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The BG News January 29, 1986

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 29, 1986" (1986). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4477. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4477

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"It's been 25 years since we started the Glenn is a former Mercury astionaut. manned space program, and I guess we "I think the reason why we've gone a always knew - even though we kept hoping Quarter century without an in-flight acci- it would never happen -1 guess we always ent like this is because we have been fatal mission knew there would be a day like this, because absolutely safe," Glenn said. "To (he crit- space program is too impor- we're dealing with speeds and powers and icism of the news media as to why we don't by Melissa McGUllvray tant to give up. complexities that we never used before," take off like a scheduled airliner out of staff reporter "I think there is too much to the former said. "And it's a day National Airport all the time is because they gain - this one tragic acci- we had hoped to push back forever." just don't take any chances." While high school students dent shouldn't prohibit them Challenger exploded into a gigantic fire- in Concord, N.H., watched the from continuing their re- ball 75 seconds after liftoff yesterday, killing GLENN SAID the space shuttle program Sace shuttle Challenger ex- search," said Mark Nagy, all seven crew members including school- could be delayed if scientists discover that ode with their teacher on junior psychology major. teacher Christa McAuliffe. the accident was caused by a rupture or board, students at the Univer- Greg Shannon, earth and "Obviously, I feel a tremendous personal something that requires redesign and refa- sity also watched and felt the science education major loss," Glenn said at a news conference. brication. impact of the tragedy. shared Nagy's view on the "They were carrying our hopes and our "On the other hand, if there was some- Like the rest of the country, importance of the program. dreams as we advanced the space program Glenn thing that happened just peculiar to this University students are If they were too concerned on behalf of this country and the free flight that they can correct, it may not delay mourning the deaths of seven about safety all along, we world." blowout of the craft's solid fuel boosters. schedules at all," he said. crew members aboard the never would have had a man On a slow-motion video rerun of the explo- He said it appeared to have happened Glenn indicated that he has never been a yes- on the . I still support sion, it was difficult to determine the source shortly after what astronauts once called big supporter of sending civilians on the terday. the space program," he said. of the explosion. But when the huge fuel tank the "high Q" period, or the time in which the shuttle. with nearly 500,000 gallons of volatile propel- spacecraft experiences the greatest aerody- "The main reason for having a space More shuttle coverage — page 4. lant ruptured, it tore Challenger into many namic force just before the air begins to thin program is the basic, fundamental re- pieces. out and the pressure decreases. search. It's not just to see whether we can THE SENATOR said that from the tele- "But whether that had anything to do with put the butcher and baker and candlestick Many students, because of ONE AREA in which many it or not - please don't quote me as saying maker up there on these rides." classes and hectic schedules, students did not agree on was vision pictures, it appeared there was a did not hear about the inci- whether or not a civilian, dent until late yesterday. Stu- McAuliffe, should have been dents expressed shock upon sent on the mission. hearing of the incident. Dave Rini, junior biology Flight's "I think it's a sad day in and art major, thinks NASA America and it's a real tra- was correct in sending a civil- gedy," said Kevin Wray, se- ian into space. nior computer science "They didn't force her to dialogue major."I think people in go I think it's great that America have been condi- they've started getting jour- tioned to think (the shuttle) is nalists and teachers, people foolproof - that's why it's like that, into the space pro- routine such a shock." gram," he said. Most students shared his Marlon Genser, senior bi- opinion, and felt that despite ology major, disagreed, say- SPACE CENTER, Houston the tragedy, the space pro- (AP) - Words from space shuttle ing he thinks civilians should Challenger were all routine gram should be continued. not be sent into space yet. through the 70 seconds of flight. "I think it was probably too There was silence after the "I REALLY believe one early for that," he said. "I positive thing that's going to don't think she had any pur- spacecraft erupted into a fire- come out of this is that pose for going up there." ball. Here is a transcript of those (NASA) is going to improve Donna Gokey, senior sec- what they already have and ondary education major, ex- seconds: see that nothing like this ever pressed an opinion held by • Mission Commentator: 10-9- happens again, Wray said. manv students. 8-7-6, we have main engine start, Andy Dukes, senior selling "It's definitely a shock - 4*2-1, and liftoff. Liftoff of the and sales major, agreed. it's sad that it happened, but 25th space shuttle mission. And "It's a big accident, but it's it doesn't change my opinion it has cleared the tower. a big program -1 think they of the space program/' she • Pilot Mike Smith: Roll pro- should continue. I don't think said. gram. it will happen again," he said. Phil Brewer, senior educa- • Mission Control: Roger, roll, "I think they should have tion major, said he could re- Challenger. people from all facets of life late to the tragedy since be is • Mission Control commenta- also training to be a teacher. tor: Roll program confirmed. McAuliffe remembered and all occupations go up." Many Americans saw the space shuttle Challenger explode yesterday morning live on television. Ed Ramos Dukes added ne would still go Other students thought Challenger now beading down on a space mission if asked sending a civilian into space range. TT»e engines are throt- learned of the explosion in the afternoon but kept himself updated on the tragic deaths of schoolteacher Several students said the tling down now.at 94 percent. Christa McAuliffe and six other crew members yesterday evening at Kmart, 1111 S. Main St. was the right thing to do. a See Dialogue, page 4. Explosion photo • Ukenlrom CBS New,. Glenn pholo ■ BO Newt File Phofo McAuliffe pholo BC NewVJoe Phclan. Editorial BG News/January 29,1986 2

Dedicated pioneers

j^^^f^stl^^T"' ^^tss^^J Today, and for many days to come we will mourn the loss of the seven men and women who were killed in yesterday's explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. The loss is magnified by the presence of school- HB^af^ teacher Christa McAuliffe. the first civilian in space. Her presence had drawn the attention of school children from all over the United States and Canada as McAuliffe was to have broadcast lessons live from the shuttle. The seven people who lost their lives in the accident Challenger were people who had committed themselves to the space program. While the program will be under heavy scrutiny for a long time to come, these people realized the dangers involved in this flight y and knew that fears and hesitation could only paralyze such a program. w/ m Judith Resnick, the second woman to travel on the shuttle, had spent six years with NASA training W/' J to become a member of a shuttle crew. McAuliffe was one of 11,000 teachers who applied for the mission. After being chosen she integrated her P Scobee Smith Resnik 'I committment to education and American youths with the advancement of the space program. m/ McNair Onizuka Jarvis ' Future space missions surely must be dedicated to these seven who were pioneers in this field. McAuliffe Almost immediately after yesterday's events threw the nation into shock, people began to ques- tion the feasibility of continuing the shuttle pro- gram. A program which has seen 24 successful shuttle missions. One which has opened doors in Fear shouldn't halt space program space which at one time were thought unreachable. It will be a long time, if ever, before any conclu- shuttle Challenger's transfor- It was part of the job. board. by Mike Mclntyre mation into a fiery Phoenix, I But as the newsman read the The U.S. space program is sions can be drawn about the causes of the explo- thought the newsman's com- final name, his voice grew a bit tremendous. Realizing the po- sion. Conjecture will be tossed about concerning Early yesterday morning, my ment was an understatement. hoarse. Christa McAuliffe, age: tential of outer space, for the the numerous delays, five in total, which plagued biggest worry was finding a It was. at the least, a disaster. 37; occupation: school teacher. past 20 years or so, has been one the lift-off, but those set-backs are of little conse- breath mint so I could prevent The shuttle's explosion was I thought about the students at of America's strongest assets. quence in the final analysis. the flowers on my desk from scary. Not only because it was Concord High School where she But letting this disaster stand wilting when I exhaled. an accident which killed seven taught until being selected to fly in the way of continued space Regardless of the findings of the space agency Then my roommate called people, but because we have to in the shuttle. exploration would only reveal a the progress of the U.S. space program should not with what I thought was either a realize the shuttle isn't perfect. They were watching the weakness. be hindered while fears of another disaster hang very realistic nightmare he had Automobile accidents happen launch on televisions that were That weakness is fear. heavily over the American public and especially just awakened from, or a sick all of the time. About 50,000 set up in the school cafeteria. If the fear which lingers after those involved with the program. practical joke. people were killed in auto acci- When the shuttle lifted off, they one accident serves as the stop- "Rather's on TV, man. The dents last year. cheered - the delays were over. per for a program which can shuttle blew up." Airplane crashes have be- When the shuttle exploded, they educate people and expand our Oh sure, I thought, as I imag- come commonplace, too. were speechless - what could nation, something is definitely ined my roommate being But what makes the Chal- they say? wrong. shackled in some padded cell. lenger disintegration so shock- The shuttle explosion hits Someone asked me yesterday Robot TV heroes But just to be thorough, I ing is that it never happened close to home because McAuliffe if I would ever go up in a space flipped on the tube. before. We all thought the sci- was a dvilian. She would have shuttle, knowing that one blew I was shocked. ence wizards at NASA had as- been the first civilian with no up and seven people died. On the 13-inch black and white sembled a foolproof spacecraft. affiliation to the government to breed insecurity screen, some unknown news- We were wrong. be in space. I told him that I know thou- man was recounting what he As the newsman read the The newsman was right, this sands died in auto accidents last said could be "a disaster of names of the crew, all of whom was an enormous disaster. But year, then I got into my car and Villains like the Penguin, the enormous magnitude." had died, I hardly flinched. not only for the obvious reasons. drove home. by Julie Fauble Joker and Lex Luthor terrorized At first I thought he was em- These were faceless, nameless It was a disaster because Mclntyre, a junior journalism the screens and Daffy Duck and I know I'm sentimental and bellishing. But after seeing the astronauts who knew this type of there will be apprehension about major from Lakewood, is ma- Wile E. Coyote skipped about, videotape which displayed the thing could happen at any time. letting another civilian on naging editor of the News. old-fashioned, but there are just causing trouble and being certain institutions that I hate to greedy. see disappear - like old cartoon The ending was always the favorites. same. The bad guy was foiled, Saturday mornings used to be peace and harmony reigned and filled with shows like Scooby- the world was safe for mankind. Doo, Buss Bunny and the Road The new shows don't just have Letters Runner/There were purple apes one bad guy. Instead, there are and super-heroes, lite was whole cultures, entire "evil em- great. pires" fighting constantly because chances are his station cord (N.H.) High School who of the teaching profession, to But all things change. against the forces of good. And Wilson's evaluation will go over as poorly as his shared most vividly in her antic- give children a feeling of partici- The last time I encountered there are no happy endings ei- article! ipation of a great experience - pation in "the world's largest cartoons, I hit upon a show ther, just lulls in the fighting. 'ridiculous* T.G. Gamble suddenly and devastatingly classroom" and to give educa- packed with projectile-firing ro- I'm not sure that images of Regarding P. Wilson's article 303 Kohl Hall gone awry. tors a sense of pride in their bots turning into trucks, sports constant fighting, entire coun- in the Friday, January 24 issue work. We shall never have the cars and airplanes. I thought it tries of bad guys and no real of the BG News, I feel that he is In the memory of The nation mourns this terri- Cure of seeing Christa teach must be a programming experi- hope for peace, are really condu- totally off base with the rest of ble loss, but perhaps no one the cockpit of the space ment doomed to failure, but cive to a happy, care-free child- the world. Though he has a right Christa McAuliffe shares the grief of Christa's shuttle, but the memory of her from what my young cousins tell hood. to his own opinion, to publish his An open letter to the the family family as profoundly as the tea- pioneer spirit lives on. We will me, this cartoon genre is hot After watching the cartoons of feelings and pretend others and friends of Sharon Christa chers and children in our na- remember Christa McAuliffe as stuff in kiddieville. my youth, I could sleep easily. share them is ridiculous. McAuliffe: tion's schools. Christa was a an exemplary teacher who The basic plot of these shows Not even the wild wolves that I courageous and energetic young made the ultimate sacrifice and consists of an army of good was sure lived under our pool Relating "hell" with some of It Is difficult to find the words woman who captured the atten- we honor her as a true heroine. robots constantly battling an table could scare me because the most popular songs of the to express our shock, dismay tion and admiration of the On behalf of the students and army of bad robots, with a there were heroes and good guys year is about as crazy as saying and grief as a result of the tragic world. Her intelligence, commit- faculty of the College of Educa- bunch of laser beams, high-tech- and all the bad guys wound up in that baseball is a form of devil explosion that claimed the lives ment to young people and com- tion and Allied Professions of nology equipment and violence jail. I thought that there might worship. of six American astronauts and munication skills have been an Bowling Green State University, thrown in for good measure. be a few weirdos out in the Sharon Christa McAuliffe - our inspiration to all of us who value we extend to you our deepest These shows probably aren't world, but basically people were He ridiculed songs because he "teacher in space." these qualities in teachers. sympathy. any more or less lacking in good. felt they were played too much, Gerald L. Saddlemire intelligence than any of the Kids who watch modem car- not because they were bad Our hearts go out to her hus- Sharon Christa McAuliffe has Interim Dean shows I watched as a kid and toons are left with violence and songs. And if he thinks "Susu- band, her son and daughter, her just given her life in an attempt College of Education and Allied there may not even be any more uncertainty, not security. These dio is ridiculous, he should parents and the students at Con- to raise the public's perception Professions violence, but there is a danger in shows leave me a little de- listen to the words in "Money for them. pressed and worried, and sup- Nothing!" It was a good song These new shows paint a pic- posedly, I'm an adult capable of but what do appliances have to BLOOM COUNTY byBerke Breathed ture of good and baa far differ- distinguishing between fantasy do with anything? ent than the standard bad guys and reality. I just wonder, how me rum. mms s*Bti ''"riv - amov~ «rs M*M* «r. of old shows. do these shows leave impres- I hope he has no plans of a irs.omsmo' am/ma srxxHoi i.im Old shows had a few deviants sionable children feeling? career in radio programming SMOH-IX mam KXONlenmawm. ninnning around causing prob- Fauble, a sophomore Journa- SUM cox. mmmcK. lems ana trying to take over the lism major from Toledo, is a tfrtWU SHOU. world in half hour segments. staff reporter for The News. Respond

The BG News editorial THE BG NEWS page is your campus forum. Letters and guest columns ErJior Geoffrey Barnard Chief copy erMor . Diva Harding should be typewritten, dou- Managing erJtor M*o Mclntyre Chief copy editor . . ble-spaced and signed. Your Aaat managing editor Karl Smith Copy editor Brian R Bel address and phone number Newe edHor Nancy Boetwick Copy editor Paula Recher must be included. EdaoneJaOWx Don Lea Copy editor Trevor Petttlord Chief erjtorlel writer lereaa Tarantmo Copy edrtor Mary Regan Photo erJtor JoePneian Friday editor Carole Homoerger Letters to the editor should Aeet photo editor MexHorvaBI Aaat Friday ErJtor Dormy Rouen not be longer than 200 words Sporta arjlor Tom Read Prod aup'r Bob Gibson and columns should not be AM. sports editor Ron Frttz Prod, aup'r Stave hvenlcM longer than 500 words. Wire erJtor Phaap B Wlaon Prod, aup'r Doug Kaufman BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed The News reserves the The BG News la pubtehed dally Tuesday through Friday during the academic year and Hfxr.icmftwmmK weeMy during the summer session by the Board of Student Publications of Bowling Green Stale right to reject submissions ■Mi.' HfKT. WWK01Mr\ UnHerHty that are in bad taste, mali- muafmtimi'umer. Opinions expressed by ooajmnlata do not necessanty reflect the opinions of me BG News cious or libelous. ieorrm*T*mm*a/T The BG News and Bowing Green State University are equal opportunity employers and do jmmun mmmrgyuf, rot rjecrlminete in rwmg practices All submissions are subject ommmrmf The BG News arl not accept arJvartWng that la deemed dlecrtmrietory degrading or to condensation, and opinions WefaVsl on the beets of 'ace. sex or national origin. printed do not necessarily copyright 1985 by the BG News al rights reeerved Business Office ErMorlel Office reflect those of the staff. 214 Waal Hal Ph (4181372 2601 210 Waal Hal Ph (419) 372 2803 Please address submis- Bowing Green Stale University sions to: Bowing Green. Ohio 43403 Hours 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Editorial Editor The BG News 211 West Hall Local BG News/January 29,19M 3 Plane trial begins; Plan will address flood problem

4 lawsuits settled by Zora Johnson South College Street, told the sewage is drained," he said. "There is no real short-range staff reporter Board that flooding has been an "This sewer still drains a sub- solution to allieviate the bottle- ongoing problem. stantial part of the South part of neck until we complete the mas- by Valerie Qplak tive damages. Representa- tives for the estates are A flooding problem in the area town." ter plan sometime in 1966," he staff reporter of South College and Clough "You cannot only go waterski- said. "We could tie two Crim seeking $4.3 million each. THE SEWER is also a com- street manholes together and Two lawsuits went to trial Insurance Co. of North Streets is an issue which will be ing in the street, but you can go America, which insured Fra- addressed in a 1986 master plan ice-skating in our backyards," bined sewer which means it allieviate some of the problem yesterday stemming from a for storm and sanitary sewers, he said. Laundry tubs in our takes care of both the sanitary temporarily." 1982 light plane crash on Fra- zee Apt., is also seeking re- and storm runoff, Barber said. zee Avenue that killed four imbursement from Piper for said Dave Barber, director of basement are backed up with area men, including two Uni- damages totalling $248^912.95. public works. sewage. It's such a constant THE TWO lawsuits are be- threat that when you go on vaca- "We don't want to build two Because the area is low-lying, versity students. Barber spoke to a group of tion you have to get a house separate systems because that the problem may never be com- The trial began after Mon- ing tried together before pletely solved, Barber said. day's out-of-court settlement Judge Gale Williamson at the residents from the neighborhood sitter." would be exr*nsive," he said. Wood County Common Pleas who attended a Board of Public "If we only built a sanitary between the estates of the Utilities meeting Monday night Barber said the problem in the sewer, there would still be street "There is a lot of low ground in three passengers and the es- Court. Eight jurors were cho- that area which causes a lot of tate ot the pilot. The amount sen from 75 candidates Mon- to complain about the water area is caused by a bottleneck in flooding when it rained." day. problem. the sewer system. standing water," he said. "This of the settlement was not dis- "A lot of the sewers in this There is no short term solution happens when there are unim- closed. Before opening statements proved streets without gutters." The estates of passengers the jury viewed Frazee Apt. EWen Martin, resident of area come together and a lot of to the problem, Barber said. Michael Cochran, Richard and an aircraft similiar to the Baker, both of Napoleon, and crashed plane, the Piper Che- Jeffrey Diemer, of Holgate, rokee 140. are continuing their claim The plaintiffs claim that against Piper Aircraft Cor- Piper Aircraft's defectively New sorority concludes first rush poration, makers of the plane designed the Cherokee 140 by that crashed on May 1,1982. converting it from a two-per- by Jill Monoc national sorority's colony - a volved in the greek events on nights or otherwise showed in- The plane, flown by David son to a four-person plane. reporter group of women establishing a campus. terest in rushing Pi Beta Phi. As Lankenau, of Napoleon, Lack of warning on the plane chapter, but not considered ACCORDING TO Kelly Price, of last Wednesday morning, 230 crashed into Frazee Apart- Save an illusion of safety to Another combination of greek members of the national soror- secretary of Panhellenic Coun- women signed up for the colo- ment shortly after take-off le passengers, they claim. letters will soon appear on ity until installation. cil, the Pi Beta Phi sorority will nization rush. Usually about 500- from Wood County Airport. A Piper contends that Lanke- sweatshirts in Bowling Green. receive a lot of help in establish- 550 students sign up to rush report by the National Trans- nau was fully at fault for the The University's 17th and new- "After the installation in ing its chapter. The University sororities in the spring, she said. portation Safety Board crash because of Federal Avi- est sorority Pi Beta Phi, has April, Pi Beta Phi will be recog- of Toledo, University of Michi- showed the basic cause for ation Administration's regu- finished its first rush. nized as a full sorority by the gan and Ohio State University Bush said a moratorium is in the crash to be overloading of lations, including one stating But Pi Bete Phi is not an Panhellenic Council, BG's greek chapters will help, as well as effect now, which means that no the aircraft. that "the pilot in command of officially recognized sorority on system and the Pi Beta Phi some Pi Beta Phi alumni, Uni- sorority can rush during the Pi The claim against Piper an aircraft is directly respon- campus yet. national sorority," Bush said. versity sororities and represen- Beta Phi rush. This is done as a includes damages for wrong- sible for, and is the final au- tatives of the Pi Bete Phi courtesy on most campuses ful death, pre-impact terror thority as to, the operation of According to Julie Bush, assis- Although Pi Beta Phi will be a national chapter, she said. whenever a new sorority comes of the passengers and puni- that aircraft." tant director of Greek Life. Pi colony for most of this semester, According to Bush. 350 stu- to the college to help the sorority Beta Phi will be considered its Bush said they will still be in- dents attended information get started, she said.

Student Health Service to Offer ATTENTION ■ t Fertility Awarness Instruction RACQUETBALL PLAYERS Of **m\ »nii% I A course in Natural Family Planning (NFP) and <$>REDKEN Fertility Awarneness (FA) will meet three times $5 HAIRCUT beginning Mon., Feb. 10 from 4-6 p.m. and continu- Attend club info meeting products available I ing March 10 and April 14. NFP and FA are forms 30% off PERMS with this AD of contraception that enable a woman to know what 140 E. WOOSTER I ASK FOR PEGGY days in her menstrual cycle she is safe and unsafe to Wednesday, January 29, 8:45 p.m. 352-0800 have intercourse. Cost is $12.00. For registration Near glass courts in SRC OPEN I Expires 2/5/86 call Mary Johnson, RN, in the Women's Clinic at MONDAY-SATURDAY MO-530 I the Student Health Service, 372-2271. I— THURSDAVSTUlSaipiiiinUKSUni 3 ULLSMUpCu _ All levels welcome Off-Campus You're in the Housing Fair BAG Seniors!! • Landlords and University rep- resentatives will be present to discuss problems and answer questions concerning all as- pects of Off-Campus Life. • A price list of available apart- ments will be provided. • The Student Legal Services will be available to discuss problems about rental agreements.

Tuesday, February 4 7 - 9 p.m. If you're among those who haven't had their senior portrait taken. Grand Ballroom Varden Studios of New York Free and Open to All is back Refreshments Served one last time! Sponsored By: Off-Campus Housing Office Feb. 3-14 Student Consumer Onion, and Call 372-8086 now to schedule an Student Legal Services appointment. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Don't be left out of the best senior section ever, or caught at graduation 372-8248 or 372-2458 without senior portraits for family, friends or employers. Then you WILL NEED BG News/January 29,1986 4

Challenger: A tragedy in space Would University instructors risk flying in the shuttle?

Bruce Smith, professor of Geog- Howard McCord, professor of Marv Retcher, graduate assis- Susan Baum. assistant profes- Dale Thompson, graduate assis- Elizabeth Stimson, associate raphy: "I guess it was bound to English: "One out of 25 isn't bad; tant of Math: "I don't think we sor of Special Education: "The tant of Education/Administra- professor of Educational Curric- happen; it was an unfortunate it's tragic when brave people should stop the program. 'first person' concept is being tion & Supervision: "I wouldn't ulum and Instruction: "With a catastrophe. But I'd go up my- are blown up but, I wouldn't be There's so much to learn about done too soon. The astronauts go up but it has nothing to do program that large there will be self for the same reasons as Id afraid to fly (in the space- space and space travel." and engineers have to give the with the disaster. There are too problems. The space program get into a car." shuttle)." program more intense work. I many problems on this planet has a good record; I'd take the think it may have been for pub- that could be solved with the chance and go up." licity." money in the space program."

Dialogue Mission D Continued from page 1. D Continued from page 1. Normal throttle for most of the hour), altitude 4.3 nautical miles up. tie engines, its twin solid boosters or any other the Challenger impacted this morning, these flight is 104 percent. We'll (4.9 statute miles), downrange (Fireball occurs) system and that the shuttle just suddenly blew searches have not revealed any evidence that the throttle down to 65 percent distance 3 nautical miles (3.4 There was a long silence. apart 10 miles high and 8 miles downrange of crew of Challenger survived," Moore. NASA shortly. Engines at 65 percent. statute miles). Engines throt- • Mission Control commenta- Cape Canaveral. Ninety minutes after the acci- associate administrator, told a midarternoon Three engines running nor- tling up, three engines now 104 tor: Flight controllers are dent, controllers were still at their consoles, news conference. mally. Three good fuel cells. percent. looking very carefully at the solemnly examining flight data. Col. John Shults, director of Defense Depart- Three good APUs (auxiliary • Mission Control: Chal- situation. Obviously a major FLAGS AT Cape Canaveral were lowered to ment contingency operations here, said a search power units). Velocity 22,057 lenger, go at throttle up. malfunction. We have no down- half-staff. The countdown clock that marks the armada of Helicopters, ships and planes had feet per second (1,400 miles per • Smith: Roger, go at throttle link (communications). progress of the mission continued for hours. spotted several pieces of debris floating' in the Atlantic. Reagan, in an Oval Office address after he "We have seen several pieces, what looked to be postponed his State of the Union message because about five or 10 feet long and a couple feet wide," of the tragedy, reaffirmed his commitment to the he said. The debris will De recovered and brought shuttle program and said, "The future doesn't to a hangar at nearby Patrick Air Force Base. belong to the fainthearted, it belongs to the The president watched video replays in Student Wellness Center brave." "stunned silence," and sent Vice President is sponsoring a "We will continue our quest in space," he said. George Bush here to convey his sympathies to the "There will be more shuttle flights and more families of the crew. shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more "It's a terrible thing," Reagan told reporters. WEIGHT-NUTRITION-EXERCISE CLASS civilians, more teachers in space." "I just can't get out of my mind her (McAuliffe) "Nothing stops here," he said. husband, her children, as well as the families of NASA delayed its announcement that there the others on board." January 29 - March 19 appeared to be no survivors until it had conducted "Oh, my God, no!" exclaimed first lady Nancy Wednesday Evenings 7-9 p.m. search-and-rescue efforts. Even before Moore's Reagan, who was watching the launch in the statement, it seemed impossible anyone could White House family quarters. Location: LIFE Room at SRC have survived such a cataclysm. Addressing schoolchildren who watched this The crew included McAuliffe and six NASA flight more closely than others because a teacher Register at the SRC - $8.00 refundable fee astronauts: commander Francis Scobee, 46, pilot was aboard and many special projects were Michael Smith, 40; , 38; Ronald planned for them, Reagan said: McNair, 35; , 39; and Gregory "I know it's hard to understand, but sometimes Jarvis, 41. painful things like this happen. It's all part of the "I REGRET THAT I have to report that based process of exploration and discovery. It's all part on very preliminary searches of the ocean where of... expanding man's horizons." INTERESTED IN

IMngraajo* SfcxMni Gove«nm»n' STUDENT COURT? Student Court is now taking applications ^J SPRIN6FEST '86 Sign-ups at 405 Student Services until Monday, will be a reality on February 3rd. Sign-up for an interview time when applying. Saturday, April 26 Interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4 Organizing Committee needs a few good students to help shape this year's event _ ... & 5, between 6 to 9 p.m. Deadline: ~~Vb-^Apply /^"~~N 405 Student Services Mon., Feb. 3, 5 p.m. WINTHROP TERRACE Our three-year and two-year scholarships won't NOW RENTING FOR make college easier. FALL SEMESTER

3 Locations *Palmer Avenue Just easier to pay for. 'South Summit St. Even if you didn't start college on a scholarship, you * Napoleon Road could finish on one. Army ROTC Scholarships pay for full tuition and allowances for educational 'One and two bedroom apartments, furnished and unfurnished fees and textbooks. Along with up to $1,000 a year. Get all the facts. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. 'Heat, Water, Cable, and Trash removal all included 'On Site management For More Information, call Captain Dave Wolf at 'Full time Maintainance 372-2476 or atop by Room 151, Memorial Hall. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT ARMY RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS IF LEASE IS SIGNED BEFORE MARCH 31 Office: 400 Napoleon Rd. 352-9135 9-5 weekdays, evenings by appointment Elsewhere BG News/January 29,1986 5 News Briefs First cuts to begin Settlement may fund program Exercise may recoup mental loss for space reporter COLUMBUS-(AP)The But he said the loss could be STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) losses after five one-hour train- COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - the Association of Schools of (iramm-Rudman deficit reduc- made up by the state borrowing - New results from a study of ing sessions. Applications from 1,703 jour- Journalism and Mass Com- tion law could take S5 million out funds or possibly using part of elderly people indicate the par- nalists hoping to become the munications. of Ohio's Home Energy Assis- its estimated $70 million wind- tial loss of certain mental skills The findings are important first reporter in space will be The largest number of ap- tance Program, but the state fall from the U.S. Supreme may be due more to disuse than because "in studies of later sent to journalism schools plicants, 411, came from the might replace the federal money Court decision in the Exxon disease and can be reversed adulthood the assumption has across the country this week southeastern region. with its share of a court-man- case. with simple mental exercises. been made that when decline for the first cut. There were 386 applicants dated Exxon settlement. The high court Monday found A study of 229 members of begins to occur that it is irre- from the Northeast, 330 from Nick Sunday, assistant pro- Exxon guilty of illegally inflat- Puget Sound Group Health, a versible," said researcher The applications have been the West, 301 from the south- gram administrator for HEAP, ing oil prices and ordered it to health maintenance organiza- Sherry Willis, associate profes- divided into five regions and central region and 275 from said yesterday that under two pay about $2.1 billion to the U.S. tion in Seattle, showed that of sor at Pennsylvania State Uni- will be sent to 20 journalism the north-central region. different ways of calculating the Treasury for distribution to the those whose inductive reasoning versity. schools, four in each region. The 40 national semifi- effect of Gramm-Rudman, the states for energy-conservation and spatial orientation skills had Willis suggests that senior citi- Each school panel will pick nalists will be narrowed to state program would stand to measures and helping the poor declined since 1970, about 40 zens flex their mental and physi- five journalists by late Feb- five by a 14-member panel lose |S million effective March 1. to pay home utility bills. percent were able to recoup the cal muscles for better health. ruary or early March. From made up of journalists and that pool, eight journalists educators. will be selected from each Abused give indirect signals Panel recommendations delayed region. Those five will go to the All applicants will be eval- in MIDDLETOWN, Ohio (AP) - your knowledge, but if you COLUMBUS (AP) - Major et director, said after a uated ''on the basis of demon- Houston for physicals and Parents should watch closely for watch and listen closely to your recommendations of a gover- efing on the report at the strated professionalism and briefings. They will then go to indirect signs from their chil- children you can detect it," Ad- nor's task force for dealing with Statehouse. the ability to communicate Washington for interviews dren that the youngsters are ams-Smith said. Ohio's crowded prisons are un- "It would be optimistic to as- clearly and effectively to with a seven-member Na- being sexually abused by some- "listen to the comments a likely to be implemented this sume the sentencing laws would mass audiences in both elec- tional Aeronautics and Space one, says a human services man makes to you when he's year, the director of the biparti- be rewritten completely this tronic and print media," said Administration evaluation worker who tries to detect child around your children, and the san panel acknowledged yester- year, that there would be vast Robert Hoskins, president of committee. abuse. same for women," she said. day. changes in the community cor- The dialogue of children may "We understand the con- rections structure this year.," provide the first hint of abuse, "Notice what your children straints of this session, both in he said. says Kathy Adams-Smith, of the wear around your friends, and terms of time and elections, and The task force, established by Butler County Department of whether they talk badly about a things like that, and also the Gov. Richard Celeste in August Human Services. friend of yours. Listen to their unpopularity of some of the pro- 1984, has produced a series of "It may be happening without vocabulary." posals," David Diroll, the pro- approaches. SPRING BREAK '86 Venticm Court Resort * Make it a Memory • Apartments ** 63 Isle of Venice ** S&* Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33301 NASSAU, BAHAMAS Tel. (305) 525-2233 — call collect from $409-$439 Students welcome for Spring Break '86. Apartments, ETHICAL CHOICES efficiencies and hotel rooms to accommodate two to ten based on quad, occupancy persons, all around $20 per person per night. Barbecues, IN A laundry, pool, maid service. PLURALISTIC WORLD Your package includes: 7 nights hotel DO YOU WANT TO HELP OTHERS? Wednesday, January 29 Events: Air from Detroit YOU CAN! * "The Living Will Controversy: Planning How to Die?" Hotel cocktail party be a LINK volunteer counselor Dr. Anthony Foley The LINK is a 24 hour a day 4:00 p.m. Capital Room, 3" Floor Union All hotel facilities crisis intervention — co-sponsored by College of Health and information and referral center Human Services To find out how you may become a LINK counselor * "State Control of Christian Schools: Loss of Religious Call (£^ foi your reservation / CALL NOW! 352-5387 Freedom?" 352-5276 or Rev. Peter Manto, Rev. John Thomas come to 525 Pike St., Bowling Green 7:30 p.m. Alumni Room, 3" Floor Union Training provided for all accepted applicants I SPONSORED BY UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES Application Deadline: Feb. 1 OI» Training Starts Fab. 10 t»to*c*otote>*o*«*o*o*o*o* +&*&td&*ot&fo*<>*e**?*to*o*o*o** UNIVERSITY VILLAGE & UNIVERSITY COURTS APARTMENTS Corner of Clough & Mercer (Behind Wendy's)


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ENJOY GOOD LIVING IN '86 WITH PREFERRED PROPERTIES CO. 835 High St. - Rental Office Located at Cherrywood Health Spa Phone 352-9378 9:00 - 4:30 Monday - Friday 25% OFF Preview Our HAVEN HOUSE Features: All Foliage Plants Valentine Arrangements PIEDMONT - 8th & HIGH ST. 2 bedroom-carpeted & furnished Cash & Carry and Specials BIRCHWOOD PLACE - 650 SIXTH ST. Gas heat - gas cooking SMALL BLDGS. - MANVILLE BETWEEN (Landlord pays gas) 6th & 7th Laundry areas in each building "Come out and see our newly remodeled 707 SIXTH ST. Residents pay only electric Showroom and newly built Greenhouse." 818 SEVENTH ST. Lots of closet space I 1/2 bath * FREE DRAWING • 1 FREE CARNATION Special Features TO EVERY STUDENT All residents will be granted membership to the Health Spa. A new facility which has been built features the following: • Hydro Spa Whirlpool • Sun Lamps • Shower Massage • Indoor Heated Pool • Metos Sauna • Complete Exercise Facilities ond Equipment 906 Napoleon at the end of S. College 353-8381 Other Rentals inhouse charges Houses, Efficiencies; 1 bdrm. available Furnished & Unfurnished Sports BG News/January 29,1986 6 Moore makes Falcons motor

by Paul SUvi best in the game's waning mo- Coach Voll realizes the impor- "My grandparents are very sports reporter ments. tance of Moore. supportive, and try to make it to "RHONDA'S EXPERIENCE "Rhonda was the girl that I almost every game. They collect . She's the clutch who shifts has been a big benefit to us in relied on last year. We needed my articles." Moore said. Bowling Green's women's bas- tight ball games," Voll said. her inside, and she responded Moore has the 'special team' ketball team into gear. "She has herself under control, well." Voll said. "This year we the 'home-field advantage', and She also comes through in the and it reflects on the team. To- put her back to guard, which is even the 'intangibles' going into clutch. ward the end, she can really more her natural position." tonight's contest. But it's her Rhonda Moore lived up to both control a game." intangibles that rise to the top. billings Saturday against Kent MOORE COULDNT be hap- "Rhonda has the intangibles State when she scored eight of KSU and Central Michigan fier. She currently averages that some players don't have," the last 10 Falcon points, includ- have been two of BG's toughest 5.1 points a game, and seems at Voll said. "And one of them, is ing two free-throws with just 11 Mid-American Conference oppo- home hitting shots from the pe- that she makes the freshmen seconds remaining. nents this season. Against Cen- rimeter. feel comfortable." tral, the Falcons trailed by one "Playing guard allows me to In Moore's 42 appearances at point in the closingr seconds. do a lot more than I did last year Moore majors in Health Edu- the charity stripe, she has Enter "Clutch' Moore. She at forward," Moore said. "I like cation, but admits her school missed just six times. The senior took a pass from Sheri Voyles, to bring the ball up court. I'm work takes second-seed to bas- leads the Falcons from the line, dribbled, spun and shot - noth- more able to control the pace of ketball. shooting better than 85 percent. ing but net. the game." "My number one priority is She hopes to continue her tor- basketball now. Some people rid shooting today when the Fal- However, it hasn't all been Moore credits her talents to say school should be first, but cons host Ball State in Anderson fine through the twine. Clck-up games with the guys in sorry, it isn't," Moore said. Arena at 5:30 p.m. Moore struggled through her er neighborhood. But back freshman and sophomore years. then, basketball took back court "Clutch" has waited three "There is no reason for me to The fun diminished for the Ca- to, of all things, football. years for this type of a season, miss any foul shots," Moore nal, Ohio native and she started and doesn't want anything or said. "We shoot 25 free throws losing interest. "If I could have played foot- anybody stopping the Falcons every day in practice. Coach "I didn't have a real good ball, I would have. I wanted to from grabbing the MAC (Fran Voll) doesn't care how freshman year, and I lost the Elay in the Pee-Wee league," Championship. BG News/Joe Phelan you make them, as long as you desire to play," Moore said. loore said. "I used to collect "I really think we can win the Rhonda Moore make them." "But when coach Voll took over football cards and watch the MAC," Moore said. "Ohio Uni- Her accurate foul shooting is my junior year, it made an in- games with my grandfather." versity is the team to beat, but if Use The Escort Service just one trait the 5-10 guard credible change. He turned the Moore's grandparents are we play as well as I know we possesses. The senior is at her program into 'we' not 'me." probably her most devoted fans. can, we'll win." CHARLESTOWN APARTMENTS FALCON BASKETBALL TONIGHT MID AM MANOR vs. Choose from choice apartments within walking distance to campus—summer BALL STATE 1986 and 1986-87 school year: • Women — First in MAC, 5:30 p.m. • Men — Shooting for 4th straight home win, 8 p.m. 1 or 2 bedroom, unfurnished, gas heat • First 1,000 fans receive & water included, air conditioning "Fighting Falcon" mugs courtesy of University Bookstore Resident Manager, • Gates open 5 p.m. 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. • WEAR ORANGE & support the 352-4380 Co^W THW b-two off (>*f*V ***i l \*»»ftJi(**>r»»f

Hav-eot you ever done something in your Nfe you wish you THE BROTHERS OF DELTA TAU DELTA coujd do over again...and this time do it right? ^ After fourteen years. Jack finally has a chance ^P^^ WISH TO CONGRATULATE THEIR to replay the worst moment of Ms life. J^^^^ 1986 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND CABINET But first, he has to convince Reno that history won't repeat itself. \Z-^

President T.R. Smith V.P. Interne \ Mark Freund V.P. Rt fanner Chilton Treasurl [Fred Heegan Recording Secret] ^Steve Dillon Corresponding Sej )by Brady

Communi JefJ Rocheck Bi le Hartstang k\£ Dubell jan holiday Wurgler Jeffjmith Si >eamiWrF*iel PuWfrJ HfiiLDafit Sci Nict Fortine Commui riar iwihart Walton story inLokeren lomas >uter iCarroll IFC Ret intative fanCourt Alumni Carl Hfclmberg

WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO EXTEND OUR A Comedy about We, hope, and getting even. GRATITUDE TO THE 1985 OFFICERS AND KINGS ROAD ENTERTAINMENT rtweno A GORDON CARROLL Production "THE BEST OF TIMES" EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ON A JOB WELL DONE PAMELA REED DONALD MOFFAT Mu* t, ARTHUR B. RUBINSTEIN viNiw.br RON SHEOON *«i*Wb, GORDON CARROi ROGER SPOTTISWOODE Coming January 31st to Select Theatres BG News/January 29,1986 7 McMahon better than the average Bear Reed this weirdo, I like McMahon. He's a His athletic prowess combined with an McMahon is not afraid to run attempts for 2,392 yards. rebel with a cause - to win and eccentric lifestyle makes McMahon the with the ball or challenge a His athletic prowess combined by Tom Reed still have a good time. most entertaining player in the NFL under linebacker. His headlong flip in with an eccentric lifestyle sports editor He led Chigago to one of the the Super Bowl illustrated this makes McMahon the most greatest seasons in NFL history. 300 pounds. point. During the regular season entertaining player in the NFL At the same time, McMahon was he ran 47 times for 260 yards and under 300 pounds. a ringleader of the "Dancing three TDs. Bears," in the "Super Bowl introduced himself to the NFL in wearing a headband with the MCMAHON ALSO caught a "I think a lot ofpeople come to The Chicago Bears' Super Shuffle." 1962 by riding to the Chicago teachers name inscribed on it. touchdown pass earlier in the see McMahon," Patriots coach Bowl ship finally came in LAST WEEK, he boasted training camp in a white The only problem with all of season. He even threw his share Raymond Berry said after the Sunday. about the Bears invincibility. limousine (this is customary for McManon's antics is they of blocks on end-arounds. When game. "He's brought some fun And it was brought to shore by Then, against the Patriots, the Bears' first round draft overshadow his talents as a is the last time you saw Dan back into the NFL." a quarterback who didn't even McMahon showed the nation he choice). quarterback. Marino or Dan Kouts block for a have both oars in the water. could not only talk a good game, However, he emerged from True, McManon's statistics teammate? .. . That's why you all came With just minutes left in the but also play one. the car to greet coach Mike don't jump out at you like his ".. . I can't dance, but I can here on the double, to catch me Bears 46-10 throttling of New The Bears signal-caller Ditka wearing his sunglasses, a personality. But he is the most throw the pill. .." doing my Super Bowl Shuffle." England, Jim McMahon stood Ccompleted 12 of 20 passes for 256 spiked hairdo and clutching a complete quarterback in the McMahon doesn't pass for McMahon is quickly becoming on Die Superdome sidelines clad is and scored two six-pack (not-so-customary). game. oodles of yardage like Marino or one of my heros. I'd really like to in glacier glasses and a hdowns on short runs. Many people don't care for Ironically, McMahon, the Fouts. Then again they don't be like him. headband which read: PLUTO. Prior to Super Bowl XX, the McManon's tomfoolery. Bears' new-wave leader, is a have Walter Payton the all-time I could just picture it. His Rozelle headband was rap against McMahon was that He stuck his tongue out at throw back to the old fashion leading rusher in their back probably in the wash. his immaturity and cockiness America against the Los quarterback who did anything to field. The free-spirited McMahon would eventually hurt the Bears. Angeles Rams and two weeks win. looked like a cross between punk But the only rap McMahon later "mooned" photographers "... When I hit the turf I've When McMahon does throw rocker Wendi 0' Williams and should be remembered for is his in New Orleans. got no plan. I just throw my body the ball, he finds his target. comedian Robin Williams. own. BUT I THINK there's a little all over the field. .." McManon's 59.6 completion Except Mork was from Ork "I'm the punky QB known as McMahon in all of us. McManon's actions are as percentage ranked second in the not Pluto. McMahon..." After flunking a test, I'd love unpredictable on the field as off. NFC to Joe Montana. During the While many think he's a The Brigham Young graduate to go to the next class session Unlike most quarterbacks, season he completed 178 of 313

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Maryanne Alic Lisa Morris KEY Yearbook and be eligible for you and a guest to Connie Blankschaen Diane Neu Nancy Croci Colleen Perry experience Daytona Beach-a $430°° value! Sharon Diamond Chrissy Posewitz Lisa Drugan Melissa Preston Laurie Fox Kristen Rieck Trips organized by ■)££$ through Echo Travel, Inc. include: Cherie Janello Sue Samol Diane Kinzer Donna Scenna Amy Lalak Roxanne Scherger *7 nights accommodations at the Desert Inn-Quad occupancy. Stay Amy McCament Sandi Smith right in the middle of the action. Desert Inn has a restaurant lounge, color Anne McGreevey Holly Tritch TV, air conditioning, indoor pool, outdoor pool with one the largest decks Alisa McMillen Peggy Wetzler on the beach. ($25 refundable room deposit not included.) Gina Willis 'Round trip motor coach transportation-Departs Fri., March 21, returns Sun., March 30, 1986. 'Pool deck parties & activities every day. OUTSTANDING PLEDGE 'Optional excursions to Disney World, Epcot; Hawaiian Luas, * Diane Neu * Party boats and more. 'All taxes and gratuities. ENTRIES due in the KEY office, 28 West Hall by Fri., Feb. 14, 5 p.m.

DRAWING: Fri., Feb. 21,5 p.m., Name Welcome to Soc Sac. No.. KEY SrillB BREAK 6IWEAWAY the sisterhood Union Foyer Data I I Local Phona Help celebrate BGs rstf anmeisen w>rrt a spec*/ Ot- 111 U BE HERE TO PICK UP my yewtxx* ■noAd JwWlM adltton ot me 1986 KEY Cwttuie «ot cn>v «*wn « arrh-M m Saptambaf IMS Love In 1TKE All those who have already Itw yen but '5 reel* ol growlb l M my burtav account Your Gamma Phi ordered a 1986Key are ;; I WONT BE HERE TO PICK UP my border Your%, yaartxx* PIMM M my burs* account an sisters adotoonal S3 ■ mating charg* and aand automatically entered 1986 KEY Now! my yaarpoc* to in this raffle. SPECIAL 7SIM AMIVEHSMV PRICED •16.95 pa CO Kty stofl members S volunteers ineligible Z r»B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r+B r*B Classifieds BG News/January 29,1986 8 PREGNANT? CONCERNS? Fraa pregnancy Karen. Kim. Susan, and Chrta FLORI0A FLING GXJV^RNMENT JOBS S16 040 - Sf39.230yr Mat Obktctlv* Mo Cai now 354-HOPE REACH THE BEACH AT FLOWOA FLINO CAMPUS It CITY EVENTS You guys are great" You made my birthday ex- FLORIDA FLING Now htlng Cat 1 -805-087-4000 Ext R -8849 (4673) Mrs M Th 12 noon-6pm T w 10 tra apace* with al thoee surprises I love you al FLOteOA FLING lor current federal 1st am 2pm. Sal 12 noon-2pm Signed. Oiilm JAN. SI URANO BALLROOM RUSH ATTENTION BUSINESS MAJORS RUSH HELP WANTED Whrteweler River Guides Ful American Marketing Aeeoc Mwntwrtftp Drlv*. LSAT-MCAT-GMAT ORE PHI DELTA THETA and part am* seeaonal position* avaaaMa. Must NTE-CPA REVTEW-NCLEX-RN FLOWOA FUNO IS COMMOI Jan 30. 31. Fab 3 7 localad n»BA Lobby PERSONALS TOES. TMURS. 7:S0-»:00 o* IS AJao looking lor people with compuler from 0-3.30 and m Math Science Horn 9-3 KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER FRIDAY, JAN. 11 9-1 AM sxpenence Equal opportunity employer North NO 1 IN TEST PREPARATION Al th* Onwd SaSnuin wRh Hw W« StaMOr*. PM DELTA THETA Membership sign up in Mam Science la open to RUSH Amancan Rrvar Runners P O Box 81-Hico. c (419) 838-3701 TOLEDO WV 2S854. (304) 858 5276 re*hman also 01 at *l T0WNI Experience ■tjm*Bilnt~0* ATTENTION FRESHMAN BUSINESS MAJORS WEDNESDAY NITE MOVIES terenii Bus alp lo Tony Packs'* Bar and Cant Part-am* prryalcal therapy aid Musi Oe able to Order ol OaMSI wW b* lining a atHd end TtHa • ma LAST night ol Fraahman Orkwitatkxi » 30-'Godilll*-1»tS'.llh fl. Bun Maria Bodnar. Congrats on becoming a PI Phit Featuring tha ana*'* No 1 Cakewe* and Jazz work 9 a m -2 p m Mon -Fri Apply at Wood onuy mealing lonlght at 9:00 p.m. In 101 BA sponeored by me Amancan Marketing Auocav 11:30--'SI. Elmo'l Fir.' Gueea you are the aoronty type Ha Ha. Thanks Band. Fit 3tat For darner and much mom! County Nursing Home 353-6411 bon Slop by Mac North Main Lounga al 8 00 TACO'S 3 lor 11.00 1-1 lpm lor being a best friend Love Nancy PS Get leave University Oval 7:00 p.m. Transportation SPWNO BREAK on the beech at South Padre PeMOR opan for female WSI al gltTB summer and rkacover me banefits ol iomaig now' NO COVER payenad for Flortdel only S3 00 For more Info cat Dav* al MAIN ST. 353 1008 FHI corml Fast ServeO' Wand, Daytona Beach. Fort Iaawteiiaaa*. Fort camp BHck Rrver Ranch, Croawel. M«h Cal COUEQE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 352-J70J MaVtlGLAHY Walton Beach or Mustang Island Port Araneaa Mag Graham 1-800-327-8287 OEAN'S ADVISORY COUNCIL CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ALPHA PHI Kelly Oray. from only 189 and slung al Steamboat or Vat Ratabla. Und. Christian, female s< or Grad Stu- MEETING TOOAY-WEDNESDAY. JANUARy ACTIVATION! WE LOVE YOU' MONICA AND Congtall ailkn at to my lavonto Alpha Phi from only 186' Deluxe lodging parties goodie dent to tve wdh elderly lady and give her love WENOY Love alwayi. Thn bags, more Hurry, cal tjj tssie Tour* for M K and attention Private qtrs w bath Meals and 3 30 PM 104 BA BLDG more assasaawatl and raaariianona toi rre* NEED EXTRA MONEY-I BUY COLLEGE TEX- salary Pre«*nt apt contract can be assumed' TBOOKS FOR PRICES BETTER THAN BSD WINTER CHILL QETTINQ TOO DOWN? I 800321 5911 TOOAYI When your Spring •••HURRY"- On* block from McFal Ctr Cat 353-9753 lor BOOKSTORE CALL 352-6023 HI be a HOT night FFWAY AT FLORIDA FUNO Break counts...count on Sunchaae OPEN SKATING and nominata your favorite appotitment References required For at BGSU students with the WET SHAVSM teacher PIKAPPS CRUtSESHVS HtMNOI $16 $30,000 Carn SI 00 every Tuesday night lor me Haalar Teacher Award SPIRIT Omega Phi Alpha (National Service Sorority) bean. Hawal. World> Cat lor Quo* Cassette. 8 to BGSU lea Arena January 31. PIKAPPS -Want lo mate Irtand*. help oolere, *nd In- News service' (916) 944-4444 X Bowing nominations due SPIRIT fluence people? Join 0 Phi A. today! Green Cnas* Values I Ernes Week 1986 DART LEAGUE Sign up NOW Today's Events ALPHA DELTS PIKAPPS PATTY HOUOWAY: Canoratuattlon* on your FijmAPPA i»aii*r- Pure*** Bite Shop FOR SALE •State Control ol Chnahen Softools Loss ol ALPHA CELTS SPIRIT Reagoua Freedom* ALPHA OELTS PIKAPPS Ing to Dav*. Lo**, tha Kappaa Rev Petar Munto. Rev John Thomas SPIRIT PI PHI PLEDGES: t»77 Chavette. 4 cyl. 4-apd , rw defroal 7 30 p m . Alumni Room. 3rd floor Union 98.000 miles $900 Cal Debbie 372-6351 ALPHA DELTS--VALENTINE CRUSH WILL BE Welcome to the BOSU great eyelem. Wa •Mi you all aamaalar lined with altlansood HERE SOONi WHO WILL BE YOUR SECRET REWARD JT i Pur. 1978 REGAL AJR. AM-FM. EXCELLENT Values S Elraca Weak 1988 SWEETIE? PHI MU sorority pin loat 1-24-86 between Pro and tun!! Low*, the alltari ol Kappa Kappa BODY. 60.000 MILES $2600 OR BEST OF French Bread Pura--Only Si 75 Today's Events ul Chapel a PHI MU House Black 8 gold pal FER 363-7602 Alpha Sigma Phi and Alpha Phi present Phone 352-5476 • "The Living W"i Controversy Planning How to with lour pearls If found please cal 372 2750 FLORIDA FLINO '88. Friday m the Grand RANDY It, 1978 VWSCIROCCO Met" Of 352 4429 I AM SO PROUD OF YOUR ACCOMPLISH- Or Anthony Foley Baa-pom Union, iaalurtng the WET SHAVBISt JT* Pliz. 76.900 MILES $2,250 Sig Epe Thanks lor the fantastic tea leal Friday' MENT THIS PAST SATURDAY EVEN IF YOU 354 0811 -STEVE 4 00 p m Capital Room. 3rd floor UnronG ATTENTION LADIES. WOULDN'T HAVE MADE WOT. CLUB-I 10" Che*** Pizza-Only SI 75 Wa had a greet tana you guys are so much I'm wafltng by the phone to hear from you BV- Phon* 3525475 ATTENTION RACOUETTJAIL PLAYERS funt Love me Daa Zees WOULD STILL BE A FAN OF YOUR BICEPS, There wet be a RACOUETBALL CLUB Mealing fhdays. parties, and group gatherings are my LAYS., ETC. 1979 Honda Civic 1200 Sun-root, am-lm tonight at 8 45pm near glass courts in SRC spftcasty Invite ma For information cat -C. J.T.'s Plzz* caaaalta. 4 apd $1200 or best offer 3726222 Al level players are welcome 14" Choose Pizza-Only $2 75 Cat 353-1506 ATTENTION! GREEN TAMBOURINE RECORDS NOW TO WIN FRIENOS ANO HELP FRIENDS CongralulBtiona to Brian Dean and Anne Tobma Phon* 352-5476 The Setng & Sales Management Club Rant AN ALBUM DOLLAR A DAY COUNSELING FOR EVERYONE A lino on their Kappa Sig--GDI lev-alartng What a Coupon book for sale $85 00 wants YOU' The membership drive at the) GREEN TAMBOURINE RECORDS discussion Open to al Jan 29 at 4 30 In The woman' Janice "Mudwoman" Wlodarsm Cat Susan or Lura week only -So. HURRY and sign up m YOUR ALTERNATIVE RECORD SOURCE Honors Center (below Kreisher Caf*)-- 2-1310 or 2-1318 CONGRATULATIONS TO theBA BokWvj for only $1500 GREEN TAMBOURINE RECORDS Muswreetlng at th* Broken Book? I thought sponeored by ma Honors Student Association THE ALPHA PHI BASKETBALL TEAM-AND BUY SELL ANO TRADE BEST PRICES auch talent dee*rv*d a KHa pubtaty! -Not So Quaole NEED VOLUNTEER HOURS? SUPPORTERS YOU GIRLS ARE GREEN TAMBOURWE RECORDS For Sale 1978 Vaga Good work or school car. PHIANTASTICil 157 CLOUGM ONE BLOCK EAST OF MAIN Low ma**. $960 or best offer Mual sel LOVE. YOUR PHI TAU COACHES DAVE > JIM Th* brothers of Daft* Tau Daft* would like to Please cat 352-7439 ADOPT-A-QRANOPARENTI congratulate the foaowtng WANTED TWIN BEO-lkm mattTeaa. boa spring, frame, al Dav* Eckert for being named Commodore ol StOMA PHI EPSILON: TIME TO CHOOSE! BEGINNING 2 3 WE WILL GO TO THE NURS- CONGRATULATIONS good rxndWon, one owner. $75 or beat offer the Saang Club--' Captain Stmkey SIGMA PHI EPSILON: TIME TO CHOOSE! ING, HOME ON MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 1 or 2 mala or female roommates for Spring 352-4310 DONNA McKEE and StOMA PHI EPSILON: TIME TO CHOOSEI NIGHTS AT 6 00 P M ANY QUESTIONS CALL You're finally legal' MM Stol lor bang named to th* Whoa Who of Semester Vary low ram Good location Cal Weterbed. bar & stools. Irving room furniture TERRI 372-5549 OR ELLEN 352 2263 Be ready lo celebrate' American Coeege Students ASAP 353-4105 and shelves, study table and swivel chairs Cal Leva ya' Amy Take th* NE8TLE Qua". SPRING BREAK M THE APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED TO SHARE 364-8001. Mual sel immediately Best offer CHALLENGE and win all-a.paiia. paid trip* WASHINGTON CENTER INTERNSHIP FOR E MERRY APT FOR FALL 86 • SPRING '87. AJao tor sale. 76 Toyota Cekca. bast offer Th* brothers ol Daft* Tau Deft* would Ike to to Dayton* Baach tor up to 24 paopta, or SUMMER TERM HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO Congratulations MeXE CONNER tor making PLEASE CALL ANGIE 352 7912 OR MEUSSA congratulate. 110,000 caahlll Call i-SOO-NESTLE-1 for in- YaeNca Electro 35 mm. t N*on EM 35 mm FEB. IS. GET AN EDGE OVER OTHER Whoa Who Among American Coeege Students "Pap* Bear Stol and Connie Oevecchto on 372-1918 STUDENTS BY GETTING WORK EXPERIENCE camera wrth 1:1.8 50 mm ton*, flash a carrying From, your Sigma Nu brothers the. DTD-KKG pinning and Female roommate needed to share house Own IN YOUR FIELD OPEN TO ALL MAJORS HNA BRAVER: CM* for sale For Information cal 353-8205 CONNIE AND GRAK3 David "Th* Box" Cox and Leslie MsmM on their bedroom For more information cal Catherine al FULL CREDIT CALL THE CENTER Of DTD-XO arvatenng Congraluantona on your Sigma Nu pinning to CongratueKlona on your Kappa-Deft lavakermg 353-2019 ACADEMIC OPTIONS FOR MORE INFORMA- "Lav* is «i the sir' John. W* ariah you much happlnw*. TTON. 2-8202 andpmng I love you oottvt Best ol Lock'Love. Low, your Kappa alstara Mala roommal* n*«d*d ASAP to *har* houae Bam INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE! Mar Own room 1150-month tncajdaa Insider information on what Fortune 500 DEE. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY-2 YEARS Th* eaters ol AXO would ■>• to grva a warm ironies Sloo by after 5 p m Lot I 13 W Gypsy BOB MARLEY LIVES' TOM CAHOON 4 JOHN PALMER- companies look for during Interviews, welcome lo PI Bel* Phi!) Lane Rd No lease 1 Emancipate yourselves from STRONG THE CLOD FINALLY CAME TO HIS CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING IFC vu* much more. Order Today Send $2 00 1 SENSES! LOVE. DIZ. SABBY. 1TT-LES8. mental slavery Celebrate wtm THE SISTERS OF DELTA ZETA WELCOME CABINET!! WAY TO SHOW THAT LEADER- Mala roommate needed immediately Close to to V T Enterprises. 2123 SeQuoal Ln . SQUARE. THE ONLY REAL MAN ON CAMPUS Crucial DBC at ma reggae tribute THE PI PHIS TO BGSU' WE'RE VERY GLAD TO SHS>II THE ALPHA SKIS. campus- reasonable rent Cal 353-3003 Oept BH2, lndianapol.5 Indiana 46240 9 00 pm, Thorn Fab 6m. NE Commons TERAOACTYL. J.B.. MANDY-THArS NOT MY HAVE YOU A PART OF THE GREEK SYSTEM! A Black History Month Event NAME'. SKJO (JENNY), BENDY. AND WEN BEST OF LUCK' LOVE THE DEE ZEES USQ RatJ^asWaWRaj appacaaona «r* due today by 5:00 pm In 405 Student S*tvtc*a Don't Sponeored by Caribbean Assoc and Fes-The tea has paat and wa had a blast and '81 Peugeot 505S Turbodieael. The tea Saturday night was out of sight becauee rnlaa your chance to b* a part of the voice ol the HELP WANTED BSU FREE we are looking forward lo the next Fl| Baah 5*pd .Rockwel dnt press. Sears 39 lu SAEakrowlxiw to coil up right Love, th* AX's aludents Leva. The AX's vacuum; 372-2097. 352-5343 VISITED HEALTH SERVICES LATELY? USD Anyone mteraeted In voluntMring to coach the DIETARY IRON STUDY NEEDS HoBaA Moor* Women* BG soccer team pkteae cal Chrle Women partkjeent* Cal 372-7842 Feetlval Sanaa presents Unrversity Service Award 372-1314 or Kim 352 8913 altar 5 p.m. by FOR RENT Fee 7. Dedication, tan*, and experience I* LOST & FOUND THE BACH ARIA GROUP Nomination lorma are avaaaole 8 pm Kobackar Hal CalMi Wftta 8 m Tl-aotl-Jft Ccrtgratuaitor^ untlFeo i 4 m 405 Student Sarvicaa Farms* Roommate wanted lor Spring & January 29 on becoming PI Phi Charter Members! W*'r* Babyamer for my 8 yr old son Tuesday S Summer-Cat 363-2306 or leave name & LOST: A WHITE FEMALE CAT LOST BEFORE BGSU Student RUSH TICKETS $2 eroud ol you 11 Lo»a. Tha Alpha Sig* CHRIS SCHETTER: TTiuraday. ai my homo 364-1736 morning* number m OCMB 34*3 NEW YEARS EVE IF FOUND PLEASE CALL available at 7 45 m Kobackar Hal CINDY FENSTERMAKER AND CHRIS CiliyMiiasluie lor being choaan Who'a Who CAMP COURAGEOUS A SUMMER CAMP 3523993 on Jan 29 Have vald 10 and $2 ready Among Amancan Coaaga Woman. Way to ooll Houses S Apt* for 86-87 school year SCHETTER: FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL RETARDATION. Love your roomies Smrth-Bogga Rentals Office 532 Manvite. roar LOST ONE HONDA KEY ON CHAIN WITH Congratulations on being Wecled to Who's LOCATED M WHITEHOUSE. OHIO. IS SEEK- 352-8457 between 12-4. SMALL LOCK IF FOUND CALL CATHY AT Who Among American Coeege Woman. W* are WW A FREE TRIP TO FLORIOA' Gal your ING CAMP COUNSELORS. WATERFRONT. ao proudi' Love, your Kappa sisters 372-3914 Fry TWA lo Florida for FREE FLOMOA FUNO ram* tickets In th* Union foyer ATHLETIC. ANO PROGRAM STAFF CON- Houeee a Apartments close to campus Looses Debus al Memorial Hal Ticket Office COME TO BO'S BIQQEST 8 BEST PARTYI al week Ticket Includes 2 lor 1 off the cover *t TACT CAMP DIRECTOR, CAMP bagtn May a August. 1986 Phon* 353-3855 FLORIDA FLINOIIII UPTOWN ana 15 00 off ANY swrnisurt at COURAGEOUS, 1 STRANAHAN SQ SUITE Houae* and 1 and 2 bdrm furnished apt*. Sum- FRIDAY FROM t-1 AM UHLMANSt 532. TOLEDO. OH 43804 (419) 242-4412 RIDES Graduate Student Happy Hours now at mar leases aval 352-7454 GRAND BALLROOM WITH THE WET Downtown avary Friday 4-9pm. ELECTRICIANS Houaaa and Apartment* do** lo campus tor SHAVERSII APPRENTICESHIP Ride needed to Fmoary. Ohio every Friday bat I would Ike lo thank al the Hi's and AX's who summer 1986 and 86-87 school year Cat ween 11 am • 2 00 pm Wa* help pay gas Cal Attitude Adjustment Night OPIKIRTUNITY 1-267-3341 helped me celeuial* my 21 twfhdey Thank*, (Man S Woman) Amy 372-3775 Leeae CONNIE DELVECCMI0: Wal drink* - 50 cents 0aaa*a*Ma*)t»8 on your Dell pinning lo f3Hc*iera-Prtct*r»-f11tch*r* Th* Toledo E electrical Jom Apprenticeahip «nd Party Room Ride needed to Ashland Orao Friday the 31st Interested m law school? A BGSU gradual* a Crate, Wa knew N an bound to happanl!! Music Dance Videos Training Committe* wS be accepting appaca- Cal 3528378 Wi pay generously lor gas' Please cal Mark al the DVactor ol Admissions from Ohio Northern Love, the Kappas Jom th* Tuaa night crowd at Uona lor apprenticeship horn February 3,1988 362-1756 Unrv Cotape of Law, wil b* m the Faculty through February 14, 19M Applications w*T be DOOR PRIZES MAN ST. Two bedroom furnished apt* for Fat. Lounga, Student Union, Fn. Jan 31. 1966 362-3703 available at tha Apprenticeship Training Center and MUCH, MUCH moral 352-2663 from 3.15 lo 4 30 p m Al-ntaraatad students 803 Ume City Road, RoaaJord. Ohio (behind FLORIDA FLING are encouraged lo attend this informal info LOCH 8) from 10410 a.m. to Noon, Monday SERVICES OFFERED with Alpha Ptn. Alpha Sigma Phi pasting aaaaion. Jean* N Things through Friday. II you are between 18 and 26 APARTMENTS NOW FOR RENT FOR THE and tha WET SHAVERSI 26 -80 off (ncJuBlve) years ol age (up to 30 for quatfytng SCHOOL YEAR 6S-47 ANO THE SUMMER OF Look what you can do Stay home a make JT SPUM Al W«iler Sweaters veterans), have successluly completed one 44 APARTMENTS ARE COMPLETELY FUR- 16" Cheese Ptua-Only S3 75 money too Sand serf addressed stamped FLORIDA FLYAWAY Op*n tonight U 8 00 PM year oi algebra, have a Ivgh school diploma and NISHED WITH 2 BEDROOMS. CABLE TV, AM Phone 352-5476 envelope to Ann* Mane Apt 258 Napoleon Th* mot* B BALL games you go to. the banal are In good health you quaaty lo apply tor said CONDITIONING. LAUNDRY ANO PARKING Rd Bowing Green OH 43402 your chance to wm Program YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON. An FACILITIES ALL UTILITIES EXCEPT ELEC- Equal Opportunity Eaaaal|ll. TRICITY IS PAW BY OWNER. RENT IS 1500 FOR THE SUMMER "St" FOR THE APART- .Classified Information. E.OI]rvj»jrirri*rK»oppor1unrtle* TrjMoRlvar MENT. FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 86-87 THE ONE WEEK ONLY! CnJae Una* I* looking for young adults with RENT IS $575 PER SEMESTER WITH 4 PEO- I^The BG News" Mail-In Form Joel the Seang > Sake Management outge-ng 4 exciting personalities Jobs avaaebie PLE. CALL TIM AT BUFF APARTMENTS CU> Its* weak only « the B A Buading n reaarvationa. gift shop, waiter, wartreases. 352-7182 AFTER 5:00 P.M. Speakers, aocaaa. field experience and musicians & food preparations GRUMPS need DEADLINE: Two days prior lo publication no later than 4 p.m. a trip to lor only S1 5 00' not apply. Write only, sand resume: Dan (BG News not responsible lor postal service delays) O'Connor. Toledo River Cruise Uriel. SIS Front St. Toledo. OH 41805. CARTY RENTALS Houae* and Apartments RATES: per ad are 60' per line. $1.80 minimum Office Hour* 11 am -4 p.m. 50' extra per ad for bold type •1316 E Marry. Apt 3 Approximately 35-45 spaces per line bstinga available DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE or phone anytime for Information 362-7365 PREPAYMENT is required lor all non-university related business and individuals Milrd b> Trude Michel Jiffe ACROSS DOWN 37 Eastern 46 Map features > Actress Mite* i Some horse kingdom 49 Cookie flavor NOTICE: The News will not be responsible lor error due to illegibility or incomplete information Please eta i sho* jumps rng 38 True to Me 2 BEDROOM FURN a UNFURNISHED come to 214 West Hall immediately if there is an error in your ad The news will not be '" DiSCOuni Store 2 Barley appen 39 Synthetic 50 Jacob s brother PRIVATE SLEEPING ROOMS responsible lor typographical errors in classified ads lor more than two consecutive insertions owne*' dages material etai 14 Cfiu'Chman ot 3 Piroueiie 41 Sniicn 53 forget perhaps Makx utiaties t Cable TV Fun. rank 4 Actress 42 Dormancy 56 Part Of MIT 1/2 Block oil Campus 16 Popuier MacGra* 43 Carbonaied 59 Summer, m CALL TOM *inOO* 5 This one Lat 44 Bankers al Caen Mon -Fn 7 AM NOON 352-4671 17 Reso't oeeon 6 Sandai feature dmes ^Ev*r»hg»^(Vlujnds35^800^^ CLASSIFIED MAIL ORDER FORM tne Med'te< 7 Pans o' the ranean skyhne 18 Aavanced 8 Irish product ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Name Phone # Sludent 9 Goes on stage Mi R.OBMJMX Address 19 That, mSeville '0 Pleasure boat ?0 Coupe 'or 11 Tossing Social Security # or Account # e«ampie i2 Guevara s'irst 21 AuCttoneat s (For billing purposes only) name function M Bailed Scot 5CX OFF 22 GuOVun s i5 Lobe future Please print your ad clearly, EXACTLY how you wish it to appear: husband 23 Medicinal Any small 10" pizza (Circle words you wish to appear in bold type) 2* Peacoc pre*, or large sub .'b So't rain 25 inscribe 27 SwtMShi 28 List o( can center didates Ire* Delivery ?9 November 30 Less common OW coueo. Piaoaota vnmnefS 32 Ending *i|r> PCEP ootiOOfN 4 .am JO Mons.eu' s Paul 352-5166 votiDMii mnaiMic, income Si Soppmg |i Fulurepiant 35 Lace producer ii Ares t6 wandered Ja More>raie 36 Have empathy with to I • • "i '.' 40 Like some ' i* TRANSMISSION roads * 45 Vestment