Regional Contest
up .... ." • + .. .. "'Y .......,...............-.,..- .. .;.. ....~......- ---.. ,. - ~ ......... • Grosse Pointe News VOL 46-No. 21 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, May 23, 1985 30 cents 44 Pages for your informatIOn Spending, taxes up City okays in school budget 2nd license fyi By Mike Andrzejczyk Whntner ",ald The mterns gain ex- bid, tables Grosse Pomte publIc :;,ehools \\Ill penence at admml",trallve duties By Tom Greenwood ",pend $1 9 Illlihon more next year through the program than thiS and fmance the Increase Elementary school enrollment IS \\Ith $1 million from It!, fund eqUIty prOjected to mcrease from 2,513 3rd request Good guy Part I dnd d tax Increase, accordmg to thiS year to 2,531 m 1985 86, accord- B) Pat Pahohky Time to give a pat on the back the 198586 prellmmary school bud- mg to the budget The movmg of The Grosse Pomte City CouncIl to some people who really de- get the tramable mentally Impaired approved a requbt for a Clas!, C li- serve It The Board of EducatIOn ~pent program to Brownell Middle quor' hcense by the Merry Mouse's FIrst on the hst IS 17-year-old two mghts la:;,t week revlewmg the School Will cut the total enrollment Cafe Ie Chat Monday mght, and ~1ark Kreim, of '\kKmley JU~Ullltlil Ldul<:"lmg ;::pub :It the eleme'1tary srhoo1s to ?,F.'!7 ldOleu d :>1Il11ldl j t4UC:>1 uy lilc Road, who works part lime as a IIc heanng on the budget on June 3 next year, compared to 2,637 thiS Clalrpomte reslaurant courtesy clerk at the 7 Mile and Budget figures are subject to year If the request IS approved by
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