Publications by David Lack
Publications by David Lack Books 1934 The Birds of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge Bird Club, Cambridge. 1943 The Life of the Robin. Witherby, London. 4th edn. (revised) 1965. 1947 Darwin's Finches. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Harper Torch book paperback edn. 1961. Japanese edn. 1974. 1950 Robin Redbreast. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1954 The Natural Regulation of Animal Numbers. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Paperback edn. 1970. Russian edn. 1957. 1956 Swifts in a Tower. Methuen, London. 1957 Evolutionary Theory and Christian Belief. Methuen, London. Reprinted with new chapter 1961. 1965 Enjoying Ornithology. Methuen, London. 1966 Population Studies of Birds. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1968 Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds. Methuen, London. 1971 Ecological Isolation in Birds. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and Edinburgh. 1974 Evolution Illustrated by Waterfowl. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and Edinburgh. 1976 Island Biology. fllustrated by the Land birds of Jamaica. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and Edinburgh. Papers 1930 Double -brooding of the Nightjar. Br. Birds, 23, 242 - 244. 1930 Some diurnal observations on the Night jar. Land. Nat., 1930, pp. 47-55. 1930 Spring migration, 1930, at the Cambridge Sewage Farm. Br. Birds, 24, 145 -154. 1931 Coleoptera on St. Kilda in 1931.Entomologists' Monthly Mag., 47, 1 -4. 1931 Observations at sewage farms and reservoirs, 1930: Migration at Cambridge, autumn, 1930.Br. Birds, 24,280-282. 1932 Some breeding habits of the European Nightjar. Ibis, (13) 2, 266-284. 1932 Birds of Bear Island. Bull. Br. Omith. Qub, 53,64-69. 1932 With John Buchan and T. H. Harrisson. The early autumn migration at St. Kildain 193l.Scott.Nat., 1932,pp.1-8.
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