. And there are ment, unruffled by whet goes on By EARL YOST *f'Ed Buckle (Giants». Bob. Berry End of the Line In Sixth Breakfi Game times when National League bale- Ann McBridP in wrnnM * rlub E behind him. 'That Is why he always Muasy Fleld, Bristol — P a r f^ l' (Detroit) and Underhill (Pirates) Wide Open; Trio ol _ Champion at th* Manrheater Coun- League Champs in n men vow that Robin RooerU, base- has something extra to'baffle the baaeball weather for a baseball;. . . Fourth Inning was the firat in 19th Hola RUBAOttO. Bit . .. 0 1 2 4 MONDAY ^ o f ths Connsctlcut Laglon Junior try Club for thf third time wHb Prov*nrher. 3b t o \ l 0 Bassbfill Tournament In Bristol.. ball'a beat pitcher, la not real. hitter. game and the playing fleld at pic- which New Jersey went down In Lfcdom, ts ..... Pitcher* Are Hit Hard Game at Charter Oak J t o K ” Back Pt the desk after a two The phenomenal Philadelphia 'T v e seen pitchers wlyi were Hall. Ih ...... her win over Velma Johnaon thla ____ Rrahmftn. lb Plans for s victory party for ths tures(]ue Muaxy Field la In excel- 1-2-3 order . . . Johnson felled to ^ ______f;rerorjiki, lb , PhllUee’ righthander won't be 2i much tougher to hit than Robbie," area, cf ...... weekend. Mra. McBride waa F irst A n n u a l Elks G o lf West Hartford and piompson- Bf„ma«r. cf I weeka’ vacation spent at Lake Ba- boys *rs rsvlewsd snd ssversl lent condition for the Initial run out his infield hoist In the 8usch; r i ...... By H AL' TUIWINOTOH champion in 19.W and ’M. She oat aeiii* winiv In tifr opcnlnR 8e<;endo. If bago In Maine and Hammonasaat offlhs visitors art recelvsd before until kept, id but already the elder said O'Neill. "Our own Curt Blm- American Legion Junior Baseball fourth efU r Moe Morherdt had Brown. I f ...... Elisabeth, N.J., beat of a four Vine nisrovltch. rf statesmen are ranking him with mona has more stuff. Roberta la Sectional Tournament attraction led off with a single to left, Scouts Oomlnach. lb .. the title to Virginia Thornton laat lunch time rolls around. .Visit the Ractynski, e — year but took it back with an enay , round, of the 1953 uuieiobn. c 4. Beach camping with the family. such mound Immortals as chriaty often hit freely — until another hit . . Attractive souvenir baaeball > look for huatle , --._Crie strolled lo taam l o t . captured iha R ^ o tia l .. Tourney Sla ted Wednesday 9Ute Alumni UtUe League BMP- Kna*(. p .... Three J's an«I Jimmy MoHSnos pykact. c . ; ■ stride through her opponents this ^ I'Vacations are alwaya welcome and Uathewson, O t o v e r Cleveland w()utd send rune acroee the plate programs were distributed by Le- Place runners on first and ee^nd IriclialtkI. If. r( ^ Championship of American Laglon ball Tournament yesterday "fter- porr.iio, It .. reports son Johnny will leavs next I it ipuat be truthfully said that it's Alexander, Welter Johnson and Then he turns on tha fire and It Is gion members at the entrance with two town but Morlarty # herd Smith, rt ...... , t l 7 i n 24 14 3 month for duty In the Marines. Mulh'am. lb .. ‘ Junior Baaeball Saturday at Muasy ^ She defeated Mae W ilkie in the j noon a Charter Oak ^ Tolals good,to be back on the job. . . . all over. gates. .The tourney Is being epon- grounder to third wm fielded per- Blessed with perfect golflng^sta^ w.th^ last year's^ w^ner. Johnny was s football lineman at lefty Bob Grove. P»n«l*r, p ------® J? 2 J ! i Xield In Bristol by turning back •first round, ousted Peg Canads in: crowd numbering nearly 1 We mlM seeing Coach Welly For- hana Lobart, e teammate of the aored by the Selcheprey Post No. f^ctly and turned Into a forceout weather after laat Friday's hurri- the Nutmeg Chromes of wc.si. Manchester High last fa ll.. Visit Touli ...... 45 n 17 27 I 0 Mancheatcr. and Paartackat, R. I. the gcrond contest, and beat Pep that he will be a tough one to Murra v 2b tin's emHa but the Legion mentor great Alexandei- and Malhewaon, 2, Bristol..Aim of the American at the hot conier ^ Maa«k*«t*r (li The regional kings had IKtIe Hartford defeat the Middle Street Nuesr. SB .. phones wtOt: the latest news on his with Nino Boggini, Brown snd AB R H PO A F. Stevens in the semi-finals. cane scare, local golfers were in dislodge. After defeating Art Rfthhiiia. lb I aays: "Robert# Is every bit aa good Legion Poets throughout the coun- trouble dlapoaing of the Ooiinaeti- Miss Johnson., runner-up for the , Stevens bv 2 and 1. Ballsieper waa Boys Club of Bridgeport, 4 to 1. in grsat LieglohNItinior baseball team. Bsaupre'i capable coach, and M/IJOR I f AGUB THEBE WAX PLEN TY of good Maauv. r(. u . great form over the weekend at Siiilili. rf . aa Al#x and Mattijr were at the i try In 'To Foster and Perpetuate Paqurit*. c( ... cut champions. 11 to 1, find then ehampionshlp, defeated Betty Ben- carried to the 19th hole by Lou the opening game. In the second rybul. c. In, If . . . Past L ^ o n Commander tslksd of the coming fltstc Alum- natured riding in the crowd be- the Manchester Country Club. rAcglann. Ih rf. 3b ni Uttic . League Toumsment. same stage of their careers." One Hundred Per Cent American- Mnrhardt. If ... taking the measure of tbe einaUest ton. Virginia Thornton and Cora Becker after holding a Vup lead half of the ttvlnblll, the Thomp- I Ted Fairbanks brings m* up to tween a delegation of Manchester Jobiuon. 3b ... Stsn Hilinskl and Johnny Spade, sonville Grays bsttled from hehln 1 N«n.-nUn. . rf Nino Is not too confident because Bennie Bangough, former star ism" .. Umpires were Connie Don- state tItUets 6-0 tn the night tilt. ’ Anderson in earlier rounds. si the halfway mark of their nos*. p • • • • I date on the tesih and reports catcher of the New York Yankees rooters and one frog-throated New Wn)clk. e«. rf . to edge highly (svored Sterling future plans of the P6«t regarding of lock of a strong-srmsd pitcher, ahue at the plate, Frank Corkln Rllehle. r( ----- Pawtucket reached th# finals with Helen Skinner won the KlrUem teaming up effectively for a sia- second round match. llAfidutlrk. r .. who serves as a Phllly coach, calls Jerseyite . . . Johnaon came up GrtiiroM. e ... House Jrs.. o f Stratford, 7 to 3 In Rohln*on. p. If the team . . . A hesIDiy Jimmy Ilka Ksnny Irish of hU 1962 team Hy THK AIMOC'IATKU rRKIM st first, and Jumping Joe Maro a 6-0 win over Schenactady, H. T... Toiirnamenf Thursday. In the under-par 64, started the weekend i complete first and second Taj lor. If. rf .. Roberts "The kind ot pitcher who at third. Donahue Is athletic with his usual fine defensive play Moriariy. lb ... The complete first O'Laary. dean of baseball umpires .. Back to town In the evening N'sUvsst Lease* Silver, 3b ...... the same score they loet by la the sweepstakes. Ar.llda „ o ff by capturing the Friday Beat results are as follows with eight innings. pninak. a ■ — comes along every 60 yeere." Baltins—Irvin. New York. .(I'M; Furll- coach at Torrington High and In the fifth when he glove-handed won nrat low net. 102-2«-14; < ath- CnnnorA. If .. • • ...... o I 0 n P P : In Connecticut, la In town ter the for the Alumni League game and lo. BPMiklyn. .336; Klu»i<’ wi'kl. Olnrln- Busch’s roller and In the same mo- 8v**t, 3b ...... finals. Ball matches. Lowell McMullen th* ftrat name the winner: | T«E TOURNEY continues to- day before taking off for the a fair crowd Is on hand to watch Cy Perkui*. another Phllly Dxll. ,331, Bc.lio'-ndlcnst. St. Ixiuls. .33(1: Corkln sports editor of the Meri- Iri»h. p ^ ...... Rmaahlag ont 17 hito la a pawar- rrlne Glhlln, second low net. I0«- TotnlK . 77 "3 ^ 34 *9 1 coach who put lii 15 years behind Robinson. Brooklyn. .324 den Journal..One of the scouts tion threw the Giant out at first McDnnousn. P and Merrill Anderson finished in Glglio-riper J-up, Lorentzen < night with Brown and Beaupre «-.Wsili'rrt (nr Mnn tonight for Manchester.” . . . Mail- the flatlcuffe via teora. Smb Jg MGGv** Snldrr. Brooklyn. 30: "BaumholU. tlilca- tled to rightfleld with Massey Irish Ml. McDonough 4. Pender 10. Coo- Hmlted the local peat to a pair af Dot Ballsieper. There has been a with reduced cards of 25. Ayers : ing hitter, behind the plAte. Monduiirk 2, rybul i : o and Bril. Cincinnati. 29: Robinson. served as tourney chairman and question concerning strokes when Barcella 1-up 19 holes, Gordan- i West Hartford, behind the five- man Chat Morgan couldn't resist Philadelphia Manager 8 t e v e coming In to play short . . . First le r 4 hits off Irish 7 ter 3 run* In Mta. shot a 32-7 while Brysnl was 39- Iti.blniKin: umplrr., \ snrsnII-Rsmelrll. X THURHDAV IroTiklyn and Dark, N*w York. 27. turned In a grand job.. Walter 5 3-3 Innlnitt NcDonousli 4 for 4 run* a game passes the 18th hole. The Wllson 1-up. hit pitching of big Ai Perlman, llmr, 2:15. the opportunity to pass along word O'Neill iume rt up by saying; "Be- •Triples-Fondy. Chicaso and Brulon. . - ^ ball hit to Massey found the little It waa a game for five innings Football season cen't be too fer «Milwaukee, 10: Cllliam. Brooklyn. 9. 1 Fox occupied a seat behind the In 3: Cooper 4 ter 3 runs In 3 1-3. balk. Tournsment Committee has an- 14. Sei'ond round matches: Glglio- eame up w-ith a three run sixth in- ,the American I-eagiie flag rac# la ewey with much meterlel arriving fore he la through, Robbie may be fellow making a great stop oh Cooper: mid pilches, Irish. ( ^ P - r * before the locale blew up aky high. Wr.l Hsrtlnril (41 . Thompwjn. New York, Aahburn, P h il*': catcher In the grandstand arlth losing pitcher. Irish: umpires, Donahue- nounced that strokes will be given Pxirentzen default, McNamaia- ‘ ‘ ...... ^ Her.ld Photo. ning to defeat Bridgeport. 4 to 1. ill, over and the 'Tanka are In as from Yele, Unlverelty of Con- aa good aa any pitcher who ever Leedom's infield hit which scored They were trailing 8-1 at the time, Pro Alex Hackney and Holly AB R H ro A V. delphia.biirzh and Bernier Hemue, and St. O Ixuile. Connell, 7. Puts- .j s o n . W alta lt.. -I Little (ttl* I.eaeiieLeague Runer-Buper Corkin-Maro; lime. 3:30. until the game is flniahed even H a r ry l-tip, McKee-McCann -3 and. , ' . . , " ■ are ahown abdve going* Tiver the ground rules at Charter Oak Perlman walked three and fanned he 'p^-edlcted laet April . . . Na- necticut and the grid New York lived:’’ s run. Win Hall's single accounted having given Elisabeth a tainted Mandly will compete today in the Snilih. «« ...... 5 ! 2 ! 1 1 tional Little I-eague Commissioner Home Riina—Mathewa. Milwaukee. 37: vlstor of Umpires Ham Vacanll for two more tallies when Gris suf- tally In the first snd two unesrned when it goes beyond the t8th hole. 2. Prlor-Hamllton 1-up. Matcr.ak- Rival team captains ""<> '" " I )" * I “ague Baseball Tournament got underway. nine in his seven Innings stint. D-riirll, rt ...... 1 I I 1 1 (I Olanta. George Mitchell reporU Naturally, there is no way of Kluesewekl. Clnclnnall. 38 CampaiielU. hit son Another Scotchball l.s scheduled Connecticut P.G.A. Pro-Amateur Park yesterday afterimon as ^e ^ ^koraW Base Umpire Sam Vadanll. Umplre-ln- Prrlman. p ...... 3 2 9 9 4 Riisaell Paul Is all smiles during a knowing whether Roberta will ever fered a lapse. The second runner runs In the third. Msncheeter'e KlVn."77. scored wiowfut any effort to tag itoe’ tMly'waa reciyMed In the 6(M- the 36 hole route at the Shenne- ; S; yr^y“"^:ms“Je^'l^:nd wrsf^aX^dT: Tomght th. W- ...... 3 0 on 1 0 SinUn Bar ^h -Hrutnn. Hllwaukf#. 23: teama was rlghtflelder Herb husband-wife tourney and there 1 up, 19 holes, Gordan-Kelley, Jr., in five innings. F-d Jeffko rhiick -d Ktp. 3h . . . . of Ruaa, piloted by Ronnie Daigle, this seaaon. fihey is the former keenest admirers. But one thing is the player. ond when Jim Moriarty bashed a co.Saett Country Club In Groton. ^'com m ife* w»h Aanchester playing Farmington Valley American at 6:15.______Denton, r .. ■ ■ 3 0 (I 11 0 n Brooklyn, 16; Ollllam *nd Rolv Busch, a six foot, five Inch 260 L o c a l Sport will be mystery prizes. Partici- ,3 0 0 0 0 0 went to the qiia#t#r-flnala of the Notre Dame gridder who now certain. No pitcher In the laat 25 IruKin, Brofiklyn, 14. Snld»*r, Brooklyn, line drive double to deep left center The old pro has been playing some 5 and .4. the last two frames, giving up one M^rwln.’ If. State Tournament-, before being pounder.. Fellow who started pants may sign up in the locker hit and no runs. Potter walked ...... 3 0 0 0 2 (' makea hla home In Manchester .. . years, with the exception of Dizzy 13. MANCHESTER DUG ITS own scoring (Sene Johnson, who had of his golf of the season during The third round matches will ______~ V:’.'.'r. . . ~ r '^ ' 0 "0 « - o « ousted. "The pltchtqg and all PHchlnt—Burdolifh, MUw*ukr#», U-3, many of the Manchester players grave In the fatal sixth. After Mc- room. The new schedule for the nine. Jeffko l ndpp>nr.. Legion ofliclali ask help tn secur- Dean end Bob Feller, has made op walked. the pa.st week in preparation for find the following pairings: Glgllo two and whiffed around play by our boys was just ,.346; H . Brooklyn. 3-3. .kOO Bpahn. on the right path In the baseboll Donough had been reached for six Ch a t ter Red and Blue team contest has Hamilton Champs struck out three...... 3Holv-rt». Philadpi|»hla. 146; practice tonight at 6 o’clock at Mt. huetle that carried it to the state the Reds the second. The third vs. Gordan. Mnran. rf ...... Pat McCann reports he caught, so Kritkinp. Brooklyn. 137. Missile 8l. Bobby Raffanello. former Bristol came on to pitch. Big Steve Lhe / pions are Frank Staazowskl and scoring icr in their half of the IvAnko. 3h ...... the Rev. Robert Keating In Che- year In the big leagues and already Nebo. All candidates are welcome. title. Throw# were made to the roimd must be played by Sept. «. many fish he couldn't take 'em all laoulB. 114. Haddix. Si. I»ulx. 106. High athlete, now attends Arnold whiffed MichoUki to end the Man- Larry McCiie of Torringtpn. Three ehamplon athletic first inning hut were h*ld in Tolh. r ...... ^ Ire. The good Father accepU and he has rolled up four 20-vlctory Spahn. MllwaukT^f. M Alex Ferguson will be tn charge of wrong bsae from the outfield. W h o ’s G o in g to P itc h Rtkomki. bn ■ ■ home. It'i the truth, too . . . Re- I am sure all who attend will be College. . Nino Bogglnl, sporting ia. . . . Eleven players batted with teama. repreoenMng the heal in check over the rest of the route. Hpftphy. lb. r f seasons. All have come In euccea- Amerlraa l*#agMr the Jeroeyitea getting six hits and the acMion. Elizabeth gave the locals the hlatory of New Rngland In- cently discharged from the Army well pleased with the choice . . . Battincinc —Yrmon...... -...... Waxhinglon.-..... ^ .331: a new straw hat, arrived in plen breaks whatsoever and Pender yras The Manchester I»d ge of Elks Dick Ivanko reached on an error Kuntx. nh ...... la Jackie Vlttner. home and happy Blon. The former baseball and bas- Minoxo. Chlrago. 333 Rourn. rUvxland ty of tim e.. Ree. Rupt. John Hed- six runs. An eight run deficit duatrial aporta, will lavade after Jim Moran had ' ground'd Dtir«'in. lb ... Fath/V Keating la one of the finest too much. He fanned 10. / Picrsall Robs Top will conduct its first annual golf .Ipffk«>. P. If .. to renew acquaintances . . . Ed ketball itar at Michigan SUte won ,320: Manllr. N>w York. .30!»; Baurr, liind cut short his shore vacation looked too big to overcome aa the LEGION JUNIOR baaeball team tournament at the Manchester Texaa early In Beptemher for out. second to first. Dan Toth went orators th New England . . . Motor N#w York. .»/7 will hold a ahort but Important W o rld Sertes O p e n e r pnllrr. If. p ... Shields, former Manchester High 30 games In 1960. 21 In 1951, Runx—Mlndxo. I'hlrago. R7; Mantlx. to watch the conlelst 'with the locals eame to bat Li the sixth., <3uy Leedom singled thafply to Country Cliih Wednesday and with exhibition games. town on strikes, but Joe Sikor.ski MlllbA-ir, r f . . . .0 O •n to Bulkeley"Btadliim In the evening soared lo 28 triumphs last year meeting Tuesday night at 8 o’clock center opening the game./He stole A.L. Hitter Twice athleU. Is visiting Manchester for and watch Ball Brady pace the Nf’W York. S3 V«»rnon. Waxhlnjilon. 7S; Mrs. . . . Leo Cyr waa the bat boy. • • • over .50 entries already signed, Batting. Duke Snider, Dodgers — The teams, record-breaking doubled to left for the only Bridge- and has an outside chance to cap- YfiPl. Waxhlncton. 76. Roxrn, Clxvfland. • • * Cooper was not loose in the sev- at the Legion Home. All players ae(mnd and thei> romped home ns TotAiN ...... Vt S 31 k 2 the first time Since 1939 snd re- Hartford Chlafs to an easy tourney this promises to develop Into quite Hit three home runs in Brooklyn's By J.ACK H A N D inning of the seiond game and the basebnll. baskethall, and bowl- port marker. Wpni liAitford ... iK« lb.1 fW-4 ture SO games this year. enth and after Mulheam led off are urged to be present. Jesse Queen's fly to .r t^ t dropped ...... HK> (»no n I ports he "doesn't recognise very win. Bill Murray an4 Pete Partons Run* Baltr-d In Ro»rn. Clxvxland. MANCHEHTER APPEARED to Boston. Aug. 17 (A7--Maybe an event. First foursome will tee doubleheader sweep over Pitts- (.Associated Press Sports Writer) y,mhs needed s five-hit relief ing aggregatlonn of Hamilton BrldRpporl ...... ini Mlnoxo, ('hlrago. S6 Bfioiiri. I>- with a Bingle. he threw two wild for a hit. / West Hartford knotted the Ruhn hAtIrd In Johnfftn 3. K^ef* many people." The tuWn has cer- are among the hand(ul of fans The last pitcher to win 30 games have the jitters In the flrat inning lightning doesn't strike twice in i o ff at 9 o'clock. burgh 3-1 and 9-5. With six wifeks to go. the ha.«e- i f.j,„re by Johnny Ssin to whin Standard Division of ITnIted score, at 1-all when Perlman filkoniki: iwo-baiir hii Aikomkl: Pinion tainly changed In 14 ytMtt . . . Inill. S3 Vernon. Waxhinfton. SO, pitches and then passed Pender. COlXECnON at yeMerday’a Merlnrty’s run pgadMtag tooMe present. In a single season was Dizzy Dean, B**rra. .V«,w York. 79 . . Guy Leedon tied Into a good the ssme place, but you ran t | Pitching, Ralph Branca. Tigers hsll season has just about boil.'d f-tiarley Bishop. Rizzuto drove in Aircraft Corporation, Windsor walked and went to second on a bANPN. IvAnkn. Konts. Hraphv, Krrfp Chris Glenny talks about Ted W il- Big Coop waa lucky with only one Alumni UtUe League Tournament rnme nftev two Srere out In the The -Wealhervane Tournament |pft nn W^t Hartford A. BrWk*- FBIDAY X In 1934. Only 11 pitchers hsve won -..lU£B-c-Kueim. D^-troU. and . pitch leading off for the Garden prove It by Mickey Vernon of the He)d Chicago While Sox to four down to a question o f Who's going 'tying rim and scored the' tl6=' Ixicks. win fly to Dhllaa Sept. pa.ssed ball after one man had liams' homer and Earle CHffOrd Waxfilnirton. IW. Phllley. PhiUdfl-lphia. run Scoring. . . . When it eame twlnbill at C2iarter Oak Park waa aeeond JotasoM Imd wfilked nnd played recently for the benefit of lK>rt r»n bAll*. Prrlman 3. Pr»- thst many games since the turn of 141: Roa^. Oxyrland, 140; Mlnoxo, City nine and after pilfering sec- Washington Nationals. hits in posting third American to pitch the World .Series opener breakei in the sixth. 11, ki I?nlted Aircraft’s Con- been retired. Dave Johnson fanned Irr 2> JUrlkroutH. prrlman 9, Pnttrr J* reports the firat annual Elks Golf A vacationing Jeff Koelsch stops time for the home half of the sev- t»3. gone to Senofid na Eddie Wojeik the United Cerebral Pal.sy Fund the century.. Lefty Grove, with 31 rhirafo. 13S. ond, when'no throw was made aa Twice in two days—Saturday for the New York Yankees' and BranoA had to .stavo o ff a ninth valr IJner, returning either hut W alt Keefe drilled a base Jrffko 3; hitii off. poftrr o fnr 4 run# m Opsn will he staged Aug. 19 at the to visit St the office and we discuss Dounl^a —Vxrnon. Waxhlnalon. 34: enth inning, all but 50 persons ■ rnnniril out. Only other Wt by and which ended in a two-way tie League victory 3-2. h mntniN: Jrffko 1 for 0 runp In 3. hU In 1931. Is the only pitcher besides the ball got away from Harry and again yesterday the hard- Brooklyn Dodgers. inning rally by tha White Sox to Sept. IS or 14. knock to right for the run. club . . . Make a delayed start for sports both In and out of season. Kxll. Bfixion. 32 Jrnxxn. waxhif^on. stood up. . . . Mrs. Ed McGuire EARLE CIJFirOBO reports that Mfidcheeter enme off the hot of In both the low gross and the low bV pitrhrr. by. Jrffko agne, Connecticut turns black and the weather since joining the Hamilton filan- fUKinx. Detroit. McDougald. N>w York. out they were not needed. Prac- Tournament which will be played wne the Inst threut nude by the which two plavers will represent Chicago, Aug. 17 (A5 Two of liott filed out to end the game. exploded for three runs. piyde trr' umplrpf, Ramiwlrll-VarAntli Wmr Under normal conditions, he should Phillxy. Philadelphia and Vernon. Waxh- appeared that Massey should have Both times Piersall leaned over dght-gsm e leada, the smart gii.vs Semi-Pro. and the Rl-Stair 2 06. changes I turn around and head derd femUy In Windsor l»cks. Jeff tically all Silk Townera.. made ... the Wedneeday al the Mancheeter loenhi. Hnrry O r I a w o 1 d tosolled the low rightfield wall into the Manchester at the state-wide college basketball's perennial ' 6s— rs— . . . J . su Harrv riariv Brecheen orrtiir’rii nuuand Dirk I.*itlle Smith opened the inning with a la anxious to lli)e up with a f«»t- make at least 12 more atarU. tnrton. ’ , ^ come up with, the pitch . . Eddie powers, Kentucky and Bradley, (Conneetleut and Rhode Is- back to Burk# Street for the bal- Hfime Runx-r-Roxen. Cleveland. Zern- long journey home after the .country Qub. First foursome will with two down, sending Mofburdt stands to grab the hall from Weathervane Tournament to be are gettihg^ddy field, both working in relief, dealt walk.'and Pete piCarli beat out an^ ball tqam In- a business managii^ Roberta’ winning record le aU the Wojclk got Kenny Irish, a sur- w e re" back in ' business todey— land) rhamplnnshlpa; will meet ance o f the day. lil: Thuadxtphla. 39 Berra. New York.- afternoon contest. | j, , g o'clock. A Kicker's to aeeond, but MnrInrVy tiwn among startled spectators. held at the Mill River Country Yank tmd Dodger tmket damaging blows to what was left Infield roller. Perlman ^Was hit by a (ioiibie to left and scored as Bob capacity and local oBlciala could more remarkable because of the and I^bv. Cleveland.. IS. prise starter, out of trouble by cleared of athletic Irregiilarllies the Chance Vought Aircraft ■'TI:EM>AV * * * ! Handicap and Blind Hole event wUI forced the front runner nt IMrd. riiib. Chick Fra.ser and Doc McKee The Yapka enjoyed a profitable Cleveland's pennant hopes by a pitch to load the sa#ka. Johnson Gregorskl singled to right center not go wrong In getting Jeff to fact that only pitchers since 20 Bofne. Deiroll. 19. (lernert. Boxtoc starting a 6-4-3 double play . . . which brought a year's punish- club, one of the outstanding In- Give Al "Frenchy" Merrer a lift 18 Stolen Raxex Rivera. Chlraifo. 19 XIXTH AND SEVENTH frames i ^ held Tor the Elke membera, a i f One other mna renched hnee there- Ken Raffensberger of the Red-1 will compete for low gro.«s honors Sunday, pleking up a g ^ e and a ^ for the Brownies. banged a two run ^ n g le to right, to pi4t the Gra.vs out In front in handle their bookings . . . Evening 1900 were able to 20 games Rick Paquette joined Massey in were 1-1-3 for Pender.. . .Reserves ment. Kentucky now can wheel out -half------on second- -^ place Chicago .and three and two- dustrial hall teams Iti the to hla meeting spot and he reports Minoxo. (*mra|tr», IS Jenxen. Waahlng* ford reports. after. Bis* Paquette receiving s lees started in organized hall in v.hile Joe Handley and Carroll 0.1 making the acore.fl to 1. Keefe got the sixth. 3 to i. Bill Robinson, s at home and friends come In to four straight aeaaona. The sturdy tf»n .14 Phillev. Philadelphia, 11: Bux- the red cap brigade, sporting a Bob Sweet (2Bi. Red Ritchie (R F ) the blg, talented team which was two full games on third - place Southwest. that tho "beat baaeball around leud-off pnes In the sixth, hnt he 1937 with Cambridge, Md.. and led Barrett will battle It out for low thirds innings, facing the minimum hia second hit.-A single to r i^ t , former Manchester boy replaced watch the pro football game m - righthander will have a chance bv. Waxhingtoii. 10, bright new one . . Southpaw Ehck forced to sit out the 1952-53 sea- Cleveland by knocking o ff the Ross at this lii^int and retired the these days Is Legion ball." Al Pllfhlnf—teopal. New York. 13-2 S67: was pteked off. the Ek.stern .Shore league in in- net. of 11 batters, to win on Dick The Hamilton bowlera. win- moving Perlman to third. Pete Kip twaen the Llona and College All- nekt )rear lo join a select group of Ford New York. l'4-4. .778 Bromn. Pender looked Impressive In the in t-hc oLll. • • * Rl*Cni«.Ritrh*.-“ ^ nfligjtiOf^Q llu to lid ![ .. MEL * CUSHING, #"Vxeea*kIenti>ft#r locfil Alumd rinA#t*v#s U t son and Bradley is eligible to play Philadelphia .\’s 9-0 and 7-3. next two men in order to prevent made the journey to Bristol Mon- Elisabeth got two rune In the nings pitched with 298. He never' - — Kryhoski's single. I.ittlefield. first ners of their fourth straight grounded to short but SIkorski'i Stars. It was a good show from my seven who have accomplished the Boxton 11-4. 733 Triirkx I’diicago. 16-6. first stanza although not over- Lorry BroaTi's Hy bell which went tie L ea ^ e (jomini^OTer drarvea in tha-NAtional TpurnqrnfnL. frpm <3il«a»» bowed, to Detroit's Ralph Conneetleut' ~ cJiamplonsWp. aad an,v>/urth*r acorlng in Xhe.frame. dar ntght-only to be dlaappolnted, v --8he^ WaxihUiffton. *714. v.-..- .r— third with two away. Queen doubl- "lias^'pitidTCrt -thst -mimy -inntnga H The- President a- Cup— m alch« game stBTtcr; -received- credit - far throw- - yeti— low-- and -Heaphy living room »eat. - feSr TIve sliccesStve Seasons; -The powering : . 7 Myiaa ' YlfDonough' ed to the rlghtfield Wail. A' boot at which it wa.s barred la.st winter. Bmned S-2 and Cleveland dropped third-place winners In the 1953 Noaal. tiring just a bit. gave up Slrlkeoiitx — Pierre. ChIcaso. 143: handling moat have progres.sed to the semi-finals the second game after St. Louis c ou ld i^ handle It with Perlman along with many other Silk Town- BATIBDAY list Includes Msthewson (12). Truc’Vf. ChiraUf', lit Parnell. Roxtnn heated up In the first but sat town ■ficond allowsd him to score after a pair to the laat place .St. I^miIs knocked out Bob le-mone national sweepatahes, will give two walks In s row in the bottom era when rain and wet grounds and Grav. Detroit. Wvnn. Cleveland. making yesterday's fitfite' Tourna cro^ng the platfi with the fourth .Could use two more hands this Jo'nnson (10). Grove 17). Joe Mc- after the DP . . Maaaey played Ed game waa broadciMl via a Provi- ment IwinbUl. n rnucc^m. He also he took third on a wild pitch. Ron Browns 7-6 and 7-5. | Ted Williams made his first start an exhibition of the skill that run'.' half of the Btratford seventh. Rob- caused postponement of the game a m. but with a minimum of tele- Glnnlty (fli. Mordecsl Brown (61. 97 • Raczynskl's blow off the base of dence sUtlon. . . . Only In the Dominaeh singled to left followed Wa.shington and Boston divided has kept them near tite top of inson kept himself in th e'gam e State Semi-Pro Baseball Com- served as pufilic addrra announcer for the Red Sox in the aecond game '.DiCarli and Keefe had four of phone call Interference, t h e ^ y 'e Alexander (5) and Carl Hubbell the fence wall and held the batter sixth inning did Pender fall to at the field/find handled publicity. hv the aecond hit of the game tt^ a double in the other American but his homer and double weren't the bowling world for many the winners five hits. with a two-out single to right to missioner George Mitchell phones copy la down tha 'chute by 9;S0 and (5), Dean. Cy Young. Ed Plank to a single. It was' a 320-foot register a K. He waa the complete Rnesyneki loading the bases. send the ciintesl Into overtime. Rivera-Three Base League games. Mel F*arnell win- enough. Ted left after five Innings years. No opponent has beep to report Hamilton has been we jump In and aaaiet the City Edi- and Rube Waddell are among the clout . . Irish hurled and played master at all times. . . . Cooper, Myles McDonough was ruafiad In ning his 17th for the Red .Sox 1-1 selected yet for the eraefc bas- in accordance with previoualv an THOMPftONVIIaLEe with Mike Not to be denied the win. Tim awarded the Bl-State champion- tor as several ita ff “ 7 11 wUh four straight 20-vlctory third baSe for Chaney Tech during a lad who will be back next sea- to relieve starter Ken IrlslVA walk and Spec .Shea taking the second nounred plans for his gradual con ketball team, winner of, the Noaal hurling aeven-hlt ball and Provenpher singled and Brahman ship after the Rhode Island entry vacationing... Ixglon baaeball saasons. Incidentally, all are in the Leader Jii A. L. the schoolboy' campaign . . Joe son, chalked up two strike ouU in forced home the second tally be- ;or Washington 7-4 despite Ted ditioning program. Paniell needed Hartford and Conphrtletit Hbward Bromage and Matt Pnr* walked after Riissotto had whiffed. refused to come to this sres to player EddJe_Wojrik ta a Hall of Fame. the 9th before Hall doubles to fore McDonough recovered and got _ Jdicbnlakl.toulgfl pj!Aik rtgUr^- 'Queeir r tiieK'^^wnt down ■Williams'-•home run..-. . - _■ E l1U»; K Hi dftr: a -5.^1 h r el tef, job ;.and a. _«D«s4yf'. UHes- HOq, yep#. €eUo an^piyinit-'tha power;: ^ Ic k iy - Both • runners ■ Ynovcd'-upi' owr--:a- f)lav"a siecomt g"«ns toi b »t w ^ k in the X. ™:. ® a«f* I»4«W Siherft W wrwf5fH>lfi* IT takes fore drillitig a liner over Gene the M o out. -----', - SfnsBtional catch by Jim Piersall Detroit. /?ug. 11 (.ft- Jim Rivera, swinging and Manchester came up Brooklyn ran its winning streak established themaelvei as the team passed ball to set the stage fnr a of three game aeries . . Bill C oo^r bound for an early to beemtne one of baaebell’s great- Johnaon'a heed and the Jereiles A six run sfxth wrapped It up. to nine by knocking o ff their did oh Mickey Vernon's near-homer to to beat wlUi a convincing 7 to 5 two-rim single to lYft by Bromage. vtslts and we go over an outline speedy. Chic(^;o White Sox outfield- for its laat licks. . . . Pender re- the office at 11 for Bristol s Mua- est pitefcera — »lz*, weight, en- er. was the American League’s were on the move again: Mc- Two errors hy Wojclk figured in Pitlsbiirgh spSrmates twice 3-1 become the American's first 17- win over heavily favored Strat- .Porccllo then sent a towering of a proposed sports attracUon for zy Field and the L«gion baseball dnrawNe, stuff, disposition, brains, tired the last 16 batten he faced the scoring, but the visitors tapped leader In three-base hits with 10 to- Donough started throwing again. Totals will tell the final out, and 9-5 hut Milwaukee kept step game winner In the opener. nin with th« ^>4aaa In tha ford. drive over the left fleld fence to Temple Beth Sholom. More on thla game againat Elizabeth. N. J. The heart, determloatloa aad good hab- McDonough's Offerings hard for six by sweeping two from Chicago 4-2 Duke Snider hit three home riipa. firat gama j|nd Al Dark, Whltay With Ross on the mound. Strata scoVe Bromage ahead of him. Noaal day. come: Elisabeth 11 runs on IT rt matter at a later ****•,•• ,**” ^“'' Garden fitetere proved too c ira v Ita. 'Tlw fluidity of Roberts' motion Rivera connected for two triples hits- four in succession. Raexyn- making H 27 for the year, ns the Lockman arid Diiaty Rhodes hom- ford...... Jumped.... ______to a____ two____ run_____ lead in.. gave up a single to Harvey Cybul to Bristol's Miizzv Field In the — effortleaa style and complete ro- IBIRH DIDN'T APPEAR to and no boots, while Manch^tcr / YESTEROAl'* RE8I-LT8 fiki left the game at the end of the and 6-2„ and won In a romp. 11 to 1. T^aix In yesterday's game against the had one run on two hits aniLGiree / NsSloBsl The New York GianU ruined Dndgera bowled over Plttsbtirgh ered off Karl Drewa to/nelp Gomea j the .flrat. Bill Murray reached on In the bottom half but the alight evening wt)h Walt Snow .for the or«aat4oa of legs, klpo, back, have it from our view . > Laat four New York »-4. Phlladelplila 1-3. iffanj#. He got hU finM two W ta.l"__ wHh 8ammx_Maaaey JMtroiLTigera. one half .of thg'hita miacucsi •, .• Thertt wiufia any Rdhln P.dhdrls' hTd fo f WS 21st anc- tirice for T S b u l o f n « this senaoh. wln hiF-lOth...... /------Ian ■ error-and■ CharHe Nuese -beat 'rlghUuihd(ir was eqirat to the task Legion Junior-ha"seban n«Sls -be- akotilderii aad ariha abonid *n batters in the - Elleabeth lineup fooktyn M : ' Pittsburfa Hi.-:-— the inning. ' ' Mitchell after tTie game h*Wr» de- the Chlsox collected off Ralph doubt, the best team wi llwaukee 4-5. Chicago 3-3 (51. lory by knocking him out in the Preacher Roe acattered eight hits Ted Kliiaaewski smashed home i „ „ t an infield bounder. Noaal bore snd retired t^^B next three batters tween Manchester and Bridgeport. parting for home. . . Evening epent able him lo pHck 15 or SO more were lefthahded swatters . . With S Steve Cooper cam# on In the runs In each garni■ne for a season down to get the next two, men hut Branchs, the Bengals’ righthander. runners on second and third. Irish Manchester wss up for 1 ^ Bridge (TtncInnaU 3-3. Si. Loul* 3-5. X •ighth inning of an 8-1 game and in the first game, but Carl Ersklne In order. ' . I must admit that the lump In my with the family enjiiylng the week- years. 8lae* ho sUHed pitching In Jim Piersall of the Biiaton Red Awerieaa ^ stansa. He gave up single runs In also’ whipped the Phillies In the | hJnd from Frank Fagglano singled to center; (soHege. he has sever had troiihl* came across with a fast one and port game but was d w ^ for the N ee Yorl) L4. Philadelphia 1-3. the seventh and eighth, his own throat was aa big as any In the ly pop com party. Sox is runner-up to, Rivera in three- sectional game H a tu ^ y. .. . Well, Boiton 5-4. Washington 1-7. ?e< ond game 4-3. Cincinnati edged i „-i„ |,|. (4th when the Firales *>>-4lme club rw nl of 35 set by for. two runs'. B uff tail tips dIHJngulsh the stands when Gene Johnson raced with Ms arm. Pender sat down on a called strike wildness accounting for some of , , . . ^,,h four In the second Hank Sauer In^948. HUNDAY baggers with eight. anyway. Dilworth--^ornell-Q u a y 8t. Lo'il* 7-7. Cleveland 5-5. Pt, Louis 3-2 hut the Cards' ■ 'T h e Ors.vs didn't let Mr. Ross's 1 Rio Grande wild turkey from other home with the winning run In the Msthewson. Alexander, Johnson. to end the frame . , About 2D0 Detroit 3. Chicago 2. the trouble. A single and two arlld . Rtarl the week off on the right fans from Manchester mside the Post 102, Americto Legion won grahbeil the second 6-2 behind Stii game's eighth Inning. I * / ' Impressive record of 14 v Ins with- ; turkeys. ' last half of the ninth tnn*'« • • foot with the family by a tte n d ^ McGInnltyn, Young and Ed Walsh pitches put Jay Mulhearn on third Lew Burdette, on relief, snd 23- oiit a loss scare them In the least. I — great workhorses of the past — afternoon trip with a few New the Connecticut /championship, a BTABDI14GS Miller. The split and Philadelphia's Saw several hundred Silk T(iwn Maas in mv favorite town...-. Of- feat no other SUk Town team ever SmUoms^ and he scored on a fly ball. Dom- twin defeat left St. Louis tied with year-old Bob Buhl, with a three-hit O’Neill Not R e a d y George Brahman got one of the j fans on hand at the apacioiis ball fering box altendant# are 'nmwiy were approximately alx feet, one Sports M irror Jersey rooters following their club. W. Pet GBL Inach tripled to open the eighth the Phils for third place, 15 eomplete game, did the pitching runs back In the third as»he sin- Inch tall and weighed between 195 }. . Johnaon, hero in Tuesday's achieved. / ■ / Brooklyn ...... 77 : .676 — and a wild oltch aent him home. park . . Lighting unit Is the heat Holloran. John Lyons and Wart MilwftUlixx ...... 71 ^ games bark. for Milwaukee against the Cubs. gled to left, went, to second on s I ^snd 210 pounds. Roberts is 8-lS to 4 win over Bridgeport, waa the Maneheater fans had few ap- Tq (Concede Flag In this area and easily one o f the Kelly while the smiling policemen today a year Afip Frank PhUkdelphU ...... 62 I VIr Raiirhl r»me up wltli another Eddie Mathews' tripler in the eighth passed ball, and .rode home on a ' finest. In New England . . Locker on traffic duty In front of St. and weighs 198. Except for Welsh, first Legion runner in the second Si . Louis —...... 62 J portunlUea to wxplode. Their of his nidtime efforts, a five-hit scored two runs for A 4-2 edge In double to center by Bromage. The who wss fsmoiis for his spltbsll. sedgman defeated Ken McGregor when he strolled on a 3-2 count Sew York ...... M I tavorttea were Juat putty In the room of the winning team after Jemae’ la Thot M o r a r ... Work a 6-S, 6-2, 12-14, 6-3 for his second Mali ^8 Delivers Cincinnati . ■. the opener. , w u . k . Naw York. Aug. 17 (/P) -Stub- Grays pulled to within one run of s all topanded upon the three es- He moved to second on Wojclk'a hanibi of Peuder and the Elisnheth ■ shutout of the A’s to win his 10th , ... the final out was a bedlam of doubleheader J>aseball game In the straight Newport tennis title. CHicnr' ...... 44 70 3M 30 with the help of Phil Blxsiito's The GlanU bounced back to the tie In the fourth as Tom Ousco- aentlMs — the fast ball, curve and infield roller and scored on F(x>tsie PilUburffi ...... » 64 .311 43 rhih. . bom Steve O'Neill, who has been exeitement -. . Most ktsssbie fel- afternoon and It Isn't until 9 p. m. FIVE VF.ARS ag o —The In. homer with two on and two-run .,V)0 mark behind a P*>r ®f vltch led off with a walk. George change of pace. Msthewson, of Moriaity's long double over In the Clutch Amoriemm . „„ , Besides Racxynskl. other lead- low was Cpsch Wslly Fortih, un- before I arrive beck home. .. 'Then diSns blanked the Browns 8-0 be- New York ...... T767 C7S (l„„hle. hitters by Jim Hearn and Ruben In.’ baseball, man and boy, for 44 Littlejohn reached on an infield couraet hbd that fabled fadeaway Queen's outstretched glove. Queen 603 ing hitters were Queen and Win 1 msrrled. who bsd s tough Job the tnisty typewriter is unlocked hind the four-hit pitching of rook- rtitcACo --- ...... 70 46 Allie Reynolds Issted only one Gomez. Bobby Thomson hit a home years, atlll thinks the runswsy hit and both runners advanced a FACtORY PRKES but was able, to get the batters out mlsplaVed the ball, coming in and Chicago, Aug. 17 (g^^Eyen ClevpfnrMl ...... 64 SO Ml i! Hall, each with three aafetiea. and wiping the llpat.lch "ff . ^<1" J until a late hour. ie Gene Bearden. M M2 16 Brooklyn Dodgers esn blow the 'base on a passed ball. Karl Russot- even without' It. McGlnnlty relied then falling to catch up with it. Boeton ...... 66 Ijeedom snd Dominfich. who each ------^ " to, who played a bang-up game at G U A R A N T E E D checks Into the yard until well past TEN YEAR.S AGO—Arne And- i 'When he doesn’t hit home runs, Wnnhington ...... SR •n 463 31 National League pennant. ■What la probably the oldest wild m.-.- .Mi)(l5ll mighty allro," O'Neill aaid before, 11 y e a n « j d : " (5-13) Podre. (5-.1i. „ cr(>'Sm''’againsl the ' wtlWer' o f the'" Ariy hour—day or night— Phone the Braves an uphill 4-2 victory. Philadelphia at New York ( 3i Miller other four New England itate'a yeaterday's douhleheadcr with the 1 m a u r i c e K M1-5-540S IM ) snd Han.en (O-l) *». Ko*lo (3-91 we’ll ..fig burner In yh^ New York Giantt. "nartaen gara« QUEEN*X DOUBLE ih the third agd Corwin (3-2). _ ^ champion. ■ . The winner goes to the ‘ tourney-Id 'Miami .•-»e(at . : U'ii#“'i ’ 34fr-toot 'drW'e. ’X fter -a'wttd RF/CORD im ow u ■a*sl nanoen■Ithiv -V*-.Koslo. "r- ' , • • “ , : • - f ,..., , ,...... - wip&itiSviir.'i PAGE' f ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHESTOR, CONN.,( MONDAY, AUGUST 17,1953

H U b for Ssk 72 SsburbsH for Sslo 76 H ousm for Sal# 7t Houaaa fo r Salt 72 0 88 Coventry Betroth ed TOLLAHlk—^*mlle from RochVUIa manc h bst bk A BAltOAIN. Woedbridga aMiUob. MAKCHESTER evening herald, MANCHESTER. CONi^.. MONDAY, AUGUST 17.1958 rive tnMMd rooma, garage end Una, 8 yaar old ranch, breeeaway, PaliMito TMteyt •eeooaas****** 181 ------i ------MANCHESTER VALUES 8-ROOM CAPE COD attached garage, 3 oxcallant bad- wooded lot. Hot water oU heat, AOMITTBD SATUROATt Mra. PAGE TWELVE ApBrtment*— FUt»— OAIIAOB rooms, baauUiul kitchan. tina liv- Building Unit Told to Find Artidea for Sale 45 Household G®®ds MAMCUBSTER—Capa Cod. Flva atorme ead aereeae, clean through- Stasia WIerachowafcl, 88 North Roofing 16-A Help Wanted— Mald M Tenements 5.3 rooma Aalahad, ona unflnlahad, out. Bua line. Good mortoage ing room, M IIS X 188, AiU cament AatonoUlM Aato Driving School Owner leaving state. 8 or 4, ^ l a r , Immaculata condlUen, 813,- School St.; Roland Miclatte, fattOi for Sak 4 BE BURE — Buy ClDco aU slum- WHAT A BARGAIN! taam haat, otl, ona ear faraaa, avaUable. Only $10,900. M one C o v e r t ; CUnton Andrews, 188 HU- ROOFING— Specialising in repair- MANCHEBTER — Modem four- badraoma, flraplaea, hot wator eU Barbara Woods Agancy; MltchaU too. Gaorga 3, Coleman, Broker, Site for Projected Schools USED CARS. We biTlte your AUTO DRIVINO InatrucUon. All tnum windows. Also ssU-otorlng 8 ROOMS furniture good eonditlaa. iTuU prica flOJWO. haat, storms, full cellar, eomar Uar^ St.; David Ogran. 88T mntt lessons on insured dual-control ing roofs of all kinds. Also new room. one bedroom apartment. 8-7708. Hartford-Connacticut *rrust Co. est InspecUon of hl*b quaUty, ENGINE LATHE doors. CaU MItcheU 9-9096 for tree Bedroom Suite, Living Room. Suite, Heat, light, hot water, refrigerator 13.000 to I8AOO down. lot, nioaly laBdaoapad.’ Only I18A00. St; Loron Bartholomow. Andover: Classified car. CmpaMe experienced Inrtruc- roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys eatlmatea. BUI Tunaky. Bldg. Tal. llockvilla 8-4048, or thorou*hly *uaranteed ciw- cleaned, repaired, 28 years* ex- SPECIALISTS Dinette Set, Rugs, Lamps, Tables. and range furjilshed. 306 per Immediato occupancy. * MAMOMBBTBR - 8 t o rooma, two •-4710. Oovantry, Aug. IT (Speciall—ABMavao to be plekad now for preaa Mrs. Bertha RiMhfOrd. 878 F8ik*r IMl Plymouth converUble club tor. Oordner Auto School. Mltch- TWO FAMILT, 5-5—Centrally lo- Ing batwoea ehaata of per. at; Hfre- Margaret Habecen, 87 perience. Free estimates. Call FOR BALE—Men's rebuUt and re- WITH AN month. Phone Coventry Pngrim catad. All city utllltlaa. FuUjirlea UMOalahod. Cepe Cod. ahed fiva-membar achool building com- coupe, radio and heater, maroon, eU 94010. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ALBERT J. GATTO CO. COUNTRY STORE—With five room mittae, aiectad at a apodal towm ttST' Norwood 8t. Mvcrtisemenb Howley. Manchester Mitchell TOP RATES laated shoes..Fine shape-priced 2-7809 between 9 and 8 p. m. $8,000. dormer, veetlbule, flreptece, open like new. 1»B0 Chevrolet club "DE LUXE" RANGE Hartford 8-8188 atalrway, tile baUi, aluminum apartment and garage. 318,000. masting nftar mldnt^t Friday, Oovantry Onrdan Chib will have ADMITTED T E T B R n , A T t FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto 3-ssei. reasonable. Bam Yules, 15 Mapls Arthur Strickland, Jr., MelMae, CLASSIFIED ADVT. coupe, color *reen, radio and Driving Instruction with insured FIRST SHIFT street. Opp. First NaUonal Park- FOR ONLY BIX ROOM COLONIAI- PLUS Eveningo, Maheheator MI-S-4948 aterm windewo, deora, naar naw Talbot Agency, Andover, Phone in the Robartaen School, was In- tU flower show OcL 38 and 80 nt heater, excepUonal condlUon. 1949 •nvo-ROOM Apartment. Call Conn.; Lona Baxter, TalcMtvUla: DEPT. HOURS ^ dual control car call Larson Driv- ing. 3329 BUNPORCH—BUam haat. oil. All Coventry, Pilgrim 8-8800. structed to sclact a aoitabla alts the BooUi-DImOck Memorial Li- Nash ” 900” four-door, heater and Congenial, pleasant surround MItcheU 3-5880. ______Mi # ffWh4Me»6Mdl JOranr- TTia .sh ow wtll feature David Ckywood, 1(N MiUa t t .; Bar- ing BMtoot’ " Phone Mitchell Heating— Plum hin*- 17 Only 314,58 Month city utUltiaa.______VBRNON'— Xpproxlmatoly—flva gtlF A. M. to 4;80 P. M. radio, overdriv*. Mack finUh, a ings. Full insurance program FLAGSTONE—Stonea for walls, Yes, these ere used, but In good Walt sida. Bale prim llB.Tdth school buU^ngalidinga wtwith an audl< dried arrangilBtoaU for permanent nice Light, 186 Wdbdalda 8 t ; Mrs. low cost dependable car. 1949 9-8075'. Ing, naw coppar water pipax to years'old. AU brick. Larga living LENNOX Furnaces and yrarm air house fronts, fireplaces, etc. Also torlum. beauty. Thera WUl be antrlaa In a AUca Tadford, 184 Watharell It.; D o ^ e four-door, radio and heater, available. Paid holidays. Work ehspe and guaranteed. BusineM I..ocation8 atreat, modam kitchan, hardwood room, fireplace, dining room, vary Mrs. Ruth Cktrdnar, U8 Chestnut „ COPt CLOSING TIME heating. Earl Van Camp. MItcheU Heatalator fireplace forms, 28'‘ CAPE COD—Four rooma axpoad- MANCHESTBR-BIght room Dutch The dte Is to be accaptad at a harvaat Ubia which wiU include real soUd and ready to roU. 1940 for small fast growing com- FREE STORAGE for Rent C4 floors. Good roof. Naw paint job. large kitchan. ample cabinaU. St.; Aimis Lafland, RFD 8. Rock- Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 9-5844. at |4S each. 6” x 8” x 1/2" elate abla, dormar windows, oU haat, ax- cdonlal wlUi tmmadlata occupan- Town Matting whan the comndt- both dried and living maUriato. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Chevrolet Aero club sedan, tutone pany. UNTIL WANTED eaUant lewatlen, larga lot. Bala Prica 818.900. Eacott Agaacy. cy. Large rooms, flraplaea. mod- thraa twin siaa bedrooma, tile T M n win ha a clsaa open to the vlUs; John Swanson, Want Hart- paint, radio and heater, an excep- HEATING From A to Z. Conver- hearth tile. Bolton Notch Quar- STORE FOR Rent, central location. bath and ahowar, full cement cel- raa reports back In 80 days. Ilia MON. THRU FRI. Apply In Person ry. Mitchell 9-0817. SEE IT TODAY OR TONIGHT prica UBAbO,-*- — '------MXtCholl 8-7888.______ant kitchan, (uU.-hatk.8nd.J*Va- p ^ lle and also, a ehtldran’a claaa.. ford; Mrs. Elsanor Oataa, 48% tionai car for this year. 1948 Olds sion burners, boilervhumer units, Inquire 90 Haynes strset, I a. Ur. baaamant garage. Sot waUf fiommtttM w u tiutruotad to con- Summer St.; Walter HaU, 188 Orsan 10*.30 A .M . 29” BICYCLE. Mitchell PHONE MR. ALBERT, t ^ , ona-car garage. Asking price ^Udran'a. antrlaa wUl ha on ex- / sU convertible coupe, hydramatic, BOY’S .complete heating systems. AU 4 p. m., or 899 South Main strset EAST WINDSOR — Flva room MANCHB8TBIt-On two acrao. itx tltJOO. Alice aam pat. Realtor. oil beat, completely Inaulatad; lot alder construction costa and trana- hibition In the children’s reading Manor Rd.; Mrs. Mary Watson, SPENCER RUBBER ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port- HARTFORD 8-0358 room homa, caMnat kitchan, din- SATURDAY 9 A.M . maroon, black top, radio and 3-5093. ' work guaranteed. Time payments after 6. ranch, one yaar old, threa bad- MltchaU 9-4843. 150 x 185; within mlnutaa of high- portation costs whan aelecting the room. Further dataito of the show Hartford: Warren Robbina, Box PRODUCTS able and standard typewriters. AFTER 7 P. M. HTFD. 46-4690 ing alcove, copper plumbing, oil •ta lecaUen, They were alaorto heater. This is one of the finest arranged. Moriarty Brothers. Tel, AU makes of adding machines rooms, hot watar haat, oil, (uU way. 815.760. George J. Cole- wUI ha availabla after Sept. 15. 104, SUUon A, Mancheotor; Anna and cleanest convertiMea avail' MItcheU 3-5135. Chapel Street A - L - B E - R - T - ’- S STORE, 20' X 48' at 68 School Bteam haat, paiUo, many trass, ona MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST-Naar man, Broker, Hartford-ConnacU considar the daatra o f the people TOW OOOFB»ATION WHX 1949 INDIAN CHIEF motorcycle. sold or rented. Repairs on all baxemant. targe lot. Full price Intarastad peraons ara invited to Burdett, 816 Oak St., Osorg* Vin- able. We invite your closest in 43-45 Allyn Street, Hartford street. Suitable for any type of 8 11.800, about 81,800 down. minute to school, only 312,500. Benton atreat. Hera la a reason cut Trust Co. BuUding. Tele to have the project locatod toward ton, 144 Branford St.; Sandra BB appreciated Price 3280. Tel. Mitchell 9-2138. PLUMBING AND HeaUng. Corn makes. Marlow’s. business. Steam heat supplied. Carlton W. Hutchins. MltchaU attend the class tomorrow at 1:80 spectlon of this choice car. 1947 aWy priced alx-room horn#, lo- phone Boekvllla 6-4046, or 6-4710._ the north end of town. p. m. at the Capriland* Herb Farm Reaviel, 66 Otnway Rd.; Mre. Edna water pipes. Complete plumb USED FURNITURE bought and Rent ressonahle. Available aRer 9-8132, 8-4884. , Patrtcin Ann Woada Dod*e four door sedan, radio and CONCRETE MAN for eidewalka RICH BARNYARD loam for sale. MANCHESTER—If you ara look rau d In nice raaidanttal aaclion. The committee, elected, foUowa: where helpful auggaatlona and Parker, 16 Huntington S t ; Salva- Dial MI-3-5121 heater, color *reen, ready to roll. systems. Complete heating syS' sold. The Woodshed, 11 Main September 9. CaU L. Pola. MItch- Ing for Capa Code, Colonials, Ranch Bungalow atyla, well built, three VIOWON — Bolton Road. Ideal Business Services Offered 13 and curbs. Able to set forma and CaU Peter ' Lalashlus. MItcheU MANCHESTER — Owner leaving John M. Tyler. Robert H. Wil- materials wUI ha available to work Mr. nnd Mra. James A. W oods tore BaUInghlrt, 388 Spruce S t; 1941 Chevrolet station wa*on, runs terns and oil burner. Time pay finish. Bxperltnced preferred 9-3558. street. Tel. MItcheU 9-3154. eU 3-4832. or Inquire rear 5.5 Houaea or two family homex we bedrooma on second floor. Steam country home with entrance haU, cox. Joseph Motycka, RuaoaU D. Mra. Mary Brown, East Hartford; ments arranged. Electric sewer atata, practically new, (our large with In anticipation of antrlaa In 883 Canter St., announce the en- good, price 3150. 1961 Ford pick- WIRING INSTALLATION of all Good wages. MItcheU 9-9844 or school street. have several from 88,500 to 880,000. haat, larga kitchen, anclosad five roomx.'hath, lavatory, screen- Potter and John H. Westland. Tfiia Mrs. Valman Whaalar, Oolehoetar. cleaner. The Vincent P. Marcln SAVE 390 TO 3135 on floor sample rooma, all plastered, expansion at- ed flagstone terrace It rat floor. the flower show. gagement of their daughter, Pa- up. 17,000 guaranteed miles, types. No job too small. Peter call after 5:30 at 382 HackmaUck FIELD STONE tor fireplace and re- electric and gas ranges.* Watkins CaU porch and many other features. commlttaa It to go ahead Im- The Herb Claaa will moat Thurs- ADMITTED TODAY: Mre. Mar- 31095. 1949 International f^-ton Co., 305 Main street. Tel. MItcheU tic. Sawer. Near school, hue. 8ac- Four tadrooma, bath and attic sec- tricia Ann. to Pvt. Thomaa K. Lost and Found Pantaluk, 40 Foster street. Phone atreet. taining walls. M. French, Coven- Brolheri.,93.5 Main street. Immediate occupancy. Priced (or mcdlataly with plana for the con- day at noon at the Caprilanda garet Aray, 38 South HawtlMnia pick-up, »,000 miles, price 3995. 3-1848. ______try, Pilgrim 2-7161. Summer Homes for Rent 67 THE ELLSWORTH MITTEN rtflee. MltchaU 9-8831. quick sate, 118,800. CaU Robert ond floor. Thraa fireplaces. Fully Corcoran, son of Mr*. Frances MItcheU 9-7503. struction of two four-room units Herb Farm. Thera will he a dto- Corcoran, 5 Foxcroft Dr., and the St. WILIi THE person who picked up a Many new arrivals daily. Low ATTENTION Ladles! Slip-covers J. Smith. Inc., 9a8 Main xtraat. concreUd cellar with flreplaca. BIRTHS SATURDAY: A daugh- set of tooU at Watkins, Oak street A PLUMBING shop at your door. PARAMOUNT Triple Track com- >WAiLABLE~AUG. 22 through La- AGENCY. Rehltors MANCHESTER home with Income. this yaar. Many people reportedly cusalon o f drying and preserving late Russell Corcoran. down payments, bank rates. Drive WINDOW SHADES made to order PLUMBER'S HELPER wanted. and drapes custom made. Re-up- Twe-famUy duplex on bua Una. Mitchell 9-5241. Remodeled 1947. New chlmnay ter to Mr. and Mra. Frederick entrance last Saturday at 8:05 No time lost. New work, Altera- bination alunnnum windows and bor Day, four-room cottage at Co- MltchaU 8-8880 or four flues, modem kitchen and did not leave the masting until harba for winter, drying flowers Both graduated from Manches- out to our new modem showroom and InstaUed. Venetisn blinds CaU MItcheU 9-7639 after 9 p. m. holstering. Beautiful fabrics, lumbia Lake. Tel. MItcheU 9-0752 One side has (our rooms, other Baker, East Hartford; a aon to Mr. please return to same spot and no and save. Always a complete se tions, copper piping, fixtures, hot doors. FTee estimates given. 36 Mr. Whitcher. MItcheU 9-9581 LOVELY a room aingla, 8 down 3 new hot water oil heating plant. about 1 a. m. Saturday. from the garden and fields for ter High School in the Class of and curtain rods. 24 hour service. water automatic heaters. Youngs- months to pay. Paramount Engl prints, stripes, solids. Expertly before 4 p. m. alda, eight roomX. Two separate About 350 persona attondad the winter beuouaU. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, 185 Union questions will be asked. __ lection of now Dodge and Ply' finished: |5 down. |2 weekly, up. Hot water heat, fireplace, Ule Garage. Bam. Artesian Well. Ad- 1963. Miss Woods la now em- 8t.; a daughter to Mr. and lira. EsUmates gladly given. Fagan town sinks sold. Estimates glad- neering Company, 41 Oak street. heating unite. Many poasIblUtlsa. bath. In axcellant condition, good lengthy Town Meeting. The school Csuilns Retnni mouth cars on hand. Open every balance one year to pay. Call AVAILABLE, Coventry Lake, tour PRICE REDUfJED! Bolton, thraa- Call (or further Information. Full ditional acreage available. August ployed by Cheney Bros. Pvt. Thomaa Bargamlnl, M a ^ S t, El- tOST—BOXER PUP. three months evening 'til 9. Barlow Motor Window Shade Co., Route 44 at ly given. C. O. Lorentsen. Mltcb'^ THE PERSONAL Phone Mitchell 3-8177. location, nicely landscaped. S. A. 31 occupancy. Sole agent Eacott proposal called for either um of CnpL John T. Cousin of the Corcoran to In the U. S. Army, old, white marks on chest, wear- Bolton Notch. Mitchell 9-4473. Mrs. Pinto. MItcheU 9-7862. room furnlahed cottage, fireplace, bedroom custom built home, 23 ft. price 313,800. Other liatingx avail- NaUonal Guard and Mrs. Cousin lington: a daughter to Mr. and Sales. Tolland County’s Largest ell 9-7636. electric refrigeration.'PHlIgas. Au- Beechlcr. Realtor. Phone MItch- Agency, Manchaatar MltchaU improvements o f axlaUng town training at Fort Dlx, N. J. In* leather collar. Answers to FINANCE CO. WASHED SAND, Stone, gravel, flh, living room, fireplace, knotty pine able. Alice Oampet, Realtor. huildlnga or the recommendation* have retumad to their home on Mra. ElUott Newcomb, 80 North Dodge and Plymouth Dealer. COMPLETE Hand and power lawn gust 22 through September. P il- kitchen with dtning area. Bath eU 3-8989. 9-TB8S. School 8t. ••Duke.” Lost between North Main GUARANTEED Plumbing and loam. Nussdorf Construction Co. Fhona MItchall 9-4543. of the Economical School Study Prespoct St. from WaUflaat. Capa Phone Rockville 5-2538 or 6-4837. mower sales and sendee. Motors Complete line of home grim 2-9825., ______plua lavatory, hot water heat. - BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A daugh- and Tolland Tpke. Reward Mitch- heating. Alterations and new Phone MItcheU 9-7408. VERNON. Slop! Look! Uaten! Committee to build four-room Cod. Mass. ell or Mitchell 3-332T. tuned and overhauled. Pick-up and work. Perma glass electric and will employ leveral men as Branch Oarage. % acre. Only 111,900. REAL VALUES- 8U room colonial, ter to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford March, \ FOR A GOOD Used car or a new Manager trainees. Must be high furniahing.5, appliances A ^IL A B L E Coventry Lake, four- baaamant garage, tip-top condl Ixits for Sale 73 Four rooms plus sunporch. Yaar units as needed. 'Mr*. Gouain will ba a jndga at deUvery service. Gibson’s Garage. gas water heaters sold and in- REMINGTON DELUXE model H Carlton W. Hutchins, Kitchan 368 Woodside St; a dai«btar to Oldsmoblle with Rocket engine school graduate, college training room furnished cottage. AU con- tlon. Bowera Bichool section. 111, round home. AU conveniancaa. The msaUag turned down the the Columbia Kiddle Ravua Aug. Navy Yard FOUND—Black and white female contact Al Catalano, at the Man- MItcheU 8-5013. stalled. Time payments arranged. ton window air conditioning unit 9 5133, 9-4894. and Mrs. Alfred OorboU, Glaaton- desirable. Age 22-28. Must have and TV. Low overhead, veniences. August 15 through Sep- 900. Six room Cape Cod, ftrralaca, fireplace, laka front. Full price auggaotlon or Impmvlhg exiaUiig 21 at Teoihaa’a HaU. Columbia. do*, about twelve weeks old. Call chester Motor Sales. MItcheU Skelley Brothers, MltcRell 9-8714. used one week. Five year guaran. BUILDING LOTS 38800. 3800 down. CaU Ellsworth bury; a son to Mr. and Mia. Do* Warden. Mitchell 8-48t0. POWER BURNERS and Range car. This position offers a splendid tea. MItcheU 9-9018 or MItcheU tember, 335 weekly. Pngrim MANCHESTER GREEN — Naw rear porch, garage. Bowers School town huildlnga, mainly bacauaa of Sbc'eriU aalact taro other judge* Helmer Johnson, 18 Packard S t 3-4134. Bumera expertly cleaned and opportunity in the Consumer savings for you at 2-8825. six room ranch style homa. Full section, IIIJOO. 8IX room Cape Mitten Agency. Realtor. MltchaU tendency to rSvart to the diatrict to aarv* with her. 9-8081. 8- MSO or Mr. Whitcher, MltchaU Blast Kills BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. 11939 BUICK Sedan. Good, depend serviced. Let us service and re; MovinK— Trucking— Finance Field. Salary, car allow- haaamant with garage. Larga Cod, 3 unftntBhad, hot watar oil A few choice, buildins lots aclMOl aot-up. R sbertoin Girts Win and Mra. Dean Hathaway, Oovan- Announcements pair your washing machine or re- ance, insurance. Other beneflte In- LEAVING STATE, must sell living wooded tot. S h o w n ^ appotntmant hast.’ Garage. Varptanck School 9- 0681. fflegnii oamsi^ Ni_____ The Itobartaon School girla* able transportation, 398. Written Storage 20 CHAMBERS FURNITURE Wanted To Rent 68 in excellent locations. A and try. guarantee. No down payment frigerator. Metro Service. Mitch- ______J elude group life insurance, vaca- room set, fireplace, refrigerator only. Wm. Kanahl, Builder. MRch- Asking 313.900. Elva Tyler. Real The maaUng aaUbUahad an ad- softball taam played an off-aaaaon DISCHARGED SATUR- UNBElAM, Remington and Schick AA xone. Small monthly payments. Cole ell 9-0883. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., tlon, liberal savings and retirement bed box spring, two chairs, ladder QUIET MIDDLE-Aged business *11 8-7771. tor. XUtchell 9-4489. Wantatk-Real EsUte 77 vlaory health eouncU o f five mam- game Wadnaaday night with the Two Men DAY: M ra Baatrica Mtosart and Rasors. Trade-in aUowances al- water softener, clothes pole, eaw At The Green • low ^ . RusseU’a Air-Conditioned Motors, 438 Center. MItcheU 9-0990 local and long distance moving, plan. Apply 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., woman needa small unfurnished bart to be appotntad by the Beard Mnnaflald Stnta Training' School daughter, East Windsor; Mra horses, two doors, lamps, etc. Tel 48-FOOT RANCH, Ultra modem MANCHESTER -Wa have aeveral CONSIDERING S8U-LING of *8alactman. AU mambars o f the and Hospital girla* taam at Mans- Barber Shop, comer Oak and packing, storage. CaU MItcheU Monday through Friday. Evening apartment. Tel. MItcheU'3-8439. kitchen-dining room combination, g o ^ buys in ranch homes. Also SHERWOOD A. BEECHLER mm Pag* Om ) Gertrude Shanahan, MaadoaVhrook BEFORE y o u Buy a used car ALL KINDS of carpentry work. 3-5187. Hartford 6-1423. hours by appointment. MItcheU 9 8888. TOUR PROPERTY? council must be quaUflad votara Held Depot. They dafaatad Mana- Rd., Ellington; Harrison Pratt, Spruce. MItcheU 9-8822. Reasonable rates. MItcheU 9-4291. Hours. 9 :30 A. M. to 5 P. M firaplarc, large -artlatically pan- two. two-family flats at 312,000. Realtor See Gqrmm Motor SalCa. Bulck YOUNG BUSINESS couple needs 3 Without obligeUon to you. wa The terms wriU be on a ataggartd flald by a aoera o f 83 to 30. said ha heard rumblings about the 800 Center St.; Mra. Elsie Spencer, Sales and Service, 285 Main MANCHESTER—Package Deliv- APPLIANCE 7:30 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. elled living rpom, three bedrooma, Two colonial homes on our list- Phone MI-3-6969 SOLUTIONS to pracUcally all Bleep or 4 room unfurnished apartment, tile hath, full cellar and attic. will appraise or make you a cash Locail bast Mtter* Included San- Murph; V. street^ MItcheU 9-4671. Open eve MANCHESTER T. V. Service ery. Local light trucking and ings. For further information offeg for property. Sea ua before time of the recorded tremor, “ d St; John Mut;^. problems—from A to i-x-i-x-s. itree^] Mitchell 9-7539. Near hue and school. 314.800. phone France* K. Wagner, MItch- Savaral Education Commlttaa dra Hanaan, Judith Wlttmann. .. ______1 26 Canterbury S t ; Mra. Catharine iing3^~ radio and T.V. epTClailste since package, delivery. Refrigerators, I _73_8 Main Street REMOyAL_SALE _ { R a i d ’s Sleep CenUr. 639 Main, nil THRBB-PIFXTE Living Room Suite - Carlton W ,- Hutchins, Jditcbcll eU 9-e028.------TWO LOTS, oouthweat com er of you. Mil...... ------. rapQfts wart accaptad. to be filed Enggy Barratt, -Naney- Charland thought ftwaa an explosion unUI w Sanford Rd.; Donald opposite Mary Cheney Ubrary. 1934. Houei 'setvice~ call 83.50, washers and elove moving a | FAMILY OF Five idUlU h«*d-9 to BRAE-BURN REALTY" for reference. Hartford, Conn. EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD in good condition. Two table 9-51S2. 9-4694^______' Windemere atreet and Irving and Lola Lyman who made two be checked hto actomograpb. O'Leary, RFD 2, Rockville; Mrs. 1949 DODGE Panel truck. Lew MItcheU 9-2188 day or night. specialty. MItcheU 9-0752. lamps, one UHF converter. All 6 room apartment, centrally lo- Phone MItcheU 8-S273. A four-member committee was Immars for the locals. Beat Held mileage, clean, good tires, good AT COST cated. Phone Mitchell 9-6824. GOOD BUTS- Three family homa, street. High and dry with sewara He then was sure it was a na- Laura Keith, Palmer, Mesa; Mrs. BULLDOZER for hire. ExceUent reasonably priced. Phone Mitch- FOR SALE at 89 Stephen etraet. in fine condition. Furnaces, TWo- in atreet. Inquire 270 Oak street; •lactad to work with the town of era Included Lynn Cassidy, Peggy tural earth tremor, for almllar Mary Brown, East Hartford: Personsls running condition. Southern Maid Four bedroom brick home, two-car LISTINGS W anted — single, for back fill. Landscaping and DRAFTSMEN, Designers and De Automatic Washer, reg. 3349.9.5, ell 9-1403. FAMILY OF THREE desire to rent rar garage. Large garden apace. Windham on a regional high school Barratt. Carola Bridgeman, Dale tremori hod occurred In the area David WUey. 91 CSiastaut 8 t ; Doughnut Company, 348 Main Painting— Papering 21 attached garage. Hex been ap- MANCHESTER, Westwood street. two-family, three-family. ' busf- planhlng committee for one yaar. THE PROSPECT HUl Schobl for atreet alter 7:30 p. m. Tel. MItch- grading. Reasonable rates. Mitch tailers for local design Office now 3246.97; Automatic Ironer, reg. 4 or 5 room apartment. CaU 313,500. Two-family home of espec- DaCarll. Barbara Contoa. a number of times In the past, the Walter (^on, 87 East Main St., praised (or 333.000. Any reasonable Fully landscaped building lot nesa property. Have many cash The group will repprt at A town young chUdren wUl ,reop«n_ . 8*P" eU 9-1883 or MUmell 9-8249. sU 9-0650...... — PAINTER AND PAPER Hanger. Long- program -with overtime. 3132. now 37T..97; Dlspqsal.. Unit, MltchsU 3-8938...... ially good, ronstructiqn. Let ua buytre. Mortgagaa - arranged. Pater and Mercy. Staffano. chU- lost one about a-year ago. RockvUla; Edward Eamator,’Wars- ~ RUG, 12 X 14 Grey cotton, year offer win be^oheldered. If inlar- ahow you the vacant apartment. with four diSda traa*. Sidewalks, maaUng at the and of the yaar. tember 9th. Transportation furn- 35 years’ experience. Satisfaction Top rates in area. Free hoapl- reg. 3124.95, now 380.37; Dish- Please call George L. GraxUdio, dreA o f Mr. and Mrs. Andrew However, that time no rum- house Point; Clarence Rush, 68 . ished. Mrs. Lela director. 1960 CHEVROLET tudor, FleeUlne DOORS OPENED, keys fitted washer-Sink Combination. reg. old. 375. Mitchell 9-4360. LARGE FAMILY desires to rsnt ested come in and look around, 312.600. Madeline Smith, Realtor. sewers, uUliUaa. A zone, Henry Named to the committee were Mrs. Steffano o f Eaglevllle Rd. are guaranteed. Wallpaper books tadlxation insurance. Free park- there may be a surprise awaiting Eacott, owner. Mitchell 9-7883. Realtor. MltchaU 9-5878. 108 bllnga were heard. Camper HUl St.; Mrs. Joyce John- Phone MItcheU 9-5767. j ______deluxe, blue finish, original 32,000 copied, vacuum cleaners, irons available. Raymond Trudeau. 3399.95, row 3255.97: Air Con- single house. Write Box CT, Her- Mitchell 9-1842. 3-4879. Ruth W. Smith, Donald Fataraon. spending two. weeks with their ing. Box M. c/0 Herald. ONE BOUDOIR chair, one wing voii. R. O. Denton. Henry atreat. Dr. Press said the tremor orig- son and twin sons, 86 School SL; miles, like new in every respect. guns, etc., repaired. Shears MItcheU 9-1614. ditioning Unit, reg. 3.349.95, now ald. Stephen Loyaim and Mias Jeanette uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. inated within about 10 miles of the Mr*. Bessie Farris, 9 Durkin St.; A LIBERAL Hospitalisation and back chair, walnut mirrored cock- N B w ljA P E ODD six finished ROCKinLLE—This tract of land Heckler. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. knives, mowers etc., put into con- PAINTERS AND Apprentices. Key- 3244.97. These are all new GE tail table, all in e.xcellent condi- EAST IURTFORD, 911 Oak atreat. enough (or approximately 10 build- LISTINGS WANTED — Single James Laveris in Portland, Me. laboratory. Mrs. Betty Daniel, 22 Ardmore surgical plan offered by Mutual of PAINTING— Inside and outside. YOUNG COUPLE urgently need 3. rooms 4-2 located near Waddell dition for coming needs. Braith stone decorators, Mitchell 9-1905 products. One 64" Traqy Sink, reg. tion. Reasonable. Mitchell 9-0598 New 6H room Cape Cod. I unfin- ing lots is in the heart of the city homes. 2-3-4 family houses, smaU New Arrivals They will vtolt Old Orchard Beach But whan he learned o f the Rd.: John Hayes, 75 O ttaga St.; Omt^^ tovestlgate. Phone your 1961 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, Paperhanging, floor sanding. No 4 or 5 room rent by September 1st. School. Fireplace, recessed radia- Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Quandt. waits, 52 Pearl street. alter 5. 3189.95. now 3113.97: Tracy Wall any time. ished. tile bath, plastered wells, with water and seweraga avail- farm, Manchester, Bolton, Vernon and other relativea while there. Brooklyn explooloh, he aaid it could Frank Mollon, Talcottvllle; Angelo local agent. MItcheU 9-7375. heater, beautiful Jet black finish, job too smaU. Reasonable. MItch- Mitchell 3-6044. . tion. oil burner, colored bathroom, Sr. of the Nathan Hale Homestead Mrs. Rosa LeBlond and daughter, Cabineta; uaed 17" Television: oak floors. lOO foot lot. On bus tiled bath and. kitchen, cabinets, able. Very attractively priced. and (Coventry. Large list o f buy- have come from Uiat distance Tambouilnl, WUlimantic; Michael, driven only 21,000 mUes. PoslUve- COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. eU 3-8372. APPLICA'nONS ACCEPTED Lewyt Vacuum Cleaner, reg. 389.95, COMBINATION Gas and oil stove. er*. What have you? Mortgages have announced the birth of a Marlene, have returned to their BALLARD'S DRIVINO 8CHOOL- ly like new. Douglas Motors, 333 Wolcott, A-1 Repair, Sales on for Grocery. Meat and Produce line. Excellent financing. Selling many eloaets, oak flooring, corti- George J. Coleman. Broker, Hart- approximately 30 miles. Boland, 15 Ashland SL; Mra, , •’Mancheater’e oldeet.” Thousande how 358.47. Excellent condition. For further Farms and I*and fdr Sale 71 below replacement coot*. CaU ford-ConnecUcut Traat Co. Bldg. arranged. Howard R. Hastlags, grandson, Jeffrey Wyatt, born heme In HaveibiU, Mass., after He aald the seismograph would Main. washing machines, vacuum clean- Clerks in Manchester, Conn., on I pletely Insulated. Weatlnghousa August 5 to Cmdr. James 'T. LUllan Glesamon, Hartford Turn- of accident free InetrucUon hours. information Call Mitchell 9-9340. ’ now. Warren Howland, Realtor. I,#aundramat, enameled set tub. Tel. Rockville 8-4048 or 5-4710. MlteheU 8-1107. spending five weeks at the Stef- have recorded a "very large ex- ers, motors, small appliances EXTERIOR PAINTING — Free es- fulltime basis. * Also Several Small Appliances Hughes of the U. S. N. and their pike, RockvUle; Mrs. Frances Hundreds of satisfied itudenU. LATE MODEL CARS timates. MItcheU 9-1383. TOLLAND and WINDHAM Coun- 543 Woodbridga street. Mitchell . Ameatte drive. Lot 80' x ISO', Tel. fano home. ploaion” at that distance, parti- Strange, IS West St.; Scott Welding. 180 Main street. Phone MANY BENEFITS 1948 TAPPAN Gaa range, 360, Ex- ties Exceptional buys, dairy, ARE TOU\ READY to sail your daughter Barbara (Quandt) of Owner AAA trained. CerUfied. AT LOW PRICES 3-8800. ______I MItcheU 3-5239. Nursery Clnae Opealaga cularly if it were undergrouncl or Mitchell 9-6678. Paid Holidays, Pension Plan. cellent condition. Phone Mitchell poultry farms.''up to 400 acres, . BUILDING LOT In AA sone. In- homa? WeXhave buyers waiting Menlo Park, Calif., at a hospital I Goetahuia, 350 North Main St.; MItcheU 9-2245.______Bank Rate Finance 80 to 36 THOMAS COLLA 1 *The Cooperative Nursery and beneath water. Leidto Hale, Andover; M ra Helen Five Day Week. Hospitalization, 3-8848. with or wilhWut slock. Welle.'* SINGLE Florence street Six RANCH-HOUSE MINDED? Wa quire al 2TI Hackmatack Street. for 4, 8, 8, 7^tpom singles and 2-3 in Palo Alto. Calif. Mrs. Hughes Kindergarten haa vacancies for the Months To Pay ANTlQUESt Refinished. Repairing Bonds— Stocks— Good Starting Wage, (amUiaa. G ^ o Co., Hartford If the explosion time were with- Nawracaj, 110 High Bt., Rockville; RIDE WANTED by lady from De- Agency, Coventry. Tel. Pilgrim room colonial plus two finished have several of quality and dis- before her marrisfe was a aecre- afternoon session of the Kinder- in three or four seconds of the 1951 Studebaker Land C r u is e r - done on any furniture. Tieman, Mortgages 31 Group Insurance, Sick Benefits, 249 Broad Street 5-9198. evcnlnga^-3988. Manchea Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson, 55 Sea- pot Square vicinity to Weet Main Overdrive, fully equipped. 2-6872. ' , rooms in attic. Oil warm elr heal, tinction in a wide range ef prices. tary in the extenaion service at garten clast to be held Monday. time the tremor was recorded on 189 South Main street. Phone Musical Instruments 53 nlr# lot with 78' frontage. SO-day ter Mitchell 3-89- man Qrcle. ____ street, Rockville. Working hours 1951 Studebaker Commander—Au- SUMMER FURNITURE at close- CaU MadeUne Smith, Realtor. Rtsort Propertjr for Sale 74 the University o f Connecticut. Wednesday. Friday • from H:3(K the aelsmograph, he said, he would 8 - 5. Call MItcheU 9-5061.______Mitchell 3-5643. FTOS-T ^ A p p l S n . ° V Y i p t . d * ’ *fo^ out prices. 312.75 umbrella tables, occupanc'' and priced el only MRchell 8-1643 or MItcheU S-48T8. A daughter. was bom Friday p.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the achoor DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: tomatic drive, equipped. bought for our o ^ account.^^ «tore on part-time basis, MUSIC Instrument rental. Conii- 72 ANDOVER LAKE — Four rooms, CASH WAITING for kny type real say "without a doubt” tba axplo- Mrs. Lorraine Weingartner, RFD service. Manchester I 39.95 ; 349.75 lawn umbrellaa. pletc line of instruments. Rental Houses for Sale 311,800. Exclusive with the Reuben morning to Mr. and Mrs. Robert year. aion was what the seismograph RIDERS WANTED, second ehlft, 1950 Studebaker Commander Star- MASON, STONE contractor and confidential service. Manchester] between 10:00 T. McCann Agency. IMtchell SEVEN-ROOM house with attach- screened porch, near the estate you have to sril. Also list- 2, RockvUla: Jeffrey Allen, 61 light Coupe — overdrive, fully cement work. Valentino Belluccl, Investment Corp., 244 Main 1 339.50 ; 32.89 rain rovers for gild- appliet. to purchase price. Rep- ing* wanted. Call The\ Johnson Noble of Stonebouse Rd. in Man- The maximum class enrollment racorded. Pratt A Whitney, vicinity Hilliard, A. M. and 5:00 P. M. at ers. 31.98; 37.95 white cocktail 3-7700. ed garage. Immediate occupancy. beach, with furnlshlnga, 33,900. chester Memorial Hospital. The South Hawthorne St.; Mra. Cath- equipped. Fem street. Call MItcheU 9-5451, atreet. Phone MItcheU 3*5416. resenting Olds, Selmer. Bach, MANCHESTER Also other places at 34.100; 37,508 Building Company, (08 Main to 15 pupils. The school has been However, the Na'vy continued to Broad and Middle Turnpike. tables, 38.50. Watkins Brothers, 290 Hackmatack Street. Inquire ooupla haa another daughter. Bar- erine Giard, 8$ Drive B.; Lawrence 1951 Studebaker Champion Star- 6.to 8 a. m. and 5 to 7:30 p. m. Pedler end Bundy. MetteFs.Muslc NEW SPACIOUS 8-Room Single— and up. Building lots. Talbot Agea- street. MItcheU 2^7423. E operating since February,. 1853, list the time of the exploaton nt Mitchell 9-7974. ------A * P SUPER MARKET 935 Main Street. r 273 Hackmatack Street. — bara Jean. The grandparents ace and ,1a a non-profit orgmnisntien Aceto, 867 Parker St.; Thomaa light Coupe — Overdrive, fully 176 Washington Street Studio, 177 McKee. Mitchell Plraplace, two baths, hot water cy. By appointment. Phone Coven- MItrheU 84018. 11:39— about 16 minutes later WANTIGD—Ride to •vicinity of Capi- FURNITURE Refinlahing, antique In a very central location a Mr. end Mrs. Leo F. Tremblav also open to public participation. • Hueatto. East Hartford; John equipped. I Help Wanted— Female 35 Hartford. Conn. SPINNING ROD REEL. New, used 3-7500. heat, braasoway and gaieg*. MANCHESTER — 8 room single, try, pngrim 2-8600. 3: than the tremor. tol Ave., Hartford, from Oak furniture a specialty, chkirs caned four bedroom Colonial in nice con- of Stonehouae Rd. and Eklwin A minimum fee to charged for Tlw Navy also said it diy the Board of .Finance.. Hla term, Education license, and. to approved, New. Jersey-tomau. received. .caUia 1087. Main S t: Mra Fl9r»w:«. Hartford RoadIvHours 8:15 to 4:15. mates gladly given;- Moulson's from'MancDdster Knitting Mills. by the State Department of Matte. 94 Mather St.; John luUano. Pontiac Coupe. Woodworking Shop. Pblgrim Paid Holidays, Pension Plan. hot water heat, aioriha and ing, hot water heat, copper lead- for n^mora than two years, will from residents saying they had CaU MItcheU 9-2509.______^ EXPERIENCED Broadleaf tobac- NATIONAL BUILDERS Retail Salesmoom at Manchester T. J. (tROciCETT scraans. garage, amaaltc drive, Health. A nurfe to on caU at alt felt the tremor and that houses 207 Spruce S t : PriaCUla Parma- Dodge 4-Door. 2-8895. ers to dry wMla, all natural trim, Rules Iran; begin the first Monday In October- Five Day Week, Hospitalization co help. Tel. alter 8 p. m. MItch- SUPPLIES Green. Bi-oker well landscape lot. Excellent con- Suburban for Sak • 75 Green ^ p la c e s the present 8- Umes. had been shaken about 11:30 pjn. kton. 81 Arrtne PL; Archambault^ FOUND — Adame, Mass., High TRUCKS 244 MAIN .STREET Ind floor rodhiB unpointed. Con- RADIO and T.V. Service. AU work Good Starting Wage, eU 3-7733. MONTHLY SPECIALS! dition. Mitchell 3-3897. crete driveway. Owner aaya, sell member Bqard of Assessors aa /*rhe teaching program to on n Ft. Lsa, N. J„ police aald the baby' glii. South Ooventiy; Mr*. School class ring at Pero Or- 1982 Studebaker 14 Ton Pick-up— Phones: Mitchell 3-5418 souada might hs're come from a chard’s, 276 Oaklsnd street. Owner With overdrive. Ceravan top. fully guaranteed. 33 per house Group Insurance, Sick Benefits, at a reduced price of $18,800. ANDOVER. BOLTON, voted at tha>9pecial Town Meeting Uvel worked out with Mr*. Myrtle Marto BUnn. 18 East S t, Roek- Stain Grade Doors, Rooms without Board 59 Residence: Mitchell 9-7751 MANCHESTER - Six roortr Capa Coup Fails June 34. B. Carpenter of the Grade 1 Center huge fireworks display there cele- vUle; Paul F t g u r a , Stafford may have same by calling at Special 3895. call lor T.V. 31 per house call (or Vacation With Pay Oak. Mahogany, Birch . .each 39.10 Down payment 34,500. Howard R. radio or save 3 and bring them to Salesmen Wanted 36-A LARGE FRONT room for rent. Cod, (ireplBca, oU boat, storm win- HasUi«s. MltchaU 9-1107. ^m fliJTRY SUted School faculty. The School haa ex- brating the feast of St. Rocco. Springs. atand. Studebaker Sales and Ser\’lce Apply on Tueaday between 10:00 No. 1 18" Stain Shakes dewa and scraana. awnings. P r i c a ______tensive equipment and ta coopera- And at Fordham University in CHORCHES MOTOR SALES 17 Maple street. CaU MItcheU SALESMAN — National Company, West Side, Gentleman preferred. NEAR WADDELL School, seven The Ladies A^m. of the First DISCHARGED TODAY: Walter A. -M. and 5:0rf P. M. at AU colors ...... sq. 312.95 312,800. Eacott Agency, Mitchell I fiicwLY PAINTED three bedroom Ov'ar 100 listings. Ranch Typaa. (Ows8 Pimii Page M e) tive to the extent that mothers New York Chty, the Rev. Joseph 80 Oakland Street 9-8535 or MItcheU 9-6716. needs one ambitious man to assist MItcheU 3-4403. room home on bus line. Tw’o extra Congregational Church will have Hall. 128 Green Manor Rd.; Adrian Automobiles for Sale 4 Select Red Oak Flooring ...0-.7888-: Cape Ood., AUacIwtl. g u a ga ... .1.19, Capa-Ceda and CoUagaa, $X,800.to tikair. .^cnic,' -Wedniktey .at .;th# aasiat the teachers during U»a I ^ c h . aetomologtot:; reporUdntwo ItobeiUiyiDar,' -Bd-- FaHufor .Dt-:-.' Manchester/Mitchell 9*9488- • GUARANTEED to p Quality tele A’ » P SUPER MARKET In d«velo{riiv sales orgonlntion N-or-MA .:. t .'.™:'peT M. «I9.iM lots.'Call 'MadritnwBmith. Realtor.' Mtntelar Hoaiwin PtoiemT, Who waa NEWLY DECORATED, beautiful- MItcheU 9-1842 - MItcheU 3-4679. batha, oil haat, aterm windows and 875.000. new and old. terms aa low homa ot Mrs. Herman. F. Leboyt school hours. Information or appli- tremors. Charles Johnson, 203 North Elm 1947 CHEVROLET AEROSEDAN. vision service. Calls received be. 176 Washington Street for Connecticut. Phone Manches- ^alls, 8d com m on ...... keg. 38.95 TWO-FAMILT 8-ROOM DUPLEX screens, wall to wall carpeting in satoad by the coup-attempting im The Fordham seismograph rec- 1938 OLDSMOBILE sedan. Good, Hartford, Conn. ter MItcheU 9-8434, 9 to 12 a.m. ly fum l^ed and spacious room. with a poUuck luncheon at noon- catlona can be obtained from Mrs. St.; Mrs. Bertha CMrpontar, 9 Radio, heater. Fine condition fore 9 p. m. Will be serviced same Plyscord ...... per M. 3155.00 •The most complete light house- . -Steam boat, 8-car garage, large 31' living room, large lo4, six as $500 doMi-n; farou, land 8-400 orded a small earth disturbance at clean car. Low price transporta- lot, good locaUon. 318.000, 8. A. pariaJ guards and held (or six and The group will sponaortheir (all Jean F. Roy. parent-member mem- (Thestnut. S t throu^out. Beautiful tutone blue tion, 349. No down payment. SmaU night. Mitchell 9-1347. E3CPERIEa7CED Sales clerk. Air- AUTOMOBILE Salesman, must Sheathing and Dimension keeping facilities available in shade trees in fenced in back acres. .N4w listings always naedad. a half hours in a palace strong- aato Oct. 7 with Mrs. G e o r ^ Row- bership committee chairman. 11:22 p.m. about 12H miles away finish. Priced right to see. Doug- (truck load) ...... per M. 399.50 Manchester. You will marvel at Baachler, Realtor. Phone MItrheU from the university in the Bronx. monthly payments. Cole Motors. conditioned store. Apply In person. have selling experience of some room. Faterai In a nawspapar Hast land. president, as general chair- Personal Meatlon Plan for one of thoee "W hat ’will las Motors, 333 Main klrcet. MItcheU 9-0990. Marlow’s. ^ type. Salary and commission. Windows, complete ... avg. 318.50 the cleanllnesa of this building. neSr^ WELLES AGENCY, Coventry man. In charge of booths wiX be Miss Marguerite "Gretel" Tyler The other one occurred aV 11:33 Houyhold Senicy Retail at Wholesale Prices Phone owner, MItcheU eaUad the Shah a "snaka” who had p.m. but the seismologist A id it we do. Mommy? R ’a raining, out- Floor time and prospects furnish' ChUdren accepted. Central. Priced right in. Tel. P ilgrim .8-8872 the following: \ of Morland Farm is apending three side," afternoons. Save »cK. fpr,..^;^M, I 1960 MERCURY’ fwir^dbor sedan; HARTFORD "ROfAD' ’ ' ' Talcottvnie, Conn; I " piire; fired, HoUSe IHets.' Loriibardb,' Resorts 60 man; Broker, Hartford-Connecti- aorting picked 'matarUla. contain-' VoVf n f r y CitrtigadAetiit; » « . radio, heater, etc. ExceUent con- u Se D CARS Frank Oontola. MItcheU 3-5322. Or Call Mitchell 3-5128 Coventry Pilgrim 3-4577. real opportunity terday. Cbarlee U UtO*. felcpboM PII- cut Truat Co. Bldg. Tel. Rockville The disturbance* brought out era and foliage for background and dlUon. Mlchell 8-5277. 270 Hartford Fload LICENSED BOARDING home for -for men who.. materiala Including (em* end t grim 8-5881. J jai«.,.YOW. TP. PJJW-P iP£DJGRElED;O0LLUC,, .4ri-col»r4Ml ?EAR8,31.50 .baakql. % ing own ..the. aged.'.Mtij.and: -Mrs.. Rl^hardr . have wanted -the-r :lhe .usual . rath, of . "Yankee (So yqur new konie or do.ahy repairr SEWWO MAChiSlEX)!^ Ap- male. Free to family offering him container. U4 Okk stfecn 30 West Road, Rockville 5-5772. eecurlty and ad- Home" signs. — This time the ply Ka-Klar Cloth toy Co,, 60 Ml- VERNON—810.500. Thrae-badrbom hoM new parliamentary elcctipna Lnewam,en by a spokeeman at a ing, see WUliam |£anehl. Contrac- a good homa in country. Wondar- . vBnceffleat,._ OP- ranch. tuU cellar, aUdtag clooat daubing: syaa. done by day. aa.-the OLIVER’S - - - - - 1950 CHEVROLET Four-door. tor and' Builder. Phone Mitchell liird street.™ ....' poIlee~Molied the other oray. Pre- following a recant plehtocita in secret rendezvous In the hills. The We’re l i e td k (ui dlspoaitlon. MItcheU 8-8888, Household Goods 51 portunltlrti which door*, metal- cabinaU, bnkad 31050. MItcheU 9-9838. 3-7773. Apartments— ^Flats— we offer. viously the aIo;;ans heve gone up which more than two million of hto etatement declared: "his imperial PERSONALLY SELECTED SPARE TIME becomes 350 to | 63 enamel tila bath, laaa than ona majesty with hto oonatituUonal FoHis mm to rtcogn ii* our supurior lunrlco. 3100 easily. Brand new Chriet- Tenements yau' Hd. Large lot, near bua and under cover of night. Bupportera voted overwhelmingly Poultry and Supplies 43 SELLING OUT of Duo Therm FTor for the dtosoluUon. The opposi- power has dlachargad Mr. Mossa- USED CARS Auto Accessories— Tires mas cards sell on sight. De luxe SIX ROOM Tenement. AU Improve achool. Carlton W. Hutchins, The government roundup of sua- Roofing— Siding 16 ence Super-Flame oil space heat pected plotter* put at least a tion boycotted the balloting on degh. I am the legal Prime Mlnla- Thot'f wfcy wu Ikfifu so many stoody eustomors. 21-card 31. assortment brings you BROAD-BREASTED Bronxa Tur- ments.. Adults Only. 25 Stark- MltchaU 0-5138. 0-4094. ter." Though Zahedi said he had BATTERIES — Famous mskes, era. Save up to 30*;^. Watkins ' FOlt doxen key opposition men behind Kaahani’ a orders.^ 350 on 100 boxes. Imprinted keys, fresh frosen, 10 to 22 weather atreet. the royal decree. Mossadegh had AT 38.95. Written guarantee. 31 down, Brothera, 935 Main street. R

_____ - V • ,-«!»,•• V— W-— - ■■•»• ' ' '


PAGE FOUETBEN inanchi^Btrr Cowting Jitralb HMHWMflfliflMIMlimMBMUHimMHHimilWIM tearing alao; Anna M cAdaa^ to auka alteratlone to non-oonform- n ^ I» fmong eight Camp \ Tail Tomato PlanU? Top This One! Vine Ask Shift lag aoeesaory bulldtaig which to lo- Get The Best For Less Ark., nflaman who arrived at cated In Bide yard lnatead_of rear amp BuUto, Tea., la 3nd Wal- About Town tw Kaanay of thto town. The man yard at eSMill st.; PMar P ifM ^ In !^ne Laws a erect addition on went dde of tA ftsp ^M H Dr| C litiltf _ I Join a as-man 4th Army rifle lira. Abnun lUtchrtt ** Mc- team M BuBto to prapM for the dwelling with eide hne eaceptlon at CUCANBB, SOFTEB V S Km 8L, hM *1** National Rifle Champlonahlpa at Its Sprtng St. V t, whaw ahe attandad tha fuaaral Public Hearing Is Set ' 'o M ^ B S . NO ODOB8. NO —-• m i l Camp Parry, Ohio, Aug. >1 Alao, Anthony BotUcello. «te n - fOBFICKOF CALL MltcheU S-81M e( Edward through 8apt 7. For 8 O^Qock Tonight alon of permtoslan to uae huUdIng St. Barra. Mr. Koggl “*• ------for living euartare while erecting In an automobUa accident wMla wi ____ _ j_ Welch, Jr., who Bnflding^addition, alao eaceptlon on Reds Seek g...= — ■ *■' Ida naamn^eMH^------jgjj entered the Navy in J>“ « Vine ^ 4 4 4 HDIilewli Bd.; wtfa. lira. BaU » « « * • , la praaently aarvlng on board the A public hearing o f the Sonlng Raymond, to,diminish lot no araa 16% Dtoconat at These ^ ^ W «1 d War n ha waa emptoyed « of Ipt WlU bo loM than ragulatlona It t& rVC ST,— 147 MIDDLE HJBNPIKB U88 Arcadia at Newport, ^ I. Board of Appeato will be held to- the Pratt A Whitney A i r c ^ The aon of Mr, and Mjra. John J. a U ^ on wast dda o f Norman ntant Hartford, and they Welch, 108 Gaaenwood Dr., thla night at S o’clock In tka hearing Street Harold Uak. to maka alte^ iMumMnittmtTtittT"*” ” ” *” *” ” ” ” ” '***'******'*******************************” ^ Uvi^ at that time In Mancheatar. txywn, he waa graduated .from zopm of the Municipal Building. naHoM to.iiottt of dweUlw River High School and employed AS peraona tnUraated may attend Btroet Una eaceptlon at 88 MUl m d a rie R. Amea, aon of Mr. Bt,^ Alfred Oioelll, to erect d u ll- by the Fall River Herald-Newa. Nine appllcatlona will be on the and Mra. Raymond 8. Amea, ai ing, hreeaeway and gmraga vnth T^nmal 8 t, to aervlnr aa a atore- agenda. Including the following: Mr. and Mra. Richard McLagan cad i Treadwell, to erect a porch laaa araa on ground floor qn Lot keaper 8/c aboard the daatroyer, 67. eaat of 41 Staep Hollow Ln.; ■Pint Showing! U8S MuUany In tha Medlterran- and children have returned f r ^ on rear of dwelling which win N «w Found LokOa Britiol, H.» reautt In detached garage being and, Marcel Poulin, to araet two where they apent their vacaUon. located m ddeyerd Instead ^of anolosad porch^ one on dwcUing and one on south aide, Mr. and Mra. Earle Keith and rear yard at 184 HackmaUck St,, Mandleater Grange membera both closer to street and aide nnes See*^ ^herNew Dresses aon, Wayne, Birch 8 t, recently Julea NaOhnar, to repair motor 3 wlU meet at Orange Hall Wednes- rehiclei at 375 Main St., ataU ,than regutotlona allow. returned from New Bruniwlck, Canada, where they apent a week. day at 7:00 p. m., and leave for a myatery ride. p : Mbde from A aon waa bom Aug. 15 to Pfc.

Arthur P. and Mra. Bogllach of Robert G. Caine, fireman. U8N, aon of Mr. and Mra. Frank B. Fort 8111, Okla. Mra. BogltoA waa the fonner Donna Rae Caine. 04 Chambera St., to eerv- ^ i W i A N H E A D T Ing aboard the heavy crulaer, U3S daughter of Mr. and Mra. Aluminum Sale X^uiciKin of Oreen Manor Rd. The Salem of the 6th Fleet. paternal grandparenU are Mr. Md

Mra. Myron A. Bogllach of 8 t Members of MysUc Reylew, No Ril^Ated by Popular Demaiid “ PRINTS IjawTenee 8 t Women's Benefit Aien., are re- minded of the bualnees meeting .to- pfe.- Norman Kronlck, 18 8te morrow at 6 p. m. In Odd Fellowa And Plain Colors phen 8 t, baa recenUy t ^ « “ Midi, and to bring artlclaa for the 7 dramatic courae in Stuttgai^ Ger- I Double Boilert — auction to follow. Mrs. Alice Shan- niany. apaclaltolng In non heada the refreshment com- EigKt StyUs Msd* Prom MeCsIl dlrectlag, makeup and other aub- mittee. •^P erco lato rs Jwta. __ _ •nd Simplieily PstlermT Mrs. Beesto Farrto, well known BoropUmlat membera making tha trip to tha llmabury M«im. local clubwoman, who recently im- I 3-Pc. Sauce Ports derwent surgery at Mancheater will leave from the Red Croaa headquartem at the Center tomor. Memorial Hospital, to convalescing in. Printed Indian Head at her home, S Durkin S t 36 i Dish Pons row at 5:45 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Manning, of Palatka, Fla., fonner Manchea- i Whistling Teo Kettles ^ PtKB A GOOD B ir r IN ter reddenU, are visiting relatives and friends In town. 98c yd. VENHIftN BUNDS D 4 Qt. Covered Sauce Pot

0^.....—.----- • Mm; waiter'Wilson, the former Arrow Window Shade Company Norma Brown, and .y-months-old S40 N. »U ln S t Mancheater daughter. Debra, o f Venice, Fla., D 3 Qt. Sauce Pan TeL MI-t-6047 are visiting Mrs. Wlleon’a parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown, 36 in. Plain Colored 101 Walker St. Before returning D French F ry e rs______

to Florida In October, they wlU visit Mr. Wilson's mother In Grove- ton, N, H., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Brown.


I8 H Herald Fbolo. YOUR CHOICE ..... ea. Personal Notices Rivaling the ones pictured on the inside covers of s ^ Ic yd. this Stone tomato plant reaches a height ^ feet. 4 \ Forsythe, of Daly ltd., Coventw, stands beside Ilf Mcaoriaiii \ WMKINS he raised. The arrow at the of the photograph indicates Houacwarcs— Basemant of the plant. stiU dotted wl^blossom s and some tomatoes. Othtr ■ROTHSRS. 0 *C In sad and loving momory of my WHITE 79e YARD dear husband. Albert Ford, who de- tomato plants In the plot/ are equally aa Impressive. ronyt^*, funeral parted thla life Auguat IT, 1960. an employe of the Manchester Water and Sewer ^partm ent hM Dear Albert you are not lorgollen. trouble*^ reaching the to/ ot the plant although he hlmseU is a sla- Preshrunk— Fast Color— PermaneYit Finish SERVICE Although on earth you are no more, footer. Still In memory you are with me. TkcJM(HAL€co, 38 Colors To Choose From Aa you always were before. 0nssn4 IWnt R. I., and adjacent shore resorto. VACATION IN / b OVIDENCE /Mnnifr If all the world were mine to give, Mr. GlrelU is on the reportorlal I'd nve It yea and more. Make up both your own and children’s dresses from ^ n - To claap the hand of you my dear. Mr. and MrS^ Alexander GlrelU, staff of The Herald. And see your amlle once more. derful Indian Head and now ivith Indian Head prints ■adty mteaed by your loving wile, 38 Ulac St/have returned after and plains you can make stunning combin^ions. spendingweek at Providence, Xdith P. Ford. —zr/z Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales ~

PHONE ortcakei Mitchell 9-7196 TNJWHALCee. or Mitchell 3-8606

142'E*at Center St. iai ^ 48-84 Manchester


By tiM Mofflbon of tbo

IW idfil taiiiir 4daBclMtlw Htb Depertmeet •



FRIDAY, AUaUST mGIMIRE 21 TiMlilili SMrtliHI At 4:30 P. M.

Electric Ranged bingo 25 DOOR PRIZES

PhW PftaB: ZOO Gob. PbbI OR

AdmhsloR: Adidts 75e. ChHdr»B 35e. OIL FURNACE

PlcM to AttMid Tbit Rig EvMt!


This Advt. Spoiwor«d by G. E. Willis aiid Son, Inc. IN Y O U B


It'i Easiw Tkaa E«*r


SaKialSwaaMrlMnil The New G-E Twin-System ^

• filo Monsy Dswtil

^ • Mrst Paymant Next PaNI ■Food Freezer Refrigerator-] • Taka A t la a f A t Thraa

. .. even uncovered. There’s .plenty of space ' YaaraTaPayl Thl* hew General Mectrlc Twin-Syatem Re- for everything in thl* big, roomy rtf rigera-1 frigerator-Food Froexer to two appliance* In tor — and convenience ...features yoH M ’’ii,?: (1» V w*! ro<«r ffeexer f31 a xpaeloue '• "Vbii ain’t Best the term Wltot’r day after day., ^ refrigerator . . . with completely automatic more, TiaalMn Silent A u jom a tj(^ sa J ^ )tjr^ ^ defTMtlng. G-K^Twln-Syxtem ,-AVsA-..w VW*V. , — "t*Dable>fia^' apefs*km'■iot«>' these -eoeapact"t»aits-—■ a i ^ refrtgeifallon Ih-'the fwexer'knd the. , refrigerator. Bach compartment to aeparatar. Haliy VDilly Bhialtot — stoeags apnea '''Vmi g tr -wtitfc-fitee hceting oewthwt'M^ bead.

■ly'lnautoted— each hag Ita own .door, for. small luma a^’*®** totw-ard for sMy Pkoae us fbr Lfras aurvey and SMiaiatc! acceaa -— complatsly removable.

WON DE R OVEN Slldlag Shelve* — Permit saay acceas to food V BAKfS /I'JD BffOIIS REAL FOOD FREEZER— Providea loag-time itorage of froxen food*. atored In back of refrigerator — adjuaUble of OMfY Tbi»k«fi SMvot AiHg> / SAVf TiMf S-IMf OVIM higher or lower to meet varying etorag* con- No heat (which tend* to reduce the etorage Mfk Oil I tHtf k tK« dltlona. All ahelvee heavily anodised alumi- Igiviowi wgll-hmma oil bvriior. It life of frozen food** to ever applied tp the !ir o9>» h ploRt wolli «rMi • freezer. Like any real food freezer. It re- num. quirea defroaUng only once or twice a year... ••itfraMbMfRliif, fUaiD* Space Maker Deer Shelvee — Built In re- •MwriAf eSdwM, ocow ikMl l»MtiRg. lea* often than you would normally clean It. frigerator door. Keep amall Jara. p M lu g ^ •m I Mitfiim wW ■■itNUli y« mI «N O CRACKS” Redl-Cube lee Traya — Ice the eMy way. No aoft drink* at your fingt)rtipa. On* ahelf de-

need to run water on traya to free cube* . . . ■igned eapecially for egg atorag*. “Nu-Wood CeilinR Tile makes covering up this oW juat raiae lever releaae, lift out divider*, belect

cracked celling of mine a cinch. It’s as easy as pie to in- oat or M many cubea m you need. New Deep BeUa-Drawere — Roll amoothly, quietly ■tacking feature . . . traya reat aquarely on on rubber-tired wheel* — no channel* to stall— It’s Tongue and grooved. The whole kitchen tooto cleaner and cooler. I’jn starting oh the bathroom next. one another. acrape or clean. Extra deep — keep nearly \ hualjel of“frulta and vegetablea dewy-freah

“My wife is plefised because It cuts household iwiw for day*. NO DEFROST REFRIGERATOR— — even the racket the kida make.” You never have to defroat. the refrigerator Meat DIah — For ahort-time storage of meat*.

We’ll be glad to advise you on sny house moderniza- compartment — It’a compleUIy auti^atlc— Durable ovenware . , . can be u *^ for roast- no dlato to turn, no adjuatmenta to make. An ing and baking. tion job. Stop in or call Mitchell 9-5253. ingenioua. new G-E development give* you Batter CoadiUooer — Keeps butter easy to not only completely automatic defrosting, but m alao the loweat average temperature* ever spread.. .or mix. H temperature aelector. LOTS OF PARKING SPACE Holds one pound of butter. provided In a General Electric refrigerator. It reaponda InatanUy to room temperature* Aotonatlr Uterler Ught — Open door, light’s FREE P L A N R O O K S "and refrigerator door opening*. Motot cold on — doss door, light’s off. , Prewdfy Sold And In d a lM By keep* fooda freah, nutritloua and appetizing

COMB M l su m m ttowt

fsr $ OIL HBlr I ENaiNEERIML INC. 184.95 BBCtricd D*pt. 844 M A IN ST. TEL. MI-8-11M

0«k StPBBt



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