PI 510553 to 510568-Continued PI 510557 Donor Id: RB-55. Origin: Peru, Local Name: Cheara Kara Cebada (Aymara), Cebada Pelada Negra (Span.), Collected: July 28, 1985

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PI 510553 to 510568-Continued PI 510557 Donor Id: RB-55. Origin: Peru, Local Name: Cheara Kara Cebada (Aymara), Cebada Pelada Negra (Span.), Collected: July 28, 1985 PI 510553 to 510568-continued PI 510557 donor id: RB-55. origin: Peru, local name: Cheara Kara Cebada (Aymara), Cebada Pelada Negra (Span.), collected: July 28, 1985. locality: Chatuma Community, Pomata District, Chucuito Province, Puno Department, latitude: 16 deg. 17 min. S. longitude: 69 deg. 17 min. W. elevation: 3810m. remarks: Seeds purple, hulless. Sown in October, harvested in late March. Twenty kg harvested from one kg. Years with ordinary rainfall yield best. Eaten toasted. Producer: Domingo Gonzalo Flores. cold tolerance: Frost resistant. Cultivated. Seed. PI 510558 donor id: RB-64. origin: Peru, local name: Chile Miricano (Span.), collected: July 29, 1985. locality: Molloko Community, Acora District, Puno Province, Puno Department, latitude: 16 deg. 0 min. S. longitude: 69 deg. 47 min. W. elevation: 3810m. remarks: Hulless. Sown in October, harvested in early April. Eaten toasted. Producer: Anastacio Charaja. cold tolerance: Frost resistant. Cultivated. Seed. PI 510559 donor id: RB-67. origin: Peru, local name: Say Rana (Aymara), Cebada con Espina (Span.), collected: July 29, 1985. locality: Molloko Community, Acora District, Puno Province, Puno Department, latitude: 16 deg. 0 min. S. longitude: 69 deg. 47 min. W. elevation: 3810m. remarks: Sown in late September, harvested in April and May in areas with cool summers. Five to six kg harvested from one kg. Straw used for roof thatching. Producer: Pascual Charaja. cold tolerance: Frost resistant. Cultivated. Seed. PI 510560 donor id: RB-68. origin: Peru, local name: Soyto Chile (Aymara), Cebada Chile (Span.), collected: July 29, 1985. locality: Molloko Community, Acora District, Puno Province, Puno Department, latitude: 16 deg. 0 min. S. longitude: 69 deg. 47 min. W. elevation: 3810m. remarks: Hulless. Sown in November, harvested first week of May, in region with cool summers. Four to five kg harvested from one. Producer: Juana Ccallalla. cold tolerance: Frost resistant. Cultivated. Seed. PI 510561 donor id: RB-74. origin: Peru, local name: Chiara Chile (Aymara), Chile Negro (Span.), collected: July 29, 1985. locality: Molloko Community, Acora District, Puno Province, Puno Department, latitude: 16 deg. 0 min. S. longitude: 69 deg. 47 min. W. remarks: Seeds purple, hulless. Sown in late November, harvested in late April. Good producer. Straw used as livestock fodder and for roof thatching. Producer: Abraham Quispe. cold tolerance: Frost resistant. Cultivated. Seed. 428.
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