uaderni della QFondazione G. Brodolini 45 I Quaderni della Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini presentano i risultati dell’attività di ricerca svolta dalla Fondazione nelle aree che, nel tempo, hanno costituito gli assi fon- damentali delle sue iniziative culturali, occupazione, sviluppo locale, valutazione delle politiche pubbliche, politiche sociali, pari opportunità, storia. Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini 00161 Roma - Via di Villa Massimo 21, int. 3 tel. 0644249625 fax 0644249565
[email protected] ISBN 978-88-95380-05-6 THE LABOUR IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY A comparison of the Italian, German, Spanish, and Hungarian Motor Industries edited by Paolo Caputo and Elisabetta Della Corte FondazioneGiacomoBrodolini Index Contributors 9 Introduction 11 Paolo Caputo and Elisabetta Della Corte Labour on the Defensive? The Global Reorganisation of the Value Chain and Industrial Relations in the European Motor Industry 17 Josep Banyuls and Thomas Haipeter 1. Introduction 17 2. Global reorganisation in the motor industry 19 2.1 From internationalisation to globalisation 20 2.2 Internal reorganisation in OEMs 24 2.3 Reorganisation of the value chain 28 3. Confronting the pressures of globalisation: industrial relations systems in flux? 35 3.1 New collective bargaining topics 35 3.2 Collective bargaining in regime competition: between centralisation and decentralisation 39 3.3 Changing actors and strategies 42 3.4 Collective bargaining along the value chain: towards a fragmentation of industrial relations? 46 3.5 Internationalisation of industrial relations 49 4. Conclusion: convergences, divergences and the defensive of work 51 References 56 5 The Automotive Industry in Germany 61 Thomas Haipeter 1. Introduction: Developments of the automotive industry and challenges for the systems of industrial relations 61 2.