
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Volume 2 Number 1 January, 1961 Article 6


Preserving and

O. Evans Scott

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Recommended Citation Evans Scott, O. (1961) "Preserving and pickling," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 2 : No. 1 , Article 6. Available at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4/vol2/iss1/6

This article is brought to you for free and open access by Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information, please contact [email protected]. d f-^icKiin p>re5ervina an % By O. EVANS T this time of the year many housewives wish that fruit trees would bear little and A often throughout the year rather than a lot in a comparatively short space of time. We preserve fruits to try to spread this short period, and to have them on hand to vary menus when fruit is out of season. A cupboard shelf packed with bottles of colourful, neatly arranged preserved fruits is indeed a satisfying sight. Bottling is the most popular method, with pickling being done to a smaller extent.

PRESERVING tinted glass or jars with flaws and cracks. Choice of Fruit for Preserving. Jars should all be the same size. If you exhibit in shows it is a good idea When preserving fruit, aim to keep the to have a set of smaller jars, and pack best possible flavour, colour and food one of them when preserving each differ­ value. ent fruit. At the end of the season you Choose fruit in season, firm textured should then have enough to enter in the and fully ripe—not under or over ripe. "Collection of Fruit" section. Avoid any marked or bruised fruit. It is As presentation counts when competing, not worth while preserving below-standard a set of similar jars will gain a few more fruit, although small or marked fruit marks than a collection of jars of different could be preserved diced, as pulp, or in sizes. The smaller jars are also more con­ fruit salad. venient for carrying than the larger home Have fruits of uniform size and ripeness size jars. Heat the small jar carefully, to ensure equal heat penetration. Fruits preferably separately, noting time and should be freshly picked. If any time has temperatures as it will be finished before to elapse before preserving, keep them in the larger jars. a cool, dark, well ventilated place—soft Inspect rings and lids. Do not use rusted fruits well separated—to prevent the lids and take no risks with stretched seal­ characteristics of freshness deteriorating. ing bands—new lids, clips and rings can be bought separately quite cheaply. (The Choice and Preparation of Jars. stretched rubber rings are handy for hold­ Choose straight sided, wide-necked jars ing the greased paper over the top of a for easy packing and removal of fruit. steamed !) Clear glass allows the colour of the fruit Wash thoroughly, rinse and dry the to show through best. Avoid the green bottles, lids and rubber rings. 29 Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 1, 1961 Preparation and Packing of Fruit. dietary reasons sugar is not used but a Wash the chosen fruit thoroughly and sweet syrup is desired, use an artificial dry well. Fruits which are peeled should sweeting agent according to the manufac­ be peeled thinly and neatly from stalk to turers instructions. end. If cut in pieces, keep size uniform. Preheat the fruit in a small amount of From core fruits remove core with spoon or over low heat, then pack quickly into special coring knife. Do not leave any warm jars. Have fruit juice hot and if not pieces of fibre or husk at the centre. Drop enough make up to the necessary amount peeled and cored pieces or halves gently with hot water. Process as for syrup- into cold salted water to prevent surface preserving. browning while waiting to pack. Rinse before using. To skin peaches, dip in Sterilising. caustic soda solution (one dessertspoon There are several methods of heating and soda to one quart of warm water) for five sterilising the bottles. In some the jars seconds, rinse in cold water and rub off are sealed before heating, in others the skin. jars are loosely lidded for heating and When packing into jars have fruit cut sealed while hot when sterilisation is com­ side downwards and rounded outside show­ plete. In some methods the fruit is cooked ing, and overlap pieces attractively. Pack by steaming, in others the water comes to within half an inch of the top of the only a few inches up the side of the jars, jar. Pack as tightly as possible as fruits or the jars are completely covered with shrink slightly after sterilisation. the water. If a thermometer is not built in on your Syrup. container, use a sugar boiling thermometer The syrup varies according to taste and when sterilising to ensure that the correct type of fruit. Generally, small, sweet, soft temperature is maintained. A "home fruits are preserved in thin syrup (one steriliser" can be made by standing a plat­ part sugar to three parts water); large form about an inch up from the bottom fruits and berries in medium syrup (one of a copper or large preserving pan. (A part sugar to two parts water); and acid wire cake cooler covered with a thick cloth or tart fruits in heavy syrup (one part would serve the purpose). The ther­ sugar to one part water). Banana pulp may mometer should stand on the platform. be preserved in thin syrup; quinces and Temperatures and times vary for differ­ grapes in heavy syrup. Use an extra heavy ent fruits—follow the manufacturers in­ syrup (two pounds of sugar to one pint structions for your bottling outfit or type of water) for figs, rhubarb, and passion- of jars. Bring slowly to the required tem­ fruit pulp. For other fruits a medium perature, taking one to one and a half syrup is used. hours. See that the bottles are not touch­ To make syrup, dissolve the sugar in ing each other nor the sides of the pan the water over low heat, bring to the boil or container, and that they are standing and boil for three minutes. Strain if on the platform with the right amount necessary. of water according to instructions. Add syrup to each jar, a small cupful at a time, and allow air bubbles to come to Sterilising. the surface. Place a spatula or long bladed The screw lid type of jar may be used knife down the side of the jar to help any for oven sterilising. This method is only obstinate air bubbles to rise (avoid bruising suitable for gas or electric fitted the fruit). Fill jar with syrup to within with a reliable thermostat, as it is difficult half an inch of the top. (This head-room to obtain an exact temperature with wood will allow for expansion when heated.) fuel stoves. Jars should be almost full and packed Preheat the oven at 200' for 20 minutes. tightly, as the greater the amount of syrup Pack the heated fruit in warm jars and used the greater the amount of floating fill with hot syrup. Place seal and screw and apparent shrinkage. lid loosely. Stand jars on thick cloth in Preserving Without Sugar. a dish, with hot water coming one Fruits can be preserved in a liquid con­ inch up the outside of the jars. Process sisting of fruit juice and hot water. If for 30-45 minutes. Screw lids tightly.

30 Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 1, 1961 With this method there is a loss of as dissolving of some metal and discolour­ colour and flavour, the danger of incom­ ing of food would take place. The jars plete sterilisation, and of jars exploding. should be glass or earthen, wide necked, free of cracks, and sterilised, with tight- Cooling and Storing. fitting lids. If using corks, sterilise by Bottles must be cooled carefully; do not boiling before use, and make seal com­ stand on a cold or hard surface nor place pletely air-tight with melted wax. in a draught. Stand jars on a dry cloth or board or linoleum. Do not open jars to Brining and Osmosis. "top-up" liquid—loss of liquid does not affect keeping qualities and reopening will Most fruits and vegetables have a high allow the entry of organisms which will proportion of water. This can be reduced cause later spoiling. When cold check by soaking in brine so that the vegetable seals. (If clips are used do not remove till water does not dilute the pickling solution. cold.) To make brine, dissolve one pound of Store in a cool dark cupboard. salt in one gallon of water. The best type Sometimes fruits float to the top of the of salt is dairy or pickling salt or salt to jar. This is caused by using over-ripe which no anti-caking substance has been fruit, processing too long or at too high added. Avoid using table salt as this would a temparature, using too heavy a syrup cause discoloration of food. for the type of fruit, or packing fruit too Brining works by the process of osmosis, loosely and using too much syrup. If the which is simply this: when two liquids of syrup becomes clouded you have probably different strengths are separated by a used under or over ripe fruit and too long semipermeable membrane, they tend to a processing time at too high a tempera­ equalise their strength by flowing one ture. towards the other, and the flow of the weaker to the stronger is greater than the The Pressure Cooker. flow in the opposite direction. In brining, The pressure cooker can be used for the vegetable water or juice (a weak sterilising smaller jars containing vege­ solution) is separated by the vegetable tables or fruit, particularly when doing skin (a semipermeable membrane) from very small quantities as in passion-fruit the brine (a stronger solution) so that the vegetable water is drawn from the pulp or for competing in shows. Improvise vegetables which are flavoured a little a rack or platform to stand on the bottom from the salt from the brine. If vegetables of the cooker and follow the directions and are brined too long they lose too much times given in the instruction booklet for water and shrivel; if not long enough (or your type of cooker. the brine is too weak) they become soft and watery. PICKLING This is a method of preservation in which Most vegetables are brined overnight. spices and condiments are used. The fruits Beetroot is boiled in salted water and does or vegetables are generally brined first, not need brining. For pickled onions, brine in skins for 12 hours, peel, then place in then preserved either sweet or sour in a fresh brine for 24 hours. Make fresh brine spiced vinegar. Pickles should only be for each lot of vegetables. used occasionally as a relish, because con­ diments are irritating to the digestive tract. Pickling Solution. Vinegar is the basis of the pickling Choice of Foods and Utensils. solution, which is flavoured and spiced The fruits and vegetables to be pickled according to taste and the food to be should be fresh, firm, medium sized and pickled. It can be sweet or sour. Use a just ripe—not over-ripe. Suitable foods good quality vinegar—brown malt vinegar are beetroot, , , small is best. cucumbers, onions, marrows and beans, Here is a basic pickling solution recipe walnuts, pears, plums, figs and grapes. which can be varied as necessary. For a Choose enamel or earthenware utensils. sweet solution add two or more ounces of Never use copper, iron, brass or aluminium sugar to taste. 31 Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 1, 1961 Pickling Vinegar. wrinkled pickles, and there is a possibility 1 quart of brown malt vinegar. of them being inadequately preserved i oz. cinnamon bark. owing to the dilution of the solution by i oz. mace (or £ oz. grated nutmeg). the vegetable water. i oz. allspice. Method of Pickling. i oz. cloves. Prepare fruits and vegetables, brine. Pinch cayenne or powdered chilli. Rinse and drain and heat quickly in the 6 peppercorns. strained spiced vinegar—do not boil. Pack Method.—Bring to boil in a covered into the heated jars, cover with the pick­ enamel saucepan. Stand on side of stove ling solution and seal at once. with lid on for two hours. Strain just Keep at least a month before using. before using. Store in a cool dark place. The pickling solution also must be the right strength—if too weak it will cause the food to become soft and watery, and if too strong the foods will become Of Things to Come. shrivelled and tough—the process of Many of you have been making jams and osmosis at work again as in brining. preserves. Save those hessian sugar bags. If the vegetables have not been brined Useful and attractive ways of making use long enough and their water content is of these will be given from time to time. too high, that water will flow into the stronger pickling solution, causing tough HELEN M. GLOSTER.

LAND GRADING IN IRRIGATION AREAS, 1959/60 The Minister for Agriculture (Mr. C. D. Nalder), has announced that during the year a total of 1,730 acres of land was graded in the irrigation areas. This is an increase of 90 acres on the 1958/59 season. Of this area Government controlled machines handled 918i acres on 107 farms and private graders 811i acres on 67 farms. The average time taken to grade one acre of land by Government machines was 1.87 hours at a cost of £7 19s. 7d. per acre. As in previous years the bulk of the land graded goes immediately into produc­ tion as shown in the following table:— Acres. Permanent pastures .... 648 Annual pastures 209 Fodder crops 683 Fallow 56 Potatoes 51 Vegetables 73 Orchards 10 T otal 1,730 Over the past 11 years a total of 9,873 acres have been graded by Government controlled graders and 6,695 acres by contractors and farmers, making a total of 16,568 acres. This figure includes land that has been graded more than once. During the season approximately 18 miles of drains were excavated by Govern­ ment machines. Over the past 11 years a total of 260 miles of drains have been excavated by Government machines alone. Dealing with the future prospects for grading there seems to be no tendency for the demand to slacken off. Our thanks are due to the co-operation of the various officers of the Public Works Department in the above operations.

32 Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 1, 1961