JMK, VOL. 17, NO. 1, MARET 2015, 1–10 DOI: 10.9744/jmk.17.1.1–10 ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online


Endang Silaningsih1*, Dwi Gemina1, Erni Yuningsih1 1 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Djuanda Bogor Jalan Tol Ciawi No. 1, Ciawi, Bogor 16720, * Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected]


The objective of this research is to determine the effects of minimum service standard on passengers’ satisfaction, the strategy application and the performance of Transjakarta Company. Questionnaires are distributed to 200 respondents. The form of research is descriptive and verificative. The research model is multiple regression with the Likert scale. The results of this research show that minimum service standard (re- liability, security and safety, convenience and comfort) simultaneously affect passengers’ satisfaction. Relia- bility and comfort partially affect passengers’ satisfaction. Security and safety, and convenience do not affect passengers’ satisfaction. The strategy application uses importance performance analysis (IPA). The strategies are 1) Conducting continuous improvements to increase attribute performance 2) Maintaining good performance; 3) Managing seriously in order not to incite passengers’ disappointment; 4) Evaluating all excessive activities.

Keywords: Minimum service standard, passengers’ satisfaction, performance


Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh standar pelayanan minimal terhadap kepuasan penumpang, strategi penerapan, dan kinerja yang dilakukan PT Transjakarta. Kuesioner didistribusikan kepada 200 responden. Bentuk penelitiannya adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Model penelitian adalah regresi berganda menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian ini standar pelayanan minimal (kehandalan, keamanan dan keselamatan, kemudahan, dan kenyamanan) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan penumpang secara simultan. Kehandalan dan kenyamanan berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap kepuasan penumpang. Keamanan dan keselamatan serta ke- mudahan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan penumpang. Penerapan strategi menggunakan importance performance analysis (IPA). Strateginya adalah 1) Melakukan perbaikan secara terus- menerus sehingga performance atribut meningkat 2) Mempertahankan agar tidak menurun kiner- janya 3) Harus dikelola dengan serius karena biasanya menimbulkan kekecewaan penumpang 4) Mengevaluasi seluruh kegiatan yang berlebihan.

Kata Kunci: Standar pelayanan minimal, kepuasan penumpang, kinerja

Introduction to meet the needs of people’s transportation by publlic motor vehicles in cities, among others by realizing the Building a transportation system is a complex BRT () program. This is supported matter. It does not only concern technical issues such by The Regional Regulation No. 12 year 2003 about as providing infrastructures and transportations, but Traffic and Transportation, Railway, River and Lake, also involves the manner people utilize the public and Crossing. The Regional Regulation also includes transportation provided by the government. Public chapters about a specific track (busway). This program transportation has become a common need, therefore is called Transjakarta (Fitriati, 2009 & 2010). it is necessary for the government to provide and The mobility of people’s trips in , which improve public transportation service (Mess, Moriar- includes the people living in Jakarta and in the sur- ty, Stone, & Buxton, 2006). Thus, building a transpor- rounding areas such as Bogor, , Tangerang, tation service should consider people’s needs and the and (Bodetabek) is high. The data from “The aspects of efficiency and effectivity (Wright & Hook, Study on Integrated Transportation Master Plan for 2007). The Law No. 22 year 2009 about traffic and Jabodetabek (Sitramp) year 2002” shows that the transportation chapter 158 states that the government amount of trips with private vehicles from Bogor, guarantees the availability of mass road transportation Tangerang, and Bekasi was respectively around 7.3

1 2 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.17, NO. 1, MARET 2015: 1–10 million trips. This amount increased drastically by the Transportation year 2010 (Saksono, Darmaningtyas, & Waro, 2012). The rapid increase of the number of motor vehi- Transportation is used to carry people or goods cles especially motorcycles has incited traffic commo- from the departure place where the transportation tion in Jakarta. This also threatens the safety and com- starts to the destination place where the transportation fort of pedestrians. Motorists frequently use all the ends (Morlok, 1978). Transportation service is per- available road space, even the pavements. The BRT formed because the value of the transported people or program is expected to attract users of private vehicles goods will become higher in the destination place. to move to public transportations which will result in The value given by transportation concerns place an optimal use of roads and highways (Saksono et which is called place utility and time which is called al., 2012). time utility which is derived demand (Manheim, A public transportation company which meets 1979; Morlok, 1978). According to Kanafani (1983), the minimum service standard will be appreciated by transportation is needed to support the interactions of customers (passengers). Thus, the marketing strategy social and economic activities which spread in a par- of the company should be customer/passenger orien- ticular vicinity. The reasons which cause people to tated. The standard of service quality is a pledge given make trips are limitless like people’s needs of goods by the service provider to customers/passengers con- and recreations. One of the economic reasons of trans- cerning the minimum service quality customers/ pas- portation is the need to send commodities from one sengers will receive when they use the service offered place to another place. According to Manheim by the service provider (ITDP Indonesia, 2010). (1979), transportation system is a component of phy- sical infrastructure elements, transportation facilities, Table 1 interacting operational and management systems in Bus Rapid Transit in Various Cities in Indonesia moving physical objects (people and goods) from a departure place to a destination place. City Name of BRT Year Amount (Unit) Bogor Trans Pakuan 2006 30 The Level of Transportation Service Trans Medan 2006 10 Pekan Baru Trans Metro Pekan Baru 2008 20 Vuchic (1981) proposes that service level is the Jakarta Feeder Transjakarta 2009 15 measurement of the whole service characteristics Trans Yogya 2008 54 which affect users. The service level is the basic ele- Semarang Trans Semarang 2008 20 ments of the performance of transportation compo- Source: Transportation Department, 2012 nents which attract people to use a certain transporta- tion service. The service level of transportation can be The Bus Rapid Transit program is expected to divided into three categories, namely 1) Performance attract users of private vehicles to move to public which affects users such as operational speed, trust, transportations which will result in an optimal use of and security; 2) Service quality which concerns qua- roads and highways. The reformation of public ser- litative elements of service such as comfort, passenger vice is a strategic prime mover for renewing gover- behavior, beauty and cleanliness; 3) The price that nance practices (Dwiyanto, 2005). The reformation of must be paid by users for the service. public service is regarded as the entry point and prime mover. It is expected that through this reformation the The Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) efforts to realize the values which indicate good go- vernance in public service can be truly and easily The characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) done. Besides, there is a new paradigm for a good go- can be seen from the specifications of its services vernment, namely by reinventing government (San- which are quite different from other existing mass coko, 2010). Reinventing government is transforming transportation systems. Following are the characte- bureaucracy performance into business performance ristics of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), namely 1) Special by realizing a bureaucracy performance which is si- tracks for bus; 2) Quick passenger entry and exit in milar to a business performance. Osborne and Gae- designated places; 3) Effective and efficient payment bler propose ten principles of reinventing government. system before leaving; 4) Comfortable bus stops; 5) One of the principles is that the government should Cozy bus; 6) Harmony with other types of transpor- give public services based on the wishes of the users, tation. While the characteristics of the service for pas- not based on what is done by the bureaucracy of the sengers are: a) Easy access to the public transporta- government (in Miftah, 2008). tion; b) Security; c) Cozy waiting rooms for passen-

Silaningsih: Transjakarta Company’s Strategy and Minimum Service Standard 3 gers which are also protected against unfriendly wea- Minimum Service Standard ther; d) relatively short waiting time; e) High quality service during the whole trip; f) Safe bus station or Transjakarta’s service based on minimum bus stop and departure place; g) Information availa- service standard (MSS) and standard operating pro- bility. cedure (SOP) (ITDP Indonesia, 2010) should be accomplished. When this is done, it will incite Customer/Passenger Perception customers’/passengers’ satisfaction or community’s satisfaction. A standard is a model to be emulated or Perception is the process by which individuals followed. The minimum service standard (MSS) is a organize and interpret the impressions of their senses pledge given by the service provider of the minimum in order to give meaning to their surroundings quality which will be received by the passengers (Robbins, 2006). Perception is a direct understanding when they use the service offered by the service pro- of an individual or the processes which produce direct vider. The aim is to guarantee customers’/ passen- understanding. According to Kotler (2000) perception gers’ satisfaction of the service offered. The Govern- is a process used by an individual to select, organize, ment Regulation No. 65 year 2005 on The Guidance and interpret information in order to create a For Establishing and Applying Minimum Service meaningful Figure of the world around him. The Standard (MSS) assigns that the application of MSS factors which affect perception are attitudes, motiva- tion, interest, experiences, and expectations (Kotler, by the provincial government should be simple, con- 2000). crete, measurable, open, attainable, accountable, and should have achievement time limit. Customer/Passenger Satisfaction Besides, MSS should be adjusted to national and regional needs, priorities, and funds, and also to Oliver states that satisfaction is how a person institutional and individual regional capacities in the feels after he compares the performance he encoun- particular field of service. MSS should include basic ters and his expectations (in Supranto, 2001). Day service elements, MSS indicators, and achievement proposes that satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a custo- time limit. Transjakarta is a provider of public mer’s response to the disconfirmation he experiences transportation service in Jakarta which applies the between his previous expectations (or other perform- BRT system and aims to meet customers’/passengers’ ance norms) and the actual performance of a product expectations. This can be achieved through the four after he uses the product (in Tjiptono, 2001). Accord- substances of MSS, namely 1) service reliability, the ing to Rangkuti (2003), satisfaction is a customer’s chief substance of service reliability is Transjakarta response to the difference between the previous im- guarantees operational competence which includes portance he expects and the actual performance he en- bus operational, facilities and infrastructures, opera- counters after using a service/ product. Thus, satisfac- tional system, and operational staffs; 2) Safety and tion is the happiness and contentment felt by an in- security, the essential substance of safety and security dividual because his expectations of a service or a is Transjakarta guarantees customers’/passengers’ sa- product is realized when he uses the service or the fety and security while they use the service of Trans- product. jakarta buses; 3) Convenience, the main substance of In this highly competitive globalization era, the convenience is Transjakarta guarantees that custo- numerous products or services of the same type offer mers/passengers can enjoy the benefits of various a large range of choices for customers so that they can facilities while they use the busway service; 4) select the ones which can give them the greatest satis- Comfort, the chief substance of comfort is Trans- faction. Therefore, a marketing strategy based on cus- jakarta guarantees the the busway service can give tomers’ needs can be an alternative for winning the comfort to customers/passengers, minimally the com- competition in this industry (Sutisna, 2003). Under- standing customers’ needs and wishes, in this case the fort promised by Transjakarta Company. The frame of this research can be seen in Figure 1. bus passengers of Transjakarta, is an important factor which influences passengers’ satisfaction. Satisfied passengers is a valuable asset for this industry because Users’ Importance when passengers are satisfied they will continuously Transjakarta Minimum Service Standard: The service - Reliability offered by - The satisfaction of Transjakarta users use the service of the company which they have - Security and Safety concerning MSS Transjakarta - Convenience - Strategy application by Transjakarta selected. On the other hand, if the customers or pas- - Comfort buses

sengers of Transjakarta buses are not satisfied with Transjakarta’s Performance the company’s service, they will spread the compa- ny’s defects to other people twice enlarged. Figure 1. Frame of Thought


Hypothesis liability (X1), safety and security (X2), convenience (X3), and comfort (X4). The dependent variable is cus- The Minimum Service Standard has simultane- tomers’/passengers’ satisfaction (Y). The dependent ous and partial effects on Transjakarta’s passengers. sub variables are situational factors and personal fac- tors. The measurement scale for the collected data is Research Method the ordinal scale. According to Riduwan (2005) and Sunarto (2009), before performing tests with multiple This research analyses the effects of minimum regression, we firstly need to make measurements service standard (MSS) on the satisfaction of using the Likert scale (1–5). Transjakarta’s customers/passengers. The form of this To evaluate whether the statements in the ques- research is qualitative descriptive which aims to ex- tionnnaires are valid and realiable, we perform vali- plain the characteristics of a situation (Supranto, dity and reliability tests. The validity test is consi- 2001). Verificative analysis is used to test the hypo- dered valid when the limit of minimum correlation thesis through statistical calculation (Nasir, 2003). coefficient is 0.3 (Azwar, 2012). The reliability test The primary data is obtained by distributing question- shows how far a measuring tool can be trusted or is naires and making interviews to passengers on the realiable through the validity test. According to Ari- terminals of Transjakarta buses. The secondary data is kunto (2002) we can use the Alpha Cronbach tech- obtained by examining the data from Transjakarta nique for a reliability test. A measuring tool is con- Company, Government’s Transportation Depart- sidered reliable when it has the reliability coefficient ment, and published articles. or Alpha of 0.6 or larger than that and the reliability The population in this research is Transjakarta’s test proves that the questionnaire is reliable. passengers in the busway’s evelen corridors. The The data analysis technique used to find out the sampling technique used is simple random sampling effect of the MSS on customers’/passengers’ satis- (SRS), because 1) the researched variables are rela- faction is the multiple regression. The magnitude of tively homogenous, 2) the researchers can establish a the effect between variables is shown in the structure complete sampling frame, in which the amount of of variable effect which can be seen in the regression minimum sample is determined through the formula equation of Y on X1, X2, X3, X4 (Sarwono & Jonathan, of Harun Al Rasyid (1998), namely; 2013) which is as follows: Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 +b3X3 2 +b X +ε,. The hypothetical test is performed by t test,  Z1 / 2  no 4 4 no    n  F test and R2 test. In order to determine which result  2  (no 1) 1 should be given primary priority than the other N n is the amount of minimum/selected sample, N is the attributes, we use Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) or analysis on importance level and perform- amount of the whole population,  is the error risk ance evaluation (Setiawan & Rudy, 2005). In making which may occur and is set a 0.05, bound of error the IPA we use the Cartesius diagram. The position of (given in decimal since it is a proportion) is set at 0.10 each indicator is mapped in the Cartesius diagram. so the amount of this research’s minimum sample is The horizontal axis (X) is filled with the average value 96. The reason is because Transjakarta has 11 corri- of performances’ scores, while the vertical axis (Y) is dors and 198 terminals, with 4.773.046 passengers in filled with the average value of the scores of each year 2012. The data is collected through question- indicator’s importance, as can be seen in the follow- naires which are distributed to 200 persons. The ques- ing formula: tionnaires are distributed on weekdays (Monday– Fri- ΣXi ΣYi day) and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), during X  Y  office hours, from May until September 2013. The n n format of the questionnaire refers to the four subs- Explanation: tances of Transjakarta’s minimum service standard Xi = The total performance score of all respondents Yi = The total importance/expectation score of all (MSS) with 29 indicators. respondents Variable Operationals X = The average value of Transjakarta’s perform- ance The variable analysed in this research is the Y = The average value of Transjakarta’s import- minimum service standard (MSS) which has several ance/expectation sub variables. The independent variables consist of re- n = The number of respondents

Silaningsih: Transjakarta Company’s Strategy and Minimum Service Standard 5

All the performance and importance average Analysis Result values of the 29 indicators of the four substances of Transjakarta’s MSS is put into the Cartesius diagram. Validity and Reliability Tests of Research Tools Then the Cartesius diagram is divided into four qua- drants which is circumscribed by the perpendicular The validity and reliability tests show that the 29 indicators of MSS’s substances which become the intersection of two axes on point ( X , Y ). is the base of the questionnaire’s statements are valid and average value of performances and is the average realiable. value of importances of the 29 indicators of MSS’ substances. Respondent Profile As shown in Figure 2, the indicators in quadrant A (primary priority) have high importances. However The respondents of this research are Transjakar- the performance values are low, which means that all ta’s passengers. The recapitulation of the respondents’ the indicators in this quadrant should improve their characteristics (Transjakarta’s passengers) who are performances. Quadrant B (keep up good perform- taken as samples of this research is as Table 2. ance) shows that performance and customers’/ pas- Table 2 sengers’ expectations are high, thus all the indica- Recapitulation of Respondents’/Passengers’ Characte- tors in this quadrant only need to keep up their per- ristics formances. The indicators in Quadrant C (low priori- Respondents’ Respondents’ Number of Percen- ty) have low performances and importances. Characteristics Criteria persons tage (%) Sex Male 113 56.5 Marital Status Single 112 56 High Primary Priority Performance Priority Age 17–26 years 76 38 I M Education Senior High 65 32.5 P School or Its O Equals T A Occupation Employees of 76 38 R Private N Companies C E Income Rp. 500.000 – 100 50 Rp. 2.000.000 Necessity To go to work 84 42 Low Priority Excessive Priority Frequency of Trip > 10 times 97 48.5 Access to terminal Other public 76 38 transportation Type of transportation Other public 76 10 used before Transjakarta transportation Low Alternative transportation Other public 77 38.5 used beside Transjakarta transportation Reasons of using other To obtain 77 38.5 transportation beside easier route Transjakarta x Low High Dwelling Place DKI Jakarta 137 68.5 Source: Processed primary data, 2013 PERFORMANCE

Figure 2. The Division of the Importance-Performance Classical Assumption Test (X to Y) Analysis (IPA) Quadrant The results of the classical assumption test on This means that the indicators in this quadrant is data’s normality, and the multi colinearity test, and regarded as unimportant. Transjakarta Company heteroscedasticity test show that the data is free from should seriously look at and manage these indicators multi colinearity and heteroscedasticity. since customers’/passengers’ dissatisfaction often starts from this condition. Quadrant D (excessive prio- The Result of the Estimation of Regression rities) show that the indicators in this quadrant have Equation high performances, only unfortunately customers’/ The equation is calculated by using multiple li- passengers’ wishes towards those indicators are low. near regression analysis. The aim of this equation is to Thus, Transjakarta Company needs to reduce those show the effect of MSS on the satisfaction of Trans- indicators’ achievements in order to use company’s jakarta’s passengers. The result of the regression is resources efficiently. summarized in the following Table 3.


Table 3 Table 4 Recapitulation of Regression Equation Calculation Recapitulation of MSS’ Substances Average Calcula- tion The Estimation Result of Regression Equation Variable B Calculated t Sig t Beta Average of Average of Constant 3.779 1.757 0.081 MSS’ Substances Performances Expectations/ Reliability (X1) 0.374 3.112 0.002 0.280 ( X ) Importance (Y ) Security and Safety (X2) 0.515 1.941 0.054 0.156 Reliability (X1) 3.13 4.53 Convenience (X3) 0.148 1.422 0.156 0.083 Security and Safety (X2) 2.78 3.47 Comfort (X4) 0.244 4.715 0.000 0.423 Convenience (X3) 2.84 3.90 Table t = 1.980 Comfort (X4) 2.84 4.35 R = 0.890 Average 2.90 4.06 Square R = 0.792 Source: Processed questionnaires, 2013 Adjusted Square R = 0.788 Calculated F = 185.497 The calculation result shows that the value is Table F = 3.41 Sig F = 0.000 2.90 and the value is 4.06. These values will be SEE = 3.71854 used as quadrant’s circumsription in the IPA diagram Source: Processed primary data, 2013 on x axis and y axis. The values obtained are then entered into the IPA diagram as follows. The summary of the result of multiple regression shows that the model used can explain 78.80% of the 5.00 Kehandalan Kenyamanan dependent variable. On the whole, this model is 4.50 4,06 4.00 Kemudahan significant with the reliability level of 95% (the 3.50 calculated F is 185.497), thus this model is adequate 3.00 Keamanan dan 2.50 Keselamatan to be used as an analysis tool. Partially, reliability (X1) 2.00 and comfort (X4) have an effect on the dependent 1.50

variable Transjakarta’s passengers’ satisfaction (Y). 1.00 TINGKAT TINGKAT KEPENTINGAN According to Adisasmita and Adji (2011), municipal 0.50 transportation as the chief support for the mobility of - 2,90 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 city dwellers should perform effectively and effi- TINGKATTINGKAT KINERJA KINEJA ciently. The chief characteristic of transportation is ex- Figure 3. Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) peditious or fast (reliability indicator). A faster trip to Through MSS’ Four Substances work place, for example, will save more time so that an employee can arrive in his work place earlier and Note: can do more work. This will increase productivity and Tingkat Kepentingan = Importance Tingkat Kinerja = Performance will in turn raise company’s income. Another charac- Kenyamanan = Comfort teristic of transportation is comfort. Passengers are not Kehandalan = Reliability objects, passengers who are travelling need comfort, Kemudahan = Convenience they need to be free from crowdedness and stuffiness. Keamanan dan Keselamatan = Security and Safety Security, safety, and convenience do not have any effect on the satisfaction of Transjakarta’s passengers The comfort substance is in Quadrant A. This (Y). means that the management of comfort dimension should be given primary priority, since the presence Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) of this substance is considered very important by the passengers. The service concerning this substance is Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) is not yet satisfactory. The performance showed by used to determine improvement priorities, namely by Transjakarta’s Operational Unit is lower than the combining importance measurement and perform- passengers’ expectations. The management of relia- ance measurement in a diagram which facilitates data bility substance should be kept up by Transjakarta’s explanations and practical propositions. The IPA dia- Operational Unit since the general performance gram below includes the four standardized substances already meets passengers’ expectations/importance, of Minimum Service Standard (MSS). Following is the which is in Quadrant B. Security, safety, and con- analysis of minimum service standard based on the venience substances are in Quadrant C. This means four substances: that those substances are considered unimportant by

Silaningsih: Transjakarta Company’s Strategy and Minimum Service Standard 7 passengers, while their service quality is not exceptio- ness, bus’ temperature, bus’ lighting, crowdedness in nal. This means that the company’s performance and the bus, driver’s skill, cordiality of ticketing staff, cor- the passengers’ expectations in certain indicators are diality of barrier staff, cordiality of on board staff, low, thus Transjakarta Operational Unit can give cordiality of driver, and cordiality of call center staff. lower priority to these indicators.

The implication shown by the Cartesius diagram 5.00 K L F 4.50 H D E is that Transjakarta Operational Unit needs to improve I A GC M BJ O 4,35 the company’s performance and service in Quadrant 4.00

3.50 A, namely comfort. This is because the comfort di- N mension at present is lower than the passengers’ ex- 3.00 2.50 pectations. The Operational Unit should keep up the 2.00

substance in Quadrant B, namely reliability since 1.50 TINGKAT TINGKAT KEPENTINGAN Transjakarta has shown a satisfying service which 1.00 agrees with Transjakarta passengers’ expectations and 0.50 importance. Transjakarta Operational Unit needs to - - 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 improve security, safety, and convenience substances TINGKAT KINERJA so that they show optimal performance which will 2,84 raise the efficiency of the company’s resources in meeting passengers’ expectations. Figure 4. IPA of Comfort Substance

Then we will analyse the indicators which cause Note : the comfort substance to be present in Quadrant A. Tingkat Kepentingan = Importance Following is the calculation result of the average Tingkat Kinerja = Performance value of the indicators of comfort substance: Explanation: Table 5 o Terminal’s cleanliness (A) The Calculation Result of the Average of the Indicators o Terminal’s temperature (B) of Comfort Substance o Terminal’s lighting (C) Average of Average of o Crowdedness in the terminal (D) MSS’ Substance Performances Expectations/ o Bus’ cleanliness (E) ( X ) Importance (Y ) o Bus’ temperature (F) Terminal’s Cleanliness (A) 2.83 4.43 o Bus’ lighting (G) Terminal’s Temperature 3.29 4.39 o Crowdedness in the bus (H) (B) o Passenger waiting time in the terminal (I) Terminal’s Lighting (C) 2.94 4.37 o Driver’s skill (J) Crowdedness in the 1.35 4.51 o Cordiality of ticketing staff (K) terminal (D) o Cordiality of barrier staff (L) Bus’ Cleanliness (E) 3.28 4.62 Bus’ Temperature (F) 3.72 4.43 o Cordiality of on board staff (M) Bus’ Lighting (G) 2.89 4.38 o Cordiality of driver (N) Crowdedness in the bus 1.05 4.50 o Cordiality of call center staff (O) (H) Passengers’ waiting time 1.68 4.37 From Figure 4 we see that the comfort substance in the terminal (I) in Quadrant A consists of several indicators namely Driver’s skill (J) 3.34 4.47 terminal’s cleanliness, crowdedness in the terminal, Cordiality of ticketing staff 2.89 4.39 crowdedness in the bus, and passenger waiting time (K) in the terminal. The indicators in Quadrant A show Cordiality of barrier staff 3.66 4.38 (L) the need to improve performance (High Importance Cordiality of on board staff 3.15 4.37 and Low Performance). The passengers are continu- (M) ously complaining of Transjakarta’s performance, Cordiality of driver (N) 2.78 3.33 among others terminal’s filthiness and profusion of Cordiality of call center 3.72 4.40 garbage, uncertain traveling time and uncertain inter- staff (O) vals between buses’ arrivals (headway), crowdedness Average 2.84 4.35 in the bus during rush hours. Terminal’s cleanliness and service performance The indicators of comfort substance are termi- concerning terminal’s cleanliness are shown by a res- nal’s cleanliness, terminal’s temperature, terminal’s pondent’s statement, “I acknowledge that Transjakar- lighting, crowdedness in the terminal, bus’ cleanli- ta is a cheap transportation facility, however the cheap

8 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.17, NO. 1, MARET 2015: 1–10 price should not give reason for low service.” A cor- This is confirmed by a respondent’s statement, “The responding complaint is expressed by another respon- facilities found in Transjakarta such as fine tempe- dent who says, “Transjakarta’s terminals are generally rature, sufficient lighting, staff’s cordiality, and careful dirty.” The windowpanes and the aluminum lattices driver, are rarely found in other public transporta- of the terminals seem never cleaned. Transjakarta ter- tions.” minals are also marred by graffiti that is not removed. The comfort substance is Quadrant C is driver’s Several busway terminal bridges are also used by mo- cordiality. This factor is considered unimportant by tor cyclists. Besides, the numerous beggars and sellers passengers, while the service quality is not excellent on the bridge worsen the situation. This fact is con- either. Passengers’ complaints concerning drivers firmed by the information we obtain from a member usually include very fast driving, or making phone of Transjakarta Operational Unit who says that clean- calls while driving, or even sending sms while ing on the terminals are done only once a week, “and driving. Transjakarta Operational Unit quickly is most often done only in the internal parts of the improves this service by performing control over terminals, such as the floors and the internal part of drivers. The control is performed by on board staff, the windowpanes. who evaluates the driver according to what he per- One other thing most complained of by Trans- ceives during driving and then sends a report to the jakarta loyal passengers is the long waiting time in control staff (Saksono et al., 2012). This matter is also terminal and the very long queue both in terminal and expressed in a respondent’s statement who says, shelter, especially during rush hours. Passengers also “Drivers do not have to be cordial, but they should often find crowded buses. The chief reason is because focus on their duties and should not drive recklessly.” the available buses cannot cover the numerous pas- sengers, which then result in crowdedness in the Discussion buses. This situation is made worse by the annexation of other road users into Transjakarta tracks. This cha- The Interpretation of MSS’ Factors which Support os prevents the buses from arriving at the terminals on or Inhibit Transjakarta Passengers’ Satisfaction time. As a consequence, passengers have to wait in long queues and when a bus arrives they often have to The MSS’ factor which supports passengers’ thrust one another to scramble into the bus (Setyawan, satisfaction is firstly reliability, which means that 2013). The characteristic of an effective and efficient Transjakarta guarantees operational reliability which municipal transportation service is capacity, which includes bus operational, facilities and infrastructures, means that the capital provided for transportation is operational system and operational staff. The next sufficient to meet people’s need of transportation ser- supporting factor is comfort. Transjakarta guarantees vice, neither excessively nor scarcely. Excessiveness that passengers will enjoy a comfortable service when will cause waste since the transportation capacity is they are using Transjakarta buses. The MSS’ factor not fully utilized. While scarcity will cause many pas- which inhibits Transjakarta passengers’ satisfaction is sengers not to be immediately transported, and pas- terminal security which concerns the large amount of sengers have to wait for a considerable time which crimes in terminals such as stealings, sexual harras- means loss of time (Adisasmita & Adji, 2011). ments, and accidents. Another inhibiting factor is the The indicators terminal’s temperature, terminal’s length of time needed by passengers to reach the lighting, bus’ clealiness, bus’ temperature, bus’ light- terminal from the entry at the farthest end. The transit ing, driver’s skill, cordiality of ticketing staff, cordia- between terminals is difficult and impractical where lity of barrier staff, cordiality of on board staff and crowded passengers need to stand in long queues cordiality of call center staff are in Quadrant B. This inside long corridors which cause them to feel un- shows that the performance of Transjakarta Operatio- comfortable. nal Unit meets passengers’ expectations/importance. Some of the respondents acknowledge that they com- The Strategy of Transjakarta Company to Raise pare Transjakarta’s services with those of other public Passengers’ Satisfaction transportations such as microlets and mini buses like and Metromini, and also large buses like PPD The strategy that can be applied by Transjakarta and Mayasari. All the other transportations take the Company according to the IPA diagram is as follows: far left track which is the slower track, have no air 1) The strategy for the first Quadrant (A) is making conditioner, and the bus is often so crowded that continuous improvement so that the attribute perfor- passengers hang on one side of the bus which causes mance in this quadrant will become better and better the bus to incline to one side (Saksono et al. 2012). (Rangkuti, 2003). The improvement strategy that can

Silaningsih: Transjakarta Company’s Strategy and Minimum Service Standard 9 be applied by Transjakarta Company is to repair ter- 3. On the whole, the quality of Transjakarta’s service minals by perfecting the terminals’ physical cons- viewed through MSS’s substances, have not met truction and dimension which will optimize Transja- passengers’ expectations. The comfort substance karta operational and which can also afford comfort to based on the IPA diagram should be given proper queuing passengers. Replenishment of buses will mo- attention, especially terminal’s cleanliness, crow- tivate users of private vehicles to move to Transjakar- dedness in the terminal, and long waiting time in ta. So far they have been reluctant to move to Transja- terminal. This is because the comfort substance is karta because of dirty and unsafe terminals, long present in Quadrant A. space between bus arrivals, unpuctuality of bus arri- 4. In enhancing passengers’ satisfaction, the compa- vals, and discomfort. Another strategy is improving ny needs strategies which are in accordance with facilities inside the bus such as limiting the number of the IPA diagram, among others: 1) Making con- passengers in the bus and maintaining the punctuality tinuous improvements so that the performances of and regularity of headway since headway is the pas- the attributes in this Quadrant will become better sengers’ guide in waiting for Transjakarta buses. The and better. 2) Making efforts to stay in this Qua- role of staff in optimizing bus capacity should be drant and to keep up the attributes’ performances. 3) Evaluating/reconsidering its improvement, but increased, terminal’s cleanliness and maintenance without eliminating its indicators since passen- should be closely supervised. Practiced daily, this will gers’ dissatisfaction often starts from this Qua- make terminals and buses very clean. Thus, Transja- drant. 4) Evaluating all excessive activities in or- karta should strengthen the system concerning this der to find out which parts should be retained and matter in order to raise passengers’ trust to the compa- which parts should be eliminated. ny. The strategy for the second Quadrant (B) is con- tinuously keeping up the attributes in this quadrant so And the implications are that their performances will not decline, since the 1. Transjakarta Operational Unit should take good attributes in this quadrant are excellent in passengers’ care of the comfort of Transjakarta passengers, es- perception (Rangkuti, 2003). pecially by repairing physical constructions so that The strategy concerning terminal’s temperature, they can provide comfort for queuing passen- terminal’s lighting, bus’ cleanliness, bus’ temperature, gers. Besides, Transjakarta Operational Unit driver’s skill, cordiality of ticketing staff, cordiality of should replenish the company’s buses, diminish barrier staff, cordiality of on board staff, cordiality of long spaces of bus arrivals, maintain the punctua- call center staff, is optimizing human resources by lity and regularity of headway, increase staffs’ role organizing trainings for operators, staffs, and other in optimizing bus capacity, bus’ cleanliness and employees so that they have the awareness to give the terminal’s cleanliness best public service to the community. In the third 2. The management of Transjakarta should enhance Quadrant (C), Transjakarta can reconsider improve- the security and safety of passengers from crimi- ments, however without eliminating the attributes. nal actions such as stealings. One way of accom- This quadrant should be managed seriously because plishing this is by providing sufficient security passengers’ dissatisfaction often starts from this qua- guards in terminal crossings, terminal entries, tic- drant (Rangkuti, 2003). The indicator of comfort ket booths, and bus way terminals. Besides, Trans- substance in Quadrant C is driver’s cordiality. The jakarta buses need to cooperate with public autho- strategy that can be applied concerning this is opti- rities during their journeys. The company should mizing human resources such as organizing intensive also optimize the performances of the staffs in the trainings for drivers so that they have the awareness to field, especially their promptness and readiness to give the best public service to the community. give the best service to the customers of Transja- karta. Conclusion and Implication 3. The management of Transjakarta also needs to pay attention to the conveniences in the buses, Based on the research result and discussion, we which include facilities, and information of da- draw the following conclusions: maged or incomplete parts so that they can be 1. The minimum service standard has a simultaneous repaired and can function well. effect on the satisfaction of Transjakarta passe- 4. Researches on quality service using descriptive ngers. statistical analysis are generally limited, because 2. Reliability and comfort have partial effects on the the researches usually stop at whether the service satisfaction of Transjakarta passengers. Security, performance has met customers’/passengers’ ex- safety, and convenience do not have any effect on pectations which is measured with the category the satisfaction of Transjakarta passengers. bad, good or satisfied, dissatisfied.


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