

AOTSI'i: tiii: PACIFIC ADVERTISERS NO SI ts HIIIEHS. C I A Tt COM H K K I. A UVKKTISER, ... O . a r ss. fourrxl sn l t.. lic- r..to....lratioo. ini'.lixs - , ,il tw charged ja Etfrf Tbr Uraiag. i it. .l i only t . wih I.t an in livi.tual sbu- ili.hc.l , SdVerlls. llielitS- . A.dr di.ol-ivn- l to . Ir than usual, are suL foreiirti 7 Tiiiifn'. .rwarded to count rie will be f SOperann.. It- - "VtJm. i to i. rcbarces. ., An p. lw - w rd-,,- h,i A.1..T-l- h the Arorric taire and of f Sul-li,- for thrA'. mu. rei.l A..vert..eT and ..U'.-e- publication. All pa--- rs Am-na- n r from for iii.-i- ar-- ,,iai,,. imham en1 u..l.-sr- .r- uri.-.n ports. Lav tai.s '.aii,ps on them, N-- , iti. will - , 1 tr.:.,.. i.t uts .s - .M- -. t.-- . . b prevent any American C. on ..." very. .r fcr it, tan have their '"T- - from ai. pari, of ihe iH ! V. j,;, F'f ii Hawaiian, Cori.sp.i.lc.Ke Lr, forward"! lhroHh the mails. '. .v. tu t WHICH J TETt--KVT- , wil l BF. I IHR .!. tlFFICF- - nts COM M EKC1 L PRINTlNi; n transient advertise 'first insertion) per line. ...10 cts. 5 (rjih sabseuiit do. .... ct. Pl.ON AND FANCY Cards, O exc-edm- -' " l.ies.) er an. tun... 5 Ou. . t. l l.r- - m A civs . !..... BOOK Ml JOB PRINTING Payable always in advance. si ch s Ir" Jl V WAY BlLlJsOK EXCIUVfir. 14lim-pce,- ) first insertion. -. V HOOK? Bilrt., etrwdin .1 00 I.U.I F et h. . CATALOGI F. utsepent insertion...... ju etc. r. B1LI CONSl'l.sH BLANKS, ''i. -.?- rsri--.-j- . HEI'S will - rrcinr. at the fallowing rat, ClRCl LU'vP. BLANK BkUBf r.TaT ArRTx..arable at trie end of each o,urter . AUCTION B1I.I.S, HAND 1111.15. . PAMPHI.ITS. PHOP BILLS s.w o square. the p of 2U Uii s,)lr quxter... $S 00 p. - 1 12 -r AND ADDHKSS CARDS lotr ,. -.f- a-.rth f a clumu. r h r 00 3- VISITING Bl ?lXFS? p. . 00 U of th art. tf !, iA a eulamn, re.4um. f - - a Yank.,, Card Pro--." in hiKhe.t t per 17 60 foe a whole column, .jurter t MX Dill.l.UO I'KK N M'M. (farts. PI ISV 12, lSiii). VOl. V, No. 2. W1IOI.H No. I! fzxtm HI.Ii:im. WKKKI.V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, .JULY Commercial Advertiser. ii p:uV vinr.KV. ,11,111 , - ib aowaap r. Bauu. ja. cms. woiax-T- bk.h ks w. m upi, Kk 111 yc:tl !Uftb:i:uc:il (farts. ortign cTaris. n by tbe Ki-- Ml al LaTloN. lit. J crst.iif. BROOKS & CO., lltll KrMrlrt For List V.csir.rs3 ir.ris. cms. W. jrrrUlin IIou- - mf Rfprr-aralali- v-a Ciril .$ 4.U.JO C'omoaillrr f tbr Interior I" partm-- nt . 1.. AND LT smrriNts Pr---! JOHN II. HANKS, w Noli c e . Slioti 1 Let or lor Sale. ;i tier rile r's K.p . A. N. n.AKKi:, - of i.n AiTar K.loo . . . a . s- ... . F.a Civil U.t. nit. .. . rw s Finance. . I N Kb l a ' Oiiitifeiiiiitli.Ini' Ill lir.r.i I i'apt. r.r..:i"s s. Jui HE ha vim: heenI - (1oiiiiiiission fur Ilia Uj.ty Pny Put. " War 4i..xe) Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. Stewart's. A r suitable ifr l.i.icle rs. arpvuurs, Ac. tefniersk;nei.1 Sare r for Hie " New York Board ol lider- lhkrdiaiils, Tn-- -t- rrl 1 . II. iL II. lrino: "t Hawaii...... " I'u'olic I:iiru ti'.ii ij:n. to V..1" .t an.l !. Terms ui.sh-r- Aip.yt.. tak- s lii's i, . inl. rnuiip hiji ue Strt-rt- , 'y n. . .J.MJ net .i.r l''--t- writtr. San Fritncico, Cal. l.ii-"- f i- - .V -- - l"s.I Stiuxumt th iv-- .. l.iw . :.4 v urs from A. M., to 4i P.M. 1 tf JAMoN, t.UKKN Co. always rca,iy at the st.ert. i n. tie-- to atb-n- to any business t U Kjiwlani'hi 1 too TIA.TIITIIS. II. K. II. Vnnrr Public iDiproTtoe'r.is. . . . . ui . rei.uir.-- i him in that capacity. iMii . hi Miscellaneous t'. .Mt)TT SMITH, S. C. WOOUIU FF, V R ATTENTION GIVEN TO Mar.' XTryl . nss IK. J. i) si: . i RTICF L fUrivury r;y lr.-i- I,xi0 mir i:i.li(. hoi to ls:t! i iei:m(.nf.i uei; i. Corner of Omen's U.-a- Bud Pollinper strrtt. .slnpinenl and Sale of Xtercliaihln t to A ST It KET, ON Mill)- - .he t.akeU the s!i pollleal I I the Purchase, - l'XI XDiHaj"tx,xi'r. IN HKIlt'TAM state that thev l.a.e lbm-li..- n. ls.V.l. 1 of ; the Charter...- an. SaU lucknuU n: l'riy 0uncil.... f71'I,0';7 . y Ai.i-i- N'ovellils r, Transhipment G..,i, .i J 1 lTS-l- A. and 1 Mre.-ts- .rale XKAK THE WI1AKF. ..vupi.sl by Mr. m hal.-sh.p- s Uolance of alari-s- . . 1.J41 61 Office c.irner of Port an 11. l. W. I.. iat.lv ; Supplying of W , ami Ihe Ne.tiation ...... lj,..f GRKKS. where th- v will happy t.. attend to any orders in of csels the i: - . I-:- s- lh.-- 1 1 Echan.-e- their hue. Bv a stru t attention t- buin. - hois- to merit . Is . 11 of 7'J WILLIAM Iir.MIMIItr.YS, 1! v. A AT Ii WS, 5.0" $7170t s v vsi:, a i f the pa:ron..-.- o l.W rall.v i on their .!H on Honolnln in Sunt., to Clrrk stair--- . l'i'5-t- f li: ok li: continuation K 11C 11 A , Karhiin&r hii. FurChX 3.i N.itary I'nl.lic. O.Tice at the Court Ilotise, up -- roit POXD pre. I' Cess.. r. CO MM ISSION M NT CONSK.XMENTS. j,i - app-a- r ex- - l Ol NTUY K.PISH A A NCI'S MA OK ON rw items ia th" bi!l,aru 'n inisccllaneous i f I i:id nt ltlllK(Hwa.ituai.-.- ..ii Pearl Kivr Lair.x.n. JlU-A-u' F. 11 : C. C.El.KEX, Tinsmiths. PV 3.1 Clrrk. l.OiO Tr to and tract il Plncc. Sy.liiry. peteiiturrs. L'XSm (JlJ-tf- ; W. L. turrn's AV. AI'STIN, Apply to GKKKX. 104-C- ao--l Watrhmaa J. R- - ferciiiB to W. L. l.HKKS, Honolulu. S. I. iri REFER TO Mrwnr 1 ; AT LAW. IT UrxNkwKi.L, Boston. SHirv'jL-M- AX1 C'Jl B. P. Ss,w, F.- -p, Honolulu. Jas. C5-t- K, ...... 5.ii I tiflice. f ItOOMS LKTI i : Ai o-- , ' H.ibv A. PKiia I.mauc 'f lia... (larUs. Office in Honolulu low. over the P".t TO opp- AN D DEALER IN U A A AlVV A C. Bkm kh t Maut...... business KOO.MS OVKB STORE v MAM FAt Tl RER 1.VVI S. Wai KitR. " Chas. llK.wna. " TWO Till: J llKlUllAM FlKLD, K Koyal Hotel. Apply to KfKI-1- At TllAYKK, it K. II OF I'M ANN. osite the cV A. HAVE II. HAI . Co., " Hawaii - 0 '.j.W.Jin A. CI.K.iH.iKX. Ware. A A NO. CO.. lkou.ii. ff Makee's P.! !., c- rner yueen and Tin, Mice. Iron Copper JOHN !.;.! Jr.. of Bksi. Pitman, lido. 0.rc" Physician and Suron. established theuwelvt m Jajuin tor the srHse A; . Hawaii.... . tf Z ( Sew York. CWk of tJe i.irn4 "t strs-ts- iXoLCLC, II. I. ': They Sitton r a. i:vkki:tt, KAAHl'.MAXC STREET, II earrvitutoii a Cmmisi..ti Kusiuess. Sew Bedford. Maui...... TO LI'.T! --- a. 212-- tf .t Amfn, i. J fc estab.ish.-- a Line of Packets San Sur m I.VItUK AND COM MODIOl'S F'.sjt l,ae TCTiorjiarsn, m. i , TIIK niiiio-- r linker- -. Tin and C Punii.s. Bathinp Tubs Fraiicis.-- Kaiiagnwa, touching at Honolulu on their way to J. C. MKRHILL m Kauai..... 53-t-f Honolulu, Oaho, II. I. r. lur.-lliii- r.cei.t'.y isvopicd by Jules. DuJoit, tq. kt and u.V. u ciias. :riLLr, ' Z.mc R.K.tim:, and a Kim. Iulu l'nit-- Stah-- Xavy. Consular Physician to liik .ij.p'y to and Shower Baths. Tin and Kauajawa. Fir Krpartm'iit, Late Suiv.in 1JL For particulars, t 4-- - 3.l pei'.er il -- ' of Tin Ware, The bark th pioneer of the line, will leave San MaoSal COLIU RN, American -- am n and seneral Rover, yici:t'i:it a- .nuititii.i., J. J- w- 1st of April for Kauapawa. .M.-- - about the fh.Tiffof aho I. Office. Corner K.tahuu.aiiu and streets, and residence 2'3m "r - Al'sTIX. Ship Work xvllli it Francisco - .t- 1) l.-l- t. : ..... fVTJCTXOXVXaaXl, at Ir. W . i"- M insi-.u- II -l str- - t. 2rtsly REFERENCES 1. 63--tf II nhu. Mri Kaahuiiianu stmt, ni'.lulu, Mclieal and sur.-ica- l advice iu KiiK'.irh, French, Spaiosh, and o it ili Wm. Jk Co., San Francisco. Kauai... W Koit lease: T. C.lf.ma 3. l sale KO II- - sV , " " Commission Ucicliants l!aaii Italian. at THE STOKE AXH IH'ILIMXK U v. o n u i: n n n s Macmoiav .t Co., T CO.MH.l.W, Supr.rt t,f Priiwn-- HAWAIIAN KIH'lt Office hours from 11 a. a. to 2 r. at otner hours inquire ni- r!y by i'r. Ford. Apply to Ri sski i; Co., China. An tf l lm-- fcVEKl.TT.Tr-axurera- iil SMITH, Dentist. VX t . Honolulu. J.Ur, KNa tf A. P. Aent. his residence. a o B. F. Ssuw, r..tu:, ol. I.D CALL THE iiATTENTION OF iyj-l- y AVCTIOXKKKS. .o C IVOI k of - Maul C. II. LEW K KS, CI LM AN sV O., TO LET I the public to his st.s-- of materials, ccnsistinp, AGENTS OF THE Kaaai LurnWr an l huil.l ne materials. Fort St. Honolulu. 105-- tf hip Chandlers and IValers in U nenl Merchandise, THE ROOMS KEC'EXTLV OCf TI'IEI) 1Iav..uan and American Lime, Lino of Houolulu PcrUelc. Hawaii 4. XJ f C. A. as a sail loft, on Kaal.uiuanu street. For NEW ZEALAND. KrKnlnr Di.itlrh X M II . by Tuner ISkicks, M0N1.0NUI, II- - 2.ik LA HA I A, AC I, I. O. C A CWfc wlula M.raet H. K1MOSD. w- - H. Dmoxr. .UL tcru.s. please apj.ly to J"S- liTFIt, A" fre's-h-l arririnc In transitu for the Sandwich YimXtruiVKT, 1 (acuities f .r storage. Cash Uoo-J- Commi-rcia- l Ailn-rti-c- Office. Cement, IT Line Iltwlul.. a, Ships supplied with will rea-ei- .1 mid forwarded by the Regular I'isitch 2. 0 it. iininvn sn. tuns WILLIAliI3UTLER, ls I'lrV llnlula.. furnished P.r ii exciiauce. Fire Clay, PRKK OK COMMlSSloM. r- I.ixjO a:i'l penral ilaffXMTJ P..!i- an.1 Iftrwt Jutio:.. Importers and in hanlwarv, paints, oils ! T.ricks, G ENEK A L MERCHANT CUSTOM HOUSE AG ENT Particular attention paid to forwarding and transhipment of mnl i' r y "00 to li:t . Fire i lulls, an I other cxclianite, lnrvimu:4 JO WOltTII, .V Sirt-r-t- merchun.lise, sale of whalemen's , ...... J. STORE TO LET IN minim of Paris. MoiiRonui, oh.-i-i pollcu-c- upp Carrirra, Kaoai.. l:s- -. Ships supplied by A. ff. t l pliorn, in Plaster of merchnndisv end sjvie under 414 Dealer in General Merchan Hilo, Hawaii. TJial Mand recently A IIK.NKV St.-r- A N U M N K E chan.-rui- etc. IlOIUNStlX'S the shortest notice, o:i rcHsoiiaour Xiiu.tna Street, below Kiinr Street, us a lietail ; is California Sand, rfASMAl) E R R E E TS TO El' injr whaleships, shi, with at iiu.a cou.l-ti.tl- well selected Hock of - Maui Spirit an Cigar Store, Wharf, Honolulu. l-- tf E B ou hand a laipe and - Wine. l Char'.n Bills of exchange wanted. fitted with p is fixtures, and h.is a spaci his yard in the rear, German Tiles, 13 4 3 Cnlilornln xlrrrl. Hawaii...... ltO-t- niul r f in every well adapted to the retail business. 1 Vau-rit- M.tt-- ami of an.l is Try PROVISIONS, nrx TO Purrhir ..f IaT sV I'ots. if B. TO TIT. C. BEI Ck IIOLLKS ., F..r particulars, apply to Cai.tain B. F. pNrtW. Yaornab n. A. S. CLK.S1MKX. WORKS at lowest rates. COM I ' ?IT1X and lUlF.Al), IlonoluugJ Chandl-- r, ints Dealers in TRT reinire.1 Messrs. C. Brkwik ir C Tiynan 4 fnriwr' Inn'i Von IIOIaT III.I K, Ship ami Commission Ri.oFINO put on buildincs and warranted tipht. Oeii-r- al Whalers fu. ish.-- GRAVEL A. P. lit ulth Citumisin ...... M. OaliJ. 3. I 105-t- f Merchandise, Maui. Lime House, or at the store of P. FLOUK, Evkrktt. General rchants. Honolulu. Ia ! XT Orders to be left t the Hilo. with recruit at the shortest notice, in exchange for TO LET and Kinp streets. B. Pith as, Eso.., Z4-- C. Jones, jr., F'ort street, between Merchant GKOCK1UES, 1'20-t- or hills. tt tA. FIRE-FROO- K W REIMlt'SE. REST, f ALEX. J. cakt kh:iit, han best an i safest -- t. in town. The tire-pro- CLOTIlINt.', r 4.000 Shipping II .nolnlu, For Tn-ti-- ...... Commission Merchant an.l Ocmrml Aei.t, s. n. jjj.!,. building in the rear of Dr. McKil. ton's store, containing - AV.U. I:,AlII.KsAi:it A: SO A, 13,IIU i:mi:ksn. 1 A- VricUn' WajfJ Oahu, 11. I. "tL Waialua, Oahu, Dealer in Uen.-ra- l Merchandise. Country Pro a spacious cellar, first nil story, the whole Kinp the I, N'OKTOX, SHIP CHANDLERY, 3,10 HI A;c. i:VtS STUEET, SAX HtAXCISCO, lYin'.tng Mat-ri- al C" .rn, P.eaua. Dananas, Lutu r, inn convenient and safest place f.,r Kent reasona- 131 SAXS0MK fcOO ,lUr. such as si and everythinp rwpiired for a compl. te outfit. Iult-- 53-- tf (l'JJ-tf- ) T. C. 11 KI CK. , s to ljiiICim. B".W.... itiionns, ble. Apply to potatoes, and firva-oul- all furnished at a FOR JAMES CONNOR IViTy 2.ik conritUY X:r Fresh supplies, GENTS all kinds of 1 rlnt- - Kecnrtis 'f C.uncil.. Wholesale in Win. s ami Spirit, Ale an.l Porter, near Coopers ami (.angers, the shortest notice. U. S. I'yi Foundry, ai.d in Penal Ihler -- j r printing Cle south-ea- st gcin Laan.l 24,00 the Pi.st Ufliee. Honolulu. " thomas siknc i:k. TO LET! Monponui lies in the part of Latiristau or DoiiMless i.nr Materials. . ... Merchandise, and Commission Corner of Itethel and King Streets, anu 1 Printers will Una it to tncir auviiu.h , oo 0 mm. loiigituue no ueK. T Chandler, Dealer in C nrral o--v, A Biiv, and is in latitude dep. S., Arrant-- . Ship L (TO V M E Jl C II NT ST It E ET " cr . ner-j-- .... THE AND before purchasing. Dkabtcst Fcatics howk, lercfiHiit. Honolulu, uiuiu, v...d.c.....t betwis-- n Karden's co and J. II. Strauss'. A :iuu:i: re- - V2 I A - SjcaRe, New assortment of every of g.ds ...... r...... -- ....It.- ,o DOORS DR. J CDD'S DRUG STORE, AI.MOII. Lumber Merchant Vanl on C.iiH Horsa an extensive Ko tl OUO'llll iol or I'l.nc i"i 11".' FORT ST., TWO BELOW Af . 1IOSSAHRAT. JSMIU For Miaiittr lQi-t- f and others. S.' a.f.s C 4,000 iuired bv wlialeships 1 J'J-- lt T. C. IIKITK. EX- A TO - HAICODADI, Jsfi.Psn.TJ. Al-IO.l- Cra procerics, provisions, ice, RE NOW PREPARE! k, UjoiI-j- (payaWe quar- - " Shipping furnished with all kinds of in line promptly and at V Kiue' Chance in - very lowest s. ecute all orders their .IIOASAUIIAT - 1,600 A- at the shortest notice, at the market prie Q . rs. trrly) II. IIACKKCLO 0. u.Us the lowest rates. TO I.F.T! reasonable rat.-s- s. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Diplomatic Slop Chan.Uers, Honolulu, t - Money advanced for whalers' at patronaL-e-, they confidently rely um,ii tlieir potatoes Potatoes GCXEltAL Otfio? KxpKn of the Kin' General (Vnmissiou Agents, and 105-t- f A I N A II E ""Thankful for past , qoar- - l0l-t- ' AT LA II T HAWAIIAN and - t alllorciire. !y of their favors, trust that FrauclM-o- anj Consular Agent (payable Ualia, S. I. fr--vi IloTKL IHTI.MXG, Iat-- orciipi.Hl by T. L. Merntt. old customers for a continuance T IMCl'LS OF IRISH POTATOES Snn too endeavors to please, and extreme low rites of charges, will now iu Viclorin, - twiy) AI.I-Imtio- Vyt possession given immediately. Bent reasonable. their 4 store houses. mrw.rr.iH 1.SU0 rter s7l. IS.;..LS. H. STiSLtT. line. f TO : II Al.-ol- of in Translation K.O. to insure to them a fair share business their J J ALSO, REFER l.ioO - -r G.k-I- s. Oils, and and hhooks always on , A. Purtaire aud Stationery...... an.l D- al- in Hardware, Dry Paint, Ac STANLKV, J II. C. HKt l'K. N. B. New and second hand casks Kcn-BLic- - - New York, V. 8. t INf:OLS ok tiic 17,100 streets, loa-- f-- RK . a ...... 4 Merchandise, corner of Fort and KuiK A cent L. II. Anthon. which they will sell at the lowest market rates. l97;" Heef, 1.1" general ACCoUXTAXTs AX D CON'VKYAXCKKS. Hox i.rLf. UO-t- f hand, "loROON, 1.I1K n. ...rr, DtrTJiEST or Fuasce. Pork, ILmiiHT Jasios. Esq.. lAvemml, Oreat BnUin. adjusted. Protests l. Leifal UKOKG'K CLAKK, X. H. Aver.ipes ! 1? renil, Messrs. jASio,(lH.ltiV Co., - Honolulu, 11.1. 8.000 neatn-s- s dispatch; Commercial Books lbs Sale C. II. WILLIAMS Ac. - . For MinLor I Uor-l- s. Hotel street between Noiuna execut-d- ,' with and Coll'ec riaiilation A. C'AKTWRIIillT. r.SQ., . 5.um Dealer in lire an Fanry Itr .k- - Ac- ISS-t- f 1 or sale by ESTRA & Co., Ilakodadi, Japan. J. Krcutrar Puwlic Honolulu. S. I. H tf oixMi-- d and closed, and Custom House ravedone; THE CELEBRATED Acoiit.... - 4.1 NIO and Matiuakea streets. faithfully to. Cabinet 3Iaker ami Turner. Ccllt"r In iwral 4 Cuuan ...... counts made up and Collections PLANTATION, 8 tiRirriTTS MORUAH. C. . HATKAWAT. Ijeorral of 4,uoO l'j7-oi- u COFFEE X EAR lieputy Cutom... N I fo MAS" WAT K KIIOFSK, flriTCOMII rgll IE OLD ST A NO. HOTEL STREET, V CO., H .. fm JO II T AT IIAXALKI, KAUAI, j the corner ..f Foil. A. Ii. WIIITI2 MOKIMX. STOXB & CO., -ale and K. in Cenenl Merehandise, r- - - COMMISSION' AGENTS & Al'CTIOXEERS August 1, to March 31, Importer, Wh. til T"- i- Plantation emprise- up- Furniture of all kinds made and repaired. MERCHANTS, lv 2.4-J- d. c. wiTKKvas. . offered snle. Land of the , Men-hant- Pan Francisco, Cal Honolulu, an-- Laliaina. Maui. Is IT Tor sal-- UEADV MADE FI RXITT RE. Koa Z-i- . Commission and F'.rwar.llnn 1st Clerk Collect. General . & 1 Avr.-si.an- d upon it ."lO.IHMI ( On hand and lun.l. . M...I-..- il WATF.KMAN t !.. wards of n..O has olli r Akiiroii. Xrw . rr u - - T. A. R. nre.- - ...... Z4lO I .l .ist Plank; Cedar, Black Walnut and Cherry n..,i..,.'.." a'ii ami UoarJ, '- -. l. of Boards, and Surreyor Ilolulu. T J W Ti... i..,,,i is well adante to the cultivitioii suirar OrliiiH-- U 3.4-- CO V.v.vO.V MERCMASTS. Venc.-rimr- . Swift A: Perry, New B.slfor.1, Messrs. Mlntum 2,1 an.1 AsUtanta... T. unencumbered, and will sold by Fee Boards; Rosewood and Mahogany WITH POTATOES li Per- Ac of the U hahnir Fleet, by cane. The estate is , Moiildiu-j- , sized Sl'PPLIED John M. Fori- - Esq., Messrs. tlorek ee per...... ,.l. MOSSMAN SN, attention paid to the interests and terms of s..i.-- nepi ro of A lartre assortment of liih and larsre Glass. SHIPS of every description. Co., Sew York, Hop tioo-ls- , Hon pun hase and f.ile ol hxehamre. Oil. Simple Title. For full London, Daniel C. Waterman E... l.ix) in Dry Nuu inu toe fumishinp of funds, B- - - A of Dinimr, othce and Children's Chairs. Relcr.-tice- kins . niith, Sew M.vkeper Bakers, ftiwrsand Dealers street. , io-.-t- l variety : Awtant lis.-- ppa-unu- of Freipht . l..S-l- y 4.j"0 S- - Hone. Merchan. and the !"N.:: mao to order. olulu. Collector aiel llarix.r Mater, Laliaina.. otolu, Oal.u, I. " Polished Collins on hand and Capt. O. H. Sot LK, ship Mil... Surreyor ol Ouanl...... 1.50 KF.FKKKXCKt. ! A. Barhkii, ship Benjamin Tucker. U .V Xew Bedford Wafer Lol It. ALLEN. IS , Collector of Cu.tom, II l.ia0 W. N. LA1, Mes-r- H i.anp. J., Co., WniUnhaluhi S. JOHNSON. H Arsris, ship Goethe. .1 II . I A I A T It s llsi-- , !' J. Kawaihae ...... lW and in lUnnwaas, Cm fur, Ml. bsi VV. li. K. Pori:, having ship E. F. Mason. O'MEARA rAIk'TKU,) t w Imwirter , e i'niersh;xe; keen " Smith, (LATR - - lloii.w t r of Si ' KraUkrkua. T.M.uaDil AoKKt LTTBii. IarLkmTs Fort str.nU Moiir.AN-- Sr.isr 4: Co., Sa:i Francisco. rimft appointed ap.-n- the sale and lease the JOIIASOA a i.ii:a, ship Metacuu. e 1 Qj-- tf " Himiks, ri...r.r ,t K4" lulu. Ml ltl'KK X MKhKILI., do. " Oscak rK Ok aniisakinb, ship Nil. 14.000 il'L. Vaikatialnlii Lot"! MATE-TERIA- L, Ta Collectors Pay " . ivn-r- s, P, ulators " DAKMAsnAiiiTZ, ship Gen. d'HautpooL WW Ar Is-p-s p. call the att ntiori of Ship TYPE, PRESSES, MISTING jk m l m' Kajr. It, ., C V K it now of- Lkbasti:, ship Caulaincourt. 1.1 tr 5oO j anion. :ui:k A. P. i:tt. and others to this tin.-l- situat-- d tract of land which is PAPER, CARDS, LikIiU, Lahaioa...... Fire-Pro- lluiidirig. Queen stre. t. cm liN-ra- l and convenient Safe House Furniture, Commi-sio- n MetrhanW CO M M I SS I O X M KRCH A.N'T, fered in lots at rcduc-- nf.es and UnderlaKers.! lra arxl I'iMxi M April 1, 1X59. Carpenlers, Joiner k rrrt And Printer. Flock generally, an.1 luculental tspetiiea r Honolulu, . new block, Q strc t, Honolulu. II. I. terms. . . fctalinery Jauion'i learned by application Str-t-l- ii-a- r Mrn-i- ! 2.CW Plans may le s. cn and a'l particulars Fori Corner of Hotel 1 Clay nrar Snnsoiur.Saa Franclccc lioasea, ...... Fir.-pr.- Honolulu Ac... Bol-r- t ..r Buildinps. Views of 32 slrrrli tuuia AV. riSCIIKK, uiid-rsi..i- ed at C. Janion's It and Ta CoH's. to the I.I.V INFORM THE PI ' StaUonrry f r , UKFKREXCKd. In; L"ls- - I.VI.ICTII 7 p.li-h.- r. Sir.-rt- the a;.plication should mad- - for choice op i.ar.-- execute any work. the OR RESIDING amiAersinci.l'-ota- l exp's t l"ep't Maker Hotel ..p,..it A. - Boston, j. li. Karly lie that thev are to LL PERSONS VISITINt: Cahirt and . u Messrs. Saxhso, TArras, of iiuhlic patronape. Islands, should not fail to send a set of G. 79.240 FhOovemui.-ii- t llous.-- l K. D. Plll'.HAJI fi Co., ai...ve be. no.l li.n to merit a share ou these II. A: SO A, Au-- nt f..r Sale of aikahalulu ly.ts. and made to - ' to their friends abroad, AUTllIIIt 4i.OOO o the j Koa, Pine aud Iriuitucd Collins always on hand Hurt; Vi ol" Honolulu l7l. K At DtraaraKST r Waa IiiTi.kH, eiTM Hill, 12X-- U AGRICULTURAL " '.- - 21, will convev bv far a belter idea of the Scenery, Habits, AND DEALERS IN Ac I SUA I'M. f Honolulu, Oct. L" as they IMPORTERS I A. S. M. s. i: It Honolulu, July 1, l"57j "r's .rt -- his'place, any works or prints ever pub PtrjaraasT or Pra Lie tsrarctio. i.,ki.;..e. ,i..na- r. usonuble terms. Plan" and iHirica- Customs, etc., of than Dealers !n Fa-- naMe Clotl.ii.x. Hats l J ISO if E. BCROESS, IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS, Imixt. r. and Wholesale s EDWAKI. P. ADAMS L. McCI'LLV, tions drawn to order. lished. To be had of of EJ oration P--. -- , and every tanety of G. ml. men PKSPEKIfK L. HANK. 143-t- For Preshlett Bnl xs Caps. ts and Mi.. at Law. Offi.:- -, with C. C. Harris, Esq. f HS-- tf Fort street. WILL BE MILD ON 4. - corner of and Ac Attorney ALL OF WHICH Ckrk of Superior Furiiixhinu re, lort L. HANKS '0., the most reasonable terms, and at the lowest prie. SiaUonery ami ...... o II .nolnlu. Oahu." FltKIi'K Honolulu, Hawaiian imVisk ilk Washington sta, San Francscco. 8.0u Merchant streets, Commission and Shipping M.rchanu, MOST DESlIiAIILi: i:Tiii:iivA 's W arehouse.conier of Davis and 9npprt of Lahainaluna seminary Till: BLACKSMITH SHOP. ON THE NEW ESPLANADE, (jj- - OrUrr$ promptly rxrculrd. D l.tmo Islands. ! HOLT & HEUCK Prmtui tch.l books WOOD, KKFKK TO I A DO WORK VON TO : ft.OoO J. II. s n. in Honolulu for Sale IS I'R E RED TO REFER fch--! :ris, l- - Sh.H-- r.f erery Franei-e- Iles'ulence Awl liawai.au er II and Mkhiui-L- , San to Manufacturer, lnu-Tl- aiel ah r in M.-ss- MiP.fEti .s of kind's iu first rule style at prices to A - L 5. u" , all 14 AVE JI'ST RECEIVED FROM HOME ErfQ., For tnifli't S:boolt l Uawanans..... Mi. Findinc-s- lump, sole, Hnrrim:. Hartley, k Co, New York. N wholesale or retail A. J. Cartwrii.iit, V"'llWOlUl"' - , JaisseLL. Misrms THE INOERSIf; Ell ofeek suit the times. ' IT and offer for sale at reasonable prices, 1" Cel.su t4 deem..!. . i.- H -', and H.irk skii.s New premises on Fort street. Taking 1W 3J,f3O0 an.1 Patei t Leath.-rs- Calf. -t. SaiiT a: Allkm, for sale his dw. lliup and uii Ai!T P4 11RFVGE. and nil 3 styles and best made ladies' saiMles, complete - Foils, i.iack B.iston. - and dis- elcirant Trunks. a'.isea, f porrir.L- titoves. and Mai, Cms. SkTior.H 4c Co., The prcmis-- s nr- anion., the most 5:Mother work iu this line, will I done with a neatness aud with saddle cloth, bridle, etc.. BARRY & PAW ry. i;ro k M,. store, of buildmp a or Law. r,e, lira,!..- -. 11 .c. c. loG-l- y central ill Honolulu. The mam contains patch not to be exc. 11 d. Gents' saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, etc., IirTjT 10,'HiO H. I- - s de WUOLEHALE AS1) RETAIL DEALEBI I Jn-iU- e Fort arel Merchant st.. Honolulu Parlor, Horse shoeinp, and all other business in the Farrier A select assortment ol ladies' cloth paiterx, 1MPORTEIW, Far Chif Suitnc Court...... rBiS- - - I r llJ-t- f 8.IK0J tfiiKHV ATI BnE2n- Dining room, , liri.mr.l1v l.ttelll It'll til. for lacing and with elastics, J-- c. Lt Au'l " riK. I"i.rfrntnl I 1 - Patent leather gaiters, DEMIJOHNS, 4.0W ssow, At room, Shoes and slipK-rs- , WINES, LIQUORS, l - ii. r. c. nuEAvr.it ro., tdeepiiig W-- 1.6JO Honolulu, Oahn, Uaar. Islands. 2 children's Minis, T patent leather, cloth, etc.. Wits and shoes, Frawcl-sr- o. tf Circuit II.hk.IuIu. General n an.1 Merchant, Hoiiolulu, Oahu, H. I. Children's calf, 1 III Montorrry Jale, l.fyW Commission Shippinr Pantry, Gents' superior calf Inx.ts and shoos, slipper, etc.. I..Su K "JaubA...... a;rT KKFrlP. TO And bath rvim. - 3."M. on Coopcrim hose, black silk handkerchiefs, Bo-t- Fine meaino half Maui.... Hil-i- Line of an.l Honolnln Packet. 4 iKA L, Ks., I one containing Sc CO, 1 J Boston. cottair.-- on the premises, l7rKnsTI2K 1 1. Iluiiwri also two wool flannel, - Hilo l.fioo i . 1 JW . . iK.Til.ninh I T I ! ill . Y.t ., Tlcre are JAMES A. BIWHCK Pieces black cre, fine white all 1OJO Chrlk P.khwku. sleeping r. ins and drcssiup apartment ; and the other one IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN - p.rotherx Co s Yellow Metal. a : I two Blue and pink flannel. Irish linens, K.hala.... - PaP- of Cmcker VrssKS. Mkkrii.i., San Francisco. dress-nr- apartment. There are also a OA" I NO HISRFSINESS 120-t- . - . - I . . . . . C sleeping n.m and a IN REM assortment of feather dusters. "N7V7" . l.o- Fm.-lan- d An Kona New K..flnn Company f . l i. j . I.'..' . . wood house, sta- new C.XU'EKAGE on the Esplanade, x o 3.0x U.S. CH.k house, two servants' rooms, wash house, to his Fine stiiichams, small and lar-'-e plaids. Kauai Mxssas. Wm. IT-t- c it Co.. '- - Ilomikone. F'ort this opiHirtunity of reluru-iii- AND Ju-l.-e- fowl house, etc.. etc. str.s t. takes real flannel shirts. Trauclio, .. .' " " Manila. ble, carriairc, Colored cassim.-r- and blue and P.lif anJ District H.4ulu. cas. a. aixHor. MtsR.s. Pkklk, Hibbkll k Co.. are supplied with valley water, and also a brick his sincere thanks to his friends and the dressing gowns, Uihaina-..- . sV-- The A few pieces of prints, choice patterns for llewcriptioii. Juie, i4 co., 16vtf lo) harr-I- of wab r. with force public in cent ral, for the support and patron l.iquoi'y ol" every ...... i.0n uisiior Block, on cistern, capable of containin.' Silk aud fine white merino undershirts, Iiik. lUnk-r- s. OSce in :he east corner of "Makee'a to security ..i ttie ouu hubs. aire which thev have pleased to pnuit 101 FROST STREET, Ilil At pump. which adds the busi- Black silk and cotton velvet, district X'rth s II n ilu'.u. WILCOX, KICII AltOS CO., fr m His Maj-st- y Kane hatn. iia for past ton and hopes that by attention to Betwe..n Washington and Merchant. Jle,- B00 Ka.thuuianu Tin k. Royal patent iu. him the vear. Puis-rio- black cloth c.cats, pants, etc. yBASCISCO Puna. Commis M. in execution of all orders intrusted to 196-- tf 6oO Draw Bills of F.xchanee on Ship Chandlers, Dealers in General Merchandise, and lvJ-J-m Apply to II. WIiriXfcY. ness and promptness the And numerous other articles. Kia , New rK Mes.rs. timei-L- MtTi m Co., l(r.:. sioti Merchants. Honolulu. 11. I. him, he will merit a continuance of their favors. Suth Kooa...... - .., 1 C II.V.T A. I'ltKI C. K'ii . Bot..tl. Keel, constantly on hand a full supply ot every u ripuou He has on hand for sale upwards of OOO bbls. of nk AC I SCO COItl A E ... 1 KA Kora...... - Francisco. Vrt. 7'J") Messrs. M..k.;t, feroxr & Co., merchandise required by whale ships and others. of all sorts and sires. '"ly VO IIOL.T fc SXV mth Kohals. 6rst-clas- s business n V iii:lck frKI Wi'.l receive depos.t. licouut pal""'; Money advanced at the lowest rates. F A XC COODS! QUANTITIES. TO SCIT, THE FOL- FACTOIIY. Vth KohaLa...... to eollectiuir. OFFER FOR SALE, IN - ...... o attend etc References : JCST RECEIVED PER shop. ASSORTMENT OF ILurakua.. Bedford. .rcin. LOWING CHOICE - Msiiuku hoo 1 1 Messrs. Swift & Allkn, - - New OF EVER V SIZE W. A. A LI Ml II, V N I E RSI C N E l WOFLO INFORM CIORDAGE argc Ilirr.ikUJ, Uui 7K G'l.KoS, ALLKN ?.'S, " BARK "YANKEE!" ffHIE on the 5th iti5t. he will re m x , to order. Constantly on Land, ac. " lNal.-ri- Oen-- nl Merchandise; Commission u ft his friends ami the public that T 23 o o AijO Imrrteran.I Wit. Wilo.x, nncl I LA AX I) HEM I' ROPE, fall Bale liana Su-'a- M :,d Coffee, and other sume his former business as a iquorsRECEIVED PER sortm.ntof MAX tx Azei.t f..r the .a of r. .lasses Wm. - " JCST for sale by Tl BBS i).CO., KiUtio f-- t on Girri.KP. VEST III TTONS. Tow Line, Oakum, c, Pro-luce- . r the l.mrr. Row, ,1. VJi Island Aeent Plststi..s. Km.. & Co., - " 11EARLl buttons, rubber hair pins. AND HOUSE CARPENTER, Street, fean Francisco. M oj of Island Produce solicited. ,,.r,,J Messrs. Thomas wlf.s . slnrt JiUILDEIl ( i j.,?. jy Front - lanai. 6w simoient of all kinds WksTOI Howlano, Esp, - " Pearl dress buttons with sniuiks, occupied by Messrs. Watson A: Leonard, f. Merchandise pnmptly attended to. F.s.p, - ' At the stand hitherto BELL - " Vkliki:ii-- Paukkk. Le--t I. R. dressing combs, on the Swinton Premise, Kiiifc' street. With every facility for HEATHER !" IHW M V - Pl'ILl lPS JC S.SS., - " Warren's necllcs, wooonurr, u ..... A buttons. c. U.tia ...... S. . duliiji all branches of SELECTED sAin.. am t s. C4STLE. .. PlKK.-K- lls-l.- , - PenHon. M) MOST CAREFILLV llKXRr A. braid and friinre. : AND KiaJpoi"...... "V7k7" x-- k for this Market by Mr. L. H. Artl.oii, viz. A NDLER. STOREK EEl'ER 6oO V Sl-- - " iuars.-ill.-- lx. on core K tassels. , cola Kauai.. CASri.t. i'o., Jet buttons, Cl O cas.-s- pure Hollands .'in, AUEXT. ood Ijouula end Uirnm, lrit.,iers in General o O of public 50 (13 bottles each.) SHIPCII - Imt-rt- en. and - and Retail H - San Francisco. Pa-e- r crape, -st a.1Wvantage, he resctfully solicits a share 4 di- shortest - liana! i. Ho Wholal- and Cms. w. iooKs. ctmbrie, black tc the 50 - (15 bottles each.) imported mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the notice' 4- - x) t the stan.1, owner of the kin j M &. Co., - S embroidery cotton. Ariaht.lo...... cl . Messrs. .roan, sr sr French paln.natre. from Schiedam, Iwing the very b..st article in the Corner of Qikkn's Road and PoTTOif.rR htrkkt, S.C) Iar--- St-- ne Chun.-h- at the tore -- of a first workman, he will rect llcakcc! trews, t! e Ali , A: Havkss. New London. Black embroidery silk, pins. Havinsr cur.-d the services rite ntr str-s-t- Williams Car-ria'- .p market. - TnoMAa SrFS. r.r., A. J. Cabtw rii.iit, J. CJ Lbue..... ) f..rnvr!y ..copied bv C. II. Xi. ....is..:., in Kine ''I'P"." ac - Honolulu. add" ( no.l XT- Refers to - K.l Med- 17i-t- f C. A. Williams Co.. Crimson and scarlet picture ord. also nhini l Mnkink'. Turnin 2o cases l st Martells brandy, Honolulu, Pandwichlalandc. Hil-- lf s.-.- e Cha,- - - Ap. nts for Dr. Jaynes td U business. Sfaldi.su. N ut.au...... 3xj the Watered riblH.ns. colors, v or to his other ah- - and pints, cases 4 and . Maraetty's and porter in .juarta u biil hooks and ey.-s- planed by machinery f..r carpenters and Clerk poprerne and I inru l Court...... 4. icine. Swan XT Stuil sawed and 6 dozen each. 2.1'X) cv.AN.CE. CA.R.DS, Black dimity bands, 0th,Ti- - -- - IN.SU C. LEWER5. Kepiiblic, ooil Hope, A't C-- 0XJ N. FLITXKK. Boy's ctton hose. II. Cireuit Ihstrict - If.if.nt Cr il old I. ti e r.-- w st..r- in MsW's new fire Ladies' l.row-- bloomers. v n. G.neral hirnVx-- r bnsin.-s- s will be conducted as hereto TELEGRAPH. REVNARD. II. Continue his business at . k 5-- -l Dr. select.-- St'K-- 13 : Fifty bale, assorted i x pr-- building, the stand ocrupi- br Bu;T l.rilliante. fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the licit IJc.t rami ALE! in pinta. OCEAN and REPORTER - 4;l .f at N 106-t- . .. KA.ihumaf.il AC i: T FOlt LLOYD'S fea-he- r f m-t- f 0- lipht and heavy Bear Duck. Ten 4.IXW iio:.ui-siiii- . ti.l Str..etS.. Col'd dusters. tie on the most reasonable terms. Cases 8 dozen each, at reasonable prices. Iruck -0 10. Fifteen bales Attrc-- ...'i ' ...... will sold -- -- ... . Ship owners and nsc-rie- d. cases. CanU.n FlanneU, l.nwn 'tu 3.0i rat-- d by f tne .... The nrdersicncl hees to notify to Merchants. Ladies' corsets, hales Flannels, Twelve .Wrvatioiis ,n Cot-to.i- Malli. Chro ..meter s et. 's ...... ,.r.f.-l- dlUSte--l tO npisciitmeiit of Kentucky eaim. Fifteen caw c :. the Shipmasters, he has the 2ti7-2- Chaplain stwet Ten cases J - ...... that Mrs. DI'CORKON. I-w- r.-....!- J. Ilaaii. att-nti- on to fine . e ... I la iVIl'S a IN In N. K ! cas- -s 4x4 and 4x2 Apron Check.. sj") of Par.irular iriven " k Twelve x, Kauai meridian Honolulu. aivii.m:, DAIKV fieventy-- n re caaec Court, Sextant and ..uadrant plasses sdvere,! H. C. JANION tiiiiisoa Twenty case, bleach-- rt Shirtinir, all width., of ;.vjreprr:ir.s la watch repa.r.ior. Mtf ilONOMLU BLACKSMITHS, OFTHAT Fifty Emir.e - nautical lustroraenu constantly RARRELSONLV R. W. brands Prints. Twenty casec Denims. cased II ji.4al3 lx) and adjusted. Charts and I.I.N T PORK, rais.sl and i.acke.1 by Mr. favorite gray Also, f.-- 4 1 1 hales blue, red and Blankets. - luilLlir.K and sale. V. N A F. N ! 1k ch'-ic- for Family and CaWn Table Ticking. Twenty Zi-u- on hand It S ST P It ST. (JALLEIIY CUSTOM HOUSE, Mol. a article .af me Cart. F LO 0 AMIiPvOTYPE DAfiUEKHEAN OPPOSITE THE Meyer, kai assortment of - of - iacrimiual cases I'lid-rwri- te All ix milk-f- . .1, a sujri.- article. sale at full i:ar.- 4.0fii) Arent forth' Bremen and Dres.p-- f i fresh, and eln-wre-- a Ai HAHT, . . V Vos HOLT if HEUCK'S. Good. KITSON average claims Hcainsi iue sam . - i... . s fi I ER R EOT V F ES. A I I! ROT V P E S. a. THE ABOVE II A I ..b I" Vjott llonscFarnisbini D' Wine and fpirit - rf. s . . riliiiir.i. ; cupe, - strict Robinson. Wh l.s.'.e Ik.- hu-h.-- p-- .n i .h...... -,-.-- bleached and brown F.xpen.e tin ii Cvun. Saece.r,b Mr. IKarr al-- ut Kinedom, will have to him. PHOTOGRAPHS- taken in the cti of trie i"i in. i.. Comprisiri(r-Lin- en Table Damasks, . i3.1 Ux) I , and-- r of A. J- - or this I) and Llm-- tf , QnilU, .... Merchants. Honolulu. II. the Rm (Ma-tf- ) . BIN j Jf3r now prepared to execute Ship, Carn.i-'- e and Cart &.C C.iy. ; pillow-cas- e I.in. ns Fheetinirs ) e-- tf Art. 4 are SATINS. T.ible r. w - f- - street. ll. qualiti.-- s ; NaPFinc, Dia-- u 4J'i and at the of Kaahumanu Work, on the shortest notice and most reasonable -- A E5ATINS, ) j 4 iu.sort.id ToWellinrs. -- aa-- C CINE IlhACK, XT' RLI ireu t Courts. terms,s pe bv strict att-nti- -n to business to merit a share WHITE 'iiovli'-r- ; white family Blanket- -; emwsed relvet Table fti..nT arm N ASSFRAXCE Cd.MPA- - and b i v. bla.-- silk tor dresses, black lastinir, ..T C.SIIIERS, IMIE NORTH ER -- .1.,. ...,i..i-- .r. so lils-ral'- I ts. Cov-- rs ; hi. a. h- -d Sh.-ti- nir, extra fine. Also, rim Purcooe Lw la'Tary ') GEORGE I nv. restaMishcd lsod.) F-- Fire and Life Assurance at ROWLAND'S t ' ...... na .o. .l i .1....- -! ..,t.,l...r ainrTs. .For sate br and' Piano ' ' i . r-- 87.4M d- - ware. ' ,..i.,i...... '..,,-.,- i r (ilovc,, Orirandiec and ai. r in Tin, sheet Iron, and Cppr " Of a full line Hosiery, Manufacturer horue anJ abroad. .11 : Ix 1. 1 : lfO-l- f lll.v Vl Isthmus - C. 'iti- -' s Honolulu. H. -- w i A uv. IIJ1 Role-- .. Jackonetts, French Muslin " J - Kaahumanu street, opposite J. Sfal . A is v i i Dawn., Erakac or Ptbli'- Is's.nn""- I.athir.p Tubs, Cnpilnl of F ANC..?"'"'.and rTAI LK Tm and C"plr Pumps. tl.J.i:i Ae.-n-sirrmi.t Sandwich A Linens, etc. And a general ass'.rUnent rummer Bakers, , api.i:it.-- f T tin-.-- pen-er- al The nndcrs.irncl has ill' t 1 th- - to All V "f FLOCK. Also, ex For Saprir.teadj-t- .. S0"O and S'.ower Baths. Tin and .n.c Rs and a R. ANION rXBERSKJX E I w.u! call attest!, s Notice the Public! haw Ir. PP.V GOODS, suit-- to the Sprinit Trade. Oracle, F..t C.J r1IIE t lbs.ms, oyer CORN '. Bruscelc ...... ass..rtmef,t of T.i? ware. work executed with -- at Honolulu. 1 of his Friends and the Public his the i RESII HAWAIIAN FLOI R. I0. Eliaa, Ac. Velvet MMallion Can for , h .lrk.s ft.'XX) .tf al (n- -t al constant ly on hai d and sale by Enfrln-- and Ameri- T'tr Cmin-rci- A r." Pnntit.ir office, to the m al. do wheat nu Thr-P- ly CarpeU-- Imrrair.s. Hemp.. Pay Rra.1 and d.spatch. ' Pacific lw;.. I ? - I and , of neatness . e I T II K. X) Pictur.-- ele.-anc- V N ER SIGN ED. r no!'- kl Baiw-ra- W indow Ht.alrc 3.1" Post ottic. ) w is which, f r of THE pjj-t- - tc. Table O.I Cloths, Green purchase . every facil.ty hand in can Dm. of?t' 1 AGENT THE t 1'-- cxc-il-d- havinir at the Hangings lw-- .V A FR style and softness nf t..n". cann' an-- Brora, lie and Demaski. Paper and Tx.l I T A I II EE, I'n.U-r- -; of Hollands 5-- N- - Bhais? r Aik-- .k a., wo, rw Vork Ilonnl of rilr r. It. constant of w k. Chemical. A:c., he is SHIRTS. Iac;.it.tal Kxpet.es Kiiraa ui.-.- Planwti.-.- t at vi.i , itii in A?' nt. f.r th f Meit-hant- Masr.-ra- s; R--4 O) 2 1--4 . . 1 - leave to no'ify Shir p. with k'.I the hit. improvements. MACHINERY, SI MADE As'-ri- cy Vu:M:nr 6.X ... k.....7. VAl.ole:'! 1.1.1 K'lMl Dal Hie takes pr'i-are- tak- - Pictures TIMBER A DOZEN OF PERIOR of celebrated ll .iemrr.en' ue., ; As-.-- nt J.D FEW lin-- at i iin 1 H no., .ur.i tneire-.a- r. he has duly BpP"iblcd s f.r the on Glass. Paper. Patent Leather, India all Also. io.1 cotton, with ljsotni, b.w-pri- c. Flower Oil Cloths, now endinf, fi 4x) n hand, f at Ac, th... Picture, taken ml-- inf-.r- is shirt" linen. Invoices very IlarrxT. Wharretarel ersinCiiinaGis; have r.. . J r the imblic that he ar. I lly 2i.Ow) Honolulu, and at Maui New York Board f r. Air., and warrantcl to entire sat.sfaction. etc.. with broad and narrow fold.. f.,T at low rates, by F 'VV.- r rt .Tf innts.. merits on Kii.i: street. W R I G I IT Ru'd. j repared to manufacture sale, - J rU.r Cu- - T-- e. ALEX. J. CART b call and examine specimens. and C'Airt r. s. a. Cff-- a larpe and jotf N B The Public ar invited NT&nKCCK HO and Clay Btreet, lo5 Jrur.iir..r. an! u.-- Mota..s--- Syrup, and ll' , ,..'. 5o0 jv.".,f W. F. H'JWLAXD Ar.ist. VoLrw. Fan Franci-o- California. H"i.-- e of merchandise Ox nncl Carls. nitd Ot " 21s-3- rn t.ira JO rarrsl assortment Horc Wnt'sii. - 3i n kini-I--m at reduced iTairv pork. 1 p in vry ?huer in!.a Pr.on- Hole. lulu, Aut-us-t a ii i: roit tiii: and them at ar.v rt th the d;s-- t s. ma.b-o- f b- -t and tne mo?t Drerfitin lulu hartor (at Liverpool I'nilrrwriOM A.ocirtlion. pric-- All work the maf rials in dairy pork. ji'st received 15.000 e by cre-io- a !. 15. w..rkinan-lik- manner. .r sale I!. M.'s rs:i-n.s- M Ship anl H. PITMAN, TTie un.l. l h ave to wn'r!. WILLIA1IS 4 iest ON a; Jl lTrIr ej.ch.a.kge:. w Ca-- n M Il i. lula.,aai t - y- k- -s deliver".! in Honolulu, ironed complete, at M l"i.i 2.441 ; . at. 1 Slop that he has receiv.d tie- appointment ot - " C1I ANDLER RESPECTFULLY INFORM HIS FRIENT'S AND p.-- r pi-r- e. rv. J l'.) SHIP th-- s- Is.,n.U f--r the LIVERPOOL CNDER WOULD A. 3. AGENT at f-- up H A N I I ES. r. A l.! :i inMii' Cut a II x) DEALER IX GKX ERAL M ERCH AXDIsE, PUBLIC THAT HE IUS OPENED A II- - i alo readT to contract tf. puttinp of R EXCHANGE FOR SALE. fc.x IMPORTER AND WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. THE t& AND XV f R.C. J ANION. FINE HRAXBV. SHERRV EXCHANGEONCHAS. OIXOTT Pal Maui tX) Hilo. Hawaii. Vjii' BUILDINGS LIASES On hand and for sale by in sums V Lockup, Maaart. x) SIGHT ivin Francisco, for sale, B- advai-e-- l oa Whalers Bill. 1t'tf FURNITURE WAREROOM, TeTtry lumi-s- the material or otherwise VOX HOLT k HET CK. t ima. Hawaii.... . - M'.ney . iTi i ii - it it e.m i: n NEW description, and l.?00 in itfi as s may ch " sc. n.'.'. 1.0OI UN parti' Slepa.rir.ir Ja;i at Nawiliwili SEVEItANCi:, 11- - a practical Millwright, he is ready to BLANKETS. 4. fx) II. W. INSURANCE C0MPANV. EXCHANGE. rir.-lre- 11 .n. I FIRE FLANNEL an-- Merchant. lula, S. DENIMS. BLANKETS.. IN 5"j) Ship Chandler Commission aw-v- e m-- 1 1 raw-ers- SAN FRANCISCO, K:ppa f the C wiikkl??. saw mills, BFST inenno .in b rhirts and play inp cards, etc. .CHANGE ON -- i: TO rXDERSIKXED. to Li.-a-- H lul J REFERS rfHE ar-- ed ! risks tire in and wti:r '"v Kl sums suit, at . lioise "."' 1X 11 pa: y. insure sale LON JlUtT JJ CiKl -- ..- - S w, - - - .nolulu. HORSE POWERS, F.r t Eyj-t.t- on no i t,rrir H-f- 0.' B. F. Captain it H .no! - Stroot, l' ch-- ap r.pc-- t. f.vrrnroit -. D-- WaTFHWAS Co.. - " of as as the ch K- H;:-- Wa:rn- Hawaii 3.ix Meters. office. Tort Or anvthir.? in that line l.Usine. F. I C ?1 A N E - .l. to F. r r.art.culars apply at th' up f r T iFir F C L CT - 2.1 x Williams 4: Havss, - New London. M EEC HERS Jt CO. Two sets of circular saws on hand and re:ly to put t:ZI Br. Oihu - San Francisco REGULARLY TO lscn ...... i.'x M Ri ia.tMAKi.iLL, 1S5T. that want. . BE FFRN1SHED ;.ii(l Slat ionrry Ilr.o ulu.O t. 11. OP Pi .SITE th'e diatn-t-- r, thr..i:.-l.on- t the islands. lYice a year. Paper IUi.i. i.ax) X Ailiv, - - VwIWfort. NEARLY one taouiar water wheel or. l.ar..l. thirty itches in C4N fi ARRIVALS, s.ilt i. A Mill... t"X) - - Boston. -- sfii.-tioi- fr .m January, suppld PER L TE A. fu'.l Bac iiuir.bers RECEIVED, -r- warranted to at. lv..e. 1ST dy over forty Kauai... 57 Hst. .. . v.-.- - :i ..... Notice. to T'-,- monthly of Hi paires, double of writing comprising v. o... - InMiranrr Maker, am a, a supply v, . .c...- iv - . . - ri.an.ivrv ant Fire enc-wf- a pr.ictical Ca'.jnet I r,Vrf,c, cl a larire par, lli.Ul r. r lli"h-mi- ts II. i --.n d- ry nx-- rit or artistic n.l s - .- - Kv. rv - r.ption of no superior in ,eti-s and six'-- of Eirisr-rrraES- . Bosir.es at Ue- columns has NORTHERN ASSl'RAXCE manufacture r llisl.-- one or two ha.--l s- - by rhippimr . will l THE Cl E.u h nun.l-- is en.ie d with meiiotint white and blue rap par. p Chande-r- and -- n..-if- th.-p- .r fine iisiO h hf -' to to i:. o. Hair Store Th'- - r.chr.-s- s, ar.d atlljer.ce of the rXDERSHJXED - t.la'.-- i variety, ,lo do do letter I- ,f Wharf Ut and f r sale at l..w raUs. raiHK -- t. 1.. Koa or Furniture bv rartain. pajr. or on hand w .!.- other pu-U- kept ft ill rr - rtm- p - - f Et 11M 41 J;:, who have insured in tins .l.ti I- Ail proti.pt'.y a't't. - to. am. . s in all the .1. nts of literature and rto do do note paper. .;i in a.t..esl, rt 1 w th-:- r r.t. r.ts ..f II .lulu, that 11 ,,-.- stan.p it as ihe paper. - c SALE AN WILLIAM WRIGHT. .. -r- an entertaining, and note M - FOR Gilt lettT - - e . e w HE 4IFFER" l.th ede n.-- f n lar.-- and h ii'HEKE f .. paper. f .a)r-j-. ; l. .f iw- - r:n.- :.t of punh-he.- Apply to account current and tetter l.xj iif.nii:.II r I. , - HMJI K..c Kauai.Mar.-- 10. ls.'.i. ,A Thin ar. l C..mmi.K.n -s cl ' t k'- th. r m nan-"- str.-Ts- no more on tim- fl - ma.iie H. M. WHITXEY r. An.!r-w- .' Annuity .payable Ix'cer ' B- h , nks K .a and n. v r t.i s. Envel and wrapping Km. U t Wm. a !(. a aad -- w '- - - t!.o--- r ih".t ' 2.0X Actit t I c. :,.;ra m the town i.i las- n. an.l a- ! - ' pap r. S . I ...... -...------. tio.s - -. K .a -1 I.i .i "'!." . , , Be.1 and white biottmir m. T l.r i . .., I ... . n of tl:- Hides, Pc..-t- w . t:i- ir w .. (.'oat Li'eti tie I'.l-- m :! rr.-- r .tr .. i.n-- Wool. Skins "HOSPITAL ! ALSO I ....I.f.ir li' . AGENT F"R C ..! rib- NtlTICE Tl R. J NloN. tt-- ir- - lv. . . . P-- . ot. . wsr . , I not sues, 4 ell colore - . .. Is-c,- sr - - e n Pa.nt. d en, r r ,i..., Ex- r r-i enreloix-c- .cvernment, B.'i. .it.tan'tir.z. Co.. fz--- r A t.t f r N m ,nce Co. -. . IIIM'EXSA RV ATTACHED TO THE Pju.'J Xrrr, th' x.'ir pi-i- i. .: ''G- riMIF. -- K U, ontaan.m.. 1.'7 S I- -t . ( , Tallow, Comioition. Hospital or. Km? ill be o.-- every day Int. uu F.e a. -. -- O- i- n's U, -. rrtl 1. r. . r . irl. ii.sdM-iii.-- ran be had ir.au I M-- as a firur, .w . B. 3.iii P-- , " " -- A F. N 1. f r of b a supph.sl. at Fr. .a. .r -- sT A. T P II O RsT fr orders K . 1 --- 3 IIIIFFS( HLAEIiEK . U M . W II IT e;e l il:i.l. i."- -.iz'"" oi E. - at. - !. Old CopjM r. Apply t.- - rJOT -- m) i - - -, kni. I.tlia.a..-.n- th.s mrket. Alirnl. lor Ihe S,-- .- -. ! .11 . - ar Est Kec' pts "n aeet W.-T- .... 1" ii' ai. si- - 1 A T F - OF UNl'lT.- - I i .. - sEI) ATTIIEIHbl II STR - ! ro'l . s. j . K d F tn.1 " R'lr.PEM'X IVR1S u.. iii.f s. ;t.. in BIRCH j.-- f I'll SALE of 4.0 AIIIIVI PRI - CA- - I.rv-r- t " A AR1ITV . t.x-x- s si 1 Ji. II. M Tt 4L " vnin::i. "I MI GENTLE vi" H . su.-- s use. Fo .roof AltrnT. . i " i ' - ! l;I AG K K, ie for alady r 1 t.bl. t lot i Min.r ' r. i ' VINEGAR il SlUt-.t- r--t A "s r- . 1 174-t- f IHEIt J I .d- -. . 1 .r, U r.o fcjn Co f - . r t k. stokv I'vrnts. r- . - ' AVIS AI l" r't 4 Zl A . . PFIIl.lt'. II F.R VINF.fiAR.IlR i,;:.!,An,,jr . j- - l.v UK " ' .'ii'-s:- . r.'-,- ny-iri- li..i:i!H' nts ur l'l N l ii.M.wiiiTstt. x Av I " itA NKV HlllrTi.Em.EK THE er ' C'. A. II. F. K. - K-- --. I K. . v 1 lVin-i- -l - nKltl o ri,IF .'..i-- --- l, :n.- le ..r HMI.. 1 . .a H.oi2 A tr, irir '. t our. .:. th' - i.re.irs Ac. Ain I Apr I. S F- iMMIS-- I' N MKi: !f NTS, IlAN'.IN'iS, EolMlEK, .'x AM' c.-n- ! i ,., ..... Bc PAPEK rt .fu-- n' r- -v : nr t i :. ti rtl t f I ipl ion Mii.lr sail r, .llv- Prceiat..r i; ? . I -- j j xr ' Vt II . I'lirnilurr - - .elt-.i- I I I . . M V. i'- -. .J.buar ' w'l'i i u ssiiRTED PAPER, t II..N..I oHt iM.M in.-- . - fr.tti ,is.f. t.t . v " Hrro." ..r.b ' 1 1 N E Y . i iP ROLLS t - i:. i.. Rt il. I r.f. lj.il - - - i niir.- - ir. I'll It pn ml. t riM I )1 M p., r l - r b r 1 I s. . I Is K -- e : Jul .. Kl. ro uli.-r, - Apr 1t .- . .. v Fr- ' I f-- I y i.-- ,.. p:. I !- . r?s e r . n 1 . .... t. tins ssarkei U. H.w w r..:'irfc-- ' I.'"" p...... iui.ii MOK FU IIU "N. .' ... - - r.pr...'r jal 4: ..:;( . - 1 lilt .t 114 E. K N- s I ii- ! l . l.r.-- l,l b. . II .! i . I - . - - ! :' r I ,.-- c iri.--- .,iii h nt !:"i it J P . .1.1 - Iii-- a ii ir C KDI.N vl. F.lis r.'..l. I . r I ! .- - - l rmi r ilBll , s . ' at . 9 AI II e. i'- t.st.i-.-- -- in "I t - f .r- - .t vr:?..r J -- H A I.V .or i. il i" i- h- M K.i .1, j 1 ' KKD". ONsT M I l- N- - - - -r t on ii IKBEX - c II v a. i 1 'ii- V ..n r '' b .. Ac: r... i i. e ii .ir i t.w ' IMtK-- . ! I . . t f. t. II. , , -- April T 1 S .:. it . . - . at !lrrl A !d ai r rel ui.psl 1.- 1 .1 ,...,-- .11 ' Cll v, ; . - i, I i' -4 - ! I - r. -- I, A . :. .!.- I.- - I lr- - i! I.t .1 IS I'M i" T , . M",..r l" '. II IILsl-.- l K A sf l l.MI 'l.-- i .x 1 .i tf FP Hr. T....I rAted Ai-t- .l ' 1" t44

sT-.-.-a s. . SF--i - sw,-n.-e- -t T; 7k" - A - J.- - , A- o.. l.s s k & . .r?iljS..,s. Dowsett . . ,.V,fe nf the old volcano on The Late Caitaix Ths death of if touched an there. This I believe has been reported before, some no organization prior a Joint Committee from both Houses, consisting From Fax sing's Island. Wc have received Dowsett an old and esteemed English resident coiviniEiiciAL. time since. government had systematic We remained off the island 36 hoars, and then of five from Committee, Mr. interesting report from Capt. Keyte, which will be be found noticed in another column. A e'm, 1 started for Fanning1! Island March, arriving there after a to the year 1S40. In fact, there was then no each. Of that THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1800. 2th found under the marine news. It appears from this, doubt and melancholly ill hangs over rough and stormy passage of It days. real government the King was sovereign, but Gregg was a member ; and it was before the tie deatB f On the 18th April sailed again from U the schooner Wamp, which figured iu the Capt. Dowsett He must doubtless be Uk Passing's Reirsou's Joint Committee the changes in question that hills. sjoken of Tib arrival of several vessels daring past werk has Riven his chief's were nearly equal to him, and between that . m . . 1 1 A 1 up the Island with native passenger. Had a fair run down in seven papers some was eise mau a an.i was sending his "aloha" more dead, although there ha been no a little sonre animal Um to business. On Sunday, the brig Cam- - tlieui was There were proposed and entered. The section amend. months since, nine was announced, and seldom was a certain fcnnouDc days. Lay off and on Humphrey's and Reirsna's Islands fair a the whole authority divided. Is- arrived Arm Pnget Sound withanassortroeotof loinber and piratical craft. The captain landed at Christmas beautifully JecorateJtable spread ment of his death. e sailed from this port on ft week. As the position of these elands are laid were no public works, or public houses, or public ing the transit duties was there ditcus8ed and bcnSa or more a trv psrs, awl oa Monday, the Kotkletn came in from Victoria, down rather land, and destroyed a structure erected there ly the were introduced. The ding voyage, Junel, 1834, commanliog doubtfully on the chart, I give the following, the of fre. wholly lh. before theschoooer adding to the already targe supply of lumber in the market result servants, properly speaking. It was in May, passed, with the approval, if not at away !5;klti3.nd;delic-5ie- . and fruits placed vessel queot observations : Humphrey's United States Guano Co., and took the lumber Victoria. While the laid at the Piscado,. The eumpetitioa now existing in the Ion her trade kaa bad aten-- Island, lat. lOdeg. 22niln. S.. 1842, we remember rightly, that Dr. (J. P suggestion, of the present Minister of Finance. drew out the warmest compliments. long. 161 Keirson's Island, lat. 10 dog. 2 in in. S-- , long. if and sold it. Soon after, the mate left the vessel, Capt. D. and four of his men were captured uT)" deury to pot money into chxobuioa ; at leaat it baa been ob-- 'Iff. handwriting Thatcher were fully appreciated was amply shown 161 deg. 6 min. W. JuM, at the request of the Chiefs, entered their It stands on the records in tbe of Wamp banquet-Sllffrf- r. Seven went on shore, and only arrved that more business is being-- door, particularly in the fearful of being apprehended for piracy. The were left It was no natives. two retni! Started again for Panning Island on April na-- Judge Robertson, as we believe he undertook to S that ed to the schooner. In 1835, the brig building line, throughout the group, tban but year at this time. the 30th with service for the pur of organizing a govern then managed to kidnap a cargo cf natives from one replete with d 11'atel tive passengers, but before leaving Reirson's, but getj owued by the Hawaiian Government, and ejl How mock thia is owing to the low price of lumber inducing the beard the schooner ment. At there were no duties or im write out many of the amendments suggested by Kauai. merry laugh I, the fitted P-i- r thitiuie Humphrey's Island, which were landed at good cheer, and the & West, Cant. Porter, had whaler, by Ladd Co.. was sent S natives to purchase freely, we cannot cay. Judging been there, and sailed two day occasion The company was as a out, parti, Bat from neiore our arrival, bound northward, toward the line. Pbe bad ports, and all taxes to the chiefs were paid in various rnembors. We therefore distinctly charge The natives of that island had been mourning the cheerful hilarity of the of Capt. Dowsett. This brig, 1 search strange to the quantities being shipped to the other bland by schooners, r .:.i.io -r-- -- countries. Inere sav been off and on the island Sir a couple of darn. On the 6th entered the burden of the odious change proposed and loss and anxiously gamereu wui - was taken and burnt by the natives aod the Bomber af aew being erected about Ilonoinfn, May. at uooo. had Jarris Island hearinc N. N. W. 1 W. kind. At the time the Doctor of their relatives and friends, the of Strond how 10 miles. As had Island, and jAI hands on board were murdered, we should say it has a great influence. Jt is well knows that I a 8. 8. E. wind, I pase to the eastward of Kauikeouli's Fervice, the government, if such it made in the Code, wholly on the Minister of asked if there was no way by which they could be home of the brave. All its ar . jo ine morning Before sighting saw land of the tree and the we aware, no information, the satires, or thrifty among them, money. it, a bark (a whaler) regard to the i i .11 nmtAi as a nsnu as are to be relief on tie stars hoard their anon l eignt niKi 10 leewant. steennr sooth, under all saiL mar be called, owed over one hundred thousand Finance, and on those " at present in authority," returned to them. Our surmises in sections were represenieu, iw been received respecting and such opportuaiUes ss are now afforded them op Arrived safe at Fsnnlng's Island on this our nattons natal has ever the ultimata fate or of potting the 9th May, being a fair dollars. for had he and they been so disposed, they could conductof Capt Sinclair, of the Wamp, expressed of brothers and sisters, to keep Capt, D. and his men. Friend. dwaUings cheaply, they are apt to improve, this light, passage. iiai ute unest or weather all the way, and this trip from old coun- la the no were brought here, it now day. But the representotives "the present enmpetitioa can soly be viewed iouimi current whatever Between the parallels r 3 . and About January, 1843, (we have not the exact have defeated the measure at that time. at the time these natives German, the Swede, the as public benefit. 1 3 where I found it strong the preceding trip setting to the tries" were there too the out, were well grounded, and the poor crea island-bor- this The depaxtsrs of the PrUmtr has been delayed owing to the wesiwani. ira arriving at ranning's Island, found the Amer date,) a duty of three per cent, on all foreign But what has called forth this attempt of the turns Irishman, and those n who called Hriu bsrliscnunls. ou-am-ial not of las Tank; bat it is probable she win get off lean sloop 8ea Horse. Owen, from Honolulu, also the Uuahioe importations was imposed. This, of course, was Minister to escape from the odium of this enact tures were stolen or abducted from the island. home all mingled harmoniously; for was the scnoooer rrom 1 about Estarday. will nornet, bmwh, Talutl. The latter sailed Ban beacon-lig- 17 6 80s take a large Bat of passengers, though tr ht of liberty lighted July 4th. Francisco in Jane. These are the only vessels that have called imperfectly collected, but etill it was the germ of ment, and to impugn the memory of that worthy for Hawaii on all, of aot a fall freight. were since last report. A Hard Case. Marshal Parke left light to all the earth ? Well it is, then, that EXPRESS WAGONS ! The steamer does not y commence her trip, the delay being Left the Island, boond for Honolulu. 1st July. Had light a revenue for the government. It continued till friend of the Hawaiian race, Chief Justice Lee? Saturday, to arrest, it is said, Mr. J. n. Morrison whatever name or kindred, should join in offering up TWO LIGHT EX caused by the on variable airs for the first three days. Passed 30 miles to lee : . r,f libertv may reign. X WAGONS, receive.! per PRE.. cArt tbs part of her owners to effect some March, 1843, when the British CominL&ion, then The Minister had nowhere been charged as the re 1U(.C1I- - IV V ISX va Kstnr.v that . a "Samse! ward of Iriana BhoaL Prom the parallel of 8 0 have had very against whom a suit has long been pending, and vs ert-"ti- , auu changes In her charter or prrrOegas. We hope these may be be vanquished, and tbe enslaved for sale by strong trade brwxea from E. N. K. and heavy cross sea; raised to four per cent., which sole cause of the change in the transit duties. been and the oppressor A. P. gTEKJCTT. so may get fciirty in authority, it cently decided, by which not only has he strip made soon, that she at work before the busy schooner must of the time onder single reefed sails. Off Hawaii Even go free. season sets in, daring which she would doubtless be fuand to had light and baffling winds, though 100 K lies distant. Sighted continued till July 31, 1843, when the Hawaiian had Mr. Lee proposed any such measure, ped of his property, but it is said he is now to be amusing of our table festivities was a ON on xoesuay Not the least EXCHANGE BOSTON, TJ. g. pay well. aianae morning, nearlng north 30 mites. nag was restored, and the duty returned to the Mr. Gregg well knew that as a member of the imprisoned because unable to satisfy the juJgment of singularly constructed piece of pottery, that had DRAWN IN SlM 8coa Tbu only export ws notice is about 11,000 lbs. by the former rate of three per cent., and continued the Joint Committee, created and maintained at the court. So far as the circumstances have trans- come many a mile" from far away, and was quite suit, for sale by t Orttin to Victoria. Prices remain without chacre. gales of VESSELS IX PORT JCLY 12. a curiosity. Not as old as the relics of Pompeii and 216-l-q J. C. SPALDntO. same till July, 1845, when was raised under great expense to the country, solely to revise the pired, it seems a hard case, and we trust that the of 6.000 Ins. dark at 6c it Punch-Bow- l, it still had its story to tell of days skmp-of-w- Mr. M. has heretofore Prix Several sales at auction hare been made recently to V. 8. ar Levant, 17 ant. the provisions of the Statute Laws to five per Code, he could have had the articles left out, facts will be made public. departed greatness. This ancient relic, under the Hawaiian Soap Works. Am bark Prances Palmer, Paty. dose sp the later U on of the firm of A. Harris Co. who done. enjoyed a high reputation for iutegrity and all the ever-rea- dy hands of the young master of Bose Ranch, Am ship Samuel Robertson, Taber. cent. In the spring of 1840, the rrench .treaty instead of being put in, as was really has withdrawa, but the prices, low, index for a spiritual manifesta- vtry are no of the Am bark Zoe, Bush. was negotiated, and from that date the duties on Having thus represented the facts in this case, qualities of a good citizen, and if judgment has been was placed upon the table Tolas of the article in the market. British bark Kathl-e- n, Flint. tion, and acquitted itself most wonderfully. Suffice rendered against him by open perjury, and if he is Honolulu. Any and aU orders sent to him will bs Eausos Ws notice large Importations of this article from Am brig Consort. spirituous liquors were raised from five per cent we feel bound, in justice to the late Mr. Lee, to to say, there were no sad or glowing communica- SUeadesiB Haw scnoooer Marl Ida, really innocent, his case deserves pullic sympathy it with dispatch and much pleasure. Paget Bound by recent arrivals, bat hear ol no sales ss yeC Kerte. to per gallon. The revenue law of 1845, im call upon the Minister now to state publicly his tions to interrupt the flow of humor that prevailed ; WM. H. TICDDT, Preprteo, Am steamer Kilaoea, Bush. $5 us Wo understood ; no soup-erluo- Soap grease always wanted. Mian sales, fair supply in the market, bat mostly of posing five per cent, on merchandise, continued authority for assorting that " the Chief Justice no " knockings" but what all P. 8. 2fr6a poorer qnslities From Victoria. We are indebted to Messrs. rappings," but of such a nature that the " Civil Code, 18G0, and his associates, and not any one at present in " Lcmbs The importations daring the week amount to over Vranrls Expected Owns Foreign Ports. till superseded by the June 20, Janion, Green & Co. for Victoria papers to June 16, most timid among us could interpret. Strange to NOTICE. 300,000 feet, and the total stock of Korthwest now here is esti a term of over fifteen years. authority," is responsible for the law, or to brig say, these manifestations did not leave till that witch- IE I'XDERSIGNED IIAVIXG BEEV received per Kathleen. We notice that the miappointed by the Hon. F. W. Hutchinson. 8oc!id mated at about 2,000,000. A sale of the cargo of the Kathleen Am bark Yankee, Lovett, would leave San FrancUco stand before convicted wanton ing hour midnight when spirits most do walk Cim.. about Whatever may be the difference of opinion the public of a Mary Ellen (formerly the Kauai) arrived over on Judfre for tbe 2d Judicial District, administrator on the estate has been effected on private harms. Boards and Joist are retailing Jane 30 dae here Jaly 12. abroad. After dinner, we were entertained and L. deceased, of PapaUsa. A clipper ship, slander. If he has any authority for his assertion She of the tale Henry Brooks, bum Is chartered to load at Baker's Inland, is expected respecting the policy instituted by Dr. Judd, the 14th of June, 18 days from Honolulu. had horse-race- s, ridden by the men and by an persons wuo way to at Zr per foot, at all the yards. to leave Francisco for amused bv hereby frtreo tnai w mueotea said cs. ban this port about the ISth or 20th be foot-rac- to ersons Oil The MariiiWi cargo amounts to 8,500 gallons of cocoa there can be but one opinion among all impartial let it produced. To charge the origin of an sailed again for Portland, Oregon. About $250,000 women, and es ran by the boys and the tate, to make payment tne, and all having cUiu wune. the against the said estate, to present them for settlement. which changed hands on Haw bark R-- W. Wood, Cberken. (new) sailed from Bremen odious measure on Wells which sports passed off without serious net. wl, has private terms, sad will be men, respecting his financial sagacity, and the a living person, when there worth of gold dust had been shipped away by girls all of 216-3- 1 GKORGK BROOKS. sported. April 0, with cargo to H. Uackfckl k Co. due Aug. 10th accident to mar the pleasure. A display of most to 20-.- attending his administration. He was is no ground for the charge, is bad enough ; Fargo & Co.'s Express, during the ten weeks ending Vbjbmsx prosperity fire-wor- ks Roman cand.es, wheels, tu or Ws hear that the bark Kmthletn has H. B. M.'s ship Calypso, Montresor, sailed from Panama brilliant rockets, ! via but to seek to affix to memory May 81. one of the papers tbe rates cf labor are fire-crack- bees sold 00 privats terms, bat aedcrstood to be nearly xaniti. in office eleven years, and left the public treasury a stigma the of In serpents, torbelions, Chinese ers and tor- 30"CtlOO $0,000 and will bs despatched soon to Sydney or Xew 7trn4. with a surplus of about $70,000, although he departed worth, in order that pocr selfish living given, liakers command $49 to 6U per month; pedoes that would have done honor to any city, ja uuuun .1 uuul Tuurtr l i ii J. WBaiswosj is the purchaser. humanity may be relieved of the odium, or be blacksmiths, $4 per day; carpenters, $3 CO to $4; closed the more public sports of the day, and truly uiijiuriuuny IMPORTS. had found the government about $100,000 in few whom probably FOB INVESTMENT IN A Xxcaasoa We hear cf transactiocs daring the past week In profited a little thereby, is an act which no com ship carpenters and caulkers, 85; painters, S4; day astonished the natives" of V. 8. wavy bills at short sight, to the amount of $10,000 at 1 per debt, as we have before stated. Notwithstanding ever saw such brilliant exhibitions of pyrotechnics. Fbom Victoria laborers, $2 S2 50; masons, S4 ; shoemakers, $50 Ijuorfitivo 33xxsini3ss. cent, premium. Blxty day bins on New Tort with an endorser rsa KUthlsks, Jclt 10 : he left the treasury $170,000 better off than munity can slightly overlook. We can overlook a These ever, fire as they were, and which illuminated Hud sou Bay Company 600 barrels fish. that per month, and board; waiters, $30 per month. SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE at 1 4 per cent, discount. The bank is drawing sums to suit at an the refined language and choice epithets applied most beautifully the grounds, and the happy group THE business at Uilo, Ilawaii, with or without min. J ion, Green at Co. 41 brls fish, 6 cases prints, 4 spars. when he found it, he succeeded in carrying out paled or with any part thereof that might be required. 2 to S per cent, premium. Bius 00 Baa Francisco are command- 118,000 feet lumber, 400 picket. to us irathered on the veranda, before the light of the tate, Aside by the Minister in the second paragraph of Tiik K i a. We are asked every day when from the whaiing business, the subscriber enjoys a large and ing par to per cent, premium. It is reported that an author J. C. Spalding 6 cases blankets, SO cs wine. a large number ot public improvements, at a lace full moon rising in her glory and shedding a flood of i O. Rhodes 61 cases wines and his so-call-ed speech as reported for his organ, prontaDie naure nwin. spirits. making them were few the steamer will commence running. The Company over a scene might nave answered weu lor comparatively smail, ail of whicH is de- ised agent of tbs United Elates may be expected here shortly, To Order 23 brls fish. time when facilities for light that The stuck oahcJria we Mid-summ- er sirable, and iaSfTXd order. Uilo has a producing in order to effect an arrangement with parties willing to contract and difficult ; among them, the old custom-hous- e, and ask a generous public to do the same, for who own her are only waiting a response to an ap- the locale of The Night's Dream." century From Post Madisos per Consort, Jaly 935,039 feet Soon the music the piano called the dancers to around it, ami in thia particular, has the advantage erer otlw to advance funds to vessels of war of that naUoo at a stated rate 60,357 feet boards. flooring. M e, we have never attempted to use such mode of 35.000 ft Inl M shlncles. 20 and the wharves near it, the market-hous- the language plication to the Legislature, amending their lancer and ports of entry in this kingdom. Apply to SI exenangs lor a gjveu time, we bear that such an arrange. I . smau spars, z long spars, a nan nri nsh, their places, and with quadriile, polka, 316-t-f B. PITMAN, II Up. court-hous- e, concerning him ; but when the sanctity of the charter, which we hope that body will grant without saent has been enterad Into at Panama, the V. 8. Government I from Fasxiae's Lslasd per Uarilda, July 11 8,500 galls Polynesian office, the the improve- schottische, the hours passed very quickly away. oncoanut oil. is delay, so as to enable tbe vessel to commence disposing of her bills at 1) per cent, premium, ment of Queen street, the Nutianu road and tomb ruthlessly invaded, to blacken the her Patriotism manifested itself in national songs. And day drew near, when ADMINISTRATORS' SALE! bridges, the road over the Pali, and several roads memory of the dead, we feel bound to speak in trips early next week. thus the hours of the after" . all ieinine in a bumper, standing, we drank To the FOREIGN MABKETS. EXPORTS. .a . a mm a j we defense of the truth, refute the slander, and ex ! on ttie otner lsianus. liesiaes tnese, n Ex Mart. Those who are in want of first rate memory of The creat and Rood" ' The Father of Valuable Real Estate at Lahaina TsETOBta, T. L, Jane 10. remember the water-pipe- s were purchased pose tho conduct of the Minister. his country," whose pleasant countenance looked For Tictoria per Grecian, July 711,475 lbs susar, 796 rightly, Irish potatoes, should inquire for those raised by A FROMII0X We have advices of the market up to the above date. galls molasses. In transitu 2,81.1 pkgs down upon us from the walls, and who looked not on VIRTUE OF LICENSE undries, 35 tons coal, under his administration, and in 1844 the Allen & who how to H. Allen, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, sill Sals or We understand that 00 the 12th. 16 head 44 pieces ironwork. Berrill, appear to know raise an a pleasanter, happier company that day, than those beBlsold co Cattl. For per Josephine. 5 NOTES OF THE WEEK. Wrdsrwlar, tbe 5lh day of Septra ker of cattle, per scAooner Urowirr, sold for $30 per bead; 6 cows ' Basis' Isusst Jnlv atom and snn. schooner Katnehameha HI. was bought for article superior to the best imported. At all events, who passed 4th of July, 1SG9, at Rose Ranch. at 11 o'clock, A. M., on the premises in Lahaina, Maiil, plies. Foreigo, glul j domestic, their next, woU for S.000; and males for 00 each. $704 47. K 1 1 1 Vi - Si isui. CfT ruin i 1 a ,r n ac&a1 ttto a n fttri- n vtl a the specimens sent us are not to be beat, Aloha. the following valuable property belonging to the estate ef tat Sees 14 bbto. 8. L, So. t, sold at 8J. China, No. 1, 9c Corser Stone Latiso. The laying of the corner late John Richardson, deceased : Corns Coats Rica and Rio, 21c. Java, 25c taken away by the French. stone of the New Hospital, at the foot of Punchbowl 1. House lot in Lapakea, on the ma'kal fide of the mala PASSENGERS. Thb Mail. If every one has looked for ,'ihe Yan- - The friends of Mr. Frank B. Sanborn of Concord, Street, adjoining the residence of Peter II. Treadway. Flocb Balrs California brands at (6 0 $0 75. We have thus alluded to Dr. Judd's successful Ilill, announced in the last Polynesian to take place 2. House lot at Puako, adjoining the residence of Jeus kee't eagerness we whom the United States officers tried to arrest, are Rics China, No. 1, 6c administration to contrast with the present on Saturday next, will be postponed till next week, arrival with the that have, the Crowninburg. it about to present to his sister as a token of repect for S. House lot in Pakala, with stone house tbereon. For Tictoria per Constitution, Jane CO C 8 Ilorton, II N His yester- mail will be welcomed when it does arrive. She bravery one style of Colt's revolvers. Green we II. order of things. Since ho was turned out of owing to the illness of Majesty, who was her of the latest 4. Tbe land of Puaa. near the Protestant Church. Ilwawlalw., r-- probably waited till the 1st of July; and ought to be will bear engraved old The widow's dower in tbe above lands will be released to ths Mmb'i Phaca) at la Jaly. Vmm P l .f,i.2i r.. A Til o T. - T l. I office, seven have elapsed, and though pub- day attacked with the same fever from which Priuce It an representation of the years to-d-ay purchasers. KDWAKD P. BOND, I Fmm TlfVlfA'a f Jt -- n. . 11 - in or with two mails, those of Pine Tree flag, and the inscription Sic itur ad h. h. m. i.n' .1.l.lf4. uij 11 Jlf Ul Lot is suffering. Due notice will be given of the day THOMAS W. EVEKKTT, Greig, Capt Zenas Bent and wire, and 1 native. lic improvements have been vigorouFly prosecuted, Pull Moon.... 3 36i New Uoon... .18 3 48 SI. May 20 and June 5. astra." 2Io-t- d AdminietnUun. Last Quarter.. 10 1 27 . First Quarter.. 24 7 8 A. COASTWISB-- the number of salaried officers and general expen on which the ceremony will take place. Tbe follow- Por KsrAi per Odd Fellow. July 5 Rev K Corwin. wife ing notice has been issued by the Board of Trustees : child, ses of the government have been allowed to in- The Comet, owing to the cloudy state of tho atmos ADMINISTRATORS' SALE and Mrs Lowell Smith, daughter slid son. Judge J Hardy. AcrfcnMy to the vote of the Boanl of Trustees of the Queen's Bcfo 3Mfrtisemtnts. DATES, From Maci per Henry, July 0 P W Hutchinson, Prof we find the phere in the west during the past few evenings, has LATEST reeelrl at this OBct. W D lr crease in a far greater ratio, till now Ilcwiiital, the Executive Committee hare completed the arrantre- - Of Valuable Real Estate at Waikapn, Alexander. ments for the ceremony of laying the comer stone of Prom per LIholiho, 7 C worse off was the edifice not been visible, but when lost seen was receding from Hilo Joly J King. government about $200,000 than it to be devoted, when completed, to this noble public charity. & Maui. Baa ...... Jure 6 London, (papers)..... April 22 For HiLo per Nettie Merrill, July 7 Mr Sirs G south-easter- Wailuku Kamaole, Is. of Franrlaro.. and II The procession will form st the Stone Church, st Kawaiahan, the sun and earth, in an upward and ly CHEAP FOR CASH ! N. O. .- -. Way 15 telegraphic.. April 26 Davis, Mr C Capt when the Doctor retired, in 1853. Panama, " Parnnm, Wm Parke, J Worth. Jaa Whitney. at 11 A. M , ami proceed thence to the ground where the cere- stew Tors, (papers) . ..May Part...... April 10 government originated, mony to place. course. telegraphic. May 13 Hongkong ..March 30 The present debt of the is take WILL. SEIX NORTH 1VEST BOARDS ADMINISTRATORS OF THE For the take of convenience, the Committee hare prepared a Fire. A fire occurred on Thursday last, near the and SCANTLING for TIIEof the late John Richardson will sell at auction, under Tahiti, Feb. 4 pSydney, N. 8. W Feb. 29 MARRIED, we believe, in August, 1857, when the first Ex Su- projrramme of the procesnion and exercises, and hereby invite Hospital I license from the Hon. Klisha II. Allen, Chief Justice of th were issued. On the 1st of April, the wholr public, whose interest has been so tnnirihly expres- new site, in. which a small native hut was 2 preme Court, on Thursday, the 6th day of September next, chequer Bills generous per I at 11 o'clock. A. M., at Waikapa, Salaw Btano Korts At Waimea, Kaoai, June 30, by Rev O B sed by their benefactions, to unite with the Board in desti oyed loss trifling. Cents Foot Mails. Bowell, Mr. MoriU Hwring to Miss Herjette Kohts. 18C0, it stood at $128,777, showing an increase uie interesting ceremony. In small or large quantities, at the 1. The homestead estate of the deceased. The lot contain about 24 acres of good land, with a substantial stone dwelling Poa Sas Fbabcisco per Frances Palmer, July 14. since August, 1857, at the rato of nearly $50,000 house and a large new adobie hnnse thereon. The stone hoow For per Kathleen, sooo. PROGRAMME. Correspondence of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser. UEW LITlVTBEn YARD, Siosrr per annum. Supposing the increase continues at Opposite the Residence of C. R. Bishop, Esq., King street. contains parlor, dining room, four sleeping rooms and kitchen, Fob LabaiXs per Kamm, THE PACIFIC and was built in 1855 at the expense of $3,000. The home y. W. C. Parks, Esq., Marshal. Fob Kasai per Mary Klia, the same rate ($50,000 a year) for the next ten Office JZQ commands a fine view of Mount Ualeaknla, and of Kahululaail Foa Kosa, Hawaii per Bmma Rooke. Saturday. Procession to form at the Stone Church, at 11 A. M. Fourth of July in tbe Country. O on Fort street. the 216m C. II. LJ5WERS. Malaea Bays. Commercial Advertiser. years, that it has for past three years, (and Military. 2. A valuable lot makai of the above, of about an acre and a we judge from the report of the Minister of Mechanics' lteneflt Union. The morning of the fourth of July, 18C0, dawned half, containing a large kalo patch. 2XOX70X.TJX.TJ. H. Z. O.M Fellows. ! 3. Eight lots of kalo land. PORT Or on few pleasanter spots than Rose Ranch," 10-10- THURSDAY, JULY 12. Finance that it is intended to continue borrowing M axons. the NOTICE 4. One piece of pasture land, containing 16 0 seres. M W 44 4 money,) then it is fair to presume that our public Trustees. hospitable mansion and plantation of Capt. James 2tt2T The Appropriation Bill was reported to the Majectks Thb Ki.no Ql-re- Competition the Life an undivided f rth)23serei. ARRIVALS. Tbeis aid Makee, on East Maui. There were few merrier-hearte- of Trade! 44 u " wswawawa. (in a carriage). d a containing 1.317 acres, subject House of Representatives on Saturday last, by debt will stand on the first of January, 1870, not mortgage Jury M Mary. BerrlH, fm Kswaihae, wkh cattle and sheep The Chancellor ol the Kingdom. companies gathered to do honor to The NORTH WEST LUMBER to a to the Board of Education for $1,817 50. tbe Finance Committee, on Monday it was taken let than Justices of the Supreme Court, Ministers, and other Iligh Off- S ch Karawa, Aatooio, from Uilo. Day we celebrate" than were there assembled around FOR SALE AT C Sch Ktcet, hn ports oa Kaoai, with cargo firewood. icers of Slate. up, and the House are now fairly at work voting 802K.000! Foreign Diplomatic Representatives, Commanders festive on Immediately the above, 8 8ch l.enry, sXeviere, fm liana and Lahaina. is idle will result and of tbe boards that morning. The reputation 5 I after 7 Oeh UhsiUM, eardner, fm Hifo, with 675 bales puto, the supplies. As might be This no theory, but absolutely National Vessels. Cents per Foot At Wailuku, SIX PIECES OF KALO AND UPLAND, naturally expected, of the floral beauty of Rose Ranch is not excelled by CONSISTING OP of 102 kegs sngar, and 64 arts mnlssses. from the present policy pursued by the govern Nobles. containing about 18 acres. Also at Wailoku, aftor tbe sale when loaves and fishes" are being KeprtKeiitntives. ed following Kamaole, 8 Am brls; Consort, M'Lruao, IS days fm Port Madison, the " cut and that of its open-hand- hospitality. Beneath its lands in that place, the property at Kuiai expenses Foreign Consuls smi Officers of National Vessels. ! One tract of containing with lumber to C. A. A II. F. Poor. quartered for distribution, no small interest is ment. How, with the other of the good INCH BOARDS Pastare Land 250 acres, 8 Heh Marts, Mowewa, fss Lahaina and ports on Maui. Government Officers. roof, cheer, cordial greeting, and liberal bounty 2x3 tbe larger part being enclosed by a stone wall. Eight and oa covernment, is the interest on half million n.--t 8 ten Fian Rooke, Chad wick, fm Kona via lahslna. manifested in watching the size of the loaf or fish a of Subscribers included in the foregoing. are unstinted, and the frank cordiality extended to 2 fourth sections of the KAMAOLE POTATO LAND, containing Brit bk Kathleen. Flint, 17 days fm 'Victoria, with large national debt is a Citixens generally. 82J acres. apportioned to each expectant, and the various debt to he provided. A Military. all who pass its threshold makes all, even who 3x4 ( SCANTLING. The widow will join conveyance, her dower lamber to Jsoion, Orecti A Co. those ) in the and release 10 8ch gsssnl. Wilbur, fm l,r h-- tn item, as they come up, give rise to warm and certain forerunner of national poverty, bank came as strangers, soon feel at home. The unrivaled 2xG in all of the above property. EDWARD P. BOND, 11 8ca MarUiia, Kerte. 10 day trm Fsnnlngs Island. ORDER OF EXERCISES. For sate by THOMAS W. EVERETT, 11 8eh Xoikrika, Wrtbrrbee. ha Kabami. often exciting discussions, on the part of foreign ruptcy and ruin, unless in the case of powerful Prsvcr in Hawaiian, by Rev. Mr. Armstrong. beauty f the garden deserves more than a mere men- 2165m GEORGE Q. HOWE. 213-t-d Admtnistrato. 11 ten Mary Kiss, from pons oa Kaoai. commercial or maritime nations. Let our na- Music in Native. tion ; would an can- members as well as native. On our 'Irst page Address in Hawaiian, by His Majesty the Kinjr. but it require artist's brush on we publish the Bill as reported from the Com tional debt only go on increasing, and the day Latino ths Corses Stunk bt ths King, with Masonic vas to appropriately portray it. Surely the PUBLIC NOTICE! WZXES, SPIRITS & MALT LIQUORS, DEPARTURES. ceremonies. desert has been UJIBERSIGXED, IIAVIXG TOR SALK BT THE mittee, and are somewhat surprised to find it will assuredly come when the rarcastic question Address in English, by His Majesty the King. made to bud and blossom like the THE considerable losses by having their sheep slaughtered 8 Brig Josephine. Stone, for Jarris and Baker's Islands. neighbor, Brother Jonathan, What will Music. rose." Those who remember the place before it came ami scaiterea iy iogs loiiowing natives and foreigners through Undersigned, (in Bond.) Pruow, aadasw, for ports oa changed so little for the better from the budget of our In English, by Rev. Mr. Damon. buu ujhiu uieir oxieep nereoy I Sth Odd i Kaaat. Prayer ciauuus, IIOXET-Tt- vf in possession of its present 0 A & CASES 6 l?eh) Rrfcanl W. Marchaat. nruaa a.00a via prepared by the Minister Finance. A decrease you take for your melon patch?" will have a proprietor, would scarcely Gr-7-- VERV SUPERIOR Wetherbee, for Kahnlol. of 3TotiC0 I s.ickle Hollands gin, 6 cases absyuth, 8c Moikrikt. Ten is recognize it now. It is aptly named Rose Ranch, That all DOGS found any of their Lands, known as the 10 quarter casks Harmony 8 Bcsj Masnokawal, Beekley. for Kohsmsnd Ilaaa. has been made, it is true, in the total amount marked significance. years but a short Rather Expensive Okgan Gbismnq." The nion sherry, (pale.) for they bloom on hundreds of bushes, and of every Ahupuaa e Waimea, Ouli, 2 Momoualoa, 2 Pauahi, Puukahu 6 qrs. and 8 eighth casks pure Hennessey's brandy (dark,) asked for, of about $30,000, but this has been time, and many who read these lines may live to Investigating Committee of the House of Representa ana Ata, will be immediately shot, or otherwise destroyed t 13 eighth casks J. & V. Martell's brandy, (dark,) 7 Nauav Merrill. Borrea, for HUo and Knhata variety, from the " tiny dwarf" Fairies and further, that poison is now, and will be at all times, kept 20 cases T I, for posts oa Kaoai. witnef the of these remarks. tives, have done at least one good service, in discover- that might Wolfs Schiedam schnapps, fcs Fire chiefly at the expense of a large curtailment in truth aooui uieir sneep lanus aoove mentioned, pens and paths, for 65 bns Bourbon and old Monongaheia whisky, 7 BrH bark Oreeiaa, Miller, tor Tictoria, T. L sport under, to the majestic and gaudy Luxem e Let our legislators then pause while they have ing the cost of editing a second-rat- e paper in Hono iue purjM-s- ui uenir-yin- aogs. 50 half barrels Monongaheia whisky, 10 8ca Maria, Molten, for Lahaina. the appropriation for harbor improvements, in over XT A Reward will be paid for the head r.f every doe so killed 17 Mary, far Kawsihao. bourg" that stands fifteen feet high the beauty cases W. Washington's pale London dock brandy, 11 Bea BarriU, in power to apply tbe cure and check the lulu. The Committee reports that the following opon any of their sheep lands, delivered at the Lihue Store. 1 1 eighth 1 brandy. which 45,000 are taken off. The "War Depart it their T WI 7 and qr. cask Piuet, Castillon ft Co.'s pale and pride of the garden ; from the modest, ever-t- o- . of cancer which is showing itself on sums were paid for editing the Polynesian during u: 10 cases alcohol, (10 gallons each,) ment fund has been very properly reduced to the growth that moss rose" to the bright crimson giant 210m LOCZADA, SPENCER & CO. 8 barrels pure Jamaica rum, MEMORANDA. the past two years : 8 sum expended for the last two years, $45,000. the political body. dahlias quarter and 7 eighth casks P. Rivlerre brandy. For Director, C. O. Hopkins, Esq., $4,000 00 of battles"; while of every variety of shade. Varnishes !. ! Liquors, paid.) asked Deputy, do. Abraham . 3,259 50 Varnishes Malt (in store, duty Report at schowMr MviUa, Caps. Keyte: Left HoooJula And the amount for a new palace, $20,000, rornander, Kq.,...... delicate fuschias, with our home pinks, and an almost QUALITT 200 dozen Jeffrey k. Co.'s pale Marine Reporter, George Williams, Ksu.,...... 1,193 75 BEST VARMSIIES. FROM J. pure India ale. for Faaniag Istoad the 20th February. Arrived thaw oa has been dropped out. endless variety of other flowers, gathered from of J. P. Whitney, Boston, U. 8. A. 800 " R. B. Bvaaa' a A Public Slander Refuted. Commercial Reporter, N. L. Ingols, Esq.,...... 004 62 the 1'urniture and carriage varnish of three different qualities 600 tt a STlh, making 7 days passage, during which experienced Reporter, &2 00 " J. W. Bridge's the On the Land law four quarters tbe globe, combine to and prices, in large and small quantities. Var-nis- h, other the Committee atk for Book-keepin- g, of make it one of Also, ParaOine 800 Bysss' and Bridge's London porter. brisk easterly and (air weather ; trade wind at lime report of the doings of the Nobles for Ac, S72 56 a new and superior article. hrsa.s water-work- s. In the on 1LWI sans, $25,000 for the new This appears the most beautiful spots the islands. The above are constantly on hand and for sale by 25 cases Jsqueson Strong 1 were two days onder double reefed with heavy June 2oth, published in the official organ of the Total, $9,527 43 if Fils champagne, to be an extravagant sum to be expended in lay- Not for its floral beauty only is this spot admired. C. A. & 11. Y. POOR, 250 boxes champagne cider, Government, the following remarks As part of the above items embrace only one year, 216-4- t Makee & Antlion's Building. 26 cases curt ant wine, (for communion purposes,) Oa the 171b March, started with 129 pssttngrrs far Bumpb-rry- " Hawaiian of but with an eye to a variety ot taste, we find here the ing down the pipes, which, with their freight the total expense for two years, would have been over Casrs Madeira, Amontillado sherry, ginger wine, were ax days former. Finance appear, which, as they apple-tre- e, aad Keirsoa' Isiaada, and to the expenses, the Minister of the fig, the grape, the strawberry-guav- a, Administrators' Sale ! Catawba wine and eld Eachem bitters. and other will cost laid down here, $10,000 more than double the receipts from the pa of Real Estate Cases Yrlarte sherry, port c., tt miles to the eastward ef Jams Island in the night are probably reported for publication by himself, the strawberry, the banana, and the papaia thus wine, tc. Crsawsd tbs eg lor fca W. Saw a vessel, sup about the same figures. Still, whatever may be per. 19 may be presumed not to be a "garbled report" : erily, that is paying dearly tor the whistle. with VIRTCE OF A LICENSE FROM AT LO WEST MARKET RATES ! joining the useful the ornamental. No one THE 21-l- posed to be a whaler, bat did aot obtain a report. The next required for this object should be voted, as it will No wonder we have to borrow $50,000 a year, and BY Elisha H. Allei, Chief Justioeof the .Supreme Court, q C. SPALDINO. The arrival of the Grecian yestrrdsy, ho said, just as the whose eyes feasted on will be sold at auction, on J. day ea making Humphrey A from the eastward, saw a whaling to have the scene will think it the premises, on Saturday, be so much added to the productive capital of new tariff was about to take effect, made it important settle have a debt of 128,000 to pay interest on. A the following real estate belonging to the bark about srvca Buses distant raaap our ensign, but bo do. once, policy of the government In regard to transhipment strange we linger in such lovely places, which the nnt II, estate the kingdom, and tbe Committee have had good at the of the Inte John Richardson, deceased. ties was takea. Oa arrivtog at llamphreys Island, found two and reexportation duties. The provisions of the law to go into AT 11 O'CLOCK KhIo I;md in Nuuanu Yallev. PAINTS AND OILS. was convinced, ought to be essentially modified. He or Peace," &c. Our citizens should hands of the proprietor and his lady, more than any rnmw whits ssea rasufiag with the satires, eas a Mr. Jowes, bus 2d opportunities to inquire into the probable coet. force, he " Is time belonsing to Kailiuli, bordering on the stream and containing 1 BOILED OIL., alluded to the subject in bis report to the Legislature, and to beautify u ENOI.ISII Wamp, Capt. Sinclair, who gave a rather had always be well prepared for fire, to which we are others, have served and adorn. sin acres. mat af th schooner The harbor improvements ought not to be cut was satisfied that the suggestions made by him were founded in 13 A Zinc paint. safe-gua- Ai O't LUCK house lot situated on Punch Bowl lengthy, bat not very luod accouat of various incidents sa a just record to the commercial interests of the kingdom. He daily expesed. The best rd is a supply of But, interesting as the garden is, the pride of the Tins of putty. short off, as they have been, and the work be street, near the corner of Ueritania street, with a new frame cot- - board of the Wamp. Tbs last (being the crowning one) was could see no difficulty in bringing tbe matter forward in the strong buckets, with water near by. A pailful proprietor is now very justly turning to his cane utjse mereon. Tins of verdigris. House of Nobles. It was not a revenue measure. It did not AT 12i O'CLOCK A store and lot on Tins of chrome green. that of hartag atailril ea Christmas Island, and takea down a allowed to stand still. The wharves which have on point. field, of which he may well feel satisfied, as Nuuanu street, being come within the restrictions of tbe Constitution that of water at the commencement of a fire will do more giving "- - -- Tins of lrussian blue, wooden euSBos soaring a written notice that said sraycrfy was been did not have any bearing: on subject. He viiii phtt:,, iiicasunug ices on nuuanu completed constitute the moft productive Tbe 79th Article the build- ample promise for a rich harvest. Noticing a certain sireei oy oo teei in depth, being the premisesii at present occ I'ltra marine blue. waned the United States Guano Company, aad proceeded therefore on account of tbe exigencies of the rase, and in accord- to extinguish it than twenty engines afler a pied by Seabury. Chrome yellow, br property (or rather are becoming so) the meeting emergencies public J. with the lumber to Ham parry's Island, where it was trsJed off that ance with the sound rule of in the ing becomes enveloped in flames. Those who are air of busy bustle and preparation among the ladies, Also, immediately after the sale of the lot on Venetian red in oil, . 1 . , , Nuuanu street. service as promptly as possible. brouRht f'irwsrd tbe bill in the . I Ik. 1... . , . I . ' French yellow In oil, for soenanato, firewood aad water. Thi and a few other trans- government possesses. If, however, it becomes on part of House. wise, will provide premises forthwith, and can a pinning up of skirts and a pinning up of aprons, i."vin wi cvereii, one ...... fourth of a boe of prompt action the tbe their lot of land at Oloewa, liana. Maui, adjoining the liana I'lanta Japnu, turpentine. appeared to regard with becoming present rule of Code, which, if not superseded, must well-mad- actions, which Mr. Jones a necessary to append these improvements, while The the find the best of buckets, cheap and e, at while a variety of fragrant smells give intimation of lion, aou extending from the sea to the mountain. This lot Varnish, black paint. degree of pious horror, and as Gltfe else than piracy, was the go into effect, came from the Commissioners entrusted with the acres, neui unuer or Lamp bbirk. For sale water-wor- ks good us for award the land commission q are being constructed, let be so his & coming things, let mount a ride over three-fourt- 219-l- it revision of the laws, from the former Chief Justice and asso Lewis Norton's, near the Bethel. The remaining will be t)it- - RAiriP II. W. SEVERANCE. eaase assigned for bis parting company with the Wamp at the preseot sold at tima understood, and let the esplanade be filled out to ciates, not from any one at in authority. The Minister the fields, and enjoy the splendid prospect from the The widow will join in conveyance of tlie aove prniiertr. to The schooner aacbured there for about four days, and responsible for it, unless upon the principle, iliiis?A a t v of Finance was not .PslstiA liar i. 1 , ITorse Oil. Report says that the Kauaians are hills. is now only about x.f t Aitii r. J . 1, OREGO.V SALMON, a's Island. Immediately oa her de a line from Mauna Kilika to the south side of acted nnon to a certain extent, by a part of the public press, that It eighteen months since u"u. THOMAS W. reference to his public acts, a subject of false EVERETT, IX BARRELS, DO. IX KITS parture bosm satires were missing from tbs island, and st was be is. without lair procuring an excellent oil from tne lat ot norses. the first fields were planted with cane by the present SALMON No. 1 mackerel, tongues the steamboat wharf, so that that wharf and the hood, malisnitr. and detraction, that lying, hatred, and un- - A. Administrators. and Lad been away by schooner. Some when n"ei out, will produce a barrel P. ETERETT, Auctioneer. 216-t- f For sale by (liie-lo.- ) II. W. SKVKKANCE. at once suspected they takea the adjoining land may become more serviceable than Charitableness find in him a proper mark, that personal male horses of proprietor ; the former owner had a sugar plantation Many of their relatives srere very earnest in their Inquiries to volence with the black heart, and the perverted understanding oil, but the average is about half a barrel. Horse had been Buffered to sadly is present. The Committee also pro- it alwavs bears, may endeavor to fasten upon him its envenom here, but it run out, and now Green Corn, &c. know if ws bad board anything of them, and lamented tha it at have to for burning ! ed fangs, poisoned by an antipathy derived from disreputable oil is reported to be equal sperm we see before us about a hundred and seventy-fiv- e FOR SALE was probability LOW A separation, requesting to know if there any of vided for the district judges, whose salaries were by suggestions of a mean, low, and detes- Yt upon TO CORX IX TI NS, II M LEX sources, aad fed the ill not some manufacturer inform the public acres, in all stages of growth, from the CLOSE VJifRERNBaker's oysters, English pie fruits. their ever returning to their homes. As may well be supposed. table envy. We whale oil, sperm delicate Sperm candles, omitted altogether from the budget as given to measure because it would tend to pro- this subject? have heard of Adnmantine cMDdles, their fasnogs towaais the Wamp are aot very tender, as she is He was In favor of this oil. rape seed oil, coal oil, and many other kinds, but sprout just shooting op through the brown earth, to r ine black and green teas, pickles and preserves. moaning. Tbu Wamp, will be remem- them, and have properly increased tbe sum for mote the interests of commerce, to make tbe Hawaiian Islands THE FOLLOWING the caass of tbctr it a depot for trade in the Pacific, and to open the resources of the horse oil is something new. Friend. the well filled out standing enne, nearly ripened for For sale by landed these at Koioa. schools ! 21 . n. W. SEVERANCE. bered, natives English and boarding to $10,000. country. He spoke at considerable length, in support of his the mill. We notice the different varieties from the Assortment of Merchandise The other whit bsb, whs Is now a srsmsn 00 board of the news, advocating the interests of the whsling trade and the ne- Supreme wholly up We notice by the report of Monday's proceed- encouraging them, at the same time enlarging upon Cocet. Last week was taken cane, does thrive well, to CRACKERS, &c. Marflda, had bsea enscaaged from ths schooner alary, of 8yd-ac-y, cessity of white that not the dark red Dry Goods. ings that the House commenced its work on tbe the perraament Importance in a national sense, or developing with hearing native cases. On Tuesday the suit of whose ASSORTED CRACKERS IX TIXS. WATER CapC Bones. Tbs schooner in passing Nassau Island, (W. domestic industry, favoring home enterprise, and promoting the and green, very rind tells of rich juice that it OTIS DENIMS. 11.1 LES WESTERN hams, Carolina rice. For sale by came CASES brown Mieeting, ia-1-1 8-- W--, 807 miks from Humphrey'sJ observed a flag flying on budget by cutting down the salaries promiscu- general welfare of the people. Markham r. Strauss, for false imprisonment, encases. tin tucket denims. H. W. SEVEUANCE. rai.s smpes, i.yman brown drills. 1 hove aback, and a came off with some natives of up, and resulted in the defendant's being adjudged shore ously, but on Tuesday some of these were restored We publish the above entire, not to exhibit nere is the wealth of Rose Ranch" and may it Bales Iiwight Co. brown and blue drills. Reirson's Islands. They had drilled from Cases Merriraac CORDAGE ! CORDAGE I Humphrey's anJ to figures tbe Finance the refined language of our Minister of Finance, to pay $25 and costs. Yesterday was taken np with never f;iil to yield a rich to its prints, cases pink prints. from on to distance of the reported by Committee. return liberal owner. Cases Amoskeag ami MasacJiuetts blue sheetings, C,0,I'S ASn 12 THREAD their ewa islands la passing the other, a arguments on the famous Case, which appears Cases Honeycomb mla cordage. For sale by needless the of refuting what is believed JVe May the drought not dry up, nor the cut-wor- m des- and Piquet qu;lts, cs tickings. IHO SB Biirrs. and after much suffering, had brought up ea Nassau. There is, no doubt, much talk wasted in but for purpose Cases mixed II. W. SEVERANCE. to be the great stand-b- y of our lawyers, when there shirts and drawers, bales crash. There were only three cocnaout trees ea the bland, and on these disputing on the items of the bill. Let the two to be a groundless charge, and which the troy these evidences of its material prosperity. But, Cases denim frocks and pants, Ktnned shirts, Sab the had snbsisTed for 14 sasoths. The Mary first is nothing more important to quarrel about. It long may its cane-hel-d wave. The landscape view Striped scarlet undershirts and drawers. POLAR OIL POLAR OIL I aad Houses lay down the principle of paying only public can only view as a gross and uncalled for Cases blue, red leaded them ea Peoryn's Island, where she was bound, aad promises to hold good for at least one generation to that lies before ns is one of exquisite beauty. Tbe and grey llannel shirts, cs blankets. PP'ARK,VAJrM KILLER OIL. BY THE whose shrub-embower- what an officer earns, and abolishing useless slander on one memory this people cherish ed bv for 2,000 eneoanota a head, agreed to take them on to their flower and cottage nestles at our Groceries. 19j-t- q thfn come. Tierces hams. II. W. SEVEUANCE. On arriving there, some dispoto arose with regard offices, without meddling with such as are abso- only with respect the " late Chief Justice," feet, while quite a little village has sprung up around am island. IIabd Times. We understand that the mud dig Boxes salt water and No. 1 snap. ss ta payment of the Data, which resulted io tbs captain firing Wm. L. We undertake, it to accommodate the wants that gather round a Cases of pilot bread, loO lbs lutely necessary or deserving of what is voted to Les. without hesitation. ger has stopped and been laid by for each, In tins. Cordages sAoat 13 discharges of Iron rivet heads, links, shackles, &v, out operations, the plantation. The land slopes rapidly to tbe sea, dis- Cases water crackers, hnif brls dried apples. them, and the work would accomplished much to deny he ever favored or sought to incor . gunsv Ho came to the island sgaio the next be that present, which has thrown a number of foreigners tant two or three miles, whose shore is outlined with Cases in tins, half brls Goshen buuer lfEMPCORD.lGE.FROM 1 a 1 1 of 4 Cases ground bags m.nv it men, conlaire, from inch to 5 Inch. ixc to tnqatre for firing more liarmoniously. we need is discrim- porate into the Civil Code snch a restriction on mi'ik-whit- e edging of more whole do, . i aad the natives went off to his rtasuos oa What a out of employ. The cause of this is Understood to be a surf, beautiful than the Bars cloves, kegs nutmegs. uumg rails, M inch, lanyard stuff, - coa-wry- His answer being- anything bat satisfactory, they ed inating scale of salaries, to conform to the service our commerce, as was emnouieu in tne sections roost delicate lace work. A gentle breeze ripples the Kits tongues and Rtline, thread to 14 thr-a- d, marline, than. the proposal made in the House of Representatives to sounds. Seis-ng- , 6 (ho supercargo as sbore, intending to confine waters that glisten in the morning sun, while far out Cases curry powder, do olives, thread to 12 thread, worraline, hint and rendered, and then we shall have no need of relating to the transit duties. Ilia views in harbor green H oust une, spunyaru, missionary ship ; but they becom- stop the appropriation for continuing the at sea we can see the white caps chasing one another C.ws corn and es, do herrings. otkuoi. cotton and heaip Isine. mmta the srrival of ths Cases pie fruits, For sale by tbem go on board, "discriminating duties." One thing must not regard to making the port of Honolulu as free down do table salt. 2Iq--q ing Bwr tractable, the satires ajlred to and the channel that separates us from Hawaii. Cases dairy in II. W. SEVERANCE. to the commerce the world Yonder are the islands of Kahoolawe salt 2 lb bags, the f-- "- then left quietly. be lost sight of that we have a debt of $128,000, as possible transit of and Lanai, Barrels rice, cases starch, whose sides give Cases corn FIREWOOD I Wo also learned that at Sawarrov'S Island, (3. W, 232 mitos and that this debt is rapidly increasing. There are well remembered by all who knew him. Restoration Dat. His Excellency the Minister of barren but little encouragement to starch, FIREVOOIM thr--a men the agriculturist, which Kegs split peas, cs saleratas. riMIE ftwsa Homphrey'aJ a party of Datives with whits (a Foreign Relations will Rose-- but add much to the beauty CXDERSIGXED KEEPS OX HAND is no way to check off unne- Although fully satisfied that the late Chief give a Fa acy Ball, at cloud-capp- Half brls salmon, bales a full supply of firewood, be it, but by cutting view. To our ed hops. which will sold st tae lowest Koglisnman; ut csarga. wns of the right, the peaks of q) propose any such we bank, his residence in Nuuanu, on tbe Slat of July, West (216-l- H. W. SEVERANCE. . aw v narnosa of diving for sheila, the vwasd that took cessary expenses, and reducing the total to such Justice" did not change, Miui, six thousand feet above the sea, fill up Sundries. in honor of the restoration of the sovereignty of this the strong outlines of the 23,600 bricks. Barrels pitch, provisions I bat sh ail not comply with a figure as will allow the government to bo con- have taken the trouble to refer back to the ori landscape, and present a Barrels Brushes ! ! ,Apurttisg br sight well worth the visit to see. was varnish. Bales gunny bags. Brushes loailng back, but woo 10 rjaney ui- - Civil Code, which came before kingdom. It among such Crates asstd white ware Crates bowls, la ducted economically, and at the same time do ginal draft of the . BRUSHES, dwpu- e- between um two scenery that a goodly party were assembled on We-- crockery. Crates boiled linseed IiAIXT 1 there being a Presentation. On Thursday last, Capt Hunt oil and foO short, aad of. 185S, and which embodied I Cases asstd paint, brushes. mew beet tognaer. something to stop the increase of debt. the Legislature nesday last, July 4th, to celebrate American Inde spirits turpentine. Seam w. ti tuA the wbJU neck and and the officers of the U. S. Levant, accompanied Pure extra and No. 1 brashes, Ship lead, Zinc white lead. -- some ms 10 We have got ta look this public debt in the most of the amendments made by him. That pendence. Ana wnue me company was enjoying i lhist brashes, . ' aad Iskmg laswi la A caaoe, ssada stones iaea, by the U. S. Commissioner, were presented Saddlebags, Whaling spades. ns to his itself here and there, active preparations were mani- - j Scrub brashes, aseaio uo veaz the Code does not contain the sec-lio- Caudles, Charcoal irons, koes, an thrse into the Iswooa. face. " After us the deluge" was the response draft Civil s, -- "Sasa .t of Majesty the King in tbe audience chamber at the lest on every side, of the plantation Wheelbar-ow- A brushes, aad the aatJrss dseeived Iho captoia by lhe "bands" xes, plows, ox bows. Wbitewssh : same Urns after, of an Austrian statesman, when chided by one which are now considered so odious, but were to have a grand feast, and were permitted to Cook stoves. Ships camtwoses, brr.hi. mt the wkUe ssea harms; gone away m a ww, Palace. Nests baskets. A who foresaw the political storm gathering over left the duty remaining as it was in tbe old law, invite their friends. . Judging from the hundreds American, English Jail Assortment.' of nil size. Owe of lasmBiilniri, oa arrmng a 2T" We regret to learn that His Excellency. Prince 100 tons Scotch slint steam and Hawaiian flags. Tor sate By (218--1 q) II. W. KEVEKASCK. assembled, there must have been some very " fittaOp oiek, aad Vefore dying, euifesaM his devoted country. Mere temporary expedients vix : one per cent, ad valorem." We oITer this extensive ""s poric, Hide poison,.whrps ass satire oa Lot, Minister of the Interior, is very ill, which has family connexions, and many friendships, 60 cases boots and shoes, cases p'ieeesoii Ths property (a largo under- evidence among umhrelUs, bale corks, Crockery ! v ! were his measures. Let not our legislators to the public as incontrovertible that prevented his attendance at tbe House of Nobles for them. However, was no ' spruce 2 inch plank, 200 bnn-- rocker ; there niggardlv dispensing? I 1 spoB. 1 ...... vakD aad other articles Lee any such dies nOOD iron. o00 COllH cirrtair M.ttM PITCHERS, Ml'GS. CI P PLATK9. arrived take such a temporary policy. Let them look to Chief Justice did not advocate nearly two weeks. to jadije from the slaughtered beef and pork, that 10 bales 4'"o.pump and BOWLS. dinner Dlate. etr. t w SBflsd for aeirsows Island, aad rigging leather, hemp twine, cs ' tn nt.i. Bight change, and was not in the Code when it wauea out to oe serveu up ana tnere was enough nfle powder, cod lines, signal halyards, Dessert plates, salad bowls, salt cellars, of ths) has o the future. that it nis Majesty the King, accompanied by his etc., Ponp tureens, diBbes, , M rhs ma sing TJsard Sr ari'l to spare. And n large cream jugs. Parker, la waaatag as - A few historical facts will not be out of place came before the House of Representatives. Ministers, visited the U. S. S. Levant on Saturday At noon, the reports aswrtmsnt of Molasses pitchers, castor frames and bottles. r Caok - of a national salute went Pudding and bake omwmm,fas 1S5S Code t- was CJhoice dishes, vegetable dishes. may erve to open our eye. This The Legislature of referred the jasf, and received with the customary honors. among the hills, Fam.il v Sugar ! ltowwatoa kb--h had here, and tbunJerios waking the echoes, and Groceries. bowls, milk pans, meat platters, . Fit Iy IHk fa wanoas twiB J. C. SPALDINO. W--iq II. w. BKVERASCK. ssSk2 IV

f-n- PACinc lcr i , - . -- the rorc-ii- Acivn. F- -r the dii.zuireial A lv.rtL . - foniniercialvAdverliser. The Di.lillalioa of Hum. ...v w.ijr UI , We . r . j ictorii in... fi a- ivw . Mr. Er.iTOR : In your issue of May 21th is a com- - COR XKIKAUMA. KKV(K'S IlCAIl- - later lntelltzence from Cilifnmi, o,.,i ,w . IISIATC1I IWCKKTS 1IY ( i;'-- Naru?ite?s. ai.ii i.im: or JOHN F. 01.11l HY V EiU,t 1 a i.'uit. i'art.al P.iraiy!i A . A. EVERETT. HAWAIIAN LEGISLATURE. th we 1 municition signed Total Abstinence." perfectly - FOR SAX FIl XflSt l!. f it ha bv the W,.r. The ofSi'ep, use the c. TOl.V .iyOM'-VE- . litest date hy agree with the writer as to the effect cf drinking F.-- I'.!h'-ul::e- FAsT-SAIU- the h'atUeen are S .n F t.. ivei v species f T.'.r it or Lure from that of : THE Cl.IIM Kll i'.VKK ('( Pit K K K ES E A I V s ral Salt. P NT T KS. spiritu necessity of extirpating; s.,re i e.xtr.-ui- Ci.i.u:iip:.t:u. Valuable Leasehold Property on the BISE r 'Vw Wk May 17, ail Union. M.v r. .v liqa...r, and the Threat ue the RSAL cor y race when ; If KEM Fraiife Palmer. WrdnrMlaf, July a few items : that destrovimr hvlrt of the human the: tor IIr. Capt. PATY, w;;l sail fcr the ;. sv; p rt o - ?i o"it : Esplanade. 4. We a!!, try t!..-- ; atj-- in purvl er f re j ur-- with i: o w . ll JlinutcS and prayer. r;-h- tiietlioil can be discovered. the wri'e r left .iv to li Hal . - quirk A Y'. July 1 lipalrli. FRID 13. I Cnliforitin. r- tie.- t al IO ()'( lock, A. I.!" chasi:..-- call f r an el ia:np!.. t. which is a full descriii- - On USDAV.Jyi) Vloc-- For fr-- i or apply Till 12,al II A.M.. persona!i'i.in.reported that the Commit- - Jil'lze Terr cut the irre'evatit matter, bis er tnigiit Visibly 'ht pissit:-- to s -- n wis 1 11 paj of plans. I'aii-n- ts w ll f'.r.d everything to Dry (iootls. On the of Messrs A. Harris Co., on U-i- jrt ' me j;in in the all ia thtu 21ii-t- rioifiinj:. Esplana.!e, V . and rccon.m. ii.!.s 1h.1t it In I , I'o-irt- . tin l li. C. WATVKM CO. - Ihstn-- t S hive been interesting. It begins : From the tone c.Tif. : in r a.!ii. should any iiUestioii i will be 'U the leas.- of tlie lame, urelher with all .j.--'- t l. i.oe and T;jr pr-i- t was accept"! a il the il! wa-- i tabled. strerrhen Hoofs 4 c. - . - and .Shots. .- a bill to srre-:i- 517 of of the public press, I infer aa effort will e male pe-- it.-lf- the propria- rs will u a t.iv. r to t.ave such v. . the Civil JIi." rlefi.-- . that S ALSi) hr-at- m.f AUD WICH.. s . 6rr". n Ac. -- 1 ! ISLAND the il'tum t.i re que-- ti ha!! wiih ut a iit-ioi- on Esplanade r, fat the apf roaching Legislature to legalize the uiai.u-facfu- .tis pat to theiii. which ai J iy. 11 Cutli ry. rurni.iirc. and of lut Xs. 34 aud Si. lff II. II.tn-I:it- - ex-t- e r. .11. i Office furniture, desks, chairs, Ju I'. e irnifp.1 Sr...... The inii-hl-:- which i? a f.uni'.y necessity, and will I Itl'i i etc. ir- - - 1 f. nuite .;.ve l! wl " the ('hair. The an I iU- of ardent sale" arc V. 2 press, s a.iaptx! for weigliint- 1 .f ; at hi e spirits." "An ONLY KKolLAi; LINE FKM TH And Sundries, pnlu, scales, cart, ;,L -- was) brother's reil.-n-- in .. tided in .ur:..U form, as ideas su t them; lv, s, or Uf3ti "lis .."the p "? "" "r' " taken up. j jj: 1 safe, improved combination Uwk ; . 1 w I is a We-s- rs- - n.ip--ii.ii- rw o'clock on the the oris to which wish to call attention. It I a'.l cheerfully sc;.t ..u 1 iv- irr.asau. tn morning of the Oth instJit. aked. can had of leaders, or Wol ajw FIRST CbVNSSIIII'S buoy,cap.t' le cf .susta.ning 4.1110 llw ; 1 , . .l"- - n. -, r, He wao Ibi. Kiiod-e- '- - L- , f.nh-vms- , hhir M.f,,y, taken the -f w; ; 1 Aj-t.t- s. r.-- with-u- t W'ill W ilespatc:--- frora r.imtiiercial Wharf, 1 cl 4."i 1 ; 1 ni. ,,xy ,re h l very threw and a sort cf tautological blunder which plication to Oneral A he iu:irterlv A I IS ! ain, j inch surf boat. and ,.y -- the .i.L V.C' ari l Jie Boston, ia the u. of CI. Al .SO Leases following ; TV bi the next .lay ', - a'.r-:- dy or June. of the lands on Hawaii W&ipaca- -l 7'. He wa, r 1 your paper these retu.-d;-!- r- spectaMe not supplied, can be, Murrli. Mv X I X l.,:rl see characterizes every article in yet Sr pIciiiImt 11 ml COSMOPOI.ITAX I'll CI l'I.ES, THAT au, liumuula, lUk.ilau and Paauau. Particular uf same An A Drrriu brr. ( is lo say. 11 Chiefs aud other II .w at ! on application to the Ai; See Jvtr'.iseir.ent. a daily inauan ticnil.men cnirigeraent trx.k r.'ace on .T.inP-- r. n subject. Why so persisteht in uis. For furt!ier particulars see s;s"ial lv rtiseir.ents ia Fore day of sale. e published upon this gn Political aud Consular Professional t'1 Tlior.ila. 5. ramt J n plers of Uie above mouths. Mcrehant. CI-ii- a ; on f V . Kauiirnjt!u,Jlr for cr.mp.xny of Volunteers' n.l a ? Is or. tietitlctucti of all tiati ns and when. of, the pnvik p s to lie ex- - (7,KC.Lt ' thr nhecting the word " sale" with manufacture ALL, K K I IX I1A- - For freight or passajte to, or drifts Ho .olulu, apply to - c XOTICK TO 1XTK tin- stnps-i.f-w.u- -. ' i ! K.c wl.u li-l- ri KT terhled to Officers of all f rt ign while in port Real Estate rvnt h'u; in h th t C.Mjrt ! , itTJl re- IIF.XKY A. I'lKl'.CK. on .Merchant street if r. I mrw TOD, already legalized in this waiian History. The undersigned, on the 27lh June, lsjy, with Library and Rea.iii:g R.kitn, ,t U tWe",J- - not tl.e saie cf ardent spirits Sa:i iwich Island Packet 'tVuv. with large Hall to lie avail- 1 The Unvr were J .;; arves, Ksq.,Jated Florence, able for the Masonic Odd FOR SALE ! " ,iU, t''tc- - I1'? f pt- - feate ceived a letter fr..m James Jacks J CI VN and Fellows' Lodites. for Public Lec- "'Tew " pt aco kingdom? If not, it wcull be much more to the Couuuercial hart, liston. tures and f,.r :'no 7th April, same year, statir-- that it was his wish to pu'.lish a AOKNTS. Meet.ue, Dmiur Parties, Comvrts and Fancy THE PREMISES KXOWX AS ...... x . 1 . 1 . , Fairs, go-s- i TIIE lI " ' I t. nx... 111 . The En Sin lt-- point to lambaste overt scoundrels than those in II. - - lulu with Cook and other servants to import its own - Bull's Ileal," situated on Merchant street, near Nuu- new editi-.i- of the History of this Kingdom, and rv.ut stiris: for F. 5new. Hen. and other to rr:,rt- - We Sutton Co. - - New York. wines liquors, and i.iaiiacd by Trustees, under anu. with a back entrance front Xanana street. Tha ,'l.yfin4:ti""' i'" ti innct ortn. have intelligence from the Extern ct, prosjct-- Rut we all know it is legalized and the sa l purpTse Isjund Volumes of Hawaiian newspapers, Mitiiste- - s, on the model of the most that A: - - New lied ford. resptclable Clubs in other building is two stories, with a fine cellar and water from Ui . Cook Snow, - .... fr...., ,1. e....- - ISIS f..w tl t:iesr I.KII.!.' cities vi the world. consequences thereof; then let us drop it in our talk. lat .., i ..v."...... 1 54-- tt government pi's, all in first rate order. Title lee simple. iij.ju.., ni ji.i Gentlemen friendly lo such an establishment in t him, this city, are For terms, applv to TheChicaeo (RopuUican) rr.nvpntir.n W 1 Q In foreign us from prohibiting d ite. All these i have lecn forwarded to excepting respectfully to ic, T' lr" "'ti1'"1')"'-- tea. If our treaties prevent invited Communicate with --Ml A. P. EVERETT. 6f ' . aion. It is itin?iiifio.l l,i .. .1. 1 only the reports to and the pr e din of the present Leitisla- - j W - ciuM" i" iiMk; lwiH-y- I.ut sale here, let us fire into the vt:o.s R. C. YLLIE. 'f bto itin the cf spirituous liquors 214-l- r it be iuiii1ijM.. that so ftr prevail j, A ture. The Int nti. n ii to pive to the world a true and impartial Eu Honolulu, June io, 100. tu -- t trmruf a :t, thail a liaI,t not t Le,.n 9t taken for a noimtiw; foreign treaties upon that ground, and into those kingdom, from down to the for the lency. Hon. history of this the tariiit rcords 12 1: ? , fc Celebrated Hav State Stoves. Wb.-- , ( rrei barij x i n s Mr. Kipi in the hair. Th l 'rl.rr.rf ibe hill ilmot haa been elected to r.resile over th,. Cn- - scamps ntiHUg us who desiie to manufacture upon prorogation of the Leatislature t:ow in session, illustrated y A XEW SUPPLY 0F THOSE Sl'PKRIOR " ' ' tion. I a single instance of Kind's Katuehaiueha I., II., III. and IV., and so far s:poee?" afm. Bay State Cooking Stoves, rive sizes. Just received ty that ground. have yet to learn BY THE REOI LAR l'ACKITs BETWEEN HONOLULU starI'ort Street, Honolulu, the Samuel Koliertson." and for sale prices to suit at the times. ,r-- in The Japanese hi-- ' as p.ssii.le, of all the tnea who have uf.sisU.l theiu successively !;, M ih Km:ku ihr l'ha:r. The Emhiv nrnVcl e..i.: asked the sale of ardent AND SAN FRANCISCO. Order solicited. E. O. HALL. wherein the latter have that a.'Tairs, biographical KINSTAXTLV ox HA XI). AM) Ihej were received in an appropriate n the conduct of public with a brief notice For the speedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let. HAS sale OF. xtt'-- '"""" within manner. be legalized in kingdom. They are not so f.r at the t'EKY LOWEST MARKET tftiw f;iAi;" ihir janUu. spirits this of each. Mr. Jarves wrote to the undersigned ou the i'td Feb- ters and valuable pare 1. to all parts of the HA an of ! a.t wfcrtil t iza th:rJ roulin)t It has lieen discovere-- l Postmaster 'E$, assortment Soda Wafer t, that Fowler, of They well se- Fountain 'T-- th-- ii-lri- rt 1 illogical, cr more properly, billy as that. ruary last, from the same city, that it Would be necessary to UNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE. u tltrroi Ihe jimlirti"C Ju.lk- - (f Jew ork c.tj, is a defaulter to a Hrse amr.nnf Hats, WATER FOR FAMILIES! A a-- reaijicij; tu.ni.ir- - . cure to the publisher sale of 1200 or more c pies. With this SODAbeverage hot Ihrug Z. puwrfi wu wJrrM nu itira some accounts bay SL"-VX- know the thing is already legalized past hope; they the The .uents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suit Stoves, these summer days. Call at the .n invcbtizatlou has view, undersigned, l?lievini; the publication of the proposed on Fargo jk New Also Store, corner Hotel anJ Fort streets. - n.-- the Wells Co., San Francisco or York. ieeri oraereJ. only k now to manufacture and put it 212-o-m ml (;. the privilege W-i- is, O Hardware. J. M. SMITH is CO. FridiiT. J j new editi .u to be an object of national importance, respectfully j Famo C.'s fratiked i'. S. .vcrnir.eiit eiiveloi'S, ,r,,ro t: the JmlBriary, rr-- . r--. . " At a ni(4.tinrr" you fire which pas free over the Ca!;' a routes, and over Dry c!War,y"', - t til..... trie iu bond, same as the importer, (why dun't solicits that all parties Hawaiian and foixiim residents) who and cast (ioons, Pitmx-te- r .lefen " ""'", '1, the Atlantic route from San Franc. sc. i to New York. . : ! Ji'.T , . , ,.. - tiKOl'ERIF.S, CH)I, C bp Liiil t.- lel the Charleston .le- C"pi-- Ki:i: that tlj. bill iki sce lcM. - into and compete with him for legitimate may bi thereof, state lo him in writing? how ! ki:i:i - , i.u an.i ' tl.l. anl him?) desire jksscss Commissions and collections promptly attend-- to. cool -- tin; 1K nounced HonS!-- n, 1 , ai:t to lltrik! fittt L.l- traitor to the Democracy ; .1 lsOG-t-f. aiw C'.oiui'ii vu.r.l ti an profits. Well, why not ? There is certainly nothing many Cop; s each ill take, the undersign. havii.p the intentiou Oct. 1. F. L. HANKS. Agent. Stationery, A Substitute for lee. nil ot Ik Civil Cwlc, wtiich iu niaiie the husi-- the N.uth. Mr. Vancev made a. t hv ;m;t.. SllOES, n L - . . . . . J ir of, thereafter, i;iiinn his i.rsonal guarantee for such an amount lOOTS AND jr - ' immoral in that. f .HE I XIIERSICXKI) HAVING PURCHASED ft national de- outrageously l'tT.',J!" hill 13 i.t it in" Uiltirnore Ih tnocracy a? - ' as will secure .ublicaliou of such new edition, in style EVccmuii A: M. of W m. would 1 Sr.- the a Co' Clothing the Apparatus Kinney, re"ctfiilly j. una!" f r;;i fende.1 by Col. G iskill. The Would is a greater sin toman- - of nil derriplioii, S!a meeting a Ijourncl for any one dare say it worthy of the literary fame uf the author and of this nation TKEA5URK, Fl'iKKilU'. PACKAtlEi LETTER And a variety of merchandise too uumerous to mention. inform the Public, that he is now preiared to serve them with a on cUiiiun a week. 214-o- genuine article of LEMON AND SARSAl'ARILLA SODA, J'iirn, fr" C.uniU thr of ufaoture cn those conditions than it is to import? whose historian he is. K. C. WYLI.IE. ia . . TI3 X SsB , any lowest fti 'llA1'i .. !. - i '.. k. t .ivn aiHi 3C O quantity and at the rates. I . cvporOt were Knrapr. benevolent gentleman; manu- - Kosehank, June s, 215-t- f i X. It. Any having S.sU Bottles about their premises, accepted Yes," says a "the hul. On the Oth and 20th of each Month. Notice (o A: iersoii Advices from Kur-r- are to Cth : Masters Owners of Whale will confer a favor bv iiotifviug the ondersigtMsl. the Mar facturer would add just so much more as he would s- -, , TO ALL PARTS OF THE Putilie Lam!, to wh'n Reform A. &. A. I. Le Phookks pl L'Ooe asik Loogk, f, GEORGE C. Mo LEAN. :. The bill in the Ensrlis'i ,.f ... j 1 1 on iri'in suljvcts, , H.,... make to the smoke of the torment," while the itn- - No. 124, jurisdiction of Supreme Coun i'd . xa l"nilt-t- l Stairs. South A mrricn. Ships. 2 Cm Nuuanu Street. rvrrl el r..rv.u..U3 under the the th-- y ri a petiuoii 11 pas.-- a second i'- I Ji v titwr.. awl wr .kl. frifa re.iling. 6c' in - ("tiimdiiM iiixl F.nrope, 11 the cym- - porter simply imports what is already made." That cil of the Grand Central Lodire of France, working Tst TIIE I'XDKKSIGXKI) Efi LEAVE ! In, cKunuttee 1 WITH THK AMKKIC KX to announce to ot public WHALE Oil. L.r John Russell has stated that the Enrikh ancient Scotch Kite, holds its regularmectinirs on the Wed- CONNKCTISO IX SKW T"HK masters whale shii, and the 1 deny. Demand and supply always keep even pace, the C1IMPAXY TO Kl KOPK. TO in general, th v have succeeded in leasing from the X Forsaleby e TKKSS that QFAXTITIES TO Sl'IT. pnu-ticail- proposition f.T the settlement San difHul-t- y . . . Tnraury.it 4 at predcul to of the Juan nesday nearest the full moon of each month, at the old Lodge Freucti Government at Tahiti, the railway and heaving down 212-- tf 11. 11ACKFELD A CO :..icrnt...... t . i.7iin.ji .. t .. t.i.1 been and there was no demand here for foreign liquors, rt. had rejected by the American Government, if I premises, including storehouses, etc.. etc.. and are now prepared ' ut Ju.li;ir room, in King street. Visiting brethren respectfully invited 1) I'ST. CO X AM) 1UI.LIOX Ciiaiu. Uk H?titiio the of that a and future tosunply it. j CSOI.I to execute repairs ! that action depend upon Secretary Cum' they would not be manufactured "And," to attend. and insurvl on Open Policies, held from the best with dispatch and at lower rate than at any XOTICK cn II ftunuhisl him, nrprtt4 agaiibt the i'.Moa , reply n New York and lmdon. other port in the Pacific. OW EN & GOOPINO, Jf! to the last English govern- - j oo-- tf 1 P. C. JO.YES, Secretary. Insurance Companies vilIK I XDERSHJXKI) HAS adds the same benevolent gentlemen, the August IS. y, l;y-I- y APPOINTED ' Packages, Parcels an.l Letters forwanlcl via Shipwrights. for ir,m 00 Fiwinef, tvp..rt. 13 no Mr. GEORGE WILLIAMS to act him in the collection the r.in..tu-- the There clianze to note in the aneet of rent;. set follow pernicious example of Nicaragua, in chargeol S.cial Mess. in.-er- of ment would or the A EXT I O X I Panama and all outstanding debts and accounts. ncntal politic?. Rumora were current of ewe.1 HOXOI.rbr RIFKF.S. TT A Spcstial Express is made up hy us for Panama. Callao. Lima, 2 10-- 2m E. !1. BOYD. . --li!r an.t mi th" rei legalizing The philanthropy that embodies Company arc hereby notified na!' imnri e sin." Tte: ts of the above Valparaiso, and ail the principal ports of the west coast of South 1 l'.lw-- an-- ct troubles in the interior of Sicily. New Goods! Goods! t.. rxu-w-l the juriiiicti'.n Uie New ry b.; i.s to be distrusted. It ap- - that, after this date, notices will not Isj issued as hereto- America, which is promptly forwarded h the English Steamers ,1 titn to ntKiui the junlkt;.Hi of Ihi: such exalted sentiments of FOR SALL rl leaving Panama on the 14th and 2ath each mouth. an l r. re MiU-.-- u tie Farrlgn Summitry. fore. urJl SVcj, purd, ra:rosel. pears very much like the humanity of Nero when he Jlj-- Collections made, and nil onb rs jh rtaiuitig to a legitimate XK PATENT SAFE e Mr. Kipi in the ln-l- la .onniit'-- .rf ttir Whole. I'fiair. The hill Forrest, Regular I'rills will be at the Armory of the Corps business, attended to with dispatch. 13 . II. DIMOXD A SOX the trazedi.in. has expended over SlOO.rKm his sign- - j Forwarding and Express ar atfiniiniC the hii:h rholi an.l coIIirms played the lachrymose upon the occasion of fVCl(;-,i- hirt 1 and 4th Friday evenings of each month, at O.HilLL .i:.u-xiH.- I iti.-4tin- in attempt to free on the 7i HAS JUST RECEIVED PER A i.'X etis t.,l. an. the Mill himself from his dear wife. I- - ing the first death warrant It is well known that a j . Principal I1 11 "UK ! ar-ja- M. u , the II e a.lj .ume.1. 'clock I. Per order Ollirr. K i, .y T ti. CommiUee awl A youn lady elegantly dressed, and the daughter n i I u rilii J , July large proportion of the imv.rted liquor are the vilest K. L. JUNES. JOHN II. BROWN, P. EVEUKTT, - - - - Honolulu. SHIP " SAM EL ROBERTSON !" niR! ?. of respectable iirents, was drunk in the streets Captain. A. l Ex "Jenny Ford !" CuiiwrnFi!.. sn government cannot refuse to re-- orderly Serireant. Montgomery Francisco. R. MiiHirr, fjaaia fnui tie CmoiiUrt ! wlmi wa refirreil the of New York, one day. adulterations, and Ileal Quarters Honolulu Uiltcs, 121 street, San J. TAKER. J. HOWE ISSELLIXC OFF HIS wide-awak- 1 .7-- tf a.a-- I C1EOROK the ij.miiiiiit f.Hinl u'KilUhcd, against I suppose so, or our e j :i, ls.V.t. i tr fMIE FOLLOW XS WELL SELECTED fast, that his soick was pretty well reduced. Jt ceivc them, at least e Whale Skix Leather. Leather, male from the M. iuvoh-- of MERCH ANDISE, to which the attention of the Now he is getting in a fine assortment from the Teekalet Mills. yl ir-- aa-- l it was Ut.l. skin of the white whale of the is would had inspectors appointed j public is respectfully : in of Luinls only to look into his and tr. Al. uuiul the - tiliun tluU the tabu 011 fi.h St. Lawrence low philanthropists have iuited All want r have yard, thry for sale. will buy, for he will sell low and give satisfaction. 211-2t- u .PT.-T-- wl .!ie ftiuoti wai U.le.. long since to prevent their importation, otherwise I)iso!rition of Ci:jar(iHi!iip Hardware, .Ve. -. S JL- ff.iej iIk Coniinitu mi inveMisration, OOTSsiI O a, jf Tinned saucepans, wattle irrru The prince imperial j ERO irons. the Uoveriiineut Press, of France entered on his fifth are all cant. fBlIlK t'OI'ARTXFRSJIII' IIERETOHIRK . FmM' - ll- theeieieaof their pretensions 1 existing between Abel Harris and Fraueis It. Swain, doing ' f- Carpenters' grindst mes, tamily do. Co tree ! year on the lCth of March, and he is pre-cocio- ' Globe Saloon prot.ounced style A. IIAK1US i CO., 011 Molasses pumps, guarded red lanterns, the dirKU.r of n,.verrii.ient r..r becau-- o In regulating the manufacture of spirits within the business under the name and of Ibe tary the be can already read, write and ride. of Hawaii and in Honolulu, expire,! by limitation Axe hntcbets. round iM.int spades. THE rXDERSIOXED IIASOPKV-ed- a 31arch 31. lOU OU denied government the Island ibetwu yrra ruliiir J4'"X kingdom, it is not but that can May lSiii). alone will sign 111 Inimdatioo. Blind fasts, hog seat saddles. COFFEE and REFRESHMENT SALOON, h perf.T!i ieluti..-- s of About 150 Yankeis visited London to witness the 1st, Ah hi. HAilKls SaUry "f rntmu greatest Now a9 it is ABEL IIAItKIr Bakers", in isons', gravy aud hair selves, on Fori street, nearly opH.,ite Odd Fellows' Hall , tirect-.r- . fight tietween Sayers, the i:njr:i.--h exact on article of the purity. lite r the lame liau...... 3.". M Champion, and Ml-- FRANCIS H. fWAIN. Saddle bags, cone ink. where he will lie happy to meet his friends, and Mrf.ne 1 75 Heenan, the American pugilist. an admitted fact that the poions used in adulterating Hydrant hose and pipes. will spare no pains to please ttiem. - 004 2 TjT The best or prepared at i'(anul There was more evil themselves, .lewsharps, calking mallets, Strvww Chorolntr 10 a black rain" at Syracuse, X. Y., on liquors occasion than the liquors Nolie p. Window line. In n braces, a few minutes notice.Jf.trr (2(H-rtin- ) F. W. IJBE. Cull vtiou. a:c...... 37 J 56 the Cth of April, the drops resembling Luttuecht's lead ucils. Fish lines. faint ink. who i, or would lie, the greatest sinner, the importer fE-III- I XDERSKJXEI) 1XTKXDS LKAV- - Everybody and everything was 111 all par- Enameled traveling bags, Pali braces. ?paeied. One man B im: kliotdoni an early date, and requests that , niitoria I staff,. i or manufacturer ? Who is the greatest benefactor of this brac-s- V. 13AZIN, Ttal i has saved up of ties having claims against him, either personally or as the Hawl's with and !, extract musk, souic the sediment to analyze. ' without bits, Kiiiei v bags, accepteit coni!era-- a people, philanthropist that confines them to Agent of the Hudson's Bay Company, will present the same on wai ami lereil fr further this the Rubln r peket combs, Shaker table mats. French Merchant Tailor. myrfk lm Ar.pnpruiti'.n P.itl corned np. Messrs. O'Reilly ami Speed, the preat telegraph or before the JOili of July next. Also, he requests those who makes a pure j A S-- poisoned liquors, or the villain that Pi , as the Agent of the Hudson's Bay Com- Worsted needles, Palm leaf fans, FORT STREET, OPPOSITE THE ODD FELLOWS II ALL, fr piinf li!l hy lr. Wiit.naiin to amend 4Si, men, propose to construct a line of telegraph front St. are indebted hiu Ibioks anil eyes. liress pins. 5 on oxcarts The ? ! is too pany, to settle tlieir debts immediately at his ollic . Iu default ASSORT..! ioti! ttx p.ci.d tav .f all and drays. Paul, Minnesota, to Puget S.iiind, within two years, article for them to drink Rah The subject SM ALL IIl'T CHOICE EXT Lining nails. Jacket lamps. j and wa onlereil to its third reiiiling on Monday. of payment, such bills and accounts will be placed in the hands of Ladies', dents', Misses' and Children's cuVnn mailt DESCRIPTION' OF CUSTOM any A Dress buttons. Study lamps. 171VKRV iu the latest Tmiairois were satn-lr- an I t!ie hill t amiid Sec. without other aid from the Government than the transparent for argument. j of the Company's Altorm-- f.,r collection. Hoot awl Shoes just received per "Samuel Robertson," and at short notice, and styles. Pearl shirt buttons. Pen holders. 210-4- pay 4 or II1I0, name of Honolulu, 15, lstlo.21o-i- f JAMES BISSETT low Miat tLr toe of tlie as tb it the right of way. Can't surround the distillery with effectual safe- - June for sale at Awl, chisel, hatchet, adze and lapaiiiied, silvered, ivory and , ti nl uuiaina ami Ilonolaln. made the bunnets of ojiLtf WOOD'S BRICK SHOE STORE. The manager of a Loudon theater offered Tom Well, do the j whalers spade handles. Imiik carriage knobs, -- pr- - guards to prevent selling it ! Uf. Mr. titvn rra.1 f. r the first time a hill providiiiica there?" XOTU'i: Pastry jaggers, shaving boxes, Crochet ! ! l.rea.1 2U Sayers a larger sum than he ever paid to needles, Dnllrr Butler ftit laij on wheat, oats and a!l kinds of Ktutls of any actor Custom House guard prevent smuggling now, or j MY AKSKXCK FROM THIS I. R. pull combs, do hair pins, Propeller tweezers, toL J tuiorum. This hiil was rcfi:rred to a Select t'oni- - or singer if he would appear his ilRIXG C. King will me under full Power THE HERE. at theater for one Go the1 act lor inXJKIVEI) Fine ivoiy combs. Silver thimbles, stilettos, UNDERSIGNED'and prevent manufacturing either? and count (21o-Ut- ) ABEL HARRIS. JUST with inform their customers, the public In night in fighting costume, with his belt and cups. Machine oilers, dust pans. IVpiM-- boxes, spectacles. ar- Bl'stSEsa or TIIK 1 PER. general, that, having sucoeeilei! ia making IT. S gun-barre- ls an it will open your eyes; Gillott a steel Children's P.. BiQ hii.-- sehi-- But ayers declined, fearing he might be arrested by forever hot jns. I. combs. rangement for regular supply of lit to exempt of J and coll. es from ! the FRESH Noticp jrvx-ls-L I Iron from E. acknowledged Uie ewul , passed, d was onl. red to its thiid reading on the police. and what is more, old topers prefer that crude stuff 31: KE ALIA BUTTER Krull's dairy, as lAPciirs 'C3.rv33CIA.lT pots, grid- on islands, we are now prepared to furnish con- ioiir. KS- - ! best butter the A.Mr. Allxirt Stein has been found sup- is a fact worth heeding. r.1, IMIKHTEI) TO TIIK FKO-- M irons, charcoal (211-tf- C A guilty of to the best imported. There I'ERSdXS LONDON this article. ) T. MOSSMAN A SON. It raoiitte.r of the WhJe, Mr. Kipi in the Chair. bill flk t He of Henry Macfarlane, deceased, are requiril to settle furnaces, brass cocks. stantly y aiiol-- h of plying the citizens of Mobile with poisonous A V 1 1 I S I V. X !atml l Xr. U'chater to the ecial tax $iv. all water, This whole liquor question narrows itself to one immediately with the undersigned. All person having any de-- A Xl F R S I. E li T E I X E R E D Iron clam )i screws, hog hoes. am aaJ wa'ai not used to convey pcrsottS, alter a hort aud lined K), he having used lead in "teal of iron mauits, j. lease present them. C. C. HARRIS, Cases assorted prints, new styles : do do pickles, Brass wire gauze, bristle brooms. FOR SALE OU RENT -- Dill reading (in iMue. Since we must, er force, have ardent spirits jr tte seil, and was ordered to iu third pipes for leads in the water works of city. Solicitor for Cases assorted jams, do do sauces, do do jiastes, Ship scrajHTS, bug, blind door, chest, COTTAGE NOW OCCUPIED that or pie fruits, confectionery, starch. THE 'uy. There were nearly a among us, is it best to import the adulterated R. C. WYLLIE. Cases olives, wardrolK". western eagle, emigrant am! rural by Mr. Hughes, next K. O. Hall, on th Nuuanu j Limmi'tee nf the Whole, Mr. Raran.i!a in the Cliair. The thousand dollars worth rf g.Id Honolulu, June '20, IS'M. 213-- 1 m Executor. Blue, vinegar, mustard, oatmeal, currie powder, night latch locks, brass aud iron padlocks, mor- road. Government water laid on. Immediate pni session aMMd order)-- ourselves? We know a hnlitate the arrest of prisoners was and used on thecofiin of Mrs. Edward Shippen ISurd, who manufacture the pure article Marking ink. candied l el, Worcester sauce. tise door locks with crank handles, brick trowels, city given. For terms please apply to JOS. O. CAR'IKR, t y r.r-- l rrwlinir. notions. For j large rawhides, wood saws, paper com 211-2- Commercial Advertiser OUice. -- wan buried in Philadelphia. The plate, handles, aud on which side to look for adulterated Prime York. Hams, linns. IJcrtox Ale, bolts, and small weights, Ijiii nrU ne at We last clause of Sc 9JJ of the Ciril Just ilccpivcd rules, pegging, brad aud saddler's awls, ol in heads of screws were of solid gold. philan- - bination scissor 4c m taLeo up. (The jecl of this hill to al!tru the our part, we believe it the duty of all true SA M I AXI) FOR Marzetti's Ale in 1Iotti.es, thariencrs, wardrobe hooks, slicks, plated match Tf( the I tuef Jiu-tK-- put lo. IrK t - on lees) Kh ROHF.RTSOX." Groceries! Family Stores! H Ju.lc their The Supreme Court of Mississippi has affirmed the thropists, and more particularly the Legislature, to 1KRby the uudi rsiu'lied, a choice assortment of Sofas and Marzetti's Ale. Hocbi.e Diamond do., planes, handled smooth planes, enameled nl watadereil Vi its toir.I reailim; on Monthly. Easy Rocking Chairs, duck, toilet and shaving soap, Sc Tax-Colle- II.-x- ali.lity the law making it for l.unges. Also per late arrivals. Chairs, scrub, EWER CO.IIAVECON'STAXTLY St Bi:: to pay or of penal retailers to j Superior Dark Urandv, (Martell's,) r.duee the of the of llilo. provide fir us the purest possibly to be had. It is Parlor Chairs, and a great variety of Children's Chairs of supe- crumb, hair, paint. W. AV., glue, and oiler for sale. u. Quit a Lo iliseussi.-- ensued on finally sell liquor to a drunken man, and declaring 1 CUR this hiil, hut it that the (21o-ot- ) C. E. WILLIAMS. Cases YIE, do (Jeneva, do Sherry, horse and Uesh brushes, shoe two certainly charity to do so, and if it is true that i rior quality. rt Cases Roast Turkey nl majority. Aiij'umel. owner of the establishment is responsible for the act true Cases very ijuPERion Champagne, iVc. t bread, painters' dust- and Chicken, Mondny, July O. too soon in l ers, Cases Prtrrtojis. of bis barkeeper on this behalf. charity begins at home," they can't act ! ! ! house bells, Roiled do. do., FIGS FIGS FIGS Samples now ready for Inspection. Fore-pa- rt fr Hnanlulit, tfie "pecial laid onth"inhahitatitSof city c Rome was Cases Mustard, that tax The f literally flooded on a morn- the matter. EX. 214-U- ANION", GREEN CO irons, omiiJa W ahti-he- atiolisii--rvttim- lv J k taM.il; tliat the market f.e lie J Cases Fresh Apples, ing in March with large hand'.iilis Containing .tily Economy ? The person that does not comprehend ' Tray harness, chalkline reels, log chains. tliat tle pee til t.ix to suppirt tiie Fire Ie.art-a- t ' S.4 MUF.L R OliERTSOX ." S. the single sentence, Union under the constitutional ! Iron cart boxes, C. gardeu rakes, meat hooks. Cases Ssaleratus, altislied Lt!4e.; that the costs of Couns in Criminal that without telling, never will with. There is ST RKCF.I VF.I. IX FIXK ORDER, A l.'e.v Hoods! New Hoods Sand paMT, shoe punches, sand stones. -- st afkHish-i- l irl government Victur Emanuel." Cases (Jreen Corn, refcrreili fn iu certain mothers of in cf The men-- small Invoice, For sale by Corner chisels, iron screw bits, countersinks, estal-hshei- will be necessary to u.joia.tat the government allow a vent o lie l one thing perhaps that I 213-4- FRED. L. HANKS & CO. Cases Soup on were kept bu.y removing these placards, but they t RECEIVED Brass screw eyes, brass escutcheon pins. and Rouillie, i not they aU the bisters of the Sacred Heart referred; tion lest there might be some dunderheads yet alive FfxIIE UXDERSIfiXF.I) II AS JEST Cutting nipples, sets firmer and s.icket chisels, a Uba:aa, again as fast as they were destroyed, and by Express from New Y'ork direct, and offers for sale very tinner Cases Lobsters, that persous he allowed to aeli salmon without a ' 13 1 British lustre shoe - were 01 im- there is .1 1; V low, Ins new on joirt street, tlie pillowing as Sho: pincers. knives. c.ibld tne auinoriiu- aiarme.i wmi icars an unable to see it without aid, and that is. that s II I1CE1 I ut establishment Steel shoe nails. Mason's blacking, French calf skins, Cases Peaches, Minist.-rsh- of Gmuls, great care for this mar Irm Wiolua. tlit the of the Kine's mediate revolutionary outbreak. It was even re- as double economy. The skimmings t EX sortment Fancy schxtiil with and buck handle butcher knives, Cases Green Peas, such a thing on : Coca th.it the Jadr- - he Pound Master referred. Pope, ket, in addition to the large assortment previously Hand aud ported that the had sent a messenger to prepare ; Ivoiy handle table ihsscrt knives. Cases Ir a ll..r..iau!. to have a se; liistrict Juilite referml; ami washings at our sugar plantations are now thrown " rtoTjcrtrsoii 1" Silk velvet ribbons, fast edges : ladies' mohair mitts, Preserved Meats, rale ling-- rs Screw wrenches, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, IS and 21 inch, s d; liiui a place or retugc .spam. Snmiol mitts, with and without ; , a.io. Il.iwaii, d. lie u. .1 .lel.l tahl-- in Ladies' mohair And great of and th.it ' tors fr an existing statute, j mmrlllTE WAX CAXDbKS, ti'S, Harness aud bridle nucki.-s- grun picks, a variety Prraervrd Vrxeialtlrn s away through the mandates of belting very a iimt h.Hmr ore lav-k- be e.xempte-- 1 fnan the ppecial v " gauntlet mitts, ribbons, rich; HI -i Consi Form;n Spirits. The impor SsoLAR Sperm do., ; M attocka. Bed screws. Fruit. ailnl; that rarents be compelled U keep tlieir girls at mitiox of whereby was repealed, the planters would dauze ribbons, wide and narrow white crape. Coopers' foreign if the saaie (.ojoi Lead, only one of a pattern : Solder, punches, e Vrrrd. tation of distilled spirits into tha United States Pike nd Rich sash ribbons, Coopers' hammers, Coopers' drivers, rights and a large j blae'j FOR SALE, IfWi that all fish he free. This petition was wri:-- the year INVJ, was very large, amounting to fall back upon their natural s?ve Zinc Paint. Rhick Brussels lace edge, Pusher do do. copper in I'ire silk blond lace edge, white joiu blond, Iron aril rivets, Halter chains. RECEIVED PER LATE ARRIVALS piece uf paper, and the names 00 another piece, Ihe and the country. For sale by ('21:1-4- 0 FRED. L. HANKS & CO. White Brass lamp So,3'"0,CS), or nearly a million anil a half more amount of property to themselves Swiss editings and insert ngs, kid gauntl 'ts, Plumb bobs, chains. JUST Boston, the following assortment of Merchandise i ta the mender front that IMrtcl. $S,!io-',0.j- S Jewelers' round files. Clasps ami staples, ref-rre- than in 1KW. Of this amount was common- - kid gloves, gent's do Cases blue denims. r a Kuna, ILiwaii. against dlstillatimi il. Here would be a double saving, aud to a Alexander's white do do, Round, square and mill Gimlet screws, largest amount of this ever received Swan bill hooks and eyes, white and black t Cases blea. flannel, UtfroKTH. brandy, the article bastard files, Britannia teapots, s sense person would seem that the approaching! cr-h- llab-- bro. TVCmmittee no E.!acati.in repnrtisl recominen.tir.if that the year. I be amount ot revenue it P. C, JONES, JR., (Sutter pereha and ivory needles, cotton. wi one collected from 14 Tuier saw files. Iron tacks. Bales awning a new l j Ladies' silk elastic Congress heeled caiters, striies, article. ftitt-n- upiirt the at that PM propria-ilrtl- ir Legislature" could hardly do less than make an A oil I. Ladies' sch'4 llik: f liquors was Pare linen diaper, white cottuu sh ting. 2 yards wide. Britannia mips, saddles, Bales bro. drilling. t'athoiic C'oiSexe KooUuhw; appru-Tltt- he j com- at that iiOO he effort" to save this property from waste, if they done GEORGE CLARK, Charcoal irons, Scythe stones. Cases print lawns. intmetin of prisoners; that $l"iU le paid to Ca the Ethiopian Change hjs Skix. A paper plete Wool cards. Gimp tacks. Cases , s j 21"-3- Fort street blea. twill, ?tnT. a.i.1 J s) ti M...S Gre-u- (or aek siiaru-- for in Alabama ntions that there is an old negro nothing more in the matter. ass'm't Stirrup irons. Tinned spurs, Bales printed carpets, .in artuiol; Iw ttte on that ap.roprUtel to bay lot j of mdse. Double (Miiuted mattrass C balk lines. Cases ladies' gaiter lined boots -- 1 lii pilot ou ne of the Chattahoochee river steamers, Mr. Editor, please address a query to the different Uie Makiki taul; Jl.ooO for the u p.rt of the for the city needles, pricker pads. Mitre planes, Cases men's rubber boots, uu7 st whose skin i changing from a jet black to the fairest IST&'TiTzr Makawao. b he epene.l by Ir. C II. Andrews; ami planters as to the amount of loss each one annually and country EX Akins bradawls, 20 tools, item snaps. Cases lioys' do do. "t it tm-t- of the lUm 1 oa Hawaii and Kauai. This re-- " white. His neck and arms, as far down as his fin- tia.le. consist inir Goods Silven-- call bells, Trace chains, Cases women's do do. sahj.-c- from the present unavoidable waste of skim- ' ule the of the day. gers, are of a smooth, soft, delicate whiteness that sustains of prints, muslins, " ! " Stationers' twine, Axle pullies. Cases charcoal irons, Mwtn. from the Sjieeixl Cmumittee to amTl.1 the school delaines, denims, mole- SAMUEL ROBERTSON Steelyards, Bench hooks, j would rival hat of the tenderest, purest Circassian. mings and washing?. No doubt they will ausweryou A 1 FANCY Bbls prime pork. .See. 74 1 ami 744. on amended bill, which skin, toweling, bro. drilling, A FIX E SS UT M EXT O F LA I) ES Shot, Dupont's powder, Sheet zinc. nadp GOi DS, such as Barrels mess pork. the husinrm of His lips are of a soft, ruddy hue, and his face and cheerfully and truthfully. Pavkaa. Mue flannel, huts, loots and shins, pajier card", cpsnm s;dts, Jm. Looking glasses. Ox bows. Half bids mess pork. If M t lookint'-glasse- s, :laJ.'y rea. a bill to allow all agricultural impletnents body are beginning to show the same radical, won- sugar, tubs, leather, whips, cariH-- bags, BLOM), WHITE, niiJli, SEArOUTAS,HAIR LACE Guarded lanterns. Crowbars, Or bbls mess pork, ia.!l fire f iluty ...-r-,- l Weilm-Iay- . derful chauge. paint oils, glass axes, shovels, Berlin wind, alpaca, AM) WILLOW HOXETS. Window glass, 20x24 and 22x20, Iron, copper anil brass wire, Bbls mess beef, Kt or THIlr plaids, shining, monkey jackets, Grindstone cranks and rollers, assort.! R lr IT. iAiiUtrtisfRunls. A lol plaid Jk mi Hi Houiiet Ribboim, Bbls navy mess beef, ioaiui report of the CmimitVe on Finrtner, givinir the A "oiiLE Qrtrx. It is told rf Queen Victoria alpaca roa ts, rhirts, coats, pantaloons, brntilifMl of House paier and tiordering. Men and ladies' shoe lasts, Tierces hams. "ox Iv'At and ISM. was pr.--n;r- : is one one suMTior harness, chairs, hose, saddles, Safety fuse, porcelain slates, Japanned spittoons. Barrels vinegar. and if it is true, it of the bet things she ever - Wreaths, It:.tt or th r.a th Yeibs and r fleets much credit on her that when an prints, indigo blue, salt, ox hows, hand- Grass hooks, oval tea trays, iTelegraph needles, steel traps. Half bbls crushed sugar. B G.'ihitt did. bedspreails, kerchiefs, fans, rice, sermon Boot, toe and instep stretchers Mt, as re(jrted hj the Committee of t'itiatice 1. 1: x b: c: i, chalk, Flowers, Portemonnaies, paer, Half boxes raisins, African Prince rent an ambassador with valuable A ii x is i: i k ribbons. hanlwarc, soap, Frencli Siiarmakers' drawing knives. Pocket corkscrews. Cases refined Ti an I, M ,. T lard. is.,0 $13,1.T ii gifts, and wished in return to be informed the secret sriCKSsoKS oysters, clams, tobacco, nails, White ruled foolscap pajM-r- iiiacusmitns' hammers, Casks pilot bread. l sVxipa Im- , French Head Dresses, fi xn Uie bureau of Foreign - ambas- r lobsters, hoes, ink, Wheelwright!.' hollow augers, circular saws. New Bedford iron hoops, 1x16. 1 xl7, 1 1x17. J.O"li) of Rritain's power and glory, she handed the AV. M.i-v- - :c. U17, 24 00 neck- Jtc, Enameled glue pots, clothe line castings. 19o-- tf A 1 1". In'.-ra-al - Gcor Apply to C. BREWER CO., Market Whar . Word God, wash-bowl- Cminero- bj.sie 01) sador an elegantly bound copy of the of KAWAIIIAK, HAWAII. ties, ;e. Clienille for do., Marble s, steel bowed eye glasses. Ia inf.tu.liiiif r, t f assessimiit ami and said " Tell your Prince that here is the secret Will contin-j- the and Shipping Barbs for do., Brass swivels, lead pipe, horse rasps. 147.10S - clocks, 00 of Rrit aiu's greatness." at tin- above port, where th. y are to turni-- h the Marine and alarm cake ans, IVw .if . ilie o.jeeri.nier.t Pres. 7.SOO Cl justly Kaaaihae Pt.fito.-s- and such oth, r re- Oil Silk, Britannia table ca?trs, razor hones, ' nes HI I penalties,...... 6j.ooi OO NaTTRAL G The Kanawha (V.a.) Hi pu.'ir,in cruits as are required by whale ships at the shortest notice, Iron table Soons, oil stones. Irr anil 1VtiHi-mOS.- ...... Jj.7.'s) IM t.Maiden on on and on the reasonable terms. 5-tf Chain and shutter holts. W. X. LADD OU says that near the Kanawha river, the mst I'NITKri ST.ITK; CoSst t.ATE, JJalmoral Skirts, saws, i..t:ieiS...... S4.ISIO , Sheep shears, fret L AS BY a -- HECEiVED TIIE "SAMUEL una !i,.ital an.1, :i.wm) 00 Western .Vleglianian tlof.-- a party, in salt ;nu! Honolulu. June 0, 1m0. Ship augers, head and rabbit planes, coffee pot stands, curtain ROBERTSON'' a large and desirable assortment of irr. 1 00 of which was so Poi cH;iiu. While (rani.e, And a variety of other Goods. riding wtups, If well in struck a rTvoir ga, COMPLIAXCE TIIK LAWS OK bands, llritanma swing lamps, and carriage , x-- u.r Uiu.'." '."."."."."."..".'...".. So.uijO s) con- of America,Williin ens.- - pr..viii-l- . nn.1 in For sale to the trade LOW, by French basins, glue, corks, ladies' India rublier n. o I powerful as to shof.t the whole boring apart: u. IX I'nitt.l States such wah Consistingcl tvIn part of accord nice with the treaty stipulatioi.s betweti the I nited C. A. .t II. F. POOR, back combs, ripping saws, turning saws, memo- f sisting of I'lie thousand feet of pjles and a sinker . 213-.- 1t .V building. Extra quality mortice locks, with white or dark knobs Elm 7:,'JO W F,t n Frnnrrs l'nlnirr" from Sntt Fraiu-i-o- States and thi kingdom. I do give notice that Capt. E. Makee Anthon's randum atid pass IxKiks. agate buttons, hung . City and Western door locks, brass hinges and screw, city Tnw.r-.a- : weighing five hundred pounds, into the air like an B. ILo)-r- a of 1 Honolulu on borers, copjiering punches, saddle cloths, Vl. ifi fy,t Ww i,Ven D :n rommittee t4 the A citizen the nited at ; and Aft- -r - WF,,I.SKI.ECTEH ASMIKTME.M OF pjxl4aiid 14x20, Manila bolts, assorted sizes hooks staphs, wardrobe ho.ks, .f g is three inches in diameter, - 15th of April. Charcoal tin, oa the item rf the Kiier's S arrow. The stream .-- oth- r the 100. ii..hsi.i ti imnier and Tea Setts, and a lareevan- ty of. article hav-ii:- Escutcheons, blind hinges ami fasts, gilt cornice, gilt cur- ;t ,1 -- Iteini: as known intestate, and tr cordage. 0. It, 12 ami 15 thread, lj, ToCal 4'J.!oO. with and ) F"i The said as far f.a.x. si.ii itmn'i.iliiifii-. nd has been blowing up unabated forced ly Al s An ass..rtiueiit of Cut liissw.irc. sale at lo an-- bands, brass liox and chest locks, hair cloth for repres.-iiiativ- I 2 inch: cut nails am! tain ..f th- - Irit-rw- -r was a-- x taken up. a the F. no h ir or ler;i in this kimrdoiu. have this 2' by PM.CO ER, , furniture, leather lielting. gutta pereha hydrant hose, hi. night f.r sixteen years. price, day taken of his and eib-cts- and ilo hereby spikes, ro, chisels, far- f alxry. which w:i plaee.1 ut i.'sHI, 1 -- Corner of yaecn and Nuuanu Stp cts. xssesion l.ks 1 ; tin- -- t'Wf f 21 "iu to inch extra hose couplings, hose p!ies, B-- 1 knives, planes. j W.UI Vf t, tuu i.l:lry e. o 4.0tS. OH which further give notice to all persons inde' te to said to make riers t,j, lf re.iK ; Caxiphorii. The Wheeling Ji.1ellienrfr of the Silver table and " pure rom;" men's solder, sofa springs, halter chains, wash '" iij ii..oi.Mi m-u-i, :i. the principle of a immediate payment to me, aud all those having claims against teasioiiis, in..U Something a year hc ss- - " ;"' boards, seine twine, scrub, mark ing and white- fM, :i..u aalaries. The w a.. ted, 16 10th, says: over airo. chill ! said estate to present them to me without delav. Silver table and ib rt f rks, pure coin is who lives ome Jnt Rrccitcd dHERTY, Silver butb r knives, pure coin ;'' butchers' knives. wash brushes, carjienter-t- ' planes, panel of an estimable citizen cf this county, TIlOS. 1. Dot saws, combination rules, file, brace bits, EX 214-C- .t V. S. Vice Consul. cIT'! iry was tu ,:,.wn to iifi iO. The third distance from the river, in taking a bone fro n a dog. ;reciax." from i.oxdox. Dry (iootls. Iron braces, Hawke's plated braces i r;n;r.iy with. Th- - rnesseiir-- r and by animal verv scperior york ii a ms. Cases Illinois mixtures, cotton flannels, bro. cottons, with bits, lamp hooks, coffin .l.j,,,,! was snapped at and severely bitten the -- Hkir a;.try . For ale hv 9-- 11-- ! t was re.ln.-t- I to ooo f..r the two years. 4 and 4 bleach-.- sheeting. Pearl river denims, screws, large bullet moulds, wound was quite a severe one. S. I DOE, ConuIalp Nolicfs , "f he 1. -- f was re.t.ice.1 from 5.000 upon the arm. The 200 Ticking, oil carpeting. Russia diajw-r- linen napkins, le.,rr r iithu f S' Gun nipples, 40 Inch !...). li.rerrv.r ,.f Maui's -- alary w.. re.lure.1 to was soon healed up. but upon the coming of the ilog 214-.- m Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street. BliKMKN" CoNsI I atk, cotton ob s. furniture prints, worsted curtain loops, smiths' bellows, row '.',':'e- - That of the tioveruess of Hawaii was re swelled the arm and liecame pain- Honoiulu. June ;7, lsoih J French all wool plaids, Oerticin twill. s drab cloth. hicks, brass wire Tb'-s- days it , if uiii. as thus amimleil. fiasseil. powerful remedies the R Y White and colons! sewing silk, colored taffeta ribbons. netting, shoe ..f fully sore. Uy the application of Wrapping Paprr. 'OTICK IS II E E It KIV EX THAT THE talb-t- .e!in the b.II. to abolish all taxes ou cart and all undersigiinl, by of his oihce, is of the es- Bonnet ribls.ns, white satin and riblmns, brushes, -. healed up and the dog was killed, 1 A I , T- Aw virtue rW' ' earr...- . wound was again S I : I E I V F. E X S M E I R O IJ E R - dee.-aed- in- ! Velvet rinlN.ns. narrow Iw.nnet. gauze and plaid do. 'Ti "" l T R tate of Ijoiii Itaund'.ich, a native of Bremen, lately -- white chalk, ''"' '"'' their third readings. To am. n.l Ufore one of the mo- -t active and intel- .1 soii. ream cap straw pa r. d crown do do. '..Vii; Watered lielt riblx.ns. Brook's cotton. Coat's do ilo, " of P''s..I but the chil l, . testate, at l.ihue. Kauai, and all parties indebted to the sp.l , spring balances, i the Cira To pr'.vide the of erim- - Reams double cap stra I .i-r- do itoiii le greeu do do. , brown Holland. Scotch diu-iT- French , c.le. f r arrest become i liotieal and has fallen into the , same to pay th-- ir liabilities to the uiidcrs.gtied. a well as all chintz. horse shoe nails, cof- pt fr-- ligent, has iniH-r- i! o envelope wh-t- srr..i;irs of horh schools To Reams hardware do. to pr-scn- t Brown and table damask. linen huckahuck. fee of a dog, much to the distress . others holding claims against the same them within mills, croton bibbs, 'rf ihe Civil gross habits and actions Reams blottunc pajK-r- For sale by ! All woo! p:i-- -r cambric, check crinoline, S3 Co.le. A.ljourneil till at w thirty diijs fpun date. CH STAV REIN ERS, ilelaioes. stop cocks, chisels, sleigh astonishment of those ho are 214-21,- 1 II. M. WHITNEY. eliow erti,nejs, wetting of the narents and the 214-4- 1 Bp m-- n Consul. lbd, blue and Irish linen, cord, bells, lemon squeesers, charcoal unable to - A . --V- X O-- White and brown linen thread, white cotton thread, , Turmlny. July IO. acquainted with the case, and are of course ,&.tilM:J- -. irons, nurse lamp,, blacksmith"' vises, oil silk, dark prints, rich cashmere, ,?''rsttt'en-l"l- . Mr. Vetister a petition s i,i: ! liombazinc. spittoons, cotton lines, tin, brass and cop- fl reI account for it. roll tlie Day. binding. !..-- fringe, marking canvas, Jn k the sum which she claimed I A xirrat Ki'cirilics of Canet per machine oilers, tea trays, Rodger's pen- l.r "f t.iO. A COOII C'A R R ii E HORSE. SI IT- - Li-l- e bos.-- , 04 L- Ever. ts move ,v French dimity, lad in' hoy's brown hose, t, rT la:e referrol. -t Six Months in Ei roi f-- r or light work, or a saddle horse, very knives, French pails, French saucepans, tinned nT hasbani The t f "'"'ininir,. o-- work h"' " b, ladies' and misses' brown and hose. spurs, hay forks and rakes, grain sickles, scythes ami V Kf" eTi. f a protective- ilaty on flour, ami all SO in our time, we are unable to do more quiet, and jul the thins family ing th'T-- i THE rapidly that . fr n". , Men and Ix.v's fancy cotton hose, ladies' Lh.lc gauntlets, aj7"mf into this kingdom, ita e"nd I ' n y Or- Also, a e,wi I saiblle hors-- suitaide snathes, lioys' axes, lead pipe, sheet sine, axles and springs le pa4' "bestow a glance upon enrh i it rushes j T Ladies', gent.- -' and children's Lisle gloves. , the t.lls.tVF--S of fenrfTUW. than pasinir for a 'ladv or g. ntlenian b ride. Apply to TI-l- J. c. SPALDlXf;. for carriag.-s- caststeel in bars, nails, assorted sizes, etc. Also, ! la- -t t map Colored silk fringe, crochet cotton, braid, hurriedly rost. Within the :l enths the OEORtiE CLARK, AY.K,a 1 1 . (irenl endaclie, . U-e- The nnd SOLE AG EXT FoR i.r thk I Xruralii'. the sandwich islands. Colored girdles, elastic ribtion, real thread lace, IMOUX, assorted sizes. , 214-;i- T.,pr. v.ion B.ii Ir ("..mmitte ..f of Europe has been reconstructed. Lombardy has t r'.Tt tr.et. tjis-N- 9 ui:en op the the R lieiMiin I mid - brain and fringe, cord and ToIalcall of which is 211-Sr- n ir Rtiiicilv. the JA- PATRICK .V CO.. Marseilles XJ" attention invited. .... 1 the Chair. The actii n of jnxrT'l?, re-- from th'ree sovereigns of N rth- - cor I, wrenched Austria: Ag.-nt- veils, mourning collars, silk elastic 211-r,- ni Sole California. itrown tne el-- i waa ! n UNIVERSAL COUGH REMEDY, f.r . arrs,l ftrt rk of the 4.isi. .rti Ita'v have leeii deposi-- : has li-- annex- - Oents superior rul-l- r braces, doeskin gautitl.-ts- T1 - Oov- - MOLASSKS, i.li-s- "'"V o b ?e:h- r with the of the led to Sardinia; and :r(AK AND FOR EVERY I'ESCRI ITI N OF LINO AND THROAT Canihric e.lging. chamois skins. ' b'.ped skirts, Makiki Family School. to France; Tiisvany has been , m''rr' ori(riua!!y stmsl. ed al Fn-ric- cors.-ts- lf''' COMPLAINTS. OIlANfJE HKDCI'.S. silk bead nets, velvet ribhon. A "" was phuasl as Eomagna h is practically passed from under the IkTcw Crop lOGO. B.-.- XEW HUILDIXK HAS BEEN ERECTED 'sti? mr:n- - r and watchman the 1 1 11 Black silk lace edgitigs, kid gauntlets. State shawls. - ! ' O M I X I X R O M T E R E E V LA and furnish.-- from the money and articles contributed ,y ''j"1"1- Tue."r.Tniittee thenan the question still Pope. The political destiny of Italy "O W F W R rHIESK REMEDIES AFTER SIX YEARS' JERSOXS WISIIIXf; To XT TIIE Fl- silk, black dress siik. white tnarseiiles. silk j of the . e reiice ruches. c fcfr.tre . pi iiit.,t.oii. Makawao. East Maui, and tor sal- - by M pul-iie- Piiuiphl.-t- oran.-- for fences, can with r.sidents. of Honolulu, so about fifteen addi- .1 t- i4h--- r 'I private use are n..w I;iir:y ttie I Cuni'iuat supilie rh-c- . -, the that pupils, in d. husinesa. j lin'-n- s. gre n baiz- ' p. wer of the P pe y . p, Boy's linen bi montvian cotton. (', ,,f ,r" of has been changed; the temporal 214 1 , II REM ER CO. pivini; a full pr..-- u ..fall p'an. and testimonials which can plants by avit-.- ap.;;c.iti n at l,x No. ;i. tion to those already in the school above named, can now be "X.- .- Whole, the rep. rt of the C.:iniittee ! 1 - - A-- broken; Austria has been humbled, fin is.- - he r h d whteli t)ie pr pnetor a-- k The imjeiietrat b- formed by this plant, and its great well acroTmni dated. 5 rf up. The report was .hfene.1...... till tne see ba been iu ry r ..ii. and to the CJroceries, . sis Jppr .. ri-- ! n di pri-et- rapidity of growth in these islands, render it the best tenet oliv- - s. C. Girls of from five to eight years of age, and those who will . f.. provi-ii- n for should come t Napoleon has extorfi"! even from the lips of t.r.glisti most id inquiries, w.ll found ith ad The pr Cas'ile soap, chemical soda. !riti.l : a" 1. I ever introduced here. lis-t-f fine dairy probably kept in the school until their education in completed, lUmnfll. 1 kk, th n.,ue a.:j'.umwl. I l.un re. r rnnee ami in conli.lence ask a'l to the pamidilet. a nothing like plant Cream tartar, saleratn, card matches, salt, te Te;..a the title of 1'iotator JNOT justice can be iloue by advcnis.ug, that of notoriety, Dried apples, Preston and Merrill's yeast powder, will have the preference. relatively changed pcs'.ticns within the England have Which IS UldiSpelisaoi. IROX SPIKES. Air. Bogle's hyperioti fluid. ccoairie. table salt, The moral and physical, as well as the mental training of the same brief period. ALL lKR$OXS lieneril A.rts. WIRE. Cayenne flavoring extnets, white wine vinegar. pupils, will lie attend to. To make them intelligent house- E.rtt"R",l'?'hiM. wealth, must W. "N SEW ELL a: CO.. iST IROX SIMKES. ASSORTED SIZES. keepers, and give them habits of industry and usefulness, will ht withal! his Ca-- Whi'se accounts are of more than ill undies iron wirv, do Norway dust received Shoes. Cq With f Ka : 1.m tio.i.1 k In the Su peri, r Court 7 Jc s Coturuercial Wharf, B. ston Cr shaies. jk.t Itooti and be the constant aim of their instructors...... !...1. , .' . - .x ExTn..RMXtRr o C. BREW LR y Congress he-.-- ijots. men's Oxf rd ties, anj 1 Svreu sale bv CO.. Lads' silk Miss Ogde.ii, long experience, ami unu- 1 f.eeti rendere-- against For salt y s the princial, lias had fvtmtn - - . IVimsylvani t a verdict has lvJ-t- f W M'-n'- s. iv.-- boots, rr..-n'- enamepsl slipinrrs, 11cir. cannot Ofurapntare eunjei, of THREE MONTHS STANDING, E. HOFFMANN, Market harf. sual success as a teacher of Hawaiian Girls ; and the Trustees j 1 c.ty in I.--i li.-- kid ti. John Miller, ate Postmaster in that lavorj.i O. P. DD. white and hi.ick slipi rs. of this school have great pleasure in assuring parents and guar 7 C"J"J witri a select circle ci ineaus. Are requested to settle before the JI siipp-- and 'a ennsy ivania, Is: W. La.lies' plain and Ic hil bukins, will tie in ' the assignees of the litnK ol l kt 21 1 m J. :. SMITH CO.. is. dians, that children confided to her care, excellent to. .. .t "Be inKle ray to the clear bright. lingintere-t-. corrupt-- r iiAKva: Ladies' and misses' calf sewed buskins. hands. .1 '""O M being the amount inclu i of night, as she sails magnifi iiir---i i rs PAINTER, LAZIER, filEDER AND PAPER I per for 1 f l vn2Tiiit Terms. Thrse dollars week, hoard and tuition. i fy pai l over to Miller by the President i sii .t. Aerie ii It lira Implements, Arc. The nchet si will j.l.acel in the hands of an "LX xa To Eagle plows, thn-- .ires; . ox yokes, For further information, please address, or confer with Sliss ! deration of his services in negotiating Or they HANGER. of 1 re Bank, in coni ox"! Coffee Grant's fan Ogden. By order the Trustees. nmsliareort:ieairtobreatDe, 215-24- and grain tnilis. mill, ti tnn ., i . ,.1.1 i, government Shop iu King t. next door to D;:!lin"s Market. 1 It.. 7 pnorset ' I v. ,t, ; v. ,rk f.ronertrr to the . strs Wheelbarrow handcarts, wheellirrows, CHAS. BISHOP, Secretary. of al! men can have the same. I rie sale ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION. 21 i.:t. (210-lm- .la C1.1V 1 , anre-ar- s needed Honolulu, May 25, 1S60. ) tn- . . . .1. .. site. It . that the city Russell's exst iron sheli' rs. - r 2!5-l- cm ... lll J-- el A. S. la., j J unii:.uii fjra.wiet, uaizi.ng wmi A. S. M. (MtlMlAl M. f accommo-lationsan-- l M.I.er oJ ! 31 n post-offi-- re sti.vei as HaiiiNome Lumber SEEDS SEEDS isrellaneon. , cannot buy a better 1 ruo;t, but wealth - lot Glass hand ghiss dishes. II an.t 01 , s buy the b ink ar !( lamp. rKi; HOTEL. th- - government to 'I "r"-turue- .i on ....10 in AS EVER CAME TO THIS MARKET. 4 e Cut glass salt cellars, solar chimneys, rolar wicks, - arm woicn uispiay the DiwNuhitioii of opai(in'rliip. now m. sale at the A ricu!tural I! ir n and I'r. smith's Dr -' Store, f- UNDERSIGNED. DESIRING TO 'fial 1 s? out of which Mr. AhN.ne f Ian line fr in the barken tine I'nnitttution. consist ing of 2 TIIE r building for j th-- se ! d.-- th-- Rockingham sjiittoons, hanging solar lamps, ewtab only can give that, anJ to many fe-- t 1 To will a cons'antlv, as fresh S.siis of retire frora business, offers to sell out his entire for h:s ser- loo M toiuru.st nii, cr .oved and 1J inch. ! .". him ?2S.iH II tal-le- g X bank, gave 'OI'ARTXF.RSII Kit KTOFORK ti.-- Custanl glass, s, cut lets. W. I. ciistanl cups, m on very President of the ix-- SO 1 Flowers, and new vari' of fg. from Japan. lishmeut favorable terms. The central and exi-tin- i: ik is M lo t inch - g lietwt n E.J. and II. McDoiitia. this day . G reading do- rlaz.-- ofTn:er of the .vertinient. .sl Mexico, s, e,!s under- rman lamps, panel rs. window sash, convenient situation of the spacious premises are well known, w sworn Tli-- I d- - M China. Al! sale by the rosy-cheek- ed a lv- U- Oi tt.t:ing. etc ,be vices Miller is - -1 v mutual All out:..r. !ir r bts to paid , fr nrityJ.,1 health cf that al c..nciii. signed laln-lld- ' From Hoist, in." having been tro d, Window blinds, rolling pins, wash IkipIs, water pails. and also the respectable patronage the hotel has enjoyed during was spccUr.y authorized by the lVd:,, jene-r- to H. MeDoni a. E. J. KEI.K. 12 M a lo t pickets. are II. and sii?n' 'he aristocratic invalid, propped and may tm as good. lersigne--i resjKVtfuily Cedar and painted tubs, market baskets, mop handles. the last twelve years. The inventory is complete and will re- . 10 M on T..e uu solicits !',!?,' proper selection. He receive! Ib f lulu. July 2. lsi's). II. M. IhjNNA. laths. Toy egg in her Ah, me," to mike a SO M sliincl-- s. the kind patronage of the public, and orders from other islands. pails, (.eaters, atert an.l whittl.il clothes pins, quire but little renovation. The lease of the premises is also Costly carriage. " P-t- bu-.t- e car-ie- u ma-,er B. 'Vha all the services N. The ss will be oa hereaft. r by II. HOI-?TEI- pr-.c- n Indies work baskets, covered pail", birch brooms. under favorable terms. For further particulars, apply I ri-l-e th-- oi All of which is r sale in or small lots, at a to suit H. - could only in such style a - hod at l stand. f birt 1 J'' government, and of course Jlj.t tim-- s. hef-r- I Corn brooms, cover painnd buckets, willow knife baskets. to (212 lm') VICTOR CHAXCEREL. to the you say heVuieht render the Call buy, and take a oii.f..r they do tow-- cannot purchase health, nor can it per-forni- in' Curled hair, 1 ather pillows, seating, pay trom outsi le parties, f.r OEoKuE M. HUM E can sell a little lower than any other I ! sacris. f hair no to receive that The .llercliaiitN Tin una H gh x.s. bedsteads, anil single CENTRE-BOAR- D minL "All is most valuable rizht ce double walnut washstands, SURF BOAT, 27 aUb that c.-n- led him by the post-ffE- de Xoticc. deabr. :i44m to (parhTv!iip O, what-tiot- iNE nothing. They cume as presents a IOXTAIXIXG TIIE TARIFF OF I S59-G- Walnut 5 and 6 shelf. xl w feet long, i feet beam, for sale by Vlai ,r and the verdict of the court he will l'XTERMf;.XEI HAY t'estorn-Hous- e Regulations an-- Charges, Tr aties with Walnut side what-not- s, oak ol;c chairs, Grecian BREWER A CO., ! ot partment, ondT rwHK HAVE.. THIS chairs, ., tind and indulgent Father, and s r.-- part:..-r-h:- f. pu-p- of together 197-t- compelled to disgorge. A few moreuch exp-eiure- ent. into a r the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. France. England. Unite! States. and Bremen, Pure white lead, extra whit-- lend, whiting, putty. f Market Wharf. r he licijcrai A'i-- shippintr Kusiiiess. under the ij'.ane A wi;h of Hart- - r Regulations for port of !!,-- , nrf the sky. nor beauty, health. prosecutions as this won! 1 effect uaily to a I'llsCKI HERS WISIIIXf; TIIE HOVE! h:i alistraet the the Hono Lampblack, spirits turpentine, black enamel varnish, 3 be bought and sold. IUjalcr . and an I si vie of ALLEN tt at K.ia li Hawaii. , valuable newspaper will pleas." leave their orders tf.re lulu and other Ports f these ids. Price, 25 cents. Copie C'iich varnish, furniture varni-h- . raw unds-r- NAILS. demoralizing jli.--i j I Fp-tic- c beck th corruptions cf W. F. AI.I.EX. th- - departure of the mail. Price f 2 50, or 2 if taso-- ith the forwar b'd ' y mail n the receipt of the pre. For sale v Prussian blue, pumice stone, zinc, ASKS, assorted sizes, forsaleby rr Bu' l!,y condition in life, rcmi"br ;i5-:- i I JV.-e- ,stii 1VM. I KILL, (214 M. ia M. Cho.-oUt- uys . .1 t in our government tr.aDi.actions. Honolulu, July 2, t Kit fummrrcil AlirrUnr. 20 II. WHITNEY. II. WHITNEY. tire pr f paint. 210-3t-n C. BREW Lit & CO., Market W harf. -- u j ije content. !". 200

ijjy.-aWielJM.iM rWSflom-Kf-

'Is1 2ttbrrli5tr.tfuts. Jil'frtistntnJs pAcinc private charity the expense of it mus-- t be necessarily Cbapliins tr teachers' are p rovided by ether Christian Sjtrtxstinfnfs. 3totrtts:r.tnts. the great If native girls are to be taken into family Governments for their pr- i- ns; it used to be done Commercial Advertiser. school, it xau.t be at a ttn Jer age, and they mutt be here, and it appears to me the firmer practice ought &, CO. kept there for a number tf years, until their charac- to be resumed. "A worl to the wi-- e is sufijeient." C. BREWER OFFER FoR SAL; THE FoLLoV. INo . JET y,,'J-Jlf- ters are finned an J they are atle to support thtui-a-'.t- c. God savx the Kino Markrl Wharf. ARRIVED ISic n oLY . , Pl.u Krporl THE UNDERSIGNED. Commission .Merchant, OWING ninl or ti settle in life. The annua! expense i f R. ARMSTRONG. Sale Shipping: and FER OR .ibb 1 " kiU OF THE PBE5IDENT OF each pupil in Mirs Og.Jen cbool is at. I the PreiiJent of the Board of Elucation. The Cargoes the Harks "SYRKX !" PKOM BOSTON, of Britiu OAIIU, II. I., articles. - buildiczs an 1 accommodations areprovi !.Ly p rivate IIONOLl'Lr. Dry (JnoJs- ld Manchester denims. A 1 n. FOR SALE. AT THE io,les BROWN BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR . drilling. MIEN'S THE HUMPHREY XELSO7 OFFERS KATES, the fwlowi-- asorLa.eni of mer- Cases blue .Hales Jewttt C'ty .feuims, HE Pi's. UoUlKl c-- l Hales blue sheeiiuu. Ami-skea- d In the cho.I cf Mrs. Bishop, of Lahaina. the chandise : lliles P. R- - denims, Heay llimS, Nesu of truiikt, TO THE Book and Job Print ini:. KATHLEEN," Case hickory shirts. pants. Heavy eiwle denims. of each g.rl is a year, for n And " ;t'a--es del im ae corn meal, Sl'J Uard:i:g aid tuilii White Linen Handkerchief?, Bali's bags. n !t'a.regnta shirts, Cotton umbrellas. Casks buurr, LiKiKL.vrntc or IGO. t n'y. and this allows r.o cocjjr.-t.u- f.r the Princi- FROM LIVERPOOL, White Toweling, Baies t uriaps. Smus, Oil cbh carpcti' tr, l'hese, pal Iry fiood. Blue Flannel Hoot Shoe aud Leather. Cot'n pants. I'nines, l Blue (Concluded from week.) cho-,- bro-rsn- lu! In Mr. Oulick's the charge is tO per week Blue cottoti. wh.te su;r.ne white cottoos, Suspealers, Men's peSed evil Jackets, Hams, f r bcar-il&g- , v.ashii.g, or 212 assorted prinia. two blue pn:it. Turkey re-- and Riding Men's caif Oxt rd tis. Shirts. SCHOOLS CAKE OF GOVERN- and tuition, Ladies' Gaat.tleu, I .yraj. VT r t'TR THE yellow pia:n Turkey red Hu cir.g-ham- s. ennameieil brojrans, Grey, blue and scarlet flannel Eetuou ' MENT. per year. prcu, c Biue Bunt:Rf, Men's svrcD French lawns, moleskins, bniliaiitcs. lk-- Ja--ke- shirts, Eunices, In BchvA of tL; rs Ik-art- s Kgeed College. tle of the 5cr.-- the plain and fancy .l:s, ict'na iawns, RAVENS DUCK, M?UMMS,eathershc,wedanJ Pears, Oahc J ti.- - thick I trn;s are a rth for boardiz. ar.d tuili.ti, aul furniture prints, sheeting. Fntaarita Cast, rs. Men's bo... lMums. Ktv. E. Corwix, Acting Prtsilent. ? a year the u?e or a t sy I a year. Cotton hai.dkerrL.ivfs. pnr.tvj Tabic Leather trunk. A pple, i.r el. tr leather Presx-rvw- Vf. D. &c. Krvl.Te.1 hilidkerchii.;, GoMcts, Russet I ridic milk, AuLXASDtE, I'rofctHor of Orek, From this data a fair estimate a. ay Le t-a- of the Cut Valenciennes hand- Water lVtKs. Kigginjt leather. Enclish mustard. R. Latin, kc. exj-etis- Whiu C IIaskeix. " cf iriipjrt:Lg to native girls the domestic kerchiefs. Tar-ke- y Sets Crsrkery Ware, Curry powder. Tb namUr of stu.lenU in this institution h training which is thtir great teed, and the tjuestiou ;rooerie. ketchup, Halibut, y Cafes! tomato ; whi! fins exxra corn meaL. Cases reflnej lard, from Zft to 73 for Laet two je-rs- the cutr.-L- er what part shorn i Goveriinietit XV.xo, ZZ anoI the is, iiie bear the WIT in Croclioi-- Tin. fl.mr. Cru.hed sugar in '. seven, ? way LtNiN CrntosBay Suite Lanterns, xcs Glass, honey. half bl.s. ia the regu r college coarse from four to metier In what and to what extent should its C A M B K I C ti Half U ls crushed sugar. Curranta, ' mceorlAoc with the recomiDtrD-latki- a of the King U; exten led u tuete institutions, which are con !(tmnmfrri;tl bbrrtiscr hareikerchiv.'s, l'sols in Xovrw. Barrels extra vinegar. lolur, Raisins, a ail Cream-lai- d clams, la--- PIr, Boxes S. W. soap. in Council, as st.itfl in t report, anl the fessed'y of the greatest importance i deCICiS. nllH2 UO LoNU Choc.late, mj umbrellas, Case salad cream. black plr. Honorable House cf on the CI 'laj The Legislature wi.l no duutt give the subject tbe cioji h.si.k TEA. Sal:e.l herrings In half w.j, urnbrr-llas- . sewing blue . Io-j- ir::'I-- cxtou. Drle.1 Apples, Chit.a Ka-e- Can4:na Rice, Stoves. Kidder's cordial the IVriJ cf Ldueatk-- has j a consideration its irup,rtance deserves, and act up n t -- of Maj, and scarn-- hirts. f.'. i jackets, Biston T, S ainl 9. Sarsariila, ' lan-ls- . w OFFICE. m-- FROM TITCOMB'S PLANTATION. ?r&nt of tLe rhixl HrckTHp ko, on M iui. it in a y that will encourage and ni t check the alpaca uibv netunr, linen tloue. COFFEE ..Treasure, Nos. 7 aud , l'ain cits. ilocic o. killer. 1 1 1 c-j- Bel ticks, while blue and rid biankets, railway wrappers. x I PurU. Treasure. Ahom&na, aii JIoIta., cu Kauai, v.ucl at c itrtiii priaie cnarnj mat now s in mis Uirec- - (OMMERdth . I VKRTISKR EH-- E r I'riiue IVrft Lorenin4 snd cwnlj-- , ' rpHK men:i'-s- . t.gureti, common Cambooses, I - alpacas, plain and and CRUSHED SUGAR, NAVY BREAD, HAMS chips 10,OtJO. toaar-- eri.lowu.etit College. tlotl. TAISLIslIMENT a ! Uj ujl--; LOAF SUGAR. , OatoieaL the of this lr.l iu jupply of li- -j' Uu- -, n half h s. hollow ware, Ac j la traw s. wi::r siik, are compleU-- with SjIi m mrsJitu-'- l is clhs. brwrrf Ground Pepper. Tbe above favorite brands water ,ep, It Charter hi tcn s to rrr..ilc fir It telieved that the oject enn be attained chln'ry, on f IMI'im'KD OiMBlXATIO.N men's felt hats. sUk handkerchiefs, sup-rfiri- e twce.1 usenngs, let Rt";iL' tr lKtent chn-.-' Tni-ie-- ?, b s Ground Mustarl. Paints, Ac. ar 1'KIVTIX'j caj.-tM- h-- hepl.t t flannel, plain Mue flannel, whr.e Stores, the JwMitiori r.f two tiienJr to its Iiorl of mtir.z a euitahle sum of irionev to I'KKvij, r.f printing one tVuanJ ts rl's pUi l. blue oci Naval Whiting in half barrels, boiled Ii.is.x-- oil ft. . w under-shirt- a, Water Crackers. M ineral reil, -- fiaiinel, rev wrpl-rs- uivii's len hose, cotton Barrels cotton twine, white lead, ' whom the Kir.jj a right to apfint, eur.ject for landed in ai ling p.rivate individuals associations r hour. sia.iil of ar.y kliiJ, but more tx-- Metr'p-ii:a- Cracker. varnish. Pure bale flax frine, lu tr i!e.nl tr i c.tuu trjucr.:i.'s, pni.u--i niualins, Kc , Jtc, ic. k,.., Black Ash oars. In, 17 and IS feet abo-i-t tLirten to come to the ar.r.roTal of the eng-tZe- in the good work, rather th.n attempting, as ic, Ginger Snaps. EST ' Case spirits annUne. lone. jear ambles. Sheet Doors aud window sashes, assorted sIl4. American BoarJ of Misaicnj in n, lb a Lis right a government, to .wcomp.!ish it s-- lely ry its own Hard ware. J Sail needles, Cases boded oil. list. Bundles r.un.1 d, fiat ' ar irrn. asstd, Lemon Cakes, ALSO means, thus I n-- c, irn, to te aheolare. dividing the UN.r an exp and at i3iij3j.iii:Arrsl Spaiies, U. ti.es. hand do, Jars Prune. - hov Hardware. , e, w U- I it) ps-- ca.-t- en which can nt executeil ia a tyle of r refined iron, A arse acsortment The institution to Dilives-- half or the frarr.e time list ins the feelinzs and sriiiDathii-- Ten-- saws. asyrtel lcks. knivesu.and for&s. I Iron shovels. Bars of Roots and Sh , f.nt-j- t , , I'NITF. STATES. Wo.xl-haiidle- i sc:s-.rs- .MAPS OF T1IK Norway youth who are qi&!.S?J to cf of the philanthropic in of the nntive girls, gucv ari.l auty, on U.e f paj-er- aii-- at price K. M. sp..ns, corkscrews, puted spurs. d ikers, sbaeH Consisting as follows anv cUm cf etter atj tthaif lwrr Knives, Shot, boxes Noejies, Silver'd Sheet lead. , it.-e'-.f arne be Butchers steels, carpel. ters" Pocket Knives. Jack bars Charcoal irons, Men' thick boots. Men's kin bnrvta it The of Trustee, during jt-sr- which of is a thing of great imp than the ran at san Franeiscu or anywhere eUe adie. , IarJ 11 rticce. Cast inju pots, asstd sizes, coopers' anvils. Bitts, Measuring Tap.-s- Axe handles, Shet iuc, Mcu' glove top Congress gait-- Children's and youth's cla. u.u-- in ttii Brass-wi- re eeot aa agnt to the Unite! State to to It t apparent to ycur he norable boJie. that uxu. Iron ft loiiir. in 4 upright and 4 hociiontal bars, 1 2. axes. seive. hardies. SOLAR LAMP CHIMNEYS, Do. LAMP WICKS, No. k Handel nails. " vtj , aSStsl. ( ecmplete tteeo'lowmnt of theCcIIege, anJ his efforts to u.cet the eJucational wants of the nation, a much Tbe oicc U al u.plir.l wilb of the clet n.u-- J rivet:, braa butt hinges, plane irons. Wrought spikes. Casks cut Men's opera Congress gaiters, raiters s, Rolls House I'aper. nails. 44 44 is Cut ua Us, asstd siz-- metal brace buttons. Iron rivet. Clinch Men's stepped Men's kip hate been art. with partial suc:t- - greater amount of means is required than now pro- Padlocks, C. . brooms tvll Cast-ste- el shovels, ladc, Men' black cloth, patent tip Men's calf 44 HR. LYMAN'S eo.lKMN'1 SCID L AT HILO- - vided, and that the strictest economy should be exer- Naval Store. lick Axes, Congress gaiters. cised the use Tarred rope, asstd , Manila n bolt rope, Carpet Tacks, Sundries. Men's welt calf rte-- arie-- l from in of them. capable jrfi-ction-, Men's calf Men'i The number of nchol.srs rrp ha. of j.riutix.g cirl W!ih a U rlrru.ir on Whalelme. ratline, spunyarn. assorted paints, Assorted File, Casks coal. Horse cart. fts, InimpujlrraihoronM , I a g-- I many orphan children, particu- Cases tobacco. Youth's kip and calf brogans, CO to 70 Joring the past tw je-ir- all native IVts cbere which txc.tr-- l lb uiMjualifieil aJniiration and amazement of Haninro lines. r.ile.l linseed oil, spirit of turpentine, Hand cuds, Solar chimneys. Oil-ca- shocks. Bale corks. s Ladies' glove kid slippers. larly in Honolulu, who are ob.iged to obtain a sup- , barr-l- J selected from the common freeechoo'iof Hawaii, who txth their Iuijwrri.il ll:!ilirsr the Japanese Arat-a.iji.- Pad cauvas. asstd, snsrkholm tar. One C it bin Keg shook and heads. Ladies' cloth kid slippers. port as best they who Barrels pitch, ship scrapers, e ing palms. Irsu Ilrdatrad,, Table. an-- cn, and are of course tally j th-i- r .M.vrch In.--t, o Door Mats. Men's metallic" ruMs--r are taught the usual elementary tranches the darib? visit hen? in who cn.l. c-- Jt--1 to niin-- j Bees w.,x. sand chain h ks. Large Comi;isses, Copper Pumps, Boat Compasses, Cordage. boots, neglected, and I suggest some pajer, . Men' metallic nglia Uogaage, aa stater I in former reports. There tht lgal uily examine iu an t cnn.artd'-- their artists to Iron and brass caulkini; inns. FAIRBANK'S PLATFORM SCALES, Coils spunj-arn- sandals. s'rews. house-lin- e. provision le ma le for them. If nothing better cau s Coil Men's metallic overshoes, are two aaLtabU, one cf wh m, J.suah Ku, take lrb-- of this an--i ocl.er for Kedpaths patent pomps, with Cy wheel, GROCER'S B-ar- nir (mxxrs the infumatioD nUe the l be consti- A L.--'. 44 COUNTER 44 Coils marline. Men's calf welt long boou. English ar.J with success. te devioi, of Eluoaticn might of the Koij-iT- r of Am. seiting. teaches exclusive!. g'J Jan. Caws 14 tft GO Gunny Bag, Coils Women's metallic air-gin- tuted sheatniaj oper. or.. sandii. ;; the legil guardians cf all such as are unprovi- Another native teaches fuur evenings in the r'.r PaciphleU, Tricti, Xewapapen, etc., etc., we Casks n Epsom , Coils Russia ratline. n omen's mctallie 1,1.1- ded for, with the to bind for composition t.ls, aiS"r.etl sues. Coils Russia bolt rop - week, the time Mr. Hitchcock in jower them out a term are Black Paint, I an'l in dij &ist.4 j also furnished with one of Ladiri Cwii... - Eog.'Uh acbooL Like tf years to suitable person!", who may be able to sup-t-o- rt t'rocerie. Green Taint, ALSO tearbiejj aa the Mu lent of Cases Ent'li-- h d- cs 196-t- Slippera. and educate them for their services bac.n, do h:cns, Cheshire cheese, Madder, Tilbury Jumper, f Lahainalana, the b are eniplove--l more or less until of aire. Adams Imperial Cook Presses, Cases pie fruit, jellies and jams, asstd. One This, however, is only a suggestion. Candied and peel, cases pickles. Lewis & Brother's pure White Lead, every in agriculture other useful work, i world-n.nuwm- oran.'e citron AjND Jy anl on whicb lL il hirptr'n Illuminated Pictorial wine viie-gar- Pacific Co. Extra White Lead. SUGAR MOLASSES which not only supplies their personal want in a KKCAITTt "LATXOX. Sauces, white mustard, caiiers. " " j Biblt was printed, and is arid Provisions ex Syren whieh caoable of doing the finest Preserved meats vegetables, cases maccaroni, Keg's Lewis & Brother's Phil, pure Zinc Paint, . Lot thetn BounI Ixrliea and N aintrr cf o!o"U 0 1 FROM threat measure. gits inlsS...... printing known. In this branch f "ur we are prepanxl Veruiicelli, tapioca, Sai;o, cloves, cayenne jh pper. & - it'.j 5 lusines Cuds Lewis Brother's Phil, pure Zinc Paint. DiLschief i Sk hmwI moral, keeping them cat cf during '.I offt-reil-, Ground black pepper, cases patent Croats. is to execute a w.,rk whirh be iu Eng-- the hoars cf relaxation from ta.!r. " IcWif, S.CJH uiy Hawaiian, 5'atent barley, h tineal, almonds, saleratus, T p Siils. 8c KOLOA I Ij A ATAT I OX ! " - B.OJS lish, or any other lanvu.iir, on the lowrst (' sardines, in half and quarter tins, salad oil, Fore Sails. C. BREWER CO. i riaitej this school in October Li.--t and was more FOLLOWING : I clioi4 :n wfucti liat.ve III j Main Sails, OFFER FOR SALE THE cnop Wrlrl tl,flU For all otiVr kin.!s of work, ordinary and extraordinary, Mulagalawr.y pste, stearine candies. 1000 ever with importance to iTia r 14 Yellow moltle-- J Studding Sills. than imprest! ita that ; from the smalle-- Lit- - ap- -; Soap, NiT jai:1i in mih', (iuiaonl "4 t .lruiit' ls to the most lengthy Stat ANCHORS aSD CHAINS. , IX QUANTITIES TO SUIT ielanL - xj. N ui:. L r o d.i- tlU'.ra in kIhmI. I jO that may k iuut from the portf .iio of the Foreiin Li(jiior. je FOR SALE BV MANUAL LA BoP. SCHOOL Castes l .m Whisky, SELECTED FOR THIS MARKET : THE m:rl e?t:matel, J!lice,we hnvethe fulie- -t and most coui.U-- t assirtxneiitif Ge'ieva. oi T Gin, Sctch Brown Cognac BRUSSELS CARPETING. EXPRlSLY 1J Fnnu Pale Cognac, Pale Sherry, Fine Old Port, Claret, n. n ACKFI'I.D 4 CO Kai-ai- . ToCt ia a!l tLe m rovisio Or A. Wiuox, VTaioli. 'J,'i inf .Materia! ever cu'iected in this kinirdom, and the best work EXTRA PRIME PORK, ml at . BOTTLED ALE AND PuRTER, Oilcloth Carpeting. BARRELS GENERAL ITt.M.-- men to be anywhere in the PaciCc Ocean. Cane-se- at MUSS POKK, The whole number receiteJ in tin) school daring funl Hhds Salts Ale, hhds. Yuuncer's Ale. One sup. Patent Force Pump, Baltimore Chairs, )axt The CtN-t'- s. To be bri- - f, bale at considerable expanse, Mens' Boots, Lasting Gaiters, BAKMF.LS EXTRA MESS BEEF, .UMBER. the year wa 71; and on the last day of the year Assorted Shelf Hardware. over City varieties of new typ- - to our already exu nsive coiit-c- . Sundries. Brugans, TIEKCES HAMS, there were ail boys. Like those cf Ililo above In ax:ordne? with Section 75' of the Civil Code, Whit'? saltwater tap, ierfuuiery, fa.ac jewelrv, Ships' Scrapers, tion, an X a assortm'Ut of plain and f.incy s, FLOUR, n.entioned, they cultivate the soil daring a portion cf it will be the duty cf the PtetMent of tbe Board of Ltre weddin Engli-- h s tddl. s, Whaling Guns, CASKS SITERIOR r Brand's Lumber! Lumber! ts ball an t oth-- each day, with the aame bentficial re-nl- as always lilucation to ninke a complete census as of cards and n.Ae papers, with choice cap , Scotch biscuits. Lances, CASKS NEW BEDFORD BREAD, bill-hea- . UNDERSIGNED d, :t- -r and other paters, of all sixm and colors, Crates assorted earthenware. Harpoons, WOULD IIEREB1 Sut froto a proper combination cf stuly with labor, the entire ppui:ticn of the Kingdom, during the Urc Hams and bacon. CASKS BOSTON NAVV BREAD. TMIE nKiee to bis customers, and the public itetierallv. ts open fieM. More will be and small, and ant thus at Uie shortest notice and on One Brown's Whaling Gun and Irons, one set iron strap BOSTON PILOT BREAD, he is prepare.! to sell every description of North West llLLtt; e9peol!y in the attention than prenent year, and it necessary to make pro- Assorted ir.m. g CASKS the lowe-- t terms, to print any thins and everything that may t Iron pots, tin plates, Cutting Blocks, with chain pendant. Mim-in- Machines, Boat quantity, or by small lots, as cheap or cheajier than ary furmerly Las devotnl to the En!ih lantronge. vision in the bill cf appropriations fur meeting the Iron RowUickA, superior New Bedford Whaleboats. 19G-- tf 100 BARRELS HAXALL FLOUR person the a. ba wanted, whether Cro'v bars, fencing wire. Anchors, iu market. In other wurds, he wants to spU. k. The Kouan Catholic Col!egeat Ahuimana, KooUu, expense cf tLe same. won't be beaten. (191-t- f) C. H. LEHKEs charge Rev. K. S. Walsb, is CAKW, Small chain, LiverjHjol salt, OIL CASKS AND SIIOOKS. Oithu, in cf reported as MAKBIAUEs. BII'.TIlS AND I'KATIJs". AlbKs English boiled oil. Hide 'JO LL'tTNld CARiVS, H'op Iron. having scholars; 10 pure natives. 8 whites and 'J Blacksmiths' coal, "coper's Rivets, and The fallowing is a summary cf the returns : BALL TICKETS. Steam t Goat Skiii Lumber, sninies l!apboard, Uiixed. All board in tbe establishment. English is coal. Oak Plunk, H, and 1 j inch. x-- F E KT w 11 M language tbe institution, and is IarrU?n In 1.V, l.OT-- i I Death in 2.104 lllLLKTs OF ALL KIXI3, Green paint. A. 1 the of there a class FUG AR PANS AND COOLERS, Larue nasorlni't Maaila and Hemp Cordage. Tallow, mr i WWWmlW.Ji O i t o.nsisting of rough aud w ClRCl'LAKs OF r.VEUY IESCRIPTION, Stuff, and Scantling of all s:zes, in French taagbt daily. B;nhj Hoop 1 English Seizin? B.ir.ls. in l.iM c.xrea of dcatt in loS, it iron, case superior assorted cutlery, it Falls, ! lOO.tKs) thingles, sawed, shaved cedar The &mi!y school cf Mr. Bond, in Kohala. has 1.61.4 - IRL"t.UI5Tsi I.AHEU, Cut tin Slush and Eastern, 133, ltiv, 67J FIFTY TONS RICE, in 100-I- b bats. Whale Line. Pine Clapboards, 4, 6 and 12 feet long, teen continued, no report has teen from IULL-IJKAD- .S but receive! The returns of births and deaths fur the last cine ALSO Try Pots. Spruce do, 4 and 8 feet long, AUCTION fOSTERSi, it years are as fullows : Received bark SEA N V M P II. from London, Composition Sheathing Nails, Old Red wood Clapboards. 6, 12, 14 aud 16 feet long, Coppering Copper. 1 In Uonolulo and its vicinity there are several POSTERS, irMARZETTI'S ALE AND PORTER, Composition Nails, White oak, 1, and 2 inches, Iiirth. of , Vin. .rl Kci Ixath. CARrtO POSTERS, Kegs Cut Nails. Sheathing, f J and i inch. private schools well reported cf, cf which the follow- il And per bark assortment Old i4ii4 2,:t GOMELZA. from London, an PORTER, SALTS BURTON ALE, Composition, Flooring Northwest, spruce, yellow pine, white pine, e. may : -3 1 9TU SHIP AND SCHOONER POSTERS, of MARZETTI'S ing be netel I.fil J.sJJ ENGLISH GROCERIES. quarts and pints, (uarts and pints, And all kinds of building Materials wiiuted in this murk, The Sisters of the Sacred have a school Isia 1.51J s.OiW 6.J.13 PAMPHLETS AND HOOKS, And by the first conveyance from England after the HUM- Old Yellow 133-t- f F'or sale at lowest by C. 11. Hearts" l.:.-- FETLEY'S ALE, pints. BALES CURLED HAIR, Metal. rate l.tWtkJ l 1.4 :j S cf V on Fort Street, who pursue their studies ii AND CONSTITUTIONS, PHREY NELSON, for which, vessel they were too late, a beau- Vegetable Essence Wormwood, eIs 1.&4J 1..5 43 tiful assortment of ENGLISH Indian Bitters, AT THE IIIGHE.sT MAR-- The ENVELOPE LETTER ADDRESSES, PRINTS, including pink and Stoughton'g Bitters, fJCRCHASED A: in English language, and 15 are learning French; 1.&T9 1 yellows, and other choice styles. Cherry Cordial, C. BREWER CO., Doors, Window Sash, Blinds, !.' 205-t- Drops, Essence Peppermint. 197-t- Market Wharf. 1.C15 S.U17 f LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS. e Hot f 6 cf them beard in tbe establishment. The terms are IsiT 4oJ XT The designs of th-s- prints, as well as of those received ! 1 TM 2.104 3-- 4 Palra-lea- O DOORS, ASSORTED SIZES, WITH $20 a tectub fur bearding and tuition. per "Humphrey Xelson," are entirely sew, and not copied or f Hats, rn mouldings and misel panel. l.eii JLisl 679 from old White Straw Hats, Mr. Culick's family cn liM borrowed the desiims" of imjiorlations by other houses. Just received per " Syren !" bO Sash lHjors, anorusl sixes. school." Printer's lane 100-t- Brown Straw Hats. SCHOOL LANDS. f J ANION. GREEN & CO. T)OAT BOARD .cnoice lot. tJ3)10 pair Window . assorted sizes. number of scholar 13, all beys; 10 are boarders Drab Straw Hats. justki ARS .Selected sites. 250 pair Blinds, with and without swivels, ass d tits. received: Children' Hats. and two are day scholars; terms, $G per week for The only school lands net dispx-se- cf are Kahuku, Ex FRAMES IML3IER." AoBLOCKS Selected expressly for low by A SMALL INVOICK OF .Double and singj this market, and fir sale boarding, tuition Ind lodging. now advertised for sale; Nanawale, a small land in MAST HOOPS .Various sizes. GEORGE U. IIbWE AND EXG . The select day school of Capt- - Smith, cn Kutui Puna, a small part cf Wahiawa, and four building OTIIKU LATE AltltlVALS, JUST A. R 1UVED! SUPERIOR STEEL RAVINGS. BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, Irge size. AT 207 -- tf &c, &c, fcc. IRON PLOWS . Ransome's atent. street number of scholars 40; 'Jf) boys and 20 girls; lots on Kulaokahu'i, on Ouhu. The purchasers of THE PER CLIPPER T.ARK whom GRINDSTONES Mounted. LUMBER 2o are half castes, of six are partly Tabitian. tbe Waikapiti common, cn Maui, containing atout SAN FRANCISCO WHEELBARROWS, Painted and varnishel. !LlLMPEli! The select day school cf Mrs. A. X. Smith in Xan- 13,170 acres, are unable to their note, which JtSL jL7 !KC 3EE5 INT , FRESH GROCERIES. PAINTED BUCKETS, Usual style. T "n NESTS TUBS, Extra hooped. riMI E UNDERSIGN ED OFFERS FOR SALI ana number of scholars 11 ; 5 boys and C girls, all have become due, in consequence cf which the laud FUOM LIVFdtl'OOL, M-- his well aortel sUM'k of white. SALE. BV RECENT ARRIVALS, THE t or sale by is about to revert to the Government, and will be re Clothing Emporium! a splexdid new OX choice assortment of Groceries, at the store of the C. BREWER A CO., AVEST LU311JER, select day school base- assortment 166-- tf NOKTII The cf J. A. Brewster, in the sold. This common has been much injured by tbe ;oois. of undersiiri.ed Market Wharf. ment of Fort Street Church namber of scholars 21 ; sand drifts from the windward side cf the island. CORNER MERCHANT & FORT STREETS, selected expressly for this market, and Preserves, Summer savory, Consisting of 18 boys snd 3 girls. for Fresh apples, Curry powder. e " TUB SCHOOL FUND. IIKST SKLKCTKI) sale bv the undersigned, Fresh quinces. Ground cassia. Provisions Syren !'' Tie select school of Mrs. Von F&fater cn Hotel T1IK STOCK OF Consisting in part of St The nominal amount of IbeSfchool Fund on Fresh each'. Ground black l!'Per, RREWER CO. OFFER FOR SALE namber of scholar 15; 5 boys 10 the .list CLOTlIINf;, New Styles of v hole ilo uo, the following provisions, Btircttd rxjireitty tor tkit 2x street and girl. was Beautiful Prii.U, Fresh ears. c. school Mrs. of March last S 35.040 51, cf which 512,121 - Rasplerry j m. Pimento, market : The select cf Ccrney number of HATS AND CAPS, Victoria Lawns, Barrels extra prime pork. scholars 9; it boys and 4 girls. consisted cf notes against tbe above named purchasers Coburt'S, Wiltshire Cheese, Cranberry jinn. Ground cloves, A I A VA'aik common, by ROOTS AND SI'OES. Strawberry jam, &e., Afcc, Ground gineer. Barrels mess irk, A T I ii Miss Ogden's family num- of tbe ipu secured mcrtgages on Marine White tc, Barrels mess beef, 1 " school." at M'kiki AND Orantre Shirtings,Sa, M ince meats, Cream tartar, extra :i the land, which are of no value, so that the real S. soda Tierces hams. ber of scholars 10; all small native girls boarding in j 42 inch Baggins, Sae, C ) amount at that date was 22,919 51 ; ?1 1,975 22 cf CcntIciiieii?M Sweet savory, Haxall flour. Casks sujierior flour. !J0 the family; terms 150 a year. Tbe school is under Clothin?, whoK-sal- e l'liriiiliiia fooN Fresh in Casks New Bedford bread. At tlsrrr cents n fool, by or retiil. Also, t this amount is in the Treasury of the Government, J Fresh raisins. currants, tins. the care of a Board of Trustees holding a charter from EVER IMPORTED l.VTO TIMS MARKET, Orreries, Casks Boston navy well assorted stock of other and tbe balance is held in notes well secured bv mort Saddles, Tins water crackers. Tins butter crackers. bread. the Government Over has been subscribed I Which will be n.'pl-nis!i- ed by every arrival from San Francisco, Carjiets, Tins suirar crackers. Tins oyster crackers. Casks Boston pilot bread, gages and all of the fund is drawing interest at the 100-t- Building Rales. in the community for the support of this school and as the warns f the tnule n'juire. Liquors Tins soda crackers, Tins wine crackers. f 100 barrels Haxall flour. 31aterials at Reduced of 12 cent, per annum, ting tbe S2.CMI 192-- accommodations arc provided fur about SO native rate j,er e.ci Beer and Porter, Fresh oysters, Fresh lobsters, tf C. II. LEWEKi before mentioned, loaned to Mr. Andrews, Sardines, French capers, girls, w ho are taught the English language in connec- as without T!iiiESEc;ofns auk allsklectei) uv Oils, Fancy Good interest, for season, to aid him in erecting buildings fne of the linn, now in San Frutictseo. with a perfect knowl-- J White Lead, English pie fruits. Enclish pickles. with domestic duties. a wanes English sauces, English ST RECEIVED SVREN, from Boston. tion lpe of the of the Ilonoliiln puMie ami the wbaliin; tleet, Perfumery, j mustarl. Tapestry, PER for a school for native girls. harm-,- ' ii.i--i- l French Smoked bams J1 Of the same character is the finiily school of Mrs. and Iwi. .iin at LOW H'H RKS, will lie rold at Rice, t mustard. Ottomans, LumiDor!E.X BARKE.NTIXE Tbe fund w iil no doubt be increased considerably ' LOWER RATKS in in pa-- Smoked herrings. Green com, S. E. Bifchr p of LahaiDa number of scholars much than have ruli.l this market t Fencing Vir, -- Iv. 11; years. itiieus an.l are lesjMi'tfullv invited to Best Oolong tea. Hops, Velvet do, enameled bag, 5 during tbe present year by the saie of land. The re Siraoers call And a (rnrat v; riety of Enplish Goods. Doric do, tapestry "JENNY FORD!" all small girls; cf them pure natives, 6 part native; Tor S. A: Crushed and loaf Soap, Ac. do. from the sale or school lands since the close of and themelves. A. M. S. (iltlNIIAt'M. suirar. Wool mats, AND FOR SALE BV terms lUO a year for boar ling and tuition only. ceipts lS'im Corner Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu. XT Samples of Prints, : i.d other GiKxls, cau be seen at the N. B Fresh Island butter and ground coffee alwavs or. hand. do rt.gs. y Velvet do, Manila A select boarding school for native gtrls, designed my last report amount to t3,CS Co. Twoold note?. Store of the undersiiieil. 197-l- H. McINTYRE. mats. CSV-- - one for a balance of 817 80, the other for 291 43, 20O-3-m JANIOX, GREEN if CO. Table baize, stair covering, JE3Liy7VG. to be for them what the seminary at Laba.naluna is Children's cabs, BOARDS. he! 1 against parties who have long since become in Just Oils, Do. diQVrent If rKET ONE INCH for native boys, has been commenced in Makawao, received per Syren and Paints, carriages, patterns. V l 1 o.OOO feet 1 inch boards, solvent, have been entered to the account of profit and For sale by C. BREWER & CO., fnJ J J 1 ICTV A 1UCI1 Maai, by Rev. C. II. Andrews, to be under tbe special ! ! SEN BOILED OIL. Ia7-t- Wt'ftMr liai10 lieu lots R C K V D f Market Wharf. 1 to-th- Ios. In cf the first, four on Kulaokahua E ases spirits turpentine, 5.UOO feet T. aud G. boards, charge of his lady. On his application e Board OTHER LATE ARRIVALS ! JUST are in tKessioti of the department, being the balance BY EXPRESS FROM Kegs white lead, 1 O.OOO feet 3 inch battens. cf Education in January Ut fur aid in erecting the Case putty. SHEATHING PAPER IO.OOO feet inch scantling, cf the j'D'perty held as security for '.ts payment. Tbe -- 23 necessary building, the sum of S1500 was loaned to Crackers and Iticnits. TNT 3EJ iT 151 . Cases black paint. g ROLLS TO ARRIVE PER SVREN 1 O.OOO & feet picket. other note was given in ISoO, and really never was O imi-eria- M W by C until January 1st, 1SC2, secured by )OSTOV CRAC W PER n Cases l green, AH.J tor sale BREWER CO., ON HAND, him mortgage WATER KERS, BXJ-i- f i estate, without case school cf any value. Ronton crackers. Cases chp'me yellow, Market Wharf. cn real interest, in tbe Boston butter Caes vtrdigris. 200.000 feet assorted scantling, hal! go into operation within six months from the INTEREST AND RENT. crackers. Clipper Bark "Yankee !" M A XI LA CORDAGE. 1 50.000 red wood shingles, Doston oyter crickt rs, Cases Celestial blue. 1 pine A I assorted siz-"S- , to inch boards, red wood siding, date of the loan. The account of interest and rent is herewith annex Doston milk cracker. NO TIIER I.ATE ARRIVALS Sl'I'E- - Case copal varnish. CO LS, male oiter, for sale window Doston wider bread, M. ri'T while tarltin emhroulervd collars, ruches. Cases briirht varnish. 6?L by C. BREWER CO.. Donr. sash and blinds. Mr. Andrews has since applied for an additional ed, marked OP. The gross receipts on this account J X- - F. Quick 134-t- f Bosbm pincer sn.ips, Chenille nets and bend dreses, opera h'x!s, Keg, French zinc. l'J7-- tf Market Wharf. sale and small profits. year for , , grant of $5"0 a two years, to enable him to during 1S58 (including a balance cf 3,933 78 on lio4toll JUIIb.-s- Clouds, eb jiitit ribbons, li nnet-'- new tye ; Kegs French yellow, , defray the expenses of the girls in the school, whom hand on tbe first day of that year) were ,40O 19. S. F. w r cmckers, Bonnet fratn- s, up-ri- or EnL'b-- h crap-- white do, Kegs ret lead. DAILY KXPKCTEI) r Just Received, he represent to fie generally very poor. lniring the year l&.Vj the receipts (including a balance Ai-.ru-- English biscuit. French flowers, mourning do, lace veils, M'wn;ers, Kegs Venetian red. Black mantillt luce. lace, ridiM; hats, Cases brushes. Just re- - rflO ARRIVE PER SHIP WASHINGTON tyg M SHAVED EASTER w year lis") stted K AI.LSTuN, WHITE fcet His petition herewith enclosed, marked II., for on nana cn the nrst day or that of (aoods. elv- - - .plni Syren" & W V.r shingles, warranted to cover loO sonars Cne Black ts, It?- drescs, il... Ccived per for sale by C. BREW ER CO., SI PERIoR PIANOFORTES, from the consideration cf your honorable bodies. were The on s.il Knciish jsms, 1 w 1, ly-t- 3 the Manufactory of the .1. 6,030 bl. disburremens this account Tins. and black railroad ennuis, f Maraet Wharf. 44 tirel of Hallet 4r Cumston. F'or .y will jellies, Pattero f same, worso-- neelles, children's hatfc sale A new lot of the favorite Cottage siding It be important to adopt some general princi- in as per account, were S.90o 91, and in IS" 44 r C - le, pie fruita. rirandie muslins. daniHsk table linen, toweling, SCO A RS. BREWER 4- CO., Pine claplmards, 12 feet long and 7 iucu.s wide extra tlyd ple by which Government aid may be extended to they were 1.51 04, leaving a balance of 1,514 77 l9'-t- f American pie fruits, Sujeri"r bird's eye iliaj r, piano cov. rs. RRLS. E. BOSTON So. 1 CRCSII-e.- 1 Market Wharf, Hess. sch-ol- s of this claw; fur it is hoped they will increase cn hand January 1st, 1CQ. The items appear iu the 44 pickles, pints and quarts Table covers, ladies' radians, silk bindings, HALF Sugar. ALSO English pickles. HOOP IRON. and soon be (band all over the group. account. The receipts ounns the ouarter ending Half bbls. Eitst Boston Granulatitl Sugar. A small lot of panelled Ceiling hoards, j inch, a newod rcrj 44 Durham mustard, variety f Cloth Tor Grnllruira Boxes Loaf Sugar. F'or sale by NEW ItEOFORD IIOOP1ROX, The namber of scholars, in these select schools not March 31st of this year (including the above 44 iaila crrnl BUNDLES uesiraoie article. sauces. nutl ItoyM C lothing. C. BREWER A CO., just received and for sale bv nnler the care of Government, may be estimated at named) were $4, ITS S9, and the disbursements were " Lea & Petri !is sauces I'j7-t- Market Wharf. C. BREWER & CO., Wilb 11 u rol'd pai' For tale by (J0T-3m- ) H. PIMOND 4 SON. f nwortmrnl ofwhilrnnd A Id to these bOl estimated to be in the select 1,1P4 50, leaving a balance cf 2,998 59 on hand French olives, Market Wharf. Dy-t- f For sale by C. II. LEWEB? 44 EXPRESS W'AGON : schools of tbe Government and learning the English cn that day. cairs, -- 44 peas. g LIGHT WAGOX IN COMPLETE OR-- CUTTING FALLS. DOOIIS, WINDOW SASH, 1ILIMS. language, and we have a total of 1,154 in ail the Fr-s- h 1- MEDIC 'ES FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. apples, in grass and tins, TO CAPTAINS M. dor. rMIREE 5 -4 CUTTING FALLS, fur sale by select schools on the Islands, so far as known. Strawltrry jam, 1 Ox Cart, strongly ironedib,throughout. Just received per C. BREWER Jt LATE ARRIVALS The appropriation 8o0 for this object has all VES-SEI.- S. Co., 450 IViors, ai sizes schools, cf Kasle?rry jam, WHALES II IPS A NO OTHER ' Svren" for sale by C. BREW ER A: CO., 197-t- f Market IX and kinds. The namber ia tbe free as befure stated, is CL'-J- , Is? Wharf. Window beeri drawn and expended excepting 551 in i'ral birry jnci, OK WikI of sii rior iiuality can had at Koloa at lati-t-f ."arket Wharf. 20 Sash, all kinds, 8,628, added to above, gives an 6 ; frenh 4 ; lis) pair which, the aggregate Peacb-t- i ier cord beef at cents tier lb sheep, at $3 erhead, Blinds, all size.. furnishing medicines for tbe pKr in remote parts of in syrup, OAK BOATS. vVc. 12 cf say 0,782 scholars in aU tbe schools. Qain.-t-s 44 44 aud p'ats at $1 J head. Also, fruits and vegetables of various SIIOOKS. Glass lK.r and Blin.is. etc.. comp!t. Islands. None been places where -- OF OAK for sale bv tbe have sent to 44 kinds can lie procured at lh above nau.ed 'rt. for sale by VESTSw BOATS For sale at Uie lowest market prices, by The receipts frcm the scbcoUtax last year amount-e- Pears " RARRELS OIL SIIOOKS I BREWER tc I'.-t- l were I beg suggest to Wonl always on hantl at the beach in quantities to t ER .v. CO., f c. II LEWFR5- - 4 there regular physicians. to Fn tli peaches. XT suit 1 f fW C. BREW Co., i;7 tf to $31,t'Jl 'J; add to this tbe interest on tbe purchasers. o4-t- fJ G EoRG E CHARM AN. 196-t- Market Wharf. tbe Legislature that an arrangement might be made Minrf-pi- e meat. tiif Market Wharf. school fund, say 2,H, and we have SlJl 4'J as with the Physician of the Queen's II spital to furnish Pure 'icney. HOUSE the whole amount cf the annual school revenue, aside True eiaon syrup. YELLOW METAL.COMPOSITION NAILS. I'AI'KP. Fresh .Molokai Butler! -- LARGE and distribute these medicines. It would certainly 1 At A. V. Cart Fceil assoru-- - ASSORTMENT OF CHOI from any direct appropriation by tbe Legislature, Oysters, in and 2 fti tins, vvriht's Store. ASES V E L LO W M ET A L, sues patterns and borders, lot sale by FROM be done by him with much more intelligence than it Lobntcis. in 1 and 2 lb 44 30 boxes coiuicsition nails; r . with which to educate say 8,500 children, or 03 5GC C. BREWER fc CO., $4 50 keg do do. 196-t- can be ly a man. CUuui. in 2 t bus, ESI I HIC'KWIIEAT FLOIR. IN 23 f Market Wharf. to expend annually on each one. Sardints, in I and 1 tb tins FK sacks j jst receive! er 44 Vanki-e,- aixi for sale at th Fur sale by C. BREWER A CO., m Ells' DAIRY ! 2 THE II A E HAWAII. J. Esq., Editor. STOKE, 197-- tf Market The Board of Education is authorized to expend, at FrltR, Salmon, in 2 th tins, FEED Whar. COOPERS' M ! fc' 20S-2r- PUNCHING ACHINES. Krgulnrlf its discretion, from xchooUtax on The report of the editor, herewith enclosed marked Oreen o Furt street, near Hotel street. - rrrriveil and raii.lniiilr for the receipts the las, PUNCHING MACHINES, liS-6i- n IIo;el street. AK, shows that copies of this Weekly have been Oreen corn, SULKIES. CiOOPERS- J. STEWARD, Gr.sT. English schools to tbe same amount as shall be paid 2.UW Carb Soda, irvRESH CALIFORNIA HOMONY 3 SIZES- - E EXTRA LIGHT FANCY SI LKIES Ilws. Forsnlebv by private Now, case law be so issued during the year ending March 31st last. The K. put up for family use IU lb. sacks For sale at the JLtruvfor C. BREWER A Co., parties. in the shall Cream iu sale by C. BREWER CO., 197-t- f mod 51, as I trust it will be, that the avails of tbe receipts were S.ilerat js. FEED STORE, 137-t- f Market Wharf. Market Wharf. BchooUtax may be Yeast Powder, 2Q2w !' street. near Hot-- street. applied to the support of English From sot'scriptionJ,. .$1,932 . Herbs, atisortnl, OAK PLANK, Jkc. It HEAD. MAN OO L'FACTl'R EI) AT THE schools, schools, re- . Oo J - A whether boarding or day without F'r a.lvrrt:ui,...... Curry p- wder, 71RESH CALIFOIt.MA R VE FLOI'R NO AK PLANK. BARRELS SUPERIOR PILOT BREAD, gard to what parents may contribute, it becomes an lhie fp-- vari.sis ...... 476 Gl - 3,061 S7 Cayenne M. MEAL, put up f.jr family use in 10 lb. sacks. F'.r s ile at o Hard Pine Plank, pilot breal. lor fair by V 11 U O A S DUburs. menls f.r Vol. IV Pepper sauce. the FEED ST'RE, Spruce Deck Plank. C. BREWER fc CO.. I. 1LT WOIIKS' important and practical question what proportion of i0-2- 1 I l I Pa.J account of Vol. HI...... Tomato Catsup, F'rt street, neiir Hotel street. lard Pine Rails. Market Wharf. B shall be way; by Vol. riMIEUNDERSIOXFIi TO FI it thus applied, and in what setting Paid for priutnur IV...... 1.747 60 Flavorint; For sale by C. BREWER CO., M. lj he mv extracts, lr--c- A THRESH FA R I NA. 147-t- nish to Butchers and Packers, in the st i.usntitii". apart a certain percentage cf tbe whole, throughout aalary of editor, 5f0 4r'Urid CALIFORNIA PIT CP f Market Wharf. RAVEN'S 1)1 CK, Ur. very 1- ;'per, . fjr f uuilv use in 10 lb. sacks. For sale at the superior article, T' ) BEST IMlvKltH " coiitn'.utioL's,. -S oo t'Lirke's starch, ICillT AM) Eol'AL THE all the districts, or only of those districts where there 44 ei.ra FEED STORE, HEAVY RAVEN'S DUCK, SA LT. and at a price to ( nnipi-liiia- ! K'terB ...... t'sweifo 44 44 mAf K" ki-o- Cotton D DrTy may be such schools, and also by what rule scholars 44 61 , --in Fort street, near H"tel street. Suyar and 3IoIases, apply to DANIEL MONTGOMERY. ioculriiralfi, ...... Orouti I !pi-s- U. S. Pilot Duck For saie bv be 25 , 197-t- Puuloa Salt shall selected, since all cannot be so, that equal t iT02 M bite spic-s- THE BREWER PLANTATION f BREWER & o., Market y,f tax-paye- CALIFORNIA FLOCR- - IrmoM BREW a: t Wharf. be done the Balance in favor of pa r,...... 1 round CIRESH RICE by C. ER Co. justice to fuller. ut up for 10 H. sacks. For sale at the 19-- family ue ia lf Agent. LANCE The attention cf the Legislature is particularly iZ,UCl 67 SEEK MORE. w POLES. Provisions. f: - tor sale hy JiJSTiu:cKivr:i) directed to these questions, and its mind should be Yorkshire hams. 20s-2- F rt street, near Hotel street. lt- A more economical arrangement was made with the I.-'ir- brick. SPRUCE POLES. FLAG C. BREWER A CO., clearly indicated in regard to them, so that tbe school Westphalia hams, Stones, for sale by C. BREWER & Co., 197-t- f From Xew York, via San FranfifO. commence- CORN ANI MEAL. 197-t- f Market Wharf. may in dis- Director of the Government Press at the Itotion f uirarun-- hams. WHEAT IN Market Wharf. o&cers have a clear and certain guide wb;ch expense of Kit toi and sounds, FRESH Fur sale at the FEED sTt'KE. A XI) FOR V UNDF.KMG.v ment of the fourth volume, by the tuts 20--:- n H stre.-t- . SALE II THE posing of the people's money. To see that every child Fort street, near otel ! 1 I hm.I MO; T printing was reduced some 1,2U0 below what it was 1'j.lSsh, JUST RECEIVED. For Family rc ei.orieof the nICl.T EI.EGATsvor to Fr-- h in ments of Ijulie,' an,i Oentlemen's in the Kingdom is taught "read write and cipher," trirl. tins. M I L L A N D G A R I E V S E V DS ENAMELED CLOTH, BARRELS C LEAR quarterdo. Silk I inbrrllna in former years, and hence the improved financial Half an ! barrels mess riAXART ET flASES K HALF PORK, iniiorted into the quarter pork V-'F.- Harness and usset Leather, market. least, has hitherto been a settled principle cf our r sale the 1 EED STORE. just receded per "Syren," and for sale by . at which has cream at s 200-r- u For s;ile Cheap, A. S. CLEGIIORS'S-- could be done condition of the paper, as above stated, California cheese, Fort street, near Hotel street. t hildren t abs. C. BREWER CO., at Government, and as this not in another American purv, Children's Carriasres, various patterns. 197-t- f and better language, has been done in the native, enabled the Board f Education to pay the editor a Market Wharf. ! it small salary of 5u0 a year for his constant labor, Oregon smoked bacon. CALIFORNIA BODEGA" POTA For ale by C. BREWER CO., The ruliaiH4 .llanual and must continue to be for the present, the ex-- FRESH piLato-- 8 for sale at the Ii7-t- f Market Wharf. lit bat and still have a small surplus. This will be expend- Sundries. Tomtiei seed sweet New Bedford Whale CONTAINING THE OF IS39-"1- '; STORE, Boats t"usl.im-Ilrui- TARIFF perierce of every year indicates the inadequacy of the Currants, in jars. FEED CJ s Utrn.-Ln- m..i rv.nu, TivaU' ed in procuring cuts for the greater improvement of 20-2- F'rt near Hotel str )et COASTER WhaI" - tol' native language to the wants cf oar people, and the Rai:r.s, in i boxes. stiet, boats: streak do n0T70I ,'t- do, lap France, Entrlan.1, I'nited Stales. and Bremen, tff the paper, which the editor will purchase during his Citri.n. rar.-- e and lemon peel. f1Kl).R AND OA K BOATS OF VARIOUS rr Syren, and for sale by with an 'jD" s, of the Portal iicport&nce of hastening cn tbe introduction of siz-- expressly selected for Ojasting trade. rt- attract the Harls.r Herniations f r tbe ih-1- CALIFORNIA BEANS the Just - C. BREWER A CO., tcmpsjrary absence. The paper is temporarily in Sift almonds. HRKSII WHITE ceived per "Syren" for by lulu and other Ports of these Islands. Price, 25 reels. W" English where practicable as rapidly as our means almorvli. L ar.d Bay os, received pir Comet f r sal" at the sal Market Wharf. K charge of C Armstrong, acting Clerk of tbe De- J'nlan FKED STORE. C. BREWER CO., forwarded by mail on the rvceir.t of the price, for n' do which less be i. Filberts. jJi2-3-rn m. will admit of, to reliance must Mr. The prospect Fort street, near Hotel stree 196-t- f Market Wharf. 11. wnrrNtv placed on individual and voluntary efforts, and more partment, until Fuller returns. Is.f u?nr, WHALE LINE, Jtc. now is that the number of subscribers for Vol. IV wiil Crnshe-- l snar, II ALE LINE upon tbe Government, as before stated. PAINT. &.c. Ratlin, increase to 2CIAJ at least, which is a good indication I.iirht brown sujrar, ki:(;s, ki:c;s. IIRE P ROOF w aliiiaiii:t iilocksi J What proportion then of the school revenue should Brown sucar. AND GALLON PAINT. Spunyarn, toy block-- of the popularity of this small weekly, and of the EMPTV Fire Sand, Marline, cchildren'sof vanous sizes, foralphabetsals by be devoted to this part of our educational work, and Fresh Hawaiian fiucr, gs, suiUible :'or sugar. F r sale hy Ka 'lin. 10 br!s of each, thirst people for knowledge. The entire Civil 44 ll-lq & F'or be cf the wheat meal, -'- C. BREWER CO. F'-- by (131-tf- ) C. BREWER A CO. sale by in what way? What reduction shall made in tbe 44 corn C. Code l.as been published in its columns, and is thus meal, 197-t- f BREWER k CO., free schools where the native language only is used, Po-tc- oatmeal, RUGGlEs! placet in the hands cf its subscribers at a very tri- IKOX. ! Market Wharf SUPKItlOR CLOTH LINED in order to and efficiency of l'earl barley. PIANOFORTE FOR SALE .. increase tbe namber the !-- FIN fling Cost. Canjliha rice, LARGE ASSORTMENT PER LATE 1 ll'i.:4,.i.n f THREE VERY EXTRA English schools? arrivals. Cnutitrv orders respectfully solicited. For sale FANCY CASE, 7 OCTAVES ? mi.iis ed, received bark 44 Washington All ACCOUNTS. Maccarni, A PIANO, manufactured hy Hallet A uiiciiiiii SPALD- - Of the want of proper dot.tettie education among by (ill-l'l"- ) C. BREWER k CO. Cumston. L'ST ship Syren." for telle by tr(A'l-q- ) J. C. Vermicelli, For sale by RECEIVED rr and for sale by 1 ar.d 211-1- v.. ... oar people, especially tbe native girls, have spoken The receipts disbursements on account of the Pearl si;o, 1 C. BREWER & CO. 137-t- f uwr... r.ik s i PLOWS, Arc. Market Whi,rf. -- fully in fcrmer reports, particularly those cf ISoo and school-ta- x for ls$ and lJvCiy are embraced in the an- Sj lit peas. Makiki Family School. 1 VV'h.te per. WIIIFFLE- - EBECTkO 1858, to which I beg leave ycur honorable nexed tables marked P, 21, as before stated. The . YOKES. IRON PLOWS. MELODF.ONS to rtfer laf.-- 1 t y crxxr bags NEW BUILDING HAS BEEN Choc OX an Chains. For i.e TROUBLE AND ami furnished ctmtribotw bodies, without repeating here. The subject has taken returns in the office are not sufficiently complete to illl-l- BREWER CO. SINGLE REED. MA XI". BALES GUNNIES FOR A from the money and article ' Yellow sup, j MW facture.1 by S. D. is W". F' r SLE BY -- . II. smith sale bv SO BREWER & the si.lents of Honolulu, so fifte. n out.ils, in " for brii-ks- ll-l- l.-t-f C CO that l..m deep hold cf tbe friends of the native race of late. enable me to present you an account of them the I'.ath ! C. BREWER & CO. lion to th.- -e alre.-v-) v can now v viiH-cir- , Market Wharf. jn the school aU.ve named, The press Las dwelt largely and worthily upon it. first quart r of the present civil year. Ci ler HKRIIINC. well accommo.latel. T-- lar oil. Private have teen awakened to an unusual A summary of the receipts and disbursements un- GOOD ORDER. SALT ! CHAMPAGNE Girls of from five to eight years of age, and those charities Pandwicli Island syrnp. F'-- r tale cheap by CIDER! bakkeiaUv 1 R A RRELSTU RKS I SI. ? D A "'KW CASES A probably be kept in the is cmp degree in behalf of oar native girls, and hence the der the appropriations lor ISoS and 1S5 is herewith 197-3r- . SALT. OF GOOD school until their education SAVIDGE. 150Half bbls mackerel, k: :s and sounds. M. For sale by (211-lo- j BREW 6r jilit received F.- - ARTICLE win nave ODD bbls do, half tonu U ER CO. a., r "Syren." sal. bv the preference. establishment cf the several Jamily tchoolt fcr them annexed marked NK. FELLOWS' HALL, F rt street F C. BREWER CO. fi The an.I .v.. nn-- .i tnining l" r sale by i) r C. BREWER moral .,l.e.i..i I to m-t- f 4 CO., h above referred ta In conclusion. t ike the liberty respectfully call POWDEU Market Wharf. pupils, will be attend i. To make them intelliL'ent my last official tour, I observed, with the attention of the Legislature to the fact that no CKMENT. KECS EXTRA i'OWDER FOR keepers, and give them habits of industry and usefulness, Iuring much (211-l- o m w sale by C BREWER A; Co. IRON. sVc. be the constant aim ..r their instructors. g. satisfaction, that several foreign ladies had from one provision whatever is mode by the (lovernment for THE C .MEIISI XED. DESIRING TO BARRELS FOR SALE BY Miss Ogden, and " trom business, to sell nut his 'Jll-l- q C. BREVt ER A: CO. OILER AND SHEET IRON, f rsale by the principal, has had long - retire offr estab to four small native girls in their families, learning ti- n, r secular or religious, of our pri- entire sual success as ; the the itistru' tiiht f.i-- J on very f;tvortbe terms. The 300 LACKAWANA COAL. v. a rv r. r. rv a teacher of Hawaiian Girls and T"V7 intel- central an.I s uj., of this school and F to do housework in connection with moral and soners. The number i: the State Prison at Honolulu convenient situation of the us s well NOTIC1-- ! .lOR SALE BY M.iriEct have great pleasure in assuring parents paci preuiis are kiwvn. Wharf. - L 211-1.- 1 dians, Uiat year and als-- J the C. BREWER & children confided to her care. will ie in T lectual cultire. is not far from one hundred on an average the paironaire the hasenjoytfl durine EXPECTING TO RETURN TO THIS CO. nanus. w" i i the iast twev years. The inwntory is complete and will re- - kimrdnm by the Is: of ncit, I r ave apoir.ted training is confessedly great although charitable persons occasionally ' nctikr VARNISH! Terms. r Proper family the round, and - s Three dollars tuition. quire but l':tle T!:e i- - of preni-i- .Mr. A. Unua to fur me IVwvr of Attorney durinir my NAILS. (in 5 nd 10 week, for hoard and renovation. the also re. act , 'f!SK Pa'lon cans) of best qualitvvar F'or .,1.-- .. will I their spiritual welfare, it . 1 further information ,.1.1. ,.r muter want of oar native children, both male an female, visit them with a view to tnewable und-- r rav. ra' b terms. F"r f.irrher particular'', apply thence. CHARLES LAKE, CASKS, a.ss .rte-- size?, 25 1'7-i- Ogden. By order of the latter; bat unless it is effected by appear to m4 something more than this is iietiespary. to (212 In.') ll T"R e HANCEREL. ah.iu.a. Aptrl iil. vs. -- o3 5ni f C. BREWER & Co.. Mnr'ket 'evren.' the Trustees. particularly 200 Wharf. 197 tr CH AS. R. BISHOP, ficrrtaT C A. H. p. POOR. Honolulu, May 25, Wa. (210-lni- ) 6 Tin: pacific M .M K K ' I A X, A I V I! K T I S IZ It . otici; f O 'TO AIM KKTISKRS AM) SI Iis( KIUt:KS U M raiiag. y-- , O'ltairVs. fj!irnl Invitsti tw n n I trot!.-.- nr 'V s t- - iiten.le.1 v an in !.v i luai'i - - lui'ir, Lrrhaivrd vr-- ri.-- U-- " j: v!vrrt-rnw "1 T a - f wei.rne.Hinf ;;i 50 - - - i f3 ut p.V' tf u- rTann.. - po-u- j in-"- ! .tnrerw-iiw- i an l th- - A.lv. rt i .) . d trvrn. i)r e;ebr of .,tTr). in lir.'r trj tnau uual. irr bI fr,,m '""' f P''-';'-a- ' All ti- h 'AV T' :;iirir'. Awricto i yil'TH-n- w 11 1 e i f,.r A ;n r- - i'"r T'-f.-- I r ti.m th C niinn- n! .t. rli..-- and A.lrtr-- ; - rniln. " b-- uif ti n! .'h willfnrye'-r- .: Ar.vrin p...:.- o i:., te.l n:f arr latsKf ivr ni i is d'rix. c "n" ' N" !vi-r::- im-n:- 1 . ayjverv r reuru h. pt-i- -r it, can Uvet.v-i- , I lrA a iuv n unlrrar-rM'- V ,,.vrd.-- through therir.II twai.au n.nls. . i li :u--- )tHT;.-tHM- I t'.'rn i. 4: ..". ft the I'nofc will T'i AT WH-- ' K -l WILL UK ' Hakms. !) ., fj.rr--t advert!-nvn- : 'f.r: Ilrw. . ..10 Slt.-e- .j jr .!.,. tr:fh ir..t do. .... ft r-- r ruMMKuri.il. i'iiivtim; OlKUK. . 'n. t xo.l.-.i- Ine..) ht annum $4 Oo. - cir!. I,:,-- .; (Luhn.M.!. T.J 50.".. ri.ATX AM FANt V 1 p.. iie i.i ray ia alvanre. i;ook .ixi) joij Iohae-- 1 ruiTiv; i r ' xnrli' J p..) nr.'. inserli.fi. J ou Karri u!.e.pieiit ins-Ttt-on. .. jj ct. i".ks. mli.sof wi'I rKir.H at the f .lowing j l'.tIII;H!ns. Kriir.r.K I.AI'IVO. 0 ..rtaLir rates. i .t.ETrpayable t th end of rh : nu.i. iikii's. coNsi i.m n'urvr CIKl'l" I. A BLANK -. th- - poe "f ) hue,) per R.. PKK!!i. s oct )tir- fr HWtrr... $4 00 Al CTIOX l- -. HAM I'.IIJj:. t column, p-- r .tw--f' i4.iarur fl u VAMCI1I.ITS. HIOP HI IXS ane-ba- if 00 yir iiunin. j VI?ITIXil. FfSIXKSS AXl a wW co.umn. per o.xarter e; IT MJRKS.s CARlS prtntA Vaakt 1'v.rJ I'iym," in Uir h.flmt t If uf iltc art. i sm frm tittrnir n i i n ! IJV I "IX DOI.I.IKS ii-:- .IXXl'M. WKKKI.V I I- . crrign tfaris. roiimieririal Advertiser. IK.Mll .M. WIIM XKV. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, . ULY - 1Si0. I Vtli.. V, .t. WIKILK X.

luLlVtt V KiK.kS, W. FUS( L1DD, edkakd r. ja. HjIi Aluolclo o k a rotikoiiuia. Heluhelu hou mai o Pilipo he palapala .Ma ke noi a We pa, ua lawe ia keia hoike sttrchnuxrnl tvls. orc:ct:i d:xh. haul, hoopii m.ti Kona Akau, e noi mai ana; a waiho ia ka noonoo ana a puka mai ka cms. W. BROOKS & CO., K auhau ole ia i I'oaono, lune ke kino o ke kanaka ma- Ui!a Kaiaiwaiwai. JOHN II. HANKS, I niltTH SHIPPING AND 30. ke rnawaena o ka heiu ana, a me no na dala Sho to I.rt or for Sale. rilrr's Notice. lla'.awai i ka hora 10. ka ohi ana Hoike mai o Gerina ke Komite IV llorKI. STKKKT. XKXT TO J. XiOcK ncl i Wai.'jo W tjii-uttr- GiiiMiitl, HAVING HKKV na auhau. ia Uekaiii A ore. l"I)KKSH;.KI. ma ka papa. koi ana, no ka hoopii a Dr. ight Irwmn'i. ttuicl.vrs, rjMK L inirr-vr:- (1oiiiinissioii !?ir of i- Ileluhelu ia ka moo'elo, apono ia, pule ..- ii; ji.ra;c. Ai u'.v tuir & ..i rurv. t Ncir lt"ar.i llercIiaiitM, E hcwAuu i !. t i ia na haumana hele mau ke Lunakanawai Kaapuni o Hawaii, e koi ana, J ANION, GKKKX & CO. r," t.i'.t this ..f inf. nuitij: Ual TH'i. a i Riwai i ly at t!:f s!i. rt. st r."tue to :;tui.il to ary busintsj 123 Saiisome Street, San Francisco, Cnl. kula hiki aku na makahiki tlO. Haawi e Ueiu ia oia no kona liana ana l ka Omnia TIAMIITIIN. l.;tu mai o Naiapaakai kc Komite rit;U!rvii of iu that caj .iciiv. Koike Wae ia i ke Komite no ke Aopalapala. Lunakanawai Kaapuni raa Kona, Hawaii. IVKI.M; IIDI SK TO I.F.T! KKAVK TO S. C. W0.1PKI FF, . (JIVES 15 1 - im)kkk;m:i) uk Q'.i-- t I.1..1J Str-t- ATTKXTIOX TO H.-luheI- IX KK X A .MOD- s.'i-'t- I CiT!kt f n's anA IViLiigir i baawi ia e noonoo i ka palapala hoopii rnai KT.l STKKKT. OX i (fi.it tritv r.itvf thf M I AN i f)KTirri.R mut vie i.f Mi n'haillsc to mai o Makale he palapala hoopii .Manao ke Komite, ka hoopii T N...v-m)v- WT-l- y ao!e . - H.muWi.r.ir. inaojopo NtUl M1.1U'. I.i:.-:- I y M r. A ia KtiK- an l Trnshiinuni of ; thr Cliarti-n- Jal e noi mai V. I. (iRKKX. lilt . arl Kohala llema. ana, e hoopai ia tf:-- na rnai a Kauhini, e noi rnai ana, e kokua ia na, aole i hoakaka ia ka nui s.ia i inanao MKIM l:K. uiu-- v w:U in i.a": v a::c ml aty in of Vfl?l-- ; the Supplying of V hale!iii ; ainl the Negotiation wahine hookamakaina i S100, a e hoopai ia oia no kona poho, no ke apuka o kckahi Lu- waiho ia ka hoopii .na ka r.r. ASK, their i:m. I:y a s:riit a;:- - :;t: v. t -- s th y h t. .11 r. A I- - KX. II ATII KXX'S, cf Excli.nve. jai, no'aila, e FOIl s. Oil m: a cm:iiu iliou i .f ti.e ;'atr ..:i.i;e j l.lvi. !!v on their JOllA ! i hookipa i I'oXD . Ktrhnuiir on Honolulu in Sam. to t poe mea pa hale na wahine na Aupuni; a ua nele oia'i ka Palapala 5i!a papa A ('(ir.XTKV KKMDKNCK. FISH T"it.-'.-.ir- COMMISSION M KUCHANT, t 'A Ka- 1 I' trl Uiv-- t uio-ui- - ' . .. . , i - . .. . i . i a::l tr. la.:il at Ijkii. & i Tinsuiiti.s. AHVANT1-- MADE OX CONSIGNMENTS. i 800. Manao ke Komite i. . i p f. n. a;nKt:x, ! iu--u- " hookamakama e nuua iiuuK.i.i mua ana l we linilco firm mni knmite nn na iiaia koi Aj.j l.v u (JlU-t- f; W. I.. liltKtX. 1'lnrr. STlnry. uia. K'fi-rt-n- r liM--nj waiho ia keia hoopii ma ka pnpa, no ka mea, '!31a ke noi a Makalu, 31a- - XT to W. L. tiatKN, li.niJu!u. S. I. I.KKKll TO ua haawi ia keia ana, nu ka lioopii a Abraham Bolster. I lMHI.ns TO I.F.T ! It. . Snow, Ks.j , lKao'.ulu. JiS. IllNNrKlL, UotftOO. ua no na Kanawai e noho nei. i .V potio hoopii i ke Komite no na dala koi ana. nao ke Komite, e waiho ia ka hoopii ma ka TWO KIHI.MS IIVKK STORE OI- - M lXI FAtTl UKR ANl IlKAI.K II IX ka'vmjawa, .IAPAA ! C. Hkkw kh Co., llCNHY A. I'KIUI , Tilt: I S. Ukkw Ma ke noi a Kamakau, ua apono ia ka Heluhelu ekolu ia ka bila e ae ana i ke !papa, apono ia ka hoike. !. tt.c n.v.al Il.it.l. Ai-l'l- to J Wai km. Cb. K. " 2oo-;i;- n A. iV: II. IIai P & Co., " TtiATKa, I'.muMin Si Komite. CLKtUIORX1- I n Mit'ft Iron Copper Ware. K.h FilP, Loike a ke Kuhina i - i K-- - Uenj. Pitmax, lido. Kalaiaina e haawi palapala ae ma- Hoike mai o Wepa ke Komite Waiwai ka - E3 est ibnsheo t hrnis.-jv.-- in Japan I.r the purpose ot IitUtt. II. I. I SlTToN & Co. New York. lloike mai o Dowsett ke Komite Wae i auauwa; a ua hooholo ia. ; ia ka hoike. TO I.F.T ! SAAlIl'MANl" TKKET, HOXOU'IA', Bila Kalaiwaiwai lawe Line of 212-- tf Swit T All ts, Xew ftedford. i Ka-hin-k- THK I.Alt UK AMI COMMODIOrS have estatnisl.e.1 a Packet between Sac i ia ka lw--il:i- s o haawi e noinoo palapala hoopii a Heluhelu ekolu ia ka Iiila e hoololi i o (Jerina Ha- - tf. :j It ty Jul-- 1'u.K'it, Ksq. 1'a.i. rs. Tin anJ Co; r Bathing Tul'S, Kr.inc'i-- i ou way ana ( Hoine mai ke Komite no na 'lift nvtutly hcuii:"'1 tucunir rnn.ia. an Kanagawa, ti.uclii::g at Honolulu their to D. C. M UTAH c. V-j'- b ?!... . uc and a t. aciuiii Manan ke Kornite i, J'trJiM l f I'artiiruUirj, At't-t- to an.l r l'.aths. Tin anJ K:i:aawa. e waiho ia ka Pauku ; a ua hooholo ia. na Hou, no ka palapala hoopii, e noi mai ana, , ; a-- W - w. k. .i';ka.-?- general s .runent of Tin art, A'"- The bark Koirr, t!n p;..n'r of the line, will leave S.iu keia hoopii ma ka papa, ua apono ia. .wa : or V. f-- Ivaiiajawa. palala k noi a Kamakau, ua hoopanee ia ka e kukulu ia i Hale mai ma Lahaina. J. AtTIX. Sliip Work rM iii-- l with Ni aliu uud Krancia... u;k.ui the 1st of April 20-- ly o ke i KI'.FERENCES : Hoike mai Ka'ama Komite no na hana apopo hora 3. .Manao ke Komite, he mea pono loa keia, FOR OR I.KASK: liilcli. SAI.K Wm. T. Coleman-- & Co San Kraneiseo. Helu i ka o ke Komite e ka no-L- a i ha- - j (1o!iiniissioii Bake j A 111 inanao Poalun, lulai 3. aka, no ka nele ke dala ole e hiki ai ke THK STORK XII ILIII.N(J FOR- - U K O O Tl S , Maio.m.kav i " llerelismts iii. rlv .h'oi:j":i-.- i nr. Ai-i-l- II ii i; T II A ia ke Komite e kikoo aku a hookaa aku i ; j Fr.l. Ui'sEt A; Co., China. Halawai i ka hora 3. j na apono ia ka hoike. j-in I'll. SMITH, TVT m , l a o LI. F. Snow, Honolulu. i j bil.i o ka Ilae Haicaii 810, a ka unuhi i haa- - , ii ka Heluhelu ia ka mooielo, apono ia, pule a Hoike mai o Kalama ke Komite Wae : IVOl I.l CAM. THK ATTKNTIOX OF lv.-l- y 4-J- . LTa TO I.KT Y ll,e puhlic t.. Ins stoi-- of inati riai. cd::s:.liii of ArcTio.i:i:ir!!i, o!elo SIS ap5no ia ka hoike a ke pan. wi ia e noonoo i ka hoopii a Lilika'.ani, e K ROOMS I.iMt, AOEXTS OF THE Til RKCKXTI.Y OCCl'PI. Kl Hawaiian and American Kornite. Heluhelu haawi ia i S100 no ka Halehookoloko'o A pa- ! C. A. T.ni'-- a a s.i.l uu K i. f.uin..nu scrt-i-:- For 3I0XC.0M 1, NEW ZEALAND. I.inr of Honolulu 1 irkrls. elua ia ka Aholo JJila e hookuu i.ii.i.i.j ai i'Iy to J S. u CAUltll. JJkicks. :ulr li.lrh Ma ke noi a Daluina, ua hooholo ia. e noo- i ana i na keiki e hole man ana i na kula kie- - ri a ma Koloa. Jm Coiniii. n il A.lvi rt'M-- i Mtjoe. CtMKNT, XT All fp'idht arrivinc in transitu for the Sandwich llnds, hoo-kaivva- will by Repular IJne" noo ke Kamite Waiwai i ka pono o ka le a rne Manao ke Komite e waiho ia ka hoopii Fikk Clav, williainTbutler, le nveivnl and forwarded the IMsjtch kie na kula nui mai ka auhau kino. TO I. ! FKKK or COMVIISSION. ana i SloO, i mea e kuai i U!e no FT FlKE 15R1CKS, GEN ERAL M ERC1IAXT CUSTOM HOUSE AGENT attention paid to rwanlin and tmmhiproent ol Ma ke noi a Kalama, ua haawi iu keia raIiri no a Ir'ca' a0'e ne kumu pono A n i Particular f a X STORK TO I.KT IX ii mi ii Strrri. 1,LATF.R t.T PaRIS. meri'handi.s., s;ile of whalemen's bills, and other exchange, in- L.;ma-kiinaw- ai 1 fiat 1 ri-it!- 1 ) A. CI. Iouoniii, Lahaina. Ui'a i ke Komite o ka Hale i ka la anono no ke kokua ana ia ia mamua ae o na y Man o."U!! m, in surance of ini rch in lise and specie under Jx.llcieJ, suppr ho-J- a r- - t, u. a K. tail M..re ; is Caliidhnia Sanp, ASM ADE A R R A NtJ KNI KNTS TO KF.EI nn Ma ke noi a Kaauka:. ua ia, e j . M. lag whalmhips, charteriup ships, etc. --M.i ke nui a WiJemana, Apana e ae. apono ia ka hoike. f.t:.-- l w'tli a. ri xtur'-s- an. I has a-- ; y.-- r.l in the M.f consUiutiv on hand a and well selected tt.)ck of ' ua hoopanee ia t rtar, CIerm x Tii.es, lare I r- - -- w 9. 4 3 lauoha ia ke Komite n. r.a Iuke Helu e ki- - ka hana apopo 10. Heluhelu mai o WiJemana i ka Bila Ka- an n in v i t wi!l a lar te.! fj tliO retail SALT PKOVISIONS, nul 45 Cnliloruin .1 rrrl, hora Km r iailii-u'.ars- ai.j'!v to Try Pots. Rv.ua : i Ha- - j to too aku ka uku o na Lun a pau o keia laiwaiwai. A. CI.K.;U -j air.-.- t Captain R. . I'oakoln. Iiila I. '.i.i ltN. TRY WORKS r- l at ..we-- rate?. COM POSITION' and MtEAD, Snow, Je, a me na lilo e ae, no keia pule a keia Ia. Ma ke noi a Kalama, ua haawi ia i ke Ko- CK 1VK1. HOOKING put n buildings and warranted tiht. Messrs. C. Rrkwkr 4r Co.. llonolayg', H.tlawai i 10. Oid-r- s 1. of FLOCK. A. P. Esq., ! ka hora TO I.F.T XT to l ft at tho Hun, or at the store P. Kvkkktt. J f ia na hana i hoopanee ia. Li'o ka i B. hpai rnite o ka Hale ka poakahi; oia ka hana FIRK-FROO- F C. Jones, jr., Kurt street, Iteltfveu Merchant and Km: streei3. Pitman, Es., Ililo. Heluhelu ia ka mooielo, apono ia, pule a W UKST. CJIaOCERIES, 120-t- f Ii.in.l)-- .: IRKHOrsK. f i Komite e noonoo i ka Uila i an.l saii-- t s:..ri-r.M.:t- i m The .f ILIe Kanawni mua o na hana hoopanee ia no ia la. town. I pan. I ail linz r- - ar of M. s: CLOTH NG, ki-wi!- a. in the lr. Knliu's .r, cntaiiiiiiir e noololi I wa iMUk'i o we - ia i Heluhe- tir-- I ' - tvanawai Hoolaha mai o Gerina h- liila e hoololi Hapai na hana hoopanee ia. .aii.'ii- - c liar, l an. u.l .ry. th'- U ii.i: the XV U. VAVIsKXKK. X SOA :. t SHIP CHANDLERY, . o Kipi ma ka noho Lunahoo-rnal- u. i t C'nvi-ii:.-Tt- ainl ao--- f- r si raC''. Kent to Noho lu ekolu ia ka Bila Kanr.wai e hoemi ai ka . 131 SANiSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, ana i ka Pauku 5P3 a me o ke Kana- i.i.-- (U.--.- 0 T. C. and everything requireil for a complete out;'.:. 517 Nu-pen- lIKl'Cii. IIx)hoo ia Di!a. Hoopuu i a, ka ia ke wai Kiwila. uku no k i halihali ana na a ua Coopers and Siauers. JL7" Fresh supplies, potatoes, and firewood, all furnihed at A GENTS FOR JAMES CONNOR SON'S, jC Ik. HL.d - Komite, apono ia. hooholo ia, '21 ka poe i ae, 3 ka poe i hoole. TO I.FT! the shortest notice. I". S. Type Foundry, lHwlera iu all kindi of .lrint- Hiiai ia na liana i hoopanee ia. Lilo ka Corner of Hetliel nnd Kin? Street, Monpmui lies in the soutliast part of or Poubtless iitfT Materials. Hooholo ia, e kakau maikai ia a heluhelu Heluhelu ekolu ia ka bila e ae ana i ka tTHK i.oto v Hay. and 19 in latitude u5 de. 6 111111. S., and longitude 173 deg. XT will find it to their advantage to call on na merchantr..:r-iu't- i Komike no ke ka , n c trauss,. AND JSS-- tf 113-- ly i I i : Hale Kanawai no uku . , r? i i raplfti's ami J. II.strkkt.A iiiia. E. before purchasing. o e Nu-pep- ijuna o e noono-l- 'U.i.iinj; l..t or jilai-- for Applv g rii. -- i o a Kanawai .paua lino .kau, st.irae. to st., two nooas iiklow nu. judd's dri store. i maluna na Noho o ma kokt ' Halekai l.'.'-t- f T. C. I1LL CK. M. C. VIONSARRAT. J1HKI T ka Hale i Komite e noonoo i ka Bila ka noho Lunahoomalu. ma na hookolokolo Kiwila. a me kaillBila HAEODADI, JalPAW. iLkOI. i Heluhelu ia kabila. all rd rs their line pr. .uiptly :uid at V.m e hoftloli i ke Kanawai hoonai Ka- - e hiki ai i na Lunakanawai Hooinalu, a Apa- - ! t cute .11 OA S A IS It A T Ae AIIIOA, Kll o ni:im.lL':ii - n- ITLlr i L..ii. . .i!n. TO I.KT -- V: nit.'S. 1 ino w . . , 1 I I I nima. Pauku 6, f ka Mokuoa XXIV. No- e noonoio ma na nmia no na pa.apaia ae: AT I. 1 1 A I X THK HAWAIIAN' Tl.aiikful fir past .atroiiri;. th.'y confidently rely upon th. .r potatoes Potatoes; GENERAL COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, na' II' '.y no ka mea. keia e emi loaa o occn.i.-.- l ma anei ka ka IMTKL l;l'll.:lNi. U by T. L. ilerritt. old customers f r a conti.mai.ee of their favors, and trust that OK Snra - ho o Kamakau ma ka noho Lunahoomalu. - . itm iinrn-- - K.-n- low of charges, will PICILS IRISH POTATOES Frnnciara, Cnliforaia. Waihona o ke Aupuni- Kokua o Gerina a ia .,rl". . giveu iiatrty. reai.nal.le. their endeavi rs to please, and extreme rates T now in store houses. irloria, aaroarrr' ! M. 1 Al'J.lv to insure toth. m a fair share of business in their line. J t ke noi a WMemana. ua haawi ia keia i tL,I ka l!aI,; e noonoo i ka bila ti ALSO, REFER TO : me Makale ka bila. He bila keia e hoemi Jnute Til. C. lll'.tVK, N. li. New and second han I casks and shooVs always on f-- U'7-S- i kekahi Komite Wae. Ua hoopau ia ke Nu-pep- :e hoopaapaa ana i ka uku .a o r.a Lunakana- - 1 M-t- f Aiviit L. H. Anthon. they will sell the lowest mar-- et rates. Bank or RarmLic, - - Htw York, U. 8. A. ana i ka uku o a, ka hand, which at Heef, tub maluna na mea . Komite, apono ia. Haawi ia i ke Komite ,na na Pork, Messrs. Gordon, Hk.i'k & McAl Ltrr, " e malamalama ai ka bhulehu. w,ai, :APana Koi,Ja "a Aha; Ih? ! E?. Robkrt C. J anion, tij., I.iveriKl, reat KntaMi. - ColIVc IMnutaf ion Tor Sale C. Vl'rlil A.Tli, .See. Jli-ssr- 11. Wae mua. l- i ... i ,.. Nalnnu ma ka noho Lunahoomalu. Helu- - Dread, J anion, Gkkkn 4r Co., - Honolulu, I...... ISS-t- i..... i v .....iiitnuu iiiia ni I.. i the CKi.r.r.iiATEi f l orsile by F.STRA CO., Hakodadi, Japan. A. J. Caktwrh.iit. Ksg., " 19Uf Lilo ka i i i,, ,a j Cabinet .MaKcr and Turner. IUIe Komite e noonoo ka Bila kai ai na haole, aole h e pomaikii keia no ka hcl,1 ka l'.lla' a oo ia. pan ke Ko.n.te. fiQTITro3III VN'TATIOX, rorrRi; rr. WI K )!.! ST A NEAR s GKirriTTS morgan. C. 8. HATHAWAT. a. r. aToaa Kanawai no na Kula Bviritania, a me na a e koPe t Xl. HOTKI. STREET, khulchu, a he mea hoii e koi mai ka Luna .oc! 11a',,na ,ke '!01 .Ka,m?,ia"' AT 1IANAI.KI, KAUAI, T A. E. AVIIITi: V 0., 1 np-w- ar mor;an & co., Ka'a Kaikimahine. Noho o Kipi ma ka maikai ia a heluhelu tkolu ia keia bila I off-r-ed f. sa'.e. T'.- - Uui "f toe Plantation r. mp'ises of .li kinds made and repaired. MERCHANTS, COMMISSION" AGENTS ACCTIOXEERS Leta no kona uku makahiki. 1 keia mana-w- a, r Furniture stone 0 I T i noho Lunahoomalu; Heluhelu ia ka Bila; Lilo ka Hale i Komite e noonoo i ka bila - of H.-- A rrrn. an h is up .11 it .'ill.OOII C.V-- On hand an.l for sale, READY MADE FURNITURE. Koa A Kitruii, Xrw Zralunil. Commission and Forwarding Merchant, San Franclsnn, Cal ua kaa no kona uku iloko o na loaa o The laud i well adapted to the cultivation of suirar Hoards. Joist and Plank; Cedar, Itlack Walnut and Cherry References, T. S. Hathaway MesrV. T. k A. R. i i -. 1 I- :- tii w ill ! M by Fet? Rosi-w.wn- Ma ke noi a WiJemana, ua hooopau ia ke e hookuu na keiki e hele ana na Kula C.V1- est I'.e is and Loams; and rii.. Sl'PPLIEI) POTATOES ti Swift ti Perry, New Re.lf..rd, Mesr. Urinnell MinturnJ,At kana Oihana, aka ke hooholo ia keia bila, he F- -r ii.Uir-o- lar-- e Moulding, si7--.- l HIIS WITH Komite. Kiokie a me na Kula Nui, mai na auhau pili Simple!.Tillc. full particulars ;.nd tern.s of sal . f A nt of tiilt larce tilass. 3 and ston'S of every description. Co., New York, John M. Forf- - Ksip, Boston, Messrs. Per- mea ia e emi ai ka loaa a poho ke Aupuni. VJ.t--tf I!. F. SNttW. A variety of Rockiti-- ', DiMinir, Oihce and Children's Chairs. Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hou 15-l- y Reierences : kins li Hoopanee ia ka hana a poakahi hora 10. kino. Noho o Kipi ma ka noho Lunahoo Polisl.td Coitus on hand and ina. to order. olulu. l- - Manao o Naiapaakai e waiho ka bila ma i Capt. O. II. Svl I.E, ship Milo. ;iik;:I;n! Lots " A. IIabbf.1:, ship Itenjamiti Tucker. Ua 1'2 malu. ulu Wafer Ji'IlN 11. ALLVN. I'uaknbi, lulai 3. ka papa. ninau ia, a hoole ia, ka 11 II ArsTiN. ship Goethe. . . 1 Heluhelu ia ka bila. Manao o Kamakau rty IIKKX J. J It A I A T li It , i -- sal- - ! A' Sz " Smith, ship E. F. Mas. in. Halawai i ka hora 10. poe 11 ka poe ' pullllel Iit for the and the .SOU A SO aIaI.HaA, (LATE O'MKAaA & rAlKTKK,) hoIe, ae. L:t- - i .- -I : a' i.. 1101 i " Hispks, ship Metacom. e iiounni i;t na una, e iiuukuu ;tuu i na 11 1 1 1 11 1 Heluhelu ia ka mooielo, apono ia, pule a Manao o Makale, c hooholo ka Pauku, a . . i 10 k ' ..c.i " Oscar ik (iiiASi.SAioNit, ship Nil. Dralrr in 1 can tu t.. .r ;KVUi:or3 I'AHHANllAHITZ, pau. ua hooholo ia, 13 ka poe i ae, 11 ka poe i keiki imi ikail a ka ma na kula naanaa, tv f .mi !i.t. " Ship UeU. d'li.lUtpOol. TYPE, PRESSES, PRLXTISG MATE-TERIA- L. ie keia ami others to this finely situat. d tract i. f land which is now Lebaste, ship Caulaincourt. 171 tf Heluhelu hoole. mai ua auhau pili kino. Ua hoole ia fen d iu lot at reduced rates and ou lieral and CARDS, mai o Kahulanui he palapala manao. Carie Hiers, Joiners & Under hikers, PAPER, Hoopau ia ke Komite, llT.l... And Printer's Stock generally, ftoopii mai a Kaor.a, ka Luna kanawai A pana apono ia. I'ians may 1h' s eti mi l all pr r'.iculars by i.pplicaliuii Siroot. of Ilolrl Slrt'rt. Fire-pro- Fort iicur 'orncr ! Hoopau ia ke Komite, me ka holo ole o - R..l.-r- . luiM;u-- s. o Honolulu nei, e noi mai ana, e uku ia o Ma ke noi a Ukeke, ua hoopanee ia ka to tn- un.'ersiirue.l at C .lam. ui's Views of Honolulu 1 32 Claf ilrerl, near Sansomr, San Franclwa. ni l I mad- - for clioice INFORM THE l'J7-l- y kekahi mea. N. II. Early appiicotiou :i. l.ts. BSF.M'KCTITI.I.V to execute any work in the A V. Kamamalu i 200, no ka mea, ua aie po- hana apopo hora 10. j W. I.. tiREEN. LI. PERSONS VISITING OR R ESIDIXG Aha-olel- above Pne, and hope to merit n share of public patronace. V m. on these Islands, should not fail to send a set of Loaa ka o A t f--r :e ii. II, mai palapala mai ka Hale t Sale of Waikahalulu Lils. always on hand and made to A: SO A', no j Koa, Pine and Trimmed Collins to their friends abroad, iTliKVU'rillJR ma ka noho ana o ka Ahahookolokolo ma l'oaha, lulai 5. Oct. CI, 121-t- f Bur Virws ol Honolulu Alii, e hoike mai ana, ua hoopanee loa order. as they will convey by f;ir a ln".u r idea of the Scenery, Habits, AGRICULTURAL kona mau hale i na makchiki eha i hala ae nei. i 10. and IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Halawai ka hora i i XT Jobbing done on reasonable terms. Plans Customs, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever pub lakou ka bila e hoemi ai ka Auhau Lio. I.. Mrn'LI.Y. drawn to order. ISi-t- f hshed. To be had of E. BL RGESS, IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS, 31a ke noi a Kalama. ua tiaaw, ia keia Heluhelu ia ka mooielo, apono ia, pule a UtVice, w ith C. C. Harris, r.s-- 14i-t-f Ma ke noi a Naiapaakai, ua hoopanee ia Attorney at Law. HS-- tf i Fort street. hoopii i ktkahi Komite Wae. Ua koho ia e ALL, OF WHICH WILL HE S.OI.O OX pau. ka 10. IsVsRiyilT IsisOWA 'S the most reasonable terms, and at the lowest price. Wi-deman- hana apopo hora TI1F. ."IisT OFSI i: ii i.i: ka Lunahcomalu o Kalama, KnuJsen, a. Hoike mai o Kalama ke Komite Wae i BLACKSMITH SHOP. ON THE XEW ESPLANADE, Warehouse.corner i( Davis and Washintrton su, San Francisco ! VON HOLT & HEUCK XT Order promptly ixecutfd. JLX haawi ia e noonoo i ka palapala hoopii a 1030110, lulai 7. Heidence in Honolulu for Sale IN rltrirAlvr.lt Iff t nuna of all kinds iu first rate style at prices to I 1 REFER TO : Heluhelu mai o Kamakau he palapala hoo- ka Lunakanawai Apana o Honolulu. Halawai i ka hora 10. THK I XDKRSM: NEI) OFFERS vJ Jl'ST RECEIVED FROM HOME Fay.,. Honolulu. Kaona t. r a!e his dw-iii:- ;ir an t s on Fort suit the tint nAVE for sale at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail A. J. CAkTwaiorrr, strict. CARRIAGE, and all pii mai ka Lunakanawai Apana o Koloa, e j ke Komite, ua kupouo ia Kaona No ka ole mai o Lunahooma- The premise are am .n.' th- - most d-- i'.le and SHIP. CART. 3 elegant styles and Ik st made ladies' saddles, complete Manao ka hiki ana ka other in line, will Im done with a neatness and dis- i : : 1. i central in Honolulu. T..e main bud.hii' a work this with saddle cloth, bridle, etc., i t 1 .. i BARRY Si PArrnvT noi mai ana. f noufeuawittt; ia i iiuu u.iia e lu ka hoomaka ana o ka hana, ua koho ia o Parlor, patch not to be eNCelled. Gents' saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, etc., Dining room, XT Horse shoeini;. and all other business in the Farrier's de A select assortment ot ladies' cloth waiters, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND IUCTAIL PEALSM lit kakulu ai i Hale Hookolokolo nona. me na Lunakanawai e ae, c hana i ka hoo- Wepa i Lunahoomalu no ka rnanawa pokole. J2-l- ruom, partuicnt, promptly attended to. l f Patent leather cait. rs, for lacing and with elastics. Ma ke noi ia ! ; wai-- Sf-- a Kalama, ua haawi keia kolokolo ma kona pomaikai nolaila e j Heluhelu ia ka mooielo, apono ia, pule a '2 children's sleeping pms, - Shoes and slippers. WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, booU 6&-- hoopii i Ge- I'amry , o- Children's calf, patent leather, cloth, etc., and shoos, 1 G lj kekahi Komite Wae. Kalama, ho i keia palapala hoopii ma ka papa. pau ... i , i. I Montgomery Snn Fmnrlfo. - -- i... Gents' suicrinr calf and shoes, slipers, etc.. i : . l-- i i . lots i. li :.it-;- t i , "on- Cooperin rina, KnuJsen. we a ua apono Ka o t.Twe rvomne ae i There am also two cottages on the premis.-s- - c..maitiimr Fine meamo half hose, black silk handkerchiefs, .via noi vjerina, ia noike ' iioiKe mai ivaiama n JAMES A. Bl l.DK'K Pieces black fine white all wool &. co. Heluhelu mai o Kamakau he palapala hoo- ua ia ka ma ka haawi ia e noonoo i ka hoopii ma: crae, llannel, II. wi:kst1aIE a ke Komite, a waiho hoopii rri palapala I Blue and pink ilaunct. Irish lineus, IMP0RTER3 AXD DEALERS IN yiV'Z'l IX REMOVIXO II IS Ill'S XESS pii m;ti Wailuku, e noi mai ana ; Papa. Kona Akau, e noi ana, e hoopau ia na Pa-- i co..kX'ZZiservants' r H.ms. wau h.ue, w..d h.. us- -, to his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade,! An assortment of feather .lusters. . . . . 1,1.. ...rr f..irl 1, ...... t.- - - Fine citijrhams, small and laroe plaids. E hoopau ia ... street, takes this op;ortunity ot return- AXD ka Auhau Lio, Miula, .... o supplied' lot Colored holoholona hele hewa ke cassitnere and blue ami flannel shirts, Hapai ia na haha i hoopanee ia. Lilo ka Aupuni; manao! lr,.'u are TZ:with valley water, i.n.i uUr. abrick iiiir siiiCt-r- thanks his friends and the nil tj tfljc' w n, A ..' c cap o.le of containing Kw barp ls of water, witU force r;iU pieces of prints, choice patterns for dressing gowns, hconoa ia ka awa, Hale i Avomite e noonoo i ka IJila Kanawai ke Svomite. aole ku pono keia noi, nolaila, e Iu 'n nt the upport and patron Uqiiory every pump, which adds to the seeunt v of the buil - Int-- Silk aii'l fine whit.; merino undershirts, ol Deseriitliou. lins. whii li tht-- tiav- to prant 101 hoe mi ia ka uku o na Kuhina o ke Au- ka moekolohe. Noho o Naone rna ka waiho i keia hoopii ma ka papa, apono ia. 11. patent from His Majesty Kain ham-h- a busi- - Black silk and cotton velvet, FfiO.VT STREET, no Titi.k. jal III. him for the p;ut ten years, and hows that by attention to Merchant, lv.'.-i- u 11. i . s Ida k cloth coats, pants, etc. Between Washintrton and i i ke i ka- - Apply to 31. Illl.NM ness and pr.iiiritn-s- in the execuii-- u of all orders intrusted to Sutri'r puni S3.000, noho Lunahoomalu. Heluhelu ia ka IJila. Hoike mai o Aholo Komite Wae numerous 196-t- 115 tr SAN FRANCISCO him, he will merit a cuilinuaiice of their favors. And other articles. f i Kaa-pap- a, K haawi ia na koina o ka lakou Aha i na Ma ke noi a Haluina, ua waino ia ma ka uoha ia e noonoo ka palapala hoopii o He has on hand for sale upward:, of 4UOU bbla. cf('nki : 17&-l- y I aV COKUAUK Lanakanawai Apana. Haawi ia na Pauku nponoia. napali, e noi ana, e hoonoa ia na ia malaloo L'AXC V (i O ODS! of all sorts ami sizes. voa norr 111:1014; SAA FUAACISCO G 11 i na Komite. Lilo ka Hale i Komite e noonoo i ka Bila na Konohiki. Manao ke Komite, ua pono JI ST Ri.CKI ED PER MACHINE CAHPE.Vi EH'S SHOP OFFKRFORSALFmIX Qt'AXTITIES TO SUIT, TI1E FACTO V. Heluhelu hoo- hoomalu e noho nei, i pili i ka CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF mai o Kaakua he palapala a Aholo, e hookuu ana i na keiki e hele mau na Kanawai jrvillK NDEIISKJNEI) WOIT.U INFORM V M A N'L'FAC- - BARK "YANKEE!" H. I OROAGE OF EVER SIZE pii mrti Waialua. 51 na ir.oa, e noi mai ana ; ana i na Kula Nui, a me na Kula Kiekie lawaia ana, nolaila, e waiho ia keia hoopii ! his friend:! and tlie public that on the 6th inst. he will re Xj cx 1.1. o si n 11 cl 33 o o , ' A" j sume his form .'r business as a i r Ko-noh- i o Mill. EST lll'TTON'S. J 1ST RECEIVED PKK Bortment of MA.VILA AyiJ IIEMl' HOPE, (all iiica), Bala ia i Bila hoop .u i ka Noho o ma ka papa. Apono ia ka hoike a ke ! hana Kanawai e mai ka auhau kino. Kipi ma ka earl shtrt buttons, rubber hair pins. Roj.e, Tow Line, Oakum, for sale by TCBHS CO., ! IIUILnF.lt AND HOUSE CAKPENTEU, tc, hoopai Pearl dress buttons with lk7-l- y Vi'J, maluna o na wahine hapui keiki, Lunahoomalu. Heluhelu ia ka Bila. mite. shank., A: Frota Street, Ban Francisco. Best I. R. ilr.-ssir- At the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. Watson Ko- - I o i haa-i- a cui!. W;;h every facility for 4HEATHER BELL E hoemi ia ka uku o na Kuhina, a me na Ma ke noi a Wepa, ua haawi ia i ke loike mai Gerina ke Komite Wae .il b.rt 'tis. Warren's t IlCO'll-- s, on the Swinlon Premises, Kin' street. !" Lanakanawai i i lilo o ke e Marseille,, braid and frin.'e, doiiiir all branches of A XT MOST SA.lIIi. C. U'OODRlIi r, Kiekie, mite no ke Aopalapala, e hoopokole na hua e noonoo na noho Aupuni, ' CARKKtl.LV SELECTED bullous, mars.-ille- ta.-scl-s. - viz. : 1 let cX "XT" x- Is. for this Market by Mr. I.. II. Arthou, II I PC 1 A NHLER, STOREK AXD i kekahi lilo o P..I-- T o cas..-s- EEI'ER hoopau ia ka Auhau Kula maluna o ka olelo. Hoopau ia ke Komite, apono ia. hoike ana man ke Aupuni no c.imt.ri , black crap. , tc the test advautajre,W o he resictfully sr.lic.ts a share of puidic oil (15 bottles each.) pure Hollands jrin, tiEMEHAL Atit:T. Goods bought and sold on com Fn-tie- I'liit-rn- di- s r poe i ke Komite, i Collin. patronage. 60 " (15 N.ttl. s each.) " " imivrted - mission. Mop ami family ston-- put up at ti.e nnn nouce-Corne- mea keiki ole, I.ilo ka Hale i Komite e noonoo ka Bila ka Nupepa Polunesia. Manao e t Black emlir..: ry silk, pins. siK-u- from hiedani, lieirg the very lest article in the i i llai niL' the services of a first rate workman, lie will of Qikks's Road and Puttisokk stkkbt, Ilon(kout; Aole e koho ia kekahi Lunakanawai i e hoomahuahua ai ka maua o na Lunakana- waiho ia ka noonoo ana keia mau lilo ka Crimson and scarlet picture cord. also add M n k T ur uin anil marnet. to Thomas A. Cabtw kioht, C U asst.; Cahinrl iuu. Cur 25 l Mart, lis XT Refers Fri s;it, J. J. Luna Heiu. a Apana. Noho o wa i noonoo ia'i ka Bila Kalaiwaiwai. Watered lt r'l.K.iis. colors. Work to his other business. cases st brandy, SpalpiS".. Honolulu, San.lwichl.lands. y wai Hoomalu. Kamakau Swan bill h ..KS and eyes, rins Stuff sawed and planed by m.u hinery for carpenters and .Marzetty's ale and .rter in ipuarts and pints, casos 4 ami Ala-ct- j l'.! k bl. mile, dimity bands, r S d"zcn Na na Makaainana e koho i na Luna ii ka noho Lunahoomalu. Heluhelu ia ka Heluhelu mau mai o WiJemana he Bila a otiers. i ea:h. ma I'.t.y coTt-.- i h"S', j C. II. LEW ERS. no lakou ia ke Komite, j Wepa, e hoololi ana ka Auhau Kaa, oia ka bp.wn i:x Great Itcpunlic, iiootl Hope, iho. Bila a hooholo ia. Hoopau ladies' bl v.niers, I X. B. General bim'r b'lsiness will be eondu.'te l as hep to- - Ka-rxim- Bn;T a. I ia brilliaiue. j for- - the selected stock TELEGRAPH. REYNARD, II. E hoopau ia na koina no na hoopii apono ia. Hooholo ia e kope maikai ia. Pauku lSi o ke Kanawai Kiwila. Kapae on the Fort Street Premise... where lest Heal llrnnil ALE! iu pint. OCEAN' and REPORTER: Fifty bales assorted ColM feather dusters, 166-t- f 196-t- will be sold on the most reasonable terms. H s lit-'- j s, Cast's dozen each, at reasonable prices. f bal.-- heavy Rear I'uck. Ten Haawi ia na Pauku i na Komite. mai o Wepa i ka Bila Kanawai no na ru!a, a heluhelu elua ia. lido's' cr-et- .'te. lhick. IK. Filt. en and Hoike assorted. Twelve cases Canton Flannels, brown i Komi-kok- e 'Jin Mii. J. iRT.i 'X, Chaplain street. bales Flannels, Hr'luhehi o Ma ke noi a Kipi, ua haawi ia ke cas-- s cases -s. mai o Naiapaakai he palapala ka Lunakanawai Apana llilo Akau. haawi ' Ac and bleached. Ten Kentucky Jeans. Fifteen Tiio.nrsoA aIaVilm:, cases 2x2. and 4x2 Apron Checks. i.i i Komite o ka Hale. Noho o te o ka Hale i keia la. Twelve 4i ke HONOMI.r BLACKSMITHS, iaii:v EXCEL- - Twenty cases bleached Shirtings, ua widths. Seventy-flr- e caaea an :i ItARREI.S ONI.V OF THAT E hoemi Heluhelu o idemana lie rvana-i- Mr. R. W. t Twenty cases Ientms. rilty raaea ia ka uku o na Luna Aupuni, j Kaakua ma ka noho Lunahoomalu, heluhelu mai iiia AMI'.llOTYPI ,t lO LEXI' 1'OitK. rais.l and packed by favorite brands Prints. ia;i'eui:i:an (.allkry; THE CUSTOM HOUSE, i. Me f blue, red and gray lllankeu. Also, a r. hoonoa na ka bila. hooholoia. hoonau ia ke Komite. wai e hoololi ana i ka Pauku 50'. o ke Ka- - OPPOSITE Meyer, Mol..kai a c!e e art;. r Family and Cabin Table Tickintrs. Twenty bales ia laau kapu. beinr milk-f-.- l, fresh, and a article. For sale at full assortment of i F. V E nawai Kiwila, e ae ana e uku ia ka Luna XtiV R R EOT PES. AM II ROT V PES. Pl'UCIIASEI) pju-t-f Vos HOLT w IIEL hoonoa ia na ia rnaloko o ua kai o na apono - h.-l- o jv. THE ABOVE IIAVIXC CK'. Gooila, ia. I and PIlvU'.iOUAi'llS ta. :i i l lie- perf.i-t-i ): of the formerly by A. .. Matttifu i, Hou FuriiiiliiM3 o Hilo ka hapa haiiTi, o like me in., ( Pi5-- tf Linen Table iMmasks, bleache.1 and brown ; super Konohiki. .Ma ke noi a Kamakau, m hooho'o ia, e "Auhau ma Art. ) F. BIXDT. rLV te-- ' pr. pareil to execute hip, t'amiut; and Cart Comprisinc ar' SATINS, Jtc. pillow-cas- e ; Linen Sheetimrs ; Qu.l'j, t Work, on sli..rt, notice and mo.--t reas.-nabl- Table Cowr; Lin"iis Ko- o a ti.e I'uv-p- er, Hiawi h, keia i ia a ekolu ia i ka la na Luna .Auhau lloii'M.iiU inc Liaiiaina. A 10-- 11-- 4, 12-- 4. ; Towellings, Pauku hoopii kekahi kakau maikai heluhelu terms, and hope by attention to business to merit a share 711 NE IIL K'K. W II IT E Ml It LI" E SATINS, 4. assorted qualities Xal'kios, strict - i haa- LAND'S ' b! i.- !or dre.-s- e. l iack white family Rlanketi ; emlKwel velvet Table mite Wae. Ua koho ia o Kalama, Naiapaa-ki- i. Kajiae i na r!a, heluhelu elua ia, a IIW of the public patronaje hereto!., r-- so lilral'.y bestowed. Iu5-t- f I velvets, etc.. silk !iovlie; apopo. Cloth checked pantal ion tu:Ts. For sale by ; bleached Sheetinps, extra fine. Also, Ti i o i keia and and Piano Covers Aholo. Hoopanee ia ka hana apopo hora 10. wi ia ke Komite ka Hale la. ATi.2.roTvsi: !.!.e:EiY 102 tf VOX HOLT 6r IIKI CK. Isthmus a full line H.sicry, Olovej, Ivlain.a, Or(tanlies, .t s, Muslins. Cambrics, Irish paln-pa.- M:. ke noi ua hooholo ia e Dawns, R Jackom tts, French Heluhelu hou mai o Naiapaakai he a I'oalimii, lulai ft. a Kaaukai, f; would Call ATTKXTI0N of rgiHE I'NIEI si ei the Notice to the Public! HAW AIIAN FLOI i Linens, etc. And a ireneral assortment of rAXCY and fTAFLK nai Kaanapali, c noi mai ana, e houka-P- 'i Halawai i ka horu 10. k.mrha ia ke Komit o na Huke Helu, e ki- K '.: his Irierils a:i ! the to Ins Room., i.v. r the R.ir. IRY Ji.)I'S, suited to the Spring TnKle. Also, ex Oracle, A . I71RF.SII HAWAIIAN FI.OI'R. CORN i i i 4t'a.':C 'ori:.:ereril lv. r,' Printin: iVSiv, (n, xt to the on u I0.ror Eliia. I)enmark. 6rC. Velvet Me.Ialli-- Carpels ; Brussels ia ia ka mooielo, apono in, pule a koo ke Waiwai Ka uku o na -- wl.i.-h- , I meal, no wx.ea: meal constantly rial anu saie i,y ka ir.u ke i Heluhelu aku Kuhina P t e) U Pi. :ures e of N" I y A oyer., ana a me puhi ana ka rama. "::i where h" taki.u f r THE I' E R Slf; ED. VOX HOLT X and Three-Pl- Carpets; Ingrains. Hemps, English and I HEUCK. rlaavvi ij i L pan. Luna a pau o keia Hale, a me na !iio e ae o i ti le and s .ftness of ton. , cann. t ev-eil-- havinc every fanlity at hand in the can I'niiri Table Oil Cloths, Green liaiiers, Window fchad-- s Krmit no ka Mahiai ana. j t. Bei:. in coii.;ai:t of X- a" -t k. Ci.ennca. kc. he is shaH? of an.l Hollands I!r.at..lle and lemaiks. Paper Hangings and j Hoike mai o Kamaiena ke Komite no ka keia pule, a hiki i keia la 7 o lulai, lGO. to a'.l t he late-- : SHIRTS. Heluhelu mai o Naiapaakai he palapala prepared take Pict.ins with anprovemeuts. T1MHER AMJ Af ALU l. Eh 1', Borders. 1 1" Pat. i t SI MADE I H- (S) 24-- ! i ia i bi ,' Pictures taken on Glass. j.. r. leather, Ind.a 4 FEW DOZEN OF PEIIIOR Agency of Jewett's celebrated -4 4. koopii : Ahahookolokolo haawi e noonoo ka Heluhelu mua ia ki Gerina IJila e Auhau , p.-- mai ko Honolulu, e noi mai ana X'-.- re sat!s'.'aet;..n. is shirts, all linen. Also, rit.,n, with linen lKfrr.s, j Ku' It, and warranted P. ,.;iv lit. would itif.rtn tie public that he A Invoices very d Flower Oil CI iths. now ending, and o-- i c - ar.:i narrow folds. For sale by 1. i Lunakanawai no .Mo! 1 i ke dute z20 ha pa o ka X .11 1'uni.c a.-- ;:.viie.l p. call a:id e m.ii.e stKX'iniens. etc.. with broad i E hoopau ia ka Auhau hookaumaha a la hoonohonoho ai ana haneri maluna ftie prepared to manufacture & for sale, at low rates, by FRAXK RARER, lU-t- f W F. HOWI.AXD 1)2 tf VoX HOLT HEUCK. i Art.su 110 and 112 Clay Mreet, io ana .'lercuam etreei, e au palaoa a me ka berena. Ox mill Carls, nnd Oi Vol.c, l Kakaaolclo o ka Hale Makeke no na kai. IIor" Va"n. 21S-S- m San Francisco, California. ke Komite i ka Lunakanawai Kapae ia na rula, heluhelu elua ia, a ma and deliver them at any p.. rt in the kinjrlom at very redu.-c- l DAIRV I'ORK. kuai la. Ua ninau prices. All work rtruie of the be- -t materials and ia the most i DAIRY I'ORK. Jl'ST RECEIVED 2. E i Kiekie. a ua manao ia, aole he kumu pono e ke noi a Gerina, ua huawi ia kekahi Komi- - C. MILL5A1IS thorough and workman-lik- e manner. fESTM and for saie by hoopau ia ka Auhau ana i na waa ' 4 I Gt-rina-, Ox yokes drlirer-.-- in Honolulu, in.ne.1 complete, at J 50 UJ-t- f VOX I.OLT k HEUCK. EXCHANGE;, lawe mai i ka Ia ma ka Uato. hooholo ai ia IJila Kanawai, nolaila, e waiho te Wae. A u.i koho ia o Kalama, WOULD RESPECTFULLY IXFORM HIS FRIENDS AXD per pie.'e. II L" AS OPEXEI) A THE PUBLIC THAT II He is also readv to contract f.r the putting up of j BRANDIES, &.c. He pauku e noi ana. e hoopau ia ke Ka- - ia keia bila ma ka papa. Knuiisen. EXCHANGE FOR SALE. ! AND ia ka hoi- Hapai ia t: ASES FINE IIRANDY. SHERRY 1 1 1 1 N A O O "fJoleloo ka H.ile Makrke Ma ke noi a Kalama, ua apono na hana l hoopanee ia HEW BUILDINGS whisky. On hand and for sale by T E X C A a E O N C II S. W IX TT FURNITURE WAREROOM, MR'jKS, Francisco, for sale, in sums to suit, ny Ma a waiho ia ka bila ma ka Lilo ka Hale i Komite e noonoo i ka IJila .(2--tf tIJX HOLT & HtLLk. f3 ke noi a Gerina, ua haawi ia keia i ke ke a ke Komite, N lUl-t- f J. S. WALKER. i i r-- iZ M:U is ra-.- construct Komite Wae no ka hoemi ana i na uku ma- papa. e hookuu ai na keiki e hele ana na Ku'a -i a ! ai riht. i to BLANKETS. &... Ao- EXCHANGE. kahiki. Hoike mai o Ualuina ke Komite no ke Nui a me na Kula Kiekie, rnai na auhau pi- j WATER WHEELS, SAW MILLS, ST DENIMS. BLANKETS, FLANNEL shirts menu ) undershirts and drawers, piajinpcgrrts. etc. T71XCIIANGE ON" SAN FRANCISCO, IN i Lu- - i ka Aholo Bila e hookuu na keiki li kino. Noho o Kamakau ma ka noho j (iJJ-tf- ; VOX HOLT 4- HEUCK. M-- sums to suit, at Heluhelu mai o Asa Hopu he palapala palapala Street, HORSE POWERS, For sale by A Kie- Ul-l- t VOX HOLT IIEUCK8. "0pii e hele ana i na Kula Nui, a me na Kula na hot. main j Or anythiue in th it line f business. cheap as the cheapest, mai rr.ai ; i Hana. e noi ana Two sets of circular saws on hand an 1 ready to put up for THE F.CI.F.CTIC MAGAZINK A auhau pili kino. Lawe ia ka Heluhelu i i ka IJila. A ma ke noi a Kipi hoemi ia ka uku o na hale kuai ma na kie, mai ka NEARLY OPPOSITE th se that want. BE Fl'RNISHED RF.Gl'LARLY TO Komite, j wheel on har.d. thirty inches in diameter, throughout islands. year. and WaQ kuaaina, i i hoike a ke Komite a haawi ia ka bila i ke ua hooholo ia. Hoopau ia ke apo- one tubular witr CAN the Price $6 a Paper Stationery 530. Haawi ia ke Komite warranted to nice foil satisfaction. U..c numbers fr tn January. I.i0. supplied. ARRIVALS, co i keia no ia. ready to Atl'ST RECEIVED, PER LATE na Ihna Hou. Komite o ka Hale li. li.ivii.j enj a pr.tot.c.il Cabinet Maker, I aai The ErlfCtir, as a monthly magazine, of 144 paces, double larpe supply of writing paper, comprising ovir forty s. J a lia- Hale i Komite e i bila e J9 D.at.ufac'.ure coliinit.s. has no in literary merit or artistic embellish-ni-nt- Hoike mai o Gerina ke Komite no na Lilo ka noonoo ka sufrior r.eties and siies of H.l'ihe!u mai o Pilipo he palapala hoopii F.. O. Hall's r is etnlKllished with one or two ! Each nnii.U meuotint i k.i Store Fine white and blue cap paper, ai Kona na Hou i haawi ia ka hoopii, e noi ana, e hoololi ana Pauku 41?, oia ka Auhau Koa or other Furniture plates, by hartain. The vi.riety. richness, and affluence of the do letter per. Akau, e noi mai ana; i notice, AH ord-- rs prmiit!y attended to. do do kuai o na aina aupuni, e Kaa Noho o Kipi ma ka noho Lunahooma-Heiuhel- u SAI. E AN at the shortest r." Erliclir articles in all the departments of literature and popu- do do do not ke HERE HE OFFERS FOR j pair. E hoemi hoerni ia kumu WILLIAM H. WRIGHT. u. . ia na Koina o na Ahahookolokolo. f :isi-:- ' lar science, tlve and e::trtaii)iiig, stamp it as ti.e letu--r note .ni-r- a..it:i.-n- t ft: MTL'HE. of K Jis)-jin t.th Gilt edee. and ia a hooholo ia. Hoopau ia, I r K :..s. iiui. Iarch W.0. put E hoopau ia ke Kanawai no na pa aupuni. kuai ia aku kekahi mau loko ia ma Hawaii, iu. Koa an lnah janv c ta s. best d.shed. Apply to Thin account current ami letter pair. I Joi-l- II. 51. WIirTXEY. Ma Maui, e hoonoa ia na aina aupuni. e apono ia. K"a nod pine le t .Me Et.vel-.p- and wrapping ke noi Kalama. haawi keia a me Bla.'K w ili.iit a c. r w:ia::i-,ts- a an 1 o j I.'idu blotting ivr. a ua ia i i i.e n.i Wool. (ioat SKiii' Red and white paier. Konoliki. Lilo ka Hale Komite e noonoo ka Bila c s.-- ' c le ea i kekahi Komite Wae. A ua koho ia o hoonoa ia na ia a na Paint.- in, r ,t:'i s, ,ks. HOSPITAL NOTICE! ALSO e waiho ia keia mau Kanawai e hoomaopopo ai no ka hopu ana i Koa and pine a! ,'s. bi.reails Jallow, Comnoition, ISIENSA RY ATTACH KU TO I II K 100.000 envelopes, government, letter, and note siies, of all color ke Komite, -. Kajama. Grina, Knudsen. Manao .1.. t hair ni ittr. sses, n"s llospttal ou Kinit treet, wul f.e open every nay and iiualiti.-s- . e L- T no ka mea, he ku pono na lawehala. Noho o Mahoe ma ka noho Double and single O..- t. S. from 7 until M. A. M., for the dise:.sin ol medicines to sick onle.--s as low a fipure as ca;i .... -' hoopii ma ka papa, , Old Copper. r All suppiiisl, at mai ka Lunahcomalu he palapa- sin.-!.-- -- i 1'- r Si ritiL' ie rid k .a bo.irls and indigent Hawaiian. Per order: f207-2m- ) H. M. WIIITMKY. i ia, , this market. Apply to ke ma na mea hoopii Lunahoomalu, heluhelu ia a hooholo pau loan-.-- . tt-- rnai na Oaa o ka Moku-ahi- , o Kilauea, e ole i keia Hale hana ..;.is, -, . ott miiris, f Jl'RCIIASED AT THE HIGHEST R ATES J. W. AUSTIX. waiho hoopii ia. A I v 101-t- f t ono fnai ana i na Lunamakaainana e holo ia. Apono ia ka hoike. a ia in apnno VARIETY OF FOR SALE i i R.s-k't.i- 1 parl--- CAR- Lilo ka Hale Komite e noonoo ka bila d.i.i.iv, ..'i.-- an chairs. N ! A GOOD. SAFE AXD ur.M Lt. Pu Moku-ah- i, papa. VI EGA R ne ka iloi maluna o ka i ka ma ka Chielrcii's spring chairs, i hieir.-n'- cab, ('il)Klt STORY IVVPKRS. RIAGE HoKSE, suitable for alady's use. Forsal no na Na- no uku o ka Luna Auhau o Ililo. Noho r- - A' I N EG A TER fc0? 9 o Hoike mai o Genua ke Komite ka Cloi carr.aj. . .:::'.( :.i pa'.tito.. R R ELS ITRE CIDER R, low. Apply to ka la apopo. Washington AUst.-u,- istXv II. M. WniTNET. e hooko- - Barvnaba ma ka noho Lunahoomalu. He- A . (t 1IIE NEW YORK LEDGER AM) I II E iyx3t i manao o ke Komite, o -- E. O. HALL. JIa ka rnanao o Kamakau, ua lawe ia keia na Hou, ka t! WELCOME UU1.S1. botii pul.li.-I.e- d weekly, conla.n the ia ka bil.i. of ry ii NInilr ami to ! ..btauie.1. 4 a year. Back BORDER, &c. ttariao kono i ia ma ka Bila Kalaiwaiwai, luhelu I'uriiilurc ni choicest serial literature Price J PAPER HANGINGS, mai, me ka mahalo ka poe Ona. ino J-- t T, l5tX). supplied. Apply to -- 1.500 Ma ke noi a Wepa, ua hooholo ia kekahi Itcp:iirt'l. Ht'ccived. ex " Hero. ti.init.ers from January PAPER, Hawaii, II- - M. ROLLS ASSORTED Heluhelu hou o No na Alanui ina French i"jl!onir. 21.4-l- m WHITNEY. assorte.1 mai IMipo he palapala -- VarTi.s'..li.t-- , 4,500 loo rolls liorder. lOonii rno ; v I : : . t " Molokai, ,400 mau hoololi o keia bila, hooholo ia pela. SMOKED OREGON BACON. The above invoice was selected expressly for this market by L'., A&au, xz i jai 9 Upholrtel iiiiT. California t'nim Ch-es- ..i. nui uii.a . 1,000 Hoopau :a ke Komite. apono ia. CAUDM.N SEEDS ! J. F. B. Marshall. Esq., and is the hoyest and best assortment aUriAU V. I Oahu, And turniugr, Jenny Lind Cakes, v.i 1 . r 1. 1 ...nil . ever imported, and. will be soli at low rates by it itti i mau w dlfe-tc- h. new Raisir.s, Rogers," to W71RESII SEEDS, CONSTANTLY utic v. Kauai, Ma ke noi a Barenaba, ua hoopanee ia ka I'one th tieatntss a ii yuarter boxes ex Ida I. San GARDEN C. H. LEWER9, - " N. B. Orders from the '.siamis promptly F. r by I,'' on hand aud t.r sa'.e at the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Komite no ke Aopala- other attended to. Friucisco. saie 1M) FortStrsrt. l.t-::n- 204-3-- tf 13S tf " ka palekai ma Lahaina, - 'J.000 hana a poakaki nora 10. j n SAM. SAVAGE Society's Garden.

Arr she, produce THE PACIFIC "to such another bold, forward, ufrlisrmfnts. impudent, onmannerly tongue as you have ! Commercial Advertiser. So there now (giving him a slap)'et alon with you !" DO VOL WANT ? ' --U C. BREWER CO. OFFER Foi; ALE THE CO oEY IT ii Wharf. F'.'I.LW - .Harriet! single. , THE r Market ami Do You Wnut .More Do You Em- - 7 1 11 41 n lHi i,.- Want Sale j Oil I J (U1U UUiUI I '1 .HI I llllllll SALE FOLLOW1XC i:t V" yeat ? The Cargoes of the Itritih Hark , FOR THE Sam Slick's new series of papers arv full Book and Job Prinlinn. Do You IIONOLl LI', OVIII-- II. I.. SUiK.N ! Want .More Do Yon Want Pro - LOW - II ry 'RM BOSTON'. - AT Good. - of lively hirs at life, much after the fashion Eo:e-- p--rty ? HUMPHREY XELSONY' FFERS FOlt SALE. TIIK 'ir itfn.n.? 1- 1 lL-.- - i !i!r Va: c' A X -j T --M A F.KET K A rRE?. of mrr- CaM 5 Mttetlrfl'.'.nsr. M V issorttrwai -- IlKOWX O' .c M'J s Jc t: City ict-.ii- of tho?e which first woke the worlJ up to the Do You .More Do : :.. II Want You Want To And " KATHLEEN," I C.i4r i.:rUs Pale P. U Heavy An. :.l.c., N.t, t, t- -. realizing sense of the Yankee clockmaker's iif? of property l'a-- 1 ar Hravy . :v.'ie tl FROM LIVERPOOL. Tow-!::..- -. merits in thit peculiar style which mine'es Do You Want To Do You Want to Buy Dry Biar Vaiici Balr A f'-r- t ut;- r : CU.r.' C'ood. II I cl.i, car-t-- ft drofJery vrith shrewd a farm ? Blue B;ae It.' . Shoe and Leather. otr?ervation, ariJ philo- cruris, l.oot. IIaj par.:.. l1run-4- . ii.4,. MsoN iVsrc-.-- l ir roc r.s. i Do a4vrv-- i r. it sophy with fun. 4 fere, for example, a You Want To Do You Want to Sell LaJ.' Ri.i.tj dm;;,, Ja.'act4. Iii,lr.. a f.rni " rh:rta, sharp hit : ti&as. Kretoi ti P.: G-- ,T I.lae scarlet 1. V . a k:;. a.i f anuei Lctm.u Do You Do pi4:n ari fa.''y icior .a " ' Veu's bi.irt.--. My sisier Urania was as splendid a crit- Want To Yon Want a New .a:., RAVEN? 1'1'CK. Met:' it-r.- t h. , ereJ at.J utix-e- r - ltiher P'-r- l.e :... U.:,-- ter as you ever twer-ty- , l EriLi;:': a C..: r. .Men- .t. see, at eighteen or a - P;un.4. Do You Want Ii ie 4. Leatr:- r trj:.k. com-fe-.- S, Them Do You Want a .New 0- t t Apple.. real looking Well, V- I." i Ki-- leather hearty cirl. she y r : ccnei.rx-- C: trii -, rr-- ,1 T ? r,.:e lv:.-s- . Rips:n UatJ.er. l"r- uj'.'k. was Wvr t'.T. u.icomnoa dainty, and p!apuy hard to Do You Want ls Ware, mctanlt Commercial SUbfrtiscr To Do Yon Want to Sell roccries. Curry j 1. r. ami she !lirted here, and e keu-!U-( plea, ji.ted there, .cr :..f- - asT-.h-.-.- r:: Cafe Halibuts. LINEN XVaro, r.t. ertra o aiul. tmato Crocliery Bti-dio- rvEc-- 1 Crntos . ri. ur. " Cax- until me kinder overstood her market. A Do You .More Do Bay Slate L.u.:c-r:;- I4. xr . T.rs itrwn tar I. aut You Want Any. h-- r.t v. rose l&-- t i.?i f cumr C'oaUinjf , K:f bhis crashed sa'ar, t'ruhe.i UjtT in ta!f i, don't forever, that's a fact. It is Rarrvis v:uecxr, Curra.-.t-- . ' Ti.Lui Crcim-.ai.- i Mvr.t'aj.r. extra lovely when in the bud, or eipandin', or in A A A 4'ii9. La. R. xci S W. .vap. c'.an.s. Kai.ti!.. D Ca.e4 cream. C bloom, or even full btO A n ; but is D D TE '.. there a ( , herr;.-.,- . 'MIE OMMERd U-- ADVERTISER. ES-- V V Pril Ci.:CA Rut;. Car. Una Ruf, Siove ,;i U!(w. time fcr perfecrion and decay, that be TARLlsHMENT has recently ;a - FR-'- j T. S V. K.diier can't addl t supply of ir.a- F. CvFfEK TITCMB'p PLANTATION. Beaaty, N'... and c.idial r- - , f: Eel t i Ijarajriiia. postponed no how you can fix it ; color ch,r.ery. P.t IMPP. VED COMBINATION" llcue Treasure, :.l S, the I'riiiio I'orU. . Pa.n It it fi:.- a:.,! c. Eitra Perfect Treasure. 7. k.lier, -- PRINTING It c :.. cva-h PRESSES, capable of one CRCSUED SUGAR. NAVY EREAI, HAMS - . will fade, or out in the summer show- theti T La:. wr :..a hif Sh:(- Caa;lnxe, li- i,iP4 and cao, h''-- r- t ., -- oaii-wal- . ' t .A frit ha- :m-- . rv:1.-f- : Ac ers, and then it droops with the weight of its f" ran! ajr kin!, tat toon i a:. LiL. - urrtu Ewtr..-.- Gr.HJtiJ !V; TI.e above f.,vr::e bnunis arecMj:pK te. witb h .ilow ware, t r ...rl. white GrraiiU Salt wtr s -- . Stc. own beauty, and the wind will deprive it, s acar.. gr?y ,ra rp;-?rs- rr.?n'j w -- Water Crckrs. 'aval Stores. Paiut, hrc ZiXi-UEilD- DS, Mrtrv.-j-'-i!ta- Barrel Wh;t.n half Lam-- 23 X shirr, coJin trCHier.:... jr:r.:- -l Ac, Ac . Craokoi. dtton twine, Mineraired. Ulcl i.i JVi from time to time, of a leaf, till its size and A D V E K I b ::, 4c, 4c ' Keps esvrax. Black varnish. Pure white h a . tale4 ' w T D A G:r.f r , iw,:,, which SITHKV trj-eatine- 17 f,el c3 is executed .3 a fty.e of u..4.i.'prd Hardware. 1ir.1l Sheet lea.1. t spirits Aii oai. li, ai.J 1. proportion is dwindled down to a mere anat- bea-tty- Ba.i;- - as-- J aa-- l , E ip.n. ar-:- J, . . w.tidjw ho.le.1 .a the t:.-- ,i paper, : V,m-- .t ruTii fat Leal-- 11 Cake-- Sail tieeiir. Cases uil. lKn atd .nld :t anl ,txn s ;pau- -, irr.. fixes. omy ; if plucked time, ij- --- ,hoTi. Lit, tr- cat s.m, d . not at the right it's ain- - rxn - pr xrarr-- l x u: -. . i ALSO Franc.-:- ortijw.Vr-el- Trr...r rt-- vi Jars Prune. tti i kt.:vt. f ' Hardware. as , never gathered at all. Tnere hangs, pinin in tN.j aJ rs. Irv-- Bar refinr.! A large it MAPS OF THE I'NITED STATES. VVi.l-hai- . of Hoots T baLCijT-rs- " i".'-- .- ' . i lie.l pokers. urvray siai-4- anj sho r ha.--s I on the parent stork, white fresh- P..ket Knives, Jack Ktiivr. :..t. iej Nele4, Siiver'.l j ir-ns- , Ci.r,si.;i!.f..!:,,i,. younger and R It .n p. a..-:- .i - a C:i.xrc..J Siieel lca.i. , It C:: ir c. c ar v Mr-i:ri- Tapes. len s inici; i4-4- M k If..,, ... , t ;r". Ritt. Sl.eet n'. t. h er, and more attractive ones are chesen by i: j: ...... uu.k... i, i. iu Aae handle. line. . u - i: . t,urjtLi; ban. LAMP CHIMNEYS, IX,. Nos. Brass-wir- e .t.cu ran- til.lret.', n,l Vf . VWfc rr.-t- -. b;r;.---4- t.;a:.mi SOLAR LAMP WICKS, 'l Handled axe. eive. ..e v iro:. U ! , ers. feilers to pat into their Luzzums in preference j. R-- spike-- :i-- Ca cut r.aii. ' r na:, inrtal lii UvLK Iprr. Wrvutiit Men's oK-- Cr.::r-- s pait.-- eat A i T.u::i cr 1 :U. Uut on .n, l D D Inn rivets Clinch nails, to it, that in its tUtt.z Pajkks. j Men", irar. day was far sweeter and h-- -h .- Cast-ste- h.-- Meu's 'xcv--l t?- a.axrc-t.- i A .Vaval el Is. C. S. f pades. kip bmcan. atJ of . .4:J Store. Men lin k cl..th, patett Men's -- lovelier than any of them. This was ti,-ri-r wr, Manii UA: just Uli Irr.jrr-- H. th- - arx- r- V.r-f- , rr.j, I arvct Tacks, I Cm;cr.-4- i Ja; At&Kassa.l'.n, J rat:.:.-- ax-yam, ! XbbiI ries. pa.trrs. -- a.,r AsscJteJ File. Men's Calf W. Wtcaif brown,. the case with she woke dsr::. U.,ir ;.;t tt.ia-av-l- FOOD . i.:n:. Cases toTiacco. Casks coal. Horse cart, txjot. "Rainy"; up one !.rr io March Lo co&lrcDd?.l T FOIJTHE MIND. l.arro .imn, t. tp.r.-- .A t- -J rjrJ-I.te- . Men. pump 4e w. lii.i.icu!Ts, - Oil-ca.- t I . .i. t.arr-:- - j chimne shook 9. Bales corks. Youth's kip a:.. calf !t a.-.-J canvas. :ci fine morning after the marriage of her 'ir-:- .r, :hLr to rwrt,' tr. 15rdl-aU- . ) 11 r-- tJ;n cocacdM ani.u Harrvri? t:. . wtr.c Iron C'nbin Table Kegs atid heads. Ladies' elive kl sli: r iei.-- r ai.--l .Taj.r. I aicj, e-s ci-- tait t our vtl.fr ttts f , . youngest niece and found she was an old t' t.i t.r ifurmkCon PAPERS Ii.r;e Cuti-i4- C j'per Puxi-s- : Clb:; jj?ts, Mats. kid i..p r. of thf ANDMAGAZINES. 1 - Cordage. Men" Jj;. r cf Japan. Iron an hrass ;r:.- S 'KM !r uittaiiic ru! (4rr lj..!s. . cul. ir,:.. FA1REANK PLATF SCALES, a maid, and no mistake. Her vanity and her Bfck-- . '-- ' ipur.yara. Men", Pxt;U-.:a- patent j wr.U v h hoose-lin- e. metaiiie sawiais. s Tracy, Xvrpar?n, etc., f GROCER'S Coils ri. fV.. wt "'i as:i. . ' . had been deceivin her for ever so lonz, ar-- firi.-.-- riiHE IS PREPARED TO ALi-.i- Men's mefaiiic overff-,(ie- j.i l with 03tr M'BJfRIBKRany of i:,- - Am-- n. Ca-- - COUNTER Coils marline, fo!..wu. s aa ar.d pa?-- rs shta;r.,r.2 14. o' Men's calf weit l.x be- an.l :!i- -s -r t'.-- tr..:h . i. 3 Gacny Ba;?, CoiU Ara. seizicir. b.ta, at t.r:c.. low- v .a ri.;-.4- without her knowing it, and makin her inj, than aj.s-- riz-r- . W'.m-- ut ,:hr-- r . Cass c Ej.rs:ai Rus-i- Bieudic 4iro-- ri N- Saits. Coils rathnj, saod,, Adani Imperial Book e::.V r in Ci::'-- U ..r - y'rii. .a-ci-- .tra lieve some false curls Presses. C.-ii- s rop- - she wore looked so par..-tuai.- ,, Biack Paint, Russia bolt the arrival of from ti rocerie. Gt-e- n oo which tL the I'n.i i l tnh mil la;nt, natural no soul could tell Hirpert I'.luminifd Pictorial r. ri '.Ai f. in T r..u ire . ALSt they weren't her irir. a- - chevse. Ma.lJ.-r- 1 pnce ( f,i ,u. I a-- s: l?(5--tf Slippers, Bi'At a ar, L f fin-- t th? Uaa.:an, Aa.,r.,M.i fcriiih t.-- fruit. jas.i. J. Or.. Jatrpcr, own; that the Jittle artificial color priitol, which carIf .li.f the cff W Oil Lewis she gave prir.L.-- i irj- - Jr. al UrotLer's pare White Leai, wn. il.is branch '.f our bu.aej e are prepar! rv:t w.:. i to her cheek wi:h a camel's hair brush, 'rijtiou vinrjar. n.u.t .r cai.-r- s. Pacific Co. Extra White L?l, wa3 to il .r N? c'-r-I, Eu--li- pnyiMr aiicay in I ts v- -. V! exfcuv? which cay in Hawaiian, aJtanff.XX rrrvr.l an.l ta-.i- SUGAR AND MOUSSE y -, Keg' Lewi Brother" E'hil. pure Zinc Provisions ex Svren a.-.- ,v-. r:iint, more delicate and more lovely than the glow or ..iLtrr Ur.e-aAit-- yt. the low-- si framii:, t i a. aj ... c cavcui.? p r. i .p nr. I -r i.r.i-r- .r Can? Lewis i: Brother's Zinc P&iiit. of F.jT ail kiwi rf b.ai rr. l'hl. pure FROM youth, and that the dentist had improved t.r orlirtary anl fTtrac.rdinary, fVr annvm. j x irf-r"- j l"a:at l.ar.ey. uh Ti p " luf-- II Mvi.: :iraj. a:ia !iJi, saieraiin. Sails. tmm th drj?.-ist- ii n'-- c- Mairarlne, $ ixj a mouth that had always been unrivalied. srailt t'.hc t ir.gthy ia: Atlantic i I J,- - ,ar ia t'A 1 utrt..r tins, aU l ..ii, F.-r- SuiLs. 5c KOI. OA ! - I CO. PLA.TATlO. 5 -. .t-n- a, c. c ay l fr'.Q 0J i ii-- BREWER t.a: tl, cf the Fort - U.i.V Hu.aatxs- " cue h:n SiN, OFFER Well, to my mind, iu 5 I FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING : looking glasses are the w fui:.-- - u-- J Vri: ip. cnop have t (.f cttlcil S;c!!:: S.,!!. Oice, a:i.l n.'t c.,o:i.l- a?v.rtmr:.t P:ir.t-'- S l.i:- Alrrua .:ri"; - 5 j iogo greatest enemies hdies ought 1 M of i ANCIIoRs avr. CHAINS. have; they all Mivriis In .! kirj'orn, an l the Fa 5 OM Liquors. IX QUAXTITIKS -, TO wrk Mi.-iiz.;.- SUIT! tt I C4W Oi be broken m--n to t.; anywhere iiur.t f, l T i:i G.n. 5cv..-- a to to everbstin smash. It isn't that in the PaciSc Ocean. Kn.ck-r-kt- rr -, Vl,i,r. l!r Clvcm PALE EY ?t.-rr- y, SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET: fUi; 5 00 C i:: v- .;.! L,n. Claret. BRUSSELS CARPETING. To t fcrkf, c f 'rovisions, l5i-t- f rfcrr.::y a.llfd, u I they are false, for they ain't ; they will reflect Jv o.asi lera'.ie expense, T K'jTTLKD A H. HACKFEL5wC0 vari-ti- rs "i ALE ANL lu?.TF.K Oilcloth Cnrpnini;. R R ELs EXTRA PORK, e PRIME OTr fifty i.f type to our alr.-a.l- exu-a:v- c.litc-tio- n. l.it!4 Lirit.s Az, fwer;iv) 7 J the truth if allowed. . A',r, One Force j Cane-se- they are But, unfortu- Ur- !'!.. .'i.T,.-- IlhJs ta'.ti' h. Ale. I'.tent Pu;p. Baiticiore Chairs, liAKUKr.s MKS PUKK. ar.1 a - plain an.l fancy l uii-nf- i, 't.: .!:,. a 00 i. I liaif-rs- . urjnLl l:la-k- nn-- i th- ii-- . . Mens r. Litsnr.ir .l - 4 h 1 i t, UAKKEI.S KXTRA MF1.S nately, truth never looks into thern. When f t r.- -r ti 5 J j - BEEF, hail rjl -, SiinIriei, Sh- car It n ,:e wrJ E.th-r- of th- En.-:;-- As rte.1 Sf LUMBER, aal choice cap - I . Wl.;:- v, Hanltrare. yrt-ri- Z i'J - M;:ratrr aj-. - rfuci-r- fa. j- -r TIERCES HAMS. a woman consults b.i;-- h !. i tt-- h;r..---4 ;: , irv. her glass, she be r r Hau a.i-ii- wishes to a.i of ail aa.l o.lors, larje Caliorni Jl 5 00 E.ttV.tli i. Ships' Scrapers, aa--1 Brand's VLaii115 Gui.s, CASKS SI PERIOR FLOUR, pleased, she to be at.1 arr O.ii at the shorirat ai..! .ja I wants flattered, and to be n.t.ce ERS. b.u.:. Lances. u au-- Cra:- - a.a eHrthttiwirr, CASKS NEW BEDFORD BREAD, Lumber! Lnmher! Unas, pr.ia anythir.z everything may be ! Tlu-trii- t- 1 on good with te Lon n s, -- Harp..ns, pat terms herself, so she treats k.t tfi k'y) $H 00 11 im ai..i !.3.."Mt. CASKS BOSTON NAVY riHIE l' N I KRSIf; N ED Will LI) IIKRFHife wanted, whtth r LVen2.-.- tri.-kiy BREAD. " Ma:i i of the AsS.,r;.-- l ir..:i. One M'haiinc Gun and one set irr-- strap tne to hi and the pul.l,c iJ U it as she would her lover, she goes up to it T.r.-.- .) Brns. irenenulr AVLKLss CAT.. L.ri i..n . P.l'.-k"- Minci.-.- e CASKS BOSTON 11 LOT prepares it. sell every o.' . 2', GO lniti ; :.4. i.l;iU--- Cuttinir wi:h chi n pendarts. Machines, Ikvxt BREAD. neis decr.pt:rn V.nh Wert ImohnT Pun-h- (r-kl- v) tin . smiles, looking BL.-I.- i- ' 0-- t'r-ia- - , r all as amiable and as beauti- CAKW, 5 Imp. w.p-- . Anchors, Ir.n New Be.if.rl WiialeOoats. l'X--tf 100 BARRELS II AX ALL FLOUR quantity. r hy suiaii I.ts. as chep cr than any k, 0-- , i in the t 11 Li -- I market. In k.-- w.,rjs, Le w:im t ful she HALL I'-- . ofi.iin. vr C as can. She asumes the inost win- TICKETS. :r4 L:f-- in Ut.-1-.ii- salt. OIL ASKS AM) S1IOOKS. - 11 (?) Eu-:.- -h N iitr.i c.il. ii-i- i II. LEn IK; LILLET . ALL KISI- -. Ix.n lon U Tiai-4- , . H- p j i. ning air ; she gazes at the image with all the :V 10 OO c Inm. ... - tr, I:Lickrr.::., al. p.- CIKCfLAIW OF EltV 10 00 c :il. r r's Rivets. i affection she can call up; and her lips appear t Frexich O un-r- d- Ktati I Oak PUnk, 1 (Joat Lumber. Sliinsrlrs and (lapboardir I KI tiiI.--T a iii. 6 60 Urrea i.a:t.t. Is. and ir.ch. Skin all a woman could wish, or St (JAR PAN? AND C LER.a. IIi-ui- a man EILL-HEAIi- covet. S, ERS. La rite Rnorlm'l .Mnniln ami Cordage. H- p 1 Seizing Stut!. Tallow, Well, in Y ir n, cae as. rt- -J E t':irh cuUcry, course the mirror gives back thit AiniON INTERS, Nrw rk xUv) $5(0 Catti:iii Falls. koo.oooB.r.Js, an-- ffcaniiiii' of all t.ze, EIKTV TUNS RICE, in I luO.Oi") false face to its owner, as it ; ' Tribune, 4 00 1v'.b Whale Une. Sluh Siunies. save!, shaii ceiar and Eatira receives it ", it I'OSTEP.?, " Tim--- f.-- ' LLil.Ms " " - ( Pine Clapxrds, , 6 and 12 t lonp, CAP.G POrTEK?, .:;- 4 j Try ain't fair, therefore, blame U i:!us:.-t-- .l -- , rr .V P., f Spruce !.., 4 6 et to it for being un- - r, 5 00 lari SEA V M I Comp-si-.k-- Nails, and h.ni,ajs 'wi:j) II, frm I,n.lon, IIIP IVtilou- ! A.l) sCIJ'MJNF.Il P: b.r;a;. ! Old R- -.i wo.,1 Clapt-r.- !. 6. 11 18 feet faithful ; , 5 00 MARZETTI S ALE AND Cjii..4it...n Nails, Copper. and l.nir. but as ladies can't use it without Li:..-- lUtll-- - . Ii PAMPHLETS AND f ihij-- r i White ..ak, 1. It and 2 5 (1 , Jii-- jx-- b-- fr-- Cut Nail ti deceivin o San Erat.'.isco !. (iO.MEI.ZA. Unl. an assortment Sijeath.r.c. aiid i iiich, i of themselves, why total abstineice AXI CONSTITI TIOXS, nl 6w ! f . ! A RZETTI'S PuRTER. Old Composition. i. i E.jLl?H ;UuCEKIj-- salts bcrton ' ... 6 00 and ale. Flwinic sprj. e. yelk-- t me. white pir.f. 4r from would be better. LETTER il qjarts pints, and pints, it Now, people may E.NVEInE ADI'RESiES, " " Altt Cai:f. rnU,- - Z:-layrf- fi"'m Hft.,r th- - i':arts j An-- ail kinds of bui'diny 6 0 , iiLi:-- HCM. FET LEY'S ALE. pints. Matenais wantol in th mi.rkrt i . ,r-- r BALES CURLED HAIR, Old Yellow f deceive themselves S'vtf LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, " 6 l.4 rwl,ul,.Tr.-- !t!..y t ... lav . a Uau-tt.- ul Metal. l For sale at lowest hy 11. LEW if they have a i rate C. tin mind, but R".t-r- ) of Indian Vceta'.le Litters, Essence 11 OO a.rta,i.t ENUL1MI CKI.M j, ilu.ii:. p,,,lc ana W..rmw..l, AT ... ch-i- St'.u-hti-.n'- s RCIIASED V..rW yrll.K4. an. rr Cherry THE IIIGIIE.sr MAR. they cant go cn forever. Time will tell -. k:.v ) . Oil nvr ttyWt. Conlial, B. tiers. t v C. 4 t - 11 rates, BREWKK 4 CO., j 5':..; - ;.;a t.-.u.- r.-- Jj- Th ,.-11 t Props, Doors. Window tafcs. ii t, 4 of a, as ..f Essence Pepperatiiut. Market Wharf. Sali. Hlinds. Whatever year a gal is born in. she Wm-ki- ri fr ll.rp r'4 J..iinul, Otj j aiv tr,t.r-:-- ar. 1 a .t Palm-lea- f Hats. JUST -- 4 skv. RECEIVED! .V-.- b.,rr..-- w !f, -i- ii iir.i.-rtatv- .i. """KS, ASSORTED SIZES, WITH has ; iv, r . the ol.l ilr,ii:r.s of .v ..t-,- r .-9 I contemporaries when she looks at them irv, 4 OO White Straw Hats, v 'tfltf F m uid.ni- an--1 panel. Ex " FIMNCES !.. Li-- t. 9 f IMIJIEIi.' " 4 00 "rJm" JAXIi.iX, GREEN 4 CO. Brown :raw Hats. Jut received per " Syren asn ri,i F and sees that they are ageing, or the Th- - ;i4t I...rs. sizes. worst bV.ve c ri 3 :h ti-j.- V.r.i Am-nr- an BOAUIS, h. .ioi .... :h an l l'rab Straw Hau. LttOAT SiJ pair Wind w Sa-- ass-.rtc- sizes. f AND l.c.ii iitfratur-- . -- . for wear, she tries to OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. ai:l mil upj.iird i;t.4cr:h. h- -r . S1Z.-- 2cH.' BUnds, witL-xi- t recall the days of her jt. - r at Children's nats. pair itn and swivels, ass A iaa. the? ru- anr.--- ,l - f ryv. BLOCKS ..l'.-ubi- r to ta- h T. 4 t:ki:iir s svitL d.'E or and sitiiTJ Selected txi.r,-sri- for market, ,r luw finds 'iu dis- thu l &: i this and f sale bv I, youth, and that p..Tl.I;.-.l- j nl t. A they lost w:! ari-U- are the ii;c All te A MAST . . pizeS. y the L'ST HIIS t.EuRGE G t.v-:.r- IUU STPERIOR STEEL EXC RAVINGS. are n fr tn I VED! BLAI KSMITHS BELLOWS,. . . s;re. tance, and whA she sees her schoolfellows SAX FRANCISCO - t'.e ritl ar.d 207-- tf cm uf.s.li.-- ..n I l.c.tt.. . PEP. IRoN plAiWr- 8j u. The u:, will alt-.- or-le- CLIPPER BARK ic, ic. ic. R.i:iruie's jntent. and playmates married and them- hy n:ail ny yi-- r :. ij, tfc... e GRIMiSToNl-j- parents i jt a. list f r:h whoiaay desire Mounted. Ti1 T ii. selves, I : I Ii i m n th-t- L -- K37 23C 3L, t 11 EE LB ARROW S Pambxland varnished. all the glasses in the world fail, fit ii Th-- - FRESH (.HOCEJnES. tr iti s , at last, nnii f.!i. w : c j ij-r- b- - I ran ..i,l r. the c on th r. 33 3T PAINIEU BLCKETS, ...... Lial style. alu4 untrr r 1 1 1 S to make her believe she is still young. arrival ..f rath n.a.l : I'KOJI LIVKItPOOL, NE;TS TL BS, Extra 1 E I N D ER Hi N E D O F F E RS FO II SALE CORXEl: MERCHANT KoRT -t- - K. i.u' l.can, N. Y. Iiir-r- . SALE. 1JY RECENT A RRI V A LS. THE r sale tv M h.s well a.sortej ms of Well, the STREETS, rx:-.!- marriage of her niece startled Louivil, J..or:iiii, N. Y. Century, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF VKW ON choice assortment of Groceries, at the store of the C.'BREWER Jt CO., , rri-y- "4 . Viz. lr-5- Is. A CIMIIIS, andersii; e l. ISrJ-- tf LUMin-n- I Urania, as a shadow does a skittish horse. 'THE II EST SELECTED STOCK 1)1 .ton J..ur:.a!, Pre.-rv-. .Market Wharf. Noirnr Vai.k-- N P..rt--r'- SELECTED EXPRESSLY FoR THIS s. savory, wkst r 4 MARKET tumrner .ti..r.i, Sp:r:t, iND FOR or Lifl She left the fi:. Liu- - SALE BY THE I N Fresh apples, "urry p .wd. r, deep waters where the big fish CLOTHING. a.f4 .f Battle ? N. Y. Mercury, M.R?HiNEI, - N-- w Provision- lta. -- Fresh quinces. Gn.und ex themselves, Tiaii Cahf. rnla pa-- r C n ting in part of :t?sia. "Svren !' sport and threw her. line into HATS ANI CATS, Fr-- h L the N? Or;eau Pica Or-i-T l.a:-r- . peitches, Or. und iack A. C u:.. .u Beautiful New Styirs of j BREWER. O. OFFER FOR SALE . Prints, Je nni. Who d.i ax:. shallot? eddies where the minnows ROUTS AND SHOES, And n.any tori liUnier-Mi- Freh tne following rrovi4ion. . rnrtiiju tkim are, and ..ther., ' i c. - lifted for IJJ-t- Vict"r: i Ra.-- j im, Pin:' -A- f 11. M. m.irvti he hooked WHITNEY. , Cranl-rr- , iSx little Tim Dooly, a tommy cod M- Cobur, t ::thir Chi-ese- ;.i:n, Ground Barrels extra prime prk. i of a feilow, that was only fit for a bait for M.trire iiitr Sirawlerry jam, &c, 4c, &c, Grounri cincr-r- Barrels niess porn. Zlxli S A A" T Ii I l'uriiiI)i.i; C.oods Oracle Shirtinirs, M ince xueate, Cream t;.r:ar, Barrels extra mess hef, , :ix I something bigger and better. It was impos-- EVFR IMPoKTEb l.VTo Till? MARKET, To Purchasers of Stationerv. IZ inch B.yiL-- S. C. &j.!a. Tierces hams. Which will b every arriv.,1 Cl.h:r.it. rweet H.ix.ill fi. ur. Casks superior . ty fr ra Fratci4cn, s s.ue to iook at tne critter :thout Jaughing. Urucrri-- Fre-- h Fr-s-h Cas.-- X'- -v in raisins, currunrs. in ltedf,,rd whol-sale- a the :,:) of the :ra!- - tins. brea.1, fool, by rr Poor thinrr. it was I NDERSIUNED II S RE- - Sad.i.ts, T.:i4 water crackers. Tirs butter crackers. Casks Boston navy wellAtihrrrrruKn I'm, t hard wok to fetch her rIIE rcl.-I- r -- -- Jl'ST bread. assort el of other A CeiveJ hili f...... M.V. tl .li.W ..r Carpr ts, Tins suirir crttckers. Tins oyster crackers, Casks t read, of t h- - w 1 - up to the Kratch last; it acti;ly took three riMIESF.fJOODS ALL BV nt tatiuiiery, wt.ieh .ui at".e!.-i..n- T.ns soda T;r.s at M. ARE SELECTED Liuuors crackers, wine crackers. iq barrels Haxall fiour. Building Kates. fiAcbf U. firm, if. Fraiici. wiUi a perfect kiw.wl-e.- le Setts fin accr bo.. .4, from 1 u Kouiel and - Beer and Fresh oysters. Fresh lobsters, Materials at Reduced ministers and six bridesmaids to marry iyf 6 rit. pujr Porter, her. of th w.n.t. pu'.iic quir '.1 t.i? ar.l th whaltntf pai-r- color. r? Sad ime4. French carers. C. H. LEWEBi I I as- t m-- u.- oils, lftlJ an. havinr purcha4I LOW F I tl, A spiead. rir..-i.- r at Fancy ! She felt she had a losin voyage in life, at Kit RES, will sold ar. - of White L--a 1, Encii.--h p'e frui:s, tni:..-;- pic CieS. fioods but - I.--- .- tao;.-t.- , 'wl e.,:i,t i much LoW ER RATE.- wi-.- than have ruled in thil market in ai.d fr wish.ut Perfurn'rv, i Eiik'iish sau'es, English mustard. ST RECEIVED from Eoeton, she was clear 1 s yrar.-er- pt ii Ixks. PER SVREN, "fc grit, it didn't humble her one itixet arzl ar invited to call Tac ".k4. evry varieiy, Bafia-r- ." and wallets of R French mustard, JITapestry, "U. 130. X ! thetr.4-lv-- s. cn4 nrked hams" O Jr.an1 e A. S. A M. S. I4.k4, all y, ? ; van-f- Ij mite mossel, mad-- f'r tRINHAl'M. S;.4. all izr nr.1 Fenoir.,r Wire, Smoked Green corn, Ottomans, EX RKENTINE or it only her mere srornv lS'J-3- KuX--l.t ' Corner Fort and ll.if.olulo. l and u.irile. cap IV: c:l leads, slate p nciN. Best O- Velvet do, enameled And a :r--a- t variety of E:.(th.-!- i G. lonf tea. Hops, bacs, than ever, an if she defied all the world, ani r ap. r alinjr wax. Js. AiC L1 do, tap.-str- y several varieties, - Crushel and 1'if surar. dp. nc do, Samp!.- en "JENNY t FORD!" Fancy, plain k ruled iivi- - paper C.-i- IT of Prints, aud otherG jls, can bv the N. II und and ebony and n.a- - St-.r- at Fresh Island butter and gr .und cofiee alwavs on hand Wo.l mats, d.i A despised all it could say. I could see a mo- e of un dersj-ne-- i. rutrs. NI FOR SALE BY Br'l and riarr.-- hill paper, ruiers. the 11. McINTVRE. Velvet do, Manila P.e.1 -- lMy mats. tion in her now Just and white h;. ttm papt r. hr JANION, GREEN 6r CO. . throat and then, ar if she bit received per Syren and .t.ie. Kilt lin Table lize, stair covering-- Pret o2ice ciivrkpc Pr:iit--- d go. iper, ai.d blank receipt looks, Children in her breath and swallowed her pride down. Lecal cap papi-r- , cls, calendars, Paints. Oils. tic. I'o. carriages, diS.-ren- t FEET ONEPlowe.INCH BOARDS. LATEARRlVALS K-- l . patterns. if) ( V OTHER ! lea.l 1 1:1 cu:t-r- s. t .j.OOO 1 She atilly held her head so high, when the iiml-- p.iper H SES BOILED OIL, For sale by c. BREWER k CO., V' f(f feet ir.ch !rrd, Iraw:r. " ser-r- al ki Nor:al srals. desk Meters, JUST KCEIVEJJ! !c Cases spirits turpentine. lJ'-t- f J.OOO feet 1 inch piaTie.1 . lards. minister said to Dooly, Letter Market Wharf. 1 .'MMKI "salute your bride," cr.pyir.s lo. lu.vwo.-- l s.m-- Nixes. BY EXPRESS FROM K-- ,s While f., t T. and G. b p14, nit-nit-. k. -. lead, 1 racker and Ink. Mark. Mu rt!, carmin- Tn-u- - f 11 p..!nrs. .( 3 jCch b,lU.Mi that the critter looked - nawr -- Cases putty. SHEATHING fet up in despair, for he j PAPER 1 ,-; pOSTON WATER CRACKERS. Hit- and Physicians' visitinz xr n: sr re . Cases black p.it.t. ROJ'LS TO 3 ,,K.n at,t;ir, couldn't reach her lips. Sais I, out of diril-tr- y, J. crack rs. Ste.1 pens, includmir Hunt's. Pat.-r.- t ink and pencil erasers PER o 1 ARRIVE PER STREX. 10.000.( 5 feet p.cket. n Cases imperial tor sale by C. Bt.a Oill-.t- . On ER Jt Co.. - Inittcr cra--ke- r. llinks. Wells. Port tu"t.naie4. varietv, chrome yellow. ON I1ANP, Stand on a chair. Lord ! - . Caes y Market Wharf. Tim." if Boet- a 7i;. 5oa, and IUrnar.1' vul- - Invoice tiU-- Morrsrco CJ " ! " ryter cracker...... , cifar Clipper Bark Yankee Cases verdigris. 200.000 f .t ass rre.1 cra-Ve- rt.j. a Ari- - ia:e-is- boi-ks- . - scar.t'ir.'. you had seen her eyes, how they flashed fire Eat'n milk ui n;n.ine: bill Caes Ce!- 5t:al blur. 1 re.1 wc-- i f new MANILA CORDAGE. jO.Ot'O .l shingle. wafer tr stvle. Mark in? hrushes. LATE Case 1 would tread. o A.-- OIJIKR ARRIVALS SIPE- - copal varnish. made to inch piue red at me, it have astonished you, I know. lin.-t- boar.!. Card of every vari-t- y, ro r white tarlt.-- eniOro.ii c- order. for sale wi..l siding, n.aps, , Cases bright varnish, rs. win.b.w sa-- h ft:nr j F.nv. p.pe-.- I lx" heiiille n- - ts ilre-s- e, BREWER Co., If and bnmis. .Age hadn't quenched that, B.4t..n jua.hie, 4 irreat variety, ropy ks. tn:i"ny kinds, and head opera Kec- - French zinc. 137-- tf N. B at any rate. To j Waf--r. . Ci. Mids. t Market Wharf. jmc sale Ru i .tiiaU proti:. lil-t- f S. F. water crackr, f incy and Ciinimon, ar.-- pnn-- !. N.nriet. new style ; K Fr. rich yellow. folks from I I.ks frani-- En.-l.fl-i . t prevent noticing how undersized A sorted English Penholders, a creat vari. ty, Flat c inc brt Bonnet s. Mi rior crai-e- white do biscuit. r I'l she, Kefs re.i lead, ; BjXeS wat.-- nch C. wers. m - , HAILV i: r c l'.rs. h'pp::. papers. .urni:..- lace veiis. l. ..nier-- K.-- s :xii:cTi:i Just he she just bent down ., Venetian Ki'ci'ivrd. ws5, forward and C"ap ; l'.l.u k n.i-.til- rd. Cood. Cs mat! ematicil , 3 VQ TL e, lace, I. IO riditnt hat, Case rubies. ARRIVE PER SHII S"-VE- Arc-sTo- f. Just r WASIIINGTDV Ki;rli!i jinn, m. Bl alls-ton- M kU.ed him. Thinks I to myself. " old fellow, lv.y hati ilcl erasers 1 r5 of van- us sir.es. o'K velve;, ores4e4. p..p;,., do. Ceiv- -i per Syren" f r by C. BREW T WHITE E ASTERS n.t. I sale ER Cit.. ..4fH.w W sliirijr.es, Bed Tui- -i !..-- i fr-- warrante,; to cr ver liitj k In !:a ruLbt r hands f. an.i ra Ir .1 canve. titiel wr. l. i PIA.NOruRTES. m th Manufactory s'.uar , Ui. tiiii.j; Market Wharf. . jL. . . e-- , of ! . you have had all condescension fru.'-a- j ...... - " the the you will " pie Linen and office Pattern an:e. w. t if II s r.- twine. f.r ,!.,. children's hata ll, vuujswii. ror saie A new ie 4- -t; lot ..f the c,. American fruit. ivory I. xw s. A. . ti.u-lm- s. !..n.a-- k tow-lin- g, - f.v..rite lii.e ever get out of her. She has stooped , ..1 r. stair.i .r.. . . table l.nen. ARS. C BREWER 4- CO., bard. to - p kU-- ! Sl'G lCC-t- j r,r.t thifi- - pint anil quarts) Uuii.rned lawyer's Ve--ta h- - rior bird', eye f riDf ciapc areis, j and it.h-- s wi le- - pitrs . seals. mat. s ar.d (.., j. Sp diajr. piano covers. E. BOSTON No. 1 Market Wharf. Enrhsb pe hues. CRUSH. ness. marry you, and then stooped for you to salute j l date blank notes, and exchange, Table cover", ladies' radians, silk hindlnrs, JJALF l Sui.-ar- Puihaia mustard, ALSO look j 'op4rr and TiS f r ! ink, Half hbls. Ea,t R.S n liranul.it. d HOOP IRON. her, after this, out for squaKs, for there aaoces, A ml n l Suar. A j 'obcn's 4prin" f .r mu-i- r. travs and ;rcnl nirii ir Clolhw for Crnllrmrn Boxes Ixjaf Sui.-a- For Sale by NDLES small of paneiiel hoard, Jacii, ?v and vfry .c Perrir-'- s -r hoxf. NEW BEDFORD i is a tempestical time afore you." And so Iva .aocesj IU)t.d an-- w t- p ink Doy'a C...... IIOOPIRON. o- so a.'.c it Fr-nr- travelinir st.ir.ds, anil Clolhiiitf. BREW ER k CO.. t;., jvir. article. i I iccne! a:ii turned he soon oliv', Hat fi iri drop t..p d . l.s ,uare and concave, ForaIeby (JOTm) H. MMOXD Jk SON. l'JT-t- f Market Wharf. C. BREW ER .s CO., XV il Ii n u n mo .. .i .i ... . out; learned what it was to I Hir:;.'e.l hi.--, rl meni ' taper, bill ready reference d.i. tr Mark- -t rf .i. p--as. Wharf. K r 44le II I 1U I live in a house where " j Hu.i.nV patent cb aner, r. 1 and : l.e C. ti the hen crows. app'.-- s. jn black bottle wax. EXPRESS W AGON Frsh in era and s - , I tin. i. pm.in p irent ev. tin? ir aehme and ejel.-ts- LIGHT WAGON IN COMPLETE OR. CUTTING FALLS. "Kainy says to her one StrawU.rry l.ru-he-- TO M. DOORS, IV I N S day she had l.u::per.i;.i: ts oil, CAPTAINS der. a 1- DOM' IJLINDS. i..e, j peje r. 3 -1 C UTTING f .r sale bv ASH. been givin prTTy jam, And a lari" a44irtment of arti-I-- 1.1 1 Ox Car., stror.cly l throut!:out. Ju t per JMIREE FALLS. A him a blowen up, send- nesk fimilfni. tn U-. ATE VA S- and was i WIIALESHIFS AND VF.S-SE- BREW ER & RRI L- "rant.rry j in, oas t particularize. nT-on- i) W - OTHER " Syren' f.r sale by C. BREW ER CO., lvT-t- f Co.. 4.o i . i ,. I". II. M. U1TNEV. OF of s.,i,r..,r oual.n- can had a: K..l..a I...r4. i aches syrup, - Market Wharf. ing him off on some errand or another (for in c- it Varket 2 W ind. v l r ; ne. i Wharf. .,.!.. 1 - " . i ire.ri at . cents ; r :t ; . at ; per head, all kin is, liiices 1 Ais-.- . pa r Bin, Is. i she treated him, poor wretch, ; I I Si and at io bead. (ru.ts an-- Vei.-t.a-ble of OA K ISO ATS, Jkc. Ii" a iTrt, as if he had " l I.A KOO Bi ! f various s s ar-.- SIIIIOKS. J.U,.t.-- j.i-t- e. . ..nos w procurru e r:a:n. !. r and Bi:t..ls. etc., C sh V A I iau at d jn.n. A ESTS OF OAK 1JOATS f r s.d bv F- been the sole cause of her disappointment, Fr pe.k hes. II J ES A V IJ RRELS OIL SIKMIKSfr sale by r sale at the' w,.t i.r,,'.-- . !ir.--p- J. J ii ES4J. W.4l always o:, h ind at the su-- I fWfcrfl .V market k E. Tr in quantise to A. C. BREWER .V. V. BREW ER CO.. I",- - ' rnat. j M'HK I" N D ERSIf; - bv th-s- punha.-i.r.- . Co.. If LEW nr.?. instead of a plaster to heel them) NED b.m- Eli GEkRGE CHARMAN. 19'5-t- - r. H. " Jiainv," Pnre h .ny. ir itl fJrF Mark- t Wharf. . . . Market Wharf. - LA E.'i. 1rm Bt..n, the f,li..w.ue Ule publications. True u.wi . - says I, always told you you syni;.. by Mr. J.irv. 4. f .m.- rly of lb i lul.i : "I carried too 1 HOUSE 4l.r. i.i and 2 it, tin. At . I). VELI OW M ETAL. COMPOSITION NAILS. PAPER. stitTan upper lip, and I.-.o-r- 4. 1 j Ki a C.".. (arhvri.rht Fresh 3Io!'hai Butler! that you would have to i:t and J ft " X.. Talk r.r IIawwi si Fi(d Srorc. ASES V ELLO W M ET A L. assorted zeS LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOI f. t . A and Iv.r l rs. F crooked lair. 4. in a ft Thi work is i b d on one .f t.'ie a:i.-:-n- tra.I;tir?. of the .'io cr.iiijKiSit! -- n nail?-- I:terns r sale bv FROM tike a stick at last." Well," sais il'ii-im- b :h-- in 5 and i It, til an l s ir apejent m 1 Ii t'C K W 50 kecs do d . C. BREWER f l n4mn.e and t HEAT FLOUR, IN 23 5i Co.. she, Saltn- - is de,Ka-.- 1 by the Auth-.- fUESH ju.--t ived j4.--r l:ivtf "Eph, he ain't the tallest and richest n. ia2i '.ns, to His Majesty Karueh.m:. ha IV. Vank. e," ..nd for sale at the F t sale by C. BREWER A CO.. Market Wharf. DAIRY frre-- fe-a- mVAW 1 1 1 PEEK 19". tf Market husband in the world, but is ALT N IS. ON Ak UlTEi TCRE. VM'Tl-R- tore, Whar. he a jxntxrful irten t. rn, S AV1 Fort r ur li tel street. COOPERS" PUNCHING M Rc.-iiinrl-? .1 ! .. . 't. U- HIVES. rocel t r n r .r Ir br Uy - r- l--J sight than none .' " Carh. S"l . I'aintim: J. J. .Fart.- ,). SULKIES. iOOPERS PUNCHING M xr J- letter m - -r. it.-- " si Tru-- F-- TEW !l l tre. t. -t - AKli. Or p l i- -! - b-- :i Coolers' H -. sal-- - 1:'"'"u' ' in Anrr. has at a writ- r whmav lp to edu CALIFORNIA IIOMONV si7.es- - EVTRA bv - LIGHT FANCV S ii- h-- r ,., FRESHJ faaiiiy in 10 sacks. Sf KIES rat I.. rate her in an, ?u. Ie ir.f tnt H,.. ,,..,, r,ut tt,- - ue li. K.ri at the I s.i.e ty C. BREW ER fc C. BREWER .V Co., r. pit o.. 'T-- tf Ya-- surr-.un- p.l.-ri- ." t ler. falls that the of a.-t- l.nndnn. Athn,u,n FEEU ToRE, l.'.-t- f Market Wharf. M.rs.t Wharf. ! Sam hook? Lccy's Gown. Well, just as H--- . a.4..rt: I. Y rt street, r.. ar !! t str t. SALT SALT: SALT! Mf.IITS riUNCI-I'l.rl- S "urry ..w ler. P.i:rI.X ANIl OA K PL A NK. II RE AD. I was ready to start comes , . , awaydown Lucv .:ii;.c j.-r- Ky Jiirv.-- 1st '21 s-- ri -- iiir.sii LAl.iniHMA E FLOUR AND LA ir. MAXUFwcrrr.Ei) tup: aj . A Rl BARRELS J. J. an l M E L. put up r r fan ly in NK. J SUPERIOR PILOT at .ts: pi lb al ()AK . UREAD, at MM su;H.ri r brea-t- I to the keepin room," with arms behind he'r r s:tnc. .iO th-- ..vk. br Hard Pine Plar.k, Caks pilot F .r sale v T , sli FEEli STORE. P-- ck I V I la rtat'". J'atsiip. V.i-d- Sprure PI O A . ou-ti.- .:i. ,."f i. C. -- .ut , BREWER 1SK! head a fixtn' of the books eyes-- - vtrv-ts. oe .t h.. k ever wiittenoo Fort street, near II ;t. sir. t SALT Y.0 and ".Man Kliv.f.u- lin- - Ka.l.. M ue-- t W Km(. Parisian hte at.d rr.ann.r4." Pntt. . - .u id j r. hotton . F .r sale bv C. I V alive," sais she, here I 'r - BRi hi: co. Xlir.RS(.XEII IS KIM I'l'R- "are you yet thought IT REs II C ....-.- rfHIKlM t'j ...... Til , , . i larae t n.h, ITALIAN y .. i::-t- f W .,, Ii.s.'i I;iITS AM l'AI'AL L i use in in. x or Market RAVEN'S DUC K. . ..r were ofT MlINt'I j'j sacks, saie at the tall A.r. ""e.-le- i T.- you gunin an hour ago; who'd t 1 1 T'' r 1.WI AL T -i a I'LrlS with nuiiK-n..u- ilhi-trii- ti FEEU IG IIT ND E A V 1" r',r:,VJf 'Mil' I1SBH6! ;". STORE. v - jns Bv B-- Rivp.vi ALT, aud a j D,-f- . .pi- s. J , ki-.- rt DUCK, at .,,,. ! i.r.un.1 2,"l--'- T F-- price 1:1 thought yon were ?" J.-rv-t street, r -- Hotel s:r- -- 3Jola-'s- 14 i.rieriiJ here -- ar t. U p I. "0. and f"-- v to t.!e si Suar I". S. t Buck. p. r to ' l'AMEI. Mo It.oMEkV. - I. p...;: "(Junin?" sais I, "Lucy, ;s Ciruad r. Th k"teh. 4 of W'.- t!.i4 14 THE RREWER PLANTATION '., Wrk.. my gunin' Volume e. LMiESH CALIFORNIA R- - F- BREWER ,v f. d .M RICE FLOU -r Market Wha-- spin-e- r. . rnRJ sale by C. BREWER & Co. fo j bu: it.f.mi They f,ir::i.h an- rr.pr.-4-- j A up for fain: y use in 1 Id. over; I shan't go no more now. I of the pit sack.. at the K'-- tf shall go Iroviions. j ur r, I Acr.t. Y .rks...re Lari4. (Iran the nl ry and th.. d. a::-- l sham- - of ci..J H:EI oRE, LANCE POLES. " home; I agree with j em Iraly." ). '. F . - l iiKCKIVKl) you; shiverin' alone W.tpha!. 1 1 J urn'il rt near II NE POLE- S- F.rs JUST ani4. -- F strt. ItltK K. SPRUC E POLES. FLAG fi fi.ir-cn- rl tf raleby H. M. WHITNEY. c. BREWER ft under a wet bush for hours is no fun ; but hams, IIRE for sale by c. BREW BR ( O . 1.T- - CO., From Niw if 1 CORN AND W York. )U hts t'.r.,;.irs an is, fRESH WHEAT MEAL. IN li:-t- f W Market harf. San rr;inrico. Lucy was there " M. I?. sacks. F r sale at FEED ToRE. Market harf. str-.-t- . NT) - .14.o.ll FOR I1V Fr- 4l, at!. in t r.s. .m;v IE(MK! KOOKS! rt near II Mr- l ! m. SALE THE l .VDERMCX' "Get out. says she. "don't talk nonsense. ALU tl JUST RECEIVED. Tor aruilv el. one. fit,,li E.--T M.l-- T VI t ! r s - Il.:f rjxirt harrels rk BV EPKI-S- , S lv meut.. .f La.i;es i crrr PER G A D N E C IS iie:,u, u.. Sam, and fastin al.f chee..-- . NARV. MILL ET AND R E EIiS ENAMELED LOT II, ALU HARRELS (LEA :arte r Jo. a:i silk I'itt br llaa just the other hook rr.i C1A : CASES i.-- PORK. . and eve r sal-- at the and lt 4 t Leather, do. r ceive--i itnp.rte-- mni the mark-1- r- -. - . just per Svr n, and f-- A merman Vam-is- S-J.-n fee: II r sale by J.u F. str-- Children's C. .t1'-''"- F. r of my frock, will you ?" a -- rt t, nar Hot. C. BREW ERA; vile Cheap. Ht A. S. C I.E'H0BN'Sj rrv-- oh d l nn. Clirici- s:ret. Carriai-'es- , CO., Vnultoo. s. - Children's various pitt-rr.- She turned round back CR A ETON- novel. Market Wharf. her to me. Well. Sundries. LUCV -- vl. CALIFORNIA RO D EG A " IOTA F eT saie by C. BREWER & Ti)., l ! 1 TIic llniiu.-i- I took hook in Cirri;.'., in I'r. oldhaiu an! his ta IRESH Tvm' see-- sweet p..iato 4 lorale t the 1?: Market W harf. .llrrcliniit-- the one hand and the in jar. k. .New A I 1 1 ;0' eve M 4, rEEI Hcflford Whale Roat T M N T A R I K .4it.s. :n t L.i.ure by I:4. r.".:u E T IFF, OF F-- -- ; CV i4:o:n-- . .... wit ir-r- t- - l 1;,. ..,, .... TreatM- the other; but, airth and seas, my eves" fair- 'itr-wi- . orar. A .t jre4 f i'ant rt :re. near H it- COAST EK HO A TS ! whale and lec.in .r .ir n. BOTTOM lapboard do. i.r,.-!aii- . pI. A S.MOOIH lap France. I nlt.-- ;i alni.M-- e. (....t-- : ,.f Afr R AND OAK BOATS per Svren, an f- -r Inmark Li Pr men. feiM I V U, .ri f ti.e S. Navy, OF V4I2IIIIS sale bv w.-.- ly snapped again; never see such" ' 1 1 Seler-te- d f-- an Hart-.- I a neck St , Ever..:,.--4 M -. I. L? RES CALIFORNIA C?i expreS.V the tra-ie- . J,,4t C. BREWEj; altrart of the r 1'.. u'.ati r,- - f.)r th- - Port l'"00 aim at tt.e i.ts! . l y Goss- ' WHITE MEANS re. t- CO.. ... V ar.d Pavo . a,e -- luiu and other P .i ..4 ,.f tl,. Cop since I wa raised. It sprung Al .pt.-- l Ileir. bv M - Par ! jer at for sal by Marketi 4e Ila I.N. oT.t. rkrht out , Wharf. f rwar mi-i-l .-- . . Far-ts- - FEF.ii C. bv r.n .w l Iv Is a.' r. Grext BREW ER it Co., te ...i j. pulir invert ris, -- il o'breast and shoulder, full round, and Hurrar.i.-s- . 20 s 2m rt s:r-..- t. H- ; IT tf W 11. W IUT.N ET. then Cpi.t,- -! .-vr. Market harf. WHALE LINE. Jkc M. tapered It-- i F rero-- e d l,ac , up to the head like a swan's, the IivM or, A r, I W'lW.EUNE. Prt n u.-i- Ethel Trev. rs Ki:r;s, ki:(;s. P NT. Air. T Ratlin. ALI'H ARU.T II LOCKS ! complexion would bear the most delicate Fr h Hawaiian --V.-Jt S IKE PROOF PAINT. Spunyarn. II I LI) finr, Frsalelv II M. WHITNEV. j AM) GALLON EMPTY F P re Sa:: !. K EX'S A LI' II A BET TO I BLOCKS red wV at su.t.'tl.le f r F r .ii'e 1 v Mariirie, J t various cizes. f ,r - white and rose ever seed. Lick, it made R.el. IOOO suirar. I i.e ii-i- Kaolin. 10 ri of F-,- ?. m meal. 4 c. CO. y each. sale bv M. WHITNEJ me feel all eyes. I stood Fire Insurance brewer's For sal C. BREWER & Ii. jist stock suit I Se.-- oata-a-l. oticc. Co. C. BREWER 4 CO., hart-- v. i::-t- r - couldn't move a finger I was Pearl THE NORTHERN I RON". Market 1 v 1- iv if to die for it. rice, ASSURANCE CO. PIANOFORTE FOR ! Wharf SUPERIO'T ci.nTii f'arolma -.- t.. n to ..- SALE "What ails you. M fl'lIE UNDERSIGNED th - par LARGE ASSORTMENT PER LATE Js sais y -- Sam?' she, "that A t.e who have insure.1 in tr..s r.:!i-- e wiK building, arrivals. Country order res4-c:.'-li- 4. F r saie 1 FA " ! r THREE VERY EXTRA FIX'" len or NCI Cask. OCTAVES Whitehall Boats received per ... A''-'- -' erm:ce.ii, th-- ir : tiiati.-ftcture- Laik you don't hook cw.ter.t. within the ..f H ,Tl, PIANO, - it ?" , j.u. tf.t in :.. SC. ty Hall t .t Cura.ton. yr-- by I M'ALI'INW- ..'c-.- ; e i:.'' and C. pri of the c :.t.nue.l tree-.- r, of w.-- ar. 1 ..,'', For 4aie I y sale by J. St-- t -. 1 1 ... Why," sais I, "Lucy dear, t.. -- H-lq BREW ER & my lingers is t... theriu narr, w .tr-e- n a ni'-r- t in- - IV c. & l.-t- f o.. W --- cl.e r.4, on PLO i. BREWER CO. !tite . Ac Market ::, 1 Wharf. all thumbs, that's a I t'.e t. wr, will n, a.-- t:. air ii Fa mil v Schot.1. fact; can't handle .ly 1 O K I such tb.-.- ES. IRON LOWS. WHIFFLE- - t'tr.Ule, taken B.ll uot br renewed on the exn.ration of IELODEONS i'-- little thing! . . - W OX and Cha r sa:e I v GUNNV bags: NEW BUILDlNi, EREt as you can." , 4p, R. C. JANIoN." HAS BEEN I I C A I AND SINGLE REED, BALES !uri.:4h-- .l ;r :u I J Bath n. A.-en- BREWER CO. GUNX1ES FOR tj, ln v e ..i.tr.huleJ .4. t f N IOUBLEe ...li.-.- i . y MAM. SALE BV "waul and art:. "Well, come," r th r.f.ern Assurance Co. ,.j ji. .ru.it:i. rors.-.let- SO C. tne H m. a'.-"- she, r BREWER of :t.;u. sais "make haste, V:rivAr, -- i. li"J-t- CO., ilulu. s.i :h:.r ui..r! in U1, f 1 II V. R R I N( . C. BREWER & CO. Marketi Wharf. tior. to tiv.se alreu v trie can ne ..lar o.!. l in sen...! ai.ve ni.ci- that's a dear mother will be a comin' direct- AIJENT FOR LLOVD'S w.-l- I ii.i .y.-c- ! v aceomni .lated. U-- Fr.ile theJ. The :. Men-l.ant- . BARRELS IN GOOD ORDER. ! CHAMPA G N CI D . Oins of , ly ;" and at last I shut too both to .t.fy t Ship 4iier, ar.d SALT E E R fr.ila live te, ars of a.-e- mM w!.o 'f rnv . eyes S. SAVIInJE. A LS . th.'e . and .r-- .ai-.- 1 trpU-J- be r.as revive.; tl .p;-- , of J l ji rr.w ASES OF A GOOD kept in Die e.ku-ati.- oLb FEi.L'iWj' nALL. F. rt street ntnent J50t.. j. , haif b s Liia t i:.-- s and K-t- UU-lq- rece-ve- l sohl until their fastened It, and when I had done, sais AGENT at fe S kitts sound. y rsaleby ) C. BREWER A per - Syren. " sul ARTICLE will have the pr..f. I, lirs: l.iao.U LLoVB LoMiX (211-1-- i, Co list For bv C. BREWER er Co. tn ! there is one thing I ' R C. Tne .r .l ai.d t.h;. sieal. as w II as the tramiiuf uf must say, JAMuX. tf ute.tal Lucv." D ! punn-- , 1 row Kit Market Wharf. w:u te att u to. T. male them int. l.i.-e-- li ?" 11011:1.. e.mi: 1 11 "What's that sais she. 11 nt. KEGS EXTRA, keeper, an irive t(,. m habit, of us. fulness, THE viurKi;ii.iiu:Mi: .e bv I'OWI.u FOR ue indus'rv and - l'.DERsGNEI. DESIRING T S A M V C. BREWER tne constant a.m ..: tJ r HARRELS I.F CO. IRON. ir "That.you stump all Connecticut ret r rr .i T-- !! FOR ii to show riu.i.., t.i out ln entire , i"!U e:ab gi BREW ER CO. M:si 1 ,eri:-i.oe- an-- list ruetit on v,r, - jFIUt: INSURANCE COMPANY EET I RON. sale by Oden.tl.e priticil. has had exp f.v.r.nl- iLe i fr s an angeliterous neck as oi,u,l mil LACK A WAN A j.uiL,t.n.t.usil ua! succes-- as a : i Tniste" you have I never cuDfMuein ..f tr.e - ' COAL. C. BREW ER & Co- teacher rf Hawaiian t,:rl an the .itaate. fpa.i. U4 arv well known, 1: A A the tviu-?..-- e N ! 15-t- r - or r-- fMI , UNDERSIGNED. aV.ve E this schwl have preat jilea-u.-- e in p saw the beat of it in and the je4 ta-- .e the te- -i .ved during pa.-.y- are lTI "DDR SALE BV Market WLarf. all my born days its al. .4rnj a ,re, in ai.d JT Ull-- l j dians, that children w i.ttJ try l4t twelve Ti. inv-n- t. rv i4 and re ii .. lulu. TINC TO RETURN TO THIS C. BREWER A CO confided to her care, ill be in most " mr. wid Ew ffi l i.--t of lAt.'e.-- I. I have ar.l . inted hand. the quire not i r- I eit, mtl The lear ..f the i - 'jT part. ulars 1: u:.J-- r VARNISH Thr--- rav-ra- aln aily A. I :.:: to art f.r rue oi At: r:,e .lur.nir rail-in p.--r weefc ,.- - A -- uwwaw. ur.jer cle terw- - F- - r further partarular lr mr NAILS. CASES (in 5 and lo car..-ms- n f twrsi do!lri Umrl nd tiiit.un. " And you may stump the State, too." aid Ml EC HERS 1 o. e- CIIARLE LAKE, . quality var t"T further inf. ,- with 1 CASKS as rted sires, f I v for furniture, cari.a.-es- Jn-- cr.!-- .'Uliu- ICToR IB trl ulj. t 11. i - ,t kc t p r HtNCFREI. 1. O O L , . . . .. ta - '25 received orib-- Tru.-ie- !'.? si. a. a. Ae.r.l 21. Is:.. ...e Jn. " r syren,' ' and for sa,le vtcueu. ny nf Uie e is? it K I O lar k- -t W ,a: f. bv 200 ui.eni.ri lKT-t- f Cli.SS. U. BISHOP. Secrrtirv. A a H V PO'iR - " H'u.iub! Mat C'.V. !- .l.' lu.

i.iji I,