strategic asia 2012–13 china’s military challenge Edited by Ashley J. Tellis and Travis Tanner Naval and Air Forces China’s Modernization of Its Naval and Air Power Capabilities Andrew S. Erickson restrictions on use: This PDF is provided for the use of authorized recipients only. For specific terms of use, please contact <
[email protected]>. To purchase the print volume Strategic Asia 2012–13: China’s Military Challenge, in which this chapter appears, please visit <> or contact <
[email protected]>. © 2012 The National Bureau of Asian Research executive summary This chapter assesses China’s modernization of its naval and air power capabilities and draws implications for U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific. main argument: At the strategic and tactical levels, China’s naval and air forces can now achieve a variety of effects unattainable a decade or two ago. Although these capabilities are concentrated on operations in the near seas close to mainland China, with layers radiating outward, the PLA is also conducting increasing, albeit nonlethal, activities farther from China’s periphery, including in the Indian Ocean. Over the next decade and beyond, China’s naval and air power forces could assume a range of postures and trajectories. At a minimum, a greater diversity of out-of-area missions will depend on strengthening and broadening anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) capabilities. While China is likely to develop and acquire the necessary hardware should it elect to expend sufficient resources, “software” will be harder to accrue. policy implications: • The PLA will continue to focus on high-end A2/AD capabilities to secure China’s maritime periphery, along with its growing but low-intensity capabilities farther abroad.