
Evolutionary Anthropology 22:111–117 (2013)


Sociopolitical Complexity and the Bow and in the American Southwest


The evolution of sociopolitical complexity, including heightened relations of Southwestern ethnographic and cooperation and competition among large nonkin groups, has long been a cen- archeological evidence indicates tral focus of anthropological research.1,2 Anthropologists suggest any number of were used in warfare, hunt- variables that affect the waxing and waning of complexity and define the precise ing, and ritual.14–17 Southwestern trajectories that groups take, including population density, subsistence strat- arrows are: self-arrows, made of a egies, warfare, the distribution of resources, and trade relationships.3,4 Changes single piece of , or com- in weaponry, here the introduction of the bow and arrow, can have profound pound arrows, made of a wooden implications for population aggregation and density, subsistence and settlement foreshaft and a lighter material such 5 strategies, and access to resources, trade, and warfare. as cane or reed.9,12,14,18,19 Through Bingham and Souza provide a general conceptual model for the relationship time, wooden self-arrows became between complexity and the bow and arrow, arguing that this compound increasingly common, perhaps as a system, whereby smaller travel at higher speed and are ca- result of warfare and the need to pable of hitting targets more accurately and at greater distances than hand- pierce wicker shields.12 Some arrows thrown darts, fundamentally favors the formation of larger groups because it were fitted with a stone tip (arrow- allows for cost-effective means of dealing with conflicts of interest through head), whereas others were either 6 social coercion, thereby dramatically transforming kin-based social relations. left blunt at the tip, perhaps for tar- Here we consider the impacts the introduction of the bow and arrow had on get practice or stunning small game, sociopolitical complexity in the North American Southwest. or tapered to a sharp point.11,20 Pointed ends allow penetration and are effective for killing, although LATE PREHISTORIC stone points, especially of SOUTHWESTERN WEAPONRY cyptocrystaline/noncrystaline materi- als such as chert and , allow The bow and arrow were present in Todd L. VanPool is Associate Professor deeper penetration and produce of Anthropology at the University of Mis- the Southwest perhaps as early as AD larger wounds.21–23 souri, Columbia. His research focuses on 500 and became the dominant weapon Southwestern stone are applying evolutionary theory in the con- system by AD 700.7,8 Southwestern text of Southwestern archeology and small,typicallyweighinglessthan5 stone analysis. His field research bow was comparatively gm, and vary considerably in shape.23 focuses on excavations of Casas simple. Short self bows, those made Grandes settlements in southern New They are among the most common Mexico and northwestern Mexico. from a single piece of and stone recovered from late Email: [email protected] which, in profile, are usually straight prehistoric Southwestern contexts, Michael J. O’Brien is Professor of An- or, less commonly, slightly recurved, thropology and Dean of the College of but arrow-shaft fragments recovered Arts and Science at the University of were the primary form until sometime from and other contexts Missouri. His research focuses on under- after AD 1200, when compound indicate that blunt-end arrows and standing various aspects of evo- recurve bows, those made from wood lution and behavior, including the spread tapered-end arrows likely were more of early populations through North and backed with sinew (hence the common.15 For example, Haury’s 9–12 America. term “compound”) replaced them. excavation of Ventana (Fig. 1) Bows were made from a wide variety produced more arrows with tapered of . In a cache of 94 bows found ends (n > 27) and blunt tips (n 5 44) Key words: bow; Hohokam; Ancestral Pueblo; in a small cliff house in the Mogollon than stone-tipped arrows (n < 11).18 Casas Grandes; political complextity Mountains of New Mexico, which, The use of stone tips may have been based on associated ceramic sherds, tied at least partly to warfare, where

VC 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. appears to date to AD 1000–1150, Hib- the increased penetration and wound DOI: 10.1002/evan.21355 ben13 identified black , , pinon,~ size would have been particularly Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). mountain , and sycamore. useful. 112 VanPool and O’Brien ARTICLE

15 km from their source. Social dif- ferentiation and architectural elabo- ration increased through time, leading to the development of a re- gional architectural style character- ized by ball courts and central plazas surrounded by pithouses.29 systems appear to have been man- aged at the community level.31 Com- plexity in these communities predates adoption of the bow and arrow in the Southwest, indicating that the initial formation of nonegalitarian societies was not initially influenced by or sub- sequently controlled by the weapon system. Between AD 950 and AD 1100, after the bow and arrow became the dominant Hohokam weapon system, community organiza- tion did change through the forma- tion of multivillage irrigation communities in which politically dis- tinct groups cooperated with each other to build and maintain large irri- gation works.31 As part of this reor- ganization, some settlements that had been occupied for hundreds of years, such as Snaketown, were abandoned. There is no evidence of defensive locations or architecture, warfare, or violent coercion during this time.12 After AD 1100, -based - fare may have become a more signifi- cant consideration for the Hohokam. A 40-km-long line of defensive “lookout” settlements was built by neighboring peoples living in the Cohonina region of northern and Figure 1. Culture areas of the American Southwest showing locations of sites mentioned western Arizona along their border in the text. with the Hohokam.12,32 These settle- ments were small habitations, often with two-story towers, which are SOUTHWESTERN SOCIOPOLITICAL Sociopolitical complexity in the interpreted as lookout posts on prom- COMPLEXITY Hohokam region resulted from the inent land forms with excellent views nucleation of smaller settlements into of the surrounding area (Fig. 2). They Most researchers conclude large communities relying on irriga- were constructed using a highly visi- that Southwestern sociopolitical tion agriculture.28 The process began ble red-yellow sandstone that made complexity developed as a result of with a rise in population and them visible from quite a distance, three interrelated factors: irrigation increased social complexity associ- suggesting that they served as both agriculture, population aggregation, ated with the cultivation of domesti- 24–26 and warfare. Similarly, complex- cates, including maize; the lookouts and deterrents to possible ity in the Southwest often is construction of irrigation ditches encroachment from Hohokam and described in terms of three general associated with small pithouse vil- other hostile groups, perhaps regional systems: the Hohokam lages; and the use of food-storage launched in retaliation for raids per- region along the Salt and Gila river facilities in the Tucson Basin.29 By petrated by the comparatively dis- drainages of south-central Arizona, AD 400, populations had settled into persed and smaller Cohonina 32 the Chaco/Aztec Ruins region of more permanent settlements, many groups. Still, based on available evi- northwestern New Mexico, and the of which remained continuously dence, the introduction of the bow Casas Grandes region of northern occupied for hundreds of years.30 and arrow did not significantly affect Chihuahua and southern New Mex- These communities built massive irri- the development or trajectory of polit- ico (Fig. 1).27 gation systems, stretching as long as ical complexity in the Hohokam ARTICLE Sociopolitical Complexity and the Bow and Arrow in the American Southwest 113

Box 1. Evidence of the Use of the Bow and Arrow in Southwestern Warfare

Although people throughout the Further, arrows likely were removed  LA 15845 (northwestern New prehistoric Southwest used a variety when possible, either from wounded Mexico) (Fig. 1): A body found of , including clubs, , individuals who survived or from on the floor of a collapsed pit- and even rocks thrown from pueblo bodies recovered after battle. Evi- house had a em- rooftops, as well as projectile sys- dence of the use of bow and arrow bedded between the third and tems such as the thrusting , in warfare will consequently be lim- fourth cervical vertebrae. A bro- and the atlatl and , the bow and ited primarily to those cases where a ken point and three whole arrow were central to Southwestern point became embedded in a bone points were also associated warfare after their introduction.12,19 and could not be recovered; where a with the skeleton and likely had Zuni archers formed phalanx-like bone shows unambiguous evidence been embedded in the individu- battle formations during the initial of a projectile impact; or where al’s soft tissue.57 hostilities associated with the Span- bodies could not be recovered  Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon ish entradas, and archers were cen- because of circumstances (for exam- (north-central New Mexico) (Fig. tral to subsequent warfare among ple, a burning building collapsed on 1): A point was embedded in the Apache, Navaho, Pueblos, an injured individual or there were the third cervical vertebra of a Tohono and Akmiel O’odam, Utes, too many dead to recover). Despite disarticulated skeleton.19 and other Southwestern native peo- these issues, several archeological  29SJ1360, Chaco Canyon ples.14,54 Rock-art imagery shows a cases demonstrate the use of the (north-central New Mexico) (Fig. strong association between the bow arrow as a weapon: 1): The skeleton of a female and prehistoric . 17 adult had a projectile point in Despite archery’s clear role in  Site 616, Mariana Mesa (west- the abdominal region and Southwest warfare, evidence of vio- central New Mexico) (Fig. 1): another in the chest cavity. A lence done using the bow and arrow Two skeletons show evidence of hole in the right elbow may is limited relative to other weapon violence. One, an adolescent have been caused by a pointed systems. Arrows tend to cause soft- female, had a severed left arm wood-tipped arrow.58 tissue wounds that do not leave any and was likely killed by a blow evidence of violent trauma on the from a stone to the head. A Additional examples are listed by skeleton except where a point hap- young adult male had a projec- Wilcox and Haas.59 pens to hit bone. Even then, the tile point embedded in his leg.56 damage may not be recognizable.55

region before the influx of war refu- part on warfare, was central to the constituted the primary projectile- gees, starting around AD 1275, which system’s formation and based weapon. Arrows have also been we will discuss. operation.27,33,34 found in ritual contexts at Pueblo Bo- The bow and arrow fundamentally Before the rise of the large nito in Chaco Canyon and at Aztec changed the form of warfare and Chacoan settlements, warfare in Ruins. These arrows were painted contributed to development of the the northern Southwest was charac- green, unlike most arrows from else- regional systems at Chaco Canyon terized by tit-for-tat raiding in which where, which typically lack or and later at Aztec Ruins in north- small numbers of people fought and were painted red, indicating the pres- 12,35 central New Mexico (Fig. 1). Chaco died. Occasional massacres of ence of distinct Chacoan ritual prac- 12,36,37 tices focused on the bow and Canyon was the heart of an expan- whole villages occurred. During arrow.15 sive political system characterized by and after development of the Chaco The significance of the bow to soci- large pueblos with distinctive archi- Canyon polity around AD 900, war- fare appears to have been generally opolitical complexity increased even tectural styles that included enclosed curtailed in favor of targeted killings more after the end of the Chaco Can- plazas and large . The system of specific individuals or family yon/Aztec Ruins regional system grew from large pithouse settlements groups. These were violent executions around AD 1250, as the northern such as Shabik’eschee village in in which the victims were killed, their Southwest became enmeshed in bru- Chaco Canyon and reached its maxi- bodies burned and perhaps cannibal- tal, sustained warfare that often led to mum extent between AD 900 and AD ized, and their bones shattered.35,36 the destruction of entire villages.12 33 1125. It then likely retrenched into Given the evidence of what Lekson During this time, the recurved bow a slightly smaller regional system has called “Chacoan enforcers,” war- likely became the dominant weapon centered on Aztec Ruins until it col- fare and war symbolism were likely system, which may have increased lapsed around AD 1250.33 Control of central to the development of Chaco the deadliness of archery-based war- political power, based at least in Canyon.35 The bow and arrow fare. The result was the migration of 114 VanPool and O’Brien ARTICLE

Figure 2. NA26344, a lookout “fort” in Sycamore Basin on the Hohokam/Cohonia frontier. Photo courtsey of David R. Wilcox. [Color fig- ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] thousands of people out of the north- bow and arrow led to population Settlements in the Hohokam region ern Southwest into communities migration and aggregation, as well as changed as the previous integrative along the Rio Grande and throughout intra- and intercommunity social dif- architecture such as ball courts fell central New Mexico and Arizona.38 ferentiation throughout the central from favor, walled village compounds Increased warfare spread with the portion of the North American South- became more common, and platform movement of these groups and trans- west. This pattern remained and inten- mounds formed the heart of elite resi- formed the settlement strategies used sified through the historic period. dential districts.29,35,38 throughout the region, including Shifting attention to central New Hohokam settlements in Arizona and Mexico, warfare made possible by western New Mexico. With the influx Thus, the intensely lethal the bow and arrow transformed po- of immigrants, previously dispersed warfare made possible litical organization, but did not nec- communities with long histories of essarily cause increased political occupation, sometimes lasting hun- at least in part by the complexity relative to the preceding dreds of years, were eventually aban- bow and arrow led to Chacoan system. To the contrary, doned, often after being burned. reorganization of the existing com- Groups began to shift to much larger, population migration munities and immigrant populations more aggregated settlements in de- and aggregation, as well flowing from the Chaco/Aztec region fensive locations. Communities also as intra- and into the area adjacent to the Rio formed defensive clusters—what Wil- Grande after AD 1275 included the cox and colleagues39,40 have called intercommunity social development of social structures defense by layers, and likely formed differentiation such as the kachina religion, which intercommunity defensive alliances. established diffuse power structures Wooden palisades were also built throughout the central and prevented the institutionaliza- around some Hohokam habitation portion of the North tion of extreme social differentiation. clusters and mounds, perhaps for This, in turn, limited the amount of defense. American Southwest. political differentiation and the abil- Thus, the intensely lethal warfare ity of elites to exert political control. made possible at least in part by the Some researchers have suggested ARTICLE Sociopolitical Complexity and the Bow and Arrow in the American Southwest 115 these movements reflected a direct, increased dramatically around AD were burned and not buried in a conscious rejection of the sort of 1300.48,49 This “quickening” of the manner that is typical of the Casas social inequity or political complex- Casas Grandes system may reflect Grandes culture were the remains of ity associated with the Chaco/Aztec the real or perceived threat of war- massacred individuals. However, system.41 Certainly no integrated re- fare made possible by the bow and Walker suggested that Paquime may gional system rose to take its place. the increased warfare to the north. have been burned as part of a cere- During the same time that warfare Evidence cited as indicating warfare monial closing of the settlement, and caused population aggregation includes atalayas, circular stone fea- Casserino concluded that the bodies throughout the central Southwest, tures on hilltops throughout the do not reflect a single event but were increased political complexity and Casas Grandes region. Charles Di instead deposited over time.51,52 A aggregated communities also formed Peso, the original excavator of handful of trophy skulls found in rit- in the Casas Grandes region of Paquime, and others have argued ual contexts could reflect warfare, northern Chihuahua and the south- that these atalayas formed a warning although again, alternative explana- ern edge of New Mexico.42 The cen- system used to alert people at tions such as ancestor worship have ter of this system was the large Paquime and nearby communities of been suggested.43,49 Analysis of addi- community of Paquime (Fig. 1), pending attacks, the idea being that tional burials also does not reflect which became the heart of one of brush was piled on top of the ata- substantial evidence of warfare- the most politically complex systems layas and then set on fire.43,50 The related trauma, although slain war- in post–AD 1300 North America.43 atalayas do have greater intervisibil- riors could have been buried else- Research into the Casas Grandes ity than expected by chance, but it is where. Cannibalism was apparently region is limited relative to the areas unclear whether fires were ever lit present, but no evidence indicates it previously discussed, and our knowl- on them and, if so, whether their was focused on captured or killed edge of the culture history is compa- role was ritual or related to enemies.49,52 Further, settlements ratively incomplete. However, it is defense.50 throughout the Casas Grandes clear that Casas Grandes political Di Peso also proposed that region do not have the evidence of complexity grew as dispersed settle- Paquime was abandoned because of defensive locations and settlement ments nucleated into larger villages warfare.43 The entire community clusters characteristic of settlements and village clusters, as was the case was burned at the end of its occupa- to the north. Based on the available among the Hohokam and at Chaco tion, and Di Peso proposed that evidence, then, it is unclear that war- Canyon. about 80 fragmentary bodies that fare was a major factor leading to Intensive warfare, presumably aggregated settlements in the Casas using atlatl-thrown darts and hand- Grandes region. Instead, most thrown , likely affected settle- authors argue that sociopolitical ment patterns during the Late Ar- In some contexts, the complexity was based on access to chaic period (1500 BC – AD 700), as imported goods and rituals associ- shown by at least 13 villages created bow and arrow ated with the Aztatlan trading sys- by using dirt and rubble to fill spaces encouraged and tem of western Mexico.43,46,49,53 behind rock walls built on the sides facilitate the formation of steep hill slopes—highly defensi- DISCUSSION ble locations.44 In contrast, settle- of extreme social ments founded between AD 700 and Using the criteria provided by AD 1200, during which the bow differentiation and led to Bingham and coworkers in their spread to the area, were widely dis- larger corporate units, as introduction to this issue,60 our anal- persed, small communities in areas predicted under the ysis does not support the utility of where maize agriculture was possi- the warfare theory in the North ble.45 To our knowledge, there is no social coercion theory. American Southwest. In none of the evidence of warfare or systematic vi- In other contexts, the cases does it appear that intense olence, although tit-for-tat warfare warfare led to the formation of social presumably was present there as resulting social inequity complexity. If anything, available evi- elsewhere in the Southwest.45,46 Af- and corporate-unit size dence indicates that the increased ter AD 1200, political complexity complexity in the Chaco/Aztec Ruins increased and large settlements such may have been smaller, region, where the link between com- as Paquime and Galeana (Fig. 1) even in the same plexity and archery is most clear, is were built in river valleys, where irri- associated with a decrease in warfare gation and other water-control strat- environment and with intensity, which is the exact opposite egies were possible.47,48 similar demographic of the expected pattern of the war- The role of warfare in the forma- fare hypothesis. tion and form of aggregated com- structures... Our analysis lends only limited munities is unclear. Complexity and support for the social coercion the degree of social differentiation theory. In the Chaco/Aztec Ruins 116 VanPool and O’Brien ARTICLE region, archery fundamentally changes in weaponry did, in time, The Hohokam and Casas Grandes altered the structure of human inter- affect the nature of interpolity and regions do not seem to fit well with action, helping to determine where intrapolity coercion strategies. Arch- the social coercion theory. In the lived and the form of their ery at least allowed for potentially case of the Hohokam, cultural com- social relationships. As predicted by increased social complexity relative plexity developed too early (before Bingham and colleagues60 the to what was possible without the the adoption of the bow and arrow), implied and realized social coercion weaponry, even if the bow and arrow and its continued elaboration was made possible by the bow and arrow were not used to their maximum not clearly affected by the presence (and related weaponry such as potential in coercive relations. of archery. Factors other than shields) apparently transformed both improved weaponry and/or warfare intrapolity “law enforcement,” in the apparently led to the social coopera- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS form of targeted killings of specific individuals, and interpolity relations, tion/coercion necessary for the devel- We thank Paul Bingham and with the formation of the large opment of complexity in the Joanne Souza for inviting us to partic- Chaco/Aztec Ruins regional system, Hohokam region. This situation ipate in the symposium and Barbara both of which led to increasingly changed as the direct threat of Roth, Stephen Lekson, David Wilcox, hierarchical social structures. armed conflict increased after AD John Fleagle, and two anonymous After the Chaco/Aztec Ruins sys- 1100 and especially after AD 1300. reviewers for numerous helpful sug- tem ended in brutal warfare, how- The development of cultural com- gestions for strengthening the ever, descendants did not reestablish plexity in the Casas Grandes region, manuscript. a comparable regional system, indi- is, in contrast, too late to fit with the cating that the effect of the bow and social coercion theory. Meaningful cultural complexity such as that REFERENCES arrow on both intrapolity and inter- reflected in the Hohokam and 1 Johnson AW, Earle T. 2000. 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