Setting sail Nation’s energy China’s odyssey Adventurers may prove ancient mix evolves as Egyptian route using reed boat renewables rise Exhibitions explore Asian porcelain’s impact on European ceramics LIFE, PAGE 18 CWORLD, PAGE 22HINBUSINESS, PAGE 16ADAILY THURSDAY, August 1, 2019 HK $8 Tung: No compromise President urges over acts military to push of violence By CHEN ZIMO in Hong Kong forward reforms
[email protected] Former chief executive Tung Chee Forces asked to prioritize work related hwa said on Wednesday there must be “no compromise” when dealing to troops’ combat readiness, welfare with the “black sheep” bent on desta bilizing Hong Kong through vio By ZHAO LEI allout efforts to push forward lence, and the government should
[email protected] reforms of its policy system, and address the city’s social issues with he urged it to strengthen commu out delay. President Xi Jinping urged the Chi nication with service members to Addressing a luncheon held by nese military to continue reforming rally support for reforms. Our Hong Kong Foundation, Tung — its policy system, saying this is crucial Xi called for the military to inte the founder of the think tank and to building a worldclass force. grate policy system reforms with vicechairman of the Chinese Peo Xi, who is also general secretary of other parts of the ongoing military ple’s Political Consultative Confer the Communist Party of China Cen overhaul that have been ongoing ence National Committee, the tral Committee and chairman of the for nearly four years.