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X . "' ■ \ .'mI:'- . • • . ",'•J'- ■• • . V ' V : .-. .‘ u;-'. \ ‘I ' - ^ 'V' ^.v! ■' ,' >. ATcrair# Daily Net Preas Run u . H- . lliie Weathai' For .ttM Week' Faded rarcoaat ^ V , 8. WaaMr Paraka .duae IS, ISM Madrm iaj^ avaalaa, alearlal^ 12,065 eaalar. laaa hw ^d taalght. b m In inld SSa. Tneaday, (Ur, e6aler,.lMa Maanbac af tka Audit Barcan aC CXrcaUtioi| kiMnId. Hiik aromU to. . M inichester-^A City of Village Charm N ' " .

t v , NO. 2.121 ‘.(S IX T E E N P A G E S ) MANCHESTER^ CONN., MONDAY, JULY 2, l?5fi (ilaaalfled vAdTerMllaf' OB PRICE FIVE CEI s \ U.S. To RcodW y.

' , Pitt.sburgh, Jul.v 2 (/P)r— G en eral M anaF ^r R ic h a rd . n>«MaKe to the Director#^,. The governrheht has taken a Martin" has recommended ; 1A1-' ^A laying# * couple .of preliminarj^step toward re- . DUdget of *4,-; unur^ihe town has aome antic vh'al of atalemated contract JS V' o»8,475 whlth, on ,_the 1955.(experience vvltil ^ Hie interim talk* in the nationwide strike Grnhd Liat will-trequire a 36- budget. He aaya new procedurea of 650,000 United Steel work­ ers.' ,•■' , ; Both the union and the T»a*ic Niii,e Injured steel Industry have Indicated will-1 ^ and end! JiinevSO. IMT. It now r*'^elP{ inanes* to _return td'the bargain- j /k jj' foea'before the Broad of Dlrec.-— bL Lt*_j^***^*****”h*— **" <-hangxng fn g ‘tsble- But neither aide has tors, which must act on it by Aug, i the fiscal .^yeav '^rohi a ^ Iast|§ Rock 10^ ■ , ' ' ^ * ! 15 beginning to, a July r loginning, made'any mbve In'that direction each apparently waiting; for the . ilartin arrived at the figure fcu- {^he ^ard'decided tentatively to other to make the first .overture. Queens A-Lab \ lx< the 10', month period bv ad'juM- ^or 3/fiths the total "mount of A tentativt mbve toward pos.- |j^ -■'ing a 12-month budget he hadJ l' be financed by ta;m- sible-government intervention 'to ■: New York -V ' prepared- ’ '' -- *”•'* to borrow 2 Stlis to be ------uly 2 oPr- A dduWe Martin's 42-mont'h budget was ■ Pdtd bark later, , * break the bargaining Impasab "nd; explosion rock^ an atomic re­ Berliii, July 2 (A*)^The^edPblish Artny today scaled off bring a quick settlement'Urns tsk-.' search laboratory.^today! injuring the. East German border tb intOMept rebel workers fleeing M7S.OOO higher-than the estimated ' WltllN,$3.324.672 of.-the $4,698.- en yesterday in Washington-' by' nine persons:' ' . ' •xpenditures for (he current year,; 475 budget for lOJ-2 months to be Joseph Finnegan,, director of the Officials of' Sylvania Electric fnim a nwssive police itjundup in tn ^ ity of Poznan. which are $4,]2.9|7,041.ip. And the financed from taxes, a 3,^5ths pay- Federal Mediation Service. | Products Ihc.. operator of the West German, travelers ai‘rivihi^-from Poznan, wliero 10',-month budget is'92 per cent ment would he 24 mills 01 the-J955 of the figure for the whole year Gi and and 2,51^..would be Finnegan *aid he wanted to con- j plafit.. swiftly announced the. blast rtfers staged a idoody thrne.-day revolts^.w eek, said the period. ■ -ti -rm.-, loiCB. 14»f i iin-'i.’tact; bothwwui biuci sides? "tow discuss vs.«.the | was wiu ’’iibtynot nuuiearnuclear inIn nmurc,nature," - miiny-allay- C^dmiuilist Army has beayily reinforced rig, frontier gar­ ■ If the n»l^n risons and Rod tanks for the first time are^Tiatroling the mpnth fiscal j H, indicatedU,dlc..«l heh. wl.shedwl.l.«l to to- m»l meet utances I..ahad been ai«h.rma..discharged Oder Jliver V ^ ^ lii' instead of the interim year, it I ninst be used a second, time'to ef-',i^eparatel.v in Jthe near future with Five of .th'e nine htirt were taken A immpila'tibti:^! -fyewilness v _ g g would lake a 39-mlll rate to fi-Jfect the fiscal year changef i n«vtrt~ ...... l' McDonald USW ' bresl to hoapitals. One w-ija reported in eatimate8\v«6elved'sby 'vrosterRl .[M „ m gj,*g^l J m fcilrg j "’" ‘i m i d^nt- "hd “ h^ A. S tep h ^ s U.S. critical eondithen. \ . diplqniatic- tonrees in 'yi^iik'^ar ' i».A€$.IloA.HyUJl, -TIlS S ^ O Grand Uat W.ould Increase by f the 3,5ths for payment early th ' end outstripped sll previous TeporM d f a • $1,500,000 olsirv the. last’ Grand 1987. Meanwhile, hoivever the . The blasts, coming wilhini *e)S- casualties in 'IMXnan," This coni- ^ -e4van~-nan-a-m w A anm aw aiaac List.- • ^ 'Board will probably jeduce Mai-! - , ----- tdnds■ of each other, damaged sd thi pilation said the dead probably,;;^ €*A -1 1 1 OlAA'-.lpAUO ■ That would amount to a 44mill I tin’s'budget. If it follows the pat- i Finnegan talked b.v phone with,,pcond floor-of Metallurgy labora- .ArthUr J. Goldberjg, ufiion general; tones at Sylvaniaj 56-' acre ret totaled "close to 1.000." T h "■ ' f a i “'Increas*,-since the present rate is . ^ -— . The Polish government has an-! W a sbI K lflA fl* 15 mills. . , (Continued bn-Page Bight) cqunsel, in New York, and said he , gjarch center in the bayside sec^ expected to have another- t a 1 k tjon of Queens,' about-12 miles nounced- 'that $8 were killed and j J-fAflPV/ with Goldberg today in Washing- ^fopi New.-York " City's midtown .^,0 wounded. • But w-eslern biisi-t-! . ' ares. , ...... neas men arriving here .aiid in Waahingtom^'Njuly V May Resume .S'fter.'HnUda.v xj,* renter conducts research West Germany from^PoKian'esU- Mansfield (D-MoSi, prop. i Goldberg said he and Finnegan o^ atomic fuels, atomic reactor an^****^*** from dgy shipments of Aitol^ I discussed no concrete plans forrebmponents and processes. 200 to 6OT ' , products to all eastern''B^rope*I^ ,.^ Wilson Set to Spend resumption - Of negotiations. Thia _ - * * * * ' " l^uountriea, provided the fora^oes union ahorrtey said he doubts if Twenty-five windows in the The Vienna sources .said 240 ' to children and destitute pSnuma, building tank.s were used to restore order in | ■ Undersecretary of State Herbei t > b lo in om N he company said', Poznan. [Hoover Jr., offered frw food for afUi .Independence Day; and much equipment was ds4n- E x tra $ 8 0 0 M illio ii „i,,„k^man for U.S. St.eeL^tradi- day -tional leader of the indust^', said f ged- - The block-long structure, trobpy were reported blocking, "serious disordeni'ordet in Poiaian surrounded by a high wire fence, ■ highways leading Wgs.l and re-ii which Hooy'e'r -said seem to bo the company lia4 not been contact- is several hundred feet .from other Washinjflon, Jul.v 2 (A*)— Secretar.v of Defense Wilson ,«<* by Finnegan, pn^ said plant buildings which were not.af­ Oiovlng Polish suspects from cars I mairked by deniand.s IpJf the pop^- said toda.v the extra $800 million Cbngrresa vUted for the Air wiH|^, db'every- fected. and train.a. .1 lation for bread." - T The nine ihji red. Were ariong Arrivala from " the East aaid' Hoover made the offer throi Force '‘will be spent w'hen the.v jire needed'* but there will be ] clOaely, acreened automobtiea and i ‘be Ameiican Red Crosa, no new speedup in B52 bomber produetbri,-.Asked- his attj- Where 12S Perished tralna are being allowed to croM |‘b“ agenc.v lo determine wKether , tilde towTifdiTird thi.s mone.v, Wilson told the Senate Air Poiver.nd’s farm and factory output J« »,w w»,n ,h,y - Ccvlon Islaiid i ‘“ email. 25 poif emen Bstin|ates bf thoae arrested ran Mansfield, in a speech drafted (%ngfeM ovairode admiptstrsi- hr * photograjiher vrho sped, to aa h i ^ aa 2,500 men and. women. for ■ the Senate before Hoover ^'tion recommandatlona as (o Air "They-'jiave sealed off the bor- acted, pfoimsed that Congress Fbrpa needs and put into the gen- er alStratTon'f^r friMro conUn.lnation . aiithbrize gifts and sales of. sur- Militarv Bases kand instructed to-t.$ke further rou der to catb)i all lyhO might be tiy--. anil defenae appropriation bill an "T" ' __ > \ vent the strike. Said HarrinK.h:.- ing to fleeXweatwards,” one re- pjiu Tarm commodities to all Iron additional $800 million, chiefly for • j„i.. tine hospital tests' sfjjhin three Ciictain countries as one of a ^"No effort was made .in Wash­ days. , sponsible w ti^n -traveler said. r' ■ cM^rcr^t ington to use the.piesttcfc of Uje PepulatioiKTerroilzed munVr of moves to counter new presidency to bTing.the parties to­ Another, aubmntiating-intiating- the R"“ i*n .trade end aid tactics. • gether, in an akra^ment or even wonian’s account, said, ‘the purge He said the satellites should ba to delay the iiti ike. This is f.nother , seems to be taking a ^ an tlc size. ottered these product* ''provided wltimold the money ft«m the d,,.w a swift denial from example bf the Elis'enhower adm in-' Top Democrats The pop'ulation is terraiHied be­ there la assurance that the food CMgrew r ‘hr "«»"» government. cause secret police are flaunting and other products so supplied the atreels. Informers are^very- shall In fact go to the peoples -of - ■^Determined to XMn-r In ' j Race • ’ Blast where. Nobody trusts evm\hia these countries.” ' JE Mansfield )iad -sharp words for a i to whether the fithds ,might be i i . By THE ASSOCIATED FRCS^ any other uprisings in advance. vihb;- Chairman and Senate liaiaon plannednTannoi build-uphiiiiii.iin 'nfof B52RS2 hnmherbomber ■** ^ase OH (he Indian-Ocean liland. The n«'vly''e)’'cted leader of the (Continued on Page Two) Three Democratic presidemMi agent, of^tne Democratic National production would have' gone ahead hopefuls-flung weekend cfiMvism' sS r (CoaUnued op Page Eight) CpB ..without the added money voted by Asian dorainioh;, who - wants hiS at President. EisenhoiyerXwhose Congress and that he had received f^ n jlry Jo' play Ik neutral role in world .affairs, told a S"wa confer­ i supporter%cDntinued.rt> ^ d firm- "no recommendation-from the Alt ‘ • j ly„toda.y to the -unconfirmed vaa- Force to older an. additional-apeed- ence a join*t ^ritl^ll-Ctylonose Marilyn Weds statement on the'^future of the sumption he will' again ' be' the Russian People BJdmed Up." Republican candidate. Wilson said that even if the en­ ba.seii will be issued this v eek.d>>;^. Britain- has a big naval baae'at PlaW riglit for I"Gby.XAvereIl Harriman of New Ti' tire $800 million' Vvere devoted to fork--iaaued the sharpest blast B52 it would mean getting "only Trlncomalce and an air case «K C about TOO-more of them,"^ Kalunsvak^ They are important uring a farm^belt tour of Iowa a m ^ "We are already goirigialong on staging points Til. Britain's im­ tS? O I I I I - JL lIIlC ^! Minnesota and".North Oakola.- a sound progism," he said. "None perial comiipiiuratiQna with her H arrim a^ said ^In Ues Moines of ua thinks there should be kii- j Far Bla8'lejmpbcaessi6i». w-Rbxikiry, Jm rT lK :-$^arilyn j other, step-up in B52 production ' Bandafanaike has beeh .discus- M o n ro e^ d Arthur Milliir Failure Curb St^n In e arlier'^ stlm o h y , VVil.son„in- sinj^he future of the Drllish-iun their marrtagc'Vowa .veaterday af-1 aUted this country has not . fallen per.sf.ncll.v with British ternoonjh a religious ceremony: "'.‘*'7, S’"* V.A . - , " By ROV ESSOr.AN s-those :ions would 'not havAv • behind 'the Soviets’ 'in air ♦pow^ 'Prime Minister' Eden, his Oxford peifpw^bv Rgbbi Robert Qold7 ""r "Jtic.l factors in the .-'Yloscow, J-u.Iy' 2 (A*r—The SoAlet .been supported,by the people. development and said - the B-52>4' Universit.v clas.smatc. during ses­ This is the confluence of the Colorado and the Little Colorado Union's Ooroipiijrtlst chieftains said “Moreover, any. such action ' iTrirtelv kie- Jhla- ,couau-^'.s .lJU^.on- sions here of the British C ornu-.on^ river near Grand Canyon, Ariz.. (top photol where rescue parr''' today, it. was Joseph Stalin's sup-. would have been considered . , as -•tlnenlal heavy bbmber /X,- js wealth prime ministers. Oea found the wreckage'of two huM airliners. The top arrow poVt ffbin the Russian ^ople that a. move to undermine therunity of "quite superior" to 'ttf^'' Russian The Asian leader aal(l his'!- -Iks to keep their aecond w^ding iust H “ 7 ‘ ‘^ ^ ,‘“* P8Pe«;«- H« doesn't points to wreckage;of the United Airlines plane.' loiv^afrow kept . them frofi rising against the party and government," ✓ 'eounterpart. ^ j with...... Eden lave heen goJng.j'vety -points to'-the TWA Conatellatiim. .-.'■'Charred area-ip;:^enlev of as.quiet a.-the flrst-allyil ckre- ^‘’7 rkiwer photo is wreckage of. Unlted“airliner. hinj--not; lack of courage. . . ■ The — statement claimed mMy of In fact. WilaojV'iaijt; if the table* if u-.ll^-p)|. ■■ ______,...1 put b efo r^ lm . So, he just doean t The Central Committee of thieT^talin's excesses ------were Tsxposed------"■ w are reverged -if- the Riiaalan Wh(ft’a going on." 4~ Soviet .Comim'nist party iaaued a | onhv after lie-died whenTlie Soviet Bison 'K tkir% » superior to the c Republican' 6.000-word 8tatei --enl to explain | government-exposed'"the criminal' aa thA -F to is-to the Blson- Judson_ Mor- why the' coiiltry's preseift rylers * ' . WMht be greatly worried.” he'said,- Counlv * ' ’l)otise, retorted: waited until, after Staljn was dead ...^ontlnued-.Oh Page EighU / -Tt was Wilspq's second day be-^; Bandirariaike was /a surprise M 1 2 8 u e ■tbtdenounce,him. •’ / This lime Ihev’wknt lb make a jackaas of himself,-but no “ for# the aubcommittee W'hich is w inn^ in Ceylori'a elections last biic whera the service waa per­ It aaid Stalin was sp popular af- ’ making a general 'study of U.S. Apriy He' pledged' In his. cam- formed at the home of M''- ""d candidate ever availed himself World'War Il'tha*. .he Soviet • ■ 'It -I air power with particular empha- pal|pT fo strip Britain of control Mrs. James B arrett about 4 p.m. ab completely-'of the dubjous-,pm1r ^Ikvo Craved Planes "popple ,would>m ither have under­ sis on this country’s poaition rela- lege as Mr. Harriman''"' did 'in: stood nor supported any move The Pulitzer bfiee-winning play- Iowa." ‘ ' Bulletins" tlT# to Russia. ' “ 1/ (ConHnued oi Page Fifteen) wrigliL said today that the pub­ against him. ‘ . ■ . t Morhouse said.------Harriman____ "*» licity egused b,\1 liis courtship and Grand f^njhn, Ariz., July'2 i-AI- The tragic flights began on a - It also asserted that threat of , fro m th e A P W ires . .i mk'.riage to4J?.e Hollywood glam- usuaf. w»e not speaking for the —All, 1’28 perions aboard sunny morning in Los Angeles, "capitalist e.icircleu.ent" was an­ .or., queen haa i'hjcreasrd interest in people ,of New Yijrk State.'' He giant airliners Whic)»_crasbed. into; The planes took off, three minutes other reason tfie preaenHeadership his colonial two-story framehouse' predicteii jNew, 'Yorll :would.Tgive The Gfaprl Canyon'were found apart,, the ..Super'CpnsteHiatlon could not iiavy risked disu lily ’’>y K.AILROAD TO IDLE Sd>00 . Ike Repor|ed‘Stronger, is Roxbuj-y, which has been on the Rtaenhowjer a-,« miUion yotej. re- dead, ,‘he ..Saturday" dis-, first, then the^DC?,- - ousting Stalin.'Mdl-ebVer-, it added, j Daltli|»rr, July ,* (gi — The market for five years. He has in-. election margin," esperially »G Mr. aster the' -worst in commereijM The tw-o-liners 'were jie.x't heard the dictator'll "i'brst Ityimei Were Raltitnore and Ohio RaUroad to*, j ttrui;ted his j^ea I estate agenta ‘b - Harriman is the-Pembcratlc can- aviation history. fronrovei- the ArizondrCalifprnla not revealed unlit a-.er-his death. day eonoiiiu-iiji :)) wUt furlough^ ' I show the house only, to" people W ho'■ Helicopter 'crews planned to'risk border about 200 miles east of Los PiibllshedTn Praxda .ypoo employee (weauto bf^a f Defense Bill I seem to be "aerloua prospective! the treatllerous peaks and aifccnsf Angeles. The statement, drgiten as a reso:- subetantM lb** of- freight busi­ " i purchasers, gne) .the'n only after- (CXialinued BS" P ag^ rents of . the V^t gotge’fo-t'ry to The Constellation, bound for lutibh'of the Central ChimmUtee, ness'’ d()irihg. the sjleel .strike. 1 the couple leaves on their planned.’ remove-'the iiOdies today; Kansa.H Cijy, checked in at 10:55 spread over two"' pages of CeUy»burg. Pa., Auly 2 i/Pt .HagfJ ty was asked if Biserihow- j.trip,to England.- — : A •'Tran.S'Vyorld Airlines super- a'.ni. (M$T). To. the south, thp Pravda, the party’g nq,wspape_r. and '■ THREE F'.ALL 55 F'BET I* . , President Kisenhawer, reported' fir ’iiMite any coiniBenl when l.e Miller said: "I know there haa 'Constellatioh'-and a United/i^rline.s DC7,',enfdute to New York, re-“ tMamrii abroad by Moscow i^dio. Bristol, July'Z-ig’r-p-Threkinea -f#«ling "stro n g ri/ and .DC7 appareritlyv.coUldod-jft-flight ported it was over Lake-Mohaye . It clearly' was Tfnlended taa- a wene injured,; „pne ■fteriouslyt signed i t billt tway S - :srNews1 01 Tidbits before they tvenf down 'in the on the Colorado River at 10:58'’ reply to critics of the -KThinljn's when a scaffold' which they were $S4,656,727',()O0l/ defensense btit On blllioiH'idollars'more than the ad- reilllcreally ■«rinn«serious." ■• __ — , T | T- northern A r i z o n a wastelands - The next and laav mess'age anti-Statln cam paign bPth; inside lulng to work on a house, col­ which he suffsTed a defeat In Con- ministration puvioaed.'. - "agerty api) outside the S m ie t.Uniop. ■ ' ^ '-,X< One of ■ hiS' agents co)iflrmed Culled from AP Wire* Safnrday, ■ . - "i; heard'from e ith ir -ntane Came lapsed,. tossing them eoiAe S8 ~ i«vU gress. ,/ ' . -.' I said: . ■. ' i the spurt in. the number of inquir­ Both airline .and governmen government from " the ■ ----- DC7 a t'J l :32 a.m. (MST), Leaders of Communist parties in feet lo the. groi«nd. Injured and Etaenhovvir also signsd. in an "N o, He signed the bill." ies and offered his opinion’' that euthoritieir-ara'- investigating Ihei It aa'id:' "W c,are going',.." Western,,, Eillope and the United takea to. the Bdatol Hospital hour-longyw'ork session \\1th aides The defense bill is the one .which ‘ ' - J • • - ;.-J- States have critteized' Moscow’s Ally. - Gen. Saiah ■Touqan-’of JragedjiiThe planes were eh route WM-e Peter Jatebs, 12. of Win- who llew/hei'e.from Washington, an'kicked up a battle between the (Continued of) Pnge Five) cast from-Los Angeles at the timF ((Xtntinued oii Page F'uur) methods iii the'> dowt^ading of stfd, back and spinal lajiutiM de- $to8,10^000 public works bill fori Senate and Secretary of Defense Jordan knnountxa former Preihler Tew'fik ,^biil Hu(la has.eommltfed of tMi-.,tragedy. The .Oon.-i't>llatioh StftMjiUlhfy toye asked w'hat sA-lbed a* oerioua; [ita brother ti)e 'MnnMSM' Valley.,. Authority) Wilson. A i signe ' i t h-vivides------‘-■— carried 64 .passenger.s and a crew was the rple of tKcprekent Soviet Harry, ''SS; anlcir, and,WinaloW ■iilrlde by hanging hijnself... Na­ leadership during the yeaff^^alln (TVA:) and olhejrIher aflenries., ,:.al)dn Assn. (NBA* of six: the, DC7 .53 pas.sengera and C'driey, $3 , Bristol, back. Irhite Houaese 'preas sei-retary senhower-req-jeated for hU defense ; 'I five crew; members. ,'l ' " / Big Airliners ]Ve.ar wsLs committing ,th[e crime*- of flrtrtold s news <-on-I actJvHles In l.ie,fi8caU’ear that ber' y - j[ . iT Vv" lays down transcontinebtai bar­ ;w-hivh he. la now .acxiused. . j^ a a c. Hag(f)(tr tpid rage of ..leiegriwn* in final -effort -to TTie WTe.ckage was found oh two ! u f lJJri SOVIET AIR iM»M erenc# the President's-'esidetit'a doctors Ih-'f gan yestcrdiy. ‘ ' : [ i36V |^li IjD '4 jD 'H t o M C S ' The.-lohg resolution reviewed ' Wiesbaden, GermaaS"’ * *MAiejn#«le1^ea* "’f - ' / .T' push federal school. building aid jagged buttes at tSie aoutheksterp^ Crashes Every Day /formed him .)hla morning Bisen , Preslilent Concerned top -of the canyon, one of Ameri- .what it described *a the historical Cfi---Gen. Nathan F. Twlnlag, through to,passage In this waning backgr6 und„,ahd causes of Stalin's hower is ‘'conr(ing along fine" in re­ Ih"aRproving the-o‘he;' import­ “irtl'E?AssotifSi.lW PRESS se.ssiop->of (Congress. __ ca's most bepu’ltfur. but ruggOd j)nd ,, IVnalmigtim,'July 2 tg*-- Inade­ Just back from an l-day covery, from his June 9 -operation. ant measure hk stlrheJ today. E| -In .the tM>rst 48-hotif period on President XnttfriTeavasT^y- plpn# ihwcressible areax. quate rygiilacion‘'of. the Nktion'a rise to supreme ppWer. It said, the | toW newsmen todayday tho ’ In-a change of plans; however, "c^ce ^ n n e c tic u t Kighwa.vs .in many ’ for Manila and ,m ajor adhiresa he', jThe-.buttes are a two-day k'he cnmvded airwaj-s causes -g daily drive to "correct h is’error* had lieen I Soviet* have -."a Very fine ai* the Army doctor w'ho .pipiformed over Congress' action Jrfll’O'ling Sl montha, aeven peraona'ilied in traf.' - will make ther#, Jl(ly 4 .. .'Ijluards over perilousrilotis terrain from. Ilhe average of" four "near-collisions" ' ky , tt’fHKtJ force." Twining sidestepped the operation did __-no(“_____ return____ to Artliyj.p'ngtnter p-(':oje«s .which b fic accid ;nt# betweei)>‘8aturda'Y and : filing, shotguni cOt short-'iiot at nearest road. The only ' w;a; to '‘aiiipng airliners, a special govern- f ----- leadfis; I^atUcked "sian-1 , neW'B confereace ' question as .to Washington originally an- -' h/j^ ndt teepnimendF^.. .7 a.m. touay.; ./ ■: 1 Indiana reformaton’' but not be- Ti^ch thefie masisesirtasises orof mj-iafm eiaf ., -.fijag wag-' menit advisbi^'. gfbup '.said early deroua -asaertion*7------in ---- -the West.------J the relatlve.atrengthoftheUi.fi. nounced but doetdod to stay at-the Eisenhowat sgid ini.|a stat.ement Two of the accidents killed^'two fore . eight prisoneis and twm m'ents and torn bodies sooner is by this year. ,V- / ■ ' that.fitalln'ridlctatiorahip had beeni mid Sov)ei lilr anns hut s a id fa,rm ,a few more days, that tbesjies(i pirojjsotaprojjsotg v(i'!vtl'i cqst'cqst the ' persona each. /~ 'j^atda w-erp, wounded and the iijt hFlieopterr^"-——— Tlie .finding pointed up Ratur- made , lible by the undemoci-atlft,i^t_ ‘not oueprloed" by what ' 'Hflileriy akid...lKU) aoelslon by governme:nent i l \ t billioil n^reTtlian "TPao .-aervlcpAien suffered fatal ctitutipn'a -mesa ' halli badly Ospt'."' James.' Woms*k7~a'''heli-^ aky's; dual tragidy. in .fligbt o»er" -hat-ur of the Soviet system apsD jmw, Maj. Leonard D; Heaton, did noit the fedssral b'ldtot callsi for. injuries th is/lo rn ln g in Brookl>-n. copter pilot.who![flew- ffoT'be o r grash' A.riz'ona ■ the ,.jyrB)-king- -of.': J.\vo clalmejd ■’'**•" Soviet society is basically reflect any chahge-;ip Dl# Presl- said this would’^haverl a Aserioils" just west e^DsnicIron, when their ' New'.York,:lle*ald Tribjune aa.vs acep^ yesterday with two other 'grRnf-:'«iTlfnera.;igno loss of '1285g-'.tTmeiiatofei((.-;-despi);en Stahl)'# . in- CBBTEUEA IN HOBPITAt denl'a rondilion. ’lagerly, a. it the effect on futrie'cbnn.'iitmenta of cars colliMd; In another accident miaaing Colunibia- University lec­ men, had:‘this' comment on .the lives. , ' - ■ •“ ' fliiencei--'.'' ■' R . I .. Washingtan. duly S Oafi»".. only rtoion for It w ai.^at Heiton the goVern.mfent, \ thli moUling a jriick driver was turer Jesus De GalLidez has ralood- plan to renJove bodies from the If ll--_W8:r (he woiwt disaster ii),!■- Anylactloir againaFfithlih' during gretwnaa : Afiiert W. (plotoltoe. interrupted a- vacation . to take Hsigelrty said the. doctors taiJ enushe^to dfsth in Unior.. ' .more than $1 railUon (p r. Spanish aread ■ *comniercial avigtion histor’l'.. - ;,hkkli‘etiins -"would not have been repnaaBtaHyo tram -tha MfipA' oar# or thd .^« 4iid«lfi‘ am) iip| .him the President Ireported IWjT Twordrpwiilngs. one- in Hamden Ba;^ue government In' exile . . . There'# not a hell, -dir a 'lo t The goxeiTiment already has em- 'pi^erstood "by the' pedpi*,'”/ the d lat^ , haa heed adnaitted w'OJrta t()](p#t Iff somk golAawrolher frfdi'pliig. he is ."feallng stronger' ind/one - In' Slai iford.' gaye-, tHe Cfincili, worker is In eeribue con­ i^pwnThtire-that.anyone;# going !»■ rk-ed ori'k.,'f|iyej yeai- prograhi to geshlution said. It continued: Iho Naval HoapilaL a t recreation b«tfital in* Ripglihg'.' %r^jd, Bamuni'Balleyj-braah ” ------— were a-'-fantasUo aeiiea* of elaar^ anVoaa who wouM h»T| .(^tUiM d ja 'Pago Tifc) .(OaBttunad aa P a to Four) i • '*Bjg.Top-'* ' ^ c^cidancggi .(GeaHaiwi) mi .*ace F)m)’ ' EMtea h|) otaiaaC- N 'f. ./'■■ V-. r .- . V

•V ' ‘ S r ■ ' t vVr'. i\. /* -/ / ■ A : r- r i f l B T W O MANCUESTEA EV ^lNG HERALt). M A N C ^T ^dO N M , MOND;^ .JV LT^, 19s/ ■' :__...... ^__ ', , j , „: - "" ...i^* .-.III II... ■—. i^,.-,i..^'i-»iii ...... ,.';>,^«.‘.^ .-\i'-' ■,'.i X .i.'V - III if . y ' . ■ X N' SlANCHfcSTER EVEKING HERALt), M A N ck^TER, COf?N« MONDAY, JULY 2. PAGE and nomination of op tor a 8-year, . n^stHk* contract Rock ^ l e Bc«ri,' held July 16. which they, said woul(P mainta.ln /JIf, c ‘ V ' M o - A < .y ' AHde E. Mahr ' stability in Ihe industry. Later the Cotigftlry, H e h r o n <5-^'’’ \ ierdrsarvices will be held to- Sillf T o w h companies offered a pact to' run EASTWOOD ------‘‘M.y X" , - jw attSilSa.m,', for-the widow four years and four month* but W e^ d clin g s titr Oppose Keene'^ a I^(iholas:dvMahr, Mrs. Alice E. with a proportionate reduction In BiehaeJ kattoa' vieter J»rr- Tov^lPaxes Due, rreJ. gfarck Patr6i warns Jahr;..7.i, pf'R*)fan Rd., who died ByEARLYOS'P benefits. .) * ■rs.; DistrictSem last night at City'Stospltai after a ■ The union, ac'iniatoriied ■ tO . b i^ a n d c r ,uru8-Thompson- M&fjFiiCe Hours Set long liyiess. ' Nv 2-year contract, rejected both pro­ ■ / ''' Smiling Wervdall Jhcbba of 62»,jrhsm Biyb here-Jupe 26, 1883,'she .was' ailvetr stars; 35 years. posals, Saying It did not want 'to ,.x H j^ q n , July 2-/Special I —rMrs. ■ y rt High St. ia picttired-displaying tha onABbld star; 40 years, two gold x ^ a n f is h " * RockvUl*. Jiily 1 (Special)—U . b^ei.. o r g i^ e d under A j^ tic v t the .Ilcibi State Sen. Rbbert^i.. I scJjedjefed for the L^giopr court on of th^ Ladies 'Auxilihty. A 'publicX^the nation's '.three Jrfggest l;U-4:M-lkiM Keenay. Somersvllle, wlU be op-’ W>t St. (Captains/are Urry Order 'of..Hibernians, and * worn by all regular apd suM Among the carriers, Carroll Mc- ' larried the ball ■ Joiv*be..'l'**lc .warned by Coventry Safely Patrol home on the Hebron-Bolton - road, long,-but 'X. officiala, that laws regarding -the poaad by Democrat Rep, Roscoe P. Ustemba. Robert *BefTKer,\ Daniel ter 'member of the Rockville carriera apeiCial- ih' me-'^uiro of 381, Summit SL 1# a 34- .determined sbsel companies In the^j^oliaiiona,^ Taxes- were- d)ie '';^*lerday, the TUbpt, Andover for tha,35tb Die< Walker, . Edward/ Bfltnw ,and .Hospital Auxiliary. chAnics a'nd gmrage^eh'-'before yeSr man; Evan. Nyquist o^ 40 to win a g ’eeinent. Wed.: "The Man Who Knew operation of either an inboard 'Or Cdnk(ats of nine OtMc major steel Too Mnch” deadline being Aug. L trtct-aeat. I.Charlea Prelle.Jp, ' ,Besides Mr husband, she leaves ’April 1, 1957. T he;tfou8ers and (2lhurch St., 24 years; and Frank At eqe str6ki-,, walkout-at flrnuSwatchdi(/^osVly and gave 'r- outboard motorboaj.. on Lake Keeney waa renominated^satur- Basketb^ ReglstnUloh,. tjiue sons, David and 'John F. of cap are light -blue with maroon Avignone of 118 N. Elm St., and hUdnighi Sliturday ent^qff 90' per Wangumbaug will be" strictly *n- ;She will also be at/-the Town advice. '.to ^ d this summer. ■ Clerk's office for the same purpose day ^ot a second term aa^epubll- Rcgiatratipn of teams interested this xCltV,'^ahd Frederick P. of pipmg down'the aide of the trou­ Jbaeph Twaronite of'84 Spruce SL, cent; of the naOon'a prod^tidn of ' As -^as the strike started, e?ut MJidldate for thy/State Sen­ in pldylng,*ln an outdooi; basket­ South/ Windsor: two^ . daughters, sers and a maroon band on -.the 20 years each; steel,Xnied In practlc'nllj^jevery • X l^ lsw enforcing body spokes-. on the following date*' July. 3 and. cap. Dat)t blue shirts complete the nnanufacturlng process. ■ McDoitald’s 840,000--a-'year salary J, ' mah..Mid anyone, who operates a , 31 from 10 lO 12 r.oon; and 1 to 3- ate from the SSth'PfatrictV Talbot ball Ieagp^e At Henry Park' Will be Mrs. Alice Blaijchfleld'pf Manches­ stopped. So did the pay of the haa the andorsejnent of. the Tdl- Wld at' 8 o'clock tomorrow and ter and M'rs. Beatrice Cobdfich of ■ Two new.doct-^ra now practicing ^ 1 invento'rles, ^ c e p t i " ' f boat M the laK-1^ IndustriesL^?''*. directbrs, Inter- ner is subject to a 8L0« fine or-a ' from, 9 l.m . to noon. land'^untyjXniocratlc Aalpi. He Thursday in lha City Coiin'cil Weat Hartford; a aiater. Mrs^ in Manchester are Dr. Darff War­ n^tlnnel representatives «ndnd other ren,’ M.D.,. w-ho la associated With- ■rwhere critical shbrt'age.s may de­ has MPyed^Nieverai term s ih the room, .Alderman' John Gill, chair- Cbarles Gairns of SpringfleWr employes. • . .‘x \ •■ 30-day. Jail .sentence, dr both, i ' Those who do illot pay on”or be^ General/Maenibfy as. reprcsenta- .majB'.df the Recreation Board, .has Mass; ■ three brothers. Charted, Dr. Harold Lehmua, 14.0., in tM velop soon, wore in good Shape for ^1 b o ^ opera ;’ng on the lake j fore Aug, 1..will be,charged Inter­ Francis and Thomaa Dailey,, all'of practice of Internal medicine the shiitdqw^. But a piol6n;agc could alter the'pic­ . mtiat be equipped with tights. Vlp-^ ment. 1 . atrike>enwx ■ register; CIU uid, but teem, num- The. funeral will be held from ko Who is now associated ^ th Dr. ture radically, hitting at the auto­ , lation of this rule can result in Xase* qv 1 840 m ajrbe p%ld Jft A t% aturday'a GOP convenMOT, .agara should be present to indicate the Burke Funeral Home tonwf,- Robert Keeney Jr,, 3 a 1 0 . a t 29 mobile, home aplitnce 'and other, lMnri:39»» UT 426 fine according to (he Si The port of Bbr4c*un is 6(Vmllea mat. • IA1W9AT • • rjL- tWo installments. .,ohe ha(f lluring ,te Cenfeal CommittiSsVbJPiP'' their plans. Those .eligible to play Tow, ' with a Solanihr Requiem Hayne-s St. Dr. Demko will Join in fabricating, industries, and at the .jtoi* July and oiic half In January. Julia. A. Keeney. Sometsvllie, Mass at 9 a.ni, at St^lBernard's Ihe general'practice of jnedlclne. -'coal indiirtiy- - after thikxehrrent from the sea. ./ .. Boat owner* must rejsld^ their/ must-.be'at le'aat 16 years of age. /' "TFaxe's of 840 .dr less' must be paid [ m adnl^ency’s nominating speech. Edward M, Rosmaj;ln, a ■ 'member ehurch and burial in St/Bernard’s Dr. Lehmua’ office' effective lo^^, miners' vacation neXJ, Ijqndsi)/ craft* with the To\vp/cl'«-k aqd 1 In onain-''taH) Vent.. State' ^ p . Margaret Strekas. of th» faculty at Vernon Elemen-. Cemetery. .Jrrtends may call h t the will -be located at 9 W. bU?Se Among the first to 'feei/Hie •palm r’eglstratlDnXnunribcrs//fct l,-and Transfers , - Sotnera, dnade tbd :jeconding funeral home today froSn 2 to 5 and 'l^'pke. ;■. . The ottice of Dr^^'JoiKpli effects were the'' railroads, , which topy School, wllV head the league. •leasl six inchft high on the,boat. '- ‘■• Among rest estote sales, apeech.' '• / Wine $tM Grant 7 to 8 p.m. ^gal .will M' closed ^ring the derive.^ a .big part o /th e ir freight '. Mrs./Dour Name'll . X .\Kddiiey repfs^nted WaJtotvii month of J /ly ... . • ( l ^ e ld WTitti hanlin'g trom the 'steo) industry'. recorded at jth«''''ffown Clerk's ofr tot, it term In^iflie Jlouiw Jbefore A PatHcia’ Ann HlUer».daughter of Deliveries of .dnished stee] and * Mr*. Geofga H. Cour has been ■ffua-are: Mr. aha a^wr-RuMey James Hiller, All Talcottville and Vernon hew* che^^f 3tD Garden hai formed elected secretary of - the - Nath. i ,X - beiiig'. elected to the -Senate in items tLTf now being hnndled' raw mtaeriala have been halted. Mi**' lEthgi- i.fabel. Tham ^qn. A hpU.se and other boUding* on ‘28,Tolland>Ave.. has'been granted a ne\v-/eal estate and insurance Male (36mnumity Center, replacing daughtei''"'bY Mrs. Caroline*- S. JM O v. , . 1': ■ throngb .TM Manchester Evening age-nc/N^th Kenneth Sprlng'of However, no layoffs werjj- re­ BurSCHill Rd.. from Mi-, ahd Mr*. In AocepUng the nomlnaiionr be a IlSO yduth leadership a^ a rd by Hemld-TtockTllle Bureau, located ported Immediately by the Mrs/. Robert * 1 .. Helms 'U-ho re- ■nwimpson, 175 .Vernon S L X and Ekirl Whitcomb to Ormond E; the Lutheran Brotherhood, frater-' , , _. Glutonbuiy. Whilcher Is a grad­ .. ;#igijed.':- ■ ”■;’ line late Thomas .Thompson. Xj'a* paid ,tribute to Presndeht Eieen- at 7 . H'i Main S t, telephone uate of MaiKhejter High School roads as a result of the strikbl - Bairowa, of Milford; a building-lot' -y hbvvet and Vice PreaideiU Nixon; na^'life'insurance socletyat-btinne- g.^isA ^ The steel industry stands to. lake MOW Taai; Tout. p e e le d ’to .the exectitire .Imari) married' Saturday to C h a r legi in East- St.. Gilead, frqm Alice r- ■ ' ■ and a formeiX^rsity 'Bcsketball "ronRiGN iNxaictK" / POOemS <1 HAMMIPSWN the associat'ion'in additioh to Mr*' T. 'Larus. son of Mr. and Mrs. jbhn -A and ^ his.J!^ow candidates.'Sen. 9^U s. - A player. He has Men engaged in SOme^, two/mi|lloh tons of steel Plsi FsniM. ./ Jewell to Melvin Eagleso'nxof' Man- All youi^Holiday food ne^s^^fk wiiHn^ itt B u ^ Congressman Hor- H er scholarship i's' among 73 ' / / -— , ■ wekly on the basis of a 90 per ‘■rntl.'Uk ACAINHT JOK'V ■ Cour were M.M..,r.»ciiiird Grohhack, R. Larus, 6-7 Wyndwood Rq.-.'West Chester;; lot atat.Amaton A Lake from awards totaling 410,960 Offered b y i;i-| real estate work fdr, the past five Speclal Dojilt The K in^ tinrf ? Mr*. ,.MarJph“ (iregofy. Mrs; Ken­ H artford; 11 Sealy-Btbnm and Congfta** years . .'. Joseph Wasnock of 15 cent shutdown, -which comes to Adeline Kenyon to Fr^eriik r-at-larga Antoni N. Sadlalt the Jucotherhbdd this year. Xll 'thm l l r |A something to . like 82.5(1 million At neth-Tedfordartd-l-:*,';. D>Hliey Fer-. The ceremony was performed in Wythe of Burrows , Hill, Hebron; '.ei er.’ A Forest St. will .eave shortly to ' ...gubon. ■ . - the Chapel of Emanuel Lutheran for you at your First watiohal Store at The conventlonxwaa-opened by wlnneca afa-high school gradoa'lc. take up permanent residencj in the '.current compoette price off two lot* and buildings at- Anrston StdbrCentral Oomndtteeman John and.- plan- to enter Lutheran col- 8130 a toh. Paper Cblljtotlatl. Chhrcluat 2 p.m. by the pa.stor, the Lake fron\D. C. Sorber to Berna­ Florida. Joe retired last week from" The North (tovenlry voluritee:- Rev;'C. ■ Henrj'. Anderson. In the H. Stafford 'Springs, with / ' 2 1 the Siin til Oo. . . . Starting \rtth Average hourly etirnings (In­ dette Zwahtoiii;/*nd oh Amaton f » the usual First Nati^al low"savin$-p^ Clayton JXIteed, Tolland, electod Tha award tp MlsS Hiller waa cluding overtime) -steel workers Wud.fhiO. •»«. l«.-|a6R*9« • .Fire Department will ‘ have'ia pa­ presence of the immediate- fam^ Rd., from 8Lr. and Mrs. Charles the week of July 1. the main office W pta per, rags and magazine collection ilies, Mra. Darrell E. Morrlseite, chalrfnan. ahd Mrs. Dorothy ,MilA baaed on her outatandinghchleve- of the Manchester Trust Cto. at ha dbeen 12.46, which means a to­ Schmid of Amaton. to J. P. Mprri: L4.:4JJsi Jer, Bo)tOin,*nMo«t^. V •' ment in acholaatir, lead^ahtp and (Conttooed' from Pngn-Ona) tal weekly vvage loss, of nearly 865 -,--JuU' 11 at 6:.30'.p.)ii. , 167 Vernon St., sister of the bride, ,.i*pn of East Hartford. ,, bat , j 893 Main St. bnd the North Branch ’ned bundle.* .shauld be left in Xa-s matron'of ,hofior, and/John TO • Tandar l,aan, Sugar Curad A oommittea oix'Mueiuiclw Waa roiip functiona.-^' at 15 N, Main Si. will be closed on' million. ■ _____;■' ■ ■ V Cpl. Ncirman W. ^ r k e ; son of the way Eiaenhower looks and ^ ch : blamed the other tor 7 : clear view of (be highwa.v if possi­ Kenrtey of Ha-rt’tord was bbsl man. Mqnehester Evening H erald' w u mu named, comprising' Gbedwln Ja- Saturdays for the fnonths-of July aa ( M 108 w % ble Anyone ha\‘i(ig 4ato^ quaitti- , The; bride ia Employed by the cobaoa, Coventfy-, Mul)^?.^ blrt; r. and M ratJolut^rke, 8 Strong acta..He added; August and SOpt. 1. Saturday the collapse of negotiations and . » . , -i' 1 ‘ *” ^ X' jC . • " ■ ♦’ gJxDrilllilrbrnn a*0rorrespondent. Miss Snsan B u n x t B / SHANK LB Clemena J..'Rau. KUltigton.'^'f^ ye., Rockvule. jConn.,. recently ‘‘Hekia-eagerly looking toward the resultant strike.': - tle^ to be picked up At A Rpot o th er; Benjanrun and /Connor Insiicance j p|s||(||^|0p bne, Academy morning bankhlg wilfAe resumed to*" one'in view of/the highway [ Agency, ttai^^rd. She is a grqd-- PORTION / FORTWN Jamea Bertrand, Union. , ■' / iplet.ed a 2 4 ^ y aeries of field one of these-days to using thb put­ On Sept. 8. — . Length of contract appeared to flAllTrORO MANSFIELD 8-8454. Fbllowlng the convention, dele- 'tiXining tests yntfi tihe' loth In- be the- principal” atumbling block DRIWE-IN/M'//-,’ yMmUmm V * MNBUMMnr*# /shmild call A. Hafry W, Ol.sen Sr., i uate of .Bumettq/College.- Boston, gatee were gUea'ta of Senator Kee­ faiyry Division In Germany. ting green (on hla la’wn.)” ..r^X- to'a settlement. TAm. --,, ' .pff-'Yale Uhtvtosity, la a partner in ney at a luncheon at the Keeney Squa4 Uader in Cp.. H of the ha* a fe\V -portable TV seta for /The union—which never public­ “ M ohaw k” dtviiion'a /8 5 th Regiment, Cpl. around his estate before and ly put a pried tag on-Us detpands “ N ig h t- The Tri-Coutity -Babe \R urh.[ the firm, of Futna-m-and Co„ , In­ farm cdttsige at Somersville. ter meeting with chief aide Sher­ rent. Patients desiring to rent a /GENERAL ■ and '■ Burke eiumred- the Army iaat May.. :-^balked at an -induatry dffer’.of a -Dfian Miartin-Jerrjv Lewis l« TackmIraUr itiare’' League' gamea schedtiled fot- th^.‘ 't’eatment bankers. fEmployiNent Office Honrs man ^dams and other ^aaaiatanta set during - their hospitalization contract 'tor-four yeara,.jLnd touy.j second round are as follows; To­ The couple' will' live at 107 Because of the Four;' of July He'comleted Male training at period may 'rei^est pne with the „ / in --v'-.>-As.A.x T U R K E Y S ' V- ■"■?"■" Fort fuley, Kan.i'’.Mid arrived In in hls-ground floor den.^X months. ' morrow,-Columbl* at Andover abd Looroia Dr., West Hartford. T V SERVICE 2S& EAST CENTER ST.^ ; holiday Wednesday, the Connecti­ Indications were that the Presi­ nurse in charge,,Mrs. Alice Fagan Mknageihent computqd-lts offer "jtpIPiNG JACKS" ^ • TOMO^OW • Dyer teapi V'x.-American ;'Te;gion: X HEN TURKlYS EVISCERATED - Plump *nat Coliinibla Night* wA*9 3 Plus Parts vhfCh regularly holds office hours spend a quiet Fourth of. July week retary in the Public. Health / 8nd' BIG HIT and Andover «t Coventry; of:'books we'reima'de available to r MANCHESTER dti* Wednesdays at . the Elke .Chu-- o^tho local High School..' Nursing Office. She succeeds. Mi s.s hourly! package IncretM of l7 2/3 Rob Rapfi circtllatlon at the school, r '/ -' TEL. Ml 8-SI94 1954, GENUINt SPRING tAMI . WEIL; TRIMMED ; S)>*nld«( - 4-6 lb avg here. NoiappOintments are on, Uie cents the firiH. year. "BOTANY BAY" Also, July 8, Columbia at Leba- riage House, will be. here tompfh The-third rouqd Will' begin ,bn OuJc|r Roast 3 1 c Chopped Beef ' Volley ,BaU League Set be dlacuned. This Is the last meet­ r Rqaaia. IVining is due back the versity Ttochersi fCollege last inninG aT ' Jul-jr 19...... ' A/ i .Manrheate/vEt enlng' HefaJil Cov- A g-team volley hall ^ague has ing of the Post before the annual monthl'-'; South ■ Manchester- Fire "Twiakle In (tod's Eye" Pook, Borrowers Reniinde/ 1 co]to»P"ndeh(. Mrs. ^ L. T uesday. JuW end o fth la .week. , . Mull* That Interpret Tha Yeaterday wa* the Eisenhowv'a Weodall Jacobs' Cbifif W. Clifford le sso n a.ttended MANC41ESTER ' CHILDREN II school-pupils or the RbbeRdbert- ?-«*SL thfr Fire CSiiefs cinventlon_receht- 1 - “ R U N N IN G W ishe.s O f TTie P ainily ALL STORIS WILL •• CLPJID 40th wedding^knnfteraary. They uniform. Most carriers ^avc a 1 ^dr^v Ijfiji’st r i'rlf<* >U<(J U'*l imiiX^rhnol—havtrsg librarip”l)ook* ' — --7/ -— ^ Observed It by . cutting - a . cake ly at Went' wirth-by-th/Sea, N. are asked to return them to the VYR ^WIDIWPAY^JULIM* J^essid Ham lb^DSc Knockwurst ' LB 4 9 « which already had been cittr" in pony express Insigna On the left H. His wife, Martha,' a, registered BOL-rON U c r c n ^ / ■ • / * -^ '■ ■ shoulder. Tbe ,ppat office allows Its nuise'in pediatric* at' the local school. XDi"'*"ff t*"^' -pa-st .school F H A B IIIV ^ Jimit B. BURKE X FINAST -~Sii'inl*u ' FINASt: Large er^Smtil Scien^ ShHnlb Piles/I honor of their - weekend - houae^ / year, with Oif aid of Mr.s Wilfiam ► rifC O n uH nilY d Frankfurts LB 4 5 e l i 4 3 « employes wrho must , wear uniforms hospital, made, the trip to New FUNESAL HOME -X' guests, Maj. Gen. and-Mra Leon­ $1<)0 a year. The badge Is the "'■ 'rhlllips, libraVian at the L Wbltomn, ScHmfft. P. 4 8. 4 ard D. Heaton, ivhb were rnarried Hampshire with' her ■ hivbbnd,.. LAST OAV property of the post o/fice... Additions to the hospital staff In­ deaa HlmmnNf TEL, Ml 8^66^ l^eVWfiy Without Sytrgery 10 yeafa after the Eisenhowers. Stars are given to.employes to .aru.o(r.- thelcXson, Edward Jr, Mr; and Mrs, Harold Krauga and daughter* a n a s Fdi^mer Residents Nancy and Linda, Mr. and Mrs, /*AtKXAKDRB TMB GBRAT.'* BEST HOLIDAY FOOD BUYS! <'inpniii8ra»e-^R;i5 \ / Raymond Le'mnah and daughter fflai ■■.MANriSH” Ii-.IS-I*:i4 RNAST Creamy 'Smooth I Not^ Anniversary Bonnie, Baltimore, Md.;' and Mr. Wed.. W'bo Kacil' To* Mack** U 0 U 0 A \ and Jdri. Wakeman and' childrer TOMORROW OLLIE'S Mr. and Mrs. David. B. Krauss of David', Kenneth, Cynthia, Gi SToay B A K eR ) Springfield, ikliii., formerly of Douglas I and Lawrence'of MoAtclAlr. X Manchester, celebrated ' their n l l i s r JAPANE-SE - Solid Pack in'lrih* / ' Other guests were MfyAnd Mrs Golden .'Wedding Anjiversary Sun-, -CFh A U T O B O D Y day. June 24, with a. family Max .Kasulki, Leo Kadulkl, Mr*. 6-OZ /eunion at the home, of their John Kasulki, Mr; /And Mrs. IN m to ELECTRONICS CANS Si WELOINGrAUTO lODY and FENDER REPAIRS NOW Mat. % P.M. W hite Tiiiicf daughter and aqn-in-Iaw, Mr. and C!harles WlDce. M t/aqd Mra,^ Fred Kvek. Cont. '•'"ie Ssndwichi,'-. Mrs. Robert .Wakeman of Upper Wilke and daughter' Betty from Ends LABORATORIES ’ c o MF l e t e C a r p a i n t i n g . x Front.-6:48 BAY STATE . Lsrg*; Whole • ^ Montclair, N. Jv - Manchester 'and her fiance, Rich­ T U K . N ITE All of their childrah and 11- ard Normesult, Mr. and Mra. jiftsdr ^ UC9UER AND ENAMEL 6 aa k (BApi 277 BROAD ghindchUdren were, present except David, ShSTori and Warren, from THTsTOirjPF TM Roa Dill Pickles / »»6 6 a i. Jack Oulmet 6f $prlngfleld. who la Cpventr AM MU AfMMTtOm t GRISWOLD ST. ^ ^ TEL. Ml 9*5025 RADIO T 1 I E V I S I 0 M :;x /'■Xt' serving with the A it Force lo.Ykig- Mr/iind Mrs. Krauss.were mar’- FINAST - Smoolhy O f Ciunchy,_^ »*»aaA lanrf. They are Mr. -, and ' Mrs. ried-X-June, 2>; 1906 in Zion U e / 8 Lutheran (jhurch. KrauSS 'worked C3uuu«l S N«w ■**«■, Case. S:M.( SailLBOWABD BABLOW OtL •ran* Nut »a c h 3 5 j . /tor the Albert 'Steiger Co. in CbaaacI IS Haitfara. Cass. CBkSTBA; Gaet): Eases* (;ka«s*l n anrlnztleM, Man, . Peanut Butter Springfield until, his retirement CkaanStR* Aritsla. Oa*. ('•■t*r. B««e.. RaaapI*'* -^■ClAt last July. They are staying with rSnasrl SS .^l•rb•rr, e*n>. BRCXJKSIDE - Natural Sliesd . BAY STATE - PickI** . " - ' j We could not accommodate everyme last Decoratit^ their daughter In'/New Jersey for CSsaiMl H R*lr*k*' Ifan. i:*S ( SVCBABLsiK FABBELL *ROW a tow weeks. , «tl) SCIMfCE riCTION THEA- I)ay oh our garage special, so we are ettending Holiday Eve. Midnite Show J OZ PKG. ' 'to , *:M ( S) mCKRt KdC8E CtO* ttl-M> -THE MEDIC — -BUeh Cheese Sweet Mixed . 29< Igypt plana a. new high dam Tomorrow (Tueaday) «tS) rUPTY t n s CUHTN rrMa^^^(_Bee**l) ‘ special for the whole month of July, making W vi BIG on the Nils which la expected to Separate front Regular OOT (PEST (la . m / ,,, .)• (rtitWKATHEB AND Mt'SIC AutaoiAtla HaBtlag SpaclAlIsta Pur* L#mon Jui?* sv'lh Sugst (Inii Grapa Juit* Added > .'; 5 YEARS TO PAY (Ml INDl'RTRV ON PARADE Main SL -e-teL M l-9-llM ^ -^: AT ALL or OUB 1:1* (IS) rOMMSlRCIAI. SHOW (M> r'F.ws o r tbs: bocb 1st PAYMENT NOV. (H) ,WEATBBBCA8T - *:M ( I) SAN FBANriSrO BBiWP 6-OZ CANS ,f (U-UI vir UAMUNE . RLUMS T:U (I*-SSt .NEWR:;.lWal(rr Craskllr „m> VSlsniBHAT’S NEW8BEEL (St-M> BOBEBT MUNIOOMEBY T (M) JOHN DALY AND TBE PBKHENTH; Sssainrr TSra- JUMftO • Rip* and Sw**l CALIFORNIA • Juicy Rjp* f O 'U R : - - : m NEWS : Irr—"Orram Na Mnrr'* , Strawbefrrtes 16-01 pKf 39c a/'*''.; . $0-25 ’ Luneli Date Tuesiay 1*:** ( l-M> STUDIO ONE 1 ■Ss.-tr?''- > —Saibmer Theater — **Thr 10-02 OF f Ic ES and GARAGE DISPLAYS j A s M tH t A s p o r w M k Here’* news that mean* - . M ^ . EACH ' Bustoessmea^k luncheons .'t ' [Lark *f L*k« NrTrizser” sea u* ftiau t aatllna 'blue *aal' 2 PKGs 43c Cantaloupes 19< Seedless Gra N ic h o ls (» ).HIGHWAY PATROL cold ciph for your household Broccoli deaerva land get) our specUl . M:M (I*) RKPORTF.R-S ROUNDUP J, a^tha biNtfat Rian. •« lQ-0 2' ^ ^ FLORIDA - Sw**i and Juicy - ^ .. —/California • Larg* Sjz* ' ‘ nttrarion. Try our Moflchcstcjr TIRE• Inc. (It) MAN CALLER X biidget. Now, and for a limited time, you . Diva*'you 4 advantaf'eii X PKGS 3 3 c ** ^-STAve'“BM^en"B«^^^^ ' 'We Obtain and Pay for Building; PermUs KIDDIE T O M O R R O W ^ (»»fCBCNCH AND DPA Cut Corn U:*A( il NEWS BEPOBTEB - * can buy famlotis 'blue coal’ and save dollars on 10-02 sftBBAG 59 - , , ton S t« e u . 'Phone.- CHesinHJ-^8^316; \ 12-Y E A R G U A R A N T E E |' V SHOW AT 2 KM.1 ^ (IH-M) NEWS 1^ Ybu get a big special dis­ Baby Umu Beans 2 PKGS 4 3 C c Peaches* TUBELESS TIRE (rt) FINAL EDITION . i, every ton. It’s Spring Sale time for ‘blue coar. count by ordering now. -, *• FalrfleM County-: (n w'eaport, on the GRILLED I (Ml PLAYHOUSE OF STABS ■Ml (Ull'NIOHTCAP EDITION Famous ‘blue c(ral’ bums clean and hot with.a YOU’U . ENJOT HEADQUARTERS 11:*6 (SI) kpoBTS BOUNDCP Z. Yqu.n)s1(e only n small " C A p tt^ % 242*^ *'^*'^'^** *^*"** ***’°”^ — Today for Kt'ee Catalog I FRANKFURTS (M) (TONNJumeUT BEPOBY steady flame—gives more heat for your money . Tt’ii -, • : down psyment-tailoreif HPilDAY DESSERT SUCCiSTION HOLIDAY BEVERASExVALUE^i. CLEAR^ANCl SALEI "CHALLENGE THE WILD" ' (M) PBEViEWH ' l ”!' • - 'WITH Store'wd Plant 285 Broad 8L 11:1* I El AH) WEATBEB the finert hqrd coal m ihed-so ali-6ritd go(^ .p -lo-your budget. * •. ■Wallingford-North Haven: In NoHh: \ " " ~ ” " “ - - — - “ POTATO SALAD tECUViCeuxA. . ' / FINAST - jHavto, Washington Ave.. In the viclnltv - • with -'r-Ty. 11:11 i I) LK8 PAUL- A MABY POBD 4. Many months to.pay Iho. ' OLD HUNDRED "•O ^ GBNTLE.MEN: Without obligatitin LETTL’CB--TOMATO X t e l ; m i 3 * 5 1 7 9 CIS) THE BIO SBOW H'i tinted blue! ‘ , batanCe..Vou have a futitre of Pratt-'W hltney and the UFUe Red (tl) obcreStba Bhoe. Phone; GHestnut 8-6311. O Please mail your FrejiS'Garage Booklet (Si) WEATBEBVANE . ^ ' supply Pf ‘blue coal*.in JO. GRAHAM n nd ----- , 7:t* (M) SPORT8 V • il:M ( *).NrrECAP TBEATEB - your bssemeni—at losvett .. - 4 ALUMtiliuRl CHAIR •>■ Hairttori-New BHtaln: In Naw'ingtdn on ' . - ". ■ '..X. ■ ^ i*' - HE BLACKTAIL FAWX 1:» (N> WEATUEBViiMB I. .'•■Nlfkl Trsla U M*m*kl»" ■ prices., •' ' amCERiAlE -, .Uia Hartfoixt-Nfto'liaven’ Turnpike No. 1:M ( *).TMIB IS YODB WOBLD (A*) UPE WITH EUXABETB ICE j P A L I DRY W GULDEN M ^a from ALCOA Akitninum i . N A .aaeale • ea>»'«8 a e. e ease (IS) TEBBY AND TBE PBIATES 11-J* (tt-S*l TONIGHT—Jarh Parr 4. Ther*'* no red tsper-cuy — IHtr-aeaff, tha 'Chtnase Hitching'’ Post — ALSO — ^ !:*• : f> ffBWS CREAMY RICH 'ALL POPULAR' FLAVORS ■ ^ . ■ ■' ^ («-8>) GOBOQN MAG BAE at ABC! ' > V —>v, , - Strong and -Sturdy ■ ' Baatauranli and opp Variety Homes; (U) IWIMGHT THKATEB 228-OZ 8 -O Z BTLBTtSs I ^ D B e TRUJ^LIFE ADVENTURB^.^ —t‘‘IS* Rl* Jam*" Nasrr j ■ - WMSne: Mphawk 6-3366.' ' ^A D D R E ^S • a V a . e li • . • • ' -V'=- CilitPn ' HI 3 conlenit ohiyohq 'IIb Ab -- . ■ . . -fc " ‘ ■ ' ' ' < . . - • — AND — ■ iU) ANNIE PAfttSr ..a* 1:« («-St) news CABAYAN GUSS '■ 7 ' ■'.7^ Vt G A L PKG EACH. BatardiQ. Sbnday 6 M. C IT Y P H O N ■'8 "d d-Ai. il • • a • 'MIRRURS-^^tlTQ GLASS S:M rs) TY d ig n t ‘ '7*' , ALSO Cols, Crasm, Root B**c, Grip*, 3a99 toB Pf 9L (1SA6) RUBN8 AND ALLBM — WINDOW GLASS — 8-CARTOONS-8 (m THIS IS YOUB UFB lamon & Um*. Limq'^Rickay, Oranga, « .f S Value 7 (M)'FnSNtE EOVAC8 SHOW 1-PT • I Geril*: Frrraal* aad I. A. CO.^ Tom Collins Mix. and Sqftapsulls, MAIN OFFICE 1 O N STAG - 1 — 'S t BI8SEIX ST—Ml »-7S» THE W. & GLENNEY COMPNY ONLY 6 POUNDS 24 U O ltli s e r v ic e : <»*) dALp'bouis'‘oa3ffiu* CH 8-6316 / ’ 334 NpRTH MAIN 5T-. MANCHE5TER» CONI i WE RESERyi THE RKaiil TO'JJMIT.QUANTITIES 7 ' ^ "LU C K Y ME - - i TELEPHONE Ml 9*5253 I t IL S: G AIM ^Sri liie. *1 STORES Locatod .14 Mil* off OAklAad ■M lIMl ptawotl Ave.,. Hansdea, Cuan,, .■ft- FIRST rN A T IO N A L -STOV «AVE ON EVERT C. E OAEA^ ^ ^ J ..I Straot OB bUis|MI iMrapika t - I m I i Hr ture if*t 'U r>ir ■'(V- ■\.- '.V'-r -L. ■ '1/

uriafei : V ' -fl x«.' A ' r - . ' - v“ 'Xx-X., ’■ 'A H 'S ^ A • ••* .■ m .lTi' ■' ■■* •* • . : • ' A -ML ... V.- /

1 : ■'.' , i ' -•■:.- '/ - j t K j - , / • y X ' xX ^ • ' EVENING HERAip, ji^ANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JULY 2, l9SA r A C * f t ) u » MANCHESTER 'EVto^ING- M ANCM 'feS^, -CONN, MONDAY. *jyLV 2 , 1966 X PAGE FIVE ' ' ' ■ ' . T - r -’cT" '';— ^------7 'v ' Scheiidel Gredils Patrolman /^amuel I^altempo «bla opponerila.^ Watsoh’a candi­ ^late Accident Toil j ifeig Xirlmers fVear Qass pf 193M TFaVrl lAingPHt Dinlance foi* Rpunimn operated, {^e radar equipment in Wat$0ti^cnaiiied dacy for . renomjnkitpn by forcea In I 2 rDeadAbpa>di^“^ \A yesteyda;^ triiRlc ehecks. 'They la-^ th(! di(ftrict Who felD/th'. e Wataoi C rashes Eyei^v Campaign M'ith sued » . few Warnings. to ^drivefiT To Fourfk family had too- mucll\.powef.- SeV^n in ’48 Hours Hold Reunion traveling allghtly above tfiSr sp^^ed^ Elpter'a brother Arthur is limit. ^ . W " ' . \ 'X Reducing. Speed ID ik Senate ^Central Committeeman. from Pig# (Continued from Page One)^ Uiorg'a At.' Maronovich. 82. of S6 , NWataon’a name was ^aced Jn Clashed Pmnes ' 'A t the MiUKheater Gountj-y .1 Schwtdefha's said in the past he^. Kenaingloh St., smacked a -pole.; PollcexChief Hermlih.,p. Scliwv/'‘*'lf''>»t pleased when the radar ar c , ------TA-nonl^atlon------Saturday,/by Henrv has approved .ipm e S40 Ax- F O I^ f Club, lU ^ d g yly, i hiemberti ot MHS; Ilctn State Sengtar Elm?r - HinchbUlfe of W e t^ fle id , ,and TWbsjnermen wrris RmM whrli thotr wrt'h W.S car'on Burbank Rd.. in j del. coinntepting today oi> tn’e -us^‘’'**|* lo w .O u r aim Is not to 'f6 the estiipated 1246 h ilii (.Continued from Page^One).' ^ c l a ^ J i ^ 1931 ic«rtr cr*A^!cr*sh«rt-mtOi..^f pole in t ^ Sundays t he .S rtt day of the sea- the Ci-yatal Lake area aoUietime jv sERyiisr . . gathfeMd With thorr* of radar by iicgliere' late j’ester- make arrests, but lo see that ■tsorf ,of Wethersfield will | three dMfgates made aecqitding' Mi>nr *.f»rYw ^)d«y. The pole fell ^the jiro je c t. j son.-when 818 crataa-^are aucr after mldnlg^ Saturday night, ac ■ ^^^Ug^imds andI Wlvea/fp^lve#\to celebratecyieb ■ evening, said he trafllc is rhoving- at a safe spee,(t;*i , reelgcUoij' Fottllh apaches, 0 • A ccording to flig h t. plans.^Uoth . hiisift en ^ T d ln Mon day a^t'eraobn/Stid The robmbe^ of Manchester's aitd JH''* 'to * . foadslde apet'iai e ig h U iii^ 'hdm iuittee cording to Staje Police. Uii 25th anniyeredrj^X'^d\ / r ^ ' I thinks v^nyerrioiN Ribicoff.s cam­ he atated. ' . W " - ist'rict thibv^all pllota were supposed j,o check in^ — ;-f vib..,,— LbpaJ police becam e involved'.fiT delegaUon W re.;’Clifford Varney. a in er.^ ' , ’ •■«, t • / headed " by .V V llU am ;(B arrlW H ard-. Veil'll rtda $ke meinben list- jiialkm. Dpoh >rfWal\ n a m e paign against spee J^0 < X 4 < ]i' C iO llC lU c t.- aom eohe ha^.ieft a badly dam aged In/tki yaUuw P**«* of W y«ur telephone book: m^Rlbriet fo r"0 e!>»P1 '^ p p y greetings .{.... li>ui:tng-,f***'v^n((.a. half houi!s-on. Truckcjt^iried Watson, w'ho’ has already kn altiniate fpr Maf'y'd^ Cran- Martindale; 27 Bridseppft. x -’’ i airplane^'this way; \ \ i oii" Village..' at precliely' the sam e ’ ' car in, the drivew ay of the Acadia. K. Center St. betiveen Walker and three . terms in. the State Sene restaucUnt, Tolland Tpke, gbout a t ’Sprevalledf during the social daliy^ ' , The dinei* wa.i all’ linv dapia^ed. ^ "K ver 'm ore ’ dangeioji.i o o n ^ ttmei 11:31 a.m. . ' Contesls our. V'-/:' ' Brookfield ;St.s.. ; radar checks Id-U nion Cras^ was renominated Saltirda? -at a' .Varney "w:as chairman df. the . An accident in ^drlford Sunday I tloii.i in the a ir O ah be anticipated 2.30 a,pi. / . ,> ■>/ After re.siilted in only one arrest on Diatrict convention, held gl the ' It'la te r wa,j(,.'learn«d that ' tht ' InV eSttgi^lon show ed Jb e ca r he- he'eiaas photograph'vvas pvention’s credentials conilhl.t* afternoon ^tlcd 3-year-old Gre},or,v..^, ' . unlesa iiom e u rgent action 1 . . taken, Wagon Wheel restaurant in Rbcky A NovXll-y R .d < Night. Aon- giy. Hazel Rogefa ..speeding charges. He W-as. o'uV of WaMsa Smith, "he ivna sinick by aQ le after a dance W ^a, weldgmed the^gatherlng on car near ItJa lior ’e. '■ \ leVel'ieaUeiahi.pW tfr the p ro b l^u of flv "l Wl*o fe ^ f^ o v ^ '* " '* * '* theTWadchebler Recrea- His renoMihalion nia)tas. hint the the ^ •’’"'• tlon Department, vclil be held on .behalf, of IDB; reunion’‘eommlttee. of Ilardwlck, Vt.-H? posted a 820 Ufa, Ahne Hoiiaeman. a 20-year- lulnglng our H yiatl \ fai'ilitiea in e n ded .at C r.va ta l La ^e -. H * ***** **** bond apd was released.' Union, ^ July JS^eclaH JSpeciaH A first ■Republican, in Cobnectlcut Manchester playgrounds m otor stopped irui)nt«S”w heri he/ Edw ardK untar pronouncid,,:;dlj« old newl\-«y«d of narlfordp waa '.ifrie w m i .air- .'tra ffic. g ro w th and invocation. ' A; T(lll course pri; .The chief said ,.h^.b6ticed traf­ Manohesler.>, N. . H.. man., w-as 1 history., to f be nominatcd\f<»r a tha atate’a fourth highway victim, Tuesdavvduiy 3. Jeliy Bean ^ c e a , Teached the AeSdla. the prow e.sa-b'eing m ade Ih -pir-* cue ndsalon^ Capt. Byrd Ry land P f. Crab - Races, One* Legged Races. ribeof oeer dlTOer dinner ww-as'Cln fic was rt>pvlng .’;Very w eir and crushed to death In'tlie yah ^ his iijourth term in,thc StatySenkle. ^ h o w aa killed in a two-ran'colll- Craft dev^opm ent. March A FB. Daiif,, said that at He wai tuf^ed oveiytd-the ciia-. tlie 73 cc(uples alben^.. generally sUying/Withl'n the speed The Democrats, hg,ve hbt''’yet ■idrt in Briatol on Saturday. Balloon '.Races and Shoe -Kfck tody-of State Pa'lrplman-Robert truck about 4:30 , this' morning | mentioned - Following tire, report Prdsideot the' tlitfe of tlje crash the thunder- Races are som e of the contests the Toastmaster Johir(7liedlund-kept limit of 35,1b^'!h. in tile area. ,, , , 1 anyone As a possiblibl^ TTte d i^ aip fr victim was 0-year- Eiaenhbwer >M\----- m ed . ^kKi-ard -P. _ Heads rolled as high as 20.000 feet. Hethermah of the Staffoi-d Springr the groim nmtlaed WitA.bia humor The strelct 'ckrnSs a largc volume when it, rammed into the'T'ear of ! canrfidkt*. to run ySgainst Watson child ren w ill be ta k in g part Ip. TTie barracks wfio is stilt inyeatigating old William M.'IlHcmande of Ha.n- C urtis of Rocneater,>"N. Y., its * Disfeusslng thf rrasiriater, Capt. races w ill start abo ut 7:15. fo llow -, and .wdt/AW’ards were won by Mr. oP through traffic. .rN another truck ap^-iarently backing in the 8-town diiktrict, a Republi­ den. \ ' special; as.oistanr^o direct a^lopg the Incident. . -/^s Aiytn C. Scott of HaiTHllon AFB. ing tpe W eekly Picnic. .. // / -kn'd Mrs.. Ffancis Harrington of He said, "f^l^ve noticed ah Im- into a'truck-weighthg station of can stronghold that comprises,, The boya body Avai/ound yester­ riM i» study of' in i nation’s' aVi- Calif., one of -the senlw .search Mo'one was 1'nj.urjed. In the a t-' 51knehester^/®gst Hartford. Marl- The jlrkf 'W ebftiy' b'f''Ib'e t'cl^ni;' S'(^^ aatd. Roe^ GSty FaJSs.'./N, 'V.i fur travel­ proyeut^t In the way,' drivers day in four feet of muddy wa ter in aD dn ' facilttj’ n e e d sX C u rtis... la a officers, called It a •‘one-ih-a-mll- ing Q>e longvt distance to attend. operate here, oVer that' of abftut a the-Wli’jbuf/Cross» '•jfvt.v Highw'a;;,-1 i'.. ■ 1 -Tmi• I'' • i ’ ' .borough.. Rteky HiUf„W,ethcasa*.ld.. a drainagv ditch on a Hawcen con- ice pre.aident of EastR m n Kodak: lion . . one-(n-a-l)illlbn''crash." season will, al.so be held Tuesday **- Mr. ap'd Mrs. purton Pearl, year ago." ’ . / f \yhole fam ily alruetion ail*. The )id4j^ vW found Th e problem s ar1iiing\(iom the Air- Force officers sgree^'lih- The^^irth rate In Italy,,,droprfed-; cou^e married the longest., w^tl He gave credit to Bliftyoff’i cam- . Siaffbi-d- barracks» Martel Prud- NeWjngton. hia tather'who dlAOverajl hja m ovem ent of m orif ari(l..m «tre S ir- hnimbualy it must have been'a col- is. invited, to epfne; lb the p la y- from 30.8 per l 000 peoptb In 1922 j hommt 3S, wa travelirig. towaixl Rpfmblicans. who are seeking to groun d' for'dhese w eekly picipea.'-yd.83..V in IP tO xhi .spite of baby celebrate Ifleti' jiilye'r weddlng/kn- 1 }algn for tWaxgjsWell .as Manches- ^ao^^M^othlng on the.edipe >ptitallon as a tow'n New York when he plowed:m_to fcoaptuibx control of the' Stafe have'Tt^en outlined I'ecCntly Hertry and T’alen Hudgin, broth­ Th e y w in tltke place Ju ly 8, jO', i7 , ibbiiu.ses ol^ered b y ,the M ussolini., ■the back of a.pp.,ato truck opefift- Senate, nominated 20 candidates 24,31^^Abg. 7,'li and 21. ' ^ regimy. • ' X,- I P I L T Joe Breen are the' m ost' recently in wluch>o'’"’take it easy" because C o n gi easlonal' conim ittees. ers who operate a slgtu-.seeing air married, couple.. To Mr. and Mrsrf ■■tise of radpr.' ed by Daje Peterson,...... — 'i'9, " o*'^ar'i-1 Safnrday lOx^-i^listricts cpvcririg C. .1. Low^h, head of the CivlKj^'''*^* at the cannon.H^Tfed a — 7 ^ ’ ' ' " - A Wjilter ~Klein went the .aivard for observer.s here have holed bou, Maine, i more than ohb tSwn. The other 16 Hartford, Jul>>2 (_4>^The Con­ lum e of am akeJM the canyon Sat Petelibij,'police'gtld. was ^ ck -j'd lstrid s arc. in the large cities'of necticut- SafetyjCd^iia-iion pre- Aeronautics A.dfniniatration. tpld IILK havhur the largest 'family lAve f a graUtial dwindling of the hum- a Congressional groitp thje^ ’’muh'- urday afternoon. Mi childceitv. and' to Sir. and Mrs. I ber of Vaijar arl-ests bit speeding ing m.tyCrd 4 scale house wlyerc hele j ^ ^ t a U , The GOP is now out/ ^cted today at feaaFrvwb people Since their report ■ reached r*i- ’ .liin's h'OmeTobbedk ■* Joseph Twirrijnite .for haring: the jrad 'ivoUred' a number .of'' truck>Xluinibere,d 20-16 In'the Scnate.'btjt'^ ■ will die in' OonnecticuT^tiUOmor -■ber one problem’V^Jn aviatfon is ■i charges during the past year; cue officers jiftM^ dark, n o ^ s re h ' youngest chlm xia daughter one ; \Ribicojf’.s drtjer to isusp.ehd the' parked. Tbe hdi.se Wai^hot pp6n,! in-the Presidential election year .of hll#. fcccidehta ••Wsdneaday>-.,the that "air traffic,la,overloading the SClAilZINCi IN H eaftbrtakinj. / . •X . . planesxwerd sent -mit.-Ibwaa dater ' month old I,.-To Becmce l.lpp- St. however; / ^ '1952. they luujL a-dominant 23-H Fourth of 'Jirly.V u. m I .ayatem and growing at a rate" jllcenaes of .copvibted speeders: was j which exceeds the progresn. . .In established that they^Had sighted ’ X' C ty in j o w r spilt m ilk. Pierre went the disUn^fi^ o f hav­ puf laut in Decern -Prudhom me waA^Xsfonounced j -- V j- W ■ ■ It alao.jriredicteo, no fewer than the wreelred'Const|Watton. . OM BUILT HOMES ing maintain^ the tilpimeat Watson Was unoppmicd for the apO accidenta* and ’‘about 176 in- ! expanding th'a capacity 'ofthe-ays- -Sek^deJ. long, ah advocate bf dead'by.AIberlD5tofjtJnion.;uedi-.’ tem.'”' ' W reckage of. the D C7 w as fdim d ! See us heforgloo late. . waisUine. , .."x. Fourth Distirct. nomination after Jthlaax ..-/lx ■ strong en^rcement of traffic cal eXamirtarr7>*?"'~===^=^'’/'’-' - i Lbwen declare<| ’’tfie g re a tesl leas than A jp M aw ay early Sun " G E N E R A L contracting , tIartfiH d B u rg lary Insurance. ,LouU..SulLFvap. class presiden' Lt. Hair.V Taylpr of the St'afford 1lli-d:'well-known; Manchester Re­ However, it addeor \ •- d a y . rtgulatimts, ^i B ^ * r i e s ' 'W I g i y n ' ( i i i i ' s I h ihatiy aa eight on a tWo-day holl-'' .inent of the ihumbera of aircraft. Clarke, j.lhe apparent amount'of speeding Police said -no thargea were be­ Invited gueata Vtilfred J. Claike- dav. - - t reqvUed in our national intefesi Reach New High * iRfilST A. RITCHIE/-<^ being done in that- town. T h ^ ing lodgdd^agalhst Peterson, •'Im pacts a jrreater oflaw r there can be. no real asaiuknce'of naked tougher enforcement, citinif .Meanwhili^iiu, another accident ',1^;' 'Kf I \ degreeX-ia the key to ttaffic Ta- ability to move the exititUifT vol- 18 LIBERTY ST. T^'TEL. MM-81T2. MANCHESTER •cated-at the head table with their -Manchester as a'community where ] this morning wives, spoke briefly and enlei-lain- 0 m tr •''■«»’* killed'' i ' ^ a . TJW courte>' I time of aircraft safely krid rVlIa-, Manchester sr«^- strawheriy this had been done. in Brooklyn, ac'tbrding to. State the greatey possibility of aur\‘iv'« s/ 'V. joniiJtihn llaicy SitKilo bl.v;" j growers had their beat dav of4he Ingly, A teibgram of good wishe.s Hetiry. Gaiirudy Police of the. Denle barracks. ing crash/ 'Slow Down arid Live' MRS. ERNEST b E M ^ N Officials said tlyK plan' to Im- season yesterday at (he ‘^>Harler was received during Uie evening' M anchester's O ldest la ah- ex^Uent miftto .for all driy- prove air traffl5>-contror InvolveslOak Park auction mart. / \ from Mr. and Mrk; Hewitt yVil.sMl great expansmfl and irnprovement 1 The largest total / of sales of Jacksonville, Tex.'' '^v ‘w ith F in est tira tci'kep in mind/ Betheada Lutbarad Church.vFor-•or attendant, apd^thely k/m boii- in••• the uSe^nf radar; , theva*v vn^nvivy capacity $2,821.76. w------^ necorded... slid yes­ . MfM Avis Walsh Of "Newton, wed- V'taXSere rP e c ilitie s estvllle, was thVficene of the of. blulaty plnk roses. ' Of the:n^vfgationaf s.vatem and the terday’s high'^for- 4^4-quart crate' Mass., a former MHS English- / CrS«h^ Killn Six ding Ssturdg .t ■» \fi.i The kower gill wa.S dressed i.rL- Use ^ air-to-^grounti rommuntca- 812.75. wa.s a record for the' .sea- teacher. when' called upon for a Griffin. <3a;. Juy 2 tSb —Six per-1 at d p.m.* or -iis. nylUh-wlih p4rmane«t-pri>at> tif,rvs^ few remarks, delighted the group iria El>b. daughter of-ep sgh-t. W worF a floraXhead- ^ n . . , Ifi’ia'ld Pinto tons were killed . and a seventh I ' In'all.' 28(i crptes y\:ere di.spoaed by aayirig. "Y oir look prosper­ Mrs^ tia/.el Koger* Wells, general rhal'rman -for the MHS aeriousy injured when one car j Mr, and Mrs. C. Arthur' Bhb pf_3 and-and 'c'ariAd a ba.sket of piak ■ 'Tver, T75 East ous and not much older!''/■ FofeSlville. and Erneat John Kjeil- sweetheart roaes and g.vpspphila./ - are'only two kinds of o f.a t an average price of 810J07. Cli;^ Reunion held Saliii^ay night at the Country Club. grectaxMi'. smashed brbadside - into another | the Arabian camel hav- Bowls '^ red roses decorated son df-Mrsr Ernest L Kjellson Tlie mother o6,^the bride received ' . The low for the day vvas 87.25. and Mrs, Richard ;Joalin of Chappaqua, N. Y.. who came from the _ vehicle at a kightyay inTersectlon hiirnp and the Barlrian The number of crates offered for Center St. the CoUntD" Club. On the mantle, moat distant point for the affair, Mra Jn.slin is the /otmer DoHa yesterday. ______^ 1 3 Chestnut St., and the iate Mr.' (" a gown of beige lace.witH cars- |_u the^ediorfui arrangemertt of carna­ Kjellson. Thy Rev. Ronald A/ Ebb u>el cplored acce8SOrie.<^/and 'lierfT aal^.ho.wever, was. less than last Jlelson. , , She and her husband were both .members of the class, The survivorr-Jo, Ann Hydeji^t tions, snapdragons and gladioli the only .'class couple to man-y. . .Senoiat, was in seribus condUkm at of Kearney. Nrt:., brother of the coritage was of yellb^^roses. T h e ;—---- ^ Tel. 'w as donated by Joyce F l o w e r a Griffin Hospital/Her y^rents, bride, performed, the double "ring , bridegroom’s moRjef \hos.e rose Shop, / ' „ AreWe ;G. Hy^e, 56. and Virginia ceremony.' The Rev. Richard B, colored lace, light blhf acees- M l 3 -1126 Dancing to ''ptuslc hy'/Ari Mc- •■i f m 1 / Also, among tl.c giicsts were l.ee Lou . 47, and a nater, .Ekine, Pearson of Bethetus Church ascisl- . sorie® . and ^irtage of blite . fea.th- ^ Kay's orchestra' rounded oiiD ^ e CClS *'®*’'* of New York’s ed during the” aeri’iee. diaries cred carnaMofia A reception for Actors Studio: Milton Greene, 8. were killed. . guests at- the MIRRORS // Agency For Hartford evening. , Also klUed were Ute three oc­ Wakele.v. orgcnist' of Enuwiufl, *®**,.,^'*^’;^, t l , • Ghlpp^ee ...... ThokeWho ordeied class photo ice president of Miss Monroe’s Lutheran Church,' Manchbater. I-kib, Bristol fo!lowedV(he movie production company^- play­ cupants of the other car • • Wil­ .\Vcident and Indemnity Co. '•“ graphs may pick them up at John- . laywriglit for ; ^ liam Samuel Luncefbrd and James ‘pla.ved the bridal music.-And ac-/*^*7*" GLRSS RJARTY BROTHERS ,e»son Paint'Co., 699 M*ln St., after'u wright 'N'ormen Rostand' and ATyin"HbwflL. both 18 and both coifipanied thi tenor soloist. R oger>7?,ru"''^u“ X^^^,^7‘i'^ ii°"*' T Hartford, CoonX July tS. agenl J. Kanter, and their v/ive.s. A- L^ucka.' also of Manchester. **XX^***" i ''''.•rd- ' SO l-Sli ClBNTER 8T. • JHI S-S1S5 receptiOp followed Ikc-lJeremony. from Fayetteville, and Milton G. 'ding trip /thmigh -the pocono Jf there'Ta a cash b^ance re- Second Tim e tyklUcck. 23. Senoi*. Prbaehled in maiviage hyxner FURNITURE TOPS / maining after all expenaes are father, the bride was attepded by ' MountaiiUL the bride %vas \qdaiing State 'ftw per O. V. Evans said a light/Dlue summer suit, 'white / met. the money will be uaed to (Cunlimied From 'Page One) the car driven by Liunceford rah a her sistei'-in-iaw, Mrs. Ronajd A. ; purchase -gift for the ne-A’ high B3bb, of Kearney., n matron' ofj acceasprlea and white orchid co] iwtr Stall Uoori--Ulan Ttth ERtiesuri Heck D Gaiulidale stop sign at a “high rate, of sage./They will be at home to their acbool. in memory of the class. most of them were fronl persons , speed" .and struck .the hyde car honor, l.ridesmaids were Mias The following made up the ; re- Belt:.- S»nd*ll of Collinsville .nd after July . i.5 ''gb'"35 whu are, interested in buying, For Dislrii‘1 Post broadaidb. ;-^iinion committee; Hazel W e I l a. A.boiit 25 guests were present ] r‘ i:r Both bride anSand hrid'earbridegroom at- .' chairman: Irene 'Barrera, .trena- at the wedding. Including 15 of; ford, l^ ly Hemingway of Bolton. 'ended the University of Gonnec- urer; Marjorie Paton. secretary; H^-hiah/ Heck, a.sSoyiated w ith ; livf? Die in Hre ^ o u a i^ ^ tbc. bride,. was“ floweV Millers relatives'; he. said. The rest . _ Gonsales. Te.v.. July 2 UR——A- i j D... u > I tiqut. Mrs. Kjellson is a stiperviaor OPEN DAU.V 8 AJK. to 5 P.M. / Lennart Johnson, banquet; Lucille he identifiefl as friends. ; R pfitvl J . Smith, Ihc . TOr 10 yeai-.s. glrLmrd Arnold Beiiaon, nephew.of j™. (jthe Hartford Vlsitirig Nurses INCLCDINO SATURDAY Mahone.v. decoratiorts: Bernice St. This Was the cereiuotvy I plan-'Kgs anljoiinced he will he a candi- ~dsh ef-gasoUhe Ih o u ^ t to be . tli^jHSrid,eKroom.' was ring bearer, water was tossed.: on a- hot cook Askn.' and her husband ,ia an en Pierre, flowers and 4lcket4; Ann ned originally." .Aliller said. The'-,jfl'(j X: Wabrek. publicity; George to fi''— the dli'pcloi'shtp stove yeaterdey, apparently to ichard Sch.ibert of Manchwler. ,^i„eer'^th‘X‘he‘‘srrte ‘ Highway Ml 9-7322 f u t -1 O t h e r at While Plains he describ--h V -aney in the Eighth .School and i out the'ldaze. and the realiiti. was best man and ushers weiV.RU-xDepartment. terton,'. -.orchesti-ji; also B e t I y ,' ed as being' ’’anjlh'e spUr <>f Jne UtUitie.s D istrict created by La>pil j dolph Peterson Noroton. Heights. ^ ' Drapwau, John Hedlund. {■Idw-ard '■ BMMuerttr to stop al\lhc publieity.”. burst of fire took the lives brother-hi-la-.v of Uye-brideprgom;, ------Tluirp'.s^.sfmction ak Di-strict jVresi- persons. The House wan degtfpyed. ' Hiinler, Harry Juul, Christopher He said he. askedvRabbi Gold- Carl O. Wenb^Fofestville, eptisin McHale. Gladys Meyer.^ahd How­ dfnty Mrs. John tievbcg: 1 b u rg ,'a n old friendN^o. perform e< R w a.'i in the aiKerii.stng itiv of the bridy:'John fc'^lu.id. .West | ard Turkington. • ; the ceremony. tin- Oeveta.^Jfr Daidd/ftpfhoa 3, Hartford, and Albert Robinson Jr...] bai lment at-Thio Herald for fiye sop of Mr. and Mrs-/Iobn Ramos; it was a do;:ble-nng i-ercmo; years, served a'®'k flml lieuteixanl Vli^lnla Ramos^l2, ^ugiiter .of CQUrin of the bridegroopi. j The bride's gown of‘ while nylon ' j Mlsa Monitve wore a belRe^fol- •in the- A*Tiy for five' year.s,/and I PRD.MISE TO IXIVE, Ho n o r AND OBEY AND Mr. and Mrs. Pidnpasa Rambt, add tulle. w'as deji°n*d.. with a fitted MORE JUST Warndek Felcd ored sheath oD satin and^-cnlffon-, liH .s l)eea active-in Red CroSH and HAVE .ALL OUR CIxmiES Cl^ANED BV '; , . her brother/Albei I with a acoopc'd, neck/-Snd short Roy Scout fiinil-i aising diiv'es. victimt. bodice, its scoope«l' neckline / strimmed With tufted organd.V flor­ On ilcliremenl • sleeves, and malchii)g/i((tin ,piiiu^//..He vva-.i born in 7>J.am-liqfiter^rnil Dtoul^ She^ ' Ray .Bright Jr. and-“"a ’’halo’;.valj-dn^ lace; , is a graduataKi'i .of-A lanch^ter High aald tha fira.«a*ed up after Mrs ets. The same florets outlined the hipline of. the full, bouffant skirt Among thoar''present were 5’il- School. No others liayh .vet an­ ■ Gevers'. Ofryw' the can of gasoline — Josepl Wamock, 15A P'orest St., ler’s parent*/ Mr. and, Mrs. Isa- nounced tliey will ,.bd candidates NEW SYSTEM on the stove. which terminated into a circular was honored, with g dihner given aw'eep Irafn. Her cro-wn of match­ dore Mijjer oLBrO(U>l.v'n. hi.® broth­ for'the office b)' district eiViployes of the Sun er. Kelnilt'M iller.'^ and wife, and Districi voters v/ill nicct Julv .Smart is the wifejvvho knows the importance ing organdy florets held In place oil Co. at-The Hedge.® in ' New' of k^^ing the lamity’s. clothes in tip-top Tree (.riislipa Sev4*n her fingertip, veil of Frerteh ilhi- a jemisin, Morton Miller of Rox- 16 to’ eleet a ryiilacenicnt for Britain lajit w.eek. He /etiied a® Tliqrp.- itton, Ont., Jul,v 2 iJPi—A giant sion. She- ..arrieb a cascade oi whlje district w'ai'ehou.se aui>erinteiiden] mry.' shape always. \Vg guarantee the best clean­ eWn tree toppled by a violent butterDy' rpaea and 'cajigated ...fo> Sua Oil after 25 .vear.s ing job possible each time. ktorm killed, seven members of a \ leaves. centered with a white ,pr- lee. ''' picnicking family near here . last chid. ^ . ot R DRY C LEANING PRO<'L>SH ASSURES A WarncH-k received hi» iedr-m ent' DEGREE OF .M0TH-PR0QF^T»R0TECTI0N— •'*8bt. The matron of honor \yoi*e a pin fi-ont.R. b. Dr.vatlajefNew. Eng­ The tree. 70- feet high and ballerina-length gow-n of aqda taf- Thrifty Items For M Summer" At Home land regional., manager, and an al­ '' ' r u 'C s '^ - weighing 30 tons, fell on a c a r ' feta with long torso bodice and bum, - of memorie.s from C."“> P. ALLSTATE flllSt AGAIN! being driven homeward by Aina-, bouffant skirt. Banffs of Vefiice Srhnedl, Hartford ((iatrlrt man- For the second straight year, cur o\y(rr|> I" 19,55 bought more FREE M pTH-^RO O F BAG W ITH ey Joseph Glozier, 29. In thePuar lace ovei- a deep turquoise taffeta RENT-A-TOOL: Why worry about tool upkMp. The W . G. Gltn.nty Com­ ager. . , ' with him were his wife. 26; their j sash, with back bows accented the pany's "Ront-A-Tool Plan!' Is tho thrifty way to sovt kibpr, Hmo . . tool -r’; District driver.s and office a®/ Autp fhsiirapoe from ALLMeTATE^/fbaa from an.v other com­ two Mns, Allen. 4.. and Donald. 16/wc4istHne,„;.H.er headband w a s of ALL W INTER CLOTHES CLEANED • x p « n s « -'aoclatlons gave Wafnock sevlngs pany jn the w'Orltl based on iUlrc^Written premiums. Here’s months; Mrs. Glqzier’s parenU. matching taffeja. and she carried . bonds. Other atmilar* bond^ were W ; Md Mra. Fred J o n ^ x jn d an aim bouquet of Taliamab rose's, 7X' the beat proof..of ALLSTA'TE'S^year-afttr-year belter value —given' by eal11 9-7758 Feet hot? ; . Get cool? from the drivers and’-their wives appointment — call, POWERSAWS T $ 2 . 5 0 ^ and a savlnga bond from the Riis- ...... Plckriip and dfliv^yi—or'^maney'^ving rash and carry Just in from California, -'^per day aell Poling Co., a NeW'York (Jrm , FRANK LAN ^A CK , Agent— Ml 9-5650 these barefoot'flats by wihich carries a'portion of slin'a PLENTY OF FREK P.^RKING ALWAYS $ 1 - 0 0 PATIOS are the softest,X’- i " PORTABLE DRILLS per day" product to the area. ’ ' lighte.it, most cushiony POST HOLE DIGGERS ^ r/; $ 1 . 0 0 ca.Kuals your feet could perd.ay f ask for . , . and at this =i'.i J FLOOR SANDER $ 4 . o q tiny price this qualit.vMs *■;- per day nothing short of'seHsa-> FLOOR EDGER $ 1 . 5 0 peeifin.T tional! In fashion ;color,s ’ ..u/t ' (The rental charge for one day.la the minimum charge) including Panama; white ■ and black.' » Stop In. Add to »ummor com fort and sovo mondy during biir July llubilto!

PICNIC TABLE, 6 FpOT “ S I 9 . 9 7 (Stetel frame—with 2" thick wood top and seats). Not assembled (Just bolt together). X' PATIO BLOCKS. 1 COLORS ZZ x HV x !6” .. 29t «ach 31 g each delivered' CHI-NAMEL, BLISTJBR^ESISTANT J ’AINT ' $ 5 .5 0 per gal. (vf or moro f«llon«).^ (:HI>Ni«^MEL SUPER wkiTB PAINT .r>- $6.15 per gal. l- ii ■ ..:,f 1 ' ' ' ■ lif s (ioi-more gnJInns) 4^1 POWER MOWERS, REQ, LAWN BOY. SUNBEAM _ . . . ^ i s i r d U R EXTRA SFtqA L I OSCILLATING LAWN SPRINKLER^~~^ ‘ V **Frnnkly. my dear, I ’wax a young woman when we JET CONTROLLED SPRAY \ Regubr f 14.95. SpetSlal $ 9 .9 5 got our oil burner. Guess that’s why it eats fuel like Compare! SPECIAL ROTARY 18" MOWER . eragy. Breaks down every;,time the temjperalure drops,' i*4 H.P. MADE BY PENNSYLVANIA Regular 159.96. Special $ 4 9 .9 5 too.” " _7,; /.I i % - .Ji: •7 . She ha^k bad! d ^ a l. . . . one she canJeorr t with a new SiresTolO. r ' P O W E R ' t OOL SO CIAL ^ / . .i . Dclco-Hcat|HifT^r. G,M,;. Delco engilneeri., W|ll .assure 5 ” POETA'fiLE SAW her the maximum in heating efficiency. '.', ” '8 of 4ow- Narrow and medium Regi^r 152^95. Sliecial $ 2 9 .9 5 6 coat, trouble-fjree service. WtcTths 'i ” PORTABLE SAW Regular $49195. Special .$$9.95 JIGS A W, OPERATES AS JIG SAW, "T Stop in ^dr free cotimaUr -^or. phone MI 9-4696 or BAND SA^SCROLL SAW - TR S-3271^or our rvpreMntatIve to <»lf: No.obligation. R e g ^ r $29.95. Special $ $ 4 .9 5 Ever* Item We Sell la Guajranteed-/rBa

■ X ' * x SI ir> V X. '.X ,.K j- P A G E S E V E N X MANCHESTER EVENING HJ^RALp,. MANCHESTER, CONN.-MONDAY, 1956 'i f ...... ■■s J.II P A G E s e t BIAN<^IE^^®^R B ^ ^ N G HERALD, MANCHESTER/ z Omihended that tfee-wavelenWh bb whila' they we'ff - gating. at; Ctiar- First Aiders Pick Durliam Describes .awarded .to Rejgional Broadcasting 1otte'a I^ 'e -In ja t Hebron Friday Co., '^-hich wants to, e'stnblla^a. plght.x'^ •’x''' more affteianUy. But a good H e b r o n Satui'day ih the crash of'i [Red ittenberger^Stratton W eddp^ :atlnoW8ky, ^Sl^, ^tuf- , jteitt^ w tpc. r nes DC7 in' the O ft Can­ W ork of Ciiifeoi staUon-,in,-;J:aat Hartfoinl. The of our policies^ especially those' D r o o d l e s A Hiouglit for Today look for Hit Slate of Officer^i third applicant. Involved-Is BbotoX usfbnis of- tha'chest I V ' - . . . 't . -i Are foM itg Jfprala which copt^lled the mpveni^t.;Of N ROGER a r Nets' P a i _ j era Broadcasting Co., which wouRf leg, and hi^j^aiMfhter, Lai / . V . ' M...... it Sterling, Ilkf July 2 <#0- Irat Alabidmpw ' perrona Ihinga or ideas^across our / '.(ilriM''*|ian Time '' W. B. Davis, 92, f«t 7Q years owi chest.jsi'; Chapter, American. Red j pie, we have Uttte Cp fe y from the In Its reply, Manchester, Broad- of the t^Che; and^lr"'pdarihle S io rts i borders, were undertaken, in a ''^With.the codling of gradUallod' er and publisher, ot the M q^t O n S p e e d X M S i U BINmIi S t^ l Crosai .met fori their fi,rst meeting ; Inroads o f Commiinisjix’ , ' casUngr which would piit a station reported.' severaf \yeraiaken to Backul W A 'da da A 4a A . A . ■*«»cttM*»r, Cwin^-■• apilit of retaliation, against Rus­ tinje again, many young people die Sterling- Dpifmcrat , M'eaaag#;, ^ lir the/new shopping-center on W. dent the area (Wer the, ihrivich, wnei;e *lhe, gin -WdP — r. #KRoywN weekjy newspaper, dipp 3upds'ir. of toe kz*son'Friday fvqning^ at . This thought was emphasized by R. ratooioN^' , for. Russiats maihtenanca of -ndering . what. they shou^iji do ‘ Hebron,;. July -(3peclaU— Andover.i'JuIy'd (Special) Slate Middle Tpke., asserts, that East end./ adth;itted. ' ■ / /■ ' ith their lives to inake them the Harold Durham, 'of tl^ Hartford Coventry^ 1rijnieir,receivec|>|^ .state Simifitr policies. » ' Amston -Lake .aiimmec ;residents Canyon, July 2 (P) PoiTae 4 fon y to« Bar? disploy^ the CQttttge of Edwip N'o 1 a n. Cainp of Gideons, 'who -spoke at Hartford IS .ceally A part of Hart­ Four PoMce said tha^''mot6r- moat meaninful. There is much, a C. Npdt,, ;'^, a partner racks ararMOd two motorists for Guesta were present in addition to ford and would sell yvertising in injurler yesterday■day mo:morpiilg eyclistt'Lee F. Johnsoj^ 16, AmS- LARGE SCREEN RC. Then there came theHiwe when .Advice to be had'.frohi many Sides, are planning/big event,# for the the Smiday .morning .Service at the Crviilni ^Kxcfpl firm ,of Van speedlngxFriday'buring a radar a number of toe instructors, with Covenant "Ciingregational CMiirch. that city .' in which thyrwer.e tom had driven,toe:iMtorcycie for COLOR TV $695 IJntcrtf ht Ui* a new regipfe^ln Ruasia 'began bill none that is piore vital than Fourth • of July. Startin|g with a jt 'Cp., investment toeir husbands or wives, were Mrs. • This Would result, 'Manchester riding .roll^ovef aftyjfskldded the.' first time--.Prmjy njomlne. Mr,- Conn.. «* cbeqkpn'Rt. 6 .hear Abbover D’ui'ham’ quoted from Hor'abA BARLOW'S , hiaking. gealures- toward tearing ,lhat contained in a littip poem Pr. block danCe tomorrow, from b|ui1 •^froM" .-while startlhg the, 'c j ^ TELEViSIOri Payablo In AdTnwcn*. . 'l^bok Qil^St l^br Rpuls many ye|iis Alrljnee Constellation in the Grab * CONNICTICUT MIDICAl lIRViCI Walter. N. Leclegcf ' • trating. its services .In Hartford hron.'-'t': anij/lbst ccoptirou ' p61tc<*. said. At this poipi, we w«M sudplctbus, and booth's pt 6 p.itv. fpradults ford Bombard said they arrested txenslaved. Tel.MlS-MBS Onn.TMT IU.M and children. X Capybn. He wee bom InrSitySr Stanley A- Jervala,- 17, W|lliman- 9.0, lOA iol • NIW HAVIN 1 Following a delicious potluijlri ' ' The speqKer weiil.on to describe ■aid ■•'would (give- birth to a tocHity Stye ,,Polic^han Thomas 1089 TnllamI BueMmd r.7» and did pot trust such .gestureE-^ im y, N. M.. with a buiU-in, bad ca se/of al-I Gailtnleri said the driver, Mrs. M.afiR. .MflONBY I^ES.- . 1«0 1 had.'nyaiked lifes way'-'WRh an Oh the Fourth thefe wiU'be a tic, and^^ster Aobol'wskli 36; 'V-- lUpper, the fotlow i^ officers were the work of the Gideons, ■ a well . 1.30 'And ' some part of iw had, . of, food sale In the Picehouse, whatr- , * Minneapolis, '"Jufy ; 3 Mt^Cltt- sleeted; Ml-s. MSey MullSney, loeatlon schizophrenia." / GhiiStine Buck, 52. oXJBread. and / Bridgeport/July '2 OPl-TThe RL — ------— !— 'p&Ui »•••••*••••••••••• esayiTbnjh^ • Hartford. Both are to appear In known imd'enomina^nal group of reply,j^Milk St„ ■ - . v ,- ... ■■ ■ /‘ / . WMUV . •A'.aR**«*»«»**«S«**«** .10 course,'grown iii love' with the iron ever the weathpr, from io a.ra, to Tord A. Wilson, 65, anicjmb'Sr -of Andover Justloe Court sJuly 23, president-,/James Ifvlte,.vic4 pres­ Christian husinrs^hien whoae pri- Regional charges, in,Its was warhed for speeit- Rev. M-sgr/''rbdmas- P. Mooney. Ctfpy •••••»*•••••••*•• .M Had follo'wcJI'^'here comforts ahd, that' if the^FCC gave^/the wave­ 75, died Saturday at St„ Vincent'a , edriaint • police atate styfA of .nMii. The next thing. wilJ.'gSe a the St. Paijl Pitmeer^Preasl editori;. X M at nl^ht. State Police'’ ar­ ident; Mrs. Signe L.-YjaHlJi,. *ec- m< ry xhoUve. is''^the winning.; pf infc. - X ■ X'-f'”'' / • ' pleasure.s •iedT'^ , phcfide oLAntlques and hbrrihles al staff- and a fprmer'' rfctary; and Karl Ke.llw,'- trea'a- length ■ tbi^-ManchesWit. 8 i.m-p 1 y Treated -fpr minor abrasions at Hosplti»l./He -had been a Roman ! MEMBER OF ‘Glaisses for AVomah Who Had Until bnc d.ry in sApjiet place rested Carlo Genovesi, 48, of . 8I;i ‘‘NEVER PUT OFF men, .w om yX and children .to tlia associated press -existence. '< at- 1" . newspaperman. JdfM Saturday. He Grand Aver; ROckvllIe and charged/ arer., ^ \ , because it waa farther^ridhioved the scene were Mrs. Jenoff/Ootf Catholfcniriest for -49 j'ears. "A na-1 FUI^I^ALKOMEHA - Th* AnoelntOn M lm u U , Her Fare IJffed’ ■ I met the inaater fac«<^ face-,. Christ. ThiS'i.sSiohe through per- ^ rrpubllcatlon ot So the firq! lOng^span of Rus­ ^i^l-bogiven for the best was born in Bqnal tier, 42. her daughter^ Adele, .11, tive o y New Haven, Iw served at i •nOUM^..UM izing. East^^Hsr M ^ wn a'r.d Wa’.erbury i s ‘well, as^i UNDEIt iXPfiRIENCED B«wa dUpUCBM crMttd to It or sian gestures at tearing down •““'■‘y W ?V:'with. slaUon.and rank anit-w^alti, rated "bicycles, -tricycles. and Rye. N ./Y ., July 2 (Ah—Ollvep' at toe intersection of Rts. 87 and 6. Monthly meetings;where t A p lc a Bibles in hotel joomA iiospitals and Sylvia 'farquinld,' 33y also of enSiM in tnu fSiptr the Sihwine-Kilzcnger Institute, jy,y X graphic locatli .^ead.aud Milk St. . ’ Briilgfport.'^, , ' m a n a g e m e n t tlM icenl now* pubUohod herr. parts of the Irprt Curium foiirid us 'doir. caiu:uigea. This will be'..fol­ W 'akefi^, 47. a British Comedian WHAT YOU .CAN DO pertaining to First Aid’ wfer^ dis­ and Schools.. / ' ropubUcatloB of opeclnt taking a hegaUveTg^idging policy, as paiV o f ...... their Better MvirtgiMuch Ihoujpht . for hiy body-Wot, lowed by a softball game.,, .and. who )>ined .hiniself as "The Voice At toe beglnhlhg of 1955 'the cussed. ^ r ln g the course oAlhe "The Gideons believe the ^ h je '^bast night, in another'accident/ nro nUO ruorrod. ■theti^ Will” be eohiests and games value of U S, farm''machinery and ,/TODAY” . rear, they. hav4’ had as 'speaHers a Hai^ord man Nvas wp.rnedxfor in which we appeared before, JLhe Research' Frb'g(«fii■ bgrafir " w h rch ;' .w ’ia t' ‘'-n dn e roi'n i'y'S oti'l, ''' • of jnexperienfe,” died Saturday. , to be the'.word of GOd.'” statw diltei or N. B. A. 8«rr- made fKisslble by a grant, from I had entered to win in, es mad wiH} prizes offered, for"'children --V motor vehicles wasf 3:6 p«.^ cent ■ / '• .cv. • Edward Wilsm*. who sr|oko o n .w Durham. ’’His Word -has befn S e ls D a le improper backing-as the reafiU; of THE JOHN F ., world as It we'were- reluctant to and.^Mnlis.'* • (Author’s niune below) . Policemen’s viewpoint-'of First a minor 2-ca'f crash on Rt. 6, Bol- ittuiivti; Tbo .the Ford Foundation .of . Three .rare, SUICIDE’S BiObY -FOUND above 1950. x foulSd true and proven. ' > .When '1 met the >Tssier fAce to ' X ? Personal Mention X Md; Mrs. C. Fcanca's T oom e-y ,' lower the curtain we ourselves had Dollars.' . They've also (irawn u^ Salem, July 2 (Ah—The almoat HoVv long is it since.,vou "Just: as we U.suaily want .fo y P ic n ic /toh.- ■ X' - S imiil. up, as" if 'we were afraid to spef'ificatiohs for a number, 6f ■ Mr. aiid..Mra,;,Chatles gchmid of di^ly'search Fiodbre kuznilcb of ; whose ,tpj?iG was teaching t'he -know hboiit the autlior of any book , state Police sajd, Arthur S. TIERNEY ^DDIT IRnUBAlT''.^ other iiadful devices. auch.^s' an Amston, whq are visitihg/in Eu- checked your medicine ■)uniorp; waiter. N. t^cl'erc, - who W'b- reftd.'ap we should know about Rtastom - 64, waa-ritraveling west ,,let the world 'atmosphere melt, A* I iiarTbull r n y castii* and reared -Meriden-fnade in the woods around ^dxvard .Serrelf.'>-eaalirt/ruler I FUNERAL HOME unbreakable- Ice Cube, .A, Musical i'ppe, have cards ftbm Ger- Gardner Lake came to an end yes­ chest? Having simple first gave them a briefing on his part- Godi, the aiilhor ;of the -Bible._ •on B'f. 6 and turnetUnto the Bpl-. Tbo 6«rAldP^tlnS Cooutw^r. l i ^ if^urone-time imitation of Russia Dentist's Drill, pine-scehted Tear ‘4hein,Aiigh, many to friends'hfr^-' terday. : ^ . .icular field; andlGeprge Kmuser "As we o f/ Manchester Elks. ton Center 'Hd. He overj...... f '239 WEST CjENffER ■•oiunoo M flaaaeiAl rcaponoibUitr ^ t^fth'-uirir towers had pierced the aid "g^ipfies available im- who demonstrated ll/e-saVing tech­ road and hacked his car into a f e l : Mr“S-i22ar . tyMKr^tteal orroMi apiMnrinc in nd- T.ad hfeume a'permanent part of Gas, square Beer' Barrels, a. com­ In a parked car he^qund the know through the perfect balance today that the annual, family, pic- . ^ bination -Spark Plug„ Adjuster , and hUie of the sky .. m ^iately can often prevent niques: / 6f nature that tiling's couldn't juat^ CiH «'.iir 'f.-H,.. '■“* driven by Arthur H. Fawcett, : nta nnd ottitt'readini rnattor the American, system of life,. In .Manchester EiW lng ' Herii|d body of his br(»thtr, Peter J. KVz- EMERCENCY me will, take p}acq/Su.nday, jgo st.. Manchester , ' oter EronloK Uonid. 'cker. ^jevato'r' Cable 11 had sworn to rule with an iron Hebron correepondent. 111108 Ru- mindv gccidenth from "be- New thoughts on,First Aid are happen as'"thy- ace. There must this period. We' were making it mace ■ .J- mlch, 37, Waterford, who had ijis- OIL RURNER thoroughly discussed by. this group 15, at'thd Leidertaffhal P a r k .^ ff^ ■ was traveling behind - the 'I ^ Ploploy AdTorUatng elboing faoUrsi Glue, Riietprqof Pin .Cushions and saa Pendletoii, -\C 8-S454 \ x appeared June 15. ^Fiodore had eoming ntajoT problems. be a Supreme-Being. PINE PHARMAGV Ibar Monday—1 lun. Wday. more difflCtllt for Russians to a split-level,. Lobster. Trap. You When I rnet. the master face ip ' .. 'X ■ SERVICE . of instructors in An effort to al­ He is(-1^ good God. weXe^hge, Fpr'bes St„ East Hartford: The- Mosibn car. There Were „no in?-* 'i For Tucaday—1 p.m. Monday. f-ace. - ■ 1' - bean searching for ml'brother ever affair, as in the past, will be for injuries) ' . . come here than it was fpr''A«)erl- can' just imagine (if you atyaitr '.since, f ' ■/“ ' ways be aware of new First Aid when v.-e mid a)I about us the-iu o- ^ 4 CENTW ST^ For wodBMdayJa.'P. ta.9Smt^r. ■ procedures as soorr as they are X'/Eik members amd. friends. „ JKhocUed DoWn by Cyele . S & J i For Tlimdny—1 p. •».' wc^Klay. cans to go to Russia. We uNeiw, yourself I what Schwlne anW Klt- rubber hosf led from the'ex- I t ‘‘is wih« to collect all visipns He has made __ For* ; - - - m. Tburaday. 'zengcr- .w'oijld have come qp with I ihet him and knew him and ^^ekend Deaths CALL released, ■ and to . thoroughly un- godd God will 1-ev.eaJ His plan for I ®hb. Gordon, chairman of the An'Oakdale Vnsnand'hisd-iyear- l^r Aitlirdty-i^ p. m. Friday. -m'sHing It more “difficult for bliiehed to see .. habat ]iip* Into' tha car. Dr. .H. .v'our medicines in'one place, Ml 9.9814 " CluaUlod doadflno! 10;S^.m OMh If OidFor'd Foundation ha:h come daratand the whys anil whcicforeS Htt'people, and we find It'ifl His Activity Cortimltlee, along old daughter ;were 'knocked 'down Americans to 'go . to- Russia- than That his eye.t, full of sorrow, were PeteriBchwartz lieted toe death of W IL L IA M S Di.scard the old and useless. of same. 'Their chief instructor Is with , mripbara of his' detail, will by a motorcycle Friday^ night Qn^ee^ SlotnpA. L day et, p^satlan axetpt Saturday — thrdiigli'wl^ a -really big sum of By THE" ASSOCIATED P R S ^ KuzmlcR jsa suicide. The' victim book, the B^ble. / , ■ S-a-Hb, Russia was making it We w'cre mqj»ey. X'Ohe^for. inatftnee 31Q.00 fixed bn' me; . ^IL SERVICE Phone u.s-for what i.s- miss­ Norman H. .Osborne of- Glaston­ Over 14 nUIllon 'Te.sjaihehts.have handle •the^'oijtfng this year. A 4- •And. I faltered-and fell at niS/fc«i Norwalk, Conn., July 2 (Ah— was a foreman at the-Electric '/ii. distroin'aglitg coittact and ,inter- Charles ■ Kellogg, 72, general man­ ing. And pleaijfei irive youi’ bury. ■ "V been distributed to servicemen arid piece 'ofehestto.^has' been 'engaged MbiuUy; July 3 that day, ‘ .. . .’v Boat On, ! division o f " Oenerei' to play, for danclrtg:.,during..^the day. rfiange betiVeen ,the two peoples : f'KASH VICTIM DIES ager of the Norwalk Hour, died Dynamtci Corp., in Groton., He children no opportunity to 'T ■ — • ntfrae-s since the 'beginning, of WhlleXm.'' rs-iG** melted and Sunday, . M t ^ - 4 5 4 a Worlds V\'ar 1 1 /Durham related Mf. ah(i Mbs.- Nbil Lawrence, Worcester. Mas^., July-..? igb'- vanished away. leaves three brotheeg, a -sister and play with medicines. Store whtt^Bu*^ si^med to be'spekin^ The head-on coUlson-of an aut*Mpo- Claremont, Calif., July 2/l'A»)— many ihridento tfom the lives of popular playgtpund ' Supervisors, OF MANCHESTER Ginuid Canyon Traffic Jam, his mother. them away ffofirtheir easy Woniaii Keeruiler have again complete charge of MltebeU Given O nC 0 D. Bdiveries •bile • and truck on Route 20' ftiJ’Welted'and yvu'shedf and in their Dr.-Edward A. Steiner, 90..^kuthpc. people w-hd'riave found God RETGHER GLASS GO. all junior games and activities for I With thoumda of mllM "o ,giijalb\ it woul^ ajefn, w-e have Southbridge last Wednesday' haa expert on immigration and retired access. ’ through the OTdeon Bibles placed 9-7829 'piacs, , \ (^omin^ lo Toiyii the' day. Tommy-Confab will hah-, 188 WE^T MIDDLE TURNPIEK f-Bcant air-apacn all a ^ iid 1» emerged from liaaitmnt phase, claimed its'foii'rth victim, all mem­ NaugltV^.eUie' did Y see but .the professor of applied Christianity / i hotcl4[.,an^mdtols, * - ' . bers,.ot one family. at Orinnell College, GrinneU. Iowa, iHe '/ coni/u^ed liLs .';1jjfo'rhiative die ail senior acUyities, while Hu- for evary dii'ac^on, th# air Waa leaver and, W'tHdut'spc^ficin'g any of our masters'rifce EXPERT RADIO ^ Atari.ne S.Sgt. Joan C. Barnard, g$ Benson and his committee will - CORNER pUftANT 8 t. I Three-.year-old Busan Johnson of /And' I cried Aloud, "Oh. make me died Saturday. He was borii in aqd in.spiratipnal me.ssagexviih a theteas crowdad' ovar tha Qrand suspicion of Rus8ian'dp,tent, de­ Rocky Hill. Conn., dic'd of injuries whatsis now Czechoslovakia. YOUJi PHYSICIAN only Woman Marine rcciriiter for plea for. prayers for the 'wbrii of take charge of all eatk aild dririks. Trtpet . on4 TV REPAIRS It is the hope of the Youth Ac-^ > . NEW .LARGER (WJARTERS OuiydiK|WCurday. cided tp^play the game more.bold­ at Worcester Cityllospital yest^r^ To .follow ithe . atepa.^ p fxT h y GraKd Canyon, Ariz., July 2 tPi All kinds. Including enr .mdios 4 1 liel®*Nyijn'eei /CAN p h o n e Connecticut and -Western .Masaa-r the Gidoon.s. . \ ■: —Carl J. Snyder, 59, vice president chusetts, will, be at the post officie tivlty Committee that the outing p l e n t y o p FRONT AND Rp)AR PARKING Tlia lactora which made it ly .and Cphsistently—as if tve were day. ' ''X wobhded'feet." ■ MItche!ri3-5321 will be- a success. All proceeds RANGE & FUEL OIL Her parents, Henry Jphhson, 46 and operating manager of the fN «IU iT:1*TRlP In Manchester on Tuesday July 3, crowdad wara Ittiaaa: AmericSiAlnd notfixarbon.copy of. POTTERTON'S WHEN^OUNEED , . . Vcwlii phe gairted at the affair will be turned- a-nd Mrs.' Harrier Johnson, 44, and' iMy thoughj“l8 hoWv^ior the soula. Chrysler ,Corp. and a member of between the hours of, 10 a,m. un­ A|]/plicanl8-Fiie AUT^ GI^SS mSTALLEb Twd( planaa had takan off f r ^ Russiiu ISO CENTER ST. lEDICINE “ til S p.m.; it was spnounced’ toda.v MRS. RONALD W. WHITTENBERGER over tor/use in entertainment of her brother, Henrv Jr., 7. died 1 ,'bf meni ' the firm ^ board of directors, diH h ‘fba Bsfq4inii^ Maq local youths at futuj-e yobth ac­ ZaM Ahfalaa threa m ln u ^ aplirt. This d e ris i^ is symbolized b^ Wednesday. Another, child, Diane by'T.Sgt. Mitchell J. .Rcnbcnek. GLASS FURNITURE TOPS I have lost my life tn^ find it again, likes. toWay He Reply Findings tivities. Thay\wara tlylnc tha aimta route President EiaenJ^wer’s official ap- Johnaon. 8, was released yesterday E'er stn.ee tfne day in a quiet place makst piWppf cash S.Sgt. Barnard will be as’ailable. Mi.ss Jean Marie 8lraltonJ\ Ray Whittenberger, of- Y'oung- The BQIAND OIL CO. to aMwer question.s young ladies aaat ” proval of a prpgrm recommended after ' .hospital treatment',' The I met thr master face to face. . loans, gives y^.rime to- Pick up your prescrip­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William town, Ohio, brother of the groonm MIRRORS (KraplocB and Door)..: truck driver wts not injured. \ Fred R.'Edgar repey in e o n ^ ie n g /f. 'itiayrihave regarding efillstment iq ,-aa best ' man. Roy Stratton, ^ The three a'pplicants fpr the 34 HOUR o n . BURNER Precisely ao they-Cdflld not ever by'thp, National S ^ r lt y Council Slralt'oh. 44 Garden'St., was mar­ wavelength -of farmer Hartford Sponsored- by ' the Manchester monthly emounts. 0 ^ tion if shopping near us, or thri Lady Marines. omaS Stratton of Manches^ter . PICTURE FRAMING (oli typ«) SRRViCE ' crowd one anopt^r, the first plane for a gradual and ^ h e ra i ex; BOOK CWIES B.At'K Council of Cbubchea Harold J. Lehmus, M .!)./ witho'dt obligstion': 6111 CefTtelf- let u^ .deliver promptly /She ^viU also -have-on- hand -ini ried Saturday afternoon at,'2:3() arid, James-Jones of Youngstown radio station WTHT filed reply waa flyiac Rt 21,QM feat, and .the change of Informaticm' and per- Harrisburg; - Pi. iJPi-^Martha delloit tervlte, HifHihwido 'drmation cqncernlng''Woman Of-'’ "to Ronattf-W. W-hiUenbmger, 'son were ushers. / findings last week with the Fed­ Insurad Asainst without e.xtra charge. A of Mr.s. Frona Whittenberger of eral Communications Commiasion. - WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Days'Cal) MI 3-6330 aecond ^ 17,000 feat, ^us givihs *or.8 be^.ween the United States Frjeedman. .Jin'aiiy get h ^ ' book BANK TEULER h e l d r.rtdlt it oyer l.OhO offlees., fleers Training Cla.aa,. the course " At a reception in the Davis M'e- . announces the-association of . Phone for your Ipeii in just 1-trip, great many people entrust isslons wojhen as U.S. Youngstown.'Ohio. The ceremony; morial Building following trie cere Th«se/feplies were in answer bo- Ntfhto Can HI 9-3701 a-asfdiy margin of d,000 fdat ha* back after 21 years. Shp-'boughl-a tVeUingford, July 2 (Ah—Leonard^. “thaj, gftnUuiss'uus YAGATiON RAIN? 'JALOUSIES! Installation Is Ouirik, Eaay and EcbnomicaL., and.hot .tjerely 'RUsaia, but all the write, or come in lodoy! use with the .responsibility rps •Officers.,, 'was performed by the Rev. C. E. mony^ Mrs. ^Stvattoh Yccelied ip ja .findings filed earlier by the appli- copy o f Da.shlel Hammett's "Omni- A. Hill, 35, waa arfeated Friday on Marine CTorpa ' 6u Heat Is CLEAN t»rtan their respective altitudes. countries of the Soviet bloc, blia"- at a local book store. Upon a charge of' embezzlement from David L. Warren, i!^.D. of .fililBsi; preflcnp- Prior to her enlistment in the, Wilson In the . Church ■ of the beige' dress • with 'beige And whltihUe can^sT including Jplm . Deme of "^ ' x ' (CONTRACIXIBS; WE HAVB^^’JtN'^lSTOCil. ' _1 . n*__ . *“ a . . 1^. J Na*arene. ' vz’'hi4«hwhich va*attwas decorated : accessories. Mrs. ' t&.hWAa W’Mttenberger 6 A«vKAk*n>Ai , Manchester, and the'-FCC’a Broad- If not, coll- oil Heat-ls SAFE 'But the aac<^ planer finding The^ahnouncemehtpf. this pro­ opening the book, she discovered the Dime Savings Bartk.'where.he UefM"Y2S te $900 tioiis. MaJ’ we compound Marines, Sgt ' Barnard s resided in MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS OU H ^ t COSTS LESS atormy waather at' 17,000 feet, her nam e'and^e date 4936 on the 1 is a teller. A. prosecutor said less wdiS hjm in the practice of Norristowp. Pa., until she enlisted w ipr an arrangement of mixed | „.ore a beige chiffo^dresri-WithBureau. ." ... gram puts nothing staJWic into ef- yours>' white summer flowers. Miss I brown and green figures and heigb; _ 1" reply, Deme's Manchester Operi Salurdaya — Open .Thursday. Rvealngt s- ' asked parmisaion to up to 31, flyleaf.' | than 35.000' was missing. .5 - in the Lady-Marlne-s Sept. 28, 1951. LEE M. SILVERSTEIN 380 CENTER ST. fect immediately. It ^Jrather, Internal Mtdicin* and Cardiology Following' her recniil training she Marion Jones, soloist, sang "O Day ; accessories.__ / \ / ' Broadcasting Co., sought .to .re,.| Ml 9.0638 / - iSBTUlATES GLADLY dfVEN 000 feet. This was denied, because declaration of general intent. But IB en efid jo i, INANU CO of Golden Prbmi.se.” and“ 0 per-: For ))rir wedding/tri^.to the Ad-1 fute the proposed findings of the j attended l'2 . weeks' in ' Siipplv Broadcast Bureau, the FCC's legal | ef &e presence « f the first plane that general intent is that we • andAhe removal of offices to >•1 4( T HU .oNAi » NANC • I) feet Im c.” ■ I ■ ' irondachk Mour^ins, the' bride ! at t ^ t altitude,.,But his subse­ e ■ by yrie chose- a yellow.yoolted. S^iss; dress Srm, which had injured Manches-1 .iii:.! ^ a ll lead, rather than trail, in the a gbvyn 0 with white ac/esoriesx'The couple ter's cause. ■ ‘ I quent request,, that he be per -W ait MEddiaJTurnpike •f Me6iirv« aufRlhlr Norristown High Hchoiji and spent scalloped band’eau of Chantilly -^ m y and is attending Eastern! him to proceedT,000 feet above Uje creed. That v{e should lead, rather u)(! Let us’^ not- forget torm— thp moulders •t $10,03 Mck. MaalsawM, 20 three years at the v^Uadclphia Washable of our nation. ■lace., pearls a,nd sequins. She ear­ Jfiyzorene College. i bad wreather, which might lead him than lag, ^''exemplifying our own r Con.servalory of Msiaid, where Shb ned H Bible with white rosea amf HOLLAND HNISH through 21,000 feel, was approyed. itudil^yblce. - feathered carnations. X> dearest principles, is right, and .. fifade to Order This request granted, Uie-siMond WUlJam r . Qnish The maifj oT honor/ Mi.s.s'Nar(cy $ 1 . 8 9 We ar/gla d President Eisenhower Raymond T. QUiah SOO IN W.ALKOUT •/' Straltcm,' sister' of the brideXwor^ Wrought Iron Railings .With Your Rollers pilot apparently began climbing. has'^carried toe day against those Paul R. LaBree Wat.erbury, July 2 -About-- "an aqua . giiWn of Ch.anUhy lacp.. So, with a whole continent of .elements in'his administration vvho 500 members ori'the international trimmed with hyloiv tulle; apd, Porch Columns E. Ah JOHNSON empty air available, thei^ wes^ a feR more secure because we did Association of Machfhials struck carried ' H-e*>lomal /ioiiquet of' 3.5940 the^ Waterbvry, tool, .division of- .spring abscers. Mts^Gail Stratton, deadly traffic jam, suddenly, ever have an iron curtahi of our. own. Enjoy ihis^i VALLEY WELDING CO. niture Vickers InC. lit/midnight Saturday.' bri Manchester, bjme.srnaid.' wore a For Free Estimate Call PAINT GO. tte Grand Cdnyon. ' is the rpmpany's first strike in yellow, gown ot^hantiliy lace and < Glastonbory ME 3-9118 699 Main St.. Tel. Ml 9-4501 If this thaory of^the crash 58 yeaf-s of operation. carried a colpni'al bouquet. which took 138 liyCs Saturday " Chou T o .Chiang 225 MMN ST. over/ the 4th stands up, it be the worst Premier- Chou Bn-lal of Com-^ crash In the hiptory of commercial m unistOhina does not expect ■r'- avHatioh. But the point s^ms-to'^ ^ ja h g K^-ahek to accept his in- 1 J. / f be that the danger of just such • Vi'talion tb^end representatives to So You^re Going to Buy a Home crash>had already been-recognized Peiping to dl.s(;iiSs the "]^aceful by students of the problem of air »en wide and say.'.. Ah"h'h-H'h liberation" of Formosa. suety, and UUt toe number of But he U, in hls-lssuance of the near-collisions in toe air'has been r " / ' ' ' ' * ' high for some.time. |- iitvRstiqn, planning to get gome- toing. This is so because toe air is He expects-it, along with'his of­ Furniture prices area- really more crowded, all toe Ume,^ than mpst^of us would guqsG. 1^ is fer of full amnesty to all Chinese 7 on Formos*,.and his Invitation to c-'wvd#^ primarily not only ,be- Yea. It’s better to fdirck first toan to ho sorry after. H'to's a ' A' c a i^ Rights are frequent, bat be­ them as individuals to visit China quirk^ist of potnta that can make home onmership more ep- jo}-able to you. cause toe number of Wig airpora- and see their families, to speed up ASSEMBLE \ is limited. The 'route from one the process of demoralization With­ I - y ■ airport to another, when instrur in Chiang's own ranks on.. For- NEIGHBORHOOD 'EM YOURSELF mosa. lt can be doubted that much vD Is it the kind you’d really like In have :vour chil­ ments do the fiyiftg, is inot really , ri they*re:'^ll flavor^\ "V a broad route,-blit more like an beyond the life of CTOang itself dren i:row tip in? . — , y ■ -invisible str^g stretching toi^ugh keeps morale In the last-ditch □ Is tfJt convenient to ach ' position of toe Kuoniintang on " If you’JJ/Bsaemble ’em you’ll save 20?f- toe air, so far as direction is con­ center? . ' all outdoor furniture, prior to-the cerned. The solution for .this prob­ ForinosS. There have already been □ Is it made up of the same general ‘‘inwme level” ’S Sf v'eral v Important, defections of Fourth. Actually, the cold bleak Spwng /-/ lem is toe assignment of “different you are in? , auang officials'to the (Jomrnu- todl^ a big bite out o f Summer f’uroitiire altitudes to planes which are on., □ Are the real estate and other taxes comparable to ■ business. Take your pick tomorrow and .... » - ^ ' 7 / w : n at 'mainland. Jn toe long, nor­ Are you planning a be^ch party, picnic; cookoiit, oi*.^. - to'e .eame rqute at toe same time. thepriceofthehou.se? > - x' deduct 20^r. mal course of events, these (Chi­ ' / - ‘ . V' ■ ‘ special trip for July Fourth? Make siirie y M hav^^ -•L., IK- A 'alhrm emergency jipset thU safety precaution Saturday. nese on Formosa'will chooa to be HNANCING plenty of Hand;^'s Franks on hand. X‘ * and aveiY drop IS with China, whatever China ..it is. I The chuces of s'uc^ a collision / □ Cth ypp readily meet th? down pay ment? Easy Tecfns would stiil seem: almost' one in a Premier fjhoU. r.lso expecls' his tD'Ai/e you prepared, to ni^t the .several additirihal . These fr^h, tasty franks are great for a'ny occ^iop. . > million. Nonetheless, air traffic gesture o f apparent reasonable­ .‘.‘closing items”-—such ag the cokt o f the litle^ccr- / - They're all flavor because they’re ntad.e from _x;_. ri An attfomalic •l^ctrit lAfqNf h fotir mokes a whale o l > hsa enough hazards which are ness to have influence among the - ' .iitificafe, mortjgage recording . fee and attorney's' . choice meats delicately seasoned completely 'unpredictable without Overseas Chinese jp iiisiiy coun­ ; " .services for preparing the proper papers for FHA . differmctl 'VVhetiys'r you’re soaking fatigue away 7 . tries w’ho are still lOyal, in their re 49.95 Buy Handy’s Pranks pv-ery tPleraUBg any^h|zarda which are4- or VA. mortgage loans? . / fronTyo^^^ fudgd- predictable in any degree. Ob^ thinking, to FormOaa*, ' W □ -\re the monthly payments cunsistehl with your De luxe streamlined ali- from yoiir /WtcKen floor.. . 7-hot water is always >- vioualy, we are' in' for a period of ,' i Premier" Chou-^is also, in such 1 . 'L monthlv salary? x Were $9.95 alumlnum chaise With Magic- statement, coming cloaer to the study and planning which wilt try Big, sturdy non-tilting Arm adjustment; red or th6 best ^lution! * — to guarantejs that ^veh this one s i d i n g .^ericah diplomatic',dc- CONSTRUCTION ^ Alumimini Chairs in green w-oyen /plaid Saran mandr-. which is that he renounce covera in a million Iriiianee of disaster is • □ Do outside dlflrable Saran .wcb- .more rigoroMly guarded against, ctIv? This is a .sign, of-general quality of eon- gard to Formosa.' bing. * - ' * '• fabrics y o i wash — helps the soap to .get to wdrk IR toe future. ? . struction? " ■ I '‘v (Below) Spring Arni (Ti'alr has atlll not 'formally and with a ^|[. We all rely upon hot- water so riiuch □ If there are a few plaster cracks will the builder '.'W^ ,-in while epamrtf* with plain completely renounced' the possible » agree to f i x 'the.se after the house has firmly (BelowI .Vft. Unibrel-- yellow- 01-7 green comhined' that a goo^ water heater’s a must/ We recommend . use of force. But he is again d*», with wWtoijiytlrapgea florgls. y To Load, Not Lag. .set(l(Bd? ^ • Y las W'lth 2-pavt pointed ah automatic electric water heatet because it works emphasizing that possibility, and metal- - poles; ring for As ' toe cold war begaml. -■ we.' , □ is there..a suffidefit number of electric.al outlets? building up‘ peaceful alternatlvea.. ^ n gin g, gay,: multi­ for pchnies-^and it never forgeti ■ - ■'x,; ^fancieid b u m ivei i^- democraej-j □ Is heat supplied by moderri automaUc oil heating, colored strlpeiy./ Like Moscow, he la being mild with sji toe- freedoms and privi­ ^uipm ent? (BuiMeirs canlmake substantial sav- rather than threatening, taking - V V • -1 leges that word, aynibolized. And inga(putting in other fyjMW of. equipment. But a t \lt'« S o Easy To ..PurehciM , the soft line rather than the hard, y We fancied ourselves, in all these ’ a buftder who saves inohry here perhaps ‘Tsaved.”- ■ 7 ' ' « ■ ' seeking to.perailide people ralhir Skinless, Regular, King Siie, thinga, the exact opposite of toe "Somewhere el.sci too).. *->. / NoHijng Down . . . Pann1|ies ^ Day toan frighten them. ^ ,1 Were 8.95 Baby Size, All Beef, Extra Mild.''- nation/which .w’aa beebnung the □ Make-sure the house has an ade<{uate mksonry | Lilsarol jAllowanee 'For Ola Eq^ipmanf cola war enemy, toUlitarian Ruj- Co.nsidering that- he" posjteases chimney.'Bpilding one later fs'cosily. Not having , j Gie power to put American policy one limits your choice^of fuels fqr heating^^^^^ Were 49.95 -.Id.-. ■ . I ."nien-'M toe cold war went on, to a terrible and ..embarrassing depreciates the house’s valufi.' .-teit, which would cOme if, he »t* eur toaJm of RussU and of Com­ Cool mesh Patio hqmmock complete., with Call Your Master er . 0 0 AppliarKB Deefler or ,; tacked - toe - off-shore islands of munism led us. into an imiUtom of, GENERAL stand and "decoratM canopy. Finished in , 'Ali flavor be^Ui^ they're . many v.qf-Uta . feaUirer of toe. Quemoy and Matau and thus chai- - □ Ar? you sure the en.t will slay dry after smart tur^oise. You as.semble and .save choice meats, delicately sedspned. -i-T •% S, ■ toubtartah state. To combat Rus- leitg^d us to decide whither we are heavy-rains? , - m I V I .. |rt E I I t C T e I C A I I T cqniibitted to toetr deferise, it w a 77 a^ .wR'ijMdioptod m any,of- R u ^ 's is the foundTation sound?'^ ^ Ih your homf* reliefi.to have Premier Chou tak­ B techniques. Ws r,i^id an iron cut,-' Are there storm windows and..weathft^lWppihg? wired fOi' lull ing the oil Id Matorical line. U ma.v tktn of our own. vlis banned books. Art you paying for thciir?' -^7 / * be no . inpre/^an a ib>e buf ar 7y Every taste telhybirtkeyye... HOUSUPOVtfER We ubdlHtobk a polit* auir style □ Check the probable Cost of home heritinr. Remenl- supan-islpa o f each o to e r i tii- hile 4ie is p'iirsuing.it tRe Forpios ,b.gc any fuel for fully automatic (fse nlHer than oil . Kovt out,of liw# homst art not. 7 dixidual boUejia. We had ose i>ot irijust almmirring, not> X- * ^if| increase your annual heating costa at least boilingLB over.'.over.' I- 'r-' ■ ■ ‘.’* >Y’S FRANKS Chock yaur wiring'.' Euir oltciric x --'i;--/ w / .■'..!/25Seto33 / '■ .'.-ti » Kvi'ka notdt full MOUSirOWIR. tt w i Wemed abotit amn# , off '*j y ■ .. Y . g, l, HXNOV CoUkaNV — Moktr* oMoisovi Ho«dy'» Sou»a0f, lotos, Mom, dnd Cald CuO- !■ * /- rj- ’ V t ' ^ JMars tald fh*t it UP Ajfm U^T J Why not check theiie points with yohr.Realtur ' \ ’.yyyfxix''''' '"I ton.^.Taz!.“ ' l b i P ^ ^ A A leleal eatats iac!«issftey to rur- . STREET I ^ • /!• *• j —. .-V>—j-r—— .'-I • * ^ ’■ 1. its up aii^'ragdiM:idJbaa-' vamsIIm I* 'M etier Hpine tledt Q iuncil; Inc; tincm dte'L. 3-SI7! 4 1 la atider to defbad It tSrou tl,896 hp- mostlyTlOit up.' }-,X ' ‘" I f ’- S.’ ■ 'ri'V ■ ,-l .v, ■ xriV-'"r\' ■ ri-vrv’.. ■ L-iA’ Quartet CAten TRUCK $ 5 ' \ T op D em ocr ais A conaiderabte ' same' a.s b e ^ . It would- mean the financial situation <” A"® >^*^.:j5,juing niopey Into a llnp that ha.t Mra.^-Sfa^ry' I.. Pomelal On GaftihUng Haven Railroad will - nol change money . . «.ther»'a no .Mrs.'Atary. L. Pomeltl, fbfmHly In Race piast the carrjer'a decision .lo aba-h’doji ■ enougir'-blrtrtnejm'-pn. thrf line^fh', (Oontinued from P «'f* Ow') based on the supposition h«a b4»n I Hartford, the mother w Rockville. July 2 ( Special - cause a person owns-VtoP' ; William , Popoff, 423 L.ydall ,7’ / County S w e r io r ^ ^ / diOd^ Saturday jn Hartford ri; arrested for gaining, .i A t E i s e o w e r Hartford and Boston Ada Manches^^,^ "haafo take lossfia some- tern It ha* in Uie past and the.a^town like Manchester fo today, were admoplsh- ARldVlNG DAILY for OUR tile jSarenU of /ChaH^erj Hospital.''TOe widow o.f Matthew ter, .WUlimantii* and Putnanr_^;/ •• Tim New' York State Pub, early 1957 pa>*menf will be some- matically' is b^lt^r abl ed arftf'ijned $5 each today hy the. HaVan” last njornn - Skooir, 17, iJyn d.eVe r fPomelzl. she^-aa born,in Austria, ■nie "New . lie Service CVimmladirfn' recenfiy >v thitik loss Ui‘a » 21 mills* My lo pay school new. C itjv'^ n rt Judge, .Francis T. V'(Oontlnu^ Pagd One) turnedrned In ita Wbest st>rfom perfornjafice y^e_^^^ of _ W 1 , - V arOrW* dan. 13, 1874 and had lived In Fast 4fh of JULY^fitmllion! - New OpootllP* {'o»t« 'I..- , wouId'^-,if he livei djoughJln? /■ike yeAis and ita presideM.president, George . R ,„t«ion to ralne-eommuter fares : 7 ; i ' Fined were ^Beter Jaconski, 49, . Adlal Steyeneon, the iinsuc'qcsa of 35 Taloo.tt Stanley' W ful 1952 DpTnorratit nominee and I^H^rould- cont^^**‘ R®'' to W estchester patrons'. •t used*^or comnarisoh ohlvV, sage says. M^«*^S=oimuJa equates ' d““8hter„ ^ s . Mary n^irnrtpdvtmr the proW l^''^® railroad Had .said irwa.s loa- Praclinicak,/36. of-Sd High St.; generally/Conceded front , runner m inm ^ung lh P P® .. ,',,oney on these ctistomera., til&OOO iWaused S il’ by thei^^^ enroll- , VS ^/T^'H^^^rby of Rocky Hill; 1lJMn;other. Stanley W. Boron, 33. o<45 Grand for thl^yenr's Democratic ■ nod.; ’T orter^in^ Uie-«ilh a large en-1 i ’'*' fiHsphen ScHofner. of E asK H w t- joined either Democrats iti raipping •v'5**' J ...; -At innlv The railroad'.s deeJaloh to drop ■Ave,: add Alphone M- Malhqux.,32, xnis, . K ' . pa!uehgev..se;;)|> Iretween Hart-. of Bl'^rand Ave,'" They ptoqddd theyuministration for. giving airer porWr access to nilnutes of -|S||p- Boat,STn via Eastern Con,..; nolo contendere to th6''ichitrgoa>.v. ■wmicfiVAs-kn^^ hfi.s. aroused the oppoai- fr a ^ ^ L oV er schwl i ^ ^ A ^ ^ /M artin notes lbat>the tOWn l ' IT® * ^ ‘^vc- ?« i' ^-oneral services will b a V ld ti),- ieyel. cabinetj; moe.tlnga.’ ^ ^ ■ iCh:'’.. .Vrre.Hterd' .at;, l-egion |lilihed to 1S2 OM iewrd*^^ than the average for the Pfesident of the organiaa-! n^^al Home. 3t ^rriTetUcut. Blvd., oi-er the Quineba g has said' It i « l « ‘i'lnlN’, apnolnted ,5-man com- $152,000, according;''’to •Americak'i^giOO- Honi^ on- Wcat ob«rt J. Donovan of the>Ne\y tire State and fi^tver than th(Mf\ e/T tioh, ' ^ . ] followed by a/eqdtetn high Mass hp.s /'pc'titloned message to.-the Board. . St. June 2 '''^ ,S ta tc Police ffoi York Herald Trihtinf. for his reqefit n . " X ; X “" l i f bi',i -I'M -SiKlon^l ,b,. S,.,. The report says;says: ' ^ ■ age. for- comparable toiynir J'^he ,1/^^"-'*. ^t. Mary'* Church,. Ea^at,Hart- the Sped ' Sendees ' :pivisJon yin , book, ”lBt|tnhower,: The. Inside per capita, tax' .requiied the Hinman told the pieeling h^re- |,,f p a m., Burial vfVll,be. in A™; bf-.'h, voo.Mb .s~ > »«»s )«t5 ? »!S 3 * r g 'S i£ ? £ ' Bond maturiUeaf bopo ‘hi'hiterest HartfordT iriNcoOperaUoo. wiihydhC j Stofy and tinlUl/tfnproyffJnentsprovej pro]- proposed budget will k ^ p ^lan- a jiubpoena June 1. . C o n - ^ ' y,ry .’, Cemetefy, East Hartr and Chester in ita favorable l^ ltio n ," j ««-ted -today pe Wild., not revW r ford. Stafford'..Spriitgs bairacks, ;.Tlie p Stevelison d 11, ‘'further, evi ■ecta aite greater ,y $92,000, the la i-»mc as .ft result of ", an i dence of the' pd; tatratton's re.-‘ ' According to a rpmpan.v apokea- •Coiiim'i.s.sinn!.i.l^, Set ■ a date fof'-art he Jiaya;: -AetaiUs of the .suit or nante-'- lhe Friends may call at the funcr lu;iH4ng on .the petition, result pf making-the first, pay- The budget iiipKidea $3.55.250^o/f law*•"’ .fh'"’ firm hired to repi;oaentre^oaent ■ the -noma' today tnnm 7 to: 9 p.m;', Anonymous telephone tip that 1, dance on adverttamg'and . public man, these faclgrastill,■govern the ^ n t dn' the^lobeJiolloW'bond being,;;Casfl6d:.o.n'at •ftel^ technjffl|je.j.'’ raiteoad'a thinking on the matter, f Tlie railroad also has petitioned - princlpaF'rnd.-i:Serest' i _____ pay-mentZLytwo aasociatloWs. , j .------, ’ ^ m ‘ for^drk pui^ses anu plans to en­ Port li Jhhnxur^ L^gw " Home, -1 ^en. Estc.s Kefaiiver-ofNrienne.s- regardlea.s> of its improving finan­ ■ the.put ,'^kTng for pernilsatOn to' . the j»ew high school, and. for .ine ,' -A'"'*?'*''■*• ^*1*'^’ Pr**'‘**"J^ '■obemloa- the line. lig. far as ths large and extend the itorm water flwd time;'the coat of operating it. Ando.ver L^he Managam^i^l Assn. r-Krl'roitfi i.u lohb^h Rrt nf ' Said' Judge O’Uiughlln thi.s I see. a thUd Dp’mocratic ai^Hiant,- cial picture. .The road, last' month netted 4713,013. Which is Hln»ost;.M«?'thc%i®Hs -''1"^ 'W'*®'’' aew’cr w a^m , •'Maficheater has faced up/lo the, was iiriavailahle for coniment. H e: ^'35. v\’. Center St,'died Slituidav '’**’*l« lai.a ; ' reported to Kmbe \’m vacattohing l|\ ‘ ■“ * _* turbed and ehibarraacdMhats.». you ; .feen. Muhdt a. iR-SDi. double the figure for AptU, an,l'; > Ilc fe rn V ^ ■ ft’ ' .■ /' ' ' ■ - A 'l” . nea/fo.r'.a new high schoi^carlier /. toan iu ^te' ap: at' l.al survey’ .akd in' Mftnche,ster''Memprial .Jlwp.ilftl. ^ e d s for the first' time JLhia | Tyler .said,. "W A haye gm -fo ths . ■ ■_*■..'> '• -C- ^ enan have many other toevns^ .Tmt ■Tennessee. , , after a. jsfiort illn'eaa. - Porn in have'JcnpardirCd the j'epulalion of ; Kefativer ssjd tlie" adminislra mapping.of the ent e for use\ tbs' American ' Legioh a.s, well asxtlon has adde^noth!n.r new to ve^ H h e figure for a com parable'|-point where we have tA have-a .7 V. ' it has. at the’ same tliije.^been auc-r At Saturday night s meeting. NORMAN‘5 ^MANCHESTER NORMAN ESTER NORMAL'S ^ MANCHESTER NORMAN'S — MANCHESTER bv thethe-\ assessor and Highwey. Hinman .said"- there is a posaibiniy, Sweden.-the .sqrt.of lh*e-late J o f i f t ^ , ; / ,\V r ithink yoirVCaln^c Ihc foreign pdlil'y developed: i'n the 'montMiu 1955 ' ' puldic determination on the mat-i Sewer gip) Planning ceasful in keeping lts ~ j^ r capital and Emma .fohnaon. he lived 1>>S T \ ^ *the~Tailro4ers piiblii- I t.er, He said It would be tip to ths iVater " tax 'Well below the average for, should a judgment Ije returned^ the chaigcs and if I pc.fii^f.ding administration of Presi- Manchester 60'years and wajKem- 1,,this ,°h 'happena^aMin n r,.r,^ U vyill be more ./ent Trunfan. relftllons t W said' Ire did.-.not'.I PtfC to decide. . >, mid i l S s W for solkcr ConnkcHcur comnuinitlea favor of Skoog and in exces.s or ployed at Cheney B-o.s. for .55 An it( the- amount o f . insurance serious." --M f The ^nne.»ae..'.n also .said Demo- think the caivYer'a linpi'oved . fi- : H,>wevei'.,,'he Jndicated that If i - Appropriationsw|>,- Carfipd ybaira in the velvet weaving de- TUp' new jtl the 10^4 Besides the $.4,598,475 generM .Ih? two'organiMtlon^ the styorn in | cratic. leadership in Hie.Senate has naocial . ondXion'' "would make the dectsmn goes against ihe New,, o , .0, general ----■ . wIiTcft rwouid fund appYopHatiohs- Martin .reo- Rtdups' assets niljjht he'confisqat-1 ^ mem'o^' of the' the^ beginhing of tHi/njorning.s rcstrahied ' administratfOif. -"hot-' any d iffe r e n t so^ far as the , f " * v e y the failrOad. might appeaj,, 'o: t- amount to W 'out -*ive per cent, .^mentis a'$357,«0 Water DC- ed. ’the tw-o organaations 0 ^ j court season by- heads”'-who, imiglvf have involved (Elaatern CohnecttOll) line is con- I 't o ^ e civi'ts...... He said the railroad. Thelnet l^ e a s e 'o f all other its that right. ^actment, appropriation, a $210,- Old Red Barn and'the land ttsed f.n,rter.nlember of Scandia Lodge/:^“ *^ ^ the country in shooting-wars in cerneb.” ' ----\ . '/...v ppopriatlonaAis $12,000. ‘87ii tSelyef Department appropria­ aa a htfch. Order nf vluiii ^ pvealdfng iver .the I ourf; Since the ^ormosa ank JndVhina. — - V Adjuatmeata B o ^ l tion. bOlh'toJjie financed from wa­ It la not known how. “much Ih- • l o a i ^ h i i -Wife,- Anna lyidt said Derhocials have Stafforfl SfViings: Joan Cifo.nvell, ;43-ftionlh budg- Pigeo.h in .May. i,Jiidge O'Lough- 'wounil Uj ever>' tihif in war" dur­ ■ V In adjiiati: ter and sewer rejeipts; a $13,010 surance is carried bS’ the ADPOA fSkoogr Johnsi son, R6.V C. .50" Cobildge St.; Anh Marie La- pt' to t the a l ^ e r fiscal period. and the management association. ’»«■« , "■! lilts commission was received this ing major crises In .the pav. while dyga, .39 Horton R,i.; Mrs, Grace We Rebel Against Appropriation froth .jhe parking Johnson. 652 N Hospital .k^tesj ; j }^e Rebel Against $279^5 $269.95 •' Martin took lUl 87 _w^cent of nie'ter" fund td pay 'salaries’ of twO' Hinman said that an increase of ' a - i «>Ck from Gov. A. A. Ribicoff. Republicans,, ''bajk off Rt^.f.iain- Bishop, CTiiim'-ers Trailer Co; rt. salaries find ,W es, adjustea ***■ ; patrolmen w’ho tend the parking coverage to $50-100,000 was denied “ I Skcr T 'v i/M. \TorJohn- ' PrQsentPresent in courtcourt'this this morning tain peace." ... ' - Visiting Hours; Prlt ate rboiqs.' Rockville; Mis. Attn Ruddell. S.5 son Of Hartford. aWtl Mrs, Mar- i ,j.;ire-'ntany :re.sidents and local al- (BUT THAT'S THE LIST sonsl wages, red 10 paym ent j ^.jjters pay for^ meter, re / hy the fjrm ln.suring the organiza- Hi a,m. lo ." p.m.; maternity aniLs, Main St.; A.i llnir Oai'pcnlei. 22 ' ^ (BUT THAT'S THE LIST RRIGE!) > of monthly bills;' ' aeaaonaU.v ad-j pair; and a $6.600/fippropriatlon tions. The firm. •'It 'A-as" reported, M ret M iffh lH jJ fi^ fie l^ two ;ornev.s. ^ colorful bouquet of uvcer.s .<51 Sal uie,l Linsay, .55 E 3 i f e ® ' tvs. Miss A h ^ J. Johnson .M f|o„-ers was .sent bv Atty. a,nd ills. ■•emi-privale wards, 3’ to 8 p.m.; Justed cost o f . renting equipment; frqni the dog iicehae fund has refiised to , renew the Insur­ PolisliR eds ittildren’s ward,...... 2 to;7 ' p.r -Gill5iure-)i St.: .Mr.«. Mane Roberts, . / for snow removalNand oiling or .Chestnut S /am t Mrs. Esther Holt , j_ Ackerman. ^ - The.parking^lheterrktng fund is sup- ance coverage of..lhe Andover iw;; of West Hartford; a brother.'In'h's HaWoi'd;' Susan Green,'33 Hdrton roads, included all' aalnrieixfor soclation and other lake associa­ . In other cases, Lhree...pien vyore por4ed by colTecUons from meters Johnson; in Sw'eden;. and three, Patleiite Tiwlay: H » ' X taachci's and .school pl^olmen, ^ d tions because of the number of fthe.d for failure to drive to the NEW 1956 HOTPOINT and the d<% lioense by the sale of t P u f o e included bond paymfcnm according accidents in lakes, /t- gratt-'di-hlidren, ‘ \ richt They were: .E'ranc’is C. ■ ADMlTTEUJ SATURDAY: Mis7 UlSCllAIX*''*' ^ E.STERD.W: Beens'ea: ./Funeral senicea wilPbe held t.o-.\l;r Following- Hlnman'a ainndunce-. A’ietls Jr., of 46 Village ,St.; Ernest Xfarianne He'.tinger, Gleason " m to maturity dates of lh\ isiuea. Marlin informs the Board he morrow at 2 p.ri. in the Fmanual Martin's budget does\not pro­ ment, the.'mernbers voted that'flpe J...Gerardi. 40. Putnam';- and Arn­ (Continued froin I’age One) Mrs. Mabeh-'‘^ac'eracken. -17.r‘‘"'.‘K^'l®‘^-.^X ,’ " " '7 wifi later submit a revised Capital Lutheran Church;, 'with the Rev. vide for a m unicip^y \operated Board of .Directors be empojvfired , Spruce St.i-Xiaatm'n Ali'urio. 1,00 Improverhents Budget;'-which will Kenneth Granqttiat,.pastor of E'aith old'G. Butjer. • 3.7, of 110 SUii'k- Di.. Ruckvill'e; Mi.ss Theresa golf course. He notes whfit wpilif include the building of a new High­ to .make available a fund of $1,150 land St . Manchester, all fined $12. Farst Berlin's COroinunist radio i Deniing Sl.,r Ha> old; .tTadd'. Wap Kajeh, Eia.sl H aitfoid; Harold for attorneyi fees,' j. , - . Liithera', Clmrch, F-ast Maitford, .'ooiiaiderahle information hM been way garage, an addition : to the officiating. ContiHiung 'court policy, Judge ^ ’ ankland, 30” ELECTRIC RANGE accumulateVconcerning pjt^ipal Hurt In .Diving''.Aerident Municipal Building, and starting Friends may call at Jiie John O 'Lou^lin asked Jimmy Higgins, Zisk.,Dor- course operating and ftjiancingy'-Vit on an addition' to the Mqry Cheney ••Chucky” was severely injured -- - ,r/H1Srttey, 'Funeral Home . 2H» W. -24, of 74 Grand Ave,,to Surrender N'ettie Library as projects for the,coming when he dived o ff the public raft • Completely^ has not been pracU-cgi; to draw S^y center St.i today, from 2 to 5 and his Uqghse voJuntaril.v ..for two ■ Highland ,st.; ■year.., ' at Andover -Lake. He was rushed Ihetf goyernmcnl-s*" Tlie broad M^rn' St. , Aiitornatie conclusion at thia-time.’’ .J, to-10 p ni. • weeks on his fltql offense. Higgins jQlile.^ Gordon, 8tf E'oxcroft I)i'.: - The town now)- owns the land ml The Library Board has prelimin­ to Hartford Hospital and under­ • was charged with\speeding. rafit s X f tho.se out in 1*^® ' ’-'Cst in­ ADMITTE. D ^'KBTEil.DA'Y: j ElUington; How.vrd • Push Biittqii ■ - went several operations. However, clude A; lei ican steel w ork-' a AJI pnreelnin IlHlde Control the'Manchester. Country Club. The a ry plans for an addition esti- ilhts I,au.ra„F., Wilson A fatherrson coifrbina.tio.n, Frank James.Aoeto, 59/llilliai

» • ./A, Aft'* PAGE ELEVEIV

In his whql|> life, hekrtf aboyit-thel And yet, JPe-di((n't nepd m ^ to AnawaMd previout, Puiile be made wit!i Mrs; Henry Parking- -vltarnins. -He never awallo^ed B-1 stralghLeh tip his bac)t. BuViheitr. nqgo, pastab.of the Columbia,Con- Andover Peoptt ^n4,/^ings .gregational 'Church. Tha bri^Fa ton for parents- with chU^en en­ Pluli One, or G-D-^IF'-^. Xnd yet j thOae^^pod old bb^'qf^>('br^''*'ere* W H A Z — SIS |¥ai'ent.s -aerve^.' aa bridal at- tering Grade 1 this, fall.. The clinic X- Sense and Nonsense 'he had a'-Iot of/«fi wd lived tlM In't/ied from fancjr^rifc.. Now .1 will be held July 10 and Includes tendanta< ' T ' " $ 2 0 ,0 0 &xPiedged . 93. HsrralsejjMS family, loved hlaj-mlist hilrry t^ h r - a to fe ahd get .ACROSS . S8 D n x ^ Rddia WUTH-^IAIS, H i > U ^ S r i The' bride was dritgaed in- a royal an examination and cleaning' Of, wife; an4&— Andover, ' July ; a r n i v a l ^ "Y- ICK tURJJEH iKimbi^ July 2 ( Special^)X-The' gray with piiiKv Accessories and 2 Special )Nt- ndt called -shauld check with Mrs,. Molher~\Vt?ll. don't play 'with ing as mildly a's possible, the < D ^ p a ia t e r , DOWN " «jXx,~Sav« a Life longrega^ SPECIAL lim t-: ulei aro nippUed radio Jj^jtJ-Uood tsvenim Good tSnraage. Fledgesgea 'to to the FirstFirst' Congregs 'Parkin]feton , who ,w ill Teview the him any. more. ■ * quaintance said: . Vaii ' ■ LFestlve vigil, of the Bloodmoblle Jitly, 5„ tibnm Church ftind drive have ex- Ac '>n>hf*hce ■ Do y o jf think; 1 manigerrfento gnd lufe c» to ✓ WtC'IB—Evenma Serenarta Upon iiieir ret'.iMf from their apMihtrhent achbduled with' Miss 9 13 Termented . S Exclamation cs l o x WTIO—One Man's Kamtly will be fr^ftt 1 lo'6 p.m. Instead 6 t F O R T H i ^ l - \OeddihgTrip. the couple wdll {n ^ e ; ceeded 320,000, according .to Don­ EijJCa Silvia, publiXheAlth nufse. . ApfMyJng _ far k" "posUion. the that Ls a pn«q)er thing^-tfTdo? Sup- beverage 3 Ret changa witnout nbuce. Wnr.ri—K. B. Mill-low the. previouafy ac'heduled 10 a.m. ald G. Richards, general chairman, WGTH—Sav it With Muilc their/^m e for the ;p"resent with; N, yoiinR Uiins • to the^ueslieslfon 'po.se everybod.v-Ujrew^ their thin|fS 13 Gelatinous- 4 DrhisNon sign to 3 p ^ . according to locjti general although leas than^half the pros­ Everybody is Roing fo-^n* down like th r *'!9S a y —Uuato Uerebant liep^arehts. The bride is a gradu- Manchester Evening Herald .An­ "Marita: Statu.'," to whiC.h’;*he re­ lubstsnce 5 Amalei 24 Be coropeili . 40 Capable of n —Dwigora .vs Ulanla ch^m an, He-.'bert Englert.. pective contributors have been Chester Motors to buy one of ] plied without hesitaliort': "Hope- The, cldcjH^i'l answered solemn 25 Legendary being done , .GCOaGood^aiVemns Good Mualo e of the Windham. High School, dover rorrMpondent, Mrs. .Paul' a 1.4 Luminous - king X tVKNB--atuatt The change Waa made to enable e bridegroom iF also 11 graduate contacted. PfanatldH, teleimhne, P I 1-6856. z ly: , 6 0 t( the . prOse 42 Chiefs WTlOf-Wldow Brown .. Rlchardf stated .that the goal 4a: these famoirt “SAFETY- Fydei^Oii'l Kverybody does, U .5.SI circle , WDRO-^1 Kolby WXree-H-fnr^. Tavlor o f Windham High, a' war veteran, ' ------' I S Resinous ■ri— edge hamtive 43 Caverns V-'- WDRTS^ack Ca«apn to donate their blood. 340.000 and waa optimistic that it t W dXBcultTo counter the logic WCTK—Wax Work WGTH-^ed Sox vlKWaanlnkton and la at preaenC.^^ployed by thf TtSTED” USED CAR^. Why • LiU lf HatdVzCjlif'leriturfcd to.fii^ lutotince" 7 Before 26 Pfrstan poet, 44 ’younghvomaii Mra. ’ Frat'f is Minor haa^.j^n will be reached. - KI'LES LOCfldKlP V, of^the argiliiient. glia- X \ 1 T Slate Highway Department. not^join the o}«hlsg, AC 8-90M...... sOMrrwfNS I Fcb^-d^ IROH.^hiKJog 'rabln he ■' a hen .' 1.1 Bread before Czechoslovaklai 50 MasiSullne glia- X John Prfngla of Columijrta, The-finar workers' meeting wil] truck strike was a lockout and or-, SAFETY ^TE D SEAL tm 4 u y NCEPj^ t hims^ 50 Property itbtii Consecration 30 Utmost' appcllatlpii ' ' WHAV-r;nodgi‘ra va Gian staff ahks secretary of the wll- be held,Thursday.night and the rc- dered, unemployment compensation " This hV* That 32 Anesthetic . SI Observe WTltii-Henry J. TayiOi limantic.Oiaptor; r Ay be contact­ payments totalling 3132.000'to Thte 51 Cooking vessel 20Helper WDRC—rGodtrey raienl Seoul., E U in g t on. sillla of the drive' announced to EASirST SALE time-table^ says tliitt^thia ^ y dear old granddad___ was a S3 Send forth ' SSCipitarof 33 Pull apart ■ , closely. (/ WGTH —Ra(l 80S va Waahingioi ed for an appotrtLjnent Tor donat­ the congregation, at a meeUiig to 861 drivtra. The commission saia I .EVER will arrive at nine-ten Atid card. He lived till 93. And.he.waJi And 25 Drunkards Norway; 35 Short cloak S3 Astefli" 6(44— • ■' I .. • ing blood on that d ite o r appolnt- .be held Fridaj? evening. » only six firms were, stnick in ,pon- it's half an hour late nmv,'' ^gononiC**Bokton PouaI'oua urcbeatra. hQIi2 iiL Stamps plained the traveler at the sinall- Spry aMto could be. A t 80 he could’ shell i r i F" i r ^ WDRC~GodIr*jr•RC—GodIr». ’^leni hcbut* Xhe WHlimantic, Branch.' ttoland Dental clinic appoihtmeqta may drivers aa a result. ■' ploW-and hoe and lift 2(J0 pounds 1 C n r- tonTiriaflroad station. 28 Steal WCCG—hecord .Review WGTH-R^d Sox va Waahlhr»on Lapamie of Colum’ola la In char Bought at Schools '•A\^ll. 'taint ten yet, i ^ t ? " the and do five cartwheels >rt it rp w ... ■ of properties and Mra. Marahali SlTalisipan H 1$ ►i . WKNB—MaOnee- WH^Y-^DodRora va (iiairia and hardly lout'h the>’ground. He'd 34W Rhdriw WTIC—iWoraan Squier, Mra, John Walali, Mra. t>on- •WDRO-f-Oal Kolby WsTJC*^T firOm the r ” Hi It WGTH-I-Wax Work J WDRC—-My Son Jeep sld Tuttle and Mra. Clar^he# May- and had Cby wphd of mouthi won WifTH -R^^tk^x va WiAahtDj^pn A total of^'F4,f)82.0(l'l In defe^e The .' - ideologicjil '^oiifllaug'ht 'Union X ' hw'd_jrAljflcsJ_8laff_work"era -for fierce encountbrs by the-aeoee.. ' *'1vnAY-*-Record Roden SOMETHIN 6 DIB aklKT AT 'i0.HM'S against litter lont.S' ha.v'not won 36 Strangulation , ’ 4, ■ w riCO-Record Review WHAY—Dodgers GUnta the iiplfa visit. Smith's store at stamps Wat sold 1H {the local] over the younger, generation. and capturen half the South! But.' , 37 Maps out i WKNB—Baseball Aliinnea, Telipnone the Cfenter also has pledge cards schools during tha 1958'^. year, it alt. this tough old jjird. so !i a a WTIC—WSh-Hadld Lane.: WDR'ottie H. Finance, chairman of lihe ^ .SoniEHiing wonderful for outdoor borbocutt: p 1 WHAY—Record Rodeo WTIC'—CnnteWl In Muilr selected f6r posaibljt jur> duty :i. National' Security - Committee of 42zX-r and w 8 - f WDRC—CapItokCloak 'Room v ; , ' PRIME AND CHOICE] Ji P WOCC—Record Review WGTH—Red Sox T|, Washington ' Tolland' County .Superior Court for the local Apnerip.ah Legion Aux­ *•! i wiUr . MAJOR HOOPLE Lea.nder WKNB—Baaaball Mnlliiee OUT OUR WAT- J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARPING HOUSE 1 WTIO-IOSO RadliTLane' g:«a— ■ ’ X ■ ' ' the' edming yearkh^to,'Frances E. iliary. ' 43 Feminine i r a ' * WRAY “Dodgera va Nlanla.,„ WDRO—CaPHolby Baildv,' Joseph Balle.v, ArUiur B. A t Crystal Lake School 1,094 pronoun - WGTH—Bob and Ray . WTIC—Conlraat In Muair TENDERLOINS iH.' IN TWO" A\yf>P?.: MY WORD, ^AK^PSOfi/ 44Taildier\ s I W " -glia— : WDRC—Capitol Clonk Rhpni Oobb,’ John Q. Cragin, Mrt. Persia 10-cent stamps, and 686 26-cent AanOUTESTHAT y-VOO DONT ^ A V / -w ' /. 'WHAY—Swing Easy WT.THXRed Sox ya Waahingtnn F. Cragin. -Austin E. Emmons, I'VE 60T A peLIC.TCO; '47 Bustle - C 1 rm ataipps, vAhied ..at 3280.90,- were P ir a t e t r e a s u Re h a« e 4 / w cee-R ecord Review Wilbur d ' Fletcher, Ear} p. Gard­ Avorogo 3 to 4 Lbs. AMD irb MCRE ' 49 SgojUsh riveX WKNB—Request Matinee WHAY^:T>,Ag. i aXa Gt*hU sold. Eight bonds were'issued: : '55 OLhSMOBILE ALWAV:$ APPEALED TO m V WTIC—ChHt^Uniley ^ ner, John R. Hansen. Henry R, THAt4 THE56-*~A-G^is:iJtRj&'ATSENUtfJe' S2j0Peratlc solo W TI0-«1I^ Radio Lane WDRO—Rortabfe Mooda , AOVEMTURODC (JATURg—^ 8 IT P 4 a jr: W D R O ^A f Kolby Hhyden Jr.,"Richard S. Jensen,'and A t the Longview School, 8041 Singlo pound at $1.97. t r e a s u r e A1AP>^ A' ch e6 t '-53 Second son of WiiTH—Night MiitUo Super “ 88” 4r|)oor. . Special 1 W G TH -^ob and Ray Mrs. Edith K. KUhiark. 10-ceht atb>hP* *»d 4.S06 TS'-ceRt ' O f (SOLO eL'KlECteV Tkfi OLV UM-ktUMP/f I' ve MADE Ak Adam (Bib.) SI V 1:44— Stampa vmlU^ at 31.890.60,'were Turquoise and white. Radio, a 'i.9 /■- > WHAY—Swing Easy WHAY DodgeiavaXlanla >> Alio, Fred Klemark; Mrs: Carol ^ 1 . 7 5 Pir a t e rARTAiM Ca l e b cobs syUAUSTlYE 'lETUDV OF 54 German city \ WTIC—The world olMiialr adtd and 68 bonds were issued.-' Ttndor and jukyl'X ■ . ' ...... T ' . ' jH ’ WCCC—Record Review L Ladd, Clinton Lu Ladd, Lyndon heater, i^ual ra'qire hydra- ' TKACKS^ SNiAPACiPiC ($LAKJD,^ v;ALL THE NOTORIOUS' •S5DispaUh S> w WKNB—Today In Sports » WDRC—'ATooda lor Romnic* A t the\C$nter School, 5,839 10- \6ueCANE£RS AMO tr WGTH—Night Mualc Uttle, Mrs. Pai'illne ,H. Lohrl Theo­ malic, ptiwer steeling, power 60M EDAVVM “ WhRt do you want to do today-guard or oadd^' 56 Run auay / - - WTlOi-lOSU Radio Lane i liisa- \ cent stamps ' and 4,407 -25-cent : HABITS.' 57 ------r .Van ■ . !4 ■WtmO—Cal Kolby ' WHAY—Dislgera va Glanta \ dore A..'-Loug'hrey. ^Roderick 6. Try p||^r own bokod brakM, rear,, fender shields, Co in s to . SG M'g ™ —Lea Paul and Mary Ford' stamps, valued A t'33198.90, were >rtLtl|A6ER -.W inkle^ \ Z WTIC—Fred Waring ' .. Marrotte, Clarence J. Ms.vnard, l^ck-up lights and many more DlS-lT '■ 4:44— ‘.X, tYDRC—Mooda tor RomabiBe r sold'and 78 bonds Issued'. One eem od boof,, potato I COULD WHAV-ZNewa : WGTH-Nlght Music little extras..^ UP/ WCCC—Good Evening Good Music Raiidall,- Howard, C. ’ .S^uShurnWay. nWav; And fifty, roiiri bond, were od and eeloslaw. HELP .you WKNB—Today In Sporlia |g;U- ■ - ■ . itsv«d a t the three schools, RECOVER BY Xf^ VEPMEER WHAY—Dodgers vs Glanla Soldmon, Sl'rider, Ralph J. Slate, W oigol oold Oh yes. . e O C O C PRISCILLA’S POP Spreading It Around -\. sWTIO—News" WTIC—Fred IViring Elected 'to Beak Unit iiko our owfi pL IT/ . . WDRC—Newa Reporl«gO\ WDRO-xMooda for Romance James II. SfeSrman, Robert, Tag­ ik fu rts. ' One owner! ^ A.MANSldN TO UVE IN,-- A HUNDRED THOUSAND? 'f o Ro e t A WGTH—News X\. X . WGTH—Night Muate gart. Jack M. Thompson, Russell H, Paul Bi Sweeney, of'. C f y a t a I rollshos. teOypKli i | o iic o . ,FANCY CLOTWES- A ' W H Y \N«DULD W E VYANT., T O D O M fH4—■ . X I tligie— ' Wheeler Jr., and. Louis E. Wilbur. Lake, has been elected' to the WHAY—Sports WUAVe'-Oodgera vs Glaitta ~ . Rockville Office Advisory Board of caulH low ^iw adt onions Fancy Capons lb. 65^ WUNDRED'TMOUSAND. -^Sd'''MUCH^ONEYy tlT T u E WCCC—Good Evtning Ooed Music WTIC—Newa X , SmltlK^balre IN -TWE BANK.' METM iN g )' . WKNB—Serenade X '" WDRC—Ne»i: Almanae . Mrs. Joan. F. Henneqiiin Abalre. the Connecticui Bank and Trust.. THid onion ^ish . F r y o r s ...... lb . 5 5 c 55F(0RD "WTIC—Rtrlctly SporU , X ■ WGTH—Night Music , Co, Sweeney }i Tolland County FOR M E WDRC—J. Zatman daughter of Mr. and Sira'.-Wclen WGTH—Conn. Soortligbl 11:14^ high sheriff and a director of the p iis to m "y -8 4-Ooor. Radio, heater, TOO gJjg WHAY .Dodgers va Gtalhls - • Henhequln of Columbia, was' mar­ WTIC—Bportn ried Saturday morning fh-^.St. People Savipga Banlf"' df Rock­ :>tahdard transmission. Ycry low WHAT—Dinner Date WDRC-^1 Kolbv S* ville. ... he tis i Ground Meat In towh WCCC—Good Evening Good Miitle, Mary'a* 'ChuT'ch, Wtltfmsntlc, to ax' mileage.' Has had excellent care. It WKNB—Serenade . • WGTH—Night Music -Uiia- Edmund J. Smith Jr . son of Sir. looks extra special with Hs bright, WTIC—Cote Glee CldS'. Xy HAY—Dodgers vs Glanta and Mr.s. Edmund. J. Smith of Fall h e l d FOR STABBIN^/ WDRO—O. Lombardo WTIC—Startime Serenade Brldgepbrt, July 2 (/Er^oUce new .white wall liETS . WGTH—BIU Rtem - WDRC—Mooda tor Romance River, Mass. The doublA ring aetv- FOOD STORE and }RR0W ' C;«S— WGT^Nighl ;Mualc --- ,■--- » ice vvas performed by- Ahe Rev. ..charged James Jdopre, M fw ith ag­ tires. WHa Y—Dinner Date - 11:44- X \ Roland A- Guiimette. Bridal at-- gravated tesault- ^ftatertay. after WCCC—Good Evening Good Music WHAY X.dger.1 va fitania L O C K in t P ^ WKNB—Serenade WTIC^tarUgbt Serenade tendants were Mrs. F.velyn Bisson Ida Pearl, -27, wu''st'Abbed In the KLEIN’S WTIC—Three Star Extra WDRC—NigW Mtiatc " i abdomen in her ; apartment: She WDRC—Lowell Thomas of Lebanon and Ernest Theriault 161 CENTER ST. ~ TEL Ml 9^7256 TAk^B •WGTH—»teet the Artist Of Waterbiiry. waa reportM'\in critical condition O fP '1 -2 t;ga— A reception was held in Yeo- at St. 'Vhfeent'a 'lioapital. ^ '54 OLDSMOIILE WHAY..Enrol e Theater WrOC—Evening Miieic. nqans Hall tor about .50 guests. The Extended Forecast coupis 'vv'lll .niake their home ip *“88” 2>Donr. Two-tone„-3n'««n. Rkdio, BY V. T. -HAMLIN WKNB—Dinner Date A L L E Y 0 6 1 ^ Addled Alie.v? -WTIC—Stars Tonight New 'York .'Cit.v,. The bridegrocinl .» -hcoter, hydramatic super drive. Seat RAY W’DRC— 'n Andy HarUord. July-- 2 (A’AForecaat- ,1 -TOOK rr_ju5T COTTON WOODS WGTH—Fulton Lewta' H In the U;S. Navy. 5-X y • envefs; It^ real sharp with its whitewall LIKE I TAKE '. 1:14— ...... Tuesday through Saturday-:. Sea­ Istlhrop-Sqiiler '.W’HAY Kiiroie .Theater . ^ tires. OwiHMor the ^ l O O C ANVTHINS I ..BUT TO CUMI w e r e —Evening Mtialc sonable weather Is expected with , Miss Marsha ' Ann^Tfquier, WAhfT/ FIRST paCE W’KNB—PItmer, Date.. temperatures averaging... about daughter of Mr. and-h^sr Marshall weekend. BEAT WBEST SOO WTIO-Tonlghfa Btar .‘Iquier of Columbla^^enler, was IN 7M' LEAGUE—AN OLD WDRC—Tenn- Ernie normal. The season normal aver­ WGTH—E.' P..,4torgan .r married ,Saturday''st her home to r ra ils THi BASKEmu. TEAMMATE age temperature a-t Bradley Field Alton iJathr^, son of Mr. and G IS NOT A DOCKS Ilia - WHAY—Rave a- Life Is 73 degrees-ranging from a daily Mrs. AltonTialhrop of Andover. LAUNCH W'CCC-^Kvening Miiplr'r. A NHD- high of 85 to a low of 61. Precip­ The >X^rem ony wra per- / - WKNB—Evening Serenade itation occuring . aa thunder'showt ^ SEASON WVTIC—Newa ol the World' , fqintedpy the. Rev. Henrj’ G. Wy He Banking at D N IV £ • WDRC—Bing Crosby \ era tre most- Ukoly late 'Wednes­ TO 0K£A' •WGTH—Gabriel Heatler day and about Saturda'y with a, . TAKE THi tots, of one fourth to Zone half’ L£a T}V£- V 0 X . „ .'Y. SCIENTISTS AT l|CONN r'^KjTFUMES" ] Stprrs.'July 2 |^,-The annual I EXTRA SPECIALS convention 'of the'^-American In­ ^ The W ^ d ’A FlAeat Brand. stitute of Biological S'ciencea will GENERAL be hftljAug. 26 to 30 at the Uni- er-(T -veraity bf G^EV T DlDhiY ^ET- 'Nighta 9 m 9 w Plaa ^arta t-tot>e blue.'Radlo/t»Mter, D A V ty V _ COOKIES EOTt GET BETTERTO' HOOR LA S T rrWWAUAW. eutss wE'o LOOK, SAWYER, VAiY DBAS IN 'AND OUR SIMPtE ENOUtH.' IF YOU oe»n MHO, i think Radio, heator, faydraouitie. THUMl's-SlM dynanqw. W wm ^^ake a W E PH S IA I CAW T 'STPW ) V O b it HtEET r 900, COLOhlEL..> BETTER AU. ,--- J W AW t\ [ MUSBWD'S FAULT, BETTER FIAC THE FOLICE ANP WSTT A lOTOF, IUB6A6E, tU JUST WRITE THE PROfIR FROCEOtlRE IS PONT Tu'o-tone coral and white. MMMgP, M. SAWYER. POWN TMB TIME? HOW MUCH WAS YOUR ANOTHM \. Very low mUeage. WfisCL O t W ALBERT'. I AVjr A S L ^ E O F THETTWEa , V YOU A CHECK TO WAIT FOR.THEHttHWAY IE SO FQRlkLL H^SEHOLD '.W CAR WORTH? AN $ 5 9 5 local ouTier. SMfyBf.otpior MlfiiMlAY FMgOU . < , ,- FOR*SOOe. VOhto, SOU OVOEKSTAtODWBLt'. CAKE'. DAVEWVp:^ f 1 000 POliCt. t iMFATlltlT, VOUg CM SEEM S THAT SHOULD CHUCK $ 1 4 9 5 XkXXa). ■ K raEL PURPOSE^ 70 HAd TOPPIED COVER P/ERf OVK -MS CUFF ' T O P G RAD E PORTABLES M e a n s INCOME EXTRA SPECIAL RCA, Zenith," Motorola -'52^eLDSMOIlLE OLD iMVANY’S ^•53 CNEVROLET “ 88 " 2 - D p O R LEHIGH “ O A R R Y A L L Gray'and black. Loolcbig for a oiee, clean one-ownec STATION W AGON $2495Up Stokera and Oil Bnrneri Sold aBd ear T -Von tieed look, no far­ Servleed Promptly and Effielentl^' Radio, heidrr,'^ standard ther. Here It Is! Haa ra- Largeat Dla|itay In Manrheater transmisaUnn. 'Hiree seats. dlb, heater, hydramatic, Jiist the ticket ior going go<^ rtibbOr and "seat cov­ tc*i back and forth to the lake ers. Would make a swell ‘J 0. E. WILLIS A SON, la«. or taking passengers to car for that girl or boy J E F F C O B B BY PETER HOFFMAN' Potterton's who did an well awa.v J and from work. See and Still Searciiing! B^^ANK LEONARD’ 3 MAIN ST. — TEL. Ml S-SISS I school. It’s 130 Center St.— MI 9-4837 drive this one A O C ■JEFF COBB IS ASSIGNED TO FIND OUT.. AND ATPOOCE HELJEjUAETEES:..,. ' H toltai sound plontung Ihata^doY^ *® O** luffiejant $ 8 9 55 > THE EXTENT OF DEVASTATION IN THE -, tonight! ) only ■ ■ * . WmLB BLUE WHITMAN'S CAE UBS ' 5TEICKENAEEA.I ‘ 6ER^VT, ’ THte'MeSSASE OUT TO ALL F Mr|la^*Sr«AMn^. I X '- - > ■ "mtlaoRa” from your dsUdrt. You will find if aoiiar ijN»ig.u"g ■■«R» ' , nXIPION'T NQINPEEP,' MHMIEA l-LOOKiPHIl! m GUT to] ■CEUSHEDANDBEOKENByTHE SQUAD CA(,, A6€ldT______CML 0EPEN6E " - '"— ------TWSTEES AWESOME PO^E.... fxT PERSONNEL ^R E V E R POSSIBLE...AND TEH HER THAT FLOSSEfSNElT STRAWEFKUNC’' :!aanp WWNyDOlfT/FMPIT. A ■T, • to monoga yom income toccaitfully H you mokt , WATCH iaJT FOR LOOTIRO.' ESMr PHIL NISH OUTOFJ NOTyET,il«S.WFFy! IT WAS THE ,1 OWyHAYE THATIHECWtDREN,ilJUSTHOFE t • WEGIVEUP? MCHJPPLE!. '51 PACKARD THEHOUSEANPOfijifE ^HUilPtS-AH-ALMMyS , CHIIPRENWNO LAUGHED AT » NERERIGHr, ANDFRAyTHAT fuM Ihii.-bonk'rfocilititt.’T '52 OLDSMOWtE 'hsmmuMnti < I 4-D O O R ANWnmTHANOmERMAN,! ^RUSHING THESE Pays! 6AVE rail THE MRSFIW-THAT MKMLANP GOIAG TO/right AMONP , WHEN YOU . Kaap your rtiarva growing in a sovingi account. isilP E R " 88 '* "Ask the man who owns JRS.FMN-HASTHE ESCAPEtOTNE MAN WITH HIM IDEA ABOUT KMTREACH findit.'/ heresmenhoe one." T7' SUPER "88‘^ W r . .WMV N ew SUPPLY OF, ■‘-rtf- SPECIAL 4-DOOR KEEP YOU RMTIlIS ^-roSYlL- the ■ , FROZEN FOODS/ 'HWI3..lS6e! Radio. ^ Heaterj Radio, heater. Paint Is a It MITTENS?, little faded hut has W nice Is^ IlydramaUr. - running motor aiid’ aiid would w ^ld / make a good $495 second car. $295 t •f-'l BANKING "’M OLDH.MOBItE- De Luxe '49 BUif:k ’ Roadmastcr, 3 ftMQNDAV'thru FRIljAY 9-3 , ^ Door Medan, Radio, heater. IXIWKST l>bs;$iBi.E • i .. “ 98" 4-Qoor. Radio heater, It' E X P t; K Tjl-,-CARB*.. SKIIXAID ftlAFlfy- '.-j'- dynannw. Firi.IlV M E ASU R E , MPIN equipped WtIh PRICES. ' You will )fh y d r«n .tiv . ...,r:^V^S425 .-.-fv;$ 4 2 5 ” 5 2 9 5 J rnom'a to 'aaaiirr Inatol-i- pre<-Ninn tnola rane- have biiUt bur biialpeaa - THURSDAY EVENING 6-t ji. I ’51 FORD Custom 4 - )f 'if latinn ’ accuracy - ,iand| fitlly tailor e.very In- bn hiineat .valuefC A T ’49 PONTIAC 4-Door. Blue. .Qo„r. Radio, heater . .$ 4 9 5 3 6 rconbmy, , atallation.— 1 ..free eallmale w'lH con­ irB adfo and heater. ...;$ 2 9 5 T J vince you.j i ' • J — ■! ' ’50 OLDSflWOBlLI! "gg" Con-)r tr~.„ . -A-” - ' , ■ •' CHEVROLET Coach, vertihle. Radio, heater, h.v-^ IfM WX atm... k.. T.a. •.«. 7-al jB im -k . . .f.... :$ 3 5 p dramatic. „ ...... S 4 9 5 STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Her Solution m o r t y m e e r l e T h e Cow ard BY DICK CAVALLl BY W1I.S0N SCRUGGi W h ich AH “CT . NS afeirt sown A d is T U p Tk-TkifiE'kiriE'kiE'kiEiE'kiE'k'k^'k'k^irTk 7 know fre WidWD TO »v . m r i«ni xitaNS XI WHEtSk a HOPE MV pasentw iffVreisrT WHVOONT MAPPVW05. WLNuT aaaaNTNl Th T h is - MAfTm I Hfer.THEVU FietiTka cnee AND THEN ; COULD BE jiLV’S SlETtE.' TO ear. OPW EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK AMAN0A7, ' AfiAM ABOUT WHCyE QOWff TO AkO MOtWyAM? CADDY VIOllLOfifT FIRST NATIONAL BANK TME-CD^OFIfl- yio?ey:A80i/r R" 5 5 r M ANCHESl^ FHONfa MANCHESTER M r9^343 OF MANCHESTER V M O ^ R r g r e a t e r BANK,.^T)R g r e a t e r MANCHKHTHR* V 'll■^ ' ' ^ I _ . •' V • . • , . "Whih You Think »l^ Think of tfs • < X M:;.- — * ■' “YOUR DLDSMOBILF DEALER” ” ) ' X TO .kERVE T^I; WITH ttlK BEAT ffjr.BAXKTMi • ■ 1 X.' ' ^ ■ ■ I ‘ — ■ ' X'.' '■ , ^ COR.' W. CENTER fiT^ AND HTFD. RP. MI WI b/ Membk F.D.I.C. ^ * ‘ Convenient Drive-In WinddW MANCHESTER 'ciStPET CENTER / • .... - t , -Nri ■ A- I

i . ^ ' ' i l i a i i ’ ttWYalK.. M ANCHEST& EVENING HERALD, 'MANCHESTER, CONN,’ MONDAY, JHLV 2, 1{I56 PAGE TUmTSEN gion GCT(ti^es Sti"e^ by WethersfieM 13-2

» y EARL y,’. YOST i.V.,Siix^ifnnkeeBtan^ Palmep Defeats 5! Cowles .Moiiiid Winner, i T - wer of n«me Sports Editor 'V i ’ (8^ XDAV - •• Anwrican L,eglon, John. O ryjnt In Playoff to Win ICO Aiherican 'Starj^ rdinais^ Twice Pblb Grounds, ih:‘New York was dropped.ln less than 24 hours af-s. . the destination Yids. wet' momlng. ter.hi* election and I had a chahe* ^ ■ ■ ‘•X -' '- 7^— " '-.7 - ■’ - AMERICAN LEAGUE . My so,ns, Reed "alid Deani and,; ttT chat with .Soiiicone at/7 a.m. -Welh6r.snelrlXul\>{2 Y’haiiks to the putter he bor-, . ^ Standings C h i^ . Julv i? ^Six right-Viali’riers aiid NgU^York. Jul.v 2 (yPt—r-cjtics oT the All-iSlar voting are Cinch, Oflara,-were mv conipatiloifs John is a strong,boo8t e i'.« LiCgion '■,, rowed.from Teri K if^tbf Kyrt l^udcnhlic. Fin;, Arnold Palnicr ' W. . L. P el ' -'•Xoach'Casey Fortin’s unbcitaRAmericarf ^ 1 /to the Hapftoixt Railroad Station' baseball and is oiie,of^t'he Post's Man. Optical 1 0 1.006 chaliretLup win No. 5 .vesterday hfterhoQn at Mt. I hoii1 sSOujSi |)aw'5, wer' [)b^;Amorican Lcajjrue pil^prs for the , qiJ.Wt tpday'^t^r ('hkinn^i'.s hottic'run sho\ver^t St. Ixouis, ' ''Q X ~Latrob c,^a., w<)irHtie .|20,00t) In.suranee^City O pen .G olf./ abo trouhe- Ail-Star p»n!^ tndav1>^', AlaiiaKef‘f*as<^Slei>jrel a?* he ^ from Where , we boabr^d the -hardest w.grkerS. He Ms a vetei sri A Elrs ...... 1 0 ’ 222 W ettt^field li-2 for the second timd^ljis sumihert. Only I Instead of fiveYfedlegs »thrter.s, ma.vbe the National League Knights Coliimbiis . Baseball pf World War IT . . Smiling Leo Tbu^anient yesterdayTfr^a plaj(7ff.,aKainS't Krbil hiirtselX ' ' Mgn, gemors . 0 I '^C 1 two of thehe T^playcrs^cmployeq by Fortin to share ip 1 ' , ]pfce(l his 25-mail • sqpad. ' B u ild in g iitl^d the eight * ■'siipiild go with the whole team.' With 107 hqme rung itv-67 Spe^al for the big city. , .1 talk- piana was next-'in the line of visi- ^Holli fiijlshed the 7^-holo cvebt/y------'■ -y-''-.-——— ---- ——, ’ ■ w - Spencei/Ylqbber . . . . 0 I r . Sifar namrcl ill fan vot-^' eff with many atqualhYilrices atv);^ tors ar.d his .visit, like t ’erylni's, j'' X with ' 274Y1,, but Palms)- .shot two the 14-hlt- attack7'-vRlfhU»aod*r garfiejij^ thi'S epuld be the greatest • '~r---- . ' ------^ . .j Russ Cowler,' Cheney Tegh stand- *... . StcncclNveund' up «iU i six station and aisb^on the car' eh was brief, the t\pi> 1 Itke/beforr^ birdies in a ibw-tdwlii iti the-plav- ManctMSiei^Dlttical edged Mary slugging team:iq history,;-'Al the • , ,, . .. , .. but-this past, spring, noteb^ His players ;fn>ni own NeU ’ york route to Golham> .Wepther in^rhe deadline hour is reaehed . 4 . Off.' . chester , Motors-/SaMirday In dh i ■ Yankees. toppiTi^^tpi' B6at,on Red rate they re goliqf.^Cincjrshould hit over anVr St ■•■ first pitching victory spacln| about 24,Vhonieis. The New S'ork . ,ui i New York was hot and humid, . pspani called with ari'Snvile . '■ .„Plilm»r was no'he tod happ.v, ague UM "{/ • Sox1 Hv one. £>WOi| and CUiCaKO^ jiboiit 'Fis long iron .shojs. Before singles, walking four and atg Giants of ISfl- hold, the le. ord vtdth ^|;::K th;y^ f l aM six > 0 th ^ "'n g It seemed strange to walk down ( j dinner. This was accepted a n d / ' dell .School,. 2,-0. T h i v'fBtory put ■'f! / ' each* 'placed fogr >m . S te n ^ ^ Fifth Ave. and .e.xchahge greetings v,., a fine talk of his father's^ hr_qpens- the "defense of, HI* Cans- Manchester dpUcaJ " ln ? X « f for out nine; Cowles was never In squad, Cleveland and Ran.sas^Ctfy dian Open titU at KVontrebl .Y'Hius- flrat w'ith Police Fire. trouble after giving up two runs, in two apiece, apd^ aaltinipj^ and ""e second-'Imvirig, sfter^lils team- riay.^e Itilen.is to do a lot of prab- . Tom -Kelly jjltobl'l^r’* Bcel' tW Waahihetonohe cat h. ticing with the bqn.s ,aiid. dHtcis, hitter for Optical to. pick up the « Angeles, July .2 iAl d^s had bUilt up a fi-0 margin in The Jwo' leftie.s . a i;i* Chitn^Bo a, >v,;'Putting did the trick' for him win. Bruce Fialr allowed aix hits •'Tfiese boys Will dp.5 mtlo better the first two frames. BiU,V Pierce, the At-'s w in n in g ^ ’ lX-jh||li playoff^ H r "Topped bolh- and two runs. Fish has now won than they know ,h(jw at Mel- Catcher Jim Maneggla ' con­ hu'rler with a >2-2 mark, arid ahk' Liipieh, linked tinued his ghe hitting for the host for the.’ ball park but we were not Lupien's appointmdivf'fi.s head base- one and lost, three ■ for. the' year. btoUrn#:'; T Stengel's nten Whttev Ford |9-