Balaji Deekshitulu P V, IJAR, 2019; 4:27 Review Article IJAR (2019) 4:27 International Journal of Animal Research (ISSN:2575-7822) The Power of Homeopathy in Animal Diseases Dr Balaji Deekshitulu P V Homeopathy Physician and Counseling Psychologist, Sri Balaji Homeopathy & Personal Counseling Center, Tirupati, A.P, India.cell:8885391722 / 7207255557. ABSTRACT Homeopathy a medicine (remedy) is selected which would pro- *Correspondence to Author: duce in a healthy body the same symptoms found in the sick Dr Balaji Deekshitulu P V animal (“like cures like”). This substance is selected from herbs, Homeopathy Physician and Coun- minerals, and natural compounds which are then diluted beyond seling Psychologist, Sri Balaji the point of possible toxicity.This review article explains that Ho- Homeopathy & Personal Coun- meopathy Treat met is best treatment in animals also. seling Center, Tirupati, A.P, India. cell:8885391722 / 7207255557. Keywords: Diseases, Homeopathy, Animals How to cite this article: Balaji Deekshitulu P V, The Power of Homeopathy in Animal Diseases. International Journal of Animal Re- search, 2019; 4:27. eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA. Website: https://escipub.com/ https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-animal-research/ 1 Balaji Deekshitulu P V, IJAR, 2019; 4:27 Introduction • Belladonna: Sudden and high fever, redness, pain, dilated pupils and panting. Homeopathy has been found one of the best holistic and safest treatments for many people. • Borax: For fear of thunderstorms and This has been found true for animals and plants fireworks as well. Veterinary homeopathy is a safe, • Bryonia: Colic, all symptoms worse with effective and powerful form of medicine. Most motion and better by resting or staying veterinarians choose homeopathy due to the perfectly still, thirst for large amounts of chronic and recurring nature of many ailments water, vomiting bile after eating, in animals. The idea behind using Homeopathy constipation. is to strengthen the immunity of the animals • Cal.Carb: For old injuries after giving Rhus- and treat the disease from the roots. tox for some time. A muscle tonic. Aids the According the Academy of Veterinary body in utilizing Calcium and making it more Homeopathy, any problem that can be treated bio-available. Get more information on conventionally can be solved with homeopathy Calcarea Carbonica and that too without any side effects. • Calendula: Can be used both internally as Recurrence rates are also almost minimum or well as externally for skin infections or any negligible with Homeopathy. Examples of kind of external infection. diseases in animals that respond very well to • Chamomilla: Teething, irritability, colic, Homeopathy are: skin allergies, ear infections, wants to be carried, capricious. asthma, IBD, epilepsy and many other conditions. Homeopathy can rapidly treat acute • Hepar sulphur: Wonderful to treat diseases like traumatic injuries, infections and abscesses anywhere on the body poisonings, allergies to arthritis, and from skin • Hypericum: Remedy to give for any pain diseases to Spondylitis etc… due to nerve damage or injuries to nerve- rich areas. • Apis: For bee and insect bites. • MAG-PHOS (6 x Tissue Salt): Cramping • Arnica: For general pain, stiffness due to overexertion, soreness and musculoskeletal colicky pains, better bending double/curled injuries. foetal position and better warm applications flatulent colic, cramps. Combine: Nux-vom & • Ars. Alb: For GI upsets from eating spoiled Mag-phos when you can see constipation, food where there is both vomiting and swollen abdomen and gassy – lots of diarrhoea. cramping. • Agaricus: For symptoms associated with • Myristica: For anal sac infections and frostbite, chilblains, and poisonings. chronic anal sac problems. Gangrene from freezing of tissues. • Nux-Vomica: Colic, constipation with • Allium cepa: Coryza and hay fever urging, sinus infections, cramping, looks • Tart: For respiratory conditions like bloated, digestive remedy patient is chilly, Pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and from over-eating or eating of ‘bad’ food. whooping cough with thick white mucous, • Pulsatilla: Colic, ear infections, yellow difficulty breathing, and deep cough. discharges. • Baptisia: For influenzas that cause a • Rhus tox: For arthritis, musculoskeletal profound prostration, weakness of the neck injuries, red swollen eyes, skin infections so head cannot be held in position, and with and skin itching. the inability to swallow food, only water. https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-animal-research/ 2 Balaji Deekshitulu P V, IJAR, 2019; 4:27 • Ruta: For any injury to tendons or ligaments dispensed in the same way as in humans. and this remedy has a real affinity for the Please note that medicines should not be knee joint. mixed in their foods; they have to be directly put • Sepia: Chronic cystitis, female uterine in their mouth. problems, mood swings due to hormone Homeopathy for animals gives excellent results imbalances. Also given to mothers that in animal ailments especially dogs, cats and reject their young. even cattle. Saving animals from the hazardous • Silicea: Expells foreign bodies like splinters side effects of conventional medicines and or foxtails out of the skin. giving them a healthier life, Veterinary Homeopathy is surely a great act of kindness • Symphytum – for bone breaks. that we can offer as homeopaths. • Ledum For any type of puncture wound, SYMPTOMS OF CATTLE DISEASES AND including those from insect bites. SOME RECOMMENDED TREATMENTS • Caulophyllum: Remedy for labour pains Actinobacillosis - Kali hydriodicum,Merc without progress, profuse haemorrhage iodatus flavus,Merc iodatus ruberActinomycosis after delivery. Apart from these there are even more remedies used in various conditions and they can be Heckla lava 1M Bony swellings on head bones Ulcearation of Skin & caries of bone Acid flour30 Abcess of foot - Belladona200, Due to retention of urine Cantharis200 Hepar sulf, SiliceaAgalactia - Mag Ricinus com+ Urtica urens+five Due to flatulence phos+Nux phos gives very good Nux vomica resultsAnthrax - Ars alb 1M, vomica200 Lachesis, EchinaceaAbdominal Arthritis - Broynia, Rhus tox, Arnica, Conium Pain :- mac, Ferum phosAnaplasmosis - Due to indigestion with Trinitrotoluene, Crotalus horridus, Phos, China, constipation PhytolacaAnoestrous :- Due to bad quality of food Ars Alb200 Due to excess green food Colchicum200 Due to profuse leucorrhoea Calc phos6x When ovaries are very small on rectal examination Iodum30 Due to retntion of placenta & in Silent heat Pulsatilla To regulate oestous Cycle Sepia200 Babesiosis - China offi, Ficus religiosa, Arnica, Ruta g.Blue tongue - Aconite, Nat mur, Millefolium, Phos, Crotalus horridus, Ars alb, Acid nit, Borax,Rhus Pulsatilla.Bronchitis - Aconite, Bryonia, Kali tox,Mercurious.Burns & scald :- brom, Ars alb, Antim tart, Kali bich.Bruises - https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-animal-research/ 3 Balaji Deekshitulu P V, IJAR, 2019; 4:27 Minor burns & scalds Cantharis200 Deep burns with loss of skin Kali Bich200 Suppuration after burns Hepar sulph30 After effects of burns Causticum200 When formation of gangrene Ars alb200 Relieving burn pains Capsicum200 Botulism :- Paralytic sypmptoms of throat, Difficult Swallowing Gelsemium200 Paralysis of fore limb muscles Plumbum met 30 Paralysis of hind legs Conium mac200 Muscular Stiffness Difficult in walking of fore limbs Curare30 Peripheral paralysis of throat & mouth Lathyrus Sativus 1M Black Quarter - Hepar sulph, Rhus tox Abdominal Pain (Colic) SYMPTOMS OF DOGS DISEASES AND SOME RECOMMENDED TREATMENTS Symptoms Remedy Frequency And Doses Violent pains; better hard pressure; umbilical region Colocynth. 30 3 hourly Food lies like a stone in the stomach; tools hard, constipated; Bryonia 30 or 2 hourly desire to lie quietly 200 (3) Pain spasmodic; cutting, soon after eating Kalibich. 30 3 hourly Pain after discharging flatus excessively; worse eating rich, 3 hourly Pulsatilla 30 fatty foods In upper abdomen; stools hard, constipated Graphites 30 3 hourly In front portion of abdomen; tongue clean Ipecac 30 3 hourly Pain suddenly shifts and appears in distant parts like paws Dioscorea 30 3 hourly and toes. Pet feels better by bending backwards and stretching the body After abdominal operation; indignation Staphysagria30, 4 hourly 200 After over eating; due to sedentary habits Nux vomica 30 3 hourly Violent, spasmodic pain; better by hot drinks / applications Magnesia phos. 2 hourly 6X or 30 https://escipub.com/international-journal-of-animal-research/ 4 Balaji Deekshitulu P V, IJAR, 2019; 4:27 Biochemic remedy Bio-combination - 3 hourly No.3 Abscesses And Boils In acute abscesses; blood boils, when pus develop with Belladonna 30 2 hourly lightening rapidity (mammary,hepatic or glandular abscesses), when skin is hot ,red & painful. When pus has formed , useful for glandular abscesses with Mercurius sol. 3 hourly throbbing pain; worse from warmth 30 and Belladonna 30 alternately. In the beginning of suppuration; corroding, putrid, bloody pus Hepar sulph. 30 4 hourly formation with chill and sharp stitching pain; pus smells like old cheese. Though the pet is chilly but feels better in wet weather, worse by slightest touch. In the beginning when the part is red with shining. Stitching Bryonia 30 4 hourly pain; worse by slightest motion Swelling very red with shining and burning; fever with dry Aconite 6 or 30 2 hourly hot skin worse in warm room, evening, and night When Hepar sulph. fails and the pain is Unbearable Chamomilla
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