. IJntorod HH necond CIBBH mnTtor""" Publlihui Rvery j WOQDB1UDGE, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940 •t 11 Gmn 81.. WooJbrlUi*. N. J. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Awarded Degree 20 YYears A Ago Mayjiii lUdyfiw j y ASSETS VALUED AT $$354,81, 4 TEACHERS FFather Fircd's Geological Snrpey Indicated County Had Sufficient Oil fMMMMR^ « PORT REApiNG~the geological findings of' Rev. IN OLDOLD'' BANK SOLDD FORR $142$14255 Vincent Fucei, pa.stovr'6f St. Anthofiy's R..& Church, back n|,oy High School Facul- m 1920 my ntfa aid PrehiieKBenitb Mussolini to secure oil forthe motor frnit's-of "his.irrhy. V • • V* ; : Purchaser Prepared To In- ^embcfi Arrested )-•;,' TJw-enty/years- ago; -Tathe^Pucfcv aij, expert ?eol Qgjst. 'FrontmsOf Youth'WillBe Subject Of Symposium Ititute Suits To Force •:• At Crash Scene: notifiiai -the'tieidsolthe Italian'g-overnirienti'ft'attherewas 'inougKoilo'nWowiiwlltok' ' ! ' eementExercisesWednesAay Payment (H^CjifflM i Italy self-sufficient,: 1 HU findings Appeared 'in $0 11'- WOODBRlDGEV'Frori tiers ,0f the class rostof,will bo called by iiic'o.Uawrylkby Jooeph D. Auite, 1 FINAL DIVIDEND HOPE ^ORDERLY CONDUCT iiiBtrated' •/Maritime' 'Areonautics"' COLLECTED Youth" the subject-of the the principal, Arthur Cy Ferry.' . Frederick .'Jumes' Albertspn", Wal- in the December, 19.20 issue that symposium to be presented .at.tho, Victor C. Nicklaa, supervising ter WilUpm Bronwowski^,'Walter )(JNT LATER fttAS&b waii directed' by Se'hatoWViCe Ad-1 annual commencement .exercises principal of schools, is scheduled F(Ank Byleqkie, George "Harvey, niiral Marino .ana1 Rear-Admiral FOR WAR VICTIMS bf the Wopxibrldge High .School te present, the class to, the Board Creekrahn J. b.'Applit'K Leonard Gattolica. > to be 'held Wednesday evening, of Education and Maurice P« D.uni- neth; MJchael Johnston, Fjan 1 (iefHttwever, Sayi Orig- The article was 'ignored by the Treasurer 0! Xocal Reel June 19 at the-Legion .Stadium. gari, president of the .board, will Gcoriro" Koyac's, J. ogeph Alexander $111,636 Claim Lallan authorities anil lay untouch- . Dorothy Elizabeth Jacobs, will award the diplomas, Betty' Mar-, Nagy, Joseph Nlcrierau, -LeRoy inal Charge To Stand ed and unread until recently when Cross Chapter Reports Victoria E. Ptw« ; discuss "Frontiers of Yesterday" guerite Mantbn will give the Fare- John QUeni Angejo Joseph Polio- Ryans, Mutton Hollow Co. Mussolini, desperately seeking ad- Week's Donations and Robert. Lawrence Lehman will well Addrew. grino, Eujsono Frank Pinikas, John Settled For $19,481 ditional oil supplies, directed that WOODBRIDGE—The, degree ipeak on "Frontiers of Tomor- The graduating class in as fol- Troakis, Jr., Frank Michael,Yaco. evary article ever written in Italy • WOODBRIDGE—Thirteen hun- of Bachelor of Arts was con- row." ' lows! "•••'•• . vino. ' on oil should be located and check-' dred and sixty-five dollars toward ferred on Miss Victoria Elea- WOODBttlDGE—the book MH , |\ViiolHlRlDGE—For- Rev. A. t, Kreyling, pastor of Classical Course: Eileen Gerald- Scientific: Nancy Batterson On. see ed. One qf them was the article nor Pesce, daughter of Mr, and' seta of tho defunct First Nation*? $4,800 goal for the Red Cro»3 IJTar the Redeemer's Lutheran Church, ine Brennan, Mary Constance ley, Glorin Naomi Smith, William within a •week, members written by Father Fucci. Mrs. A. M. Pesce,' of, Church Bank »nd Trust Company, rallied 1 Relief Emergency Fund has al- Fords, will give the invocation Clark, Janet Hope Ellis, E. Irene' [ ih,. police department were •Last" month in Lucarnia, Italy, Doatch, William 'Henry DraROiet, at $354,814.20, were sold at pub- Street, at the commencement and the address of welcome will Hawryliw, Doris Paus'tinn Hsnry, the AGIP, governmental geologi- ready been collected to date, ac- John Fenick, Henry Arnold Fried,. ic sole for 11,425 to Samuel G»ll>- in arrest spectators for in. exercises of the College of St. be made by Viola Elizabeth Den Miriam E. Janderup, Jean S. Mer- cal bureau of Tramatola, under the cording to an announcement made Wilbur Otto Hanson, John Alex- er of the B & L Share Exch»n»», > !,:- with officers and legit- Elizabeth, Convent Station. Blcyker. The class song, words rill, Laui'a Choate Quinn, Roberta 109 Market Street, Newark, thw direction of Signori Millosevich and made last night by Mrs. G. F. ander Hladik, Jr., Thomas F. Hum Miss Pcscc is a graduate of by Ora Mary Allen and music by Gwendolyn'Reddick, Ruth Ida Seel, dashing to smithereens the hop« first-aid workers at a scene Giagobini, members of the Italian phrcy, Sander Alex Kessler, Ru- Hunter, treasurer of the local Woodbridge High School. Laura Choate Quinn, will be sung Dennis Joseph Byrnes. of depositors for a large final di- iicrident. ' , Senate, began the work of check- dolph Tidcmnnn Knudscn, Roberl Chapter. New donations this week At St. Elizabeth^ Miss Pcsco by the graduating class after which Commercial Business, A. Ber- (Continued on Page Z) vidend. Bidding was anything tmt second deplorable incident ing the sections designated by Fa- was an active member of the spirited and when the final flgm* tha Pucci, Other sections in south- were 88 follows:, |ii!Ti(! early. Saturday morning College Government Association, wns reached there- were n6 othet ern Italy pointed orjt as oil cen- Schools, $206.81; concert, $101.- Miss Marlon Olbrick,- a high the Sodality, the Mission Unit, local Bank To Be Closed bidders willing to (to any higher.' senior was killed, and her|terjs by] Father Fucei were also ex. 75; Sewaren,.$35.67; Jselin, $84.- 8m ne( the Economics Club and the ST. JAMES' SCHOOL Saturdays Till September 170 TO GRADUATE In a telephone conversation yel- , r ami two young men serious- 90; Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Brewster, •<«• Finding! Proved Dramatic Association, terday, Mr, Gelber Informed thjs lii'.ircd in an automobile acci $15; Port Reading Fire Co., No. Father Fucci's statements were EXERCISES TONIGHT WOODBRIDGE—Fred P. newspaper that his furn will give |t ;ii tho intersection of Main 1, $10. Buntenbach, cashier of the all concerned in the «ele "every substantiated as oil has 'been Five dollars each: Mr. and Mrs. •i .mil Amboy Avenue found in the, spots designated by 36 Pupils To Get Diplomas Woodbridge National Bank, has opportunity to make an amicable ; J. E, Breckenridge, America Fed- 800 ATTEND announced that starting tomor- Annual Commencemeni adjustment" and If that-falls "of [|i:n a few minutes after the him twenty years ago* and it is be- eration R. R. Workers, Mrs.' L. ml. Dr. C. I. Hutner, mem ing drilled in sufficient quantities From Father McCorris- row and continuing throughout Exercises To Bi Held :ouwe we will have to.go to, court." Neuberg, J, L. Madden, Dr. I. T. the summer, the local bank will Mr. Gelber also said that even ui the Woodbridgc Emorgen to supply the dally needs of two Spencor, Mrs, E. C. Moffett, Third FOR CRASH VICTIM tih; Rev. Graham Speaker Tues., At High School Italian' provinces, be closed all day on Saturday. ihough a maker of a ndte has been 'i|ii:ul and 'Sergeants Frank Ward Republican Club. djudJcated bankrupt, he will (till i. tluorge Balint and Officers Father, Fucei was born in Val- WOODBRIDGE—Thirty-six 8th Regular morning business on WOODBRIDGE —Ninety-eight Katherine Osborne Circle, King's Entire Senior Class Prei- Saturdays will be resumed on have an Interest In the percentage y hunham and Joseph Casale sinni, Matcrn, Italy, on January grade students will receive their ;irls and seventy-two boya will Daughters, $3; donations of two diplomas tonight at 8:15 o'clock September 15. The summer clos- of settlement. - . - • on the scene. According to 16, 1876. He was educated at the dollars each, Colonia Republican ent At Funeral For eceivc their diplomhs at the an- University of Palermo, where he at the annual commencement ex- ing on Saturdays is in accord- Claims against the Mutton Hol- • and spectators the doctor, Women, Hi-Way Diner, Miss Cla- nual grammar school graduation received his geological training and Nation Olbrick ercises of St; James' Parochial ance with a bill adopted by the ow Fire Brick Company indnd- iiis of the squad and the po a Bedman; donations of one dol- exercises of School No, 11 to be ng the Ryan. Estates totaling the Diocesan Seminary at Angiona, School to be held in St. • James' State Legislature, , , held Tuesday afternoon at the ,wii' 'grossly insulted" by lar each, Mrs. Grace Brown, Anna WOODBRIDGE—Over 800 per- auditorium. $lll;G36.33 were not included in Tursi, Italy. He was ordained fo sons attended' the funeral services Woodbridge High School auditor- IVi'tli Amboy Hijrh Schoo, Johnsons.iSjophie Johnson, Mrs, Rev. Father Robert Graham, the sale according to Mr, Gelber. the priesthood in 1901. William Ridyard, Mrs. S. McGib- in St. James' Church Tuei ium, The complete program will be .is, Tex Rosen, »4, of 222 superintendent of the parochial A'spokesman for the Ryans said In.190.8, Father Fucei discovered boh, Mrs, Joseph Taylor, John roaming for the late Marion 01- as follows:' all the "Ryan interests have been i-y Avrnuc,' Perth,'Amboy;- the [Continued on Page 2) schools of the Trenton Diocese, RECRUITS SOUGHT Omenhiser, Mr. Dey, MT, Rhode brick, Woodbridge High School Overture, "Golden Jubilee," settled to the' mutual satisfaction kl>:ill coach ahd William J. Con- senior, who was instantly killed in will address the graduates. Rev, school orchestra; processional, A. C, Woodward, anonymous and H Charles G. McCorristin, pastor of of the receiver and the company.'' •vl, of. GOO New Brunswick a fifty cent donation from anony- an automobile accident here early FOR MARINE CORPS 'Priest March," school orchestra; According to the. receiver's state* Saturdy morning. Every available St. James' Church, will present tho salute, led. by Arthur Knauer, au- n-. Purth Amboy, Services For Gibson mous. diplomas. In addition to several ment' the Mutton , Hollow , Fire Mrdiiitf'to the story told b; seat in the church was taken and dience; "God Bless America", au- Brick Company was reorganised' more than 100 mourners stood in special awards, 31 students will be Local Unmarried Men, 18dience; scripture reading, prln'ci- ;iiit Balint, he warned th presented with Palmer Certificates undejr the' National Bankruptcy Police Guard Of Honor InRED CROSti IS AWED the rear of the church. To 35, May Obtain En- cipal, MTS,.F,, P. Edgar; hymri: Act. Tho reorRanliatfonMttlemeoV •wins "to' take a walk"' and ^ The entire senior .class of the for handwriting. ' ;"Come, My Soul", class; address,of mil 'it' things So that the 0Y SVB-DEBS* DAHCE th' allotted the bank- amounted to Officer's CortegtMiuulay high-school front which the late N^Bbhr y, listment D^ at P. O. welcome, Marjorie Mazur; reci- J19,581,77, the offer Whr%U- ' ••] tIK- squad could give un valedictorian, will give the address Miss Qlbrick was to have graduat- tation, Margaret Lahovich; song, proved by the office of the Com^'M-? I attention to the injured WOODBRIDGE—Wtth'^members Party For Relief Of War of welcome and the farewell ad- WOODBRIDGE—First Sergcan "The Kerry.Dnnce", selectod chor ed next Wednesday assembled in 1 trollerof the Currency. When tho'};] '$. of the local and visiting police de- dress will be given by Miss Hen- Maxwell D, Dickerson and So i'l; Rosen and Convcry are Sufferers Held In Audi' the church for the services, Rev. us; '-presentation of class, Victor last figures were made public, th> '>.'% I1 in have continued their partments paying their last re- Charles McCorristin officiated at rietta Crowe, the salutatorian, geant ,Roy F, Moran, of tho U. S, C. Nicklas,. supervising principal; Marine Corps, •vteited the Inde firm had paid.on this settlement ;| -•• rumarks. spocts, funeral services for Motor- torium Of School' the solemn high requiem mass and The graduates are: Patricia awarding of Diplomas, James Fi cycle Officer Daniel Gibson, who pendent-Leader 'office Mondaj the, amount of $5,100 leaving tt'^M Bnlint Arreiti P»ir gave a stirring sermon on 'Death'. Anne Owens, Dorothea Patricia ler, vice president of the Board of balance due of $14,481.77. It WiM ended his life in rthc firehouse WOODBRIDGE—The Sub-Deb Kennedy, Elizabeth Patricia Kil morning and announced that they ally Sergeant Balint placed Rev, Thomas Carney .was in the Education; class song, words b early last Friday, were held Mon- Club held its regular meeting Mon- chancel, Burial was in St. James' roy, Mary Theresa Bertha Kear- were interested in securing Town Claire'Nnylor, graduates; closing, 'Continued *>*• PaatZ) i under arrest and Convery day morning »t 10:30 o'clock at St. day afternoon at the home of Miss ney, 'Mary Ann Haraszko, Rae sip men, 18 to 30 years old, to en. 1 Cemetery. ', - "Star Spangled Banner" audience ' '1 that "if you arrest him James' R. C. Church. Barbara Briegs in Tisdate Place. Mary Valentine, Monica Rpberta list in the Marine Corps. The. re- reccssionni "True Pnla", school or .live to arrest me too," Ba- The guard of honor consisted iruiting Bub-offlce is located in the Father Donnelly, of St Cecelia's Co-chairmen Misses LaVerne Ryan, Jean Mary Schendorf, Hen- chestra. The graduates are: Miu'cd Convcry and both menj of members of the Sodality. The ederal Building, Federal Square, Lightning Strikes Church,' Iselin, said the mass and Deik and Jeanne • Hornsby gave rietta Sarah Crowe, MarM y LorrainLi e Edith Aycrs, Shirley Azud, "Dor t:ilu:n'to police headquarters, their reports on the Red Cross war pall bearers were E. Tyrell, J, Va- Romond, Mary Patricia JCenney, ewark, •>! liy Desk Sergeant Closindo. Rov. Charles G. McCorristin, pas- lenti, E. Miller, Joseph Mesics, N, othy Acton, Gertrude Becker, C& tor of St. James' Church, gave the relief fund benefit dance given Patricia Caroline O'Neill, Virginia .Iri order to enlist an applicant celia Brozowski, Minnie Burch Pole, House Hit In Storm .rn fur disorderly conduct recently in School No. 11. Herron.and J. Quinlan. Eleanor Sjry, Rita Marie McShea. ust be an American citizen, ain- iermon and said the prayers at St. The other three students in the Phyllis Bennett, Laura" Beseckcr 'litn.'d in tho lock-up. }crtrudo's Cemetery. Chaperones of the affair includ- Otheri In Clan le and have three character re- Annabelle Baker, Loia Burrows, Deluging Town Sunday! ed Anthony Columbetti, Mr. and accident, Ann Olbrick, sister of Mary Magdalen Kensek, William erences. If he is under 21 years .-is o'clock in the morning, Members of the police depart- the deceased; Joseph McLaughlin, Esther Baka, Olga Balogh, Agnes W O -O D B R1DG E—AlthdUgji v Arthur Brown was called on Mrs. Fred' H. Deik and Mr. and Francis Jaeger, William James Vin- >ld, an applicant must have the Barna, Mary Barari, Betty Bnrsai ment, headed by Chief George E. of 145 Grove Avenue and Joseph Sunday night's storm did not ap- '"me by Samuel Convcry, a Mrs. William L. Varady) all of cent Catalano, John Joseph Charles onsent of both parents or Theresa Barcellona,- Dorothy pear severe, lightning struck at Keating, visited the Grciner Fu- Pittel, of Perth Amboy are report- [h Amboy Attorney, and Fords, • . ' • . Powers, Michael John Doros, ;uardian; Briegs, Elenor Buchany, Phyllis lepat two places in the Township; ed improving at the Perth Amboy Applicants of William Convery, who heral parlors in a body Sunday Plans were completed to spend Thomas Robert Peter Careny, Rob- are taken to New Gostello, Irene Csubnk, Jean Cline, A house, owed and occupied eyV; General Hospital. ert Lawrence Golden, James Joseph fork for examination and if they the mon' released in his sng. They formed n guard of the last week of June at Point Edna Cook, Adeline Cavallerq, Le? Walter Schoedler^of 36 Fifth Ave- lualify they are sent to Parris Is- )iiy. Instead Judge Brown honor at the funeral parlors/ the Pleasant, Had Attended Prom ' {Continued w Page 6) la Copeland, Barbara Den Bley- nue, Avcnel, was slightly damaged and, South Carolina for a six- t" Police headquarters and The next meeting will be held The'four had attended the sen- ker, Grace Deak, Doris Dietrich, when it wds struck by lightning'at, :hurch and "the cemetery on Mon- weeks training session. They are I preliminary hearing. Just Monday afternoon at -the home of ior prom at the high school and (Continued on Page 6) 7:27 o'clock. A'vencl Fire Co'm- ' day. ;hen assigned to duty. : liappunud after that is not de- Miss Marie Larsen in High" Street. had left the dance to go down to pany, No, 1, was cajled out but' The pall bearers, al! members of the shore, They, were returning at COMMnTETAGAIN Full particulars may be obtained but Rosen and Convery he police force, were: Sergeant there was no resulting fire, • I out of the courtroonvand 4:32 A- M., when the accident oc- 'rom Guy Weaver, local postman' Emergency Squad Elects Allan P. McDonnell, Officers Mrs. Fred Walker Hostess A Public Service pole in front f ''liLrrec slips were changed curred. ' ter, at the Woodbridge postoffle'e. of the Township Garage on Wooi-i George Misak, Joseph Farkas, To Woman's Club Of Iselin IS UPHELDBY ABC The Marine 'Corps is• seeking'to' Elbur Richards President "ilimirderly. conduct" to "in- According to a police report of,| bridge Avenue, was struck a feW,; Meyer Larsen, Henry Dunham and mlarge its number from 25,000 to aiiiin." Judge- Brown says the accident made by Sergeant WOODBRIDGE — Elbur Rich- minutes later, throwing a live wire Joseph'Einhorn, ISELIN—The Woman's Club of 34.Q00 men. there haa been, no written Frank Miller, George Balint ifnd Garrett Sustains Action ards was reelccted president of to the ground. Officer Thomas Iselin, held a successful card party int jiignod by Sergeant Ba- Officer Gibson is survived by his Qfficfira,,,Hen\y Dunham and Jos- Woodbridge Emergency Squad, Somers diverted traffic until tiw;i Monday afternoon in the Public Denying Liquor Permit l "if Sergeant Balint wish- widow, Grace; three, children, eph Casale, truck driven by Ed- Inc., at the annual election of of- emergency repair crew arrived. '"\^. Library with Mrs. Fred Walker as Plea For Repairs To Road -iirn a disorderly complaint Eleanor, Muriel and Laota; his ward Harlusck, 18, of 378 Fayette To Iselin Man ficers hekto In the School Street As an indirect result of (ha* hostess assisted by Mrs. John'Hall. P to him." Chief of iPolige mother, Mrs. Mary Gibson, of Port Street, Perth Amboy and owned i Keasbey Is Presented firehouse. . , storm, Mrs,. Albert Maver, of ] Another party wilL be held ih K (icclai'fs that it is a court Reading and a brother, William, of by the Super Milk Transportation ISELIN—The appeal of David con Avenue, - Kearny, lost _^.,. the library on Monday June' 24, Ander, of Oak Tree Road, this Other officers named included hut as far as he is con- Carteret,. : Co., of 32i Gifford Street, Perth WOODBRIDGE—A petition for pocketbook containing thirteetto at two o'clock. The proceeds will place, for a plenary retail distribu- Leo J. Menard, vice preai .lliL- complaint is disorderly Amboy, south on.Amboy Avenue immediate repairs on Florida Grove dollars and a pair of glasses. '•%$$% be used for the upkeep of the li- tion license for premises on Oak Road, from Smith Street to Keas- dent; Alfred W, Brown, record- his • rucurda do not show any DRUNK SENTENCED at the intersection of Amboy Ave- Mavera had parked their car on- brary. Tree Road which was denied by bey Heights, was received by the ing secretary; William Roberts, fi- Isiiimi of the case by the WOODBRIDGE—Alfred D'Alcs- r.uc bnd Main Street, crashed into nancial secretary; Gordon A, Hunt, Fulton Street to; wait until -^ the car driven by McLaughlin who the Township Committee, was also Township Committee Monday heavy rain, had stopped. yet. sio, of 27 Turner Street, Port TAVERN IaO&TED denied Tuesday by E. W. Garrett, treasurer; Alexander Hamilton, was traveling west at the intersec night. Maver's pocketbook'was hangl^ |0nvory and Rosen", he said, Reading, was sentenced to the '. WOODBRIDGE-—Liquor valued acting commissioner for the De- captain and drill master.; Arthur tion. The truck ploughed/into the Mrs. Herman Roemer, spokep s en the .car door handle and sttifc^ definitely not wanted- by the county workhouse on the complaint at $3,50 was stolen out'of a tav- partment of' Alcoholic Beverage G. Hunt, lieutenant^ and JillIUH of the car, wrecking it and man of the group, declared that denly, one o% her children opened, t department as material wit- of drunkenness when he appeared ern owned by Morris Deutsch, of Control; ProhaBka, Walter Houseman and dragging it over a hundrod feet, the pipes installed fifteen yearn he cardoor. The pocke,tbookf^| before Judge Arthur Brown this King George Road, according- to a Arthur Harftraves, trustees. 1 1 1 «r for fnvostigfttion," 1 •Commissioner Garrett found ago are filled with sand and that nto the flooded gutter and """ * '" week, D'Aleasia was picked up report made by the latter Tuesday stopping in front of, St., James | it all seems up to Sorgeant that. Mr, Ander "has not sustained there is no outlay for the drain- All officers wore rcelected with washed down the sewer. . by the police on Main Street after morning to Sergeant Carl Sund- Rectory. the exception of Gordon Hunt, who ' as to whether or not he is Aid Squad Retyondi ' the-"burden- of proof in showing age. Mrs. Roomer also complain- push the matter. he had fallen and injured his quist. The thief entered the place there is need for an additional Ii ed about the dust. The matter was succeeded Hamilton aa treasurer, through a rear window which was Dr. C. I, Hutner and member* ft week two Carteret young head. He was treated by Dr, C. I. c'ense'in the Iselin section of Wood- eferred to the Public Works com- and Hamilton, who succeeded Fred Applicants For CCC Pasty, not locked. ' • (Continued on.Page-6) fined. ten dollars each Hutnor. . . • bridge Township" and "the action mittee. Mawbcy as captain. due Arthur Brown for inter- of the respondent (the Township Interviewed By Omenhi^tt\ with Officer Joseph Sipos Committee) is therefore af- firmed." WOODBRIDGE — App|lca||| fas investigating an accident Today Is Wri Birthday Of The Stats And Stripes for enrollment in the CCC are i (liawbridge in Sewaren. The commissioner's report also LocalYoungFolks, WHSGraiuates stated that "it. appears that Iselin being taken daily at the is an unofficial community with a the Municipal Director of EARNS DEGREE Flying Of Colors FromHomesHereUrgedByKuhlmanpopulation of.between 1,500 and AwatidDegreeslnCollegeWoYk Johii -Omenliiser at the Me Municipal buil'ding. All applii |MN—-Vrctor C.. Katen, son well authenticated by Betsy's 2,000; that there are presently WOODBRIDGE—In observance Late in the spring of 1776 her.| gcrs were: Frederick Adams, of for enrollment must be male*; i and Mrs, Samuel Katen, descendants. , • issued and outstanding five plen WOODBRIDGE—A number of of Flag Day, .residents of Wood- little shop in was vis- Sewaren, bachelor of arts degree; r.ens.of the United Statea beffi keen Street, received the The flag's first official'birthday ary retail consumption license! Township students received de- bridgeTownship are urged to dis- ited by some distinguished pa- grees this week from various col- Ajolph Boehm, of Iselin, bachelor the ages of 17 and'23 yea%;,: |or or Arts degree at Al» was June 14,1777 for on that date within'a radius of approximately play the American fjag today. trons,. A committee headed by 1 luges throughout the country. All of science in chemistry; .Letter To- good character, olluge'ii Commencement Congress resolved: "That the flag 1,000 feet of the premises sough healthy, George Washington called on Mrs, are graduates of the Township browsky, bachelor of science in unemployed and ea at Reading, Pa., Monday The request was made by Char- of the Thirteen United States be to be licensed, of which, there ar in need of Ross and submitted a rough design High School. ;••'•••• education and Gordon Sofield, ployment. j'was secretary of Pi Tan let Kuhlman, commander of. thirteen stripee, and within 600 feet and one wit'nin fi< of a' n&w type" of flag in which' 1 Eugene Geigel was awarded the bachelor of science in agriculture. G. Van Eiper, State sup |aternity and vice president Wpodbridge Post, No. 87, tbo white; that the union be thirteen feet., \.. Nor is appellant entltlei stars had been substituted for the i master of science degree from Rut- i Mi» Hunt Graduate! ' of CCC Selection, this week International Relations American Iiogion, 'who pointed stars, white in a blue field; repre- to a license merely because then out that the flag should serve as crosses of 8b. George and St. An- gers University, at its commence- 'Miss Dorothy Hunt, daughter of formed Mi Omenhiner that sji Ie is a graduate of Wood- senting a new constellation," is presently in effect in .Wood Mr. and Mrs. JBhn V. Hunt, of an inspiration to all people who, drew, The. committee was of the : ment exercisea Sunday in the gym- October, 1936 including the A)M| ligh School. , Of thi) first' appearance of the blrdge Township/ an ordinanci Decker Place, is a, 'member of tne regardless of creed, race or place opinion that the stars should be nasium, 1940 enrollment, Woodbridge b now> flag there are many accounts limiting the number of plenary re< 1 g bi.x pointed, but Mrs. Ross, ao the Andrew J. .Ruska , son of'Mr. graduating class of the Washing- accepted in the CCC 582 boys.' of btbirthh , ddesii r t ppNS their and a score of conflicting claims, tail distribution licenses-to be is- iDANCEJUNilli of birth, desire t° oxpr«NS story goes, showed them how a and Mrs. Andrew Ruska, of 77 ton School for Secretaries in Wash- that number, 115- are still i appreciation ffo r ththe privilegeile ' of Soon aftor the new design was sued in th,e Township to six, oi ^ Sodality five-pointed star could be mad£ "We-odbridge Avenue, rfeceived a ington, D. C, Miss Hunt is a gra- • ..... ij j living in a free country. x officially adopted, John Paul which only four are preaently Is- duate of Woodbridge High School James' Church will hold with one snip of the scissors and sued and outstanding. .... Ever bachelor of science degree in .'edu- FIRE DESTROYS GARAGE >fj l Research has failed to prove Jones was at Portsmouth, N. H,, Two young men from Ijart Read formal

' ' "FAJt TWO 7KDAT, JUtfl 14, » !• ii i i|W'HM fiycfck mid* an offer of $8&,0M Si. IMt CMntt Lflhart Theresa Grtnt, Itoretta fa- fdr U)« old Institution'? remain!** Frontiers WYpft Grfifani Rswrnftry Aim Assets YiW The offer wa^ turned *<>wn. Haberkani, Dorothy Marie 'Kail {Continued from Hgt 1) Since that time, using the rtooiv- (Conrimi fftm Tm Tom 1)) Julia Btaaotnik, Irene Margaret krrtwxi that tine* Own n sA- Lh H eB office'* fiirorw. they hate goi- ^^wrpnc* Lehman, Hewy Ma Hods, HUrffucritc Eve InBraswia, , «Hional final, payment has been leeted uppnwinwtr-ly SI20,000 : Pojry'e'na, .Bruce Herbert Rankin, Helen Anna Kane, Ruth Janet made, but irtiat tfce tot»l antuuirl pint 11,425 fn the imWit sale mak- [MicftAc! John Rimar. Bans Hugo Kaney, Marian Lee, Eliubeth Me j: has not been made public in* the difference l>et*ccn irfcat ISchntTt, Gerald Richard SAiller, Gee LotWe, Ethel H» Loukides, What's the matter they rewired and what Mr. Van !john Edward Schork, Robert Barbara Lois Hcnineey, Gertrude , The total amount tfwed the btnk Syekle offered three years airo Thnmns Scofield, John Howard Doris Nier, Catherine Frances No- 6y the Ryait int«r«U teehnW a'pproxtnurtc1y'$3M25. From that lan. Marian Hler. Otbrlck, Vivian stock nswf«m«its of John F. ayan. mm mnat be deducted the cost* of fidiUt Bdwa, ' the estate of I* C. lyin, the '»• administering the trust and other Academic: Ora Mary AU#n, Ma< with Father— Thv Reft Rlaeh, Gcrtmde Ring- late of P. J. Ryan, IT. Iran tad cspeaies. •He June And«r»w, Lw(a Ana An- Mary Looisc Rossi, W. A. Ry*n totaling 9MM.77. Anent Am>t« ,• ^ nosc Ellen BabtamiAo, Qiiabeth SchaeferyAnns Starega, ' Th? attic* of th« m«vfer,,Eu> One of the largest" debtors of 'Margaret Barbara Bartha, Sfcirlty labdh) Mlriain «*rn, Helen Vei- v'enc Vlereek, s»M| Oils ««V ttat the. Hnk, fatidr* tpe Ryan inter- : Mae Rcll, Jane Ann Christie, Site dlik, Bnlyn CMaffitle Westott, * despite disappointment that the eats, vat V. Irving, who lirth Veronica.. Csubaic, Viola iasm John Bedi» William Bcre- H?s AH wle-ijf the awt» fcrweM didy thron0i rlotes and xtqek' ajiseV Elizabeth* Dm Blcylcer, •owmky, Walter Albert Berjpnutl £1.425 a final divide*! will bc'de* men'U owed a tpUl ol'Uifii^ Lillian Erikscn, Adctle ler, QeorVnt.'Jl.2.100: beth Mohi, Gatol Allahbfelle Pp. ; ChohaninfJr7.Prank pauj D'An Otot'that Ihejr office toolt cnaV>rscd for :Lid|Uc 'an * " It A,- I?e)en Mary Kovaei,' • Louise ' "' William-,-Wriglitson Dey, : •.m(?afts"df colJpettKg'^mcBey iort $75,1^0 and Mioto; for Rqtitan l^rargaret rKuteher,', Bftet -Viola Esaii," Lewis1 "A. Eicbart, .the not^."nml ethfrr Marts Ipot that "oropany, S23,!>&4;07. , Logan, Eva Maria Mahr, Betty Flowers. ".' ',' * ' ihVy'ififi not vaste money going to who Mill o»o Mock' <*• Mary <>oiy1 vtafr thoykaew then-was • ares David- A., Brbwn, ' ;jio money." Last weck'this paper dteeniwd, $2,134* 7.0;*M Muchante/ Wnliara James Grant,'. William * nnc' ihf n«v .bank, three, yean ago*. tfutnpbreys kttd Rynn. 4kfiQ; Char- Nielseh,. Violet Marpiret' Salva, Habkh, Robert Orto Haiise'n, This w«ck, we were informed that' 1«t'rtbhny, deceased, ,.. . ^ Bachelor of Basmess A'dmihis- . .tratjpn'at tne. anneal commence- Jane Ann Seamanik, Sara Elika- Thomas Hpade, Waiter Hrilob, it was -doSerV'to • $12.9,500, > . • ffconuu B.t Murray. $3,800 and beth' StaulTer,'Vivian Marie Ste- R*b"ert Hyera, Louis" J.. Jensen, Eugene B, McLaushlin, $4001. ment e5twrcwes of. St., John's As we pointed out last week 'Univerrity, School of Commerce, tin, Ramona Carpenter Stoll, Ruth •Stephen Kurucza, Pius Lnnni, Jo- when Mr. Van Syekle opened the The Ford* Construction Com Brooklyn, on Thursday, Jane 5. Madeline Young, Joseph John seph' Thcadore Lasa'r, Louis John "now" bank jn 1937 he paid 120,. pany, on note* sipned by H. Viififo He was an active member of Bicio, Jr., Raymond Daub, John A. Luck, Antor) Jenseri Lund, Andrew 000 for the bank ifoiWing and fix- Ferdinandson and Willar^W. Dun- Kthlman, James Perris Uvingood, Maka Walter Mnnaker, Michael Delta Mu Delta fraternity and 1 tures. At the same time Mr, Vanham, who wefc. adjudicated .bank- the Philosophy Club. Robert Hlrner .Wand. H. MarkuUn, Lawrence McLeod, rupt and discharged, owed the in- Commercial Secretarial: Marie John Peter Mlelc, Edward Joseph Litutioni $11,011.20. 999.77;.Alexander Sabo, $1,428.- Elisabeth Anderson, Florence M.. Miller, John Penzemk, Hyman • Uocolletted Note* 65; John H. Salaki four notes, to- Plaviri, Stephen Pochek, Nicholas taling M,879;87; O it F Vajelos, Arway, Elizabeth Agatha Bau- Notes uneollectcd on the. book* ntann, Dorothy Elizabeth Blanch- Postak, Webster Charles Proppcr, totaled fl8S,8G4.97. Some of the $4,989,24; Woodbridge Ceramica John George Raab, Edwin Leo Co., endorsed by Earl Lake and C.ard, Ann Gonevieto Brodniak, larger nmodnts were as follows; Rittweger, Frank Seel, Jr., Donald MORE M. Peterson, eight notes, amount- Ann C. Cbaronko, Ernestine loan Lester' Drummond, ?3,064,25; Shepard, Paul Butler Silver, Jr., ing to $10,339.40; Woodbridge Colombetti, Catherine A. Dryla, John A. Delaney, $1,021.47; Rob- Stephen Paul Tobak, Alexander Feed and Coal Co., $9,787.25; Helen Eleanor Donda, Margaret ert W. Ernest, ?3,822.59; Garfdrd Tokc, Alexander John Ur, Lorenzo closet Claim against Boynton Lumber Barbara Friese, Theresa M. Gal* Sales and Service, Inc., endorsed Vincent Valetutto, George Steve Company, several notes, $17,730.- aaso, Pauline Gondera, Helen by John and Leon Rym&ba, $11!- 53; Claim against estate of Henry Grega, Ruth Dorothy Haffner, Wasilek,'Clifford Emerson White. 250; Ideal Leather Coat Co., Inc., K-unti, $12,946,62; George W. Priscilla V. Ivan, Margaret Hette SPACE endorsed by Sanders A. Levcn- Hoag-land, $3,500i( Peter P. Schen- Juclsen, Margaret Karraaiin, Anna flohn, J2,188.1G; Idico Corpora- dbrf, $2,496.11; H, W. SchrimpI, M, Kirsh, Elizabeth F. Kish,Mary for Summer with tion endorsed by Alfred Jiarkow- aster $3,175. Ann Kopco, Ethel Kostu, Irene Bky and D. W. Tannanbaum ,$11,- Lengel, Phyllis Nash Mouncey, (Continued from Page 1) 559.69; Walter A. Jensen, endors- Lift of Officers Morey LaRue's Flora Neiss, Alice Petren, Helen the Calabro-Lucan oil fields, a dis- ed by J. K. Jensen, three notes to- The officers and Board of Di- Jane Reso, Jeanctte Carol Sasso, covery that was recognized by the taling $2,577.92; Leah Kahme, storage idea '" rectors of the defunct bank were Ann Elaine Silas, Margaret A. Si- Italian government's Geological $4,164; Innatz Krosnowski, $7, as follows; William T. Ames, prcs- mon, Helen Smalley, Helen Eleanor Bureau at that time. He was also 193.48; Charles F. Lewis, $1,011.- ident; William L. Harncd, vice the first Italian to establish the . Send your wtatp (Mini SLahon, Helen Wagerik, Geraldine 36; Maple Realty Co., endorsed by president; John F. Ryan, vice pres- existence of hydro-carbides in to be tfarea lor the fusma Harry L. Wolff and Mafthew T. M. Webb, Eleanor Marie Yaruse by More/ ta&ufi* ident; Thomas B. Murray, cashier; r Italy. Smith, $1,869.51. J. J. Grace, assistant cashier; Leon vich. Gome on folks-Ks show "POP how In 1823, Father Fucci came to Winter ndls, mi*, *ni Municipal Service Station, Geor- Harned, assistant cashier;; J. II. In General Catifs'e dresses ttt Sanltone Drf America and ten years later, he be- ge A. Mclaughlin, $1,331.24; Thayer Martin, S. Barren B,rew- Clewed and kept extra General: Vera Adele Ashley, came an American citizen. Two much we think of him, by giving Him Thomas B. Murray, $220.47; D. ster, Hampton Cutter, David Av SAFE from mattm, dott, Elizabeth Vilma Bacskay, Helen years ago he went to Illinois and J. Ryan and M. Irene Ryan, Brown, John H, Concannon, M. Ore and thott. Baloc, Louise Belardino, Evelyn Kansas to ascertain the existence something he'd buy himself far Father's Ton pay only the fi Henrietta Boos, Sarah BrickwelL of oil in new fields in those mid- Sanltone CttnaSstg ehargo 4 Eugenia Marion Bucber, lone Rus- western states states. sell • Buscell, Mary PhyUia. Ciuf- Before becoming pastor of St \of freda, Helen Margaret Dernier, Anthony's Church, Father Fucci only 1 yc valuation Iceola Dinkins, Helen Dobransky, was pastor of St. James1 Church; I /O JOSEPH ANDRASC1K •Kathryn Dobransky, Rath Anita Trenton from 1931 to 1937. Ink nriaattM (bait* Ifck PHONE 8-1210 FREE DELIVERY ' Ely, Elizabeth Fazetaw, Margaret Check the "Bond partial list below," and Everytbini la lullj insured 562 ST. GEORGE AVE. WOODBRIDGE Ann Gall, Clara Florence Gioe, A Marvel tnta the moment of ltavlni Willie, blister has a little rush over to the factory at once. Make baby, and Daddy is grandfather yonr door until returned. SPECIAKUIAL FRIDAhKIUAYt andd SSATURDAA Y ONLY IrvinR Dcmarest, Frank J. Law- Send your winter'tarmentt FARMER son, Charles A. Camp^elJ, F., Jnr-, and Mummie is grandmother and your "POP" proud of you for having to M

5wift'» Premium Freih Juicy SMOKED HAMS Odd slacks (73 different colors) $125 up Daily tervice in Woodbridge I I «nd all point! in Middlem] Genuine Spring New and Momnoutb Counties Sport coats (distinctive patterns k styles) $16,90 up LEGS LAMB Potatoes, 5 lbs. White dress coats (single & doable breasted $10.90 Tropical Worsted (all wool-coat & 2 pants) 16.45 THE GREATEST Reversible topcoats (to defy the rain) 17.45 White dress coats (single & double breasted) 10.90 Mi IE I SI If IM "BARBIZOr More Tailored Slips Tweed snts (rich, knobby patterns) $21.45 np 700 PAIRS Of 1.65 to 2.50 Topcoats (Raglan-set-in sleeves) Others at 98c -1.19 Silk Night Gowns 0 1.98-2.98 "LUXITE Silk Pajanui Right From Our Regular Stock, At Our Ridicnloua Lpw Price* Silk Panties 59c 1.98 On Our Display Rackc. Due To The Public Demand For Great Saving*. Musi Clear Our Stock Regardless of Cost MISERY "GOTHAM" Coli! $tti$i 79c J ji DO WHAT THOUSANDS ARE WHNC YEARLY "ONYX" - • - - - 69c BUY BID CLOTHES DIRECT FROM THE 89c W Complete AMortf»»t CUSTOM JEWELRY 59c -1.00 FACTORY AT FACTORY PRICES AMD SAVE. '11 1.49 Quality Selection COMPACTS 59c • 1.00 WILBUR COON — TARSOL TRED — CAROLYN Fancv linen ' Cohite Handbags 1.00 VITALITY•—-'SAKS ANSONIA Handkerchiefi .25 Dr«» Glowi 59c & 1.00 OILSILK - GLORIA — TAFETTA i NEVER BEFORE! r UMBRELLAS — 1.00 to 3.00 . NEVERiGAIN! j AT THESE PRTCES) A CompleU line of Young Men's Furaiihiagi and Novelties Our Entire Stock of Men'i, ^Vomea'i w»d CJiildren*' Shoe. Alto cumiES, Reduced to fowlting Low Prioea. . For The Mtle Graduate A Wide Variety of Suitable Gift* For New Brunswick Factory: Father'. Day Oar New Address Will Be 131 Smith St. • >••• > RPISEN AVE. at HOWARS ST. »C DEPT. New Brunswick, N, J. s uancenaiion iJ STORE Oj>en Daily P«th Amboy't Greatest Shoe Thrill Shop —A Good PW To Bwy— &39 A. ||.*^ P, 110 SMITH STREET mm mm MAW ST. WOODBRIDGE • I •' I-V «,'5 '-LEADER FRIDAY, JUKE 14, 19*0 PAGETHBBB

(fflN AWARDS HI5TOHY CLUB LUNCHEON PROGRAM OUTLINED Christian Science SEWAREN-Th. fiewaren His- UONS' ttUB POLL Colonla News tory dob «lo«ed the Mdsen Wed- SOCIAL Chrlitian Science—First Church nesday afternoon with th« annual BY PIAJI FORDS of Christ, Scientist, Sewaren, is & Spring Lunehton held at thi Htrhi- MOM —Mr. and Mrs, Frank McKenna Louise Tea Boom on Cliff Roid, Lrct, Woodbridge Re«- ! Veinon Avenue, had as their branch of the Mother Church, The Tables w*r«f attractively decorated _»esta over the weekend thtfr Phut For Fall Seaion First Church of Christ, Scientist, Election Oi Of Hem Tt I dents Leaitiit Of with eat flowers, Mrs. S*mu«l J. ,nephev; M, 0, Green, of Plain- in Boston, Mass, Sunday services Prize-Winneri Made By School 14 Henry, president, greoted the ra«»- T«k« Place At Refiltr field, and Mri M«K«nn>'> sttttr, 11 A. M., Sunday School, 9:30 A, Mrs, Eleanor Dobbins, of Jersey hers. Mm Floyd T. Bowlll, pitt _-J — A number of Organisation Senion City. M,, Wednesday Testimonial meet- president,- installed the new oflU . ,,„] Woodbridge residents PORDS — Plans1 for »n active cent Vlc« prtsldent. MM. Frank FORDS—Tho rccular. meetlni final plans have been completed ing, 8 P» M., Thursday, reading ...'iiiiK the winners at the season during the next sohori term La Farr and treasurer, Mn. Wit- 'of the Fords Lions Club wM held, for the annual Boy Scout Circus room, 3 to 6 P. M. , ,,(>l{iygame social held cer* of the Fords farent-Teacher turd J. RanHln. Which will be held on-the school "GOD TQ& PRESERVER OF Monday evening at Thomrtn'i- •'.'.. i'ii«ht iit St. James* audl- arranged by "(he new offl: 11 (trounda Saturday afternoon and MAN" Is iti* Losson-Sermon sub- community hall in New Brunswick* ' ,,,i,u.r the auspices of St. Association of.School No. 14. ; NjTMftli. . ,,, Several numbers have ject for Sunday, Juno 16, in all Chaplcit *. Alen«d«t," ; ,riti(i.- Priie winners were ' At the last mBetinj of the group; FlRnctfe-T-Mother told me \o oW bten prepared by James Black M 1 Christian Science Chnrctfes and jeet to the'uk oftho word, obey, ringmaster.' Thomas Hynes; 3r., ih Mrs.-T. Aldington wait elected presldont, presided, ! ,vi,. Mrs. .8, E. George, Sociotics throughout tho world. In the"m*rrWg«;«»f«inQ»if. geOerfll chairman and will be as- president. Other" dffleera tfamecf A wns, announced t)io annual ; rli.ctrie -clock, -Mrs. Mot . Tho Golden Tdt is: "fli Flmiee-*And what- did you Ulf sisted by a,committee including w«re: ^Mrs, C. Blanchard,. vice" •olection of officers to serve lor y .my Avenuo, 'town; ladies' is 'my, rock, my fortress, and rhy .tferf •:'..:"- / .• , ' ••'' '"' the ncoutmaster, Sidney Pinkham,' presidentid ; MMrs . K . Chaliteri , «ecro- the ensuing year Will take plan '•'•'•• -*y Nehon,, Colonta; deliverer^ my Rod, my'slrongth, in Flailcee-I said I wotf Jr..Refreshment* will be t^ idM''B Dffi fit the next meeting, Monday. „- spif Venerup, Clin- FSroRe You darlintl oltheMothefs' whom I will trust; rtny_ buckler, rr Tho»We>u%iUed by the'nt>m< \ „„,, special, Mtii. Pa- and ^ho horn of my.'silvapbnV and. Fiajniefr^Yes, J.. sma ^ou, could 4-Qelrtr.ud.a in»ting' co^mitt^p condisU ot;th* ret; thenille, spread, 'thyihigh tower,"' (P_altn* lid). takke j JokJk e an w.eiil n'g any" man.-• o^tng"" :foi' 'proiiflont, "Rv'L', "i 17fl Amboy Avenue, ter.of Mr; and Mrs, Joseph _____ The retiring presidtnt was ppre-; ' Afnong the LessonrSbrmon" ci- drews, of *e»t Hill Road, has re- •Rtanding. not hdilof,' gain1 th,e eai .Predrnoret yice president, X. scnttfd the rotlrlng/.pitfsldentyp'ln; tations ID tho fotloWiriK fram -the turned home ffom Maryland Col- and right hand of • •amnipoUpce bach; 'Seiftotary, "RoK»(* P." —- , „ ";/.:!. Amboy; fitted case,,C a bouquet of flpWorB from the fac- IBtble: "Thou art myhidihic D.ACD; pp lege and will spend fhe gummer va- nnd theth y uss'tiredl'dl y e lV d i vaney; treasurer, Hans P. Jensen, ^ • Avcncj't sumnier' quilt, ulty, of "the school, a corsage fro^i thou shalt preserve, nic Irom trou- down in : cation here. : • >•''•'• . finite bless{nfis"r (p. and lion Wmor\ William ;, I.!:.,, Carteret;,. special, the executive board and a gift blb; thou shrilt e.ncbmpnss me ••H|ifinicer{ /Motudlofl and —Mr. and Mm. .Rohpr't .ftoo'd- frbtn the' ^embers. ' . < about .With songs, of deliverance,'' ,rM,v, Crfrteritj »he«t» and ley, of .Water 'Street, ''entertained l (Psalms 32:V> . '. ' • _, \'n, k.-,O Ponn«U',";C»T- on Thursday nigM Mr. and Mrs. ;Suh Thp' Lertoft-Sermon' plso . in- :,•|(y. Seven,' Mary Edley, Raymond ,Plattl pf Plslnfteld. .... "This is' a good restaurant, lan't ; ,, Brecka- and Helen v cludes the following 'ptios&ge frafn ; —Mr, and Mrs. Sidney • Pink- it?" asked the'eus'tomer. ., Remember ham, ST., have ."Yel, sir, beat ,in, town," re the Christian Science textbook, returned from "Science and Health with Key to ,;,, ilra. La Vaye, Car Washington, D. C, where 'they sponded the waiter. "If p order .live'lamp, MM. Mettro, were tho guests > of Mr. Pinkham's a frush egg, you get the freshest the Scriptures" by Miiry Bakor, Jane 16th is f M Eddy: 'Christians rejoice in, se- : .-poclal, MnQftan, Say- mother, Mrs, Catherine Pinkham, egg in the'eity, sir. If |rou order n.-ciisional chotr, Sophie or a few days. • hot soup, you g«t the hottest soup cret' beauty and- bounty, hidden Morgan; coffee table, in the city, sir.' If " * fror\ the world, but known to MIL South Amboyi floor "I believe you're right," inter- God. Self-forgctfulncas, purity, lirechka, Carteret;,Bpe- rupted the customer. "I ordered a and affection arc constant prnyers, -• iiik'iiaki,J,Karkas'Avenue Fords Notes small steak.". Practice not profession, undor- .-Icr. Alex iforthenbaucr Siicct, town; raVdio, John Mrs. M. • Patrick, of SafTron' .Amboy Avenue, ,town; Wenuc, motored to New Bruns- OUTSTANDING VALUES i,imen Dill, South Amboy ick recently, where she visited i Totin, Carteret; glider, relative at St, Peter's hospital. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS l-'Uher, Carteret; garden Miss Wilda Jensen has returned .' • ••' "• • »»a: ' '• ' I,;, Frank *Keatlr)g*, .Brook fr,qni a ten-day trip to Hartford, lown; easy Chair, 'Mrs; 1 WEDDING RINGS Summer " Mrs. William R. Van Loan Conn,, where she visited Harold i', rl h Amboy and bicycle Beow and his mother, Mrs. Annie ,'IIS, Rahway. Beers, Mr. Beers and his mother ROBERTS & LIEBERMAN Neckwear Mia Ann Dunigan Become&Bride have roturned with Miss Jensen. ' ' , Quality Jewelers The Tomboys Club met Monday venel Notes' 88 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY li alway* welcome, We aa?e evening at the home of Miss Ger- r PHONE P. A. 4-1288 In Rectory Of St. James Church ry Looser in Maxwell Avenue. m • \von wood Contract Club OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT a complete selection from • Mis. Harold Grausnm, o The Tuesday Afternoon Sewing , I,iii' on Wednesday eve, Club met this, week atthc home <• winners* were: Mrs. Daaghter 0/ B. Oi E, President And Mrs.M. P. Dnnigan of Mrs. Lucka in Linden Avenue. Uiisman and Misa-Marij Worries William R. Von Loan 0/ fioroton, Conn. Present were: Mrs. Joh;ji 55c to $150 • I;,' Mrs. Frank MacGftr WOODBRIDGE — Miss Julia blue chiffon with white accessorie: Keasbey (ulotte Grausam, Mrs, Ann Dunigan, daughter of Mr. and and a corsage of orchids. Th : lirause, Mrs. William Mrs. Maurice Peter Dunigan, of bridegroom's mother was attired in Mrs. Joseph Stanko and son, in our .11. The' 'club will no Barron Avenue, became the bride a black and white crepe gown, Stephen, of Highland Avenue, HI until the second Wed of William Rodman Van Lo/in,,Bon white accessories and a corsage oi Give him a new Sbirt, We hare H_ were visitors at Stony Point, N, Y., September. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Loan, orchid*. them from $1.35, lncludln» Sunday, where they attended the Tuesday Evening Sewin or Noroton, Conn., at noon Wed- To Live In Stamford JLNE-CLQIDC** wedding of Miss Anna Soturi and Cool Methei, 'Broadcloth and • Wednesday with Mrs nesday in the rectory of St, James' After a wedding trip to Canada, Joseph Chonka. Stephen Stanko ';'ii, of St. George Avo. . C. Church. • Mr. and Mrs. Van Loan will make Madrai, ' iii were: Mrs. Willian; acted as best man. t The pastor, Rev. Chavlea G. Mc- their home at 100 Strawberry. Hill ' . Ernest Nier, Mrs. M, Corristin, performed the ceremony Stamford, Conn. Mra. John Faczak and son, John Mrs. William HofgeH TRU-VA1 SHffiTS 1.35 after which a reception was held The • bride is a graduate of pf Florida Grove Road, and Mrs. 1 I'IIX, Mrs. Everett John at the Colonia Country Club. Woodbridge High School am Harold Prang, of Oakland Ave- ' Sclnvi'i'tz. Ithaca College, Ithaca, N. Y., and nue, were recent, BayQnpe yiait- RirZSHfUTS L65 li 3 The bride, who .was. given in Never before and never again at theie pricei. 3 Rooms fur- Croquette team is also a member'bi ftracle, an s. • • '" ;il of three panics ove marriage by her father Was gown- nliliod Complete 1 honorary scholastic society. The Mr. and Mrs. Harry '"Dunham, ARROW AROAIR 2.00 : - mi Tuesday afternooi ed tip white silk net made with a bridegroom is a graduate of Bruns- fitted bodice and a bouffant skirt f Douglas Street,, in company <:>< of Mrs. Frank Bart wick School, Greenwich, Conn., trimmed with rows of self shirriijg. with friends, recently spent a day $269 VALUE COMPLETE..... $149.00 TIES TO MATCH 1.00 ui.tii Avenue. and the University of Virginia. He Her veil was finger-tip length and is a member of Phi Delta Theta fishing at Beach Haven, |Tli.R AND CHEAPER fell frpm a coronet of orange .blos- and is now director of Fairfield i" acceptance and popu soms. She carried a bridal bou- Hall, Stamford, Conn. ;:>• automatic storage gas quet of white orchids and lilies-of- >! Is due to its oconom ie-valley. Heptlawn i»n of, adequate hot Mrs. Thomas G. Desmond,' sis- Mined the Fun Ensembles The-Indianapolis Optimist Club •i'vii-c at comparatively r of the bride, served (in matron Miss Marguerite Ipgrassia, of recently gave a dinner at Smart looking skirt* and Slack* honor. She wore an aqifa-blue May Street, Harold Hunt, Miss >': CdSt. ' I of the leading clubs of the affeta frock made with a low Thompson, Leroy Olsen, from - vn for a group of thirty-eight Marie )asque and full circular skirt. Miss Mac Bjornsen and Anton erj:1 flowers consisted of yellow underprivileged boys. 1.95 to 6.95 a let Down, in the club lobby after Lund enjoyed an evening at the EW LOW PRICES oses, yellow daisies and blue del- Meadow Brook after their prom. ihinium. She wore a cluster of the affair was over,, a disgusted For Mr, and Mrs. Henry Zupko,. of ^SLACKS 1.65 up he same- flowers in her hair. little voice piped up, "I had my 'blue coal' Jersey Avenue, entertained a The bride's brother, Maurice-P, turkey all et "before I knowed it number of friends recently. )unigan, Jr., served as the bride- was turkey." SPORT SHIRTS Miss Irene Hegedus? of New SAVE! K' best man. The bride's Crew Neck Style ' Brunswick Avenue, and Mias Mary Start Your Budget mother w.ore a gown of powder But How About' the Sto.k? Mikusl, of Erin Avenue, visited Account Now Diner: "I've been waiting half 49c to 1.60 with friends in Someryillc Sunday. COUNCIL PLANS PICTURE an hour for that steak," Waiter: "Yes, sir, I know you Miss Violet Walchak, of Erin WOODBRIDGE — Pinna have Avenue, enjoyed Sunday at Lake Modern 3 pc. Living Room Suite' Button Front Shirk John J. Bitting been completed by the Kadimah have, If everyone was as patient as you, this^ would, be-a better Hopatcong with friends. Sturdy cpmtmction. Handiomcly upholitorcfl, in Jacquard 1.00 to 1.95 33 MAIN ST. Council for a' picnic ' to be held Valour, Choice of colon. world," Oill Wo. 8-0012 unday, June 23,'at Fords Park. Largeit Selection in the Stale Mias Sylvia Tobrowskyand Morris Lucky Man Mytelka, co-chairmen, havo ar Hnlp Wanted "Angus, they tell me you and anged ath+etic games and enter "I hear that the Ninth National Brother Donald were In a railway inment, Members and friends are Bank is looking for a cadhier." accident. Did you' collect any dam- asked to bring 'box, luncheon, "But I thought they just got a He muil be hot in that new one a month ago." "Wo did. But never a shilling* Transportation may be secured by ' i.' Betting in touch with tho chair- "They did. That's the one wud we have,- had I no thocht to they'ro looking for." ; kick Donald in the face!" Robe jou gate him lait Chri»tma«. Pick out a Cool Summer Robe 1 from our Complete Selection Gift Suggestions For from June Brides And 1.95 to 3,95 Graduates iat Perfect Don't let the short time worry you for; Complete Modern Bet/room Swim Suits KREIELSHEIMER'S jewelry stock is large with Comliting of 7 piecei. Bed, Drener, Vanity, Chett of Dra-weri, something for every metnber of the family at prices Bench, Chair, Night Table. An outitanding valqe, We have Swim Suit* if kin'* Nee. -. that will suit every purse. conicryatWe and Trunk* if he GIFTS FROM KREIELSHEIMER'S wanti to be up to the minute. \VS what our sat- ARE GIFTS AT THEIR BEST In Laitex, Wool and Wool and Laitex Combination'!. custofrters »ajr LET KREIELSHEIMER'S 50, YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HELP SOLVE YOUR. our call-for and- GIFT RROBLEM / SUITS kt 1.95 to 4.95 er dry cleaning. We've served the trade of Middlesex County for half a century and are famil- ft a yote of oar iar with problems of gift buying. Let us serve you with our suggestions. TRUNKS 1.00 to 2.95 Woodbridge |5, and keep bet* GIFTS FOR HER GJTTSF0RH1M We've a reputalitfil-buiH on"mifty plu« quality, pi Diamond Ring! — Bjrthitone Stone Ring* — Signet Ring! — Come in and make your gift leleetioo. •:, (ressed. Rlngi — Butova, W(|itfield, Gnwil, Bulora, We.tfield, Elgin, Waltham, Elgin, Walth»m and Hamilton Cruen and Hamilton Wrilt Watch- Wri — Swank Collar and Tie Set* Maple Dinette Suite Necklace! — Bracelet and Locket — Parker and Waterman Pen* Refectory type tab,le and four ^rongly constructed chair* Sett — Waterman and Parker PPOtA and PepeUi. In maple finUh. . Pent and Pencils..

KREIELSHEIMER'S Pertfc Ambf* Iwiing Men i Shop THEATRE "THE 4EWELRY GIFT STORE" 127 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBQY 322 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY 163 SMITH ST. . / PERTH AM8QT nrnxi, Jim t4, 7-1 Defeat By i F ST. REUNION OH WHS. U 2 GAMES JUNE 25FAIW!EHS BLANKf DISASTROUS YEAR WOOOBRTOGR—Tl» Cla* of Tktir Dimtmd 1935, SI Mary's Hirfti Sctait SU which includes a number of Wo**- TO AID RH "" AFTER TAK1B bridte residents will bold it* re- union on Tuesday, /ton* , fes,Th e INI! members "of the.-eUa* residing in DRIVE FOR AT STADIUM HERE W may make their rc'ser- Frank Betty.or James Gioe Anranges Twin L«*eTo Frrth ILos Pit tkh HiWi Gbwh / Among Fo*r ~ ' I Fi?» lin T« SCTM HiU T# Gire SLUGS TAKE THIRD i BEAT BRUNSWICK 8-7 Cow 6fr«Bty • • ft* T« Droj) To GeBtr IB WOOtVBRIDGE — Wofldbjl PlaygromKJ U Hi?tt "Rrhwii -ra^ "• Pmh Aifiboy, 7.-1, at tbe L«- to-, the WL American Red t :3o; ; fund- . . Lart Friday'afternoon, lne*8aY- Tffftn „,.'. 2 2 no. . Anftoy St. (; ,-„, Tons stored an npeot nosinf oat Storpton. :...... '.. I 2 The first -pame is WliedoW t» riextieroed, 1-n. •<_ New Brunswick, 8-7, at (he Legion _ ..,::.".. i 3 get under way at! ft:15P . H. May- or' Au^viftt F. Greiner will oi! ffi the Stir'!- -* ffeld with a M? five^roft ttlly W df tafttie*. the ninth to complete thf diamond hand to throw out the f!f»t Bitl. A , WOQTJBltlDGE—The Cons tart- record attoffd.ftnce is anticipate* f-;r., activity of the Barronj during the ad a pair of setbacks in the Wood- put week and for the yea*. The opener will find the tttyor ftf1df« PUwomid Softball Lei- Grfincr Association aand CoMwr's Am&oy. Biman " As a rule, "ffcodbridne Hi£fc , |oe this w*ek. They took a 16 to Dairy, formerly the feelin F»fn> Burger was top man nt -: tehool'a baseball nines have ranked l th feeli 2 bllftUftfl frow fte Tifrws then WOOOBRIDGEr—WJWATIJ,* Hi'gh Sthobl (tit Wwlt wrote finii to ofle of ittmtetdiititrom three. WnjrJps. ~ very high in itaiidinf at the Com- an 8 to * slogging from the Slug* hntarr of lb« institution. An early teaton jinx—-whish eottli.ted of M«nber« !•*»**» «eikte4 for jobs, piteheri' irmi (Oiitf bad, ball supremacy. Roth cliik* -are A' S- to- 0 setback v.: pletion of a season bdt thi* year ,, Krisel labored beat with the bat ••4 • ewrtnwn) plaftte of error.—kept the efab diiertaulied throughout the drive. The 1940 foinf w»» one bif headieb* *ft*r considerod amorist tn'e couaty'i ednfpn,tie fanncrf in -:i:, was an exception to the role » I for the Tigers getting four hits in ••olWr for Coach Nick Pntco. Mpmberi of Iho team, pittnr»d abore, are left to right, front row; B*t> Weaver, John Veserat, best. Recently the Tselin oWttit •By the Boddipj. T the Borrons ended np with. one. of five tries. LaPenta aided the Ti- John Dabar, John Zollo, W*lt Paxiniki, Tulio Jacovinich, Ed Pocklembo ana Bob Wlddett; center row, Jim Be*, Bill C«rmy« played two games at, the. Me* Yorfc wweheldtofirelnththi: the worst season!) on record, win- ^erf wtw' is dno or lwfflv runs." Nl*k Senak, Strve Pothek, Bob Sintonten, Ed Cheilalc, Steve Cijio and'Steve Koxma; top row, Georfe Waiilek, Andy V«b»fy, World's Fair before 16,000 peo- ning but five Rames and losing Orerton Redd, Bob Mutller, Jay Albreihat, Gaorge Gytnei, Alin Ur, Pa»l Gwrao and'WjttagtT Hym«it Plavin. 9*6 was.the-Heon.d fr>r I Minsk;, and Diselcamp', with ple. They won both contests, . eon^pared with thirteen. . three safeties apiece," starred for In #c nightcap, two girl taaihs Behind the seveifclnt pithing of the Slugs. Van Syekle ran close will lock .horns.. TheGreen fcan- We ttummt .will n,.,- Pat Mola, who hnng ap his fourth behind with two tingles, one going- ternettes. • formerly the Wood- victory of the campaign and thefor three bases. V WANDERERS POKED PITCHING t>*#ttrAmboK.Hoffmnn A... bridec Alley Hawks, now sponsor- at Burger's fieM Moml;,;-1 c-.-. ,jj Panthers* thirteenth, Pertli Amboy ! In the third tilt played In the \4 TIE ed by Charles Sipos, Trill meet the, t r coasted very easily toa 7-1 victory j loop, the Scorpions downed the Ti*BY 1SELUU4 TO 2 ENDS IN Iselcn Co-Ads, formerly the ha- oTer the Barons. gers, 7 to 3. Biwo, R. Gerity, Ko- A'FieldamA-Stnam lm Red Devils. This eskinrtfeh illitarity van, Csepesar, Flavin and E. Brink "Mttte fioy, doVt Cm» Start* OUh, On Tee For Winners, Cyclone* And Crusaders should bcva thriller from start Againii the Panthers, Coach shared bitting honors for the finish. wlttf Of boy= Prisco started Paul Qorzo on theScorps with two safeties apiece. Yet To Be Defeated; SdtWalirMa Wind Up In Dtufiock The aggregations are complete^ bill, followed with Sttv? Kotma Kriwl and Terraro, also with two 1 In Intermediate Loep otitfitted' in new uniforms. Admi»r (Cotitimed on Page S) i apiece, were tops for the Tigers. Allen Stick Star The Brielle Chamber of Commerce has announced pioh will be 25 terits for adolta "Yen'm, the* WOODiBRIOGE — The Wood- jotf. Ydar-Bhot, Jimmy." ISELIN—The laelin Cabs camp that starting July 1st it will a Ward "Distinguished Fishing and 15 cents for children undeT 1 bridce Cyclones and Crtwatlers bat- years of age. -hrough with an impressive 14 to 2 Insignia" to those fishettBert-Who make' noteworthy catch- tled td a 4-4 deadlock at the Par- victory over the Woodbridge Wan- es, and by noteworthy catches is meant, we are glad to :h .House field in a Woodoridgc Good Ud •The *e«Ty terers here Sunday afternoon. "Caft't this- 'l That man who choo<»| Shari, p 4 A 4 will take fish. . • K«th, cf .*. 2 0. Ja- Rahway Music Shop Petro, tv • ...4. Peterson, p "2 1 , from our wide assort-] RAHWAY Canntaaro, cf 1826 MAIN STREET This Sunday, the Union Conniy'Kennel Club will hold Totals 19 4 5 of the new Totals Score by innings: an all breed match show at Winters' Grove, Scotch" Plains Cyclones 103 000—4 • jCmuiii pipage5) ' Crusaders :....: .012 100—4 AIRTGNE Palm BeachSuits

will thank hit foresight MUmner tonf* *0T our tection it at top form, inch*' U»t th«) •f*iWoB.hit.Sh«*i of the aWwm-Juie, Wi* tt, Gttft Own and Woe—aho that h rrjHERE is aspecialaura about gifts for a bride. Romance, beauty, ^v;?' Mw P»hn Beach While' i- happiness are suggested. Electric appliances fit right into the And IttMking of 1 Assured Satisfaction picture. Their ,durt*ijityx their Clean and shining appearance, their yrtti'll find the price . ijuiet, dependable aervkc make them a logical answer to that per- In Used Car Ownership plexing question "What shall I give Tier?' Electric toasters and make sure Our CaWtant Policy ever since w« told oor firat vui car haa been to Blixersf electric elbcjju and irons; electric broilers and coffee "of lftrtuig tatislaction in ownenhip. And we're going to stick to.H. nisker*—any one !t> A»dValue. Don't Wait. ET- %* Honey for your Money MCA Bay It A Bariafn At M NfflV _.... ^VV thi» Prie*. NOW ... erythini it Right NOW '' The Slacks Arc iv- ;jM ' 19J7 CHEVROLET M.rtai De- «W9 CHEVROLET Mwt.r 1934 FORD V4 Tudor. DonkU UH JJown Sedan. The D«u*« Town Se^in. * Mwt«», *»•* Check ihU JitterW %dt TThah t AwA . O»O « OOwner , GGooo d yo* muit w* to apffrMlftt*. A Good Trmwoortationfor Rubber, Mech.nic.lly C.r for Mod-*CfiC Op*d Mon, Fri. & S.i. **• tin Peopk. NOW -..- ««)O ft wow:: Cm TAKEN IHftitt PAYMENT. EASY TEI^TO SUIT YOUR I. BRIMS Jefferson Motors, £ SONS JM^W|ACR-J$1&mi T0 *UI A G00D *"•'* GAR CHEVROLET 0EMER Aw., at Oreen St ::W: STANDING I'JNTtfsS HuntutgAni Fiitaf (M SUFFERS .SET-BACK Seek Laurels In Softball Competition Hat Party To Finmct Trip Next fdftiMftt Schtdtd* E, fA.What i« RAWTAN TOWNSHIP-The tecordtd by promot?r Ralph . T»w«W MM Mftfctt Twilight Hunting and Fishing Club Hankinson as the Rrcateil auto wei Jnne! ft—QijelneM.V*H . R. C SUNDAY DEFEAT held » MMt lucttwful ptrty lion- Thurs. Jan* 1ft—Shell •«, ttik • race ho has ever scheduled In hta nlrtt at the Swrond Dfelrlct Wlbd SW MKH? C\jA> h««dqaarton in Mm. Juiw 47i—SWlr«n v». Trojaiw Loses Sole Posieiwon (H for this Snndny, JuW 1« nt LanB. Chssttint Street,...-,. ' Thurs, June 20—Wanders v«. Sewaren homo Speedway with the feature Members enjoyed enterUmmcnt of the day a•olatale/'lOO-mlia race. Tucs. June l wn vs, C. First Place T« Create nntl reJreihmcnt along with 'the WlJrt6 l In addition to the century &rl»id rcgutar club activity. ' . A. A. V WMdbrl(ti*:iatir«lt.Fi«W ,tut-if aTitijthoF Jejfulatfon time trial,,, oflf^rinit n *1U75 miles qf i the tinmip*ete_a. DOllBLElY GILLB THurs. 'June 26HWoodbrtdge', it. Fords, action, 1. • , t- ' ilny Nvh*.« it Wa»te«| Dw Frf.. 3 jwe 21-JAv«»«l it Tort ReWUftf ,,|. Fords' Sporting. Chib, 6 to . . M lang;horne will open GIVES AVENFJ WIN 'Fri. •hine'.Blf-HoiicJttirn'rt KM in nn Inter-Gltjr , Baneball at 10:30 A, M., Eastern Daylight vii'tuB of the Mt-' TitnoV tlw time trials will start nf noon and-.the first ten-jriile"ra«c i.* Ponla droppep d irpjttj Bole j IN EXTRA Afield AalA-Stre* ; into a Ft^ 2:3..0 lcWk. .Six drivers of flrot -p| r (CantiniMd frm Page 4) ' t (. bo Mloctba frojii each He at ,, |iic. lii> for top bert f race to form tho starting IS driv- St. Andrew> Clocks Vic- tfiere will be puppy classes of under si* mpfitha, liny.' l'ii»r to Sunday's -surprise tie-. ers in the final feature, which in ' tory Over Hopelawn nine months, nine"to twelve month? and-novice and ,,1, i-'ords had won four in a row,,the first 100-mile event in five clnsacfl ih all breeds. ' . # years .here. Kelly Petillo's 100- bliuliiiK n victory over tho Wood ! Owls In Eleventh T mlle recoil mark, made In 1935 The judges will be: Dr. A. C. Foster, ^ Sporting Chib which was will be in jeopardy. luiiii'n until tts Ktnne with the ELEVEN BATTERS FAN sporting doss..George "A, Flamrter, Rogeland—hoMfylfy and .working dogs, best in show, both puppy and gfob&.r landing the tourney are Fords, AVENBL-rA, double by Gillltf driving Jaeger homo*with'the need' dogs.'Edwin Goodwin, Plainfleld—terriers, toys and iinlhridRC and the Porth Ambny LEGION COPS FIRST cd run, in thb eleventh framo gave „„• Aiwociation, each with four sporting dogs. Dr. Willinm picker, Newark—Boston St. Andrew's of Avcnel a (1 to rlers. Ray Moffett, Baaking Ridge—ladies' and children^1 .;: r: nnd otic defeat. KcnsbVy Is STATE LOOP GAME victory Over the Ropelnwn Owls- ;, three-way tto for second place at the Seco field Sundgy after- Jiandjing classes. h throe victories and as many noon. Saturday, June 22nd, the Monmouth County -•,.;;. Sharing second position BEATING CARTERET On« of the atrongeit teams in Middjetwt County Girli' Softball Lesgue !> th« Green g Buck Jones, pitching for tho nel Club will hold its twelfth nnnual show on the Hard- urns with Kcasbey are Perth «tt«l of Woodbridge, pictured above. The aggregation it iponiored by Charlei Sipoi, proprietor o( Sninta, struct out eleven Owl bat- iilmy Hluc Coals and South the Green Lantern. The local females win face luch formidable foei M Rod Wing! of New Bruni- ters nnd allowed but six safeties. ing Estate, Rumson Road at Buena Vista Avenue, Rum* in buy Romeo All Stan. Mestickmen Smash Solders wickl Kanai't of Perth Amboy) G. 0. R. Girli of Spotiwood; ftotkettei of South River; Red Deviti His team mntcs, on the other hand, son, N. J. Closing date.6 P. M., June 15th. Doga may be- S tii 11 Pnakiewlcz outpltchcd of lielin; Swingtteri of New Brumwick, and Franklin Girli of Franklin Park. The Lantorfiettei'- will be >een in action at Lie|ton Stadium June 25 tn a Red Croit benefit game. Members of tho belted N«ah for eleven bingles, iiny liodnarlk and Ray Jacob- 7-3, In Night Tussle removed at 8 P. M., if not eligible for further judging. .L team are, left to right, knejcling: Mhrgaret Gall. Lillian Gill!*, 'Ann Ontkoi, Margaret Pogany and Kuzmlak, Semak nnd Jaeger, Sunday, June 23, the Staten Island Kennel dub wlH< . The former allowed Ifords At Carteret Grace Varco. Standing, Anna Durish, Margaret Zullo, Margaret Nemeth, Sophie Durl.h, Stella with two hitft apiece, paced the lit hits, while K«aab«y nipped Kelt and Bernice Lauritzen, •• . • • -^^ winners at the plate. hold its fifth annual show at the Elks' Club, Oakwood* . latter two hurlws for nine Haptttwn (5) Heights, Staten Island, N. Y. Closing date 6 P. M., STRATTON SPOTLIGHTS Ab R H Hladik, lb 0.11 16. Dogs may be removed at 3 P. M., if not eligible tost) •mils took a 2-0 lead in the CARTERET—The Soklers MILLTOWN A. C. FOE S, Kosnrn, 2b 0 0 0 further judging. , • nl frnma, Keashey scored one launched night baseball in Carteret i in Lhci fourth then went ahead Fedor, If 4 0 0 last Friday night at the high school DeFa'rio, ss 5 11 CooiinfFiifc in the ncventh when Al Kosup stadium before a crowd of several OF SPORTING CI.UB I'lcd with the bapos loaded. The Pazinskl, rf 5 1 1 The Bureau of Fisheries, United States DepartlM^- hundred fans who wero more thrill- S, Cipo, 3b 5 1 1 nnTS tallied two more in the, ed by watching a baseball game SPORTS ECHOES of Interior, Washington, D.C, recently released a 25-pa'jfi^' liili nn successive singles by IN FRACAS_SDNDAY iBMwaBI ELMBB "STEVE" VECSE1* Gripo, cf 5 0 0 under arc-lights than by the pro- J, Cipo, c 4 11 bulletin, 3215A, which gives the camper'many recipies ijoV ^ lull Koncsol, Kriss, Pete Konfl- ceedings on the field. Nash, p 4,0 1 cooking fish and shell fish. It also contains much inforwif" |c7. iind Pnskiewicz. The night was cool as a cold Local Club Now In 3-Way By Special Request Kt.ibey F. C. (8) breeze swept across the field. It tion of interest to the camper. Tie For League Lead; Numerous requests of the last few days for further Totals '44 6 C ABRH was the opening game for Carteret St. Andrew's (8) There is no charge for this booklet, which may non, l{b : 4 In the newly formed New Jersey 1 Only Defeated Once information on the United States Coast Guard Reserve Ab R H obtained by writing to the Bureau of Fisheries. iiimmko, 2b 4 0 Bnscball Association. have been made to thia department.... In response to the Kuimiak, ss : B i 2 BS1I)), S3' *.. 4 0 Cartoret opposed the crack Hoade, 2b 2 11 Ur, rf- 3 0 Woodbrldgc Legion team.,. Tho LADIES FREE 'GUESTS queries, I pass along the following data. \ . Snlvia, 2b \ 2 0 0 by.Miek, rf 1 0 Woodbridge outfit won the game, WOODBRIDGE—Listed among Bctry, H 4 1 1 kiv.ith, cf 3 7to 3, after a big four-run rally The Coast Guard Reserve ,was created by Act of Open BOWLING Every Day at 0 the idle last weekend, the Wood- Semak, lb 5 12 BlH'Siil, C 3 2 in the fifth inning. The game was Congress June 23,1939. Any citizen, over 18 years of Jaeger, e*. 5 12 marked by Tagged play on both bridge Sporting >Club returns-tn [Kriss, lb ....' 3 1 action at the Legion Stadium hero Di Loo, ab 5 0 0 iez, If 41 1 sides, with the locals being the age, who owns not le»» than a twenty-five, per cent in- Gillis, rf 5 0 1 greatest offender. Sunday afternoon when it tangles (skiuwicz, p ,4 0 1. terert'In atlymotori»o*t o*1 yacht is eligible for mem- Mnnaker, rf 2 0,0 FORDS RECREATION CENTER , Thafioldett WCTP outhit 12 to € with the powerful MiUtown A. C. — —i at 8 P. M. Lockte, If :.... 10 1 and except for a brief sport in the bership, provided: , Jones, p 4 0 0 ... 33 5 0 sixth inning didn't stand a chanco The locals, defeated but once 569 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS, N.J. Ford* S. C. (3) os Stnrtton, hard-hitting South this season, hold* a three-way tie (a) He produces evidence of his proficiency or passes ABRH Totals 40 6 Amboynn, hold them at bay most for first place in the Inter-City an examination covering the handling and operation of Toth, 2b 6 2 1 of tho time. League. The Fords Sporting Club Jlczo, cf ;...2 0 0 In the sixth after pushing two and the Lance Association of Perth vessels, the navigation laws applicable to the vessel upon Amboy are the other two com- l.i:il>, cf 10 1 runs over the plate to cot the Le- which his application for membership is based and, the U'arsler, Jib 10 0 gion's lead to 5 to 3, the bines sharing the, position. \iis.i, 3b. 4 11 threatened and even had the tying Sunday will be ladies' dny at Regulations of the Reserve. •nv.-its, lb 4 0 2 he Legion, Stadium, the manage- run on base. But they were stop- (b) The vessel upon which he bases his application |li:in(lica, If 4 0 0 ped by the cool, deliberate pitching ment of the Woodbridgo organiza- idi-s, c 3 0 2 of,tho southpaw from South Am- lon announced yesterday. All la- is competently operated, well-found ,in good operat- |ckii\ c 0 0B boy. ies will be admitted free of STORE RENTED ing condition, shipshape, equipped in accordance with .Matiisz, rf ....". 4 0 0 Stratton also was the leading harge. •c:--ik, ss"...- 3 0 1 hitter, getting four hits in as many The locals' have been augment law and, in addition, is provided with adequate , by the services of Tony Bar: MUST GET OUT JUNE 29TH |lnaiik, p •, 3 0 0 trips to the plate.' Jost, former ellona who will make his first ap- ground tackle and equipjped with suitable devices for p 0 0 0 Woodbridge High's great first loaranco with the Spp/ting Club ISIKT ...: 10 0 baseman, collected three blows day and night signalling. . YOUR LAST CHANCE TO OBTAIN himself. lunday afternoon. Either "Legs" Kocsi, "Blackle" The Reserve is a voluntary, nation-wide organization. iials 36 3 8 The Carteret brigade will play Fouth River St. Mary's at home ifimbo or Bob Simonscn will get It was created in the interest of (a) safety of life at sea tii'il for Jncobson in 9th. he hurling assignment against '"i« by innings: under the lights tonight at the high and upon the navigable waters, (b) a wider knowledge .of, school ttodium. he Milltown sluggers. for Father's Day 002 000 001—3 and better compliance with, the laws, rules, and regula- 000 100 22x—5 The box score: SokUri (3) tions governing the operation and navigation of motor- Ab R H PT. READING COPS boats and, yachts, and (c) facilitating certain operations, fefc ...1.,., -! 3 of the United States^ Coast Guard, . , • j ' W.H.S. P « ...... ;:i--: * {(Continual from Page '4) ' IN RREHEN'S LOOP The Coast Guard U authorized to utilize'tempor- the sixth frame and conclud- 8. Vkw, lb 3 Iwflh 'Lofty' Yurn in the last. Mardniak, If ,..-... 4 arily any Reserve vessel voluntarily placed at' its' dis- Ter^beckibki , rff Outhit, But) Notches Tri- FINE MEN'S FURNISHINGS |ui7.o pitched good ball in his , 8b' posal, by any member, for the patrol of marine par- i allowing only tbreo M. cf umph Over Hopelawn ades and regattas and for duties incident to the say- and troiled by a ; 3-1 score 139 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY: Shymsniki, e 2 ing of life and property. The Coast Guard assumes the |n he made hi3 exit but Conch Koi.ii With 3-4 Score , thinking of next season, in- operating, expense of any boat so utilized and the p 'HOPELAWN-Although outhit Kozmn into the game for liability in case of damage or lossi Going Out Of Business [experience and it was the lat-Kosol, p ..._..w.»» E, Naacnk, c _-.^..™.. 1 to 7, the Port Reading Firemen •off whom the PantWers, gath- imacked the Hopelawn Fire Com- Applications for membership must be submitted on' I tho majority of hits and runs. 32 3 6 the prescribed form. These forms may be obtained from O'.ma entered the contest In any, 8 to 4, in a township fire- WowfcrMf* O) SELLING OUT sixth checking tho Perth' Am- men's Softball league game this the wrjter, who has been designated to organize a flotilla I combine without a run but it • '• Ab R week.' in this area! Ge»ek> rf ,..,„...... ,..- 4 « |'t take long for the Panthers Covino was tossing for the vie. itch up to his deliveries as they Mitroka, 3b -. a T. Barcellon*, u .-— tors, while Sabo elbowed for the WHAT'S LEFT! him for two runs on two > teh seventh' and three nib Jost, lb - osers. runs in the eighth. . '• J. aKrnu, « .,....™.,.... DePolito • paced .the batting of iiinst New Brunswick, Bill C. BarceBona, If ..... the Ports with a pair of hits. Si- AVERAGE 50% OFF *y'a single intp, right with the M. Kansas* ih .—.—..- mon and Sohler, with three, and loaded in a big five-run ninth Gold*n» cf ,,—T...™, two safeties respectively, starad rally drove in Wadlek and Stratten, p ;..... ,..-... for Hopelflwn, , Come and GetYm Share Btfort It's T*> with the tying and winning BitAt^-lk.^ - HoH«vn (4) ;for a stirring 8-7 victory J. Bawellona, tt , Ab R H Koznn, flf ...... ,.,...- 4 1 1 [the Zebras. •' 28 7 12 o. n .'. 8 0 RUBY'S Pustai and. Koznrn were tog Simon, ss A 8 2 SPECIAL HATS |ening pitchers «,f the contest if? 200—' Pollack, 3b •..„.,,. 8 1, either was there at the finish Soktm 000 1W 000—8. Mohary, If :8 0 RQJUIAR VALUE $1.38 • (either received the decision. .. —Two-base hits, Kramer, cf .'....•.-.' 3 0 1933 Plymouth Coupe $1 Og 1 Break Aw*y In 9th W»e«-l>we hit*—J. Kar- 0" 1933 Pontisc Qrlbb, 2b •» S A-l condition imO RUBY'S SHIRTS to the fatal ninth for the 98, flialoyarcwk. Struck out— Hettiger, lb .... 8 ,0 2-Doar Sedan B seS WHITE AND COLORED ' |, Pustai was going along in / Sewfeftii ltt by Koi l» » Rader, rf 0 -ahion allowing five hits and on balls-off Stratton 2, off; Koi 3. Gregowita, rf 0, 1934 Dodfe 3ed»n. If you ap<1933 Da Soto 2-Door 1 QC ,' uns but: the Barrons sud- Losim ""' "'• Sohler, c 0 precMt« value intpect | "t BQ REG. Me Beg. K«ft 11,00 awoke in the' last stanza with PALM BEACH that kngeked Puatal two Awn, Se- Totals '84 4 1] thii c»r :..'. i BEAU BKUMMELt I the box and brought in re-mak gave his tenmmates hopes by Port Rending (8) 1037 De Sato Conv. Sedan Hickok Stetsm "her Skorupsky and it was coming through with a slwcle into AbR H 1937 Packard 6.Cyl. 4-Door Good rubber , '46 S Ties the loss was charged right which (tewed ZuUo and J»co- TnuJt 5»4«n. Orlji- Mimied, cf S 1 n.l faUck fi»i.h A-l condition ., "«VP«J flats ftve up the to Semak vinlch, Babato, rff „ ft |cdd witih the winning run in. P«e!ie* was walked intentional- De Polito, f B Small Monthly Paywian^ — Trade* Accept** ^P.Jp. t: ly la*dfog the Wvt, to get to Gur Zuccaru, if 27c 3.00 rrOns' roily; k the ninth ney bot tne Utter croaawl «p tin Coppolp, 2b 50 Oth«ra To Chooie •ne »ut A walk to Bedihuw plwi ot »tr«tegjr fcy Koll#r, 8b .-, REG. $12.80 NOW REG, tt^f ,] now. fthaly, a sinjjle fcjf John-Zul-,\ne *rwgh with a wMl «j»g«jgU 3. Roller, m, .... 1 anotheter singlslagle jb£y pinplncne - iintt o center1 W iconre W»»fl«)c an 0»prile, lb Sport Jackets mm. aeovinteh-Umdedthe * i»o4 * vietory for the ^w Barn*, e .„„.. Edward K. Cuimning $735 evino, p ...» AUTHORIZED DE SOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALERS Wnsilek then fol ron». 1 ^th a single into rigHt scor-1,, letty Yura who jitthed" the en UtedCarUt SJww Hooitt. SELLING OUT RUBTS $15,090 STOCK ' r«n4 fwtd'l appaitureWe ninth fount, ««terlng with the Totals ..._., 8 7 JB.arrons .trftiUnj, 7-8, received 407 Rahway Ave, 416 Mom» Ave. 139 SMITH STBKRT ,. V ' :m m m\ pi SL James' School Iselin Personalities SCBOOL NO. 11 HOOPS, MY DEAR! OBITUARIES (Continued from Page i, local Young Folks ConUnned from Pate 1 (Continued from Page-1) By LoretU Grogafi Paalson, Joseph Francis Eal: Dpra Danb, Winifred DeNyw, Lu- , WOODBRlDGI?-PuncrRt • !cr'| ^ Buriscfi hung hereof wift Ham George Uhouse, John Vi- Street, and Walter Battoic, cy Fioria, Jean G*ria, Thwtaa <3*t- —Mrs. George Woods Jr., olieveninp at the Parish Hall to com* vices for James M, Coll, of lttj.^ V^j^e on the back^Jtortn of '*<.T,tl to, Gloria Garintr. - ve Roland. •; Ion of Mr. and Mr*. Steven Batiuk, jHjljcmt^venu(,iWas Uken to the'plete the arransementi for their Rowland plac> vrcft held Moh*»yJ J,^ home, Her body was a'«* /™ Peter -*_f t2 Htnry Street. They reeelwd j p th Amboy General Hospital on jannual brcakfut to be held on Otfctr GHIMIM . morninp at .8:30 o'^'^jltf her aaughtflr, Sophie^,«nn Woerscli, j6tri er Francis Keating, -John __w*a of bachelor of *cienee in j Tuesday afternoon to undfrgo an Father'i Day. Jane 16, after the Carolyn Holcrsft, Eoac Horrath, house and at 9 o'clock it .81 oV!ock 1nthe morn^She^caned Anna Hferbaehnk, Doria HMUCT .' cfeemical engineering. Ciaffrtda j matt. James' Church. ':' , • fee C. 1. Hfltner who W"«g Schickir, John Joiejh McD.,,,, pp illside i —The Iselin Chemical Hook and France* Hillier, Margaret Hill, ( Rev. Charles. G. MeCottistitt! ^ ^^ dead andI called Sttphen -Jbaipn .Yuiko, H,.',^ was a member of the student chap Furz_. e of Sonor_ a Ave. - flrehouw in tneaday evening. Eleanor Kochner, Annettt K*of- in the Glee Clab. Uatiok was aUo I •"» »"• , —Mi» Joan Pone of Sonora man, Olga Kurta, Mary KoSty, He- tery. The bearers.'jete r Mirtih | Grc,iner Funeral Hfrnt^ Thomas Ferdinand Kath, ,i.-., • a member of the GjeeiClub and thc —On Saturday ewninjf, Jane' Avende attended the birthday, par- len tCunie, Ethel Lefftern Bita- wr«ne«; Pelican. Alberta it;,;; S. A- M. Both "young men be 8, *S the home of ty of Miu Janet Tonauint of New. beth Lengyel, Jane {find, Margar- tin Kath and Edward Moimey./ How|ird' Shnonien, . .' ..'•..''" *t t#bovlch, JulU Lakotokh, Jean the American Institute of helin wo tendered a.«ur- .-4b*. CDegenharat, Mrs, C. LeiMri, mtf Loeker, , K>in, of SSO'^wA!*?™"';]^' 1 1 MRS. ANNA DUftlfiCH ^IO RUSSIA ' cal Engineer*. .- -".'•. ; iriy in hanflr of "' Huttem-nn, 'Mr*. G. Woodi Jr., Margat-et Mairfair. Dorothj Me- ODBBllfeE^fineml* forte'd Robert C Anderson, MH <*_ present and Itpi E. Furie of iown' attend- oan Export* to Sflylet R,upsin . : r hijthday, Callen, Evelyn M^Cormack, Mur- *Chrwtian A, Anderwn e£\l*» for: Mr, ,. tint menmojitSui of the Wi •,• T . \,Ie|J Friwe «f Sewar-'ed IJ- weettng of the FriendlF y Sta iel' MacArtdrVwa, Mary M«rtiijo. r Freemann Street,, WoodbndpWoodbridftee, ^ •-? J^ ^ .^^^^^^ ; the home of Mrs H. CChiofh - of Joseph Durischj,of o'f the^Roth eighty-one percent greater s gjd Md iitt the home of Mrs H. Chiof Arlefle Mettksk^ Mart Ueaiaf, Ei receive the degree of ,baclielor,.»| kJj<. _^. R h Ei)ioU jcan Mf(;«fc' of Sleeker AwnjK, UnionU . Avenue, who'took h .. the same •period-pf ftr ^{." arts at •th.e HOthi comm<;t.c«7n«nt,| 1 leen Mnchaitie, Margaret, M»rrl-. eaYly Si)turday.7iiOFiiinir,;\Vevc .held^U •year. TJie iftcreaw. has'b^fr,'.••• ,rta at tip »0* eoliin.«i««moti^» ^ Ofaiki fctl, Paul .-r-rt. M. Bryan* and sin.' ••'.Tuesday morning at' 10..oclWk itfv cst. in*pdtenti»1 war.matfi'i,,''.. Uah Morris, Margaret Nagy, Eve- days o« the (ifficlah doTibt that it has h(.•(• Iwry, Vt., . Klliot •- card -paHy to be held at the Par- St. Janw?Church wn*dte'mn u : lyrrt Newklrk, ROM Nesfcoyle, Claire ina«s 'ot requ'rem was celebraW'j Tflxas a of ckpored to help the G graduate i ish. JHall4h4»-'-eveniTig, , ' , - Baylor, Lorraine Pinkham, • Judlti ; Sehool, has niijor?a in 1 - " Brink- Rev. Father Donnelly,. pf« St.-.Ce«'l -.machine. .•. " He has. participated w tract Perler'.. Veronica Hiiko. Sally '. '!man are spending their honey- Potter, -_iiiabe,Ui .ftoman, Ottilie ce.lift's 'Church.' Jsclm, jj/lflcinted: eroM country and has been actwp^ ;„ moon in" Canada. Hn. Brinknun u i i> * of Sthork. Rath Sebweoier, Betty ^ ' ' former Mlas Marj' Cull|t>nc. v It a rnem^erof the.ho'nprary soci-'14°2' Salt. Helen Sere*; Rebecc* Shep-, !£•.•- herd; Virginia • StanUewiet, .Es- «ty, Blue'"Key, was on the of;Slar>- ther Simon, Eleanor 'Sorenson, Llat and has '^parents oc 8t^ Street Hy on Rose/SaWia, Margaret Skripko. Ui claw. Ruth* Speeee, .Ruth Schoenhruh, — Please menti'-ii this paper Marraret Tengelica, Horenie Tar- adrertisers. — Stars and Stripes ct. Rose Vargbf Eleanor Varahany, Attend Marian Vojlk, Muriel Volk, Em- (Continued from Page 1) ...(Continii«il..Jrroi-.*Vagel)... ma White, Barbara Williams, Jane WANT APS p -.. ,( •."•.• ; bcauUful Star Spangled, Banner, Wibon, Catherine Karaky. Avn Rutherford pl«yI at the SU1YSIDE FOOD of thc» Woodbridj;' Emt-rgen«y Aba Cot beach with a real hoop and stick. Peraonal . J Squad 'came to" th,c scene imme- which was flown to.the breeze in IS NOW LOCATED AT fr'imjaJatelY and the former pronounc-'Portemouth tfarbor, July 4, 1777. Anthony Arsgon, Stanley Auto- Tie petite actren goct to the IVY—For < r b*ach for her exerciie and we poifin ivy. Mima'. &M Jed M8ri#n.dead: Ann.Olbriek was eunaa, William Albertaon, Vree- Avery's History records that an- knew that Ann consider, exer- P.-A.-L. at your local ; treated on the scene by 0r. Hut- land Anderson, William Barbour, LBrt< other hastily improvised Stars and cise of vital importance to her Inc. jner for possible fracture ot thc Richard Billings, Alex Baka, Eu- 1UU iVIAIIH' 8lif Blake's Stationery Store Stripes was n*ed by the defend- j right hip, right arm_ and back. She gene Braxo, Alan Black, Paul Bre- ••altn and fifOre. j__ PIANOS was then taken to the Perth Am- ers of Fort Stanwuc, near Rome, za, Roy Bjoi'nson, Edward Brady, boy General hospital irt the Emer- N.T., on August 3, 1777. Captain Jack Baker, Benjamin Balog, Robert Muchanic, John Mezar, WARE NOW IN A POSITION TO SERVE YOU Swarthout donated a cloak for the Frank Csanyi, Frank Csepeaar, J.'..on Moiitfcly gency Squad ambulance. Joseph Steven 0*1, Arthur Peterson, Paul • ', Griffith Pi*no Co. . Pittel was taken to th«-ho>a hospital in the First Aid ambu- WffiATS-DEUCATESSENS-G^ -. Will htip >"U Vnild undtt Herbert Williams, Russell Young. OBtlilv. Will htip >u Vnild lance and treated for possible tain Swarthout for tae loss of his Fitzgerald, Charles Farrell, Char- ivernmcnt plan. Write W. i. &** les Gitlis, Michael Gulics, William end1 Thomas Zwoyer. r fracture of the skull and ribs. All cloak. remained at the hospital. Flier Orer Fortret. Hallahan, Robert Horvath, Ste- We Will Also Carry a Full Line of Fruits and Vegetables TO LET phen Hies, Frank Janer, John Jor- VOCIFEROUSLY UNANIMOUS The Mclaughlin oar, 8 total Old Glory -first floated over a dan, Arthur Knauer, Paul Koch, . Spartanburg, S. C:—When Judge OSB r<.om wit!) wreck, was tow^l to the Speedway j of the Old World when nithout kiu-t.etkiut.eti vriUK*? 3:. John Kiraly, Henry-Kijak, Stanley Thomas S. Sease told thc jury that In the Very Near Future Columbunithoust Avenue. Wooilbrldge, >. .1. Garage. The driver of th[he tructruckk; yeutenaBt pres"ley N. O'Bannon, was held for causing: a deathly ' Midship- Kiefel, Robert Keating, Stephen a member of that body Had asked of the Marine Corpa and to be excused because he had the 1 auto an(i reIeased und man Mann, of the Navy, raised Kovach, Louis Lake, Clark Lind- Charlie Kaufman, prop. t-rriom liou*J *'** "" 8L- strom, Angelo La Quadra, James mumps the jury was unanimous i>! A«K"I>'-. He-1500.bail to await the action of the the flag over the fortress at Mester. in its agreement that he be per- gponnilile parly'Only. Address. Box juryjury . Derne, Tripoli, where it was flung — - 6-H, 21. mitted to go home. to the breeze on April 27, 1805. Warren Miller, Dande Marziali "By the dawn's early light" on September 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key saw; the Star Spangled banner stilj waving over Fort Mc- Henry 'and composed the song which is now our national anthem. SEE FOR YOURSELF! From time to time slight changes in thc flag hive been au- thorised by Congress. Both the flap used at Tripoli and For-t Mc- Just What $33.50 Monthly Will Buy Henry had fifteen stars and fif- teen stripes, a desijrn thf»t remain- ed in vogue from 1795 until 1818. Then Congress authorized a return (After a 10% Down Payment) of the flag to its original form of thirteen stripes, one star being I added thereafter for each J3tate WE nn Others from $3,990 entering the 'Union. VACCINATES SELF . AT White Plains, N. Y.—While vac- cinating school children for small- The pox, Df. D. S. McElligott, 30, ac- GOOD USED TIRES! cidentally vaccinated himself on New a 'finger of his right hand-. Ho WOODBRIDGE MANOR suflered such severe reactions that his temperature rose to 104 de- WEST OF ST. JAMES1 CHURCH ON GROVE ST. grees and he had to be" taken to a hospital. He is expected to re- cover. h. : t- WE CAR OFFEIt SC.8OS5, m !1 VOUR OL OD

With the Purchase of NM US. TIRES Brini; in your old tires today. If they're good cnouah to drive in on we'll apply the.big cash savings we're-offering to the purchase of any new U. S. Tirt in our store. Duu't miss (his wonderful opportuaity to protect your family and . - ': SpwWPr/cw yourself with the extra blowout and J skid protection, the extra mileage, of ~^r^rr. ' * on torn genuine U. S. Safety Tires. • BE SAFER-SAVE MONEY RIDE ON THESE WHILE USED TIRE PRICES ARE UP Sft HOW MUCH ACTUAL CASH . • *•/ - •»• - p. 7 YOUR OLD TIRES ARE WORTH SavtatM

EE why life's great behind a big top buy at prices* begin- TIRES ARE DANGEROUS! LET US SAFETY-CHECK .YOUR TIRES TODAY! S straight-eight—why Buick's exclu- ning at . . . « -^v^- give electro-balancing after assembly is for the business coupe- y the biggest engine news in years. '• transportation based on rail rates, state NOTHING DOWN! and local taxes (if any), optional equip. •%?• See why there's no comfort like the meat and accessories-extra. BuiCoil comfort of coil springs all around -wh„_y, there's ft) thrill"like the Buick Your Ruler's waiting to give you that thrill, no style as smart as Buick style, eye-opening ride-*when are you going AS LITTLE AS • WEEKLY *t , „ . . ... ," to take it? See, in short, why Buick, with no less —— > thanjfe dozen new features, is the year's *Prices subject totkani* without notice, . • FOUR BIG PE41THAMBOY NEW PLAINFIELD AJSBURY 147 New Bruiwwick Avenue Phone P. A. 44775-1776 NEW BRUNSWIOC A ERTfl AMBOX, N. & FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940 Looking At Washington kelin Couple Takes Marital Vows MONROE DOCTRINE. RIGHT! •WRONG! irectly connected'with 'defense r« FOR DEFENSE. TODAY AND SATURDAY INCREASE WINS. nd Congressional loaders express- In St. Cecelia s Church Ceremony d dissatisfaction with the "supor twmnvtmi ;;7N1NG PILOTS. B, tax bills now pending which would nMMUNIST ON THE AIR. I9ELIN~Miw Mary Gullin»ne, eessories and carried yellow roses. produce about $66,00ff,000." laughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Joseph Culllnane was the beat rW SFXECTIVE SERVICE. AND TAFf AHEAD. ulllnane, Iseiln, became the bride man, and the ushers were Charlei Senators'Byrd of Virginia-and f Douglas Brinkman, son of Mr. Dube «nd John Kenny. The brides rtiiln *ltuetlon In Eu-lydlngs of Maryland advocate new and" Mrs, Frank Brinkman, of Osk mother wore orchid, with white ac- iim'<' taxation to strengthen the finan- Tree, at 4:80 o'clock Saturday «£•> moans irealltitlon that cial condition of the Treasury, Mr, cessories^ The bridegroom's mo- tcrnoon at Saint Cecelia's R. C. ',-Tinny fnco defeat, brings Byrd would add'a-ton percent in- ther was attired in; white. Both Church, . Rev Father Witliam ; ,|,.main! to implement the crease in taxation to bo made v WOTC corsages of gardenias. A re- Bronnan performed the ceremony. ' iiui'triho In order to pre- retroactive,for Incomes earned in ception was held at the Brink- i'.ismiKc In tjhe sovereignty 1989. -Mr. TydlngaVges that in- The bride-. was given' in' marriage manVha-11 for relative* and friend*. SU6HTIY , ^ and torrltorl«,« in. the come levies be'readjusted so that by her father. Miss Eileen John- The' coujle left for a trip to Nl- '., i[cmirtphoro as a' result of son, church organist, played.; the agnra Falls. . The bride's traveling slnglo-men eingearning44MM will con- \ Ik-nolutlons Introduced trlbt t l $ wedding march, and Miss Car- costume was black,with white ac- HONORABLE virss put this Government' trlbuto at least $5.00 and married meila Axilla sang "Ave Maria*1' cessories and ,»• corsage of-gar men under $2,000 -around $10.00, R«qu*it Picture Sat Nite ; .1 ii* opposing, sutli truty- The bride's gown was made of denies. The 'cQQplo wllV reside ;,;„' one' nqniAnjerlcan ,po«. H« says, "The entire burden can- ivory .satin with cflantllly lace, wifji. the brides parents in Isclin Victor McLaflenBrian AheriM ,,,-uiliur. ;Trip measures ;h,ave not be tarried by the rich." The with a sweetheart 'neckjin'e And "CAPTAIN FURY" . ttwyland.Senator would raise by o' long train.;' 'Her gullet' cap was , Mival of tn'o' 'Stcito Dopart- 3 DAYS .5UN.,:MQN., TUES. taxation, around $2,00,000,000 increase *he?fiRht- .Tho bridesmaids .we're Miss VI-, iniisiderntton of' of town,, Mrs. R. F, Ahretis of Me jrtg strength of the'Navy by eleven Vian Brinkman and Mini' Jean ; now indicntcRth'at thia tuChen, Mrs, Julian' Grow a,nd Mrm per'epnt. " Headers' should under- Kun,tz. .. They wore" orchid-movis- ji»-ut' wants' to be on rec- Rosa Allen of WoodbrldRe. stand that this'is'an authorization selihc de-sole.frocks, yollow^ac- :< it will oppose with, force measure and not an appropriation * Others prei'ent were Mrs. Sinn- :iiy, nny attempt of Ger- Jpill, which will be necessary be- ley Potter, Mrs,' Leon Campbell, - luku over the possessions before the construction of the 22 ampbell To Take Course Mrs,' Clarence Zinchkau, Mrs, Nncl Ni'thurlandB, Great-Britain new warships, 22 auxiliary vessels Klttell of Woodbrldgo, Mrs, War- I!-,- a» a result of the prcs- and 1.00T airplanes authorized in i Merchandising School ren R, Phitbrook of Rahway, Mrs, the bill can begin. I. V. Demarest of Metiichon, Mrs, Proper methodi of diiplaylng and taluttng the American flag are ihown in "The Flag Speaki," a Metro* WOOBBRTOGE — Leonard M. H. P. Hayden, Mrs. H, D, Clark, ), , haiKcs'"arc that the people Goldwyn-Mayer two-feeler. When diiplayed with othcr^lagi it thould be in the center on the Ulleit itaff. lampbell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. P, J. Adams, Mrs, A. W, The Civilian Aeronautics Au- N contribut A COMPLETE TROJAN GREASE JOB derstanding that the P. T, A. wil Cards were played and prizes treated for concussion and possible ollege units wil| complete simi- its quota of recruits and the Gpv J Spring! Sprayed bear half the expense. were won by Mrs. Jay Rutan, Mrs. fracture of the skull. ar courses. Under pressure of eminent will be able to call inti Mrs. Joseph Suchy and Mrs. Harry Reyder, Mrs. Thomas Wand, present emergencies, the CAA will training such numbers as it may James Gillis were appointed co- Eiss Elaine Logan, Miss Sophie EARNS DOCTOR'S DEGREE expedite the program by be able to handle- at any time. 25c ;hairfnen to distribute ice cream to WOODBRIDGE—The degree of pressing instructions- which have Johnson, Mrs. L. C. Holden, Miss he school children on Wednesday, Doctor of Medicine was conferred been spread out over a school year While we do not hesitate to ad- jouise Huber and Mrs. John E. In our une 19. > upon Arthur Klein, son of Joseph With Every Motor Oil Change We Will Cle*i» And into a four-months period, This vocate the principle of selective Ireckenridge, Miss Logan won the Klein, of 66ii.Barron Avenue, last will enable it to train 45,CL00 pri- service in contrast to a volunteer loor prize and Mrs. Little the*non- Adjust Your Spark Plugs 1 week at commencement exercises mary pilots, instead of the 10,000 method 'of obtaining recruits, it ilayers' prize . little Woman's Club Names at Johns Hopkins'University, Medi- heretofore handled. would be easy, Under the selective Some Elpphant cal School, Baltimore, Md. Dr. service program, to classify the Irene Fofrich President Absolutely Free It required 180 musket balls to kill Klein will begin his duties as The three major broadcasting registered males and, perhaps, per- ur companies, which presented the WOODBRIDGE—Irene Fofrich a dangerous elephant in a London House Officer in Medicine at John y° mit volunteers to come from se- ,vas elected president of the Ltttle menagerie in 1828. Hopkins Hospital, July 1. • porccedings of the Communist lected groups whenever it is not |Acme Tirci & Tubei Acme Batterieti National Convention in Madison Woman's Club at a nieeting held Bon. necessary to mobilize or train the Monday afternoon .at the home of Battery Recharge — 50c Square GaTdcn, a little more than t'ntire group. • week ago, felt constrained to can' Anderson on Alwat Street. apologize to their audiences for the With the Republican National Other officers named were; proceedings, Convention just around the cor- Patricia Leisen, vice president; Gifts for the Graduates bon ner, it is" interes'ting to reveal the Gloria Cannilla, treasurer and They explained that the present general opinion that unless there is Margucry Johnson, secretary. The CITIES SERVICE STATION law requires that equal facilities a sudden shift, a first-ballot nom- contest for a box of candy was of 1940 D. PANTALEO, Prop. be given to all legally qualified ination is not probable. In the won by Mrs. James S. Wight, of A gift that will last a life-time. Latest Watches candidates. In other words, view of most observers, Thomas Linden Avenue. Woodbridge "equal facilities" requite the E. Dcwey continues to be the lead- at moderate prices. • • Amboy Ave. & Main St. broadcasters to give the candidates ing candidate, with Senator Rob- opponents to the nomination of •MM- Lnd rugs- of. the party receiving less than ert A. Taft, of Ohio, close to him Mr. Dewey will worlt to prevent 100,000 votes the same time that in delegrate»strength. nomination on an^ early ballot they give to candidates of parties which will be followed by a show First ballot votes will also be F. W. HUGGINS An Act of the New Jersey Legislature Has Declared receiving respectively 27.t47G,000 of strength for Senator Taft. registered for Senator Vanderburg and 16,679, 000 votes. Should Dewey and Taft both fal of Michigan, Senator Bridges, of to. make the grade and the JEWELER Obviously, such a legal require- New Hampshire, former President Convention .becomes deadlocked, 73 East Cherry St. Rahway ment should be altered. While Herbert Hoover, Frank E. Gannett "dark horses" • will flock to SATURDAYS the purpose in the minds of the and Wendell L. Willkia, Governor Wont for trial runs. It ahoulc Baldwin of Connecticut, Senator undestood that canvasses of sup McNary of Oregon, Hanford Mac- porters of the various candidate: Ncider of Iowa, Representative Jo- 1 LEGAL HOLIDAYS indicating the results outline! seph W. Martin, Jr., of Massa- above is not conclusive and that USY BEE MARKET chusetts, and Senator Capper o no one can tell-what will happen FOR ALL Kansas, when the Conventioh actually as- sembles. FREE PROMPT DELIVERY — JUST PHONE -Present strategy indicates tha HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS New Jersey Banks BABY'S SHOES ARE AS WEEK-END SPECIALS IMPORTANT AS CLASS Daring The Period Commencing hne IS, 1940 SMALL GENUINE SPRING < '. CLEANLINESS And Ending September 15,1940 ' . " s |GS OF LAMB Every modern,mother pay* p»rti* OF 1940 C cular attention to Baby't Cle&nli- )RK ROAST 23 nen. She ihould be just •« care- VI ful of the child's ihoei, for with whlcU to couinienior- PRIME C neglect during the growing year* ait the iteonnlou—a ittH ol DO YOUR WEEKEND BANKING ON result in deformity in later life. )AST OF BEEF 27 «». (trBdu«*f»n Avf. 1H »»•• eouwwuliii PiirUcr and Waterniiiu lVn Si-t», Ilonurlo. H STED READY TO SERVE OruMea ntid, (IIHIUK, Dreiiter )ICE JERSEY BROILERS Each* 53* Sfl», llrncelet*, I.ovked, Wal- These scientific shoe, are built tp properly fprm tl» developing* letx anil iuiiu> utlii-r Ufinn yiiii foot of your «Hi!d..Why, not buy a pair tomorrow. Thoycp.t mmlil eiiicel to Slid lu a ltell- WOODBRIDGE ; DELICATESSEN And FISH no more than ordinary shoes and are fitted by X-RAY »t the ulile Jewelry 8hop. BOSTON. , HADDOCK ib. 17* "Always a Little More for Your Money—bur Prices Are Always lb. L" TTCC"* Els'evlnre--Comp»rB" NATIONAL BANK 5H SALMON 25< t , . 5H CODFISH 1b. Jewelry • ; j ; _ >—i i ^' " ; BOSTON SHOE CD. Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation fA ' lb. 190 SMITH ST., PERTH AMBOY, N. J. lb. 182 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY . iXJM 14,

HdiByFtrmenh mxxitvuuu am wumw Woodbridge 118611,113 IS TOTAL of Ajenel Fire Co»pA, OF PWA AID HERE MTVM as ehaintan for C C was ertT^sriH at •» h*:? Aftmwtnh fftww : i irial services {ei Atteav4",. HIRTOWNiliY *nrdfwn *>jr Mr*. WaL Wtfart of Street held ftohitty mwnlne a- 67 Cai*t Reported Dttfftf Firih Aftbor a; the Mt • ,. ,. (drew** CtyMt*. A. J. p., fa P.c:a ':- S?w*rejB fr.iif af AVENEL-A T«rty, edebwtnv I the WeHttiy. catted *>, Past orD6-,. f Jown. June . birth(Uy o oKQ nittaben. fcy Irs. Vw»r C Skkja", *r#. U. S. hc TO held Sand«y »ft«noo!Gr . MeCorrhtSn nv? »v ! Ai&er FiU Raft*>l$* isffl »rj. Ken- land prouomiced bene4> 9««i W. XcT^nfeR. Tfif Btrt r.wt- WDBRIDGE-Tod*t. « tb*>rM^ . fhe r Itr. Fete*! Pridk W^r*. Admir.fetr*- .^h^l^, «f Tm-rt the to«MM itayar Aupist F. (j. o* 9lbc J Jer,e 2" w •>, Mr*. 1 1 canphla it. KfcntH jw-, cf Sort* md ^d Mr^ The^ore other TU J. W. Vt}k«f ti b-Mrt' " si * d rt Street. P is*S(r». !aw*«« fcth e Jtrmhvtevhtmum.Hr i,d M«. H m mafOT CTsk «f ite 318 JU . apMrf,-bir..^iiKvBtemp1 t : ti0S.606.CKW ':hhe i^fe* Auxillry >,VS J.'.-BtSrif •-<*' '$* —- . —Tim Gsrif* F, ri^ly 5*>.:t\f of Mts. mtn, American ft E^l Charth ffc e^ PWA A. H*i», nwrted to . Mr. Me. •S tfes'bimw of* Ufa* M»r.* Lsrf M all' , atteirtiqji to tbe .benefits .oof!f. at£** PWAPW'A .J^Waw/i,^-^rt Oitoge, jifc •«&'•'Hr«-: "MO—And of cour«e I efeMs,^ Jsat 2?2?. be what I'm —Tfct »ric!«*Jf fns-.1T Press Mr. Hfeim pointed cot Uaiti «hJ U*^- j^e la4 thiMre*. Norttia ; •of fcaMtefr'fcv'ltewfr'STO femployw—I'D go L- b f 5H f ; ni1 Bd junction- *& AfPokHc ^^Sf L^nM^"'''• ' ' land ehHrfren; 1. r ;, CeniBteiMJCif the State, of;^»,p^,^an%Jlr* *»*&?*«•$< salary to tt' fe f 'Cr-.trV. .' Mf ;r€T fto- Verity *sd t&t Pepr^Tinla'JSall-i^y '^^-^^^g^'-ftibntsiaH •6 d Mr«. Al« Prance, of Port . «a} Krt S:eTn PWA M'•>« Bpprowitely 3B 5ftra, $8fiiO,U3 h gte 1^ airi Win Ga!iMn, of Rah- •A Woa^rrfal i.lislt,,,-. . fr Scene Of BrXgt tsar, tB Waid' Thr d the As P*A complete* its Seventh _ Aubrey Wpod- '•—Mrs, yew, Mr. Beta reported that the Mi» fcaii of .„„, »^, '/Mi Wnt,.Mw. fcDcrtring: projects are in use, or $p Leanard T*orap»W» an* '•»• Sld' F!aee,'«!*rt»k*a tt tfwirecttwrej final completion stages: ' ' ore- tr* Wdter PHf H* u>d Steffi Dnh* tnioy tbemtfetrn ney Beanjan. '. • NinrtT-foor new sehools total- -Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Plakhaw, j «; Mr. tad' MnJ e*f« for ama* ia "Phantom Faider*." »ev Nick Carter ling $26,500,000; ' l(nad " ' FarmersMeatMarket y Stdarigt, «>f .town; Br. and | tare ia wkidi Florence Rice ii alto featvred. and bridges totalling Ifacs. dttfet Bc^ert, of Dertir-1 29; new 258 MIH ST. , AMBOY Mb; JteQa WrigW, Mn Jean-1 .00,00; it new pnblii ette Cottbs aisa Mis ,'Mary Colonia News staffing 113,506.000; 53 eewi Mrs. ROM ctt« of Kfw Brdcmck. ] Wren totaHmg $14i000,000; 31 \ By Kathleen Fletcher # of Dover Road, were —Dr. and Mrs. Lather Kiag and j lew waterworks totalling *3.000,- j c-M T^.MI.- «20 Mrt C. &as2y, of M«adr21f, Pa., are Tist- {' .— guests on Sunday of Mrs. S1. .•tips' Mr.'. JoTnv Gf*oiirt Hi —Dr. Frei Albee, of West Hill Theodore Voliotaner and Mrs•00. ; 26 miseelSaneous'projects to-;A. Rice, of Verona. * Mri. Kinp'f psrtsb. Dr. s.&d | tailing 95,500,000. field, M:« Estier Sctan«I MmLT. of W«t Maa jEd»d, *is ekrted j»eBden; of theCharles Baumniler. alt of Alpine/ —A covered dish luncheon was .iii\d, JEJ-M. A-isajf of Hartford,; Stmt X. J.' ..'..'' •M at {he Cooperativii headquar- €on!L, Mr. asd Mr*. J. ft ZnaHter-' ' International of —The Colonia American Legion Mis, on St. George Avenue' by the roan, Mrs. Warreo Fbfi>rw* of Auxiliary Unit No. 248 held a des- mia Junto Thm*d«"t: A round Rahra7; Mr. and Mrs' M. A. Wa- sert bridge in the garden of Mrs.CHURCH UNIT MEMBERSUbie discussion, entiued ''What, gnt, L V. Btmaresi of MetsefceB, Israel nUXiharyn^g^bcthif is epsntnes a!', over Anhar Nelson's hmne Wednesday. Why, How," of the Colonia Co- Mr. and 55.'?. WSliasi A. Weiaut of ithe vorld. Dr. Desiderio Eomari, High scores were made .by Mrs. St. John's Gmli Initiates operatives followed the lnncbwn Prath Arcboy, Mr. and Mri Julias W00DBEIDGE—ATI th* offi- Lj f pbJUddphia, tfv elected presii- John Mossihati,, Mrs.. Oscar large, with essays submitted by members. : Plm for Pimc To WILSON'S & CUDAHY'S (Premiom) Whole or »trins

Exclusive "' You Save$ 50 Representatives In Union County Yon this Full Scale (88 Nbtes) I Hallet &'Davis Mahogany Spinet For the— Especially Built to Sell For $295 EQUIPPED <--IDOt• h••••»••••'•••-•• Anniversar• -•y• •*•-='--***Pftcg $24« 5u,^ PRACTIANO $ An Ingenious (Jevice Actual Saving 50 that enables tone Volume to be reduced PER MONTH oiie-half so thatprac- Plus imoll

•TKc cttaken of that century-old favorit^ t&e Hallet Si'DaVfa Pianoj are celebrating Ua mttitt prMe d pone* its lOOdi^nniversary by offc^diflbcfflitliulpl«np dvqwntbove at this spectacularly lioocomawfibKmbeowotr. low ptiti Starting with thiswondeifully atiractive value and applying the po^ulat ship. Todiy it ii man > Aim ever cboieo tot ihe rewarding Coupe*, 9807 and up; Sedan*, $853, group seifing plan, whereby we obtain a lajr^ number of thefe pianos to be sold at MYbesatiafiedwithlewii^ tod vympltbttic beauty of i(» tdxdxip, "^delivered at Larittin&, Mich. one time to a special group of customers, yi$ are able to make a price so attractive golden tow, > likened to tbe W to tray an Oldsi OldamobW tea lUMt beautiful of bi Tnyisportution bated im rail ratoa, and terms so reasonable that any family ciitfasily afford this glorious piano. For want yonr catto h&ve-^b, iaatty, attte had html tiliea (if an?), ojffltinal oviftgaMactionM.»ef!thi8pia$ol ' , . . ,, Mod* in BABY GRAND and Drwtlge. Yrt if s priced fdr * 'B tbrfll- eq ttiptriexit andipcce>6BoH6&-~'extra, and MIGNONETTES around to wr ahowrooms and I Prices aabjoct to chan&e1 without OcoipleiMnwfe6odili price. Fully guirtntttd by the nukcri «i' ~ Ttrmi handling eaee, Oldamobile'a Rfcte. YouH want W-and atf TI^T^^I• A^V^*'/ e i©RfP|T3| C0. 60S SROAD STREKT, NEWARK, IfEW JERSEY USOEulJ SI. WOODBHIDGE £30 W. FRONT ST., PLAlHlTBLD 836 MARKET ST., PATEHSON ) ALL STORES OPEN EVENINGS • ' t Bit* Tbutra N. /j£iM&$BSii , , < 'M^-g^V^ffl^f^'"

Oclglrt Of Sflirt* ,,-nr them sa?» the^wbmari |)iiy«. - v '• ' - DOTTIE m NEW A Girl and tier titan u-hMi seenis so v&y fdrtriyV TRAYAt An timely u headlines thit .. ,v'never remember to explain "I I'.'-t dniiP With Hubby'a mtfritsy, •'if of wpionafre |(Mtod!ng *— Mtt IITTYPHOON' !¥» ifeent* from- wfttlit, to And 'Tig Said To Be Scan- Brn«.' thrllllnR hM ' Sikcessftlt fwitl t npnw Ahii corruption, CRESCENT tier TktiSatong! Pilni tile Air," which opens at I PEftTH Comes Tb Majestic mi Atiiii tei t&t Theatre todty,

IODAY THRU SUNDAY 4 Hanking with, if not durpWinf?, tLjj he cnvth quake effects In the film Weaving n .drania'tlc . Sun Francisco", Paramount will bout a girl frdffl the wrbhtt side present the Greatest atorm se- if thb ti-acitg *rtil liei P>lneo (lUimce ever put before Techni- ^hsrtnltt^ who. tuns ft nftntDtiri(e1r color cameras in "Typhoon" which Htapil, "Prllhrose Path" brtfifc* epons toniffhtat the Majestic The-' Thos. F.Bu Jtte. with Dorothy • tfltnour and llhRor Rogers and Joet McCren tri Rupert Pccston teamed. he Dl'tjttas tftttikkt In tholr first .fire;- typhoon and "tidal wave !o4tBirJihig. vehicle, • ih1 stx years; — fran J ttrtdm — are brougUt tORcthor In a'slmrlo -and in one that tt&r&sii'signifi- • r .'.;:;• .; furious Miiubrice, culminrttljJK In a cant nlllestttrife ,iri thisir 'elrbterii. Kate in, which whole pnim Irees'nro Atiaptcii fTorri thfc schtotlflnn! PERTH AM8OY, N. j, tropic' dus'k,«" •, rQ4tfwfty'"dbjhiitii!! sttciiptti' Uic stWy^deak .Wlfcn.;'0i|»' In "Typhoon;", pofothy nppWn fflartce of Ellip. MaV .Adah^s httit jn a new South Sea1 island .costume Ed'Wttimei!; ejllt.Mny, ttcjiperate- JM«pH —a .bright; swatch o-f. clpnt4nuW p The itoi-y af n lovelj; gii-l, Cin^cf Rogtri, who i* determlttia ly a»1iBiticiiff dd!! Kg^atMOlute taiiitaiiilll y cloth,called a Ittva laVa; scantier 1 than il^strorijjl ' ' •*•' , • to rlie ahoyi!4ior Unvlrdnment for the man ilia lov«i; Jbel M«Cire«,l and il'ila,ler'rhinei a %. kbep. • accuht ii tho hlovinsr plot of .'.'Prirn'roii; Pith" at the Dltma». '. .' heheif; rtiiieU' fid 'white digging clams :at Ino b.eack ^liio f&lia W- ' Consiltullonal Prohlbltlim, stAntly'in love wli^lMm'. fljir Hn-. . Kans'asi and Oklahoma-arc this u cerlty' nffebts', Hlth' rttid» thoyj are Life Begins At only 6tatca' tlint hive complete coin- irfarrlc'd and fop d.few' weeks ate stitiltiqnaiprtWbltlon.' ., , '.' GRA0UAfi0N bUrflj fli: ' : "' You ml^ht oot b«li«v« it, but the antlei ihown abote ara part of * ichoollnR In behavior fok- * doggy.. Blllr Lm it at the tri|k«r « WH1 Yntt lit 2 or nTeftrM Jfrilmilnwf iiia Cohhlf Hull at the b»rral--l» "The Blitull EaUr" at the 'Lokli Aijy i'lijhe Jn j»rt>nijttlnj( Yonr. , StrKrtd. • ._ .1....: . -• ' • - ^_

CoDKttli •!>• NSw." • • ' All Tin- Mo«t ModM-lt -EqnlBmmt A«fl , Day of Days f^ AM His Bog furnish Central iiidtninipiitii M Ydur UUpnUl. ' - we AINA Itnve Three ProfcMtotml Mtn Ipniruqtpri!)t , t ,. ., ' 'Let h^r khow you think the Tklne In Strand's'Bh octagon as Impbrtaiit' as ; ornrna- whon ho rcnliica tjint the FRE? PLACEMENT BUfeEAU ','• P«M INSTktJMENTS • 1 A mo,yin(;,r (lown-to-carth. ?tory ahe ctoes! Make ydur con- abot»t lift; in the Georgia sporti,it|? BUcceas >of his dog will apell (Jiaaa- gratulations —. fidwery! eduntryr-'with' i\ Kranil- boy and ter for his own, family; Pilly Lee, art eqdaily grand d«jf^ts its central PaVataotoht's talented ton-year-old Oiir boxes of fresh cut characters—is told in"Tho Bis- actorr plays .Street's lovable boy Z57 New Bnuiiwick K^ i INC character, Lonnie MeNoil, sapport- flowers, bouquets and cuit Ealer," Taramouht's new . (at EltiiSt.) A \ PRIN. ELEANOR J. BOWfeRS ecrcon drarnii, which ia ache^uled ed by Cordoll, Hickman, Ijalene P4rai Amboy, N. J, Pomerlr ««<« VtitUn lad In«»ra«toi, plants "Will be delivered to for its local opening totiighVaJ Mlltard) Richard Lane and Lester •jUatthews. tt'lltiutiff A jiJJ^M«U- home, aciibol or hail, . / the Strand Theatre. Hobart Bldg. PEATH AMBdV Translated directly to the- acree.n Hobart St from James Street's popular Sat- Tf I. r. A. 4-iBM' urday Evening Post story, which — ALSO '— millions read and loved, "The Bis-, UK BEDROOM DIPLOMAT Baumann Brothers uit Enter" tells of rt boy who lav- ishes his n'ffcction on an outcast with 900 St. Gettrge Ave. ; RaH^ay puppy, performs the amazinu feilt tJ; ' PBonei RAL i-07ii'-^12 - 1)713 of turriing Iiiin into a blue Tibbon champion inS faces a terrible dil- P«rth Arhboy 4-1593 EXTRA LATE SHOW EVERY STARTING STATING (7) TODAY . MI0AY, JUNE 14TH SATURDAY •J •.

Lait Complete Show Starts 11:00 P. ML READE'S

' —. ALSO — pictura you wit) really an*' / The Jonei Fa*ilv joy. Tlie kina of- eiilelf , . YOUNG AS YOU FEEL" tainmtnt ever?body

TEL. P. A. 4-3388 30 c Kxctpt Surtilnys HollilnjK HIIII I'ffvuc Kite

40i At Ail Otbci ON STATE ST. AT THE FIVE CORNERS Tiliil-n A fdromaunl fiM wlli SEVEN (7) DAYS—STARTING SATURDAY l£f-COmiLH|«K»

SAtUttbAY AMD One full hour of Moori W& « Complete Show Start* 8:41 P. M. tidal Wave... idiierl td our regular 2-him ifcow. t • r-A--4-- •• !"f'-:i 1 i- ^-- •-•••*'* t,'- ,."-J.-- Forest Fire,.. A Tornado of Dorothy lomour ting "The Polmi «j Porodlte"lolh»man th« loveil

You'll 3Wlng With H» Sbnge ana Sway With Laughter!

WITH ALSO, WeM totted . i -i K - "'! rv Moran. • Johrihy Dm GAME SOCIAL


O'^'A-ik'»li ''JMik.- i, iv 4 FRIDAY. JUNE 14, 1&40 ENDENT-LEADER CHURCH Sewaren Notes SHAW'ATHOME - FIRE BOARD PAYS mm DAY By Mr*. fn*k Bum St Jmrt To ffoW j —A daughter was born recently '. and Mrs. H. R. Sloan HONOR TO JENSEN to Mr. and Mrs. E..L. Ralson at laughter Mitt Either Sloan v, eek-end ru«rt« of Mr. and '• Fait On (their home in West Avenue. iirper A. Sttftan^i'West AY J/. Adepts Rettfetien Memn- School Imu 20-22 ; —Mr, and Mn, Oliver- Ames of ( Ranjomville, N, F., and their -"F^^iliMn'Adam?,..' bf Death Of Former 1 WILLIAM -JUICY" FAUBLE WOODBRIDGE — St. JameJ datighter, Mlu Helen Amet who If F.,. J. We>t Avenw received hi*"B parish will hold its annual home; has just completed heherr fint year ftwMait ti»: great,, ebtareB '*er**n.Y actor, Almighty Thursday night- will be .own and Jaraet^ pi, Kaf: ,. f$Oapn during the p«t ( few jliiAfinite wifdom has seen fit to ;onn., were the (upper, gn^-. < *»nths, They liked'• the'.'^ff »« Ireiuove-from thte We N. Peter Jen Mr. «nd Mn, fybert ,T. BOB•'.- ,,. y ^hw;h they orged-your .infonntf to for a iWi-. '.:.'-..• /;•!• • ,-• New Brunswick, following-th .,-_ : r; ;;Ho • column, .'' ••. .,' ,. -• canriat*/'•>! Mr. J n .Was erelrts. ' ' , .., •; ' S>-W$ took the matter up with tt* s'Ann Mullor, a p*;.,-- - , rof directors and: go,t' th*, {9 'w w ir** J the Ovcrld«)ltiHo»piMii"irf h-?j<, is reported" much imrjfovi^i. • <; "| 011 1 ) pie lOt fire District Norther Nine Rev, ,Thomis Carfaey. is '"^VNOTS *33'fcS P •« k» ^J^ei-vyjarystt^r ! tfidi^ ^ ^ ably a»d ch^imati a,nd .h'e is' being Muller is the daughter of Mr' ! 'At timM, it may be KVTS. _ TtattV . A wjwi «»••,» A«r I., "Where*Where*? Mr. letott pas ah hfbllUiU Mrs.' R. », tie food j honored aiidreeptttrfi' ' member of -read it. ,We nrerely.writsjt, the,^' e»..j>. n^..» J»J»J ithiseotamttnifjitJJdaroodeJhe^h r—George lUrban, jf.-, % 'y,' ftt rid, pi' it.quickly. •• ',-v; ••:.'" . it ynianovt College, -Villa; from how giCbacish your'Wpe* XW.q«at|e l ftHE^EPOREte il reiorred by Pa., is sjiendint; tne.,su(nm'ot -.- 'with tHt barref-fall of fija<*) jthb i' rope, »nmnd that 1 the" Board of Fire Gommisiober* tion with hta parents, Mr. an•• •pace is' supposed \o • conlajn," bapktl ibebext^i»e be trie*'to j'of fire' DWr.iet ,Nnmb«r 'Sine in *&•*"5• ,Mtt«H" Field,, Ohio, George urban in We»t Aw- TOB'II see items of all yW friends cli«ib a ;bilL;. Cliatir Sipo.V U : the Township of tfoodbridge that Jnrt as yon tike to fee them; and tryint to itirt • nenf fad." He [this Board express our ' deepest COT HIS.WISH '•* «U '«««a wcariif a necklace of Kathryn arid Adele Schaefer jronil keep yourself Tight up to sympathy to the bereaved family JKathyn Alberquerque, N." Mcx.—i, TS Andrew's Building Fund. B , N . Y were the droried i tiie moment on all the township j and the ^people of the District 'in ronx M to 'tHe eemetery to clean v l ill hld t tts f CaptaiCapta n Bayer'y s parents eBatter—we hope, • their great Ion and Society Auxiliary will hold a stra w puM oo family lot, James Murphy i.,; Favorite, remarks of local peo-t Mr. andd MrsM . JohJhn H. Bayer oi And, don't forget, this column RESOLVED berr}-' festival at the church^ on friend, Polo Arias, that h« v pie: Pat Ringwood, "Ham and! Avenel Street this afternoon with Woodbridge Avenue, Sunday. Cap will be at your service. If yon of this resolution Lana Turner recently tarpruecl Blmdotn by elopinf with Artie Skaw. it to be clean when he -died, Eg?s every Thursday .,. . Cesar Mrs. Angelo Di Leo and Mrs, Ku- tajn Bayer \^u jast rreturned from have tomething of interest to oar to the Jensen Family, a copy Here they are pHototr»ph«l at Sbaw't Beverly Hillj borne wbicb be next, day he died of a hca Romero, "Don't jiggle tbe ma- dolph .Voelker as CQjcliairmen. army msneuvers hlheldd att LeesvilleLeesville, „ _ ddon'' t hithesitatt e to papasss it to the local newspaper and " pnrcbased while in Hollywood maVinf the muical in which be ap- tack. Pa to the conductor of NOTES & j ^ j _ *, the minutes of this «rs. H. J. Baker, of. Hyatt c peared witb Mi»* Turner. k " •"•» However, be *«~ +* *«™' "KBtv "' Street, w*a a guest of Miss Flor-^ ,, to each bit y0B ence Lockwood, of New York City, ,. | ity, "Lets go to BBoaird Brook" . .'.. Tuesday. We don't use '%{?: Baka, "Break it up boys" . . . Avenel News we do want it on file just in AVENELG.O.P.WOMEN —Mrs. Ray Misenhelder, of .Bur- c "Skank" Finn, "Wait a minute" nett Street, will entertain friends l; «t» yon hand as a "bad .tip. The By Mr*. R. C P«rf« 3 PaA ATOW Avaael, N. J. . . . Chariw Sipos, "Everytime" CARD PARTY SPONSORS and members of the Woman's Club itine forms to the right at the writ- Mrs. C. Sipos, "You're a cote —Miss Roth Gery, of Barnett —Charles Turner, formerly of at the third of the Good Will ser- f$fc desk. Shoot the gossip at us ..., «rs. t. sipos, -loure a cnwi u «» Memo.rial Hospital, was a recent town, "now of Newark, wan a guest ies of card parties at her home and gels! kid" ... Harry Ensingineyer, "You |™f*» *••• To the Grad ean never do it".... Jim Mooney, imm (W Committee /n visitor at her home on ManhsVan 'of Mr. and Mrs. Sweyn Jensen, of Jfonday evening at 8:15 o'clock. "What dya mean" ... Gns Bindle- home after spending a year at the j Park Avenue, Saturday. —Mrs. Elixabeth Riley, of Notes Of Mar Avenue. -Mr. and Mrs. WilliAm Perna, Meinier Street,, is spending sev- of 1940 I^The first of a series of Pjcnjcs |George Borbas, "Uh huh" . of Avenel Street, attended the eral weeks with her daughter, Mrs. We echo yoUr pride on thi? AVENBL — The Third Wan —Mr. and Mrs..John Bresnak Frid Brause was winner of th —Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Howe, and win new honors in —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bnickle Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy i and dancing will be from 3 . Donnie Miller, "So special award and the door price of Fifth Avenue and Mr. arid Mrs. loveliness. went to Herbert Head. Non-play and daughter, Louise, formerly of Slover, of Park Avenue. ; until midnight A -Hun- ]wjjat" Kels Drost, "One never Arthur Jorgenson, of Fords, have 1 ers' prixes w<»nt to Mrs. Martin Linden, have moved into a recently j. —Mr, and Mrs. Earl Palmer, of SPECIAL __. food menu will be featured knows"... George Nelson. "Whafs returned home after spending sev Tbulleseri, Mrs. Clarence Redd Manhattan Avenue, were guests June 17,18,19 & 20 ^^.refreshments will be Bvafl- new" •... John Silakowski, "Who* completed house on Livingston eral days in Baltimore, Washing- Mrs. Michael Quinn, Mrs. Frank Avenue. of Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow, pMle. Bus service from tbe parish j n4!rt» "Who ton and Gettysburg. Jim LaFarr and Mrs.'Wai of Far Hills on Saturday. will begin at 2:30 and each cares" . •.. Chappie Gyenese, "You —Mrs. Sophie Muller and son, —Miss Patricia Ann Fox enter- $5.00 Winners in the games were a —Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Slack, flour thereafter. Return trips will know how I is" ... Pat Eyan, "Go Everett,'of Fairview, were Sunday tained for her friends in. observ- ' PERMANENT Pinochle, Mrs. Edward of Morrisville, Pa., are spending a 9 P M west, young man"'..., Swack Pun- guests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Sweyn ance of her fifth birthday recently !$** «* - - Trost, M. J. Broekman, Miss Flbr week with Mr. and Mp>. Albert FOR ONLY ham', "Save me a stick'" ... Young Jensen., of Park Avenue. at the home of her grandparents, ; i- JF«D«win| U a Hit of the coo-* ence Klein, Mrs. William Reddish Henderson, of Park Avenue. Tony Barcellona, (Blank) . . . M. -The second rehearsal of the Mr. and Mrs. Renee Schwertz, of UUt will be in ckarfa: Mrs. E. W. Wittnebert, Jack Gles 1 Almasi, "Be-gee if it ain't" . . . |play "And Let Who Will Be -—Officers and teachers of,the Lord Street, $3.50 , vR«V. Vincent Lenyi, honorary' ter, Michael Quinn, William Roe- Frank Nagy, "Don't be a pineap- CleveCleverr " to be presented next OcOc*. PresytPresbyteriae n Sunday School met Quiet Hour Group met !«j«kainn»n; Juliu* Bedi and Jo- mer, Mrs. William Roemer, Mr. For Appointment ple." . . . Legs Kocsi, "OOp the be tober by the Woman's Club' will'at the church Monday, night and with Mrs. Joseph Shirger, of Mein- •\m>pb t/Uytr, geheral chunneiit and Mrs. Thomas Dering and Mrs. TeL Wood. ,8-2394 the gee" . . .Monk Messick, "Ah be held at the home of Mrs. Earl i made plans for the Children's Day zer Street, in observance of Mrs. j;Jwph Hornyai, aniiUnt ehair- W. A. Mullen; fan-tan, Mrs. Wit- sees yo honey" , ... Johnny Pre- Palmer on Manhattan Avenue j to be held Sunday at 11 o'clock in ^shirger's birthday recently. Pres- Mitited by J. Kolb*», J; liara Reichart and Mrs. Charles kop, "Yeah?" . . . Eddje- McLeod, next Wednseday evening at 7:45place of the regular Sunday morn- :nt,were: Mrs. Alex TSTCZ, Mrs, ||Jtov»e», A. B«lt», J. Pukas,.JU Mezera; rummy, Mrs. John Hanie "Got a o'clock. ing worship. iweyn Jensen, Mrs, Axel Johnson, LA GRACE Schneider, M. CzinkaU, Jr., S. today B e £ <8nd M Cbarles Farte nct 0 1 1 ! Hohol, •vn, t j ";v'.' ' . . «- ; » ' ' —Mrs. John Aiud and Mrs. Er- Mrs. John Mowbray, Mrs. William Ctcpci, M. FiiVmier, J. Koza, y bridge, Mrs. Herbert Rahkin, Mrs. —The Jolly Eight Pinochle Club ihay?" "What do ya think it's co-hostesses Kuzmiak and Mrs. John Urban. BEAUTY SHOPPE J.S. V»r|», Jr., P. Totb, M. Bar- Mesics, Sr., "Le's go" Joy Herman, J. W. Halsey, Mrs. met with Mrs. Joseph Suchy, of "j ward Regan were friends and —M.ri,,,_C,!a.ra Stevens and fam- (Chriitenicn Bldj.) tot, G. Hor»»lb, J) Kocran, F. Joe Hollo, 6 o o ! (in William Denman, Mrs. George Mefnzer Street. 5,£s. RichardMonda" y evening to ily, formerly of George > Street, Wemeth, J. Beb»ny, Jr., J. P.lfi, ] Hungarian), Luffberry and Mrs. Edward Kosic; Seyferth and Mrs. Walter Parker members of the Woman's Club at 97 Main St. Woodbridge have moved to Jansen Avenue. -M. Kith, Jr., S. Joivay, M. fee. contract, Fred Brause, Mrs. John were prize winners. the second in the series of Good •ai, S. Pool, Jr., J.Kurucx, A. Ettershank, Mrs. Thomas Thorny —Pa'uy. Detweiler,.of Pittsbarg,' Will card parties. • C*abak, F. Gergui, J. Gortny, Avenel Notes son, Harold Grausam, Mrs. Ed-Pa., was a recent guest of his' par- • —The Ladies' Aid Society of the Mn. F. Gregui, Mn. F. Haczko, ward Glendinning, Hobart John- ents! Mr. and Mri. "William Det- Presbyterian Church held its clos- Mn. J. Petro, Mrt. J. HmkUr, son and Thomas Thompson. weiler, of Avenel Street. ing meeting of the season on Tues- Mn. F. Uptak, Mn. M. Ciernak, —Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter Etter- . -«Mrs. Charles Sexton, Mrs. Ray day evening in the Sunday E\hoo! Mr*. S. M*d»r»ny, Mn. J. Toth, j shank, of Eastern, Pa., and Mr. and Misenhelder, Mrs. "Kenneth Young rooms with Mrs. D. P. DeYoung j Mrt. G. Kelemen, Mn. S. C»or- of Linden, were and Mrs. Herbert Head, visited as presiding officer, t jbs, Mri. S. Czik, M.r». M. Doroi, the retent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Other Edit*™ Say in Flemington Tuesday. —'Mrs*. Muriel Johnson was host- Mr». J. Ur, Mri. F. KOT»C», Mri. John Ettershank, of Park Avenue. •—Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. -Lovell, ess at an advertising luncheon field SAVE $55 AT SOKLER'S j. GarW«y. —Miss Anne Kosty, of 3 Wal-Envisioning a Better World of Beaver, Pa., Spent7he"v,'e7kend j^t Her home on George Street Wed- nut Street, is convalescing at the Fifty years ago this was a hard, with Mr," and M"rs. William Det- nesday! Cards were played and A meeting of the Sodality Girls Perth' Amboy General Hospital af- cruel, merciless world to unde- weiler, of Avenel Street prizes were won by.Mrs. Frank Just a Few Brand New 1 MacQarrah, of Woqdbridge and Ejpl Mt Carmel will be held Thurs- ter an appendectomy. served poverty—poverty vrhich —Mr. and, Mrs . Ernest Han- Sirs. Cha"rles Sexton, of Mitchell night at the parish hall at 7 —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reilly and was due to old age, sickness, and son, of Sharon, Conn., and Mr. 3Irs. Mary Russell, of Newark, were1 ville Iowa. Others attending M. Miss Anna Barnay, presi- unemployment There were and Mrs. Adolph Mensel, of Eng- were:. Mrs. Earl "Mulford,. Mrs. Jo it, will call the meeting to order, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. lishtown, were guests of Mr. and many wrongs and many miseries seph Chipponeri, Mrs. Herbert ie main topic of discussion will Charles Browne, of Meinzer Street Mrs. John Peterson, of Manhat- which could, and ought to be, wiped Head, Mrs. John Azud, Mrs. John the annual Summer outing. All Saturday. " tan Avenue, Sunday. away. Ettershank, Mrs. Rubin Greco, ers are requested to attend. —Mr. and Mrs. ». W. Hill and ^—Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krohmer, Had it not been for wan and Mrs. William Gery and Mrs. R. G. daughter, of Yonkers, were' guests Jr., and daughter, Rosemarie, of , Alexander Koltiiai, S. 0. A. the squandering of the substance Perier. . of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brecka, of Middletown, N.' Y., are spending , of Lefonier, Pa., will preach of the nations upon destruction, Livingston Avenue, Sunday. a week with Mr. and Mrs. Louis eraon at the ' Hungarian it could have been done, and I Sport fiuu will nnd complete —Mr, andi.'Mrs. Andrew Jand- Krohmer; Sr., of St George Ave- coverage of all local activities on pRIGIDARE ned Church on School honestly believe would have been risevets Jr., formerly of Avenel nue, the sports page. jpjfitfeet Sunday morning at the Street, have moved into their new done long ago. < |TiOf3p tervice. At Sunday it home at 35 Livingston Avenue. And I hope, when all these |jpadier'i Day, Dr. Kolutai'j ter- "—Mr. and' Mrs. Herbert Head, great conflicts and strugggles are wil| be dedicated to all Jr., of Bayonne, w,ere Sunday din- over, we shall resume the task •daertin America. The mem- ner guests of Mr. anfl Mrs. Herbert which was initiated with great per- 6 Cubic Foot of tie Yonng People'* So- Head, Sr., of George Street. sistence and resolve in the Parlia- Don't Miss MODELS Jciety will participnte at tbe ter- -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leidner ment of 1906. — David. Lloyd and family, formerly of 35 Living- George, at Caernarvon, Walet. ston Avenue, have moved into At the meeting held by the Red LAKESIDE PARKS ORIGINALLY their recently purchased home on European Architecture Rod and Gun Club Wednes- Madison Avenue. • There is &' certain sameness PRICED AT $184.50 night M. Doros, of Oak Ave- —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albririo about all European architecture, Woodbridge, was the lucky and George Austin, Jr.,'of Brook- after the air bombers of the new OUTSTANDING MODE HOMES ket holder for the $25 fishing lyn, spent the weekend with Mr. Vandals have made their deliv- Btfit. Plans were completed for LESS $55.00 and Mrs, Edward Regan and fam- eries.—Detroit Newt. s fishing outing to Fortesque to- Model Special 639 ily, of George Street.'. INRAHWAY orrow morning. Cars will leave •r-Miss Dorothy Crowley, stu- NO SOLDIERS I clubhouse at 3 A. M. jdent nurse at Muhlenbcrg Hospi- General George C. Marshall, tal, Palinfield, spent Saturday Chief of Staff of the Army, denies F.H.A. Bolts with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.tint any American troops have 'This one happened last week, James Crowley, of Livingston' been sent to South America to Approved r" Gecsey and "Grandpop" Avenue.. , combat Nazi "fifth column" ac i{ were in a heated argument thritiea. ' 10% Down REAL RA1N-MAKER Now it 4:30 A. M. a few nights ago | to Whether it was the sun or Seattle.—After two whole weeks » ENGINES that was out. Gecsey said of dry weather, George Wise de- Expert automobile engine men the sun. Pavel argued it cided it would be safe for him to are working with, aviation author- ABSOLUTELY NO EXTRAS - NO LEGAL FEES —PAY THE EASY WAY— the moon. They were going repair his roof. Hardly had heities of the Army and Navy in the interest of man production of f fifteenth round when a gottet n theth . olld shinglehil s rippedrid offff, No Greater Home Value Anywhere s'fiy truck" pulled up forwhen the rain began to pour. Wise airplane engines, in the words bf No Taxes Unfd 1941 and Gecsey went over to ad to call the firemen who putSecretary Mongenthau, "for our- i driver and asked him to settle selves and for tfie Allies" No Money Down! (['.dispute as to whether it was Monthly Payments $29.00 far Balance of 1940 of the moon. One look at I di them and the driver stated, 10c a Day in Solder's Sava-Bank i't know, my friends, I'm a er around here myself." LOOK WHAT YOU GET (No Collectors, No Red Ttp«) AIR CONDITIONED OPEN PORCH at new red convertible GAS RANGE i Fported by Catherine Van FIREPJtOOF GARAGE SCREENS it certainly a inany TILE BATH , _' job. And we hear that LINOLEUM SHADE TREES $3.94 a Month, 30 Dayi After Delivery , Virglllo from Ford» way DECORATED LARGE ROOMS 'did get up early Monday Hwd To Believe. Mu*tB«Seen _j ot look for a job. An. • report fro* Ford* b that Miljea who tayt "thank fttMpt and Cturtaoui ^ to the patron* at Kati't |JJSter«, Mrvcf Bromo Sell- HOME NOW OPEN OKLER' JMI * big •milt. Tak« Amboy Av*. to Rthway. W»tcl» for tlfn ftt Inuan Ave. Misak's new hobby is Turn left two block* to property. ,.„ pencilB, Jim "Webb has Roosevelt, cor. Penning Ave. pn with one of our guard' ! Rahwfty 7-2280 the law. Leon (Muscle*) LAKESIDE PARK HQMES 280 ST. GEORGES AVE. CARTERET, N. J. .would like1 to know what lU J •v •'•<*.• FRItJAY, WNE 14, 1940"

no word has been heard of the super-wea- pon and the suspicion is gradually becom- COMBINING ing widespread Jhat the German triumph tint Of All Things was due, in part at. least to dissatisfaction •within the ranks of the Belgian fortress, By Harold G. Hoffman puW!ih« JtMajr by the troops. • ,' , • MM Woodbrldtt. N. J, . „, ,,|,ridrt Publis The United States has*not been Immune ati Huwto Logan, TRENTON.—We are hearing cans protest, the eonnrt* to tfc* B";'P,ldint! Lawrence SV Campion, Treuurtr; v rl Sflortwry to the lever of imagination, tester Bar- 1NSKT5 RUNNING' AROUND mueh about the "Fifth, Column." "Fifth Column" of tb« month Mill low's liquid oxygen-carbon "super^explo- The gtntnl impression conveyed the police—those MUM poilc* tiMjf,' clamor to abolish. ' -< Mltor >na Pabiuher sive" engaged the lively interest of .con- is that thin form of invisible in- vasion ti something new. It ti a* the mind of a man w * gressional officials who forced a test on «M •• th», Trojan horse—and that woman, goes aatntf W-'iMn|i! AN INDEPENDENT HBWBPAH» the Aberdeen proving, grouhds. The lethe} is olderthan history, as old as faiths,% does strangi thiiiti" U »*U w,do m mr imd "Vacuum waves'* which the inventor said would kill .ahythlfag within 1,000 feat, i,- . , ... ,, t • . 'The superior pe!opl« .dWflffliMiS Saturday's Accident Tt«ison san.'oIdJranjanMM. .Wb,t.tjjay-call ('spy httnto.'^ Tftitl failed to, develop and a, herd , of goats ,.«.':Mm,Mi eall^ to* Ij, t*tf balfcr them, brtuur It! |;Vilh" all of, the' community, wa :are' scarcely noticed; the explbsion*. . •'. sons always they have what Is in toifo M though we. ate, about & ply sorrowful at the tragic,toll of last theitnitndf some -RIM on* «au*« AW^f* ^nm, -tHat ihette» ^m-"**^ dred 'times •mere, powerful than': TNT;.,the toyal to their king.. To the Tories,- bad; b«cB»«eniostof thtni Am^S iV.'iiijur'edt .Our hea-rts, go outin.sym- most destructive pf'Wfprld Vyir explosives those . Americans' who: rebelled i^ny meatt what tWy,paV aa^doS ,• to'tJie-Konies'wrHich ttiig-awful sad-- jngatnst their Mn% were. tydhateri .^ey ^ , r^fo, ; f j % The, committee says that Lt.ia not the same Jo|t o lui's visited- and we only wish we of inpatituae. • • . • . (•thrills."' ' •• ' . • ' ' T as'the'B'arlowe.bomb.From Utah comes the l . lie of. more-.practical assistance to VKKKjSw •It«ia^ethaitheywlliWetkriiA>B ; story of, who" has. a weapon'"^ de- ..a Torlef who were kyal thrlU,, |n ways they did not antlel- M In their' Hours, of darkness,. * ., to, George-the TWrd have dtaap- ^ p^,J -^ fe ^- oJ vastating in-effeGt,the Allies may refuse to peared from American life—but, !„-*>,.•.,,,, ^-w^iKi;.,."1' jj-'i addition to the untold*'grief the mis- .-..^w < L», TH/vrifiu* A.« iit an entire city at a time, hada right to^bOeJe. • gwihg: bh t«>e side ol tolenmee. other dreary aspects which we fed can be fired from England to Germany, TI..I. Mi ti» i.n.i.,1 Many vary foqHshpeotie may t nipclled to observe and to comment upon. » r Lf » „ «»l S tho »" their prlied pos^essloni, all from N6rth Africa into Italy arid' from ItJ» that way with somb of the tK ,r comfort^ even ^ {gh "Fifth Column." today. There are sbaro ,AmerIc; wlth Se ^f of us , battleships. • * ' , men and women among u» whose _ . . . thh* , ii\4 of all is the .experience which the n baeinM they coaWn t : Then from the East, a German who left inlnda are Janirled. They believe st ight ln•. - m*rfllMV M ^ [.abridge Emergency Squad, the police his homeland just before the outbreak of that some foreign nation, some ^caUotheycouldn'trtsUtthelfttl.. doctor were forced to endure by the foreign philosophy, is better than. b d ||tu ^ m± t , the war, says that Germany has a great ours. They believe li!?_firmlx klf. * I ic actions of two members of the fac- fleet of huge airplanes, each capable of that they never stop to.ask Slem- ' |j- itf the Perth Amboy high school. This selves why they are here, carrying a 30-ton tank. The massive fly- I am writing of the converts to Should Rtnbnne* Their Folly. ir became so obnoxious with their inter- ing boats were "built in a factory in the Library Notes Fifth Columns," not about the The follower of a "Fifth Co], umn" is not easy to recognize. Ha KT in the rescue work that Sergean Who Is Wendell Willkie? Among the new arrivals at the promoters of them. I am writing Black Forests" and 200 of them were ready (or She) does not wear a uniform arron Library is "Kings Bow" by about the immigrants who came it finally brought them to police head- or a brand on the-forehead; Their when the war began. lenryiBellaniann. This is the story Over here to escape Europe and Most Talked-Oi Figure In Contemporary American identity is in the suspicions st tt;rs where they were booked on Rome, Italy says the Germans have been >f two decades in the life of a were made welcome here, but who their neighbors—and we are riiifcg || Life Began Carving Career At An Early Age lidwestern town. On a huge, have forgotten all their troubles irt's of disorderly conduct, experimenting with a newly bred type of to a temperature of self-protection .i.;| sweeping canvas that is kept in abroad all their benefits here, be- Editor'i Note! Tim it the tec- hobo to corporation presi that will breed many such «uspl-' ;i* c think that an example should ,b omniverous grasshoppers which devour erfect focus at all times, the I cause the call of ancient racial ties >i of them. We have the highest regard ond of tix iniUllmenU deicrib- ent is a further climb up the lad- dons and ignite them to probably crops of all kind, especially grain. These, ing the lift of Wendall Wfflkia. er. No one can say Willkie ia not a mall, fascinating details of human ha? turned thqir minds back to drastic action. • :haracter are sharply and unfoT- where they woUld not take,their w. unselfish service performed, by the it is said, might be transported in airplanes self-made man! I would suggest to all those who , Chapter II And he knows the U. S. aa well ettably etched. The tale opens bodies^ liriMicy squad, for the efficiency of the by the millions and released over British (i the nineties when Kings Row —Or- have been playing with so-called A big, brilliant kid who wore a he knows the inside of his hat. "philosophical" disloyalties that v and for the humane efforts of all the and French farms in an effort to starve bright red rough-neck sweater and Better, because he never knows es left its pioneering days far be- Then there aro all the people, ind. The town Is now reaching native Americans, who '[fall11, for they renounce their folly with deft ] doctors. We don't think, this com- out the Allies. chewed tobacco to show how tough vhat clothes he has on, He is the nfte emphasis and, they turn Into 4',-i ho was, Wendell Willkic entered iut aggressively toward the re- various imported "thrills" wh\ch J nity should spare itself in preventing a world'* worst-dressed man, but that class so despised by the ielf From the nation's capital, Senator Shep- the University of Indiana very neither is he the haberdasher's de- ipectahility of cltyhood. Its meth- aro skillfully merchandised to ds, like theBe of people on the them. They prattle about the Btyled "intellectual"—the 100 per- ciition of that incident; yet there al- pard, chairman of the Military Affairs young, at 15, tft-ee years ahead of ight. tJTia' friends tell he looks way up to what they think is suc- '^freedom" of Communism, about cent American. As the pressure > tiy is evidence that an attempt will be the average student. His big like a buffalo. from across the sea on our. minds Committee, says that suggestions to" im- brother Ed was already ah the Uni- cess, are mean and cruel and petty, the "strength" of Fascism; they I Coffeyville, Kansas claims it ia wear shirts of specicd colors; they grows, we are going to become less • to let this case fade out of court. prove the national defense are "pouring versity. 'Win' got into a scrape Brutally the town crushes and ;he first town that started a "Will throws aside those who do not demand "freedom of speech" for and less tolerant' of those among' is is to serve .notice on everyone, in- in from all parts of the country, One man right off the reel. Indiana won a us who discount their citizenship-.' football game and the students kie for President" club. Willld measure down to its warped stan- the enemies of freedom. il that this newspaper does not intend would drop a hundred parachute bombs went out to paint the town the color taught history in the Coffeyvill dards, Bitterly the last of the They hold meetings at which Maybe there will be Injustices ' this matter drop. We feel that full in front of approaching- aircraft and the of young Willkie's sweater. The High School for nine months in pioneers sit on the. sidelines watch- everything American is denounced under the'pressure of events—but Uc: 1914. He also ran the boys' tracl and they listen to promises of "a being a real American is*lnore and,'' were the, heritage his pineer for- I dell and EdI Wendell grinned a1 in the annual class book. His faci ilarly obnoxious after an accident last j Another recommends a magic grease bears had handed down to him, Ed., Ed grinned back at Wendell in the picture, is, at the center c This Week Years Ago ;k. We intend to find out, further, who which will enable bullet and shells to trav- This' mixture of sensitivity and They rolled up their sleeves. a flower. UndeTenath is the lin practicality made it possible for Backhome in Elwood a deiega- "Just Coming Into Bloom." \_ responsible for altering the pedigree' el twenty time faster and twenty times Parris Mitchell to assert himself, Ten Years ff MAIN STREET BAN " tion of shocked ladies called on Wendell Willkie saw enough i with deceptive ease, against the MISS KELLY WEDS ON WIRES SOUGHT so as the charge of disorderly con- farther. A.third would use liquid cement Willkie Sr. to tell htm his sons ha his boyhood travels over the coun powerful, almost infleible, moves EDWARD M. WILLIAMSON passed the night in. (he Blooming- A proposal is under considera- appeared to be dropped and simple an a spray upon attacking troops, who' ;ry. to decide that democracy wai of Kings Row. Sharply contrasted A very pretty quiet home wed- ton calaboose. . tion, according to .authoritative-tu- Aestivation" substituted, these men, I would be stopped in their tracks. As the he thing for' him, and that Big ith Parris is his friend Drake ding took place Wednesday at high usiness was not democracy. He mors, which contemplates removal si-hool teachers whose • behavior,'cement hardened, the soldiers would be "If the other students were there McHugfo,' who could no nothing noon, when Miss Augusta Kelly, if all poles carrying overheadwires and they weren't," said Wendell's arried hard, real-life lessons back ut dream his great visions of what (laughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Maybe the reader has heard of some college with him. His father in Main Street from Amboy Ave« Id njwayinquirs bye whabovey the. reproachy are no,t were!capturetried d by chipping off the cement or father, "or if they had run away, ings Row should be. When swift Williamson Kelly, of Green Street,, nue to Rahway. Avenue. eii;tl tfo charger being, idisorderlyf such become. Wes shall.make necessary,1 lef"super-weaponst to statuesqu"e thadeatht w. e have missed. In I wouldn't be proud of them. I'm ad been • a Williams Jennings ragedy strikes, he is saved by'the became the bride of Edward Mah- proud of them! Good day, ladies." iryan man. Bryan stayed at the ove of his Irish sweetheart and lon Williamson, of Stcelton, Pa. JEAN LIDDLE use Chief of Police .George Eh Keating any event, everybody is entitled to believe iVillkte home when he visited tift- The Willkies come of courageous he friendship of Parris. Warmly The ceromony was performed un- COLLEGE ESSAY PRIZE ;; bod. Wendell became a disciple that so far as -he is concerned the any of these fantastic stories. There is stock. • ' • • nd sympathetically these three der a bower of flowers by Rev. J. f Teddy Eoosevelt and 'Fighting Miss Jean Liddle, daughter of charge still stands. about one chance out of ten million that At' colfege -hard work got Wen- in through to the brightness out- B. Meyers, of Trinity Episcopal Mr. and Mrs. William P. kiddle,-", :iua dell over much of his youthful Bob' LaFollette. As a college poli- ide . the dark, forbidding circle Church. some of them have potential value in war, ;ician he fought thesnpbbish fra- of 518 Tisdale Place,. Woodbridgq,.. i.s, out of deference to the squad, p'o- foolishness, He had to earn his ;hat was Kings Row. The char- was one of two students at Cen-?, "- Meanwhile, we' might as well remember own way. Back home he had sold ernities for Tich boys, advocated that block their path out of. SIREN Ttf SIGNAL ;nKl doctors and for the fair name of effersonian democracy, preached tenary Junior College to receive- ' that few weapons have been invented over- newspapers and driven a bakery he chamber of hovrors that is PRISONERS' BREAK the Temblyn Essay Prize this year..' community, is a promise. \ R.'s trust-busting and Jack Lon- ; night in the long annals of warfare. Usual- wagon. At college he did so much ivery small town on the make, arc A series of three blasts sounded Her subject was "In the Backyard ' outside work that it took him seven don's socialism. many and varied, There is the three times in succession on the of America". The award wai v are genuinely proud of the respect ly. old weapons,,strikinglyjmproved and years to get his degree. He har- He wa3 young and radical. evered doctor, practicing 'his con- fire siren means that prisoners made at the commencement exer- intelligently used, have produced the "sur- vested Wheat in Minnesota, dress> *nled sarism; the district-attorney, have escaped from the New Jersey cises of the school at Ha'ckettstown,, by the senior class at the high, ed tools in the Texas oil fields, op- pursuing his schoolboy hatred's to Reformatory, Arrangements for Monday morning. rises" which have. affected the fighting erated a cement-block machine in WORKERS the special alarm were made by for the memory of one of its num- he bitter end, in one case to the etween nations,- Consequently, it might Wyoming, 'ran a boom-town tent The Federal Works Agency, with the fire commissioners of district |\vhose life was snuffed out in a hideous ;allows; the town gravedigger and Thrae Years ARO hotel in Colorado and picked vege- 4,000 trained employes and di- No. 1 and the officials of the Re- e a good plan to wait until some Army common hangman, with his profes- POLICE, TOWN EMPLOYES nt. One mark of such respect came jtables in .California. ' recting the man-power of 2,000,- formatory Wednesday night. sea the new "secret" weapons before be- 000 persons; ia ready to perform sional, speculative way of looking GET PAY RETURN JULY 1 voluntary withdrawal of the class Picking Cuciimberi Tough! at a man's neck. Against such as the construction work necessary in RETIRING INSTRUCTOR In accordance with its agree- > oming unduly alarmed. 'Ticking tomatoes is pretty these and the multiple meannesses He which had been, scheduled for last the nqw defense program, shys HONORED BY BOARD ment made the first of the year, •: i ^ tough," he recdlls. "But the hard- Johft M. Carmody, Adminiatrotor of Kings Row, the forces of good lay. , At the high school commence" ;he administration will restore on, est work is picking cucumbers un- He points out that the Agency can fight their battle for decency and uly 1 to all police and municipal ment last night Supervising Prjn- is our understanding now that, this Refugees Need Assistance der a hot sun. Cucumbers are the handle any type of constructor freedom and beauty. ,To the aid imployes one half of the twenty,, same color as the yinea and you work that civilians- can do, includ- .of Parris Mitchell and Drake Mc- cjpnl John H. Love paid a glow- porcent salary cut imposed''by ita ' "has been permanently cancelled. ing tribute to Isaac H. Gilhuly, The appeal of the Red Cross for funds have to\ bend 'way down to ge ing roads, airports, military bast Hugh coiiic kind-hearted Mrs. predecessor in an eleventh-hou'l\ who is retiring after having taught think this is a mistake. We believe that them." He knows. facilitites, piers, docks, armories, Skeffington; the sensible, earthy [lepresstoir wbnomy. " ,vith which to assist the war refugees in school for forty-three years, 5 youngsters who are completing their Willkie worked at such jobs al housing, railroad sidings, power, Catholic priest j the broad-visioned; France and other European countries through college, travelling from water and aewer systems. clean-minded handful, of .pioneers twenty-six of which have been TOWNSHIP SUFFERS ,? days, of .high, school should spend as [spent in Woo'dbridge High School. riot be unheeded by the people of place to place as a common hobo who had founded Kings Row, It 3RD OF COUNTY CUT of their closing hours together as He puddled steel outside ^Chicago is a long battle and a hard one, a Melvin Clum, president , of the Woodbridge Township. CANAL Board of Education, presented Mr. 'Protests to Works Progress Ad-.' le, for the memories and the friend- husked corn in Iowa and milkd battle that.makes fast absorbing In bur interest in the outcome of- battles, cows in Wisconsin. For awhile h A third set of locks at the Pan reading because it. is a close-up Gilhuly with a leather-bound set ministration authorities in Middle? of their-school days will endure for- of resolutions.,1 sex County may be made at t0*: we are prone to overlook the hardships was a dishwasher in a restaurant, ama Canal will pxobably resul of the struggle we all fight at one We do not feel that they should be climbfng laboriously, up the ladde: from favorable action on the pro time or another in Our HVes. The unusually heavy percentage of which face millions of human beings driv- Five Years Ago township residents affected in the, of a single experience to make to the port of short-order cook posl by both houses of Congress secret of evil is too deep for any en from their homes' by the exigencies of one man to understand. The de- "KILLING .JUSTIFIED", current slicing of WPA roll*.'; farewell impressive and memorable SAYS DEFENSE Woodbridge would suffer inora; warfare. That these people, through little HEY! KEEP YOUR MIND ON OUR BUSINESS! feat of ovil is something that fills U lesson to be learned out of the trag- us all. with satisfaction and hope. While defense counsel prepared* tha,n one-third of the total county fault of their own, have become homeless 'arris Mitchell pays tor his vic- to contest the State's murder case reduction. * bas, we think, been well-learned by against Mrs. Angelinc Mazza with refugees in a foreign land, makes their ovy with loneliness. It is a heavy MISS OPAH HARVEY ' |nts and parents alike. A state of men- 'rice, but it is a great triumph, a plea of justifiable homicide, po- needs more imperative and should move lice officials today congratulated An impressive testimonial anic will serve no good purpose at t is'not too much for one who has to prosperous Americans to do something in :pme through the black depths of themselves that one flaw had spoil- Miaa Opah Harvey, of Linden, for oint and we sincerely hope that life. ifings Row into jthe olear light of ed what they said was "a nearly twenty-eight years a teacher lit their beljalf. . ' perfect crime." The 88-year-old township schools, was tendered un- ;more real by deep sorrow, can be lay with his idealist and decency While we are in thorough sympathy ntact. Hopelawn mother of six children der .the joint auspices of former [ed in as normal a manner as possible confessed to police Tuesday tha! pupils, the Avengl Fareht-Teaeher J with' the efforts of the Red Cross to raise Very interesting but written in she had shot and killed her hus- Association and the community $20,000,000 through its 3,700 chapters in lighter vein is1 "Emergency band, Vincent, while he lay asleep generally in the Avenel School Frt- the United .States, we are also in favor of Nurse," by Charlotte Will'iams. day. • ' 'Secret Weapons One month before Orpha Billman a direct appropriation from the United would become: a .graduate nurse war brings forth its "secret wea for cleaner Federal politics. States Government, to be made available the hospital shook with an ugly |vhich are widely discussed but nev- scandal—lOrpha was suspected of The Judiciary Committee ahoul$|j# immediately for the purchase' of food in Other Editors Say • in action. • stealing morphine 1 History was t. least give the House anoiipois';j this country for the benefit of the civilian epeating Itelf for* the heartbroken ; vote on the .measUte^ |first World, War produced -amazing victims of warfare. firl. A few yoars, before, a dormi- Bring Out The Hutch Act hairman Sumnevs'merely s»ys"i^ [ of rays of various' kinds and super tory mother had accused her < of The Judiciary Committee of the t "tabled." Not even the commit^; of terrible destructive powers mis appr^riating' sorority funds, House.of Representatives is taking ;ee vote has been made puhli^Jj and her college career was cut Fortunately machinery, exists hjp'J y told of a secret,' locked in the low To Reduce Taxes '• short. ' She had hoped to k^ep that upon itself a serious responsibility in assuming to table the Hatch Act which supporters of the bill rflai^ f London, which was ao terrible sacrot, tp live it down, but .now pry it ;out tff. the committee W4 There is always a.campaign for the came this second accusation, In extension which would prohibit British absolutely refused ,to con- political activity by State em- petition, The petition ought (Juick-^ reduction of taxes. Everybody wants the the midst of it'she wan assigned y to gather the needed 218 signal;•; use. There were rumors of'Ger- to. a desperately ill patient, and ployees paid with Federal fund's. '•government" to spend money on fayqred 'tures. ' \ • }fl eapons of astounding effectiveness; with horror recognized that same -This,extension is a logical and propositions and, at theaame time,'reduce Meanwhile, the members of Hw^ |war ended without the use' of tfye 1 ; I'dormitory mother I Now the first necessary counterpart; of the orig- taxes. i; ; >;- .. .' •' story-would .come Out, and she inal Hatch Act whlcli undertakes Judiciary Committee'who fasfeifi' "secrets'.', . , The was to reduce taxes is sample if coliulil never free herself of the to removm e politicp s ftftom-the WiPA the clean politics, measure present struggle lias produced its second suspicion of theft. But it and otheth r non-civil-servicii e federal b« wise to identify then that is what people want. Let governi would be so easy to let the patient agencies. There is, as much need qbstruction have something1 loj Rumors about ''secret" weapons, ment eliminate activities that are not es- die I Hospital life with its drama for cleaning up the politics of For those who are engaging in itj an attack upon the Selgiah for- and romance, ita heartaches and State machines, in so far as this -which to answer to their ognsolfH* sential to the functions of government. : s, it is sai4, involved the use of» happiness, and a girl's struggle for will do it or will give impetus to oes .and their eon»Utueneie«. lH This will cost some people their, jobs but the right to love with honor, State civil service laws, as taw* ument M wftcfib, However, it will cut the cost of government,

Hifc Utilii. AND THE

Tirr. Stafei-Tai mat fee tSe43Eea.


-tlaa-Wrf, dadse. do jwtfak* KELLY KIDS aphasia mgs to be cat off? ta* bis sappen MM SCOKE GKE FOE WIFE

Artrt-Bow maar great men do you ttrfak there tre in &e world? Vifi«-fio» riwidd I know? But ll coe let* U aa 70a thfnt troOLDSiOBSI*SI OBSIW' C BB SIGBI

, I think oar Jcfao lias a tii\ lo bit eye. Dsd-Dotft wmy, roy dear; cbe'i such an eir? llftS* tbiof bit woa't be obstructed tx cfihei


! "Just been taken in.'.'

XTC HOTICIS t notice tbjtf OOLONIA. COUN. Take notice that KU „_. notice tha » A Take notice that the PRATEIW Take nolice.tiiat AilMASOO \'«ik- Take nie j Take notice that K0IUU8 DEU- FLTNN inteintendn s to applppy to tna EiUNO LOS nolfct thai FRANK Mt«|- J . KEMHEMA , Trurer TKCfl InIntende s t o applly lo tb« TowsTows* ^ p piy t the t 0 THV CLUB, J, A. KEMHA, Treasurer lU f th Towmihlp «t Townslill p OOummlteOml e of UlUl e T«>vn Committei e of the TownTown- ship Coromlttw «'• ' l y t o tfatfa« TowmhTwmhi «hlp ComraltUe of the •blp of WoodbWoodbrided e fffo r a PlPlenarn y Wooflbrldgg e for a club licenssee for t a the Tofrnghip a Wupdbridee lor a Plenary t lp of \VoodtirlilKt- for « PPtern>rt v Cflnsumptlol n licensli e lor premisep s nliuateij at ISO Main Street, tetalltetallConsumptio. Consumptionn llicensi e {r r a PlenarPy Retai omuniiiuon llcenw tot iMB~»|tuated it RBoutt e 2255 $ WdblWoodbrldeed , N. J. c^.suioptlo^.suopt o U{«n{ M IJceiUe lor premj»e» situated at King* .OMTQt W ObjObjectionsi , IIf any, made pri s siuai,*l l M we,, |nmBJ Mi TIl f Street, A venal, Township d( Immediately In writing |p; ft j, Avenue ami Harrison St., Colonia. tltuitt"l at Marconi ATe- „.,_ rUse, H. 1., Duniean, ^Township Clerk, Wood- Township of Wnwlbrtdge, V, 4. OWbctlons, if any,- should be made , K. 1. 0bjecUoDf, K any, iliould IM mafle ' Objections, If any, abonld be bridge, N. i. Objections, if any, shnulit be mntli> »iw»iiat|ily Jn writing to; B.,,1, (Signed) FltATERNITY CLUB, rorawljntily In wrlilnp to: tt J. OtJl«eti«)v<, )f any, Mioubl b» mad* •mmeaiiielK la wrttlog to: B.,fmate immediatelimed y In writlJig to: B. OuniKan, Township Clerk, Wood- nl iinm«4lat«ly In writing to; V, 3. niwn, n, T . William D. Boylan, Pres.* "« «*n. Townshlti Olerk, Wood- iftBlgan,, Towmtitp Clerk, Woo4- J. Kn K. J. Patrlok L, Ityan, Vice Prea. l/rU(s«, H. i. ' *V CQWSlh CtiUNTHV CUJft l) MltSBS.. KAJUF, KLYNHNH,, John it. Mullen, Rec, Troaa. VBSPEI11N0, (Btgiixl) KtWt.Hlf XOSCABPI.U. J. A. K«nna, Treai (Bl«nwi) UOHRIS DJHlTflCH, W. 1,-L,—«r|,,,J4 Woodbrldge, K73. 4l I). J, 7 Cl^, N. I NOTICE; Take notice that FKTKR J, MAQ B Tak that ANNA HEGE- YAH Intends Jo apply to the Town- Take notice that l)\vm Take notice that yRAHK P. LEW CHS iilo apply to the lotemls to apply' t« (do T IH ItIntendd s to aapplp y to Urn TowTownshin p able ifieo of the Tow* mmttw of ti TUVBSK^ 01 ttoaoi EM-tep, hwd boUtdi or W Cofsumption license for premises Committw of -tiww TV tarajniUoe of tbeT u .* tor a. Plenary ... Ilie Township of WWoodbrldije for a lSgt.fw a Pfcaary iJ Coa- Jan lken«e for premise! altlinted at tile corner of "Main Street PlenarPl yy jietall DlBtriUutDlBtriUutlol n ll •uiBptfoo'n"ilcen«Vrfon li JTrr preinl»»p s situi - at «,CutUr» Lane, W004- an« JJoute No, 36 approoohapprooh , Jim-Jim fofor premiseemise* situateittdd nt O ttsd t Towaaalp of Woodbrldge, bridge,bidg ; Townsljjp of Woodbrldge, T iwnshlp of WiHMltirWf*, M. J. T<) n h p _.,rctlons, if «»y, nhottld Ue mad# nf, If any»ny,, should be mada«e OWectjons, If any, should be ma«e W * ' ' Immediately la wilting to: B. i. ily ID wrltins to: D. J Immeiaifttelmeaifttely in wrltlna u>:u1 B. J. , If any, whonM be «a4e Dunigap, Township perk, Ufa * T*wn«lilp Cferk, IWO Punlgun: Township ClerkClrk , WoodWd- y U f to: B. X H. bridbrideoe , W. J. Xownmktp Clerk, Wood KRAHK_ P.. LEWI8, (Signed) P ». U

t,, : r M ai *=" • mil -, • ..r.v....;.lf,.,...,f|MO^fiigMffigSii ; V -ffiW^'• ' "" >. LEGAL NWICIS4

NOTICE JtOTICI! T«k» nnttfo.ttwt. HU»)Ot*iK MA, TOCHIK im«ii(i« .io apply to »t» of Ittif «n1BI»d, WAfl Revue_of_World Events in PhotographsTowtmhlp Committee o( tne Town- the dissolution thd Ilqi «!U!UP of wHr|li(w fur thi* nut*, an The British Lion Roars ItTSfeHancc at Sea il MttMtM at *3' H*Hwn» «i of the n«* nnd til MttMtM. at Minister to Canada Legion Mothers to Combat Parachutists hlP of itatl^l IS ef Title Avenue, WdbiWoodbfidid c TaWB«hlP nolle* »-*, WoodklilSe, N. j. ,.-_.,,. . .,. #*« jp''v7''.i. ft*

.„ _.UoL. t»*o. • t wn« illrei'lell to SB HRIliKR „ 'fart that on I '""" J. (1AU.AIDA- . > T. JMTITH, will mint! »i 7 PV-M., (fiHTl In th# frustijon In UiiublnUqn Ml JSlmiolUtlQB, _..._. . Jl'rm.y, mid ttpdic ftnd itlll Ht PUD Hi! tml« • ttii'd .to th». hlghwit, l»hlii«r ilii-nrdlnr 1^ tnrpin. of «»1», on .All 5* wtfli th(v TownAlrr.CWrfc i>P«n » lildltiicilim iijid' to W puWUl' .tt.inr* III* rtlllv, IiOU uviH'tjH".* «MW.« lft+ICB •IHJ; l.ii'tH 4H-IU' iltol,' 6»-0t incl., ,+itkB riotici thtt; AB'AM . Hf..'k. 7«6; lv»t* .n.-il• inej- -II" " Rtnjmla let > ,?sr,Vl; Loin V.\ inVk D9;.).0tj uv u tn« To II* In Hluiit :»JHj l-o'" «i •",'• jSriwmJ thit. T^ Consumption jH i'ncl., .llloi'K il35i Ijti 8, J Jav Plcircpnnt, sliito department A million mSthcm, raulppoil With RUIM by July 1, to cpmWt para- l.tlock.H.11, WutidbrMfa TOToyniliff »»lif».JL»l . chiitlsls, to the nlm of the National Legion of' MOIIICCH of Amcrleii, lays . Mip. tortiii»twj*» "career mnn," who IIM been up. , If iw, nlKtoW tu Mrs. E. {tfhnuin, Neiv Yortf regltmtl director of that body. Bhe In shown' r nMtee thnt ttia pointed |ii S. mlnlnfer to Csnndn,. nlttca has, by.. Iri irrltlnjt to: BI«TMk , to RUI orril Junes II. R, Cromwell, second from th* right, Mm, Charlqltc TouHg, » mtrnbW, ippcari pointing lutlon and punu«Dt Ujl»f; ?«•?•* : ; K nlmttm HrlnfTat ,whkh. laid, lot* >OAM HO -1 I resigned. rifi : ' ''' " ' WMObrtp'r*, Witli uth*r deUil* p«riln«nT, Mid mlnintiinli fi pril m ..,llln, n »J,TO0,0, » plu* fcfl Warming Up World's First Plastic Airplane ctmw of Bro|K nnd Mil, tho puroliniier continue! Ho anlo nnd to IH« hllt ...... promptly the monthly pay- iiooordlnir-to t«r*» of U tiU'hlK fixed In -tlio eontrimt of nMe with thct TownHhlp Clurk open mi nil nl the loli Included In Ids tnnpoetlon nnd to BOPUWJCI/ niilfi mid thorn b« no dcUult what- prior to Hiihi. U>t» if<*->>« ever In mmh paymoots, or any part ta5»-,nO8 Inol., Block SHA; l. ', to tin' date of renuetrq t for J«M«V Block 8t,SA; Lotf J« a

Townililn Clnrk. To bo- ndvorlliwd Juno Tlh and wham June nth, 1010, In thh o lndepondontJddt- forty day.n. Lcndor, I'rovHed iho purchaser to linv .promptly tho monthly nuMtiH fliccd In tho contract of on iin of the lotn Included In tne •i.nlcili ilook 112S I'»Kc 471 mid there he no default whatoY/ OP I'lUM.KI KA1.I0 Hiirli paymoutfl, or nhy part thatei To Whom It May Contorn; ,' to tho 1I1U0 of roijueit for n deed, At a rt'Kulnr innetlnK of tlio Town «)iall b« ontltlad to Mill) Committee of Iho • Township ol co|vo n bargnln and nalo deed WiiiidbrldRe lield Mntiflay, .Time 3rd, iiRjr 'm> lot to be ^w f^.W* J5J l!)40 1 WIIH illrerfcid to iidverll»o tli« rijivmniit' ofan adillttonal I.';-*? Pff fii^t Hint on Monday evonlnpr, /un lot with the oiceptlon of 1'rcsldent RooscveU conferring with his newly created advisory defense commission on plans to scar In- 171 h, luio, tlio TIIWIIHIIIP Committee IJIoek 855:0 which,Will ' lirlry for a ROOO.OW.OOO national defense pri^rum. Left to rlffht, Ralph Bodfl (Burlington); Ed R. Stet- will meet nt 7 1'. M. HOST) In the eiu'h nnd Uts 13J> to 18..- . - nius Jr, (U. S. Steel); William 8, Knudson (General Motors)! Misi Harriet Elliott, (Nor. Car. Univ.); Leon Commltten ChnmberH, Mnmorlnl Mu- In nioclc 858-A which will ba 115 In Illoik nt It.H or Ilia or her own 8fi8 WoodbrldKD Townnlillp ABBQHN- rilir, lny, and complete a 1 ... . inent Mup. n' connnctlon for every fifty TVilie further notke that 'tho • plat n»d that no deed. In to ML Townnhlp Commltlno UIIN, by roso- llvercd until proof In exhibited tp lullon nnd pnrHiiant lo Inw, IlKed n wild. Hewer connection liu M niliiliiuilii iirlci. nt whirl, .inlil Uitll made nn uforcnnld. H helnit tn» , In wild block will ho sold, together tout of the munlcl»nllty that 10 with nil other d»lnlln perHniint, mild pnrcbnsor. IH not ron»lrod to cpflt* nilnlnium price lining |2I>H.(IO plUH plutii UL sower n-t ouce IOT -wJ« corny o f pr«|iarlnjrcj rliig. d«deeod jin/ d V(Vdvor. of mild Lots, but to allow f«W IIHIIIK lllllilx hilhitln. Kald lloin In nnld in l»e run to the eitent of KoryJWUW block If milil (|iin| l monthly inHtnllmentiiinHn of 1. 00 pl ilt niul othotth r ttorms mild or nny dilt* to which It 110.00 pliiH l' ho nijjournod, tho TownkhlP provideidd ffor In oi>ntr»ict ot Bale, mlttce reserve* tho right In «i Portrait of Capt. Archibald Ram- * This picture, taken at Fort Washington, iong Island, shows Polly Tttko furtlmr notice thnt at wild anlc, or any iluto to which It nwy oratiolion tp rreject nny one or #11 SJ>, conservative member of parlla- Fop« and Edin Harter, Bed Cross stall assistants, loading medical sup* and!. to soil Bfiui intB in said ' bo udjouniml, tb« Townthlp Com- blrtder IIB It,may sel«ot/i mtnt, who was arrested by the (lies oboard transatlantic dipper plane for France. The supplies were mltt«« r.i'icr\-OH,t)in rliflit In Uu British government,, with many oth- (jrotfiStt/fa Wijtmt unyohd ar.'ftll bldfl bnlnjr: «lyon b' terms ' ritd bi ^o Wrjpta: National »«r«ey, nnd (IX.IIONO apd dell at pub- • ccnrrtlnif to term* lit'-win lie xntii mid to the lilKlunt bidderfl<>- with' *h« Tnwflflhln Olet* n ••nrdlnif to tennH of nalo op flip with' In^necHon nnrt-lp lie nuhlM iho TownHhlp C^rk open to Jnflpeo- orlni* to H«1P, I,ot«' 1 to i In llim nnd to ho puliMnly rcni! pr'nr to ] HiU Lot 1 In Dloek 147 -Wood- In Block 1O7I)X. WnpdbrldK* Townpblp AimddBiiifint Mnp. Khlp Aane0Sn)fint Alap. UViko further mtllije tlmt the Tnke (nrtlinr notlnn thftt lp Committee lmn, by renn- Towrmhln Oommltlee hnn. bv liillon nnd pursuant In Inw. flxod n iiitinn nnd rmr«iii>.nt tn low, mliilmiim rirl^o nt whleh HBId Jot In minimum prFon nt whlnh ,""ld blnoklwlll h« sold toototh*!1 w)lb •nld hWk yrlll l»> nold nil oth«r' dotaUi perMnunt, itald nil oilier details ne minimum prlw beln«c (n.ljOA.OS plun .. mufli 'orice peinjr IWH . oo»t« of prcnitrlnj: /Imd and »dv«r- ftmtH of nrenerlng flH nn(J. ' MNlnK thin Bile, Baiil lot In «ald t|njns; tljlfl Hfiln, , flnlrt loN r blnok Jf »oM on term«. WlJI MOHire hlerk If >nVl on term*, will * down oAvntont of, »i I • ' ' • a down payment of 1850.00, the tis.1, 1 iinno of purcbnjw pjrlw* lo b« Pftlrt nnoc of purcbniift price tn l l'lcturcd 'in character as the Ufti- WIB» King Leopold litiving surrendered Belgium, and his parllunent [nr'"mini monthly ln»iniimsn*B or In . pnwi pt^in(hly iniitoilinA 11 of England's "BluckBhirb" is 8)f repudiating the action, tlte status of Belgium's royal family is uncertain. l2li.0ll plus Interest urnl otber ternw ifffi.nn |*lu0 Intewt nnd nttiex ...TW pr«vldod for In onntrnot of «ole. Oswald Moslcy, arrested by Sc»t- ! Utt to right/ Princes Josephine .Charlotte, I'rittcc Albert o! Liege, and •ovl^ed tor in fontrart whloh tt may KB I*, or itny dat* in wiilch it t hiispcctctl enemy agents and "flttb ' (Wi BioUier), tlie Wug, and his brother, Prince iDharlcs, be ndjmirnoi], tba 'Towiiflblp Com- mittee reserved the rlrtt Ip Itn dl«- th« Townnhln CojnsnH or«tlon to rsjaet aey oifa or'all Wd« •f !»•-••- Jl "JnV ^IJ^ |V' H'l 1M|IT SJJI and tn Roil laiaTot In B»|4 hiook •ell (mid lotn In sitld billed to to sue!, bldiior qfl it may aeleot, du« Ford Lauds Men Over W H»y fcoN?»'l Birthday reirard bolnjc Riven to tornw tn* Mp/ »lv*ti «o terms Vnd m« manner of payment. In wn» flno or of riavipewt.' in e placed in the arrtiv. the Statt Historical Comir Hit by the tarn of events in Europe able diet. The Chinese and Ftp-1large extent upon the :soy bean/ The Constitution is said t. By The Narifator j R Cbarlie Chaplin, whose $1,- tnese OH beans quite extensWely, The coolies of Japan will some- be«n jtei first to be adopt..,-; fiOO.WW 1nve*tm'ent in "The Dicr as « 56urce *f protein and energy. time* ran.for fifty miles a day, | They prepare a curd from toy tny or flu thirteen original S- I fl«Wt Been Asked: tat«r,""abotit ready for rele*?e, several day* in guccwiion on a'diet •»A fir alroen W»it1fi^THoomed. The :n>ans that it almort wMte »rid of rice and bean curd*. These men. BETTER m> For my opinion—but here ery palatable. This is ft tttpte ION BassrasasK j>jclu« i&aiS'SEp^jjlB'. *• comedian are small In lUture but imaiinj- The wWe acceptance and , .ide of diet. It is hot only appe- it is 'anyway. Frotn what' I rtilt abd audience* todav ire not muscular. Many of them Have larlty; otfte automatic storat- but highly nutritious. Parts hear- about that exhibition ;eSjr t« reHsb tfce Met , .' water hMter is due to its dd'tht t?I 1 staged by two Perth Xtabc^; . <)ttje^^'^w'«|tl"i»eto1j-.-iva're jf A?!a ire-so over crowded,'that and then only *h « lc«rprotblbn of adequav the people hare. been bbliged to % The *oy beanibii b*en Jtnowh In leararn to PrepPrepara e «PP- to, ihelve. jirwJuetiMo,' •jntli, ttfrlse-, • of thh e soybeabeann forfor- yra'tef'.lltttlee. at ,co.mpar?- teachers at tfte scenieof-that live on.the cheapest and moit eas- America for over a- hundred years, low initiaJ' cott ily produced food tM!t will *u«- but much fln,w and larger ,^neties our bwn tables. tragic accident early. Satiir- 'HWt Mortal- Stontf* h» 4ay.nioxninig the^jr kcted like tain life, andi kdep up nntridon. , h^vebeen imported ft. the last, fifty | [years. There is n^wonder that the J—and ."-'surely A class of *hite people in this M touptrj' are' anenic, and nnUer-.^soybeay , u».ni .i»s »so- much.used .in tbf .^»)w;iote :^jt p?«|i«*". :;-'JE5eape,* V tttey should "be.expected ttn 1 t n ft AHN ' §. 'iiii 0'thi.jteAe iojapa.ny.. i nourished) because they."trp not orient, 'pt'fi ^•n, *» *-,. 1T** onlyJftKoiran^ of the jubftctof. nti--fBmOffn^ «f proftin |>f .thjejntetet Wo* better,'.; ;-}t-ik about %f*e,' trkltfV.yorV "iofle'oh • ij-1 ••"•'in. but', qujte: jinwlllinp' to quality,,.' I» 4'eitimiifed.' jos. K vith cwciideabk ejcp?^s« to 'datei : me 'time, th'6, laym&h*' feaiteedv i'; -and uitWy Refuse to^nW-^K^.twiee a*«aeh Ptpt*in,¥ *^ .that police; first aid,se«hs; double that of v dente and k;now vchat to do N»t^ antf..^l».6i»ge\Mia* .:r''.\'. •' I in studying and .introducing; walnuts and mosf other, nuts. '•'In June Graduates '—and tbi layraan doesh*t j,-,. Because 'fit W* *ork Vecenjly- ip j Latent moTie i«npv»Iiori ii the- tearainj of M»« Wei) »nd W.. C. fhto this country new food plants., addition to the unusually.fine qual- ; * Jwt Bride?,•'.•; •'' : : fitlit in UmV^rtal't comrdy wntern production "My Liftls ity of- protefn' contained in soy ; FULL LINE OF fT^N : , •/ again the'firat aid ["Waterloo,Bridge," Robert Ta>-| In this: way billions of wealth have" COMBINATION Of \\6i-,h btjjig';nieritioned as Kat^i-} Cbidcidte." Thii it the first time! the two celebritiej K*TC tlikred been added to bur "nation.' .pyeri-ju^nq.•«•">-beana, toy/ possess'ar-™r-7- -;n- abundance- . . ; GRUENj BULOVA BENRL-5- l«)|uad> doing a /rnightyfine .»tt>rin| honon on tha.Kreen! The itory i» » luity farce of DIAMOND AMD' WEDDINC t artae-Hepburn's lading man in) e before.the Japanese 'invasion Chj.. of lime and other mltrtrals ,wl. : : AND WALTHAM WATCHXi frontier <}»T* '" *b °|4 prairie toyn of Crekitwood City. ." • ' - ' ••RINGS ', •' ' ' ^job in thk township—all ^TJre-^il'^JphiB Story.", | na ,Wt» a great sufferer from over build bones, nerve tissues aw CAMERAS 1 T population, drought and Jamine.! brains. They are also rich,in vi- LARGE SELECTION OF hours of the day and night Evideritljf .those in 'the ^ hite j By the way, speaking of the '^SURPLUS" TO ALLIES Gradutlu Rlkft H.95 I For this reason she has been com- Stamins, USEFUL CJITS up Bouse must like "Rebecca,Rebecca," bbee - ipicture, "I ^Vant A Divorce"' ev- It h .believed that official* o ,; and with no thought of pay- pelled to utilise the sources of This bean is a wonderful food, came the White HouHou» hat asked erj' person jn the cast of any im- the American Government ar ment—and they certainly do food supply, which she could ob- and amazingly"prolific. In the for, a print of the film fof r thhe portance had been or was being seeking means to dispose of Arm; No Mod* Down Wbolt Y.arVo Pay , p tain most easily and abundantly. i Orient it is prepared in many I not deserve abuse . . . Per- thirhdd timei J " I divorced. These included Dick and Navy equipment ot Franc "" replaces meat. F.REE GIFT — Wllii TfcH Ad Powell, Joan Biondell, Conrad and Great Britain in the name o Perhaps our original ancestors; ways jBons who insist on interfer- Bette, Davis' latest picture, "AH were vegetarians. At any- rate,we j Their cooks for hundreds of yean ing in matters which are This and Heaven, TooToo,, " based on Nagle, Frank Fay, Sidney Biackr "surplus" materials.. Senator Pep were Tegeuirians. AI any rate we IIKU VWW»» --• ,- the Rachel Field's-novel and cb- roer and Gloria Dickson. Realistic! per, in the Senate, and Represen are told in Holy Writ that they I have studied, the art of making it none of their business should the l ld'l d b starring Charles Boyer, was so Lana Turner has.been,selected tative May, chairman of the House be punished and used as an long and so difficuldiffic t to cut that by a Columbia,' University club Military Affairs Committee, have : example for others. Warner BrothersBroth,, the pproducersd , aa "itlisa Wunky-Woo of 1940." proposed that the President be au- seriouslil y considerecn iddd makinkingg it in Quite a title, eh! thorized to sell "old type" war lf f it planes now. two pictures, showing half of it Exprcss1ng"his gratitude to his DOWN WITH Ben and There; one week and the other half the crew members for finishing BOLT FIRES BEp [}'.;' Now that ttie Ruddy prop- next. They have'given up the "Northwest Mounted Police" nine Junction City. Kan. — A few erty (formerly occupied by, idea, though. days ahead of schedule and I minutes after Mrs. Barbara Hen- When William 'Boydy, of "Hopa {125,000 under the budget,. Cecil drickson, 71, had retired for the : Efl McLeod's store) has been long CassidCassidyy " famfame,, broke hhii s lel g B. rfeMile gave each of the 28 night, lightning struck the house, in the middlle of the pproduction.odif f INVENTORY! i sold and it is being torn {setting fire to her bed. She was di t riht members of the crew a $100 bonus. down, it became known this a picture, production went right George Bren{- refused the role uninjured. on. A double was secured for the week that it the first opposite Bette Davis in "The Let- riding sequences and Boyd him- ter," because he feared that he .time in 100 years that the self with his fog in plaster cast : [would be playing second fiddle to property has left the hands did the close ups. Hiss, Davis,* as he did in "DaTk of the Ruddy family ... It Mickey Rooncy and Judy Gar- Victory," in which .while he gave land are to bbe teamed in "Strike an excellent performance, he waB ie very striking that, the tip the Band," in which Paul tip the Ban, completely overshadowed by Miss SALE ON USED CARS Whitman will appear as himselflf. language used in the "Fifth Davis and received little notice It ought to be good. Column"- resolution intro- from the jcritics. Dick Powell's performance in KINDLING • FIREPLACE Bob Hope is a typioal example TRADES ; duced in Congress and the "I Want A Divorce," his come- of the fact that (food vehicles oft- back picture aftur a proloriRed ab- MAIL DO' .State Legislature*during the en make actors and vice ' versa. •WOOD* senccee frofromm the screen, was so good past week is very similar to "?" u the c, g After several appearances in poor that he was immediately signed for stories, Hope was about to be cast that used by the Boys' arid "The READING COAL' Girls' Week officials in their another co-starring role in aside when he made good in his KOPPER'S COKE New Yorkers.", role in "The Cat and the Canary" resolution on May 22. MASON MATERIALS at the firehouse . , ..fakes and also in "The Ghost Breakers." Now his rating is booming. FUEL OIL Around the Township:' care of (the details around mat ****** M7M the firehouse and makes' WOULD STAY IN SESSION The boys playing in Fords WARR COAL fr sure that all reports of the At a Republican caucus, a reao Park are having difficulty SUPPLY CO, Woodbridge Emergency Itrtion was passed last week de- these days for a bird has manding that Congress remain in Squad >ar-e taken care of in WOODBBIDQI built a nest in the grass there session "as long as the interests the correct manner His |t)f the country requires." ., and now it contains five little name seldom appeara on \ ^ ^m^^m^^m^ Overstocked! We MUST lower our supply of used and reconditioned cars! birds .-.. The boys have committee lists but youi can | £ M nd Prices cut $10 to $100! . built a barricade around the J rest assured that when there | • ' 'nest to protect the fledg- These values apply to both recent and old models. h> anything .doing around! ; lings . . . George Atoinar Dozens of cars to choose from — all models, all colors. , the firehouse, carnivals, ban-' GAHCXCCIAL says he has a scoop ... An This sale will not be repeated when these cars go. ' quets or what have you, Alfy: thony M. Pesce, is one of . 400 ' 444 is sure to be found behind! Yes, we'll accept your present car in trade and make arrangements to pay balance in small monthly the six fellows appointed by ^scenes doing the actual ;|'. installments. . ' the dean of St. Elizabeth's work ... In other words Alfy 1344 College to usher at the an- Act Now! Many of the finest values will be snapped up this week. is the ".spark plug" of the 500 nual Commencement exercis- fire company and-the first: f- St. James' Auditorium Woodbridge ) vea... That new "iron claw" aid squad. -, l^.-. COME IN TODAY! vthe policemen are carrying lean make"the strongest man ^jjjpet down on his knees and OUR WEEK-END SPECIAL tjpray for mercy. 1938 Dodge 4-Door Touring Sedan }[ Frank (Kayo) Zilai spends Has Had Exceptional Good Care. Perfect Throughout. vfiost of his time on John- Guaranteed Driven Only 10,000 Miles — 1 OWNER. plftone Street in P. A. . . Bill -jCrcwe is a candid camera 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 1937 PLYMOUTH pybug" . . .John Cacciola is 1937 CHRYSLER TD. SD 1935TCYMOUTH 2-DR Sedan Sedan. Ra- 2-Door f preparing for a screen, test! dio and ( "Imperial" '£>•££ Radio and Sedan ... That a certain man about j with radio vftitK) Heater Heater $325 town sleeps with his feet out j of the window these warm r. Sed. 1937 FORD V-8'MOD. 60 1934 PLYMOUTH 4-DR [^nights .. . That Patty Ring- 1934 CHEVROLET Iwood is now known as "Ham 2-Door ff'if «%£ 4-Dr, Sed. C^OC fand Eggs" Ringwood .. Nick Sedan $ JL3O $125 Like new. V^«#9 ir $175 |||

.,dF otil,1! jaifc,?J, Ji. ...i».... JL ijiW.M'wi;