CLEVELAND LEIDEB, RAILR0A2S. Published Dflr, ml Weekly. Bt E. COWLE8 4 CO., CLEVELAND & PITTSBU3GH 143 Snperior-H- t. TKUMSOF DAILY AND 3 (To City Subscribers.) Utt SIMMER ARRAlitiEXaVMT. MM , , i : " i eea... . .11 teen te. To per week. . 6 cenu. eaneii take ffot on Monday, Mar 5, 1361. Trains ta eve ClsTaland ( dailr, dundas excepted, TERMS OF DAIL Y AND orEm MSA. . MAIL Antres at New York loriS a. a.l IVHr per to adTanre .... Ptt!!a,lrlpnia 7: A. M.; Fitubartk l: P. .; 4 Philadelphia Dally lor lees than one year, fllty cents per h.wUnif iJ r. m.: K. oiJOp.m. tfa per 0, 1S62. NO. 215. a ;tEx''KS-ArriT- et New York . 5 month, or at rate aanam.H..M. 6,00. MORNING, 1 ) per year ,.. VOL. XVI. CLEVELAND, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER hUadrlpiua r. m.; Pictiburfa MO a. au I,. U heeling :so a. . TEIIMS OF THE WEEKLY LEADER. Both Trains connect at Hadaoa far Akron and MIU iecopy, oar leroargh. blur ,1,50 General Business One and MERCHANTS Uare run through from n LNVAKlABLYPr IN ADVANCE. Buell's Sunday morning. She got aground within is stagnant. hundred HATS, CAPS & FURS. COMMISSION te Sew Tort TELEGRAPHIC. while fifty thousand of Island rye, of a (Tla Allen town.) without chance. The Cincinnati Gazette has advices range of the guns of Fort Pulaski, pounds "" Mr Kare as low as by any oher line the superior had arrived in San Fran- OlilTBUlTlT & SU3f, . Throu-- Tickets can be erocamd which give the attempting to run out early in morning, quality, HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS. w at the Cslea following summing up of j Ticket Office, eddell House, at the Depot, or at tat unable to get her off the rebels cisco for market. GENERAL Euclid-Stre- MOKNING LEADEE. the situation in Tennessee: THE WAR UPON POTOMAC. and being Station. were forced to burn her, to prevent her .. Conner's Regiment of California volun- Produce Commission Merchants, Northern "Alabama had been abandoned, teers advanced to Diamond Springs, T. B. MYKBrt, O. T. Agent. mlr TCE8DAY , falling into our hands. had Piarl-St.-, Y SIOBMMO, SEPT. 1S6:!. and a new line of defense formed, the 250. They 63 New & [Correspondence of the New York Tribune.] miles east of Carson Valley. 315 Superior-S- t. LIBERAL CASH ABVASUia OS K 'DCS. CLEVELAND TOLEDO R. B. center resting at Decherd; the right, The Crossing near Poolesville. met large numbers of emigrants, mostly Marble Block, The rebel surgeon who amputated Gene- N. Cbemlcih V, S. TRAVELER'S REGISTER. twenty-fiv- e miles REFER Bank, T.: east, at Traoy City, and from Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, all Y.; Randall Bank, Cortland, M. Bank, P7J ral Ewell's leg told one of our surgeons , PKPARTUBKS. the left at McMinnville all in a position anxious to reach the land where peace pre- Lowrllle, N. Y.; Wooster Sherman's , 1S6I olMilaR ABRAMaEMKMT. P.M. yesterday that Ewell had since died. Watertown, H. Y.: and Bramess Men genea. IN. to be speedily concentrated. The rebel REBEL ESTIMATES OF THEIR vails. They were almost universally H. C. WmOTO Columbus... i:3i 6;no for a inquiry into DEJIINU. At 1863. The order court of WH0LE3ALE and RETAIL. Wter-St.- , On and after Monday, May 5, Trtina wil ram TOifUO.. 6:05 6:30 right was at Sparta. The center and right OWN FORCE. loyal. Omcs with Akoit A Horton, daily, aj rollowa, (Sunday. he dhore, (Eaatl...... 10:M tm the causes of the recent events has been maris Cleveland, VU1Q. exctd,) Piltsl.urgh and Wheeling.. ... 5:15 of our forces were on the Nashville and a.u. CHICAGO EPRfWkoyaataJl-rtatiot- t:2l countermanded. FROM MONROE. & on Southern .. 4:O0 Chattanooga Railroad, and the left at the FORTRESS Mcdonald co.f Division. Axnt.t Htt.inctoia,Ad ... 5:45 Acquis Creek was evacuated yesterday. FORTRESS MONROE, Sept. 6. jkanuis orriTM in ToWdu a 10 a. M.; vn4 l&isttCO Cnneant ,, terminus of the Manchester and McMinn- NOTHING KNOWN OF JACKSON. ( Fifty-eig- cars were burned, and a quan- Too ooJtrsIgii'd bogd to say to bin friouda fcEid the 5:43 Ifetroif ville road. Hardee and Bragg were sun- - Federal gunboats came down from City EUEOPEAN SHIPPERS, MiHTHKRH MAIL Stow at all mttUam tity of stores destroyed. The engines and y, Northern Dirlalvn, and arrives Sandaaky ARETTALS. posed to be in front, and there were vari Point and report all quiet. No pnblic gocsrally, that he baa aadumad at whatever else could be conveniently car- 6:301- -. M. 0olumbos...... :& S:M 9:10 ous reports of forward movements on rebels or rebel gunboats are to be seen. New York. TELEGRAPH EXPRESS Stepaat all ate. Toledo Sr.25 9:06 their REBEL MOVEMENT UPON ried away were brought to this city. Be uuihud avuiiuni uiTision, except Haaainc Lake hore, ( i 5:30 3 05 S20 part ; but relia- r. MCDONALD...... ton and Clay. Arrive in ok 16:46 . Ka.t upon this point nothing fore the transports got out of sight a squad Entire Control and Management Toledo M4 Pittburh a&d VbeelinjL..Ma.H.. 9:15 6:30 ble is communicated. The evacuation of FERRY. A CORRECTION. Chicago at &15 A, at. aiiunin. .10:00 7a of rebel cavalry appeared a mile from the Make Cah Advance on all kind of Produce con- oauuu.Ky, 9:40 Chattanooga by the rebels and their move WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. signed to their trindn, ileasri. Biftland, AthyaA Co.. OOKNKCTION9. river and were scattered by shells from a ; Couneaut..... 9:10 buaiiadas, will bo con- Li verpool ; John Athya A U., Glasgow and Coonectioni are made at MonroeTille with the Saa ments northward rendered that place of following sentence, of the as abof e, and that it hi A Detroit Boat.. . 6.00 gunboat. Citizens of Fredericksburg who Meeere. OroTeu A Todd, London. diukj. Mmi.iil Newark R B , at Clyde with th importance to our troops, it making neces- R. A. Pryor Captured on Friday. correspondence of a leading journal, was stant aim to keep on hand tho w inhlnR information, or Weekly Prlc Saiidusky, Dayton A Cincinnati B. R., at Freftonl came into Acquis Creek a day or two ago, with Fremont K. wialilng TOr.veyane to either o! the movement erroneously attributed to the correspond- uurren., win pieatMi appij iv our a u;l ft Indiana &.,and at Toledo wita Eboro Trains or Kuats, will be called for by Coarhe. sary a northward on the part the were H. C. DtMlNO. the Mkhian Southern 4 Northern Indiana and reports that inhabitants armed A w abash of Stevens1 Onialbna Line, by tearing their address of Buell, for the protection of Nashville. ent of the Associated Press: Wator-St.- , Railroads for Chicago, Detroit, Jack- , , Office with Alcott A Hortoh, son, Wajna, wineucuii-usiFmce- u, oupenor-ftt.- neat aoor to & Escapes. two hours after Burnside evacuated. Fort LotfansDort, Laiayett. Cairo, A V. General Bragg was supposed to He Shoots his Guard " It is supposed that in consequence of Largest and Best Assorted ICS J3eU tlOQM. have a About dusk General Lee rode into Pooles- Stoci. tont 8t. Lonia and all point Weat, Northwest aud force of 40,000. In this connection, wo these changes in the army, both Secretary Sonthweat. ville at the head of four regiments of in- LLIAM MELHLNCH, Trains arrin In Clereland from Toledo and th may remark, that the troops now in Ken Stanton and Adjutant General Thomas will Wet at a. M , and :06 m. All Reading on page fantry, and guided by a farmer who had rOB BOTH THE r. From banduaky at Hatter this tucky, or a portion of them, at least, left THE MILITIA ENROLLMENT resign." Produce Commission Merchant, 9 W been professedly a Union man. Their in- Mo. .' Merwlu St., near cor. esi-a- i. CleTelanda May S, 1662. if from Evening Edition., Unattanooga Oils, Iait tour weeks previous to the fantry went off to the left toward Freder-- . Dealer in Crude Kock and Carbon and Linseed battle of Richmond. This information COMPLETED. WHOLES ILB & RKTAIL TRADE flour, Orain, Pork, Lard, Ham, Bacon, Bnttor, & EBIE R. R. iek. The rebel Generals Robert Lee, Hill, DSL'33 AND MED.G3NES. , llupa, Dried Fruit, Flax, Clover, and Tim- QLEVELAND Removal of Restrictions. was communicated to Federal officers who Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee are with the men. othy Seed, Beans, Potatoes. Potash, Fish and , Cleveland. Uhm. lyiqt-- T The enrollment of the Militia of the sev- were taken prisoners in Kentucky by: RESTRICTION UPON TRAVEL Their wagon trains were crossing on Sat- SUMMER DRINK. City. 1 Agent. 13C2. Kirby Smith. Bragg knew that he could urday and Sunday morning. T)ELICJIOUS To Re Toiuid In ,tlie H. LITTLE. KUMMKE AliKAlS'tiM2iT. IMft, eral States having been completed, the re- leave to REMOVED. UT. safely the road Knoxville clear The farmers are bringing in hay and On and after MuruLiy, May i, 12, Pamensar Train removed. This KSAPP'S Grocer and Commission Merchant, will run ae to. .own, (Sundays striction! upon travel are while he had a large force with which to provisions of all kinds cxoetd: and giving them 57 MERWIN STREET, CLEVELAND, O., LEAVK CLEVELAND. news to those who threaten Nashville; and it would seem TRAlN-Stoppi- will be good have been away. There is not a loyal man with one Dealer in Salt. Fidh. Flour, Lard. Beans, Effn, 10:00. at. MA IT. nff to The Nashville Reported Burnt by Concentrated Extracts of Roota, BCII.VO EVESITHIXe FOE CASH, at all stations temporarily incommoded in the tran mo- that he expects, at least, be able to keep or two exceptions there. Women Teccived Shoulders, Hams, Dried Beef, Oils, Soap, Candies except Wckiiffe, Mentor, Perry, LnioavlUa, Buell on the defensive. Nashville is rep Rebels. FOK MAK1KO and Tobacco. Sn?l;n'ok and 8vanTllle, and arrlvM at n the them with nags and tokens of joy. and with a i experience in the Trade, he; flatten N. B. Uoods detirered tree or cr.artro. at i.M p. u.i Dunkirk at r. .: BuAaio at tions of trade by the passport system. to be strongly defended. The ire 5:23 p. x. 36 resented SUNDAY—11 moral status of the soldiers there is not P. M. Knapp's Celebrated Root Beer hlmlf that he will be able to offer such 3f. CINCINNATI EXPRESS Tmla atop&ln from The following account has just been re- & BREED, at Pftincfisiilo, AshtahuU and tiirard onlj, We have some farther reports the high, as will be seen by the letter of our Southern Comments upon pELTON ami arrives at Rue 7:WP.u- Dukirk Q6 r. ceived from Upper Potomac, is be- JCa&t INDUCEMENTS BiltTalfi p Maryland. Nothing is correspondent. Free trade in whisky is the and This article bu been favorably tenowii iu tho ivan'Aai'ii.iu aau Hi:, u. rebels in known of Administration. lieved to bo reliable: for the Lut two years. iJS P. Ki CONNRA0T ACCOMMODATION tto Gen. Jackson. will be at sur- not a desirable privilege in a city filled COMMISSION MEECHANTS, pinK ill ail dtiitioiid, It not all The rebel force in the neighborhood of lasli Buyers Will Appreciates NIUUT TRAIN-Stopp- lac Twenty-flv- e is XXFKfS t with soldiers and under martial law. One bottle will make gallons And Dealers in . Atfaitabuia and aiy, ana prising if he is making up the Valley for Darnestown and Clarksburg, estimated at Boer. 5u Hold uirard Prico, ceutu. tr ari i rei at Erie at 12:47 a. U., Dunkirk 2:5u a. EWELL DIED OF HIS WOUNDS. 3,000, and is composed FLOUR, PORK AND GRAIN, Lutfalo 4:2U A. M. Harrlsburg and the rich farms of Pennsyl- Rebel Demonstrations on the Upper Potomac entirely of cavalry. A julyio STT.ONO 4 ARMSTRONG. NO. UVIA.T3 &XCHANOB, on body of the enemy, about 1,500 strong, LEAVE vania, from which to supply his exhausted and Longstreet moving rtspoctfully invited to call and Foot of Sopanor-- t Cleveland, O. ERIR. Harper's Ferry. crossed the river last night at White's & VOGT, CtTAHiare f1:58 a.m. NIGHT EXPitEHd TRAIN-Stop- pln at provision and forage trains. He will turn supposed to jEELER Proprietors of the Gtnmi, Ashtabula and PaineaTtlla only, ao4 WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 1862. JACKSON GONE TO FREDERICK. Ferry, and are be en route to arrive at t:levflund at 3:30 a. m. up somewhere when least looked for. Frederick. Our forces hold the bridge Wholesale $ Retail Dealers in SEE OUR GOODS AND PEICES. Transportation Lini, 11:10a.m. MAIL THAIN btopptng at ail station It is believed the rebels have crossed in Nokthien eicf-p- JJaybTOok, Union TiUa, Perry, OHIO CANAL-Agent- s Mentor A at Fred-ric- k. some force side of across Seneca Creek, which was not injur- and icklifle, and arrives Clereland &M late dispatch reports Jackson this of Point Rocs, and Drugs, Paints, Oik and Varnishes, B. FULLER, Agent, for at at subsequently for the most part THIS MORNING'S REPORT. ed by the rebels on their return from the J. the P. M. WINDOW GLASS. BOTAN- inneH (late of Fuller A Co.) Akbon Transportation Co., VAOr. u. DAY EXPKESS TRAIN Stoppin at into Virginia, as though hesitating to make recent dash on Darnestown. IC AND ECLliCTlO MUDKUNKd, OHIO CANAL. Conneaut, Ashtabula and PainesTilla FROM WASHINGTON. GUtX.'EltIK.S, I'KIU uiiii.BiiuaiiitCTiH wlt)eutUU M y.M F, U. the experiment of getting a lodgment in It has been ascertained that Jackson T.HElil, And the AOOOM MODATION Three Months Men Liable to Draft. WASHINGTON. Sept. 8. TOILKT AM'ICLKS, TRAIN will leare Conneaat at Maryland. crossed the Potomac opposite tho north n - w.((.... i HAT3 AND CAPS. Northern Transportation Co. t.iH) a. M.tntoppinc at all nation, arriTina at Assi9tant-Surgeo- n wi.. iiu t;liToland at y.lo a, will be seen by the following reply Green, of the l'.Uh , It rebels nave thrown shells across the mouth of the Monocacy, and passed along patent MSDICINKS, promptly Forwarded to New York, Ihe from Bw"ProiertT Itw Second Claaa Cat km ran ai sii from the War Department, to a question of river at our canal boats,&c, which, howev- Indiana, returned this morning the bank of the stream to Frederick. The Stock of tne ondvraigntHl wm norer tto Larse Bmton. and all nruits East or West, with dispach and Trains. ' South-we- st oaaort-nie- of freight. apr7:K27 Gainesville, where he has been since the No. 32, cor. Pub. Square, aud cltt-i- ' as this time. In addition to an at the lowest rates All the the Adjutant-Gener- al of Rhode Island, er, did no damage. comprising every style of n. EOCAEFELLKR, trains gpinz westward connect at CIsyelanJ battle of last Thursday week, having re- FROM FORTRESS MONROE. CLEVELAND, 0. M. . CUSK.. .0. S". OABiiNEB I. rith train Toledo. Chicago. Culumbiu. Oit-7- A man, professing to have maJe his es FOR GENTLEMEN'S BOYS' WEAR, A WW lr that the three months men who have just mained behind at that time to attend to FORTRESS MONROE, Sept. 5. Proscriptions Careftiily Prepur?,!. may30 HATS 8 CAPS t AT, natt, St. Louis. Ac; and all train coins eaatwara cape from the neighborhood of Leesburg, 1 have for the Ladies all styles and qualltiea of J DL'CE CMMIsdloN MERCHANTS. Not. 3V. connect at Dunkirk with the trains of the N, I. A K. from the of are liable wounded. Last Out of rebel prisoners iitiii.,.'-;- ( tkyk iIUcIkihI.I) Railrraaii, and at Burfalo with ttwee of New returned seat war, on Wednesday, by ar- our Sunday our wounded brought FOR the York swimming the river, JJEADQUARTEUS flats and Shakers. bfa't-r- s Firth, Pork, Lard, , Central and Buflalo A New York City Railroad. : being in such bad condition, Dr. Green here from the Potomac last Wednesdav --ALSO in Grain. Klnur, to be drafted rived within our lines He stated EaTtfa. S.t)da and tountry Prtnluce Alao H. NOTT1NUHAM, SupX off to meet over 100 have taken the oath of allegiance Bags, Umbrel- Htk'it. Clereland, May 162. Wa DtPaETMFKT, Washisotok, Aug. 20, 1SC2. that Jackson bad entered Leesburg with his started ambulances repairing Trunks, Carpet Satchels, Water Lime and Land Plater. to their assistance under a flag of truce, anu were uiscnarged. TUey were JNorth- - Property ecoivi trom tue uinvrefi In reply to yours of the 22d inst., in- troops, and was pushing towards Harper's las, Military Trimmings, Canal for dale or dhipmnt. Will give nan"funonai at- CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS 4 and when within hailing distance was met ern men forced into the rebel armv and LINSEED OIL, tention to the sal. and purchase of Prdu ami BA II.KOAU. quiring if three months soldiers now in terry, and Longstreet, with a considerable ad a thousand things that aro not enumerated. Cash Advance by General A. P. 11:11, at the of his some Spaniards. The remainder were sent & chaudijo on tVmniirwK'n. Liberal the service of the United States, but whose force, was marching in the same direction. head Wholesale Rstail, ttijTh public are invited to call and examine for made on Connrninvnttt. noivr u iiaukJ, uuniaunt division, who ordered him to to y to Aiken's Landing by flag of truce. tlienu-lvei- Jjune2IJ T. S. PAUUUOK. BnaiiiesH 31eu npr4:.y term of service expired on the 2Cl.ii inst., The rebels were well supplied with artil- return and 1663. SUMMER AKRANGEMKNT. iwi. Gainesville, where he remained a prisoner The Richmond Whig, of Sept. 1st, con- s. DauV. If . 4 It RAIIE.D W. A. HANNA. are to be exempted under General Orders lery. Most of tbe Union peojle about Win- DOZKN SHAKER HOODS - On and Monday, May - be- tains a lengthy spicy censur- 200L by 1 1IANNA& CO.. Sec- alter 5, IS63, Passenfer Train for threedays- After laying his case and editorial FLATS lor aale the dozen, by OBEKT will leave CWvUand as iollows : No. 99 from this Department, lam directed chester and Leesburg had made their es- Jeff. STK JSQ ARMSTUOXQ'S, I V cessoes to Hauua, tlarretiton A Co., nTioJesale fore General who came the ing Davis and his Cabinet for the in ijiMV J'ior-;,- UtTnUn-5:M- to say that all men subject to military ser- cape into Maryland. Others were captured Walter, into Jw Grocers, Forwardiua ali i Commission Merchants and 4. at Grafton, WelHna yard where the prisoners were kept, he discreet nppotntment of clerks in all the JEW STYLES I dealers in Produce, bait, f ishrtc., Central fcxcliango, ton, Card ingtou. New London. Shelby, Cres- - vice not in the service the United States by their secession neighbors, while making Kt 16y Kiver-a- t. O. nue, of was Unconditionally departments of State, calling them the f BBLS. REFINED CARBON and 171 and Dock, Cleveland, tjaiiion, uitead, and Lewis Center; asv on the dan the drajt, vill he subject to it. the attempt pon released. OIL warranted a firat rate Darning Oil. N.aarAaHuU lor ine vieveianu, o li- riving at Columbus 11,(4) a. n.; Cincinnati of and thrown into prison, t VJJPru-- by iuu.iauu ja,n.t r. m.; Ithlianapolts 6 m ; Ht. Dr. Green furnishes the following: cursed Jews and Vankees, and accusing siiiiile barret low tta the lowost. Special r pri ne rior Line of Steamers. ito Loaw By order of the Secretary of War, receipt of the intelligence that Jackson was discount to pur buying tire barrels at one thnu. T:30 a. m.; Louisville 12: lu A.a.n.; Fort Warn Fri- them of being spies tis L. BENEDICT A SON'S, - 311 p. C. P. BUCKINGHAM. When the battle, was at its height on and disloyal to the BK1SXON BKOTUKUS, 1) T. LYON Commission Mift- 2 m.: 4:hicM vl& lMtiIiiM.a-i- m marching towards Leesburg, rebel flags my38 ail Superior Street. .. . tTHAVT. so Merwio-St- Cleveland. Ohio. 2d Train 3:25 p. M. Stops at all Brigadier-Gener- and A. X. O. day, Jackson being in command, the rebel Confederacy. It recommends their re- octl Jtt Sii I.V. station and arrive were displayed by many of the inhabitants Ktfni for tho aale ot Now York state Fine. Coarse. olumbiiB at 10:1ft m army heavily pressed by orr troops, began moval, and the substitution of men of ac- OYS' AND CHILDREN'S Jnmtid. Sttiar and Dairy Salt ; Oswveo aod Btitlalo 3d Train .:tW P. m. SL.ppi og at Berea, Qrafloo, W4- - in token of their joy at his coming. VITRIOL, CAUSTIC, SODA ATS TYImDied and the lamest in Grain, Flour, Uugion, London, Hhelbr, An Interesting Scene in the Capital Grounds to waver back, when knowledged loyalty and merit, and that AMU SALSODA.-tU- .al Oil nntrinuned Cement, or Water Lime. Dealer Crestltna. and fall the rumbling OIL tint Kciineni at.x-I- t in the city loweet prices at uops, aeoaa, Caiiou, Cjhrdiwgton Washington. On Tuesday last, Leesburg was occupied ftod Makers p!uae call. Provisions, Hiinwino, ouiver, tiwuw. and Delaware; arriving at of Loi gstreet's artillery was heard coming the appointments should be made unbias- Sav L. BKaNKDICT A SON'S, Ac. attention given to the purchase ol al Crestline ,V i p, n.; Cohiinbus 11:30 p. m.; N. Y. Tribune.] by rebel forces, and the Union people were oru lIRNYCN BP.OTHKItH my Particular [Correspondence sed by any influence favor- S'l Syparior Stnet. Produce anu Mprchaiitnzo on ornemJ . Clm iuimti Iudiaii.iiolis:4S A.M., to their assistance, and instantly a shout political or St. 6:45 p. WASHINGTON, SEPT 1, 1862. for a second time obliged to seek refuge on Louia n.; LoiiLfrille 11:40 r. M.; went up. It infused new life into tho reb- itism. UGS and M E D IC I N E S. T HE FLATS, SHERMAN Storage, Foa- - Fori 'aiie2;J5 a.m.; Chicago via CreaV this side of the Potomac. Night before last AND MISSES' m. A very amusing scene occured a few days els, when Congress is still in session, and feebly DR of rhynirinnBanil tt'l persons wishing JADIES' wabdiso and Ommlsaion Merchant, West line fr.lj a. and this reinforcement arrived, pi ee and RELtAiiLK w solui-te- d L a party of rebel artillerists came to the iIo(iiiiuTt ie!iprtliiilr ivwr'&t., neveianu, unit.. f5r,-l!- 'fralitrt Uiiw as follows: 1st Train 4:00 A. since in the Capital Grounds, Washington. imitating the Congress to my 8t'x:k, which comprises a com aoaort-mo- A!f SHAKES HOODS ! at Friday noon, they nude a fresh assault of the United .; arrive at CleveUnd tf:S6A. m.; 2d Train :00 a. . river at Edward's Ferry, with some can- of ver thing pertuiniii to the A very fine Aftnmnent, and at lower price than & WiTHERBEES, Some two or three weeks ago, while on the upon our dashing over the wounded States. HERMAN arrive 'U vuland p. m.; 3d Train i;44) f. ax- non fired upon some of people on lines, can be bousht m aw other store in the city, at i Dutiera in Lake Cliamplain ana superior ve at t'lewland at 9:10 p. Monroe and our Kiver-St- il n. steamer Adelaide,the Fortress boat, of the day previous, who were lying upon L. BENEDICT m SUN'S, Pie Metal, and BIom Iron, West the Maryland side. The rebels announce FROM WASHINGTON. DRUG TRADE, tny2ft 2U Siiporior Street. from Baltimore, I became acquainted with the ground without any shelter whatever, Mid at price to insure satisfaction to the jpi:r.iuu-r- COVNKCTTON8. Mr. Greaves, from their purpose to cross the Upper Potomac Wab Depaetment, 1 SheItySjindufkv Uinsli Li a Newark Railroad, for an English gentleman, and many of whom were badly injured. & & CO., M insflcld, 51 1. at three points, and to march into Pennsyl- Sept, 7. Dental Sarglcal InstruuieiUs, "j? STAIR Vernon, Newark. Zancs Manchester, who was on his way to the Dr. Green was informed by It. A. Pryor's Wasuisotos, MEDICAL. ville, ic. vania. XSTKUCTRiXS S. of the latoat and most approved patterne, sold at ., i3 Crestline Fort Wayne Chicago Kail-roa- for the of making a TO U. MARSHALS, prk-pfl- Superlor-St- fortress purpose visit brigade quartermaster, the report being , 215 Kortmi, tipper Sandusky, Delpiio. Li- OiM.MAXDANT-J- PKoVOST JUL. IN- - ma, Fort Wayne, to the army of the Potomac. When the confirmed by officers whom SUAL.S, PERKUMICKY AM) FANCY ARTICLES, HUNTER'S MEDICAL I.aporte, Cntcago, other with he POLICE .iFncEIl3, SHERIFFS, Ac. wect.and East for Wooster, Ma- Landing, he A Noble Sun of a Family. variety. Alrio, Uare reef ived 'be summer styles of AHY. Da. HCNTEKmiU continnea at Alanslield. - army evacuated Harrison's conversed, duriug the on In No. 17 31at(low jJLuck, silliui, Ac. that engagement The quota of volunteers and enrollment rt thomold establishedi place. started for Washington, and it was wiihin A correspondent of the Indianapolis Friday, General Pryor was captured by PAINTS, OILS, & DYE STUFFS, south aide of th Public Clf vc land, ., enrrng GraJtonaijo Belleiontine Railroad L ins, for Marion, of militia having been completed in the OliSTLEHEH'S SILK HATS all coiuo In tact he i the only reLmide pliyti- - Sitini'V. Union. Munciu. In- - an after he arrived there that an and a stock of L1UUOU8 &a to duality) lecon-- to that disiiuj-.l- fivana-viUi- -, half hour Journal writes: our forces, and given in charge of a guard States, cian in Cleveland, treating tne iunwu,tz nas.'a, 'IVrre lianto, Vinceiinea, fol- several the necessity for stringent nunc in ir.fu'ket. Lot: hi (He, t'airu, Louis, amusing scene occurred, of which the one 4.'o;ii.try Thjiciana are particularly invited to - nanirly: irtihil, Cftiicni. Clcer Lima Dieaes, St. Jtu. My up of man, tho rank of Pryor not being enforcement of the Orders of the De an For Beauty, lTlnibh ana Quality they art nnb- Bronchial and JiheumatUm, A ldaware Mil), Sjn iMjriVld ranch kpriiiglleld. father and mother were brought War exatmiintion of my ami M ilt find to Tuinora, I'latula, ioe lowing is his own version. stck, it their rTIHYi diftfam-- s pocn-li- Col.inibti Miami k Cohimbus, aud kuown, he being dressed like a private. partment in respect to volunteering to favor me with or lei a. aud Fever, Seminal M'eakueaM, and all l.inle Xeuia Quakers. They brought up to the stature and FemaleB. W hites, Sniprwions for Xmia, IHiytoti, Iiidianapotis, He entered the Capitol grounds and He escaped by the apM . W. CLARK, My Siip.'riir-at- . to of men six "hickory Quakers," as we are shooting guard with a drafting no longer exists. Arrests for of Meuaea, Painlul Meuatruation, iudamuiation Tt.rre Uaulo, St. Louis, Morrow, Loveiaud, asked an officer whom he met, what that th and and of of Derringer which he had concealed on his violations of these for EDUCATIONAL. and Ulceration ol tne uienw or tvomo, ui with the Ohio structure was used for (mean- called, retaining many the usages that orders, and disloyal OENTON BROTHERS, Whole- - Pidlitiirof theWoiub. All diseaKt of the hltKMl and for Louisvllla magnificent birth-rig- person. PALts l2uSuperior-St.- t sect, no ht as members. practices, will hereafter be made only 1 PtiuofiisTs. t Cleveland, V kin, entirely removed from thf ystm. AU niBaiB, St, Louis, and all point " but having I W'holcRale on ihe ing the Capitol). That," answered the Green confirms numerous reports rela- lMW'8Bell at only. of the organs of gum-ra- t inn of male or female, of what- "bio river. One noble fellow fell by t lie hand of dis- upon my express warrant, or by direction ,t. ARAY INSTITUTE, or nature, treated in a careful, thorough Oolmubiw Cenrntl Ohio lUilroadfor Newark, 7anes officer, "is the bakery for the United States to the tho QHEt. ever Dame Vtile, ease at Budd's Ferry, in November last. tive boasting of rebels, and says of the Military Commander or Governor of and judu itnif manner, noiutooout uy long eipeneuM Wheeling, AC.; Columbu, PiiiUtt army." This singular answer somewhat they express confidence of being able to &. Day Sctaool, and investigation. Imliatia liailrond for Crdana, Xc. He was of the 3d cavalry. Another has tho State in which such arrests may be TRANSPORTATION. Roarding Low and quick enret. case For Tickets to all points aud information am took Mr. Greaves aback, who, remonstrat- tT prica Eent r Min- get into Maryland, where they expect to, and upon fob VPUNU ladies. cored in ixoin three to islit days. AH syphilitic and ply at the Station, and at Uuiuo Tickat been for more than a year in the 1st restrictions travel imposed UUice, Miperior-it- . ing at what he considered an unwarrantable get 60,000 recruits. He also confirms the Xo. 1527 and 1529 Spruce-S- Philadelphia. mercurial tamin entirely remove., iruin me b airiu. II. nesota regiment, aad has been in several by those orders are rescinded. i Dr. HUNT KB ia constantly curing in tmm B. S. FLINT, auporioteodent. joke under the circumstances, reoeived for I of McClellan's engagements. report of tho existence of much destitution L. C. TURNER. 1802. Tho TftiuUr of Instrortion embraces the four to eight weeks that have boon treated by other Cleveland, May ox. reply, "That Is the only answer you will among the enemy, but attributes scarcity ami Freiicli !an'ui8: auil l.uraiur-- - from to thrve rears. Two more have families in Minnesota, Judge Advocate. Lalin it r nud all the bral.rh- - winch onsu Younir men afflicted with aeminal weakness should and mahoning get, Sir, and if you dont like It yon must iuiri , lfr-a- not more than seventy miles from the of food to great difficulty of procuring Dunkirk, Cleveland & Sandusky I,.,, a ll,..ri.r.7li Kt.i-l- Bn.i KdlllAtiun. apply to Dr. Hunter immediately, either in pertun or Cleveland L It () A D . take your own remedy." When the gen- such a u French the l:;utft!a2o ol ihe liuutly, and is hi, m ht lulls to cure. His are of those atroci- transportation, their army being up. to any nhyaician tleman asked his nsme, "John an- boundary terrible Indian eouiar.t'v kon in the Institute, pertACtly Kife, and unknown other Smith," great distance from their base of supplies. THIS AFTERNOON'S REPORT. LINE ii, Th.i year coranieejces September la, ties. The two I officer. probabilities are that these uio;is July of either sex, tlTinjt at a by On an alter March 7. 14, Trains will rnn aa swered the Highly incensed at this This is the account given by the rebels. and isi. Patlinu dlntnes lows : second indignity, Mr. Greaves demanded brothers are in the army, as they were Circulars and Particular, aanlr to their diaeaae in writing, trivioij ail the dyinptoma, we from From all appearances, the division of FOREIGN NEWS. The Erie E. E. Steamboat Go. MADAAtli jTHEIiVILLY, can obtain niedit ine, witl directutu its use, by IIAVB CLEVELAND. ABRITS AT CXXTgLAMtt. about entering it the last heard angl-ll- l Principal. HUISTKH.of Clove laud, Ohio, Mail A. H, m. his card, producing his own. The officer General Walker has left the scene of CAPE RACE, Will nm th? following Reliable and Fast Steair. addredflinif Ir. ....:?) Kiprefj..10:ni a. them. the Sept. 6. ' and enclosing a fee. xpres ojj p. m. Jtiail . 7:06 P.M. now appeared to wish to get rid of the mat- between the above 1'orta during the prtw? nt Svlwi CUItKD, or no nay. I was sworn in as a recruit for the Sec- late engagement for Harper's Ferry. The steamship Norwegian, from Liver-po- Lake Navigation, forming a adr a nf the alKive diseases maiS CUA3. L. RilOPEd, Snp't. ter, turning on his heel in the direction of QLEVKLANU AU eommnnicaiions ooutidential. ond Indiana Cavalry, Captain Edwards, on No one seems to know anything of the the 28th ult., via Londonderry the From his eKperieuoe and extmiaive practice, he the, Capitol, exclaiming, "Pshal" The Dailt Link to Cleveland, he und- PENNSYLVANIA CEN- - the whereabouts of General Jackson, there be- 29th ult., passed this point en route to FEMALE SEMINARY. mkr no acnipie in that whatever rrHE Englishmrn following him up the steps of very day he was wounded, and taken AND A ertake-in hU BpeCioltly, ho Will M"tT fRRTAMLl I TRAL RAILUOAO. ing a studied silence in regard to him. Quebec Tri-Week- S. X. SAAFOUD, A. M., Principal. hopeleat. may prisoner at Gallatin. broth- this Saturday evening. lt Line praroBM. No matter how Itethocaofi the Capitol. On reaching the top, the off- Lee removed to whether irorn extreme debility or proslral Urn ol the er, son born, fifth living Gen. has his headquarters Khe Bohemian, from Quobeo, arrived at Oonoeetinir rtvnlarly a portion of the ut empirica icer turned round and said, "Well, Sir, what the ninth and last with all Railioads ruaiw Thl" Institution, situated in rei Ired stem,or trom uiifiuccewiiul treariuiit (WITH ITS CONNKCTiiNSj in- to a position near Leesburg. Livorpool on the 28;li ult. South and bouthweat from Cleveland and aaiutenky. oratdf-tityle- d ' M. wh.-- maiiy have unto was just going to the office to be sworn AD are yon following me for? What do you aui tvuu me f,.i 4:r.i,nul.. mid rnnvtoifUt aMince. been nnder.(rfr'?n. the fale delicacy th:tt mauy ss Dr. Green was informed by a Quarter- The news hy the Norwegian is two days fcd corps ol appli- Is First-Cla- Eoute " to the same company, when we learned extensive cohV'Ction of Apparatus, a elarft? i my pat.n tell me kept thorn from an early a to all want?1, Iwant your name," anwered Mr. ERIE AT DUNKIRK, less of overrommg that our father was at 'be point of death. master that although many of the rebel later tlrtii Ih it by the city of Netr Tork. RAILWAY Successful Teachers, cation t ui, or the no latal nleaa Greaves, "and I will follow you until I learn nft'-- TllXlA, (ntw). Cupt. II. A. dkouB. Experienced and tbe dimnue by tho advauctmient ol ago and a utrictly Eastern Cities. He to side to soldiers appeared without shoos, they still Bica. 1st i dull, with slight decline on OWEdO m:;ke the caftt what It is." The officer ordered him to accordingly rushed his wait Opr. W. Drafts. affWrdfl aiHantajrwt not surpuswH, If .inal.. In moral mind; for they, one and all, seven- had sufficient on hand, but ns a matter of oil qualities. rOKTS.MOUTU Cp,. Sol. B.A wore, and II it au early one from the cauae ol TURKIC DAILY TRAINS FROM PlTTSBURUa. upon him. As this brother is but V. -- (he re economy, leave the place, but to no purpose. Both be BRADBURY fpt. IL vajitMirt-.-- or both City aud Country, atth low of the entirely loc:.l, it ftecu euli animal AU connecting direct to Mew Torkl teen, he at home. economy they will not issued until the Provisions quiet. rfcQuireeOENKKL ae well a-- local treatment, parties appeared to be getting excited, I think bad better remain This Lino, with its connections, wiT. afford ifaciU-tie- s dirjadvantturett uf either. una theu via Philadelphia. middle of this month. Consols closed 93J a for money. uneu.uallod for the Terms, wbieh Dr. Hunter in happy to to able tosav that When I left my wife, yesterday, she had a 93; lEaTThc Academic Year la dfrfded Into two ieation, and (freat improvement iu when, fortunately, at this instant a loor A b tho 5th Ol thorough :DTent TWO FROM HARRISBL'RO TO NSW YORK, raging fever. Her brother is wounded and He says, also, the feeling is general slight conflict had takon place between coiiiiuMicing on the 25th of Septeu. anit treatment ot private aud delicate diAWM ot both opened, and Captain Darling made his ap- Quick and Safe Transportation Ihe yield via Allentown. fe- among the men that the war will soon bo Caribaldiana lexea, of howetor ioag duration, to hi mode ' a prisoner. I myself am so sick with the and royal troops near or l urtner intorraation. or i;ai pearance. " Captain Darling," command- vrf inlvi7'4i A ' niRKS DAILT CONNECTIONS to BALT1MOR1. ver and ague that I can hardly walk. ended ; and they say they will die before Keggio. rit the ai.faJrtonate value life and health, t her shonld ed the officer, "take this man away." or a;e auu Now, Mr. Editor, I don't know whether they will yield in their determination to It is predicted that France is about ini- PROPERTY oe cure am1 call on a pnysician Spekd Captain Darling at once advanced and took between tho Karftorn Citios and rhftOrvac S.uthvvpt. &, So charge tor a.lvica. Tho Doctor olnce u Safety, and Comfort. this contains all the catalogue of ills or be what they term an independent nation. tiating important military movements. GROCERIES PROVISIONS jontitantlyW thronged with patlenU from all puruo' PA XX AXD TIME SAME AS OTHER ROUTES. charge of Mr. Greaves. " Before I leave," Wk. d. (JliSillND. Baggage According to their own estimate of their The Emperor Napoleon has called a nuanrs . T.Mviin, Checked through all trmnaSers free. Mr. Greaves, " you not: but I will propose what I hold is a nj. DrIl wlu'r only atft nt in th Tinted Htatee said I demand that numbers in the late series of engagements, council of his Consignees, Cleveland, "vioilOLS' FKilALB MONTHLY Pll.LS, consolation. It is this : First, That God is ministers. b. I HAVE A FINE LOT Ot orlir Coonecit o, made at Ilrrislmrgh, via Allentown shall tell me the name of that officer. d.i;aldw:ll, hanrt genuine Female 1'illd In h" L nited bt'.ea. for New 'Auk direct, and patMengers by 1 am to camp they have not lens than one hundred and The Federal gunboat Tuscarora left Ply- Unnjiirk, April 1, laa RiT 163. th.neliKUKN anil BL ACK TEAiiuB the oulr this routs just, second, That going J( Jla.r. -- NuTlCB TO LADIKS. trom Jersey Oily " That," answered Captain Darling, " is boutfhl lH:or' the rids, c1ihv. jif Fe- runthroii4i fituburgh to without conn-tr- y, twenty thousand men, with forty batteries mouth on the of 27th of Au- of mediciue, intended for the use of Commander-in-Chi- this evening, to report for duty to my evening the No article cHungeot Cirs. General Halleck, ef of ban ever node tta appearanco. has met liny your New to the Cham- of field pieces, most of theiu being rifled gust. It was said that her destination was males, that York and Boston Tickets "ria Pitts the American Army." The Englishman instead of goiig Senate trk - &dMk rilAVrE A LOT op nniveraaUiic aalhew celebrated Fill. 5o burgh," which are good either by PhiladalpJiinor ber to be excused from draft. cannon. Cadiz. PRIME tsease If so lime unuersioou, suu miubcmucuhj "H7 Allentown. wilted. 1637 SUUAKS, both Brown anil Whit, rhywp, as female . uewi Villr. are ihe result Dr. Green reports the losses among the English journals tmitcd i vari-ti- e I write the above neither as complaint say little of American North'n Transportation Co.o Ohio, at IIOWKII'S, unturlo;. of much study and carelul expenenc; iu all FRkaUiUT CAKKiKD EAST OR WEST, rebels as very large. affairs. "(a complaints, aud in all caoes of OVER1UR An Invasion of Pennsylvania. nor boast, but simply as facts. Do with prepared to of frmale , lilO f:OFFEKS, RTCE, SOS, Sur.ressiou, Lucorrho-- or whit-- them as you please. [Correspondence of the New York, Times.] Transport. Passisnqers & 1 ythinir in iJladdT, Kidneys and Womb, and oi PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD A Washington correspondent of the N. FROM Probertt UJ, FI.oL'K. SPICKS ind evei of the With Great Dispatch and Low Rates. From one of the Times' CALIFORNIA. line, cheap, Energy, thtdr use is above all praise. Among the at correspondents n, Ontario-- : M. n,acy that have ihem in all parts of KNOCH L . Wis, Y. Herald writes: SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2. pp'is'ts iN nkw ex; thousands I who has returned from Poolcsville, we all none speak ill of them, lor all lifte them. General Sup't A toon, Fn. McCle an in Command. just XKW Tt iiir AND TUB WEST. the onion, W. H. fi.iLJirs, who y from Butter 2Sc; castiie soap 2j. Money (,ntain no mercury, stool, no deadly Ceneral Western Agent, "Others arrived here learn that on Thursdav night tho rebels THE "NIMBLE SIXPENta: Th whon used liidiapoiitf. Ind. sop:?T The New York Times says : active at With is nll The.r can do no harm, and Baltimore, and who have had opportuni- commenced to cross with or usual rates. Exchange 10(j,12c Prorjptuess and Despatch. 163. Small Profits and Large Sal."," 'dlreotbn, always do good. cavalry at near niotln Ht Itowms, to toheve association some "We do not think the country would re- discount. Legel tender notss 10c discount. . N II Murrid ladtea who have reawo ties of lnuma.e with of the mouth of the Moncacy. They brought IaUK, Outrio-dt- laiuily way, should uut use Uwm. the of General McClellan The Supreme Court has decided that This WoU Known Lln of thomsL-Ue- in ins Would the leading rebel sympathiiers of that gard restoration over two regiments of cavalry, and threw m h dU lhc woml Uaincarriae HOTELS. believed to the active command of a force destined taies for State purposes shall be paid in 14 FiPjvr Snnsw REACHES. Br tub Box. Peck place, state that it is there by over a pontoon crossed with Class Stmt?rb 11 yoo will bridge, and Connect? OeilensburRh with The UailraJ jor aid They are choice, and iia Person ending for Pills to for offensive operations with entire satis- gold only. at 14 CnLarw-yt- . sumps those who profess know the real purpo- artillery, throwing out pickets towards and til points in Nfcw England. ariulo, tuuitf to . enclose one dollar and two p.Uu;e LMtENUH'S HOTEL ON THE The Ojede-partu- knowing the emc-ic- ol tbeiw Pi ls, of pro- faction. He has not vindicated his pre recoipts from the mines since re T I'ropcl' tjeveral persons JL kuropeau Plan Citr or New York. ses the rebel leaders, that the Poolesville. On Friday about 11 o'clock, At APR V1NOKNT with iho RailroaJ ansfl a Wing aiteut ior Dr. IchoU k Uis, suc- of the last ler Cape and New rfc. have advertised gramme for marching upon Baltimore and eminent fitness for such a position by commenced to cross of steamer ia $2,000,000. I ,ino between Yiuciiiit 't RECEIVED 140 and a worthless article. a column infantry TUST At It it M I.K A LI All PlLL cess which is the possible a The silver from the Ophir At OSWIMO with a Lino of JS First CI IBs Canal ., a lot of Salt KI9I1. embra- T""?.; a' It Single Eooms 50 Centa Per Day. destroying the railroad between that place only test for and artillery. They were crossing in mines iwsyield- - ff am St larirc V atir any place in the United SUM three 9sta between Oswo, 1'roy, Albany and r.fcw lorlt cing fmoHi'l and Pickled Salmon ; alw, Halibut and not be found at other rBANKj-OBT-B- been that General. A commander may have the tal- t uie past montn. wo ciTt Hall ware, cin. and this city has abandoned, and places bcsidcs.the bridge, the water being . and a ot those !su:Kvrel, that soil extract at ir. uuuwi " topposltecity Uall) Po- of Napoleon, he victo- The election Forming a Dally Line t. ltwant will a savins in Post Lluutcr has in his posserwinn iiumenntH feints only are to be made upon the ents but unless wins will bs exciting si eh. an Thine in rind lr wVio-l- i rIi.'VrN. ami ht.DPV up to a man's waist. No resistance was iJ. Ref- ries he is not the man needed for the place. the probabilities beia ca.ii- raoH age stumps h calling al til7nuLve him, and have kimiivpeIiuiUed Meals as they may be ordered In the Spacion. tomac between Gcrmantown and Harper's offered to their crossing. Some cavalry that Latham - J. B. OLENV CO'S., tecdered t- 'im v. Tliwie ia a Uarbur's dltop and Batb Koasna The only object of is to conquer. not carry a BOSTON, OODENSBUKdU, CAPE VlNl;RT AND Uli (ntarlo-9t- . him toxiilbit to tnose desirous ot but service tu Howl. Ferry, while the main body of the rebel fighting majority of tho Legisture, and ane9 n attitclitl the who were watching them were attacked OaWKGOTOC'LEVELAP, TOLEDO A.DKTKOIT. Olfcee hours iron - UL NN EltS and HACK M ES who sa The indispensable qualification a that tho Hepublloan . army is pushed forward rapidly by way of only in to Poolcsville. and Union party will EXTRACT oy wear,-lull- B. t'RKNC'U, and chased There the bouses Trl-Week- iitlliamg-po- rt commanding is the to carry the ly QONCENTRATED ducl:IU7 Proprietor. W inchester and Martinsburg to general, ability whip were closed, and the streets blockaded by State by a large majority. And a Line the enemy. he does b is the CU1CAGO, MILWAUKEE FEED. ., and Hagerstown, with the ultimate If this, man the citiiens. The farmers fired uncn our SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. TO Coffee, Milk ana Sngar, Cornblnefl, FLOUS. A 1 RCI1 HOOijE 121 VVatkr-St- intention of striking at Harrisburg, Pa. the country wants. If he fails in doing it, as passed. AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS. Vnr general nse in Families, Hotels, Knstaoranls I) 01Tland, Ohio. This llouna Is now open for flying cavalry they Arrived David Crockett, York, OoUco t" .1. 1... br- A nf hot. water una a Tea the reception ol Gutwts and ths Traveling Pnblic fem- they say was originally he is just the man the country does not y. that it intended A rebel picket captured near Cllrksbuig Eagle, W. H. Prescott, Boston, frii of the Kxtract wiil rnaho a enp of iCRE FLOUll, oral! It is convenient to the Depots, in the centra body of cavalry should want lor that work though for some other Express. AGENTS: ent. KllON of hiMneati aud eav o. access every way. that a large rebel says Jackson's force is 45,000. Sailed Broadway .New York. !undl2 surHtranjrrni a quiet work he may prove to be precisely the man Steamer Constitution, for Pan- J. 115TH, ttt ami ii)ll A "A." win tina it tiouse at tnarar cross the Potomac river by swimming and Hon. Henry Laneand Garrett, of ama, with 170 JOHM 7 Stt-S- t . llOtftOO, CASCADE ow prioeol OM UOLLAK per day. Illinois, passengers, and SS7G,0'J0 M.....M..M..H.0,'!llt,nsbnr;b. M B LECH ft CO., make a dash upon the Washington branch required. We regard General McClellan in Gko. A. KniiY BEST FAMILY FlOtTB IN THIS AUK It. a. are here to obtain certain changes in the treasure; York, ; $43,-00- 0, JOUN CRAWFOBJ H.UHWtV'iK TnE aprlfcRg Proprletom. Ohio as having gone through exactly this ordeal. $417,000 England, t. WALL PAPER. AC. of the Baltimore and Railroad, in the management of tho war in the west. coast ways. H.J. (Jbevoi.o ..Capi) Vlnrt r.r. de- WA.Li.tit T..le.1o. geori;k srr.iGUK, H ATIAN HOTKL, Noa. 3 vicinity of Savage's Factory, and thus He has the finest trmy tho world ever saw, 4 Hives - . ., Advices from Gainesville, two one-ha- lf Since the decision of the Supreme Court O. J. iiaLE ...... Mil-.rabee- MANand 'J Murray-!!- wond do.rfrom Broad placed iq his hand's a year, for the pur- Mar.-cw- s H. WALL PAPER. "If". stroy enough of the railroad to intercept lur miles beyond Bull Run, state that tho rebel ngainst E. R. .. tro:t. 1862. way, uppositeUie Park, ftew lorfc uugffinsn run pose of taking and instead of receiving tender notes for Slate T.tU), ,t Co -- . Ractm,. u Pnprltitors. the travel between Washington, Baltimore Riimond )e-fo- Knur We ararncplvlne onr Spring Stock ol WHEAT Lomi General A. P. Hill, arrived there day re tax, they have sold as low as 15 dis- IjLAaT & ilow -- Uiucaso. v-- SB and Annapolis. They also say it' was de- taking it he has barely saved his army from cents ...... H NUINi8. a Kf ft. at. ri.i."i ' yesterday with 35,000 men from Rich- count. The point of decision & WINDOW PA PERM. 116 and destruction. This is not success. He may ia,in. taxes Pelton Brked, - c ."7 signed to blow up the splendid bridge mond. A diviaian under General dobts n r LEGAL NOTICES. great he may Walker not within the meaning of the act of WINIKIW rOKSICES, 1A L E 1) HA i across tbe Patapsco at the Belay House, have shown ability; have i has left Gainesville for Leesburg. Congress, the provision of tho State Con- WINDOW SUAUltS, H bat that the idea has been abandoned, for conducted skillful retreats ; he may have TASSKI.S A- - FEED. Attachment. My lniormant says jacltson, Longstrcet, stitution requiring that taxes be REAL ESTA CORDS, FLOl'R crown, joa-- the reason would repelled with energetic and formid- paid ia bwoII, , Before J. u. that it probably invite vigor Hill are at Gainesville, f ttfof'iiePeaceforOleTa-- and and he counted gold must remain operative. 4c, to. . PiaintlfT an upon by tho able attacks but he has &ot taken Rich- . w t ... vi UflTS V H 4 V in l,aUs ll lf landlownstaia, Cayahogn attack Baltimore Union forty-fou- r picocs & PAINTED WINDOW SnADHS, by on Tt. of artillery, most rifled The election in San Francisco passed off LAND. H. II. GOLD BAND JMl pounds each, as low as is solJ tbe load Cooiity, Ohio. forta north and west of the citr, and on mond, and this was precisely what he was WESTERN lota firm of Little has great variety of patterns, for sal. as low as as, tt tbw Thomas Brown, et. al.. guns, and none larger than quietly Tho Union Kfen, A (d market. . -- Defendants Federal Hill, as well as Fort McHenry, expected and promised to do. There mny Republican Le .nrnttv hd a laree- anantity of tine Farming ... v.h from J At Centerville ho saw a few Wisconoin and Missouri, to ctoana bJir W al! Wper put np hy KxpariMirjji Wortjajast ..d Non-Rm- i- have been good reasons for bis not doing cavalry gislativo ticket is ionbtedly elected. Lands in Iowu. white and red wheat, warranted. qHOMAS BROWN, A and thereby destroy the lives and property for city or country Ileal Kslale or Perianal TF.Y.D all kinds at the very lowest Coyabofa bounty, Ohlo will Uke fe and a battery whioh was returning, havinz, Many Secession sympathiiers to hs , of ,. tronling Mi I dsnt of of the friends of the rebel cause in Balti- it but the country wants, not reasons but refused Office with Bonse 4 JenmngB, Harl Blork, ii-- .... i; directly that on the Hth di.y of AngTlsta said Justice as they smd, driven the Vankees away vote. - - niayi:l!ii j. i . nr.iarnf Atltrhrnunt xminst the nronortr more." success ; and a good general will command LESSONS. an,, and elo. the soiDS KINNEY, from Munson's Hill. Sa FA!tciSC0. No imnortriT.t MUSIC of the said Brown In 'the above action, for the sum ol success in one way or another. If one mIm t"tmanjjttle, KEALER ent r- t- li . . . r , .V T T l T.' f)7 kSl I . a...... ll .nrt fnitruon IVUltLT Ami. I One of the Times' correspondents imnortprs. of - The Facts about McClellan's new Appointment. plan won't do it, he will devise another. left from hardware hut lfJK.e. I J KEAL Keeps a frreat variety OOOiAiUiiii rujvi Ynrix&&w.Mjir-- Ml IUL, of City Property for Sale or lient. Alo, choiQJ j, a. UBAnfio the vicinity Fairfax Court House about doing a largo trade with northern mining and loicaram'ily 5 to ivwi. Attorney. [Washington dispatch to Chicago Tribune.] If he is interfered with, he will override rarminf Lands in Michliran, lllinnis, inron.ii FWur from Plaintiffs four o'clock this morning. Onr pickets districts. Iowa and M Itvwnri. OlhoeHO. 0, Atwator usinun TEACE2E OF SIHGIISG. He must conquer cir- ' nSand'llBSiirrjoll'ISrL. I Cuyahogal Common Plaaj. The are being industriously the interference. Clereland, Ohio. Officas j(1j LocT ,. 31", stories that are within four miles of that place. The Tho election yesterday resulted tWTirs-T.M- .C. A.Kooms, Perkin's Block, . and out his own path to in n J(,hnL"-6wm- circulated in some quarters here, and which cumstances seem to be hours from2tu6P. M. iuivkkkh FLOUR.- -A M. Pibet BlTOrca. go." enemygpickets within about triumph for the Republican EAL ESTATE. E. N. KEYES, Vj'AMlLV Mills, a branuo. I he goes along ; but he must tfi- at Co. are making, at Jbeir new , may have already found their way West, mile of Fairfax, in a ar shape fusion ticket. Every (formerly of tho firm of Littles A Keyo,) has . L. SWIFT IC HEREBY county heard from (ifri Block, cornrp ii awn- - Family Hoar tnal onnnui oe TOHN South-Tres- oneued a Real Estate oein l b day of anaise, . that McClellan's present appointment gives on the t. There has been no new sends m members to Irus's constantly Tfr notified that oa the the ot Buporior-S- t. and Pullic Si,narf, and ha J. TTTfnTvtfHviTLLS XXXX Pastrt oiJ k Swtft filed la said Court her petition Malnat command of all the armies of Virginia quality TH ' ab- him QLARK'S HORSE RAKES. ac, ion mere. lamre. on hand seraral thouNnnd acrMsof nnt TEACHER 07 they. want M him for Divorce, allesinf fof causes, 1st, wlllfui field, or was appointed Lands in the States of Iowa, Wliconsin and H A. M. sence ; gross oluty ; 3d. adultery and an in the that he to The Times correspondent at Port Roral, The amendments to tho emnutiy property; bwv CORNET. MILITARY BANDS ORCHESTRAS rrsaleby fiKoI " rf. 1. - A HIW SUPPLY MANOrpCED AT constitudion mro to exchange for city or uinitM. I 5i.rTi . ltaandllaSniierlo'St. unlawful nirriaentltwith a woman wfcos. name Ms- present position in obedience to the under date of the second re- adopted by tor all kinds Of personal property ouu ii &ld cause wjii be for haariB ins!., gives a a largo majority. aprlK-K- arMojiic arranged for any nombfror combination Gen- noTj'saarr positive demands of certain division A&BIOtf, PA. port that a l&rge steamer, supposed to be Honolulu dates to the 16th ult. lave ar- of In'Arunientu. erals, who made that a oondition of their The bnt in nw. For sale, whole! and the NashTille, been reb- BANDS At RjropcED 8olicilor t had burnt by the rived. There is much sioknuss on . CAMBRIC angartW retail, H. K. WKLLS , the LINSE2ED tl 37 uonman's dio (k, oppossisi .uy prioea. remaining la service are altogether untrue. els in Barannah OIL For Salb Omnyo. -- J BETTBu a ionsa U Ptari itrMt, West SiJe. river, on the preceding Island, the heat being very OHIO ivSnton BR0THSR3 CO. I Office, np stairs, v,isTeiaua,u. j-