HAAS, Volkert — Geschichte Der Hethitischen Religion. Sight of Îedammu.3) Since This Same Theme of Someone's (Handbuch Der Orientalistik: Abt
411 BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS LIV N° 3/4, Mei-Augustus 1997 412 HETTITOLOGIE allusion to a period of famine. I wonder whether the behav- iour of Istar might be explained as the goddess's terror at the HAAS, Volkert — Geschichte der hethitischen Religion. sight of Îedammu.3) Since this same theme of someone's (Handbuch der Orientalistik: Abt. 1, Der Nahe und refusal of food and drink that is offered recurs in another Mittlere Osten, 15). (Handbook of Oriental Studies: passage of the Kumarbi cycle in a context which in my view The Near and Middle East, 15). E.J. Brill Publishers is similar to the previous one, this theme might be inter- N.V., Leiden, 1994. (25 cm, XXII, 1032, (2) + 50 Taf. preted as a literary topos. In a passage from the Song of + 1 Karte). ISBN 90-04-09799-6. ISSN 0169-9423. Ullikummi,4) in fact, it is narrated that the Sun, after having In this book of over a thousand pages, enriched with seen Ullikummi from the sky, seized by anger, rushes to detailed illustrative material, V. Haas examines the gods, the Tessob to inform him of the existence of this monstrous myths and the cults of the Hittites, gathering together and creature; the Sun-god, arriving before Tessob, refuses to sit carefully analyzing textual sources and archaeological down, to eat and to drink — most probably because he is sources not only from Anatolia, but more generally from all still upset by the sight of Ullikummi — and accepts the hos- over the ancient Near East. pitality offered to him only after much insistence on the part The geographical and chronological coordinates within of the Weather-god.
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