“RT-PCR Rp 425.000 and RDT-ANTIGEN Rp 35.000”

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“RT-PCR Rp 425.000 and RDT-ANTIGEN Rp 35.000” www.lionair.co.id @lionairgroup (+6221) 6379 8000 www.batikair.com @batikair @lionairgroup Lion Air Group Lion Air Group 0804 1 778899 PRESS RELEASE Lion Air Group Cooperation and One Major Laboratika: New Location Additions in Makassar “RT-PCR Rp 425.000 and RDT-ANTIGEN Rp 35.000” Last Updated August 25, 2021| 17.30 WITA (GMT+ 08) “Please Pay Attention to and Meet the Health Test Conditions, Validity Period and Other Specified Requirements Documents” Flying is safe and healthy: *Arrive early (3-4 hours) at the airport* to minimize queues and start gradually using *PeduliLindungi Application* before departure for digital validation of documents. M A K A S S A R – August 25, 2021. Lion Air (JT Flight Code), Wings Air (IW Flight Code), Batik Air (ID Flight Code) member of Lion Air Group announced the addition of 1 (one) location in Makassar for Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) service rp 425,000 and Rapid Diagnostic Test Antigen (RDT-ANTIGEN) Rp 35,000 in cooperation with PT Satu Laboratika Utama (SWAB AJA). Both services are called as a health test corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Effectively served on Wednesday (25/08) with RT-PCR and RDT-ANTIGEN sampling locations, available at: Prof. Dr. Bachtiar Razak Clinic SATU Lab. Jalan Kakatua II No. 3 (Jl. Pajonga Dg Ngalle II), Kelurahan Parang, Mamajang Subdistrict, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90133. Phone. 081336250909 Service time: Monday - Friday at 08.30 - 16.00 WITA Saturday at 08.30 - 14.00 WITA Sundays and public holidays – open (still serving) at 10.00 - 14.00 WITA www.lionair.co.id @lionairgroup (+6221) 6379 8000 www.batikair.com @batikair @lionairgroup Lion Air Group Lion Air Group 0804 1 778899 The addition of 1 (one) location of the latest outlet sampling makes Lion Air Group together with current cooperative health facilities that are already running in South Sulawesi providing 2 (two) RT-PCR networks and 4 (four) RDT-ANTIGEN. The implementation of RT-PCR continues to run as the guidelines of health protocols, according to what has been run by Lion Air Group and health facilities, validity period according to the provisions that have been published and currently in force. Test results will come out an average of 1x24 hours after the RT-PCR sample is received by the laboratory. RT-PCR test results using thermal cycler method (DNA amplification technique), examination (testing) of samples centralized in: C.290 Laboratory of Islam Faisal Hospital, Makassar, South Sulawesi. The requirements of LION Air Group's RDT-ANTIGEN and RT-PCR with health facilities are as follows: 1. Especially prospective passengers who have tickets on Lion Air Group flights (Lion Air, Wings Air and Batik Air), Issued ticket purchases and air travel information obtained through: Lion Air Group's Head Office and Ticketing Town Office throughout cities in Indonesia www.lionair.co.id ; www.batikair.com ; Lion Air and Batik Air mobile apps (Wings Air ticket purchases can also be through the website and application); Call center 021-6379 8000 and 0804- 177-8899; travel agent partners (tour travel) and online travel agent (OTA). 2. Vouchers can be purchased simultaneously at the time of ticket purchase (issued ticket), 3. For prospective passengers who already have Lion Air Group airfare and have not implemented RDT-ANTIGEN or RT-PCR, then purchase RDT-ANTIGEN vouchers up to 3 hours before departure and RT-PCR 30 hours before departure by showing the booking code through sales channels such as call centers, Lion Air Group sales offices, www.lionair.co.id , www.batikair.com , travel agents (tour and travel) and others. 4. For prospective passengers who do not have a voucher, can conduct a health test on the network of health facilities by showing a valid ticket and official identity. Payment can be made directly to the health facility. www.lionair.co.id @lionairgroup (+6221) 6379 8000 www.batikair.com @batikair @lionairgroup Lion Air Group Lion Air Group 0804 1 778899 5. RT-PCR sampling process please take place 1x24 hours before departure. If sampling is close to the scheduled departure (less than 24 hours before departure), then the voucher is not valid. 6. If the test result tests positive for (+) Covid-19, the prospective passenger submits a process of changing the departure schedule (reschedule) or refunding without charge. Lion Air Group together with health facilities strive to accommodate the needs of prospective passengers with the speed of handling health tests, accurate, practical, easy, time-saving and effective. The biggest hope of such activities will be to encourage the acceleration of economic recovery through air transportation, encouraging the trend of demand for air freight (aviation). Flying Healthy and Safe Health facilities are already registered big data - new all record (NAR) Ministry of Health. Special rt-PCR test results using a centralized sample examination method (testing) in a cooperation laboratory affiliated with the Ministry of Health. Covid-19 health tests are supported by medical professionals, performance and speed of accurate handling, on time , practical, easy, time-saving, effective and done based on strict health protocols. Lion Air Group and health facilities cooperate to support government programs in controlling the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) as well as efforts to ensure safety and every prospective passenger in traveling by airplane has fulfilled the stipulated conditions. The implementation of the latest health test vouchers has been adapted to the growing demand and market dynamics. Lion Air Group is optimistic, the availability of health test services is able to provide more value and convenience for each prospective passenger in order to plan healthy, safe and pleasant air travel. Lion Air Group together with its health facilities partners offer convenience for Lion Air Group passengers located in Maros Regency, Makassar City and other regions, who will travel departure air from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG) and surrounding airports. www.lionair.co.id @lionairgroup (+6221) 6379 8000 www.batikair.com @batikair @lionairgroup Lion Air Group Lion Air Group 0804 1 778899 More flight connections from Sultan Hasanuddin Airport to Ambon, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Berau, Palangkaraya, Banjarmasin, Denpasar, Gorontalo, Jayapura, Kendari, Merauke, Palu, Sorong, Ternate, Manado, Lombok, Pontianak, Tarakan, Yogyakarta Kulonprogo, Tanjung Karang, Pangkalpinang, Palembang, Bengkulu, Jambi, Padang, Pekanbaru, Batam, Medan, Banda Aceh, Batulicin, Bau-Bau, Bima, Luwuk, Mamuju, Palopo, Poso, Raha, Selayar, Wangi- Wangi and other cities. The implementation of health tests will further show that everyone who enters the aircraft is declared healthy and fit to take part in a flight. 1. Before flying, every prospective passenger must conduct a Covid-19 health test. 2. Digitalization gradually: every passenger has a PeduliLindungi application, this platform will store and show (integrated) data from each prospective passenger in the form of: Results of RDT-ANTIGEN and RT-PCR Covid-19 examination tests, National vaccination card/certificate. Prospective passengers are expected to download and register (charging) the PeduliLindungi application through their respective smartphones from the Google Play Store or Apple Store or can be accessed https://pedulilindungi.id/ . All NAR big data from Pedulilindungi connected health facilities so that the e-HAC charging process that has been running will no longer apply (gradually switch to the Pedulilindungi application). 3. Validation process or examination of health documents Prospective passengers scan barcode from PeduliLindungi at the location provided at the airport departure terminal, or Showing or submitting a certificate of Covid-19 health test results negative results from health agencies shown to the relevant officers, The relevant officer examines and certifies the health documents, 4. The first security check point (security check point 1) by the airport manager's aviation security officer, 5. Second security check point 2 by the airport manager's aviation security officer, 6. All flight crew and passengers must wear masks, maintain cleanliness on the aircraft and comply with health protocols. In addition, prepare a backup mask and hand sanitizer. www.lionair.co.id @lionairgroup (+6221) 6379 8000 www.batikair.com @batikair @lionairgroup Lion Air Group Lion Air Group 0804 1 778899 The Air Circulation System is well maintained The entire fleet is equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters or strong particle filtration. HEPA filters help keep the air clean in the cabin and filter out more than 99.9% of viruses, germs, insects and bacteria. The air in the aircraft cabin is updated every 2-3 minutes, making it fresher. For air from the toilet (lavatory) and kitchen (galley) directly flowed outside the plane. Increased cleaning and sterilization activities of Lion Air Group aircraft periodically with the Aircraft Exterior and Interior Cleaning (AEIC) methods carried out at Batam Aero Technic (BAT) aircraft maintenance centers and at various airport bases (base stations) where Lion Air Group aircraft are located. Lion Air Group continues to implement all applicable flight provisions during the corona virus disease pandemic alert period 2019 (Covid-19). This is in accordance with the recommendations of the rules of the regulator and Lion Air Group's commitment in operating that still prioritizes the safety, safety and comfort factor of aviation (safety first) and is carried out as well as health protocol guidelines. *** *) For this statement, media partners may use excerpts from Corporate Communications Strategic of Lion Air Group, Danang Mandala Prihantoro. CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Management Office - Lion Air Tower Gajah Mada Street No.7, 3rd Floor, Central Jakarta, Indonesia www.lionair.co.id | www.batikair.com Danang Mandala Prihantoro Corporate Communications Strategic +62 8170 777 370 | [email protected].
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