
Fighting Disease Key People

Paul Erlich 1881-1955 Florey and Chain 1854-1915 Gerhard Domagk Key Discovery: Discovered that 1898-1968, 1906-1979 Key Discovery: Created the 1895-1964 Penicillium mould killed Key Discovery: Mass produced Chemical Magic Bullet Salvarson Key Discovery: Created Protosil Before: Chemical cures were 606 against Blood Poisoning. widely used but little has been Before: Fleming had discovered Before: Treatments for disease done on natural cures. Lister had Penicillium mould and Lister had had been fairly dire. Mercury was Before: Salvarson 606 had been noticed that some mould killed said some mould killed bacteria. used to treat Syphilis but could widely used. Domagk thought bacteria in the 1870s. After: Penicillin is widely used lead to poisoning including teeth there would be other cures. After: His work was used by today and more were and hair loss and even death. After: Sulphonomides would go Florey and Chain to discover and produced. There are still problems After: Salvarson quickly became a onto be the precursors to mass produce Penicillin. We still around resistance very popular treatment and was antibiotics. They were widely used used Penicillin today though. used widely. The idea of a Magic and very popular. Quickly During: Work was forgotten as he During: The work was recognised Bullet to cure illness was used by surpassed by antibiotics only wrote a few lines about his and they shared the Domagk and Florey and Chain and During: Ideas widely accepted. discovery in another paper. with Fleming. It is possible they even into today. Salvarson was Collected the Nobel Prize helped us win WW2 as Penicillin quickly overtaken by antibiotics. Factors: Chance (he tested this alongside Florey and Chain after was produced in time for D-Day During: His work was widely out on his daughter when she caught blood poisoning whilst the mass production of Penicillin. meaning we had more soldiers accepted. playing in his lab), Technology, Factors: Chance (he went on remaining fit for fighting. Factors: Chance, Individual Individual Genius holiday mould contaminated his Factors: Government, War, Genius (he used Koch’s work), samples), Technology, Individual Technology, Individual Genius technology Genius