up .... ." • + .. .. "'Y ...... ,...... -.,..- .. .;...... ~...... - ---.. ,. - ~ ...... • Grosse Pointe News

VOL 46-No. 21 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, May 23, 1985 30 cents 44 Pages

for your informatIOn Spending, taxes up City okays in school budget 2nd license fyi By Mike Andrzejczyk Whntner ",ald The mterns gain ex- bid, tables Grosse Pomte publIc :;,ehools \\Ill penence at admml",trallve duties By Tom Greenwood ",pend $1 9 Illlihon more next year through the program than thiS and fmance the Increase Elementary school enrollment IS \\Ith $1 million from It!, fund eqUIty prOjected to mcrease from 2,513 3rd request Good guy Part I dnd d tax Increase, accordmg to thiS year to 2,531 m 1985 86, accord- B) Pat Pahohky Time to give a pat on the back the 198586 prellmmary school bud- mg to the budget The movmg of The Grosse Pomte City CouncIl to some people who really de- get the tramable mentally Impaired approved a requbt for a Clas!, C li- serve It The Board of EducatIOn ~pent program to Brownell Middle quor' hcense by the Merry Mouse's FIrst on the hst IS 17-year-old two mghts la:;,t week revlewmg the School Will cut the total enrollment Cafe Ie Chat Monday mght, and ~1ark Kreim, of '\kKmley JU~Ullltlil Ldul<: s~l.cd"lmg ;::pub :It the eleme'1tary srhoo1s to ?,F.'!7 ldOleu d :>1Il11ldl j t4UC:>1 uy lilc Road, who works part lime as a IIc heanng on the budget on June 3 next year, compared to 2,637 thiS Clalrpomte reslaurant courtesy clerk at the 7 Mile and Budget figures are subject to year If the request IS approved by the Mack Kroger store change before the dlstnct sets ItS Middle schools Will be hardest hit Liquor Control CommiSSIOn, the , who recently graduated tax rate m September, admmlstra- In the enrollment loss Brownell Cafe Ie Cha t will become the fIrst from Notre Dame High School, tors said Will lose 101 students, Parcells 24, busmess In the city With a Class C found a wallet m the store can The prellmmary budget fore- and Pierce 40 for a loss of 165 stu- license smce voters approved en- tammg $350 and promptly turn- casts spend 109 of $37 ml[IIon In the dents Total enrollment at the mld- dmg the ban on the sale of liquor by ed It over to the store manager gpnel al fund thIS year and $1 55 dIe school level Will be bolstered by the glass la~t November A short while later an older millIon In the lIbrary fund, com par- the TMI move, but the three bUlld- Jacob",on's request for a tavern man, descnbed as havmg gray ed to a general fund thiS year of mgs wlll still see a loss of 130 license, permlttmg the sale of beer hall' and a moustache, came m $35 1 million and a library fund of students next year compared to thiS, and wme only, was approved by the and said he'd lost hiS wallet $141 mIllIon when 1,541 are enrolled. city council last month That applI- When It was turned over to him, Were the tax mcrease to remam The high schools are expected to cation IScurrently m the process of the manager suggested he thank as forecast, property owners would lose 32 students next year, compar- investigation by the LCe. Mark, shake his hand and per- pay an extra $29 In school taxes ed to thiS North's enrollment Will Jack Kmg, a lawyer who spoke haps part with a $5 reward next year, based on a home with a drop from 1,419 to 1,392 and South's on behalf of the Cafe Ie Chat, saId Without saying a word, the state equalIzed valuatIOn of $50,000 wIll fall from 1,695to 1,690, accord- the restaurant Will expand ItS man turned on hiS heel and scur- accordmg to Supermtendent John 109 to the budget Shown in a scene from "Agnes of ~od" are Nancy Sortor, who hours of operatIOn If It'S granted ried out of the store without a Whntner New programs next year Include the lIcense Current hours are from backward look or by-your-leave The dlstnct expects to lose 172 the expansIOn of the sCience consul- plays Mother Miriam Ruth, and Anita Barone, who is cast as Agnes. 11 a m to 5 p m Monday through Now, it's true that every act of students next year, mostly from tant program from ItS Tromb[y The Grosse Pointe Theatre took top honors in the regional semi- Saturday Kmg said the res- honesty doesn't call for a mone- the middle and high schools The pilot throughout the distrIct Two finals of the Festival of American Community Theatres held in taurant, located at 17001 Ker- tary reward, but a hearty thank district has eliminated 11 6 teacher sCience consultants Will be hll'ed Holland, Mich. The theater group advances to the nationals at cheval, would remam open untl[ 11 you was certaInly m order pOSItIons, four custodians and one and have their schedules set so RacIne, Wis. in June. The winner there will represent the United p m at least four nIghts a week in- That's the way Mark's mother, clencal staff member they can spend one day a week at States at an international competition in Monaco. Itially Lori feels - she turned us on to The posItIon of assistant to the seven of the elementary bUlldmgs The room now accommodates 36 this story - and we agree with superIntendent has been cut Ad- and 1'2 days at the two larger butld- diners and the owners plan to add her El Cheapo who lost hiS wal- mlnlstratIve mterns at the middle ings, accordmg to Elementary Cur- It's on to Wisconsin for the finals on to the rear of the bUIldIng The let IS probably the first to con- schools, ongmally planned to split nculum Director Alfrleda Frost restaurant opened m AprIl 1984 demn today's teens as dishonest their tIme between admmlstratIve The pilot program at Trombly The lease expires m 1988, however, and impolite and other dutIes, have been asslgn- has been well received Other owner Andrew Moqum said he has Keep up the good work, Mark, ed full admmlstratlve duties next bUlldmgs have recelved sCience GP Theatre wins the optIon to renew King said the and congratulatIOns on your re- veal' consultants through donatIOns expansIOn hmges on whether the cent promotIOn and desIgnation . Mamtammg the admlmstratlve from the PTOs restaurant receIVes the !lcense as "Employee of the Month .. mtern program Will help bUilding SCience consultants will have li- A Sidewalk cafe dunng the sum- Both came to hIm before he found adminIstrators at the middle mlted contact With students and regional contest mertIme IS another service the the wallet schools and give him a year to are meant to aid teachers coordl- management would like to add, I evaluate the program's future, (Contlllued on Pae 19A) Good guy Part II By Nancy Parmenter rone, a bachelor of fine arts candi- King said Members of the Grosse POInte date at the Umverslty of DetrOIt The next step m the process, an And the Winner of the Good Theatre are Jubilant at their wm who played Agnes, had been Juggl- II1veshgatIon by the LCC, Will take Guy Part n award IS . Frank Administrative salnry May 11 at the FestIva[ of Amel'lcan Ing her theatrIcal commitments to from three to four months, accord- Messina, owner of Francesco's Commumty Theatre regIOnal semi- make space for "Agnes" Just be- mg to City Manager Thomas Beauty Salon in the Village fInals In Holland Although the fore the presentatIOn In Holland, Kressbach The Merry Mouse, We fielded a call from Vicki group has entered plays before, she played the Baton TWirler In which has paId $1,500 for the first Gire who told us she recently study due next week thiS month's wm ISthe hrst big suc- "Talkmg With," an expenmental phase of the mvestlgatlOn, must visited the shop with her - now.pa). aRo.th.er..$l.OOO tll complete By Mike Andrzejczyk said they were lookmg forward to ces&. > • -' - , drama wJ1h 11 monologues- klr 87-year-old father Frank seeing what the management con- The festIval "gives the members women She opened May 17 m "EI the process Hewlett. Mr Hewlett, who's A management consultmg firm FollOWing the publIc heanng and WillfIle ItS recommendatIOns Tues- sultants would recommend. "We a chance to expand a httle," said Grande de Coca Cola" With the Ac- been a bit under the weather Michele Karl, the group's pres- tors' Alliance, which closes Just In sllh'>equent approval of the Merry [ately, took some limp walkmg day, May 28, for sa lanes and know we have some real meqult- les," Mrs Hanpeter saId Ident "I got real eXCited about It - time for the "Agnes" presentatIOn Mouse's request durIng the regular the stairs up to the second floor ben~flts for Grosse Pomte publIc meetmg Mondav the CltV councIl school admmlstrators Mrs Hanpeter said she knew It'S a chance to do somethmg more In the natIOnal compefItlOn In shop, but took It all In stnde ERS was available as a resource avant-garde" RaCine, WIS, In June Followmg while Vicki got a haircut. Representatives from Towers, "They generate the mformatlOn," The piece selected for presenta- that, she starts a two-month stint In When It came time to nego- Pernn, Forster & Crosby will pre- sent ItS recommendations to the she said of the company, "but tIOn at the festival was "Agnes of summer stock at Saugatuck, dOIng The Cafe le Chat tiate the stairs agaIn, Messina we're lookmg for a long-term God," a play With three female "The Robber Bndegroom " suggested the 11ftat the back of adminIstrative compensatIOn com- mittee, which asked the school plan" characters about a young nun who "As soon as that's all done, ['II be plans to expand its the shop and accompamed Mr gives birth to an unexpected - per- ready to go to Monaco," she SaId Hewlett on hIS tnp down to the board 10 March to appropnate Adams said ERS didn't come up hours of opemtion m the committee's diSCUSSIOnof haps miraculous - baby and the With a laugh, refernng to the mter- back parking lot $21,000 for the work The committee IS made up of compensatIon efforts of her psychlatnst and the natIOnal commumty theater Once there, he noticed Mr mother supenor to help her deal competItIOn which IS the next step . . . and the owners Hewlett's eyebrows needed a board members Joan Hanpeter The administration compensa- and Fred Adams, admlmstrators tion committee was appomted m With It after Racme good tnm, and VIcki remember- The festival Imposed tight re- plan to add on to ed a function her father was go- Roger McCaig, Bernard LeMieux, December and began meeting In Mrs Purdon has received almost Donald I\Iessmg and Leo Warras January to study the questIon of strIctions on the presentatIOns, re- all of her 15 years' expenence the rear of the Ing to attend that nIght and stnctlons which would not norma[- thought a haIrcut might be In or- and at-large members Malcolm compensatIOn for the dlstnct's treadIng the boards at the Grosse Demse and Enc Truhol adrmmstrators ly be expenenced m the course of a Pomte playhouse She said she has building. der too theatncal productIOn The play Rather than ride the 11ftagaIn, The board could have received The Issue arose durIng the loved every mmute of It, but Joked InformatIOn on national .comparI- search for a new superintendent In could not exceed one hour m that If anyone knew how much MeSSIna dashed upstairs and re- length, and setting up and stnkIng men revleweo me request oy me turned WIth his clippers and did sons for salary and frmge benefit which the system found that some work and responSibilIty went WIth candidates expected fnnge bene- the set could not exceed 10 minutes the fun, "you Just wouldn't do It ., Clalrpomte, located at 630St Clalr the 20-mmute tonsonal make- packages from an educatIOnal re- Attorney Charles HrdlIcka spoke fltS It dldn't offer each, or the entry would be auto- over of Mr Hewlett right there source center m Arhngton, Va for PartlclpatIng In the competitIOn on behalf of Vito DePalma, owner about $200 The school board held a speCial matically disqualifIed SInce was "a wonderful expenence," she m the park10g lot "Agnes" IS a full-length play, and chef of the Clalrpomte. DePal- EducatIOnal Resource SerVices, meetmg Tuesday mornmg, March said "There was such a warmth An added bonus \\-as that It Director Donna DISante had to ma opened the restaurant four was at closmg time, but MeSSIna Inc yearly compiles data on 19. to conSider the bids of three dIf- flOWing from all those people The ferent compames Adams, when make extensive cuts years ago put m hiS overtime With a smile salarIes of supenntendents and audience was made up of competi- "I thmk you have to view the lI- admmlstratIve staff across the asked at the meetmg to review the "1 had to elimInate the phil- tors, but they were all slttmg there "There was no problem - I osophical speeches and go for the quor license With the mtegnty of was happy to do It," saId MeSSI- country and compiles a blenmal work of the committee, said It be- hopmg we would do well " came clear after three meetmgs story Ime," Ms DISante said She the proprietor," Hrdlicka saId "1 na later "I had a favonte uncle survey of fnnge benefIt packages, Nancy Sortor, "Mother Mll'Iam know Mr DePalma works at least a company employee said the Issue was more complex than had an opportumty to test her who was In a nursIng home for Ruth," agreed that "Agnes" IS 12 hours a day and he does have SIX volumes covenng the sa1- first conSIdered and would reqUIre theory of culling agamst Grosse two years I know how senIOrs Pomte's malO n"al, a theater "the most excltmg thmg I've ever that touch, that supervlslOn " can feel when they get older anes and frmge benefits for ad- some expert conSideratIon done" Mrs Sortor has been achve One thIng the system has re- group from Canton, OhIO, which City attorney Richard Hmks said He'll feel better because he'll mmlstratlve posItIons are available WIth the Grosse POInte Theatre that the fact that DePalma had for $30 a volume, With postage paid ceIVed from Towers Pernn IS ItS also presented" Agnes of God " look better No problem " smce 1973 as an actress, dIrector, been a chef at the Detroit Athletic If the volumes are prepaid, the expenence With a vanety of school 'It was InterestIng for me as a According to Vicki, her father dIrector to see what they had producer - "everythmg except Club, the Rf'cess Club and Anton's loved the attentIOn and kept ad- company said systems m developmg Similar lIghts and sound" InformatIOn can be further studies, Adams said done," M", DISante saId "They "speaks to hiS abilItIes The only mll'lng hImself lo the mitral' all "I'm one of those people \\-ho broken down by usmg the school With ItS recommendatIOns, the had done the playas part of their thing that bothers me IS I haven't day started when they were four, With sjstem''> population and can also board may now conSider what the regular season We started With the seen any finanCial statement" Ten thousand 'atlaboy"," to sheets In the basement," she said The fact also bothered councIl lOclude data on what dlstncts of program Will cost the school cUttlOg and kept It up as we re- Frank Messma members, who voted to table the comparable size offer, the com- system, If anythmg, and make cor- hearsed ' As had the others. Mrs Sortor matter until the next meetmg The pany saId rectIOns to ItS 1985-86 fiscal year Contmuou", cutlmg was hard for mentIOned the umque CUtlIOg ex- councl[ requested a report from Both Adams and 1\11'5 Hanpeter budget, scheduled for a public the actresses and the director, but penencewlth"Agnes" "Everyac- Deadline nears <;ald the s)-stem received more for hearmg June 3 MISS Karl credited the strenuous tor has hiS own method," she said consultants hired by the city spe- The Grosse PolOte News of ItS $21,000 than raw data Towers method With the play's success "They're as different as snow. CIfically to review fmances of busl' flces Will be closed Memonal Pernn \vas to determme the eqUlt- "They kept CUttlOg nght up to the flakes But something umque hap- nesses applymg for a liquor li- Day, thiS commg Monday, May abilIty of compensatIOn for mem- eleventh hour," she said, "but It pened With thiS show We became cense. WhIle DePaima submitted profit 27 Deadlines for the Ma\ 30Issue bers of the admInistratIve staff as League to sponsor kept the human element' an Integra[ part of the scnpt have been moved up as 10110\\-5 \\ell a'>set a schedule for a long-term , The cuttmg was frustratmg, but (through the cuttmg process) ThIS and loss statements and a list of hIS News Items for sectIOns A and '3alary range plan to msure the candidates forum we knew It had to happen," said has a lot to do With the show's wm- assets, city Director of Fmance C (news and ,>ports) - 5 pm ,>y,>tem kept Itself current \Ylth The League of Women Voters Carol Purdon. a Gros'>e POinter mng the a\\lard We were so In- Denms Foran said some of the reports could not be verified One Fnday, May 24. what the market \\a<; payIng, 1\lrs \\-111 spon!.or a forum featurmg \~ho played thp p",ychlatn,>t, Dr llmately mvolved ., Display advertlslOg for A Hanpeter said school board candIdates Tues- Martha 1,1\, lOgS ton While Ms DISante said that the of the CrIterIa counCil established (news) - 11 a m Tuesday. May The company IS also presentmg day, May 28. at 7 30 pm at the ThE' mterpretatlon of the play "strength of the show IS the way for a liquor license IS that the busmess be flOancJally sound 28, It<; :;,tudy of clas'>lflcatlOn amI com- War MemOrial was uncomentlOnal, accordmg to the actresses worked together." DIsplay advertlsmg for Band ppn"~fJ;''1 contI- born and lOcumbent Ernest the Agnes character to run up She tncal expenence, largely as an ac- placed hy ') P m Frida), Maj 24 tlOn". \\ hlch mclude central ofhce Buechler I",ngged to gush blood The effect tress, but she said thiS marked her you \\-Ill not get any dmner trade :ldmml<;trators and bUlldmg The candIdates Will be allO'..\ed IS theatl'lca 1 and shockmg 1 was dlrectoral debut "It was educa That's not so 1 have people lIned pnnclpal,> a three mmute openmg state Impressed WIth the humamty of the tlOnal and mterestmg," she said up at the door Thursday, Fnday Inside Towers Pernn performed mter- ment and brIef clOSing remarks character and 1 \\-anted to portray ''I'm so happy to have had the ex- and Saturday and I thmk I've ac- VIE'\\SWith admmlstrator'> to help The bulk of the evening will con- that" penence " complished somethmg " BUSIness ,')A "What we've done IS unconven The natlOna[ competitIOn WIll After the meetmg. DePalma sald Cable 1')A m c1aS'>lflcations of duties and re- SIst of questIOns In wl'ltmg from tlOnal," Mr'> Purdon agreed "We take place June 19 and June 20 In he was dlsappolOted, but he hoped ClassIfied 4C ,>ponslbllJbe,> and to determine the audIence directed to one or whE'ther dlffPrent lpvels of com pen- all of the candIdates who Will took more of the psychologlca[ and Racme The same cast and direc- the matter would be resolved fav- Events 12A mternal -- 11'., a qUIet production" tor Wll! attend, supported by Em. orably at the next meetmg Feature lOB <;atlOnmIght be warranted, Adams then respond Within a speCifIC saId QuestIOnnaires were also dls- time pel'lod Grosse Pomte Theatre attracts ma Jean Evans, producer, Kath- Based on populatIOn, the city 1S Real Estate 6B afficlOnados from all over the met- erme MorrIs, stage manager, Bill allowed a total of four licenses, 6A tnbuted to help the cOll'pany The forum will be teleVIsed by Letters ropolItan area The cast has had Helmke, techmcal dIrector, Chuck whether tavern or Class C No lOA revll'w thE' pre'>f'nt ,>trucfure and Grosse Pomte Cable TV and WIll Obltuane'> vaned thea trlca I experIences, Sortor, IIghtmg design, Jac Pur- other applicatIons havE' been filed, 158 detprmlO(' any InPqllltle,>. he hE' aIred sometime before the SOCIety mostly non-professlOna I don, set design, and Mary Lou according to Deputy Clerk Jeanne Sports I 2. 3(' .lcldf'd ,June 10 electIOn Both Adams and Mr", Hanpeter Royal Oak reSIdent Anita Ea. Mantho-Olszewskl, costume design Darlington " Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1965 Grosse Hospital employees honored Writer joins news staff Pointe News In conjunction With National Leto, Glory Little, Joan Louwers, Nancy Wild Parmenter has been (USPS 220.600) Hospital Week, Bon Secours Hos- Kathleen McLaren, Assunta Men- hIred as a staff wnter for the Published every Thursday pital honored 188 of It~ employees OZZI, MarCia Molesky, Beverly Grosse Pomte News, Pubhsher B, Anlel,j)Q Pubh~hl'rs for 1,570 cumulative years of ser- Morrison, Marie NOWiCki, Linda Robert G Edgar announced She 9!l Kt'rche\ .11 \HlIUe O'Hara, Nell Oliver, William Paul, GrO~Sl' POllitt'. ,n IRUb vice to the hospllal and com- Will cover the Farms city council Phone 882.6900 mUnity Susan Playwm, Norma Plotzke, and the Farms and Shore~ pohce The employee of the year award Justme Powers, Lorraine Pullin, and fire beats SoconJ Cjass Poslage pa d ilt was presented to Marge Smolinski, Patricia Sikora, Ehzabeth Sin- Mrs. Parmenter most recently NEW Detro 1 M eh gan VldS~~rIG~i ~t~~~t:t1; per year medICal secreldry, pathology, rec- acon, Chnstme Spangler, Shirley was a staff wnter at 'Tht' Source' in Address a,1 Mall Sub!:lcr pl~ons ogmzlIlg her exemplary dedication Sturdivant, MarjOrie Thome, Ru- Utica and has worked for several SUMMER HOURS Change of Addre .. FOtms 357910 99 to the philosophy of the Sisters of dolph Tonello, Barbara Victor, Vic- weekly newspapers III northern KCfche"al Grosse POlnle Farms toria Walch, Pamela White and M .... 11 Bon Secours and concern for high Macomb County. MON.FRI - 8:30 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. The deadlme lor ne\l<,scopy S standards 01 palJent care Robert Wisner She has a bachelor of arts degree MOMa~ noon 10 InSUle Insert on The Richard C Connelly, M D , m French from Mount Holyoke and SAT - 8:30 a.m •• 4:00 p.m. A.I ad ...el1l;, ng COP)! mus.t 00 n ll~ Ne....s 011C~ by 11 a m Tue~day EducatIOnal Award was presented Focus:Hope program IS work 109 toward a master's CORRECTIO'~S AND ADJUST to Judv LaFata, It N , chmcal co- degree in American history at CLOSED MON. MEMORIAL DAY MENTS Respons b t~ lor a ~play 5.27.85 and ",lass,lIed advert s ng enol 5 ordmator, nUlsmg. lor out~tandmg offers retraining Oakland Umverslty I m led 10 e 1M' a cancel alan 01 the academiC dchlevement that bene- The Focus; HOPE Machmlst She taught French at the sec- cnarge lor Or a re ll.n olll-,(' pQrt on htted her dnd the ho~pltal ondary level and has been a book- FULL SERVICE FLORISTS 1 r. error Natlhcal0n must t:e 9 ...en Tramlng Institute IS looklllg for n! me fo co 'eel un n lhe 10 o,'Ir1J Award lor ~uggestlOn of the year laid-off workers With little hope of keeper, plano IIlstructor, choral s:.ue We assume no rewons 0 1~ was presented to LlIlda Itandazzo, and theatrical accompamst, m- 199 FISHER RD 885 8510' lor the ::.arre aIle lhe lIst mser on bemg recalled to tram as skilled GROSSE POINT£-; - nurse techniCian, JSE, for her Idea machlmsts More than 100 open- structor of Enghsh as a second Ian. • to make It easier and safer for pa- Ings are aval1able Immediately for guage and sWlmmmg IIlstructor tients \\ho have difficulty walkmg qualified DetrOIt reSidents who Mrs. Parmenter IIsts her 1Il- Nancy Parmenter to enter and eXit the bathrooms have mechamcal aptitude, math terests as mUSiC, theater, cross Service pinS for 35 years were and readmg Skills, and motivatIOn country skIIng, blcychng, travel, allocatIOn committee of the Umted FOR MEMORIAL DAY award('d to RIta and C'eclha and followmg nohtlC';; ano mtf'rnil- Foundation of Mptrooohian utiic:iiNAL. uuCKiiuEKS Vlsnaw A JJ-week. course m preCISIOn tional affam; . DetrOIt • Ralph Godsey and Wilham Sloan machlmng IS taught by master Her CIVICInvolvement mcludes Her husband Bob was a teacher 10% OFF SEBAGO received pms for 30 years of craftsmen - most of whom are re- servmg as secretary of the Armada m the Grosse POlllte Pubhc School service tired machlmsts With many years Township Planmng CommiSSIOn System for 11 years She has a Awards for 25 years went to of experience. It mcludes shop Men's. Women's - and as a member of the Armada 20-year-old son and he has a son Charles Cote, Bermta Czyznlewskl theory, shop math, blueprint read- Zomng Board of Appeals She also and daughter, both married They Children's and Carol Mattera 109, inspection processes, and the serves on the family servICes live In Armada All sizes & Widths For 20 years of serVice, pms were set-up and operatIOn of lathes, NarrON-Medlum-Wlde awarded to Dorothv FlOe, Pamela mills and grmders To Size 15 Flowers, SIbbie Jone~ and Mary The free traming IS sponsorea Memorial Day services set TAN, WHITE, Shea. and funded by Focus; HOPE, the BROWN, BLUE, BONE Service pillS for 15years went to City of DetrOIt Employment and The commumty is InVited to at- Farms Mayor James H DlIlge- Rosahnd Brunsman, Margaret tend the Grosse Pomte War Mem- man Will present the Gold Star -Many other styles- Traimng Department, and the Cross, MarjOrie Dutts, Nancy Fish- Governor's Office of Job Trammg orial's annual MemOrial Day Ser- Honor Roll, after which the 1st er, Carol Greenberg, Evelyn .Vice, to be held lakeSide Monday, Michigan Colomal FIfe and Dru~ Hagen, LOUIse Helou, Raymond ApphcatlOns are taken from 8'30 May27,atllam Corps Will present a concert . Ingham, Betty Kosmatm, George a m, to 5 p.m. Monday through Fri- The program Will begm With a After the plaacmg of wreaths arid Lmdbloom, Patncla Matway, day at the Focus; HOPE Resource flag-ralsmg by VFW Post 393 and benediction by the Rev MonsignQr Mary MJlhgan, Patricia NIcholson, Center, 1355 Oakman Blvd. be- American Legion Post 303 The ad- FranCIS X Canfield of St Paul Leila Richardson, Deborah tween 14th Street and Linwood. vancmg and placlllg of colors Will Cathohc Church, there Will be the Schroder, Tlbor Szabo, Josephine The Institute also has openings be a Joint effort by the U S Manne volley, taps and echo Another fea- Vitale and Chrlstme Zablocki for Wayne County reSidents outside Corps Color Guard, the Boy Scouts ture of the program Will be a Jet - For 10 years, awards were given of Detroit who are unemployed or of Amenca Troop 156 and Girl over by the 127th Air National to Barbara Agosta, Sharon Ales, have low famJly mcome. For more Scouts of Amenca JUnior Troop Guard from Selfndge All' Force Base, and then ushers from the Margaret Angell, Gabrielle Bab- mformatlOn, call Focus HOPE at 1393 Ich, Harriet Banmgan, Denise 883-7440 Equal conSideration IS Scout troops will retire the colors Brideau, Robert Brozovlc, Marie given to all applicants without re- The invocatIOn will be presented Followmg the service at 11:45 Darroll, Molly Claeys, Norma gard to race, religion, sex, natJona- by the Rev Louis J. Prues II, of a.m., a documentary film, "Over Clapp, Teresa Dakoske, Joseph !lty, or creed Grosse Pomte Memonal Church, There, 1918-1978,"by Dr E J Ren- THE @1.

Shape holding wool blends In - PEPSI - DIET PEPSI • PEPSI LIGHT ,~ol!d colors, stnpes and plUlds, • MOUNTAIN DEW - PEPSI FREES1 8 P....., '/:0 Ute. 69 all In our three-bulton, natural • DIET FREE bhou lder model .... - ".. ~ ~ .' " - -, -, ..,.. PLUS DEP #b~ef:S t, Sale ~f The Blalrmoor, cut WIth a GDDd \t smaller wQlsted trouser for the 5-23.85 ,,~ younger, tnmmer man The SPERRY'S GOING ALL .~~- Moors {or the more mature bUIld Thru ~ ",~ 5.30-85 ~ Coat, oebt and trouser, 290 ABRO PARTY STORE OUT FOR THEIR ," . Coat and (rouser, 255 14914 KERCHEVAL ,, 824-3613 50THANNlVER5ARY /./. "t • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! t":J IF IT'S NAUTICAL & NICE WE'VE GOT IT! h,. • JUST COME IN AND ENTER! h " tfW the ships wheet ~1 ENTER TS 50 SPERRY SWEEPSTAKES "~ NOW AT THE SHIP'S WHEEL r"~. Icelebrate ~"4 I NOW IN their 50th Anniversary z/ SINCE '900 STOCK NE~TS'50 ,-- t-ERCHEYAL <\T ST CLAIR - GROSSE POINTE SPERRY and to introduce the Open Thursdul E,e/llllgs III 900 TOP-SIDER eXCiting,new Sperry BOAT ~ Top-Sider TS-50~ p Mallercard 882-8970 VIsa SHOE ...... r.ar boat shoe, ~' BUY A PAIR OF TS.50's ;~. & RECEIVE Sperry Top- FREE LIFE PRESERVERS ~, FOR YOUR TS.SO's ~, SideriS { STOREWIDE CLEARANCE , GOING ON NOW' i gomg all out for you 10:00-5:00 PM MON -TH & SAT. ~ With a sweepstakes where you could wm a 1985 10'00-6:00 PM. FRt. 19605 Mack t: Jeep. Wagoneer, a trip to Club Med, Grosse Pomte Woods I Cancun, MeXICO,an AMF Trac-14 I VISA' 882.1340 r==l L--.J ~_J 1 c~tamSacJ,ranTSor5aOp~irhofbsperryh ~ 10P- I er - :s, t e oat S oe ~ that offers a unique ~"f' ''';) combination of performance and ~";_ ~" TRAC--J4 ~- - -- comfort In , y. .;,;...:::=~") __ ...::- addition, when , i you buy a pair of Sperry Top-Sider TS-50s, ::t ~~I you'll also receIVea free "Life Preserver Kit" to keep them lookmg new So drop by the store be!ow, enter the sweepstakes )f and try on a pair of Sperry Top- "-, ) I I Sider TS-50s You'!! Sa A / see why they're the .' !~ / most celebrated boat ~~ !~~rJ1CJ shoe In 50 years ~ 5PERRYTOP~/DER'550TH OIL CHANGE $1388 ANNIVERSARYSWEEPSTAKE5 With Coupon Exp 5-30-85 No(N("'otI~r"P(p1''\d,,()I-.oorp''~''''rl''''-iI..rf)1''1 #1.>-tl'rr,~~r'llby ... r.q ~,. r .. y.

~ {rrN> cY>

Page Three-A ~rsday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Students work for safe prom night By Mike ~ndrzejczyk nrght partleb the nights of gradua- South are takmg part In the Project actIvItIes as well as breakfast • The commercIal starts thiS week tlOn , Graduation promotIOn developed If the school fmds out a student Of{ Grosse Pomte Cable North s will start at the school at by community groups and televl- has rented a hotel room In WhICha :.Karen Bokram .. a South jUnior, 9 P m. Wednesday, June 13wIth the SlOn and radIO stations, Guns saId revolvmg party WIll be held Prom ~ts on a dIrector s chaIr agamst a doors locked at midnight Students North's senIOrs deCIded to keep NIght, It trIes to get In touch wIlh Iilue backdrop As she begms to who leave after nudOlght Will have theIr promotIOn of a safe eveOlng the estabhshment to warn It, tli1k, the camera moves 10 slowly, theIr parents nol1fled, accordmg to In-house, With poster campaigns LeMIeux said The school lfleb to f!tlally frammg her face as she fl- North senIOr class sponsor Frank and messages on prom tickets contact all hotels and motels about nrshes Guns about dfinklOg and drlvmg the POSSIbility of students or theIr The message IS SImple A vaflety ot entertamment will Th t d t d d 't th k th older friends rentmg rooms In . "'You know, I was thmkmg be offered dunng the next fIve . IJ s u en SIn 10 e} hotels for parties, he added ThlOgs aren't gomg so bad I got hours before breakfast to keep the cou get participation m the pro- accepted to the college of my seniors together as a class Guns gram, so they deCIded lOstead to Pohce offICIals saId that when chOIce he asked me to the prom saId The all-mght party end~ at the keep the campaIgn local, Guns they hear of hoube parties, they and I'~ fmally graduatmg I've got Edsel & Eleanor Ford Estate With sa,l,d WII!respond qUickly and prosecute a lot to hve for You thmk I'm gon- a sunnse service at the lakefront of The ~.udents thought they could to the full extent of the law In na mess It up by drmkmg and drIv- the 80-acre estate do better on theIr own, go109 for a Grosse POinte City, that means a mg? No way" South'b l~ the next I1lght, ThUl 'i ~ersonal. app~?ach, mstead ,~f the little extra something, according to Her delivery IS measured Her day June 14 at the War Memonal arm-tWIsting, he added They Pubhc Safety Director Bruce Ken- VOIcechanges pItch and tone You and' follo\\s the Sdme pattern, ac- k?ow th~Ir clas~ better than any nedy c&n see It 10 her eyes, the way she cordmg to ASSistant PrinCipal Bel- pa~ents Homeowners \~IIIbe held lIable If flips her hair, the way she smiles nard LeMieux The c1abs stays to- South had a class meetmg la~t alcohol IS consumed at a party In Karen means what she says gether that eveOlng at the center week where It handed out the ProJ- their home even If they aren't * * * and IS served breakfa~t In the ect Graduatlon contracts,.LeMleux there, Kennedy !'laid . said Thev are to be Signed by f When pubhc hIgh school seOlors m?ymng be Rre ~ s~~n~e S7rv,Ice. parents and students Other departments ha ve !'lome I pICk up their caps and gowns, there uaqJCI '~lJUU:> Ul~lI :>luudll" Students tor their part promise thll-:g elsc In ~tore l!:lrper Weod" have their party the same mght dS t "d ' t t h' f and Grosse POInte Woods have spe WIl! be an extra message 10 there S th' 1th 'h h h I 0 0 my par 0 ave a sa e for them on a small card, It reads ou sa elr Ig sc 00 on Bea- prom/graduatIOn season" by not CIaIalcohol enforcement road umts "Class reUOlon 1995 Be there consfleld near Vermer drInkmg and dnvmg dnving With who are lookmg espeCially for the Don't drmk and dnve " The Idea IS the <;ame, put best m someone who has been drmkin drmkmg drIver .. * .. the r~lease an.~o~ncmg Harper and calling home If thev need ~ MichIgan's dram shop law puts Fto!o by Tom Greenwood Woods party, It s a wonderful nde . an extra burden on those who fUl- South High School maintenance workers were kept busy Monday Graduating semors at high time for the kids and a party they'll Parents for their part sign and msh liquor by holdmg those estab schools m the Pomtes and Harper morning transferring chairs back to the cafeteria that had been remov- never forget There are enough ac- oftel' thelr' chIId a n de 'horne no hshments. hable for damages Woods are workmg hard to get the tIVItIes t0 keep the k Idb amused questlons asked. Parents also should mJunes mcur because the ed over the weekend by pranksters. message across to their classmates and wantm~, for nothIng - mclud- agree to superVIse parties held m person was served there that drinkmg and dnving can bring 109 alcohol th h d I h I The state court of appeals has an unexpected end to a prom or On Prom NIght , SafeRldes WIll beverageselr omes an not serve a co 0 IC aIso ru Ied that hosts could be heId graduatIon celebration All three accept calls from students who hable for damages bhould mmors South pmnksters st(J$h are sponsormg events aimed at eli- have either been drmkmg and can- One way parents can offer some be prOVided alcohol minating the use of alcohol durmg not drive, or those drIvmg WIth peo- superVISIOn IS by offermg break- "It's a httle eaSIel for parents to cafeteria tables in attic graduation while prompting ideas pIe who should not drIve because fast at their home followmg Prom keep their eyes on It They could do that offer some adult superVISIon to they have been drmkmg The Safe- NIght, LeMieux saId Parents can It," LeMieux saId . By Nanc) Parmcntel' paper prmted the questIOn, "Where the prom and graduatIOn mght Rlde number IS 8B-Home-B Rides mVlte eIght or 10 couples to stop at ThIS year's Semor Prom Will be Last weekend s prank at South al e the pranks thiS year?" are confIdentIal the home shortly after the prom held at the War Memonal Saturday High was nearly put back together LeIVheux said he has no Idea whe- North and South High, along WIth ther thiS prank transpired as a re- Harper Woods HIgh Will offer all- While Harper Woods High and ends and offer entertamment and mght, May 25 agam by Monday noon All the kIng's horses and all the kmg'b sponse to a perceived challenge; but said It was a possIblhty men - III thiS case 12custodians on overtime - were called m to carry "ThiS kmd of stuff tends to be KENNY: In memory of a child's murder cafeteria furmture do\\ n from the self-perpetuating," he saId attic where a horde of pranksters Field and the state police had mlssmg chIldren Somethmg's been mterested III trymg to prevent help If they become separated By Tom Greenwood had hauled It one I11ghtdurmg the conSidered the same thIng He said wrong here" child abduction. It's somethIng whIle shoppmg, and never entermg For most parents, the thought of weekend. they had discussed a rash of hooli- ~.. Mrs Edenstrom Will also urge every parent fears I've always felt a parking lot alone gamsm in Troy which has beeri;:: cIuld abduction is no more than a More tips include teachmg chil- The empty cafetena and tea- Congress to regulate the large there should be some type of or- publiCIzed In the DetrOit Free': nightmare dren to always walk or play WIth chers' lounge were discovered ear- For Marie Edenstrom, the night- number of groups that are form 109 gamzatIOn devoted to this problem. Press ::. others and stressmg that adults do ly on Monday morning by a custo- mare became reality when her to prevent chIld abduction. "There "1 talked about our concerns LeMieux said he is not aware or::~ WIth Farms Detective Earl FIeld not usually ask children for direc- dIan The salad bar and trash com- youngest son was kIdnapped and are a number of groups, but there's pactor from the cafetena were any rivalry between suburban high"~ no regulatIOn," she saId "Some and child safety officer Donald tions. If that happens, chIldren murdered. Kenny Myers, 14, left abandoned on the second floor, and schools to "out-prank" each other :~ groups help, but others are dam- Dewey and they were both most should be warned not to go near the his Ferndale home last July 16 to the cafeteria and lounge them- LeMIeux emphasized that the:: aging They want to exploit the VIC- helpful They also urged me to talk car prank was "non-destructive" and:. look for a part-time job in a party "We have to teach children they selves were completely empty store. The youngest of three tims." to Marie and brmg her here She that the best way to deal with it IS ," have the right to say no to an About 200chairs and 35or 40tables, brothers, Kenny was a hard worker KENNY is being brought to St can help." to downplay it. Asked if he had con- ': Mrs. Edenstrom's tips for par- adult," said Mrs Edenstrom all built of heavy oak, were mls- who'd already saved up $3,000from Paul's through the urgmg of res- SlOg They were dIscovered shortly sldered making the students move -: ident Marlene Hudson, who felt ents include having children learn "They don't have to answer a years as a paper boy. m the school attic the furmture back downstairs, he,;: personally affected by Mrs. Eden- their full name, complete address strange adult's questions We have explamed that habihty was an is- " "He left on his bike and never to learn to be their best friend came home," saId Mrs. Eden- strom's story and phone number including the A note scrawled on a paper bag sue ~ "I had read about Marie's story area code; learning whose homes They're I1ttle people, but they have gave credIt for the prank to the "One of the thoughts was not to : strom, in a low steady voice. "I a point of view too We have to take was concerned at 9 but he had a 10 in the Free Press and felt It really they are allowed to enter, gomg to "Students' Non-Destructive Revo- put It back at all and let them sit on : hit home," she said. "I've alwdys the nearest checkout counter for time to hsten to it lutIOnary Strike Force" It offered the floor," he saId. "but 10 my opi- : p.rn. curfew At 11 I w£mt to the "I also suggested that parents polIce station and they were ter- to pay for any damages, but speCI- mon, that's glonfymg it." : don't have their children wear fically refused to pay for any lun- Although LeMieux said he pre- . nfIc. They took a report immed- clothes where theIr names are ViS- Iately and checked WIth me every 1 ches for "fat cats" ferred to downplay the InCIdent, he : hour throughout the night. My Ken- Ible," added Mrs Edenstrom. "It's ASSIstant PrInCIpal Bernard also saId that it was "well-orches- ny was found two days later be- too easy for strangers to pIck up on LeMIeux said he does not plan to trated" The pranksters had It and act like they know the child neath some bushes 10 Hines Park, post an Item Ized hst of damages "I walkie-talkIes They cut the m. "These are Just simple, logical don't want to play their game," he tenor chams to the outside doors about 35 miles away. He had been steps to prevent child abductIon strangled HIS kIller hasn't yet said "My pOSitIOnat thiS pomt IS to They broke out a wmdow near the StatIstIcs upset me They show that Just let the thmg die " top of the gym wall They also forc- been found " only a small percentage of abduc- Kenny would have been 15 last Grosse Pomte Farms DetectIve ed their way mto a walk-m cooler tIOns are done by strangers Most and stole approximately $50 worth January, the month hiS mother be- are parental abductlOlls m child Earl Field said he IS exammmg la of soft drmks, accordlOg to pohce gan speakIng on child abductIOn custody disputes But there are stilI tent fmgerprll1ts obtamed from the prevention through "Kids Every- a large number of attempted hIgh wmdow of the gymnaSIUm reports where Now Need You" (KENNY). abductions where the pranksters gamed entry LeMieux saId he could not estI- Mrs. Edenstrom WIll bring KEN- "If I'd taken these steps earher, Shoe prmts were also found m the mate the costs of custodian over- NY to St Paul's School Fnday, maybe they would have saved Ken- earth around the outSide of the time until the cleanup job IS com- May 30, at 8 p m Her 40-minute ny - maybe not," she saId "But gym Field has already spoken to pleted The entire afternoon shift seven-part program WIll help ed- maybe they'll help save someone the MIChigan State Pollee about the was called 10 to work during the ucate parents on how to safeguard else's child KENNY ISa memonal prank mormng, then had to go directly to theIr children to my son " A few weeks ago, South's school \\ ork on theIr regular schedule "I'm going to tell the parents of Grosse Pomte my story," Mrs. Edenstrom said "And I don't itend to scare anyone I don't go into a lot of details, but I do want to open their eyes UntIl you've exper- Ienced what I have, you don't know MEMORIAL DAY what hell IS "I Just go where people want me WEEKEND to go," she contmued "I've spoken at a number of schools and church- SPECIALS es I've spoken 10 Lansmg ancl thiS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, week I'll be speakmg to a congres- SIOnal subcommittee m Washmg- Sunday. May 23, 24, 25, 26 ton, DCI'm the only parent they asked to speak and I'm gomg to share my experIences with them and make some suggestions on how OFF Photo by Tom Grepf"ll'looo 20070 to handle thIS problem " Marie Edenstrom One of the items on her agenda IS media protectIon for the VictIms *ALL SWIMWEAR and their families "I dIdn't have any prIvacy for almost two • Jantzen months," said Mrs Edenstrom RALEIGH REBATE "Even when I speCifICally request- • Sirena ed It, I was hounded by the media • Gottex That Isn't nght " She also objects to the vIewmg DAYS poliCies of the Wayne County med- Ical exammer's offIce, complam- mg that vIewmg hours are re- * All Coverups stncted from 9 a m to 5 p m SAVE $$$$ * All Blouses "If It'S alter 5 p m you're not al- All Sweaters lowed to Identify bodies," she said RALEIGH SPORTIFF RALEIGH ONLY * "Do you know what kmd of agony a R2000Reg $16995 $10995 * All Pants parent can go through waltmg $11995Ioc;peed Coaster BrakE' IIfte' ONLY Afler Rebate * All Rainwear through the mght? I was allowed to Reg S169 95 view Kenny after hours, but only after theIr office receIved a lot of -~.~< bad p r It's not like you can de- stroy eVidence The bodies are shown 10 a photo or on a screen rT ~ J Kenny was brought before TV cameras .. \J ~@ Mrs Edenstrom also urges RALEIGH 12 SPEED R-2500 FREE STYLE name brand~ police departments to take mlssmg GRAND PRIX 95 Reg $19995 child reports Immediately, mstead Wa, $38995 $289 $10995 al Only 24 Ibs ONLY ONlY modcrale of followmg a policy of restrIctmg AFTF- R RI:.BATF After Rebate reports to 24 or 48 hours later prlle~ She'd also lIke to see posters of mIssmg children posted m govern- ment bUlldmgs "When Kenny was taken, we had fhers made up and posted them on telephone poles and III busmesses," she saId "We also 17037 Kercheval took them to the post office and a across from Jacobson's hbrary where they refused to let us 881.5060 put them up The post office posts S",v'ng Ill" fIn".' Lus'om",. In 'h" World photos of cnmmals, but not of Open Thursday & FrIday untIl 9:00

, I Pa418 Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985..; Professor recalls Antarctic expedition, Admiral Byrd .~------~I COUPON I flight deck on a test run and tlut- Byrd's lwin-engme DC-3 sat on By Michael McConnell DC.3 airplanes on the flagship," 00 Sosnowsky said tered mto the sea deck EssentIally a cargo plane, It 1$3 0FFI Among the varied awards and The Philippine Sea had to saIl "I saw It out the port Window," he wa!> eqUIpped With a Jet-assisted degrees held by Dr. WIlham F Sos- almost 9,300 miles from Norfold to said, "It made one upward flight take.off system and had ski!> set I ANY LARGE PIZZA I nowsky of the City IS a medal he Its destma lion tOOmiles oU the An- and plunked mto the sea It shook Ju~t mches above ItS wheels for lan- I With Coupon Only - 5.30.85 I received for Antarchc serVice as a tarctic coast The trip took 22 days. our faith." ding on the !>nowy AntarctIc ter. helmsman and chartkeeper for the The tIme was passed for Sos- Byrd would be makmg hiS fll ~t ram Painted on the nose of the GIANT~------WIDE.SCREEN IV. - VIDEO GAMES legendary explorer, Adm. Richard nowsky in keeping the charts up to flight from the deck of the plane beneath the cockpit wmdow • 18696 Mack Avenue • 885.9040 E Byrd Sosnowsky was a 19-year- date and steering the ship from be- Phlllppme Sea And after the hell was a logo that had been designed:, old second class quartermaster m copter inCident many of the crew, by Sosnowsky's chief for Operation Open Monday Saturday 11 am .2 am, Sunday 1 pm .mldnlght hmd a large brass wheel surround- the U S. Navy m January 1947 ed by a series of navigatIOnal mcludmg Sosnowsky, were under. HIgh Jump - a clad m . when he sailed on the USS Phlhp- compasses. standably apprehenSive sWimming trunks pme Sea - Byrd's flagship for the "I kept Byrd's charts," he said, "I wa" at the helm when Byrd Antarctic expedition known as "It was a magICal experience. took olf," Sosnowsky said, "We' FAMULUS ENTERPRISES Operation HIgh Jump Byrd was a very gracIous person were all tense" Sosnowsky, who earned hIS doc- He would always take time to say a The carner was brought around torate m education at Wayne State fe'Wwords or maybe autograph a so that the planes would be headmg Umverslty where he now teaches, picture for your mother back mto the wmd lor maximum 11ftas recently recallt>d hiS expenences home He knew who he was they left the deck Byrd's plane aboard the Phlhppme Sea "Coming 1Oto the Antarctic reo would be thp first to take off "As a boy 1 had read all about glOn IS more hke a tranSItIOn than Thel C \\ as scuttlebutt that If Byrd," he said, "And the chance to an arnval I remember after we LANDSCAPING AND LAWN SERVICE sail with him was the fulfillment of B) Id got out OK, then the other' Gras, CUtllllg \'.""J &. I Le" had gotten past the equator and plane':>would follow" 00 a boyhood dream" spotted the first whales, and then vdlh Free f-J~ll:J $1700 Ld"" "pr,,, For Sosnowsky, who grew up on Fmally, Without mishap, Byrd's' $15 15:0 '4 IS OUU'q f! I later, when we saw our first ice- plane left the deck of the Phlhpp10e 'J. Pulaski street, In Hamtramck, berg, which was probably a mile or ~3!!mg 3'1d the N3"Y w:J.y of He Sea 100 mJles off the Antarctlc two long. Tnere was certainly no coast had been brought to him through chance of smacking mto It " III I I@1f! CALL 751-2306 an uncle who was a Navy man and "r recall, on my part, a great 1I\1Jl\11\1U\1\\\\\II\III~IIIII1II1\1j1111111111IUllllllllll:11I11\111I1'111111111111[111111111 had sent hIm letters and stamps As the Journey contmued, the SIgh of rehel," saId Sosnowsky, "It from all around the world crew of the Phlllppme Sea had to \\asn't lumbenng That plane took "You'd have to know the speCIal accustom Itself to the never-endmg off so marvelously'" charm," he said, "of gettmg these hght The medal that Sosnowsky re- stamps from all over - brmgmg "At first the colors were over- ceived hangs from a Wide nbbon THE mto my young mmd that there was whelm mg. The sky and the sea colored III dlmlnJshmg shades of QUINTESSENTIAL a world beyond Pulaski street" were a blue like 1 had never seen deep blue It pictures a man 10 cold GOing through hiS scrapbooks at before A lot of us couldn't sleep weather gear standing behmd the CARTIER home, Sosnowsky illustrated hiS very well. And after a while many words "Antarctic Service." story with old photographs and of the crew became Irntable " "Everyone m the expedition got yellowed newspaper chppmgs Sosnowsky recalled the chill that one," he said, "It took me nearly 20 It was the begmnmg of the Cold overcame him when two men were years to fmally get mine But that's War era when he sailed from Nor- killed after their helicopter left the William P. Sosnowsky really another story" folk, Va, on Jan 2, 1947, and stones of OperatiOn HIgh Jump had already appeared m most of War Memorial offers hot air balloon flights the national newspapers. "They really hyped the whole Three hot air balloon flights at thing qUite a bIt," he said, pointing sunset have been scheduled by the out a news story that was head- War Memorial for June 14, July 19, hned' "U S races seven natIOns to and August 9 selZe South Pole " The story re- ported that one of the nations the PartIcipants leave the Center via Umted StatE'S was racing against van at 5 p m and are driven to was Russia their launch site III Rochester One of the main tasks of the From there FAA commerCial bal- operatiOn, however, was to study loon pilot Denms Kollln takes over the Antarctic topography and take First, the soon to be airborne aenal photographs for precise guests watch one of Kolhn's bal- mapp10g of the continent. There loons get mflated was also a theory - later diS- He has two: one that ISpmk, pur- proved - that the Antarctic was ple, blue and yellow, and another actually two separate masses of one that is royal blue, red, white, The tank, an undisputed classIc. land that might contain uranium orange and yellow depoSIt for fuehng the new AtomiC Today's version ofthc 1918LouIs Cartier original. Age For an hour or longer, Just as the In 18k gold over sterhng wIth Ivory dial. Although Byrd was retired from sun is settmg, the balloon skims Formen and women. S675 the Navy at the time of the expedi- treetops for a while and then salls tion with most of his career behind upward and out over a rural land- Selection varies by store him, he was allowed to conduct the scape Once the flight is over, all operation under Adtmral Cruzen, can celebrate over a glass of cham- who was commander of the whole pagne. tas}t forC:.-:,lI4PIe••t!lal}. 4,000 men ~~\ aboard 13 carner sfUps were in- A van has been following closelY, r. volved in the operation. so no matter where the ultImate "We carried a helicopter and six destination is, travelers do not C~ARlES W. WARREN need to trek back to the origmal ]ElHLERS S''oCE 1902 launch site The van Will return to the Center by 10: 30 pm. SO\f.ER.SEl \fALl (ll3jf>-49 HII Garage sale E,\STIA'Il-LAhE\lIlf-HIRJ ~'f Grosse Pointe's Greatest Ga- Kollin suggests that participants

lu: .J.t ...... "loIhc-l(ud I .. r .. ~l me"o\mrn.J t-.,lrH \1'" ,"1ulC'r{.Jrd arage Sale Will be held Memorial dress casually and brmg a hght Day weekend, Sunday, May 26, and Jacket, a hat, and a camera. All Monday, May 'l:l, from 11 a.m to flights, which cost $105per person, 5 p m. The event Will be held m the are subject to Wind and weather parking garage behmd Jacobson's conditions. Flights wIll be resched- in the Village. uled If necessary AdmIssion is by a garage sale , . button available for a 50-cent dona- For informatlon on how to re- .' tion Proceeds go toward the an- serve space on one of the three nual Christmas parade held In the flights, call the War Memorial at Village' 881.7511. HEY KIDS! EARN MONEY • TRIPS • PRIZES DelIver The DetrOIt News In just a few hours a day you can earn extra cdsh by dehvenng The DetrOit News You 11also be el/Qble for con SALES CENTER NOW OPEN tests including Prizes. Trips. Bonus Cash. And lots morel We currently have open ngs 'f' the areas from Cadieux to Alter and lrom Mack to La.ewe .... Court Interested persons age 11 years old and over may app Iy fot routes Call 2222600 tor more Information The Detroit News Michigan's Largest Newspaper ~ FACTS OF LAW -WIND-WOOD POINTE by Ellen C Wallaert NEW LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS Located at 24212JlffLT~on AHnul, 1/4 mIle north of9 Mile In 5t ('bur Shorl~ I\1Ieh,g.ln For InformatIOn elll 777-67kO

Open ThuT\da} 'iund 1\ I ~ P OJ A wntten work cannot be copyflghted If It IS Indecent or Immoral, or IS a forgery • • • THF BLAKE. ( OMPA:\Y Most SUItes reqUIre that, when a corporatIOn 1980(, \llck .\\ lnUl ISset up, the Articles of IncorporatIOn mdlcate (,rO\\l j>Otntl \'('ood\ .\lldlll! 111 .H2 ~() II the n~mber of shares of stock that corporatIOn HH 1 () J( ) may Issue • If you gIve a counterfeit bllllo a bank teller, even though you did not know It was counterfeit, the bank can keep the bill to turn over to the government • • • REAL PROPERTY IS defined as land and whatever ISgrowmg or fixed upon It, sueh as crops, barriers, bUlldmgs • • If you are gomg to dflve In another sUIte, you are responSible for knOWing the traffiC laws there -ADVERTISEMENT- Brought to you as a public service by Ellen C. Wallaert, Attorney at Law 22400 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, MI'4802J, 719-0180.

\ ...... '" lO Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flve.A Business VILLAGE MARKET Burton honored Manley elected by TV academ to advisory council 18328 Mack Avenue - In The Farms Park resident Pomter Milton A. Manley, Jr. of Rod Burton was Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co honored by the of DetrOit has been elected to the National Acade. Nuveen AdVisory Council, a ~elect my of TelevI- group of mvestment profebbJOllab sIOn Arts and "THIS WEEKS BELL RINGERS" natIonWide Members are choben CLOSED MONDAY MEMORIAL DAY SCiences for his annually by John Nuveen & Co , SIXyears of ser- Inc , an mvestment bankmg flnn vice as a trus- DAILY 8 a.m•• 7 p.m. speclallllng III mUniCipal bomb PRICES IN EFFECT tee Burton was and tax-exempt mvestment<;, and Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m •• 6 p.m. MAY 23rd, 24th & 25th the first adverllsmg agency execu- prOVided With special IIlformalion live to serve as a member of the and services deblgned to mcrease Academy's execullve committee their effectiveness m meetll1g GROUND CHUCK He makes hiS corporate home at J chent needs Walter Thompson, where he IS a FISH £ vice-president HAMBURGER fre~~ f.r~}h;;~~SEAFOOD ..... ",-.- ~ Fruehauf names Volunteer society McCroskery manager PATTIES $ 98 FRESH - honors Madison Glenn L. Mc- 5 I.B. BAG LAKE PERCH FILLETS Norbert T. Madison of the Pomte 3 to a Ib. or 4 to a Ib. 5 Croskery, a received an award for seven yeal's Farms reSident, No add. or preservatives of charitable work In numerous has received a ~:ESH nonprofit metropohtan DetrOit or. promotIOn to PICKEREL $398 gamzatlOns As the retmng chair- FROZEN manager - cen. , FILLETS LB. man of the board of trustees at tral purchaslllg ~ 7 Marygrove College, Madison was of the Fruehauf ~ 4liG~. selected by the college for special DIVISIOn of the : TURKEY BREAST $1~ recognillon at the Nallonal Society Fruehauf Corp , MOUNT CLEMENS BAKERY of Fund Raismg Executives Madi- McCroskery will FRESH HAMBURGERor HOT DOG son ISa retired partner at DelOitte, be responsible BUNS.6 PACK Haskins and Sells and IS currently for the planning, employed by the law firm of Plun- negotiatIOn and contractlllg ot supp- $1~6 kett, Cooney, Rutt, Watters, Stan- ly for Fruehauf's truck-trailer facI- LAMB PATTIES czyk and Pedersen htles McCroskery holds bUSiness 49(: degrees from Taylor Umverslty m OUR OWN BONELESS Tech touted Indiana and from the Umverslty of HONEY GLAZED COLOMBO YOGURT Arkansas In hiS spare time, he IS a PRE.SLICED BAKED for youth work major in the Air Force reserves and BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Another vo- commander of the Moblhty Support AND TIED ALL FLAVORS lunteer m the Fhght at Selfridge All' NatIOnal news IS Kurt O. Guard base Tech of the HAMS (: ~~: Shores, who 8 OZ. Free was honored re- FRESH 59 cently for hiS work With emo- AnnounCing More Fruehauf CHICKEN tIonally Impair- ed and develop- ~. promotions POinters T. l':eal mentally dlsabl- ~~ ,/ Combs and Richard F. Darke are LEG ed youth at the ChJ1dren's Home of movmg upstairs Combs WII!move (QUARTERS) Ir~[~]. Judson Center. Tech has volunteer- up to executive vice preSident while keepmg hiS old duties ab ed hiS tIme and profeSSIOnal know- diet . ~~[~. secretary of the corporation (ltiII.C.l.Ol'ltI pepsi.. ledge to help promote the Center's ALEXANDER & HORNUNG Darke will become vice preSident public relatIOns and fundraising and general counsel Henry NATURAl. CASING actiVities. An aSSOCiatiOnWith the pj Cross machine tool company, from Ford Hospital has picked two Pomters among ItS seven new which he retired as president, last- trustees. As part of an pxchange HOT ed for more than 40 years between the two hospitals Ford 8 PACK 1/2 LITER has inVited Cottage trustees W. DOGS GOOD UNTIL 5/29/85 Merritt Jones. Jr. and Robert A. Fenton receives Watero; to Jom Its board Jones IS a RSBO title partner In the law firm of Hili, OUR OWN RANCH The ASSOCiatIOnof School BusI- LeWIS, Adams, Goodrich & Talt, STYLE SI.ICED $1~! nes Officials has named Christian and Waters IS a certified public ac- , }II') A. Fenton a Registered School countant and attorney . National Bank of DetrOit has announced the '" \...... ,-Y Business OffiCial, the highest '" '~ ~ J BACON 6 PACK CANS professional recognition given to appointments of Woods reSident ~ pracllcing school busmess mana- Larry D. Rankens as trust ofhcer, EXTRA LEAN gers ReCipients must have ad- responsible for new bUSiness and ministrative responslblhty for a product development and Karen specific phase of school bus mess Regep Glover as vice preSident m HORMEl CURE81 HAMS$2 the auditing diVISIOn, responsible $1~! management and have at least five 98 GOOD UNTIL 5/29/85 for mternal control systems and years of expenence Fenton IS the BONELESS FULLY COOKED LB. PEPSI, DIET PEPSI, PEPSI FREE, MT. DEW director of bus mess affairs of the comphance With pohcles and regu- Grosse Pomte pubhc school sys- lations 3-4 LB. AVG. DIET PEPSI FREE, PEPSI LIGHT - Nancy Parmenter tem FRESH Red Cross needs blood donors 6 PACK CANS With the Memonal for the commumty Blood can be do- weekend approachmg, nated by anyone III the Amencan Red On Saturday, May good health who ~~:~ERLOIN$2!8 Cross urges both new 25, all donor centers weighs a minimum of $1~! and regular donors to Will be open from 9 no pounds and Ib be- TAKE N BAKE GOOD UNTIL 5/29/85 donate blood On hoh- a.m to 3 p.m DetrOit tween the ages of 17 MT. DEW, VERNORS, DIET VERNORS BONELESS day weekends blood IS and Ann Arbor centers through 65 years old $23 9 A&W AND A&W DIET III high demand, and It Will be closed. Donatmg blood IS rela STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST LB. takes all types to en- tlvely painless and STUFFED WITH OUR OWN SAGE & ONION DRESSING sure a safe and ade- For an appointment, takes less than an TRY OUR FRESH SALADS quate supply of blood call 494-2800 hour FRESH VEAL PARMESAN $219 • POTATO SALAD • COLE SLAW GARNISH WITH TOMATO SAUCE & MOZZ. CHEESE • HAM SALAD • CHICKEN SALAD • SEAFOOD SALAD • SALAD


Page Six-A Opinions & letters Thursday, May 23, 1985 The case for group homes : Recent Issues of the Grosse POinte News have ly stated. The purpose is to assure that persons tarned a senes of articles by the Group Home m need of commumty reSIdential care shall not ~dvisory Council of Grosse Pointe and Harper be excluded trom the benefits of normal reSIden- Woods to help mform the pubhc about the care of tial surroundmgs " gevelopmentally disabled adults and the need for In thiS case, however, the townshIp challenged reSidential group homes to house them. The an apphcatlOn for \\hat would be the 11th adult News pubhshed the senes as a pubhc serVICe, foster home 111 the to\\ nshlp on the grounds It VIO- ~opmg the articles would help educate the pubhc lated a prohibitIOn agamst "an excessive concen- {lnd Increase understandmg of the efforts to mte- tration ot commullltv reSidential faCIlIties" wlth- grate the developmentally disabled mto local m a mUnICipalIty B'ut the court agreed WIth the eommumties I\Iacomb County CIrCUit Judge who had ruled : Perhaps the best serVice performed by the that the home complIed With all legal reqUIre- senes was to pomt out that these people deserve ments ~ chance to develop theIr potentials to the best of Cases such as thiS one, however, have led to ~helr abilIties and remember that many of them the mtroductIOn of legislatIOn to restrIct the ~ome from our own communities, wherever we number of homes for developmentally disabled may lIve The pomt was emphasIzed, tor exam- adults In any community to no more than four for 01e, that the mentally retarded, one of the groups every 1,000 reSidents, The legislators saId they identltled as bemg developmentally disabled, were actmg 111 the mterests of the adults shoved ~arn and grow at a more rapId rate when they 1I1tocrowded homes that are "in the 1I1ner CIties have the opportumty to live m a home-hke set- or way out m the boondocks on the farms" The bng and mteract naturally With people m theIr reSIdents of such homes then become Isolated dommumty from the rest of the commumty, the sponsors ! But the serIes also helped dispel mlsunder- said ~tandmgs that have led to oppositIon to establIsh- CrItlc~ of the proposed legislatIOn saId, how- lp.ent of group homes. Studies were cited to show ever, that the present law prohibiting two foster ~at the placement of group homes has no impact care home~ from bemg In the same 1,500 foot on nelghbormg property values, that residents of radius suffICIently addressed the problems the group homes pose no more danger to children bill seeks to solve However, they also indicated than average Citizens would and that such homes that faIlure of all commumtIes to accept foster are well mom tared by local assocIations as well care homes has been responsible for some of the from our readers as teams of parents concentratIOn m commumties that do accept .Some commumty OpPOSItion to adult foster them to EdItor, Grosse Pointe downtown DetrOIt at the same dreou \\arrants a momE'nt of re Jo"al ('OllE'V Island at which the writer can be reached dunng the News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms, tIme Many hotel room~ on the clr flectIon and thank'igr\ mg lor God'" To hiS pa llents, Dr Byron An- day m case there are questions, Names of let- Mlch 48236 CUlt are rented out solely for VI('\\ gift to those of us \\ho'>e II\cS he dreou will soon be substituted but mg purposes These rOQms may touched ne\ ('1' replaced To the commulllty, otherwise be occupied durmg a There are those \\ll(J though he \\ ill be compared but never par- , Belle Isle race, but not With the spendmg a relatlvel) short drnount dlleled To hiS fellow human be- people usmg the hotels' room ser- of tIme \"Ith u" I£'d\e us \"llh an 111 Ing'), he \\ 111 be a fme example vice while watchIng the race hve delible recogmtlOl1 that the~ dre In Thank ~ou Mrs Andreou, Enc, The Grand Pnx should remdlll deed Irreplacedbl£' ,)£'11111[('1', 1\1dr} and Amy for shar Grosse Pointe News downtown to gIve those vle~lllg It A lOVing hu"hand d (dl'lng I1\g hun \\ IIh u~ on n::lIUln::l1 tpl('vl~lon ::l V1PW 01 thf' f-,Ih"r a f:>lll,fl'1 11'1('11<1 ,if"l .1 k.J", h~ Anlfof"ho Puhh",hC'T'!i NFWS ( /,\ ...... IFJED I>ISPLAY city at every turn behInd every voted ph\ SICldll B~ron \ndreoll \11' ann ,\11''' . .Jamt>" 1\lIe 99 KERCHEVAL AVE, 882-0294 XH26HOO 882-3500 car Not the woods of Belle Isle 01 \\ III not ..,nonhe torgoltpn \ !wdlrt Gro'i"e Pointe Gro •• c POinte Farm., MIChIgan 482.16 P~t P Ih' l"k \ H I if Rr.,rr Ihs:r<; the Canadian lakeshore Inclan who gavE' each patient 111'> "('''~ f-rlttor \ .....' ..Imt to Puhll"'hl r ManRR'er "'w-c-ond ( 19"1'" PO'lt81itf> Paid al O<:"trOlt "1("hlj{Rn Ind ( In ...... fi( d 'hn'\Ji{l"r The city could be seen from a dls home phone numbE'r for tho"e long 'L~P<; 2'l1l-4IlOOl 'I lfll \! III r I' I H U .. -..(' i 1 tanc.., but It would not be the "ame mghts With the !-owkchild lie- \\a" d Fpolut"f\ r.,oru.t, "rhfor \1, II I ~Rl,."I: Promotion as the shots of the people cro\\ded gentle mdn \\ ho mad£' hou9' call" 1\ \! B r • Animal page P~j.,. ... OI(nn r r r J fl.

J , ..... ,.,. + , 4 , --y 4 'f' '''11+.''1'+9; "fF¥? iW 4 -

Page Seven.A Opinions & letters Thursday, May 23, 1985 Fireworks short of money 'ilK'{ ~lb so OTK,~ By Mike .\Ildrlejczyk DondtlOn~ may abo be &ent to piC Overture," "Amencan Sa- With little more than a month to MdCk Avenue USA, 20327 Mack, lute," "Stars and Stripes For- COLUM~US COUNl~ltS WOU~b go, Mack Avenue USA hrework-> Gro~se POinte Woods 48236 Check!> ever," "Caravan" and "Fanfare orgamzer~ say the\ have rdlsed ~hould be mdde payable to Mack for the Common Man" An au- HAV~A PLhC! TO Just about two-thlrd~ oj the $1:>,000 Avenue USA and conlnbul1on!> dience participation selectIOn IS C'S~OV£~ budget for thiS year'> cllsplay are tax-deductible, dccordmg to al&o planned, accordmg to Hoh- AMt~[~A? The flrework~ dnd precedmg l\1r~ Curn meyer ~~~O'tlMOWtV. ~~' j concert by the St (Jdlr Sho[ es .A more elaborate dl~pJay 1;:, pos Public and non-public school stu- Symphony Orche~tra I~ !>cheduled &Ible thiS year - d better display, dent& choral !>tudents Will perform Q to begm about 8 15 ~Unddy, June nol longel It WI:' gel the fund&," "We Are The World" durmg the \ 30, with a ram delte ot Wedne~ddY, flh ~ FOI&tl:'[add~ !>econdset, with the audience slng- July 3 The Pyrotechll1L~ wlll Thl~ year'!> evenmg Will begin mg the refrain \ t/ be fired from LochmoOl Club dboul 8 1:>Sunday mght and will Last year'~ display at Parcells \ ground!>, with the dudlCnce!> gdth- feature radiO and televl~lOn per- held wa& the first !>lIlce 1976 and / enng at Parcelb Middle ~chool dl ew an estimated 8,000 people to Ifi-<1 ~ondhty Gene TdylOi d~ ma&ter of /' \ \ '11\1 ~/~~ rrround" <,I ,,~ ,,\' ,,,,<1 Vcr~,cr ~Cl cmvnl.c~ l'o~lu~.,ln the Jnt~ 0 ~bcy. :md Vermcr ,- b I ,,' ~ , o Co'cha ~'m'~~~K;ih~ f';I'~te'r dnd ductlOns, the NdtlOndl Anthem v.III The Idea for resurrectmg the r \ Robbie CUrt y ~ay they hdve rdlscd be sung by "F dt Bob" Taylor while fireworks Cdme durmg a luncheon ~1 about $10,000tor thiS year's display an honor guard pre&ent!>the f1dg meetmg of the busmess associatIOn c' -') and ddd they need flllancwl ~up The St Clair Shores Symphony m June 1983, Mrs Forster says port from resldl'nt!> and bU~lIles!> Orchestra Will be under the direc- .'Tnere were several people Sit- owners tIOn of guest conductor James tmg at the table and we were rem- Several bu~messe~ have made Hohmeyer, musIc coordmator dt Imscmg about past Fourth of Julys lal ge contnbutlOlls to the display and talkmg dbout what we were do- ,~/) Umver!>lty Liggett school One bnght spot was the donatwn of Hohmeyer, d Woods resident, IS mg that year" when the tOPiCof the staff and eqUipment for the sym- also conductor of the Hochester fireworks once fired by the KI- phony's ~ound sy!>tem by Sloane Symphony Orchestra wams Club came up, Mrs Forster I Barbour of Pomte Electrolllcs Dunng the symphony's two says Everyone at the table thought The problem remdlllS money, intermiSSIOn!>,bus mess people and It would be good to brmg back the &ii~\lbp0 however While the flre""orks IS public offiCIals Will be mtroduced display under the spon&orshlp of the The symphony Will perform three Grosse Pomte Busmess and Pro sets, ending dt full dark with the fesslOnal AssociatIOn of Mack Ave- hrmg of a 27-mmute pyrotechmc nue, the flre\\ ork~ books are display from the Lochmoor separate and have to balance when grounds I say Up, down and around the event IS over, Mrs Forster Taylor will also perform other !>ays songs accompamed by the sym- For years I ha ve been readlllg an evening It was They are ny at times, entertamlllg and even though I know better than to At the Sorophmlsts booth at phony Jhs selections mclude "The ----i belt eve that anythmg IS a first, It about Phil Marcus Esser and Bar- powerful, talented performers Jom- highly lIlfOrmatlve Grosse Pomte Greatest Garage Road to Mandelay," "The ImpOSSI- bara BredlUs, local entertamers ed by Shen NiChols, who IS a My mterest m visual Impairment doesn't matter I believed her Sale thiS weekend m the Village ble Dream" and "Old Man River" who have developed an almost cult- natural everythlllg - smger, com- goes beyond a reporter's cunoslty If you are losmg your Sight or you WJlI be a red "flrecracker" as well as two other arrangements like followlIlg The reviews have edienne, actress My father began 10sIIlg hiS ~ight know someone who is, get in touch. callister mto which people may Among the symphony's selec- always been glowmg And when The revue consists of actual re- shortly before he retired and he has With the Fnends of VISIOn It drop donations, she adds tIOns that mght 1,1,'111be "The Olym- they're m a new show, I say to cordings of 1946 radIO newscasts been blInd for a number of years doesn't matter where the Visually myself that It'S time to go see now He's also stubborn - too pro- Impaired person hves, because' them ud to accept help or take advantage their help transcends city limits. State committee agrees But alas, the readmg chair at of any of the services aVaIlable So They see clearer than those of us home has cast ItS spell on me and I I have been nagglllg, bnblllg and who thmk we can see Their succumb to ItS seductive powers shammg him, and With the help of number IS 824-4710 with Pointe Realtors and read about all the thmgs I those f1esh-and-blood angels at the And since I'm on the subject of After nearly two years of proce- arate fils DIllaman said, however, should be domg The magnet Fnends of VISIOn, he has another thmgs we dId one weekend, I might dural paperwork, the Grosse that there IS enough precedent for stronger than the chaIr, however, IS world opened up to him as well flmsh With the ballet Our Pomte Realty Exchange has re- mdependence that the realty their new show, "1946/DetrOlt " He demonstrates hiS collapsible neighbor to the north, the 5t I ceIved a prehmmary approval association has wntten a manual There's somethmg about that era cane He doesn't use It, but It'S Clair Shores Symphony presented from a state real estate committee governing JunsdlctlOnal changes after the war, the growmg pros- there He shows us the tape re- "Sleepmg Beauty," which was per- to set up its own real estate board penty and the optimism, that corder and the tapes available to formed at the Macomb Center for Grosse Pomte IS currently part of - Nancy Parmenter sounded like a great way to spend bhnd people He has some National the Performmg Arts by two the DetrOit Board of Realtors of events In DetrOit that are played Geographic tapes and he says dancers from the San FranCISco "We've got a long way to go yet. m between such numbers as "Mood they're good My mother looks Ballet and a large cast of local but we're pleased so far," saId South holch arts festival IndIgo," "Happmess IS Just a through the catalogue for tapes she dancers Thomas Youngblood, preSIdent of Thmg Called Joe," "Smoke Gets III too Will enJoy along With him Now I have to tell you that the the Grosse Pomte Real Estate Ex- The fourth annual Grosse Pomte a fashIOn show from the fashlOn Your Eyes," "Roule 66" and Getlmg back to the evenmg, I ballet IS not somethmg that excites change "It would be presump- South High Schools Arts Festival, and deSIgn students "Boogie Woogle Bugle Boy" Talk cannot resist saylllg It was an eye- my husband He would sooner cut tuous to speculate" sponsored by the school and the The art exhibIt will be 'open dur- about nostalgia I didn't want to go opemng event, IIstemng to people the grass, an actIVIty that sets off The May 10 approval by the ad South Mothers' Club, will be held lIlg school hours m Clemlson Hall home If you need some Woody who cannot see talk about their hiS allergies But he agreed to go hoc committee of the Michigan As- Wednesday to Fnday, May 29 to 31, \Vednesday and Thursday and Herman, the trIO will be at world Accordlllg to one speaker, and I planned to elbow hun at mter- from 8'30 a m to 1 pm Fnday sociatIOn of Realtors IS only one at the school, 11 Grosse Pomte TremontI's 111 Detroit for another It's the second most feared dIsease vals to keep him awake step m a long senes, explamed Boulevard The exhibIt ISalso open from 7 to 10 month The first is cancer Well, to shorten thiS tale, I didn't p m Wednesday and Thursday Cathy ChampIOn DIllaman, who Highlights of the festival mclude The mght before that, we at- Kay Gee, a former SOCialworker have to He not only stayed awake holds dIrectorships m both the Wednesday mght actIVIties m- tended a program at the War Mem- who has the ~ame dIsease as my and alert, he got caught up in the an on-golllg art eXhibit, a Wednes- c1ude a Tower and Imprmts Open DetrOit and the Grosse Pomle real- day evemng program featurmg anal put on by the Fnends of VI- father, said, as she sat III the story Ime. I shouldn't be surprised, ty groups The ruling Will proceed House, perf-ormances by the sion They wanted to open up the crowded Fnes Ballroom, that the because It was a highly profes- solo vocalists, dramatic readmgs, vocal departments, fashIOn show through the govermng layers of a fashIOn sho\\ from the FashIOn world of blmdness to those of us program made medIcal history SIOnal and beautifully staged pro- realty associations up to the na- and mformahonal speech From who can see and who take It for Never before had so many people duction And the music was won- and DeSign department and the An- 7 30 to 9 pm, performlllg arts tlonallevel, she said nUdl Arts Awards presentatIOns granted Not exactly a fun evemng, - about 250 - gathered for such a derful "It's a trade matter," Ms awards Will be gIven m the audl- you might say program and never before had Such a weekend So much dIVer- Dlllaman said "It's d matter of l'hursday evenmg the South High tonum At 8.30 pm, arts awards Wrong It was fun and Wildly fun- such an evemng been planned And SifIed entertalllment in the area legltlmlZmg a SituatIOn which School Band and Orchestra Willpre- will be handed out already eXists " She estimated that sent a concert on the front lawn of Thursday highlights IIlclude, be- the remammg procedures WIll re- the school, followed by the popular Sides the art exhibit and Tower and qUire at least until fall Ice Cream SOCial Impnnt Open House, an outdoor The DetrOit board has resisted ThiS year local merchants are concert and Ice cream SOCialon the efforts by Grosse Pomte to sep- a!>~lstmg South High School m the hIgh school lawn begmnlllg at 7 FUR N T U R E GALL ERY promotIOn of the festival Displays pm of student \\ ork \'.111be on Vle\\ m the wmdo\', s of Young Clothe& on Party store hit the Hili and Jacobson's and the Ca- Foster homes needed A thief or thieves forced open the mera Center m the VIllage An ad- County-v/lde recrUitment meet- front door of Art's Party Store m ditional display may be seen at the mgs for persons lIlterested III be- the Park early Fnday' mornlllg, Central Library commg foster parents are sched- )\Iay 17, and escaped With cig- Departments represented m- uled for May and June III the ad- arettes and food stamps, accordmg elude the Arts department, exhlblt- mlmstratIve offices of Children to polIce mg art work, photographY, callig- and Youth SerVices, Michigan De- raphy, ceramiCS, \\eavmg, com partment of Social ServICes - The culpl'lts entered the bUlldmg mercia] and mtenor design, Indus- Wayne County, 801 West Balti- by prylllg open the door They fled tnal Technology, \\Ith wood and more, DetrOit after tl'lppmg an alarm PolIce re metal pro]ect& and drafting, Prospective foster parents Will spondmg to the alarm followed a ;\Iuslt', With vocal and mstrumental be acquamted With the need for trail of loose packages of cigarettes performances, English, \>" Ith foster homes m Wayne County for apparently dropped by the thieves. Foren&ICS Imprmts and The both black and white children m but lost It at Alter Road To\\ er and Home EconomIcs \\ Ith need of temporary care Proce- dures for applymg for state licen- sure of foster homes WIll be ex- plamed Meetmgs are scheduled as fol- new on lows May 23, 7 pm, and May 29, lOam Also, June 6, 7 P m June 12, 10 am, June 20, 7 pm, and June 26, ;'Ull 10 a m Foster homes are needed for Pat ROllS'il'UTale contlllue'> at Sea&ons of Paper (~~ ..i!" ,i tWice-yearly clothmg allowance for chllJ, ell III licensed f05tel l.umt5 A FRONT PORCH Dr;::~'lon !n a bergelbrov',nlvanilia/grey stnpe fabr,c through :\lclj - 2,)0'() and ')O'\)Ui' i' 1 \) Ker (<';"1 /' ~1 Health care need'i of children m GLIDER, TODAY Made With a sturdy Iron frame In the color of cheval _ \\.:,.) :~J foster home placement are covered vantlfa Weather proofed for maximum protection under MedIcaid Matching pieces are available Also, by speCial TlIne I'><,tillavailable to gel \-OUf mix and match active Further mformallOn may be ob- order, In a Wide selection of fabncs Shown Love v.ear al Bavbprrv Hill ('Ia'osl('o, nm\ lOoo OFF and 2,')%OF!' tamed by ca IImg the foster home all drp~~e< too at J I') Kercheval recrUItment and hcensmg Ullil at seat gilder, 44", $330 Sprmg base chair, 23", $173, R766220 contemporary glass top coffee table, 16x36", $64

11('1'('I'>your cham- (' at ('of yOU\\ho ml,,<,ed It ~pl~clal at Trail Volunteers honored '.' Apothecary vltabnth 2107 bottle r('~ular Two Grosse POinte reSidents $2-100 MlW only $Jl) 00 Don't mls~ out on the ""ere among 71 Saratoga Com- Jacobson's <;avll1g

\ , ~...... ~~.... ~ ~-,...... --~ ..... ~--.....-,...- ...... -~'" :

~age Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 198 • Brownell School - a community resource geographic middle of the district We're the ment. A computer class IS avaIlable to benches for the courtyard," Messing said, only middle school to feed both high eighth graders, but the room ISalso open be- gesturing out his office window. "There schools." fore and after school for supervised use by really isn't any place for the students to ~tlt, Brownell has a modern feel that belles ItS any student wishing to work on a computer and a sidewalk and benches would be nice." 30 years Messmg says that is due to the project A computer and prmter in the lib- bUlldmg deSign, which separates the rary are also available to students all day Brownell parents are active, too. A recent 2 variOUS curnculum areas Academic sub- long meetmg of SAC , a group opposing sub- Jects, vocatIonal, vocal and instrumental "The journalIsm class puts out 'The Bul- stance abuse, attracted more than 75 mUSIC, and physical education can all pur- letin' on the computer," Messmg said parents, Messmg saId "They want to better sue their own goals Without mfrmging on "Gomg to the computer has really dressed understand their children's problems" each other the paper up " ..It was deSIgned so that the programs One of the mce thmgs about Brownell IS wouldn't disrupt each other, so It still seems that the students play an active role They modern even after 30years," Messmg said conducted a magazIne sale In the fall to Brownell ISa commumty resource as well raise money for school projects Their fIrst as a middle school Adults come In as early purchase, just three weeks ago, was a flag as 7 a m to SWim In the pool At noon, the for the school grounds, and they are now pool ISagam open to adults In the contInumg pondermg a good use for the remamder of educatIOn program and most evenmgs and the money, Messmg said. , . Sa turdays the school plays host to a variety "One of the pOSSIbIlities ISsome redwood ,, of communIty clubs and orgamzations. • .1.\\1C h~\c geed fac~1;.tl~:; for soccer J~d ..-,.1' .'" softball - and even the rose club meets ~~~ fi" here," l\le!>smgsald "We're used by the to- tal commumty m the true sense of the The Brownell journalism class has started putting out 'The Bulletm' on the computer word " .~~~/ { Messmg said he IS particularly excIted at this year, Tommy Wright and Phyllis Can- the prospect of the program for the mental- ~ diliotis record the latest hot items on their ly Impaired that will be transferred to terminal. Brownell next year Already, a group of the By ~ancy Parmenter trainable mentally i.mpalred is meeting About to celebrate its 30th anmversary, once a week at a workshop to acquaint them Brownell Middle School stands handsomely With their new quarters on a former Nlke site, not lookmg a bit its "TMI has reCIprocal benefIts for the age handicapped and the non-handicapped," "I can remember commg by here as a kid Messmg said "The interactIOn between the and seemg the pup tents for the milItary," students IS ImpreSSive. As they recognize said Donald Messmg, who has been the handIcap, they begm to have a real un- Brownell's prmcipal for Just one year derstanding " Brownell was bUIlt in 1956-57when the U S The handIcapped program has been locat- went out of the Nlke business ed at Poupard Elementary School, but Mes- Named for former school Supenntendent smg said It IS expected to fit in better at Samuel Miller Brownell, the school started Brownell because it is more "age-appro- out as a junior high Nmth graders were priate" there. In addItion, the handicapped shifted to the high schools in the latE' '60s as students wIll have the advantage of usmg Grosse Pomte jomed the trend toward mId- Brownell's SWimming pool. The TMI pro- dle schools gram ISa magnet program With students up "Brownell IStruly a mIddle school," Mes- to age 26 from all the Pointes and Harper sing said "The students are m the middle of Woods. theIr educatIOnal pursmts, they are in the Brownell has had a special mi- mIddle of growth between childhood and cro-computer room for several years and adulthood, and Brownell IS loca ted m the has kept It updated With additIOnal eqUlp- Brownell Middle School

I A pall' of former rapId transIt downtownMt Clemens, MIChfor a photos and pamtmgs, scale modeb $1 50 for children, and chIldren of a runaway box car. In apprecIa- electrIC rail cars (1924 vmtage) 45-minute ride over a route laid and histoncally SIgnIficant rellcs under ~rIde free Charter trips are tion, the statIOnagent taught young I that formerly carned passengers around the turn of the century on The museum outdoor dIsplay m available weekdays after 4 p m Tom telegraphy and so began Edi- north from Chicago, IS now set to the north bank of the Clinton river cludes almost a dozen vaned Sized and Saturdays and Sundays after son's short career m raIlroad 109 Thke a ride r..,offerndes for the familIes of thIS The tram route mcludes small in- aircraft as retired from active the 4 p,m tnp area each Sunday afternoon from dustrial developments, farm lands mIlItary use The MIchigan TranSit Museum, MembershIp to the MTM IS open' 'by trolley car l\lay 19 thru Sept" 29 and suburban areas. Also located The Trolley-Tram IS powered founded m 1973, has also recently to anyone who has an mterest in: along the route IS the SelfrIdge from a 1942 AlcoDiesel locomotive restored the 1859 Depot located railroad history and would like to The trolley-tram, operated by the MIlitary All' Museum and NatIonal providmg 600volts DC attached to three.quarters of a mile west of help WIth the varIOUSprojects IQ: this weekend MIchIgan TranSit Museum, a non- Guard Base the rapId transIt cars masmuch as downtownMt Clemens on Cass at eluding procurement of additIonal proht corporatlon which collects, overhead wires have not as yet the Grand Truck R R crossmg It trolleys and operatmg the tram 1 _ preserves and dlsplays hIstOrIcal ThISyear the Trolley-Tl'am stops been erected. ISnow a museum back to Its 1900 For additional mformatlOn write mass transportatIOn systems, runs each Sunday at the SelfrIdge MIlI- Trams run each Sunday, May 19 appearance and depIcts the site at MIChlgan TranSit Museum lnc, from the Caboose-Depot on N tary All' Museum for Visitors to through Sept 29, at 1, 2, 3 and 4 which Thomas Edison saved the Box 12, Fraser. 48026,or call 463- GratIOt Ave one mIle north of vIew displays of cut-away engines, p m AdmiSSionIS$2 75 for adults. statlOn-agent's child from the path 1863 "No, no. r-~METROSKI&SPORTS--1 I'm fine:' t TUESDAY,MAY 28th ! I , At Kelly Health Care, \\e know t hO\\ dIfficult It IS for some people to a~k for help t~,~ ,~ETRO S~~nt~ SPORTS t They don't want to be a bother They don't want to worry anyone That's wh~ we developed our SAILBOARD t m-home Assisted Livmg T\1 pro- t \ t\). gram~ Through these programs, qualified profe~~lOnals prO\ Ide L;~~tp... ,~,<~'>',~YMMERFESTt hou~ehold, per~onal and speClal- ~.o\~\~ ,., " . ':;/1- 0. ;:;\.." t lied help -\nd whether It\ to lend .. ~'\ \D~",.4~ a hand or hold one, the\' can be t ';~ J .",,~\\ 'I It. .:~' o' • ~ with a personal there-from four to 20t hour~ a da) ....-1:\ O\}~~\\V~ :oj' •v appearance by I:.\'er~ homemaker, home health , .~ ~~ r !3IC 25~699 ~o .It" t aide, companion, live-in, LP,\ and , • OtJ~;t~d ret:\..shtrts •• r>~-Jf..~ >.' KEN WINNER R~ on ~taff I~ bonded and m~ured, S\lgg sseS 1oUlC\S ~ ~ t and matched to fit the person- S\lll~a. Beoc~ockY ~. ~ World Sail~ard Champion CoP eS • ord . ahtles of the c1lenl'> the\ 'lerve t O ff\sbe • SOI\b 'foteS ~. t \11 ca~e~ are mOl1ltored and sockS. \{Oo\ \'ilorelll l., MAY 28, 1985 '1upen I~ed b~ Kell) \ ~peclalJv Bento\S h \'i'\tJch ." ..al"Y ~' \ \'i'\tJC t'loect?"' 85 \ . tramed regl'itered Ilur'le And t 2 5 (\\l( chase d 5.28' \~ p.m. - p.m. t 1\e1ly \\ III check In!lurance, then t'lo0fUr g he\ stOre II' , ora\llt1\ (It the \ h.lndle c1alOl'l and formll Our t 5 II r<' forr<'s M k I . hlll'l lI'lt and c\plam scnlce~ In . t.1\tr\) Jb\e at a e your pans t 0,\(1 an ea'i~-to-read format But our allthe stOre to be there c1lent'i pa\ onl) If the} 're ~atl~fled t \\ Ith the '1Cf\Ice the' reCCI\C If \011 or '1()m('o~e \OIlIO\c could U'le a helplllg hand at home, t t LLlII\e1I) IIc,lltn Care .11XX'-!-)OOl for more mformatlOn t t It could nMkc hfe ca'ilcr for c\enone \11 ,ou h,l\(' to ISPECIAL DISCOITNTS on !\/ .'t do 1'1 a'lk t• everything to put you in the water ~'- a , Sail boarding is a BREEZE -.--' . ~ - ~~l when you learn from us. ~ - _ .~., t E- SAILBOARDS • SPORTRACKST-~ , t ACCESSORIES and great looking SPORTSWEAR t t METRO SKI & SPORTS t t ":0343 Mack.South of Vernier. Grosse Pointe Woods t HEALTH CARE \" INPI\!l'l 01 ~f1I\ 'lfII III.' ~. Mon. -Thurs. 10-8 Fri. -Sat. 10-6 -- Till 'fill r IRI flOPI! 884.5660 J l 1 tlo,"l ~Ih '-.(I"\I{(, 1m L~~~~~--.~~~~~...-j ~.- • "'" ... ,'" 1- 1-" ~-- ...,.--~ ~ ....--- ..... W ,V fW .- l~ i" ,•••• V • ,. ,. r. ,U ~. ",4 j4 i. ,V ..' , ;0;- 'i"""" t "'-----,--..~ ...... ~-, ..,-~~-....--.,...... ~-.-.:-t""-....-.----.-.---....- ...... ""l"""""..-r-...---~""""-- - _

Tnursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nme.A ------j House hunting in today's lllarket - what to know "MEAT ME AT MUUER'S ... WHERE PARKING IS A PLEASURE" Making a deCISIOn on bUYlllg a mortgage lenders say your month- variations on eight or mne dIfferent to sell soon" Single famIly homes, 15215 home thIS spring demands as much ly hOUSIngcosts may not exceed 28 mortgages. ThIS allows you to shop by the way, are appreciating at a KERCHEVAL 822-7786 skIll as predIcting the weather percent of your monthly gross 1Il- for mortgages from lenders across faster rate than condos Grosse MONDAY.SATU R DAY You have to guess on whIch way Ill- come Your total long-term bor- the country You can usually re- Taxes: If you're buymg a second Pointe 800 10 600 terest rates are headmg, deCIde be- rowmgs, which mcludes your hous- quest prIntouts of the mortgage home, you may want to walt untIl Park the battle over the budget defICit tween hundreds of different mort- 109 payments and any other debts payments from computerized EST. 1937 gages, calculate a budget to make WIth a term of more than SIX brokers and use them for further ends The Treasury Department's "An Impre!>sive Selel:tron of foods ill 1I R elalwe/y Small Place" the monthly payments and you months, cannot exceed 33 percent comparison shoppIng tax proposal would end mortgage have to fllld Just the right home of your monthly gross Income to mterest deductions on second Buymg a home IS the bIggest in- qualIfy for most mortgages Appreciation: WIth the current homes, castIng some doubt on the MULIER'S MARKET vestment most people ever make rate of appreCiatIOn on real estate market for vacation homes FAYGO BABY BBQ RIBS POPULAR SubsidIzing mortgages: Find out and It demands some personal Shopping for a mortgage' remammg steady at about five per- 12 OZ. CAN POP VIDALIA fInancial savvy to get the best deal about any low-mterest mortgages $249 "There are two thmgs you have to cent, tho!:>ewho are bUying a home LB In MIX OR MATCH SWEET 79 you can, accordIng to the l\llchlgan do 10 chOOSing a mortgage," say:. as an Investment should thmk that may be offered your state C However, these programs are ASSOCIatIOnof CP As Only one In Jim Kropp, d CPA who buy!:>prop- t\\ICe, says Kropp, of the AICPA's $515' + DEP STRIP $419 ONIONS LB four U S households has enough in- Real Estate Committee "In the u&ually dIrected at first-time STEAKS LB erties for a maJol real estate firm WHOLE come to support today's median .'The first IS shop and the :.econd IS ca&e of a Yuppie. for m:.tance, It buyers ---COUPOH-- $3 FlDRIDA prIced home Mortgage lenders, l\Iortgagl' points are deductible: 49 to shop :.ome more" mdY be better to hold off buymg a CIGAARTORETNS CUT TO ORDER LB SWEET f 9ge faclIlg the highest rate of fore- A qUIck way of shoppIng ISb} us- condo 01 town house," he says .'It When you're purchaSing a home, C 4 any POints you pay up front are CHUCK $1 CORN or closures Since the Great Depres- Ing elecfronlc mortgage brokers may pay tor them to I ent and m- 79 SIOn, are talklllg about strIcter in- The 1mgest of the:.e computeilled vest their sa vmgc; In a Certificate generally deductIble In the year $81!N STEAK LB 9 LIVES you pay them You can secure an come qualificatIOns for borrowers mortgage brokel" has 25 lender:. 01 Depo!:>lt(C D ), rdther than tie S888 100'5 SIRLOIN TIP CAT FOOD Quahlylllg 101 d mort~dge Most tram alound the nahan offermg thell money up In a home they plan Immediate tax benefit by paYing POints up front, rather than tackmg EX~{~~su~g~/85 ~~'SSER'E $2~9 39C~ ean $9~ them on your mortgdge • Pn"'>c, In effl"rl Ihrll 'i-2'l-8'i' :!P" :'v. edt eqUity. 11you Cdn 1 dlIO!O the home you want, find one In the same neIghborhood that needs to be fixed up Generally, a home that needs a fresh coat of paInt and some elbow grease sells for 10 to 15 percent below Its potential value Fix-up cost~: PaIntIng and clean- mg up the house you're sellmg may get you a tax break You can get a tax break for any fIxmg-up done wlthm 90 days of the sale The pamt, the cleamng fluids, the cleaning service you may hIre are all deductible The deductIOn IS fIgured by subtractmg the fIx-up expenses from the gam realIzed m sellIng the home. Shared equity mortgages: Perhaps you're lIke several million people who want a home, but can't afford the cost A home buyer who can't make the down payment alone may hnd a shared equity mortgage IS a moneysaver Fmd a partner (who mayor may not live WIth you) and share the down pay- Grosse Pointe's ment. the appreciation and the tax breaks for mterest payments Greatest Garage Sale Mortgage insurance: If you can't afford to make a down payment of • Bon Secours golf benefit 20 percent 01' more on the purchase Tickets tor the Bon Secours Hospital second Invitational Golt Benetit on Monday, June 10, at the price, you may qualify for mort- Memorial Day Weekend Lochmoor Club, are available from any of the steering committee members shown here or by call- gage msurance Mortgage in- ing Jamie Spriet at 882.1126. Pictured from left, are Ann Gehlertj W. George Kramer, Jr., chairman; surance generally tacks on $15 to $30 on a monthly mortgage pay- Sun., May 26, Mon., May 27 Lorenzo "Red" Browning; Christopher M. Carney, chief executive officer, Sisters of Bon Secours ment, dependmg on your down pay- of Michigan; Ted F. Darlow; George H. Williamsj and Richard P. Shammas. Not pictured are Ken- ment, the mortgage amount and neth Adler, co-chairman, and Donald N. Sweeney Jr., M.D. whether you have an adJustable- 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. An entire day of golf and other activities including meals, cocktails and gifts are available for a rate mortgage Someone who has $200 donation. Tickets are available for the 8 a.m. shotgun start. Tickets for the 1:15 p.m. start little cash for a down payment, but Grosse Pointe Village are sold O!Jt. Dinner, docktails and eligibility for major door prizes are available for an $85 donation. IScertam to have a rIsmg mcome, IS Parking Garage Behind Jacobson's All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. an Ideal candidate tor mortgage in- surance CONGRADULATION 198; GRADUATES • PROM NIGHT IS one of the happiest nights of

I: " >.'. " t:" Your Life • • • t.. ~t, r '." t"• .~. • Don't :'• \VR~CK it! • !, ~ ~" ~ .~, <. '" DON'T DRINK ::'.

;~ AND DRIVE ~~ ',\ ~'\ :'., .'\ ~ ••~"... .,".. "..• Sponsored by: The Meade Grou~ ..

\ . I • oJ I ..

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985 r- /Page Ten-A , ; ea~ \, '> c' Obituaries

Kathleen Alice Jarrett Harold J. Lincoln James Alfred Lafer Sr. Donna J. Zmyslowski For a Safe and ServICes for Mrs Zmyslowskl, Services for Mrs Jarrett. 73, of Service::. tor Mr Lincoln, 88, of Services for Mr Lafer, 79, of the the Woods, were held Monday, May Woods, Will be held Fnday, May 24, 62, of N Oxford Road, were hel~ Enjoyable Vacation Kerby Road, were held Saturday, Saturday, May 18 at the A H.. May 18, at the Verheyden Funel al 20, at the Bell Chapel of the William at 11 a m at Grosse Pomte Mem- R Hamilton Co , Blrmmgham onal Church, 16Lakeshore Road 10 Peters Funeral Home and Our Season, Home and St Paul's Catholic Lady Star of the Sea Church Church He dlCd May 16 10 the Bedford Grosse Pomte Farms He dIed Tuesday, May 21 She died May 15 In her home Cook and Santoro, Inc. She died May 15 III Bon Secours Village Convalescent Home, Royal Born 10 Mt Clemens, she is sur- Hospital Oak Born March 29. 1906, Mr Lafer offers the Born m DetrOit, he was a 20-year graduated from the University of Vived by her husband, Clem; two Born In DetrOIt, she IS survived daughters, Sandy Shetler and Nan- by her husband, Thomas F , four reSident of Grosse POInte Mr .LIn- Michigan College of Aeronautical Car Care 30 Point Inspection coin retired 23 year~ ago as a diS- Engmeerlllg.In 1928 and affilIated cy Bordato, three sons, Dave, " daughters, Mary Ellen Morrison. Mark and Kevlll, one sister, two Kathleen Robmson. Jeanne and trICt manager for the TRW com- With Delta Epsilon fratermty A pany, startmg \\ Ith the firm when It Iullng elder 01 Grosse Pomte brothers, and five grandchIldren, Margaret. two sons, Bradley and Memonal contnbutlOns may be 1 Coolant check freezing and bOiling POint 16 Check air 1,lter condition Weston; two sisters. and mne \\ent under the name of Wl11tman Memonal Church, Mr Lafer wa!> 2 Pressure lest COOlant system 17 Check pOher steeling flUid & operatIOn and Burns past-president, I\hchlgan Society 01 made to the MIChigan Cancer grandchildren It'oundatlon 3 Inspect all coolant hoses 18 Chec\( brake flUid Interment \\as at Mount OlIvet Mr Lmcoln qUIt school m the Sons of the Amencan RevolutIOn. 4 Change all 19 Drive belt inspectIOn & adlust tension as !>Ixth grdde dnd went to work lor and ementus alumnus Umverslty Interment was at ResurrectIOn nece~sary Cemetery 5 f1eplace all filter the Packard 1\10tor Company. of Michigan Cemetery . 6 Lubncate front end & dnve train 20 Check banery Mr Lafer was also a member 01 7 Creek transmissiOn all standard trans 21 Clean battery ternunals If reqUired earnmg 25 cents a day dnllmg the DetrOIt Executive Club. DetrOit 8 Check differential 22 Electnca' check or charging systel'l holes for the autos' kerosene Gerald F. Fitzgerald 9 Inspect tires & correct ~re pressure 23 Engine vacuum systems Visual Inspeclton Byron A. Andreou M.D. lamps He wa~ a member of Grosse Hotary Club, Founders Society, 10 Exhaust system Inspection 24 Test all condltlomng system Services for Dr Andreou, 57, of Pomte Memonal Church and wa~ a DIA, a VIllage trustee at Grosse SerVIces for Mr Fitzgerald, 82, 25 Test heating system 11 Chec~ shock absorbers Visual LaSalle Road, were held Saturday, member at Kmghts Templar No 1 POlllte Shores, and past preSident of Moran Road, Will be held at 11 12 Visual InspecMn axles trans & engine 26 ExtenOI light inspection a m today at St Paul's Cathohc ...... ,. I ~ ~ ,",,,~ " .. " I:' h n",I"C- !\!?y 18, In Ihp VprhE'yrlE'I1 F'l1npr;:ll elon A.<;hIE'r r origE' F ann AM of Fme Arts Society He was also a IVl It'CI"~ fnend of Camp Oakland that was Church 13 Front end and steeflng 1m inspection 28 D~;;.&'~I;d;\~op;r;tIO~ InS;;;~tlon Home 1\11' Lmcoln IS survived by two 14 Visual inspectIOn of brake system 29 Wiper & washer test He died May 16 m Saratoga Hos- daughters, Lorrame P Stout and hiS faml1y's farm lor 50 years He He died May 20 In hiS home. 15 Refill washer tank 30 Road test pital Norma Jane Graham, five grand- was also past member of the Born in Paw Paw, he was admit- ted to the bar m 1927 after grad- Born III Greece, he ISsurvived by chl1dren, and four great-grand- DetrOit Athletic Club, DetrOIt Boat hiS Wife, Diane, three daughters, children Club and Grosse Pomte Yacht Club uating from the DetrOit College of all tor only including D. Jenmfer, Mary A and Amy C , MemorIal contributIOns may be and a member of the Woodworkers Law He was a member of the 3995 Oil, Lube and Filter a son, Enc Byron, and two made to Alma College Club of the Semor Men's Club of the American, MIchigan and Detroit brothers Interment was at AcaCIa Park War I\Iemonal Bar assocIatIons as well as the MemOrial contributIOns may be Cemetery The son of 1\11' and Mrs Frank Catholic Society of Lawyers, IrIsh Parts other than oil, lube and oil filter extra made to the American Friends of Gerhard Lafer of DetrOIt. Mr AmerIcan Lawyers Society and the Greece or the pedtatnc depart- John L. Diesing Lafer was retired managmg part- Grosse POlllte Rotary ments of St John or Bon Secours ner of Lafer Brothers, a whole- Mr Fitzgerald was a member of Services for Mr Dlesmg, 72, for- sale-retail food busmess founded the Kmghts of Columbus, Gabriel Cook and Santoro Hospitals merl) of the Pomte, lately of by his father III DetrOIt III 1883 Richard CounCil, and the DetrOIt CrematIOn was at Forest Lawn Bayonet Pomt, Fla, were held 15232 Harper at Barham • for appointment 526.1300 Cemetery, DetrOit MI' Lafer's forefathers, the Dlys Boat Club. For 40 years he was the Wednesday, May 15 at the A H and Romines, emigrated from attorney who represented the SIS- Peter::. Funeral Home England to New Jersey III the early ters of St. Joseph-House of Good He died May 11 in Bayonet Pomt 1600s and the Lafers came from Shepherd and he was the OrIginal Born 1ll DetrOlt, he was a distrIct Carl M. Fromm Bavana III the 1800s and settled In d1rector of St. John Hosp1tal manager for GMAC and attended Toledo He IS survived by his wife, Emi- Services for Mr Fromm, 60, ot GM Tech Mr Dlesmg was very ac- the Farms, were held Monday, He 1S surVived by hiS wife, Iy, a son, Gerald F. Jr ; a daugh- tive 10 the LIOns Club for 25 years Florence E Buttolph Lafer, three tel', Barbara A Fmch, and SIX May 20, at the Verheyden Funeral before hiS rel1rement, helping to Home and SI Paul's Cathohc sons, James Alfred, Jr, Wl1ham grandchl1dren orgamze the Woods LIOns Club in Buttolph Lafer and John E But- CrematIon Will be at Forest Church 1954and servmg as its charter pre- He died May 17 In South Macomb tolph La fer , three grandchIldren, Lawn Cemetery SIdent He also served WIth the Ar- and three step-grandchl1dren Hospital my All' Corps durmg World War II Mr Fromm was preSident of the Memorial contnbutions may be Mr Dlesmg IS survived by hiS Charles Fromm Co , general con- made to Camp Oakland, 930 Wife, Dorothy, two sons, John and Drahner Road, Oxford, Mi or struction firm Born in DetrOit, he James, three sisters, and one graduated from the Umversity of Grosse POlllte MemOrIal Church grandchild Mr. Lafer's remallls Will be plac- Ferndale High DetrOIt In 1951 With a bachelor of Memonal contributions may be SCIence degree 10 archItectural en- ed 10 the columbarlUm of Grosse plans reunion made to the LIOns Club or St Pomte Memonal Church gmeermg. Paul's Lutheran Church The 1960 graduatmg He was a member of the Carpen- Interment was at Gethsemane Lloyd J. Dahnke class of Ferndale High ter Contractors Assoc , DetrOIt Ex- Cemetery School IS planning its e<'utive ASSOCIation, DetrOlt Services for Mr Dahnke, 81, of 25th reunion for the Athletic Club and the Lochmoor Frances A. Thomas Wayburn Road, were held Monday, weekend of Aug. 24 at Club He was also a former mem- May 20, at the Verheyden Funeral the Troy Hilton Hotel ber of the PreSident's Cabinet of Services for Mrs. Thomas, 67, of Home and St Ambrose Church For further informa- the UniverSity of DetrOIt the Shores, were held Monday, He died May 16 In the Abbey tIOn, call one of the fol. Mr Fromm IS survIved by hiS May 20, at the A H Peters Funeral Convalescent Home, Warren lowmg committee wife, LouIse, three sons, Richard, Home Born III Detroit, he was an engI- DaVId and Donald; a daughter, members after 6 pm' She died May 17 In Holy Cross neer for a drug company 398-5923 (Samec), 334- Joann Mader, a brother, Joseph, Hospital Mr Dahnke IS surVIved by hiS 8923 (Howarth), 643- and five grandchildren He was the Born In Ashland, WIS , she ISsur- Wife, LUCille, three daughters. 9536 (Howarth), or 781- son of the late Charles and Ehzabeth Vived by her husband, Raymond Barbara, Joyce and Mary LOll, a 3362 (Stoegerer) I We've slashed prtees' These wll' go Fromm and \)rother of the late J., one. sister; and meces and son, Thomas, 17 grandchJldren, ~ Frederick -nephews and five great-grandchl1dren fast. DOn'tmiss this rare chance to ContributIOns may be made to Interment was at ResurrectIOn Interment was at Forest Lawn save on Maytag dependability I the MIChigan Heart ASSOCIation Cemetery Cemetery Hurry In now I ' The EastSIde's Newest GaTh~~~Xga~face Haven't you done lID J.R. CarIy S without a Toro I. I -SUNDAY- THURSDAY- - MONDAY-WEDNESDAY- long enough?.!J 1/2 LB. ggc FIDEII:' FRESH PICKEREL GROmm ROUND n L DINNER S 55 \\ " W/Pulchase 01 Same at 6 SUPER MEMORIAL Grade A Beef. NO BULL Includes cup 01 soup. slaw or salad No Carry-Out With SpeCials DAY SALE 18696 Mack Avenue Open Monday Saturday 11 am 2 a m 885.9041 Sunday 1 p m unlit mldmght MODEL #20684 / • 2-Cycle Rear Bagger - • Clutch System Opening doors for today's youth to enter tomorrow's • 21 Inch Self Propelled 4 H.P ~,Ell • Deluxe Power Drive world. S5G . ~ • Consumer 2 yr. Warranty • First in preference. - . Montessori IBasedon a national survev . I -!. Kindergarted SAVE $5000 aSking consumers which 5 ~ ~ ~ c:::::J L..... Grades 1-8 brand Of washer they'd like LIST $53995 to OWl'll (Openings slill available for the 1985 86 year) CURRICULUM ENRICHMENT French Journalism Remedial Readings Band Speech Small Group Lllurgles ~~~E$48995 Art Compu Tech Program Mus1C AthletiCS You're welcome to knock on our door and share the excitement Call Sister Kathleen DeSmedt, IHM, Pnnclpal ..#~{(~ 885-8062 19815 MACK, in Grosse Pointe Woods 881.6233 , 19800 Anita - Harper Woods, MI. Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-4 - Closed Sunday and Monday {Served by the Grosse Pomte School Sy_tem)

SEE EACH COM LETE PROD- UCT WARRANTY FOR DETAILS PIRATES COVE FULL WARRANTY from date Of purChase 1st YEAR FREE repair or re r; 17201 MACK at Bluehill placement parts and labor complete appliance ADDITIONAL LIMITED WAR- 882.9055 RANTY from date of pur. chase for second through fifth years MEMORIAL DAY SPECIALS 2nd YEAR FREE parts com. SUN, MAY 26 & MON. MAY 27th OPEN 4 a m .10 p m SfJE plete appliance Srd-5th YEAR FREE parts on some major components BROILED WHITE FISH - see each complete prOd- ChOice of: $ uct W'affdnty for aetallS Potato Salad YOUR WARRANTY MOVES WITH 5 95 S Soup Bread Basket • YOU thrOugMut the U Sand Canada T/'I15warranty Is avail. able from the dealer you pur chase from and If you move the • Oepenaabillty provo warrantY moves with you to any STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI MEMORIAL WEEKEND SPECIALS en In self.servlce authorized May tag dealer In launartes your new communitY '. \ All new prices! PRIME RIB OF BEEF 3 Eggs (any style) • I We ve rolled back the price on I'-----~.-----'I ChOice of Potato Tossed Salad $" ST. CLAIR SHORES 95 3 Strips of Bacon. I I I almost every Item on our menu Soup Bread Basket •• 23118 HARPER CriSPY Hash Browns. K1tchen I Now you can get the same I lea, • MIl I deliCIOUSfood for much less ------WNCH SPECIALS DAILY ------DETROIT Toast & Jelly • • So come see us soon You II I 17170 HARPER ..I love the food and the prices 6 00 ..,~ .1 $3 OFF wlTHIS AD WARREN OPEN 24 HOURS • COOKING JUST FOR YOU MOl., FRio 18-9 20195 Mack Grosse PolOt Woods .1985-----"East Jefferson LARGE DEEP DISH PIZZA THUItS., ~----- "OURS: 27332 VAN DYKE TUES., WED., SAT. 18-1 JIur 11 MIle 15412 East Jefferson. 24301 East Jefferson w/CHEESE AND PEPPERONI E:'~~~%;

\ . l' ---'.~e ..,.....,-~------

Page Eleven.A T-hursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Grosse Pointe's OPEN No gas pains with 'fuel bib' Oldest 8-6 DAILY 8-12 WED. By Tom Greenwood inventors of the Fuel Bib, a rubber Food Market POinters Dave Sehoyan, 22, Jeff VERBRUGGE'S CLOSED SUN. apron that a ttaches to most car gas Sometimes great Ideas come Stenzel, 21, and Steve Showers, 23, FREE 17328 MACK at CLAIR lihootmg from out of the blue Other the threesome who make up Triple tanks and prevents fuel from slosh- 51. WE CATER FOR times they Just sort of dnbble S Enterpnses 109 on the extenor of the car while DELIVERY 885-1 65 4 TO 400 " down the Side ot your car The three Ss, all students at Cen- It's bemg filled. Once the gas is In, At least that's the opinIOn of tral Michigan Umverslty, are the the rubber bib rolls back up for f*.***.**** •••••••••• *_ .. *-****-*-*** easy storage untIl the next time a "GROUND BEEF • --...... f ,,~. gas station IS visited SPECIALS" I '. I "Well, we got the idea after we \ ~. ~lf;£ ...Wi.•.• LEAN GROUND$1 89 I I all washed and waxed our cars one spnng day," saId Sehoyan, an m. NESBITT'S DOMESTIC STYLE ROUND •••.• • LB. terpersonal and pubhc commum- cations major at CMU. "The cars > O~:~,~E :~~ED$1.89L8. ~~t~;~~~~~$1.39LB. looked really great Then we went $1.29 LB to a local statton to top off our tanks ROOT BEER =~~~::R B".... and the gas sloshed down onto BETTER MADE that shmy flmsh It sort of got us ~S <= POTATO CHIPS COUNTRY STYLE ,.-.-.:(: ~-~~~. thmkmg" 99 +DEP $1 79 PORK $1 59 t ,< Y <,;,. - .. • Sehoyan and hIS partners did a 2 UTER .:G RIBS • LB. Ii ~ httle research and discovered, not surpnsmgly, that gas can eat ~ ":r:mr:m=.==. =}~SERlvE1..1 FRESH U.S.D.A. CHOICE/PRIME ~I\ ~ through wax, pamt and eventually ~II:I~ LEAN BONELESS ~' -V ~ ': lead to corrosIOn of the metal -THIS HOLIDAY- MEATY <::~~j ;f'!..1\. "At fIrst we thought the bIb should be of the same substance as M:~:T~N~:~a-:D PORK SIRLOIN STEA~~:' .... '~~ ~ a I dmcoat, St:hOydll :>dIU. 'Tht:Jl we talked to Dow In Midland and COLE SLAW :1l!f,[JlI1J ~~/ ~ they suggested a chemIcally treat- BAKED BEANS SPARE.RIBS $3 79 ~ : ed latex-type rubber. That's what ~ LB. :....~ : we've got now It resists gas, 011 ..;~\ 69<: $179 • and other chemicals, plus It keeps .~. . LB • LB. IDAHO AUNT MID'S ~." that area of the car from bemg •• CHERRY EXTRA FANCY BAKERS CELLO.PACK • .. : scratched or chIpped by gas C nozzles" TOMATOES 88~nl g:::: 69 $1.798 LB. BAG 6SPgINGCH • So far, sales have been hght, but encouragmg, With nearly 800 ~~ TRY OUR MARINATED SH'SH.KA-808 10 oz. It umts sold "We're Just handhng mall orders now," Sehoyan said "We do all the packaging and mailing from one of our basements We're not big enough yet to be handled by some of the smaller local stores. They're Dave Sehoyan Photo b, Tom Greenwood leery of you if you don't have a pro- ven record "However, we are talkmg to rep- resentatives of K mart, Perry HOW SWEET TO REMEMBER Drugs and Murray Discount Auto Parts If they accept us, well, you'll A CARAT WON'T SPOIL fmd us in the section over with the bttle scented pine trees, fuzzy diCe and that sort of stuff " HER DIET When it comes to selling, Se. hoyan is no novil'e "I used to drive my parents crazy when I was Just about seven years old," he said "I used to sell my toys to other kids on the block. I learned then how to attract cus- tomers Ifound that if Ibrought my record player out, the other kids would come running. Then I'd sell my toys. Maybe I'm a born sales- man." Sehoyan reports that so far their parents have given them a lot of moral support, and that's about all. "And that's Just the way we want Expenence a diamond of a carat or more. it," he Said "If we're successful It'll make It that much sweeter and It's only one In a million. Come In and they'll be that much prouder of us see our spectacular selection of dIamonds of a Although I get the feeling they'd carat or more. pitch in and help If we really asked them to" Bibs for all you sloppy gas edmund t. AHEE jewelers pumpers out there are $3 each and may be purchased by check from' 20139 Mack Avenue • Grmse Pointe Woods Tnple S Enterpnses, 903 Woods 886-4600 Lane, Grosse Pomte Woods, 48236.

:, Gas Grills by ART'S PARTY STORE 14945 KERCHEVAL OVER With Post reg $34166 882.9614 $237.00 • PEPSI • DIET PEPSI • PEPSI LIGHT 0 With port.cart reg $33333 • MOUNTAIN OEW • PEPSI FREE 30 /00FF • DIET FREE • 8 PACK, Vi LITER $225.00 '!':14 - ...... • 2 GRILLS IN ONE • 524 Square Inches of cooking surface • Large dual H burner Tank and Redwood with 5 year warranty Shelf Included • Up front controls with Por1able Model TORCH GAS BARBECUr &eFYREPLACEDOORS 22140 EDMUNTON • ST CLAIR SHORES CUSTOM & STANDARD DOORS SALES' SERVICE. INSTALLATION FREE DELIVERY 776.8060

en MACK AVE. en 1~.1. ....Pl~1 ]~ ~- 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POiNTE FARMS 881.8210 22250 MICHIGAN AVE., DEARBORN 565.4550 ALWAYS LOW 17670 THIRTEEN Mile Rd., BIRMINGHAM 258-6066 PRICES IblUtR4Il OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY 9-10. SUNDAY 10-6

,\ I j VAGINAL 4-WAY EXCEDRIN I VJglllal j CONTRACEPTIVE REGULAR OR EXTRA STRENGTH U G>nlra('ptl\t' I LONG ACTING ExceJkID TABLETS /I plm FILM NASAL SPRAY r j t lj:iji iiilM'rii:_Q16""""""A $2!8 .' . '$389 $183 et __ t 12 count '/2 01 Buy 2, Get 1 FREE! , , ~~.ON__ Lliilg No nonsense' ~ I nt:yular ~~"5i'?--" SUNBLOCII 15 Knee Highs ban Unscenled ~ )) ) " ••• NO POHIO CH "S. By ChapSUek. I S h ~~~i305 :--~--~ 89 800 99! 35~ ~ $1 1 LB 0 I'""_--~ JOHNSON & JOHNSON D'.JI ~ ~ Ilk£> SUNDOWN ~ ~>l f\ 1 ~ (1 SUNDOWN SUNSCREEN I i ! / C\I ~:~rN MODERATE AND PEPSODENT $114 ! ( I ,~.".EXTRA $349 TOOTHPASTE 83 oz. MAXIMAL $40°9 co fr. & ULTRA 40z ~ ZIP WAX $21101 ~ .. , MAXIMAL STICK & ZIP WAX $3~9 ULTRA STICK CLOSE-UP $136 ZIPCREAM $2 Jol'~!<""'~~I0". 37 TOOTHPASTE u oz. 49 $2 E UI.AR OR MINT BLEACH , J • , f

Thursday, May 23, 1985 Page Twelve.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS

In the Hesrt 01 the Eastern Market JOIN US Events ~IO:o & SPIRITS BEFORE THE Contmunit FOO TIGER GAMES DAILY DINNER SPECIALS Dancing, fitness Voice, opera class - 20 OZ Porter House Steak 58 95 - Alaskan King Crab Legs The War Memonal's "SOCial Dons Pagel, a of JUlI- DanCing" course, led by Ted and hard, Will lead a class m "SpeCial JUST A FEW OF OUR EXCELLENT VOice" at the War Memonal begin' COMPLETE DINNER SPECIALS LIllian Forrest, Will begin a new PRIVATE ROOM FOR PARTIES - CHARGE CARDS ACCEPTED sessIOn Monday, June 3 Begmmng mng Thursday evemng, May 30 ~tudents Will meet at 7 30 P m for EmphaSIS will be on concert reper- \~' ---,~ The Eastern Market s Finest Food ~ all hour, and advanced students tOire \\111 meet at 8 30 P m The six-week Another class, "Opera Work- shop," Will beglll on Saturday, ~ " - 393.1711 BEST OPEN OAILY course costs $18 and students need 1._ ~_ HAPPY For Breakfast. - not have a partner to partiCipate June 1 In thiS class students Will ~~=__ HOUR Lunch Dmner Another course that Will begin focus on the study and perfor. Saturday for ane\~ IS "Walking For Fitness," mance of Grand Opera 2460 MARKET ST. 3-6 P.M. Breakfast & lunch 5 Minutes from Ren Cen ... ~ Fresh Catch ArrIVIng Dally \\lllCh features invigorating walks Since limes vary dependmg upon along Lakeshore under the direc- ability of students, prospective stu- tIOn of Valene Pkorny McHugh dents should call the center at 881- The clas~ \\ III meet at the Center at 7511 to arrange for an mtervlew 9 d m on Tuesdays and Thursdays With the mstructor Each class IS beginning June 4 SpeCial warm-up $55 for live weeks of Il1structlOn and cool-down techmques Will be Included along With informational Chamber players hdndouts 1he co!>t I~ :j>JU 101' b The last concert of the season \\ eeks (12 sessIOns) Will be presented by the Chamber ff: ~ "Think TrIm" Will be given In a MUSIC Players of Grosse Pomte Monday, May 27 • 7 P.M. - Tuesday, May 28 • 7 P.M. one-day workshop Saturday, June Sunday, May 26, at 2 30 P m at the 8, from 9 a m to 4 pm Lorraine - War Memonal Preceedmg the Stefano Will help partiCipants Iden- Memorial Day committee 825 Woodward Avenue. PontIac, Michigan concert, members Wilt elect new tlfv the barners to successful offICers for next season Planning the third annual Memorial Day ceremony in the FEATURING \\elght control and how to over- Plamst Lawrence LaG ore of Woods are members of two commissions. They are. from left, come them The cost of the work- FURJI/I1tJRE PORCElAINS SILVER. CRYSTAL JElVfl RY PAlN f/NGS Marygrove College WII!be featured Dr, Albert C. Howe, Joyce Cook, Aleen Hozdish (BeautifIcation AND PRINTS, ErC From Seveml Prommenl Estnt(s and Collections. shop IS $35 m two of Sunday's groups Celll~t To register, send a check or Commission) and John Hammel, with Suzanne Dempsey Kent lARGE ORIENTAUA COll.ECTION Satsuma Iman, Kutam, Anllque Clll- Richard PlIPPO and piamst Dons in front, both from the Historical Commission. The event is money order to the Grosse POinte Richards, both on the faculty of nese Bronze Vases. Large Satsuma 80\.101.hones. Netsukes, Large collecl1on scheduled for Monday, May 27, at 10 a.m. at the Veterans of fine Chmese Pekmg ClOIsonne, Canlon cnamel Famllie Rose Nonlake.etc War MemOrIal, 32 Lakeshore Wayne State Umverslty, Will play Drive. Grosse Pomte Farms 48236 Memorial Parkway Circle of Honor, Vernier at Mack. FURNITURE' ChaLTs, cuno cablllets, settees screens occaSIonal tables the Prokoftev Sonata for Cello and don and the PAINTINGS AND PRINTS. BRONZES AND MARBLE STATUARY Mary's Preparatory will sponsor performmg the Brahms Sonata no The War Memonal announces the 1985 Polish Country Fall' that musIc played when today's older ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL PORCELAINS Wedgwood Dragol\ 3, opus 108 last call for anyone who wants to adults were 111 high !>chool, the War Lustre. Mettlach. ROllal Doulton flambe. Caritolllvare Rtdgways ROllal Will be held Fnday through Mon- Refreshments Willfollow the pro- Jam their 16-day cruise m and Memonal's "Young at Heart" Worcester. French B,sque Figure Group etc day, May 24-27at the campus locat- gram Admission IS $3 at the door around Chma dance scheduled for May 24 hds ed on the corner of Orchard Lake Members are admitted free To be- The tnp IS scheduled for Sept 19 SILVER AND CRYSTAL: Stemu.are, vases. bowls decanters trays, tea sets and Commerce roads through Oct. 6 and features pas- been chnstened "The Semor canduch favontes style lamps. ete ndes and beer and Wine conces- River cruising For detatls. call the Center's tra- as "Sweetheart of Stgma Chi," EXHIBITION Wed. Thurs & Fn. May 22. 23 & 24 - 10 A M to 4 P M sIOns There Will also be bands, The Amencan Heart ASSOCIatIOn vel department at 881-7511 "J\rIemones," "If you Were the On and Mon. May 27 and Tues. May 28 - 6 P M to AUCTION magicians and dance groups enter- 01 l\hchlgan. Eastern Wayne Heal t ly Girl m the World," "TIll \\ e Meet CATALOGUES $200 at the door. $400 by mall tamlllg Vmt. Will conduct Its annual fund- Agam," "Mack the Kmfe," "It Had to be You," and the "Charleston" INFORMATION (3131338-9203 Hours are FrIday from 6 p m to raiseI' on the Star of DetrOit crUl~e mldmght, Saturday and Sunday shIp Sunda). June 9, from 11 a m Alzheimer's care TICkets are $250 per person and TERMS Cash. Check, American Express, VIsa. Mastercard (10% Buyers from noon to mldmght, and Mon- A program of the fInanCial and may be purchased III ad\ance or at PremIum on all lots) to 1 30 P m day from noon to 6 p m For informatIOn, Celli the aSSOCIa- emotIOnal aspects of fmdmg a SUIt- the door Absentee Bids Accepted If You Are Unable to Attend and BId In Person For mformation, call 682-1885 lIOn at 557-9500 able long term care faCilIty for Alz- !'.ow ACCEPTI'lG CO!'.SIG'lMEI'iTS FOR Fun IRI: AUCTIO"lS dunng busll1ess hours heImer's VIctims will be presented AARP meeting by the DetrOIt area chapter of the Pentecost service Alzheimer's Disease and Related The Grosse Pomte Chapter 2151 The Sudan St Clare of Montefalco Church Disorders ASSOCiation of the Amencan ASSOCiatIOnof Re- The Rev Victor MatthIas Will Will celebrate Pentecost With a The meetmg Will be held Sunday, hred Persons Will meet Monday, share some of hts Sudanese ex- speCial prayer service featurmg June 2, at Madonna College III LI- May 27. at 1 pm at the Grosse penences as missIOnary, refugee the Marygrove LIturgical Dancers voma from 2 to 4 p m In room 150 Pomte Memona] Church, 16 Lake helper and church leader Tuesday, Sunday, May 26, at 2 p.m. The speaker will be Dons Schuch- shore Road The Musicmakers, a group of May 28, at 7 30 pm In the adult The service will be followed by a ter. R N public health nurse of the semor men, Will entertalll A SOCIal educatIon room III St Paul School reception The public ISwelcome to Oakland County Health Depart- lhgh school students, as well as attend St Clare is located on Mack ment The public ISmVlted Admls- hour 'lndl card-p1aymg Will follow adults. are welcome to attend at Whittier m the Park l>lOnIS free the meetlllg


BUILDERS LICENSE No :;9!540 iJ Perfect Complete BIHldmg 8.. Re1l1odellllg Sen Ice Kllchens Baths Recreation Rooms and addlllOns aluminum Siding 111mand gul- ters roofing cement work -INSURED- Picnic Partner 16929 HARPER AVE Betty Crocker uses only genuine Idaho Russet potatoes MA Y & JUNE SPECIALl John's.Manvllie Fiberglass and real dairy products like Cheddar cheese and sour cream. Shingles Make your picnic a celebration! MEHLENBACHER FENCE For a sound Investment Class' A" fire rated Scn mg the POlnteS for -'6 Y C,lr~ There will be no charge for drip edge, ClI) u'> for cu..,tom \\ ood ,m<.l rake angle or vents on any roof Job Try this delicious recipe sold thru June 30. 1985 for Potato Salad made EASY HOMESTYLE ..,tee) Il1'itJ!I,ltIOn WITH THIS AD G.P N I ' from Belly Crocker Potatoes POTATOSALAD I VISA' , B 921-6282 l--- .J 886.0520 I I\ackage Belty CrOCher' 'I, teaspoon salt potatoes (any navor) • 'I. teaspoon pepper "f~ - 3 cups water 'I, cup thinly sliced celery I cup water 'I.cup shced green / 1/4cup ma)onnalse or salad omons dressmg 3 hard cooked eggs, I teaspoon prepared peeled and chopped mustard Paproka Heal pOlaloes and 3 cups waler to bOlhng on2' , quart saucepan reduce heat Cover and simmer unlit tender 10 to 15 minutes drain Rinse under running cold "aler drain MIX I cup water and lhe Sauce MIX ,n saucepan R '6 Heat to bo long0\<' medium heat st""ng constantly remove from heal Stl~ In mayonn~lse mustard salt and pepper rool r\\,x potaloes celery 89 Kercheval on the hill onions and eqgs fold ,n sauce m"lure Cover and refrogerate unld chilled ~ al least 2 hours Garn,sh wllh paprIka If dewed 6 servmqs ~ FREE _ St~r.eHOUri: lW\ondoy.Soturdov 8.00 to 5'30 HOME DELIVERY Wednesday till Noon Closed Sunday Ph.88~8400 i ." U.S.D.A. PRIME BONELESS U.S.D.A, CHOICE FRESH . FLANK CENTER CUT WHOLE WHOLE y " . STEAK PORK LOIN NEW YORK FRYERS ~ ~. ROASTS2t9 STRIPS$3!8 - fb ~ S3A PORK ft:~Jr66CLBA'1 '., \ '~ L5' CHops$3~9 STEAKS$4~9 ~~~ t.,

l' WINTERS PEPPERIDGE HAVARTI STONED'~ l HOT DOGS FARMS CHEESE WHEAT ~ ,u~RDn HOT DOG OR CAGg THIN ~ DINNER 'FRANKS HAMBURGER .",~ ~ CRACKERS ~ ,.- !~ 52i19 99':,", L3 99Q",00. ~ POTATO FRESH BOSTON JUICE SA!RAD BULK L~TTUCE ORANGES,,'~ COLE SLAW SPINACH ~ 69 511P Q Q ", ", :,.... 69 69 I~ ,At; ~ r Fresh Baked Coffee Cakes and Donuts Every Friday and Saturda Y F1;'; , 1. &1ally UPS PIck-Up ~ reserve Ihe right 10IImll quanlllltls Pnces In effect through May 28th 1985 : ~~~~.:

f !hursd~~_M_ar_23_,_19_8_5 _ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thlrteen-A Schools

Blue Devils help the penguins Ph010 by Tom G reenwc>oO There were miles of smiles at the Detroit Zoo last week when students from South High School presented the Detroit Zoological Society with checks totaling nearly $1,300. The money is earmarked for the Penguinarium, which recently underwent major renova. tions. The money was raised through bake sales, car washes and noon rock conerts at the school. Making the presentation were, front row, from left, Greg Heffner, environmental science instructor, Jane Lochbieler, Jamie Agney, Wally Guevara, Jay Henze, Don Delplace, Kurt Liebold and Charles Hammond, executive director of the zoo; back row, from left, docents Marilyn Davis, Dorothy Hemm- ing and Carolyn Ewald, followed by Mary Kay Lowrey, Kathy Connell, Tim Holland, Kellle Egan, Curt Edwards, Mike Keane, Steve Ebner, Tim Hudson, Julie Hop, Mike Smith, Jamie Kerwin, Vera Fama, docent Ken Kurtz and Annalise Wood. Missing from the picture are Dylan Cole, Kim DeVrie, John Crissman, Lisa Ferro, Clayton Guensche, Noel Harris, Joe Kennedy, Sean McCowell, Raula Mouthouris, Carol Ann Potts, Tracy Shenkus and Michelle Stupar.

Racing is the theme Belo'e IOU s'on any palnl or COITIe'n todoyanc1you ULS soph ~ national science winner slain plOj€cl come nord lolh 10 us can get 0 S 1 508i€r gallon of the HTrombly 5()()" 10 use" We re \,ou' OlympiC Gold ret>ote(up 2 go[lons) on Pamela Anne Colby, a soph- mg with the genetic engmeers at seal Dealer all OlympiC products omore at Umverslty Liggett Wayne State Umverslty "They SCience i~ not her only mterest, The community IS invited to Which means "e ,r got 8ul hUlly because Ihe School, was recently named a state have more sophIsticated lab eqUip- however She IS also a member of "gear up" for the Trombly 500, Iheexper,rncrondlronlng to \\ offer ends June 9 \985 :: flelp \'Ou Uloose and usv Ire Saving you money , In sponsored by the Trombly PTO on wmner the Southeastern Jumor ment and are famlhar with spe- the ULS debate team and a repre- r ghl fYJlnlwcl SIJllIl, ,()or pur , ISJuslonemorewcrywe " FrIday, May 3D, from 6 to 8:30 p,m SCience and Humamtles Sympos- cialized techmques that I hope to sentative to the Student Congress Ilculor nl'ed, v'e CUll 0 so uN€' J can mckesure 11101 _ ~: Ium This year's Ice cream social fea- you t~lelull selecllon 01 Ol,mplc ~ do It yoursell means :; One of 42 winners chosen from tures games and prizes With a rac- prem urn quolrly po nls slo 115 ond preserIGllve" n~~~gII OLYMP C ~: the Umted States, Puerto RICO and Miss Uthappa wins award mg HaIr, a bake sale and a road dependent schools of , she rally for the older kids. Pizza WIll represented the state of Michigan Renuka N Uthappa, a South high SCIences, employment expenence be served as well as Ice cream at the National SymposIUm at the school semor, has received a $1,000 and academIC record treats from Over the Rainbow Umted States Mlhtary Academy m NatIOnal Honor Society scholar- Tickets to a drawing Will be West Pomt, New York ShiP, competmg agamst 15,000 stu- While at South, MISS Uthappa available at $1 each or SIX for $5 has been a member of ForenSics, Prizes mclude a VCR, a TV with The award was given for her dents from throughout the Umted track, captam of the cross country am/fm radIO, dmner at the Soup work on the tOPiC "Recombmant States team, president of the NatIOnal 1-10 Kitchen Saloon, Grand Prix qual- DNA" A highly techmcal held that Daughter of Dr See than Uthap- nor Society, managmg editor of Ifymg tickets and more Wmners has develped since the discovery of pa, of the Farms, she IS one of 450 Imprmts, a NatIOnal Merit need not be present to win DNA m the early 1950s, genetic en- wmners announced by the NatIOnal ASSOCiation of Secondary School Scholarship fmalL!>t, recipient of All proceeds Will go toward the gmeermg research IS generally purchase of new playground equip- , done by graduate blOengmeers and Prmclpals the Brown Book Award, - mouth Book Award, spent a sum- ment pnder the supervIsIOn of the Na- Each high school NHS chapter mer at MSU Gifted Students Semi- tIOnal Institutes of Health GUide- could nommate two semor students Grosse Pointe PTA/PTO nar, reCIpIent of thE' NatIOnal Coun- lines based on their leadership, scholas- and AsSOCiated Groupli Council - Pamela was exempt from NIH tic achievement, character, and cli of English Teachers Wrltmg Award, the outstandmg English The followmg actIvIties are ~upervlslOn since she was workmg service Nommees had to submit a scheduled through next week m PrOlfpeaker'> at the gradua the Grosse Pomte Public School genetic matenal naturally She W!PJ1 f S1249 'r.IfPf(f'( $1349 ~f~1Cf S1449 accomplIshments m the arts and tlOn ceremony System \vorked In the ULS labOiatory, per- Monday, May 27 - MemorIal Mf.G R~BMf $150 Ml{, RiHAl! $150 MkJ Rfe,..IE $1.50 forming all expenments uSing Day, no school rOtJf( rl.,i "0\ '( co) ...~ I (K proper asceptlc techmques and de- North, South bands to perform Thursday Wednesday, May 29 - retire- S10~9 S11~9 S12~9 'stroymg resultant bacterial strams ment receptIOn from 4 to 6 p m 1>Y autoclavlng Immediately after Grosse Pomte's Annual Outdoor Followmg mtermlsslOn, both at North .completion of the expenment Band Concert and Ice Cream So. bands Will combme to play Pent- Wednesday-Thursday, May 1ft%Jtf ~XWGOt)t5l%JObP clal wIll take place Thursday, May land Hills, Superman, Black Horse 29-30 - North/South outdoor EAST SIDE AND GROSSE POINTES LARGEST AND ONLY GOlD SEAL DEALER She followed procedures estab- 30, at 7 p m on the South HIgh Troop, and Great Gate of Kiev lished by Dr DR Headon of Um- concert and ice cream SOCial at 7 15554 E. WARREN AVENUE School front lawn Strawbernes and Ice cream Will pm at South ,verslly College of Ireland When Grosse Pomte North's Band Will be sold durmg intermiSSIOn and 882-6822 -asked what speCial problems her Thursday, May 30 - Ice begm the program \\ lth Montmar- after the concert In the event of m- cream SOCial at 6'30 pm at -research presented, she replied, tre March, followed by Light clement weather, the concert will Trombly ~'Much of the termmology that Dr Cavalry Overture, MarVin Ham- be held m the gymnatonum Ad- Headon used had to be translated Thursday, May 30 - vocal hsch Showcase, and Stars and miSSIOn IS free concert at 7 3l' P m at Poupard dnto standard Amencan terms It Stnpes Forever )"esulted m a lot of phone calls be- The South I-hgh Band Will then (ween us m order to be sure I was YOU DID IT! perform George M Cohan ...t~, ~355 FISHER RD. We delIver :performmg the expenments the Patnotlc Fantasy, Flag of VlCtOl), PRICES IN :way he specified" 0,.. • 10 S ]0 •• Iy Wed SelectIOns from The Kmg and I, 8 8 2 - 5 100 1,1 _ Closed S""",,y EFFECT Pamela plans to contmue work- and 25 or 6 to 4 Id, THE GROSSE POINTE SCHOOL SYSTEM hj ~ GFARMS tJAARJ@T :'~::TH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED 1985-86 BUDGET ~( 1 ,~ Graduation Cards from The Board of EducatIon of The Grosse Pointe Public School Sys(em DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE AT FARMS MARKET Will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 3, 1985 at 8 00 P m at Recycled Paper Products WE TAKE THE EXTRA STEP 10 PLEASE YOU! the AdminIstration BUIlding, 389 St Clair Avenue, to review and con- Sider the School System's 1985-86 Proposed Budget %It

IO ••••••••••• ,.( •• xxrx:x;:x:.~ If,QOO Kuchev,,1 ,n 'h, I II". Copies of the 1985-86 Proposed Budget \\111 be available at the Busmes!> _ .... ~'"t'me Office on the second floor of the AdmlmstratlOn BUlldmg, 389 St Clair 88,)-N'lO ""'"nv t foI' -"' FRESH WHOLE Avenue For further mformatlOn please contact Chnstlan A Fenton • COCO:XY.l(:o:)co:xxO:JO~X>~~)()~~:o~o ~~o~:o:xx==~ Director of Busme'>" Affairs, at 341-2050 CHOICE LEAN FRYING OR Ernest Buechler DEL MONICO STEAKS BROILING G P N "i.n 8;) Secretary, Board of EducatIOn $3!9 CHICKENS 691 ,~ - ]tillage of ~rn65e ~ninte ~llnre5 LEAN TENDER ?!~~ SALAD TIME NOTICE OF MAY COUNCIL MEETING ~"il~ReWcIPs$1!9 '~~') ~~~rsr:::A:ACA'::l:t::79! 1'11('Coune 11ml'l'tmg of the Village of Gros'>e Pomte ~hore~ Will be ORANGE MARIO BREM~:: 1000/0 \:R LIGHT held on Tue"day 1\la)- 2R, 198.')at 8 30 am, the fourth Tuesday of the month At thl'> meetmg the CounCil will conSider amendment:> to the FRUIT PUNCH STUFFED WHOLE WHEAl' KITCHEN VIIItax rate • SAVE ENERGY & COOLINGCOSTS 98 at 98°~8~l :::-. S2i $42 to $ln 41 per $1 000 State Equalized Valuation, the expected tax rate I'> $ln 2:; per ~1 (}(jO SEV the '>ame tax rate leVied for 1984/8,:; CUSTOM COLORS AND STYLES KING NOVA SALMON SLICED LDX $2~~8~~ DECORATOR FABRICS 1'hl' ( ouncJ! \\ ll1 aho conwll'r amendments to the foil 0\\ mg Village N -LAKES IMPORTED POlISII BER ordllled amendments to thl' G('nl'ral Fund budget, and HOME GROWN BIBB lETTUCE 2tor89C CUCUMBERS 2/&9C the propo,,('d ordinance change'> are available for public m~pectlOn fAST DEUVERY • TERMS and or of 8 30 ... ~ BING SWEET GREEN SOUTIERN a m to -, 00 pm I~_HERRIES CORN PE2/PP69~RS ~ PEACHES O James T. Wright , ~ $1!8 4199C LGE ~ZI: v' (}1 9B La. G P:\ ) 21 8') Village Crl'rk "'PO"'''' __ "'"_ ,"".. ~ _ ~ ~. ~---~ Y"T'""-----~- ~ - ~~~.-._.~.-.--- Ii - - ~ ~ •.--.-.- -.., +~ ' ..- r - _--..,.-..~.~..--- .•-.•-.-~-- - ~~ .~~.---- ...... -.~'-.--.-'1-'-- , .. , ... ..

Thursday, May 23, 1985, Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS PERSONA~ FINANCIAL PLANNII\G Indian Village tour Complete Computeri:ed Profile Earlv reservations are recom- mended for the War Memonal's day tl'lP to IndIan VIllage Satur- hll \nlOnJldlUllI r;68-9838 b, \1m! l \lJ" u da~, June B The bu~ Will leave the Center at 10 30 am, bound for one of Detrolt'~ most hlstonc neighbor- hood~ ParlJclpants at the 13th annual Indian Villdge Hou~e and Garden Win a Tour \\ 111receive a gUided tour of eight gracIOus homes and three lovely garden~ Pella ThiS )ear's home::, represent a Sunroom 01 cros~-sectlOn DetrOIt's nch and dl' erse architecture con~tructed dunng the 19041924 penod by at your Pella many 01 DetrOlt'~ IIne::,tarchitects, including LoUIS Kemper, George ;\ld~on and Albert Kahn To add to the no~tdlglc dtmo~phere, keystone WmdowStore cop:- und dlltlque car~ wIll Circulate on the PlctUi e~que street~ The S2b per-person cost lllcludes tl anspOl tdtlOn, gUided tour and lunch at the Royal Eagle Restau- rant TOUll~tS Will return to the Center at .3 .30 P m To reserve ~pace send a check. along With a 'ielf-dddressed, stamped envelope, Spring Studio Sale to the Gros~e Pomle War Memor- Well, they've finally come down from the War Memorial's atticl Service Leaaue members. from tal, .32 Ldkeshore, Grosse POinte Farms. 1'1114H236 left, Corinne Oolega, Ruth McNamara, Virginia Kasza and Cindy Carson along with their hearty crew of volunteers have finished spring cleaning the attic and will sponsor a Studio Sale Saturday, A compass at the North Pole will June 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the War Memorial. Among many miscellaneous goodies are the POint south In which direction will two pianos that will be for sale and one of the many paintings and picture frames that will be of- the other end of the compass pomt? fered. Proceeds from the sale will go toward the restoration of the War Memorial's library. South , -I PrimeTimeforseniorcitizens------slblltty of nuclear war came mto By Marian Trainor graves of soldiers who had been kil- 20 miles The InSCrIption reads ••An endearmg light to guide us III being i4 Hohdays are for celebrations led in the war In 1964 Boatsburg A unity and fellowship" DWight D Eisenhower, a World ,~t~., 'f',J/ - ~"" 'f We celebrate the birth of Chnst on celebrated the 100th anmversary of their 'founding' of Memorial Day Arlington Cemetery In Arlington War II military hero, spoke of the ;~~~, <} Chnstmas, HIS resurrection on "proper melding of the huge mdus- ~ .. 1 k A suggestIOn was made to IS another scene of Impressive Me- Easter, the Declaration of Indepen- tnal and military machInery ot i~ .h f ~ .,.... t' < • General Logan, the national com- monal Day ceremonies dence on July 4 defense with our peaceful methods ~~ ~~ ~ mander of the Grand Army of the A beautIful custom observed III ,~~~\~ , Then there are days we set aSide and goals. so that serelllty and ." "~,,. ,. ".,.. ~ i1"" , ~ for occasIOns for festiVities, such RepublIc to name a specific day to all important ports m the United ~ ~~ t't ... ';f,,:-a ~w... '*~ ~"" '\' States on Memorial Day IS one liberty may prosper together .. /'~ ~i ," ~-.,I'..;' • ~~t;I""'4'"$t.._. > • 1>.\.''\,;\ as birthdays, graduatIOn, Mother's decorate the graves In 1868, he "if::"'.. , ~""~.,.. ~.. .. ~ named May 30 to be set aside "For when tmy ships laden With flowers There was a time when Amenca Day, Father's Day and on and on belIeved that the Amencan way if / •• '" .... I :'4- -""'~. ,II. '- ~ But there IS one holiday which IS the Purpose of strewlllg With are set afloat upon the water to ho- If you dream of a roomful of sunshine, flowers or otherWise decorating the nor those who have died in the ser- was the only way, that countne's more than Just a celebration It IS were anxIOus to embl ace our cool breezes, soft shade and starlight, also for remembermg With gratI- graves of Comrades who died III de- vice of the United States Navy fense of their country during the The custom of selllllg poppies on pohticalldeology We learned that it s time to stop tearing sunroom pictures out of tude and honor those who gave late rebellion and With the hope the streets is familiar to all of us we are not welcomed as savIOurs In magazll1es and time to head for your Pella Wll1dov. their lives for our country That that it will be kept up from year to Hard-working dedIcated men and many parts of the world Vet we Store. You may win the Onest sunroom 1(1 that whole day IS Memonal Day year" women under the sponsorship of must still maintam the role of guar- • stack of pICtures With Pella s \11 arill ,~ood beaut) 111 Many Will welcome m a season of In 1892,the GAR urged that the Veterans of Foreign Wars brave dlan of the nghts of those who are Side easy.care aiumillum claddlllg outSICje encrm summer fun on that day With the m danger of bemg victimized by fIrst picmc, barbecue or boat ride deSignatIon DecoratIon Day be the penIs of traffIc to sell the tmy savings all around red artifIcial flowers bearmg the usurpmg powers Come see the Pella Sunroom at a Pelld Willdow But there are others who Will spend changed to Memonal Day, Every year just preceedmg Me- mscrlption marked' "Honor the ThiS was emphasized m a speech Store In Mayor June Talk over your bUlldlllg or much of the day decoratmg the delivered at the UmversIty of graves of husbands and sons who monal Day, a new American flag Dead by Helping the Living" The remodeling plans With a Pella wlIldow expert then money realized is for the benefit of Washmgton m 1961 by PreSident register to win a Pella SunroolT1 worth thousands of went off to defend theIr country ISplaced on the grave of every man and woman who served in the arm- disabled veterans. John F Kennedy He warned dollars (The winnel pays for installation) No pur and never returned agamst those people who sought As Americans we all share their ed services of the Umted States by While American soldiers were chase is necessary (DrawlI1g July \, 1985) still In France, there were several easy answers, who demanded Capture the Pella Sunroom prize and you II cap- grief and Wish that the pnce of de- the local chapters of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Memorial Day services conducted peace at any pnce or total victory, ture the sun, moon and sky all year mocracy had not been so hIgh tor who saw the alternatives as being them We hope that their sacnfIce Wars, the Amvets and the Jewish there. Most notable was one held In RegIster to win at any Pella Wmdow 5>tore and Catholic Veterans Association. Sureness Cemetery near Paris in "Red or dead" were equally wrong has not been In vam and that our and that their solutIons would be corner of the world Will forever be Volunteers from the Sons of Ve- 1919. PreSident Woodrow Wilson Ann Arbor Taylor terans annually decorate the made the address and In It made a equally disastrous safe The only sane and effective 971.:n12 287.4220 But we hve under the threat of graves with flowers. plea to all countnes to jom the 300:3 Washtenaw Ave. 22119 Eureka Rd. The day IS marked with parades League of NatIons. The Umted pohcy m a nuclear age, he SaId. nuclear destructIOn that WIll m- was one that combined willingness 8righton (Across from Southland Mall) valve us all It IS Important on this bands, assemblies and speeches' States never became a member {closed Monda) 5) Because it was the only war fought Woodrow Wilson was not the only to negotiate and to compromise 229-8174 day of remembrance that we dedi- With a determmatlOn to defend west 8100mfield cate all of our resources to prevent- on our own soil, the Civil War re- president to speak impassionately 8010 Grand River baSIC values (closed 5aturda) 51 624-8080 ceives the most attention from against war, or to lament the SOl'. IIlg such a holocaust In the fmal "In short we must face the prob- Flint 2000 Haggerty Road analySIS, however we spend Me- speechwl'lters row and suffering It caused. Westland The most quoted speech IS Lin- Abraham Lincoln came to the lems which do not lend themselves 743.1700 monal Day, thiS will be the highest to qUIck or easy solutIOn or per- G 2350 S Center Road 422-8088 tnbute we can accord our war coln's Gettysburg Address. One of preSIdency facmg the greatest 8339 N Wayne Road tragedy that war can bring - a manent solutIOn" - and - "At a Lathrup Village dead, negotIatIon rather than anm- the most popular places for assem- divided, ruptured Union and lime when a smgle clash could es- 557-2552 hIlatlOn, peaceful commullIcatlOn bhes is the battleground at Gettys- burg On July 4, 1938at the 75th an- familIes fIghtIng each other on the calate overnight Into a holocaust of 17611 West 12 Mile Rd rather than belligerent discourse, mushroom clouds, a great power hands clasped m peace rather than niversary of the Battle of Gettys- battlefIeld There was no precedent St. Clair Shores burg, a celebratIOn on the battle- to guide the preSident m these cir- does not prove Its fIrmness by leav- 445,1750 fIsts raised In threats Ing the task of exploring the others' Memonal Day gives us an oppor- ground was attended by 1,800 sur- cumstances No wonder that he 29923 Harper vivmg veterans of the Civil War. spoke With unforgettable eloquence mtentlOns to sentnes or those tumty to pause and reflect, to re- Without full responsibilIty" Sterling Heights member and resolve. We have On July 2, before a gathenng of at Gettysburg and promised, "We 979.7200 "How many wars," WInston done so smce the CIVil War 150,000 persons, PreSident Frank- here hIghly resolved that these 207 I 15 Mile Road lin D Roosevelt dedicated a monu- dead shall not have died in vam " Churchill has wntten, "have been Several places in the Umted averted by patIence and persistent States have claimed the honor of ment on Oak Hill called the Eter- FranklIn Delano Roosevelt, who Call Toll Free nal Light Peace Memorial A Umon was to live through the ordeal of goodWill - how many wars have 1-800- 2 3. PELLA bemg the fIrst to observe a Me. been precipitated by firebrands" monal Day for veterans of the CIVil soldier of the G.A.R. and a Confe- war m both the East and West, m derate soldier from Georgia unveil- hiS fIrst maugural speech outlined World War IIended IsolatIOn and Saturday store hours 9 a.m.-3 p.m. War Boatsburg, Pennsylvama brought the Umted States mto the claims the distinctIOn because se- ed the shaft rISIng 50 feet above the his hope for a "world founded on Weekdays 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. ground topped by a steadily burn- four essential freedoms In a mess- forefront of world poltllcs, but Weekday evenings by appointment veral women VISited the cemetery though the war was won, the peace there m 1864and decorated the new mg flame viSible for a distance of age to Congress January 6, 1941. The fIrst was freedom of speech, was not The country found Itself the second, freedom of religIOn, the Involved and committed mto every SPECIALILING IN third freedom from want and the area of the globe With the world fourth, freedom from fear - diVIded "which means a world-Wide reduc- These are thought" to ponder as tion of armaments - so that no na- we remember and honor those who OSTEOPATHIC tIon WIll be in a posItIon to corpmit \\ on our wars but lost their lives an act of phySical aggressIOn Can we do less than preserve that agamst any neighbor anywhere In hentage of peace they bestowed on TREATMENT the world" It was not to be ThIS us by resistIng the forces of arms was spoken before the atomic and mSlstmg on dl~Cl1SSlOnand DR. McFARLAND bomb was dropped and the pos. negotla tlOn? s c.s 775-3800

CITY OF ~rOggr lFIoiutr mooon MICHIGAN Over A Century of Service CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT ON to the Eastside Communities MANCHESTER & PRESTWICK: /l."'";...>~'" Sealed proposals for furmshmg all labor, material and eqUlpment for -~ . ~ mstallmg approximately 4,470sq yds of concrete pavement replace meryt, 53811n ft of 10"sewer, 13catch baSInS, 3,2841m ft of 4' under- , ) '~:~ Z~~_~~j.{ d;am pipe, 6,974 sq ft of 6" driveway approach, 822 sq ft of 4" ~ ~ .... c..1" Sidewalk, mcludmg all related work, Will be received by the CIty of . ; ~~if Grosse Pomte Woods, 20025 Mack Plaza, Grosse Pomte Woods - . Michigan 48236at the office of the CIty Clerk untl14 o'clock P 1\1 locai time, Monday, June 3, 1985,at which time and place the bids ~'Ill he publicly ?pened and read No bid may be Withdrawn after scheduled closmg tIme for at least thirty days

Plans and speCifIcatIons may be exammed at the office of the CltV Clerk Blddmg documents MAY BE OBTAINED at the "H,,,,, "r P"f~ G roesheck C Impel of Hlrn and Bogue, Inc , 17000Twelve Mile Road. Southfl~i~CM~~hlg~~~ 48076at a cost of $20 00 per set, not refundable Blddmg documents The Wm. R. Will be ~AILED to bidders upon receipt of $2500 per set. not refun- dable Bids may be rejected unless made on form" furmshed IN Ith Hamilton Co. bIddmg documents Telephone 557-5760 ~lJ""~R~r D1RHTOR" I Imlfallon I'Jm G P N 5.23-85 Nallonal '>elecled Mor11C101i1 City Admlnl<;lrator.Clerk

! - P $

Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flfteen.A ' -_.-._------_._------State land is off limits MEMORIAL DAY for ORVs Department of Natural Rebour- ce" ~tale park mundgerb report an :::I\t~~~'>~i£~eIf~~~~~~ mcreabe III Illegal use oj off-the GRADUATION Legs and Thlgh~ .... 49 lb. road-vehlcle~ on state park, recreatIOn and wlldhfe ared lands SPECIAL BUTCHER BOY HOTDOGS OHV u~er~ are remmded thallhese J' WIth SkInS -. $2.39 lb. ,UNI., dre oft limit!> to ORV use, PARTY TRAYS wI(h the exceptIOn 01 the Sliver D 82 95 ~.: Skinless 1.59 lb. In .... .~ per person "')..' 29"" lb Lake Std(e Park OR V area Oced- r; JIlclud( s \ '" Bananas. , . . . . . 'Y • nd ('ounty, \\ here ~pecJaI ruleb dp ~ 4 meub. 2 dleeS(S, breod \,' Tomatoes...... 39~ lb. ph (2 doy /Io/lCe pI< ose) \ Dnvmg ()RV~ In lion del:>lgnd(ed ~ _ ....-::~-~EXP 61585 \ oS/GNATUW SAI AUe, drPd'> In 1\llChlgdl1 ll:>d mi~demea. , "" -~ 16 VARII TlfS ILl' have ;;;,...... ::-... I of (/oIJl/lua 1101 jJUnl~hd ble by up to 9U ddY'> III BUy /1> 4» jdll dnd/OJ d ::.IOU Imp ((JOked BBQ Hlbs (>t.1 Poll/to -",lad FREE D'\JH "(dte park mdndger~ ddd and Ch,( ken • Call for SpecIal Order~ Book workshop thdt In 01 dl'r for an" vehicle to travel on roads within' slate pal ks, ROSLYN MARKET Motoko Huthwalte, assistant editor for children's literature review at Gale Research, 91ves local they must be street legal, have a 21020 Mack Ave - Grosse Pomle Wood.., teachers and IIbranans a look at what's available in children's literature at a recent workshop at vehlde !lcense, and the operator the Central Library Ms. Huthwalte, who holds a doctorate from Wayne State UniverSity, was able mu.,t have a vahd driver's hcense FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE - 884-3600 __ to_9_I_v_e_s_u_9_9_e_s_tl_o_n_s_a_b_o_u_t_h_O_W_IO_U_s_e_t_h_e_b__o_okS_in_t_h_e_c_l_a_ss_r_o_o_m_,_p_a_rt_lc_l_p_a_n_ts_s_a_ld 1 '1101ethan 1,.100 m1le~ of trdlb throughout Michigan are dC~lgndt Parkinson patients ed speclflCdlly lor onv u~e The~e (, ,lib dre hl:>ted. 10 the MichIgan to meet Wednesday Crol:>l:>Country (') de Trails gUide What's on Cable The Northeabt Pdrklll!>on Sup pubh"hed annually b) the DNR ,\ JI,t 01 Pi ogl elm., th", IIeek on GIO!>l:>CPOinte C'dble port ('entel \1 III meet W('dnel:>dd) The gUides dre dVdllable dt ..III 'I hIlP,doll, '''.1\ 11 l\ldY 29 dl2 P m at Cdlv"r.' Sel1l01 J):\']{ l'ppel Pemnl:>ula and nor '''pm The Job '>how - fo Iom the 1\IH:hlganEmplo) ment ~eturJt \ Center 49':i0 Ga(('~heJd, (hree thel n LO\\ PI Peml1~Uld regIOnal, l UIllIl1I'''IOll (II) dll:>tlld and fIeld offices or DNR '., "If blocks south 01 ~ev('n j\11Ie dnd ju,>t .:i JU P 111 1 he (.10,,"," PUlIllc ~Vll1phon) '1he Crlo.,~c Pomll' ~\ III \\est of Mdck InlOl matIon Sel Vice., Cenler, P 0 pholl\ !,Iped 11\c lrom Pelrcelb .,chool (III The ~peakcr wIll bt' (;1I1a Bcdro BO', ,1002H, LanslOg 489{H!,(517) .J7.J- ." !O P m - '1he "d I IIlg Word IXI 122U • b 30 P m - Booh...,"klt!> \\ Ith the children of I{IChdld School (I'll l:>Jan a long time Pdrklllson patIent \1ho hd ~ helped hell:>elf dnd othell:> OHV u"erb must renew their Eyerrb •i P m - PO\lltcl' 1\ I!h Prost' - Ho,! John PI 0,1 look, II1tothe Col lage HO'pltoll Fun Run and Walk {II) With yoga, which ,he ha'> been Ieglbtrdllon before hlttmg the .7 pm - Hm P('I \\'ood., IIlghhghh Whdt !>hdppenJllg al ound liar (eachmg for 17 yea", traJl~ thlb "pI mg In Stdte ORV re- pel \\ood<' !>choob II'J) All Pdrkllll:>On patlenb ,lie III gl~t1 dtIon Il:>handled at any Seci e haa an 07 III P III \lone\ illdtlerl:> 1I0,t Pauillenek, !.-Ilh"WIthDet! Oltper vlted. and a famIly membel 01 (,1I v of Std Ie Office Out-State re ,Olldht I Dick Purtan III) fI lend \\ 111 abo be 1\ ekome FOI glsiratlOn IS through DNR's InfoI' 1I(>dlthTalh..., - TOlllght, 1\ IDS (11) o B pm further information, call Waller matlon Service" Center In Lanslllg, .3 pm - Food &. l'rJ('ll(hllip A lectm e on ophlhdlmolog) II') I Nugent at 88b 0815 or th!:' MichIgan d( SIlver Lake State Pal k. and Ocean' o B III P m JOhdl111d(;llbert Intel Vle\l" - Intel e,tll1g people In the comll1l1ll1l\ (II) Parkll1~on Founda(1011 at 49-1-8916 man) Dl\'H DIStilct Offlce~ Fl ](101\. '1.1' 1~ obpm Bod, ~hoppe - Make good health a pal t of) our dd} Illth Survival is topic of cancer workshop ( dl 01 (,n ,lllerJ (II J o b p III Pradlc,i1 Al:>troJogy - lIost Hllh :\llio!>tan \I III dl;,CU,<;dl:> "You Can Survive,' a workbhop The workshop IS sponsored by tlologl {II) lor people \Ilth a cancer hlStOl y the Department of Oncology of lU P m - It Came !,'rom DetrOlt - Ho,! IIIol1lca l\1orgdn tdlk, \\ Ith and their famlhes, wl!l be held Harper-Grace Hospitals. the o " ,Jen v Kdufman IX) from noon untl! 4 3U pm, Satur- School of Medlcllle of Wayne State o I) III P III \\ d'c.k,lto!-Myers .7 P n\ POl1ltl'1<;II Ith Pro,,! - "el' 5/21 llslll1g (II) loc':ated' el( 2822') Telegiclph Oncology DIVISIOn 07 pill IlomlJII Jell., Ih 1\I1e, , - StOiles IIfllten and lold t1\ slu- Southlteld There IS a $10 reglstrd tlOn fee pel' denl" 11'1/ Gu('.,t .,pPclkpl Flt/hugh ;\Iulhtll per'>on for (he WOI kshop However o "7 W 1- III \lur'pI '\1111('1, - Ifllq PduIIlPIll'k" t 11k..,\11thDelloll per :\T aulhor of \"[,11 hncll1ll,l! ,l""\,,t,lIll'C' \~ III bp JnJ(]p "Ill 11,1\ Illd. f'UItdll III' n ~[grl" \ oBplll - IJclnlll t urtalllldll - llo'>h Hldl.11d '>chulz .tIle! IIllchdel Young Doctor'" Struggle \\ lth ('an llt ( hdpp gl\ e cl head SIal t on summer With dB DetrOit l:>eventl:> eer," WI)] talk on "He entry ~eed., For mOl e mformahon, call 494- fOl i\!d\ dnd June III I of the Cancer Sur\'l\ 01 .. Dr Mu! 8444 01' 494 4700 03pm ",to[\ HoUl - With Bldll1e Morrow (IH) lan, a grJdua(e of Harvard College '1011(\01' 'la, 27 dnd (he University of ChIcago Heart line drawing '\0 ll'guldl plllgramilllng on '!('mofltate of Ne\\ MeXICO drawmg With pnze" a( theIr pICniC 05 P m -- Thl' Job '>holl - From the 1\11chlganEmplo} menl "ec.unt\ Dunng the half day workshop W Comml..,"lon (II) Sunday Aug 11, at the St Clair --I., believed to be the hrst of Ils kmd m Shores Recreatlon Park 0') 10 P m - ToyourBeslHealth -t\LS (II) Mlchlgdn "nd pOSSibly the l\lld 0') 30 P m - TI1P~d\JI1g\lyord' IS) TICket'> dl e $1 each or ~IX llckets I west, Dr Mullan WIll explam the -bPIll SporLo;Vlcl\"Tdday" - Ron Cameron and Bdb Page brmg j 01 $5 Second Chance members ) ou the "portIng world (II> problems of readjustment and re \\ 111sell tIcket!> at the Samt John adaptatIOn to non morbid !lfe caUl:>- o h ,lll P m - Behmd the Headlll1es (II) HospItal cafeteria, area supermar- .7 pill POinters 1\ Ith Pros! - !\Teelthe people \1 ho shape our com ed by long and short term cancer ke(l:>and ~hoppmg malb Illullill (11) SUl'\'lvorshlp He belIeve~ that fedI' FII"t pfLle I~ $500, second pr,,:e 07 pm - HdrpPI \\ oods HIghlights' - Hdppel1lng<; ,Iround lIdrpe of recurrence ledrmng to live \~lth I'>$20U and third pnze IS $lOU Woods ,ellOO!;' (1'1) compromise, and economIc dnd Please send Rental InformalJon & free Color BrO<..hure REAL ESTATE RESOIITS o "7 Proceed~ from thl" year's dra\\- l(l P III '\Ionel i\ldtler" - Gue.,t ISDougla<;Fr d.,el lormel U A \\ l:>OCldl shunmng al e foremo,,( Include saks Illlormatlon P 0 B,,~ 4'17 IIlg \\ III be ul:>edt(m ai'd programs o Pll><;ldllll III) dmong the"e plobleml:> He pro 111 - 111the Cal dwc ('athenlatlOn Labo- Name _ H.ubor Sprll1,,;' MI 40740 • HP lIedlth 1 Jlk., - Althelll1er <;dl;,ed,e III) posel:>educ,ltlOn al:>d butter lor the • H Hl P rn - ,lllholnn,J(,tllJl'rllnterl'leIlS ' ~outh hIgh ;,chool dnd ..,[dff rdlol'\ and Cdl dlO Vac;culclr area" \\ 01st c1speet" of the,,!:, e'\penencr" Slreel _ ~rvattons 'III d( th( hOl:>pltclIclccordlllg to PICl1ll Dr l\lullcll1 \\ 111 "hdfl' hll:> (616) 526-2156 \\ 1't1IIl'..,d.n , ",1\ 1'j 1I1dlllllclll I{u", \ll(oro thought,> on "Ul \'1\ 11Ig edncpr horn Clty Slale __ • .jpm - Bdlh Port h Video \IU;,Il:. \Ideo ,he)\\ (II) ~eculld Chdnce membell:> are 101 Hideaway VaUey Only. ,1 pel "011..11pl'l"pf'ltIve In 1971, o.j W pill - \11lt>llldli (o1tholtc - With the HI'I .John POIICI! (1\) mel ~dlll( .John HObpltal cardldl Z1p Phone _ (616) 52lHi2&4 o'i pm \\ 011Ill' (o\lnt\ A \e\1 Per"pectlve - WIth \\ lIlldm LUCd' Irom d loutme X I a), he dl~co\- peltlent!> \\ ho are among lhe 1111 ered d mailgnant lumor 111 hi:> pIOneers of open heart surgery 0" pm Faltll 211 \\ Illl Ill' Joel "Ieder hoori IX) chest Later, he almo~t dIed on the o,»)Opm Boeh ~hoppe ' - See 5/24 hstmg II I) For more mformatlOn, caff 771- operatmg table .nJ.l 06pm - PraLtIt'dl A<;trolog} - ~ee ')/24 Iistmg IIII o"pm - ~tead\ (,dll1~ - ALlIYIlICl:>around BI,hop G.-Illaghel High ,,( 11001 {I'I) Thinking .6 Wpm - ('hl'el, \\ hdt doe..,II tahe to he a high ;,chool cheerledder 1111 of Leasing GIVE YOUR CHILD .7 pm lIl',lHh Tdlk" - M,lrv Ott talks about SOCialWorher Dd\ ( dl ( illld nu.,,, OJm"ll'dd t,lIks aboul Infection Control III) Homen and .Jultpt L".llversely Liggett pre,enl<; t111'>pl0 Think of AN EDUCA TIONA" EDGE gldlT1 11'1) 07lOpl'] - "-ellll l{l....01 h ( hd Iler Club Youth Enrichment Services 11011" III) DRUMMY oXpm IktrOiI ( Ulldlll (all - ~ee ')124 h<;lll1g {II) LEASING INC. a Mile at Gratiot 772.6700 772.2200 SPECIAL NOTICE '11 1 P It" ): n I 1"> F If. <::, i'l c,' ~(1 CITY OF <&r055£"ointe lf1arw5 MICHIGAN HOLIDAY RUBBISH SCHEDULE FOR MEMORIAL DAY, MONDAY, MAY 27,1985 Caring .., ~ All Resldentld IcollcctlOns \I III be one day late Examples Monday's Professionals .~ routes wdJ be-lollected Tuec;day - Tuesday's routes on Wednesday, ~~...'. etc working ... ~ BU"lIle~~ ano lommerclal routel:> \\ III he collected as follows together .. Wednesday lVla) 29, 198,1 :-..'. Fnday, !\Jay ll, 198;) for bener '. Thank You ~... health care ....". GPN ()':i/21/K'i Department of Public Works ..•' ".'.>. ~.". CITY OF <&r055e 'oinle lfl'arm5 MICHIGAN :: "-. NOTICE OF HEARING You care about your child's future - and so do we! ".-. MACK AVENUE PARKING CLEAN-UP ::-. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Let us assist you In developing your child's full potential. As a supplement to regular school- -"';OTICE I~ lIE [tEB,) (; IVE]\, 'fIlAT the CIty Coullcll 1'.111 ll1('ct dl Ing, Youth Enrichment Services (yES), offers that cntlcal edge so Important to SUC- ~ thr CIl\ !In II on \Iondd\ .June 1 1981at 8 UOP m to con~lder the ,Idop • Prest'riplior I :. service DELIVERY cess Through a proven computer-based education program YES offers, . ~. (IOn of d \(".,011111011 ,IU( honllng till' ('Ity to proceC'd \~lth nece~.,an . ,..: g(,lH'r cI public ha7ard clllO nUIsance on certam • Jobst Support ", n::lrkmf1 In!, on '1Ial k A\l'IHle and to a",>e~" the cost of the project HOSiery • personalIzed learnmg programs tailored to meet your children's academIC needs . :.-. io lh(' properl\ 0\1 !1er, on the lax rolh for tJw abovc dC'<"cl'lhed\\01 k • DiabetiC Self- .-. !ogr(}wI II Ilh lhe pena)(wc, ,>('1forlh b)- ()rdm,lIlce ::; Testing Cenle • competent, canng teachers speCIally tramed by YES In the use of computers and : • Crutches & software ::.. The prop('rt\ III the ('Ity of (;ro,,>c POInte Farm., upon which '>uch ..: wheelchairs , " hdlarrl and IlUI'>,H1l(,e'\I'>1'>and '>uch gen('ral clean Up WIll occur '" On June 24 we will begm a new program at the Neighborhood Club m Grosse POinte In :, :.: d(',>cl'lbC'(]a <., f oj I()\\ e, We offer .. addition to programs already operatmg In St Clair Shores, Bloomfield Hills and Kalamazoo. ~ personal sfHVIce .. PltT\ WI'; ('LAI\I \10 121 PARCEL ('2\)1 for you and your . ", : ...... family For more Information call either of our east.slde locations, TlwO\IJlf') colIlw.dllll' pII!))(rt\ ,1'llldlc,lteoonthe(urrenl (ax roll.., ~ , .. hel" becn Ilofl!](,(j 1I11hlu!t,.dl\ 11\ lette-r of the program and the co,,! ST. ClAIR . :.'" 10\ olved Youth Enrichment Services, Inc. Neighborhood Club , PHARMACY 22811 Greater Mack, SUite 211, SCS 17150 Waterloo, GP The lI(,dllllg \\ 11111('puhlic II1lcl'(,,,teo properly o\\oner" or rewlenh ~t Clair PrOf Bldg :~: '221 'i 1 Morac,c, Rd 777.5060 885.4600 , of Ihe ('11\ i1rc 1m I(N! to attend .....'.. Delrolt ",,1 "Say YES to your child's future" ~.... Richard G. Solak ... , G P ~ 1/2l/H':i City Clerk 343-3776 , " - ", ... .:s e AU "-~e "" _$~ $ _ - -P . ~e;c • Sf. e; s, ~ • e, = - i $

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985 ~------_._------_.-Page Slxteen-A Business seminar planned for vets A !lessagt frum A semlllar on Veterans In BUSI- all are successful entrepreneurs Thursday and ness, covermg , finanCing They wIll address a list of topics in- and managmg a small bUSiness, cludlllg: Legal Aspects of Starting Friday will be held Saturday, June 1, from Your Own Business; Public Rela- Inur mural mnnkit 9 a m to.) p m. at Washtenaw tions and Marketing Techniques Community College for your Busmess; Private Financ- The semmar, expected to be at- ing/Commercial Loan Applica- tcnded by several hundred tions, Government Fmancing/ veterans, has received registra- Small Busmess Admimstrahon tions from as fdr as the Upper Loans, Accountmg and Busmess Penmsula It IS 1>pon!>oredby the Record Keepmg, and Developlllg a Washtenaw Commumty College, BusHless Plan Ypsilanti Chamber of Commerce, The cost per person is $15 and in- Small BUSiness Adnllnlstration, cludes lunch if registered before t<- Small Bu~mes~ Development Cen- Monday, May 'l:l Enter drawing to has moved to tel', Michigan Department of Com- ParticIpation IS not hmlted to win your own merce and the Vietnam Veterans veterans of the Vietnam actIOn ELECTRONIC 17051Kercheval. comer of St. Clair, in the Village Leadership Program Further mformahon IS available BLOOD PRESSURE All the speaker~ are member:, of from WCC, Contmumg EducatIOn KIT. the ViCtnam vet~ orgalllzallon, and SerVices, 973-3668 VISIT OUR NEW DSO chorus auditions WOODS HOME CARE 20956 MACK AVf.NUE UJ Audillons for the DetrOIt Sym- German or French Auditions WIll 4 bl~, ",orlb of \ .. nl.. phony Chorus have been scheduled last approximately 10 mlllutes UJ 886-8930 SHEET MUSIC DEPARTMENT for 7 to 10 JO pm, Mondays, Tues- each A plano accompamst Will be days and Wedne~day:" June J, 4, 5, iJ10VIJ~ lJy lht::Dell Olt SjmphOllj. 10, 11 and 12 at Westmmster The auditioning panel will consist The Village Posl Office Church, 17567 Hubbell Dnve, De- of Enc Freudlgman and members trOIt 48235 of the Symphony conducting staff STAR Those who Wish to audition mU&1 Interested smgers should contact be post-high school age and must Carl Vest at the Detroit Symphony, And our many expanded departments be able to read mUSIC Each smger 567-9000, ext. 62, to request an ap- Will be reqUIred to vocalIze, Sight plicatIOn form, whIch is due back MONUMENT read, and perform two solos - one at the Symphony today, Thursday, ITlJUR.IN G . . . III English and the other m Latin, May 23 The Same Good Service Fun for youth at Assumption AssumptIOn Nursery School and classes from June 17 through Aug. : ~The Same Expertise You've Come to Expect from Us Toddler Center Will be the site of 9. Participants may choose one or new ennchment classes thiS sum- all of many theme weeks from mer for youth aged 7 through 11, dmosaurs, SCience, arts and crafts, The Same Caring and Concern for You Which Marks fun classes for those 1 through 6, mUSIC, sports and games of danc- • High quality and daycare for kids 1 through 6 mg and drama • Competitive prices The ennchment classes run from Further information may be ob- June 17through July 26 and the fun tained by calling 772-4477 • Granite markers GROSSE A. lr' Fll questions, answers • Bronze markers POINTE UOO~ V1 8 f Q: My service-con- dlCate your full name A: Although your VA nected disability is "01'- and your SOCialsecurity pension ISsent dIrectly CEMETERY Reopening Friday, May 24th c or VA claim number to the bank, the VA selling. IIO" nia) I get PROPERTY are-evaluation? needs to ha ve a current A To be reevaluated, Q: My V A pension is mailing address 10 SERVICE you must submit a re- sent by Electronic order to send you in- Let us sell your property for you. 17051Kercheval-in-the-Village 885-0244 quest to the VA RegIOn- Funds Transfer to my formatIon such as Call for details 286.4060 bank. The bank just for- al Office 111 the state notices to report for where you live along \\ arded a letter to me phySIcal examination, 38300 Garfield Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Post Office Hours 9:30-5:30 With any medical eVI- from the VA asking for Income questionnaires Corner of Chnton River Road. MI Clemens Thurs. & Friday 'ti! 9 Monday-Friday, Closed Sat. dence to &upport your Ill) home address. or other adVisory 286-4060 claim Be sure to 10- Why'? notices. The WindpIpe of a Mexico City's Mayor crane IS coiled into a Carlos Hank Gonzalez C FRANKS WIENER SHOP ~. trumpet behllld the reportedly commutes blrd's breastbone on weekends to viSit his A Quality Meat Shop m : Classified ads get results. Call 882-6900 today. Stretched straight, that wife and children at the 775.1991 . Windpipe would be as family home in New 25300 Jefferson (2 blks. N. of 10 Mile) long as the entire bird Canaan, Conn HOURS: T-F 8:30-6:00 p.m., Sat. 8:00-6:00 p.m. . PARTY PIA1TERS FOR YOUR -. CITY Of ~rnsse 'ninte lJ'arms MICHIGAN l NOTICE OF HEARING SIDEWALK SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ~ 9.!M.P..~~.!lQ!t.12.50:::'.n i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City CouncIl wIll meet at the City Hall 114B,115A Colomal Farms ;;2 on Monday, June 3, 1985,at8'00 pm, to conSider the adoptIOn of a resolutIOn 111 Colomal Farms ::2 .,; HONEY BAKED HAMS ~ ~ : authorIzmg the City to proceed With necessary Sidewalk repairs and to assess 110 Colomal Farms ::2 v, BONEL.ESS $2 89 I I I" ." the cost of such repairs to the abuttmg property owners on the Tax Rolls, I04B,105,l06A Colomal Farms =-2 & SL.ICED • L.B. " • together With the penalties set forth m the City's Ordmance and Cbarler FM 123C 1 AI, C 2 A 2A, F 1 A 1 A 1 76 Country Club Prk Sub ::1 LEAN TENDER TRY OUR HOME ' - The properties In the City of Grosse POInte Farms to be assessed on the Tax 80 Country Club Prk Sub ::1 Rolls are as follows 84 Counlry Club Prk Sub 1:1 ntlMONI~n {WT~AK~ $2.99 LB. M~g~i~t:~S' Lot SUbdiVISion 85 Country Club Prk =1 U~ ~U~I~ ~ RIB EYE STEAKS 994; LB 273 Assessors Grosse Pte Farms Jlii 68 Counlry Club Prk Sub ::1 289 Assessors Grosse Pte Farms l:6 89B,90A Country Club Prk Sub =1 FRESH FRYING 49C OUR SALADS ARE 279 Assessors Grosse Pte Farms J;6 9OB,91 Country Club Prk Sub ::1 CHICKEN LEGS WIBACKS LB. MADE IN OUR 67B-68 Coloma I Farms ;;2 92,93A Country Club Prk Sub 111 192B-193A Colomal Farms ::5 9 LakeView C G Moran Sub EXTRA LEAN KITCHEN DAILY WITH 205.206A Coloma I Farms =5 14, 15 LakeView C G Moran Sub BOILED HAM $1.79 LB. NO PRESERVATIVES • 181B-182-183A Colomal Farms =5 5B, 6 L F Murphy Replat WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 1-2A Beacon HIli Sub 6B, 7 L F Murphy Replat (BAKED SPEaAlJIES) iI 12 Beacon Hill Sub 9B, 10 L F Murphy Replat FRESH LEAN $1 39 ~nw""-PM!T.M lJ 207 Assessors Grosse PIe Farms =5 1A,2A Charles G Moran GROUND CHUCK • LB CUSTOM GRADUATION ~ 46 De Serannos Grosse Pte Farms 9A1,10A Charles G Moran 49 De Serannos Grosse Pte Farms 12C,13C Charles G Moran 5 LB. BAG 1/2 CAKES 17B2,18A,IBBl De Serannos Grosse Pte Farms 15B Charles G Moran GRADUATION ID£45$3 Sheet $1295 I': 25-26 Moran Sub 61 Assessors G P F Prk::2 59 28 Moran Sub 120 Assessors G P F Prk::3 COOKED Whole $2500 : 7 Dolson & OGG LakeView Sub 6 Hillcrest Sub ROAST BEEF HEAT.& SErw~B Sheet : 'y. 34B Chas W Babcocks Sub 126 Assessors G P F Prk ;;3 202 Country Club Prk ;;2 327-331 Country Club Prk ::-1 203 Country Club Prk ::3 7 Country Club Pr"- .4 H 35 Country Club ::1 10 Wm F' Beaupre 213-218 Country Club Prk ::3 354-359 Country Club Prk =-1 39 Country Club Prk ::1 16B Wm F Beaupre 47 Country Club Prk #1 366-.371 Country Club Prk =4 2970301 Country Club Prk 1:3 393.397 Country Club Prk =4 5-1 Coloma I Farms ;;2 18B,I9A Country Club Prk =4 1-2A De Serannos Grosse Pte Farms 16,17,18A Counlry Club Prk =4 28 Beacon HIli Sub 198 Country Club Prk ::2 29A,30A,31A,32A Moran Sub 14B,15 L F Murphy Replat 23A.24A Moran Sub 16 L F Murphy Replat 31,32 L F Murphy Re 17 L F Murphy Repldt PCl23P 18,19A L F Murphy Replat 1112A L F Murphy Re 12B,13 Wm J Thlrons G P F Sub 12A,2Bl LF Murphy Re 618H ~ ~ 28 Hillcrest Sub 618Q2 26 Hillcrest Sub 55 Assessors G P!" =2 START YOUR SlJl\;Il\IER O:FF RIGIIT 20 Hillcrest Sub 13 Beaupres RIdgemont Sub 41 Hillcrest Sub 38B Assessor,; G P F =2 ON THE QUEEN OF TIlE GREAT LAKES 33 Wm F Beaupre 22B,23A RIdge Top ='2 31 Wm F Beaupre 236 Assessors G P F =5 p... - 28 Wm F Beaupre 22M Assessors G P F ::5 27 Wm F Beaupre 257 Assessors G P F =5 39 Wm F Beaupre 222 Assessors G P F ::') :1J t.~~ 26 Wm F Beaupre 265 As,;es,;or<;G P F =') 25 Wm F Beaupre 20 Beaupres RIdgemont Sub ~~l 41 Wm F Beaupre 6 Beaupres RIdgemont Sub 42 Wm F Beaupre 5 Beaupre,; R\dgemont Sub r-;~~';~ ~~ 27 Piche Estates 41 Beaupres Ridgemont Sub ,~r:gWf$ ,_~ _ ..L~=a=a...._- 18 PIche Estates 5B,6A Wm J Thlron" G P F 11B,12A Wm J Thlron" G P F ~. '"" 'l- 14 Piche Estates ""~. ., I ~ -. l •• ~ , , • • • 17B Wm .J Thlrons G P F 62 Charles W Babcocks ~ ~' 31 Charles W Babcocks 19 Wilham J Thlrons G P Farms 33,34A Charles W Babcocks 275 Country Club Park =') ~~: ;;;::::a ~~.j Charles W Babcocks 110 Country Club Park =1 44A r;',\T'O:\T r\ .

) i ., .. ., .. "" .. , Of .. .,. 'C W.., ""t "" .., -, ...... ~ .., ...... - -,-- W ; p • F .F' •• '?, EO •

~nursdaYI May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen.A ------Shores fire FENCES TOM'S damages home, ADD PRIVACY FENCE no one hurt & Thanks to a portable submers- Ible pump from the Farms fire de- CHARM TO OURDOOR LIVING AREAS partment, a three-alarm m the Shores la~t week wa~ QUickly • licensed • 15 Yrs. Experience extmguI~hed • FuliV Guaranteed •'The qUick attack on the back of • Residential & Commercial the house saved the roof," said Shores Dlrector of Public Safety ALL TYPES OF PRIVACY & Joseph Vitale "The pump made It SECURITY FENCES a lot ea~Jer - otherwise we'd have CALL had to Jay a lot of hose" FOR FREE ESTIMATE The Farm~ has had the pump for d httle more than a year, but thl~ n4.2045 wa~ the flr~t time It has seen actIOn 'It Pdld for Itself m one ~hot, , "dId Fal ms Lt Arthur Turner AIR CONDITIONER The pump was bought wIth har- bor fires ill mmd In thiS case, It CHECK-UP NOW! \\ d~ dropped mto the !:>wlmmmg pool. where It sucked 150to 200gal- • CHECK FILTERS We feature lons a mmute out of the pool and on- • OIL MOTOR, CHECK BELT to tne roul • MAKE: SURE VALVt:S ARE tjACt\ SEATED The two !>tory Sunnmgdale home • CHECK CLOSELY FOR LEAKS of James McMJilan sustamed • START UNIT - CHECK PRESSURE hea vy charnng and smoke damage • CHECK TEMPERATURE ACROSS COIL Products when the fire burned through the • CHECK CONDENSATE DRAINS kitchen cellmg mto an upstairs 50 bedroom, VItale said • CHECK AMPS OF UNIT *$41 There was no one home when the • CHECK CONDITION OF HEAT EXCHANGER COMPLETE fire started, accordmg to VItale • CHECK THERMOSTAT 12 POINT CHECK When the Shores department ar- • PURGE LINES 'Gas Units nved shortly before 6 pm, the • CHECK CONDENSER Slightly Higller firefighters saw smoke POUI Illg from the eaves, one sIgn of a serIOus fire, VItale said A second alarm wa::,requested Immediately, wIth a third when Vitale arnved a few mlllutes later FIrefighters from the Farms, the Woods, and Harper Woods re- sponded to the call, and the Park department provided extra aIr tanks Just before the Shores' sup- ply ran out The fire was caused by an elec- Galli's Meathaus tncal short III the kItchen. "We're not sure If It was a problem wIth 885.7290 9.6 Mon. thru Sat. the house wmng or wIth the refng- erator," Vitale said [19005 MACK, 1 Blk. S. of Moross I Vitale saId he was pleased with PARKING IN REAR the speed with whIch the blaze was extlllglllshed "The mutual aId pact 1\\ Ith !>urroundmg depart ments) IS provmg Itself agam and And the winner is • • • dgalll," he said ~• Dorothy DeFauw, an eighth grade student at St. Paul's School, was recently selected as the recipient bf the 150th Anniversary Scholarship for 1985. Dorothy, the daughter of Judy and Norman DeFauw, of Nursing school CI ..~utdoorI Touraine Road, was presented with the scholarship check by Monsignor Francis X. Canfield, while her plans reunion mother looked on. Dorothy will continue her education at Regina High School thiS fall. The scholarship Mount Carmel Mer- was open to any eighth grade student from St. Paul's who maintained at least a "S" average and who cy School of NurSing, Cookout I=oods planned on attending a Catholic high school. Runners up included: Michael Agosta, Jeremy Sricker, Tim Class of 1960, plans a Guthat, Holly McHugh and Michael Thomas. 25-year reumon Aug 10 ILEAN GROUND CHUCK $1.19LB 1~~;'1 For informatIOn, call Korean dance comes to DIA Antique Show set ShIrley at 751-1309 U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF TENDERLOINS .••..•••..•..•.••. $3.99 LB Samul-Nori, the k'orean~u\n~"~'tiiEtDIA'\'S 1fcket 8ffice 'at' 8'3~-2730 for Memorial weekend Cody reunion mmg and dancmg troup, Will per- For mall orders, send a check or Botsford Inn's Spnng Antique The 1964 class of SHISH KABOB •••••••••••••••••••••.• $1.99 EA. form at the DetrOIt Institute of money order to TICket OffIce, The Show wll! be held MemofJal Day Cody HIgh School Arts' Audltonum Theatre on Satur- Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 weekend, Sunday and Monday, plans a 21st reumon at ALEXANDER and HORNUNG HOT DOGS •.•• $1.79 LB a.ay, June 1, at 8 pm The four-man Woodward Avenue, DetrOIt 48202 May 26 and 27, from noon to 9 p m the NoVIHilton Oct 12 HOME MADE Great on on Sunday and noon to 6 p m Mon- To make re!>erva- troupe presents a spectacular pro- Include a stamped, self-addressed POLISH or ITALIAN SAUSAGE ••• !h; ~~II •••• $1.29 LB. gram of traditional Korean envelope day Botsford Inn IS on Grand tlons, call 227-0570 folk-festival music and dance RIver near Eight MIle Road Ad- North western DELI FRESH POTATO SALAD or COLE SLAW • $.69 LB Tickets for the performance are miSSIOnIS free $15 for general admiSSIOn, $10 for If recent research IS correct, Among the furmture dIsplays plans reunion students and semor cItizens many history books will have to be Will be LIvoma 's GJona SIegert's Northwestern HIgh. Tickets for the performance and a reVised Latest claim IS that the collection of country Items from class of 1935. plans an benefit afterglow are $50, momes flagship of Chflstopher Columbus Pennsylvama Others III the shO\~ Aug 24 reunion To PARn~ PL4rrERS from the benefit Will be applied to- was not the Santa Mafia, but La Wll! offer a line of antiques Illclud- make reservations, ward purchase of a Korean work of Capltana There was a Santa Illg silver napkin rings, Jewelr)<, • 'Pol sh Ham • AmerlCart Cheese call 642-7775 or 644- • Corned Bf'e1 -S."..ssCheese $225 art for the DIA Mana, It's saId, but not In Chnsto- onental Items, tools, pIctures and 50115 • Turkey areasls • POlala Salad accessones • Hard Salami • Co e Slaw per person , For tIckets and mformatlOn, call pher's lIfetime • lr ....er Sausage • FreSh Bakery Bread Prices good ft.ru 5130/85 LAMP REPAIR LAMP PARTS ACADEMY ADVENTURES FACTORY WRIGHTS Gift & Lamp Shop SALE l8650 MACK AVE 885-8839 P S Sf (19 You' I amp lor Custom F IIIn9

~~~ 511.99 IjI Lii'KOtfCAFE LIST PRICE Monroe Ave • Downtown Detroit • 963-7058 $19.99 AuthentiC Greek Cooking

Our fines I latex flat hou,e Liquor • Beer • Wine

POint flow'S on 'So eO$ Iy .....th brush or roller II dnes qu c1dy un , Mon., Wed & Thurs. 11 a.m.3a.m 10 a smooth fll'l~h h ghly re $ls'onl to peeling crockll'"l9 and Fn & Sat til 4 a rn rough weather LYo~ Host~ GU~~Chns Mantjlos I GRAD'S WE HAVE IT Day Camp - Ages 4-9 Six trips, including: June 17-August 2 Lake Michigan CanoelBackpacking ALL! A new theme each 3 days in Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness EVERYTHING FOR week. Area LIST PRICE 3 days on the Pine River $20.99 YOUR PA'RTY Explorations in science, July 7-13 $275.00 rt'Q,...r1C'1"\~Y\"'" r'I'l"'\~...... ,...... l ~-_...... '" NEEDS b ...... L ...... "".1..1. .... 1..16' U..1 .. ~l.1 ..a.l ""ell. e, -- ':1-- .-SiLLOONS arts & crafts, cooking, AuSable Canoeing • STREAMERS Jl)oench,sports, and field 5 days on the AuSable River ·PLATES & trips. August 4-9 $250.00 C I CUps, NAPKINS ' ALL GRADUATION Ages 10-14 & DECORATIONS $55.00 per week. All equipment is provided.

Q0I.OOFF The Grob.'>CPomte Academy welcomes chlldn>n of any race, color, rehglOn, natIOnal or ethmc ongm \ ~ 1\.1 11 w/ad WHITE AND STANDARD COLORS ONLY FOR ASSISTANCE CALL OUR PARTY PEOPLE Expires 6-1.85 TINTE D COLORS SLIGHTLY HIGHER The Grosse Pointe Acadetlly Pointe Paint & Decorating Center PARTY SUPPLY CENTER 171 Lake Shore Rd. • Grosse Pointe Farms 19655 Mack Ave. 884-7711 21300 HARPERs.c.S. 776.9750 OPEN MON -SAT 8-6 FRIDAY 8.8 CLINTON TWP. WARREN 263.7070 751.1616 886-1221 , GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985 Page Eighteen-A ------_.------_. How do you find boat Local restaumnt is star of TV's 'Friday Feast' By Tom Greenwood got groupies - people who've told cookbook and he recently opened fme" insurance that protects And McCarthy? He feasted on us they SIt around In front of the TV his own restaurant, Jack McCar, It was lights, camera and action New England clam chowder, a more than your boat? among the pots and pans of the wailing for our show Once It'S over thy's, in Keego Harbor they put on a jacket and tie and out At the ClalrpolOte, DePalma was fresh salad, rolls and garhc bread Clalrpomte Restaurant m the and gnocchl WIth Bolognese sauce No problem. they go to the restaurant up to hiS elbows In mashed po- Village last week when VIta "It was great, Just great," said DePalma's restaurant was taped "They're very dlsappomted tatoes, eggs, flour and spinach us- Boat Insurance trom Auto- 0\\ ners protects you m ca~e DePalma, after the film crew de- for Channel 7's "Frldav Feast," when we do a recIpe from some- ed to make spll1ach gnocchl - an of collISIon on land or \\ater It pro\ldes fIre and theft Itahan pasta DePalma, who's pal'ted "I was so Impressed by hosted by Jack McCarthy one'~ private kitchen They feel left coverage, and hablht~ and medical protection for you owned the Clalrpomte for four them I'm not absolutely sure how Programs are ta.ped approx- out One added bonus I~ that we've and your fanHly can also be added never VISIted a re~taurant that years, seemed almost as much at they found out about us, but I'm Imately three \\ eeks bet ore they'll certa1l11yglad they came around It So ask your Auto-O\\ner~ agent Just ho\\ theIr Boat actually all', accordmg to SCript hasn't seen Itb busll1ess pIck up ease on camera as McCarthy "It's because I was 1Il my ele- really impressed my customers Insurance can be .. no problem" keepmg vou afloat consultant Irene McDonald, \\ ho dl amatlCally over the next few ment," he said "A chef 1Il hIS kIt- too, to see the lights and camera m hovered just out of camera range \\ eeks after thell' show airs It never falls" chen I did get a little worned the dll1lIlg room I can't walt to see durmg the shoot 109 though when the restaurant began It on TV " Tiw'/\cPrc6f£m'Peor-fe "FIrst the tape ISshot and some- McCarthy. who's a long-tnne TV E~,~ to flll up about 4 p m I had one eye According Loa station spokesper- tImes we'll be dt a restdurant 101 personahty 111 the DetrOit ared, IS bUSIer than ever the~e d,ws, and on the camera and one eye on my son, the program IS set to all' Fn- hours before \\ e're flmshed," ~he day, June 7 at about 6 45 pm said .'Then It s edited, and a scnpt not just WIth hl~ "Fndcl~ 'Feast" CIew to see If they could handle It all nght But everythlIlg \\ 01 ked out Bon appetlt I~ \Hlllen for the spot Later, Jack proglam He's abo thp c1uthor of a comes m dnd WIll make hiS addl AITKEN & ORMOND INSURANCE INC. tlOns and \\ e'll do a vOlce.over All Kinds of Insurance Twelve mdn.hours of work can go 710 Notre Dame, Grosse Pointe mto a spot that \\ III only be two- and-a half mmutes long on the 881-5322 dlr .. ~,1cC"rthy (,~""fllly nr(>""pd III dn open neck blue shirt, khakI pants and runmng ~hoe~, wandered 10 to Inspect the kitchen before the tapmg started "We've been domg these 'Fnday Feasts' for seven years now," he said "At first. It was more hke a restaurant review Gradually we worked our way mto the kItchen to RiOiS~EiSFOR UNMATCHED BEAUTY where all the work IS done We felt 1 It was more mterestmg, plus It 1------gave more exposure to the people I JACKSON PERKINS I 1501 10 the kitchen \\ ho work hard : Rose Bushes Tt'nE~ICE"D 10 I without too much recognitIOn I. Top Quality 'IIuLY OFF I L I Waitresses work very hard, but 1 with coupon 0., I they're In the public's eye ThiS way the chef gets a little glory. too" Ir------,------~RAPID.GRO II Fresh Cut I Fnendly, but slightly distracted I CARNATIONS by the oustle 10 the crowded kit- FERTILIZER II I chen, McCarthy looked over the m- : Reg, $11 99 NOW ONLY I : LARGE FLOWERS I gredlents chef DePalma began to I II cash 81carry I set out before the camera I $799 II w/coupon $599 I I J ~ An apron was tIed around Mc- I w/coupon II doz I Carthy's waIst, whlle someone else clIpped a small microphone to hiS shirt .""", "We're after the good recIpes PholO by Tom Greenwood Allemon Florist& Garden Center that people at home hke to try for 17931 E. Warren 8M-6120 themselves," he saId "We're not Getting ready for a taping are chef Vito DePalma of the Clairpointe restaurant and Jack McCarthy, host . mterested 10 the ambIence, the of WXYZ.TV's "Friday Feast." In the background is Irene McDonald, script consultant. : wme list or the servIce. We've even Golf card available Golf Card '85 is now 22 free golf opportun- Crystal Mountall1, available from the Ities are rounds at Dunes, Lakewood, Mlt.' American Lung Asso- Brooklane, Lemontree chell Creek, McGuire's, ciation of Southeastern and Pine Creek III Sandy Ridge, Spring Michigan (ALASEM) Wayne County: Partic- Valley and Tawas golf Offering a free round of ipating Oakland County clubs golf a t each of 22 courses are Bramble. courses in Southeastern wood, Bogie Lake, To order this year's Michigan, the card fea- Clarkston, Highland edition of the Golf Card, CUSTOM PAINTING tures an additional Hills, Mulberry Hills call ALASEM at 961- SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP eight course Northern and Sprmg Lake clubs. 1697, Monday through Michigan vacation Cedar Glen, Fern Hill, Friday, 8: 30 a.m-5 884..5410 bonus this year. , No~thbrook, , R'ol'n~b p,m. or write the Lung " For golfers who enjoy and Salt River are the ASSOCIation at 28 W the challenge and di- Macomb County offer- Adams, Detroit, Mich I verslty that playmg ings In addition, there 48226 Make checks nearly two dozen dtffer. are eight courses in payable to ALASEM ent courses can offer, bordering Washtenaw, and be sure to mclude Golf Card '85 IS avail- Genesee and Lapeer the name of the person FEliCE to whom the card(s) able for a $20 donation counties. The Northern INSTALLATION & REPAIR to the Lung ASSOCIa- MIchigan VacatIOn should be sent Visa tIOn Bonus offers free or and MasterCard are • WOOD Included m the list of "two for one" golf at accepted • CHAIN LINK • VYNAl COATED atoodla\lJn~ausolrum RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL S,.EYE-882-i650 "•.. ~arlQly guarbian of Qnp~biuin~" ., MICHIGAN'S MOST PRESTIGIOUS CEMETERY As a community service, ;:~- Dr. Gerald Mullan, M.D. :: 368..0010 Ophthalmologist, ~~nWOODLAWN CEMETERY. 19975 WOODWARD AVENUE will lecture on between 7 and B Mile Roads ':4dvances In 24 • '/2 Liter Ophthalmology" Bottles at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 23 G.P. Cable T.V. - Channel 19


R-4 avalla~)le row exclUSively al your Fo A Seasons Dealer TV>lce as gooa as eJouble glaZing I(IS Ihe I ght r bul ~u'ps Ire N'al out n ANNOUNCES THURSDAY EVENING SPECTACULAR WILD GAME SPECIALS V:OURIl l..HVJ'-'L,..rrnr,..r OF-• I:: ENJOY OUTDOOR LIVING - INDOORS !! ;~ WITH A BEAUTIFUL AND PRACTICAL FOUR SEASONS'. ROOM QUAIL, DUCK or RABBIT 95 :: THE IDEAL STRUCTURE FOR A FAMILY ROOM, DINING ROOM $10 ST.CLAIR SHORES RECREATION CENTER24800 JEFFERSON :$PA ENCLOSURE, BREAKFAST NOOK, COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL WE STILL FEATURE OUR POPULAR .- VISit Creallve Spas InC Four Seasons DeSign & Remodeling Cenler for lhe lalestldeas In room (every Tuesday) ST.CLAIR SHORES,MICH,(between 9and 10mile) addlllOns. With quality work from our Nationwide ProfeSSIonal Network. and learn more about LIVE MAIN LOBSTER the advantages Of Heat v exclUSively from Four Seasons $1095 HAPPY HOUR DRINK SPECIALS REFRESHMENTSCASH BAR Call 4.6 WEEKDAYS AND 10 TILL CLOSINGS LIVELY PIANO BAR ENTERTAINMENT $1.00 FREECHIPS with this ad 524.1212 EVERY THURS , FRI & SAT EVENINGS (llmll one per person)

--- C ilr8'!l FOR FREE COLOR Oper Tues Sal tor Lunch & Dinner 11 AM 10 PM $ .. ~ Ct-.t' Sf .. c.~t Fn & Sat Till Midnight - Lounge Open Till 2 A M 5.°0 ADMISSION MAXIMUM PRIZE$500,OO ~." ~.... , CReAT9Ue SPAS 9Hc CATALOG OR VISIT SALES DESIGN INSTALLATION SERVICE OUR SHOWROOM 15402 MACK $5.00 FREECHIPS before 8:30 2821 Rochester Road' Troy MI 48083 corner of Nottingham in the Park Sponsored by Lae St. Clair Kiwanis -. 881.0550 VALET PARKING :;c 0 M MER C I A L & RES IDE N T I ALE N C LOS U RES

• Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Summer job program Wayne County Executive WIl- oBTS ON THI: Ill~ ham Lucas announced today that 1st ANNUAL the county's Office of Public Ser. ,9 ~t vices will offer summer mainten- SWIMSUIT SALE ance and clerical jobs .to 230youths • between the ages of 18 and 21 The OffIce of Public Services maJntam~ roads, parks, airports and public 20% OFF works 10 Wayne County The jobs are offered to young all Speedo & Arena Swimsuits people of Wayne County, exclUSive of DetrOIt and Downriver commu- Latest Fashions mtles which malntam their own programs, under the Summer 19 Kercheval Youth Employment and Training Next to the Punch & Judy Program admmlstered by the Wayne County Pnva te Industry CorporatIOn The jobs Will start 1Il 343.9064 mid-June, last about two months, NOW THRU IUNE 1st. 1985 and pay from $3 35 to $5 per hour Youth may apply by phomng t~o Job-recrUitment hotline~, (728 JOBS) and (865-JOBS) Those ap I~ ,~:I,' ply10g must be unemployed and PC, tH~'IuCl(- qualify as economically disadvan- REPlACEMENT WINDOWS taged under federal gUldeline~ The public-service type projects I Install efficiency, ~N]ll r.:1nge from prc~:H:llne; better park and recreatIOnal servlce~ to secure your home improving road surfaces Some Parcells Middle School students, above, work on a chalk drawing along the school's Ver- Attractive PC GlassBlock replacement basement Windows cut energy nier sidewalk, part of an assignment by art teacher Mary Fodell, who recently gave a couple of her In additIOn to the 728 JOBS and costs and serves as an almost Impenetrable barrier against Intruders 865-JOBS Hotl1Oes, youth may ap- classes the opportunity to try the different art form. The exercise gives students a chance to work A PC Gla::osBlock Window unit seals out cold and burglars while pro- ply at InformatlOn and Referral In an art medium that Is widely seen In New York City's Central Park, England and other parts of Viding insulation so that you may qualify for a 15% energy tax credit Centers 10 Dearborn, Llvoma, and the world, she said, adding the students were required to design their work before they began New Boston by phonmg 943-2028, For effiCiency beauty security and prIVacy In one ~ chalking. Rain has since undone the students' work, she added. 591-6400and 782-1710 easy installation contact us today ~ VIS4 Your family deserves It - ,-, . Spending, taxes increase in schools' proposed 1985-86 budget .'. Glass Block Sales Moo ~~ru6-~~ 8-5 . . • 22701 Wood Street-Off 9 Mile at 194 . .• (Continued from Page lAl number of teachers have asked rary computer system, accordlOg satisfaction With the budget process, , • nate, plan, set up and use sCience about trammg and classroom ap- to Libraries director Charles Han- saymg the presentatIOn and expla- SI Clair Shores MI • Phone 778{)330 , ., matenals, Dr Frost saId. phcahons, Welch saId sen natIOn of the process and develop- .. The district is in its fourth year of At the hIgh schools, the addItIOn ment was supenor to past years. a fIve-year computer education de- ,of $129,000 worth of computers, The dIstrIct Will also purchase Board Secretary Ernest Multi Box velopment program and will pur- word processors, networking sys- $63,000 worth of word processmg Buechler said next year's budget Travelware chase almost $200,000 worth of terns and computer assisted draft. eqUipment for buildlOg offices that was the tightest document he had computers and related equIpment, mg equipment Will mean two net- WIll link the high and mIddle seen networkmg matenals and compu- worked IBM lab." a third Apple lab schools WIth the central offIce. The ter-assisted draftmg equipment and more Ap{lle computers for de- ISD is expected to make $96,000 Admmistrators said more than next year. The administrations at partment use m both schools, Welch worth of equipment available to the 000worth of requests from de- the middle and high schools and said district as well, for which the schoc Lments and bUildings were Win- central office will receive $63,00010 The price tag also mcludes equlp- system would have only to p:t nowed out durlOg the process, ac- equipment and another $96,000 ment to begm limited networklOg mamtenance cordlOg to Supermtendent WhrIt- worth will be made available by of the Apple computers ner, who added he thought the The district Will spend $450,000 the mtermedlate school dIstrict. Networking allows more flexlbl- board had done a good job balanc- next year on various buildmg site 109 fiscal responSibility With the Elementary schools will add 30 lIty In use of the machmes whIle projects, Including roof work at educatIOnal needs of the students new Commodore computers, cuttmg drastIcally the cost of soft- TraveUng Ugbt meaning there WIll be one compu- ware, Welch saId North, Ferry and Richard, play- ground work at Parcells, a resur- Board VICe PreSident Jon ter for every elementary classroom, The high schools' computer pro- ... .--/ ,/" 2725 W 8'll e._ Ad faced parkmg lot at Defer, an ele- Gandelot pomted out that a large .---' / Frost saId The computers are grams are "so far ahead of so vator at Pierce and a variety of i;~~~-- percentage of the budget IS "al- /' f_T_c.n.r .~ used 10 computer assisted instruc- many other schools that we're al- other projects ---~.-/ .. tIon programs and computer lItera- most a model," Welch said Sales ready cast in concrete" through ....- 3rd.L..wef wages and salanes, fringe benefIts _nM14lI11G cy classes for fifth-graders, she ad- representatives have sent over pro- c Tr.velln~ Llghl 1985 13131271 1750 UntIl the district receives the and mamtenance of programs ded spective purchasers to the high recommendatIOns from a consult- The dIstnct will also apply for a schools to show off what can be 109fIrm paid $21,000to study its ad- grant from Commodore for match. done with theIr equipment, he ad- ministratIve wage and fringe bene- 109 purchase of fIve computers to ded. fit structure, the district will keep be used by teachers The district The practIcal arts programs at $125,000 in its reserve fund equity WIll buy five If the company Will the schools wlll be bolstered by It IS not known how much of the match the purchase, Dr, Frost eqUipment to be purchased next amount will be needed to meet the said year IBM computers Will be added consultant's recommendatIons. Each mIddle school is expected to the business departments Com- Board members expressed theIr to receive 12 more computers next puter aSSIsted draftmg eqUipment year, WhICh Will gr~atly ,lmRroye and electronics and electrICIty the computer education programs work stations wIll be added as well, HELP at the bUildings as well as get Welch said. DonatIons and Volunteers Needed Now to Sell Tickets for the National Cerebral Palsy! more of the machines mto the Also In the budget for next year IS les Autres Games hands of teachers In the class- the purchase of a disk system rooms, according to Secondary for North's planetarIUm, allowmg Call MISS Thorpe 875-4080 - 875-4081 Curnculum Director Robert the dlstnct to expand planetarium 8etween 9 a.m.-' p.m Mon.-Fri, Welch programs. The middle schools are just be- The library has budgeted $10,000 gmning to use computers in the for a consultant's aId 10 studymg classrooms and an increasmg the expansIOn of the current hb- I.------,FREE PIZZA I I BUY ONE MAKING I Lake level I PIZZA .~""-ii'-i""'-. GREAT I Lake St Clair at the I GET ONE PIZZA I end of AprIl was at I FREE PIZZA SINCE 1958 I elevatIOn 576 19 feet or 54 mches above chart I MAMA ROSA'S PIZZA I datum, this was about I 15134 MACK AVENUE GROSSE POINTE PARK I No need to send away 10 the 28 inches above one manutacturer and then wa,l year ago, and the AprIl 4260 pick up Sllncla\"llllndly 4 pm 1 am I weeks to get what you want 1822 We stock parts tor almost every monthly mean of 576 16 L ~ ~~_=::~~~:~! gas 9"'1 made And lhey re gen feet was 33 mches Ulne Modeln Home Products parts equal to or beller than above Its long-term the manufacturers own specifl average for Apnl 1'he cahons Fore grates cooking Great Lakes forecast grids warming racks burners PIC~ Up '4 iJubbltll replacement hardware and shows that Lake St the new 8 BOer s CHOICE ClaIr IS expected to be heat roct1~0 co MACOMB 777.8808 BOB&FRANK OAKLAND 553.8100 2189J1 MACK 77:1-3120 SUMMER HOURS NEW HOURS THI:-.JKING OF MONDAY through FRIDAY REMODELING? 9:30-6:00 DON'T TAKE A Ct1ANCE For 29 years, aTHER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT CALL A PROFESSIONAL Specialists In: Customcraft l)H!!rs ADDITIONS • DORMERS The Very Best In: REC ROOMS THIS WEEK ONLY • DeSign Service CUSTOM KITCHENS • Materials BATHROOMS • Value for your Investment PORCH ENCLOSURES CLOSED • Workmanship CUSTOM GARAGES • Service REPLACEMENT AND QUALITY GREENHOUSE WINDOWS SATURDAY DOES~J T COST- OFFICES REMODELED COMMERCIAL REMODELING IT PAYS' SUNDAY MONDAY CHJ\PJtQl-ICXk~1~(0 CO 16835 Kercheval, Grosse POinte, 885-1232

\ I t'l \'\

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23 'page Twenty-A a

#J'.~4. .~'A~4 8~V , ,~"S' 5th ANNUAL MAY~~ __7Er• -. 'C. - ...... _.~t j I • SALE CONTINUES '(r. "-, ~. -;;;;i FIERO ~~~~rR~5 ~ .. TO CELEBRATB, 2-Dr. COUPE ~ ~ "Sun Roof" All 5 Spd. Manual 1985 1 ~Iass I defogger 1111 steering whl alum whlS ....L Ilres ETR P S P B I gla&5 reel cloth bkts seals elec r w del dual span AM FM steleo w clock reel cloth bUCKet seats console, gages Sunbirds In Stock mirrors securlly screen spOiler V6 FI eng alurn whls gages w w lach Il,al sporl mirrors BS mldgs dome I~",P courtesy mSllu tach WL Ilres AM 'FM ETR slereo Console Folding r Seat Sik menlatlon 0 N rear"ew mlrlor Side w,nd def 4 spoke sport 112154 steeling ....hl sporl mlrlors luggage ca,nel Stk '12493 SPECIAL SALE PRICE LEASE FOR SPECIAL SALE PRICE LEASE FOR ..... ~ .-.- . - $'- ~ ~15 $30 Under Factory- Invoice"'''' ~/ NEW 1985 ~ ~-,1. A ~PARisiE-NNE /6~- GRANOr -r ~~ SEDAN < , , ~ -, ,'-- \ PRIX - "AIR CONOITIONt:O" - . ..\ "AIR CONOJTIONED" 55 45 N.'tchbac~ Ser' t ,Ir 111m' P"r Loc',s T Glass pwr --- Wmdows Crpt Mals - &fl ;:.1' V,nyl fop, REId Delrost Spl Aulo lrans V6 p b • tlllted glass bOdy Side mldgs rear defrosl , I ,C' sport mirrors WSW steel belted hres AM FM ETR stereo w M"'ors Accent St'lpe l'u ("rt'ol 5 J Lller V e 4 Speed Auto = :.0 ~ (\ -----1J' • Trans Toll Whee, WfI'" Whe~'d & Locks Larrp Group AM FM clock deluxe wheel covers, acou'lcal msulahon deluxe Wheel Siereo W W SIE'el !:le,ls r S PB Stk - 203 Covers F & R Bumper Guards Stk U 2390 SPECIAL'" r..LE PRICE LE,"""E Fn~ : I .A - ." --. I $ frrS"EP~'C' $ NEW 1985 SUNBIRD COUPE Sl t j3 I 5 ~4F12.~ 1I'lIIr 8.8% FINANCINGI • 1 8 OtlG fuel PI engine t> spd 0 0 trans rally wheels recl clolh but:ket seals w,de B S nldgs u diSC brakes swmg out real qlf Windows all sea 50n steel belted radial, clg lighter culp,le crplg InSide I n hoA releaso 5,0" w,ndow dE-I upshift mo I ghl rool dr'p ana Window Sill NEW 1985 /,Ij ml<1g~ 5 s,J'~ aeluxe 5' sh StK • 1'39 6000 57445 YOU PAY 6000 ~ 4 DR. LIST IN\iOICE S6770 SPORT WAGON $6470 "AIR CONDITIONED" AlR .::or"OITIONED" SEDAN lESS -300 P spa <1ut0 \IJ < ~ r, en,; rreedom Bat' F W 0 t. LEASE FOR $135.99 per mo: PS flB A"to Trans 4 Cyl FI Eng Freedom Ban FWD T (,I.~" l>,de & 91a5. Side /\ r I'Ilno de ~ d' "por rrlrr"r, deluxe st whl AM Rear W,nd Dd R A'r Oelleolor D"al Sp1 M",ors Oel"xe 51 Wnl AM FM FM Siereo rutp,hl u,'g [J N r rnm"r acousllcal msul B S ~Iere, C"tprle C,plg 0 N R M"ror Lamp Gro"p Acousl,cal Ins"1 BS n'ldgs ....""W sa rad,~ < ruel whl cOvers rool dllp & wmd !llli Mldgs WSW SB Radials Rally \'Inls ROOF Dop & \'Ilnd 5,11 Mldg~ I mldgs ,n51.1ehoed r~1 ~enter armrc st Stk :z 1844 L"99age Carroer InS,de HOOd Rei Ceoter Armrest 51k '" t997 SPECIAL SALE PRICE I SPECIAl "ALE PRICE LEASE FOR APR LI=.6,SE ~OR , I ..... 0/0 S~ 'i ..,.. -. S"'- : 75 GMAC $T~r 5 FINANCING 1.r mr , .." GMc M.VAN ON•ALL NEW SUNBIRD'S nEW 1985 u1700 Lb. AND S15 JIMMY'S IN STOCK! "PEOPLE Payload" MOVER" SLE MODEL I Rear d glass, 43 Iller V6, Aul,) Trans PS. P8, 2 OVER "AIR CONDITIONED" Seats. Gages, trlpodmeter, clg lighter, P2057515 Deep Tmted Glass SIO Rea. ~ ,"g Or Edge Tires Stk RT524 Guards Puis Wipers CrUIse V6 Aulo 27 Gal Tank Tilt Whl Rally Whls H 0 Ball AMI FM Stereo 4 Recl'llIn\l Capl Cl'a"s SPECIAL SALE PRICE w Armresl R Sola 7 Pass P W P Locks Campi Body (,lass 2 lone pam! Sik IIT904 ~...... f\ SPECIAL $ 1ft ft 1\I: ~lt.I>E 'I' -01 ,- 'I LEASE $9~noo... • 6 II:nl:l _.... NEW PONTIACS NEW 1985 J"W I ~U\) GMC8-15 and GMC TRUCKS GMC ~XTENDED IN STOCK READY FOR %-TON CAB PICK UP

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Sta,nless Steel mirrors, 8 Fl BOl<,Power Brakes 4 3 L,ler V6 3 1000lb payload. V-g, 28 liter, 4 Spd. manuallrans., spd Automat,c Trans Power Steertng AM IFM Siereo Gages AM I FM radiO, r Jump seats, gauges, power brakes, FoldIng Seal Vmy, Tom, 2 73 Rear Axle Painted Rear Slep Bump tinted glass Stk ::!'T938 er GllIome Front Bumper Stk .:T678 SP"''';IAL. SAL.E PRICE LEASE FOR SPECial <;A' C DRlrl: LEASE FOR % $ .... t I I ~ 10 00 $7 S' Sl per mD •

NEW 1985 • ON NEW ~w 1YlSti liMli ~ GMC RALLY VI - ~RAFT, II STX VAN 1985 GMC VAN CONVERSION "TRAILERIIfB SPECIAL" "Air ... Deep t glus 8 pass pulse w,pers a" cond 55 mirrors 5 '0 IIda doors Condlllonef' .... - .., H 0 shocks H 0 r sp"n~s 3 73 8.le c,",sa 50 I.te, V8 a"'o 0.0 lIans Tmtad Glass Body Glass S 0 Glass Pulse Wipers toil raily whls AM Fto1stereo 5P225 7515 S8 tires p w plock. cenler SS Mlllors S a 0001 H D Shocks H 0 Sp ~~ (.Au,se V8 Aulo 2 Ion. pa,nt gages H D Irailar Pq, ~ eq"alize, h,ten tr8oscooler eng 0,1 Trans Till Whl Stereo Cass Oelu~e Bumpers P Wmdows P S CO~ler wHlng harness H 0 Ilas"'er p 9 P b reclln ng bkl selts w 815 JIMMY 4X4's P B Gages 4 Capt Challs Lugg Rack Ladder TV Antenna .r""eM Sik :1815 Runnlflg Boards Rally Whls All Fabllc Trim Metal Spare Tire LEASE FOR SPECIAL SALE PRICE 15 IN-COMING UNITS Carner Sik IlT186 $1 r ~ .. S9Q7°( TO CHOOSE FROM! L.EASE FOR -- $~ 1!'OO - . ,_ "." """'" nil • ~.. .- .. 1,•• _ht. ".... '" • oIIIltoo I. ..- _ 11 .... Ill. ~.... • All PRICES INCLUDE DEST. ,...... n'...... I,. 1ft .., oI11l1l,.. ONE WEEK ONLY SALE I~ ..,. ~ .. __ .. l>\~ , 1'1'1 CHARGES & DEALER PREP t>l~ _~ ""'''' ""'""" t.. .. 1, "II" Ends Friday May 24. 6 p,rn ....., I' "" ...tn NOTI PIotur .. Of .. I\IC"" I!Mlwn 1Io IlOt n.., .... 'Ry repr .... ". 1IC1u1lJ ...... r-- NOTICE TO BUYER Tl'l(' (\"'0 ce 10lal ulo I ncl\Jdeo~ l1elo 'f 1'10dback H'ra act ...erl " r ~ 8550 ... III 0'" in .sseUMenl!l af d '" I ",., l~ f')ry Co,t pI ce 10 dpM". GMAC FINANCING .. Tr (> f1'W" (f" ""~~ not. Su f#jf eCf It'll' lFASING OJ r mal'" C1..,' (r lhp ...ftt! elf> 1'1 .,.jllInlll r1 .. I ,..h .. !l~ 0 - O' r.-Iu',. reb.ale,\ Oil Ow .. AVAILABLE af(es d :le"u a, itr",j r"1Crr'11ve ilW1rch If r"'1 lr-e r"'::lJlr""ac.turer 10 t~e deal~r ON ALL FEATURED Of'fl~f>r ..,.,lp,I''''d (pI (;rS J1I1d.JIM )l ,. "11'''' .. UNITS -• 16Y2 & GRATIOT MT. CLEMENS 776.4455 c OUT01' TOWII ~II. Acc.PTm

-- ~ ~ .... - ...... ~3,1985

Section B The Second Section Thursday, May 23, 1985

From Another Pointe Of View By Peggy O'Connor

The beautiful and hlstonc Pewabic Pottery at 10125East Jefferson Avenue will again be the sIte for "A Spring Par- ty" next Thursday, May 30, from 5 to 8 p m The Board of DIrectors of the Pewablc Society wIll sponsor the event, whIch Includes cocktaIls, buffet supper, entertainment and a one-year membershIp In the PewabiC SocIety, at a cost of $35 per person Mrs Peter W Stroh, Mrs John E Emery and Dr Audley Grossman are co-hosts qn the PewablC Pottery Party committee this year are POIntf'rc; .l





,.-. AND EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOUR PARTY PERFECT 979.5500 35834 VAN DYKE BRENTWOOD PLAZA between 15 and 16 Mile Roads Sterling Heights FORMERLY PATIO & FURNITURE CASUALS Mon , ThUnl , Fri , 10.8, lues, wed ,Sat 10-5, CLOUD MIMOflUAL DA Y Sun., 12-4 f

Page Two-8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985

~ want you to put on a Comm~nity LINC

A umqut>orgamzatlOl1 whose pur. tlOn that affects the well-bemg of thanked us and commented they use With the teleVision which was pose IS to prOVide support to VIC' the elderly and others who receIVe would always remember thIS recently donated tlms of cnme recently began opel" long term care services. Easter" * • atlOn 111 DetrOit ThiS orgamzatlOn was started in Other recent thank-you's m- LINC's second major fundraiseI' c1uded a note and picture from The Commumty Bdl>ed VICtlln June 1969m response to the DetrOIt of the year, the annual Flower and Common CouncIl's request that the NIF-T (Nurturmg Infants and Rummage Sale, was a great suc- RestltutlOl1 Program lCBVRJ IS d City Health Department encourage FamilIes Together) They had re- nOl1-pl'oflt orgamzatlOn developed cess under co-chairmen Martha the formation of a group to help cently completed a quilt from Brosky and Tnsha Fishman, bring- out of commul1Ity response to reo mamtam high quality care where It fabnc donated by LINC The qUilt duce fear and alienatIOn between mg mover $2,000 ThiS effort wIn eXisted and to Improve It where It Willbe raffled off at a fundraiseI' to help LINC contmue ItS work WIth Victims and offendt'rs of 11011- did not benefit the chents of NIF.T ThiS IS vlOlt'llt property crune::. CBVR the agencies in the Tn-county area a perfect example 01 helpmg peo- The volunteers would like to thank dldl>the commumty by provldmg d ple help themselves momtored l»stem dl>a meall::. for PAT DOl'ODRIDGE, nursmg the staff of the Greek Orthodox the offenderl> and \ Ictlml> to home alternative speCialist for AssumptIOn Cultural Center for CBC, explams that the orgamza- LINC volunteers would like to their help m makmg the day a suc- mutually agree on a restltutlOll stress that Items accepted at the contract, mvolvlIlg more com- tlOn as:'lsts frail and disabled cess. Their cooperatIOn was great- elderly In finding support servICes storeroom 111 the new building ly appreciated mumty reSident::. m rel>olvll1gcon- should mclude c10thmg and small flicts wlthm their neighborhood, !>uch as housecleamng, medical care and food servICes m order to household Items such as dishes, CUflOUSabout the future? What strengthenmg commullIty lies to curtams, flatware, 1ll1ensand toys kmd of personality are you? What vlctllns and offenders, provldmg help them stay mdependent In their own homes. She also prOVides m good, clean condition If gar- does It mean when you dream? acces" and mput mto the Cnmmal ments have holes and tears, they Come to the LINC annual volunteer Justice System, and drawmg on the counseling servICes for the elderly 3nd theIr f:1mlhcs ~re not usable by LI1\lC clients lu'lr!1€'on ,md mept raro! VerrOE'n Be a healthy member of the class of 1985 commumty sown resourcel> clnd Please call before dehvermg goods Ms Verroen is a psychiC WIth the tdlent!; of Its reSidents CBC ISa stateWide agency which because the storeroom ISsmall and Institute of Chmcal HypnOSIs and Please Call for Summer Exercise Schedule helps people wade through the con- hils up qUickly We want to be sure Win speak to the volunteers and ThiS 1I1novatlveorgdlllzation cur- fUSIOnof the bureaucracy Current- there IS room for your donatIOn their fnends on Thursday, May 30 rently needs foldmg chairs for Its ly, It ISIn need of a portable 25-foot Donations of large appliances and at 11'30 a m at the home of Martha 21517 Kelly Rd. 772 9470 meetmgs becaul>e, accordmg to ramp, wheelchairs (manual and furlllture should be called m and Brosky If you are mterested mat- (btwn 8 & 9 Mile) ,. East Detroit Program Director Maureen electnc >, Sickroom supplies, and arrangements Will be made for an tendmg, please call the LINC office Taylor, "we have many commullI- 11ft chairs If you can help, call the agency to pICk up the Item LINC, at 882-6100for more informatIOn or ty meetmgl> here on the premises LINC office of course, WillprOVidea receIpt for to make rebervations The cost IS$5 and are becommg very well tax purposes per person known" They have also requested * * * an addmg machme to hetp With Easter fmery has now been re- Fmally, here's an update con- their bookkeepmg If you can help placed by shorts and sundresses, THROUGH THE generosity of cerning the LINC Executive Com- r/ JjtrNal.Jh N 011' r/ please tell the LINC office at 882- but It ISworthwhile to comment on donors, the followmg ofhce mittee Mrs Jeanette Stumpe has 6100 the holiday just once more The machmes have found new homes accepted the posItion of second /~);/ y-o{/ I'o/? //IOOIIt/,,!,d 1,140 Easter baskets donated to recently m area agencies. a movie vice preSident m charge of public Another worthwhJle orgalllzatlOn hut With proJector, three copy ma- relations for 1985-86. Jeanette IS IS CItizens for Better Care CBC IS LINC by the MIChIgan Candy Asso- ciation were well received by hun- chllles, a bookkeepmg machme, SIX a current LINC volunteer and wlll :J~~/ay. -flay !J/ a consumer orgamzatlOn con- dictating machines, two transcn- be a great addition to the commg cerned WIth Improvmg the quality dreds of youngsters m the DetrOIt area One particular admlmstrator bel'S and a word processmg ma- year of long-term care programs such chme // a //1. k cFjt //1 as nursmg homes and homes for took the time to write the fonowing LINC column space IS prOVIded the aged Their services mclude lll- thank-you expressing feelings that Current requests for Items m- each month by the Grosse Pomte vestlgatmg and encouragmg the make people glad they helped elude horseback nding equipment, NEWS as a community service .hlr/I't'hy. ,~//( / proper government agency to act sports and camping equipment and Operation LINC needs your gene- - on com pIaliltS CBC helps persons "Some of our students received 10 speed bikes, all to be used at rous contributions and your time /(7 a.//I. k / /.//1 who Wish to make use of govern- their first Easter baskets through Camp Cavell, a camp for girls run We are a non-profit, volunteer 01'- ment reports and other matenal your generosity It was a touchmg by the YWCA The bikes WIll be gamzatlon which helps numerous ,j:IU(;,y .hli/l abou~nursmg homes and also oper- expenence to walk mto the class- used by campers while vlsltmg the Wayne County agencIes and de- ates an advocacy program In ad- room With the baskets and hear the camp Many gIrls cannot attend pends on your support To volun- dition, CBC IS concerned with the ohs and ahs and to see some of the bike outmgs because of a shortage teer or donate usable items, please care received by released mental children walk up to touch me and to of bikes and do not have one of their call us at 882-6100.Our office hours patient!> CBC 11lItlates speCial look at the baskets At dismissal, own to brmg with them If you can are 9 a m to 2 p m Monday proJects, conducts research and IS when I was outSide supervising the help, please call the LINC office through Fnday, throughout the actively concerned With alllegisla- crossll1g of students, many parents They have also requested a VCR to year. r/ ///f /N/Ii,IIj"J (/I N-Au A

Yf//I' Jk~/lu.J caN I. kl. a/I Landscape is focus for Grosse Pointe Academy v~itors The Grosse Pomte Academy grounds Landscape Architects Project slgmflcance as a histone site The r(tIu;.J<.IrNU~ kiN/if' hosted a workshop for the Michi- - ParticIpants m the workshop Manager, Snell EnVironmental panel of experts WIll nommate the gan Chapter of the Amencan SOCie- were. Anthony M. Bauer, chair, Group, lnc ; Richard MaCias, Re. Grosse POlllte Academy ground!> J k-//c am/ J£/t'i,I1j! k ?cIA.I' ty of Landscape Architects on Sat- Landscape Architecture Program, source DeSign Group, Inc., Ann Ar. as a hlstoncal site III the National urday, May 4 A group of five land- MIChigan State UniversIty, bor, and Manlyn Tuchow, Board of Register of Histone Places and the scape architects representmg Charles W Cares, Landscape Trustees, NatIOnal Assoc of Olm- National Trust for Hlstoncal (/I ,z r /tc-r;/-a-AtOtd rkdtyN. $1'£ MichIgan State Umverslty and Architecture, Ann Arbor. Robert sted Parks, Victorian Society in Preservation MASLA-met to study.orlgmalland- E Ford,-~ president, Michigan AmerlGa, president,--Mlchlgan- -- The-panel and representati¥e5 or k. tVJ-Jrdr u-tlA Y< Nfl J.k<:lr~,II' scape plans drawn for the Academy Chapter, American Society of Chapter of VlCtonan Society III The Grosse POInte Academy Amenca, Founder and past presl- toured the 22 acre grounds to view dent, Friends of Belle Isle the Nun's Walk, the fruit orchard, u t:II ~ a ,~.M':?U// Nj't I'CdC/1t1zt'i /or . the berry and grape vmes, the barn Picnic time for Phase I Mr Bauer pOlllted out that the (an ItS 1870schimney), the cottage Phase I's annual Pessimist's ball games are planned Phase I baSIC framework of the grounds and the Wide vanety of trees and Day Picnic, tailor-made for those Will furmsh hot dogs, buns, condi- has not been altered and has other flora. who say "It always rams on ments, Ice, pop, ChipS,paper plates Jacobson's Memonal Day weekend," ISplann- and cups and plastic utenSils. ed for 6 30P m Sunday, May 26, m CZI2 u-wf. the third floor lounge at Grosse Members are asked to bring a iJC't$ DELI Pomte Memonal Church dish of food to share With at least r, rmmollS iJaparles, 'lpurgel If the weather fools the pessI- eight Those whose last name be- GOURMET The Ideal permanent evergreen ground cover plant mists, the piClllC Willbe moved out- gms with A-I should brmg salad, J. to grow In sunny as well as shady locations where doors on the grass overlookmg the Q, brmg vegetables, R-Z, dessert PARTY grass fails Grows at even height of about 8 Inches lake Plcmckers should brmg Non.food contnbutors Will be TRAYS Plant 6 Inches apart Sturdy. wel H o'lted plants. postpaid 50-$13.95,100-$23.95,500-594.95, blankets or plastic to Sit on, volley- charged $5 FOR GRADUA TION & OTHER OCCASIONS 1000- $165.00 Finest Quality stock Postpaid and e,pertly packed Guaranteed to live or we II replace THE TIME SHOP (2 Day Nol/ce) Busy days for Concert Band up 10 I yea, Prompt ~hlpmenl ()rd( r drr MACOMB NURSINC UNUMITED can provide profes- Chime Movements sional care for elderly persons who require some assistance • Glasson three Sides in maintaining their independence in their own homes. • BrassLyrePendulum & ___ M_e_w_A_rrL_.v_a_ls 11 Weights • Moon DIal :\1r. and :\Ir'i. Patnck Burke, of Severn Ro~d, announce the birth of • 8Day Movement Allard Avenue, announce the birth their second child, a daughter, of their fIrst Child, a daughter, Heather Lyn, April 2 Mrs Mar- Amelia Anne, Apnl 3 Mrs Burke shall ISthe former Jennifer Fergu- 263.0580 Medbury IS the former :\Iary AnnE' Schulte, son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, School House Clock Sale Price daughter of :\Jr. and :\11'<;.Jerome ('harle<; Ferguson, of Port with Oak Finish 00 Schulte, of The Park Paternal Charlotte, Fla Paternal grand- $179 grandparents are Mr. and :\Irs. Ed- parents are Mr. and '\1rs. Morrison • White Porcelain Dial Reg '37600 win Burke, of Dearborn Helghts :\1arshall, of Bournemouth Road MACOMb NURSiNGUNliMiTEd • Westmlnlster Chime * • * Heather's big brother Nathan .. .. rNCO" .. OIllATED • 8 Day KeyWind Mr, and Mr!>.Dall' :\lar'ihall. of Thomas, IS 5 x Movement • Solid Brass Hinged Bezel & Sale Price Glass • BrassPendulum S7CW Sale Ends Reg '1450'" M~y31 Stop In and ask our sales personnel about spnng sale prices on other tor? brand Grandfather and wall docks by Trend, Howard MIller, Colonial, Ansonia and Serko. All Men's & Women's Watches 10%-40% OFF Retail Prices NURSING HOME Service Technidans are Avaiable to Repair ADClocks Il045 and Watches and to make House CaDs if Necessary. 1-,\..,l.JHHR"O\ IH1R0l1, MI( H 161Townsend-Birmingham 821-3525

646-7377 QUillIn Mon.-Sat. 9-5, Thurs. & Fri.'td 8 P.M. -646-7377 NUR')INC, CARl

..... Thursday, May 23, 1985 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Three-8 ------' Newlyweds at Candlelight home in Woods vows exchanged Unique Optique Carla A Gnbbs and Timothy J The First CongregatIOnal Church DISTINCTIVE EYEWEAR FOR THE BnsbOls are at home In Grosse m Rockford, MlCh , was the settmg ~ Pointe Woods after their wedding on Monday, Aug 20, 1984, for the 11IJIV IJuul Saturday, March 30, In the Mercy candlelight wedding ceremony of College Chapel Susan Lynn Graves, daughter of IMPORTED & DESIGNER FRAMES DISTRIBUTORS OF: , 1'111' and Mrs Ronald E Launs, of .. Buckmgham Road, and Bnan • TURA • SOPHIA LOREN • MENRAD The bnde IS the daughter 01 \ • LOGO • VUARNET • ANN!: KLEIN Katherine Gnbbs, of Southheld, Graves, son 01 Mr and Mrs Kent • BOLLE and more Graves, of Rockford and Judge Roman S Gflbb~, of De- Examinations Available HOUb trOit, the former mayor of DetrOit The bnde chose a gown of Chan- I"> The bndegroom IS the son of Mr tilly lace and sheer EnglIsh net- 885-0541 and Mrs John BnsbOls, 01 Far- tmg, dccented by a high-necked 20339 MACK, mington bodice and long sleeves, as well as \lCJ:.1 a dropped waist, for her weddmg, GROSSE PIE. WOODS I'~"lJf~A '.CE. A( (f;' II f) Kathleen McNamara Wd!:>the at which her father gave a ~pecJaI Between Country Club & Lochmoor former Mls~ Gnbbs ma Id 01honor blessmg A Juhet cap caught a Michael BrisbOis wa~ best man for tmgertLp veil, ItS edges tnmmed Mr, and Mrs. hiS brother With matchmg Chantuly lace She ,It.. and :\It..,. earned a cascade bouquet of white Bdan Graves Timoth) .J. BI'i~bob silk roses and stephanotis, With flower gIrl!:> and carned straw Mrs Bn~bol~ IS a medld lepre- baby's-breath sentatlve at DetrOit Edison I\lJ llk,accented 111 peach and featur- cocktail length dress of Ivory Silk mg short, tuhp-style sleeves and a UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING and Quaker lace, [nmmed down Servicing the Pomtes lor over 30 years rolled bow heckhne Bndesmalds the front With small pearl buttons mcluded another Sister, Tracy The bndegroom's mother chose an Ann, a sister of the bndegroom, Ivory Imen SUit worn With a peach Jenmfer Graves, and Gern silk blouse Each wore a corsage of Fellows, of Mt Pleasant and Sue peach silk Sweetheart roses and Wide Selection of Louwers, of Grosse Powte All baby's-breath wore cocktail length dresses of CASUAL & The new Mr and Mrs Graves Free pick-up & delivery penwmkle blue and carred a smgle are at home 111 Blrmmgham, Ala, free estimates DECORATIVE white silk rose With baby's-breath where the bnde IS a manager With VA 2.9660 accented With a touch of blue Red Roof Inns She holds a Bachelor 12339 HAYES FABRICS Mr Graves asked MIChael of SCience m Hospitality Services Jacobs, of Rockford, to act as best degree from Central MIChIgan UI1I- man Uf'hers inf'luded two more verslty The bndegroom holds a Judith Catalano Sheila F. Dwyer brothers, Kent and Brent Graves, Bachelor of SCience m Accounting and PhIllip Cheadle, and a brother and Busmess from CMU and ISpur- If vou can't be there wedding Pair planning of the bnde, Fred Launs, of Orlan- sUIng a graduate degree m mathe- to care. Professional July do, Fla matics and SCIence from the Um- Medical Services 1"0 The bndegroom's meces, Molly versity of Alabama while coachmg thp next best thIng. date is made August vows and Megan Graves, served as track at Homewood High School • HOIII!' ( ,trl' '\ ur"Jn~ Mr and Mrs John Catalano. of Mid-August weddmg plans are • Pn \ .Ill' Dun '\ lIr"n~ Putnam Place, have announced the • ltulJIl'm.tkllll( !oIl'lI II ..- engagement of their daughter, bemg made by Sheila Fay Dwyer and Charles Robert Schwartl MiSS II III l .In hLlp \ Ull 1\llh \ ')UT Judith, to Gerard M Shaheen, son !lWdl!dlor J1L1_0Ildll.lt( Dwyer IS the daughter of Mary of Mrs Delores Shaheen, of pl('.,,!' l.dl Yorkshlfe Road, and the late Joseph Jane Dwyer. of Brys Dnve, and of Shaheen A mid-July wedding IS the late Charles E Dwyer Mr 343-4357 planned Schwartz ISthe son of Mr and Mrs The bnde-elect was graduated Robert Sch\\artz, 01 Adnan from Grosse POinte North lligh The bnde-elect IS a graduate of PM S School and holds a degree In Dental Our Lady Star of the Sea High Technology from FerriS State Col- School She holds a Bachelor of Prolessional Medical Services lege She IS employed by Teachout Arts degree from Siena Heights 2114III II "I"' Dental Techmclans Harper Woods, MI 48225 College, where she was a member ""dlll£ d ~\Ilh 5dl1l1 loh" Hn'{lIl jJ Her fiance IS a graduate of the of the Kappa Gamma PI and Sigma Umverslty of DetrOit High School ServIng rh(l \UrrOUfH.Jrng Kappa Alpha honor societies (omrnulll/l(', (or over 30 vI'a" and IS currently attending Walsh Her fiance IS a graduate of College in pursuit of a Bachelor oj Michelle M. Koueiter Arts degree m Accounting He I!'>d Adnan High School and holds a Lisa S. Kline self-employed bookkeeper and ac- Bachelor of Arts degree from Siena HeIghts College countant Fall wedding Miss Koueiter till- PHOF 1-. " ....to'\ \1 " \\ll() ( \Hl r Nolan-Lewis ,?OWS planned' date is r set. will be wed Dr and Mrs Kenneth A Kline, Fall weddmg plans are bemg September weddmg plans are be. York Cltv of Balfour Road, are annauncmg made by Michelle Mane Koueltcl f1ieberj' 75th year- mg made by Vlctona Ann LeWIS Mr N'olan. who lIves m The the engagement of their daughter, and Fred L Andary Jr , whose en and Timothy Patnck Nolan, whose Park, IS the son of Mr and 1\1rs Lisa Suzanne, to James Lowell gagement has been annuunced b\ her parents, Mr and I\lr!:> George Healthy engagement ISbt'mg announced by WIlham A Noldn, of Elkhart, rnd Brundige. son of Mrs Evelyn Plants her parents, Mr and Mrs Richard He was graduated tram Elkhart Brundige, of Luther, and the late Kouelter. of Kensmglon Road I\I1' make Better Garden" T. Lewis, of RiverSide, Conn Central High School and Hillsdale Clarence BrundIge An October Andarv IS the ~on of 1\11'and 1\11''> MISSLeWIS,an alumna of Green- College, magna cum laude, and weddmg IS planned (-'red L Anddr\,. of Edmundloll Dnve - wIch High School, was graduated holds a Juns Doctor from the UI1l- MISS Kline was graduated from Weber Brothers have been helplnq thE' from the Umverslty of Vermont verslty of Notre Dame Law School Grosse Pomte South High School particular gardener ha~e an eye and IS a teacher at Ridge Street He IS an assocIate with the DetrOIt and IS currently a Jumor at the appealing, healthy Garden for 75 Country School IJl Rye, N Y She IS law fIrm of Clark. Klem and Beau- Umversity of Michigan maJormg m Bonnie Khalili seasons a member of the GreenwIch JUl1lor mont and IS a member of the De- pohtIcal sCience and foreign lan- In that time their League and PI Beta Phi soronty trOit Athletlc Club HIS father is guages Her fIance, a graduate of Greenhouses have grown 10 cover six and Her father IS preSident of LeWIS chaIrman and owner of the South Walled Lake Central High School, is May bride a half acresl And today, Weber's Enterpnses and owner of a cham of Bend Pm\ er Brake and Spnng Cor- ISemployed by the General Motors Former Grosse Pomters Bonme experts will stili go out of then McDonald restaurants m New poratlOn CorporatlOJ1 Carleton Khahll and DaVid Law way to help VOll have a were marned m YosemIte Park. magnUlcent gardpn Calif, on Saturday, May 5 The new Mrs Law IS the • 8~~uni... • "'.M~uld.. Fall wedding for Clan Miller ~ashion show • •"e.un;." • 4 .... r.n II .. daughter of Mr and Mrs William .1_J,.a a-. The engagement of Clan W degree at Suffolk Umverslty m set for August Carleton, of Lakecrest Lane Mr ... uh ..u" Miller and Alan D Nolet ha~ been Boston, i\lass She ISafflltated \Hth Law ISthe son of Mrs Verneta Law announced by her parents, 1'111' and Tn Delta :,oront) The thIrd annual Meadowbrook FashIOn Extravaganza WIth of Boynton Beach, Fla , and the Mrs Donald Miller, of Carmel late Dr Albert D Law Lane A mid-September weddmg IS Her fiance son of Donald :'>Iolet, fashIOns from Saks Fifth Avenue is planned of Massachu':lctls, and of :'III'S Bar- set for I 30 p.m Wednesday, Aug «,.Hlh n ( l nil r Ilour .. The bnde-elect holds a Bachelor bara Nolet. of Ne\\ Hampshire. 14, follOWinga noon luncheon 111 the Kristin Linnea Finger, of WhIt- of SCIence m Chemlstrv from St holds d degree m Chemical Engl- Baldwm PaVilion ThiS year's ho- tier Road, receIved a Bachelor of 11111\ 900 AM 70ll PM Lawrence Umverslty: Canton, neermg from Cldrkson College, norary chairman IS Mrs Harold Arts degree from Indlalla Umver- "un I" ') 00 AM 1110PM N.Y She IS currently pursUIng a Potl~dam j\; Y \\ here he \\ as an Poling, Mrs Robert L Smith IS slty Bloommgton after the second Master of Busmess AdmmlstratJon AIJ-.\mencan In lacrosse chairman of the event semester, 1983-84

Before you finalize Summer plans for your;J~ children, Consider this- ~~ ~ ~(, /l., ~ '. ~ to' ~;~~,- ~t I r ,,- \j ! r \\~ t!h-- GROSSE POINTE DAYSCHOOL and INFANT CARE CENTER hl/~ SLTMl'.1ER DAY CAMP for rhlldrrn throu~h lI~r 12

ktulI;r, to rllptlllltl' thr mrnd, ,tlmull/tr IIn rnll'T('~t IInti motu'lIIr it th,"T iI'lIrnrnR Jlr(J('r~~. ~~~ INFANT CARE. WEEKLY rl~ HOURLY DROP-IN /' '.J:J ~ FULL OR PART TIME KINDERGARTEN • PRE-SCHOOL .Tan "",ho('n h('rr • Dir('ctor 7 8.m. -6 {J.m. GROSSE POINTE DA)'SCHOOL

00 IV Q 00 5 30 and INFANT CARE CENTER TtlUfsdav 1I 900 17219 'Inl'k \\f - 882.4-1.1.1 ------GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985 Page Four-B DO NOT WAIT From Another Pointe UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE! t-"'-,- WE CAN HELP!!! Of View (Continued rrom P .lgt' I B> INDIVIDUALIZED REMEDIAL AND Fran Kirkland's ACCELERATED PROGRAMS the time of their need. A~ such, then, it i!>a "fund of last resort. " needlepoint &: knit shoppe Is your student reaching academic potential? Is there a loss of self-esteem and confidence? The Tribute Fund Council b a volunteer organization of Where do you go? What do you do? which Pointers Mary Evelyn Self and Louise TeWalt are chairman and first vice-chairman. and the Fund itself re- Our Professional staff offers a successful ceive!> mo!>t 01 its money from memorial or honorary dona- educational plan, Pre-school-Adult. tions, through outright gifts and the sale of note cards. Or, GOIIiG at this time, from the generous donations of these who pur- chase the He\ bed Edition of the Tribute Fund Salad Cook- TUTORING ALL SUBJECTS book. • Diagnostic Testing and Evaluation The He\ ised Edition of the Tribute Fund Salad Cookbook OU'- • BasIc Skills - Reading, Writing, Math - Study Skills is $2 per COP). plu~ 50 cent!. handling, and includes old fa- • Learning Disabilities - Special Education vorites, hot !>alad!'l, cold ~alad", low cal salads, pasta salads • Pre-School and Kindergarten Reading Readiness Program and lots more, all bound in a wa~hable cover. OF GROSSE POINTE LEARNING CENTER It can be ordel'ed £l.om the Tribute Fund, Room 200, 51 343-0836 • 63 KERCHEVAL • SUITE 204C West Wanen Avenue. Detroit. Mich" 4H201. Further infor- mlltion on tlU' ('ookhook or the Tribute Fund mav be ob- BUSIIiESS tained by calling 8:l:l-01i22. ... and fitting tributes Gradyation and .- FItting tributes were the order of the day recently for SALE three hard-workmg Grosse Pomters. They are: Dr. Betty Brogan, of The Farms, recently elected president of the wedding SpecialsV Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Michigan's HOT BUFFET SPECIAL, $7 50 per person Alpha Iota Chapter, MonSignor FranCIS X. Canfield, FURIHER REDUCIIOIS • three entrees • relishes • beverages pastor of St Paul's On-The-Lake, presented with a Michi- E.... IRE 5 .... RE • vegetables • salads • decorated sheet cake gan State Senate resolution on the occasion of the anniver- • potatoes • rolls sary of hIS 40th year in the priesthood, and Debbie except models, finishing <9- fixtures COLD BUFFET SPECIAL, $450 per person (25 minimum) Tischler, of Grosse Pointe, former Detroit Symphony • meats • breads • beverages League preSIdent who has been honored with the ALL SALES FINAL • cheeses • relishes • decorated sheet cake "Humanitarian Award for 1985" by the Symphony League . • salads Custom CUIsine Caterers prOVides profeSSional quailly service for 16930 Kercheval • In The Village. 881-4575 all occasions Creative custom menus available at all price ranges Betty J Brogan has been a member of the Delta Kappa We also have equipment rentals for your gathering Gamma SOCIety InternatIOnal since 1966. She has served Open Thursday evenings To maKe your special event or occasion even more memorable call her chapter as chairman of the Personal Growth and Ser- Custom CUISine Caterers vi~es, NommatlOns and ProfeSSIOnal Affairs Committees, 4668043 and as parhamentarIan, fIrst vice-president and program FREE ESTIMATES 11 30 A M TO 5 30 PM chatrman and preSident. At the state level, she has chaired REFERENCES AVAILABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Professional Affairs, and served as parliamentarian, chatrman for Proposal III, Pohcies and Procedures, and CUSTOM CUISINE CATERERS first vice-president and program chaIrman. Ad' s on of IVCG Enlerpr ses Inc Both Alpha PhI Chapter and Alpha Iota State honored her as woman of the Year in 1977.She holds a Bachelor of WORSHIP SERVICES Arts from Duke University, a Master of Arts from the Uni- Fine Furs versity of Detroit, and an Ed.D. in Special Education Ad- mmistration from Wayne State University. She had a BEAUTY REGIMEN 10-year career In banking before she entered teaching and First English FOR YOUR FURS has been III the East Detroit Public School System for 25 Ef)u.JJ€ r:jJ(.in/() (}{fflU.linl (({hlilfh years Ev. Lutheran Store and clean them Presbyterial1 USA Church She was mstalled as state chapter preSIdent at the state every year at \'ermer Road at convention on May 4 in Kalamazoo and will serve a two- \\ edge\\ ood Dm e SULLIVAN-ROLLI NS year term for DKG Society International, an organization "THE POWER Grosse Pomle \\ oods of woman educators WITHIN YOU" KK~-:;Il~O Famll\ \1 orsh,p 9 10a m No matter where * * Dr LOUISJ Prues, Semor Mlmster Church \\orshlp II a m you bought them, Monsignor Canfield was honored with State Senate 9 30 and 11 301\ orshlp Ser\lces 16 Lakeshore Drive P~ul ~ heppler, Pd,lOl we'll treat them Resolution No, 88, adopted-by the Michigan.8tate Senate 01\. 10.30 ~1Lddle HQur Education ~~~~'3;Olnl'f.:r~ _ Bruce Qu~t.rn~n:.;asto~ ,-" - beautiful\}' to - March 21 and offered by Senators Kelly, Faxon, H. The Grosse Pointe prevent premature Cropsey and A. Cropsey. aging. Grosse Pointe Woods Congregational It is a fitting tribute to Monsignor Canfield, detailing his and educational and religious background, his noted work as an PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH American Baptist Restyling, repairing, 19950 Mack Avenue author and critic, and his leadership both at St. Paul's and \ ha 'way bety.,een Morass and Wff1lfr Roads, Church custom design, within the community. But perhaps the first paragraph of 8864300 1~1I(hd](onte at Lothrop free consultation the J'esolution says it best: XK~.107'i 11 a,m. Divine Worship Mark 4:35.41 ", , , It is with great appreciation for the diverse ways in "Picking the Right Ditchtl "Faith that Stills Traoe-ins accepted which his vocation ha!'l !.erved others that we are proud to Dr Robert LinthIcum, preaching the Storms of our honor Monsignor FI'ancis X. Canfield as he celebrates the Lives on the purchase Nurser) prOVided 40th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Over 9:30-11.15 Regular of new furs. Children's Sunday School the course of his life. he has had a profound impact on Service many lives through his academic career and through his Rev Ke.lh A Hamnglon Church School - work as a parish priest , .. " Christ the King St. James Lutheran Church 9 30 a In onl\ Lutheran Church ( nb WI 11 ..1\ dLIJbll * * 20338 Mack, GPW "on The Hill" lor h'Olh ';)(>r\ L(('~ 884-5090 Dr fill H Ilutth Pomtr \\ood, Ilougl.1I$$ A !IlIlY Rotl$rt II lJlrilef fred H Rclhll$ Jr Pe\er '" Pll1coll current preSIdent of the MIchigan Orchestra Volunteers I'l ...tor (" IJr..,,4 \[ .....( hi II, I H!l~-~K1(J ASSOCiatIOn.She ISa hcensed lay reader for ChrIst Church J o,eph P Fabn Pas lor Pl'.llIr H4tt4lt \ Blmt"M, H (J(l a m Hol\ EucharISt \!Ichdel \ okl Ilcar of Grosse Pomte, IS actIve 111 the ChrIstIan movement III 30 am "Faith Alive," an orgamzatIOn which delivers the Chris- thora! Eucharist and !:oermonSunda\ Sthool tIan message to others, and IS a member of Welcome St. Paul Ev, Redeemer Wagon and an adVisor to the Volunteer Network. -;:;.- Lutheran '\ursen A\allablel Untied \\eekda\ Eucharist Church Methodls\ Currently, she IS preSIdent of the Episcopal Church :-t 881-6670 (I 9 30 a m Tuesda) Church Women and a member of the ASSIstance League for the , • Challonle and Hl'tlor Robert F. \CII\ WHITTIER • Lothrop 2o'i7I \ ermer Northeast GUidance Center Karen P Evan, associate \\ orsh\p 9 d m Just east of I 94 DebbIe Tischler served as president of the DetrOIt Sym- EducatIOn lor All 10 10a m Harper \\oods looking For Friendship 8842035 and B'llle TeachlOg~ TOWERS phony league 111 1982-83 \\ orshlp II \5 a m \ur,en alallable 415 Burns Dr. 9 (jOa m thurch School 9 a in \2 15 Grosse Pointe Detroit,M ich igan 48214 to 30 a m \lor,hlp HE\' J PHILIP \\AHL Re\ Don Llchtenrell Unitarian;Church HE\ ROBERT ('L RHi Spring-y May food outlook .,~~L Grosse Pointe The May food outlook I" bur"tll1g IO\~ levels, and egg producers are UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ..JOU RNEYS TO With spring - and good nel~" for hurtIng 211 Moross Road 886-2363 UNITARIANISM" consumer~ Fre'ih rhubarb I" 11l the BrOIler "upply I:' up, prices down supermarkets !\:,pdragu:" an 1m :\Tore and more shoppers are con- 11 a In ServIce • Private rooms and Apartments "Living So Our Memories Don't porlant commerCIal crop her<' In 'iumll1g more poultry and less red and Church School Haunt Us" 17150 MAUMEE all with private baths MichIgan, IS lookmg good too meat:, so even the II1creased sup. Dr Robert W Boley, preachmg 881-0420 The l\ihchlgdn A,>pdrdgu" 1\""0 pi) of poultry 1<; ~elhng well John Corrado Mmlster '\ dechne of only three percent III • Around-the-clock security clatlOn predict:, a crop cqudllll "\7C 9: 15FamIly Worship and Church School or larger than la"t ~Cdr.., look for pldcemenl~ of cattle on feedlots 111 Faith Lutheran 11 major beef-prodUCing states IS 11: 15 Worship and Nursery Care • Excellent Meals • Maintenance the a<;paragu'i "Uppl~ to pCdk 11l Church not gomg to Improve the slump 111 mId-May Speclal volume pack:, \\111 Dr Robert \\ Bolc\ Hev Jad, \Iann~chrpck CHRIST CENTERED - and be avaJiahle durmg the seasonal bppf prices Jusl the same, look for SPIRIT LEO ~llk for homp (':lfll')mg ;lnr! frf'P7mg "P,l <;onill prH'P Increases on the Jdfc. :;vii cst PhillP • Beauty/Barber Shop THE SUBJECT FOR THIS SUNDAY IS 822 2296 Sustamed \\arm \\hlthCI \\111 qUlck cnokll1g lender cuts Sunday WorshIp 10 15am • Groc.ry Store also move a larger \olumc of till' 1\ 24 percent Increase 111 the Sunda) School 9 00 am l\-hchlgan strav. herr) crop to mar "lock" of domestIc frozen orange "Soul and Body" • Library Prayer & PraIse ket In May Look for the home . JUICPconcentrate may lead to more • Registered Nurses on duty c;pc(,lals on lhl<;popular product First Church of Chnst, SCientist Wed 730 pm grown suppl) to pCdk clhOllt tl\O Pastor weeks after thp flr"t full \1 ('ck ot Keep your eyes open for the tra- • Doctora' Clinic Grosse POinte Farms Honald W Schmidt producllOn :\1lchlgan " "tra\\ bCIn ditIOnal 'ipeclal offerings of plcmc !:oupplie<,pnor to lhe hohday at 282 Chalfonte Ave crop ha<; mcrea"pr! m thl' la"t fp\, Located between Morass and Moran GROSSE POINTE yea rs, after s('\ era I \ p;) r'i of de- month',> end ranging from paper Services BAPTIST CHURCH all Within the building plate!:oand mustard to charcoal bri- chne Sunday 1030 A M 2133a Mack Avenue Fresh swpct corn dnd grecn quets and Ice cream, they're as Sunday School 1030 A M <.rosse POlnle Woods 881-3343 beans give a v.hoJe nc\\ look to the pred1Clable as tile Memonal Day Wednesday 8 00 P M trafflc A Warm WelCOtM I produce deparlml.'nt Evcn thc ~ for further Information hardware vegetablcs, "uch a" .._". or for an appointment omons and pot:lloe<;, look dIfferent With their delicate skm" t) plea) of Among studenL<; who were DIAL A PRAYER call LOIS NAIR 823-6470 new crop tuber'i named to the Dean's List for the ~~~: t;L Eggs arc one of thp bptter protem fIrst seme'iter, 1984-R5 at Bucknell ~~.:~m ~1r~~ or 822-'000 Umverslty was freshman Oliver All ServlC

Page Flve-B Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Looking for What to do with a gifWd child? How do you know If your child IS gIfts In order to develop them "gifted?" And If he IS, how do you Have you ever told your chIld to do summer fun? help him develop his talents? somethmg, and then become Impa. "Giftedness" is expressed m tlent when she doesn't do It "cor. Try Assumption many ways, accordmg to Growmg rectly" right av.ay" It's often ChIld, the monthly chIld develop- easIer to take over for a chIld then AssumptIOn Cultural Center's ment newsletter It IS not Just aca- let her do things her::.elf, but It'S Im- summer brochure of classes and demIC excellence or artistic abili- portant to take the lime to let her events ISas full as always With lots ty One child might be gIfted mus- try things until she can do them to pique the interest of every age mg hIS hands to make thlO~S well Learnmg perseverance IS an group To be added to the mallmg Another can be gIfted 10 her abIlity Important part of learmng to use 1Ist of the center, 21800 Marter to understand other people's feel- one's specIal glft~ It takes a while Road on the border of The Wood!> lOgS, or to remember thlOgs and to learn a new skIll, and your chIld and St Clalr Shores, call 779-6111 events needs the chance to practlce It untll The mne-week Kalosomatlcs pro- There are many children whose she masters It A child ~hows potentldl gJftedne~') gram returns WIth "early bIrd" speCIal gIfts go unnollced because by how often and lor hall. long he IS sessIOns and pre-natal fitness their talent lies 10 unexpected classes The Runners' World Fun areas, or because they seem or- Interested In an dctlVlty He WIll naturally be attracted to certain Runs are back, too, on the flr::,t and dlOary 10 other way~ It IS your actiVities and \\111 want to engage third Saturday of each month challenge, and your responsibIlity as a parent, to dIscover your m them whenever he gets the Runs of 1/2 to 5 miles are offered chance For example, )OUI child and regIstratIOn mclude!> patch, chIld's speCial gift::, dnd gIve him the chance to develop them mIght espeCh1llj eOJo) pretendmg gift certifIcate, refreshments and to be people he ::,ee~on teleVISIOn, more But how? ChJldren are natu! ally drawn to or In books Or he might be very 10- For walkers, AssumptIOn's Fit- actIVIties that help them develop teresled In bemg v.lth you when ness Walkmg Classes Will mstruct theIr gift!>, but they need encour- you're taking care of) our plant::, 01' PdlllCIl-/dUl:. III I al.e dllJ lJa\.C \. all. agement and OPP0I'lUllIl)' FUI ex- ~dl Jt:UiU~ V~jl~ LL" ~t lu,:, 1J.'~""1c.,t. mg techmques "Groove to the ample, you mIght notice your chIld you can best encourdge It by Beat," teaches those 18 and older smgmg along whenever he hears • NotICing and commentmg on the latest dance stepb And ballet, mUSIC on the radiO or teleVISion hiS mtere::,t 'I see you like to be tap, square danCing, 20th Century Encouragement, plus some With me when I'm fiXing ~omethmg Yoga and karate classes are back records of hIS own, might give hIm that's broken" WSU Hall of Fame golf coach Joel Award of Honor a chance to expand hiS mterests • Glvmg hIm the opportumty for Mason WIll lead the golf programs and skIlls Involvement "Would you like to for begmners through advanced Former Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro-Detroit Women's Association preSidents Ginnie Tompkins A child also need::, to develop try to fIX thiS yoursell ,. (left) and Elaine Lynch (right) both of Grosse Pointe, were present when Michigan's First Lady baSIC skJlls before he Cdn u!>ethose The Growing Cluld new::,letler Those who sIgn up tor an evemng Paula Blanchard received the Matilda R. Wilson Award of Honor from the Association in May 8 skills effectively For example, he follows a child',> development of self-Improvement WIth Jacob- ceremonies. Current Association president Suzanne Naas is seated in front of Mrs. Blanchard, who needs to know how to cook before month by month FOI more mfor- son's experts from the new "Styl- was cited for her work in saving the annual Michigan Thanksgiving Day Parade. The Award of he can combme mgredlents m new matlOn, 'wrlte to Grov.mg Child, ing Network" salon WIll discover Honor is the highest the Women's Association can bestow and is given annually to perpetuate the and mterestmg ways to Invent hiS POBox 620N Lafayette. Ind, hall' styhng 10 the Montreal mode humanitarian principles and philanthropiC standards exemplified by Mrs. Wilson. own recIpes 47902 Include chdd '> blrthdate Also offered are classes m Makeup Your child also need::, to use her when writing Techmques and Gorgeous Nails. Arts and crafts classes Include Zena Sheardown is DoBoE. chapter's special new member Old Dominion reunion set "Pamt Your Own SweatshIrt," or umversllles m thE>' Old Doml- The 5t Lawrence Seaway Curl Tutag and Mrs DIana Worl wealth bIrth or ongln (as far back Alumm of VIrginIa colleges and "Fresh Flower Arrangmg," "Calh- 111on," and as speCial guests, m- chapter of the Daughters of the man Mrs Sheardown was award- as a grandparent). ASSOCIate umverslhes WIll hold theIr seventh graphy," "Drawing and OIl Pamt- commg freshmen dnd their Bnlish EmpIre welcomed Zena ed the Order of Canada by the membership IS offered to the WIfe annual Old DominIOn Day PICniC 109," "Get It Together WIth Color," on Sunday, June 2, at 4 p m at the parents Guests will enJoy Ken- "DIscover Your VOIce," "Country Sheardown, wife of Canadldn Con- Canadian government for her role of a Bnlish or Commonwealth-born sul John V Sheardown, as a man, and to women whose proven UniverSIty LIggett School SCience tuckv Fried Chicken and all the fIX- GUItar," "Discover Greek Cook- m the re!>cue of American diplo- Ings: plus beer, wme and pop member dUring ItS May meeting mats In Iran She and her husbdnd ancestry antedates that of a grand- Wing and courtyard, Cook Road mg," "Basic MIcrowave," and "In- There WIll be game::, and prizes for held at the home of Mrs Margaret harbored four of the SIXdiplomats daughter and Chalfonte Avenue Reserva- SIde InformatIOn on Herbs" tions must be made by Wednesday, the children GuertIer, of The Farms Mrs 111 theIr home from Nov 10, 1979 The D B E mamtam four Dls- Summer programs for youth m- Sheardown I'ecel\red her pm from through Ja'1uary, 1980 tnct Homes for the Aged, open to May 29; there WIll be a masterhst Any Vlrgll1la alumnus Interested clude teen and youth golf, begin- Mr8 Carol Kruse, regent The D B E IS a non-sectarian, all natlonahtIes In addition, at the door on pICniCday ners soccer climc, baseball camp, Also present were Mrs Helen non-parlJ::,an, non-political philan- D B E chapters assIst local charI- Joimng alumm and theIr famIlies m the event mdY obldm further m- formatIon b) callmg 882-0460 or PeeWee karate, gymnastIcs, and a Arends, Mrs Chrlstme Armstrong, thropiC Amellcan organizatIOn for ties 111 theIr areas Further mfor- or dates at the piCniCSwill be stu- month-long "Out West" package Mrs Joyce Bratt, 1\lrs June Er- v.omen Member!>hlp IS open to matlOn may be obtamed by writing dents presently enrolled m colleges 882-8471 tnp led by U S Summer Academy skme, Mrs Brenda Trerlce, Mrs women of Bntlsh or Common- POBox 8849, Detroit, 48224 GP's Sigma Kappa officers installed Kalosomatlcs classes begin the Grosse Pomte Alumnae of SIgma Chall'mdn,>hlp~ 101 the Phllan- week of June 3; all other classes, Australia Kappa gathered Wednesday, May thropy, \\'d\::' and ,lean!>, Col- from mId-June on Semor cItizen Off to see 'Pirotes' in June 15, at 7'30 pm 10 the Mount leglale Llal!>on and Public Rela dIscounts are avaIlable Bmgo IS The War MemOrial WII!sponsor a performdnce tlcl{et and dmner is ESU focus Clemens home of Greta Buell to m- lions comm Iltees \\ el e determm featured -every Monday at 6 30 day triP to Stratford to see Gilbert Further informatIOn may be ob- stall offIcers elected at last month's ed, dnd the ho::,te'>'>presented d P m and Includes prizes and reo and Sulhvan's "PIrates of Pen- tamed by cdlling 881-7511 The DetrOit Branch of the meetmg ::.hort n1!->tOIJ o! PI KdPPd Sigma freshments zance," on Wednesday, June 26 English Speaking Umon WIllhost a Geraldme Matthe\\s Will serve ::.orol'lt) \\ hlch mel geclmto Sigma Early reservations are recom- dIOneI' meetmg Wednesday, May as the group's preSident In 1985-81i Kappa 111 September 01 l!l)lj :\Iany Further information l these and 29, at the DetrOIt Boat Club mended Vice-preSident I::' Joanne Asbury members of the locdl ~Igmd r"dPPd other Assumption offermgs may be Terence McCarthy, AustralIan obtamed by calhng 779.6111 The bus WIll leave the center ats Garden Club (Mrs Mark) DaVIdson Secretary Alumnae \\ ere membel ~ 01 1mmer a.m., allowmg theater-goers time Consul-General, WIll be guest IS Helen Sl. John. \t"ea~ut"et"\s De- PI Kappa SIgma chap\.er~ , I to,en)o.Y a box lunch and shoppmg speaker Hls tOPiC is "Australla lares ParhCffil -r!\'ll's Dorrr-Llttte-=- - The local alum,l11'c welcnm'e atl Legal.secretaries before the 2 p m performance Council.meets and the Umted States. The Story of field and delegate to the DetrOIt area Sigma Kdppa~ to thell meet- Dmner WIll be at SIr Joe m 5t The Grosse POinte Garden Coun- a Strong Alliance." Alumnae PanheIlenlc ASSOCiatIOn mgs AddlllOnd I m/orm ,1tlOlI may meet June 10 Mary's, Ont , a 19th Century-lJke cil will meet thiS commg Tuesday, IS Mary Margaret Johnson (:\Irs be obtalOed b~ contacting Joanne The DetrOIt Legal Secretanes town of Victorian bUldmgs The bus May 28, at the Central LIbrary on Scott Allen Wesselman, of Lake Thomas) Peter" DaVIdson at 77'i-(llhO ASSOCIation WIll present Mary returns to the center at approx- Kercheval at FIsher Road Garden Shore Lane, received a Bachelor of Larkm VIctim/Witness Assistant Imately II p m club preSidents, representatives Arts 10 hIstory from the Umverslty for the 'Wayne County Prosecutor's The cost of $65 per person m- and members at large will gathel' of Colorado, Boulder, 10 com- THINKING OF A NEW Office, at the DetrOIt Press Club. cludes transportatIOn box lunch at 9 .W d m mencement exernlses Dec. 23 516 Howard Street, DetrOIt, on Monday, June 10, at 6 p.m "FLU Speczal,,>ts (01 avel 59 Yews" KITCHEN? Ms. Larkm, admInistrator of one of three VIctim/Witness ASSIstance programs m Michigan, WIlldISCUSS A CUSTOMCRAFT KITCHEN the role of her office 10 lendmg sup- WILL COST YOU NO MORE port and gUIdance to the victIms and WItnesses of cnmes [n addI- THAN AN "ORDINARY" KITCHEN! tion, she WIll dISCUSScurrent and pendmg Mlchglan legIslatIOn, e~- phaslZlng the mcreasmgly Slgmfl- CALL A PROFESSIONAL cant Impact of vIctim/witness • Duty & Sales Tax Refunded Issues on the cnmmal Justice sys- • Full Premium on U.S. Funds tem 1.519.253.5612 CocktaIls wIll be avaIlable at 6 ~~;~~.!~!;ac~:~:~s~;:inte pm, WIth dmner served promptly 484 PeliSSier St. ~ ~ • 19S6 Lie "14M Free Consultation at 6.30 pm Reservatibns can be WINDSOR, CANADA made by contactmg Dlann Taylor Dally 9-530 at 961-9700on or before June 5 Ad- vance registratIOn IS reqUIred Non-members are welcome Dm- ner chOIces mclude Maunce salad Moving, Engaged, New Baby? Fournier's Furniture ($750 members, $8.50 non-mem Getting Settled Made Simple bel'S) or chIcken ($850 members. $950 non-members) New Town dilemmas fade aller a WELCOME WAGO\J call As WELCOME WAGON Represenlatl\e 11 s My ,ob 10 kW~\l~~ GRACEFUL BEAUTYI help you make the most of your npw ne ghborhood Sropp ng Areas Community oppOr!un,1 es SpeCial at Crafted WIth quality tractmns Lots of tiPS to save you IImc and monpy Plus a basket of gltts 'or your family I II be Ii,tpn,ng for lasting value by . I' for your call 23-piece SPRING HELPFUL HINTS -for Weddings and Engage. FLE\STE[~ ments too! ' 1{Wmme}V~qo~ 00 CLEARANCE portrait luxuriOus sofa $749 '- Matching loveseat $688.00 Newcomer, change-ot.residence, baby calls, and engagements. How could thes~ lovelf lu.o"ous GROSSEPOINTE collection soo!''\9 p,eces comfa, Black Background Double Fealure Portraits, CLOSED SATURDAY JUNE THRU SEPT. and Pa<;sport Photos

~hruh~. c\crgreens, and large OFFER FOR PORTRAITS TAKEN Jht shops of THRU MAY 2S Fournier's Furniture '>peumen trec~ StudiOS localf'{j In mosllarger Sears retail Slores 16421 Harper 271 13 Harp~Ir and Sears Surplus Grosse Pointe Farma Check your local store for days and hours of Detroit St Clair Shores operation 881.1285 776-8900 W"lton.J'i~r,~ Us. yo", 500<1C,od" Co,dl 4 at: Open Thursdays 'W 9:00 e Open Mon , Thurs , FrI 9-8 Open Mon , Thurs ,Fn 10-9 16828 Kercheval • Grosse POinte 823-6662 Tues & Wed 9-5 30 Tues & Wed 10-6 884.1330 ~;n#rr;AIRS CLOSED SATURDAY CLOSED SATURDAY Thursday, May 23, 1985 Page Six.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

FIRST OFFERING THREE FIRST OFFERINGS GROSSE POINTE SHORES GROSSE POINTE WOODS - FIRST OFFERING WILLOW THEE PLACE 47 Cu"tom bUilt by Cox - Liggett School drea - ThIS custom bUIlt four &. Bakel Over 3.800squdre feet, mcludcs !>l'l. bedroom. two and one half bath Colomal IS load. 901(~ 23915 ~ AllfMllE bedl ooms, t\\O full dnd three half bath~ !"Jml ed With features that your famIly WIll truly ap- GU66f Peilcte fllW. 1t(9 48236 Sf C&u\ SM'U?.l ~9 48080 I) room With wet bar Sun room Flr"t floor preciate llJghltghts mclude a large family room 313-775-6200 ldundn room Den or "eventh bedroom on With ndtural fireplace and a separate library also 313.g84.6200 first floor Centl al all' ('all for the ddditiollal With d natural fireplace The floor plan of thIS ame!lltle~ IeSldence l~well SUIted to both comfortable family hVlng but II also opens up parllcularly well for for- mdl enlertculllng AdditIOnal hlghlLghts mdude central all' condltlOmng, beauliful carpetlllg throughout, a secluded patIO and well landscaped WILlOH grounds At a very reallstlc pnce of $167,000and REALTORS ~e thlllk you ~hould call us now for more details FIRST OFFERING - NEWER GROSSE '( ",' ~~\,.. ~"''\~ POINTE SHORES COLONIAL - Featunng three " " "*,t ~'\~'\., 884-3550 bedlooms, Idrge kItchen With I!>Jandwork area, FIRST OFFERI:\G - Super FlHST OFFEIUl\G GI.IUllU' FIH~T UFFEHl'l:G - 'ICt.' ,,1,11 tel home on d popul,1I ItJI per fdmll) room WIth naturdl fireplace, cenll al air secluded locatIOn for a ~harp four three bedloom <.u"tom I,1I1lh on condltlOlllng dnd much more Just a short walk to 10\el\ <.OInellot III till' \\ oOlb (>t \\ ood" "tl eet '1111" t\\ a bedroom bedroom t\\ 0 bath one and one Lakeshore half stor~ brick home featuring fer" 11\lllg loom II Ilh flrepl,lle I dill h ofl('I" f oJ 11111\ loom \\ Ith tn e tanlll\ I (H)1ll ,>pllllhiel ,,\ ,IPIll pldle 11\mg loom dllllllg loom 01 SINE REALTY large falml) room. natul al fll e FIRST O!"FERING - COUNTRY CLUB - Im- place. aluminum trim recreatIOn alarnl ,,\ ,tem len!l oJl ,\11 ,Illd d po'>"lble thll d bl'dl oom dttJched IT'S \\ ORTII YOl H TI\1E gdldg(' ,IIIU ,iii .,'tl1J \01 bedroorn~, famll) room. large kItchen With eatmg lion and d ne\ler furna<.e OPE:\ bath llrepldu' am! J hllL!wn" dred qUIck occupanc) and Grosse Pomte schools Call &'H(,.!.lKI tal dploJl)., on th" octoJll:> THIS SUNDA Y 2. 5. 1153ELFORD ST, CLAIR SHORES Cdll today for addllional lIlformatlon COVRT Cdll 88-1-6200for mfol md 10\1'1\ home' tlOn BIVIEHA TEHR.\CE - Second le\ el. IlIce, 1\10 ""ORWOOD - Grosse Pomte Woods ranch featur...... ,..1 ... ,-,...... '" h..,th (>n""~A,Y"nll'n' (' II nptH1'P on"" f"p"lv! oorn full hac;~mf>ntWIth recreatIOn ~~;~~~t':'l~~;dl'~i'e' p;;~;essloll ' - room, newer roof, wood deck. carpet and updated kItchen Walklllg dl"tance to shopplllg and GROSSE POINTE SHORES transportation Pnced 1Il the $6O's

\'ERNIEH - Near Lake"hore. three bedroom GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Under $50,000 - bnck Colonldl, ne\1 modern kitchen ThiS ISa real opportumty ThiS two bedroom brick r calpetmg, two <.ar dnve, Immedldte posses rdnch ha!>a natural fireplace, and would make a REDL CEO - '\0" $119,900 fOI l~r:Dl CEO" '\0\\ $21~LKIIJlor ~Ion, term!> great starter home Ut\IQUE three bedroom home III tlll' ,pauOlb loul bedIoom home a specIal locale, featunng large th,,> toUl bedloom <. 0101\1<11OIl ,I lo\el\ large lot Iledr l...Jhe,hore 01 '11th t.lmil\ loom dllllllg loom GROSSE POINTE WOODS LAKESHORE DHlVE - ThiS custom built four famlh room \1\th fireplace and !' lo!IdJ I oom tll1j~hed bd~ement zoned- heat, countn kItchen \llth fer" hbran ~<.reened tel rdce dt bedroom, t\~Oand one half bath reSidence WIth a Ilith \1et bolr ,1l1dklt<.hen dred 30 loot famIly room, was truly bUilt With careful all appliances, gas bdrheque slate tached gardge IJI g{' tOImal entl, ANITA - Nice, bnck Ianch, three bedrooms, tll 0 OPE \ TlIIS SC'\DA Y 2. 5 19955 plannlllg and an emphaSIS on practIcal famIly 111'- entry, attic fan and mOle Call 775 and fire dnd burglal' 011011m ~\, lull bath~, new modern kitchen, carpetlllg, CL \IR \'IE\\ COCRT Cdll 77J- fidtural fireplace raIsed deck, recredtlOn lIlg together With great versalillty for enterlam- 6200 toda) I tem~ Call BlJ4(,200 1J200 room Side dnve, two car garage mg m a spaclOus and flowmg floor plan Bright and open WIth warm decor, newer carpetmg, central THIS WEEK'S FEATURE HOME BRYS - Clean, three bedroom. bnck, naturdl fire- aIr, attached garage, Circular stairway, central place, carpetlllg, basement, ga" forced air, alarm system, spnnkllng system, fireplaces m the S BRYS _ Charmmg Cape Cod bUilt b, SChUltl oUellng three bech oom~ t\'.0 bath~ kitchen Illth dnve garage hvmg room and family room, and much more ,, apphance~ and eatmg spa<.e dltd<.hed gdfdge, genelou" "tm age dnd do~et~ dIld dlllo<'dted , , m a popular \\ oods area Call 77" 6200 tor detail:> I ROSLYN - Aiumlllum. 1\\0 story, three bed- VERY POPULAR WOODS COLONIAL - Three rooms, den, large kitchen, utility loom, dnve, bedroom, one and one half bath home IS loaded garage pnced to sell With charm and located m the heart of Grosse OPEN THIS SUNDAY 2-5 POlllte Woods Priced at $72,500 we would hke to show you why thIS should be your new address 19902W DOYLE - Appealmg three bedroom Ianch \1 lth tOi mal d tnlng loom Idml1) loom 11\lIlg SINE REALTY II room Illth fireplace and baj Ca117Ti 6200 1153 ELFORD CT - See mformatlon abo\ e undel photo ad I\1ULTILlST SERVICE ST CLAIR SHORES RANCH - Just outsIde I Grosse Pomte Woods Three bedrooms, large utlh- " 19955 CLAIR\'IE\\ COURT - See IllfOfm,ltlOn above under photo ad FAHMS OFFICE 11847oo0 ) ty room, natural fireplace, updated kitchen and a two car attached garage $64,900 DON'T MISS THESE ADDITIONAL OFFERINGS COLONIAL COURT - Three bedroom Cape Cod on d qUJet court otfel ~ hvmg room \11th fireplace for- mal dmmg room tllO baths, Flonda room and central all" Call 8846200 WILDWOOD - ~Ice second floor condo III Harper \\ oods \1Ilh t\10 bedrooms one bath hltchen \11th ap Youngblood phances liVing room and dIning L' Call 775 6200 THREE MILE - GracIous fll e bedroom four bath plus Enghsh fudOi \1 lth hbrar~ gdrden room famlh R8aU",nc. room and two separate apartments' 884 6200 provlde~ more detaIls' MEADOW LA"iE - Lovely three bedroom Colomal \1 Ith hvmg room \11th fireplace famlh room Kit- chen With eatmg space and central air for summer comlort Call 884 6200 WAVERLY - 3850square feet for your \I hole famll} , , Features lour bedrooms three and one half baths famllv room hbrary heated garden room and more Call 884 6200 WASHINGTON ..:...Elega~t four bedl oom, three and a half bdth Colomal \Ilth famll\ room hbrar) ne\1 custom kitchen, two fIreplaces, central air and so much more' Call 884 6200 AT TAPPAN, WE'RE JUST WAITING TO SERVE YOU SO CALL US TODAY"

.. " -.-..GPEN SUN~, 2-5-P~M. .. 626 HIGBIE PL. tx-TIftST-OFFERIN Pnme LocatlOn - Location - LocatlOn Pnvate street close to lake, schools and shoppmg Newly pamted pxterlor ProfeSSIOnally landscaped Three WATERFRONT HOME FIRST OFFERING bedrooms. family room, two full baths Professwnally decorated kitchen, fami- FIR~T OFFERING - RI\'ARD fOUlbedrooms ly room, and IIvmg room Two mdependent fireplaces New apphances t\IO full baths 1~ltha den and famIly room for negoltable Excellent floor plan Well constructed Call Shirley Ireland, John onl) S105000and aval!dble Immediately En S Goodman Inc 8116-3060 JO) d brick home " Ith a 200foot deep Jot onl) one block from Kercheval Home needs Ilork but pnced to ~eJl, II Ilh most homes m the area valued much higher jfo~n$" @oonman"o Computenzed - Mull/listed 93 KERCHEVAL 886-3060 GROSSE POINTE Established 1951

LAKEFRONT HOME - 135feet frontage on Lahe FINE FAMILY HOl\IE, well mallltamed and St ClaIr III newer fIve bedroom, four and one half decorated, three bedroom one and one half bath bath home Fireplace III IIvmg room, den dnd home near schools and shoppmg LlVlIlgroom WIth master bedroom Beautlful new kItchen IIIth all fireplace breakfast room, Immedlale occupancy appliances Magruflcent view and managable size AmerlC,m Red Cross FIRST OFFERING - FARMS $68,500 For a four QUALITY FARMS COLONIO\L - Special floor bedroom, two full bath on RIdgemont ThiS plan larger rooms, extra closets and storage older farmhouse \1as remodeled throughout three bedrooms famllv room, recreatlOn the mtenor mcludmg a brand new kItchen and room, famil) neighborhood Ul TSTA:\DU,G El\GLISH home WIth five remodeled bath Plenty of outside work bedrooms. three and one half bath~, family room aVailable for the restoratIOn bu, ers EXQUISITE FARMHOUSE - Completel) and garden room !\Iatura I \I oodworh and eight renovated all new kitchen \\-lth oak cabllle6 Vo panel door; Bredkfast room \Ilth corner cabllleL<; three bedrooms. famIly room, hI Illg room dnd FRENCH COLONIAL - Magmflcent estate type dlll1!lg room floors !>tnpped, refJl1Ished home on lovely large lot WIth II1ground pool Stamed glass wlndo\\ S In hvmg dlnmg room greenhouse and carnage house Fresh and kitchen Hearth m Ilvmg room has rIRST OFFERI'>G - CHARMING three beaullful decor and superior quality of decorallve tiles from France over 100 ,ears bedroom Colomal \1Ith a beautiful new kitchen materials and workmanship throughout' old New brIck \lalkway, charmlllg must see and breakfast room ,\uthentlc Earll' Ame!lltles II1clude a family room and hbrar) AmerIcan stencil deslgn~ and hard\\ ood floors second floor laundry room, central air, slate PRIVATE FARMS COURT o\eriooklllg Lake St throughout thl" mellculous home roof, ne\ler kItchen ClaIr Four bedrooms With four full bathrooms, 26x 18family room cozy hbrar) and prIvate bnck patio surrounded by Impel' SPACIOUS SEl\n-RA~CH near Farms Park Comfortable famIly home With four bedrooms cably mamtalned landscape Large (R \:\BROOK COLO\iIAL - Special four assumable mortgage tll 0 baths, and pleasant family room Out bedroom t\\ 0 and one halt bath modern Col standlllg recreatIOn room, central aIr onlal IIIth flaneJed den \ er~ large lot, attdch condltlOnll1,g RIVARD co"'mo - .\tlractlve English Tudor ed gdrdge central air mallltenance fee FIRST OFFERING condommlUm near Jefferson Three bed rooms, two and one half baths plus third floor FARMS ;\lcKINLEY \fe\ler budt In t974 \~Ith all Custom center entrance Colomal Three bedrooms plus Bonu!>room quarters Recent Improvements mcJude nell the modern constructIOn feature<; along \llth . TI~o and one half baths Porch eaSIly converted to family furnace hot water heater, updated kitchen CO\IPLt:TEL\ RI<:STOHED E\oGLJSfI TCDOR the popular "open floor plan, Ideal for Jour $40 condomllllUm fee :LJA'\SIO'l: - '\e\\ kItchen file bedrooms room Breakfast room DIVided recreatIOn room Close to enterlall1l11g flo\> Neat family room with Village Ongll1al owner Needs updatll1g each Illth bath magmflcent oah \~ood\\ ork Franklin stove and book<;helves All ne\1 IMMAClJLATE THREE BEDROOM, bnck ranch floors \\ ondrrful home for entertamlllg carpetll1g 111 1981and a large garage With central aIr FlOrida room fl!llshed ba<;e New Listing - Commercial. ment all for under $80,000' rONDO - STUi\ 1\0 Il\G tv.0 bedroom two and one li826 E v'arren - Office bUlldmg 111 excellent locatIOn Second floor RADNOR CIRCLE - FARMS first floor '\EAR BHO\\ \ELL one and one half ston home half bath condo at ~horepoll1te Many custom can be 11\mg quarters Square feet 2,300 $38.500- By appomt. bedrooms, near the" Hill', charmlllg home m excellrnt condillon KItchen and. baths features, pnvate area central all', custom ment only WIth t\~O full baths, natural fireplace moder!llzed ne\ler roof Flonda room \11th moldlllgs parquet f1oonng, profeSSlOnall) sprmkler system, two car garage hotlub decorated GOOD INVESTMENT - 1088 LAKEPOINTE (,roc;~e rl'ntal IIlcoml' - $600 per month

We Represent Most Major Relocation Firms in the Grosse Pointe Area. !'\O famll) mcame ~toles and refngerators mcluded L\vmg room William G. Adlhoch Kllchen t\\ 0 bedroo;n~ and hath 111 each umt Gas, steam furnace William R. McBrearty t~o car garagr S6.-)()()down to FHA appral!ted mortgage Pnced Maureen Alltson John D. Hoben, Jr. $4<1 ')00 Marianne Davies Eleanor Hammer Dianne Sanders Karol Tyler Pricr H!'dllced, Ol~ner~ \n"ioll~ to ,"Ole Out of State Jane Marshall Dottie M. Allen ;\lake )our appOIntment today to see thIS Immaculate gem of a Mary Daas ~ Henri Ettedgui ranch T\\o bedroom, WIth paneled famIly room or third Linda L. Demorest "EAlTO"S William F. Leslie bedroom fll1l,hed ba<;ement, new decor and carpetmg new Nina Foster Christine Keller roof Clo,e to transportatIOn and schools Move In cO~dlho~t Fred R. West Ann W. Sales Karen N. Knudson I)ttlI11S.

George Palmc; ( )ttCCl1 16845 Kercheval In The Village ."" r.>I=AL TO~ Wallace Guertler Wilham Queen Gerald Leone Glona Barker Herb Lorenz Leo Drolshagen Jr MIckey Palms 882.5200 17646 MACK 886-4444

\ IJ Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-B ------

~Edgar &assodates S~~ 20439 MACK AVENUE 114KERCHEVAL 886-6010 E,~,~~~t4~ Grosse POinte Woods 886.8710


THE SIGNS OF SPRIt'\G dl e all around thiS thl ee GHEAT FAl\IIL Y !lOME With four bedroom" bedroom ranI h "Ith ItS oversIzed lot large faml lhree dnd one half bdth;, on lal ge park like lot I) loom, 20 foot deck and othel dmellltle, to ~PdCIOUSfdmlly room \1Ith \Iood burlllng ,tove numerou;, to mentIOn 1"01 "Dung famIlies the g" m Loveh breakfast 100m wllh bd) IllndO\\ dnd ,WlOg set and ,mdll pld) hou;,e \\ 111be delightJul f' e;,hly delOrated kitchen Clo,!' to '>(hools shop FOI extended fdmllles the :\10thel In IdW ..Ired plIIg dnd chUl(he~ GHOSSE POINTE SHORES - lmmd(ulate four GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Cape Cod Dutch I;' an ab,olute plu;, AlIthl;, (dn be "OUI~ for undel bedroom ranch EntIre hou;,e hds been Colonldl Offermg five bedrooms, four full bath,. $80 lJ{){) 00 redecordtrd Marble foyer Two flreplaLes ~un po\\der room Four flrepldcr~ family room and room '\l! rc'.', c:lrpctmg T\' a CJr J1tJ( Ijcd hbr.3J:' RCc..fC:ltlon roof"'. ( Jd ~ rl~s1g""er'ro"s,:~ garage Alummum trim Recredtlon room Large "Jth a spaclOu~ lot Room lo ddd d "I lmmmg pool lot 155Xl50 Close to the lake OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 822 CANTERBURY - Ongmal o"ner Well mamtamed "lth features mc!udwg FoUl bedrooms, two full bath" po\\der room, large kitchen WIth pantry and bUlll-m's Famlly room F Ir,t floor laundry Sprwkler s)stem, central air Two Cdr attached gardge AttractIve exterIOr

20953HAMPTON - 1'"0 bedroom ne\ler rdn(h bulltln 1972 Third bedroom or den Flr,tlloor laundry COZy CONDO 10 GIo;"e Pomte City Spauous-II\ BESl BUY 11'\TOWN only $18,000for thIS very Grosse POInte school dlstnct 109 room, [ully eqUipped kitchen and COlYdlOlOg dedn 1\\0 bedroom half duplex located near BY APPOINTMENT area Thl;, one bedroom umtls Ideal for the slOgle I\lorang m Dell Olt ThiS COlY home has a formal lhe relll ed or the lOvestor HealIstlcally pnced, dwmg room, IS carpeted throughout and can be BRYS COLONIAL 3 BDRM Family room Recreallon room A;,sumable \\ ell malOlalOed second floor apal tmenl pUf(ha~ed on FHA tel ms Great starter home or Land Contract great Investment GROSSE POINTE C1' RANCH IBDHl\I Two fireplaces, roof t"O) ear, old r'll\ ule street HARCOURT INCOME 2/2 BDH!\! Upper and 10\\er Identical ~llll lJ0rthe, Three Cdr garage HILLCREST ENGLI~H lBDHM Excellent condl!loll :'-11'\1loof III I!JllO Pnvate yard HILLCREST One and one half StOIy 3 BDRM Natural fireplace Recl e

SPARKLING BHICK Bl "-;(;ALO\\ " ~ \JI 'I L' \~ell m31nt,.llned Olle-O\InPI IWlIle "'11ththrec bedrooms 1\\0 full baths ,i1,J Lon Illlll.ILL d charmer .It $67,500' fllli UOO POPULAR UNIVERSITY LlGGE1'l AREA offers eXLellent three bedroom, olle .lnd one hulf bdth COL NEW ON THE MARKET! ONIAL \llth family room and hm~hed basement $116,000 881 6,100 _CHOICE HEART OF THE FARMS AREA and an extra speCIal COLONIAL on 7}.x200' prIVdcy orlcnted r site Includes four bedrooms (one on first floor), three and one h.llf bdth~, fdmlly room .lnd g.lrden ~.y;' room plus so many cuslom features' 8B406oo I-O-P-EN-S-U-ND-A-Y-2---51

- ---y-. --


Updated from bottom to top, this flOe Condo IS ThIS one o\\ner Colomal was custom bUIlt for ItS ready for you to mOve 10 Most rooms are larger current owner Although It needs updatmg It has than 10 typical condos, and It hds a pnvate back all the baSICSfor a fme family home With three yard A new furnace and extl d lOsulatlOn 10 dttlC bedroom" t\\ 0 full baths, a heated sleepmg porch and walls keep the heat bills do\\ n Four bedrooms alld hard\\ ood floOls, It, the perfect chOIce for a .. and three baths 1\\ 0 car gal age Open Sunday 2 5 hand" famllv or someone who \\ants to remodel 16Bll Crdnford Ldne a \\clJ built home '5 RADNOR CIRCLE GROSSE POINTE 564 HAMPTON - GROSSE POINTE WOODS FARMS Lovely spacIOus Colomal m a fmorIte UNUSUAL VALUE Just 3 block off Lake;,hore LAND CONTRACT TERMS Farms locatIOn offenng three large bedrooms tl\ 0 Excellent semi ranch With four bedrooms and two and one half baths, super family room, bIg kitchen baths ~two bedrooms and bath on each floor f plu;, WIth breakfast room and much more to like' d family room and the convemence of an .lttach- ~)~. .. ,,,. 8840600 ed gdrage B816300 794 CADIEUX - TERRIFIC 31x 14 master sUite With adJolmng bath m thIS three bedroom two bath brIck bungdlo\l In handy CIty area wlthm \\alkmg dIstance of the VIllage $70 S 881-6.100 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT

BISHOP ROAD - MlIIt condItIOn EnglIsh Tudor \I llh three plus bedrooms. two and one h.llf baths, flnlshcd basement, l\lo car attached garage and lots of recent Improvements IncludlOg modern kitchen, new IIIsulahon complete securIty system and all new sod I Nice aS1>umphon poSSible 881-4200

HERE') A SPECIAL GEM' Park ColOnial offers four good size bedrooms, two and one half bdths. brand A house ahead of ItS time' said the DetrOIt Free Great entertamment house I Library, family room NEW h.ltchen family room With flrepla(e ne" carpetmg and a temptmg price - nothlllg to do but Press of thIS magmf1cenl home DeSigned by and recreatIOn rooms ha\le \Iet bars The huge move m I 884 0600 Saannen-S\lan;,on of ('ranbrook, It ISa claSSICex modern kitchen open'> onto the 25')( 22' family ample of the fme components and \\ orkmansh\p room Well located on Windmill POinte Drl\ e on BEAUTWUL WINDMILL POINTE area and Just minutes from the lake Perfect family Colomal WIth characteristic of European contemporar)- at a large lot It has four bedrooms and t\\O and one five generous bedrooms, three and O'1ehalf baths newer kitchen and new decor throughout Great chltecture, Jovmgly mamtalned and updated It hdlf baths Price recently reduced for qUIck "ale space at $13'5,000' 881 4200 must be <;eento be appreciated Situated on a large secludcd lot 10 the Fa rms 1"1\ e bedroom, four IN THE PARK - A three bedroom, one and one half bath English "dollhou~e" offerIng the convenIence baths, lavatory den and fdmlly room of a flrst floor bedroom plus two bedrooms and a 'ilt!lng room on second - also a basement recred- tlOn room and lols of mce updatll1g Young budgel prIced I 881-4200 BY APPOINTMENT LOTS OF TLC has gone Into thIS one-owner, three bedroom, one and one half bath spacIOus Colomal and now It s Just waltmg for your "peclal touch Large famIly room. newer kitchen and excellent traffiC paltern 884-0600 A BEAUTY OF A RANCH featUrIng three bedrooms, two baths, large family room \llth flrepl

WELL MAINTA INED FOUR-I' AMIL Y 111 convement location for downtown commuters Two bedrooms each umt, three car garage 100% occupancy 881 6300

CHARMING CAPE COD offers two large bedrooms, fIreplace, 60' lot and more Perfecl for the young profeSSIOnal couple $77,900 8816300 ~.~ Tucked a"a) m one of thi' Farm, most deSIrable RUllt by Wllburdlng In 1978,thiS charmIng center PRESTIGIOUS ROSE TERRACE offers thiS elegant French Colomal With everythmg Includll1g lovety area<; A lot of 'iqudrc footage for the mOIlE') 'rOll h.lll Colomal has all the extras The four bedroom<; lake view I Stunmng slep down liVIng room With vaulted celllllg famIly room, spectacular kitchen, get four to fIVebedroom<; three and one half baths, IIlcllldr an extra largr ma<;ter and l\l 0 and one half four bedrOl'ms, two full baths and two half baths Many additional amemtIes mcludmg security system a paneled famll\ room breakfa"t room a bath, The family room open" onto a pallO \\ lth and central air condltlOmng 884 0600 Mut<;cher kltchrn and ('enlral air condItIOning ga, gnll \ all get central air, a modern kllchen Call no\\ brfore \1 ~ gone Open '>unria) ~ ~ and breakfa'it room all) ou need IS)-our furlllture GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS' Three bedroom Harper Woods bungalow has flrepldce. hm"hed basement. great kitchen two car garage and affordable prIce of $59,900 881-4200

WATERFRONT' A four bedroom, three bath Walter Mast bUIlt home With lovely two story lIvlllg room, """T OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 games room, central air, extra lIIsulatlOn for low heatmg cost and ternflc lake view CountlCl>s amemlh.:s' 118H)300 729 BedfOld C1a~,\c English Tudor \\ell m,lIntalllrd ~ 1\'1' hedrooms four and one half bath" 16BIt Cranford Lane - :"('1' Abo\ e OUTSTANDING RANCH ON THE CANAL offers three large bedrooms. two and one half baths, famIly 64 Hand) - Se(' Abm I' room fireplace and many cu"tom extra;, Steel seawall With dockage for 45' boat 881-4200 2t6<)Hampton \\r\l md1l1[;l\ncd three bedroom (olonlal l pdat('d kllrhen'll1d bath fir,,! floor laundry l/ll16 (hamlIN Pal k J)f1\(' <,qur('k) clenn & \11'11mamta\l1('!l \11th (cntral aIr Pf\(ed to <;ell 111/) lIilndrd \\('11 (,Ired for thrpe brdroom ('01Onl 11()Il'~l'~I)~JC)II~~1r()~ ~\""...oelah; ...of Many, Many More by Appointment

"l'IllI1g or BlI\ I11g ()1I1 lull 11111('Profl""lon,ll~ ,l!( le,It!\ to))( Ip ( ill lod,l\ EQiliiiu ~ 395 Fl.,her Road 2064"7 Mack Avenue ~~N:Il' NHWOI!~ GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS U!'fll"/!( (,I' \1'/lII>!I/(!,I> "f'!"""( /'111« II, \( I'r,u! ...... " _ The Helpl'ul People: 886-3800 884-6400 ..'o;;:e.'r.:::_ 82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300

, , ______e _

Thursday, May 23, 1985 Page Elght-B G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S ------_. __.-

FIRST OFFERING - Lovingly mamtamed by the 0\\ ners, till::; II adillonal hom\.' has been recently Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange decorated and landscaped Wonderful features ~uch as pell db Ie tile p.lI quel h"l dwood [Joon., naturdl THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY woodwork, beveled glass doors abound Foul" .lmple bl'dloom .... 1 ,tud\ 1,\l11l1~loom t\\ a and aile half baths, three car garage and fenced yard m.lke t1I1~" gl e.l1 t.lmil~ hOllle .ill at .In affordable G:l BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE @ price Call for an appomtment today

FIRST OFFERING - GROSSE POINTE SHORES - ~pedd(ul.t1 ('e!llel ('1I11.meeL'olomalm move III condlllon Four large bedroom~ With master bedrom hd\ IIlg dl I'S,lllg 100111 .llld pi 1\ .lte bath Beaullful foyer with wood floor, SpaCIOUShvmg and dmmg 100m, fJ1I1I1I loom \\ Ilh IIIepldce .lOd \\ el boll, Mutschler kitchen plus large bl cakfa!>t area. fll ~t 11001Ullhl \ loom lII0 1,1\,1101Ie, 11Il\!>hedba~e William J. Champion & Company ment, attached garage FIRST OFFERING - CITY OF GHOSSE PO[NTE - PICIUle pel led Englhh home \\ Ilh 10.ld~of ch,u III Large covered front porth With slate floor, entrdI1ee h.lll lI\ll1g loom \\\lh 11Il'place IOl~ den, dIll mg room, updated kitchen. pantry and covel ed pOIeh Se( ond 11001Ilalul e, four bedl oom, alld Ihl ee full baths Attached garage, splOl...Ier::;ystem ,md !>eCUfilv ,\ ~It'm

One of a kmd home styled for gracIous h\ lIlg Lea\ e ~OUIedl on lhe III (ulce the Impressive dmmg room and large library \\ Ith hrepld(( I'hl' kltelll'll .IIl'd hd, tJl edkfd,t room. butlers pantry and mud room FIve faml!) bcdroollI~ dnd fOUl b.\Ih~ ,1110\11ll,I\lIl1UlII,elOnd floOl pnvacy :\IAGfo.J!F[CEl';T 10' \R7IIS E" I'A I E l' UIdl1ldll(,..d \ STEP ABO\'E Tm~ CHO\\ v I, <'ltU1" 111:'\(. II1dudmg InglOund pool PossessIon at close h.llld~ome cenll'l hdll l)lllh (OIUlII,11 II Ilh ldbdnd for a f"lml\ . ., tel race dUdched gal age IoU! bedI oom" 1\\0 bdlh" Idll1lh loom upddled klt(hen dnd .lnd one hdlf bdth,

[;\]PRESS[VE \ tE\\ OF THE \\A'II !{ \Illl be Ol'T!>TA'\iDtl\JG nel\el ColonIal 11\ the \\lOdmJlI ~ours from thl" conlen'por"l I hlghl ",e co op POInte dt ed ledtUl'e" fOUtbedl oom!>,two and neal the Ren Cen 0\ 1'1 2 4(){J,qual (' lel'! oj oJle hdll bdth", flr,1 lIooI JdUlldl~ tdmll~ loom !Ivmg dIe" mahe thl~ 1\10 bedloom tllO dl1d 1\lth fllepldce gredl floor pl.ln .md dlla(hed one half bdth UlIIt " \ el \ "peual oll('J IIIg gdrdge

-=- UlIIvel slty neM the ldkp [mpl eS,lve detaIl throughout I\la<;tel bedroom hdS fireplace, four addltlOnd I beelloom!> Oil nel '" 111lal elully con Sider all I easondble off1'1" Ulcupancy at close

~ , ...... , 1;.. ~{"

'" ~ ~~ ..'" 1',...... ~.... ~"'~~--::l>' BUDGE'I PRICED for the young famIly_thIS darl Illg thl ee bedroom one and one halt bath Colomal hds becn 111'\\ 1\ decordled There I!>dn efhclent newer killhell 'sunny fdmlh room and lOll seven- tle, pl'lce' CREATIVE F[:\A"'U;'I.G P.\CKAGE ha, been CHARMING CAPE COD 1:-1THE F <\R,\[S II Ilh pro\ Ided b~ sellel!>01thiS cule lhree bedroom newer l\1ubchler kltlhen famlh I'oom, den bl'lcl.. hou~e 111 Halper Wood~ Locdted neal three bedrooms tll 0 bath ... centl dl dlr att.lell "t John HOSPlldl Ihere " all nCII delor I'd gardge dIld fenced ~ard \\ olmlll>dth~ upddled kltlhen, bldnd eatmg area and pleut) of bedloolTls "chool Freshlv deloraled thl!>fdmIlv hou,e lie.... loul dnel tUJnale den compulel/gue,l IS a gredt value dt $49 !lOO - loom .md pl'lccd 10 sell at onh $78 (){JO Custom fInIshed IIlSlde and out by one of the Pomte's fmest decO!atm!> tillS "Upel b ::,hore" Coloma[ features a fantastic new kitchen, library and family room. three bedrooms and t110lull baths A one of a kmd 1 '\, home for that speCial buyer Jefferson Condomlmum Complex - Immediate Occupancy - TII 0 large Ilt'dl ooms and t\IO full baths, large liVIng room wlth fireplace, formal dmmg room, COl~ lIbl an \\Ilh \Iet bar, kitchen complete WIth appliances Large closets, full time secul'lty Near Grosse POinte - Well mamtamed three bedroom Coloma I \\ Ith nell kItchen bl eakfasl room, sun room, formal dmmg room and hVlllg room With fireplace ;'o;ell furndce and two yeal old roof St Cllllr"Shores -'Profess\onally decorated three bedroom bungaluw feature" extra insulation, alum mum "1 storms and screens, lovely frull-lreed lot and wolmdlllzed dech , I. tp:~ Engltsh country house nght on the lake, an acre and one half gives lots oj pn I dC~, bedullful paneling, QUALITY BL.:ILT "talel) Colomal featUIe~ four I leaded glass wmdows Most rooms overlook the IIater bedrooms two and one half baths, plu~ thll d f1001 I bedloom and bath, hbral ~ LO\ered lei race IImd Lovely neighborhood - convement to schools and shoppmg - vel ~ ...harp one and one ha If story home mg stalrca!>e, three car gal dge dnd bedutJlul ledd I on Falrholme m Grosse Pomte Woods Call for further details cd glas" deld rls

~ Membel of lhe I LOCATED "ON THE HILL' Gt 0"'1' POlllte Real E,late E"ehdngr I THOROUGH COVERAGE OF III Grosse POlllte Farms Macomo Board of Reallol" GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES ,/W Ik//?t 7, ./Jrlt'f. across from Perry Drugs DetrOit Board of Realtors

76 KERCHEVAL Ili4'(,1! (~ -lIM/I TO BUY OR SELL /1l'rlll"ill1/(, A HOUSE CALL 885-7000

FIRST OFFERING S Oxford Four bedroom two bath, two story contemporary Famll~ WARNER ROAD - Lovel) four bedroom loUi FORDCROFT - Grc,lt newer are" of lhc Shore~ room Recreahon room plus a den With and one half bath Coloma I Fo) 1'1' has urwlar on d dedd rnd "treel Four bedroom three and one half b"lh Colonial Flr"l 11001ma!>ler fIreplace III basement Central all' Three car stairs Paneled lIbrar~ Family room h" ... attached garage fireplace and adjOining marble ami bllck tel' bedroom lOfoot fanllh room Fln.! floor laun dl) .\llached gdrage \\ Ilh clrculdl dm e C.en FIRST OFFERING - Lakeshore Lane - Three race overlookmg large mceJ~ planted ' t')0 lot water heater and msulallon Three bedrooms, ,~v ) __ , v __ :~~ •• ' -i'i!, ~~ near Rldgc I~oa one ana one half baths Jalousled porch 28" 14 Thl ee car garagc Recreation room WIth fIreplace Two car HA:'.IPTO,\ ROAD - Grosse Pomte Park near garage .Jeffer,on Four famllv flat Two bedrooms each uml Separate ba~emcnt". furnaces and uhltles I\E \,\\ 000 "eill "I Paul... Lov('h ,I nd HAMPTON ROAD m the Shores Four bedroom, $97000 "paclOu ...Georgl.lll (olonldl 1'1/2'11001 mOl two and one half bath Coloma I on 80 foot lot llIngroom\',lthllrepJd(, Wloot Iibrdl\ Illlh Two adjacent famIly rooms, one With EOGEMERE Grh Center entrance With HI foot Call for del,lll~ . olllal bUIlt ml%7 on over t\\O dcre" of prImp Ienl garage owner Three bf'droom t\\O ami one half bdth WILLIAMSBURG COURT - Two bedroom one Coloma! FOllr naturill fJrepldc e~ lII11udmg and one half bath condomInIUm ~ear one In the 20 foot ma,l('r hedrnom Fll1hhrd Eastland ConvenIent to expressway Full EDGE;\lElU': Tefl Iflc f arms location Four ba~ement \\Ith bar \(,\\E'r furna(' ilnrl rooj basement Central all' $59,500 0"" ner Flonda bound and ,1I1"IOU'for OriN bedroom Ihrce bdlh center hall Colomal Master ~*'~("~ • cii OLD BROOK LANE - Near Farms Pier Lovely hedroom 1\lth flleplace on flr~t floor Paneled DonI' ml~S thl~ one $11'1 SOfl ~ ....~~~ COlOmai With four family bedrooms alllllwo 1'1)(. lIbrar~ 11M) Y I >l mcd) lana"cdped 101 Two car \ OR 111 F\\ Il()n 1m m('(1> ,I" !""''''-'''""on and one half baths plus two maids rooms and gdrage CHOICE DETROIT Jocdtlon on BI,hop HOdd \t1ralll\ e lhr('r bedroom 1\10 balh r,lnch Famll\ bath LIbrary, hvmg room, master bedroom Three bf'droom Colomal ~lJ foot ldmll\ room room \I lIb flrl'ptdu :'Cl ('l'TlNl dnd gl,,'" I'l1clo" and recreation room have fireplaces Newer Flm~hed basemen I PO""lble Ldnd (;onll .Ill ('d I('rrdt{' T\IO r('ll (,dIOIl room, (PIlII 'II dlr garden room Sprmkler and alarm systems term~ $42,)()() 1.1\ln "'plll1kll'r ,)'Iem ,((III d\ ,>\ ...Iun and 1\\0 Three car attached garage car alld(hf'c! g..r..gp (>ll'd: "Iime, 10ldtWll ~Ir,i ()Oll Open Sunday 2:00-5:00 "()l rll IU:' \l D 1 hi P( !lE'c!room nlccly Wllldemere Place Deluxe cOndOmInIUmS dN (,rollcd rall( h II Ith 1\\(1 (dr ,,!tal h( d g,lI ag(' III Lake Shore and Provencal fool kltch('n II 1111(,iltlllg dre,l 1'1hnt l.ltnil~room fi5 Fordcroft - Four bedrooms, three and Piln{'l..d reel pallon room II Ith fireplace and bdf one half baths Reduced to $.'100,000 84 Grosse POInte Boulevard - Four Kercheval Ave. \\A'-.III'(,TO\ l{O \1) (,r.IUOU<;f("lu('ne( IIlth bedrooms, three baths FamIly room •ffiGBIE83 nm( larg(' lx-droom, ilnd flv(' and 01]('hillf bilth ... 278 McKmley - Three bedroom, one and 886-3400 16' 1'1hbrary \lllh fireplace Illx20dral\lIlg room one half bath English $91,500 SOMf<';R~(O:T :\ear (harlevOlx Two famIly IIllh flreplac(' plu<;d 14 <20 gilrdcn room "ellf'r 394 Lakeland - SpaCIOUSEnghsh Library hnck f1ilt T\\ 0 b('(lroom~ III each UnIt Separate kit

Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange When you list your home with Ontul); CENTURY 21 LOCHMOOR we THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY place a picture of your reSidence OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 G) BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE @ lrJ:L~~j ur21 In the Macomb M L S book as well 1369 Grayton - G P P LOCHMOOR as In the Grosse POinte Exchange book You can double your home s 580 Pemberton - G P P 884-5280 exposure by listing It With us' !!im $al"O~ ~~ene£, .i\\C. 1369 GRAYTON - OUTSTANDING three bedroom Colomal With all the dmemtw~ central air, mamtenance free, flmshed basement, etc ' ThIs one \\ III not last long I' I Extra quality throughout

17108 MACK 446 LEXINGTON - SPRA WLING ranch In a super locatIOn of the Fal ms Cox and Baker <.ustom bUlIt WIth many dmemtJes such as attached garage, flnlshed ba~ement dnd more' I

886-9030 SlJPEH OFFERING -- 228t ALLARD - SPACIOUS ranch l\-lth three Idrge bedroom In the Woods r'tnlshed bJsement, porch and attached garage, large lot Close to ~<.hool., dnd tran'iportdtwn

&b8PEJ\1BE HTON - INV ITING flve bedroom three and one half bdth Colunldl In dn excellent locdtlOn of the Pdrk Hecently painted and decorated New kitchen "brdn dnd more Price Heduced 976 BARRINGTON - Fantd~l1c flv!' bedroom bll<.k Engll',h I udol Illth I II 0 Ilill lutlh compleleh redecorated, dining room, marble ~llb, refJnI~hed hJrdllood 11001' plth "t lit) IllollJu 111 I,m dpdl i mentl' Call today for more ~uper del,ub' Onl\ ~&\;I,\;IOO" 'GHEAT OFFEHlNG - t750 VERNIER, APT ::7 BEAUTIFUL flr.,t floor 1110bedroom, tll 0 full bdth, <.undommlum In Gro~se Pomte Woods Excellent conditIOn (entrdl dlJ ,Ind pn<.ed to ~ell'"

134:>LAKEPOINTE - Neller four bedroom Colomdl \\ Ith I,ll gl' mudelll hlldll II II Illl iluill III dl,I\II d.,lwI one and one half bath~, bdsement \\lth recredtlOn room i'lt.llli jlJl1,h( d ' ~)Iu, mUl h mUI e' I'rll ed ')80 PEMBERTON - OUTSTANDING 10<'dtlon (clo~e to WlI1dmJlI POJllte DII ve dnd Park" I ~n th" Idrge at only $49900' Hurn, and call toddY for more mfufllldtl()n' central entrdnce Colomal Four bedroom~, two Jnd one half bdth~ 1.11gc tdmilv room and more " , 208:>:>BEAUFAIT - A.TTRACTIVE Colomalm the Gro,,,c POInte ~<.hool dl~llilt oj Harper \\ ood~ 'I hrcc 20720 MARTER HD - Excellent family home FeatUi mg till ee hedl 001'1" 1\10 ,1Ild 011(' It,ll I IM!l1I oom, bedrooms one and one half bath~ gredt room 12°" mortgdge ds~umpl1on Price reduced modern kItchen With dppltdnce~ mcluded "upel Idmil\ loom IIJlIlh led(h to tl1(. (0\ ('led Pdtlll ,lIld gas gnU recreal10n room and much mor{'

377 RIDGEMONT - Price recently reduced Spolle» lop 10 bottom ~IO\ e light In 0\1 nel , hd I C clone a superb job decoratmg Three bedroom bnck bungdlo\1 101m,il dllllllg loom lldlul .11111epJd<.l', ne\1 el 1chweitzer e~BettSfnes. carpet, Circular floor plan, and more Real Erlole,lnc. I I W H and Gardena

905 BEHKSHIRE - Call for a pm'ate showmg Fedture~ dre too nUDlPI (Jl!, to 1,,\ ..Ill 01 lI11'm 110\1e\ el ( EI\ TEH E1'\THA \CE ledd~ to 'PdCIOU~ foyer of a few mclude a three story stamed glas~ ~ky lIght, spaclOu~ kltlht.n II ItII hut 1(.1', lldntn .1Ild gO!geou'> three bedroom bll<.k ran<.h Fdmll) loom, hv breakfast room, unbelievable hardwood flOOI, Home lid' been u,mplLlph I ('nol dll'd lng room dnd ba<;emcnt \Ilth natural hrepldle., (,Id" doof\ldlllo lovered tel race 01 1434-36SOMERSET - Excellent rental drea - GredtllH e.,tmenl II )wlhel It bl' 10111IU'I PI ell II \ ou FOI mdl dlllll1g I uom edllllg ,pdl.e dnd .,ndch \\ ould hke to add It 10 YOUlII~t Call for the pdl tl<.ul,u., bar III kllch('n Rcdu<.ed IG 2lLOC) 886-4200

FAl\IlL Y HANCH (Iedn dnd II ell mallltamcd three bedroom ranch needs updating and decorallng Naturdl flreplace and bar m recreatIOn room Cedar c10llet garagt' door opener hJrdl1 ood floor~ S7~ ~U() 'G-32B ,\H I 8864200

BEAUTIFUL \ AHD ~UIroun~ thl~ lour bedl oom EXQUISITE RANCH A qUiet cuI de ~ac locatIOn tllO bath COIOllld) lIl,:,t Clmr ,:,hol e~ F1I,t lD Grosse POinte Woods IS an appealing Illtroduc floor Idundrv, re<.reatlon room II Ith \1et bar tlOn to thIS super ranch Absolutely move III con famJl~ room 1\Ith hrepldce PdtlO dud fenced dltlOn dnd offermg a tasteful decor FInished bdse yard $12:>000 Jilt )!WB I !lll52()00 ment wllh recredllon room also mciudes y.et bar, BIG AND BEAUTIFUL AND BACK ON THE MARKET' and pool room Central aIr $120,000 'G 61SHO I OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Sprmgtlme ISespeCially beaul1ful for thIS mdgmflcent Ldkefront Engh.,h Lot"'l old I e~ldenle De 1186--12oo Signed In the nch tradItIOn of elegant country home<; thl~ dl,tmlll\(' e,ldtt.' oilel., exqulc,lte PERFECT DOLL HOUSE has outstandmg decor detaJlmg m elegant IIvmg quarters The sumptuous lIr~t [JOOImd~lel ,Ulle I~ pdJleled Ulchel I) With dream kitchen With solid oak cablDet~, and walnut WIth fireplace, dressmg room and marble bath 'I he d<'lommoddtwn~ Ulclude !lve refngerator, range, mIcrowave, hot water addItional famIly bedrooms WIth adjoInmg bdths dnd a pnvate gue~t ~ll1te 1\ Ilh ~Illlllg room, tab, three bedrooms Screened-m porch fireplace, bath and bedroom The breathlaklllg double slol \ 11\Illg room I~ bordered b\ d ~ldte Pnme Gros~e Pomte Farms locallon floored enclosed clOIster whIch umtes the dlllmg I'oom II lth the lIbrdl I dnd 'itud\ ~urroundUlg walkmg distance to "Hill" shoppmg area all are charmlllg gardens, evergreens dnd mature tree~ II grd(lOU" 11\Ulg l' ,1 lop prlOrIt, (H-29MCMl 885 2000 then make your move now Further details, floor pld n., dnd bro<.hUl f' furnl,h('r! on I eque,1 FIRST OFFERING for thiS charmlDg Colomal on I popular street lD the Village of Grosse Pomte Thl ee bedroom,ty.oand one half bath COIOnIdl DON'T PASS THIS ONE UP! NEW OFFERING has paneled library, nice detaIling throughout mcludlllg a bay wmdow m hvmg room and If you're lookmg for a bright, cheerful CoiomalUl 709 LAKEPOIYl'E - lIandsome thlle hedroom fireplace SpacIOus yard IS fenced Attached ,:,UPERB QUALITY dnd crdfbmJn~hlp I~ move-In condltlon - thIS ISIt I Four bedrooms contempol <.L!udpd patio patIO, glassed porch, paneled lIbrary Illth fIre- place - a wonderful famIly home SPACIOUS PILLARED COLONIAL CLEAN i\'\D ,:,PAC[OlT<; C.olonldll~ an excellenl I buy Gro~~e POlnle Pdrk home has a 10\ el) \'er~ ,PdCIOU, Idlll iI\ 110m(' Illth four IJrge ~-...... ,.... formdl dmlng room dnd a large fdlml) room bedroom., l3Pautllul pal1ell'd lilJl aJ \ \~Ith STATELY ENGLISH TUDOR ~_~:3 Cenlrdl dlr l\IO\e m <.ondilion Affordable al flrepld<.e dnd lour Inom honuc, ~ullc lor office., WINDMILL POINTE SUBDIVISION Truly a $.H \;100 IF 12111\HI 811b 5800 ThiS elegant Tudor IS m move-Ill conditIOn Love- or mother 111 1.111dpartmcnt ly "olde English" feelIng In mtenor decor \\ Ith gorgeous Enghsh Tudor only five mInutes Ilalk five bedrooms, three and one half baths Char COZY THREE BED800M BUNGALOW mg distance to the park Four bedroom~ on second mmg walled gard"n featured m landscapmg floor \Ii lth two baths Two bedroom and bath on ~paclOus bungaloll II Ilh I1drdll (}od Iloor, \11 dp third floor SpaCIOUSfamIly room, IIvmg room \Ii Ith phance, lI1L!uded '>eumd fiom C""pdll<;lon natura) fireplace, recreatIOn room With country ADORABLE UPDATED FARM HOUSE Spdl(, size kitchen 'F 70BED) 886-5800 Four bedroom farm Coloma I Charmlllg old \\ orld ELEGANT SEMI-RANCH GROSSE POINTE WOODS spaCIOUS,well kept feehng With updatmg "lIke nell " Famll) three bedroom bnck Co)omalls prIced to sell room WIth fireplace, three full new baths plus AUractl\(' !lell Colol11al \llth Ill'! l100r bcdl00m qUIckly Plush carpeting, new steel front and lavatory In recreatIOn room Picturesque "wle Huge f,lI1l1l~I (}Om ldlhl dl ,l1leIllllg 11\ garage doors All kItchen appliances IOclud landscapmg brick drive, large deck IlIg room \llth ndlur.li fJrepldle [{elreallOn ed Beautifully landscaped y.lth double gas room II Ilh II el b,\! (,('nll .II dlr gnll $77,000 (G-76PRE) 886-4200 SO DELIGHTFUL. SO ENGLISH! BE PARTICULAR Select thIS tastefully LOVELY, LARGE TUDOR decorated three bedroom ranch WIth new kit- FIve bedrooms. three and one half bath Tudor III One of GI O~.,CYOlIlI( ~ n Lo~t popul,\! lo<.atlon<;and chen that mcludes dIshwasher, stove, move m condItion AttractIve cherr~ \Iood ,I <.Id'~\(, 1 udol ( "lOllld I 1111C( he,ll (){lm<;one refrIgerator and double stamless steel SInk cabmets highlight ne\~ kItchen Feature'i JIl dnd 011(' h,dl b"tth ]"Imh lOUIn Newer carpeting and wmdow treatment~ clude leaded WlIldol\S, ney. bath, ja]ouslCd Fmlshed basement has recreatIOn room, bar porch, den PARK-LIKE LOT and half bath $44,900 (G-49WOOl 886-4200 Dl'ltlllctl\l' blllh lhdlf't ,1\ 1(' COIOlll,l1 Large WILLIAMSBURG COLONIAL m prtme area of v,lrd fOllr bcdloom<; lCrldl llo,et den kit Grosse POlllte Farms Just walkmg TASTEFUL COLONIAL PRIME REl\ TAL PROPE RTY m Gro,se Pomte chen \\ Ilh pailln .ll1d (entroll.lll .lrt~ JlI~t d fell dl')tance to the lake ProfesSIOnally land Park Upper rents for $315, lower for $325 For Flmshed recreation room IIIth bar mthls updated of I h( m"n\ le,>I'II ( , scaped yard surrounds thiS four bedroom, two mal as~umptlOn terms, "ave on c10smg co<;ts three bedroom Colomal \lilth centra) air and onp half bath bnck Colomal WIth two car For more delal!~, <.all our Gros!>e Pomt!' Beamed celhng, hardwood f1oor~ Flondd ROOMY 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW attached garage Musl see' OPEN C;UNDAY Farm'i offIce at 88b .1800 (F 62MAH) 16 BEACON HILL, GROSSE POINTE room \ 101 of 11III1g 'p It ( III Ihl~ ,Ippc,lllng threl' FARMS 886-4200 bedroom l\IO ,lIld OIl(' h,df b,llh bungaIoll' TAKE THE TIME to see thiS umque bl-le\eI Col 11\ ,llg I nom \1IIIl III ('pldU' and prn .1Ie <;turh Y.~NGLlSH STYLE three bedroom, one and one omal bUIlt m t975 SuperIOr condltlOlI from m HANDYMAN SPECIAL Lpdolild hl1<.h<.'I,,md blt.',lkfol,1 nook 1\\0 half bath home offers you a heated brick sun SIde 10 out Central air. large laundry room Large four bedroom bungalow needs tender lov !)('droom, ,Inll bd 111up'I,III' l'ull lJa'('l11cnt room Updated kitchen, stairway to floored at near kItchen, formal dmmg room and natural mg care 1\\ a full baths - Price reduced for \llth pr>"llJle lourlnl}((lroOIlI (',I( h brtck Colomal SpeCIal features Include a beautiful updated features skyhghts, family room, paneled basement WIth wet bar, slIdmg glas<; door'i, and more View the lake NEW CONDOS AND COOPS solanum floor In kitchen and hard\liood floors from the IIvmg room Reduced to $290,000 $81900 (F 55MAN\ 886-4200 (F 16SHE) Bll65800 Coop on Balfour - One bedroom and bath 111 com ('nlenl 10t (Idlr ,>!JOI('C, !le,lullllIlll dl'rorated througho1lt 36 Beacon HilI, Gros')e Pomte Farms 711 Lakeland Gros<;e POinte CltV 1445 BIshop Grosse Pomte Park 7'i Woodland ~hore'), Gro~se POinte Shores Attractive tv. 0 bedroom Condo on \\ Ilham~hlll g ned r LI~t1dJ1(1 (O\l1l\ "d" Illng l dTJH'l1 'I.I III ('xlr,lc, 4 Elmslelgh, Gros~e Pomte City FDA All YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAll OR COME IN 2 GOOD WAYS TO MAKE YOUR OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 9 a m -9 p m and MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND MEMORABLE! 9:30-530 SAT and SUN SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES 2-5 P M OUT .Of-AREA, CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-2"7-5200 .~t 33 i09 LAKFPOJ\,TF 'I,i FI'>HEH IChwe!!~'~~~. SCHULTES REAL ESTATE Eighteen Offices in Four Counties 710 NOTRE DAME "MICHIGAN'S Fl.ORIDA BROKER" 881-8900

, •I. Feature Page Ten-B Thursday, May 23, 1985

Elegant :;ti~:;Show will send Christ ~' Eating Church 'angels' on tour ;f A selection of recipes from the low-calorie, low-cholesterol - and By Peggy O'Connor IS hIstory tlbles, as \\ ell as Chlllese and onen- penny-wise - collection of Thyra When It was decided that the Wendy, a tramlng ..,peewltst \\ Ith tal porcelall1 and sliver WIll be fea- Grey Howard and Helena DeWitt fundralser whIch would send the Roth, featuring this week, BEAN Hudson's grew up In Blrmmgham tured, ai:l \\ III an ai:lsortment of Christ Church ChOir of Men and attendmg the men and boys'-chOlr- booki:l,prmti:l, maps, small collecli- dishes. Boys on Its first European tour In less Christ Church Cranbrook But ble:>, SIlver, brass and copper obJ- * • • four years would be an antIque her husband \\ ai:lone of the youngest ects and toys, qUiltS, majohca and Beans are rich in magnesium. a show - and a maJor one at that - mineral important for proper heart chOlrmembel ~ 111 Chl'l~t Church ~pongeware It was also decided that organizers Grosse POlllte history when he be function, and contain respectable would look no further than to Wen- Some 01 the dealers present WIll amounts of vitamins B.6 and ribo- longed back 111 the 1950's The Jenn- mclude Thomas Forshee Antiques, dy Jenmngs and SUSie McMillan Ings' are devoted Christ Church flavin, They also help lower blood for help For \\hcn .t comes to the Countr) l\,bnor, !\1ack :md Berta fats, Tr) using a b«:,"" lliu «:t' tv ChOIr fans, as are the McMIlIans Reynolds, Pauhne Work, BIll Christ Church ChOir and/or antI- Although SUi:lle admIts that they boost nutritional value and add ques, the Jennings-McMillan can Starr, CM Gallery, The Lotus Gal- flavor to casseroles, soups, stuf- spht theIr time watchmg Duncan's lery, Da Yld and CamIlle Purdy, nectlon IS a natural athletic pursUIts \\ Ith theIr time fings. etc. The Bulter Churn, Charlotte . .. . Wendy and SusIe, co chairmen Itstemng to him slllg Duncan and Frankhn) Leonard Berry-Gordon for the Christ Church Antique Show hiS father F W McMillan II, a OLD FASHIONED Greek, Mulberry HIli Anltques and BAKED BEANS which IS set for the South HIgh former Yale Whlffenpoof who no\\ Interior DeSign and Clean Chase GymnasIUm Saturday and Sunday, s1l1gs With the Grunyons, are the 1 lb. great northern or small June 1 and 2, share a love for both most musical I\1cMllIans, she says Thel e \\ III be flowers and flower- white beans the Chnst Church ChoIr and for an- of the famtly which abo lllcIudes 109 and green plants for sale and 1 qt. boiling water tiques And when they got together Anme, 21, Jamie, 19, and Ian, 7 food WIll be served III the "Angel 1 tsp. salt to begm plannmg Grosse POinte's Cafe" III the church's undercroft "WIth m\, husband'!> 1I1terest In 1 tsp. dry mustard fIrst major antique show In four Angel IS the show's logo - model- the chOIr and mme 111 antIques, the 1/2 tsp. pepper years, they dIscovered another ed, not doubt after the chOir's Dash cayenne or Tobasco common factor they wanted to show was a natural for me I had angehc young stars Church mem- make the show somethmg special started that book and It just dIdn't bers Mrs Wilham Kaake WIll have 1/2 cup chopped onion pan out for one reason or another her qUilt collectIOn on display 1/4 cup molasses or honey "We've tned to combme the best But thIS ISalmost a better deal, I get there, as well 114 cup brown sugar of every anl1que show we've seen to put all of that research to good 1/4 cup cider vinegar Into our show We want It to be a use," Wendy saYi:l ".our show WIll offer somethmg 6 oz. Canadian bacon) trimmed for everyone, the young and beglll- quality show, but wIth Items people AND SHE HID, Wendy's and PhOIO by Tom Gr•• nwllOd of all fat and sliced can afford And we want It to be nlng collector as well as the more SUSie'S mam responslblhty has At home in the Christ Church choir pews are Christ Church Anti. Add beans to boiling water; boil 2 special a show with all the finer been securmg dealers for the show, experienced collector We've had a que Show co-chairmen Mrs. Joseph N. (Wendy) Jennings Jr. of Vil. minutes, then remove from heat points of the top shows, but a um- whIch called for looking antiques great group of commIttee mem- at lage Lane, and Mrs. Francis W. (Susie) McMillan II, of Cloverly Road. and let soak 1 hour. lOr cold soak que show, too," says Wendy Jenn- and antique dealers 111 a whole new bers and volunteers workmg on the mgs. show and, we thmk, contributing to overnight. if you prefer.) Drain angle from that of a buyer "The sing m Christ Church, Oxford, then "memento" of their hard work - beans. Combine dry ingredients results were great We'd been hop- ItS success," Wendy says And they've spent months mak- m Westminster Abbey and York. know whereof they speak and mix with the beans. Stir in ing sure of just that Not that eIther mg to attract at least 30 dealers mmster. Wherever they are, you onion, molasses, brown sugar and and we ended up WIth 36 Even "WE'RE EXCITED about it and • • • has mmded much SusIe admits to can be sure their voices will sound vinegar. Pour haIr of the mixture those who couldn't help us thiS year we're hoping it Will be an ongoll1g as lovely as they did waftmg across The Christ Church Antique Show into a 1-1/2 to 2-cup casserole, Add a long-time penchant for hittmg the were supportive, offering adVIce, tradItion for Christ Church," Susie highways m search of antique the church parking lot one recent to benefit the Men and Boys Choir half the Canadian bacon slices. mformatlOn, etc They were ex- adds shows and Wendy and two friends sunny, spring afternoon trip to Europe is set for 10 a.m, to then rest of the beans, Top with re- cited about bemg 111 a Grosse And it's all for a good cause, as actually spent qUite some time re- "My chIld has received a 7 p,m. Saturday, June 1 and noon to maining bacon slices. Pour in more POInte shOw," Wendy says anyone who has heard the Christ ,~; searching the antique fare of south- tremendous musical background 6 p.m. Sunday, June 2, in the gym- boiling water to top of beans. eastern Michigan in preparation "And Grosse Pointe has needed Church ChOir of Men and Boys from the Christ Church Choir . I nasium at Grosse Pointe South Cover, bake in preheated 3000 for 6 would agree They'll begm their for a book on the subject an antique show since the Liggett don't think he would have gotten High School, 61 Grosse Pointe Bou- hours If to be served at once or 5 tour on July 11 in Pans, smgmg m Show Grosse POll1te IS ready that anywhere else It's Just a bea- levard. General admission both hours if to be frozen. Add a little So when Christ Church's Sue Km- a concert m the Notre Dame and that's good for us," SusIe ~ays utiful group," Susie McMillan days is $3, with food and refresh- boiling water or apple juice if need- nard and Moonyeen Fitch con- Cathedral on July 13 and perform- says ments available. ed during baking. Makes 6 serv- ceived the Idea of an antique show It'li be a good-SIzed show, they ing the mormng service at the On Friday, May 31, there will be ings. as a fundraiser and ChOirmaster say, WIth a mce representatIOn of American Cathedral on July 14, Take her word for It When It a Champagne Preview Supper Calories about 372 per serving, Frederick DeHaven asked SUSie, MIchigan dealers, dealers new to Bastille Day Followmg a tour comes to antiques and/or the from 7 to 10 p.m. for $25per person Cholesterol about 42 mgs. whose 12-year.old son is a chOIr the area and those from Ilhnols and through Normandy and a triP Christ Church ChOIr, Susie McMIl. ($15 for viewing only l. Reserva- member, If she'd mastermind the OhIO as well as Grosse POInte col- across the Enghsh Channel, the Ian and Wendy Jennmgs - who tions to the preview supper are • • • {)I~o~l~she, agr-,d - with 01)e con- lE~~torswho are gettmg mto the an- men and boys Will arnve to sing promIse they will llut on tQ~!I' anti- BAKED BEANS AU GRATIN ~Itlon 111at'Wendy woUld be her limi~ecL..Further info~p!ation o~ t~!i tiques business Amertcan and En- Evensong on July 17 in Salisbury que C. Edwin J. Stedem Jr. 1/2 cup brown sugar Douglas Barbier, of The Woods, Pongracz's brother Robert Erwin, and the rour Pongracz grandchil- 1/3 cup catsup who IS a fIghter pilot In the 191st • • '" FIghter Interceptor Squadron As a dren, g~thered at Pernie's r. ;t- 2 Tbsp. Worchestershire sauce Counter POlnts aurant on May 11 to celebrate 1 tsp. prepared mustard By Pat Rousseau Guard nurse, Ms Waypa IS slated Among Central Michigan Um- to travel to such places as North versity students named to the fall • • • 1/2 cup red cooking wine Wm Valuable Prizes . totaling over $15,000m a CarolLna, Goose Bay, Labrador, semester honors list are semor Among 42area artIsts whose work 1/2 cup grated Parmesan drawing to benefit the Capuchm Soup KItchen Texas and Alpena She IS a 1975 Daniel A, Small, of Allard Avenue, was accepted for exhibition in the cheese graduate of Grosse POinte North edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. and th£' PremIer Center straIght A's; freshmen David L. fourth annual Statewide Print Trim Canadian bacon of all fat. HIgh School Burns, of Grosse Pointe, and Kath- are co-sponsors. FIrst prize will be a dIamond ring '" CompetitIOn orgamzed by Alma Brown in terlon skillet; set aside. valued at over $6,500donated by Edmund T Ahee The . . leen Bakeman, of Beaufalt college IS Vicki Katlein, of Grosse Saute onion in bacon drippings un- John M. Shamo, son of Mr. and Avenue, sophomores Lachlan F. drawing will be at the PremIer Center, July 26 You Pomte Her mkie'Ss embossing WIth til transparent. Drain off excess :\11'<;.George J Shamo, of McMil- Mackay of East Jefferson Avenue, thread titled "Ravme," was ex- need not be present to win. Tickets, one dollar each, lan Road, graduated from Western grease, leaving small amount in and Sha~on M. Altar, of Hollywood hibIted pan. Add bacon, onion and remain- are available at 20139Mack at Oxford. For mforma- Michigan Umverslty III April WIth a Road, and JUnIor Lisa M. Sha- ing bacon drippings to other ingre- tion on great ways to contribute, call 886-4600 Bachelor of SCIence degree 111 bander, of Fleetwood Road '" • • Geology He Will begm graduate Airman Scott W. McCarty, son of dients except wine and Parmesan • • • cheese, and place in shallow bak- studlCS In the field of geophySICS • Donald J, and Anita L. McCarty, of INew post-nata I exercise.~ sessIOn beginS _1_llJiA geophySICS Lakeland Avenue, has been assIgn- ing dish. Pour wine over the top Jun~ 6, 1985 to August J3,. J985 to help you ~ Among Eastern MIchigan Um- ed to Chanute Air Force Base, III , and sprinkle Parmesan cheese get Into shape Call for InformatIOn i72 . '" '" over mixture. Bake in preheated verslty studen~ who receIVed de. after completmg Air Force basic 9470 0 Spec 4 Susan L. Greider, daugh- grees from the umverslty III 1984 trammg. The 1982 Grosse Pomte 350 oven 30 to 45 minutes. Serves 8. • • ter of Robert C and Joan M. Greid- are William F. Schmidt, of Roland South HIgh School graduate will Cholesterol about 11 mgs. 1\leet Rosa, a dynamIC young hair st~ hst I pt her ~ho\\ er, of FIsher Road, was mvolved m Avenue, and Elizabeth R. Vickers, now receIve speclahzed instructIOn Very high in calories and protem. you the newest techniques and styhn,r:( and cutting Col- a NATO-sponsored exercise by of McKinley Road, Masters of Arts. in the fire protection field • • oseum 2000,20311 l\1aek A\e , 8Il1-il5l partlclpatmg In the Army's return * • • • of forces to Germany (REFORG- '" • • '" • • BAKED CHICK-PEA PILAF Cute French provincial print • ERl 1985 A 1979 graduate of David <..Iennn. Ra)os, son of Dr. Airman Timothy A, DeLaere. 3/4 cup sweet onion, chopped bags . , , . in bright, Vibrant colors ' ' Grosse POlllte South HIgh School, and Mrs. Floro V. Ra)os, of Canter- son of Patrick L. and ~nirley J, 3 Tbsp, vegetable 011 GreIder IS a teletypewnter repaIr- bury Road, was among those DeLaere, of Three Mile Dflve, has 1 can (20 oz.) chick-peas, un- are now available at Mmer's of man WIth the 3rd Support Com- Grosse Pointe ranging m prIce from honored at the Umverslty of MIChi- been assigned to Lowry All' Force drained mand III WlCsbaden, West Ger- gan's 62nd annual Honor Convoca- Base, Colo, after completing Air 1/2 cup uncooked brown f1ce $35 to $40 . , .. 375 Fisher Road _ many tIOn l\Iarch 31 A 1982Grosse POInte Force baSIC trammg, he WIll now • • 1 beef or chicken boutllon cube • • * '" North High School graduate and receive speclahzed mstruchon in 1/4 cup boiling water Hairstylrst, colorist Mary WronskI of Hud<;on's class valedlclonan, Rayos was also the aVlOlllCS systems field Kalhleen \1. Connell, daughter of among 21 newly mducted members 1 pimiento, seeded and coarsely Glenby has joined Francesco's Harr 'N Skin Salon For Harold and i\rlene ('onnell, of The DeLaere is a 1984 graduate of of the U of M chapter of Phi Lamb- Grosse POlllte South High School chopped a new you 882.2550 Farms, recently completed an 111. da UpSIlon, a natIOnal honorary • • Sauce onion in oil over moderate • tenslve month of rehearsal and chemIcal society recognlZlng stu- '" onentatlOn In Tucson, Anz, m heat, about eight minutes or until Co--o\\-ner<; .Joan Thornton and f)pan- dents who have demonstrated St Clare of Montefalco students pale golden. Place chick-peas and preparatIOn for a year-long tour supenor accomphshment m chern. Ann Eckel and Robert Clark were na Hawthorne, and the 0\ er 100 m~lru('tors WIth Up With People, the mterna- rice in an ungreased casserole and of Vital Option<; E"erere;e ",ould 11kI'" ~ou Istry, chemical engmeermg and recent wmners III the seventh tlOnal educational and performmg mix lightly. Dissolve bouillon cube I ~r; to be al'.are that thie; Ie; High Blood Prl'"~- pharmacy grade essay contest on eIther "The in boiling water, add to casserole ,f~ sure month IbH you checked )-ours late- group The 134-member group wlil • • • Statue of Liberty," or "The Con. alonK with onion and remaininll _ _ _ g_ Iy? Vital Options Exercle;e ie; located on the :>P~IJUtb~ 1I~"t Y~dl travehng OV~l trtbuttons Made By Blacks to the ...... __ 11. _ second noor of the Walton-Ph'rel'" building 32,000 mIles to some 80 cIties 111 Marco ;\Olorreale, of Cook Road, ingredients. Cover and bake In pre- Iii American RevolutIOn," sponsored 0 heated 325 oven for I to 1.1/4 in the Village. Call1lS4-i525. North Amenca and Europe Kath- received awards m academic and judged by the LOUIsa St ClaIr • • • leen IS a 1980 graduate of Grosse honors and m French during DeLa- hours, stirring occasionally, until Chapter, Daughters of the Amer- rice is tender. Makes 6 serving". You've seen our duck dhurne, now come In and Pomte South High School Salle CollegIate's eIghth annual Ican RevolutIOn Honors ConvocatIOn DIOneI' Feb About 215 calories per serving. look at our fishing lure rugs only at . '" • • Cholesterol O. EdJhjJszewski 21435Mack, 776-5511Free parking 28 C~..., AlbIOn College students who Will '" • Mary DesRosiers, of The Farms, In front. receive the Webster ScholarshIp recently was named wmner of the Manne Lance Cpl Curtis 1\. • from the school mclude Colleen Inshtute of Fmanclal EducatIOn • Young, son of Dr. Jack 1\. Young, ~pron Strings' Jacobson's FashIOn Fabrics will be relocatln~ the Jaeger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Annual State Speech Contest. As f)onald Jaeger, of Thorn Tree of Fordcroft Road, was menton- MIChIgan Winner, she represented first part of June Our new location WIll be 16837 Ker ously promoted to hiS present rank was her topic cheval (previously G P Book Village) So come In and Lane, and .JiIIOhorodnik, daughter the 591 savmgs and loan associa- of Dr. and Mrr;, Juliu" Ohorodnik, upon graduatIOn from recrUIt Mrs Erwin Gornmg presented a take advantage of our sales A 11bolt ends 25% off. all tions throughout the state at the na- of Goethe Avenue Each ISa Grosse lralOmg at Marme Corps RecrUIt honal conference m San FranCISco, program titled "Apron Strmgs" to remnants 50% off. all Simplicity patterns 50% off and Depot ParrtS Island, S C A 1978 Pomte North HIgh School grad- Cahf , m March the Wmdmlll POInte Chapter of the much more uate graduate of Grosse Pointe North Questers No. 385 at theIr Api'll 15 • • • HIgh School, Young earned a • • • meetmg

) r J de...... '_ - ft' Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, May 23, 1985 Sports It's that time of year • • • It's playoff time for Grosse AlI-EML team Waugaman abo Week POinte prep teams and as usual, shared league MVP honori'l vdth the Pomte" are well-represented Anchor Bay third baseman Mike III tournament actIOn A" of Perkin" . By Peggy O'Connor pre"s tIme on Tuesday, every Pitcher RIck Leonard, i'lecond ~ spnng team at North \\a" stili In ba"eman Rob Wood, outfielder competltlOll, South was close Mike Hennei'li'ley, flri'lt baseman Tournament talk behllld WIth three team" still Tom Fello\~s, outfIelder Jason a1Jve Coleglove, pitcher Jerry Joliet Folks, It's Tournament Time, nght here m In tenms, Umverslty LIggett and third ba"eman Bill Adlhoch Grosse Pomte city That's tournament With a School saw Its streak of 13 earned honorable mentIOn, AII- "T" and that rhvmes With "P" and that "tr'Heht rpg'nn,,1 ht!es come to LC:Jgue np' the <\ l\ A.c1rle"11(' stands for "playoffs" And that means It's an end last week But ULS wlll team were George Ghazal, time for me to gas up the car, haul out my m- return to the state flllais on June Steve GoodrIch, Hennessey and dustnal strength ballpomt pen and hit the 1 "It doesn't look as good as It Waugaman streets In search of those memorable playoff has In past years for us, but Leonard, a Jumor, dId not notes and quotes there's "tIll hope and we'll work make the first team, despite a As Grosse Pomte teams head Into dis- hard these next two weeh," 4-3 record a nd a 2 84ERA Of the trIcts and/or regIOnal play, I've gotten a head said ULS coach Bob Wood 31 runs he gave up, only 18were start earned and he struck out 56 bat North HIgh won the Class A The regular season Is over for the boys' baseball teams at North and South High. North tennIS regIOnal, beatmg South ters III 44 mnmgs pitched "I'm The phone m Umverslty Liggett School ten- out, 20-19 The two teams wlll dlsappomted he didn't make It," (that's Dennis D'Agnese above, left) has its eye on winning a dIstrict title and South (Blue ms coach Bob Wood's office rang all day on participate In the states on June said coach Dan Grelsbaum Devil Rico Cordova slides into the bag) is also eyeing a district championship. Details Monday. Everybody but Time and Newsweek "But he's big and strong and on the teams' upcoming pre.district games and recent regular season action are inside. was calling to fmd out "what happened to ULS" 1 In baseball, South and North throws hard and maybe he'l! (Photos by Tom Greenwood). in the regionals The Kmghts (for those who Will play pre-dlstnct qualifiers make people Sit up and take have been in Tibet since last week) failed to notice next year" Bruce "Sure we were dlsap- average wmner of that game IS schedul- on FrIday, May 24 South faces South's girls' soccer learn was ed to go up agamst the wmner of WIn their state regional for the fIrst time in 13 Fmney and North plays Lake North's girls' softball team pomted we couldn't go on m the years and only the second time m 20 seasons was to play Its pre-dlstncl game tournament, but I couldn't be ellmmated III pre-dlstncts by the Troy-Tloy Athens game on Shore, the winners go on to the ULS, which was also ousted Saturday, May 25, at 2 p m at They flmshed second, but their 13-year hold on districts at North on June 1 on Tuesday mght, With the pos- more pleased With how the team the Class CoD tItle looks shaky, Sibility of a distrIct contest on played thIS year" South fm- from the playoffs North won ItS Troy Athens for the regIOnal South High baseball players FrIday against Finney South Ished With a 17-7-1mark, second first two tournament games, champlOn"hlp "We aren't dead yet," Wood said Monday, were recipients of All-League was ousted from tournament III the Eastern Michigan Lea- beatmg Warren Woods Tower, Both the North and South "but If we were cats, we'd have used up BI/2of honors thiS week Pitcher RICO competition With a tough 6-5 loss gue South pitcher Lynn VIS- 5-1, and ChIppewa Valley, 2-0 boys' and girls' track teams Will our mne hves," Cordova, catcher Anthony Eu- to LakeView III a qualifier last mara, who pitched 20 games m The girls were to face Sterling send team members to the state 1 fmals June 1 and 2 The 13-year-streak of state titles, longest In gemo and outfielder RICk week "It was a qUIck end, that's 3 2 weeks, wound up with a 15-5 Heights Stevenson on Tuesday the nahon, IS m danger But WIn or lose, Wood Waugaman were named to the for sure," said coach John record and a 14 earned run mght (after press time) and the - Pegg) O'Connor says hiS team will be prepared for both the tour- nament and the outcome "There's stIll a chance Heck, they said Villanova didn't have a chance and look what they did in the NCAA's U[S' regional tennis streak ended at 13 "We're going to go up to Kalamazoo and do the best we possibly can. We're gomg to make "I guess It was bound to hap- to Grosse Pomte for a 4 p m Lake on May 9, wmning all but one School, and came from behind to sure we've done everythmg mentally and pen," said Umverslty Liggett match The Kmghts wIll compete match And they fmished third In wln,6-4 The goals were scored by' physically possible to prepare for thiS then School tenms coach Bob Wood as m the state Class CoDfinals m Kal- the Holly Tennis Tournament on Hlrt (twO), Angela Na varro (two), we'll see" he saw the Kmghts' strmg of 13 amazoo's Stowe StadIUm on June 1 May 11, taking POints III every Nancy Georgi. and Evanskl consecutive regIOnal champIOn- flight but No 2 Singles The next game matched ULS Sound Just like Wood's formula for ULS for ShIpS come to an end last FrIday * * * The squad closes the season to- With Hathaway Brown School, and the last 20 years And why change now? He's DetrOit Country Day swept SIX of The ULS JV lost to Cranbrook, day, May 23, at home agamst De- ended m an 8-2 ULS defeat The been successful a tIme or 13 (And I'm not bet- seven flights to eaSily outdistance 5-2, last week With two dual mat- trOit Country Day School goals were scored by Tncla Pet- tmg agamst 14 ) 'I guess it ULS, 20-14 ches left, ULS IS5 7 on the season zold and Ottaway ULS defeated * * * was bountj The Knights' lone winner was Against Cranbrook, ULS lost the Lacrosse No. 1 SeWIckley Academy, B-7 At half Marc Hunt at No 1 slllgies No 2 Singles and No I doubles eas- The ULS girls' varsity lacrosse time ULS was down by four, but Don't talk to North coach Guido Regel- to happen." "I was dlsappomted I thought Ily, but John Shanle played tough team IS now ranked No 1 m MICh- after a short break, returned to the brugge about games hiS team has played He - ULS tennis we had a chance of wmnlng SIXof before finally failing, 6-3, 6-3, m No Igan field fired up Goals were scored by prepares for them, plays them and that's It coach the seven flights We didn't Win a 3 smgles 1'vhchaelBaks also played On May 15, ULS met DetrOit Georgi (two) and Ottaway (SIX) He's always on the lookout for North's next op- Single doubles flIght and that's the well, losmg 7-6, 7-6 Robert N1C- Country Day School to -avenge a On Sunday mOl'nmg, VLS.faced ponent Bob Wood first time that's ever happened," cohm took the No 1slllgles, 6-4,6-2 prevIOus loss ThiS time the Liggett It" maJor rival, DetrOIt Country "To me, It'S always the next game, not the Wood said The regIOnal loss wai'l The other doubles ma tches were Kmghts tIed, B-8 Then last week- Day School Earlier III the season, one we Just played that I want to talk about I only the second time III 20 years three-set marathons Jeff Buhl and end, Coach Melinda Reuter's team ULS had both lost to and tied look to the next opponent because thiS tIme of that ULS didn't take home a re- Bill Reuther lost at No 2 doubles, traveled to Willoughby, OhIO for DCDS ULS came from a 4-3 defiCit year, all they do ISget better as you go along," gIOnal The other time was 6-3, 5-7, 6-2 Vanck Foster and the annual Midwest Tournament behmd Barry Hamilton's superb GUIdo says m 1971,when seven of the top play- Steve Eberhardt salvaged the No 3 ULS began by lOSing to Western second half goaltendmg, (saving 83 ers were dropped from the squad doubles match, 6-3, 5-7, 6-1 Reserve Academy, 10-5 Goals percent of all shots on goal) to Win Which includes North, I assume The Lady because of diSCiplinary reasons In earher actIOn, Coach Chuck were scored by Andra Hlrt (two). 6-4 Goals were scored by Ottaway, Norsemen were entrenched In the playoff pIC- ULS Will close Its home season WrIght's team lost, 8-0. on May 8 to and Amy Ottaway, Kara Van Del- Gem'gl (two), Evanskl, Van Dellen ture at press tIme They'd like to keep It that thiS FrIday, May 24, when the Um- the Brother Rice "B" varsity The len and Leah Evanskl Then the and Cathy BianchI way, GUido says, but that's lookmg ahead TOO verslty School of Cleveland travels JV also pia) ed doubles With South Lady Kmghts faced Kmgswood (Continued on Page ~C) much, which IS another thmg Regelbrugge doesn't do Learn to golf * * * For the Sixth year the drIVing range, one Grosse Pointe Gunshop THE ACADEMY TENNIS CAMP Stony Creek Golf sessIOn on the puttmg If everythmg goes nght, somebody from Course In Stony Creek green and Videotape Grosse Pomte IS gomg to be playmg No 2- Metropark near Roch- replay to help vlsuallza- ranked BIShop Gallagher m the distrIcts on ester/UtICa Will con- tlOn of strokes The 22 SEMI.AUTOMATIC June 1 at North High, It's a dirty Job, but m duct cllmcs for Jumor cost IS $40 for Jumors thiS case, somebody from Grosse Pomte ISgo- players (ages 9-17) and and $35 for adults RIFLES - USED ing to do It and both North and South wouldn't adults Adult evenmg For mformatlOn and $3000 to $6000 mind hangmg m long enough to be the ones cllmcs begm on May 29 enrollment contact who played Gallagher and May 30, while Stony Creek Galt WON'T LAST LONG North has to beat Lake Shore and South has mornmg cllmc dates Course at 781 9166 A 21006 Mack G P W 1<, (Bel 8 & 9 MIle) 881.5000 to top Finney In the pre-dlstrict on FrIday start June 17 and June vehICle entry permIt (don't hit me, coaches, If your teams don't do 24 reqUired Ill, but both look ahead a little to a possiblE' The fIVe-sessIOn golf match-up With the Lancers chmcs are deSigned to Qua/lty Fish and Seafood from the SpeCialists at prOVide proper funda "Sure, I think North-Gallagher would be a mentals of the game, great game," North's Frank Sumbera says WIth four sessIOns on Classes now forming for the first "Neither one of us has seen each other's best GROSSE POINTE (pitchers Dave Peralta and Dan Kopltzke, for BG and North) And that \\-ould be a fantastic PGA's Miller session which begins June 17. game but thars looking ahead" golfs for Scouts FISH & SEAFOOD THE GROSSE POINTE ACAD1~llJ}/ Sumbera remembers when North did that PGA Tourmg Profe'i last year North won the 1984 league liUe by slOnal Johnny MlIler 19531 Mack • We Deliver • 885.3884 /"7/ Lakeshore Grosse Pointe Farms beatmg LakeView, but two days later III the \\ III be at Forest Lake pre-distrIct, LakeView bounced the Norsemen Country Club Monday, ********************************* Gary Bodenmiller - 882-2139 from the tournament June 17 for the 1985 South's Dan Griesbaum knows If the BSA Golf Clas,>lc cele DeVils face Gnesbaum, that means they'd bratmg Scoutmg's 75th MEMORIAL DAY face top nghthander Peralta "We have a lot Anmversary, announc- of lefties and that might help They've got ed Tournament Chair- ********************************* MEMORIAL DAY man Bennett E BId some excellent pltchmg, but our hlttmg I~ ex- THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY cellent too \\ell. Executlve VJce PreSident, ChrV'iler i- ') "All I know IS that anythmg can happen In Corporation I Texas Gulf Coast IIAlaskan I DOLLAR the state playoffs It'" a ne\\- season I Just The field \\ III be h .------.P------.Medium, Raw keep thmkmg of Walled Lake Western last mlled to 64 team!> of I IIKING CRAB I year They were 10-12gOing mto the tourna- four \\ Ith shotgun starts 89 J SAVERS ment and they came fight out and won the ,It 8 a m and I p m IShrimp$5 IILEGS $~95 I Class A title With a 16-12 record We'll Just Co"t I" 'S250per mdl\'l I LB II I LB I keep remembenng that," Gnesbaum says dual or ~I,O()() per team With Coupon Exp 52585 • L WCoupon F~p 52585 .. .. The ent f\ fee CO\('r" * * gre('n" fee" locker "er SAVE 20% So will Bishop Gallagher, one of the team:- \'Ice drlvmg range OFF DUCANE GRILLS Walled Lake Central beat out for the title last ------cart. break fai'lt lunch I II SAVE $4.00 I year r------'r------,SAVE $2.00 all LP Cas C "B~ <1.e a3501ubled and dlllllcr, and cock OFF FRESH COOKED AND OFF 3 LB BAG OF tall "ervlce I II I * * I PEELED. READY TO EAT II RAW. PEELED and DE VEINED I It's early yet so nommatlOn" for mo"t gut"y \TonlC''' ra I"ed \\ III go performance of the "eason are "till open My to the DetrOIt Area faVOrItes "0 far? It's a tie between South High Council Boy Scoul" of Iw~~~GE SHRIMP IlwtCouponSHRIMP I soccer player .June Lang'i who overcame a Amf'fIUl, \~hllh <;en e" defenSive lapse m South's tournament game over 6').000 young peop- ~~roMAKE loss to UL5, and her v,ornes about her mother le In Wayne Oakland ._------.~------_.-FOR THE GRILL- and Macomh counlle" MEMORIAL DAY'S COOK.()UT who was a bit under the weather last \\-eek, to Lake Superior Trout Fresh Swordfish play an mspired game of soccer on defense \\ lth the aId of 20,()(){J adult volunteerc; Lake Superior Whitefish Fresh Fillet of Sole THE GIU'.A1m! r agam"t league champ North Or UL5 track- Orange Roughy ster Laura Rino, a 1200 meter runner \\ ho The Delrolt Arc;) Parts' Gnlls • UtensIls' sat out most of the year I,l, Ith a stres,> frac- Council, \\Ith h('ad Wood ChIps • Sauces • And Much More ture, but got back'lnto actIOn In the la'>t quarters at 1776 We!>t It's OUTDOOR COOKING TIME regular season meet of the year, participated WarrC'll. op('rdtl'" three m the shot put for the first time ever, and maJor Seoul ('amp" 111 and FRESH FISH is 20947 MACK AVENUE picked up two pomts Brighton, Lapeer and excellent on the barbecue! 4 bike. N. ot Vernier Alger 885-4670 __ IIlI.__ - ....._ ...... _ ...... _-_p_e." - ....-~~~ • ~... " • p p .. P..... P • WZ'9' • •• .... p • p • .. """"""'-"""""-l""'" ... -- ....~...- - ....- ...-

Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985

G.R Little League

Park Majors nmg III good performances were Geoff Buffalo, 9 bl Everham, Steven Mamre, Doug Ja- \11\ \1I-8\'H \l US"~ \' \ \:KEES-WIIITE sox bara, Paul 51ppola and Richard Spen- Matthew Dakko's four hits and Tom K)IE' Ho)e I\ent all the \\ay 10 Pit- cer of Michigan, Brad Kllllmell, Rob- lIea,ley's home rUll, tnple and ::.mgle clung the Yanks to a \\10 o\er the Sox bie Bacon and Bnan Urso for Notre Dan !\lllladeo hit a lead-{)ff homer, Matt Dame powered S) racu::.e pa::.t MIdml, 30 t7 Recht and Peter Gnem doubled and MOlgan-Sllartz and Heynolds homcled Jeff ~chlmdt and Ja::.on Bedsworth had Farms-City Majors for l\llaml hit.::.Josh Chmt, George Petersmarck, EHIE.-\LB \ \ Y J'\elson, Hauch McLaren, Loffredo and \STROS-DODGERS Alban) topped ElJe 9 J, on May 11 B) rne pia) ed \\ell for the Yanks Jason Thc A::.lros topped the Dodgers, 7 3 Albany's Matt Cramer had a two run ~ ~ Bena\ Idez and Josh and Dan Cummlll.~ The Dodger!> outhll the Astros, led by homer dnd addcd anothcl hit and RBI That's the St. Clare track team - with head coach Steve Zaranek, coaches Tom Ossy, Fe~d Keller pltchpd for the SO\ \1 ho \1 ere led on of Andy \'anDe\leghe s two hits, but the Third ba::.cman Tim Frendo combmed I('n~e b\ Bend \ ldel and Josh Cummllls pitchlllg of Robert Khoenle and the hlt With Cramer for a rally killing double and Chris Pellerito and assistants Kerry Bruce, Rob Haun, Nick Frontczak and Tim Keller - which com- tlllg of Erik l\1athe\\s, Dan LeFeb\ re John Hoberl::. Bramlage, Moran, Cam pia) 1"01' Ene, Karl TlOst had t\IO hit::. pleted its seventh straight undefeated season by beating previou~ly unbe~ten ~t. Joan, 60.31, last pagna and \iolan pia) ed 1\ ell and Josh Henry got the wm for the (,mgle and double) and ::.cored a run Astros Robert He)nolds andJlm Bunn week. St. Clare now gets ready to compete in the C.Y.a. Metro.Detr~lt Champlon~hlp '!1ee~to be hosted OBIOLES-PIRA Tf.S and Adron Zur::.chmICde added tl\O 1111> by St. Clare at South High June 2. The St. Clare girls go after their Sixth ~onsecu!lve cIty title; the boys, The Par k Onole::. Tim Gramling \\ ere outstandmg on defense for the and scored one rUll Astros BlIl Leins Jeff Osborne dnd their fjfth city championship. Field events and prelims are at 10 a.m" With the fmals at 11:30 a.m. Ap. \1 ent the dl::.tance III hiS team s 12-1\\111 Tun Mallov pItched \\ ell for the 0\ er the Farms CI!\ Pirates John Farms-City AAA proximately 25 metro-area teams will compete. Dodgers lIal~e and Kelh Gra\'e::. It\\O doubles DE\\ Im-SA\ \\TO'\10 each) ~hke Spamch \ three hlb), Jason AS rRO~-1 \D1AI\8 Hdev :\1cCormack and 2\la1l Suberatl Balle) Brian Forester, ~latt Jacklyn, The Astros took a 5 3 vlctorv over the pitched San Antomo to d 13 b Will over !::..:Lc';ow The .\:.;t~W 1'H,...J.i.. l""J Buuu ~ ;""1ll11 :,i":',tll) dllU I..tldlllllng leu Ihe b, LJenver l\ILK 1\01::'1::' haOlwo triple::., ~u hlttmg altack !\1alt BenUe), Joe) I'll! fme pitchlllg and Khoenle's three hits, berall tripled and doubled and John Giosse Pointe (hae! dnd Scott Lupo pia) ed \\ ell on de LeFebvre's double and the clutch hIt Broutm hIt a home run Jason Hub fen::.ebv Bena vldel and Josh Cum mills tmg of Dan WImsatt The Indlaru,' Pit- barth, KeVil! Elliott, Ted Watts and ~lc:\llllan pItched for the Pirates and Chlllg duo of Mark Bonam and Dan Ter Phillip KotSI!>added hit::. Jake LOUIS, Soccer Association had llmel\ hits, as did Do\\ ns, Johnson, anes and ::.trong fieldlllg of Blake Craw- Jay Hartling and John Cughatl hit for Smith and Whelan ford and Gullewcz kept the game close Denver The Indian::. put runners on second and The News IS happy to prmt week. Travelers, 3.3 The Stars truck out t",o and retired the Side on a Soccer ASSOCiation, however, the Under 14 Division - Tony De- the Stnkers On May 12, the ground ball come from behllld Will eftort Suberatl Pirates DeSeranno had t\\O key and McCormack pItched, Suberatl add results must be phoned 10 to Luca took a pass from Scott Austin Stnkers (Vreeken) beat Romeo, doubles and Bill Sa\lor added two hits PHILS-CARDINALS ed a home run and a double Hubbarth publtcity c60rdinator Jean-Claude and put It past the St ClaIr Shores 14-0 Dlttnck had five goals, Dan and scored three "runs Ed Dorda's The Phlls edged the Cardmals, 4-2, added two IlltS and Broutlll collected a Elte Followmg are the summanes Steamers' goalie to give the Rebels Wood, Ralph Barbter, Chris Colfer, behind the four-hit pltchmg of Reed and slllgie hnocked III a key run III the fifth tnple and a double DaVId Ptasmk, submItted to Dr Elie thIS week: James Ledyard, Feroz Ghandl and Oliver Bier. Lllldsay, Joel Peter::.on, (Fozo) a 1-0 win PatrIck Bond Dan Cammer made a great catch m Chagnon Hanallalt, Reynolds, Meas Under 10 Division - Chuck scored the only goal in a 3-1 defeat Dave Weaver scored The defen- centerfield Bednarchlk and McMlIlan Brett Bro\\ n::.<,omb, Nick Johnston, elle and Denny Egan had hits for Bentley's Eagles recorded a 4-0 of the Roustabouts (Nearhood) by SiVe play by Steven Vreeken and pitched \Iell for the Pirates, domg the Ohver, Bellanca and Reed kept the Newark hlltmg \\ere Jason Hall , and stole fIve bases Ville to a 13-5 \I III over Denver Henry bmed WIth Tony Buccellato to hold Farms-City Class C goal' for the Lancers; Mike (stealmg home three times) to lead the had two hlte; for the wlllners Fntz Olh undefeated and EriC Restum has not the Hawks to one goal, despIte Phlls' attack Jim Bellanca, Don Vier. TOLEDO-MIAMI son had a 2.[or-2 dav for Denver and Reynaert and Brian Pope played conceeded a goal 10 SIX outings. numerous attempts by CraIg Enc Lmdsa\, DaVid Reed and catcher Tim Miller, Steve Booher, Paul Nich- Jim Harrington and -Pat Labadie each well for the Eagles Earher 10 the Under 19 Division - The Strikers Rogowski, Michael Carron and Johnston pia} ed well ols and Rocky Bryant had three hits slllgied week, the Eagles tied the SUSA recorded their first setback of the ChrIS Eldndge I\DI-\ \S-\'A\KEES each to pace Toledo to an 18-16victory PHOENIX-DE:"" \I EH The Yanks topped the Indians, 5-4 over Miami Pat Brennan and Jonathan A strong four IllnlOg pitching per Babe Ruth Peter::.marck lIas the wmmng pitcher, Morgan Swartz had three hits each for formance by Beth Weyhlllg combmed strlklllg out SIX Bonam and John Jung- Miami and Matt Re)nolds and Marc "'Ith excellent rehef work by Tommy \\ Irth pItched for the IndIans, Bonam Da VISdoubled Best lIfted Phoellix to a 12 7 \\ III over Phillies, Tigers take over first place struck out five and JungwIrth fanned SYRACUSE.TOLEDO Denver John Tro::.t blasted a two-run SIX Ke) hItters fOI the Park Yankees Five hits from Booher and four each homer and Beth Mozena and TIm Kazul The Phillies won two games last The Padres downed the Braves, cher, Dave "WillIe" Hall combmed were Rob I\lcClaren, Hoye, Gnem, Mm- from Tofer Ollison and Robby Lloyd added solo homers for Phoemx Cug- week to take over first place In the 6-4, in the week's other MaJor to Ilmlt the Sox to three hits. adeo and Bedsworth. Gnem and Beds lifted Toledo to a 26-23 Will over Syra- lIan and Jay Harrington were perfect Park Babe Ruth League WIth a 3-0 League contest Chad McDaruel ....orth doubled Hlltmg for the Farms cuse Michael Werner hIt for the cycle at the plate for Denver Len Cughan record went the distance for the Padres, Leadmg the Tiger attack was CII) Indians ",ere Tom KoloJeskl to pace Syracuse, while Kip Gotfredson pitched five strong Inmngs for Dem'er The leaders shut out the yIeldIng four hIts and four walks, Scott Adlhoch with two hIts and Kel III Brennan (double', l\llke Bell, contributed three hits Jordan Jones PORTL.\ND.LOlllS\ ILLE Dodgers, g.O, behmd the three-hIt while fannmg SiX. He also helped his TIm Fellows WIth two more, m. Blake Crall ford and Mart} Gulle\\ ICZ make a fille catch of a fl} ball to start a Peter Spivak's three slllgles and dou- pitchmg of Pat DeLaere, who fan- eludIng a long triple Jeff Blovlts (homerl double play by the Syracuse defense own cause with a two-run homer. ble helped LOUISVille beat Portland, ned seven while walkmg only one Trace Kershaw added a two-run tr,l- reached base all four times m- MIAMI-RICHMOND 27-16 Dan Grundman Henry and Mike O'Leary notched two hits and pIe for the Padres, while Jason cludlng a perfect SUICide squeeze Park Minors Richmond outscored Miami, 14.7, as Ohver hit homers for LOUISVille Jeff bunt that he beat out for a hIt. John \ISL-\\ ISCO'\SI\ Arthur Scott and Adam FlIkm each had scored two runs for the wmners Whelan's three-bagger drove in one Wheeler had three hits for Portland and Whall went the dIstance for the !\ISU beat Wisconslll. 9-2. behllld a two RBI Ben Black and Billy Palazzolo Kurt Sowers had an RBI tnple ChrIS Markus drove In two runs of the Braves' runs strong SIX Inmngs from pitcher Fritz rapped doubles for the WInners Matt With a trIple ChrIS Rowan also The Cardinals splIt theIr two Sox SAN A;\ITO:\'IO-LOl"ISVILLE In other actlOn, the Tigers Coyro Charlre Llckford drove In t\Vo Reynolds led the MIamI hlltmg attack Two home runs by Grundman paced tnpled and scored two runs games In the Mmor League, bow- runs m the second mmng With a triple With a tnple and a slllgie and Pat Bren- LOUISVIlle's10-9 Will over San Antomo The Padres were 14-1 vIctims In a mg to the Rangers, 11-1, while erupted for 11 runs Qver the last Brenn Schoenherr doubled and JamIe nan, Mike Shepard and BIll Shepard Henry rapped three hits for LOUISVille, "me.'cy rule" shortened game. drubbing the Athletics, 13-0 two mmngs to beat the Indians, 1I,1cCormick had an RBI triple III the had base hits ChriS Oilivar, Mark Penney and Robbie Bryan Jones and Scott Mossman John Bmder's three hIts were the 17-6 The game was close most of fourth Shall n Darke and John Prom COLl' 'lHUS-RICH 1\101\D TIede each had 1\10 hits Kotsls and garnered three RBI each, while only brIght spot m the loss to the the way, wtth Adam Franco of the shared the pltchmg duties for Wlscon Ryan Messacal hit two home runs to Hubbarlh had two hits each for San An Markus went 2.for-3 George Ayr- Rangers Kevm ReId was the wm- Indians duelmg Rusty Knowles of sm Paul Hadad and Matt Bo\\er had lead Columbus to a 15-14Willover Rich- tomo And\ Donnelley and !\lcCormach RBI and John \\ ortman played good de ault, Andrew LIghtbody and Karl ner over Athletics in another "mer- the Tigers. When both pItchers mond Ev Meade chipped m With three pitched 1\ ell fen'ic catchmg tllO \\ell hit f1) balls for Stnebel collected three hIts apiece cy" game, fanOlng 12 whIle gIVing tIred, TIgers' relIef ace Hall went hits and Billy Palazzolo knocked In SIX II \\\ All-PORTl. \ \]) outs m the flfth runs for Richmond for the Padres .. up two hits 10 fIve mnings. Bmder the last four mmngs and allowed Portland scored SIXruns III the fIlth The Braves mpped the Dodgers, two hits and two runs BIg hItters \OTRE 0 -\\1E-~IICUlG \:'\ TOLEDO.BUFFALO agam and went 3-for-3, Includmg a InOlng to break open a close game and 2-1, in a nine-mOlng pitchers' duel for the Tigers were Fellows With ,",otre Dame took a 10-4 wm over Buffalo took a 17 11 Will over Toledo three-run homer take a 127 Will over Hawall Jeff WInner Marcus WysockI fanned 18 three hits, Adlhoch and Andy Michigan as Patrick JarvIs pitched as ChrIS Alff and John Schoemth had Wheeler and Peter Gracey pitched for The Farms-City league-leading four scoreless Innmgs He also went three hits and scored three runs each Portland, Tom Rhodas, Allen Leitch and walked seven, yIeldmg only Tigers took two more games last Bryant With two each D J Hon- 3 for 3 II Ith a smgle, double and triple Jay RICCIand Robbie Klllg had two hits Kelly Sanders and Brtan Natolie \\ere two hits He also came home WIth week to contmue theIr undefeated stam and Dave Hall each scored Tom RaJI and Matt DeBets were each each for Buffalo Booher, Ryan Locke on the mound for Hawall Gary Camp- the wmning run on a passed ball 10 record m Babe Ruth play The three runs 3 for 3 Bnan Brenner and Scott and Nick Rutan werre each 3-for-3 for bell homered for the ",mners, who were the top of the ninth. Doug Lucas Tigers led off the week With a 7-2 The weekend standmgs found the McCam pitched for :-'llchlgan, McCalll Toledo (In a correctIOn from an error also helped by Lann) Tracey's doubles gave up four hits and two passes win over the Red Sox. Wmmng PIt- TIgers at 3-0; the Indians, Red Sox also tripled and drove III a run Also tur- III the Ma) 16 column, Columbus beat Leitch hll a double for Ha\lall whIle strIkmg out eight cher JIm Johnson and rellef Plt- and Yankees at 1-2 each ULSregional streak ends at 13 Another track win fIrst to the 800, the 300 meter low Sports people «('ontmued from Page IC) hurdles and was a member of the The ULS boys' track and fIeld winmng 1600 meter relay team On the baSIS of thIS tournament, team fmlshed Its regular season Blasko RIStiC placed first In the 110 The Woods' Cathy Brown, was Former North the Lady Kmghts are now No 5 to WIth a victory ULS scored 120 10 -1:- 109 \\Ith 16 goals and four assist!, meter high hurdles and the long scheduled to play at the Big Ten High and Ma- points, Lutheran Northwest 36, and Her talhes l11e1ude four goals m the mld\1 est, and No 1 in Mich- Jump Howard Fauntroy was first Women's Tenms ChampIOnshIps 10 Bethesda 17 comb Commun- l:\H S It) I romp over \orth- Igan lB) .\m) Otta ....a}), tn the 200 meter dash and was a Iowa CIty, Iowa, last weekend Ity College Sophomore Bob Wllhams placed member of the wmnlng 400 and 800 ca~tern dnt! l\~o m the Cats 10 t) BrO\~n, an OhiO State Ulllverslty standout John \\ In 0\ er :\rd~~dchusetls .\ meter relay teams Bob Tumacder senior, was slated to start at No 4 Hackett has 3177 \\Ion the 100 meter dash and was a graduate of Cm\ erslt)' Liggett Pl:fil~ SIngles She had a 16-10 (4.410 the been the pltch- School Sherer 1<;also a member of member of the \\mnmg 400 and 800 Big Ten) record gomg mto the mg mamstay of PAVI LI"'N E. Jefferson ~DELI meter relay teams and Jack Ferns the var<;lt\ tenms team at C~H champIOnshIps, despIte slttmg out the Blrmmg 1\ herl' .,he I., a commumcatlOn-; ,~ ) , won the pole vault and anchored ATTENTION matches because of an mJury ham Southern mdJor BOATERS the 400 and 800 meter relay teams College HllltOP- ;L~ Cafl Uncle Harry's Mike Prus placed fIrst 10 'the high Western pers thiS year ~~ f: :- { f f'>~ ,I Jump, Chip DaVIS won the 400 \'W"?lt~~ -~ l\hchlgan UnI- After an excellent fall and sprmg Sailboard "aI!or I{ob \\'ood, 2l '"".. ------~ & meter dash Your food will be \ erslty sopho- season. the semor lefthander m of the Farms. fmlshed eIghth o\er- Members of the \I, mnmg 3200 me- F 1fS! Cn rese Amer can Fooo more pItcher Jured hIS pltchmg elbow agamst all and fifth 10 hiS \~elght dl\'l~lOn In Ready 10 Gol ter relay team were Peter Hardy. BdnG"e! Fac II,es - Recenll; Remodeled Da\e Bab- Auburn UniversIty early m the sea- t he It)S'i \\ a~ ler \\ arId Cha mplon OPEN M SAr Matt Schwartz, Kevm Darby and HawaII Coc~tail lounge cock, of Grosse son After mlssmg several start~, "hlp~ In Isldmorada Fla The B. ~a T.3" 2 a l' ~L."" oc 2M 21809 Mack DaVIS The other member of the 400 POInte. I~as the Hackett has come back to \Im four e\ ent I!> the largest one-deSign 259 1510 259 1511 - Carryout Service meter relay was Norm Issa The 775.3120 \\Imnmg pItcher straIght outmgs One of hiS hIgh regatta III North America WIth 287 other member of the 80U relay team m WMU's 6-4 de- hghts thIS season \\ as pltchmg entrants Wood. \\ho 1<;the son of \\as Mark KozlowskI and roundmg CISIOnover Eas- agamst former North HIgh team- \Iarlhn Wood has \\on the Wa,ler out the wmnmg 1600 meter relay tern MIchIgan mate John Clem, a starter for \orlh' Amencan ChamplOnshlp~ 111 were Lars Knudson, Darby and May 14 He has a Chdrle\ OIX for the past three DaVIS " Western Kentucky Hackett IS a 4-3 record and a 5 22 ERA student 10 Blrmmgham Southern's ~eare; La.,t \ugust he \\on thl' ULS Will compete In the Green nursmg program HIS team IS cur Open Cla"s L'Olted States BOdrd hIlls Relays on Fnday, May 24, m renlly 10 a balile for the Southern .,alhng As<,oclallOn :'\:atlOnaJ Cham Ann Arbor States ChampIOnship and 10 prepa plOn<;hlp<; 111 Amagansett, :\ Y ratIOn for the N A I A tournament Pnor to hI" competitlollIn the Ke~., Girls finish at 15-1 Our Lady Star of the Sea HIgh s{'t for late May t hl<;\\ lI1ter \\ ood Ira Illed \1 Ith :\1<1 The ULS girls' varsIty track and School graduate :\Iary Cnli re lor lIall ,}nd the L S ()1~mpll' field team dId \\ ha t no one ex- cent!) completed her flrst season tram He \Ia" cho<;en \\Ith f!\(' Washmgton Umverslty m 51 Pf'(,fprl fhpm 10 do thiS sea "on - on on the John C~rroll Unlverslty othl'r<; to rpprp"enl the t. ~ :If Ihp LOUIS JUnior ,John Bri'iki, of the May 14, the Lady Knights wrapped Women's basketball team Unh. l mver<;l!\ Games III the :\'ether Woods, fired rounds of 73 and 74 to up an almost perfect dual and Ifl- the daughter of Mr and Mrs 1'\Ild" In ,Jllh T\ll'nt\ t\IO dlflerenl lead the Bears' men's golf team m meet record, defeatmg Bethesda Ibchard Untl, of Cloverly Road IS cOllnlnc<, dfl' eXpCllc.d to compete a victory In the Mlssoun Rolla he!>t Christian Ihgh School and Luth- on an academiC scholarshIp at \\ood 1<,a '>ludent al the Center for hall tournament Apnl 27 The Win cran North\~est Il1gh School, John Carroll after bemg hIghly (reatl\1' ~tlldIC" III Detroit \\ork ended the leam's sea<;on \l,lth a 2 1 8212-50-311 L ULS's fmal record recruited durmg her senIOr year at Ing to\\ard d BFA 111 mdu<;lndl de mark Bn<;kl led the squad 1\ Ilh a was 15-1 Stdr She <;larted every John Car- <'lgn 794 average and three medal<; MAY 25, 26, 27 Semor co-captain Judy Go wa<; roll game at forward, averagmg 10 Flea MarketHours 10AM-SPM high scorer With 12 pomts wmnmg POints and 10 rebounds per game Store Hours SAM-6PM \mong tl1(' re( ellt r ecrulI!> to the the 400 meters and the 300 meter She set a school record for most re- Sophomore Ann (i. ~herer ot 24317 E JEFFERSON Kdlama700 ('ol1<,ge \1 omen's .,oc hurdles, and plac10g third In the hounds 10 a season, breakmg the Grosse Pomte IS 10 her flr51 \('Clr a<, ST CLAIR SHORES MI48080 eer progr,lnl 1<,Stephani{' Smith, hIgh Jump old 1979 record by 30 rebounds Un- 5 BLOCKS NORTH OF 9 MIL! a lacro<;<;e slarter for the l 'nn cr'>l dn All Ledgue defendl'r and cap tl was selected to two ail-tourna- ty of New Hampshire \\Om£oll <, On Friday, May 24, ULS Will Idm of thl' \orlh High "occer learn FISHING HOT LINE fmlsh up With a trip to the Green- ment teams - m the Hiram ClassIC team which 1<;parllclpatIng In Ihe tlm "prIng ~tephanlc \\1111010 Ihe hIlls Relays 10 Ann Arbor • ThiS and the Fmdley Tournament - and ECAC tournament She play('d 10 772-4242 Hornl'l<; 10 11mI' for th('lr nell would up bemg named John Car- all of the team'" game., thl~ yedr time we have two goals," said NCAA calendar schedule thiS fall SchmIdt roll's Most Improved Player and as of May 9, wa" fourth In <;cor K.ildm3l00 \Ia!> q I 1111'> year , . _ .... h-_ .-. ~ Thursday May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-C -_._------~ ------

North vs, South In sports of. ten means close games, hot tempers and one big rivalry, There's a little bit of that in most North-South soccer games, too, but there's a lot more. Like the perpetual mo- • tion of South's Renee Stoyka and the steady play of North's Shannon Armstrong (left) . , . and the class of All-Staters Kim Wood for South and Ame- lia Dugan for North (right) ... the torn loyalties of North dads Howard Parmentier and Larry Black, who coached most of the girls on both squads in youth soccer . . . the shutout goaltending of ~ ~~~ North the tough defense ~A~~},>,-.J::! ( $.. \.{>S; ~~ ,.~ ~,,;; of South the effervescence ,,'Y" ~ > ~ of North's coach Guido Regel- " , .....Is ~ " :-:. ~ 4:.'1.

.-. .... M...... 't JlL ...... __ ...... __ ... _~_-...... __ ~_ ... _ ...... ~h ~~ __ -_~~~ --...... -...... - ...... L Call 882-6900

Page Four-C Classified ads Thursday, May 23, 1985 - lA. I'fRSDHALS 11 I'EIlSONALS lA I'EftSDNALS lA rEIISDHALS 21. TUTOftlHG AND EOUCATION .. HEll' WANTED GEHEftAL ARE YOU SCIIOUSabout loslllg PRAYER TO THE PRAYER TO THE GRADES 1-5, excellent re- SALARY PLUS weigh!') Fed up \\ lth thdt I~DEX TOCLASSIFIEDOFFERED NOVENA TO ST, JUDE ferences, $11 00 hourly HOLY SPIRIT HOLY SPIRIT Apostle dnd Martyr great m COMMISSION tire around \ our mId Holy SpJrlt, you "'ho make me 1. II I...... , cemclIIIIlI .... 1Z ...... J403087J 01 882-7469 Well e;,tabhshed fmdnclal con Holy SpJrlt, you who make me dIIIIIS ... Virtue, nch 111 Illll'acles, sectIOn I Too enlbdra~~ed to see e\ er) tiling and who TUTORING by GI osse Pomte su!tlllg firm IS ;,eekmg see everythmg and who ...'If'" kmsman of ChrIst, 111 \1ear d blkll1l ) Tned e\ en ~hows me the II a\ to reach 1. . Profe~sJOnal WIth 7 ye,m, ad- ;,everdl high quallty mdlvld shows me the way to reach tersessor of .1II who II1voke thmg dnd nothing \IOII..~' 61 my Ideal You \\hO give me my Ideal You who give me you to use your great God vanced educatIOn $15 hour uals to fill career pO!>ltlOn Just feeltng 10USj I Hunlllug the Dl\'lne Gift to forgive the DlvlI1e GIft to forgive 1 ..... 1Idce 11"111 VIM~_ - Tnlc*s AI Makes given power to aid me 111 my by appoll1tment, 822 4978 opel1lngs Excellent traIn out of ga~ betOl e the dd) l~ and forget the \\fong that I~ and forget the wrong that I;' 1A ...... UIgent pelltlOn In return I lng, compensatIOn and 0\ er' I ch,lllenge \ ou to the done to me dnd you who are done to me and j au IIho are 1. SIcr*UII 5mIce lIMa proml~e to mdke vour name TUTORING benefit package to tho;,e who one ,1Ild on1\ pI oduct Jll1eou m all mstances of mv hfe m all Instances of my hfe 1t: 0lIIturiIs l1J c. ' kno'" n Pld\' for us who d;,k I ALL SUBJECTS qualIfy College degree pre the mdrket tll.!t s gUdl an 111 1111 l11 Bwy \11th me I thiS 'short \llth me I, m thiS ;,hOl t 2 £MINi: .Ult can for your ald-, St Jude, Say J I GRADES I TlIRU 12 fell ed but will con;,lder teed to lo~e mull1 pound~ .1 I dldlogue \Idnt to thank) au .... EMatilMl 11L hrtsItins dialogue ",ant to thank \OU 12A Our Father;" .3Hall Marys, PIWFE~SIONAL FACULTY equl' dlcnt employment ul mouth plu~ gl\ e~ \ ou lot~ 01 121Mb .. I for e\ er) tlllng dnd wnflrm for everj thmg and confirm 21 MlriIlI .. £WtItlon Motws .3G10nds ThIS Novena has ~ale;" tedchll1g, coachll1g, or enel'g\ ,lI1d m,lke~ \ ou I('el ....., IIIstnlctIon WE CAN HELP once more thdt I never \1dnt once more that I never want ZC 12A IIoIt IIt1IIir never been known to fdll I reidtI'd field Send re;,ume gledt \ monel bdll-. to be sepdrdted from j ou no to be separated from you no 2D c.ps 121 IIlNIt Decbge , S.. GROSSE POINTE to G Housey, 2075 West Big guar,lllt('cd h(,dllli dnd or SdY No\'ena for 9 ddy; LEARNI:'-JG CENTEH matter hO\1great the mater- matter how great the mater- 2E ScIIeIIs 12C ~ My request was grdnted Beaver, ~ulte 310, 1'10\ II eight lo~~ progrdm de Ial deSIres ma} be I Ilant to 1.st .. foil. 13 RIlII £stI. - IietIeraI 0.3Kel cheval on the Hili lal deSires mal' be I ",ant to 3 _ w.ted ...... Thank you St Jude G D 48084 ~Igll('d [O! e\ el \ one Pled~e 34J 08.30 34.3OB.3b be \I lth YOUand my 10\ ed be With you and m} loved 4 13A 1.Its .... sat TELEPHONE mtervlewers - IllqUII c 011 hO\1 to Std) 131 Fer S* ., ReIlt one;, 111 } our perpetual glory ones In your perpetUdI glor) 4l IMlp MIlIIcIlIDeMaI WRITING/RESEARCH/ COLLEGE STUDENT dVail no expenence neees~arj hea Ilhj ,lI1d get \I eallh) , 13C .., Prtperty ,\men Am~ • IIeIII IApl able lor tutonng elementar) Students and housewlve;, f;" 1~T\ 1"'1 ,rot t~~", "',.. f"l1 hn ..r '1'...... 1 ~,... \ • ""... ,-.,1" 1" " • '" fl w...... t-,.4 ~'!~ 'tk ...... ,...... -.l ...... IIIIIh, RESUMES Tb .....u~ )VU fVJ JOur 1G• .2 tc. ~ ~ dllll lII~il ~Luuul, UI IIlWI ~a;h' \ bu~me~~ opportulll .'~~~'~d~U~~'''dri'r:n;U.I~v~vd _ -h-stic: 13f ;.;.u;;~ -'-r- -f Hlochures ;,peeehes edltll1g, l' ull dnd part time po;,ltlOn;, wards me and my loved 40 ested 111 ledrnlllg Spamsh open Guaranteed hourly tj for ('\ el j one I~aVdllable ones Pray thiS prayer 3 can ones Pray thiS prayer 3 con 41 ItIlISe SItttIIt SIrYIces 13f IIortIIIm Acreage mdnuah semmar!>, artlc les frum a natIve ;,peaker? wages Day and evel1lng Cdll dm tlllle .3ll 776 7,E6 ~ecutl\ e da' s \\ lthout askmg secutlVe day;, WithOut askmg 4f 136 "... .. Sale SIrtIm " bdlMIte GI eat' Call Gracia Dalman hours avalldble Apply 111 ) our WIsh, after third day SIIMItIell ..... 8823t46 WANTED Person ([emalel to your wl~h, after third day 5 1311 C•• "c cial I'1'DpeftyI dfter 4 p m dt J72-9.376 person, between 10-4p m dt your wish", III be granted, no ShJIatiIIl DoMestic exercise With me two or your WIsh will be granted. no I SA ...... PROFESSIONAL 20811 Kelly Road, SUite L 2 matter how diffIcult It may t lid 131 e:e.tery lItI 20. CAMI'S three mornmgs a week matter how difficult It may I 51 c._ care ~dSt DetrOit be Then promise to pubhsh be Then promIse to pubhsh 5C 1.. Real EstIte ...... MASSAGE IJdne Fonda exercIse CatIItIIt CAMP ARBUTUS - Pnvate EXERCISE Instructor;, We thiS prayer as ;,oon a~ jour thiS prayer as soon dS your I 51 E!IJIc, .... t AetIlC'f 1. Lots Wi1NltId tapc;,) In mj home 882 FOR WOMEN girl'; camp Grand Traverse are 100kll1g for experienced favor has been granted I IIentaIsIItelnI Apts., ete: 141 YacatIelI... SldM1lIn 4469 favor has been granted & Judy Thank j ou for fa\ ors recel\ Thank you tor favors recelv I GItae Pel ... Pnlperty wa.ted ared June 2.3rd July 20th, teacher;, and also m;,truc TEl\NIS Les;,ons - on pnvate ed VG ed J W IA ~ Apts., etc: 15 ~ 882-3856 Jul} 21st August 17th Call tOlS to train Please send tenms court, 10 veal';' ex- kClllr_ 11 tit SllIc 881 9442 Wnte Mayfield, resume to 21517 Kelly Road, penence Please call Drew CUSlOM woodwork ~uahty PRAYER TO THE "BE A STAR!" I l\hchlgan 49666 East DetrOit, MI 48021 At carpentl y WIth a personal .. III!tllslUe •• , a,a., s: 1M a Pel Mascarm 884 5619 HOLY SPIRIT 111 I'wt...... ,..... Have your weddmg ceremony tentlOn' Director touch Ornamental wood- Holy Sptrlt, you who make me Ie ...... and receptIOn Videotaped 111 3. LOST AND FOUND EXPERIEl\CED 1tC HInes .... SaIl \\ork, home Improvement, "ee everything and who II tall"'''' a,a.. *= 17 1"IlItilII1lIll __ full color and sound SUMMER Recept'ol1lst With TECHNICIANS kitchen deslgnmg 111 \\ ood or DIIroIt LOST Male Irish Setter, tj'Pll1g SkIlls, downlown of- IFormer Bell Employees) shows me the way to reach liO 18 ...... SIrW:e CALL MEMORIES VIDEO formlcd Portfoho sampLes my Ideal You who give me ~".ftc; 758-287') Shannon, 11 years old fice bUlldmg 963-1400 Phone InstallatlOlI and .... Afu 1M t.rIIIt IISIaIIatioI Epllepllc Lost Outer Dnve/ RepaIr Work Done and references available the Dlvme Gift to forgive IE SHOP FOREMAN upon request Free estl- ...... a,a. .. IIIr 1...... - Air VOLlJNTEEHS Nottlllgham area Reward Red~onably and forget the wrong that IS Fer .. ,...... Needed for a well estabhshed mate~ Bruno Trentacost el ••• 111 \:'oID DONr\TIONS 331 0624, 494-5.372, 822 3418 Don Palmer Hank Mobley done to me and you who are ' :: ... .., RelIt lie c.-., .. Rlet*U NEEDED NOW' DetrOit firm Must be dg- 628-1406 111 all II1sLances of my hfe III 884 2828 573 0925 ernce ...... ~ Sell tickets fOI the NatIOnal I LOST Near Allemon';, on gresslve and responsible r\ C S Video ServIce - wed- With me I, 10 thIS short II Cerebral Palsy Games Call Warren, SIlver ladles watch PrevlOUS experience desired YOUR HOME ...... 11D lIc:blIiUIIs dlllg dnd receptIOn VIdeo dialogue want to thank you U ...... StIn IlIJIt MISS Thorpe 875-4080 and 81, WIth personahzed engrav- but not reqUired Send A WORK OF ART for everythmg and confirm • 111 AIanI"~ tdped m ;,tereo for $95 Also "-l 11F IIISlIIatIIlI Monday through Fndaj 9 I mg Please call 284 0628 name, address, phone Pen and Ink, once more that I never want ... s,.ce home II1ventory Referen SIIIre IJIIII QarIen 111~ am- I p m LOST Woman's gold tone La- number and a bflef descrllJ- Watercolor and Notecards to be separated from you no :. ces 8393149 AeriIla VKaIleI ..... NO CHANGES , Marque wnstwatch m VII- hon of expeflence or qualifI- of Your Home, matter how great the mater- II ...... VzdIa 1811 ... - .,. 1erYIl:e NO CANCELS lage, vlclmty of Krogers catIOns to POBox 33963 Busmess or Boat By LOSE WEIGHT - feel good lal deSIres may be I want to 181 ftIIr '1 I DetrOit 48232 ' CAROL A SINCLAIR ...... sa.,.., , OF CLASSIFIED ADS Reward Call 777-5434 Money back guarantee Call be With you and my loved vaeaa...... All 19 ...... PART-TIME day prep person 886.8468 Mary Rogers 773.7528 ones 111 your perpetual glory 10 AFTER 12 :\lOON ;\IONDA YS FOUND Black male Lab I 20 PI-. Mice ['0 EXCEPTIONS' about 9 months old, area 9 and dishwasher for down- Amen ... 2M SIWIIg IIacIIlIe semce tOIl n restaurant Bus person DON'T AVOID THE ISSUE ... Thank you for your love to I 7 ...... SUMMER Workshop In all 1\1IIe and Mack 779-4323 ...... LIWtIII 281 BIdrtcII SInIcI also needed 964-3160 wards me and my loved II types of dra\\ mg. all medIa FOUND Beagle, da rlll1g CALL YOUR AD IN ON FRIDAY, MAY 24 FOR THE ones Pray thiS prayer 3 con 20C TY'" IIadlI ...... MAY 30 ISSUE CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE CLOSED 71 ....~ II IIelIt 2011 S1Itms lIlId SCreeRs for teen~ dm! adults Pa;,tel joung male, large green col- secuhve days WithOut askmg TELLERS 7C RelIt portJ $10 - dehver\ avalla ble VIDEO SERVICES Free esllmates • Reasonable FOUND 5!16, Whittier! Har- Bu) a dozen or bU\ a gro;;, A GHEAT lId) to Available for home II1ventory l1C cars SIre - UI. 2W ~ ...... rates Complete door bell 111 tan - All 0tIIer per, all black, male dog, Workers celebrate. and real estate Vel'\' rea- - .,..... TIlIerilII servIce probably one year old, part sonable • 111 - ::.. 2tX ar....- /' BOB 822-5'761 882-4968 11f ~ .... 2tY ,....,.. semce Lab, part? Owner or to a Day and afternoon shlfLs As 11, SECIIETAIUAL sembly, packagmg, ware- 775-2554 111 C!eIIkers II1II JlIIkefi 20l .... CI)I ..... r-..al good home 886-8373 SEIIVICE LOST German Shepherd, 10 hou;,!', ShlPPll1g and recelvmg lA, I'EIISONALS TYPING SEHVICE - Manu months old, black/tan, red lA. I'EIISDNALS <;cnpts letter;" re~ume;, collar, last seen Maryland teblm pd,pe!S etc Reason and CharlevOIX i\nswers to • 18 years of age and over TO INTRODUCE Carole Cox DE \DBOLT LOCh!'l • Available for 8 hour shifts UIRt:AKID! LPN Myolherapy mas- I:\ST \LLED a Ie 88_ 0,93 I Manmx Reward Call 822- • Rehable TransportatlOll sage - your home 771-7193 (lllelud1l1g Lock &. Labor) BOOKKEEPI~G done In mj 5406 or 331-4968 =~-=:c:-"=-::-",--:-""""~=-I De\ ler !led \ Y du tY 1 bolt home Accounts recellrable! FOUND Mmlature Schnauzer THANKS TO the Holy Spmt, Hegular $60 - SpeCIal S I'. 'I; Come dressed to work between payable, pdj roll, etc , pIck female Sflll and pepper 8am -4pm Sacred Heart of Jesus, • Locks Repdlred &. Reke\ed up and delivery 882-1226 Flea collar 526-3253 Mother of Perpetual Help (,EH \LD C GILB()E' Pegg} ------LAKESIDE - MACOMB St Jude and St Anthony for :\IASTER LOCKSMITH TYPING WORD processlllg IF YOU have lost an ammal answenng prayers V P WOHK GUARANTEED 42400 GarflCld, SUIte D resumes, $4 25 a page, 45c please contact 286-7000 HOG ROAST or ox roast, \ve 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE "ddltlOnalongmals Notary AntI Cruelty, 891-7t88 have the meat and the ,QI-llg2 S C S 772-2809 13569 Jos Campau, DetrOIt ROSEVILLE gnlls to cook them up nght EXPERT \.\oodworklllg furn TYPING SERVICE - Manu- ... HELl' WANTED GENERAL 25B69 Kelly Road, SUIte B Hogs or beef party roast 40 Iture, cablllets, doors, fIre 7798100 pounds and up We cater, place mantels etc Quaht, scnpts, letters, resumes, rent Ihe equipment or do It \I ark Reaso~able pnces term papers, etc Reason EXPERIENCED SHELBY!UTICA , yourself 727-1450 or 7271 521 1637 Ken able 882-0793 CLOTHING 52188 Van Dyke 9765 ' TYPING - Fast quahty ser------SMALL DOG sltlmg m mj 2542980 vice Rea~onable 884 8670 SALESMAN I TENNIS LESSONS pnvale or I home :'>lotover 13 pound;, For long esLabhshed store Ge l\'EED YOUR resume re\\nt II group P B I Pro Contact Excellent references 885- neral 1\Iotors BUlldmg area I 0\1 nold 822 ll'I,1 30lQ ten to profeSSIOnal stdn- Excellent beneflLs mcludmg dards? rail 82034453 hOSPlLa]wllton 871-£060 1\11' KELLY THE THREE R'S RESUMES, theses term Kabak I papers reports, repelltl\e GENERAL Office \Iork m- SERVICES I OF CLASSIFIEDSI I letters \\ ORD PROCESS- cludmg tYP1l1g,record keep- The' Kelly" Girl People ING CompetitIve pnces! mg, proofreadmg and shIp Not an agency, never a fee I RATES - RULES - REGULATIONSl qualitj \Iork 521 3300 p1l1g procedures Send In Equal Opportulllty Employer l\I1FIH 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE 48236 2. ENTEIlTAINMEHT qUIres to Grosse POlllte I Ne\\s, 99 Kercheval, Gro<;se CASH RATE: 10 \Iords for S,l 2'; SUMMER PARTY? POlllte I"arms, l\11c11Igan SECRETARIES 25\' each additIOnal 'lord 48216 Box K 81 Gellmg marfled? Graduatillg? ------I We Belong Togetherl BILLED RATE' Sioo blIlll1g charge Add plano for atmosphere EXPERIENCED Gnll Cook I I Call Dan - wanted full tIme Apply at S2 00 I[ not paId 111 10 da} ~ Kelly Services has challenglllg I ?780824 Your Place Lounge 17126 long and short term a~slgn '''() E- Ea;,t Warren, DetrOit OPEN RATE \!ea<;ured ad $I) 00 per IIlch I PIA , ntertamment for ~---""',""',------ments for you You'll re Border ad $7 00 per IIlch I \\eddmgs fashIOn "hO\\~ COLLEGE Student needed for celve 'extra charges for cap'i bold cocktail partie;, background child care III my home, sum dar"er border<;, dots <;tar~ musIc [or dll OCCd<;lOn;,B8'i I mel only 6 a m 4 pm' Excellent pal' photo<; reI er'ie<; etc 0 621'i Monday Fnday Own tran<; • Ment lIlcreases KIDS ... Looking for a summer job? portatlOn needed Call after • Panl vacation DEADL!I\ES LIGHT HEARTED 'i P m 88'i-'i148 I • Chance to Irarn new s"lIls We II put your ad In The Grosse POinte News - FREEl Just fill RULES' Error correctlon<; mu<;t be ENTEHTAINMENT ------_ out the coupon below and submit before June 5 Your ad Will ap- cdlkd 1I1 b\ ;\10\0 \ Y \()(j\ I\IAGICIAN DRIVERS NEED!':D' I CALL US TODAY FOR pear the week of June 13 Be sure to Include your name and age (anee)<; mu<;t be ca lied 111 b) ROBERT COOPER Good dnvmg record WIll ;\TORE IM,'ORMATION' tra1l1 I':'\cellent monel I In ad :\!O\DA Y '\OO'\, ALL AGES OCCASIONS maklng potrntlal Appl) Change~ In tOPy must be called In , 77fJ8100 SAMPLE: Will do lawn work and 885 4210 per~on I III b} 1\I0\DA Y '\00"\ IW!:>EVILLE .'lJ gardening Greg 14 000-0000 \F:\\ COpy deadlllle IS CLASSIC4.L mU~lC [or JOUr 1'i'i01 :\lack Ave I TUESDAY;,\OO:-' I next occasIOn Solo, duo I SIIOHT ORDER cook I\anted Only available to students up to age 17. 0:-'0 EXCEPTIO:\<, o'\, Tm~ tno qUllltcl GUItar \11I1d~ I [ull lime 17120 Harper' \HOVE' I VOlce 1'i46276 Front Page ~aloon 81149441 i KELLY I . Pre payment reqUired on r------~ II \I \(,1( <,1/0\\ <., \\dllilble \fATUlU: non ~mol-.er for I ~ef\ Ice a(h for 11Iflhdd\ p.lrl]('~ b,lIl p.lrl time general office/de 2 ~ltuat\On \.\anted ad" SERVICES ' --+------+------IjUl'h \()11l '()(Iill ,1ffdlr~ nral a.'l11l081> 1 1 \\anted to rent or sharr 1i\1I1g The Kelly' GIrl People I (;111 hm <,hdnnon 77P (,\0') :'-Jot an agency never a fee quarter" , 3, LOST AND FOUND _ 1.------i------+------.\ \fovll1P" ,:lIp Fl1l1:l1 ()f'pnr'un1f~ Errp!nycr I ------j------+------'; Out o(IOv.n or 'itatc ads I M/FIH 1 6 .\11 auto a d'i out of Gros~r I EXPERIE:'-JCED Cook ",ant -+------+------POlntr area WOODS MUSIC If you lose me 1I --'- ..1- _ ed ;\lanagerlal quall[lca REGULATIONS f{e~pon<;lbi\ltj for .1 c1d~~I[led STUDIO or find me l tlOn'i Call 2'i9812,) advertl<;lng error I~ IimltNI to (,( n \ It PI\ ....0 Ill{( \1\ I I OI'_LlVr:R\ Pr:HSON mll1l- eIther a cdocella(100 or Ihl' THEOH\ I mum 18 years Monday charge for the ad 111 error or a re- - ONE WORD PER SPACE - HOl11l or ~tll(lio I Friday aftel noon call AA2 run of Ihr portion In l'rror "I;otl I 20'14 l \Id('k ' I 72'17 Name [Icatlon mu<;!})('glvrn III lime for (.II) \\ ('e"

f -l_~~ ~~ _ ......

Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flve-C 4A. HELl'WANTED 4 HELPWANTEDGENERAL 4 HELl'WANTEDGENERAl 5. SITUATIONWANlED 4. Hell' WANTEDGENEIlAL •. HEL' WAHlEDGENEftAL MEDICAL/DENTAL 4C IIAIYSITTERWANTED 4E. HOUSESlTTIHOSERVICES AN AUTHENTIC and excillng SUBSTITUTE REAL ESTATE NURSE AIDES FIUENDLY Mature woman to RETIRED DetrOIt pohce of E}..PEHIENCIW NURSES' new French bakery and cafe HANDYMAN babySit 6 month old and 4 flcer and Wife will babY.>lt dlde'> aVdllable Reasonable IS openmg .June 15 at Edst. SECRETARY A PERFECTIONIST seek.> a CLASSES HOME HEALTH AIDES year.> old In my home 3 day.> your home while you go on rdle<; Fr,l.>er Agency State land Mall Now dl'ceplmg Sub.>tllute .>eeretdl y for com PERFECTIONIST Cla,>.>e.>now forming for 5>tate MU.>thdve attended 60 hour or per week Non .>moker, re 5>ummer valallon EXLCllenl l1len"ed and bonded applJcatlons for the follow. mUnl1y mental healLhagen -You MUST be a "JACK approved 40 hour pre hcen.,e mOl e Nun,e AIde lour~e frence.> reqUired Call after reference!> !,'urther In 291 1717 cy MU.>t be d high school OF ALL THADI<:S" tralllrng Classe.> .>tart 5>oon \\ 11h cerllfllale Within the b p m 882.4749 Ing p05>ltlon.>, baker'.> formdtlOn, lall731-3:>:>1 dlter HE'fIJ{ED H N 10 year.> helper5>, prep depdrtment, graduale, lype 50 WPM, be (Plumblllg carpentry gdl'- Malenal.> chdrge of $45 la;,t 3 ye,m NEEDED for August 23 lhru 5 30 Hell! I l' or d Hel I(Jom W1l1 counter help, buslllg dnd traillable on 5>wJtchboard denrng, ete ) Schweltler School of Red! OH 29, own trdn;,portatlOn, re HOU~ESIT I'ING done bv Ie, 1<1"('ld'>( In !IomE June dlld cashiers Full dnd parl.lJme and be able 10 demon.>trdle - You MUST drive E.>tate Nur.>l.' AIde expenenle withlO ferencI.''> 885 4633 pon.>lble expenenled lol lull ,1/,1 11,1, lh,~ pOSitIOn!> available No ex k I d f b ff - lidYl' your dd).> free B 30 Permll ;;170 the la.>t I yedr.> 10 ho.>pltal now e ge 0 d.>JC 0 Jce .J 00 In the POlllles, ldll George lege .>tudent EX(eJ]lllt nur.>Jng home or home DEPENDABLE person to '\L!'.J) \ LfejJemJdtJle college penence necessary We WIll procedure:> Word proce.>!> Smdle dl 88(, 4200 Gro5>.>e Pmnle reiel ell(('" trdlll Interested applicants lIlg expenenle pI elerred ( r-JOT ALL> hedlth ldre II dtlh boy.> (10 and 14) after ,>Iudellt ILddy to ....ork ) Par l\!Lbl hdve Jpliable trdn.>porld ,chool and Will need full dlaJldble Hea;,ondble rdt(,,> t\ heJpll Ildletl rnl.>c ex .>hould apply In person Mon Thl.>per.>onwillbeoncallto WIll ]JdY UP to$lO/hour SCHWEITZER 7711,027 - ledve Ildme lIOn jJexlble 'lhedulll1g on lime help OH~I .>ummer My tcnor mterwr homc lare ddy May 27, al EastJelreldrle:> Apphldnl>, LolliONL" betWl'Cl! REAL ESTATE number Mdll, belween9 cl m -bp m III four ea.>t.>Jde locoltlon.> 7 dnd 9 p m home ldre d,>,>lgnmenh home on f'leet\\ ood 1Il Hdr \n(h Hil62%6 UPJOHN per Wood'> Cdll alteJ {, 00 STANFOIW Un1Ver.,111 grdd NURSEHY 5lhooJ leclcher Please .>end re.>ume.> to 11841989 BETTER HOMES (O\IPEIE\I lompdnlOn Plea.>e don t Ildste OUI tIme, AND GARDENS pm 8820H23 udle .>tuden! ....orkJng for Ge ecl.>tslde co op .>eek:> ex Box B 33, GI o.>.>ePOl1lte Ne\l.> cdll me only If you IJIl the dldp .1I dlldble for dmbula HEAL TH CAR E MY HOME 1 boy, summer neral Motor, thl.> ,ummer to! \ 1,1<11d'> 1IIe In ') days penenced tedcher for 3 and 99 Kellheldl GI o'>se Pomle bIll I !llleed )OU for a long ()()K - ('xpellenced ddy or SERVICES lacdllOn Monday Fnday, .>eck.>hou,>e.>lltl1lg \llddh 01 I\(.ekh i,11,.,'>ePOlllle refer 4 yedl old L1<1;,;,esFOI IIltor Fdllll;" !'Ill 41123b tIme night, tull 01 ]Jdllll/llP I June to end oj ,\ugu'>l He 8720200 277 2ObO, fl!H7110, exlentlOn'207, dfter ClllC~ I 1.14 ))72 matJOn call I\ldrJdnne 885 EqUdl OPPOI tUlllty Emplovel 1ll<;1,P v~Al\TED 1\d Vdl! " ('ololl\ EJ'>I He'>t lelenle.> a\dIldble (.111 .1420 or ClIld) BBb6290 DE:'>.'IAI. A,>,>I,>tdnlIIdilled 41 {, P m 822 41')2 1\\ 0 POlnic Ibldent,> \'. 111do GIW~~E POIl\TE Cdble T V FULL TIME dUldnl 172 1720 d'>k 101(,01 ,f>!i 0059 ddY'> peJ IIeek III Gro,>;,e MATURE Iloman 10 lare for' dedn up" Id\'. Il l uttlng odd LANDSCAPE ldborel'> full I.>lookll1g lor pdl t tnne '>dle'> lAI{f'ET CLEANING die WILL HOlJ~E~n month, tJme, Idtal fOI college .>tu POinte dred ']Pnl,d prdl IIle 7 yedr old girl on olcd.>lOndl ' Job,> dnd hdn<1I mdn \\ ork I ep:> No expel1en( I.' needed CALL 772-21Jl:l ,"EA \T~ I HE~'" \1 ,1Il!ed l"lx'll June/July Formel Lro'>.>e den I.> Cill 884 97b8 belli een 'I ('lLphom' Dldlle fl82 1120 I \\eel-.elld.> Must hke dog.> I Po2418'!7 WlIl t rd I'] ('nn JI',lOll.> dnd BAIUIAID \\ dnted day.>, full I ellled \11111 lO/lllllll lid I Pomle re.>lden!;, I elentlv 6 pm- 9 p m MU.>Ibe dble MeDICAL HeleptlOlll'>l -I Cdll dfter 4 p m 1182,1790 "'E\IORCflll'£~\ ldrc ('Iell bonu5>e, \\ 01" 0\1 n hour'> Ill, Ilme top PdY Apply FrIddY pOllCI ~('II Illg JI1dlhl1le,>dnd retired to Flondd Pel dnll to stdrt Immedlalely pdrt time Tuc'>dd) dnd PLAYFUL, energellc per.>oll I Ing., ..II'd II lekL'nd~ I{efer lery plea;,ant dtmo;,phel e 13 ;5llO MdCk 82222&9 I Idilolll1g oJ mu,>t ,\lu.,1 1)(' pldnt ldrc 1 3U:>7RI Il29 '1hUI.>ddi %2 Ji>fl4 lo help mom With ne\\ born: ('Ill c'> \ftCJ 6 P m ,')7-1025fl GREAT .JOB for sludent, ('11dll entlle gdl TE'\TH \ ldr ",t1lng tine .>chool no\\, 1ddy::' p!.'r \1eel-. 1nlerVle\\ 'iEEDED luJll1me hfe guard I menl \ppltldtHJJ1' dJe bp PAl{T 1 !I\lr. medlldl d,'>I;, and 3 girl.> beglnmng mid I I.()\ 1\(, \10;0,1 II III baby.>it June 5 day.> d II eek 4 to b home'> Helerellll''> 'i21 ,201 dUllllg the .>ummer Some < PL'RSON< d h h for the Jeffer.>omdn Apdrt I JIlg dlcepted at If,] Ci ) our lhdd dgC' I 7 1~ m) BU ., r,. ,~, J" \\d5> er5> menl'> 8213000 I ldnt needed fOI (do.>"e hour.>dday Gredl5>ummer 1 Ivorng ...kill" I!'UrdnlC IOl'ln, Il'qUired IIUUf:>101 ,0JlJl'Olle ....110lU,C., I ledge of IBM/PC prefer ~~~thII~ork;~g'pd.;e~~-A.~~i~ CHEF - Evenlllgs, Wdllre5>s, ' HOl ~E\\ 1\ E" I Drop If" Ilelcome LI rdble Off Ice locdled m Gros \1Ilh good tjplllg ,>J..i1l.>~end kid'> Heferenle'> requIred LIVE 11\ LOmpdnlon Cdre tor len,( d illl, (j4ll7 (,Io.>'>e Tuesday, !\1dy 28 22385 10 FdrIlld s Grd~ery 18431 Looklllg 1m ..I ne\1 ldleel' re.>umc to Box;;\\ 19, 8fl15536 I elderly, $100 \Iet'kll re se Pomte Woods 11844750 Mile Road, dfter 3 p m 293- Mdck, Gro.>:>e I olllte \\ dnt to edlll $1, (lOll~21l\1011 PQlllt(' \\olJd., GI o'>'>c POinte i\ell'>, !J9KCI 1\I0THEH'S IIELPEH 40 I ' lerenlc.> lH'J 1,4,) 53b2, 771 ,715 ('OU1\ TER Per.>on - regIster, pel \ Cdl ' \0\1 "the (11Ill' tu D01,L\i{ \11 !lour Dal Care TELEVISION lhcVdl Glo,>,>e POll1lc hour'> per week durIng .>um FEl\IALE, 2i \ edr;, old \1Jlh STUDENT for yard \Iork checkoul, lar rentab Full '>ldll d ldl ('CI 111 I c,lI c'>l"ll' ( olleg(' ;,ellior II III ldre for F,IJ m.> \11 4823b mer \Val m energrl)l ten yeal 5>01 expcnenlc .IIH] NEWSCASTER Minimum Ilage 882,1,44 or pdll1lme 17800 Mdlk ..It We hd\e opelllng'> IlJI qUdJ your lhI1dl cn 9 .j II cekday s AHE YOU dll R "I Illtcrc:>led I )oung \IOman, to care 3 eXlellenl relelemc'> .1\.111 $20,$2:>,000 per year Po.>slble AMBITIOUS YOUNG men for Hlvard Illed IlldIVldu,lI., 1"1 PC Ii C,LheduJlIlg f1el.lbJl' 885 4398 III the "Il" ,md elder!) I Are boy,> dge;, 3 10, 13 mu:>t dble to gl\ e 101mg Ull e 10cl relOCatIOn HUlIlg Toddy' lmmedldte employment WAITHESS - lno expenence len,>c dd;,~e,> dl1d d(!ldlllCd Call :>37 1200 IOU dn H 'i \llth nur"lllg drl\ e Begm June lrd Ref derll or halldlldpped pel"OIl L1\'E I'\LOmpdllJOntorelder WIth re.>ldentldl buildIng nelc.>.>anl to\liorkeJstslde, Ildllllllg plollded (,ill lor 1\ gE'nt leman 111 (,rosse JOB NETWORK home dnd '>upel I 1;'01 ex elenle.> Cdll 8fl4kd 6372 dfter No hIe m 7913581, contrdllor 1181nbl bdnquet fdllllly Fndayand I dn IIltel Vlell A.,J.. 1m Bill Pomle \\ ood.> Hou.,ekeep pel lenle > Are you dn It N :>30 P m II~e dy.> ,lI1y I BOAT \~ ASH ING - expel I 26095 ~choenherr Fee ------SatUJdayelemngs $3 50 per Whltlh('1 77977bO I Intel e.>ted In good II age'> ) lune \i eeken s I enled dependable mel.pell II1g dnd medl prepdrdllOn AIRLINES HANDYPERSON one ddY a hour Willte umform needed ,\f{E YOU mlere,>ted III ,I fUll ('.Ill HHI0499 ....eek for WlIldoll Ila.>hlllg, Ideal fO! hIgh .>chool JUllJors I ('xclt1ng pO.>ltlOn' \ ..1'>"00 Full or pdrt tIme pO.>ltlOn ~ITTER for 2 boys, Monday I ;'1\ I.' reference:> Cdll Jon WILL TRAIN! dlddable Send re.>ume to Fndal dunng s~,mmer ~ ~OI dfter ') 10 882 7309 IF \01 dll'dnd!tolne\ Ilho gutter clednmg, light gar- 01 5>emor 8932500 before 5'1 1<-1.' ('I edm 1',11101In hl,>tOlll Ill'ed'> dll dlcounldnl to help LocalOpemngs Call us Today denmg, and general clean H828388 after 5 Grl'ek '1'0\1111., nOlI dl(('I,t Box N b2, Grosse Pomte am;, 10 p m Call 884 ;,427 I EUHOPEAN gdrdener dlld dt 557-1200 up work Hefel ence5> reqUlr ------I I l News, 99 Kel cheval, Grosse after 6 p m I carelaker looklllg fOi full \ 011 Il1dlldge .I hl"IIlt''>'' 'dll ed 885 b440 I\IECHANIC or dpprenllce mg dpp Ildllon,> 01 p,lI 11112 hllW JOB NETWORK -I POInle Fdrms l\1I 482% LOOKI"IG FOn mdlurc P('J I time Job 111 Gro,>"e POlllle ------full orparthme, tools, days tllne 01 lull 'Ilne help [II SA. SITUATIONWANTED 26095 Schoenherr Fee 00 M k t R d tel c"ted mdl\ IdUdb lIlII,,1 CTIC I '>Oll10 ldf(' tOI 2 lhildren dred \llth hIe III E\. AnENTI O N 17B ac a Ivar I 'Ipply In per;,on 'dl,lr~ CHIROPRA ' m\ hOlTle LIght hou'>eJ..eep I penence over 20 ) eM., fl74 DDMESTIC DRIVERS GUARD - u/llform needed, 9 I ~ I ')0 ~~ (J(l .Ill huul 10 ,>tdlt ASSISTANT ll1g ~IOlldd\ Fllddl 7 lU, 244b after b p m eLE \l'l dependable hone~t $7-$10 HOUR GUYS/GALS I pm 2 d m , Fridays, Sa. i l'nllll1lled hOUJ;, I'le"ble Loves people, \1Ilhng 10 \Iork pIll Itierelllc, LIII dltt'l EXPERIENCED Seu eldf\ Germ,1Il \1omdll deSire" dal No experience neces!>ary Hu- turddy5>,S4perhour 89'l2500 I schedule" ,lI \lonIOl' hal d dcdlcdted and cnthu.> -"I O-V( I de.>lre.> pO:>ltlOnon ed,1 '>Ide \\01" preleldbl} Ea5>t.>lde mg today' Call U.>at 557 TRAVE L before 5 8828388 after 5 Dellolt la.>tll.-, e'penenle deSired or Iten Cen 10CdtlOII Bdlk 8.1987HI 1200 but wdl IrdIn l\lusl t) pe ground Include;, b year5> HI ImmedIate opemngs for 10 ArrENDANT - lull or part SOMEONE 'I () l,1l e IJ you C(li\lPA~I01\ 'iUl se JOB NE'I \\'ORK lime 17BOOMack al RIVard I' hdve dilldy:> II dnted 10 help 10335Willtller, near Hdrper LAUNDRESS, one day per corpordte legal CIlVII guy.> and gals Not under 18, free to RECEPTIONIST I "omeon(' dnd hd\e loom In 526.5433 \Ieek FamIly laundry plu.> dl1d 7 yedr.> m COmmUnlld ll' IIlvdlld 01 cOllVdle<;cent, WORKER Needed, lBor over, slarl Immediately Travel No Experience Necessary your hearl dnd home then some Ironing of flOe Imens 110115>and publiC relatlon~ 7 I11ghl.>\1eek 1\ or 2-1hours to assist marIne carpenler DENTAL and pre.>smg clothe.> such d:> AVdlldble 1mmedlateh For dround the clolk Good re U S With ullIque bus1l1es.> $5 15-$b/hour plus beneflts I !o'>ter pdrelllmg fOI d lblld With boat repair, mU.>1be de- group No experIence neces. lImng today' Call 557-1200 I Illth menl,t1 I L1dl ddtlOlI RECEPTIONIST silk'> etc I\lu:>t have refer IIllerVle\1 call 88213-15 OJ lerenle.> $') hourly Sleady, pendable, With own trans. sary TransporlatlOn fur JOB NETWORK I mlghl be 101 \ ou llelp" Full lime POSItion for a pro ence.> .IS d Idundre.>.> BIlb 133:>and ledvE' me:>'>dge dependdlJle \VOl keJ If Ill. portatlon 884-0961 Illshed, returned guar 2609.')Schoenherr Fee lhild \1ho I edlh need.> \ ou gle.>.>lve Gro.>.>cPOInte .>pe Generous wdge.> based on I PRIVATE NURSING tere'>ted pled'>e cdll ')32 9674 ------loom Jnd bOdrd el.pl'n.,l'" E experience and reference:> or 83H 7665 PART-TIME bookkeeper - anteed Average $300 per cwlt) of fIce xpenence H822405 'I Around the cloc" person to do light bookkeep week and up after 2 \Ieek, LIGHT Dehver} must have WI el cd edl n "lOO ':>7011pel EXPEHIENCED Iddv deSIres 0\\ n economICal car Good monlh Clil 1I0me!llldel "t \llth lIl,>urdnce dnd hght! - Iln home hOl>PlldJ or nur.>mg mg for downtown law firm, on the Job trallllllg E\. bookkeepmg reqUired Re LIVE IN Waltre.>.> 10 GJOsse home 'RN ;', LPN.> \Ide., dome!>tll \101" - Grosse 3-5 days per week, hours pense.> advanced dUring attllude and appearance d ,l~!l h200 P(llnte leferenle,> 0\1 n must Apply at 16129 Mack ....ardmg sdlar}, complete POlnte home One III fdmJ1~ I LOmpamon;, mdle dtten flexible, salary open 961 trailllng Contact Mary Cd 1'- Avenu(' near Bedford WANTED Adult carner;, Ie benefit.> and pled.>ant en olher help emplyed Perma. ddnls llve inS SCrL'Cned ,\lid trdn.>porldlJon Cdll before 1 2314 roll, Debbie Wood at Hen------t1ree.>. young adull::. \\ ith I'll onment If you hal e motl nent po.>lllOn,apply 885-2377 bonded 2-1 hour .>ervlce p m or dfler 5 p III I,ll 3517 tage Inn, 8 Mile/GratIOt or BARTENDER part lIme Mon PAINTERS - Expenence and cars for mor/llng dehven 01 latlOn a warm personahty. Llcen.>ed nUI5>e:> fOl 10 IHONI I\jG Colton::. bdCk III call for appomtment 527- LIVE IN days - FrIday 11 a m 4 p m conSCIentious only' Good i the DelrOlt 1"1 ee Pre.>.>mlhe and you need to advanle .>urance Cd.>es fdshlOn dnd.>o I.> II onmg' 1070, 10 am.') p m Slart Tiger Days Apply 111 person, startlllg pay Call 882-5836 Grosse POlllte.>' 882 00~5 your Cdreer thl.> IS your op POINTE AREA 1\l'H~E~ Let me hghlen ) our load alter 2 p m The Press Box Immediately Parenls Ilel SUB-CONTRACTORS for bellieen 7 d m 11 d m portumty Pledse call 88G Looking for mature compa ' TU 43180 For el.penenced, Cdreful come' 1426 AI Kalme, DetrOIt rooflllg, cement, electncal, HAIR STYLIST 4040 man to ldre for disabled LICENSED In home d.l\ l.ll e \\ork call Janet 885-9211, plumblllg, dlummum sldlllg DENTAL ASSISTANT Mod \IOmdll El.pellenced molhel \\ III evemng.> and \\ eekends REGULAR part.tlme, 4 days COOK 11825836 Owner needs someone 1I11hel. a week flOrIst sales person ern offlce experience neces \1 dtlh tho"e out o! '>lhool 101 CARE OF elderlv or house Days or /lights Experience m penence In deSIgn hdlr cut- sdry Afternoons dnd Salur Light housekeeplllg, IIlluxun <;umr,1er dge;, 2 }ed!;, dnd 882-1350 I d R f BOOKKEEPEH - parl tIme, lIng, also perms and color, cledn Deluxe i{eferences me an prep e erences 18-20 hours per week pay days 881-1120 _ Farmmgton Hill.> aparl. up ~c<;('POInte ('sc Pomle polIceman trOll, MI 48224 Side and oul>,lde mamte. 12 3 only 2')00 dnve II\lSUHED - BO"lDED dnd \\ Ife eXlellenl1 l'feren- ce'> H81 1071 HIGH SCHOOL student part nance, also mSlde work reo CASHIER IIArRDRES~EI{ wdnled elt \\ E IIA \ E lime for dellvery, stock qUlrlllgsUlI~nd tIe Apply III Evenlllg hours, sales ex. Joseph's of Gros,e Pomle 4', HELl'WANTEDLEGAL Plenly of lel.>ure time, spend • IIOi\IEI\I \1\.1':1{" I work mallltenance Apply person at Eppens.Van D~- per'ence helpful but not Al.>obooth renldl aVdIldhle \\ IIlter.> III Flonda • SI'ITEH;., EXPERT MAID ThiS 'n That for Pels, 19443 h F J H 61~0 882-2219 FULL OR part-lime JUllJor weg e unera ome;, nece.>sary, must be III or secretary Good Iypmg Recent references reqUIred • (01\1 PAi\ IU'\" II SERVICE mack after 11 a m I I Hellel Sitler,> 11- COmpsary I dnvlng record IB years old over $225 per hour Call 88! type at leasll:lO'\1 pm ref------1 SITTING trimming Must be e\. 16656 Harper at Yorkshire Apply Farms' Market, 355 I 8603 erences reldtlve to legdl GROSSE POINTE pertenced Jim 885-4725 I SERVICE I 772-3050 BUSBOYS l6 yeals or older I Fisher Road ENTERPHISING college ,Iu \Iork experIence a must EMPLOYMENT I HOME CAHE - ELDERL \ INSURED & BONDED TELEMARKETING Ilork Apply III person Gourmet --A-D-l\-Y-IN-IS-T-R-A-T-IV-E-- dent.> nepded for .>ummer Also experience IS reqUIred AGENCY PreVIOusly \llth Hammond, "SERVICE OF HOSPITAL from home, salary plus com. House, 25225 Jeffer.>on, Sl ASSISTANT emplo)ment Set up ,our on \Iord pro(e~sor prefer I Agency Days, mghls &. 24 I HOUSEKEEPERS miSSIOn 88S-7241 Clair Shores Long term a.>slgnment for per 0\1n hour.> Income bd"ed on ra bly IBM/PC, htlgatlOn 885-4576 I hour rates avallable I OF AMERICA" COUNTER people needed for HANDYl\lAN MUST be able son Illth BA degree l\lust oulput Cdll Fndd} Tue<;ddl experience a plus Call 50 \ ears rehdble servIce LICENSED BONDED I Greek Town pastry shop 10 work da)s Appl) III per have ofd[ and ....ntten I'om : dfter ') pill HH51713 Barb 25'J 7100 . 'wed".> expenenced Cook.>, SALLY 772 0035 ~ -, Call 774-1316 son Gourmet House 25225 mUlllcallon capablhhe.>, \1111 SCIENCE TEACHEH for LE(, \1, <,H'){ETAHY 10l) I Ndnmes, Maids Housekeep NEED SOI\IETHI \lG moved" Jefferson, St Cldlr Shores dSS1St In analYSIS, cost e.>ti- grades 61h, 7th and Bth Lab dOli ntoll n 1.1\\ fll m l _ er.> Gardeners, Chauffeur.> WAITERS/ba rtenders/v a lets TI\O Pomle resldenl" 1\111 "MAID TODAY" for new smgles bar Ideal for WANTED MAN I'.lth exper. matlon, and reporl for eng1 onentated program Please I edl '> e\.lwnenle In Iillgel I Buller.> Couples, Nurse move or remove large or \ 1I0u:>ekeeplllg ServIce males Good appearance/ lence for spnng c1eamng of neenng components Top contact Mrs Burns al ~I IlOn/defen.>e reqUired Typ AJdes Compamons and Day .,mall quanllllc., of furl1ltul e our vard 885-6743 or 885 Pd~ and benefits 'vlth thIS Paul's School 88') 3410 Ing 75 \\ pm dlclaphone ex Worker;, for pnvate home5> personality AVdJlable apphances, planas or II hat I J I' d g s t on d d It 18514 Mack Avenue Thursdays through Sundays 5671 ou .>lan In po I I I IMPORT Shop, Trappers AI pCl1cnle dn me Ila l rml hd VI.'you Call for free e.>tl I Complele home & ofhce BOOKKEEPER'S A 1 t lev, needs expenenced sale:> no Iogy IICIpj UI ,.,d< Jdry com Grosse POinle Farms mate 3430481 or flU 4-10{) Lledlllng Photo preterred P 0 !:lox SSIS an A }'ROFESSTONAL J th ------f I t bl I h d 3 I ' personnel Full and part menpe In mortgage dn Il1g an rea candIdate for Ihls long term land Ireland essenllal ~rdmm:ll dud punctudtlOn I IIO:\IE SITTING SEHVICE I Mmor repalrs, c,lrpentry, electrical. plumbmg brokcn estdte firm. lVlature I~d) a<;.>lgnmenl do ....ntown \lllh Leave name, phone number ..I'>\1I'll ,l'< I\Plllg ,peed Cdl T L r of children, elderly I I ASSISTANT \I mdo\1 <; and ,>a<;h cord B()'\JDED &. I'\SL'I{ED \Illh typlng;:,O II' p m l'\e\1 a large COrpoJdtlon Good 6619064 1\<1lhle %~ 'i!l'!O Hourly, o"ermghl and 24 replaced, ell Reas(lIldhle I offtces In I\laple Park Office ,ecretanal sklll<; d mu;,I' RECEPTIO~IST for dOlln I hour rale.> 12 year.> With 343-5040 CHEF Plaza (Mac" at 10 Mllel LANDSCAPE laborers - k lis I\1r.> Hdmmond I\ho<;e I References 8fl2 b759 HANDYMAN any home re I HOU RS: 8 AM-4 PM I Edl\ a~~}~~~~el Co EXECU Tl\h'E SECRETARY ~a~lte~l~~d ~;~~}:t~\ bO~ ~~~~~I~~~f~l')rr;;et;P~~~r'>P:u<; dpgentCy ;,~~\ ed 1ros.>e I :~~I pall' PlumbJng, ('Ieclrlcal, I L- ~ Long and sort term assign benelth Call Shel ry, 'J6'i Olll e over xl ye.trs Icen~ APPLY IN PERSON ROOl\l CLERK - Cigar stand ment::. for Ind" Idual With e\. P m ~4~9197 1700 I ed Bonded locks, etc , nedl dependabler ' 5. SITUATIONWANTED CAFE Le CHAT I 40 hours per \leek Beneht<; cellenl .>ecretarlal <;klII.>and LAI\J)"CAPE laborer., need 247-0283, : honest 88l-1399 672 NOTRE DAME I and mer time .\fternoon word processmg Shorthand "d i\lu,>t be at led'>! If! 7')7 'C IAIV SITTERW"N"'ED _ , shift Good for college stu. helpful. but nol necessar) ; !,2 .. . " ., ELDERLY Jddy m Gros.>e i GROSSE POINTE I dent Pnl"ate mens club 4A. HELPWANTED MATURE reliable babysllter POInle area need>; live In I Send resumes to Gros5>e ENTECH MEDICAL/DENTAl needcd for 2'2 year o-Id and hou<;E'keeper/cook Refer , NEEO :fER ". '1I Pomte News gq Kercheval f{ N <;or I.. P N , aJ,o rE'cep fl monlh old 21 ddy.> per enc, reqUIred 774 OJ40 be I 884-90n Gros<;e POlnle Farm'> SERVICES tlon ....llh expenence for \Ieek H82,)4115 I t\leen,9dnd 1 MonddV thru 1 . COl/lP~tJ\t4\E.R'?'?. Mlchlgdn ..82~6 Eo\.;;O 2-1 LTD OB/GY;\, office part tIme, I BIUGHT, ::.mlley toddler _1'_'r_ld_a_y_o_n_ly _ e . ROGR~ t\ I\otn , FULL TII\IE ~ALESPERSO"\; YE \H J{Ol \D 588-5610 able to \Iork a fleXible n~ed., 10vIllg <;Ilter 1 day.> \\'OMI\N for general house- o "",;).\\ ;)J\l' .>lhedule <;ome evening" pel \Iee" 8ll,O')76l'lcmng" keeping light laundry and • T" \0 bU"'\\\C- \\J.\orl\\\!. \Iust be mature, reliable and per'onable II Ith l-.no\l1('dge EXPER IE ~ CED \1altress and ~a!urrlal mornmg IOLDER Re.>ponslhle \\ oman Ironlllg I da} pel Ileek, \,-:e (} ~\tn\I\\!. \, \01 t\ jl"J,p ",0'''' of gourmet food.> Appl) III pel <;on and LOok \1anted for dlllner hours, !'.a"t>ide, call 776 I needed to care for 2 children Grosse POlllle references p,o \\J,\\o\\ co""u ,u\C TIXL' 'I IERR't I\IOLJ~ErrAFE 1,e( II \T theatre please call ~hlrley 1')30 dge'> 2 and h III my home, nece5>sary Call HHI.8480 \0\\ \()'" .'" " :It 951 1225 bel\\een the I r T TIl\ dn 1l0~r':ST, dependable ....oman, GROSSE POI\TE VILLAGE R84 '~177 I hour'> of I J d m and 'i p m tor <;offlce Permanent PO<;I II Iii \dr~ O\\n Irdn<;porla reference<;, housework, ' IWBI3EHSTA,\fP enthu.>last' !ton for mature per>;on tlOn H8G18')5 Wedne<;day 881-687') .------l \\ anled Trapper's Alley, Computer expenence help I B;\BYSITH:H - rdndom LIVE IN compamon for elder. GraphiC ArlRubber Stamp ful send re<;uml' to 22111J part.tlm(' '>ome over-mghts Iy lady Harper Woods Ref BEAUTY CENTER HUDSON'S EASTLAND ~hop need<; <;alesperson calli Greater Malk SUite 2f1! SI for 2'. yenr old ~~xc('llenl erence~ 776.8000, ')742007 !lS! 676.. after 1 pm Clair Shore" MI 4R080 pd} C(,lllrall} \oc,lted HI:' \Ieekends InternatIOnal Beauly Compall\. 1., looking for f:lclalr'>h LOOKI\(, !,'()I{ con,>cJenllou<; I MEDICAL ASSISTANT ference., :lnd trdn.>porldllon WE SPF,rTALIZE m the place

make uparllsts co<;mellc <;ale'>p<'r.,on" nalltechlli IIllillldual to ,1'>'>1<;1III mdm. Will Tram I Hiring tot<; We are currently ('xpdndlllg our tendnl(' department of III I ,)'i71200 :\IATlJRE \\omnn \lilth tran.> I Ill' and nursmg personnel I '>taff for a nell beauty centt'r YOUmu'>! he d('(hcated du'>tfla~ food proce<;<;lng ,JOB :'>.~:T\VORK portallon needed part tlm(' lIou~ekeeper~ _ Cooke; _ I to your career and ....lllmg to learn Full lime pEN tJon" pl,lIl! KnOll ledge of ha,>lc 260'l'i Schoenherr !"e(' for profe"",onal couple \\ lth I Couples _ l hild Care _ Day offer trammg benefll package and opportullity for ad rrpnn'> ,lIld mallltenance. , , 2 lhildr<>n R('[l'r('nce:> a d vancement ApplrcallOn~ Will be taken :\Iay 2.1 Thur,> n((e'>'>dr} ~end re<;um(' to I Dh\1 AI. A;.,SI<, fA \iT full mll"l HHI(~,lb I Work - Mal'> - !lome da\ Hudson <;Beauly Sa lon, 4th floor from 10:l m ~ Bo' (,2') Gro<;'>e POInte lime I\ho reldtp,> \11.'11WIth ., I Health Care Live In or Out pm Equal opportumtv l'mplo\er \t'll'> e I people '>l'e" her,>('lf a'> d I 1\1LOOKI\lG for d VLrV <;pe I Plra~e call I POlllte Fdrm,> \11 4fl216 I health profe"'>Ional and Uln cl,Ii p!'r'>on to Cdre for a lion I GOlL ------.,,,or}.., Ctff~tl.,(]J (13« ltur:i ~crf'o.1l !I_ ~,e Ir"ln g'r11n"1j PERSONNEL I --'I! ( \"IIlER npeded da\'tlme 'J ') I member PIE'a<;e lall for,ln home Plea<;e call \Ir<; I ""---~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~::.~.~~--~::::::.:----.:-.---::-----IIpm f1rxlble Approxlmat~ 'I mtervle .... 2'J1 'l80') ~llan<;on at %10200 dUring I AGENCY li ~Ohollr,>per ....('('k Mr 1\ '> DENT \1 C!lATH d "I'>t thl' dai or 7721201\ after 6 lOti Kl'rl'hevaJ SECRETARY P,lrt" ~hop \pply wlthlll - ,'I, '" e d'> 0 m no phonl' (dll" plr,l"e I ant - experJ('nced onli 4 (,ro<;"l' Pomle Fdrm<; WE A1U~ I\ \n;[) -I-I,-.L-'--I-f-----t- -- handed knowledge of m'>ur 1 882-2928 OF \ WOHD PROCE~"'Ol{ '''1'"( IU,T \H\ . f f" guarr or pma I.' con ance hl'lpful 8fl6 1122 "!dle Lllrn~ed and Bonded domllllum complex In ~t IN A HIGH PHES~1 RIo: \ltE \ Clair ~horl''' (ollrge .,tu I Per'l I mu~1 haH~ the foll()\\ mg ,kill, 4E. HOUSESITTINGSERVICES • T\ pmg 70 WI'\! dent (urr('nl hf(' <;avmg and I R N 's - LPN's I • ~horthand lj(l \~P\I CPI{ (('rtlfll'all''> r('qUlred I NURSES AIDES HOUSESITTEH avaIlable I'rofe<;<,lOnal 16 year old SA. SltUAn/tN WAWlED SA. SfTUATlONWANTED • El.cellent worklllg kno ....INlge 77'i 7011 DOMESTIC COMPANION AIDES male '>l'rk<; hou<;e"ltllng JIl DOMESTIC of NIlI or DEC male '1r.M JJ1.;n~ your educa I I and \liard proce~sor~ UVEINS I'omtc.>, St Clair ~hore", or I Iional ('xperll,rile qUdhfle, I DetrOit Prefer month 10 I STAR BRITE CLEANING SERVICES Thl<; po<;ltlOn Will require ovrrtlml' IOU 10becom(' a World Book i Pnvdle duty nur'>lIlg In Gro<;<;l'Pomll' flrl'('ntitlll l' thiS <;umm('r I openlllgs Cholle of hour'> and day,> (',1111)('1\\('en 104 Fr('e E<;llm .. tl'<; ">end r(',>ume to Alln Per<;onnpl utili!!!''> 2')9 1949 Fll'Xlhll' hour'> great ('arn I P m "vIonday Friday All \\-ork Guaranteed ANI{ V('nturc Mgt ('0 mg potl'nllal guarantl'('d III MACOMB Nl'HSIW; lJj\LIMI rED I (;HO~SE POINTE leacher I ApartmenL<; Condo', Offle(',> 1I0u"es 600 I{l.'n Cen SUite 1100 (ome (all 1\Targarel WlI J)ptrOlI, !ltl ..R241 263-0580 wlllmg to housl'e;lt Ihl<;.>um Ii,lm" ..77-2004 L --JI nwr 776 1,165 , 839-1423

"- ..\ .. ...-...... L.. __ • _1I,_psllll,_c_eIIIp II,_,_

Thursday, May 23, 1985 .Page Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~ MISCEltANEOUS "RllCLES bC RENIUS HOMES .. PTS EfC 60 RENTAlSIHOMES A!'TS HC 6N NOIlTHERN MICHIGAN ~A SITUAlION WUHEO b - "EHUIS'HOMES _PIS E1C liH OffiCE FOil RENT 1 WANTED TO "UH fOIl SALE NEARUU OOMESllC GIIOSSE 1'0lNff OfT 1l0l T V_CA liON IIENTAtS ST PAUL, Grosse POinte HAVERHILL LAKESI Clclir-Iea~ellithop- KE\"IEDY BllIll\lIlgoppo"lle HIGGINS LAKE cottage 3 ALBION STUDENT workmg WROUGHT Iron fence. 40" THE Park, available June Isl, 2 Near Mack, one bedroom up- lIOn to bu~ 1.l1 and nell 2 bed E,I"tJdlld :..hopplllg ('l'utel bedroom, full balh, $225 pel 77b i-l.j() II eek Extellenll eCI eJllOn ;eeks to rent, share, or and gate; Sears 30" ndmg basement, $200 tiC Ilell on ('hutou HII ('1 .j() :\IACl-.. \ VE:'WE/Grosse dl dl ea 211&8113 house,slt m Grosse POlnles lawn mower, 8 h P 886-9069 Let Our Crew Come In & Do appliances $300 EastSide Also, 3 bedroom lower, fire bodt II ell Illcluded HI\(?I Pomte elt) ~tudlO st~ Ie of O\LY $195 to $J:>OA WEEK' Call 885 9123 aftel 6 p m CUSTOM hand thrown pottery All of Your General Cleamng Management 884.3890 place, appliances, garage \ Ie" Club 41,J H040 file "pdle Illtll Lourt ~drd Lovely Peto~ke} dred 2 03 PROFESSIONAL woman, II exclusive one of a kmd Dls Wllldo\\ s & Ovens Too I , SPACIOUS Grosse POll1te Excellent References area apartment, t bedroom, $295 ON LAKE St Cldll _ 2 bed e'lll d nce Call Gale 884 bedloom VdcatlOn home~ )-edr old son, \I eekwg 2 bed played for sale at Jacobson's Gift Certificate Available $325 llIcludes heat, HBO, ap. 775-4901 room condo All' all,lched 1500 Ol!>hll a"her, TV, goUmg, room apartment or carnage parking structure May Call Chns plIances, laundry, parkmg BETWEEN Mack and Warren garage, all dpphdnlc:> S5!-J5 PHI VAT«:, Gro,,!>e Pomte pool, pl pm, Mav. 28th '>ona e ren I' 0 - 'cl nu Ims ,exce en can. $385 ALL EAST - Outer I ('nt 10 ; 01 age pi e el ra ) } :-:-=~~::-:;:-:?:::7:~;:---;-;--:-- Sider one or two room" With dillOn, table pads mcluded MAID TO 01 der housecledmng WAYBURN 2 bedroom up Ccll! laVon's Rental and Pro I OlIn, famlhe~ \eu, \IOlhel" 262, HARBOR SPHlNGS - Hdrbor bath ,wd kitchen priVilege" 885-2890,774-9800 service Reasonable rates per, naturdl fireplace $3JO perty Ma nagement 77 J For qUick mal e \Il lCIO GAH.AGE FOH lent 81>7~t CO\ e IUXUly LOndo, "peclal Can furnJ"h Non smohel E Y C Free esllmdtes 778 7429 per month plus secunty de. 2035 I dOll'n J724422 Hedl E"tdl(' Clrllr Gros,e POinte Clt~ 'b~ owner" rates Sleeps 9, Heferente, 821 9717 dfter & ARL AMERI AN maple POSit and utilities 886-3184 ATTRACTIVE one bedroom Todd\ 8llb 807l ,lull~ eqUiPped A\allable lor plalform rocker, brown D&S HOUSE and office clean- ______,ummer \ aLdtlOn" DdY", p m uphobter), $50 88t 6244 mg, experienced, depend. NE\~ L). decordted 5.room apartment. I ~ and Whittier RENT \\ ITH the option oue O\E ll-\LF gdrdge 101 I ent ~b5 !l409 evemngs, Ileek YOUNG protesslOnal couple, GROSSE POINTE WOODS apartment, 2 bedrooms, ap. able, quality work Gro,,~e £ , area, heat, refngerator, bedroom "e P 01nte Malchll1g chairs, $60 each, Pomte reference" Call Don pliances, parking 8243849 stove, carpetmg, large $280 :-'lu,t "ee 082 1b91 B24 &87b e 10 kmg to rent flat closets, laundry room fauh WALLOON LAKE, 3 bedroom, ar d, 0 'or $100 d pair, rocker chair, na or Sue, 778 71117 TWO BEDHOO!\l house for dpdrtmeul hou"e No chll $65, Mrs chair, $50, book h I ab e POLlCE\1 \ '\ and II Ife de~lre rent III the Wood:> 643-6064 ties, $290 per month, Imme good b~a~ , a Val k i AUk dren pel" Pledse cdll b2b shelf $JO 88H1690 Fndayor office cle,mmg Rea;olldble evemngs dlate occupanc~ Call after I GROS~E POINTE Wood" LOOKI:"\G for plOfe";lOnal or ~UI~\~U~ °4~2\18~:1' \lee 28035 Sdtu~day, 12-5 ' For e"tlmale phone 526 -l6lJ9 UPPER FLAT, 2 bedrooms, 2 6 pm, 268~39 or 731-9030, Harper Wood~, Warrell "tudent to "hdle lo\\er Half HARBOR SPH.INGS d _ POI'\, f1~Louple pl,lOllmg Ie. I BOYS 20" BMX bikes r d _ st. CATERING baths, liVing room, dmlng LARGE 2 bedroom lower. I ared~ Completely furl1lshed expenses ll84 2-152e\ enmg; W kl t ih can 0 t i tll ement Ileed ~mdll ranch SChWllI1l Scrambler y~Jl:II 1 .l-. r _~""1 ('l ..... ,vvJ.u,u"'"u ..,u.u ..u.\".tI.Oo4 ... UUlerUnve/soutn 01 Wdr.! OneC,oo.:-wj" Three experienced college ances $750 per month plus ets, garage, carpeted $375 home, short term lea"e" ~2(J0 plu~ UtIlltw" FUllll"h Luxury 2 bedroom clnd loft I METAL 4 drawer lateral file girls II III do la~l minute deposit 824-6465 plus utilities 882 1571 after 6 Ideal for transferrlllg ex ed 112-1-1107 dfter l p III sleeps 6 8 Neal beach, ten I cabwet, $400 6 button I'M' pm ecutlves or shorl term \V.,\~"fED female Ilon 'nlokel I1lS and pool 886-44% eve touth telephone, $100 SWIVel preparations, "erve dnnks, 6A "ENTAlS/HOMES, A!'TS .. ETC, " "l1lngs and \leekend" GARAGE wdnted fOil' ,b?od,t chair, $20, almcha;r, $10, hors d'oeuvres, dmner, and ST ClAl1t SHOIIES BARHAM. FIRST block off assignments 2;-3; 8;5 Cook Road E\ ell storage and ~ccess 8 0 v v v II/\RBOR Spr'I~IGS _ iulll 8812169 u ,2 x~ \llI1dow all' conditIOners, clean up $75 per party Ddna 22954 CALIFORNIA ,near Mack In DetrOit One bed E xecu t Ive LIVlllg SUJtes, Inc I mg" &-1174-8 ' ., 881 5315, KrIStin 331-8347, Marter 3 bedroom brick f I 474 9770 ~~'::"';~:",:,:;)-=------equipped homes III \Iooded - 8,~ BTU, $150,5,000 BTU, room upper lat, $l~, $200 i 'I I ' "I' ~IA \ TO Shdre hou,e d $8;) 823 2306 Genlvleve 881 3006 bungalow With large 25 car secunty deposit 88;)-;)196 AllENTION EXECl 11\ E" I 4-1 \!oro~" St71 month-I ;eltlllg, "leep8 an 12 close .....;:.;:.:..-=.::.:.-.=..:..:------:\1.\RIE ~ C \ I'EIU:\G Inter garage Carpeted, refnger TWO BEDROOM duplex for One and 2 bedroom aP.dll ,_,_)_Jtl'" ,lllll -I P III to HJlbOI Spnngl> dnd leL RCA VHS Videocassette re- ator, stove, air condltiomng rent $320 a month Morang/ menb LlI1en" cook\\ <.IIe, _:..:..:.::..::-:...v.:.....:.:.--'--,,--,-_j redtlOn facllilies Call Ldy' MATCHING couch, love,eat corder, top load, t day/l natlondl CU1"lOe Hors I Available Immediately $500 Morass area Central all', cable~I;lOn ulilitle" $27:>0 HO,Ol\IMATE Ildnted to share man As"ocmtes, Lylln 1\lc and chair, gold and rust flor- event, $150, Sony stereo cas- d oeul I e" bulfets, goUl met or lease for one year Phone garage 881-1027 I per da~ One month In 1111 I Gro~se POinte Park llat - Gdnn Realtor A:,soLidtes aJ on cream background sette deck, Dolby system, dmner" 8b2 b2!l5 881 7292 John Hoben, McBrearty-Ad- ~~-=-=c::-::O"'::"~;.,...---- I mum 568-,l800 ext 6846 9 to 5 8869537 NIce, no \1ear $250 778-5570 $50 Call 823-5464 after 5 30 APRON h"oclates - Gour loch 8825200, days TWO BEDROOM house - base- I 469-1075 771 491& HOM ESTEAO TEAK WOOD stereo cablOet ~p-:"m-=-:-o-..,.- _ 1 1 met mea!!> and hor" TOWN HOUSE overiooklllg ment, garage Excellent I length 41 /', Width 16 2', 3/4 LENGTH tanmlllk Jacket d oem res prepared alld lake _ 2 large bedrooms 3 conditIOn, nice neighbor I JC'\O BEACH - lUXUriOUs LAKE l\lICHIGAN height 24J~ , Excellent con. excellent condltlon, size 14 "erved 882 714!l b h b 'hood 71l MllelHayes area d I t If' l bedroom luxury condo fur d t ~-5 882610- ft at s, asement, garage I $325 839'3762afte 6 LARGE SLEEPING loom nel\ ('oil 0 (Ompee~ UI' mshed as pi 1\ ate home All lion, J .;) a er $400 882-4860 CAL'S GREAT Catenng spe. Brand new $875 792-0130 r p m With kitchen prIVIleges $lbO nbhed II alk 10 Olean, lenms convemences, 2 slllmmmg 6 p m SPAULDING "Top Flite" pro- cla!Lzmg m weddmgs, pIC- 68 RENTALS/HOMES, APTS." HC TWO BEDROOM, attracllve-I per monlh Devon"hlre nedl

hvmg room, kitchen, one With opllon, large 3 bedroom security 822 -7109 No pets COl.;ON IAL ut es Ila I'1\ t0 T dmpd Bd\ $325 a week 469-2967 or 517 carpetIngexcellent Soft,conditionapple green,Rea. =.....:.-=-=--'------KING SIZED bed, mattress, bath, basement, appliances, b nc k WIth fIrep Iace, $450, C 11-91 02L8 f' b 1\1 thl 8-6 33T "'h'tl 779-67n< DESIRABLE locatIOn, East EAST d) u d ,el I on I' ;) :> sonable 881-0748 box spnngs, frame, good merse t-n I ler \M kl t . curtains, cd~tlng, $485 per So Outer Drive near Warren 01 II ee j I a e" CHALET ON lake near ==~==---,----,,,---- condillon, $175 ll86 0216 month, plus eposlt Couples LAKEPOINTE - first block Lo I bed I COMPUTER printer Gemini =-=,."...-,::---'--'-----'--- referred No pets Takmg off Mack 2 bedroom lower vey 2 room,lIvmg Off b Id g t91\'1 d CLEARWATER Beach/-I40 CharleVOIX Fireplace, co or Llkenew,$195 Also men's REDECORATING - TWO P room With fireplace, dmmg Ice UI 111 d 11e an We.' I 2 bedroom, ) bath 011 TV, rowboat 778.4055 h Id I t appllcallons Call after 6 30 flat, Side dnve. $180 a Harper 300 f t A - - bike \\ Ith motor, $165 343- c amOls . go ve ve Ine room, den, carpeted Ideal square ee II the ' YO minute' to h $ m 881-2484 month 885.5196 c nd tog t t J II <\RBOR SPRINGS Harbor 0280 compamon c airs, 300 pair, P . for mature couple, $450 m- 0 I I mn ,carpe Jam 01 DI"nel L,md bbl 1714 =:-:-:-7::c:-=-:--:---:---:---- beautiful 886-7530 BEAUTIFUL lour bedroom NOTTINGHAM/Whither - cludes heat and apphances mneeadrlateexocPCrUepsdS\\ncayy1m \\ E<,l I'ALi\1 BEACJI ,It 'file Cove -bLdu,\ury LonI doml Ifnt- SIMMONS hide a-bed, Norge :::G~I-;::G:-:-::N-:;T:::I::::---:--::--"'-- center hall Coloma I In prime Dominican HIgh School 8851659 after Friday lum 2 e room pus 0 refrigerator, typewriter, A. C multi family ga- - !'eum" (Iub 01 \\ e,t 1',11111 I 9 80 I I Farms locallon. available area One bedroom upper, MOROSS an d Mac k area 778_0120881 _6436 Be,lLh 2 bedlool11 2 ba1h ; eep~ 68 6415 small appliances, metal trage satit e-app tlances,t Thfurm- August lOne year lease _ completely redecorated, se- CI 2 bed h COTTAGE ON Higgins Lake lawn settee, CUShiOns, large ure, 00 s, en, e c urs- ean room ouse ==:-:-:-::::c=-::---:-::----- londo 01 el Joo\:lI1g 22 I Ln d S t d 0 - tenant 10 pay secunty de parate entrance $225 a With appliances $275 plus EXECUTIVE offices, recep TIU LOUlt" poob (.Ill F SomevacanclesmJulvand PGAgolfbag,neverused,1 22a4Y3'3aFuraY'd"aSmt '::JCPlm OSit and ullli!les $1,500/ month,plusullhtlesandse- t b t tiN August °3n206901'245'1792 power, 2halldlanrn mowers, resar, all' P securl y 886-5260 efore I !loms, secre ana e\1 \lad'arland da.\" b-l-l H1UO " v. - n Shores bet 9/10 M I month Must have referen- curlty depoSit 881.5630 , . noon on M ay 24, or after 5 bUIId 109, J e fferson. soul h 0f el enlllg" 7:>b01b2 " ., rlAVERSE CITY double heavy fiberglass near Jeff,ween on Ie, ces 886-285-1 CHATSWORTH _ 2 bedroom p m on Miday 28th 9 11,'11e R 776.7260 Charmll1g, fnendly beachfront laundr'- J tubs, 30' range ers FIVE BEDROOM English Tu. lower, stove, refrigerator, I SOUTH Flonda condo, Fort lEt B B t hood (gold), JI2 h P Bnggs DINING ROOM set, all wood, dol' AlaJlable July 20lh carpeted, tiled kitchen Utl- CHANDLER PARK area, 2 GROSSE POINTE WOODS Myers Beach, pool, tenms, resor on as ay eau I and Stratton snowblower pecan flmsh, table, 4 cane 1985 One year lease Tenant Iities extra, "290 885 "003 bedroom, upper flat With aJ>-1 MEDICAL SUITES golf Week, month 725-4416 ful pnvate sandy beach $425 motor, 527-9896 back chairs, chma cabmet, .. -uo. phances and basement, $235 20835 Mack 1,000 sq ft --'''----~------$.j75 \\eek brochure I k to pay secunty depoSit and NOTIINGHAl\1 close to Mack, a month UtllItles and water 20871 Mack 7&0 sq ft I~L \ DEL <,01. ~t Peler,," (616) 9381740 or 938-1181 HUTCH - Coloma I maple, I e new, $850 885-5395 utilities Must have referen- 2 bedroom lower fiat, newly extra 939-6719 Ned\\ Iy decorated, parklllg bUI ~ Bedl h 2 bedloom,,! HARBOR S C CUriO cabmet, pecan, steel PROFESSIONAL pool table, ces $L350 per month de t d th g d ---....:..:..:.....:..:.....:----- bdlh lu'\U1 \ Londomllllum prlngs - ontem storage cabmet, La-Z-Boy 4'!'x9', billiard table, 5'xlO', Schultes Real Estate d cora e , WI arage an FOR LEASE - 1 bedroom low. GENERAL OFFICE ~PACE Ih Ileek 01 month" (~llJ' porary home m Blrchllood rocker, dehunllwfJer, fold- 2" slate tops, excellent con- 881-8900 5[~e, $260 per month 885- er, fIreplace In liVing room 21304 Mack 2 rooms 1JxI7 91ll)O'!21 Farms Resort 349-6484 109 table, electnc heatel, dltlon 881-7964 Mack/Cadieux area $375 20835 Mack 1,200 sq It -::-:-:-:-~--::-c,---:-~---:c:-;--,- HARBOR SPRINGS - Cozv b d II ROSLYN rto, Wood s,2 bed LOVELY 2 bedroom upper permonthplussecunty In- ADEQUATE PARKING \I\HCO bldnd ~f'a Wind:> . an saw, mlsce aneous GOLF CLUBS 1985-Sounder room home, family room, $295 mcludes heat Open cludes ulllitles, appliances 884-1340 88& t068 lrulf fl ont 2 bedroom" Cdll condo pool, tenms, sleeps 8, tools, yard cart 884-1560 Tour Star Persimmon I'.! car garage, Ideal for house Sunday, May 26 1-5, washer and dryer 332.2611 -::M~A'C"'C""K:-::-:A-:"V-::E::-:CI-ux-u-r-~-s-u-'lt-e,-1":'2~00-It~':I?1olhlll ('" lISI b-l02 H82 air 886-8924 LOADING ramp, 20' long, 2' \loods, 2/wedge, With bag, adults $450, lease secunly 15061 Mayfield 839-3195 f I bl J) Wide alumll1um 884-6697 youth - Arnold Palmer reqUired After 4 p m 1409- =c=:::::-::~~:.::.:::...... :.:..:....:.::.::.:.- FLAT FOR rent, close to State sq t aval a e uly 1st, also 6N. NOIlTHEIIN MICHIGA" .. THREE piece dark \\alnut c Ius,b H&B woo d s an d I I b! 4621 TROESTER - 3 be d room F air an d Sc hoe nherr, pay 3 0ff Ice SUI e aval a e soon VACATION IIENTalS ALOHAI I III k 0°2665 :-:::=:::-:c=-:,-;:-.."...,:-;::----::--- bnck, liVing room, dllllOg own ulllllles, one bedroom 379 5577 or 562-2244 " . bedroom set, excellent con. IrOns, a I e new 00' 5 NEFF NEAR Jefferson Luxu room, appliances mcluded, $245 plus deposIt 775-1539 or 22621 MACK AVENUE, SI HARBOR SPRINGS area Former POinte family Will see dillon 776-4048 after 6 p m :-:-a:-:f~te=r7"6:=p,--m--, _ ry 3 bedroom, 2 bath apart. $350 per month working 3!l2.2787 Clair Shores medICal/den Luxury Lake Mlchlgdn that >'OUenJoy our private I RCA 17 cubiC foot frost free MAYTAG washer - electnc men I Large hvmg room couple preferred, referen. BEDFORD off Mack 4 room tal SUite, 1 000 square feet, J bedChfrolJt home AvaIlable Wmklkl condos Beat the refngerator $300 GE Pot dryer Excellent conditIOn With natural fireplace. for- ces 881 3327 upper flat Appliances, car examining rooms, busllle"" before June 22 SpeCIal wmter crowd to the beach Scrubber portable dish Gold Askmg $225 776.6320 ~~~~:~~~gr~~~'l:~gfl:r~;~ -S-P-A-C-IO-U-S-03-be'''':'':'d-r-oo-m-u-p-pe-rpet, heal, garage, $335 De office, pm'ale office, Ilait rate~ (6t61 l~7 28-1-1 Off !>eason 111 Ha"all, ne\\ "a~her $200 6000 BTU all' CONTOUR JOGGER (port. chen With appliances Car- Appliances, basement, ga- POSit 886-3597 mg room, lab $750 monthl~ THIS SUl\ll\IER why leave wa~er sp~rts' Boatmg I Ten conditIOner $100, 4 mag able treadmill) With Pedo- peted Large closets Sepa. rage, $350 a month plus se- CONDO .12 Mile/Hoover area I 885-M49 I\hchlgan? Ava liable b~ ms Golf Tropical sunshine wheels and tires, 15x7, With meter to register In yards, rate entrance ba;ement cunty 881-1044, 886.3164 2 bedrooms, 112 baths, ga- 10 MILE and I-M _ 10'x12 June 1st, a brand new luxury Tate ~d~~~tage of f lOll locking nuts, $150 Allltems slightly used Ongll1al price, T I b I $1-0 th I d tl home Just completed on ra es r} e ocean or a m excellent conditIOn 884- $352 Sell for $250 Vibrator \10 garages Wa k to bus, HOUSE for rent, 2 bedrooms, rage, asement, app lances I ;> a mon mc u es u I I beautiful Walloon Lake In change thiS ~ummer Rates 7321 machll1e (upflght>, $40 shoppll1g, Bon Secours Hos- 2 car garage. close to St II1cluded $500 per month .....;t.:.;le;.:s-=.286,;.:.,8::.:1;.:1.:.3 .1 start at $25 per mght for 2 ===:-=:-:-:,.....,-::------Ph pltal 1'\0 pets Ideal for John Hospital 885-2593 plus utllllles 776-3718 after 5 ST CLAIR Shores _ presll eredlble lakefront property Call Apartments Walklkl for I CONTEMPORARY art piece, one 886-1718 adults Must have excellenl GROSSE POINTE/DetrOit, m 1\lth dock, decks and Vle\\S, IllformatlOn 30"x36", royal blue and LOVESEAT, excellent condl I p glOus bUlldmg 1058 square 1 600 square feet With 2 bed bl k references Would sell A hi d I L LEASE FOR th f t $99- f t 1-80892b4893 ac , enl1tled dimenSIOns tlon, $250 TWlI1bed, antique 00 "rlte, to Bov> N 4;,U Grosse sf an ,h ond canabed arge, $3 6 mon hs Ior CeeII C ;) per "quarelth ?BO loom", loft and 2 baths and I VI A IImlte d editIOn 15/50 I~h ltc, $150 Dehumidifier, \ un urms e 3 room up. more at 60 per mont p us I a ommon\\ea, -" JacuzzI Completelu furnish. III! TO'.: HEAD Island One f ed d S OInte '\Ie\1 s, 99 Kercheval, per flat 2 bathrooms, sun- I ""'2' J' ram an signed by the ar- ears Coldspot $50 Small P UtI Itles 10493 Merlin (near vu. <- ed Rent b' II eek or month hrdloom oceanVlel1 condo GrossE' romte !\II 48236 porch, baleon'-, garage $225 ,tlSt $190 884-8644 kitchen appliances, very J Cadieux/Morang mtersec. BUSINESS Office space 2 ad-I Brochure availdble Call540 ~Ieep" -I efflClenl \ kItchen -:-::=:=-:-::=-~:..:...::.:..:.:..---- reasonable Kitchen table BEACO;-';SFlELD and Chark plus utllllles No pets First tlon) 3 bedrooms, recrea I Jolnmg room" 2-10 square I 2176 1 \' stereo Huge ;11 Immll1g ANTIQUE carpenter s chest and chairs, $275 Call after 7 VOIX - 3 bedroom upper and last month plus secun. hon room, super clean Call feet, plus lobby drea m -:-P-I-:1-l-)~:-K,.,.::-:~~-'1:---I--l-\-H-H-(-1I:-{-i pool mile, 01 beautiful full of old tools Planes, pm 884-0'710 LIVing room. dmlng room, ty Ideal for roommates Bruce or Joyce Sanders at modern office LomPlexl SPHI\G<, beach 10 tenlll"> courb ~ 17i chisels, hammers etc B85 ==------.:.....:.:.------k.tchen $350 a month 286 shanng 824-6399 between 9-5 Borland-Johnston of Earl M k b I 8/9 'I 1 -b II eekl' ")) llll"" 6604 STURDY school yard SWings, I ac e ween l> Ie, 1 L \l\t::,I1)!': ( Ll B lOndomllll ,0__ 00 8113 ~p..",."m;.,.,.-=...,.-______Kelm,886-3800 I 4760 lInh II h('rr lile I~ ed">\ 111 OUI HILTON HEAD Soulh Caroh NORITAKI chma service, 8 new strap seats, $50 Tram-

TWO BEDROOM apartment, WHITTIER/1M Very clean 1 THREE BEDROOM home - 'I EXECUTIVE OFFICES l ol11pleleh IUIIll~hpd Iu'\un na - Sea Pines - large .2 Tulane pattern 886-o57!l pol me Jogger, exercise bike, ~Jach near \\ ayburn Appll bedroom condo $285 III State Fall' /Schoenherr are" FOUR..';;YTH 2 belli oom 2 b( ell oom lolt bedroom ocean front condo BOY'S CHARTER Oak 5 piece hand lawn mower, snov. ance~ utlhtle, S325 per cludes heat and appliances $0325a month 469-2097 I BUSINESS CE:'HER lOll Ill.oll~e unset Vle\\, bedroom set, 54 round for bloller 886-6'340 month 8220392 =88=2::::3600==-_=-____ HAYES/WHITTIER area _ Pn\ale office" II Ithout co,tl\ tl)\\nhou,,>e Ilnt,11--. on Hound pool Sa\e 40% Rent from mica table 4 chairs, lad)' 's G E UPRIGHT freezer, $150 TWO BEDROOM pouse m WHITTIER - GratIOt area 3 Lovel) modern one bed I overhead RecepllOl1I;t lon 1.11-.<' Ih tile \Ieekrne! owner 6-11-8367 I "Ram' golfclubs full set, =88=2_05_3...,.5 _ Park S375 per month Secu room upper Appliances, room apartment carpeted I ference room, secretanal 11(('k monlh 01 ,e.l~(}tl KI\\\AIl I~L\'\D :..outh' bag cart I\Iuehmore 77i SOFA,tables,alrcondltioner, nt\ depOSit reqUired 977 heat, clean. $200 plus depo air condltlOmng parkmg I word processmg computer 1 .11-.(~ dl' dllH nll\('~ 111l11ld(' Carolina 01 Flondd Ke~< I ,1IllIlg pool tenm" gal! Chatter BOOKSELLER 822-7998 room home, 2 baths, IIVlllg nat _ carpeted, remodeled HAVE,RHILL near \\arren' new buildlllg l"hll1g ell 1IIIh gollmg ton 1-11Clifton Boulrlard li)ll hER( JlE\ \L ::T::-H--R:-:E=E~s-e-lf-p-r-o-pe-Jle-d-m-o-lI-r- room dmll1g room large kitchen separate entrance mce? bedroom upper car I 23409 JEFFERSO\ I IH.l1 In \\ ,Itel 01 pond ">\lie B1I1ghamton \ Y Il'lDl 11 \ ~I till 7 P :\1 ers - 2 Snappers, 1 Jacobsen kitchen appliances sunn} separate basement, excel pet, ~apphances "asher I SOl!T~I" OF!-J :\111.1': I lIl11h .II ,II I,01>Ie '61171722 -1806 Tue"da\ thru Saturdav 1 rotary push mower, excel- j hredkfast room laundry lent conditIOn Ideal for fe- dryer $285 plus security I ,,67.260 L \l\lt.<.,lIl1.: ( Lt OCEANFRONT at HLlton II A:\I tIiI -I P:\I Sunda~ lent condition Not cammer- l l L fenced 111 lard Available male adults or retiree cou 3621066 II 19-1 AT 7' 'lIII. : -Ii l , 1 \'" • <., Book, hauaht dnd s Id II d 527 "1'8 ~ . ".'e I 1'1 IlL I." \lll II "1-- Ilead :-'ew luxurv condom ,,0 111many cia y use -u <- ~eplember IGB5 through Ju pIe AlsoCadleux,'I-94, avail TWO RENTALS, Upper and ISmall sUite prl,,'ate.. entr,lnce hlhl'I \~7.....'r1)72I '611>1 H7,h'lli~ 1111 1111um ,"J2 or '3 bedroom dlffcre nt ca Iffegorle~ 0 IC BOY'S SCHWINN Collegiate ly 1!l86 $600 a month 881 able 3 room apartment - Lower 2 bedrooms each I lav "torage room Amplr , \\ kl d I t I th lIOn dnd non-f10IOn hal d Sport). '6' excellent can ~ 080'3 new I~ r ed ecora te d , carpe t - Use of garage Very fme I par k"Ing }'\oom for 2 1 B'1: TIlE \\ !':EK IU'\llriOU'l tllOee nightyor minimumal} ren 801779a III (01 er an d paper Ilac k \11 dltlOn 88')-0002<- FOUR BEDROOM house. 21 z ed, all' conditIOning, park. building Call886-3060 John I pcople , mndern -I bedroom 2' hath 7872 book; are In cxcellent condl ------bath" a\dllable August 1, 109 7710738,773-1295 S Goodman,Inc I , beach front home on Ldhe ------tlOn and prILed \\eU helo\1 HAMMOND organ Sunn 300 I ------1 III 1985 to :\la~ '31, t986 ~o pets, CHATSWORTH near MUnich KERCHEVAL O~ THE 1111.1. I II on ned r Le'\ 1M.lon IIILTO\ Ht. \0 2 bedroom 2 their nell counterparts \\ e wall head 147 leslie speak ~ecunty depOSit, Grosse Two bedroom upper, carpet- ALTER-CHARLEVOIX I' Lov.er level hldea\laj" ,Iu"t 1 I <"lllmmlllg hOdtlllg t1.,hlllg h"lh II1Id lenm,,> pool nedl \\111 purcha~e book<; III an~ er Water colors, penCil POJl1te Village a rea, for ed, nell Iy decorated $250 Grosse Pomte Side attractive left $1,5 ' lighted tenm~ Lourt Lhlld hedl h "~l1lJ \1 eck" lIlI2 quam tj ,JI1d pick up and dra" 1I1gs sculptures, mlsc

$1,000 per month 886.3118 plus secul'lty 882-4245 one bedroom apartmenh I II r('11 ">pld\ hou,e dnd "llIlg ill I I dchler~ ,en Ice" are avall _88_2_000_'i _ Heat mcluded From S.2.20 I HARPEH \\OOD,,> ,et 'lrlerdl golf LOllr,e~ I t1ILTO,\, II~. \D <"ollth (drO ahle SUNDAY ONLY BEACONSFIELD upper nal HARPER/Berkshire 1 bed- '3317852 8247039 I For <;alc nedr b ~ \11 "mr!'l t \(', Iin,1 at Ihlton IIrdd lledlh (' ,III' 1,12218 for morl' mforma -'3bedrooms gasheat,ga room apartment. slove, re- ALTER-CH>\NDLER Park 16 room ofhcc bUlldlllg T \ f!l"hlla"her gdrbdge dnd lenni"> rr~orl ()(edn lion HALF PRICE rage $400 2 year lease 882 fngerator, carpet, all' condl' S I II d I f I c t 881 n I Nice, 4 room upper Apph. I IX or more room" al at d ) r I'POq Irep .ll (' ( , IlOnl ~k('I)~ I pool tf nn" O:\E Bt.:r)H 00:-'1 SUll -- ma LAWN SALE 9847 tlOnlng heat mc Iuded, $300 f II I I 8--0 fl r 1 ' .. I ances, reasonable rent 8111 I or 11e\\ ollncr \\e )\II t l/ d cr" p n go1l ~ \ldltdrl,lIld dal' hogan~ Icneer bed box AT LUXURIOUS ImmaculatE' un. per month 3'31-0581 II I It ! per nat near Vtllage shop. BEDFORD near Mack _ 1st . 3536 I ~~~?~nerf~~t( /o~onpr~}~~\ HARBOR SPRINGS 11-1-1'llf'lJ (\t'r1lu~ .. 7ih I1l62 I ,prlllg mattre~~ 2 mght MAHOGANYINTERIORS j pmg Include" all applian house III DetrOIt 3 bedroom BISHOP - East Warren Flat "lonal~ Illth future c'\p,1Tl -I<.,'- \">0\ Hl'lltal--. \011 Il'nl I \1\ HTLE m: \( Il <"oulh ('olr I ~t~~d~e~rl~~7)~~~( l~;I~n~t~ I ('orner of Bedford & Mack) : ces (entral all', mamten lower, elegance plus, na for rent Carpetmg. fire I "IOn 111 mind II1g l 101l'1I hom( ">Itl 10\111 01111<1llJ('dro()m~ 2' bath, I I I lei d t h ance nev. kitchen, much I tural fireplace, updated kit place, apphances water In i II Ilh b,11 11('1" I'lll('d lrolll I o~rh~pa~e ouse more '3 bedrooms, very I chen carpetll1g garage I cluded $350 a month Call Vlrg1l11a" Ielfrlr, "1lI1 '5,"1111p(l 11('('1-. \1--.0 ~ \I"lr.lrldnrl ddl~ 1>-1-1 i e Illg tl-UI.s'l leave a me:>!>dge Reallor 1182OWl') 1110111111\01 "l',l~on,,1 .11.111 8,811 ('I l'11Ing">7)6 IH62 "prc3d' S'}(~: 11212106 25 I 8 A.M. 4 P M. month!) 4,){) :-;eff Rd 882- 8824245 THREE BEDROOM newly de 1______.Ihll' I hll> i2" 7t 10 1,)1>121> '1IILTO:\ IIEAD P,lImrtto I FIRJ<:\V()()D - PI roll top 8332 I -W-H-IT-T-f-E-R-/-I.-94-a-r-e-a-,-0-ne corated - lovely east Side I THE MARK I BLOG 7717 J)un('~ Lu,\urlou" Vill.I I o~der nOli for Fall and del>h'> chaise lounge, secre. "0 (II "( "'s I area $400 plus ul1htles De- I )02'(1 \1 \('L I\\'L. "11 \ \ 1'1: l Hl't l\ 1ll'1I,1Ir(, ()(l',UI golf lenll\~ III llf,(>I) \\lI1ter dell\ery '100:;, :\or tary traditIOnal dining , J\ , bedroom apartment, carpet, -) ) '" r. Ihern hard\\oOO I i I d bed ,( ( F.r_ POSit reqUlred No pet,> I ">T (l. \IH <"I!O\{I'<" \llt 1l1gdll (ontl'l1lpOI.l1 I ' cu ,Co1'>on I room 1V1I1groom an , , ) ,~'( :U'l. drapes ,tove refngerator, R.'39'>4009-5 881-03,)2.after5 ()ffll(, 'llIll~ 01 I ,III.1bl( hllll~l' ) h(dIOOln~ ! h"tl" "t \I\I!'_H I" grrat 111 Iliiton ed and rleillcrrd Si') face room furniture cry~tal, OF (L,\""n IEn \US heat mcluded Nice blllldmg, Ask for Barb l ppnr In\('1 "Hi ~"UII.l 1)(.111111\111\r1I' _I,lrt)'(ld(II,P,o_m_u-,-ch__m_o_r_e_

AFTER 12 '00"", \IO:'tonAY $'325 per month 88;; 7823 ' , ,00 -" '0 E\( F:PTIO'S! GR 'YTON near Warren 3 BUCKINGHAM near Warren I \ ,1fI,lblf '1/(" 0' ,111d III do() I ,md ouldoor E:\ Tl HE lIou,ehold ~d Ie " 2 bedroom lower With ap I \Iodern AffOld,I!)Il' '\\ 1l111llllg grdt "11111"> :-'1\llllgoutof~lal(' ('a11M2 (,fW<.,<,E POI'\TE bedroom house, hathU and a phances $275 EastSide 7,1 hIllll 118h1118~ I'1,11)I t l~,lI1W\ , .IIHI IHid I'II~' 7f\11t>d!trr () pm \Iondal MOVI,\(, \ \ f) <,TOI{AGE CO half, natural fireplace, With ,7h 2'HII !' I 2" (\! 1I111~" 10 YEAR OLD DOG thru 1 hur,d,11 Rea,onJhle Hate" appliances. $425 EastsIde Management, 884-3890 I II>\RI'EH R \lILE HI) 60 YEAR OLD WIDOW RehalllP "'>erllce Management Co 884 3890 15:\21 MACK -- One bedroom One ~1I11e - SI)() Include"> .i11 N!':!':D SMALL HOUSE LOW Free E~llmate,> Ir-...:..:;:;.:.;.:=.:.:.:.::.:.:.:....:.:~.:..:..:..:.~ clean apartment, ~tove rc utliltle" Off ;trccl parking ER FLAT, WHAT IHVE ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED , 343 Mill flU -1100 Duplex 2bedroom Ontano fngerator all utilities, $280 STIEBER REALTY <.,!'EWAln FLoH!D \ YOU R8'i-'i606 I AZAR'S GALLERY RECENTLY redecorated 3 Street off CadieUX Base. For appointment call 526 -14'100 [ (l\ ('1\ londo comp!('t('1\ TIlHEI': 111':!)IWOi'.! In (,ro.,-,(' I ()ne of Ihe large ,el('ctlOn~ of Orlenlal rug,> bedroom 2'2 bath ('- 1'0llltc $10051 !lOll ,Junr I I on one of the Park'!> OlCest $360 per month plus II BUILDING I"OH Lea~e 204'i1 pdllO \I('rl-. or month 211 t. \IEHRJLL BIHl\1!:\fGIJAM streets Family room, utlhtles Available July I CLASSIFIED ADS Mack Ave , Gro~~(' Pomte '1\ Iml11l1li( t ('11111 " gol! \O\rmher 1 \\hll(' blllldlllg I breakfast nook, elc 822- 118S4033 or 882'')160 CALL 882.6900 Wood" 47x 186 ShorC'lIood Vlom $27, pl'r 1\ eek homl' III Gro",e 1'011l1e flRI I 644.7311 8930 I'-- -...J E H Brown Heally fl8b 1l71O RR47ilO 01)1 I

__ ...L.o... -~- - ---~----_._~--- "'? p F .tp,cc • a 7 p

Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTt NtWS Page Seven-C 8A GAIIAG£ YARD 8A GARAGE YARD. 8 MISCElLANEOUS ARTICLES • MISCElLANEOUS ARTICLES 8 MISCEllANEOUS ARTIClES 9 MISCElLANEOUS ARIICLES IIC. MUSICAL INSTIlUMEHTS !lC MUSICAL INSTIIUMENTS fOR SALE FOil SALE FOil SALE FOR SALE !!ASEMENT SALES BASEMENT SALES TWO BIKES for sale - FUJI HOUSE/Basement/Yard and OLD WHITE refrigerator, WURLITZER upnght With HAMMOND CONSOLE organ MOVED SALE ORNAMENTAL wrought Iron DECORATIVE mIrror, gold gate $100 886-3633 framed Ethan Allen 44" dirt bike, Schwinn Toron Garage Items May 24th, stove, floor loom, boy's clo bench, excellent condItIOn, A 100senes, excellent condI- 14491LIberal, Thur~dav-Satur- ado 499-2527 25th, 9-5'30 936Barrmgton thes, toys, miscellaneous $700 or best offer 885 5136 tIOn, $2 400 886-3131 PRECIOUS Moments retlred high, 29III " Wide $65 882- day, 11-4p m Slove',refrlg 1025 GAS STOVE, coffee color, 36", FRIDAY, Saturday, 10-4 15540 1221 North Oxford Fri- after 5 30 pm GRINNELL upright pIano and and members only flgurmes day-Saturday, 10-5p m eratoI', wa~her, dryel, ~ol1d 527-6941 WIth Teflon grIll, excellent Wmdmlll POinte, near Bal- STEINW AY 52" upnght plano, bench, $150 884-6834 maple dlOmg room ~et, re- Mahogany Interiors condilion $100 774-1444 four Kitchen Items, lamps, WEEK.LONG Garage Sale - would be $2,000at a !>lore, ['II SMALL SOHMEH baby grand chner, clothes, dlshe~ pot~, REFRIGERATOR 18 cubiC (Anhques & FlOe SOFA' 70", wmg back, arm stroller, baby buggy, kmg May Z5 to May 31, 9-4 pm take mu<.h les~ 884 B822 - all ongmal built 10 19J5, pa ns, all' condltlOners, foot, almond, 8 months old, Furniture Shop) slips, medium green tweed bedspread, glasses, lawn Ladles shoes, purses, hats, mormngs mahogany flOl;,h excellpnt dressers, deacon bench, $400 331.4508 Excellent condltlon $225 chairs and chaises Clothes, Imens , small table~, ha~ conditIOn A;,kmg S1,700 much more Pnced to sell THOMAS Theatre organ by TAPPAN range, double oven, 16135Mack Ave 884.1150 wall hangmgs, waffle Iron, socks, books, mlsc Also Heathkit, $150 882 053') 8823017 371.6489 cerdmlC top, $100 886 3633 (Cornt:r of Bedford & Mack) new maIlbox, decorator Avon producls and Jewelry OHGAIIJ 1.0\\ rv, Geme, dou- REFRIGERATOR, ~eJt-de- COLONIAL wl1lgback queen 11-5 30 P m FREE ROCKS for rock rods, Jewelry No early shoppers pJea~e , frostmg, copper tone, mov- Art Deco bedroom set, maho. gardens or 822-3836 MOVING OUT of state 20 21525 Woodbl'ldge between SIDEWALK ble keybodrd and bench size sofa bed, excellent con $,Ou/hest offer 882 1360 Ing, must sell, $150 or be~t dIllon, 2 end table~, $2"iO gany dmlng room set, 4 pos- BEAUTIFUL formal hvmg years accumulallon of an- 8-9 Mile off Harper SALE I offer 886-8058after 6 p m Slate top bumper pool table, tel' beds, French desk and room furruture, orlgmal cost tlques, collectibles and YARD SALE - Saturday only USED PIANOS .sTEHEO, portable, 8 track, $100 882-2306 chair, French hVlng room $4,000, must sell fastl WIll household goods 1910 Vm- • Waterloo between NotrE' U~ed band mstrumenl~, gUi ON SALE NOW! tables, French vamty and consIder any offer Selhng tage UPright plano, excellent Dame and St Clair Gold re tdr~ orgdn~, ke) bOdrd~ $50, black and whIte TV, SCHWINN CollegIate boy's Con;,ole~ "pmet~ Grdnd~ $50, blonde double bedroom 26" 5 speed bIke, $65 445 bench, breakfront WIth sec- other miscellaneous furm- conditIOn, VIctOrian plaho fngerator, electl'lc dryer, mU~IC,et<. retary drawer, Pembroke ture 882 8729 stool, VlctOrlan furniture, ABBE'! PIr\:\O (0 set, $100, blonde bedroom, 1&40or 884 2247 after 5 30 stroller, car seat, eJectm SATURDAY AND HO'. AI. OAK 5-11()Ilh double slled, $75, kItchen table, ChIppendale camel WASHER.DRYER, Avocado, oak Ice box, Art Deco couch yogurt and Ice cream SUNDAY 12 6 OLD AND anllque wood. back loveseat, book<.ase~, very good conditIOn $225/ and chairs, large ol'lental makers, basketball hoop and ' - PIANOS WANTED set $25, couch, $40, 2 couch. \Iorklllg hand tools 8852650, es, $10 ed<.h 8859297 FI ench loveseat, Square pall' 886-8877or 885-5652 rugs, hanging parlor lamp, net, clothmg, books, much JERRY LUCK lOP C\~II P\IDl keep trymg Grand pHlno, mahogany I k d t h HANGE, 30 , gd~ <.ontmuous tlque more STUDIOS FL'. 1"1(, \' dlltdge V pearl WIlIRLPOOL washer and chma cabinets, dropleaf din A HARMAN Miller Eames ar c foc ISa~ wabc ~s, clean, copper tone, movmg, 109room table, round maho- chaIr and ottoman, black p enty 0 c ot es, 00 S, FAMILY Estate Sale Satur GratlOt, 2 block; nOlth blo.l<.kgUltdr IItJh la~e \lar" Sears dr) er, $200 both 3 leather, teak wood 773-1937 household Items and mlScel. 811l 5')29 must ~ell, $200or best offer gany empIre pedesta I ta ble laneous 382 St Clair, 94 day May 25, 10-4 J02 F.,her 01 9 \llle years old" LIke new 823 "Farms' 8868058 after 6 p m 3787 882-5622 KING SIZE water bed, com- Sunday and Monday WL:RLITZER <.onsole organ KI\IBALL UplIght pldno - ex F'ULL LENGTH fox coat, full FULL LENGTH natural Tour pact wa~lJer/dryer, new BACK Yard Sale - Saturday, I model 630, rhvthm '>\nthe Cl'Jlellf londltlOn ::.7'i0 811l AIR CONDITIONER, hand area rugs, curtams 881.5324 RAIN DAY Sale - Thursday 0012 pelts, good conditIOn, $-100 lawn mower, hand spreader, ma Ime 10mk,Size 8,movIng Onlyl No reasonable offer 93 Wardrobe, trunk, furnl-I ~Iler, magic cords beiiUtllul ture, mIscellaneous 21114 oak cabmet, $3,79;; 8236J2b 886-6b75 trash barrel 881-0165 to FlOrida Reasonable ANTIQUE solId oak, heavily refused 9-5 pm, 1262 '0. ANTIQUESFOil SAlE Van Antwerp near 8 Mile I "ftpr 'i pm 792 1615 I can cd chwa c.:lbmct, buffet, tlallOUI BABY WKOUGHT Iron porch furm- and Harper LIMOGES CHI:-JA WITH DINING ROOM set, frUit. table, 7 chaIrs Also, a pop. I HONDO II Le~ Paul COP) FURNITUREI ture settee, 2 lounge chairs, wood, French ProvIncIal up campmg trailer 776-5615 SEVERAL Family Sale Sat. RELOCATING - Toys, dl~hes, sunbur~t flm;,h V(,C, $135 SER\'I\'G PIECES, $m, EQUIPMENT coffee table, lamp table Ex Good condltlOn $500 839- or 445-1071 urday, 9 1 p m End of Mus- lawn furmture, clothing and 88';.1309 1II1RRUH", ETC ~ATlJR cellent condllJon 881 0605 koka DAY \fAY 2:>lh ~ 1 PM 2968 LITION l\hcrowave Mmute mIscellaneous Item~ 29359 AT RESALE PRICES LIGHT woodgram formlca Stonecrofl ( 16Mile and Jef CHICKERING gr,lnd plano END OF MUSKOKA ROAD Tv.m SIde by SIde stroller WROUGHT Iron chair and ot. Master, small Oriental rugs, MOVING Sale - Saturday, 3-7 ferson off Prentls~l 24th, mahogany flm~h Hll6l&19 table 36x40 With extensIOn b f t 3430440 pm, Sunday, 10-6 pm, Sofd Fllda) 12-l pin , Wood changmg table 3 large door mirrors, new DAY, MAY 25th, 9-1 PM pm RosevIlle MaSOniC GARAGE SALE, May 23, 24, $50 2 table lamps, $8, $10, pm ~dlul da) 'l d m to -l p 10 Infant and toddler car seats mdoor T V antenna, hell' END OF MUSKOKA Temple, 27151GratIot, at 11 10 a m -6 p m 17069 golf cart, $6 Call 886 015l I KIMBALL upnght plallO Llkp WE BlJY i\ \'D "ELL Nur~ery lamps loom cut glass serving AUTOMOBILE tools, furm- Mile For table reservations Sprenger, East DetrOIt SATURDA Y, May 25th, 95 new S2,OOO/be;,tolfer 88;; CldleUll. at E \~ all en 882 n% Infant seab and rockers pieces, bone chma cups, lure and miscellaneous 881. I call 824-7383 THREE Family Garage Sale 22966 Gaukler, St Clair 5702 II. AUCTIONS/ESTATE Strollers and carnages sau<.ers, new chma dmner 6216 FULLER BRUSH sales Stereo, toys, men's clothes, Shores, between 8-9MIle, off ••. AUCTIONS/ESTATE SALES Gerry back carners service for 6, white/gold DOUGHBOY 3/4 h p pooI fI-I I Mitch, 579-9123 much more Frida), 9 1 Marter SALES MOMS' TOY ATTIC border, dmner plates (hand ter, cleaning eqUipment, us- BUYING pm, 1829Allard YARD SALE- 34years of col- A Toy Resale Shop palOted), travel trunk, ed 1 year $150 884-2235 lecting Junque Wlll end on RAINBOW ESTATE SALES 16637E Warren canes, medIcal books, mens GUNS, SWORDS, GARAGE SALE Saturday, Sunday, Monday, May 26, 882-7631 SUits, coat~, etc , womens TWO GIRL'S 20" Schwmn TIIRY. Sunday, Monday, 124 pm 27th, 9 a m -6 pm only' In- ~(>I\ IIIg thc (,r edtcr Gl o;,;,c Pomle tee!t.'lbJC\larc,!>er gold urn base, $125 Art Deco YARD SALE . Queen Anne foot grand plano, books HUGE GaragE' Sale - 19943-52 chIng chalr<; 1 \Iedgv. ood vI<.efor 6 no kmves Gent s lamp, S5~ Walnut lIbrary mahogany loveseat and appliances, and dozens of Country Club, Harper I blue 1vellov. velour All ex. ,>port COdt<;Ladles Dalton table, $22,>l\llrror and antl- chairs traditIOnal chaIrs decorallve Items for every cept;onal conditIon $700for I Woods, household goods, For your convemence, our shop IS open belgc ]d<.kct Ladle~ and que Roccoco Frame, $65 I desk ~ouch coffee table: room m your home' T all Brilliant f1amc colored gent ~~hoc~ T!('s Fry pdn;, Small antIque foot stool, $55 metal shelves new toys small apphances. furmture, I tOyS,clothes, books, Fl'lday, EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY oval rug 10 x 12' $12:>hke v.Icker basket!> tahle hnen<; Fnlltwood cabmet, black/ many household Items and We Willlong remember thiS as Saturday, 94 ne\'. P,ll2 W74 i\ bonan7a for yOUto tak(' v.hlte, 21" TV $75 5'x3' much more Saturday 9-6 one of our fmest sales We FROM 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. all' Bargalll pnced TV DOLL APPRAISALS mIrror, S2S 24" round mIl' pm 5592Alter near Ch~nd MOVING/Garage Sale BuIld know you Will also 1511'; CHARLEVOIX -; 22.0'1 12 fi A\TIQl'E:, OR ror $1,) 281-2976 leI' Park No pre-sales ers model furmture and mls I (.ROSSE PO!)I,TE PARK COLU,CTIBLE<; TWO SHOTGUNS antiquE' 12 I HUGE YARD SALE cellaneous Italian ProvlO NUMBERS AVAILABLE SlJ'>A'\ " !lULL ",i .,EL \i THE RESALE SHOP clal hVIng room set and ~TAHTIN~ A'I 8 UOAM 14901 E 7 Mile and 10gUdge, outsIde ham 115 FAMILY - FURNITURE iS7 iSfiR mer<; both for $235 88&-3674 _ TONS OF STUFF tables, antique dmette set FRIDA Y CALL THE 331-3486 or 882-2299 Art Gla~s. antlque:, & collec With chIna, Tappan ra nj;(e, HOTLINE !,'OR DIREC BLUE PRINTS l1bles f'lOe furmture & COMPOUND Bear Bowar- Low prices Thursday through TIONS OR DETAILS, Instant copl,s - L.mln.tino pIctures, lamps, bIcycles, '>mall appliances ro\\.os and qUiver $45 886. Saturday, 105, 11067 Way kitchen cabmets, etc Friday 88'i 1410 Antique Lamp~ Rr\\lred 3674 burn north of Whlttler POINTE PRINTING and Saturday, 9 a m 11>m , We specIalIze m fine antlque~, quahty used fur LOW LOW PRICE~ SALES CONDUCTED BY 15201 KERC~EVAl CL:STOl\ldmette set, 4 chaIrs" KITCHEN table, 2 chalrs, $30. 19921 East 12 MIle at 194 SUSAN HARTZ mture, porcelain'>, crystal and elegant ac AI.L.k.point. \~E BUY !':)I,TIHE leaf, contcmporary, perfect I patIo table, $25, rocker, $40, 886.2206 cessorle,> Call dUring busmess hours to arrange Gross. Poln" p,rIe 822.7100 II() IJ S 1',Ill) I,DS 886-8982 condition, $12.,}Broyhill cof- cabmet safe, $50, teak floor YARD SALE Children's clo for speCial appOInlments on off days Open 95. Mond.y.S.turd.y Call FIrst f('e tdbl£' matchmg sofa I lamp $15, record cabmet, 172 2iOO lhlOg household, ml'>(' 3903 HOUSEHOLD table, on£'year old $22.';771 $10,other mlsc Items Cam- Grayton, Saturday, 9-5 pm WE BUY BOOKS I OH AFTER') P ~1 882 l740 6621 I ping ~toves. garden tools, and HAHE VI' 1:--'1': Colle<.lIOn 200I chairs, clothmg, toys Call GARAGE SALE - Vlctol'lan ESTATE SALES \lOUR HOME I \~IWl (,liT llWi'o tahlp and walnut table, country crafts, HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION SALES IN II I <;erver "'lth gla'><; top'> 6 plus bottles French Gel' 882-3068or sale, Saturday, Conducted by "K" Free offers, no obligation lhalr~ 2. buffets Ideal for man 19')9 ~louton Roth-I 10-3,654 Westchester some collectiblE'S, children's clothes 5069 Devonshire, Servlcmg Wayne, appral"als furm~hed I patIO nr pool ~Ite Excellent child 1961 Chateau Haut- MEASURE UP! For your Oakland and rntm' e,>tatc,>al'>o de~lrcd <.OlIoltlon,$iOO 8827'>97 Saturday, May 25th, 104 - Lauren Chapman - JIll Wilham" _ Brion $IO.OOO/offer7727680 "plate railIng shelves" that Macomb Counl1es -- Charles KlingensmIth - JOHN KING LARGE SJo:LECTION of re before 5 p m IS At "Grosse POinte's" GARAGE SALE, Thursday, I greatest garage sale, May 26 Friday, Saturday 10 a m -6 Kay 247-0361 961-062~ conditIOned SCHWINN bl 1 cycles Rea'>onable price,> HOTOTILLING gardens as and 27 Dave Gregg pm 5251Haverhill, DetrOIt Ann 771-0197 • Chp and save thl'> ad • Village C'yclery, 77703';7 low as $10 Retiree 1314'iOO 468-6054 Lots of X.mas ceramics Thursday, May 23, 1985 Page Elght-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS 110 FOREIGN CAllS - t 10 FOIlEIGN CARS - llA CAliS FOil SALE - 1 fl. CARS FOil SALE - 11C CAliS FOil SALE 80 ANTlQUES FOil SAlE 9 AIITltlES WANlEO All OTHEIl All OTHER CHIIYSlEIl FOliO G.M 1979 VOLVO 262 Coupe Black/ 1984 HONDA Accord, 11,000 EASTSIDE book seller desIres 1931 OMNI, manual e'l.t1peed HoWU 118lJ bo,IO\I mlle; 971405') 10t of $9,950 77J 0168 E PREPAID!!! t\ but Ilu;l\ $7250rbesl 11982 Ll:'l:(OiN Contlllentdl 3674 Belle~ to ;U!t a 111 thmg frail' NEWS EditIOn. nlr LOl1dltlOmng 3218 dnd belts, 13,000 miles run; LESS standard to lu"tom Slle fire USED 26 10 ~peed blc~ ell' l1e\\ tire:, "'hdl p A \IIFl\1 e, good, body good, $750 384 1979 MAZDA RX7, m1l1t, show pldt!' openmg, Call Wall ,11567-2300 or 884 \ elour 1I11eli01 $~ 4,'i 884 I n, 9230l MURPHY AUTO LEASE, INC quality, ;J1ver, black mter lor, Jensen stereo eqUIp 9355 6867 I G CORVETfE 1978, Sliver Anm To compliment thl" ne\\ gdl 886 4230 ment, $7,boo 4b80275 WA:\ TED 10\\ bOd! ln good 19780\1"11 - olspeed $1 JOO/ i 1979 OLDS DELTA Royale, 4 versary Edition Automatic, - lery of mdntels IS our Im- ' door V 8 air crUise po\\er I I d d ALL MAKES pressive COJleUlOn 01 an. condll1on 885 J551 773105U be st offer 7750579 Illndol',<;/lock" "Ill' \\hee 1', ; ereocassetle, aIr, oa e , 1981 DATSUN GX 310, 44,000 miles, sunroof, 5 speed, AMI tlque mantels dl'io available WANTED to bu~ old coslume 1981 HORIZO\ 4 door ler\ I to\,el; :;O/:;U :.e. 1984 SUNBIRD convertible $11,900 884-8576 GOOD SELECTION 03%, evel1lngs \l\lIF;\1 rear defoggel red, LOmpletel) loaded, 3 ------LOCATED AT 1967 BUICK Electra - 24,000 ANTIQUE OR COLLECTI. clean 4 nell radldb ru:,t )edr 36000 mile \\drl'anty 1976 BUICK Regal All', pow- OF USED CARS 2 \\ \IICHIGAi\ AVE miles Body and mechamcal BLE DOLLS SUCH AS proofed $2 Joo -l59-1U28 I mileage 11 ,;;00 A~kll1g e er steerll1g/brakes, $2,200 1974 , 19,000 MILES, YPSIL.\NTI conditIon excellent $3,500 or MADAME ALEXANDER, 1978 ASPEl\. eXLeptlOndl, CB I $12,500 884410J , Mark, 881-5529 $1,300 Open 7 dIIF:'Il, 8 qllnder, 1977 BON,\;EVILLE \\elltaken 000 CHEVROLETCapnce, 1977, 2 1982 BRONCO, 757 -5568 rear detogger, 371-0023 after I care of, one 0\\ ner, nel, n. door, 6, no rust, high miles, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, XLS 1931 FORD Model A - VICtOrld, A]\;TlQUE 2 door Fully restored DIIV~ , b pm I tn es runs great looks one owner, excellent condl' $9,200 SALE It home $11,250 885-6032 25% OFF ,)HOTGU1I;~. apd nfles \\dnted 19"' PL Y1\lOlITH V J t I gredt e\ cry optIOn $1 895 tlOn, $1,475 882-4132 1983 COUGAR LS, $9,500 -Parker, Fox,Smlth \\In I I,) 1 d Ian: 88292bl' ------1967 MUSTANG - completely AT chesler and others Pm peed man I ;tereo tilt pow.er locks, 1984 FIERO S E, loaded, 1971 MGB undercoated, wire 882-8259 Ud! air cruise $J bOU I road I\heeb $3,1l9::>881 9845 2 white, $9,300 823-1630 after wheels, excellent mecham- Sale on our enllre stock of, an- 11G, CLUNKEIIS ANO 111169779 i 1981 SKYLARK good condl- 10 a III callmtenor, stored wwters tique desks, carved oak, sets I 10. MOTOIICYClES FOil SAlE I JUNKEIIS of dllllllg chairs. chests, 1932 DODGE 01\1~1 ON 40,000 I' tlOn 49.000 miles 778-5332 CORVETTE 1979 - 24,000 $2,925 881-8979 1976 HOND;\. 4004 Super 1940 PACKARD Super 8 grandfather clocks, srubbed miles, stereo ca:.setle. redr 1978 PO'\'TIAC Gr re leather, all', all po\\er, other hatchback, 4 speed, AM/FM 882-1439 #1362-.:2426, Tourmg Sedan glass \Ii mdo\~s brass and many extra; 29J 9201 after pall' 1'\ew tran;mlSSlOn extras, garaged \\mters, ex- stereo cassette, silver With i ;;1362 wheel base 138", over copper Items cut glass, ar- I 1982 YAMAHA VISIOn red, 6 p m $1,400 885 9112 r cellent condillon $10,450 blue mtenor Female own- all length 2121.", 18,000 mOires, breakfronts fllle new 4/84 liqUid cool, ShIft, 11969 BUICK LeSabre _ VIIlY] 886-4194 ed, excellent condItIOn, I 118. CAliS FOil SAlE - ongmal mIles Same fdmdy Oriental procelall1s. 011 I full faIrmg helmet. CO\el , top, 37735 miles InterIOr - - 1979 CAMARO Berlmetta, 22,000 miles, $5,300 After 6 FOliO smce new Orlgmal unre- pteermg/brakes, \' 6, ------pottery, f1gurllle or art roof. crUIse control rechn "tICh, all', stereo, defroster 000 1980 PONTIAC Sunblrd, auto- _9_3_33 _ gas heater, runs \\ell $2,000 start, adult O\l,ned. must see 824-4B51 "'ork" Dazzle them \\Ith fur- IIlg seats, AM/FM cas selle, extra clean mtenor. some matlc, all', stereo, no rust, 1977 RABBIT - mechamcally $325/ offer 881 3802 111. TlIlIlEIlS/CAMI'EIISI mture III Queen Anne, Chip iMIIIl) $3.250 82J.0501 rust $1,900 Cd IIafter 6 p m 51,000 miles $2,450 or best perfect, two door automatic, pend ale. VIctOrian, French 1984 PUGH moped Excellent MOTOIl HOMES conditIOn loll, mileage 8114 1977 MERCURY l\lonarch _ 882-7014 881-2945 AM/FM stereo, radIals stvled Items Or .Ire vou III STURDY utility trailer, 4 x 8, excl'1lent condltlOn, 69.000 198'3 :\IONTE CARLO Good 1977 GRAND Safan wagon - $1,500 886-3571 to' collectlllg clocks,' chllla 5336 needs tires, first $200 laKes miles, $1.800 881 2252 condlllOn, $7,800 2593845 replaced englUe, great 1977 MERCEDES Benz, 240 sllverplated items and set; ". CAllS FOR SALE - 8391403 'lUSTA"G C ------transportatlon i\lusl sell' diesel - prIced to sell All', or antique lamps" Make AMC 197..6 "omerllbJe, I 1979 PARK A\enue Landau "'17-0 8827?11 them turn green WIth em) Y ELLO\\' 1977 wagon black, excellent condltlOn, : 10,lded, b7,000 mIles, alr .... a - - automatIc, AM/FM, sun- l1J. CA" IIEPAIII at your charmmg what.nots 40,000 miles excellent condl' aulomatlc \'8 28lj engIne, I $3,')50 or best 882-0577 1984 PONTIAC Sunblrd con roof, etc 885-4494 RAY'S FOREfGN car garage cut glass objects, carmval r tlOn, askmg $1 150 886.3667 $ll,Goo 791 501b I 19114 Z-28 5 HO hler 4.000 vertlble, red With whIte top, 1977 HONDA CIVIC, runs good, We servIce any and all glass or DepreSSIOn glass 1 • loaded, excellent condition, needs body \vork, $700 977 PACER. "'hlte. excellent 1979 1\,UST <\"IG - 4 speed 4 miles Ever'lhlllg \\ hlte 13000 les $11 800 774 foreIgn <-ars, speclahzll1g 111 Pamper } ourself 111 a chal"e conditIOn, mr, power steer cyllllder. Al\l/F\1 cas'ielle I $12 ()(){)!'Al205i7 After 6 pm 6580 ml" - 885-6905 l\Iercedes. Volvo \'W Ell!; lounge acqUIre a perfume mg/brakes radIO auto Very good condliion $2550 I 88488'54 ------19-8-4-A-U-D-I-5000--S,-I-o-ad-e-d-,-s-u-n- !Ish and Japanese I chIcles bottle or admIre) our col- mal1c I',hill' Side \\alls floor or best offer 82414J'l I 1981 ELEG;\NTE gas, V 8 198~ICITATION, su/nFroof, all', I roof, low mileage, excellent ol2 years expenence free lectIble doll or to) Come to a power, AM M, two condition, automatic, mats 39900 mdes Sl 250 I pick up and dell\'ery 8 (, 15434 E \\ arrer ;\.ve to sat 1983 E SCORT - $4700 ') extrd dean 2 tone blue, tone great shape $3?00 8848644 . • ,- or $15,600 1-731-2399 pm l\londay-Fnday 8-noon spec d ,sun roof, rearwlIldow I computer dd;h 10dded best offer 881-9333 or ------lsf\ \ our taste forthe umque. Saturday 884-8874 15040 EEP CJ-7 198J, 5-speed, defogger, po\\er brdkes, ex I 40,000 miles Call after 2 '30. 569-4816 PORSCHE 914, low mIles, reo bet\\een 10 JO-5 ~londa\ J East Wal ren Fnda' C;;aturda\ until' 6 PO\\ er steering, power cellent condlllOn 775 '3811 778-7808 OLDS CIERA 1983 _ 4 door, stored, very dependable, p m Bnng thIS ad gel an I brakes 2 tops rear seat 20 198.1RANGER S5.5OO/best of I 1979 TR;\. "IS A1\1 all black, diesel, power steenng, new engme, brakes, clulch, 11K. CARS WANTED TO IUY addltlOnal 10% off any pur I gallon fuel tank J6 000 fer 1980 Honzon, $2,5OO/be.>t: !>tereo 'i5000 miles, po\,er brakes, locks, seat, all', ~~r5aust, tires, $2,500 882- miles, excellent condItion chase offer 81152044 1 steermg/brakes, 66 hter I AM/FM stereo cassette. TOP $$ PAID $7 500 llll6 9253 1974 PI~TO $m Call 882 I engllle. competitIon trans loaded. rust-f1 ee Good con 1983 MERCEDES 280 SL - 2 For Junk, wrecked and un-": DENLEY'S I 978 CJ7 JEEP - Good condl 5160 mls<;\On 410 rear gear, cu; dltlOn $6,300 11116-4664 lops alr,8,ooomlles $33,900 \\anled cars and trucks ANTIQUES tlOn must <;ell $2 300 882 '1 tom I',heeb B F Goodnch - . 296-3909 I BULL AUTO PARTS 6972 1979F<\IR;\IONT6 aU,tomatlt T/Aradlal" all', $8,000 Call 1970l CADILLAC Coupe De ------894-4488 Furmture cloch Deco}s. to~'1 pO\\ er ~teenng ZlCbart lor details 8865792 Ville $700 Jerry, 7764859 1982 VW Beetle one of a kmd and pflmlll\ es !i1l2 Harper 979 JEEP CJ7 In absolute 59 000 mlle~ <;uperb, $2 2'i0 I ' 1979 REGAL Sport Coupe 111 the US Blue, 4 speed, II \\ ANT your beat up car Bill. 885 8295 7740747 1974 PO:\TI<\C ~teah \\lre 1982 SEVILLE, \\hlte on white runs on gas not diesel 7T 978 .\1\lC Concord A:\l/F\I keep tr) mg FREE ADMISSION I'll/a TORI:\O Loaded cxcel "'heel'i/Iochs A~lIF:'I1 ca; factory condlt\On. tinted 7489 a I ne" brakes/tIres 52,200 774 D-\\'ISBt"RG A\;TIQUES enl condition $1400 or best 1 "ptte EXLellent cOndlllO!! wllldo\\s $15,000 serIOus 11\. , ------12. IOATS AND MOTOllS 2449 'TAKET offer 5262831 i 10\\ mileage sa;oo AA50415 qUires onl~, 10\1 mileage I FIAT 1982 - purchased new 111 I ------77873'39 I 1984, stored 111 WInter Stili \la) 26 llA. CAliS FOil SAlE - ATIENTION Spnn"lleJd - Oaks Center CHIYSlEIl 1979 FIESTA - 4 ;peed ol 1<)78 l\1O\;ZA pOI\er sleer 1977 OLDSMOBILE SI t I under warranty Blue and C\ lInder e'l.cellent condl lIIg/ brake" automdllc \' 6 I a IOn tan comertlble 20000 I f7'i\ e\1193Dn:tell\\~ \ 979 CHRYSLER LeBaron tlOn ne t res $1 1-- 884 I bro\\n. sunroof, excellent "agon cu<;tom crUise com ' ml es, BOATERS! to fla. I~burg Rd \\ to An '\fedalhon - 4 door, sedan - _ \\ I n dlr \:\1 IF;',I ~Ierco ca:. I conditIOn 886')6'30 pletely loaded Best 'offer P 6 tlr~'i PIOneer cassette. T&C Boat 1\lallltenance gUd 686/ .,dle Original Ol,ner $1 <)'j() ,------111128n.; air ,00 8829261 der.,onlille Rd 'ioulh I air, A \1/F\1 sa rantees 10\\ e;t rales for boat full po'.'er 19 mde 10 ') P m Free Adml~- stereo radIO leather tOp/ill 1'li6 :'IIERCVRY Cougar XI{ 7 I ______171761'i I1 8-1I' WHITEI d t F'lreblrd.I Iexcel --::::-:---;:7:"":'=-::-=:=---=---:-:-1984 SU\JBIRD C t bl 11971 'rillv H t I'a nspor tat lOn, $495 I cleamng and mamtenanle 'ilOn tenor \\Ires clean ('all'ili 64 000 mile" pol',er 'iteer 1977 CIIEVY Impala _ Ex I en con I Ion ow ml eage, omer lei or best offer 88--2483 II Call now lng/brakes air \ery good cellent cnndltlon \er) good rustproofed, lot<; of exlras 2.000 miles, automatic all', a , :'IIA:\CHESTEH _399_1 _ condlt\On ;\Ian~ ne\\ parts condition \ ef) good tlrC'i, 8116,0661 . loaded $12 500 or be;t 884 1984 TOYOTA Supra Loaded 881-7378 ;\.'\;TIQuE \1ALL 1984 CHRYSLER Ne\\ Yorker 050 884 70 I' \ 1"81 CUTLASS S I I d d 1949 or 82.'32779 L(m mileage, hke new war. I 22 McGREGOR 1978 - O/R $1. o 0 .. lO'5 engllle "8 tilt air" ,a on, 0.1 e. _=-:-=::------t $ / ExcepllOnal country pie safe Loaded excellent condition ------7J uon mile, "17'i(1 0'3" '110 excellent conditIon $') 200 EXCELLEJl.:T condItIOn ran y 15,000 best 77') 18.')8 'I traIler 4 salls head life 1\lth punched tm paneled m 10000 miles S8900 884 9189 1'178 FORD I'\e<;la 5port 10\\ " "'_'r_'t_ PORSCHE hnes, more, excellenl Original blue pawt 116 E cvenmgs/'.'eekends or 87~ mile;, run; great $l l'iO M'i I 1'l8l BUICK Century V 6 aIr 884066') l(m Eldorado loaded one ' 1984 944 automat 8619 door lo(h.~ cru\"e tilt 198') COLL!'~CTOR '5 Edilion Ol\ner $4200 8818977 IC loaded 1,')00 mile!>, 54,900/offer <)'i64282 work !\lam \Ianche~ter Open 7 11'31 da)<; I--"":':'-=-':"':":"':-~"":':':"-- $22 'i00 8792410 884 9Y!"J day~ dajs 428-9J'i7 1981 RED, Plymouth Champ COL'GAR 1977 XI{ 7 101\ \:\1/Fl\1 "terco loaded ['\ BUIck LeSabre chnrcoal 1977 DELTA llll Ro)-ale, black, 1---,------I1llle~ $1600 8850\21 \'en ('Lutl\('OIll1ed 'l'5pm %J gra\ 4door,loaded La'itof 2 door $2400 111162'l84 a<;k Illlli RE"IAULT 181 ....agon 17 ,1,i\ILBOA T keel and FljR ....lTL'RE rehlll~hed reo ol.speed stick shift radIO, good condition l~h, r, 'J P n, lI.% ,4;() the bIg one'i I Mlllt wndl!lon for Scott I a.utomatlc. aIr loaded wnlcr board un''lnkablr paIred slnpped an) type of rear defrosler, good lIres a<;kll1g $12,'iOO 88'i.2,)27 I $1,400 Evenlllgs B82 97i~ Labln <;Ieeps 11,0 TraIler camng Free e'itlmate" ru;tproofed, looks and run<; 11. CAllS FOil SAtE - 11. CAliS FOil SalE - F'ADED BEAljTY but runs 11f~2 ~UBARL excellent condl nod (liB motor Call B86 474 89'i1 great $2,800 884-910') AMC AMe gredl 197; Malibu \\ agon 1002 HONDA Prelude, 5 speed':1 tlOn 88') 461'i 710i Fat) R PRE'>'>l-:D hack oak I 198.'3RELlA 'IT \\ agon. loaded $4='0 Great for painter i\M/F\II ca<;<;ette sunroof, IllllI FIAT Spyder 2000 con vcr 1'184 \H.LLCI{I\Fl I'lL 20 chair; ('aren "et TRANSMISSION The~!:: twO services prevent OXidation protect against conditIOn, $') 000 or he<;t of "tereo ne\\ $1'3;00 88') new tlrcs bnUen 11 'i00 , OFFICE eqUIpment for sale 2 1982 PLYMOUTH Rehant S E palnl dulling winter weather and salt and prov de your fer B86 561ll or 141.9171 a<;k 2<)11 mIle'i, $421 after 7.p m !',l'[, electriC type" rIter", 1 Automatic power sleenng/ car With a high gloss finish calculator 1 IRM dicta. brake'i rear defoggpr for Michael IQ80DATSUN210SL automa 81&0 phone Mlctugan Realty 296 crUise A:'II/FM 'itereo, air • Supflr GlaZfl Flnllh BlIICK Cpntury 1'l80 Llmltpd tiC A'\1/FM ca<;selle, great I llJ CAIlIlE'AlII 7602 After 4 p m 774 87='7 (Two Year Written Guarantee) S5000 4 door V.£ excellent condl condlllon $2500 31H)4='2 I • Protflc!lYfl Paint SlIalant hon $4200 or be'it offer 1<)82UL'R('L'D"S T 9 ARTICLES WANUO 9 AIITICLES WANTED $7000 • 77'3 0')1'l .VI ('~ ,-. ,~. '300 D "ta I (Three Year Written Guarantee) ------tlOn wagon lurbo diesel 'Comple!p CleanlOg of 1'l81 Pl/OE1IiIX - 4door well blue, excellent condlilon, BOOKS/USED AND RARE Intenor and Exterior add,llonal $1500 eqUipped Yrry good condl '35000 mlle'i 8,')') li2!! purchased for cash or appraJsed If your neighbors car /s shlnter than yours 11011 Call 88; 67'); MImCED!'~5 BE~Z 1980 ')00 Chances are we serVIced II' estates also deslred/m home consultatIOns 1'176 CADILLAC Fleetwood S E 4000n, 4 door \\cll JOHN KING Servrng the Grosse POlntes' for Over a Decade Brougham - dark blue, all I eqUIpped, mettallc rOjal opllon<; no ru<;t $2,600 '3'31 hlue, Immaculate conditIOn 961-0622 7181 Mu<;t see $24 900 776 1'i911 • Chp and Save thiS ad •

J' ......

Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine.C

13 ilEAL ESTATE 13 ilEAL ESTATE - 13. IIUt ESTATE - 13 ilEAL ESTATE - 13 ilEAL ESTATE 13 REAL ESTATE 13 RUI fSTA TE GENEIIAL GENERAL GENEIIAL GENEIIAl GENEIIAL GENEIIAl GENERAL ~ BY OWNER WoodbrIdge East Condo~ ST JOHN 1I0~pllal VICllllty 1047WHITTIER, SIXbedroom, 208 MOROSS, Grosse POInte 20 UNIT COMPLEX 1985 LOCHMOOR AuthentIC boat, 85 h p Johnson, excel SPACIOUS TUDOR HOUSE ST CLAIR SHOHES 5980 Lannoo Sharp, 3 bed. bl'lck Colomal Natural fIre. Farms 3 bedroom bl'lck Col- TAX SHELTER New England Cape Cod 3 lent condltwn Askmg $b,!JOO Complete, new 10 1980kitchen, We hdve Ulllt, dVdllable dt lhl'> room bnck Coloma I Alumi- place, 3J 1 baths, library, den omal, l'l baths, family ~Iodern leI'race apartments bedrooms, ll/l baths, family 884-t587 7 rooms, 3 bedlooms, I J l tunc 2 bedroolll~, bd,e. num tnm, I' 1 bath~, new or family room, spacIOus kit room, attached garage overlookmg a garden foun. room, recent kItchen Large 22' SOUTH COAST 10 h P baths, 1362Grayton, GI osse ment cenlr ,1I dlr, built ms, kitchen, flrepldce, PdtlO VA chen,rec room wllh natural Move rn condItIon Walk to ldlll 8 J\llle/Gratlot area, hving room, fllllshed ree Johnson, tralier, 3 salis, Pomte Park Walk to schools patio clubhou~e With pool FHA terms C-lueenof Pedce fireplace. wet bar, plu~ lav Lake St ClaIr $84,500 Con ...('pardte meters, excellent room, new roof and extenor compass, PUlPit, lifelines, and shoppmg U~e city h PI Iced to ~eJl' Pnce Ju~t re Pal"lsh Move III conditIOn m ba,ement All this and an ventlOnal, by owner Open (d~h return $17 000per umt pamt Call after 6 p m Ap- morl' 8852159 brdry, parks and pool Per duced By dJlpOlnlmenh Ncar nature trdll extra lot tool Call for the Sunday 2 5 881-5909 Ldnd Contrall terms avail. pOintment only $85,000 fect family home, many ex- onl) ABOVE OPI<:N ':lUNDAY 2 :; many detall~ Let us show 10MILE/I 94 area, 3 bedroom, dille Owner - 885-3694,886-7226 lB'3" LARSON - 120h P Merc IIART REALT'r tras Call for brochure ,md you thl~ gem today II ~ bdth bn(k rdnch 2J l car BY OWNER - Sunset CIrcle I/O Heavy duty trdller, PETTINE REALTY 88:; 1220 Moonng cover, extras dppomtment HAHVAHD 4230 (Ed~l Wdr gardge, nev, furnace Excel condo On Harper between 540-3640 b4:; 9450 521-4030 ren 1\!d(k) Cu~tom 3 bed- 1206 BALFOU H - Open Sun Excellent condillon $4,850 lent conditIOn $47,900 ~()l\lERf:>ET near Moross 3 12 Mile and Masollic First room bnck Coloma I Faml day 2-5 p m GraclOu~ 4 772 t496 884-1429 BmCK 111 story, hvmng room 372-3478 bedroom bnck bungalow, 2 11001', 2 bedroom, liVing wllh fireplace, dmlng room, I) room, fllll~hed ba...cmenl, bedroom Georgldn COIOllldl GROSSE POINTE WOODS room, dlllmg I., kitchen WIth 1982CHRIS CRAFT THHEE bed Ioom bllck rdnch CdI' gdrage, nice home new kitchen, 2 bath, 2/2 excellent move In conditIOn, Natural III epldce III hVlIlg 3 bedroom IJ\ldster ...ulte all appliances, laundry Very good condItIOn $10,000 F,Hnlh loom 2 (dl dUd(h $25.()()()B~ owner 5274762 bedroom~, fllll,hed bd,e VA FHA apprdlsed $33 ()()() room .lnd rec room, 2 full 20 x15' v,Ith full bath). 2 (dr room, carport $44,000 881- 886-5857 cd g,1l dge dutOllldtl( dool Sl Cldl'e Pdn~h IW<.,LYNRoad, Woods 2 bed. ment, $87,500 1595 FAlH bath~ 2 la v , family room, gdrdge, fireplace MUI~chlel 2755 MERCURY 711 H POut o]Jl'lIel ltm,hed bd'l'IllL'1l1 I n(-I\ kitchen new carpeting loom rdnch, fdmlly room, COURT, Cros,e Pomte kitchen A,kmg $77,900 LAKE~HOHE VILLAGE - 2 board, nev, In the box $750 flJ epldLL' (('ntl dl hr,'1 flH:; 57HB throughout Immedldte po, $67,000 !l82 b8b5 to move III L nll~ Real dnd 2 caJ gdrdge 1.0\ ely terbury $149 000 8862574 ,e~~lOn Don I delav I Pnce Estate 4b9 1414 ' h P I/O, 180 hours, 10dded REMODELED home en ledded gld~' \\omdo\\s dl1d reduced fOI qUlc"k sale , E Z Loader halleI' excellent BY OWNER Hall'lsonTOI\on LAND CONTRACT $25,000 I dosed fronl and redl patIO lIlllque archltecturdl fea SUNDA Y OPEN house, 2-4 condItIOn $8,500 882 78bb $t49,000 I 2 bedrooms 2 lull bdlh" nel\ I p m By owner - Ib Moor. ------~hlP 4 bedroom 2', bdth $118,000 'Hf'''- Pfl(f'rl ,Hf,q,10 ('dll WANTED Hov, boat m good COIOllldl,professlondlly dec. 1. Cdl ~PdllOU~ gdl dge for dppomtmenl 881 7465 land Ur, uro::.~e POlllle 4 bedl oom, 2 hdth~, Illodern killhen bdl \\ollldol'''' Illdn\ 1372DEVONSIIIRE - 4 bed IIor kshop nCII dn I e\\od\ Shores Modern ranch, 3 conditIOn B853551,773 1050 01 dted, paneled family room ()\lE BEDROOM second floor l\olthflrepldce, 1st floor ldun ulllque fedlul e" Idrge lot IIllIlll'dldte po,~e~~lOn room bn(k Cololllal, 2'l 4116 Three Mile Drl' e 8llt bedrooms, 3 baths, natural CREWS CHAFT 18, Ilber (olldo Gros~e POinie CIty. drY and den ~creened back bath, 24 foot long IivlIlg 1950 fireplace, custom kItchen, glass, Mercn.nser 120 I/O $i9,500 885 8230 poi ch, 2 car attached ga 1\ 'I liE PAI{K loom IIIlh naturdl fireplace 2 FAMILY FLAT Jenn.Alr thermador, cen- Forwal d bow seatmg bedm H2o!4')84dllel 6 P 1\1 fdmlly room study, rec BEA u TI FU L 3 hedroom tral all' $157,995 884-5982 88' , walk thru IIIlId<;hleld, rage $98,000 463 5194 Bedconsf!eld - J doors trom room bedroom and bath on Kel cheval, I block flom bnck lIVing room formal Hi')COOK 3 bedroom 2 star) $3,400 774 4646 GROSSE POINTE SHORES third floor, gas hedt 2 CdI' lhlllllg room I'! bath fdml FIHST OFFERING Gros~e POinie schoob ')/5 Ideal 10catlOn Owner 22' TANZER 6 h P outbodrd BRAND NEW HOMES gdrdge clo~e to schools dnd Side dnve 776 1657 11 loom hm,hed bd~ement, SI20,()()()E\elllngs 641 7453 4sall~, extras. $7.800/be~t of Newly decorated SPdCIOUS4 Irdn~portdtlOn \'vonderful fireplace, PdtlO gdS bedloom Ianch ndtural BEAUTIFUL home on chdrm lid!' fer 2946183 HOLLYWOOD fdmll) home $\lll500 bdrbecue nel\okitchen. new 13A. LOTS FOil SALE fireplace 111 hvmg room and rng qUIet ~treet m Gro~,e 198322' Mako, 200 Evmrude, GROSSE POINTE WOODS cdrpet thl oughout, all dlum family room, formal dmlllg CONDO-HARPER WOODS Pomte Wood~, nedI' Stal 01 ltlum trun DetrOIt pnme VACANT RESIDENTIAL lot • full canVdS, extrd~. $21,000 1 Three bedroom COIOllldls,two dnd one half bdth, cu~tom room, 3' baths. fllll~hed 2 bedroom~, pnYdte front dnd the Sea Liggett and public ed ...t ~Ide 371-2035 Regal Place, Grosse POinte 4b82287. 794 2109 1 basement With study, 2 1 bUill home~ 11,0 CdI' gardge 2147 lfollYI\ood redr entrance new thermdl ~chools Hou~e llIc1ude~ 4 Shores PIe shaped lot III CAPE DORY Typhoon, 1976, car attached garage Many pdne \\lOdov,s, newer car- bedrooms, 3'l bdlh~, IIhlte HAHPEH WOODS lId 1\0thorne sharp 3 bedroom prestigIOus locatIOn near 19', motor, 4 Sdlls, $7,000, m. extras Call for details OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 pet 109, new washer and marble foyer dnd \\0mdov, Shores Park cludes summel slip 886 $198,500 dryer lIlduded Immediate ~llls, bdy l\omdov, III h\ mg bnch ranch. family room. IIreplace llnlshed base 9885 BE JIGGENS 881.6992 posse,slOn Close to school~ room Paneled lamll) room VACANT RESIDENTIAL lot PAT WORDE and shoppmg $46,900 WIth bUIlt m book ~helve ... ment. attached garage, all 25' OWEN Sedsklff crul~er. 185 dpphance~ Gro~~e Pomte Three 1\ll1eDr near Jeffer Inboard, head, dinette. b89-8880 .lnd de,k ndturdl flrepldce ~on 250ft deep Pnme Park GROSSE POINTE SHOHES FIKANY, REALTORS PdtlO OutSide newl) pdlnt schools )I; Ice , Must see' galley, $4,000 8B29847 HARPER WOODS ranch j 85 Jl\orth Edgellood Dn ve off Lakeshor(' ROdd locatIOn 714 NOTRE DAME I'd !'leI" dpphance~ nCII CHRIS CRAFT 38' 1980 Cat. bedrooms, mas tel bedroom GI dCIOUS} bedroom rdnch LI\ lng 100m \..Ith ndturdl GROSSE POINTE CITY 886-5051 carpetmg, ne\\ roof fllll~h VACANT RESlDE:\'TIAL - alma, excellent condItIOn, WIth slttmg area Kitchen fu eplace, formal dmlllg room Idrge family room. 2 _ Gorgeous one bedroom upper WIth breakfast nook LIVing ' 1212WOODBRIDGE condo 2 ed basement copper plumb corner of Jefferson & Cad- generator, all', deck, bar, bath~ modern kitchen With Jenn Alre ~tove built III mg, thermal pane wlIldoll s condomllllum All updated room With dmlllg 'L" FlIl' bedrooms 21l bath, flmshed Ieux Road Loralll, auto pilot dnd more oven dlShl\oa~hel refrlgeralor mduded large central dU-condltlOnlllg All Apphances, all', ba~ement Ished basement \\Ith com ba,ement Land Contract 8850454, 881-4890 dllletle, f1mshed bdsement WIth IIel bar, 2 car attach. rooms large, lIght and all y Immediate occupanc~ Anx HIGBIE MAXON, INC plete kitchen, '1 bath and term~ Immediate occu ed garage With automatic door opener, pnvate pallo Mortgage $40000 at 7 !v;, IOU~ \1% llIldnclng 886-3400 16' STARCRAFT boat. alum- fireplace Central all' condl pan C) Open Sunddy 12 3 ' With ga~ gnll Undergl ound sprlllkhng sy~tem Nel\ Open Sunday by appolllt mum. converl1ble top 40 h P tlOnlng, eleclnc all' punfler Po\',er Brokers Inc 773 V-\CANT LOT - Kerby Road, 1'001,nev, furnace dnd (eiliral .III' 1\Ie\1IIlSUlatlOllllel, ment only, 885 /719 A,klng GROSSE POINTE WOODS Grosse POlllte Farms Mercury and trallel $2,300 ga, barbecue All aluminum carpetmg $169,000 5225 or COOSIdeI' 12' boat m trade pnce $185,000 SpacIOus 3-4bedroom Colomal 50'xI60' $25,000, Danaher, tnm With nell storms and Call 885 6273 for appOintment - By ()v,ner BY OWNER Grosse POlllte FdlDlly room, fireplace. 8863674 ~creens Ne\\ er roof, fur OPEN SUNDA Y I 5 Beautiful Baer. Wilson, Stroh 885- Woods 3 bedrooms, ne\\ II e,hly decorated, ne\\ car 7000 11 3 bedroom all bnck bunga BOSTON WHALER. 17', 70 nace and msulatlOn, 1 car cdrpet flreplaces, famlly pelmg Beaullful neighbor h p Mercury, trailer, ex. garage Asklllg $62,900 Call room, 2 car garage, dose 10'" m the Grosse Pomtc hood $77500 Call now' ELMSLEIGH Lane - 1 J block 768.770 TROMBLEY RD. to lake l00'xI20' - Plans tras, $4,995 882 5083 839 3733 after 6 p m schools After 6 pm 881- school dlstnct of Harper OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Wood~ Full ba~ement 1m avaIlable 886-3729 after 6 1970CAL 20, very good wndl LOW DOWN payment on slln 1110 FORMAL ASSUMPTIO)l; maculate move III condl pm lion, new traller, 5 ~al1s. full pie assumption Hdrvard be Wdtch ) ollr wile s e) es light up 1\0hen she ,ee~ thr~ 1111 Ilercfol d Shdrp 2 bedroom BY OWNER Harper \~oods tlOn 20b39 Fleet v,ood t",een Mack and Warren maculate home III move 1II condltlon See the blos~om~ rdnch, basemenl, appll. 100' LOT, Grosse Pomte race and cruise eqUIpment bl'lch bungalow, 3 bedroom~, 884-8670, $4'),900 man~ extras, $7,')00 537- Kitchen and bdth rooms up- and bIrds from your Mutschler kitchen EnJOy the good locatIOn 2 car garage ances, huge treed lot, WIth Farms, pl'lvate road Robert HARPER \\ (,UI)~ .; bedroom 4713 dated, With famlly room By patlO and gdS gnll thiS summer 2 yen large Days only. 886-2923 gdl'age and bnck patio Sflre Inc 776'1260 owner 882 3224 bedrooms, 2 halhs. ,eparale basements \1I.th Idv~, Cape Cod $34,900 881 064') $2b 800 !\lust sell COLUMBIA 21' flbel glass LOVEL Y Gros5e POlllte Park dnne parker TU 5-4415 offers KENMORE, Harper Woods, spl'lnkler ,y~tem, -t (ar g

I ' '\ Page Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985 130, VACUION/IIESOIIT 13H. COMME"CllL PROPEftTYI 1,C. CHIMNEYANDFIREPLACE 16A. ADOPTA PET 19 MOVINGANOSTORAGE ZOE HOMEIMPftOVEMENT 20E, HOMEIMPROVEMENT 13C WlTEft 'ftOPERTY '"O'EI''' IUILDINGS RE"AIII/CLEANING ST CLAIR RIVER. Vacant YOUH O\\'~ pnvdle pdradlse BUSINESS A1'\D FHEE KITTENS Most FIREPLACES, wood stoves, McCALLUM MOVING com. lot, East Chma Town~hlp Island house, guest houses, 11'\\'!':STl\l~:N r adorable In Grosse POIlIle 011 flues cleaned Caps and pany Modern truck and HADLEY HOME "HUNT" Askmg $49,500 !>t'.lches doeI-, totdl privacy I'HOI'EHTIES Woods Mu!>t see 8B2.0B,n screen!> In!>talled Insured, equipment Established ill IMPROVEMENT Home Improvement Co All ~tllP ne,\! E"UlnolS, no me"s Profe!>!>lOnal 1918 - Fully IJ1sured Also, No Job Too Small E\c!u,,1\ ('1\ I"REE DOG to good home, 11~ INC. S1' CLAIR - Pille HI\ el COUll 13dhdmds A~klllg $950 000 Mastel Sweep ~IS . c,a,hsls. 776.7898 For Quality Work try estate 3,000 SqU31 e 1001 ~ALES -LEA<"E~ year old, Alrdalc/Shepherd, COMPLETE REMODELING 823 1098 Low Prices home on 10 plus acres 0\ el E,\( II \:\(JE~ neutered, all shots, trallled ('I':IITIFIEI) ::280 __ SERVICE 1,000 feet of lIver flonl 839 8la9 Coach light Chlmne) Sweep Kltchens.Baths 1"1 ee E"lImates Company PIANO TUNING and repaIr AdditIOns-Porches Home features famIly 100111 \ II gUild" Jl'Illll" Hed!lol BEAGLE - needs home PUle 8B273'i0 (; \ \ LOIW \HEA Complete plano servICe by natural fIreplace MUlschlcl 8H20!!!!'! bled fenMle not !>pd)ed Attlc/Rec Rooms 176J7 EoI,,1 W,men .1\1,[ H('dull''>110m room, I X I'd), I lab room PLFAS~' PI hi' l hlmnel LoIP~ dnd ,,( Ieens COMPLETE PIANO servIce Alummum Sldmg and too many extras lo mentloll LOdded on \\ .II I en neal • , - - e33bl cdges ,lIld lie .ll e I el I "ad Fences/Repairs of all kmd" HE\UHlEU,(; .\\11 3299036 . ( crt Illed In~ul ed fllllshmg Member Plano Hl',lUl II ul I Iwdloom 2 b,lI h dfter 5 p m I dbdlldoned kJllen., We mll"t Licensed and Insured \UJ)lTIO\S HAHBU!t BEACH 52 01 lh.i1l'l [\10 III Ill" 11\1111 77l 1-1-1-1 Techlllcians GUIld Zech ()I'PO~ITr. E.hlldlld 1'01 I' IlIld home" \ el) ,,0011 rhere Bossnel 731 7707 !l860520 \IH'IIITE('TUUI, frolllage on Lake Hm on 2% "I iI,ill ]{t ,Oil ~H '11111 ~,lIl' \ltrdltl\ dl d""I~lIl'd ,lI e -Iof u, alld lie dl e lovmg SEH\'IU: 110. LOCKSMITHS deep SI2 900 2B6 RIll 1 l 'uIII' olllt(' blJl'idll1g \dl' I edb '>l'1'0I1l1l' ,ll l'd (,ood Ple & I:"Sl'HEB -1115 S Indldll H1ICI DI 1110\ IIlg ,Ind Cdn t ldke \lllh lIE. ALARMINSTallaTION/ 201. ElECTIlICAlSEftVICE (, II hH Ii \1,. '_ 1_, ~ 1\<>,1111 \\ IIITE CH \PEL - 3 dtlJd AddltlOlI'o Fort Pierce Fl J J-I82 u" \\ 111 bllllg to \ ou fOI III IlEPAlftS (ll 1'(1 h,'\-,' 1,1\1"1(\ l('nt plot" $1:>0edch 01 b,~t phone 305 -16-17318 ; peLl101I d needed llR-I6867 COLVILLE Custom dnd Quality dill a\" JOANNA WESTERN \11 1'4';)) ~1- ,2 ~llq tH ,.fI('r (,ill '1..11 I Lu at 1 -1,-1 CA1\IAL PROPI':H1 \ L1CE.NSED AND IN~URED WINDOW SHADES '12,h '11 \ Ihil,lIltl \!)f'H \BLF \"IIf>n d",r' HOME ELECTRIC CO. Udll II 000 \.JOIgeou" ..: /)('(1 JIM LAETHEM Ji\1 \ 1 :->lll 111'.1{.., BLJ \1)" (, \ \ 1 ()I\D \I1CIII(, \ \ II Ranges, Dryer", SerVIces, room bnch on tilt' ~hOl e, 1~. ilEALESTAn WlNTED Ildlred bldck molIe 12 eek" hALl \1 \'\\ SECURITY 0001 bells fmest candl ,",ell Ilolmdllil ' Ol r"1 \ \DI\l, old \'en dffecllonolte and lUH\If)OOH,:, \\D\\I\IlO\\" m"lll I{EmE\1 ~\\eel \\ c1~dbdndoned dnd \lIdlO ~entl \ dnnounles the VIOLATIONS 882-9310 ed deck dnd 2 Cdl golrdg(' I 01 I dllolblht~ of supen I"ed FAST EMERGENCY full basemenl 2 bdth" ,\II CASH de"perateh need" d 10vlIlg It F 1\111 eles" I for the home SERVICE GONZO SAVINGS ne\l roof and fUI ne(ullty "urvey con COMPANY, MAINTENANCE 1,Ilt \Ir VUlce at 29-1-1-110 carpetmg, read) to mOle 111 ft ee enJO) dble 11\ II1g III IMCORPORATED Interior.ExteriorPainting I SOON! LICENSED and IIlsured con Wallpapering terms $172 'iOO Call -165 pllme reci eallOnal drea Three 01 four bedroom. more tractor Bnck or P.l\'lIlg FAST 24 HOUR III 0505 CIl] or \I flte lor colored bl 0 AUDIO Specla hzmg Ceiling-Wall Repair than one bath preferred stones for dnve\l ays SIde chul C to G.l, F anlllng I Call Rick Landu) t for fur SERVICE Window Puttying l\aJks, pall% aroundslIlm Carpentry ST CLAlH _ II1Isl Redl Estdle :\'c1tlOlldl the I' mformatlOn at Johnston I SENTRY ALUMINUM I mlllg poob Replace) OUI 884.9500 Roof Repairs B,lnk of Dell Olt 611 \\ ood and Johnston 881 4200 basement \1 IIldo\l S 1\Ith ON THE RIVER I IIdrd ,he DetrOIt "I-lIl12h I I CORPORATION SIUlIlg • Trim • Gutter" Heat Tapes Elegant - bnck home 011 100 _ 1313' 22> J-I21 I CASH I beaullfuJ glass blocks Clt) \ LEADER f\; ELEemONIC LICENSED Storm" & SCI eell • Etc Gutters of high, pnme 1'1\ erfronl I of Grosse POlllte referral DIGITAL SECURITY Roof Vents Huge hvmg room formal BE \lJTlFU L Ldke 1IU1on FOR HOMES 772 3223 ELECTRICAL ROBERT H. RAESE Doors-Windows dlnmg room You \1111 love I frontage Le\lIlgton Cuslom I Sel\ IIlg \rea "mce 1918 I 11F. INSULATION CONTRACTOR Masonry Repair the kitchen l\Iaster bed bullt <.ontempol al) 5 bed \:\'1 J<: '\:\ \ HEl\fO\' \L CONTRACTOR STIEBER REALTY I Sill 50 Guaranteed \\Iork • Lov. pnces . Plumbing room sUIte on flrsl floor tll 0 looms 3 baths hl'lIlg room BLOWN-IN LIcensed Free Estlm.Jte~ Certificate of Occupancy- large bedrooms and bath up f,1I1111\ loom two fireplace" ______775-4900 1 C \LL 8JIJ 71152 • No Job too small • VIOla. Insured 885 2071 FAST. FRIENDL\ Insurance Work Landscaped terrace aIel' bedutlful sand} beach \\ \ \;TED ~tII \LL ran(h In Ci I INSULATION tlOns COrl ected • Free 0\\ ner operated busme",,- ~EJ{VICE estimate" Gary Martlll, Licensed-Insured lookmg rtver S265,OOO \Iam extlols 0\\ ner fmance l\ 01 GI o,,~e Pomte 32J Oll'i Low summer pi Ices Celhngs No l\llddlemdn MULLEN AND ASSOC, IIA"iDY\!A"\ 1I1th truch dndlol II all" Licensed and Califorma contemporar~ - at S179900 Call John A (il 8B2 BihB 882-2007 286-2658 completely remodeled gla%' Hall ling, Ine Ask fOI Bell) Clean ba!>ements garages IIlsured rIver room huge mastel Tate 1133597361 or 3:>9.5-131 16. PETSFOil SALE am hauhng odd Job" 1'1 ee 777.8714 445.857 RETIRED MASTER electn. clan LIcensed VIOlatIOns bedroom, .111 \11th mo&t spec. "IIELTIE pUppll.'S AKC Iegl" "ell'lce gutter c1eanlllg Bob 1.G. WASHEIlIDIlYEft/ 13G. FAIlMSFOil SALE - 8115&22, ServICes lIlcreased Also tacular view 2 bedroom" 2 I teled 'odbledndllhlle e... APl'lIANCEIlE'AIIlS I "mall Jobs TU 5.2966 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION baths, fIreplace Gue!>t 'I J<: fA 'IORA Hunt a rea tCllenl tempel dlllent I WE HAUL dway an) u~dble CALL GEORGE house Boat hOIst High land I hl>t OIIC -I bedroom home \\01 med ~hoh hCdlth I unwanted Items Also ELECTRICAL Wtrtng and WIth steel sea IIall $199 000 NUDa APPLIANCE pond \Ioods, 2 barn~ 2 pad gU.lrdl1te, HH-I.BOB dltel ~ garage deamng Phone 497- repairs - houslllg vlolalJons RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION BEAUCHAMP REliLTY dock" 15.34acres bl 0\1ner pm ~M Washer and Dryer ServIce corrected - permits - low 3294755 Sales New ConslructlOn & Repairs Ti2 266'i before 9 p in LAB pups - i gIrls, 8 bo~ s GUTIER cleamng alummum pnces - hcensed - Ron AddItIOns - Porches - Sun Decks I Doran - 881-0748 - 7 days 13H. COMMEftCIAlP"O'EIITYI black, $ JO chocolate $75 "Idlllg II.l"hmg bu"hes or 445-0776 ST CLAIR rI\ erfront tOil n IUllDINGS house, 2 bedrooms, 2 bal First "hots/ll ormmg 881 tree lllmnllng or remO\ mg ROSE APPLIANCE REPAIR LLOYD ALLARD Electnc FREE ESTIMATES 822.0500 comes 2' baths Gredt f\ \'E~1 :lTl:. \'1' PHOPERT\ 0668 Call 775 7-10-1 Fa~t Dependable ServIce Inc 882 5475 Reslden!lal - LOI\('1 [e\ el commerCIal KITTEN - male 7 weeks old 0 N G CONSTRUCTION CO 7 Days A Week wlnng our specIalty Serv- SERVING THE POINTES EXCLUSIVELY room \llth fllepld(e dtld .,('(ond Jlool dpaltmcnh 5~3 8338 lIlg Grosse POlllte slllce 1939 mIrrored II CARPET LAYING ,,,hmg Expert m stam Old T.V REPAIR • SCREENED PORCHES on the n\Cr RlI er Colol1\ I FOI ~dle bOl n 4 178-1 AKC. shot.<:. 527 :-JEW AND OLD floO! s a specialty We also All makes 21 years ex KITCHENS. BATHROOMS =19 Open Sdturdd~ and Surl II, 100Jl10t!l,e bulldlllg ')1\ 01 06!l7 after -1p m $225 Stall''' Carpeted Shifted reflmsh bamsters penence LIcensed Selllor • RECREATION ROOMS da\ 1.5p m Hlollller l29 mOIl' loom, .lldildble 101 RepaIrs of All TI pes 5357256 speCials • WOOD DECKS • COMPLETE JOB START 1il. ADO'T A PET 62-12 Ill'll Oiltill \\ l'Il bUill l'\( ('I ALSO G & G FLOOR CO 756-8317 TO FINISH - LARGE OR SMALL Il'nl ulIId Ilion Ilell 1001 CARPETING, VI:-.iYL Floor "andlng professlOnall) FREE DOG - Collle/Shep A-I SERVICE 111 your home LAKE ST CL.l,IR I Pl'lleLl 101 ploJe",,1OI1d" HI\RDWOOD done Dark stalmng and fm R.D. PRIEST BUILDERS, INC. herd mix female, 88657-16 Bob Cherney's Contll1ental Lakeshore Dr1\ e :\It I 1\llh lulure l''''pdn"IOI1 111 Samples ShOll n m \shlllg All \I ork guaranteed TV - RadIO - Stereo 881- GROSSE POINTE 881-8019 Clemens Ver) lastetul l I nllnd Your Home Free estImates References 16. PETS FORSALE 7905 Over 30 years 111 Grosse ROCHESTER 652-2255 bedroom ranch Pnced to \ IIgml.l" Jl'llll(' BOB TRUDEL 685.0257 sell $12-1000 1{(',dIOl BIll OWl'j 77-I7590 da)!> 29-15890 e\ e" POll1te Llc #1082 MASTER REMODELERS -1657123 If you lose me 19. MOVINGANDSTOllAGE • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 13G. FAIlMSFOil SALE JERRY'S CARPET AA '1' V ServIce servmg east 130. VAc.TlON/lIESOIIT or find me RELIABLE POINTE reSIdent SIde over 20 years Nortown ""0P'fIlTY SERVICE \I Ith moving van WIl! move TV 882-0865 MACKINAC Island class\c Sl\!ALL WORKING FAR'! InsldllatlOlI I epalrs all kll1d" large or small quantitIes COLOR TV, HI.FI, STEREO Spectacular IIateI' Vlell ~ SHE"\ANDOAH VALLEY In home !>dles ,\ al ehou!>c INSURED t())/LIlMIAJIHIDZIt@ Large, private I\'oods~ lot 5 885-6264 VIRGI\IA pll(e~ (h el 20 \ edr'i ex Bo b 882 1968 or 822-4400 ANTENNAS bedrooms plus maid All 20 miles Roanoke 28 graz. penenLe 776 l60-l ALUMINUM SIDING nell huge custom count 1') mg acres modern bnck MOVERS WORLD 20E. HOMEIMPIIDVEMENT 11C. CHIMNEYANDAIlEPLACE IU Haul Company. Inc ) REFINISHING kitchen, d1l1ette and bar Colomal, -I 000 It. 5 REPAIR/CLEANING fl:alural patlerned \'.ood bedrooms 5 baths tenl1ls Ever) servIce available for 10- FENCE - ProfesSIonal m. 1 0 YR. GUARANTEE walls and celllllgs separate court pool l1e\\ solar ten. I RECISION chlmne) repair callntra.lnter "tate movmg stallatlon or repaIr Wood * * family room game room nant house small barns Bnck and block work, flue Free estimates Call East and cham link Steve 882. • Aluminum Washing & Waxing office 311replaces giant 111 , for horses and COI\ s replacemenL! chlm ney Jefferson Mo\ IIlg and 3650 door and outdoor pon.h and III more IInte tor brochure screens All work guaran Storage Brick Cleaning & Sandblasting teed Ste\ e :.\JcCabe 521.5137 12001 E Jefferson portIco Immaculate S475 000 J Whltlllg Rte We II run your ad ALUMINUlI,l VINYL Siding, after 'i p m 8235621 OUR PROFESSIONALISM OFFERS: $350.000, 0\1 ner \I III carr~ I 2 So ... 307 FlIlca'itle FREEII tnm gutters.rooflllg storm ,\ eel\da I" I 'n2' 951 4754 Virginia 2-1090 882.6900 1&. PETS fOil SAlE GROSSE POINTE doors, wmdows, free • Quality Workmanship other (312) 941 'i-lf>'l estImates Call Joe 886.2186 j\IOVING AND STORAGE CO • Customer Satisfaction 13C.,WATEIIPIlO'EIlTY 13C. WATEIIPIlO'EftTY Pomte reSIdents WIll move or C'iAM?IONS _. remove largc or small quan FORMICA speCialist KIt QUALITY PUPPIES I • Prrde With 16 Years Experrence TOY POOD LES "- _1..\ /' ..... ¥!.;"" tllIes of furmture, apphan chens, baths, custom ~ '\ ~ .... ./'s ,,"'" STUD SERVICE TO WATERFRONT , AP Ricor ' /,' ~. ces, pianos - or \\ hat have cablllets guaranteed work I APPROVED BITCHES For less Licensed 7724176 REDS • BLACK (f,; ~~~ ~f' i' ~""':l~ : )OU Call tor tree estImates • WHITE .., 1\.., i" I ' I Beautiful propert) on 1\ ater 1n Gro'ise POlnle re.ld\ for A KC REGISTERED I 3-130481 or 822 4400 Opera. 7L1Z~~~~ZuZP YORKSHIRES ,"\;:-)'C \ ~ II 201l. El£CTIlIClL SEftVICE ' • == bUlldll1g, fOOlof ~) camore subdl\ ISlon appro\lmatcil 'BOARDING , ted by John Slemmger and SCH'JAUZER 1>1 •• \ ., ~ +', ' 100 ft frontage Bu)er'i onl\ p]ed~e' S27'i 000 • GROOMING Bob Breltenhecher I 11C. CHIMNEYANDFIIlEPUCE I LllE\lSED I 882-3289 .:~;houJ. !J(E.llIlE.[5. IlE'AIIl/CLEANING ELECTRICAL FERLITO PIWPERT\ OF \ I !FETnIE MARCEL AND MARIA DAGHUYT C01WHACTOR I COACHLIGHT CHIMNEY CONSTRUCTION CO - Phone 293 1429 Highest quality. Lo\', est UN, VANS- TRUCKS 11H, VANS- TRUCKS 33633 HARPER AVENUE HOURS 9 OOA '0\ TO 6 OOP M SWEEP COMPANY prIces Free estimates * All t) pes of cement lIork AddltlOlh ALLMAKES * AU MlICES ST ClAI~ SHORES MI 48082 CLOSED SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS * Dnvev.a\~ h.ltchen~ I (EHTIFIED =21W \lASTER ELECTRIC * * PatIOs . * (;ar.1gl" ",,0 :'Iless • Insured 97B 7625 A RARE COMBINATION Complete * Bnck & Block \lork * f{ooflllg LEVERAGE AND CASH FLOW 1lil. ADOPT A "ET llil. ADOPT A "ET ChImney Care PROFESSIOr\ AL BASEi\lE \ T \\ATEHPHOOFI\(. 11C. CHIMNEYANDFIIlE"L1CE WE STOP LE \KS GLAR \ \ TEED 885-3733 IIEPAIII/CLEANING Why QUALITY WORK-REASONABLE PRICES PE:-'DOUl\;O'S CHIMNEY SERVICE Licensed, Bonded • rll~ured CALL U~ "\OW FOR A f HEE E,:,TI\IA1 I': Not SPRING SPECIAL * 10% OFF WITH THIS AD * Speclalizmg In bnck v.ork, 885.1798 Adopt! croll n'i, f1uehners, screens FinanCing Available \LL WORK GU ARANTEED 1l1UJ'1Q.11 Bnng 10\('

\, 1~lt the liG. WASHER/DRYEII/ 1.&. WASHER/ORYER! • <\DDITIO\;S • KIT( 111':\<., B \11[<" A'PUANCE lIf"AIIlS A"lIANCE IlE"AIIlS I • CUSTOM BAY WI:-'DO\\[o, 1 • !{!o~(HE \ TfO\ HOO\I') .. Jt, j Anti Cruelty Association I • :'ff" t • I .~'f# , Il,!>'j .Io,eph (ampau lIamtr,lIn( k We take your dream., to r('alIt) from

t , 1-__ '- ...... Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Efeven.C

20N CEMENT AND .'IICK 20E HOME IM""0VEMENT 20F /lOOFING SERVICE lOG CAIIPEl CLEANING 20H. "AINTlNGJDECOIIUING 20J. WINDOW WASHING WOIIK GIOVANN[ SACCO K-WINDOW cleamng com- ROOFS and DECKS HAWTHORNE'S CLEANING DECORATING SERVICE COLORS pany Storms, screens, gut. HAROLD M!iIII EASTVIEW GUTTERS and SERVICE tuck pomtmg, chimney, por- Pamtmg, wallpapermg !>talll- A PA[NT[NG COMPANY ters, aluminum cleaned In. DOWNSPOUTS Carpets - Upholster~' - wall CHAUVIN ches vIOlatIOns repaired 109, wallpaper removal. pat. [ntenor palntmg, wdllp.Iper- !>ured Free EslJma!e!> ALUMINUM Gutter!> Cleaned dnd Flu!>hed clealllng Velvet upholstery CEMENT CoNTHACl'OR Rea!>onable 886 5565 ching. caulkmg hu,ured and 109 Fd!>t, fl ee quotes Call New dnd Hepalr Work c1ealllng specialists u!> la;!, we bedl or mdl(h 882-0688 ALL TYPE OF BUS 521-0941 licensed CEMENT WfiRK VINYL INC. Llcen!>ed and Insured mo;t quote.> Heferen(c; D WINDOW CLEANING CO ADVANCE MAINTENANCE (Drymg lime 2-3 hrs ) Itdhdn Journeyman • Walks. Vnves • Ponhe; 17JOI Mack nedl ('ddleux Aftel {i p m cdll Mark 884 StOIms and screens. alum.. 17319Edst Warren Dry fOdm Shampoo dnd ex- 264-7'579 978-2448 • PatlO.... Wdtel proofmg J.W. KLEINER • Sldlllg • 1'1110 5107 I mum and gutters cleaned 11114%12 tractIOn method • Pre Cd;t ~tep, • SeJmless Guttel'" • [)00l ~ WHITEY'S ACTIVE p,untlng, Interwr/l'x Free e!>tlmates Lowest • TUlk POJlltlllg Basement Waterprooflllg • Wmdow!> • Rooting HADLEY HOME K-CARPET • Wdll Papermg tel lOr ,pecldli;t, red ...ondble I pnces 10 the Pomtes • Clumnc} Hepdll .'Awnlllgs • Shullel" rates Call dfter 5 p m 7711 77J 052:; 777.1329 • No job too !>llldll All Work guaranteed CLEANING • Intenor Pamtlllg • POIch Ellclo~ul'e" IMPROVEMENT 1711 Bill Free E;tlmdtl, LICENSED • Rea.>onable Pnce; 20K. TIlE WOIlK .'Wrought [Ion INC. COMPANY 779 !l4~7 118bIJH!J'J • Glass & .':>CIeen HepdJl • Good Worh 882-0717 COMPLETE CARPET SPECIALISTS • Cdll - no job too ~mdll JIM ESSIAN I CER M C T E 2~ Yl'Jr ...ExpellCnce • VISit Our ~howl oom HOOFING SERVICE !lou~e PdJl1ler Inlenol dm]. A I JL - Lilensed - HID.A.LEAK '.20 Yr~ 882-0688 774-0414 I COMMERCIAL & extenor Fme <.rdfl!>mdn 7767113 BRICK STO'l;[o,----hJoch wn- Wdterprooftng .'[n"ulcd HESIDENTIAL Abllltv to pJe.t~e Cdll dfterlllJ YEAH.':>r:XPEHlEr\CED • Crdck.'t, Floor leaks • :;21 5&lb HHI 1O1l0 upm bdthloom, ;ho\ler~ dndl crele, bnck PdtlO; <.hlm Ted I off EXPERT CARPET WOOD REI=INISHING ne~s flrepJdu:" '\ell dnd • Block Walls Repaired He"hmgle 11112!l9911 repd II ~ • All work guaranteed : DOUGLAS SHAW CLEANING STRIP ~TAI." VARNISH I I repdlr~ Dc~ell(lcr H22.1201 !lot Tdl DUp!lCdtc E ...I...tlng FIIll,h 01 • Llcellsed & Insured . HOl\lE HE'\lO\'ATIO\ ('OLLI~CrE ;tudenl, cxpellerll. (E[{A \11(, TILE - ":e" dnd If no all!>\'.er {'dll el clllng; Holl Hooflllg '1'1 u<.k I\lount Exll .rlllOn ('olor ...to :\ldt<.h HI 777-2280 Remodelrng 01 Hepd Ir,> cd pdlnlmg the Crlo~;e Iemodeling Bdth ... kltdlCn.> Vent; ]{e"ldentl.Il & ('ommel cldl Kltlhen c.lblllet~ bJthroom : All11o::,!AI1\ "\eel! Done Kil POlllledred for7 \Pdl; Cdlll dnd JO\CI... '>holler pan, re II LUIGI-F Gutter::. LIV[N(,IWO:\l 27 \dllltle~ I'ec f.Imll} loom P.Il .':lulll\dn !lll.)IHJ!lO pdll cd Cdll HI<.k.It 521 1414 CAPIZZO CON ST. . chen B 50 CEMENT WORK Hepmr ... &. HALL p..lncllng, dool ~ tnm dnd ------1 : Llbr.Ir~ ~m.I1I Joh, \\ el Ll<.en...ed dnd In...ured FUlllltLIIe Cle..ll1lng moldlng~ JAI\IES HU"~ELL 1\ld;terl BASJ::ME:'o.l' . (Orne QUdlit\ b I'JI" (..lll Good" 01k (JIl Ilghl pi III 886 0:;20 DAVE TEOU.':> 77!J0411 Llcen;ed In"ured pclrnter~ dnd decordlUl ~ I Wt..TEHPIWOFING : 885 5253 - Nell dnd Itepall \\ 01 k Fdl1l1l\ OIl npd "'- Opel dtld I{elel enle, Frel' E"tllndtes .':>lI1<.e1949 (,Idllllg \Iood APACHE ASPHALT DO"JE HIGHT Drll e g.1I ,\~l H,lI'>lJlg J() YEAH GU <\HA.'\TEE LETO BUILDING CO D BAHH I PIlESTIGJ:: PA1NT[NG CO Illll;hlng pdpl'l hdngel, 011 Parkmg lots - Dnveways I \\ dlk .... .':>Iep'>• l'olthe; • LICE'\.':l.lW INSURElJ SINCE 1911 GROSSE ('LEANING SJo~HVICES DAVID IWLEWICZ fille \1 dlkol CI jug ... .':>en"lbl(' ::.eaJcoalmg, Patchmg, I pn(es, 777 21106 Stnplng i Flee Joolm PdtlO ('{J<;,],(IM I'll ITT 0\1\1(: ,1"('(11\ n (:fo'l\;FH ,\'! 1(1" _296_._7_38_u 7_7_8_5_0-_)5 I • TONY 885.0612 POINTE'S I'IITEIUOJ{-cxtellol Pdlllting ~udhly Malenals uuu ~v~ u REMODELING Wllldo\l... (dlpet Ildllll WALLPAPER I Tuck POlnllllg ~ (.hJlllnc) REC HOOMS FINEST IId;hlllg. guttel' uphoJ :,tU((O dnd texture repdlr 80 B Bd;ement \\ "lei ploollIIg AMERICAN KITCHENS StCl~, Hoor; cle,1l1ed dnd I REMOVAL drywall dnd pl.t ...tel 30 886 5565 Frec E'>llllhlle'> BASEMENT year ...expenenlC 8HllJll1l8 - 1 8823222 \\dxed h.rrd\\ood f1001'> I BY TIM Complete rooflng &. gutter WATERPROOFING mdllliendnce dedned dnd p..l...te \I'dx(d I , I (' & J ASPHALT 294-6449 771-9796 MODERN IZATION • LO\I Rate!> PAI"iTINCr -- lI1lenor/ex Paving Inc Ll<.en...ed • Bonded LUll PflC(',> ~ I ee E...tlm.ltes Hoofs Caulked &. Repalred DALE 777 H4!J7 • Be!>tPnce ...Alound tenor, II dll IId,>hlng ,dnd CommercIal parkmg lot!> re- \11 \\ 01 k {,udrdllteed M.T. CHARGOT Gutters Cleaned PROF £SSIONAL CARPET 771 4007 domestIc c!e,lI1~llg Free pdlr, sealcoatlng and .>inp CHAS F JEFFREY l Icelbcd In:>ured BUILDING Co. He"ldentldl & Commerudl and Upholstery cleanlllg at I ------~;tlmate; Cdll I hom 8111 ping Rl~ldenhal drlvellay" l\lA~ON CO\ !'HACTOR INSTA'\T SERVICE !{pde(ol dtlllg I Renovdtmg) I BOB 372-4927 PERSONALLY DESIGNED rea;onable rates usmg the I Helllll~hlng' 1_10 Owner/Supervisor Free I LICEN~E[) I\SlIHED ALL WOHK GUARANTEED Kltchens - AttiCS Von Schrader method Cail Plole,> ...IOnJII\ Done HI (~U\Ln Y - 1.I .lit - pdlntlI1g e;tlmdte!> Also concrete • BrIch • l:ilo(k • .':>tone * ROOJo'ING SPECIALI~T i CIIAHLES F JEFFREY * Basements - Porches Tom Barre;e 1;\1 l\[cGumne ...... - rntellOl - exlellOl dnleways • Cemenl \Vorl-. 882-11100 * Bathrooms - Rec Rooms 775-2802 839.5155 I PldsterIng pdmt mg II dll ~pecldli,>t~-Iepdll II00h - CALL ANYTIME • \\ aterpl oot II1g • Bd"ement Watcrproofmg Outdoor deek envIronments SHORESIDE Carpet Clean-j pdpenng \Iood Ieflnlshmg gUdl.t nteed - Ietci enee ...- 773.8087 • Tuck POllltlllg • Underpm footlllgs EXPERT REPAIRS , CUSTOM CRAFTED mg, profeSSIOnal carpet flooflng 1Iee e~tll.ndte~ - 1l1'>l1l ed - AL'S ASPHALT • PatIOs of dliV kll1d • Cracked or Cd ved-lIl walls "* Cablllets - Formica GUTTERS cleanIng Work guaranteed Llcen"ed - Insured John - )2b llll(, PAVING COMPANY POnCHES A;\IIl ALL BHI( K • 10 ~edr guarantee ~ Woodworklllg-tnm work Fully Insured Free E!>tl I 882 RllH MELIN'S PA[NTING PdvlIlg, sealcoatlng and exca- WORK A .':>PECI\LTY Llcen ...ed Insured Replacement WlIldows ROOFING * Intenor &. Exlenor V..ltlOnResldentldl and com 882-1800 -.f Intenor - Extenor Doors SMALL JOBS ~~~~~s Call 775-3450. 24! EL GRECO'S JACK WILLIAMS .FULLY LICENSED AND Pdtchlng, Pla;terlllg, mercldl Guardnteed quail- Stucco, VarlllshlI1g ly II orkmanshlp at reason. CAPIZZO CONST. INSURED 774-9651 20H. "AINTING/DECOILATING I \IASTEHPIECE PAINTING WATERPROOFING WlIldow GlaZing & CaulklI1g able Iates I (~UALIT\' \\ OJ{J( GENERAL HOME REPAIR , Intenor cxtellor E,penencc and WALL REPAIR Wallpapermg STATE LICENSED AND I ALL TYPJo~.':lOf :Free Estimates - 882-6842 CASHAN ROOFING MICHAEL'S ln repalrlng U dck;. ddmag ed pldstel fadmg peehng Wallpapenng Sdle III home Il'\SURED REFERENCES CEMENT BHICK .\ND * PROPER METHODS O}o' FREE ESTIMATE Fence HOT ROOFS PAINTING & Free Esllmates 281 0626 291-3589 BLOCK WORK WATJ::RPHOOfo'ING ONLY Com Inerclal- He"'ldentldl pdmt Pohte !>en Ice \ en repairs No Job too small Rea!>onable Price Garages r.II!>ed..lnd ...et down BUCKLED BA.':>EMENT Year-round servIce REFINISHING reasone..ll'els. CEMENT CONSTRUCTION REPAIH REMODELING Gutter. $2 foot lnstalled ------, .Husband Wife Team Kltcbens/ba throoms GROSSE POINTE .Wallpapellng Rll2(JOHO CONTRACTOR • Cemenl dme floor" pdllos 15 YEARS EXPEHIENCE C E G HOOFING 757-72J2 • Old garages Idlsed and * Repldcement wllldows/ doors CONTRACTORS I .Pdmtmg WALLPAPERIl\G dnd pamt- IN P()INTE~ .Metlculous WATERPROOFING renewed Pamtmg - InterlOr/extenor HOOFING IlEPAIR.':> from mg, quahty II ork. reason- * ALL WORK GUARAN. EXPERT WALLPAPERING .Insured Custom wood decks S2:i Gutter'> Iepalred and I able rates Bob 8817323,882 DRIVEWAYS. Pl\TIOS • New gardge doors dnd TEED (WRITTEN FREE cleaned J::xperIenced, INSTALLATION OF .<\LL I.over 20 Years Experrence reframlllg Hoofmg/cedar shake/gutler" 0817 \V ALKS, STEPS. • Ne\\ garage!> built ESTIMATES) I eference... Sea vel's TYPES OF WALLCOVERING 527-5560 Cement/masonry work PAINTING - Intenor, ex- TUCK POINTING 885.0602 VIOlatIOns corrected 8112-0000 885-8155 1\10JOB TOO SMALL Family operated ;lnce 1962 tenor. plastel repaIr te" Llcen"ed dnd In!>ured If no answer call after 3'00 LIcensed bUllderhnsured PROFESSIONAL gutter ser- FREE ESTIMATES I KARM'S tured celhng". paper h..lng FREE ESTIMATES 774.3020 772-1771 FREE ESTIMATES vice Sldmg and trim, roof INSURED PA T mg dnd removal 882 11148 Michael Satmary Jr IN ING SERVICE repairs Reasonable Reli- __ 8_8_1-_6_00_0__ J_W KLEINER I C~~~N~Eb~NRT 882.9552 able 1 do my own work Licensed and Insured PAI:-.1TING - IINde dnd out COMPLETE PAINTING Intenor and Extenor Beat .111\ pI Ice \\ .Illpdper CEMENT CONTRACTOH "'peU.Ihllng 111 \\ dterpl'oofmg LICENSED & INSURED I TESTA CEMENT REED AND DECORATING Dry Wall &. Plaster Repair too' GU..lI.rntced 8Hl i!llb CEM!'::'\1' BHICK STO\E dllll out"lde ClII' VIOIJtlOn;. JOHN WILLIAMS INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Wood fJl1lShlllg, wallpapering CO., INC. Patios IIdlk,>. porc he... Fl ee Elollmdlc ... CORPORATION 885-5813 Wallpaperlllg Glazlng - Caulklllg 201. WA~L WASHING "el ~mg The Pomle; Stl'p". dlll'e\1 d) ~ 881-6000 • Resldentlal BUIlder REFERENCES Free esttmates references For 'Ill Years Fldgstone [ep\TEHPIWOFI\(. . . • Wmdow Replacement Flushed and Insoected for as PAINTING. wal.lpaperrng. LIC =18560INS BASEMENT • CommerCIal Properties little as $10 PAINTER'S INC. wall wdshmg Selllor cItizen K MAINTENANCE Company Free estlmates SPECIALIZING IN WATERPROOFI~G • Quahty work - 882-4968 dIscounts Jan 884 8757. wall IIa...hlllg, floor clealllng SMALL JOBS Walls Repaired Affordable prices 881-1016 Pamtmg - mterlor extenor, Kath) 773-9589 and waxmg Free ~sllmates FREE ESTI\IATES Stralghlened JOHN D. SIMON paper hangmg and panelmg A FHEE ESTIMATE for dll L[CEN.':>Jo.!} Replaced 882-8600 EXPERIENCED pamter and 882-0688 LICENSED AND INSURED 778-1028- 773-6986 Free estimates cheerfully your cement work Call All Work Guaranteed Roofmg. Caulkmg, given Licen!>ed and Insur- paperhanger Quality work GROSSE POINTE fll-eman ~&.L Expert porch repair 882-0717 884-7139 EASTLAND manshlp Free estimates Wealherstrlppmg, Repairs ed Will do II<.IIIIIdshmg 1121- Quaht~ tuck pomtmg dnd ALUMINUM LICENSED - INSURED 8829234 823-1783after 6 p m 29114 p..ltchmg all brtck dnd R.R. CODDENS PRODUCTS PORCHES ESTABLISHED 1924 • WALLPAPER hangers WALL Wdshmg, nedt, I'eliable dlllnney repdlr SpecIalIZIng I HOFFMAN GROSSE POINTE S specIalIzmg m the m...tdlla m basement waterproollllg OUlt ~PECJ \L n \.lI types of basement water- Sldmg, tnm, roofmg, seamless serVlce Reasonable rates j\EW OJ{ HEBUIL'I proolJng 15years guarantee CONSTRUCTION FINEST I tlOn of [me \\.111covermgs For free estimates R!l26'348 29&-7842 gutters, storm doors and .\Iso shop at home for all EXPJ::HT ~ fO \ l~ \\ lJHJo.. References 886-5565 wmdows, ralhngs, aluml Roofmg and repairs Exterior pamtlllg, gIaZlIlg, sl\ les at a "'dvmg!> 885 0421 Free estImate!> 20J. WINDOW WASHING R.R. CODDENS All type!> of LlIl11.1l'le ..lnd num shutters, porch enclos caulklllg. wood stalllll1g I md;om \ 200. "USTE" WOIIK ures Free courteous e;tl 822-0500 Best references Free estl INTERIOR AND exterior CEMENT HAVE CLEANED [o'HEE J::~TI~IATlo..'" (;OIWON BLACKWELL, mates HOOFING - Shmgles, fiat mates 15years experience pallllmg and paperhangmg CONTRACTOR GASPER SERRA tdilored repaIrs, crack:. Offlce/Sho\l room areas bUild-Up roofs, re 757-7232 LIcensed Reasonable rates, 30 year!> WINDOWS! F..lnllly Busmess for 60 years , experIence Hay Barnowsk\, elimInated Hea ...onable 29315 Harper paIrs of all kmds Guaran • Ne....and repaIr work ' INTERIOR/ExterIOr pamtlng 372-2392after 6 pm By e...pellenced men, "dtl ...lac I Guaranll>cd 211yeal s Gro!>!>e S C S 774-0460 teed, free estimates 884 • No job 100 small 469-3124 by medIcal student 6 years Ir------, tlOn guaranteed, efflclent POinie Cle,1I1dnd prompt 5416 experIence ReferenceS/free ROB'S EXPERT "el vIce !{ed;ondble rates, • DrIveways and porches R.L. STREMERSCH Hll-70:ij 293-92012 BARKER REP-\IH. or new roof Shmgles estimates Jeff Peterso'l 885 I PAINTING SERVICE gutter cleanmg also 1 Ex our specialty CEMENT CONTRA('TOR PLASTERING and Drywall. CONTRACTORS and/or hot tar 18\ ear!> ex- 8332 I Discount summel rdte:, cellent Gro"se POlllte refer • PatIOs Cement Nell SquIres 757-0772 ModermzatlOn • AlteratlOns • pertence guaranteed I Complete IIlterIor, ex ences Call Rob 8P.25816 • Chimneys WALLPAPER j tenor Grosse POinte Lea\e mes;dge • Waterpoofmg ! Drr~ el\a)' Addltlons. Famlly Rooms' RR25816 ' Patio", PLASTERING And Drywall Kitchens & RecreatlOn REMOVAL • VIOlalions repall ed Ii III jChllOiI-. repdlrs Textul'lng and slue- Areas reJer~~~_5572 (LEA ~~~I~{\J( ~" co In...ured Pete Taormina, FOR BY JEFF I I S,;: CALL ANYTIME Bdoemelll \\ dtcrpi {)(li mg JAl\lES BARKER 0169-2967 • Custom Pamtmg Also I I <.,ECO\IJ (;I~\EH \'110"1 Steps 8865044 __ 8_8_6_-5_5_65__ 1 CLASSIFIED ADS • La\\' Hates FOREST PAINTING 1\\ 111d0\1 , , .. I PI I \1 ill TUl h I'uilltlllg 1'1. \.':lTEHI "JG and drywall • Alllcs & Porch EncJo ...ure~ CALL 882-6900 & CONST. CO Ild~hll1g gUlter'> uphohlel') '\NDY'~ MASONRY AND I "10 Job too ~mdlJ p.Ilntmg, "dllpapenng, • AddltlOllS & Kltchen~ 779-523~AJNTER;7'i 2927 Speclahzmg m tloor'> cledned ai'll IId>.('d CIIIMNEY REPAIR Free estlmJte~ gU..lrdnteed \Iork for le!>s 1 • Wallpapering hardl\ood Iloor!>de,lIled ,md • CommNclal BUlldmg~ \11 masonry, brick, water I SPECIALIZING IN Llcell;ed. 772-4176 • Palntlng-Intenor/ Pd,>tl' \\<1 ...(.(1 proofmg repaIrs Speclallz . JIM SUnON I ~PJ::CIALIZING m repairs SEHVED EUROPEAN Extenor D \LF ,77 H-1'17 mg m tuck pomtmg ,md DRIVEWAYS AND : 1677 Br) ...DfI\e Clean, prompt ~ervlce Ref- I APPRENTICESHIP I "'mdll Job~ Lltensed, lIl,ur-, 'I'U 4 2942 2 2436 • Any RepaIrs Pla ...lenng COLLEGE BASEMENT n- Intenor-Extenor SpecIallzmg I ed Heasonable Free estl- erences Free estimates • Carpentry-Remodeling WINDOW CLEANERS I 1124 4465 VIOLATIONS corrected I III repalrlllg damaged I Llcen~ed & Insured m.tles 881 050'i, 882-3006 WATERPROOFING . small concrete and mortar I plaster, dry-"all and cracks. 884-7139 \LL PLASTER repaIrs - 882-2118 389-2774 GUdZ Ll\ III 10\1( ,>t T. : repaIrs, wmdo\\ s replace I peehng pamt, wmdow putty- I ------master pla;terer Free estl. prlU" .11(Jund' I 01 II el' ~ I ' .ment, IIaterprooflng up to mg and cauJkmg wallpaper- CONSTRUCTION c~tlm,ll(', CALANDRA mates 882 0005 ,.10' and other Job~ Rll.k I 109 All \\ork and mateflal ('('menl ",'rk .\11klllr!, . ::J31-43'l-l guaranteed Rea;ona ble ~ 824-3546 • Ad(htloll.' ~ (;"r.'C'" CONSTRUCTION PLASTJ::H dr~ "'all palchm8, Selllor clrl7ens discount Cu;tom, I • I'ordll". hlod, ,r"l)\\ork • Garage rdlslllg So. frdmIng tapIng, lopray lextures Free P,llnllng \. II I G OLMIN • Cement dnve" ay; : FOR _Wif- Grosse POInte references • Ba"enH'nl I' .,it'rp,.ool IIII-: e,>llmdte~ !' rank. 29.1014J Free EstImates Int IE ...I \' \HNDO\\ CLEANING (;I\IC\'I,'ITEIl • Porches tuck POIntlllg 201 FUIINITUIlE IIE"AIRI e E G CONSTRUCTION po CLASSIFIED ADS SERVICE Quallt} 111 mdtenJI ..Ind John 7769439, I\nytlme Wdllpdper \ LI('{'IIS(.d Il.. 1"""11,-<1 1I11lId"r~ REFINISHING FREE ESTIMATES 77 ~, "(~lU, .....orkman ...hlp 1 CALL 882.6900 MIKE'S PA[NT[NG ,!lJngIng & WE AHE IN.':>URED FURNITURE reflllished. re- Interror Exterior Hemo\dl Llcen~ed & In...ured I paired strrpped. any type of 372-3022 Wallpaper1l1g Speclahzmg 111 PI,I...t('r Hepalr" 20M. AS"HALT WOIlK JOSEPH <.amng Free estImates repairs loo.>e plaster. \ OK \\ 1"11)0\\ ( LEA '.:EH<; 474 R'l53or .145-6258 Sll)((O &. 468-7069 I cracks peehng pamt, \,In II T('"ture, ~l'f\ J(P on ,>tOIt1l'>and ,>CIeen... Pendolino's BOB'S UPHOLSTERY - 25% dow; puttied and caulked Fill ( ...llllltl''> off already low prices Local \\ llHiO\1 CEMENT WORK I Rea sona hIe prlces a nd II Asphalt Seal 775-1690 M~T (U"~'IHl('llll:'o. I references Hours' 8 to 6 honest Referenc('~ Hepdlr,> Coating Monday thru Saturdays Call 7778081 an~ time * '>pecldll7lng III WJ~DO\\ \IJshlllg Spring J{e'ldenlldl ( Olltrl'te • I Get the right ~pe(ldlI!>t Home, 772-9326, Shop, Old Ilom(' Fdll chdngeover For fast 881 88018,Bob McVey. 17426 STEVE'S PAINTING Re,>tordtlOll job done at the • Drr\e\,ay'> • (Ir<.le Drl\e ... Interror & Extenor neat relldhle ~(f\ j((' Cali Harper. between CadIeux & 8R2 &l4R right pnce • Patlo~ • Gardge Floors ADDITI0I\JS DECK" Patchmg & Plastermg (,fo:OFFIU:\ \1 I'JIo:RI( K B \TIITWO\h • Walk!> Wallpapeflng WlI1do\\ 885-0421 20N. PAIN'ING/D£COItATlIfO CommerCial & KITCm:\.':> Putt} lI1g Caulkll1g I HesldenlJal 839-8543 \\ liliDO\\ S PO!{(,IIE~ ~ Good Work - Free E~tlmate~ I Free PStl «'ree J::.>tlmale:, COi\f\IEHCI <\L Rea~onahle Prrce~ mate~ LIt &. Ins QUdllt~ \\'01 k CARPENTER RE\!()f)ELI\( , .':>ClllorCltl/en~ IV''o UII JACK \\ ILI.IAi\I~ - SERVICE L1CJ::~SJ::!) &. 11\"1 ImD Call .':>tevc,lIl} ltme 881-24n Gfo:NERAL (OVI HACTOR ~mall Jobs and repairs Wm- 365-5635 886.5870 CON(,R~T!'. & BHH K WORK dows, doors, etc Licensed • DRIVEWA Y" • P()HCII~S 2011. CEMENT AHD .IIICK and Illsured 20F. 1I00FING SElIVICE • PATII''> • ,>TEI'''' • ETC 777-8714 445.8674 WOIlK HH, 1~;112 CAHI'ENTJ::H - Smclll and SPECIAL TV PAINTING lal ge Job" 12 ~('ars ex- ~RAZIO perrcnce free estimates HOME ACCESSORIES Ll<.en~('d 12.700;>6

1.0;V, LA~TI\(, OIl. BA~J: I':\A \jl'J,,, eOl-lscrRuecrION.INe. 200 "lASTE" WOItK JoADI'~ HF,>I,>1'1\(, ALL COLOI{<" • Iron !'diIO I'lIrnltun RESIDENTIAL. COMMJ::RCIAL SUPERIOR PLASTERING • WI( k('r FlIrllltul'e DRIVEWA YS • FLOORS • PORCHES AND PAINTING CO 4SJlerlt.ge G1(9011tJ8 • Extenor Light ~'Ixlllr('~ GARAGES RAISED & REM~WED Wel plastenng and dry wall • Bar B Q '> NEW GARAGJ<~DOORS & Hfo:FH<\MJ\i(, repall Ce[(lent-stucco • \1.111 Bo\( .... NEW GARAGES BUILf Shingles" Flat • Slate • Shake • Gutters • Siding repair and tuck-pomtlng I'\TEHIOI{ & EXTEHJOJ{ BHA'>..,"1\ fl IU:.., LICENSED & INSURED Exterior pamtll1g In. 822.0600 I'OLNIED & SJo,ALl:n API'I iED ~ured, references - Prompt free EstImates - r;"T!\IATE" (,lvE'i lOll'.; FN'lIEH 77; 47% n4-3020 avaIlable Tom McCabe 885-6991

•• ~---.---. -. -._~~ .--. ..-..-. --.r--.-..--...... ~ ...... --.---..--.-.~ ...... ,..~_ ...... ~. --...~. --..~.. -...... _ ...... _ ...... __ ...... ,...,...p

Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1985 201 LANDSCAP'tNGI 201. lANOSCAP"NGI SNOW IlEMOVAL SNOW IlEMOVAl FRANK 8 WILLIAMS, LI- CALL SONIA for top quahty CAREFREE BASIC LAWN CARE censed bUilder Speclahzmg drapery and curtams - any Students to cut and edge yoU! In home up-dahng and all style. 15 years l'xpenence LANDSCAPING ld\\'n Lo\\ prices mmor or major repairs Reasonable pnces, free COMPLETE LA\\'N Dependable Porch enclosures, doors ad- estimate 979-4098 SERVICE BB40961 FOH FHEE Justed, bookshelves Install- CUSTOM Draperies - Quah- POWER RAKI"lG ESTIM.\TE ed, panehng, ne\\ counter ty work, reasonable price!>, Help u~ get through ~chool' tops, vamtles Code vlOla- wide selechons of fabrics TOM 331-0703 hons corrected For courte- Discounts on rods, shades COMPLETE SPI109Clean up DWYER'S ous expert assistance m \In- shutters, and blinds Hilde PO\\er Idl-.mg. fel tlllZlng provmg )'our home many gard 884-2610,978-2691 tree and shrub trunmU1g::. LANDSCAPING area, please call me at Basement and gdrage cle,ln Complete lawn mamtenance 881-0790 ups, all debn::. hauled d\1a) complete deSIgns, mstalla SenIOr elt Izen dl::.count hons, PO\\1.'1' rakmg, sod ALBERT D, THOMAS SWIl\ll\lING pool mamten DAVE _ 7732802 dIng Licensed, lllsured INC ance chemicals mamtam CONTRACT()RS,INC eddall) \acuumlllg\leekl~ ROTOTILLI\G - 0\J1 ~ILe 779-7985 For more mformatlOn (all garden::. rCdsoJ1dble 1 dt('~ _ We are general contractors 2\148840 e\lenSlOn 29 bet Tom 811254iH Fll'e I MAC'S One call takes care of all e,tlmdte~ SPRING CLEAN-UP your bulldmg-remodellng ~Ieen 9 5 m I problems, large or small I I LANDSCAPE Complete \ald IIark, lalln, TU 2-0628 I I GARDENING ~hrub and tree tflmmll1g, ------WOODLAND HILL"' etc Reasonable rates, qua- QllALlTYCal'pentr~ and For GROUNDS MAINTENAN~E Design constluctlOn pj,.lJltlllg I htl oenlce Call Tom 776 mica \\ork nell 01 refaced PRUNING mamlendnle I 4-129 or BB20195 commerCial re::'ldentlal SA~D LAl\DSCAPI1'\G Grosse IPNoSlnutReE!tDe::'J(lent WEEDBUSTERS Store fIxtures dlspla) s also - pfl,ng clean ups counters, kltchen~, \ amhe::. - POller rakmg ROBERT NEVEUX BB4053b Expel'lenced Reliable rec rooms hang doors All - Lall n cutlmg ------Gardenmg Tflmmll1g, repaIrs and fll1lsh I\ork 16 - Ferllhzll1g MAC'S TREE AND I Plantlllg )'~~~ ~V;CM.nn('[' F:-cees" - Shruh~f\ trImming nrun SHRUB rRIMMING L'"'' CUll:>uil<.lllUIl mates VIto Sapienza 7741 mg C 881 7209 8933 - Weedmg and cuillvatmg OMPLETE WORK - Inwith t!l_c __ ------j - Seedmg and soddmg Reasonable rates, quahty ser NO LAWNS PLEASE REMODELING YOUR - Plantmg flowers, trees, vice Call Tom 7764429 01 ' SOFT SCAPE Subscribe to the KITCHEN? shrubs and all other garden _88_2_-0_19_5______LANDSCAPING & Our cabmets are custom \lork done LAi'DSCAPE DESIG;,\ Lo\W~ SERVICE made, m solId \I oods at Resldentlal and One Dav Sod Sen Ice 751-2306 GROSSE POINTE NEWS reasonable pnces Call for commerCial Pomter' Lands(dpmg ~ee OUI ad on page 4A vour free Insured and Licensed . Estlmate Today CALL Tmr TOGGER BB58448 SOD 521 163'" Aft 6 2B6-4667 QUALITY LAWN mamten- I and get all the local news, - • . er pm ance, complete servIce I FI e;h dall~ A\ dlldbJe for ALTERATIONS - Moder- POI:,TER LANDSCAPING :".hchel Jean Pilorget. 823 dehler' nOlI mzatlon all bUlldmg need~ 0 hot off the presses! rough td fmlsh m all trades • Complete Landscape ServIce 6662 POI\TEH LA\'D~eAPI\G DE BOER • ProfeSSIOnal Landscape FOUR POINTERS Complete 8B5B.BB GUY DeSign la\\n care Free e~tlmales ' TRli\i:\llNG, removal, spray. LICENSED • Shrubs-Shade trees References 331 5467 I' mg, feedmg and stump re- D I-Year $15 D 2- Years $27 Out-of-state, $17/year 881.6651 885-4624. Lo\\ mamtenance plantmg J nOTOTILLI~G - No Job too gto~~iet!t~~~ s~rs~ll~ah~11 ------CARPE!'.TRY rough and hl1lsh • Sod.fresh dally big or small Tom B39 1557 I Flemmg Tree SerVice, 774- . • Kentucky Blue Grass ~ 2 I kitchens, basements patlOs • Sod Removal-Replacement Joe 312-76 !l 6460 Name custom ca bll1ets Licensed Sh d S d 772-4176 : Sod dell~erv -- Address CARPENTRY - \1 atel • One Da\ Service damage repaired Roofing • One fuli )ear Guarantee pamtmg gutters Expeflenc • Sprmkler Systems ed. references Sealer ~ • Brick Patios/Walks Mail to: Grosse Pointe News 882-0000 • Landscape Llghtmg 99 Kercheval 20T 'LUMIIING AND • ReSident CommerCIal HEATING • References Furl1lshed Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 ALL PLUilIBI!\G • Sll1ce 1960 REPAIRS. NEW • Visa-Mastercard Fixtures. Water Heaters • Ask for Dave Disposals \'lOlatlOns Corrected Sewers and 885.8448 Drams Electncallv Cleaned HOWARDS FREE ESTIl\JATES Trinkets and Treasures Will Sell DAN ROEMER TREE SERVICE • tree removal PLUMBING • stump remO\al LICENSED in Our Classified Ad Section. r.IASTER PLUMBER • tnmmmg • toppmg FULLY INSURED • cablmg 772-2614 • storm damage Full) msured. free estlmate~ TOWN & COUNTRY PLUMBING 758-6949 Houses replped With copper Complete landscaping&grounds main- I' New bathrooms H W T tOIl- WHITE tenance' landscape design&constrnction ets, kitchen sll1ks, bathroom smks New homes done from SNOW REMOVAL underground to roof Se\\er JIM BERNS RESIDENTIAL 885-4725 and drams cleaned. repair. COMMERCIAL ed and replaced Llcensed- QUALITY SERVICE AND TERRIF'IC L4.NDSCAPING SPRI:'IIG CLEAN-UP OPPORTl'NITIES ~RE o\\'AILABLE ,0\\' big or small, we do It all POWER RAKING CredIt terms available Free LIQUID AND DRY estimates FERTILIZING 774-1318 372-3190 TREE A"JD SHRUB FEEDING FRANK R. LA\\ ~ l\IAINTENANCE ------_J ROTO TILLING WEIR SODDING LA:-iDSCAPE PLUMBING, HEATING CONSTRUCTIO~ SEWERS o\ND DRAINS LICE~SED BOILER SPECIALISTS I~SURED SPRINKLER REPAIRS I:"REE ESTI;\lATES 777-0808 885.7711 I 381 KERCHEVAL FAR;\IS LAWN I ' KeIthSll1ceDamelson1925 SERVICE Licensed Master Plumber • Weekl~ CuttIng PLUMBING REPAIRS • Edgmg • Tnmmll1g & I • Baggmg and Remo\ al ot Call 882.6900 SEWER CLEAl"Il\G ClIppmgs Reasonable Rates For All FREE ESTl\l-\TES Mike Potter - LIC Call the ProtesslOnals at 882-1558 GRE-\T LAKES • TONY LA~DSC<\PING co or Send in The :Vlaster Plumber 885-0502 • • • (Son of Emil) I RICHARD D SLAINE :-J'oJob too small :-;e\1 and I L-\~DSCAPE CO"lTRACTOR s M T W T F 5 repairs VIOlatIOns I \\ eekl) La\1 n Mamtenance 293-3181 Po\\er Rakmg 1 2 3 4 ..------WANT EMIL THE I Shrub Tnmmll1g I AD ORDER FORM------... PLUMBER Spnng Clean-Ups I Fertilizer Packages 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SPECIALIZIl\G I:'. I Competitive Rates Schedule my GROSSE POINTE NEWS Want Ad for • Kitchens' Balhrooms LICE,SED & INSCRED 12 13 1415 16 17 18 • Laundn room and VIOlatIOns )2/ 8071 88) OJii I • Old and l'oeIl IIark 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I Date ------Classification Desired Free Estimate!> SAPONARO I I B'1I'(gb~s~1rl~~~ber I SERVICES I 882-0029 I L-\ \\ "I 0\ ,D GARDE:\' I 26 27 28 29 30 31~11I. Enclosed is my check or money order for $ ------:\IAI\TE\ o\~CE COMPLETE Plumbmg - Sew- I • :,pnng & Fall clean up er Cleanll1g Licensed \\ ark • BI monthly upkeep NAME ADDRESS _ guaranteed Semor Clhzen • Shrubbery Ilork dIscount Repairs, remodel. • 'Imor de~lgn & construction I mg Call Mart)', 8397852 • Expenenced • Insured CITY ZIP __ PHONE BOB DUBE Residential. CommerCial BI:'::\ SAPONARO Mail to: Classified Advertising Dept. Grosse Pointe News, 99 Kercheval PLUMBING and HEA TI:'>G 882 1734 I Licensed ;\Iasler Plumber Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. 48236 SEWER CLEA:'.ING RESOURCE SPRI:-J'KLER REPAIR ETC Grosse Pomte \'roods ENGINEERING is a 8863897 L<\:-.IDSCAPE SERVICE I Write Your Ad Below or on a Separate Sheet if Desired 20W DIlESSMAKIN, AND ~ • :\10wmg & Edgmg I Minimum Cost Is $3.25 for 10 words - Additional Words 25c -UlUlllIG I • Ferl1llZ1ng- Classified! ,• Power Rakln~ I TIRED OF .'lour flt~ Excellent • Weedll1g I alternatIons and ~el~Ing Be- • Hedgll1g Call early I 1 2 I fore 5 pm call 886-1'i24 IWill Beat Any PrevIOus Bid 3 4 R h ~ Free Estimates I I SMALL a IleratlOns us JO For Details Call after 6 p m I 5 6 I a speclalt" Quality I~or~ I Ral h 3439197 882-6900 7 8 Gros<;e POinte Park 881 I:.:::.:p!:.::. --:-.-::..:.::...:.:..:.:. I I 9 2206 ~EA VER 'S Land~capll1g I 10 3.25 11 3.50 I .-:::.::.::.------cleanup thatching planting I 12 3.75 I ALTERATIONS by Flo - for d(Slgn for lo\\- maintenance I 13 4.00 14 I women, men, chIldren, and beaut) Expenenced I 4.25 15 4.50 16 4.75 I ndes ~sonable 884- .... ble 882 I I , I I 17 5.00 18 I I 5.25 19 5.50 20 5.75 I .... I I 21 6.00 I I 22 6.25 23 6.50 24 6.75 I ANDERSEN I 25 7.00 26 7.25 27 I PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING I 7.50 28 7.75 I SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT I 29 I 8.00 30 8.25 31 8.50 32 372.0580 I 8.75 etc. I ~------~

I ~ ~ .1,_ ~ ~~ _ \ . -_.- .~~_~_~'_"'.JiIaJ~~' ~ _.-..J. • __._ ..._, ...... --' ~ '.~,- --- ~ -- ~ - - - . • Thursday, May 23, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thlrtetm-C


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3 YEARS $40 CITY Out of State: $17, $33, $51 STATE ZIP - -...... ~ "F( " Thursday, May 23, 1985 '1 fiige Fourteen-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS

1 Jerry Mickowski

1981 CORDOBA CROWN COUPE - Jet black, moon roof, 318-VB, air, crUise stereo, full pwr, Your Neighborhood GMAC r.tIJ IiIiIe II wires $5,495 1983 CHALLENGER 2 DR - 2 tone black & silver, Buick Dealer auto trans, 2 6 &ng ,pwr wmd, stereo, extra clean with 20,947 miles $6,495 1983 HORIZON CUSTOM 4 DR. - Charcoal, stereo, automatic and pwr , carefully mamtamed, 20,801 miles $5,395 0/0 1983 DIPLOMAT 4 DR - MadaltOn steel gray, v- top, 31B, V8, 81r,stereo, tilt, crUise, fullpwr, 21,952 APR miles by ongmal owner $7,995 1979 LeBARON 4 DR. - White with v-top 318 V8, ONLY 6 DAYS LE" aM~ alf, stereo, tilt, full pwr very speCial at $3,495 G.M.A.C. FINANCING ON ALL NEW BUICK Open Monday and Thursday untIl 9 p.rn SOMERSETS IN STOCK. SPECIAL FINANCING Over 150to choose from All cars subject to prior sale RATE ENDS 5.31.85. Drive Home A Good Deal ,tt1~ "- b)99~}srNKE~ O"lollo"nCIUCoIlKI ~ ...... "' Vln D,kl, W."on 758-1800


ON ALL NEW CHEVY CAVALIERS ThiS Limlted.tlme offer of 8 8% GMAC Flnancmg could f~ get you a New Chevy Cavalier for PRICES TH::"-;-=;';~- " / , J" r...... NOT BE BEATEN , ,',' ~1 ////' ..-- ... """ ,..... OHerapplies to new Cavaliers You must take actual retail delivery out ,.".i'",. 7/ 01dealer stock by May 31 1985 Dealerfinancial partlclpallon may af $ .\ ,I =- ,. : v fect consumer cost See us for quallhcatlon details '~ -,,1...... - • _.f'""-'=- ~ _~, .. ~ ~t.:..L", .... "'L. ,-'-<~~l'.""~-"""""'~- o;./:t; -.. ~S ¥~~ . /;/.r ~ ~~'+~ WE'LL BEAT ANY DEAL ... ,-';"'T'...s-<',/ .:z. "- Here are two 01the ~nest Jaguars ever and pinion sleeting lacebred four FROM ANY DEALER bUill the magnificent SenesIII sedan and wheel Independent suspension and the awesome V12 powered S type GT deciSive four wheel power diSCbrakes . PERIOD Both share lhe Inimitable Jaguar 1f1Slde.Jaguars pro.1de illevel ~ lux quallt es of graceful deSign qUick ury and qUietseldom If ever equalleo In response and agile hand a high pertormance mOlar I rg Both are equ pped JAG UA R car Testdnve them today ,\I'h precise power raCk 15 Mile (Maple) between Coolidge and Crooks 643.6900 MAHER

NEW'85 '85 FIREBIRD '85 T.1000 H.B. CPE. SUNBIAD CPE. €Z~ Ale, T-glass, lux trim group, body Side mldgs , rear def , cargo security screen multi port fule InJ V-6, 4 speed auto trans till wheel, trim rings white letter CIoIt1 Reel B"ckel Seats T Glass Till Wheel Tilt whl body Side mldgs , AM radiO, tires lamp group, AMIFM ETR stereo, ral- /oJIt FlaclIO Accent Stnpes Elody Side Molclings rechnlng rear seals, 4 cyl ,reel bucket ly gauges, tach, Inp odometer, appear "Cyt OHC F.1 Eng PB 5 Speed Overdnve saats Slk 111650 pkg extenor, PIS PIB, Stk 1I07BB Trans, Stk .1373 #1 $6,995 ' $5,595 $10,995 .~,:q:j. or lease for 1208 30 poeT mo $25000 ref see dep or lea.e lor $11189 !"If mo $15000 rof see cop ., ..... fer513919 por me ,et .ee cep 517~lotal 5569712 lolal pmt. S9998 40lotal pml. PlY"""''' 56 71< '85 6000 SEDAN '85 GRAND PAIX

I Air Cond , T111$5 nolchback seat, cloth All coM I glass rear defrost, spt mil- All cond I glass, body Side mldgs rear trim r def, pt mirrors cruise cOrltrol, rors, luggage camer, W W steel bellS, defrost, sport mllrors, W W sleel belts, lilt wt1eel, custom wheel covers, ww steel AM.FM slereo, p steer, p braKes, 4 AM/FM slereo, clock, p s P b auto belts, AMIFM stereo, stripes auto trans, speed aul0 Irans dlx wheel covers 305 Irans, dlx wheel covers V6 SIll. 1113t2 PIS P/B, dlx wheel covers Slk *1219 V8 Stk #1637 $11,395 $9,986 $9,995 lO.. 5199 I or e lor 74 per mo $22500rei see oep f . Of ..... 10' II" 7~ permo 5225ref .ee cep total or lease lor 122. is per mo $27500 reI see dep $958224 totalpayme",' ?~ . pmll $958224 51099058total p."" '85 MINI JIMMY 4x4 '85 BONNEVILLE ~1 ~'1 { I

42;-- Deep tlnled gl8S cycle Wipers, H D shocks, crUise contrOl, Vortec V6 4 speed ~ Air cend . cu., ~..!!t hAilS I-qlass BS Folding rear seal, rear Window defrost duiO irons ydi fuel ta ..~. tl~twhee! mlClga , rear defrosler, spon mllrors, ec- 2i big mirrors console 0/6 ,,~!,eev ""tv Ii - styled wheels P205/75R 15 sleel belts, cent IInpes, WSW steel belted radials trans, 20 gal luel tank p steer P ,~~ AM/FM stereo, dlx fn bmprs, B person brakes, P205175R 14 ALS AMIfM stereo AMIFM 11"80, P 5 , P b , deluxe wheel locks, all I-'• sealing pwr winds, pwr clock, gages STk #2B5 covers, auto Stk 111241 around glass 2-tone paint Stk IIT.294 rI , .J LOADED 00 \ $10,095 $12,158 $11,595 $16,883 or'else 101'217 A' permo 'el see dap $250'rial or'e.oe lor 122' :If permo '.1 ...e ~op $250101.' Of lMIe lot t2CM ~,... "'0 ro' ...e cep S250tolll p.,," S10~2032 pm,s $1076928 I.) fill*. ",11\ Cl4