§ 71.3 9 CFR Ch. I (1–1–00 Edition)

from the quarantined area or will indi- serotype enteritidis may be moved cate the regulations under which inter- interstate in accordance with part 82 of state movements may be made. this chapter. [34 FR 15641, Oct. 9, 1969] (4) Swine infected with or exposed to pseudorabies may be moved interstate § 71.3 Interstate movement of diseased in accordance with part 85 of this chap- animals and poultry generally pro- ter. hibited. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of (a) Animals or poultry affected with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, any of the following diseases, which are livestock which is found to be diseased endemic to the United States: Equine may be moved interstate in accordance piroplasmosis, bovine piroplasmosis or with paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of splenetic fever, scabies in cattle, this section: Provided, That such live- pseudorabies, acute swine erysipelas, stock is not tick infested or affected tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, brucel- with any disease referred to in this sec- losis, scrapie, bluetongue, anthrax, tion other than the diseases named in chlamydiosis, poultry disease caused this paragraph: And provided further, by Salmonella enteritidis serotype That such livestock is accompanied by enteritidis, and Newcastle disease, or a certificate, issued by an APHIS or any other communicable disease which State representative or accredited vet- is endemic to the United States, or erinarian stating the destination of the which are cattle fever tick infested, animals; the purpose for which they shall not be moved interstate. are to be moved; the number of animals (b) Animals or poultry affected with covered by the certificate; the point any of the following diseases, not from which the animals are moved known to exist in the United States: interstate; and the name and address of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, Af- the owner or shipper. rican swine fever, hog , Teschen (1) Livestock affected with one or disease, contagious bovine more of the following diseases may be pleuropneumonia, European fowl pest, moved interstate for immediate dourine, contagious equine metritis, slaughter to a slaughtering establish- vesicular exanthema, screwworms and ment where State or Federal meat in- , scabies in sheep or any other spection is maintained; , communicable foreign disease not actinobacillosis, , atroph- known to exist in the United States, ic rhinitis, contagious ecthyma, foot shall not be moved interstate. rot, infectious keratitis, ram (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of epididymitis, ringworm, swine influ- paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section: enza, arthritis (simple lesions only), (1) Domestic animals which have re- and shipping fever. acted to a test recognized by the Sec- (2) Cattle with slight unopened cases retary of Agriculture for , or of actinomycosis or actinobacillosis (or paratuberculosis, which are not af- both) may be moved interstate to a fected with any other disease referred feed lot in the State of destination: to in this section and are not tick in- Provided, That such cattle are not af- fested, may be moved interstate in ac- fected with any other disease named in cordance with part 78 of this chapter in this paragraph. the case of brucellosis reactors and (3) Sheep affected with or exposed to with the provisions of part 80 of this contagious ecthyma may be moved subchapter in the case of interstate to a feed lot located in a paratuberculosis reactors; State the laws, rules, or regulations of (2) Cattle which have reacted to the which require that such sheep be seg- tuberculin test, which are not affected regated or quarantined under a permit with any other disease referred to in from an official of such State: Provided, this section and are not tick infested, That such sheep are not affected with may be moved interstate in accordance any other disease named in this para- with the provisions of § 77.5 of this sub- graph. chapter; and (4) Livestock affected with one or (3) Poultry affected with disease more of the following diseases may be caused by Salmonella enteritidis moved interstate for any purpose to a


VerDate 022000 20:00 Mar 06, 2000 Jkt 190025 PO 00000 Frm 00168 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\190025T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 190025T Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 71.4

State the laws, rules, or regulations of (f) Before offering cattle or other which require that such livestock be livestock or poultry for interstate segregated or quarantined under a per- transportation, transporting them mit from the appropriate livestock interstate, or introducing them into sanitary official of such State: actino- any stockyards or upon routes of traf- mycosis, actinobacillosis, contagious fic for interstate transportation, all ecthyma, foot rot, and shipping fever: persons, companies, or corporations are Provided, That such livestock is not af- required to exercise reasonable dili- fected with any other disease named in gence to ascertain whether such ani- this paragraph. mals or poultry are affected with any (5) Livestock affected with infectious contagious, infectious, or commu- keratitis or ringworm (or both) may be nicable disease, or have been exposed moved interstate for any purpose if to the contagion or infection of any treated under the supervision of an such disease by contact with other ani- APHIS or State representative or an mals or poultry so diseased or by loca- accredited veterinarian prior to move- tion in pens, cars, or other vehicles, or ment: Provided, That such livestock is upon premises that have contained ani- not affected with any other disease named in this paragraph. Livestock af- mals or poultry so diseased. fected with infectious keratitis or [28 FR 5937, June 13, 1963] ringworm (or both) and also with an- other disease named in this paragraph EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- tations affecting § 71.3, see the List of Sec- may be moved interstate only under tions Affected in the Finding Aids section of the applicable provisions of paragraphs this volume. (d)(1) through (4) of this section after being so treated for infectious keratitis § 71.4 Maintenance of certain facilities or ringworm (or both). Such livestock and premises in a sanitary condi- will be subject to further treatment at tion required; cleaning and dis- destination, if required. infection, when required; animals (6) Other Movements. The Adminis- classed as ‘‘exposed.’’ trator may provide for the movement, (a) Yards, pens, chutes, alleys, and not otherwise provided for in this para- other facilities and premises which are graph, of animals affected with the dis- used in connection with the interstate eases named in paragraph (d)(1) of this movement of livestock or poultry shall section, under such conditions as he be maintained by the person in posses- may prescribe to prevent the spread of sion of the facilities and premises in a disease. The Administrator will clean and sanitary condition, in ac- promptly notify the appropriate live- cordance with good animal husbandry stock sanitary officials of the States practices, and shall be subject to in- involved of any such action. spection by an APHIS or State rep- (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, resentative. When an APHIS or State the Administrator in specific cases and representative determines that such fa- under such conditions as he may pre- cilities or premises are not in such scribe to prevent the dissemination of clean and sanitary condition and gives disease may provide for the interstate written notice of his determination to movement of individual animals af- such person, the facilities and premises fected with contagious, infectious, or shall be cleaned and disinfected in ac- communicable disease to a designated cordance with §§ 71.7 and 71.10 through diagnostic or research facility when ac- 71.12 by such person under the super- companied by a permit from the appro- vision of an APHIS or State represent- priate livestock sanitary official in the ative or an accredited veterinarian be- State of destination: Provided, That fore such premises are again used for animals so moved shall be maintained livestock or poultry. in quarantine at such designated facil- (b) Yards, pens, chutes, alleys, and ity until freed of disease as determined other facilities and premises which by tests recognized by the Department, have contained interstate shipments of until natural death, or until disposal cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, or other by euthanasia. animals affected with, or carrying the


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