CLEVELAND LEIDEB, RAILR0A2S. Published Dflr, ml Weekly. Bt E. COWLE8 4 CO., CLEVELAND & PITTSBU3GH 143 Snperior-H- t. TKUMSOF DAILY AND 3 (To City Subscribers.) Utt SIMMER ARRAlitiEXaVMT. MM , , i : " i eea... .11 teen te. To per week. 6 cenu. eaneii take ffot on Monday, Mar 5, 1361. Trains ta eve ClsTaland ( dailr, dundas excepted, TERMS OF DAIL Y AND orEm MSA. MAIL Antres at New York loriS a. a.l IVHr per to adTanre .... Ptt!!a,lrlpnia 7: A. M.; Fitubartk l: P. .; 4 Philadelphia Dally lor lees than one year, fllty cents per h.wUnif iJ r. m.: K. oiJOp.m. tfa per 0, 1S62. NO. 215. a ;tEx''KS-ArriT- et New York . 5 month, or at rate aanam.H..M. 6,00. MORNING, 1 ) per year ,.. VOL. XVI. CLEVELAND, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER hUadrlpiua r. m.; Pictiburfa MO a. au I,. U heeling :so a. TEIIMS OF THE WEEKLY LEADER. Both Trains connect at Hadaoa far Akron and MIU iecopy, oar leroargh. blur ,1,50 General Business One and MERCHANTS Uare run through from n LNVAKlABLYPr IN ADVANCE. Buell's Sunday morning. She got aground within is stagnant. hundred HATS, CAPS & FURS. COMMISSION Pttt.bo.-t- te Sew Tort TELEGRAPHIC. while fifty thousand of Island rye, of a (Tla Allen town.) without chance. The Cincinnati Gazette has advices range of the guns of Fort Pulaski, pounds "" Mr Kare as low as by any oher line the superior had arrived in San Fran- OlilTBUlTlT & SU3f, . Throu-- Tickets can be erocamd which give the attempting to run out early in morning, quality, HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS. w at the Cslea following summing up of j Ticket Office, eddell House, at the Depot, or at tat unable to get her off the rebels cisco for market. GENERAL Euclid-Stre- MOKNING LEADEE. the situation in Tennessee: THE WAR UPON POTOMAC. and being Station. were forced to burn her, to prevent her .. Conner's Regiment of California volun- Produce Commission Merchants, Northern "Alabama had been abandoned, teers advanced to Diamond Springs, T. B. MYKBrt, O. T. Agent. mlr TCE8DAY , falling into our hands. had Piarl-St.-, Y SIOBMMO, SEPT. 1S6:!. and a new line of defense formed, the 250. They 63 New & [Correspondence of the New York Tribune.] miles east of Carson Valley. 315 Superior-S- t. LIBERAL CASH ABVASUia OS K 'DCS. CLEVELAND TOLEDO R. B. center resting at Decherd; the right, The Crossing near Poolesville. met large numbers of emigrants, mostly Marble Block, The rebel surgeon who amputated Gene- N. Cbemlcih V, S. TRAVELER'S REGISTER. twenty-fiv- e miles REFER Bank, T.: east, at Traoy City, and from Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, all Y.; Randall Bank, Cortland, M. Bank, P7J ral Ewell's leg told one of our surgeons , PKPARTUBKS. the left at McMinnville all in a position anxious to reach the land where peace pre- Lowrllle, N. Y.; Wooster Sherman's , 1S6I olMilaR ABRAMaEMKMT. P.M. yesterday that Ewell had since died. Watertown, H. Y.: and Bramess Men genea. IN. to be speedily concentrated. The rebel REBEL ESTIMATES OF THEIR vails. They were almost universally H. C. WmOTO Columbus... i:3i 6;no for a inquiry into DEJIINU. At 1863. The order court of WH0LE3ALE and RETAIL. Wter-St.- , On and after Monday, May 5, Trtina wil ram TOifUO.. 6:05 6:30 right was at Sparta. The center and right OWN FORCE. loyal. Omcs with Akoit A Horton, daily, aj rollowa, (Sunday. he dhore, (Eaatl...... 10:M tm the causes of the recent events has been maris Cleveland, VU1Q. exctd,) Piltsl.urgh and Wheeling.. ... 5:15 of our forces were on the Nashville and a.u. CHICAGO EPRfWkoyaataJl-rtatiot- t:2l countermanded. FROM MONROE. & on Southern .. t.se 4:O0 Chattanooga Railroad, and the left at the FORTRESS Mcdonald co.f Division. Axnt.t Htt.inctoia,Ad flaw.lr.cbr ... 5:45 Acquis Creek was evacuated yesterday. FORTRESS MONROE, Sept. 6. jkanuis orriTM in ToWdu a 10 a. M.; vn4 l&isttCO Cnneant ,, terminus of the Manchester and McMinn- NOTHING KNOWN OF JACKSON. ( Fifty-eig- cars were burned, and a quan- Too ooJtrsIgii'd bogd to say to bin friouda fcEid the 5:43 Ifetroif ville road. Hardee and Bragg were sun- - Federal gunboats came down from City EUEOPEAN SHIPPERS, MiHTHKRH MAIL Stow at all mttUam tity of stores destroyed. The engines and y, Northern Dirlalvn, and arrives Sandaaky ARETTALS. posed to be in front, and there were vari Point and report all quiet. No pnblic gocsrally, that he baa aadumad at whatever else could be conveniently car- 6:301- -. M. 0olumbos.............. :& S:M 9:10 ous reports of forward movements on rebels or rebel gunboats are to be seen. New York. TELEGRAPH EXPRESS Stepaat all ate. Toledo Sr.25 9:06 their REBEL MOVEMENT UPON ried away were brought to this city. Be uuihud avuiiuni uiTision, except Haaainc Lake hore, ( i 5:30 3 05 S20 part ; but relia- r. MCDONALD........ ton and Clay. Arrive in ok 16:46 . Ka.t upon this point nothing fore the transports got out of sight a squad Entire Control and Management Toledo M4 Pittburh a&d VbeelinjL..Ma.H.. 9:15 6:30 ble is communicated. The evacuation of FERRY. A CORRECTION. Chicago at &15 A, at. aiiunin. .10:00 7a of rebel cavalry appeared a mile from the Make Cah Advance on all kind of Produce con- oauuu.Ky, 9:40 Chattanooga by the rebels and their move WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. signed to their trindn, ileasri. Biftland, AthyaA Co.. OOKNKCTION9. river and were scattered by shells from a ; Couneaut..... 9:10 buaiiadas, will bo con- Li verpool ; John Athya A U., Glasgow and Coonectioni are made at MonroeTille with the Saa ments northward rendered that place of following sentence, of the as abof e, and that it hi A Detroit Boat.. 6.00 gunboat. Citizens of Fredericksburg who Meeere. OroTeu A Todd, London. diukj. Mmi.iil Newark R B , at Clyde with th importance to our troops, it making neces- R. A. Pryor Captured on Friday. correspondence of a leading journal, was stant aim to keep on hand tho w inhlnR information, or Weekly Prlc Saiidusky, Dayton A Cincinnati B. R., at Freftonl came into Acquis Creek a day or two ago, with Fremont K. wialilng TOr.veyane to either o! the movement erroneously attributed to the correspond- uurren., win pieatMi appij iv our a u;l ft Indiana &.,and at Toledo wita Eboro Trains or Kuats, will be called for by Coarhe. sary a northward on the part the were H. C. DtMlNO. the Mkhian Southern 4 Northern Indiana and reports that inhabitants armed A w abash of Stevens1 Onialbna Line, by tearing their address of Buell, for the protection of Nashville. ent of the Associated Press: Wator-St.- , Railroads for Chicago, Detroit, Jack- , , Office with Alcott A Hortoh, son, Wajna, wineucuii-usiFmce- u, oupenor-ftt.- neat aoor to & Escapes. two hours after Burnside evacuated. Fort LotfansDort, Laiayett. Cairo, A V. General Bragg was supposed to He Shoots his Guard " It is supposed that in consequence of Largest and Best Assorted ICS J3eU tlOQM. have a About dusk General Lee rode into Pooles- Stoci. tont 8t. Lonia and all point Weat, Northwest aud force of 40,000. In this connection, wo these changes in the army, both Secretary Sonthweat. ville at the head of four regiments of in- LLIAM MELHLNCH, Trains arrin In Clereland from Toledo and th may remark, that the troops now in Ken Stanton and Adjutant General Thomas will Wet at a. M , and :06 m. All Reading on page fantry, and guided by a farmer who had rOB BOTH THE r. From banduaky at Hatter this tucky, or a portion of them, at least, left THE MILITIA ENROLLMENT resign." Produce Commission Merchant, 9 W been professedly a Union man. Their in- Mo. .' Merwlu St., near cor. esi-a- i. CleTelanda May S, 1662. if from Evening Edition., Unattanooga Oils, Iait tour weeks previous to the fantry went off to the left toward Freder-- . Dealer in Crude Kock and Carbon and Linseed battle of Richmond. This information COMPLETED. WHOLES ILB & RKTAIL TRADE flour, Orain, Pork, Lard, Ham, Bacon, Bnttor, & EBIE R. R. iek. The rebel Generals Robert Lee, Hill, DSL'33 AND MED.G3NES. Cheese, llupa, Dried Fruit, Flax, Clover, and Tim- QLEVELAND Removal of Restrictions. was communicated to Federal officers who Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee are with the men. othy Seed, Beans, Potatoes. Potash, Fish and Salt, Cleveland. Uhm. lyiqt-- T The enrollment of the Militia of the sev- were taken prisoners in Kentucky by: RESTRICTION UPON TRAVEL Their wagon trains were crossing on Sat- SUMMER DRINK. City. 1 Agent. 13C2. Kirby Smith. Bragg knew that he could urday and Sunday morning. T)ELICJIOUS To Re Toiuid In ,tlie H. LITTLE. KUMMKE AliKAlS'tiM2iT. IMft, eral States having been completed, the re- leave to REMOVED. UT. safely the road Knoxville clear The farmers are bringing in hay and On and after MuruLiy, May i, 12, Pamensar Train removed. This KSAPP'S Grocer and Commission Merchant, will run ae to. .own, (Sundays striction! upon travel are while he had a large force with which to provisions of all kinds cxoetd: and giving them 57 MERWIN STREET, CLEVELAND, O., LEAVK CLEVELAND. news to those who threaten Nashville; and it would seem TRAlN-Stoppi- will be good have been away. There is not a loyal man with one Dealer in Salt. Fidh. Flour, Lard. Beans, Effn, 10:00. at. MA IT. nff to The Nashville Reported Burnt by Concentrated Extracts of Roota, BCII.VO EVESITHIXe FOE CASH, at all stations temporarily incommoded in the tran mo- that he expects, at least, be able to keep or two exceptions there.
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