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Cambridge University Press 0521828589 - A History of Korean Literature Edited by Peter H. Lee Index More information Index “60 nyondae˘ sik” (The sixties style), 474 Angler’s Calendar, The (Obu˘ sasi sa), 45 Abe’s Family (Abe ui˘ kajok), 478 “Angler’s Songs” (obu˘ sa [or ka]), 208–217 Acrobatics (Salp’an), 313 An Hamgwang, 498 address-reference terms, 37 An Hoenam, 403, 468 Admonition to the King of Flowers (Hwawang An Hyang, 144 kye), 94 “Anmin ka” (“Statesmanship”), 78–79, 86 “Adoration of a Six Shooter” (“Yukhyolp’o˘ An Minyong,˘ 221 sungbae”), 450 “Annyong”˘ (“Hello”), 508 “Ae ch’usok˘ sa” (“A Lament for an Autumn “Another Entrance” (“Tarun˘ ipku”), 424 Evening”), 42 “Another Home” (“Tto tarun˘ kohyang”), 372 Aeguk puinjon˘ (Life of a Patriotic Woman), 390 “Another Man’s Room” (“T’ain ui˘ pang”), 475 “Aengjok˘ ka” (“Song of Cherry Bandits”), 450 An Sokky˘ ong,˘ 268–269 “Again Harmonizing with My Two Friends” An Sugil, 471 (“Yanggun kyon˘ hwaujak”), 43 Anthology of Korean Literature in Chinese Age of Distrust, The (Pulsin sidae), 482 (Tong munson˘ ), 96, 328 Age of Heroes, The (Yongung˘ sidae), 476 “April” (“Sawol”),˘ 422 “Age of Transition” (“Kwadogi”), 398 Arai Hakuseki, 15 agrarian fiction, 476 Aristophanes, 77 “Ahop k’yolle˘ ui˘ kuduro namun˘ sanae” (“The “Arrows” (“Hwasal”), 451, 452 Man who was Left as Nine Pairs of Arumdaun˘ saebyok˘ (Beautiful Dawn), 346–347 Shoes”), 477 Aso Hisashi, 380 “Ajik ch’otppul ul˘ k’yolttae˘ ka animnida” “Assignation, The,” 410 (“Not Yet Time to Light a Candle”), At Munui˘ Village (Munui˘ maul˘ e waso˘),
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