

"'"'"""'""""'~'" - HAIMIN EXODUS HAt•T OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF YESHIVA UNIVERSITY FOR SPERN WOMEN ffillmllHIIHiUIIUllffllmtllll • ------~------Supplement 1 NEW YORK, N. Y. Purim, 11186

Sports Token to the Queen Pick Queen; Championship Spern College's last annual Pick A Dean champion bull throwing finals Hig:l court ir:trig;_ie culminated last were held the week of January 1,,•:eek in a siticn, she could not located, secret clandestine :neeting held in Stern's air~con~ 18th to 30th. While all the results and other applleasda were Ula JD .. ditiont:d :-oom. Seated around an op- door Y.-You­ have not yet been tabulated. cer­ lerviowed. (''heftoa F. Levinson One a:1rl Hartzishverosh began the job tain contests were clearly decided. tedius of wu net eomtdered.) chosing a cit>an. The former dean. dapper Dan Samuel K. Sackman, the first In thf category of most obscure Fagel it might be remembered \,-1as forced to resign the prize went to lhe stu- rnndidate interviewed, was found 1.vhen his open-door pohcy failed to produL<' a Dean's that immortal dspartment to be highly satis:factory. Indeed who ably to ansv.: Y.-You-One announced, ''Mr. you kno,v'' Although Spern seldom takes s. stand on s~­ Sackman seems to boast the great­ withm t!: given two hours citk nu~tter-s, Y.-You-One (speaking from bUI office in est number of relatives with the Unfor1'unately_ none : those stu- the Memorial Chapel Building) emphatic-alb stat-ed. rnost pul!. and thus seems to be dents whu h ok tne vxai:i ,,·111 Oest qushfled for the family po-si- be able to rechve the award~. 1ion. This is. of course, en ~,nbiased decision," Mr. Y.-You­ Of those who did not flunk out One continu1c-d, of 8pern as an immediate result Or thls exam, not one of the former Other candidates included: Mr. majors in the subject received the friendly guard st our a high enough mark to continue in His immediate quaHfics.­ the field. The prize, theidore, goes tlon_ it appeared ~o the commit­ to the administration -.&hich has tee, ,,.,as that he had vast experi­ finally proven its belief that such ence in doing nothing an rlay long a major is impossible at Spern. but sn,iiing at students while ap­ pearing to be p-erforming a vital For the greatest group Culling function. However, doser investi­ award. the RS. 51 class ca:rri~d gation disco'-·eted that Mr. Spkkit a\.vay the honers. The cla~s. of 1~ re.ally meant it when he said, students managed to come up 'KHh '-Hello" and was thus deemed too 16 wrong bra<.'has ( one girl wrnil' t' QUEEK LIZZIE nice for the job. In addition, it hvo), 13 different interpretatwns was rumored that Mr. Spickit har­ ....of -Erich E.rumrn.'s .conception of Tht> following i-2: ti 1mrnll token (before trn' price ;{tJ-Ps bored -tendencies toward condon­ lon, and a grand 1ota1 0: 56 ce,,.: up) mg the lighting of candles in the Dinim. HOV.'E:\·e,, what !ruly dorm during blackouts. This. of makes thc·ir dass remarkab~c is Th(,ugh a V,'Orn.3.!1 of valcur, ,se rlid house cnurs.e, could not be tolerated. the fact that all of them rnana1c;d Her price \and reHtj \.•:as far above tuit::.on tc. pa;,,s tb:,ugh the ent.re ch>S" The heart uf hl'r nusband dDtn 1:rnst l.'.1 hi.s sp0usc.•. Mr, Gay Gase:t WU in~ed •• !he i..t had ovucut, The holdt-1 (1f a tugh pos!tiori -lliiffl7. W!Jlle he did uot have the quaU:ffleatl&m Lastly, in the award of top et Sht'. b lib· the rner<:hant-ships th• lint lwo _IM, Mr. huller of the year, honors were Though she bringdh lunch not from afar. Ouer wu cona!.dered Ml the- be~ carried away for ihe twenty-fifth Sbe riscth fiv{- flights \Vhile it is yet hot sh {)f hi& ...... t l>"rf•..,,,..,.., In straight year by a little calf ( small }l_...._,.d giveth him food from Par-kar, the tNJt&it strike. JU that ttme, buller) in Yeshiva University·s be mana,ed to ma.ke mteen com~ Public Relations Department. For mor

Supplement 2 THE EXODUS Purim, 1966 THE EXODUS Shrugoff Library Changes; Theatres (Sorry About That)

1000 CLOWNS In accordance with the e:xparision plans of Yeshiva Univer­ sity, the Stern College Library is also planning to expand. Because THE INCOMING FRESHMAN there will be a great deal of additional space, many new books CLASS have been ordered. Avid readers will be delighted. to note what great classics are on the way. Here is only a partial list~ of next year's reading material: ,.- IRA'S A MALE COMPANION POLITICAL SCIENCE Johnson, J;,yndon B. How to Please AH of the People All of the Time. Johnson Press, Johnson City. DeGa1:1lle, Ch'arles. Napoleon's Ideals and Mine. White Horse REPULSION Press, Pari,-;. - OR ATTENDING DR. Reagan, Ronald. How to Succeed in Politics Without ReaUy SCHALL'S ANNUAL LECTURE Knowin!J Anything _4bout It. Warner Brothers, Hollywood. Wallace, Go\·. George. Oh No You Can't! KKK Publications, Alabama Nixon, Richard ~1. -it Can;t Keep a Good Ma.n Down, Can IMPOSSIBLE ON SATURDAY You'.' Som· Grapes Publications, New York. OR THE SHAllAH OF THE Goldv:ater, Barry. A. Guide to the RiiJhr Way to Study Political Science. Harping Brothers, Arizona, SHABBOS ELEVATOR Isaacs, Elizabeth, K, The Open Door Policy. Yeshiva Univer- sity Press, Nev,,; York. SEX, SEE SOCIAL PATTERSS MAD SHOW ENTERTAINMENT(') . Batman. The ABC's of Tastclr';;s !eriswn Shou·s. Flying OR A DAY IN THE UBRARY Brothen, Ho~lywvod. Sales, Soupy. Th,; Art of Makin.i;, Fwiny Faces and Throwing Pi<"s. 2 -;__·01s. Obnoxious Co., New York. THE SPY WHO CAME IN McKenzie. Allison. ,'Vabody Kno1.1.'S the Trouble I've Seen. FROM THE COW Pey:,)n Press, Peyton Place. Nelson, Ozzie, Pyle, Gomer. Gilligan, Just Plain Stupid, and OR WE KNOW WHO WAS IN His :'.Vlother, ~he Car. Appea!i;ig to the .4.duit American lntdlectuat THAT RESTAURANT iHind. Nelson P1.;b:1catior.s, Gilll_ian'• Islar.d. !',AST WEEK SCIESCE Flipper. J.-fod,.,r·, Th-:orics in Pfu;sics. DJ.::me-y Press, DLmi>yland. f•.lr ;;:r~:i_, Oidy Room 111 UTTLE INDIANS ~=:~t:;~(\!;:•i~;,=;,~~s~il;e!~~;)~/here·s FICTION OR NO RESERVATIONS 'Tung. ::'vL;iu . A.U v;,•e Want Is Peace. Chinese Fortune ABOUT A SHABBOS MINY AN Cookie Press, Pek'.ng. Johnson, Lady Bird. Hou.· rhc Johnsoi,s Reai1y Ha!e Being in the P:1blic Eye. Johnson ?ress. Jc.hnson City. _--in,e:ica•, n:oman. THE LOVED ON!: Taylo1·, Elizabeth. Yl'!J Lift' a'i a)t A.rerago? .:-.-Iodesty and Decency Press, P.oi!Y',,;ood, OR THE SAGA Clay. Ca;;;sL.Ls. Genc!eness and Other "\'irtttes. Allsh Pce'..:;lics.­ and Staff. OF RABBI RABINOWITZ tio!ls. X. Stern Studenb. How \ Kt t~\·ery doud h,1:-s a .'\.iivt·r li1llng-, and \\·e here dur!ng­ WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT this pas{ trying \\'eek:-; of Bulled exam:-.. on und off Dean·~ Reeepti,m datb, reµort ,·:-H'd:-l, faeulty arrival.-; and cieparture~ OR DON'T ASK US, ASK and \\'ell antkipated dormit1w_v movings, ha.n~ had nt1r nvJ­ THE NEW YORK TIMES Deans' Leaving is No News; ment of Uright nes:-1. Fo1· this week, as we mourn the Hepadui-e of Deal!:{ and Siabodka 8am, we are cheered td note the No News is Good News; Fagel, Lizzie BILLY LIAR return of our feature editor. And :-o with grat1:ful and cheered hearts v,:e of the OR PUBLIC RELATIONS ""•Deans' Leaving is Good News Exodus extend a hearty "\\'ekome bark'' to M.E.F., our fea­ ture c>ditor. after two extendPd weekends and daze nf \vine and ro,.;e:..;. LORD LOVE A GtllC:K PLAYING AT !I. ALTMAN'$



WE ARE SPORTS, AND WE HAVE A FOR~.D., THIS IS IT! Klap Hands With "Jeremy and Judy" Under Water, (unless you're a ,Pill).

TO FORGIVE IS HUMAN; (Continued from first page) as the New York Times as well. (M)ERR IS DIVINE. Once again, myths which bear no The award consists of a Golden relation to fact have been ac­ Calf Plaque with the immortal cepted by teachers and adminis­ words "America's oldest_, and READ: OUR GIRL'S A tration, and by such sedate sources largest" iriscribed in indelible ink. BROAD ON P. 5 IN THEIR Door Should Be as Open •.. THE OBSERVER "'FUTUliE CHAGIGA REPLACING TECHNIQUE Soroh's Blue, Soroh's Gay OUT THE Haboobah Shelee Made Her That Way OTHER