GET THfi "INSIDE" LOW-DOWN IN THffl THE LMC6ST j CROW'S NEST ON LOCAL HAPPENINGS NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY By tit* NAVIGATOR COtfftETBLY COVEBIKG PAGE 12, TODAY'S ISSUE WOODIRIDGE, 9EWAKBN, AVEMEL, M*T READING, COLONIA «J ISttlN . IJntorod HH necond CIBBH mnTtor""" Publlihui Rvery j WOQDB1UDGE, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940 •t 11 Gmn 81.. WooJbrlUi*. N. J. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Awarded Degree 20 YearsY A Ago Mayjiii lUdyfiw j y ASSETS VALUED AT $$354,81, 4 TEACHERS FatherF Fircd's Geological Snrpey Indicated County Had Sufficient Oil fMMMMR^ « PORT REApiNG~the geological findings of' Rev. IN OLDOLD'' BANK SOLDD FORR $142$14255 Vincent Fucei, pa.stovr'6f St. Anthofiy's R..& Church, back n|,oy High School Facul- m 1920 my ntfa aid PrehiieKBenitb Mussolini to secure oil forthe motor frnit's-of "his.irrhy. V • • V* ; : Purchaser Prepared To In- ^embcfi Arrested )-•;,' TJw-enty/years- ago; -Tathe^Pucfcv aij, expert ?eol Qgjst. 'FrontmsOf Youth'WillBe Subject Of Symposium Ititute Suits To Force •:• At Crash Scene: notifiiai -the'tieidsolthe Italian'g-overnirienti'ft'attherewas 'inougKoilo'nWowiiwlltok' ' ! ' eementExercisesWednesAay Payment (H^CjifflM i Italy self-sufficient,: 1 HU findings Appeared 'in $0 11'- WOODBRlDGEV'Frori tiers ,0f the class rostof,will bo called by iiic'o.Uawrylkby Jooeph D. Auite, 1 FINAL DIVIDEND HOPE ^ORDERLY CONDUCT iiiBtrated' •/Maritime' 'Areonautics"' COLLECTED Youth" will.be the subject-of the the principal, Arthur Cy Ferry.' . Frederick .'Jumes' Albertspn", Wal- in the December, 19.20 issue that symposium to be presented .at.tho, Victor C. Nicklaa, supervising ter WilUpm Bronwowski^,'Walter )(JNT LATER fttAS&b waii directed' by Se'hatoWViCe Ad-1 annual commencement .exercises principal of schools, is scheduled F(Ank Byleqkie, George "Harvey, niiral Marino .ana1 Rear-Admiral FOR WAR VICTIMS bf the Wopxibrldge High .School te present, the class to, the Board Creekra<lr,.J(>hn J. b.'Applit'K Leonard Gattolica. > to be 'held Wednesday evening, of Education and Maurice P« D.uni- neth; MJchael Johnston, Fjan 1 (iefHttwever, Sayi Orig- The article was 'ignored by the Treasurer 0! Xocal Reel June 19 at the-Legion .Stadium. gari, president of the .board, will Gcoriro" Koyac's, J. ogeph Alexander $111,636 Claim Lallan authorities anil lay untouch- . Dorothy Elizabeth Jacobs, will award the diplomas, Betty' Mar-, Nagy, Joseph Nlcrierau, -LeRoy inal Charge To Stand ed and unread until recently when Cross Chapter Reports Victoria E. Ptw« ; discuss "Frontiers of Yesterday" guerite Mantbn will give the Fare- John QUeni Angejo Joseph Polio- Ryans, Mutton Hollow Co. Mussolini, desperately seeking ad- Week's Donations and Robert. Lawrence Lehman will well Addrew. grino, Eujsono Frank Pinikas, John Settled For $19,481 ditional oil supplies, directed that WOODBRIDGE—The, degree ipeak on "Frontiers of Tomor- The graduating class in as fol- Troakis, Jr., Frank Michael,Yaco. evary article ever written in Italy • WOODBRIDGE—Thirteen hun- of Bachelor of Arts was con- row." ' lows! "•••'•• . vino. ' on oil should be located and check-' dred and sixty-five dollars toward ferred on Miss Victoria Elea- WOODBttlDGE—the book MH , |\ViiolHlRlDGE—For- Rev. A. t, Kreyling, pastor of Classical Course: Eileen Gerald- Scientific: Nancy Batterson On. see ed. One qf them was the article nor Pesce, daughter of Mr, and' seta of tho defunct First Nation*? $4,800 goal for the Red Cro»3 IJTar the Redeemer's Lutheran Church, ine Brennan, Mary Constance ley, Glorin Naomi Smith, William within a •week, members written by Father Fucci. Mrs. A. M. Pesce,' of, Church Bank »nd Trust Company, rallied 1 Relief Emergency Fund has al- Fords, will give the invocation Clark, Janet Hope Ellis, E. Irene' [ ih,. police department were •Last" month in Lucarnia, Italy, Doatch, William 'Henry DraROiet, at $354,814.20, were sold at pub- Street, at the commencement and the address of welcome will Hawryliw, Doris Paus'tinn Hsnry, the AGIP, governmental geologi- ready been collected to date, ac- John Fenick, Henry Arnold Fried,. ic sole for 11,425 to Samuel G»ll>- in arrest spectators for in. exercises of the College of St. be made by Viola Elizabeth Den Miriam E. Janderup, Jean S. Mer- cal bureau of Tramatola, under the cording to an announcement made Wilbur Otto Hanson, John Alex- er of the B & L Share Exch»n»», > !,:- with officers and legit- Elizabeth, Convent Station. Blcyker. The class song, words rill, Laui'a Choate Quinn, Roberta 109 Market Street, Newark, thw direction of Signori Millosevich and made last night by Mrs. G. F. ander Hladik, Jr., Thomas F. Hum Miss Pcscc is a graduate of by Ora Mary Allen and music by Gwendolyn'Reddick, Ruth Ida Seel, dashing to smithereens the hop« first-aid workers at a scene Giagobini, members of the Italian phrcy, Sander Alex Kessler, Ru- Hunter, treasurer of the local Woodbridge High School. Laura Choate Quinn, will be sung Dennis Joseph Byrnes. of depositors for a large final di- iicrident. ' , Senate, began the work of check- dolph Tidcmnnn Knudscn, Roberl Chapter. New donations this week At St. Elizabeth^ Miss Pcsco by the graduating class after which Commercial Business, A. Ber- (Continued on Page Z) vidend. Bidding was anything tmt second deplorable incident ing the sections designated by Fa- was an active member of the spirited and when the final flgm* tha Pucci, Other sections in south- were 88 follows:, |ii!Ti(! early. Saturday morning College Government Association, wns reached there- were n6 othet ern Italy pointed orjt as oil cen- Schools, $206.81; concert, $101.- Miss Marlon Olbrick,- a high the Sodality, the Mission Unit, local Bank To Be Closed bidders willing to (to any higher.' senior was killed, and her|terjs by] Father Fucei were also ex. 75; Sewaren,.$35.67; Jselin, $84.- 8m ne( the Economics Club and the ST. JAMES' SCHOOL Saturdays Till September 170 TO GRADUATE In a telephone conversation yel- , r ami two young men serious- 90; Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Brewster, •<«• Finding! Proved Dramatic Association, terday, Mr, Gelber Informed thjs lii'.ircd in an automobile acci $15; Port Reading Fire Co., No. Father Fucci's statements were EXERCISES TONIGHT WOODBRIDGE—Fred P. FROMSCHOOLNO.il newspaper that his furn will give |t ;ii tho intersection of Main 1, $10. Buntenbach, cashier of the all concerned in the «ele "every substantiated as oil has 'been Five dollars each: Mr. and Mrs. •i .mil Amboy Avenue found in the, spots designated by 36 Pupils To Get Diplomas Woodbridge National Bank, has opportunity to make an amicable ; J. E, Breckenridge, America Fed- 800 ATTEND announced that starting tomor- Annual Commencemeni adjustment" and If that-falls "of [|i:n a few minutes after the him twenty years ago* and it is be- eration R. R. Workers, Mrs.' L. ml. Dr. C. I. Hutner, mem ing drilled in sufficient quantities From Father McCorris- row and continuing throughout Exercises To Bi Held :ouwe we will have to.go to, court." Neuberg, J, L. Madden, Dr. I. T. the summer, the local bank will Mr. Gelber also said that even ui the Woodbridgc Emorgen to supply the dally needs of two Spencor, Mrs, E. C. Moffett, Third FOR CRASH VICTIM tih; Rev. Graham Speaker Tues., At High School Italian' provinces, be closed all day on Saturday. ihough a maker of a ndte has been 'i|ii:ul and 'Sergeants Frank Ward Republican Club. djudJcated bankrupt, he will (till i. tluorge Balint and Officers Father, Fucei was born in Val- WOODBRIDGE—Thirty-six 8th Regular morning business on WOODBRIDGE —Ninety-eight Katherine Osborne Circle, King's Entire Senior Class Prei- Saturdays will be resumed on have an Interest In the percentage y hunham and Joseph Casale sinni, Matcrn, Italy, on January grade students will receive their ;irls and seventy-two boya will Daughters, $3; donations of two diplomas tonight at 8:15 o'clock September 15. The summer clos- of settlement. - . - • on the scene. According to 16, 1876. He was educated at the dollars each, Colonia Republican ent At Funeral For eceivc their diplomhs at the an- University of Palermo, where he at the annual commencement ex- ing on Saturdays is in accord- Claims against the Mutton Hol- • and spectators the doctor, Women, Hi-Way Diner, Miss Cla- nual grammar school graduation received his geological training and Nation Olbrick ercises of St; James' Parochial ance with a bill adopted by the ow Fire Brick Company indnd- iiis of the squad and the po a Bedman; donations of one dol- exercises of School No, 11 to be ng the Ryan. Estates totaling the Diocesan Seminary at Angiona, School to be held in St. • James' State Legislature, , , held Tuesday afternoon at the ,wii' 'grossly insulted" by lar each, Mrs. Grace Brown, Anna WOODBRIDGE—Over 800 per- auditorium. $lll;G36.33 were not included in Tursi, Italy. He was ordained fo sons attended' the funeral services Woodbridge High School auditor- IVi'tli Amboy Hijrh Schoo, Johnsons.iSjophie Johnson, Mrs, Rev. Father Robert Graham, the sale according to Mr, Gelber. the priesthood in 1901. William Ridyard, Mrs. S. McGib- in St. James' Church Tuei ium, The complete program will be .is, Tex Rosen, »4, of 222 superintendent of the parochial A'spokesman for the Ryans said In.190.8, Father Fucei discovered boh, Mrs, Joseph Taylor, John roaming for the late Marion 01- as follows:' all the "Ryan interests have been i-y Avrnuc,' Perth,'Amboy;- the [Continued on Page 2) schools of the Trenton Diocese, RECRUITS SOUGHT Omenhiser, Mr. Dey, MT, Rhode brick, Woodbridge High School Overture, "Golden Jubilee," settled to the' mutual satisfaction kl>:ill coach ahd William J. Con- senior, who was instantly killed in will address the graduates. Rev, school orchestra; processional, A.
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