Preservation of Vegetables by Salting and Pickling by Winifred Jones, Specialist in Food Preservation Texas A
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Issued by The Extension Service Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and The United States Department of Agriculture H. H. Williamson, Director, College Station, Texas 2 Preservation of Vegetables by Salting and Pickling by Winifred Jones, Specialist in Food Preservation Texas A. and M. College Extension Service Pickling is one of the oldest small amount of salt is used it known methods of food preser- does not have to be soaked vation. The preserving agents out. Therefore, the minerals in pickling are salt or vinegar, and most of the vitamins OT a combination of these. For found in the fresh vegetables flavor, spices mayor may not are in the kraut. be added. Pickling should only Method II. When a large supplement other methods of amount of dry salt is used, preservation such as canning, fermentation does not take freezing, and drying. Preser- place. The product is ready to vation of vegetables with seal and store on the second small amounts of salt is re- day. This method is recom- commended especially for mended only to those who families who do not have pres- have quantities of vegetables sure cookers, driers, or ade- and who do not have time, quate containers for canning equipment or material to pre- or drying. serve them by better methods. This bulletin is written in Salting with a large amount two parts--the first part is on of dry salt would be classed Salting and the second is on as the least desirable method Pi~kles and Relishes. of salting because a long soak- ing is necessary to remove the SALTING salt. When the salt is soaked There are four methods of· out, some of the minerals and preservation by salting: two most of the water solubl\e using dry salt and two using vitamins are removed also. a salt brine. Method III. When a weak Method 1. When a small salt brine solution is used, a amount of dry salt is used, small amount of vinegar fermentation takes place. This should be added, also. A rapid usually is called krauting and fermentation takes place and it takes 2 or 3 weeks for this the vegetables are pickled in process. Method I is the best about two weeks. This method method of preservation by is next to krauting in being salt. Cabbage, turnips, lettuce, the most desirable method of beets, and string beans may salting because there is not be krauted. Sauerkraut is an an excess of salt to soak out. economical and good source of Vegetables brined by this vitamin C. The lactic acid and method may be served as fiber content of kraut aid in pickles or relishes or may be digestion and removal of cooked and served buttered, waste from the body. Since a creamed) or scalloped. 3 Method IV. When a strong intense and uniform in color, salt solution is used the fer- and good in flavor. One dis- mentation is slower and five advantage is that the vegeta- to six weeks are required to bles have to be desalted be- complete the process. This fore they are made into pick- method is good for cucumbers les or cooked for eating. As in or other vegetables that are to be ·made into pickles. The method II, when the salt is long brining process makes soaked out, some of the food pickles crisp in texture, more nutrients are lost. Materials Needed in Salting Ve~etables Equipment and Containers: 5. Cover the container with 1. Use stone Jars, kegs, or lid or clean cup towel large glass jars for brin- to protect the food from ing foods. Do not use insects, dust, and excess metal containers under air. This also reduces any condition. Avoid evaporation of the liq- using crocks or kegs uid. which previously con- 6. Kitchen scales, meas- tained lard or meat. Be uring cup, and spoons sure that the container help in preparing brine. has been cleaned and 7. Use a kraut shredder, a scalded. slaw cutter, or a sharp 2. Use a plate or hardwood stainless steel knife for board which fits inside makillg kraut. the jar or keg to keep Salt: the product under brine. Use dairy or cheese salt, if U s~ any clean board possible. This is a pure salt WhICh does not have an which dissolves quickly. If Cilff-flavor. this is not available, use any 3. Put the plate In a square coarse salt which does not of. cheesecloth or other have ingredients added to pre- thIn cloth to help remove vent lumping because these scum and. keep the f?od added ingredients might af- under brIne. WrapPing fect color and fermentation of the pl~te i~ a cloth vegetables. makes It easIer to lift W t out. a er: 4. Use a fruit jar filled Soft water is best for nor- with water or wet sand mal fermentation. If the water to hold the plate down. is hard, boil it 20 or 30 minut~s Metal lid should not and let it stand about 12 hours touch brine. Do not use in a covered enamel kettle. Re- bricks, rocks, or metal move the scum, strain, and weights because they discard sediment. Water which may effect color and contains iron may cause veg- fermentation. etables to turn dark. 4 METHOD I Krauting-A Small Amount of Dry Salt With Fermentation Read page 4 for information kraut. If more than 5 about salt, equipment and ma- pounds are to be used terials for brining. in one crock, continue Steps in Making mixing salt with cab- Cabbage Kraut: bage as it is shredded. 1. Flat Dutch and Ballhead Do not bruise or beat cabbage are good varie- cabbage in mixing. ties for kraut. Select ma- 7. Cover the shredded cab- ture, sound, hard heads. bage with the outer Green cabbage has more leaves, which have been vitamin A but white cab- trimmed and washed. bage makes a light col- This helps hold shredded ored kraut. Usually 11h cabbage under brine. pounds of cabbage make 8. Wrap C h e e sec lot h 1 pint of kraut. around the p I ate 0 r 2. Remove outer leaves board which fits in the and wash. crock and place on top 3. Quarter large "heads, of cabbage. core and shred. 9. Place weight on the 4. Weigh cabbage. Use 5 board. pounds at a time. A 10. Cover the jar with a large, firm head about lid or clean cup towel. 7 or 8 inches in diameter Care During Fermentation: weighs abo u t 21j2 1. Keep shredded cabbage pounds. Use 2 ounces under brine. If the cab- salt (6 tablespoons of bage is dry, and suffi- dairy salt or 4 table- cient brine does not spoons of table salt) for form to cover in a day each 5 pounds of cab- or two, add brine. Use bage. Too much salt pre- 1 teaspoon salt to a cup vents fermentation, and of soft water. not enough causes soft 2. A scum will form on top kraut or spoilage. in a day or so. Remove 5. Shred the cabbage di- daily or at least every rectly into the jar. Con- other day, because the tact with air reduces the scum destroys the acid- amount of vitamin C. A ity and causes soft kraut two gallon jar will hold or spoilage. Wash and about 12 pounds of scald board or plate shredded cabbage. when the scum is re- 6. Mix salt thoroughly moved. Have two cloths, with shredded cabbage. while one is on the Uneven distribution may board, the other may be cause red streaks in washed and scalded. 5 3. Temperatures best for was fermented, pour a curing kraut are be- layer of hot paraffin tween 70 and 85 degrees over the surface of the Fahrenheit. Too low brine. When the paraffin temperatures retard fer- seal is broken, the kraut mentation and too high should be used in a short temperatures cause ropy time, canned, or the par- brine and soft or slimy affin remelted and pour- kraut. ed over the kraut to 4. Ten days to three weeks seal it again. Bees- are required for fermen- wax may be used in- tation. Well cured cab- stead of paraffin. Also, bage should be a light cooking oil poured over straw or golden color. the brine will keep out It should be acid in fla- the air. vor, translucent, crisp, Lettuce Kraut: firm but not tough. It Lettuce may be substituted should never be bitter, for cabbage in making kraut. rancid, m u shy, 0 r It has a mild flavor, and is an streaked in color. attractive product. Use only Storage of Kraut: firm fresh heads, and make 1. To can, pack the kraut it exactly as cabbage kraut is into glass jars or plain made. tin cans. Place on a rack in a deep kettle of warm Sauerruben (or Turnip Kraut) water. The water should Sauerruben is made with be about 2 inches below shredded turnips fermented the rim of the jars. Co- by the same method as cab- ver the water bath ket- bage kraut. Fall varieties of tle with a lid. Steam 10 turnips are better for sauer- minutes. Start count- ruben than spring ones. Pur- ing time when steam ac- ple Top is the best variety. Use cumulates above the jar medium sized turnips. Wash and the water begins to in cold water. Remove top and boil. Take jars out and root and any blemishes. Shred press food down to let unpeeled turnips and mix with air bubbles out.