EC COMPETITION Editor: Address: Electronic Mail: ISSN: POLICY Stefan European Commission, X400: C=be;A=rtt;P=cec; NEWSLETTER Rating C150, 00/158, OU=dg4;S=info4 1025-2266 Wetstraat 200, rue de la Loi Internet:
[email protected] Brussel B-1049 Bruxelles World Wide Web tel. +322 2957620 fax. +322 2955437 comm/dg04/dg4home.htm c o m p e t i t i o n p o l i c y number 1 volume 3 spring 1997 NEWSLETTER Published quarterly by the Competition Directorate-General of the European Commission Contents Editorial 1 Editorial, by Alexander SCHAUB by Alexander SCHAUB, Director-General for Competition Articles 2 La política de competencia en América Latina: una nueva área de interés para la Unión Europea, por Juan Antonio RIVIÈRE MARTÍ You are holding in your hands (or energy. I should like to express my Opinions and Comments visualising on your screen) the tenth issue gratitude and wish him well in his future 6 L'accès au dossier dans les procédures of the EC Competition Policy Newsletter. career. de concurrence, par Kris DEKEYSER This would in any event warrant a look 8 Clauses suspectes dans un accord de back on three years during which DG IV The second change concerns DG IV’s règlement à l'amiable, par Philippe has taken a new approach to information Information Officer, Panagiotis Alevantis. CHEVALIER 8 Die Kommission schlägt eine neue and transparency. And a successful one for Since his arrival, Panagiotis has not only Bagatellbekanntmachung vor, von that: 30,000 old-fashioned “hard” copies of been instrumental in implementing a Stefan RATING each Newsletter issue are printed and wholly new information policy, but also a rapidly exhausted.