: :! AOTSI'i: tiii: PACIFIC ADVERTISERS NO SI ts HIIIEHS. C I A Tt COM H K K I. A UVKKTISER, ... O . a r ss. fourrxl sn l t.. lic- r..to....lratioo. ini'.lixs - , ,il tw charged ja Etfrf Tbr Uraiag. i it. .l i only t . wih I.t an in livi.tual sbu- ili.hc.l , SdVerlls. llielitS- . A.dr di.ol-ivn- l to . Ir than usual, are suL foreiirti 7 Tiiiifn'. .rwarded to count rie will be f SOperann.. It- - "VtJm. i to i. rcbarces. ., An p. lw - w rd-,,- h,i A.1..T-l- h the Arorric taire and of f Sul-li,- for thrA'. mu. rei.l A..vert..eT and ..U'.-e- publication. All pa--- rs Am-na- n r from for iii.-i- ar-- ,,iai,,. imham en1 u..l.-sr- .r- uri.-.n ports. Lav tai.s '.aii,ps on them, N-- , iti. will - , 1 tr.:.,.. i.t uts .s - .M- -. t.-- . b prevent any American C. on ..." very. .r fcr it, tan have their '"T- - from ai. pari, of ihe iH ! V. j,;, F'f ii Hawaiian, Cori.sp.i.lc.Ke Lr, forward"! lhroHh the mails. '. .v. tu t WHICH J TETt--KVT- , wil l BF. I IHR .!. tlFFICF- - nts COM M EKC1 L PRINTlNi; n transient advertise 'first insertion) per line. ...10 cts. 5 (rjih sabseuiit do. .... ct. Pl.ON AND FANCY Cards, O exc-edm- -' " l.ies.) er an. tun... 5 Ou. t. l l.r- - m A civs . !..... BOOK Ml JOB PRINTING Payable always in advance. si ch s Ir" Jl V WAY BlLlJsOK EXCIUVfir. 14lim-pce,- ) first insertion. -. V HOOK? Bilrt., etrwdin .1 00 I.U.I F et h. CATALOGI F. utsepent insertion. .... .. ju etc. r. B1LI CONSl'l.sH BLANKS, ''i. -.?- rsri--.-j- . HEI'S will - rrcinr. at the fallowing rat, ClRCl LU'vP. BLANK BkUBf r.TaT ArRTx..arable at trie end of each o,urter . AUCTION B1I.I.S, HAND 1111.15. PAMPHI.ITS. PHOP BILLS s.w o square. the p of 2U Uii s,)lr quxter... $S 00 p. - 1 12 -r AND ADDHKSS CARDS lotr ,. -.f- a-.rth f a clumu. r h r 00 3- VISITING Bl ?lXFS? p. 00 U of th art. tf !, iA a eulamn, re.4um. f - - a Yank.,, Card Pro--." in hiKhe.t t per 17 60 foe a whole column, .jurter t MX Dill.l.UO I'KK N M'M. (farts. PI ISV 12, lSiii). VOl. V, No. 2. W1IOI.H No. I! fzxtm HI.Ii:im. WKKKI.V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, .JULY Commercial Advertiser. ii p:uV vinr.KV. ,11,111 , - ib aowaap r. Bauu. ja. cms. woiax-T- bk.h ks w. m upi, Kk 111 yc:tl !Uftb:i:uc:il (farts. ortign cTaris. n by tbe Ki-- Ml al LaTloN. lit. J crst.iif. BROOKS & CO., lltll KrMrlrt For List V.csir.rs3 ir.ris. cms. W. jrrrUlin IIou- - mf Rfprr-aralali- v-a Ciril .$ 4.U.JO C'omoaillrr f tbr Interior I" partm-- nt . 1.. AND LT smrriNts Pr---! JOHN II. HANKS, w Noli c e . Slioti 1 Let or lor Sale. ;i tier rile r's K.p . A. N. n.AKKi:, - of i.n AiTar K.loo . a . s- ... F.a Civil U.t. nit. .. rw s Finance. I N Kb l a ' Oiiitifeiiiiitli.Ini' Ill lir.r.i I i'apt. r.r..:i"s s. Jui HE ha vim: heenI - (1oiiiiiiission fur Ilia Uj.ty Pny Put. " War 4i..xe) Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. Stewart's. A r suitable ifr l.i.icle rs. arpvuurs, Ac. tefniersk;nei.1 Sare r for Hie " New York Board ol lider- lhkrdiaiils, Tn-- -t- rrl 1 . II. iL II. lrino: "t Hawaii........ " I'u'olic I:iiru ti'.ii ij:n. to V..1" .t an.l !. Terms ui.sh-r- Aip.yt.. tak- s lii's i, . inl. rnuiip hiji ue Strt-rt- , 'y n. .J.MJ net .i.r l''--t- writtr. San Fritncico, Cal. l.ii-"- f i- - .V -- - l"s.I Stiuxumt th iv-- .. l.iw . :.4 v urs from A. M., to 4i P.M. 1 tf JAMoN, t.UKKN Co. always rca,iy at the st.ert. i n. tie-- to atb-n- to any business t U Kjiwlani'hi 1 too TIA.TIITIIS. II. K. II. Vnnrr Public iDiproTtoe'r.is. ui . rei.uir.-- i him in that capacity. iMii . hi Miscellaneous t'. .Mt)TT SMITH, S. C. WOOUIU FF, V R ATTENTION GIVEN TO Mar.' XTryl . nss IK. J. i) si: . i RTICF L fUrivury r;y lr.-i- I,xi0 mir i:i.li(. hoi to ls:t! i iei:m(.nf.i uei; i. Corner of Omen's U.-a- Bud Pollinper strrtt. .slnpinenl and Sale of Xtercliaihln t to A ST It KET, ON Mill)- - .he t.akeU the s!i pollleal I I the Purchase, - l'XI XDiHaj"tx,xi'r. IN HKIlt'TAM state that thev l.a.e lbm-li..- n. ls.V.l. 1 of ; the Charter...- an. SaU lucknuU n: l'riy 0uncil.... f71'I,0';7 . y Ai.i-i- N'ovellils r, Transhipment G..,i, .i J 1 lTS-l- A. and 1 Mre.-ts- .rale XKAK THE WI1AKF. ..vupi.sl by Mr. m hal.-sh.p- s Uolance of alari-s- . 1.J41 61 Office c.irner of Port an 11. l. W. I.. iat.lv ; Supplying of W , ami Ihe Ne.tiation .. .. ...... lj,..f GRKKS. where th- v will happy t.. attend to any orders in of csels the i: - . I-:- s- lh.-- 1 1 Echan.-e- their hue. Bv a stru t attention t- buin. - hois- to merit . Is . 11 of 7'J WILLIAM Iir.MIMIItr.YS, 1! v. A AT Ii WS, 5.0" $7170t s v vsi:, a i f the pa:ron..-.- o l.W rall.v i on their .!H on Honolnln in Sunt., to Clrrk stair--- . l'i'5-t- f li: ok li: continuation K 11C 11 A , Karhiin&r hii. FurChX 3.i N.itary I'nl.lic. O.Tice at the Court Ilotise, up -- roit POXD pre. I' Cess.. r. CO MM ISSION M NT CONSK.XMENTS. j,i - app-a- r ex- - l Ol NTUY K.PISH A A NCI'S MA OK ON rw items ia th" bi!l,aru 'n inisccllaneous i f I i:id nt ltlllK(Hwa.ituai.-.- ..ii Pearl Kivr Lair.x.n. JlU-A-u' F. 11 : C. C.El.KEX, Tinsmiths. PV 3.1 Clrrk. l.OiO Tr to and tract il Plncc. Sy.liiry. peteiiturrs. L'XSm (JlJ-tf- ; W. L. turrn's AV. AI'STIN, Apply to GKKKX. 104-C- ao--l Watrhmaa J. R- - ferciiiB to W. L. l.HKKS, Honolulu. S. I. iri REFER TO Mrwnr 1 ; AT LAW. IT UrxNkwKi.L, Boston. SHirv'jL-M- AX1 C'Jl B. P. Ss,w, F.- -p, Honolulu. Jas. C5-t- K, ......... ..... 5.ii I tiflice. f ItOOMS LKTI i : Ai o-- , ' H.ibv A. PKiia I.mauc 'f lia... (larUs. Office in Honolulu low. over the P".t TO opp- AN D DEALER IN U A A AlVV A C. Bkm kh t Maut. ......... business KOO.MS OVKB STORE v MAM FAt Tl RER 1.VVI S. Wai KitR. " Chas. llK.wna. " TWO Till: J llKlUllAM FlKLD, K Koyal Hotel. Apply to KfKI-1- At TllAYKK, it K. II OF I'M ANN. osite the cV A. HAVE II. HAI . Co., " Hawaii - 0 '.j.W.Jin A. CI.K.iH.iKX. Ware. A A NO. CO.. lkou.ii. ff Makee's P.! !., c- rner yueen and Tin, Mice. Iron Copper JOHN !.;.! Jr.. of Bksi. Pitman, lido. 0.rc" Physician and Suron. established theuwelvt m Jajuin tor the srHse A; . Hawaii.... tf Z ( Sew York. CWk of tJe i.irn4 "t strs-ts- iXoLCLC, II. I. ': They Sitton r a. i:vkki:tt, KAAHl'.MAXC STREET, II earrvitutoii a Cmmisi..ti Kusiuess. Sew Bedford. Maui...... TO LI'.T! --- a. 212-- tf .t Amfn, i. J fc estab.ish.-- a Line of Packets San Sur m I.VItUK AND COM MODIOl'S F'.sjt l,ae TCTiorjiarsn, m. i , TIIK niiiio-- r linker- -. Tin and C Punii.s. Bathinp Tubs Fraiicis.-- Kaiiagnwa, touching at Honolulu on their way to J. C. MKRHILL m Kauai..... 53-t-f Honolulu, Oaho, II. I. r. lur.-lliii- r.cei.t'.y isvopicd by Jules. DuJoit, tq. kt and u.V. u ciias. :riLLr, ' Z.mc R.K.tim:, and a Kim. Iulu l'nit-- Stah-- Xavy. Consular Physician to liik .ij.p'y to and Shower Baths. Tin and Kauajawa. Fir Krpartm'iit, Late Suiv.in 1JL For particulars, t 4-- - 3.l pei'.er il -- ' of Tin Ware, The bark th pioneer of the line, will leave San MaoSal COLIU RN, American -- am n and seneral Rover, yici:t'i:it a- .nuititii.i., J. J- w- 1st of April for Kauapawa. .M.-- - about the fh.Tiffof aho I. Office. Corner K.tahuu.aiiu and streets, and residence 2'3m "r - Al'sTIX. Ship Work xvllli it Francisco - .t- 1) l.-l- t. : ..... fVTJCTXOXVXaaXl, at Ir. W . i"- M insi-.u- II -l str- - t. 2rtsly REFERENCES 1. 63--tf II nhu. Mri Kaahuiiianu stmt, ni'.lulu, Mclieal and sur.-ica- l advice iu KiiK'.irh, French, Spaiosh, and o it ili Wm. Jk Co., San Francisco. Kauai... W Koit lease: T. C.lf.ma 3. l sale KO II- - sV , " " Commission Ucicliants l!aaii Italian. at THE STOKE AXH IH'ILIMXK U v.
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