Natasha R. Margulis, PhD. Dean B. Ellis Library Arkansas State University P.O. Box 2040 State University, AR 72467 Phone: 870-972-3128 Email: [email protected]


University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA MLIS, August 2014. Archives and Records Management, Preservation Management, Introduction to Information Technologies, Understanding Information, Archival Appraisal, Archival Advocacy and Ethics, Archival Access, Preserving Digital Culture, Museum Archives, Metadata, Legal Issues in Information Handling: Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age.

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Ph.D. in History, 2004. Fields: Modern European History, Eastern and Southeastern European History, Medieval Europe, Balkan Anthropology

Dissertation: “Njegoš’s Montenegro, the Great Powers, and Modernization in the Balkans: 1830- 1851.” Advisor: Dr. Thomas Sakmyster, also on Committee Maura O’Connor (University of Cincinnati, History), Joseph Foster (University of Cincinnati, Anthropology), Maria Bucur (Indiana University, Southeast European History)

Teaching Assistant: For all 3 sections of US History survey for John K. Alexander For both sections of Medieval European History for James Murray For both sections of European Civilization for Thomas Sakmyster and Maura O’Connor, and John Brackett For Eastern European History for Thomas Sakmyster For World War II and Film for Thomas Sakmyster

M.A. in History, 1997. Fields: Modern European History, Early Modern European History Master’s Thesis: “(Re)Defining Eastern Europe: The Work of A.J.P. Taylor, Lewis Namier, and Hugh Seton-Watson.” Teaching Assistant for all three sections of US History survey for John K. Alexander

Miami University, Oxford, OH B.A. in History, Minor in German, 1994. Fields: Colonial History with Andrew Cayton, European and East European History with Sheldon Anderson, Nazi Germany with Jay Baird. Bachelor’s Thesis: “Hungary and the Treaty of Trianon”

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Society of American Archivists, Digital Archives Specialist (DAS), November 2015.


Archives & Special Collections, Dean B. Ellis Library, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR Political Collections and Access Management Archivist, 2014-present

Job responsibilities:

 Arrange, describe, curate, conserve/preserve, and make available (multi-format) analog and digital archival collections using best practices and standards.  Identify and apply for grant opportunities related to A-State’s Archives & Special Collections.  Provide patron assistance in Archives & Special Collections’ reading room as well as responding to telephone and email reference requests.  Supervise interns and graduate assistants on archival processing and research projects.  Identify processing priorities in coordination with the head archivist.  Familiar with digital projects in other libraries’ archives’ and collections.  Adept at populating records with appropriate descriptive, technical, and preservation metadata.  Knowledge of controlled vocabularies, controlled formats, LCSH and authority control. Able to create original, resource-special local vocabulary that is consistent with established industry standards.  Familiar with resource descriptions such as Dublin Core, MODS, TEI, PBCore, etc.  Familiar with the Semantic Web and Linked Data conventions.  Expertise in XML, XHTML, EAD and other markup  Experience migrating and enriching legacy metadata  Knowledgeable about copyright policies and procedures, especially for digital projects.

Software: Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access; Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Photoshop; oXygen, Archivists’ Toolkit, FileMaker Pro, CONTENTdm, DSpace, Preservica.


 EAD2HTML: Transforming your Finding Aids with XSL (Summer 2017)

 EHRI - The Holocaust through the Perspectives of Primary Sources (Summer 2017)

Dr. Natasha Margulis Page 2  Council of State Archivists Webinar: Grants Planning/Grant Management (Summer 2017)

 Preservica Training - Data Management (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Reporting (Spring 2017)

 One Tool to Share & Preserve your Digital Collections: The Trustees (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Public Access (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Collection Management (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Migration (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Administration (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Ingest (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - 2.3 Migration (Spring 2017)

 Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving - (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Training - Introduction to Preservica (Spring 2017)

 Preservica Webinar Long Term Digital Preservation with CONTENTdm collections (Fall 2016)  Lyrasis: Introduction to Linked Data (Summer 2016)

 How Not to Build a Digital Archive: Lessons from the Dark Side of the Force (Spring 2016)  Open Your Mind: Open Source and Libraries (Fall 2015)

 AVCC Audiovisual Collection Inventory Tool (Fall 2015)

 CollectiveAccess: How we went from hoarders to Holy Crap we're organized (Fall 2015)

 Growing Pains: Implementing ArchivesSpace at UNLV Special Collection (Fall 2015)

 Exhibits 3.0: Using Omeka and the Curator Dashboard Plugins to Build Dynamic Exhibits (Fall 2015)  Digital Signs on a Dime (budget) (Fall 2015)

 Eloquent Archival Service (Fall 2015)

 Security Training (Fall 2015)

 Grant Writing for Digitization and Preservation Projects (Fall 2016)

 Oral Histories and Scalar (Fall 2015)

Dr. Natasha Margulis Page 3  ArchivesSpace: A Love Story (Fall 2015)

 Going Digital Free Webinar (Summer 2015)

 LYRISIS Islandora Hosting Services Demo (Summer 2015)

 LYRASIS Know Your Rights: Copyright in Digital Environments (Summer 2015)

 LYRASIS Know Your Rights: Copyright in Digital Environments (Summer 2015)

 CONTENTdm Expert Panel (Summer 2015)

 Providing Access to Born Digital Archives (Summer 2015)

 Developing Specifications and RFPs for Recordkeeping Systems (Summer 2015)

 Walk Before You Run: Prerequisites to Linked Data (Spring 2015)

 Improve Discovery of CONTENTdm Collections Through WorldCat (Spring 2015)

 Filling the Black Hole (Spring 2015)

 Digital Collections: CONTENTdm and Beyond (Spring 2015)

 CONTENTdm Basic Skills 1 (Spring 2015)

 CONTENTdm Basic Skills 2 (Spring 2015)

 CONTENTdm and the WorldCat Digital Collections Gateway Overview (Spring 2015)

 CONTENTdm Basic Skills 3 (Spring 2015)

 Maintaining Legacy Data in CONTENTdm: The Metadata Upgrade Project at the University of Houston (Spring 2015)  Keynote: CONTENTdm Update (Spring 2015)

 What Flavor of Linked Data is Best for Your Collection (Spring 2015)

 Tab-Delimited Spreadsheets Made Easy (Spring 2015)

 Postcards and Portraits: Accurate Representation (Spring 2015)

 Creating Documentation for Training Staff (Spring 2015)

 From Postcards to Practicum (Spring 2015)

 How to Make Slick Timelines Using CONTENTdm and TimelineJS (Spring 2015)

 Who is Using Online Special Collections? The CUL Digital Collections Case Study (Spring 2015)  CONTENTdm & Digital Collection Overview (Spring 2015)

Dr. Natasha Margulis Page 4  CONTENTdm: A Complete Solution for Managing Digital Collections (Spring 2015)

 Using Google Analytics with CONTENTdm (Spring 2015)

 Thinking Digital (Spring 2015)

 Using and Understanding PDF/A (Spring 2015)

 Electronic Records: The Next Step (Spring 2015)

 Informational Architecture (Spring 2015)

 Manipulating Data in OpenRefine (Spring 2015)

 Managing Data in Spreadsheets (Spring 2015)

 Illuminate the Past, Preserve it for the Future (Spring 2015)

 Exposing Hidden Relationships: Practical Work in Linked Data using Digital Collections (Spring 2015)  Modeling Creative Works with (Spring 2015)

 Basic Querying with SPARQL (Spring 2015)

 Best Practices Exchange (Fall 2014)

 A Beginner's Guide to Metadata (Fall 2014)

 Standards for Digital Archives (Fall 2014)


University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, PA Assistant Professor of European History, 2005-2013

Marshall University, Huntington, WV Visiting Assistant Professor of History, 2004-2005

University of Cincinnati, OH Adjunct Professor of European History, 1998-2004


German, French, Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Bosnian, with research abilities in Russian, Old Church Slavonic, and Italian; currently studying Finnish.

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German: Minor in German at Miami University, 1994. Goethe-Zertifikat exam, 1994 Taught German at Talawanda Elementary School, Oxford, OH, 1993 Study Abroad Program with Miami University, Germany, 1992


Research Locations:  Arkansas State University, State University, AR: 2014-present.  University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA: 1998, 2005-2014.  University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: 1995-2004.  Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, OH: 2002.  National Archives in Kotor and Cetinje, the Njegoš Museum's Archives, , , The National Library of , (formerly) Serbia-Montenegro: 2001.  Haus-, Hof, und Staatsarchiv, Vienna, Austria: 2000.  University of Urbana-Champaign: 1999.  Indiana University: 1997.



Njegoševa Crna Gora vilike sile i process modernizacije na Balkanu: 1830-1851, Matica Crnogorska, Podgorica, April 2014.

Book and Film Reviews:

Review of “Devil’s Knot: Book and Movie.” The Arkansas Encyclopedia of History & Culture. August 2016. URL: detail.aspx?search=1&entryID=4246

Review of Ina Merdjanova, Religion, Nationalism, and Civil Society in Eastern Europe: the Post Communism Palimpset. Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, vol. 31, 2004.

Review of Florian Bieber, ed., Montenegro in Transition: Problems of Identity and Statehood, Balkan Academic News, December, 2003. URL:

Review of Martin Trancik, Abgrund-Brückenschlag. Obersicht und Bauernvolk in der Region Dubrovnik im 19. Jahrhundert. HABSBURG, H-Net Reviews, September, 2003. URL:

Dr. Natasha Margulis Page 6 http://www.h-

Review of Larry Wolff, Venice and the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of Enlightenment, Balkan Academic News, February, 2002. URL:

Review of Alice Ackerman, Making Peace Prevail: Preventing Conflict in Macedonia, in Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, vol. 26, no. 3, (July 2001): 398-400.

Review of Vesna Goldsworthy, Inventing Ruritania: The Imperialism of the Imagination, HABSBURG, H-Net reviews, November, 1998. URL:


Submitted: "Lord of the Reel- the Fellowship of the Newsreel.": the KAIT 8 TV 16mm Newsreel Film Digitization Projection for the 2018 annual Society of American Archivists’ conference in Washington, DC. August, 2018.

“’There is no racial politics without archives, without archivists:” German Archivists and the Holocaust.” Mid-Tennessee State University’s 2018 Holocaust and Genocide Studies Conference, April, 2018.

“Bring the Serbian heroes to Cetinje: Medieval Montenegro’s Contribution to Modern National Identity.” 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, University of Michigan, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 7–10, 2009.

"Russia's 19th Century Balkan Policy in Microcosm: Montenegro's Russophilia 1830-1851." Annual Conference for the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November 2009.

“Montenegro's 2006 Referendum for Independence and its Historical Context.” Russian and East European Studies Program, University of Pittsburgh, September 2006.

“Sovereignty and Inheritance in Montenegro: The Poetry of Petar I and Petar II Petrović Njegoš.” For “Poets, Politics, and Precursors” American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, D.C., November 2006.

"Politics and Culture in Njegoš's Nineteenth Century Montenegro." Kokkalis Program on Southeastern and East- central Europe, Harvard University, 2002.

"One of Nature's Gentlemen: Foreign Travelers' Perceptions of Njegoš and his Montenegrins." Azbukum Center for Serbian Language and Culture, Novi Sad, 2001.

"In the barbarous regions to be traversed: British Travelers in Montenegro." Midwest Conference

Dr. Natasha Margulis Page 7 on British Studies, Cincinnati, 2000.

"Marko Kraljević in the Nineteenth Century." American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, St. Louis, 1999.

"Modern vs. Montenegrin: Petar II Petrovic Njegoš's Nineteenth Century Montenegro." American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boca Raton, 1998.

"Redefining Eastern Europe: the Work of A.J.P. Taylor, Lewis Namier, and Hugh Seton- Watson." Ohio Academy of History, Canton, 1997.


2016 Amigos Fellowship and Opportunity Award, Amigos Library Services, 2016-2018.

SIS Merit Scholarship, University of Pittsburgh, 2013-2014.

Conference Travel Grants, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg: May 2009, Boston 2009, Washington D.C. 2006.

Small Research Grant, University of Pittsburgh: Russian and East European Studies Program, 2007.

Woodrow Wilson Junior Scholars' Training Seminar, Washington, D.C., 2003.

4th Annual Socrates Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop, Cambridge, 2002.

Graduate Summer Research Fellowship, Cincinnati, 2000, 2002.

Taft Graduate Travel Grant, Austria, Cincinnati, 2001-2002.

International Research and Exchange (IREX) research grant, Montenegro, 2001-2002.

Azbukum Serbian Language Grant, Novi Sad, 2001.

Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Grant, Tuition Waiver, Cincinnati, 1995-2001.

Advanced Departmental Competitive Taft Fellowship, Cincinnati, 1999-2000.

Slavic and Russian Summer Laboratory Fellowship, Urbana-Champaign, 1999.

Southeastern European Studies Association's Bruce Harrison Travel Grant, AAASS, 1997.

Foreign Language Area Scholarship (FLAS), Pittsburgh, 1998.

Social Science Research Council Language Training Grant, Bloomington, 1997.

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Co-Chair for the Society of American Archivists’ Human Rights Archives Section, (Present)

Dean B. Ellis Institutional Repository Task Force, Arkansas State University (2017)

Honor’s Society Advisor for Phi Alpha Theta, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2010- 2013)

Academic Advisor, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2006-2013)

Ben Franklin Society mentor, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2008-2013)

Facilities Committee, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2010-2012)

John Ridilla Leadership Scholarship Committee, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2008)

University Press Committee, Main Campus Senate Committee (2007-2010)

Faculty Advisor to Pi Gamma Mu Behavioral Science Honor’s Society, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2005-2010)

International Education Committee, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2006-2009)

DaVinci Scholars Selection Committee, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2006-2009)

Library Committee, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2006-2008)

Balkan Academic News Facebook Editor (2007-2008)

Faculty Advisor to History Club, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2007-2013)


Society of American Archivists (SAA)

Society of Southwest Archivists (SSA)

Arkansas Historical Association (AHA)

Matica Crnogorska

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Brady Banta, Head Archivist in Archives & Special Collections and Assistant Heritage Studies Director, Arkansas State University. Email: [email protected] Phone: 870-972-2612

Sandra Rosenfeld, Instructor and developer of online educational programs at Yad Vashem Email: [email protected]

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