JMK, VOL. 17, NO. 1, MARET 2015, 1–10 DOI: 10.9744/jmk.17.1.1–10 ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online TRANSJAKARTA COMPANY’S STRATEGY AND MINIMUM SERVICE STANDARD TO RAISE PASSENGERS’ SATISFACTION Endang Silaningsih1*, Dwi Gemina1, Erni Yuningsih1 1 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Djuanda Bogor Jalan Tol Ciawi No. 1, Ciawi, Bogor 16720, Indonesia * Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The objective of this research is to determine the effects of minimum service standard on passengers’ satisfaction, the strategy application and the performance of Transjakarta Company. Questionnaires are distributed to 200 respondents. The form of research is descriptive and verificative. The research model is multiple regression with the Likert scale. The results of this research show that minimum service standard (re- liability, security and safety, convenience and comfort) simultaneously affect passengers’ satisfaction. Relia- bility and comfort partially affect passengers’ satisfaction. Security and safety, and convenience do not affect passengers’ satisfaction. The strategy application uses importance performance analysis (IPA). The strategies are 1) Conducting continuous improvements to increase attribute performance 2) Maintaining good performance; 3) Managing seriously in order not to incite passengers’ disappointment; 4) Evaluating all excessive activities. Keywords: Minimum service standard, passengers’ satisfaction, performance Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh standar pelayanan minimal terhadap kepuasan penumpang, strategi penerapan, dan kinerja yang dilakukan PT Transjakarta. Kuesioner didistribusikan kepada 200 responden. Bentuk penelitiannya adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Model penelitian adalah regresi berganda menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian ini standar pelayanan minimal (kehandalan, keamanan dan keselamatan, kemudahan, dan kenyamanan) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan penumpang secara simultan. Kehandalan dan kenyamanan berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap kepuasan penumpang. Keamanan dan keselamatan serta ke- mudahan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan penumpang. Penerapan strategi menggunakan importance performance analysis (IPA). Strateginya adalah 1) Melakukan perbaikan secara terus- menerus sehingga performance atribut meningkat 2) Mempertahankan agar tidak menurun kiner- janya 3) Harus dikelola dengan serius karena biasanya menimbulkan kekecewaan penumpang 4) Mengevaluasi seluruh kegiatan yang berlebihan. Kata Kunci: Standar pelayanan minimal, kepuasan penumpang, kinerja Introduction to meet the needs of people’s transportation by publlic motor vehicles in cities, among others by realizing the Building a transportation system is a complex BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) program. This is supported matter. It does not only concern technical issues such by The Regional Regulation No. 12 year 2003 about as providing infrastructures and transportations, but Traffic and Transportation, Railway, River and Lake, also involves the manner people utilize the public and Crossing. The Regional Regulation also includes transportation provided by the government. Public chapters about a specific track (busway). This program transportation has become a common need, therefore is called Transjakarta (Fitriati, 2009 & 2010). it is necessary for the government to provide and The mobility of people’s trips in Jakarta, which improve public transportation service (Mess, Moriar- includes the people living in Jakarta and in the sur- ty, Stone, & Buxton, 2006). Thus, building a transpor- rounding areas such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, tation service should consider people’s needs and the and Bekasi (Bodetabek) is high. The data from “The aspects of efficiency and effectivity (Wright & Hook, Study on Integrated Transportation Master Plan for 2007). The Law No. 22 year 2009 about traffic and Jabodetabek (Sitramp) year 2002” shows that the transportation chapter 158 states that the government amount of trips with private vehicles from Bogor, guarantees the availability of mass road transportation Tangerang, and Bekasi was respectively around 7.3 1 2 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL.17, NO. 1, MARET 2015: 1–10 million trips. This amount increased drastically by the Transportation year 2010 (Saksono, Darmaningtyas, & Waro, 2012). The rapid increase of the number of motor vehi- Transportation is used to carry people or goods cles especially motorcycles has incited traffic commo- from the departure place where the transportation tion in Jakarta. This also threatens the safety and com- starts to the destination place where the transportation fort of pedestrians. Motorists frequently use all the ends (Morlok, 1978). Transportation service is per- available road space, even the pavements. The BRT formed because the value of the transported people or program is expected to attract users of private vehicles goods will become higher in the destination place. to move to public transportations which will result in The value given by transportation concerns place an optimal use of roads and highways (Saksono et which is called place utility and time which is called al., 2012). time utility which is derived demand (Manheim, A public transportation company which meets 1979; Morlok, 1978). According to Kanafani (1983), the minimum service standard will be appreciated by transportation is needed to support the interactions of customers (passengers). Thus, the marketing strategy social and economic activities which spread in a par- of the company should be customer/passenger orien- ticular vicinity. The reasons which cause people to tated. The standard of service quality is a pledge given make trips are limitless like people’s needs of goods by the service provider to customers/passengers con- and recreations. One of the economic reasons of trans- cerning the minimum service quality customers/ pas- portation is the need to send commodities from one sengers will receive when they use the service offered place to another place. According to Manheim by the service provider (ITDP Indonesia, 2010). (1979), transportation system is a component of phy- sical infrastructure elements, transportation facilities, Table 1 interacting operational and management systems in Bus Rapid Transit in Various Cities in Indonesia moving physical objects (people and goods) from a departure place to a destination place. City Name of BRT Year Amount (Unit) Bogor Trans Pakuan 2006 30 The Level of Transportation Service Bandung Trans Medan 2006 10 Pekan Baru Trans Metro Pekan Baru 2008 20 Vuchic (1981) proposes that service level is the Jakarta Feeder Transjakarta 2009 15 measurement of the whole service characteristics Yogyakarta Trans Yogya 2008 54 which affect users. The service level is the basic ele- Semarang Trans Semarang 2008 20 ments of the performance of transportation compo- Source: Transportation Department, 2012 nents which attract people to use a certain transporta- tion service. The service level of transportation can be The Bus Rapid Transit program is expected to divided into three categories, namely 1) Performance attract users of private vehicles to move to public which affects users such as operational speed, trust, transportations which will result in an optimal use of and security; 2) Service quality which concerns qua- roads and highways. The reformation of public ser- litative elements of service such as comfort, passenger vice is a strategic prime mover for renewing gover- behavior, beauty and cleanliness; 3) The price that nance practices (Dwiyanto, 2005). The reformation of must be paid by users for the service. public service is regarded as the entry point and prime mover. It is expected that through this reformation the The Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) efforts to realize the values which indicate good go- vernance in public service can be truly and easily The characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) done. Besides, there is a new paradigm for a good go- can be seen from the specifications of its services vernment, namely by reinventing government (San- which are quite different from other existing mass coko, 2010). Reinventing government is transforming transportation systems. Following are the characte- bureaucracy performance into business performance ristics of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), namely 1) Special by realizing a bureaucracy performance which is si- tracks for bus; 2) Quick passenger entry and exit in milar to a business performance. Osborne and Gae- designated places; 3) Effective and efficient payment bler propose ten principles of reinventing government. system before leaving; 4) Comfortable bus stops; 5) One of the principles is that the government should Cozy bus; 6) Harmony with other types of transpor- give public services based on the wishes of the users, tation. While the characteristics of the service for pas- not based on what is done by the bureaucracy of the sengers are: a) Easy access to the public transporta- government (in Miftah, 2008). tion; b) Security; c) Cozy waiting rooms for passen- Silaningsih: Transjakarta Company’s Strategy and Minimum Service Standard 3 gers which are also protected against unfriendly wea- Minimum Service Standard ther; d) relatively short waiting time; e) High quality service during the whole trip; f) Safe bus station or Transjakarta’s service based on minimum bus stop and departure place; g) Information availa- service standard (MSS) and standard operating pro- bility. cedure (SOP) (ITDP Indonesia, 2010) should be accomplished. When this
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