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Existing urban transportation in Greater Results of agent-based modelling

Author(s): Ilahi, Anugrah; Balać, Miloš; Axhausen, Kay W.

Publication Date: 2019-12

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ETH Library 1 Existing urban transportation in Greater Jakarta: Results of

2 agent-based modelling

a,1,∗ a a 3 Anugrah Ilahi , Milos Balac , Kay W. Axhausen

a 4 ETH Zurich, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5, 8093 Zurich, 5 Switzerland

6 Abstract

7 Agent-based models have become popular over the years as more traditional modelling

8 approaches were not suitable for studying emerging transportation modes and transport

9 policies. However, creating a detailed scenario, which is the basis of the agent-based

10 model that represents the supply and demand for a study area, is not trivial and requires

11 substantial effort. This is even more the case when the study area is large and contains

12 many people living and performing many different daily activities. This is exactly the

13 case for the region of Greater Jakarta, the subject of this research. Greater Jakarta has

2 14 an area of approximately 8000 km and is home to approximately 30 million people.

15 Here we present the synthesis of the Greater Jakarta commuting scenario to help future

16 researchers generate large-scale scenarios in similar regions where the data is Limited or

17 difficult to gather. First runs, using an agent-based model MATSim, integrated with a

18 mode-choice model are presented and can be used as a backbone for future improvements

19 of the Greater Jakarta scenario and investigations of different transport related questions.

20 Keywords: MATSim; Agent-Based Model; Mode-Choice Model; Greater Jakarta

21 1. Introduction

22 Travel activities are affected by many different factors, including the mode of trans-

23 portation, the trip purpose, and social interactions with other people (Kitamura, 1988;

24 Axhausen and Grling, 1992). Bradley and Vovsha (2005) studied how intra-household

0 25 interactions changed trip decisions. For example, a family s morning travel activities

26 could be influenced by the needs of a child in the household. If a parent needed to drop

27 off the child at school before he or she went to the office, that decision impacted the way

∗Corresponding author Email address: [email protected] (Anugrah Ilahi) 28 the schedule was planned. Borgers et al. (2001); Gliebe and Koppelman (2005); Simma

29 and Axhausen (2001) noted that different time allocations for different activities greatly

30 impacted trip planning. In addition, Axhausen et al. (2002) discovered that existing

31 routines, weather, and the purpose of each trip made mapping transportation efforts a

32 challenging undertaking. Arentze and Timmermans (2004) found several types of con-

33 straints on travel such as household constraints, spatial constraints, time constraints, and

34 spatial-temporal constraints. An example of time constraints was the opening and closing

35 times of different stores or shopping places. In addition, the distance is a constraint on

36 travel. The farther away sometime was, the longer it would take to travel there from a

37 home location. Trip activities can be influenced by bigger group interactions; however,

38 people are more greatly influenced by their personal needs, occupations, ethnicity, na-

39 tionality, or interests. One of the greatest influences on a persons trip decisions was their

40 family or other people with whom they spent most of their time. For this purpose, we

41 developed an agent-based model that was able to simulate complex interactions based on

42 previous studies. There are several agent-based models, such as ORIENT/RV (Axhausen,

43 1989), TRANSIMS (Smith et al., 1995), SimMobility (Adnan et al., 2016), SimTRAVEL

44 (Pendyala et al., 2012), Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim (MATSim) (Balmer

45 et al., 2006; Horni et al., 2016), and GEMSim (Saprykin et al., 2019). However, we make

46 use of MATSim in this research which has been shown to be suitable to model large-scale

47 cities in Singapore (Erath et al., 2012), was able to include microbuses in simulation

48 (Neumann et al., 2015), and utilized joint activities between household and household

49 members as can be seen in Dubernet and Axhausen (2015). In addition, it could also

50 simulate the impact of emerging transportation options and policies, such as the impact

51 of car-sharing (Balac et al., 2019), Urban Air Mobility (Balac et al., 2018), bike-sharing,

52 congestion pricing, automated vehicles or equity effects, which are hard to investigate on

53 a suitable level using the more traditional modeling techniques (Horni et al., 2016).

54 Our contributions in this paper were threefold: first, to the best of the authors knowl-

55 edge, this paper will be the first to make use of an agent-based model that incorporates all

56 of mode transport available including microbuses, called angkots, as a form of transporta-

2 57 tion and that simulates the daily behaviors of the people performing their daily activities

58 in Greater Jakarta. There are previous studies that had been conducted in Jakarta. Yagi

59 and Mohammadian (2010) simulated mode and destination choices based on discrete

60 choice modelling, and Dharmowijoyo et al. (2016) measured variability of travel patterns

61 in Greater Jakarta; however, those studies do not take in to account Greater Jakarta as

62 a whole object of study using agent-based modelling. Second, our model used a novel

63 approach that integrated the mode-choice model in MATsim simulation that allowed it

64 to filter unnecessary plans. As shown in H¨orlet al. (2018, 2019), this integration can

65 give a faster convergence speed of simulations than previous scoring based models which

66 estimated all the plan options available (Balmer et al., 2006; Horni et al., 2016). Third,

67 this paper will also add to the growing literature on modelling large-scale cities, especially

68 when the data is scarce or difficult to obtain. Finally, different from a conventional four

69 step model, each individual is simulated as an agent, with each of them having their own

70 attributes, such as sociodemographic features, activity locations, and modes of trans-

71 portation. The attributes of each agent are used as an input plan, and by using iterative

72 processing, we found the best plan that maximized utility.

73 The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: The following section describes

74 the case studies of Greater Jakarta. The third section explains the MATSim framework.

75 The fourth section presents mode-choice in MATSim. The fifth section presents the first

76 results obtained for the commuting population of the Greater Jakarta. Finally, the last

77 section presents conclusions, limitations, and further recommendations.

78 2. Case studies of Greater Jakarta

79 Greater Jakarta is comprised of nine cities and four regencies. The province of Jakarta

80 itself has five cities. The other four cities are Bogor, , Tangerang, and . The

81 four regencies are Tengerang, , Bogor, and Bekasi. Greater Jakarta,

82 known as Jabodetabek, has a population of approximately 30 million inhabitants. Greater

83 Jakarta has a significant role in the national economy in producing more than

84 IDR 1,500 trillion (USD 113.51 Billion ). In 2012, Jakarta was the primary contributor

3 85 to the Jabodetabek GDP, with a share of 72.44%; therefore, the economic activities and

86 employment opportunities of Jabodetabek are concentrated in the city of Jakarta. At the

87 national level, Jabodetabek contributes 18.48% of GDP. Around 3.6 million

88 people commute within, into, and out of Jakarta (BPS-Statistics, 2014). Therefore, traffic

89 congestion is generated by daily activities of commuters coming to Jakarta. The sample

90 of the data that we used is from a JICA study (JICA, 2009), as can be seen in Table 1.

91 The total number of respondents were 334,973. 69.91% of respondents were male, and

92 47.58% of respondents who worked had university degrees. Most of respondents, 71%,

93 were in the agglomeration area (the area outside of Jakarta), and 28.74% were living in

94 Jakarta.

4 Table 1: Sample summary statistics

Categorical variables N % Categorical variables N % Share Share Person is male ** 234,181 69.91 Car ownership University degree*** 96,542 47.58 No car 164’364 82.95 Employed** 202,924 60.58 1 12,703 7.10 Age categories ** 2 1,486 0.83 < 6years old 9,212 2.75 3 270 0.15 6 - 12 years old 62,086 18.53 > 3 130 0.07 12 - 18 years old 53,286 15.91 Motorcycle ownership 18 - 24 years old 34,627 10.34 No Motorcycle 53’009 29.62 24 -32 years old 51,435 15.35 1 92,668 51.78 32 - 42 years old 61,023 18.22 2 26,274 14.68 42 - 60 years old 57,565 17.18 3 5,635 3.15 > 60 years old 5,739 1.71 > 3 1,367 0.76 Income (in IDR per NMT ownership month)* No NMT 146,724 81.99 No answer 1,445 0.81 1 24,786 13.85 < 1 M 28,024 15.66 2 5,722 3.20 1 M - 3 M 116,461 65.08 3 1,192 0.67 3 M - 5 M 23,369 13.06 > 3 529 0.30 5 M - 8 M 6,746 3.77 Driving license** 8 M - 15 M 2,216 1.24 Motorcycle 98,854 29.56 > 15 M 692 0.39 Private car 7,410 2.22 Total expenditures (in Passenger vehicle 2,512 0.75 IDR per month)* Motorcycle and car 13,195 3.95 No answer 1,818 1.02 Motorcycle and 1’385 0.41 < 1 M 69,646 38.92 passenger vehicle 1 M - 3 M 96,849 54.12 No license 211,087 63.12 3 M - 5 M 8,204 4.58 Most frequently used 5 M - 8 M 1,825 1.02 mode of transport 8 M - 15 M 506 0.28 No answer 4,795 2.68 > 15 M 105 0.06 Commuter rail 7,554 4.22 Transport expendi- BRT 7,264 4.06 tures (in IDR per Feeder 46,090 25.76 month)* Taxi 171 0.10 No answer 16,798 9.39 Motorcycle taxi 6,524 3.65 < 1 M 150,430 84.06 Car 7,225 4.04 1 M - 3 M 11,229 6.27 Motorcycle 94,507 52.81 > 3 M 496 0.28 NMT 3,383 1.89 Spatial household lo- Others 1,440 0.80 cation * At time the survey was conducted, 7,470 IDR DKI Jakarta 53,084 28.72 was equivalent to 1 US Dollars Agglomeration 131,781 71.28 ** The calculation is based on the person who has either work or school activities *** The calculation is based on person who has work activities

5 95 3. MATSim framework

96 This study utilizes a Multi-Agent Transport Simulation (MATSim), which performs

97 a microscopic simulation of daily schedules of synthetic persons performing activities in

98 the study area. The persons in MATSim are called agents. Each agent having its own

99 plan that represents its daily schedule of activities connected by trips. The plans are

100 simulated using the mobility simulation (mobsim) for several iterations. Before the start

101 of each simulation, some of the agents can change a part of their plan in the re-planning

102 phase. This simulation cycle can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The MATSim loop

Source: MATSim book

103 In this work, we used a slightly different iterative approach proposed by H¨orlet al.

104 (2018, 2019) that integrated mode-choice models with the microsimulation in MATSim.

105 In this approach, agents can change their modes of travel based on an implementation

106 of a discrete-mode choice model. Since the mode-choice model in the re-planning phase

107 used estimates on the travel times, travel costs, waiting times etc. From the previous

108 iteration, the scoring phase was no longer needed. This approach was used to investigate

109 mode choices for the commuting population of the Greater Jakarta population.

110 3.1. Traffic flow model

111 Traffic simulation model in MATSim used a queue-based approach, which had two

112 attributes: storage and flow capacity. Storage capacity defined how many cars could be

113 stored at a time on a road link, and flow capacity defined the outflow capacity of a link.

6 114 3.2. Population synthesis

115 Commuting population was synthesized using the data gathered by the Japan Inter-

116 national Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2009 (JICA, 2009), which included 3% of the

117 households in Greater Jakarta. To expand the sample and to synthesize the complete

118 commuting population, we utilized a Bayesian network approach and Generalized Raking

119 (GR) as shown in (Ilahi and Axhausen, 2019; M¨uller,2017; Sun and Erath, 2015). The

120 synthesized population contained approximately 20 million agents, which represented the

121 people who have either work or school activities based on a statistics bureau report at

122 the province level (Jabodetabek consists of 3 provinces: Jakarta, and ).

123 There are two activity chains in this population: home work home, and home school

124 home. The locations of home, work, and school activities were based on the addresses

125 provided by the respondents and assigned a coordinate randomly drawn from an area

126 created by drawing a 1 km radius circle around the coordinates of each address. Unfor-

127 tunately, starting times of work activities as well as their duration was not reported in

128 the survey conducted by JICA; therefore, we distributed the starting times and activity

129 durations based on the behavior of people living in the Ile-de-France region, as the area

130 of the city is similar and the data was publicly available.

131 3.3. Network

132 The network of Greater Jakarta was used to create the scenario based on the (OSM)

133 OpenStreetMap ( The network of Greater Jakarta was ex-

134 tracted from OSM using Java Osmosis. The network consisted of 472,205 nodes and

135 1,214,769 links. The links were classified by their function and parameter, such as speed,

136 lane capacity, and road hierarchy. The road classification was reported in Table 2. The

137 network used coordinate system EPSG:5330 for Batavia/Jakarta.

138 3.4. Public transport network and counting stations

139 In Jakarta and in Indonesia in general, there are different modes of transportation

140 available, some of them formal, like a car, motorcycle, commuter rail,

141 (BRT), big buses, medium size buses, and some informal ones like microbuses (called

7 Table 2: Road network classification in the MATSim Greater Jakarta scenario

Hierarchy Highway-type Lanes Free Free speed Lane One way speed(m/s) Factor capacity 1 Motorway 2 33.33 1.0 2000 True 2 Trunk 1 22.22 1.0 2000 False 3 Primary 1 22.22 1.0 1500 False 4 Secondary 1 8.33 1.0 1000 False 5 Tertiary 1 6.94 1.0 600 False 6 Minor 1 11.11 1.0 600 False 6 Residential 1 4.16 1.0 600 False 6 Living street 1 2.77 1.0 300 False 7 Rail 1 44.44 1.0 9999 True

142 angkot, which is an informal service without a fixed schedule). Microbuses, which have

143 a small size, have an ability to become door to door services in Greater Jakarta. Simu-

144 lation of microbuses in an agent-based model has been previously used in the South-

145 African context (Neumann et al., 2015). To create a public transport network, we

146 need OSM and GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data; however, there is no

147 publicly available GTFS data for Greater Jakarta. Therefore, we have manually con-

148 structed the public transport schedules using the data from a company called Trafi

149 ( The data that we scraped from traffic websites are

150 formatted to GTFS structure data (Google, 2019). There are several important files that

151 must be available, which can be seen in Table 3. OSM network and manually constructed

152 GTFS schedules were converted to MATSim format using the pt2matsim extension (Po-

153 letti, 2016). BRT lines are categorized as dedicated lanes. In the end, the transit schedule

154 is mapped to the MATSim network using the same extension. Finally, we obtained public

155 transport lines within the network. There are 1,756 public transport lines. There are

156 325 BRT lines (including other bus companies that operate in BRT lines), 421 Bus lines,

157 22 commuter rail lines, and 988 microbus lines. There are also 20 counting stations that

158 count number of vehicles in 15min bins as can be seen in Figure 2.

8 Table 3: Overview of GTFS files

File Description agency.txt Public transport company that operates the public transport lines. In our case, these consist of BRT, Rail, Angkot, Buses. BRT are all public transports that operate in busway/dedicated line (Transjakarta), Buses are all big/medium buses that operate in mixed traffic. Rail consists of commuter lines that operate by public company railway (PT. KAI). Angkot are all microbus lines. stops.txt Station/shelter location, which consist coordinate of shelter station, name of shelter/station. routes.txt The name of public transport routes/lines. A route is a group of trips that are displayed to riders as a single service. trips.txt Trips for each route. A trip is a sequence of two or more stops that occurs at specific time. stop times.txt Times that a vehicle arrives at and departs from individual stops for each trip.

Figure 2: MATSim network, public transport line, counting station

159 3.5. Private and public transport vehicles

160 As the vehicles have different sizes and capacities in our simulation, we classified

161 private and public transport vehicles as in Table 4. Cars and motorcycles were classified as

9 162 private vehicles. BRT, buses, commuter, and microbuses are classified as public transport.

Table 4: Transit and private vehicles

Mode Name Symbol Length/Width Capacity Number of [m] Seats/Standing lines Private Car car 4.3/1.6 7/0 - vehicles Motorcycle mc 1.7/1.0 2/0 - Public BRT pt 2.5/50 50/30 325 transport Bus bus 2.5/35 35/15 421 Commuter rail 240/2.8 2.8/1000 22 Micro-bus angkot 4.2/1.6 1.6/8 988

163 4. Mode-choice in MATSim

164 The utility function for different modes were based on the values estimated for the

165 city of Zurich (H¨orlet al., 2018, 2019). However, the parameters had to be calibrated

166 for the model to fit the behavior of people in Greater Jakarta. As the people in Jakarta

167 have lower income levels and are more cost sensitive than people in Zurich, we modified

168 the cost parameter accordingly. The formulation of the utility functions for modes used

169 in the scenario are presented here:

UpublicT ransport =βnumberOfT ransfers,P T × XnumberOfT ransfers,P T + βinV ehicleT ime,P T

× XinV ehicleT ime,P T + βtransferT ime,P T × XtransferT ime,P T + (1)

βaccessEgrestime,P T × XaccessEgrestime,P T + βCost × Xcost,P T

UCar =ASCCar + βtravelT ime,Car × XtravelT ime,Car + βtravelT ime,Car

× θparkingSearchT ime,Car + βtravelT ime,Car × θaccessEgressT ime,Car + βCost (2)

× XdistanceCost,Car + βCost × Xcost,Car

UMotorcycle =ASCMC + βtravelT ime,MC × XtravelT ime,MC + βtravelT ime,MC

× θaccessEgressT ime,MC + βCost × XdistanceCost,MC (3)

+ βCost × Xcost,MC

UW alk =ASCNMT + βtravelT ime,W alk × XtravelT ime,W alk (4)

10 170 Table 5 shows the parameters obtained after calibration, and the result can be seen

171 in Fig 3. We also included the value of per km cost for cars and motorcycles, which were

172 0.05 USD and 0.015 USD respectively, and were based on fuel prices in Jakarta.

Table 5: Calibrated parameters of mode choice model

Mode Parameters Estimation Public Trans- βnumberOfTransers, PT. -0.170 port βinVehicleTime, PT [min-1] -0.120 βtransferTime, PT [min-1] -0.048 βaccessEgressTime, PT [min-1] -0.080 Car αCar 1.227 βtravelTime, Car [min-1] -0.066 Motorcycle αMC 1.227 βtravelTime, MC [min-1] -0.100 Walk αwalk 1.430 βtravelTime,walk [min-1] -0.141 Other βCost -0.030 Calibration θparkingSearchTime, Car [min] 4.000 θaccessEgressTime, Car [min] 4.000 θaccessEgressTime,MC [min] 2.000

173 5. First result

174 5.1. Mode shares

175 The mode-share results for a simulated sample of 5 (%) are shown in Figure 3. We

176 can observe some differences in the mode shares, especially for a car mode. However,

177 looking at motorcycles and cars together, the statistics match very well. One of the

178 possible reasons for underestimating the amount of car trips is the unreliability of car

179 and motorcycle ownership data, which is not always available in the JICA dataset.

180 5.2. Traffic counts

181 There are 20 counting locations in our network. The traffic volume results for one

182 of the most important roads in (Thamrin Street) can be seen Figure 4,

183 which presents the comparison between traffic volume in MATSim and traffic count data,

184 from 1 am to 4 pm. While having lower counts for cars makes sense (as we only simulated

185 commuters and also had a lower share of cars in the simulation), having a larger number of

186 motorcycle numbers is a concern. There are several possible reasons for this discrepancy.

11 Figure 3: Mode shares comparison between JICA study and MATSim

187 The counting data might not be complete, the MATSim might overestimate the number

188 of motorcycles taking this route, or the traffic count data might not be complete. Further

189 investigations should find suitable explanations and make the appropriate adjustments

190 to the data.

Figure 4: Count comparison for motorcycle (left) and car (right) on Thamrin Street

191 The results, in Table 6, show that 37.67% of the trips consisted of a distance between

192 1 to 5 km, 22.04% had a distance of 5 to 10 km, and 7.72% were trips with a distance

193 that was less than 1 km. If we add the trips higher than 10 Km together, we get 33%, or

194 Greater than 54 % were trips further than 5 km. It shows that there were a significant

195 share of people that were living a far distance from their activity locations. It is because

196 the people in Greater Jakarta find it difficult to find homes near their activity locations.

12 197 We cannot compare this result with commuter trip surveys from Statistic Indonesia in

198 Jakarta (BPS-Statistics, 2014), because our model is a mixture of commuter and non-

199 commuter trips. Additionally, we only simulated a person who has trip activities.

Table 6: Trip Distance Band

Distance Trips %Trips Less than 1Km 105,372 7.72 1 5 km 514,413 37.67 5 10 km 300,938 22.04 10 20 km 248,785 18.22 20 30 km 95,119 6.97 More than 30 km 100,813 7.38

200 5.3. Accessibility of public transport infrastructures

201 We measured the accessibility of public transport infrastructures in Greater Jakarta.

202 Accessibility can be defined as the availability of means of urban transport to support

203 the travel of individuals from their homes to the destination location (Dalvi and Martin,

204 1976). It can also be measured based on several assumptions about travel behaviors and

205 transport supply (Pirie, 1979). The method to measure accessibility needs more improve-

206 ments, especially to capture activity patterns using activity based models. As Geurs and

207 van Wee (2004) explained, there are four common methodologies to measure accessibility,

208 such as infrastructure-based, location-based, person-based, and utility-based, although

209 those methodologies could not capture intense travel behaviors.

210 There is a rich literature of studies that try to measures accessibility. Paez et al.

211 (2012) reviewed several measures of accessibility with the focus on normative (i.e. pre-

212 scriptive), and positive aspects (i.e. descriptive) in the city of Montreal, Canada. They

213 identified the gap between desired (as normatively defined) and actual levels (as revealed).

214 Chen et al. (2013) developed a reliable space-time prism model to analyze service areas

215 with travel time uncertainty and continued their research to evaluate accessibility un-

216 der travel time uncertainty for large-scale urban areas. This research was inspired by a

217 placed-based framework (Chen et al., 2017). Hallgrimsdottir et al. (2016) examined ac-

218 cessibility policy for older people and wheelchair users in Sweden between 2004 and 2014

219 for the outdoor environment. Pyrialakou et al. (2016) measured, identified, evaluated,

13 220 and quantified transport disadvantages in the U.S with measure accessibility, mobility,

221 and travel behaviors. Maroto and Zofo (2016) measured accessibility infrastructure in dif-

222 ferent regions using the non-parametric frontier approach (DEA) with a dynamic scope

223 (Malmquis indices). L¨attman et al. (2016) developed a Perceived Accessibility Scale

224 (PAC) that measured peoples perceptions when they traveled with a specific mode of

225 transport.

226 Dong et al. (2006) used ABA (activity-based accessibility) to measure all individual

227 activities, to integrate scheduling and travel characteristics, and to examine all trips and

228 activities throughout the day. Dubernet and Axhausen (2016) measured accessibility

229 using a joint destination-mode choice model and MATSim. There are three basic models

230 that should be calculated to measure accessibility, i.e. destination choice, mode choice,

231 and route choice.

232 The measurements of accessibility in this study were MATSim accessibility extensions

233 seen as potential accessibility (Ziemke, 2016) and also from the LIMA project (H¨orl,

234 2019). Hansen (1959) defined the potential accessibility and calculated it for the whole

235 scope of activity facilities (e.g. shopping, leisure, etc.). In our case, the accessibility

236 was calculated based on a primary tour of home-to-work-to-home and home-to-school-to-

237 home. There are three activity facilities that we measured, such as home facilities, work

238 facilities, and school facilities. The mathematical form, which was based on the LIMA

239 project, is as follows:

X U(i) = log( oj × exp(−β × tij)) (5) j

240 When oj is the number of activity facilities in zone j, tij is the travel time from zone i

241 to j and β is a configurable factor. The results of accessibility in Greater Jakarta can

242 be seen in Figure 5. It shows that accessibility for all Greater Jakarta is not well served

243 and central Jakarta has the highest level of accessibility. It means that more options of

244 public transport lines and facilities are available in central Jakarta, such as the BRT line,

st 245 commuter rail line, and the 1 phase of the Mass rapid Transit (MRT) line.

14 246 The relatively high accessibility can also be seen in city of Tangerang, Bekasi, Depok,

247 and Bogor, where there are settlement areas. In addition, commuters from those cities

248 do their activities in Jakarta. There are well known universities such as University of

249 Indonesia and Bogor Institute of Agriculture, located in Depok and Bogor. Lower acces-

250 sibility can be seen in the regency area. The reason is that public transportation is quite

251 limited in the regencies and the number of inhabitants is more concentrated in the city.

252 Moreover, the local budget allocations in the regencies are smaller than they are in the

253 city, so, there are less funds available for public transport infrastructures.

15 Figure 5: Accessibility of public transport lines in several location

254 6. Discussion and conclusions

255 In this paper, we use an agent-based modelling framework to simulate the commuting

256 population of Greater Jakarta. The methodology presented here also utilizes a novel

16 257 approach that integrates mode choice with a micro-simulation in MATSim. The results

258 show that differences between the MATSim and JICA mode shares are very low. Further

259 research is needed in order to represent complete travel behavior of people living in

260 Greater Jakarta. Nevertheless, this research provides the backbone on which further

261 research can be built. The accessibility of public transportation in Greater Jakarta needs

262 to be improved to accommodate all the demand; however, it will take a considerable

263 amount of money and time for construction, due to the size of the city and its population.

264 We also see that the regency areas have lower accessibility than the city; therefore, the

265 government also need to focus on development in the regency areas and manage the

266 settlement areas to create a more compact area and minimize the sprawl. Furthermore,

267 there are significant shares of people living far from activity locations due to the high

268 cost of housing near activity locations. Additionally, as these residents are typically

269 Indonesian, they tend to live in landed houses that make it more difficult and expensive

270 to stay near activity locations.

271 In this research, we only synthesized the population that performed mandatory ac-

272 tivities. The next step is naturally to expand this to include secondary activities. This

273 is currently not possible, as the data on travel-behaviors in Jakarta does not exist. The

274 parameters of the mode choice model are based on the Zurich model which is a limiting

275 factor. In future work, we hope to obtain the necessary stated-preference data to be able

276 to estimate a mode-choice model that is more fitting to the population of Jakarta. We

277 use 5% of the population in our simulations, as it is time intensive to simulate a popu-

278 lation of 20 million people. Further research should also focus on using larger samples

279 to make sure the results stay stable and measure the impact of other emerging modes of

280 transportation.

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