
Alton & District Bell Ringers

Minutes of the Spring Meeting held on Saturday 9 th April 2016 at The Church of the Holy Rood,

Before the meeting opened officially, the Chairman Charlotte Lloyd asked for a volunteer to take the minutes as the group still has no Secretary. Melanie Moore agreed to do. Charlotte yet again urged members to consider standing for this vacant post.

1. The Chairman welcomed members and thanked Mike Novell for organising the meeting, and Judy, Reneé, Lesley and Liz for the delicious Tea.

2. Apologies were received from Toby, Kathy and Lucy Arkless (), Teresa Brown (Froxfield), Valerie Harris (Blackmoor), Madeline King (Petersfield), Gwen Mackrell (Alton) and Robin Winckworth (Petersfield).

3. The meeting stood in silence to remember former members Andrew Barnsdale and Keith Williamson who had recently died.

4. The Minutes of the last meeting, held on 16 th January 2016, were accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. There were no Matters Arising.

5. Election of new members

The following candidates were put forward for election to the Guild:-

Harry Cane (); proposed Graham Cane, seconded David Hughes

Jake Mancini () – Probationer; proposed Nigel Bulpitt, seconded Linda Bulpitt

Nigel Proctor (); proposed Chris Hurley, seconded Nigel Little

Katherine Proctor (Bentworth); proposed Keith Merritt, seconded Judy Burt

Darren Woodyer – Compounding Member (for Quarter Peal)

All were elected unopposed.

The only new member present to receive his Certificate in person was Harry Cane, who was welcomed and congratulated by the Chairman.

6. Forthcoming Events

A list of events and practices for April, May and June was distributed.

It was confirmed that the Alton Outing would be held on Saturday 4 th June. It would take place much nearer to home than usual (possibly even within the District) and be aimed specifically at ‘Learners and Improvers’, with an open invitation to ringers of all abilities from all towers in the District. Less experienced ringers would be encouraged to join in.

7. AOB a. Graham Cane reported that he had organised a programme of practices until March 2017. He said that the District Outing this year is to be on Saturday 17 th September, to either Eastbourne or the Burford/Cotswolds area. b. Hugh Routh, the new Guild Executive Representative, gave a brief report on its recent meeting, highlighting the most important matters discussed. He said that an unofficial ‘potted’ version of the minutes, written by Guild Communications Officer Deb Baker, was already available on the Guild website (but that the official minutes would be prepared by Secretary Tony Smith). Also, Hugh himself would be happy to answer any queries. He pointed out that four Guild Officer posts are soon to be vacated and invited members to consider standing. c. Melanie Moore asked if the District was considering taking part in this year’s BBC Music Day on Friday 3 rd June when towers nationally have been asked to ring at 7pm. Petersfield and Alton are hoping to take part, but no District-wide participation is planned. d. Members expressed concern that individuals were being elected to the Guild almost ‘on the nod’ when neither the candidate, nor the proposer, nor the seconder was present at the meeting, and in some cases was unknown to the members present. Many towers routinely have no representatives at District meetings and membership was becoming a matter of mere formality rather than participation. It was particularly sad that so few Tower Captains attended meetings. It was agreed that members present should ‘spread the message’ and encourage other ringers to come to meetings; if everyone present brought just one extra person it could be a huge boost to District morale and effectiveness. e. It was confirmed that the District Barbecue will take place at on Saturday 16 th July.

8. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 5.30pm.

Melanie Moore (Petersfield)