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a current listing of contents Published by Susan Searing, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large, University of Wisconsin System 112A Memorial Library 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263-5754 a current listing of contents Volume 2, Number 3, 1982 Periodical literature is the cutting edge of women's scholarship, feminist theory, and much of women's culture. Feminist Periodicals : A Current Listinq of Contents is published by the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian-at-Larae on a auarterlv basis with the intent of increasing public awareness of feminist periodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in feminist 1 i terature; to increase readers ' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to pro- vide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through inter1 ibrary loan. (Users wi 11 need to be aware of the 1 imitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials.) Table of contents paqes from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced in each issue of Feminist periodicals, preceded-by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals we have selected. As publ ication schedules vary enohously , not every periodical wi 11 have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of FP. The annotated 1 isting provides the following information on each journal : Year of first publication. Frequency of publ icati on. Subscription price(s). Subscription address. Current edi tor. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). International Standard Serials Number (ISSN). Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. Locations where the journal is held in the UW system. Publications in which the journal is indexed. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal. Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. Our goal is to include in FP all English-language feminist periodicals with a substantial nationalor regional readership. We do not include publ ications which, though feminist in philosophy, do not focus solely on women's issues. We are also unable to include periodicals which lack a complete table of contents. We encourage fminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate the indexing feminist literature sorely needs. Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in Guide to Women's Publ ishinp by Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman (Paradise, CA: Dustbooks, 1978) ; The Annotated Guide to Women ' s Periodicals in the U.S. eaited bi-annually by Terry Mehlman (5173 Turner Rd. , Richmond, IN 47374) ; The IndexlDi rectory of Women ' s Media publ i shed annually by the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press (3306 Ross Place, N.W-. , Washington , D .C . 20008) ; and i n Women's periodical s and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries, edited by James P. Danky, compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher Noona, and Neil E. Strache (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982). Suggestions for improvement of Feminist Periodical s are grateful ly received. We would particularly appreciate assistance from readers in the UW System with our efforts to keep the holdings i nformat on complete and up-to-date. Please let us know about new subscriptions, subscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent information. Feminist Periodicals is publ ished by Susan E. Searing, Women's Studies Li brarian-at-Large for the University of Wisconsin System, 112A Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone: (608) 263-5754. Compilers : Catherine R. Loeb, A. Porter 0' Nei 11 . Graphics: Catharina Schimert. Publ ications of the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian- at-Large are available free of charge to Wisconsin residents. The sub- scription rate outside Wisconsin is $12.00/year for individuals and women's programs, $24.00/year for institutions. This fee covers all publications of the Office, including Feminist Collections, Feminist Periodicals, New Books on Women & Feminism,ies, directories and occasional publications produced throughout the year. iii. AURORA. 12. History; biography; correspondence; journal 1. 1975. entries; fiction; poetry; visual art. 2. Uyear. Comnon Lives/Lesbian Lives seeks to document 3. $6 (indiv.). the lives of ordinary lesbians, and to 4. P.O. Box 1624, Madison, WI 53701-1624 reflect the diversity of the lesbian 5. Edited by comni ttee; current comni ttee comnunity--lesbians of color, of age and of chair, Jeanne Gomoll . youth, fat lesbians, df sabled lesbians, 7. ISSN 0197-775X. poor and working-class lesbians. CL LL 3. LC sn80-11853. wishes to insure access and visibi4- ity to 9. OCLC 6113633. lesbians who have never thought before of 12. Science fiction and fantasy with a feminist publ ishing their work. orientation. CONCERNS: NEWSLETTER OF THE WOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE BREAD AND ROSES. MODERN LANGUAGES. 1. 1977. 1. 1971. 2. Semiannual. 2. Quarterly. 3. $7.50 (indiv.), $12 (inst.). 3. $10 (indiv.). 4. P.O. Box 1230, Madison, HI 53701. 4. Elizabeth Rese, Office of the Dean, A I S, 5. Editorial staff of eight women. P.O. Box 2906, University of A1 abama , University , 7. ISSN 0197-5927. AL 35486. 10. Madison. 6. WCHL President Dorothy Scura, Dept. of English, 12. Features: editorials; reviews; news briefs; Virginia Comnomealth University, Richmond, fiction; poetry; photography and graphics. VA 23284. " .. founded with the expressed purpose of 9. OCLC 2259670. establ ishing a Midwest-based journal to focus 10. Madison; Milwaukee. on cultural, political and social concerns 12. News of the Modem Language Association; of American women." features; bibliographies; job information. CALYX: A JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN. COtIDITIONS. 1. 1976. 1. 1977. 2. 3/year. 2. Semiannual . 3. $10. Single copies: $3.50. 3. $11 (indiv.), $22 (inst.). Single copies: 4. P.O. Box 8, Corvallis, OR 97330. $4.50. 5. Barbara Bal &in, bqarita Donne11y, Heredi th 4. P.O. Box 56, Van Brunt Station, Brooklyn, RY Jenkins. 11215. 7. ISSN 0147-1627. 5. Dorothy Allison, Elly Bulkin, Chwyl Clarke, 8. LC 77-649570. Jewelle bz, Carroll Oliver, Rirtha 9. OCLC 3114927. Quintanales, Rima Shore. 10. Madf son. 7. ISSN 0147-8311. 12. Poetry; fiction; art; graphics. 8. LC 77-641895. 9. OCLC 3232386. CAMERA OBSCURA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINISM AND FILM 10. Madison; Milwaukee. THEORY. 11. Alternative Prcss Index. 1. 1976. 12. Poetry; short fiction; novel excerpts; drama; 2. 3/year. critical articles; reviews. "Conditions is 3. $9 (indiv.), $18 (inst. ). Single copies: $3. a magazine of men's writing with an ernphasis 4. P.O. 80x 4517. Berkeley, CA 94704. on writing by lesbians." 5. Camera Obscura COI 1ectjve: Janet Bergstrom, Elizabeth Lyon, Constance Pen1 q. CONNEXIONS : AN INTERNATIONAL WMEN S QUARTERLY. 7. ISSN 481843. 1. 1981. a. LC ~~79-4979. 2. Quarterly. 10. Madison; Milwaukee. 3. U.S. : $10 (indiv.), $20 (inst.). 11. Abstracts of Popular Cul ture; Film Literature 4. 4228 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609. Index . 5. Editorial collective. 12. Film theory and history; feminist theory; 9. OCLC 8015674. psychoanalytic theory; Marxist theory; photo- 11. A1 temative Index Guide. graphy; video and performance. 12. ".. .the col lective product of feminists of diverse nationalities and political perspectives COMMON LIVES/LESBIAN LIVES. comnitted to contributing to an international 1. 1981. women's movement." Each issue focuses on a 2. Quarterly. specific theme through feature articles, 3. U.S.: $10, $18, $25/1, 2, 3, years (indiv.), interviews and personal narratives, often $20 (inst.). trans1ated from foreign-language publ ications. 4. P.O. 8ox 1553, Iowa City, IA 52244. 5. Edited collectively. 9. OCLC 8234014. 10. Madison. iv. FS, FEMINIST STUDIES. essays strive to provide a guide to the 1. 1972. literature on a particular topic (e.g. 3/year. sociobiology; women in development; western $15 (indiv. ), $30 (inst. ). Single copies: women; lesbian studies; black women; feminist $5 (indiv.), $8 (inst.). science fiction. ) Managing Editor, Feminist Studies, do Women's Studies Program. University of Maryland, FEMINIST ISSUES. College Park, MD 20742. 1. 1980. Claire G. Moses. 2. 2/year. ISSN 0046-3663. 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Sfngle copies: LC ~~76-192;78-645276. $7.50 (indiv.). $12.50 (inst.). OCLC 337139; 1632609. 4. Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Oept. 8010, Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Parkside; Rutgers University , Hew Brunswick , NJ 08903. Platteville; Stevens Point. 5. Mary Jo Lakeland and Susan El 1is Wolf. krica: History and Life; Pmerican Historical 7. ISSN 0270-6679. Association Recently Pub1 ished Articles ; 10. Madison. Bulletin Signaletique-sociologie; Historical 12. A' journal of feminist social and political Abstracts ; Modern Language Association Inter- theory, with emphasis on an international national Bib1iography; The Philosopher's Index; exchange of ideas. It includes articles by Psychological Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Engl ish-1 anguage feminists as we1 1 as Women Studies Abstracts. L translations of feminist texts by women of Historical and critical articles; poetry; art; other countries. reports from the women's movement; reviews. "Feminist Studi es was founded to encourage FEMINIST REVIM. analytic responses to feminist issues and to 1. 1979. open new areas of research, criticism, and 2. 3/year. speculation. The editors are committed to 3. US.: $15 (indiv.), $36 (inst.). Single providing a forum for feminist analysis. copies: $6. debate, and exchange." 4. 65 Manor Road, London N16 SBH, England. 5. Editorial collective. FEMINARY: A FEMINIST JOURNAL FOR ME SOUM 7. ISSN 0141-7789. EMPHASIZING ME LESBIAN VISION. 8. LC 80-647745. 1. 1970. 9. OCLC 6191763. 2. 2/year. 12. "To develop the theory of Women's Liberation 3.