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THURSDAY, August 1, 2019 HK $8

Tung: No compromise President urges over acts military to push of violence By CHEN ZIMO in Hong Kong forward reforms [email protected]

Former chief executive Tung Chee­ Forces asked to prioritize work related hwa said on Wednesday there must be “no compromise” when dealing to troops’ combat readiness, welfare with the “black sheep” bent on desta­ bilizing Hong Kong through vio­ By ZHAO LEI all­out efforts to push forward lence, and the government should [email protected] reforms of its policy system, and address the city’s social issues with­ he urged it to strengthen commu­ out delay. President urged the Chi­ nication with service members to Addressing a luncheon held by nese military to continue reforming rally support for reforms. Our Hong Kong Foundation, Tung — its policy system, saying this is crucial Xi called for the military to inte­ the founder of the think tank and to building a world­class force. grate policy system reforms with vice­chairman of the Chinese Peo­ Xi, who is also general secretary of other parts of the ongoing military ple’s Political Consultative Confer­ the Communist Party of China Cen­ overhaul that have been ongoing ence National Committee, the tral Committee and chairman of the for nearly four years. He also asked nation’s top political advisory body Central Military Commission, said forces to prioritize work during — called on the city’s residents to at a meeting of the Political Bureau reforms that concerns troops’ com­ reject violence and support the of the CPC Central Committee on bat readiness and welfare. police in defending the rule of law. Tuesday in Beijing that reforms of The military should use new ideas Tung, who became the first chief the military policy system are and try new methods in reforms and executive of the special administra­ intended to resolve institutional should also enhance research and tive region in 1997, said he believes hindrances to allow the armed for­ appraisal work to facilitate reforms, the SAR government will never toler­ ces to better fit into their new roles he said. ate violence because Hong Kong is a and fulfill their new missions. city governed by the rule of law, He said the military must make See Reforms, page 3 where the government, the police force, and the judiciary must per­ form their duties in accordance with 10 officers promoted to highest ranks the law. “Above all, citizens must abide by the law,” Tung said. The Central Military Commission Wu He also urged the SAR govern­ promoted on Wednesday 10 senior Shezhou, Political Commissar of the ment to immediately address liveli­ military and armed police force offi­ PLA hood issues that have troubled Hong cers to the rank of general or admiral, Fan Xiaojun and Political Commissar Kong for many years, stressing that the highest ranks for officers in active of the PLA Central Theater Com­ there should be no more delays in service in China. mand Zhu Shengling. finding solutions to these problems. Central Military Commission Also among the promoted officers The former CE conceded that the Chairman Xi Jinping presented the are Commander of the PLA Navy lack of significant improvements in officers with certificates of com­ , Political Commissar of the housing­shortage problem and mand, shook hands with them and the PLA Navy , Com­ widening income gap has made some extended his congratulations at a mander of the PLA Air Force Ding Lai­ young people choose to release their promotion ceremony in Beijing. hang, President of PLA National emotions through “street politics”. The ceremony took place ahead Defense University Zheng He and The public should remain confi­ President Xi Jinping accompanies visiting Colombian President Ivan Duque during a welcoming of China’s Army Day, which falls on Political Commissar of the Armed dent that the government will carry ceremony in Beijing on Wednesday. WANG ZHUANGFEI / CHINA DAILY Thursday. Police Force An Zhaoqing. out bold reforms to restore public The promoted officers are Director Central Military Commission Vice­ confidence, Tung said. of the Central Military Commission’s Chairman announced the Tung also expressed full confi­ Equipment Development Depart­ order of promotion signed by Xi. The dence in the principle of “one coun­ Xi applauds cooperation with Colombia ment Shangfu, Commander of the ceremony was presided over by Zhang try, two systems, Hong Kong people of the Youxia, also a vice­chairman of the governing Hong Kong and a high By MO JINGXI is willing to jointly plan with Bogota significance in promoting global People’s Liberation Army , commission. degree of autonomy”. [email protected] the blueprint for future develop­ interconnectivity and coopera­ Political Commissar of the PLA CAO DESHENG The recent demonstrations have ment and push forward bilateral tion. proved that Hong Kong people’s free­ President Xi Jinping said China ties to a new level. He said Chinese companies are dom of speech and assembly is guar­ welcomes Colombia’s participa­ He urged the two countries to welcome to invest in Colombia anteed by the Basic Law, Tung said. tion in jointly building the Belt keep closer high­level exchanges, and every bilateral cooperative However, anti­China forces, espe­ and Road as he met with his share experiences on state govern­ project between the two countries cially in the United States and Tai­ Colombian counterpart Ivan ance and tap the full potential of will be considered support for the wan, have exploited the differences Duque in Beijing on Wednesday. bilateral cooperation. Colombian peace process, thus between the system of Hong Kong Duque was making a four­day China will continue to support contributing to the country’s eco­ and that of the Chinese mainland to state visit to China from Sunday the Colombian peace process and nomic and social development. incite Hong Kong people to jeopar­ to Wednesday, his first visit to the post­conflict reconstruction, Xi The two leaders also witnessed dize the city’s relationship with the country since becoming presi­ said. the signing ceremony of a series of mainland, Tung said. dent last year. Xi also expressed China’s sup­ bilateral cooperative agreements Hong Kong people must not be Xi said he highly appreciates port for Latin America to acceler­ after their meeting. used as “pawns” when those forces Duque’s dedication to deepening ate its integration process as well Earlier on Wednesday, Premier try to use Hong Kong as a base of the traditional friendship and as appropriately deal with region­ Li Keqiang also met with Duque. resistance to the central govern­ mutually beneficial cooperation al issues, including those related Li said China is willing to ment. between the two countries by to Venezuela, through dialogue expand two­way investment with It was also regrettable that a small making this visit. and coordination. Colombia. number of people took advantage of Since next year will mark the Duque said his country is will­ China is now Colombia’s second­ the tolerance of the government and 40th anniversary of the establish­ ing to actively participate in the largest trading partner with bilat­ society, Tung said. By indulging in ment of diplomatic ties between joint construction of the Belt and eral trade reaching $14.6 billion violent acts, these people have shak­ China and Colombia, Xi said Beijing Road as the initiative bears great last year, said the Foreign Ministry. en Hong Kong’s economy and socie­ ty and damaged the relationship between the central government and the SAR, he added. CONVENIENCE STORES FEEDING MORE Vice­Premier Liu He welcomes US Trade Representative Robert Eminent Hong Kong business­ ◆ Lighthizer (center) and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin before the man Allan Zeman said that “Hong 12th round of China­US high­level economic and trade consultations Kong is a great place, but we will Street vendors losing business to ready­to­eat foods in on Wednesday. NG HAN GUAN / POOL VIA REUTERS destroy it if violence is allowed to continue.” By CHEN YINGQUN a Japanese dish, for lunch and din­ News of the violence in Hong [email protected] ner each day. Kong in recent weeks had traveled “When I’m in a hurry, or when I Sino­US talks ‘constructive’ around the world, he added. t about noon one week­ have to eat alone, I will choose From this news footage, “people day in Maizidian, a bus­ ready­to­eat foods in convenience By JING SHUIYU and ZHONG NAN exchanges on major economic and are getting the wrong impression of tling business area in stores, which are fast, make buy­ trade issues of common interest, the what is happening in Hong Kong. Beijing, office workers Reasonable prices, convenience ing easy and they save me from China and the United States will Ministry of Commerce said in a Hong Kong will continue to go down file continuously in and out of a A and quality of ready­to­eat meals feeling awkward about eating hold the next round of high­level statement. if we don’t get together and find a convenience store. have transformed convenience alone in a restaurant,” Zhang said. economic and trade consultations They also discussed China’s possi­ way to solve the problem,” said Nearly all emerge with packaged stores into virtual kitchens for “Moreover, the taste of such foods in the US in September, following ble purchase of more US agricultur­ Zeman. meals and drinks before hurrying many urban workers, according to is acceptable.” their “constructive” talks in al products based on domestic need, back to work. industry insiders. The China Chain Store & Fran­ Shanghai. and the US creation of favorable The store, run by the Bianlifeng Zhang Hui, 32, a manager at a chise Association said that last Vice­Premier Liu He, US Trade conditions for the transaction, chain, sells 800 to 1,000 packaged foreign company in Shanghai, year, the sales volume of the coun­ Representative Robert Lighthizer according to the statement. © 2019 China Daily meals, usually consisting of rice depends on these stores for most try’s top 100 convenience store and Treasury Secretary Steven All Rights Reserved and several smaller dishes, at of her meals. She spends less than companies rose by 21.1 percent Mnuchin met for the 12th round of See Trade, page 3 Vol.23 — No. 6940 A member of the Asia News Network lunchtime every workday. About 10 yuan ($1.45) on breakfast, year­on­year, with an 18 percent high­level Sino­US trade negotia­ 80 percent of the customers are including steamed stuffed buns, increase in store numbers, the fast­ tions in Shanghai on Tuesday and Inside white­collar workers, according to fried bread sticks, congee or soy­ est in the retail sector. Wednesday. Bianlifeng, which translates as bean milk, and about 20 yuan on Both sides conducted “sincere, • Editorial, page 10 “convenient bee”. packaged meals or a bowl of oden, See chains, page 2 efficient and constructive” in­depth • Comment, pages 10, 11