
0031-6997/07/5904-289–359$20.00 PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS Vol. 59, No. 4 Copyright © 2007 by The American Society for and Experimental Therapeutics 70102/3301314 Pharmacol Rev 59:289–359, 2007 Printed in U.S.A A Brief History of Great Discoveries in Pharmacology: In Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Founding of the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

RONALD P. RUBIN The State University of New York at Buffalo, School of and , Buffalo, New York

Foreword ...... 290 I. Prologue ...... 290 II. Major discoveries in pharmacology ...... 291 A. Thomas Renton Elliott: elaboration of the concept of chemical neurotransmission ...... 291 B. Sir Henry Dale and : chemical transmission of nerve impulses ...... 294 1. Sir Henry Dale ...... 294 2. Otto Loewi ...... 295 C. : synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of certain body substances, and Downloaded from especially their action on the vascular system and ...... 298 D. , , and Sir : humoral transmitters in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage, release, and inactivation ...... 301 1. Ulf von Euler ...... 301

2. Julius Axelrod...... 301 by guest on March 7, 2017 3. Sir Bernard Katz ...... 305 E. : in the ...... 306 F. Sir James Black, Gertrude Elion, and George Hitchings: important principles for drug treatment...... 308 1. Sir James Black ...... 308 2. Gertrude Elion and George Hitchings...... 311 G. : the magic bullet ...... 314 H. : antibacterial effects of ...... 315 I. Sir , Cecil Paine, Harold Raistrick, , and Sir : and its curative effects in various infectious diseases...... 318 1. Sir Alexander Fleming ...... 318 2. Cecil Paine...... 320 3. Harold Raistrick...... 320 4. Ernst Chain and Sir Howard Florey ...... 320 5. Jack Strominger ...... 323 J. : : the first effective against ...... 324 1. Albert Schatz ...... 326 K. Sir , Charles Best, John Macleod, and ...... 327 L. Philip Hench, Edward Kendall, and Tadeus Reichstein: of the adrenal cortex, their structure, and biological effects ...... 334 1. Philip Hench ...... 334 2. Edward Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein...... 335 M. Sune Bergstro¨m, Bengt Samuelsson, and : and related biologically active substances ...... 338 1. Ulf von Euler and Sune Bergstro¨m...... 338

Address correspondence to: Dr. Ronald P. Rubin, The State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 102 Farber Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214-3000. E-mail: [email protected] This article is available online at http://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org. doi:10.1124/pr.107.70102. 289 290 RUBIN 2. Bengt Samuelsson ...... 339 3. John Vane ...... 340 N. Earl W. Sutherland: cyclic AMP...... 342 O. : signal transduction in the nervous system...... 345 P. and Alfred G. Gilman: G proteins and their role in signal transduction in cells ...... 347 1. Martin Rodbell ...... 348 2. Alfred G. Gilman ...... 350 Q. Robert Furchgott, , and : as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system...... 352 1. Robert Furchgott ...... 352 2. Ferid Murad ...... 353 3. Louis Ignarro ...... 355 III. Epilogue ...... 356 References ...... 356

Foreword are developed in such a style that it would be difficult to fault their selection. The lead investigators that When the American Society of Pharmacology and Ex- Dr. Rubin highlights were (or are) remarkable individ- perimental Therapeutics (ASPET1) Centennial Commit- uals. Although each discovery discussed herein culimi- tee began considering ways to celebrate the Society’s nated in a , many other familiar names are 100th anniversary in 2008, an early interest was ex- woven into the fabric, and the evolution of ideas from pressed in having a publication that presented the re- multiple individuals is emphasized. search history of the discipline. However, the Committee The Centennial Committee is pleased to sponsor recognized that such a tome would fill a very large this publication and hopes that the memories of more volume and be an immense task. senior will be relived and that young scien- Several problems were perceived. First, it would take tists will find the stories inspiring. We give our thanks an enormous effort, one which few authors would be to Dr. Rubin for his efforts and for these fine results. willing to undertake. Second, the likelihood that a qual- ity publication of that magnitude could be produced by William W. Fleming 2008 was slight. Third, no matter how thorough an On behalf of the author might be, the work of many excellent pharmacol- ASPET Centennial Committee ogists would be omitted and could lead to conflicts. Fi- nally, possibly the most important problem would be I. Prologue that the shear mass of material would not attract many young pharmacologists as readers. More than anything This series of essays attempts to profile how extraor- else, the Centennial Committee wants this publication dinary individuals have shaped our concepts in various to be interesting to young scientists. areas of biomedical research, particularly as they relate It came to the attention of the Committee that to the discipline of pharmacology. These gifted research- Dr. Ronald Rubin had been independently considering ers broke through the shibboleths of scientific thought writing about key discoveries in the history of pharma- that dominated their time because of their cogent anal- cology. The Committee offered to sponsor the project. ysis and the accuracy of their hypotheses. Many of the What follows is the outcome of that effort by Dr. Rubin. discoveries that are chronicled in these essays are not In the view of the Committee, what Dr. Rubin has writ- only timeless in terms of their impact on the human ten avoids the major problems noted above. condition but are also inspirational and embody certain The history is written in a highly interesting and virtues espoused by , including “a con- is of a length that can be read in a relatively short period stancy of mind and persistence of purpose.” These essays of time. The theses chosen are of such importance and will also attempt to illustrate how the collaboration of colleagues not only contributed immeasurably to the 1 Abbreviations: ASPET, American Society of Pharmacology and success of a project but may also have led to controver- Experimental Therapeutics; ACh, ; NYU, New York sies that even extended into the courts. In perusing a University; NIH, National Institutes of Health; SSRI, selective se- number of documents on a given subject, one is often rotonin reuptake inhibitor; EPP, end-plate potential; ICI, Imperial presented from different perspectives. To deal with this Chemical Industries; DCI, dichloroisoproterenol; 6-MP, 6-mercapto- purine; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophin; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-in- situation, I have tried to explore as many diverse ac- flammatory drug; PKA, ; NO, nitric oxide; EDRF, counts that I felt were needed to paint as accurate a endothelium-relaxing factor. picture as possible. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 291

Although pharmacology is a discipline with a rich and because it had the broadest of implications for human- enduring heritage, present-day pharmacology is quite a kind. I have also limited the number of references cited different discipline than the more traditional subject I in order not to detract from the concepts and/or ideas studied as a graduate student in the early 1960s. The that I hoped to convey. The personal anecdotes and discipline is now deeply rooted in molecular and vignettes embedded in these essays are meant to express molecular genetics, both of which provide powerful tools a reverence for the gifted scientists with whom I have for the study of pharmacodynamics. In addition, the had the fortune to interact. But my overall objective development of more sophisticated methods has allowed relates to the fervent hope that the reader will achieve researchers to make important conceptual advances deeper insight into the cultural heritage of present day that may have eluded them for many years. Another science, and of pharmacology in particular. aspect that sets present-day science apart from the past is how rapidly it progresses. The number of publications II. Major Discoveries in Pharmacology continues to grow to such an extent that many investi- A. Thomas Renton Elliott: Elaboration of the Concept gators now consider it an inefficient utilization of time to of Chemical Neurotransmission devote their attention to the older literature in their respective fields. However, analogous to the study of mediate the transfer of information history in any format, the recollections of past events are from one nerve to another or from nerve cell to effector key to understanding the discipline as it exists today by the process of synaptic transmission. The genesis of the and how it may evolve in the future. concept of chemical synaptic transmission has been attrib- There are several other reasons to have perspective uted to John Newport Langley (Fig. 1), a heralded British on past work. Although scientific progress is viewed figure in the annals of /pharmacology. He deter- by some as being configured by the building of knowl- mined in 1901 that adrenomedullary extracts (which con- edge onto knowledge, I prefer to look upon science as tained both epinephrine and ) elicited re- an entity that is constantly permutating, fluctuating, sponses in different tissues that were similar to those and even vacillating. As a result, basic concepts are induced by sympathetic nerve stimulation. In the wake of constantly reevaluated and modified. In essence, these findings, Langley proposed in 1905 that a “receptive these perturbations make the pursuit of science such substance” was the site of action of chemical mediators an interesting and intriguing endeavor. Furthermore, liberated by nerve stimulation. At about the same time, in an historical perspective may enable one to profit from , Paul Ehrlich developed his own theory a review of previously missed opportunities to make of selective binding of toxins and nutritive substances. fundamental advances and thereby avoid the pitfalls Drugs were initially excluded because they could be readily experienced by even the most gifted among us. It is extracted from tissues and were therefore not deemed to be also apparent that although molecular biology repre- firmly bound to the cell. By 1907, Ehrlich revised his con- sents a focus of much of our present day research, the cepts to include the binding of drugs to receptors that he pendulum has recently been swinging back toward integrative and translational research. The genesis of this swing resides in the idea that when experimen- tation at the subcellular and molecular level is chan- neled back to the whole animal and ultimately to the patient, the etiology of disease is better understood and the effectiveness of its treatment is enhanced. And finally, it may just be worthwhile to devote time to reflecting upon the development of scientific thought, because it enables one to view his/her own research from a different perspective. This approach may lead to greater insight into present-day problems because “in science, as in life, conceptual progress once achieved sometimes turns out to be the rediscov- ery of the past” (Hechter, 1978). In authoring this series of essays, I have omitted the work of some of our most distinguished scientists. This was done to prevent the essays from becoming an over- whelming chore to digest. So I have attempted to limit detailed discussion to selected examples of discoveries FIG. 1. John Newport Langley (1852–1925) is credited with postulat- that I feel have had important and direct implications ing a “receptive substance” in nerve stimulation, although the concept of chemical transmission can be traced to Thomas Renton Elliott (1877– for pharmacological research and pharmacotherapy. In 1961; not shown), Langley’s brilliant and perhaps under-encouraged addition, each discovery has been selected for inclusion graduate student. Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. 292 RUBIN called chemoreceptors. The revised concept became the the- After examining a variety of smooth muscle prepara- oretical basis for his subsequent work, culminating in the tions and glandular tissues in a large number of animal discovery of the arsenical Salvarsan, the first chemother- species, Elliott became cognizant of the similarity be- apeutic agent used for the treatment of . tween the pharmacological actions of epinephrine and However, a more rigorous line of research was needed the effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation. In May to develop a basic understanding of the fundamental 1904 in a preliminary communication to the British mechanism by which nerves communicate with other Physiological Society, Elliott introduced the concept of nerves or with diverse effectors. A young graduate stu- chemical transmission into scientific lore. “But since dent named Thomas Renton Elliott was responsible for adrenalin (epinephrine) does not evoke any reaction providing the experimental results and the conceptual from muscle that has at no time been innervated by the advances in our understanding of this most fundamental sympathetic, the point at which the stimulus of the physiological process. Despite the fact that attributions chemical excitant is received, and transformed into what to Elliott are for the most part buried in the annals of may cause the change of tension in the muscle fiber, is scientific history, the remarkable story of this brilliant perhaps a mechanism developed out of the muscle cell in young student should be recounted, because scientific response to its union with the synapsing sympathetic lore has unjustifiably assigned Elliott an ambivalent fiber, the function of which is to receive and transform role at best in the early development of scientific the nervous impulse. Adrenalin might then be the chem- thought. He has generally been portrayed as a poten- ical liberated on each occasion when the im- tially gifted researcher who failed to follow up on his arrives at the periphery” (Elliott, 1904). very promising findings and then summarily abandoned A total of four publications were authored by Elliott, experimental research to pursue a relatively obscure all dealing with the comparative effects of epinephrine and pedestrian career in clinical medicine. As you will and sympathetic nerve stimulation. In a 68-page trea- see, my reexamination of his story invites a radically tise published in 1905 (Elliott, 1905), Elliott provided different interpretation. numerous examples of this relationship by demonstrat- This story had its origin in 1895 in the UK when ing that the effects of sympathetic innervation and ex- George Oliver, a rural medical practitioner, paid a visit ogenous epinephrine on the bladder exhibited a similar to Professor Edward Schaefer at University College Lon- variability among diverse species, which depended upon don. Oliver’s own experiments had yielded a pressor the density of sympathetic innervation. Armed with this effect of adrenal extracts on various animals, and Oliver comprehensive evidence, Elliott offered the postulate wanted to verify his findings. After Schaefer agreed to that the “effector” stimulated by epinephrine was the the collaboration, the two men conducted a series of “myoneural junction” and not the nerve endings or mus- experiments to examine the effects of adrenal extracts cle fibers. on the systemic circulation. Because of the therapeutic Although this study dealt mainly with epinephrine, it potential of this work, the publication of these findings was also prophetic in its analysis concerning what is prompted the search for a purer extract of the active now known about the functions of acetylcholine (ACh) at principle. Two years later, John Jacob Abel of Johns postganglionic parasympathetic nerves, in au- Hopkins University, together with A. C. Crawford, iso- tonomic ganglia, and the neuromuscular junction. Lack- lated and purified the active principle from the adrenal ing convincing experimental evidence, Elliott nonethe- medulla, which Abel later named “epinephrin” (no “e”). less correctly speculated that these other components of Abel, the Father of American pharmacology, would the autonomic nervous system possessed a different type make another important contribution some 30 years of junction. His intuitive recognition of a biochemical later when he crystallized . link among the three sites of cholinergic transmission Because Abel’s extracts did not exhibit strong physi- would be substantiated by experimental evidence a de- ological activity, an industrial chemist named Jokichi cade later. Takamine sought to develop and patent a further puri- Elliott’s last article on this subject reflected a remark- fication step of the active principle a few years later. able breadth of knowledge regarding the physiological Takamine then arranged for Parke, Davis & Company to implications of his findings. However, the basically cor- market the pure crystalline substance as “.” rect concept of chemical transmission that Elliott delin- Takamine’s work stimulated much academic and com- eated in principle and reported in his preliminary note mercial interest, and soon “adrenaline” was recognized in 1904 was not reaffirmed in his subsequent publica- as the active principle of the . Because of tions, despite the fact that the scientific establishment the availability of this substance (now called epineph- failed to offer alternative explanations for his findings. rine in the ), Thomas Elliott, a student in One can only conjecture about the factors that contrib- the Department of Physiology at Cambridge, was able to uted to the growing ambivalence in Elliott’s perception conduct an extensive analysis of the comparative effects of his own original hypothesis. In making no further of medullary extracts in the form of epinephrine and reference to his original theory in future publications, sympathetic nerve stimulation. Elliott never recanted and in fact eventually renounced HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 293 his proposed theory during his presentation at the Sid- parasympathetic nerves similarly liberate a neurotrans- ney Ringer Memorial Lecture in 1914. In his remarks, mitter to activate effector sites (Dixon, 1907). To docu- he stated that “It is always a pleasure, and therefore a ment his theory, Dixon demonstrated the release of this temptation, to accept a theory which harmonizes all the putative from the mammalian facts into a close-fitting plan. But the evidence at following stimulation of the . After making present does not justify us in welcoming this simplifica- an extract from canine heart following inhibition of con- tion” (Elliott, 1914). tractility produced by vagal stimulation, Dixon found Realizing his singular attributes as an experimental- that the extract produced a depression of contractility of ist, a few associates unsuccessfully tried to dissuade an isolated frog heart. The inhibition produced by the Elliott when he decided to terminate his research activ- extract, like that caused by vagal stimulation, was ities and resume his clinical training. After fulfilling his blocked by the muscarinic antagonist atropine; however, medical commitments, Elliott served as a medical officer due to the limitations in methodology and basic knowl- during , where he eventually rose to the edge that existed at the time, this study was not contin- rank of colonel. When the war ended, Elliott returned ued. As a result, conceptual advances in this field were home to occupy the first of ’s full-time Chairs of further delayed. Clinical Medicine at University College Hospital. Dur- In his later writings, Sir Henry Dale suggests that the ing his career in medicine, he continued to publish re- active substance in Dixon’s experiment was probably search articles on clinical topics until 1930. Elliott also choline, the product of ACh degradation (Dale, 1934). won many awards for his service over the years. Most However, at the same meeting of the Physiological So- notably, he was elected to the very prestigious Fellow- ciety at which Dixon presented his results, Reid Hunt, ship of the Royal Society of London. When he retired as an American pharmacologist, reported that the adrenal Chair of Clinical Medicine at University College Hospi- gland produced a hypotensive substance that was too tal in 1939 at the age of 62, his associates paid tribute to robust to be attributed to choline. This experiment pro- his wisdom, high standards, and keen vision. So al- vided the impetus for Hunt to examine a series of related though Thomas Elliott failed to consolidate his early compounds that were synthesized for him by Rene de M. scientific contributions into a lasting legacy, he was Taveau. In reporting his findings, Hunt proposed that nonetheless remarkably successful in pursuing a distin- either a precursor or derivative of choline was the main guished administrative career in clinical medicine. hypotensive principle. One of the investigated Some years later, after the evidence became over- was ACh, which was found to be several orders of mag- whelming that chemical transmission was operative at nitude more active than choline in producing a drop in synaptic sites, the legendary Sir Henry Dale, disregard- pressure. However, the transient of the ing his own involvement, attributed the reluctance of hypotensive action exhibited by ACh and other choline Elliott to promote his theory to the perceived lack of analogs argued against any further experimentation to interest in his work exhibited by the elite of the scientific assess their significance as possible therapeutic agents. establishment. In particular, John Langley, Elliott’s In a more detailed analysis carried out in 1914, Sir mentor and department chair, was known as an individ- Henry Dale identified the muscarinic and cholinergic ual who disapproved of speculative theories, especially actions of ACh (Dale, 1914). While acknowledging the those proposed by relative neophytes working under his possible physiological significance of the resemblance direction. So Langley was apparently unwilling to give between the actions of choline esters and the effects of Elliott’s transmitter concept an honest evaluation. In certain elements of the parasympathetic nervous sys- addition, the formulation of the concept of “receptive tem, Dale felt that any further consideration of the phys- substance” first proposed in 1905 by John Langley iological implications of these results should be deferred (Langley, 1905) has, at least in part, been attributed to due to the limited amount of background knowledge on ideas expressed by Elliott about how a muscle cell re- the subject that was available at the time. sponds to a chemical stimulus. However, in his publica- Still, the experiments carried out by Dixon, Hunt, and tion, Langley failed to give any consideration to Elliott’s Dale gave credence to the interpretation of Elliott’s ear- ideas, which may have further discouraged the young lier work and would ultimately vindicate his research. investigator and diverted attention away from what However, Dixon and Hunt did not continue to explore probably was the most important advance in neuro- this problem much further; so the attribution of Dixon’s biology up to that time. and Hunt’s role, like Elliott’s role, was relegated to brief Nevertheless, Elliott’s contributions to , references in certain historical accounts. One may argue although transient and incomplete, proved to be endur- that the scientific community might be forgiven its dis- ing. His seminal work became a paradigm for later stud- interest in this line of research, since the limitations in ies, which would ultimately lead to the elucidation of the methodology made it difficult, if not impossible, to em- basic processes involved in nerve function. In 1907, ploy a more direct experimental approach to the problem Walter Dixon, a pharmacologist working at Cambridge, at the time. However, it also seems fitting to conclude attempted to extend Elliott’s findings by arguing that that Elliott, Dixon, and Hunt did not possess the burn- 294 RUBIN ing interest and passion needed to overcome the obsta- business enterprise. In future years, this dual program cles presented by this fundamental biological problem would be duplicated by other pharmaceutical firms. (Maehle, 2004). However, at the time a schism between academia and industry existed. As an example, when Dale first met B. Sir Henry Dale and Otto Loewi: Chemical John Jacob Abel in 1909, Dale noted that Abel was Transmission of Nerve Impulses rather suspicious of him because of his connections with 1. Sir Henry Dale. Although additional pertinent in- a commercial enterprise. Abel epitomized an academi- formation derived from experiments of the type carried cian of the time. Having trained in Germany at the out by Elliott and Dixon would not be forthcoming for Pharmacology Institute headed by Oswald Schmiede- another 15 years, further insights into the mechanisms berg, Abel had returned to the United States to occupy involved in synaptic transmission were fueled by the the first Chair of Pharmacology at the University of “applied research” carried out by Sir Henry Dale (Fig. 2) Michigan in 1891. Then, in 1893, he assumed the Chair for Wellcome Laboratories from 1904 through 1914. The of Pharmacology at . He also original firm had been established in 1894 by Henry played a key role in the founding of ASPET in 1908. By Wellcome, an American-trained pharmacist, to produce such efforts, Abel was responsible for fashioning phar- serum antitoxins for clinical applications. Then, in 1895, macology into a discipline primarily concerned with the Wellcome established the Research Laboratories. The study of drugs from a systematic and mechanistic per- second branch of the firm was dedicated to conducting spective, with implications for therapy. His dedication to original research and was to be divorced from the com- the discipline of pharmacology also made him wary of mercial subdivision. anyone whom he believed would sully its reputation by In 1904, Dale, a Cambridge-trained biologist, was of- engaging in commercial endeavors. But Abel was even- fered the position at Wellcome Laboratories to carry out tually persuaded by academic colleagues that Dale did experimental research. Despite the admonitions of aca- possess strong scientific principles and ultimately ac- demic colleagues against accepting a position in an cepted him as a colleague (Tansey, 1995). institution that was tainted by commercialism, Dale Wellcome Laboratories had a strong interest in the needed the job for personal reasons, and so he accepted properties of derivatives of the rye fungus ergot, and the position only reluctantly (Tansey, 1995). The ap- Dale was assigned this project. Dale justified this un- pointment of Dale was profoundly significant, not only dertaking to himself by reasoning that one component of because it was responsible for guiding biological re- ergot extracts, ACh, was probably a naturally occurring search into new directions but also because the dual compound, and therefore its study was of potential phys- approach inaugurated by Henry Wellcome enabled pro- iological significance. In their comprehensive pharmaco- ductive research to develop in concert with a successful logical analysis published in 1914, Dale and Laidlaw found that the actions of ACh on cat and exocrine glands, as well as rat smooth muscle, resem- bled those of the alkaloid muscarine. They also observed that the pharmacological effects of exogenous ACh ex- hibited a striking similarity to the effects of parasympa- thetic nerve stimulation, which was also comprised of muscarinic (blocked by atropine) and nicotinic actions (mimicked by ). In reporting the transient nature of the action of ACh, Dale suggested that an esterase in tissues or blood was probably responsible for its rapid . In this article, Dale alluded to the possible presence of ACh in humans and its potential biological significance. Al- though the key physiological implications of his work seemed to elude Dale at the time, this study did provide the theoretical basis for defining the pharmacology of autonomic drugs. The physiological relevance of ACh would be established by the classic experiments per- formed by Otto Loewi a few years later. In 1910, Dale also published a detailed account of the sympathomimetic actions of a number of biogenic amines synthesized by George Barger. By demonstrat- ing that several structurally diverse amines reproduced the effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation, Dale pro- FIG. 2. Sir Henry Dale (1875–1968). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. vided support for the hypothesis elaborated several HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 295 years earlier by Thomas Elliott that epinephrine, or some other , transmitted the response elicited by sympathetic nerve stimulation to the postsyn- aptic effector site (Barger and Dale, 1910). The luxury of hindsight enables us to conclude that by unwittingly excluding from their investigations the epinephrine (adrenaline) series of sympathomimetics, Dale and Barger overlooked the most physiologically relevant de- rivative, norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The fact that at the time norepinephrine was available commercially and did not require its synthesis by Barger made Dale’s oversight even more vexing. As a result, the correct identification of the putative neurotransmitter of post- ganglionic sympathetic nerves would be delayed for many more years. In reflecting on the reasons why he did not initially champion the concept of chemical neurotransmission as elaborated by Thomas Elliott, Dale noted that exoge- nous administration of epinephrine produced several inhibitory actions on sympathetically innervated end FIG. 3. Otto Loewi (1873–1961). Courtesy University Archives of organs that were not duplicated by sympathetic nerve Vienna (UAW Fotoarchiv: 106.I.1533). stimulation. This inconsistency suggested to him that some alternative process was operative. Years later, ment of chemical transmission as a basic biological con- Dale tried to rationalize his missed opportunity by not- cept began the night before Easter Sunday in 1920. After ing that even if he had suggested that norepinephrine awaking from a sound sleep, Loewi formulated an idea was the putative neurotransmitter, because of the lim- for testing the hypothesis of chemical transmission and ited technologies available at the time (c. 1915), it would scribbled a few notes on a pad before going back to sleep. have been very difficult to identify each of the various The next day he found his scrawls unintelligible. Fortu- that might be present. So, until 1921, nately, however, early the next morning at 3 AM, the the physiological mechanisms involved in the transmis- idea returned to him; so he went to his laboratory and sion of signals across synapses were a subject of intense performed the now-classic experiment that was to revo- debate. In fact, certain distinguished scientists of the lutionize concepts of nerve function. time gave credence to the hypothesis that synaptic After Loewi placed two frog into a single bath, transmission was an electrical event, brought about by the vagus nerve of one heart was stimulated, thereby transmission of the activation wave from the nerve end- slowing it, while causing the rate of the second heart to ing to the effector. All of that began to change at the also diminish. From this experiment, Loewi reached the beginning of the , when the classic demonstration obvious conclusion that a substance liberated from the of chemical transmission was finally achieved by a sim- first heart was responsible for causing inhibition of the ple, yet ingenious experiment carried out by Otto Loewi. second heart. He termed the unknown substance vagus- 2. Otto Loewi. Otto Loewi (Fig. 3) had been trained stoff, which was later identified as ACh. Subsequent as a pharmacologist at the University of in articles by Loewi provided additional evidence favoring Germany at the beginning of the . Fortu- the similarity of this substance to ACh, including its nately for Loewi, the conditions that prevailed during characteristic sensitivity to destruction by an esterase the early 1900s in Germany were most favorable for the that Loewi had extracted from heart muscle. development of scientific thought, with no government Loewi also used the frog heart preparation to demon- intervention (Loewi, 1961). Loewi took advantage of strate that sympathetic nerve stimulation caused the these positive conditions to learn to view scientific the- liberation of a substance, which he called accelerans- ory through a wide lens. As a result, his ideas were not stoff. He showed that it shared many of the properties of constrained by existing dogma. After he was invited to epinephrine in that it could be destroyed by alkali, flu- accompany his superior Hans Meyer to Vienna, Loewi orescence, and UV light. In addition, its activity at ad- accepted the Chair of Pharmacology at the University of renergic effector sites was blocked by ergotamine and () in 1909, where he conducted his classic augmented by . Loewi also observed that the experiments. effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation and epineph- Although Loewi had professed long-term interest in rine on the heart declined very slowly, in contrast to the the concept of chemical transmission, he eventually de- transient effects of ACh. These findings that suggested cided to actively participate in the development of this different modes of inactivation were operative for the idea. The sequence of events leading to the establish- two putative neurotransmitters would be substantiated 296 RUBIN by the work of Julius Axelrod and his colleagues some 40 nerve liberated ACh into the coronary vasculature of years later. On the basis of these experiments, Loewi mammals. A major advantage of the leech muscle for the proposed that parasympathomimetic effects were medi- bioassay of ACh was that it was extremely sensitive to ated by ACh and sympathomimetic effects were trans- very low levels of endogenous ACh but was not respon- mitted by epinephrine. sive to catecholamines. So, by the early 1930s, it was Despite the potential far-reaching implications of this generally accepted that the autonomic nervous system work, Loewi faced some formidable challenges from col- was regulated by two substances with antagonistic ac- leagues concerning the validity of his conclusions. Their tions: an ACh-like agent liberated by parasympathetic skepticism was based primarily on the technical limita- fibers and an epinephrine-like substance released by tions of Loewi’s experiments, which were deemed respon- nerve fibers of the sympathetic system. sible for contradictory results obtained by other investiga- At this point, evidence was needed to assess whether tors. Most importantly, the frog heart preparation was the substance released from parasympathetic fibers widely considered to be an unpredictable experimental might be a choline with pharmacological properties model, with regard to the reproducibility of responses that similar to ACh. Dale and Dudley made progress on this various stimuli were able to elicit. In addition, because the issue in 1929, when they reported the extraction and preparation used by Loewi functioned as a hypodynamic identification of ACh as a of oxen and heart, it was viewed by some as nonphysiological in terms equine spleen (Dale and Dudley, 1926). By this time, of its functionality. Unfortunately for Loewi, the hypody- Dale, now working as Chief Pharmacological and Bio- namic preparation yielded the most favorable results in chemical Officer at the National Institute for Medical support of his theory. Research in London, was a strong proponent of the Thus, progress in this field was shackled by the con- chemical theory, and he coined the terms adrenergic and troversy that Loewi’s experiments and conclusions en- cholinergic to describe the actions of autonomic and mo- gendered among his colleagues. However, decisive evi- tor nerve fibers. dence in favor of Loewi’s hypothesis was eventually The hypothesis that described an ACh-like transmit- produced when the liberation of vagus-stoff was ob- ter was later extended by Dale and his colleagues to served in a nonhypodynamic heart. Moreover, much of synaptic transmission at autonomic ganglia. He and his the conflicting data obtained by various laboratories was distinguished associates, including Wilhelm Feldberg, discounted because of the known instability of vagus- Sir John Henry Gaddum, and Marthe Vogt, demon- stoff, which Loewi had identified as ACh. Dale had al- strated by bioassay the presence of ACh in isolated per- ready proposed in 1914 that the rapid breakdown of ACh fused cat sympathetic ganglia following nerve stimula- was due to the presence of esterases in blood and tissues. tion. Not surprisingly, the detection of ACh in the This idea was confirmed in 1926 by Loewi and Navratil, venous effluent of perfused ganglia was predicated upon who reported that extracts of frog heart tissue rapidly the presence of eserine in the solution. These degraded ACh, presumably by a form of - findings and those previously made by Loewi suggested terase (Loewi and Navratil, 1926). They also found that that a fundamentally similar process was operative in eserine could not only inhibit the but could also synaptic transmission of excitatory effects at all auto- markedly enhance the inhibitory effects of ACh and vagus- nomic ganglia and postganglionic parasympathetic ef- stoff on the frog heart. So vagus-stoff could now be defined fector sites. pharmacologically as a substance whose action was inhib- Despite the mounting evidence in support of the the- ited by atropine and enhanced by eserine. Because the ory of chemical transmission, debates still raged during properties of vagus-stoff were identical to those exhibited the 1930s concerning the general applicability of this by the muscarinic actions of ACh, this work left little theory. Dale and his colleagues maintained their impor- doubt that the neuronal stimulus was transmitted to the tant role in endorsing this concept, despite being chal- postsynaptic effector by chemical means rather than by lenged by colleagues who continued to argue in favor of electrical transmission. electrical transmission. The most renowned proponent Although one might argue that Loewi’s original exper- of this latter view was the Nobel Laureate Sir John iments were not very convincing, he did possess the Eccles, who continued to perpetuate this outdated the- tenacity of purpose to doggedly pursue his theory, until ory. It was reported that rather harsh words were some- it was ultimately confirmed in its most basic form. In times exchanged between Dale and Eccles on this issue. 1926, after Loewi reproduced his basic experiment 18 But by the 1950s, when overwhelming evidence finally times on the same frog heart preparation at the famed resolved the argument, the debates finally ended in mu- in , his colleagues began to tual respect between the two Nobel Laureates, exempli- comprehend what he had accomplished. His work and fied by their frequent correspondence of more than 20 conclusions were finally vindicated in 1933, when the years. introduction of the leech muscle preparation for bioassay Decisive experiments were also conducted by Dale and enabled Wilhelm Feldberg and Otto Krayer to demon- his colleagues on the neuromuscular junction in the strate definitively that the stimulation of the vagus 1930s, which established that the action of ACh was not HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 297 confined to the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Together with Wilhelm Feldberg and Marthe Vogt, Dale published two articles that not only provided a clear demonstration that ACh was released from motor nerve endings following nerve stimulation but also embel- lished their results by showing that when injected close to the muscle, ACh produced a depolarizing effect simi- lar to that of nerve stimulation (Dale et al., 1936). The fact that ACh release was detectable even when the responsiveness of the motor end-plate was impaired by curare represented an analogous result to that obtained by Loewi on postganglionic parasympathetic effector sites. Loewi had already shown that atropine blocked the postsynaptic action of ACh on cardiac muscle but did not modify its release elicited by vagal nerve stimula- tion. Thus, incontrovertible evidence eventually per- suaded Dale to lend his unequivocal and influential sup- port for the theory of chemical transmission. One cannot overemphasize the importance of Dale’s endorsement, because many of the cognoscenti at the time still firmly FIG. 4. Raymond Ahlquist (1914–1983). Courtesy of the National Li- believed that the data were not sufficiently strong or brary of Medicine. convincing to incontrovertibly validate the new concept that would ultimately alter the scientific world’s view of neuronal function. to tissue, the observed variations must be due, at least in However, final validation of the concept of chemical part, to inherent differences in the receptors. To test this transmission had to await studies that would conclu- postulate, Ahlquist compared the relative potencies of sively identify the agent involved in synaptic transmis- several sympathomimetic amines (including epineph- sion at postganglionic sympathetic nerves. Although El- rine) with sympathetic innervation on several isolated liott had shown that the effects of epinephrine were mammalian preparations. Only two orders of relative similar to those of sympathetic nerve stimulation, innu- potency were observed with regard to inhibitory actions merable experiments, including those of Dale, showed such as and brochodilation (isoproterenol Ͼ that the inhibitory effects elicited by injected epineph- epinephrine Ͼ norepinephrine). For the excitatory ac- rine were not prominent following nerve stimulation. A tions such as and pupillary dilation, the few years later, the renowned Harvard physiologist rank order of potency observed was epinephrine ϭ nor- Walter Cannon observed quantitatively different effects epinephrine Ͼ isoproterenol. The differential sensitivity on the chronically denervated and supersensitized pupil of the various tissues to the agonists could not be readily of the cat, when he compared the effects of exogenous explained by the theory of Cannon and Rosenblueth, epinephrine with those induced by hepatic or cardiac nerve which centered on two types of transmitters. Rather, the stimulation. To address such disparities, Cannon and different patterns of relative efficacy more likely repre- Rosenblueth proposed in 1933 that sympathin, a hypothet- sented a preferential affinity of each agonist for one of ical mediator elaborated by sympathetic nerves, combined two types of adrenoceptors. with either excitatory or inhibitory substances at the Capitalizing on the additional discovery in 1946 by Ulf postsynaptic site, forming either sympathin E (excitatory) von Euler that norepinephrine was the adrenergic neu- or sympathin I (inhibitory). These two substances were rotransmitter, Ahlquist postulated in 1948 that the ac- then released into the blood stream, leading to either a tion of norepinephrine on postsynaptic sites was medi- stimulatory or inhibitory response (Cannon and Rosen- ated by two types of adrenergic receptors, which he blueth, 1933). called ␣ and ␤. It is of interest to note that the original The apparent conundrum resulting from the analysis manuscript submitted by Ahlquist was rejected by the of the comparative effects of epinephrine and sympa- Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeu- thetic nerve stimulation was eventually resolved by a tics, despite the fact that it contained strong evidence to less complex and more physiologically relevant explana- support Ahlquist’s concept. Eventually, with the help of tion. In 1948, Raymond Ahlquist (Fig. 4) at the Medical a friendly colleague, Ahlquist’s manuscript was pub- College of Georgia reasoned that if the rank order of lished in the American Journal of Physiology. But the potency of a series of catecholamines was the same in all scientific community was reluctant to accept this con- tissues, then the variation in their relative activities cept because of its novel approach to pharmacology and must be due to differences in their chemical structure. the mathematical modeling that Ahlquist used to ex- However, if the rank order of potency varied from tissue plain his theory. 298 RUBIN

All of that began to change, however, when in 1954 lasting contributions to the development of pharmacol- Ahlquist was invited by Victor Drill to write the chapter ogy as a discipline. The legacy of Loewi also endures, on adrenergic pharmacology in Drill’s Pharmacology in although his later career was tainted by intrigue and Medicine. As author of this chapter, Ahlquist took ad- politics. Two years after becoming a Nobel Laureate, vantage of the opportunity to promote his theory, which Loewi was jailed by the Nazis for his religious beliefs. ultimately enabled it to gain general acceptance. The However, eventually Loewi was granted safe harbor to concept not only prompted fresh thinking about adren- leave Austria, but only after he transferred his prize ergic receptor pharmacology, it also vaulted scientific money to a Nazi-controlled bank and was deprived of all research into new directions that would guide future properties and belongings. drug development. In particular, Ahlquist’s ideas pre- For the next few years, Loewi experienced a rather sented in Drill’s textbook were adopted by Sir James nomadic existence. He first sought haven at the Univer- Black in his quest to develop an agent that would reduce site Libre in Brussels, followed by another move to the the demand for oxygen by the heart. In fact, Black main- UK in 1939. Once in the UK, he then traveled overseas tains that Ahlquist’s concept provided the conceptual in an attempt to establish himself at Harvard under the framework for the development of ␤-receptor blockers, auspices of Walter Cannon. However, because of the which was to earn Black the Nobel Prize (see section massive influx of European scientists at that time, Har- II.F.1.). Moreover, this fundamental concept led to the vard was reluctant to offer even a Nobel Laureate a identification of adrenergic receptor subtypes, which faculty position. So, in 1940, Cannon contacted Homer subsequently spawned the development of more selec- Smith, his former research fellow and now a famed renal tive and useful therapeutic agents such as the ␤-1 re- pharmacologist/physiologist, to offer Loewi a professor- ceptor-blocking agent atenolol, the ␤-2 agonist terbutal- ship in pharmacology at (NYU) ine, and the ␣-1 antagonist prazosin. School of Medicine. Like so many other expatriated sci- Despite the irrefutable and overwhelming evidence entists of that era, Loewi expressed his gratitude by favoring chemical transmission at synapses of the auto- embracing his new country. For the rest of his life, Loewi nomic nerve system, during the 1950s, a few members of worked at NYU during the winter and at the Marine the scientific establishment maintained an obdurate re- Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole in the summer, fusal to relinquish their outdated theory. Sir John Eccles where he continued to conduct research until his death resolutely remained a dissenting voice, arguing that in 1961. The life of Otto Loewi clearly illustrates how transmission at the neuromuscular junction was too one unique individual envisioned and proved a scientific rapid to be mediated by a chemical event. To quash truth that had been ignored and even ridiculed. The full these dissenters once and for all, Sir Bernard Katz and importance of Loewi’s contributions can be better under- his skilled associates took it upon themselves to develop stood from the perspective that his breakthrough discov- precise and sophisticated intracellular recording tech- ery led to the recasting of ideas about how nerves niques to conduct comparative studies on the effects of function. exogenous ACh and nerve stimulation at the motor end- plate. As a result of their work, the proposition that C. Daniel Bovet: Synthetic Compounds That Inhibit the synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction Action of Certain Body Substances, and Especially involved a chemical process was finally rendered indis- Their Action on the Vascular System and Skeletal putable once and for all. The final resolution of this Muscle elusive question was obviously important from many perspectives. However, it should be emphasized that by By identifying the physiological roles played by bio- establishing the concept of chemical transmission in pe- genic amines in cell function during the 1920s and 30s, ripheral nerves, Dale, Loewi, and Katz provided the Otto Loewi, Sir Henry Dale, and their colleagues set the foundation for further experimentation by others to stage for pharmacologists and chemists to pursue drug probe the mechanisms of synaptic transmission in the development in a structured and systematic manner. central nervous system. As a result, major progress in Toward this end, Daniel Bovet (Fig. 5), noting that drugs our understanding of mechanisms in the such as arsphenamine and sulfonamides had been intro- nervous system has led to better treatment and man- duced into therapeutics empirically, decided to take a agement of neurological and psychiatric disorders, more rational approach toward synthesizing and testing which plague a major segment of our population. new pharmacological agents. Bovet based his strategy In recognition of their extraordinary achievements, on the principles inherent in the theory Dale and Loewi shared the Nobel Prize in 1936 for their of Woods and Fildes (Fildes, 1940; Woods, 1940). This work on chemical transmission of nerve impulses. Dale’s theory explained the bacteriostatic action of sulfa drugs contributions to pharmacology were legion, but it is im- by virtue of their ability to competitively antagonize the portant to single out his unique ability to distinguish, normal cellular utilization of p-aminobenzoic acid, a me- characterize, and classify drugs by virtue of their selec- tabolite with a chemical structure very similar to that of tive actions. In this way, Dale made fundamental and the sulfonamides. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 299

actions would mimic or inhibit those of the naturally oc- curring ergot. However, the search for the active principle proved formidable, since the structure of ergot was quite different from that of epinephrine and other derivatives of phenylethylamine. Nevertheless, by using the autonomic nervous system as the test model, Bovet observed a grad- ual reduction in sympathomimetic activity and the emer- gence of antagonistic activities of compounds with struc- tures of increasing complexity. However, when Bovet observed a lack of correspondence between the results ob- tained in animals and those found in humans, he discon- tinued the work with adrenergic blocking agents and redi- rected his attention to agents that acted at cholinergic sites. Bovet realized that the study of anticholinergic agents would also prove to be a daunting task because of the multiple systems on which ACh acted, including post- ganglionic parasympathetic effector sites, autonomic ganglia, and the neuromuscular junction. Noting that ACh antagonists differed structurally, depending upon their site of action, Bovet decided to confine his investi- gations to an examination of the neuromuscular junc- tion. Identifying the as the primary locus of action of curare had been accomplished during the 1850s by the classic experiments of Claude Bernard. The spe- cific mechanism of action of d-tubocurarine and other competitive neuromuscular blocking agents was eluci- FIG. 5. Daniel Bovet (1907–1992). Courtesy of Professor Egidio Miele, University of Sassari, Sassari, . dated more than a century later by Sir Bernard Katz and his colleagues using intracellular recording and mi- croiontophoretic techniques. Adopting this general approach for studying pharma- Curare was a generic term for various South Ameri- cological activity, Bovet examined a series of chemical can arrow poisons. The crude preparations that were derivatives through several steps to determine which initially available consisted of a thick, black, gelatinous- chemical groups were responsible for the antagonist or like substance obtained from various remote sources in agonist activity in question. Bovet defined the steps as 1) South America. These crude preparations made any an analysis of the structure of parent compounds pos- analysis of the pharmacological properties of curare very sessing a specific pharmacological activity followed by 2) difficult. In addition, to become effective therapeutically, the synthesis and testing of various chemical derivatives a stable preparation had to be developed that possessed or analogs for agonist or antagonist activity. In this way, pharmacological actions that were free from undesirable Bovet applied the concept of competitive interactions to side effects. So the study and therapeutic use of curare pharmacodynamics in the hope of providing clues as to was thwarted for almost a century until the pure alka- the nature of the receptor site and possible mechanism loid, d-tubocurarine, finally became available in the of drug action. These advances, in turn, might then lead 1940s. The alkaloid then was used as an adjuvant dur- to the development of more useful and effective thera- ing general anesthesia (West, 1984). peutic agents. With the advent of the pure alkaloid, Bovet and his Bovet favored the view that substances of natural origin colleagues could now use diverse methods of biological such as ergotoxin, curare, and atropine could serve as testing to compare the pharmacological properties of useful models for the development of more selective recep- d-tubocurarine with analogs that were less complex tor antagonists. Thus, he initially directed his attention to structurally. Bovet’s overall strategy was based upon the ergot alkaloids, a fecund resource of pharmacological the principle that manufactured pharmacological agents activity that was investigated by Sir Henry Dale many would prove more useful than naturally occurring sub- years before. In carrying out his work, first at the Pasteur stances, because they were more selective in their sites Institute in and then after 1947 at the Instituto of action, relatively free from side effects, and had a Superiore di Sanita` in , Bovet initially sought the shorter duration of action. Concentrating on phenolic es- identity of the active principle of the ergotamine moiety. ters containing quaternary ammonium activity, Bovet’s Toward this end, Bovet and his colleagues synthesized and team synthesized gallamine (Flaxedil). This drug had a characterized a voluminous number of compounds whose more rapid onset of action than tubocurarine, as well as a 300 RUBIN more rapid recovery time. Although the clinical use of Because of perceived similarities thought to exist gallamine was limited by its positive effect among epinephrine, ACh, and with respect to and its proscription in patients with kidney disease, the their pharmacological properties, Bovet extended the rigorous analysis of structure-activity relationships identi- scope of his work in 1937 to include histamine antago- fied several anticholinergic compounds that were less com- nists. Pharmacologists had long understood that the plex structurally and more useful than their naturally development of drugs that were capable of blocking the occurring counterparts in terms of specificity and absence actions of histamine would not only help to provide of undesirable side effects. deeper insights into various aspects of physiological and At about the same time, Bovet initiated a study of tubo- pharmacological mechanisms but would also be of ines- curarine analogs by varying the distance between the two timable value in the treatment of allergic disorders. quaternary ammonium moieties. He found that there were However, 25 years elapsed between the articles by Sir two key characteristics that defined the activity of such Henry Dale and Patrick Laidlaw (1910, 1911) on the bis-quaternary derivatives, the distance between the qua- pharmacological actions of histamine and the genesis of ternary groups and the size of the substituents added to Bovet’s work to develop drugs with histamine-blocking the molecule. When the chain between the quaternary activities. But when histamine was identified as a con- groups contained 10 carbon atoms (decamethonium), max- stituent of the body, intense interest in this autacoid imum pharmacological activity was observed. Coinciden- was created. Daniel Bovet was among the researchers tally, William Paton and Eleanor Zaimis made the identi- who initiated efforts to produce antagonists of hista- cal discovery of decamethonium in the UK at about the mine. He first examined the adrenoceptor-blocking same time. They demonstrated that this agent acted by agent piperoxan, which was known to possess inhibitory depolarizing the end-plate and thereby prevented it from activity against histamine in isolated intestine. Al- responding to ACh. However, because it resembled curare though Bovet found that several related compounds af- in not being degraded by cholinesterase, decamethonium forded some protection against the effects of histamine, produced a muscle paralysis that was excessively pro- they proved too toxic for clinical use. longed and not reversible by an esterase inhibitor (Paton Bovet and Anne-Marie Staub were able to obtain a and Zaimis, 1949). better grasp on histamine antagonists when they inves- Among the drugs tested for their paralytic effects at tigated thymoxyethyldiethylamine (Bovet and Staub, the neuromuscular junction was succinylcholine, which 1937). This agent protected guinea pigs against lethal was composed of two molecules of ACh attached end-on- doses of histamine, antagonized histamine-induced end. Bovet’s meticulous analysis of the properties of this spasm of smooth muscle, and diminished the symptoms agent was perhaps his most celebrated discovery. Its of anaphylactic . Although this compound, like sev- development provided a major contribution to pharma- eral others initially developed, was found to be relatively cotherapy, when it was shown that the drug was rapidly hydrolyzed by pseudocholinesterase. As a result, succi- ineffective and too toxic for clinical use, Bovet and his nylcholine possessed a short duration of action as a team persevered and in 1944 produced Neo-Antergan compared with d-tubocurarine and (pyrilamine) (Bovet et al., 1944). This drug is still used decamethonium. It therefore could be employed as an today as a selective in treating symptoms adjuvant in the form of a drip to more precisly titrate the associated with acute allergies such as urticaria, rhini- level of muscle relaxation during general anesthesia. In tis, and . In describing the selective antag- this way, the potential hazards of surgical anesthesia onism of responses to histamine, Bovet and Staub made were reduced. it possible to construct certain general criteria for devel- It should be noted that many years earlier, Reid Hunt oping histamine antagonists, which are now mainstays and Rene de M. Taveau reported on the pharmacological in the treatment of a variety of allergic disorders. In actions of a number of choline derivatives they had syn- addition, the contributions made by Bovet and Staub thesized, including succinylcholine (Hunt and Taveau, formed the basis for future structure-activity studies on 1906). However, these investigators failed to identify the histamine antagonists employed by other investigators, neuromuscular-blocking properties of the agent, because most notably Sir James Black. they employed curare-pretreated animals as their model In addition to publishing more than 300 articles that for drug testing. As a result, the introduction of succi- documented his work on drugs affecting the autonomic nylcholine into clinical use was delayed until 1942. So, nervous system, the neuromuscular junction, and the just as Dale had shown that atropine blocked the action actions of histamine, Bovet also probed various aspects of ACh at muscarinic sites and ergot alkaloids annulled of the pharmacology of the central nervous system. His the effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine at post- observations with lysergic acid and its derivatives ex- ganglionic sympathetic sites, Bovet and his associates erted a marked influence in the field of psychopharma- were responsible for providing the conceptual frame- cology, and in particular psychedelic drugs. By demon- work for analyzing the pharmacology of cholinergic an- strating that relatively simple molecules can modify tagonists at the neuromuscular junction. changes in perception and mood, Bovet’s work helped to HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 301 shape scientific thought regarding psychoactive drugs that are used in therapy today. Perhaps Bovet’s greatest legacy, however, is that he advanced the evolution of pharmacology as an estab- lished discipline and helped to promote the era of phar- macodynamics and a more mechanistic approach to pharmacology. In applying his expertise as an organic chemist to therapeutics, Bovet also helped to advance the discipline of pharmaceutical by conveying how chemical structure relates to pharmacological activ- ity. Yet Bovet possessed the depth of understanding to realize that, because of the diversity of the chemical classes to which pharmacologically active agents belong, experimental findings cannot always be explained in terms of predictable scientific paradigms. For him, such FIG. 6. Ulf von Euler (1905–1983). Courtesy of the National Library of atypical results could only be characterized as empirical Medicine. findings. In honor of his groundbreaking contributions leading to the discovery of synthetic compounds that selectively inhibit the action of endogenous substances, norepinephrine, von Euler used two bioassays with dif- Daniel Bovet was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1957. ferent sensitivities to the two amines, such as the cat blood pressure and hen rectal caecum. A fluorometric D. Ulf von Euler, Julius Axelrod, and Sir Bernard technique for independently measuring epinephrine and Katz: Humoral Transmitters in the Nerve Terminals norepinephrine, which was developed in von Euler’s lab- and the Mechanism for Their Storage, Release, and oratory, also helped to raise the bar of research in this Inactivation field. As previously chronicled, chemical transmission as a The discovery of norepinephrine as the neurotrans- concept was attributed to a British student named Thomas mitter at postganglionic sympathetic nerve endings po- Elliott, who in 1904 reported that there was a striking sitioned von Euler at the of research in biogenic similarity between the action of epinephrine (which he amines. In addition to demonstrating the presence of called adrenaline) and sympathetic nerve stimulation. In norepinephrine in almost all sympathetically inner- 1910, Barger and Dale coined the term sympathomimetic vated tissues of mammals, von Euler and his colleagues amine to characterize the actions of a large series of built upon these findings by later showing that adrenal amines that elicited physiological responses similar to glands of various mammalian species not only contained those exerted by sympathetic nerve stimulation. Many varying amounts of epinephrine and norepinephrine but years later in a volume composed of a compilation of sev- also released them differentially, depending upon the eral of his many articles, and having the advantage of mode and duration of stimulation. Ulf von Euler and hindsight, Dale laments the “opportunities missed” in the Nils-Ake Hillarp also showed that a particulate fraction second decade of the 20th century to examine the analogs isolated from a homogenate of adrenergic nerve tissue of epinephrine (adrenaline) (Dale, 1965). This oversight sequestered a disproportionately large amount of nor- permitted a major discovery (chemical transmission) to epinephrine (von Euler and Hillarp, 1956). Electron mi- elude him. It was only later that Dale realized that Elliott croscopy revealed that this particulate fraction was com- had been correct in principle and erroneous only with re- posed of granular structures that were later found to gard to the actual identification of the mediator. To profit sequester biogenic amines. These studies placed a great from Dale’s experience of a “missed opportunity,” the deal of emphasis on events taking place at adrenergic reader may find it worthwhile to dust off his book and read nerve endings during synaptic transmission and comple- his justification for not reaching what we now know is an mented the key investigations relating to the synthesis obvious conclusion. Dale’s comments seem generic for all and metabolic fate of the adrenergic neurotransmitter who are engaged in scientific research. subsequently conducted by Julius Axelrod. 1. Ulf von Euler. During the 1930s, certain investi- 2. Julius Axelrod. Julius Axelrod (Fig. 7) was argu- gators alluded to the possibility that norepinephrine ably one of the most beloved Nobel Laureates, who pos- might be the neurotransmitter liberated at adrenergic sessed all of the qualities that represent the best in our nerve endings. However, it was not until the mid-1940s profession. His professional and personal attributes that Ulf von Euler (Fig. 6) used various pharmacological were characterized by systematic thinking, diligent ef- and chemical assays to correctly identify the major cat- fort, and humanity. Being one of the pioneers of neuro- echolamine as norepinephrine (noradrenaline) in ex- transmission and drug metabolism, Axelrod was respon- tracts of adrenergic nerves from different species. When sible for developing treatments for the relief of pain and it became necessary to differentiate epinephrine from depression. But just as importantly, his determination 302 RUBIN

FIG. 7. Julius Axelrod (1912–2004). in the face of the many obstacles that he encountered represents a shining example to anyone who is commit- ted to fulfilling his/her life’s ambitions. Axelrod was born in 1912 on the east side of Manhat- tan and during his early education expressed a keen FIG. 8. Bernard Brodie (1909–1989). Courtesy of the National Insti- interest in attending medical school. In 1933, after grad- tutes of Health. uating from with a bachelor’s degree, Axelrod’s application to medical school was re- jected. He lamented later that in those days religious extraordinary energy and an infinite source of ideas, bias may have played a role in the negative decision would be responsible for directing Axelrod’s early scien- rendered to him. Because of the Great Depression, Ax- tific career and for fostering Axelrod’s long-term com- elrod found it difficult to obtain a suitable position in a mitment to pharmacology. scientific field, although for a brief time he worked as a Relying on his previous laboratory experiences, Axel- laboratory technician at NYU at a starting salary of $25 rod developed methods for analyzing acetanilide. He per month. He then went on to work for 10 years at the soon discovered that it was a and exerted its Department of Health, where he was actions by being metabolized to N-acetyl-p-aminophenol tasked with modifying methods that were used for eval- (acetaminophen) (Axelrod, 1948). In the early 1970s, uating the amounts of supplements added to Johnson & Johnson marketed the drug as Tylenol, foods. Although his work was tedious and uninspiring, which proved to be an effective and profitable alterna- the experience he gained in modifying methods for as- tive to . As a result of this work, Brodie invited saying proved invaluable in his later research. Axelrod to remain at Goldwater Memorial Hospital to It was at NYU that Axlerod lost sight in one eye when a study the metabolic fate of other . As time bottle of ammonia exploded in his face. This disability passed, Brodie became ever more aware of Axelrod’s made Axelrod unfit for military duty, which enabled him prodigious talents. So when Brodie was recruited to the to obtain his master’s degree at NYU in 1941. NIH as the Chief of the Laboratory of Chemical Phar- In 1946, while working at the Laboratory of Industrial macology in the early 1950s, he invited Axelrod to ac- Hygiene, Axelrod reached a crossroads in his scientific company him. career when he became involved in studies concerned Using in part the knowledge gained from his studies with the toxicity of the acetanilide. To prepare on acetanilide, Axelrod’s first project at the NIH in- for this new project, Axelrod’s supervisor suggested that volved determining the metabolic processes by which he consult with Bernard Brodie (Fig. 8), Professor of and were metabolized (Axel- Pharmacology at NYU. Brodie was also carrying out rod, 1954). After only 1 year, Axelrod identified an en- research at Goldwater Memorial Hospital, which had zyme localized in rat microsomes that deaminated been established during World War II to test the clinical amphetamine in the presence of NADPH and oxygen utility of various antimalarial drugs. Axelrod’s meeting (Axelrod, 1955). At about the same time, Axelrod also with Brodie spawned an 8-year association, first at Gold- found that ephedrine was demethylated to norephedrine water Memorial Hospital and then at the National by microsomal (Axelrod 1953). These studies Heart Institute (a branch of the NIH). Brodie, a man of disclosed the extraordinary talent that Axelrod pos- HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 303 sessed as a research , even though he had no basis of . However, very little was known doctoral degree. at the time about how norepinephrine was normally During this period, several colleagues attempted to released and metabolized so that its physiological action persuade Axelrod to leave Brodie’s laboratory and con- could be rapidly terminated. tinue his education. However, Axelrod always contrived Fortunately, Axelrod had the expertise to address this reasons for not breaking the close ties with his overbear- question, since he had previously investigated the dis- ing mentor. In addition to not having the independence position of sympathomimetics and other drugs with sim- that he desired, Axelrod, after publishing 25 articles, ilar chemical structures. However, Axelrod understood many of them independently, was denied a promotion that it was essential to first define the normal charac- at the National Heart Institute because he did not teristics of catecholamine metabolism if he was to deter- have a doctoral degree. By the mid-1950s, the situa- mine whether anomalous metabolism was responsible tion reached a climax when Brodie usurped major for symptoms of schizophrenia. Although initially un- credit for the discovery of the microsomal enzyme successful in finding an enzyme responsible for convert- system that is responsible for metabolizing drugs and ing epinephrine to adrenochrome, in 1957 Axelrod came other foreign substances. As time passed, Axelrod be- across a brief abstract by Armstrong et al. (1957). This came more and more resolute in his feeling that Bro- abstract reported the excretion of large quantities of an die had denied him primary credit for his discovery of O-methylated product, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-mandelic the microsomal enzyme system. Although there was acid, by patients with pheochromocytoma, a tumor of some difference of opinion regarding the validity of adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. To verify that this Axelrod’s feeling of betrayal, the ill will that it gener- compound was a metabolite of norepinephrine, Axelrod ated caused a lasting schism between him and Brodie. launched a study to identify an enzyme that would Although Axelrod was ultimately afforded recognition O-methylate catecholamines. He found that when an for helping to lay the foundation of modern drug me- extract of rat liver was incubated with S-adenosyl- tabolism, he had become sufficiently disillusioned that methionine, catecholamine was metabolized to meta- he decided to take a leave of absence from the NIH nephrine, the m-O-methylated product of epinephrine. and enrolled in the Department of Pharmacology at On the basis of this work, Axelrod postulated the exis- George Washington University. His tenure as a pre- tence of a pathway by which norepinephrine is converted doctoral student was unusually brief, because he had to a methylated metabolite, with S-adenosylmethionine taken a number of requisite courses while pursuing serving as an obligatory cofactor. Axelrod went on to find his master’s degree, and the doctoral thesis repre- that other catechols, such as epinephrine, , and sented a virtual compilation of reprints of his previ- isoproterenol could also be converted to O-methylated ously published articles. products. Despite initial trepidation about introducing en- So, by 1955, at the rather advanced age of 42, Julius Axelrod had earned a doctoral degree and was now in a zymology into his research program, Axelrod proved suc- position to set up an independent research program cessful in isolating and purifying the enzyme, which he (Axelrod, 2003). Because of his extensive experience named catechol-O-methyl (Axelrod, 1959). For- working at Goldwater Memorial Hospital and then at tunately, a colleague, Bernard Witkop, helped to advance the Laboratory of Chemical Pharmacology at the NIH, the project even further by synthesizing crystals of the Axelrod soon was appointed Chief of the Section of Phar- enzyme. So only 2 years after gaining independence as a macology at the National Institute of Mental Health. scientific investigator, Axelrod made a fundamental dis- Fortunately for Axelrod, Seymour Kety was appointed covery that is now included in textbooks of pharmacol- the first Director of the Intramural Program at the Na- ogy, , and physiology. The success that he tional Institute of Mental Health and established a achieved in carrying out these studies provided him with world-class program in which Axelrod would thrive. fresh thinking for pursuing research on the mechanisms Axelrod intended to launch an extensive study relat- involved in adrenergic neurotransmission. ing to the metabolism of biogenic amines. In searching For many years, it was believed that the actions of for a specific project to pursue, Axelrod contemplated a neurotransmitters were terminated by enzymatic trans- biochemical analysis of the central nervous system and formation, with ACh being cited as the classic example. psychoactive drugs. In this context, Axelrod was ap- While realizing that norepinephrine must somehow be prised of an article that reported that epinephrine would inactivated for the nerve to successfully transmit a sub- turn pink when exposed to the air for several hours. This sequent stimulus, Axelrod was also cognizant of the fact pink material, called adrenochrome, elicited great inter- that the mechanism involved in the termination of ad- est from the new independent investigator because it renergic transmission was a much slower process than produced hallucinations when injected into animals. that of ACh, which was very rapidly degraded by This action of adrenochrome led Axelrod to speculate cholinesterase. These facts suggested to him that al- that abnormal metabolism of catecholamines might pro- ternate mechanisms for inactivating catecholamines vide an important clue to explaining the biochemical might exist. 304 RUBIN Confirming that neurochemical transmission in the by an O-methylation reaction taking place in the liver sympathetic nervous system was still extant when enzy- and at certain postsynaptic sites. matic metabolism (by oxidative deamination and O-meth- So, by characterizing a novel and efficient uptake ylation) was blocked, Axelrod was now confronted with the process for terminating the action of transmitter at sym- basic question of how the body dealt with the nonenzy- pathetic nerve endings, Axelrod made giant strides in matic disposition of norepinephrine. Because of the low our understanding of how the action of catecholamines is endogenous levels of catecholamine in urine, Axelrod was terminated. Although such a mechanism was not known aware that he would have to employ radiolabeled catechol- to exist anywhere else in the nervous system, the novel amine for this study. Coincidentally, at about the same and fundamental concept of catecholamine uptake first time Seymour Kety had ordered from New Nu- proposed by Axelrod was substantiated by a multitude of clear a batch of [3H]norepinephrine of relatively high spe- experiments performed in other laboratories, as well as cific activity. His intent was to investigate possible alter- by Axelrod and his many talented colleagues, including ations in the metabolism of biogenic amines among Richard Crout, , Georg Hertting, schizophrenics. To add to the high cost of this endeavor, Leslie Iversen, Irwin Kopin, and Lincoln Potter. Kety had also purchased an early version of a liquid scin- To prove that the mechanisms that governed catechol- tillation counter to quantitate radioactivity. amine turnover in were similar to those estab- When Axelrod made the case for using a small aliquot lished in the periphery and to circumvent the problem of of the expensive radioactive material for his experi- the blood-brain barrier, during the 1960s Axelrod and ments, Kety exhibited a lack of enthusiasm about donat- Jacques Glowinski developed methods for injecting ra- ing the valuable isotope tracer for Axelrod’s experiments dioactive catecholamine directly into the brain and car- in which he had no interest. However, Axelrod would not rying out biochemical analyses. Not only did they find be deterred. After finally prevailing upon Kety to pro- that the brain dealt with catecholamines in a manner vide him with some of the radioactive compound, Axel- similar to that of peripheral nerves, they also discovered rod injected it into a cat and examined various organs. that certain psychoactive drugs, such as cocaine and Significant dividends were achieved by these experi- desmethylimipramine, could block catecholamine up- ments, since the high specific activity of the tritiated take, thereby creating an increase in unbound norepi- catecholamine enabled Axelrod to administer physiolog- nephrine in brain, just as was demonstrated in the pe- ical amounts of the drug and then examine its localiza- riphery (Glowinski and Axelrod, 1966). tion and metabolism. Thus, on the basis of the work of Axelrod and his In sharp contrast to earlier studies demonstrating colleagues, the principles attributed to catecholamine the rapid hydrolysis of ACh by cholinesterase, Axelrod metabolism that existed in peripheral nerves were gen- found that the heart, spleen, and blood vessels, as well erally extended to the central nervous system. From a as salivary, adrenal, and pituitary glands sequestered broader perspective, they also had a particular salience large amounts of unmetabolized radioactive norepi- for subsequent studies by others that led to important nephrine. His incisive analysis determined that the insights into the relationship between the action of cer- distribution of unmetabolized radioactivity followed a tain drugs and the alteration in nerve function. In this certain pattern: the greater the density of sympathetic way, Axelrod enhanced our understanding of the biolog- innervation in a given peripheral organ, the greater ical basis of human behavior. In addition, in presiding the amount of radioactivity accumulated in that or- over a laboratory that was an active training ground for gan. Furthermore, he also observed that when an many of today’s leaders in pharmacological research, organ was chronically denervated, its ability to take Axelrod also provided the foundation for the advances up catecholamine was dramatically curtailed. made in the treatment of anxiety and depression. For On the basis of these and other experiments, Axelrod example, there was no effective treatment for depression postulated that the liberation of norepinephrine from until imipramine, a classic inhibitor of norepinephrine sympathetic nerve endings led to an interaction of the uptake, was proven useful in the treatment of schizo- catecholamine with its postsynaptic receptor to pro- phrenia. These findings led to the screening of drugs duce a physiological response. Following this interac- that block the uptake of both catecholamines and sero- tion, norepinephrine was restored to the presynaptic tonin [selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)], by an active uptake system, sequestered into thereby providing the pharmacological basis for devel- vesicles, and subsequently released again. Axelrod oping potential and antianxiety agents. further proposed that if the reuptake system was ren- Except for the important finding by Ulf von Euler that dered nonfunctional, either by surgical or pharmaco- norepinephrine served as the neurotransmitter of the logical means, norepinephrine remained at the recep- sympathetic nervous system, virtually nothing had been tor site, thereby producing an enhanced response. known about the metabolism of biogenic amines prior to Axelrod extended these findings by observing that Axelrod’s foray into the field of neuroscience. In carrying while the uptake system was dominant within the out his groundbreaking experiments, Axelrod used a synapse, circulating catecholamines were inactivated simple strategy: 1) find a way to measure the amine in HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 305 question and then 2) trace its metabolic fate. While expediting the attainment of my degree and for facilitat- speaking at his alma mater George Washington Univer- ing my future studies on medullary catecholamines. sity in 1971, 1 year after being awarded the Nobel Prize, 3. Sir Bernard Katz. In his Nobel Laureate presen- Axelrod offered this general rule to new investigators: tation, Sir Bernard Katz (Fig. 9) identified the common “Essential to research success is neither outstanding denominator between himself, Julius Axelrod, and Ulf scholarship, nor exceptional intelligence, but rather mo- von Euler in sharing the Nobel Prize in 1970. It had to tivation and commitment. This does not mean working do with their respective contributions that encompassed in the laboratory day and night, but you think about the “discoveries relating to chemical transmission of nerve problems you are currently working with all the time, no impulses.” Although Sir Henry Dale and his many ex- matter what other activity you are engaged in” (Kanigel, pert colleagues had shown years before that the trans- 1986). mission of a motor nerve impulse to the neuromuscular Over the years, Axelrod continued to make major dis- junction involved a chemical substance liberated by pre- coveries in various areas. For example, together with synaptic nerve endings, Sir Bernard Katz and his co- Richard Wurtman, he became a pioneer in workers Paul Fatt, Jose del Castillo, and Ricardo Miledi research, making important contributions concerning its made an additional number of major conceptual ad- key and the biosynthetic pathways vances in this field during the 1950s and 60s. By em- involved in its metabolism. Because he always felt that ploying then novel electrophysiological techniques that science should be fun, Axelrod still frequented his labo- included intracellular recording and microiontophoresis ratory as an unpaid guest researcher until the end of on single cells, they described the mechanistic basis of 2004, just prior to his death. His scientific philosophy, the local depolarizations at the chemosensitive motor which he shared with anyone who would listen, encom- end-plate (Fatt and Katz, 1952; del Castillo and Katz, passed a positive work ethic, a reverent and optimistic 1956; Katz and Miledi, 1965a,b,c,d). view toward science even in the face of discouragment Using arduous and precise experimentation, Katz and failure, and a broad view of science to explore fun- and his colleagues were able to propose that the rest- damental problems. To implement these values, Axelrod ing nerve liberates a single packet of ACh (ϳ1000 maintained a relatively small laboratory so that he could molecules), which is sufficient to produce miniature interact closely with associates, whom he felt were to end-plate potentials. They further postulated that the a considerable extent responsible for his accomplish- arrival of an at the presynaptic nerve ments. Although Axelrod’s superb acumen as a re- terminal leads to a synchronous discharge of a num- searcher cannot be overstated, he was also aided in his ber of ACh packets that can summate to trigger an endeavors by the many valuable human and technical evoked end-plate potential (EPP). When the ACh-evoked resources that were at his disposal at the NIH. These EPP is adequate in size, it will lead to generalized de- state-of-the-art methodologies helped Axelrod to com- polarization of the muscle membrane, entry, bine his innate skills as a researcher with the techno- logical and human resources available at the NIH to produce discoveries of monumental significance to neuroscience. Finally, I would like to end this narrative of Julius Axelrod on a personal and rather self-serving note. In the early 1960s, I was pursuing my doctoral degree in the laboratory of William Douglas at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. I was tasked with measuring adrenomedullary catecholamines by bioas- say using Robert Furchgott’s preparation of the isolated rabbit aortic strip. One day, Dr. Axelrod happened to pay a visit to our laboratory. After noting our arduous efforts to assay a few samples that took almost an entire day, he chided Douglas about still using the bioassay to measure catecholamines. As a result of his interaction with Axelrod, Douglas was goaded into purchasing an Aminco-Bowman spectrophotofluorometer. This newly developed instrument expedited the assay process using chemical means rather than the much slower analysis by bioassay and could detect low levels of biogenic amines. After that, I was able to carry out catecholamine analysis with much greater rapidity and efficiency. So, to Dr. Axelrod, I owe an eternal debt of gratitude for FIG. 9. Bernard Katz (1911–2003). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. 306 RUBIN and muscle contraction. The fact that the end-plate po- quite limited. The subsequent development of other tential represented a statistical fusion of quantal com- novel approaches to the study of synaptic transmission ponents that were identical to spontaneously occurring then made it possible to investigate the release and components made it possible for Katz to conclude that actions of other neurotransmitters in peripheral nerves the regulation of synaptic transmission could not be and neurotransmission in the central nervous system. explained by electrical events but provided convincing Widely referenced in textbooks of neurophysiology, the evidence that favored the view that chemical processes work of Sir Bernard Katz and his talented colleagues regulate synaptic transmission. still serves as a beacon for contemporary studies on In addition to unraveling the sequence of events asso- synaptic mechanisms. The broad applicability of their ciated with neuromuscular transmission, another major findings is unconditional testimony to their enduring aspect of Katz’s work related to demonstrating the piv- significance (Augustine and Kasai, 2007). otal role of extracellular calcium in making depolariza- Due to the combined achievements of von Euler, tion effective by regulating the amount of ACh released Axelrod, and Katz, the scientific establishment finally from presynaptic nerve endings. This most fundamental embraced without equivocation the concept of chemical finding led to studies by others, including Bill Douglas transmission of nerve impulses, and the discredited the- and myself, confirming the pivotal role that calcium ory of electrical excitation finally faded from the scene. plays in exocytotic secretion, both in electrically excit- Moreover, because of their work, not only were the basic able (nerve and muscle) and nonexcitable tissues (cer- neurotransmitters of the adrenergic and cholinergic ner- tain exocrine and endocrine glands). The work pioneered vous systems finally identified, but von Euler, Axelrod, by Katz and his associates led them to propose the and Katz also helped in a major way to elucidate the vesicle hypothesis (or quantal theory) to account for the processes involved with the biosynthesis, release, ac- liberation of neurotransmitter. According to this con- tions, and inactivation of neurotransmitters. These con- cept, synaptic vesicles containing ACh undergo frequent vergent findings incalculably enriched our fundamental random collisions with the outer surface of the postsyn- understanding of a basic neurochemical process. In ad- aptic membrane at rest. The arrival of an action poten- dition, by providing significant insights into the causes tial at the nerve ending would produce a nonselective and treatment of such diseases as depression, anxiety, increase in membrane permeability to physiological cat- hypertension, Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, and ions, including calcium. The entry of calcium then elic- myasthenia gravis, the contributions of these ultra-tal- ited the synchronous release of many quantal units of ented investigators had an indelible influence on the ACh, which would summate to depolarize the end-plate. subsequent development of drugs effective in combating The work of Katz and his associates was far-reaching psychic, neurological, and cardiovascular disorders. In because in addition to describing the steps involved in 1970, Julius Axelrod, Ulf von Euler, and Sir Bernard transmission at the neuromuscular junction, this body of Katz shared the Nobel Prize in honor of their prodigious work also contributed immeasurably to our understand- contributions to fundamental knowledge regarding the ing of the interplay involved in drug-receptor interac- transmission of chemical messages in neuronal systems. tions at other nonexcitable membranes. Recent publica- tions by John Nicholls (2007) and George Augustine and E. Arvid Carlsson: Signal Transduction in the Nervous Haruo Kasai (2007) succinctly describe the elegant work System of Katz and his team and analyze its significance. They By the 1950s it had been firmly established that nerve recount how Fatt (1950) and Fatt and Katz (1951) de- cells communicated at synapses by chemical transmis- veloped new tools and techniques to demonstrate that sion, mainly involving ACh and norepinephrine. How- ACh caused an increase in the permeability of the end- ever, dopamine was perceived primarily as an inter- plate membrane to allow ions to flow passively down mediate in the biosynthetic pathway, originating with their electrochemical gradients. From these findings, tyrosine and culminating in the formation of norepi- Fatt and Katz learned how a chemical signal generated nephrine. Arvid Carlsson’s (Fig. 10) interest in dopa- by the interaction of an endogenous or exogenous agent mine began in 1955 during a brief collaboration with with its receptor is converted to an electrical signal in Bernard Brodie, Chief of the Laboratory of Chemical the adjacent skeletal muscle fiber. Then, using the EPP Pharmacology at the National Heart Institute of the to monitor ACh release from the motor nerve ending, del NIH. Although knowing very little about brain function, Castillo and Katz (1954) concluded that the EPP con- Brodie and his colleagues had the good fortune to gain sisted of multiple, mini-like quanta of ACh and that access to , which had already been shown to be calcium regulated the probability of a given quantum an and . In probing being released. These landmark articles remain the fun- a possible link between changes in brain chemistry and damental basis of our current understanding of the its pharmacological actions, Brodie and coworkers es- mechanism involved in the release and actions of neu- tablished that reserpine produced an almost complete rotransmitters. Prior to these discoveries, knowledge of depletion of brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) lev- the mechanisms involved in synaptic transmission was els. This finding was considered to be of major signifi- HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 307

However, when Carlsson and coworkers found that the restoration of norepinephrine levels was not ob- served in of reserpine-pretreated animals who were subsequently administered DOPA, the major focus of the project turned to dopamine, the intermediate in the conversion of DOPA to norepinephrine. This digres- sion was prompted in part by experiments using mono- amine oxidase inhibitors that had demonstrated that a biogenic amine other than DOPA was responsible for the observed behavioral effects. The fact that the repletion of serotonin levels by treatment with its precursor 5-hy- droxytryptophan did not reverse the behavioral effects of reserpine also discounted serotonin as a key element in this process (Carlsson et al., 1958). Although dopamine had generally been considered to be of limited physiological significance because of its modest activity on various smooth muscle preparations, Carlsson and Hillarp developed a biochemical method for quantitating catecholamines and showed that brain levels of dopamine actually exceeded those of norepi- nephrine. They also found that dopamine levels were depleted by reserpine, and the antireserpine action of FIG. 10. Arvid Carlsson (1923–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. DOPA closely correlated with the repletion of dopamine levels in brain. The discovery of the protracted depletion cance, since it disclosed for the first time an apparent of catecholamines produced by reserpine, which took link between certain biochemical changes and important place in the late 1950s, was one of the most important brain functions (Carlsson et al., 1957c). findings in pharmacology up to that time. Not only did After Carlsson became knowledgeable about the new these findings enhance our understanding of both pe- analytical methods for measuring biogenic amines, he ripheral and central adrenergic mechanisms, they also suggested to Brodie that they investigate the effects of laid the groundwork for other investigators to examine reserpine on brain catecholamines in light of their chem- the actions of diverse drugs on brain amines. ical similarity to serotonin. However, when Brodie Despite the convincing evidence accumulated by Carls- showed no interest in extending the scope of these ex- son, Hillarp, and their associates that favored chemical periments, Carlsson sought a collaborator who had ex- transmission in the central nervous system, a number of pertise in the field of catecholamines. Fortunately, Nils- the most prominent figures in pharmacology, including Sir Ake Hillarp was working at Carlsson’s home institution Henry Dale, Sir John Henry Gaddum, and W. D. Paton, at the University of in Sweden and agreed to were very skeptical about a link between biogenic amines participate in a collaborative effort. This productive as- and brain function. The recalcitrance exhibited by Dale in sociation would last until Hillarp’s premature death in making this connection was surprising in light of the fact 1965. that he had championed the cause of chemical transmis- Whereas Carlsson’s expertise spanned the broad area sion in peripheral nerve for many years. In fact, at a of pharmacology, Hillarp’s experience resided mainly in meeting in London in 1960, Dale’s strong reservations histology and histochemistry. In 1956, they published about associating biogenic amines with brain function their first article, which described the depletion of cat- were cogently expressed by his pronouncement that echolamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) from the L-DOPA was a poison (Carlsson, 2003). Such views re- adrenal medulla of rabbits following reserpine treat- mained flashpoints for opponents of Carlsson’s work and ment. Carlsson and Hillarp also found catecholamine did little to validate his theories about synaptic transmis- depletion in brain and heart and observed that sympa- sion in brain. So the ardent challenges encountered by thetic nerves innervating these organs could no longer Carlsson from many of his peers were in some ways similar respond to nerve stimulation following reserpine treat- to those sustained by Otto Loewi some 40 years earlier. ment. They also showed that the administration of However, Carlsson, unlike Loewi, lacked support from the DOPA to reserpine-treated animals reversed the drug- renowned and influential Sir Henry Dale. The general induced effects. DOPA, a precursor of dopamine, was disinterest in Carlsson’s work at that time was further employed because, unlike the catecholamines (epineph- exemplified by a statement made by Hugh McLennan in rine, norepinephrine, and dopamine), it could penetrate his 1963 monograph entitled Synaptic Transmission that the blood-brain barrier (Carlsson and Hillarp, 1956; there was “no evidence favoring chemical transmission in Carlsson et al., 1957a,b). the central nervous system” (McLennan, 1963). 308 RUBIN

Since specific criticisms of his experimental evidence The first such useful agent with activ- were not forthcoming, Carlsson became perplexed by the ity produced was called . After a rare but negative responses his work engendered and by the un- serious side effect led to its withdrawal from the market, willingness of the scientific establishment to embrace several other SSRIs were developed, including sertra- his findings or at least offer alternative ideas. Neverthe- line (Zoloft), (Prozac), and paroxetine. Since less, Carlsson was not disillusioned and, together with these drugs are not only useful in depressed patients but Hillarp and a number of other collaborators, decided to can also alleviate symptoms of anxiety, the SSRIs rep- augment his efforts to convince the scientific community resent a major breakthrough in pharmacotherapy by that brain function involved chemical transmission and virtue of their ability to alter the personality of individ- that dopamine served as a central neurotransmitter. uals with psychological problems. These widely pre- After Hillarp joined Carlsson full-time in the Depart- scribed drugs thereby enhance quality of life and allow ment of Pharmacology at Go¨teborg University (Sweden), patients to function in a more productive manner. where Carlsson had been appointed Professor and Many of the early studies of drug action on peripheral Chair, the trihydroxyindole method was developed to nerves were arbitrarily extrapolated to the central ner- detect catecholamines histologically by their ability to vous system because of the observed similarities be- yield fluorescent products. Although this technique tween the synthesis, metabolism, and release of neuro- proved useful for studying the adrenal medulla, it lacked transmitters in both systems. Carlsson provided hard the sensitivity to detect catecholamines in adrenergic evidence to justify this notion by demonstrating that nerve endings. So Hillarp and colleagues devised a more certain pharmacological agents could produce chemical sensitive method, using formaldehyde as the primary changes in the brain that correlated with changes in agent. They were then able to visualize norepinephrine behavior. Carlsson and his associates were also respon- by fluorescence microscopy in various adrenergic nerve sible for spawning subsequent studies that revealed that preparations, including the iris. certain major neurological and psychiatric diseases are associated with aberrations in dopamine signaling. We Because of their efforts in establishing the requisite have already considered Parkinson’s disease, which is methodology to localize dopamine, norepinephrine, and now treated by repleting brain dopamine levels. In ad- serotonin in the central nervous system, Carlsson and dition, currently used antipsychotic drugs block a sub- Hillarp were able to provide irrefutable evidence to class of dopamine receptors, and Attention Deficit Dis- counter the criticisms raised by their colleagues. As a order is effectively treated with Ritalin by enhancing result, the tide began to turn, and putative roles of the dopamine release. Thus, Carlsson’s invaluable contribu- biogenic amines in brain function began to be accepted tions demonstrated how a deeper understanding of the as fact. During these studies, Carlsson also observed complex functions of the brain can lead to the develop- that in depleting catecholamine stores, reserpine pro- ment of more selective and effective drugs for treating duced Parkinson-like symptoms, i.e., rigidity and an various neurological diseases. For these fundamental inability to react to external stimuli. The administration scientific contributions, Arvid Carlsson was awarded the of L-DOPA to animals not only repleted dopamine levels Nobel Prize in 2000. but also produced an abatement of the Parkinson-like symptoms. From these studies, Carlsson concluded that F. Sir James Black, Gertrude Elion, and George the etiology of Parkinson’s disease involves a selective Hitchings: Important Principles for Drug Treatment depletion of dopamine levels in the substantia nigra of 1. Sir James Black. This interesting story had its the brain, which leads to a failure in dopamine release. genesis during the mid-19th century, when On the basis of the elegant work by Arvid Carlsson and found that reduced the pain of pec- his team, the use of L-DOPA in the treatment of Parkin- toris (coronary insufficiency) by causing vasodilation of son’s disease was instituted (Carlsson, 1959). the coronary . However, over a century later, Sir Carlsson’s achievements put the development of a James Black (Fig. 11) became convinced that the ther- number of psychotropic drugs on a fast track. He was apy of this disorder could be improved after he became able to take advantage of Axelrod’s earlier work by dem- aware that all coronary vasodilators were not clinically onstrating that the antidepressant imipramine, a proto- effective. So in the early 1950s, while working at the typical blocker of norepinephrine uptake1, inhibited the Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Pharmaceutical Di- reuptake of serotonin, as did a number of other antide- vision in the UK, Black proposed that a better therapeu- pressants. Recognizing the important role that serotonin tic strategy to treat coronary disease might prove could play in brain function, Carlsson and his associates to reduce inotropic action of epinephrine on the heart. also developed an agent that would differentially block Such an effect would reduce the demand of the heart for the neuronal uptake of serotonin without affecting nor- oxygen, thereby leading to the relief of anginal pain. His epinephrine uptake. This investigation would ultimately rationale was based upon the knowledge that be responsible for the development of SSRIs (Carlsson, was depressed by the blockade of sympathetic nerve 2001). activity and that the actions of catecholamines were HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 309

showed a pattern of action that was similar to that described for ergot alkaloids by Sir Henry Dale in the early 1900s. Adrenergic-blocking agents reversed the rise in blood pressure produced by epinephrine but did not block the associated . Black was also aware that isoproterenol, the isopropyl derivative of nor- epinephrine, produced tachycardia, vasodilation, and bronchial dilation. The fact that these actions were not blocked by known antagonists of adrenoceptors indi- cated the involvement of an alternate cellular pathway. To formulate a rationale for developing a ␤-receptor- blocking drug, Black decided to review his knowledge of autonomic pharmacology by reading the chapters in Vic- tor Drill’s Pharmacology in Medicine. In these chapters, Raymond Ahlquist proposed the existence of a dual ad- renergic receptor system, in which the physiological ef- fects of the catecholamines were mediated by ␣- and ␤-receptors. According to this classification, ergot alka- loids were ␣-receptor antagonists, and isoproterenol was a selective activator of ␤-receptors. Black would use this information to design his experimental protocol to de- FIG. 11. James Black (1924–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. velop a ␤-receptor antagonist. In carrying out his initial studies, Black and his chem- ist John Stephenson first increased the size of the iso- associated with a decrease in the efficiency of the myo- propyl group of isoproterenol on the amine nitrogen. cardium. To conduct these studies, Black preferred to However, this strategy proved unsuccessful until Black use basic physiological and pharmacological principles became aware of dichloroisoproterenol (DCI), an analog to attenuate the actions of the sympathetic nervous sys- of isoproterenol. This agent had been synthesized by Eli tem rather than by arbitrarily modifying natural prod- Lilly by substituting chlorine atoms for the hydroxyl ucts and testing results empirically. groups on the catechol ring. It inhibited the bronchodi- Although the formulation of the word “receptor” was lator activity of isoproterenol and reversed the inotropic independently attributed to Paul Ehrlich and John effects of epinephrine on the heart. As a result, DCI was Langley at the end of the 19th century, during the first ␤ half of the 20th century only a small group of research- classified as a -receptor antagonist. ers were advocates of the view that ligands bound to Not surprisingly, the advent of DCI generated a great receptors. Being generally interested in the quantita- deal of interest among pharmacologists. I remember the tive relationship between dose and response, these senior Dr. Gilman presenting a small sample of the pharmacologists, who included Ariens, Furchgott, material to faculty members at Albert Einstein College Clark, Stephenson, and Schild, probed the concept of of Medicine who were preparing Otto Krayer’s famous “receptors” from a theoretical perspective and in heart- preparation for demonstration to the medical terms of mathematical equations. By designing exper- students. I do not specifically recall the resultant find- iments that employed selective drugs, these pharma- ings, except to note that the responses to DCI did not cologists were able to demonstrate the validity of their engender great excitement as a new pharmacological equations. For example, the Schild plot, which ana- tool. At about this time (in the late 1950s), Bill Fleming, lyzed the binding of a competitive antagonist to its now an Emeritus Chair of the Department of Pharma- receptor, helped in large measure to define the char- cology and Toxicology at the West Virginia University acteristic properties of competitive antagonism. By School of Medicine, also carried out an investigation of contrast, Sir James Black attempted to explain in the effects of DCI on the dog heart-lung preparation in more mechanistic terms differences between the ex- Krayer’s laboratory while a postdoctoral fellow at pression of different types of receptors with regard to Harvard. Unaware of Black’s work, but noting that both agonists and antagonists (Black, 1993). His ulti- Neil Moran and M. E. Perkins had observed both mate goal was to develop a ␤-adrenoceptor-blocking stimulatory as well as inhibitory actions of DCI in agent that would reduce the work of the heart and response to catecholamines in isolated heart (Moran thereby diminish the likelihood of cardiac insuffi- and Perkins, 1958), Fleming and another postdoctoral ciency producing angina pectoris. fellow, Dennis Hawkins, found that the application of By the 1950s, adrenergic-blocking drugs were a well experiments based upon E. J. Ariens’s receptor theory recognized class of pharmacological agents, and they to the action of DCI on the heart met the criteria for a 310 RUBIN partial agonist rather than a pure antagonist (Flem- 1960s, Black succeeded in developing clinically useful ing and Hawkins, 1960). agents that selectively annulled the cardiac effects of Sir James Black and his team at ICI also found that epinephrine and norepinephrine. By developing drugs DCI possessed strong ␤-agonist activity in certain bio- that produced a selective blockade of adrenergic recep- assays, including the classical Langendorff preparation tors, Black and his coworkers laid the groundwork for (isolated guinea pig heart). During this investigation, formulating the concept of ␤-receptor subtypes and were Black became intrigued with the idea that the expres- responsible for the explosive developments that were to sion of the pharmacological properties of a substance occur in cardiovascular pharmacology in the ensuing could vary greatly, depending upon the specific bioassay years. These developments have contributed immeasur- used. Therefore, he decided to develop a new in vitro ably to the relief of the pain of angina pectoris, the assay system that employed a guinea pig cardiac papil- reduction in blood pressure in hypertensives, and an lary muscle preparation to measure strength of contrac- increase in the survival rate of patients following a myo- tion independently of rate changes. Using this prepara- cardial infarction. tion, Black and his colleagues were able to confirm that In 1964, Black moved to SmithKline & French Labo- DCI possessed the properties of a sympathomimetic ratories to pursue another project that had profound amine rather than those of a pure antagonist of ␤-recep- physiological, pharmacological, and therapeutic implica- tors. These experiments finally persuaded Black to dis- tions. Black had previously studied the factors that reg- continue his studies with DCI and to search elsewhere. ulated gastric secretion, which he knew involved his- Using his expert knowledge as a chemist, John Ste- tamine. He was also aware that excessive secretion of phenson concluded that the synthesis of the naphthyl gastric acid was associated with peptic ulcers and that analog of isoproterenol would enable Black to achieve the antihistamines available then could not ameliorate his goal of producing a relatively pure antagonist of the symptoms of ulcers, although they did blunt the ␤-receptors. The resulting agent, which was given the allergenic effects of histamine. Based upon this knowl- name compound ICI 38174, but eventually called prone- edge and his previous studies on ␤-adrenoceptors, Black thalol (nethalide), exhibited antagonist activity with postulated that histamine binds to two different types of only modest agonist activity in both atrial and ventric- receptors in the body. ular preparations. The administration of en- At the time, and anticholinergic drugs (which abled a patient suffering from angina pectoris to perform were sometimes accompanied by serious side effects) a greater amount of work prior to the onset of chest pain. provided some amelioration of the symptoms of ulcers, However, the agent elicited several unpleasant side ef- but only surgery was deemed curative. Black decided to fects in humans and was eventually withdrawn from build upon previous observations that patients with ul- clinical trials when it produced thymic tumors in mice cers elicited an exaggerated response to histamine. In (Black and Stephenson, 1962). fact, the enhanced response to histamine was the basis To acquire a safer and more effective drug, Black, Ste- of a diagnostic test for peptic ulcers. Realizing that ef- phenson, and their coworkers synthesized and screened a fective inhibitors of histamine action would be indis- large number of additional compounds. This screen pro- pensable in basic research and pharmacotherapy, Black vided a new dimension to the field of antiadrenergic drugs embarked on an entirely new pharmacological approach by the discovery of propranolol, which possessed 10 times in the mid-1960s to define a more favorable treatment greater blocking activity on ␤-receptors than pronethalol for peptic ulcers. The objective was to develop a drug and at the same time exhibited minimal agonist activity. that would obtund gastric acid secretion but would pos- The competitive nature of the antagonism was proven by sess limited effects on other effectors subserved by his- bioassay when propranolol produced a rightward displace- tamine, such as smooth muscle contraction. In accom- ment of the dose-response curve. The linearity of the dose- plishing this feat, Black would have to address the response curves and the slope of the Schild plot indicated question as to why antihistaminics available at the time that catecholamines (isoproterenol or epinephrine) com- could not curtail the production and release of gastric peted with propranolol at the same site. These convergent acid (and vasodilatory actions), despite the fact that they findings gave credence to the proposition that propranolol blocked the allergenic responses to histamine (contrac- was a relatively pure ␤-receptor antagonist. Black’s advo- tions of gut smooth muscle). cacy of drug selectivity had finally yielded major dividends. As early as 1937, Daniel Bovet and his colleagues In the pursuit of developing more effective and less produced the first antihistamine, thymoxidiethylamine, toxic pharmacological agents, Black eventually con- at a time when the classification of histamine receptors cluded that all ␤-receptors were not pharmacologically had yet to be established. Although this drug prevented similar, in that norepinephrine was an effective cardiac anaphylactic shock in animals, it proved too toxic to be stimulant but produced only modest vasodilation in useful in patients, and the project was discontinued. skeletal muscle. Although propranolol blocked all ␤-re- During the 1940s and 50s, antihistamines were com- ceptors to a similar extent and therefore was later clas- posed of a structurally diverse group of agents that were sified as a nonspecific blocker of ␤-receptors, by the early powerful inhibitors of histamine-induced smooth muscle HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 311 contractility. Following the proposal by Ash and Schild became the world’s first billion-dollar drug. In addition

(1966) that H1 receptors mediated mepyramine-sensi- to the extraordinary contributions made by Black to tive antihistaminic responses, Black envisioned the ex- pharmacotherapy by introducing a drug effective in ul- istence of a second type of histamine receptor. In devis- cer healing and gastroesophageal reflux disease, Black’s ing bioassays for his experiments, Black chose the finding that H2 receptor antagonists blocked acid secre- guinea pig ileal smooth muscle, the classic system for tion (histamine-, meal-, and gastrin-stimulated) rein- studying antihistamine activity. He also selected guinea forced the relevance of histamine as a physiological me- pig atrial tissue (pacemaker frequency) for examining diator of acid secretion. Finally, by characterizing the histamine responses resistant to mepyramine and a lu- histamine receptors as H1 and H2 subtypes, Black was minal perfusion assay for analyzing gastric secretion. also instrumental in developing new approaches to the Meanwhile, recognizing the obvious market value of treatment of allergic and inflammatory disorders. a drug that could block acid secretion, the chemists at In conclusion, Sir James Black judiciously exploited SmithKline & French set out to synthesize a host of the analytical power of competitive antagonists to de- derivatives of histamine, focusing on modifying the im- velop drugs that diminished the oxygen requirements idazole ring end of the histamine moiety. This program of the heart. This advance made it possible to produce evolved over several years of negative screening by mon- more effective and useful agents for the treatment of itoring acid output. The discovery of 4-methyl histamine coronary insufficiency, , angina as a selective histamine receptor agonist by eliciting acid pectoris, and hypertension. In addition, Black’s empha- output in the absence of muscle contraction finally pro- sis on drug selectivity culminated in the safe use of H2 vided an important clue and the impetus that would receptor antagonists, which ultimately led to their avail- ultimately propel this project to a successful completion. ability over the counter. Although the development of Revitalized by the discovery of 4-methylhistamine, the more efficacious proton pump inhibitors have some-

Black and his associates used several different in vitro what curtailed present-day use of H2 receptor antago- and in vivo bioassays and a new experimental design to nists, Black has been cited as responsible for developing identify compounds that would exhibit antagonism. Us- “among the most successful agents in the history of ing this approach, they found that guanylhistamine pro- medicine” (Burks, 1995). duced a modest inhibition of gastric secretion, thus clas- 2. Gertrude Elion and George Hitchings. The per- sifying it as a partial agonist and functional analog of sonal story of Gertrude Elion (Fig. 12) and her develop- DCI. However, unlike DCI, the pharmacological activity ment as a superstar in the field of drug discovery is a of histamine was diminished by modifying the side chain very interesting one and merits consideration in some rather than the ring structure. Chemists at SmithKline detail. Like the early professional life of Julius Axelrod & French then lengthened the histamine side-chain to previously chronicled, Elion’s entry into the world of four carbon atoms and replaced the basic guanidine research was preceded by a series of disheartening group with a methyl thiourea group to produce burin- events. However, her experiences with unchallenging, amide. This drug became the first antagonist of hista- temporary, and even nonpaying jobs did little to dampen mine-induced acid secretion with low agonist activity. On the atrial bioassay, burinamide exhibited surmount- able antagonism, shown by rightward parallel displace- ment of the histamine dose-response curve. Taken to- gether with its relative ineffectiveness on the ileum, which is an H1 system, Black postulated in 1972 that burinamide was an antagonist of a new histamine subtype, which he called the H2 receptor. This newly discovered subtype was deemed to be responsible for mediating acid secretion and cardiac stimulation, whereas smooth muscle contraction and various allergic and inflammatory responses were ex- pressed through H1 receptors. However, enthusiasm for this drug waned when it was found that burinamide ex- hibited low potency and . As a result, the search for an antagonist had to continue (Black et al., 1972). In 1975, Black’s perseverance was eventually re- warded when he and his team developed a more clini- cally useful H2 receptor antagonist called cimetidine. Perhaps the vital significance of Black’s contribution may be best perceived by the realization that cimetidine, FIG. 12. Gertrude Elion (1918–1999) and George Hitchings (1905– which was marketed under the brand name Tagamet, 1998). Courtesy of the Estate of Gertrude B. Elion. 312 RUBIN her enthusiasm and motivation to accomplish her goals, Over the ensuing years, she also broadened her general which were in her own words “to become a scientist, and knowledge of pharmacology, biochemistry, , particularly a chemist, so that I could go out there and and eventually virology. Shortly after assuming her new devise a cure for ” (http://www.nap.edu/html/ position, Elion also began taking evening courses at biomems/gelion.html). Her perseverance in the face of Polytechnical Institute in pursuit of a Ph.D. discrimination and disappointment is an enduring leg- degree. However, she terminated this venture after 2 acy to anyone who aspires to a more challenging and years because the school required that she spend 1 year rewarding existence. as a full-time student. In addition to Elion’s reluctance Gertrude Elion earned her bachelor’s degree from to temporarily abandon her exciting new challenges, Hunter College in New York City in 1937, with a major Hitchings advised her that an advanced degree was not in chemistry. Because of the Depression, the requisite necessary to accomplish the work that they were going financial resources to allow her to continue her educa- to carry out. So Gertrude Elion would become one of the tion were lacking, and so she sought employment. After few Nobel Laureates who never obtained a doctoral de- quickly learning that job opportunities for a female with gree. Although Hitchings’s motives regarding Elion’s ed- a science degree were very limited, she attended secre- ucation may have been somewhat self-serving, Elion tarial school, worked as a receptionist, taught at a high never expressed any regrets about abandoning her quest school, and had a 3-month job teaching biochemistry to for the doctoral degree. Even without a degree, Gertrude nurses. She also succeeded in finding a position as a Elion was fully funded by Burroughs Wellcome to carry chemist, working without pay so she could keep busy out her research, elected to the prestigious National and learn from the experience. After a year and a half, Academy of Sciences in 1990, and awarded honorary she began earning $20 per week and accumulated suffi- doctoral degrees from George Washington University, cient funds to obtain her master’s degree from New York the , and Brown University. Her University. status as an elite scientist would be established. Still, Elion’s career goals were elusive. In fact, prospec- It was in the early 1950s that Gertrude Elion and tive employers were querulous about why she wanted to be George Hitchings proposed that “with the aid of drugs, a chemist, since at the time laboratory work was not con- it should be possible to selectively inhibit the synthe- sidered suitable for women. With the advent of World War sis of nucleic acids used by microorganisms and neo- II, her opportunity finally came, when it became impera- plastic cells” (http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/ tive to hire women because many men were assuming laureates/1988/presentation-speech.html). Their hypothe- military obligations. Initially, Elion was employed by a sis was based upon the antimetabolite theory separately major food company as an analytical chemist to test the published by Donald Woods and in 1940 to acidity of pickles and the color of mayonnaise, among other explain the mechanism of action of the recently devel- responsibilities. After some time, she found the quality oped sulfa drugs. Woods had observed that the inhibi- control work repetitive and unchallenging, and despite the tion of bacterial growth by sulfonamides could be com- fact that she learned a great deal about instrumentation, petitively antagonized by p-aminobenzoic acid, a normal her probing mind mandated that she seek a more mean- metabolite that bears a very close structural similarity ingful occupation. to sulfonamides and is used by bacterial and neoplastic An intriguing opportunity finally surfaced for Elion at cells for folic acid synthesis. Hitchings and Elion postu- Burroughs Wellcome, an international pharmaceutical lated that a resulting deficiency in folic acid production firm that had a branch located in Westchester County, caused by would lead to aberrations in New York. At this facility, George Hitchings (Fig. 12) the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines and therefore was attempting to develop clinically useful pharmaco- of DNA. Extending this line of reasoning, Hitchings logical agents by producing antagonists to nucleic acid theorized that it therefore might be possible to retard derivatives. Elion’s appointment as a research assistant the growth of rapidly dividing cells, such as neoplastic in Hitchings’s laboratory would mark the beginning of cells and , with antagonists of nucleic acid bases. one of the most productive collaborations in science. This strategy was based upon the premise that the de Elion was originally hired in 1944 and was gradually novo synthesis of folic acid could be preferentially inhib- promoted through the ranks until 1967, when she be- ited in neoplastic and bacterial cells, since normal hu- came head of the Department of Experimental Therapy, man cells lack the capacity to produce folic acid and a position she would hold until her retirement in 1983. must obtain it from the diet. The concept of differentially Elion admitted that prior to her first meeting with interfering with DNA synthesis would form the basis of Hitchings she had never heard of purines and pryrimi- our present understanding of antimetabolites as anti- dines. But the idea of successfully treating a variety of neoplastic agents and immunosuppressants. diseases by interfering with DNA synthesis seemed to be Although Elion was responsible for examining sys- a very exciting challenge. Despite her chemically ori- tems that were composed of purines and pyrimidines, at ented background, Elion became deeply immersed in the the time basic knowledge about nucleic acids was quite biological effects of the compounds she synthesized. meager. The basic sequences of nucleic acids were un- HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 313 known, and the helical structure of DNA had not yet frequent, the Food and Drug Administration approved been formulated by Watson and Crick. In addition, the its use only 10 months after clinical trials began and anabolic pathways involved in the utilization of purines before all of the data defining its effectivenss and toxic- for nucleic acid synthesis had not yet been mapped. ities were made available. The addition of 6-MP to the Moreover, techniques available for investigating this short list of antileukemic drugs available then increased general area were very limited in that paper and ion- the average survival time in children from 3 to 4 months exchange chromatography were still unavailable. In ad- to more than 12 months. Gertrude Elion was only 32 dition, Geiger counters, rather than liquid scintillation years old when she synthesized 6-MP and thioguanine, counters, were still employed to count radioactivity. the drugs that revolutionized the treatment of leukemia. To carry out their studies, Hitchings and Elion first Today, as a consequence of the combined efforts of Elion had to designate an appropriate method for determining and Hitchings in developing 6-MP, most children with whether a compound could substitute for purine or thy- acute leukemia can anticipate a remission when the mine and/or inhibit their utilization for nucleic acid syn- drug is used in combination with two or three other thesis. So Hitchings and Elvira Falco (Hitchings et al., agents, including methotrexate, and some patients can 1945) developed an assay system for screening antibac- even be cured. Similarly, 6-thioguanine is of particular terial activity using Lactobacillus casei. The advantage value in the treatment of acute granulocytic leukemia of using L. casei resided in the fact that they could grow when employed in combination with cytarabine. in a mixture of thymine and a purine and could also Any immoderate enthusiasm concerning the clinical synthesize purines if provided with a source of folic acid. efficacy of 6-MP was tempered by the fact that in 1952 In 1948, Elion used this assay system to discover that little was known about its mechanism of action, partic- 2,6-diaminoprurine markedly inhibited the growth of L. ularly as it related to its differential effect on neoplastic casei, an effect that was specifically reversed by adenine cells. So, following up on their previous work, Elion and but not by other naturally occurring purines (Elion and Hitchings carried out experiments aimed at providing a Hitchings, 1950; Hitchings et al., 1950). biochemical explanation for the actions of 6-MP. How- Thereafter, 2,6-diaminopurine was one of several com- ever, it was not until the mid-1950s that the pathways pounds sent to the Sloan-Kettering Institute for testing for purine synthesis and utilization were mapped, and in cancerous mice. This drug was shown to inhibit growth the complex reactions involved in 6-MP metabolism and of mouse tumors and tumor cells in culture and induce the site(s) of action of nucleotides derived from 6-MP remissions in chronic granulocytic leukemia. However, the were defined. Several approaches to develop more effec- incidence of severe nausea and vomiting, as well as tive pharmacological agents were then undertaken to marrow depression, precluded further consideration of this improve the therapeutic effectiveness of 6-MP, which drug as a therapeutic agent. But by that time collabora- led to the production of azathioprine. This drug, which tions with the Sloan-Kettering Institute and other labora- tories had expedited the expansion of drug testing for an- serves as a prodrug for 6-MP, possesses a therapeutic titumor activity. index comparable to 6-MP in patients with leukemia. By 1951, after examining over 100 purines in the L. The clinical utility of 6-MP began to enjoy additional casei screen, Elion discovered that the substitution of significance in the late 1950s, when Robert Schwartz oxygen by at the 6-position of guanine and hypo- and William Dameshek in Boston investigated the ef- xanthine produced effective inhibitors of purine metab- fects of the drug on the immune response. This investi- olism. Two of these compounds, 6-mercaptopurine (6- gation was prompted by their astute observation that MP) and 6-thioguanine, displayed significant activity immature lymphocytes generated during the immune against a wide variety of rodent tumors and leukemias response closely resembled leukemic lymphocytes. The when tested at Sloan-Kettering. The promising animal validity of this approach was affirmed by Schwartz’s studies led to a clinical trial at Sloan-Kettering Memo- demonstration that the administration of 6-MP to rab- rial Hospital in New York, which highlighted the rela- bits suppressed the immune response to a foreign anti- tive effectiveness and safety of 6-MP as an antileukemic gen (Schwartz et al., 1960). The additional finding by agent. The additional finding that a remission was later Roy Calne in the UK that 6-MP and azathioprine pre- induced in a patient administered 6-MP, who had re- vented the rejection of canine kidney homografts led to lapsed after treatment with a folic acid antagonist, in- the successful use of a combination of azathioprine and dicated that there was no cross-tolerance between 6-MP prednisone for organ transplantation in humans begin- and the folic acid antagonist (Burchenal et al., 1951). ning in 1962 (Calne, 1960). Today, azathioprine still This represented a most significant finding, because it remains a key pharmacological component of drug com- established the regimen of combination binations used in renal transplantation and in the treat- that is commonly used today in many areas of pharma- ment of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid ar- cotherapy (Elion, 1993). thritis. In addition, 6-thioguanine is still used as an Because 6-MP could produce complete remission in immunosuppressant, especially in patients with nephro- children with acute leukemia, although relapses were sis and collagen-related vascular disorders. 314 RUBIN

At about this time, the synthesis of 2,4-diamino-5- recommend that allopurinol would be effective against phenoxypyrimidine enabled Falco and Hitchings to ini- gout and other forms of hyperuricemia. tiate studies on selective inhibitors of dihydrofolate re- The innovative ideas and new insights stemming from ductase, again using L. casei as the assay system. This the work of Elion and Hitchings are a testament to the screening test for antibacterial activity not only deter- dramatic results that can accrue by the pooling of exper- mined whether a compound could serve as a thymine or tise. Whereas the team led by Hitchings focused on purine analog but could also assess whether a compound selective inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase, purine was a folic acid antagonist. The earliest evidence con- analogs occupied a key role in Elion’s work. In both cerning the mechanism of action of dihydrofolate re- cases, their extraordinary contributions led to the devel- ductase inhibitors emerged from the finding that the opment of drugs that have been invaluable in treating folic acid-induced growth of a streptococcal strain could such diverse medical disorders as leukemia, organ be readily inhibited by a diaminopyrimidine. However, transplant, gout, and bacterial and viral . when tetrahydrofolate was employed to induce growth, 2 Meanwhile, Black used a novel strategy to develop drugs to 3 orders of magnitude higher concentrations of the that were more effective and useful agents for the treat- diaminopyrimidine were required to produce the block- ment of coronary insufficiency and other vascular dis- ade. These findings suggested that the inhibition of an eases. In addition, Black’s emphasis on drug selectivity unidentified enzymatic reaction was responsible for the culminated in the development of over-the-counter reduction of to tetrahydrofolate. drugs that are now used for the treatment of gastric By 1950, it was apparent to Hitchings and his team disorders. The resonating theme intrinsic to the strategy that the enzyme involved in these reactions was dihy- used by all three of these gifted scientists speaks to drofolate reductase, which was subsequently isolated achieving selectivity of drug action by using basic phys- and characterized from different sources. As a result of iological and pharmacological principles. The discover- this work, Hitchings and coworkers were credited with ies of important principles relating to drug treatment made by Black, Elion, and Hitchings earned them the developing methotrexate, a structural analog of folate. Nobel Prize in 1988. This drug soon became a key component in the regimen for treating acute leukemia and is still of primary G. Paul Ehrlich: The Magic Bullet importance in cancer chemotherapy today. Hitchings The successful treatment of infectious and other in- and his colleagues also developed the antimalarial flammatory diseases has been a major challenge to re- drug pyrimethamine and the antibacterial agent tri- searchers and clinicians since the earliest of times. For methoprim. By demonstrating that the antibacterial several centuries, the cinchona bark was used as a rem- actions of each agent were enhanced by combining edy against malaria. Salts of mercury were also em- them with sulfa drugs, Hitchings and his associates ployed as an important constituent of antibacterials and further promoted the concept of combination therapy , although safer and more effective modes of (Hitchings, 1993). therapy eventually superceded them. During the late In early 1970, Elion, Hitchings, and many of the other 1870s, as part of the growing interest in the germ theory Wellcome employees moved from facilities in Tuckahoe, of disease, anyone who harvested bacteria was destined NY to those in , NC. It was to observe even by chance the production of contami- there that the focus of research turned to the devel- nants that were antagonistic to microorganisms. It was opment of the first , acyclovir. This therefore not surprising that the concept of microbial agent still occupies a prominent place in the treat- antagonism and its potential significance for pharmaco- ment of Herpes-related diseases. Finally, the collabo- therapy was frequently addressed in the scientific liter- rative work of Hitchings and Elion culminated in the ature during the latter part of the 19th century. For addition of allopurinol to the pharmacological arma- example, Joseph Lister, while pioneering the develop- mentarium. This drug represents another example of ment of surgery, observed alterations in bac- how a rational chemical strategy can be used to de- terial activity when fungi were also present (Crellin, velop a valuable pharmacological agent. Originally 1980). In the 1870s, , in describing the synthesized and screened as a possible antineoplastic inhibition of anthrax bacilli after inoculating them with agent, allopurinol elicited an increase in the action of common microorganisms, proposed that common bacteria 6-MP by inhibiting its oxidative metabolism. How- have the ability to kill other bacteria, both in vitro and ever, this increase in pharmacological activity was in vivo (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1878pasteur- accompanied by a proportional increase in toxicity. germ.html). Although Pasteur did not pursue these stud- Since xanthine oxidase not only catalyzes the oxida- ies, he did suggest the possibility of using the concept of tion of 6-MP but also the conversion of hypoxanthine microbial antagonism for clinical purposes. and xanthine to uric acid, allopurinol was found to The early development of antibacterial agents was in produce a dramatic reduction in serum and urinary principle predicated upon Paul Ehrlich’s (Fig. 13) idea of uric acid. These findings led Hitchings and Elion to the selective interaction of chemical substances with HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 315

laboratory in 1909, the analysis of compound 606 yielded positive results against syphilis in rabbits (Ehrlich and Hata, 1910). After the drug was tested on hospital patients in 1910, it was marketed as “Sal- varsan”, and later given the name arsphenamine. Ars- phenamine was later replaced by neoarsphenamine, which contained only 19% arsenic and therefore was less toxic than other arsenicals. At the time, syphilis was a chronic debilitating and ultimately fatal disease, just as AIDS is today; so the introduction of arsenicals had an enormous impact world-wide. Within 5 years, the incidence of syphilis in several European countries decreased by 50%. However, the search for an antibacterial agent with a broader spectrum of action and fewer side effects continued. Although the effectiveness of various metals such as bismuth, gold salts, and antimony proved variable at best, by developing arsphenamine Ehrlich served as an influential advocate for using systemically administered drugs to treat infectious diseases. In this way, Ehrlich provided the foundation for modern chemotherapy. In 1908, Ehrlich was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine FIG. 13. Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. for “outlining the principles of selective toxicity and for showing preferential eradication of cells by chemicals” receptors (or side chains) expressed by pathogenic mi- (Amyes, 2001). croorganisms. In the 1890s, after discovering that meth- Although interest in microbial antagonism was main- ylene blue could stain malaria-producing plasmodia, tained throughout the first 3 decades of the 20th cen- Ehrlich administered the to two patients suffering tury, the futile search for more effective and less toxic from a mild form of this disease. The publication of the antibacterial agents indicated that a more fruitful line of resulting cures represented the first report of a synthetic research was needed. In the mid-1930s, a breakthrough drug being used successfully to treat a specific disease. finally came from I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesell- However, Ehrlich was unable to continue this work be- schaft (I.G. Farben), a giant conglomerate founded in cause of his inability to infect animals with malaria. 1926 by a merger of eight leading German chemical Moreover, at the time he was working in ’s manufacturers, including and Hoechst. The break- laboratory in Berlin, where his primary task was to through would lead to the development of the sulfa drugs. transform antitoxin into a clinically useful preparation (Ehrlich, 1913). H. Gerhard Domagk: Antibacterial Effects of Prontosil Ehrlich made further advances in chemotherapy early The interesting story that portrays the development of in the 20th century, when he introduced arsenicals for sulfa drugs had its genesis in 1909 and was associated the treatment of syphilis. At the time, this disease was a with politics and intrigue. Heinrich Hoerlein, who was rampant, world-wide affliction. Ehrlich predicated his later to become Director of the Medical Division of approach to the problem on the premise that an I.G.Farben, began working at Bayer’s facility at Wup- caused by a microorganism could be cured if the drug of pertal-Elberfeld to develop that were particularly choice was selectively taken up by the invading mi- color-fast. Based upon the premise that there would be a crobes. After intensive screening of more than 600 ar- strong interaction of the sulfanilamide moiety with pro- senicals, compound 606 (the 606th compound to be teins of wool, Hoerlein found that adding the sulfon- tested) was found active in rabbits against Treponema amide to azo dyes increased the ability of the dye to bind pallidum, the microorganism that caused syphilis (Ehr- to wool. Although he patented sulfanilamide in 1909, lich, 1912). Hoerlein never viewed the compound as an antibacterial Although Ehrlich has been acclaimed as the first agent. Thus, the early discovery of sulfanilamide illus- investigator to develop a synthetically produced drug trates the axiom that researchers sometimes make im- that could target and impair microbial activity, it is portant observations without knowing they have made ironic to note that compound 606 was originally re- them. corded by one of Ehrlich’s assistants as “negative” Another milestone in this story came in 1915, when during the original screening procedure. But when Jacob and Heidelberger at the Rockefeller Institute in Sacachiro Hata, who originally developed the method New York decided to synthesize and test a number of for infecting rabbits with syphilis, joined Ehrlich’s agents in the hope of finding one that was bacteriocidal 316 RUBIN against streptococcal and pneumococcal infections. Dur- Domagk then tested various gold compounds and acri- ing their comprehensive analysis, Jacob and Heidel- dine dyes with little success. But more positive results berger synthesized p-aminobenzene (sulfa- were forthcoming when Domagk and his colleagues di- nilamide). However, they failed to conduct animal rected their attention to dyes that were derivatives of experimentation, because they were unable to envision sulfonamide containing the sulfonamide group in the that a compound as simple as sulfanilamide could di- p-position relative to the nitrogen. These dyes were rectly combat bacterial infections. Many years later in found to exhibit a protective effect on animal survival. 1972, Heidelberger expressed his regrets about dismiss- As a consequence of these favorable results, a large ing the opportunity by writing “As slaves to an idea, we number of the sulfonamide-containing dyes were syn- missed the boat in 1915, losing the chance to save many thesized by chemists at I.G. Farben and submitted to thousands of lives, and the development of the sulfon- Domagk for evaluation of their protective effects. In amides was delayed twenty years” (Comroe, 1976). 1932, a red dye was produced by Fritz Mietzsch and In 1927, Gerhard Domagk (Fig. 14) was hired by I.G. Josef Klarer and given the name Prontosil rubrum. This Farben as Research Director of the Institute of Experi- dye was found to be the most effective of these com- mental . He took over the group housed in the pounds in protecting mice from a lethal dose of H. strep- facility at Elberfeld-Wuppertal, which was tasked with tococci. In fact, in 1935 Domagk proclaimed a 100% identifying antibacterial activity in azo dyes. Domagk, success rate, as assessed by the mouse protection assay, a clinician with experience in treating war , when Prontosil was administered prior to a challenge was strongly committed to finding an effective treat- with the potentially lethal microorganisms. ment for infectious disease. Although earlier investi- After Domagk successfully employed Prontosil to treat gators had demonstrated that certain acridine dyes rabbits infected with H. , it was not long possessed broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, vir- before I.G. Farben began supplying physicians with the tually hundreds of such dyes that had been made by drug for treating patients with life-threatening strepto- the chemists at Hoechst failed to produce a useful coccal infections. In fact, in February, 1935, the month antibacterial agent. One of the difficulties encoun- in which Domagk’s first publication appeared, he had tered by early researchers working in this area was sufficient confidence in the drug to treat his 4-year-old the lack of reliable tests for antibacterial activity. So, daughter Hildegarde, who had developed normally fatal for this particular study, Domagk developed an inge- septicemia after pricking her finger with a needle. This nious method for screening the survival of mice that work understandably evoked world-wide interest when had been inoculated with Streptococcus pyogenes. This it was published (Domagk, 1935). Although additional method used a highly virulent strain of hemolytic studies confirmed the efficacy of Prontosil in the treat- Streptococcus that had been isolated from a patient ment of several forms of streptococcal and staphylococ- who had died from septicemia. Because its virulence had been enhanced by repeated subcultures in mice, cal infections, the fact that pneumococcal infections the assay would identify only the most effective com- responded less favorably to this agent tempered enthu- pounds. siasm about its overall effectiveness. After first confirming the reliablility of his assay sys- So Prontosil did not gain wide spread acceptance by tem by using compounds known to have antibacterial the scientific establishment until 1936, when President properties and those that were deemed ineffective, Franklin Roosevelt’s son Franklin Jr. was successfully treated with the drug for tonsillitis, and reported that “A new control for infections had been discovered” (Amyes, 2001). In addition, Leonard Colebrook of Queen Charlotte’s Maternity Hospital in London, an expert on the chemotherapy of streptococcal infections, successfully treated 60 women who had contracted the dreaded puerperal (postpartum) fever, and only three of them died (Colebrook and Kenny, 1936). This report, among others, alerted the medical establishment to the potential benefits of antibacte- rial chemotherapy, despite the prevailing dogma that chemotherapeutic agents would only render minimal beneficial effects against generalized bacterial infec- tions. However, the continuing reports of positive out- comes resulting from treatment with Prontosil finally led to the acceptance of the drug as the first effective chemotherapeutic agent for treating systemic bacte- FIG. 14. Gerhard Domagk (1895–1964). Courtesy of Bayer Health- Care AG. rial infections. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 317

The observation that Prontosil was ineffective against cocci, as well as pneumococci, meningococci, and gono- microorganisms in culture gave credence to the possibil- cocci. In 1938, a publication from the UK reported the ity that an active component released from Prontosil synthesis of , which possessed a wide spec- was responsible for the drug’s action. Indeed, soon after trum of action and was particularly effective against Domagk’s first publication appeared, members of Four- pneumococcal infections. In 1939, sulfathiazole was syn- neau’s laboratory at the in Paris thesized in the United States and eventually became the (which included Daniel Bovet) found that the azo link of preferred sulfa drug because of its relatively high ther- Prontosil could be broken in tissues to yield sulfanil- apeutic index. From these initial observations arose a amide. But perhaps more significantly, they later dem- wealth of literature on the subject of sulfa drugs, and by onstrated that sulfanilamide was the sole active moiety the late 1940s over 5000 sulfonamides had been pro- of the red dye and that other components of the complex duced, although many were not effective clinically. As a were completely superfluous. Because the patent on sul- consequence of Domagk’s valuable contributions, sulfon- fanilamide had long expired, there was at the time an amides were extensively employed as therapeutic agents unsubstantiated suspicion that I.G. Farben (and per- well into the 1980s. But increasing bacterial resistance haps Domagk himself) had “rediscovered” sulfanilamide and the availability of more effective and less toxic an- and spent the next several years transforming this rel- tibiotics have gradually led to a decline in their popu- atively simple compound into a complex, and most im- larity as antibacterial agents. portantly, now patentable dye. Advocates of a conspiracy Since sulfonamides could be synthesized by anyone theory would argue that the 3-year hiatus between the who cared to do so, Domagk profited little from his discov- synthesis of Prontosil by Klarer and Mietzsch in 1932 ery. He was, however, honored for his contribution by and the initial clinical report 3 years later was a conse- being awarded the Nobel Prize in 1939. Although Domagk quence of efforts by the directors of I.G. Farben to safe- was naturally gratified to receive the award, he was co- guard their discovery from other manufacturers. The erced by the Nazi government to decline it. A personal giant conglomerate addressed this accusation by argu- letter from the to Hermann Goering to ing that a careful and complete validation of the drug’s allow an exemption for Domagk received no reply, and therapeutic properties was necessary prior to making it Domagk was even denied permission to travel to Sweden available to clinicians. It is unfortunate that Heinrich just to express his appreciation for receiving the award. Horlein, who patented the sulfonamide in 1909 while The action taken by the leaders of the Third Reich was a working at Bayer, and then later as Director of the consequence of moral stands taken by dissidents in Ger- Medical Division of I.G. Farben, and was responsible for many during the 1930s against the militaristic policies of hiring Domagk, would never reveal the truth about the the Nazi government. One of the antimilitarists was Carl actual events that surrounded the development of Pron- von Ossietzky, a journalist and author who had been in- tosil. He was the only person associated with Prontosil who could have shed light on this controversy. carcerated twice for his outspoken views against the fascist Confirmation that sulfanilamide was the active moiety regime. In 1935, while still a concentration camp inmate in Prontosil spawned the synthesis of a large number of and grossly mistreated, von Ossietzky was awarded the sulfonamides by the chemists at I.G. Farben. These com- . The announcement of Ossietzky’s pounds were in turn tested by Domagk on a variety of award so infuriated the Nazi leaders that Hitler issued a infectious diseases, with varying success. Since sulfanil- formal decree forbidding any German to accept a Nobel amide could not be patented, any company could produce Prize. So, despite the fact that Domagk had been recog- its own formulation, and in 1937 an elixir of the drug was nized for his scientific achievements, and not because of his marketed in the United States. However, after more than political beliefs, Hitler’s petulant edict delayed the formal 70 people died from the effects of the solvent diethylene presentation of the award to Domagk until 1947. Although glycol, the U.S. Congress enacted the Food and Drug Act to by this time the prize money had reverted to the Nobel prevent similar events from reoccurring. Foundation, the award rendered an enduring tribute to an Meanwhile, reports of failures using sulfanilamide be- investigator who was responsible for a revolution in the gan to emerge, particularly when the drug was used to treatment of infectious diseases. treat staphylococcal infections. Tuberculosis was also a Despite the accolades attributed to I.G. Farben and major health problem throughout the world, and spo- Domagk, tensions still developed among the group at El- radic reports appeared that described only modest suc- berfeld-Wuppertal. Although the Nobel Prize had been cess in treating this chronic and insidious disease with awarded for the discovery of the clinical efficacy of Pron- sulfa drugs. These reports prompted Domagk to express tosil and not for its synthesis, Fritz Mietzsch and Josef reservations about the use of sulfonamides for the long- Klarer were disappointed and even embittered by the lack term treatment of certain infections. The limitations in of notoriety that they had received for their success in the effectiveness of sulfanilamide prompted changes in synthesizing the drug. Domagk himself always argued the basic molecule, which yielded numerous derivatives both verbally and in writing that Metzch and Klarer of sulfanilamide that were effective against staphylo- should have been given a greater share of the credit. Still, 318 RUBIN it is Domagk alone who occupies a hallowed position in the Alexander Fleming (Fig. 15) was already an eminent annals of science for this major contribution. microbiologist, who had just been appointed Professor of After World War II ended, another controversy sur- at the . Even though rounding I.G. Farben emerged when 23 directors of the several serendipitous events seemed to conspire to bring conglomerate were tried by the Nuremberg War Crimes about the discovery, it cannot be described as purely Tribunal. The directors were indicted for plundering accidental, because Fleming was able to draw on his property in invaded countries and using slave labor to life-long interest in the field of bacterial lysis to bring support the wartime efforts of the Axis regime. The about a positive outcome. Farben case, which was the third largest of all of the Fleming, a native of , spent World War I as a Nurenberg trials, surpassed in scope only by the Trial of working in a military hospital in . The the Major War Criminals and the so-called Ministries prevalence of secondary staphylococcal infections from Case, ended with the conviction and imprisonment of wounds pervaded his attention and fueled his future 13 defendants. Domagk was certainly not complicit in interest in antiseptics. However, Fleming was fully aware these crimes. In fact, he often made incisive and acer- of the limitations and dangers associated with the use of bic comments about the political situation that existed antiseptics in treating wounds. So he spent a major portion in Germany at the time, which did little to placate the of his research career studying a variety of diverse sub- Nazi leaders. During the war, Domagk remained at stances that interfered with bacterial growth. In 1922, he the facility in Elberfeld-Wuppertal, pursuing his cru- isolated an antibacterial substance he called from sade against infectious disease, despite being exposed the nasal passages of a patient suffering from acute rhini- to incessant Allied bombing until the war ended. Nev- tis. An interesting property of this substance was that it ertheless, it is ironic that a company that had done so could protect against certain nonpathogenic microorgan- much to improve the human condition by sponsoring isms from becoming virulent. Another interesting aspect programs that would effectively combat infectious dis- of this finding was that the mode of action of lysozyme on eases could also serve a master that was responsible microorganisms was very different from that of known for the brutality and devastation that will forever immune reactions, such as antibody-induced lysis or remain a blight on mankind. phagocytosis. But most importantly, it was Fleming’s Prior to Prontosil, the idea that a systemic bacterial discovery and characterization of lysozyme in lacrimal infection could be cured by administering a substance sys- fluid and saliva that motivated him to seek other natu- temically was considered untenable and even ludicrous to ral substances that exhibited antibacterial activity. Yet both researchers and clinicians. However, Domagk and his it is ironic to note that even though the interest created colleagues provided the impetus for changing these percep- by the disclosure of lysozyme led to the accidental dis- tions. An interesting perspective on the importance of covery of penicillin, the mechanism of action of penicillin Domagk’s discovery may be gleaned from the insightful was eventually found to be quite different from that of remark made by Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of pen- lysozyme (Fleming, 1922). icillin: “Without Domagk, there would be no sulfonamide! As a staff member at St. Mary’s Hospital, Fleming ran Without sulfonamide, there would be no penicillin! And an ill-organized and rather untidy laboratory, which was without penicillin, there would be no ” (http:// littered with contaminated Petri dishes and other detri- www.dutly.ch/domagk/dom.html). Although Fleming’s en- tus for extended periods of time. The disorganized state dorsement may be construed as hyperbole, it certainly has of Fleming’s laboratory would have an important bear- merit, because Domagk’s work prompted other investiga- ing on the discovery of penicillin. As the story goes, one tors to search for new and more effective antibacterial day in the summer of 1928, a spore from a pro- agents. Therefore, despite the fact that Domagk’s discov- ery was less celebrated than many others and not often revisited, there was no greater impact on human health and mortality than chemotherapy, and Domagk’s contributions represented the beginning of this new age. I. Sir Alexander Fleming, Cecil Paine, Harold Raistrick, Ernst Chain, and Sir Howard Florey: Penicillin and Its Curative Effects in Various Infectious Diseases 1. Sir Alexander Fleming. The story of the discovery of penicillin has been frequently chronicled and the sub- ject of intense debate, particularly as it relates to the significance of the relative contributions made by each FIG. 15. Alexander Fleming (1881–1955). Courtesy of the National protagonist. At the time of his monumental discovery, Library of Medicine. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 319 duced in the laboratory located on the floor below drifted ited to a single page, and the list of references is scanty. upward. The mold floated into Fleming’s laboratory and Most significantly, there was a relative paucity of refer- settled in a containing agar impregnated with ences related to microbial antagonism, about which a great staphylococci. As was his habit, Fleming had left this deal was known at the time. Fleming’s argument that the culture plate along with a number of others on a bench rules of the journal limited his analysis loses credibility and departed for a holiday that would last for several when one considers that a scientist of Fleming’s renown weeks. As a result, exposed to air, the contaminant mold could have published his work in a journal that allowed a had ample time to grow. more extended interpretation of his findings. Upon returning, Fleming randomly inspected the In Fleming’s defense, however, the bacterial lysis that Petri dishes scattered throughout his laboratory. In the he observed was a chance observation rather than the corner of a dish on which he had grown a strain of result of a designed experiment. As a result, the impli- staphylococci, he happened to observe a small mold. But cations of his findings were still a matter of conjecture. he was startled to find that around the mold, the colo- Moreover, sufficient knowledge was not available at the nies had almost completely disappeared. Fleming was time that could explain the processes that mediate lysis. intrigued by this observation because of his particular Finally, the isolation of an unstable product, such as interest in lysis and because staphylococci were known penicillin, would probably have been a herculean task to be notoriously resistant to lysis. Because the mold because of the lack of appropriate methodologies avail- could attack pathogenic microorganisms, Fleming con- able at the time. All of these mitigating circumstances sidered the possibility that the contaminant in the mold seemed to be responsible for the limited interest that might have clinical utility. this article generated from colleagues and the scientific So Fleming spent the remainder of 1928 studying community. the properties of the unknown substance. Although An added factor that contributed to the torpor was the lacking expertise in chemistry, he identified the mold fact that Fleming was a taciturn and rather introverted with the aid of C. J. Latouche, a mycologist whose man who did not possess the charisma and communica- laboratory was located directly below his own. In all tive skills needed to publicize his work. Even if he had probability, Latouche’s laboratory was the source of the the desire to provoke interest in penicillin, his superior, mold that contaminated Fleming’s culture dish. Because , was strongly against the idea of any the mold belonged to the genus , Fleming therapeutic value of penicillin and expressed his dis- coined the word penicillin in referring to the antibacte- favor to Fleming. So, probably influenced by Wright’s rial substance. He found that penicillin killed strepto- strong persona and forceful arguments, as well as by the cocci, pneumococci, gonococci, meningococci, and diph- criticisms and doubts expressed by many of his col- theria bacilli. He also observed that penicillin was leagues, Fleming made little attempt to promote peni- nontoxic to animals, was more effective in combating cillin as a curative agent for systemic infections. How- gram-positive cocci than gram-negative bacilli, and did ever, Fleming did employ penicillin as an “antiseptic” for not interfere with neutrophil function. the treatment of surface infections such as carbuncles, Fleming also identified microorganisms against which eye and sinus infections, and leg ulcers. The utilization penicillin might not be effective. He observed that en- of the drug for these purposes yielded mixed outcomes. terocoli, tubercle bacillus, influenza, and typhoid bacilli As a result, Fleming preferred to direct his attention to were insensitive to penicillin, thereby suggesting a se- authoring several articles on the less compelling prop- lective action of the drug on certain microorganisms. erty of penicillin to facilitate the growth of certain mi- Although Fleming was unable to reproduce the lytic croorganisms whose isolation had proven difficult. So, effect of the mold, he did demonstrate that his batch of because Fleming opted to become a bystander in the penicillin could be diluted 800 times before it lost activ- development of this extraordinary drug, the unique ef- ity against staphylococci. Fleming’s findings were pub- fectiveness of penicillin would not be recognized until a lished in a 1929 article in the British Journal of Exper- decade later, when another fortuitous sequence of imental Pathology and constitute almost the entire events culminated in the emergence of systemically output of his work related to the development of peni- administered penicillin as a curative agent for infec- cillin. However, he did briefly refer to penicillin in one tious diseases. or two other publications over the next several years Although Fleming is credited with disclosing most of (Fleming, 1929). the basic properties of penicillin, including its high de- After reading Fleming’s classic article and having the gree of microbial specificity, its relative lack of toxicity, benefit of hindsight, I was disappointed to find it written and its ability to produce drug resistance, he never per- in a rather straightforward and nonanalytical manner, formed an animal experiment to demonstrate that the with little or no broad interpretation of the results. Its mold was capable of eradicating an iatrogenically in- descriptive nature mirrored a report that might have duced infection. It was in this context that Ernst Chain been published in a pathology journal of the time. The respectfully chided Fleming for not pursuing his studies results are described very succinctly, the discussion is lim- with penicillin. Chain, the codiscoverer of penicillin, 320 RUBIN speculated that since a single injection of undiluted pen- for Women, he began work on the etiology and treatment of icillin into a mouse failed to elicit any toxic effect, Flem- puerperal fever, which culminated in the awarding of his ing should have repeated these injections two or three medical degree and the publication of several papers. Sec- times at appropriate intervals. He would then in all ond, the fact that there was no technique available at the probability have obtained a sufficiently positive curative time to preserve the active component of the unstable effect to persuade a number of chemists to isolate the filtrates probably contributed significantly to Paine’s loss active principle (Chain, 1979). of interest in penicillin. Fleming was often questioned about why he so abruptly In retrospect, it now seems incredulous that Paine terminated his work with penicillin, and he usually gave never published his work or at least presented his find- three rather unconvincing reasons for doing so: 1) the ings at a scientific meeting. Paine’s contribution was instability of the drug, even though a method for preserv- revealed only after Sir Howard Florey used his influence ing it was found in the early 1930s; 2) the lack of a purified as a Nobel Laureate to have it included in the second solution of penicillin, despite the fact that two assistants volume of Antibiotics published in 1949 (Florey et al., named Stuart Craddock and Frederick Ridley, in their 1949). Although Paine proclaimed himself to be “a poor final experiment before leaving the laboratory, produced a fool who didn’t see the obvious when it was stuck in front purified preparation that Fleming failed to recognize and of him” (Wainwright and Swan, 1986), he did recognize use; and 3) the purported lack of cooperation from clinical the therapeutic potential of penicillin, although only as colleagues to provide patients for a clinical study. In this an antiseptic. Furthermore, the concept of “antibiotics” way, Fleming excused his own lack of faith and passion in was not seriously entertained in the early 1930s, even by his discovery by casting aspersions on his clinical col- Howard Florey, who had been apprised by Paine about leagues for their reluctance to have their gravely ill pa- the clinical cures he might achieve with the drug. Nev- tients subjected to treatment with a mysterious drug that ertheless, it took almost another 10 years before Chain possessed unknown side effects. and Florey succeeded in purifying penicillin and attain- Despite the mixed legacy left by Fleming’s work with ing the phenomenal successes that are associated with penicillin, history ultimately concluded that Fleming the systemic use of this remarkable agent. was deserving of all of the tributes that he received for 3. Harold Raistrick. There was another significant his discovery. In recognition of his accomplishments, player in this story prior to the advent of Florey and when Fleming died in 1955, a crypt in St. Paul’s Cathe- Chain. In 1934, Harold Raistrick, a British chemist with dral became his ultimate resting place. As an enduring an international reputation in fungi, began an investi- tribute to Fleming’s work, his memorial in the magestic gation of the properties of penicillin. After confirming cathedral resides in close proximity to that of Admiral that penicillin was soluble in several solvents, he found Horatio Nelson, the greatest naval hero in the history of that it disappeared from an ether extract after the sol- the UK. vent was evaporated to dryness. Because of its apparent 2. Cecil Paine. Aside from Fleming’s few modest at- instability, Raistrick immediately and without further tempts to employ penicillin in treating infected surface forethought concluded that the production of penicillin wounds, the first person to obtain effective cures with for therapeutic use would be an insurmountable task the drug was a surgeon named Cecil Paine. In 1930, by and terminated the project. administering crude penicillin topically, Paine success- Some historians would argue that, because of his ex- fully treated patients with eye infections at Sheffield pertise as a fungal , Raistrick, rather than Hospital. Using Fleming’s method, Paine had grown the Fleming, should be held accountable for failing to purify Penicillium notatum on meat broth made from cultures penicillin (Wainwright, 1990). Moreover, the fact that an obtained from Fleming. Although as a medical student expert biochemist had discontinued his study of penicil- Paine had heard about penicillin from Fleming’s lec- lin because of the perceived instability of the substance tures and had read his 1929 publication, he never con- also probably helped to temporarily quell interest in this sulted with Fleming during the course of successfully new compound and thereby further delayed the intro- treating eight patients topically with penicillin. Although duction of penicillin into the pharmacological armamen- he found that crude penicillin was effective against eye tarium. In addition, progress in this field was hindered infections caused by pneumococci and gonococci, it failed to by the fact that the concept of chemotherapy was still alter the course of eye infections caused by staphylococci. considered to be an anathema by many microbiologists Perhaps discouraged by the chemical instability of penicil- at the time. The introduction of sulfonamides by lin, Paine terminated his treatment of patients with the Domagk in 1935 certainly helped to nullify this bias and crude preparation and moved on to another institution and paved the way for more expansive views of microbial a different area of research. Like Fleming, Paine’s failure antagonism to emerge. to pursue this work represented an egregious example of a 4. Ernst Chain and Sir Howard Florey. By the end of lost opportunity and was based upon at least two factors. the 1930s, major pharmaceutical firms in the United First, his departure from the Sheffield Royal Infirmary States began to become aware of penicillin as a potential caused him to alter his field of interest; at Jessop Hospital therapeutic agent. But despite these sporadic signs of HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 321 interest, penicillin remained a laboratory curiosity until 1940, when it was revitalized by Ernst Chain (Fig. 16) and Sir Howard Florey (Fig. 17) by a series of remark- able circumstances. Ironically, the fascist regime of Ger- many was indirectly responsible for the development of penicillin. During the early 1930s after Adolf Hitler came to power, Chain was a young Jew with left-wing views living in Germany. It did not take him long to realize that Hitler’s Germany was not the safest place for him to call home, and so he fled his native country in 1933. After spending 2 years at Cambridge University working on phospholipids, Chain was hired by Florey, Head of the School of Pathology at Oxford, to organize a biochemical group for his department. Chain was a first-rate biochemist and scientist who also happened to be a gifted musician. But he was en- dowed with a rather difficult personality and instigated many personal confrontations, including those among his colleagues and associates. Part of his difficult per- sonality may have stemmed from his belief that he did not receive a fair share of the credit from his colleagues for his scientific achievements. Florey, an Australian by FIG. 17. Howard Florey (1898–1968). Florey’s ability to commandeer birth, was not trained as a microbiologist and therefore talented people for appropriate tasks led to the development of penicillin did not possess the expertise needed to isolate and study as a therapeutic agent. One of Florey’s team members was Norman Heatley (1911–2004; not shown), whose experimental prowess was cru- the penicillin-producing mold. Nevertheless, his extraor- cial to the purification of penicillin. dinary ability to lead, identify a person to perform a given task, and organize a research team would eventu- ally bring about the epoch-making advance in chemo- interval, Chain began searching the scientific literature therapy. for older, related studies and came across Fleming’s Chain was recruited by Florey because of his knowl- 1929 publication. In reading Fleming’s article, Chain edge of the biochemistry of fungi. During one of their was impressed by the lytic effect of the unidentified discussions about research projects to consider, Florey compound in the mold and concluded that it might be suggested that Chain examine the mode of action of the related to lysozyme. Florey also expressed interest in the bacteriolytic enzyme lysozyme, previously discovered by subject because of his professional interactions with Alexander Fleming in 1922. Chain agreed, and without Fleming as well as his discussions with Cecil Paine, both difficulty isolated lysozyme in pure form and demon- of which had made him aware of the potentially curative strated that its enzymatic action involved the destruc- power of penicillin. tion of a polysaccharide localized to the bacterial cell Before Chain could repeat Fleming’s experiments, he wall. After expeditiously dispensing with the lysozyme had to obtain a culture of the original strain of P. nota- problem in 1937, Chain turned to investigating other tum. By an extraordinary coincidence, Chain was able to antimicrobial products produced in nature. During this acquire a subculture from Florey’s own department at Oxford. For some unfathomable reason, the reading of Fleming’s article prompted Chain to recall a laboratory technician walking through the corridor carrying bottles of culture fluid; on the surface of the fluid he observed a growth of mold. Chain later discovered that it was the same mold that Fleming had described in his 1929 arti- cle. Further investigation divulged that the late Profes- sor Dreyer, Florey’s predecessor, had requested the mold from Fleming, because he erroneously surmised that it might serve some useful purpose in his experiments with bacteriophage. So Fleming’s contaminant mold had been sent to Dreyer in 1930 and was subsequently sub- cultured and sequestered in the culture collection of the Department of Pathology for several years. After learning of its availability, Chain immediately FIG. 16. Ernst Chain (1906–1979). Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. approached Florey about conducting experiments with 322 RUBIN the mold. Confident of his skills as a chemist, Chain was rather than guinea pigs afforded Chain and Florey an convinced that despite its instability, he could at least unsuspected conduit to the ultimate success of this devise a method for partially purifying the substance. project, since humans and mice responded favorably to After Florey agreed to the project, Chain began the penicillin, whereas the guinea pig would exhibit toxic isolation of what he thought was an enzyme that might effects from the drug. Therefore, if guinea pigs had been hydrolyze a cell surface substrate shared by many bac- used for the toxicity studies, the clinical trials might terial pathogens. The original objective of this study was have been delayed or even discontinued. The utilization mechanistic in nature, since Fleming’s article failed to of drug-treated mice also demonstrated significant anti- provide Chain with any assurance that penicillin would bacterial activity in urine. This important finding re- possess utility as a therapeutic agent. In fact, when vealed that the unknown substance was not rapidly Chain and Florey initially undertook the work, they metabolized but was excreted and therefore had the were unable to reproduce the bacteriolytic effect that potential to be used as a therapeutic agent. had taken place in Fleming’s laboratory. It took them After a series of animal (mice) experiments yielded several years to uncover the fact that penicillin would spectacular results, an article was published by Chain attack bacteria only when the microoganisms were able and Florey in in August 1940 (Chain et al., to undergo at least one division. It was then that Chain 1940). It described the production and purification of and Florey realized in retrospect that Fleming’s some- penicillin and documented its antibacterial action in what untidy manner of running his laboratory had ac- animals pretreated with Streptococcus pyogenes and cidentally produced disease-like conditions, thereby en- aureus. In 1941, a sufficient amount of abling the developing microorganisms to generate the agent was made available to carry out clinical trials colonies and at the same time produce an adequate on patients suffering from infections caused by S. pyo- amount of penicillin to lyse the bacteria. This serendip- genes and S. aureus. In addition, a policeman suffering itous sequence of events prompted Chain to whimsically from a severe bacterial infection dramatically improved conclude that the discovery of penicillin might never when given penicillin. However, he subsequently died have been made if Fleming’s laboratory had been main- when the supply of drug ran out. Although Florey al- tained in a more orderly and sanitary state (Chain, ways argued that the basis of his interest in penicillin 1979). was heuristic, he was greatly disturbed by the demise of Chain and his colleagues developed a simple and pre- the policeman due to an inadequate supply of the drug. cise assay for measuring penicillin, whereas Florey and He then vowed to accomplish whatever was needed to his group were charged with carrying out the toxicity ensure that penicillin was made available to the general tests. However, it was Norman Heatley, rather than public. Despite the scant supply of penicillin, a second Chain, who devised the crucial step that would expedite article that reported the dramatically favorable clinical the purification of penicillin by developing the simple results on so-called hopeless cases was published the and reliable “cylinder plate technique.” At about this following year. time, a rift began to develop between Chain and Florey. At about this time, Alexander Fleming paid a visit to Chain, in Florey’s temporary absence, had decided to Florey’s laboratory and was graciously provided with a carry out toxicity tests on his own by injecting partially sample of purified penicillin. Upon returning to St. purified penicillin into two rats, which showed no evi- Mary’s Hospital, Fleming resourcefully injected the drug dence of toxicity. This infringement on Florey’s respon- directly into the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient suffering sibility caused an estrangement that was to widen over from Streptococcal . After a rapid cure was the next few years. The strained relations, in part, would reported in the London-based newspaper , eventually convince Chain to move to the Institute of Fleming was catapulted into the limelight, despite his Public Health in Rome by the late 1940s, where he earlier reluctance to pursue studies on animals and achieved financial success by developing and producing humans. modified . After Florey recruited to aid in de- Despite their personal differences, Chain and Florey veloping large-scale purification methods and to deter- led their respective teams in successfully isolating pen- mine its structure as a prelude to its synthesis, the icillin and testing it on culture plates of various bacteria structural formula of penicillin was determined by the with varied success, depending upon the type of micro- Oxford group in . Although during World . To obtain evidence as to its effectiveness in War II, British companies, including Burroughs Well- animals, Chain and Florey found that mice pretreated come, Imperial Chemical Industries, and Glaxo, pro- with penicillin and then challenged with lethal doses of vided sufficient drugs to fulfill the needs of their military streptococci survived 2 days longer than infected mice forces, the amounts produced were only comparable to not pretreated with penicillin. Mice had been used for those generated at the academic laboratories at Oxford. these experiments simply because of their small size, So in the spring of 1941, because the Americans em- thereby curtailing depletion of the limited stores of ployed better methods for isolating the substance and antibiotic available at the time. But the use of mice were not hampered by wartime bombing, Florey turned HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 323 to the United States to inaugurate large-scale produc- example of fundamental progress in pharmacotherapy tion of penicillin. To promote such collaborations, Florey being made simply because of the ability to follow up on and Heatley made several transatlantic trips, first to potentially interesting biological findings and not be- enlist and then to establish and fortify the cooperation of cause of aspirations to cure infectious diseases. the American scientists and pharmaceutical firms. After For the discovery of penicillin, Fleming, Florey, and surface culture methods became obsolete and deep fer- Chain were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945. The ra- mentation methods were adopted, a rapid characteriza- pidity by which their discovery was acknowledged by tion of the chemical and physical properties of penicillin the scientific community is ample testimony to the enor- was achieved by an army of scientists both in the United mity of their discovery. I still remember as a young boy States and in the UK. Its low toxicity, broad antibacte- shortly after World War II when penicillin became avail- rial spectrum, and potency in animals were also verified. able to the general public. It was very expensive, highly The cooperative efforts expended on both sides of the valued, and treated like pure gold, unlike today when it Atlantic, involving both academia and the pharmaceu- is readily availabile in many different forms. Even tical industry, eventually enabled penicillin production though the hand of fate was in part responsible for a to be put on a fast track, so that the drug could become favorable outcome, the story of penicillin represents a more readily available and effectively used by the Allied prime example of the commitment and effort expended forces during World War II. As a result, from D-Day by a group of international investigators to produce a onward (June 1944), the rate of Allied soldiers dying therapeutic agent that effectively combats infectious dis- from infected war wounds inexorably declined. By con- ease and thereby promotes the preservation of life. trast, the Germans never succeeded in producing peni- 5. Jack Strominger. During the late 1950s and early cillin on a large scale and had to rely on the much less 60s, as the production of newer antibiotics expanded, effective sulfonamides. The superiority that the Allies interest in their mode of action heightened. Key evi- experienced with regard to chemotherapeutic agents dence bearing on this problem was adduced in the late may have at least in part contributed to an earlier end to 1950s by Jack Strominger (Fig. 18) and James Park. At the war in Europe. the time, Strominger held a position in the Department By 1944, the programs cultivated mainly by Howard of Pharmacology at Washington University in St. Louis, Florey had promoted a prodigious growth in the produc- while Park worked nearby at St. Louis University. The tion of penicillin. But despite an abundant supply, the Chair of Pharmacology at Washington University was exorbitant cost of the drug was responsible for the con- then occupied by Oliver Lowry, who earned acclaim for tinued promiscuous sale of the crude extract through the his expertise in developing a variety of important bio- black market. For Florey, the black market was a con- stant source of consternation, because of the dangers that the use of the crude extract portended. After the war, the cooperation of workers from both the United States and the UK in crystallizing the drug led to its successful testing in such diseases as septicemia, ce- rebral meningitis, gas , , syphilis, and . Needless to say, the impact of the combined efforts of Fleming, Florey, and Chain was profound, because in many cases patients who were terminally ill with an infectious disease could now be completely cured by the new “miracle drug.” However, the successful treatment of tuberculosis and still had to await the discovery of streptomycin, as well as other antibiotics with wider spectra of action. Although it is clear that serendipity played a key role in the discovery of penicillin, it should be emphasized that the events surrounding the development of penicil- lin represent a striking example of how basic research can be used to address a clinical problem. After bacterial lysis was accidentally discovered, Fleming pursued the finding because of his long-term interest in this field. Chain’s incentive in studying penicillin stemmed from reading Fleming’s article and realizing that it contained FIG. 18. Jack Strominger (1925–). Courtesy of the Strominger labora- findings of major scientific significance. Thus, according tory, Harvard University. Reprinted with permission from the Annual to Chain, the discovery of penicillin represented a prime Review of Immunology, volume 24. © 2006 by Annual Reviews. 324 RUBIN chemical techniques. His protein assay is one of the most vances regarding chemotherapy had developed to the quoted references in the scientific literature. Lowry’s point that an effective treatment for tuberculosis was department was also a stimulating one for research, and possible. In contrast to the discovery of penicillin, which he recruited outstanding young scientists, including was largely based upon a chance observation made by Jack Strominger and Robert Furchgott. During his years Alexander Fleming, the discovery of streptomycin by of medical training, Floyd Bloom also served as an in- Selman Waksman (Fig. 19) and his colleagues was the structor in the Department of Pharmacology. Bloom as- result of prolonged, systematic, and arduous research. serts that being able to interact with Oliver Lowry and Moreover, this story was a turbulent drama of pathos, the rest of the pharmacology faculty during brown-bag leading not only to and exhilaration associated luncheon sessions was a key factor in making his deci- with an important discovery but also to anguish and sion to pursue a career in pharmacology. despair engendered by unresolved controversies. Jack Strominger’s collaboration with James Park led Selman Waksman, like Ernst Chain, was a refugee to the demonstraton that several strains of staphylococci from . During the early 1900s, it was ex- inhibited by penicillin accumulated an intermediate tremely difficult for in Russia to obtain a univer- that was identified as UDP-acetylmuramyl-pentapep- sity education, so Waksman immigrated to the United tide (Park and Strominger, 1957). This acetylmuramic States in 1910. After receiving his doctorate in biochem- intermediate was given the name the “Park nucleotide.” istry at the University of California, Berkeley, he as- The striking similarity between the chemical composi- sumed a faculty position at his undergraduate alma tion of the acetylmuramic peptide and the bacterial cell mater Rutgers. Because of his basic interest in under- wall suggested to Park and Strominger that the peptide standing how microorganisms interact with one another was a precursor of a major component of the cell wall, in the soil, Waksman nurtured a passion for the subject which turned out to be peptidoglycan. Strominger later of microbial antagonism. After becoming convinced that demonstrated that the mode of action and selective tox- microbes could produce substances that prevented the icity of penicillin were related to an inhibition of a step growth of other microorganisms, he began a comprehen- in peptidoglycan biosynthesis, thereby causing the ac- sive study to find an effective in vivo antagonist to the cumulation of the acetylmuramic peptide (Park nucleo- tubercle bacillus. This important undertaking was tide). As a result, the low toxicity of penicillin in eukary- urged on by Waksman’s son Byron, also a prominent otic cells could now be ascribed to a lack of either a scientist, after he exuberantly praised his father for the structure analogous to the bacterial cell wall or the simplicity of the method that he had developed in iso- chemical equivalent of the acetylmuramic acid-peptide lating antibiotic substances that produced fungi. fragment. Although this groundbreaking work has not So, by 1944, Waksman and his colleagues initiated a been recognized by the Nobel Committee, it did eventu- screening program that they hoped might lead to the ally earn Strominger a faculty position in the Depart- discovery of new antibiotics that would complement the ment of Pharmacology at the University of Wisconsin actions of penicillin and sulfa drugs. Since he had stud- and subsequently the Higgins Professorship at Harvard. ied actinomycetes for many years and recognized their By forging a novel strategy for investigating the mode broad distribution and activity against other microor- of action of antibiotics, the work of Jack Strominger ganisms, Waksman directed his attention to these par- prompted the scientific literature to take on an added ticular microbes. From a large number of chemical sub- dimension in this area of research. These mechanistic stances isolated from actinomycetes from 1940 through approaches, when linked together together with the more practical contributions made by Fleming, Florey, and Chain, not only helped to promote the search for new and more useful antibiotics but also enabled physi- cians to devise more effective treatment regimens and to cope more proficiently with drug resistance. To provide some idea of the impact that the availability of sulfa drugs, penicillin, and other available antibiotics exerted on the world community, the National Office of Vital Statistics estimated that 1.5 million human lives were saved during the 15 years that preceded 1958 (Wain- wright, 1990). J. Selman Waksman: Streptomycin: The First Antibiotic Effective against Tuberculosis Although Robert Koch will long be remembered for his FIG. 19. Selman Waksman (1888–1973) and Albert Schatz (1920– discovery of the tubercle bacillus in 1882, it was not until 2005); in the center is Donald Reynolds (1918–2001). Courtesy of Rutgers some 60 years later that conceptual and technical ad- University Archives and Special Collections. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 325

1952, Waksman’s team eventually characterized 10 an- bacteria, viruses, and fungi were resistant to strepto- tibiotics, 3 of which had practical applications: actino- mycin, as they were to penicillin. In addition, he de- mycin in 1940, streptomycin in 1944, and in scribed other limitations that streptomycin posed as a 1949 (Waksman and Woodruff, 1940; Schatz et al., 1944; therapeutic agent. Thus, the activity of streptomycin Waksman and Lechevalier, 1949). One of Waksman’s was bacteriostatic, in contrast to penicillin, which was graduate assistants, Albert Schatz, isolated one of two bacteriocidal. Furthermore, unlike penicillin, strep- streptomycin-producing strains of actinomycetes and tomycin had to be administered parenterally, and a then extracted and tested the new antibiotic. Schatz major side effect that resulted from prolonged treat- wrote up this work for his thesis, which was accepted by ment with the drug was vestibular (inner ear) dys- Rutgers in 1945 for the Ph.D. degree. The first report of function, including tinnitus and vertigo (Waksman, the discovery of streptomycin was made in 1944 (Schatz 1975). Although Waksman seemed unaware that drug et al., 1944). resistance might portend a long-term problem, his As the next step, expertise was required to test the discovery of streptomycin did spur other researchers effectiveness of the new drug on animals. For this work, and clinicians to mount searches for newer and more William Feldman and H. C. Hinshaw of the effective antibiotics to combat drug resistance. Later were enlisted to conduct trials on four guinea pigs that on, it became general knowledge that the inclusion in had been infected with the tubercle bacillus (Feldman the treatment regimen of other antitubercular com- and Hinshaw, 1944). This study was so successful that pounds, such as pyrazinamide, , and rifam- clinical tests were quickly undertaken using a supply of picin, tended to slow the development of drug resis- the purified drug provided by Merck. When streptomy- tance. Still, the use of streptomycin has now been cin was tested on patients with tuberculosis by Feldman markedly curtailed, being surpassed by newer, more and Hinshaw, its curative action was established on two effective, and less toxic agents for the treatment of of the more serious forms of the disease: miliary tuber- tuberculosis and certain other infectious diseases. culosis and tubercular meningitis (Feldman et al., 1945; When Waksman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Hinshaw et al., 1946). Streptomycin also proved to be 1952, the Nobel Committee acclaimed him as “one of the particularly effective in treating pneumonic plague, the greatest benefactors to mankind” because he had dra- most deadly form of bubonic plague (The ), matically altered the prognosis for tuberculosis (http:// as well as brucellosis, typhoid fever, and tularemia. Thus, nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1952/ the discovery of streptomycin now made it possible to treat press.html). His discovery had transformed it from a effectively a number of gram-negative bacteria, including chronic, debilitating disease that frequently culminated several that were insensitive to penicillin. in a negative outcome to one that could be effectively Because streptomycin proved effective against several treated and even cured. It is not hyperbole to state that types of microorganisms, Merck decided to establish a the advent of the streptomycin era revolutionized the plant in New Jersey to manufacture the drug for clinical treatment of tuberculosis. Prior to the entry of the anti- trials. Waksman greatly benefited from his staunch al- biotic into pharmacotherapy, this chronic malady was liance with Merck, who helped to purify the antibiotic treated with rest, fresh air, and supportive care, with and bring it to the marketplace. Merck’s involvement minimal therapeutic intervention. Edward Livingston was mandated in part by the fact that Waksman’s re- Trudeau (Fig. 20), a New York physician, who himself quest for government funds to develop streptomycin suffered from the dreaded disease, was a major propo- had been denied, because the work was considered too nent of this approach. Emphasizing the importance of “theoretical” for funding during wartime. Financial sup- the interaction between disease and the environment, port for developing the drug was also provided by a Trudeau raised money to build the Adirondack Cottage private foundation, The Commonwealth Fund. Mean- Sanitarium in the pristine environs of tiny Saranac while, Schatz and Bugie produced larger quantities of Lake in upstate New York. Between the late 1880s and the drug and provided additional information about its the mid-1950s, this facility achieved international ac- properties. By 1946, the results of the first large-scale claim as a treatment, research, and teaching center en- clinical trial were published, proclaiming that strepto- gaged in combating tuberculosis. mycin was effective in the treatment of tuberculosis. The The notoriety of this institution was such that Robert biomedical community hailed the discovery as monu- Louis Stevenson, the famous author, spent 1887–1888 at mental, because during the 1930s tuberculosis had been Trudeau’s sanitorium to enhance his recovery from the the principal cause of death in the United States. disease. My uncle, while in his late 30s, was diagnosed Waksman devised the term antibiotic to describe the with tuberculosis around 1940 and sent to the Trudeau actions of streptomycin because he envisioned the drug Sanitarium with the hope of arresting the disease by fo- to be a substance produced by one microorganism that cusing on relaxation and recuperation. Unfortunately, like antagonized the effect of another microorganism. On the many other cases, the diagnosis was made too late to save other hand, he also identified situations in which his life. When the effective mode of drug treatment for streptomycin was ineffective. He noted that anaerobic tuberculosis became available in 1946, the Trudeau Sani- 326 RUBIN

further to the independence of Schatz in carrying out his research activities. Schatz’s thesis work involved using the screening pro- gram developed by Waksman to isolate streptomycin- producing strains of actinomycetes (Schatz, 1945). After Schatz isolated, extracted, and tested the new antibiotic on various microorganisms, including the tubercle bacil- lus, several articles were published on the subject, with Schatz as first author (e.g., Schatz and Waksman, 1944; Schatz et al., 1944). Prior to 1942, the relationship be- tween Waksman and Schatz was quite amicable, and before taking up a position at the Hopkins Marine Sta- tion in California, Schatz entered into an agreement with Waksman that neither would profit from the dis- covery of the drug. However, shortly thereafter, Waks- man began receiving a significant sum in royalties from the Rutgers Research and Endowment Foundation. While in the process of addressing some taxation ques- tions by mail, Schatz became aware of Waksman’s ap- parent duplicity, which prompted a contentious letter from Schatz (letter from Schatz to Waksman, January 22, 1949: Selman Waksman Papers, Rutgers Archives and Special Collections). Waksman’s indignant reply re- flected his belief that Schatz’s contribution represented “only a very small part of the picture in the development of streptomycin as a whole” (letter from Waksman to Schatz, February 8, 1949: Selman Waksman Papers, Rutgers Archives and Special Collections; Lechevalier,

FIG. 20. Edward Livingston Trudeau (1848–1915). Christmas seal of 1980). 1935 to recognize and support sanatoriums to treat tuberculosis patients. Waksman considered himself chiefly responsible for Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. the discovery of streptomycin, since it was only one of many positive outcomes that stemmed from this partic- ular research project that had begun some 8 years ear- torium and similar facilities around the world were ren- lier. Waksman also felt that his influence as an eminent dered obsolete, and their doors gradually closed. But the microbiologist expedited the production of streptomycin spirit of Edward Trudeau’s work continued to flourish on a large scale, which ultimately led to its development when in 1964 his grandson, Francis Jr., aided by many as a clinically useful antibiotic. However, Waksman’s appreciative benefactors who had been patients at the perspective was compromised by the fact that Schatz Trudeau Sanitarium, transformed it into a world-class was listed as the first author on several of the early center for basic research in infectious disease and immu- articles on the subject, and his name appeared on the nology. Today, the Trudeau Institute continues to attract patent application for streptomycin. In the interim, Eliz- outstanding scientists from all over the world. abeth Bugie had signed an affidavit certifying that she 1. Albert Schatz. In concluding the story of Selman was not involved in the discovery. After objectively sur- Waksman and streptomycin, I would be negligent in not veying the situation, it seems fair to conclude that considering the rather celebrated and unresolved con- Waksman initiated and supervised a research program troversy that stemmed from the development of the that directly led to the discovery of streptomycin, al- drug. During World War I, Albert Schatz (Fig. 19) served though Schatz actually made the discovery. in the U.S. military by working in a medical laboratory. The dispute culminated in a lawsuit filed by Schatz in In this venue, he developed expertise in the handling of against Waksman and the Rutgers Re- . So when Schatz came to work with search Foundation. The basis of the lawsuit was to ob- Selman Waksman as a predoctoral student, he had al- tain what Schatz believed was his share of the credit. At ready gained a good deal of experience as a researcher the conclusion of the protracted court proceedings, and probably expected to have some independence in Schatz was named a codiscoverer of the antibiotic in an conducting his experiments. In addition, because Waks- out-of-court settlement and was awarded 3% of the roy- man had a phobic fear of the tubercle bacillus, Schatz alties. The settlement of the case mandated that Waks- was assigned a basement laboratory several floors below man would receive 10% of the royalties, but he magnan- Waksman’s office. This physical separation contributed imously reduced his share to 5% to help sponsor another HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 327 foundation. Royalties received by Rutgers were also Still, Albert Schatz did flourish in his own way during used to create and maintain the Waksman Institute of an eclectic career in science and education. He received . It is to Waksman’s credit that he became many honorary degrees, medals, and titles for his work responsible for developing the institute into a facility on streptomycin, as well as for nystatin, an antibiotic where microbiologists could interact with colleagues that is still used against fungal and yeast infections. He from other disciplines and pursue scientific problems of was also named an honorary member of several scien- varied interest. As a result, the study of antibiotics con- tific societies in the United States, Latin America, and stitutes only a minor fraction of the overall research Europe. He even taught science to students at the program, and drugs are studied without necessarily con- collegiate level who were education majors and devel- sidering their practical applications (Lechevalier, 1980). oped a science unit for teaching microbiology to ele- The Schatz case was not the only regrettable incident mentary school children. Nevertheless, Schatz was that cast a shadow over Wakman’s scientific career. In shuffled back to the ranks of scientists who have been the early 1920s, Waksman became involved in an acri- lost to history despite their invaluable contributions, monious dispute that was predicated on a claim by a whereas Waksman came to be regarded as one of the colleague named J. S. Joffe. He asserted that Waksman fathers of antibiotics. had assumed an inordinate amount of credit for the Schatz passed away in January 2005, still tormented discovery of Thiobacillus thiooxidans, the first sulfur- by the controversy that surrounded the discovery of oxidizing bacterium. Waksman was also involved in an- streptomycin and unyielding in the advocacy of his case. other lawsuit filed by a Mary Marcus in 1954, which In an attempt to document Waksman’s initial disinter- added to his legal woes. Marcus’s complaint was based est in the project, Schatz noted in his memoirs written in upon her assertion that she had given Waksman cul- 2003 and reprinted in his obituary in 2005 that “Dr. tures of actinomycetes psoriaticus and had instructed Waksman was so afraid of contracting tuberculosis that him as to their therapeutic value in treating . he banished me to a basement laboratory to conduct the experiments involving the tubercle bacillus, and he or- Although this suit was eventually dismissed, these legal dered me never to bring a culture of the tubercle bacillus wrangles did not constitute pleasant days for Waksman, to the third floor” (http://oralhistory.rutgers.edu/Docs/ despite his important discovery (Lechevalier, 1980). memoirs/schatz_albert/schatz_albert_memoir.html). Conflicting views of Waksman as a person were also Schatz’s viewpoint in the dispute was finally redeemed prevalent. On the one hand, certain colleagues were in 1994 when he was given Rutgers’ highest honor, the effusive in their praise of him and considered him to be University Medal. So, as time passes, perhaps the avuncular and gracious; others viewed him as self-serv- primary focus of this discovery should be mainly de- ing and arrogant. Whatever his personal flaws, however, voted to the life-saving benefits enjoyed by those who there is no doubt that Waksman was a gifted scientist have been successfully treated with streptomycin and who provided major contributions to several important other antibiotics, whereas the controversy that sur- areas of microbiology and chemotherapy. rounds the credit for its discovery should remain at Despite the court judgment in favor of Schatz, Waks- best only a secondary aspect of the overall picture man, as laboratory head, was the sole recipient of the (Waksman, 1954; Sneader, 1985). Nobel Prize awarded in 1952. Schatz, then a Professor of Microbiology at the National Agricultural College in K. Sir Frederick Banting, Charles Best, John Macleod, , was quite disgruntled and wrote letters to and James Collip the most distinguished scientists of the time, elaborat- Prior to the turn of the 20th century, ing in detail his point of view on the subject. However, was an uncultivated discipline. The functions of most not surprisingly, he was rebuffed by the scientific estab- endocrine glands were unknown, and advances made lishment and even rebuked for his disloyalty. In addi- were generally a result of clinical observations or by tion, Schatz’s petition to the Nobel Prize Committee for observing the functional effects of selectively removing a share of the award was rejected. In considering Waks- tissues from animals. However, a milestone was reached man’s perspective in the dispute, he was considered a in 1895 when Oliver and Schaefer described the physi- member of the old school of European scientists who ological effects of an intravenous injection of an aqueous regarded graduate students as privileged individuals by extract of the adrenal gland in animals (Oliver and virtue of being able to work with an expert in his/her Schaefer, 1895). Within a few more years, the active chosen field. So Waksman began to view Schatz as a principle was isolated from the extract, identified, and malcontent who professed gross disloyalty. Neverthe- synthesized. This body of work was of major significance less, much of the notoriety attributed to Waksman for since, as we have seen, it led to the first expression of the the discovery would probably not have been compro- theory of chemical transmission by Thomas Elliott (see mised had he been gracious enough to provide Schatz section II.A.). It would also provide the basis for compa- with a more equitable share of the credit and patent rable studies that would identify physiologically active royalties. substances produced and secreted by other endocrine 328 RUBIN glands. However, these advances would not be forthcom- ing until the early 1920s. The endocrine had long interested research- ers and physicians, particularly when the association between the endocrine pancreas and mellitus was made. Children suffering from diabetes generally died at an early age, whereas older individuals endured multiple complications, frequently lapsed into comas, and too often succumbed. Because diabetics were often placed on starvation diets and expressed an emaciated phenotype, physicians who observed pictures of the sur- vivors of Nazi concentration camps during the 1940s were reminded of the diabetic patients prior to the ad- vent of insulin. Diabetes mellitus had been known to afflict mankind for many centuries. Mellitus, the Latin word for honey, was attached to diabetes because of its link with sweet urine. Important insight into its was finally attained in the latter part of the 19th century when Paul Langerhans, a German medical student, identified islet cells in the pancreas. However, he was unable to explain their function. In 1889, the association between the endocrine pancreas and diabetes was estab- lished when von Mehring and Minkowski reported that FIG. 21. Frederick Banting (1891–1941) and Charles Best (1899– 1978) pose with a dog that was rescued through administration of insulin. diabetes developed when the pancreas was removed Collaborators not shown in the photo include John Macleod (1876–1935) from dogs (von Mehring and Minkowski, 1889). and James Collip (1892–1965). By the end of World War I, scientists had become aware of a substance localized in the pancreas that ple during extraction of the pancreas failed because the lowered blood sugar. But no one had been able to either unknown substance was degraded by digestive enzymes isolate it or use pancreatic extract to successfully treat in the acinar tissue. At 2 AM, Banting wrote down 25 diabetic patients. After further studies reaffirmed the words that would highlight a momentous discovery: link between the pancreas and diabetes, research pin- “Diabetus Ligate pancreatic duct of dogs. Keep dogs pointed pancreatic extracts to treat the disease. At- alive till acini degenerate leaving Islets. Try to isolate tempts to supply the missing hormone by oral adminis- the internal secretion of these to relieve glycosurea” tration failed because the hormone was destroyed in the (http://diabetes.ca/Section_About/BantingIdea.asp). . The key to success, therefore, was Banting’s rudimentary knowledge of this subject was to extract insulin from the pancreas before proteolytic exemplified by the fact that he was unable to correctly enzymes destroyed it. Sir Frederick Banting and spell diabetes and glycosuria. Moreover, he had never Charles Best (Fig. 21) were destined to accomplish this treated a diabetic patient, even with basic dietary re- daunting task. strictions. Nevertheless, he became obsessed by his idea During the early 1920s, Banting was a young ortho- and its ultimate success. Since Banting’s clinical prac- pedic surgeon, struggling to make a success of his med- tice was floundering (it is said that he took in a total of ical practice in the Canadian town of London, ON. With $4 in his first month of practice), he made up his mind to an insufficient number of patients to earn a living wage, travel to to discuss his idea with an expert in the Banting took a part-time job teaching physiology to med- field. His objective was John J. R. Macleod, who had left ical students for $2 per hour. After preparing a lecture Western Reserve University a few years earlier to be- on , which he knew very little come Head of the Department of Physiology at the Uni- about, Banting went to bed. However, he was unable to versity of Toronto. Banting had been advised by a senior sleep. In preparing the lecture, he had become intrigued colleague to contact Macleod because he was a leading by an article authored by a pathologist named Moses authority on carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes, Barron at the . During a routine having published almost 50 articles on those subjects autopsy, Barron had observed the rare case of a pancre- alone. atic stone that obstructed the main pancreatic duct. The Unlike many scientific novices, Banting presented occlusion had produced a degeneration of the acinar a hypothesis that was entirely feasible. Nevertheless, cells, whereas the islet cells remained virtually intact Banting was viewed by Macleod as ill-cast to experimen- (Barron, 1920). After reading this article, Banting theo- tally test his idea, since he possessed no credentials such rized that previous attempts to isolate the active princi- as an advanced research degree or any publications or HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 329 experience in research. So Macleod naturally inquired gestions about surgical techniques and the preparation as to why Banting thought he could succeed when others of extracts and then helped them get started on their with far more research experience had faltered. Nicolas first dog. A couple of weeks later, Macleod departed for Paulesco, a Romanian scientist, had already published his native Scotland on summer holiday. The widely held articles (in French) that described successful experi- belief that Macleod immediately departed after putting ments with pancreatic extracts in 1921; however, Paule- Banting and Best to work is not true. Prior to Macleod’s sco had been delayed in the clinical testing of his ex- departure, Banting and Best had been experimenting tracts (Paulesco, 1921). Several others joined the list of for 1 month and consulting with him during this time. those making unsuccessful pancreatic extracts, includ- Moreover, Macleod apparently reviewed the status of ing Georg Zuelzer, a German researcher who had pro- the project before leaving, provided his summer address, duced a pancreatic extract called acomato (Zuelzer, and gave fairly explicit parting instructions to his 1908). However, no drug company was willing to under- younger colleagues. take the production of his extract. Two Americans Banting was tasked with performing surgery to tie up named E. L. Scott and Kleiner also flirted with the pancreatic ducts in dogs and allowing ample time for success. But neither was able to eliminate the toxic the glands to atrophy. At that point, the pancreata were properties of the extract and convince the scientific removed, and an extract was prepared. Although Bant- world that the hormone had actually been obtained ing and Best had expected to spend only 8 weeks on the (Scott, 1912). project, it was late in July before they were able to In addition to Banting’s complete lack of experience prepare and inject an extract. At first, the most effective and training, Macleod had other reservations about a extracts were capable of producing only a modest pro- successful outcome. The perceptive Macleod realized longation of life in the diabetic dogs. Nevertheless, the that Banting, who lacked the necessary background Banting and Best team seemed to be working well, with knowledge of the field and the chemical testing proce- Banting doing the surgery and Best analyzing the blood dures involved, would require a great deal of assistance and urine samples. Because of the progress that Banting and direction. In fact, Banting himself once admitted and Best were achieving together, Clark Noble gra- that if he had been thoroughly acquainted with the ciously declined his turn with Banting. So with the goal literature and the travails that beset others, he might of keeping their diabetic dogs alive for extended periods not have undertaken the project. Nevertheless, Macleod of time, the two young researchers continued to toil gave some consideration to Banting’s idea, because he feverishly over the next few months to improve the qual- surmised that even negative results might be of some ity of the extract, which they called “isletin.” By this theoretical value. Although initially Banting had reser- time, Banting became so confident of the ultimate suc- vations about moving to Toronto, he finally opted to cess of the project that he completely divested himself meet again with Macleod. of his clinical commitments in London, even before Banting’s persistence, plus the likely possibility of Macleod returned and critiqued the work that had been more reliable results with the recent advances in the done. methodology for measuring in blood and urine, After returning in September, Macleod at first cast a may have contributed to the more positive stance even- critical eye on the results and requested that the exper- tually taken by Macleod. So in the spring of 1921, after iments be confirmed before proceeding to the purifica- finally persuading Macleod to provide him with some tion and assay phases of the project. Banting did not laboratory space, two graduate assistants, and several take Macleod’s criticisms lightly; in fact, he even threat- dogs, Banting moved to Toronto. Although Banting pos- ened to move the project to another institution outside of sessed the necessary surgical skills, experience in phys- Canada. To mollify Banting, Macleod rewarded him iology and biochemistry was also needed to tackle this with additional personnel and resources to continue project. So Macleod selected Charles Best and Clark with the experiments. Macleod’s willingness to provide Noble, who were 4th-year students in the honors phys- more assistance for Banting may have, at least in part, iology and biochemistry course, to assist Banting. The been prompted by Professor of Pharmacology Velyien prime motivation for these students was to earn some Henderson’s involvement in Banting’s affairs. Just 4 extra money during the summer hiatus. A coin toss months after arriving in Toronto, Banting had a chance decided that Best would work with Banting first. The meeting with Henderson in his office. They naturally month was May, the 17th day to be exact, in the year began to discuss Banting’s work and his future pros- 1921. It was 1 day after Best had completed his exami- pects. After learning about Banting’s precarious finan- nations for his undergraduate degree when Banting and cial situation (he was working without salary) and his Best, along with Macleod, began their experiments that efforts to achieve success under spartan working condi- would soon bequeath scientific immortality to all of tions, Henderson volunteered to provide laboratory them. space for Banting. When in mid-September the one jun- The general design of the research plan was formu- ior member of the pharmacology department left for lated by Macleod, who gave his younger associates sug- another assignment, Henderson pulled strings to re- 330 RUBIN place him with Banting. So, because of Henderson, from glands of fully grown cows and pigs were success- Banting had adequate laboratory space and was on the fully employed therapeutically. This was a providential payroll of the university as a special lecturer in phar- finding at the time, because only much later was it macology. He would now be able to concentrate fully on determined that the genetic sequence of human insulin his work. differs only by three amino acids from the bovine form Banting and Best published their first article “The and by just one amino acid from the porcine form. As a Internal Secretion of the Pancreas” in the February is- result, the various animal extracts employed early on sue of the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine fortuitously proved to be effective modes of treatment in (Banting and Best, 1922). Macleod edited the first draft humans. but declined to be listed as a coauthor because he deemed However, success began to fuel animosity from an- it to be primarily the work of his young colleagues. Before other source. Collip was housed in the pathology labo- their article was published, Banting and Best publically ratory several blocks away from the dog labs, so Banting presented their work at the American Physiological Soci- began to perceive that a new phase of the research was ety Meeting in New Haven, CT in late 1921. As president underway that seemed to exclude him. To allay his sus- of the Society, Macleod introduced his colleagues (http:// picions, Banting insisted that the first clinical applica- www.the-aps.org/about/pres/introjjm.htm). However, as tions be carried out with an extract that he had made, the designated speaker, Banting spoke haltingly and with- despite the fact that Banting had no qualifications for out confidence. As a result, Macleod felt compelled to ade- experimenting on patients. Still, Macleod interceded quately address the questions posed by members of the with the head of the clinic to allow Banting to use his distinguished audience. Banting deeply resented Ma- preparation on the first patient, who happened to be a cleod’s interference and felt that the senior member of the moribund teenager. Banting’s extract produced minimal team was trying to dominate the limelight. This episode clinical benefits. However, treatment of the boy resumed aggravated Banting’s concerns about Macleod’s motives, a few weeks later, this time with a purified extract which had first surfaced after Macleod returned from his prepared by Collip. Daily injections produced marked holiday, and would endure throughout Banting’s life. and immediate improvement in his clinical status. In In retrospect, some colleagues claimed that Banting’s February 1922, the treatment of six more patients also early experiments were quite crude and did not docu- produced very favorable results. Word of the spectacular ment the validity of his idea. Yet Macleod still under- success of this new agent spread rapidly. The advent of stood the enormous potential value of this study and insulin now gave hope to diabetics throughout the world eventually turned over the entire resources of his labo- of improving the quality and duration of their lives. ratory to accomplish the intensive work that still had to One of Banting’s private patients of note was Eliza- be done. In addition, to further expedite progress, it was beth Evans Hughes, the teenage daughter of Charles decided to add another individual to the group. Appar- Evans Hughes, the unsuccessful Republican candidate ently, it was Banting who first suggested to Macleod for U.S. President in 1916, the former U.S. Secretary of that James B. Collip should join the team to accelerate State, and later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Her the production of quality insulin. Due to a positive twist recovery, after weighing only approximately 50 pounds of fate, Collip, a biochemist on sabbatical leave from the and almost unable to walk, was publicized throughout , had been working in Macleod’s the world. As a result, Banting’s standing in the medical laboratory as a Rockefeller Fellow. But fortuitously, Col- community rapidly reached heroic status. This adula- lip possessed significant knowledge of preparing tissue tion was not misguided since Elizabeth lived on to the extracts. So he provided invaluable assistance with the age of 60. The successful treatment of Elizabeth Hughes purification process and soon achieved a less toxic and underscored the significance of this discovery, because a more effective product by gradually increasing the con- year earlier the diagnosis of diabetes was a virtual death centration of in the extracts. sentence for this young lady; with insulin treatment, she In addition to his key role in preparing effective tissue would now live a full and productive life. extracts, Collip was also responsible for developing a The chemistry of insulin eventually progressed from more rapid and less cumbersome method for assaying the preparation of the first crystalline form by John blood sugar in rabbits. This method proved to be a key Jacob Abel in 1926 to the establishment of its amino acid factor in facilitating the acquisition of positive results. sequence by , who received the Nobel Further progress was achieved in August 1921 when the Prize in Chemistry for this work, and finally to the supply of duct-ligated dogs was exhausted and a new complete synthesis of the hormone in 1966 by Katsoy- approach was developed using normal pancreas to iso- annis. Sanger’s work was responsible for defining the late an effective extract (Collip, 1923). Other advances first complete structure of a protein (Abel, 1926; Sanger in the preparation of extracts were later established. and Tuppy, 1951a,b; Sanger and Thompson, 1953a,b; Banting, who grew up on a farm and was familiar with Katsoyannis, 1966). In 1967, after decades of effort, Do- stock breeding, identified another source of extracts in rothy Crowfoot Hodgkin determined the spatial confor- pancreata of unborn calves. Eventually, extracts taken mation of the molecule by X-ray diffraction, and she too HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 331 was awarded the Nobel Prize (Blundell et al., 1971). The absence. Banting’s growing dislike of Macleod seemed to emergence of DNA technology in the 1970s led to the escalate even further after the meeting in New Haven, synthesis of a human type of insulin, which obviated the when Macleod took over the discussion of their article need to maintain stockpiles of animal pancreata. Pro- after Banting had faltered. Although the project contin- duction of the first recombinant DNA insulin was an- ued to proceed forward, Banting began to gradually nounced in 1978 (Crea et al., 1978). Although recom- withdraw from interacting with members of his team. binant insulin may not have constituted a major break- Having begun the project, Banting now perceived it to be through in pharmacotherapy, this discovery did set the taken over by others only when obvious success was stage for the development of genetically engineered apparent and the most positive results were forthcom- drugs for human use and for the establishment of close ing. Indeed, many of Banting’s concerns were bolstered relations between biotech firms and the pharmaceutical by the fact that Macleod took charge of the efforts to industry. produce larger quantities of insulin, whereas Collip con- Despite his possessive posture regarding the project, tinued to work alone to improve the quality of the Banting did not claim a patent for insulin. He wanted to extract. make it available to the world, so he magnanimously To complicate matters further, Collip also became em- sold the patent to the for $1. To broiled in controversy. After the successful treatment of manufacture larger quantities of the material, the local patients with insulin, Collip apparently agreed to share Connaught Antitoxin Laboratories were enlisted to fi- all information with Banting and Best about the extrac- nance and administer production. Collip was charged tion method. However, over time, Collip began to view with overseeing its manufacture. However, George the disagreements that involved Banting and Macleod Clowes, Research Director at Eli Lilly, had been present as onerous and unprofessional. He was particularly an- at the New Haven meeting several months earlier. Re- noyed by Banting’s vexing attitude. As a result, Collip alizing the significance and the potential commercial threatened to withdraw from the group and take out a value of the findings, Clowes inquired whether the To- patent in his own name. This led to a physical confron- ronto group would collaborate with Eli Lilly to produce tation between Banting and Collip. Eventually, relative the extract commercially. Macleod declined the offer at sanity prevailed and Banting, Best, and Collip each the time, because he felt that further progress had to be agreed not to seek his own patent. made in isolating and purifying the hormone before con- Some of these issues were resolved in April 1922 when sidering commercial preparation. Still, Macleod was im- the team prepared an article that summarized all of pressed by the enlightened attitude expressed by Clowes their work to date. The authors were listed in the fol- and Eli Lilly toward research and by their willingness to lowing order: Banting, Best, Collip, Campbell, Fletcher, develop close ties with the scientific community. Macleod, and Noble. W. R. Campbell and A. A. Fletcher So when the Toronto team began to experience prob- lems consistently isolating and purifying the valuable were clinicians who had dealt with problems that arose substance, a collaboration was established with Eli Lilly from the new treatment, whereas Clark Noble, the sec- in May 1922. This agreement led to the development of ond student assistant originally assigned to the project, methods for the large-scale production of insulin. Best had returned to assist in the rabbit studies and the and Collip even traveled to Indianapolis to advise the glycogen experiments. In this article, the group gave its chemists at Eli Lilly with regard to the details of the discovery the name insulin (Banting et al., 1922). process. As a result, by that summer the first commer- To provide a public report of their momentous find- cial supply of the hormone became available. After Eli ings, all of the authors agreed that because he was a Lilly sold more than a million dollars worth of insulin Society member, Macleod would speak at the meeting of during its first year of production, the company was Association of American Physicians in Washington in transformed into a pharmaceutical giant. The collabora- May. There is little doubt that Macleod was the appro- tion of the Toronto team and Eli Lilly, which obviously priate person to serve as the voice of the group. He was turned out extraordinarily well for everyone concerned, widely known as an honest, dedicated scientist who was was another testament to the successes that can be respected for his high standards of research, and most achieved by the cooperative interaction of academia and importantly he was skilled in conveying ideas and infor- the . mation. Just 2 weeks short of a year after Banting and As with several other Nobel Prize-winning discover- Best began their work, Macleod announced to the world ies, controversy and animosity engulfed the discovery of that the Toronto group had discovered insulin and de- insulin almost from the beginning. Banting was known scribed its therapeutic efficacy. The audience, which was as a person who, although dynamic and forceful, was composed of many distinguished scientists and experts also impatient and insolent. The seeds for the estrange- in diabetes, received the presentation with a standing ment of Banting and Macleod were sown when Macleod ovation. So what had begun as a summer project turned returned from his summer holiday and strongly criti- into one of the greatest medical discoveries in the history cized the work that Banting and Best had done in his of science. 332 RUBIN

As a consequence of his inspiring presentation, perceived injustice by sharing half of his monetary prize Macleod was credited with the discovery by some lay with Best. Collip was also overlooked by the Nobel Com- reports. As expected, the accolades directed toward mittee, even though he succeeded in purifying insulin Macleod did little to allay Banting’s suspicions about his far beyond what Banting and Best had achieved. His motives and in fact fostered deep resentment in Banting. reward was a sharing of the prize money with Macleod. Although tensions between the two men did not affect But despite all of the personal turmoil experienced by the progress of the work, they were persistent. Whatever this quartet, the selfless act of this team to eschew the Macleod seemed to do relative to the project tended to opportunity to obtain a patent for their therapeutic evoke some response from Banting, and the response agent cost them a fortune in royalties. But more impor- was often intemperate. Although initially Macleod had tantly, the success of the insulin work succeeded in been unaware of Banting’s negative feelings toward enhancing the life expectancy of diabetics some 25-fold. him, his animosity toward Banting in turn slowly grew. Extraordinary success had been achieved despite the Macleod now considered Banting an ungrateful young fact that the Toronto team lacked any knowledge about doctor who did not appreciate what he, as the senior how insulin regulated glucose utilization in the body. professor, was contributing to the project. At every step, One year after the discovery of insulin’s therapeutic Macleod believed that he had given Banting and Best potential, another future Nobel Laureate, Bernardo requisite assistance, adequate support, and credit for Houssay, took the study of insulin secretion to another discovering the hormone. In addition to the actual dis- level by focusing on the interactions of the pituitary covery, Macleod envisioned the project to consist of two gland and endocrine pancreas (Houssay, 1936). Later in other components, Collip’s isolation of the active princi- 1936, Cyril Norman Hugh Long and Francis Lukens also ple and the investigation of its physiological effects by provided convincing evidence that the adrenal cortex, as clinical investigators. So, although Macleod has too fre- well as the adenohypophysis, exerted hormonal effects quently been profiled as a dark figure in this drama, and that were antagonistic to insulin. These studies sparked perhaps not deserving of the tributes that were afforded a new paradigm by revealing that diabetes could be him, one may just as well argue that he played a vital caused by an excess of certain pituitary and adrenal role by keeping the feuding team together until success hormones, as well as by a deficiency of insulin (Long and was achieved. Lukens, 1936). Despite the high praise attributed to Macleod’s talk in Despite his personal frailties, Banting was always cog- Washington, after Banting gave his side of the story to nizant of the fact that the failure of his medical practice The Toronto Daily Star, his name now became closely provided the entre´e to his future successes, and he wist- associated with the discovery. As a consequence, innu- fully proclaimed that “had I not failed in my one year at merable honors were bestowed upon him, including an London [], I might never have started my research appointment as Professor of Medical Research and the work” (http://diabetes.ca/Section_About/BantingIdea.asp). establishment of the Banting Institute at the University Although Banting’s intemperate behavior toward his col- of Toronto. Banting also became an honorary member of leagues seemed to reflect an unusually strong emotional many of the major scientific and medical societies attachment to the discovery, like most scientists who are throughout the world and was eventually knighted. In associated with important discoveries, he did exhibit qual- June, 1923 the Canadian House of Commons granted ities of perseverance, intuition, and courage in the face of Banting a lifetime annuity of $7500, a generous award what might have been insurmountable obstacles to others. in those days. However, members of the House of Com- During the ensuing years, Banting spent much of his time mons could not have had the foresight to envision that of working with younger colleagues and carrying out various the four principal players in this story, only Banting unsuccessful research projects. Perhaps emboldened by his would fail to make another important discovery during earlier success, Banting undertook the monumental task his lifetime. Still, in 2004, Banting was selected 4th in of trying to cure cancer. However, he achieved greater the top 10 of the “Greatest ” as determined by success and fulfillment by participating in the creation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. the G-suit, which was used by pilots of the Royal Air Force Even though the names Fred Banting and Charles during World War II to cope with high-speed flight. Best are closely identified with this celebrated discovery, Banting was not at odds with everyone he interacted in 1923, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Banting and with professionally. As noted above, soon after his ar- Macleod. Although the Nobel Committee was well aware rival in Toronto, Banting developed an association with of Best’s contribution, he was only a student at the time Velyien Henderson, Professor of Pharmacology, who and did not present the findings at any of the meetings. remained Banting’s closest confidant throughout his life. Therefore, the Committee did not view his role in the When problems surfaced with Banting’s coworkers, discovery as a key one. However, Banting vigorously Henderson’s advice and counsel prevented him from objected to the recognition given to Macleod by the Nobel leaving Toronto, along with his discovery. In addition, Committee and had to be dissuaded from turning down sometime after the discovery, Henderson mounted a the award. Banting did what he could to correct the campaign to enhance public recognition of Banting’s ac- HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 333 complishments, which culminated in a special research limelight and get additional training to complement his chair being awarded to Banting. To further express his work with insulin. Dale felt that this strategy would loyalty, Henderson even served as Banting’s spokesper- prepare Best for his future scientific endeavors. Best’s son on several of his ill-fated sojourns into other areas of many successes throughout his distinguished career at- research. So it was not surprising that Banting believed test to the fact that he followed this sage advice. When strongly that Velyien Henderson was, in large measure, he returned to Toronto at the age of 29, Best assumed responsible for the success engendered by the insulin Macleod’s position, and by doing so became Banting’s work. superior as Head of Physiology. His discovery of histam- Banting’s life and career came to a tragic end in 1941, inase, mechanistic studies that led to the treatment of when a plane taking him to the UK on a secret mission thrombosis with heparin, and basic studies on the di- for the Canadian Army Medical Corps crashed in New- etary factor choline are only a few examples of his addi- foundland. As a testament to Banting’s strong will and tional accomplishments in research (Best and McHenry, heroic nature, he was said to have treated the surviving 1930; Best, 1938; Best and Rideout, 1939). He also used pilot’s wounds before succumbing to his own injuries. his prodigious wealth of knowledge to coauthor with The announcement of his death reverberated through- Norman Taylor the classic textbook The Physiological out Canada and the rest of the world. The Canadian Basis of Medical Practice. Best also received many hon- House of Commons interrupted its work to mourn his ors related to his insulin work throughout his lifetime passing. The funeral service was carried out amid pomp and, like Banting, Macleod, and Collip, was elected a and fanfare, the likes of which Canada had rarely seen. Fellow of the British Royal Society. All of the honors not His body rested in state in the University of Toronto’s withstanding, Best probably derived the most satis- Convocation Hall. Following the memorial service, the faction from the statement put forward by authors of flag-draped casket was placed on a gun carriage, and the the official history of the Nobel Prize. In 1950, this cortege, which included a 200-man military escort, prestigious group acknowledged that an error had its way through downtown Toronto. Dressed in been made in 1923 and it “would have been right to the uniform of a major in the Canadian Army, and include Best among the prize-winners . . .” (http:// wearing medals earned during his World War I exploits, discoveryofinsulin.com/Best.htm). So, despite not re- Fred Banting was lowered into his grave amid the firing ceiving the ultimate award, Charles Best came to be of three volleys and four trumpeters playing reveille—a fully recognized by history. true hero indeed. Best’s relationship with Fred Banting was a proverbial Macleod, mentally fatigued by all of the controversy roller coaster ride. As Macleod’s student and Banting’s that surrounded the great discovery, returned to Scot- coworker, Best seemed to be caught in the middle of a land in 1927 to become Professor of Physiology at his difficult situation involving the two feuding members of alma mater, the . He later be- came Dean of the Medical School, although he was tor- the team. Later on, their relationship began to deteriorate mented in his later years by debilitating arthritis. when Best found that he was unable to respect Banting as After his work with insulin was completed, Charles a scientist and physician. When Banting died prematurely Best completed his education by graduating from medi- in 1941, Best took charge of the Banting and Best Depart- cal school. He then sailed to England to study with Sir ment, and in 1953 the Best Institute was erected next door Henry Dale, now Director of the Biochemistry and Phar- to the Banting Institute. Despite the ill will harbored by macology Department at the National Institute for Med- both men, after Banting’s death, Best maintained that he ical Research. Dale had maintained a strong interest in and Banting were solely responsible for the discovery of the insulin project since its inception. Prior to Best’s insulin. Best outlived everyone else in this drama but arrival, Dale volunteered to travel to Toronto in Septem- passed away in 1978 shortly after learning of the death of ber 1922 along with the biochemist Harold Dudley to his eldest son. evaluate the credibility and possible utility of the alleged Collip always manifested a low profile in discussing discovery for the British government. Although British the discovery of insulin and modestly felt that his role scientists were skeptical that a major discovery could be was “very trivial by comparison with Banting’s contri- made in “outback country,” Dale quickly realized that a bution” (Collip, 1941). Not long after the discovery and major scientific breakthrough was occurring. He later establishment of a program for producing insulin on a wrote that “whatever might or might not finally be de- large scale, Collip returned to Alberta. He eventually cided about Banting and Best experiments, nobody could became a leading endocrinologist and achieved interna- deny that a first-rate discovery has been made” (Bliss, tional fame for his research on the parathyroid gland 1982). Dale’s prestige as a scientist, taken together with and hormones of the adenohypophysis. His modification his persuasive arguments, ultimately led to the commer- of the method to measure serum calcium that he devel- cialization of insulin in Great Britain. oped in 1925 was widely employed in clinical chemistry In addition to obtaining invaluable experience in laboratories over the next 40 years (Clark and Collip, Dale’s laboratory, Best was advised by Dale to avoid the 1925). 334 RUBIN

Despite the conflicts in personality, the relationships ated with adrenal insufficiency (Addison, 1855). Some 45 among the protagonists were not always hostile. In fact, years later, Oliver and Schaefer reported the striking pres- during the 1930s, Collip and Banting became friends, sor effects of adrenal extracts. The suggestion made by and the night before Banting took his ill-fated flight, he Oliver that adrenal extracts might be used to treat Addi- paid a visit to Collip. Both had mellowed from the earlier son’s disease spawned a chemical analysis of the extract, days, and they agreed that the discovery of insulin was resulting in the isolation and purification of the active the result of a well coordinated interaction of all con- principle as epinephrine (Oliver and Schafer, 1895). Al- cerned parties. When word came about the accident, though by the 3rd decade of the 20th century it was gen- Collip took the tragic news with deep sorrow. In his erally agreed that the cortex and not the medulla was obituary tribute, Collip graciously endowed Banting obligatory for life, arguments continued to with the major share of the credit for the discovery. rage about whether the deficiency state involved a basic Ironically, Collip succeeded Banting as senior adminis- defect in carbohydrate metabolism or electrolyte imbal- trator of medical research in Canada. He eventually ance. The answer to this question, and to related ones, assumed a faculty position at McGill University and could not be addressed until the hormones of the cortex later served as Dean and then President of the Univer- were isolated and identified and the factors that regulated sity of Western Ontario. their activity were defined. However, because of limita- Deferring any judgments about the validity of each tions in methodology, the identification of the adrenal hor- one’s point of view, all of the major participants in this mones proved to be a formidable task. drama seemed unaware that scholars and introspective It was against this background that Philip Hench individuals, who comprehend and learn from the impor- (Fig. 22), Head of the Rheumatic Disease Service at the tant lessons of history, would ultimately bestow rightful Mayo Clinic, began a protracted study in 1929 to define credit for the discovery to each of them (Bliss, 1982). At the etiological basis of rheumatoid arthritis and develop the same time, the former members of the team may also a treatment for this disorder. At the time, the patho- have been dismissive or unconcerned about the impact physiology of rheumatoid arthritis, like many other dis- that the discovery portended from another, more global eases, was still an enigma. Hench had long been affected perspective. The unchallenged success of this project by the painful and crippling nature of the disease and and the remarkable effect that it had on the human aspired to relieve his patients of its debilitating symp- condition served to transform endocrinology into an im- toms. Toward this end, he observed that arthritic pa- portant area of research and heightened interest in us- tients who became pregnant exhibited a rapidly devel- ing tissues as therapeutic tools. The discovery of adrenal oping amelioration of their symptoms, which even and their therapeutic applications, which disappeared for varying periods of time. These observa- followed the discovery of insulin some 15 years later, tions, taken together with the fact that Hench had ob- would also be facilitated in great measure by the com- served that the adrenal glands were enlarged during bined efforts of academia and the pharmaceutical indus- pregnancy, led him to postulate that a “metabolite” (un- try. These efforts would culminate in even greater op- imaginatively called substance X) elaborated by the ad- portunities for future drug development. renal glands was responsible for the remission of ar- The National Historical site now thritic symptoms. Another aspect of this story emerged stands as a monument to the turbulent career of Sir Frederick Banting by portraying the history of insulin’s development. One important component of the Banting Museum is the Flame of Hope, which was lit by the Queen Mother in 1989 and serves as a reminder that a cure for diabetes must still be found. When the cure is finally revealed, the doctor or team responsible for the discovery will be invited to the museum site to extin- guish the flame. Only then can the final chapter in the story of insulin be written (http://diabetes.ca/ Section_About/BantingSquare.asp). L. Philip Hench, Edward Kendall, and Tadeus Reichstein: Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex, Their Structure, and Biological Effects 1. Philip Hench. The adrenal gland, like the endo- crine pancreas, occupies a pivotal role in the evolution of endocrine pharmacology. Insight into the physiological FIG. 22. Edward Kendall (1886–1972) and Philip Hench (1896–1965). significance of the adrenal gland began in the 1850s when Copyright 2007 by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Thomas Addison described the clinical syndrome associ- Research. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 335 in 1929, when a 65-year-old patient reported to Hench early stage in his career when he wasted no time in that after suffering from the debilitating disease for 4 patenting his thyroid hormone preparation. Kendall years, jaundice suddenly developed, and within a week assigned the intellectual property of his preparation most of his symptoms had subsided (Hench, 1938). to the University of Minnesota, which had an affilia- These clinical findings were considered to be of major tion with the Mayo Clinic. In 1919, the university significance, because they provided Hench with the first granted Squibb Pharmaceuticals an exclusive license clue that rheumatoid arthritis might be a reversible to market the drug. The hormone enjoyed broad ap- process rather than a relentlessly progressive one. The peal in the treatment of hypothyroidism and as a striking reversibility of symptoms sometimes observed general metabolic stimulant. Because of Kendall’s ad- with the onset of jaundice or pregnancy also bolstered ministrative skills, the successful marketing of thy- his view that symptomatic relief was brought about by roxine provided another example as to how basic re- some normal constituent of the body. Knowing that dur- search could foster the development of effective ing jaundice bile acids were retained, Hench initially therapeutic agents. theorized that a temporary excess of a normal biliary During the 1930s, Kendall’s interest had turned to constitutent, such as bile acids or bilirubin, might be adrenal research. By this time, progress in this field had responsible for the reversibility of the symptoms. His been fueled by advances in technology. Most signifi- clinical observation that a reversal of the symptoms was cantly, adsorption chromatography now made it possible more striking following the appearance of jaundice than to purify adrenal extracts that were completely free of the onset of pregnancy probably bolstered his belief of medullary catecholamine. This accomplishment pro- a possible relationship between biliary secretion and pelled Kendall to the forefront in the quest to bring a the symptoms of arthritis. However, after conducting cortical hormone to the marketplace. The active princi- further studies, Hench excluded the liver as a possible ple was later found to be soluble in organic solvent source of the unidentified substance and thereby elim- (lipophilic) and yielded a product that could prolong the inated jaundice as a key element in this pathophysi- life of adrenalectomized animals for an extended period ological process. of time (Mason et al., 1936). These findings set the stage So Hench turned his attention to a possible hormonal for the production of the active principle, called cortin, in source of substance X. Cognizant of the greater inci- pure form and the elucidation of its chemical nature. dence of rheumatoid arthritis among women, Hench ob- Kendall then engineered a coordinated interaction be- served that one of the major physiological changes ob- tween research scientists and the pharmaceutical indus- served during pregnancy was a marked increase in the try to accelerate the process for making therapy concentrations of certain hormones in the body. He de- available to the general public. Kendall initiated the termined that substance X was not an estrogen/proges- process by brokering an agreement with Parke-Davis terone-type hormone when the administration of female Pharmaceuticals so that they would provide a continu- sex hormones to both male and female patients failed to ous supply of adrenal glands in exchange for epineph- bring about an abatement of symptoms. On the basis of rine. Kendall was able to forge this agreement because these and other clinical findings, Hench proposed that his laboratory possessed the technological expertise to substance X was a hormone that was elaborated by both differentially recover cortical hormones and epinephrine normal males and females and was specific in nature from extracts. In addition, Kendall also negotiated an and function. At this juncture, Hench held the belief that agreement with Wilson Laboratories, a subsidiary of a the hormone quelled the symptoms of rheumatoid ar- large meat-packing company, to standardize the potency thritis by either eliminating a chemical deficiency or of the firm’s cortical extracts in exchange for additional exerting an antibacterial effect (Hench, 1938). supplies of frozen adrenal glands. In this way, Kendall 2. Edward Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein. Aware would become the chief source of purified cortical hor- that the symptom of fatigue observed in arthritics mones in North America, and Mayo would emerge as a exhibited similar characteristics to those observed in leading center for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency. adrenal insufficiency, Hench pinpointed the adrenal Chemists working in Kendall’s laboratory not only glands as the possible source of substance X. In doing isolated, identified, and synthesized compound E [17- so, he was most fortunate in developing an extended hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone ()] from ad- and fruitful collaboration with Edward Kendall (Fig. renal extracts, they also succeeded in identifying more 22), who was Professor of Physiological Chemistry at than 20 chemically related compounds (Mason et al., the Mayo Clinic. Kendall was known as a very dedi- 1937, 1938). Six of these substances proved to be effec- cated researcher who was described by a colleague as tive in maintaining adrenalectomized animals. The in- “a man who celebrated Christmas Day in his labora- dustrial scale of his efforts to purify hormone aided tory (Lloyd, 2002).” In 1914, at the age of 28, he Kendall in competing with other laboratories both in the became the first chemist to isolate thyroxine (thyroid United States and in Europe. In , Tadeus hormone) in crystalline form (Kendall, 1914). In addi- Reichstein (Fig. 23) proved to be Kendall’s most com- tion, his entrepreneurial skills were exhibited at this petitive rival, since collaborations with the pharma- 336 RUBIN

rone. Since compound E (cortisone) was found to be particularly effective in preserving the lives of adrena- lectomized animals, Hench concluded that compound E might be substance X. So Hench and Kendall now fo- cused their attention on endocrine-like factors being in- volved in rheumatic diseases. However, due to the onset of World War II, it would be almost 8 years before a sufficient amount of hormone became available for clin- ical use and more comprehensive studies could be con- ducted to define the pathophysiological processes asso- ciated with rheumatoid arthritis. Meanwhile, the years of World War II passed, with Hench steadfastly adher- ing to his personal pledge to employ cortisone as a ther- apeutic agent. Another fortunate turn of events in this saga occurred during the war, when the development of adrenal ste- roids became a program of high priority for the United States government. Intelligence reports claimed that the Germans were injecting Luftwaffe pilots with adrenal extracts, enabling them to fly their planes at unprece- dented altitudes. To add to the intrigue, these reports disclosed that this project would be implemented after FIG. 23. Tadeus Reichstein (1897–1996). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. Germany obtained large quantities of bovine adrenal glands from . At the time, this South Ameri- ceutical firm Organon supplied Reichstein with large can country was also controlled by a fascist government batches of adrenal extract. In return, Organon re- and would later become the safe haven for a number of ceived Reichstein’s patents for improved methods to Nazi war criminals. prepare extracts. In October 1941, as a consequence of these intelli- The laboratory directed by Reichstein, which was lo- gence reports, the federal government’s Committee on cated in the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Medical Research convened a committee composed of the Basel, also isolated and identified 25 adrenal , all most eminent scientists available. Their responsibility but 6 of which were biologically active (Reichstein, 1936). was to assess the current status of adrenal cortical hor- Like Kendall, who had developed a reputation as a chemist mones, as well as their future prospects. Included among by synthesizing thyroxine, Reichstein’s credentials as an these luminaries was Edward Kendall. Following in- expert chemist were established in 1933 when he synthe- tense debate, this group decided that a top priority sized (ascorbic acid) (Reichstein et al., 1933). For should be given to the production of cortisone so that it Reichstein, the isolation and identification of the various could be made available on a commercial scale. Kendall’s adrenocortical steroids were tedious and laborious pro- enterprenureal skills and initiative were instrumental cesses, as illustrated by the fact that more than one ton of in reaching the decision that several different laborato- animal adrenal gland was required to produce1gofcor- ries would be given the same responsibility, i.e., to re- ticosteroid. Nevertheless, the production of desoxycortico- peat Kendall’s work by synthesizing cortisone and then sterone by Reichstein in 1937 not only firmly established testing its military capabilities. All of the distinguished the steroidal nature of these molecules but was also re- academic researchers and the industrial and pharma- sponsible for the first clinical application of a ceutical companies that participated in this project ac- (von Steiger and Reichstein, 1937). The success of Reich- cepted no remuneration from the government. stein’s laboratory in synthesizing desoxycorticosterone, By mid-1943, the potential of cortisone was assessed which had a relatively higher activity from a military perspective, and the results were rather than did corticosterone, also confirmed that distinct hor- unimpressive. The entire data derived from the partici- mones were responsible for regulating metabolism pating laboratories suggested that cortisone would not and carbohydrate metabolism. Despite his prodigious improve pilot performance, and although hormone treat- achievements, Reichstein admitted that when he under- ment might have limited ability to prevent death at very took the investigation, he firmly believed that the solubil- high altitudes, an appropriate training regimen would ity properties of adrenocortical hormones argued against be at least as effective. As a result, research to assess the the possibility that they would be identified as steroids. functional value of corticosteroids in military combat By 1940, 28 adrenal steroids had been isolated by was summarily terminated (Rasmussen, 2002). Kendall and Reichstein, including cortisone, hydrocorti- Although the rumors and intelligence reports about sone (cortisol), corticosterone, and 11-deoxycorticoste- the military use of corticosteroids by the Germans were HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 337 eventually proven to be false, a surprising mandate by exerted its effects by promoting the liberation of cortico- the United States government to continue supporting steroids from the adrenal gland. the chemical aspects of the investigations helped im- This very encouraging result understandably prompted measurably to promote the ultimate development of cor- a plea for Merck to supply Hench with an additional supply ticosteroids as therapeutic agents. The mandate was of cortisone. As a result, the company repeated a 36-stage predicated upon the possibility that some military sig- chemical process to produce 1 kg of the hormone within a nificance could still emerge from this project. In 1943, few weeks. An additional 15 arthritic patients were then Reichstein was the first to successfully synthesize com- treated over the next few months with consistently positive pound A (11-dehydrocorticosterone), although the chem- outcomes. After Hench presented his findings at a meeting ists at Merck began using Kendall’s novel method for of the staff at the Mayo Clinic on April 13, 1948, he re- synthesizing compound A as a precursor to produce mod- ceived a standing ovation (Hench et al., 1949). Daily news- est amounts of cortisone (Lardon and Reichstein, 1943). papers helped to disseminate word of this extraordinary This strategy employed at Merck increased the likeli- discovery by hailing compound E as the “modern miracle hood that sufficient quantities of the hormone would drug.” The hormone was later renamed cortisone, because soon become available for treating patients. of the confusion that arose from newspaper reports that At the end of World War II, to increase the production erroneously identified the new therapeutic agent as vita- of cortisone, Merck considered enlarging its facilities, min E. despite the fact that a possible therapeutic use for this The first published report of the efficacy of cortisone in compound had not been identified. Although there were the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, which appeared several sound financial and commercial reasons not to in 1949, had such an enormous impact on the scientific augment the production of cortisone, Merck fortunately community that the Nobel Prize in Medicine was jointly decided to take on this assignment. So, by 1947, with the awarded to Philip Hench, Edward Kendall, and Tadeus help of Kendall and his team, Merck chemists developed Reichstein just 1 year later. Although physicians were an ecomonical method for synthesizing cortisone (Sarett, soon harassed by patients seeking treatment with this 1948). Hench, who had been waiting 2 decades for cor- new miracle drug, Hench and Kendall persisted in ar- ticosteroids to become available for clinical use, seized guing that the “use of these hormones should be consid- the opportunity to formally request the compound. After ered an investigative procedure” (Hench et al., 1950). learning that the entire allotment had already been Nevertheless, in November 1950, Merck made cortisone committed, Hench, as one might expect, persisted. His available to physicians in the United States at a price of persistence, taken together with the help of Kendall, $200 per gram. G.D. Searle & Company and Upjohn also enabled Hench to obtain a small supply of the drug from developed novel methods for producing corticosteroids, Merck. In this way, researchers once again became part- most notably hydrocortisone, thereby making corticoste- ners in the commercial endeavors of a pharmaceutical roids available to the general public at a more reason- firm. able cost. Despite now having a sufficient supply of the precious Hench quickly realized that he would have to em- agent, Hench and Kendall approached this project with ploy much higher doses of corticosteroid to treat ar- great trepidation. They realized that the ultimate suc- thritis than those needed in replacement therapy for cess of their study was problematic at best; however, adrenal insufficiency. So it was not long before he much more was at stake than the simple success or became aware of the serious side effects that cortisone failure of a given experiment. They were aware that could produce when used in high concentrations for failure would result in a major setback in their quest for extended periods of time. Because of such untoward an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. But, side effects as edema, osteoporosis, diabetogenic ac- perhaps more significantly, it might dissuade Merck tivity, hirsutism, and psychic disorders, Hench denied from continuing to sponsor this project. cortisone treatment to patients suffering from hyper- Such a series of events would undermine all that they tension, diabetes, osteoporosis, and pyschoses. Hench had strived for those many years. So, for his first pa- also observed that the administration of supraphysi- tient, Hench, with great care, selected a 29-year-old ological doses of cortisone often produced a reduction woman who had suffered from severe rheumatoid arthri- in activity of the hypophyseal-pituitary-adrenal axis tis for 5 years and was virtually sedentary. Cortisone (negative feedback). But despite the known side effects was administered at a dose of 100 mg for 4 days. The produced by high doses of adrenal steroids, by the time dose administered was considered rather high, but Hench retired in 1957, a biological method of production Hench and Kendall did not want to risk failure by treat- (using Rhizopus nigricans) had been found, and glu- ing the patient with an inadequate dose. After 4 days of cocorticoids became a standard treatment for rheuma- this regimen, the patient walked out of the hospital toid arthritis. without assistance. Since the dramatic clinical results Hench later became cognizant of the antiallergenic obtained with cortisone were later duplicated by adre- effects of , which he employed in the nocorticotrophin (ACTH), it was concluded that ACTH treatment of a variety of diseases with an allergenic 338 RUBIN basis, including bronchial asthma, lupus erythemato- The discovery of fueled von Euler’s inter- sus, acute rheumatic fever, ulcerative colitis, and psori- est in hypotensive factors. This commitment culminated asis. Although Hench knew very little about structure- in the identification some 3 years later of a lipid-soluble activity relationships and the cellular and biochemical organic acid with hypotensive- and smooth muscle-stim- mechanisms involved in steroid action, he did correctly ulating activity in accessory genital glands and human predict that the manipulation of the steroid nucleus semen. He called this factor of unknown biological sig- would ultimately produce agents with ac- nificance (von Euler, 1935). Although von tivity that possessed fewer side effects, while maintain- Euler examined various biological effects of this factor, ing their potent pharmacological actions. So, despite the he realized that more comprehensive knowledge con- limitations inherent in corticosteroid usage, the unques- cerning the chemistry and biology of prostaglandin was tioned significance of steroids as therapeutic and re- needed. After progress in this field was interrupted for search tools has advanced the accomplishments of about 10 years, in part by World War II, interest was Hench, Kendall, and Reichstein far beyond their own revived in 1945 at a meeting at the Karolinska Institute individual contributions. By fueling the interest of oth- in . At this meeting, von Euler seized the ers to become more invested in this line of research, opportunity to persuade Sune Bergstro¨m (Fig. 24) to their work has led to the further amelioration of the extend the chemical analysis of lipid extracts of sheep pain, discomfort, and disability caused by inflammatory vesicular glands that von Euler had conscientiously disorders (Lloyd, 2002). safeguarded since the outbreak of the war. After purify- ing the crude extract about 500 times, Bergstro¨m found that it was composed of unsaturated hydroxyl acids that M. Sune Bergstro¨m, Bengt Samuelsson, and John lacked a nitrogen moiety (Bergstro¨m, 1949). Vane: Prostaglandins and Related Biologically Active This work, which was initiated at the behest of von Substances Euler, was directly responsible for spawning Bergstro¨m’s Nature has contrived complex regulatory systems to long-term involvement in prostaglandin research. How- curtail the possibility that cellular homeostasis is per- ever, further exploration of this field was again stalled for turbed by internal and external factors. and several years by Bergstro¨m’s move to the University of related substances constitute one such regulatory sys- Lund. When work on this project resumed in 1957, Berg- tem. The eicosanoids, which include the prostaglandins, stro¨m and his colleagues accumulated a largesse of sheep thromboxanes, leukotrienes, lipoxins, and , vesicular glands from all over the world, and by using are a family of lipid-derived compounds that are formed counter current fractionation and partition chromatogra- from unsaturated fatty acid precursors, such as arachi- phy, they isolated the prostaglandins PGE1 and PGF1␣. donic acid. The widespread involvement of the prosta- However, due to the necessity of having to measure pico- glandin system in both normal and pathological pro- and nanogram quantities of the prostaglandins, a more cesses is exemplified by the fact that almost every cell in the body produces one or another of this group of auta- coids (local hormones), and they elicit a wide spectrum of biological actions. 1. Ulf von Euler and Sune Bergstro¨m. This story had its genesis in the 1930s, when at the age of 25, Ulf von Euler was working in the laboratory of Sir Henry Dale with Sir John Henry Gaddum, another future luminary in the annals of pharmacology. They discovered an at- ropine-resistant factor that lowered blood pressure and contracted isolated intestinal smooth muscle. This factor was later named substance P (von Euler and Gaddum, 1931). Intense discipline and determination were hall- marks of von Euler’s approach to experimental research, so he followed up his discovery of substance P by describ- ing its peptide nature, its general distribution in the body, and methods for its purification and assay. The commitment of von Euler to scientific pursuits stemmed in part from his heritage. His father, Hans von Euler, was a renowned chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1929. The influence of father on son is illus- trated by the fact that the elder von Euler was coauthor on the younger von Euler’s first article, which was pub- lished when he was just 17 years old. FIG. 24. Sune Bergstro¨m (1916–2004). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 339 sensitive method of detection was needed. Fortunately, when Bergstro¨m’s group moved to the Karolinska Institute in the late 1950s, mass spectrometry became available for analysis. So, by 1962, Bergstro¨m and his colleagues were able to identify six prostaglandins in a number of different tissues and then determine their respective chemical structures (Bergstro¨m et al., 1962a,b). Bergstro¨m and coworkers were also able to demon- strate that arachidonic acid provided a substrate precur- sor for this system by conducting short-term incubations with the radioactive form of the unsaturated fatty acid. Using this approach, endoperoxides were isolated and characterized, as well as a hydroperoxide, 12-hydroxyei- cosatetraenoic acid, and thromboxane B2. The throm- boxanes were found to exert powerful actions on aggregation and vascular smooth muscle contractility. These results suggested to Bergstro¨m that thrombox- anes played a key role in the regulation of hemostasis and in the etiology of certain pathophysiological condi- tions, including thrombosis. By 1964, although Berg- stro¨m and his collaborators had isolated several differ- ent prostaglandins, the biochemical pathways involved FIG. 25. Bengt Samuelsson (1934–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. in prostaglandin synthesis and metabolism were still virtually unknown. The mapping of these pathways had to await the key experiments to be conducted by Berg- stro¨m’s student Bengt Samuelsson. ase- and lipoxygenase-catalyzed reactions. Samuelsson In his writings, Bergstro¨m laments the difficulties found that the cyclooxygenases possessed endoperoxide that he encountered in persuading colleagues to inves- activity that converted PGG to PGH. These labile inter- tigate the pharmacological properties of prostaglandins mediates were metabolized enzymatically to a number of in various in vitro systems. However, this knowledge different products, including PGE and thromboxane. gap was markedly reduced when Martha Vaughan, Samuelsson also demonstrated that the lipoxygenases Daniel Steinberg, and Jack Orloff at the NIH, in collab- were a family of cytosolic enzymes that catalyzed the oration with Bergstro¨m, tackled this question. For ex- oxygenation of polyenoic fatty acids to corresponding lipid peroxides and the leukotrienes (Borgeat et al., ample, it was found that PGE1 and PGE2 inhibited the stimulatory effects of epinephrine, , and corti- 1976). In addition to identifying a metabolite of arachi- cotrophin on lipolysis in rat adipose tissue (Steinberg et donic acid that was called leukotriene A4, Samuelsson al., 1963, 1964). These inhibitory effects were mediated also discovered cysteine-containing leukotrienes in a va- by a reduction in cAMP levels (Orloff et al., 1965). Sub- riety of biological systems. These proinflammatory and sequent experiments, inspired by work immunoregulatory mediators (LTB4, LTC4, LTD4, and of both Rodbell and Gilman (see section II.P.), demon- LTE4) were named leukotrienes because they were first strated that prostanoid receptors were coupled to effec- identified in leukocytes (neutrophils), and a conjugated tor mechanisms through G proteins, frequently involv- triene was a common structural feature. The biological ing adenylyl cyclase or phospholipase C. The fact that G effects of leukotrienes included potent bronchoconstric- proteins functionally couple the activation of receptors tor, vasoconstrictor, and chemoattractant activities, as to the regulation of a myriad of effector systems helped well as negative inotropic effects on the heart (Borgeat to explain why various prostaglandins possess such di- and Samuelsson, 1979a,b). Because leukotrienes possess verse and widespread effects. Major differences in func- these diverse actions, they have been implicated in the tional responses observed between the effects of various pathophysiological processes associated with airway prostaglandins and their analogs, and between the same anaphylaxis. prostaglandin and different animal species, were also Samuelsson’s contributions to this field merit the found to contribute to the diversity in the actions of highest of accolades because it became clear from his prostaglandins. work that prostaglandin metabolism was infinitely more 2. Bengt Samuelsson. At this juncture, Bengt Sam- complex than anyone had ever imagined. In addition to uelsson (Fig. 25) took over the leadership of the project, the large number of components, their short-lived na- and during the latter part of the 1960s undertook the ture in many cases made the elucidation of these path- staggering task of mapping the major biosynthetic path- ways a formidable undertaking. Nevertheless, Samuels- ways of prostaglandin metabolism through cyclooxygen- son and his colleagues succeeded in identifying the 340 RUBIN many substances involved in prostaglandin metabolism ration contracted in the presence of PGE2 and relaxed and positioning them in their correct sequence. This was in response to PGI2 (prostacyclin). an accomplishment of monumental proportions. Vane also established that the selectivity of the bio- 3. John Vane. The key experiments performed by assay could be augmented by judiciously employing spe- Bergstro¨m and Samuelsson provided a fitting prelude to cific antagonists. For example, contractions of the rat the complementary contributions made by John Vane (Fig. stomach strip elicited by serotonin were abolished by a 26). In the late 1960s, Vane began an examination of the serotonin antagonist (methysergide), thereby producing role of prostaglandins in the inflammatory process at Well- a preparation more sensitive to prostaglandins. In addi- come Research Laboratories in the UK. Although the de- tion to prostaglandins, catecholamines, , his- velopment of sophisticated chemical methods was in large tamine, and bradykinin could be quantitated by this measure responsible for advancing the field of prostaglan- technique. Although Vane and many other pharmacolo- din research, the bioassay also contributed significantly to gists/physiologists used the bioassay to make important its initial development, primarily as a result of the major discoveries, Sir John Henry Gaddum (Fig. 27) was pro- contributions made by John Vane and his team. In fact, the phetic in predicting that the bioassay would eventually bioassay represents a key component of pharmacological be replaced by chemical methods that possessed greater lore and is a laboratory technique that is inherently the sensitivity and specificity. However, he also noted that domain of the pharmacologist. bioassay could always serve a useful purpose by validat- Whereas the eminent pharmacologist J. H. Burn ing results attained by chemical methods (Gaddum, deserves singular recognition for pioneering the devel- 1959). opment of the biological assay, John Vane recognized After deciding that much more could be learned about that unstable products of arachidonic acid metabolism prostaglandins from a physiological and pharmacologi- might be more easily identified using bioassay tech- cal perspective, Vane theorized that any tissue that was niques rather than biochemical methodology. Vane perturbed or distorted in any way would liberate pros- also understood that the bioassay could distinguish taglandins. He further speculated that pulmonary blood between physiologically relevant compounds and bio- flow was regulated by a distention of the lung to dis- logically unimportant metabolites. To provide assay charge prostaglandins. In carrying out experiments to test this hypothesis, Vane was distracted by the unex- specificity, Vane employed cascade superfusion, which pected finding that the infusion of aspirin into a hyper- used a combination of tissues such as the stomach ventilated dog resulted in an attenuation of the hypo- strip and rat colon together with the chick rectum tensive response. His interest was further aroused when (Vane, 1964). In addition, strips of bovine coronary he found that the abatement of the hypotensive response artery were particularly useful for identifying and was accompanied by a reduction in prostaglandin re- quantitating specific eicosanoids, because this prepa-

FIG. 27. Sir John Henry Gaddum (1900–1965). Courtesy of the De- FIG. 26. John Vane (1927–2004). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. partment of Pharmacology at University College London. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 341 lease. On the basis of these findings, Vane was not only ane A2, with regard to its instability, potent antiaggre- drawn to conclude that the release of prostaglandins gatory activity, and relaxation of isolated vascular from the lung was a key factor in regulating regional smooth muscle. In fact, PGI2 was found to be an effective blood flow, he also postulated that aspirin interfered hypotensive agent in vivo and was one of the most potent with the synthesis of prostaglandins (Piper and Vane, endogenous inhibitors of platelet aggregation (Moncada 1969). The idea that drugs could relieve pain by inhib- et al., 1976, 1977). On the basis of the mounting evi- iting the synthesis of prostaglandins was supported by dence, Vane postulated that the combination of PGI2 evidence that certain prostaglandins played a key role in and TXA2 formed by walls served to control pain perception. thrombus formation by regulating blood vessel tone and About this time, reports appeared in the scientific platelet aggregation in vivo (Dyerberg et al., 1978). literature that supported the idea that prostaglandins In pointing out the outstanding contributions made by also participated in the pathogenesis of inflammation Bergstro¨m and Samuelsson in Sweden and by Vane in and fever. Such findings favored the idea that the inhi- the UK, one should also recognize the valued participa- bition of prostaglandin synthesis could also account for tion of Upjohn with regard to its research and develop- the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic actions of aspirin ment work in this field. The generous policy of Upjohn and related drugs. To investigate this matter further, toward the academic community in supplying prosta- Vane incubated homogenates of guinea pig lung with glandins for experimentation also deserves much praise. arachidonic acid and measured by bioassay the levels of Although pharmaceutical firms have also been very ac-

PGE2 and PGF2␣ formed in the presence and absence of tive in developing prostaglandins as therapeutic agents, aspirin and indomethacin. The latter drug is another the clinical use of these substances has been limited nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with somewhat by their relatively short duration of action properties similar to those of aspirin. The results of this and the diversity of their effects. Still, because of the experiment reaffirmed that aspirin and indomethacin importance of their physiological actions, there are still inhibited prostaglandin formation (Vane, 1971). a number of disorders in which eicosanoids have proven This important discovery not only offered profound to be therapeutically useful, including primary pulmo- insight into the mechanism of action of NSAIDs, it also nary hypertension, the maintenance of the patent duc- provided an important pharmacological tool for probing tus arteriosus in infants with congenital heart disease, the role of these lipid-derived eicosanoids in physiologi- impotence, and bronchial asthma. The putative role of cal and biochemical processes. It is now a pharmacolog- prostaglandins in regulating fertility mechanisms has ical maxim that eicosanoids serve as a prime target for also had a strong impact on their therapeutic utility, many anti-inflammatory drugs and that the side effects where they have been employed for labor induction, of these drugs are frequently attributed to impaired postpartum bleeding, and uterine dilation for diagnostic production. In elucidating the mechanism of surgery. action of NSAIDs, Vane was well aware of the fact The ability of certain prostaglandin analogs to curtail that the mechanism of action of adrenal steroids as gastric ulceration has led to the use of the prostaglandin anti-inflammatory agents was different from that of analog misoprostol in preventing ulcers that frequently aspirin. Steroids depressed prostaglandin synthesis occur during long-term treatment with NSAIDS. In ad- by blocking the release of arachidonic acid from phos- dition, the discovery of constitutive (COX-1) and induc- pholipids, whereas NSAIDs interfere with the cycloox- ible (COX-2) forms of the cyclooxygenase enzyme re- ygenase-mediated conversion of arachidonic acid into sulted in the development of COX-2 inhibitors. These eicosanoids. more selective inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis ex- Vane expanded his accomplishments in this field by hibit fewer adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract being the first to identify prostacyclin (PGI2), another because they possess a preferential inhibitory action on putative regulator of the cardiovascular system. Fol- COX-2 activity induced by inflammatory mediators. lowing the isolation of the endoperoxides and the dis- Today, the modulation of prostaglandin metabolism covery of the thromboxanes by Bergstro¨m and Sam- still represents a primary focus of studies related to uelsson, Vane found that incubating microsomal anti-inflammatory therapies. However, the disturbing fractions of pig aorta together with endoperoxide rap- reports of thrombotic disorders being associated with idly generated an unknown substance produced by prolonged use of COX-2 inhibitors such as Vioxx may endothelial cells, which he first called PGX (and later redirect interest in this field toward developing anti- named prostacyclin or PGI2). The structure of PGI2 inflammatory agents that act by inhibiting the biosyn- was eventually established by a research team of thetic pathway downstream to the cyclooxygenases. In scientists at Upjohn and the Wellcome Foundation any case, the extensive knowledge about the identity, where Vane conducted his experiments. metabolism, and biological effects of arachidonic acid

PGI2 proved to be the major product of arachidonic metabolites provided by the work of Bergstro¨m, Sam- acid metabolism in vascular tissues. It also exhibited uelsson, and Vane should facilitate the development of some rather contrasting properties relative to thrombox- more selective therapeutic agents for the treatment of 342 RUBIN gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and respiratory dis- eases. For their discoveries concerned with prostaglan- dins, which are paving the way for therapeutic advances in this field, Sune Bergstro¨m, Bengt Samuelsson, and Sir John Vane were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1982. Finally, at this juncture, particular recognition must be afforded the Burroughs Wellcome Foundation for pro- viding the positive environment in which a number of Nobel Laureates were able to carry out their experi- ments both in the United States and in the UK. In 1936, Sir Henry Dale, an early Director of Research at Well- come Laboratories, won the Nobel Prize for his studies on chemical transmission of nerve impulses. In 1982, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Sir John Vane, who, like Dale, worked at the Wellcome Research Laboratories in the UK and discovered prostacyclin, as well as the mode of action of aspirin. Sir James Black served for 6 years as Director of Therapeutic Research at Wellcome Labora- tories in the UK, where he discovered ␤-adrenoceptor antagonists, whereas Gertrude Elion and George Hitch- ings carried out extended studies at Burroughs Well- come in the United States, where they made invaluable FIG. 28. Earl Sutherland (1915–1974). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. contributions to drug development, mainly in the field of cancer. The extraordinary work carried out under the auspices of the Wellcome Research Laboratories has analyzing hormone action in broken cell preparations. contributed immeasurably to drug discovery and en- These early views on the subject were shared by most abled humankind to remain competitive in its constant researchers. However, Ted Rall, one of Sutherland’s first battle with disease (, 1989). colleagues, seemed to be at least partly responsible for eventually convincing Sutherland to embark on the N. Earl W. Sutherland: Cyclic AMP types of in vitro experiments that would ultimately de- Although the first hormone (epinephrine) was discov- termine whether the regulation of certain cellular con- ered by Oliver and Schaefer during the latter part of the stituents might be coupled to specific components on the 19th century (Oliver and Schaefer, 1895), the mecha- cell surface (Bourne and Rall, 1990). nism of hormone action was not productively examined Despite his initial reservations about using broken until Earl Sutherland (Fig. 28) initiated his investiga- cell preparations, Sutherland found studies devoted to tions on the effects of epinephrine and glucagon a half the glycogenolytic action of epinephrine and glucagon in century later. As a student, Sutherland had been fasci- liver particularly attractive for several reasons. He had nated by the diverse effects of hormones. He was also an excellent grasp of the basic biochemistry and enzy- intrigued by the complex responses that followed the mology of glycogen breakdown, which had been estab- administration of minute amounts of these substances lished by the Cori laboratory. Moreover, the effects of or by the various functional defects produced by the epinephrine and glucagon on glycogen breakdown were extirpation of specific endocrine tissues. Thus, he was an rapid, robust, and reproducible, and a large number of excellent candidate to address these issues. slices could be prepared from a single liver. So Suther- Sutherland began his scientific career in the early land and his associates, working first at Washington 1940s in the laboratory of Carl and at Wash- University and then after 1953 in the Department of ington University in St. Louis. The work of the Cori Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University, be- team on glucose metabolism was carried out in the De- gan by focusing on phosphorylase, the rate-limiting en- partment of Pharmacology from 1931 through 1946, be- zyme that catalyzes the conversion of glycogen to glu- fore Carl Cori was appointed Chair of the newly formed cose. Sutherland predicted that to be successful in this Department of Biochemistry. As a member of the Cori endeavor it would be necessary to establish reproducible laboratory, Sutherland had successfully investigated the hormonal effects in a soluble system and then extrapo- enzymatic conversion of glucose to glycogen with Sidney late in vitro findings to the physiological action of the Colowick during the early 1940s (Sutherland et al., hormone in vivo. However, at the time, epinephrine- or 1941). Although much of Sutherland’s initial efforts glucagon-induced activation of phosphorylase, although involved adding various hormones to different enzyme readily demonstrable in intact liver preparations, was preparations and examining the resultant effects, as not reproducible if the cells were first broken prior to late as 1955, he expressed doubts about the prospect of hormone stimulation. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 343 Earl Sutherland and Ted Rall, then a young assistant by a cAMP-mediated ␤-adrenergic receptor pathway. professor, began their groundbreaking work on the Rall also initially employed an inadequate protocol for mechanisms of hormone action by demonstrating that centrifugation. The original protocol was modified for the regulation of phosphorylase activity involved a bal- him by a Belgian postdoctoral fellow named Jacques ance between the donation of a phosphate group to the Berthet, who fortunately for Rall and Sutherland, enzyme (phosphorylation) and the inactivation of this happened to be a disciple of another Nobel Laureate, process by a phosphatase (dephosphorylation) (Rall et Christian DeDuve. The modification of the protocol al., 1956; Sutherland and Wosilait, 1956; Wosilait and then enabled Rall to successfully perform the key Sutherland, 1956). About the same time, two other fu- experiment in which a supernatant fraction responded ture Nobel Laureates, Edwin Krebs and Edmond to hormones after a small aliquot of the particulate Fischer, who had been studying phosphorylase activa- fraction was added back to the supernatant (Rall et tion in rabbit skeletal muscle extracts, demonstrated its al., 1957). requirement for ATP and Mg2ϩ (Fischer and Krebs, During this time, Edwin Krebs and Edmond Fischer 1955). Armed with this information, Sutherland and not only found that phosphorylase activation involves Rall began adding hormones to cell extracts in the pres- reversible protein phosphorylation, but Krebs also went ence of ATP and Mg2ϩ. Using this modified approach, on to complement Sutherland’s work by discovering that they were able to elicit stimulatory effects of epineph- cAMP-dependent protein kinase mediates many of the rine and glucagon on phosphorylase activity in cell-free diverse actions of cAMP elicited by hormones and phar- systems that seemed physiologically relevant (Rall et al., macological agents (Walsh et al., 1968). After it became 1957). Their success in demonstrating effects of hor- apparent that reversible protein phosphorylation was mones in broken cell systems represented a landmark widespread in nature and affected a multitude of cellu- finding and emboldened the two investigators to con- lar processes, Krebs and Fischer were awarded the No- tinue their studies on hormone action. bel Prize in 1992. Krebs served as Chair of the Depart- Sutherland and Rall went on to observe that the hor- ment of Pharmacology at the monal response was lost when the liver homogenate was from 1977 through 1984, where he led a major expansion centrifuged to remove cellular debris but could be re- of research in molecular pharmacology. An Edwin G. stored by recombining the particulate fraction with Krebs Lectureship in Molecular Pharmacology at the the supernatant. By differential centrifugation studies, University of Washington is an enduring tribute to his Sutherland and Rall also found that the addition of achievements in the field of molecular pharmacology. hormone to the particulate fraction resulted in the pro- As with many discoveries that provide new insights duction of a heat-stable factor, which in turn activated into basic biological processes, the concept of an intra- phosphorylase when the factor was added to the super- cellular mediator of hormone action was met with some natant fraction. The heat-stable factor was determined skepticism by the scientific establishment. The proposi- to be an adenine nucleotide, which was produced by the tion that the compound in question was a nucleotide liver, heart, skeletal muscle, and brain. The factor was that was resistant to boiling in hydrochloric acid was later identified as cAMP (Rall and Sutherland, 1958; particularly difficult to fathom, since at the time only Sutherland and Rall, 1958). acid-labile phosphates had been identified. Moreover, The discovery by Sutherland and Rall that epineph- many in the scientific community believed that it was rine enhances glucose production by elevating cAMP highly unlikely that a single substance could elicit a levels leading to the conversion of inactive phosphory- variety of cell-specific actions that were triggered by lase to active enzyme explained the cellular mechanism diverse hormones. To deflect such criticisms, studies on whereby receptor recognition of a hormone triggered the the effects of hormones on another tissue was examined. response of an effector. Sutherland’s unerring instinct in Robert Haynes, working in a laboratory in proximity to identifying phosphorylase as the target enzyme for his that of Sutherland, was able to show that ACTH stimu- experiments represented a crucial element in success- lated the formation of the “heat-stable factor” in the fully defining the steps leading to the discovery of cAMP. adrenal cortex (Haynes, 1958). This finding suggested These studies provided the basis for understanding how that the concept of an intracellular messenger was a cell signaling operates. more generalized process, involving diverse tissues. The Rall uses a self-deprecatory posture to recall his skepticism expressed for this new concept began to fade experiences in ultimately achieving success by reflect- in 1957 when David Lipkin and his colleagues, who were ing on “how many wrong ideas got us to do the right members of the Chemistry Department at Washington experiments” (Bourne and Rall, 1990). For example, University, isolated cAMP from a barium hydroxide di- Rall initially used rats rather than dogs to make liver gestate of , established its struc- homogenates. He later discovered that he was using a ture, and described its chemical properties (Lipkin et al., completely inappropriate animal model, because in 1959). rats the actions of epinephrine are mainly expressed By 1960, Sutherland felt that the evidence was suffi- by a calcium-mediated ␣-adrenergic pathway and not ciently decisive to suggest that cAMP might serve as a 344 RUBIN second messenger for a variety of hormones and neuro- colleagues, including Reginald Butcher, Joel Hardman, transmitters. In Sutherland’s view, since different cells and G. Alan Robison, who provided new lines of ap- contain a distinct set of enzymes, the alteration in cAMP proach that continued and expanded this work. Experi- levels would produce diverse effects from one cell type to ments using rat heart were of particular interest and another. For example, cAMP would produce phosphory- significance since they formed the initial basis for draw- lase activation in liver cells and activate steroidogenesis ing inferences regarding the relationship between a bio- in adrenocortical cells. Sutherland and coworkers also chemical event (changes in cAMP levels) and functional made the important discovery that cAMP was synthe- activity (cardiac contraction). Evidence bearing on the sized within the cell membrane, implying that primary hypothesis that the positive inotropic response to epi- hormones acted on the surface of the cell (Davoren and nephrine, as well as other ␤-adrenergic , is Sutherland, 1963). The idea that a second messenger, mediated by cAMP, had enormous ramifications in the rather than the primary messenger, triggers a biochem- research laboratory (Robison et al., 1965). This key find- ical response that subserves a specialized function of a ing also directly led to the development of markedly given cell represented a novel biological concept that improved therapy for such cardiovascular and respira- explained the functional specificity of a variety of hor- tory disorders as hypertension, , heart block, mones and neurotransmitters. congestive , and bronchial asthma. The ever-increasing recognition that hormones could Sutherland eventually broadened his analysis by en- stimulate cAMP synthesis naturally prompted scientific visioning the generation of multiple “second messen- inquiry into how hormones accomplished this process. gers” to explain the actions of hormones. Toward this So before long Sutherland and his coworkers provided a end, together with Joel Hardman, Sutherland diverted natural sequel to their experiments by identifying ad- some of his attention away from cAMP and focused on enylyl cyclase, the enzyme that catalyzed the synthesis cGMP. This cyclic nucleotide was detected as a major of cAMP (Sutherland et al., 1962). Although cAMP was organic phosphate component of rat urine by T. D. Price unaffected by known phosphatases, Sutherland and col- et al. at in 1959 (Ashman et al., leagues also discovered phosphodiesterase, an enzyme 1963). Cyclic GMP was subsequently identified in di- system present in diverse tissues that degraded cAMP verse mammalian tissues and in a number of lower to adenosine 5Ј-phosphate (Butcher and Sutherland, phyla by Sutherland, Hardman, and Ferid Murad, 1962). These results provided support for the view that among others. tissue levels of cAMP at any given time represented a Because the concentration of cGMP in most tissues balance between factors that synthesized cAMP (the was found to be generally 1 to 2 orders of magnitude less adenylyl cyclase system) and those that degraded it than the concentration of cAMP, the problems associ- (phosphodiesterases). Both of these enzyme systems ated with the quantitation of low tissue levels of cGMP were found to be widely distributed, not only in mam- hampered progress in the functional aspects of this field malian tissues but also in other phyla of the animal for several years. Nevertheless, Sutherland and Hard- kingdom. The importance of the contributions made by man did adduce evidence that cGMP synthesis was reg- Sutherland, Rall, and their colleagues cannot be over- ulated by guanylyl cyclase, an enzyme that differed from emphasized since the discovery of cAMP provided the adenylyl cyclase with regard to cellular distribution, template for formulating the fundamental concepts of solubility, and ion activation (Hardman and Sutherland, hormone-sensitive production of cellular messengers 1969). Although an initial analysis by Sutherland and and transmembrane signaling. coworkers failed to detect an effect of any hormone on To firmly establish cAMP as a cell messenger, Suth- guanylyl cyclase activity, subsequent studies demon- erland mandated that the molecule satisfy several rig- strated that the enzyme could be stimulated by cholin- orous criteria. First, adenylyl cyclase should be stim- ergic agonists, compounds, and certain vasoac- ulated by hormones that elevate cAMP levels, and hor- tive peptides. Later work showed that cGMP was a key mones unable to produce a cAMP response should not regulator of phototransduction in retinal cells, certain stimulate effectors. Second, a correlation should exist in ion channels, and smooth muscle relaxation (see essays terms of dose-response and temporal relationships be- on Furchgott, Ignarro, and Murad in section II.Q.). tween cAMP levels and the cellular response. Third, In 1973, Sutherland left Vanderbilt to become Distin- drugs that inhibit phosphodiesterase, such as theophy- guished Professor of Biochemistry at the University of line and isobutylmethylxanthine, should enhance cAMP Miami. It was about this time that experimental find- levels and effector responses elicited by hormones. Fi- ings from several laboratories began to surface that nally, the effects of exogenous administration of cAMP were compatible with the idea that cAMP played a key (or a derivative) should mimic those of the primary hor- role in cellular activation elicited by a wide variety of mone. Scientific inquiry still employs these criteria to- hormones, including ACTH, luteinizing hormone, thy- day in identifying putative second messenger systems. roid hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, and para- After moving to in the early thyroid hormone. However, Sutherland was not carried 1960s, Sutherland was joined by a number of talented away by the cAMP frenzy and acknowledged that it was HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 345 simplistic to conclude that all hormones act by raising nar room prepared to deal with a subject that I found intracellular cAMP levels. Indeed, we now know that the quite bewildering, I overheard a remark made by the biochemical mechanisms involved in hormone action are venerable Abe White, the Chair of the Department of associated with an ever-growing number of second mes- Biochemistry, to one of his colleagues. Dr. White, a most sengers that includes calcium, arachidonic acid and its affable and gregarious gentleman, was describing in metabolites (eicosanoids), nitric oxide (NO), inositol glowing terms the groundbreaking work of Earl Suther- trisphosphate, and diacylglycerol. land, and apparently in an attempt to enhance its sig- In establishing a basic understanding as to how phys- nificance, specifically noted that it was being carried out iological signals mediated by second messenger path- in a pharmacology department and not in a biochemistry ways are integrated within tissues, Earl Sutherland and department (at Case Western Reserve University). his associates also provided the foundation of knowledge Because Dr. White introduced this qualifier, I was for important subsequent work. For example, the stud- puzzled as to whether his intent was to imply that Suth- ies carried out by Paul Greengard that demonstrated erland’s work involved the melding of two scientific dis- that the activation of cAMP-dependent protein phos- ciplines or whether he wished to convey the notion that phorylation in brain is a key factor in controlling neuro- he was surprised that Sutherland’s prodigious feat could nal excitability was based upon Sutherland’s legacy (see actually be accomplished in a pharmacology depart- following paragraph). This work not only earned Green- ment. If the latter interpretation was, indeed, the cor- gard the Nobel Prize, it helped to develop more effective rect one, then this brief reflection should not be con- therapeutic agents for treating certain neurologic and strued as a criticism of Dr. White but only an illustration psychic disorders. Sutherland’s scientific contributions of a prevailing view of an earlier time. also laid the groundwork for other Nobel Prize-winning To further highlight this experience, I recall another discoveries made by Furchgott, Ignarro, and Murad on occasion related by Nobel Laureate Alfred G. Gilman in the role of nitric oxide-cGMP in regulating smooth mus- an interview in the ASPET journal Molecular Interven- cle contraction, as well as Gilman and Rodbell for their tions in 2001. Gilman reflects on the fact that in explor- elucidation of the role of G proteins in the regulation of ing his options for postgraduate education, he had “tried adenylyl cyclase. In recognition of his accomplishments to avoid pharmacology” and was “more attracted to bio- in providing the foundation for delineating the molecu- chemistry.” When attempting to recruit him to Case lar mechanisms involved in hormone action, Earl Suth- Western Reserve University as an M.D./Ph.D. student, erland was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1971. Moreover, Sutherland tempered Gilman’s reluctance to join a phar- he was the first sole recipient in 11 years. macology department by telling him that “ ‘It’s OK. The Looking back on Sutherland’s scientific career, his kind of pharmacology that we do around here is really legacy was further defined by the fact that he was re- biochemistry with a purpose ’ ” (Gilman, 2001). Although sponsible for mentoring a number of young investigators this remark made by Sutherland may be interpreted in who then went on to distinguish themselves in their own several ways, it could reflect a type of condescension right. In addition to Ted Rall, who was an indispensable with which many and even physiologists collaborator for 7 years, these gifted individuals in- viewed pharmacology at the time. Hopefully, the fact cluded the Nobel Laureate Ferid Murad, as well as Jo- that pharmacologists such as Robert Furchgott, Julius seph Beavo, Reginald Butcher, Joel Hardman, Roger Axelrod, Louis Ignarro, Ferid Murad, Sir James Black, Johnson, G. Alan Robison, and Gu¨nter Schultz. The and John Vane have earned the Nobel Prize in recent individual accomplishments of these first-class scien- times would justify the belief that the discipline of phar- tists perpetuate the remarkable profile of Earl Suther- macology now shares at least equal status with the other land as a mentor and collaborator, as well as an elite basic sciences from which it was spawned (Beavo and scientific investigator. Earl Sutherland accomplished so Brunton, 2002) very much in his professional career in spite of the fact that he passed away at a relatively early age, still bat- O. Paul Greengard: Signal Transduction in the tling his own personal demons. Nervous System There is one personal anecdote that is only peripher- The independent work of Earl Sutherland and Edwin ally related to the momentous contributions made by Krebs shaped scientific thought concerning the cellular Earl Sutherland that should be recounted because I and biochemical mechanism(s) involved in hormone ac- believe it exemplifies a prevailing view that existed tion. The demonstration that the effects of a number of among scientists at the time. As a pharmacology grad- hormones were mediated by an increase in cellular uate student during the early 1960s, I frequently at- cAMP levels leading to enhanced protein phosphoryla- tended classes in the Biochemistry Seminar Room at the tion now made it possible to carry out parallel studies on Albert Einstein College of Medicine. My foray into bio- nonendocrine systems. chemistry was prompted by the suggestion of our Chair, Inspired by the work of Sutherland and Krebs, Paul the senior Alfred Gilman, that I take an advanced course Greengard (Fig. 29) and his associates embarked on a in enzymology. On one such day, as I entered the semi- mission, first at Yale and then at The Rockefeller Uni- 346 RUBIN

cells was also consistent with a possible role for cAMP- dependent protein kinase in synaptic transmission (De Robertis et al., 1967). Again, borrowing from Sutherland’s concept of hor- mone action, Greengard and his colleagues formulated the hypothesis that a neurotransmitter in the nervous system functions in an analogous manner to that of a hormone by activating adenylyl cyclase to elevate cAMP levels. The cyclic nucleotide then activates PKA, which catalyzes the phosphorylation of a substrate protein. The phosphorylated substrate, by means of one or more additional reactions, elicits the physiological response characteristic of the neurotransmitter in question. Col- laborative studies subsequently performed by Green- gard’s team provided evidence for a causal relationship between protein phosphorylation and the physiological response in and neurosecretory cells. The im- pact of this work was profound, since it provided insight into the biological processes that regulate synaptic transmission and therefore presented a more detailed understanding of neuronal function (Castellucci et al., 1980; Kaczmarek et al., 1980). FIG. 29. Paul Greengard (1925–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. During the 1970s, Greengard and his associates built on their original observations by conducting a system- versity, to prove that neuronal communication was gov- atic search for other endogenous substrates for protein erned by at least some of the same general principles kinases in brain. Their approach was rather unconven- associated with hormone action. Although the concept of tional, yet innovative, in that its goal was to identify chemical transmission across synapses both in the pe- substrates by demonstrating the ability of endogenous ripheral and central nervous systems had been accepted protein kinases to phosphorylate them. Employing this for some time and a link between biogenic amines and strategy encompassed the difficult task of determining brain function had been established by Arvid Carlsson, the function of these substrate proteins, but only after gaining deeper knowledge about the processes that reg- they were detected, purified, and characterized. Despite ulated neuronal activity in brain was still considered to these potential difficulties, Greengard and colleagues be a formidable undertaking. The , with its identified cGMP- and Ca2ϩ--dependent ki- infinite number of interactive pathways, was arguably nases, which established that second messengers other viewed as the most complicated biological organ known. than cAMP were also involved in brain signaling mech- The complex architecture of the central nervous system anisms (Greengard and Kuo, 1970; Kuo and Greengard, precluded the possibility of analyzing drug effects on 1970; Schulman and Greengard, 1978a,b). individual isolated units, a strategy that had been suc- During the 1990s, the Greengard laboratory expanded cessfully used by studies involving peripheral neurons. its findings by demonstrating that the magnitude of Undaunted, Greengard and his coworkers set out to neurotransmitter release was governed by the phos- obtain knowledge about the biological processes that phorylation state of certain proteins localized to the regulate synaptic transmission in brain. In searching for presynaptic nerve endings. Included among these pro- brain enzymes, they soon identified a family of dopam- teins were the synapsins, so named because they were ine-sensitive adenylyl cyclases, analogous to those en- detected in synaptic vesicles localized to nerve endings zymes found by Sutherland in liver and other tissues. (De Camilli et al., 1983a,b). In collaboration with Eric This enzyme family not only catalyzed cAMP synthesis, Kandel of Columbia University, Greengard and col- but the evidence that Greengard’s group adduced led to leagues showed conclusively that the magnitude of neu- the conclusion that the adenylyl cyclases played a key rotransmitter release in response to a nerve impulse was role in synaptic transmission (Kebabian and Greengard, regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reac- 1971). Coincident with these results, the fact that tions. As a consequence, a basic foundation was laid for cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity (PKA) was de- elucidating the biological processes associated with syn- tected in brain in concentrations much higher than aptic transmission. those found in liver implied significant physiological However, this work, although of immeasurable relevance to the actions of PKA in nerve function (Mi- value, did not portend an end to the pursuit of knowl- yamoto et al., 1969). The additional finding that the edge in this important area, because the study of enzyme was concentrated in the synaptic region of nerve synaptic transmission involves areas of research that HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 347 are unlimited in scope. Moreover, the concept of a samples of perfusate to carry out the enzymatic assay. biochemical basis for nerve function proposed by To optimize the conditions for success, the assay re- Greengard was originally greeted with some skepti- quired that the room be kept as dark as possible. So, cism. The most substantive criticism involved explain- while Greengard feverishly grappled with our newly ing how the relatively slow enzymatic reactions in- acquired Aminco-Bowman spectrophotofluorometer, volving phosphorylation/dephosphorylation could be Alan Poisner, a postdoctoral fellow, and I sat in complete implicated in fast synaptic transmission, which occurs in darkness for several days, waiting and wondering what, milliseconds. Greengard’s laboratory addressed this ca- if anything, was going to transpire. As a dutiful gradu- veat by proposing that, in contrast to fast synaptic trans- ate student, I always prided myself in trying to compre- mission, slow synaptic transmission involves complex hend the various lessons that my mentors were attempt- interactions among various interactive signaling path- ing to teach me. But in this particular case, the object ways, with dopamine playing a pivotal role. By activat- lesson gleaned by sitting in total darkness for an ex- ing a subtype of receptors, dopamine was thought to tended period of time remains moot even to this day. elevate cAMP levels, enhance PKA activity, and promote Although the success that Greengard and Douglas the phosphorylation of DARPP-32, a molecule highly had anticipated never materialized, this story has a concentrated in the neostriatum (caudate and putamen) happy ending. Soon after, Poisner succeeded in develop- (Walaas et al., 1983; Greengard et al., 1999). This reac- ing a method for assaying nucleotides in the adrenal tion sequence was postulated to play a key role in me- perfusate, which was found to be coincident with the diating the interactions of dopamine with other neuro- release of catecholamines. These findings provided con- transmitters, therapeutic agents, and drugs of abuse. vincing support for exocytosis as the mode of secretion. In generating a deeper understanding about the func- Meanwhile, Greengard went on to make an indelible tions performed by dopamine and other neurotransmit- mark in neurobiology, first in the Department of Phar- ters in processes associated with synaptic transmission macology at Yale, and then at , by in the brain, these advances resulted in the development defining the biochemical events that take place during of drugs that more selectively activate or depress the synaptic transmission. various neuronal pathways involved in cell signaling. As a result, neurological and psychiatric disorders associ- P. Martin Rodbell and Alfred G. Gilman: G Proteins ated with aberrations in dopamine signaling could now and Their Role in Signal Transduction in Cells be more effectively addressed. The concept of “receptors” has been linked to drug- Finally, it should be noted that the individual contri- tissue interactions since John Newport Langley and butions attributed to Paul Greengard and Arvid Carls- Paul Ehrlich independently put forward their theories son—whose work was previously chronicled—were com- in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1905, Lang- plementary (and even synergistic). Whereas Carlsson ley proposed the existence of a “receptive substance” first discovered that dopamine played a key role in brain with which curare and nicotine both interacted. About function, Greengard identified and characterized the the same time, Ehrlich envisioned the importance of process by which dopamine and other neurotransmitters surface receptors on cells, and postulated a “lock and elicit their effects. So, in recognition of their accomplish- key” hypothesis to explain drug-receptor interactions. ments and their confluent efforts to advance our under- Ehrlich understood that to achieve the greatest degree of standing of cell signaling mechanisms in the brain, Paul selectivity with regard to drug action the eventual goal Greengard and Arvid Carlsson were jointly awarded the in pharmacological research should be to identify each Nobel Prize in 2000. receptor and exploit its distinctive characteristics. How- I was fortunate enough to first interact with Paul ever, for many years no one could provide convincing Greengard during the early 1960s, when I was a grad- evidence that receptors actually existed. They were uate student in the Department of Pharmacology at the studied as theoretical entities by such eminent pharma- Albert Einstein College of Medicine. At the time, Green- cologists as Gaddum, Schild, Paton, Ariens, and Furch- gard held an adjunct faculty position at Albert Einstein gott until well into the second half of the 20th century, College of Medicine while working at Ciba Pharmaceu- when biochemical procedures for isolating receptors ticals, which was located in Westchester County north of were finally developed. New York City. Greengard had developed a very sensi- A major breakthrough in the understanding of agonist- tive fluorometric method for detecting adenine nucleo- receptor interactions was reached in the 1950s and 60s tide levels, even to the purported level of a single mole- when Earl Sutherland and his many talented colleagues cule. He was asked by his friend and colleague (and my established that cAMP mediates the actions of a primary mentor) Bill Douglas to help him provide evidence for signal triggered at the surface of the cell. They also showed the theory of exocytotic catecholamine secretion by mea- that the effects of epinephrine and its analogs on adenylyl suring very low levels of adenine nucleotides in the cyclase conformed to Raymond Ahlquist’s concept of a effluent of perfused adrenal glands. I was tasked with ␤-adrenergic receptor (Ahlquist, 1948). These key ad- perfusing the glands and providing Greengard with vances fostered a need to generate new paradigms about 348 RUBIN how receptor activation by hormones or other agonists landmark event in endocrinology. Encouraged by Hous- culminated in the response of an effector. During the say’s ardent support, Rodbell further demonstrated that 1960s, the question relating to the biochemical mecha- the effects of insulin were mimicked by exogenous phos- nisms involved in agonist-receptor interactions was ini- pholipases. This suggested to Rodbell that insulin acted tially addressed by Martin Rodbell, when he postulated on the surface of the adipose cell to stimulate phospho- that an intermediary was interposed between receptor and lipase activity. enzyme (effector). In 1964 and 1966, Rodbell published a series of three 1. Martin Rodbell. Martin Rodbell (Fig. 30), who be- articles in the Journal of Biological Chemistry under the gan his groundbreaking work at the NIH, first in the title “The Metabolism of Isolated Fat Cells,” in which he National Heart Institute, then in the National Institutes described how insulin bound directly to the receptors of of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, had harbored a individual fat cells to stimulate glucose metabolism burning interest in biological communication and cell (Rodbell, 1964, 1966). These publications became very signaling for a long time. However, he realized that his highly cited in the scientific literature and convinced long-term goal to elucidate the biochemical and molecu- Rodbell to devote his life’s work to studying the nature of lar basis for hormone action could not be achieved by the molecular processes associated with the interaction existing methodology. So, with experience in cell cultur- of hormones with cell surface receptors. ing gained during a fellowship in The , Rod- In 1965, Rodbell, like other resourceful researchers, bell devised a method of enzymatically digesting the took advantage of an accident of timing to develop an- matrix of adipose tissue to generate isolated fat cells. other line of research that would reap major dividends. The ability to effectively purify fat cells from mainly After hearing a seminar presented at the NIH by Earl vascular cells allowed Rodbell to design a protocol to Sutherland, Rodbell became preoccupied with address- investigate whether lipoprotein lipase was synthesized ing the question as to how cell surface receptors interact and released from fat cells. with adenylyl cyclase. Rodbell was already aware that At the outset, Rodbell’s innovative work was inspired adenylyl cyclase was an allosterically regulated enzyme by , the renowned endocrinologist system that consisted of two distinct sites, a regulatory from Argentina who happened to be visiting Rodbell’s (receptor) and a catalytic site. Judiciously using this laboratory in 1963. Although obviously impressed by information, along with the fat cell preparation as the Rodbell’s technique for isolating fat cells, Houssay ques- experimental model, Rodbell and Lutz Birnbaumer dem- tioned whether this preparation was metabolically via- onstrated in a series of studies that took place between ble. After Rodbell demonstrated the stimulatory action 1969 and 1971 that the action of insulin was mediated of insulin on glucose utilization using this preparation, by a GTP-dependent process (Birnbaumer and Rodbell, Houssay was ecstatic and used highly laudatory lan- 1969; Birnbaumer et al., 1971; Pohl et al., 1971; Rodbell guage to proclaim that Rodbell’s discovery represented a et al., 1971a,b,c). Although at the time it was not clear what function GTP performed, Rodbell, encouraged by these prelimi- nary findings, then set out to determine whether all hormones interacted with the same enzyme or each re- ceptor was coupled to a distinct enzyme (in this case cyclase). The finding that additivity was not observed using a combination of hormones at maximal concentra- tions was of great importance because it revealed that adipocyte cyclase was composed of multiple receptors that interacted with a common catalytic unit. This idea encompassed a rather complex system, in which each receptor contained specific binding regions plus a com- mon element that interacted with a catalytic component to promote the conversion of ATP to cAMP. To define how cells receive signals and disseminate them throughout the cell, Rodbell coined the term signal transduction in 1969. The term, which was to revolu- tionize the study of cellular and molecular biology, was initially framed by Rodbell after informal conversations with Oscar Hechter, a noted endocrinologist and steroid biochemist. Rodbell profited greatly from his discussions with Hechter, who was a pioneer in challenging the prevailing concept that hormones acted directly on ad- FIG. 30. Martin Rodbell (1925–1998). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. enylyl cyclase (Hechter and Halkerston, 1964). HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 349

The one-on-one talks between Rodbell and Hechter that 125I-glucagon binding would proceed rapidly and be took place at a hotel bar in Washington, DC prior to a readily reversed by washing the membranes. However, meeting organized by Rodbell to honor Earl Sutherland. binding failed to occur rapidly and was not readily re- It was at this meeting that Rodbell proposed a three-step versed (Rodbell et al., 1971a). mechanistic model to describe the steps involved in what In confronting this problem, Rodbell, who knew from we now call “cell signaling.” These steps involved a dis- earlier experiments that commercial ATP contained criminator, transducer, and amplifier. Extrapolating GTP as an impurity, conjectured that this impurity from his knowledge of transfer theory, Rodbell coined might be responsible for the confounding results. In- the term discriminator to define the cell surface receptor deed, not only did GTP reverse glucagon binding to its that recognized the source of the external signal. The receptor, the magnitude of its effect at equal concentra- amplifier represented the role played by adenylyl cy- tions was almost 4-fold greater than that of ATP. As a clase to ensure that the effector produced a physiologi- result, Rodbell correctly deduced that GTP was the cally relevant response. But most importantly, Rodbell physiologically relevant factor in dissociating glucagon postulated the existence of a switch (or coupling process) from its receptor. The , then activated by GTP, interposed between the discriminator (receptor) and am- would serve as the principal component of the trans- plifier (enzyme), which he called the transducer. He also ducer. Although the discovery of the role of GTP in proposed that the transducer be called G proteins, be- hormonal activation of adenylyl cyclase is attributed to cause they bound GTP and mediated the process of Rodbell and his coworkers, they were not able to explain transmitting signals across the cell membrane. how GTP stimulated the G protein or how GTP permit- Rodbell also theorized that G proteins were composed ted signal transduction to proceed (Rodbell et al., of three subunits, an ␣-subunit capable of binding and 1971b). The biochemical characterization of this process degrading GTP, plus a complex of ␤ and ␥ subunits. would await further examination by Alfred G. Gilman Implicit in this concept was the postulate that GTP and his coworkers. turnover was essential for the rapid and sustained ef- In 1973, Rodbell and several colleagues arranged the fects of a variety of diverse hormones. As a corollary to manufacture of a synthetic analog of GTP, which, al- proving that cellular communication was composed of a though poorly hydrolyzed and therefore resistant to deg- biological transducer, Rodbell optimistically predicted radation, could stimulate G proteins and adenylyl cy- that experimental validation of the transducer concept clase. The use of the synthetic guanine nucleotide would lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms analogs made it possible to provide convincing evidence that linked receptor to enzyme (adenylyl cyclase) (Rod- that favored an action of GTP at the transduction site. bell, 1985). These experimental results also supported the idea that Cognizant of the complexities involved in investigat- the GTP regulatory site might be the locus of a GTPase, ing the adenylyl cyclase system in adipocytes that ex- which would serve as the controlling element of enzyme pressed multiple receptors, Rodbell turned his attention activity. As a result of these findings, the potential sig- to glucagon-sensitive adenylyl cyclase in liver, in part nificance of the transducer to mediate transfer of infor- because Sutherland had used this tissue for his early mation between receptor and enzyme was established experiments. Using a recently published plasma mem- (Harwood et al., 1973). brane preparation of rat liver, Rodbell found that the The additional finding that fat cells also contained responses to a combination of maximally effective con- adenosine receptors that expressed their effects by in- centrations of hormones were not additive. This key hibiting adenylyl cyclase via a GTP-dependent process finding provided compelling evidence that receptors and provided decisive evidence that guanine nucleotides adenylyl cyclase were distinct cellular components, and could subserve a negative role in signal transduction. in accordance with Hechter’s idea, that hormones did These studies, which were performed in Rodbell’s labo- not exert a direct action on the effector (Birnbaumer and ratory as well as several other laboratories, spawned a Rodbell, 1969). Rodbell’s finding was confirmed in the novel paradigm of hormone action. This paradigm in- 1970s, when the introduction of ligand-binding assays cluded the idea that transduction involved both stimu- made it possible to dissociate the ␤-adrenoceptor from latory and inhibitory processes that were mediated by adenylyl cyclase. distinct GTP-binding proteins. Although these nucleo-

The ability of Rodbell’s laboratory to develop expertise tide regulatory proteins were initially called Ns and Ni to in synthesizing 125I-glucagon made it possible to eluci- identify the stimulatory and inhibitory G proteins, re- date the general properties of the glucagon receptor, as spectively, they were ultimately designated Gs and Gi. well as the relationship between hormone binding and By 1980, additional studies from Rodbell’s labora- the activation of adenylyl cyclase. So, in late 1969 and tory conclusively demonstrated that the actions of early 1970, Rodbell began working with a team that set guanine nucleotide in mediating hormonal effects ex- out to characterize 125I-glucagon binding to a rat liver tended far beyond the realm of adenylyl cyclase to membrane receptor. Based upon the known ability of reflect a more global role for G proteins. The biological hormones to activate adenylyl cyclase, it was expected importance of GTP-binding proteins was elevated to 350 RUBIN even greater heights when researchers found that the ual, but it would not begin to accurately reflect the activity or inactivity of specific G proteins might be essence of Martin Rodbell as a scientist and a person. If implicated in the pathophysiology of diseases such as the reader wishes to learn more about Rodbell’s note- cholera, pseudohypoparathyroidism, acromegaly, and worthy scientific contributions, a review of his work on G certain types of cancer. proteins was published in Nature in 1980 (Rodbell, In providing an encapsulated view of Martin Rodbell’s 1980). Building on the groundwork laid by Rodbell and fundamental contributions to signal transduction, I can his colleagues, Alfred G. Gilman and his coworkers recall a Gordon Conference during one summer in the would prove the validity of Rodbell’s theories by using a late 1960s, which I attended as a fledgling investigator. combination of biochemical and genetic techniques to Despite the large number of scientific luminaries who show conclusively that G proteins were required for were in attendance, including George Palade, Marilyn hormone action. Farquhar, and Isidore Edelman, I noted a buzz emanat- 2. Alfred G. Gilman. Alfred Goodman Gilman (Fig. ing from the group concerning the anticipated arrival of 31) was gifted with an excellent heritage as the son of one Martin Rodbell. At the time, my research knowledge Alfred Gilman, who with Louis Goodman first coau- was limited to perfusing adrenal glands. But because of thored and then edited the classical textbook The Phar- the stir created by the attendees, I too began to antici- macological Basis of Therapeutics, now in its 11th edi- pate Rodbell’s arrival. Suffice to say that after hearing tion. My first encounter with the younger Gilman came Rodbell’s talk I came to the realization that this es- in the early 1960s at a New Year’s Day party given by teemed group of scientists, unlike myself, had already his parents at their home in White Plains, NY. The elder been well aware of the profound significance his discov- Dr. Gilman was then Chairman of the Department of eries engendered. Pharmacology at the newly established Albert Einstein After leaving the National Institutes of Arthritis and College of Medicine in the Bronx. Invitations were Metabolic Diseases in 1985, Rodbell was appointed Sci- handed out to all of the faculty members, as well as the entific Director of the National Institute of Environmen- handful of graduate students (like me) who found them- tal Health Sciences at Research Triangle Park, NC, a selves in a position to socialize with a faculty whose position he held until 1989. He then served as Chief of main function—we students felt—was to intimidate. It the Section on Signal Transduction until his retirement was a very festive gathering to say the least, with an in 1994. Particularly in these later years, because he abundance of food and especially drink. Only peripher- believed that the information processing systems of cells ally relevant to the subject at hand, the younger Gilman, and computers were similar, Rodbell continued to de- then at the end of his college career, was given the task scribe G proteins in terms of computer science. In addi- of serving the food and beverages. From his facial ex- tion, he used the language of cellular regulation to de- pressions I perceived how much he disdained this activ- scribe his perceptions of modern society and seemed to ity. Nevertheless, the party was a huge success, and the view his scientific career as inseparable from his expe- guests (at least those who were able) all departed with a riences with people and world events. fond remembrance of the event. The students took away The fact that Rodbell was also gifted in composing poetry and verse enabled him to express his strong phil- osophical and introspective persona. As an example, by composing and reading a poem entitled “To my Friends: Thoughts from ‘On High,’ ” he communicated his sincere gratitude to colleagues who had contributed to the con- cept of signal transduction. He read this poem while standing next to the King of Sweden when accepting the Nobel Prize. The poem seems to represent Rodbell’s per- spective of science and the profound respect and affec- tion he felt toward his colleagues who were not in atten- dance: “. . . So, I extol the intuitions encapsulated in the folds of my mind/from whence occasionally they hurtle to the forebrain and in a twinkling of a/proton’s discharge bring to fruition a thought, an idea borne on the feath- ery/appendages of teeming neurons wedded in a seam- less synergy. Those fleeting/moments are cherished as are those precious impulses imparted by the/innumera- ble individuals who nurtured and instilled unknowingly their/encrypted thoughts with mine” (http://nobelprize. org/medicine/laureates/1994/rodbell-lecture.pdf). Much more could be written about this multifaceted individ- FIG. 31. Alfred G. Gilman (1941–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 351 something else: a more balanced perspective of the phar- had recently isolated (Bourne et al., 1975). This clone macology faculty. expressed ␤-adrenergic receptors but seemed to lack Alfred G. Gilman then went on to obtain his M.D./ adenylyl cyclase activity as a result of genetic manipu- Ph.D. degree at Case Western Reserve University in the lation. Gilman’s team also selected for another clone Department of Pharmacology. Although originally re- that failed to generate cAMP in response to hormonal cruited to Cleveland by Earl Sutherland, Gilman be- stimulation. Gilman and Ross then judiciously used came a student in Ted Rall’s laboratory after Sutherland these cell variants to reconstitute hormone-sensitive ad- departed for Vanderbilt University in 1963. Not surpris- enylyl cyclase activity. ingly, his thesis work involved the role of cAMP in the Gilman and Ross initially surmised that the success thyroid gland. After completing his doctoral dissertation of the reconstitution experiments would be predicated in 1969, Gilman began a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship upon a mixing of receptor and enzyme extracted from funded by the National Institute of General Medical cells that expressed complementary phenotypes. So they Sciences (a branch of the NIH) in the laboratory of mixed a detergent extract of plasma membranes of mu- Marshall Nirenberg. Although Gilman has stated that rine cells, which contained adenylyl cyclase activity, during his scientific training he was “forced” to work on with plasma membranes from the variant clone of S49 cAMP, at the NIH he succeeded in developing a rela- cells (cycϪ), which seemingly lacked cyclase activity, but tively simple, yet sensitive assay for cAMP (Gilman, had retained the ␤-receptor. However, after conducting 1970). This method afforded the general scientific com- control experiments that revealed that the reconstituted munity the means to investigate this newly discovered system resembled a wild-type S49 cell, they concluded second messenger on a broad scale. that the cycϪ cells were not devoid of cyclase but rather My next encounter with the younger Gilman came lacked a third, more heat-stable protein that was also sometime after 1974 when I was a faculty member at the required for the expression of enzyme activity. On the Medical College of Virginia and he had assumed a fac- basis of these experiments, Gilman and Ross proposed ulty position in the Department of Pharmacology at the that the function of the heat-stable protein was to allow in Charlottesville, some 60 miles adenylyl cyclase to catalyze the synthesis of cAMP in away. This department was headed by Joseph Larner, a response to hormone and that the hormone receptor very distinguished investigator in his own right, and served to regulate the interaction between the heat- included among others Ted Rall, who had collaborated stable protein and enzyme (Ross and Gilman, 1977). with Earl Sutherland on his classic experiments, the Another facet of the interaction between receptor and future Nobel Laureates Ferid Murad and Alfred G. Gil- effector emerged from further studies by Gilman and co- man, and Tom Westfall and Robert Haynes. After being workers. They directly demonstrated that the regulatory invited to Charlottesville to present a seminar, I was protein identified in the detergent extract was a guanine profoundly impressed by the members of the depart- nucleotide-binding protein capable of activating adenylyl ment; it was clear to me at the time that a bright, cyclase. The regulatory protein was originally designated productive future awaited these talented investigators. G/F but was later named Gs as the locus of action of GTP During the 1970s, Alfred G. Gilman and his coworkers (Ross et al., 1978; Howlett et al., 1979; Sternweis and began a venture that would revolutionize the concepts of Gilman, 1979; Northup et al., 1980). Follow-up experi- hormone and drug action in terms of cell signaling. It ments in Gilman’s laboratory also resulted in the isolation was around this time that attempts were being made to of the ␣- and ␤-subunits of the G protein (Northup et al., solubilize and purify components of hormone-sensitive 1983a,b). The third component, the ␥- subunit, was iden- adenylyl cyclase systems. In most cases, such experi- tified later. Eventually, it was determined that hormonal ments proved unsuccessful because of the extreme labil- activation of an appropriate receptor triggers the exchange ity of the enzyme and because hormonal responses were of GTP for bound GDP, causing a conformational change in invariably lost following solubilization of the prepara- the G protein complex. The change in conformation leads tion with detergents. As a result of the obstacles that to the dissociation of the ␣-subunit from the ␤-␥ subunit, had to be overcome, Gilman and his colleagues under- causing the activation of adenylyl cyclase by G␣-GTP. Gen- stood that a novel strategy was needed to penetrate eral acceptance of the regulatory effects (both inhibitory many of the mysteries that still existed regarding the and excitatory) exerted by the ␤-␥ complex was established biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in hor- later, as was the ability of the ␤- and ␥-subunits to disso- mone action. ciate to exert their differential cellular effects. The reasso- The approach that Gilman and Elliott Ross took to ciation of the subunits was theorized to occur when the explore the events associated with catecholamine-in- GTP bound to the ␣-subunit was hydrolyzed to GDP by duced stimulation of adenylyl cyclase was to reconsti- GTPase. tute hormone-sensitive enzyme activity in intact mem- By the early 1980s, Gilman moved to the University of branes depleted of key constituents. Toward this end, Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 1981 to head the they became aware of a variant of a clonal S49 lym- Department of Pharmacology, ironically after Martin phoma cell line that Henry Bourne and his associates Rodbell had turned down the job. Gilman’s laboratory 352 RUBIN continued its groundbreaking work by showing that hor- our basic understanding of signal transduction and how monal stimulation of adenylyl cyclase was demonstrable cells respond in an integrated manner to cellular messen- ␤ in vitro after purified -adrenergic receptor, Gs and Gi, gers, Martin Rodbell and Alfred G. Gilman were jointly and adenylyl cyclase were all reconstituted into phos- awarded the Nobel Prize in 1994. pholipid vesicles (May et al., 1985). Further insight into the mechanism of action of GTP was obtained when they Q. Robert Furchgott, Ferid Murad, and Louis Ignarro: found that GTP selectively reduced the affinity of the Nitric Oxide as a Signaling Molecule in the ␤ Cardiovascular System 2-adrenoceptor for agonists but not for antagonists. These experiments not only provided further support for 1. Robert Furchgott. Inquiry into a novel signaling the idea that G proteins regulate cell signaling, they also mechanism involving NO was begun in the late 1970s, helped to spawn a wave of scientific articles that de- when Robert Furchgott (Fig. 32), the Chair of the De- scribed the role of G proteins in the regulation of cellular partment of Pharmacology at The State University of responses in diverse tissues. New York Health Science Center in Brooklyn, NY, first After demonstrating that G proteins play an essential described the putative role of endothelial cells in regu- role in transducing the signal expressed by agonist- lating vascular tone. The preparation that he mainly receptor interactions at the plasma membrane, Gilman used for these studies was the helical strip of rabbit and coworkers went on to show that G proteins permit aorta. In a review published in 1955, Furchgott had the amplification of the signaling process. In addition to documented the utility of this preparation as an exper- single G proteins interacting with multiple effectors, imental model for studying drug-receptor interactions different G proteins were found to converge on a single (Furchgott, 1955). In his experimental analysis, Furch- effector to modify its activity. These findings enabled gott observed one paradoxical finding. Aware that ACh Gilman and his associates to define the complexity of was a potent dilator in vivo and in isolated perfused diverging and converging transducing systems, which organs, he surprisingly observed that ACh elicited a allow each cell to formulate its own mechanisms of reg- contractile response of the aortic strip (Furchgott and ulation. Gilman’s team later found that G proteins not Bhadrakom, 1953). This anomalous effect of ACh re- only exerted their effects on a number of diverse enzyme mained an enigma until 1978, when due to an inadver- systems but could also directly modify the activity of tent error made by his technician, Furchgott found that functional responses, such as the activation of ligand- muscarinic agonists would elicit relaxation if the prep- gated ion channels. The effects of G proteins on the aration was pretreated with a contractile agent such as regulation of ion channels are particularly interesting norepinephrine (Furchgott, 1996). from the point of view that they were found to be asso- After several weeks, Furchgott seemed to resolve the ciated with purified ␮- and ␦- receptors. However, apparent paradox when he observed that general rub- the diverse second messenger pathways expressed by bing of the intimal surface of the vasculature abolished opioid receptors suggest that the cellular mechanisms involved in the adaptive changes produced by chronic opioid administration extend far beyond the scope of G proteins in their complexity (Grudt and Williams, 1995). Today, Rodbell’s three-step model, which postulates that G proteins serve as a primary switch to mediate agonist- receptor interactions, remains a fundamental biological principle. As a result, we now have detailed knowledge of how a given cell responds to a myriad of external signals that impinge upon it. The model also helps to explain how changes in the duration of the signal are transmitted and how effector mechanisms are activated or depressed. The full significance of the contributions made by Rodbell and Gilman in proving that G proteins are an essential compo- nent of cell signaling can also be gleaned from the fact that the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily also represents a vital drug target. Drugs targeted to adrenergic receptors and their subtypes, for example, have emerged as more effective and safer therapy for such disorders as hyperten- sion and atherosclerosis. Further knowledge concerned with the nuances of G protein-mediated transduction path- ways should ultimately lead to even more sophisticated drug designs and thus to the continued advancement of pharmacotherapy. For their fundamental contributions to FIG. 32. Robert Furchgott (1916–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 353 the relaxation response induced by ACh following pre- In attempting to ferret out the critical factor respon- treatment with norepinephrine. He further determined sible for activating guanylyl cyclase, Furchgott was also by microscopic analysis that the rubbing of the intimal aware that Ferid Murad had demonstrated that NO was surface caused an annulment of the relaxation response a potent activator of guanylyl cyclase. He also knew that by the loss of endothelial cells from the aortic strip. Louis Ignarro had shown that the relaxation of bovine Using the so-called “sandwich procedure,” Furchgott bol- coronary artery by NO was accompanied by a rise in stered his conclusions by demonstrating that a trans- cGMP. However, as noted by Furchgott in his Nobel verse strip of aorta devoid of endothelial cells would Laureate presentation, these experiments failed to di- relax after exposure to ACh if it were mounted with its rectly link EDRF to NO. So, displaying his characteristic endothelium-free surface placed against an intimal sur- caution and thoroughness, Furchgott followed up on these face of a second strip possessing endothelial cells (Furch- studies by carrying out a rigorous comparison of the prop- gott and Zawadzki, 1980). erties of NO-induced muscle relaxation with those of On the basis of these experiments, Furchgott proposed EDRF released by ACh. After finding that the functional in 1982 that ACh interacted with muscarinic receptors characteristics of NO and EDRF were remarkably similar, on the surface of endothelial cells to bring about the Furchgott proposed at a symposium at the Mayo release of an unknown substance from the endothelium. Clinic in July 1986 that EDRF was NO (Furchgott, This substance would then diffuse to nearby smooth 1988). At the same meeting, Louis Ignarro of UCLA muscle cells to induce relaxation. He named this smooth (see section II.Q.3.) independently came to the same muscle relaxant endothelium-relaxing factor (EDRF). general conclusion by reporting that NO caused the Furchgott extended these findings by determining that relaxation of bovine . Before long, histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin could also serve as decisive evidence became available that endothelium- endothelium-dependent relaxing agents on vascular dependent relaxation correlated with an increase in smooth muscle (Cherry et al., 1982). cGMP levels, and the conclusion that EDRF and NO The early studies on EDRF were carried out without were the same substance became inescapable. any preconceived idea about its identity or its chemical Now 91 years old, Robert Furchgott is the essence of structure, and several erroneous hypotheses about the dignity, honesty, and fair-mindedness. His self-effacing nature of EDRF were contrived during the late 1970s. demeanor has always engendered the highest respect Sometime during the early 1980s, Dr. Furchgott invited among his peers. And knowing him as I do, I am sure me back to The State University of New York Health that he would like to be remembered as a colleague who Sciences Center (then called the Downstate Medical successfully accomplished his goal, because he possessed Center), the institution that provided me with my initial the innovative ideas and the resolute approach required experience as an independent researcher. Although he to doggedly pursue a certain path for more than 20 had already determined that cyclooxygenase inhibitors years. did not alter EDRF-dependent relaxation, Furchgott 2. Ferid Murad. Ferid Murad’s (Fig. 33) involvement questioned me about any knowledge I might have con- in this story stemmed from his long-term interest in the cerning arachidonic acid and its metabolites as possible study of cGMP. Like Alfred G. Gilman, Ferid Murad mediators of muscle relaxation. Not really comprehend- received his M.D./Ph.D. degree in the Department of ing the significance of his questions, I failed to furnish Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University and him with any substantive information that he had been was mentored by Earl Sutherland and Ted Rall. Suth- seeking. But based upon the knowledge that in certain smooth muscle preparations there was a positive rela- tionship between cGMP levels and relaxation, Furchgott eventually proposed a pathway in which ACh-induced EDRF release stimulated guanylyl cyclase of vascular smooth muscle, causing an increase in cGMP. This se- quence of events then somehow provided the signal for bringing about the relaxation of smooth muscle. This theory was to gain in importance as time went on, and evidence in its favor gradually grew stronger. The link between cGMP and smooth muscle relaxation also de- rived support from studies carried out by several other groups, including those of Ferid Murad and Louis Ig- narro. They employed bovine coronary and pulmonary artery, as well as rabbit aorta, to provide evidence that favored a causal role for cGMP in the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. However, the identity of EDRF FIG. 33. Ferid Murad (1936–). Photo by David Reischl; courtesy of the still remained elusive. Medical , Graz, Austria. 354 RUBIN erland and Rall had discovered cAMP a year prior to iologically relevant mechanisms was criticized, and even Murad’s arrival in Cleveland, and Murad was tasked ridiculed, by many of Murad’s colleagues. Nevertheless, with demonstrating that the effects of catecholamines on Murad persisted in this endeavor and was able to tem- cAMP formation were mediated through the ␤-adrener- porally link azide-enhanced cGMP levels and the relax- gic receptor. Murad expeditiously completed this work ation of various smooth muscle preparations that had and went on to show that ACh inhibits adenylyl cyclase. previously been contracted. Murad’s team obtained ad- This latter study represented the first report of hor- ditional evidence bearing on this problem by demon- mones or neurotransmitters blocking enhanced cAMP strating that other smooth muscle relaxants such as formation (Murad et al., 1962). However, Murad’s find- nitroglycerin and nitroprusside also augmented tissue ings that agonists could both activate and inhibit cAMP cGMP levels (Katsuki et al., 1977a,b). accumulation raised some doubts about the validity of These studies by Murad and his coworkers not only Sutherland’s concept that receptors and adenylyl cyclase provided insight into the physiological mechanisms reg- were either a single entity or a tightly associated com- ulating smooth muscle contractility, they also finally plex. The subsequent discovery of G proteins and the made available to clinicians important information elucidation of their mechanism of action by Martin Rod- about the mechanism governing the action of nitroglyc- bell and Alfred G. Gilman eventually filled this knowl- erin, despite a century of clinical use. Ironically, Alfred edge gap. Nobel, the Swedish industrialist who became a wealthy After completing his clinical training in Cleveland and man in the 1860s by inventing a process that manufac- then gaining additional research experience at the NIH tured dynamite from nitroglycerin, was prescribed nitro- in Martha Vaughan’s laboratory, Murad embarked on glycerin for angina pectoris by his physician later in life. his career as an independent investigator in 1970 in the But Nobel refused medication because he was aware of Department of Pharmacology at the University of Vir- the vascular headaches experienced by his factory work- ginia. During this period, cGMP had begun to emerge as ers with cardiovascular problems because of the vasodi- another putative second messenger, and so, for his first latory properties of the drug. project, Murad probed possible biological functions that Subsequent experiments carried out in Murad’s labo- might be mediated by cGMP. This cyclic nucleotide, ratory revealed that certain factors present in liver and which was first identified in human urine by T. D. Price heart extracts were required for azide-induced activa- and coworkers (Ashman et al., 1963), had already been tion and inhibition, respectively. The stimulatory factor comprehensively investigated by Earl Sutherland and isolated from liver extracts proved to be the pro- Joel Hardman. So Murad spent a few nonproductive tein catalase, whereas the inhibitory factors present in years adding various stimuli to preparations and mea- heart extracts were identified as hemoglobin and myo- suring cGMP levels. After the laboratories of Sutherland globin (Murad et al., 1978). Murad’s discovery of the and Gerald Aurbach at the NIH had independently iden- stimulatory and inhibitory effects of different heme-con- tified guanylyl cyclase as the enzyme that catalyzed taining proteins on the action of azide represented key cGMP synthesis from GTP, Murad concluded that it findings because they complemented earlier work car- would probably be more productive if he focused his ried out in other laboratories that had described the attention on studying guanylyl cyclase in cell-free sys- interactions between azide and catalase to generate NO. tems. The strategy of employing cell-free systems was In addition, these studies, which were conducted several reminiscent of the general approach first taken by Suth- years prior to Furchgott’s discovery of EDRF, would erland in examining cAMP. Murad and his coworkers represent the first report of a biological effect of NO and began their exploration into this new area of research by ultimately provide important clues toward the identifi- detecting guanylyl cyclase activity in both cytosolic and cation of EDRF as NO. particulate fractions. The finding that these cell frac- The suggestion by Murad that EDRF might be NO tions expressed different isoforms of the enzyme with was predicated upon the growing list of agents with different properties emboldened Murad to delve further nitro- or nitroso-functional groups that activated guany- into this problem (Kimura and Murad, 1974, 1975). lyl cyclase, as well as the effects of the heme-containing In his attempt to gain insight into the mechanism macromolecules that inhibited or activated the enzyme. involved in guanylyl cyclase activation, Murad showed In 1976, Shuji Katsuki and William Arnold, two post- that azide, hydroxylamine, and activated several doctoral fellows working in Murad’s laboratory, per- in vitro preparations of the enzyme (Kimura et al., formed a key experiment in which they generated NO 1975a,b). He and his coworkers then decided to focus on from various nitroso compounds to activate guanylyl azide because they reasoned that if the mechanism of cyclase preparations from rat lung and bovine tracheal azide activation was elucidated in cell-free preparations, muscle. This experiment was followed by studies that then some insight into the possible mechanism of en- revealed that NO could activate guanylyl cyclase and zyme activation by more physiologically relevant hor- augment cGMP levels in almost every tissue examined mones might be forged. However, azide was a well (Arnold et al., 1977). The additional finding that the known metabolic poision, and its use to delineate phys- stimulatory effects of NO and the nitroso compounds HISTORY OF GREAT DISCOVERIES IN PHARMACOLOGY 355 were not additive suggested that they shared a common rying out his work with strong conviction and commit- mechanism of action. This was a pivotal finding because ment, Murad played a fundamental role in helping to it enabled Murad to propose as early as 1978 that NO, open a new avenue of research. formed from some endogenous precursor, could be the 3. Louis Ignarro. In 1976, Louis Ignarro (Fig. 34) trigger for augmenting cGMP synthesis in intact tissues. and his associates at UCLA provided a major contribu- However, at the time, the assays for measuring NO and tion to the putative role that NO played in smooth mus- its oxidation products (nitrite and ) were not suf- cle relaxation. They demonstrated that nitroglycerin lib- ficiently sensitive. So the hypothesis would not be vali- erated NO as part of its action and that NO-induced dated until more sensitive methods were developed sev- relaxation of an isolated bovine coronary artery prepa- eral years later. ration was associated with an increase in cGMP levels. The paths of Murad and Furchgott crossed in 1980, When in 1979 Ignarro and his team confirmed the ob- when Furchgott presented a seminar at the University servation made by Murad and coworkers that nitro com- of Virginia. Furchgott spoke about his discovery of pounds brought about cGMP-elicited smooth muscle re- EDRF and his efforts to disclose its identity. Upon hear- laxation by liberating NO, they concluded that the ing the presentation, Murad became aware of the fact relaxant effect of ACh was pharmacologically similar to that EDRF shared many of the characteristic features of that of NO (Gruetter et al., 1979). A further series of nitroso compounds, and he suggested to Furchgott that experiments was then conducted to test the as-yet un- they establish a collaboration to investigate this issue. published hypothesis that EDRF might be NO. Employ- However, soon after this meeting, Murad moved to Stan- ing a bioassay cascade preparation similar to the ones ford, and so the anticipated collaboration never materi- used by Gaddum, Burn, and Vane, Ignarro and col- alized. Nevertheless, in 1982, Murad’s laboratory dem- leagues compared the chemical and pharmacological onstrated that EDRF did indeed augment cGMP levels properties of EDRF and NO. These experiments dis- in rat aortic smooth muscle. The effects of EDRF on closed striking similarities between the two substances, cGMP formation were found to be similar to those in- prompting Ignarro in July 1986 to propose indepen- duced by ACh and other endothelial-dependent vasodi- dently from Furchgott that EDRF was NO (Ignarro et lators, thereby establishing a link between the primary al., 1986). action of ACh and cGMP-induced smooth muscle relax- An additional experiment performed by Ignarro’s ation (Rapoport and Murad, 1983). group provided final proof of EDRF’s identity. They The similarities between the effects of EDRF-produc- found that EDRF produced a spectral in reduced ing agents and made the case for view- hemoglobin that was identical to the shift produced by ing EDRF as an “endogenous .” Shortly authentic NO (Ignarro et al., 1987). Despite his indelible thereafter (in 1986), Furchgott and Ignarro indepen- influence on the discoveries associated with NO as a dently proposed that EDRF was NO, although Murad cellular mediator, Ignarro admitted that he and his continued to argue for several years that EDRF was actually comprised of a family of NO adducts or com- plexes, as well as NO. Nevertheless, the key role that Ferid Murad played in the discovery of NO was predi- cated upon his important finding that nitroso com- pounds activate guanylyl cyclase, which increases tissue levels of cGMP leading to muscle relaxation. This find- ing, taken together with the demonstration that NO and the nitro compounds shared a common mechanism of action, was in large measure responsible for developing the conceptual framework that eventually led to the identification of EDRF as NO. At first, the belief that NO could serve as a cellular messenger was deemed so contentious that certain pres- tigious journals were reluctant to accept articles that reported these controversial results and conclusions. In particular, the scientific establishment was dubious about contemplating a concept involving a colorless gas and a free radical that served as a second messenger for activating an enzyme. In personifying a risk-taker who was not afraid of failure, Murad recalls, “For years, colleagues said I was crazy to invest so much time and effort in NO. . . But I was certain I was right from the beginning” (http://www.albanian.ca/murad.htm). In car- FIG. 34. Louis Ignarro (1941–). Copyright Nobelstiftelsen. 356 RUBIN group initiated their investigation of endothelium-de- and testing novel hypotheses that constitute the funda- pendent relaxation in 1983, not because they thought mental basis of new knowledge. By taking lessons from that EDRF might be NO, but because of the assumption the past and putting them in the context of present and that cGMP played a role in the process of muscle relax- future goals, these unique individuals were able to forge ation. So, once again, serendipity played a key role in a new frontiers of knowledge and at the same time annul discovery of major significance. previous dogma. The impact that a discovery may have The work of Furchgott, Murad, and Ignarro has had on the public mind was also chronicled to document how far reaching ramifications both from a heuristic and the fruits of science have contributed to the well being of therapeutic perspective. The discovery of NO as a vaso- recent generations. It is hoped that the stories presented dilator represented the emergence of a novel biological in these essays support the assumption that every age is process. This process involves an endogenously pro- an age of important information, each in its own way. duced gas that serves as a signaling molecule. The gen- Even though much about science has changed over the eration of NO leads to the activation or inhibition of years, the constancy of excellence has seemingly always multiple effectors, including muscle relaxation, neuro- prevailed. As a result, the outstanding work recounted transmission, renal function, host defense reactions, and in this series of essays, as well as that contributed by brain function. In addition, the utilization of NO as a many others, will endure as an inspiration for advancing therapeutic agent has afforded physicians the opportu- knowledge and respecting the truth, which, after all, are nity to make significant advances in the diagnosis, treat- the true goals of the scientific method. ment, and prevention of cardiopulmonary disorders in the neonate and pediatric patients. In adults, altered REFERENCES NO production is associated with a variety of chronic Abel JJ (1926) Crystalline insulin. Proc Natl Acad SciUSA12:132–136. cardiovascular disorders, as well as metabolic, inflam- Addison T (1849) Anaemia—Disease of the supra-renal capsules. London Hospital Gazette 43:517–518. matory, and neuronal diseases. As a result, research Ahlquist RP (1948) A study of adrenotropic receptors. Am J Physiol 153:586–600. 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