9 CFR Ch. I (1–1–00 Edition) § 71.3
§ 71.3 9 CFR Ch. I (1±1±00 Edition) from the quarantined area or will indi- serotype enteritidis may be moved cate the regulations under which inter- interstate in accordance with part 82 of state movements may be made. this chapter. [34 FR 15641, Oct. 9, 1969] (4) Swine infected with or exposed to pseudorabies may be moved interstate § 71.3 Interstate movement of diseased in accordance with part 85 of this chap- animals and poultry generally pro- ter. hibited. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of (a) Animals or poultry affected with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, any of the following diseases, which are livestock which is found to be diseased endemic to the United States: Equine may be moved interstate in accordance piroplasmosis, bovine piroplasmosis or with paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of splenetic fever, scabies in cattle, this section: Provided, That such live- pseudorabies, acute swine erysipelas, stock is not tick infested or affected tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, brucel- with any disease referred to in this sec- losis, scrapie, bluetongue, anthrax, tion other than the diseases named in chlamydiosis, poultry disease caused this paragraph: And provided further, by Salmonella enteritidis serotype That such livestock is accompanied by enteritidis, and Newcastle disease, or a certificate, issued by an APHIS or any other communicable disease which State representative or accredited vet- is endemic to the United States, or erinarian stating the destination of the which are cattle fever tick infested, animals; the purpose for which they shall not be moved interstate. are to be moved; the number of animals (b) Animals or poultry affected with covered by the certificate; the point any of the following diseases, not from which the animals are moved known to exist in the United States: interstate; and the name and address of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, Af- the owner or shipper.
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