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"'Y .......,...............-.,..- .. .;.. ....~......- ---.. ,. - ~ ......... • Grosse Pointe News VOL 46-No. 21 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, May 23, 1985 30 cents 44 Pages for your informatIOn Spending, taxes up City okays in school budget 2nd license fyi By Mike Andrzejczyk Whntner ",ald The mterns gain ex- bid, tables Grosse Pomte publIc :;,ehools \\Ill penence at admml",trallve duties By Tom Greenwood ",pend $1 9 Illlihon more next year through the program than thiS and fmance the Increase Elementary school enrollment IS \\Ith $1 million from It!, fund eqUIty prOjected to mcrease from 2,513 3rd request Good guy Part I dnd d tax Increase, accordmg to thiS year to 2,531 m 1985 86, accord- B) Pat Pahohky Time to give a pat on the back the 198586 prellmmary school bud- mg to the budget The movmg of The Grosse Pomte City CouncIl to some people who really de- get the tramable mentally Impaired approved a requbt for a Clas!, C li- serve It The Board of EducatIOn ~pent program to Brownell Middle quor' hcense by the Merry Mouse's FIrst on the hst IS 17-year-old two mghts la:;,t week revlewmg the School Will cut the total enrollment Cafe Ie Chat Monday mght, and ~1ark Kreim, of '\kKmley JU~Ullltlil Ldul<: s~l.cd"lmg ;::pub :It the eleme'1tary srhoo1s to ?,F.'!7 ldOleu d :>1Il11ldl j t4UC:>1 uy lilc Road, who works part lime as a IIc heanng on the budget on June 3 next year, compared to 2,637 thiS Clalrpomte reslaurant courtesy clerk at the 7 Mile and Budget figures are subject to year If the request IS approved by the Mack Kroger store change before the dlstnct sets ItS Middle schools Will be hardest hit Liquor Control CommiSSIOn, the Mark, who recently graduated tax rate m September, admmlstra- In the enrollment loss Brownell Cafe Ie Cha t will become the fIrst from Notre Dame High School, tors said Will lose 101 students, Parcells 24, busmess In the city With a Class C found a wallet m the store can The prellmmary budget fore- and Pierce 40 for a loss of 165 stu- license smce voters approved en- tammg $350 and promptly turn- casts spend 109 of $37 ml[IIon In the dents Total enrollment at the mld- dmg the ban on the sale of liquor by ed It over to the store manager gpnel al fund thIS year and $1 55 dIe school level Will be bolstered by the glass la~t November A short while later an older millIon In the lIbrary fund, com par- the TMI move, but the three bUlld- Jacob",on's request for a tavern man, descnbed as havmg gray ed to a general fund thiS year of mgs wlll still see a loss of 130 license, permlttmg the sale of beer hall' and a moustache, came m $35 1 million and a library fund of students next year compared to thiS, and wme only, was approved by the and said he'd lost hiS wallet $141 mIllIon when 1,541 are enrolled. city council last month That applI- When It was turned over to him, Were the tax mcrease to remam The high schools are expected to cation IScurrently m the process of the manager suggested he thank as forecast, property owners would lose 32 students next year, compar- investigation by the LCe. Mark, shake his hand and per- pay an extra $29 In school taxes ed to thiS North's enrollment Will Jack Kmg, a lawyer who spoke haps part with a $5 reward next year, based on a home with a drop from 1,419 to 1,392 and South's on behalf of the Cafe Ie Chat, saId Without saying a word, the state equalIzed valuatIOn of $50,000 wIll fall from 1,695to 1,690, accord- the restaurant Will expand ItS man turned on hiS heel and scur- accordmg to Supermtendent John 109 to the budget Shown in a scene from "Agnes of ~od" are Nancy Sortor, who hours of operatIOn If It'S granted ried out of the store without a Whntner New programs next year Include the lIcense Current hours are from backward look or by-your-leave The dlstnct expects to lose 172 the expansIOn of the sCience consul- plays Mother Miriam Ruth, and Anita Barone, who is cast as Agnes. 11 a m to 5 p m Monday through Now, it's true that every act of students next year, mostly from tant program from ItS Tromb[y The Grosse Pointe Theatre took top honors in the regional semi- Saturday Kmg said the res- honesty doesn't call for a mone- the middle and high schools The pilot throughout the distrIct Two finals of the Festival of American Community Theatres held in taurant, located at 17001 Ker- tary reward, but a hearty thank district has eliminated 11 6 teacher sCience consultants Will be hll'ed Holland, Mich. The theater group advances to the nationals at cheval, would remam open untl[ 11 you was certaInly m order pOSItIons, four custodians and one and have their schedules set so RacIne, Wis. in June. The winner there will represent the United p m at least four nIghts a week in- That's the way Mark's mother, clencal staff member they can spend one day a week at States at an international competition in Monaco. Itially Lori feels - she turned us on to The posItIon of assistant to the seven of the elementary bUlldmgs The room now accommodates 36 this story - and we agree with superIntendent has been cut Ad- and 1'2 days at the two larger butld- diners and the owners plan to add her El Cheapo who lost hiS wal- mlnlstratIve mterns at the middle ings, accordmg to Elementary Cur- It's on to Wisconsin for the finals on to the rear of the bUIldIng The let IS probably the first to con- schools, ongmally planned to split nculum Director Alfrleda Frost restaurant opened m AprIl 1984 demn today's teens as dishonest their tIme between admmlstratIve The pilot program at Trombly The lease expires m 1988, however, and impolite and other dutIes, have been asslgn- has been well received Other owner Andrew Moqum said he has Keep up the good work, Mark, ed full admmlstratlve duties next bUlldmgs have recelved sCience GP Theatre wins the optIon to renew King said the and congratulatIOns on your re- veal' consultants through donatIOns expansIOn hmges on whether the cent promotIOn and desIgnation . Mamtammg the admlmstratlve from the PTOs restaurant receIVes the !lcense as "Employee of the Month .. mtern program Will help bUilding SCience consultants will have li- A Sidewalk cafe dunng the sum- Both came to hIm before he found adminIstrators at the middle mlted contact With students and regional contest mertIme IS another service the the wallet schools and give him a year to are meant to aid teachers coordl- management would like to add, I evaluate the program's future, (Contlllued on Pae 19A) Good guy Part II By Nancy Parmenter rone, a bachelor of fine arts candi- King said Members of the Grosse POInte date at the Umverslty of DetrOIt The next step m the process, an And the Winner of the Good Theatre are Jubilant at their wm who played Agnes, had been Juggl- II1veshgatIon by the LCC, Will take Guy Part n award IS . Frank Administrative salnry May 11 at the FestIva[ of Amel'lcan Ing her theatrIcal commitments to from three to four months, accord- Messina, owner of Francesco's Commumty Theatre regIOnal semi- make space for "Agnes" Just be- mg to City Manager Thomas Beauty Salon in the Village fInals In Holland Although the fore the presentatIOn In Holland, Kressbach The Merry Mouse, We fielded a call from Vicki group has entered plays before, she played the Baton TWirler In which has paId $1,500 for the first Gire who told us she recently study due next week thiS month's wm ISthe hrst big suc- "Talkmg With," an expenmental phase of the mvestlgatlOn, must visited the shop with her - now.pa). aRo.th.er..$l.OOO tll complete By Mike Andrzejczyk said they were lookmg forward to ces&. > • -' - , drama wJ1h 11 monologues- klr 87-year-old father Frank seeing what the management con- The festIval "gives the members women She opened May 17 m "EI the process Hewlett. Mr Hewlett, who's A management consultmg firm FollOWing the publIc heanng and WillfIle ItS recommendatIOns Tues- sultants would recommend. "We a chance to expand a httle," said Grande de Coca Cola" With the Ac- been a bit under the weather Michele Karl, the group's pres- tors' Alliance, which closes Just In sllh'>equent approval of the Merry [ately, took some limp walkmg day, May 28, for sa lanes and know we have some real meqult- les," Mrs Hanpeter saId Ident "I got real eXCited about It - time for the "Agnes" presentatIOn Mouse's request durIng the regular the stairs up to the second floor ben~flts for Grosse Pomte publIc meetmg Mondav the CltV councIl school admmlstrators Mrs Hanpeter said she knew It'S a chance to do somethmg more In the natIOnal compefItlOn In shop, but took It all In stnde ERS was available as a resource avant-garde" RaCine, WIS, In June Followmg while Vicki got a haircut. Representatives from Towers, "They generate the mformatlOn," The piece selected for presenta- that, she starts a two-month stint In When It came time to nego- Pernn, Forster & Crosby will pre- sent ItS recommendations to the she said of the company, "but tIOn at the festival was "Agnes of summer stock at Saugatuck, dOIng The Cafe le Chat tiate the stairs agaIn, Messina we're lookmg for a long-term God," a play With three female "The Robber Bndegroom " suggested the 11ftat the back of adminIstrative compensatIOn com- mittee, which asked the school plan" characters about a young nun who "As soon as that's all done, ['II be plans to expand its the shop and accompamed Mr gives birth to an unexpected - per- ready to go to Monaco," she SaId Hewlett on hIS tnp down to the board 10 March to appropnate Adams said ERS didn't come up hours of opemtion m the committee's diSCUSSIOnof haps miraculous - baby and the With a laugh, refernng to the mter- back parking lot $21,000 for the work The committee IS made up of compensatIon efforts of her psychlatnst and the natIOnal commumty theater Once there, he noticed Mr mother supenor to help her deal competItIOn which IS the next step .
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