y ' : X . "' ■ \ .'mI:'- . • • . ",'•J'- ■• • . V ' V : .-. .‘ u;-'. \ ‘I ' - ^ 'V' ^.v! ■' ,' >. ATcrair# Daily Net Preas Run u . H- . lliie Weathai' For .ttM Week' Faded rarcoaat ^ V , 8. WaaMr Paraka .duae IS, ISM Madrm iaj^ avaalaa, alearlal^ 12,065 eaalar. laaa hw ^d taalght. b m In inld SSa. Tneaday, (Ur, e6aler,.lMa Maanbac af tka Audit Barcan aC CXrcaUtioi| kiMnId. Hiik aromU to. M inichester-^A City of Village Charm N ' " . t v , NO. 2.121 ‘.(S IX T E E N P A G E S ) MANCHESTER^ CONN., MONDAY, JULY 2, l?5fi (ilaaalfled vAdTerMllaf' OB PRICE FIVE CEI s \ U.S. To RcodW y. ' , Pitt.sburgh, Jul.v 2 (/P)r— G en eral M anaF ^r R ic h a rd . n>«MaKe to the Director#^,. The governrheht has taken a Martin" has recommended ; 1A1-' ^A laying# * couple .of preliminarj^step toward re- . DUdget of *4,-; unur^ihe town has aome antic vh'al of atalemated contract JS V' o»8,475 whlth, on ,_the 1955.(experience vvltil ^ Hie interim talk* in the nationwide strike Grnhd Liat will-trequire a 36- budget. He aaya new procedurea of 650,000 United Steel work­ ers.' ,•■' , ; Both the union and the T»a*ic Niii,e Injured steel Industry have Indicated will-1 ^ and end! JiinevSO. IMT. It now r*'^elP{ inanes* to _return td'the bargain- j /k jj' foea'before the Broad of Dlrec.-— bL Lt*_j^***^*****”h*— **" <-hangxng fn g ‘tsble- But neither aide has tors, which must act on it by Aug, i the fiscal .^yeav '^rohi a ^ Iast|§ Rock 10^ ■ , ' ' ^ * ! 15 beginning to, a July r loginning, made'any mbve In'that direction each apparently waiting; for the . ilartin arrived at the figure fcu- {^he ^ard'decided tentatively to other to make the first .overture. Queens A-Lab \ lx< the 10', month period bv ad'juM- ^or 3/fiths the total "mount of A tentativt mbve toward pos.- |j^ -■'ing a 12-month budget he hadJ l' be financed by ta;m- sible-government intervention 'to ■: New York -V ' prepared- ’ '' -- *”•'* to borrow 2 Stlis to be ------ ------- ----- ------ uly 2 oPr- A dduWe Martin's 42-mont'h budget was ■ Pdtd bark later, , * break the bargaining Impasab "nd; explosion rock^ an atomic re­ Berliii, July 2 (A*)^The^edPblish Artny today scaled off bring a quick settlement'Urns tsk-.' search laboratory.^today! injuring the. East German border tb intOMept rebel workers fleeing M7S.OOO higher-than the estimated ' WltllN,$3.324.672 of.-the $4,698.- en yesterday in Washington-' by' nine persons:' ' . ' •xpenditures for (he current year,; 475 budget for lOJ-2 months to be Joseph Finnegan,, director of the Officials of' Sylvania Electric fnim a nwssive police itjundup in tn ^ ity of Poznan. which are $4,]2.9|7,041.ip. And the financed from taxes, a 3,^5ths pay- Federal Mediation Service. | Products Ihc.. operator of the West German, travelers ai‘rivihi^-from Poznan, wliero 10',-month budget is'92 per cent ment would he 24 mills 01 the-J955 of the figure for the whole year Gi and and 2,51^..would be Finnegan *aid he wanted to con- j plafit.. swiftly announced the. blast rtfers staged a idoody thrne.-day revolts^.w eek, said the period. ■ -ti -rm.-, loiCB. 14»f i iin-'i.’tact; bothwwui biucisides? "tow discuss vs.«.the | waswiu ’’iibtynot nuuiearnuclear inIn nmurc,nature," - miiny-allay- C^dmiuilist Army has beayily reinforced rig, frontier gar­ ■ If the n»l^n risons and Rod tanks for the first time are^Tiatroling the mpnth fiscal j H, indicatedU,dlc..«l heh. wl.shedwl.l.«l toto- m»lmeet utances I..ahad been ai«h.rma..discharged Oder Jliver V ^ ^ lii' instead of the interim year, it I ninst be used a second, time'to ef-',i^eparatel.v in Jthe near future with Five of .th'e nine htirt were taken A immpila'tibti:^! -fyewilness v _ g g would lake a 39-mlll rate to fi-Jfect the fiscal year changef i n«vtrt~ ............... l' McDonald USW' bresl to hoapitals. One w-ija reported in eatimate8\v«6elved'sby 'vrosterRl .[M „ m gj,*g^l J m fcilrg j "’" ‘i m i d^nt- "hd “ h^ A. S tep h ^ s U.S. critical eondithen. \ . diplqniatic- tonrees in 'yi^iik'^ar ' i».A€$.IloA.HyUJl, -TIlS S ^ O Grand Uat W.ould Increase by f the 3,5ths for payment early th ' end outstripped sll previous TeporM d f a • $1,500,000 olsirv the. last’ Grand 1987. Meanwhile, hoivever the . The blasts, coming wilhini *e)S- casualties in 'IMXnan," This coni- ^ -e4van~-nan-a-m w A anm aw aiaac List.- • ^ 'Board will probably jeduce Mai-! - , ----- tdnds■ of each other, damagedsd thi pilation said the dead probably,;;^ €*A -1 1 1 OlAA'-.lpAUO ■ That would amount to a 44mill I tin’s'budget. If it follows the pat- i Finnegan talked b.v phone with,,pcond floor-of Metallurgy labora- .ArthUr J. Goldberjg, ufiion general; tones at Sylvaniaj 56-' acre ret totaled "close to 1.000." T h "■ ' f a i “'Increas*,-since the present rate is . ^ -— . The Polish government has an-! W a sbI K lflA fl* 15 mills. , (Continued bn-Page Bight) cqunsel, in New York, and said he , gjarch center in the bayside sec^ expected to have another- t a 1 k tjon of Queens,' about-12 miles nounced- 'that $8 were killed and j J-fAflPV/ with Goldberg today in Washing- ^fopi New.-York " City's midtown .^,0 wounded. • But w-eslern biisi-t-! . ' ares. , ....... neas men arriving here .aiid in Waahingtom^'Njuly V May Resume .S'fter.'HnUda.v xj,* renter conducts research West Germany from^PoKian'esU- Mansfield (D-MoSi, prop. i Goldberg said he and Finnegan o^ atomic fuels, atomic reactor an^****^*** from dgy shipments of Aitol^ I discussed no concrete plans forrebmponents and processes. 200 to 6OT ' , products to all eastern''B^rope*I^ ,.^ Wilson Set to Spend resumption - Of negotiations. Thia _ - * * * * ' " l^uountriea, provided the fora^oes union ahorrtey said he doubts if Twenty-five windows in the The Vienna sources .said 240 ' to children and destitute pSnuma, building tank.s were used to restore order in | ■ Undersecretary of State Herbei t > b lo in om N he company said', Poznan. [Hoover Jr., offered frw food for afUi .Independence Day; and much equipment was ds4n- E x tra $ 8 0 0 M illio ii „i,,„k^man for U.S. St.eeL^tradi- day -tional leader of the indust^', said f ged- - The block-long structure, trobpy were reported blocking, "serious disordeni'ordet in Poiaian surrounded by a high wire fence, ■ highways leading Wgs.l and re-ii which Hooy'e'r -said seem to bo the company lia4 not been contact- is several hundred feet .from other Washinjflon, Jul.v 2 (A*)— Secretar.v of Defense Wilson ,«<* by Finnegan, pn^ said plant buildings which were not.af­ Oiovlng Polish suspects from cars I mairked by deniand.s IpJf the pop^- said toda.v the extra $800 million Cbngrresa vUted for the Air wiH|^, db'every- fected. and train.a. .1 lation for bread." - T The nine ihji red. Were ariong Arrivala from " the East aaid' Hoover made the offer throi Force '‘will be spent w'hen the.v jire needed'* but there will be ] clOaely, acreened automobtiea and i ‘be Ameiican Red Crosa, no new speedup in B52 bomber produetbri,-.Asked- his attj- Where 12S Perished tralna are being allowed to croM |‘b“ agenc.v lo determine wKether , tilde towTifdiTird thi.s mone.v, Wilson told the Senate Air Poiver<i"^e-^«<Jerai government had the.fronUer but the unprecedentod r Poland would gccept. - / Jnyesttgatlng subcommittee: .x4. 'i,« „ r -h A- i"*“' 'Wgltar E, Kingston, general security pfecautlont have upset! Hoover's move put the United ■^L o^^emLon". ‘he ^niic research "I don't intend to recommend broke I ^iviiion,- iaid preliminary investi- norma Polish traffic westward. | Stafes In the position of offering that the additional funds be iin- Ydrk *^*'"**^ evening in New : indicated dcmc.ge would The travelers, who refused to ' help Iron Curtain peoplea angry pounded. '*Tiey will be treated like BrUain to Quit r-rsa. Aa.* II o ,# xr * total Ebout t Qinfi^r <JT ft iTiilllon .be quoted because of their coh-; *i their own ' rulers and at the any other-I'mda that \ye get and ~ ^ X - w - i -a Gov. Averell H am m an -f New KdoIIara • ’ -tMts in .the Bast, said a giant: Soviets for Russia's drain on pw^e Waa under way in Poznan. | PoI>.nd’s farm and factory output J« »,w w»,n ,h,y - Ccvlon Islaiid i ‘“ email. 25 poif emen Bstin|ates bf thoae arrested ran Mansfield, in a speech drafted (%ngfeM ovairode admiptstrsi- hr * photograjiher vrho sped, to aa h i ^ aa 2,500 men and. women. for ■ the Senate before Hoover ^'tion recommandatlona as (o Air "They-'jiave sealed off the bor- acted, pfoimsed that Congress Fbrpa needs and put into the gen- er alStratTon'f^r friMro conUn.lnation . aiithbrize gifts and sales of. sur- Militarv Bases kand instructed to-t.$ke further rou der to catb)i all lyhO might be tiy--. anil defenae appropriation bill an "T" ' __ > \ vent the strike. Said HarrinK.h:.- ing to fleeXweatwards,” one re- pjiu Tarm commodities to all Iron additional $800 million, chiefly for • j„i.. tine hospital tests' sfjjhin three Ciictain countries as one of a ^"No effort was made .in Wash­ days. , sponsible w ti^n -traveler said. r' ■ cM^rcr^t ington to use the.piesttcfc of Uje PepulatioiKTerroilzed munVr of moves to counter new presidency to bTing.the parties to­ Another, aubmntiating-intiating- the R"“ i*n .trade end aid tactics.
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