RROONNAALLDD EE.. MMccNNAAIIRR PPOOSSTT BBAACCCCAALLAAUURREEAATTEE AACCHHIIEEVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOGGRRAAMM MMeennttoorr HHaannddbbooookk Academic Year 2013 - 2014 SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Huntsville, Texas 77341 McNAIR SCHOLARS PROGRAM McNair Contact Information 3 About Ronald E. McNair 4 McNair Program Objectives 5 McNair Program Description 6 - 7 Mentoring Goals and Objectives 8 Logistics of the Faculty Mentoring Program 9 - 10 Faculty Mentor Responsibilities 11 - 12 Mentoring Hints 13 The First Meeting 14 - 15 Program Requirements 16 McNair 4301 Class Schedule 17 2 MCNAIR SCHOLARS PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION Box 2359 1922 Avenue J Academic Building 3, Room 216 Huntsville, Texas 77341-2359 Phone: (936) 294-3279 Fax: (936) 294-4126 E-mail:
[email protected] http://www.shsu.edu/~mcnair Program Director: Dr. Lydia C. Fox Phone: (936) 294-3264 E-mail:
[email protected] Course Instructor and Principal Investigator: Dr. Kandi Tayebi Phone: (936) 294-1971 E-mail:
[email protected] Graduate Mentor: Reade Dowda Phone: (936) 294-3339 E-mail:
[email protected] Staff Assistant: Laura Buccafurni Phone: (936) 294-3279 E-mail:
[email protected] 3 ABOUT DR. RONALD E. McNAIR Ronald E. McNair was born on October 21, 1950 in Lake City, South Carolina. He was the second son of Carl and Pearl McNair. He had two brothers, Carl and Eric. Ronald McNair’s academic successes are laudable. After graduation from Carver High School in 1967, McNair attended North Carolina A&T State University, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 1971. Ronald’s education did not end there; he was awarded a doctoral degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1976.