HANAN 2 Chedet.Co.Cc February 19, 2009 by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

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HANAN 2 Chedet.Co.Cc February 19, 2009 by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad HANAN 2 Chedet.co.cc February 19, 2009 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Dear Hanan, 1. I think I cannot convince you on anything simply because your perception of things is not based on logic or reason but merely on your strong belief that you are always right, even if the whole world says you are wrong. 2. Jews have lived with Muslims in Muslim countries for centuries without any serious problem. 3. On the other hand in Europe, Jews were persecuted. Every now and again there would be pogroms when the Europeans would massacre Jews. The Holocaust did not happen in Muslim countries. Muslims may discriminate against Jews but did not massacre them. 4. But now you are fighting the largely Muslim Palestinians. It cannot be because of religious differences or the killing of Jews living among them. It must be because you have taken their land and expelled them from their homeland. It is therefore not a religious war. But of course as you seek sympathisers from among the non-Muslims, the Palestinians seek sympathisers among the Muslims. That still does not make the war a religious war. 5. Whether you speak Hebrew or not is not relevant. Lots of people who are not English speak English. They don't belong to England. For centuries you could speak Hebrew but remained Germans, British, French, Russians etc. 6. Lots of Jews cannot speak Hebrew but they are still Jews. Merely being able to speak Hebrew does not entitle you to claim Palestine. 7. The Jews had lived in Europe for centuries. They identify themselves with their domicile. They fought the wars of these countries often against other Jews living in enemy countries. 8. These countries are their homeland. So why should they take Palestinian land to make their own country? They could take any of the European countries as their own country. The United States of America should offer one of its states as Israel. 9. As to history, the Malays had occupied a lot of land in Southeast Asia since time immemorial. Today much of our land has become part of neighbouring countries, having been conquered or because of treaties entered into by the British. We should really go to war to regain our land especially as there are Malays living there. 10. But we want to live in peace with our neighbours. So we accept the borders drawn by the colonialists. 11. You may say it is a joke to believe the Philistines are the forebears of the Palestinians. But what may be a joke to you is a serious belief of much of the non-Jewish world. 12. We did not have a Jewish representative at our conference. But I am sure when you have a conference in Israel you did not have Muslim representatives either. 13. I can sympathise over the killings of the Jews. But show me pictures of total destruction of Israeli towns and villages. Show me the effect of the primitive Hamas rockets on the Israeli people. Compare them with the effects of your bombs, rockets, shells, chemical weapons you used on the Gazans. When did Hamas blockade you and starve Israeli people and deprive them of medical attention. Did Hamas build a wall to separate Israelis from other Israelis including from family members? Did Hamas build settlements in Israel? 14. This idea of out-terrorising the terrorists, of massive retaliation on a scale that horrifies the whole world will not work. 15. Our people who went to Gaza were amazed at the attitude of the people there. Even after the deaths of so many of them, the deaths of their children and babies; even after their towns have been flattened, their schools and hospitals destroyed, they show no fear. Every one of them expects to die at any time because of your attacks but they would never surrender. When asked they simply said it is their land and they would defend it to the last. Even an Arab Christian priest was determined to stay on in Gaza. Those of their children who survive will prepare themselves to defend their land like their parents. Your attacks fail to terrify them or to force them to submit. You only succeed in instilling greater hatred of Israel and the Israelis. 16. When it was pointed out to them that they are no match for the Israeli forces and their weapons of mass destruction, when it was pointed out that their rockets were primitive and cannot compare with the destructiveness of Israeli rockets, they were not disheartened. The Israeli attacks simply strengthened their resolve to go on fighting. The Israeli idea to out-terrorise them has not worked and I believe it would not work. 17. Your arguments simply confirm my belief that the Jews have the same degree of hatred for the Palestinians, despite the fact that you suffer less than them. 18. The war has degenerated into a feud between Palestinians and Israelis. The Palestinians know they cannot win the war but that simply heightened their hatred for Israelis. They will nevertheless try to kill Jews, even if that will intensify Jewish hatred for the Palestinians. And you will retaliate with many times greater ferocity because you cannot force them to their knees. Their resistance simply increase your anger and hatred of them. 19. We have come to an impasse. If Israel is bent on occupying Palestinian land, on building Jewish settlements, on building Berlin walls and on sanctions and blockade, the Palestinians will continue their futile attacks. Arabs will die, maybe 10 for every one Jew. But with the hatred for Jews which they harbour, that is a worthwhile sacrifice. And Jews will kill more Arabs to express their hatred. And so it will go on as it had gone for 60 years, as it will go on for another 60 years or more. 20. Dear Hanan, tell your Government to compromise. 338 Comments By Haji LopakAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:14 PM hanan? or hainan? erm...something wrong with his brain maybe. Tun..care to comment about PPSMI? im getting bored with this group called 'GAPENA'. DAP,PKR n PAS tak berani comment. takut penyokong lari. By lcclckAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:26 PM Dear Sir, I really respect your flair and great intelligence. I recognize the true reasons as how you manage Malaysia for 22 years a PM, and since 1974 of your return to UMNO's mainstream, you had never failed to lead, and truly you lead so well if we ignore the simple S$ 1 = RM 2.4 and though many had been jeolous of your great ability to drive your points through and well, still you are no super human being, and whatever a human being could fall, you were capable of falling too. Still, I am really proud of you as longest serving PM for time being, and it could be another 2 more centruies that we may have a real possible challenge to your political glories! I wish you a real great Golden years, and hope the younger generations do preserve some good values of respecting seniors like you. Many who opposed you hated you but deep inside, they feared and respected you too. I pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ that you will be able to be wise and smart till you are 100 years old, Amen!! Best regards, PL By nookvillageAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:28 PM Tun, Tell Hanan that we will support the Palestinian struggle for another 1000 years. Tell Hanan that many non-Palestinian all over the world are willing to die in support for their struggle. By drsobrieAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:35 PM Dear Tun , I think we are thinking with the same range of wavelength , the war will go on for another 60 years or more ,let it be so . But we must not stop calling for them to compromise , till one day part of their future generation come to their real senses . They want peace and not fighting .The whole world must start from today to call for them to come to peace not just peace talk . By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:42 PM Dear Hanan, What are you trying to defend. By joeAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:54 PM sYABAS TUN..TAPI SAYANG DEPA TU CAKAP APA PUN TAK GUNA..ORANG LAIN YANG SALAH JUGA.MCM ORANG MALAwSIA JUGA.KALAU ANWAR CAKAP SEMUA PERCAYA..TAPI TAK SEDAR ANWAR TU PENGKIANAT BANGSA..BARUA CINA.. By fiasco84Author Profile Page on February 19, 2009 8:06 PM salam Tun, i totally agree on what u said about the Jews. they will never stop conquering Palestine and suffered the people. n the hatred towards them will remain forever. hopefully one day, god will one day fulfill our pray n tarnish all the Jews from the earth. By aqilfithriAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 8:08 PM Ini jawaban Dr. Mahathir pada 5 Januari 2009 terhadap ulasan ramai pihak, katanya, terhadap pandangan pertamanya (dalam blognya pada pertengahan tahun 2008 dahulu) tentang isu pengajaran sains dan matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (yang kini dikenali sebagai PPSMI). Namun, beliau nampaknya tidak menjawab balik satu pun akan sangkalan balas saya terhadap pandangan pertama beliau dahulu itu yang saya pos kepada blog beliau dan saya siarkan juga dalam laman saya, komshaha, dan ternyata banyak juga disiarkan di dalam laman atau blog yang lain lagi seperti kesturi atau asasi, perihatin dan pkpim. Ini bermakna Dr.
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