The Fly Away Zine Mobile Collection was acquired by Professor Adela C. Licona through her contacts in the zine world and Debbie. Consider reading through the blog about the Fly Away Zine Mobile here: to learn more about the collection process and where the zine mobile has traveled and conducted workshops on zine production. We are honored to house this collection. ZineCore Title: Fly Away Zine Mobile Creators Date Description/Notes Publisher/Contributor Format/Condition/Medium Number of Pages Type: Language QTPOC/Trans/Spirituality/Queer Amazon Quarterly : Sexuality Gina Covina, Laurel Galana : Editors 1975 sexuality, poetry, art, fictions, book Amazon Press okay condition, print 73 feminist, queer eng review, articles Coloring Book (girls will be boys will be JTgirls) Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer n/a coloring book for children about not
[email protected] good condition, 2 pages colored, print 28 children, gender eng conforming to gender roles Cousiousness Raising Know news 1970~ understanding of what it means to me Know, inc. good condition, print 4 a woman in one's society Cunt Coloing Book Tee A. Corinne 9th printing 2005 adult coloring, sex education Last Gasp good condition, print 49 women french, eng, dutch, spanish Dear Colleague Joanna Russ 1974 how men should treat and speak of Know, inc. okay condition, print 4 feminist eng liberated women Discipline and Obedience anonymous writers unknown 90~2000s manifestos from submissions by unknown, self published good condition, a bit worn, print 27 queer eng people Dry River March issue 8 Dry River May Day issue 2 Dyke A Quarterly Liza Cowan (editor, publisher, designer), Penny 1978 stories containing disturbing and Tomator Publications okay condition, print 50 queer eng House (editor,publisher,designer), Janet Meyers unethical treatment of pets/animals.