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Vetenskapliga publikationer 1982-1984 ì i

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Vetenskapliga publikationer 1982-1984 UMEÅ UNIVERSITETS TRYCKERI UMEÅ 1988 Förord

Denna bibliografi är ett led i Umeå universitets strävanden att informera en bredare allmänhet om den vetenskapliga verksamheten vid universitetet. Den omfattar skrifter publi­ cerade åren 1982-1984. Tidigare har tre bibliografier för åren 1970-1981 utgivits. Uppdelningen har gjorts efter ämnen. Om man i förteckningen finner ett arbete av intresse kan man vända sig direkt till institutionen med en förfrågan angående särtryck.

Bibliografin har sammanställts utifrån de uppgifter som in­ stitutionerna själva lämnat. Universitetsbiblioteket har svarat för arbetet.

Det är min förhoppning att bibliografin blir till nytta för dem som vill ha information om forskningen vid Umeå universitet.

Umeå i december 1987

LARS BECKMAN Rektor i Vetenskapliga publikationer

Versalt författarnamn betecknar forskare verksamma vid Umeå universitet. Hänvisningarna till andra medförfattare avser den aktuella institutionen.

ALLMÄN SPRÅKVETENSKAP ANDERSSON, Stig-Olov: Changes of aspect in text production. In: Aspect bound, pp 211-23. Eds. Groot de, C & Torninola, H. Dordrecht 1984. ISBN 90-6765-0315. CHURCH, Kenneth: se EJERHED, Eva DAHLSTEDT, Karl-Hampus: Autonom forskning och internationell. Oknytt 3(1982): 3/4 pp 1-5. - : Borgamål och russenorsk. Två gamla pidginspråk i Norden? Språkvård 1982:4 pp 20-24. - : Djäknar och kaniker — går de igen i våra nutida ortnamn? Ree. av de tre första volymerna i AWE/Gebers populärvetenskapliga serie om Sveriges ortnamn. Väster- bottens-Kuriren 5/4 1983. - : Finnar och svenskar samsas om festskrift. Ree. av Festskrift till Åke Granlund 28/4 1984. ISBN 951-9017-97-6. Västerbottens-Kuriren 4/7 1984. - : Finska ortnamn i Ångermanland. Namn och bygd 72(1984) pp 18-58. - : Forskning och kultur i världsdelens norra ände. Ree. av Lasta SaDS aigecala 1(1983), Umeå. Västerbottens-Kuriren 30/6 1984. - : Gafsele — svenskt, finskt eller samiskt? Västerbottens-Kuriren 4/8 1984. - : Hur ordnar vi vårt ordförråd? Språkvård 1982:2 pp 3-7. - : Hälsingland och Helsingfors — två ortnamn ur samma stam. Ree. av Stefan Brink. Ortnamn i Hälsingland. Uppsala 1984. ISBN 91-20-07038-1. Västerbottens-Kuriren 28/4 1984. - : Jama V — fyra likalydande verb i Norrlands svenska folkmål. In: Språk och tradition. Festskrift till Sven Benson, pp 9-32. Uppsala 1983. ISBN 91-85540-24-2 = Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 106(1983). - : Lappland i våra hjärtan. Ree. av Åke Campbell. Från vildmark till bygd. Umeå 1982. - : Ljuger våra ortnamn? Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 1(1983): 1 pp 9-14. - : Olof Petter Petterssons liv och gärning. In: Pettersson, O P. Gamla byar i Vilhelmina, III-IV. Fascimileutgåva, pp 224-239. Umeå 1982. ISBN 91-85920-13-4. - : Omsjö, Urnan och Junsele. Tre ortnamn ur samma rot? In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och ortnamnsstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 58-70. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:61. ISBN 91-7174-161-5. - : Ord för "renko" i nordsvenska dialekter. En studie i mellanspråklig ordgeografi. In: Språkhistoria och språkkontakt i och Nord-Skandinavien. Studier tillägnade Tryggve Sköld den 2 november 1982 pp 21-66. Umeå: Skytteanska Samfundets hand­ lingar 1982:26. ISBN 91-86438-00-X. - : Ortnamnsvård och annan språkvård. Språkvård 1983:4 pp 10-17. - : Phonetic motivation as a driving force in the formation and propagation of neolo- gisms: The adjectives fluffig and flummig in present-day Swedish. In: From sounds to words. Essays in honor of Claes-Christian Elert 23 December 1983, pp 27-50. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå studies in the Humanities 1983:60. ISBN 91-7174-146-1. - : Plötsligt en morgon hette den Käl. Om ortnamnsreglering. Västerbottens-Kuriren 2/8 1984.

7 - : Samernas forna utbredning & Ett samiskt dilemma. Västerbottens-Kuriren 12/7 & 14/7 1982. - : Samernas Thüle. Ree. av tidskriften Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 1(1983):5. Västerbottens-Kuriren 24/9 1983. - : Ett samiskt dilemma. Ree. Israel Ruong. Samerna i historien och nutiden. 4 uppl. Stockholm 1982. ISBN 91-34-50051-0. Samefolket 63(1982)7/8 pp 6-7. - : Skuleskogen — en dialektgeografisk barriär? In: Festskrift till Åke Granlund 28/4 1984, pp 29-48. Studier i nordisk filologi 1984:65. ISBN 951-9017-97-6. - : Sydsamisk ordskatt & Sydsamiskans skattkammare. Ree. av Gustav Hasselbrink. Oàrj'elsaamien baaguog'ärjaa. Südlappisches Wörterbuch, del 1. Uppsala 1982. ISBN 91-85540-14-5. Västerbottens-Kuriren 23/2 & 24/2 1982. - : Synpunkter på mellanspråklig dialektgeografi. Folkmålsstudier 28(1983) pp 11-44. - : Talspråkets metamorfoser. In: Talspråkforskning i Norden. Mål — material — metoder, pp 10-32. Red. Thelander, Mats. Lund 1982. - : Tjugehundratalet eller tvåtusentalet? Västerbottens-Kuriren 31/12 1984. - : Trespråkigheten i Sverige. Ree. av Elina Helander. Om trespråkighet. En under­ sökning av språkvalet hos samerna i Övre Soppero. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:67. Vasabladet 14/12 1984. - : Ursprunget till Jämtlands ortnamn förklaras. Ree. av Bertil Flemström. Ortnamn i Jämtland. Uppsala 1983. ISBN 91-20-20-07028-4. Västerbottens-Kuriren 19/3 1984. - : Överkalix — en språkets sprängmina i norr. Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 1983:3/4 pp 28-32. Deutsch, W & JARVELLA, Robert: Asymmetrien zwischen Sprachproduktion und Sprachverstehen. In: Graumann, C F & Herrmann, T (Eds.). Karl Bühler's Axiomatik: Fünfzig Jahre Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften, pp 173-199. Frankfurt am Main 1984. EJERHED, Eva: Metoder i lingvistiskt fältarbete. In: Talspråksforskning i Norden, pp 120-128. Red. Thelander, M. Lund 1982. ISBN 91-44-19441-2. - : (Ed.): Nordic Journal of Linguistics 7(1984): 1-2. ISSN 0332-5865. - : The processing of unbounded dependencies in Swedish. In: Readings on unbounded dependencies in Scandinavian languages. Eds. Engdahl, E & Ejerhed, E. Stockholm 1982. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:43 pp 99-149. ISBN 91-7174-106-2. - : Språk och tanke 1983. In: From sounds to words — Essays in honor of Claes-Christian Eiert. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:60 pp 51-66. ISBN 91-7174-146-1. - & CHURCH, Kenneth: Finite state parsing. In: Papers from the seventh Scandinavian conference of linguistics, Vol II, Publications No 10, pp 410-432. Ed. Karlsson, F. Helsinki. , Department of General Linguistics, 1983. ISBN 951-45-3030-6. EJERHED, Eva & JANLERT, Lars-Erik: The processing of tense. In: Papers from the sixth Scandinavian conference of linguistics, pp 165-176. Eds. Fretheim, T & Hellan, L. Trondheim 1982. ISBN 82-519-0461-7. EJERHED, Eva: se ENGDAHL, Elisabet ENGDAHL, Elisabet: Interpreting questions. Department of General Linguistics, Univer­ sity of Umeå. Publication 1982:24. ISSN 0346-7414. - & EJERHED, Eva (Eds.): Readings on unbounded dependencies in Scandinavian languages. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:43. ISBN 91-7174-106-2. Flores d'Arcais, G B & JARVELLA, Robert (Eds.): The process of language under- standing. Chichester 1983. ISBN 0-471-90129-6. HELDNER, Christina: On the scope of negation in text-sentences. In: Papers from the seventh Scandinavian conference of linguistics, Hanasaari, Finland, December 17-19, 1982, pp 220-235. Red. Karlsson. F. University of Helsinki, Department of General Linguistics. Publication 1983:9.

8 JANLERT, Lars-Erik: Datorsystemet som person. Institute of information processing. University of Umeå 1984. Rapport UMADB 1984:114. ISSN 0347-8823. - : se EJERHED, Eva JARVELLA, Robert & Engelkamp, J: Pragmatic influences in producing and perceiving language: a criticai and historical perspective. In: Flores d'Arcais, G B & Jarvella, R J (Eds.). The process of language understanding, pp 225-270. Chichester 1983. JARVELLA, Robert & Klein, W (Eds.): Speech, place and action: Studies in deixis and related topics. Chichester 1982. ISBN 0-471-11045-5. - : Translation and editors' preface to Karl Biihler's 'Das Zeigfeld der Sprache und die Zeigwörter', from his Sprachtheorie: die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache (1934): In: Jarvella, R J & Klein, W (Eds.). Speech, place and action: Studies in deixis and related topics, pp 9-30. Chichester 1982. JARVELLA, Robert & Meijers, G: Recognizing morphemes in spoken words: some evidence for a stem-organized mental lexicon. In: Flores d'Arcais, G B & Jarvella, R J (Eds.). The process of language understanding, pp 81-112. Chichester 1983. JARVELLA, Robert & Nelson, T R: Focus of information and general knowledge in sentence understanding. In: Le Ny, J F & Kintsch, W (Eds.). Language and compré­ hension, pp 73-86. Amsterdam 1982. JARVELLA, Robert: se Deutsch, W; se Flores d'Arcais, G B; se Meijers, G Meijers, G & JARVELLA, Robert: La perception des racines et des flexions verbales en langue parlée. Bulletin de Psychologie 35(1982) pp 587-599.

ANATOMI ABRAMSSON, Leif, BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Undersökningar av scrotalhudens blodflöde, hormonella parametrar och testimorfologi hos ryggmärgsskadade män. Proceedings. Svensk Urologisk förenings vårmöte. Umeå 1984. Scandinavian Journal of Nephrology and Urology 1984:Suppl.93 Abstract 19. ALBIIN, Nils: The anatomy of the Eustachian tube. Proceedings of the International conférence on experimental OME. Lövånger. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414 pp 34-37. - , ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt, STENFORS Lars-Eric, SÖDERBERG, Ove & WIDEMAR, Louise: Vätska i mellanörat. Läkar­ tidningen 79(1982):47 pp 4396-4398. ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt, & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Arteria stapedialis in the rat. A microscopical study under normal conditions and in Otitis media with effusion (OME). Acta Anatomica 115(1983) pp 134-140. - : Råttörat som modell vid experimentell OME-forskning. Svenska Otolaryngologiska föreningens förhandlingar 1(1983) pp 32-33. ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt, & SÖDERBERG, Ove: The ana­ tomy of the Eustachian tube in the rat. Anatomical Record 207(1983) pp 513-521. ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Clearance of effusion material from the attic space — an experimental study in the rat. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinolaryngology 5(1983) pp 1-10. ALBIIN, Nils: se STENFORS, Lars-Eric

9 ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The release of histamine from the pars flaccida mast cells — one cause of Otitis media with effusion. Acta Otolaryngologica 94(1982) pp 517-522. ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, STENFORS, Lars-Eric & WIDEMAR, Louise: Middle ear effusion caused by mechanical stimulation of the external auditory canal. An experimental study. Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 91-98. ALM, Per E: se ALBIIN, Nils; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric; se WIDEMAR, Louise BERGH, Anders: Early morphological changes in the abdominal testes in immature unilaterally cryptorchid rats. International Journal of Andrology 6(1983) pp 73-90. - : Local différences in Leydig celi morphology in the adult rat testis: Evidence for a local control of Leydig cells by adjacent seminiferous tubules. International Journal of Andrology 5(1982) p 325. - : Paracrine régulation of Leydig cells by the seminiferous tubules. International Journal of Andrology 6(1983) pp 57-65. - & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Early signs of Sertoli cell dysfunction in the abdominal testes of immatures unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Lyon, april 1984. - : Local régulation of Leydig cell function from the seminiferous tubules-effect of short- term cryptorchidism. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 247. - : Local régulation of Leydig cells from the seminiferous tubules-effect of short-term cryptorchidism. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 409-418. - : Paracrine régulation of Leydig cells from the seminiferous tubules-effect of short-term cryptorchidism. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 409-418. - , Berg Åson, A, Hammar, M & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Steroid biosynthesis and Leydig cell morphology in adult unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Acta Endocrinologica 107(1984) pp 556-562. BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & Lindgren, S: Compensatory hypertrophy of the Leydig cells in hemiorchidectomized adult rats. Experientia 38(1982) p 597. BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & Ritzén, M: Early signs of Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction in the abdominal testis in immature unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Inter­ national Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 398-408. BERGH, Anders: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se GÅFVELS, Mats, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Huhtaniemi, I BERGMAN, Bo, BERGMAN, Maud & HELANDER, Herbert F: Dental amalgam in contact with gold. An in vivo study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 40(1982) pp 325-332. Billeter, R, ERIKSSON, Per-Olov, Ringqvist, M & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Differen­ tiation of fibre types in human fetal muscle. 5th International congress of neuromus- cular diseases. Marseilles 1982. BLOM, Håkan: Cimetidine and parietal cell regeneration in experimental wounds in rat gastric mucosa. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 18(1983) pp 853-857. - : Effects of long term treatment with omeprazole on the gastric mucosal morphology. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 98(1984) p 55. - : Immature cells in healing gastric wounds respond to Stimulation. An experimental study in the rat. Digestion 24(1982) pp 29-35. - : Light and electron-microscopy of normal and regenerating gastric mucosa with special reference to the parietal cells. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 105(1984) pp 33-45. - : Parietal cell regeneration in rat gastric mucosal wounds.A quantitative light and electron microscopical study. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:81. BLOM, Håkan, Elstig, Harriet & HELANDER, Herbert F: Effects of pyloroplasty

10 truncal vagotomy and antrectomy on parietal cell regeneration in experimental gastric wounds in the rat. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 18(1983) pp 859-864. BLOM, Håkan & ERIKOINEN, Timo: Trophic effect of pentagastrin on normal and regenerating parietal cells. A light and electron microscopie study in rats. Gastro­ enterology 87(1984) pp 537-541. - & HELANDER, Herbert F: Pentagastrin and the regeneration of parietal cells in experi­ mental wounds in rat gastric mucosa. Proceedings of the American gastroenterological association. Gastroenterology 82(1982) p 1019. BLOM, Håkan & HELANDER, Herbert F: Effects of pentagastrin and Cimetidine on normal and regenerating parietal cells in rat gastric mucosa. A light and electron micro­ scopie investigation. Proceedings of the European gastro club. Hepato-Gastroentero- logy 29(1982) p 47. BLOM, Håkan: se HELANDER, Herbert; se HENRIKSSON, Roger BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric (Eds.): Experimental Otitis media with effusion. Proceedings of the International conférence on experimental OME. Lövångers kyrkstad, August 17-20, 1983. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414. BLOOM, Gunnar D: se ALBIIN, Nils; se ALM, Per-Erik; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric; se WIDEMAR, Louise CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DAHLQVIST, Åke, DOMEIJ, Siw, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Dedo, H H & Izedebski, K: Carotid body-like tissue within the recurrent laryngeal nerve. American Journal of Otology 4(1983) pp 334-341. - : An endoneural chemosensitive microorgan? American Journal of Otolaryngology 4(1983) pp 334-341. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DOMEIJ, Siw, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Dedo, H.H. & Izdebski K: An endoneural microglomus of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Acta Otolaryngologica 1982:Suppl.386 pp 184-186. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: se DAHLQVIST, Åke; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se Schmidt, S-H; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric CERNE, Anna: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten Commissiong, J W, Galli, C L, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & Karoum, F: Neurochemical aspects of spinal cord monoamines. In: Dynamics of neurotransmitter function, pp 39-46. Ed. Hanin, I. New York 1984. Conradi, S, Cullheim, S, Gollvik, L & KELLERTH, Jan-Olof: Electron microscopie observations on the synaptic contacts of group la muscle spindle afferents in the cat lumbosacral spinai cord. Brain Research 265(1983) pp 31-39. DAEHLIN, Lars, BERGH, Anders & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: LHRH stimulâtes testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. Scandinavian Journal of Nephrology and Urology 1984:Suppl.93. Abstract 19. DAEHLIN, Lars: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik DAHLQVIST, Åke, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DOMEIJ, Siw & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Morpho- metric analysis of glomus cells within the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. Journal of Neurocytology 13(1984) pp 407-416. DAHLQVIST, Åke, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Fibre components of the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. Anatomical Record 204(1982) pp 365-379. DAHLQVIST, Åke: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders & DAEHLIN, Lars: Effect of LHRH on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. Lyon, april 1984. - : Effects of hcG on testicular blood flow and interstitial fluid formation in unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Lyon, april 1984.

11 - : Stimulatory effect of an LHRH-agonist on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 236-243. - : Testikelblodflöde och testosteron sekretion hos unilateralt kryptorchida råttor. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 93(1984). - , EKHOLM, C, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Roger: The acute effect of oestrogens on testosterone production appears not to be mediated by testicular oestro- gen receptor. Molecular and Cellulär Endocrinology 31(1983) pp 105-116. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Estrogen receptor and aromatase activity in the testes of unilateral cryptorchid rats. Archives of Andrology 11(1983) pp 259-263. DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se BERGH, Anders; se DAEHLIN, Lars; se GÅFVELS, Mats; se Huhtaniemi, I DANIELSSON, Åke: se HENRIKSSON, Roger DOMEIJ, Siw: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se DAHLQVIST, Åke EDMAN, Anne-Christine, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & Squire, J: The average of M-bands in striated chicken muscle. Proceedings of the lOth international congress on electron microscopy. Hamburg 1982. EDMAN, Anne-Christine: se Fornieri, C; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael; se Squire, J Eeg-Olofsson, O, Henriksson K G, THORNELL, Lars-Eric & Wesström, G: Early infant death in nemaline (rod) myopathy. Brain Development 5(1983) pp 53-57. EKHOLM, C: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik Elfman, L, THORNELL, Lars-Eric & Heilbronn, Edith: Morphological changes observes in rats immunized with the Torpedo-acetylcholine receptor achain. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 59(1983) pp 111-121. ERIKOINEN, Timo: se BLOM, Håkan; se JOHANSSON, Catherine ERIKSSON, Anders, ERIKSSON, Peter, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove & THORNELL, Lars- Eric: The cardiac atrioventricular conduction system in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A clinico-pathologic study of six cases from northern Sweden. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica 91(1983) pp 343-349. - : The sinoatrial node in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A clinicopathological study of nine cases from northern Sweden. Virchows Archiv. Pathological Anatomy 402(1984) pp 239-246. ERIKSSON, Anders: se ERIKSSON, Per-Olov; se FORSGREN, Sture; se FUGL- MEYER, Axel; se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin; se THORNELL, Lars-Eric ERICSSON, Bengt-Erik: se HAGBERG, Mats ERIKSSON, Per-Olov: Muscle-fibre composition of the human mandibular locomotor system. Enzyme-histochemical and morphological characteristics of functionally diffé­ rent parts. Diss. Umeå University Odontological Dissertations. Abstracts 1982:14. Swedish Dental Journal 1982:Suppl.l2. - , ERIKSSON, Anders, Ringqvist, M, & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Histochemical fibre composition of the human digastric muscle. Archives of Oral Biology 27(1982) pp 207-215. ERIKSSON, Per-Olov & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Distribution and classification of muscle spindles in the human masseter muscle. Odontologisk riksstämma 1984. - : Distribution and classification of muscle spindles in the human masseter muscle. Proceedings. International symposium on feedback and motor control and on the mammalian muscle spindle. Glasgow 1984. - : Histochemical and morphological muscle-fibre characteristics of the human masseter, the pterygoid and the temporal muscles. Archives of Oral Biology 28(1983) pp 781-795. - : Muscle spindles in the human jaw muscles. Distribution, structure and enzyme- histochemical characteristics. Proceedings of the Nordic biennial meeting in stoma- tognathic physiology. Oslo 1984.

12 ERIKSSON, Per-Olov: se Billeter, R: se Ringqvist, M; se THORNELL, Lars-Eric ERIKSSON, Peter: se ERIKSSON, Anders Fellenius, Erik, Eländer, B, Wallmark, B, HELANDER, Herbert F & Berglindh, T: Inhibition of acid sécrétion in isolated rabbit gastric glands by substituted benzimida- zoles. American Journal of Physiology 243(1982) pp G505-510. Fornieri, C, Pasquali Ronchetti, I, EDMAN, Anne-Christine & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Contribution of cryotechniques to the study of elastin ultrastructure. Journal of Micro- scopy 126(1982) pp 87-93. FORSGREN, Sture: Differentiation of heart Purkinje fibres. An immuno- and enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural study. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:83. - : The differentiation of the Purkinje fibres in the mammalian heart — comparisons with the ordinary myocytes. In: The developing heart, pp 47-67. Ed. Legato, M J. Boston 1984. - : Myofibrillar disintegration in dividing cardiac myocytes. Journal of Ultrastructure Research 81(1982) pp 384-385. - , ERIKSSON, Anders, KJÖRELL, Uno & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: The conduction system in the human heart at midgestation - immunoprotein skeletin. Histochemistry 75(1982) pp 43-52. FORSGREN, Sture, CARLSSON, Eva, Strehler, Emanuel & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: The myofibrillar M-region in differentiating cardiac tissues. Journal of Ultrastructure Research 81(1982) p 385. - : Ultrastructural identification of human fetal Purkinje fibres — comparative immuno- cytochemical and electron microscopie study of composition and structure of myofibril­ lar M-regions. Journal of Molecular and Cellulär Cardiology 14(1982) pp 437-449. FORSGREN, Sture, Strehler, Emanuel & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Differentiation of Purkinje fibres and ordinary ventricular and atrial myocytes in the bovine heart. An immuno- and enzyme histochemical study. Histochemical Journal 14(1982) pp 929-942. - : Differentiation of the atrioventricular bündle and the bündle branches in the bovine heart: an immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical study. Histochemical Jour­ nal 15(1983) pp 1099-1111. FORSGREN, Sture: se THORNELL, Lars-Eric FRIDÉN, Jan, Ekblom, B, & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Muskelmorfologi efter extrem lång­ löpning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982):6. FRIDÉN, Jan, KJÖRELL, Uno & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Delayed muscle soreness and cytoskeletal altérations: An immunocytological study in man. International Journal of Sports Medicine 5(1984) pp 15-18. FRIDÉN, Jan, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & Ekblom, B: Definitions of fibre type fine struc­ ture in human skeletal muscle on basis of selective glycogen depletion. Proceedings of the Fifth international congress on neuromuscular diseases. Marseilles 1982. - : Effects of eccentric training on muscle strength and structure. Proceedings of the American college of sports medicine. Annual meeting Minneapolis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 14(1982). FRIDÉN, Jan: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael FUGL-MEYER, Axel, ERIKSSON, Anders, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & Söderström, G: Is muscle structure influenced by genetical or functional factors? A study of three forearm muscles. Acta Physiologica Scandinavia 114(1982) pp 277-281. FUGL-MEYER, Axel: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael GOLDIE, Pamela, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Kyld luftström i hörselgången utlöser trumhinneförändringar och vätska i mellanörat. En djurexperimenten modell för studier av Otitis simplex? Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma 1984.

13 Gollvik, L, Ulfhake, B, & KELLERTH, Jan-Olof: The effects of tenotomy on the post­ natal differentiation of motor unit types in the cat. Neuroscience Letters 1982:Suppl.7 p 84. Gorza, L, Mercadier, J J, Schwartz, K, THORNELL, Lars-Eric, Sartore, S & Schiaffino, S: Myosin types in the human heart. An immunofluorescence study of normal and hypertrophied atrial and ventricular myocardium. Circulation Research 54(1984) pp 694-702. GÅFVELS, Mats, Wang, J, BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Toxic effects of the antifertility agent gossypol in maie rats. Toxicology 32(1984) pp 325-333. HAGBERG, Mats & ERICSSON, Bengt-Erik: Myoelectric power spectrum dependence on muscular contraction level or elbow flexors. European Journal of Applied Physio- logy 48(1982) pp 147-156. HAVTON, Leif & KELLERTH, Jan-Olof: Retrograde effects of muscle nerve transection on the intramedullary axon collatéral systems and recurrent inhibition of axotomized and intact cat spinal motoneurone. Proceedings of the international symposium on development and plasticity of the mammalian spinai cord, pp 75-77. Perugia 1984. HELANDER, Herbert F: The parietal cell-structure and function. Proceedings of the American gastroenterologie association. Gastroenterology 82(1982) p 1081. HELANDER, Herbert F: The parietal cell-structure and function. Proceedings of the 7th world congress in gastroenterology. Stockholm 1982. - & Durbin, RP: Localization of ouabain-binding sites in frog gastric mucosa. American Journal of Physiology 243(1982) pp G297-303. HELANDER, Herbert F, JOHANSSON, Cathrine, BLOM, Håkan, KOLLBERG, Bengt & Uribe, A: Trophic effects of oral E2 Prostaglandins on rat gastrointestinal tract. 16-22 Sept. Lissabon 1984. Abstract. HELANDER, Herbert F, Liedberg, G & Rehfeld JF: Quantitative electron microscopical studies of parietal cells after antral exclusion in the rat. Scandinavian Journal of Gastro­ enterology 17(1982) pp 141-143. HELANDER, Herbert F & SUNDELL, Gunnar: Quantitative electron microscopical studies on inhibited parietal cells. Proceedings of the American gastroenterological association. Gastroenterology 82(1982) pp 1081. HELANDER, Herbert F: se BERGMAN, Bo; se BLOM, Håkan; se Fellenius, Erik; se JOHANSSON, Catherine; se van der Linden, W; se Smolka, A; se STENLING, Roger HELLSTRÖM, Sten, ALM, Per-Erik, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt & STEN- FORS, Lars-Eric: Frisättning av histamin från mast celler i pars flaccida — den ut­ lösande faktorn vid experimentell Otitis media with effusion. Svensk Otolaryngologisk förenings förhandlingar 1982:1 pp 42-43. HELLSTRÖM, Sten & BERGH, Anders: The use of an infusion set for gastric feeding as a perfusion apparatus in fixation decreases the laboratory hazards. Mikroskopie 41(1984) pp 73-75. HELLSTRÖM, Sten, CERNE, Anna& STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The attic space, develop­ ment and species différences. Proceedings of the conférence on experimental OME. Lövångers kyrkstad, August 17-20, 1983. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414 pp 31-34. HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Hanbauer, I, Commissiong, J, Karoum, F & Koslow, S: Role and régulation of catecholamines in carotid body. In: Dynamics of neurotransmitter function, pp 31-38. Ed. Hanin, I. New York 1984. HELLSTRÖM, Sten & Kjaergaard, J: Recent advances in the ultrastructure of the carotid body. In: Electron microscopy in biology and medicine. Endocrine cells and tissues, pp 159-167. Ed. Motta, P M. The Hague 1984.

14 HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Absorbable gelatin sponge (Gelfoam R) in otosurgery — one cause to undesirable postoperative results? Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 269-275. - : Anatomy of the rat middle ear. A study under the dissection microsope. Acta Anato­ mica 112(1982) pp 346-352. - & SÖDERBERG, Ove: Appearance of effusion material in the attic space correlated to an impaired Eustachian tube function. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinology 6(1983) pp 127-134. HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The originai description of the Shrapnell membrane in view of recent experimental data. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 97(1983) pp 985-989. - : The pressure equilibrating function of the pars flaccida in the middle ear mechanics. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 118(1983) pp 337-341. - : The pressure equilibrating function of the pars flaccida in the middle ear mechanics. Proceedings of the 3rd International symposium on recent advances in Otitis media with effusion, Fort Lauderdale, May 17-20, 1983. - , ALM, Per-Erik, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt & WIDEMAR, Louise: Pro- voking effusion in experimental Otitis media. In: Recent advances in Otitis media with effusion, pp 225-228. Eds. Lim, D J, Bluestone, C D, Klein, J-O & Nelson, J D. Philadelphia 1984. HELLSTRÖM, Sten: se ALBIIN, Nils; se ALM, Per-Erik; se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se Commissiong, J W; se DAHLQVIST, Åke; se GOLDIE, Pamela; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se Pequignot, J-M; se Schmidt, S-H; se STEN- FORS, Lars-Eric; se SÖDERBERG, Ove; se WIDEMAR, Louise Henriksson, K G, Bengtsson, A, Larsson J, Lindström, F & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Muscle biopsy findings of possible diagnostic importance in primary fibromyalgia (fibrositis, myofascial syndrome). Lancet 1982:8312 p 1395. HENRIKSSON, Rçger, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & IDAHL, Lars-Åke: Effects of neonatal sympathetic denervation on amylase sécrétion in the adult rat parotid gland: Différence in ß\- and ßl- adrenoeeptor response. European Journal of Pharmacology 78(1982) pp 195-200. HENRIKSSON, Roger & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Chronic propranolol treatment affects parietal cells of the developing rat gastric mucosa. Journal of Pediatrie Gastroenteroly and Nutrition 3(1984) pp 777-783. HENRIKSSON, Roger, Zachrisson, B, BLOM, Håkan & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Gastric parietal cell changes due to long-term propranolol administration in adult developing rats. Lancet 1984:8389 pp 1302-1303. HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin: Distribution, total number and size of différent types of fibres in maie and female skeletal muscles. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Disser­ tations. N.S. 1984:132. - , ERIKSSON, Anders & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Höger-vänster, assymetri i skelett­ muskulaturen — uttryck för en funktionell anpassning? Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982):6. HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, LEXELL, Jan & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles, 1. Method for préparation and analysis of cross-sections of whole m. tibialis anterior. Histochemical Journal 15(1983) pp 167-178. HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin: se LEXELL, Jan; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael Huhtaniemi, I, BERGH, Anders, Nikula, H & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Différences in the régulation of steroidogenesis and trophic hormone receptors between the scrotal and abdominal testis of unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Endocrinology 115(1984) pp 550-555. HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin, Sellstedt, A, FLOWER-ELLIS, Anita & SJÖSTRÖM, Mic-

15 hael: Ammonium effects on function and structure of nitrogen-fixing root nodules of Alnus incana. Planta 156(1982) pp 332-340. IDAHL, Lars-Åke: se HENRIKSSON, Roger JOHANSSON, Bengt: se THORNELL, Lars-Eric JOHANSSON, Cathrine, Aly, A, KOLLBERG, Bengt, Rubio, C, ERIKOINEN, Timo & HELANDER, Herbert: Oral E2 Prostaglandins stimulate growth of the rat stomach, small intestine and colon. Proceedings of the Fifth International conférence on Prosta­ glandins. Florence 1982. JOHANSSON, Cathrine: se HELANDER, Herbert; se Pequignot, J-M JONSSON, Gunnar: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael CARLSSON, Eva, Strehler, E, Lambertsson, A, KJÖRELL, Uno & THORNELL, Lars- Eric: Differentation of the myofibrils and the intermediate filament system during postnatal development of the rat heart. European Journal of Cell Biology 27(1982) pp 62-73. CARLSSON, Eva: se FORSGREN, Sture; se Strehler, E; se THORNELL, Lars-Eric KELLERTH, Jan-Olof, Conradi, S & Berthold, C-H: Electron microscopie studies of serially sectioned cat spinal alfa-motorneurons: V. Motoneurons innervating fast-twitch (type FF) units of the gastrocnemius muscle. Journal of Comparative Neurology 214(1983) pp 451-458. KELLERTH, Jan-Olof: se Conradi, S; se Gollvik, L; se HAVTON, Leif; se Ulfhake, B KIDMAN, Siw: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael KJÖRELL, Uno & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Identification of a complex between alpha- actinin and the intermediate filament subunit skeletin in bovine heart Purkinje fibres. European Journal of Cell Biology 28(1982) pp 139-144. - : Immunological relationship between différent types of bovine intermediate filaments. European Journal of Cell Biology 29(1983) pp 193-199. KJÖRELL, Uno: se FORSGREN, Sture; se FRIDÉN, Jan; se CARLSSON, Eva KULLBERG, Bengt: se HELANDER, Herbert; se JOHANSSON, Cathrine Kugelberg, E & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Contraction time, histochemical type and terminal cisternae volume of rat motor units. Muscle & Nerve 6(1983) pp 149-153. LEXELL, Jan, Downham, David & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: The co-dispersion index for the measurement of fibre type distribution pattern. Muscle & Nerve 7(1984) pp 751-752. - : Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. A Statistical and computational method for the study of fibre type grouping and muscle fibre denervation and reinnervation. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 61(1983) pp 301-314. - : Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. A Statistical and computational study of the fibre type arrangement in m vastus lateralis of young, healthy males. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 65(1984) pp 353-365. - : Modell för tidig diagnostik av "fibre type grouping". Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982):6. - , HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles, 2. A study of cross-sections of whole m vastus lateralis. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 117(1983) pp 115-122. - & WINBLAD, Bengt: Relative occurrence, distribution and total number of fibres in the ageing human skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the Fifth International congress neuromuscular diseases. Marseilles 1982. - : Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. 3. Effects of aging on m vastus lateralis studied in whole muscle cross-sections. Muscle & Nerve 6(1983) pp 588-595. LEXELL, Jan & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Kan man med muskelbiopsi finna en ny mästare? Medicus (Eli Lilly Sweden AB) 1984:2.

16 LEXELL, Jan: se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael van der Linden, W & HELANDER, Herbert: Synostosis lunatotriquetra. A case report of a rare congenital malformation. Anatomischer Anzeiger 151(1982) pp 101-103. Pequignot, Jean-Marc & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Intact and sympathectomized carotid bodies of long-term hypoxic rats. A morphometric light microscopical study. Virchows Archiv. Pathological Anatomy 400(1983) pp 235-243. - : Morphometric studies on intact and sympathectomized carotid bodies of long-term hypoxic rats. Proceedings of the International conference of arterial chemoreceptors. Leicester 1982. Abstract. - & JOHANSSON, Cathrine: Intact and sympathectomized carotid bodies of long-term hypoxic rats. A morphometric ultrastructural study. Journal of Neurocytology 13(1984) pp 481-493. Ringqvist, M, Ringqvist, J, ERIKSSON, Per-Olov & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Histo- chemical fibre-type profile in the human masseter muscle. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 53(1982) pp 273-282. Schiaffino, S, Gorza, L, Sartore, S & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Developmental and adaptive changes of atrial isomyosins. In: The developing heart, pp 173-189. Ed. Legato, M J. Boston 1984. Schmidt, S-H, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: Short term effects of local anaesthetic agents on structure of the rat tympanic membrane. Archives of Otorhino- laryngology 240(1984) pp 159-166. SELSTAM, Gunnar: se BERGH, Anders; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se GÅFVELS, Mats SJÖGREN, Kerstin: se ABRAMSSON, Leif SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Muscle fine structure and less advanced ischaemia. Value of morphological analysis. In: Induced skeletal muscle ischemia in man. Ed. Lewis, D H. Basel 1982. - : Muscle ultrastructure and image analysis. Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the Scandinavian society of electron microscopy. Jyväskylä 1982. - , EDMAN, Anne-Christine, FRIDÉN, Jan, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, LEX­ ELL, Jan & ÄNGQVIST, Karl-Axel: Skelettmuskulaturens ultrastruktur ur funktionell synvinkel. Anpassningsmekanismer på cellulär och subcellulär nivå. Ryg- og Muskel­ forskning, Symposium Dansk Fysiurgisk Selskab. Köpenhamn 1983. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & FRIDÉN, Jan: Structural changes and muscle soreness. Pro­ ceedings of the 2nd International course on physiology and biochemistry of exercise and physical training. Nice 1982. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, FRIDÉN, Jan & Ekblom, B: Fine structural détails of human muscle fibres after fibre type specific glycogen depletion. Histochemistry 76(1982) pp 425-438. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, KIDMAN, Siw, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin & ÄNGQVIST, Karl-Axel: Z-and M-band appearance in différent histochemically defined types of human skeletal muscle fibres. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 30(1982) pp 1-11. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, Lömo, T & Schiaffino, S: Transformering av muskelfibrers egen­ skaper. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982):6. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, Neglén, P, FRIDÉN, Jan & Eklöf, B: Human skeletal muscle metabolism and morphology after temporary incomplete ischaemia. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 12(1982) pp 69-79. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, WRETLING, Marie Louise, JONSSON, Gunnar & FUGL- MEYER, Axel: Muscle structure after stroke. Proceedings of the Scandinavian meeting of cerebrovascular disease 1982:Suppl.91.

17 SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, ÄNGQVIST, Karl-Axel, Bylund, A-C, Gustavsson, L, FRIDEN, Jan & Scherstén, T: Morphometric analyses of human muscle fibre types. Muscle & Nerve 5(1982) pp 538-553. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se EDMAN, Anne-Christine; se Fornieri, C; se FRIDÉN, Jan; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin; se HUSS-DANELL, Kers­ tin; se LEXELL, Jan; se Squire, J Smolka, A, HELANDER, Herbert & Sachs, G: Monoclonal antibodies to parietal cell membranes. Federation Proceedings 41(1982) p 982. Squire, J, EDMAN, Anne-Christine, Freundlich, A, Harford, J & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Fine structure of the A-band on cryo-sections. III. Crossbridge distribution and the axial structure of the human C-zone. Journal of Molecular Biology 155(1982) pp 467-494. - : Muscle structure, cryo-methods and image analysis. Journal of Microscopy 125(1982) pp 215-225. STENFORS, Lars-Eric, ALBIIN, Nils, ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt, SÖDERBERG, Ove & WIDEMAR, Louise: Otitis media with effusion - nya experimentella rön. läkartidning 36(1982) pp 3375-3378. STENFORS, Lars-Eric, BLOOM, Gunnar D, & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: The tympanic membrane. Proceedings of the International conférence on experimental OME, Löv­ ånger. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414 pp 28-31. STENFORS, Lars-Eric, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & WINBLAD, Bengt: Structure of the pars flaccida after occlusion of the Eustachian tube or blockade of the tympanic isthmus. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhino- laryngology 4(1982) pp 251-258. STENFORS, Lars-Eric, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & SALÉN, Bengt: The rôle of the attic space in experimental Otitis media with effusion. Proceedings of the Scandinavian otolaryngologic society congress. Åbo 1982. Acta Otolaryngologica 1982:Suppl.386 pp 146-148. - & SÖDERBERG, Ove: Appearance of effusion material in the attic space correlated to an impaired Eustachian tube function. In: Recent advances in Otitis media with effu­ sion, pp 233-236. Eds. Lim, D J, Bluestone, C D, Klein, J-O & Nelson, J D. Phila­ delphia 1984. STENFORS, Lars-Eric, SALÉN, Bengt & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Gelfoam vid djurexpe­ rimenteli öronkirurgi — en orsak till postoperativa mellanöreförändringar? Svensk Otolaryngologisk förenings förhandlingar 1982:1 pp 40-41. Strehler, Emanuel, CARLSSON, Eva, Eppenberger, Hans M & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Ultrastructural localization of M-band region in chicken breast muscle as revealed by combined immunocytochemistry and ultramicrotomy. Journal of Molecular Biology 166(1983) pp 141-158. SUNDELL, Gunnar W: se HELANDER, Herbert SÖDERBERG, Ove, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Experimental background for the use of tympanostomy tubes. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinolaryngology 8(1984) pp 1-11. - : Myringotomy made by Œh-laser an alternative to ventilation tube? An experimental study. Acta Otolaryngologica 97(1984) pp 335-341. - : Paracentes med Œh-laser — ett alternativ till ventilationsrör? Svensk Otolaryngolo­ gisk förenings förhandlingar 1983:1 pp 56-57. - & Thore, Magnus: Ventilationsrör i trumhinnan vid experimentell mediaotit. Svensk Otolaryngologisk förenings förhandlingar 1984:1. SÖDERBERG, Ove: se ALBIIN, Nils; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik

18 THORNELL, Lars-Eric, Billeter, R, Butler-Browne, G S, ERIKSSON, Per-Olov, Ring- qvist, M & Whalen, R G: Development of fibre types in human fetal muscle: An immunocytochemical study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 66(1984) pp 107-115. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, Edström, L & Billeter, R: Muscle fibre type composition in distal myopathy (Welander). An analysis with enzyme and immunohistochemical, Gel- electrophoretic and ultrastructural techniques. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 65(1984) pp 269-292. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, ERIKSSON, Anders & Edström, L: Intermediate filaments in human myopathies. In: Cell and muscle motility, vol 4 pp 85-136. Eds. Dowben, R M & Shay, J W. New York 1983. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, ERIKSSON, Anders, KJÖRELL, Uno, Henriksson, K G & Edström, L: The intermediate filament system in human muscle disorders. 5th Inter­ national congress of neuromuscular diseases. Marseilles 1982. THORNELL, Lars-Eric & FORSGREN, Sture: Myocardial cell heterogeneity in the human heart with respect to myosin ATPase activity. Histochemical Journal 14(1982) pp 479-490. - , Gorza, L, Sartore, S & Schiaffino, S: Differentation of fibre types in cardiac muscle. Proceedings. Congress of heart disease, pp 157-172. Eds. Nora, J & Takao, A. New York 1984. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, JOHANSSON, Bengt, ERIKSSON, Anders, Lehto, V-P & Virtanen, Ismo: Intermediate filament and associated proteins in the human heart. An immunofluorescence study of normal and pathological hearts. European Heart Journal 1984:Suppl.5. THORNELL, Lars-Eric & CARLSSON, Eva: Differentiation of myofibrils and the M-band structure in developing cardiac tissues and skeletal muscles. Expérimental Biology and Medicine 9(1984) pp 141-147. THORNELL, Lars-Eric: se Billeter, R; se Eeg-Olofsson, O; se Elfman, L; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se ERIKSSON, Per-Olov; se FORSGREN, Sture; se FRIDEN, Jan; se Gorza, L; se Henriksson, K G; se CARLSSON, Eva; se KJÖRELL, Uno; se Kugelberg, E; se Ringqvist, M; se Schiaffino, S; se Strehler, E; se Whalen, R G Ulfhake, B & KELLERTH, Jan-Olof: Does alpha-motoneuron size correlate with motor unit type in cat triceps surae? Brain Research 251(1982) pp 201-209. - : Electrophysiological and morphological measurements in cat gastrocnemius and soleus a-motoneurones. Brain Research 307(1984) pp 167-179. - : A quantitative morphological study of HRP-labelled cat alfa-motoneurones supplying différent hindlimb muscles. Brain Research 263(1983) pp 1-19. - : Size of the cell bodies and firstorder dendrites of cat alpha-motoneurones supplying différent functional types of muscle units. Neuroscience Letters. Suppl. 1982:7 p 215. Whalen, R G, Seil, S M, ERIKSSON, Anders & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Myosin subunit types in skeletal and cardiac tissues and their developmental distribution. Develop- mental Biology 91(1982) pp 478-484. W1DEMAR, Louise, ALM, Per-Erik, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Mastceller i pars flaccida — nyckeln till uppkomst av vätska i mellanörat? Svensk Otolaryngologisk förenings förhandlingar 1983:1 pp 34-35. - : Membrana Shrapnelli of maturing rats. The occurrence of mast cells and histamine content in relation to Otitis media with effusion. Acta Otolaryngologica 98(1984) pp 302-307. WIDEMAR, Louise, BLOOM, Gunnar, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Mast cells in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane. Proceedings of the Interna­ tional conférence on experimental OME, Lövånger. Acta Otolaryngologica 98(1984) pp 302-307. WIDEMAR, Louise, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Hökfelt, T, Schultzberg, M & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Vilka mediatorer medverkar till uppkomsten av de trumhinneförändringar

19 som iakttas vid akut och sekretorisk Otitis media? Svensk Otolaryngologisk förenings förhandlingar 1984:1. WINBLAD, Bengt: se LEXELL, Jan; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric WRETL1NG, Marie Louise: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael ÄNGQVIST, Karl-Axel: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael

ARKEOLOGI BACKE-HÖGBERG, Margareta: Vågsnäsgravens ben — en osteologisk introduktion. In: Ramqvist, Per. Den arkeologiska undersökningen av Vågsnäsgraven. En folkvandrings- tida grav och dess sammanhang, pp 24-36. Själevads hembygdsförenings skriftserie 1984:10. BAUDOU, Evert: Arkeologisk källkritik och modern odlingshistoria i Danmark. Fortid og nutid 1983 pp 261-279. - : Concluding remarks. In: Introduktionen av jordbruk i Norden. Foredrag holdt ved fellesnordisk symposium i Oslo april 1980, pp 279-282. - : Förhistoria i Lule älvdal. In: Skrifter från Luleälvsprojektet 2, pp 27-28. Red. Baudou, Evert & Nejaii, Marianne. Universitetet i Umeå, 1982. - : Det förhistoriska jordbruket i Norrland: Bakgrunden i det arkeologiska fyndmate­ rialet. In: Introduktionen av jordbruk i Norden. Foredrag holdt ved fellesnordisk symposium i Oslo april 1980, pp 163-171. Red. Sjovold, Thorleif, Oslo-Bergen-Tromso, 1982. ISBN 82-00-09534-7. - : Introduction. In: Ekman, Jan & Iregren, Elisabeth. Early Norrland 8, Archaeo- zoolo­ gica! investigations in Northern Sweden, pp 7-8. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7402-141-9. - : Introduction. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Evironment. 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology, 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. - : Luleälvsprojektet: Externa och interna faktorers roll. In: Rapporter från Barknåre- projektet 1. Individen, samhället och kulturlandskapet. Symposium i Stockholm 7-9 juni 1982, pp 78-82. Red. Roeck Hansen, Birgitta & Sporrong, Ulf. Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 1/83. Rapporter, Meddelanden, Uppsatser från kulturgeografiska institu­ tionen vid Stockholms universitet, 1982. - : Luleälvsprojektet: Om resursutnyttjande i övre Norrland. In: Samhälle och ekosystem — om tolkningsproblem i antropologi och arkeologi, pp 20-26. Red. Hjort, Anders. Forskningsrådsnamnden rapport 1983:7. - : Problems of representativity in the processing of pottery sherds on prehistoric sites. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology, pp 3-10 Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Environment. 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology, 1984. ISBN 91-7174- 155-0. - : Ree. av Jaanusson, Hille. Hallunda. A study of pottery from a Late Bronze Age settlement in central Sweden 1981. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 59(1984): 1 pp 117-120. - : Ree. av Stjernqvist, Berta. Gårdlösa. An Iron Age community in its natural and social setting. Fornvännen 78(1983) pp 150-152. - : Samhälle och resursutnyttjande i södra Norrland under den äldre järnåldern. In: Folk og ressurser i Nord. Foredrag fra Trondheims-symposiet om midt- och nordskan­ dinavisk kultur, 1982 pp 61-71. Red. Sandnes, Jörn, Kjelland, Arnfinn & 0slerlie, Ivar. Trondheim 1983. ISBN 82-519-0559-1. - : Tremithos — undersökningen. Hellenika 25(1983) pp 3-6.

2U - & ENGELMARK, Roger: The Tremithos Valley project. A preliminary report for 1981-1982. Report from the Department of Antiquities Cyprus 1983 pp 1-8. BAUDOU, Evert: se ENGELMARK, Roger; se FORSBERG, Lars; se LARSSON, Thomas; se LIEDGREN, Lars; se LUNDMARK, Hans BROADBENT, Noël D: Båtbyggare vid Kågeälv. In: Bottnisk kontakt. 1. Maritim- historisk konferens, Örnsköldsviks museum 12-14, febr 1982, pp 38-39. Red. Wester- dahl, Christer. Skrifter från Örnsköldsviks museum 1982:1. ISBN 91-86138-30-8. - : The Center for Arctic Cultural Research. Umeå University, 1983. - : Eld och vatten. Primitiv kvartsbrytning i Skellefteå. In: Industriminnen i Skellefte- bygden, pp 17-23. Red. Svensk, Rune & Viklund, Stig-Henrik. Skellefteå museum. Meddelanden 1983:XLV. - : A late Neolithic site at Kåddis, Umeå parish Västerbotten — some new perspectives on agriculture in Northern Sweden. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology, pp 45-56. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Environment 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology, 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. - : Skelleftebygdens historia. Del 3. Den förhistoriska utvecklingen under 7 000 år. Uppsala 1982. 198 s. ISSN 0349-3121. - : Three perspectives on coastal archaeology and a view from 64° North. Rev. of Coastal archaeology in Eastern Australia. Proceedings of the 1980 Valla Conference on Austra- lian prehistory. Ed. Bowdler, S. 1982. Mc Bryde. Coast and estuary. Archaeological investigations on the north coast of New South Wales, 1982. Meehan, B. Shell bed to shell midden, 1982. Aboriginal History 7(1983):1/2 pp 186-194. Canberra. ISBN 0314-8769. - : Too many Chiefs and not enough indians. A peripheral view of Nordic Bronze Age society. In: Struktur och förändring i bronsålderns samhälle. Rapport från det tredje nordiska symposiet för bronsåldersforskning i Lund 23-25 april, pp 6-22. Red. Stjern- qvist, Berta. University of Lund, Institute of Archaeology. Report series 1983:17. ISBN 91-7260-853-6. ENGELMARK, Roger: Ekologiska synpunkter på jordbrukets spridning och etablering i Norrland. In: Introduktionen av jordbruk i Norden. Foredrag holdt ved fellesnordisk symposium i Oslo april 1980, pp 153-161. Red. Sjovold, Thorleif, Oslo-Bergen-Tromso 1982. ISBN 82-00-09534-7. - : Two useful plants from Iron Age graves in Central Sweden. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology, pp 87-92. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Environment. 2. Univer­ sity of Umeå, Department of Archaeology, 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. ENGELMARK, Roger: se BAUDOU, Evert FORSBERG, Lars: A multivariate analysis of hunting and fishing sites on the river Umeälv, Northern Sweden. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology, pp 31-44. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Environment 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeo­ logy. 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. - & WESTFAL, Ulf: Fångstkulturens förändringar inom Lule älvdal. In: Luleälvsresan 14-16 juni 1982, pp 29-30. Red. Baudou, Evert & Nejati, Marianne. Skrifter från Luleälvsprojektet 2, Universitetet i Umeå, 1982. HOLM, Lena: Från förhistoria till historia i Storuman. Västerbotten 1983:2 pp 75-82. LARSSON, Thomas B: Multi-level exchange and cultural interaction in late Scandinavian Bronze Age. In: Seulement and economy in later Scandinavian prehistory, pp 63-83. Ed. Kristiansen, Kristian. British Archaeological Reports (BAR), International Series 1984:211. ISBN 0-86054-272-6. - : Samhällsförändring bronsålder — järnålder: en strukturanalys med utgångspunkt från Östergotland II. In: Struktur och förändring i bronsålderns samhälle. Rapport från det tredje nordiska symposiet for bronsåldersforskning i Lund 23-25 april 1982, pp 96-105. Red. Stjernqvisi, Berta. University of Lund, Institute of Archaeology, Report series 1983:17. ISBN 91-7260-853-6. - : The structure and function of prehistoric social institutions — a social anthropological anproach. In: Papeis in Northern Archaeology, pp 23-30. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeo-

2 I logy and Environment 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology, 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. - : Symbolik och varucirkulation under yngre bronsålder. In: Bronsåldersforskning — kring aktuella projekt, pp 13-26. Red. Hyenstrand, Åke. Arkeologiska rapporter och meddelanden från institutionen för arkeologi vid Stockholms universitet 1984:17. - & LUNDMARK, Hans: Bebyggelsemönster — en utgångspunkt vid studier av för­ historiska samhällen. Fornvännen 76(1982):3 pp 161-169. L1EDGREN, Lars: Iron Age Settlements in Halsingland, Northern Sweden. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology, pp 93-112. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Environment 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. - : Om proportioner, konstruktioner och mått i ett hälsingehus från äldre järnålder. In: Gård och kulturlandskap under järnåldern. Svensk-norskt seminarium i Hudiksvall 18-20 aug 1983, pp 41-58. Red. Liedgren, Lars & Widgren, Mats. Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 2/84. Rapporter, Meddelanden, Uppsatser från kulturgeografiska institu­ tionen vid Stockholms universitet 1984. - & Widgren, Mats: Några tankar efter Hudikmötet, Ibid pp 197-200. LIEDGREN, Lars: se RAMQVIST, Per H.

LUNDBERG, Åsa: En hammarsmedja i Robertsfors. Västerbotten 1983:2 pp 117-124. LUNDMARK, Hans: The identification of tribal hiérarchies. In: Settlement and economy in låter Scandinavian prehistory, pp 43-61. Ed. Kristiansen, Kristian. British Archaeolo- gical Reports (BAR). International Series 1984:211. ISBN 0-86054-272-6. - : A method of analyzing hierarchical Organization in settlement patterns. In: Papers in Northern Archaeology, pp 11-22. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Archaeology and Environment 2. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology, 1984. ISBN 91-7174-155-0. - : Samhällsförändring bronsålder — järnålder. En strukturanalys med utgångspunkt från Östergötland I. In: Struktur och förändring i bronsålderns samhälle. Rapport från det tredje nordiska symposiet för bronsåldersforskning i Lund 23-25 april 1982, pp 88-95. Red. Stjernqvist, Berta. University of Lund, Institute of Archaeology. Report Series 1983:17. ISBN 91-7260-853-6. - : se LARSSON, Thomas; se Sinclair, Paul MULK, Inga-Maria: Samiska vinterbycentra inom Lule älvdal. LASTA 1983:1 pp 98-113. NEJATI, Marianne: se BAUDOU, Evert; se FORSBERG, Lars RAMQVIST, Per H: Den arkeologiska undersökningen av Vågsnäsgraven. En folk- vandringstida grav och dess sammanhang. Själevads hembygdsförenings skriftserie 1984:10. - : Gene — boplatsen ur maritimt perspektiv. In: Bottnisk kontakt. I. Maritimhistorisk konferens. Örnskoldsviks museum 12-14 febr, 1982 pp 2-6. Red. Westerdahl, Christer. Skrifter från Örnsköldsviks museum 1982:1. ISBN 91-86138-30-8. - : Gene. On the origin, function and development of sedentary Iron Age settlement in Northern Sweden. Diss. Archaeology and Environment 1. University of Umeå, Depart­ ment of Archaeology, 1983. 220 s. ISBN 91-7174-145-3. - : En norrländsk jarnåldersgård. Populär arkeologi 2(1984):2 pp 4-8. - : Något om problem rörande bebyggelseutvecklingen längs Norrlandskusten under det första årtusendet. In: Gård och kulturlandskap under järnåldern. Svensk-norskt semi­ narium i Hudiksvall 18-20 augusti 1983, pp 107-119. Red. Liedgren, Lars & Widgren, Mats. Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 2/84. Rapporter, meddelanden, uppsatser från kulturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 1984. - : Ree. av Eds. Myhre, Björn, Stoklund, Bjarne & Gjaeder, Per. Vestnordisk byggeskikk gjennom to tusen år. Tradisjon og förändring fra romertid til det 19. århundre. Arkeo­ logisk museum i Stavanger — skrifter vol 7. Stavanger 1982. Norwegian Archaeological Review 17(1984): 1 pp 64-69. - : Ree. av Sundstrom, Hans. Bönder bryter bygd. Studier i övre Norrlands bebyggelsehis­ toria. Bothnica, skrifter utgivna av Norrbottens museum 1984:4. ISBN 91 -853ß6-34-3. Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift 1984:8 pp 107-109.

22 Sinclair, Paul & LUNDMARK, Hans: A spatial analysis of archaeological sites trom Zimbabwe. Working papers in African studies no 7. African studies programme. Department of Cultural Anthropology, University of Uppsala, 1984. 21 s. SPÅNG, Lars-Göran: Egen härd ... Västerbotten 1983:2 pp 66-74. - : Navergraven som var en näverdepå. Västerbotten 1983:2 pp 128-129. WESTERDAHL, Christer: Bottnisk kontakt — maritimhistoriska konferenser. In: Bottnisk kontakt II. Mariehamn 1984, pp 95-96. Red. Karlsson, Marita. Mariehamn 1984. ISBN 951-95640-2-0. - : Itinerarieleden Blekinge — Reval. Ibid pp 36-46. - : Marinarkeologi på Spetsbergen. Meddelanden från Marinarkeologiska sällskapet 7( 1984): 1 pp 13-19. - : Vraket vid Hammar. Rapport från Örnsköldviks museum 1984:2. - : se RAMQVIST, Per H WESTFAL, Ulf: se FORSBERG, Lars ZACHR1SSON, Inger: De samiska metalldepåerna år 1000-1350. Diss. Archaeology and Environment 3. University of Umeå, Department of Archaeology 1984. 133 s. ISBN 91-7174-151-8.

BARN- OCH UNGDOMSPSYKIATRI BJÖRCK, Per Olov: se BOHMAN, Michael BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, BOHMAN, Michael, EDVINSSON, Sven-Olof, et al: Frequency of the fragile X syndrome in infantile autism. Clinical Genetics 26(1984) p 2613. BOHMAN, Inga-Lill, BOHMAN, Michael & SJÖHOLM, Eva: Habilitering av barn­ domspsykoser i Västerbottens län. Psykisk hälsa 1982:1 pp 15-21. BOHMAN, Inga-Lill: se BOHMAN, Michael BOHMAN, Michael: Alcoholism and crime: Studies of adoptees. Substance and Alcohol Actions/Misuse 4(1983) pp 137-147. - , BOHMAN, Inga-Lill, BJÖRCK, Per-Olof & SJÖHOLM, Eva: Childhood psychosis in a northern Swedish county: Some preliminary findings from an epidemiological survey. In: Epidemiological approaches in child psychiatry II. Eds. Schmidt, M H & Remschmidt, H. New York 1983. BOHMAN, Michael, CLON1NGER, Robert, von KNORRING, Anne-Liis & SIG- VARDSSON, Sören: An adoption study of somatoform disorders. III. Cross-fostering analysis and genetic relationship to alcoholism and criminality. Archives of General Psychiatry 41(1984) pp 872-878. - : Adoptionsstudien: Der Einfluss von Anlage und Umwelt. In: Risikokinder. Ergebnisse der Kinderpsychiatrie und -psychologie. Ed. Steinhausen, H C. Stuttgart 1984. - : Gene-environment interaction in the psychopathology of Swedish adoptees: Studies of the origins of alcoholism and criminality. In: Childhood psychopathology and develop- ment. Eds. Guze, S B, Earls, F J & Barrett, J E. New York 1983. - : Prédisposition to petty criminality in Swedish adoptees. I. Genetic and environmental heterogeneity. Archives of General Psychiatry 39(1982) pp 1233-1241.

23 BOHMAN, Michael, SIGVARDSSON, Sören: Adoption als Präventions-instrument — Neuere Ergebnisse der Adoptionsforschung. In: Psychotherapie mit Kindern. Jugend­ lichen und Familien. Ed. Remschmidt, H. Stuttgart 1984. - : Adoption and fostering as preventive measures. In: The child in his family, vol 7. Eds. Anthony, E J & Chiland, C. New York 1982. - , von KNORRING, Anne-Liis & CLONINGER, Robert: Arv och miljö vid alkohol­ missbruk — en översikt av aktuell svensk forskning. Läkartidningen 81(1984):25. BOHMAN, Michael: se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON; se BOHMAN, Inga-Lill; se CLONINGER, Robert; se von KNORRING, Anne-Liis; se ORELAND, Lars; se SIG­ VARDSSON, Sören de CHATEAU, Peter: se WIBERG, Britt CLONINGER, Robert, SIGVARDSSON, Sören, von KNORRING, Anne-Liis & BOH­ MAN, Michael: An adoption study of somatoform disorders. II. Identification of two discrete somatoform disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry 41(1984) pp 863-871. - : Prédisposition to petty criminality in Swedish adoptees. II. Cross-fostering analysis of gene-environment interaction. Archives of General Psychiatry 39(1982) pp 1242-1247. CLONINGER, Robert: se BOHMAN, Michael; se von KNORRING, Anne-Liis; se SIG­ VARDSSON, Sören EDVINSSON, Sven-Olof: se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON von KNORRING, Anne-Liis: Adoption studies on psychiatrie illness. Diss. Umeå Univer­ sity Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1983:101. - , BOHMAN, Michael & SIGVARDSSON, Sören: Early life experiences and psychiatrie disorders: An adoptee study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 65(1982) pp 283-291. von KNORRING, Anne-Liis, CLONINGER, Robert, BOHMAN, Michael & SIG­ VARDSSON, Sören: An adoption study of depressive disorders and substance abuse. Archives of General Psychiatry 40(1983) pp 943-949. von KNORRING, Anne-Liis: se BOHMAN, Michael; se CLONINGER, Robert; se ORELAND, Lars; se SIGVARDSSON, Sören von KNORRING, Lars: se BOHMAN, Michael; se von KNORRING, Anne-Liis; se ORELAND, Lars ORELAND, Lars: se BOHMAN, Michael SIGVARDSSON, Sören: Alcohol abuse and criminality. A crossfostering study of gene-environment interaction. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:84. - , von KNORRING, Anne-Liis, BOHMAN, Michael & CLONINGER, Robert: An adoption study of somatoform disorders. I. The relationship of somatization to psychiatrie disability. Archives of General Psychiatry 41(1984) pp 853-859 - : Prédisposition to petty criminality in Swedish adoptees. III. Sex différences and validation of the male typology. Archives of General Psychiatry 39(1982) pp 1248-1253. SIGVARDSSON, Sören: se BOHMAN, Michael; se CLONINGER, Robert; se von KNORRING, Anne-Liis SJÖHOLM, Eva: se BOHMAN, Inga-Lill; se BOHMAN, Michael WIBERG, Britt & de CHATEAU, Peter: Long-term effect on mother-infant behaviour of extra contact during the first hour post partum. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine 12(1984) pp 91-103. - : Long-term effects on mother-infant behaviour of extra contact during the first hour post partum. In: The child in his family, vol 7. Eds. Anthony, E J & Chiland, C. New York 1982. - : Three year follow-up of early post partum contact. In: Frontiers of infant psychiatry. New York 1983.

24 CARIOLOGI ALM, Per E: Histamin liberators and the mechanisms of mediator release. Acta Oto- laryngologica 414(1984) pp 102-107. - : Modulation of mast cell cAMP levels. A regulatory function of calmodulin. Inter­ national Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 75(1984) pp 375-378. - , HELLSTRÖM, Sten, STENFORS, Lars-Eric, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt & WIDEMAR, Louise: Provoking effusion in experimental Otitis media with effusion. In: Recent advances in Otitis media with effusion, pp 225-228. St. Louis 1984. ALM, Per E, WIDEMAR, Louise, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STEN- FORS, Lars-Eric: Membrana shrapnelli of maturing rats. The occurrence of mast cells and histamine content in relation to Otitis media with effusion. Acta Otolaryngologica 98(1984) pp 302-307. BRATT, Pär & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: Peroxidase activity and thiocyanate accumulation in salivary glands. Experientia 39(1983) p 386. van DIJKEN, Jan W V, Stadigh, J & Meurman, J H: Appearance of finished and unfi- nished composite surfaces after toothbrushing. A scanning electron microscopy study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 41(1983) pp 377-383. van DIJKEN, Jan: se MÖRNSTAD, Håkan ERICSON, Thorild: Oral conditions effecting the development of caries. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Report 31(1982) pp 22-24. ERICSON, Thorild: Saliven som kroppens spegel. Tandläkartidningen 74(1982):22. - , Adamson, M, Lundström, I & Arwin, H: Interactions between some proteins at a hydrophilic surface. In: Surface and colloid phenomena in the oral cavity. Methodo- logical aspects, pp 195-201. London 1982. ERICSON, Thorild & Arwin, H: Lactoperoxidase and a salivary agglutinin at liquidolid interfaces: adsorption and interaction. Oral interfacial reaction of bone, soft tissue and saliva. Proceedings of a workshop, pp 33-39. Oxford 1984. ERICSON, Thorild, Hansson, L Å, Ahlstedt, S, Andersson, B, Carlsson, B, Cole, M F, Cruz, R, Dahlgren, U, Jalil, F, Khan, S R, Mellander, L, Schneerson, R, Svanborg Edén C, Söderström, T, & Wadsworth, C: Mucosal immunity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1983:409 pp 1-21. ERICSON, Thorild & Lindberg, A: Klinisk prövning av en salivstimulerande tablett, SST. Tandläkartidningen 74(1982): 12. ERICSON, Thorild, Olsson, J, Bowen, W, Ciardi, J, RUNDEGREN, J: Effect of a purified human salivary agglutinin on the adsorption of S. mutans to hydroxyapatite. Bacterial adhésion and preventive dentistry. Proceedings of a workshop, pp 63-71. Oxford 1984. ERICSON, Thorild, Pruitt, K M, Arwin, H & Lundström, I: Ellipsometric studies of film formation on tooth enamel and hydrophilic Silicon surfaces. Acta Odontologica Scan­ dinavica 41(1982) pp 197-201. ERICSON, Thorild & RUNDEGREN, J: Characterization of a salivary agglutinin re- acting with a serotype C strain of Streptococcus mutans. European Journal of Bioche- mistry 133(1983) pp 255-261. ERICSON, Thorild: se JOHANSSON, Ingegerd HELLSTRÖM, Sten: se ERICSON, Thorild JOHANSSON, Ingegerd, ERICSON, Thorild & STEEN, Lars: Studies of the effect of diet on saliva sécrétion and caries development: The effect of fasting on saliva compo­ sition of female subjects. Journal of Nutrition 114(1984) pp 2010-2020. MÖRNSTAD, Håkan: Multiple forms of acid phosphatase in rat secretory enamel organ. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 263-270.

25 - & van DIJKEN, Jan: Caries preventive doses of fluoride and cyclic AMP levels in human plasma. Caries Research 16(1982) pp 277-281. MÖRNSTAD, Håkan, Sundström, B & Axéll, T: Oral carcinomas associated with snuff dipping. Some clinical and histological characteristics of 23 tumours in Swedish males. Journal of Oral Pathology 11(1982) pp 245-251. PAUL, Karl-Gustav: se BRATT, Pär RUNDEGREN, J: Bacteria-agglutinating glycoproteins in human saliva. An in vitro study with special reference to Streptococcus mutans. Diss. Umeå University Odonto- logical Dissertations. Abstract 1982:15. RUNDEGREN, J: se ERICSON, Thorild

CENTRUM FÖR REGIONALVETENSKAPLIG FORSKNING (CERUM) Bianchi, G, JOHANSSON, Börje & SNICKARS, Folke: Models as integral parts of information systems: Expériences from Italy and Sweden. In: Information systems for integrated regional planning. Eds. Nijkamp, Peter & Rietveld, Piet. Amsterdam 1984. ISBN 0-444-86828-3. GIDLUND, Janerik, Ekman, Ann-Kristin, Lagergren, Mårten, LIDSTRÖM, Bengt, Rudebeck, Karin & Wigren, Rune: Kommunerna och framtiden. Forskningsrådsnämn­ den, FRN-studier 1984. ISBN 91-38-08484-8. JOHANSSON, Börje & Marksjö, B: Interactive systems for regional analysis of industriai sectors. In: Information systems for integrated regional planning. Eds. Nijkamp, Peter & Rietveld, Piet. Amsterdam 1984. ISBN 0-444-86828-3. JOHANSSON, Börje: se Bianchi, C; se Roy, J LIDSTRÖM, Bengt: se GIDLUND, Jan-Erik Persson, Lars Olof & WIBERG, Ulf: LU 84 Glesbygd på sikt. ERU-rapport 1984:38. Roy, Geoffrey G: A review of the possible development of the UMDAC system. CERUM report 1984:1. Roy, J & JOHANSSON, Börje: On planning and forecasting the location of retail and service activity. Regional Science and Urban Economies 14(1984) pp 433-452. SNICKARS, Folke: Chans för Norrbotten — program för CERUM:s forskning om Norrbottens utvecklingsproblem. CERUM rapport 1984:2. ISSN 0282-0277. - : se Bianchi, G WIBERG, Ulf (Red.): Teknisk utveckling och långsiktig regional förnyelse. CERUM rapport 1984:1. WIBERG, Ulf: se Persson, Lars Olof

26 DEMOGRAFISKA DATABASEN BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders: De kärlekslösa mödrarna". Spädbarnsdödligheten i Sverige under 1800-talet med särskild hänsyn till Nedertorneå. Diss. Umeå 1984. Acta Univer- sitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:62. ISBN 91-7174-162-3. - : Provinsialläkarnas amningskampanj. Åtgärder mot spädbarnsdödligheten i Neder­ torneå 1820-1895. Tre Kulturer. Medlemsbok för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1(1984) pp 121-144. - : Statliga kampanjer och spädbarnsdödlighet i Nedertorneå på 1800-talet. Socialsty­ relsens konferens om hälsovård för mödrar och barn inom primärvården, 26-27 maj 1983, pp 22-26. Stockholm 1983. - & SUNDIN, Jan: Spädbarnsdödlighet och samhällsförändring. Effekterna av späd­ barnsvård i ett lokalsamhälle på 1800-talet. Studia Historica Jyväskyläensia 27(1983) pp 213-226. BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders: se BROSTRÖM, Göran BROSTRÖM, Göran, BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders & PERSSON, Lars-Åke: The impact of breastfeeding patterns on infant mortality in a 19th Century Swedish parish. Newsletter 1983:1 from the Demographic Data Base, University of Umeå 1983. - : The impact of breastfeeding patterns on infant mortality in a 19th Century Swedish parish. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 30(1984) pp 154-159. DANELL, Christina: Demografiska databasen. Släkt och hävd 1983:2 pp 357-364. - : History on data — The Demographic Data Base at Umeå University. Looking at learning higher éducation and research in the Swedish society, p 34. Stockholm 1984. JOHANSSON, Egil: Kyrkböckerna berättar. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-38-90379-2. - : "Läser och förstår". Tvärsnitt 1982:1 pp 3-8. PERSSON, Lars-Åke: se BROSTRÖM, Göran SUNDIN, Jan: Kontroll — straff och försoning. Kyrklig rättvisa på sockennivå före 1850. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1982:1 pp 39-85. - & TEDEBRÀND, Lars-Göran: Tradition och förändring. Järnbrukens människor i 1800-talets Sverige — En grupps biografi. In: Från finnmarker och ådalar. Mellan- norrländsk kultur- och socialhistoria i Skrifter utgivna av Johan Nordlander-Sällskapet 1982:4 pp 95-120. SUNDIN, Jan: se BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders TEDEBRAND, Lars-Göran: Anmälan av Arja Pilli. The Finnish-language press in Canada, 1901-1939. A study in the history of ethnie journalism. Migration Studies C6. Institute of Migration. 1982, 328 s. Historisk tidskrift 1983:3 pp 371-372. - : Ree. av Martine Segalen. Love and power in the peasant family. Chicago 1983. Historisk tidskrift 1984:2 pp 254-255. - : Selånger. En sockens historia. Sundsvall 1983. 264 s. - : Spanienopinionen. Ree. av Bertil Lundvik. Solidaritet och partipolitik. Den svenska arbetarrörelsen och spanska inbördeskriget 1936-1939. Studia Historica Upsaliensia 114. Historisk tidskrift 1983:4 pp 485-490. - : Strikes and Dolitical radicalism in Sweden and emigration to the United States. In: American labor and immigration history, 1877-1920's: Recent European research, pp 221-234. Ed. Hoerder, Dirk. Urbana 1983. - : Svensk emigrationsforskning igår, idag och imorgon. Föredrag vid symposiet "Emi­ grationsforskningen inför framtiden", Växjö, 12-14 oktober 1984. Siirtolaisuus — Migration 1984:4 pp 1-8. TEDEBRAND, Lars-Göran: se SUNDIN, Jan

27 DERMATOLOGI OCH VENEREOLOGI Andersson, Rolf, GÖRANSSON, Kerstin, Andersson, Gustav, MARKLUND, Stellan & Zingmark, Per-Anders: Epidemie occupational photodermatosis of the face. Lancet 1(1983) p 472. Bandmann, Ulf, BÄCK, Ove & NORBERG, Bo: The effect of an oral therapeutic single-dose of griseofulvin on polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration in a casein gradient. Archives of Dermatological Research 276(1984) pp 41-44. Barregård, Lars-Åke & STENBERG, Berndt: Arbetsrelaterade handeksem hos sjukhus­ personal. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1355-1356. BECKMAN, Lars: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid BJERMER, Leif, BÄCK, Ove, ROOS, Göran & THUNELL, Martin: Mast cells and lysozyme-positive macrophages in broncho-alveolar (BAL) from patients with sarcoido- sis. Valuable prognostic active marking parameters of disease. lOth International congress on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders, Baltimore 17-22 September 1984. BÄCK, Ove & Groth, Ove: The cellulär infiltrate of the contact sensitivity reaction to picryl chloride in the mouse. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 63(1983) pp 304-307. - : Reserpine and the suppression of both edema formation and cellulär infiltrate of the contact sensitivity reaction in the mouse. Archives of Dermatological Research 275(1983) pp 371-373. BÄCK, Ove, HÖRNQVIST, Rune & Faergemann, Jan: Kliande follikuliter — någonting nytt? Sammanfattning. Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. BÄCK, Ove & LARSEN, Allan: Contact sensitivity in mice evaluated by means of ear swelling and a radiometrie test. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 78(1982) pp 309-312. BÄCK, Ove & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Cl-esterase inhibitor activity in cold Urticaria. In: The Urticaria. Clinically oriented international symposium, European Society for dermatological research, Cambridge 10-11 Januari 1984. BÄCK, Ove & NORBERG, Bo: The effect of a therapeutic doxycycline concentration of polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration in vitro. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 16(1984) pp 369-372. BÄCK, Ove: se BJERMER, Leif; se EGELRUD, Torbjörn; se HÖRNQVIST, Rune; se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se NORBERG, Bo Christophersen, B, HELLGREN, Lars, Krogstad, T & VINCENT, Jan: Influence of sélénium sulphide on hair lipids in seborrhoea oleosa. Dermatologische Monatsschrift 170(1984) pp 463-465. EGELRUD, Torbjörn: Dermatitis herpetiformis: préparation of papillär dermis för försök till biokemisk karakterisering av inlagringarna av IgA. Sammanfattning. Läkare­ sällskapets riksstämma 1983. - : Dermatitis herpetiformis: some biochemical properties of the IgA in papillary dermis of clinically normal skin. 14th Annual meeting of the European Society for derma­ tological research, Amsterdam 20-23 maj 1984. - & BÄCK, Ove: Dermatitis herpetiformis: préparation of papillary dermis and the effect of proteolytic enzymes on the IgA deposits. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 82(1984) pp 501-505. ELMROS, Theodor: se TRUEDSSON, Håkan Eriksson, Gunnel, Eklund, Anders, LIDÉN, Sture & Zetterqvist, Staffan: Comparison of différent treatments of venous leg ulcers: A controlied study with stereophotogram- metry. Current Therapeutic Research 35(1984) pp 678-684. FINNE, Kaj, GÖRANSSON, Kerstin & WINCKLER, Lars: Oral lichen planus and contact allergy to mercury. International Journal of Oral Surgery 11(1982) pp 236-239.

28 GÖRANSSON, Kerstin, Andersson, Rolf, Andersson, Gustav, MARKLUND, Stellan, Andersson, Kurt, Östbye, Paul & Zingmark, Per-Anders: An outbreak of occupational photodermatosis of the face in a factory in northern Sweden. Part I. Medicai investi­ gation. Part II. Chemical and technical investigation. Proceedings of the 3rd Inter­ national conférence on indoor air Quality and climate, Stockholm 20-24 augusti 1984. GÖRANSSON, Kerstin: se Andersson, Rolf; se FINNE, Kaj HELLGREN, Lars: se Christophersen, B; se Nyfors, A HENRIKSSON, Roger: se HÖRNQVIST, Rune HOLM, Stig: se TRUEDSSON, Håkan HÖRNQVIST, Rune, BÄCK, Ove & HENRIKSSON, Roger: Adrenoceptor-mediated responses in human skin studied by iontophoresis. British Journal of Dermatology 111(1984) pp 561-566. - : Kan iontofores vara en icke-invasiv metod att studera receptorer för vasoaktiva substanser i huden? Sammanfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. HÖRNQVIST, Rune: se BÄCK, Ove JAGELL, Sten & LIDÉN, Sture: Ichthyosis in the Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Clinical Genetics 21(1982) pp 243-252. - : Treatment of the ichthyosis of the Sjögren-Larsson syndrome with Etretinate (Tiga- son^). Acta Dermato-Venereologica 63(1983) pp 89-91. JAGELL, Sten: se LIDÉN, Sture LARSEN, Allan: se BÄCK, Ove LIDÉN, Sture & JAGELL, Sten: The Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. International Journal of Dermatology 23(1984) pp 247-253. LIDÉN, Sture: se Eriksson, Gunnel; se JAGELL, Sten; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid MARKLUND, Stellan: se Andersson, Rolf; se GÖRANSSON, Kerstin NILSSON, Eskil: Handeksem hos atopiker i sjukvårdsarbete. Sammanfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. - , Henning, Claes & Hjörleifsson, Marie-Louise: Riklig förekomst av Staphylococcus aureus vid handeksem. Sammanfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. NILSSON, Torbjörn & BÄCK, Ove: Om Cl-esterashämmarens roll vid köldurticaria. Sammanfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. - : On the role of the Cl-esterase inhibitor in cold Urticaria. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 64(1984) pp 197-202. NILSSON, Torbjörn: se BÄCK, Ove NORBERG, Bo & BÄCK, Ove: Effekten av terapeutiska doxycyklinkoncentrationer på neutrofilernas migration in vitro. Sammanfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma 1982. NORBERG, Bo: se Bandmann, Ulf; se BÄCK, Ove NORDENSSON, Ingrid, BECKMAN, Lars, LIDÉN, Sture & STJERNBERG, Nils: Chromosomal aberrations and cancer risk. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 76-81. Nyfors, A, Nilsen, A, Olsen, P, Wisloff Nilssen, J, Hansen, L I, Gjertsen, B T & HELL­ GREN, Lars: Psoradrate and UV-A in the treatment of chronic psoriasis. Comparison of the effectiveness of différent dithranol concentrations and application times using a fixed UV-A schedule. Research Clinical Forums 6(1984) pp 49-54. ROOS, Göran: se BJERMER, Leif STENBERG, Berndt & With, Torben K: The first Swedish case of congenital erythro- poietic porphyria with a revised view of the porphyria excretion pattern in this disease. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 1982:Suppl.lOO pp 87-90.

29 STENBERG, Berndt: se Barregård, Lars-Åke STJERNBERG, Nils: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid THUNELL, Martin: se BJERMER, Leif TRUEDSSON, Håkan, ELMROS, Theodor & HOLM, Stig: Elective cholesystectomy with intraperitoneal drain. A bacteriological évaluation. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 315-321. - : The evidence of bacteria in gali bladder bile at acute and elective cholecystectomy. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 307-313. VINCENT, Jan: se Christophersen, B WINCKLER, Lars: se FINNE, Kaj

DIAGNOSTISK RADIOLOGI ANDERSSON, Magnus: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola ASPLUND, Kjell: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran BACKMAN, Christer: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran BILLSTRÖM, Åke: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran BJELLE, Anders: se NORDMARK, Lars BURMAN, Lars Åke: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola EMDIN, Stefan: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola ERIKSSON, Martin: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran ERIKSSON, Sture: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran FAGERLUND, Markku, STENLING, Roger «Sc SÖDERBERG, Ove: A subfrontal meningeoma with primary origin from the nasal cavity. Acta Otolaryngologica 95(1983) pp 365-370. FAGERLUND, Markku, KNIBESTÖL, Martin & Brodtkorb, Eric: Corrélations between echo-encephalographic and computer tomographic measures of third and lateral ven- tricle size in children and adults. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 350-361. HIETALA, Sven-Ola, LUNDGREN, Rune & ÄDELROTH, Ellinor: Diagnosis of bronchial lésions by fiberoptic bronchoscopy combined with bronchography. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 231-234. HIETALA, Sven-Ola, Jonsson, Marianne & BURMAN, Lars Åke: Candida Albicans Pneumonia. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 507-511. HIETALA, Sven-Ola & WAHLQVIST, Lennart: Metastatic tumörs to the kidney - A post mortem, radiologie and clinical investigation. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 585-591. HIETALA, Sven-Ola, LINDQVIST, Bengt, LITHNER, Folke & WIRELL, Marianne: Fatal reaction following renal angiography and biopsy in diabetic patients with azote- mia. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 179-181. HIETALA, Sven-Ola & THUNELL, Martin: Lymfangiektasi — en ovanlig sjukdom med varierande radiologisk och klinisk bild. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1802-1806.

30 HIETALA, Sven-Ola, ANDERSSON, Magnus & EMDIN, Stefan: Ectopie pregnancy in the liver. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 633-635. HIETALA, Sven-Ola, LITHNER, Folke & STEEN, Lars: Skeletal lésions and arterial calcifications of the feet in diabetics. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 47-54. HIETALA, Sven-Ola & LITHNER, Folke: Foot angiography in diabetic patients with gangrene. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 61-67. HÄGG, Erik: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran JACOBSSON, Karl-Axel: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran JOHNSSON, Owe: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran KNIBESTÖL, Martin: se FAGERLUND, Markku LENNER, Per: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran LILIEQUIST, Bengt, HÄGG, Erik, von ESSEN, Claes & ASPLUND, Kjell: Hypo- fysapoplexi - ett differentialdiagnostiskt problem värt att uppmärksamma. Läkartid­ ningen 81(1984) pp 3937-3940. LILIEQUIST, Bengt, FODSTAD, Harald, LOVE, James A, EKSTEDT, Jan & Fridén, H: Effect of cranioplasty on cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics in patients with the syndrome of the trephined. Acta Neurochirurgica 70(1984) pp 21-30. LINDQVIST, Bengt: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola LITHNER, Folke: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola; se ÖSTERMAN, Göran LUNDGREN, Rune: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola LUNDSTRÖM, Bo: Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and common bile duct stenosis. A case report. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 713-715. NORDMARK, Lars, RANTAPÄÄ-DAHLQVIST, Solbritt & BJELLE, Anders: HLA- B27 and involvement of sacroiliac joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheuma- tology 11(1984) pp 27-32. ÖSTERMAN, Göran, ERIKSSON, Sture, ASPLUND, Kjell, HÄGG, Erik, Helmers, Clas, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Pulmonary artery cine angiocardiography to demonstrate cardiac thrombi in patients with cerebral infarc- tion. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984) pp 27-33. ÖSTERMAN, Göran, LENNER, Per & ROOS, Göran: Spontanregress av metastase- rande mjukdelssarkom. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 1698-1699. ÖSTERMAN, Göran & LUNDSTRÖM, Bo: Assessment of deep venous insufficiency by ascending phlebography. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 24(1983) pp 375-379. ÖSTERMAN, Göran, TOLLIN, Claes, ERIKSSON, Martin, JOHNSSON, Owe, BACK­ MAN, Christer, JACOBSSON, Karl-Axel & BILLSTRÖM, Åke: Decreased removal of triglycérides from the blood — a mechanism for the hypertriglyceridemia in male patients with coronary artery disease. International Journal of Cardiology 5(1984) pp 185-192. ÖSTERMAN, Göran, THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove & STJERNBERG, Nils: Cardiopulmonary function in sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandina­ vica 215(1984) pp 215-220. ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se ERIKSSON, Sture; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se THUNELL, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes Peters, Dieter & the Multicenter Study Group (including BJERLE, Per): Terodilene in the treatment of urinary frequency and motor urge incontinence. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 87(1984):Suppl.pp 21-33.

31 STEEN, Lars: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola STENLING, Roger: se FAGERLUND, Markku STRAND, Tage: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran SÖDERBERG, Ove: se FAGERLUND, Markku SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se WIRELL, Staffan THUNELL, Martin: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola TOLLIN, Claes: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran WAHLQIST, Lennart: se HIETALA Sven-Ola WESTER, Per Olov: se ÖSTERMAN, Göran WIRELL, Marianne: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola WIRELL, Staffan: Adverse reactions at intravenous cholegraphy with ioglycamide. Corrélation with the level of circulating sex hormones. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 405-407. - : Binding of metrizamide to human serum proteins. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 239-243. - : Release of protein bound progesterone in human serum by ioglycamide. Acta Radio­ logica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 497-502. - , SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Binding of radiographie contrast media to serum proteins. A clinical and experimental investigation of their adverse effects through influence on active Steroid hormone levels. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:82. - : Increased content of saliva cortisol following infusion of ioglycamate. Acta Radiolo­ gica. Diagnosis 24(1983) pp 477-480. - : Ioglycamide induced release of testosterone and estradiol from protein bound stores. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 567-572. ÄDELROTH, Ellinor: se HIETALA, Sven-Ola

EKOLOGISK BOTANIK BACKLUND, Sten: se SÖDERSTRÖM, Olof Bergåse, Agneta, ERICSSON, Stefan, Jansson, Gunnar, Mattiasson, Jan-Erik, Olofsson, Carin, Thornell, Anders & Östlund, Lars: Ängen — en starkt kulturpåverkad biotop. Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 107-114. Elmberg, J & ERICSSON, Stefan. Om paddans Bufo bufo L. utbredning och ekologi i norra Sverige. Fauna och flora 77(1982) pp 27-32. - : "Skrattabbarn" — om mindre vattenödlan, Triturus vulgaris (L) i Västerbottens lan. Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 1-22. ELMQVIST, Thomas: se Hedström, I ELVELAND, Jan: Degeneration hos våtslåttervegetation orsakad av vattendränkning av liestubben. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 78(1984) pp 45-58. - : Effekt av lieslåtter i Carex lasiocarpa (trådstarr)-vegetation. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 78(1984) pp 335-345.

32 - : Norrländska våtslåttermarker — bevarande av ett gammalt kulturlandskap. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1983:1737. - : Slåtter och träda på en älvstrandäng i Tornedalen. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 77(1983) pp 225-234. - : Vegetationsförändringar i ett havsstrandkärr, Hällkarskärret, på Storön i Kalix inre skärgård under perioden 1970-1980. Norrbottens natur. Årsskrift 1982 pp 14-22. - : Vegetationsinvandring på blottad torv i ett rikkärr vid norrbottenskusten. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 78(1984) pp 177-186. - & SJÖBERG, Kjell: Några effekter av återupptagen slåtter och andra skötselåtgär­ der på vegetation och djurliv i norrländska våtmarker. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1982:1516. ELVELAND, Jan & Tjernberg, M: Vegetationsförhållanden på några spelplatser för dubbelbeckasin (Gallinago media) i västra Härjedalen och södra Lappland. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 60(1984) pp 125-140. ERIXON, Gunno: Förändringsanalys av vattenvegetation och vegetationsfronter i Tavel- sjön. Hälso- och miljövårdskontoret i Umeå kommun, rapport. Umeå 1982. - : Naturinventering av Vindelälven inom Umeå och Vännäs kommuner. Länsstyrelsen i Västerbottens län, rapport 1982:2. ERICSON, Lars: Landhöjningens betydelse för vegetationens utveckling. In: Land­ höjning och kustbygdsförändring, symposiepublikation vol. 1, pp 133-142. Nordiskt symposium, Luleå, 2-4 juni 1982. Högskolan i Luleå, Sveriges geologiska undersökning, Luleå kommun. - , Hansson, L & Ingelög, T: Remnant biotopes in production landscapes. How to preserve intact natural communities. Stencil. Institutionen för ekologisk botanik, Umeå universitet 1983. ERICSON, Lars: se ESSEEN, Per Anders ERIKSSON, Ove: Cordyceps bifusispora. Mycotaxon 15(1982) pp 185-188. - : Notes on ascomycetes and coelomycetes from NW. Europe. Mycotaxon 15(1982) pp 189-202. - : Outline of the Ascomycetes. — 1982. Mycotaxon 15(1982) pp 203-248. - : Outline of the Ascomycetes — 1983. Systema Ascomycetum 2(1983) pp 1-38. - : Outline of the Ascomycetes — 1984. Systema Ascomycetum 3(1984) pp 1-72. - : Revision of "Outline of the Ascomycetes — 1982". Systema Ascomycetum 1(1982) pp 1-16. - : Reynolds, D R (ed) 1981. Ascomycete Systematics. The Luttrellian Concept. Recen­ sion i Nordic Journal of Botany 2(1983) p 600. ERICSSON, Stefan: Klockljung (Erica tetralix L) i Norrland. Natur i norr 3(1984) pp 17-23. - : Korta notiser (Granbräken i Skravelsjö, Umeå; Fina fynd i okända Skalmodal; Slåtter- fibbla i Umeå socken; Rar myskbrodd vid Linaforsen; Om myrar vid planerade Fatsjö- överledningen). Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 100-106. - : Korta notiser (Om Umeås björnflokor; Järnvägsväxter vid Gimonäs i Umeå; Fyra rara gräs i Umeå). Natur i norr 3(1984) pp 69-74. - : Länsfloran — Hur står det till? Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 93-100. - : Skrivet om länets natur 1982. Västerbottens läns natur (= Natur i Norr) 1(1982) pp 64-71. - : Skrivet om natur i AC-län 1982. Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 119-136. - : Tillägg till "Umetraktens kärlväxter". Natur i norr 3(1984) pp 171-172. - : Umetraktens kärlväxter. Västerbottens läns natur (= Natur i Norr) 1(1982) pp 2-62. - : yästerbottens läns provins- och sockengränser. Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 33-51. - : Asele lappmarks kärlväxter. Natur i norr 3(1984) pp 82-170. - & Nordenstam, S: Hur hittar man egentligen slakstarr, Carex laxa Wahlenbergia? Natur i norr 2(1983) pp 57-67. ERICSSON, Stefan: se Bergåse, A; se Elmberg, J

33 ESSEEN, Per-Anders: Ecology of lichens in boreal coniferous forests with reference to spatial and temporal patterns. Diss. Institutionen för ekologisk botanik, Umeå univer­ sitet, Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7174-137-2. - : Lavar och skogsbruk. Skogsfakta. Flora, fauna, miljö 1984:5. - & ERICSON, Lars: Granskogar med långskägg i Sverige. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1982:1513. ESSEEN, Per-Anders & SÖDERSTRÖM, Lars: Kryptogaminventering av Klövberget. In: Dynesius, M. Klövberget — gränsberget med gammelskog och långskägg. Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrlands län rapport 1984:2. ESSEEN, Per-Anders: se Sandberg, G; se SÖDERSTRÖM, Lars GRELSSON, Gunnel: Comparison of vegetation stability on two river banks, subject to short-term water-level régulation, at the river Umeälven in northern Sweden. In: Regulated rivers, pp 125-132. Eds Lillehammer, A & Saltveit, S J. Oslo 1984. - & NILSSON, Christer: Förändringar i en älvdals vegetation belysta genom upprepad fotografering. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 76(1982) pp 368-379. GRELSSON, Gunnel: se NILSSON, Christer Hedström, I & ELMQVIST, Thomas: Prepona butterflies (Nymphalidae) and Hoplopyga beetles (Scarabaeidae) on the same food source during the Neotropical dry season — a case of commensalism? Revista de Biologia Tropical 32(1984):2 pp 313-316. HELLBERG, Tor: se RENBERG, Ingemar HOLM, Stig-Olov & Eriksson, A E O: Storåns dalgång. Naturinventering. Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län 1983:12. HOLM, Stig-Olov & KULLMAN, Leif: Mikrotopografi, överlevnad, tillväxt och väder­ leksskador i höglägesplanteringar av tall i norra Sverige. Sveriges Skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift 81(1983):6 pp 37-55. HÖGLUND, Eivor: Livsstrategier hos Filipendula Ulmaria i strandmiljö. En litteratur­ översikt samt några preliminära resultat. Stencil. Institutionen för ekologisk botanik, Umeå Universitet. Umeå 1982. JOHANSSON, Mats: Amerikansk dunört (Epilobium adenocaulon) funnen i Väster­ botten. Natur i norr 3(1984): 1 p 24. JOHANSSON, Mats & SPERENS, Ulf: Något om strand- och vattenväxtfloran i Skarv- sjöområdet. Natur i norr 2(1983):2 p 118. KARLMAN, Margareta: Pathogens and other threats to Pinus contorta in northern Sweden. Diss. Institutionen för ekologisk botanik, Umeå universitet 1984. 212 s. - : Skador inom proveniensförsök med confortatali. Risker — möjligheter. Sveriges Skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift 79(1982) pp 49-56. - : Svamp och insektsepidemier hot mot Pinus contorta i Storbritannien. Sveriges Skogs­ vårdsförbunds tidskrift 81(1983):6 pp 17-22. - , Lundh, J E & Martinsson, O: Instruktion för bestämning av våra vanligaste skador i försöksplanteringar och föryngringar av tall, contortatall och gran. Sveriges Skogs­ vårdsförbunds tidskrift 1982:3. KARLMAN, Margareta: se Martinsson, O. KULLMAN, Leif: Den fjällnära barrskogen — en västekologisk översikt. In: Urskogar. Inventering av urskogsartade områden i Sverige. 5. Fjällregionen, pp 4-27. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1984:1511. - : Germinability of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp tortuosa) along two altitudinal transects downslope from the tree-limit in Sweden. Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 19(1984) pp 11-18. - : Past and present tree-lines of différent species in the Handölan valley, central Sweden. In: Proceedings of the northern Quebec tree-line conference 1981, pp 25-45. Eds. Morisset, P & Payette, S. Centre d'études nordiques Université Laval, Québec. Nordi- cana 1983:47.

34 - : Tandövala — fjäll eller va(r)d? Svensk botanisk tidskrift 76(1982) pp 185-196. - : Short-term population trends of isolated tree-limit stands of Pinus silvestris L in central Sweden. Arctic and Alpine Research 15(1983):3 pp 369-382. - : Transplantation experiments with saplings of Betula pubescens ssp tortuosa near the tree-limit in central Sweden. Holarctic Ecology 7(1984) pp 289-293. - : Utbredningen av sjöranunkeln (Ranunculus lingua) i norra Sverige. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 76(1982) pp 213-214. - : se HOLM, Stig-Olov Martinsson, O, KARLMAN, Margareta & Lundh, J-E: Avgångar och skador i odlings­ försök av tall och contortatall 4-9 år efter plantering. Mortality and damage in semi- practical trials of Scots pine and Lodgepole pine 4-9 years after plantation. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Silviculture, Report 1983:10. NILSSON, Christer: Biologiska effekter av små vattenkraftverk. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1982:1593. - : Det biologiska priset på vattenkraft. Forskning och framsteg 5(1983) pp 34-38. - : Effect of stream régulation on riparian vegetation. In: Regulated rivers, pp 93-106. Eds. Lillehammer, A & Saltveit, S J. Oslo 1984. - : Frequency distributions of vascular plants in the geolittoral vegetation along two rivers in northern Sweden. Journal of Biogeography 10(1983) pp 351-369. - : Kriterier för biologisk värdering av natur från skyddssynpunkt. Statens naturvårds­ verk PM 1984:1881. - : Ranunculus lingua och Litorella uniflora i Åsele lappmark. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 78(1984) pp 75-76. - : Sjöranunkeln, Ranunculus lingua, och högsta kustlinjen i Norrland. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 76(1982) pp 15-24. - & GRELSSON, Gunnel: Växt- och djurvärld i Sädvajaures dämningsområde. Läns­ styrelsen Norrbottens län. Planeringsavdelningens rapportserie 1983:7. NILSSON, Christer: se GRELSSON, Gunnel OHLSSON, Mikael: Detaljinventering av Prästflon — ett rikkärr i Ångermanland. Läns­ styrelsen i Västernorrlands län. Härnösand 1982. - : Stratigrafisk och kemisk undersökning av tre torvlagerföljder från Armasjärvimyren i östra Norrbotten. Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län. Planeringsavdelningens rapport­ serie 1982:4. OKSANEN, Lauri: Trophic exploitation and arctic phytomass patterns. American Natu­ ralist 122(1983) pp 45-52. RENBERG, Ingemar: Sot och kiselalger visar: Förbränning och försurning går hand i hand. Forskning och framsteg 4(1984) pp 36-40. - : Varved lake sediments — geochronological records of the Holocene. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm. Förhandlingar 104(1982) pp 275-279. - & HELLBERG, Tor: The pH history of lakes in SW Sweden as deduced from the subfossil diatom flora of the sediments. Ambio 11(1982) pp 30-33. RENBERG, Ingemar, SEGERSTRÖM, Ulf & WALLIN, Jan-Erik: Climatic reflection in varved lake sediments. In: Climatic changes on a yearly to millennial basis, pp 249-256. Eds. Mörner, N A & Karlén, W. Dordrecht 1984. RENBERG, Ingemar & WIK, Maria: Dating recent lake sediments by soot particle counting. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen 22(1984) pp 712-716. RENBERG, Ingemar: se SEGERSTRÖM, Ulf RENMAN, Gunno: Nya lokaler for vattenaloe vid Lycksele. Natur i norr 3(1984) pp 25-30. Sandberg, G, HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik & ESSEEN, Per-Anders: Effects of HF on the budburst of Betula tortuosa (Ledeb). Fluoride 15(1982):3 pp 124-131.

35 SEGERSTRÖM, Ulf: Vegetationshistoria, odlingshistoria och klimatutveckling. Skrifter från Luleälvsprojektet 1982:2. - & RENBERG, Ingemar: Varviga sjösediment avslöjar den forntida landhöjningens förlopp. In: Landhöjning och kustbygdsförändring, symposiepublikation, vol 1, pp 17-24. Nordiskt symposium, Luleå, 2-4 juni 1982, Högskolan i Luleå, Sveriges geolo­ giska undersökning, Luleå kommun. - & WALLIN, Jan-Erik: Annual sediment accumulation and land use history; investi­ gations of varved lake sediments. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. Verhandlungen 22(1984) pp 1396-1403. SEGERSTRÖM, Ulf: se RENBERG, Ingemar SJÖBERG, Kjell: se ELVELAND, Jan SPERENS, Ulf: se JOHANSSON, Mats SÖDERSTRÖM, Lars: Hotade och sällsynta mossarter i norrländska granskogar. Svensk botanisk tidskrift 77(1983) pp 4-12. - : Mossfloran. In: Linder, P. Kirjesålandet. En skogsbiologisk inventering av ett fjäll­ nära urskogsområde i Västerbottens län. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig ståndortslära 1984: bilaga 1 pp 1-6. - : Norrlands bållevermossor, 2 uppl. Fältbiologerna, Stockholm 1982. ISBN 91-85094- 78-1. - & ESSEEN, Per-Anders: Kryptogaminventering av Ysberget och Laxtjärnsberget. In: Linder, P. Naturskogen på Ysberget och Laxtjärnsberget — en skogsbiologisk inven­ tering pp 90-102. Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborgs län, naturvårdsenheten, rapport 1983:1. SÖDERSTRÖM, Lars: se ESSEEN, Per-Anders SÖDERSTRÖM, Olof & BACKLUND, Sten: Biologiska undersökningar i Stekenjokk hösten 1980. In: Undersökningar i Stekenjokk, Saxån och Kultsjön 1980. Uppföljning av och jämförelse med tidigare undersökningar. Vattentest AB Stekenjokkutredningen 1980. WALLIN, Jan-Erik: se RENBERG, Ingemar; se SEGERSTRÖM, Ulf

WESTMAN, Lars: Användning av lavar i kontrollprogram för punktkällor som släpper ut svavel, fluor och metall. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1983:1556. - : Barrträdstillväxt i kontrollprogram för punktkällor som släpper ut svavel, fluor och metall. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1982:1603. - : Underlag för kontroll av landmiljön vid Karlshamns kraftverk. Slutresultat. Statens naturvårdsverk PM 1983:1694. WIK, Maria: se RENBERG, Ingemar

EKOLOGISK ZOOLOGI Ackefors, H, Adling, L & ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove: Fiskodling och teknik - vattenbrukets tekniska möjligheter. (Technology and Aquaculture). FRN rapport 1982:12. ASPLUND, Cay: Time budget of breeding Mallard in northern Sweden. Wildfowl 32(1982) pp 55-64. BENGTSSON, Åke: Miljögifter spåras med röntgad hornsimpa. Forskning och framsteg 1984:7 pp 34-37.

36 - & Bengtsson, B E: A method to registrate spinal and vertebral anomalies in fourhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis L. (Pisces). Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1984) pp 61-64. - : se Hansson, S BERG, Erik: se MÜLLER, Karl BERTMAR, Gunnar: Med doften som ledstjärna. Forskning och framsteg 1983:5 pp 22-23. - : Sinnesekologi hos renar och laxfiskar. Fauna och flora 78(1983) pp 223-229. - : se LINDROTH, Arne BRÄNNÄS, Eva: Vilken belysning skall vi ha i kläckerier? Vattenbruk 1983 pp 33-35. - : se ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove BURMAN, Martin: se LUNDQVIST, Hans Cuppen, J G M & Nilsson, A N: The second- and third-instar larvae of Hygrotus decoratus (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 15(1984) pp 65-69. DANELL, Kjell & HÖRNFELDT, Birger: Enkätundersökning om rävskabbförekomst i Norrbottens och Västerbottens län (jaktåret 1981/82). Från hav till fjäll 7(1983):3 p 17. ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove & LUNDQVIST, Hans: Circannual rhythms and photoperiod régulation of growth and smoking in Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L). Aquaculture 28(1982) pp 113-121. - , BRÄNNÄS, Eva & ERIKSSON, Torleif: Annual periodicity of activity and migration in the Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L. In: Coastal research in the gulf of Bothnia, pp 415-430 (ed.) Müller, Karl. The Hague 1982. ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove & MÜLLER, Karl: The importance of a small river for recruitment of coastal fish populations. Abstract. Proceedings of a symposium. "Fish reproduction: Stratégies & tactics", pp 371-385. Plymouth 19-23 July, 1982. - : Spawning strategies of some anadromous freshwater fishes in the Northern Baltic. Abstract. Proceedings of a symposium. "Fish reproduction: Strategies & tactics". Plymouth 19-23 July, 1982. ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove & ERIKSSON, Torleif: Non-river based sea-ranching experiments and net-pen rearing of Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L) in the Bothnian sea. Proceeding from the International Symposia on Salmon problems. Luleå October 1983. ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove: se Ackefors, H; se LUNDBERG, Per; se LUNDQVIST, Hans ERIKSSON, Torleif: Adjustments in annual cycles of swimming behaviour in juvenile Baltic salmon in fresh and brackish water. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 113(1984) pp 467-471. - : Growth, sexual maturation and survival of net pen reared Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L, in the Bothnian Sea, with special reference to wintering conditions. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1983) pp 109-113. - : se ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove Hansson, S, Bengtsson, B E & BENGTSSON, Åke: Stomach contents in Baltic fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis L) with normal and deformed spinal vertebrae. Marine Pollution Bulletin 15(1984): 10 pp 375-377. Håkansson, H & MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes: Characteristic diatom species in the coastal river Ängerån. Marine Pollution Bulletin 13(1982) pp 43-52. HÖRNFELDT, Birger: Åldersfördelning bland skogshöns skjutna i norra Sverige jakt­ åren 1981/82 och 1982/83. Från hav till fjäll 7(1983):3 pp 20-27. - : se DANELL, Kjell JOHNSON, Torbjörn: Seasonal migrations of anadromous fishes in a northern Swedish coastal stream. In: Coastal research in the gulf of Bothnia, pp 353-362. Ed. Müller, Karl. The Hague 1982.

37 Kaiser, E W & MÜLLER, Karl: Sialis (Ins Megaloptera, Sialidae) in a coastal area of the gulf of Bothnia. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 269-272. Kuipers, Bouwe, MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes & MÜLLER, Karl: Effects of the inflow of river water on estuarine productivity in the northern Bothnian Sea. In: Coastal research in the gulf of Bothnia, pp 151-171. Ed. Müller, Karl. The Hague 1982. KÄLLQUIST, Lollo & MOSSING, Torgny: Olfactory communication between mother and calf in reindeer (Rangifer t tarandus L). Applied Animai Ethology 8(1982) pp 561-565. Lee, P W, Swedmyr, A, Amyx, H L, Gajdusek, D C, Gibbs jr, C J, LÖFGREN, Ola & Nyström, K: HFRS antigen and antibody in 2 species of Swedish voles. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 14(1982) pp 315-316. Lemdahl, G & NILSSON, Anders: Ett postglacialt subfossilfynd av dykarbaggen Cybister laterimarginalis från Skåne. Entomologisk tidskrift 103(1982) pp 121-122. LEONARDSSON, Kjell & NÄSLUND, Ingemar: Local effects of net pen rearing of fish on benthic macrofauna in the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1983) pp 115-120. Lindahl, K, LUNDQVIST, Hans & Rydevik, M: Plasma thyroxine levels and the thyroid gland histology in Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) during smoltification. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61(1983) pp 1954-1958. LINDROTH, Arne, Larsson, P O & BERTMAR, Gunnar: Where does the Baltic salmon go? In: Coastal research in the gulf of Bothnia, pp 387-414. Ed. Müller, Karl. The Hague 1982. Lingdell, P E & MÜLLER, Karl: Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in coastal areas of the gulf of Bothnia. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 233-242. LUNDBERG, Per: Kråkans ekologi och metoder som prövats för anpassning av kråk- fågelbestånd. — En litteraturgenomgång. SNV PM 1983:1734. - & ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove: Postjuvenile moult in two north Scandinavian Starling Sturnus vulgaris populations — evidence for différence in the circannual time-program. Ornis Scandinavica 15(1984) pp 105-109. LUNDBERG, Per & Schwabl, H: Structure and dominance behaviour of a partial migratory population of Blackbirds Turdus merula during the non-breeding season. Ornis Fennica 1983:Suppl. 3 pp 20-21. LUNDQVIST, Hans: Precocious sexual maturation and smoking in Baltic salmon (Salmo salar). Photoperiodic synchronization and adaptive significance of annual biological cycles. Diss. University of Umeå, Dept. of Ecol. Zool. Umeå, 75 s. 1983. BURMAN, Martin & ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove: Vattenbruksforskning i Umeå. Program­ beskrivning för tvärvetenskaplig vattenbruksrelaterad forskningsverksamhet vid Umeå Universitet, Umeå Universitet. Stencil, 1984. LUNDQVIST, Hans & Fridberg, G: Sexual maturation versus immaturity: Différent tactics with adaptive values in Baltic salmon. (Salmo salar L) male smolts. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60(1982) pp 1822-1827. LUNDQVIST, Hans: se ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove; se Lindhal, K LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa, Sandström, Gunnar, LÖFGREN, Sture, TÄRNVIK, Arne & WOLF-WATZ, Hans: Duration of cell-mediated immunity after tularemia vaccination. 8th Scottish-Scandinavian conférence on infectious diseases. Tampere, Finland, June 1983. LÖFGREN, Ola: se Lee, P W LÖFGREN, Sture: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa

38 Mendl, H & MÜLLER, Karl: Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the mouth and in the estuary of the river Ängerån in the northern Bothnian Sea. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 243-252. MOSS1NG, Torgny: se KÄLLQUIST, Lollo MÜLLER, Karl: Biogeographical considérations of the distribution of some freshwater insects in coastal areas of the gulf of Bothnia. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 285-300. - : The colonization cycle of freshwater insects. Oecologia 52(1982) pp 202-207. - : The fish fauna of the river Ängerån. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 53-58. - : The gulf of Bothnia. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 1-8. - : Jungfischwanderungen zur Bottensee. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 95(1982) pp 271-282. - : Lunar periodicity of seaward migrating juvenile burbot (Lota Iota L). Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1984) pp 147-148. - & BERG, Erik: Spring migration of some anadromous fresh water fishes in a coastal stream of the northern Bothnian Sea. Hydrobiologia 96(1982) pp 161-168. MÜLLER, Karl & Karlsson, L: The biology of the grayling, Thymallus thymallus L, in coastal areas of the Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1984) pp 65-68. MÜLLER, Karl & MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes: The physiography of the river Änger­ ån. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 20(1982) pp 35-42. MÜLLER, Karl: se ERIKSSON, Lars-Ove; se Kaiser, E W; se Kuipers, Bouwe; se Lingdell, P E; se Mendl, H; se MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes: Distribution and annual rhythmicity in some phyto- plankton species near the coast in the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 20(1982) pp 209-224. - : The low-light adapted dinoflagellate Gonyaulax catenata. Sarsia 66(1982) pp 267-272. - : Nanoplankton under ice and snow in a coastal area of the Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 20(1982) pp 225-231. - : Organic material leaving the river Ängerån and its fate in the estuary. In: Coastal research in the gulf of Bothnia, pp 81-104. Ed. Müller, Karl. The Hague 1982. - : The reproduction of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus L) in relation to the acidity of a coastal stream in northern Sweden. Fauna Norrlandica 2(1984) pp 1-13. - : Studies in laboratory and in brackish coastal waters into Chlorophyll a content of Baltic Sea sediments. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1984) pp 57-60. - : Winter-spring development of phytoplankton near the coast of the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1984) pp 139-146. - & Marvanovà, L: Hyphomycetes in the mouth of the river Ängerån and their fate in the estuary. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 20(1982) pp 105-114. MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes & MÜLLER, Karl: Population density and distribution of Macoma baltica L in relation to salinity and food resources in a coastal area of the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 20(1982) pp 141-149. MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes & Persson, Bo-Göran: Effektregleringens inverkan på algflora, bottenfauna och fisk i stora Lule älv nedanför Messaure kraftstation. Umeå universitet. Inst. för ekologisk zoologi. Umeå 1984. MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes & Reinheimer, G: Studies on the annual cycle of bacteria and fungi in the Ängerån, a coastal stream in northern Sweden. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1984) pp 51-56. MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes & SJÖBERG, Arvid: Annual variations in chemical and hydrographical factors in the river Ängerån and in brackish water of the adjacent coastal area of the Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 20(1982) pp 59-80. MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes: se Håkansson, H; se Kuipers, Bouwe; se MÜLLER, Karl NILSSON, Anders N: Den akvatiska skalbaggsfaunan i ett åsgropsområde i norra Hälsingland. Entomologisk tidskrift 103(1982) pp 123-129.

39 - : Aquatic coleoptera of the northern Swedish Bothnian coast. Monographiae Biologicae 45(1982) pp 273-283. - : The distribution of the aquatic beetle families Elmidae and Dryopidae (Coleoptera) in northern Sweden. Fauna Norrlandica 7(1984):3 pp 1-13. - : The distribution of the aquatic beetle family Hydraenidae (Coleoptera) in northern Sweden, with an addenda to the Elmidae. Fauna Norrlandica 7(1984):4 pp 1-10. - : Faunistiska notiserom norrländska vattenskalbaggar. Entomologisk tidskrift 104(1983) pp 5-8. - : Gotlands dykarskalbaggar. Entomologisk tidskrift 105(1984) pp 93-98. - : Habitats, life cycles and larvai morphology of the northern European Agabini (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Diss. University of Umeå, Dept. of Ecol. Zool. Umeå 1984, 127 s. - : Identities of Hydroporus eugeniae Zaitzev and H nigellus Mannerheim (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 14(1983) pp 197-202. - : Ilybius vittiger (Gyllenhal) n comb. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), with description of its larvai instars. Entomologica Scandinavica 14(1983) pp 49-56. - : A key to the identification of the known third-stage larvae of the Fennoscandian species of the genus Agabus Leach (Coleoptera Dytiscidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 13(1982) pp 333-338. - : The larva of the predaceous water beetle Coelambus novemlineatus(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Aquatic Insects 5(1983) pp 45-50. - : The larvai stages of Agabus approximatus Fall and A congener (Thunberg) (Col Dytiscidae). Aquatic Insects 5(1983) pp 9-15. - : The larvai stages of Agabus elongatus (Gyll) and A wasastjernae (Sahlb) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 13(1982) pp 69-76. - : A mapping of the diving, predaceous water beetles (Coleoptera: Noteridae & Dy­ tiscidae) of northern Sweden. Fauna Norrlandica 6(1983):5 pp 1-43. - : Nomenclatural and distributional notes on some northern species of Agabus (Coleop­ tera, Dytiscidae). Notulae Entomologicae 64(1984) pp 185-188. - : Regional och lokal artrikedom hos dykare i AC län. Natur i norr 2(1983): 1 pp 52-56. - : Species richness and succession of aquatic beetles in some kettle-hole ponds in northern Sweden. Holarctic Ecology 7(1984) pp 149-156. - & Cuppen, J G M: The larva of the predaceous water beetle Agabus striotatus (Coleop­ tera: Dytiscidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 14(1983) pp 316-320. NILSSON, Anders & Larsson, D J: A reexamination of some Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) from Newfoundland and adjacent areas. Annales Entomologici Fennici 50(1984) pp 123-125. NILSSON, Anders: se Cuppen, J G M; se Lemdahl, G NYSTRÖM, Kurt: se Lee, P W NÄSLUND, Ingemar: se LEONARDSSON, Kjell; se OLSSON, Tommy OKSANEN, Lauri & OKSANEN, Tarja: Lemmings (Lemmus lemmus) and grey-sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) in interaction with their resources and predators on Finnmarksvidda, northern Norway. Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 17(1983) pp 7-31. OKSANEN, Tarja: Prey catching in the hunting strategy of small mustelids. Acta Zoolo­ gica Fennica 174(1983) pp 197-199. - : se OKSANEN, Lauri OLSSON, Tommy I: Lateral movements versus stationarity — adaptive alternatives in benthic invertebrates to the seasonal environment in a boréal river. Diss. University of Umeå, 1982. - : Overwintering sites and freezing tolerance of benthic invertebrates in a north Swedish river. Cryo Letters 3(1982):5 p 297. - : Overwintering strategies and cold-hardiness in aquatic organisms. Swedish Polar Research. Report 1984:1.

40 - : Seasonal variation in the lateral distribution of mayfly nymphs in a boreal river. Holarctic Ecology 6(1983) pp 333-339. - : Winter sites and cold-hardiness of two gastropod species in a Boreal river. Polar Biology 3(1984) pp 227-230. - & NÄSLUND, Ingemar: Biologiska konsekvenser vid torvtäkt med särskild hänsyn till den vattenlevande faunan. IVA-rapport 1982:227. - : Bottenfauna och fisk i Gravån och Storbäcken före torvtäktspåverkan. Stencil Umeå Universitet, 1983. PERSSON, Bo Göran: se MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes SANDSTRÖM, Olof: Effekter på fisk av ljud från havsbaserade vindkraftverk. Rapport till nämnden för Energiproduktionsforskning (NE) Umeå 1982, 23 s. SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa SJÖBERG, Arvid: se MÜLLER-HAECKEL, Agnes SJÖBERG, Kjell: Exploitation of Lampreys in Europe. Ethnologica Scandinavica 94(1982) p 108. TÄRNVIK, Arne: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa

EKONOMISK HISTORIA ANDERSSON, Lena: Kvinnoarbete i bruksmiljö. Robertsfors 1905-1965. Umeå univer­ sitet. Meddelanden från institutionen för ekonomisk historia 1983:3. BJÖRKLUND, Jörgen: From the Gulf of Bothnia to the White Sea. In: History of sustained-yield forestry: a symposium, pp 145-154. Ed. Steen, Harold, K. Forest History Society Inc. Santa Cruz 1984. ISBN 0-89030-045-3. - : From the Gulf of Bothnia to the White Sea. Swedish direct investments in the sawmill industry of Tsarist Russia. Scandinavian Economic History Review 1984:1 pp 17-41. - : Migration and industrialisation. Ree. av Anders Norberg. Sågarnas ö. Alnö och industrialiseringen 1860-1910. Scandinavian Economic History Review 1982:3 pp 244-248. - : Ree. av Björn Hettne. Utvecklingsstrategier i Kina och Indien. Historisk tidskrift 1982:1 pp 135-137. - & STENLUND, Hans: Regionala löner och levnadskostnader i Norrland 1910-1939. Umeå universitet. Meddelanden från institutionen för ekonomisk historia 1984:4 pp 7-24. Bunte, Rune, GAUNITZ, Sven & BORGEGÅRD, Lars-Erik: Vindeln: en norrländsk kommuns ekonomiska utveckling 1800-1980. En analys av bondesamhällets ekono­ miska utveckling, anpassning och omvandling under 200 år. Vindeln 1982. 410 s. ISBN 91-7260-548-0. BÄCKLUND, Dan: Jordbruksomvandlingens andra sida. Norrlands inland under efter­ krigstiden. In: Folk og ressurser i nord, pp 329-344. Red Sandnes, J, Kjelland, A & Osterlie, 1. Trondheim 1983. ISBN 82-519-0559-1. - : Unemployment and the standard of living during the interwar period. Ree. av Hans Wallentin: Arbetslöshet och levnadsförhållanden i Göteborg under 1920-talet samt av Thomas Fürth: De arbetslösa och 1930-talskrisen. Scandinavian Economic History Review 1982:2 pp 154-158.

41 GAUNITZ, Sven: Burgher power and industrialists' power in a Norrland-town during the rise of the sawmilling industry. Ree. av Britt-Marie Lundbäck. En industri kommer till stan. Hudiksvall och trävaruindustrin 1855-1876. Scandinavian Economic History Review 1983:3 pp 201-204. - : Resource exploitation on the North-Swedish timber frontier in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. In: History of substained-yield forestry: a symposium, 134-145. Ed. Steen, Harold K. Forest History Society Inc. Santa Cruz 1984. ISBN 0-89030-045-3. - : Skogar i nyttans tjänst — ett historiskt perspektiv. In: Sinnenas skog, pp 20-24. Red. Sörlin, Sverker. Stockholm 1983. - : se Bunte, Rune GÖRANSSON, Anita: Arbete och makt: en kritisk diskussion av begreppen arbete, produktion och produktionssätt. In: Aniansson, E m.fl. (red). Rapport från Kvinno­ universitetet. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-7410-254-0. - : Om kvinnoforskningens innehåll och organisering i Sverige. Historica IV. Föredrag vid det XVIII Nordiska historikermötet. Jyväskylä 1981. Jyväskylän Yliopisto, Jyväs- kylä 1983. ISBN 951-679-048-8. HOLMSTRÖM, Per: se OLSSON, Ulf LUNDBERG, Ove: Skogsbolagen och bygden. Ekonomisk, social och politisk omvand­ ling i Örnskoldsviksområdet 1860-1900. Diss. Umeå Studies in Economic History 1984:5. 242 s. ISBN 91-7174-166-6. LUNDGREN, Nils-Gustav: Flottningen som försvann. In: Sinnenas skog, pp 55-59. Red. Sörlin, Sverker. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-518-1676-8. - : Norrbottnisk lokalhistoria. Två skrifter från Norrbottens Museum. Ree. av Skogs­ landets skatter samt Axelsson, A W. Långviks glasbruk. Oknytt 5(1984):3/4 pp 59-60. - : Ree. av Folk og ressurser i nord. Oknytt 1983:3/4 pp 40-42. - : Skog för export. Skogsarbete, teknik och försörjning i Lule älvdal 1870-1980. Diss. Umeå Studies in Economic History 1984:6. 231 s. ISBN 91-7174-156-9. - : se Söderberg, Johan NORDLUND, Sven: Finnarna. In: Den dolda historien. 27 uppsatser om vårt okända för­ flutna, pp 46-62. Red. Ambjörnsson, R & Gaunt, D. Malmö 1984. ISBN 9170544549. - : Ree. av Hugo Kylebäck. Konsument- och lantbrukskooperationen i Sverige. Utveck­ ling, samarbets- och konkurrensförhållanden före andra världskriget. Historisk tidskrift 1982:3 pp 402-404. NYSTRÖM, Mauritz: Lulebygdens handel före stadsgrundandet. Norrbottens museums årsbok 1982/83 pp 63-77. ISBN 91-85336-29-7. - : Norrlands ekonomi i stöpsleven. Ekonomisk expansion, stapelvaruproduktion och maritima näringar 1760-1812. Diss. Umeå Studies in Economic History 1982:4. 392 s. ISSN 034-254X. - : Socialdemokratin i Västerbotten. Uppkomst och utveckling. Umeå 1984. 158 s. ISBN 91-7810-060-7. OLSSON, Ulf: Hälsoläget vid de filosofiska fakulteterna. Strategier för överlevnad. In: Högskolans inre arbete. Symposium vid Umeå universitet, september 1983, pp 51-56. - : Robertsfors — samhället, bruksarkivet, forskningen. Föreningen Stockholms företags­ minnen. Årsmeddelanden 1983 pp 26-33. - : "UFOS". Umeåforskning om Sundsvall. Sundsvallsbygden. Organ för Sundsvalls­ forskningen 1984:1 pp 5-6. - & HOLMSTRÖM, Per: Sweden. In: The structure of the defense industry. An inter­ national survey, pp 140-181. Eds. Ball, N & Leitenberg, M. London 1982. ISBN 0-7099-1611-6. - : Svensk vapenproduktion på 1970-talet. Oprustningens dynamik. Nordisk Forum 35/37(1984) pp 58-85. PURANEN, Britt-Inger: Folksjukdomarna i Sverige. In: Graninger, G & Tägil, S. Vägar till nuet. Stockholm 1984.

42 - : Medicinens rolle i kampen mot tuberkulöse og kopper i to hundre år. Trygd og Arbeid 1983:3. - : Tuberkulos. En sjukdoms förekomst och dess orsaker. Sverige 1750-1980. Diss. Umeå Studies in Economic History 1984:7. 569 s. ISBN 91-7174-180-1. - : Tuberkulose og levevillkor. Trygd og arbeid 1984:2. - : Tuberkulosen som indikator på förändrad levnadsnivå, ca 1750-1900. Meddelanden från institutionen för ekonomisk historia, Umeå universitet 1984:4 pp 25-37. STRAND, Hans-Urban: Vattenkraftsutbyggnaden i Lule älv. Betydelse för befolkning, försörjning och industrietableringar. In: När elektriciteten kom, pp 239-260. Daedalus 53(1984). Red. Nyström, B & Sörbom, P. Uddevalla 1984. ISBN 91-38-08431-7. Söderberg, Johan & LUNDGREN, Nils-Gustav: Ekonomisk och geografisk koncentra­ tion 1850-1980. Lund 1982. ISBN 91-38-60018-8. UTTERSTRÖM, Gustaf: Eli Heckscher, Bertil Boethiiis och "Sveriges ekonomiska historia". Meddelanden från institutionen för ekonomisk historia, Umeå universitet 1982:2. WOHLERT, Klaus: Ein multinationeller Konzern entsteht. Zeitschrift für Unternehmens­ geschichte 28(1983):3. - : Ree. av Hans C Johansen. Naering og bystyre i Odense 1700-1789. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG) 1984:4. - : Ree. av Harm G Schröter. Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse. Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1918-1939. Viertel­ jahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG) 1984:2. - : Ree. av J Thomas Lindblad. Sweden's trade with the Dutch republic 1738-1795. Viertel­ jahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG) 1984:1. - : Ree. av Karl-Erik Frandsen. Vang og taegt. Studier over dyrkningssystemer og agrar­ strukturer i Danmarks landsbyer 1682-83. Zeitschrift f2/3r die historische Agrarwirt- schaft 1983:2. - : Ree. av The adabtable nation. Essays in Swedish economy during the Second World War. Stockholm 1982. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial und Wirtschaftgeschichte 1982:4 - : Samspelet mellan vetenskap, teknik och yrkeskunnande. Bessemerprocessens införan­ de i Sverige 1857. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för idéhistoria. Skrifter nr 1983:17. - : Swedish research in banking history/Bankhistorische Forchung in Schweden. Bank­ historisches Archiv 1982:2. - : Tord Magnusson 1851-1921, artikel i Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon, band 24. Stock­ holm 1984.

KNOODONTI BLOOM, Gunnar D: se SUNDQV1ST, Göran BYSTRÖM, Anders & SUNDQV1ST, Göran: Bactériologie évaluation of the effect of 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite in endodontic therapy. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology 55(1983):3 pp 307-312. JOHANSSON, Eva: se SUNDQVIST, Göran CARLSSON, Jan, HERRMANN, Björn F, HÖFLING, José F& SUNDQVIST, Göran K: Degradation of the human Proteinase inhibitors alpha-l-antitrypsin and alpha-2- macroglobulin by Bacteroides gingivalis. Infection and Immunity 43(1984) pp 644-648.

43 CARLSSON, Jan, HÖFLING, José F & SUNDQVIST, Göran K: Degradation of albumin, haemopexin, haptoglobin and transferrin, by blackpigmented Bacteroides species. Journal of Medicai Microbiology 18(1984) pp 39-46. CARLSSON, Jan: se SUNDQVIST, Göran LANDGREN, Sven, OLSSON, Kurt Å & WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: Bulbar neurones with axonal projections to the trigeminal motor nucleus. Neuroscience Letters Supp­ lement 18(1984) p 60. LANDGREN, Sven: se OLSSON, Kurt Å OLSSON, Kurt Å, LANDGREN, Sven & WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: Cortical and trigeminal convergence in the intertrigeminal area. Neuroscience Letters Supplement 18(1984) p 261. OLSSON, Kurt Å: se LANDGREN, Sven; se VALLBO, Åke SUNDQVIST, Göran: 5 år inom odontologin. Endodonti. Tandläkartidningen 76(1984) pp 507-525. - , BLOOM, Gunnar D, ENBERG, K & JOHANSSON, Eva: Phagocytosis of Bacte­ roides melaninogenicus and Bacteroides gingivalis in vitro by human neutrophils. Journal of Periodontal Research 17(1982) pp 113-121. SUNDQVIST, Göran & JOHANSSON, Eva: Bactericidal effect of pooled human serum on Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Bacteroides asaccharolyticus and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982):1 pp 29-36. SUNDQVIST, Göran & CARLSSON, Jan: In vitro and in vivo studies on the Pertubation of host defence by black-pigmented Bacteroides species. In: Models of anaerobic infection. Ed. Hill, M J. Amsterdam 1984. - , HERRMANN, Björn F, HÖFLING, José F & VÄÄTÄINEN, Anna: Degradation in vivo of the C3 protein of guinea-pig complément by a pathogenic strain of Bacteroides gingivalis. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984):1 pp 14-24. SUNDQVIST, Göran: se BYSTRÖM, Anders; se CARLSSON, Jan; se TANNER, Anne TANNER, Anne C R, VISCONTI, Roberta A, HOLDEMAN, Lilian V, SUNDQVIST, Göran & SOCRANSKY, Sigmund S: Similarity of Wolinella recta strains isolated from periodontal pockets and root canals. Journal of Endodontics 8(1982):7 pp 294-300. VALLBO, Åke, OLSSON, Kurt, WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar & Clark, F J: Microstimula­ tion of single tactile afferent from the human hand: Sensory attributes related to unit type and properties of receptive fields. Brain 107(1984) pp 727-749. WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: se LANDGREN, Sven; se OLSSON, Kurt-Å; se VALLBO, Åke

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44 ENGELSKA CARLQUIST, Erik: se GRANQVIST, Raoul GRANQVIST, Raoul: Afrika i Ulla-Lena Lundbergs Tre afrikanska noveller. Nya Argus 76(1983):3/4 pp 195-199. - : Gary Gilmore's pilgrimage: A study of Norman Mailer's Executioner's song. Ameri­ can Studies in Scandinavia 1(1982) pp 45-48. - : Interview with Cyprian Ekwensi. Kunapipi 4(1982): 1 pp 124-129. - : An interview with Ngugi wa Thiong'o. Kunapipi 5(1983): 1 pp 44-48. - : Izaak Walton's Lives in the nineteenth and the early twentieth Century: A study of a cult object. Studia Neophilologica 2(1982) pp 40-47. - : Litteratur och folklitteratur i Nigeria. Horisont 30(1983):3 pp 60-63. Även i Nytt från Afrikainstitutet 9(1982) pp 40-47. - : Ngugi wa Thiong'o: författare i fängelse. Amnestybulletinen 1983:1 p 14. - : Ngugi wa Thiong'o: författare och agitator. Vasabladet 16/9 1982. Även i Vertex (Umeå) 28/9 1982. - : Olof Lagercrantz, Joseph Conrad och Afrika. Västerbottens-Kuriren 29/5 1984. - : Orality in Nigérian literature. Moderna språk 4(1983), pp 329-343. - : Report of Workshop on world literatures written in English outside Great Britain and the USA. Ed. Granqvist, Raoul. Umeå Papers in English 1982:2. - : Resan till Igbira': en afrikansk begravningsceremoni. Horisont 31( 1984):2 pp 62-65. - : Rev. of Cowries and Kobos: The West African orai tale and short story. Eds. Holst Petersen, Kirsten & Rutherford, Anna. Moderna språk 76(1982):3 pp 278-279. - : Seskaröteater visar politiskt förtryck. Vasabladet 20/7 1984. - : Två reportage om Sydafrika. Ree. av Ulla Anderssons Sydafrika efter Soweto och Ingmar Björksténs I Sydafrika, ett reportage. Vasabladet 11/5 1984. - & CARLQUIST, Erik: Chinua Achebe's language: An examination of views. In: A sense of place: Essays in post-colonial literatures, pp 177-189. Ed. Olinder, Britta. Göteborg 1984. - : The early Swedish reviews of Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart and A man of the people. Research in African Literatures 15(1984):3 pp 394-404. - : Rev. of Karin Ruuth-Bäcker. En litterär resa genom det svarta Afrika. Research in African Literatures 15(1984): 1 pp 130-131. - : Stereotypes in western fiction on Africa: A study of Joseph Conrad, Joyce Cary, Karen Blixen, Ernest Hemingway, Graham Greene and Alan Paton. Umeå Papers in English 1984:7. - : Två dikter av Wallace Stevens. Tolkning till svenska. Nya Argus 77(1984):12 pp 227-229. ODENSTEDT, Bengt: The Chessell Down runic inscription. Archaeology and Environ­ ment 2(1984) pp 113-126. Ed. Baudou, Evert. Institutionen för arkeologi, Umeå uni­ versitet. - : The inscription on the Meldorf fibula. Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur. 112(1983) pp 153-161. - : The inscription on the Undley Bracteate and the Beginnings of English runic writing. Umeå Papers in English 1983:5. - : Meldorfinskriften. En nyupptäckt fibulainskrift från omkring år 50 e.Kr. Ortnamns­ sällskapets i Uppsala årsskrift 1983 pp 24-36. - : Ree. av K Diiwel. Runenkunde. 2 uppl. Fornvännen 1984 pp 129-131. SEPPÄNEN, Aimo: English a(n) — An artiele or a numerai? Linguistische Berichte 81(1982) pp 31-52. - : Finnish kaksi poikaa. Studia Linguistica 37(1983) pp 161-174. - : The generic indefinite artiele in English. A re-examination. Studia Linguistica 38(1984) pp 99-117. - : Lexical integrity of semantic diversity: Good, great and well. English Studies 65(1984) pp 534-549. - : On an analysis of the 'for — NP — to — V' structure. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 85(1984) pp 242-253.

45 - : On the functional analysis of Finnish perception verbs. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 6(1983) pp 83-97. - : On the marking of subordination in English. Moderna Språk 78(1984) pp 297-301. - : Restricted modification and artide usage with English papers names. Umeå Papers in English 1982:1. - & ELERT, Claes-Christian. (Eds): Finnish-English language contact. Papers from a workshop. Umeå Papers in English 1983:4. SEPPÄNEN, Aimo & Hall, Christopher: Es scheint uns, dass es so ist. Zur Syntax von scheinen im heutigen Deutsch. In: Festschrift für Lauri Seppänen, pp 129-141. Ed. Jäntti, A. Tampere 1984. SEPPÄNEN, Aimo & SEPPÄNEN, Rut: Two dozen, several hundred; An English construction and its non-English parallels. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 37(1984) pp 46-58. SHRIMPTON, Neville (Ed.): Fatmata by Dele Charley. Krio Publications Series 1983:2. - (Ed.): Petikot Kohna by Dele Charley. Krio Publications Series 1982:1. - (Ed.): Queen Esther by Esther Taylor-Pearce. Krio Publications Series 1984:3.

ETNOLOGI ARVIDSSON, Alf: Folklig vissång i Västerbotten. Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1982:1 pp 11-132. ISBN 91-86356-00-3. - : En samisk visa på svenska. Etnologiska studier tillägnade Phebe Fjellström. Nord­ skandinavisk etnologi 1984:3 pp 7-11. ISBN 91-86356-046. - : Traditioner kring bäran i övre Norrland. Vitra och bäran. Två studier i norrländsk folktro. Skrifter utgivna av Dialekt-, Ortnamns- och Folkminnesarkivet i Umeå. Serie C. Folkminnen och folkliv 1983:3 pp 79-129. ISBN 91-86372-01-7. - (Red.): Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från Etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå univer­ sitet 1982:1-2, 1983:3, 1984:4-5. ISSN 0280-3399. ARVIDSSON, Alf: se FJELLSTRÖM, Phebe FJELLSTRÖM, Phebe: Diet in the Nordic countries in oiden times. In: Nordic council for Arctic medicai research. Report 31. Symposium on dental health and nutrition in the Nordic sparsely populated areas in Umeå, pp 7-13. Oulu 1982. - : Etnologiska institutionen i Umeå. Tillkomst, utveckling, verksamhet, forskning. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från Etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1982:1 pp 1-11. - : Etnologiska synpunkter på maritim kultur vid Bottenviken. In: Bottnisk kontakt I, pp 113-120. Red. Westerdahl. Örnsköldsvik 1982. - : Five centuries of Northern-Swedish ethnology. Festskrift till Niilo Valonen. Journal de la Société Finno-ougrienne 183(1983) pp 37-45. - : Från börtja till tullstry. Ångermanländsk folkkultur i J A Nenséns handskrifts­ material. Från finnmarker och ådalar. Skrifter utg. av Johan Nordlander-Sällskapet 1982:4 pp 73-94. - : Företal. In: Berättelser om samerna i 1600-talets Sverige. Faksimileutgåva. Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets handlingar 1983:27 pp V-XII. - : Förord. In: Arvidsson, Alf. Folklig vissång i Västerbotten. Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1982:1 pp 7-10. Utg. Fjellström, Phebe. - : Förord. In: En landshövdingedotter i Umeå med kommentarer av Magnus von Plåten. Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1983:2 pp 5-7. Utg. Fjellström, Phebe.

46 - : Luleälvsprojektet. Resursutnyttjandeformer i Lule älvdal under 2 000 år. Ume- etnologi. Meddelanden från Etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1982:2 pp 1-6. - : Metod och material — en etnologisk kommentar. Campbell, Åke. Från vildmark till bygd. Faksimileutgåva. Norrländska skrifter 1982:10 pp 289-295. - : Northern Scandinavian hunting culture as reflected in medieval records. The Hunters, their culture and way of life. Eds. Hultkrantz, Åke & Vorren, Ornulf. Tromse museums skrifter 1982:18 pp 87-100. - : Sacrifices, burial gifts, buried treasures: Function and material. Arv. Scandinavian Yearbook of Folklore 39(1983) pp 43-60. - : Samisk folkmedicin. Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidning 1983:5 pp 9-14. - : Samisk kultur och historia i hermeneutisk belysning av europeiskt och nordiskt arkiv­ material. Folk og ressurser. Foredrag fra Trondheims-symposiet om midt- og nord­ skandinavisk kultur 1982, pp 159-178. Trondheim 1983. GENRUP, Kurt: Från Bildningsförbundets första tid, Gotlands Bildningsförbund under de senaste åren. In: Ur Gotlands folkbildningshistoria, pp 9-15, 55-59. Red. Genrup, K. Visby 1984. ISBN 91-85716-30-8. 181 s. - : Gotland — matkulturens ö. Ett studiematerial utg. av Gotlands Bildningsförbund. Visby 1982. 19 s. - : Det gotländska folklynnet. Gotlandsturisten 1983 p 63. - : Hembygdsforskning i köken. Gotlands Allehanda 6/8 1984 och Gotlands Tidningar 7/8 1984. - : Juldagens stillhet och överträdelse av normerna. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från Etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå Universitet 1984:4 pp 7-17. - : Julseder — ett gotländskt studiematerial utg av Gotlands Bildningsförbund, Gotlands Föreläsningsförbund och Gotlands Hembygdsförbund. Visby 1983. 20 s. - Recension av Ingeborg Lingegård: Livet i Gammalsvenskby. Rig 1982:2 pp 52-53. - : Rökning och rökt fisk i kulturhistorisk belysning. In: Sveriges Fiskrökeriers intres­ senter, pp 5-12. Stockholm 1982. - : Seder kring kyndelsmässodagen. Gotlands Allehanda 1/2 1984. - : Traditionellt kosthåll i Sydsverige. Gastronomisk kalender 24(1984) pp 103-128. - : Vad landshövdingarna skrev om den gotländska matkulturen och Vad landshöv­ dingarna berättar om andra sidor av den gotländska folkkulturen. In: Spördagar från Gotlands hembygdsförbund 1983:2/3 pp 5-10. Visby. Gotlands Hembygdsförbund. - : yikingatidens mat och dryck. Visby 1983. 8 s. - : Årets fester på Gotland i äldre tid. Gotlandsturisten 1982. LILIEQUIST, Marianne: Etnologisk forskningsinformation för barn. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från Etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1983:3 pp 20-22. ISSN 0280-3399. - : Känslan för spädbarn i äldre tid. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från Etnologiska institu­ tionen vid Umeå universitet 1984:5 pp 7-13. ISSN 0280-3399. LJUNGSTRÖM, Åsa: Hantverkarkunnande. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från etno­ logiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1983:3 pp 11-16. - : Israel i Ovansjö. Etnologiska studier tillägnade Phebe Fjellström. Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1984:3 pp 61-81. ISBN 91-86356-046. - : Skogen i folktraditionen. In: Sinnenas skog. Bildmuseet Umeå 12-26 juni 1983, pp 38-41. Red. Sörlin, S. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-518-1676-8. - : Skogen i folktraditionen. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1984:4 pp 1-6. - : The 8th Congress for the International society for folk narrative research, ISFNR, 12-17 juni 1984 i Bergen. Ume-etnologi. Meddelanden från etnologiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1984:5 pp 33-42. LUNDGREN, Britta (Red.): Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1982-1984. - : Women's culture. Ree. av Kvindekultur. Nord-Nytt 1983:16/17 Ethnologia Scan- dinavica 1984 pp 157-159.

kl WAHLBERG, Marianne: Kvinnan i bondesamhället. Ett väsen och dess relation till 1800-talets bondesamhälle i Norrbotten. Etnologiska studier tillägnade Phebe Fjell- ström. Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1984:3 pp 109-122. ISBN 91-86356-046.

FARMAKOLOGI ADOLFSSON, Rolf: se Gottfries, C-G Ahrén, Bo & LUNDQUIST, Ingmar: Effects of naloxone on basal and stimulated insulin sécrétion in the mouse. European Journal of Pharmacology 102(1984) pp 135-139.

Ahrén, Bo, LUNDQUIST, Ingmar & JÄRHULT, Johannes: Effects of ai-or2 and yS-adrenoceptor blockers on insulin sécrétion in the rat. Acta Endocrinologica 105(1984) pp 78-82. Arai, Y & ORELAND, Lars: Intra- and extra-neuronal monoamine oxidase in rabbit brain. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 36(1984):Suppl.p 302. - & Kinemuchi, H: Effect of Perchlorate treatment on mitochondrial MAO-A and -B activities. Medicai Biology 62(1984) pp 245-249. Arai, Y, STENSTRÖM, Anders, ORELAND, Lars & Kinemuchi, H: The effect of age on rat brain monoamine oxidase -A and -B activities and their concentrations. Bulletin of the Japanese Neurochemistry Society 23(1984) pp 454-456. ASPLUND, Kjell: se LITHNER, Folke BJELLE, Anders & MJÖRNDAL, Tom: Drug prescription patterns for rheumatic disorders in Sweden. Journal of Rheumatology 11(1984):4 pp 493-499. BJELLE, Anders, BJÖRNHAM, Åke, Larsen, A & MJÖRNDAL, Tom: Chloroquine in long-term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Rheumatology 2(1983) pp 393-399. BJÖRCK, Inger, Asp, Nils-Georg, Birkhed, Dowen & LUNDQUIST, Ingmar: Effects of processing on starch availability in-vitro and in-vivo — extrusion cooking of wheat flours and starch. Journal of Cereal Sciences 2(1984) pp 91-103. BJÖRCK, Inger, Asp, Nils-Georg, Birkhed, Dowen, Eliasson, Ann-Charlotte, Sjöberg, Lars-Bertil & LUNDQUIST, Ingmar: Effects of processing on starch availability in-vitro and in-vivo: drum-drying of wheat flour. Journal of Cereal Sciences 2(1984) pp 165-178. BJÖRNHAM, Åke: se BJELLE, Anders BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, MJÖRNDAL, Tom & TIGER, Gunnar: Effekt av dicyklo- verinkloridlösning vid behandling av 3-månaderskolik. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 116-118. - : Försiktighet med dicykloverinklorid till de spädaste barnen rekommenderas. Läkar­ tidningen 81(1984) p 2422. BOLANDER, Hans G: Evaluation of central nervous effects of some lipid-soluble barbiturates. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:109. - & WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: Age-related changes in CNS-sensitivity to hexobarbital and thiopental in the rat. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 267(1984) pp 213-223.

48 - : The interaction between atropine and some lipid-soluble barbiturates in rats. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 54(1984) pp 81-85. - : Interaction between probenecid and two lipid-soluble barbiturates in the rat. Neuro- pharmacology 23(1984) pp 977-981. - : Potency and duration of the effect of some lipid-soluble barbiturates. Proceedings of the Joint meeting of the Scandinavian and British Pharmacological Societies. Stock­ holm 1982. British Journal of Pharmacology 77(1982) p 369P. - & NORBERG, Lennart: Réévaluation of potency and pharmacokinetic properties of some lipidsoluble barbiturates with an EEG-threshold method. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 54(1984) pp 33-40. BOLANDER, Hans: se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke, NILSSON, Lars-Göran, MJÖRNDAL, Tom, PERRIS, Carlo & Tjelldén, Gunnar: Physiological and cognitive déterminants of emotional arousal in mediating amnesia. Umeå Psychological Reports 1984:176. ISSN 0375-4561. EKSTEDT, Jan: se ORELAND, Lars FOWLER, Christopher J & ORELAND, Lars: Human platelet MAO - some biochemical findings. In: Monoamine oxidase: Basic and clinical frontiers. Eds. Kamijo, K, Usdin, E & Nagatsu, T. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1982:564 pp 28-39. FOWLER, Christopher: se Kinemuchi, Hiroyaso; se NORDQVIST, Astrid; se ORE­ LAND, Lars Gottfries, C-G, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Aquilonius, S-M, Carlsson, A, Eckernäs, S-Å, MARKLUND, Stefan, ORELAND, Lars, Svennerholm, L, WIBERG, Å & WIN- BLAD, Bengt: Biochemical changes in normal aging and in dementia disorders of Alzheimer type (DAT) Neurobiology of Aging 4(1983) pp 261-271. Hagander, B, Scherstén, B, Asp, Nils-Georg, Sartor, G, Agard, C D, Schrezenmeir, J, Kasper, H, Ahrén, Bo & LUNDQUIST, Ingmar: Effect of dietary fibre on blood glucose, plasma immunoreactive insulin, C-peptide and GIP responses in non insulin dépendent (type 2) diabetics and controls. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 205-213. HALLMANS, Göran: se WAHLSTRÖM, Göran HOLM, Sven-Erik: se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry HÄGG, Erik: se LITHNER, Folke Isaksson, G, LUNDQUIST, Ingmar, Åkesson, Björn & lhse, Ingmar: Effects of pectin and wheat bran on intraluminal pancreatic enzyme activities and on fat absorption as examined with the triolein breath test in patients with pancreatic insufficiency. Scan­ dinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984) pp 467-472. Johansson, Folke, von KNORR1NG, Lars & ORELAND, Lars: Platelet-MAO in patients with chronic pain syndromes. Relationships to personality traits, endorphins in CSF and plasma cortisol. Médical Biology 61(1983) pp 101-104. JOHANSSON, Folke: se ORELAND, Lars JÄRHULT, Johannes: se Ahrén, Bo Kinemuchi, H, Arai, Y, ORELAND, Lars, Tipton, K F & FOWLER, Christopher J: Time-dependent inhibition of MAO by /?-phenylethylamine. Biochemical Pharmacology 31(1982) pp 959-964. Kinemuchi, H, Arai, Y, Kamijo, K, ORELAND, Lars, FOWLER, Christopher J & Tipton, K F: Inhibition of type B MAO activity by /?-phenylethylamine. In: Monoamine oxidase: Basic and clinical frontiers. Eds. Kamijo, K, Usdin, E & Nagatsu, T. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1982:564 pp 159-170. Kinemuchi, H, Kawaguchi, T, Arai, Y, Tajima, H, ORELAND, Lars & Kamiho, K: 5-hydroxytryptamine: A substrate for rat liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase-A and -B. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 32(1982) pp 954-957.

49 von KNORRING, Lars & ORELAND, Lars: Personality traits related to platelet monoa- mine oxidase (MAO) activity. Abstract from the International conférence on individuai différences, London, July 6-9, 1983. - & WINBLAD, Bengt: Personality traits related to monoamine oxidase activity in plate- lets. Psychiatry Research 12(1984) pp 11-26. von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo, ORELAND, Lars, Eisemann, M, Ericsson, U & PERRIS, Hjördis: Pain as a symptom in depressive disorders and its relationship to platelet monoamine oxidase activity. Journal of Neural Transmission 60(1984) pp 1-9. von KNORRING, Lars, SMIGAN, Ludovit, PERRIS, Carlo & ORELAND, Lars: Lithium and neuroleptic drugs in combination-effect on lithium RBC/plasma ratio. International Pharmacopsychology 17(1982) pp 287-292. von KNORRING, Lars: se JOHANSSON, Folke; se ORELAND, Lars; se PERRIS, Carlo; se PERRIS, Hjördis KOURTOPOULOS, Harry, BOLANDER, Hans G, HOLM, Sven-Erik & WAHL­ STRÖM, Göran: Effect of ethanol on the pharmacokinetics of penicillin in the rat. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 53(1983) pp 200-204. LITHNER, Folke, MJÖRNDAL, Tom, ASPLUND, Kjell & HÄGG, Erik: Hematin- behandling av hypatiska porfyrier. Sammanfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stamma 1982. - : Intravenös hematinbehandling av akut intermittent porfyri. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1675-1676. LUNDQUIST, Ingmar, Ahrén, Bo & Scherstén, Bengt: Insulin secretagogues. Possible modulators of glucose and non-glucose stimuli. Acta Endocrinologica 1984:Suppl.262 pp 51-59. LUNDQUIST, Ingmar: se Ahrén, Bo; se Björck, Inger; se Hagander, Barbro; se Isaksson, Gunnar MARCUSSON, Jan, ORELAND, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Effect of âge on human brain Serotonin (S-l) binding sites. Journal of Neurochemistry 43(1984) pp 1699-1705. - : Serotonin binding in mouse brains. Some methodological aspects. Journal of Neuro- logical Transmission 56(1983) pp 251-263. MARKLUND, Stefan L, ORELAND, Lars, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Superoxide dismutase activity in brains from chronic alcoholics. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 12(1983) pp 209-215. MARKLUND, Stefan: se Gottfries, C-G MJÖRNDAL, Tom, Chesrown, S, Frey, M, Reed, B & Gold, W: Effect of beta- adrenergic stimulation on cyclic AMP, antigeninduced mediator release, and function in canine lung in vivo. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 71(1983) pp 62-70. MJÖRNDAL, Tom & PERSSON, Sven-Åke: The relation between spiperone binding, behavioural changes, and in vivo tyrosine hydroxylation in the rat striatum. Naunyn- Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 322(1983) pp 136-139. MJÖRNDAL, Tom: se BJELLE, Anders; se BLOMQVIST, Hans; se CHRISTIANS­ SON, Sven-Åke; se LITHNER, Folke NILSSON, Lars-Göran: se CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke NORBERG, Lennart & WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: Pharmacologie interaction of hexo- barbital with thiopental and flurazepam in maie rats. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxi­ cologica 51(1982):Suppl.l. Abstract nr 17. - : Synergistic interaction between hexobarbital and thiopental in maie rats. Acta Pharma­ cologica et Toxicologica 53(1983):Suppl.II. Abstract nr 39. NORBERG, Lennart: se BOLANDER, Hans G

50 Nordberg, Agneta & WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: Atropine modulates changes in striatal muscarinic receptor binding sites in barbital abstinence in the rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 115(1982) pp 369-371. - : Changes in populations of cholinergic binding sites in brain after chronic exposure to barbital in rats. Brain Research 246(1982) pp 105-112. - : Différent interactions of steric isomers of hexobarbital to muscarinic agonist and antagonist binding sites in brain. Brain Research 310(1984) pp 189-192. NORDQVIST, Astrid, ORELAND, Lars & FOWLER, Christopher J: Some properties of monoamine oxidase and a semicarbazide sensitive amine oxidase capable of the deamination of 5-hydroxytryptamine from porcine dental pulp. Biochemical Pharma- cology 31(1982) pp 2739-2744. NÄSLUND, Anna: se WAHLSTRÖM, Göran ORELAND, Lars: Monoamine oxidase and disease. Abstract. IUPHAR 9th International Congress of Pharmacology. London 1984. - : Monoamine oxidase in normal aging and in AD/SDAT. Clinical Neuropharmacology 7(1984):Suppl.I pp 762-763. - : Vilken roll spelar monoaminoxidas för neuropsykiatriska sjukdomstillstånd? Nordisk psykiatrisk tidskrift 1984:Suppl.l0 pp 49-50. - : Why do alcoholics have low platelet monoamine oxidase activity? In: Biological and/or genetic factors in alcoholism. Eds. Hesselbrock, V, Shaskan, E & Meyer, R E D. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. Research Monograph 1983:9 pp 109-130. - : Arai, Y & STENSTRÖM, Anders: Age.neuro-psychiatric diseases and brain monoa­ mine oxidase. In: Monoamine oxidase and disease, pp 291-300. Eds. Strolin-Benedetti, M, Dostert, O & Tipton, K F. London 1984. - : The effect of deprenyl Selegiline on intra- and extraneuronal dopamine oxidation. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.95 pp 81-85. - : Extra- and intrasynaptosomal monoamine oxidase activity in rat and man. 5th international catecholamine symposium. Göteborg, June 12-16, 1983. - : & FOWLER, Christopher J: Monoamine oxidase activity and localization in the brain and the activity in relation to psychiatrie disorders. In: MAO in psychiatrie research. Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry 19(1983) pp 246-254. ORELAND, Lars & FOWLER, Christopher J: Brain and platelet MAO activities in relation to central monoaminergic activity in mice and man. In: Monoamine oxidase: Basic and clinical frontiers. Eds. Kamijo, K, Usdin, E & Nagatsu, T. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1982:564 pp 312-320. ORELAND, Lars, Gottfries, C G, Kiianmaa, Kalervo, WIBERG, Åsa & WINBLAD, Bengt: The activity of monoamine oxidase -A and -B in brains from chronic alcoholics. Journal of Neurological Transmission 56(1983) pp 73-83. ORELAND, Lars, JOHANSSON, Folke & EKSTEDT, Jan: Dose regimen of deprenyl and platelet MAO activities. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.95 pp 87-89. ORELAND, Lars & von KNORRING, Lars: Platelet MAO — a biological marker for increased vulnerability. Clinical Neuropharmacology 7(1984):Suppl.I pp 762-763. - & Schalling, D: Connections between monoamine oxidase, temperament and disease. Proceedings of the IUPHAR 9th international congress of pharmacology. London 1984:2 pp 193-202. ORELAND, Lars & Shaskan, E G: Some rationale behind the use of monoamine oxidase activity as a biological marker. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 4(1984) pp 339-341. ORELAND, Lars: se Arai, Y; se FOWLER, Christopher; se Gottfries, C-G; se JOHANS­ SON, Folke; se Kinemuchi, Hiroyasu; se von KNORRING, Lars; se MARKLUND, Stefan L; se MARCUSSON, Jan; se NORDQVIST, Astrid; se PERRIS, Carlo; se PERRIS, Hjördis; se Sedvall, G; se Shaskan, E G; se "Symposium ..."; se "Sympo­ sium, Monamine..."; se Zeller, A; se Ågren, H PERDAHL, Eva: se MARKLUND, Stefan L

51 PERRIS, Carlo, Eisemann, M, von KNORRING, Lars, ORELAND, Lars & PERRIS, Hjördis: Personality traits and MAO activity in platelets in depressed patients. Neuro- psychobiology 12(1984) pp 201-205. PERRIS, Hjördis, von KNORRING, Lars, ORELAND, Lars & PERRIS, Carlo: Life events and biological vulnerability. A study of life events and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in depressed patients. Psychiatry Research 12(1984) pp 111-120. PERSSON, Sven-Åke & WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: Studies on interactions between striatal dopaminergic and cholinergic mechanisms in the early abstinence after chronic treat­ ment with barbital in the rat. Substance and Alcohol Actions/Misuse 5(1984) pp 149-159. PERSSON, Sven-Åke: se MJÖRNDAL, Tom PERRIS, Carlo: se CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke; se von KNORRING, Lars; se PERRIS, Hjördis PERRIS, Hjördis: se PERRIS, Carlo Sedvall, G, Iselius, L, Nybäck, N, ORELAND, Lars, Oxenstierna, G, Ross, S B & Wiesel, F-A: Genetic studies of CSF monoamine metabolites. In: Frontiers in biochemical and pharmacological research in depression, pp 79-85. Eds. Usdin, E et al. New York 1984. Shaskan, E G, Ballow, M, ORELAND, Lars & WADELL, Göran: Is there functional significance for dopamine antagonist binding sites on lymphoid cells? Advanced Biological Phychiatry 12(1983) pp 123-141. Shaskan, E G, ORELAND, Lars & WADELL, Göran: Dopamine receptors and monoamine oxidase as virione receptors. (The evolution of idiotypic neurotransmitter receptors). Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37(1984) pp 239-250. SMIGAN, Ludovit: se von KNORRING, Lars STENSTRÖM, Anders: se Arai, Y; se ORELAND, Lars; se "Symposium..."; se "Symposium, Monamine..." Symposium "A new approach to the treatment of Parkinson's disease". 4 febr 1983, Royal College of Physicians, London: "The Activity of Selegiline hydrochloride". (ORELAND Lars, Arai Y, STENSTRÖM, Anders). Symposium: "Monoamine oxidase and disease, prospects for therapy with reversible inhibitors", Paris 26-28 oktober 1983: "Age, alcohol, disease and human brain MAO" (ORELAND, Lars, Arai Y, STENSTRÖM, Anders). TIGER, Gunnar: se BLOMQVIST, Hans WADELL, Göran: se Shaskan, E G WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: An animal model for alcohol dependence. In: Andra Malmö­ symposiet om alkohol, pp 135-149. Malmö 1984. - : Drinking and cholinergic mechanisms in the abstinence after chronic barbital treat- ments. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 1982:Suppl.l pp 79-84. - : The effect of weekly exposures on the voluntary intake of ethanol in individuai rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism 18(1983) pp 173-180. - : Interaction between spontaneous and electrically induced convulsions and their short- and long-term effects in the abstinence after chronic barbital treatment in the rat. Brain Research 266(1983) pp 225-232. - : Self-selection of ethanol in the rat. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 51(1982):Suppl. 1. Abstract nr 3. WAHLSTRÖM, Göran & BOLANDER, Hans: Dynamic aspects on acute tolerance to hexobarbital evaluated with an anesthesia threshold in rats. 2nd congress of the inter­ national society for biomedicai research on alcoholism. Santa Fe 1984. WAHLSTRÖM, Göran, HALLMANS, Göran & Palm, Ragnar: Studies of changes in brain weight and copper and zinc concentration after chronic fenytoin treatment in male rats. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 53(1983):Suppl.I p 211.

52 WAHLSTRÖM, Göran & Nordberg, Agneta: Changes in cholinergic receptors induced by chronic treatments with barbital of ethanol. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 53(1983):Suppl.I p 11. - : Studies of binding sites for GABA and QNB, brain weight and some behavioral variables in the abstinence after 83 weeks of ethanol treatment to the rat. IUPHAR 9th international congress of Pharmacology. London 1984. - : Tolerance, physical dependence and changes in muscarinic receptor binding sites after chronic ethanol treatment in the rat. Life Sciences 31(1982) pp 277-287. WAHLSTRÖM, Göran & NORBERG, Lennart: A comparative investigation in the rat of the anaesthetic effects of the isomers of two barbiturates. Brain Research 310(1984) pp 261-267. WAHLSTRÖM, Göran & NÄSLUND, Anna: Influence of ethanol on the brain con­ centrations of some central nervous system depressants. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 55(1984):Suppl.I. Abstract nr 11. WAHLSTRÖM, Göran & Tottmar, Olle: Interaction between disulfiram and hexobar- bital in the rat. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 53(1983):Suppl.II. Abstract nr 40. WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: se BOLANDER, Hans; se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry; se Nord­ berg, Agneta; se PERSSON, Sven-Åke WIBERG, Åsa: se Gottfries, C-G; se ORELAND, Lars WINBLAD, Bengt: se Gottfries, C-G; se von KNORRING, Lars; se MARCUSSON, Jan; se MARKLUND, Stefan L Zeller, A & ORELAND, Lars: Catecholamine degrading enzymes: Summary. In: Catecholamines: Basic and peripheral mechanisms, pp 169-170. New York 1984. Ågren, H & ORELAND, Lars: Early morning awakening in unipolar depressives with higher levels of platelet MAO activity. Psychiatry Research 7(1982) pp 245-254.

FINSKA FORSMAN SVENSSON, Pirkko: Satsmotsvarigheter i finsk prosa under 1600-talet: participialkonstruktionen och därmed synonyma icke-finita uttryck i jämförelse med språkbruket före och efter 1600-talet. Diss. Helsinki 1983. 395 s. ISBN 951-717-319-9. - : Translatiivi vanhan kirjasuomen ja nykysuomen ei-finiittisten rakenteiden predikaatin sijana. = In honorem Siiri Sahlman-Karlsson 5 december 1984. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 7(1984) pp 43-63. FREDRIKSSON, Inger: Mikael Agricolas svenska brev. = In honorem Siiri Sahlman- Karlsson 5 december 1984. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 7(1984) pp 65-84. GROUNDSTROEM, Axel: Hur många deklinationer och konjugationer har estniskan? Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 5(1982) pp 68-92. - : Kompendium i finsk satslära. 3:e omarbetade och utökade upplagan. Umeå univer­ sitet. Ävd. för finska, Läromedel 10, Umeå 1984. : Lokalkasusattribut efter abstrakta i modern finska. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 7(1984) pp 85-106. - : Verbainomen på -minen i translativ i stället för finalkonstruktion. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 6(1983) pp 41-60.

53 SAHLMAN-KARLSSON, Siiri: Att översätta kolorativa konstruktioner i Kalevala. In: Språkhistoria och språkkontakt i Finland och Nord-Skandinavien. Studier tillägnade Tryggve Sköld den 2 november 1982, pp 243-253. Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets handlingar 1982:26. - : Facit till övningar i skriftlig språkfärdighet. Läromedel. Avd. för finska, Umeå univer­ sitetet 1982. 39 s. - : Om lånord i amerikafinskan. Siirtolaisuus-Migration 1983:1 pp 3-9. - : Recension av Fred Karlsson, Suomen kielen äänne- ja muotorakenne. Helsinki 1983. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 6(1983) pp 135-146. - : Recension av Göran Karlsson (Red.). Stora svensk-finska ordboken. Helsinki 1982. Västerbottens-Kuriren 9/9 1983. - : Recension av Osmo Hormia. Den finska litteraturens historia fram till 1917. Stock­ holm 1982. Västerbottens Kuriren 2/3 1982. - : Till minne av en nationalskald. Kulturartikel i Västerbottens-Kuriren 10/10 1984. - : Tässä sitä nyt istua mökötetään. = In honorem Bo Wickman 7 september 1982. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 5(1982) pp 258-280. - : Övningar i skriftlig språkfärdighet. Läromedel. Avd för finska, Umeå universitet 1982. 64 s. SANDSTRÖM, Raija: Civilståndets inverkan på anteckningar av kvinnors tillnamn i 1800-talets kyrkböcker på Nedertorneå landsbygd i norra Sverige. = In honorem Siiri Sahlman-Karlsson, 5 december 1984. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 7(1984) pp 149-156. SKÖLD, Tryggve: Ein Beitrag zur Provenienz der älteren germanischen Lehnwörter im Finnischen. In: Symposium Saeculare Societatis Fenno-Ugricae. Helsinki 1983. = Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 1983:185 pp 253-263. - : Fi MATO. = In honorem Siiri Sahlman-Karlsson, 5 december 1984. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 7(1984) pp 157-164. - : Finnish valjaat 'harness' a Baltic loanword. = In honorem Bo Wickman, 7 september 1982. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 5(1982) pp 292-304. - : Das lappische Wort für 'Silber'. In: Linguistica et Philologica. Gedenkschrift für Björn Collinder = Philologica Germanica Bd 6, pp 465-469. Eds. Geschwantier, O, Rédei, K & Reichert, H. Wien 1984. - : Niàra dròttinn. In: Festskrift till Åke Granlund 28.4.1984. Studier i nordisk filologi 1984:65 pp 239-244. - : Några namn i Vplundarkvida. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 248-258. Red. Liljestrand, B. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:61. ISBN 91-7174-161-5. - : On the origin and chronology of Saamish (Lappish) words. Arv. Scandinavian Year- book of Folklore 39(1983) pp 61-67. - : Recension av Bo Lundmark, Basi'vi, månno, nåstit. Sol- och månkult samt astrala och celesta föreställningar bland samerna. Umeå 1982. Oknytt 1982:1/2 p 57. - : Recension av Lennart Lundmark. Uppbörd, utarmning, utveckling. Det samiska fångstsamhällets övergång till rennomadism i Lule lappmark. Lund (Malmö) 1982. Oknytt 1982:3/4 p 67. - : Recension av Tore Wretö. Folkvisans upptäckare. Receptionsstudier från Montaigne och Schefferus till Herder. Uppsala 1984. Oknytt 1984:3/4 p 63. - : Schefferus' 'Lapponia'. Oknytt 1982:1/2 pp 16-20. - : Tankar om samisk namnforskning. In: Nasjonal konferanse i namnegransking. Foredrag og diskusjon frå ein konferanse på Blindern 23. oktober 1981, pp 32-40. Oslo 1982.

54 FONETIK ALSTERMARK, Margit & Westberg, M: Språklekar för barn. Märsta 1982. ISBN 91-853-70-82-7. ELERT, Claes-Christian: Andreas Kempe (1622-89) and the languages spöken in Para­ dise. In: Suppression, struggle and success, pp 61-68. Eds. Elert, C-C & Eriksson, G. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:47. - : Examinand, intervjuoffer ... Nomina patientis — ett avsnitt av svensk ordbildnings­ lära. In: Florilegium Nordicum, pp 99-106. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:61. - : Forskning om tal, ljud och hörsel i en humanistisk omgivning. In: Tal, ljud, hörsel 1. Föredrag och abstracts från det första tal, ljud, hörselsymposiet 10-11 mars 1983, pp 25-36. Stockholms universitet. Eds. Nord, L & af Trampe, P. Stockholm 1984. - : Får man tala med regional färgning i dagens Sverige? Språkvård 1983:4 pp 2-9. - : Lingvistik (Fonetik, allmän och tillämpad språkvetenskap) vid Stockholms universitet (Stockholms högskola) före 1967, Stockholm: Institutionen för lingvistik, Stockholms universitet, 1983. - : Phrase-terminal stress in Swedish. In: Nordic prosody III, pp 43-50. Eds. Elert, C-C, Johansson, I & Strangert, E. Stockholm 1984. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:59. - : Words for 'God' as linguistic signs. The origin and decay of the code of sacredness. In: Semiotics unfolding. Proceedings of the 2nd congress of the international associa­ tion for semiotic studies, 2-6 July, 1979 pp 1135-1138, Vienna. Ed. Borbé, T. Berlin 1984. - & Eriksson, G (Red.): Suppression, struggle and success. Studies on three representatives of cultural life in Sweden: Fredrika Bremer, Andreas Kempe and Linnaeus. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:47. ISBN 91-7174-113-5. ELERT, Claes-Christian, JOHANSSON, Iréne & STRANGERT, Eva (Red.): Nordic prosody III. Papers from a symposium. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:59. ISSN 0345-0155. ISBN 91-7174-158-5. ELERT, Claes-Christian & SEPPÄNEN, Aimo (Red.): Finnish-English language contact: Papers from a workshop, May 4, 1981. Umeå Papers in English 1983:4. ISSN 0280-5391. (Festskrift:) From sounds to words. Essays in honor of Claes-Christian Elert 23 December 1983. Red. Dahlstedt, K H, Hansson, Å, Hedquist, R & Lindblom, B. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:60. ISSN 0345-0155. ISBN 91-7174-146-1. Fichtelius-Malmberg, Anna, JOHANSSON, Iréne & Nordin-Thelander, Kerstin: Språklig könsvariation i skolan. In: Skola, språk och kön, pp 23-40. Red. Larsson, K. Lund 1982. JOHANSSON, Iréne: Downs syndrom. Språk. Tal. Örebro 1983. - : Early acquisition of prosodie and segmental eues: an experiment with infants with Down's syndrome. In: Nordic prosody III, pp 121-133. Red. Elert, C-C, Johansson, I & Strangert, E. Umeå 1984. - : Hembaserad språkstimulering av utvecklingsstörda småbarn: rapport från försöks­ verksamhet i Värmland. Svensk tidskrift för foniatri och logopedi 1982:4. - : Jollerutveckling hos ett barn med Downs syndrom. Umeå universitet. Avdelningen för fonetik, Publikation 1983:21 pp 14-37. - : Kommunikationsbaserad modell för språkstimulering av mongoloida barn. In: Min kropp — mina ord. Kommunikation för förståndshandikappade, pp 23-26. Red. Andrén, A & Brodin, J. Stockholm 1984. - : Non-vocal communication: intermediary link to spöken language in children with Down's syndrome. Papers from the seventh Scandinavian conference of linguistics, pp 485-419. Helsinki 1983. - : Nordsvenska vokaler. In: Nordsvenska språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter, pp 73-98. Red. Elert, C-C & Fries, S.Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:49. - : Satsintonation och satsintonationen som ledtråd vid dialektigenkänning i nordsvenska. In: Nordsvenska språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter, pp 149-160. Red. Elert, C-C & Fries, S. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:49.

55 - : Sex-related and sex-directed features in questions of adults to six-year-old children. In: From sounds to words. In honor of Claes-Christian Elert, pp 169-178. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:60. - : Tidig auditiv diskrimination hos barn med Downs syndrom. Umeå universitet. Avdelningen för fonetik, Publikation 1983:21 pp 40-57. - : Tidig språkstimulering av mongoloida barn: en projektbeskrivning. In: Kommunika- tionsinriktad handikappforskning, pp 13-14. Red. Kebbon, L. Stockholm 1983. - : Tidig språkstimulering av mongoloida barn. Umeå universitet. Avdelningen för fonetik. Publikation 1983:22 pp 1-13. JOHANSSON, Irène: se ELERT, Claes-Christian; se Fichtelius-Malmberg, Anna LÖFQVIST, Anders: Review of N J Lass (ed). Speech and language. Advances in basic research and practice, Vol 4. Phonetica 40(1983) pp 338-341. McGarr, N S & Honda, K: Motor control of laryngeal articulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 73(1983) p S46 (A). - : Physiological and acoustic studies of phonatory patterns. In: Cohen, A & Broecke, M P R (Eds.). Abstracts of the tenth international congress of phonetic sciences, p 447. Dordrecht 1983. SEPPÄNEN, Aimo: se ELERT, Claes-Christian STRANGERT, Eva: Rhythmic patterns in the speech of young Swedish children. In: From sounds to words. Essays in honor of Claes-Christian Elert 23 December 1983. Stockholm 1983. - : Temporal characteristics of rhythmic units in Swedish. In: Nordic prosody III. Papers from a symposium, pp 201-213. Red. Elert, C-C, Johansson, I & Strangert, E. Stock­ holm 1984. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:59. - & TORNÉUS, Margit: Fonologiska aspekter på stavning. Nordisk tidsskrift for logo- pedi og foniatri 9(1984) pp 19-33. STRANGERT, Eva: se ELERT, Claes-Christian TORNÉUS, Margit: se STRANGERT, Eva

FORSKNINGSENHETEN I VILHELMINA HERMANSSON, Ingemar: Hälsa för alla i Nord- och Sydjemen år 2000? Rappportserie från Enheten för forskning, utbildning och utveckling inom primärvård och socialtjänst vid Umeå universitet 1984:2. ISSN 0281-6741. WENNSTRÖM, Gunnar: Hälso- och sjukvården och samhällsvetenskaperna. Rapport­ serie från Enheten for forskning, utbildning och utveckling inom primärvård och social­ tjänst vid Umeå universitet 1984:1. ISSN 0281-6741.

FRANSKA BERGMAN, Maud & DANELL, Karl Johan: Intryck från ett seminarium i Boston. Datorn i forskning och undervisning. Universitetsperjournalen 1984:2 pp 18-20. DANELL, Karl Johan: Brief report from a two-day symposium. 'Assiette, référence, prédicativité et les autres — La relation entre le substantif et ses déterminants. Nordic Linguistic Bulletin 6(1982):4 pp 4-6. - : Recension av Kerstin Wall: L'inversion dans la subordonnée en français contem­ porain. Studia Neophilologica 54(1982) pp 339-342. - : se BERGMAN, Maud OLSSON, Hugo: La construction 'je lui trouve mauvaise mine' en français moderne. Studia Neophilologica 56(1984) pp 183-213.


EXPERIMENTELL FYSIK ANDERSSON, Göran, SUNDQVIST, Bertil & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Electrical resisti- vity measurements under hydrostatic pressures to 10 GPa. Journal de Physique. Colloque C8(1984) pp 379-382. ANDERSSON, Per & ROSS, Russell: Effect of guest molecule size on the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of clathrate hydrates. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16(1983) pp 1423-1432. - & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Thermal conductivity of orientationally-disordered crystals under high pressure. Thermal Conductivity 17, pp 527-536. Ed. Hust, J G. New York 1983. ANDERSSON, Per: se FORSMAN; se Gerlich, David; se Ross, Russell; se Släck, Glen BRYDSTEN, Ulf & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Hot strip détermination of thermal con­ ductivity tensor and heat capacity. International Journal of Thermophysics 4(1983):4 pp 369-387. BRYDSTEN, Ulf, Gerlich, David & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Thermal conductivity of single crystal NaCl under uniaxial compression. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16(1983) pp 143-146. BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Determination of thermal properties by a shielded thermo­ couple. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 15(1982) pp 1049-1053. - : Smid medan trycket är högt. Forskning och framsteg 2(1983) pp 22-28. - : se ANDERSSON, Göran; se BRYDSTEN, Ulf; se FORSMAN, Hans; se HOPSTA- D1US, Bruno; se NILSSON, Ove; se ROSS, Russell FORSMAN, Hans & ANDERSSON, Per: Effects of temperature and pressure on the conductivity of solid n-undecane. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 87(1983) pp 490-495. - :Thermal conductivity at high pressure of solid odd-numbered n-alkanes ranging from C9H20 to C19 H40 Journal of Chemical Physics 80(1984) pp 2804-2807. FORSMAN, Hans, ANDERSSON, Per& BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Thermal conductivity and heat capacity of n-heptane, n- and iso-propyl-alcohol at high pressure. Physica B 114B(1982) pp 287-294. FRANSSON, Åke & ROSS, Russell: Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and phase stability of solid sodium chlorate (NaClÜ3)under pressure. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16(1983) pp 2861-2869. Gerlich, David & ANDERSSON, Per: Temperature and pressure effects of the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of CsCl, CsBr and Csl. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 15(1982) pp 5211-5222. HOPSTADIUS, Bruno & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: High speed scanning calorimetry for amorphous alloys. International Journal of Thermophysics 4(1983):3 pp 235-252. HOPSTADIUS, Bruno, ROSS, Russell & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Invariance of Curie temperature of iron for heating rates up to 10 000 Ks"'. Philosophical Magazine B 47(1983) pp L 89-91. LUNDBERG, Bo, SUNDQVIST, Bertil & Salaneck, William: Pressure effects on electrical conductivities in intercalated graphite and doped polypyrrole. Journal de Physique. Colloque C8(1984) pp 213-216. LUNDBERG, Bo: se SUNDQVIST, Bertil Neve, Jesper, SUNDQVIST, Bertil & Rapp, Östen: Electron band structure, resistivity and electron-phonon interaction for niobium under pressure. Physical Review B 28(1983) pp 629-637.

57 NILSSON, Ove, SANDBERG, Olov & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Thermal properties of sulphur under pressure. Proceedings of 8th ETPC. High Temperatures-High Pressures 15(1983) pp 277-283. NILSSON, Ove: se Richmond, John Rapp, Östen, SUNDQVIST, Bertil & Neve, Jesper: Possibility of superconductivity in palladium at high pressures. In: LT-17. Proceedings of the 17th International confé­ rence on low temperature physics, pp 865-866. Eds. Eckern, U, Schmid, A, Weber, W & Wühl, H. Amsterdam 1984. Richmond, John, NILSSON, Ove & SANDBERG, Olov: Thermal properties of some lubricants under high pressure. Journal of Applied Physics 56(1984):7 pp 2065-2067. ROSS, Russell: New dimensions in the study of phonon thermal conductivity through the use of high pressure. In: Proceedings of the 8th International AIRAPT conference and 19th EHPRG conference, pp 95-107. Eds. Backman, C-M, Johannisson, T & Tegnér, L. Uppsala 1982. - & ANDERSSON, Per: Clathrate and other solid phases in the tetrahydrofuranwater system: thermal conductivity and heat capacity under pressure. Canadian Journal of Physics 60(1982) pp 881-892. - : Thermal properties of silver halide crystals under pressure. Proceedings of the 8th International AIRAPT conference and 19th EHPRG conference, pp 416-419. Eds. Backman, C-M, Johannisson, T & Tegner, L. Uppsala 1982. - : SUNDQVIST, Bertil & BÄCKSTRÖM, Gunnar: Thermal conductivity of solids and liquids under pressure. Reports on Progress in Physics 47(1984) pp 1347-1402. SANDBERG, Olov & SUNDQVIST, Bertil: Thermal properties of two low viscosity silicone oils as functions of temperature and pressure. Journal of Applied Physics 53(1982) pp 8751-8755. SANDBERG, Olov: se NILSSON, Ove; se Richmond, John Släck, Glen & ANDERSSON, Per: Pressure and temperature effects of the thermal conductivity of CuCl. Physical Review B 26(1982) pp 1873-84. SUNDQVIST, Bertil: Simple, wide range linear temperature-to-frequency Converters using standard thermistors. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 16(1983) pp 261-264. Shorter version in Electronics 56( 1983): 1 pp 169-171. - : The thermal conductivity of metals under pressure. In: High pressure in science and technology. Proceedings of the 9th International AIRAPT high pressure conference, pp 261-268. Eds. Homan, C G, MacCrone, R K & Whalley, E. Vol. I. New York 1984. - : Transport properties of iron and nickel under pressure. In: Proceedings of the 8th International AIRAPT conference and 19th EHPRG conference, pp 432-433. Eds. Backman, C-M, Johannisson, T & Tegnér, L. Uppsala 1982. - : & LUNDBERG, Bo: Contactless measurements of the basal plane resistivity of Fe CI3 and SbF5 intercalated graphites under pressure. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 17(1984) pp L133-L138. - : Contactless methods for measuring electrical resistivity under pressure. In: High pressure in science and technology. Proceedings of the 9th International AIRAPT high pressure conference, pp 281-284. Eds. Homan, C G, MacCrone, R K & Whalley, E. Vol III. New York 1984. - : Contactless resistivity measurements under high pressure. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 16(1983) pp 408-411. SUNDQVIST, Bertil: se ANDERSSON, Göran; se LUNDBERG, Bo; se Neve, Jesper; se Rapp, Östen; se ROSS, Russell; se SANDBERG, Olov

58 TEORETISK FYSIK CLAESSON, Arne & MARKLUND, Sune: The density of conduction electrons at a cylindrical dilatation in a metal. Philosophical Magazine B 48(1983) pp 449-56. HEGGIE, Malcolm & NYLÉN, Mats: Dislocation core structures in alfa quartz derived from a valence force potential. Philosophical Magazine B 50(1984):5 pp 543-555. Jauho, Antti-Pekka & MINNHAGEN, Petter: A model study of phonon-assisted Fano résonances. Solid State Physics 17(1984) pp 4369-4387. MARKLUND, Sune: A note on double kink interaction and formation energies in Silicon. Solid State Communications 50(1984):2 pp 185-187. - : Structure and energy levels of disclocations in Silicon. Journal de Physique, Colloque C4, 44(1983): supplément au n 9. MARKLUND, Sune: se CLAESSON, Arne MINNHAGEN, Petter: Lecture notes on 2-D phase transitions and superconducting films. Nordita Spring School, april 1984. MINNHAGEN, Petter: se Jauho, Antti-Pekka NYLÉN, Mats: Electronic structure of an unreconstructed (1010) alfa quartz surface. Physica Status Solidi (b) 122(1984) p 301. NYLÉN, Mats: se HEGGIE, Malcolm PERSSON, Astrid: Electron states associated with partial dislocations in diamond. Physica Status solidi (b) 113(1982) p 253. - : Electron state associated with the unreconstructed (111) surface in diamond. Physica Status Solidi (b) 114(1982) p 581. - : A first-principle calculation of the intrinsic stackingfault energy in diamond. Phi­ losophical Magazine A 47(1983):6 pp 835-839. - & JONES, Robert: First principles calculation of the energy band structure of diamond. Physica Status Solidi (b) 112(1982) p 641.

TEORETISK PLASMAFYSIK Christiansen, Peter, Etcheto, Jacqueline, RÖNNMARK, Kjell & STENFLO, Lennart: Upper hybrid turbulence as a source of nonthermal continuum radiation. Geophysical Research Letters 11(1984):2 pp 139-142. Christiansen, Peter, Gough, Paul, Etcheto, Jacqueline, Trotignon, J G, RÖNNMARK, Kjell & STENFLO, Lennart: Terrestrial continuum radiation study during the IMS. In: Proceedings of the International symposium on achievements of the international magnetospheric study (IMS). ESA-SP-217(1984) pp 517-520. Dysthe, Kristian, Mjolhus, Einar, Pécseli, Hans & STENFLO, Lennart: Nonlinear electrostatic wave équations for magnetized plasmas. Proceedings of the 1984 Inter­ national conférence on plasma physics, p 345. Eds. Tran, M Q & Sawley, M L. Lausanne P28-2( 1984).

Gradov, Oleg, Ramazashvili, R R & STENFLO, Lennart: Parametric transparency of a magnetized plasma. Plasma Physics 24(1982):9 pp 1101-1109. Gradov, Oleg & STENFLO, Lennart: Anomalous transmission of electromagnetic energy through a plasma slab. Physica Scripta 25(1982) p 631. - : Diagnostics of plasma columns by nonlinearly generated quasi-static magnetic fields. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 16(1983) pp L257-L259. + Corrigendum. Ibid 17(1984) p 621. - : Effects of surface wave turbulence on the steep density gradients in laser-produced plasmas. Physica Scripta 29(1984) pp 73-74. - : Eigenfrequencies of a bounded plasma with nonuniform density along ihe boundary. Plasma Physics and Controlied Fusion 26(1984):5 pp 759-765.

59 - : Linear theory of a cold bounded plasma. Physics Reports (Review Section of Physics Letters) 94(1983):3 pp 111-137. - : Magnetic field generation by a finite radius electromagnetic beam. Physics Letters 95 A(1983):5 pp 233-234. - : Nonlinearly induced radiation from an overdense plasma region. Plasma Physics 25(1983):9 pp 1051-1058. - : Nonlinear thermal surface waves. Physics of Fluids 27(1984):9 pp 2204-2205. - : Solitary surface waves. Physics of Fluids 25(1982):6 pp 983-984. - : Solitary surface waves on a plasma confi ned by external radiation. Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik 24(1984):6 pp 567-569. - : Solitary surface waves on a plasma cylinder. Physics of Fluids 26(1983):3 pp 604-605. - : Solitary surface waves in plasmas interacting with a high-frequency electric field. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PS-11(1983):4 pp 249-250. - : Stimulated scattering of a large amplitude electromagnetic wave by the eigenmodes of a plasma slab. Physica Scripta 28(1983) pp 214-216. - & Sünder, Daniel: Self-consistent description of solitary surface waves on a plasma cylinder. Physics of Fluids 27(1984):3 pp 597-599. Laedke, E W, Spatschek, Karl & STENFLO, Lennart: Evolution theorem for a class of perturbed envelope soliton solutions. Journal of Mathematical Physics 24(1983): 12 pp 2764-2769. LARSSON, Jonas: Current responses of first and second order in a collisionless plasma. I. Stationary plasma. Journal of Mathematical Physics 23(1982): 1 pp 176-182. - : Current responses of first and second order in a collisionless plasma. II. Three-wave interaction. Journal of Mathematical Physics 23(1982): 1 pp 183-187. - : Current responses of first and second order in a collisionless plasma. III. Three-wave interaction in periodic plasmas. Journal of Mathematical Physics 24(1983):8 pp 2222-2230. - : Current responses of first and second order in a collisionless plasma. IV. Applications. Journal of Mathematical Physics 24(1983):8 pp 2231-2239. - : Kruskal's asymptotic theory in Hamiltonian form. Proceedings of the 1984 Inter­ national conférence on plasma physics, 3 June 27 - July 3, 1984, p 240. Eds. Tran, M Q & Sawley, M L. Lausanne P19-1 (1984). - : Nonlinear wave interactions in a collisionless space and time dépendent warm fluid plasma. Journal of Plasma Physics 28(1982):2 pp 215-232. - : Symmetry of the complete second-order conductivity tensor in a Vlasov plasma. Journal of Mathematical Physics 25(1984): 1 pp 185-186. - : se LINDGREN, Tommy; se NÄSLUND, Erik LINDGREN, Tommy: Nonlinear interaction of waves in sharply bounded plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics 29(1983):2 pp 255-273. - : Wave coupling in nonuniform plasmas. Physica Scripta 25(1982) pp 568-572. - , LARSSON, Jonas & STENFLO, Lennart: Three-wave interaction in plasmas with sharp boundaries. Plasma Physics 24( 1982):9 pp 1177-1182. LINDGREN, Tommy & STENFLO, Lennart: Nonlinear wave interaction in a plasma column with sharp boundaries. Proceedings of the 1982 International conférence on plasma physics, p 170. Eds. Wilhelmsson, H & Weiland, J. Göteborg 10 P-II-02 (1982). Lominadze, Jumber, STENFLO, Lennart, Tsytovich, Vadim & Wilhelmsson, Hans: A new explanation of the high effective temperatures in pulsar radioemissions. Physica Scripta 26(1982) pp 455-458. NÄSLUND, Erik & LARSSON, Jonas: Three-wave interaction in a cold plasma with sharp boundaries. Plasma Physics 25(1983): 12 pp 1531-1534. NÄSLUND, Erik: se Zagorodny, Anatolij RÖNNMARK, Kjell: se Christiansen, Peter

60 Shukla, Padma & STENFLO, Lennart: Nonlinear propagation of electromagnetic waves in magnetized plasmas. Physical Review A. General Physics 30(1984):4 pp 2110-2112. STENFLO, Lennart: Stimulated scattering by collisional modes in the ionosphere. Radio Science 18(1983):6 pp 1379-1382. - : Upper-hybrid wave collapse. Physical Review Letters 48(1982):20 p 1441. - : Upper-hybrid wave collapse. Physical Review Letters 48(1982):26 p 1870. - & Gradov, Oleg: Solitary surface charge propagation along a plasma boundary. Physical Review A. General Physics 30(1984):3 pp 1531-1532. STENFLO, Lennart, Tomaradze, G P & Tsintsadze, Nodar: Ponderomotive force effects due to a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik 23(1983):5 pp 459-462. STENFLO, Lennart, Tsytovich, Vadim & Wilhelmsson, Hans: The role of plasma turbulence for wave excitation in a free-electron-laser combined with a molecular and plasma medium. Physica Scripta 1982:2:2 pp 538-540. STENFLO, Lennart, Wilhelmsson, Hans & Yakimenko, Ivan: Kinetic description of a dynamically coupled free-electron-and molecular gas laser. Physica Scripta 1982:2:1 pp 161-162. STENFLO, Lennart, Yu, Ming & Zhelyazkov, Ivan: Surface plasma wave solitons. Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik 23(1983):6 pp 621-623. STENFLO, Lennart: se Christiansen, Peter; se Dysthe, Kristian; se Gradov, Oleg; se Laedke, E W; se LINDGREN, Tommy; se Lominadze, Jumber; se Shukla, Padma; se Tsytovich, Vadim; se Wilhelmsson, Hans; se Zagorodny, Anatolij Tsytovich, Vadim & STENFLO, Lennart: Electromagnetic wave instability in a plasma with relativistic particles in a random magnetic field. Astrophysics and Space Science 89(1983) pp 233-235. UDDHOLM, Per: Chemical contributions to the fluctuation spectrum in a plasma. Physica Scripta 28(1983) pp 625-632. - : Collisional coupling of fluctuations in plasmas. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 16(1983) pp 1315-1330. - : Effects of collisions on current driven electrostatic waves in a plasma. Physics Letters 89A (1982):6 pp 283-284. - : Fluid theory for fluctuations in cold inhomogeneous plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics 31(1984): 1 pp 93-104. - : Linear fluctuations in a plasma. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 15(1982) pp 1701-1704. Wilhelmsson, Hans, Gustavsson, Hans-Georg & STENFLO, Lennart: Generation of high power, very coherent radiation by interaction of a free electron laser with a molecular (or ionie) medium. Physica Scripta 28(1983) pp 205-208. Wilhelmsson, Hans, Yakimenko, Ivan & STENFLO, Lennart: Kinetic description of a dynamically coupled free-electron-and molecular gas laser. Proceedings of the 1982 International conférence on plasma physics, p 28. Eds. Wilhelmsson, H & Weiland, J. Göteborg 10(1982):b:3. Zagorodny, Anatolij, Yakimenko, Ivan, NÄSLUND, Erik & STENFLO, Lennart: Scattering of electromagnetic waves on enhanced fluctuations in a semi-infinite plasma- molecular medium. Physica Scripta 30(1984) pp 212-216.

GEOKOSMISK FYSIK KIRUNA GEOFYSISKA INSTITUT ANDRÉ, Mats: Dispersion surfaces. KGI preprint 067(1984). 32 s. - : Ion waves generated by ion loss-cone distributions or drifting particles. KGI preprint 070(1984). 43 s.

61 - : Ion waves generateci by streaming particles. KGI preprint 065(1984). 35 s. - : se Townend, M APARICIO, Bruno: se Korch, B; se Kremser, G; se LUNDIN, Rickard Bahnsen, A, Jespersen, M, Neubert, T, Canu, P, BORG, Hans & Frandsen, P E: Morphology of keV-electrons in the earth's magnetosphere as observed by GEOS 1. Dansk Rumforskningsinstitut 1984:3 pp 1-41. BORG, Hans: se Bahnsen, A Christiansen, P J, Etcheto, J, RÖNNMARK, Kjell & STENFLO, Lennart: Upper hybrid turbulence as a source of nonthermal continuum radiation. Geophysical Research Letters 11(1984):2 pp 139-142. Christiansen, P J, Gough, P, Etcheto, J, Trotignon, J G, RÖNNMARK, Kjell & STENFLO, Lennart: Terrestrial continuum radiation study during the IMS. In: Achievements of the international magnetospheric study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June, 1984. ESA SP-217 (1984) pp 517-520. ELIASSON, Lars: se OPGENOORTH, Hermann J GUSTAFSSON, Georg: Corrected geomagnetic coordinates for epoch 1980. In: Magnetic currents, pp 276-283. Ed. Potemra, T A. Washington 1984. - : Polarlicht. Physikalische Blätter 38(1982):9 pp 287-292. - : se Rees, D P; se STEEN, Åke; se Sulzbacher, H Henriksen, K, Stoffregen, W, Lybekk, B & STEEN, Åke: Photometer and spectrometer search of the oxygen green and red lines during artificial ionospheric heating in the auroral zone. Annales Geophysicae 2(1984):1 pp 73-76. Hewitt, R G, Melrose, D B & RÖNNMARK, Kjell: The loss-cone driven electroncyclotron maser. Australian Journal of Physics 35(1982):35 pp 447-471. HOLMGREN, Lars-Åke: se HULTQVIST, Bengt HULTQVIST, Bengt: Beam-generated electrostatic electron waves: relevance to EISCAT VHF radar measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 46(1984):12 pp 1207-1232. - : Growing electrostatic electron waves in the ionosphere related to the EISCAT VHF radar. KGI preprint 061(1983) 63 s. - : On the dynamics of the ring current. Journal of Geophysics 52(1983) pp 203-214. - : On the origin of the hot ions in the disturbed dausiede magnetosphere. Planetary and Space Science 31(1983):2 pp 173-184. - : Recent progress in the understanding of the ion composition in the magnetosphere and some major question marks. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 20(1982) pp 589-611. - , BORG, Hans, HOLMGREN, Lars-Åke, Reme, H. Bahnsen, A, Jespersen. M & Kremser, G: Quiet time convection electric field properties derived from keV electron measurements at the inner edge of the plasma sheet by means of GEOS-2. Planetary and space Science 30(1982):3 pp 261-283. HULTQVIST, Bengt & Hagfors, T: High-latitude space plasma physics. New York 1983. 543 s. ISBN 0-306-41241-1. - : The hot ion composition in the magnetosphere. KGI PREPRINT 069 (1984). 41 s. - : A method of solving the dispersion équation for electrostatic electron waves in magnetized plasma. KGI preprint 071 (1984). 34 s. HULTQVIST, Bengt: se LUNDIN, Rickard HÄGGSTRÖM, Ingemar, MURDIN, John & Rees, D: Determination of the ther- mospheric neutral wind from incoherent scatter radar measurements. KGI report 186(1984). 25 s.

62 HÄGGSTRÖM, Ingemar, PELLINEN, Asta & MURDIN, John: Collision frequencies in the ionosphere. KGI report 180(1983). 22 s. HÄGGSTRÖM, Ingemar: se Rees, D P Keppler, E, Blake, B, WANNBERG, Gudmund, Korth, A, Morfill, G, OLSEN, Sven, Quenby, J, Rihter, A K & Umlauft, G: The ISPM energetic particle composition experiment. In: The international solar polar mission — Its scientific investigations, pp 107-121. Eds. Wenzel, K P, Marsden, R G & Battrick. B. ESA SP-1050 (1983). Korth, A, Kremser, G, Roux, A, Perraut, S, Sauvaud, J A, Bosqued, J M, Pederson, A & APARICIO, Bruno: Drift boundaries and ULF wave generation near noon at geostationary orbit. Geophysical Research Letters 10(1983):8 pp 639-642. Kremser, G, Korth, A, Ullaland, S, Stadsnes, J, Baumjohann, W, Block, L, Torkar, K M, Riedler, W, APARICIO, Bruno, Tanskanen, P, Iversen, I B, Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N, Solomon, J & Amata, E: Coordinated balloonsatellite studies of energetic electron précipitation mechanisms. In: Achievements of the international magnetospheric study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June 1984. ESA SP-217 (1984) pp 305-308. LUNDIN, Rickard: Solar wind energy transfer regions inside the dayside magnetopause - II. Evidence for an MHD generator process. Planetary and Space Science 32(1984):6 pp 757-770. - & APARICIO, Bruno: Observations of penetrated solar wind plasma elements in the plasma mantle. Planetary and Space Science 30(1982): 1 pp 81-91. LUNDIN, Rickard & Dubinin, E: Solar wind energy transfer regions inside the dayside magnetopause — I. Evidence for magnetosheath plasma penetration. Planetary and Space Science 32(1984):6 pp 745-755. - : Solar wind energy transfer regions inside the dayside magnetopause - III. Accelerated plasmaspheric ions as tracers for MHD-processes in the dayside boundary layer. KGI preprint 074(1984) 48 s. LUNDIN, Rickard, HULTQVIST, Bengt, Dubinin, E, Zacharov, A & Pissarenko, N: Observations of outflowing ion beams on auroral field lines at altitudes of many earth radii. Planetary and Space Science 30(1982):7 pp 715-726. - : Particle data from PROGNOZ-7 (The PROMICS-1 experiment). In: The IMS source book, pp 37-42. Eds. Russell, C T & Doutwood, D J. Washington 1982. LUNDIN, Rickard, HULTQVIST, Bengt, Pissarenko, N & Zacharov, A: Composition of the hot magnetospheri plasma as observed with the PROGNOZ-7 satellite. In: Energetic ion composition in the earth's magnetosphere, pp 307-351. Ed. Johnson, R G. Tokyo 1983. - : The plasma mantle: Composition and other characteristics observed by means of the PROGNOZ-7 satellite. Space Science Reivews 31(1982):3 pp 247-345. LUNDIN, Rickard: se Pissarenko, N Marklund, G, Baumjohann, G W & SANDAHL, Ingrid: Rocket and ground-based study of an auroral breakup event. Planetary and Space Science 31(1983):2 pp 207-220. Marklund, G, SANDAHL, Ingrid & OPGENOORTH, Hermann: A study of the dynamics of a discrete auroral arc. Planetary and Space Science 30(1982):2 pp 179-197. Melrose, D B, RÖNNMARK, Kjell & Hewitt, R G: Terrestrial kilometric radiation: The cyclotron theory. Journal of Geophysical Research 87(1982):A7 pp 5140-5150. MURDIN, John: Measurement of autocorrélation functions in a bi-static incoherent scatter radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 45(1983): 1 pp 67-72. , Sojka, J & Schunk, W: Diurnal transport effects on the F-region plasma at Chatanika under quiet and disturbed conditions. Planetary and Space Science 32(1984): 1 pp 47-61. MURDIN, John: se HÄGGSTRÖM, Ingemar; se Rees, D P; se STEEN, Åke

63 OLSEN, Sven: se Keppler, E OPGENOORTH, Hermann J, Pellinen, R J, Baumjohann, W, Nielson, E, Marklund, G & ELIASSON, Lars: Three-dimensional current flow and particle précipitation in a westward travelling surge (observed during the Barium-GEOS rocket experiment). Journal of Geophysical Research 1983:A4 pp 3138-3152. PELLINEN, Asta: se HÄGGSTRÖM, Ingemar Pissarenko, N F, Dubinin, N F, Zakharov, A V, Budnik, E Yu & LUNDIN, Rickard: Observations of He+ ions in the solar wind. KGI preprint 064(1984). 19 s. Rees, D P, Charleton, D P, Lloyd, N, STEEN, Åke, GUSTAFSSON, Georg & Witt, G: A doppler imaging facility for atmospheric studies from northern Scandinavia. In: Proceedings of the lOth annual meeting of upper atmosphère studies by optical methods, Grasse, 1982 September 6-11, pp 19-23. Ed. Clairmemidi, J. Besancon 1982. Rees, D, Charleton, P J, Lloyd, N, STEEN, Åke & Witt, G: Interferometric and doppler imaging studies of the auroral thermosphere from Kiruna Geophysical Institute. ESA SP-183 (1983) pp 47-61.

Rees, D, Greenaway, A H, Gordon, R, McWhirter, I, Charleton, P J & STEEN, Åke: The doppler imaging system: Initial observations of the auroral thermosphere. Plane- tary and Space Science 32(1984):3 pp 273-285. Rees, D, Lloyd, N, Charleton, P J, Carlson, M, MURDIN, John & HÄGGSTRÖM, Inge­ mar: Comparison of plasma flow and thermospheric circulation over northern Scan­ dinavia using EISCAT and a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 46(1984):6/7 pp 545-564. Rees, D, Smith, R W, Charleton, P J, McCormac, F G, Lloyd, N & STEEN, Åke: The generation of vertical thermospheric winds and gravity waves at auroral latitudes — I. Observations of vertical winds. Planetary and Space Science 32(1984):6 pp 667-684. RÖNNMARK, Kjell: Computation of the dielectric tensor of a maxwellian plasma. Plasma Physics 25(1983):6 pp 699-701. - : Emission of myriametric radiation by coalenscence of upper hybrid waves with low- frequency waves. Annales Geophysicae 1(1983):2 pp 187-192. - : Generation of magnetospheric radiation by decay of Bernstein waves. Geophysical Research Letters 12(1984): 10 pp 639-642. - : Ray tracing in dissipative media. Annales Geophysicae 2(1984): 1 pp J7-60. - : WHAMP-Waves in homogenous, anisotropie multicomponent plasmas. KGI report 179(1982). 55 s. - : se Christiansen, P J; se Hewitt, R G; se Melrose, D B SANDAHL, Ingrid: Pitch angle scattering and particle précipitation in a pulsating aurora — an experimental study. Diss. KGI report 185(1984). 161 s. - : se Marklund, G STASIEWICZ, Krzysztof: Generation of magnetic field-aligned currents, parallel electric fields, and inverted-V structures by plasma pressure inhomogeneities in the magne- tosphere. KGI preprint 073(1984). 34 s. - : The influence of a turbulent region on the flux of auroral electrons. KGI preprint 072(1984) 16 s. - : On the formation of auroral arcs. KGI preprint 068(1984). 19 s. STEEN, Åke: Spatial monitoring of auroral emissions. KGI report 182(1983). 17 s. - , Chen, C H, MURDIN, John & WANNBERG, Gudmund: A nonlinear maximum entropy method for spectral estimation applied to synthetic incohérent scatter radar measurements — I. Application to synthetic incohérent scatter data. Journal of Atmo­ spheric and Terrestrial Physics 46(1984):6/7 pp 613-618. STEEN, Åke & Rees, D: Optical characteristics of a Ps6 event. In: Proceedings of the 1 Ith annual meeting of upper atmosphère studies by optical methods, Max-Planck-Institut

64 für Aeronomie, 29 Aug, 2 Sept 1983, pp 63-82. Eds. Länge-Hesse, G & Lauche, H. Katlenburg-Lindau 1983. - & GUSTAFSSON, Georg: Proposai for EISCAT-measurements. Combined optical and incoherent scatter radar measurements to study auroral dynamics. II. The westward travelling surge. KGI report 178(1982). 38 s. STEEN, Åke: se Henriksen, K; se Rees, D P Sulzbacher, H, Baumjohann, W, Potemra, T A, Nielson, E & GUSTAFSSON, Georg: Observations of ionospheric and field-aligned currents in the late afternoon sector with Triad and the Scandinavian magnetometer array. Journal of Geophysics 51(1982) pp 55-65. THELIN, Bo: Expérimental evidence of a new intensity formula in optical emission spectroscopy. KGI preprint 063(1983). 25 s. - : An explanation of the spectral seasonal variations in the night airglow emissions. KGI preprint 066(1984). 16 s. - : se YNGSTRÖM, Sten Townend, M & ANDRÉ, Mats: Simultaneous observations of electron spectra in the auroral zone and near the equatorial piane by the DMSP-5D-F2 and GEOS-1 satellites. KGI report 184(1984). 19 s. WANNBERG, Gudmund: se Keppler, E; se STEEN, Åke YNGSTRÖM, Sten & THELIN, Bo: Revision of the theoretical principles of optical emission spectroscopy. KGI preprint 062(1983). 23 s.

FYSIOLOGI Ahréen, K, NORJAVAARA, Ensio, Rosberg, S & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Prostaglandin F inhibition of epinephrine stimulated cyclic AMP and progesterone production by rat corpora lutea of various âges. Prostaglandins 25(1983) pp 839-850. APPELBERG, Bo, Hulliger, Manuel, JOHANSSON, Håkan & SOJKA, Peter: - : Actions on y-motoneurones elicited by electrical stimulation of group I muscle afferent fibres in the hind limb of the cat. Journal of Physiology 335(1983) pp 237-253. - : Actions on y-motoneurones elicited by electrical stimulation of group II muscle afferent fibres in the hind limb of the cat. Journal of Physiology 335(1983) pp 255-273. - : Actions on y-motoneurones elicited by electrical stimulation of group III muscle afferent fibres in the hind limb of the cat. Journal of Physiology 335(1983) pp 275-292. - : Effects of spinalization on reflexes from the contralateral hind limb to fusimotor neurones. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984) p 27A. - : Fusimotor reflexes in triceps surae elicited by natural stimulation of muscle afferents from the cat ipsilateral hind limb. Journal of Physiology 329(1982) pp 211-229. - : Fusimotor reflexes in triceps surae muscle elicited by extension of the contralateral hind limb in the cat. Journal of Physiology 355(1984) pp 99-117. : High threshold muscle afferents and the integrative function of fusimotor neurones. XVII. Scandinavian congress for physiology and pharmacology, 29-31 Aug. 1982, Reykjavik, Iceland. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.508 p 135. - : An intracellular study of rubrospinal and rubro-bulbospinal control of lumbar y-motoneurones. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 116(1982) pp 377-386. - : Recurrent actions on y-motoneurones mediated via large and small ventral root fibres in the cat. Journal of Physiology 335(1983) pp 293-305.

65 - : Scarcity of muscle group I action on y-motoneurones. XVII Scandinavian congress for physiology and pharmacology, 29-31 Aug. 1982, Reykjavik, Iceland. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.508 p 136. Baird, D T, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, McNeilly, AS, Smith, S K & Wathen, C G: The effect of enucleation of the corpus luteum at différent stages of the luteal phase of the human menstrual cycle on subséquent follicular development. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 70(1984) pp 615-624. Bellemare, F, Bigland-Ritchie, B, JOHANSSON, Roland, Smith, S & Woods, J J: Motor unit firing rates in différent types of human muscles during maximal voluntary contractions. Journal of Physiology 334(1983) pp 34P-35P. Bellemare, F, Smith, S, Woods, J J, JOHANSSON, Roland & Bigland-Ritchie, B: Firing rated of motor units during steady stae maximum voluntary contractions of différent human muscles. Abstract. McGill University lOth anniversary symposium, Sept. 1-4, 1982. - : Firing rates of motor units during MVC of différent human muscles. Society of Neuroscience. Abstract 8(1982) p 946. Bellemare, F, Woods, J J, JOHANSSON, Roland & Bigland-Ritchie, B: Motor units discharge rates in maximum voluntary contractions of three human muscles. Journal of Neurophysiology 50(1983) pp 1380-1392. BERGH, Anders, Bergh Åson, A, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, Hammer, M & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Testosterone biosynthesis and Leydig cell morphology in adult unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Acta Endocrinologica 107(1984) pp 556-562. BERGH, Anders & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Early signs of Sertoli cell dysfunction in the abdominal testes of immature unilateral cryptorchid rats. Third European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis. Lyon 1984. - : Local régulation of Leydig cell function from the seminiferous tubules — effect of short-term cryptorchidism. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 247. - : Local régulation of Leydig cells from the seminiferous tubules. Effect of short-term cryptorchidism. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 409-418. - : Paracrine régulation of Leydig cells by the seminiferous tubules- effect of short-term cryptorchidism. Third European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis. Lyon 1984. - & Lindgren, S: Compensatory hypertrophy of the Leydig cells in hemiorchidectomized adult rats. Experentia 38(1982) pp 597-598. BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & Ritzen, M: Early sign of Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction in the abdominal testes of immature unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Inter­ national Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 398-408. BERGH, Anders: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se Huhtaniemi, lipo BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo, SJÖGREN, Kerstin & TOMIC, Radisa: Sexual functions in prostatic cancer patients treated with orchi- dectomy or oestrogens. British Journal of Urology 55(1983) pp 42-47. - : Sexual functions in prostatic cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, orchidectomy or oestrogens. British Journal of Urology 56(1983) pp 64-69. BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & TOMIC, Radisa: The effect of total and subcapsular orchidectomy on serum concentration of testosterone and pituitary hor­ mones in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. Urologia Internationalis 37(1982) pp 139-144. - : Långtidsuppföljning av prostatacancer-patienter där östrogenbehandling utsatts. XL Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, Stockholm. Band 92(1983) p 261. BERGMAN, Bo, TOMIC, Radisa & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Testicular endocrine function after withdrawal of oestrogen treatment in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. V Congress of the European association of urology. Edinburgh 1982.

66 - & SÖDERGÅRD; Ragnar: Total and calculated unbound testosterone concentrations in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with orchidectomy or oestrogens. V Congress of the European association of urology. Edinburgh 1982. BERGMAN, Bo: DAEHLIN, Lars-Erik; DAMBER, Jan-Erik; SJÖGREN, Kerstin; TOMIC, Radisa Bigland-Ritchie, B, JOHANSSON, Roland, Lippold, O C J, Smith, S R & Woods, J J: Changes in motor neuron firing rate during sustained maximal voluntary contractions. Journal of Physiology. 340(1983) pp 335-346. - : Possible reflex control of motor unit firing rates during fatigue. Proceedings of the Fifth international congress on neuromuscular diseases, Marseille Sept 12-17, 1982. Bigland-Ritchie, B, JOHANSSON, Roland, Lippold, O C J & Woods, J J: Contractile speed and EMG changes during fatigue of sustained maximal voluntary contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology 50(1983) pp 313-324. Bigland-Ritchie, B, JOHANSSON, Roland & Woods, J J: Does a réduction in motor drive necessarily result in force loss during fatigue? In: Biochemistry of exercise, pp 864-870. Eds. Knuttgen, G, Vogel, J A & Poortmans, J. Champaign, Illinois 1983. - : Does a réduction in motor drive necessarily result in force loss during fatigue? Proceedings of the Vth international symposium on the biochemistry of exercise. Abstract. Bigland-Ritchie, B, Woods, J J, Smith, S, Bellemare, F, JOHANSSON, Roland & Lippold, O C J: Changes of single motor unit firing rates during fatigue and after post fatigue ischemia. Society of Neuroscience. Abstract 8(1982) p 946. BIXO, Marie, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & WINBLAD, Bengt: Regional ansamling av progesteron i CNS under lutealfasen hos PMSG-behandlade prepuberala honråttor. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 91(1982) p 142. Abstract EN 2P. - : Regional progesterone accumulation in the brain of the PMSG-treated female rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 122(1984) pp 355-359. BIXO, Marie: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn BLOM, Sigfrid: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn BÄCKSTRÖM, Mona-Britt, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & JOELSSON. Ingemar: Stress during pregnancy and spontaneous premature labour. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2(1983) pp 169-170. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn: Premenstrual tension syndrome. In: Progesterone and progestins, pp 205-219. Eds. Bardin, C W, Mauvais-Jarvis, P & Milgrom, E. New York 1982. - : Variation des taux hormonaux et modifications cycliques de l'humeur. Contraception, Fertilité, Sexualité 10(1982) pp 423-427. - : Andersson, A, Baird, D T & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Production of 5 -pregnan-3, 20dione by human corpus luteum. Acta Endocrinologica 1983:Suppl.256 p 257. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Baird, D T, Bancroft, J, BIXO, Marie, HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan, Sanders, D, Smith, S & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Endocrinological aspects on cyclical mood changes during the menstrual cycle of the premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2(1983) pp 8-20. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Bancroft, J, BIXO, Marie, HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan & Sanders, D: Premenstrual syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 1982:Suppl.l pp 138-144. - & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Endocrinological aspects of premenstrual syndrome. In: Premenstrueel syndroom en postpartum depressie, pp 17-32. Eds. van Hall, E V, Keirse, M J N C & Vermeulen, J. Leiden 1982. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Boyle, H & Baird, D T: Persistence of symptoms of pre­ menstrual tension in hysterectomized women. International Synopses Ob/Gy 1983 pp 14-15. Abstract.

67 BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Carlström, Kjell, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & Toivonen, J: The effects of progesterone, administrated via intravaginal rings on the follicular function and on serum levels of FSH, LH and prolactin in the human. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 64(1982) pp 53-58. - : Progesterone vaginal rings and endocrine profile. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 3( 1982):3/4. Abstract 170. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, KJELLGREN, Olle & MÄHLCK, Carl Gustaf: Progesterone - a marker for "nonendocrine" malignant ovarian tumours? Xth World congress of gynecology and obstetrics. San Francisco 1982. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, LANDGREN, Sven, ZETTERLUND, Bo, BLOM, Sigfrid, Dubrovsky, Bernardo, BIXO, Marie & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Effects of ovarian Steroid hormones on brain excitability and their relation to epilepsy seizure variation during the menstrual cycle. In: Advances in epileptology: XVth epilepsy international symposium, pp 269-277. Ed. Porter, Roger J et al. New York 1984. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, McNeilly, A S, Leask, R M & Baird, D T: Pulsatile sécrétion of LH, FSH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone during the human menstrual cycle. Clinical Endocrinology 17(1982) pp 29-42. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, MÄHLCK, Carl Gustaf & KJELLGREN, Olle: Progesterone as a possible tumör marker for 'non-endocrine' ovarian malignant tumörs. Gynecologic Oncology 16(1982) pp 129-138. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Sanders, D & Bancroft, J: Premenstrual tension and hor­ monal variations during the menstrual cycle. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandi­ navia 1983:Suppl.l 16 p 104. Abstract 177. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Sanders, D, Leask, RM, Davidson, D, Warner, P & Bancroft, J: Mood sexuality, hormones and the menstrual cycle. 11. Hormone levels and their relationship to premenstrual syndrome. Psychosomatic Medicine 45(1983) pp 503-507. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Smith, S, Lothian, H & Baird, D T: Förlängd follikelfas och sänkta gonadotropiner efter hysterektomi med corpus lute-ektomi hos kvinnor med det premenstruella syndromet (PMS). Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 91(1982) p 211. Abstract OB 14P. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, ZETTERLUND, Bo, BLOM, Sigfrid & Romano, M: Effects of continous progesterone infusion on the epileptic discharge frequency in women with partial epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984) pp 240-248. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn: se Baird, D T; se BIXO, Marie; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Mona- Britt; se HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan; se MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav; se Sanders, D; se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar DAEHLIN, Lars, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, SELSTAM, Gunnar & Thore, J: Direkta effekter av östradiol och olika östrogena preparat på den humana testikelns testosteronproduktion in vitro. XXXIX Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stock­ holm 91(1982). DAEHLIN, Lars & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Den androgenstimulerade tillväxten av prostata adenokarcinom (Dunning R3327H) hämmas av östradiol. XLI Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets riksstämma. Stockholm 93(1984) p 268. - : SELSTAM, Gunnar & BERGMAN, Bo: Effects of testosterone and différent oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1983) p 53A. - : Effects of testosterone and différent oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl. Abstract P64. - : Effects of human chorionic gonadotrophin and oestradiol on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. Third European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocri­ nology of the testis. Lyon 1984. - : Inhibitory effects of oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 19(1983):Suppl. Abstract 20 p 78.

68 DAEHLIN, Lars, Thore, J, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Direct inhibitory effects of oestrogens on human testicular testosterone sécré­ tion in vitro. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 246. DAEHLIN, Lars: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH Anders & DAEHLIN, Lars: Effects of hCG on testicular blood flow and interstitiell fluid formation in unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Third European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis. Lyon 1984. - : Increased testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats after administration of a LHRH-agonist. Third European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis. Lyon 1984. - : Stimulatory effect of a LHRH-agoinist on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 236-243. - : Testicular blood flow after treatment of unilaterally cryptorchid rats with hCG and in hypophysectomized rats treated with a LHRH-agonist. Inserm 123(1984) pp 329-334. - : Testikelblodflöde och testosteronsekretion hos unilateralt kryptorchida råttor. XLI Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 93(1984) p 148. - : Ekholm, C, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: The acute effect of oestrogens on testosterone production appears not to be mediated by testicular oestro- gen receptors. Molecular and Cellulär Endocrinology 31(1983) pp 105-116. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Oestradiol-17/ß receptor binding capacity and aromatase activity in the testes of the experimental unilateral cryptorchid rat. Archives of Andrology 11(1983) pp 259-263. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGMAN, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & TOMIC, Radisa: Binding capacity of testosterone estradiol-binding globuline (TeBG) and total and calculated unbound testosterone in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with orchidectomy or estrogens. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 6(1983) pp 91-94. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, Lindahl, O, SELSTAM, Gunnar & Tenland, T: Acute effect of catecholamines on testicular blood flow as measured with a laser Doppler flow meter. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 115(1982) pp 209-215. - : Rhythmical oscillations in rat testicular microcirculation as recorded by laser Doppler flowmetry. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 118(1983) pp 117-123. DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Stimulatory effects of norepinephrine on adenylate cyclase activity of rat Leydig cells. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 246. DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se BERGH, Anders; se BERGMAN, Bo; se DAEHLIN, Lars; se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se GÅFVELS, Mats; se Hagstad, B; se HELGASSON, Stefan; se Huhtaniemi, lipo; se NILSSON, Bo; se OTTOSON, Ulla-Britt; se SELSTAM, Gunnar; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin; se TOMIC, Radisa DAMBER, Mats-Göran, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, NILSSON, Bo, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Danazol displacement of testosterone and influence on free testosterone levels. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.l23 p 115. I DAMBER, Mats-Göran, NILSSON, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Danazol displacement of testosterone and influence on sex hormone binding globulin capacity and free testosterone levels. Xth World congress of gynecology and obstretrics. San Francisco 1982. GÅFVELS, Mats, SELSTAM, Gunnar & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Oxygen and glucose dependency of luteal progesterone production in the pseudopregnant rat. Acta Physio- I logica Scandinavica 20(1983):Suppl.C. GÅFVELS, Mats, Wang, Juming, BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Toxic effects of the antifertility agent gossypol in maie rats. Toxicology 32(1984) pp 325-333.

69 GÅFVELS, Mats: se NORJAVAARA, Ensio HAGBERG, Mats, JOHANSSON, Roland, Löfgren, F & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Dom- ningar och känselbortfall i handen hos vibrationsskadade patienter — en hudrecep- torskada? 32:a Nordiska yrkeshygieniska mötet, 19-21 sept. Stockholm 1983. - : Störningar av handens taktila känsel hos vibrationsskadade patienter. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets riksstämma, 1983. Hagstad, A, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, Janson, P O, Samside, G & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Effects of two oestradiolo/norgestrel combinations on the ovulatory pattern and sex hormone binding globuline capacity in women around forty. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 321-324. HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, HOLST, Juhani & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Cyclical mood changes provoked by sequential estrogen-gestagen therapy. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2(1983) pp 2Û2-203. - : "Premenstrual syndrome" in postmenopausal women taking cyclical estrogen/ gestagen treatment. Nordisk förening för obstetrik och gynekologi, XXII kongress. Helsingfors 7-10 juni, 1982. Abstract 179. - : Premenstrual syndrome in postmenopausal women undergoing cyclical estrogen- gestagen treatment. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.ll6 p 104. Abstract 178. HELGASON, Stefan, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, DAMBER Mats-Göran, von SCHOULTZ, Bo, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: A comparative longitudinal study on sex hormone binding globulin capacity during estrogen replacement therapy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 61(1982) pp 97-100. HOLM, Stig & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Carbohydrate metabolism and concentration profiles of solutés in the canine lumbar intervertebral dise. Acta Physiologica Scandi­ navica 115(1982): 1. - : Oxygen tension altérations in the intervertebral dise as a response to changes in the arterial blood. Upsala Journal of Médical Sciences 87(1982):2. Huhtaniemi, lipo, BERG, Anders, Nikula, Hannu & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Différences in the régulation of steroidogenesis and tropic hormone receptors between the scrotal and abdominal testes of unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Endocrinology 115(1984) pp 550-555. - : Effect of hCG on testicular steroidogenesis and gonadotropin and prolactin receptors in unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Hormone action and testicular function. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 438(1984) pp 602-605. Hulliger, Manuel, NORDH, Erik & VALLBO, Åke B: The absence of position response in spindle afferent units from human finger muscles during accurate position holding. Journal of Physiology 322(1982) pp 167-179. JENESKOG, Torgny: Zonal termination of the tecto-olivocerebellar pathway in the cat. Expérimental Brain Research 49(1983) pp 353-362. JENESKOG, Torgny & Padel, Yves: Cerebral cortical areas of origin of excitation and inhibition of rubrospinal cells in the cat. Expérimental Brain Research 50(1983) pp 309-320. - : Excitation of rubrospinal cells through the dorsal column-lemniscal pathway in the cat. Journal of Physiology 345(1983) p 163P. - : An excitatory pathway through the dorsal columns to rubrospinal cells in the cat. Journal of Physiology 353(1984) pp 355-373. JENESKOG, Torgny: se Padel, Yves JOHANSSON, Håkan: Gamma-systemets roll i motoriken. Kompendium i motorik för sjukgymnaster 1984 pp 1-18. (Stencil.) - : Om hockeyspelarens kost: Mycket kolhydrater bättre än blodig biff. IMN-Journalen (organ för Idrottsmedicin Norr). 1984:1.

70 - : Översikt över perifera receptorers inflytande på segmentella motoriska mekanismer. Kompendium i motorik, läromedel till NLV-kurs nr 344 och 324. Umeå (1983) pp 1-32. - & SOJKA, Peter: Cutaneous afferents and the integrative function of fusimotor neurones. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984) p 16A. JOHANSSON, Håkan: se APPELBERG, Bo - : se WADELL, Inger JOHANSSON, Roland & LaMotte, R H: Tactile detection thresholds for a single asperity on an otherwise smooth surface. Somatosensory Research 1(1983) pp 21-31. JOHANSSON, Roland & LANDSTRÖM, Ulf & LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: Responses of mechanoreceptive afferent units in the glabrous skin of the human hand to sinusoïdal skin displacements. Brain Research 244(1982) pp 17-25. - : Sensitivity to edges of mechanoreceptive afferent units innervating the glabrous skin of the human hand. Brain Research 244(1982) pp 27-32. JOHANSSON, Roland & LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: Handens taktila sinnesorgan och hur dessa akut påverkas av vibrationer. In: Handöverförda vibrationer, pp 181-186. Arbetarskyddsfonden. Stockholm 1983. - : Lokala vibrationer och handens taktila känsel. Arbetarskyddsfondens sammanfatt­ ningar. Stockholm 1983:571. - : Lokala vibrationer och handens taktila känsel. ASF rapport, proj. 79/104. Institu­ tionen för fysiologi, Umeå Universitet/Arbetarskyddsfonden. Stockholm 1982. JOHANSSON, Roland & LÖFVENBERG, Jacques: Regional différences in sensitivity to vibration in the glabrous skin of the human hand. Brain Research 301(1984) p 65-72. JOHANSSON, Roland & VALLBO, Åke B: Tactile sensory coding in the glabrous skin of the human hand. Trends in Neurosciences 6(1983) pp 27-31. JOHANSSON, Roland & WESTLING, Göran: Handens sensoriska funktioner i relation till arbetsolyckor. In: Handöverförda vibrationer, pp 187-190. Arbetarskyddsfonden. Stockholm 1983. - : Influences of cutaneous sensory input on the motor coordination during precision manipulation. In: Somatosensory mechanisms, pp 249-260. Eds. von Euler, C, Franzén, O, Lindblom, U & Ottoson, D. London 1984. - : Metod för att testa handens finmotoriska gripfunktion. In: Rörelsestudier av han­ dikappade. Workshop 21 mars, 1984, Wenner-Gren Center, Forskningsrådsnämnden, Stockholm. - : Roles of glabrous skin receptors and sensorimotor memory in automatic control of precision grip when lifting rougher or more slippery objects. Expérimental Brain Research 56(1984) pp 550-564. JOHANSSON, Roland: se Bellemare, F; se Bigland-Ritchie, B; se HAGBERG, Mats; se LaMotte, R-H; se VALLBO, Åke B; se WESTLING, Göran LaMotte, R H, JOHANSSON, Roland, & Prober, D: Construction of three-dimensional microstructures to be used in studies of the cutaneous perception of texture. Journal of Electrophysiological Techniques 9(1983) pp 165-181. LANDGREN, Sven & OLSSON, Kurt Å: Oral mechanoreceptors. In: Speech motor control, 129-139. Eds. Grillner, S, Lindblom, B, Lubke, J & Persson, A. Oxford 1982. - & WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: Bulbar neurones with axonal projections to the tri- geminal motor nucleus. Neuroscience Letters. Suppl.18 (1984) p 60. LANDGREN, Sven, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & OLSSON, Kurt Å: The sensimotor integration in Area 3a of the cat. In: Sensory-motor integration in the nervous system. Eds. Creutzfeldt, O, Schmidt, R F & Willis, W D. Expérimental Brain Research 1984:Suppl.9 pp 359-375. LANDGREN, Sven: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se OLSSON, Kurt Å L1TTBRAND, Bo: se BERGMAN, Bo; se TOM1CA, Radisa

71 Lund, Jim P & OLSSON, Kurt Å: The importance of reflexes and their control during jaw movement. Trends in Neurosciences 6(1983) pp 458-463. - & Sasamoto, K: Patterns of activity of trigeminal sensory nuclear neurons during mastication. 29th Congress of the International union of physiological sciences. Sydney 1983. Lund, Jim P, Sasamoto, K, Murakemi, T & OLSSON, Kurt Å: Analysis of rhythmical jaw movements produced by electrical stimulation of motorsensory cortex of rabbits. Journal of Neurophysiology 52(1984) pp 1014-1029. MÄHLCK, Carl Gustav, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & KJELLGREN, Olle: Androgener hos kvinnor med epitelial ovarialcancer. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 93(1984) p 218. Abstract OB 2P. - : Progesterone (p) and 20 a-OH-progesterone (20-a-OH-p) as tumour markers in women with malignant "non-endocrine" epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 19(1983): Suppl.1185. Abstract 353. NILSSON Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Free testosterone levels during Danazol therapy. Fertility and Sterility 39(1983) pp 505-509. NORDH, Erik, VALLBO, Åke B & Hulliger, Manuel: The response of human muscle spindle afferents to changes in muscle length during isotonic voluntary movements. Neuroscience Letters 10(1982) p 351. NORDH, Erik: se Hulliger, Manuel NORJAVAARA, Ensio: Influence of catecholamines on corpus luteum function. A study on corpora lutea of différent âges and prevulotary granulosa cells of the rat. Diss. Göteborg 1984. (Fysiologiska Institutionerna vid Göteborgs och Umeå Universitet. ISBN 91-7222-683-8. Rekvisiton från endera Institutionen. Huvudhandledare: Gunnar Selstam, 1984). Rosberg, S, Ahrén, K, GÅFVELS, Mats & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Changes in luteal yff-adrenergic receptors during the luteal phase of the rat. XIV Acta Endocrinologica Congress, 1983. NORJAVAARA, Ensio, Rosberg, S, GÅFVELS, Mats & SELSTAM, Gunnar: ß- adrenergic receptor concentration in corpora lutea of différent ages obtained from PMSG-treated rats. Endocrinology 114(1984) pp 2154-2159. NORJAVAARA, Ensio, SELSTAM, Gunnar & Ahrén, K: Catecholamine stimulation of cyclic AMP and progesterone production in rat corpora lutea of différent ages. Acta Endocrinologica 100(1982) pp 613-622. NORJAVAARA, Ensio, SELSTAM, Gunnar, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & Johansson, B-M: In vivo effects of noradrenaline on the cyclic AMP level in rat corpora lutea. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 119(1983) pp 113-116. NORJAVAARA, Ensio: se Ahrén, K; se SELSTAM, Gunnar OLSSON, Kurt Å: Oral fysiologi. Tandläkartidningen 1 1(1983) pp 628-637. - & LANDGREN, Sven: Cortical and trigeminal convergence in the intertrigeminal nucleus. 13th American neuroscience meeting. Boston, USA 1983. - & WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: Cortical and trigeminal convergence in the intertri­ geminal area. Neuroscience Letters. Suppl. 18(1984)p 261. - : Effects from the brain and mouth on interneurones projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus. Odontologisk riksstämma, Stockholm 1984. - : Hjärnan och tuggfunktionen — tandpressning; tandgnissling. Medicinska fakulteten 20 år. Bildmuseet, Umeå 1984. OLSSON, Kurt Å, Lund, Jim P & Sasamoto, K: Activity of trigemino -thalamic neurons during mastication in the rabbit. 61th Meeting of the international association for dental research. Sydney 1983.

72 - : A comparison of muscle responses to cortical and peripheral inputs during mastication in the rabbit. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 61(1983):AXXXCiii. - : A microelectrode study of the topographical projection of the sensori-motor cortex to the rostral trigeminal sensory nuclei in the rabbit. 13th American neuroscience meeting. Boston, USA 1983. OLSSON, Kurt Å: se LANDGREN, Sven; se Lund, J-P; se VALLBO, Åke B OTTOSON, Ulla-Britt, Carlström, K, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, NILSSON, Bo & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Absorption of orai progesterone and its conversion into deoxycor- ticosterone during estrogen replacement therapy. Maturitas 6(1984) p 159. - : Conversion of orai progesterone into deoxycorticosterone during postmenopausal replacement therapy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 577-579. - : Serum levels of progesterone and some of its metabolites including deoxycorticoste­ rone after oral and parenteral administration. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 91(1984) pp 1111-1119. OTTOSON, Ulla-Britt, HOLST, Juhani, CAJANDER, Stefan, Carlström, K, DAM- BER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Orai progesterone — an alternative to synthetic progestogens in clinical practice. Nordisk förening for obstetrik og gynaekologi XXIV Kongress. Odense 1984. Abstract 34. Padel, Yves & JENESKOG, Torgny: Excitatory and inhibitory afferents to red nucleus in the dorsal columns-lemniscal system. Neurosciences Abstracts 1983. - : An excitatory pathway through the dorsal columns to rubrospinal cells in the cat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 118(1983) p 6A. - : A fast feed-back pathway transmitting information to rubrospinal cells in the cat. Behavioural Brain Research 8(1983) pp 263-264. - & Montfort, J: Les afférences somesthésiques extracérébelleuses au noyau rouge postérieur chez le chat. Journal de Physiologie 78(1982) p 7B. Sanders, D, Warner, P, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & Bancroft, J: Mood, sexuality, hormones and the menstrual cycle. I. Changes in mood and physical state. Psycho- somatic Medicine 45(1983) pp 487-501. von SCHOULTZ, Bo: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se DAMBER, Mats-Göran ; se HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan; se HELGASON, Stefan; se OTTOSON, Ulla-Britt SELSTAM, Gunnar & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Measurement of blood flow to the ventral prostate in the rat with radioactive microsperes: effects of estradiol-17/? and human chorionic gonadotrophin. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 119(1983) pp 209-212. SELSTAM, Gunnar, NORJAVAARA, Ensio, Rosberg, S, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & CAJANDER, Stefan: Development of catecholamine responsiveness during the luteini- zation process. Acta Endocrinologica 1983:Suppl.256. - : Development of catecholamine-responsive adenylate cyclase during the periovulatory period. The Endocrine society. Abstract 1983:854. SELSTAM, Gunnar, Rani, S, Nordenström, K, NORJAVAARA, Ensio, Ros berg, S & Ahrén, K: Development of sensitivity to catecholamines in granulosa and luteal cells. In: Regulation of target-cell responsiveness, 1(1984) pp 37-53. Eds. McKerns, K W, Aakvaag, A & Hansson, V. London 1984. SELSTAM, Gunnar: se Ahrén, K; se BERGH, Anders; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se DAEHL1N, Lars; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se GÅFVELS, Mats; se HELGASON, Stefan; se HOLM, Stig; se NORJAVAARA, Ensio; se WIRELL, Staffan SHANBHAG, Vithaidas: se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar SILFVENIUS, Herbert: se LANDGREN, Sven SJÖGREN, Kerstin, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, ABRAMSSON, Leif, BERGMAN, Bo & TOMIC, Radisa: Some circulatory and endocrinological déterminants of sexual function in disability and chronic disease. 9th International congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Jerusalem 1984.

73 SJÖGREN, Kerstin, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Sexuality after stroke with hemiplegia. Aspects of sexual function. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 55-61. SJÖGREN, Kerstin: se BERGMAN, Bo SOJKA, Peter: se APPELBERG, Bo; se JOHANSSON, Håkan SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Steroid-protein interactions: A study based on détermination of steroid-binding proteins in aqueous two-phase systems. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:80. - : BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, SHANBHAG, Vithaidas & Carstensen, H: Calculation of free and bound fractions of testosterone and estradiol-17/? to human plasma protein at body temperature. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 16(1982) pp 801-810. SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se BERGMAN, Bo; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se Hagstad, A; se HELGASON, Stefan; se NILSSON, Bo; se WIRELL, Staffan TOMIC, Radisa, BERGMAN, Bo & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Testicular endocrine function after withdrawal of oestrogen treatment in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. British Journal of Urology 55(1983) pp 42-47. - , LITTBRAND, Bo & Löfroth, P O: Effects of external radiation therapy for cancer of the prostate on the serum concentrations of testosterone, FSH, LH and prolactin. Journal of Urology 39(1983) pp 505-509. WADELL, Inger & JOHANSSON, Håkan: Betydelsen av sensorisk feed-back vid motorisk iniärning. Finlands fysioterapeutförbunds Fysioterapeutdagar, 11-12 okt, 1984. Abstract of papers, Helsingfors, Finland. VALLBO, Åke B: Tactile sensation related to activity in primary afferents with special reference to detection problems. In: Somatosensory mechanisms, pp 163-172. Eds. von Euler, C, Franzén, O, Lindblom, U & Ottoson, D. London 1984. - & JOHANSSON, Roland: Att tjuvlyssna på handens nervsystem. Forskning och framsteg 2(1982) pp 9-17. - : Properties of cutaneous mechanoreceptors in the human hand related to touch sensation. Human Neurobiology 3(1984) pp 3-14. - : Å tyvlytte til håndens nervesystem. Forskningsnytt 28(1983) pp 30-37. VALLBO, Åke B, OLSSON, Kurt Å, WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar & Clark, F J: Micro­ stimulation of single afferents from the human hand: Attributes and sensations related to unit type and properties of receptive fields. Brain 107(1984) pp 727-749. - : What kind of sensation is evoked by a train of impulses in a single tactile unit from the glabrous skin of the human hand. Neuroscience Letters 10(1982) pp 496-497. VALLBO, Åke: se Hulliger, Manuel; se JOHANSSON, Roland; se NORDH, Erik WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: se LANDGREN, Sven; se OLSSON, Kurt Å; se VALLBO, Åke B WESTLING, Göran & JOHANSSON, Roland: Factors influencing the force control during precision grip. Expérimental Brain Research 53(1984) pp 277-284. - : Pinch reflexes. Neuroscience Letters. Suppl.14 (1983) p 402. - : Tactile afferent signals and sensori-motor memory influencing the force coordination during precision grip between tips of fingers and thumb. Neuroscience Letters. Suppl.18(1984) p 259. WESTLING, Göran: se JOHANSSON, Roland WIRELL, Staffan: Binding of radiographie contrast media to serum protein. A clinical and experimental investigation of their adverse effects through influence on active Steroid hormone levels. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:2. (Institutionen för Röntgendiagnostik och Fysiologiska Institutionen, Umeå Universitet. ISSN 0346-6612. Rekvisition från Röntgendiagnostik. Huvudhandledare Prof G Salzman. Övrig handledare Gunnar Selstam, 1984).

74 - , SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & SELSTAM, Gunnar: The effect of ioglycamide (Bilivistan) on the binding of testosterone, estradiol and cortisol to human serum proteins. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 567-572. ZETTERLUND, Bo: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn

FYSIOLOGISK BOTANIK AHLQVIST, Ann-Sofi: se HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin Akkermans, A D L, Baker, D, HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin & Tjepkema, J D (eds): Frankia Symbioses. The Hague 1984, 258 s. (Also published as Plant and Soil 78(1984): 1-2). Akkermans, A D L, Roelofsen, W, Blom, J, HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin & Harkink, R: Utilization of carbon and nitrogen Compounds by Frankia in synthetic media and in root nodules of Alnus glutinosa, Hippophae rhamnoides and Datisca cannabina. Canadian Journal of Botany 61(1983) pp 2793-2800. ALM, Pia: se ÖQUIST, Gunnar Bergman, B & HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin: Ultrastructure of Stigonema in the cephalodia of Stereocaulon paschale. Lichenologist 15(1983) pp 181-190. BRUNES, Laila: se ÖQUIST, Gunnar DUNBERG, Arne: Why beech and oak trees retain leaves until spring: a comment on the contribution by Otto and Nilsson. Oikos 39(1982) pp 275-277. - : se SANDBERG, Göran ELIASSON, Lennart & HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin: Energiskogsodling — växtfysiologisk bakgrund. — Naturvetenskap och teknik — ett växelspel. Naturvetenskapliga forsk­ ningsrådets årsbok 1981/82 pp 162-171. FLOWER-ELLIS, Anita: se HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin Fork, D C, ÖQUIST, Gunnar & Hoch, G E: Fluroescence emission from photosystem I at room temperature in the red alga Porphyra perforata. Plant Science Letters 24(1982) pp 249-254. GEZELIUS, Kerstin: se HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik HAGSTRÖM, Åke, Andersson, A & ÖQUIST, Gunnar: Algal and bacterial production in a coastal area (Norrbyn) of the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1983) pp 131-137. HOFSLAGARE, Olof, SAMUELSSON, Göran, SJÖBERG, Staffan & INGR1, Nils: A precise potentioimeric method for détermination of algal activity in an open CO2 system. Plant, Cell and Environment 6(1983) pp 195-201 HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin & AHLQVIST, Ann-Sofi: Nitrogenase activity in root nodule homogenates of Alnus incana. Plant and Soil 78(1984) pp 159-170. HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin, Roelofsen, W, Akkermans, A D L & Meijer, P: Carbon meta- bolism of Frankia spp in root nodules of Alnus glutinosa and Hippophae rhamnoides. Physiologia Plantarum 54(1982) pp 461-466. HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin & SELLSTEDT, Anita: Nitrogenase activity in response in restricted shoot growth in Alnus incana. Canadian Journal of Botany 61(1983) pp 2949-2955.

75 -, FLOWER-ELLIS, Anita & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Ammonium effects on function and structure of nitrogen-fixing root nodules of Alnus incana (L) Moench. Planta 156(1982) pp 332-340. HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin: se Akkermans, A D L; se Bergman, B; se ELIASSON, Lennart; se SELLSTEDT, Anita HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik & FREDRIKSSON, Sten-Åke: Emission of hydrogen sulfide from sulfur dioxide-fumigated pine trees. Plant Physiology 70(1982) pp 456-459. HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik & GEZELIUS, Kerstin: Effects of SO2 on photosynthesis and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase in pine tree seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum 54(1982) pp 153-161. HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik, Linder, S, Richter, A, Troeng, E & Granat, L: Uptake of SO2 in shoots of Scots pine: field measurements of net flux of sulphur in relation to sto- matal conductance. Plant, Cell and Environment 5(1982) pp 75-83. HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik, SUNDBOM, Erik & STRAND, Martin: Photosynthetic respon- ses to low temperature in Betula pubescens and Betula tortuosa. Physiologia Plantarum 54(1982) pp 275-282. HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik: se SANDBERG, Göran; se SUNDBOM, Erik; se ÖGREN, Erling MALMBERG, Gunilla: se MARTIN, Björn MARTIN, Björn, MALMBERG, Gunilla, Gref, R & ÖQUIST, Gunnar: Identification of the photosynthetic CO2 fixation inhibitors in isolated pine chloroplasts as resin acids. Physiologia Plantarum 62(1984) pp 110-114. ODÉN, Per-Christer: se SANDBERG, Göran Ryberg, M, Sandelius, A S & SELSTAM, Eva: Lipid composition of prolamellar bodies and prothylakoids of wheat etioplasts. Physiologia Plantarum 57(1983) pp 555-560. SAMUELSSON, Göran & Richardson, K: Photoinhibition at low quantum flux densities in a marine dinoflagellate (Amphidinium carterae). Marine Biology 70(1982) pp 21-26. SAMUELSSON, Göran, Sweeney, B M, Matlick, H A & Préezelin, B B: Changes in photosystem II account for the circadian rhythm in photosynthesis in Gonyaulax polyedra. Plant Physiology 73(1983) pp 329-331. SAMUELSSON, Göran: se HOFSLAGARE, Olof; se ÖQUIST, Gunnar SANDBERG, Göran & DUNBERG, Arne: Precision and accuracy of indole-3-acetic acid analyses performed with the 2-methyl-indole-a-pyrone fluorescence assay and with a high performance liquid chromatography technique with spectrofluorimetric detection, exemplified on pine tissue (Pinus silvestris L). Physiologia Plantarum 55(1982) pp 315-322. SANDBERG, Göran, HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik & ESSEEN, Per-Anders: Effects of HF on the budburst of Betula tortuosa (Ledeb). Fluoride 15(1982) pp 124-131. SANDBERG, Göran, ODÉN, Per-Christer & DUNBERG, Arne: Population variation and diurnal changes in the content of indole-3-acetic acid of pine seedlings (Pinus silvestris L) grown in a controlied environment. Physiologia Plantarum 54(1982) pp 375-380. SELLSTEDT, Anita & HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin: Growth, nitrogen fixation and relative efficiency of nitrogenase in Alnus incana grown in différent cultivation system. Plant and Soil 78(1984) pp 147-158. SELLSTEDT, Anita: se HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin SELSTAM, Eva & Jackson, A O: Lipid composition of sonchus yellow net virus. Journal of General Virology 64(1983), pp 1607-1613.

76 SELSTAM, Eva, Lindblom, G, Brentel, I & Ryberg, M: The importance of monogalacto- syldiglyceride for the structure of the prolamellar body. In: Biochemistry and metabo- lism of plant lipids, pp 389-392. Eds. Wintermans, J F G M & Kuiper, P J C. Amsterdam 1982. SELSTAM, Eva: se Ryberg, M STRAND, Martin: se HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik; se SUNDBOM, Erik SUNDBOM, Erik, STRAND, Martin & HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik: Temperature-induced fluorescence changes. A screening method for frost tolerance of potato (Solanum sp). Plant Physiology 70(1982) pp 1299-1302. SUNDBOM, Erik & ÖQUIST, Gunnar: Temperature-induced changes of variable fluorescence-yield in intact leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology 23(1982) pp 1161-1167. SUNDBOM, Erik: se HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik ÖGREN, Erling & ÖQUIST, Gunnar: Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Lemna gibba as induced by the interaction between light and temperature. II. Photosynthetic electron transport. Physiologia Plantarum 62(1984) pp 187-192. - : Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Lemna gibba as induced by the interaction between light and temperature. III. Chlorophyll fluorescence at 77 K. Physiologica Plantarum 62(1984) pp 193-200. ÖGREN, Erling, ÖQUIST, Gunnar & HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik: Photoinhibition of photo­ synthesis in Lemna gibba as induced by the interaction between light and temperature. I. Photosynthesis in vivo. Physiologica Plantarum 62(1984) pp 181-186. ÖQUIST, Gunnar: Effects of low temperature on photosynthesis. (Review artide). Plant, Cell and Environment 6(1983) pp 281-300. - : Low temperature effects on photosynthesis in conifers. Advances in Agriculture and Biotechnology 1983 pp 211-218. - : Seasonally induced changes in acyl lipids and fatty acids of chloroplast thylakoids of Pinus silvestris. A corrélation between the level of unsaturation and monogalactosyldi- glyceride and the rate of electron transport. Plant Physiology 69(1982) pp 869-875. - , BRUNES, Laila & HÄLLGREN, Jan-Erik: Photosynthetic efficiency of Betula pendula acclimated to différent quantum flux densities. Plant, Cell and Environment 5(1982) pp 9-15. - : Photosynthetic efficiency during ontogenesis of leaves of Betula pendula. Plant, Cell and Environment 5(1982) pp 17-21. ÖQUIST, Gunnar & Fork, D C: Effects of desiccation on the energy distribution from phycoerythrin to the two photosystems in the red alga Porphyra perforata. Phvsinlnoia Plantarum 56(1982) pp 56-62. - : Effects of desiccation on the 77°K fluorescence properties of the liverworth Porella navicularis and the isolated lichen green alga Trebouxia pyriformis. Physiologia Plantarum 56(1982) pp 63-68. ÖQUIST, Gunnar, HAGSTRÖM, Åke, ALM, Pia, SAMUELSSON, Göran & Richard­ son, K: Chlorophyll a fluorescence an alternative method for estimating primary production. Marine Biology 68(1982) pp 71-75. ÖQUIST, Gunnar: se Fork, D C; se HAGSTRÖM, Åke; se MARTIN, Björn; se SUNDBOM, Erik; se ÖGREN, Erling

77 FÖRETAGSEKONOMI ANDERSSON, Sixten: Industriai restructuring and co-operation — The case of country regions. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:35. BOHMAN, Håkan & BOTER, Håkan: Planering i mindre och medelstora företag. Den strategiska planeringens utmaningar och faktiska villkor. 459 s. Diss. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:73. BOTER, Håkan: se BOHMAN, Håkan Dahlberg, Carina, GAMRELL, Ylva & SKÖLDBERG, Kaj: Vi startar ORK-projektet: Första fasen i projektet. Organisationsförändringar i kommuner och landsting: Urvals­ ram och forskningsläge. 37 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:72. GAMRELL, Ylva: se Dahlberg, Carina GLÄDER, Mats: se LUNDIN, Rolf HOLMQUIST, Carin & JÖRGENSEN-CARLSÖÖ, Agneta: Industriai values versus industriai advertising — a cross-cultural study of changes over time. 45 s. Umeå univer­ sitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:50. HOLMQUIST, Carin, LUNDIN, Rolf A & SUNDIN, Elisabeth: Förhandla mer räkna mindre. 124 s. Stockholm 1984. HOLMQUIST, Carin & SUNDIN, Elisabeth: Kvinnor som företagare — Ett alternativ för kvinnor och samhällsekonomi? Rapport nr 2. 44. s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:38. - : Kvinnor som företagare — Metoderfarenheter. Rapport nr 3. 31 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:39. - : Kvinnor som företagare — Identifiering av gruppen och konstruktion av fråge­ instrument. Rapport nr 4. 38 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:40. - : Kvinnor som företagare — Erfarenheter från en studieresa till USA och Canada i oktober-november 1982. Rapport nr 6. 26 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för före­ tagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:46. - : Kvinnor som företagare. Rapport nr 7. En kartläggning av Sveriges kvinnliga före­ tagare år 1980 på läns- och branschnivå. 104 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för före­ tagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:63. JONSSON, Evert: Bioenergi i Latinamerika. 30 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:34. - : Introduction of biomass and peat in the Swedish energy systems. 22 s. Umeå univer­ sitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:33. JÖRGENSEN-CARLSÖÖ, Agneta & KARELMO, Pekka: Ändra på småföretagens syn på marknadsföring — Från relationer till funktion. 11 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:31. JÖRGENSEN-CARLSÖÖ, Agneta: se HOLMQUIST, Carin KARELMO, Pekka: Erfarenheter av försöksverksamhet med samnordisk regionallåne- ordning — en utvärdering. 51 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:62. - : Gränsorganisationer — Myndighetsverktyg för komplicerade och långvariga problem kring företag och företagande. Hur skall de studeras? 14 s. Umeå universitet. Institu­ tionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:48. - : Naturbaserade livsmedelsföretag — affärsidéer och externa förutsättningar. 44 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:67. - : Organisationsteoretiska perspektiv på förmedling av industri- och regionalpolitik. Gränsorganisationer i fokus. 19 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:49.

78 KARELMO, Pekka: se JÖRGENSEN-CARLSÖÖ, Agneta LEMAR, Bo: Tillväxtvallar i små och medelstora företag. 19 s. Umeå universitet. Institu­ tionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:32. LILJENÄS, Ingrid: se SUNDIN, Elisabeth Lindefelt, Leif & LINDEFELT, Lennart: Organisationers avlärning — referensram och undersökningsproblem. Studier av förnyelse och omorienteringar i företag. Rapport nr 1. 29 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:52. LINDEFELT, Lennart: se Lindefelt, Leif LINDMARK, Leif: Företagsstöd och kommunalt risktagande. SIND 1984:6. - : Kommunalt engagemang i enskilda företag. Några reflektioner kring den lokala stöd­ politikens drivkrafter och konsekvenser. 14 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:55. - : Organisationsekonomins nätverk. En analys av stödstrukturer och problem i mindre företag. 36 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:69. - : Small firms in a new context — The case of Sweden. 40 s. Umeå universitet. Institu­ tionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:42. - : Strukturomvandling och industristöd. En introduktion. Malmö 1983. - & LUNDMARK, Kjell: Regionalpolitiken i stödpolitiken. En studie av småföretags­ problem och stödpolitikens genomförande. 117 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:74. - : Small firms in a mixed economy — A study of assistance structures in Sweden. 34 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:43. LUNDIN, Rolf A: Organisationsekonomin och dess ansikten. 20 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:54. LUNDIN, Rolf A, GLÄDER, Mats & SUNDIN, Elisabeth. (Red.): Små företag i bränn­ punkten. En bok om företagande, industripolitik och kunskapsutveckling. Malmö 1983. LUNDIN, Rolf A, PERSSON, Ulf & Leijon, Svante: Medbestämmande och kommunal- budgetering — En sammanfattande rapport. Sammanfattning nr 542 i Arbetarskydds­ fondens rapporter 1982. ASF, Stockholm 1982. LUNDIN, Rolf: se HOLMQUIST, Carin LUNDMARK, Kjell: se LINDMARK, Leif MÅNSSON, Per & SKÖLDBERG, Kaj: Symboliska organisationsmönster — Sju typer av planeringskultur under osäkerhet och stress i ett metamorfosperspektiv. 599 s. Diss. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:53. MÅRTENSSON, Kjell: Ekonomisk information i små företag — Redovisning i små företag. En föreställningsram. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:51. NILSSON, Kerstin & NILSSON, Per: Åtta Västerbottenskommuners näringslivsverksam­ het. 57 s. EFU, Östra Kyrkogatan 17, 902 45 Umeå. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:59. NILSSON, Per: se NILSSON, Kerstin PERSSON, Ulf: se LUNDIN, Rolf PERSSON, Ulf: Codetermination in county council regional budgeting — A levelling out of the unbalances of power using décision or development approaches. 14 s. Umeå uni­ versitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:44. SAHLIN-ANDERSSON, Kerstin: Extraordinärt investeringsbeslut under tidspress — en fallstudie om Björknässkolan i Boden. 70 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för före­ tagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:47.

79 SKÖLDBERG, Kaj: Ledarskapets fyrklöver. 19 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:64. - : Maktens mekanismer — En diskussion om klassiska och icke-klassiska maktbegrepp och -strategier i organisationsanalys. 30 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företags­ ekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:61. - : Den motsatta kulturen. Organisationssymbolik och -kultur i ett dialektiskt perspektiv. 27 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:66. - : Mysdress eller tvångströja? — Om modeförändringar av legitimitet, värderingar och planeringsbeteenden i organisationer. 23 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företags­ ekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:30. - : se Dahlberg, Carina; se MÅNSSON, Per STRANDBERG, Christer: Glesbygdsbutiker. En studie av tillkomst, köptrohet och socialt samspel. 318 s. Diss. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:70. - : En hushållsekonomisk analys av en butiksnedläggelse. 120 s. Umeå universitet. Institu­ tionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:41. - , Halidén, Tomas & ÖHRLING, Staffan: Andelsboende i Sverige. Umeå universitet. Geografiska rapporter A 1983:38. SUNDIN, Elisabeth: Den industriella verksamheten som en del i glesbygdens ekonomiska struktur. 19 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:36. - & LILJENÄS, Ingrid: Stiftelsen industricentra. 191 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1982:37. SUNDIN, Elisabeth: se HOLMQUIST, Carin; se LUNDIN, Rolf WAHLIN, Nils: Företagsledning i småföretag — en projektbeskrivning. Rapport nr 1. 25 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företagsekonomi. FE-publikationer 1983:60. - : Småföretagsgruppen ur ett managementperspektiv — vägar till förnyelse och utveck­ ling i ett genomorganiserat samhälle. 26 s. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för företags­ ekonomi. FE-publikationer 1984:65. ÖHRLING, Staffan: se STRANDBERG, Christer

GENETIK HANSSON, Lennart & LAMBERTSSON, Andrew: Ecdysterone responsive functions in ts the mutant. 1(1 )su(f) 67 g Qf Drosophila melanogaster. Roux's Archives of Develop- mental Biology 193(1984) pp 48-51. - : The role of su(f) gene function and ecdysterone in transcription of glue polypeptide mRNAs in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 192(1983) pp 395-401. HED, Helen: Opportunity for selection during the 17th-19th centuries in the diocese of Linköping as estimated with Crow's index in a population of clergymen's wives. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 378-387. CARLSSON, Eva, KJÖRELL, Uno, THORNELL, Lars-Eric, LAMBERTSSON, Andrew & Strehler, Emanuel: Differentiation of the myofibrils and the intermediate filament system during postnatal development of the rat heart. European Journal of Cell Biology 27(1982) pp 62-73. KJÖRELL, Uno: se CARLSSON, Eva

80 LAMBERTSSON, Andrew: se HANSSON, Lennart; se CARLSSON, Eva NILSSON, Jan: se RASMUSON, Marianne NYGREN, Jan: se RASMUSON, Bertil RASMUSON, Bertil, RASMUSON, Åsa & NYGREN, Jan: Eye pigmentation changes in Drosophila melanogaster as a sensitive test for mutagenicity. In: Handbook of mutagenicity test procédures, pp 603-613. Eds. Kilbey, B J, Legator, M, Nichols, W & Ramel, C. Amsterdam 1984. RASMUSON, Bertil: se RASMUSON, Marianne; se Ryo, Haruko RASMUSON, Marianne: Brottslighet och biologiskt arv. Brottsförebyggande rådet, Vetenskapliga gruppen, Rapport 1983:3. - : Genteknikens möjligheter och begränsningar: Djur. In: Etik och genteknik, STU-in- formation nr 304(1982) pp 43-48. ISBN 91-38-72654-8. - : Intelligensdebatten i en återvändsgränd. Journalen (KABI/VITRUM) 3(1983): 1 pp 11-12. - : Kan man lita på ärflighetslagarna? Journalen (KABI/VITRUM) 3(1983):11 pp 317-318. - : Nya perspektiv på cancer. Journalen (KABI/VITRUM) 2(1982):2 pp 35-36. - : The role of genes as déterminants of behaviour. In: Developmental psychology series. Human development: An interactional perspective, pp 201-212. Eds. Magnusson, David & Allen, L Vernon. New York 1983. ISBN 0-12-465480-0. - & NILSSON, Jan: Variability in experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster with a record of artificial selection. In: Advances in genetics, development, and evolution of Drosophila, pp 333-342. Ed. Lakovaara, Seppo. New York 1982. RASMUSON, Marianne & RASMUSON, Bertil: Arv och utveckling. In: Naturen i Focus, pp 166-207. Stockholm 1984. RASMUSON, Marianne & Valentin, Jack: Is there a positive assortative mating for the P blood group? Human Heredity 33(1983) pp 9-12. RASMUSON, Åsa: Effects of DNA-repair-deficient mutants on somatic and germ line mutagenesis in the UZ system in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutation Research 141(1984) pp 29-33. - : An unstable locus in Drosophila melanogaster and its applicability as a somatic test system for screening of mutagens. Diss. Umeå 1984. - : se RASMUSON, Bertil Ryo, Haruko, Kondo, Sohei & RASMUSON, Bertil: Enhanced susceptibility of a transposable-element-bearing strain of Drosophila melanogaster to somatic eye-color mutations by ethyl nitrosourea, methyl nitrosourea, and X-rays. Mutation Research 122(1983) pp 123-128. THORNELL, Lars-Eric: se CARLSSON, Eva

GEOGRAFI ABRAHAMSSON, Kurt V: Ekosystem, turister eller olja — om markkonflikter i nordliga områden. Ymer 104(1984) pp 40-52. - fritidsbebyggelse i renskötselland — två fallstudier i markkonflikter. GERUM rapport C 1984:63.

81 - : Land use north — on land use conflicts in northern Sweden. Landscape synthesìs. Geoecological foundations of the complex landscape management. Ed. Drdos, J. Bratislava 1983. - : Vad i ett landskap? Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7. - : Vattenkraft — en resurs- och konfliktanalys. Markanvändning — norr, rapport 1982:5. - & MATTSSON, Leif: Fjärranalys i Markanvändning — norr-projektet. Svensk geo­ grafisk årsbok 1982. - & WEISSGLAS, Gösta: Systemanalys och norrländsk markanvändning. Markanvänd­ ning — norr, rapport 1983:6. ARELL, Nils: Arbete och liv i Vittangi-Karesuando-området. Om markanvändning och näringsmässiga relationer under äldre och nyare tid. Umeå 1984. - : Inflytandet över markanvändningen — några principiella reflexioner. GERUM rapport C 1983:55. - : Renskötsel — lägesrapport från utbredd näring. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhälls­ planering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7. BORGEGÅRD, Lars-Erik, Bunte, Rune & GAUNITZ, Sven: Vindeln: en norrländsk kommuns ekonomiska utveckling. 1800-1980. Lund 1982. BORGEGÅRD, Lars & HÄGGSTRÖM, Nils: Resurs och anpassning — Förändring av hushållens levnadsvillkor i en norrländsk inlandskommun under perioden 1860-1980. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7. BURMAN, Kent: Markanvändning i Mgololo plains; analys och beskrivning. GERUM rapport C 1982:48. EGERBLADH, Inez: Avvittringen- ett exempel på en storskalig markplanering i Norrland under 1700- och 1800-talen. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7. - : Landhöjningen och den agrara bebyggelsen i ett historiskt perspektiv. Landhöjning och kustbygdsförändring 1982:2 - : The significance of time for rural settlement patterns. Period and place. Research methods in historical geography. Cambridge 1982. - & LAYTON, lan: Försörjningsbalansen i Lule älvdal nedanför lappmarksgränsen. Lokalt resursutnyttjande och handelsutbyte ca 1550-1900. Skrifter från Luleälvs- projektet 1982:2. Forsberg, L, SUNDBERG, Nils & WIBERG, Ulf: Vattenkraft, sysselsättning och lokal ekonomi. GERUM rapport C 1984:62. FORSLUND, Mats & Göransson, Monica: Utbildningssektorn i Lycksele kommun — kommunalekonomiska synpunkter. GERUM rapport C 1983:56. FORSLUND, Mats & JONSSON, Torgny: STRUTS-service, tröskeltal, underlag och tillgänglighet — Sollefteå. GERUM rapport C 1984:64. GAUNITZ, Sven: se BORGEGÅRD, Lars-Erik Halidén, Thomas, STRANDBERG, Christer & ÖHRLING, Staffan: Andelsfritidsboende i Sverige. GERUM rapport A 1983:38. HAMMARBERG, Bertil: Förnyelse genom regional balans. PLAN 1984 pp 161-164. - : Utbildningens geografi. Särtryck ur GERUM rapport B 1982:7. HEDKVIST, Fred: Flyttningar i Arvidsjaur, Piteå och Luleå kommuner. GERUM rapport C 1982:49. - : The Mgololo valley women study. In: Effects of industriai investments in developing countries. Working paper 1984:5. - : Modern storindustri — Ett medel för regional utveckling i u-land. Särtryck ur GERUM rapport B 1982:7. HOLM, Einar: Att lokalisera utbildning, sysselsättning och boende. Diss. GERUM rapport B 1984:9.

82 - : En bostadsmarknadsmodell. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 173-191. - : Utbildning och regionalpolitik. Regional utveckling. Industridepartementets rapport­ serie för regionalpolitik 1983:1. - : Yrkeserfarenhet och kompetens- som restriktion och möjlighet för regional utveckling. 1 bilagedel II till regionalpolitiska utredningens betänkande: Regional utveckling och mellanregional utjämning. Ds I (Industridepartementet. Stencil) 1984:22. - : Åttiotalets flyttningar. Rörlighetskonsekvenser av en ekonomisk utveckling enligt 1984 års långtidsutredning. ERU-rapport 1984:39. - & Öberg, Sture: Hushållsförändringar som förklaring till flyttningar. In: Sociala aspekter på regional planering. SOU 1984:1. - : Migration in micro and macro perspectives. Scandinavian Population Studies 6(1984):1. HÅKANSON, Lars: Aquatic contamination and ecological risk. An attempt to a concep- tional framework. Water Research 18(1984) pp 1107-1118. - : Bottoms dynamics in Swedish coastal areas. Proceedings of the 3rd International symposium of interactions between sediments and water, pp 352-377. Geneva, Aug 1984. ISBN 0-905941-10-1. - : Metals in fish and sediments from the river Kolbäcksån water system, Sweden. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 101(1984):3 pp 373-400. - : On the relationship between lake trophic level and lake sediments. Water Research 18(1984):3 pp 303-314. - : Sediment sampling in différent aquatic environments: Statistical aspects. Water Resources Research 20(1984): 1 pp 41-46. - : Suspension and calibration of a sediment trap. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydro­ logie 46(1984) :1 pp 171-175. - & Karlsson, B: On the relationship between regional geomorphology and lake morpho- metry — A Swedish example. Geografiska Annaler 66A(1984):l/2 pp 103-119. - , Kulinsky, I & Kvarnäs, H: Vattendynamik och bottendynamik i kustzonen. Statens naturvårdsverk, SNV PM 1984:1905. HÄGGSTRÖM, Nils: se BORGEGÅRD, Lars-Erik IVARSSON, Hans, LASSILA, Mauno & LINDBERG, Ulf: Skred och ravinbildningar i Västerbottens län. Geografiska notiser 1984:2 pp 10-13. JONSSON, Ingvar: Jorddelning och jordbrukssystem — Några drag i jordbesittningens historia speglade i ett afrikanskt samhälle och i äldre svenskt kulturlandskap. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 195-213. JOHNSSON, Rolf S: Förändringar i lokal service, Krokoms kommun 1963-1982. Geografiska notiser 42(1984):2. - : Jordbruksstödets effekter. Norrländsk tidskrift 32(1984):6. - : Stödinsatser inom jordbruket som regionalpolitiskt instrument. En effektstudie. Särtryck ur Lantbruksekonomiska samarbetsnämndens rationaliseringsgrupp i Stock­ holm, 1984. Geografiska meddelanden 1984:28. JONSSON, Torgny: Utbildning och arbetsmarknad på lokal och regional nivå - Hur påverkas omflyttningen bland ungdomar. SÖ, Pl, 1982:10. - : se FORSLUND, Mats KHAKEE, Abdul: The compulsion towards inefficiency. In: Economic research in the performing arts. Hendon, W S et al (red). Akron 1983. - : Framtidsorienterad samordnad kommunal planering. Statens råd för byggnads­ forskning 1984:184. - : Geografins idéutveckling. Geografiska notiser 42(1984):4 pp 12-14. - : Municipal planning. Restrictions, methods and organizational problems. Diss. Geografiska meddelanden 1983:27. - : Den offentliga beslutsprocessen och kommunernas kulturutgifter i England och Sverige. GERUM rapport C 1984:66. - : Public administration programs in the USA. UHÄ-rapport 1982:31.

83 - : Stadsekonomi, stadsgeografi och planering. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhälls­ planering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 219-237. - : Town planning in Sweden: national officiais versus local politicians. Long Range Planning 17(1984):6 pp 82-93. - : Urban économies, urban geography and planning. Planning Outlook 25(1982):2 pp 72-79. KHAKEE, Abdul & WIBERG, Ulf: Kommunala framtidsstudier. ERU-rapport 1982:16. KHAKEE, Abdul & Ytterberg, O: Framtidsinriktad kommunal planering. GERUM rapport C 1983:52. LASSILA, Mauno: Kolonisationstidens vägar och transporter, Vindeln. En norrländsk kommuns ekonomiska utveckling 1800-1980. Lund 1982. - : The morphology and textural composition of a till-covered marginal delta at Alter- mark near Rana fjord, northern Norway. In: Ten years of nordic till research. Ed. Köningsson, L K. Striae 20(1984) pp 27-30. ISBN 91-7388-039-6. - : Natur och klimat. Vindeln. En norrländsk kommuns ekonomiska utveckling 1800-1980. Lund 1982. - : Några sedimentära materials utbredning och morfologi i Västerbottens län nedanför odlingsgränsen. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7. - & MARKGREN, Martin: Mass movements and coastal development of Ven Island, southern Sweden. In: Rapid mass movements in soils. Ed. Cato, I. Striae 19(1984) pp 59-64. ISBN 91-7388.037-X. LASSILA, Mauno & ZALE, Rolf: Grusresurser i Skellefteå kommun. GERUM rapport A 1983:37. LASSILA, Mauno: se IVARSSON, Hans LAYTON, lan: Bottenhamnsmodellen i ett internationellt perspektiv. Landhöjning och kustförändring. Symposierapport del 2. Luleå 1982. - : En handelsmans död. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 255-268. - : Some observations on Sundsvall's British foreland in 1900. Geografiska notiser 42(1984):4. LAYTON, lan: se EGERBLADH, Inez LILJENÄS, Ingrid: Allmänningen — en lokal resurs i Norrbottens inland. Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, planeringsavdelningens rapportserie 1983:6. - : Besparingsskogarna i Kopparbergs och Gävleborgs län samt allmänningsskogarna i Norrbottens och Västerbottens län. Bakgrund och syfte. GERUM rapport A 1982:34. - : Kommunal näringspolitik. En diskussion om kommunernas olika bedömningar. Geografiska notiser 1984:2 pp 4-9. - : Kommunalt näringslivsengagemeng — förklaringar och behovet av utvärderingar. GERUM rapport C 1983:61. - : Småföretaget och den lokala miljön i Norrlands inland. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 273-291. - : Utvärdering av ett regionalpolitiskt stöd. GERUM rapport C 1984:65. - : Ökat engagemang i lokalt näringsliv - sett ur Industricentras synvinkel. GERUM rapport C 1983:53. - & SUNDIN, Elisabeth: Kommunernas insatser för det lokala näringslivet. Oslo 1984. - : Stiftelsen Industricentra. GERUM rapport C 1982:50. LINDBERG, Ulf: se IVARSSON, Hans; se LASSILA Mauno MARKGREN, Martin: Tjälskadeproblem i Västerbotten - rön och synpunkter med planeringsaspekt. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 295-311. MARKGREN, Martin: se LASSILA, Mauno MATTSSON, Leif: Relationen skogsbruk - renskötsel. Om skogstillstånd och föränderlig­ het i ett 'harmoniområde' och ett 'konfliktområde'. Markanvändning — norr 1983:7.

84 MATTSSON, Leif: se ABRAHAMSSON, Kurt V MISKOVSKY, Karel: Baltiska sköldens relief och dess utveckling — preliminär hypotes samt försöksmodell. GERUM rapport A 1983:36. - : Berggrundsmorfologiska studier över kustslätten och norrlandsterrängen inom delar av Umeå kommun, norra Norrland. GERUM rapport A 1982:32. - : The stratigraphie position of the intrusive rocks of Umeå, northern Sweden. GFF (Geografiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar) 106(1984): 1 pp 59-66. NILSSON, Göran: Omgivning, upplevelser och tillgänglighet. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 315-321. NILSSON, Per: Bosättningsmönstrets förändringar i Sverige - en litteraturöversikt. Statens institut för byggnadsforskning. M82:9. Examensarbete, Gävle 1982, 96 sidor. - : Intryck från amerikanska forskarstudier. Geografiska notiser 1983:3 pp 23-25. - : Lokal näringspolitik i Åsele och Ragunda kommuner. Regional utveckling och mellan- regional utjämning. Bilagedel 3 till regionalpolitiska utredningens betänkande. Ds 1 (Industridepartementet. Stencil) 1984:23 pp 134-140. - : Småföretagsforskningen — ett tidsgeografiskt perspektiv. In: Perspektiv på små­ företag — vittnesbörd om lärandet, pp 109-122. Johannisson, Bengt (Red.). Centrum för småföretagsutveckling. Högskolan i Växjö 1984. - : Tre uppsatser: A brief review of locational theory. Hur betydelsefull är utbildnings­ sektorn i den lokala ekonomin? Prognoser för antalet 16-åringar i Pajala, Lycksele, Kiruna och Umeå kommuner för perioden 1983-1987. GERUM rapport C 1983:57. - : Urban sprawl — a literature study on différent aspects of urban déconcentration in the industrialized world. GERUM rapport C 1983:58. - : Utbildningssektorn i Härnösands kommun — kommunalekonomiska synpunkter. GERUM rapport C 1982:54. - : Ubildningssektorn i Kiruna kommun — kommunalekonomiska synpunkter. GERUM rapport C 1983:60. - & Göransson, U: En gymnasieskola för alla 16/17-åringar? Skolöverstyrelsen. Funktion G2. Rapport G2 1984:7. NORDBERG, Perola: Öringen i övre Ljungan. Biologiska förhållanden studerade mot bakgrunden av ett känt kulturgeografiskt förlopp. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhälls­ planering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 325-338. Persson, L O & WIBERG, Ulf: LU 84, Glesbygd på sikt. ERU-rapport 1984:38. SJÖBERG, Rabbe: A brief history of Swedish alpine karst studies. Atti convegno inter- nazional sul carso di alta Montagna, Imperia, Italien. Vol 1, pp 79-88. Imperia 1984. - : Grottforskning. Geografiska notiser 1984:2 pp 18-22. - : Grottor i Skuleskogen — vår nyaste nationalpark. Grottan 1983:3 pp 38-41. - : Grottor Nolaskogs och i Skuleskogen. Örnsköldsviks museums småskrifter 1984:18 och Svenska grottor 1984:6. - : Grottor och vulkaner på Lanzarote. Grottan 1982:2 pp 22-25. - : Grottor på Tenerife och Madeira. Grottan 1984:2 pp 16-20. - : I helgongrottor och djävulshål. — Norska kustgrottor III. Grottan 1984:4 pp 8-11. - : I norska grottkatedraler. Grottan 1983:3 pp 18-25. : Karst i Portugal. Grottan 1982:3 pp 9-14. - : Mallorca — mycket mer än turistgrottor. Grottan 1982:3 pp 20-23. - : Ned i urtiden — Norska kustgrottor II. Grottan 1983:4 pp 23-29. : Sammanfattning av grottinventering i Angermanlandsdelen av Västernorrlands län. Grottan 1983:1 pp 8-19. : Tunnelgrottor i södra och mellersta Sverige — morfografiska studier. GERUM rapport C 1983:59. - : Tunnelgrottor i södra Västerbotten, morfografiska och morfogenetiska studier. GERUM rapport A 1982:31. STRANDBERG, Christer: se Göransson, Monica; se Halidén, Thomas SUNDBERG, Nils: Turist- och rekreationsplanering. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhälls­ planering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 341-354. : se Forsberg, L

85 SUNDIN, Elisabeth: se LILJENÄS, Ingrid WEISSGLAS, Gösta: Markanvändning Norr — en tentativ studie. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 356-369. WEISSGLAS, Gösta: se ABRAHAMSSON, Kurt V WIBERG, Ulf: Detaljhandelns framtid i glesbygden. ERU-rapport 1983:27. - : Industrins utvecklingsbetingelser i småorter. Nordrefo 1982:3/4. - (Red): Myter om rörlighet. ERU-rapport 1982:22. - : Ortssystemet i norra Sverige -utvecklingsförlopp och konsolideringsmöjligheter. Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7. - : Service i glesbygd — trender och planeringsmöjligheter. Diss. Umeå universitet 1983. GERUM rapport B 1983:8. - : Varför kommunala framtidsstudier — ERU-Nord's motiv. ERU-rapport 1982:16. WIBERG, Ulf: se Forsberg, L; se HOLM, Einar; se KHAKEE, Abdul; se Persson, L O ZALE, Rolf: se LASSILA, Mauno ÖHRLING, Staffan: Oberoende och framsteg genom utvecklingssamarbete — utopi eller möjlighet för eftersatta länder? Särtryck ur Geografi och samhällsplanering. GERUM rapport B 1982:7 pp 397-404. - : Traditional settlement and cultivation pattern in rural areas of Sri Lanka. GERUM rapport C 1983:51. - : Transnationella företag, frizoner och spelet om världsmarknaden. GERUM rapport A 1982:35. - : se Halidén, Thomas ÖSTLING, Åsa: Utbildningssektorn i Pajala kommun. GERUM rapport C 1984:67.

HISTOLOGI MED CELLBIOLOGI ALBIIN, Nils: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric ALM, Per: Mast cells and histamine sécrétion. A study of the effects of catecholamines, participation of ions and the role of cyclic AMP. Diss. Umeå University Odontological Dissertations 1982:16. - & BLOOM, Gunnar D: Catecholamine inhibition of rat mast cell histamine sécrétion. A process independent of cyclic AMP and counteracted by glucose. Life Sciences 32(1983) pp 307-314. - : Cyclic nucleotide involvement in histamine release from mast cells — a réévaluation. Life Sciences 30(1982) pp 213-228. - , HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The release of histamine from the pars flaccida mast cells — one cause of Otitis media with effusion? Acta Otolaryngologica 94(1982) pp 517-522. ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, STENFORS, Lars-Eric & WIDEMAR, Louise: Mast cells in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane. A quantitative morphological and biochemical study in the rat. Experientia 39(1983) pp 287-288. ALM, Per E: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric ASPLUND, Kjell, GRANKVIST, Kjell, MARKLUND, Stefan & TÄLJEDAL, Inge- Bert: Partial protection against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycaemia by superoxide dismutase linked to Polyethylene glycol. Acta Endocrinologica 107(1984) pp 390-394.

86 Atwater, Illani, FRANKEL, Barbara J, Rojas, Eduardo & Grodsky, Gerald M: /?-Cell membrane potential and insulin release; role of calcium and calcium: magnesium ratio. Quarterly Journal of Expérimental Physiology 68(1983) pp 233-245. BECKMAN, Gunhild & DANIELSSON, Åke: Forskarutbildning vid medicinska fakulteten i Umeå under 25 år. In: Läkarutbildning och medicinsk forskning i Umeå 25 år, pp 17-20. Umeå 1984. BERGLUND, Ove, HALLMANS, Göran, NYGREN, Charlotte & TÄLJEDAL, Inge- Bert: Effects of diets rieh and poor in fibres on the development of hereditary diabetes in mice. Acta Endocrinologica 100(1982) pp 556-564. BERGLUND, Ove, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Glucose metabolism and phosphate flush in isolated islets from C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1982:577 p 153. - : Islet function in the genetically diabetic mouse C57BL/KsJ-db/db. In: Lessons from animal diabetes, pp 20-24. Eds. Shafrir, E & Renold, A E. London 1984. - : Phosphate flush and glucose metabolism in pancreatic islets of young and old diabetic mice (C57BL/KsJ-db/db). Acta Endocrinologica 105(1984) pp 539-544. BERGLUND, Ove: se LUNDIN, Erik; se SEHLIN, Janove BLOM, Håkan: se HENRIKSSON, Roger BLOOM, Gunnar D: A short history of the mast cell. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414 pp 87-92. - : Översikt av den animala eukaryota cellen. In: Cellbiologi pp 42-62. Red. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. - , CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, DOMEIJ, Siw & HENRIKSSON, Roger: Ultrastructural changes of rat parotid acinar cells after selective /?i-adrenoceptor drug treatment. Medicai Biology 61(1983) pp 305-312. BLOOM, Gunnar D, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DIAMANT, Herman & Thyberg, Jan: Fine structure of — and some histochemical observations on — chondroid regions in benign mixed parotid tumörs. Acta Otorhinolaryngologica 93(1982) pp 131-138. BLOOM, Gunnar D & IDAHL, Lars-Åke: Andra cellbiologiska tekniker. In: Cellbiologi, pp 248-253. Red. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. - : Ljus- och elektronmikroskopiska tekniker. In: Cellbiologi, pp 229-247. Red. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. BLOOM, Gunnar D & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Peroxisomer och glyoxisomer. In: Cell­ biologi, pp 145-147. Red. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. BLOOM, Gunnar D: se ALM, Per E; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se Lövgren, S; se Nielsen, D A; se NORLUND, Robert; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric; se SUNDQVIST, Göran; se TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert BÄCK, Ove: se HÖRNQVIST, Rune CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DAHLQVIST, Åke, DOMEIJ, Siw, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Dedo, Herbert & Izdebski, Krzyfztof: Carotid body-like tissue within the recurrent laryngeal nerve. An endoneural chemosensitive microorgan? American Journal of Otolaryn- gology 4(1983) pp 334-341.

CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & HENRIKSSON, Roger: ßand /?2-adreno- ceptor-mediated sécrétion of amylase from incubated rat parotid gland. Acta Physio- logica Scandinavica 120(1984) pp 429-435. - : Is the modality of the supersensitivity after sympathectomy age and duration dépendent in rat parotid gland? Neuroscience Letters 45(1984) pp 279-283. - & IDAHL, Lars-Åke: Dissociation of /5-adrenoceptor-induced effects on amylase sécrétion and cyclic AMP accumulation. British Journal of Pharmacology 75(1982) pp 633-638.

87 CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger, JÖNSSON, Göran & SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan: Inhomogeneities in glycoprotein cytochemistry of secretory granules in rat-parotid acinar cells after selective /?i-adrenoceptor stimulation. Archives of Oral Biology 29(1984) pp 953-958. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DOMEIJ, Siw, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Dedo, Herbert H & Izdebski, Krzyfztof: An endoneural microglomus of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Acta Otola- ryngologica 1982:Suppl.386 pp 184-186. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se DAHLQVIST, Åke; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan DAHLQVIST, Åke, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DOMEIJ, Siw & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Morpho- metric analysis of glomus cells within the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. Journal of Neurocytology 13(1984) pp 407-410. - & KOURTOPOULOS, Harry: A qualitative study of the fiber components in the recurrent laryngeal nerve of rat and man. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.412 pp 105-106. DAHLQVIST, Åke, LUNDBERG, Erik & ÖSTBERG, Yngve: Hydralazine induced relapsing polychondritis-like syndrome. Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 355-359. DAHLQVIST, Åke: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger, LINDSTRÖM, Per & SEHLIN, Janove: The importance of an intact sympathetic innervation for the differentiation of the yß-adrenoceptor subtypes. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 115(1982) pp 377-379. DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger & Lundström, Torgny: Problem och för­ väntningar hos forskarstuderande i Umeå. Läkartidningen 81(1984):1 /2 pp 8-10. DANIELSSON, Åke & SEHLIN, Janove: Effects of selective eq and o^adrenoceptor + active drugs on 8(>Rb efflux from pieces of rat parotid gland. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 177(1983) pp 561-566. DANIELSSON, Åke: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se KOLLBERG, Hans; se SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan DIAMANT, Herman: se BLOOM, Gunnar D DOMEIJ, Siw: Morphological and biochemical characteristics of the laryngeal nerve paraganglia. In: Proceedings of the VIII International symposium on peripheral arterial chemoreceptors, pp 1-6. Lissabon 1984. - : se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se DAHLQVIST, Åke EL-DENSHARY, Ezz S M, ISMAIL, Nabila, GAGERMAN, Eva, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Bromocriptine and insulin sécrétion. Bioscience Reports 2(1982) pp 115-116. FRANKEL, Barbara, J, Heidt, Anneliese M, Gerritsen, George C & Grodsky, Gerald M: Insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin release from the prediabetic Chinese hamster. Diabetologia 27(1984) pp 387-391. FRANKEL, Barbara J, Heidt, Anneliese M & Grodsky, Gerald M: Effects of K+ and arginine on insulin, glucagon and somatostatin release from the in vitro perfused rat pancreas. Endocrinology 110(1982) pp 428-431. - : Insulin and glucagon release in the diabetic Chinese hamster: Différences among inbred sublines. Diabetologia 22(1982) pp 292-295. FRANKEL, Barbara J, NORLUND, N Robert & NORLUND, Lena K: Cold Storage ( + 8 C°) of mouse pancreatic islets in an intracellular medium. Diabetes 31(1982):Supp!.2 p 163A. - : Morphology and insulin release after cold Storage ( + 8 °C) of mouse pancreatic islets. Diabetes 32(1983):Suppl. 1 p 147A.

88 FRANKEL, Barbara J. SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: 1,25-Dihydroxy- vitamin D3 increases 45calcium2 + uptake by islets from ob/ob mice in vitro. Diabe- tologia 25(1983) p 155. - : Vitamin D3 stimulâtes ^Ca^ +uptake by mouse islets in vitro. Diabetes 33(1984): Suppl.l p 154A. FRANKEL, Barbara J: se Atwater, Illani; se Gishizky, Mikhail L; se Grodsky, Gerald M Gishizky, Mikhail L, FRANKEL, Barbara J & Grodsky, Gerald M: Cyclophosphamide treatment of prediabetic Chinese hamsters. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 121(1984) pp 81-84. GRANKVIST, Kjell, Holmgren, Arne, Luthman, Mikaela & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Thioredoxin and thioredoxin-reductase in pancreatic islets may participate in dia- betogenic free-radical production. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communi­ cations 107(1982) pp 1412-1418. GRANKVIST, Kjell & MARKLUND, Stefan: Opposite effects of two metal-chelators on alloxan-induced diabetes in mice. Life Science 33(1983) pp 2535-2540. - & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Effects of two différent metal-chelators on alloxan-induced diabetes in mice. Diabetologia 23(1982) pp 170-171. GRANKVIST, Kjell: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORLUND, Robert; se ROOTH, Pål; se TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert Grodsky, Gerald M, FRANKEL, Barbara J & Gerritsen, George C: Insulin sécrétion and contributing environmental factors of the diabetic Chinese hamster — an update. In: Lessons from animal diabetes, pp 9-14. Eds. Shafrir, E & Renold, A E. London 1984. Gylfe, Erik, Hellman, Bo, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Interaction of sulfonylurea with the pancreatic /?-cell. Experientia 40(1984) pp 1126-1134. HALLMANS, Göran: se BERGLUND, Ove; se LUNDIN, Erik HELLMAN, Bo, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Glibenclamide is exceptio- nal among hypoglycemic sulfonylureas in accumulating progressively in /?-cell-rich pancreatic islets. Acta Endocrinologica 105(1984) pp 385 385-390. HELLSTRÖM, Sten, ALBIIN, Nils, ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt, STENFORS, Lars-Eric, SÖDERBERG, Olof & WIDEMAR, Louise: Nya studier: Vätska i mellanörat kan vara allergisk reaktion. Läkartidningen 79(1982):47 pp 4396-4398. HELLSTRÖM, Sten: se ALM, Per E; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se DAHLQVIST, Åke; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric

HENRIKSSON, Roger: /?i-and /?2-adrenoceptor agonists have différent effects on rat parotid acinar cells. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 5(1982) p G481. - , Asking, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & Gjörstrup, Per: Amylase sécrétion and charges in the granule content on stimulation of the rabbit parotid gland in vivo. Journal of Physiology 332(1982) pp 72-73. HENRIKSSON, Roger, Axelsson, Hans, DANIELSSON, Åke & Wahlin, Torkel: Changes in glycoprotein sécrétion from mouse gallbladder after vagotomy or choli- nergic superstimulation. In: XXI International congress of gastroenterology. Symposie­ bok nr 1984:1264. HENRIKSSON, Roger, Axelsson, Hans & Wahlin, Torkel: Effect of vagotomy on mouse gallbladder epithelium. Journal of Ultrastructural Research 81(1982) p 409. HENRIKSSON, Roger, BLOM, Håkan, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & ZACKRISSON, Björn: Chronic treatment with the //-adrenoceptor blocker propranolol caused qualitative and quantitative altérations of the developing rat gastric mucosa. In: XII International congress of gastroenterology. Symposiebok nr 1984:18. : Gastric parietal cell changes due to long term propranolol administration in adult and developing rats. Lancet 1(1984):8389 p 1302.

89 HENRIKSSON, Roger, CARLSOO, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Effects of neonatal sympathetic denervation on amylase sécrétion in the adult rat parotid gland: Différence in ß^- and /?2-adrenoceptor response. European Journal of Pharmacology 78(1982) pp 195-200. HENRIKSSON, Roger & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Chronic propranolol treatment affects parietal cells of the developing rat gastric mucosa. Journal of Pediatrie Gastroentero- logy and Nutrition 3(1984) pp 777-783. HENRIKSSON, Roger & HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin: Autoantikroppsbildning mot /?-adrenerga receptorn — möjlig etiologi till astma? Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 2452. HENRIKSSON, Roger, JÖNSSON, Göran, SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan, BLOOM, Gunnar D, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt & DANIELSSON, Åke: An intact sympathetic innervation is of pivotai importance for the early development of the parotid gland. Journal of Ultra­ structural Research 81(1982) p 390. HENRIKSSON, Roger: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se DANIELS­ SON, Åke; se HÖRNQVIST, Rune; se KOLLBERG, Hans; se SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan HÖRNQVIST, Rune, BÄCK, Ove & HENRIKSSON, Roger: Adrenoceptormediated responses in human skin studied by iontophoresis. British Journal of Dermatology 111(1984) pp 561-566. HORSTEDT, Per: se LUNDIN, Erik IDAHL, Lars-Åke: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se ISMAIL, Nabila A; se SANDSTRÖM, Per-Erik ISMAIL, Nabila A, EL-DENSHARY, Ezz S M, IDAHL, Lars-Åke, LINDSTRÖM, Per, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Effects of alpha-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists on insulin sécrétion, calcium uptake, and rubidium efflux in mouse pancreatic islets. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 118(1983) pp 167-174. ISMAIL, Nabila, EL-DENSHARY, Ezz S M, IDAHL, Lars-Åke, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Characterization of the adrenergic inhibitions of insulin release and calcium uptake in isolated mouse islets. Diabetologia 23(1982) p 176. JÖNSSON, Göran: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HENRIKSSON, Roger KOLLBERG, Hans, DANIELSSON, Åke, GLITTERSTAM, Kjell, HENRIKSSON, Roger & MARKLUND, Stefan: Short communication. Studies on parotid saliva in cystic fibrosis. Acta Pediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 321-322. KOURTOPOULOS, Harry: se DAHLQVIST, Åke LINDSTRÖM, Per: Kinetics of 5-hydroxytryptophan potentiation of glucose-induced insulin release. Acta Endocrinologica 106(1984) pp 2021-2025. - : Modification of mouse islet function by 5-hydroxytryptamine, dopamine and their precursors. Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica 41(1982) pp 1185-1190. - , NORLUND, Lena, SEHLIN, Janove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Effects of 5-hydroxy- tryptamine on rubidium ion fluxes and insulin release in eultured pancreatic islets. Endocrinology 115(1984) pp 2021-2025. LINDSTRÖM, Per & SEHLIN, Janove: Action of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the 36q efflux in pancreatic )S-cells. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 116(1982) pp 101-102. - : Effect of glucose on the intracellular pH of pancreatic islet cells. Biochemical Journal 218(1984) pp 887-892. - : Glucose increases intracellular pH of pancreatic islet cells from ob/ob mice. Diabe­ tologia 25(1983) pp 175-176. - : L-aromatic amino-acids as potentiators of insulin release: role of decarboxylase. Diabetologia 27(1984) p 304A. - : Mechanisms underlying the effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxytryptophan in pancreatic islets: A proposed role for L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase. Endo­ crinology 112(1983) pp 1524-1529.

90 - : Opposite effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptamine on the function of microdissected ob/ob-mouse pancreatic islets. Diabetologia 24(1983) pp 52-57. - : Potentiation of glucose-induced insulin release through L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1982:577 p 167. - : Substrates for L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase potentiate glucose-induced insulin release. Diabetologia 23(1982) p 183. - : 5-Hydroxytryptamine stimulâtes 86Rb + efflux from pancreatic yS-cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 720(1982) pp 400-404. LINDSTRÖM, Per: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se ISMAIL, Nabila A; se NORLUND, Lena; se SEHLIN, Janove LUNDBERG, Erik: se DAHLQVIST, Åke LUNDIN, Erik, BERGLUND, Ove, HALLMANS, Göran, HORSTEDT, Per, NY­ GREN, Charlotte & STENLING, Roger: Effekt av rågkli på morfologi och bakterier i tunntarm hos möss. Näringsforskning 28(1983):Suppl.20 p 107. LÖFGREN, Sture, TÄRNVIK, Arne, BLOOM, Gunnar D & SJÖBERG, Wigert: Phago- cytosis and killing of francisella tularensis by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Infection and Immunity 39(1983) pp 715-720. MARKLUND, Stefan, GRANKVIST, Kjell & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Oxy-radicals in the toxicity of cellulär toxins. In: Oxy radicals and their scavenger systems, vol II: Cellulär and médical aspects, pp 96-104. Eds. Greenwald, R A & Cohen G. New York 1983. MARKLUND, Stefan: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se GRANKVIST, Kjell; se KOLLBERG, Hans Nielsen, D A, Lernmark, Åke, Berelowitz M, BLOOM, Gunnar D & Steiner, Donald F: Sorting of pancreatic islet subpopulations by light scattering using a fluorescence- activated cell sorter. Diabetes 31(1982) pp 299-305. NORLUND, Lena: On the mechanism of sulphonylurea-induced insulin release. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:124. - , LINDSTRÖM, Per & SEHLIN, Janove: Glibenclamide increases the osmotic rési­ stance of /ff-cells by affecting K+ -mediated volume regulatory mechanisms. Diabe­ tologia 27(1984) p 315A. NORLUND, Lena & SEHLIN, Janove: The acyl-amino-alkyl benzoic acid residue and the sulfonylurea containing residue of glibenclamide affect différent aspects of /?-cell function. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984) pp 283-286. - : Comparison of the stimulatory effects of the local anaesthetic tetracaine and the sulphonylurea glibenclamide on mouse pancreatic /?-cells. Acta Endocrinologica 106(1984):Suppl. 263. - : Différent effects of glibenclamide and the structural analogue HB 699 on the ^^Ca^ + uptake by ob/ob mouse islets. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 122(1984) pp 187-190. - : Différent effects of HB 699 and glibenclamide on islet function. Diabetologia 25(1983) p 183. - : Effect of glibenclamide on the osmotic resistance of pancreatic yS-cells. Acta Physio­ logica Scandinavica 120(1984) pp 407-415. - : Effect of tetracaine and lidocaine on insulin release in isolated mouse pancreatic islets. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 763(1983) pp 197-204. - : Effects of the locai anaesthetics tetracaine and lidocaine on insulin sécrétion in vitro. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.257 p 53. NORLUND, Lena: se FRANKEL, Barbara; se LINDSTRÖM, Per; se NORLUND, Robert NORLUND, Robert, GRANKVIST, Kjell, NORLUND, Lena & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Insulin sécrétion mechanisms and experimental models of diabetes. In: Skandia inter­ national symposium, recent trends in diabetes research, pp 145-174. Eds. Boström, H & Ljungstedt, N. Stockholm 1982.

91 - : Ultrastructure and membrane permeability of cultured pancreatic ß-cells exposed to alloxan or 6-hydroxydopamine. Acta Endocrinologica 106(1984):Suppl.263. - : Ultrastructure and membrane permeability of cultured pancreatic /ö-cells exposed to alloxan or 6-hydroxydopamine. Virchows Archiv 404(1984) pp 31-38. NORLUND, Robert, NORLUND, Lena, BLOOM, Gunnar D & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Influence of fixation and staining techniques on the ultrastructure of the insulin secre- tory granule. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.257 p 53. - : Influence of fixation and staining techniques on the ultrastructure of the insulin secre- tory granule. Medicai Biology 62(1984) pp 27-33. NORLUND, Robert, NORLUND, Lena & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Influence of fixation and staining techniques on the ultrastructure of the insulin secretory granule. Diabe- tologia 25(1983) p 183. NORLUND, Robert: se FRANKEL, Barbara NYGREN, Charlotte: se BERGLUND, Ove; se LUNDIN, Erik ROOTH, Pål, GRANKVIST, Kjell & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Vital microscopy of blood flow in the pancreatic islets of mice. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.257 p 32. SALÉN, Bengt: se ALM, Per E; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten SANDSTRÖM, Per-Erik, IDAHL, Lars-Åke & SEHLIN, Janove: Simple assay for serum-glucose measurements using the luciferin/luciferase system. Acta Endocrino­ logica 106(1984):Suppl.263. SEHLIN, Janove, Freinkel, Norbert & Jo Lewis, Nancy: Biphasic modification of K + permeability in pancreatic islets by D-glucose. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1982:577 p 152. - : Détérioration of selective steps in secretory control in low-glucose cultured rat islets. Diabetologia 23(1982) p 200. - : Glucose starvation of rat islets in tissue culture — A model for the diabetic /?-cell? Diabetes 31(1982):Suppl.2 p 143A. SEHLIN, Janove & Freinkel, Norbert: Biphasé modulation of K+ permeability in pancreatic islets during acute stimulation with glucose. Diabetes 32(1983) pp 820-824. SEHLIN, Janove, BERGLUND, Ove & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Islet function in the genetically diabetic mouse (C57BL/KsJ-db/db). In: Lessons from animal diabetes, p 8. Eds. Shafrir, E & Renold, A E. London 1984. SEHLIN, Janove & LINDSTRÖM, Per: Increased /?-cell pH stimulâtes insulin release. Diabetologia 27(1984) p 331A. SEHLIN, Janove: se BERGLUND, Ove; se DANIELSSON, Åke; se EL-DENSHARY, Ezz S M; se FRANKEL, Barbara; se Gylfe, Erik; se Hellman, Bo; se ISMAIL, Nabila; se LINDSTRÖM, Per; se NORLUND, Lena; se SANDSTRÖM, Per-Erik; se TÄLJE­ DAL, Inge-Bert SJÖBERG, Wigert: se LÖFGREN, Sture STENFORS, Lars-Eric, ALBIIN, Nils, ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELL­ STRÖM, Sten, SÖDERBERG, Olof & WIDEMAR, Louise: Otitis media med effusion — nya experimentella rön. Suomen Lääkärilehti. Finlands läkartidning 36(1982) pp 3375-3378. STENFORS, Lars-Eric: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten STENLING, Roger: se LUNDIN, Erik STIGBRAND, Torgny: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert SUNDQVIST, Göran, BLOOM, Gunnar D, Enberg K & Johansson, E: Phagocytosis of bacteroides melaninogenicus and bacteroides asaccharolyticus in vitro by human neutrophils. Journal of Periodontal Research 17(1982) pp 113-121.

92 SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & HENRIKSSON, Roger: Is cyclic AMP accumulation coupled to /?-adrenoceptors in rat parotid acinar cells? Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 55(1984):Suppl. 3 p 22. SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HENRIKSSON, Roger SÖDERBERG, Olof: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Differentiering. In: Cellbiologi, pp 176-184. Red. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. - , GRANKVIST, Kjell & SEHLIN, Janove: Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine and other generators of free radicals on rubidium ion accumulation by islet cells. Diabetologia 23(1982) p 203. TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BERGLUND, Ove; se EL-DENSHARY, Ezz S M; se FRANKEL, Barbara; se GRANKVIST, Kjell; se Gylfe, Erik; se Hellman, Bo; se LINDSTRÖM, Per; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORLUND, Robert; se ROOTH, Pål; se SEHLIN, Janove TÄRNVIK, Arne: se LÖFGREN, Sture WIDEMAR, Louise: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric ZACKRISSON, Björn: se HENRIKSSON, Roger

HISTORIA AMBJÖRNSSON, Ronny: se LUNDBERG, Bengt; se LUNDMARK, Lennart; se TAUSSI-SJÖBERG, Marja BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders: "De kärlekslösa mödrarna". Spädbarnsdödligheten i Sverige under 1800-talet med särskild hänsyn till Nedertorneå. Diss. Umeå 1984. ISBN 91-7174-162-3. EDLUND, Lars-Erik, TEDEBRAND, Lars-Erik & ERICSSON, Tom (Red.): Oknytt 1984:2. EDLUND, Lars-Erik & ERICSSON, Tom (Red.): Tre kulturer 1983:1. ERICSSON, Tom: Den andra fackföreningsrörelsen. Tjänstemän och tjänstemanna­ organisationer i Sverige före första världskriget. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska Institutionen vid Umeå Universitet 1983:2. ISSN 0280-5529. - : I skuggan av storstrejken. Krigsmakten och den militära föreningsrätten. In: Folket i försvaret. Krigsmakten i ett socialhistoriskt perspektiv, pp 221-240. Red. ERICSSON, Tom. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska Institutionen vid Umeå Universitet 1983:3. ISSN 0280-5529. - : 'Inom handelsvärlden härskar en borgerlig anda'. Arbetsgivare och anställda inom handeln 1890-1914. Historisk tidskrift 1984:4. - : Mellan kapital och arbete. Butiksägarna i Sverige 1870-1915. Scandia 48(1982) pp 249-273. - : The Mittelstand in Swedish class society 1870-1914. Scandinavian Journal of History 9(1984):4 pp 313-328. - : Norrland — framtidslandet. Tvärsnitt 1984:2 pp 35-40. : Pärlfiske i Norrland på 1700-talet. Thüle 1984:2 pp 29-31. : Tjänstemän i Sverige och Storbritannien före första världskriget. Arbetsförhållanden, löner och fackföreningssträvanden. In: Organisationerna och samhällsutvecklingen, pp 27-42. Red. Öhngren, B. Stockholm 1982.

93 - : se EDLUND, Lars-Erik; se GUILLEMOT, Agneta; se JOHANSSON, Simon; se STRÖMBERG-BACK, Kerstin FRÅNBERG, Per: Den sanna kvinnan och politiken. En studie av röstuppdelnings- debatten 1922. Scandia 49(1983): 1 pp 139-154. - : Umeåsystemet. Alkohol och narkotika 1983:5 pp 1-3. - : Umeåsystemet. En studie i alternativ nykterhetspolitik 1915-1945. Diss. Acta Univer- sitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:50. ISBN 91-7174-120-8. GAUNT, David: se LUNDBERG, Bengt; se LUNDMARK, Lennart; se TAUSSI-SJÖ- BERG, Marja GUILLEMOT, Agneta: Knektehållet i lokalsamhället. Några aspekter på rekryteringen av indelta soldater In: Folket i försvaret. Krigsmakten i ett socialhistoriskt perspektiv, pp 141-184. Red. ERICSSON, Tom. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska institutionen vid Umeå Universitet 1983:3. ISSN 0280-5529. JOHANSSON, Simon: Nordnära. Tavelsjöbygden under fyra sekler. Skrifter utgivna av Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1984:7. Red. ERICSSON, Tom. LUNDBERG, Bengt: En ojämlik historia. In: Den dolda historien. 27 uppsatser om vårt okända förflutna. Red. Ambjörnsson, Ronny & Gaunt, David. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7054-4549. LUNDMARK, Lennart: Fattiglappar. In: Den dolda historien. 27 uppsatser om vårt okända förflutna. Red Ambjörnson, Ronny & Gaunt, David: Stockholm 1984. - : Det förflutnas makt. Om sociala tidsbegrepp och samhällsförändring. Lund 1984. ISBN 91-85118-672. - : Kronans lappskatt och fångstsamhällets upplösning. Historisk tidskrift 1982:4. - : Samhällssynen och det förflutna. Tvärsnitt 1984:4. - : Uppbörd, utarmning, utveckling. Det samiska fångstsamhällets övergång till renno- madism i Lule lappmark. Diss. Lund 1982. ISBN 91-85-118-680. - : Utvecklingstanken och den samiska rennomadismen. Provins 1983:1. PETERSON, Birgit: Debatten om "Den sociala frågan". In: Kontroll och kontrollerade. Formell och informell kontroll i ett historiskt perspektiv. Red. Sundin, Jan. Forsknings­ rapporter från Historiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet 1982:1. ISSN 0280-5529. - : "Den farliga underklassen". Studier i fattigdom och brottslighet i 1800-talets Sverige. Diss. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:53. ISBN 91-7174-133-X. - : Umeå Folkets hus och dess tillkomsthistoria. Umeå 1984. 48 s. STRÖMBERG-BACK, Kerstin: Stam och beväring. In: Folket i försvaret. Krigsmakten i ett socialhistoriskt perspektiv, pp 9-139. Red. ERICSSON, Tom. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska institutionen vid Umeå Universitet 1983:3. ISSN 0280-5529. TAUSSI-SJÖBERG, Marja: Att skiljas är att dö en smula. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1983:4. - : Beth Grothe Nielson: Letfaerdige qvindfolk — om Gisle Nielsdatter och andra barne- mörderskor. En bokanmälan. Nordisk tidsskrift för kriminalvidenskab 1983:2. - : Spinnhusliv. In: Den dolda historien. 27 uppsatser om vårt okända förflutna. Red. Ambjörsson, Ronny & Gaunt, David. Stockholm 1984. - : Utslagna kvinnor i bondesamhället. In: Kontroll och kontrollerade. Formell och informell kontroll i ett historiskt perspektiv. Red. Sundin, Jan. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet. 1982:1 ISSN 0280-5529. TEDEBRAND, Lars-Göran: se EDLUND, Lars-Erik VEJBRINK, Martin: En kontrollerad brottsling som historiskt fenomen. Om social kontroll för hundra år sedan och nu. En presentation av en individ och hans samhälle. In: Kontroll och kontrollerade. Formell och informell kontroll i ett historiskt perspek­ tiv, pp 159-195. Red. Sundin, Jan. Forskningsrapporter från Historiska institutionen vid Umeå Universitet 1982:1. ISSN 0280-5529.

94 HYGIEN- OCH MILJÖMEDICIN AHLBERG, Mats, BERGHEM, Lars, NORDBERG, Gunnar, PERSSON, Sven-Åke, Rudling, L & STEEN, Bertil: Chemical and biological characterization of emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants. Environmental Health Perspectives 47(1983) pp 85-102. AHLBERG, Mats, PERSSON, Sven-Åke, Fängmark, Ingrid, Larsson, Roland, EMMELIN, Anders, Swahn, Britt-Marie & BERGHEM, Lars: Retention, metabolism och organdistribution av benzo(a)pyrenbelagd flygaska intratrachealt instillerad i hamster. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:67. ISBN 91-7186-159-9. Ahlborg, Ulf, Friberg, Lars & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Evaluation of human and animal data in a comprehensive health assessment of energy systems. In: Developments in the science and practice of toxicology, pp 43-50. Eds. Hayes, A W, Schnell, R C & Miya, T S. Amsterdam 1983. AHLGREN, Åke, Burwall, Majvor, Grankvist, Ebba, THORSON, Jan & Widman, Lars: Lösningsmedel försämrar luktsinnet. Arbete, människa, miljö 1984:1 p 63. AHLGREN, Åke, JARL, Torgny & Oja, Marie: Personal safety equipment and rescuing in disabling occupational accidents. Journal of Occupational Accidents 5(1983) pp 9-16. AHLGREN, Åke, Magnusson, S, THORSON, Jan & Åkesson, G: Armbesvär vid skruvning. Elinstallatören 10(1984) p 66. AHLGREN, Åke & THORSON, Jan: Skruvdragare i stället för skruvmejsel. Elinstalla­ tören 4(1983). AHLMARK, Axel: Asbest, pleuraplaques och tumörer. Läkartidningen 81(1984):1 30-31 p 2731. - : Birkagårdsmålet — miljömedicinsk granskning. Miljö i Sverige 1982:5/6 pp 32-34. - : Kadmiumförbudet — ett slag i luften. Miljö i Sverige 12(1984):4/5 pp 20-21. - : Kol-hälsa-miljö på amerikanska. Miljö i Sverige 1982:5/6 pp 39-41. AHLMARK, Axel, Brandt, Bertil, Gustavsson, Ann-Sofie, Häggmark, Sören, LIND­ KVIST, Allan, LINDKVIST, Robert, Lundström, Jack, NORDBERG Gunnar, Norman, Margot & Strömberg, Birger: Direktutsug vid narkosgasgivning. Föredrag vid Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma 1983. Ventilen 1984:mars pp 44-45. AHLMARK, Axel, Brandt, Bertil, LINDKVIST, Allan, LINDKVIST, Robert, NORD­ BERG, Gunnar & Strömberg, Birger: Utsugningsanordning vid anestesigasgivning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. Svenska Läkaresällskapets program och sammanfattningar 1982 p 216. AHLMARK, Axel: se Albin, Maria Albin, Maria, Jakobsson, Kristina, Englander, Viveca, Ranstam, Jonas, Skerfving, Staffan, Westrup, Claes, Möller, Torgil, AHLMARK, Axel & LUNDSTRÖM, Nils- Göran: Mortalitet och tumörmorbiditet i en kohort av asbestcementarbetare. Yrkes­ medicinska kliniken, Institutionen för yrkesmedicin, Lunds universitet, 1984. Andersen, Ole, Hägerstrand, Inga & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Effect of the chelating agent sodium tripolyphosphate on cadmium toxicity in mice. Environmental Research 29(1982) pp 54-61. Andersen, Ole, Rönne, Mogens & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Effects of inorganic metal salts on chromosome length in human lymphocytes. Hereditas 98(1983) pp 65-70. Andersen, Ole, Wulf H C, Rönne, Mogens & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Effects of metals on sister chromatid exchange in human lymphocytes and Chinese hamster V79-E cells. Occupational Safety and Health Series 46(1982) pp 491-501. BENGTSSON, Börje: se Larsson, Margareta BERGHEM, Lars: se AHLBERG, Mats

95 BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf, BYLUND, Per-Olov, ERIKSSON, Anders & THORSON, Jan: Personal injuries caused by collisions of passenger cars with elks. First nordic congress on traffic medicine, 8-11 June, 1982. Proceedings, pp 175-177. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf, ERIKSSON, Anders & THORSON, Jan: Moose collisions and injuries to car occupants. Proceedings. 28th Annual conference of the American association of automobile medicine, p 149. Denver, Colorado 1984. - : Personskador genom bil-älgkollisioner. Rapport till transportforskningsberedningen 1984/1985. BLOM, Sigfrid: se LAGERKVIST, Birgitta Blomquist, Göran, STRÖM, Gunnar & STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge: Sampling of high concentrations of airborne fungi. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 10(1984) pp 109-113. Bucht, Bengt, Ljungberg, Eva, Magnusson, Egon, Sandberg, C G, WESTERHOLM, Peter, Dahlstedt, Gunnar & STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge: Mikroorganismer som arbets­ miljöproblem. Lägesbeskrivning och analys av FoU-behov. Rapport från Arbetar­ skyddsfonden 1983:2. CARLSSON, Jan, JARL, Torgny & THORSON, Jan: Traffic injury minimization for truck and bus drivers. American Association for Automobile medicine. Proceedings of the 28th annual conference, Denver, Colorado. October 8-10, 1984. AAAM, Arlington Heights, USA, p 91. CARLSSON, Jan & THORSON, Jan: Arbetsskadestatistik för statliga myndigheter år 1980. Information om arbetsskador. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen 1983:1. CHERIAN, M George & NORDBERG, Monica: Cellulär adaption in metal toxicology and metallothionein. Toxicology 28(1983) pp 1-15. - : Literature survey on metallothionein and its function on a defence mechanism in cadmium toxicity. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:55 pp 14-31. ISBN 91-7186-146-7. - & NUOTTANIEMI, Iris: Comparison of tissue distribution of cadmium in mice intravenously injected with metallothionein and a polymer of metallothionein. Toxi­ cology 26(1983) pp 161-171. - : Identification of cadmium binding ligands in oysters. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:55 pp 3-7. - : Tissue distribution and metabolism of cadmium metallothionein polymers. Toxico- logist 3(1983) p 166. CHERIAN, George: se NORDBERG, Gunnar; se NORDBERG, Monica; se NUOTTA­ NIEMI, Iris Danielsson, K, Shelp, L, THORSON, Jan, Rambro, M & Rinder, L: Att förebygga skador — ett hälsopolitiskt handlingsprogram. Underlagsstudie. In: Hälso- och sjuk­ vård inför 90-talet (HS 90) SOU 1984:42. Socialdepartementet, Stockholm 1984. Elinder, Carl-Gustaf, Palm, Brita, Piscator, Magnus, Lundgren, Göran & NORDBERG, Monica: Metallothionein and cadmium nephrotoxicity: Is cadmium released from metallothionein in kidneys preserved for transplantation? Environmental Health Perspectives 54(1984) p 293. - : Metallothionein in rabbit kidneys preserved for transplantation. Environmental Health Perspectives 54(1984) pp 275-280. EMMELIN, Anders: se AHLBERG, Mats; se ROSENHALL, Leif ERIKSSON, Anders, Eriksson, D, LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran & THORSON, Jan: Railway traffic safety with special reference to minimizing injuries to passengers and engine drivers. First Nordic congress on traffic medicine, June 8-11, 1982, in Linköping. Proceedings, pp 178-180. ERIKSSON, Anders, Eriksson, D, LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran & THORSON, Jan: Personskador i järnvägstrafik. Rapport till Statens järnvägar 1983.

96 ERIKSSON, Anders, Eriksson, D, LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran & THORSON, Jan: Mechanisms of derailment injuries to railway carriage occupants and engine drivers. Travel Medicine International 2(1984) pp 85-89. - : Personskador vid tågurspårningar — förslag till riskbegränsande åtgärder. Läkar­ tidningen 81 (1984):5 pp 352-354. ERIKSSON, Anders: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf GERHARDSSON, Lars, Brune, Dag, NORDBERG, Gunnar & WESTER, Per-Olov: Antimony in lung, liver and kidney tissue from deceased smelter workers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 8(1982) pp 201-208. - : Chromium, cobalt and lanthanum in lung, liver and kidney tissue from deceased smelter workers. Science of the Total Environment 37(1984) pp 233-246. - : Skyddseffekt av selen vid yrkesmässig mångårig exposition för luftburna carcinogena ämnen. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 28-30 nov 1984, p 132. GERHARDSSON, Lars: se LEFFLER, Per HEDSTRÖM, Sonja, LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran, NORDBERG, Monica, PERSSON, Lars-Åke & WALL, Stig: Samhällsmedicin och samverkan i läkarutbildningen. Allmän medicin 5(1984) pp 63-65. JARL, Torgny: se AHLGREN, Åke; se CARLSSON, Jan JOHANSSON, Roland, LANDSTRÖM, Ulf & LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: Responses of mechanoreceptive afferent units in the glabrous skin of the human hand to sinusoidal skin displacements. Brain Research 244(1982) pp 17-25. - : Sensitivity to edges of mechanoreceptive afferent units innervating the glabrous skin of the human hand. Brain Research 244(1982) pp 27-32. JOHANSSON, Roland & LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: Handens taktila sinnesorgan och hur dessa akut påverkas av vibrationer. Arbetarskyddsfondens seminarium om handöver­ förda vibrationer, Göteborg december 1982, pp 181-186. - : Lokala vibrationer och handens taktila känsel. ASF rapport, projekt nr 79/104, 1982. - : Lokala vibrationer och handens taktila känsel — en experimentell studie på människa med kombinerad neuronal och psykofysisk metodik. Arbetarskyddsfondens samman­ fattningar 1983:571. JÖRGENSEN, Harold S: Lung cancer among underground workers in the iron ore mine of Kiruna based on thirty years of observation. Annals of the Academy of Medicine 13(1984):2 pp 371-377. - : Lungcancer med kort latenstid minskar bland underjordsarbetare i Kiruna. Läkartid­ ningen 80(1983) pp 1678-1681. - : Radon svår yrkesrisk med betydande överdödlighet. Arbete, människa, miljö 1983:2 pp 92-102. Karlsson, Einar & STRÖMQU1ST, Lars-Helge: Etanolproduktion ur skogsavfall. Redo­ visning av STU-projekt nr 80-4576, jan 1982. LAGERKVIST, Birgitta, LINDERHOLM, Håkan, BLOM, Sigfrid, Thorulf, Peer & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Systemeffekter av arsenik. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:78. 58 s. ISBN 91-7186-170-X. LAGERKVIST, Birgitta, LINDERHOLM, Håkan, NORDBERG, Gunnar & Thorulf, Peer: Raynaud-fenomen hos arsenikexponerade arbetare. Svenska Läkaresallskapets handlingar. Hygiea 92( 1983):8. - : Vasospastic tendency in As-exposed workers. Abstract: 3rd Scandinavian Congress of clinical physiology. Clinical Physiology 1983 p 88. LANDSTRÖM, Ulf: Occupational aspects on infrasound and whole body vibrations. Presented at the Sixth Swedish-Yugoslavians symposium on occupational health, 20-22 April, 1983, Novi Sad. Archives of Industriai Hygiene and Toxicology 34(1983) pp 287-293.

97 - , Englund, K, LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie & Strandberg, Ulla-Karin: Vakenhetsföränd­ ringar vid exponering för brusformad helkroppsvibration. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1984:20. LANDSTRÖM, Ulf & LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: Perception och vakenhetsförändringar under exponering för helkroppsvibration. Arbetarskyddsfondens seminarium om helkroppsvibrationer. Stockholm, juni 1983. - & Strandberg, Ulla-Karin: Perception för horisontella vibrationer i stående ställning. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1983:40. - : Perceptionsförhållanden avseende helkroppsvibrationer i stående ställning. Arbetar­ skyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1983:17. LANDSTRÖM, Ulf, LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie & SÖDERBERG, Lena: Upplevelser, perception samt temporära tröskelförändringar under exponering för helkroppsvibra­ tion. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1982:37. - & Englund, K: Vakenhetsförändringar under exponering för helkroppsvibration. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1983:22. LANDSTRÖM, Ulf: se JOHANSSON, Roland S Larsson, Margareta, LARSSON, Sven-Erik & BENGTSSON, Börje: Multifaktoriell analys av ryggbesvär hos 18-20-åringar och ryggbesvärens betydelse för arbetsanpass­ ningen. Arbetarskyddsfondens slutrapport ASF 78/285, 1982. LEFFLER, Per: Retentionsegenskaper hos partikelsuspensioner intratrakealt instilierade på hamster. NOSA aerosolsymposium 1984. FOA-rapport E 1984:40018 november 1984. - , GERHARDSSON, Lars, Brune, Dag & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Rétention av antimon och arsenik i andningsvägarna hos hamster efter intratrakeal instillation av industri­ damm. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1-3 dee 1982 p 215. - : Lung rétention of antimony and arsenic in hamsters after the intratracheal instillation of industriai dust. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 10(1984) pp 245-251. LEFFLER, Per & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Metaller i maternellt och fetalt blod — under­ sökning av eventuella variationer i placentas barriärfunktion. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:71. ISBN 91-7186-163-7. LINDERHOLM, Håkan: se LAGERKVIST, Birgitta LINDKVIST, Allan: se AHLMARK, Axel LINDKVIST, Robert: se AHLMARK, Axel Lindström, Klas-Göran & THORSON, Jan: Arbetsmiljöutveckling fordon — trafik inom den statliga sektorn. Behov och intressenter. Arbetarskyddsfondens sammanfattningar 1984:848. (ASFS Pnr 84-0277). LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran: se Albin, Maria; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se HEDSTRÖM, Sonja LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: Effects of local vibration transmitted from ultrasonic devices on vibrotactile perception in the hands of therapists. Ergonomics 27(1984). - : Helkroppsvibrationer i entreprenadfordon. Arbetarskyddsfondens seminarium om helkroppsvibrationer, Stockholm juni 1983. - : Hudens mekaniska impedans i relation till energiabsorption och vibrationsdämpande material. Arbetarskyddsfondens seminarium om handöverförda vibrationer, Göteborg dee. 1982, pp 93-97. - : Hudens mekaniska impedans i relation till vibrerande handverktyg. 32:a Nordiska yrkeshygieniska mötet i Stockholm 19-21 september 1983. - : Local vibrations — mechanical impedance of the human hand's glabrous skin. Journal of Biomechanics 17(1984):2 pp 137-144. - : Lokala vibrationer med höga frekvenser — effekter på känseln. Arbetarskyddsfondens seminarium om handöverförda vibrationer, Göteborg dee 1982, pp 127-132.

98 - : Ultraljudapparatur — effekter på känseln. Arbetsmedicinska kontaktdagarna i Umeå 10-11 oktober 1983. - : Vibrerande verktyg fortsatt risk i arbetslivet. Arbete, människa, miljö 4(1984) pp 326-332. - & Burström, Lage: Vibrationer i handverktyg. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersöknings­ rapport 1984:24. LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie & Lindberg, Lennart: Helkroppsvibrationer i entreprenad­ fordon. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1983:18. - : Helkroppsvibrationer i stående ställning. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersöknings­ rapport 1984:40. LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie & Lindmark, Asta: Effects of local vibration on tactile percep­ tion in the hands of dentists. Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration 1(1982)1 pp 1-11. - : Känseltröskeln för vibrationer på insidan av människans hand. Arbetarskyddsstyrel­ sens undersökningsrapport 1983:26. - : Känsligheten för vibrationer bland sjukvårdspersonal, vilka arbetat med ultraljud- terapiapparatur. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1983:45. - : Känsligheten för vibrationer bland tandläkare exponerade för lokala vibrationer med höga frekvenser. Arbete och hälsa 1983:1. ISBN 91-7464-155-7. - : Lokala vibrationer — hudens mekaniska egenskaper på handens insida. Arbetar­ skyddsstyrelsens undersökningsrapport 1983:14. LUNDSTRÖM, Ronnie: se JOHANSSON, Roland S; se LANDSTRÖM, Ulf NORDBERG, Gunnar: Arsenic and Compounds. In: Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety 1(1983) pp 179-183. International Labour Office, Geneva. - : Chelating agents and cadmium toxicity: Problems and prospects. Environmental Health Perspectives 54(1984) pp 213-218. - : Effekter av metaller på fortplantningen och barnets utveckling — resultat av ett inter­ nationellt arbetsmöte. Arbetarskyddsfonden Dnr 81-1225, 1983. - : Läkarna och blyfrågan. Läkartidningen 81(1984):46 pp 4315-4316. - : Metabolism of cadmium. In: Nephrotoxic mechanisms of drugs and environmental toxins, pp 285-303. Ed. Porter, George. New York 1982. - : Renal uptake, Storage and excretion of metals. In: Nephrotoxicity — Assessment and pathogenesis, pp 250-262. Eds. Bach, P H, Bonner, F W, Bridges, J W & Lock, E A. Chichester 1982. - : Subclinical and chronic effects of trace elements with special reference to criticai effects. In: Trace element — Analytical chemistry in medicine and biology 2(1983) pp 291-312. Eds. Brätter, P & Schramel, P. Berlin 1983. - & Berlin, Maths: KHM och kvicksilvret. Det går inte att blåsa 'faran över'. Miljö i Sverige 4(1983) pp 37-40. - , Albanus, Lennart, Skerfving, Staffan, Brune, Dag, NILSSON, Bo & Theorell, Henning: Kvicksilver — ett problem i omgivningen, arbetsmiljön och munnen? Sympo­ sium vid Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 28-30 nov 1984. NORDBERG, Gunnar, CHERIAN, George, Kjellström, Tord, NORDBERG, Monica, NUOTTANIEMI, Iris & Sharma, R: Kadmium i skaldjur — förekomst och omsättning i organismen. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1-3 dee 1982, p 216. NORDBERG, Gunnar, Garvey, Justine S & Chang, Chin C: Metallothionein in plasma and urine of cadmium workers. Environmental Research 28(1982) pp 179-182. NORDBERG, Gunnar & Pershagen, Göran: Metal interactions in carcinogenesis. Effects of mixed exposures on carcinogenic response. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 9(1984) pp 63-78. NORDBERG, Gunnar: se AHLBERG, Mats; se Ahlborg, Ulf; se AHLMARK, Axel; se Andersen, Ole; se GERHARDSSON, Lars; se LAGERKVIST, Birgitta; se LEFFLER, Per; se NUOTTANIEMI, Iris; se Pershagen, Göran; se PERSSON, Sven-Åke

99 NORDBERG, Monica: General aspects of cadmium: Transport, uptake and metabolism by the kidney. Environmental Health Perspectives 54(1984) pp 13-20. - , CHERIAN, George & Kjellström, Tord: Defence mechanisms against metal toxicity and their potential importance for risk assessments with particular reference to the importance of various binding forms in food stuff. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:55. ISBN 91-7186-146-7. NORDBERG, Monica: se CHERIAN, M George; se Elinder, Carl-Gustaf; se HED­ STRÖM, Sonja; se NORDBERG, Gunnar; se NUOTTANIEMI, Iris NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: se LEFFLER, Per NUOTTANIEMI, Iris, NORDBERG, Monica, NORDBERG, Gunnar, CHERIAN, George & Kjellström, Tord: Biocomplexes of cadmium in New Zealand oysters. American Society of Toxicology 1983. Toxicologist 3(1983) p 146. NUOTTANIEMI, Iris: se CHERIAN, George; se NORDBERG, Gunnar Pershagen, Göran, NORDBERG, Gunnar & Björklund, Nils-Erik: Carcinomas of the respiratory tract in hamsters given arsenic tri-oxide and/or Benzo/a/pyrene by the pulmonary route. Environmental Research 34(1984) pp 227-241. - : Expérimental evidence on the pulmonary carcinogenicity of arsenic trioxide. Archives of Toxicology 7(1984) pp 403-404. PERSSON, Sven-Åke, AHLBERG, Mats, BERGHEM, Lars, BERGMAN, Frank, KÖNBERG, Eva & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Långtids carcinogenesstudie på syrisk guldhamster — en jämförelse mellan partikulàra emissioner från ett koleldat kraftverk och ett oljeeldat kraftvärmeverk — en utvärdering av resultat upp till och med 75 veckor. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:65. ISBN 91-7186-157-2. ROSENHALL, Leif, STJERNBERG, Nils, Eklund, Anders, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, EMMELIN, Anders & STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge: Epidemiologiska och klinisk­ fysiologiska studier angående SO*. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol-hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:77. ISBN 91-7186-169-6. STJERNBERG, Nils: se ROSENHALL, Leif STRÖM, Gunnar: se Blomquist, Göran; se STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge, Blomquist, Göran, STRÖM, Gunnar & Karlsson, Einar: Mögelbildning i bränsleflis. Rapport från NE projekt 1161-361. Högtemperaturtork- ning, 1982. - , Nilsson, Siwert & Rubulis, Janis: Mögelsporbestämning i bränsleflis. ASF projekt 81-0376, 1982. STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge & NELSON, Lennart: Mikroorganismer som arbetsmiljö­ problem. Lägesbeskrivning och analys av FoU-behov. Rapport från Arbetarskydds­ fonden 1983:2. STRÖMQUIST, Lars-Helge: se Blomquist, Göran; se Bucht, Bengt; se Karlsson, Einar; se ROSENHALL, Leif THORSON, Jan: Bil-älgkollisioner. Rapport vid symposium 1984-05-17, Hedemora Bilteknik AB. - : Personskador vid viltolyckor och några andra skadehändelser med avseende på fordon. Väg- och trafikinstitutet (VTI) 387 (1984) pp 75-88. - : Serious occupational injuries with special regard to the lack of risk control. Journal of Occupational Accidents 1984 September p 128. - : se AHLGREN, Åke; se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf; se CARLSSON, Jan; se Danielsson, K; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se Lindström, Klas-Göran WESTER, Per-Olof: se GERHARDSSON, Lars

100 IDÉHISTORIA AMBJÖRNSSON, Ronny: Den dolda historien. 27 uppsatser om vårt okända förflutna. Red. Ambjörnsson, Ronny & Gaunt, David. Stockholm 1984. 490 s. ISBN 91-7054-4549. - : Logen 880 Skärgårdsblomman. In: Den dolda historien. 27 uppsatser om vårt okända förflutna, pp 462-481. Red. Ambjörnsson, Ronny & Gaunt, David. Stockholm 1984. - : Ree. Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the worms. The cosmos of a sixteenth Century miller. London 1980. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 212-213. - : Ree. John McManners, Death and the enlightenment. Changing attitudes to death. Oxford 1982. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 216-217. - : Ree. Tordis Dahllöf, Folkbildning och livsmiljö på 1920-talet. En presentation av ett bildningsprojekt och dess upphovsman Carl Cederblad. Stockholm 1981. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 245-246. - : Ree. Yvonne Verdier, Tvätterskan, sömmerskan, kokerskan. Livet i en fransk by genom tre kvinnoyrken. Stockholm 1981. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 207-209. - : Socialismens idéhistoria. En inledning. Malmö 1984. 240 s. ISBN 91-7021-4859. ESKILSSON, Lena: En brudgum i himlen i stället för på jorden. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1984:1 pp 14-22. - : Kvinnohistoria — och kvinnligt perspektiv på historien. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1982:2 pp 62-67. - : Tidevarvet 1923-1936. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1983:4 pp 76-78. - & WENNSTRÖM, Elsy: Hypatia. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1983:4 p 75. - : Kvinnoidéer. Källtextsamling i kvinnohistoria. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för idéhistoria. Skrifter 1984:19. ISSN 0349-1544. ESKILSSON, Lena: se WENNSTRÖM, Elsy GAUNT, David: se AMBJÖRNSSON, Ronny JONSSON, Kjell: Ree. Dominick LaCapra and Steven L, Kaplan (Eds). Modern European intellectual history. Ithaca & London 1984. Lychnos 1984 pp 193-194. QVARSELL, Roger: Dårarna. In: Den dolda historien, pp 110-127. Stockholm 1984. : Prästgården som kulturmiljö — prästen Pehr Kernell i Hällestad och hans familj. Hällestadstidningen 1983 pp 8-12. - Ree. Dieter Jetter. Geschichte des Hospitals. Bd5: Wien von den anfangen bis um 1900. Wiesbaden 1982. Lychnos 1983 p 260. - : Ree. Dieter Jetter. Grundzüge der Krankenhausgeschichte (1800-1900). Darmstadt 1977. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 311-312. - : Ree. Klaus Dörner. Madmen and the bourgeosie. A social history of insanity and psychiatry. Oxford 1981. Lychnos 1981/82 p 314. - : Ree. Michael MacDonald. Mystical Bedlam. Madness, anxiety and healing in seventeenth Century England. Cambridge 1981. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 313-314. - : Vårdideologier i sinnessjukvårdens historia. In: Vårdinstitution och vårdideologi. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för idéhistoria. Skrifter 1984:18. SUNDIN, Bosse: Att få vatten på sin kvarn — om kvarnar i historien. In: Teknik för alla. Uppsatser i teknikhistoria, pp 42-60. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för idéhistoria. Skrifter 1983:17. - : Hjul i arbete. In: Jag gör och jag förstår. Rapport från ett seminarium om barn och teknik, pp 27-34. Riksutställningar. Stockholm 1984. : Ljus och jord! Natur och kultur på Storgården. In: Paradiset och vildmarken, pp 320-360. Red. Frängsmyr, T. Stockholm 1984. : Ree. Ester Boserup. Population and technology. Oxford 1981. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 317-318. : Ree. Helmer Dahl. Teknikk, kultur, samfunn: Om egenarten i Europas vekst. Oslo 1983. Polhem. Tidskrift för teknikhistoria 1984:3 pp 142-145. : Ree. Sigfrid Leander. Folkbildningens födelse. Anton Nyström och Stockholms arbetarinstitut 1880-1980. Stockholm 1980. Lychnos 1981/82 p 245. (Red.): Teknik för alla. Uppsatser i teknikhistoria. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för idéhistoria. Skrifter 1983:17.

101 SÖRLIN, Sverker: Flottningen och utvecklingens lag. Tvärsnitt 1982:2 pp 13-19. - : Frihetens hem på jorden — om den svenska skogen. In: Sinnenas skog, pp 48-54. Red. Sörlin, Sverker. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-518-1676-8. - : Frihetens hemman på jorden. In: Den dolda historien, pp 251-274. Stockholm 1984. - : Hembygden mellan historia och framtid. Västerbotten 1984:1 pp 70-80. - : Den långlivade spelflotten. Samarbete och konflikt i de norrländska vattendragen. In: Teknik för alla. Uppsatser i teknikhistoria, pp 107-130. Umeå universitet. Institutionen för idéhistoria. Skrifter 1983:17. - : Människa och natur i industrigenombrottets Norrland. Provins 1983:2 pp 36-41. - : Natur och kultur. Skogen och fosterlandet i det industriella genombrottets Sverige. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 87-144. - : Norrlandsfrågan. Idéer och debatt i samband med det industriella genombrottet. In: Paradiset och vildmarken pp 265-319. Red. Frängsmyr, T. Stockholm 1984. - : Ree. Leopold und Roma Schua. Wasser: Lebenselement der Menschen. Freiburg/ München 1981. Lychnos 1981/82 pp 206-207. - : Ree. Reginaud Outhier. Journal från en resa i Norden 1736-1737. Luleå 1982. Astro­ nomisk tidskrift 17(1984):3 pp 138-139. - : Ree. Sven Ekman. Norrlands jakt och fiske (1910), faksimilutgåva. Umeå 1983. Lychnos 1984 pp 262-264. - : Sinnenas skog. Red. Sörlin, Sverker. Stockholm 1983. 112 s. ISBN 91-518-1676-8. - : Skogen i litteraturen. Historiska nyheter (Historiska museet) 1984:30 pp 24-26. - : Vetenskapens historia. Socialistisk debatt 1983:3 pp 35-38. - : Ödemarkens förstår. Några drag i radikal svensk lappsympati runt sekelskiftet. Thüle 1983:5 pp 20-28. WENNSTRÖM, Elsy: Folkhemmets födelse. In: Den dolda historien, pp 417-430. Stockholm 1984. - : Ree. Luce Guillerm, Jean-Pierre Guillerm, Laruence Hordoir och Marie-Francoise Piéjus. Le miroir des femmes. Tome I, Moralistes et polémistes au XVI siècle. Lille 1983. Lychnos 1984 pp 185-187. - : Ree. Nina Auerbach. Woman and the demon. The life of a victorian myth. Lychnos 1983 pp 199-200. - : Särart och jämlikhet — några idéhistoriska reflexioner. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1983:4 pp 29-41. - : Våra förmödrar — Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 1982:2 pp 74-76. - : se ESKILSSON, Lena

INFEKTION Alestig, K, Eilard, T, NORRBY, Ragnar, Svensson, R, TROLLPORS, Birger & Brorson, J E: Ceftazidime in clinical practice. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 12(1983):Suppl.A pp 111-114. Alestig, K, TROLLFORS, Birger, Andersson, R, Olaison, L, Suurküla, M & NORRBY, Ragnar: Ceftazidime and renal function. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 13(1984) pp 177-181. Andersson, K E, Huitfeldt, B, Johnsson, G, Lönnerholm, G, Nordlander, M, Norrby, R, Rossén, A, Strandberg, K, Tyllström, J, Vedin, A, Wilhelmsson, C & Åsberg, M: Förslag till protokoll vid multicenterprövningar. Information från Socialstyrelsens läkemedelsavdelning 1983:3. BJÖRNEGÅRD, Barbro: se NORRBY, Ragnar

102 BURMAN, Lars Å, NORRBY, Ragnar & TROLLFORS, Birger: Predisponerande och prognostiska faktorer hos patienter med pneumokockseptikemi eller meningit: preli­ minär rapport. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. BURMAN, Lars Å: se NORRBY, Ragnar; se Sköldenberg, B; se TROLLFORS, Birger; se TÄRNVIK, Arne HOLM, Stig E & NORRBY, Ragnar: Purulenta meningiter. Essex skriftserie om infek­ tioner 1982:5. HOLM, Stig: se NORRBY, Ragnar JONSSON, Monica: se NORRBY, Ragnar JUTO, Per: se SETTERGREN, Bo KOURTOPOULOS, Harry, HOLM, Stig & NORRBY, Ragnar: Benzyl-penicillin penetration into CSF after différent routes of administration in rabbits. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1983:15 pp 103-105. - : The effect of irradiation and probenecid on cerebrospinal fluid transport of penicillin. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 11(1982). - : The influence of steroids on the penetration of antibiotics into brain tissue and brain abscesses. An experimental study in rats. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 11(1982). LÖFGREN, Sture, Eriksson, P, Cullhed, I, Hansson, H E & Hedin, G: Gonokocken- dokardit — fortfarande sporadiska fall. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2825-2826. NORRBY, Ragnar: Antibiotic therapy of urinary tract infections in Sweden. Vox 5(1983) pp 89-98. - : Antibiotic treatment. Relationship between pharmacokinetics, bacterial sensitivity and dose schedule. Paper, MEDAC plenary session, Paris, June 1982. - : Antibiotics in the elderly. In: The aging process. Therapeutic implications, pp 229-241. Eds. Butler, R N & Bearn, A G. New York 1984. - : Cefoxitin: a review of its antibacterial effect, pharmacoki netics and clinical use. Proceedings of the International conference organized by Merch, Sharp & Dohme. Budapest June 1982. - : Ceftazidime in clinical practice. A summary. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 12(1983):Suppl.A pp 405-408. - : Cefuroxime vs ampicillin plus chloramphenicol for the treat ment of acute bacterial meningitis. Report from a Swedish Study Group. VIII International Congress of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Stockholm 1982. - : Ciprofloxacin för behandling av gramnegativ osteit — redogörelse för en nystartad skandinavisk multi-centerstudie. Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma 1983. - : Clinical aspects on bacterial infections in the upper respiratory tract. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1983:Suppl.39 pp 14-17. - : Clinical needs for rapid diagnosis of septicemia and meningitis. In: Rapid methods and automation in microbiology, ASM. Washington 1982. - : Comparative treatment of bacterial meningitis. Paper, MEDAC plenary session. Paris June 1982. - : Fallbeskrivning. Polyradikult i anslutning till vaccination mot morbilli, parotit och rubella. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 1636-1637. - : Pharmacokinetics of norfloxacin: Clinical implications. European Journal of Chemo­ therapy and Antibiotics 12(1983):3 pp 19-25. - : Pharmacologie aspects on the use of antibiotics in surgical practice. Workshop: Antibiotics and surgery. National Board of Health and Welfare, Drug Information Committee 1984:4 pp 25-33. - : Potential usefulness of norfloxacin in the treatment of urinary tract infections. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2(1983) pp 227-229. - : Quality of antibiotic clinical trials. Journal of Anti microbial Chemotherapy 14(1984) pp 203-208. - : Requirements for documentation of clinical effects of antibiotics. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 42(1984) pp 169-176.

103 - : Vitamin C and infectious diseases. Workshop Vitamins. National Board of Health and Welfare Drug Information Committee, Sweden. Stockholm 1984. - , Alestig, K, Björnegård, Barbro, BURMAN, Lars Åke, Ferber, F, Huber, J L, Jones, K H, Kahan, F M, Kahan, J S, Kropp, H, Meisinger, MAP, Rogers, J D & Sundelof, J G: Urinary recovery on N-Formimidoyl Thienamycin (MK0787) as affected by coadministration of N-Formimidoyl Thienamycin dehydropeptidase inhibitors. Anti- microbial Agents and Chemotherapy 23(1983) pp 300-307. NORRBY, Ragnar, Alestig, K, Ferber, F, Huber, J L. Jones, K H, Kahan, F M, Kahan, J S, Meisinger, M A P & Rogers, J D: Pharmacokinetics and tolerance of N-Formi- midoyl Thienamycin (MK0787) in humans. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 23(1983) pp 293-299. NORRBY, Ragnar, Björnegård, B, Ferber, F & Jones, K H: Pharmacokinetics of imipenem in healthy volunteers. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 12(1983): Suppl.D pp 109-124. - : Pharmacokinetics of N-formimidoyl thienamycin in volunteers. 13th International Congress od Chemotherapy. Wien August 1983. Abstract. NORRBY, Ragnar, BURMAN, Lars Åke, LINDERHOLM, Håkan & TROLLFORS, Birger: Ceftazidime; pharmacokinetics in patients and effects on the renal function. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 10(1982) p 199. NORRBY, Ragnar & Geddes, A M: Management of septicaemia. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1982:Suppl.31 pp 112-117. NORRBY, Ragnar & Gentry, L O: Toxicity associated with use of new -lactam agents. 13th International Congress of Chemotherapy. Wien August 1983. Abstract. NORRBY, Ragnar & HOLM, Stig E: Antibiotikaval vid infektioner orsakade av H. influenzae. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 2694-2695. - : Infektionsbehandling med antibiotika. Läkemedelsboken LB 83. NORRBY, Ragnar & Jonsson, A M: Antibacterial activity of norfloxacin. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 22(1982). NORRBY, Ragnar & Kallings, L O: Biverkningar vid trimetoprim — ekologisk effekt bör studeras. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 96-97. NORRBY, Ragnar, Rogers, J D, Ferber, F, Jones, K H, Zacchei, A G, Weidner, L L, Demetriades, J L, Gravallese, D A & Hsieh, J Y-K: Disposition of radiolabeled imipenem and cilastatin in normal human volunteers. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 26(1984) pp 707-714. NORRBY, Ragnar, Rylander, M & Jonsson, A M: In vitro och in vivo aktivitet hos ett nytt urinvägsantibiotikum — Norfloxacin. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1982. NORRBY, Ragnar: se Alestig, K; se Andersson, K E; se BURMAN, Lars Åke; se HOLM, Stig; se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry; se Rylander, S; se SETTERGREN, Bo; se Skölden­ berg, B; se TROLLFORS, Birger; se TÄRNVIK, Arne Rylander, M & NORRBY, Ragnar: Norfloxacin: Penetration into subcutaneous tissue cage fluid in rabbits and efficacy in vivo . Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 23( 1983):3 pp 352-355. SETTERGREN, Bo, JUTO, Per, NORRBY, Ragnar, TROLLFORS, Birger & WADELL, Göran: Nefropathia epidemica — epidemiologisk studie. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets riksstämma 1983. SETTERGREN, Bo, NORRBY, Ragnar, NÄSLUND, Ulf & WADELL, Göran: Case of epidemie nephropathy associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Lancet 2(1983) p 1419. Sköldenberg, B, Forsgren, M, Alestig, K, Bergström, T, BURMAN, Lars Åke, Dahlqvist, E, Forkman, A, Frydén, A, Lövgren, K, Norlin, K, NORRBY, Ragnar, Stenkvist-

104 Olding, E. Stiernstedt, G. Uhnoo, I & deVahl, K: Acyclovir versus vidarabine in herpes simplex encephalitis. Randomised multicentre study in consecutive Swedish patients. Lancet 2(1984) pp 707-711. TROLLFORS, Birger: Gentamicin-associated changes in renal function reversible during continued treatment. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 12(1983) pp 285-287. - , BURMAN, Lars Åke, Dannetun, E, Llompart, J & NORRBY, Ragnar: Serotyping of Streptococcus penumoniae strains by coagglutination and counterimmunoelectrophore- sis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 18(1983) pp 978-980. TROLLFORS, Birger, Claeson, B, Lagergård, T & Sandberg, T: Incidence, predisposing factors and manifestations of invasive Haemophilus influenzae infections in adults. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology 19(1984):3 pp 180-184. TROLLFORS, Birger: se Alestig, K; se BURMAN, Lars Åke; se NORRBY, Ragnar; se SETTERGREN, Bo TÄRNVIK, Arne, BURMAN, Lars Åke & Falsen, E: Dwarf colony mutant of Escherichia coli causing purulent meningitis. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 14(1982) pp 147-149.

INFORMATIONSBEHANDLING ANDERSSON, Lars: Best approximations from Hilbert submanifolds. UMINF 1983:105. - : On the convergence of the undamped Gauss-Newton method. UMINF 1982:94. BERGLUND, Sören, BERGQVIST, Erik, FORSGREN, Olov, JANLERT, Lars-Erik & NORDSTRÖM, Torbjörn: En ansats för datortillämpningar. In: Systemutveckling — av vem, för vem och hur? Arbetarskyddsfonden. Stockholm 1984. - : Systemutformning — en introduktion. UMADB 1982:112. BERGLUND, Sören, BERGQVIST, Erik, FORSGREN, Olov & NORDSTRÖM, Tor­ björn: En modell för kompetensuppbyggnad — några erfarenheter från inledande försök. UMADB 1982:113, WPIPCS-5. In: Systemutveckling — av vem, för vem och hur? Arbetarskyddsfonden. Stockholm 1984. BERGLUND, Sören & RUUTH, Staffan: Normativa metoder och modeller för system­ arbete. En studie av modellerna ISAC, SAC, D2S2, SYSDOC och HIPO. UMADB 1983:102. BERGMAN, Bo: Arbete och arbetsmiljö vid ett industrirobotsystem — en fallstudie om förändringar vid övergång till robottillämpning i ett verkstadsföretag. UMADB 1982:74. , Brodin, B & GRANLUND, Jan: Från projektering till produktion. Erfarenheter från två installationer av datorbaserade tillverkningssystem. UMADB 1982:115. : Från projektering till produktion, RRIPCS.l. Slutrapport från ASF-projektet "Inre och yttre effekter av automatiserad produktion". Umeå 1984. BERGQVIST, Erik: Varför diskutera formalisering? WPIPCS 1984:7. & WESTMAN, Ewa: Normativa metoder och modeller för systemarbete. En studie av modellerna IML, NUAM, PIOCO, SDLA och ISAC. UMADB 1983:103. BERGQVIST, Erik: se BERGLUND; Sören Demmel, James & KÅGSTRÖM, Bo: Stable eigendecompositions of matrix pencils A-AB. UMINF 1984:118.

105 EDBLOM, Lennart: Basic concepts of functional languages and their extension to real-time programming. UMINF 1984:116. - : Implementation of ML on a Lisp machine. UMINF 1983:114. - & Friedman, D P: Issues in applicative real-time programming. Indiana University, Computer science department, Technical report 1982:129. ERICSSON, Thomas: Algorithms for large sparse Symmetrie generalized eigenvalue problems. UMINF 1983:108. - : Notes on indefinite Symmetrie matrix pencils. UMINF 1983:107. - : Some properties of the eigenvectors of a Symmetrie tridiagonal matrix. UMINF 1982:99. - : User's guide for STLM. UMINF 1982:96. - : Using the MA27-routines in the STLM-package. UMINF 1983:104. - : se KAGSTRÖM, Bo; se RUHE, Axel FORSGREN, Olov: Metavetenskapliga notiser om forskning inom ämnet administrativ databehandling. WPIPCS 1984:3. In: Systemutveckling — av vem, för vem och hur? Arbetarskyddsfonden, Stockholm 1984. - : A way of viewing computer applications. WPIPCS-2.84. 1984:2. In: Report of the seventh Scandinavian research seminar on systemeering del II. Helsingfors 1984. - : se BERGLUND, Sören FRIDLUND, Torgny & OTTOSSON, Peter: Normativa metoder och modeller för systemarbete. En studie av modellerna ACM/PCM, DADES, EDM, ISAC och SADT. UMADB 1982:101. GRANLUND, Jan: Dator- och robotbaserad tillverkningsteknik — en fallstudie. UMADB 1982:73. - : se BERGMAN, Bo HASSELGÄRDE, Lars: Sysselsättningseffekter av ny teknik — en fallstudie. UMADB 1982:77. IVANOV, Kristo: Systemutveckling och ADB-ämnets utveckling. In: Systemutveckling — av vem, för vem och hur? Arbetarskyddsfonden. Stockholm 1984. JANLERT, Lars-Erik: Datorsystemet som person. UMADB 1983:114. - : se BERGLUND, Sören KAGSTRÖM, Bo: The generalized singular value décomposition and the general (A- AB)- problem. BIT 24(1984) (även UMINF 1983:115). - : On computing the Kronecker canonical form of regulär A- B-pencils. In: Matrix pencils. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1983:973 (även som UMINF 1982:100). - : RGSVD — an algorithm for computing the Kronecker structure and reducing subspaces of singular matrix pencils. UMINF 1983:112. - & ERICSSON, Thomas: Mathematica! modelling in liquid chromatography. Institu­ tionen för informationsbehandling. Working paper. Umeå Universitet. 1984. KÅGSTRÖM, Bo & RUHE, Axel (eds.): Matrix pencils. Proceedings Pite havsbad. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1983:973. KÅGSTRÖM, Bo: se Demmel, James LINDSTRÖM, Per: Algorithms for nonlinear least squares - particulary problems with constraints. UMINF 1983:106 (innehåller UMINF 1982:80. UMINF 1982:102. UMINF 1983:103). - : A general purpose algorithm for nonlinear least squares problems with nonlinear constraints. UMINF 1983:103). - : A stabilized Gauss-Newton algorithm for unconstrained linear least squares problems. UMINF 1982:102. - : User guide for the constrained nonlinear least squares solver ENSLIP. UMINF 1983:110.

106 - : User guide for the unconstrained nonlinear least squares solver ELSUNC. UMINF 1983:109. - & WEDIN, Per-Åke: A new line-search algorithm for nonlinear least squares problems. Mathematical Programming 29(1984). van LOAN, Charles: A generalized SVD analysis of some weighting methods for equality constrained least squares. UMINF 1982:98. NILSSON, Kenneth: Behov av datorutrustning för utbildning i informationsbehandling särskilt administrativ databehandling i ett 3-årsperspektiv (jämte ett scenario samman­ ställt av Erik Bergqvist). WPIPCS 1984:4. - : Några problemställningar kring datamodellering och interaktiva databastillämp­ ningar. WPIPCS 1984:1. NORDSTRÖM, Torbjörn & PETTERSSON, Mats: Normativa metoder och modeller för systemarbete. En studie av modellerna CIAM, ISAC, Life Historiés, Remova, Sass. UMADB 1982:104. NORDSTRÖM, Torbjörn: se BERGLUND, Sören OLERUP, Agneta: Prescriptive méthodologies and models for information system development. UMADB 1982:105. OTTOSSON, Peter: Stress och användarvänlighet - några nya begrepp som kan beskriva olika former av irritation i samband med användning av datasystem. WPIPCS 1984:6. - : se FRIDLUND, Torgny RUHE, Axel: Mathematical software for linear algebra computations. UMINF 1982:95. - : Rational Krylov sequence methods for eigenvalue computation. UMINF 1982:97. - & ERICSSON, Thomas: STLM — a software package for the spectral transformation Lanczos algorithm. UMINF 1982:101. RUHE, Axel: se KÅGSTRÖM, Bo WEDIN, Per-Åke: On angles between subspaces of a finite dimensionai inner product space. In: Kågström, B & Ruhe, A (eds.) Matrix pencils. Proceedings. Pite havsbad 1982. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1983:973. - : On steplength algorithms and convergence criteria. UMINF 1984:120. - : On the global convergence of some unconstrained optimization methods. UMINF 1983:111. - : se LINDSTRÖM, Per WESTMAN, Eva: se BERGQVIST, Erik


ANALYTISK KEMI BERGMAN, Maud: se LUNDMARK, Lars I BERGMARK, Björn: se LUNDBERG, Erik CEDERGREN, Anders, FRECH, Wolfgang & LUNDBERG, Erik: Estimation of oxygen pressure in graphite furnaces for atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 56(1984):8 pp 1382-1387. CEDERGREN, Anders: se FRECH, Wolfgang; se LINDGREN, Mats; se NORDIN­ ANDERSSON, Ingrid; se Slanina, Premysl; se SUNDÉN, Thomas

107 FRECH, Wolfgang, CEDERGREN, Anders, Cederberg, Christer & Vessman, Jörgen: Evaluation of some criticai factors affecting détermination of aluminium in blood, plasma or serum by electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy. Clinical Chemistry 28(1982): 11 pp 2259-2263. FRECH, Wolfgang, CEDERGREN, Anders & LUNDBERG, Erik: Vapour phase inter­ férence effects in electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Analytik­ treffen in Neubrandenburg 1982. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig. Reihe Naturwissenschaften 1983 pp 102-110. - & Siemer, Darryl: Electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy — present under- standing and future needs. Spectrochimica Acta 38B(1983): 11/12 pp 1435-1446. FRECH, Wolfgang & JONSSON, Svante: A new furnace design for constant temperature electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta 37B(1982):12 pp 1021-1028. FRECH, Wolfgang, LUNDBERG, Erik & CEDERGREN, Anders: Chemische Reaktio­ nen im Graphitrohrofen und deren analytische Bedeutung bei der Atomabsorptions- spektrometrie. In: Fortschritte in der atomspektrometrischen Spurenanalytik. Band 1, pp 49-72. Red. Welz, B. Weinheim 1984. FRECH, Wolfgang, ZHOU, Nan-gen & LUNDBERG, Erik: A criticai study of some methods used to investigate atom formation processes in GFAAS. Spectrochimica Acta 37B(1982):8 pp 691-702. FRECH, Wolfgang: se CEDERGREN, Anders; se LUNDBERG, Erik; se Siemer, Darryl O; se Slanina, Premysl; se ZHOU, Nan-gen IRGUM, Knut: Instrument for relative humidity measurement. Analytical Chemistry 55(1983):7 pp 1186-1187. - : se PERSSON, Jan-Åke JOHANSSON, Berit & LUNDMARK, Lars: Direct and indirect registration of currents between dental metallic restorations in the oral cavity. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984) pp 476-479. JOHANSSON, Berit: se LUNDMARK, Lars JONSSON, Svante: se FRECH, Wolfgang LINDBERG, Anders O: A detector system for oxalic acid based on the détermination of carbon dioxide as methane after dégradation of Oxalate with glass-bound Oxalate decarboxylase. Analytica Chimica Acta 152(1983) pp 113-122. - : Development of detector systems for trace carbon dioxide with applications to enzymatic Oxalate and urea déterminations. Diss. Umeå Universitet, 1983. 90 s. ISBN 91-7174-126-7. - : Enzymatic détermination of Oxalate in urine by headspace sampling of carbon dioxide and flame ionization detection. Analytica Chimica Acta 152(1983) pp 123-131. LINDBERG, Ingela: se LUNDBERG, Erik LINDBERG, Walter, PERSSON, Jan-Åke & WOLD, Svante: Partial least-squares method for spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of humic acid and ligninsulfonate. Analytical Chemistry 55(1983):4 pp 643-648. LINDBERG, Walter: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael LINDGREN, Mats, CEDERGREN, Anders & Lindberg, Jan: Conditions for sulfite stabilization and détermination by ion chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta 141(1982) pp 279-286. LINDGREN, Mats: se SUNDÉN, Thomas LUNDBERG, Erik, BERGMARK, Björn & FRECH, Wolfgang: Investigations of reactions involved in electrothermal atomic absorption procédures. Part 11. A theore- tical and experimental investigation of factors influencing the détermination of tin. Analytica Chimica Acta 142(1982) pp 129-142.

108 LUNDBERG, Erik, FRECH, Wolfgang & LINDBERG, Ingela: Determination of lead in biological materials by constant-temperature electrothermal atomic absorption spectro- metry. Analytica Chimica Acta 160(1984) pp 205-215. LUNDBERG, Erik: se CEDERGREN, Anders; se FRECH, Wolfgang; se Siemer, Darryl D; se ZHOU, Nan-gen LUNDMARK, Lars, JOHANSSON, Berit, STENMAN, Evert & BERGMAN, Maud: Convenient instrument for oral galvanism measurements. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 468-471. LUNDMARK, Lars: se JOHANSSON, Berit NORDIN-ANDERSSON, Ingrid, ÅSTRÖM, Ove & CEDERGREN, Anders: Determina­ tion of water by flow injection analysis with the Karl Fischer reagent. Minimization of effects caused by différences in physical properties of the samples. Analytica Chimica Acta 162(1984) pp 9-18. PERSSON, Jan-Åke & IRGUM, Knut: Determination of dimethylarsinic acid in seawater in the sub-ppb range by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after precon- centration on an ion-exchange column. Analytica Chimica Acta 138(1982) pp 111-119. PERSSON, Jan-Åke: se LINDBERG, Walter; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael PETERSSON, Marianne: A ferrocene-modified platinum electrode as a Potentiometrie sensor for L-ascorbic acid. Analytica Chimica Acta 147(1983) pp 359-363. RAPPE, Christoffer & SAMUELSSON, Robert: Voltammetry and polarography. Environmental carcinogens, selected methods of analysis. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1983. IARC Scientific Publications 1983:45, Ch. 5 pp 463-467. SAMUELSSON, Robert: The use of Polarographie techniques for the détermination of n-nitrosamines. Diss. Umeå universitet, 1983. 76 s. ISBN 91-7174-143-7. - & SUNDSTRÖM, Olov: Pulse Polarographie behaviour of n-nitrosamines in mixtures of water with methanol and acetonitrile. Ånalytica Chimica Acta 138(1982) pp 375-380. SAMUELSSON, Robert: se RAPPE, Christoffer SHARP, Michael: Determination of the charge-transfer kinetics of ferrocene at platinum and vitreous carbon electrodes by potential step chronocoulometry. Electrochimica Acta 28(1983):3 pp 301-308. Siemer, Darryl D & FRECH, Wolfgang: Improving the performance of the CRA atomizer by reducing the rate of diffusional atom loss and delaying analyte volatilization. Spectrochimica Acta 39B(1984):2/3 pp 261-269. Siemer, Darryl D, LUNDBERG, Erik & FRECH, Wolfgang: Gas phase temperatures in Massmann furnaces equipped with L'vov platforms. Applied Spectroscopy 38(1984):3 pp 389-391. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, WOLD, Svante, LINDBERG, Walter, PERSSON, Jan-Åke & Martens, Harald: A multivariate calibration problem in analytical chemistry solved by partial least-squares models in latent variables. Analytica Chimica Acta 150(1983) pp 61-70. Slanina, Premysl, Falkeborn, Ylva, FRECH, Wolfgang & CEDERGREN, Anders: Aluminium concentrations in the brain and bone of rats fed citric acid, aluminium citrate or aluminium hydroxide. Food and Chemical Toxicology 22(1984):5 pp 391-397. STENMAN, E: se LUNDMARK, Lars SUNDÉN, Thomas, CEDERGREN, Anders & Siemer, Darryl D: Carbon dioxide permeable tubing for postsuppression in ion chromatography. Analytical Chemistry 56(1984):7 pp 1085-1089. SUNDÉN, Thomas, LINDGREN, Mats, CEDERGREN, Anders & Siemer, Darryl D: Separation of sulfite, sulfate, and thiosulfate by ion chromatography with gradient elution. Analytical Chemistry 55(1983): 1 pp 2-4.

109 SUNDSTRÖM, Olov: se SAMUELSSON, Robert WOLD, Svante: se LINDBERG; Walter; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael ZHOU, Nan-gen, FRECH, Wolfgang & de Galan, Leo: On the relationship between heating rate and peak height in electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy. Spectro- chimica Acta 39B(1984):2/3 pp 225-235. ZHOU, Nan-gen, FRECH, Wolfgang & LUNDBERG, Erik: Rapid détermination of lead, bismuth, antimony and silver in steels by flame atomic absorption spectrometry combined with flow injection analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta 153(1983) pp 23-31. ZHOU, Nan-gen: se FRECH, Wolfgang ÅSTRÖM, Ove: Flow injection analysis for the détermination of bismuth by atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation. Analytical Chemistry 54(1982):2 pp 190-193. - : New approaches to analytical methods for bismuth, water, acids and bases using flow injection analysis. Diss. Umeå universitet, 1983. 68 s. ISBN 91-7174-127-5. ÅSTRÖM, Ove: se NORDIN-ANDERSSON, Ingrid

BIOKEMI BACKMAN, Lars: Protein-protein interactions studies by counter-current distribution. III. Simulation of self-associating systems. Journal of Chromatography 237(1982) pp 185-198. - & SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P: Simplex optimization in biochemistry: application of the method in two-phase partition. Analytical Biochemistry 138(1984) pp 372-379. BACKMAN, Lars: se BERGLUND, Åsa; se Pinaev, George; se STRÖMQVIST, Mats; se WESTRIN, Hjalmar BERGLUND, Åsa, BACKMAN, Lars& SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P: Calmodulin binding to human spectrin. FEBS Letters 172(1984) pp 109-113. BERGMAN, Anders: Spinach leaf mitochondria and the photorespiratory nitrogen cycle. Diss. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7174-123-2. - & ERICSON, Ingemar: Effects of pH, NADH, succinate and malate on oxidation of glycine in spinach leaf mitochondria. Physiologia Plantarum 59(1983) pp 421-427. BERGMAN, Anders: se ERICSON, Ingemar; se GARDESTRÖM, Per BOQUIST, Lennart & ERICSON, Ingemar: Inhibition by alloxan of mitochondrial aconitase and other enzymes associated with the citric acid cycle. FEBS Letters 178(1984) pp 245-248. BRENTEL, Ingvar: se RILFORS, Leif BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn: se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar CARSTENSEN, Hans: se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar EDMAN, Kjell & ERICSON, Ingemar: Polar lipids in spinach leaf mitochondria. In: Advances in photosynthesis research. Vol III pp III.2.167-111.2.170. Ed. Sybesma, C. Haag 1984. ISBN 90-247-2944-0. EDMAN, Kjell-Aron: se GARDESTRÖM, Per ENGBERG, Paul & LINDSKOG, Sven: Effects of pH and inhibitors on the absorption spectrum of cobalt(II)-substituted carbonic anhydrase III from bovine skeletal muscle. FEBS Letters 170(1984) pp 326-330. ENGBERG, Paul: se LINDSKOG, Sven ERICSON, Ingemar, GARDESTRÖM, Per & BERGMAN, Anders: Isolation of leaf mitochondria and their rôle in photorespiration. In: The physiology and biochemistry of plant respiration, pp 171-175. Ed. Palmer, J M. Cambridge 1984.

110 ERICSSON, Ingemar, SAHLSTRÖM, Stefan, BERGMAN, Anders & GARDESTRÖM, Per: The glycine decarboxylating system in spinach leaf mitochondria. In: Advances in photosynthesis research. Vol III, pp III.9.887-III.9.890. Ed. Sybesma, C. Haag 1984. ISBN 90-247-2944-0. ERICSON, Ingemar: se BERGMAN, Anders; se BOQUIST, Lennart; se EDMAN, Kjell; se GARDESTRÖM, Per; se SAHLSTRÖM, Stefan FORSMAN, Cecilia, JONSSON, Bengt-Harald & LINDSKOG, Sven: Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of histidines in horse carbonic anhydrase I. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 748(1983) pp 300-307. FORSMAN, Cecilia: se LINDSKOG, Sven; se TIBELL, Lena FRIEDRICH, Bengt: se RUUTH, Erik GARDESTRÖM, Per, BERGMAN, Anders, SAHLSTRÖM, Stefan, EDMAN, Kjell- Aron & ERICSON, Ingemar: A comparison of the membrane composition of mito­ chondria isolated from spinach leaves and leaf petioles. Plant Science Letters 31(1983) pp 173-180. GARDESTRÖM, Per & Edwards, Gerald E: The régulation of electron flow between cytochrome oxidase and the alternative oxidase in mitochondria from Panicum milia- ceum, an NAD-malic enzyme type C4 plant. In: Advances in photosynthesis research. Vol III, pp III. 7.641-III.7.644. Ed. Sybesma, C. Haag 1984. ISBN 90-247-2944-0. GARDESTRÖM, Per: se ERICSON, Ingemar Gineitis, Arùnas A, Suciliene, Sigita P & SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P: Dissociation and isolation of chromatin proteins in salt solution by an aqueous two-phase system. Analytical Biochemistry 139(1984) pp 400-403. Johansson, Göte & SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P: Affinity partitioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems containing polymer-bound fatty acids. I. Effect of Poly­ ethylene glycol palmitate on the partition of human serum albumin and a-lactalbumin. Journal of Chromatography 284(1984) pp 63-72. JONSSON, Bengt-Harald: se FORSMAN, Cecilia; se LINDSKOG, Sven; se Simonsson, Ingvar JONSSON, Ingemar: Acid phosphatase from needles of Pinus silvestris L. Purification and characterization of two interconvertible enzyme forms and a low-molecular weight factor associated with the enzyme. Diss. Umeå 1982. ISBN 91-7174-098-8. LINDBLOM, Göran: se RILFORS, Leif LINDSKOG, Sven: Carbonic anhydrase. In: Advances in inorganic biochemistry. Vol 4, pp 115-170. Eds. Eichhorn, G L & Marzilli, L G. Amsterdam 1982. - : Carbonic anhydrase. In: Zinc enzymes, pp 77-121. Ed. Spiro, T G. New York 1983. - : The catalytic mechanism of carbonic anhydrase. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79(1983) p 36. - : The kinetic mechanisms of human carbonic anhydrases I and II: A computer approach. Journal of Molecular Catalysis 23(1984) pp 357-368. - , ENGBERG, Paul, FORSMAN, Cecilia, Ibrahim, Sirag A, JONSSON, Bengt-Harald, Simonsson, Ingvar & TIBELL, Lena: Kinetics and mechanism of carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 429(1984) pp 61-75. LINDSKOG, Sven, Ibrahim, Sirag A, JONSSON, Bengt-Harald & Simonsson, Ingvar: Carbonic anhydrase: structure, kinetics, and mechanism. In: The coordination chemistry of metalloenzymes, pp 49-64. Eds. Bertini, I, Drago, R S & Luchinat, C. Dordrecht 1983. LINDSKOG, Sven: se ENGBERG, Paul; se FORSMAN, Cecilia; se SAHLMAN, Lena; se Simonsson, Ingvar; se TIBELL, Lena LUNDGREN, Erik: se RUUTH, Erik

111 PERSSON, Håkan: se RUUTH, Erik Pinaev, George, Tartakovsky, A, SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P, Johansson, Göte & BACKMAN, Lars: Hydrophobie surface properties of myosin in solution as studied by partition in aqueous two-phase systems: effects of ionie strength, pH and temperature. Molecular and Cellulär Biochemistry 48(1982) pp 65-69. RILFORS, Leif, Kahn, Ali, BRENTEL, Ingvar, WIESLANDER, Åke & LINDBLOM, Göran: Cubie liquid crystalline phase wiln phosphatidyl-ethanolamine from Bacillus megaterium containing branched acyl chains. FEBS Letters 149(1982) pp 293-298. RILFORS, Leif, LINDBLOM, Göran, WIESLANDER, Åke & Christiansson, Anders: Lipid bilayer stability in biological membranes. In: Membrane fluidity, pp 205-245. Eds. Kates, M & Manson, L A. New York 1984. RUUTH, Erik, WIESLANDER, Åke, PERSSON, Håkan, FRIEDRICH, Bengt & LUNDGREN, Erik: Lymphokine-like activity of a strain of Mycoplasma arginini. Israel Journal of Medicai Science 20(1984) pp 886-890. SAHLMAN, Lena & LINDSKOG, Sven: A stopped-flow study of the reaction between mercurie reduetase and NADPH. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communi­ cations 117(1983) pp 231-237. SAHLMAN, Lena, Lambeir, Anne-Marie, LINDSKOG, Sven & Dunford, Brian: The reaction between NADPH and mercurie reduetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Biological Chemistry 259(1984) pp 12403-12408. - : The reaction between NADPH and mercurie reduetase. In: Flavins and flavoproteins, pp 509-512. Eds. Bray, R C, Engel, P C & Mayhew, S G. Berlin 1984. SAHLSTRÖM, Stefan & ERICSON, Ingemar: Comparative electrophoretic studies of Polypeptides in leaf, petiole and root mitochondria from spinach. Physiologia Plan­ tarum 61(1984) pp 45-50. SAHLSTRÖM, Stefan: se ERICSSON, Ingemar; se GARDESTRÖM, Per SHANBHAG, Vithaidas: se BACKMAN, Lars; se BERGLUND, Åsa; se Gineitis, Arùnas A; se JOHANSSON, Göte; se Pinaev, George; se STRÖMQVIST, Mats; se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar; se WESTRIN, Hjalmar Simonsson, Ingvar, JONSSON, Bengt-Harald & LINDSKOG, Sven: Phenol, a compe- tetive inhibitor of CO2 hydration catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 108(1982) pp 1406-1412. - : A nuclear magnetic resonance study of CO2/HCO3 exchange catalyzed by human carbonic anhydrase I. European Journal of Biochemistry 129(1982) pp 165-169. Simonsson, Ingemar & LINDSKOG, Sven: The interaction of sulfate with carbonic anhydrase. European Journal of Biochemistry 123(1982) pp 29-36. Steinick, Lars-Erik & WIESLANDER, Åke: Effects of acyl chain composition on production of mycoplasmavirus MV-L2 by Acholeplasma laidlawii. Israel Journal of Medicai Sciences 20(1984) pp 788-792. STRÖMQVIST, Mats, BACKMAN, Lars & SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P: The rate of polymerization of rabbit skeletal muscle actin is enhanced by Polyethylene glycol. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 5(1984) pp 443-455. SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, SHANBHAG, Vithaidas & CARS- TENSEN, Hans: Calculation of free and bound fractions of testosterone and estra- diol-17/? to human proteins at body temperature. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 16(1982) pp 801-810. TIBELL, Lena: Studies of native and Cd(II)-substituted carbonic anhydrases with special reference to their interaction with inhibitors. Diss. Umeå 1984. ISBN. 91-7174-170-4. - , FORSMAN, Cecilia, Simonsson, Ingvar & LINDSKOG, Sven: Anion inhibition of CO2 hydration catalyzed by human carbonic anhydrase II. Mechanistic implications. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 789(1984) pp 302-310.

112 - : Inhibition of human carbonio anhydrase II by anions and some "neutral" Compounds. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79(1983) pp 122-123. TIBELL, Lena & LINDSKOG, Sven: Catalytic properties and inhibition of Cd^ +-car­ bonio anhydrases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 788(1984) pp 110-116. TIBELL, Lena: se LINDSKOG, Sven WESTRIN, Hjalmar & BACKMAN, Lars: Association of rabbit muscle glycolytic enzymes with filamentous actin. A counter-current distribution study at high ionie strength. European Journal of Biochemistry 136(1983) pp 407-411. WESTRIN, Hjalmar, SHANBHAG, Vithaidas P & Albertsson, Per-Åke: Isoelectric points of membrane surfaces of three spinach chloroplast classes determined by cross- partition. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 732(1983) pp 83-91. WIESLANDER, Åke: se RILFORS, Leif; se RUUTH, Erik; se Steinick, Lars-Erik

FYSIKALISK KEMI BERGSTRÖM, Hans: se SUNDSTRÖM, Villy BRENTEL, Ingvar: se RILFORS; Leif; se SELSTAM, Eva Davidsson, Åke & JOHANSSON, Lennart B-Å: Electrochromism in viscous systems. Exited-state properties of all-trans-retinal. Journal of Physical Chemistry 88(1984) pp 1094-1098. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof, Arvidson, Gösta & LINDBLOM, Göran: NMR studies of sodium cholate-lecithin mixed micelles. Israel Journal of Chemistry 23(1983) pp 353-355. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof, JOHANSSON, Lennart B-Å & LINDBLOM, Göran: NMR and polarized emission studies of cubic phases and model membranes. Surfactants in Solution 1(1984) pp 219-236. Eds. Mittal, K L & Lindman, B. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof, Kahn, Ali & LINDBLOM, Göran: Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of molecular motion and structure of cubic liquid crystalline phases. Journal of Physical Chemistry 86(1982) pp 387-393. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof: se LINDBLOM, Göran GILLBRO, Tomas, SANDSTRÖM, Åke, SUNDSTRÖM, Villy & Holzwarth, Alfred R: Polarized absorption picosecond kinetics as a probe of energy transfer in phycobili- somes of Synechococcus 6301. FEBS Letters 162(1983) pp 64-68. GILLBRO, Tomas & SUNDSTRÖM, Villy: P-Br and its role in the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. (Picosecond Phenomena III). Springer Series in Chemical Physics 23(1982) pp 315-318. ISBN 3-540-11912-4 & ISBN 0-387-11912-4. - : Picosecond kinetics and a model for the primary events of bacteriorhodopsin. Photochemistry and Photobiology 37(1983) pp 445-455. GILLBRO, Tomas: se Holzwarth, Alfred R; se SUNDSTRÖM, Villy Gutman, Hélèn, Arvidson, Gösta, Fontell, Krister & LINDBLOM, Göran: 31p and ^H NMR studies of phase equilibria in the three component system: Monoolein-dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. Surfactants in Solution 1(1984) pp 143-152. Eds. Mittal, K L & Lindman, B. Holzwarth, Alfred^ R, Wendler, Joachim, Schaffner, Kurt, SUNDSTRÖM, Villy, SANDSTRÖM, Åke & GILLBRO, Tomas: Picosecond kinetics of excited state relaxation in biliverdin dimethyl ester. Israel Journal of Chemistry 23(1983) pp 223-231. JOHANSSON, Lennart B-Å & LINDBLOM, Göran: Application of time-resolved luminiscence in the study of lipid aggregate symmetry. I. Theoretical discussion. Journal of Chemical Physics 78(1983) pp 1519-1522.

113 JOHANSSON, Lennart B-Å: se Davidsson, Åke; se ERIKSSON, Per-Olof; se WIES- LANDER, Åke; se ULENIUS, Jan Khan, Ali, Fontell, Krister & LINDBLOM, Göran: Phase equilibria of the system hexade- cyltrimethylammonium fluoride-water studied by ^H, ^N and nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Physical Chemistry 86(1982) pp 383-386. - & Lindman, Björn: Liquid crystallinity in a calcium Surfactant system: Phase equilibria and phase structures in the system calcium octyl sulfate/decan-l-ol/water. Journal of Physical Chemistry 86(1982) pp 4266-4271. Larsson, Kåre & LINDBLOM, Göran: Molecular amphiphile bilayers forming a cubic phase in amphiphile-water systems. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 3(1982): 1 pp 61-66. LINDBLOM, Göran, ERIKSSON, Per-Olof & Arvidson, Gösta: Molecular Organization in phases of lecithin-cholate-water as studied by nuclear magnetic resonance. Hepato- logy 4(1984):5 pp 129-133. LINDBLOM, Göran: se ERIKSSON, Per-Olof; se Gutman, Hélèn; se JOHANSSON, Lennart; se Khan, Ali; se Larsson, Kåre; se RILFORS, Leif; se SELSTAM, Eva; se Stilbs, Peter; se Söderman, Olle; se Ulmius, Jan; se WIESLANDER, Åke LINDBÄCK, Ture: Aggregation and mobility of electrolytes in solvents of low and intermediate permittivity. Diss. Umeå 1984. RILFORS, Leif: Cellmembraners struktur och lipidsammansättning. Biologen 49(1983): 2/3 pp 72-77. - , Khan, Ali, BRENTEL, Ingvar, WIESLANDER, Åke & LINDBLOM, Göran: Cubic liquid crystalline phase with phosphatidyl-ethanolamine from Bacillus megaterium containing branched acyl chains. FEBS Letters 149(1982):2 pp 293-298. RILFORS, Leif, LINDBLOM, Göran, WIESLANDER, Åke & Christiansson, Anders: Lipid bilayer stability in biological membranes. Biomembranes 12(1984). Membrane fluidity, Chap 6, pp 205-246. Eds. Kates, Morris & Manson, Lionel. ISBN 0-306- 41548-8. RILFORS, Leif: se WIESLANDER, Åke SANDSTRÖM, Åke: se GILLBRO, Tomas; se Holzwarth, Alfred R SELSTAM, Eva, BRENTEL, Ingvar & LINDBLOM, Göran: Cubic and reversed hexagonal phases of plant galactolipids. In: Structure, function and metabolism of plant lipids, pp 417-419. Eds. Siegenthaler, P-A & Eichenberger, W. Amsterdam 1984. ISBN 0-444-80626-1. - & Ryberg, Margareta: The importance of monogalactosyldiglyceride for the structure of the prolamellar body. In: Biochemistry and metabolism of plant lipids, pp 389-392. Eds. Wintermans, J F G M & Kuiper, P J C. ISBN 0-306-41548-8. Stilbs, Peter, Arvidson, Gösta & LINDBLOM, Göran: Vesicle membrane-water partition coefficients determined from fourier transform pulsed gradient spin-echo NMR based self-diffusion data. Application to anesthetic binding in tetracaine-phosphatidylcholine- water systems. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 35(1984) pp 309-314. SUNDSTRÖM, Villy & GILLBRO, Tomas: A discussion of the problem of determining multiple lifetimes from picosecond absorption recovery data as encountered in two carbocyanine dyes. Applied Physics B31(1983) pp 235-247. - : Dynamics of the isomerization of trans-stilbene in n-alcohols studied by ultraviolet picosecond absorption recovery. Chemical Physics Letters 109(1984):6 pp 538-543. - : Dynamics of the radiationless relaxations in triphenylmethane molecules and the influence of solven-solute interactions. In: Applications of picosecond spectroscopy to chemistry, pp 79-98. Ed. Eisenthal, K B. Dordrecht 1984. ISBN 90-277-1788-5. - : Effects of solvent on TPM photophysics. Transition from no barrier to barrier case, induced by solvent properties. Journal of Chemical Physics 81(1984) pp 3463-3474. - : Picosecond dynamics of large-amplitude motions of triphenylmethane molecules in alcohol solution. Chemical Physics Letters 110(1984) pp 303-307.

114 - : Picosecond kinetics of radiationless relaxations of triphenyl methane dyes in solution. Eds. Korppi-Tommola, J & Laitinen, R. University of Helsinki Report Series in Physics. Hu-P-222(1983) pp 41-44. ISBN 951-45-2992-X. ISSN 0355-5801. - : Transient absorption spectra of pinacyanol and cyanine photoisomers obtained with a sync-pumped picosecond dye laser and independently tunable probe light. Chemical Physics Letters 94(1983) pp 580-584. - : Viscosity-dependent isomerization yields of some cyanine dyes. A picosecond laser spectroscopy study. Journal of Physical Chemistry 86(1982) pp 1788-1794. - & BERGSTRÖM, Hans: Evidence for the existence of a short-lived twisted electronic state in triphenylmethane dyes. (Picosecond Phenomena III). Eds. Eisenthal, K B, Hochstrasser, R M, Kaiser, W & Laubereau, A. Berlin 1982. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 23(1982) pp 242-245. ISBN 3-540-11912-4. 0-387-11912-4. - : Picosecond kinetics of radiationless relaxations of triphenyl methane dyes. Evidence for a rapid excited-state equilibrium between states of differing geometry. Chemical Physics 73(1982) pp 439-458. SUNDSTRÖM, Villy: se GILLBRO, Tomas; se Holzwarth, Alfred R Söderman, Olle, Arvidson, Gösta, LINDBLOM, Göran & Fontell, Krister: The inter­ actions between monovalent ions and phosphatidyl cholines in aqueous bilayers. European Journal of Biochemistry 134(1983) pp 309-314. Ulmius, Jan, LINDBLOM, Göran, Wennerström, Håkan, JOHANSSON, Lennart B-Å, Fontell, Krister, Söderman Olle & Arvidson, Gösta: Molecular Organization in the liquid-crystalline phases of lecithinsodium cholate-water systems studied by nuclear magnetic resonance. Biochemistry 21(1982) pp 1553-1560. WIESLANDER, Åke, Christiansson, Anders, RILFORS, Leif, Khan, Ali, JOHANS­ SON, Lennart B-Å & LINDBLOM, Göran: Lipid phase structure in the régulation of lipid composition in Acholeplasma laidlawii membranes. Reviews of Infectious Diseases 4(1982) pp 43-49. WIESLANDER, Åke: se RILFORS, Leif WIKANDER, Göran: Inhibition, antiinhibition and enhancement of positronium for­ mation in some différent hydrocarbon-solute mixtures. Chemical Physics 66(1982) pp 227-235. - : Peculiar variations in the o-Ps yield as a resuit of using perfluorinated hydrocarbons as additives in nonpolar solvents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 20(1982) pp 301-308. - : Perfluorinated hydrocarbons used as Ps inhibitors in non-polar solvents. In: Positron annihilation, pp 830-832. Eds. Coleman, P G, Sharma, S C & Diana, L M. New York. 1982. ISBN 0-444-86534-9. - & Mogensen, Ole E: On the interaction between spur-electrons and multichlorinated benzenes in solvents with low electron mobility. Decrease of inhibitor efficiency due to delayed dehalogenation times. In: Proceedings of the fifth Symposium on radiation chemistry, pp 153-157. Budapest 1982. - : A study of picosecond dehalogenation of chlorabenzene anions in liquids by positro­ nium inhibition measurements. Chemical Physics 72(1982) pp 407-423. - : Why do halogenated hydrocarbons influence the Ps yield in non-polar liquids? The intermediate cases! In: Positron annihilation, pp 833-835. Eds. Coleman, P G, Sharma, S C & Diana, L M. New York 1982. ISBN 0-444-86534-9. - & Pedersen, Niels J: Inhibition of Ps formation in benzene and cyclohexane by CHJCI and CHiBr. Corrélation to radiation chemistry results. Chemical Physics 77(1983) pp 159-168. - : Temperature dependence of the inhibition of positronium by chlorinesubstitued hydrocarbons in non-polar liquids. Chemical Physics 87(1984) pp 149-161. WIKANDER, Göran, Pedersen, Niels J & Mogensen, Ole E: Positive-ion scavenging in the positron spur. Ortho-Ps yields in cyclopropane and ammonia solutions of cyclohexane and trans-decalin. Chemical Physics 86(1984) pp 213-225.

115 OORGANISK KEMI ANDERSSON, Ingegärd: se PETTERSSON, Lage BERGMAN, Maud, GINSTRUP, Olle & NILSSON, Bo: Potentials of and currents between dental metallic restorations. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 404-408.

BJÖRKMAN, Bo: A solid state EMF study of the system CaO-Ca5Fe2Ö5-FetO-Fe. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 13(1984) pp 193-200. - & ERIKSSON, Gunnar: Quantitative equilibrium calculations on conventional copper smelting and Converting. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 21(1982) pp 329-337. - & ROSÉN, Erik: A generalized approach to the Flood-Knapp structure based model for binary liquid silicates; Application and update for the PbÖ-Si02system. Metallurgical Transactions B 15(1984) pp 511-516. BJÖRKMAN, Bo & FREDRIKSSON, Margit: Determination of the stability of Cu2S in the temperature range 1000 K — 1450 K by solid su.ie EMF measurements. Scandi­ navian Journal of Metallurgy 11(1982) pp 281-286. ERIKSSON, Gunnar & FREDRIKSSON, Margit: A solid state EMF study of the pyrrhotite-magnetite equilibrium in the temperature interval 850 to 1275 K. Metallur­ gical Transactions B 14(1983) pp 459-464. ERIKSSON, Gunnar & Hack, Klaus: Calculation of phase eauilibria in multicomponent alloy systems using a specially adapted version of the program 'SOLGASMIX'. CALPHAD 8(1984) pp 15-24. ERIKSSON, Gunnar: se BJÖRKMAN, Bo; se Johansson, Thomas; se Saxena, Surendra; se Wahnsiedler, W E FORSLING, Willis: se GRANBERG, Inger FREDRIKSSON, Margit & ROSÉN, Erik: Thermodynamic studies of high temperature equilibria 27. Solid state EMF measurements in the system CO3O4-C0SO4-SO2. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 12(1983) pp 129-132. - : Thermodynamic studies of high temperature equilibria. 28. Solid state EMF studies of the sulfide-oxide equilibrium in the system Sn-S-O. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 13(1984) pp 95-97. FREDRIKSSON, Margit: se BJÖRKMAN, Bo; se ERIKSSON, Gunnar GINSTRUP, Olle: se BERGMAN, Maud GRANBERG, Inger, FORSLING, Willis & SJÖBERG, Staffan: Metal complexes with mixed ligands. 25. Complex formation in the Ag(I)-Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane- OH" system in 3.0 M (Na)C104 medium. Acta Chemica Scandinavica A 36(1982) pp 819-824. GRANBERG, Inger & SJÖBERG, Staffan: Metal complexes with mixed ligands. 26. Complex formation between cadmium(II) imidazoles and chloride ions. A Potentio­ metrie and solubility study in mixed 3.0 M (Na)C104, Cl media. Acta Chemica Scan­ dinavica A 37(1983) pp 415-422. HEDMAN, Britt: se Herbertsson, Harald; se PETTERSSON, Lage; se STRANDBERG, Rolf Herbertsson, Harald & HEDMAN, Britt: The structure of ammonium hydrogen oxy- diacetate. Acta Crystallographica B 38(1982) pp 320-322. HILLBOM, Einar & LIDÉN, Jan: Anordning för att mata alkalinitet och pH hos i naturen förekommande vatten. Patent 8301670-9, 1984. - & PETTERSSON, Sture: Probe for in situ measurement of alkalinity and pH in natural waters. Analytical Chemistry 55(1983) pp 1180-1182. HOFSLAGARE, Olof, SAMUELSSON, Göran, SJÖBERG, Staffan & INGRI, Nils: A precise Potentiometrie method for détermination of algal activity in an open CO2 system. Plant, Cell and Environment 6(1983) pp 195-201.

116 HÄGGLUND, Yvonne: se SJÖBERG, Staffan INGRI, Nils: se HOFSLAGARE, Olof; se PETTERSSON, Lage; se SJÖBERG, Staffan; se ÖHMAN, Lars-Olof IVARSSON, Gun: Metal complexes with mixed ligands. 23. Structure of bis tris(hydroxy- methyl)aminomethane nickel(II) diperchlorate. Acta Crystallographica B 38(1982) pp 1828-1831. - : Metal complexes with mixed ligands. 24. The structure of bis(2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-l,3-propanediolato(l-)-0,N)copper(Il) -sodium Perchlo­ rate monohydrate, (Cu(C4HioN03)2)xNaC104xH2Ö. Acta Crystallographica C 40(1984) pp 67-69. Johansson, Thomas & ERIKSSON, Gunnar: Computer simulation of carbothermic silica réduction processes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 131(1984) pp 365-370. LIDÉN, Jan: Equilibrium approaches to naturai water systems. Part 1. Redox equilibria of Fe^ + and Mn^+ determined from pH-pe-pMe profiles of the anoxie hypolimnion of a former Bothnian Gulf inlet. Aquilo Ser. Zoologica 22(1983) pp 83-92. - : Equilibrium approaches to naturai water systems — Part 2. In situ détermination of the equilibria H2C03"= HC03~ + H + in the temperature range 4-18 C in a lake water of 1.6 mM ionie strength. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Hydrologie 44(1982) pp 393-404. - : Equilibrium approaches to natural water systems — Part 3. A study of equilibrium reactions of Fe^+ during its diffusional transport through the anoxie hypolimnion of an ice-covered lake. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 45(1983) pp 411-429. - & SJÖBERG, Staffan: Equilibrium approaches to natural water systems — Part 4. Determination of alkalinity of organic bases in an anoxic hypolimnetic lake water. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 46(1984) pp 51-63. - : On the role of equilibrium reactions in bore-hole waters in the Skellefte-field, northern Sweden. Nordic Hydrology 1983 pp 179-192. LIDÉN, Jan: se HILLBOM, Einar LYHAMN, Lennart: Multicomponent polyanions. 33. Single crystal Raman spectra of Na6Mo7024(H20)i4. Acta Chemica Scandinavica A 36(1982) pp 595-603. NILSSON, Bo: se BERGMAN, Maud NORDIN, Agneta: se SJÖBERG, Staffan PAULSSON, Hardy: Activities of CoO and eluster formation in (Co,Mn)0 solid solutions at 900 K — 1450 K by solid state EMF measurements. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 11(1982) pp 276-280. - : Activities of NiO in (Ni,Mg)0 solid solutions. Chemica Scripta 19(1982) pp 116-117. PEJRYD, Lars: Phase relations and stabilities in the system NÌ-M0O2-O in the temperature range 850-1500 K. High Temperatures — High Pressures 16(1984) pp 403-408. : Solid state EMF study of the equilibrium Ni(s) + TÌO2+ l/202(g) = NiTi03(s) in the temperature range 1020-1520 K. Acta Chemica Scandinavica A 38(1984) pp 241-246. & ROSÉN, Erik: Determination of the stability of CU3TÌO4 by solid-state emf measure­ ments. High Temperatures — High Pressures 14(1982) pp 599-606. PETTERSSON, Lage, HEDMAN, Britt, ANDERSSON, Ingegärd & INGRI, Nils: Multicomponent polyanions. 34. A Potentiometrie and ^ W NMR study of equilibria in the H + -HVO42- system in 0.6 M Na(Cl) medium covering the range 1< -lg H + <10. Chemica Scripta 22(1983) pp 254-264. PETTERSSON, Sture: se HILLBOM, Einar ROSÉN, Erik: Study of sulphide-sulphate equilibria occurring in recovery boilers. Canadian Pulp and Paper Association Transactions of the Technical Section 8(1982) pp 18-20. : se BJÖRKMAN, Bo; se FREDRIKSSON, Margit; se PEJRYD, Lars SAMUELSSON, Göran: se HOFSLAGARE, Olof

117 Saxena, Surendra & ERIKSSON, Gunnar: High temperature phase equilibria in a solar- composition gas. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 47(1983) pp 1865-1874. - : Low- to medium-temperature phase equilibria in a gas of solar composition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 65(1983) pp 7-16. - : Theoretical computation of minerai assemblages in pyrolite and lherzolite. Journal of Petrology 24(1983) pp 538-555. - : A thermochemical model of formation of the terrestrial planets. In: Use of modeling and simulation in energy research pp 57-72. Ed. von Schalien, R. Åbo Akademi 1984. SJÖBERG, Staffan: Chemical modelling of a deep water basin in the Gulf of Bothnia. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica 22(1983) pp 19-29. - , HÄGGLUND, Yvonne, NORDIN, Agneta & INGRI, Nils: Equilibrium and structural studies of silicon(IV) and aluminium(III) in aqueous solution. V. Acidity constants of silicic acid and the ionie produet of water in the medium range 0.05-2.0 M Na(Cl) at 25°C. Marine Chemistry 13(1983) pp 35-44. SJÖBERG, Staffan: se GRANBERG, Inger; se HOFSLAGARE, Olof; se LIDÉN, Jan; se ÖHMAN, Lars-Olof STRANDBERG, Rolf & HEDMAN, Britt: Multicomponent polyanions. 31. The struc­ ture of tetraguanidinium dodecamolybdogermanate, C(NH2)3 4Moj2Ge04o- Acta Crystallographica B 38(1982) pp 773-778. Wahnsiedler, W E, Stevenson, D T, Szekely J, ERIKSSON, Gunnar & Johansson, Thomas: Mathematica! modeling of countercurrent shaft reactors. In: Light metals, pp 405-431. Illth AIME annual meeting. Dallas, Texas 14-18 Feb. 1982. Ed. Andersen, J E. Warrendale, Pa. 1982. ÖHMAN, Lars-Olof, INGRI, Nils & Tegman, Ragnar: Corrosion of dense polycrystalline l-Al203in NaHC03-buffered water solution of pH 8.5 at 40°-100° C. American Ceramic Society Bulletin 61(1982) pp 567-571, 581. ÖHMAN, Lars-Olof & SJÖBERG, Staffan: Equilibrium and structural studies of silicon(IV) and aluminium(III) in aqueous solution. 4. A Potentiometrie study of polynuclear aluminium(III)-hydroxo complexes with gallie acid in hydrolyzed alumi- nium(III) solutions. Acta Chemica Scandinavica A 36(1982) pp 47-53. - : Equilibrium and structural studies of silicon(IV) and aluminium(III) in aqueous solution. 8. A Potentiometrie study of aluminium(III) salicylates and aluminium(III) hydroxo salicylates in 0.6 M Na(Cl). Acta Chemica Scandinavica A 37(1983) pp 875-880. - : Equilibrium and structural studies of silicon(IV) and aluminium(III) in aqueous solution. Part 9. A Potentiometrie study of mono- and polynuclear aluminium(III) citrates. Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions 1983 pp 2513-2517. - : Equilibrium and structural studies of silicon(IV) and aluminium(III) in aqueous solution. 10. A Potentiometrie study of aluminium(III) pyrocatecholates and alumi- nium(III) hydroxo pyrocatecholates in 0.6 M Na(Cl). Polyhedron 2(1983) pp 1329-1335. - & INGRI, Nils: Equilibrium and structural studies of silicon(IV) and aluminium(III) in aqueous solution. 7. Redox, hydrolysis and complexation equilibria in the system AP + -1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonate/1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-4-sufonate-OH~. A Poten­ tiometrie study in 0.6 M Na(Cl). Acta Chemica Scandinavica A 37(1983) pp 561-568.

ORGANISK KEMI ALBANO, Christer: se CARLSSON, Rolf; se WOLD, Svante Alunni, S, Clementi, S, EDLUND, Ulf, JOHNELS, Dan, HELLBERG, Sven, SJÖ­ STRÖM, Michael & WOLD, Svante: Multivariate data analysis of substituent descrip- tors. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 37(1983) pp 47-53. Benetis, N, Kowalewski, J, Nordenskiöld, L & EDLUND, Ulf: Nuclear spin relaxation in paramagnetic nickel(Il) complex. An experimental test of new theoretical models. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 58(1984) p 282.

118 Bisani, M L, Clementi, S & WOLD, Svante: Elementi di chimiometria. I. L'analisi statistica multivariata in chimica. La Chimica e l'Industria 64(1982) pp 655-665. - : Elementi di chimiometria. II. Il metodo SIMCA. La Chimica e l'Industria 64(1982) pp 727-741. Bisani, M L, Faraone, D, Clementi, S, Esbensen, Kim & WOLD, Svante: Principal components and partial least squares analysis of the geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Aeolian archipelago. Analytica Chimica Acta 150(1983) pp 129-144. BLOMQVIST, Göran: se Söderström, B; se WOLD, Svante Buncel, E, Venkatachalam, T K, EDLUND, Ulf & ELIASSON, Bertil: NMR studies of phenyl-substituted group IV anions. Ion-pairing and charge delocalization versus — polarization effects. Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications 1984 p 1477. Carbone, D, Musumarra, G, Occhipinti, S, Scarlata, G & WOLD, Svante: Thin-layer Chromatographie behaviour of amines and related Compounds: Multivariate analysis of Rf data in chloroform-ethyl acetate mixtures. Annali di Chimica 73(1983) pp 183-192. Christie, O H J, Esbensen, Kim, Meyer, T & WOLD, Svante: Aspects of pattern récognition in organic geochemistry. Organic Geochemistry 6(1984) pp 885-91. Codarin, M, Linda, P, Ebert, C, Lassiani, L, Rubessa, F, Alunni, S, Clementi, S, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, WOLD, Svante & Dunn, W J III: Principal component analysis (PCA) of substituent effects in biological activity: Ortho-, meta- and para-substituted phenyls. In: QSAR in design of bioactive Compounds, pp 347-358. Ed. Kuchar, M. Proceedings of QSAR Télécommunications Symposium J R Prous. Barcelona 1984. Coomans, D, Bossuyt, A, Broeckaert, I, Ingels, M, Jonkheer, M, Massart, D, Musch, W & WOLD, Svante: SIMCA pattern récognition: A new approach to automated medicai diagnosis. MEDINFO-83, pp 545-547. Eds. van Bemmel, Ball & Wigertz. Amsterdam 1983. Coomans, D, Broechaert, I, Dearede, M P, Tassin, A, Massart, D L & WOLD, Svante: Use of a microcomputer for the definition of multivariate confidence regions in medicai diagnosis based on clinical laboratory profiles. Computers and Biomedicai Research 17(1984) pp 1-14. Coomans, D & WOLD, Svante: Multivariate diagnosis-directed interpretation of clinical laboratory results using SIMCA. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 4(1984):Suppl.l71 pp 247-258. Dahl, C, WOLD, Svante, Nielsen, L T & Nilsson, C: A SIMCA pattern récognition study in taxonomy: Claw shape in mosquitoes. Systematic Zoology 33(1984) pp 355-69. Dunn, W J, JOHANSON, Erik & WOLD, Svante: Nonadditivity of 1-octanol/water partition coefficients of disubstituted benzenes: An explanation and its considération in log P estimation. Quantitative Structure — Activity Relationships 2(1982) pp 156-163. Dunn, W J III, Koehler, M & WOLD, Svante: The application of SIMCA pattern récognition to complex chemical data. Proceedings Recent advances in pollution monitoring of ambient air and stationary sources. USEPA. Washington 1984. Dunn, W J III, Lins, C, Kumar, G, Manimaran, T, Grigorias, S, EDLUND, Ulf & WOLD, Svante: Substituent effects on C-13 and N-15 chemical shifts in triazenes studied by principal components multivariate data analysis. Organic Magnetic Réso­ nance 21(1982) pp 450-456. Dunn, W J III, Stalling, D L, Schwartz, T R, Högan, J W, Petty, J D, JOHANSSON, Erik & WOLD, Svante: Pattern récognition for classification and détermination of polychlorinated biphenyls in environmental samples. Analytical Chemistry 56(1984) pp 1308-1313. Dunn, W J III, WOLD, Svante, EDLUND, Ulf, HELLBERG, Sven & Gasteiger, J: Multivariate structure-activity relationships between data from a battery of biological

119 tests and an ensemble of chemical descriptors: The PLS method. Quantitative Structure- Activity Relationships 3(1984) pp 131-137. EDLUND, Ulf & ELIASSON, Bertil: The Azulene dianion. A stable paratropic species. Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications 1982 p 950. EDLUND, Ulf & GRAHN, Hans: The interaction between paramagnetic relaxation reagents and carbon tetrachloride. Organic Magnetic Resonance 18(1982) p 207. EDLUND, Ulf, HELLBERG, Sven, JOHNELS, Dan, NORDÉN, Bo & WOLD, Svante: Prédiction of carcinogenic and mutagenic potencies using the PLS method. In: Conference on extrahepatic drug metabolism and chemical carcinogenesis, May 17-20. Abstract. Eds. Rydström, Montelius, J & Bengtson, M. Amsterdam 1983. EDLUND, Ulf: se Alunni, S; se Benetis, N; se Dunn III, W J; se ELIASSON, Bertil; se GRAHN, Hans; se JOHNELS, Dan; se Jutila, M; se NORDÉN, Bo; se WOLD, Svante ELIASSON, Bertil & EDLUND, Ulf: A carbon-13 NMR study of the ion-pair structure of dibenzo(b, f)pentalene dianion. Organic Magnetic Resonance 21(1983) p 332. - : NMR and electron absorption studies of acenaphtylene dianion with emphasis on the ion pair structure. Royal Society of Chemistry. Journal: Perkin Transactions II 1983 p 1837. ELIASSON, Bertil, JOHNELS, Dan, WOLD, Svante & EDLUND, Ulf: On the corré­ lation between solvent scales and solvent-induced 13-C NMR chemical shifts of a planar lithium carbanion. A multivariate data analysis using a principal component - multiple regression-like formalism. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B36(1982) pp 155-164. ELIASSON, Bertil, LEJON, Tore & EDLUND, Ulf. A *H and 13C NMR. Study of the pyrene dianion and proposed tetraanion. Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications 1984 p 591. ELIASSON, Bertil: se Buncel, E; se EDLUND, Ulf; se WOLD, Svante Esbensen, Kim H & WOLD, Svante: GDAM — An integrated strategy for multivariate geochemical data analytical modelling. Ed. Selinius, O. Ed. Sveriges geologiska under­ sökning, rapport 1983:34. - : SIMCA, MACUP, SELPILS, GDAM,SPACE & UNFOLD: The ways towards regionalized principal components analysis and subconstrained N-way décomposition — with geological illustrations. Proceedings of the Nordic symposium of applied statistics, pp 11-36. Ed. Christie, O J. Stavanger 1983. Geladi, Paul, WOLD, Svante, Vandewounde, M & DeLeeuw, I: The multivariate analysis of medica^ data: A total parental nutrition case. In: Proceedings. Symposium i anvendt statistik. Århus, Jan 1984. Ed. Mortensen, L S. RECAU, Århus Univ, Århus 1984. ISSN 0105-9653. GRAHN, Hans, EDLUND, Ulf & Levy, G C: Preferential solvation-orientation of aromatic substrates towards a paramagnetic relaxation, reagent, tris(acetylacetonato) chromium (III). Journal of Magnetic Resonance 56(1984) p 61. GRAHN, Hans: se EDLUND, Ulf; se JOHNELS, Dan HAMMARSTRÖM, Lars: se CARLSSON, Rolf HELLBERG, Sven, WOLD, Svante & Dunn, W J: Multivariate quantitative structure- activity relationships (QSAR) of beta-adrenergic agents using the MACUP method. In: Proceedings. Symposium i anvendt statistik, pp 55-85. Eds. Höskuldsen, A et al. NEUCC, RECAU and RECKU. Köpenhamn 1982. HELLBERG, Sven: se Alunni, S; se Dunn III, W J; se EDLUND, Ulf; se JOHNELS, Dan; se WOLD, Svante JOHANSSON, Erik, WOLD, Svante & Sjödin, K: Minimizing effects of closure on analytical data. Analytical Chemistry 56(1984) 1685-88. JOHANSSON, Erik: se Dunn III, W J; se JOHNELS, Dan; se Jutila, M; se CARLSON, Rolf; se WOLD, Svante

120 JOHNELS, Dan, Clementi, S, Dunn, III W J, EDLUND, Ulf, GRAHN, Hans, HELL­ BERG, Sven, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & WOLD, Svante: Clustering of aryl carbon-13 NMR substituent chemical shifts. A multivariate data analysis using principal compo- nents. Royal Society of Chemistry. Journal: Perkin Transactions II 1983 p 863. JOHNELS, Dan, EDLUND, Ulf, JOHANSSON, Erik & WOLD, Svante: A multivariate method for carbon-13 NMR chemical shift prédictions using partial least-squares data analysis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 55(1983) pp 316-21. JOHNELS, Dan, EDLUND, Ulf, WOLD, Svante & Nilsson, Carl-Axel: The adsorbtion of chlorinated phénols on Sephadex LH-20. Journal of Chromatography 237(1982) pp 148-50. JOHNELS, Dan: se Alunni, S; se Dunn III, W J; se EDLUND, Ulf; se Jutila, M; se CARLSSON, Rolf Jutila, M, EDLUND, Ulf, JOHNELS, Dan & JOHANSSON, Erik: Towards the under- standing of aromatic solvent induced chemical shifts — A multivariate data analysis of H-l ASIS of cyclic ethers and thioethers. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 38(1984) p 131. CARLSSON, Rolf: Försöksplanering — Optimering i organisk syntes. Elementär matris- algebra. Umeå Universitet. Umeå 1982. 33 s. - : Försöksplanering — Optimering i organisk syntes. Introduktion till experimentell design vid syntesundersökningar. Umeå Universitet. Umeå 1982. 115 s. - , ALBANO, Christer, HAMMARSTRÖM, Lars-Gunnar, JOHANSSON, Erik, NILS­ SON, Åsa & Carter, Robert E: Computers are Coming of age in organic synthesis. Journal of Molecular Science 3(1983) pp 95-116. CARLSSON, Rolf, LUNDSTEDT, Torbjörn, Phan-Tan-Luu, Roger & Mathieu, Didier: On the necessity of using multivariate methods for optimization in synthetic chemistry. An instructive example with the Willgerodt reaction. Noveau Journal de Chimie 7(1983) pp 315-319. CARLSSON, Rolf & NILSSON, Åsa: Improved Titanium tetrachloride procedure for enamine synthesis II. Scope of the reaction. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 28(1984) pp 49-53. - & LUNDSTEDT, Torbjörn: Kemisk försöksplanering, del 1. Allmänna principer, sållningsförsök. Kemisk tidskrift 96(1984):3 pp 40-46. - : Kemisk försöksplanering, del 2. Kemisk tidskrift 96(1984):4 pp 43-49. - : Kemisk försöksplanering, del 3. Experimentell design — Strategier för optimering. Kemisk tidskrift 96(1984):5 pp 48-57. - : Kemisk försöksplanering, del 4. Att lokalisera optimum. Kemisk tidskrift 96(1984):6 pp 30-34. CARLSSON, Rolf, NILSSON, Åsa & STRÖMQVIST, Mats: Optimum conditions for enamine synthesis by an improved Titanium tetrachloride procedure. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 37(1983) pp 7-13. CARLSSON, Rolf: se LUNDSTEDT, Torbjörn; se NILSSON, Åsa; se WOLD, Svante Kjaeregaard, J, Esbensen, Kim H, Meisner, S, Jensen, H E & WOLD, Svante: Ulcer récurrence after parietal cell vagotomy for duodenal ulcer. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984) pp 255-259. Kowalski, B R & WOLD, Svante: Pattern récognition in chemistry. In: Classification, pattern récognition and réduction of dimensionality, pp 673-697. Eds. Krishnaiah, P R & Kanal, L N. Amsterdam 1982. LEJON, Tore: se ELIASSON, Bertil LINDBERG, Walter, PERSSON, Jan-Åke & WOLD, Svante: Partial least-squares method for spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of humic acid and ligninsulfonate. Analytical Chemistry 55(1983) pp 643-648. LINDBERG, Walter: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael; se WOLD, Svante

121 LUNDSTEDT, Torbjörn: Optimisation de la reaction de Willgerodt-Kindler. Diss. Université d'Aix-Marseille III — Institut de Pétroléochimie et de Synth è se Organique Industrielle, Marseille 1983. - , THORÉN, Peter & CARLSSON, Rolf: Synthesis of 4- (N, N-dimethylamino)-aceto- phenone optimized by a Doehlert design. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 38(1984) pp 717-719. LUNDSTEDT, Torbjörn: se CARLSSON, Rolf Martens, H, WOLD, Svante & Martens, M: A layman's guide to multivariate data analysis. Proceedings of the IUFOST Conference. Food research and data analysis, pp 473-492. Eds. Martens, H & Russwurm, H Jr. London 1983. - : Preference of cauliflower related to sensory descriptive variables by partial least squares (PLS) regression. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 34(1983) pp 715-724. Musumarra, G, Scartata, G, Romano, G, Clementi, S & WOLD, Svante: Application of principal components analysis to TLC data for 596 basic and neutral drugs in four eluent systems. Journal of Chromatographie Science 22(1984) pp 538-547. NILSSON, Carl-Axel: se JOHNELS, Dan NILSSON, Åsa: Syntes och réduction av enaminer. Diss. Umeå Universitet. Umeå 1984. ISBN 91-7174-178-X. - & CARLSSON, Rolf: Enamine synthesis from functionalized carbonyl Compounds. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 38(1984) pp 523-525. NILSSON, Åsa: se CARLSSON, Rolf NORDÉN, Bo & EDLUND, Ulf: Studies of a-Phenyl-/?-amidoethanols. 1. Solution con­ formations and isomerie distribution. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 36(1982) p 235. - : Studies of a-Phenyl-/?- amidoethanols. 2. Internal rotational barriers of some phenyl substituted derivaties. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 37(1983) p 956. - , JOHNELS, Dan & WOLD, Svante: Simplified C-13 NMR parameters related to the carcinogenic potency of PAH. Quantitative Structure — Activity Relationships 2(1983) pp 73-76. NORDÉN, Bo: se EDLUND, Ulf; se WOLD, Svante OHLSSON, Per Ingvar, PAUL, Karl-Gustav & WOLD, Svante: The formation of compound I of lactoperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase. A comparison. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 38(1984) pp 853-859. PAUL, Karl-Gustav: se OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar PERSSON, Jan-Åke: se LINDBERG, Walter; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael RUHE, Axel: se WOLD, Svante SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, WOLD, Svante, LINDBERG, Walter, PERSSON, Jan-Åke & Martens, H: A multivariate calibration problem in analytical chemistry solved by partial least squares models in latent variables. Analytica Chimica Acta 150(1983) pp 61-70. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se Alunni, S; se Codain, M; se JOHNELS, Dan; se WOLD, Svante STRÖMQVIST, Mats: se CARLSSON, Rolf Söderström, B, WOLD, Svante & Blomqvist, Göran: Pyrolysis-gas chromatography combined with SIMCA pattern récognition for classification of fruit-bodies of some Ectomycorrhizal Suillus species. Journal of General Microbiology 128(1982) pp 1783-1784. THORÉN, Peter: se LUNDSTEDT, Torbjörn Ulfvarsson, U & WOLD, Svante: Gruppering med datorprogrammet Clustan av luft- föroreningskoncentrationsdata från svetsning. Arbete och hälsa 1982:5. ISBN 91-7464- 124-7.

122 WOLD, Svante (Ed.): MULDAST. Technical report, Research group for chemometrics. Umeå University. Dec. 1984. WOLD, Svante, ALBANO, Christer, Blomqvist, Göran, Coomans, D, Dunn, W J & EDLUND, Ulf: The analysis of multivariate chemical data using SIMCA and MACUP. In: Proceedings of the IVA symposium. The use of computers in organic chemistry. Swedish academy of engineering sciences. IVA-PM 1981:15 pp 3-26 and Kemia-Kemi (Finnish Chem Soc) 9(1982) pp 401-405. WOLD, Svante, ALBANO, Christer, Dunn, W J, III, EDLUND, Ulf, ELIASSON, Bertil, JOHANSSON, Erik, NORDEN, Bo & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: The indirect observation of molecular chemical systems. In: Proceedings of the conférence on systems under indirect observation. Eds. Jöreskog, K G & Wold, H. Amsterdam 1982. WOLD, Svante, ALBANO, Christer, Dunn, W J, III, EDLUND, Ulf, Esbensen, Kim, Geladi, Paul, HELLBERG, Sven, JOHANSSON, Erik, LINDBERG, Walter & SJÖ­ STRÖM, Michael: Multivariate data analysis in chemistry. In: Chemometrics: Mathe- matics and statistics in chemistry, pp 17-96. Ed. Kowalski, B R. NATO ASI Series C 138. Dordrecht 1984. WOLD, Svante, ALBANO, Christer, Dunn, W J, III, Esbensen, Kim, HELLBERG, Svante, JOHANSSON, Erik & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Pattern récognition: Finding and using regularities in multivariate data. In: Proceedings of the UIFOST conference. Food research and data analysis, pp 147-188. Eds. Martens, H & Russworm, H Jr. London 1983. WOLD, Svante, ALBANO, Christer, Dunn, W J, Esbensen, Kim, HELLBERG, Sven, JOHANSSON, Erik, LINDBERG, Walter & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Modelling data tables by principal components and PLS: class patterns and quantitative prédictive relations. Analysis 12(1984) pp 477-485. WOLD, Svante, ALBANO, Christer, Dunn, W J, III, Esbensen, Kim, HELLBERG, Sven, JOHANSSON, Erik & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Multivariate analytical chemical data évaluation using SIMCA and MACUP. In: Modern trends in analytical chemistry, pp 157-188. Eds. Punger, E & Veress, G E. Budapest 1984. WOLD, Svante & Christie, O: Extraction of mass spectral information by a combination of autocorrélation and principal components models. Analytica Chimica Acta 165(1984) pp 51-59. WOLD, Svante & Dunn, J W III: Multivariate quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR): Conditions for their applicability. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 23(1983) pp 6-13. - & HELLBERG, Sven: Survey of applications of pattern récognition to structureactivity problems. Research group for chemometrics, Technical report 1982:1. Inst. of Che­ mistry, Umeå University, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. Critically annotated collection of references to reports of multivariate data analysis in QSAR. - : Pattern récognition as a tool for drug design. Drug design, fact or fantasy. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Rhone-Poulenc conference. Eastbourne 1982, pp 95-117. Eds. Jolies, G & Wolldridge, K R H. New York 1984. : Computer methods for the assessment of acute toxicity. In: Proceedings of the Ist CFN symposium on"LD50and possible alternatives", Sept. 15-16 1981. Ed. Lindgren, P. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 52(1983):Suppl.II pp 158-189. WOLD, Svante, CARLSSON, Rolf, EDLUND, Ulf, ALBANO, Christer, HELLBERG, Sven, JOHANSSON, Erik & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Optimering och analys av fler- dimensionella data. Kemisk tidskrift 1983:14 pp 37-43. WOLD, Svante, Martens, H & WOLD, Herman: The multivariate calibration problem solved by PLS. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Matrix pencils, Piteå, Sweden, March 1982, pp 286-293. Eds. Ruhe, A & Kågström, B. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1983:973.

123 WOLD, Svante, RUHE, Axel, WOLD, Herman & Dunn, W J III: The collinearity problem in linear regression. The partial least squares (PLS) approach to generalized inverses. Report UMINF 1983:80. Also in SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 5(1984) pp 735-743. WOLD, Svante: se Alunni, S; se Bisani, M L; se Carbone, D; se Christie, O H J; se Codain, M; se Coomans, D; se Dahl, C; se Dunn III, W J; se EDLUND, Ulf; se ELIASSON, Bertil; se Esbensen, Kim; se Geladi, Paul; se HELLBERG, Sven; se JOHANSSON, Erik; se JOHNELS, Dan; se Kjaeregaard, J; se Kowalski, B R; se LINDBERG, Walter; se Martens, H; se Musumarra, G; se NORDÉN, Bo; se OHLS­ SON, Per-Ingvar; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael; se Söderström, B; se Ulfvarsson, U

KIRURGI ANDERSSON, Magnus: se MELLBRING, Göran Ariola, Jr S: se BÅLFORS, Eva ATHLIN, Leif: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart BACKLUND, Anna-Maria: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf BECKMAN, Gunhild: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan BECKMAN, Lars: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan BERGHEM, Lars: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart Bierholm, E A, BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens, Scroczynski, Z & Spotoft, H: The haemodynamic effects of sodium nitroprusside induced hypotension during nitrous oxide-halothane anaesthesia and hypocapnia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1983:2 pp 99-103. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf & Backlund, Anna-Maria: Personskador vid hästkontakt. In: Skador vid ridsport. Studie i Umeå 1978/79. Konsumentverket. Byrå 3. 3 1982:02 pp 15-45 BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf, Brorsson, Bengt & Ifver, Jan: Wobbling in modern motorcycles. Accident Analysis and Prevention 16(1984) pp 451-456. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf & BYLUND, Per-Olov: Svåra skador och dödsfall orsakas av fel- konstruerade mc som "wobblar"? Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 3781-3784. - : Wobbling motorcycles cause serious injuries and fatalities. Travel Medicine Inter­ national 1(1983) pp 153-157. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf & ERIKSSON, Anders: Fatal snowmobile accidents in northern Sweden. Journal of Trauma 22(1982) pp 977-982. - & MELLBRING, Göran: Snowmobiling injuries: Types and consequenses. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 150(1984) pp 619-624. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf, LORENTZON, Ronny & Johansson, Christer: Fotbollen orsakar mest skador men badmintonskadan dyrast. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 340-343. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf & Näslund, Kjell: Barnolycksfall i samband med kälk-, pulk- och sparkåkning. Mekanismer och konsekvenser. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1148-1150. - : Pedal cycling accidents in northern Sweden. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 150(1984) pp 353-359. BYLUND, Per-Olov: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf

124 BÄLFORS, Eva: Effect ot anaesthesia on coronary haemodynamics and myocardial oxygénation in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Umeå University Medicai Disser­ tations N.S. 1983:102. ISSN 0345-5612. BÅLFORS, Eva, HÄGGMARK, Sören, Ariola Jr S, Biber B, Pontén J & REIZ, Sebastian: In vitro analysis of thermal transport in coronary sinus thermodilution catheters. Clinical Physiology 3(1983) pp 469-476. BÅLFORS, Eva, HÄGGMARK, Sören, NYHMAN, Håkan, RYDVALL, Anders & REIZ, Sebastian: Droperidol inhibits the effects of intravenous ketamine on central hemodynamics and myocardial oxygen consumtion in patients with generalized athero- sclerotic disease. Anesthesia & Analgesia 62(1983) pp 193-197. BÅLFORS, Eva: se REIZ, Sebastian CAJANDER, Stefan: se TRUEDSON, Håkan CEDERGREN, Bertil: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan DAHLGREN, Sven: se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders; se MELLBRING, Göran DOMELLÖF, Lennart: Kost och gallsten. Nutrition 1983:1 p 2223. - : Risk of carcinoma after partial gastrectomy. Proceedings of the UICC symposium, Fukuoka, Japan 1984. - , ATHLIN, Leif & BERGHEM, Lars: Effects of long term combination chemotherapy of the reticuloendothelial system. Cancer 53(1984) pp 2073-2078. DOMELLÖF, Lennart, ATHLIN, Leif & NORBERG, Bo: Adherence and fagocytosis of yeast cells by blood monocytes. Effects in vitro of therapeutic doxycycline concentra­ tion. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica Section C 92(1984) pp 227-230. DOMELLÖF, Lennart, Darby, L, Hansson, D, Methews, L, Simi, B & Reddy, BS: Fecal steroids and bacterial B-glucuronidase activity: A preliminary metabolic epidemiology study of healthy volunteers from Umeå, Sweden, and Metropolitan, New York. Nutrition and Cancer 4(1982) pp 120-127. DOMELLÖF, Lennart, Enander, L K & Nilsson, F: Bleeding as a complication to endo­ scopie biopsies from the gastric remnant after ulcer surgery. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 18(1983) pp 951-954. DOMELLÖF, Lennart, HARDELL, Lennart, HANSSON, Marianne, NYGREN, Martin & RAPPE, Christoffer: Lewels of polyclorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzo- furans (PCDFs) in fat tissue from cancer patients. Cancer Research Proceedings. Toronto 1984. DOMELLÖF, Lennart, Lowenfels, Albert & Sipponen, Pentti: Prevalence of gallstones in Finland: An autopsy study in the Helsinki area. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroen­ terology 19(1984) pp 761-764. DOMELLÖF, Lennart, Reddy, BS, Ekelund, G, Bohe, M & Engle, A: Metabolic epidemiology of colon cancer: Dietary pattern and fecal sterol concentrations of 3 populations. Nutrition and Cancer 5(1983) p 3440. DOMELLÖF, Lennart & SANDZÉN, Birger: Diagnostisk och terapeutisk gastrointesti­ nal fiberendoskopi i Sverige. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3190-3192. DOMELLÖF, Lennart: se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders HDIN, Kent, DOMELLÖF, Lennart & STENLING, Roger: Late follow-up of non- operated gastric ulcer (GU) patients. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 72(1983):Suppl.516. LHRENSTRÖM REIZ, Gunnel & REIZ, Sebastian: EMLA — a eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics for topical anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 26(1982) pp 596-598. - & Stockman, O: Topical anaesthesia with EMLA , a new lidocaine-prilocaine cream and the Cusum technique for detection of minimal application time. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 27(1983) pp 510-512.

125 ELMROS, Theodor: se TRUEDSON, Håkan EMDIN, Stefan: se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders Eriksen, C, BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens, Bille-brahe, N E, Skovsted, P & Lunding, M: Haemodynamic effects of calcium Chloride administered inravenously to patients with and without cardiac disease during neorolept anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthe- siologica Scandinavica 27(1983) pp 13-17. ERIKSSON, Anders: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf ERICSSON, Martin: se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel ERIKSSON, Sture: se MELLBRING, Göran FRÖHLANDER, Nils: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan GUSTAVSSON, Björn: se TRUEDSON, Håkan HANSSON, Marianne: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart HARDELL, Lennart: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart Henriksen, Leif, Thorshauge, C, Harmsen, A, Christiensen, P, BREDGAARD SÖREN- SEN, Mogens, Lester, J & Paulson, O B: Controlied hypotension with sodium nitro- prussuide: Effects on cerebral blood flow and cerebral venous blood gases in patients operated for cerebral aneurysms. Acta Anesthesiologica Scandinavica 27(1983) pp 62-67. HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin: se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel HOLM, Stig: se TRUEDSON, Håkan HÄGGMARK, Sören, Biber, B, Sjödin, Jan-Gunnar, Winsö, O, Gustavsson, B & REIZ, Sebastian: The continuous thermodilution method for measuring high blood flows. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 42(1982) pp 315-321. HÄGGMARK, Sören: se BÅLFORS, Eva; se LUNDGREN, Rune; se SJÖDIN, Jan- Gunnar; se REIZ, Sebastian; se RYDVALL, Anders JACOBSSON, Lennart: se MELLBRING, Göran JOHANSSON, Christer: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf JOHNSON, Owe: se MELLBRING, Göran; se ÄNGQVIST, Karl-Axel JÄRHULT, Johannes: Nytt östrogenbindande protein av okänd betydelse, fynd i Pankreas. Läkartidningen 80(1983) p 321. - , Ahrén, Bo, Erichsen, Christian & Lundqvist, I: Improved insulin release to carbachol after vagotomy in rats — an effect due to cholinergic supersensitivity of theyS-cells. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 118(1983) p 87. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Ahrén, Bo & Lundqvist I: Effects of al-, a-2 and /?-adrenoceptor blockers on insulin sécrétion in the rat. Acta Endocrinologica 105(1984) pp 78-82. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Andersson, P O & Bloom S R: Colonie motor and vascular responses to pelvic nerve stimulation and their relation to local peptide release in the cat. Journal of Physiology 334(1983) pp 293-307. - , Edwards, A V & Meilander, S: Neural vasodilator control in the rectum of the cat and its possible médiation by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Journal of Physiology 334(1983) pp 49-67. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Angerås, Ulf, Farnebo, Lars-Olov, Graffner, Hans& Hamberger, Bertil: Elevated plasma levels of noradrenaline in duodenal ulcer. World Journal of Surgery 7(1983) pp 385-389. - & Ulvnäs-Moberg, Kerstin: The possible role of circulating catecholamines in the control of gastric function in health and duodenal ulcer disease. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984):Suppl.l9 pp 137-141.

126 JÄRHULT, Johannes, Edwards, A V, Andersson, P O & Bloom, S R: Studies of the importance of the pattern of autonomie stimulation in relation to alimentary effectors. Quarterly Journal of Expérimental Physiology 69(1984) pp 607-614. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Forsberg, L & Lunderquist, A: Budd-Chiari syndrome. Report of a case, successfully treated with a mesocaval shunt. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 150(1984) pp 105-108. JÄRHULT, Johannes & Graffner, Hans: The effeets of /?-blockade on plasma catechola- mines and gastric acid sécrétion in duodenal ulcer disease. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984) pp 937-940. - , Angerås, Ulf, Farnebo, Lars-Olov, Hamberger, Bertil & Oscarsson, Jan: The role ot catecholamines in the control of gastric acid sécrétion during insulin hypoglycaemica and modified sham feeding. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 389-392. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Graffner, Hans & Bloom, S R: The influence of modified sham feeding on plasma polypeptide (CCK, gastrin, motilin, neurotensin and somatostatin) concentrations in duodenal ulcer disease. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 150(1984) pp 141-144. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Graffner, Hans & Farnebo, Lars-Olov: Pirenzepine depresses plasma noradrenaline in duodenal ulcer patients. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 1984: Suppl.520 pp 41-44. - & Hamberger, Bertil: Is there a relationship between circulating cathecholamines and gastric acid sécrétion in duodenal ulcer disease? Digestion 28(1983) pp 240-244. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Hellstrand, P, Fahrenkrug, J & Uddman, R: Role of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in the neurogenic vasodilation of the portal vein in the rabbit. Regulatory Peptides 1984. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Magnusson, J, Thulin, T, Warner, O & Thomson, D: Circulatory responses to general anesthesia and surgery in hypertensive patients given metoprolol or placebo treatment. Anesthesiology 59(1984):3 p A48. JÄRHULT, Johannes & SVONNI, Inger: Stämbandspares efter SPV-operation. Läkar­ tidningen 80(1983):26/27 p 2638. JÄRHULT, Johannes, Uvnäs-Moberg, Kerstin & Alino, S: Neurogenic control of release of gastrointestinal peptides. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984): Suppl.89 pp 131-136. JÄRHULT, Johannes: se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders KIDMAN, Siv: se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders, DAHLGREN, Sven, JÄRHULT, Johannes & WÄHLBY, Lennart: Cimetidine does not correct circulating calcium and parathyroid hormone in primary hyperparathyroidism. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 6(1983) p 489. KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders, DOMELLÖF, Lennart, EMDIN, Stefan & Kullenberg, Krister: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the gallbladder: A case report. Journal of Surgical Oncology 23(1983) pp 56-59. Lindeburg, Thimm, Spotoft, H, BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens & Skovsted, P: The cardiovascular effects of etomidate used for induction and in combination with fentanyl-pancurinium for maintenance of anaesthesia in patients with valvular heart disease. Äcta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 26(1982) pp 205-208. LORENTZON, Ronny: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf LUNDGREN, Rune, HÄGGMARK, Sören & REIZ, Sebastian: Hemodynamic effects of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy performed under topical anesthesia. Chest 1982 pp 295-299. MELLBRING, Göran: On thromboembolic complications after major abdominal surgery and their relationship to the fibrinolytic system. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:131. ISSN 0346-6612.

127 - & DAHLGREN, Sven: Prédiction of postoperative venous thrombosis. Lancet 1(1983) p 1392. - , REIZ, Sebastian & Sunnegårdh, Olof: Thromboembolic complications after major abdominal surgery: effects of thoracic epidural analgesia. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 263-268. MELLBRING, Göran, DAHLGREN, Sven, REIZ, Sebastian & WIMAN, Björn: Fibri- nolytic activity pre- and postoperatively for patients with and without postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Haemostasis 12(1982) p 108. - : Fibrinolytic activity in plasma and deep vein thrombosis after major abdominal surgery. Thrombosis Research 32(1983) pp 575-584. MELLBRING, Göran, DAHLGREN, Sven & WIMAN, Björn: Fibrinolytic activity in patients subjected to gastro-intestinal surgery. Haemostasis 14(1984) p 143. - : The quotient of plasmin a-antiplasmin complex and fibrinogen concentration in plasma for the prédiction of postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Thrombosis & Haemostasis 50(1983) p 159. MELLBRING, Göran, ERIKSSON, Sture, STRAND, Tage & the STROKE GROUP: Frequency of deep vein thrombosis after acute cerebral infarction and the prophylactic effect of dextran 40. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 pp 21-22. - : Frequency of deep vein thrombosis after acute cerebral infarction and the prophylactic effect of dextran 40. Haemostasis 12(1982) p 176. MELLBRING, Göran, JOHNSON, Owe & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Defective fibrinolysis in survivors of myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology 6(1984) pp 380-382. MELLBRING, Göran, NILSSON, Torbjörn, BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLEN, Per: Tissue Plasminogen activator concentrations in major abdominal surgery. Relationship to postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Thrombosis Research 36(1984) pp 331-334. MELLBRING, Göran, NILSSON, Torbjörn, & Hedner, Ulla: On F XII and VIIIR:Ag in patients subjected to major surgery with regard to deep venous thrombosis. Haemo­ stasis 14(1984) p 27. MELLBRING, Göran, NILSSON, Torbjörn & WALLÉN, Per: In vivo metabolism of human tissue-type Plasminogen activator. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 33(1984) pp 49-53. - : Turnover of tissuetype Plasminogen activator in man. Haemostasis 14(1984) p 26. MELLBRING, Göran, WIMAN, Björn, JACOBSSON, Lennart & ANDERSSON, Magnus: Determination of plasmin-a^-antiplasmin complex in plasma samples by means of a radioimmunoassay. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Investigation 43(1983) pp 27-33. MELLBRING, Göran, WIMAN, Björn & RÅNBY, Mats: Plasminogen activator release during venous stasis and exercise as determined by a new specific assay. Clinica Chimica Acta 127(1984) pp 287-288. MELLBRING, Göran: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf NATH, Sherdil: se REIZ, Sebastian; se TRUEDSON, Håkan NILSSON, Torbjörn: se MELLBRING Göran NORBERG, Bo: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart NORRGÅRD, Örjan, CEDERGREN, Bertil, ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel & BECKMAN, Lars: Blood groups and HLA antigens in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 9-13. NORRGÅRD, Örjan, FRÖHLANDER, Nils, BECKMAN, Gunhild & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Association between haptoglobin groups and aortic abdominal aneurysms. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 166-169.

128 NORRGÅRD, Örjan, RAIS, Olev & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Familial occurrence of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Surgery 95(1984) pp 640-656. NYGREN, Martin: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart NYHMAN, Håkan: se BÅLFORS, Eva; se REIZ, Sebastian; se RYDVALL, Anders NYSTRÖM, Bengt: Achilles tendon repair — Aspects on tendon elongation and muscle structure. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N. S. 1983:103. ISSN 0346-6612. NYSTRÖM, Bengt & HOLMLUND, Dan: Expérimental évaluation of immobilization in operative and non-operative treatment of Achilles tendon rupture. A radiographie study in the rabbit. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983):7 pp 669-673. - : Separation of sutured tendon ends when différent suture techniques and différent suture materials are used. An experimental study in rabbits. Scandinavica Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 17(1983): 1 pp 19-23. - : Separation of tendon ends after suture of achilles tendon. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 54(1983:4 pp :620-621. NYSTRÖM, Bengt & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Achilles tendon injury. Tendon elongation and soleus muscle fine structure in rabbit after différent therapies. Virchows Archiv A 399(1983):2 pp 177-189. NÄSLUND, Kjell: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf PRESS, Vivan: se TRUEDSON, Håkan RAIS, Olev & TRUEDSON, Håkan: A new aortic clamp. American Journal of Surgery 145(1983) p 424. RAIS, Olev: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan; se REIZ, Sebastian RAPPE, Christoffer: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart REIZ, Sebastian: Effects of anaesthetics and surgical Stimulation on the coronary cir­ culation in patients with ischaemic heart disease: Modifying effects of thoracic epidural analgesia. Swiss Med 5(1983) pp 51-56. - : Effects of enflurane-nitrous oxide anaesthesia and surgical stimulation on regional coronary haemodynamics in a patient with LAD bypass graft. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 27(1983) pp 417-420. : Epidural morphine for the treatment of pain after multiple rib fracture — a double blind comparison with bupivacain. Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin 153(1982) pp 31-34. - : Nitrous oxide augments the systemic and coronary haemodynamic effects of isoflurane in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 27(1983) pp 464-469. : Postoperative pain relief and regional techniques. Annales Chirurgiae et Gynae- cologiae 73(1984) pp 166-170. , BÅLFORS, Eva, Gustavsson, B, HÄGGMARK, Sören, NATH, Sherdil, RYDVALL, Anders & TRUEDSON, Håkan: Effects of halothane on coronary haemodynamics and myocardial metabolism in patients with ischaemic heart disease and heart failure. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 26(1982) pp 133-138. REIZ, Sören, BÅLFORS, Eva, HÄGGMARK, Sören & NYHMAN, Håkan: A new method for clinical assessment of the negative inotropic action of anaesthetics with special reference to isoflurance and its effect on myocardial oxygénation. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 28(1984) pp 690-695. REIZ, Sebastian, BÅLFORS, Eva, BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens, Ariola Jr, S, Friedman, A & TRUEDSON, Håkan: Isoflurane — a powerful coronary vasodilator in patients with coronary artery disease. Anesthesiology 59(1983) pp 91-97. REIZ, Sebastian, BÅLFORS, Eva, BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens, HÄGG­ MARK, Sören & NYHMAN, Håkan: Coronary hemodynamic effects of general

129 anesthesia and surgery and their modification by epidural analgesia in patients with ischemie heart disease. Regional Anesthesia 7(1982) pp S8-S18. - : Efectos hemodinamicos coronaious de la anestesia general y de la cirurgia. Modifica- ciones mediante la analgesia peridural en pacientes con enfermedad cardiaca isquémica. Revista Argentina de Anestesiologia 41(1983):2. ISSN 0370-7792. REIZ, Sebastian, HÄGGMARK, Sören, RYDVALL, Anders & ÖSTMAN, Margareta: Betablockers and thoracic epidural analgesia-cardioprotective and synergistic effects. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.76 pp 54-61. REIZ, Sebastian, RAIS, Olev & Peter, T: Central and coronary hemodynamic effects of lower limb incomplete ischemia. In: Induced skeletal muscle ischemia in man, pp 152-160. Basel 1982. REIZ, Sebastian: se BÅLFORS, Eva; se EHRENSTRÖM REIZ, Gunnel; se HÄGG­ MARK, Sören; se LUNDGREN, Rune; se MELLBRING, Göran; se RYDVALL, Anders; se SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar; se Sloth Madsen, P; se TRUEDSON, Håkan; se WAAGSTEIN, Finn ROSENHALL, Leif: se TRUEDSON, Håkan RYDVALL, Anders, HÄGGMARK, Sören, NYHMAN, Håkan & REIZ, Sebastian: Effects on enflurane on coronary haemodynamics in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 28(1984) pp 690-695. RYDVALL, Anders: se BÅLFORS, Eva; se REIZ, Sebastian; se TRUEDSON, Håkan RÅNBY, Mats: se MELLBRING, Göran SANDZÉN, Birger: se DOMELLÖF, Lennart SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar, HÄGGMARK, Sören & REIZ, Sebastian: Effects of indome- thacine on central, renal and coronary haemodynamics. An experimental study in swine with unilateral ureteral obstruction. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 17(1983) pp 73-79. SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar: se HÄGGMARK, Sören SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se NYSTRÖM, Bengt; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel Sloth Madsen, P, Ström, P, REIZ, Sebastian & BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens: Acute propoxyphene poisoning in 222 consecutive patients. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 28(1984) pp 661-665. STJERNBERG, Nils: se TRUEDSON, Håkan STRAND, Tage: se MELLBRING, Göran SUNNEGÅRDH, Olof: se MELLBRING, Göran SVONNI, Inger: se JÄRHULT, Johannes BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens: se Bierholm, E A; se Eriksen, C; se Henriksen, Leif; se REIZ, Sebastian; se Sloth Madsen, P The STROKE GROUP: se MELLBRING, Göran TRUEDSON, Håkan: Cholecystectomy with and without intraperitoneal drain. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 393-399. - : Cholecystectomy with intraperitoneal drain. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 171-178. - : Cholecystectomy with intraperitoneal drain. Presence and significance of conjugated bilirubin in the drainage fluid. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 179-185. - : Cholecystectomy with prophylactic intraperitoneal drain — Clinical studies of the discharge, conséquence and necessity of prophylactic drainage. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:92. ISSN 0346-6612. - , BÅLFORS, Eva, GUSTAVSSON, Björn, HÄGGMARK, Sören, NATH, Sherdil, RYDVALL, Anders & REIZ, Sebastian: Effekter av halothan på central- och coro-

130 narhemodynamik hos patienter med ischemisk hjärtsjukdom med svikt. Opuscula Medica 58(1982) p 37. TRUEDSON, Håkan, ELMROS, Theodor & HOLM, Stig: Elective cholecystectomy with intraperitoneal drain. A bacteriological évaluation. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 315-321. - : The incidence of bacteria in gallbladder bile at acute and elective cholecystectomy. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 307-313. TRUEDSON, Håkan & PRESS, Vivan: A new method of reconstructive surgery in patients with retraction of conventional ileostomy. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 49(1983):Suppl.516 p 27. TRUEDSON, Håkan, REIZ, Sebastian, BÅLFORS, Eva, BREDGAARD SÖRENSEN, Mogens & Friedman, A: Isoflurane — a powerful coronary vasodilator in patients with coronary artery disease. Anesthesiology 59(1983) pp 91-97. TRUEDSON, Håkan, ROSENHALL, Leif & STJERNBERG, Nils: Arteriovenous shunt in the management of severe asthma. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 65(1984) pp 362-364. TRUEDSON, Håkan & STJERNBERG, Nils: Postoperative pulmonary ventilation after cholecystectomy with and without peritoneal drain. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 401-406. - , CAJANDER, Stefan & UDDENFELDT, Per: Muscular involvement in sarcoidosis. Proceedings of 3rd European conférence on sarcoidosis. Novi Sad 1982. TRUEDSON, Håkan: se RAIS, Olev; se REIZ, Sebastian; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel Waagstein, Finn, Estrada-Yamamoto, M, REIZ, Sebastian, Reues, C & Hjalmarson, Å: Haemodynamic effects of intravenously administered prenalterol in patients with severe heart failure. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.659 p 221. WALLÉN, Per: se MELLBRING, Göran WIMAN, Björn: se MELLBRING, Göran WÄHLBY, Lennart: se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, Eriksson, Folke, Garsten, Per, Kjellgren, Arne, Kullenberg, Christer, Larsson, Lars Gunnar, Levén, Peter, Mågård, Karsten, Parkman, Lars, Rydh, G, Sandström, A, Sokolowski, Lech, Sundbom, Carl-Martin & Wirén, Mats: Bröst­ bevarande operation vid bröstcancer — utfall av ett vårdprogram. Hygiea 91(1982):6. ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, JOHNSON, Owe, ERICSSON, Martin & TOLLIN, Claes: Serum lipoproteins and apolipoproteins A I and A II in male patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 48(1982) pp 675-678. ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, KIDMAN, Siv & HENRIKSSON-LAR­ SEN, Karin: Z- and M-Band appearance in différent histochemically defined types of human skeletal muscle fibers. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 30(1982) pp 1-11. ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel & TRUEDSON, Håkan: Reconstructive vascular surgery in diabetic patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 85-88. ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan OSTMAN, Margareta: se REIZ, Sebastian

131 KLINISK BETTFYSIOLOGI AGERBERG, Göran: Mandibular function and dysfunction in complete denture wearers — a predisposing factor to mandibular dysfunction. The Northwestern University Dental School proceedings of continuing éducation: Mandibular dysfunction — dental implications for diagnosis and treatment. Chicago 1982. - : Funktionella problem i tuggsystemet hos äldre. I: De äldre och tandvården. Symposie­ bok sexton, pp 61-71. Stockholm 1983. ERIKSSON, Per-Olov: Muscle fibre composition of the human mandibular locomotor system: enzyme-histochemical and morphological characteristics of functionally diffé­ rent parts. Diss. Swedish Dental Journal 1982:Suppl. 12. - , ERIKSSON, A, Ringqvist, M & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Histochemical fibre compo­ sition of the human digastric muscle. Archives of Oral Biology 27(1982) pp 207-215. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof, Stålberg, E & Antoni, L: Flexibility in motor-unit firing pattern in the human temporal and masseter muscles related to type of activation and location. Archives of Oral Biology 29(1984) pp 707-712. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Histochemical and morphological muscle-fibre characteristics of the human masseter, the medial pterygoid and the temporal muscles. Archives of Oral Biology 28(1983) pp 781-795. ERIKSSON, Per-Olof: se Ringqvist, M; se THORNELL, Lars-Eric Ringqvist, M, Ringqvist, I, ERIKSSON, Per-Olof & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Histo­ chemical fibre-type profile in the human masseter muscle. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 53(1982) pp 273-282. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, Billeter, R, Butler-Browne, G S, ERIKSSON, Per-Olof, Ring­ qvist, M & Whalen, R G: Development of fiber types in human fetal muscle. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 66(1984) pp 107-115.

KLINISK FYSIOLOGI BACKMAN, Christer & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Echocardiographic features in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 214(1983) pp 273-278. BACKMAN, Christer, Sandström, Bo & SOLHEIM, Folke: Changes in central circu­ lation in premenopausal women during application of an estradiol valeratenorgestrel combination (Cyclabil^). Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl. 106 pp 47-50. BACKMAN, Christer: se Eriksson, Martin; se ERIKSSON, Peter; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se TOLLIN, Claes; se WAHLIN, Anders BARDON, Alicja: se CEDER, Ove BILLSTRÖM, Åke: se TOLLIN, Claes BJERLE, Per: se Edvardsson, Nils; se ERIKSSON, Peter; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se Peters, Dieter; se STEEN, Lars; se THUNELL, Martin BLOM, Sigfrid: se FODSTAD, Harald; se LAGERKVIST, Birgitta CEDER, Ove, TEIEN, Dag, BARDON, Alicja, Hellsing, Kristoffer & KOLLBERG, Hans: Cystic fibrosis-like changes in body fluids of healthy persons performing anaerobic exercise. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.309 pp 25-31.

132 Edvardsson, Nils, BJERLE, Per, Brorson, Leif, Möller, Mogens, Nyquist, Olof, OLOFS­ SON, Bert-Ove & Åström, Mats: Réduction of chronic ventricular arrhythmia with the beta blocker Sotalol — a double blind study. Danish Medicai Bulletin 1983:Suppl.l p 18. ERIKSSON, Anders: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se WAHLIN, Anders Eriksson, Martin, JOHNSON, Owe, TOLLIN, Claes, FURBERG, Bengt, BACKMAN, Christer & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Serum lipoproteins, apoliproteins and intravenous fat tolerance in young athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 14(1982) pp 209-212. ERIKSSON, Peter, BACKMAN, Christer, BJERLE, Per, ERIKSSON, Anders, HOLM, Sonja & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Non-invasive assessment of the presence and severity of cardiac amyloidosis. A study in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy by cross sectional echocardiography and technetium-99m-pyrophosphate scintigraphy. British Heart Journal 52(1984) pp 321-326. - : Technetium-99m-pyrophosphate scintigraphy and two-dimensional echocardiography in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Circulation 70(1984):Suppl.II p 451. ERIKSSON, Peter, BACKMAN, Christer, ERIKSSON, Anders & OLOFSSON, Bert- Ove: Morphological basis of altered myocardial acoustic properties in familial amy­ loidosis with polyneuropathy. Circulation 70(1984):Suppl.II p 151. ERIKSSON, Peter, KARP, Kjell, BJERLE, Per & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Disturbances of cardiac rhythm and conduction in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. British Heart Journal 51(1984) pp 658-662. ERIKSSON, Sture, BACKMAN, Christer, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & the CVD group: Use of pulmonary cine-angiocardiography (PACAC) and echo-cardiography to demonstrate intracardiac sources of cerebral emboli. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982): Suppl.91 pil. FODSTAD, Harald, BLOM, Sigfrid & LINDERHOLM, Håkan: Artificial respiration by phrenic nerve stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in patients with cervical cord and brain stem lésions. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 173-181. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, LINDERHOLM, Håkan & Wilson, Archie: Restrictive ventilatory dysfunction in stroke: Its relation to locomotor function. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1983: Suppl.9. FURBERG, Bengt: se Eriksson, Martin HANSSON MILD, Kjell: se LINDERHOLM, Håkan HOLM, Sonja: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se STEEN, Lars JACOBSSON, Karl-Anders: se TOLLIN, Claes IOHNSSON, Owe: se Eriksson, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes KARP, Kjell: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se LINDERHOLM, Håkan KOLLBERG, Hans: se CEDER, Ove LAGERKVIST, Birgitta, LINDERHOLM, Håkan, BLOM, Sigfrid, Thorulf, Peer & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Systemeffekter av arsenik. Statens vattenfallsverk Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:78. LAGERKVIST, Birgitta, LINDERHOLM, Håkan, NORDBERG, Gunnar & Thorulf, Peer: Vasospastic tendency in As-exposed workers. Clinical Physiology 3(1983) p 88. LINDERHOLM, Håkan: Air pollution in northern Sweden. Nordic Council for Arctic Medicai Research. Report 35(1983) pp 31-37. : Arctic exploitation. Nordic Council for Arctic Medicai Research. Report 33(1982) pp 533-539. : Coronary insufficiency and cold. Nordic Council for Arctic Medicai Research. Report 30(1982) pp 23-28.

133 - , HANSSON MILD, Kjell & KARP, Kjell: Effect of low oxygen tension of arterial blood on maximum oxygen uptake by muscles. A mathematical analysis of a capillary model. Clinical Physiology 3(1983):Suppl.2. LINDERHOLM, Håkan: se FODSTAD, Harald; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se LAGER­ KVIST, Birgitta NORDBERG, Gunnar: se LAGERKVIST, Birgitta OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Cardio-pulmonary function in familial amyloidosis with poly- neuropathy. A clinical study of cases from northern Sweden. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:86. - , BJERLE, Per, BACKMAN, Christer, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & Klingen, Gudmund: Cor triatriatum. International Journal of Cardiology 2(1982) pp 143-144. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, BJERLE, Per & ÖSTERMAN, Göran: Hemodynamic and angiocardiographic observations in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 77-81. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: se BACKMAN, Christer; se ERIKSSON, Peter; se THUNELL, Martin; se WAHLIN, Anders ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se Edvardsson, Nils; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se OLOFSSON, Bert- Ove; se THUNELL, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes Peters, Dieter and the multicenter Study Group (including BJERLE, Per): Terodilene in the treatment of urinary frequency and motor urge incontinence. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1984:Suppl.87 pp 21-33. SOLHEIM, Folke: se BACKMAN, Christer STEEN, Lars, WAHLIN, Anders, BJERLE, Per & HOLM, Sonja: Renal function in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 233-236. STJERNBERG, Nils, BACKMAN, Christer & Björnstad-Pettersen, Helge: Pulmonary function in early sarcoidosis I and II. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European conférence on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders, pp 354-358. Novi Sad 1980. Ed. Branislav, Duric 1982. STJERNBERG, Nils & THUNELL, Martin: Pulmonary function in patients with endobronchial sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 121-126. STJERNBERG, Nils: se THUNELL, Martin TEIEN, Dag: se CEDER, Ove THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & STJERNBERG, Nils: Cardiopulmonary function in sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandi­ navica 215(1984) pp 215-220. THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per & STJERNBERG, Nils: ECG abnormalities in patients with sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandinavica 213(1983):2 pp 115-118. THUNELL, Martin: se STJERNBERG, Nils TOLLIN, Claes, Ericsson, Martin, JOHNSON, Owe, BACKMAN, Christer, JACOBS­ SON, Karl-Anders, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & BILLSTRÖM, Åke: Decreased removal of triglycérides from the blood — a mechanism for the hypertriglyceridemia in male patients with coronary artery disease. International Journal of Cardiology 5(1984) pp 185-192. TOLLIN, Claes: se Eriksson, Martin WAHLIN, Anders, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ERIKSSON, Anders & BACKMAN, Chris­ ter: Myeloma-associated cardiac amyloidosis. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 189-192.

134 WAHLIN, Anders: se STEEN, Lars ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: se Eriksson, Martin

KLINISK KEMI ALAFUZOFF, Irina: se MARKLUND, Stefan ANDERSSON, Magnus: se WIMAN, Björn ASPLUND, Kjell, GRANKVIST, Kjell, MARKLUND, Stefan & TÄLJEDAL, Inge- Bert: Partial protection against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycaemia by superoxide dismutase linked to polyethyleneglycol. Acta Endocrinologica 107(1984) pp 390-394. ASPLUND, Kjell: se MARKLUND, Stefan BERGH, Anders & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Local régulation of Leydig cell function from the seminiferous tubules-effect of short-term cryptorchidism. XVI Acta Endocrinolo­ gica Congress, Stockholm 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 247. - : Local régulation of Leydig cells by the seminiferous tubules. Effect of shortterm cryptorchidism. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 409-418. - & Ritzen, M: Early signs of Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction in the abdominal testes of immature unilaterally cryptorchid rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 398-408. BERGH, Anders: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se Huthaniemi, I BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo, SJÖGREN, Kerstin & TOMIC, Radisa: Sexual function in prostatic cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, orchiectomy or oestrogens. British Journal of Urology 56(1984) pp 64-69. BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & TOMIC, Radisa: Långtidsuppföljning av prostatacancerpatienter där östrogenbehandling utsatts. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 92(1983):8 p 261. BERGMAN, Bo, TOMIC, Radisa & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Long-term hormonal follow- up after cessation of oestrogen treatment in prostatic cancer patients. Edinburgh Urological Festival and British Prostate group joint meeting. University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Prostate 4(1983):4 p 108. BERGMAN, Bo: se DAEHLIN, Lars BERGSDORF, Nils, NILSSON, Torbjörn & WALLÉN, Per: An enzyme-linked immuno- sorbent assay for détermination of tissue Plasminogen activator applied to patients with thromboembolic disease. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 50(1983) pp 770-774. BERGSDORF, Nils: se MELLBRING, Göran; se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se RÅNBY, Mats BJÖRK, Glenn: se RASMUSON, Torgny BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt, MARKLUND, Stefan & HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: Enzymes of leuko- cyte oxidative metabolism in Down's syndrome. Acta Pediatrica Scandinavica 73(1984) pp 97-101. BUCHT, Gösta: se MARKLUND, Stefan BÄCK, Ove & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Cl-esterase inhibitor activity in cold Urticaria. ESDR symposium 'The Urticarias', pp 10-11. Cambridge 1983. BÄCK, Ove: se NILSSON, Torbjörn

135 CAJANDER, Stefan: se OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt CEDERGREN, Bertil: se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se WIMAN, Björn DAEHLIN, Lars, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Direkta inhibitoriska effekter av östrogener på prostatablodflödet hos råtta. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 92(1983):8 p 261. - : Effects of testosterone and différent oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984):2 p 53A. - : Inhibitory effects of oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. 2nd International congress of hormones and cancer, Monte Carlo. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 19(1983):Suppl. p 110. DAEHLIN, Lars, Thore, J, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Direct inhibitory effects of oestrogens on human testicular testosterone sécrétion in vitro. XIV Acta Endocrinologica Congress, Stockholm 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 246. DAEHLIN, Lars: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders & DAEHLIN, Lars: Stimulatory effect of an LHRH-agonist on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 236-243. - , Ekholm, C, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: The acute effect of oestrogens on testosterone production appears not to be mediated by testicular oestro- gen receptors. Molecular and Cellulär Endocrinology 31(1983) pp 105-116. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Estrogen receptor and aromatase activity in the testes of the unilateral cryptorchid rat. Archives of Andrology 11(1983) pp 259-263. DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se BERGH, Anders; se BERGMAN, Bo; se DAEHLIN, Lars; se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se GÅFVELS, Mats; se Huthaniemi, I; se OTTOSSON, Ulla- Britt; se RASMUSON, Torgny DAMBER, Mats-Göran, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, NILSSON, Bo, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Danazol displacement of testosterone and influence on free testosterone levels. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.l23 p 115. DANIELSSON, Åke: se KOLLBERG, Hans DOMELLÖF, Lennart & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Mjältens roll för eliminering av trom- bocyter och komplementfaktorer studerade vid splenektomi. Svensk kirurgisk förenings vårmöte, Umeå. Abstract 1984:68. EK, Börje: se MARKLUND, Stefan ERIKSSON, Sture: se MARKLUND, Stefan Gerdin, B, Arfors, K E och MARKLUND, Stefan: Den destruktiva syrgasmetabolismen — fria syreradikalers patofysiologiska betydelse. Läkartidningen 79(1982):36 pp 3059-3064. Gerdin, B & MARKLUND, Stefan: Oxygen-derived free radicals. An introduction to the concept and some spéculations on their rôle in ischemia. Proceedings of the post- graduate course in hypoxia, 1982. Upsala Journal of Médical Sciences 1984:Suppl.38 pp 61-74. GLITTERSTAM, Kjell: se KOLLBERG, Hans GRANKVIST, Kjell & MARKLUND, Stefan: B-cell plasma membrane is damaged by extracellulary generated free radicals. Abstract. 19th Annual meeting, Scandinavian society for the study of diabetes. Copenhagen 1984. - : Opposite effects of two metal-chelators on alloxan-induced diabetes in mice. Life Sciences 33(1983) pp 2535-2540.

136 GRANKVIST, Kjell, NORLUND, Lena, NORLUND, Robert & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Ultrastructure and membrane permeability of cultured pancreatiac B-cells exposed to alloxan or 6-hydroxydopamine. Virchows Archiv. Pathological Anatomy 404(1984) pp 31-38. GRANKVIST, Kjell: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se KOLLBERG, Hans; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se ROOTH, Pål GÅFVELS, Mats, SELSTAM, Gunnar & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Oxygen and glucose dependency of luteal progesterone production in the pseudopregnant rat. Scandinavian physiological society meeting in Stockholm. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984): 2 p 13A. HEDNER, Ulla: se MELLBRING, Göran HENRIKSSON, Roger: se KOLLBERG, Hans HOLM, Jan: se WAHLIN, Anders HOLM, Stig: se RASMUSON, Torgny HOLST, Juhani: se OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt Huhtaniemi, I, BERGH, Anders, Nikula, H & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Différences in the régulation of steroidogenesis and tropic hormone receptors between the scrotal and abdominal testes of unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Endocrinology 115(1984) pp 550-555. HÄGG, Erik: se MARKLUND, Stefan HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, MARKLUND, Stefan & HOLMGREN, Gösta: CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in lympho­ cytes and erythrocytes in insulin-dependent diabetic children. Acta Endocrinologica 102(1983) pp 235-239. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: se BJÖRKSTEN, Bengt JACOBSSON, Lennart: se RASMUSON, Torgny; se SMIGAN, Ludovit; se WIMAN, Björn Jameson, S, Arfors, K E, Bruce, Å, Hellsing, K & MARKLUND, Stefan: Zink, koppar, mangan och selen. En radikal kvartett. Abstract. Tisdagssymposium, Svenska Läkare­ sällskapet 1983-03-11. JEPPSSON, Annika: se RASMUSON, Torgny JOHNSON, Owe, MELLBRING, Göran & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Defective fibrinolysis in survivors of myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology 6(1984) pp 380-382. JORPES, Per: se ROOS, Göran KOLLBERG, Hans, DANIELSSON, Åke, GLITTERSTAM, Kjell, HENRIKSSON, Roger & MARKLUND, Stefan: Studies on parotid saliva in cystic fibrosis. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 321-322. von KNORR1NG, Lars: se SMIGAN, Ludovit I.ijnen, H R, WIMAN, Björn & Collen, D: Partial primary structure of human alfa 2-antiplasmin — homology with other plasma protein inhibitors. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 48(1982) pp 311-314. Lijnen, H R, WIMAN, Björn, van Hoef, B & Collen, D: Purification and partial primary structure of cyanogen bromide fragments from human alfa 2-antiplasmin. Thrombosis Research 27(1982) pp 83-89. I 1LIEQV1ST, Bengt: se MARKLUND, Stefan 1.ITHNER, Folke: se MARKLUND, Stefan

137 LITTBRAND, Bo: se BERGMAN, Bo; se RASMUSON, Torgny LUNDGREN, Erik: se MARKLUND, Stefan LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof MARKLUND, Stefan: Clinical aspects of superoxide dismutase. Medicai Biology 62(1984) pp 130-134. - : EC-SOD, molecular composition and distribution in the body. In: Oxidative damage and related enzymes, pp 411-415. Eds. Rotilio, G & Bannister, J V. Life Chemistry Reports Suppl. Series. Chur, Schweiz 1984. - : Extracellular superoxide dismutase and other superoxide dismutase isoenzymes in tissues from nine mammalian species. Biochemical Journal 22(1984) pp 649-655. - : Extracellular-superoxide dismutase in human tissues and human cell lines. Journal of Clinical Investigation 74(1984) pp 1398-1403. - : Human copper-containing superoxide dismutase of high molecular weight. Pro- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79(1982) pp 7634-7638. - : Mammalian superoxide dismutases. In: Oxygen radicals in chemistry and biology, pp 765-777. Eds. Bors, W, Saran, M & Tait, D. Berlin 1984. - : Medicinska aspekter på syreradikaler. Abstract. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma. Stockholm 1984. - : A novel copper-containing superoxide dismutase. Abstract. 3rd International confé­ rence. Superoxide and superoxide dismutase. New York 1982. - : Properties of extracellular superoxide dismutase from human lung. Biochemical Journal 220(1984) pp 269-272. - : Syrgastoxicitet, fria radikaler och reperfusionsskada. Abstract. Pharmacias vätske­ dagar, 1983 10 13-14. - : Syrgastoxicitet och fria radikaler. Medicinsk kommentar. Läkartidningen 79(1982):36 p 3049. - : Åldrandet på kemisk nivå. Översikt i kursbok — Läkardagarna i Örebro, 1982. MARKLUND, Stefan, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, BUCHT, Gösta, WIDMAN, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Reference values for cerebrospinal fluid para­ meters in elderly persons. Abstract. Nordiskt möte om cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Umeå 1982. MARKLUND, Stefan, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke, Strand, T, WESTER, Per Olof, Forssell, A & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid light-absorption spectrum in the diagnosis of acute cerebro- vascular disease. Abstract. Nordiskt möte om cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Umeå 1982. MARKLUND, Stefan, EK, Börje & STEEN, Lars: Effect of longterm penicillamine therapy on erythrocyte cuZn superoxide dismutase activity. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 44(1984 pp 13-17. MARKLUND, Stefan, GRANKVIST, Kjell & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Oxy-radicals in the toxicity of cellulär toxins. In: Oxy radicals and their scavenger systems, pp 96-104. Eds. Greenwald, R A & Cohen, G. New York 1983. MARKLUND, Stefan, Holme, E & Hellner, L: Superoxide dismutase in extracellular fluids. Clinica Chimica Acta 126(1982) pp 41-51. MARKLUND, Stefan & HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: Plasma EC-superoxide dismutase activity in insulin-dependent diabetic children. Clinica Chimica Acta 142(1984) pp 299-305. MARKLUND, Stefan, ORELAND, Lars, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Superoxide dismutase activity in brains from chronic alcoholics. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 12(1983) pp 209-215. MARKLUND, Stefan, WESTMAN, Gunnar, LUNDGREN, Erik & ROOS, Göran: Copper- and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase, manganese-containing superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in normal and neoplastic human cell lines and normal human tissues. Cancer Research 42(1982) pp 1955-1961.

138 MARKLUND, Stefan, WESTMAN, Gunnar & Midander, J: CuZn superoxide dismu- tase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in glutathione deficient human fibroblasts. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 798(1984) pp 302-305. MARKLUND, Stefan, WESTMAN, Gunnar, ROOS, Göran & Carlsson, J: Radiation résistance and the CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities of seven human cell-lines. Radiation Research 100 (1984) pp 115-123. MARKLUND, Stefan: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt; se Gerdin, B; se GRANKVIST, Kjell; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se Jameson, S; se KOLLBERG, Hans; se Persson, N H; se WESTMAN, Gunnar; se Westermark, T; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof MELLBRING, Göran, NILSSON, Torbjörn, BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLÉN, Per: Tissue Plasminogen activator concentrations in major abdominal surgery. Relationships in postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Thrombosis Research 36(1984) pp 331-334. MELLBRING, Göran, NILSSON, Torbjörn & HEDNER, Ulla: On FXII and VIIIR: Ag in patients subjected to major surgery with regard to deep venous thrombosis. Vllth International congress on fibrinolysis, Venedig. Haemostasis 14(1984):Abstract 42 p 27. MELLBRING, Göran, WIMAN, Björn, WALLÉN, Per, BERGSDORF, Nils & NILS­ SON, Torbjörn: The significance of extrinsic fibrinolysis for the development of postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Vllth International congress on fibrinolysis, Venedig. Haemostasis 14(1984):Abstract 40 p 26. MELLBRING, Göran: se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se WIMAN, Björn NILSSON, Bo: se DAMBER, Mats-Göran NILSSON, Torbjörn: Activation of platelets in the venous occlusion tests. Thrombosis Research 35(1984) pp 77-80. - : Inhibition of human plasma kallikrein by Cl-esterase inhibitor. IXth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Stockholm. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 50(1983):Abstract No 0713. - : On the interaction between human plasma kallikrein and Cl-esterase inhibitor. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 49(1983) pp 193-195. - , BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLÉN, Per: Tissuetype Plasminogen activator in patients with idiopathic thromboembolic disease as measured by a new ELISA. Clinical aspects of fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis, Esbjerg. 1983:Abstract 5. - : Tissuetype Plasminogen activator in patients with idiopathic thromboembolic disease as measured by a new ELISA. In: Clinical aspects of fibrinolysis, pp 95-104. Eds. Jespersen, J, Klluft, C & Korsgaard, O. Esbjerg, 1983. NILSSON, Torbjörn & BÄCK, Ove: Om Cl-esterashämmarens roll vid köld-urticaria. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, Stockholm. Abstract 1983:19 p 135. - : On the role of the Cl-esterase inhibitor in cold-urticaria. Acta Dermatovenerologica 64(1984) pp 197-202. NILSSON, Torbjörn, CEDERGREN, Bertil & WIMAN, Björn: On the significance of the two forms of human alfa 2-antiplasmin with différent affinity for the lysine-bin- ding sites in Plasminogen. Sixth International congress on fibrinolysis. Haemostasis 11(1982):Suppl. 1. Abstract 110. : On the significance of two forms of human a-antiplasmin with différent affinity for the lysine-binding sites in Plasminogen. In: Progress in fibrinolysis vol VI, pp 381-385. Ed. Davidson, J F. Edinburgh, 1983. NILSSON, Torbjörn, RUDOLPHI, Olle & CEDERGREN, Bertil: Effects of intensive plasmapheresis on the haemostatic system. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 30(1983) pp 201-206. NILSSON, Torbjörn, RUDOLPHI, Olle & WIMAN, Björn: Circular dichroism studies on alfa 2-antiplasmin and its interactions with plasmin and Plasminogen. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 705(1982) pp 264-270.

139 NILSSON, Torbjörn, Sjöholm, I & WIMAN, Björn: Structural and circulardichroism studies on the interaction between human Cl-esterase inhibitor and C ls. Biochemical Journal 213(1983) pp 617-624. NILSSON, Torbjörn, WALLÉN, Per and MELLBRING, Göran: The in vivo metabolism of human tissue-type Plasminogen activator. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 33(1984) pp 49-53. - : Turnover of tissue-type Plasminogen activator in man. Vllth International congress on fibrinolysis, Venedig p 26. Haemostasis 14(1984):Abstract 40. NILSSON, Torbjörn & WIMAN, Björn: Kinetics of the reaction between human Cl- esterase inhibitor and Clr or Cls. European Journal of Biochemistry 129(1983) pp 663-667. - : On the structure of the stable complex between plasmin and alfa 2-antiplasmin. FEBS Letters 142(1982) pp 111-114. - : Purification and characterization of human Cl-esterase inhibitor. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 705(1982) pp 271-176. NILSSON, Torbjörn: se BERGSDORF, Nils; se BÄCKj Ove; se DOMELLÖF, Lennart; se JOHNSON, Owe; se MELLBRING, Göran; se RANBY, Mats NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se ROOS, Göran NORLUND, Lena: se GRANKVIST, Kjell NORLUND, Robert: se GRANKVIST, Kjell ORELAND, Lars: se MARKLUND, Stefan ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta: se ROOS, Göran OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt, Carlström, Kjell, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Conversion of orai progesterone into deoxycorticosterone during postmenopausal replacement therapy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 577-579. - : Serum levels of progesterone and some of its metabolites including deoxycorticos­ terone after oral and parenteral administration. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 91(1984) pp 1111-1119. OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt, HOLST, Juhani, CAJANDER, Stefan, Carlström, Kjell, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Orai progesterone — an alternative to synthetic progestogens in clinical practice. XXIV Kongres. Nordisk förening for obstetrik og gynaekologi. Odense 1984. PERDAHL, Eva: se MARKLUND, Stefan Persson, N H, Bergqvist, D, MARKLUND, Stefan, Odselius, R & Takolander, R: Reconstitution of circulation to the ischemie lower extremity, influence on tissue pressure muscle morphometry and scavenger enzymes. Abstract. International vascular workshop, 1984. Persson, N H, Bergqvist, D, Takolander, R, MARKLUND, Stefan & Odselius, R: Oedema formation after arterial reconstruction of the lower limb. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.516 p 13. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig, JACOBSSON, Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, LITTBRAND, Bo, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WEST­ MAN, Gunnar: An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen. Tissue polypeptide antigen placental alkaline phosphatase and modified nucleosides as biological markers in malignant lymphomas. Summary publicerad i Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 103(1982) p 323. - : Evaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase, and modified nucleosides as biological markers in malignant lymphomas. Cancer Research 84(1983) pp 331-343. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig, JACOBSSON, no Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Gunnar: Tumor markers in colorectal carcinoma. An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue Polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and pseudouridine. Acta Radiolo­ gica. Oncology 23(1984) pp 27-32. ROOS, Göran, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta, JORPES, Per & RUDOLPHI, Olle: Patient with acute B-cell leukemia of Burkitt's type (L3) and marker chromosomes including an (8; 14) translocation. Leukemia Research 6(1982) p 27. ROOS, Göran: se MARKLUND, Stefan; se WAHLIN, Anders ROOTH, Pål, GRANKVIST, Kjell & TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: Vital microscopy of blood flow in the pancreatic islets of mice. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl. 257 p 32. RUDOLPHI, Olle: se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se ROOS, Göran; se WAHLIN, Anders RÅNBY, Mats, BERGSDORF, Nils & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Enzymatic properties of the one- and two-chain form of tissue Plasminogen activator. Thrombosis Research 27(1982) pp 175-184. RÅNBY, Mats: se WIMAN, Björn SANDMAN, Per-Olof: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof von SCHOULTZ, Bo: se DAMBER, Mats-Göran SELSTAM, Gunnar: se DAEHLIN, Lars; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se GÅFVELS, Mats SJÖGREN, Kerstin: se BERGMAN, Bo SMIGAN, Ludovit, WAHLIN, Anders, JACOBSSON, Lennart & von KNORRING, Lars: Lithium therapy and thyroid function tests. A prospective study. Neuropsycho- biology 11(1984) pp 39-43. STEEN, Bertil: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof STEEN, Lars: se MARKLUND, Stefan STIGBRAND, Torgny: se RASMUSON, Torgny STRAND, Tage: se MARKLUND, Stefan SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik TOMIC, Radisa: se BERGMAN, Bo TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se MARKLUND, Kjell; se ROOTH, Pål WAHLIN, Anders, ROOS, Göran, RUDOLPHI, Olle & HOLM, Jan: Melphalan-related leukemia in multiple myeloma. Acta Medica Scandinavica 211(1982) p 203. WAHLIN, Anders: se SMIGAN, Ludovit WALLÉN, Per: se BERGSDORF, Nils; se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se MELLBRING, Göran WESTER, Per: se MARKLUND, Stefan WESTMAN, Gunnar & MARKLUND, Stefan: Diethyldithiocarbamate inhibition of CuZn superoxide dismutase in human erythrocytes: no increase in radiation hemolysis. International Journal of Radiation Biology 43(1983) pp 103-109. - & Midander, J: The effect of diethyldithiocarbamate, a superoxide dismutase inhibitor on the radiation résistance of Chinese hamster V79 cells. In: Oxy radicals and their scavenger systems, pp 339-342. Eds. Greenwald, R A & Cohen, G. New York 1983. WESTMAN, Gunnar: se MARKLUND, Stefan; se RASMUSON, Torgny Westermarck, T, Santavuori, P, MARKLUND, Stefan, Pohja, P & Salmi, A: Studies on ihe effects of sélénium administration to neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis patients with special reference to reduced glutathione. In: Ceroid-lipofuscinosis (Batten's disease), pp 399-405. Eds. Armstrong, B, Koppang, N & Rider, J A. New York 1982.

141 WIDMAN, Lars: se MARKLUND, Stefan WIMAN, Björn, JACOBSSON, Lennart, ANDERSSON, Magnus & MELLBRING, Göran: Determination of plasmin- a2~antip'asmin complex in plasma samples by means of a radioimmunoassay. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Investigation 43(1982) pp 27-33. WIMAN, Björn, MELLBRING, Göran & RÅNBY, Mats: Plasminogen activator release during venous stasis and exercise as determined by a new specific assay. Clinica Chimica Acta 127(1982) pp 279-288. WIMAN, Björn & NILSSON, Torbjörn: A new simple method for détermination of Cl-esterase inhibitor activity in plasma. Clinica Chimica Acta 128(1983) pp 359-366. - & CEDERGREN, Bertil: Studies on a form of alfa 2-antiplasmin in plasma which does not interact with the lysine-binding sites in Plasminogen. Thrombosis Research 28(1982) pp 193-202. WIMAN, Björn: se BERGSDORF, Nils; se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se Lijne, H R WINBLAD, Bengt: se MARKLUND, Stefan; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof, LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine, MARKLUND, Stefan, NY­ STRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, STEEN, Bertil & WINBLAD, Bengt: Blood components in an elderly population. Gerontology, 1984 pp 247-252.

KLINISK MIKROBIOLOGI OCH BAKTERIOLOGI BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie, HOLM, Stig & WIKLUND, Dan-Erik: Penetration of lymecycline (tetracycline) into the tissues of the fallopian tube. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 61(1982) pp 47-52. BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie, HOLM, Stig, Ekedahl, Claes & Lundin, K: Distribution of lymecycline in interstitial fluid and paranasal sinus. An experimental and clinical study. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1983:1 p 59. BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie & HOLM, Stig: Experimental poststreptococcal glomeru- lonephritis in rabbits. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandina­ vica. Sect. C 91(1983) pp 263-270. - : Effect of early penicillin treatment on the development of experimental post strepto- coccal glomerulonephritis. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scan­ dinavica. Sect. C 91(1983) pp 271-281. BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie, Henning, Claes & HOLM, Stig: Static and dynamic properties of tissue cage fluid in rabbits. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology 3(1984) pp 126-130. BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie: WAGNER, Manfred BJÖRK, Glenn: RASMUSON, Torgny BURMAN, Lars G: se MONSEN, Tor; se THORE, Magnus BURMAN, Lars Å: se TÄRNVIK, Arne; se Vestin, L DAHLÉN, Gunnar, Fabricius, L, Heyden, G, HOLM, Stig & Möller, Åke: Apical Periodontitis induced by selected bacterial strains in root canals of immunized and nonimmunized monkeys. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 207-216.

142 DAHLEN, Gunnar, Fabricius, L, HOLM, Stig & Möller, Åke: Circulating antibodies after experimental chronic infection in the root canal of teeth in monkeys. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 338-344. Ekedahl, Claes, HOLM, Stig, Lindahl, L & Melén, I: Chronic maxillary sinusitis. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 93(1982) pp 147-150. ELMROS, Theodor: se TRUEDSON, Håkan Fabricius, L, DAHLÉN, Gösta, HOLM, Stig & Möller, Åke: Influence of combinations of oral bacteria on periapical tissues of monkeys. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 200-206. FERRY, Sven: se HOLM, Stig GRAHN, Ewa & HOLM, Stig: Bacterial interference in the throat flora during a strepto- coccal tonsillitis outbreak in an apartment house area. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie und Hygiene A 256(1983) pp 72-79. - : Interference of a-hemolytic Streptococci isolated from tonsillar surface on /?-hemolytic Streptococci. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie und Hygiene A. 254(1983) pp 459-468. GRAHN, Ewa: se HOLM, Stig HOLM, Stig: Comparative efficacy of Cefadroxil and penicillin versus /?-streptococcal infection in an experimental in-vivo model. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 10(1982):Suppl.B pp 137-142. - : Gram-positive microorganisms in sepsis. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1982:Suppl.31 pp 68-77. - : Focus on sinusitis. Host-microorganism relation. Acta otorhinolaryngologica Belgica 37(1983) pp 574-583. - & Ekedahl, Claes: Comparative study of the penetration of penicillin V and Cefadroxil into tonsils in man. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 10(1982):Suppl.B pp 121-123. HOLM, Stig & FERRY, Sven: Urinvägsinfektioner i primärvården. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 4743-4747. HOLM, Stig & GRAHN, Ewa: Bacterial interference in streptococcal tonsillitis. Scan­ dinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1983:Suppl. 39 pp 73-78. HOLM, Stig, Hill, B, Löwestad, Maller, R & Vikerfors, T: A prospective, randomized study of amikacin and gentamicin in serious infections with focus on efficacy, toxicity and duration of serum levels above the MIC. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 12(1983) pp 393-402. HOLM, Stig, Knöll, Heide, Gerlach, Dieter, Kühnemund, Otto & Köhler, Werner: Tissue cages for study of experimental streptococcal infection in rabbits. II. Communication: Humoral and cell-mediated immune response to erythrogenic toxins. Immunobiology 162(1982) pp 128-140. HOLM, Stig & LARSSON, Sven-Erik: The penetration of flucloxacillin into cortical and spongious bone during knee arthroplasty. International Orthopaedics 6(1982) pp 243-247. HOLM, Stig, WAHLIN, Anders, WAHLQVIST, Lennart, WEDREN, Hans & LUND­ GREN, Barbro: Urine microscopy as screening method for bacteriuria. Acta Medica Scandinavica 211(1982) pp 209-211. HOLM, Stig: se BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie; se DAHLÉN, Gösta; se Ekedahl, Claes; se Fabricius, L; se GRAHN, Ewa; se Kalling, I; se Knöll, Heide; se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry; se LARSSON, Sven-Erik; se Malke, Horst; se MONSEN, Tor; se NORRBY, Ragnar; se Puhakka, H; se RASMUSON, Torgny; se THORE, Magnus; se TRUED­ SON, Håkan; se Wagner, Manfred; se Vestin, L JACOBSSON, Lennart: se RASMUSON, Torgny IEPPSSON, Annika: se RASMUSON, Torgny

143 Kallings, I, Bengtsson, S, Christensen, Poul, HOLM, Stig, Lind, L & Kaiin, M: Antibiotic sensitivity of Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Branhmella catarrhalis isolated from upper respiratory tract infections in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1983:Suppl.39 pp 100-105. CARLSSON, Jan: se LÖFGREN, Sture Knöll, Heide, HOLM, Stig, Gerlach, Dieter & Köhler, Werner: Tissue cages for study of experimental streptococcal infection in rabbits I. Communication: Production of erythrogenic toxins in vivo. Immunobiology 162(1982) p 128. KOURTOPOULOS, Harry: Studies on the penetration of antibiotics into cerebrospinal fluid, brain tissue and brain abscesses. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1983:99. ISSN 0346-6612. - , Blander, H, HOLM, Stig & WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: Effect of ethanol on the pharmacokinetics of penicillin in the rat. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 53(1983) pp 200-204. KOURTOPOULOS, Harry, HOLM, Stig & NORRBY, Ragnar: The effects of irradiation and probenecid on cerebrospinal fluid transport of penicillin. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 11(1983) pp 251-255. - : The influence of steroids on the penetration of antibiotics into brain tissue and brain abscesses. An experimental study in rats. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 11(1983) pp 245-249. LARSSON, Jan-Erik: se LARSSON, Sven-Erik LARSSON, Sven-Erik, LARSSON, Jan-Erik & HOLM, Stig: The importance of capillary flow rate for the penetration of antibiotics. Föredrag 13th International congress of chemotherapy, Vienna 28th August — 2nd September 1983. LARSSON, Sven-Erik: se HOLM, Stig LITTBRAND, Bo: se RASMUSON, Torgny LUNDGREN, Barbro: se HOLM, Stig LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa, SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar, LÖFGREN, Sture, TÄRNVIK, Arne & WOLF-WATZ, Hans: Duration of cell-mediated immunity after tularemia vaccina­ tion. Abstract. 8th Scottish-Scandinavian conférence on infectious diseases. Tampere June 8-11, 1983. LÖFGREN, Sture: Interaction between Francisella tularensis and human polymorpho- nuclear leukocytes. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1983:96. ISSN 0346-6612. - , SJÖBERG, Wigert, THORE, Magnus & TÄRNVIK, Arne: Interaction of Francisella tularensis with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Abstract. VIII international congress of infectious and parasitic diseases. Stockholm June 7-11, 1982. LÖFGREN, Sture, TÄRNVIK, Arne, BLOOM, Gunnar & SJÖBERG, Wigert: Phago- cytosis and killing of Francisella tularensis by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Infection and Immunity 39(1983) pp 715-720. LÖFGREN, Sture, TÄRNVIK, Arne, THORE, Magnus & CARLSSON, Jan: A wild and attenuated strain of Francisella tularensis differ in susceptibility to hypochlorous acid: A possible explanation of their différent handling by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Infection and Immunity 43(1984) pp 730-734. LÖFGREN, Sture: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa; se SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar; se THORE, Magnus Malke, Horst & HOLM, Stig: Helper plasmid system for DNA cloning with pSMlO- related vehicles. In: Microbiology, pp 243-247. Ed. Schlessinger, D. Washington DC 1982.

144 MONSEN, Tor, HOLM, Stig & BURMAN, Lars G: A general method for cell lysis and préparation of deoxyriboonucleic acid from Streptococci. FEMS Microbiology Letters 16(1983) pp 19-24. NORRBY, Ragnar & HOLM, Stig: Antibiotika vid infektioner orsakade av H influenzae. Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 30. NORRBY, Ragnar: se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry Puhakka, H, Virolainen, E, Eskola, J & HOLM, Stig: Cefadroxil in the treatment of acute Otitis media in children. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 10(1982) pp 99-103. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig, JACOBSSON, Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, LITTBRAND, Bo, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WEST­ MAN, Göran: Evaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and modi fied nucleosides as biological markers in malignant lymphomas. Recent Results in Cancer Research 84(1983) pp 332-343. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig, JACOBSSON, Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Göran: Tumor markers in bronchogenic carcinoma. An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and pseudouridine. Acta Radiolo­ gica. Oncology 22(1983) p 209. - : Tumor markers in colorectal carcinoma. An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and pseudouridine. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 23(1984) pp 27-32. SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar, TÄRNVIK, Arne, WOLF-WATZ. Hans & LÖFGREN, Sture: Antigen from Francisella tularensis: Nonidentity between déterminants participating in cell-mediated and humoral reactions. Infection and Immunity 45(1984) pp 101-106. - : Capsular antigen of Francisella tularensis for demonstration of humoral and cell- medicated immunity. Abstract. 8th Scottish-Scandinavian conférence on infectious diseases. Tampere June 8-11, 1983. : Préparation of antigen from Francisella tularensis for demonstration of serum anti­ bodies by the ELISA. FOA-rapport C 1983:40179-B3. ISSN 0347-2124. - : Rapid detection by the ELISA of low numbers of F. tularensis in water. Abstract. 8th Scottish-Scandinavian conférence on infectious diseases. Tampere June 8-11, 1983. SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa SJÖBERG, Wigert: se LÖFGREN, Sture STIGBRAND, Torgny: se RASMUSON, Torgny THORE, Magnus: Studies on experimental anaerobic infections of the middle ear and on the polymorphonuclear leukocyte function under anaerobic conditions. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N. S. 1984:127. ISSN 0346-6612. - , BURMAN, Lars G & HOLM, Stig: Bacteroides fragilis, Propionibacterium acnes and Peptostreptococcus anaerobius in experimental Otitis media in guinea-pigs. In: Models of anaerobic infection, pp 39-49. Eds. The Steering committee of the anaerobe discus­ sion group. Hingham, MA 1984. : Streptococcus pneumoniae and three species of anaerobic bacteria in experimental Otitis media in guinea pigs. Journal of Infectious Diseases 145(1982) pp 822-828. 1HORE, Magnus, LÖFGREN, Sture & TÄRNVIK, Arne: Fagocytos och avdödning av pneumococcer i aerob och anaerob miljö. Föredrag vid Medicinska Riksstämman 1982. - : Oxygen and serum complément in phagocytosis and killing of Propionibacterium acnes. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et lmmunologica Scandinavica Sect. C 91(1983) pp 95-100. THORE, Magnus: se LÖFGREN, Sture TRUEDSON, Håkan, ELMROS, Theodor & HOLM, Stig: Elective cholecystectomy with intraperitoneal drain. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 315-321.

145 - : The incidence of bacteria in gallbladder bile at acute and elective cholecystectomy. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 307-313. TÄRNVIK, Arne, BURMAN, Lars Å & Falsen, Enevold: Dwarf colony mutant of Escherichia coli causing purulent meningitis. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 14(1982) pp 147-149. TÄRNVIK, Arne: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa; se LÖFGREN, Sture; se SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar; se THORE, Magnus Wagner, Manfred, HOLM, Stig & Wagner, Barbara: Growth of group B Streptococci and development of surface antigens in tissue cages implanted in rabbits. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie und Hygiene I A 252(1982) pp 287-298. Wagner, Manfred, Wagner, Barbara, BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie & HOLM, Stig: Expé­ rimental infection with group B Streptococci in tissue cages implanted in rabbits. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie und Hygiene A 258(1984) pp 242-255. WAHLIN, Anders: se HOLM, Stig WAHLQVIST, Lennart: se HOLM, Stig WAHLSTRÖM, Göran: se KOURTOPOULOS, Harry WEDRÉN, Hans: se HOLM, Stig Vestin, L, BURMAN, Lars Å, HOLM, Stig & Seilers, J: Clinical experience with Azlo- cillin in the treatment of urinary tract infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Scan­ dinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 14(1982) pp 289-291. WESTMAN, Göran: se RASMUSON, Torgny WIKLUND, Dan-Erik: se BERGHOLM, Ann-Marie WOLF-WATZ, Hans: se LÖFGREN, Mona-Lisa; se SANDSTRÖM, Gunnar

KLINISK NEUROFYSIOLOGI AASLY, Jan, BLOM, Sigfrid, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Effects of amobarbital and methohexital on epileptic activity in mesial temporal structures in epileptic patients: an EEG study with depth electrodes. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) pp 423-431. BIXO, Marie: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn BLOM, Sigfrid & HEIJBEL, Jan: Benign epilepsy of children with centrotemporal EEG foci: A follow-up study in adulthood of patients initially studied as children. Epilepsia 23(1982) pp 629-632). BLOM, Sigrid & SILFVENIUS, Herbert: Neurokirurgisk behandling av epilepsi. Utred­ ningsgång och preliminära resultat. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 231-234. - : Preoperativ utredning av epilepsipatienter, neurofysiologiska erfarenheter. Samman­ fattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 81(1982) p 201. BLOM, Sigfrid: se AASLY, Jan; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se FODSTAD, Harald; se LAGERQVIST, Birgitta; se NILSSON, Lars-Göran; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se SILFVENIUS, Herbert; se ZAKRISSON, John BRODTKORB, Eylert: Benign barnepilepsi med sentrotemporale (Rolandic) spikes. Tid­ skrift for Den norske laegeforening 102(1982) pp 1701-1703. - & KNIBESTÖL, Martin: Ekkoventrikkulografi. En metode for måling av cerebral ventrikkelstörrelse. Tidskrift for Den norske laegeforening 104(1984) pp 1230-1232.

146 BRODTKORB, Eylert, LINDQVIST, Melker, JONSSON, Marianne & GUSTAVSSON, Åke: Diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. A comparison between electro-encepha- lography and computed tomography findings. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982) pp 462-471. BRODTKORB, Eylert: se KNIBESTÖL, Martin BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Bancroft, J, BIXO, Marie, HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan, San­ ders, D & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Endocrinological aspects of premenstrual syndrome. In: Premenstrueel syndrom en postpartum depressie, pp 17-32. Eds. van Hall, E V, Keirse, M J N C & Vermeulen, J. Leiden 1982. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, LANDGREN, Sven, ZETTERLUND, Bo, BLOM, Sigfrid, Dubrovsky, B, BIXO, Marie & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Effect of ovarian Steroid hormones on brain excitability and their relation to epilepsy seizure variation during the menstrual cycle. In: Advances in epileptology, pp 269-277. ISBN 0-89004-561-5. Eds. Porter, Mattsson, Ward & Dam. New York 1984. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, ZETTERLUND, Bo, BLOM, Sigfrid & Romano, Marcello: Effects of intravenous progesterone infusions on the epileptic discharge frequency in women with partial epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984) pp 240-248. CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke: se NILSSON, Lars-Göran ERIKSSON, Anders & BLOM, Sigfrid: Gaucher disease — Norrbottnian type. Neuro- developmental, neurological and neurophysiological aspects. European Journal of Pediatrics 140(1983) pp 316-322. FAGERLUND, Markku: se KNIBESTÖL, Martin FODSTAD, Harald & BLOM, Sigfrid: Phrenic nerve stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in respiratory insufficiency of central nervous origin. In: Proceedings of 7th European neurosurgical congress, p 294. Bryssel 1983. - : Phrenic nerve stimulation(diaphragm pacing) in respiratory paralysis and chronic singultus. In: Proceedings of 3rd international congress, World conference of neuro­ sciences, p 8. Siena 1982. - & LINDERHOLM, Håkan: Artificial respiration by phrenic nerve stimulation (dia­ phragm pacing) in patients with cervical cord and brain stem lésions. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 173-181. : Elektrophrenisk respiration hos patienter med andningsförlamning av centralnervös genes. Sammanfattningar Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 91(1982) p 202. GUSTAVSSON, Åke: se BRODTKORB, Eylert HEIJBEL, Jan: se BLOM, Sigfrid HOFER, Per-Åke: se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove JONSSON, Marianne: se BRODTKORB, Eylert KNIBESTÖL, Martin, BRODTKORB, Eylert & FAGERLUND, Markku: Corrélations between echo-encephalographic and computer tomographic measures of third and lateral ventricle size in children and adults. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 350-361. KNIBESTÖL, Martin: se BRODTKORB, Eylert LAGERKVIST, Birgitta, LINDERHOLM, Håkan, BLOM, Sigfrid, Thorulf, Per & NORDBERG, Gunnar: Systemeffekter av arsenik. Statens Vattenfallsverk. Projekt Kol, Hälsa och Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:78. LANDGREN, Sven: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn I INDERHOLM, Håkan: se FODSTAD, Harald; se LAGERQVIST, Birgitta LINDQVIST, Melker: se BRODTKORB, Eylert

147 NILSSON, Lars-Gunnar, CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & BLOM, Sigfrid: Preoperative and postoperative memory testing of epileptic patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984):Suppl.99 pp 43-56. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, Andersson, Rune, BENSON, Lars, HOFER, Per-Åke, SAND­ GREN, O, STEEN, Lars & BLOM, Sigfrid: Familjär amyloidos med polyneuropati i Sverige. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3785-3787. SILFVENIUS, Herbert & BLOM, Sigfrid: Results from intracarotid Amytal testing in epileptic patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984):Suppl.99 pp 77-78. - , NILSSON, Lars-Gunnar & CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke: Observation on verbal, pictorial and stereognostic memory in epileptic patients during intracarotid Amytal testing. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984):Suppl.99 pp 57-76. SILFVENIUS, Herbert: se AASLY, Jan: se BLOM, Sigfrid; se NILSSON, Lars-Göran STEEN, Lars: se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn ZAKRISSON, John E & BLOM, Sigfrid: The relaxation time of the stapedius reflex in dystrophia myotonica(Steinert). Acta Otolaryngologica 94(1982) pp 473-477. ZETTERLUND, Bo: Quantification of spike-and-wave episodes in 24-h tape recordings of EEG. In: EEG monitoring, pp 237-244. Eds. Stefan, H & Burr, W. Stuttgart 1982. ZETTERLUND, Bo: se AASLY, Jan; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn

KONSTVETENSKAP BRUNNSTRÖM, Lasse: Forskning kring Nordamerikanska bolagssamhällen/tillsam­ mans med Mats Ahnlund/. Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift 1984:8. - : Tradition och förnyelse i norrländsk konstvetenskap. Thüle 1983:1 och 1983:3-4. NORDSTRÖM, Folke: "Daniel in the lion's den" on baptismal fonts. Imagines Medie- vales. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 7(1983). - : Mediaeval baptismal fonts. An iconographical study. Acta Universitatis Umensis 1984:6. ISBN 91-7174-004-X. ROSÉN, Gull-Marie: Konst och konsthantverkscirklar under 1970-talet. Diss. Umeå 1984. ISBN 91-7174-176-3, RÅBERG, Per-Göran: Den ekologiska människan. Det estetiska samhället 3:1984. - : Den ekologiska människans ursprung. Det estetiska samhället 4:1984. - : Vår bild av den absoluta verkligheten. Det estetiska samhället 2:1983. SPOLANDER, Roland: Hans von Marées — en studie i konstnärlig konception. Diss. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7174-117-8.

Versalt författarnamn betecknar forskare verksamma vid Umeå universitet. Hänvisningarna till andra medförfattare avser den aktuella institutionen.

148 KULTURARB ETARLIN JEN CARSTEN, B: Fjällfotografen Ludvig Wästfelt. En studie av en landskapsfotograf och hans förhållande till sin samtid. Umeå universitet. Rapportserie från Kulturarbetar- linjen 1983:5. KERSLOW, Tomas: Operan, publiken och verkligheten. Kring en publikundersökning i samband med Norrlandsoperans uppsättning av "La Boh me" hösten 1981. Umeå universitet. Rapportserie från Kulturarbetarlinjen 1982:4. NORBERG, Agneta: Syjuntan. "Handarbetar man på syjuntan så får man repa upp det när man kommer hem". Umeå universitet. Rapportserie från Kulturarbetarlinjen 1982:3. PETTERSSON, Anders: The ontology of literary works. Theoria 50(1984): 1 pp 36-51. - : Searles teori om fiktional diskurs. En kritisk diskussion. Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 19(1984):2 pp 89-106.

KVINNOVETENSKAPLIGT FORUM * BENCKERT, Sylvia: Kvinnoperspektiv på naturvetenskapen med utsiktspunkt från fysiken. In: Rapport från Kvinnouniversitetet. Vetenskap, patriarkat och makt, pp 70-75. Stockholm 1983. - & STABERG, Else-Marie: Kvinnoperspektiv på naturvetenskaplig utbildning. Kvinno­ vetenskaplig tidskrift (1984):4 pp 17-21. DOMELLÖF, Gunilla: Teoretiska diskussioner inom kvinnolitteraturforskningen. Kvin­ novetenskaplig tidskrift 5(1984):2/3, pp 6-17. ESKILSSON, Lena: Kvinnohistoria — och kvinnligt perspektiv på historia. Kvinno­ vetenskaplig tidskrift (1982):2 pp 62-67. GÖRANSSON, Anita: Arbete och makt: en kritisk diskussion av begreppet arbete, produktion och produktionssätt. In: Rapport från Kvinnouniversitetet. Vetenskap, patriarkat och makt, pp 213-235. Stockholm 1983. : Om den svenska kvinnoforskningens läge och villkor. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift ( 1983):3 pp 17-30. HÄGG, Kerstin: Patriarkatets dolda läroplan. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (1982):2 pp 6-12. JUUSOLA-HALONEN, Elina & LUNDSTRÖM, Ingegerd: Salt i såren — en kritik av föräldrautbildningen. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (1982):2 pp 13-22. LINDGREN, Gerd: Anpassning och protest. Om deltidsarbete i det kapitalistiska patriar­ katet. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (1982):2) pp 33-45. TAUSSI-SJÖBERG, Marja: Att skiljas är att dö en smula. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (1983):4 pp 55-68. WENNSTRÖM, Elsy: Särart och jämlikhet - några idéhistoriska reflexioner. Kvinno­ vetenskaplig tidskrift (1983):4 pp 29-41. *) Fram till sommaren 1987 hette det Kvinnoforskningsseminariet och ingick i Forum för tvärvetenskap

149 LITTERATURVETENSKAP BOSTRÖM, Tage: Dramareception. Svensklärarföreningens årsskrift 1982 pp 87-112. - : Okänd soldat och kända soldater. Beteenden, attityder och struktur i Väinö Linnas krigsroman. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:52. 103 s. ISBN 91-7174-122-4. DOMELLÖF, Gunilla: Teoretiska diskussioner inom kvinnolitteraturforskningen. Kvin­ novetenskaplig tidskrift 5(1984):2/3 pp 6-18. EK, Sverker: "Att vidga vår förmåga att uppfatta tillvaron". Om Peter Weiss som film­ skapare. Film och TV 1982:4 pp 8-22. - : Att återerövra en klassiker. Alf Sjöbergs scenbearbetning av C J L Almqvists Drott­ ningens Juvelsmycke 1956-1957. In: Teater 2. Tecken, språk, struktur. En antologi av Ingvar Holm, pp 236-247. Lund 1982. ISBN 91-44-17861-1. - : Teater i förvandling. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:45:1:2. 227 s. ISBN 91-7174-102-X. - : Tre föreställningar. In: Marionetteatern. En bok om Marionetteatern i Stockholm, sammanställd av Karin Therén, pp 96-114, 143. Malmö 1983. ISBN 91-38-61132-5. - & FORSLUND, Lennart: Marionetten som avantgardist. Kring Marionetteatern i Stockholm. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:56. 137 s. ISBN 91-7174-147-X. EK, Sverker & RINGBY, Per: Göteborgs Stadsteater — en teaterbyggnad formad i en brytningstid. Göteborgs Stadsteaters skriftserie 1(1984). 35 s. EK, Sverker: se RINGBY, Per FORSLUND, Lennart, RINGBY, Per & ROSENQVIST, Claes: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970. En översikt. In: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970, pp 11-98, 385-389, 407-408. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:45:1:1. ISBN 91-7174-101-1. FORSLUND, Lennart: se EK, Sverker; se RINGBY, Per; se ROSENQVIST, Claes HOLM, Birgitta: Att se "kungligt högt på lifvet". Från Gösta Berlings saga till Jerusa­ lem. In: Kvinnor och skapande. En antologi om litteratur och konst tillägnad Karin Westman Berg, pp 197-206. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-7054-4077. - : Den bärande delen i skrivkonsten. Om Fredrika Bremer, Selma Lagerlöf, Runa Brar. Bonniers litterära magasin 53(1984):4 pp 235-241. - Life in the drawing-room. A chapter of a study on Fredrika Bremer as a novelist. In: Suppression, struggle, and success. Studies on three representatives of cultural life in Sweden, pp 81-102. Eds. Elert, C C & Eriksson, G. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:47. ISBN 91-7174-099-6. - : Om hälften vore kvinnor: Litteratur. In: Om hälften vore kvinnor ... Kvinnor i forsk­ ningen, pp 79-82. Red. Liljeström, R. SOU 1983:4. ISBN 91-38-07203-3. - : På spaning efter en fransk kvinnolitteraturforskning. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 3(1982): 1 pp 56-60. - : Romanens mödrar 2: Selma Lagerlöf och ursprungets roman. Stockholm 1984. 322 s. ISBN 91-1-84311-8. - : Selma Lagerlöf: Madame de Castro. Efterord av Birgitta Holm, pp 59-73. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-0-046231-4. - : Det stoff som jernvägar göres av. Några drag i Sara Lidmans prosa. Bonniers litterära magasin 51(1982): 1 pp 51-58. - : Tapetens baksida. Ree. av Hammar, S: Drömfyllt rum. En bok om Birger Sjöberg. Edda 1983:1 pp 47-49. JANSSON, Birgitta: Privat och politiskt. Kring Sartres drama Fångarna i Altona och dess mottagande i 1960-talets Sverige. In: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970, pp 345-383, 417-418. KJERSÉN EDMAN, Lena: Alternativ barnkultur i Umeå. Barn och kultur 29(1983):6 p 138.

150 - : Barn. Barndom. Barnlitteratur. En evig kärlek. Barn och kultur 29(1983):6 pp 142-144. - : Från Sundsvall till Kiruna. Barnlitteratur vid Umeå universitet. Barn och kultur 30(1984):4 p 84. - : IBBYS kongress i Cambridge 1982. Barn och kultur 28(1982):5/6 pp 116-118. - : Den Kullmanska revolten. Barn och kultur 28(1982):4 p 95. - : Läsa med list och lust 1. Svenska i skolan 4(1983): 15 pp 30-36. - : Läsa med list och lust 2. In: Leseferdighet og skapende lesing, pp 9-25. Red. Höien, T & Lundberg, I. Oslo 1984. ISBN 82-00-07124-3. - : Max Lundgren. In: De skriver för ungdom. Porträtt av svenska ungdomsförfattare L-O, pp 55-70. Lund 1983. ISBN 91-71744-101-1. NORDIN-HENNEL, Ingeborg: Aurore Bunge: Några reflexioner kring en 1880-tals- novell. In: Kvinnor och skapande. En antologi om litteratur och konst tillägnad Karin Westman Berg, pp 163-175. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-7054-4077. - : Ree. Heitmann A. Noras Schwestern. Samlaren 1984 pp 152-154. - : Ree. Jorunn Hareide. Protest, desillusjonering, resignasjon. Edda 1983:3 pp 188-190. - : Ree. Sylvan, M, Leffler, Anne Charlotte. En kvinna finner sin väg. Dagens Nyheter 26/5 1984. - "Ämnar kanske fröken publicera något?" Kvinnligt och manligt i 1880-talets no­ vellistik. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:58. 103 s. ISBN 91-7174-153-4. NORDMARK, Dag: En dag skall teatern bliva vår. In: Tema Folkhemmet, pp 60-67. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-85472-09-3. - : Fredrik August Dahlgrens dagboksanteckningar 1844-1860. Inledning och kommen­ tarer av Dag Nordmark. Skriftserie utgiven av Värmlands museum 1982:16. ISBN 91-8522-422-7. - : Kungörelser, gravskrifter och katekeser. Om norrländsk tryckerihistoria under knappt etthundra år. Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 1(1983):6 pp 28-36. - : Nationalscenen som avantgarde-teater. Kring Per Lindbergs uppsättning av Ernst Tollers Hoppla, vi lever! på Dramatiska teatern 1928. In: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970, pp 265-344, 401-406, 414-417. - : Ree. Boström, Tage. Den objudne gästen. Hur Maeterlinck introducerades och mottogs i Sverige intill 1903. Samlaren 1982 pp 138-140. : Sångare — dramat som kom bort. Länsteaterns i Östergötland programhäfte till Sångare av Rudolf Värnlund. Norrköping 1982. : En turnébuss på villovägar? Om norrbottnisk skolteater under tio år. In: Barnteater i verkligheten, pp 62-68. Red. Almerud & Hjort Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-38-90608-2. - : Vargarnas yl vid bokhandelns dörr. Litteratur- och teaterutbudet i Sundsvall under 1840-talet. Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 2(1984):3 pp 15-19. - : En äktsvensk paradisdröm. Funderingar kring F A Dahlgrens Wermlänningarne. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 11(1982):2 pp 4-21. NYLÄNDER, Lars: Den förbjudna passionens ordning. Ord & bild 91(1982):4 pp 82-91. : Ree. Birgitta Holm. Selma Lagerlöf och ursprungets roman. Västerbottens Folkblad 14/12 1984. : Ree. Stina Hammar. Drömfyllt rum. En bok om Birger Sjöberg. Tidskrift för litte­ raturvetenskap 12(1983):2 pp 109-111. von PLÅTEN, Magnus: Carl Michael Bellman. In: Stolta län 1984, pp 16-24. Stockholm 1984. : Essayn. In: Bland böcker och människor: Bok- och personhistoriska studier till Wilhelm Odelberg den 1 juli 1983, pp 353-363. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-7260-905-2. - : Den första av Fänrik Ståls sägner. Der nahe Norden: Otto Oberholzer zum 65. Gerburtstag: eine Festschrift, pp 3-21. Frankfurt am Main 1984. : Goda minnen. Journalen (Kabivitrum) 1984 pp 258-256. - : Jesu liknelser. Allt om böcker 4(1984):7/8 pp 28-31. - : En landshövdingedotter i Umeå: Louise Munthes dagbok från 1860 utgiven med kommentarer och personregister av Magnus von Plåten. Umeå: Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1983:2. Ini. pp 9-15. ISBN 91-86356-02-X.

151 - : Den litterära världsutställningen. Kontakt med läsavdelningen 1982:5 pp 12-19. - : af Lund, Pehr. Svenskt biografiskt lexikon 24(1982/84) pp 173- 176. Stockholm 1984. - : Om skägg i Sverige. Kungl Vitterhets-, Historie- och Antikvitets- Akademiens årsbok 1983, pp 158-181. Stockholm 1983. - : Skandal på operakällaren: Ett bidrag till 90-talets sedehistoria. In: Etnologiska studier tillägnade Phebe Fjellstróm, pp 99-108. Nordskandinavisk etnologi 1984:3. ISBN 91-7402-135-4. - : Snellman och Runeberg. Snellman J V och hans gärning. Kungl. Vitterhets-, Histo­ rie- och Antikvitets-Akademiens konferenser 10, pp 91-111. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7402-135-4. - : Telefonkatalogen: Århundradets bok. Verket och vi 1984:2 pp 30-31. - : Tyska epigram. Övers. Lyrikvännen 30(1983):5 pp 288-293. RINGBY, Per: Från anklagelse till kompromiss. Strejkmotiv på Stockholms scener från Väfvarne 1899 till Kamp 1912. In: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970, pp 99-196, 391-396, 408-411. RINGBY, Per: se EK, Sverker; se FORSLUND, Lennart; se ROSENQVIST, Claes ROSENQVIST, Claes: Författaren är död, leve konungen! Strindbergs Gustaf Adolf framförd på Djurgårdscirkus 1912. In: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970, pp 197-264, 396-401, 412-414. - : Hem till historien. August Strindberg, sekelskiftet och "Gustaf Adolf". Diss. Acta IJniversitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:66. 268 s. ISBN 91-7174- 179-8. - , FORSLUND, Lennart & RINGBY, Per: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970. En översikt. In: Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970, pp 11-98, 385-390, 407-408. ROSENQVIST, Claes: se FORSLUND, Lennart; se RINGBY, Per SKUNCKE, Marie-Christine: Ree. Sigbrit Swahn. Ryktets förvandlingar. Revue de littérature comparée 1982:1 pp 112-113. - : Ree. Swedish-Polish literary contacts. Ed. Nilsson, Nils-Ake. Nordisk tidskrift for vetenskap, konst och industri. N.S. 1982:1 pp 32-35. Forskningsprojektet Dramatik på svenska scener 1910-1975. - : Teater i Stockholm 1910-1970. Repertoar och register utarbetat av Lennart Forslund m fl. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:45:11 och III. ISBN 91-7174-103-8 resp. 91-7174-104-6. - : Se vidare under enskilda författarnamn.

LUNGMEDICIN BACKMAN, Christer: se STJERNBERG, Nils; se THUNELL, Martin BECKMAN, Gunhild: se THUNELL, Martin BECKMAN, Gunhild, BECKMAN, Lars, Eklund, A & STJERNBERG, Nils: Properdin- faktor N(Bf) genotyper och lungcancerrisk. Hygiea 92(1983) p 152. BECKMAN, Gunhild, STJERNBERG, Nils & Eklund, Anders: Is the Pigliele of alfa- 1-antitrypsin associated with pulmonary disease. Clinical Genetics 25(1984) pp 491-495. BECKMAN, Gunhild: se STJERNBERG, Nils BECKMAN, Lars, LIDÉN, Sture, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & STJERNBERG, Nils: Finns det ett samband mellan somatiska kromosomskador och cancerrisk? Medicinsk riks­ stämma. Stockholm 1982.

152 BECKMAN, Lars: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se STJERN- BERG, Nils BERGMAN, Eva: se ROSENHALL, Leif BERGMAN, Frank: se LUNDGREN, Rune BJELLE, Anders: se UDDENFELDT, Per BJERLE, Per: se KARP, Kjell; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se THUNELL, Martin BJERMER, Leif, BÄCK, Ove, ROOS, Göran & THUNELL, Martin: Mast cells and lysozymepositive macrophages in broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) from patients with sarcoidosis. Valuable prognostic and activity marking parameters of disease. Abstract, lOth International conférence on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Baltimore 1984. BJERMER, Leif: se THUNELL, Martin BÄCK, Ove: se BJERMER, Leif CAJANDER, Stefan: se STJERNBERG, Nils DANIELSSON, Åke: se STJERNBERG, Nils EMMELIN, Anders: se ROSENHALL, Leif ERIKSSON, Anders, THUNELL, Martin & LUNDQVIST, Gunnar: Pendulating endo- bronchial rhabdomysarcoma with fatal asphyxia. Thorax 37(1982) pp 390-391. Eriksson, N E, Wihl, J-Å, Arrendal, H & ROSENHALL, Leif m fl: Birch pollen-related food hypersensitivity: Influence of total and specific IgE levels. Allergy 38(1983) pp 353-357. HEDBERG, Bengt: se TRUEDSSON, Håkan HIETALA, Sven-Ola & THUNELL, Martin: Lymfangiektasi — en ovanlig sjukdom med varierande radiologisk och klinisk bild. Läkartidningen 79(1982): 18 pp 1802-1803, 1806. HIETALA, Sven-Ola: se LUNDGREN, Rune HÄGGMARK, Sören: se LUNDGREN, Rune HORSTEDT, Per: se LUNDGREN, Rune KARP, Kjell, THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per & STJERNBERG. Nils: Ortostatic reactions in patients with sarcoidosis. Abstract. lOth International conférence on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Baltimore 1984. KARP, Kjell: se THUNELL, Martin Keistinen, Timo& LUNDGREN, Rune: Laserbehandling av luftvägssjukdomar. Finlands läkartidning 1984. LUNDGREN, Erik: se STJERNBERG, Nils LUNDGREN, Rune: Bilateral bronchial carcinoma. British Journal of Diseases of the Chest 78(1984) pp 201-204. : Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Studies on methods for the diagnosis of carcinoma of the lung, bronchial mucosal damage and hemodynamic effects. Diss. Umeå Univer­ sity Medicai Dissertations N.S. 1982:85. : Laser-behandling av luftvägssjukdomar. Hjärta, kärl, lungor 2(1983) pp 53-57. , BERGMAN, Frank & ÅNGSTRÖM, Tord: Comparison of transbronchial fine needle aspiration biopsy, aspiration of bronchial sécrétion, bronchial washing, brush biopsy and forceps biopsy in the diagnosis of carcinoma of the lung. The 4th World Congress of bronchoesophagology, Stockholm 46(1983). : Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of carcinoma of the lung: Compa­ rison of transbronchial fine needle aspiration biopsy, aspiration of bronchial sécrétion, bronchial washing, brush biopsy and forceps biopsy. European Journal of Respiratory nUeases 64(1983) pp 378-385.

153 LUNDGREN, Rune, Camner, P, Grubbström, J, Haglund, S, HORSTEDT, Per, Moss­ berg, Björn, Philipson, K & WINBLAD, Bengt: Bronchial mucosal damage and mucociliary clearance after flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Third World congress for bronchology, pp 47-48. San Diego 1982. LUNDGREN, Rune, Grubbström, J, Philipson, K, Haglund, S, Mossberg, B & Camner, P: Tracheobronchial clearance after flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1983) pp 3-8. LUNDGREN, Rune, HIETALA, Sven-Ola & ÄDELROTH, Ellinor: Diagnosis of bronchial lésions by fiberoptic bronchoscopy combined with bronchography. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 231-234. LUNDGREN, Rune, HÄGGMARK, Sören & REIZ, Sebastian: Hemodynamic effects of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy performed under topical anesthesia. Chest 92(1982) pp 295-299. - : Hemodynamic effects of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy under local anesthesia. Third World congress for bronchology, pp 57-58. San Diego 1982. LUNDGREN, Rune & HORSTEDT, Per: Scanning electron microscopie studies of bronchial mucosal biopsies from non-smokers and smokers with chronic bronchitis. The 4th World congress for bronchology, pp 78-79. Rome 1984. - & WINBLAD, Bengt: Respiratory mucosal damage after brush biopsy — an experi- mental study in rabbits. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1983) pp 9-23. - : Respiratory mucosal damage by flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in pigs. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1983) pp 24-32. LUNDGREN, Rune & STRÖMQVIST, Lars-Helge: Fuel chips disease. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 124(1982):63 p 124. LUNDGREN, Rune & ÅSBERG, Ingemar: Tuberkulos - fortfarande en sjukdom att räkna med. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 4663-4664. LUNDGREN, Rune: se Keistinen, Timo; se Rydström, Per-Olof; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se THUNELL, Martin; se Wiman, Lars-Gösta LUNDQVIST, Gunnar: se ERIKSSON, Anders; se ROSENHALL, Leif Malmberg, P, ROSENHALL, Leif, Stålenheim, G, Belin, L & Palmgren, U: Allergisk alveolit. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen ADI 277(1984). MIKAELSSON, Bo, STJERNBERG, Nils & Wiman, Lars-Gösta: The prevalence of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis in an industrialized community in northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine 10(1982) pp 231-234. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, BECKMAN, Lars, LIDÉN, Sture & STJERNBERG, Nils: Chromosomal aberrations and cancer risk. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 76-81. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se BECKMAN, Lars NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: se ROSENHALL, Leif; se STJERNBERG, Nils OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: se THUNELL, Martin OLSSON, Tommy & STJERNBERG, Nils: Rétrospective study of patients with sarcoido- sis diagnosed at mass radiographie survey in 1954-56. Abstract. IV European conférence on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Sorrento 1983. - : Retrospektiv studie av patienter med SKB-upptäckt sarcoidos 1954-56. Sammanfatt­ ning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1982. OLSSON, Tommy: se UDDENFELDT, Per ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se THUNELL, Martin REIZ, Sebastian: se LUNDGREN, Rune ROOS, Göran: se BJERMER, Leif; se STJERNBERG, Nils

154 ROSENHALL, Leif: Allergisk alveolit. Spri rapport 1983:136 pp 203-206. - : Allt fler får syrgas hemma. Status 1984 pp 4-5. - : Analgetika och astma. Observanda Medica. Ferrosan 4(1984) pp 113-114. - : Diagnostiken vid allergisk alveolit. Läkartidningen 79(1982). - : Evaluation of intolerance to analgésies, preservatives and food colorants with chal­ lenge tests. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 63(1982) pp 410-419. - : Långtidsträning med inhalationssteroid, Pulmicort (budesonid), i hög dos — kliniska effekter. Draco Pro Medico 7(1982) pp 13-15. ROSENHALL, Leif, BERGMAN, Eva, STJERNBERG, Nils & SÖDERBERG, Margare­ ta: Can we trust skin prick test (SPT)? Abstrakt. XV Nordiska kongressen i allergologi. Åbo 1984. ROSENHALL, Leif & Johansson, Sten-Åke: Treatment with Budesonide aerosol in Steroid dépendent asthma patients. Proceedings from XIV Nordic congress of aller- gology. Göteborg 1981. Allergy 37(1982) pp 18-19. ROSENHALL, Leif, LUNDQVIST, Gunnar, ÄDELROTH, Ellinor & Glennow, Chris­ ter: Comparison between inhaled and oral corticosteroids in patients with chronic asthma. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases. 63(1982):Suppl.l22 pp 154-162. ROSENHALL, Leif, SAHLIN-INGRIDSSON, Carin & SÖDERBERG, Margareta: The pollen season in northern Sweden. Abstrakt. XV Nordiska kongressen i allergologi. Åbo 1984. ROSENHALL, Leif & STJERNBERG, Nils: Sulhpur dioxide and bronchitis. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 63(1982):Suppl.l 18 pp 91-94. - , Eklund, A, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, EMMEL1N, Anders & STRÖMQV1ST, Lars- Helge: Epidemiologiska och klinisk/fysiologiska studier ang SO2. Etapp 2 — projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö, Statens Vattenfallsverk, Umeå Universitet 1982. - : Epidemiologiska och kliniskt fysiologiska studier angående SO2. Statens Vattenfalls­ verk. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:77. ROSENHALL, Leif & STRÖMQV1ST, Lars-Helge m fl: Mikroorganismer som arbets­ miljöproblem. Arbetarskyddsfonden. Rapport från ASF:s expertgrupp på området 1982. ROSENHALL, Leif, WE1BRING, Jan & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Extrinsic allergie alveolitis and obstructive lung disease in saw mill workers. European Journal of Respi­ ratory Diseases 63(1982):Suppl.l24 p 31. ROSENHALL, Leif & ÄDELROTH, Ellinor: Treatment of chronic asthma bronchiale with high doses of a new Steroid aerosol (Budesonide). Programme of the XXVth World Conference of the 1UAT, Buenos Aires. Bulletin of the International Union Against Tuberculosis 1982. ROSENHALL, Leif: se Eriksson, N E; se Malmberg, P; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se SÖDERBERG, Margareta; se TRUEDSON, Håkan; se ÄDELROTH, Ellinor Rydström, Per-Olof, THUNELL, Martin, STJERNBERG, Nils & LUNDGREN, Rune: Endobronchial sarcoidosis. Bronchoscopic findings correlated to function. Abstract. 4th World Congress of broncho-esophagology. Stockholm 1983. SANDZÉN, Birger: se TRUEDSON, Håkan SAHLIN-INGRIDSSON, Carin: se ROSENHALL, Leif STJERNBERG, Nils, BACKMAN, Christer & Björnstad-Pettersen, Helge: Pulmonary function in early sarcoidosis stage 1 and II. 3rd European Conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Suppl: "Saopstenja". Instituta za pluene bolesti i tuber- kulozu Sremska Kamenica, Novi Sad, 1982 pp 354-358. STJERNBERG, Nils, BECKMAN, Gunhild, BECKMAN, Lars, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & ROSENHALL, Leif: Alpha-1-antitrypsin and pulmonary disease among employees at a sulphite pulp factory in northern Sweden. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 337-342.

155 STJERNBERG, Nils & CAJANDER, Stefan: Exposure to asbestos and bronchial carci­ noma: a case report. OPMEAR 27(1982):3 pp 72-73. - , TRUEDSON, Håkan & UDDENFELDT, Per: Muscular involvement in sarcoidosis. 3rd European Conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Suppl "Saopstenja". Instituta za plucne bolesti i tuberkulozu Sremska Kamenica, Novi Sad 1982 pp 425-427. STJERNBERG, Nils, LUNDGREN, Erik, ROOS, Göran & Abu Sinna, G: Establishment and characterization of human mesothelioma cell lines. European Journal of Respira­ tory Diseases 124(1982):63 p 45. STJERNBERG, Nils & ROSENHALL, Leif: Long-term effects of chronic exposure to sulhpuric dioxide. Programme of the XXVth World Conference of the IUAT, Buenos Aires. Bulletin of the International Union against Tuberculosis 1982. - : Pulmonary function in patients with endobronchial sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scan­ dinavia 215(1984) pp 121-126. STJERNBERG, Nils, THUNELL, Martin & LUNDGREN, Rune: Comparison of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy and scalene lymph node biopsy in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Endoscopy 15(1983) pp 300-301. STJERNBERG, Nils, UDDENFELDT, Per, BJERLE, Per, DANIELSSON, Åke & Eklund, Anders: Kveims test in primary biliary cirrhosis. Abstract. IV European con­ férence on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Sorrento 1983. STJERNBERG, Nils, UDDENFELDT, Per, BJERLE, Per, DANIELSSON, Åke & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Pulmonary function in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Abstract, IV European conférence on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Sorrento 1983. STJERNBERG, Nils: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se BECKMAN, Lars; se KARP, Kjell; se MIKAELSSON, Bo; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se OLSSON, Tommy; se ROSEN­ HALL, Leif; se Rydström, Per-Olof; se SÖDERBERG, Margareta; se THUNELL, Martin; se TRUEDSON, Håkan STRÖMQVIST, Lars-Helge: se LUNDGREN, Rune; se ROSENHALL, Leif SÖDERBERG, Margareta, ROSENHALL, Leif & STJERNBERG, Nils: Atopie bron­ chial asthma in elderly lady after long time exposure in flowershop. Abstrakt. XV Nordiska kongressen i allergologi. Åbo 1984. SÖDERBERG, Margareta: se ROSENHALL, Leif THUNELL, Martin, BACKMAN, Christer, BECKMAN, Gunhild & STJERNBERG, Nils: Lungfunktionsstudie vid familjär förekomst av alfa-l-antitrypsinbrist. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1982. THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per, KARP, Kjell & STJERNBERG, Nils: Repolarization disturbances in ECG:s from patients with sarcoidosis. Abstract, lOth International Conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Baltimore 1984. THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & STJERNBERG, Nils: Cardiopulmonary function in sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandi­ navia 215(1984) pp 215-220. THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per & STJERNBERG, Nils: Clinical manifestations and other prognosis of bronchostenosis due to sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis and other granulo­ matous disorders. 9th International conference, pp 306-309. Paris 1982. Eds. Chretien, J, Marsac, J & Saltiel, J C. - : ECG-abnormalities in patients with sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandinavica 213(1983) pp 115-118. - : ECG-abnormalities in patients with sarcoidosis. 3rd European Conference on Sar­ coidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Suppl. "Saopstenja". Instituta za plucne bolesti i tuberkulozu Sremska kamemica, Novi Sad 1982 pp 244-247.

156 THUNELL, Martin, BJERMER, Leif & LUNDGREN, Rune: Bronksköljning - en metod att studera immunologiska processer i lungan. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2741-2743. THUNELL, Martin, Sondell, K & STJERNBERG, Nils: HLA-antigens in patient with sarcoidosis from northern Sweden. Abstract, lOth International Conference on sarcoi- dosis and other granulomatous disorders. Baltimore 1984. THUNELL, Martin & STJERNBERG, Nils: Lungfunction in endobronchial sarcoidosis; a 3-year follow-up. Abstract, IV European Conference on sarcoidosis and other granu­ lomatous disorders. Sorrento 1983. THUNELL, Martin: se BJERMER, Leif; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se HIETALA, Sven- Ola; se KARP, Kjell; se Rydström, Per-Olof; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se TRUEDSON, Håkan; se UDDENFELDT, Per; se Wiman, Lars-Gösta TRUEDSON, Håkan, ROSENHALL, Leif & STJERNBERG, Nils: Subkutan arterio­ venös shunt — ett alternativ för svårt sjuka astmatiker med dålig perifer kärlbädd. Svenska läkaresällskapets riksstämma, Hygiea 92(1983) p 177. TRUEDSON, Håkan, ROSENHALL, Leif & STJERNBERG, Nils: Arteriovenous shunt in the management of severe asthma. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 65(1984) pp 362-364. TRUEDSON, Håkan, SANDZÉN, Birger, HEDBERG, Bengt, STJERNBERG, Nils & THUNELL, Martin: Operativ teknik vid scalenus-lymfkörtelbiopsi. Abstraktbok, Svensk Kirurgisk förenings vårmöte. Umeå 1984. TRUEDSON, Håkan & STJERNBERG, Nils: Postoperative pulmonary ventilation after cholecystectomy with and without peritoneal drain. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 149(1983) pp 401-406. TRUEDSON, Håkan: se STJERNBERG, Nils UDDENFELDT, Monica: Orai progesterone in respiratory failure — a case report. Abstracts of the 31 st Nordic congress of pneumonology, Helsinki, 1982. European Jornal of Respiratory Diseases 63(1982):Suppl.l24 p 81. UDDENFELDT, Per, BJELLE, Anders, OLSSON, Tommy, STJERNBERG, Nils & THUNELL, Martin: Musculo-skeletal symptoms in early sarcoidosis. Twentyfour newly diagnosed patients and a two-year follow-up. Acta Medica Scandinavica 214 (1983) pp 279-284. UDDENFELDT, Per: se STJERNBERG; Nils WEIBRING, Jan: se ROSENHALL, Leif Wiman, Lars-Gösta, Carlsson, C, Kinnman, J, Lindholm, C E, LUNDGREN, Rune, Malmer, G, Ollman, B & THUNELL, Martin: Bronkoskopi vid diagnostik och terapi av lungsjukdomar. Abstrakt. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 93(1984) p 278. Wiman, Lars-Gösta & LUNDGREN, Rune: Fiberbronkoskopi öppnar nya vägar för lungbiopsi, bronksköljning, laserterapi. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 543-544. WINBLAD, Bengt: se LUNDGREN, Rune ÅNGSTRÖM, Tord: se LUNDGREN, Rune ÅSBERG, Ingemar: se LUNDGREN, Rune ÄDELROTH, Ellinor: Långtidsbehandling med inhalationssteroid, Pulmicort (bude- sonid) i hög dos — endokrin påverkan. Draco Pro Medico 7(1982) pp 16-18. - & ROSENHALL, Leif: Longterm treatment with high doses of inhaled steroids. XI International congress of allergology & clinical immunology. London 1982. ÄDELROTH, Ellinor & Thompson, Sture: Högdosinhalationssteroider vid astma — analys av kostnader och vårdutnyttjande. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 4285-4288. ÄDELROTH, Ellinor: se LUNDGREN, Rune; se ROSENHALL, Leif; se STJERN­ BERG, Nils

157 LÅNGVÅRDSMEDICIN OCH GERIATRIK ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, FORSGREN, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Postmortem verified cases with Alzheimers disease and multi-infarct dementia - the validity of the DSM-III diagnoses. 3. Demens Workshop 22-23 November 1984, Magleås, Danmark. ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Bråne, Görel, BUCHT, Gösta, Karlsson, Ingvar, Gottfries, Carl- Gerhard, Persson, S & WINBLAD, Bengt: A double-blind study with levodopa in dementia of Alzheimer type. Aging 19(1982) pp 469-473. - : A double-blind study with levodopa in dementia of Alzheimer type. In: Alzheimer's disease: A report of progress in research, pp 469-473. New York 1982. ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, WINBLAD, Bengt & ÅSTRÖM, Sture: Personal inom åldersdemensvården — deras utbildning, kunska­ per, arbetssätt samt attityder till vården. Läkartidningen 79(1982):41 pp 3661-3665. ADOLFSSON, Rolf & WINBLAD, Bengt: Demensutredning — nödvändigt? Kliniska och forskningsmässiga synpunkter. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, 10-12 september 1984, Malmö. ADOLFSSON, Rolf: se ALAFUZOFF, Irina; se BUCHT, Gösta; se Gottfries, C G; se HARDY, John; se NORBERG, Astrid; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se NYBERG, Per; se PERDAHL, Eva; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se WIBERG, Åsa; se WINBLAD, Bengt; se ÅSTRÖM, Sture ALAFUZOFF, Irina, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, BUCHT, Gösta & WINBLAD, Bengt: Albumin and immunoglobulin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid, and blood cerebrospi- nal fluid barrier function in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 60(1983) pp 465-472. ALAFUZOFF, Irina: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se HARDY, John; se NORBERG, Astrid; se PERDAHL, Eva; se WINBLAD, Bengt; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof ALMQVIST, Per, CARLSSON, Sven, Wallace, William, HARDY, John A & WIN­ BLAD, Bengt: Regional and subcellular distribution of Thy-1 in human brain. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. ALMQVIST, Per, CARLSSON, Sven, Wallace, William & WINBLAD, Bengt: Regional and subcellular distribution of Thy-1 in human brain. 14th Annual Meeting. Anaheim October 10-15, 1984. ALMQVIST, Per: se WINBLAD, Bengt Anastasio, Kim, Koverberg, Tage, Lundin L, Öhman, K & ÅSTRÖM, Sture: Arbetsterapi inom sluten vård och dagvård för patienter med åldersdement beteende. Arbetstera­ peuten 8(1984). ASPLUND, Kennet & NORBERG, Astrid: Nappflaska för åldersdementa? Sjukskö­ terskan 5(1984) pp 12-14. - & ÅKERLUND, Britt Mari: Vårdarens upplevelser a^v gravt dementa patienter med svåra ätproblem. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi. Malmö 1984. AXELSSON, Karin, HEDLY, Vera, NORBERG, Astrid & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Morning care of patients with dementia of Alzheimer type. In: Harmin, E (ed.). Research — A challenge for nursing practice. Proceedings. Uppsala 1983. - : Vård av patienter med åldersdemens, morgontoalett. Sjuksköterskan 5(1983) pp 16-21. AXELSSON, Karin: se NORBERG, Astrid BECKMAN, Gunhild: se BUCHT, Gösta; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid BIXO, Marie: se WINBLAD, Bengt BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny, BUCHT, Gösta, GUSTAFSON, Yngve & WINBLAD, Bengt: Konfusion i anslutning till operation för cervikal femurfraktur. En retrospektiv studie. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi 10-12 september 1984, Malmö.

158 BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny, GUSTAFSSON, Yngve, BUCHT, Gösta, NORBERG, Astrid & WINBLAD, Bengt: Konfusion hos patienter som opererats för collumfraktur. En retrospektiv studie. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi Malmö, 1984. BUCHT, Gösta: Clinical and etiological studies on dementia of Alzheimer type and multi- infarct dementia. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1983:97. - : Förekomst av depression hos äldre. In: Depression hos äldre. LEO publikation. Helsingborg 1984. - : Klinisk bild och möjliga utlösande orsaker till senil demens. Aktuellt om gruppliv 32(1984) pp 491-498. - & ADOLFSSON, Rolf: The comprehensive psychopathological rating scale (CPRS) in patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 263-270. - , LITHNER, Folke & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes of blood glucose and insulin sécré­ tion in patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer type. Acta Medica Scandinavica 213(1983) pp 387-392. BUCHT, Gösta, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & WINBLAD, Bengt: Klinisk och psykopatologisk jämförelse mellan senildemens av Alzheimer typ och multi- infarkt demens. 6. Nordisk kongress i gerontologi, Köpenhamn 10-13 april, 1983. BUCHT, Gösta, ADOLFSSON, Rolf & WINBLAD, Bengt: Senile dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia — a clinical description and diagnostic problems. Journal of the American Geriatrie Society 32(1984) pp 391-498. BUCHT, Gösta, NYBERG, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Différences in biochemistry of the basal ganglia in normal aging, Parkinson's disease and dementia of Alzheimer type. Proceedings of 1st ENEA. Basel 1984. BUCHT, Gösta, SMIGAN, Ludovit & WAHLIN, Anders: Egg-changes during litium- therapy, a prospective study. Acta Medica Scandinavica 216(1984) pp 101-104. BUCHT, Gösta, WINBLAD, Bengt, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, BECKMAN, Gunhild & ADOLFSSON, Rolf: Genetic aspects of normal aging and dementia of Alzheimers type. 14th CINP Congress. Florens 19-23 June, 1984. BUCHT, Gösta: se ALAFUZOFF, Irina; se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny; se HARDY, John; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se NYBERG, Per; se Olson, L; se SMIGAN, Ludovit; se WINBLAD, Bengt BÄCKMAN, Lars: se WINBLAD, Bengt BÄCKSTRÖM, Inger: se LJUNG, Lotta DEHLIN, Eva, MARCUSSON, Jan, FOWLER, Christopher & WINBLAD, Bengt: The binding of (3H)-5-hydroxytryptamine to homogenates of human brain. Journal of Neural Transmission 54(1982) pp 91-103. ERIKSSON, Sture: se NORBERG, Astrid FORSGREN, Lars: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf GEZEL1US, Christer: se HARDY, John Gillberg, Per-Göran, Aquilonius, Sten-Magnus, Eckernäs, S Å, Lundqvist, G & WIN­ BLAD, Bengt: Choline acetyltransferase and substance P-like immunoreactivity in the human spinai cord: changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain Research 250(1982) pp 394-397. Gottfries, Carl Gerhard, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Aquilonius, Sten Magnus, Carlsson, Arvid, Eckernäs, S Å, Nordberg, Agneta, ORELAND, Lars, Svennerholm, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Biochemical changes in normal aging and in senile dementia of Alzheimer type (AD/SDAT). Neurobiology of Aging 4(1983) pp 261-271. GUSTAFSON, Yngve: se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny HALLMANS, Göran: se SANDMAN, Per-Olof

159 HARDY, John A, WESTER, Per, WINBLAD, Bengt, GEZELIUS, Christer, BRING, Gunilla & ERIKSSON, Anders: Brain pH and autopsy reflects agonal state and meta- bolic status at death. Annual meeting of Scandinavian neuropathology society, Stock­ holm, May 18-20, 1984. HARDY, John: se ALMQVIST, Per; se LÖFDAHL, Elisabeth; se WINBLAD, Bengt HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin: se LEXELL, Jan HOLMGREN, Gösta: se NYBERG, Per; se WINNBERG, Elisabeth HORSTEDT, Per: se LUNDGREN, Rune CARLSSON, Sven: The Thy-1 glycoprotein. Expression and glycan structure on murine lymphocytes. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:112. - : se ALMQVIST, Per von KNORRING, Lars, ORELAND, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Personality traits related to monoamine oxidase activity in platelets. Psychology Research 12(1984) pp 11-26. von KNORRING, Lars: se SMIGAN, Ludovit Lahti, R A, WINBLAD, Bengt & Barsuhn, C: Inhibition of 3H Spiroperidol binding by endogenous material in brain. Workshop on Schizophrenia, Februari 5-10, 1984. Langer, S Z, Lee, C R, Segonzac, A, Tateishi, T, Esnaud, H, Shoemaker, H & WIN­ BLAD, Bengt: Possible endocrine role of the pineal gland for 6-methoxytetra-hydro- beta-carboline, a putative endogenous neuromodulator of the (3H)imipramine récogni­ tion site. European Journal of Pharmacology 102(1984) pp 379-380. LEXELL, Jan, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, WINBLAD, Bengt & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. 3. Effects of aging on m vastus lateralis studied in whole muscle cross-sections. Muscle & Nerve 6(1983) pp 588-595. LITHNER, Folke: se BUCHT, Gösta LJUNG, Lotta, BÄCKSTRÖM, Inger, MARCUSSON, Jan & WINBLAD, Bengt: Serotoninreceptorer vid morbus Alzheimer. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1984. LUNDGREN, Rune, HORSTEDT, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Respiratory mucosa damage after brush biopsy — an experimental study on rabbits. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1983) pp 9-23. - : Respiratory mucosa damage after flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy — an experimental study on pigs. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1983) pp 24-32. LÖFDAHL, Elisabeth, HARDY, John A, WESTER, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Glycin- upptag i human hjärna. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1984. LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, STEEN Bertil, WINBLAD, Bengt & ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof: Sociala förhållanden hos äldre umebor. Hygiea 92(1983) p 266. LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof MARCUSSON, Jan: Receptors of the central serotonergic system. Pharmacological characterization in rodents and the effect of age upon these receptors in man. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations N.S. 1984:123. - , Finch, Caleb, Morgan, D G & WINBLAD, Bengt: Ageing and Serotonin receptors in human brain. Clinical Neuropharmacology 7(1984):Suppl.l p 22. MARCUSSON, Jan, FOWLER, Christopher, Hall, H, Ross, S & WINBLAD, Bengt: Specifik binding av tritiummärkt imipramin till proteaskänsliga och proteasresistenta bindningssites i hjärnan. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1984.

160 MARCUSSON, Jan, Morgan, David, WINBLAD, Bengt & Finch, Caleb: Multiple s-2 sites in the brain. Différent sensitivity to age in the human brain. Progress in Neuro- Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 1983:Suppl. pp 216-217. - : Postsynaptic Serotonin binding sites in post-mortem human brain throughout the lifespan. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract 1983:9. - : Serotonin-2 binding sites in human frontal cortex and hippocampus. Selective loss of S-2A sites with age. Brain Research 311(1984) pp 51-56. MARCUSSON, Jan, ORELAND, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Effect of age on human brain Serotonin (SI) binding sites. Journal of Neurochemistry 43(1984) pp 1699-1705. - : Serotonin binding in mouse brains. Some methodological aspects. Journal of Neural Transmission 56(1983) pp 251-263. MARCUSSON, Jan: se DEHLIN, Eva; se HARDY, John; se LJUNG, Eva; se Morgan, David; se Severson, J A; se WESTER, Per; se WINBLAD, Bengt MARKLUND, Stefan, ORELAND, Lars, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Superoxide dismutase activity in brains from chronic alcoholics. Alcohol and Drug Dependence 121(1983) pp 209-215. MARKLUND, Stefan: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof MATTSSON, Bengt: se WINNBERG, Elisabeth Morgan, David, MARCUSSON, Jan & Finch, Caleb: Contamination of serotonin-2 binding sites by an alpha-1 adrenergic component in assays with spiperone. Life Sciences 34(1984) pp 2507-2514. - : Discrimination of multiple s-2 binding sites by methysergide in cortical tissues of mouse and human brain. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract 1983:9. Morgan, David, Severson, J A, MARCUSSON, Jan & Finch, Caleb: Aging and the serotonergic synapse in human brain: a preliminary report. In: Comparative patho- biology of major age diseases, pp 401-410. Scarpelli, D (Ed.). New York 1983. NILSON, Brita: se NORDSTRÖM, Göran NILSSON, Lars-Göran: se WINBLAD, Bengt NORBERG, Astrid, ADOLFSSON, Rolf & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Vårdares inverkan på åldersdementa patienters ätbeteende. Kongressrapport VI Nordiska kongressen i geron­ tologi. Köpenhamn 1983. NORBERG, Astrid, AXELSSON, Karin, Möller, Agneta & ÅKERLUND, Britt Mari: Holistisk omvårdnad av den åldrige patienten som har svårt att äta. Vårdläraren 37/38(1984) pp 32-38. NORBERG, Astrid, Larsson, C, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina & WIN­ BLAD, Bengt: Muscarinic receptor compensation in hippocampus of Alzheimer patients. Journal of Neural Transmission 56(1983) pp 13-19. NORBERG, Astrid, Sandström, S, NORBERG, Bo, ERIKSSON, Sture & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: The urine smeli around patients with urinary incontinence. The production of ammonia in ordinary diapers and in diapers impregnated with copper acetate. Geron- tology 30(1984) pp 261-266. NORBERG, Astrid, Sandström, S, NORBERG, Bo & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Blöjor impregnerade med kopparacetat reducerar ammoniaklukten kring urininkontinenta patienter. Konferensrapport VI. Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Köpenhamn 1983. NORBERG, Astrid & ÅKERLUND, Britt Mari: Interaktionen mellan vårdare och dementa patienter i sjukdomens slutstadium. Vårdares skattningar av videoinspelade matningar. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Malmö 1984. NORBERG, Astrid: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se AXELSSON, Karin; se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny; se Gottfries, C G; se NYBERG, Per; se ÅKERLUND, Britt Mari. NORBERG, Bo: se NORBERG, Astrid

161 Nordberg, Agneta, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Andén, Nils-Erik & WINBLAD, Bengt: Cholinergic receptors in the hippocampus in normal ageing and dementia of Alzheimer type. In: The aging brain: Cellulär and molecular mechanism of aging in the nervous system, pp 231-245. Giacobini, E et al. New York 1982. Nordberg, Agneta, Larsson, Christer, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Choli­ nergic activity in hippocampus in chronic alcoholism. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 10(1982) pp 333-344. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, BECKMAN, Gunhild, BUCHT, Gösta & WINBLAD, Bengt: Cytogenetic changes in patients with senile dementia. Age and Ageing 12(1983) pp 285-295. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se BUCHT, Gösta Nordström, Göran, Lundgren, Birgitta, Nilsson, Brita, STEEN, Bertil & ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof: Kostintag och oral hälsa bland äldre i Umeå centralort. Hygiea 93(1984) p 274. NORDSTRÖM, Göran & ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof: Oral hälsa hos 70-, 75- och 79-åringar i Umeå kommun. 6. Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Köpenhamn, april 1983. NYBERG, Per: Brain monoamines in normal aging and dementia. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:128. - , ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Andén, Nils-Erik & WINBLAD, Bengt: Concentrations of dopamine and noradrenaline in some limbic and related regions of the human brain. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 65(1982) pp 267-273. NYBERG, Per, ALMAY, Béla, Carlsson, Arvid, Masters, C & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain monoamine abnormalities in the two types of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. Acta Neuro­ logica Scandinavica 66(1982) pp 16-24. NYBERG, Per, BUCHT, Gösta, Nordberg, Agneta, WESTER, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain in biochemistry in normal ageing, senile dementia and Parkinson's disease. Annual Meeting of Scandinavian Neuropathology Society, Stockholm, May 18-20, 1984. NYBERG, Per, Carlsson, Arvid & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain monoamines in cases with Down's syndrome with and without dementia. Journal of Neural Transmission 55(1982) pp 289-299. NYBERG, Per, Gottfries, Carl Gerhard, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Persson, S, Roos, Björn- Erik & WINBLAD, Bengt: Advanced catecholaminergic disturbances in the brain in a case of Wilson's disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 65(1982) pp 71-75. NYBERG, Per, NORBERG, Astrid, WESTER, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Dopaminergic deficiency is more prounounced i putamen than in nucleus caudatus in Parkinson's disease. Neurochemical Pathology 1(1983) pp 193-202. NYBERG, Per, WINBLAD, Bengt & Carlsson, Arvid: Monoamine concentrations in the human brain. A comparison between two methods of tissue handling. Journal of Neural Transmission 54(1982) pp 85-90. NYBERG, Per: se BUCHT, Gösta; se HARDY, John; se WESTER, Per; se WINBLAD, Bengt NYGREN, Charlotte: se SANDMAN, Per-Olof NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se BUCHT, Gösta; se LÖFGREN, Ann- Charlotte; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se ÅSTRÖM, Sture; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof Olson, Lars, Björklund, Anders, Backlund, E O, BUCHT, Gösta & WINBLAD, Bengt: Transplantation — en ny princip inom Parkinsonforskning. Parkinsons sjukdom, Sandoz AB, 1984. ORELAND, Lars, Gottfries, C G, Kiianmaa, K, WIBERG, Åsa & WINBLAD, Bengt: The activity of monoamine oxidase -A and -B in brains from chronic alcoholics. Journal of Neural Transmission 56(1983) pp 73-93.

162 ORELAND, Lars: se von KNORRING, Lars; se MARCUSSON, Jan; se MARKLUND, Stefan PERDAHL, Eva, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, Alberg, K A, Nestler, E J, Greengard, P & WINBLAD, Bengt: Synapsin I (Protein I) in différent brain regions in senile dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia. Journal of Neural Trans­ mission 60(1984) pp 133-141. PERDAHL, Eva: se MARKLUND, Stefan; se Sjöquist, B REIZ, Sebastian: se WESTER, Per SANDMAN, Per-Olof, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, HALLMANS, Göran, NYGREN, Char­ lotte, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & WINBLAD, Bengt: Treatment of constipation in long- term care of severe old-age demented patients with high brain bread. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 31(1983) pp 289-293. SANDMAN, Per-Olof: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se AXELSSON, Karin; se LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine; se NORBERG, Astrid; se ÅSTRÖM, Sture; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof Severson, J A, MARCUSSON, Jan, WINBLAD, Bengt & Finch, Caleb: Age-correlated loss of dopaminergic binding sites in human basal ganglia. Journal of Neurochemistry 39(1982) pp 1623-1631. Sjöquist, Birgitta, ERIKSSON, Anders & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain salsolinol levels in alcoholism. Lancet 20(1982) pp 675-676. - : Salsolinol and catecholamines in human brain and their relation to alcoholism. In: Progress in clinical and biological research 90(1982), pp 56-67. New York 1982. Sjöquist, Birgitta, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain biogenic amines and salsolinol in chronic alcoholism. 5th CA symposium, Göteborg 1983. In: Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology and biological psychiatry. Oxford 1983. - : The effect of alcoholism on salsolinol and biogenic amines in the human brain. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 12(1983) pp 15-23. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se LEXELL, Jan SMIGAN, Ludovit, BUCHT, Gösta, von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo & WAHLIN, Anders: Long-term lithium treatment and renal functions. A prospective study. Neuropsychobiology 11(1984) pp 33-38. SMIGAN, Ludovit: se BUCHT, Gösta STRAND, Tage, Alling, Christer, Karlsson, B, Karlsson, Ingvar I & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain and plasma proteins in spinal fluid as markers for brain damage and severity of stroke. Stroke 15(1983) pp 138-144. STRAND, Tage: se WESTER, Per SÄLLSTRÖM, Christina: Dagvårdens betydelse för anhöriga till äldre långtidssjuka. Sjuksköterskan 1984 pp 31-34. - : Omvårdnadskonferens. Örebro 1984. Undén, A, Mayerson, B, WINBLAD, Bengt, Sachs, C & Bartfai, T: Postmortem changes in binding to the muscarinic receptor from human cerebral cortex. Journal of Neuro­ chemistry 41(1983) p 102. WAHLIN, Anders: se BUCHT, Gösta; se SMIGAN, Ludovit WESTER, Per, HARDY, John A, MARCUSSON, Jan, NYBERG, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Serotonin concentrations in normal aging human brains: relation to Serotonin receptors. Neurobiology of Aging 5(1984) pp 199-205. - : Serotonin concentrations in normal aging human brains: relation to Serotonin receptors. Annual Meeting of Scandinavian Neuropathology Society, Stockholm, May 18-20, 1984. WESTER, Per, REIZ, Sebastian, STRAND, Tage, WESTER, Per-Olof & WINBLAD, Bengt: Monaminer i cerebrospinalvätska hos stroke patienter. Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets riksstämma 1984.

163 WESTER, Per: se HARDY, John; se LÖFDAHL, Elisabeth; se NYBERG, Per; se WIN- BLAD, Bengt WIBERG, Åsa, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Eckert, B & WINBLAD, Bengt: The activity of monoamine oxidase -A and -B in gamma-irradiated rabbit brains. Experientia 38(1982) pp 71-72. VIITANEN, Matti: se WINBLAD, Bengt WINBLAD, Bengt: Patologi — speciellt avseende hjärt/kärlsjukdomar och sjukdomar i centrala nervsystemet. In: Geriatrik och långvårdsmedicin pp 29-35. Stockholm 1983. WINBLAD, Bengt, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, ALMQVIST, Per, BIXO, Marie, BUCHT, Gösta, HARDY, John, MARCUSSON, Jan, NYBERG, Per, VIITANEN, Matti, WESTER, Per & ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof: Brain monoamines in dementia of Alzheimer type. Clinical Neuropharmacology 7(1984):Suppl. i p 18. - : Brain monoamines in dementia of Alzheimer type. 14th CINP Congress, Florens 19-23 June 1984. WINBLAD, Bengt, ADOLFSSON, Rolf & BUCHT, Gösta: Neurotransmittorer vid senil demens — en översikt samt behandlingsmöjligheter. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, 10-12 september 1984, Malmö. WINBLAD, Bengt, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Carlsson, Arvid & Gottfries, Carl-Gerhard: Biogenic aminés in brains of patients with dementia of Alzheimer type. In: Alzheimer's disease: A report of progress in research, pp 25-33. New York 1982. WINBLAD, Bengt, BUCHT, Gösta, VIITANEN, Matti & ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof: Hjärnfunktioner hos äldre — särskilt äldres läsförmåga. In: DPI. Det Paedagogiske Institut. Köpenhamn 21-23 september 1983. Om aeldres laesning, pp 71-79. WINBLAD, Bengt & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Memory function and brain biochemistry in normal aging and in senile dementia. Conference on memory dysfunctions. New York 13-15 juni 1984. WINBLAD, Bengt: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ALAFUZOFF, Irina; se ALMQVIST, Per; se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny; se BUCHT, Gösta; se DEHLIN, Eva; se Gottfries, C G; se HARDY, John; se von KNORRING, Lars; se Lahti, R A; se Langer, S Z; se LEXELL, Jan; se LJUNG, Lotta; se LUNDGREN, Rune; se LÖFDAHL, Elisabeth; se LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine; se MARCUSSON, Jan; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORBERG, Astrid; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se NYBERG, Per; se Olson, Lars; se ORELAND, Lars; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se Severson, J A; se Sjöquist, Birgitta; se STRAND, Tage; se Undén, A; se WESTER, Per; se Wiberg, Åsa; se WINNBERG, Elisabeth; se ASTRÖM, Sture; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof WINNBERG, Elisabeth, HOLMGREN, Gösta, MATTSSON, Bengt & WINBLAD, Bengt: Huntingtons sjukdom — en mötesplats för biokemi och etik. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets riksstämma, 1984. ÅKERLUND, Britt Mari & NORBERG, Astrid: Vårdpersonalens upplevelser i samband med matning av åldersdementa patienter: En etisk analys av dubbelbindningskonflikter. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Malmö 1984. ÅKERLUND, Britt Mari: se ASPLUND, Kennet; se NORBERG, Astrid ÅSTRÖM, Sture, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof & WINBLAD, Bengt: The attitudes of health care personnel towards the senile demented. Aktuelle Gerontologie 13(1983) p 42. - : Effekter av undervisning om demenssjukdomar och vård bland studerande i högskola och gymnasieskola. Sjunde Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, 10-12 september 1984, Malmö. ÅSTRÖM, Sture: se Anastasio, Kim; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine, MARK­ LUND, Stefan, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, STEEN, Bertil & WIN-

164 BLAD, Bengt: Blood components in an elderly population. Gerontology 30(1984) pp 247-252. ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof, LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, STEEN, Bertil & WINBLAD, Bengt: Läkemedelsförbrukningen bland äldre i Umeå. Dehlin, Eva & Steen, Bertil (Red.). Proceedings. 7. Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, pp 145-146. Malmö 1984. ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof: se LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine; se NORDSTRÖM, Göran; se WINBLAD, Bengt

MATEMATIK ANDERSSON, Lars: Best approximations from Hilbert submanifolds. Umeå Universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:1. - : The Bonnet-Myers theorem is true for Riemannian Hilbert manifolds. Umeå Universi­ tet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:4. - : Riemannian Hilbert manifolds with bounded curvature. Umeå Universitet. Matema­ tiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:9. - : Uses of curvature in geometry and approximation theory. Umeå Universitet. Matema­ tiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:8. HALISTE, Kersti: Harmonie majorization. Umeå Universitet. Matematiska institutio­ nen. Rapportserie 1982:5. - : Some estimâtes of harmonie majorants. Umeå Universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:6. - : Some estimâtes of harmonie majorants. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Ser. A:l. Mathematica 9(1984) pp 117-124. - & Essén, Mats: A problem of Burkholder and the existence of harmonie majorants of lxlP i certain domains in R^. Umeå Universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapport­ serie 1983:7. - : A problem of Burkholder and the existence of harmonie majorants of 1 x 1^ in certain domains in R^. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Ser. A:l. Mathematica 9(1984) pp 107-116. JONSSON, Alf: A trace theorem for Sobolev functions based on BMO. Umeå Univer­ sitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1982:4. - : Uniqueness of derivatives of functions defined on closed sets. Umeå Universitet. Mate­ matiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:5. - : Uniqueness of derivatives of functions defined on closed sets. Real Analysis Exchange 10(1984/85) pp 266-278. - , SJÖGREN, Peter & WALLIN, Hans: Hardy and Lipschitz spaces on subsets of Rn. Studia Mathematica 80(1984) pp 141-166. JONSSON, Alf & WALLIN, Hans: Function spaces onsubsets of Rn. London 1984. - : Local polynomial approximation and Lipschitz functions on closed sets. In: Procee­ dings. Conference of constructive function theory, Varna 1981, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia 1983. SJÖDIN, Tord: A generalization of a theorem of G Freud on the differentiability functions. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:3. - : An ordinary differentiability of Bessel potentials. Annales Polonici Mathematici 44(1984):3 pp 325-352. - : On properties of functions with conditions on their mean oscillation over cubes. Arkiv för matematik 20(1982):2 pp 275-291. - : On the harmonie derivative. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapport­ serie 1982:2.

165 SJÖGREN, Peter: Riemann sums for stochastic integrals and LP-moduli of continuity. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete 59(1982) pp 411-424. - : A weak spectral synthesis property for Hardy and Lipschitz spaces, Harmonie analysis. Proceedings. Minneapolis 1981. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1982:908 pp 285-296. - : se JONSSON, Alf STOCKE, Britt-Marie: Differentiability of Bessel potentials and Besov funetions. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1982:1. WALLIN, Hans: Convergence and divergence of multipoint Padé approximants of meromorphic functions. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1984:2. - : Convergence of multipoint Padé approximants with a fixed number of poles. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1982:7. - : Convergence of multipoint Padé approximants with a fixed number of poles. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Padé approximants and continued fractions, Köja 1982, pp 151-158. Oslo 1983. - : Divergence of multipoint Padé approximation in Proceedings of the conférence of complex analysis-Fifth Romanian-Finnish seminar. Bucharest 1981. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1983:1014 pp 246-255. - : Extensions of functions preserving moduli of smoothness. In: Proceedings of the Conference on approximation and function spaces, Gdansk 1979. 1982. - : Interpolation by rational functions with free poles in the complex plane. Umeå univer­ sitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1982:8. - : Interpolation by rational functions with free poles in the complex plane. In: Procee­ dings of the Conference on recent trends in mathematics, Reinhardsbrunn 1982, pp 303-315. Leipzig 1983. - : Markov's inequality on subsets of Rn. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1982:6. - : Markov's inequality on subsets of Rn. In: Proceedings of the Second Edmonton conférence on approximation theory, pp 377-388. Providence, Rhode Island 1983. - : Multipoint Padé approximation of meromorphic functions for general interpolating schemes. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1984:1. - : se JONSSON, Alf WIK, Ingemar: A comparison of the integrability of f and Mf with that of f Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1983:2. - : An isoperimetric inequality for codes. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1984:3. - : A Lipschitz condition for functions on the unit cube. Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1984:4. ÖDLUND, Lars: On the extension of g£Aa(F) to Eg^Aa(Rn). Umeå universitet. Matematiska institutionen. Rapportserie 1982:3.

MATEMATISK STATISTIK AGRAWAL, Mool Chandra: An estimator based on distinct units in interpenetrating sub-sampling. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics. Series B 44(1982):2 pp 193-202. - : On averaging over distinct units in replicated samples. Mathematische Operations­ forschung und Statistik. Series Statistics 13(1982): 1 pp 91-97. - : A note on inverse sampling. Metron 41 ( 1983):3/4 pp 49-57.

166 - : A robustness study in sampling on successive occasions. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 36(1984):2 pp 323-335. - & KULLDORFF, Gunnar: Economies of some two-phase sampling stratégies for regression estimation. Statistical Décision Theory and Related Topics III, Vol 1, pp 37-59. Eds. Gupta, Shanti S & Berger, James O. New York 1982. ISBN 0-12-307501-7. BONDESSON, Lennart: On Cramér-Rao bounds for mean-square errors of estimators with linear expectations. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1982 pp 223-231. - : On préservation of classes of life distributions under reliability operations: Some complementary results. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 30(1983) pp 443-447. - : On simulation from infinitely divisible distributions. Advances in Applied Probability 14(1982) pp 855-869. - : On uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation when no complete sufficient statistics exist. Metrika 30(1983) pp 49-54. - : A simple generalization of Poincaré's shuffling theorem. In: Probability and mathe- matical statistics: Essays in honor of Carl-Gustav Esseen, pp 11-15. Eds. Gut, A & Holst, L. Uppsala 1983. - : To reduce a composite hypothesis to a simple one by sampling from the structural or a conditional distribution. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 9(1982) pp 129-138. - : When is the t-statistic t-distributed. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics. Series A 45(1983) pp 338-345. BROSTRÖM, Göran: Estimation in a model for marital fertility. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:11. - : Estimation of seasonal variation in démographie rates. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:1. - : A logit model for censored data. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:2. - : On the analysis of two-dimensional survival data with a démographie application. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1984:5. - : Tidsserieanalys med tillämpning på demografiska och ekonomiska data. Matematisk­ statistiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984. - , BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders & PERSSON, Lars-Åke: The impact of feeding patterns on infant mortality in a nineteenth Century Swedish parish. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 30(1984) pp 154-159. BROSTRÖM, Göran & HÖGBERG, Ulf: The demography of maternai mortality — Seven Swedish parishes in the 19th Century. Umeå 1984. - : The struggle for maternai health in the 19th Century Sweden. Umeå 1984. BROSTRÖM, Göran & Lockridge, Kenneth: Coale and TrusselPs 'm' visits Sweden, or, Why do we get such lousy fits? The fertility transition in Sweden, by Kenneth Lock­ ridge. Report from the Demographic Data Base. Umeå 1983. BROSTRÖM, Göran & MÖLLER, Christian: A dynamic model for comparison of treat- ments of allergy. Umeå 1984. CHOTAI, Jayanti: Isotonic inference for populations related to the uniform distribution. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 12( 1983): 18 pp 2109-2118. - : Matematisk och statistisk modellbyggnad inom biomedicin ur vetenskapligt perspek­ tiv. Opuscula Medica 28(1983):2 pp 65-69. - : Ärver vi verkligen alkoholism och brottslighet? Västerbottens Folkblad 10/11 1982. KAMINSKY, Kenneth S: An aging property of the Gompertz survival function and a discrete analog. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:8. - , Luks, E M & Nelson, P I: Strategy, nontransitive dominance and the exponential distribution. Australian Journal of Statistics 26(1984):2 pp 111-118. KAMINSKY, Kenneth S & Rhodin, Lennart S: Maximum likelihood prédiction. Statisti­ cal Research Report. University of Umeå 1984:1. KLEFSJÖ, Bengt: The HNBUE and HNWUE classes of life distributions. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 29(1982):2 pp 331-344.

167 - : NBU and NBUE survival under the Marshall-Olkin shock model. IAPQR Trans­ actions, Journal of the Indian Association for Productivity, Quality & Reliability 7(1982):2 pp 87-96. - : On aging properties and total time on test transforms. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 9(1982) pp 37-41. - : Some tests against aging based on the total time on test transform. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 12(1983):8 pp 907-927. - : Testing exponentiality against HNBUE. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 10(1983) pp 65-75. KULLDORFF, Gunnar: Optimum allocation for sampling on many occasions. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 48( 1983):2 pp 417-445. - & AGRAWAL, M C: Economies of some two-phase sampling strategies for regression estimation. Statistical Décision Theory and Related Topics III, Vol 1, pp 37-59. Eds. Gupta, Shanti S & Berger, James O. New York 1982. ISBN 0-12-307501-7. NILSSON, Lennart: Estimation from tests with linearly increasing stress. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1984:6. - : Estimation of areas defined by a stationary Gaussian process. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1982:3. - : Estimation of quantiles of the Stress-Weibull distribution based on increasing stress tests. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1984:2. - : An estimator of quantiles of the Stress-Weibull distribution based on linearly increasing stress tests. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:9. - & UVELL, Staffan: A model for accelerated test with applications to optical fibers. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:3. NYLÉN, Anders: Estimation and optimum allocation with a stochastic model for repeated surveys. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1984:8. UVELL, Staffan & NILSSON, Lennart: A model for accelerated test with applications to optical fibers. Statistical Research Report. University of Umeå 1983:3.

MEDICIN ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, WINBLAD, Bengt & ÅSTRÖM, Sture: Personal inom åldersdemensvården — deras utbildning, arbetssätt samt attityder till vården. Läkartidningen 79( 1982):41 pp 3661-3665. ADOLFSSON, Rolf: se BUCHT, Gösta; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof AHLM, Claes, Norman, Lena & HÄGG, Erik: Alkoholism på en invärtesmedicinsk avdelning. Opmear 27(1982): pp 63-65. AIKAWA, J: se WHANG, R ALBIIN, Nils, ASPLUND, Kjell & BJERMER, Leif: Nutritional status of medicai patients on emergency admission to hospital. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 151-156. ANDERSEN, Solveig, LINDQVIST, Bengt & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Prognosis curves for patients with polycystic kidney disease. Annals of Clinical Research 14(1982) pp 90-92. ANDERSEN, Solveig: se LINDQVIST, Bengt Asking, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & Gjörstrup, Per: Amylase sécrétion and changes in the granule content on stimulation of the rabbit parotid gland in vivo. Journal of Physiology 332(1982) pp 72-73.

168 ASPLUND, Kennet & NORBERG, Astrid: Nappflaska? Sjuksköterskan 5(1984) pp 12-14. ASPLUND, Kjell: Blodtappning — gammal bot i nytt ljus. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Sammanfattningar 91(1982) p 187. - : Hemoreologisk terapi — nya behandlingsprinciper vid cirkulationsrubbningar. Läkar­ tidningen 81(1984) pp 912-913. - : Inför utskrivningen från akutkliniken. In: Cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar — vård under akutskedet. Ed. Wester, P O. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 93(1984) pp 51-62. - : Progress report from a multicentre trial of hemodilution in acute ischemie stroke. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) p 117. - : Svensken — en lagom tjock man? Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1666-1667. - : Åderlåtningens återkomst. Journalen. (Kabi-Vitrum) 3(1983) pp 112-115. - , AXELSSON, Karin & NORBERG, Astrid: Eating problems and nutritional status in patients with stroke. Nordiskt möte för cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Köpenhamn, 15-16 oktober, 1984. Nutrition, immunity and illness in the elderly, an international con­ férence, St John's Canada, 1984. - : Interrelations between eating problems, nutritional status and clinical course in stroke patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) p 117. - : Sjukhussvält eller sjukdomssvält? Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984 p 216. ASPLUND, Kjell & Boström, Harry: Blir alla europeer friska år 2 000? Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2028-2029. ASPLUND, Kjell, EMDIN, Stefan, HÄGG, Erik, JÄRHULT, Johannes, KRISTOF­ FERSSON, Anders & LITHNER, Folke: Hyperinsulinism av ovanlig genes. Svensk kirurgi 42(1984) p 74. ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Hemodilution in acute ischemie stroke. Final report of a randomized trial. 3rd European conférence on clinical haemorheology. Baden-Baden. Clinical Hemorheology 3(1983):Suppl.l20. - : Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma — a life-threatening complication in diabetic stroke patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 p 4. - : Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma in diabetic stroke patients. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 407-411. - : Ischemie stroke treated by hemodilution. An interim report of a randomized trial. In: Cerebral vascular disease 4. Eds. Meyer, J S, Lechner, H, Reivich, M & Ott, E O. Excerpta Medica. ICS 1983:616 pp 148-150. ASPLUND, Kjell, FUGL-MEYER, Axel, ENGDE, Margareta, ERIKSSON, Sture & STRAND, Tage: Respiratory alkalosis early after stroke: Its relation to locomotor function. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation and Metabolism 1983:Suppl.9 pp 103-107. ASPLUND, Kjell, GRANKVIST, Kjell, MARKLUND, Stefan & TÄLJEDAL, Inge- Bert: Parital protection against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycaemia by superoxide dismutase linked to Polyethylene glycos. Acta Endocrinologoca 107(1984) pp 390-394. ASPLUND, Kjell & HÄGG, Erik: Vad ser ditt öga? Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 2563. - , LINDQVIST, Melker & RAPP, Valter: Phenothiazine drugs and pituitary tumörs. Annals of Internal Medicine 96(1982) p 533. ASPLUND, Kjell & NORBERG, Astrid: Bottie feeding of terminally ill patients with senile dementia. 1st International congress on nursing law and ethics. Jerusalem 1982. - : Caregivers' experience of care of senile demented patients in the final stage of the disease. Proceedings at Nursing research joint international conférence. London 1984. - : Terminal care of senile demented patients. Experienced caretakers' use of distancing as a psychological defense against double blinds. Ist International conférence for the mental health of the elderly. Cairo 1982. - : Vårdares upplevelse av skuld vid vård av patienter i slutstadiet av åldersdemens. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982.

169 ASPLUND, Kjell, Wiholm, Bengt Erik & LITHNER, Folke: Glibenclamide-associated hypoglycaemia. A report on 57 cases. Diabetologica 24(1983) pp 412-417. - : A review of 10 fatal and 47 non-fatal cases of glibenclamid-associated hypoglycaemia. llth congress of the international diabetes federation. Nairobi Kenya 1982. ASPLUND, Kjell: se ALBIIN, Nils; se AXELSSON, Karin; se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se HÄGG, Erik; se LITHNER, Folke; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORBERG, Astrid; se STRAND, Tage; se WESTER, Per- Olov; se SCANDINAVI AN STROKE STUDY GROUP ATHLIN, Leif, DOMELLÖF, Lennart & NORBERG, Bo: Adherence and phagocytosis of yeast cells by blood monocytes. Effects in vitro of a therapeutic doxycycline con­ centration. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica of Immunologica Scandinavica. Sect. C 72(1984) pp 227-230 ATHLIN, Leif: se NORBERG, Bo AXELSSON, Karin, ASPLUND, Kjell, LINDGREN, Barbro, NORBERG, Astrid & STRANDFUR, Kerstin: Eating problems of patients with stroke. Construction of a theoretical model. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 pp 5-6. - : Ätproblem hos patienter med akut cerebrovaskulär sjukdom (CVS). Konstruktion av en teoretisk modell. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 91(1982) p 163. AXELSSON, Karin, ASPLUND, Kjell & NORBERG, Astrid: Eating problems after stroke — occurrence and course. Proceedings at Nursing research joint international conférence. London 1984. - : Ätproblem efter slaganfall — förekomst och förlopp. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma 1983 p 210. - : Ätproblem hos patienter med akut cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Rapport från omvård­ nadskonferens i Örebro. Konferensrapport, 1984. AXELSSON, Karin, HEDLY, Vera, NORBERG, Astrid & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Morning care of patients with dementia of Alzheimer type. In: Research — A challenge for nursing practice, pp 179-183. Proceedings. Ed. Hamrin, E. Uppsala 1983. AXELSSON, Karin, NORBERG, Astrid & ASPLUND, Kjell: Eating after stroke — towards an integrated view. International Journal of Nursing Studies 21(1984) pp 93-99. - : En modell för analys av ätproblem. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 61(1984) pp 350-355. AXELSSON, Karin: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se NORBERG, Astrid BACKMAN, Christer, BJERLE, Per & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Ekokardiografiska fynd vid familjär amyloidos med polyneuropati. Svensk förening för klinisk fysiologi, 1982. BACKMAN, Christer, ERIKSSON, Peter & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Echocardiographic study of the myocardium in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. IV International congress on echocardiography. Verona 1984. BACKMAN, Christer & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Echocardiographic features in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 214(1983) pp 273-278. BACKMAN, Christer: se ERICSSON, Martin; se ERIKSSON, Peter; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se JOHNSON, Owe; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se TOLLIN, Claes; se WAHLIN, Anders BALCKE, Per: se LINDQVIST, Bengt BANDMANN, Ulf, BÄCK, Ove & NORBERG, Bo: The effect of an oral therapeutic single-dose of griseofulvin on polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration in a casein gradient. Archives of Dermatological Research 276(1984) pp 41-44. BANDMANN, Ulf & NORBERG, Bo: Analysis of the partial processes of neutrophil leukocyte migration by means of bottom counts in Boyden Chambers. XX International congress on hematology. Buenos Aires 1984. BECKMAN, Gunhild & DANIELSSON, Åke: Forskarutbildning vid medicinska fakul­

170 teten i Umeå under 25 år. In: Läkarutbildning och medicinsk forskning i Umeå 25 år, pp 17-20. Umeå 1984. Bengtsson, Ulla, Andersson, Karl-Erik, BUCHT, Gösta, Erlanson, Per, Fjellström, Karl- Erik, Fritz, Hans, Hovelius, Birgitta, LINDQVIST, Bengt & Örsten, Per Åke: Dödsfall till följd av Sulfonamid och nitrofurantoinbehandling. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 402-407. Bergin, R, HELMERS, Claes, STEEN, Lars, WESTER, Per-Olov & WIDMAN, Lars: Försök med datorbaserad simulering inom medicinsk undervisning i Umeå. Nordisk medicin, okt. 1982. BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Betydelsen av motoriska perceptuella defekttillstånd för ADL-förmågan efter cerebro- vaskulär sjukdom. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983 p 157. BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta: se WESTER, Per-Olov BILLSTRÖM, Åke: se JOHNSON, Owe; se TOLLIN, Claes BJELLE, Anders, HASSLER, Ove, HÄGG, Erik & LINDSTRÖM, Göran: Arthropathy in haemochromatosis. Aktuelle Rheumatologie 7(1982) pp 147-154. BJELLE, Anders, NORBERG, Bo & SJÖGREN, Georg: The cytology of joint exudates in rheumatoid arthritis. Morphology and préparation techniques. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 11(1982) pp 124-128. BJELLE, Anders: se NORBERG, Bo; se UDDENFELDT, Per BJERLE, Per: se BACKMAN, Christer; se Edvardsson, Nils; se ERIKSSON, Peter; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se STEEN, Lars; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se THUNELL, Martin BJERMER, Leif: se ALBIIN, Nils BLOM, Sigfrid: se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove BLOOM, Gunnar, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, DOMEIJ, Siw & HEN­ RIKSSON, Roger: Ultrastructural changes in rat parotid acinar cells after selective Bl-adrenoceptor drug treatment. Medicai Biology 61(1983) pp 305-312. BLOOM, Gunnar: se HENRIKSSON, Roger BORSSÉN, Bengt & LITHNER, Folke: Amputations in diabetics and nondiabetics in Umeå county 1971-1977. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984: Suppl.687 pp 95-100. BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny, GUSTAFSSON, Yngve, BUCHT, Gösta, NORBERG, Astrid & WINBLAD, Bengt: Konfusion hos patienter som opererats för collumfraktur. En retrospektiv studie. Sjunde nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, pp 231-233. Malmö 1984. BUCHT, Gösta, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, LITHNER, Folke & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes in blood glucose and insulin sécrétion in patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer type. Acta Medica Scandinavica 213(1983) pp 387-392. BUCHT, Gösta, SMIGAN, Ludowit, WAHLIN, Anders & ERIKSSON, Peter: ECG changes during lithium therapy. A prospective study. Acta Medica Scandinavica 216 (1984) pp 101-104. BUCHT, Gösta: se Bengtsson, Ulla; se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny; se SMIGAN, Ludowit BYGREN, Per: se LINDQVIST, Beng; se WIRELL, Marianne BÄCK, Ove & NORBERG, Bo: The effect of an oral single-dose of doxycycline on polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration in a casein gradient. Scandinavian Journal of Infections Diseases 16(1984) pp 369-372. BACK, Ove: se BANDMANN, Ulf; se NORBERG, Bo BÄCKSTRÖM, Åke & NORBERG, Astrid: The problem of forced feeding of elderly patients in nursing homes. Interpretation according to the double-blind hypothesis. 1st International conference for the mental health of the elderly. Cairo 1982.

171 - : Vårdares tolkningar av sjukhemspatienters ätproblem. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. BÄCKSTRÖM, Åke: se NORBERG, Astrid CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & HENRIKSSON, Roger: Bl- and B2- adreno- ceptor-mediated sécrétion of amylase from incubated rat parotid gland. Acta Physica Scandinavica 120(1984) pp 429-435. - & IDAHL, Lars Åke: Dissociation of B-adrenoceptor-induced effects on amylase sécré­ tion and cyclic AMP accumulation. British Journal of Pharmacology 75(1982) pp 633-638. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger, JÖNSSON, Göran & SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan: In homogenetics in glycoprotein cytochemistry of secretory granules in rat parotid acinar cells after selective Bl-adenoceptor stimulation. Archives of Oral Biology 29(1984) pp 953-958. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: se BLOOM, Gunnar; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan Cornwell, Gibbons, Westermark, Per, Kyle, Robert, Pitkänen, Peter, Benson, Lars & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Senile systemic amyloidosis. IV International symposium on amyloidosis. New York 1984. DAHLGREN, Seija, LINDGREN-ÖHLUND, Inger & LINDQVIST, Bengt: Diagram för dietkontroll vid uremi. Näringsforskning 28(1984) pp 21-23. DAHLGREN, Seija: se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders DANIELSSON, Åke: Börje Hörnlund, obotlig optimist? Västerbottens-Kuriren 16/4 1984. - : Differentierade vårdavgifter. Ett orättvist system. Debattartikel, Västerbottens-Kuri­ ren 23/2 1983. - : Regionträff i Umeå för gastroenterologiskt intresserade läkare. Tika Information 3(1984) pp 6-7. - , EK, Börje & STEEN, Lars: Effects of tienilic acid and bendroflumethiazide on hypertension and serum urie acid. A double-blind study. Current Therapy Research 31(1982) pp 81-89. DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger, LINDSTRÖM, Per & SEHLIN, Janove: The importance of an intact sympathetic innervation for the differentiation of the B-adrenoceptor subtypes. Acta Physica Scandinavica 115(1982) pp 377-379. DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger & LUNDSTRÖM, Tage: Forskarutbildning inom medicinska fakulteten. Undersökning vid Umeå universitet av forskarstuderande och handledare. Läkartidningen 81 ( 1984): 1 /2 pp 8-10. DANIELSSON, Åke, LANDSTRÖM, Ulf & LISZKA, Ludvik: Förändringar i vaken­ hetsgrad under exponering för infraljud vid olika frekvenser och ljudtrycksnivåer. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. - , LINDMARK, Asta, LINDQVIST, Melker & SÖDERBERG, Lena: Changes in wakefulness during exposition to infrasound. Journal of Low Frequency Noise & Vibration 1(1982) pp 79-87. DANIELSSON, Åke, LORENTZON, Ronny & LARSSON, Sven Erik: Intestinal absorption and 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 17(1982) pp 349-355. - : Normal hepatic vitamin-D metabolism in icteric primary biliary cirrhosis associated with pronounced vitamin-D deficiency symptoms. Hepato-Gastroenterology 29(1982) pp 6-8. DANIELSSON, Åke & NYHLIN, Henry: A gamma-emitting bile acid for investigation of ileal function. XII International congress of gastroenterology. Lissabon 1984. DANIELSSON, Åke & SEHLIN, Janove: Effects of selective alpha 1- and alpha 2-adre-

172 noceptor active drugs on 86 Rb + efflux from pieces of rat parotid gland. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 117(1983) pp 561-566. DANIELSSON, Åke & UDDENFELDT, Per: Extrahepatic manifestations of primary biliary cirrhosis. World congress of gastroenterology. Stockholm 1982. - : Primär bilar cirrhos. En retrospektiv studie från Umeåregionen. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 3794-3796. DANIELSSON, Åke: se Asking, Bengt; se AXELSSON, Karin; se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se BLOOM, Gunnar; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se EKLUND, Anders; se ERIKSSON, Birgitta; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se LANDSTRÖM, Ulf; se LORENTZON, Ronny; se NYHLIN, Henry; se STENLING, Roger; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan DOMEIJ, Siw: se BLOOM, Gunnar DOMELLÖF, Lennart: se ATHLIN, Leif; se NORBERG, Bo DUNER, Hans, HANSSON, Lennart, ÅBERG, Hans & WESTER, Per-Olov: Högt blodtryck en folksjukdom. Skandia. Stockholm 1982. DYCKNER, Thomas: Diuretika, Magnesium, Kalium und kardiale Arrhythmien. München 1984. - : Spårelementens funktioner och deras kliniska betydelse. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 1157-1158. DYCKNER, Thomas, HELLBERG, D, HULTMAN, E & WESTER, Per-Olov: Magne­ sium deficiency following jejunoileal bypass operations for obesitas. American College of Nutrition. Journal 1(1982) pp 239-246. DYCKNER, Thomas, HELMERS, Claes & WESTER, Per-Olov: Cardiac dysrhythmias in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Relation to serum potassium level and prior diuretic therapy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 216(1984) pp 127-132. - : Initial serum potassium level, early arrhythmias and prior diuretic therapy in acute myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology 2(1982) p 146. DYCKNER, Thomas & WESTER, Per-Olov: Clinical significance of diuretic-induced magnesium loss. Practical Cardiology 10(1984) pp 124-133. - : Effect of magnesium on blood pressure. British Medicai Journal 286(1983) pp 1847-1849. - : Effect of magnesium on blood pressure. Letter to the editor. British Medicai Journal 287(1983) p 764. - : Extra- and intracellular potassium and magnesium, diuretics and arrhythmias. In: Potassium. Its biological significance, pp 137-154. Eds. Aikawa, J K & Whang, R. 1983. - : Intracellular magnesium loss after diuretic administration. Drugs 28(1984):Suppl.l pp 161-166. - : Magnesio. Urna pequena revisao. Searle Pharmacuetica. Lisboa 1983. - : Magnesium — Un bref expose. Clinician 1984 pp 5-20. - : Magnesium deficiency in congestive heart failure. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicolo- gica 54(1984):Suppl.l pp 119-123. - : Magnesium — Ein kurzer Überblick. Clinician 1984 pp 5-20. - : Magnesium deficiency — influence on cardiac arrhythmias and blood pressure. Symposium: coronary heart disease. Rheumatic fever and arrhythmias. Cairo 1983. - : Magnesium — en kortfattad översikt. AB, Malmö 1982. a) ISBN 91-7260-690-8. b) ISBN 91-970469-1-4 Magnesium — a short review. Engelsk version. - : Magnesium — a short review. Japansk version. Malmö 1982. - : Magnesium in cardiology. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.661 p 27. - : Magnesium treatment of diuretic-induced hyponatremia with a preliminary report of a new aldosterone-antagonist. American College of Nutrition. Journal 1(1982) p 149. - : Magnesiumbrist — diagnos som ofta förbises? Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 1120. - : Magnesiumbrist — ett nytt syndrom. Medisinsk årbog, pp 53-68. Köpenhamn 1984. - : Magnesiumhalten i kroppens vävnader av stor betydelse inom klinisk medicin. Läkar­ tidningen 81(1984) pp 1156-1157.

173 - : Mg deficiency contributing to ventricular tachycardia. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 89-91. - : Saluretika — elektrolytrubbningar. Opuscula Medica Suppl. 63(1983) pp 63-68. - : Skeletal muscle Mg and K déterminations. Corrélation with lymphocyte contents of Mg and K. American College of Nutrition 2(1983) p 275. - & WIDMAN, Lars: Intracelluläre Kalium- und Magnesiumwerte nach Behandlung mit Amilorid und Thiazid. Praktische Artz 37(1983) pp 993-1000. - : Potassium and magnesium sparing diuretics: Effects on skeletal muscle electrolytes. In: Electrolytes and the heart, pp 105-109. 1983. ISBN 0-88137-002-9. DYCKNER, Thomas: se NYHLIN, Henry; se WESTER, Per-Olov; se WHANG, R; se WIDMAN, Lars Edvardsson, Nils, BJERLE, Per, Brorson, Leif, Möller, Mogens, Nyquist, Olof, OLOFS­ SON, Bert-Ove & Åström, Mats: Réduction of chronic ventricular arrhythmia with the betablocker Sotalol — a double blind study. American College of Cardiology, 1982. - : Reduktion av ventrikulär arytmi med betablockeraren Sotalol. Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets riksstämma 1982. EK, Börje: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se DYCKNER, Thomas; se NYHLIN, Henry; se STEEN, Lars EMDIN, Stefan: se ASPLUND, Kjell ENGDE, Margareta: se WESTER, Per-Olov ERIKSSON, Anders, ERIKSSON, Peter, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove & THORNELL, Lars Erik: The cardiac atrioventricular conduction system in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica. Sect. A 91(1983) pp 343-349. - : The sinoatrial node in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A clinico-patholo- gical study of nine cases from northern Sweden. Virchows Archiv. Pathological Ana- tomy 402(1984) pp 239-246. ERIKSSON, Anders: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se WAHLIN, Anders ERIKSSON, Birgitta, Eriksson, Folke, DANIELSSON, Åke & NYHLIN, Henry: Biliointestinal bypass vs jejunoileal bypass: en jämförelse av tarmfunktion, metabola förändringar och morbiditet. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. ERICSSON, Birgitta, Galvan, Sonja, NORBERG, Astrid & Bexell, Göran: Care of senile demented patients in the final stage of the disease as experienced by their close relatives. Journal of Clinical and Expérimental Gerontology 6(1984) pp 17-26. ERICSSON, Martin, JOHNSON, Owe, TOLLIN, Claes, BACKMAN, Christer & FURBERG, Bengt: Serum lipoproteins, apolipoproteins and intravenous fat tolerance in young athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 14(1982) pp 209-212. ERIKSSON, Peter: Cardiac involvement in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:118. - , BACKMAN, Christer, BJERLE, Per, ERIKSSON, Anders, HOLM, Sonja & OLOFS­ SON, Bert-Ove: Non-invasive assessment of the presence and severity of cardiac amyloidosis. A study in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy by cross sectional echocardiography and technetium-99m pyrophosphate scintigraphy. British Heart Journal 52(1984) pp 321-326. - : Technetium-99m pyrophosphate scintigraphy and twodimensional echocardiography in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. The American heart association's 57th scientific session. Miami Beach, USA. Circulation 70(1984):Suppl.II p 451. ERIKSSON, Peter, BACKMAN, Christer, ERIKSSON, Anders & OLOFSSON, Bert- Ove: Hyperreflaktiva myokardekon vid familjär amyloidos med polyneuropati. Svens­ ka Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984.

174 - : Morphological basis of altered myocardial acoustic properties in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. The American heart association's 57th scientific session. Miami Beach, USA. Circulation 70(1984):Suppl.II p 151. ERIKSSON, Peter, KARP, Kjell, BJERLE, Per & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Disturbances of cardiac rhythm and conduction in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. British Heart Journal 51(1984) pp 658-662. ERIKSSON, Peter & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Modern pacemakerbehandling — en över­ sikt. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 113-115. - : Pacemaker treatment in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. PACE 7(1984) pp 702-706. ERIKSSON, Peter: se BACKMAN, Christer; se BUCHT, Gösta; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se TEIEN, Dag ERIKSSON, Sture: Discussion of Schoenberg: Cardiovascular disease precursors of completed ischemie stroke and transient ischemie attacks. Cerebrovascular diseases 13th Research conférence on cerebrovascular disease. Eds. Reivich-Hurtig. New York 1982. - , ASPLUND, Kjell, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Heart rhythm and acute cerebrovascular disease. Acta Neurologica Scandi­ navia 66(1982):Suppl.91 p 10. Abstract 16. - : The stroke unit in Umeå — a 5-year experience. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) p 121. ERIKSSON, Sture, BACKMAN, Christer, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & CVD-group: Use of pulmonary cine-angiocardiography (PACAC) and echo-cardiography to demonstrate intracardiac sources of cerebral emboli. Scandinavian meeting of cerebrovascular disease. Umeå 1982. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 p 11. ERIKSSON, Sture, LILIEQUIST, Bengt, HÄGG, Erik, ASPLUND, Kjell, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Computer tomography (CT) in cerebrovascular disease (CVD) in relation to clinical findings. Acta Neurologica Scandi­ navica 66(1982):Suppl.91 pp 10-11. ERIKSSON, Sture, ÖSTERMAN, Göran, ASPLUND, Kjell, HÄGG, Erik, HELMERS, Claes, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Pulmonary-artery cine-angiocardiography to demonstrate cardiac thrombi in patients with cerebral infarction. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984) pp 27-33. ERIKSSON, Sture, ÖSTERMAN, Göran, ASPLUND, Kjell, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Demonstration of intracardial thrombi by pulmonary-artery cine-angiocardiography in patients with ischemie stroke. 8th Inter­ national joint conférence on stroke and cerebral circulation. San Diego 1983. - : Use of pulmonary artery cine-angiocardiography (PACAC) to demonstrate intra­ cardiac sources of cerebral emboli. XVIth International congress of internal medicine. Prag 1982. ERIKSSON, Sture: se BERNSPÄNG, Birgitta; se HÄGG, Erik; se LITHNER, Folke; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se MELLBRING, Göran; se Nilsson, Folke; se NORBERG, Astrid; se NORBERG, Bo; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se PARKHEDE, Ulf; se STRAND, Tage; se WESTER, Per-Olov Fahlen, Martin & LITHNER, Folke: Mät blodsocker på avdelningen. Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 2623. FALKMER, Sture: se STENLING, Roger FREDRIKZON, Bo: se STENLING, Roger FUGL-MEYER, Axel, LINDERHOLM, Håkan & ASPLUND, Kjell: Respiratory ab- normalities are common in hemiplegia. Abstracts. 6:e congres de la federation Europe- enne de medicine physique et de readaptation. Gand 1982. FUGL-MEYER, Axel: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BERNSPÄNG, Birgitta; se WESTER, Per-Olov

175 FURBERG, Bengt: se ERICSSON, Marti; se JOHNSON, Owe GERHARDSSON, Lars, Brune, Dag, NORBERG, Gunnar & WESTER, Per-Olov: An- timony in lung, liver and kidney tissue from deceased smelter workers. Scandinavian Journal of Work. Environment and Health 8(1982) p 201. GERHARDSSON, Lars, WESTER, Per-Olov, NORBERG, Gunnar & Brune, Dag: Chromium, cobalt and lanthanum in lung, liver and kidney tissue from deceased smelter workers. Science of the Total Environment 37(1984) p 23. GRANKVIST, Kjell: se ASPLUND, Kjell GUSTAVSSON, Peter, HOLM, Jan, WAHLIN, Anders & NORBERG, Bo: The sta ging of myelofibrosis by means of haemoglobin value and reticulocyte count. XX Interna­ tional congress of hematology. Buenos Aires 1984. GUSTAVSSON, Yngve: se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny HAGBERG, Mats: se LINDQVIST, Bengt HALLMANS, Göran, NYSTRÖM, Åke, WING, Kenneth & LITHNER, Folke: 65 Zn turnover in short-term alloxan diabetic rats. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 107-114. HALLMANS, Göran: se LITHNER, Folke; se NYGREN, Charlotte; se NYSTRÖM, Åke; se WETTER, Lars HARDELL, Lennart: se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta HASSLER, Ove: se BJELLE, Anders HEDLY, Vera: se AXELSSON, Karin HELANDER, Herbert: se STENLING, Roger HELLBERG, D: se DYCKNER, Thomas HELLSTRÖM, Sten: se HENRIKSSON, Roger HELMERS, Claes: se DYCKNER, Thomas; se ERIKSSON, Sture HENRIKSSON, Roger, AXELSSON, Karin, DANIELSSON, Åke & Wahlin, Torkel: Changes in glycoprotein sécrétion from mouse gallbladder after vagotomy or choli- nergic superstimulation. XII International congress of gastroenterology. Lissabon 1984. HENRIKSSON, Roger, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Effecs of neonatal sympathetic denervation on amylase sécrétion in the adult rat parotid gland: Différence in Bl- and B2-adrenoceptor response. European Journal of Pharmacology 78(1982) pp 195-200, HENRIKSSON, Roger, DANIELSSON, Åke & CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: Is the modality of the supersensitivity after sympathectomy age — and duration — dépendent in rat parotid gland. Neuroscience Letters 45(1984) pp 279-283. HENRIKSSON, Roger, JÖNSSON, Göran, SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan, BLOOM, Gunnar, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt & DANIELSSON, Åke: An intact sympathetic innervation is of pivotai role for the early development of the parotid gland. Journal of Ultrastructural Research 1982:Suppl. p 1. HENRIKSSON, Roger: se BLOOM, Gunnar; se DANIELSSON, Åke; se SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan HIETALA, Sven-Ola, LINDQVIST, Bengt, LITHNER, Folke & WIRELL, Marianne: Fatal reaction following angiography and biopsy in diabetic patients with azotemia. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 179-181. HIETALA, Sven-Ola & LITHNER, Folke: Diabetic foot angiography. Scandinavian society for the study of diabetes. 17th annual meeting. Köpenhamn 1982. - : Foot angiopathy in diabetic patients with gangrene. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984: Suppl.687 pp 61-67.

176 HIETALA, Sven-Ola: se LITHNER, Folke; se Merikanto, Jukka HOFER, Per-Åke: se LINDQVIST, Bengt; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove HOLM, Jan: se GUSTAVSSON, Peter; se LÖFVENBERG, Eva; se NORBERG, Bo; se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta; se WAHLIN, Anders HOLM, Sonja, WAHLIN, Anders, WAHLQVIST, Lennart & WEDRÉN, Hans: Plasma proteins and anti-kidney antibodies in renai carcinoma. Scandinavian Journal of Uro- iogy and Nephrology 16(1982) pp 163-166. - & LUNDGREN, Barbro: Urine microscopy as screening method for bacteriuria. Acta Medica Scandinavica 211(1982) pp 209-212. HOLM, Sonja: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se STEEN, Lars HULTMAN, E: se DYCKNER, Thomas HÄGG, Erik, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Serum TSH in cerebrovascular disease. Acta Neurologica Scan­ dinavica 70(1984) p 127. - : S-TSH vid cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Svenska Läkaresällskapet riksstämma 1983 p 139. HÄGG, Erik, von ESSEN, Claes, LILIEQUIST, Bengt & ASPLUND, Kjell: Fem fall­ beskrivningar: Hypofysapoplexi — ett differentialdiagnostiskt problem värt att upp­ märksamma. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 3937-3940. HÄGG, Erik: se AHLM, Claes; se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BJELLE, Anders; se ERIKS­ SON, Sture; se LITHNER, Folke; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se STRAND, Tage; se WESTER, Per-Olov Häggbom, Per, NORBERG, Bo & NORBERG, Astrid: The urine smeli around patients with urinary incontinence. Animal and human trials of skin tolerance towards diapers impregnated with copper acetate. Journal of Clinical and Expérimental Gerontology 5(1983) pp 11-17. HORSTEDT, Per: se STENLING, Roger IDAHL, Lars-Åke: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt JACOBSSON, Karl-Anders: se JOHNSON, Owe; se TOLLIN, Claes JACOBSSON, Lennart: se SMIGAN, Ludowit Johansson, J, Ericsson, T & STEEN, Lars: Studies on the effect of diet on saliva sécrétion and caries development. 1. The effect of fasting on saliva composition. Journal of Nutrition 114(1984) pp 2010-2020. JONSSON, Bernt: se Lindegård, Per; se LITHNER, Folke JOHNSON, Owe, ERICSSON, Martin, TOLLIN, Claes, FURBERG, Bengt, BACK­ MAN, Christer & ÄNGQV1ST, Karl-Axel: Serumlipoproteins, apolipoproteins and intravenous fat tolerance in young athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 14(1982) pp 209-212. JOHNSON, Owe, ERICSSON, Martin, TOLLIN, Claes & ÄNGQVIST, Karl-Axel: Serum lipoproteins and apolipoproteins A I and A II in male patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 148(1982) pp 675-678. JOHNSON, Owe, Nilsson, Torbjörn & MELLBRING, Göran: Defective fibrinolysis in survivors of myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology 6(1984) pp 380-382. JOHNSON, Owe, TOLLIN, Claes, Ericsson, Martin, BACKMAN, Christer, JACOBS­ SON, Karl-Anders, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & BILLSTRÖM, Åke: Decreased removal of triglycérides from the blood — a mechanism for the hypertriglyceridemia in male patients with coronary artery disease. International Journal of Cardiology 5(1984) pp 185-192.

177 JOHNSON, Owe: se Ericsson, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel JÄRHULT, Johannes: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders JÖNSSON, Elsy: se LINDQVIST, Bengt JÖNSSON, Göran: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HENRIKSSON, Roger KARP, Kjell: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se LINDERHOLM, Håkan KIDMAN, Ulla & LITHNER; Folke: Fotterapeutens betydelse i diabetesvården. Läkar­ tidningen 80(1983) p 2132. von KNORRING, Lars: se SMIGAN, Ludovit; se WAHLIN, Anders KRAFT, Kerstin: se LUNDBERG, Erik KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders, DAHLGREN, Seija, JÄRHULT, Johannes & LITHNER, Folke: Primär hyperparathyreoidism under graviditet. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma, 1983. KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders: se ASPLUND, Kjell LANDSTRÖM, Ulf, DANIELSSON, Åke, LINDMARK, Asta, LINDQVIST, Melker, LISZKA, Ludwik & SÖDERBERG, Lena: Effekter på människa framkallade under exponering för tre olika infraljudsfrekvenser, 6, 12 och 16 HZ. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen. LIndersökningsrapport 1982:4. - : Exponering för tre olika infraljudsniväer, 95, 110 och 125 DB (lia) — effekter på människa. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen. Undersökningsrapport 1982:24 LANDSTRÖM, Ulf: se DANIELSSON, Åke LARSSON, Sven-Erik: se DANIELSSON, Åke Lee, Pyung-Woo, Svedmyr, Arne, Amyx, Herbert, Gajdusek, Carleton, Gibbs, Clarence, LÖFGREN, Ola & NYSTRÖM, Kurt: HFRS antigen and antibody in two species of Swedish voles. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 14(1982). Letters to the editors, p 315-316. LENNER, Per: se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta LILIEQVIST, Bengt: se ERIKSSON, Sture; se HÄGG, Erik; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se STRAND, Tage Lindegård, Per, JONSSON Bernt & LITHNER, Folke: Amputations in diabetic patients in Gotland and Umeå counties 1971-1980. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 89-93. LINDERHOLM, Håkan: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel LINDGREN, Barbro: se AXELSSON, Karin LINDGREN-ÖHLUND, Inger: se DAHLGREN, Seija LINDHOLM, Christer: se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta LINDMARK, Asta: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se LANDSTRÖM, Ulf LINDQVIST, Bengt: Fosfatbrist och hypofysfatemi. Läkartidningen 80(1983) p 2566. - : Kidney disease in weiders. IRCS Medicai Science. Kidneys and Urinary System 11(1983) p 99. - , ANDERSEN, Solveig & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Förloppet vid renal amyloidos. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 91(1982):6 p 204. LINDQVIST, Bengt, HAGBERG, Mats, JÖNSSON, Elsy, THOMASSON, Lissi & WALL, Stig: Arbetsmiljöfaktorer vid glomerulonefrit. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma 93(1984):9 p 213. LINDQVIST, Bengt, WAHLIN, Anders, LUNDSTRÖM, Bo & HOFER, Per-Åke: Cystic interstitial nephritis — polycystic kidney without enlargement. Congress of Euro­ pean dialysis & transplant association. 1982:Abstract 87.

178 LINDQVIST, Bengt, WENTZEL, Thorolf & WIRELL, Marianne: Oxalosis treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: A failure. IRCS Medicai Science. Kidneys and Urinary System 10(1982) p 3. LINDQVIST, Bengt, WIRELL, Marianne & BALCKE, Per: Oxalosis treated with haemofiltration: A failure. Blood Purification 1(1983) p 49. LINDQVIST, Bengt, WIRELL, Marianne & BYGREN, Per: Serum antibodies for glomerular basai membrane in patients with pain and/or signs of vascular disease. IRCS Medicai Science. Cardiovascular System 11(1983) p 529. LINDQVIST, Bengt: se ANDERSEN, Solveig; se Bengtsson, Ulla; se DAHLGREN, Seija; se HIETALA, Sven-Ola; se LUNDBERG, Erik; se WIRELL, Marianne LINDQVIST, Melker: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se DANIELSSON, Åke; se LANDSTRÖM, Ulf LINDSTRÖM, Göran: se BJELLE, Anders LINDSTRÖM, Per: se DANIELSSON, Åke LISZKA, Ludwik: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se LANDSTRÖM, Ulf LITHNER, Folke: Diabetic gangrene — the importance of localization, age, duration of diabetes, hypertension and smoking. XVI International congress of internal medicine. Praha 1982. - : The enigma of diabetic gangrene. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 7-8. - : Gangrene localized to the feet in diabetic patients. XIV Acta Endocrinologica Congress. Stockholm 1983. - : Is tobacco of importance for the development and progression of diabetic vascular complications? Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl. 687 pp 33-36. - : Some new aspects on the diabetic gangrene. Swe Ass Soc Orthop Surg Annual meeting, 1983. - : Är det möjligt att jämföra sårläkningsmedel? Läkartidningen 81(1984) p 2904. - , ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, STRAND, Tage & WESTER, Per-Olov: Diabetes and cerebrovascular disease (CVD). Scandinavian meeting on cerebrovascular disease. Umeå 1982. - : Diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease (CVD). XVII International congress of internal medicine. Kyoto 1984. - : Diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease. 19th meeting. Scandinavian society for the study of diabetes. Trondheim 1984. - : Diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 pp 19-20. - : The relation between diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease (CVD). Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) p 130. LITHNER, Folke, HIETALA, Sven-Ola & STEEN, Lars: Skeletal lésions and medial arterial calcification in the feet of diabetic patients with and without gangrene and in patients with familial amyloidosis and polyneuropathy. Scandinavian society for the study of diabetes. 17th annual meeting, Danmark, 1982. - : Skeletal lésions and medial arterial calcifications of the feet in diabetics and patients with familial amyloidosis and polyneuropathy. European association for the study of diabetics. 19th annual meeting. Oslo 1983. - : Skeletal lésions and medial arterial calcification of the feet in diabetic patients with and without gangrene and in patients with familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:687 pp 47-54. - : Skelettskador och mediaförkalkningar i fötterna hos diabetiker med och utan gangrän och hos patienter med familjär amyloidos och polyneuropati. Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets riksstämma 1982. LITHNER, Folke, JONSSON, Bernt & LINDEGÅRD, Per: Antalet amputationer orsakade av diabetes kan minskas. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 4025-4027.

179 LITHNER, Folke, MJÖRNDAL, Tom, ASPLUND, Kjell & HÄGG, Erik: Hematin- behandling av hepatiska porfyrier. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 91(1982) p 143. - : Intravenös hematinbehandling av akut intermittent porfyri. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1675-1676. LITHNER, Folke & TÖRNBLOM, Nils: Gangrene localized in the feet in diabetic patients. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 75-79. LITHNER, Folke, WETTER, Lars & HALLMANS, Göran: Is hemoglobin concentration a predictor for the outcome of distal gangrenous lésions in diabetics? Scandinavian society for the study of diabetes. 18th annual meeting. Kuopio 1983. LITHNER, Folke & Wetterberg, Lennart: Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with acute intermittent porphyria. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 271-274. LITHNER, Folke: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BORSSÉN, Bengt; se BUCHT, Gösta; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se Fahlen, Martin; se HALLMANS, Göran; se HIETALA, Sven- Ola; se HÄGG, Erik; se KIDMAN, Ulla; se KRISTOFFERSSON, Anders; se LINDE­ GÅRD, Per; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se Merikanto, Jukka; se NYGREN, Charlotte; se NYSTRÖM, Åke; se STRAND, Tage; se TERNULF-NYHLIN, Kerstin; se WES- TER, Per-Olov; se WETTER, Lars; se WIMAN, Björn; se ÖSTMAN, Jan LORENTZON, Ronny: se DANIELSSON, Åke LUNDBERG, Erik, LINDQVIST, Bengt & KRAFT, Kerstin: Fosfatdiabetes och cal- ciotonin. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 93(1984):9 p 146. LUNDSTRÖM, Bo: se LINDQVIST, Bengt LUNDSTRÖM, Torgny: se DANIELSSON, Åke LÖFGREN, Ola: se Lee, Pyung-Woo LÖFVENBERG, Eva, WAHLIN, Anders & HOLM, Jan: Behandlingsresultat vid mul­ tipelt myelom stadium III B. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. MARKLUND, Stefan, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke, STRAND, Tage, WESTER, Per-Olov & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid light-absorption spectrum in the diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 p 21. MARKLUND, Stefan, EK, Börje & STEEN, Lars: Effects of long-term penicillamine therapy on erythrocyte CuZn superoxide dismutase activity. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 44(1984) pp 13-37. MARKLUND, Stefan: se ASPLUND, Kjell MELLBRING, Göran, ERIKSSON, Sture, STRAND, Tage & the Stroke Group: Fre- quency of deep-vein thrombosis after acute cerebral infarction and the prophylactic effect of dextran 40. Sv International Congress on Thrombosis. Valencia, Spanien, 1982. Scandinavian meeting on cerebrovascular disease. Umeå 1982. MELLBRING, Göran: se JOHNSON, Owe Merikanto, Jukka, HIETALA, Sven-Ola & LITHNER, Folke: Renal angiographie findings in diabetic patients: corrélation with histopathology. Scandinavian society for the study of diabetes. 17th annual meeting. Copenhagen 1982. MICHAELSSON, Eva, NORBERG, Astrid & NORBERG, Bo: The administration of infusions and gastric tubes to dying senile demented patients. Interviews regarding practice in long-stay wards. Proceedings at Nursing research joint international confé­ rence. London 1984. MICHAELSSON, Eva, NORBERG, Astrid & Samuelsson, Sven Mårten: Upplever den geriatriska patienten törst i livets slutskede? Intervjuundersökning av vårdpersonalens uppfattning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1984.

180 MICHAELSSON, Eva: se NORBERG, Astrid MJÖRNDAL, Thore: se LITHNER, Folke MÖLLER, Agneta: se NORBERG, Astrid Nilsson, Folke, NORBERG, Bo, Fredriksen, Björn & ERIKSSON, Sture: The role of the MA-sensitive leukocyte Chemotaxis in rheumatoid arthritis. A double-blind randomized clinical trial of griseofulvin treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 12(1983) pp 113-118. NORBERG, Astrid: Omvårdnadsteorier. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 61(1984) pp 307-310. - , ASPLUND, Kjell & MICHAELSSON, Eva: Ethical problems in not doing research. In: Research — A challenge for nursing practice, pp 356-357. Proceedings. Ed. Hamrin, E. Uppsala 1983. NORBERG, Astrid, AXELSSON, Karin, MÖLLER, Agneta & ÅKERLUND, Britt- Marie: Holistisk omvårdnad av den åldriga patienten som har svårt att äta. Vårdläraren 37-38(1984) pp 32-38. NORBERG, Astrid & BÄCKSTRÖM, Åke: Force-feeding of patients at nursing homes. Proceedings at Nursing research joint international conférence. London 1984. - : Terminal care of senile demented patients. In: Research — A challenge for nursing practice, pp 90-94. Proceedings. Ed. Hamrin, E. Uppsala 1983. - & NORBERG, Bo: Vårdares uppfattning av tvångsmatning. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 61(1984) pp 344-349. NORBERG, Astrid, Odelhög, Sven-Olof, NORBERG, Bo & Lundbeck, Karin: The urine smeli around patients with urinary incontinence: Laboratory tests of a diaper impreg- nated with copper acetate. Journal of Clinical and Expérimental Gerontology 5(1983) PP 1-9. NORBERG, Astrid, Olsson, Birgitta & NORBERG, Bo: The urine smeli around patients with urinary incontinence. An intensive-case-study of the effect of diapers impregnated with copper acetate. Journal of Clinical and Expérimental Gerontology 5(1983) pp 19-24. NORBERG, Astrid, SANDSTRÖM, Staffan, NORBERG, Bo, ERIKSSON, Sture & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Ammoniakhalten i kopparacetat-impregnerade blöjor och obehandlade blöjor. Proceedings. VI Nordisk kongress i gerontologi. Köpenhamn 1983. - : The urine smeli around patients with urinary incontinence. The production of ammonia in ordinary diapers and in diapers impregnated with copper acetate. Gerontology 30(1984) pp 261-266. NORBERG, Astrid: se Asplund, Kenneth; se ASPLUND, Kjell; se Axelsson, Karin; se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Åke; se ERIKSSON, Birgitta; se Hägg- bom, Per; se MICHAELSSON, Eva; se NORBERG, Bo; se PARKHEDE, Ulf; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se TERNULF-NYHLIN, Kerstin; se WESTERMARK, Britt NORBERG, Bo: Behandling av akut gikt. Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 3655. - : Radial segmentation test of antitubulin activity. Proceedings från Kemoterapikongres- sen i Florens 1981, pp 1261-1263. American Society for Microbiology. Washington l982- - , ATHLIN, Leif & DOMELLÖF, Lennart: Jästcellers adherens och internalisering i monocyter: In vitro effekt av en terapeutisk doxycyclin-koncentration. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets riksstämma. Sammanfattningar 1984. NORBERG, Bo, BJELLE, Anders & ERIKSSON, Sture: Joint fluid leukocytosis of patients with rheumatoid arhritis. Computer analysis of possible explanative factors. Clinical Rheumatology 2(1983) pp 53-56. - : Joint fluid leukocytosis of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Evidence for neutrophil and monocyte Chemotaxis in vivo. Clinical Rheumatology 2(1983) pp 237-242. NORBERG, Bo & BÄCK, Ove: Doxycyclin och neutrofilernas migration. Effekten av en oral terapeutisk singeldos. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Sammanfattningar 92(1983) p 149.

181 - : Effekten av terapeutiska doxycyclin-koncentrationer på neutrofilernas migration in vitro. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1982. - : Polymorphonuclear leukocyte Chemotaxis — a complex process. IXX International congress on hematology. Budapest 1982. NORBERG, Bo, HOLM, Jan, Winqvist, Erik & WAHLIN, Anders: Treatment of advanced bone marrow neuplasms with ifosfamide combinations. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 32(1984) pp 95-100. NORBERG, Bo, NORBERG, Astrid, Odelhög, Sven-Olof, PARKHEDE, Ulf & Gippert, Hans: The bacteriuria in long-stay geriatrie inpatients with an indwelling catheter. A copper-coated urinary catheter. Upsala Journal of Medicai Science 87(1982) pp 179-187. NORBERG, Bo, NORBERG, Astrid & PARKHEDE, Ulf: Long-stay geriatrie inpatients with indwelling catheters. A clinical comparison between silicone-coated latex catheters and homogenous silicone catheters. Journal of Clinical and Expérimental Gerontology 6(1984) pp 27-35. - : The spontaneous variation of catheter life in long-stay geriatrie inpatients with indwelling catheters. Gerontology 29(1983) pp 332-335. NORBERG, Bo & Rydgren, Lars: The significance of adherence to a surface for blood monocyte locomotion and phagocytosis of yeast cells. XX International congress on hematology. Buenos Aires 1984. NORBERG, Bo, WREDHAMMAR, Ulf, WAHLIN, Anders, ERIKSSON, Sture & RUDOLPHI, Ole: Betydelsen av handspegelformade tumörceller i benmärgsutstryk från patienter med akut myeloisk leukemi typ Ml och M2. XV Vårmötet i hematologi. Köpenhamn 1984. NORBERG, Bo: se ATHLIN, Leif; se BANDMANN, Ulf; se BJELLE, Anders; se BÄCK, Ove; se GUSTAVSSON, Peter; se HÄGGBLOM, Per; se MICHAELSSON, Eva; se NILSSON, Folke; se NORBERG, Astrid; se PARKHEDE, Ulf; se RYDGREN, Lars; se WAHLIN, Anders NORBERG, Gunnar: se GERHARDSSON, Lars NYGREN, Charlotte, HALLMANS, Göran & LITHNER, Folke: Effects of high-bran bread on blood glucose control in insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Diabete et Metabolisme 10(1984) pp 39-43. NYHLIN, Henry: Crohn's disease with special reference to intestinal malabsorption. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:117. - , BRYDON, Gordon, DANIELSSON, Åke & WESTMAN, Sune: Clinical application of a Sélénium (75 Se)-labelled bile acid for the investigation of the terminal ileal function. Hepato-Gastroenterology 31(1984) pp 187-191.

NYHLIN, Henry, DANIELSSON, Åke & WESTMAN, Sune: Klinisk användning av en selen (75-Se)-märkt gallsyra för undersökning av terminala ileums funktion hos patien­ ter med Crohn's sjukdom. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. NYHLIN, Henry, DYCKNER, Thomas, EK, Börje & WESTER, Per-Olov: Magnesium deficiency in Crohn's disease. World congress of gastroenterology. Stockholm 1982. - : Magnesium in Crohn's disease. Acta Medica Scandinavica 661(1982) pp 21-25. NYHLIN, Henry, DYCKNER, Thomas & WESTER, Per-Olov: Plasma and skeletal muscle electrolytes in Chrohn's disease. British Society for Gastroenterology. London 1983. NYHLIN, Henry, Merrick, Malcolm, Eastwood, Martin & Brydon, Gordon: Evaluation of ileal function using SeHCAT, a gamma labelled conjugated bile acid. An initial clinical assessment. Gastroentrology 84(1983) pp 63-68. NYHLIN, Henry, STEEN, Lars, EK, Börje, DANIELSSON, Åke & STENLING, Roger: Colonie biopsy. A new technique. British Journal of Surgery 69(1982) p 150. NYHLIN, Henry & STENLING, Roger: The small intestinal mucosa in patients with

182 Crohn's disease assessed by scanning electron and light microscopy. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984) pp 433-440. NYHLIN, Henry: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se DYCKNER, Thomas; se ERIKSSON, Birgitta; se STENLING, Roger NYSTRÖM, Kurt: Epidemiology of HFRS (Endemie Benign Nephropathy - EBN) in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1982:Suppl. 36 p 92. - : Incidensen av endemisk benign nefropati (EBN) beror av mängden smågnagare. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma, 1982. NYSTRÖM, Kurt: se Lee, Pyung-Woo; se Svedmyr, Arne NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ANDERSEN, Solveig; se LIND­ QVIST, Bengt; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se WAHLIN, Anders NYSTRÖM, Åke, HALLMANS, Göran & LITHNER, Folke: Zinc metabolism in long term alloxan diabetic rats after thermal trauma. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984: Suppl.687 pp 101-105. NYSTRÖM, Åke: se HALLMANS, Göran OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Cardiac involvement in familial amyloidosis with polyneuro- pathy. International Journal of Cardiology 4(1983) pp 379-382. - : Cardio-pulmonary function in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A clinical study of cases from northern Sweden. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:86 . - , Andersson, Rune, BENSON, Lars, BLOM, Sigfrid, HOFER, Per-Åke, SANDGREN, Ola & STEEN, Lars: Familjär amyloidos med polyneuropati i Sverige - en översikt. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3785-3787. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, BJERLE, Per, BACKMAN, Christer, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & Klingen, Gudmund: Cor triatriatum. International Journal of Cardiology 2(1982) pp 143-144. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, BJERLE, Per & ÖSTERMAN, Göran: Hemodynamic and angiocardiographic observations in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 77-81. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ERIKSSON, Peter & ERIKSSON, Anders: The sick sinus syndrome in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. International Journal of Car­ diology 4(1983) pp 71-73. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: se BACKMAN, Christer; se Cornwell, Gibbons; se Edvardsson, Nils; se ERIKSSON, Anders; se ERIKSSON, Peter; THUNELL, Martin; se WAHLIN, Anders; se Westermark, Per OLSSON, Tommy: se UDDENFELDT, Per ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta, HOLM, Jan, HARDELL, Lennart, LENNER, Per, LIND­ HOLM, Christer & WAHLIN, Anders: Högdosbehandling med cytostatika vid akut myeloisk leukemi. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 2107-2109. ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se ERIKSSON, Sture; se JOHNSON, Owe; se OLOFSSON, Bert- Ove; se THUNELL, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes; se WAHLIN, Anders PARKHEDE, Ulf, NORBERG, Bo, NORBERG, Astrid & ERIKSSON, Sture: The effect of treatment with methenamine hippurate of urinary tract infection in long-stay geriatrie in-patients with indwelling catheters. III. Evaluation by urine viscosimetry. Journal of Clinical and Expérimental Gerontology 4(1982) pp 71-81. PERRIS, Carlo: se SMIGAN, Ludovit RAPP, Valter: se ASPLUND, Kjell ROOS, Göran: se WAHLIN, Anders

183 RUDOPHI, Olle: se NORBERG, Bo; se WAHLIN, Anders RYAN, M: se WHANG, R RYDGREN, Lars & NORBERG, Bo: Yeast cell phagocytosis by mononuclear leucocytes from peripheral blood. Significance of the substrate. Scandinavian Journal of Haema- tology 33(1984) pp 368-372. SANDGREN, Ola: se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove SANDMAN, Per-Olof, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NORBERG, Astrid & NYSTRÖM, Len- narth: Relocation of psychogeriatric patients. 1st International conference for the mental health of the elderly. Cairo 1982. SANDMAN, Per-Olof: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se AXELSSON, Karin; se BUCHT, Gösta; se NORBERG, Astrid SANDSTRÖM, Staffan: se NORBERG, Astrid SCANDINAVIAN STROKE STUDY GROUP (klinisk koordinator Kjell Asplund): Akutbehandling av hjärninfarkt — erfarenheter från en multicenterprövning. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984 p 168. - : Progress report from a multicenter trial of haemodilution in acute ischemie stroke. Nordiskt möte om cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Helsingör 1984. SEHLIN, Janove: se DANIELSSON, Åke SJÖGREN, Georg: se BJELLE, Anders SJÖLIN-FORSBERG, G: se WESTER, Per-Olov SMIGAN, Ludovit, BUCHT, Gösta, von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo & WAHLIN, Anders: Long-term treatment and renai function. A prospective study. Neuropsychobiology 11(1984) pp 33-38. SMIGAN, Ludovit, WAHLIN, Anders, PERRIS, Carlo, JACOBSSON, Lennart & BUCHT, Gösta: Lithium therapy and thyroid function tests. A prospective study. Neuropsychobiology 11(1984) pp 39-43. SMIGAN, Ludovit: se BUCHT, Gösta STEEN, Lars & EK, Börje: Familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A longterm fol- low-up of 21 patients with special reference to gastrointestinal symptoms. Acta Medica Scandinavica 214(1983) pp 387-397. - : Familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy — aspects on the relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms. Emg-findings and malabsorption studies. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 19(1984) pp 480-486. - : Malabsorption in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Föredrag vid Världs­ kongressen i gastroenterologi. Stockholm 1982. STEEN, Lars & STENLING: The relationship between morphological findings and function of the small intestine in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Scandina­ vian Journal of Gastroenterology 18(1983) pp 961-968. STEEN, Lars, WAHLIN, Anders, BJERLE, Per & HOLM, Sonja: Renal function in primary amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 233-236. STEEN, Lars & Öberg, L: Familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Roentgenologic and gastroscopy appearance of gastrointestinal involvement. American Journal of Gastroenterology 78(1983) pp 417-420. STEEN, Lars: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se LITHNER, Folke; se NYHLIN, Henry; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove STENLING, Roger, FREDRIKZON, Bo, NYHLIN, Henry, HELANDER, Herbert & FALKMER, Sture: Surface ultrastructure of the small intestine mucosa in healthy children and adults. A scanning electron microscope study with some methodological aspects. Ultrastructural Pathology 6(1984) pp 131-140.

184 STENLING, Roger, NYHLIN, Henry, DANIELSSON, Åke & HORSTEDT, Per: Bac- terial and fungal infection of the small intestine. A scanning electron microscope study. World congress of gastroenterology. Stockholm 1982. STENLING, Roger: se NYHLIN, Henry STJERNBERG, Nils, BACKMAN, Christer & Björnstad-Pettersson, Helge: Pulmonary function in early sarcoidosis I and II. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorder, pp 354-358. Ed. Branislav, Duric. Novi Sad 1982. STJERNBERG, Nils, DANIELSSON, Åke, UDDENFELDT, Per, BJERLE, Per & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Pulmonary function in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. IV European conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Sorrento 1983. STJERNBERG, Nils, DANIELSSON, Åke, UDDENFELDT, Per & Eklund, Anders: Kveims test in primary biliary cirrhosis. IV European conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Sorrento 1983. STJERNBERG, Nils: se Eklund, Anders; se THUNELL, Martin; se UDDENFELDT, Per STRAND, Tage, ALLING, Christer, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, KARLSSON, Börje, LILIEQUIST, Bengt, LITHNER, Folke, WESTER, Per- Olov & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain specific myelin basic protein (MBP) in spinal fluid as a marker for brain damage in acute stroke. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982): Suppl.91 pp 29-30. - : Hjärnspecifikt basiskt myelinprotein (BMP) i cerebrospinalvätska som markör på hjärnskada vid akut cerebrovaskulär sjukdom. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. STRAND, Tage, ASPLUND, Kjell, ALLING, Christer, ERIKSSON, Sture, KARLS­ SON, Börje, LILIEQUIST, Bengt, WESTER, Per-Olov & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain specific myelin basic protein in spinal fluid as a marker for brain damage in acute stroke. 9th International joint conference on stroke and cerebral circulation. Miami 1984. Stroke 15(1984):1 p 195. STRAND, Tage, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke & WESTER, Per-Olov: Acute ischemie stroke treated by hemodilution. XVI Inter­ national congress of internal medicine. Prag 1982. - : Hemodilution in acute brain infarction. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982): Suppl.91 p 29. - : Hemodilution treatment of ischemie stroke. Stroke 14(1983) p 122. - : Hemodilution vid akut hjärninfarkt — slutrapport av en randomiserad behandlings­ studie. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma p 158. - : A non-intensive stroke unit reduces functional disability and the need for long-term hospitalization. 9th International joint conference on stroke and cerebral circulation. Miami 1984. Stroke 15(1984):1 p 194. - : A randomized controlied trial of hemodilution therapy in acute ischemie stroke. Stroke 15(1984) pp 980-989. - : Stroke unit care — who benefits? Clinical outcome in relation to neurological déficits and coexisting cardio-vascular diseases. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) p 138. - : Vilka patienter med akut cerebrovaskulär sjukdom (CVS) skall vårdas på särskild CVS-enhet? Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984 p 167. STRAND, Tage: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se HÄGG, Erik; se LITHNER, Folke; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se MELLBR1NG, Göran; se WESTER, Per-Olov STRANDFUR, Kerstin: se AXELSSON, Karin SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HENRIKSSON, Roger SVEDMYR, Arne, Lee, Pyung-Woo, Goldgaber, Dmitry, Yanagihara, Richard, Gaj- dusek, Carleton, Gibbs, Clarence & NYSTRÖM, Kurt: Antigen différences between

185 European and East Asian strains of HFRS virus. In: Workshop on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Eighth International congress of infectious and parasitic diseases. Stockholm 1982. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1982:Suppl. 36 pp 86-87. SÖDERBERG, Lena: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se LANDSTRÖM, Ulf TERNULF-NYHLIN, Kerstin, NORBERG, Astrid & LITHNER, Folke: Problems in learning to manage the disease as experienced by diabetic patients, defined as well- adapted. A preliminary report. Proceeding ICN. European nurse researcher group. First open conférence, Uppsala, 1982. 5th Conference of the workgroup of European nurse researchers. Uppsala 1982. - : Problems in learning to manage the disease as experienced by diabetic patients, defined as well-adapted. A preliminary report. Steno nurse symposium No 1. Self care and nursing in IDDM. Proceedings of a symposium at the Steno memorial hospital. Gentofte 1982. THORNELL, Lars-Erik: se ERIKSSON, Anders THUNELL, Martin, BJERLE, Per, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & STJERNBERG, Nils: Cardiopulmonary function in sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandi­ navia 215(1984) pp 215-220. THUNELL, Martin: se UDDENFELDT, Per TOLLIN, Claes, ERICSSON, Martin, JOHNSON, Owe, BACKMAN, Christer, JACOBSSON, Karl Anders, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & BILLSTRÖM, Åke: Decreased removal of triglycérides from the blood - a mechanism for the hypertriglyceridemia in male patients with coronary artery disease. International Journal of Cardiology 5(1984) pp 185-192. TOLLIN, Claes: se ERICSSON, Martin; se JOHNSON, Owe; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel TÄLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: se ASPLUND, Kjell TÖRNBLOM, Nils: se LITHNER, Folke UDDENFELDT, Per, BJELLE, Anders, OLSSON, Tommy, STJERNBERG, Nils & THUNELL, Martin: Muskulo-skeletal symptoms in early sarcoidosis. Acta Medica Scandinavica 214(1984) pp 279-284. UDDENFELDT, Per: se DANIELSSON, Åke; se EKLUND, Anders; se STJERNBERG, Nils WAHLIN, Anders: Staging and survival in multiple myeloma. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 33(1984) pp 22-26. - & HOLM, Jan: Effects of plasmapheresis on immunoglobulins, plasma cells and Creatinine in multiple myeloma. Proceedings of the 13th International cancer congress. Seattle 1982. - & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Improved survival in multiple myeloma with multiple drug chemotherapy and plasmapheresis. Haematologia 17(1984) pp 353-359. WAHLIN, Anders, HOLM, Jan, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & NORBERG, Bo: Evaluation of serial bone x-ray examination in multiple myeloma. Acta Medica Scandinavica 212(1982) pp 385-387. WAHLIN, Anders, HOLM, Jan & ROOS, Göran: T-cell subgrupper vid myelom. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. WAHLIN, Anders, von KNORRING, Lars & ROOS, Göran. Altered distribution of T-lymphocyte subsets in lithium-treated patients. Neuropsychobiology 11(1984) pp 243-246. WAHLIN, Anders, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ERIKSSON, Anders & BACKMAN, Chris­ ter: Myeloma-associated cardiac amyloidosis. A case report. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 189-192.

186 WAHLIN, Anders, ROOS, Göran, RUDOLPHI, Olle & HOLM, Jan: Melphalan related leukemia in multiple myeloma. Acta Medica Scandinavica 211(1982) pp 203-208. - : Melphalan related leukemia in multiple myeloma. Oncology Overview (NCI), 1984. WAHLIN, Anders: se BUCHT, Gösta; se GUSTAVSSON, Peter; se HOLM, Sonja; se LINDQVIST, Bengt; se LÖFVENBERG, Eva; se NORBERG, Bo; se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta; se SMIGAN, Ludovit; se STEEN, Lars WAHLQVIST, Lennart: se HOLM, Sonja WEDREN, Hans: se HOLM, Sonja WENTZEL, Thorolf: se LINDQVIST, Bengt WESTER, Per-Olov: Hur skall hypertonivården integreras i primärvårdens övriga arbete? Hypertoni 83. Malmö 1984. - : Skall vi ändra indikationerna för behandling? Hypertoni 83. Malmö 1984. - : Vilka hypertoniker lämpar sig för icke-farmakologisk behandling? Hypertoni 83. Malmö 1984. WESTER, Per-Olov, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, FUGL-MEYER, Axel, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke & STRAND, Tage: Vårdenhet för cerebrovaskulär sjukdom minskar behovet av långtidsvård på sjukhus. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stämma 91(1982) p 162. WESTER, Per-Olov, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke & STRAND, Tage: Infusion of magnesium in patients with acute brain infarction. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) pp 143. WESTER, Per-Olov & DYCKNER, Thomas: The importance of the magnesium ion. Magnesium deficiency — symptomatology and occurrence. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.661 p 3. - : Magnesium deficiency in congestive heart failure. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicolo- gica 54(1982):Suppl. 1 pp 119-123. - : Problems with potassium and magnesium in diuretic treated patients. Symposium. Stenungsund 1982. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 54(1984):Suppl.l pp 59-65. - : The role of magnesium in repletion of potassium. Electrolytes and the heart. Sympo­ sium. Göteborg 1982. Trans Medica 1983 pp 91-98. ISBN 0-88137-002-9. WESTER, Per-Olov, Hardy, John, WINBLAD, Bengt & STRAND, Tage: Cerebrospinal fluid monoamines in stroke patients. 2nd Scandinavian meeting on cerebrovascular diseases. Helsingör 1984. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) p 142. WESTER, Per-Olov & SJÖLIN-FORSBERG, G: Adverse effects of commonly used antihypertensive drugs in relation to age. In: Treatment of hypertension in the elderly. National Board of Health and Welfare. Drug Information Committee 1983:4 pp 63-72. WESTER, Per-Olov, STRAND, Tage, ASPLUND, Kjell, BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta, ENGDE, Margareta, ERIKSSON, Sture, FUGL-MEYER, Axel, HÄGG, Erik & LITHNER, Folke: A stroke unit reduces the need for long-term hospitalization. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982):Suppl.91 p 34. WESTER, Per-Olov: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se DUNER, Hans; se DYCKNER, Thomas; se ERIKSSON, Sture; se GERHARDSSON, Lars; se HÄGG, Erik; se LITHNER, Folke; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NYHLIN, Henry; se STRAND, Tage; se WHANG, R; se WIDMAN, Lars WESTERMARK, Britt & NORBERG, Astrid: Unfitness for nursing. Exploratory inter­ views with physicians and registered nurses. Proceedings at Nursing research joint inter­ national conférence. London 1984. WESTERMARK, Per, Benson, Lars & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Fine needle aspiration biopsy of subcutaneous tissue in the diagnosis and typing of systemic amyloidosis. IV International symposium on amyloidosis. New York 1984. WESTMAN, Sune: se NYHLIN, Henry

187 WETTER, Lars, LITHNER, Folke & HALLMANS, Göran: Is hemoglobin concentration a predictor for the outcome of distal gangrenous lésions in diabetics. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 29-32. WETTER, Lars: se LITHNER, Folke WHANG, R, FLINK, E, DYCKNER, Thomas, WESTER, Per-Olov, AIKAWA, J & RYAN, M: Magnesium depletion as a cause of refractory potassium depletion. Ameri­ can College of Nutrition Journal 2(1983) p 278. WIDMAN, Lars, DYCKNER, Thomas & WESTER, Per-Olov: Effect of moduretic and aldactone on electrolytes in skeletal muscle in patients on long-term diuretic therapy. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl. 661 p 33. WIDMAN, Lars: se DYCKNER, Thomas WIMAN, Björn & LITHNER Folke: Plasminogen content in diabetic wounds. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.687 pp 75-76. WINBLAD, Bengt: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se BRÄNNSTRÖM, Benny; se BUCHT, Gösta; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se STRAND, Tage; se WESTER, Per-Olov WING, Kenneth: se HALLMANS, Göran WIRELL, Marianne, LINDQVIST, Bengt & BYGREN, Per: Antikroppar i serum mot glomerulär basalmembran hos patienter med tecken på kärlsjukdom, men blott obetyd­ liga tecken på njursjukdom. Svenska Läkaresällskapets rikstämma 93(1984):9 p 166. WIRELL, Marianne: se HIETALA, Sven Ola ÅKERLUND, Britt-Marie: se ASPLUND, Kennet; se NORBERG, Astrid ÅSTRÖM, Sture: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, JOHNSON, Owe, TOLLIN, Claes & Ericsson, Martin: Serum lipoprotein and apolipoproteins A I and A II in male patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 148(1982) pp 675-678. ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: se JOHNSON, Owe ÖSTMAN, Jan, Arnqvist, Hans, Blohme, Göran, LITHNER, Folke, Schersten, Bengt, WALL, Stig & Wibell, Lars: Diabetesincidensen i Sverige i åldrarna 15-35 år under 1983. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. ÖSTMAN, Jan, Arnqvist, Hans, Blohme, Göran, LITHNER, Folke, Schersten, Bengt & Wibell, Lars: Riksomfattande studie av diabetesincidens hos 15-35-åringar inleds vid årsskiftet. Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 4762.

MEDICINSK FYSIK ABRAMSSON, Leif, DUCHEK, Milos, LISSPERS, Karin, ODEBLAD, Erik & ÅS­ BERG, Karin: Studier av human seminalplasma med Raman-spektrometri. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982 p 257. BERGSTRÖM, Lena: se ODEBLAD, Erik DUCHEK, Milos: se ABRAMSSON, Leif FUGL-MEYER, Axel, HANSSON-MILD, Kjell & HÖRNSTEN, Jan: Output of skeletal muscle contractions. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 115(1982) pp 193-199. HALLSTRÖM, Lena: se ODEBLAD, Erik

188 HANSSON-MILD, Kjell, SANDSTRÖM, Monica, ODEBLAD, Erik, ÅSBERG, Karin & L0VTRUP, Sören: Effekter av långvarig exponering med lågintensiva radiofrekventa fält på CHO celler i kultur. Arbete och hälsa. Vetenskaplig skriftserie 1984:16 pp 2-23. HANSSON-MILD, Kjell: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel HÖGLUND, Astrid: se ODEBLAD, Erik HÖRNSTEN, Jan: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel INGELMAN-SUNDBERG, Axel: se ODEBLAD, Erik LEPPÄNEN, Unto: se ODEBLAD, Erik LINDNER, Peter: se ODEBLAD, Erik LINDSTRÖM, Anna-Stina: se ODEBLAD, Erik LINDSTRÖM-SJÖGREN, Carola: se ODEBLAD, Erik LISSPERS, Karin: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se ODEBLAD, Erik L0VTRUP, Sören: se HANSSON-MILD, Kjell ODEBLAD, Erik: Biologiska effekter av ultraljud. Medicinsk teknik 1(1984) pp 26-32. - : The cervical — vaginal sécrétions and natural family planning. A review of some recent developments given in "Second International congress for the family of Europe and Africa". Universit Cattolica S Cuore. Roma June 1984. - : On the Doctors's responsibility in procréation. Lecture presented at "International congress on responsible procréation", Pontificia Universita Lateranense. Vaticano, Roma June 1984. - : Propriedades biologicas del metodo de la ovulacion. Memorias del Segundo Congreso Internacional para la Familia de las Americas, pp 125-131. 20 al 24 de Agosto de 1982, Acapulco, Mexico. - : The scientific-technological content of modem natural family planning methods. Lecture presented at International research workshop "The Family in a technological society". Madras, India 1984. - , BERGSTRÖM, Lena, LEPPÄNEN, Unto, LINDNER, Peter, LINDSTRÖM, Anna- Stina, LISSPERS, Karin5 PERENYI, Eva, PERSSON, Maria, SAHLIN, Karin, SUNDBERG, Göran & ASBERG, Karin: Biologiskt vatten. Studier med Raman- spektrometri. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982 p 186. ODEBLAD, Erik, INGELMAN-SUNDBERG, Axel, HALLSTRÖM, Lena, HÖG­ LUND, Astrid, LEPPÄNEN, Unto, LISSPERS, Karin, PERENYI, Eva, RUDOLFSSON-ÅSBERG, Karin, SAHLIN, Karin, LINDSTRÖM-SJÖGREN, Caro­ la, SJÖSTRÖM, Carin, STRANDBERG-BERGSTRÖM, Lena, WIKSTRÖM, Lisbeth & WIKSTRÖM, Marianne: The biophysical properties of the cervical-vaginal séc­ rétions. Natural Family Planning 7(1983) pp 1-56. ODEBLAD, Erik, INGELMAN-SUNDBERG, Axel, ÅSBERG, Karin, HÖGLUND, Astrid & STRANDBERG-BERGSTRÖM, Lena: Proton magnetic relaxation times Tj and T2 for normal types of cervical sécrétions. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandi­ navia 63(1984) pp 667-668. ODEBLAD, Erik, STRANDBERG-BERGSTRÖM, Lena, RUDOLFSSON-ÅSBERG, Karin: Biophysical properties of biological fluids. Lecture at a Symposium on middle ear research with special reference to connective tissue and middle ear effusion. Depart­ ment of Anatomy, Umeå, augusti 1984. ODEBLAD, Erik: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se HANSSON-MILD, Kjell PERENYI, Eva: se ODEBLAD, Erik PERSSON, Maria: se ODEBLAD, Erik RUDOLFSSON-ÅSBERG, Karin: se ODEBLAD, Erik SAHLIN, Karin: se ODEBLAD, Erik

189 SANDSTRÖM, Monica: se HANSSON-MILD, Kjell SJÖSTRÖM, Carin: se ODEBLAD, Erik STRANDBERG-'.£RGSTRÖM, Lena: se ODEBLAD, Erik SUNDBERG, Göran: se ODEBLAD, Erik WIKSTRÖM, Lisbeth: se ODEBLAD, Erik WIKSTRÖM, Marianne: se ODEBLAD, Erik ÅSBERG, Karin: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se HANSSON-Mild, Kjell; se ODEBLAD, Erik

MEDICINSK GENETIK ABRAMSSON, Leif, DUCHEK, Milos & NORDENSSON, Ingrid: Somatiska kromo- somala aberrationer och manlig infertilitet. Svensk urologisk förenings möte. Umeå 1984. ABRAMSSON, Leif: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid ALMAY, Béla: se FORSGREN, Lars ANDERSSON, Gunilla: se Brogger, Anton Aquilonius, Sten-Magnus, HOLMGREN, Gösta & Häggström, Jan-Erik: Patienter med ofrivilliga rörelser (symposium). Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar, 1984. BECKMAN, Gunhild: Mitos och meios med cytogenetik. In: Cellbiologi, pp 157-175. Red. Bloom, G & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-20-06607-4. - & BECKMAN, Lars: Human alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes. Genetic variations and their relationship to natural selection. In: Human alkaline phosphatases, pp 15-23. New York 1984. ISBN 0-8451-5016-2. - , BJELLE, Anders & RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt: Alpha-l-antitrypsin types and rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Genetics 25(1984) pp 496-499. BECKMAN, Gunhild, STJERNBERG, Nils & Eklund, Anders: Is the piF allele of antitrypsin associated with pulmonary disease? Clinical Genetics 25(1984) pp 491-495. BECKMAN, Gunhild: se BECKMAN, Lars; se MILLAN, José Louis; se STJERNBERG, Nils BECKMAN, Lars, BECKMAN, Gunhild & FRÖHLANDER, Nils: Population studies in northern Sweden. XII. The haptoglobin polymorphism. Human Heredity 33(1983) pp 371-376. BECKMAN, Lars, LIDÉN, Sture, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & STJERNBERG, Nils: Finns det ett samband mellan somatiska kromosomskador och cancer? Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets handlingar, 1982. BECKMAN, Lars & NORDENSSON, Ingrid: Individuai différences with respect to the sneezing reflex: An inherited physiological trait in man? Human Heredity 33(1983) pp 390-391. - & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Occupational and environmental risks in and around a smelter in northern Sweden. VIII. Three-year follow-up of chromosomal aberrations in workers exposed to lead. Hereditas 96(1982) pp 261-264. - & SWEINS, Agneta: Ger blyexposition kromosomskador? Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar, 1982.

190 BECKMAN, Lars & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Occupational and environmental risks in and around a smelter in northern Sweden. IX. Fetal mortality among wives of smelter worker. Hereditas 97(1982) pp 1-7. BECKMAN, Lars: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se CEDERGREN, Bertil; se NORDENS­ SON, Ingrid; se NORRGÅRD, Örjan; se STJERNBERG, Nils BJELLE, Anders: se BECKMAN, Gunhild BLOM, Leif, Dahlqvist, Gisela, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Larsson, Yngve & WALL, Stig: Epidemiologin vid diabetes mellitus hos svenska barn 0-14 år - en sex års prospektiv studie. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar, 1984. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON: se Gustavson, Karl-Henrik; se HOLMGREN, Gösta; se NORDENSSON Ingrid BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Gustavson, Karl-Henrik, HOLMGREN, Gösta, NOR­ DENSSON, Ingrid & Pålsson-Stråe, Ulla: Fragile X-syndrome in mildly retarded child- ren in a northern Swedish county. A prevalence study. Clinical Genetics 24(1983) pp 393-398. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Gustavson, Karl-Henrik, HOLMGREN, Gösta, NOR­ DENSSON, Ingrid & SWEINS, Agneta: Fragile site X-chromosomes and X-linked mental retardation in severly mentally retarded boys, in a northern Swedish county. A prevalence study. Clinical Genetics 21(1982) pp 209-214. BOHMAN, Michael: se Gustavson, Karl-Henrik Brogger, Anton, Norum, R, Hansteen, IngerLise, Clausen, K-O, Skårdal, K, Mitelman, Felix, Kolnig, Anne Marie, Strömbeck, B, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ANDERSSON, Gunilla, JAKOBSSON, Kerstin, Mäki-Paakanen, J, Norppa, Hannu, Järventaus, H & Sorsa, Marja: Comparison between five nordic laboratories scoring of human lympho­ cytes chromosomic aberrations analyzed from microscopie slides and photomicrographs. Hereditas 100(1984) pp 209-218. CEDERGREN, Bertil, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & BECKMAN, Lars: Population studies in northern Sweden. XI. The duffy blood group polymorphism. Human Heredity 33(1983) pp 365-370. CEDERGREN, Bertil: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan Dahlquist, Gisela, Gustavson, Karl-Henrik, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Nilsson, Karl-Olof, Larsson, Yngve, SAMUELSON, Gösta, Thalme, Bertil, Sterky, Göran & WALL, Stig: The incidence of diabetes mellitus in Swedish children 0-14 years of âge in a prospective study 1977-1980. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 7-14. DUCHEK, Milos: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid EDVINSSON, Sven-Olof: se Gustavson, Karl-Henrik FORSELL, Åke: se HOLMGREN, Gösta FORSGREN, Lars, ALMAY, Béla, HOLMGREN, Gösta & WALL, Stig: Epidemiology of motor neuron disease in northern Sweden. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 20-29. FRÖHLANDER, Nils: Haptoglobin groups and leukemia. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 311-313. - : se BECKMAN, Lars GOUSTIN, Anton, Betzholst, Christer, PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, RYDNERT, Jan, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Heldin, C H, Bywater, M, Westermark, Bengt & OHLS­ SON, Rolf: Expression of the cellulär sis oncogene in early human placenta: Impli­ cations for auto/paracrine control of cytotrophoblast prolifération. Nomba/Nordforsk symposium "Gene technology in basic and applied research" Savolinna/Nyslott, Fin­ land 1984.

191 Gustavson, Karl-Henrik, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, BOHMAN, Michael, EDVINS­ SON, Sven-Olof, Gillberg, Christopher, HOLMGREN, Gösta & Wahlström, Jan: Fragil X kromosom vid infantil autism — En multicenter studie. Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets handlingar, 1984. Gustavson, Karl-Henrik, HOLMGREN, Gösta, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Mikkel- sen, Margareta, Poulsen, Hanne & Tommerup, Niels: Familial X-linked mental retar- dation and fragile X chromosome. Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, 1982. HALLMANS, Göran: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno HANSSON MILD, Kjell, Lövstrand, Karl Gunnar, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, NORD­ STRÖM, Stefan & Öberg, Åke: Biologiska effekter av lågfrekventa elektromagnetiska fält. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1706-1710. HANSSON MILD, Kjell: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid HERNELL, Olle, Holman, Ralph, HOLMGREN, Gösta, JAGELL, Sten & JOHNSON, Susan: Suspected faulty essential fatty acid metabolism in Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Pediatrie Research 16(1982) pp 45-49. HOLMGREN, Gösta: Inherited metabolic disorders in northern Sweden. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Report 1983:36 pp 58-61. - & BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON: Chromosomal abnormalities in mentally retarded children in a northern Swedish county. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Report 1983. HOLMGREN, Gösta, FORSELL, Åke, Kääriäinen, Helena & Maroteaux, Pierre: Semilethal bone dysplasia in three sibs. A new genetic disorder. Clinical Genetics 26(1984) pp 249-251. HOLMGREN, Gösta, JAGELL, Sten, LAGERKVIST, Bengt & NORDENSSON, Ingrid: E-Trisomie-Mosaik bei einem Geschwisterpaar mit diastrophischer Dysplasie. Sozial- pädiatrik in Praxis und Klinik 1984:6 pp 434-436. - : A pair of siblings with diastrophic dysplasia and E trisomy mosaicism. Human Here- dity 26(1984) pp 249-251. HOLMGREN, Gösta, SAMUELSSON, Gösta & SJÖGREN, Stellan: Treatment of a presymptomatic 14-year-old girl with Wilson's disease. Upsala Journal of Medicai Sciences 87(1982) pp 91-96. HOLMGREN, Gösta & SIGURD, Jörgen: Prenatal diagnosis of two cases with gastro- schisis after alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) screening. Acta Obstetricia & Gynecologica Scan­ dinavia 63(1984) pp 325-328. HOLMGREN, Gösta: se Aquilonius, Sten-Magnus; se BLOM, Leif; se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON; se Dahlquist, Gisela; se FORSGREN, Lars; se GOUSTIN, Anton; se Gustavson, Karl-Henrik; se HERNELL, Olle; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se JAGELL, Sten; se JUTO, Per; se Owerbach, David; se Persson, Stig; se RYDNERT, Jan; se WINNBERG, Elisabeth HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, HALLMANS, Göran, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Ludvigsson, Jonny & FALKMER, Sture: Prospective and rétrospective studies of zinc concentrations in serum blood clots, hair and urine in young patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Acta Endocrinologica 102(1983) pp 88-95. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, HOLMGREN, Gösta & WALL, Stig: The incidence of juvenile diabetes mellitus in a northern Swedish county 1938-1977. Human Heredity 32(1982) pp 408-417. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, MARKLUND, Stefan & HOLMGREN, Gösta: CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in lympho­ cytes and erythocytes in insulin-dependent diabetic children. Acta Endocrinologica 102(1983) pp 235-239.

192 HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: se BLOM, Leif; se Dahlquist, Gisela; se Owerbach, David JAGELL, Sten, Gustavson, Karl-Henrik & HOLMGREN, Gösta: Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Update of a clinical, genetic and epidemiological study. Perspectives and progress in mental retardation. Biomedicai Aspects, IASSMD, Toronto 2(1984). ISBN 0-8391-1953-4. JAGELL, Sten: se HERNELL, Olle; se HOLMGREN, Gösta JAKOBSSON, Kerstin: se Brogger, Anton JEPPSON, Annika: se MILLAN, José Louis JOHNSSON, Susan: se HERNELL, Olle JORPES, Per: se ROOS, Göran JUTO, Per, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno & WADELL, Göran: Serological evidences for a recent viral infection at the onset of insulindependent diabetes mellitus in children. European Society against virus diseases. Clermont-Ferrand-France 1983. LAGERKVIST, Bengt: se HOLMGREN, Gösta LENNER, Per: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid LIDÉN, Sture: se BECKMAN, Lars; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid LUNDGREN, Erik: se ROOS, Göran MARKLUND, Stefan: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno MATTSON, Bengt: se WINNBERG, Elisabeth MILLAN, José Luis, BECKMAN, Gunhild, JEPPSON, Annika & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Genetic variants of placental alkaline phosphatase as detected by a monoclonal antibody. Human Genetics 60(1982) pp 145-149. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ABRAMSSON, Leif & DUCHEK, Milos: Somalie chromo­ somal aberrations and male infertility. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 240-245. NORDENSSON, Ingrid & BECKMAN, Lars: Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of workers exposed to low levels of styrene. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 178-182. - : Occupational and environmental risks in and around a smelter in northern Sweden. VII. Reanalysis and follow-up of chromosomal aberrations in workers exposed to arsenic. Hereditas 96(1982) pp 175-181. - , LIDÉN, Sture & STJERNBERG, Nils: Chromosomal aberrations and cancer risk. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 76-81. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, BECKMAN, Lars & PERSSON, Ingegerd: Somatiska kromo­ somskador hos anställda vid Klin.kem.lab. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar, 1983. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Gustavson, Karl-Henrik & HOLMGREN, Gösta: Förekomsten av strukturell X-kromosomavvikelse (Fragile-X) vid lätt och svår psykisk utvecklingsstörning hos män. Svenska Läkaresällskapets hand­ lingar, 1982. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, HANSSON MILD, Kjell, NORDSTRÖM, Stefan, SWEINS, Agneta & Birke, Elisabeth: Clastogenic effects in human lymphocytes of power frequen- cy electric fields: In vivo and in vitro studies. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 23(1984) pp 191-201. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, LENNER, Per & ROOS, Göran: Patient with B-cell neoplasia (immunoblastic sarcoma) and the Philadelphia chromosome (Phi)- Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 9(1983) pp 34-44. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, NORDSTROM, Stefan, SWEINS, Agneta & BECKMAN, Lars: Chromosomal aberrations in lead-exposed workers. Hereditas 96(1982) pp 265-268.

193 NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se BECKMAN, Lars; se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON; se Brogger, Anton; se CEDERGREN, Bertil; se HANSSON MILD, Kjell; se HOLMGREN, Gösta; se ROOS, Göran NORDSTRÖM, Stefan, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & HANSSON MILD, Kjell: Genetic and reproduction hazards in high voltage substations. 23rd Hanford Life sciences sympo­ sium, Richland. Washington 1984. NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: se BECKMAN, Lars; se HANSSON MILD, Kjell; se NOR­ DENSSON, Ingrid NORRGÅRD, Örjan, CEDERGREN, Bertil, ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel & BECKMAN, Lars: Blood groups and HLA antigens in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 9-13. NORRGÅRD, Örjan, FRÖHLANDER, Nils, BECKMAN, Gunhild & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Association between haptoglobin groups and aortic abdominal aneurysms. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 166-169. NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: se STJERNBERG, Nils OHLSSON, Rolf: se GOUSTIN, Anton ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta: se ROOS, Göran Owerbach, David, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Lernmark, Åke & HOLMGREN, Gösta. The genetic susceptibility to insulin-dependent diabetes determined by restriction enzyme polymorphism analysis of HLA-D region genomic DNA. Diabetes 33(1984) pp 958. PERSSON, Ingegerd: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid Persson, Stig, Gottfries, Carl-Gustav, HOLMGREN, Gösta, ROOS, Bengt & WIN- BLAD, Bengt: Advanced catecholaminergic disturbance in the brain in a case of Wilson's disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 65(1982) p 71. PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan: se GOUSTIN, Anton RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt: se BECKMAN, Gunhild ROOS, Bengt: se Persson, Stig ROOS, Göran, Adams, A, Giovanella, B, LUNDGREN, Erik, Nilsson, Kent, NOR­ DENSSON, Ingrid & Sundström, C: Establishment and characterization of a human EBV-negative B-cell line (MN60). Leukemia Research 6(1982) pp 685-695. ROOS, Göran, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta, JORPES, Per & RUDOLPHI, Olle: Patient with acute B-cell leukemia of Burkitt's type (L 3) and marker chromosomes including an (8; 14) translocation. Leukemia Research 6(1982) pp 27-31. ROOS, Göran: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid ROSENHALL, Leif: se STJERNBERG, Nils RUDDUCK, Christina, Franzén, Göran, Hansson A & Rorsman, Birgitta: Properdin factor B (Bf) types in schizophrenia. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 331-333. RUDDUCK, Christina, Franzén, Göran, Löw, Bengt & Rorsman, Birgitta: HLA antigens and clinical subgroups of schizophrenia. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 18-26. - : HLA antigens in patients with and without a family history of schizophrenia. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 291-296. RUDOLPHI, Olle: se ROOS, Göran RYDNERT, Jan, HOLMGREN, Gösta & SIGURD, Jörgen: Intrauterine diagnosis of an acardiac monster. Acta Obstetricia & Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 569-570. RYDNERT, Jan: se GOUSTIN, Anton SAMUELSSON, Gösta: se HOLMGREN, Gösta

194 SJÖGREN, Stellan: se HOLMGREN, Gösta STIGBRAND, Torgny: se MILLAN, José Louis STJERNBERG, Nils, BECKMAN, Gunhild, BECKMAN, Lars, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & ROSENHALL, Leif: Alpha-1-antitrypsin types and pulmonary disease among exployees at a sulphite pulp factory in northern Sweden. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 337-342. STJERNBERG, Nils: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se BECKMAN, Lars; se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid SWEINS, Agneta: Protective effect of sélénium against arsenic-induced chromosomal damage in cultured human lymphocytes. Hereditas 98(1983) pp 249-252. - : se BECKMAN, Lars; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid WADELL, Göran: se JUTO, Per WALL, Stig: se Dahlquist, Gisela; se FORSGREN, Lars; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno WINBLAD, Bengt: se Persson, Stig; se WINNBERG, Elisabeth WINNBERG, Elisabeth, HOLMGREN, Gösta, MATTSON, Bengt & WINBLAD, Bengt: Huntingtons sjukdom — en mötesplats för biokemi och etik. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets handlingar, 1984. ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan

MEDICINSK OCH FYSIOLOGISK KEMI ALMQVIST, Per & CARLSSON, Sven: Identification of a neodeterminant in complexes of human brain Thy-1. European Journal of Immunology 14(1984) pp 734-738. BECKMAN, Gunhild: se MILLAN, José Luis BENGTSSON, Gunilla & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Activation of lipoprotein lipase by apolipoprotein CII. Demonstration of an effect of the activator on the binding of the enzyme to milk fat globules. FEBS Letters 147(1982) pp 183-187. - : The effects of pH and salt on the lipid binding and enzyme activity of lipoprotein lipase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 751(1983) pp 254-259. - : Human C-apolipoproteins promote hydrolysis of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine by snake venom phospholipase A2. FEBS Letters 140(1982) pp 135-138. - : Lipoprotein lipase moves rapidly between lipid droplets. FEBS Letters 154(1983) pp 211-213. - : On the pH dependency of lipoprotein lipase activity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 712(1982) pp 196-199. BENGTSSON, Gunilla: se JONASSON, Lena - : se OLIVECRONA, Thomas - : se Schaefer, E J - : se SKOTTOVA, Nina - : se WALLINDER, Lars BERGSDORF, Nils, NILSSON, Torbjörn & WALLEN, Per: An enzyme linked immuno- sorbent assay for détermination of tissue Plasminogen activator applied to patients with thromboembolic disease. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 50( 1983):3 pp 740-744.

195 BERGSDORF, Nils: se Jörnvall, Hans - : se MELLBRING, Göran - : se NILSSON, Torbjörn - : se POHL, Gunnar - : se RÅNBY, Mats - : se WALLEN, Per BJÖRK, Glenn R: se RASMUSON, Torgny BLOOM, Gunnar & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Peroxisomer och glyoxysomer. In: Cellbio­ logi, pp 145-147. Eds. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. BLÄCKBERG, Lars & HERNELL, Olle: Further characterization of bile salt-stimulated lipase in human milk. FEBS Letters 157(1983) pp 337-341. BLÄCKBERG, Lars: se FREDRIKZON, Bo; se HERNELL, Olle; se OLIVECRONA, Thomas BRATT, Pär & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: Peroxidase activity and thiocyanate accumulation in salivary glands. Experientia 39(1983) pp 386-387. CHAJEK-SHAUL, Tova, Eisenberg, Shlomo, Oschry, Yitchak & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Metabolie heterogeneity of post-lipolysis rat mesenteric lymph small chy- lomicrons produced in vitro. Journal of Lipid Research 24(1983) pp 831-840. CHAJEK-SHAUL, Tova, Friedman, Gideon, Stein, Olga, OLIVECRONA, Thomas & Stein, Yechezkiel: Binding of lipoprotein lipase to the celi surface is essential for the transmembrane transport of chylomicron cholesteryl ester. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 712(1982) pp 200-210. Chance, Britton, Powers, Linda, Ching Y, Poulos, Thomas, Schonbaum, Gregory, Yamazaki, I & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: X-ray absorption studies of intermediates in peroxidase activity. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 235(1984) pp 596-611. CHIMELEWSKA, Joanna, RÅNBY, Mats & Widman, Björn: Evidence of a rapid inhi- bitor to tissue Plasminogen activator in plasma. Thrombosis Research 31(1983) pp 427-436. DAMBER, Lena: se RASMUSON, Torgny Deckelbaum, Richard, Eisenberg, Shlomo, Oschry, Yitchak, Butbul, E, Sharon, I & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Reversible modification of human plasma low density lipo- proteins towards triglyceride-rich precursors. A mechanism for losing excess cholesterol esters. Journal of Biological Chemistry 257(1982) pp 6509-6517. Deckelbaum, Richard, OLIVECRONA, Thomas & Eisenberg, Shlomo: Plasma lipopro- teins in hyperlipidemia: role of neutral lipid exchange and lipase. In: Treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia, pp 85-93. Eds. Carlson, L A & Olsson, A G. New York 1984. EDLUND, Thomas, NY, Tor, RÅNBY, Mats, Hedén, L O, Holmgren, E & Josephson, S: Isolation of cDNA sequences coding for a part of human tissue Plasminogen acti­ vator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 80(1983) pp 349-352. ERIKSSON, Anders: se MILLAN, José Luis Eriksson, E, Gyzander, E, Teger-Nilsson, A C & WALLÉN, Per: Influence of modified Plasminogens and différent buffers on the détermination and tissue Plasminogen activa- tion (t-PA) with a spectrophotometric assay in the presence of polylysine. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 50(1983): 1. Abstract 0843 p 269. FREDIKZON, Bo, HERNELL, Olle & BLÄCKBERG, Lars: Lingual lipase: on its role in lipid digestion in infants with low weight and/or pancreatic insufficiency. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.296 pp 75-80. Friedman, Gideon, CHAJEK-SHAUL, Tova, OLIVECRONA, Thomas, Stein, Olga & Stein, Yechezkiel: Fate of milk 1251-labelled lipoprotein lipase in cells in culture. Comparison of lipoprotein lipase- and non-lipoprotein lipase-synthesizing cells. Bio­ chimica et Biophysica Acta 711(1982) pp 114-122.

196 FRÄNGSMYR, Lars: se RÅNBY, Mats HERNELL, Olle: On the content and composition of lipids in infant formulas. In: Proceedings from the Nordic research seminar on 'Breast milk compositions and its relation to the nutritional status of the mother'. Department of Nutrition, University of Uppsala. 1984. - & BLÄCKBERG, Lars: The bile salt-stimulated lipase in human milk and lipid digestion in the neonatal period. Journal of Pediatrie Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1983 pp S242-S247. - : Digestion of human milk lipids: physiological significance of sn-2 monacylglycerol hydrolysis by bile salt-stimulated lipase. Pediatrie Research 16(1982) pp 882-885. - : Physiologie role of lipids and lipases in human milk. In: Proceedings from the Nordic research seminar on "Breast milk composition and its relation to the nutritional status of the mother". Department of Nutrition, University of Uppsala 1984. HERNELL, Olle: se BLÄCKBERG, Lars; se FREDRIKZON, Bo; se OLIVECRONA, Thomas HJORTSBERG, Kerstin: se SMITH, Michael HOLM, Stig E: se RASMUSON, Torgny Holmberg, L, Kristofferson, A C, Lecander, I, WALLÉN, Per & Åstedt, B: Immunora- diometric quantitation of tissue Plasminogen activator secreted by fetal organs. Compa- rison with Urokinase. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 42(1982) pp 347-354. Holmberg, L, Nilsson, I M, WALLÉN, Per & Åstedt, B: Studies of the blood Plasmi­ nogen activator induced by l-desamino-8-D-arginine Vasopressin with observations in von Willebrand's disease. Proceedings of the Society for Expérimental Biology and Medicine 170(1982) pp 126-132. Honka, Eija, OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: The adsorption of lacto- peroxidase to glass. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B36(1982) pp 273-274. JAKOBSSON, Lennart: se RASMUSON, Torgny Jemmerson, R & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Monoclonal antibodies block the trypsin cleavage site on human placental alkaline phosphatase. FEBS Letters 173(1984) pp 357-359. JEPPSSON, Annika, MILLAN, José Luis, Wahren, Britta & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Eutopic expression of placental-like alkaline phosphatase in testicular tumörs. Inter­ national society for oncodevelopmental biology and medicine. XI Annual meeting, September 11-15. Stockholm 1983. JEPPSSON, Annika, Wahren, Britta, Andersson, E, STIGBRAND, Torgny & MILLAN, José Luis: Eutopic expression of placental-lika alkaline phosphatase in seminomas. International Journal of Cancer 34(1984) pp 757-761. JEPPSSON, Annika, Wahren, Britta, MILLAN, José Luis & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Localization of human tumör xenografts by 1251-labelled monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to placental alkaline phosphatase. In: Human alkaline phosphatases, pp 257-264. Eds. Stigbrand, Torgny & Fishman, W H. New York 1984. - : Tumor and cellulär localization by use of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to placental alkaline phosphatase. British Journal of Cancer 49(1984) pp 123-128. - : Tumor localization using a monoclonal antibody against placental alkaline phosphata­ se. XXXI Colloquium — Protides of the biological fluids, May 2-5. Brussels 1983. - : Tumor localization using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against placental alkaline phosphatase. International society of oncodevelopmental biology and medi­ cine. XI Annual meeting, September 11-15. Stockholm 1983. JEPPSSON, Annika, Wahren, Britta, STIGBRAND, Torgny, Edsmyr, F & Andersson, L: A clinical évaluation of serum placental alkaline phosphatase in seminoma patients. British Journal of Urology 55(1983) pp 73-78.

197 JEPPSSON, Annika: se MILLAN, José Luis; se RASMUSON, Torgny; se STIG- BRAND, Torgny Jonasson, Lena, Hansson, Göran, Bondjers, Göran, BENGTSSON, Gunilla & OLI- VECRONA, Thomas: Immunohistochemical localization of lipoprotein lipase in human adipose tissue. Atherosclerosis 51(1984) pp 313-326. Jörnvall, Hans, POHL, Gunnar, BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLÉN, Per: Differential proteolysis and evidence for a residue exchange in tissue Plasminogen activator suggest possible association between two types of protein microheterogeneity. FEBS Letters 156(1983) pp 47-50. CARLSSON, Sven: The Thy-1 glycoprotein, expression and glycan structure on murine lymphocytes. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:112. CARLSSON, Sven & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Alteration in expression and glycosylation pattern of the Thy-1 glycoprotein during maturation and transformation of mouse T-lymphocytes. Journal of immunology 130(1983):4 pp 1837-1842. - : Carbohydrate complexity of the mouse thymocyte Thy-1 glycoprotein as demonstrated by lectin affinity and isoelectric focusing. European Journal of Biochemistry 123(1982) PP 1-7. - : Partial characterization of the Oligosaccharides of mouse thymocyte Thy-1 glyco­ protein. Biochemical Journal 221(1984) pp 379-392. - : Purification and characterization of the mouse thymocyte Thy-1 glycoprotein. Bioche­ mical Journal 211(1983) pp 641-647. CARLSSON, Sven: se ALMQVIST, Per KOK, Preben: Fibrinolysis: tissue Plasminogen activators. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:104. Lange, Paul, MILLAN, José Luis, STIGBRAND, Torgny, Vessella, R L, Rouslahti, Erkki & Fishman, William: Placental alkaline phosphatase as a tumör marker for semi- noma. Cancer Research 42(1982) pp 3244-3247. LITTBRAND, Bo: se RASMUSON, Torgny MELLBRING, Göran, WIMAN, Björn, BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLÉN, Per: The significance of extrinsic fibrinolysis for the development of postoperative deep vein thrombosis. Vllth International congress of fibrinolysis, Venezia. Haemostasis 1984: Abstract 40 p 26. MELLBRING, Göran: se NILSSON, Torbjörn MILLAN, José Luis, BECKMAN, Gunhild, JEPPSSON, Annika & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Genetic variations of placental alkaline phosphatase as detected by a monoclo­ nal antibody. Human Genetics 60(1982) pp 145-149. - : Genetic variants of placental alkaline phosphatase as detected by monoclonal anti­ body. 4th International congress on isozymes, June 14-19. Austin, Texas 1982. MILLAN, José Luis, ERIKSSON, Anders & STIGBRAND, Torgny: A possible new locus of alkaline phosphatase. Human Genetics 62(1982) pp 293-296. - : A possible new locus of alkaline phosphatase in humans, and its reexpression in cancer (the Nagao isoenzyme). International society for oncodevelopmental biology and medi­ cine (ISOBM). lOth Annual meeting, October 18-21. Sapporo 1982. MILLAN, José Luis, JEPPSSON, Annika & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Antigenic déter­ minants of placental alkaline phosphatase as mapped by monoclonal antibodies. XXXI Colloquium — Protides of the biological fluids, May 2-5. Brussels 1983. - : Différences between the placental and the testicular placental like alkaline phosphatase as detected by monoclonal antibodies. In: Protides of the Biological Fluids 31(1984) pp 1067-1070.

198 MILLAN, José Luis & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Antigenic déterminants of human placen- tal and testicular alkaline phosphatase as mapped by monoclonal antibodies. European Journal of Biochemistry 136(1983) pp 1-7. - : Différences between the placental and testicular placental-like alkaline phosphatase as detected by monoclonal antibodies. International society for oncodevelopmental bio- logy and medicine. XI Annual meeting, September 11-15. Stockholm 1983. - : Monoclonal antibodies as structural probes in the study of placental-like alkaline phosphatases. In: Human alkaline phosphatases, pp 123-138. Eds. Stigbrand, T & Fishman, W H. New York 1984. - : A possible new locus of alkaline phosphatase expressed in human testis. Annual general meeting of the Swedish Society of medicai sciences, December, Stockholm 1982. - & Jörnvall, Hans: Structural studies on two genetic variants of human placental alkaline phosphatase. International society for oncodevelopmental biology and medicine. XI Annual meeting, September 11-15. Stockholm 1983. MILLAN, José Luis, STIGBRAND, Torgny, Rouslathi, Erkki & Fishman, William: Characterization of an allotype-specific monoclonal antibody to placental alkaline phosphatase and demonstration of genetic polymorphism in tumor-derived phosphata­ ses. Cancer Research 42(1982) pp 2444-2449. MILLAN, José Luis: se JEPPSSON, Annika; se Lange, Paul; se Nustad, K K; se STIG­ BRAND, Torgny NILSSON, Torbjörn, BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLÉN, Per: Tissue type Plasminogen activator in patients with idiopathic thromboembolic disease as measured by a new ELISA. In: Clinical aspects of fibrinolysis and thrombolysis, pp 95-104. Eds. Jespersen, J, Kluft, C & Korsgaard, O. Esbjerg 1983. NILSSON, Torbjörn, WALLÉN, Per & MELLBRING, Göran: In vivo metabolism of human tissue-type Plasminogen activator. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 33(1984) pp 49-53. NILSSON, Torbjörn: se BERGSDORF, Nils; se RÅNBY, Mats NORRMAN, Bo, WALLÉN, Per & RÅNBY, Mats: Tissue Plasminogen activator: Plasminogen activation with special reference to early events. Vllth International congress on fibrinolysis. Venezia 1984. Haemostasis 1984:Abstract 17 p 14. NORRMAN, Bo: se RÅNBY, Mats Nustad, K, MILLAN, José Luis, STIGBRAND, Torgny, Paus, E & Ugelstad, J: Immu- noradiometric assays of placental alkaline phosphatase using monoclonal antibodies. Analysis of tissue extracts, reference populations and patients with testicular cancer. International society for oncodevelopmental biology and medicine. XI Annual meeting, September, 11-15. Stockholm 1983. NY, Tor: se EDLUND, Thomas; se WALLÉN, Per OLIVECRONA, Gunilla: se OLIVECRONA, Thomas; se Patsch, Josef; se WALLIN- DER, Lars OLIVECRONA, Thomas & BENGTSSON, Gunilla: Immunochemical properties of lipoprotein lipase. Development of an immunoassay applicable to several mammalian species. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 752(1983) pp 38-45. - : Lipases in milk. In: Lipases, pp 206-261. Eds. Borgström, B & Brockman, H. Amster­ dam 1983. - : Lipoprotein lipase. In: Proceedings of the conférence on the adipocyte and obesity. Cellulär and Molecular Mechanism, Toronto, 1983 pp 117-126. OLIVECRONA, Thomas & BENGTSSON-OLIVECRONA, Gunilla: Lipoprotein lipase — the molecule and its interactions. In: Cologne atheroslerosis conference, no 2: Lipids, pp 55-67. Eds. Parnham, M J. Basel 1984. - & Osborne, James: Active and inactive forms of bovine lipoprotein lipase. Federation Proceedings 666 (1984).

199 - : Molecular properties of lipoprotein lipase: effects of limited trypsin digestion on mole- cular weight and secondary structure. European Journal of Biochemistry 124(1982) pp 629-633. OLIVECRONA, Thomas, HERNELL, Olle & BLÄCKBERG, Lars: Digestion of lipids. In: Symposium on problems of milk digestion of the post-weanling period, pp 147-151. Ed. Delmont, J. New York 1983. OLIVECRONA, Thomas: se BENGTSSON, Gunilla; se CHAJEK-SHAUL, Tova; se Deckelbaum, Richard; se Friedman, Gideon; se Jonasson, Lena; se Perret, B P; se Robinson^ White P; se Schaefer, E J; se Stein, Olga; se Tall, Alan; se WALLINDER, Lars; se Åkesson, B OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar: Lactoperoxidase, a dithionite ion dismutase. European Journal of Biochemistry 142(1984) pp 233-238. - : Oxidation-reduction properties of lactoperoxidase. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:115. - & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: Aspects on the détermination of the oxidation-reduction poten­ tial of lactoperoxidase. In: Cytochrome P-450. Biochemistry, biophysics and environ­ mental implications, pp 805-810. Eds. Hietanen, E, Laitinen, M & Hänninen, O. Amsterdam 1982. - : The réduction potential of lactoperoxidase. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B37(1983) pp 917-921. - & WOLD, Svante: The formation of compound I of lactoperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase. A comparison. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B38(1984) pp 853-859. OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar, SMITH, Michael & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: The accessibility of heme in lactoperoxidase. XXXIInd Colloquium — Protides of the biological fluids. Brussels 1984. - : Some structural and functional properties of lactoperoxidase. In: Protides of the biolo­ gical fluids. Ed. Peeters, H. 31(1984) pp 125-127. OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar: se Honka, Eija; se PAUL, Karl-Gustav; se SMITH, Michael Patsch, Josef, Prasad, S, Gotto, Antonio & BENGTSSON-OLIVECRONA, Gunilla: Postprandial lipemia: a key for the conversion of HDL2 into HDL3by hepatic lipase. Journal of Clinical Investigation 74(1984) pp 2017-2023. PAUL, Jan, Rosén, Arne, PAUL, Karl-Gustav & SMITH, Michael: Ab initio calculations of electron distributions in heme-CO models. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 722(1983) pp 209-213. - : A comparison of CO bound to metallophorphyrins and metal surfaces. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79(1983) pp 191-192. PAUL, Karl-Gustav, OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar & Jönsson, Nils Åke: The assay of peroxi- dases by means of dicarboxidine on ELISA level. Analytical Biochemistry 124(1982) pp 102-107. PAUL, Karl-Gustav, SMITH, Michael & OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar: Infrared spectra of carbonyl lactoperoxidase. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79(1983):B7 p 169. PAUL, Karl-Gustav: se BRATT, Pär; se Chance, Britton; se Honka, Eija; se OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar; se PAUL, Jan; se Powers, L; se SMITH, Michael Perret. B P, Eisenberg, Shlomo, CHAJEK-SHAUL, Tova, Deckelbaum, Richard & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Free cholesterol distribution during in vitro lipolysis of rat plasma very low density lipoprotein. Lack of a rôle for blood and heart cells. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 13(1983) pp 419-428. PETERSON, Jonas: se WALLINDER, Lars PETTERSSON, G, Brandt, J & WALLEN, Per: Monoclonal antibodies to Plasminogen activator from human uterine tissue. In: Progress in Fibrinolysis 6(1983) pp 191-194. POHL, Gunnar, BERGSDORF, Nils & WALLEN, Per: Elastase treatment reveal functional différences between two variants of tissue Plasminogen activator. VI Ith

200 International congress on fibrinolysis. Venezia 1984. Haemostasis 1984:Abstract 24 p 17. POHL, Gunnar, Kaplan, L, Einarsson, M, WALLÉN, Per& Jörnvall, Hans: Différences between uterine and melanoma forms of tissue Plasminogen activator. FEBS Letters 168(1984) pp 29-32. POHL, Gunnar, Källström, M, BERGSDORF, Nils, WALLÉN, Per & Jörnvall, Hans: Tissue Plasminogen activator. Peptide analyses confirm an indirectly derived amino acid sequence, identify the active site serine residue establish glycosylation sites and localize variant différences. Biochemistry 23(1984) pp 3701-3707. POHL, Gunnar: se Jörnvall, Hans; se RÅNBY, Mats; se STIGBRAND, Torgny; se WALLÉN, Per Powers, L, Ching, G, Chance, B, Yamazaki, I & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: Structural released to the function of HRP compound I and II. FASEB Meeting. Atlantic City 1984. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn R, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig E, JAKOBS­ SON, Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, LITTBRAND, Bo, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Gunnar: An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and modified nucleosides as biological markers in malignant lymphomas. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 84(1983) pp 331-343. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn R, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig, JAKOBSSON, Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Gunnar: Tumor markers colorectal carcinoma. An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and pseudouridine. Acta Radio­ logica. Oncology 23(1984) pp 27-32. - : Tumor markers in bronchogenic carcinoma. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 22(1983) pp 209-214. RASMUSON, Torgny, JEPPSSON, Annika & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Placental and placental-like alkaline phosphatases in sera from healthy adult and cancer patients. In: Human alkaline phosphatases, pp 309-315. Eds. Stigbrand, T & Fishman, W H. New York 1984. Robinson-White, A, Baylin, S B, OLIVECRONA, Thomas & Beaven, M A: Binding of diamine oxidase (DAO) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) to vascular endothelial cells. Federation Proceedings 1984:Abstract 1011. RÅNBY, Mats: Studies on the kinetics of Plasminogen activation by tissue Plasminogen activator. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 704(1982) pp 461-469. - : Tissue Plasminogen activator: purification, enzymatic properties and assay procedure. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:90. - , BERGSDORF, Nils & NILSSON, Torbjörn: Enzymatic properties of the one- and two-chain form of tissue Plasminogen activator. Thrombosis Research 27(1982) pp 175-184. RÅNBY, Mats, BERGSDORF, Nils, NORRMAN, Bo, Suensson, E & WALLÉN, Per: Tissue Plasminogen activator kinetics. In: Progress in Fibrinolysis 6(1983) pp 182-184. RÅNBY, Mats, BERGSDORF, Nils, POHL, Gunnar & WALLÉN, Per: Isolation of two variants of the native one-chain tissue Plasminogen activator. FEBS Letters 146(1982) pp 289-292. RÅNBY, Mats, FRÄNGSMYR, Lars, NORRMAN, Bo «fe WALLÉN, Per: Molecular forms of tissue Plasminogen activator (tPA) analysed with chromogenic peptide substra- tes. VI Ith International congress on fibrinolysis. Venezia 1984. Haemostasis 1984:Abstract 22 p 16. RÅNBY, Mats, NORRMAN, Bo & WALLÉN, Per: The kinetics of tissue Plasminogen mediated fibrinolysis. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 50(1983): 1 Abstract 0278 p 94.

201 - : A sensitive assay for tissue Plasminogen activator. Thrombosis Research 27(1982) pp 743-749. RÅNBY, Mats: se CHIMELEWSKA, Joanna; se EDLUND, Thomas; se NORRMAN, Bo; se WALLÉN, Per; se WIMAN, Björn Schaefer, E J, Wetzel, M G, BENGTSSON, Gunilla, Scow, Robert O, Brewer, H B & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Transfer of human lymph chylomicron constituents to other lipoprotein density fractions during in vitro lipolysis. Journal of Lipid Research 23(1982) pp 1259-1273. von SCHOULTZ, Bo & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Pregnancy zone protein: Chemistry, biology and clinical studies. In: Placental proteins, pp 167-175. Ed. Grudzinskas, G. Sydney 1982. von SCHOULTZ, Bo: se STIGBRAND, Torgny SKOTTOVA, Nina, WALLINDER, Lars & BENGTSSON, Gunilla: Activity of lipopro­ tein lipase in thyroidectomized rats. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 750(1983) pp 533-538. SMITH, Michael: Dynamics of heme-protein-water interactions with implications for hemoglobin cooperativity. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:113. - , HJORTSBERG, Kerstin, OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: The mecha- nism of spontaneous heme release from horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme A2. Biome­ dica et Biochimica Acta 42(1983) pp 805-811. SMITH, Michael, HJORTSBERG, Kerstin, Romeo, Paul-Henri, Rosa, Jean, & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: Mutant hemoglobin stability depends upon location and nature of single point mutation. FEBS Letters 169(1984) pp 147-150. SMITH, Michael, OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: Co-variation of EMF and iCO in heme-proteins. Svensk-tyska biofysikmótet. Lund 1982. - : Infrared spectroscopic evidence of hydrogen bonding between carbon monooxide and protein in carbonylhorseradish peroxidase C. FEBS Letters 163(1983) pp 303-305. - : The spontaneous release of heme from hemeproteins. In: Cytochrome P-450. Bioche- mistry, biophysics and environmental implications, pp 601-605. Eds. Hietanen, E, Laitinen, M & Hänninen, O. Amsterdam 1982. SMITH, Michael, PAUL, Jan, OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: The corrélation between réduction potential, CO Stretch frequency and CO half-band width in hemeproteins. Biochemistry 23(1984) pp 6776-6785. SMITH, Michael & PAUL, Karl-Gustav: A novel mechanism of hemoglobin coopera­ tivity. Inorganica Chimica Acta 79(1983) pp 178-179. SMITH, Michael: se OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar; se PAUL, Jan; se PAUL, Karl-Gustav Stein, Olga, Friedman, Gideon, CHAJEK-SHAUL, Tova, Halperin G, OLIVECRONA, Thomas & Stein, Yechezkiel: Transfer of cholesteryl linoleyl ether from phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine liposomes to cultured cells catalyzed by lipo­ protein lipase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 750(1983) pp 303-316. Stein, Olga, Halperin, G, Leitersdorf, E, OLIVECRONA, Thomas & Stein, Yechezkiel: Lipoprotein lipase mediated uptake of non-degradable ether analogues of phosphatidyl choline and cholesteryl ester by cultured cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 795(1984) pp 47-49. STIGBRAND, Torgny: Introduction and nomenclature. In: Human alkaline phosphata- ses, pp xix-xxiii. Eds. Stigbrand, T & Fishman, W H. New York 1984. - : Kolhydrater och lipider. In: Cellbiologi, pp 31-41. Eds. Bloom, G D, & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983. - : Present status and future trends of human alkaline phosphatases. In: Human alkaline phosphatases, pp 3-14. Eds. Stigbrand, T & Fishman, W H. New York 1984. - : Översikt av den intracellulära metabolismen. In: Cellbiologi,pp 63-80. Eds. Bloom, G D & Stigbrand, T. Stockholm 1983.

202 - & Engvall, Eva: Placental proteins as tumör markers. In: Human cancer markers, pp 275-302. Eds. Seil, S & Wahren, B. Clifton, N-J 1982. STIGBRAND, Torgny, Jemmerson, R & Fishman, William: A hidden antigenic déter­ minant on membrane-bound human placental alkaline phosphatase. Xllth Annual ISOBM meeting, October 1-4. Houston 1984. STIGBRAND, Torgny, JEPPSSON, Annika & MILLAN, José Luis: Placenta proteiner som tumörmarkörer. Nordisk Cancerunions symposium. Uppsala, september 13-14 1984. STIGBRAND, Torgny & MILLAN, José Luis: Definition of the placental alkaline phosphatase polymorphism by use of monoclonal antibodies. International society for oncodevelopmental biology and medicine (ISOBM). lOth Annual meeting, October 18-21. Sapporo 1982. - & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Placental alkaline phosphatase: Clinical significance. In: Placental proteins, pp 155-164. Ed. Grudzinskas, E J. Sydney 1982. STIGBRAND, Torgny: se BLOOM, Gunnar; se Jemmerson, R; se JEPPSSON, Annika; se CARLSSON, Sten; se Lange, Paul; se MILLAN, José Luis; se RASMUSON, Torgny Tall, Alan, Sammett, D, Vita, G, Deckelbaum, Richard & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Lipoprotein lipase enhances the cholesterol ester transfer protein-mediated transfer of cholesteryl esters from high density lipoproteins to very low density lipoproteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry 259(1984) pp 9587-9594. WALLÉN, Per: ICF 84 Award lecture. Tissue Plasminogen activator induced fibrinolysis. Historical landmarks and present achievements. Vllth International congress on fibrinolysis. Venezia 1984. Haemostasis 1984:Abstract 84 p 49. - , BERGSDORF, Nils, POHL, Gunnar & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Differentiation bet- ween one-chain and two-chain tissue type Plasminogen activator by monoclonal anti­ bodies. Vllth International congress on fibrinolysis. Venezia 1984. Haemostasis 1984: Abstract 70 p 42. WALLÉN, Per, BERGSDORF, Nils & RÅNBY, Mats: Purification and identification of two structural variants of porcine tissue Plasminogen activator by affinity adsorbtion on fibrin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 719(1982) pp 318-328. WALLÉN, Per, POHL, Gunnar, BERGSDORF, Nils, RÅNBY, Mats, NY, Tor & Jörn- vall, Hans: Structural characterization of tissue Plasminogen activator purified by immunosorbent chromatography. In: Progress in Fibrinolysis 6(1983) pp 338-343. - : Purification and characterization of a melanoma cell Plasminogen activator. European Journal of Biochemistry 132(1983) pp 681-686. WALLÉN, Per: se BERGSDORF, Nils; se Eriksson, A; se Holmberg, L; se JEPPSSON, Annika; se Jörnvall, Hans; se MELLBR1NG, Göran; se NILSSON, Torbjörn; se NORRMAN, Bo; se PETTERSSON, G; se POHL, Gunnar; se RÅNBY, Mats WALLINDER, Lars, BENGTSSON, Gunilla & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Purification and properties of lipoprotein lipase in guinea pig milk. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 711(1982) pp 107-113. WALLINDER, Lars, PETERSON, Jonas, OLIVECRONA, Thomas & BENGTSSON- OLIVECRONA, Gunilla: Hepatic and extrahepatic uptake of intravenously injected lipoprotein lipase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 795(1984) pp 513-524. WALLINDER, Lars: se SKOTTOVA, Nina WESTMAN, Gunnar: se RASMUSON, Torgny WIMAN, Björn, MELLBR1NG, Göran & RÅNBY, Mats: Plasminogen activator release during venous stasis and exercise as determined by a new and specific assay. Clinica et Chimica Acta 127(1983) pp 279-288. WIMAN, Björn: se MELLBRING, Göran

203 WOLD, Svante: se OHLSSON, Per-Ingvar Åkesson, B, Gronowitz, S, Herslöf, B, Michelse, P & OLIVECRONA, Thomas: Stero- specificity of différent lipases. Lipids 18(1983) pp 313-318.

MIKROBIOLOGI Ammerman, Jim, Fuhrman, Jed, HAGSTRÖM, Åke & Azam, Farooq: Bacterioplankton growth in seawater: I. Growth kinetics and cellulär characteristics. Marine Ecology Progress Series 18(1984) pp 31-39. ANDERSSON, Agneta: se HAGSTRÖM, Åke; se Nedwell, David Azam, Farooq, Ammerman, Jim, Fuhrman, Jed & HAGSTRÖM, Åke: Role of bacteria in polluted marine ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the workshop on meaningful measu- res of marine pollution effects NOAA. Ed. Colwell, R. 1983. BERGSTRÖM, Sven, LINDBERG, Frederik, OLSSON, Olof & NORMARK, Staffan: Comparison of the overlapping frd and ampC opérons of Escherichia coli with the corresponding DNA Sequences in other Gram-negative bacteria. Journal of Bacterio- logy 155(1983) pp 1297-1305. BERGSTRÖM, Sven, OLSSON, Olof & NORMARK, Staffan: Common evolutionary origin of chromosomal beta-lactamase genes in enterobacteria. Journal of Bacteriology 150(1982) pp 528-534. BERGSTRÖM, Sven: se NORMARK, Staffan; se OLSSON, Olof BJÖRK, Glenn: Modified nucleosides in RNA — their formation and function. In: Apirion, D (Ed.). Processing of RNA. Boca Raton 1984. BYSTRÖM, Anders, HAGERVALL, Tord, HJALMARSSON, Karin, KJELLIN-STRÅ- BY, Kerstin & LINDSTRÖM, Per: Formation and function of modified nucleosides in bacterial transfer RNA. In: Biochemistry of S-adenosylmethionine and related Com­ pounds, pp 371-378. Usdin, E, Borchardt, R T & Creveling, C R (Eds.). London 1982. BJÖRK, Glenn: se BYSTRÖM, Anders; se HJALMARSSON, Karin; se RASMUSON, Torgny BYSTRÖM, Anders & BJÖRK, Glenn: Chromosomal location and cloning of the gene (trmD) responsible for the synthesis of tRNA(m'G)methy!transferase in Escherichia coli K12. Molecular and General Genetics 188(1982) pp 440-446. - : Organisation of the trmD gene in E coli K12. In: Biochemistry of S-adenosylmethio­ nine and related Compounds. Eds. Usdin, E, Borchardt, R T & Creveling, C R. London 1982. - : The structural gene (trmD) for the tRNA(mlG)methyltransferase is part of a four Polypeptide operon in Escherichia coli K12. Molecular and General Genetics 188(1982) pp 447-454. BYSTRÖM, Anders, HJALMARSSON, Karin, WIKSTRÖM, Mikael & BJÖRK, Glenn: The nucleotide sequence of an Escherichia coli operon containing genes for the tRNA (m'G)methyltransferase, the ribosomas protein S16 and L19 and 21K polypeptide. EM BO Journal 2(1983) pp 899-905. BYSTRÖM, Anders: se BJÖRK, Glenn; se HJALMARSSON, Karin BÅGA, Monica, NORMARK, Staffan, HARDY, Jonathan, O'Hanley, Peter, Lark, David, OLSSON, Olof, Schoolnik, Gary & Falkow, Stanley: Nucleotide sequence of the papA gene coding for the pap pili subunit of human uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology 157(1984) pp 330-333.

204 BÅGA, Monica: se NORGREN, Mari; se NORMARK, Staffan Dahlbäck, Björn, Gunnarsson, Lars & HAGSTRÖM, Åke: Mikrobiologiska aspekter på musselodling. In: Odling av musslor. Red. Rosenberg, R. Lund 1983. DAMBER, Lena: se RASMUSON, Torgny EDLUND, Thomas: se NORMARK, Staffan GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas: se JAURIN, Bengtåke; se NORMARK, Staffan GÖRANSSON, Mikael & UHLIN, Bernt Eric: Environmental temperature regulates transcription of a virulence pili operon in E. coli. EMBO Journal 3(1984) pp 2885-2888. HAGBLOM, Per: se KORCH, Christopher HAGERVALL, Tord & BJÖRK, Glenn: Genetic mapping and cloning of the gene (trmC) responsible for the synthesis of tRNA (mnm^s^U) methyltransferas in Escherichia coli K12. Molecular and General Genetics 196(1984) pp 201-207. - : Undermodification in the first position of the anticodon of supG-tRNA reduces translational efficiency. Molecular and General Genetics 196(1984) pp 194-200. HAGERVALL, Tord: se BJÖRK, Glenn HAGSTRÖM, Åke: Aquatic bacteria, measurements and significance of growth. In: Current perspectives in microbial ecology, pp 495-501. Eds. Teidje & Klug, M. Washington 1984. - : Till sjöss med bakterier och vetenskap. In: Fångad av forskning, pp 31-40. NFR Års­ bok 1984. Stockholm 1984. - , Ammerman, Jim, Henrichs, Susan & Azam, Farooq: Bacterioplankton growth in seawater: II. Organic matter utilization during steady-state growth. Marine Ecology Progress Series 18(1984) pp 41-48. HAGSTRÖM, Åke, ANDERSSON, Agneta & ÖQUIST, Gunnar: Algal and bacterial production in a coastal area (Norrbyn) of the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zool. 22(1983) pp 131-137. HAGSTRÖM, Åke & Larsson, Ulf: Diel and seasonal variation in growth rates of pelagic bacteria. In: Heterotrophic activity of the sea. Eds. Hobbie, J & P J. leB. Williams. New York 1984. HAGSTRÖM, Åke: se Ammerman, Jim; se Azam, Farooq; se Dahlbäck, Björn; se Lars­ son, Ulf; se Nedwall, David; se ÖQUIST, Gunnar HJALMARSSON, Karin, BYSTRÖM, Anders & BJÖRK, Glenn: Purification and characterization of transfer RNA (Guanine) methyltransferase from Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry 258(1983) pp 1343-1351. HJALMARSSON, Karin: se BJÖRK, Glenn; se BYSTRÖM, Anders HOLM, Sven-Erik: se RASMUSON, Torgny JACOBSSON, Lennart: se RASMUSON, Torgny JAURIN, Bengtåke, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas & NORMARK, Staffan: Sequence elements determining ampC promoter strength in E. coli. EMBO Journal 1982:7 pp 875-881. JAURIN, Bengtåke & NORMARK, Staffan: Insertion of IS2 creates a novel ampC promoter in Escherichia coli. Cell 32(1983) pp 809-816. JAURIN, Bengtåke: se NORMARK, Staffan JEPPSON, Annika: se RASMUSON, Torgny KJELLIN-STRÅBY, Kerstin, Engelke, David & Abelson, John: Homologous in vitro transcription of linear DNA fragments containing the tRNA ar8tRNAasPgene pair from saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA 3(1984) pp 167-171.

205 ! KJELLIN STRÅBY, Kerstin: se BJÖRK, Glenn KORCH, Christopher, HAGBLOM, Per & NORMARK, Staffan: Sequence-specific DNA modification in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Journal of Bacteriology 155(1983) pp 1324-1332. Larsson, Ulf & HAGSTRÖM, Åke: Fractionated phytoplankton primary production, exudate release and bacterial production in a Baltic eutrophication gradient. Marine Biology 67(1982) pp 57-70. LINDBERG, Frederik, LUND, Björn & NORMARK, Staffan: Genes of pyelonephrito- genic E.coli required for digalactoside-specific agglutination of human cells. EMBO Journal 3(1984) pp 1167-1173. LINDBERG, Frederik: se BERGSTRÖM, Sven; se NORMARK, Staffan; se OLSSON, Olof LINDSTRÖM, Börje: se Nedwell, David LINDSTRÖM, Per: se BJÖRK, Glenn LITTBRAND, Bo: se RAMUSON, Torgny LUND, Björn: se LINDBERG, Frederik Nedwell, David, HALL, Sven-Erik, ANDERSSON, Agneta, HAGSTRÖM, Åke & LINDSTRÖM, Börje: Seasonal changes in the distribution and exchange of inorganic nitrogen between sediment and water in the Northern Baltic (Gulf of Bothnia). Estua- rine Coastal and Shelf Science 17(1983) pp 169-179. NORGREN, Mari, NORMARK, Staffan, Lark, David, O'Hanley, Peter, Schoolnik, Gary, Falkow, Stanley, Svanborg-Edén, Catharina, BÅGA, Monica & UHLIN, Bernt Eric: Mutations in E. coli cistrons affecting adhésion to human cells do not abolish Pap pili formation. EMBO Journal 3(1984) pp 1159-1165. NORGREN, Mari: se NORMARK, Staffan NORMARK, Staffan, BERGSTRÖM, Sven, EDLUND, Thomas, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas, JAURIN, Bengtåke, LINDBERG, Frederik & OLSSON, Olof: Overlapping genes. Annual Review of Genetics 17(1983) pp 499-525. NORMARK, Staffan, Lark, David, Hull, Richard, NORGREN, Mari, BÅGA, Monica, O'Hanley, Peter, Schoolnik, Gary & Falkow, Stanley: Genetics of digalactoside-binding adhesin from a uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain. Infection and Immunity 41(1983) pp 942-949. NORMARK, Staffan: se BERGSTRÖM, Sven; se BÅGA, Monica; se JAURIN, Bengt­ åke; se KORCH Christopher; se LINDBERG, Frederik; se NORGREN, Mari; se OLS­ SON, Olof; se O'Hanley, Peter O'Hanley, Peter, Lark, David, NORMARK, Staffan, Falkow, Stanley & Schoolnik, Gary: Mannose-sensitive and gal-gal binding Escherichia coli pili from recombinant strains. Chemical, functional and serological properties. Journal of Expérimental Medicine 158(1983) pp 1713-1719. OLSSON, Olof, BERGSTRÖM, Sven, LINDBERG, Frederik & NORMARK, Staffan: AmpC /Mactamase hyperproduction in Escherichia coli: Natural ampicillin résistance generated by horizontal chromosomal DNA transfer from Shigella. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 80(1983) pp 7556-7560. OLSSON, Olof, BERGSTRÖM, Sven & NORMARK, Staffan: Identification of a novel ampC /Mactamase promoter in a clinical isolate of Escherichia coli. EMBO Journal 1982:11 pp 1411-1416. OLSSON, Olof: se BERGSTRÖM, Sven; se NORMARK, Staffan RASMUSON, Torgny & BJÖRK, Glenn: Pseudouridine: A modified nucleoside as biolo- gical marker in malignant lymphomas. Cancer Detection and Prevention 6(1983) pp 293-296.

206 - , DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Sven-Erik, JACOBSSON, Lennart, JEPPSON, Annika, LITTBRAND, Bo, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Göran: Evaluation of car- cinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and modified nucleosides as biological markers in malignant lymphomas. Recent Results in Cancer Research 84(1983) pp 331-343. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn, DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Sven-Erik, JACOBS­ SON, Lennart, JEPPSON, Annika, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Göran: Tumor markers in bronchogenic carcinoma. An évaluation of carcinoembryogenic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental antigen phosphatase and pseudouridine. Acta Radiologica Oncology 22(1983) pp 209-214. - : Tumor markers in colorectal carcinoma. An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and pseudouridine. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 23(1984) pp 27-32. STIGBRAND, Torgny: se RASMUSON, Torgny UHLIN, Bernt Eric, Schweickart, Vicki & Clark, Alvin: New runaway-replication-plas- mid cloning vectors and suppression of runaway replication by novobiocin. Gene 22(1983) pp 255-265. UHLIN, Bernt Eric, Volkert, Michael, Clark, Alvin, Sancar, Aziz & Rupp, Dean: Nucleo- tide sequence of a recA operator mutation. Molecular and General Genetics 185(1982) pp 251-254. UHLIN, Bernt Eric: se GÖRANSSON, Michael; se NORGREN, Mari WESTMAN, Göran: se RASMUSON, Torgny WIKSTRÖM, Michael: se BYSTRÖM, Anders ÖÖUIST, Gunnar, HAGSTRÖM, Åke, ALM, Pia, SAMUELSSON, Göran & Richard­ son, Kathrin: Chlorophyll, a fluorescense an alternative method for estimating primary production. Marine Biology 68(1982) pp 71-75. ÖQUIST, Gunnar: se HAGSTRÖM, Åke

MILJÖ- OCH HÄLSOSKYDD BACKLUND, Sten & BRÅNIN, Bertil: Undersökning av växtplankton och bottenfauna i Gumåsviken, Kramfors kommun. Rapport. Institutionen för hälso- och miljövård, Umeå 1983. BACKLUND, Sten: se SÖDERSTRÖM, Olle BECKMAN, Lars, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Occupational and environmental risks in and around a smelter in northern Sweden. VIII. Three-year follow-up of chromosomal aberrations in workers exposed to lead. Hereditas 96(1982) pp 261-264. BECKMAN, Lars & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Occupational and environmental risks in and around a smelter in northern Sweden. IX. Fetal mortality among wives of smelter workers. Hereditas 97(1982) pp 1-7. BECKMAN, Lars: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid BJELLE, Anders, NORDSTRÖM, Stefan & Hagström, Åsa: Hereditary pyrophosphate artropathy (familial articular chondrocalcinosis) in Sweden. Clinical Genetics 21(1982) pp 174-180.

207 BRÅNIN, Bertil: se BACKLUND, Sten; se SÖDERSTRÖM, Olle FORSBERG, Bertil & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Slumpfaktorn stoppar forskare i Tecko- matorp. Miljöaktuellt 2(1983) p 14. FORSBERG, Bertil: se NORDSTRÖM, Stefan GUSTAVSSON, Lennart: se NORDSTRÖM, Stefan HANSSON MILD, Kjell, Lövstrand, Karl-Gunnar, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, NORD­ STRÖM, Stefan & Öberg, Åke: Biologiska effekter av lågfrekventa elektromagnetiska falt. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1706-1710. HANSSON MILD, Kjell: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid LEFFLER, Per & NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Metaller i maternellt och fetalt blod. Under­ sökning av eventuella variationer i placentas barriärfunktion. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:71. ISBN 91-7186-163-7. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, HANSSON MILD, Kjell, NORDSTRÖM, Stefan, SWEINS, Agneta & Birke, Elisabeth: Clastogenic effects in human lymphocytes of power frequency electric fields: In vivo and in vitro studies. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 23(1984) pp 191-201. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, NORDSTRÖM, Stefan, SWEINS, Agneta & BECKMAN, Lars: Chromosomal aberrations in lead exposed workers. Hereditas 96(1982) pp 265-268. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se BECKMAN, Lars; se HANSSON MILD, Kjell NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: Kyrkböcker avslöjar ärftliga sjukdomar. Forskning och framsteg 7(1982) pp 39-43. - : Miljörisker för ofödda barn. Miljö i Sverige 2(1982) pp 15-17. - : Missfallen i Teckomatorp. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 113-114. - : När livet blir till — Om etisk beredskap inför den gentekniska framtiden. Kristendom och skola 1984:1 pp 20-21. - : Vad är liv? Forskning och framsteg 4(1982) pp 48-49. - : Vi måste våga dra slutsatser. Forskning och framsteg 2(1984) p 59. - , Birke, Elisabeth & GUSTAVSSON, Lennart: Reproductive hazards among workers at high voltage substations. Bioelectromagnetics 4(1983) pp 91-101. NORDSTRÖM, Stefan & FORSBERG, Bertil: Farligt att fixera sig vid signifikansvärden. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 1786-1787. - : Missfallen i Teckomatorp — en fråga om redovisning av forskningsresultat. Läkartid­ ningen 79(1982) pp 4819-4820. - : Reproduktionstoxikologiska effekter av luftföroreningar. Epidemiologiska studier. Litteraturöversikt. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport. 1983:83. ISBN-91-7186 -175-0. NORDSTRÖM, Stefan: se BECKMAN, Lars; se BJELLE, Anders; se FORSBERG, Bertil; se HANSSON MILD, Kjell; se LEFFLER, Per; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid SWEINS, Agneta: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid SÖDERSTRÖM, Olle, BACKLUND, Sten & BRÅNIN, Bertil: Biologiska undersök­ ningar i Stekenjokk hösten 1980. In: Undersökningar i Stekenjokk, Saxån och Kultsjön 1980 Bilaga 1, pp 1-22. Red. Mellgren, L. Stockholm 1983.

208 NATIONALEKONOMI ANDERSTIG, Christer & OHLSSON, Henry: Ett ekonomiskt försvar av principen "lika för alla". Tiden 1982:3. AXELSSON, Roger, JACOBSSON, Roger & LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: On the déter­ minants of labour supply in Sweden. In: Studies in labor market behavior: Sweden and the United States. Eds. Eliasson, G, Holmlund, B & Stafford, F. Stockholm 1982. AXELSSON, Roger, LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf & Nilsson, Lars-Gunnar: Den svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiken under 1900-talet. 2. revid. och utvidgade uppl. Stockholm 1983. BRÄNNLUND, Runar, JOHANSSON, Per-Olov «fe LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: Avverk­ ningar och ekonomiska drivkrafter. In: Sinnenas skog. Red. Sörlin, Sverker. Stockholm 1983. - : Virkesmarknad och ekonomisk teori. Ekonomisk debatt 1984:5. BÅNGMAN, Gunnel, WIBERG, Anders & OHLSSON, Henry: Framtida energiförsörj­ ning inom Umeå kommun — en alternativ bedömning. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för skogsekonomi, arbetsrapport 1982:8. CARLÉN, Ola, LUNDBERG, Lars & WIBERG, Anders: Déterminants of Swedish market shares of pulp and paper in the common market. In: Symposium in forest products and roundwood märkets. Eds. Tervo, M & Selby, A. Helsinki 1984. ISBN 951-40-0964-9. Chakravarty, Shanti P & WIBE, Sören: Energy conservation — An elasticity of substi­ tution approach. Energy Economies 1984:4. - : A production function for the Swedish pig-iron industry. Engineering Costs and Production Economies 1984:7. Cuddington, John T & JOHANSSON, Per-Olov: Optimum tariffs, revenue maximizing tariffs and unemployment: A general disequilibrium analysis. Stockholm. Institute for International Economic Studies Seminar paper 1983:266. - & LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: Disequilibrium macroeconomics in open économies. Oxford 1984. 246 s. ISBN 0-63113532-4. ENGSTRÖM, Lars, KRISTRÖM, Bengt & OHLSSON, Henry: Samhällsekonomiska metoder vid utvärderingen av de särskilda arbetsmarknadspolitiska insatserna i Malm­ fälten. Umeå Economic Studies 1984:142. GAVELIN, Lars: Déterminants of the structure of Swedish foreign trade in manufac­ tures, 1968-1979. Scandinavian Journal of Economies 85(1983). - & LUNDBERG, Lars: Déterminants of intra-industry trade: Testing some hypotheses on Swedish trade data. In: Intra-industry trade. Empirical & methodological aspects. Ed. Tharakan, P K M. Amsterdam 1983. ISBN 0-444-86785-6. Grassini, Maurizio, JOHANSSON, Börje & WESTIN, Lars: Estimation of capital matrices for multisectoral models: An application to Italy and Tuscany. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Working Paper. Laxenburg, Austria 1982. HANSSON, Pär: Bestämningsfaktorer för inombranschhandel i Sverige. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:134. HOLM, Anna-Karin, LÖFGREN, Curt & Petersson, Tomas: Selektering av riskpatienter inom barn- och ungdomstandvården. Tandläkartidningen 1983:17. IVARSON, Lars: Bank reserves and bank credit. Four prevalent theoretical models in a new integrated approach. Umeå Economic Studies 1982:110. - : Discount policy and shorl-run interest rate volatility under non-borrowed reserves targeting. Umeå Economic Studies 1984:137. - : The Orr-Mellon model of bank credit reconsidered. Umeå Economic Studies 1982:103. JACOBSSON, Roger: se AXELSSON, Roger JOHANSSON, Börje: se Grassini, Maurizio

209 Johansson, Mats & JOHANSSON, Per-Olov: Byggnads- och maskininvesteringar. En översikt över investeringsfonderna 1938-1983. Byggforskningsrådet R9:1984. JOHANSSON. Per-Olov: The balanced-budget theorem in a small open economy. Umeå Economic Studies 1982:100. - : Cost-benefit rules in general disequilibrium. Journal of Public Economies 18(1982) pp 121-137. - : Disequilibrium cost-benefit rules for natural resources. Resources and Energy 1984:4 pp 355-372. - : Disequilibrium cutting rules. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 14(1984):3 pp 321-325. - : On cost-benefit rules in an economy with natural resources. Environment & Planning C 1983:1 pp 107-116. - : On cost-benefit rules when märkets do not clear. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:124. - : On the effects of productive government expenditures under Keynesian unemploy- ment. Umeå Economic Studies 1982:112. - & LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: Monopsony, conjectural equilibria, and the Swedish round- wood market. Forest Science 29(1983):3 pp 439-449. - : Six différent results on the properties of the timber supply function. In: Forest sector development: Issues and analysis. Eds. Andersson, Åke E, Olsson, Mats-Olof & Zachrisson, Uno. Umeå Universitet, Swedish College of Forestry, Research Report 1983:1. - : The timber supply function under regulatory constraints. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 13(1983):5 pp 979-985. - : Virkesmarknad och ekonomisk teori. Ekonomisk debatt 1984:5. JOHANSSON, Per-Olov: se BRÄNNLUND, Runar; se Cuddington, John T; se Johans­ son, Mats Kendry, Adrian & KHAKEE, Abdul: Den offentliga beslutsprocessen och kommunernas kulturutgifter i England och Sverige. Umeå universitet Geografiska rapporter. Gerum C 1984:66. KHAKEE, Abdul: The compulsion towards inefficiency. In: Economic research in the performing arts. Eds. Hendon, William S et al. Akron 1983. - : Framtidsorienterad samordnad kommunal planering. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-540- 4275-5. - : Geografins idéutveckling. Geografiska notiser 42(1984):4 pp 12-14. - : Municipal planning: Restrictions, methods and organizational problems. Stockholm; Statens råd för byggnadsforskning, 1983. ISBN 91-540-3963-0. - : Planning and structural reform in municipal government. International Journal of Public Administration 4(1982): 1 pp 1-22. - : Public administration programs in the USA. UHÄ-rapport 1982:31. - : Stadsekonomi, stadsgeografi och planering. In: Geografi och samhällsplanering. Red. Jonsson, I. Umeå universitet. Geografiska rapporter. Gerum B 1982:7. - : Town planning in Sweden: National officiais versus local politicians. Long Range Planning 17(1984):6 pp 82-93. - : Urban économies, urban geography and planning. Planning Outlook 25(1982):2 pp 72-79. - & WIBERG, Ulf (Red.): Kommunala framtidsstudier. ERU-rapport 1982:16. KHAKEE, Abdul & Ytterberg, Olov: Framtidsinriktad kommunal planering. Umeå uni­ versitet, Gerum C:52, 1983. KHAKEE, Abdul: se Kendry, Adrian KRISTRÖM, Bengt: se ENGSTRÖM, Lars LUNDBERG, Lars: Internationell handel och industristruktur. Tillämpad samhälls­ ekonomi 6, 2:a uppl. Lund 1982. 143 s. ISBN 91-38-61285-2. - : Intra-industry trade: The case of Sweden. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 118( 1982):2. - : Nationalekonomiutbildning i kris. Ekonomisk debatt 1983:8.

210 LUNDBERG, Lars & Sapir, André: The U.S. generalized system of preferences and its impact. In: The structure and evolution of recent U.S. trade policy. Eds. Baldwin, R E & Kreuger, A O. Chicago 1984. ISBN 0-226-03604-9. LUNDBERG, Lars: se CARLÉN, Ola; se GAVELIN, Lars LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: Comment on Burdett & Hool "Macroeconomic effects of categorical wage subsidies". In: Jobs for disadvantaged workers. Eds. Haveman, R H & Palmer, J L. Washington 1982. - : Contract theory and the Phillips curve. Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 1982:1/2. - : Endowments and timber supply. European Review of Agricultural Economies 1984:1. - : The Faustmann-Ohlin theorem: A historical note. History of Politicai Economy 1983:2. - : On the social optimality of the normal forest. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. Institu­ tionen för skogsekonomi, rapport 1984:55. - : Rationing in the theory of production. Once again. Rivista Scienze Economiche e Commerciali 1982:4. - : Skogsmarkens utnyttjande för olika ändamål. Skogsvårdsförbundets tidskrift 1982:5. - : Skogspolitiska tankar föranledda av tre skogliga visioner. Skogsfakta 1984. - : Virkesbristen. Ekonomisk debatt 1982:6. LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: se AXELSSON, Roger; se BRÄNNLUND, Ragnar; se Cuddington, John T; se JOHANSSON, Per-Olov; se Ranneby, Bo LÖFGREN, Curt: se HOLM, Anna-Karin LÖFSTRÖM, Åsa: Efter Algots — En uppföljning av de f.d. anställda vid Algots Nord. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:121. - : Ekonomisk kris och kvinnors arbete. Umeå Economic Studies 1982:99. - : De friställdas arbetsmarknad — En kvantitativ analys av ett antal nedläggningsstudier. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:122. OHLSSON, Henry: Cost-benefit analysis with märkets in disequilibrium. Umeå Econo­ mic Studies 1984:141. - : On cost-benefit rules in an economy with unemployment compensation. Umeå Econo­ mic Studies 1984:140. - : Optimal public production in an unemployment economy. Umeå Economic Studies 1984:146. - : Övningskompendium i makroteori och stabiliseringspolitik, Kurskompendium i natio­ nalekonomi 1982:25. Umeå universitet. - : se ANDERSTIG, Christer; se BÅNGMAN, Gunnel; se ENGSTRÖM, Lars PUU, Tönu: Continuous flow modelling in regional science. In: Regional development modelling, pp 251-258. Eds. Albegov, Murat, Andersson, Åke E & Snickars, Folke. Amsterdam 1982. ISBN 0-444-864-733. - : Equilibrium in the spatial production and exchange economy. Sistemi Urbani 3(1983) pp 499-534. - : The general equilibrium of a spatially extended market economy. Geographica! Analysis 14(1982) pp 145-154. - : The long-run equilibrium of a continuous spatial exchange economy. In: Regional and industriai development: Theories, models, and empirical evidence, pp 15-30. Eds. Andersson, Åke E, Isard, Walter & Puu, Tönu. Amsterdam 1984. ISBN 0-444-875-956. - : A model of spatial flows and growth of capital and labour stocks. Applied Mathe- matics and Computation 14(1984) pp 3-9. - : On the art of successful analogy formation. In: Operations research and economic analysis, pp 175-180. Eds. Krelle, Wilhelm, Hauptman, Harry & Mosler, Karl. Berlin 1984. ISBN 3-540-13652-5. - : Outline of a trade cycle model in continuous space and time. Geographical Analysis 1982:14 pp 1-9. - : Structurally stable transport flows and patterns of location. Research Report RR-82-42, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Schloss Laxenburg, Austria, 1982. ISBN 3-7045-0047-X.

211 - The structure of specialization and trade in the space economy. Environment and Planning A 16(1984) pp 1339-1347. Ranneby, Bo & LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: The modeling of behavioral modes for a firm facing an uncertain supply curve; The case of the Swedish pulpwood market. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för skogsekonomi, rapport nr 1984:49. WESTIN, Lars: Produktion och regionala leveranser — en studie av näringslivet i Vilhel­ mina kommun, Umeå Economic Studies 1983:117. - : se Grassini, Maurizio WIBE, Sören: Demand functions for forest products. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, Working Paper 84-103, 1984. - : The distribution of input coefficients. Economies of Planning 18(1982):2 pp 65-70. - : The empirical relevance of short run efficiency. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:126. - : Engineering information for production studies. Umeå Economic Studies 1984:138. - : Engineering production functions — A survey. Economica 1984:51. - : Hur långt bör skogsråvaran förädlas i Sverige? Sveriges skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift 1984:nov-dec. - : Input koefficienter vid olika grader av kapacitetsutnyttjande. Statens Industriverk. Rapport, Aug. 1982. (Stencil). - : An international comparison of technology and technological development — A case study. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:113. - : Macro production functions for the Swedish industry. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:128. - : Makroplaneringens orsaker (recension). Historisk tidskrift 1982:2. - : A model for long-run forecasts of employment in industriai sectors. In: The employ- ment conséquences of technological change. Ed. Bosworth, D. London 1983. ISBN 0-333-31939-7. - : Substitution and complementarity in the machine-making industry. Umeå Economic Studies 1983:132. - : Technological forecasting: An introduction to models and methods. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Laxenburg, Austria Working Paper 83-70, 1983. - : Teknik och sysselsättning — två rapporter (recension). Ekonomisk debatt 1984:1. - : Teknisk utveckling och regional förändring. In: Tretton forskare om 80-talets regio­ nalpolitik. Red. Snickars, F. Stockholm 1984. - : se Chakravarty, Shanti P WIBERG, Anders: se BÅNGMAN, Gunnel; se CARLÉN, Ola WIBERG, Ulf: se KHAKEE, Abdul

NEUROKIRURGI ALSTAD, Björn & FODSTAD, Harald: A battery-alarm system for phrenic nerve stimulators. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 16(1984) pp 137-138. AASLY, Jan, BLOM, Sigfrid, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Effects of amobarbital and methohexital on epileptic activity in mesial temporal structures in epileptic patients. An EEG study with depth electrodes. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) pp 423-431. AASLY, Jan & SILFVENIUS, Herbert: Metodologiska aspekter på intracarotidal Amy- taltest vid utredning inför epilepsikirurgi. Skandinaviskt möte i Neurofysiologi, Oslo, mars 1984. AASLY, Jan: se BLOM, Sigfrid

212 AHLGREN, Olof, KARLBOM, Urban & LAITINEN, Lauri: En ny halo-utrustning för immobilisering av instabil halsryggrad. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2669-2671. ALGERS, Göran & SENGUPTA, Ramprasad: Result of surgical treatment of 530 aneurysms. Scandinavian neurosurgical society 34:th annual meeting, Trondheim, Norway, June 14-19 1982. Abstract 27. ALGERS, Göran, FORSSELL, Åke & von ESSEN, Claes: Large volume SAH- an indica­ tion for early surgery? Second International symposium on "Cerebral aneurysm surgery in the acute stage" Graz. Austria Sept. 23-26, 1984. Poster 8. BLOM, Sigfrid & SILFVENIUS, Herbert: Neurokirurgisk behandling av epilepsi. Utred­ ningsgång och preliminära resultat. Läkartidningen 81 (1984):4 pp 231-234. - : När kan kirurgi hjälpa barn med epilepsi? Svenska Epilepsia 1984:3 pp 10-14. - : Preoperativ utredning av epilepsipatienter. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982):20. - : Preoperative neurophysiological investigations in surgery for epilepsy. Electroen- cephalography and Clinical Neurosphysiology 56(1983) pp 14-15. BLOM, Sigfrid, AASLY, Jan, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Effekt av intracarotidal Amytal på epileptisk aktivitet i mesiala temporala strukturer hos epilepsi­ patienter, en djupelektrodstudie. Skandinavisk neurofysiologiskt möte. Oslo 16 mars 1984. BLOM, Sigfrid: se AASLY, Jan; se FODSTAD, Harald; se NILSSON, Lars-Göran; se SILFVENIUS, Herbert CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke: se LINDAHL, Olle; se NILSSON, Lars-Göran; se SILFVENIUS, Herbert DAHLERUP, Benedikte & FODSTAD, Harald: The influence of tranexamic acid (AMAC) upon the level of serum transaminases. (LDH, ASAT, ALAT) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Phronesis 3(1982) p 2731. EKSTEDT, Jan: se FODSTAD, Harald FODSTAD, Harald: Antifibrinolytic treatment in subarrachnoid haemorrhage. Present state. In: Aneurysm surgery in the acute stage. Eds. Auer, L M, Heppner, F & Symon, L. Acta Neurochirurgica 63(1982) pp 233-244. - : Thunberg, Carl Peter. Swedish pioneer of occidental medicine in Japan. Neurologia Medico Chirurgica (Tokyo) 22(1982) pp 577-581. - & BLOM, Sigfrid: Phrenic nerve Stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in chronic singultus. Neurochirurgia 27(1984) pp 115-116. - : Phrenic nerve Stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in respiratory insuffiency of central nervous origin. 7th European neurosurgical congress. Brussels, Aug 28-Sept 2, 1983. Abstract p 294. - : Phrenic nerve Stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in respiratory paralysis and chronic singultus. Abstracts of the 3rd International congress of the world confédération of neurosciences, p 8. Siena Sept. 9-11 1982. - & LINDERHOLM, Håkan: Artificial respiration by phrenic nerve stimulation (dia­ phragm pacing) in patients with cervical cord and brain stem lésions. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 173-181. - : Elektrophrenisk respiration hos patienter med andningsförlamning av centralnervös genes. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1.12-3.12 1982. Abstract NE 29 p 202. - : Phrenic nerve stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in respiratory paralysis. Acta Neuro­ chirurgica 66(1982):Abstract p 247. FODSTAD, Harald, LOVE, James, EKSTEDT, Jan, FRIDEN, Håkan & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Effect of cranioplasty on cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics in patients with cranial bone defects. First international symposium, "The cerebral veins". Graz, Austria Sept 27-30, 1982. Abstract 65 p 162. - : Effect of cranioplasty on cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics in patients with the syndrome of trephines. Acta Neurochirurgica 70(1984) pp 21-30.

213 FODSTAD, Harald, Perricone, David & Undsgaard, Geimund: Moyamoya disease in patients of Finnish origin. Sixth Asian-Australasian congress of neurological surgery. Hong Kong Nov. 20-25, 1983 Abstract. FODSTAD, Harald, STRANDMAN, Eva, Karlsson, Britta & WEST, Kurt: Treatment of chronic obsessive compulsive states with stereotactic anterior capsulogomy or cingu- lotomy. Acta Neurochirurgica 62(1982) pp 1-23. FODSTAD, Harald: se ALSTAD, Björn; se FORSELL, Åke; se DAHLERUP, Bene­ diktine; se LAGERCRANTZ, Hugo; se NILSSON, Stefan; se NORRGÅRD, Örjan FORSELL, Åke, LILIEQUIST, Bengt & FODSTAD, Harald: Angiographie vasospasm and cerebral ischemia in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. In: Cerebral ischemia — An update, pp 245-255. Eds. X Ito, Kutsuzawa, T & Yasui, N. Amsterdam 1983. FORSELL, Åke: se ALGERS, Göran FRIDEN, Håkan: se FODSTAD, Harald FUGL-MEYER, Axel: se LAITINEN, Lauri LAGERCRANTZ, Hugo, Milerad, Josef, FODSTAD, Harald, Bjarke, Björn, Björk, Anders & von Euler, Curt: Hypoventilationssyndrom — Tre barn med defekt autonom kontroll av andningen. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 4037-4040. LAITINEN, Lauri: Inhibition of cutaneous nociception by deep musculosceletal pain. A clinical observation. Pain 13(1982) pp 373-377. - : Trigeminus Steroguide: An instrument for stereotactic approach through the foramen ovale and foramen jugulare. Surgical Neurology 22(1984) pp 519-523. - & FUGL-MEYER, Åxel: Assessment of functional effect of epidural electrostimulation and selective posterior rhizotomy in spasticity. Applied Neurophysiology 45(1982) pp 331-334. LAITINEN, Lauri, NILSSON, Stefan & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Selective posterior rhizotomy for treatment of spasticity. Journal of Neurosurgery 58(1983) pp 895-899. LAITINEN, Lauri: se AHLGREN, Olof; se NILSSON, Stefan LANDGREN, Sven, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & OLSSON, Kurt-Åke: The sensorimotor integrating area 3 of the cat. Expérimental Brain Research 1984:Suppl. 9 pp 359-375. LILIEQUIST, Bengt: se FODSTAD, Harald; se FORSELL, Åke; se LAITINEN, Lauri; se NILSSON, Stefan; se NORRGÅRD, Örjan LINDAHL, Olle, Bäcklund, Thomas, Söderberg, Magnus, NILSSON, Lars-Göran, CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke & SILFVENIUS, Herbert: Utrustning för testning av hemisfärminne med visuell halvfältsteknik. XLI Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 28-30 nov 1984. LINDERHOLM, Håkan: se FODSTAD, Harald NILSSON, Lars-Göran, CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & BLOM, Sigfrid: Preoperative and postoperative memory testing of epileptic patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 1984:Suppl.99 pp 45-56. NILSSON, Lars-Göran: se SILFVENIUS, Herbert NILSSON, Stefan, FODSTAD, Harald, FORSSELL, Åke, Lindberg, Margaretha & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Familjär förekomst av intrakraniella aneurysm. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 28.11-30.11 1984. Abstract NE 28 p 212. NILSSON, Stefan, FODSTAD, Harald & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Hereditary multiple exostosis with cervical cord décompression and respiratory arrest. Case report. Phrone- sis 4(1983) pp 101-106. NILSSON, Stefan & LAITINEN, Lauri: Patienter med skador på hjärnstammen kan ge problem vid hjärndödsdiagnostik. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 589-590.

214 NORRGÅRD, Örjan, ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, FODSTAD, Harald & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Is there a corrélation between intracranial arterial aneurysms and aortic aneu- rysms? 7th European neurosurgical congress, Brussels. Aug. 28 Sept. 2, 1983. Abstract p 26. OLSSON, Kurt-Åke: se LANDGREN, Sven SENGUPTA, Ramprasad & ALGERS, Göran: Scope of microsurgery for cranial nerve lésions in the posterior fossa. Scandinavian neurosurgical society 34th annual meeting. Trondheim Norway, June 14-19 1982. Abstract 58. SENGUPTA, Ramprasad: se ALGERS, Göran SILFVENIUS, Herbert & BLOM, Sigfrid: Results from preoperative work-up and surgery for medically refractory seizures. Scandinavian neurosurgical society. 35th meeting Helsinki, June 1-4, 1983. - : Results from recent epilepsy surgery in northern Sweden. Jahresversammlung der Vereinigung Schweizer Neurochirurgien. Oct. Stoos, Switzerland 1983. - , NILSSON, Lars-Göran & CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke: Observations on verbal, pictorial and sterognostic memory in epileptic patients during intracarotid Amytal testing. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.99 pp 57-76. SILFVENIUS, Herbert, CHRISTIANSSON, Sven-Åke & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Hemisphere memory in epileptic patients studied with the bilateral intracarotidal Amy- taltest. Det psykiska minnets nervosa mekanismer. FO-utbildningskurs. Umeå universi­ tet 17 maj 1984. SILFVENIUS, Herbert & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Amytaltestdiagnostik, hjälpmedel inom epilepsikirurgin. Läkartidningen 81(1984):40 pp 3625-3628. SILFVENIUS, Herbert: se AASLY, Jan; se BLOM, Sigfrid; se LANDGREN, Sven; se LINDAHL, Olle; se NILSSON, Lars-Göran ZETTERLUND, Bo: se AASLY, Jan; se BLOM, Sigfrid ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan

NEUROLOGI ALMAY, Béla: se NYBERG, Per; se von KNORRING, Lars Dimitrijevic, Predrag & STRANDMAN, Eva: Multifaktorella diagnostiska aspekter på organiska psykoser. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidskrift 26(1982) pp 199-210. Downham, David, LEXELL, Jan & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: The co-dispersion index for the measurement of fibre type distribution pattern. Muscle & Nerve 7(1984) pp 751-752. EDMAN, Anne-Christine: se Fornieri, Claudio; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael; se Squire, John EKSTEDT, Jan & FRIDÉN, Håkan: CSF hydrodynamics for the study of the adult hydrocephalus syndrome. In: Shapiro, K, Marmarou, A. & Portnoy, H. (Eds.). Hydro- cephalus, pp 363-382. New York 1984. - : The CSF volume/pressure relationship in man. In: Ishii, S, Nagai, H. & Brock, M (Eds). Intracranial Pressure, V pp 252-260. New York 1983. - : Volume/pressure relationship of the cerebrospinal space in humans. Neurosurgery 13(1983) pp 351-366. EKSTEDT, Jan, ORELAND, Lars & JOHANSON, Folke: Dose regimen of deprenyl (Selegiline) and platelet MAO activities. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1983): Suppl.95 pp 87-89.

215 EKSTEDT, Jan: se FODSTAD, Harald; se FRIDÉN, Håkan; se LOVE, James ENGSTRÖM, Birgitta: Orems egenvårdsteori. Sjuksköterskan 1983:maj pp 9-12. - : Patients need for information during hospital stay. International Journal of Nurse Study 21(1984) pp 113-130. - : A study of changed information routines in a neurological ward. In: Hamrin, E (Ed). Research — A challenge for nursing practice. Proceedings, pp 110-115. Uppsala 1983. FLOWER-ELLIS, Anita: se HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin FODSTAD, Harald, BLOM, Sigfrid & LINDERHOLM, Håkan: Artificial respiration by phrenic nerve stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in patients with cervical cord and brain stem lésions. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 173-181. FODSTAD, Harald, LOVE, James, EKSTEDT, Jan, FRIDÉN, Håkan & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Effect of cranioplasty on cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics in patients with "the syndrome of the trephined". Acta Neurochirurgica 70(1984) pp 21-30. FODSTAD, Harald, STRANDMAN, Eva, Karlsson, B & WEST, Kurt: Treatment of chronic obsessive-compulsive states with sterotactic anterior capsulotomyh or cingu- lotomy. Acta Neurochirurgica 62(1982) pp 1-22. Fornieri, Claudio, Pasquali Ronchetti, Ivonne, EDMAN, Anne-Christine & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Contribution of cryotechniques to the study of elastin ultra-structure. Journal of Microscopy 126(1982) pp 87-93. FRIDÉN, Håkan & EKSTEDT, Jan: Instrumentation for cerebrospinal fluid hydro- dynamic studies in man. Medicai Biological Engineering & Computing 20(1982) pp 167-180. FRIDÉN, Håkan: se FODSTAD, Harald; se LOVE, James FRIDÉN, Jan: Exercise-induced muscle soreness. A qualitative and quantitative study of human muscle morphology and function. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1983:105. ISBN 91-7222-634 X. - , Seger, Jan, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & Ekblom, Björn: Adaptive response in human skeletal muscle subjected to prolonged eccentric training. International Journal of Sports Medicine 4(1983) pp 177-183. FRIDÉN, Jan, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & Ekblom, Björn: Muscle fibre type characteristics of endurance trained and untrained individuals. European Journal of Applied Physio- logy 52(1984) pp 266-271. - : Myofibrillar damage following intense eccentric exercise in man. International Journal of Sports Medicine 4(1983) pp 170-176. FRIDÉN, Jan: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael FUGL-MEYER, Axel R, ERIKSSON, Anders, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & Söderström, Gunnar: Is muscle structure influenced by genetical or functional factors? A study of three forearm muscles. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 114(1982) pp 227-281. HALLMANS, Göran: se PALM, Ragnar HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, LEXELL, Jan & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. 1. Method for préparation and analysis of cross-sections of whole m tibialis anterior. Histochemical Journal 15(1983) pp 167-178. HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin, SELLSTEDT, Anita, FLOWER-ELLIS, Anita & SJÖ­ STRÖM, Michael: Ammonium effects on functional and structure of nitrogenfixing root nodules of Alnus incana. Planta 156(1982) pp 332-340. JOHANSSON, Folke: Patients with chronic pain. A clinical-pharmacological and bioche- mical study. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N. S. 1982:87. - : se EKSTEDT, Jan; se von KNORRING, Lars; se Olsson, Jan-Edvin

216 KIDMAN, Siv: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael von KNORRING, Lars, ALMAY, Béla G L, JOHANSSON, Folke, Terenius, Lars & Wahlström, A: Circannual variation in concentrations of endorphines in cerebrospinal fluid. Pain 12(1982) pp 265-272. von KNORRING, Lars, JOHANSSON, Folke & ALMAY, Béla G L: The importance of the endorphin system in chronic pain patients. In: Shah, N & Donald, A. (Eds). Endorphins and opiate antagonists in psychiatrie research, pp 307-337. New York 1982. LEXELL, Jan, Downham, David & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. A Statistical and computational method for the study of fibre type grouping and muscle. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 61(1983) pp 301-314. - : Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. A Statistical and computational study of the fibre type arrangement in m vastus lateralis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 65(1984) pp 353-365. LEXELL, Jan, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. 2. A study of cross-sections of whole m vastus lateralis. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 117(1983) pp 115-122. LEXELL, Jan, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, WINBLAD, Bengt & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. Effects of aging on m vastus lateralis studies in whole muscle cross-sections. Muscle & Nerve 6(1983) pp 588-595. LEXELL, Jan & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Kan man med muskelbiopsi finna en ny mästare? Medicus 2(1984) pp 6-7. LEXELL, Jan: se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael LILIEQUIST, Bengt: se FODSTAD, Harald LOVE, James, FRIDÉN, Håkan & EKSTEDT, Jan: The effect of corticosteroids at the level of the arachnoidal villi. In: Go, G & Baethmann, A. Recent progress in the study and therapy of brain edema, pp 589-595. New York 1984. LOVE, James: se FODSTAD, Harald NYBERG, Per, ALMAY, Béla G L, Carlsson A, Master, C & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain monoamine abnormalities in the two types of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. Acta Neuro­ logica Scandinavica 66(1982) pp 16-24. NYSTRÖM, Bengt: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael Olsson, Jan Edvin, Behring H C, Fossman B, JOHANSSON, Folke, Pålhagen, S E & Samuelsson, M: A Metoprolol and Propranolo in migraine prophylaxis; A double-blind multicentre study. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 70(1984) pp 160-168. ORELAND, Lars: se EKSTEDT, Jan PALM, Ragnar: Zinc in cerebrospinal fluid and serum in some neurological diseases. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N. S. 1982:77. - & HALLMANS, Göran: Zinc and copper in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 45(1982) pp 691-698. - : Zinc and copper metabolism in phenytoin therapy. Epilepsia 23(1982) pp 435-461. - : Zinc concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid of normal adults and patients with neuro­ logical diseases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 45(1982) pp 685-690. Saltin, Bengt & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Skelettmuskelns uppbyggnad och funktion. Rapport från IFR Konferens, Bosön. Styrketräning 1984 pp 18-25. SELLSTEDT, Anita: se HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Muscle fine structure and less advance ischemia. Value of morphological analysis. In: Lewis, D. H. (Ed). Induced skeletal muscle ischemia in man, pp 80-100. Basel 1982.

217 - , EDMAN, Anne-Christine, FRIDÉN, Jan, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, LEX- ELL, Jan & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Skelettmuskulaturens ultrastruktur ur funktionell synvinkel. Anpassningsmekanismer på cellulär och subcellulär nivå. Proceedings. Skan­ dinavisk symposium rygg- och muskelforskning, Dansk fysiurgisk selskab, pp 189-207. Köpenhamn 1982. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & FRIDÉN, Jan: Morphological studies of muscle fatigue. Inter­ national Series on Sports Sciences 13(1983) pp 161-171. - : Muscle soreness and muscle structure. Medicine and Sport Sciences 17(1984) pp 169-186. - & Ekblom, Björn: Fine structure détails of human muscle fibres after type specific glycogen depletion. Histochemistry 76(1982) pp 425-438. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, KIDMAN, Siw, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Z- and M-band appearance in différent histochemically defined types of human skeletal muscle fibers. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 30(1982) pp 1-11. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & LEXELL, Jan: Processer i muskulaturen vid styrketräning. Rapport från IFR konferens, Bosön. Styrketräning 1984 pp 82-87. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, Neglen, Peter, FRIDÉN, Jan & Eklöf, Bo: Human skeletal muscle metabolism and morphology after temporary incomplete ischaemia. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 12(1982) pp 69-79. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & NYSTRÖM, Bengt: Achilles tendon injury, lendon elongation and solveus muscle fine structure in rabbit after différent therapies. Virchows Archiv 399(1983) pp 177-189. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, Bylund, Anne-Christine, Gustavsson, Lennart, FRIDÉN, Jan & Scherstén, Tore: Morphometric analyses of human muscle fibre typers. Muscle & Nerve 5(1982) pp 538-553. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se Downham, David; se Fornieri, Claudio; se FRIDÉN, Jan; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel R; se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin; se HUSS-DANELL, Kerstin; se LEXELL, Jan; se Squire, John; se Saltin, Bengt Squire, John, EDMAN, Anne-Christine, Freundlich, Alan, Harford, Jeff & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Muscle structure, cryo-methods and image analysis. Journal of Microscopy 125(1982) pp 215-225. Squire, John, Harford, Jeff, EDMAN, Anne-Christine & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Fine structure of the A-band i cryo-section. III. Cross bridge distribution and the axial structure of the human C-zone. Journal of Molecular Biology 155(1982) pp 467-494. STRANDMAN, Eva: se Dimitrijevic, Predrag; se FODSTAD, Harald WEST, Kurt: se FODSTAD, Harald WINBLAD, Bengt: se LEXELL, Jan; se NYBERG, Per ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael

NORDISKA SPRÅK BOLANDER, Maria & HENE, Birgitta: "Hä gå bra dä!" Varianter tillclet i regionalt standardspråk i Arvidsjaur. In: Nordsvenska. Språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:49.

218 - : Om Professorn och andra namn i populära flick- och pojkböcker. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 30-57. Stockholm 1984. EDLUND, Lars-Erik: Algot Hellbom och Israel Ruong. Oknytt. Medlemsblad för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1983:1/2. - : Debatten om Vörårunorna. Oknytt. Medlemsblad för Johan Nordlandersällskapet 1983:3/4. - (Red.): Från finnmarker och ådalar. Mellannorrländsk kultur- och socialhistoria från sju sekler. Skrifter utgivna av Johan Nordlandersällskapet 1982:4. ISSN 0384-6664. - : Johan Nordlander, Norrlands store folkloresamlare. Norra Västerbotten 20/4 1982. - : Litteratur med norrländsk anknytning — ett axplock. Oknytt. Medlemsblad för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1984:1/2. - : Mera om ortsboöknamn. Oknytt. Medlemsblad för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1982:3/4. - : Nordsvenska ortsboöknamn. Skrifter utgivna av Dialekt-, ortnamns- och folkminnes­ arkivet i Umeå. Serie B. Namn 1984:1. 28 + 244 s. ISBN 91-86372-04-01. - : Norrlandslitteratur 1982. Ett axplock. Oknytt. Medlemsblad för Johan Nordlander­ sällskapet 1983:1/2. - : Några ortnamn inom Bodens kommun. In: Boden. Från mulbete till garnisonsstad. Boden 1982. - (Red.) Oknytt: Medlemsblad för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 3(1982). ISSN 0349-1706. - : Ree av Algot Hellbom. Medelpadska dialektord. Sundsvall 1984. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 107(1984) pp 130-139. - : Smålusviskare och strömmingsstrypare. Nordsvenska ortsboöknamn berättar. Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 1984:2. - : Den språkliga delen av Luleälvsprojektet. Skrifter från Luleälvs-projektet 1982:2. - : Staingyllp och slåggagys. Några gotländska invektiv samlade av Per Arvid Säve. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 71-90. Stockholm 1984. - (Red.) & ERICSSON, Tom: Tre kulturer. 1. Medlemsbok för Johan Nordlander-säll­ skapet. Umeå 1983. 205 s. ISSN 0281-9546. - (utg.), HAGERVALL, Claes Börje, LILJESTRAND, Birger (huvudred.) & MELE- FORS, Evert: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillagnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:61. Stockholm. 20 + 278 s. ISBN 91-7174-161-5. EKLUND, Britta: 'Jag såg han.' Om objektsformer av personliga pronomen i nord­ svenskan. Nordsvenska. Språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter. Acta Universitatis Umen­ sis. Umeå Studies in Humanities 1982:49. ERSSON, Eva: "Det blir så svårt i 4:an!" En jämförelse mellan några oäböcker i åk 3 och 4. Meddelanden från Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Umeå universitet 1982:22. ISSN 0348-4874-22. FRIES, Sigurd: "Hä blås kalla" — en adverbtyp och en ändelsevokal. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 105(1982) pp 7-30. : Om det färöiska ordet baraldur 'en (Juniperus)' och dess funktion i äldre tid. Frod- skaparrit. Annales Societatis Scientiarum Faeroensis 1982:30. - : De svenska växtnamnen i Peter Artedis Nordmalingsflora från 1729. Från finnmarker och ådalar. Mellannorrländsk kultur- och socialhistoria från sju sekler. Skrifter utgivna av Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1982:4. - (utg.): Fem artiklar om personnamn. Anthroponymica Suecana 1982:9. ISSN 0402-5822. l-RIES, Sigurd (utg.) & ELERT, Claes-Christian: Au-diftongen i nutida svenska. In: From sounds to words. Essays in honor of Claes-Christian Elert 23 December 1983. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:60 pp 115-120. - : Former med g av ordet havre i Sverige och Norge. Språk och tradition. Festskrift till Sven Benson. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 106(1983) pp 51-62. : Linné och samerna. Thüle. Norrländsk kulturtidskrift 1983:5.

219 - : Nordsvenska. Språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:49. 254 s. ISBN 91-7174-113-6. - : Ordbildning i stor skala. Ett förslag till nya svampnamn. Språkvård 1983:2. - : Ortnamn och bebyggelsehistoria i norra Sverige. Kungl Vitterhets Historie- och Antikvitetsakademiens årsbok 1983. - : Om -sen i svenska sjönamn av typen Löfsen och Tansen. Studier i nordisk filologi 65(1984). - : Spännvidden mellan namnets och bebyggelsens ålder belyst av ortnamnsskicket i övre Norrland. NORNA-rapporter 1984:26. - : "Träd jag sätter ..." Om poetisk ordföljd hos Karlfeldt och andra. Karlfeldt-bladet 29(1983). HAGERVALL, Claes Börje: Tre ortnamn på Spöl-. Tre kulturer. Medlemsbok för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 1984:2. - : se EDLUND, Lars-Erik HEDQUIST, Rolf: Att påverka med språk. En översikt av språkliga påverkningsmedel med exemplifiering från Radio Moskvas, Radio Berlin Internationals och Radio Polonias svenskspråkiga sändningar. Beredskapsnämnden för psykologiskt försvar 1983:113. ISBN 91-38-06985-7. - : Eerste hulp in het Deens. Skandinavisk — nederländsk språkförståelse. Rapport 2. Umeå 1984. 46 s. ISBN 91-7174-149-6. - : Eerste hulp in het Zweeds. Skandinavisk-nederländsk språkförståelse. Rapport 1. Umeå 1984. 49 s. ISBN 91-7174-148-8. - : Egennamnens semantik. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 127-134. Stockholm 1984. - : Nederländares förståelse av danska och svenska. En språkpedagogisk undersökning med utnyttjande av likheterna mellan språken. Skandinavisk-nederländsk språkför­ ståelse. Rapport 3. Umeå 1984. 116 s. ISBN 91-7174-150-x. - : Populärvetenskap — diskussionsinlägg. In: Rosengren, Karl-Erik & Ingelstam, Hans (Red.). Forskningsinformation i massmedierna. Stockholm 1983. HENE, Birgitta & HOLMGREN, Barbro: "Den dyrkade Lasse och stackars lilla Lotta". En syntaktisk-semantisk studie av personbeskrivande adjektiv och adverb i populära ungdomsböcker. Diss. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:64. Umeå 1984. 269 s. + 46s. ISBN 91-7174-169-0. - : "Vi flytt int'." Presens av olika verb samt preteritum av vara i standardspråken i Arvidsjaur och Skellefteå. In: Nordsvenska. Språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter. Stock­ holm 1982. HENE, Birgitta: se BOLANDER, Maria HOLMGREN, Barbro: se HENE, Birgitta JONSSON, Åke: En bibliografi över vad som skrivits om svenskt språk i övre Norrland. Nordsvenska. Språkdrag i övre Norrlands tätorter. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:49. - : Den omsorgsfulle ordmålaren. Studier i Sven Jerrings radiospråk mot bakgrund av radions allmänna syn på språket under de första decennierna. Diss. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1982:48. 193 s. ISBN 91-7174-109-7. - : Det svenska folkets klagomål. Något om en språkvårdens korrespondens. In: Flori­ legium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 162-165. Stockholm 1984. LILJESTRAND, Birger: Keikka och pilkhalare. Något om finlandssvenskt tidningsspråk. Språkbruk 1983:2. - : "Kvem äre". Om pronomen hos Josefina Bengts. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 166-175. Stockholm 1984. - : Måste man kunna skriva bra för att kunna lära andra att skriva bra? Nordlund. Småskrifter från Institutionen för nordiska språk i Lund 1983:2.

220 - : "Den omsorgsfulle ordmålaren" — en studie i Sven Jerrings radiospråk. / En recen­ sionsartikel /. Nysvenska studier 63(1982). - : Sarja och simstrand. Funderingar kring finlandssvenskt tidningsspråk. Svenska folk­ skolans vänners kalender 98(1984). Jakobstad. - : Tal i prosa. 1. Forskningsöversikt. Meddelanden från Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Umeå universitet 1983:24. - : Tal i prosa. Om svenska författares anföringsteknik. Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1983:54. - : se EDLUND, Lars-Erik LINDBLAD, Inga-Britt: Språket i lokalradion. En introduktion. Skrift utgiven av Tvär­ vetenskapliga seminariet i masskommunikation vid Umeå universitet. Umeå 1982. 38 -f- 6 s. - : Syntax och stil i lokalradiospråk. In: Svenskans beskrivning 1984:14. Lund 1984. LINDBLOM, Else-Britt: Önamnsstudier i Luleå skärgård. Norrbotten. Norrbottens museums årsbok 1980-1981. Tr. 1982. MELEFORS; Evert: Bynamnet Jävre. Tre kulturer. Medlemsbok för Johan Nordlander­ sällskapet 1984:2. Umeå 1984. - : Byngen, Smissen och Listar. Inbyggarbeteckningar och husbondenamn på Gotland. 1. Typologi och ordbildning. Diss. Uppsala 1983. ISBN 91-85352-06-3. - : Ling och graun — växtbeteckningar i ortnamn på Gotland. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 176-190. Stockholm 1984. - : se EDLUND, Lars-Erik NILSSON, Jan: Om det isländska växtnamnet småri m. 'smäre, klöver'. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 201-210. Stockholm 1984. OTTERBJÖRK, Roland: Boki om Sondemåhle eller Sorundamålet i teori och praktik. Sorunda hembygdsförening 1981-1982. Farsta 1983. 108 s. - : Eftermälet på Kolsundsstenen. In: Florilegium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 211-217. Stockholm 1984. - : faruki, kurR och ublubR. Namnproblem i sörmländska runinskrifter. Studia Anthro- ponymica Scandinavica 1(1983) pp 21-44. - : Inledning. In: Släktnamn i Umeå 1622-1820. Anthroponymica Suecana 10. Umeå 1984. - : Mus-Gea och Gestabondo. Något om prefigerade och 'absoluta' binamn. NORNA- rapporter 1983:2. - : Starka och svaga kvinnonamn i fornsvenskan. Namn och bygd 71(1983). - : Kungl. Vetenskapssamhällets personnamnskommittés samlingar. NORNA-rapporter 1983:25. WENNSTEDT, Margit: Professor Sigurd Fries' tryckta skrifter. En bibliografi (Flori­ legium Nordicum. En bukett nordiska språk- och namnstudier tillägnade Sigurd Fries den 22 april 1984, pp 271-278. Stockholm 1984. - et al. (utg.): Släktnamn i Umeå 1622-1820. Anthroponymica Suecana 10. Umeå 1984. 442 s. ISBN 91-7174-173-9.

Versalt författarnamn betecknar forskare verksamma vid Umeå universitet. Hänvisningarna till andra medförfattare avser den aktuella institutionen.

221 OBSTRETRIK OCH GYNEKOLOGI Baird, D T, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, McNeilly, A S, Smith, S K & Wathen, C G: The effect of enucleation of the corpus luteum at différent stages of the luteal phase of the human menstrual cycle on subséquent follicular development. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 70(1984) pp 615-624. Bernhard, R P, Sastrawinata, S & HÖGBERG, Ulf: Risk of maternai death in Indonesia and Sweden: Patterns and trend in 3D display for teaching. Sozial- und Präventiv­ medizin 29(1984) pp 172-173. BIXO, Marie, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & WINBLAD, Bengt: Regional ansamling av progesteron i CNS under lutealfasen hos PMSG-behandlade prepuberala honråttor. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 91(1982) p 142. Abstrakt EN 2P. - : Regional progesterone accumulation in the brain of the PMSG-treated female rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 122(1984) pp 355-359. BIXO, Marie: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn BJERLE, Per: se LALOS, Ann BJERSING, Lars: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan BODÉN, Elisabeth, RYLANDER, Eva & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Kondylomatös vulvo- vaginit - en vanlig men ofta förbisedd infektion. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. BÄCKSTRÖM, Mona-Britt, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & JOELSSON, Ingemar: Stress during pregnancy and spontaneous premature labour. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2(1983) pp 169-170. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn: Premenstrual tension syndrome. In: Progesterone and pro- gestins, pp 205-219. Eds. Bardin, C W, Mauvais-Jarvis, P & Milgrom, E. New York 1982. - : Variation des taux hormonaux et modifications cycliquesde l'humeor. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité 10(1982) pp 423-427. - , ANDERSSON, Agneta, Baird, D T & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Production of 5-preg- nan-3,20dione by human corpus luteum. Acta Endocrinologica 1983:Suppl.256 p 257. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Baird, D T, Bancroft, J, BIXO, Marie, HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan, Sanders, D, Smith, S & ZETTERLUND, Bo: Endocrinological aspects on cyclical mood changes during the menstrual cycle or the premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2(1983) pp 8-20. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Bancroft, J, BIXO, Marie, HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan & Sanders, D: Premenstrual syndrome. Scandinavian Psychology 1982:Suppl.l pp 138-144. - & ZETTERLUND: Endocrinological aspects of premenstrual syndrome. In: Pre- menstrueel syndrome en postpartum depressie. Eds. van Hall, E V, Keirse, MJNC & Vermeulen, J. Leiden 1982. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Boyle, H & Baird, D T: Persistence of symptoms of pre­ menstrual tension in hysterectomized women. International Synopses Ob/Gy 1983 pp 14-15. Abstract. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Carlström, Kjell, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & Toivonen, J: The effect of progesterone, administrated via intravaginal rings on the follicular function and on serum levels of FSH, LH and prolactin in the human. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 64(1982) pp 53-58. - : Progesterone vaginal rings and endocrine profile. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 3(1982):3 p 44. Abstract 170. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, KJELLGREN, Olle & MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav: Progesterone — a marker for "nonendocrine" malignant ovarian tumörs? Xth World congress of gynecology and obstetrics. San Francisco, USA, 17-22 oktober 1982.

222 BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, LANDGREN, Sven, ZETTERLUND, Bo, BLOM, Sigfrid, Dubrovsky, B, BIXO, Marie & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Effects of ovarian hormones on brain excitabili and their relation to epilepsy seizure variation during the menstrual cycle. In: Advances in epileptology: XVth epilepsy international symposium, pp 269-277. Ed. Porter, R J. New York 1984. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, McNeilly, A S, Leask, R M & Baird, D T: Pulsatile sécrétion of LH, FSH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone during the human menstrual cycle. Clinical Endocrinology 17(1982) pp 29-42. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav «fe KJELLGREN, Olle: Progesterone as a possible tumör marker for "non-endocrine" ovarian malignant tumörs. Gyneco- logic Oncology 16(1983) pp 129-138. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Sanders, D & Bancroft, J: Premenstrual tension and hormonal variations during the menstrual cycle. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl. 116 p 104. Abstract 177. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Sanders, D, Leask, R M, Davidson, D, Warner, P & Bancroft, J: Mood, sexuality, hormones and the menstrual cycle. II. Hormone levels and their relationship to premenstrual syndrome. Psychosomatic Medicine 45(1983) pp 503-507. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, Smith, S, Lothian, H & Baird, D T: Förlängd follikelfas och sänkta gonadotropiner efter hysterektomi med corpus lute-ektomi hos kvinnor med det premenstruella syndromet (PMS). Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 91(1982) p 211. Abstract OB 14P. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, ZETTERLUND, Bo, BLOM, Sigfrid & Romano, M: Effects of continous progesterone infusion on the epileptic discharge frequency women with partial epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984) pp 240-248. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn: se Baird, D T; se BIXO, Marie; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Mona- Britt; se HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan; se MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav; se Sanders, Diane; se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar CAJANDER Stefan, HOLST, Juhani, Carlström, K, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Endometrial response following percutaneous estrogen replacement therapy. A morphometric investigation. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 62(1983) pp 97-101. CAJANDER, Stefan: se HOLST, Juhani; se OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt Carlström, K, Lagrelius, A & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Perifera serumnivåer av totalöstron och dehydroepiandrosteronsulfat vid 'icke steroidproducerande' ovarialcancer. Nordisk fertilitetsklubbs 25 möte, Helsingfors 1984. Abstract. DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se HELGASON, Stefan; se NILSSON, Bo; se OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt DAMBER, Mats-Göran: Menstruationscykelns reglering. Hormonell nivådiagnostik av amenorré. In: Gynekologi i öppen vård pp 24-38. Red. von Schoultz, Bo. Stockholm 1982. - , DAMBER, Jan-Erik, NILSSON, Bo, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & SÖDERGÅRD, Rag­ nar: Danazol displacement of testosterone and influence on free testosterone levels. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.l23 p 115. DAMBER, Mats-Göran, NILSSON, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Danazol displacement of testosterone and influence on sex hormone binding glo- bulin capacity and free testosterone levels. Xth world congress of gynecology and obstetrics. San Francisco 1982. DAMBER, Mats-Göran: se CAJANDER, Stefan; se ERIKSSON, Leif; se HELGASON, Stefan; se HOLST, Juhani; se NILSSON, Bo; se von SCHOULTZ, Bo ERIKSSON, Anders: se RYLANDER, Eva

223 ERIKSSON, Leif, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Follikelcysta eller cancer — resultat av ett års ovarialkirurgi. XL Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 92 1983:8. Abstrakt. HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan, BÄCKSTRÖM,Torbjörn, HOLST, Juhani&vonSCHOULTZ, Bo: Cyclical mood changes provoked by sequential estrogen-gestagen therapy. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2(1983) pp 202-203. Abstract. - : "Premenstrual syndrome" in postmenopausal women taking cyclical estrogen/ges- tagen treatment. Nordisk förening för obstetrik och gynekologi, XXII Kongress. Helsingfors 7-10 juni 1982. Abstrakt 179. - : Pre-menstrual syndrome in postmenopausal women undergoing cyclical estrogen- gestagen treatment. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.l 16 p 104. Abstract 178. HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn HELGASON, Stefan: Estrogen replacement therapy after the menopause. Estrogenicity and metabolic effects. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.l07. - , Carlström, Kjell, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, SELSTAM, Gunnar & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Effects of various estrogens on circulating androgens and Cortisol during replacement therapy in post-menopausal women. Maturitas 3(1982) pp 301-308. HELGASON, Stefan, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, von SCHOULTZ, Bo, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: A comparative longitudinal study on sex hormone binding globulin capacity during estrogen replacement therapy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 61(1982) pp 97-100. HELGASON, Stefan, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Estrogenic potency of oral replacement therapy estimated by the induction of pregnancy zone protein. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 61(1982) pp 75-79. HELGASON, Stefan, Wilking, Nils, Carlström, Kjell, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: A comparative study on the estrogenic effects of tamoxifen and estradiol-17/J in post-menopausal women. Journal of Clinical and Endocrinological Metabolism 54(1982) pp 404-408. HOLMGREN, Gösta: se RYDNERT, Jan HOLST, Juhani: Percutaneous estrogen therapy. Endometrial response and metabolic effects. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 1983:Suppl.l 15. - , CAJANDER, Stefan, Carlström, Kjell, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: A comparison of liver protein induction in postmenopausal women during oral and percutaneous oestrogen replacement therapy. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynae­ cology 90(1983) pp 355-360. - : Percutaneous administration of oestrogen — a new alternative for systemic therapy. Nordisk förening för obstretrik och gynekologi. XXII Kongress. Helsingfors 1982. - : Percutaneous estrogen replacement therapy. Effects on circulating estrogens, gona- dotropins and prolactin. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 62(1983) pp 49-53. - : Percutaneous oestrogen therapy opposed by lynestrenol of natural progesterone — effects on circulating oestrogens. FSH, sex hormone binding globulin and pregnancy zone protein. Maturitas 5(1983) pp 1-8. HOLST, Juhani, CAJANDER, Stefan, Carlström, Kjell & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Morphometric assessment of endometrial growth in postmenopausal women during estrogen therapy. XIV Acta Endocrinologica Congress. Stockholm 1983. Acta Endocri- nologica 103(1983):Suppl.256. Abstract. HOLST, Juhani CAJANDER, Stefan, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Morfometri — en ny och känslig metod för att kvantifiera endometriets svar under hormonbehandling. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982.

224 HOLST, Juhani, CAJANDER, Stefan & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Cellulär morphometric analysis of the postmenopausal endometrium during treatment with percutaneous estra- diol-17 with and without oral gestagen. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 62(1983) pp 267-270. HOLST, Juhani, HOFER, Per-Åke, CAJANDER, Stefan & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Percutaneous estrogen therapy — a semi-quantitative histologie study of the abdominal skin. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 61(1982) pp 515-516. HOLST, Juhani, KETTUNEN, Juha, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & Agnhage, K: Gynekologisk skrapning — värdering av utbyte och kostnader. Läkartid­ ningen 79(1982) pp 3069-3073. HOLST, Juhani, KOSKELA, Timo & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Endometrial findings following curettage in 2018 women according to âge and indications. Annales Chi- rurgiae et Gynaecologiae 72(1983) pp 274-277. HOLST, Juhani & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Percutaneous estrogen replacement therapy — an alternative for orai treatment. Duodecim 99(1983) pp 1457-1462. Abstract. HOLST, Juhani: se CAJANDER, Stefan; se HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan; se NILSSON, Bo; se OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt HÖGBERG, Ulf: The decline of maternai mortality Sweden, 1750-1980 — comparative study. Proceedings. IMANEH 12(1983) pp 5-7. - : Förebyggande mödravård — en historisk tillbakablick, (The development of antenatal care). Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp:5009-5017. - : Mödradöd i förhistorisk tid. Populär arkeologi 2(1984) pp 27-28. - : Mödradöd i förhistorisk tid (Maternai mortality in prehistoric times). Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sällskapets årsskrift 1983 pp 103-114. - : Mödradödlighet i Sverige 1749-1899. Sektionen för medicinens historia. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. - : Prevention i u-landet Sverige (Prévention in 18th and 19th centuries Sweden). Motpol 2(1984) pp 5-9. - : Svagårens barn — ur folkhalsans historia (Children of poverty — on public health in the past). Stockholm 1983. 240 s. - & JOELSSON, Ingemar: Abortdödlighet i Sverige 1931-1980. Sektionen för obstetrik och gynekologi. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. HÖGBERG, Ulf: se Bernhard, R P JACOBSSON, Lars, LALOS, Ann, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & SIGURD, Inga-Britt: Legal abort i Sverige: motiv, relationer, sexualliv hos abortsökande samt personalattityder. Rapport till 1980 års abortkommitté, 1982. JACOBSSON, Lars, von SCHOULTZ, Bo, LALOS, Ann & Björk, Inga-Britt: Vård­ personal om legal abort. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3541-3545. JACOBSSON, Lars, SOLHEIM, Folke & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Aspects of the choice of contraceptives after legal abortion in relation to psychological masculinity-femininity and psychosocial functions. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 3(1983) pp 53-58. JACOBSSON, Lars: se LALOS, Ann; se LALOS, Othon; se von SCHOULTZ, Bo JOELSSON, Ingemar, RYLANDER, Eva & Isberg, A: Laser vaporization of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia. A five-year follow-up. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl. 125 pp 33-36. JOELSSON, Ingemar & SIGURD, Jörgen: Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern. An indi- cator of fetal anemia in iso-immunization. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandina­ vica 63(1984) pp 463-466. IOELSSON, Ingemar, Wright V, Cecil, Riopelle, M A, Rubinstein, Ellas & RYLAN­ DER, Eva: CO2 laser and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Acta Obstetricia et Gyneco­ logica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl. 125.

225 JOELSSON, Ingemar, Åberg, A & Liedholm, H: Hypertension during pregnancy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl. 118. JOELSSON, Ingemar: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Mona-Britt; se HÖGBERG, Ulf; se Lunell, Nils-Olov; se RYLANDER, Eva KETTUNEN, Juha: se HOLST, Juhani KJELLGREN, Olle: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav KOSKELA, Timo: se HOLST, Juhani LALOS, Ann, Frankman, Olle, JACOBSSON, Lars & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Bakgrunds­ faktorer till bristande antikonception hos abortpatienter. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 2646-2648. LALOS, Ann, LALOS, Othon, JACOBSSON, Lars & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Psykolo­ giska effekter av den medicinska utredningen och kirurgiska behandlingen vid ofrivillig barnlöshet. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. LALOS, Ann: se JACOBSSON, Lars; se LALOS, Othon; se von SCHOULTZ, Bo LALOS, Othon: Kirurgisk behandling av kvinnlig infertilitet — patienturval och mikro- kirurgisk teknik. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 2709-2711. - : Utredning av ofrivillig barnlöshet. Svensk gynekologisk förenings arbets- och refe­ rensgrupp för ofrivillig barnlöshet. Rapport 1983. - & BJERLE, Per: Miktionsvanor och urodynamiska fynd före och efter subtotal resp total hysterektomi. (Poster) Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1984. LALOS, Othon, LALOS, Ann, JACOBSSON, Lars & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Psykolo­ giska reaktioner under utredning och inför kirurgisk behandling av infertilitet. Nordisk fertilitetsklubbs 25 möte. Helsingfors 1984. LALOS, Othon & NILSSON Bo: Dysmenorrhea in women with IUCDs: Treatment with a prosteglandin synthetase inhibitor. Xth World congress of gynecology and obstetrics. San Francisco 1982. - : Dysmenorrhea in women with intrauterine contraceptive device. Treatment with a Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, Naproxen. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 21(1983) pp 33-37. LALOS, Othon, Åberg, M & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Kvinnlig sterilisering. — En säker och irreversibel preventivmetod? Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 3359-3360. LALOS, Othon: se LALOS, Ann LANDGREN, Sven: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn Lunell, Nils-Olov, JOELSSON, Ingemar, Lewander, R, Nylund, L & Sarby, B: Clinical détermination of uteroplacental blood flow: methodology and application. In: Uterine and placental blood flow. Eds. Moawad, A H & Lindheimer, M O. New York 1982. - , Thornström, S & Wagner, J: Utero-placental blood flow and the effect of /fc-adreno- ceptor stimulating drugs. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl. 108 pp 25-28. MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn «fe KJELLGREN, Olle: Androgener hos kvinnor med epithelial ovarialcancer. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Hygiea 93(1984) p 218. Abstract OB 2P. - : Progesterone (p) and 20or-OH-progesterone (20a- OH-P) as tumour markers in women with malignant "non-endocrine"epithalial ovarian carcinoma. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 19(1983):Suppl. p 1185. Abstract 353. MÄHLCK, Carl Gustav: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn NILSSON, Bo, Bergqvist, A, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Characte- ristics of the estrogen binding in human thymus. Nordisk förening for obstetrik och gynaekologi. XXIV Kongres. Odense 1984. Abstract.

226 NILSSON, Bo, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Danazol displacement of testosterone and effect on free testosterone levels. VI International congress on hormonal steroids. Jerusalem 1982. NILSSON, Bo, HOLST, Juhani & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Serum levels of unbound 17yS-oestradiol during oral and percutaneous postmenopausal replacement therapy. British Journal of Obstetrics Gynaecology 91(1984) pp 1031-1036. NILSSON, Bo, CARLSSON, Sven, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, Lindblom, D, SÖDER­ GÅRD, Ragnar & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Specific binding of 17/?-estradiol in the human thymus. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 149(1984) pp 544-547. NILSSON, Bo, CARLSSON, Sven, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, Lindblom, D, SÖDER­ GÅRD, Ragnar, Wilking, N & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Thymus ett målorgan för östro- gent hormon. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. NILSSON, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar, DAMBER, Mats-Göran, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Free testosterone levels during danazol therapy. Fertility and Sterility 39(1983) pp 505-509. NILSSON, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Danazol and gestagen displacement of testosterone and influence on sex-hormone- binding globulin capacity. Fertility and Sterility 38(1982) pp 44-53. NILSSON, Bo: se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se LALOS, Othon; se von SCHOULTZ, Bo OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt: Orai progesterone and estrogen/progestogen therapy. Effects of natural and synthetic hormones on subfractions of HDL cholesterol and liver proteins. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl.l27. - , Carlström, K, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, NILSSON, Bo & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Absorp­ tion of orai progesterone and its conversion into deoxycorticosterone during estrogen replacement therapy. 4th International congress on the menopause. Orlando, Florida 1984. Abstract. OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt, Carlström, K, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Conversion of orai progesterone into deoxycorticosterone during postmenopausal repla­ cement therapy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 577-579. - : Serum levels of progesterone and some of its metabolities including deoxycorticoste­ rone after oral and parental administration. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaeco­ logy 91(1984) pp 1111-1119. OTTOSON, Ulla-Britt, Carlstrom, K, Johansson, B G & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Effects of an antiestrogen on subfractions of HDL cholesterol during estrogen replacemant therapy. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 18(1984) pp 140-146. OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt, HOLST, Juhani, CAJANDER, Stefan, Carlström, K, DAM­ BER, Jan-Erik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Orai progesterone — an alternative to synthetic progestogens in clinical practice. Nordisk förening for obstetrik og gynaekologi. XXIV Kongres. Odense 1984. Abstract. OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt, Lagrelius, A, Rösing, U & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Relative fatty acid composition of lecithin during postmenopausal replacement therapy — a compa- rison between ethinylestradiol and estradiol valerate. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investi­ gation 18(1984) pp 296-302. OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt: se von SCHOULTZ, Bo PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, GOUSTIN, Anton S, RYDNERT, Jan, Wahlström, T, BJERSING, Lars, Stehlin, D & OHLSSON, Rolf: Spatial and temporal pattern of cellulär myc oncogene expression in developing human placenta: implications for embryonic cell prolifération. Cell 38(1984) pp 585-596. RONIN-WALKNOWSKA, Elisabeth, HOLMGREN, Per-Åke, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & ST1GBRAND, Torgny: Placental alkaline phosphatase compared with human placental lactogen and oestriol in high-risk pregnancies. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 18(1984) pp 206-211.

227 RYDNERT, Jan, HOLMGREN, Gösta & SIGURD, Jörgen: Case report. Intra-uterine diagnosis of an acardiac monster. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 569-570. RYDNERT, Jan: se PFEIFFER-OHLSON, Susan RYLANDER, Eva: Handläggning av dysplasi och andra portioförändringar. In: Gyneko- logi i öppen vård, pp 60-77. Red. von Schoultz, Bo. Stockholm 1982. - : Kolposkopisk screening av kvinnor med cytologiskt upptäckt atypi. Årsmöte i Svenska föreningen för cervixpatologi och kolposkopi, november 1982. - : Laservaporisation of C I N. 3 years follow-up by colposcopy. Årsmöte i Svenska föreningen för cervixpatologi och koloposkopi, november 1982. - , ERIKSSON, Anders, Ingelman-Sundberg, H & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: A colposcopie and histopathologic description of genital epithelium containing HPV antigen. Pro- ceedings of 5th World congress of the international federation for cervical pathology and colposcopy Excerpta Medica 1984. - : Detection of human papillomavirusantigen in cervical epithelium. Analysis of routine biopsies with IMPO-technique. Föredrag vid 4:e årsmötet för Svenska föreningen för cervixpatologi och kolposkopi 1984. - : Vårtvirus och precancerösa cervixförändringar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stamma 1983. RYLANDER, Eva, ERIKSSON, Anders & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Wartvirus infection on cervix uteri and vagina in women with atypical cervical cytology. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1984:Suppl. 59 pp 223-226. RYLANDER, Eva, Isberg, A & JOELSSON, Ingemar: Laser vaporisation of cervix, intraepithelial neoplasia. A five year follow-up. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scan­ dinavica 1984:Suppl.l25 pp 33-36. RYLANDER, Eva & JOELSSON, Ingemar: Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neopla­ sia by laser vaporisation. 1st Congress of European laser association. Cannes 1982. RYLANDER, Eva & von Krogh, G: Genitala vårtvirusinfektioner — kliniska aspekter. Läkartidningen 81(1984):39 pp 3488-3492. RYLANDER, Eva: se BODÉN, Elisabeth; se JOELSSON, Ingemar; se von Krogh, G Sanders, D, Warner, P, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & Bancroft, J: Mood, sexuality hormo­ nes and the menstrual cycle. Changes in mood and physic state. Psychosomatic Medi­ cine 45(1983) pp 487-501. von SCHOULTZ, Bo: : Bakgrundsfaktorer till bristande antikonception hos blivande abortpatienter. In: Dokumentation. Socialstyrelsens konferens om hälsovård for mödrar och barn inom primärvården, pp 37-38. Umeå 1983. Abstract. - : Behandling av klimakteriella besvär med östrogener. Läkartidningen 79(1982):52 pp 4917-4920. - : Blodningsrubbningar, myom och icke neoplastiska ovarialtumörer. Indikationer för abrasio. In: Gynekologi i öppen vård, pp 11-23. Red. von Schoultz, Bo. Stockholm 1983. - : Immunological effects of estrogen/progestogen. Nordisk förening for obstetrik og gynaekologi. XXIV Kongres. Odense 1984. Abstract. - : Klimakteriets symtomatologi och synpunkter på profylax och behandling med östro- gent hormon. In: Klimakteriet och dess behandling. Symposium i Linköping 1982. Svensk Gynekologisk Förenings arbets- och referensgrupp för perimenopausala pro­ blem. Rapport 1983:3 pp 6-10. - : Medicinsk riskbedömning vid peroral antikonception. In: Familjeplanering — igår, idag, imorgon, pp 27-30. Rapport från ett symposium anordnat av Schering. Älvsjö 1983. - : Östrogena substansers effekt på levermetabolismen. Menopaus. Substitutionsbehand- ling med östrogen. Socialstyrelsens kommitté för läkemedelsinformation 2(1983) pp 53-62. - , Björk, I B, JACOBSSON, Lars & LALOS, Ann: Free abortion: motives, attitudes and

228 relationship between women and their men. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 3(1983) pp 3-4. Abstract 566. von SCHOULTZ, Bo & DAMBER, Mats-Göran: Growth hormone, estrogens and liver protein synthesis. 4th International congress on the menopause. Orlando, Florida 1984. Abstract. von SCHOULTZ, Bo, NILSSON, Bo, Bergqvist, A, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & DAM­ BER, Mats-Göran: Estrogens and immunereactivity. 4th International congress on the menopause. Orlando, Florida 1984. Abstract. von SCHOULTZ, Bo, NILSSON, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar, DAMBER, Mats-Göran & Wilking, Nils: Specific estrogen receptor in human thymus. Xth World congress of gynecology and obstetrics. San Francisco 1982. von SCHOULTZ, Bo & OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt: Inför förskrivning av kombinerade p-piller. Hormonfakta. Recip 1983 pp 32-35. von SCHOULTZ, Bo & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Pregnancy zone protein: Chemistry, biology and clinical studies. In: Pregnancy proteins. Ed. Grudzinskas, J G. Sydney 1982. von SCHOULTZ, Bo: se BODEN, Elisabeth; se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se CAJAN- DER, Stefan; se Carlström, Kjell; se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se ERIKSSON, Leif; se HAMMARBÄCK, Stefan; se HELGASON, Stefan; se HOLST, Juhani; se JACOBS­ SON, Lars; se LALOS, Ann; se LALOS, Othon; se NILSSON, Bo; se OTTOSSON, Ulla-Britt; se RONIN-WALKNOWSKA, Elisabeth; se RYLANDER, Eva; se STIG­ BRAND, Torgny; se Tamsen, L; se Wilking, N; se Östensen, M SELSTAM, Gunnar: se HELGASON, Stefan SHANBHAG, Vithaidas: se SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar SIGURD, Inga-Britt: se JACOBSSON, Lars SOLHEIM, Folke: se JACOBSSON, Lars STIGBRAND, Torgny, MILLAN, José Luis & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Placental alkaline Phosphatase: clinical significance. In: Pregnancy proteins, pp 155-164. Ed. Grudzins­ kas, J G. Sydney 1982. STIGBRAND, Torgny: se HELGASON, Stefan; se RONIN-WALKNOWSKA, Elisa­ beth; se von SCHOULTZ, Bo SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, SHANBHAG, Vithaidas & Carsten- sen, H: Calculation of free and bound fractions of testosterone and estradiol-17/? to human plasma proteins at body temperature. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 16(1982) pp 808-810. SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se DAMBER, Mats-Göran; se HELGASON, Stefan; se NILSSON, Bo; se von SCHOULTZ, Bo Tamsen, L, Ingnäs, N, Johansson, S G O, Kjessler, B & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Preg- nancy-specific y?j-glycoprotein, SPj in maternai serum during uncomplicated single pregnancies. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 303-309. Wilking, N, Carlström, K, Gustafsson, S, Karnström, L & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (cn-PAG) - a possible marker in breast cancer? International Journal of Cancer 34(1984) pp 479-481. Wilking, Nils: se HELGASON, Stefan ZETTERLUND, Bo: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn

Östensen, M, von SCHOULTZ, Bo & Husby, G: Comparison between serum 2-preg- nancy-associated globulin and activity of rheumatoid arthrite and anchylosing Spon­ dylitis during pregnancy. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 12(1983) pp 315-318.

229 ODONTOLOGISK RÖNTGENDIAGNOSTIK AHLQVIST, Jan, Eliasson, Sören & WELANDER, Ulf: The cephalographic projection. Part II. Principles of image distortion in cephalography. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 12(1983) pp 101-108. AHLQVIST, Jan: se Eliasson, Sören Eliasson, Sören, WELANDER, Ulf & AHLQVIST, Jan: The cephalographic projection. Part I: General considérations. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 11(1982) pp 117-122. HALLMANS, Göran, NILSSON, Ulf, NYGREN, Charlotte, SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf, WET­ TER, Lars & WING, Kenneth: Tissue concentrations of zinc and iron in rats fed whole grains wheat bread or endosperm wheat bread supplemented with iron. Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology 2(1983) pp 61-74. HALLMANS, Göran, NILSSON, Ulf, SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf, WETTER, Lars & WING, Kenneth: The intestinal absorption in the rat of 6^Zn an(j 59pe from endosperm wheat bread with and without zinc and iron supplementation. Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology 2(1983) pp 137-150.

- : The intestinal distribution and absorption of 65Zn and ^Fe jn rats fed endosperm wheat bread supplemented with zinc and iron as mineral salts or in bran. Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology 2(1983) pp 117-135. McDavid, William D, Langlais, Robert P, WELANDER, Ulf & Morris, Charles R: Real, double and ghost images in rotational panoramic radiography. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 12(1983) pp 122-128. McDavid, William D, WELANDER, Ulf, Kanerva, Heikki & Morris, Charles R: Transfer function analysis in rotational panoramic radiography. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 24(1983) pp 27-32. McDavid, William D, WELANDER, Ulf, Kanerva, Heikki, Tronje, Gunilla & Morris, Charles R: Definitions of unsharpness and layer thickness in rotational panoramic radiography. Oral Surgery 57(1984) pp 96-101. McDavid, William D, WELANDER, Ulf & Morris, Charles R: Blurring effects in rotational panoramic radiography. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 53(1982) pp 111-115. McDavid, William D, WELANDER, Ulf, Pillai, Bhas K & Morris, Charles R: The Intrex - a constant-potential x-ray unit for periapical dental radiography. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 53(1982) pp 433-436. NILSSON, Ulf: se HALLMANS, Göran NYGREN, Charlotte: se HALLMANS, Göran SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: se HALLMANS, Göran Tronje, Gunilla, WELANDER, Ulf, McDavid, William D & Morris, Charles R: Image distortion in rotational panoramic radiography. VI. Distortion effects in sliding sys­ tems. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 23(1982) pp 153-160. WELANDER, Ulf, McDavid, William D, Higgins, Nick M & Morris, Charles R: The effect of viewing conditions on the perceptibility of radiographie détails. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 56(1983) pp 651-654. WELANDER, Ulf, McDavid, William D & Morris, Charles R: A method of increasing the anterior layer thickness in rotational panoramic radiography. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 12(1983) pp 133-136. WELANDER, Ulf: se AHLQVIST, Jan; se McDavid, William D; se Eliasson, Soren; se Tronje, Gunilla WETTER, Lars: se HALLMANS, Göran WING, Kenneth: se HALLMANS, Göran

230 ODONTOLOGISK TEKNOLOGI BERGMAN, Bo, BERGMAN, Maud & HELANDER, Herbert: Appearance of surfaces of dental amalgam in contact with gold. An in vivo study. Acta Odontologica Scandina­ via 40(1982):5 pp 325-332. BERGMAN, Bo: se Magnusson, Bertil; se OLSSON, Stig BERGMAN, Maud: Odontologisk teknologi. In: Odontologi 85, pp 19-29. Köpenhamn 1984. - : 5 år inom odontologin. Odontologisk teknologi. Tandläkartidningen 75(1983):5 s 216-235. - , G1NSTRUP, Olle & NILSSON, Bo: Potentials of and currents between dental metallic restorations. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982):5 pp 404-408. BERGMAN, Maud: se BERGMAN, Bo; se ERIKSSON, Torbjörn; se JOHANSSON, Berit; se LUNDMARK, Lars; se Magnusson, Bertil; se OLSSON, Stig; se SÖDER­ HOLM, Karl-Johan BESSING, Christer, GÜNNE, Johan & NILSSON, Hans: Protetik. Stockholm 1984, 109 s. BESSING, Christer, Carlsson, Gunnar E & LINDBERG, Rudolf: IP, RKP, chamfer, vad är det? Liten ordlista för tandtekniker och tandläkare. Tandläkartidningen 74(1982):6 pp 296-298. BESSING, Christer & LINDBERG, Rudolf: Liten ordlista i protetik. Tandteknikern 53(1984):7/8 pp 310-319. BESSING, Christer & WIKTORSSON, Åke: Comparison of two différent methods of polishing porcelain. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 91(1983):6 pp 482-487. ERIKSSON, Torbjörn, SJÖGREN, Göran & BERGMAN, Maud: Influence of supply of heat to cobalt-chromium frameworks during soldering and subsequent hardening heat treatment of wrought clasps. Swedish Dental Journal 7( 1983):1 pp 33-37. GINSTRUP, Olle: se BERGMAN, Maud GÜNNE, Johan: se BESSING, Christer HELANDER, Herbert: se BERGMAN, Bo JOHANSSON, Berit & LUNDMARK, Lars: Direct and indirect registration of currents between dental metallic restorations in the oral cavity. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984):5 pp 476-479. JOHANSSON, Berit, STENMAN, Evert & BERGMAN, Maud: Clinical study of patients referred for investigation regarding so-called oral galvanism. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984):5 pp 469-475. JOHANSSON, Berit: se LUNDMARK, Lars LINDBERG, Rudolf: se BESSING, Christer LINDE, Lars-Ake: The use of composites as core material in root-filled teeth. Swedish Dental Journal 7(1983):5 pp 205-214. LINDE, Lars-Àke: The use of composites as core material in root-filled teeth. II. Clinical investigation. Swedish Dental Journal 8(1984):5 pp 209-216. LUNDMARK, Lars, JOHANSSON, Berit, STENMAN, Evert & BERGMAN, Maud: Convenient instrument for oral galvanism measurements. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982):6 pp 468-471. LUNDMARK, Lars: se JOHANSSON, Berit Magnusson, Bertil, BERGMAN, Maud, BERGMAN, Bo & Söremark, Rune: Nickel allergy and nickel-containing dental alloys. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982):2 pp 163-167.

231 NILSSON, Bo: se BERGMAN, Maud NILSSON: Hans: se BESSING, Christer OLSSON, Stig, BERGMAN, Bo & BERGMAN, Maud: Zinc oxide-eugenol impression materials. Dimensionai stability and surface detail sharpness following treatment with disinfection solutions. Swedish Dental Journal 6(1982):4 pp 177-180. SJÖGREN, Göran: se ERIKSSON, Torbjörn STENMAN, Evert: se JOHANSSON, Berit; se LUNDMARK, Lars SÖDERHOLM, Karl-Johan: Hydrolytic dégradation of dental composites and effects of silane-treatment and filler fraction on compressive strenght and thermal expansion of composites. Diss. Umeå University Odontological Dissertations 1984:19. - , Zigan, M, Ragan, M, Fischlschweiger, W & BERGMAN, Maud: Hydrolytic dégrada­ tion of dental composites. Journal of Dental Research 63(1984): 10 pp 1248-1254. WIKTORSSON, Åke: se BESSING, Christer

OFTALMIATRIK ALM, Albert: Kinetics of glucose transport across the blood-retinal barrier. Letter to the Editor. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 25(1984) pp 491-492. - : Microcirculation of the eye. In: Physiology and pharmacology of the microcirculation. Vol 1, pp 229-359. Ed. Mortillaro, N A. New York 1983. ISBN 0-12-508301-7. - : se Karlsson, Conny; se Mäepea, Olav Franzén, O & LENNERSTRAND, Gunnar: Cortical contrast functions at différent retinal eccentricities. Swedish society of clinical neurophysiological proceedings. Stock­ holm, December 3, 1982. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 56(1983) p 15 P. HALLDÉN, Ulf: Astigmatism in gonioscopy. Acta Ophthalmologica 60(1982) pp 742-744. - : Suppression scotomata in concomitant Strabismus with harmonious anomalous corres­ pondent. Acta Ophthalmologica 60(1982) pp 828-834. Karlsson, Conny, Maepea, Olav & ALM, Albert: Choline transport through the blood- retinal and the blood-brain barrier in vivo. Acta Ophthalmologica 62(1984) pp 763-766. LENNERSTRAND, Gunnar: Recent advances in the management of amblyopia. Journal of International Rehabilitation Medicine 5(1983):3 pp 128-131. - : Skelning och amblyopi ur neurofysiologiskt perspektiv. In: Ögonforskning idag, pp 105-114. Red. Ehinger, B & Inde, K. Stockholm 1982. - : Visual acuity testing with preferential looking in mental retardation. Acta Ophthal­ mologica 61(1983) pp 624-633. - : Visual assessment with preferential looking techniques in mentally retarded children. Acta Ophthalmologica 61(1983) pp 183-185. - : Visual recovery after treatment for pituitary adenoma. Acta Ophthalmologica 61(1983) pp 1104-1117. - & Samuelsson, B: Amblyopia in 4-year-old children treated with grating stimulation and full-time occlusion; a comparative study. British Journal of Ophthalmology 67(1983) pp 181-190. LENNERSTRAND, Gunnar: se Franzén, O

232 LINDBLOM, Bertil & THORBURN, William: Functional damage at diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmologica 62(1984) pp 223-229. - : Observed incidence of glaucoma in Hälsingland, Sweden. Acta Ophthalmologica 62(1984) pp 217-222. - : Prevalence of visual field defects due to capsular and simple glaucome in Hälsingland, Sweden. Acta Ophthalmologica 60(1982):3 pp 353-361. - : Ögontrycksmätning i primärvården meningsfull vid diagnostik av glaukom. Läkartid­ ningen 80(1983):35 pp 3091-3093. Mäepea, Olav, Karlsson, Conny & ALM, Albert: Blood-ocular and blood-brain barrier function in streptozopcin-induced diabetes in rats. Archives of Ophthalmology 102(1984) pp 1366-1369. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, Andersson, R, Benson, L, BLOM, Sigfrid, HOFER, Per-Åke, SANDGREN, Ola & STEEN, Lars: Familjär amyloidos med polyneuropati i Sverige — en översikt. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3785-3787. SANDGREN, Ola, Stenkula, Stefan & Dedorsson, I: Ögonförändringar vid primär amyloidos med polyneuropati. Sveriges ögonläkares förhandlingar 1983. SANDGREN, Ola: se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove THORBURN, William & Lindblom, Bertil: Survival time among patients with glaucoma- tous visual field defects. Acta Ophthalmologica 61(1983) pp 728-730. THORBURN, William: se Lindblom, Bertil

ONKOLOGI Alitalo, K, Ramsay, G, PFE1FFER-OHLSSON, Susan, Bishop, M, Colby, M & Levin­ son, A: Identification of nuclear proteins encoded by viral and cellulär myc oncogenes. Nature 306(1983) pp 274-277. Axelson, Olav, Flodin, U & HARDELL, Lennart: A comment on the reference series with regard to multiple exposure évaluation in a case-referent study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 8(1982):Suppl. 1 pp 15-19. BENGTSSON, Nils-Olof, HARDELL, Lennart & ERIKSSON, Mikael: Asbestos expo­ sure and malignant lymphoma. Lancet II (1982) p 1463. BENGTSSON, Mils-Olof: se HARDELL, Leimart BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo, SJÖGREN, Kerstin & TOMIC, Radisa: Sexual function in prostatic cancer. Patients treated with radio- therapy, orchiectomy or oestrogens. British Journal of Urology 56(1984) pp 64-69. BERGMAN, Bo: se TOMIC, Radisa BJERSING, Lars: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan BJÖRK, Glenn: se RASMUSON, Torgny BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn, MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav & KJELLGREN, Olle: Progesterone as a possible tumor-marker for "non-endocrine" ovarian malignant tumörs. Gyneco- logic Oncology 16(1983) pp 129-138. BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn: se MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se BERGMAN, Bo; se TOMIC, Radisa

233 DAMBER, Lena & LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar: Combined effects of mining and smoking in the causation of lung carcinoma. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 21(1982) pp 305-313. - : Lungcancer hos yrkeschaufförer. En fall-kontrollstudie i norra Sverige. Läkartid­ ningen 81(1984) pp 4529-31. DAMBER, Lena, LENNER, Per & LUNDGREN, Erik: The impact of growth pattern on survival in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma classified according to Lukes and Collins. Patho- logy. Research and Practice 174(1982) pp 42-53. DAMBER, Lena: se LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar; se RASMUSON, Torgny; se SAND­ STRÖM, Anita Edgren, Margareta, MODIG, Hans & Révész, Lazio: Radioprotection of Glutathion- deficient cells by thiol-compounds. In: Problem of natural and modified radiosensi- tivity, pp 220-226. Moscow 1983. ERIKSSON, Mikael: se BENGTSSON, Nils-Olof ERIKSSON, Sune: se HARDELL, Lennart HARDELL, Lennart & Axelson, Olav: Soft-tissue sarcoma malignant lymphoma and exposure to phenoxyacids or chlorophenols. Lancet I (1982) pp 1408-1409. HARDELL, Lennart & BENGTSSON, Nils-Olof: Epidemiologica! study of socioeco- nomic factors and clinical findings in Hodgkin's disease, and reanalysis of previous data regarding chemical exposure. British Journal of Cancer 48(1983) pp 217-225. - : JONSSON, Ulla, ERIKSSON, Sune & LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar: Aetiological aspects on primary 1?ver cancer with special regard to alcohol, organic solvents and acute inter­ mittent porphyria — an epidemiologica! investigation. British Journal of Cancer 50(1984) pp 389-397. HARDELL, Lennart, Johansson, B & Axelson, Olav: Epidemiological study on nasal cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer and their relation to phenoxy acid or chlorophenol exposure. American Journal of Industriai Medicine 3(1982) p 247-257. HARDELL, Lennart: se Axelsson, Olav; se BENGTSSON, Nils-Olov; se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta; se SANDAHL, Carla HOLM, Jan: se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta HOLM, Stig-Olov: se RASMUSON, Torgny JACOBSSON, Lennart: se RASMUSON, Torgny JEPPSSON, Annika: se RASMUSON, Torgny JONSSON, Ulla: se HARDELL, Lennart JORPES, Per: se ROOS, Göran KJELLGREN, Olle: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn; se MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar & SANDSTRÖM, Anita: Epidemiology of breast and gyneco- logic cancers in northern Sweden. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Report 36(1983) pp 42-48. - & DAMBER, Lena: Cancer in the counties of Västernorrland, Västerbotten and Norr­ botten, Sweden, 1959-1878. County council of Västerbotten 1982. LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar: se DAMBER, Lena; se HARDELL, Lennart; se SAND­ STRÖM, Anita LENNER, Per, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & ROOS, Göran: Fallbeskrivning. Spontanremis­ sion vid metastaserande mjukdelssarkom. Läkartidningen 80( 1983): 16 pp 1698-1699. LENNER, Per: se DAMBER, Lena; se LINDH, Jack; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta LINDH, Jack, LENNER, Per & ROOS, Göran: Monoclonal B-cells in peripheral blood

234 in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Corrélation with clinical features and DNA content. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 32(1984) pp 5-11. LINDHOLM, Christer: se LITTBRAND, Bo; se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta LITTBRAND, Bo, Edsmyr, Folke, Jakobsson, Per & LINDHOLM, Christer: Clinical experiences of multiple fractions per day in treatment of carcinoma of the oral cavity and of the bladder. International workshop on clinical implications of the non-conven- tional fraction with emphasis on multiple fractions a day(MFD). Malta, May 25th, 1984. LITTBRAND, Bo & Jakobsson, Per: Superfractionated radiotherapy of carcinoma in mouth. In: Progress in radio-oncology II, p 349. Ed. Kärcher, K H et al. New York 1982. LITTBRAND, Bo & LINDHOLM, Christer: Radiotherapy combined with Bleomycin. Radiosensitization Newsletter 1(1982):2 p 7. LITTBRAND, Bo: se BERGMAN, Bo; se RASMUSON, Torgny; se TOMIC, Radisa LUNDGREN, Erik: se DAMBER, Lena LÖFROTH, Per-Olof: se TOMIC, Radisa MARKLUND, Stefan: se WESTMAN, Gunnar MODIG, Hans: se Edgren, Margareta MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav, BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn & KJELLGREN, Olle: Progesterone (p) and 20 a-OH-progesterone (20 a-OH-p) as tumour markers in women with ma- lignant "non-endocrine" epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 19(1983):Suppl. 1185. Abstract 353. MÄHLCK, Carl-Gustav: se BÄCKSTRÖM, Torbjörn NORDENSSON, Ingrid, LENNER, Per & ROOS, Göran: Patient with B-cell neoplasia (Immunoblastic sarcoma) and Philadelphia chromosome (PH). Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 9(1983) pp 37-44. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se ROOS, Göran OHLSSON, Rolf: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan; se RYDNERT, Jan ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta, HARDELL, Lennart, HOLM, Jan, LENNER, Per, LIND­ HOLM, Christer & WAHLIN, Anders: Högdosbehandling med cytostatika vid akut myeloisk leukemi. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 2107-2109. ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta: se ROOS, Göran ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se LENNER, Per PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan: OK 10-transformed cell lines: Viral component genera­ tion and tumorgenicity. Intervirology 21(1983) pp 121-133. - , GOUSTIN, Anton S, RYDNERT, Jan, Wahlström T, BJERSING, Lars, Stehlin, D & OHLSSON, Rolf: Spatial and temporal pattern of cellulär myc oncogene expression in developing human placentas; Implications for embryonic cell prolifération. Cell 38(1984) pp 585-596. PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, Zabielski, J, OHLSSON, Rolf, Frykberg, L, Knowles, J, Pettersson, R, Oker-Blom, N, Philipson, L, Vaheri, A & Vennström, B: Avian acute leukemia virus OK 10: Analysis of its myc oncogene by molecular cloning. Journal of Virology 46(1983) pp 347-354. PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan: se Alitalo, K: se RYDNERT, Jan RASMUSON, Torgny & BJÖRK, Glenn: Pseudouridine, a modified mucleoside as biolo­ gica! marker in malignant lymphomas. In: Cancer detection and prevention. New York 1983.

235 - , DAMBER, Lena, HOLM, Stig-Olov, JACOBSSON, Lennart, JEPPSSON, Annika, LITTBRAND, Bo, STIGBRAND, Torgny & WESTMAN, Gunnar: An évaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, placental alkaline phosphatase and modified nucleosides and biological markers in malignant lymphomas. Recent Results in Cancer Research 84(1983), pp 331-343. RAMUSON, Torgny, JEPPSSON, Annika & STIGBRAND, Torgny: Placental and placental-like alkaline phosphatases in sera from healthy adults and cancer patients. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 166(1984). ROOS, Göran, NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta, JORPES, Per & RUDOLPHI, Olle: Patient with acute B-cell leukemia of Burkitt's type (L3) and marker chromosomes including an (8:14) translocation. Leukemia Research 6(1982) pp 27-31. ROOS, Göran: se LENNER, Per; se LINDH, Jack; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid RUDOLPHI, Olle: se ROOS, Göran RYDNERT, Jan, PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, GOUSTIN, Anton S & OHLSSON, Rolf: Temporal and spatial pattern of cellulär myc oncogene expression during placental development. In: 2nd world congress on trophoblastic diseases. Singapore. NCI Mono­ gram 1984. RYDNERT, Jan: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan RÖNNLUND, Ulla: se SANDAHL, Carla SANDAHL, Carla, RÖNNLUND, Ulla & HARDELL, Lennart: Nutritionsstatus hos patienter med strålbehandling av cancer i svalgmunhåla och strupe. Näringsforskning 1(1984) pp 14-20. SANDSTRÖM, Anita, LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar & DAMBER, Lena: Occurrence of other malignancies in patients treated for basal cell carcinoma of the skin. A cohort stu­ dy. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 23(1984) pp 227-229. SANDSTRÖM, Anita: se LARSSON, Lars-Gunnar SJÖGREN, Kerstin: se BERGMAN, Bo STIGBRAND, Torgny: se RASMUSON, Torgny TOMIC, Radisa, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo & LÖF­ ROTH, Per-Olof: Effects of external radiation therapy of cancer of the prostate on the serum concentrations of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin. Journal of Urology 130(1983) pp 287-289. TOMIC, Radisa: se BERGMAN, Bo WAHLIN, Anders: se ÖSTERMAN, Birgitta WESTMAN, Gunnar: Superoxide dismutase: radiobiological significance. Occurence in human tissues, tumours and tumour cell-lines. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dis­ sertations. N.S. 1983:94. - & MARKLUND, Stefan: Diethylditiocarbamate inhibition of CuZn superoxide dismu­ tase in human erythrocytes: no increase in radiation haemolysis. International Journal of Radiation Biology 43(1983) pp 103-109. WESTMAN, Gunnar & Midander, Jorgen: Post-irradiation diethyldithiocarbamate-inhi- bition of CuZn superoxide dismutase reduces clonogenic survival of Chinese hamster V-79 cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 45(1984) pp 11-20. WESTMAN, Gunnar: se RASMUSON, Torgny

236 ORAL KIRURGI BOQUIST, Lennart: se kOSENQUIST, Jan GUSTAFSSON, Ingegerd, NYSTRÖM, Elisabeth & Quiding, Hans: Effect of preopera­ tive Paracetamol on pain after oral surgery. European Journal of Clinical Pharma- cology 24(1983) pp 63-65. JONES, lan, KLÄMFELDT, Agneta & SANDSTRÖM, Torsten: The effect of continous mechanical pressure upon the turnover of articular cartilage proteoglycans in vitro. Clinical Orthopaedics 165(1982) pp 261-267. JONES, lan, McGuire, Mary & KLÄMFELDT, Agneta: Enhanced breakdown of bovine cartilage proteoglycans by conditioned synovial medium in vitro: A possible role for Prostaglandins. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 11(1982) pp 177-183. JONES, lan: se KLÄMFELDT, Agneta JONSSON, Gunnar: se ÅSTRAND, Per KLÄMFELDT, Agneta: Metabolism of articular cartilage proteoglycans in vitro. Diss. Umeå University Odontological Dissertations 1982:17. - : Synthesis of articular cartilage proteoglycans by isolated bovine chondrocytes. Effect of autogenous conditioned synovial medium in vitro. Agents and Actions 14(1984) pp 58-62. - , JONES, lan & McGuire, Mary: Enhanced breakdown of bovine articular cartilage proteoglycans by conditioned synovial medium in vitro. The effect of glucocortocoids and protein synthesis inhibitors. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 11(1982) pp 230-234. KLÄMFELDT, Agneta: se JONES, lan LORENTZON, Ronny: se ROSENQUIST, Jan LUNDGREN, Stefan & ROSENQUIST, Jan: Amnesia, pain experience and patient satis­ faction after sedation with intravenous diazepam. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 41(1983) pp 99-102. - : Comparison of sedation, amnesia and patient comfort produced by intravenous and rectal diazepam. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 42(1984) pp 646-650. NORDIN, Tomas: se NYSTRÖM, Elisabeth NYSTRÖM, Elisabeth, ROSENQUIST, Jan, ÅSTRAND, Per & NORDIN, Thomas: Intraoral or extraoral approach in oblique sliding osteotomy of the mandibular ramus. A cephalometric study. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery 12(1984) pp 277-282. NYSTRÖM, Elisabeth: se GUSTAFSSON, Ingegerd ROSENQUIST, Jan, ROSENQUIST, Kerstin & SUND, Göran: Effects of bone grafting on maxillary bone healing in the growing pig. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 40(1982) pp 566-569. ROSENQUIST, Jan, LORENTZON, Ronny & BOQUIST, Lennart: The effect of fluoride on the parathyroid activity of normal and calcium deficient rats. Calcified Tissue International 25(1983) pp 533-537. ROSENQUIST, Jan: se LUNDGREN, Stefan; se NYSTRÖM, Elisabeth; se ÅSTRAND, Per ROSENQUIST, Kerstin: se ROSENQUIST, Jan SANDSTRÖM, Torsten: se JONES, lan SUND, Göran, Eckerdal, Olof & ÅSTRAND, Per: Changes in the temporo-mandibular joint after oblique sliding osteotomy of the mandibular rami. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery 11(1983) pp 87-91.

237 SUND, Gòran & ROSENQUIST, Jan: Morphological changes in bone following intra- medullary implantation of methyl methacrylate. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 54(1983) pp 148-156. SUND, Göran: se ROSENQUIST, Jan; se ÅSTRAND, Per ÅSTRAND, Per, Eckerdal, Olof & SUND, Göran: Intraosseous wiring in ramus osteo- tomy. Journal of Orai and Maxillofacial Surgery 41(1983) pp 789-794. ÅSTRAND, Per, Persson, Gunnar, Hellem, Sölve, JONSSON, Gunnar, Nord, Per- Gunnar & ROSENQUIST, Jan: Behandling av mandibular retrog-nathi. Tandläkar­ tidningen 76( 1984): 17. ÅSTRAND, Per: se NYSTRÖM, Elisabeth; se SUND, Göran

ORAL MIKROBIOLOGI ADAMSON, Michael & CARLSSON, Jan: Lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate protect bacteria from hydrogen peroxide. Infection and Immunity 35(1982) pp 20-24. BERGLIN, Ewa H, EDLUND, Maj-Britt K, NYBERG, Göran K & CARLSSON, Jan: Potentiation by L-cystine of the bactericidal effect of hydrogen peroxide in Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology 152(1982) pp 81-88. BYSTRÖM, Anders & SUNDQVIST, Göran: Bactériologie évaluation of the effect of 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite in endodontic therapy. Oral Surgery 55(1983) pp 307-312. BLOOM, Gunnar D: se SUNDQVIST, Göran CROSSNER, Claes-Göran: Variation in human oral lactobacilli following a change in sugar intake. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984) pp 204-210. EDLUND, Maj-Britt K: se BERGLIN, Ewa H; se CARLSSON, Jan HERRMANN, Björn: se CARLSSON, Jan; se SUNDQVIST, Göran HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart, JOHANSSON, Anders & CARLSSON, Jan: Lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate protect cultured mammalian cells against hydrogen peroxide toxicity. Medicai Biology 61(1983) pp 268-274. HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart: se CARLSSON, Jan JOHANSSON, Anders: se HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart JOHANSSON, Eva: se SUNDQVIST, Göran CARLSSON, Jan: Catalatic activity of lactoperoxidase in the presence of SCN". Bioche- mical and Biophysical Research Communications 116(1983) pp 568-573. - : Citation Classic. Commentary on Odontologisk Revy 18:5574, 1967. Current Con- tents/Clinical Practice 10(1982):3 p 18. - : Microbiology of plaque-associated periodontal disease. In: Textbook of clinical periodontology, pp 125-153. Ed. Lindhe, J. Copenhagen 1984. - : Regulation of sugar metabolism in relation to the feast-and-famine existence of plaque. In: Cariology today, pp 205-211. Ed. Guggenheim, B. Basel 1984. - , EDLUND, Maj-Britt K & HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart: Bactericidal and cytotoxic effects of hypothiocyanite-hydroeen peroxide mixtures. Infection and Immunity 44(1984) pp 581-586. CARLSSON, Jan, HERRMANN, Björn F, Höfling, José F & SUNDQVIST, Göran K: Degradation of the human Proteinase inhibitors alpha-a-antitrypsin and alpha-2-macro- globulin by Bacteroides gingivalis. Infection and Immunity 43(1984) pp 644-648.

238 CARLSSON, Jan, Höfling, José F & SUNDQVIST, Göran K: Degradation of albumin, haemopexin, haptoglobin and transferrin, by blackpigmented Bacteroides species. Journal of Medicai Microbiology 18(1984) pp 39-46. CARLSSON, Jan, Iwami, Y & YAMADA, Tadashi: Hydrogen peroxide excretion by oral Streptococci and effect of lactoperoxidase-thiocyanate-hydrogen peroxide. Infection and Immunity 40(1983) pp 70-80. CARLSSON, Jan: se ADAMSON, Michael; se BERGLIN, Eva; se HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart; se LÖFGREN, Sture; se SUNDQVIST, Göran LÓFGREN, Sture, TÄRNVIK, Arne, Thore, Magnus & CARLSSON, Jan: A wild and an attenuated strain of Francisella tularensis differ in susceptibility to hypochlorus acid: A possible explanation of their différent handling by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Infection and Immunity 43(1984) pp 730-734. NYBERG, Göran K: se BERGLIN, Ewa SUNDQVIST, Göran, BLOOM, Gunnar D, Enberg, Kjell & JOHANSSON, Eva: Phago- cytosis of Bacteroides melaninogenicus and Bacteroides gingivalis in vitro by human neutrophils. Journal of Periodontal Research 17(1982) pp 113-121. SUNDQVIST, Göran & CARLSSON, Jan: In vitro and in vivo studies on the Pertubation of host defence by black-pigmented Bacteroides species. In: Models of anaerobic infections, pp 129-138. Ed. Hill, M J. Amsterdam 1984. SUNDQVIST, Göran & JOHANSSON, Eva: Bactericidal effect of pooled human serum on Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Bacteroides asaccharolyticus and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 29-36. SUNDQVIST, Göran K, CARLSSON, Jan, HERRMANN, Björn F, Höfling, José F & VAÅTÄINEN, Anna: Degradation in vivo of the C3 protein of guinea-pig complément by a pathogenic strain of Bacteroides gingivalis. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984) pp 14-24. SUNDQVIST, Göran: se BYSTRÖM, Anders; se CARLSSON, Jan TÄRNVIK, Arne: se LÖFGREN, Sture VÄÄTÄINEN, Anna: se SUNDQVIST, Göran YAMADA, Tadashi: se CARLSSON, Jan

ORAL PATOLOGI Fredholm, Bertil B & LERNER, Ulf: Adenine nucleotide levels and adenosine metabolism in cultured calvarial bone. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984) pp 551-555. - : Metabolism of adenosine and 2'-deoxy-adenosine by fetal mouse calvaria in culture. Medicai Biology 60(1982) pp 267-271. GUSTAFSON, Gunnar T: Ecology of wound healing in the oral cavity. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 33(1984):Suppl.40 pp 393-409. - & Klareskog, Lars: Demonstration of Ia-positive dendritic mononuclear cells in the bone of rat jaws. Calcified Tissue International 35(1983):Suppl. Abstract 83 p A22. GUSTAFSON, Gunnar T & LERNER, Ulf: Bradykinin stimulâtes bone résorption and lysosomal enzyme release in cultured mouse calvaria. Biochemical Journal 219(1984) pp 329-332.

239 - : Coagulation activity and bone résorption — stimulation of mineral mobilization and lysosomal enzyme release by thrombin. Calcified Tissue International 35(1983):Suppl. p A22. - : Thrombin, a stimulator of bone résorption. Bioscience Reports 3(1983) pp 255-261. GUSTAFSON, Gunnar T: se LERNER, Ulf; se RANSJÖ, Maria LERNER, Ulf: Indomethacin inhibits bone résorption in vitro without affecting bone collagen synthesis. Agents and Actions 12(1982) pp 466-470. - & Fredholm, Bertil B: Adenosine metabolism and adenosine receptors in mouse calvarial bones. Calcified Tissue International 35(1983):Suppl. p A30. - : Studies on the mechanisms by which 2-chloroadenosine stimulâtes bone résorption in tissue culture. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 757(1983) pp 226-234. - : 2-chloroadenosine increases calcium mobilization from mouse calvaria in vitro. Acta Endocrinologica 100(1982) pp 313-320. - : 2-chloroadenosine stimulâtes bone résorption and inhibits collagen synthesis in mouse calvarial bones. Abstract from "VIIIth meeting of the federation of European con- nective tissue societies", Köpenhamn 1982. - & RANSJÖ, Maria: Transient inhibition on calcium mobilization from cultured mouse calvarial bones by the adenylate cyclase stimulator forskolin. Acta Physiologica Scandi­ navia 120(1984) pp 159-160. LERNER, Ulf & Granström, Gösta: Effect of levamisole on bone résorption in cultured mouse calvaria. European Journal of Pharmacology 105(1984) pp 1-14. LERNER, Ulf & GUSTAFSON, Gunnar T: Bradykinin stimulâtes bone résorption in vitro. Calcified Tissue International 36(1984):Suppl. 2 p S17. - : Inhibition of 1 or-hydroxy-vitamin Dj stimulated bone résorption in tissue culture by the calcium antagonist Verapamil. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 12(1982) pp 185-190. LERNER, Ulf & Larsson, Åke: The bisphosphonates HEBP and AHPrBP but not AHBP inhibit mineral mobilization and lysosomal enzyme release from mouse calvarial bones in tissue culture. Experientia 40(1984) pp 965-967. LERNER, Ulf, RANSJÖ, Maria & Fredholm, Bertil B: Effect of the phospodiesterase inhibitors ZK 62711 and Ro 20-1724 on bone résorption and cyclic AMP content in mouse calvarial bones. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 51(1982):Suppl.11 p 26. LERNER, Ulf: se Fredholm, Bertil B; se GUSTAFSON, Gunnar T; se RANSJÖ, Maria RANSJÖ, Maria, Fredholm, Bertil B, GUSTAFSON, Gunnar T & LERNER, Ulf: Enhanced cyclic AMP response to parathyroid hormone and adenosine in mouse cal­ varial bones from beige mice (Chediak-Higashi syndrome). Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 51(1982):Suppl.II p 33. RANSJÖ, Maria, Fredholm, Bertil B & LERNER, Ulf: Effects of forskolin and cholera- toxin on bone résorption and cAMP content in mouse calvarial bones. Calcified Tissue International 36(1984):Suppl.2 p S21. - : Studies on the cyclic AMP responses to parathyroid hormone and calcitonin in calvaria from beige mice (Chediak-Higashi syndrome). Calcified Tissue International 35(1983): Suppl. p A28. RANSJÖ, Maria: se LERNER, Ulf

240 ORTODONTI Babler, William, Persing, John, PERSSON, Maurits, Winn, Richard, Jane, John & Rodehaver, George: Skull growth after coronai suturectomy, periostectomy and dural transection. Journal of Neurosurgery 56(1982) pp 529-535. CROSSNER, Claes-Gòran, ORELAND, Anita, Persson, Gunnar & SJÖBLOM, Kristina: Lokalanestesi på barn — komplikationer och mjukdelsduration. Tandläkartidningen 75(1983):6 pp 296-299. JONSSON, Gunnar: se ÅSTRAND, Per LINDQVIST, Berit & Thilander, Birgit: Extraction of third molars in cases of anticipated crowding in the lower jaw. American Journal of Orthodontics 81(1982):2 pp 130-139. LYSELL, Lennart & Myrberg, Nils: Mesiodistal tooth size in the deciduous and per­ manent dentitions. European Journal of Orthodontics 4(1982):2 pp 113-122. ORELAND, Anita: se CROSSNER, Claes-Göran PERSSON, Mauritz: The role of movements in the development of suturai and diar- throdial joints tested by long-term paralysis of chick embryos. Journal of Anatomy 137( 1983):3 pp 591-599. - & Gunnarsson, Lill: När skall bettslipning utföras efter den ortodontiska behandlingen? Tandläkartidningen 74(1982): 11 pp 646-650. PERSSON, Maurits, Kiliaridis, Stavros & Lennartsson, Bertil: Comporative studies on orthodontie elastic threads. European Journal of Orthodontics 5(1983):2 pp 157-166. PERSSON, Maurits & Sundeli, Sten: Facial morphology and open bite deformity in amelogenesis imperfecta. A roentgenocephalometric study. Acta Odontologica Scandi­ navia 40(1982):3 pp 135-144. PERSSON, Maurits: se Babler, William; se Thilander, Birgit ROSENQUIST, Jan: se ÅSTRAND, Per SJÖBLOM, Kristina: se CROSSNER, Claes-Göran Thilander, Birgit, PERSSON, Maurits & Skagius, Sture: Roentgencephalometric stan­ dards for the facial skeleton and soft tissues profile of Swedish children and young adults. IL Comparisons with earlier Scandinavian normative data. Swedish Dental Journal 1982:Suppl. 15 pp 219-228. ÅSTRAND, Per, Persson, Gunnar, Hellem, Sölve, JONSSON, Gunnar, Nord, Per Gun­ nar & ROSENQUIST, Jan: Behandling av mandibular retrognathi. Tandläkartidningen 76(1984): 17 pp 910-921.

ORTOPEDISK KIRURGI AHLGREN, Olof, KARLBOM, Urban & LAIT1NEN, Lauri: Enklare montering med ny haloutrustning. Hjärtmassage kan utforas med västen påtagen. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2669-2671. AHLGREN, Olof: se LARSSON, Sven-Erik se LEMPERG, Rudolf se Lindman, Ronny

241 ANDREEN, Olle: Expérimental fracture healing. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dis­ sertations. N. S. 1984:126. - & LARSSON, Sven-Erik: Effects of parathyroidectomy and vitamin D on fracture healing. Fracture biomechanics in rats after parathyroidectomy and treatment with 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 54(1983) pp 805-809. - : Effects of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D on fracture healing. Calcium, phospate and zinc in callus and serum. Archives of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery 103(1984) pp 257-262. - : Multiple trauma and zinc metabolism in adult rats. Journal of Trauma 24(1984):4 pp 332-336. Axelsson, I, LORENTZON, Ronny & Pita, J C: Biosynthesis of rat growth plate glycos- aminoglycans in diabetes and malnutrition. Calcified Tissue International 35(1983) pp 237-242. BJORNST1G, Ult: se LORENTZON, Ronny BOQVIST, Lennart, NELSON, Lennart & LORENTZON, Ronny: Uptake of labelled alloxan in mouse organs and mitochondria in vivo and in vitro. Endocrinology 1 13(1983) pp 943-948. BOQVIST, Lennart: se LARSSON, Hans-Olov - : se LORENTZON, Ronny - : se NELSON, Lennart - : se ROSENQVIST, Jan BORSSÉN, Bengt & LITHNER, Folke: Amputations in diabetics and non-diabetics in Umeå county 1971-1977. Acta Medica Scandinavica 1984:Suppl. 687 pp 95-100. Brummer, R, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Mortensson, W: Radiographic five-year follow- up of femoral neck fractures. Advances in Orthopaedic Surgery 8(1984) pp 46-47. Bylander, B, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar, KÄRRHOLM, Johan & Naversten, Y: Scinti- metric évaluation of posttraumatic and postoperative growth disturbance using 99jcm MDP. Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis 24(1983) pp 86-96. DANIELSSON, Åke, LORENTZON, Ronny & LARSSON, Sven-Erik: Intestinal absorp­ tion and 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 17(1982) pp 349-355. - : Normal hepatic vitamin-D metabolism in icteric primary biliary cirrhosis associated with pronounced viatmin-D deficiency symptoms. Hepato-gastroenterology 29(1982) pp 6-8. DANIELSSON, Åke: se LORENTZON, Ronny HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar: se Aspenberg, P; se Brümmer, R; se Bylander, B; se Hägglund, G; se Kolmert, L; se KÄRRHOLM, Johan; se Mjöberg, B; se Ordenberg, G; se Ström- qvist, B HOLM, Stig & LARSSON, Sven-Erik: The penetration of flucloxcallin into cortical and cancellous bone during arthroplasty of the knee. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 6(1982) pp 243-247. Hägglund, G, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Norman, O: Correction by growth of rotational deformity after femoral fracture in children. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 54(1983) pp 858-861. Hägglund, G, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Ordeberg, G: Epidemiology of slipped capital femoral epiphysis in southern Sweden. Clinical Orthopaedics 191(1984) pp 82-94. JOHANSSON, Christer: se LORENTZON, Ronny JONES, lan, KLÄMFELDT, Agneta & McGuire, M B: Enhanced breakdown of bovine articular cartilage proteoglycans by conditioned synovial medium. Scandinavian Jour­ nal of Rheumatology 11(1982) pp 41-46.

242 KLÄMFELDT, Agneta: Metabolism of articular cartilage proteoglycans in vitro. Effects of synovial membrane products and mechanical pressure. Diss. Umeå University Odon- tological Dissertation. Abstract 1982:17. - : se JONES, lan KÄRRHOLM, Johan & HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar: Fotledsskador hos barn. Läkartid­ ningen 1983:37 pp 3294-3300. - , Laurin, S & Selvik, G: Post-traumatic growth disturbance of the ankle treated by the Langenskiöld procedure. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 54(1983) pp 721-729. KÄRRHOLM, Johan, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Selvik, G: Changes in tibiofibular relationships due to growth disturbances after ankle fractures in children. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 66A(1984) pp 1198-1210. - : Longitudinal growth rate of the distal tibia and fibula in children. Clinical Ortho- paedics 191(1984) pp 121-128. KÄRRHOLM, Johan, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Svensson, K: Prédiction growth pattern after ankle fractures in children. Journal of Pediatrie Orthopedics 3(1983) pp 319-325. KÄRRHOLM, Johan: se Bylander, B LA1TINEN, Lauri: se AHLGREN, Olof LARSSON, Hans-Olov: Quantitative morphological studies of the parathyroid gland. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N. S. 1984:144. - , LORENTZON, Ronny & BOQVIST, Lennart: Structure of the parathyroid glands, as revealed by différent methods of fixation. Cell and Tissue Research 235(1984) pp 51-58. LARSSON, Hans-Olov: se LORENTZON, Ronny LARSSON, Sven-Erik & AHLGREN, Olof: Effects of disodium ethane-l-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate (EHDP) in adult normal and selectively parathyroidectomized rats. 1. Effects on plasma calcium, bone tissue, and adrenai glands at low or normal calcium intake. Metabolie Bone Disease and Related Research 4(1982) pp 121-127. LARSSON, Sven-Erik: se ANDREEN, Olle; se DANIELSSON, Åke; se HOLM, Stig LEMPERG, Rudolf & AHLGREN, Olof: Prosthetic replacement of tumour-destroyed diaphyseal bone in the lower extremity. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 53(1982) pp 541-545. Lindman, A, AHLGREN, Olof & THELANDER, Ulf: Fallbeskrivning. Sjuktransport med helikopter — ett belysande fall. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1807-1808. LITHNER, Folke: se BORSSÉN, Bengt LORENTZON, Ronny, Johansson, Christer & BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf: Analys av idrotts­ skador och samhällskostnad i ett nordligt sjukvårdsdistrikt. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 340-343. - : Fotbollen orsakar flest skador men badmintonskadan är värst. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 340-343. LORENTZON, Ronny, LARSSON, Hans-Olov & BOQVIST, Lennart: The normal parathyroid glands of the mongolian gerbil. A quantitative structural study. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica Sect. A 92(1984) pp 257-265. - : Quantitative parathyroid morphology is unaltered in prolonged hypocalcemia. A quantitative electron microscopie study in the mongolian gerbil. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. Sect. A 92(1984) pp 267-274. LORENTZON, Ronny: se Axelsson, I; se BOQVIST, Lennart; se DANIELSSON, Åke; se LARSSON, Hans-Olov; se NELSON, Lennart; se ROSENQVIST, Jan Mjöberg, B, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Selvik, G: Instability, migration and laxity of total hip prosthesis. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 55(1984) pp 141-145.

243 - : Instability of total hip prostheses at rotational stress. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 55(1984) pp 504-506. NELSON, Lennart, LORENTZON, Ronny, BOQVIST, Lennart & L0VTRUP, Sören: Morphological differentiation of mitochondria in the early amphibian embryo. Expéri­ mental Cell Research 137(1983) pp 25-29. Ordeberg, G, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar & Sandström, S: Slipped capital femoral epiphysis in southern Sweden. Long-term result with no treatment of symptomatic primary treatment. Clinical Orthopaedics 191(1984) pp 95-104. ROSENQVIST, Jan, LORENTZON, Ronny & BOQVIST, Lennart: Effect of fluoride on parathyroid ectivity of normal and calcium-deficient rats. Calcified Tissue International 35(1983) pp 533-539. Strömqvist, B & HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar: Avascular necrosis associated with nailing of femoral neck fracture. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 54(1983) pp 687-694. - : Femoral head vitality in femoral neck fracture after osteosynthesis with hook-pin internal fixation. Clinical Orthopaedics 191(1984) pp 105-109. - , Ljung, P & Roos, H: Pre-operative and postoperative scintimetry after femoral neck fracture. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 66B(1984) pp 49-54. Strömqvist, B, HANSSON, Lars-Ingvar, Nilsson, L T & Thorngren, K G: Two-year follow-up of femoral neck fractures. Comparison of osteosynthesis methods. Acta Ortopaedica Scandinavica 55(1984) pp 521-525. THELANDER, Ulf: se Lindman, A

OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGI ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Arteria stapedialis in the rat. A microscopical study under normal conditions and in Otitis media with effusion (OME). Acta Anatomica 1 15(1983) pp 134-140. - & SÖDERBERG, Ove: The anatomy of the Eustachian tube in the rat. Anatomical Record 207(1983) pp 513-521. ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Clearance of effusion material from the attic space — an experimental study in the rat. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinolaryngology 5(1983) pp 1-10. ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The release of histamine from the pars flaccida mastcells — one cause of Otitis media with effusion Acta Otolaryngologica 94(1982) pp 517-522. ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, STENFORS, Lars-Eric & WIDEMAR, Louise: Mast cells in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane. A quantitative morphological and biochemical study in the rat. Experientia 39(1983) pp 287-289. - : Middle ear effusion caused by mechanical stimulation of the external auditory canal. An experimental study. Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 91-98. ALM, Per: se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric ANN1KO, Matti, Lim, David & Wròlewski, Romuald: Elemental composition of indivi­ duai cells and tissues in the cochlea. Acta Otolaryngologica 98(1984) pp 439-453. ANNIKO, Matti & Wikstrom, Sven O: Pattern formation of the otic placode and morphogenesis of the otocyst. American Journal of Otolaryngology 5(1984) pp 373-381.

244 BERGGREN, Diana & DIAMANT, Herman: A five year study of facial fractures with special considération of the blow-out fracture. In: Recent development in otolaryngo- logy. The Hungarian ORL society proceedings. Budapest 1984. ISBN 963-015678-4. BLOM, Sigfrid: se ZAKRISSON, John-Erik BLOOM, Gunnar D, CARLSÖO, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger & DOMEIJ, Siw: Ultrastructural changes of rat parotid acinar cells after selective Betaj -adrenoceptor drug treatment. Medicai Biology 61(1983) pp 305-312. BLOOM, Gunnar D: se ALM, Per-Erik; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars-Erik CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, BLOOM, Gunnar D, DANIELSSON, Åke, DOMEIJ, Siw & HEN­ RIKSSON, Roger: Ultrastructural changes in rat parotid acinar cells after selective Beta) -adrenoceptor drug treatment. Medicai Biology 61(1983) pp 305-312. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, BLOOM, Gunnar D, DIAMANT, Herman & Thyberg, Jan: Fine structure of- and some histochemical observations on- chondroid regions in benign mixed parotid tumours. Acta Otolaryngologica 93(1982) pp 131-138. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DAHLQVIST, Åke, DOMEIJ, Siw & HELLSTRÖM Sten: Carotid body-like tissue within the recurrent laryngeal nerve — an endoneural chemosensitive microorgan? American Journal of Otolaryngology 4(1983) pp 334-341. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DAHLQVIST, Åke & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Fiber components of the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. A study by light- and electron microscopy Anato- mical Record 204(1982) pp 365-370. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, IDAHL, Lars-Åke & HENRIKSSON, Roger: Effects on neonatal sympathetic denervation on amylase sécrétion in the adult rat parotid gland: Différence in Betaj - and Beta2 adrenoceptor response. European Journal of Pharmacology 78(1982) pp 195-200. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger & IDAHL, Lars-Åke: Dissociation of Beta-adrenoceptor-induced effects on amylase sécrétion and cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-Monophosphate accumulation British Journal of Pharmacology 75(1982) pp 633-638. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DANIELSSON, Åke, HENRIKSSON, Roger, JONSSON, Göran & SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan: Inhomogeneities in glycoprotein content of secretory granules in rat parotid acinar cells after chronic adrenoceptor stimulation Archives of Oral Biolo­ gy 29(1984): 12 pp 953-958. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, Dedo, Herbert H & GUSTAFSSON, Hans: Ultrastructure of multi- nuclear giant cells of a human vocal cord teflon granuloma. Archives of Otorhinola- ryngology 238(1983) pp 205-208. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DOMEIJ, Siw, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, Dedo, Herbert H & Izdebski, Krystopher: An endoneural microglomus of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Acta Otola­ ryngologica 1982:Suppl.386 pp 184-186. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, Lundquist, Per-Gotthard, Haglund, Stig, Strander, Hans & Lund­ gren, Erik: Six years clinical experience with interferon therapy in juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis. Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 92(1984) pp 386-391. CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se DAHLQVIST, Åke; se HENRIKSSON, Roger; se SCHMIDT, Sten-Herman DAHLQVIST, Åke, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt, DOMEIJ, Siw & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Morpho- metric analysis of glomus cells within the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. Journal of Neurocytology 13(1984) pp 407-416. - & KOURTOPOULOS, Harry: A qualitative study of the fiber components in the recurrent laryngeal nerve of rat and man. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.412 pp 105-106.

245 DAHLQVIST, Åke, LUNDBERG, Erik & ÖSTBERG, Yngve: Hydralazine induced relapsing polychondritis-like syndrome. Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 355-359. DAHLQVIST, Åke & ÖSTBERG, Yngve: Malignant salivery gland tumours in children. Acta Otolaryngologica 94(1982) pp 175-179. DAHLQVIST, Åke: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt DANIELSSON, Åke: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se HENRIKSSON, Roger DIAMANT, Herman: The Nobel prize award to Robert Bàràny — A controversial décision? Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.406 pp 1-4. - : Questions regarding the invasive and invagination theories. Cholesteatoma and mastoid surgery. Proceedings. II:nd International conference. Tel Aviv, Israel, March 1981, pp 297-298. Amsterdam, 1982. - : se BERGGREN, Diana; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt DOMEIJ, Siw: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se DAHLQVIST, Åke Fagerlund, Mats, STENLING, Roger & SÖDERBERG, Ove. A subfrontal meningioma with primary origin from the nasal cavity. Acta Otolaryngologica 95(1983) pp 365-370. GUSTAFSSON, Hans: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Absorbable gelatin sponge (GelfoamR) in otosurgery — one causc to undesirable postoperative results? Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 269-275. - : Anatomy of the rat middle ear. A study under the dissection microscope. Acta Anato­ mica 112(1982) pp 346-352. - : The site of initial production and transport of effusion materials in Otitis media serosa. Acta Otolaryngologica 93(1982) pp 435-440. - & SÖDERBERG, Ove: Appearance of effusion material in the attic space correlated to an impaired Eustachian tube function. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinola- ryngology 6(1983) pp 127-134. HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The originai description of the Shrapnell membrane in view of recent experimental data. Journal of Otolaryngology 97(1983) pp 985-989. - : The pressure equilibrating function of pars flaccida in middle ear mechanics. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1 18(1983) pp 337-341. HELLSTRÖM, Sten, STENFORS, Lars-Eric, ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt & WIDEMAR, Louise: Provoking effusion in experimental Otitis media. In: Recent advances in Otitis media with effusion pp 225-228. Lim, D J, Bluestone, C D, Klein, J O & Nelson, J D (Eds.). Philadelphia 1984. HELLSTRÖM, Sten, STENFORS, Lars-Eric & BLOOM, Gunnar D: The tympanic membrane. Proceedings International conference on experimental OME, Lövånger. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414 pp 28-31. HELLSTRÖM, Sten, WIDEMAR, Louise, BLOOM, Gunnar D & STENFORS, Lars- Eric: Mast cells in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane Proceedings. Internatio­ nal conference on experimental OME, Lövånger Acta Otolaryngologica 1984:Suppl.414 pp 115-117. HELLSTRÖM, Sten: se ALBIIN, Nils; se ALM, Per-Erik; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt; se DAHLQVIST, Åke; se SCHMIDT, Sten-Herman; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric; se SÖDERBERG, Ove

HENRIKSSON, Roger, CARLSÖÖ, Bengt & DANIELSSON, Åke: Betaj- and Beta2- adrenoceptor mediated amylase sécrétion in rat parotid gland. Acta Physiologica Scan­ dinavica 120(1984) pp 429-435. - : Is the modality of the supersensitivity after sympathectomy âge and duration dépen­ dent in rat parotid gland? Neuroscience Letters 45(1984) pp 279-283.

246 HENRIKSSON, Roger: se BLOOM, Gunnar D; se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt HOLM, Stig: se THORE, Magnus IDAHL, Lars-Åke: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt JONSSON, Göran: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt KJÖRELL, Uno & ÖSTBERG, Yngve: Distribution of intermediate filaments and actin microfilaments in parotid autoimmune sialadenitis of Sjögren's syndrome. Histopatho- logy 8(1984) p 360. KOURTOPOULOS, Harry: se DAHLQVIST, Åke LUNDBERG, Erik: se DAHLQVIST, Åke LUNDGREN, Erik: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt SALÉN, Bengt: se ALBI1N, Nils; se ALM, Per-Erik; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STEN- FORS, Lars-Eric; se SÖDERBERG, Ove SCHMIDT, Sten-Hermann, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & CARLSÖÖ, Bengt: Short-term effects of local anaesthetic agents on the structure of the rat tympanic membrane. Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 240(1980) pp 159-166. STENLING, Roger: se Fagerlund, Mats STENFORS, Lars-Eric, ALM, Per E, BLOOM, Gunnar D, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt, SÖDERBERG, Ove & WIDEMAR, Louise: Vätska i mellanörat Läkar­ tidningen 79(1982):47 pp 4396-4398. STENFORS, Lars-Eric, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & SALÉN, Bengt: The role of the attic space in experimental Otitis media with effusion. Proceedings Scandinavian Otolaryngo- logy society congress, Åbo, 1981. Acta Otolaryngologica 1982:Suppl.386 pp 146-148. STENFORS, Lars-Eric: se ALBIIN, Nils; se ALM, Per-Erik; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se SÖDERBERG, Ove SUNDSTRÖM, Staffan: se CARLSÖÖ, Bengt SÖDERBERG, Ove, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Appearance of effusion material in the attic space correlated to an impaired Eustachian tube function. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinolaryngology 6(1983) pp 127-134. SÖDERBERG, Ove, STENFORS, Lars-Eric & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Experimental background for the use of tympanostomy tubes. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinolaryngology 8(1984) pp 1-11. - : Myringotomy made by CÖ2-laser — An alternative to the ventilation tube? Acta Otolaryngologica 97(1984) pp 335-341. - : Paracentes med C02~laser — ett alternativ till ventilationsrör? Svensk Otolaryngo- logisk förenings förhandlingar 1983:1 pp 56-57. SÖDERBERG, Ove: se Fagerlund, Mats THORE, Magnus: Studies on experimental anaerobic infections of the middle ear and on the polymorphonuclear leukocyte function under anaerobic conditions. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:127. ISSN 0346-6612. - , BURMAN, Lars G & HOLM, Stig: Streptococcus pneumoniae and three species of anaerobic bacteria in experimental Otitis media in guinea-pigs. Journal of Infectious Diseases 145(1982) pp 822-828. WIDEMAR, Louise: se ALM, Per-Erik; se HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se STENFORS, Lars- Eric ZAKRISSON, John-Erik: Hörselhandikapp hos barn. In: Barn är barn — om än med handikapp, pp 29-33. Umeå 1982. ISBN 91-970122-6-2. - : Stapediusmuskeln — en effektiv ljuddämpare. Svensk Otolaryngologisk förenings förhandlingar 1983:2.

247 - & BLOM, Sigfrid: The relaxation time of the stapedius reflex in dystrophia motonica (Steinert). Acta Otolaryngologica 94(1982) pp 473-477. ZAKRISSON, John-Erik, Borg, Erik, Lidén, Gunnar & Nilsson, Roland: Har stapedius- reflexen en skyddsfunktion mot hòrselskadligt buller? Svensk Otolaryngologisk för­ enings förhandlingar 1982:1 pp 66-67. ZAKRISSON, John-Erik, Borg, Erik & Nilsson, Roland: The function of the stapedius reflex in impulse noice. Abstract. 17:e internationella kongressen i audiologi. Santa Barbara 1984. - : The role of the acoustic reflex in industriai noise. Abstract. 17:e internationella kongressen i audiologi. Santa Barbara 1984. ÖSTBERG, Yngve: The clinical picture of benign lymphoepithelial lésion. A clinical, light microscopical and ultarstructural study of the autoimmune sialadenitis in Sjögren's syndrome. Clinical Otolaryngology 8(1983) p 381. ÖSTBERG, Yngve, se DAHLQV1ST, Åke; se KJÖRELL, Uno

PARODONTOLOGI BERGENHOLTZ, Axel, Caffesse, Raul, Nasjleti, Carlos, Bye, Fred & Kowalski, Charles: The effect of antifibrinolytic agents on the healing of modified Widman flaps in monkeys. Journal of Periodontology 19(1984):4 pp 210-213. BERGENHOLTZ, Axel, GUSTAFSSON, Lennart, SEGERLUND, Nils, HAGBERG, Catharina & Nygaard 0stby, Per: The role of brushing technique and toothbrush-design in plaque removal. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984):4 pp 344-351. BERGENHOLTZ, Axel & OLSSON, Anders: Efficiacy of plaque-removal using inter­ dental brushes and waxed dental floss. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 92(1984):3 pp 198-203. BOWER, Robert: An aid for sharpening periodontal instruments. Australian Dental Journal 28(1983):4 pp 212-214. - : Furcation development of human mandibular first molar teeth. Journal of Periodontal Research 18(1983):4 pp 412-419. - : Slipjiggen: hjälpmedel för slipning av tandstensinstrument. Tandläkartidningen 75(1983):20 pp 1092-1097. EDLUND, May-Britt: se CARLSSON, Jan GUSTAFSSON, Lennart: se BERGENHOLTZ, Axel HAGBERG, Catharina: se BERGENHOLTZ, Axel HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart: se CARLSSON, Jan CARLSSON, Jan, EDLUND, May-Britt & HÄNSTRÖM, Lennart: Bactericidial and cytotoxic effects of hypothiocyanite-hydrogen peroxide mixtures. Infection and Immu- nity 44(1984):3 pp 581-586. OLSSON, Anders: se BERGENHOLTZ, Axel SEGERLUND, Nils: se BERGENHOLTZ, Axel

248 PATOLOGI ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Bråne, G, BUCHT, Gösta, Karlsson, I, Gottfries, C-G, Persson, S & WINBLAD, Bengt: A double-blind study with levodopa in dementia of Alzheimer type. Aging 19(1982) pp 469-473. ADOLFSSON, Rolf, BUCHT, Gösta, Lancranjan, I, Said, S, Seif, S, Svennerholm, L & WINBLAD, Bengt: Endocrine and metabolic effects of Vasopressin in patients with multiinfarct dementia. In: Neuropeptides and human modulation of brain function and haemostasis. Eds. Ordy, J M, Siade, J R & Reisberg, B. New York 1982. ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, WINBLAD, Bengt & ÅSTRÖM, Sture: Personal inom åldersdemensvården — deras utbildning, kun­ skaper, arbetssätt samt attityder till vården. Läkartidningen 79(1982):41 pp 3661-3665. ADOLFSSON, Rolf: se ALAFUZOFF, Irina; se BUCHT, Gösta; se Gottfries, C-G; se Lancranjan, I; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORBERG, Astrid; se NYBERG, Per; se PERDAHL, Eva; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof ALAFUZOFF, Irina, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, BUCHT, Gösta & WINBLAD, Bengt: Albumin and immunoglobulin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid, and blood cere- brospinal fluid barrier function in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and muliinfarct dementia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 60(1983) pp 465-472. ALAFUZOFF, Irina: se Lancranjan, I; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORBERG, Astrid; se PERDAHL, Eva; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof BARTHOLDSSON, L: se SÖDERBERG, Thor BERGH, Anders: Early morphological changes in the abdominal testes in immature uni­ laterali cryptorchid rats. International Journal of Andrology 6(1983) pp 73-90. - : Paracrine régulation of Leydig cells by the seminiferous tubules. International Journal of Andrology 6(1983) pp 57-65. - & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Local régulation of Leydig cell function from the seminiferous tubules-effect of short-term crytorchidism. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl.256 p 247. - : Local régulation of Leydig cells from the seminiferous tubules-effect of short-term crytorchidism. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 409-418. - & Ritzén, M: Early signs of Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction in the abdominal testis in immature unilaterally cryptorchid rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 390-408. BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, Berg Åson, A, Hammer, M & SELSTAM, Gun­ nar: Steroid biosynthesis and Leydig cell morphology in adult unilaterally cryptorchid rats. Acta Endocronologica 107(1984) pp 556-562. BERGH, Anders: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se GÅFVELS, Mats; HELLSTRÖM, Sten; se Huhtaniemi, I BERGHEM, Lars: se Persson, S-Å BERGLUND, Ove, HALLMANS, Göran, NYGREN, Charlotte & TÄLJEDAL, Inge- Bert: Effects of diets rieh and poor in fibres on the development of hereditary diabetes in mice. Acta Endocrinologica 100(1982) pp 556-564. BERGMAN, Frank: se Lowenfels, A; se Persson, S-A BJELLE, Anders, HASSLER, Ove, HÄGG, Erik & LINDSTRÖM, Göran: Arthropathy in haemochromatosis. Acta Rheumatologica 7(1982) pp 147-154. BJERSING, Lars: Maturation, morphology and endocrine function of the ovarian follicle. In: Intraovarian control mechanisms. Eds. Channing & Segai. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 147(1982) pp 1-14. & ÅNGSTRÖM, Tord: Cervixcancerns förstadier — ett nygammalt nomenklatur- och definitionsproblem. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 1285-1287.

249 BJERSING, Lars: se CAJANDER, Stefan; se Holmes, P-V; se Jansson, P-O; se LeMaire, W J; se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan BOQUIST, Lennart: Alloxan effects on mitochondria in vitro: Corrélation between endo- genous adenine nucleotides and efflux of Ca^ + . Biochemistry International 8(1984) pp 637-641. - : Alloxan effects on mitochondria: study of oxygen consumption, fluxes of Mg^ + , K + and adenine nucleotides, membrane potential and volume changes in vitro. Diabetolo- gica 27(1984) pp 379-386. - : Inhibition by dithioerythritol of alloxan induced efflux of Ca^ + and accompanying altérations in isolated liver mitochondria. Biochemistry International 8(1984) pp 597-602. - & Eriksson, 1: Inhibition by alloxan of mitochondrial aconitase and other enzymes associated with the citric acid cycle. FEBS Letters 178(1984) pp 245-248. BOQUIST, Lennart & NELSON, Lennart: Effect of alloxan on the transport of dicar- boxylate, tricarboxylate, pyruvate and glutamate in isolated mouse liver mitochondra. Acta Diabetologica Latina 19(1982) pp 253-359. - : Effect of alloxan phosphate transport in isolated mouse liver mitochondria. Influence of pH, and discrimination between influx and efflux of phosphate. Diabete et Méta­ bolisme 8(1982) pp 121-127. - & LORENTZON, Ronny: Uptake of labelled alloxan in mouse organs and mito­ chondria in vivo and in vitro. Endocrinology 1 13(1983) pp 943-948. BOQUIST, Lennart, Pontén, E & SANDSTRÖM, Erik: Study of isolated mitochondria incubated with labelled and non-labelled alloxan, with regard to intramitochondrial concentrations of reduced glutathione and inorganic phosphate. Diabete et Metabolisme 9(1983) pp 106-111. BOQUIST, Lennart & SANDSTRÖM, Erik: Effect of Pi depletion and pretreatment with glucose on mitochondrial uptake of alloxan in vivo and in vitro. Diabetologia 23(1982) p 157. BOQUIST, Lennart: se Kreichbergs, A; se NELSON, Lennart; se Raska, I BUCHT, Gösta, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, LITHNER, Folke & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes of blood glucose and insulin sécrétion in patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer type. Acta Medica Scandinavica 213(1983) pp 387-392. - : Hypoglycemia and inadequate insulin sécrétion in Alzheimerdisease. The First world congress of Ibro. Lausanne 1982. BUCHT, Gösta: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ALAFUZOFF, Irina; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NYBERG, Per CAJANDER, Stefan, Janson, P O, LeMaire, W J, Källfelt, B J, Holmes, P V, Ahrén, K & BJERSING, Lars: Studies on the morphology of the isolated perfused rabbit ovary. I. Effect of long-term perfusion. Cell and Tissue Research 235(1984) pp 59-63. - : Studies on the morphology of the isolated perfused rabbit ovary. II. Ovulation in vitro after HCG treatment in vivo. Cell and Tissue Research 235(1984) pp 565-573. CAJANDER, Stefan: se Holmes, P-V; se Jansson, P-O; se LeMaire, W J DAEHLIN, Lars: se BERGH, Anders; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders & DAEHLIN, Lars: Stimulatory effect of an LHRH-agonist on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1983) pp 236-243. - : Testikelblodflóde och testosteron sekretion hos unilateralt kryptorchida råttor. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 93(1984). - , EKHOLM, C, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: The acute effect of oestrogens on testosterone production appears not to be mediated by testicular oestro- gen receptor. Molocular and Cellulär Endocrinology 31(1983) pp 105-116. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar:

250 Estrogen receptor and aromatase activity in the testes of unilateral cryptorchid rats. Archives of Andrology 1 1(1983) pp 259-263. DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se BERGH, Anders; se GÅFVELS, Mats; se Huhtaniemi, 1 DAMBER, Lars-Åke, LENNER, Per & LUNDGREN, Erik: The impact of grovvth pattern on survival in Non-Hodgkins lymphomas classified according to Lukes and Collins. Pathology. Research and Practice 174(1982) pp 42-52. DANIELSSON, Åke: se NYHL1N, Henry DEHLIN, Eva: se MARCUSSON, Jan DOMELLÖF, Lennart: se Lowenfels, A EK, Bòrje: se NYHLIN, Henry EMDIN, Stefan: se Raska, 1 ERIKSSON, Anders: se Sjöquist, B FALKMER, Sture: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se Raska, I; se STENL1NG, Roger FOWLER, Christopher: se MARCUSSON, Jan FREDRIKZON, Bo: se STENLING, Roger Gillberg, P G, Aquilonius, S M, Eckernäs, S Å, Lundqvist, G & WINBLAD, Bengt: Choline acetyltransferase and substance P-like immunoreactivity in the human spinal cord: Changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain Research 250(1982) pp 394-397. - : Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and substrate P-Like immunoreactivity (SPLI) in the human spinai cord: Topographical localization and changes in neurological diseases. The first world congress of Ibro. Lausanne 1982. GOUSTIN, Anton S: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan Gottfries, C-G, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Aquilonius, S-M, Carlsson, A, Eckernäs, S-Å, Nordberg, A, ORELAND, Lars, Svennerholm, I & WINBLAD, Bengt: Biochemical changes in normal aging and in senile dementia of Alzheimer type (AD/SDAT). Neuro- biology of Aging 4(1983) pp 261-271. GUSTAFSSON, Åke, Sundstrom, S, NY, Tor & LUNDGREN, Erik: Rapid induction of scven proteins in human lymphocytes by interferon: Corrélation to natural killer cell activity. Journal of Immunology 129(1982) 1952-1959. GÅFVELS, Mats, Wang, J, BERGH, Anders, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gun­ nar: Toxic effects of the antifertility agent gossypol in maie rats. Toxicology 32(1984) pp 325-333. HALLMANS, Göran, Nilsson, U, SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf, WETTER, Lars & WING, Kennet: The intestinal distribution and absorption of 65 Zn and 59 Fe in rats given endosperm wheat bread supplemented with zinc and iron as mineral salts or in bran. Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on trace element analytical chemistry in medicine and biology Neuherberg 1982. HALLMANS, Göran, Nilsson, U, NYGREN, Charlotte, SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf, WETTER, Lars & WING, Kennet: Tissue concentrations of zinc and iron in rats fed endosperm wheat bread supplemented with iron or whole grain wheat bread. Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on trace element analytical chemistry in medicine and biology. Neuherberg 1982. HALLMANS, Göran: se BERGLUND, Ove; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se NYGREN, Charlotte; se PALM, Ragnar; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se SÖDERBERG, Thor HARDY, John: se WESTER, Per HASSLER, Ove: se BJELLE, Anders HELANDER, Herbert: se STENLING, Roger

251 HELANDER, Kerstin: Thickness variations within paraffin and plastic sections. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 30(1982) p 604. - : The Ralphy knife in practice. Journal of Microscopy 135(1984) pp 139-146. - : Thickness variations within individuai paraffin and glycol methacrylate sections. Journal of Microscopy 132(1983) pp 223-227. - , HOFER, Per-Åke & Holmberg, G: Karymetric investigations on urinary bladder carcinoma, correlated to histopathological grading. Virchows Archiv. A. Pathological Anatomy and Histology 403(1984) pp 117-125. HELLSTRÖM, Sten & BERGH, Anders: The use of an infusion set for gastric feeding as a perfusion apparatus in fixation decreases the laboratory hazards. Mikroskopie 41(1983) pp 73-75. HENRIKSSON,LARSÉN, Karin: se LEXELL, Jan HILLÖRN, Valter: se LEANDERSON, Tomas HOFER, Per-Åke & JAGELL, Sten: Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. A dermato-histopatho- logical study. Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 9(1982):6 pp 360-376. HOFER, Per-Åke: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se HELANDER, Kerstin; se JAGELL, Sten; se LINDQVIST, Bengt HOLMBERG, Dan: se LEANDERSON, Tomas HOLMBOE, Gerd: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof Holmes, P-V, Janson, P-O, Sogn, J, Källfelt, B, William, J, Ahrén, K-B, CAJANDER, Stefan & BJERSING, Lars: Effects of PGF and indomethacin on ovulation and Steroid production in the isolated perfused rabbit ovary. Acta Endocrinologica 104(1983) pp 233-239. HOLMGREN, Gösta: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno Huhtaniemi, I, BERGH, Anders, Nikula, H & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Différences in the regulaton of steroidogenesis and trophic hormone receptors between the scrotal and abdominal testis of unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Endocrinology 115(1984) pp 550-555. HÄGG, Erik: se BJELLE, Anders; se STRAND, Tage HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, HALLMANS, Göran, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Ludvigsson, J & FALKMER, Sture: Prospective and rétrospective studies of zinc concentrations in serum, blood clots, hair and urine in young patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Acta Endocrinologica 102(1982) pp 88-95. HORSTEDT, Per: se LUNDGREN, Rune JAGELL, Sten & HOFER, Per-Åke: Sjögren-Larsson syndrome; microscopie and scanning electron microscopie findings in replicas of the skin. Acta Dermato-Venerolo- gica 62(1982) pp 397-400. JAGELL, Sten: se HOFER, Per-Åke Jansson, P-O, LeMaire, W J, Källfelt, B, Holmes, P V, CAJANDER, Stefan, BJER- SING, Lars, Wiqvist, N L & Ahrén, K: Study of ovulation in the isolated perfused rabbit ovary. I. Methodology and pattern of steroidogenesis. Biology of Reproduction 26(1982) pp 456-466. von KNORRING, Lars: se WAHLIN, Anders Kreichbergs, A, BOQUIST, Lennart, BORSSÉN, Bengt & Larsson, S E: Prognostic factors in chondrosarcoma. A comparative study of cellulär DNA content and clinico- pathologic features. Cancer 50(1982) pp 577-583. Langer, S-Z, Lee, C-R, Segonzac, A, Tateishi, T, Esnaud, H, Shoemaker, H & WIN- BLAD, Bengt: Possible endocrine role of the pineal gland for 6methoxytetra-hydro- beta-carboline, a putative endogeneous neuromodulator of the (3H) imipramine récog­ nition site. European Journal of Pharmacology 102(1984) pp 379-380.

252 LARSSON, Sven-Erik: se Kreichbergs, A LEANDERSON, Tomas, HILLÖRN, Valter, HOLMBERG, Dan, Larsson, E-L & LUNDGREN, Erik: Selective effects of interferon on distinct sites of the T lymphocyte triggering process. Journal of Immunology 129(1982) pp 490-494. LEANDERSON, Tomas & LUNDGREN, Erik: Cell growth régulation during density inhibition and interferon treatment. Expérimental Cell Research 138(1982) pp 167-174. - : Growth inhibition by IFN achieved by collecting cells in G0. Journal of Interferon Research 2(1982) pp 21-29. LEANDERSON, Tomas, NORDFELDT, Roland & LUNDGREN, Erik: Antiprolife­ rative effect of (2' - 5') oligoadenylate distinct from that of interferon in lymphoid cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 107(1982) pp 511-517. LEANDERSON, Tomas: se NORDFELDT, Roland; se ROOS, Göran LeMaire, W J, Jansson, P-O, Källfelt, B, J, Holmes, P V, CAJANDER, Stefan, BJER- SING, Lars & Ahrén, K: The preovulatory decline in follicular oestradiol is not required for ovulation in the rabbit. Acta Endocrinologica 101(1982) pp 452-457. LENNER, Per, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & ROOS, Göran: Spontanregress vid metastase- rande mjukdelssarcom. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 1698-1699. LENNER, Per: se DAMBER, Lars-Åke; se Lindh, J; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid LEXELL, Jan, HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, WINBLAD, Bengt & Sjöström, M: Distribution of différent fibre types in human skeletal muscles. 3. Effects of aging on m vastus lateralis studied in whole muscle cross-sections. Muscle and Nerve 6(1983) pp 588-595. - : Relative occurrence, distribution and total number of fibres in the ageing human skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the fifth International congress of neuromuscular diseases. Marseilles 1982. Lindh, J, LENNER, Per & ROOS, Göran: Monoclonal B cells in peripheral blood in non-Hodgkins lymphoma — corrélation with clinical features and DNA content. Scan- dinavian Journal of Haematology 32(1984) pp 5-11. LILIEQUIST, Bengt: se STRAND, Tage LINDQVIST, Bengt, WAHLIN, Anders, LUNDSTRÖM, Bengt & HOFER, Per-Åke: Cystic interstitial nephritis — polycystic kidney without enlargement. Congress of European dialysis and transplant association, 1982: Abstract 87. LINDSTRÖM, Göran: se BJELLE, Anders LITNHER, Folke: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se BUCHT, Gösta; se STRAND, Tage LORENTZON, Ronny: se BOQUIST, Lennart; se NELSON, Lennart Lowenfels, A, DOMELLÖF, Lennart, Lindström, E, BERGMAN, Frank, Mouk, M & Sternby, Nils: Cholelithiasis, cholecystectomi, and cancer: A case-control study in Sweden. Gastroenterology 83(1982) pp 672-676. LUNDBLAD, Dan & LUNDGREN, Erik: Changes in DNA-polymerase and thymidine kinase activity during interferon treatment. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 105(1982) pp 1569-1576. LUNDGREN, Rune, BERGMAN, Frank & ÅNGSTRÖM, Tord: Comparison of trans- bronchial fine needle aspiration biopsy, aspiration of bronchial sécrétion, bronchial washing, brush biopsy and forceps biopsy in the diagnosis of lung cancer. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1984) pp 378-385. LUNDGREN, Rune, HORSTEDT, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Respiratory mucosa damage after brush biopsy — an experimental study on rabbits. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 64(1983) pp 9-23. : Respiratory mucosa damage after flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy — an experimental study on pigs. European Journal of Respiratory Dieases 64(1983) pp 24-32.

253 LUNDGREN, Erik: DAMBER, Lars-Åke; se GUSTAFSSON, Åke; se LEANDERSON, Tomas; se LUNDBLAD, Dan; se MARKLUND, Stefan L; se ROOS, Göran LUNDSTRÖM, Bengt: se LINDQVIST, Bengt LÖFGREN, Ann-Christine: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof LÖVTRUP, Sören, se NELSON, Lennart MARCUSSON, Jan: Receptors of the central serotonergic system. Pharmacological characterization in rodents and the effect of age upon these receptors in man. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:123. - , DEHLIN, Eva, FOWLER, Christopher & WINBLAD, Bengt: 5-HT binding in human brain distruction and effect of age. 1st World congress of IBRO. Lausanne 1982. MARCUSSON, Jan, Morgan, C-G, WINBLAD, Bengt & Finch, C-E: Serotonin-2 binding sites in human frontal cortex and hippocampus. Selective loss of S-2A sites with age. Brain Research 311(1984) pp 51-56. MARCUSSON, Jan, ORELAND, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Effect of age on human brain Serotonin (SI) binding sites. Journal of Neurochemistry 43(1984) pp 1699-1705. - : Serotonin binding in mouse brains. Some methodological aspects. Journal of Neural Transmission 56(1983) pp 251-263. MARCUSSON, Jan: se Morgan, D-G; se NORBERG, Astrid; se WESTER, Per MARKLUND, Stefan, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, BUCHT, Gösta, Widman, L & WINBLAD, Bengt: Reference values for cerebrospinal fluid parameters in elderly persons. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982) p 20. MARKLUND, Stefan, ORELAND, Lars, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Super­ oxide dismutase activity in brains from chronic alcoholics. Alcohol and Drug Depen- dence 121(1983) pp 209-215. MARKLUND, Stefan L, WESTMAN, Gunnar N, LUNDGREN, Erik & ROOS, Göran: Copper- and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase, manganesecontaining superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in normal and neoplastic human cell lines and normal human tissues. Cancer Research 42(1982) pp 1955-1961. MARKLUND, Stefan L, WESTMAN, Gunnar N, ROOS, Göran & Carlsson, J: Radia­ tion résistance and the CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities of seven human cell lines. Radiation Research 100(1984) pp 115-123. MARKLUND, Stefan: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof Morgan, D-G, MARCUSSON, Jan & Finch, C-E: Contamination of serotonin-2 binding sites by an alpha-1 adrenergic component in assays with spiperone. Life Sciences 34(1984) pp 2507-2514. NELSON, Lennart & BOQUIST, Lennart: Effects of alloxan and streptozotocin on calcium transport in isolated mouse liver mitochondria. Cell Calcium 3(1982) pp 191-198. NELSON, Lennart, LORENTZON, Ronny, BOQUIST, Lennart & LÖVTRUP, Sören: Morphological differentiation of mitochondria in the early amphibian embryo. Expéri­ mental Cell Research 137(1982) pp 25-29. NELSON, Lennart: se BOQUIST, Lennart NORBERG, Astrid, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, MARCUSSON, Jan & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes in muscarine- and nicotine-like receptors in human brain at normal ageing, multi-infarct dementia and Alzheimers disease. The First world congress of Ibro. Lausanne 1982. NORBERG, Astrid, Larsson, C, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina & WIN­ BLAD, Bengt: Muscarinic receptor compensation in hippocampus of Alzheimer patients. Journal of Neural Transmission 56(1983) pp 13-19.

254 NORBERG, Astrid, Larsson, C, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes in cholinergic activity in human hippocampus following chronic alcohol abuse. Pharma- cology Biochemistry and Behavior 18(1983):Suppl.l pp 397-400. - : Cholinergic activity in hippocampus in chronic alcoholism. Drug and Alcohol Depen- dence 10(1982):4 pp 333-344. NORBERG, Astrid: se Gottfries, C-G; se NYBERG, Per NORDENSSON, Ingrid, LENNER, Per & ROOS, Göran: Patient with B-cell neoplasia (immunoblastic sarcoma) and the Philadelpia chromosome. Cancer Genetics and Cyto- genetics 9(1983) pp 37-44. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se ROOS, Göran NY, Tor: se GUSTAFSSON, Åke NYBERG, Per: Brain monamines in normal aging and dementia. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:128. - , ADOLFSSON, Rolf, BUCHT, Gösta, Carlsson, A & WINBLAD, Bengt: Alzheimer- like monoaminergic disturbance in Down's syndrome with presenile dementia. The First world congress of Ibro. Lausanne 1982. NYBERG, Per, Nordberg, A, WESTER, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Dopaminergic deficiency is more pronounced in putamen than in nucleus caudatus in Parkinson's disease. Neurochemical Pathology 1(1983) pp 193-202. NYBERG, Per: se WESTER, Per NYGREN, Charlotte. Effects of bran in diabetes mellitus. Göteborg 1984. - : Fiberrik kost. Barn, hälsa, näring 1982:1 pp 3-6. - & HALLMANS, Goran: Effects of processed rye bran and raw rye bran on glucose metabolism in alloxan diabetic rats. Journal of Nutrition 112(1982) pp 17-20. NYGREN, Charlotte: se BERGLUND, Ove; se HALLMANS, Göran; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof NYHL1N, Henry, STEEN, Lars, EK, Börje, DANIELSSON, Åke & STENLING, Roger: Colonie biopsy: A new technique. British Journal of Surgery 69(1982) p 150. NYHLIN, Henry: se STENLING, Roger NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se ÖSTER­ LIND, Per-Olof OHLSSON, Rolf: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan ORELAND, Lars, Gottfries, C-G, Kiianmaa, K, Wiberg, Å & WINBLAD, Bengt: The activity of monoamine oxidase -A and -B in brains from chronic alcoholics. Journal of Neural Transmission 56(1983) pp 73-83. ORELAND, Lars: se MARCUSSON, Jan; se MARKLUND, Stefan ÖSTERMAN, Goran: se LENNER, Per PALM, Ragnar & HALLMANS, Göran: Zinz and copper in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 45(1982) pp 691-698. - : Zinc and copper metabolism in phenytoin therapy. Epilepsia 23(1982) pp 453-461. : Zinc concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid of normal adults and patients with neurological diseases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 45(1982) pp 685-690. & SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: Zinc concentrations in normal and pathological cerebrospinal fluid. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 65(1982):Suppl.90 pp 184-185. PALM, Ragnar, HALLMANS, Göran & WING, Kennet: Effects of diphenylhydontoin on zinc and copper metabolism. Proceedings of the fourth International symposium on trace element metabolism in man and animais, Perth, 1981, pp 499-501. Eds. Gaw- thorne, J M, Howell, M McC & White, C L. New York 1982.

255 PERDAHL, Eva, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, Alberg, K A, Nestler, E J, Greengard, P & WINBLAD, Bengt: Synapsin I (Protein 1) in différent brain regions in senile dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia. Journal of Neural Trans­ mission 60(1984) pp 133-141. PERDAHL, Eva: se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NORBERG, Astrid; se Sjöqvist, B Persson, S Å, Ahlberg, M, BERGHEM, Lars, BERGMAN, Frank, Könberg, E & Nord­ berg, G F: Långtids carcinogenesstudie på syrisk guldhamster. — En jämförelse mellan partikulära emissioner från ett koleldat kraftverk och ett oljeeldat kraftvärmeverk. — En utvärdering av resultat upp till och med 75 veckor. Projekt KHM, Teknisk rapport 1983:65. PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, GOUSTIN, Anton S, RYDNERT, Jan, Wahlström, T, BJERSING, Lars, Stehelin. D & OHLSSON, Rolf: Spatial and temporal pattern of cellulär myc oncogene expression in developing human placenta: Implications for embryonic cell profileration. Cell 38(1984) pp 585-596. Raska, I, Titibach, M, BOQUIST, Lennart, EMDIN, Stefan & FALKMER, Sture: Optical diffraction analysis of crystalline inclusions in rough endoplasmic reticulum of islet parenchymal cells of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. Cell and Tissue Research 225(1982) pp 461-464. ROOS, Göran, Adams, A, Giovanella, B, LUNDGREN, Erik, Nilsson, K, NORDENS­ SON, Ingrid & Sundström, C: Establishment and characterization of a human EBV- negative B cell line (MN60). Leukemia Research 6(1982) pp 685-693. ROOS, Göran, Leandersson, T & LUNDGREN, Erik: IFN induced cell cycle changes in human haematopoietic cell lines and fresh leukemic cells. Cancer Research 44(1984) pp 2358-2362. ROOS, Göran: se LENNER, Per; se Lindh, J; se LJUNGBERG, Börje; se NORDENS­ SON, Ingrid; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se WAHLIN, Anders RYDNERT, Jan: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan SANDMAN, Per Olof, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, HALLMANS, Göran, NYGREN, Char­ lotte, Nyström, L & WINBLAD, Bengt: Treatment of constipation with high-bran bread in long-term care of severe demented elderly patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 31(1983):5 pp 289-293. SANDMAN, Per-Olof: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof SANDSTRÖM, Erik: se BOQUIST, Lennart SELSTAM, Gunnar: se BERGH, Anders; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se GÅFVELS, Mats Sjöquist, B, Eriksson, A & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain salsolinol levels in alcoholism. Lancet 1982:20 pp 675-676. Sjöqvist, B, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: The effect of alcoholism on salsolinol and biogenic amines in the human brain. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 12(1983) pp 15-23 SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: se HALLMANS, Göran; se PALM, Ragnar STEEN, Bertil: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof STEEN, Lars: se NYHLIN, Henry STENLING, Roger: The enterocyte in small intestinal adaption. An experimental and clinicopathological study with special reference to the ultrastructure of the brush border. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:122. - , FREDRIKZON, Bo, Engberg, S & FALKMER, Stuie: Surface ultrastructure of the small intestine mucosa in children with coeliac disease. I. Untreated disease and effects of long-term gluten élimination and challenge. Ultrastructural Pathology 6(1984) pp 295-305.

256 STENLING, Roger, FREDRIKZON, Bo, NYHLIN, Henry, HELANDER, Herbert & FALKMER, Sture: Surface ultrastructure of the small intestine mucosa in healthy children and adults. A scanning electron microsope study with some methodological aspects. Ultrastructural Pathology 6(1984) pp 131-140. STENLING, Roger & HELANDER, Herbert: Stereological studies on the rat small intestinal epithelium. II. Effects of antrectomy and of antral exclusion. Cell and Tissue Research 228(1983) pp 563-571. STENLING, Roger: se LJUNGBERG, Börje; se NYHLIN, Henry STENSTRÖM, Sten: se SÖDERBERG, Thor STRAND; Tage, Alling, C, Asplund, K, Eriksson, S, HÄGG, Erik Karlsson, B, LILIE- ÖUIST, Bengt, LITHNER, Folke, WESTER, Per Olov & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain specific myelin basic protein (MBP) in spinal fluid as a marker for brain damage in acute stroke. Scandinavian meeting on cerebrovascular disease, Umeå. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982) p 29. STRAND, Tage, Alling, C, Karlsson, B, Karlsson, I & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain and plasma proteins in spinal fluid as markers for brain damage and severity of stroke. Stroke 15(1983) pp 138-144. SÖDERBERG, Thor & HALLMANS, Göran: Wound contraction and zinc absorption during treatment with zinc tape. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery 16(1982):3 pp 255-259. - & BARTHOLDSON, L: Treatment of keloids and hypertrophie scars with adhesive zinc tape. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery 16(1982):3 pp 261-266. SÖDERBERG, Thor, HALLMANS, Göran, STENSTRÖM, Sten, Lobo, D, Pinto, J, Maroof, S & Vellut, C: Treatment of leprosy wounds with adhesive zinc tape. Leprosy Review 53(1982):4 pp 271-276. SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: BERGH, Anders; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik TÀLJEDAL, Inge-Bert: se BERGLUND, Ove Undén, A, Mayerson, B, WINBLAD, Bengt, Sachs, C & Bartfai, T: Postmortem changes in binding to the muscarinic receptor from human cerebral cortex. Journal of Neuro- chemistry 41(1983) p 102. WAHLIN, Anders, von KNORRING, Lars & ROOS, Göran: Altered distribution of T-lymphocyte subsets in lithium-treated patients. Neurophychobiology 11(1984) pp 243-246. WAHLIN, Anders: se LINDQVIST, Bengt WESTER, Per, HARDY, John, MARCUSSON, Jan, NYBERG, Per & WINBLAD; Bengt: Serotonin concentrations in normal aging human brains; relation to Serotonin receptors. Neurobiology of Aging 5(1984) pp 199-205. WESTER, Per Olov: se STRAND, Tage WESTMAN, Gunnar: se MARKLUND, Stefan WETTER, Lars: se HALLMANS, Göran WINBLAD, Bengt: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ALAFUZOFF, Irina; se BUCHT, Gösta; se Gillberg, P-G; se Gottfries, C-G; se Lancranjan, I; se Langer, S-Z; se LEXELL, Jan; se LUNDGREN, Rune; se MARCUSSON, Jan; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se NOR­ BERG, Astrid; se NYBERG, Per; se ORELAND, Lars; se PERDAHL, Eva; se SAND­ MAN, Per-Olof; se Sjöquist, B; se STRAND, Tage; se Undén, A; se WESTER, Per; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof WING, Kennet: se HALLMANS, Göran; se PALM, Ragnar \STRÖM, Sture: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf

257 ÅNGSTRÖM, Tord: se BJERSING, Lars ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, HOLMBOE, Gerd, LÖFGREN, Ann- Christine, MARKLUND, Stefan, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, STEEN, Bertil & WINBLAD, Bengt: Blood components in the elderly. Abstract till Ancona, Italien, 1982.

PEDAGOGIK ANDERSSON, Yvonne & ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga: Kvinnor från tjänstemanna­ miljö berattar. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen. Umeå universitet 1984:20. ARELL, Nils: Arbete och liv i Vittangi-Karesuandoområdet — om markanvändning och näringsmässiga relationer under äldre och nyare tid. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1983. BACKMAN, Jarl: Initial och reproduktiv förståelse vid läsning av brukstexter. Arbets­ rapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:11. - : Introduktion i variansanalys. Universitetsserien. Pedagogiska institutionen 1983:7. - : Läsförståelse som funktion av subjektivt inducerade variationer i läshastighet. Peda­ gogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1984. - : A model for initial compréhension of textual information. Working Papers from the Department of Education, University of Umeå 1984:6. - : Processer i textförståelse. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:8. - : Segmentering och koherenskoppling som grundprocesser i en modell för textförståelse. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:9. - : Word compréhension — set-theoretic or net-theoretic formulation. Working Papers from the Department of Education, University of Umeå 1984:5. - : Äldres kognitiva struktureringsförmåga vid läsning och vid lyssning. In: Jansen, I M (Red.). Aeldres laesning, pp 107-121. Köpenhamn 1984. - , LUNDBERG, Ingvar, NILSSON, Lars-Göran & OHLSSON, Kjell: Reading skill and the processing of text structure. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 29(1984) pp 113-128. BACKMAN, Jarl: se EKLUND, Stig BERGE, Britt-Mari: se LINDBERG, Leif BERGGREN, Lars & NORDLUND, Gerhard: Inackorderade elevers levnadsförhållan­ den i en glesbygdskommun. Sammanfattning av försöksverksamheten i Lycksele kom­ mun. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. EGERBLADH, Thor: Grupparbete och individuellt arbete. Forskning om utbildning 1983:1 pp 55-64. - : Social décision schemes of the same dyads and tretrads on two différent disjunctive tasks. Educational Resources Information Center. January 1982. Microfiche and paper copy, ED 206-632. - : se HOLM, Olle EKLUND, Stig & BACKMAN, Jarl: Till teckningslärarlinjen förberedande konstnärlig utbildning. En kartläggning av utbildningsomfattning, inriktning och innehåll. Insti­ tutionen för teckningslararutbildningen. Rapport 1983:2. ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga: Arbetsrapport 1 IOR-projektet. Utbildning-yrke-familj. Enkätresultat avseende kvinnor med goda studentbetyg som ej återfunnits i hogskole- statistiken. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982.

258 - : Arbetsrapport 2 IOR-projektet: Utbildnings- och yrkestradition för en grupp kvinnor med goda studenbetyg som ej återfunnits i högskolestatistiken. Pedagogiska institu­ tionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - : Arbetsrapport 4 IOR-projektet: Utbildning i livslinjeperspektiv. Projektpresentation vid forum för kvinnliga forskare — Linköping mars 1982. Pedagogisk institutionen, Umeå universitet 1982. - : Arbetsrapport 2 WEED-projektet. Utbildningsreformer i Vietnam. Pedagogiska insti­ tutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - : Vuxna kvinnors utbildning i ett forskningsperspektiv. Utbildningstidningen 1983:1. - : Ämneslärarutbildningen i ett reformperspektiv. Förändringar i några universitets- amnen 1960-1980. Rapport från en konferens november 1980. IOR-projektet, pedago­ giska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - , ERIKSSON, Gun-Marie & Kim, Lillemor: Utbildningshinder och utbildningsdröm­ mar. Enkät- och intervjuresultat avseende ett urval kvinnor från studentårgångarna 1957, 1962 och 1967. Uppföljning och policy studier 1983:5. ELQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga, ERIKSSON, Gun-Marie & SJÖSTRÖM, Ingela: Regio­ nala jämförelser av några studentkullars val av utbildning. Arbetsrapport 3 IOR-pro­ jektet. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga & Nordgren, N: Kvinnocentra och kvinnostudier vid amerikanska universitet. SOU 1983:4. ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga & Opper, Susan: Research on women, éducation and equality in development: Theoretical points of departure and methodological aspects. WEED-projektet. Working Paper 1983:5. Department of Education, University of Umeå. ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga & SJÖSTRÖM, Ingela: Lärarinnor från Rostadsemi- nariet 1878-1932. En matrikel berättar. Arbetsrapport 1 från ROSTAD-projektet. Peda­ gogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - : Regionala analyser av lärares tjänstledighet. Statistiska data. Arbetsrapport 5 IOR- projektet. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga: se ANDERSSON, Yvonne ERIKSSON, Gun-Marie: se ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga FLORIN, Christina & JOHANSSON, Ulla: "Alla dessa barnen". Sågverksepoken och folkskolans historia i Skön 1850-1919. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet. 1984:17. FRANKE-WIKBERG, Sigbrit: Att värdera utbildning. Vad sker bakom skolans fasad? Universalen 1982:5 pp 4-13. - : Långsiktiga personlighetsdanande effekter av högre utbildning. In: Högskolans inre arbete. Symposium vid Umeå universitet, september 1983. - : Probleminventering — ett första steg mot en arbetsplan för (klass-) lärarutbildningen? Universalen 1982:1 pp 6-13. - : Spridda reflexioner om pedagogisk utvärdering à la teoriinriktad utvärdering. Paper presenterat vid konferens på SÖ, 1984. - : Teoriinriktad utvärdering — ett fruktbart alternativ för en pedagogisk utvärderare? Forskning om utbildning 1983:3. - : Till frågan om att forma föreställningar — en pedagogs reflexioner. Bidrag till FRN:s forskningsprojekt: "Värderingsförändringar i det svenska samhället". 1983. - (Red.): Umeågruppen för pedagogisk utvärderingsforskning. Forskningsprogram. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1983. - & ZETTERSTRÖM, Bo-Olof: From ideas on quality of éducation to ideas as quality of éducation. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. Paper presented at a Conference on the socialization effects of higher éducation, Klagenfurt, 1982-05-15—19. : From ideas on quality of éducation to ideas as quality of éducation. In: Framhein, G & Langer, J (Eds.). Student und Studium in Internationalen Vergleich. Klagenfurt 1983.

259 - : Från idéer om utbildningskvalitet till idéer som utbildningskvalitet. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982, Presenterat vid konferens arrangerad av Euro­ pean Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences om den högre utbildningens socialisationseffekter, Klagenfurt, 1982-05-15—19. GRANBERG, Märta: se KARPBERG, Eilert GRANSTRÖM, Per-Olof: Varför slutar idrottsledare? En enkät och intervjustudie bland ledare i 26 idrottsföreningar. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:14. - & OLOFSSON, Eva: Forskning om idrottsföreningar — En litteraturstudie av nordisk forskning om idrottsföreningar. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:2. - : Forskning om idrottsledare — En litteraturstudie av nordisk forskning om manliga och kvinnliga idrottsledare. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå univer­ sitet 1984:1. - : Idrottens föreningsledare — En enkätstudie bland ledare i 29 idrottsföreningar. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:3. GRUMMAS, Agneta: se JOHANSSON, Henning HENCKEL, Boel: Arbete-Lek-Inlärning i förskollärares föreställningar och handling — En förstudie. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, december 1982. Arbets­ rapport. HENRIKSSON, Widar: Det andra ämnet. Pedagogiska institutionen och HTB-institu- tionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - & WESTIN, Gun: Den första studerandegruppens syn på ett urval av frågor med anknytning till slutlig utvärdering av 2-ämnesutbildningarna. Pedagogiska institutionen och HTB-institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - : Handledares syn på vissa frågor med anknytning till slutlig utvärdering av 2-ämnes- utbildningarna. Pedagogiska institutionen och HTB-institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. HENRIKSSON, Widar: se WEDMAN, Ingemar HENRYSSON, Sara & HENRYSSON, Sten: Poangsättning av relevant arbetslivs­ erfarenhet. En rapport inom projektet. "Antagningssystemets effektivitet och prognos- formåga". Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:18. HENRYSSON, Sten: Prognos av framgång i högre studier, metoder och problem. En rap­ port inom projektet "Antagningssystemets effektivitet och prognosförmåga". Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:12. - : Studenterna och antagningen till högskolan. Intervjuer med lärare inom grundut­ bildningen. En rapport inom projektet. "Antagningssystemets effektivitet och prognos­ förmåga". Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:13. - & WEDMAN, Ingemar: Gymnasieutredningens förslag och urvalet till högskolan. Betyg, högskoleprov och andra instrument. Expertuppdrag, UHÄ, 1982. - : Minnesanteckningar från forskningsresa till USA-Canada. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, juni 1983. (Stencil.) - : Regelbundna motionsvanor — Umeåexperimentet. In: Arvidsson, O (Red.). Att förändra levnadssätt. Rapport från ett symposium om metoder att förbättra folkhälsan, 1-2 oktober 1981. Riksbankens jubileumsfond 1982:3. HENRYSSON, Sten: se HENRIKSSON, Sara HOLM, Olle: The effects of intent, reason and harm on attribution of aggressiveness. Journal of Psychology 110(1982) pp 49-52. - : Four factors affecting perceived aggressiveness. Journal of Psychology 114(1983) pp 227-234. - & EGERBLADH, Thor: Effects of mode of harming and severity of harm on perceived aggressiveness. Journal of Social Phychology 116(1982) pp 149-150. JACOBSSON, Annica: Något om fackliga organisationers och skolöverstyrelsens syn på

260 skola, arbete och kopplingen skola-arbetsliv. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska insti­ tutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:16. JERNSTRÖM, Elisabet: The children's background as a basis of the activity at the nursery school. A perspicuous comparison of nursery school and school vvith aspects on the prospects of earlier experiences of a research project at the 9-year compulsory comprehensive school. University of Umeå, Department of Education, 1983. JOHANSSON, Bror: Skolmognad och studieframgång. Skolmognadsfaktorernas prog- nostiska förmåga. Pedagogiska rapporter 1982:109. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet. JOHANSSON, Henning: Barn med två språk. Barn 1984:2 pp 33-38. - : Bilingual and bicultural éducation in the classroom. Conference paper; Multicultural societies; Early childhood éducation. Granada 6-15 juni 1984. Bernard van Leer Foundation. The Hague 1984. - : Education bilingue y bicultural en el aula. Bernard van Leer Foundation. The Hague 1984. - : Invandringen angår oss alla. Västerbottens folkblad 1982-08-02. - : Konferensrapport om invandrarkunskap i högskoleutbildningen, 5-7 maj 1982 i Piteå. Statens invandrarverk 1982 pp 13-19. - : Kulturellt förankrad förskola och skola. In: Johansson, H (Red.). Samhålls- och kulturförankrad förskola och skola. Rapport från skandinavienseminariet 19-21 sep­ tember 1984 i Kiruna. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1984. - : Kunnskapsformidlingen om etniske minoriteter till majoritetselevene. Konferens­ rapport från Nordiska konferensen Nasjonala skoler og etniske minoriteter. Tromso universitet 25-27 november 1983. - : Läroverket i Haparanda — En resurs med dubbel kulturförankring. Pekkari, I K (Red.). Tornedalens skola 150 år. Tornedalica 1983:40 pp 37-46, 163-164. - : Språk och kulturfunderingar inför skolstarten. In: Nybörjaren. Råd infor skolstarten, pp 59-64. Göteborg 1984. - : Utvecklingsarbete — ett led i utbildningsväsendets reformer. Undervisningsserien. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1982:6. - & GRUMMAS, Agneta et al: Spara och bevara. Villkor för framtida återanvändning av forskningsmaterial. Skolöverstyrelsen. Stockholm 1984. JOHANSSON, Ulla: se FLORIN, Christina JONSSON, Christer & NITZLER, Ragnhild: Syofunktionärers målbedömningar, arbets­ situation och samverkansformer. En enkatstudie i grund- och gymnasieskola. Rapport från SYO-projektet 1982:9. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet. KARPBERG, Eilert, GRANBERG, Märta, SALOMONSSON, Kerstin & WEDMAN, Ingemar: Gymnasieskolan kan den beskrivas? Om information och utbildningsindi­ katorer i anslutning till gymnasieskolan. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1984. LEXELIUS, Anders: NOG-provets förmåga att indirekt prognostisera studieframgång på en relativt selekterad grupp (PM 1982-01-25). - : Tankar och funderingar kring ett nytt numeriskt prov. PM 1982-03-12. & WEDMAN, Ingemar. Vad tycker provdeltagarna om högskoleprovet 1981-10-17? Spånor från Spint 1982:24. : Vad tycker provdeltagarna om högskoleprovet 1982-05-08? Spånor från Spint 1982:5. LINDBERG, Gerd & LINDBERG, Leif: Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 1948-1971. Diss. Umeå 1983. LINDBERG, Leif & BERGE, Britt-Marie: PM: Förstudier till ett projekt om den pedago­ giska forskningens nytta. 10 s + bilagor. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1984.

261 LINDBERG, Leif: se LINDBERG, Gerd NILSSON, Lars-Göran: se BACKMAN, Jarl NITZLER, Ragnhild: Gäst hos verkligheten. En beskrivning av grundskolans pryoverk- samhet. Rapport från ASU-projektet. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1983:1. - : se JONSSON, Christer NORDIN, Bernt, STAGE, Christina & WEDMAN, Ingemar: Standardprov och centrala prov som instrument för lägesbeskrivningar av kunskaper och färdigheter. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1984. NORDIN, Bernt & WEDMAN, Ingemar: Utvärdering via centralt utarbetade prov. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1984. NORDLUND, Gerhard: Skolan och kosten. En kartläggning av projekt och kampanjer i kostfrågor riktade till elever på grundskole- och gymnasienivå. Pedagogiska insti­ tutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - & SCHELIN, Margitta: Utvärdering och uppföljning av linjen för kost- och närings- ekonomi. En sammanfattning. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1983. NORDLUND, Gerhard: se BERGGREN, Lars OLOFSSON, Eva: se GRANSTRÖM, Per-Olof PALM, Per-Olof & SÄLLSTRÖM, Bert: Uppföljning av animalieproduktion och drift­ ledning (högre specialkurser). Pedagogiska rapporter, Umeå 1982:107. - : Uppföljning av kurser i trädgårdsodling och markbyggnad (högre specialkurser). Pedagogiska rapporter, Umeå universitet 1982:106. RÖNMARK, Walter & WIKSTRÖM, Joel: Tvåspråkighet i Tornedalen. En beskrivning av språksituationen bland finska invandrarelever. Pedagogiska rapporter, Umeå 1982:108. SALOMONSSON, Kerstin: se KARPBERG, Eilert SANDSTRÖM, Ingrid: Undervisningen om arbetslivet på vissa yrkesförberedande och teoretiska gymnasieskolelinjer. En intervjuundersökning bland lärare. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:4. SCHELIN, Margitta: Att arbeta inom linjen för kost och näringsekonomi. En intervju­ undersökning bland lärare och studierektorer. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå univer­ sitet, maj 1982. - : Dropouts på linjen för kost och näringsekonomi. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, maj 1983. - : Linjen för kost och näringsekonomi utifrån ett arbetsplats- och arbetsmarknads­ perspektiv. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, januari 1983. - : Linjen för kost och naringsekonomi utifrån ett studerandeperspektiv. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, juni 1982. - : Lågstadiesatsningen 1983/84. En kartläggning. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:19. - : se NORDLUND, Gerhard SJÖDIN, Sture: Group norms, types of problems and group compositions on group- and subséquent individuai performances. Educational Reports 1982:25. SJÖSTRÖM, Ingela: se ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga SJÖSTRÖM, Margareta & SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: Literacy and development. A study of Yemissrach Dimits literacy campaign in Ethiopia. Diss. Umeå 1982. SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: se SJÖSTRÖM, Margareta STAGE, Christina: Intellektuella könsskillnader. En litteraturöversikt. In: Larsson, K (Red.). Skola, språk och kon, pp 7-22. Studentlitteratur. Lund 1982.

262 - : Kvinnliga naturvetare — en motsägelse? In: Gisselberg, K, Lindberg, D H, & Sjöberg, G (red.)- Vad gör vi med tekniken? pp 50-54. Stockholm 1984. - : Könsskillnader i allmänorientering. Pedagogiska rapporter Umeå 1984:1. - : Könsskillnader i ordkunskap. In: Larsson, K (Red.). Skola, språk och kön. Luleå 1982. - : Könsskillnader i resultat på 450 allmänorienteringsuppgifter. Pedagogiska rapporter. Umeå 1984:2. - & WEDMAN, Ingemar: Lika möjligheter till utbildning. In: Utbildningsstatistisk årsbok 1983/84, pp 33-46. Stockholm 1984. STAGE, Christina: se NORDIN, Bernt; se WEDMAN, Ingemar SÄLLSTRÖM, Bert: se PALM, Per-Olof WEDMAN, Ingemar: Den eviga betygsfrågan. Historiskt och aktuellt om betygsättningen i skolan. Skolöverstyrelsen, Utbildningsforskning. FoU-rapport 1983:48. - Den svårfångade motionåren. Vigör 1984:2 pp 24-25. - : Tro och vetande om examination vid högskolan. In: Beckman, L & Svensson, A G (Red.). Högskolans inre arbete. Umeå universitet 1983. - & HENRIKSSON, Widar: Högskoleprovet. Konstruktion, resultat och erfarenheter. H-gruppen, pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1983. WEDMAN, Ingemar & STAGE, Christina: The significance of contents for sex diffé­ rences in test results. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 27(1983) pp 49-71. WEDMAN, Ingemar & WESTER-WEDMAN, Anita: Forskning om effekter av regel­ bunden fysisk aktivitet. Mot ett psykofysiologiskt angreppssätt. Paper presenterat vid symposium om beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning, GIH, Högskolan för lärar­ utbildning i Stockholm 23-24 september 1982. In: Engström, L M & Lindroth, M. Beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning i Sverige. Rapport från symposium på GIH, Stockholm i september 1982. Högskolan för lärarutbildning i Stockholm, institutionen för pedagogik. - : En genomgång av några undersökningar. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - : Lust och olust i samband med motion. In: Engström, L M & Forsberg, A (red.). Vuxnas motionsvanor. Idrottens forskningsråd och Riksidrottsförbundet. Farsta 1983. - : Lust och olust i samband med motion. Paper presenterat vid forskningskonferensen "Vuxnas motionsvanor" på Bosön 1983-02-03 arrangerad av Idrottens forskningsråd. : Regelbunden fysisk aktivitet. En beskrivning av den erfarne motionären avseende motiv, upplevelser, hälsa och välbefinnande. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå univer­ sitet, 1982. - : Why don't you exercise? Explorations into present and future exercise habits. Univer­ sity of Umeå, Department of Education, 1984. WEDMAN, Ingemar: se HENRYSSON, Sten; se KARPBERG, Eilert; se LEXELIUS, Anders; se NORDIN, Bernt; se STAGE, Christina; se WESTER, Anita WESTER, Anita & WEDMAN, Ingemar: Landstingens friskvårdsverksamhet. En genomgång av landstingens friskvårdsplaner samt några exempel på företagsfriskvård. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. - : Vad t(r)ycks om grundskolan — ett försök till lägesbeskrivning av grundskolan. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 1982. WESTER, Anita: se WEDMAN, Ingemar WESTIN, Gun: se HENRIKSSON, Widar WIKSTRÖM, Joel: Forskningsöversikt rörande utbildningsplanering. En litteratur­ granskning. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:7. : Utbildningsplanering och resursfördelning på kommunal nivå, Grundskola. Arbets­ rapporter från pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:10. WIKSTRÖM, Joel: se RÖNMARK, Walter

263 ÅHMAN, Barbro: En genomgång av svensk forskning med inriktning på lågstadiet och övergången förskola-lågstadium 1970-83. Arbetsrapporter från pedagogiska institu­ tionen, Umeå universitet 1984:15. ÖHLUND, Ethel: Projektet forskningsanknytning. En sammanfattning. Regionsstyrelsen i Umeå högskoleregion. Rapport 1982:1. - : Specialarbetet i lärarutbildningen. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, februari 1982.

PEDIATRIK Abitol, D, Freundlich, M, Zilleruelo, G, THODEN1US, Kersti & Strauss, J: Effect of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25 Ds) on leukocyte gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP). Proceedings of the Society for pediatrie research 1984. ALMAY, Béla: se FORSGREN, Lars Andersson-Wenckert, I, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON & FREDRIKZON, Bo: Oral health in coeliac disease and cow's milk protein intolerance. Swedish Dental Journal 1984:8 pp 9-14. Aperia, A, Broberger, O, Elinder, G, THODENIUS, Kersti & Zetterström, R: Postnatal changes in glomerular filtration rate in preterm and full-term infants. In: The kidney during development, pp 133-137. New York 1982. Aquilonius, S M, HOLMGREN, Gösta & Häggström, J E: Patienter med ofrivilliga rörelser (symposium). Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 93(1984):9. BARDON, Alicja, CEDER, Ove, Ekbom, G & KOLLBERG, Hans: Salivary ribonucelase in cystic fibrosis and control subjects. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 73(1984) pp 263-266. BARDON, Alicja, CEDER, Ove & KOLLBERG, Hans: Activities of some glycolytic enzymes in eultured fibroblasts from CF homozygotes, heterozygotes and normal controls. In: Cystic fibrosis: Horizons. Ed. Lawson, D. Proceedings. 9th International cystic fibrosis congress, p 413. Brighton 1984. - : Cystic fibrosis-like changes in saliva of healthy persons subjected to anaerobic exercise. Clinica Chimica Acta 135(1983) pp 311-316. - : Is the lack of pyruvate oxidative metabolism in exocrine glands a basic defect in cystic fibrosis? European working group for cystic fibrosis, pp 118-119. Brussels 1982. BARDON, Alicja: se CEDER, Ove; se KOLLBERG, Hans; se Roomans, M BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno & MARKLUND, Stefan: Enzymes of leu­ kocyte oxidative metabolism in Dovvn's syndrome. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 73(1984) pp 97-101. BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt: se JUTO, Per BLINDH, Per-Jonas, BLÄCKBERG, Lars, HERNELL, OHe& Ljungberg, G: /?-Amylase and/or carboxylester hydrolase in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis? Nordisk kirurgisk förenings årsmöte. Uppsala 11-17 juni 1983. BLOM, L, Dahlquist, G, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Larsson, Y & WALL, Stig: Epidemiologin vid diabetes hos svenska barn 0-14 år — en prospektiv studie, Abstract. Svenska Läkaresällskapet riksstämma, Stockholm 28-30 nov, 1984. - : Epidemiologin vid diabetes mellitus hos svenska barn 0-14 år — en sex års prospektiv studie. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 93(1984):9.

264 BLOM, Sigfrid & HEIJBEL, Jan: Benign epilepsy of children with centrotemporal EEG foci: A follow-up study in adulthood of patients initially studied as children. Epilepsia 23(1982) pp 629-632. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON: Barnhälsovårdens roll för tidigt uppspårande av barn med handikapp — preventiva möjligheter. In: Barn är barn — om än med handikapp. En föreläsningsserie. Red. Kollberg, H. Allmänna Barnhuset och Umeå Universitet. Stockholm 1982. - : Mental retardation in children. An epidemiological and etiological study of mentally retarded children born 1959-1970 in a northern Swedish county. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1982:76. - , Gustavson, K H, HOLMGREN, Gösta, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & Pålsson-Stråe, U: Fragile X-syndrome in mildly mentally retarded children in a northern Swedish county. A prevalence study. Clinical Genetics 24(1983) pp 393-398. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Gustavson, K H, HOLMGREN, Gösta, NORDENSSON, Ingrid & SWEINS, Agneta: Fragile site X chromosomes and X-linked mental retar­ dation in severely retarded boys in a northern Swedish county. A prevalence study. Clinical Genetics 21(1982) pp 209-214. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, MJÖRNDAL, Tom & TIGER, Gunnar: Dicykloverinklo- rid-lösning — hjälp vid svår spädbarnskolik. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 116-118. - : Försiktighet med dicykloverinklorid till de spädaste barnen rekommenderas. Läkar­ tidningen 81(1984) p 2422. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON: se ANDERSSON-WENCKERT, Ingrid; se Gustavson, K H; se Hjertkvist, M; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid BLÄCKBERG, Lars & HERNELL, Olle: Further characterization of bile salt-stimulated lipase in human milk. FEBS Letters 157(1983) pp 337-341. BLÄCKBERG, Lars: se BLINDH, Per-Jonas; se FREDRIKZON, Bo; se HERNELL, Olle; se OLIVECRONA, Thomas BOHMAN, Michael: se Gustavson, K H Borgström, A, Sveger, T, Lindberg, T, KOLLBERG, Hans & Larsson, A: Immuno- reactive trypsin screening for cystic fibrosis. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 621-624. Bruce, Å, Hagman, U, PERSSON, Lars-Åke, SAMUELSSON, Gösta & Sjölin, S: Naringsintag hos svenska barn. Resultat från en multicenterstudie 1980-81. Vår Föda 36(1984):Suppl.2. Brändström, A, Broström, G & PERSSON, Lars-Åke: The impact of feeding patterns on infant mortality in a nineteenth Century Swedish parish. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 30(1984) pp 154-159. - : Cystisk fibros. Grundproblemet finns i cellens omsättning av socker och energi. Universitetsperjournalen 1984:3 pp 22-23. - : Cystic fibrosis — en sjukdom med salta kyssar. Universitetsperjournalen 1982:4 pp 13-15. - : Cystic fibrosis. In vitro and in vivo studies on the biochemical background to the pathogenesis. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.309 pp 1-48. - : Doktorsavhandling om cystisk fibros. Hjärta-kärl-lungor 1984:1. - : Ny doktorsavhandling om cystisk fibros. Medlemsblad för de nordiska riksföreningar­ na för cystisk fibros 1984:1 pp 5-6. - , BARDON, Alicja, Hellsing, K & KOLLBERG, Hans: Effects of sucrose load on the biochemical composition of blood, saliva and urine from cystic fibrosis homozygotes and heterozygotes and healthy controls. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.309 pp 33-39. CEDER, Ove, Hösli, P, Vogt, E & KOLLBERG, Hans: Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis homozygotes and heterozygotes with plasma and fibroblast cultures. - A three genera­ tion family study. Clinical Genetics 23(1983) pp 298-303.

265 CEDER, Ove & KOLLBERG, Hans: Cystic fibrosis hydrolases are taken up by cultured fibroblasts. Acta Pediatrica Scandinavica 72(1983) pp 291-292. CEDER, Ove & Roomans, G M: Effects of culture medium on cystic fibrosis and normal fibroblasts studied by x-ray microanalysis. Ultrastructural Pathology 4(1983) pp 305-309. - & Hösli, P: Increased calcium content in cultured fibroblasts from trisomy patients — Comparison with cystic fibroblasts. Scanning Electron Microscopy 1982:2 pp 723-730. CEDER, Ove, TEIEN, Dag, BARDON, Alicja, Hellsing, K & KOLLBERG, Hans: Cystic fibrosis-like changes in body fluids of healthy persons performing anaerobic exercise. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1983: Suppl.309 pp 25-31. CEDER, Ove: se BARDON, Alicja; se von Euler, A M; se Hellsing, K; se Hultberg, B; se KOLLBERG, Hans; se Roomans, G M Dahlquist, G, Blom, L, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno & WALL, Stig: Epidemiology of diabetes in Swedish children 0-15 years — A six year prospective study. Abstract. European association for the study of diabetes. London, England, Sept 12-15, 1984. Dahlquist, G, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Nilsson, K O, Larsson, Y, SAMUELSSON, Gösta, Sterky, G, Thalme, B & WALL, Stig: The incidence of diabetes mellitus in Swedish children 0-14 years of âge in a prospective study 1977-80. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 7-14. DANIELSSON, Åke: se KOLLBERG, Hans Davies, P A & GOTHEFORS, Leif: Bacterial infections in the fétus and newborn infant. New York 1984. EDVINSSON, S O: se Gustavson, K H; se HOLMGREN, Gösta Engberg, S & GOTHEFORS, Leif: Allvarliga bakteriella infektioner. Akut pediatrik, pp 58-63. Ed. Sjölin, S. Uppsala 1984. - : Septikämi. Akut pediatrik, pp 165-175. Ed. Sjölin, S. Uppsala 1984. von Euler, A M, Müller, R M, CEDER, Ove & Roomans, G M: Effects of cystic fibrosis serum and culture medium on ion distribution in rat submandibular gland. Ultra­ structural Pathology 5(1983) pp 37-44. FALKMER, Sture: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno FORSELL, Åke: se HOLMGREN, Gösta FORSGREN, Lars, ALMAY, Béla, HOLMGREN, Gösta & WALL, Stig: Epidemiology of motor neuron disease in northern Sweden. An epidemiologica! and clinical study. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 20-29. FREDRIKZON, Bo, HERNELL, Olle & BLÄCKBERG, Lars: Lingual lipase. Its role in lipid digestion in infants with low birthweight and/or pancreatic insuffiency. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.296 pp 75-80. GLITTERSTAM, Kjell: se KOLLBERG, Hans GOTHEFORS, Leif: Antibiotikaval vid landets barnkliniker: Snabbt genomslag for nytt preparat förvånar och oroar. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 1268-1269. - : Oral rehydrering i u-land och i-land — lever vi upp till rollen som föredöme? Läkar­ tidningen 81(1984):20 pp 2039-2040. - : se Davies, P A; se Engberg, S; se Svennerholm, A M Gottfries, C G, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Persson, S, Nyberg, P, Roos, B E & WINBLAD, Bengt: Advanced catecholaminergic disturbance in the brain in a case of Wilson's disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 65(1982) pp 71-75. GOUSTIN, Anton S, Betzholst, C, PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, RYDNERT, Jan HOLMGREN, Gösta, Heldin, C H, Bywater, M, Westermark, B & OHLSSON, Rolf: Expression of the cellulär sis oncogene in early human placenta: Implications for

266 Auto/paracrine control of cytotrophoblast prolifération. Nomba/Nordforsk sympo­ sium "Gene technology in basic and applied research" Savonlinna (Nyslott), Finland, May 27-29, 1984. Gustavson, K H, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Bohman, M, EDVINSSON, S O, Gill- berg, Ch, HOLMGREN, Gösta & Wahlström, J: Fragile X kromosom vid infantil autism — En multicenter studie. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 93(1984):9. Gustavson, K H, HOLMGREN, Gösta, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Mikkelsen, M, Poulsen, H & Tommerup, N: Familial X-linked mental retardation and fragile chromo­ some. Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology 1982. HALLMANS, Göran: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno Hellsing, K, Barrljung, K, CEDER, Ove & KOLLBERG, Hans: Meconium-screening for cystic fibrosis. — An eight-year follow-up study. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 827-832. HENRIKSSON, R: se KOLLBERG, Hans HERNELL, Olle: Breast-milk jaundice. Journal of Pediatrics 101(1982) pp 311-312. - : Det gallsalt-stimulerade lipasets betydelse för spjälkning av mjölkfettdropparnas triglycerider hos det ammade barnet. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. - : Modersmjölksfettets goda absorption beror inte bara på dess sammansattning. Barn Hälsa Näring 1983:10 pp 7-10. - & BLÄCKBERG, Lars: Digestion of human milk lipids: Physiologie significance of sn-2 monoacylglycerol hydrolysis by bile salt-stimulated lipase. Pediatrie Research 16(1982) pp 882-885. - : The bile salt-stimulated lipase in human milk and lipid digestion in the neonatal period. Journal of Pediatrie Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1983:2.Suppl. 1 pp 242-247. HERNELL, Olle, Holman, R T, HOLMGREN, Gösta, JAGELL, Sten & Johnson, S D: Suspected faulty essential fatty acid metabolism in Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Pedatric Research 16(1982) pp 45-49. HERNELL, Olle: se BLINDH, Per-Jonas; se BLÄCKBERG, Lars; se FREDRIKZON, Bo; se OLIVECRONA, Thomas Hjertkvist, M, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, THODENIUS, Kersti, ÖBERG, Lars & JÄRHULT, Johannes: Erfarenheter av ultraljudsdiagnostik och CG-behandling vid retentio testis. Svensk kirurgi 42(1984):2 p 98. HOLM, Anna-Karin: se PERSSON, Lars-Åke HOLMGREN, Gösta: Inherited metabolic disorders in northern Sweden. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Reports 36(1983) pp 58-61. - & BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON : Chromosomal abnormalities in mentally retarded children in a northern Swedish county. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Reports 36(1983) pp 62-66. HOLMGREN, Gösta, EDVINSSON, S O & NORDENSSON, Ingrid: Strukturell X-kro- mosomal defekt (fragile-X) som orsak till svår psykisk utvecklingsstörning hos kvinnor. Svenska Läkaresällskapets förhandlingar. Stockholm 1982. HOLMGREN, Gösta, FORSELL, Åke, Kaäriainen, H & Maroteaux, P: Semi-lethal bone dysplasia in three sibs: a new genetic disorder. Clinical Genetics 26(1984) pp 249-251. HOLMGREN, Gösta, JAGELL, Sten, LAGERKVIST, Bengt & NORDENSSON, Ingrid: A pair of siblings with diastrophic dysplasia and E trisomy mosaicism. Human Heredity 34(984) p 266. - : E-Tiisomie-Mosaik bei einem Geschwisterpaar mit diastrophischer Dysplasie. Social- padiatrik in Praxis und Klinik 434(1984):6. HOLMGREN, Gösta, SAMUELSSON, Gosta & Sjögren, S: Treatment of a presympto- matic 14-year-old girl with Wilson's disease. Upsala Journal of Medicai Sciences. 87(1982) pp 91-96.

267 HOLMGREN, Gösta & SIGURD, Jörgen: Prenatal diagnosis of two cases with gastro- schisis after alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) screening. Acta Obstetricia et Gynaecologia Scan­ dinavia 63(1983) pp 325-328. HOLMGREN, Gösta: se Aquilonius, S M; se Blom, L; se Dahlqvist, G; se FORSGREN, Lars; se Gottfries, C G; se GOUSTIN, Anton G; se Gustavsson, K H; se HERNELL, Olle; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se JAGELL, Sten; se JUTO, Per; se Overbach, D; se Persson, S; se RYDNERT, Jan; se Winberg, E Hultberg, B, CEDER, Ove & KOLLBERG, Hans: Acid hydrolases in sera and plasma from patients with cystic fibrosis. Clinica Chimica Acta 112(1981) pp 167-175. HÅKANSSON, S: Grupp B-streptokocker — ett perinatalt problem. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2351-2353. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: Diabetes hos barn. In: Barn är barn — om än med handikapp, pp 69-75. Red. Kollberg, Hans. Allmänna barnhuset och Umeå universitet. Stockholm 1982. - : Immunologiska faktorer vid insulin-beroende diabetes mellitus. Journalen. (Kabi/ Vitrum) 1983:3 pp 81-82. - , et al. (Medarb.): Vårdprogram för barn- och ungdomsdiabetes. Sprirapport 1982:104. - , HALLMANS, Göran, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Ludvigsson, J & FALKMER, Sture: Prospective and rétrospective studies of zinc concentrations in serum,blood clots, hair and urine in young patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Acta Endocrino- logica 102(1983) pp 88-95. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, HOLMGREN, Gösta & WALL, Stig: Incidence of insulin-depen­ dent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) among children in a north Swedish population 1938- 1977. Human Heredity 32(1982) pp 408-417. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Larsson, Y & Thalme, B: Behov av enhetligare vårdbidragsregler vad gäller barn och ungdom med diabetes. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 899-900. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, MARKLUND, Stefan & HOLMGREN, Gösta: CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in lympho­ cytes and erythrocytes in insulin-dependent diabetic children. Acta Endocrinologica 102(1983) pp 235-239. HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: se Blom, L; se Dahlquist, G; se HOLMGREN, Gösta; se JUTO, Per; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se Owerbach, D JAGELL, Sten, Gustavsson, K H & HOLMGREN, Gösta: Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Update of a clinical, genetic and epidemiological study. Perspectives and progress in mental retardation. Biomedicai Aspects. IASSMD, Toronto 2(1984). JAGELL, Sten & HEIJBEL, Jan: Sjögren-Larssons syndrome: Physical and neurological features. A survey of 35 patients. Helvetica Paediatrica Acta 37(1982) pp 519-530. JAGELL, Sten: se HERNELL, Olle; se HOLMGREN, Gösta JUTO, Per, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno & WADELL, Göran: Serological evidences for a recent viral infection of the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children. Abstract. European society against virus diseases, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Sept 12-15, 1983. JUTO, Per, MÖLLER, Christian, Engberg, S & BJÖRKSTEN, Bengt: Influence of type of feeding on lymphocyte function and development of infantile allergy. Clinical Allergy 12(1982) pp 409-416. JUTO, Per: se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se MÖLLER, Christian JÄRHULT, Johannes: se Hjertkvist, M KOLLBERG, Hans (ed.): Barn är barn — om än med handikapp. Allmänna barnhuset. Stockholm 1982. - : Barn och handikapp — en översikt. In: Barn är barn — om än med handikapp, pp 11-19. Ed. Kollberg, Hans. Allmänna barnhuset. Stockholm 1982.

268 - : CF-gåtan — var står vi? Medlemsblad för de nordiska riksföreningarna för cystisk fibros 1982:1 pp 5-6. - : Children in hospital. A comparison between two countries. 3rd International sympo­ sium. International college of pediatrics. Washington 1984. - : Cystisk fibros. In: Barn är barn — om än med handikapp, pp 81-87. Ed. Kollberg, Hans. Allmänna barnhuset. Stockholm 1982. - : Cystisk fibrosis in adulthood. European Journal of Respiratory Diseases 63(1982): Suppl.118 pp 111-116. - : Incidence and survival curves of cystic fibrosis in Sweden. Acta Paediatrica Scandina­ via 71(1982) pp 197-202. - : Should we screen for cystic fibrosis. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.301 pp 15-26. - : Sociomedical conditions for Swedish patients with cystic fibrosis. A review of the last twelve years. International Journal Rehabilitation Research 5(1982) pp 345-361. - : Vanmaisista lapsista. Kollega (Åbo) 1982:1 pp 19-20. - , BARDON, Alicja & CEDER, Ove: Cystic fibrosis. Spéculations on the pathogenesis. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.309 pp 41-47. KOLLBERG, Hans, DANIELSSON, Åke, GLITTERSTAM, Kjell, Henriksson, R & MARKLUND, Stefan: Studies on parotid saliva in cystic fibrosis. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 321-322. KOLLBERG, Hans, Tellhammar-Vänmann, C, Larsson, A, Delvert, J & Gustavsson, K H: Omsorg om barn på sjukhus. Socialstyrelsen rapporterar 1982:1. KOLLBERG, Hans: se BARDON, Alicja; se Borgström, A; se CEDER, Ove; se Hellsing, K; se Hultberg, B; se Roomans, G M; se Ryley, H C; se Wahlstedt, C Köhler, L & LINDSTRÖM, Bengt: An analysis of the health implication of breakdown for families with children. WHO, Dec. 1984. LAGERKVIST, Bengt: Att utvärdera medicinsk undervisning. Läkartidningen 81(1984) p 4811. - : Förord till svenska upplagan, (pp 5-6). Kort beskrivning av några i boken före­ kommande reflexer (pp 96, 98), och Den svenska CP-terminologin (pp 99-100). In: Den motoriska utvecklingen hos barn vid olika former av cerebral pares av Bobath och Bobath. Lund 1982. - : Samordnad habilitering — erfarenheter från norra sjukvårdsregionen. Sjukgymnasten 1982:4 pp 21-22. - : Vetande, händighet och klokskap i läkarutbildningen. In: Mot vetandet: att undervisa i högskolan, pp 79-88. Red. Lindberg, L Å Ricknell, L. Stockholm 1983. - , Kjellberg, G & Sjölin, S: Lärarens attityd viktig vid undervisning av läkarstuderande om barn med handikapp. Läkartidningen 79(1982) p 2455. LAGERKVIST, Bengt & Neyzi, O: Identification of priority areas. Postgraduate training in social pediatrics. Report on a workshop. The Nordic school of public health & inter­ national children's centre, pp 25-27. Göteborg 1982. LAGERKVIST, Bengt & Sahlman, J E: Barn med rörelsehinder och deras habilitering. In: Barn är barn om än med handikapp, pp 36-49. Allmänna barnhuset, Stockholm 1982. LAGERKVIST, Bengt: se HOLMGREN, Gösta LINDSTRÖM, Bengt: se Köhler, L MARKLUND, Stefan & HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: Plasma EC-superoxide dismutase activity in insulin-dependent diabetic children. Clinica Chimica Acta 142(1984) pp 299-305. MARKLUND, Stefan: se BJÖRKSTEN, Bengt; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno MATTSSON, B: se Winberg, E MJÖRNDAL, Tom: se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON

269 MÖLLER, Christian: The problem of hay fever in children. Astemizole Symposium. Beerse, Belgium, 27 October 1983. - , BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt, Nilsson, G & Dreborg, S: The precision of the conjunctival provocation test. Allergy 39(1984) pp 37-41. MÖLLER, Christian & Dreborg, S: The repeatability of the conjunctival provocation test. Allergy 37(1982):Suppl.36. MÖLLER, Christian & Johansson, 1: Effect and side-effects of astemizole. A double blind comparison with Clemastine in the treatment of children with hay-fever. Folia Allergologica et Immunologica Clinica 30(1983):Suppl.4 p 28. - : Effects and side-effects of astemizole — a double-blind comparison with Clemastine in the treatment of children with hay fever. In: Astemizole: a new, non-sedative, long-acting H -antagonist, pp 79-85. (Medicine Publishing Foundation Symposium Series 11). Oxford 1984. MÖLLER, Christian, JUTO, Per, Dreborg, S & BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt: Altered lympho­ cyte reactivity during immunotherapy. Allergy 37(1982):Suppl. 1 p 38. - : Blood lymphocyte prolifération response to pollen extract as a monitor of immuno­ therapy. Allergy 39(1984) pp 291-296. - : Lymphocyte reactivity to allergens in monitoring clinical efficacy of immunotherapy. XI International congress of allergology & clinical immunology. London October 17-22, 1982. MÖLLER, Christian: se JUTO, Per; se Wahlstedt, C NORDENSSON, Ingrid, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON, Gustavsson, K H & HOLM­ GREN, Gösta: Förekomsten av strukturell X-kromosomavvikelse (fragile-X) vid lätt och svår psykisk utvecklingsstörning hos män. Svenska Läkaresällskapets förhandlingar 91(1982) p 156. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON; se HOLMGREN, Gösta OHLSSON, Rolf: se GOUSTIN, Anton S OLIVECRONA, Thomas, HERNELL, Olle & BLÄCKBERG, Lars: Digestion of milk lipids. In: Milk intolerance and rejection, pp 147-151. Basel 1983. Owerbach, D, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Lernmark, Å & HOLMGREN, Gösta: Susceptibility to insulin-dependent diabetes defined by restriction enzyme polymorphism of HLA-D region genomic DNA. Diabetes 33(1984) pp 958-965. PERSSON, Lars-Åke: Dietary habits and health risks in Swedish children. Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition 38C(1984) pp 287-297. - : Nutrition and health in infancy and childhood. An epidemiological approach to the assessment of dietary habits, their déterminants and implications. Diss. Umeå Univer­ sity Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:119. - & Carlgren, G: Measuring children's diets: Evaluation of dietary assessment techniques in infancy and childhood. International Journal of Epidemiology 13(1984) pp 506-517. PERSSON, Lars-Åke, Johansson, E & SAMUELSSON, Gösta: Dietary intake of weaned infants in a Swedish community. Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition 38A(1984) pp 247-254. PERSSON, Lars-Åke & SAMUELSSON, Gösta: From breastmilk to family food. Infant feeding in three Swedish communities. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 73(1984) pp 685-692. - , Johansson, E & Osland-Johansson, T: Vad ater svenska barn? Se till hela familjens matvanor. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 3813-3816. PERSSON, Lars-Åke, STECKSÉN-BLICKS, Christina & HOLM, Anna-Karin: Nutri­ tion and health in childhood; causal and quantitative interpretations of dental caries. Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology 12(1984) pp 390-397. PERSSON. Lars-Åke: se Bruce, Å; se Brändström, A; se SAMUELSSON, Gösta

270 Persson, S, Gottfries, C G, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Roos, B E & W1NBLAD, Bengt: Advanced catecholaminergic disturbance in the brain in a case of Wilson's disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 65(1982) p 71. PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan: se GOUSTIN, Anton S Roomans, G M & BARDON, Alijca: Effect of metabolic acidosis on acinar cells of rat submandibular gland. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharma- cology 46(1984) pp 155-158. Roomans, G M, von Euler, A M & CEDER, Ove: Microprobe analysis in studies and diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1984:428 pp 121-132. Roomans, G M, Wei, X, CEDER, Ove & KOLLBERG, Hans: The reserpinized rat as an animal model in the study of cystic fibrosis: X-ray microanalysis of submandibular gland and pancreas. Ultrastructural Pathology 3(1982) pp 285-293. RYDNERT, Jan, HOLMGREN, Gösta & SIGURD, Jörgen: Intra-uterine diagnosis of an acardiac monster. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 63(1984) pp 569-570. RYDNERT, Jan: se GOUSTIN, Anton S Ryley, H C, Stephan, U, Dodge, J A, Gilly, R, Götz, M, Gottschalk, B, KOLLBERG, Hans, Mastella, G & Ten Kate, L: A review of the "State of the Art" of CF-screening. Report to the XI Meeting of EWGCF. Brussels 1982. SAMUELSSON, Gösta, Osland-Johansson, T & PERSSON, Lars-Åke: Kvinnans kost­ vanor och näringsintag under graviditeten. Näringsforskning 27(1983) pp 22-25. SAMUELSSON, Gösta: se Bruce, Å; se Dahlqvist, G; se HOLMGREN, Gösta; se PERS­ SON, Lars-Åke SIGURD, Jörgen: se RYDNERT, Jan; se HOLMGREN, Gösta STECKSÉN-BLICKS, Christina: se PERSSON, Lars-Åke SWEDISH STUDY GROUP: Cefuroxim versus ampicillin and chloramphenicol for the treatment of bacterial meningitis. Lancet l(1982)pp 295-298. Svennerholm, A M, Jertborn, M, GOTHEFORS, Leif, Karim, A, Sack, D A & Holm­ gren, J: Current status of an oral B subunit whole cell choiera vaccine. Developments in Biological Standardization 53(1983) pp 73-79. - : Mucosal antitoxic and antibacterial immunity after choiera disease and after immuni- zation with a combined B subunit whole cell vaccine. Journal of Infectious Diseases 149(1984) pp 884-893. TEIEN, Dag: se CEDER, Ove THODENIUS, Kersti: Modern aspects in the care of urinary tract infection. Proceedings of the 20th Postgraduate seminar Kilimanjaro Christian médical Centre. Moshi, Tanza­ nia 1982. : se Abitol, D; se Aperia, A; se Hjertkvist, M TIGER, Gunnar: se BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON WADELL, Göran: se Dahlqvist, G; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se JUTO, Per Wahlstedt, C, KOLLBERG, Hans, MÖLLER, Christian & Uppfeldt, A: Lignocaine- prilocaine cream reduces venepuncture pain. Lancet 1984 p 106. WALL, Stig: se Blom, L; se Dahlqvist, G; se FORSGREN, Lars; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno Winberg, E, HOLMGREN, Gösta, Mattsson, B & WINBLAD, Bengt: Huntingtons sjukdom en mötesplats för biokemi och etik. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 93( 1984):9. WINBLAD, Bengt: se Gottfries, C G; se Persson, S; se Winberg, E OBERG, Lars: se Hjertkvist, M

271 PEDODONTI ANDERSSON-WENCKERT, Ingrid, BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON & FREDRIKZON, Bo: Oral health in coeliac disease and cow's milk protein intolerance. Swedish Dental Journal 8(1984): 1 pp 9-14. BÄCKMAN, Birgitta, Crossner, Claes-Göran & HOLM, Anna-Karin: Réduction of caries in 8-year-old Swedish children between 1967 and 1979. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 10(1982):4 pp 178-181. BLOMQUIST, Hans K:SON: se ANDERSSON-WENCKERT, Ingrid FORSBERG, Hans, JAGELL, Sten & REUTERVING, Carl-Olov: Oral conditions in Sjögren- Larsson syndrome. Swedish Dental Journal 7(1983):4 pp 141-151. FREDRIKSSON, Bo: se ANDERSSON-WENCKERT, Ingrid HOLM, Anna-Karin: Evaluation of preventive programmes for preschool children. In: Dental health care in Scandinavia. Chicago 1983. HOLM, Anna-Karin & Andersson, Roland: Enamel mineralization disturbances in 12-year-old children with known early exposure to fluorides. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 10(1982):6 pp 335-339. HOLM, Anna-Karin & SAMUELSSON, Gösta: Dietary habits and dental caries in the northern part of Sweden during the last 50 years. Nordic Council Arctic Medicai Research Report 1982:31 pp 48-51. - & Uhrbom, Erik: Kostvaneformulär för vuxna. Tandläkartidningen 75(1983):8 pp 442-443. HOLM, Anna-Karin: se BÄCKMAN, Birgitta; se NILSSON, Brita; se PERSSON, Lars- Åke; se Pettersson, Tomas JAGELL, Sten: se FORSBERG, Hans LÖFGREN, Curt: se Pettersson, Tomas NILSSON, Brita & HOLM, Anna-Karin: Taste thresholds, taste preference, and dental caries in 15-year-olds. Journal of Dental Research 62(1983): 10 pp 1069-1072. - & SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: Taste threshold, preferences for sweet taste and dental caries in 15-year-old children. A pilot study. Swedish Dental Journal 6(1982): 1 pp 21-27. PERSSON, Lars-Åke, STECKSÉN-BLICKS, Christina & HOLM, Anna-Karin: Nutri­ tion and health in childhood. Causal and quantitative interpretation of dental caries. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 12(1984):6 pp 390-397. Pettersson, Tomas, LÖFGREN, Curt & HOLM, Anna-Karin: Selektering av riskpatienter inom barn- och ungdomstandvården. En modell för samhällsekonomisk lönsamhets­ beräkning. Tandläkartidningen 75(1983): 17 pp 885-891. REUTERVING, Carl-Olov: se FORSBERG, Hans SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: se NILSSON, Brita STECKSÉN-BLICKS, Christina & WAHLIN, Ylva-Britt: Diagnosis of approximal caries in pre-school children. Swedish Dental Journal 7( 1983):5 pp 179-184. STECKSÉN-BLICKS, Christina: se PERSSON, Lars-Åke WAHLIN, Ylva-Britt: se STECKSÉN-BLICKS, Christina

272 PROTETIK Axéll, Tony, Nilner, Krister & NILSSON, Brita: Clinical évaluation of patients referred with symptoms related to oral galvanism. Swedish Dental Journal 7(1983) pp 169-178. BERGMAN, Bo: Caries, periodontal and prosthetic conditions in patients fitted with removable partial dentures. A 10-year longitudinal study. In: Restoration of the partially dentate mouth, pp 21-26. Proceedings of the International prosthodontic symposium, London, November 1982. Eds. Bates, J F, Neill, D J & Preiskel, H W. Chicago 1984. - : Evaluation of the results of treatment with osseointegrated implants by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 50(1983) pp 114-115. - , BERGMAN, Maud & HELANDER, Herbert: Appearance of surfaces of dental amalgam in contact with gold. An in vivo study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 40(1982) pp 325-332. BERGMAN, Bo & ERICSON, Gunnel: A cross-sectional study of patients treated with removable partial dentures. Proceedings of the European Prosthodontic Association, pp 32-34. Seventh annual meeting in Bad Nauheim, West Germany 1983. BERGMAN, Bo, Hugosson, Anders & Olsson, Carl-Olof: Caries, periodontal and prosthetic findings in patients with removable partial dentures: A ten-year longitudinal study. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 48(1982) pp 506-514. BERGMAN, Bo: se GÜNNE, Hans; se MAGNUSSON, Bengt; se OLSSON, Stig; se STENBERG, Torsten ERICSON, Gunnel, Löfberg, P G & Eliasson, S: A clinical and radiographie évaluation of removable partial dentures retained by attachments to alveolar bars. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 47(1982):2 pp 126-132. ERICSSON, Gunnel: se BERGMAN, Bo GÜNNE, Hans-S Johan: Masticatory efficiency. A new method for détermination of masticated test material. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 41(1983) pp 271-276. - , BERGMAN, Bo, Enbom, Lars & Högström, Jan: Masticatory efficiency of complete denture patients. A clinical examination of potential changes at the transition from old to new dentures. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 40(1982) pp 289-297. HELANDER, Herbert: se BERGMAN, Bo LANDGREN, Sven & OLSSON, Kurt Å: Oral mechanoreceptors. In: Speech motor control, pp 129-139. Eds. Grillner, S, Lindblom, B, Lubke, J & Persson, A. Oxford 1982. - & WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: Bulbar neurones with axonal projections to the trige­ mina! motor nucleus in the cat. European Neuroscience Association, the Hague, Holland. Neuroscience Letters 1984:Suppl.l8 p 60. LANDGREN, Sven, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & OLSSON, Kurt Å: The sensory-motor integration in area 3a of the cat. Expérimental Brain Research 1984:Suppl.9 pp 359-375. LANDGREN, Sven: se OLSSON, Kurt Å Lund, J P & OLSSON, Kurt Å: The importance of reflexes and their control during jaw movement. Trends in Neurosciences 6(1983) pp 458-463. & Sasamoto, K: Patterns of activity of trigeminal sensory nuclear neurons during mastication. 29th Congress of the International Union of physiological sciences. Sydney 1983. Lund, J P, Sasamoto, K, Murakami, T & OLSSON, Kurt A: An analysis of the rhythmic jaw movements produced by electrical stimulation of the motor cortex of rabbits. Journal of Neurophysiology 53(1984) pp 1014-1029. I UNDQVIST, Peter & NILSON, Hans: A clinical re-examination of patients treated with pinledge-crowns. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 9(1982) pp 373-387.

273 MAGNUSSON, Bengt, BERGMAN, Maud, BERGMAN, Bo & Soremark, Rune: Nickel allergy and nickel-containing dental alloys. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 90(1982) pp 163-167. Nilner, Krister & NILSSON, Brita: Intraoral currents and taste thresholds. Swedish Dental Journal 6(1982) pp 105-113. NILSSON, Brita: Changes in taste perception with âge. Proceedings of The European Prosthodontic Association. Sixth annual meeting, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 16-18 Septem­ ber 1982. - & HOLM, Anna-Karin: Taste thresholds, taste preferences and dental caries in 15-year- olds. Journal of Dental Research 62(1983) 1069-1072. - & SJÖSTRÖM, Rolf: Taste thresholds, preferences for sweet taste and dental caries in 15-year-old children. A pilot study. Swedish Dental Journal 6(1982) pp 21-27. NILSSON, Brita: se Axéll, Tony; se Nilner, Krister NILSSON, Hans: se LUNDQVIST, Peter OLSSON, Kurt Å: Orai fysiologi. Tandläkartidningen 75(1983): 11 pp 628-637. - & LANDGREN, Sven: Cortical and trigeminal convergence in the intertrigeminal nucleus. 13th Annual meeting. Society for Neuroscience. Boston, USA 1983. - & WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: Cortical and trigeminal convergence in the intertrige­ minal area. European Neuroscience Association the Hague, Holland. Neuroscience letters 1984:Suppl. 18 p 261. - : Effects from the brain and mouth on interneurones projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus. Odontologisk riksstämma, Stockholm 1984. - : Hjärnan och tuggfunktionen — tandpressning, tandgnissling. Medicinska fakulteten 20 år, Bildmuseet, Umeå 1984. OLSSON, Kurt A, Lund, J P & Sasamoto, K: Activity of tregemino-thalamic neurons during mastication in the rabbit. 61 th General session. International association for dental research. Sydney 1983. - : A comparison of muscle responses to cortical and peripheral inputs during mastication in the rabbit. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 61(1983):AXXXCiii. - : A microelectrode study of the topographical projection of the sensori-motor cortex to the rostral trigeminal sensory nuclei in the rabbit. 13th Annual meeting. Society for Neuroscience. Boston, USA 1983. OLSSON, Kurt Å: se LANDGREN, Sven; se Lund, J P; se VALLBO, Åke B OLSSON, Stig, BERGMAN, Bo & BERGMAN, Maud: Zinc oxide-eugenol impression materials. Dimensionai stability and surface detail sharpness following treatment with disinfection solutions. Swedish Dental Journal 6(1982) pp 177-180. Stenberg, Torsten & BERGMAN, Bo: Release and uptake of cobalt from cobalt-chro- mium alloy implants. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 41(1983) pp 149-154. VALLBO, Åke B, OLSSON, Kurt Å, WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar & Clark, F J: Micro­ stimulation of single afferents from the human hand: Attributes and sensations related to unit type and properties of receptive fields. Brain 107(1984) pp 727-749. - : What kind of sensation is evoked by a train of impulses in a single unit from the glabrous skin of the human hand? 6th European Neuroscience Congress. Malaga 1982. WESTBERG, Karl-Gunnar: se LANDGREN, Sven; se OLSSON, Kurt Å; se VALLBO, Åke B

274 PSYKOLOGI ALM, Håkan: Effects of pretraining on the construction of complex rules in probabilistic inference tasks. Umeå Psychological Reports 1982:162. - : Learning of probabilistic inference tasks: effects of uncertainty and function form. Diss. Umeå 1982. - & BREHMER, Berndt: Hypotheses about cue-criterion relations in linear and random inference tasks. Umeå Psychological Reports 1982:164. ANDERSSON, Björn: se STRANGERT, Bo BREHMER, Berndt: se ALM, Håkan; se MÄNTYLÄ, Timo BRÄNNSTRÖM, Lauritz: se STRANGERT, Bo BÄCKMAN, Lars: Age différences in memory performances: Rules and exceptions. Diss. Umeå 1984. - & MOLANDER, Bo: Track-golf performance in national and local compétitions: an age-related discrepancy. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:174. BÄCKMAN, Lars, MÄNTYLÄ, Timo & Erngrund, Karin: Optimal recali in early and late adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 25(1984) pp 306-314. BÄCKMAN, Lars & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Aging effects in free recali: an exception to the rule. Human Learning 3(1983) pp 53-69. BÄCKMAN, Lars: se RÖNNBERG, Jerker; se SANDBERG, Karl BÖÖK, Anders: se GÄRLING, Tommy CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke: Amnesia and emotional arousal. Diss. Umeå 1984. - : The relationship between induced emotional arousal and amnesia. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 25(1984) pp 147-160. - & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Functional amnesia as induced by a psychological trauma. Memory & Cognition 12(1984):2 pp 142-155. - , MJÖRNDAL, Tom, PERRIS, Carlo & Tjellden, Gunnar: Physiological and cognitive déterminants of emotional arousal in mediating amnesia. Umeå Psychological Reports 1984:176. CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke: se NILSSON, Lars-Göran; se SILFVENIUS, Herbert ERGEZEN, Nahide: se GÄRLING, Tommy Evans, G W, Skorpanich, M A, GÄRLING, Tommy, Bryant, K J & Bresolin, B: The effects of pathway configuration, landmarks and stress on environmental Cognition. Journal of Enviromental Psychology 4(1984) pp 323-335. GARVILL, Helena: se GARV1LL, Jörgen GARV1LL, Jörgen & GARVILL, Helena: Effects of distribution of eue validities and of feedback on multiple-cue probability judgment in groups. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:165. GÄRLING, Tommy: Kontorshus — anläggningars huvuduppläggning. Byggnadsstyrel­ sens rapporter 1984:147. - Review of Swedish environmental psychology research. Journal of Environmental Psychology 2(1982) pp 233-251. - : Reviews. Biel, A. Childrens spatial knowledge of their home environment. "Göteborg Psychological Reports No 10", Göteborg: University of Goteborg, Department of Psychology 1982. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 24(1983) p 256. , BÖÖK, Anders & ERGEZEN, Nahide: Memory for the spatial layout of the everyday physical environment: Differential rates of acquisition of différent types of informa­ tion. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 23(1982) pp 23-35. GÄRLING, Tommy, BÖÖK, Anders & LINDBERG, Erik: Cognitive mapping of large- scale environments: the interrelationship of action plans, acquisition and orientation. Environment and Behavior 16(1984:1 pp 3-34.

275 - , SÄISÄ, Jouko & WAARA, Rolf: Utmärkning av parkeringsreglering — betydelsen av text för trafikanters förståelse. TRUM Trafik- & transportforskningsenheten 1983:01. - : Utmärkning av parkeringsreglering — jämförelse mellan olika utmärkningar av last­ zon. TRUM Trafik- & transportforskningsenheten 1983:02. - : Utmärkning av parkeringsreglering — trafikantens förståelse av skyltar. TRUM Trafik- & transportforskningsenheten 1982:04. GÄRL1NG, Tommy, LINDBERG, Erik & MÄNTYLÄ, Timo: Orientation in buildings: Effects of familiarity, visual access, and orientation aids. Journal of Applied Psycho- logy 68(1983): 1 pp 177-186. GÄRL1NG, Tommy, SÄISÄ, Jouko & WAARA, Rolf: Hushållens reserutiner: betydel­ sen av kognitiva styrfaktorer. TRUM Trafik- & transportforskningsenheten 1984:02. GÄRLING, Tommy, SVENSSON-GÄRLING, Anita & Valsiner, J: Parental concern about children's traffic safety in residential neighborhoods. Journal of Environmental Psychology 4(1984) pp 235-252. GÄRLING, Tommy, ÄNGERFORS, Barbro & WAARA, Rolf: Trafikanters förståelse för utmärkning av strackzoner. TRUM Trafik- & transportforskningsenheten i Umeå, 1984:03. GÄRLING, Tommy: se Evans, G W; se LINDBERG, Erik Jönsson, P G, SANDBERG, Lennart & Sundqvist, R: Andningsskydd för barn 3-6 år. FOA rapport C40197-C2, Maj 1984. LINDBERG, Erik: Acquisition of cognitive maps of large-scale environments. Diss. Umeå 1984. - & GÄRLING, Tommy: Acquisition of différent types of locational information in cognitive maps: automatic or effortful processing. Psychological Research 34(1983) pp 19-38. - : Acquisition of locational information about reference points during locomotion: The role of central information processing. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 23(1982) pp 207-218. LINDBERG, Erik: se GÄRLING, Tommy LUNDBERG, Ingvar: Diagnose av lesing — et teoretisk perspektiv. In: Lesevansker. Årsaker, diagnostisering, undervisning. Ed. Hoien, T. Oslo 1982. - : Dialektens inverkan på läsinlärningen. In: Dialektens betydning for skoleforlobet. Eds. Hansen, I E & Lund, J. Copenhagen 1983. ISBN 87-88295-06-0. - : Kognitionspsykologiska hinder för läsning hos äldre. In: Om aeldres laesning. Ed. Jansen, M. Copenhagen 1984. - : Learning to read. School Research. Newsletter from the National Board of Education in Sweden 1984:5. - : Linguistic awareness as related to dyslexia. In: Dyslexia, neuronal, cognitive & linguistic aspects. Ed. Zotterman, Y. New York 1982. - : Lingvistisk medvetenhet — en kritisk faktor i läsinlärningen. In: Språk og lesing. Ed. Hoien, T. Stavanger 1982. - : Longitudinal studies of reading and its difficulties in Swedish children. In: Reading research: Advances in theory and practice. Eds. Waller, G T & MacKinnon, G E. New York 1984. - Metacognition and reading. In: Leseferdigheter og skapende lesing. Eds. Hoien, T & Lundberg, I. Stavanger 1984. - : Research on reading and reading disabilities. Newsletter from the European Asso­ ciation of Psycholinguistics 1984:8. - : Språk och läsning. Malmö 1984. 143 s. ISBN 91-38-60071-4. - : Ett språkpsykologiskt perspektiv på las- och skrivsvårigheter. Nordisk Tidskrift för Specialpedagogik 61(1983) pp 281-306. - Vad kan förskolan gora för att förbereda läsinlärningen? In: Barns behov av vuxnas samarbete — en antologi,pp 82-91. Red. Norberg, R & Norbelie, B. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-40-70116-8.

276 - : se BACKMAN, Jarl; se OLOFSSON, Åke; se TAUBE, Karin; se TORNÉUS, Margit MAURITZSON-SANDBERG, Eva & SANDBERG, Lennart: Bestämning av nedre åldersgrans for användning av folkskyddsmask för barn. FOA rapport C40182-C2, September 1983. - : Teori och metod vid utprovning av andningsskydd för barn. FOA rapport C40200-C2, Juli 1984. MAURITZSON-SANDBERG, Eva: se SANDBERG, Lennart MOLANDER, Bo: Imagery, visual and tactual dimensions of imagery and meaning- fulness: Swedish norms for 858 nouns. Umeå Psychological Reports 1984:178. - : Intramodal and cross-modal verbal communication of forms: A comparison with intraindividual matching. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 24(1983) pp 125-136. - : se BÄCKMAN, Lars MÄNTYLÄ, Timo & BREHMER, Berndt: Hypotheses about cue-criterion relations in linear and random inference tasks. Umeå Psychological Reports 1982:164. MÄNTYLÄ, Timo & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Are my eues better than your eues? Scan­ dinavian Journal of Psychology 24(1983) pp 303-312. MÄNTYLÄ, Timo: se BÄCKMAN, Lars; se GÄRLING, Tommy; se SANDBERG, Karl NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Bridging gaps between concepts through GAPS. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7(1984):2 pp 248-249. - : Compatibility between encoding and retrieval operations in recali. Umeå Psychological 1984:177. - : Functionalism and distributed memory. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:175. - : Kommunikation som psykologisk process. In: Kommunikationsprocesser, pp 7-38. Red. Nowak, K, Andren, G & Strand, H. Stockholm 1983. - : New functionalism in memory research. Reprinted from: Psychology in the 1990's pp 185-224. Eds. Lagerspetz, K M J & Niemi, P. Amsterdam 1984. : Reviews. Màgiste, E. Speed and memory performance in bilinguals. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 23(1982) pp 315-316. - & Archer, Trevor: A cognitive theory to accomodate taste-aversion data. Umeå Psycho­ logical Reports 1984:180. NILSSON, Lars-Göran, CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke, SILFVENIUS, Herbert & BLOM, Sigfrid: Preoperative and postoperative memory testing of epileptic patients. Ed. Melin, Karl-Axel. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 69(1984):Suppl.69 pp 43-56. NILSSON, Lars-Göran, OHLSSON, Kjell & RÖNNBERG, Jerker: Legibility of text as a function of color combinations and viewing distance. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:167. : Ratings of color combinations of text and background presented by means of a videotex system. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:166. NILSSON, Lars-Göran & SILFVENIUS, Herbert: Amytaltest — diagnostiskt hjälpmedel inom epilepsikirurgin. Läkartidningen 81(1984):40 pp 3625-3628. NILSSON, Lars-Göran: se BACKMAN, Jarl; se BÄCKMAN, Lars; se CHRISTIAN­ SON, Sven-Åke; se MÄNTYLÄ, Timo; se NORDQVIST, Tommy; se OHLSSON, Kjell; se RÖNNBERG, Jerker; se SANDBERG, Karl; se SILFVENIUS, Herbert NORDQVIST, Tommy, OHLSSON, Kjell & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Fatigue and reading of text on videotex. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:170. < )LOFSSON, Åke & LUNDBERG, Ingvar: Can phonemic awareness be trained in kinder­ garten? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 24(1983) pp 35-44. OHLSSON, Kjell: A functionalistic view of remembering: Interpretations of modality effects. Diss. Umeå 1982. , NILSSON, Lars-Göran & RÖNNBERG, Jerker: Text processing as a function of layout in a videotex system. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:168.

277 OHLSSON, Kjell, NORDQVIST, Tommy, NILSSON, Lars-Göran & RÖNNBERG, Jerker: A comparison between colloquiai information presented in a videotex system and experimentally optimized information. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:171. OHLSSON, Kjell & RÖNNBERG, Jerker: The modality effect as an interaction between the auditory and visual systems in a mixed mode situation. Umeå Psychological Reports 1982:161. OHLSSON, Kjell: se BACKMAN, Jarl; se NILSSON, Lars-Göran; se NORDQVIST, Tommy; se RÖNNBERG, Jerker RÖNNBERG, Jerker: A framework for reproductive memory tasks. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 24(1983) pp 45-56. - : On the tracing of auditory and visual support systems for remembering. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 23(1982) pp 113-117. - & BÄCKMAN, Lars: Attributes of memory tasks. Umeå Psychological Reports 1984:178. RÖNNBERG, Jerker & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Representation of auditory information based on a functionalistic perspective. In: The representation of speech in the peripheral auditory system, pp 73-78. Eds. Carlson, R & Granström, B. Amsterdam 1982. - & OHLSSON, Kjell: The effect of compression of text for people with a hearing-handi­ cap. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:169. - : Organization by modality, language and category compared. Psychological Research 44(1982) pp 369-379. RÖNNBERG, Jerker, Öhngren, Gunilla & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Hearing deficiency, speech-reading and memory functions. Scandinavian Audiology 11(1982) pp 261-268. - : Speechreading performance evaluated by means of TV and real-life presentation. Scandinavian Audiology 12(1983) pp 71-77. RÖNNBERG, Jerker: se NILSSON, Lars-Göran; se OHLSSON, Kjell SANDBERG, Karl, BÄCKMAN, Lars, MÄNTYLÄ, Timo & NILSSON, Lars-Göran: Normative data of aspects of Swedish words. Umeå Psychological Reports 1983:173. SANDBERG, Lennart: Vännäsprojektet. Psykosocial utvärdering av en primärvårds­ enhet i förändring (vårdpersonalens reaktioner). Forskargruppen för kommunikations­ psykologi. Rapport 1983:1. SANDBERG, Lennart & M AU RITZSON-S ANDBERG, Eva: Utprovning av skydds­ kåpan: Psykologiska reaktioner hos barn, 0-3 år. FOA rapport C40173-C2, Juni 1983. - : Aldersbestämning för användning av skyddsjacka 36. FOA rapport C40163-C2, November, 1982. SANDBERG, Lennart: se Jönsson, P G; se MAURITZSON-SANDBERG, Eva; se STRANGERT, Bo SILFVEN1US, Herbert, BLOM, Sigfrid, NILSSON, Lars-Göran & CHRISTIANSON, Sven-Åke: Observations on verbal, pictorial and stereognostic memory in epileptic patients during intracarotid Amytal testing. Ed. Melin, Karl-Axel. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 69(1984):Suppl.99 pp 57-75. SILFVENIUS, Herbert: se NILSSON, Lars-Göran STRANGERT, Bo: Organisationsutveckling i långvården. Forskargruppen för kommu­ nikationspsykologi. Umeå 1983. - : Utbildning i gruppvård. Forskargruppen for kommunikationspsykologi. Rapport 1982:1. - , ANDERSSON, Björn, BRÄNNSTRÖM, Lauritz & SANDBERG, Lennart: Utveckla vården: Utvärdering av gruppvårdsreformen i Västerbottens läns landsting. Forskar­ gruppen för kommunikationspsykologi. Umeå 1983. STRANGERT, Eva & TORNÉUS, Margit: Phonological aspects of spelling. Nordisk tidskrift for Logopedi og Foniatri 9(1984):March.

278 SVENSSON-GÄRLING, Anita: se GÄRLING, Tommy SÄISÄ, Jouko: se GÄRLING, Tommy TAUBE, Karin, TORNÉUS, Margit, & LUNDBERG, Ingvar: Las- och skrivsvårigheter. Föräldrainformation. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7418-117-3. - : UMESOL. Läsning och skrivning. Handledning för kartläggning och utveckling. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7418-113-0. - : UMESOL. Självbild. Handledning för kartläggning. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7418- 115-7. - : UMESOL. Självbild. Handledning för utveckling. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7419- 116-5. TAUBE, Karin: se TORNÉUS, Margit TORNÉUS, Margit: Phonological awareness and reading: A chicken and egg problem? Journal of Educational Psychology 76(1984) pp 1346-1358. - : Rim eller reson: språklig medvetenhet och läsning. Diss. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7418- 1114. - , TAUBE, Karin & LUNDBERG, Ingvar: UMESOL. Fonologisk medvetenhet. Hand­ ledning för kartläggning och utveckling. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-7418-114-9. TORNÉUS, Margit: se STRANGERT, Eva; se TAUBE, Karin ÄNGERFORS, Barbro: se GÄRLING, Tommy

RADIOFYSIK BERGMAN, Bo: se TOMIC, Radisa DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se TOMIC, Radisa Johansson, Karl-Axel, Mattsson, Olof & SVENSSON, Hans: Dosimetrie intercomparison at the Scandinavian radiotherapy centres. I. Absorbed dose intercomparisons. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 21(1982): 1 pp 1-10. Johansson, Karl-Axel & SVENSSON, Hans: Liquid ionization Chamber for absorbed dose déterminations in photon and electron beams. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 21(1982):5 pp 359-367. KARLSSON, Mikael: A study of some energy dépendent characteristics of x-ray screens used in diagnostic radiology. Screen-film sensitivity, MTF and some related factors. Diss. Umeå 1983. LITTBRAND, Bo: se TOMIC, Radisa LÒFROTH, Per-Olov: se TOMIC, Radisa Mattsson, Olof, Johansson, Karl-Axel & SVENSSON, Hans: Ferrous sulphate dosimeter for control of ionization Chamber dosimetry of electron and 60co gamma beams. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 21(1982):2 pp 139-144. Mattsson, Olof & SVENSSON, Hans: Charge build-up effects in insulating phantom materials. Acta Radiologica. Oncology 23(1984):5 pp 393-399. NAHUM, Alan & Kristensen, Mörten: Calculated response and wall correction factors for ionization Chambers exposed to 60co gamma rays. Medicai Physics 9(1982):6 pp 925-927. SVENSSON, Hans: Quality assurance in radiation therapy; physical aspects. Inter­ national Journal of Radiation: Oncology-Biology-Physics 10(1984):Suppl. 1 pp 59-65.

279 - , Almond, Peter, Brahme, Anders, Dutreix, Andrée & Leetz, Hans (report committee). ICRU report 35: Radiation dosimetry; electron beams with energies between 1 and 50 MeV. Bethesda, USA: International Commission on Radiation Units and Measure- ments, 1984. p 157. ISBN 0-913394-29-7. SVENSSON, Hans: se Johansson, Karl-Axel; se Mattson, Olof TOMIC, Radisa, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo & LÖF­ ROTH, Per-Olov: Effects of external radiation therapy for cancer of the prostate on the serum concentrations of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin. Journal of Urology 130(1983) pp 287-289.

REGIONALEKONOMI Albegov, Murat, ANDERSSON, Åke & SNICKARS, Folke: Regional development modeling — Theory and practice. In: Regional development modeling: Theory and practice, pp 3-25. Eds. Albegov, M, Andersson, A E & Snickars F. Amsterdam 1982. ANDERSSON, Lars: se ANDERSTIG, Christer ANDERSSON, Åke: FoU och ekonomisk utveckling. In: Säkerhetspolitik och system­ analys, pp 204-223. Red. Andersson, Å E & Eriksson, A. Stockholm 1982. - : A growth and stagnation of économies with public goods: A neoclassical analysis. In: Lectures on regional stagnation pp 31-49. Eds. Buhr, W & Friedrich, P. Schriften zur öffentlichen Verwaltung und öffentlichen Wirtschaft 44(1982). - : En ny fördelningspolitik. In: Ekonomi under debatt: Hälso- & sjukvårdsekonomi, pp 87-95. Red. Jönsson, B. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-38-61436-7. - : Politikerna kunde inte stoppa Nordek. In: Europa — enhet och mångfald, pp 53-46. Red. Block, E, Rylander, J & Wickbom, U. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-34-48834-0. - : Regional science and policies in a Swedish perspective. In: Regional and industriai development theories, models and empirical evidence, pp 1-14. Eds. Andersson, Å E, Isard, W & Puu, T. Studies in Regional Science and Urban Economies 11(1984). ISBN 0-444-87595-6. - : A theory of interregional trade and location. Sistemi Urbani 3(1983) pp 477-497. - , ANDERSTIG, Christer & JOHANSON, Börje: Byggsektorn och den ekonomiska utvecklingen. Byggforskningsrådet rapport R134:1982. ISBN 91-540-3834-0. ANDERSSON, Åke & BATTEN, David: Towards a hierarchical system of models to coordinate national and regional economic development. Papers of the Regional Science Association 51(1983) pp 21-41. ANDERSSON, Åke & ERIKSSON, Anders: Säkerhetspolitik och tillämpad system­ analys. In: Säkerhetspolitik och systemanalys, pp 204-223. Red. Andersson, A E & Eriksson, A. Stockholm 1982. ANDERSSON, Åke & Ferraio, Giovanni: Accessibility and density distributions in metropolitan areas: Theory and empirical studies. Papers of the Regional Science Association 52(1983) pp 141-158. ANDERSSON, Åke, Isard, Walter & PUU, Tönu (Eds.): Regional & industriai deve­ lopment. Theories, models and empirical evidence. Studies in Regional Science & Urban Economies 11(1984). ISBN 0-444-87595-6. ANDERSSON, Åke & Kallio, Markku: A mathematical programming approach to land allocation in regional planning. In: Regional development modeling: Theory and practice, pp 169-184. Eds. Albegov, M, Andersson, Å E & Snickars, F. Amsterdam 1982.

280 ANDERSSON, Åke & Persson, Håkan: Modelling international trade flows and speciali- zation. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1982:1. ANDERSSON, Åke & Philipov, Dimiter: Economic models of migration. In: Regional development modeling: Theory and practice, pp 105-125. Eds. Albegov, M, Andersson, Å E & Snickars, F. Amsterdam 1982. ANDERSSON, Åke, Törnqvist, Gunnar, SNICKARS, Folke & Öberg, Sture: Regional mångfald till rikets gagn — En idébok från ERU. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-38-90455-1. ANDERSSON, Åke: se Albegov, Murat ANDERSTIG, Christer: Byggsektorn och utrikeshandeln — Byggmaterialhandel och byggande utomlands under 1970-talet. University of Umeå. Research Report 1982:2. ISBN 91-970407-7-0. - , ANDERSSON, Lars & HOLMSTRÖM, Kenneth: Outline for a stochastic model of trade flows of forest products. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1982:4. ANDERSTIG, Christer: se ANDERSSON, Åke. BATTEN, David: se ANDERSSON, Åke BUONGIORNO, Joseph: se Chou, Jieh-Jen Chou, Jieh-Jen & BUONGIORNO, Joseph: Demand for United States forest products in the European economic community. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1983:2. - : United States demand for hardwood plywood imports by country of origin. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1983:3. Grossman, Wolf & LÖNNSTEDT, Lars: The forest sector system in the socio-economic environment. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1984:1. HOLM, Magnus: Regionalekonomiska modeller för planering och samordning i en decentraliserad ekonomi. (Del i diss) Byggforskningsrådet rapport R5:1983. ISBN 91-540-3858-8. HOLMSTRÖM, Kenneth: se ANDERSTIG, Christer HULTKRANTZ, Lars: Forest resources and regional policy in Sweden. University of Umeå. Research Report 1984:1. ISBN 91-970407-7-0. JOHANSSON, Börje: A structural model for regional allocation of investments. Univer­ sity of Umeå. Working Paper 1983:4. JOHANSSON, Per-Olov & LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: A bargaining approach to the Swedish roundwood market. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1982:3. KALGRAF, Kjell: se LÖNNSTEDT, Lars LÖFGREN, Karl-Gustaf: se JOHANSSON, Per-Olov LÖNNSTEDT, Lars, KALGRAF, Kjell & Tegeby, Olle: Beslutsfattare ser på skogs­ näringens framtid. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1983:1. - , Nilsson, Sten & ZACKRISSON, Uno: Problemanalys av svensk skogsnäring. Univer­ sity of Umeå. Research Report 1983:2. ISBN 91-970407-5-4. LÖNNSTEDT, Lars: se Grossman, Wolf OLSSON, Mats-Olov: Några utgångspunkter för en studie om den offentliga sektorn i Västerbotten. In: Regionalvetenskap i norr. ERU-rapport 27(1983). - : Den offentliga sektorn i samhällsekonomin — En problemorienterande studie av ekonomin i Västerbotten. Umeå 1984. ISBN 91-71-74-165-8. PERSSON, Håkan: Kortfattad beskrivning av en flersektormodell for den svenska ekonomin. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1982:5. WIBE, Sören: Production analysis for the forest sector — A preliminary roundwood market. University of Umeå. Working Paper 1982:2. ZACKRISSON, Uno: se LÖNNSTEDT, Lars

281 REHABILITERINGSMEDICIN ABRAHAMSSON, Leif: se SJÖGREN, Kerstin ASPLUND, Kjell, FUGL-MEYER, Axel, ENGDE, Margareta, ERIKSSON, Sture & STRAND, Tage: Respiratory alkalosis early after stroke: Its relation to loco-motor function. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1983:Suppl. 9 pp 103-107. ASPLUND, Kjell: se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta; se FUGL.-MEYER, Axel; se WESTER, Per-Olov BACKMAN, Christer: se ERICSSON, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo, SJÖGREN, Kerstin & TOMIC, Radisa: Sexual function in prostatic cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, orchidectomy or oestrogens. British Journal of Urology 56(1984) pp 64-69. BERGMAN, Bo: se NIKLASSON Bertil; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin BERGSTRÖM, Katrin: se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta: Neuropsykologiska funktioner efter slaganfall; djupdykning bland hjarnvindlingarna. Arbetsterapeuten 6(1984) pp 16-18. - : Stroke rehabilitation: The influence of motor and perceptual dysfunctions on ADL- performance. First European conférence on research in rehabilitation. Edinburgh 1983. - , ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, FUGL-MEYER, Axel & CVS-gruppen: Bety­ delsen av motoriska och perceptuella defekttillstånd för ADL-förmågan efter cerebro- vaskulär sjukdom. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1983. BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta, BERGSTRÖM, Katrin, ERIKSSON, Sture & KONRADSSON, Ulla-Li: The impact of visual perceptual dysfunctions on ADL-performance in stroke with hemiplegia. Proceedings. World federation of occupational therapy international congress, pp 442-445. Hamburg 1982. BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta, ERIKSSON, Sture & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Incidence of some perceptual disorders in stroke with hemiplegia. 9th International congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Jerusalem 1984. BERNSPÅNG Birgitta & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: The impact of visual perceptual dys- function on ADL-performance in stroke with hemiplegia. Acta Neurologica Scandi­ navia 1982:Suppl. 91 p 7. BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta, LINDBERG, Margareta & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Incidence- dand prevalence of visual perceptual dysfunction in stroke victims. Proceedings. World federation of occupational therapy international congress, pp 543-547. Hamburg 1982. BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta: se WESTER, Per-Olov BILLSTRÖM, Åke: se HEDBERG, Bengt; se TOLLIN, Claes DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se BERGMAN Bo; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin EGBERG, Karin: se SJÖGREN, Kerstin ENGDE, Margareta: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se WESTER, Per-Olov ERIKSSON, Anders: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel ERIKSSON, Bengt-Erik: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel ERICSSON, Martin, JOHNSON, Ove, TOLLIN, Claes, FURBERG, Bengt, BACK­ MAN, Christer & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Serum lipoproteins, apoliopoproteins and intravenous fat tolerance in young athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 14(1982) pp 209-212. ERICSSON, Martin: se TOLLIN, Claes; se ÄNGÖUIST, Karl-Axel ERIKSSON, Sture: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta; se WESTER, Per-Olov

282 FLODSTRÖM, Karin: se LUNDGREN, Jan FODSTAD, Harald: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan FORSELL, Åke: se NORRGÅRD, Örjan FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Assessment of motor impairment and recovery after stroke. 2:a Nordiska mötet om cerebrovaskulàra sjukdomar. Köpenhamn 1984. - : Right versus left vascular brain damage. Neglect/hypoarousal versus regression, a hypothesis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.91 p 14. - . ERIKSSON, Bengt-Erik, HEDBERG, Bengt, GERDLE, Björn, JONSSON, Bengt & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Objective assessment of muscular work and fatigue in health and in muscular dysfunction. 9th International congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Jerusalem 1984. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, ERIKSSON, Anders, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & SÖDERSTRÖM, Göran: Is muscle structure influenced by genetical or functional factors. A study of three forearm muscles. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 114(1982) pp 277-281. FUGL-MEYER, Axel & GERDLE, Björn: Prédiction of isokinetic plantar flexion torque and contractional work. 9th International congress of physical medicine and rehabi­ litation. Jerusalem 1984. - , HEDBERG, Bengt & HANSSON-MILD, Kjell: Arbete, effekt och uthållighet vid isokinetisk plantarflexion. Ryg- og Muskelforskning pp 243-261. Köpenhamn 1983. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, GERDLE, Björn, HEDBERG, Bengt & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Dynamic plantar flexion endurance under normal and isokinetic conditions. First European conférence on research in rehabilitation. Edinburgh 1983. FUGL-MEYER, Axel & Grimby, Gunnar: Respiration in tetraplegia and in hemipleiga: a review. International Rehabilitation Medicine 6(1984) pp 186-190. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, JOHANSSON, Kenneth & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Kvinnligt fysiolo­ giskt sexuellt gensvar avspeglas i vaginalvàggens temperatur. Nordic association of clinical sexology. Sigtuna 1982. - : A telemetrie method for registration of vaginal sexual response. 6th World congress for sexology. Washington 1983. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, LINDERHOLM, Håkan & ASPLUND, Kjell: Respiratory abnor- malities are common in hemiplegia. 6th Congress of the European society of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Gand 1982. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, LINDERHOLM, Håkan & Wilson, Archie: Restrictive ventilatory dysfunction in stroke: Its relation to loco-motor function. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1983:Suppl.pp 118-127. FUGL-MEYER, Axel, HANSSON-MILD, Kjell & HÖRNSTEN, Jan: Output of skeletal muscle contraction: A study of isokinetic plantar flexion in athletes. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 115(1982) pp 193-199. FUGL-MEYER, Axel & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Handikapp eller livskvalitet? Rehabilite­ ringsprocessen för hjärnskadade. Kirurgi-Omvårdnad-Medicin pp 16-22. - : Rehabilitation and the ICIDH, Some criticai remarks. In: Impairment, disability and handicap. Ed. Söder, M. Stockholm 1984. - : Sexuality of health care students. With special reference to student's attitudes towards sexuality in disablement. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 47-53. - & JOHANSSON, Kenneth: A vaginal temperature registration system. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 13(1984) pp 247-260. 1 UGL-MEYER, Axel & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Are hémiplégies hémiplégie? 6th Con­ gress of the European society of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Gand 1982. FUGL-MEYER, Axel: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta; se HEDBERG, Bengt; se JOHANSSON, Christer; se L.AITINEN, Lauri; se LUNDGREN, Jan; se

283 SJÖGREN, Kerstin; se SJÖSTRÖM, Michael; se WESTER, Per-Olov; se ÀNGQUIST, Karl-Axel FURBERG, Bengt: se ERICSSON, Martin GERDLE, Björn, MAURITZSON-SANDBERG, Eva & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Förekomst av sexuella funktionsstörningar hos gifta 40-65-åriga i en nordsvensk stad. Nordic Association of clinical sexology. Sigtuna 1982. GERDLE, Björn & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Psykosexuell coping vid kronisk ryggsmärta. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. GERDLE, Björn: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel HANSSON-MILD, Kjell: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel HEDBERG, Bengt, BILLSTRÖM, Åke, FUGL-MEYER, Axel & ÄNGQUIST, Karl- Axel: Restauration av underbenets muskelfunktion efter angioplastik. Svenska Kirur­ giska föreningens vårmöte. Umeå 1984. HEDBERG, Bengt: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel HIETALA, Sven-Olov: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel HÄGG, Erik: se WESTER, Per-Olov HÖRNSTEN, Jan: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel JACOBSSON, K A: se TOLLIN, Claes Jensen, Sören B, Meidahl, Birgit & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Sexologiske data belyst ved brug af standard sporgeschemer. En metodvurdering. Nordisk Sexologi 2(1984) pp 133-142. - : 117 personer konsekutivt henvist til en sexologisk klinik. Sexologiska data sammen- holdt med en referensgruppe. Ugeskrift for Laeger 146(1984) pp 489-493. JOHANSSON, Christer, FUGL-MEYER, Axel & LORENTZON, Ronny: Sprinters och maratonlöpare; knäextensorernas isokinetiska arbetsförmåga. Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets riksstämma 1982. JOHANSSON, Kenneth: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel JONSSON, Bengt: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel JOHNSSON, Ove: se ERICSSON, Martin; se TOLLIN, Claes; se ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel KONRADSSON, Ulla-Li: se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta LAITINEN, Lauri & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Assessment of functional effect of epidural electrostimulation and selective posterior rhizotomy in spasticity. Applied Neurophysio- logy 45(1982) pp 331-334. - & NILSSON, Stefan: Selective posterior rhizotomy for treatment of spasticity. Journal of Neurosurgery 58(1983) pp 895-899. - : Selektiv bakre rhizotomi mot spasticitet. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. LILIEQUIST, Bengt: se LUNDGREN, Jan; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin LINDBERG, Margareta: se BERNSPÅNG, Birgitta; se NORRGÅRD, Örjan LINDERHOLM, Håkan: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel LITHNER, Folke: se WESTER, Per-Olov LITTBRAND, Bo: se BERGMAN, Bo LORENTZON, Ronny: se JOHANSSON, Christer LUNDGREN, Jan, FLODSTRÖM, Karin, SJÖGREN, Kerstin, LILIEQUIST, Bengt & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Site of brain lésion and functional capacity in rehabilitated hémiplégies. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 14(1982) pp 141-143. MAURITZSON-SANDBERG, Eva: se GERDLE, Björn

284 NIKLASSON, Bertil, BERGMAN, Bo, HIETALA, Sven-Olov & WEDRÉN, Hans: Efterundersökning av urinvägarna hos patienter med ryggmärgsskada. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets riksstämma 1983. NILSSON, Stefan: se LAITINEN, Lauri NORRGÅRD, Örjan, FODSTAD, Harald, FORSELL, Åke, LINDBERG, Margareta & ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel: Familjär förekomst av intrakraniella aneurysm. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1984. ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se TOLLIN, Claes Schiildt, Kristina, Ekholm, Jan & SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Ländryggsbelastning vid samlags­ ställning, ryggsmärtor och sexuell tillfredsställelse. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stamma 1984. SJÖGREN, Kerstin: Coping with sexuality after acute myocardial infarction. First European conférence on research in rehabilitation. Edinburgh 1983. - : Leisure after stroke. International Rehabilitation Medicine 4(1982) pp 80-87. - : Passive discontentedness characterizes leisure after stroke. Acta Neurologica Scan­ dinavia 1982:Suppl. 91 p 66. - : Sex and stroke — a sad combination. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl.91 p 66. - : Sexuality after stroke with hemiplegia. With special regard to partnership adjustment and to fulfillment. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 63-69. - : Sexuality and leisure after stroke. With special reference to coping and rehabilitation. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations 1982:79. SJÖGREN, Kerstin, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, ABRAMSSON, Leif, BERGMAN, Bo & TOMIC, Radisa: Some circulatory and endocrinological déterminants of sexual func- tion in disability and chronic disease. 9th International congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Jerusalem 1984. SJÖGREN, Kerstin, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & LILIEQUIST, Bengt: Sexuality after stroke with hemiplegia..Aspects of sexual function. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 15(1983) pp 55-61. SJÖGREN, Kerstin & EGBERG, Karin: The sexual experience in younger males with complete spinal cord injury. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1983: Suppl. 9 pp 189-194. SJÖGREN, Kerstin & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Adjustment to life after stroke. With special reference to sexual intercourse and leisure. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 26(1982) pp 409-417. - : En modell for anpassningsprocessen (Coping) vid handikapp. Svenska Läkaresäll­ skapets riksstämma 1982. - : Pain, fear and sexual function in disability. 6th World congress for sexology. Washing­ ton 1983. : Physical medicine and rehabilitation — a paradigm. 9th International congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Jerusalem 1984. : Slaganfallspatienten — en otillfredsställd livsåskådare. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma 1982. : Some factors influencing quality of sexual life after myocardial infarction. Inter­ national Rehabilitation Medicine 5(1983) pp 197-201. & GERDLE, Björn: Sexualitet före och efter invalidiserande ryggsmärta. Nordisk sexologi 1(1983) pp 83-89. SJÖGREN, Kerstin & STENSSON, Staffan: Omhändertagande efter akutskedet av patienter med slaganfall. SPRI-projekt nr 3403 (1983) pp 23-25. SJÖGREN, Kerstin: se BERGMAN, Bo; se GERDLE, Björn; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se Jensen, Sören B; se LUNDGREN, Jan; se Schuldt, Kristina SJÖSTRÖM, Michael, WRETLING, Marie-Louise, Jonsson, Gun-Britt & FUGL-

285 MEYER, Axel: Muscle structure after stroke. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1982: Suppl. 91 p 26. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel STENSSON, Staffan: se SJÖGREN, Kerstin STRAND, Tage: se ASPLUND, Kjell; se WESTER, Per-Olov SÖDERSTRÖM, Göran: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel TOLLIN, Claes, ERICSSON, Martin, JOHNSON, Ove, BACKMAN, Christer, JA­ COBSSON, Karl-Anders, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & BILLSTRÖM, Ake: Decreased removal of triglycérides from the blood — a mechanism for the hypertriglyceridemia in male patients with coronary artery disease. International Journal of Cardiology 5(1984) pp 185-192. TOLLIN, Claes: se ERICSSON, Martin; se ÄNGÖU1ST, Karl-Axel TOMIC, Radisa: se BERGMAN, Bo; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin WEDRÉN, Hans: se NIKLASSON, Bertil WESTER, Per-Olov, ASPLUND, Kjell, ERIKSSON, Sture, FUGL-MEYER, Axel, HÄGG, Erik, LITHNER, Folke & STRAND, Tage: Vårdenhet för cerebrovaskulär sjukdom minskar behovet av långtidsvård på sjukhus. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riks­ stamma 1982. WESTER, Per-Olov, STRAND, Tage, ASPLUND, Kjell, BERNSPÂNG, Birgitta, ENGDE, Margareta, ERIKSSON, Sture, FUGL-MEYER, Axel, HÄGG, Erik & LITH­ NER, Folke: A stroke unit reduces the need for long-term hospitalization. Acta Neuro­ logica Scandinavica 1982:Suppl. 91 p 26. WRETLING, Marie-Louise: se SJÖGREN, Michael ÄNGQUIST, Karl-Axel, HEDBERG, Bengt, GERDLE, Björn & FUGL-MEYER, Axel: Träningsbehandling av patienter med claudicatio intermittens. Svenska Kirurgiska föreningens vårmöte. Umeå 1984. ÄNGÖUIST, Karl-Axel, JOHNSON, Ove, ERICSSON, Martin & TOLLIN, Claes: Serum lipoproteins and apolipoproteins A I and A II in male patients with peripheral arterial insufficiency. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 148(1982) pp 675-678. ÄNGÖUIST, Karl-Axel: se ERICSSON, Martin; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se HED­ BERG, Bengt; se NORRGÅRD, Örjan

REUMATOLOGI BECKMAN, Gunhild, BECKMAN, Lars, BJELLE, Anders & RANTAPÄÄ DAHL- QVIST, Solbritt: Alpha-l-antitrypsin types and rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Genetics 25(1984) pp 496-499. BECKMAN, Lars: se BECKMAN, Gunhild BJELLE, Anders, CEDERGREN, Bertil & RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt: HLA B27 in the population in northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 11(1982) pp 23-26. BJELLE, Anders: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se RANTAPAA DAHLQVIST, Solbritt CEDERGREN, Bertil: se BJELLE, Anders

286 DAHLQVIST, Åke, LUNDBERG, Erik & ÖSTBERG, Yngve: Hydralazine-induced relapsing polychondritis-like syndrome. Acta Otolaryngologica 96(1983) pp 355-359. LINDQVIST, Bengt: se LUNDBERG, Erik LUNDBERG, Erik, LINDQVIST, Bengt & Kraft, Kerstin: Fosfatdiabetes och calcitonin. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1984. Abstract. LUNDBERG, Erik: se DAHLQVIST, Åke NORDMARK, Lars: se RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt, NORDMARK, Lars & BJELLE, Anders: HLA- B27 and involvement of sacroiliac joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumato­ loge' 11(1984) pp 27-32. - : Sacroiliac joints in classical seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. Abstract. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 48(1982) p 45. RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt, Ström, Håkan, BJELLE, Anders & Möller, Erna: Clinical symptoms and HLA antigens in a family with Reiter's disease. In: XX Nordic Congress of Rheumatology Maj 1984, Bergen. Abstract. RANTAPÄÄ DAHLQVIST, Solbritt: se BECKMAN, Gunhild; se BJELLE, Anders OSTBERG, Yngve: se DAHLQVIST, Åke

RÄTTSMEDICIN ADOLFSSON, Rolf: se PERDAHL, Eva ALAFUZOFF, Irina: se PERDAHL, Eva ALBIIN, Nils: The anatomy of the Eustachian tube. Acta Otolaryngologica 1984: Suppl.414 pp 34-37. - The subepithelial space of the middle ear cavity. Minisymposium, Lövånger 1984. - & ERIKSSON, Anders: Fatal accidentai hypothermia and alcohol. Alcohol and Alco- holism 19(1984) pp 13-22. : Forfrysningar med dödlig utgång. Acta Societatis Medicorum Suecanae. Svenska Läkaresällskapet riksstämma 92(1983) p 250. ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten, SALÉN, Bengt & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: The stapedial artery in the rat - a microscopical study under normal conditions and in Otitis media with effusion (OME). Acta Anatomica 115(1983), 134-140. & SÖDERBERG, Ove: The anatomy of the Eustachian tube in the rat. A macro- and microscopical study. Anatomical Record 207(1983) pp 513-521. ALBIIN, Nils, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & STENFORS, Lars-Eric: Clearance of effusion material from the attic space. An expérimental study in the rat. International Journal of Pediatrie Otorhinolarvngology 5(1983) pp 1-10. \LBIIN, Nils: se STENFORS, Lars-Eric \LM, Per E: se STENFORS, Lars-Eric BACKMAN, Christer: se ERIKSSON, Peter; se WAHLIN, Anders BIXO, Marie: se HARDY, John BJERLE, Per: se ERIKSSON, Peter 1UERMER, Leif: se ALBIIN, Nils

287 BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf, BYLUND, Per-Olov, ERIKSSON, Anders & THORSON, Jan: Personal injuries caused by collisions of passenger cars with elks. Proceedings of the 1st Congress on Traffic Medicine, Linköping, June 8-11 1984, pp 175-177. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf & NÄSLUND, Kjell: Barnolycksfall i samband med kalk-, pulk- och sparkåkning: Mekanismer och konsekvenser. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 1148-1150. BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf: se ERIKSSON, Anders BLOOM, Gunnar D: se STENFORS, Lars-Eric BRING, Gunilla: se HARDY, John BYLUND, Per-Olov: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf DOMEIJ, Siw: se ÖSTBERG, Yngve ERIKSSON, Anders: Alcohol and snowmobiling. In: Roadside surveys, pp 247-253. Ed. Valverius, M R. Stockholm 1982. - : Fatal iatrogenic exsanguination from malinsertion of a pleural drain into the inferior cava. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 30(1982) pp 191-193. - : Homicidal blunt abdominal trauma with isolated lacération of the small bowel mesentery. Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin 93(1984) pp 143-146. - : Skador hos snarade ripor. Viltnytt 16(1982) pp 33-38. - & BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf: Fatal snowmobile accidents in northern Sweden. Journal of Trauma 22(1982) pp 977-982. ERIKSSON, Anders, Ericsson, Douglass, LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran & THORNELL, Jan: Derailment injuries to railway carriage occupants and engine drivers. 9 Congreso Internacional de Medicine y Accidentes de Transito, Mexico City, Sept 26-29, 1983. - : Personskador i järnvägstrafik. Om skadebegransning för passagerare och tågpersonal. Rapport till Statens järnvagar 1983. - : Personskador vid tågurspårningar — förslag till riskbegransande åtgärder. Läkar­ tidningen 81(1984) pp 352-354. - : Railway traffic safety with special reference to minimizing injuries to passengers and engine drivers. Proceedings of the 1st Nordic congress on traffic medicine. Linköping, June 8-11 1982 pp 175-177. ERIKSSON, Anders, ERIKSSON, Peter, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove & THORNELL, Lars- Eric: The cardiac atrioventricular conduction system in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A clinicopathologic study of six cases from northern Sweden. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et lmmunologica Scandinavica. Section A 91(1983) pp 343-349. - : The sinoatrial node in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. A clinico-patholo- gical study of nine cases from northern Sweden. Virchows Archiv. A. Pathological Anatomy and Histology 402(1984) pp 239-246. ERIKSSON, Anders & GEZELIUS, Christer: Metastatic choriocarcinoma during normal pregnancy presentine as thyroid tumör. Archives of Gynecology 236(1984) pp 119-122. ERIKSSON, Anders, HAGBERG, Mats, HELLSTRÖM, Sten & JONSSON, Bengt: Armens deskriptiva och topografiska anatomi. Lund 1982. ERIKSSON, Anders & HELLSTRÖM, Sten: Benets deskriptiva och topografiska ana­ tomi. Lund 1982. 159 s. ERIKSSON, Anders, THUNELL, Martin & LUNDQVIST, Gunnar: Pendulating endo- bronchial rhabdomyosarcoma with fatal asphyxia. Thorax 27(1982) pp 390-391. ERIKSSON, Anders: se ALBIIN, Nils; se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf; se ERIKSSON, Per-Olof; se ERIKSSON, Peter; se FORSGREN, Sture; se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se HARDY, John; se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin; se Lindsjö, Monica; se MILLAN, José Louis; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove; se RYLANDER, Eva; se Sjöqvist, Birgitta; se THOR­ NELL, Lars-Eric; se THORSON, Jan; se WAHLIN, Anders; se Whalen, Robert G; se WINBLAD, Bengt; se ÖSTBERG, Yngve

288 ERIKSSON, Per-Olof, ERIKSSON, Anders, Ringqvist, Margareta & THORNELL, Lars- Eric: Histochemical fibre composition of the human digastric muscle. Archives of Oral Biology 27(1982) pp 207-215. ERIKSSON, Peter, BACKMAN, Christer, BJERLE, Per, ERIKSSON, Anders, HOLM, Sonja & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Technetium-99m-pyrophosphate scintigraphy and two-dimensional echocardiography in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Cir­ culation 70(1984):Suppl.II p 451. ERIKSSON Peter, BACKMAN, Christer, ERIKSSON, Anders & OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: Hyperreflektiva myokardekon vid familjär amyloidos med polyneuropati: Morfologisk karaktäristik med in vitro ekokardiografi. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 93(1984) p 140. - : Morphological basis of altered myocardial acoustic properties in familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Circulation 70(1984):Suppl. II p 151. ERIKSSON, Peter: se ERIKSSON, Anders; se OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove FORSGREN, Sture, ERIKSSON, Anders, KJÖRELL, Uno & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: The conduction system in the hum •*> heart at midgestation — immunohistochemical demonstration of the intermediate filament protein skeletin. Histochemistry 75(1982) pp 43-52. FUGL-MEYER, Axel R, ERIKSSON, Anders, SJÖSTRÖM, Michael & SÖDERSTRÖM, Göran: Is muscle structure influenced by genetical or functional factors? Acta Physiolo- gica Scandinavica 114(1982) pp 277-281. GEZEL1US, Christer: se ERIKSSON, Anders; se HARDY, John HAGBERG, Mats: se ERIKSSON, Anders HARDY, John, BIXO, Marie, BRING, Gunilla, ERIKSSON, Anders, GEZEL1US, Christer, WESTER, Per & WINBLAD, Bengt: Studier av den postmortala hjärnans pH, temperatur och metabolism. Acta Societatis Medicorum Suecanae. Svenska Läka­ resällskapets handlingar 92(1983) p 233. HELLSTRÖM, Sten: se ALBIIN, Nils; se ERIKSSON, Anders HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin, ERIKSSON, Anders & SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: Höger­ vänster assymetri i skelettmuskulaturen - uttryck för en funktionell anpassning? Acta Societatis Medicorum Suecanae. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982) p 158. HOLM, Sonja: se ERIKSSON, Peter JOHANSSON, Bengt: se THORNELL, Lars-Eric KJÖRELL, Uno: se FORSGREN, Sture; se THORNELL, Lars-Eric; se ÖSTBERG, Yngve Lindsjö, Monica, Bergman, Ulf, Boman, Gunnar, ERIKSSON, Anders, Lindström, Björn, Rammer, Lennart, Strandberg, Kjell, Wiholm, Bengt-Erik & Voigt, Gerhard: Koncentrationer av salbutamol, terbutalin och teofyllin i blod hos avlidna astmatiker. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar. Hygiea 93(1984) p 259. LUNDQVIST, Gunnar: se ERIKSSON, Anders LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran: se ERIKSSON, Anders MARKLUND, Stefan L, ORELAND, Lars, PERDAHL Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Superoxide dismutase activity in brains from chronic alcoholics. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 12(1983) pp 209-215. MILLAN, José Louis, ERIKSSON, Anders & STIGBRAND, Torgny: A possible new locus of alkaline phosphatase expressed in human testis. Human Genetics 62(1982) 293-295. - : A possible new locus of alkaline phosphatase in humans, and its reexpression in cancer (the Nagao iosenzyme). lOth Annual meeting of the International society of onco- developmental biology and medicine, Sapporo, October 18-25, 1982.

289 Nordberg, Agneta, Larsson, Christer, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes in cholinergic activity in hippocampus at chronic alcohol abuse. 1st International congress on alcohol and drug abuse, Munich, July 1982. - : Changes in cholinergic activity in human hippocampus following chronic alcohol abuse. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 18(1983) pp 397-400. - : Cholinergic activity in hippocampus in chronic alcoholism. Drug and Alcohol Depen- dence 10(1982) pp 333-344. NÄSLUND, Kjell: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ERIKSSON, Peter & ERIKSSON, Anders: The sick sinus syndrome in familial amlyloidosis vvith polyneuropathy. International Journal of Cardiology 4(1983), 71-73. OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove: se ERIKSSON, Anders ORELAND, Lars: se MARKLUND, Stefan * PERDAHL, Eva, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, Albert, Katherine, Nestler, Eric, WINBLAD, Bengt & Greengard, Paul: Synapsin I (Protein I) in différent brain regions in senile dementia of Alzheimer type and in multiinfarct dementia. Journal of Neural Transmission 60(1984) pp 133-141. PERDAHL, Eva, Wu, Wilson C S, Browning, Michael D, WINBLAD, Bengt & Green­ gard, Paul: Protein III, a neuron-specific phosphoprotein: Variant forms found in human brain. Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology 6(1984) pp 425-431. PERDAHL, Eva: se MARKLUND, Stefan; se Nordberg, Agneta; se Sjoqvist, Birgitta; se WINBLAD, Bengt R YL ANDER, Eva, ERIKSSON, Anders, Ingelman-Sundberg, Henrik & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Vårtvirus och precancerosa cervixförändringar. Acta Societatis Medicorum Sue- canae. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 92(1983) p 213. von SCHOULTZ, Bo: se RYLANDER, Eva Sjóqvist, Birgitta, ERIKSSON, Anders & WINBLAD, Bengt: Brain salsolinol levels in alcoholism. Lancet 1(1982) pp 675-676. - : Salsolinol and catecholamines in human brain and their relation to alcoholism. In: Beta-carbolines and tetrahydroisoquinolines, pp 56-67. Eds. Bloom, P, Barchas, J, Sandler, M & Usdin. New York 1982. Sjóquist, Birgitta, PERDAHL, Eva & WINBLAD, Bengt: The effect of alcoholism on salsolinol and biogenic amines in human brain. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 12(1983) pp 15-23. SJÖSTRÖM, Michael: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel; se HENRIKSSON-LARSÉN, Karin STENFORS, Lars-Eric, ALBIIN, Nils, ALM, Per, BLOOM, Gunnar D, SALÉN, Bengt, SÖDERBERG, Ove & WIDEMAR, Louise: Otitis media with effusion - nya experimen­ tella rön. Finlands läkartidning 36(1982) pp 3375-3378. STIGBRAND, Torgny: se MILLAN, José Louis SÖDERBERG, Ove: se ALBIIN, Nils; se STENFORS, Lars-Eric SÖDERSTRÖM, Göran: se FUGL-MEYER, Axel THORNELL, Lars-Eric, ERIKSSON, Anders & Edström, Lars: Intermediate filaments in human myopathies. In: Cell and muscle motility, vol IV, pp 85-136. Eds. Dowben, R M & Shaw, J W: New York 1983. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, ERIKSSON, Anders, KJÖRELL, Uno, Henriksson, Karl- Gunnar & Edström, Lars: The intermediate filament system in human muscle disorders. 5th International congress on neuromuscular disorders. Marseilles, September 12-17, 1982. THORNELL, Lars-Eric, JOHANSSON, Bengt, ERIKSSON, Anders, Lehto, Veli-Pekka

290 & Virtanen, Ismo: Intermediate filaments and associated proteins in the human heart. Journal of Molecular and Cellulär Cardiology 15(1983):Suppl.2 p 33. - : Intermediate filaments and associated proteins in the human heart: An immuno- fluorescence study of normal and pathological hearts. European Heart Journal 5(1984): Suppl.F pp 231-241. THORNELL, Lars-Eric: se ERIKSSON, Anders; se ERIKSSON, Per-Olof; se FORS­ GREN, Sture; se Whalen, Robert G THORSON, Jan, Strandman, Eva, Valverius, Milan, ERIKSSON, Anders & Grahn, Gunilla: Körkortsfrågan vid behandling av alkoholister. 2. Nordiska trafikmedicinska kongressen, Reykjavik, Aug 8-10, 1983. THORSON, Jan: se BJÖRNSTIG, Ulf; se ERIKSSON, Anders THUNELL, Martin: se ERIKSSON, Anders WAHLIN, Anders, OLOFSSON, Bert-Ove, ERIKSSON, Anders & BACKMAN, Chris­ ter: Myeloma-associated cardiac amyloidosis. A case report. Acta Medica Scandinavica 215(1984) pp 189-192. WESTER, Per: se HARDY, John Whalen, Robert G, Seil, Susan M, ERIKSSON, Anders & THORNELL, Lars-Eric: Myosin subunit types in skeletal and cardiac tissues and their developmental distri­ bution. Developmental Biology 91(1982), pp 478-484. W1NBLAD, Bengt, ERIKSSON, Anders, PERDAHL, Eva, Larsson, Christer & Nord­ berg, Agneta: Kolinerg aktivitet i hippocampus vid kronisk alkoholism. Acta Societatis Medicorum Suecanae. Svenska Läkaresällskapets handlingar 91(1982) p 231. WINBLAD, Bengt: se HARDY, John; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se Nordberg, Agneta; se PERDAHL, Eva; se Sjoqvist, Birgitta ÖSTBERG, Yngve, DOMEIJ, Siw, ERIKSSON, Anders & KJORELL, Uno: Autoimmun sialadenit; ny diagnosnomenklatur grundad på klinik och ultrastruktur vid Sjögrens syndrom. Svensk otolaryngologisk förenings handlingar 1(1982) pp 14-15.

RÄTTSVETENSKAP BRINCK, Bertil, Lang, C, Ohlsson, B & Thornell, G: Civilratt. 7 upplagan. Umeå 1982. ISBN 91-970318-3-6. BRINCK, Bertil, Broman, Mats & WESTBERG, Anders: Hälsovård, ordningsväsende, djurskydd. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-970318-4-4. EDVARDSSON, Leif: Utskiftningsskatten vid fusion mellan moderbolag och helägt dotterbolag. Diss. Umeå 1984. ISBN 91-970450-8-x. - & GROSSKOPF, Göran: Inkomst- och förmögenhetsbeskattning. Del 1. 3 upplagan. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-1-847471-3. : Inkomst- och förmögenhetsbeskattning. Del 2. 3 upplagan. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-1-847481-0. GROSSKOPF, Göran: Förenklad företagsbeskattning: ett alternativ till promsen. Lund 1983. ISBN 91-44-43641-6. - : Foretagens skatter. 13 upplagan. Lund 1983. ISBN 91-44-42782-4. - : Skattereformen: regler och effekter. Lund 1983. ISBN 91-44-43631-9. - : Viktig fråga for den som anlitar fåmansbolag: "Anses ett arbetstagarförhållande foieligga?" Ekonomen 1982:4 pp 47-48. : se EDVARDSSON, Leif

291 HOLLANDER, Anna: Kraven på föräldrarna ökar. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap 95(1982): 1 pp 85-96. - & MARKLUND, Staffan: Den terapeutiska rättens framväxt. Retfa,erd 7(1983):24 pp 7-29. HOLLANDER, Anna & Petäjäniemi-Lindahl, Riitta: Invandrarna och socialtjänsten. In: Socialt arbete och invandrare, pp 29-44. Red Soydan, H. Malmö 1984. ISBN 91-38- 61225-9. ISESKOG, Tommy: Arbetsmiljöansvar. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-970450-6-3. - : Nya arbetstidslagen. Umeå 1982. ISBN 91-970450-0-4. - : Personaljuridik. 2 upplagan. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-970450-1-2. - : Uppsägning av personliga skäl. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-970450-4-7. NORDBORG, Gudrun: Jämställdhetssynpunkter utifrån jamställdhetslagstiftningen och vissa ärenden hos jämställdhetsombudsmannen. Svensk juristtidning 69(1984):3 pp 190-215. - : Ree. Brita Sundberg-Weitman: Saklighet och godtycke i rättskipning och förvaltning. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap 95(1982):4 pp 777-780. WESTBERG, Anders: se BRINCK, Bertil

SAMISKA HELANDER, Elina: Det finska språkets ställning i Övre Soppero idag. In: Språkhistoria och språkkontakt i Finland och Nord-Skandinavien. Studier tillägnade Tryggve Sköld den 2 november 1982. Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets handlingar 26(1982) pp 113-130. ISBN 91-86438-00-X. - : Jurdagat såpmelas dutkama birra. Lasta. SàDs àigecàla. Tidskrift utgiven av Samiska forskarsamfundet (S DS) 1983:1 pp 49-56. Red. Helander, E. - : Om trespråkighet. En undersökning av språkvalet hos samerna i Övre Soppero. Diss. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 1984:67. ISBN 91-7174-183-6. - : Utomspråkliga faktorer som påverkar minoritetsspråkens ställningsaspekter på språk­ bevarandet hos samerna. = In honorem Bo Wickman, 7 september 1982. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 1982:5 pp 120-132. KORHONEN, Olavi: Bindtråd i samernas mjolkningsgärden. Thüle. Norrländsk kultur­ tidskrift 1983:5 pp 29-34. ISSN 0280-8692. - : Håp — vad ar det för båt? Lingvistiska synpunkter In: Bottnisk kontakt I. Föredrag vid maritimhistorisk konferens i Örnsköldsvik 12-14 februari 1982. Skrifter från Örnsköldsviks museum 1982:1 pp 27-37. ISBN 91-86139-30-8. - : Language contact as reflected in the migration of the Finns, the Saamis and the Vikings. In: Scandinavian language contacts, pp 67-96. Eds. Ureland, P Sture & Clarkson, lan. ISBN 0-521-25685-2. Cambridge 1984. - : Ledvattnet, ett sel i Skelleftealven. = In honorem Siiri Sahlman-Karlsson 5 december 1984. ISSN 0348-3045. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana 7(1984) pp 107-128. - : Ortnamnet Sirkesluokta. In: Språkhistoria och språkkontakt i Finland och Nord- Skandinavien. Studier tillägnade Tryggve Sköld den 2 november 1982. Kungl. Skytte­ anska samfundets handlingar 1982:26 pp 173-209. ISBN 91-86438-00-X. - : Samerna igår och idag. Ree. av Israel Ruong, Samerna i historien och nutiden. Stock­ holm 1982. Årsbok för kristen humanism 1983 pp 268-269. ISBN 91-7118-455-4.

292 : Samiskans ställning i Sverige. In: Behövs "småspråken"? Föredrag vid Vitterhets­ akademiens konferens den 22 november 1983. Kungl. Vitterhets-, Historie- och Antikvi­ tetsakademien. Konferenser 1984:11 pp 13-24. ISBN 91-7402-149-4. : Samisk-finska båttermer och ortnamnselement och deras slaviska bakgrund. En studie i mellanspråklig ordgeografi och mellanfolklig kulturhistoria. Diss. Skrifter utgivna av Dialekt-, ortnamns- och folkminnesarkivet i Umeå. Serie A. Dialekter 1982:3. ISBN 91-970358-9-0. 240 s.

SKOGLIG PRODUKTIONSLÄRA HAGNER, Mats: Cone-sowing with the Scraper. An illustrated instruction for direct seeding. Department of forest science. University of Umeå. (Stencil). 1982. - : Kan vi skogsodla i fjällnära skog. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1984:132. - : Lövfrågan felaktigt belyst i skogsveckans debatt - den positiva sina bortglömd. Skogen 1983:5/6 pp 64-65. - : Människan i framtidsskogen. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala. Skogsfakta 1984:4 pp 80-88. - : Synpunkter på Domänverkets skogsbruk i fjällnara områden. In: Skogsföryngring i fjällnära skogar. Ed. Bäckström, P O. Forskarrapport. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten. Umeå 1984. - : Variation between trees in stands of Pinus silvestris L. with respect to seed maturation, genetic load and generative adaptation to the climate. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982:125. - : Vilka klimatfaktorer är avgörande för tillväxt och överlevnad. /Proveniensproblema­ tiken belyst med exempel från skogsbruket./ Odlingsvärda träd och buskar — en pre­ sentation av rådgivningscentralen vid Arboretum Norr./ (Tre föredrag). In: Arboretum Norr - konferens "Klimathärdighet, vad är det". Ed. Hagner, Mats. Skoglig produk­ tionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982:126. - : Överlevnad och tillväxt under nio år hos konsådd tall (Pinus silvestris och Pinus contorta). Sveriges skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift 1984:5. - & de JONG, Adriaan: Aktuellt om sådd. Skogen 1982:4. - : Insekts- och avdunstningsskydd för skogsplantor. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982:130. - : Plantering utan produktionsbefrämjande markberedning. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. PM 3/83. : Plantskydd för plantering utan markberedning. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå uni­ versitet. PM 3/83. - : Radsådd efter harvning. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982: 127. : Trattsådd - en lägesrapport i januari 1982. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982:122. HAGNER, Mats & LINDBERG, Gun: PUM förbättrar överlevnaden hos plantor satta i humustäcket. Skoglig produktionslära. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1984:136. HAGNER, Mats & LUNDMARK, Anita: Täckning med humus vid radsådd. Skoglig produktionslara. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982:128. de JONG, Adriaan, HAGNER, Mats & LUNDMARK, Anita: Inventering av praktiskt utförda radsådder i mellersta Norrland. Skoglig produktionslara. Umeå universitet. Rapport 1982:129.

293 SOCIALMEDICIN ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Andelen insti- tutionsvårdade dementa òkar i Västerbotten. Läkartidningen 81(1984):42 pp 3798-3800. ALAFUZOFF, Irina: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof ALMAY, Béla: se FORSGREN, Lars ANDERSEN, Solveig, LINDQVIST, Bengt & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Prognosis curves for patients with polycystic kidney disease. Annals of Clinical Research 14(1982) pp 90-92. BECKMAN, Gunhild: se STJERNBERG, Nils BECKMAN, Lars: se STJERNBERG, Nils BERGSTRÖM, Brita: Hälsoproblem bland småbarnsfamiljer i glesbygd — en projekt­ beskrivning och deskriptiv resultatredovisning. Socialmedicinska institutionen. Umeå Universitet 1982. - , Hanning, Marianne, KINDBLAD, Ingvar, LUNDSTRÖM, Sven, MÄG1, Margus, von POST, Hampus & WESTMAN, Göran: Vårdutnyttjande — ett mått på ohälsa? Spri-rapport 1984:158. BERGSTRÖM, Brita, PERSSON, Lars-Åke, WALL, Stig & Hofvander, Yngve et al: Pilot studies in Bagdad. University of Mogadishu, Report 1984:3. BROSTRÖM, Göran: se BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders, BROSTRÖM, Göran & PERSSON, Lars-Åke: The impact of feeding patterns on infant mortality in a 19th Century Swedish parish. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 30(1984). BYGREN, Lars-Olov: Långt liv, halsa och välfärd — Installationsföreläsning. Social­ medicinska institutionen Umeå Universitet 1983. - : Private practitioners might be integrated into the health and insurance systems. World Health Forum 5(1984) pp 203-204. - : Rapport från en studieresa till USA 1984-07-19—08-08. Socialmedicinska institu­ tionen, Umeå Universitet 1984. CHOTAI, Jayanti: On the lod score method in linkage analysis. Annals of Human Genetics 48(1984) pp 359-378. Dahlquist, Gisela, Gustavsson, Karl-Henrik, HOLMGREN, Gösta, HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, Nilsson, K O, SAMUELSSON, Gösta, Sterky, Göran, Thalme, B & WALL, Stig: The incidence of diabetes mellitus in Swedish children 0-14 years of age — A prospective study 1977-1980. Acta Pediatrica Scandinavica 71(1982) pp 7-14. Dahlquist, Gisela, Ivarsson, Jan-Ivar, Sterky, Göran, Tengvald, Karin & WALL, Stig: Health problems and care in young families — an évaluation of survey procédures. International Journal of Epidemiology 13(1984):2. Dimitrihevic, Pedja, JACOBSSON, Lars & WALL, Stig: Mortality among patients suffering from organic psychoses. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidskrift 1984 pp 127-133. EMMELIN, Anders: se ROSENHALL, Leif ERIKSSON, Carl-Gunnar & Tibblin, Gösta: Aktiv egenvård — en gammal nyhet. Allmän medicinsk rapport 1. Uppsala 1983. ERIKSSON, Carl-Gunnar & WALL, Stig: Sjukvårdens tillgänglighet — beprövad er­ farenhet. Socialmedicinska institutionen Umeå 1984. FORSGRLN, Lars, ALMAY, Béla, HOLMGREN, Gösta & WALL, Stig: Epidemiology of motor neuron disease in northern Sweden. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 20-29. GUSTAFSSON, Lennart, SKOG. Barbro & WALL, Stig: Dödsorsaksmönster och cancerincidens bland svenska stuveriarbetare. Transporthalsan rapport 3(1983).

294 GUSTAFSSON, Lennart & WALL, Stig: Hälso- och sjukvårdsforskning inför små­ datorutveckling. Rapport från en arbetsgrupp. Medicinska forskningsrådet. Stockholm 1983. - : QUEST - a user's manual for the création, registration and editing of a questionnaire. Department of Preventive and Social Medicine. University of Umeå 1982. GUSTAFSSON, Lennart: se Sterky, G Hanning, Marianne, LUNDSTRÖM, Sven, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, Rosén, Måns & WALL, Stig: Halsoproblem och vårdutnyttjande i Västerbottens lan. Länsbeskrivning 1984. Hanning, Marianne, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & Rosén, Måns: Hur mår Du Sverige? Ohälsa och vårdutnyttjande i Sverige — undersökningar om levnadsförhållanden (ULF) som underlag for planering. Spri-rapport 1982:82. HEDSTRÖM, Sonja: Tanzania — några data om hälsovården. Socialmedicinska insti­ tutionen, Umeå universitet 1984. HEDSTRÖM, Sonja, LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran, NORDBERG, Monica, PERSSON, Lars-Åke & WALL, Stig: Samhällsmedicin och samverkan i läkarutbildningen. Allmän­ medicin 5(1984) pp 63-65. HALLMANS, Göran: se SANDMAN, Per-Olof HOLM, Jan: se WAHLIN, Anders HOLMGREN, Gösta: se Dahlquist, Gisela; se FORSGREN, Lars; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno HÄGGLÖF, Bruno, HOLMGREN, Gösta & WALL, Stig: Incidence of insulin-de- pendent diabetes mellitus among children in a North-Swedish population 1938-1977. Hereditas 98(1983). HÄGGLÖF, Bruno: se Dahlquist, Gisela Ingvarsson, Leif & WALL, Stig: Epidemiology of acute Otitis media in children — a prospective study in an urban population. Acta Oto- Laryngologica 1982:Suppl.338. JACOBSSON, Lars: se Dimitrihevic, Pedja JOHANSSON, Eivor: se PERSSON, Lars-Åke KINDBLAD, Ingvar: se BERGSTRÖM, Brita LAGERKVIST, Bengt: se BERGSTRÖM, Brita LINDQVIST, Bengt: se ANDERSEN, Solveig LUNDSTRÖM, Nils-Göran: se HEDSTRÖM, Sonja LUNDSTRÖM, Sven: se BERGSTRÖM, Brita L.ÖFGREN, Ann-Christin: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof MARKLUND, Stefan: se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof NORDBERG, Monica: se HEDSTRÖM, Sonja NYSTRÓM, Lennarth, Rosén, Måns & WALL, Stig: Dödsorsak? Dödsorsaksstatistik som underlag för planering. Spri rapport 1983:122. NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ANDERSEN, Solveig; se Hanning, Marianne; se Rosén, Måns; se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se STJERNBERG, Nils; se WAHLIN Anders; se WALL, Stig; se ÅSTRÖM, Sture; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olof PERSSON, Lars-Åke: Dietary habits and health risks in Swedish children. Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition 38C(1984) pp 287-297. : Nutrition and health in infancy and childhood. An epidemiological approach to the assessment of dietary habits, their déterminants and implications. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1984:118.

295 PERSSON, Lars-Åke & Carlgren, G: Measuring children's diets — évaluation of dietary assessment techniques in infancy and childhood. International Journal of Epidemiology 13(1984):4. PERSSON, Lars-Åke, JOHANSSON, Eivor & SAMUELSSON, Gösta: Dietary intake of weaned infants in a Swedish community. Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition 38A (1983) pp 247-254. PERSSON, Lars-Åke, SAMUELSSON, Gösta, JOHANSSON, Eivor & Osland Johans­ son, T: Vad äter svenska spadbarn? Se till hela familjens matvanor. Läkartidningen 79(1982):42 pp 3813-3816. PERSSON, Lars-Åke, Sterky, Göran & WALL, Stig: Avsaknad av amningsregistrering i Sverige äventyrar vår internationella trovärdighet. Läkartidningen 80(1983):7 pp 522-523. PERSSON, Lars-Åke & WALL, Stig: Epidemiology in primary health care. Report from a Seminar on field research methodology in Mogadishu, Somalia Jan. 21-25, 1984. PERSSON, Lars-Åke: se BERGSTRÖM, Brita; se BRÄNDSTRÖM, Anders; se HED­ STRÖM, Sonja von POST, Hampus: Informationssystem inom primärvården — Önskemål om innehåll i vårdcentralens verksamhetsbeskrivning. Socialmedicinska institutionen. Umeå univer­ sitet 1984. - : se BERGSTRÖM, Brita Rosén, Måns, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, WALL, Stig & Bolander, A M: Dödsorsak? Döds­ orsaksstatistik som underlag för planering. Spri rapport 1983:122. ROSENHALL, Leif, STJERNBERG, Nils, Eklund, Anders, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, EMMEL1N, Anders & STRÖMQVIST, Lars-Helge: Epidemiologiska och klinisk/fysio­ logiska studier angående SO2. Projekt Kol-Hälsa-Miljö. Teknisk rapport 1983:77. ROSENHALL, Leif, WEIBRING, Jan & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Extrinsic allergie alveolitis and obstructive lung disease in saw mill workers. European Journal of Respi­ ratory Diseases 63(1982):Suppl. 124 p 31. ROSENHALL, Leif: se STJERNBERG, Nils SAMUELSSON, Gösta: se Dahlquist, Gisela; se PERSSON, Lars-Åke SANDMAN, Per-Olof, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, HALLMANS, Göran, NYGREN, Char­ lotte, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & WINBLAD, Bengt: Treatment of constipation with highbran bread in long-term care of severely demented elderly patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 31(1983):5 pp 289-293. SANDMAN, Per-Olof: se ADOLFSSON, Rolf; se ÅSTRÖM, Sture; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olov SKOG, Barbro: se GUSTAFSSON, Lennart Sterky, G & GUSTAFSSON, Lennart: Hälso- och sjukvårdsforskning inför smådator­ utvecklingen. Läkartidningen 80(1983):48 pp 4698-4699. STJERNBERG, Nils, BECKMAN, Gunhild, BECKMAN, Lars, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth & ROSENHALL, Leif: Alpha-1-Antitrypsin types and pulmonary disease among employees at a sulphite pulp factory in northern Sweden. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 337-342. STJERNBERG, Nils: se ROSENHALL, Leif Taube, Adam & WALL, Stig: Fallet Rönnskär — En epidemiologisk studie av livslängd och dödsorsaksmönster bland smältverksarbetare. Bilaga till Cancerkommitténs betän­ kande 1983. WAHLIN, Anders, HOLM, Jan & NYSTRÖM, Lennarth: Improved survival in multiple myeloma with combination chemotherapy and plasmapheresis. Haematologia 17(1984): 4 pp 465-471.

296 WALL, Stig: Hur mår Västerbotten? — Några exempel på den regionala epidemiologins mojligheter och begränsningar. Uppdrag för Socialstyrelsen 1982. Socialmedicinska Institutionen. Umeå universitet 1982. - : se BERGSTRÖM, Brita; se Dahlqvist, Gisela; se Dimitrihevic, Pedja; se ERIKSSON, Carl-Gunnar; se FORSGREN, Lars; se GUSTAFSSON, Lennart; se HEDSTRÖM, Sonja; se HÄGGLÖF, Bruno; se Ingvarsson, Leif; se NYSTRÖM, Lennarth; se PERS­ SON, Lars-Åke; se Rosén, Måns; se Taube, Adam WEIBRING, Jan: se ROSENHALL, Leif WESTMAN, Göran: se BERGSTRÖM, Brita WINBLAD, Bengt: se SANDMAN, Per-Olof; se ÅSTRÖM, Sture; se ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olov WINOY, James: Glesbygdsverksamhet för äldre - En utvärdering. Socialmedicinsk tid­ skrift 9(1982) pp 370-373. ÅSTRÖM, Sture, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof & WINBLAD, Bengt: Attitudes of health care personell towards the senile demented. Aktuelle Gerontologie 13(1983). ÖSTERLIND, Per-Olov, ALAFUZOFF, Irina, LÖFGREN, Ann-Christin, MARK­ LUND, Stefan, NYSTRÖM, Lennarth, SANDMAN, Per-Olof, STEEN, Bertil & WINBLAD, Bengt: Blood components in an elderly population. Gerontology 30(1984) pp 247-252.

SOCIALT ARBETE BÖRJESON, Bengt: Bilden och verkligheten. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:6. - : Hur människan blir människa. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:7. - : Om socialt arbete som ett kunskapsområde. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:24. - : Den sociala linjens utbildning i Sverige — Ett par externkritiska perspektiv. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:11. - : Utbildningen vid sociala linjen — Ett framtidsperspektiv. Våren 1984. Umeå univer­ sitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:20. - : Vilket liv! Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:12. CLAEZON, Ingrid: "Att skilja barn och föräldrar" Slutrapport. Juni 1984. Umeå uni­ versitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:23. - : Handledning i socialt arbete: Ett kompendium baserat på Alfred Kadushin, Super­ vision in Social Work. New York 1982. - : Årsrapport projektåret 1982-1983. (Slutrapport från projektet "Att skilja barn och föräldrar"). Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:13. - : Med mitt mått mätt — socialarbetarens syn på sin uppgift. Umeå. 1983. - & LARSSON, Siv-Britt: Årsrapport projektåret 1981-1982. Umeå. 1983. FRICK, Willy: Kapitalackumulation och socialpolitik. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport. 1984:16. HOLMSTRÖM, Leif: Konjunkturförsämring och socialbidragstagande: Exemplet Vilhel­ mina. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:18. LARSSON, Håkan & MORÉN, Stefan: Mot en teori om organisationer. Umeå univer­ sitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport. 1983:10.

297 - : Mot en teori om organisationer. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:15. - : Mot en teori om organisationer for socialt arbete. Huvudundersökning 1. Umeå universitet, Institutionen for socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:19. NYGREN, Lennart: Företagsnedläggning, socialförsäkring och socialbidrag. DSF 82/ 75:1. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:8. - : Företagsnedläggning, socialförsäkring och socialbidrag. Nollpunktsundersokningen. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:9. - : Socialbidragstagande 16 månader efter nedläggningen av NCB-fabriken i Köpman­ holmen. Februari 1984. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:17. SVENSSON, Ingvar: Att vara handledare och att gå i handledning 1983/1984. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:21. - : Om handledning. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1984:22. RICKNELL, Lars & JOHANSSON, Olof: Frame laws and déconcentration. Umeå uni­ versitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:5. ÅSTRÖM, Torsten: Dold trångboddhet bland ensamboende vårdnadshavare. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Rapport 1983:14.

SOCIOLOGI BERGLUND, Staffan: Resisting poverty — perceptives on participation and social development. The case of CRIC and the Eastern rural region of Cauca in Colombia. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1982:65. BJURÉN, Lars: se HÖGLUND, Lars Björnberg, Ulla & DAHLGREN, Lars: Balanser och obalanser i Sveriges regionala utveckling. Regionalpolitikens förutsättningar. Ekonomisk och valfärdsmässig förank­ ring av regionalpolitiken. NordREFO 1984:3 pp 55-87. Busch, Karin & SÖDERLIND, Ivar: Invandrare i industrin. SIFO/SAFO skriftserie 1983:3. CIGÉHN, Göran: Kön och klass som ideologibestämda analysbegrepp. In: Sociologi i brytningstid. En skrift tillagnad Georg Karlsson pp 17-32. Red. Cigéhn, Göran, Lind­ blad, Anders & Åberg, Rune. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7174-134-8. - : Umeåstudent 1970: Politiska förhållanden 10 år efteråt. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1982:66. - , LINDBLAD, Anders & ÅBERG, Rune: Sociologi i brytningstid. En skrift tillägnad Georg Karlsson. Umeå 1983. 263 s. ISBN 91-7174-134-8. CIGÉHN, Göran: se DAHLGREN, Lars; se DRUGGE, Ulf; se FURÅKER, Bengt; se HÖGLUND, Lars Cottino, Amedo & DRUGGE, Ulf: Politica della Famiglia e consultori familiari pubblici in Svezia. In: Aspetti socioguiuridici del family planning in alcuni paesi europei ed extraeuropei, pp 14-156. Red. Segre & Velicogna. Milano 1983. DAHLGREN, Lars: Samhällsplanering för ökad självtillit i lokalsamhällen. Bakgrund, hinder och möjligheter. Plan og Arbeid. Tidskrift for distriktsutbygging. Regional planlegging og sysselsetting 1983:3 pp 120-125. - : Samhällsplanering för ökad självtillit i lokalsamhällen. En ansats att mota krisen. In: Sociologi i brytningstid. En skrift tillägnad Georg Karlsson, pp 61-73. Red. Cigéhn, Göran, Lindblad, Anders & Åberg, Rune. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7174-134-8.

298 - : Samhallsplanering och lokalsamhälle — en sociologisk analys av den sociala samhålls- planeringens möjligheter och begränsningar, illustrerad av tre ortsstudier i Norrbottens län. Diss. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:79. - & LINDGREN, Gerd: Kvinnliga ingenjörer på en mansdominerad arbetsplats — En intervjuundersökning bland kvinnor och män på Försvarets forskningsanstalt. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1982:79. - & LUNDSTRÖM, Ingegerd: Familjekollektivet — en studie av betingelser för kollektiv krislösning i bruksorten Långshyttan med fokus på familjebaserade strategier. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:80. DAHLGREN, Lars & Mårtensson, Bo: Sårbarhet och självtillit. Robusta regioner. Om sjalvtillit i regionalpolitiken. NordREFO 1983:2/3 pp 95-111. - : Sårbarhet och självtillit. Tankar om krisen och lokalsamhället. Oslo 1983. 110 s. DAHLGREN, Lars: se Björnberg, Ulla DRUGGE, Ulf: Brottslighet i glesbygd — en komparativ undersökning av samhälls­ struktur och brottslighet i två svenska inlandskommuner. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:74. - : Samhällsstruktur, social kontroll och brottslighet. In: Sociologi i brytningstid. En skrift tillägnad Georg Karlsson, pp 73-94. Red. Cigéhn, Göran, Lindblad, Anders & Åberg, Rune. Umeå 1983. ISBN 91-7174-134-8. - : se Cottino, Amedo Eriksson, Robert & ÅBERG, Rune: Välfärd i förändring — levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981. Arlöv 1984. ISBN 91-518-1657-1. - : Valfärdens innehåll och fördelning. In: Välfärd i förändring — levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981, pp 13-26. Arlöv 1984. FREUD, Hans: se HÖGLUND, Lars FRICK, Willy: Strukturomvandling och social utslagning — en analys av sambanden mel­ lan social struktur och social missanpassning och utslagning under perioden 1860-1975. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1982:67. FURÅKER, Bengt: Andra satt att leva. Sociologisk forskning, 1984:1. - : The future of the intelligentsia under capitalism. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 1984:3. - : Gorz's Farewell to the working class. Acta Sociologica 1984:4. - : De högre mellanskiktens framtid under kapitalismen. Zenit 1984:3. - : The intelligentsia as a class under capitalism and socialism. Acta Sociologica 1982:4 pp 455-467. - : Kravlöshetens misslyckande — om högskolepedagogiken i dag. In: Sociologi i bryt­ ningstid. En skrift tillägnad Georg Karlsson, pp 108-119. Red. Cigéhn, Göran, Linblad, Anders & Åberg, Rune. Umeå. ISBN 91-7174-134-8. - : Vad gör kommunerna i näringslivet? Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1984:77. - : Vad kan pedagogiska och sociologiska undersökningar tillföra de ekonomiska syster­ vetenskaperna? Utbildningsekonomisk forskning. En symposierapport. Stockholm 1982. ISBN 91-7662-018-2. GÖRANSSON, Anita, LINDGREN, Gerd, LUNDGREN, Britta, LUNDSTRÖM, Inge­ gerd & ÖVERGAARD, Gunilla: Om kvinnoforskningens nödvändighet för ett kvali­ tativt högtstående universitet. In: Kvinnorna ar hälften. Om kvinnoforskningens och de kvinnliga forskarna vid universiteten. UHÄ/fou 1984:1 pp 161-166. Hansson, S O, Holgersson, L & ÅBERG, Rune: Hur skall vi ha det med jämlikheten? Falköping 1984. ISBN 91-550-3083-1. HOLLANDER, Anna & MARKLUND, Staffan: Den terapeutiska rättens framväxt — om barnlagstiftningens forandringar och samhälleliga karaktär. Retfaerd 1983:24. ISBN 87-500-2450-7.

299 HÖGLUND, Lars: Bibliotekets roll. Litteraturförsörjning och biblioteksanvändning i forskningsmiljö Inforsk Papers on Communication Studies 1983:18. - : Universitetsbiblioteket och den fria informationstillgången In: Sociologi i brytningstid, pp 120-135. Red. Cighén, Göran, Lindblad, Anders & Åberg, Rune. Umeå universitet 1983. ISBN 91-7174-134-8. HÖGLUND Lars & BJURÉN, Lars: Populärvetenskap i skola och folkbildning Inforsk Papers on Communication Studies 1984:24. HÖGLUND, Lars & FREIJD, Hans: Media, kommunikation och pedagogik i distans- och deltidsutbildning Rapport från Deltidsstudieprojektet, Umeå universitet 1984. HÖGLUND, Lars, PAAJANEN, Likki & PERSSON, Olle: Kontakter bland små företag. En studie av svensk plastindustri Inforsk Papers on Communication Studies 1983:21. HÖGLUND, Lars & PERSSON, Olle: Användarreaktioner på försök med on-linetjänst via 3RIP. Inforsk Papers on Communication Studies 1982:14. - : Kontaktmönster bland svenska teknike. Inforsk Papers on Communication Studies 1984:23 1984. - : The library in the academic information market In: The use of information in a changing world, Proceedings of the fortysecond FID Congress held in The Hague, The Netherlands 24-25 Sept 1984, pp 137-142. Eds. Van Der Laan, A & Winters, A A. Amsterdam 1984. - : Research on the needs and uses of scientific and technical information — Research areas and problems. Nordicom Review of Mass Communication Research 1984:1 pp 12-17. KARLSSON, Georg: Sociologi — forntid och framtid. Avskedsföreläsning 1983-05-26. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:73. KARLSSON, Johnny & ÅBERG, Rune: Teknisk högskoleutbildning i norr — utbildning utan studenter? Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1982:69. LINDBLAD, Anders: Lokal radio och tv. En analys av publikstruktur och deltagande. Diss. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:71. - & Weibull, Lennart: Kassettidningar i Sverige. Forskningsrapport till Taltidningskom- mittén. Om stöd till radio och kassettidningar. Betänkande från Taltidningskommittén, Ds U 1984:8. Stockholm 1984. 114 s. ISBN 91-38-08367-1. LINDBLAD, Anders: se CIGÉHN, Göran; se DAHLGREN, Lars; se DRUGGE, Ulf; se FURÅKER, Bengt; se HÖGLUND, Lars LINDGREN, Gerd: Kvinnor vid ett verkstadsföretag i Norrland — en intervjuunder­ sökning bland arbeterskor på en mansdominerad industriarbetsplats. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:76. - : se DAHLGREN, Lars; se GÖRANSSON, Anita LUNDGREN, Britta: se GÖRANSSON, Anita LUNDSTRÖM, Ingegerd: se DAHLGREN, Lars; se GÖRANSSON, Anita MARKLUND, Staffan: Capitalisms and collective income protection. A comparative study of the development of social security programs in Europe and the USA 1930-1975. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1982:68. - : Klass, stat och socialpolitik — en jamförande studie av socialförsäkringarnas utveck­ ling i några västliga kapitalistiska länder 1930-75. Lund 1982. ISBN 91-85-118-94X. - , Gunnarsson, Evy, Isaksson, Kerstin, Holmberg, Roger, Nordenstam Karin & Penton, Roland: Social fältforskning — erfarenheter och reflektioner. Författarkollektivet Aurora. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-20-06933-2. MARKLUND, Staffan, Nordenstam, Karin & Penton, Roland: Socialvärlden — om mötet mellan socialarbetare och klient. Stockholm 1984. ISBN 91-38-90333-4.

300 MARKLUND, Staffan: se HOLLANDER, Anna PAAJANEN, Likki: se HÖGLUND, Lars PERSSON, Olle: se HÖGLUND, Lars SCHIERUP, Carl-Ulrik: Do they dance to keep up tradition? Analysis of a social situa­ tion among Yugoslav immigrants in Scandinavia. Research Reports from the Depart­ ment of Sociology. University of Umeå 1984:81. - : The immigrants and the crisis. Nase Teme 1983:1/2. - : Integration eller reintegration. Aspekter af jugoslavisk migration. Invandrerforskning i Danmark II. Rapport fra Statens samfundsvidenskabelige Forskningsråds konference om invandrarforskning den 13 juni 1983. Udvalget vedrorende invandrerforskning. Statens samfundsvidenskabelige Forskningsråd. Kobenhavn 1983. - : Migration and the new imperalism. Revija za Sociologiju 1983:3/4 pp 48-69. - : Migration and the new imperialism — reintegration of returning migrant workers in international perspective. Årsskrift for etnografi. Århus Universitet 1984 pp 121-158. - : Objectivism versus subjectivism, on some problems of explanation in migration research. Årsskrift for etnografi. Institut for etnografi og socialantropologi. Århus Universitet 1984. - & ÅLUND, Aleksandra: De best uddannede vender tilbage. Invandrare & minoriteter 1984:3 pp 9-12. - : The migrant dilemma: to stay or to return home — studies of Yugoslavs in Scandi­ navia. Social Change in Sweden. Swedish Information Service. New York 1982:24. - Trives ej längere her. Forskningen & samfundet 1984:2 pp 17-23. - : Vaggan och graven. Invandrare & minoriteter 1982:3 pp 18-33. SCHIERUP, Carl-Ulrik: se ÅLUND, Aleksandra SÖDERLIND, Ivar: : Familjeisolering i ett föränderligt samhälle. Umeå 1984. - : Självförsörjningens värderingar i agrarsamhallet. SIFO/SAFO skriftserie 1982:1. : se Busch, Karin; se ZETTERBERG, Hans ZETTERBERG, Hans & SÖDERLIND, Ivar m.fl.: Det osynliga kontraktet. En studie i 80-talets arbetsliv. Stockholm 1984. ÅBERG, Rune: Arbetsförhållanden. In: Välfärd i förändring — levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981, pp 121-139. Red. Eriksson, Robert & Åberg, Rune. Arlöv 1984. : Arbetsmarknadspolitik som fördelningspolitik. In: Arbetsmarknadspolitik under debatt, pp 127-155. Stockholm 1982. ISBN 91-38-90171-4. - : Klasserna finns kvar. Dagens Nyheter 4/8 1984. : Market-independent income distribution: Efficiency and legitimacy In: Order and conflict in contemporary capitalism, pp 209-230. Ed. Goldthorpe. London 1984. ISBN 0-19-878008-7. : Svezia e USA: Due modelli di Mercato del Lavoro. Politica et Economia 1983:1. - : Sysselsättning och arbetstid. In: Välfärd i förändring — levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981, pp 97-120. Red. Eriksson, Robert & Åberg, Rune. Arlöv 1984. : Teorierna om arbetets degradering och arbetsmarknadens dualisering — ett försök till empirisk prövning. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology. University of Umeå 1984:78. : Teorierna om arbetets degradering och arbetsmarknadens dualisering — ett försök till empirisk prövning. Sociologisk forskning 1984:2 pp 50-68. A.BERG, Rune, Selen, J & Tham, H: Ekonomiska resurser. In: Välfärd i förändring — levnadsvillkor i Sverige 1968-1981, pp 140-178. Red. Eriksson & Åberg, Rune. Arlöv 1984. ÅBERG, Rune: se CIGÉHN, Göran; se DAHLGREN, Lars; se DRUGGE, Ulf; se Eriksson, Robert; se FURÅKER, Bengt; se Hansson, S O; se HÖGLUND, Lars; se KARLSSON, Johnny \LUND, Aleksandra & SCHIERUP, Carl-Ulrik: Betydelse av generationsre lationer för "invandrardilemmat", att stanna eller återvända. Research Reports from the Depart­ ment of Sociology. University of Umeå 1983:72.

301 - : Skyddsmurar — Etnicitet och klass i invandrarsammanhang. Research Reports from the Department of Sociology, University of Umeå 1984:75. ÅLUND, Aleksandra: se SCHIERUP, Carl-Ulrik ÖVERGAARD, Gunilla: Kvinnor i forskarutbildning. In: Om hälften vore kvinnor ... Jamställdhetskommitténs betankande om kvinnorna i forskningen. SOU 1983:4 pp 183-186. - : Kvinnor i forskarutbildning. In: Kvinnorna är hälften. Om kvinnoforskningen och de kvinnliga forskarna vid universiteten. UHÄ/fou 1984:1 pp 161-166. - : se GÖRANSSON, Anita

STATISTIK AASNESS, Jörgen & NYQUIST, Hans: Engel functions, residual distributions and Lp-norm estimators. Institute of Economies, University of Oslo. Working paper 1983:6. ANDERSSON, Sture. Data — vägen tili kunskap? Statistisk tidskrift 1984:3 pp 237-243. - : The process of data formation. Rapport. Statistiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1984:1. BAUDIN, Anders & LUNDBERG, Lars: Demand for paper and paperboard in the OECD. FAO. Rome 1984. BAUDIN, Anders, Nadeau, S & WESTLUND, Anders H: Estimation and prédiction under structural instability: the case of the US pulp and paper market. Journal of Forecasting 3(1984) pp 63-78. BAUDIN, Anders & WESTLUND, Anders: An analysis of structural instability in the system of newsprint demand in the US. Statistical Research Report 1983:15. BJÖRKLUND, Jorgen & STENLUND, Hans: Regionala lóner och levnadskostnader i Norrland 1910-1939. Meddelande från institutionen för ekonomisk historia 1984:4. BRÄNNÄS, Kurt: Bokanmalan: Harvey A C: The econometrie analysis of time series. Statistisk tidskrift 1982:1 pp 69-71. - : Bokanmälan: Vandaele W: Applied time series and Box-Jenkins models. Statistisk tidskrift 1984:4 p 406. - : Occasionai errors-in-variables and ordinary least squares estimation. Metron 42(1984) pp 21-26. - : Omitted variables in a Weibull regression model. Economies Letters 16(1984) pp 279-283. - : On heterogeneity in econometrie duration models. (Econometrie Society European Meeting Madrid). Statistical Research Report 1984:4. - : Small sample properties of estimators and tests in linearized duration models. (Eko- nometridagen 1983, Bäckaskogs slott). Statistical Research Report 1983:14. - & EKLÖF, Jan: Criminal policy and recidivism: An empirical study on Swedish data. Nordiskt Kriminalstatistiskt möte, Oslo 1984.

BRÄNNÄS, Kurt & POHJANPALO, Juha: Small sample properties of the likelihood estimator in proportional hazard regression models with omitted variables. Statistical Research Report 1982:5. BRÄNNÄS, Kurt & Schager, Nils-Henrik: One-sided measurement errors in a switching dépendent variabel: Modelling and estimation. (Econometrie Society European Meet­ ing, Dublin). Statistical Research Report 1983:4.

302 BRÄNNÄS, Kurt & UHLIN, Stig: Improper use of the ordinary least squares estimator in the switching regression model. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 13(1984) pp 1781-1791. BRÄNNÄS, Kurt: se WESTLUND, Anders Coursey, Don & NYQUIST, Hans: Applications of robust estimation techniques in demand analysis. Working paper series. Department of Economies. University of Wyoming, Laramie 1983:1. - : Extending the scope of fragility analysis; Searches which incorporate structural and distributional spécifications. Department of Statistics, University of Umeå 1984. - : On least absolute error estimation of linear regression models with dépendent stable residuals. Review of Economies and Statistics 65(1983). EKLÖF, Jan: se BRÄNNÄS, Kurt G1DLUND, Jan-Erik: se WESTLUND, Anders CARLSSON, Olle: Determining the most profitable process level for a production process under différent sales conditions. Journal of Quality Technology 16(1984): 1 pp 44-49. - : Determining the most profitable target value for a production process under différent sales conditions. Statistical Research Report 1982:6. : Economic selection of a process level under MIL-STD-414, B. Statistical Research Report 1984:7. - : Quality selection of a two-dimensional process level under single acceptance sampling by variables. Statistical Research Report 1984:10. - & UHLIN, Stig: On determining and analysing the optimal process level and the optimal expected net-income for a production process under single acceptance sampling by variables. Statistical Research Report 1983:7. LANE, Jan-Erik & STENLUND, Hans: Power. In: Social science concepts, pp 315-402. Sartoni, G (Ed). Beverly Hills 1984. - : Rostmakt vid fackliga kongresser. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 87(1984) pp 70-87. LANE, Jan-Erik, WESTLUND, Anders & MAGNUSSON, Tage: Kommunernas byrå- kratisering. Tvärsnitt 1982 pp 20-30. LANE, Jan-Erik, WESTLUND, Anders & STENLUND, Hans: Budget-making for social purposes. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 1983 pp 51-73. : Die Hochschulintegration in der Einschätzung der Schwedischen Hochschullehrer. In: Integrierte Hochschulemodelle, pp 145-167. Frankfurt 1982. : Variety of attitudes towards the comprehensive university. Journal of Higher Educa­ tion 11(1982):4 pp 441-474. : Variety of attitudes towards the comprehensive university. In: The compleat univer­ sity, pp 149-174. Hermanns, et al. (Eds). Cambridge, Mass 1984. LANE, Jan-Erik: se WESTLUND, Anders I UNDBERG, Lars: se BAUD1N, Anders NYQUIST, Hans: Minimax choice of estimators versus adaptive estimators. Statistical Research Report 1983:10. : A model for robust analysis of multivariate data. Metron 42(1984). : The optimal Lp-norm estimator in linear regression models. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 12(1983). : Ridge type M-estimators. Proceedings of the International Statistical conférence on linear inference, Poznan, Poland, Ed. Calinski, T & Klonecki, W. Berlin 1984. NYQUIST, Hans: se AASNESS, Jörgen; se Coursey, Don; se WESTLUND, Anders l'OHJANPALO, Juha: se BRÄNNÄS, Kurt STENLUND, Hans: se BJÖRKLUND, Jorgen; se LANE, Jan-Erik; se WESTLUND, Anders UHLIN, Stig: se BRÄNNÄS, Kurt; se CARLSSON, Olle

303 WESTLUND, Anders: Moving sums of squares of ordinary least squares residuals for structural stability testing. Statistical Research Report 1982:8. - : A note on partial structural variability and prédiction bias effects in I D-systems. Proceedings of the 44th ISI, pp 329-332. Madrid 1983. - : On the power of a parameter stability test. Proceedings of the 15th EMS. Palermo 1982. - : On the power of parameter stability testing by sequential moving sums of squares of OLS-residuals. Applied Modelling and Simulation 3(1984). - : On structural stability testing by a ratio of moving sums of squares of OLS-residuals. Statistical Research Report 1982:10. - : On structural stability testing by a ratio of moving sums of squares of OLS-residuals. Advances in Modelling and Simulation 2(1984) pp 27-45. - : Partial structural variability and some prédiction bias effects. Statistical Research Report 1982:11. - : Sequential moving sums of squares of OLS-residuals in parameter stability testing. Quality and Quantity 18(1984) pp 261-273. - : Some test statistics and their ability to identify regression parameter instabilities. Applied Modelling and Simulation 4(1984). - & BRÄNNÄS, Kurt: Robustness properties of a Kalman filter estimator in interdepen- dent systems with time-varying parameters. In: Charatsis, E G (Ed). Selected Papers on Contemporary Econometrie problems, The Athens School of Economies and Business Science. Athens 1982. WESTLUND, Anders & GIDLUND, Jan-Erik: Kommunalvalen och den kommunala demokratin. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 1982:2 pp 91-108. - : A theoretical structure of municipal politicai activities. Applied Modelling and Simu­ lation 2(1982): 13 pp 15-17. WESTLUND, Anders & LANE, Jan-Erik: The relevance of the concept of structure variability to the social sciences. Quality and Quantity 17(1983) pp 189-201. WESTLUND, Anders & NYQUIST, Hans: Small sample performances of iterative structural form Ll-norm estimators. Sankhya. Ser. B 46(1984) pp 201-216. WESTLUND, Anders & STENLUND, Hans: On robust estimation in certainty équi­ valence control. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 14(1982) pp 241-269. WESTLUND, Anders: se BAUDIN, Anders; se LANE, Jan-Erik ZACKRISSON, Uno: Statistikerroll och statistiskt synsätt. Statistisk tidskrift 1984:3 pp 219-222.

STATSKUNSKAP BACK, Par-Erik: Anmälan av Kent Asp m.fl. Väljare Partier Massmedia. Empiriska studier i svensk demokrati. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 85(1982):4 pp 353-354. - : Den anspråkslöse Herbert Tingsten. Politik (1984): 1. - : Decentralisering och decentraliseringsforskning i samhällsperspektiv. In: En decentra­ liserad skola, pp 19-23. Red. Wennås, O. Stockholm 1984. - : Påverkans gränser: Utkast till en omständigheternas typologi. In: Ratt och politik, pp 37-54. Red. Anckar, D. Meddelande från Abo Akademis Forskningsinstitut 1984:84.

304 BERGLUND, Sten: Anmälan av Diane Sainsbury. Swedish social democratic ideology and électoral politics 1944-1948. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 79(1982):2 pp 201-203. - : Anmälan av Henry Valen. Valg og politikk. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 6(1983):3 pp 165-169. - & HALLIN, Bo: Radikalism i norr: En studie i oförklarad varians. In: Nordkalotten 1 politiken, pp 181-205. Red. Lindström, Ulf & Karvonen, L. Lund 1983. BERGLUND, Sten & LINDSTRÖM, Ulf: The conservative dilemma. In: Conservative politics in Western Europe, pp 180-210. Red. Layton-Henry, Z. London 1982. ENGBERG, Jan & GIDLUND, Janerik: Organizations and pluralist democracy Scan­ dinavian Politicai Studies 5(1982):4 pp 315-335. ERSSON, Svante: Anmälan av Layton-Henry, Z. Ed. Conservative politics in Western Europe. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 6(1983) pp 159-165. - : Anmalan av Lindström, Ulf & Karvonen, L. Red. Nordkalotten i politiken. Scan­ dinavian Politicai Studies 7(1984):3 pp 213-216. - : Kommunistpartier i Västeuropa: Studier i elektoral variation. Diss. Umeå 1984. ERSSON, Svante, Janda, K & LANE, Jan-Erik: The logie of politicai ecology analysis. In: Partier, Ideologier, Väljare: En antologi, pp 211-263. Red. Anckar, D & Damgaard, E. Åbo 1982. ERSSON, Svante & LANE, Jan-Erik: Democratic party systems in Europe: Dimensions, change and stability. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 4( 1982): 1 pp 120-132. - : The ecological approach versus the survey approach. European Politicai Data News­ letter 47(1983) pp 11-24. - : Om ekologi- och surveyansatserna: några empiriska jämförelser. In: Bakom och bortom partier, pp 25-47. Red. Karvonen, L & Lindström, Ulf: Åbo 1983. - : Polarization and politicai economy crisis: 1982 Swedish election. West European Politics 6( 1983):3 pp 287-296. - : Politicai stability in European democracies. European Journal of Politicai Research 11 ( 1983):3 pp 245-264. ERSSON, Svante: se LANE, Jan-Erik FREDRIKSSON, Bert: se LANE, Jan-Erik GIDLUND, Gullan: Partistöd. Diss. Lund 1983. 367 s. ISBN 91-40-04881-0. GIDLUND, Janerik: Framtider. Bulletin från Sekretariatet för framtidsstudier 1984:2. - : Kommunal självstyrelse i förvandling. Sammanfattning av forskningsresultat om kommunindelningsreformen. Stockholm 1983. 98 s. ISBN 91-38-90413-6. - : Kommunerna och framtiden: Programskrift med skiss till kommunala omvarldsbilder 2 000. Stockholm 1984. - : Lokala framtider: Idéskrift från projektet. Kommunerna och framtiden. Stockholm 1984. - : Organisationer. In: De nya kommunerna, pp 82-91. Red. Strömberg, L & Westerståhl, J. Stockholm 1983. - : Politiska partier. In: De nya kommunerna, pp 65-81. Red. Stromberg, L & Wester­ ståhl, J. Stockholm 1983. - m.fl: Folkrörelser och kommunalpolitik. Stockholm 1982. 161 s. DsKn 1982:3. ISBN 91-38-06859-1. GIDLUND, Janerik & UNGA, Nils: Lokala styrsystem i regionalpolitiken. In: Beslut för regional förnyelse, pp 165-177. Red. Snickars, F. Stockholm 1984. GIDLUND, Janerik & WESTLUND, Anders: Kommunvalen och den kommunala demokratin. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 85( 1982):2 pp 91-108. GUSTAFSSON, Gunnel: From issue to metapolicy — the case of Sweden. World Policy 1(1983): 1 pp 20-34. : The function of master planning in Swedish and Norwegian land use policy. Urban Law and Policy 6(1984):4/5 pp 343-361.

305 - : Kommentar till Olof Ruins inledningsföredrag Korporatismen och demokratin i det moderna samhället. In: Nykorporatismen, pp 21-24. Red. Forskningsrådet vid Arbetar­ rörelsens arkiv och bibliotek. Stockholm 1983. - : Några preliminära resultat från projektet Decentralisering av politisk makt. Politik 1983:1. - : Symbolic and pseudo policies as responses to diffusion of power. Policy Sciences 15(1983):3 pp 269-287. - : Sätt ämnesinstitutionen i centrum. In: Forskning på osäkra villkor, pp 50-62. Red. Öhngren, B. Stockholm 1982. - & Richardsson, J J: Sweden. In: Policies and politics in Western Europe, pp 155-170. Red. Ridley, F F. London 1984. GUSTAFSSON, Gunnel: se Richardsson, Jeremy HALLIN, Bo: se BERGLUND, Sten HJERN, Benny: Implementationsforskning om decentraliseringen. In: En decentraliserad skola, pp 115-122. Red. Wennås, O. Stockholm 1984. - : Regionalpolitikens lokala stödstrukturer. In: Beslut för regional förnyelse, pp 178-204. Red. Snickars. F. Stockholm 1984. - & Hull, C: L'assistenza alle piccole imprese in Germania Occidentale. In: La Relazioni Centro-Periferia, pp 2409-2438. Red. Instituto per la Scienza dell'Amministrazione Pubblica. Archivio Nuova 2(1984). - : Going interorganizational: Weber meets Durkheim. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 7( 1984):3 pp 197-212. JOHANSSON, Olof & RICKNELL, Lars: Studiestödet och välfärdsstaten. CSN-rapport 1982:1. - : Studiestöd for utlandsstudier. CSN-rapport 1983:1. Karvonen, L & LINDSTRÖM, Ulf. (Red.): Bakom och bortom partier. Meddelanden från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi Forskningsinstitut 1983:88 ISBN 951-648-946-X. LANE, Jan-Erik: Anmälan av Gunnar Falkemark. Power, theory and value. Statsveten­ skaplig tidskrift 87(1984): 1 pp 104-109. - : The concept of implementation. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 83(1983): 1 pp 17-40. - : Creating the university of Norrland: Goals, structures and outcomes. Lund 1983. 130 s. ISBN 91-40-04846-2. - : Decentraliseringsbegreppets relevans för skolväsendet Forskning om utbildning 11(1984):3 pp 32-48. - : Facket och demokratin. Tvärsnitt 5(1983):4 pp 32-38. - : Higher éducation public policy-making and implementation. Higher Education 12(1983):5 pp 519-565. - : Higher éducation regionalization. Higher Education 13(1984):3 pp 347-368. - : Possibility and desirability of higher éducation reforms. In: higher éducation orga- nizations: Conditions for implementation, pp 56-113. Red. Premfors, R. Stockholm 1984. - : Varför inte regler för budget- och skattebeslut? Ekonomisk debatt 12(1984):7 pp 475-477. - & ERSSON, Svante: Patterns of politicai issues in European democracies since 1945. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 87(1984):2 pp 125-148. - : Public finance variations: A new approach. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 7(1984): 1 pp 73-96. LANE, Jan-Erik & Fredriksson, Bert: Higher éducation and public administration. Stock­ holm 1983. 270 s. ISBN 91-22-00403-3. LANE, Jan-Erik & MAGNUSSON, Tage: Kommunkostnadsindex: en utvärdering. Stats­ vetenskaplig tidskrift 86(1983):3 pp 225-239. - : Kommunsammanlaggning och kommunala kostnader. Tvärsnitt 4(1982):4 pp 25-39. - : The relevance of data considérations in local government research. European Politicai Data Newsletter 52(1984) pp 5-16. - & WESTIN, Tony: Förvaltning i tillväxt. Clarté 1983:3 pp 53-62.

306 LANE, Jan-Erik, MAGNUSSON, Tage & WESTLUND, Anders: Kommunernas byrå- kratisering. Tvärsnitt 4(1982):2 pp 20-30. LANE, Jan-Erik & STENLUND, Hans: Bureaucratization of a system of higher édu­ cation. Comparative Education 19( 1983):3 pp 305-323. - : The higher éducation profession in Sweden: Structure, flexibility and equality. European Journal of Education 18(1983):2 pp 229-244. - : Power. In: Social science concepts, pp 315-402. Red. Sartori, G. Beverly Hills 1984. - : Röstmakt vid fackliga kongresser. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 87(1984): 1 pp 70-87. - & WESTLUND, Anders: Variety of higher éducation attitudes towards the compre- hensive university. Higher Education 11(1982):4 pp 441-474. LANE, Jan-Erik & WESTIN, Tony: Landstinget och byråkratiseringen. Ekonomisk debatt 11(1983):6 pp 419-426. LANE, Jan-Erik m.fl: Budget-making for social purposes. Scandinavian Politicai Studies 6(1983): 1 pp 51-73. LANE, Jan-Erik: se ERSSON, Svante; se STENLUND, Hans; se WESTLUND, Anders LINDBERG, Lars-Åke & RICKNELL, Lars (Red): Mot vetandet: att undervisa i hög­ skolan. Stockholm 1983. ISBN 91-40-71007-6. LINDMARK, Leif & LUNDMARK, Kjell: Implementering av närings- och regionalpoli­ tiska program: En studie av stödåtgärder och problem i mindre foretag. In: Regional­ vetenskap i norr, pp 33-52. Stockholm 1983. ERU-rapport 1983:27 - : Regionalpolitiken i stödpolitiken. In: Regional utveckling och mellanregional ut­ jämning, pp 1-117. Bilagedel IV till regionalpolitiska utredningens betänkande. Stock- holml984. Ds I 1984:25. LINDSTRÖM, Ulf: The changing Scandinavian voter. European Journal of Politicai Research 10(1982):3 pp 351-354. - : Norrbottens politiska integration och mobilisering. In: Nordkalotten i politiken, pp 59-110. Red. Lindström, Ulf & Karvonen L. Lund. - & Karvonen, L (Red): Nordkalotten i politiken. Lund 1983. 313 s. ISBN 91-40-04892-6. LINDSTRÖM, Ulf: se BERGLUND, Sten; se Karvonen, L LUNDMARK, Kjell: Welfare state and employment policy in Sweden. In: Industriai crisis: A comparative study of the state and industry, pp 220-244. Red. Dyson, K & Wilks, S. Oxford 1983. - : se LINDMARK, Leif MAGNUSSON, Tage: se LANE, Jan-Erik MARKGREN, Sten: Datainspektionen och skyddet av den personliga integriteten. Diss. Lund 1984. 222 s. ISBN 91-44-21441-3. Richardson, J J, GUSTAFSSON, Gunnel & Jordan, G: The concept of policy style. In: Policy styles in Western Europe, pp 1-25. Red. Richardson, J. London 1982. RICKNELL, Lars: Integration — ein Weg zu Gesamtkonzeptionen oder bruckstiickhaf- tem Wissen. In: Sozialarbeiterausbildung in den 80-er Jahren: Perspektiven Hochschul­ studiums unter schwierigen Bedingungen, pp 239-246. Red. Brauns, Hans-Jochen & Kramer, David. Berlin 1984. - : Socialarbetets historia i Tvskland. Nordiskt socialt arbete 4(1984):2 pp 55-62. - : se JOHANSSON, Olof; se LINDBERG, Lars-Åke STENLUND, Hans & LANE, Jan-Erik: The structure of voting power indices. Quality and Quantity 18( 1984):4 pp 367-375. STENLUND, Hans: se LANE, Jan-Erik UNGA, Ni's: se G1DLUND, Janerik WESTIN, Tony: se LANE, Jan-Erik

307 WESTLUND, Anders & LANE, Jan-Erik: The relevance of the concept of structural variability to the social sciences. Quality and Quantity 17(1983):2 pp 189-201. WESTLUND, Anders: se GIDLUND, Janerik; se LANE, Jan-Erik

TILLÄMPAD CELL- OCH MOLEKYLÄRBIOLOGI ANDERSSON, Mona: se LUND, Björn Beesley, T, Gascoyne, N, Knott-Hunziker, V, Petursson, S, Waley, S G, JAUR1N, Bengtåke & GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas: The inhibition of class C /Mactamases by boronic acids. Biochemical Journal 209(1983) pp 229-233. Beretta, Alberto, GULLBERG, Martin, LARSSON, Eva-Lotta & Möller, Göran: Inophore A23 187 includes responses to TCGF in mouse lymphocytes. Annales d'Immu­ nologie. Institut Pasteur 135C( 1984) p 365. BERGSDORF, Nils: se WALLÉN, Per BERGSTRÖM, Sven, OLSSON, Olof, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas, JAUR1N, Bengtåke & NORMARK, Staffan: Structure, régulation and evolution of cephalosporinase genes in gram-negative bacteria. In: Current chemotherapy and immunotherapy, pp 745-747. Baltimore 1982. BERGSTRÖM, Sven: se NORMARK, Staffan BJERSING, Lars: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan BJÖRKLUND, Mariana: se COUTINHO, Antonio BORG, Håkan: se LEANDERSSON, Tomas Cole, S T, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas, JAURIN, Bengtåke, Robinson, J J & Weiner, J H: Location and nucleotide sequence of frdB, the gene coding for the iron-sulphur protein subunit of the fumarate reductase of Escherichia coli. European Journal of Biochemistry 126(1982) pp 211-216. COUTINHO, Antonio, Bandeira, Antonio, BJÖRKLUND, Mariana, Forni, Luciana, FORSGREN, Stina, Freitas, Antonio A, GULLBERG, Martin, HOLMBERG, Dan, IVARS, Fredrik, PETTERSSON, Sven & POBOR, Grgur: From the mechanisms of lymphocyte activation to the internal acitivity in the immune system. Annales d Immu­ nologie. Institut Pasteur 134D(1983) p 93. COUTINHO, Antonio: se GULLBERG, Martin; se LARSSON, Eva-Lotta; se LEAN­ DERSSON, Tomas DAMBER, Lena, LENNER, Per & LUNDGREN, Erik: The impact of growth pattern on survival in Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas classified according to Lukes and Collins. Pathology. Research and Practice 174(1982) pp 42-52. Das, Hriday K, Biro, P Andrew, Cohen, Stanley N, Erlich, Henry A, von GABAIN, Alex, Lawrance, Simon K, Lemaux, Peggy G, McDevitt, Hugh O, Peterlin B, Matija, Schultz, Marie-Francoise, Sood, Ashwani K & Weissman, Sherman M: Use of synthetic oligonucleotide probes complementary to genes for human HLA-DR a and ß as exten­ sion primers for the isolation of 5'-specific genomic clones. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 80(1983) pp 1531-1535. EDLUND, Thomas, NY, Tor, RÅNBY, Mats, Hedén, Lars-Olof, Palm, Gunnar, Holm­ gren, Erik & Josephson, Staffan: Isolation of cDNA sequences coding for a part of human tissue Plasminogen activator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 80(1983) pp 349-352.

308 EDLUND, Thomas: se HOLMBERG, Dan; se Lee, J Y; se LUND, Bjòrn; se NOR­ MARK, Staffan; se Walker, M D ELGH, Fredrik: se NY, Tor FORSGREN, Stina: se COUTINHO, Antonio FRIEDRICH, Bengt: se RUUTH, Erik von GABAIN, Alex, Belasco, Joel G, Schottel, J L, Chang, A C Y & Cohen, Stanley N: Decay of m-RNA in E. coli: Investigation of the fate of specific segments of transcripts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 80(1983) pp 653-657. von GABAIN, Alex: se Das, Hriday K; se LUND, Björn; NILSSON, Gisela GOUSTIN, Anton Scott: se PFEIFFER-OHLSON, Susan GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas & JAURIN, Bengtåke: Overlap between ampC and frd opérons on the Escherichia coli chromosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79(1982) pp 1111-1115. GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas: se Beesley, T; se BERGSTRÖM, Sven; se Cole, S T; se JAURIN, Bengtåke; se Knott-Hunziker, V; se Matthes, H W D; se NORMARK, Staffan; se Wildeman, A GULLBERG, Martin: Récognition requirements and regulatory events directing T cell responses. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N.S. 1983:96. - & LARSSON, Eva-Lotta: ConA-induced TCGF reactivity is selectively acquired by Lyt-2 positive T cell precursors. Journal of Immunology 131(1983) p 19. - : Induction of cytolytic T lymphocytes by mitogenic lectins is specifically inhibited by anti-Lyt-2 antibodies. European Journal of Immunology 13(1983) p 476. - : Selective inhibition of antigen induced 'step 1' in cytotoxic T lymphocytes by anti-Lyt-2 antibodies. European Journal of Immunology 12(1982) p 1006. - : Studies on induction and effector functions of Concanavalin A-induced suppressor cells abrogating TCGF production. Journal of Immunology 128(1982) p 746. GULLBERG, Martin, POBOR, Grgur, Bandeira, Antonio, LARSSON, Eva-Lotta & COUTINHO, Antonio: Differential requirements for activation and growth of unpri- med cytotoxic and helper T lymphocytes. European Journal of Immunology 13(1983) p 719. GULLBERG, Martin: se Beretta, Alberto; se COUTINHO, Antonio; se LARSSON, Eva-Lotta GUSTAFSSON, Åke, SUNDSTRÖM, Sture, NY, Tor & LUNDGREN, Erik: Rapid induction of seven proteins in human lymphocytes by interferon; Corrélation to natural killer cell activity. Journal of Immunology 129(1982) pp 1952-1959. HILLÖRN, Valter: se LEANDERSSON, Tomas HOLMBERG, Dan, IVARS, Fredrik & EDLUND, Thomas: A new rapid screening technique for monoclonal antibodies specific for protein antigenes. Journal of Immu- nological Methods 61(1983) pp 9-16. HOLMBERG, Dan: se COUTINHO, Antonio; se LEANDERSSON, Tomas IVARS, Fredrik: se COUTINHO, Antonio; se HOLMBERG, Dan IAURIN, Bengtåke, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas & NORMARK, Staffan: Sequence elements determining ampC promoter strength in E. coli. EMBO Journal 1(1982) pp 875-881. JAURIN, Bengtåke: se Beesley, T; se BERGSTRÖM, Sven; se Cole, S T; se GRUND­ STRÖM, Thomas; se Knott-Hunziker, V; se NORMARK, Staffan Knott-Hunziker, V, Petursson, S, Jayatilake, G S, Waley, S G, JAURIN, Bengtåke & GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas: Active sites of /J-lactamases. The chromosomal /Macta-

309 mases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Biochemical Journal 201(1982) pp 621-627. Knott-Hunziker, V, Petursson, S, Waley, S G, JAURIN, Bengtåke & GRUNDSTRÖM. Thomas. The acyl-enzyme mechanism of /Mactamase action. The evidence for class C /Mactamases. Biochemical Journal 207(1982) pp 315-322. LARSSON, Eva-Lotta, GULLBERG, Martin, Bandeira, Antonio & COUTINHO, Antonio: Activation and growth requirements for cytotoxic and noncytotoxic T lymphocytes. Cellulär Immunology 88(1984) p 223. LARSSON, Eva-Lotta, GULLBERG, Martin, Beretta, Alberto & COUTINHO, Anto­ nio: Requirement for the involvement of clonally distributed receptors in the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Immunological Review 68(1982) p 5. LARSSON, Eva-Lotta, GULLBERG, Martin & COUTINHO, Antonio: Heterogeneity of cells and factors participating in the Concanavalin A-dependent activation of T-lympho- cytes with cytotoxic potential. Immunobiology 161(1982) p 5. LARSSON, Eva-Lotta: se Beretta, Alberto; se GULLBERG, Martin; se LEANDERS- SON, Tomas LEANDERSSON, Tomas, H1LLÖRN, Valter, HOLMBERG, Dan, LARSSON, Eva Lotta & LUNDGREN, Erik: Selective effects of interferon on distinct sites of the T lymphocyte triggering process. Journal of Immunology 129(1982) pp 490-494. LEANDERSSON, Tomas & LUNDGREN, Erik: Cell growth régulation during density inhibition and interferon treatment. Expérimental Cell Research 138(1982) pp 167-174. - : Growth inhibition by IFN achieved by collecting cells in GO. Journal of Interferon Research 2(1982) pp 21-29. - , RUUTH, Erik, BORG, Håkan, PERSSON, Håkan & COUTINHO, Antonio: B-cell growth factor. Distinction from T-cell growth factor and B-cell maturation factor (B lymphocytes/T hybridomas). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79( 1982) pp 7455-7459. LEANDERSSON, Tomas, NORDFELDTH, Roland & LUNDGREN, Erik: Antiproli­ ferative effect of (2'-5') ologoadenylate distinct from that of interferon in lymphoid cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 107(1982) pp 511-517. LEANDERSSON, Tomas, SUNDSTRÖM, Sture, MÅRTENSSON, Inga-Lill, NY, Tor & LUNDGREN, Erik: Interferon-specific effects on protein synthesis in P3 HR-1 cells- EMBO Journal 1(1982) pp 1505-151 1. LEANDERSSON, Tomas: se ROOS, Göran Lee, J Y, EDLUND, Thomas, NY, Tor, Faye, Ingrid & Boman, Hans G: Insect immu- nity. Isolation of cDNA clones corresponding to parts of Cecropia immune proteins P4 and P5. EMBO Journal 2(1983) pp 577-581. LENNER, Per: se DAMBER, Lena LINDBERG, Fredrik: se NORMARK, Staffan LUND, Björn, EDLUND, Thomas, Lindenmaier, Werner, NY, Tor, Collins, John, LUNDGREN, Erik & von GABAIN, Alex: Novel duster of a-interferon gene sequences in a placental cosmid DNA library. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 81(1984) pp 2435-2439. LUND, Björn, EDLUND, Thomas, NY, Tor, ANDERSSON, Mona, OHLSSON, Helena, NILSSON, Gisela, Lindenmeier, Werner, Collins, John, LUNDGREN, Erik & von GABAIN, Alex: The structure of a human genomic cosmid containing a novel clusier of IFN a genes. In: The biology of the interferon system. Eds. De Maeyer, E & Schellekens, H. Elsevier Amsterdam 1983. LUNDBLAD, Dan & LUNDGREN, Erik: Changes in DNA-polymerase and thymidine kinase activity during interferon treatment. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 105(1982) pp 1569-1576.

310 LUNDGREN, ERIK: se DAMBER, Lena; se GUSTAFSSON, Åke; se LEANDERSON, Thomas; se LUND, Björn; se LUNDBLAD, Dan; se MARKLUND, Stefan; se ROOS, Göran; se SUNDSTRÖM, Sture MARKLUND, Stefan L, Westman, G N, LUNDGREN, Erik & ROOS, Göran: Copper- and zinc-containing superoxidedismutase, manganese-containing superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in normal and neoplastic human cell lines and normal human tissues. Cancer Research 42(1982) pp 1955-1961. Matthes, H W D, Zenke, W M, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas, Staub, A, Wintzerith, M & Chambon, Pierre: Simultaneous rapid chemical synthesis of over one hundred oligo- nucleotides on a microscale. EMBO Journal 1(1982) pp 801-805. MÅRTENSSON, Inga-Lill: se LE ANDERSSON, Tomas NILSSON, Gisela, Belasco, Joel, Cohen, Stanley N & von GABAIN, Alex: Growth rate dépendent stability of mRNA in E. coli. Nature 312(1984) pp 75-77. NILSSON, Gisela: se LUND, Björn NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se ROOS, Göran NORDFELDTH, Roland: se LEANDERSSON, Tomas NORMARK, Staffan, BERGSTRÖM, Sven, EDLUND, Thomas, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas, JAURIN, Bengtåke, LINDBERG, Fredrik & OLSSON, Olof: Overlapping genes. Annual Review of Genetics 17(1983) pp 499-525. NORMARK, Staffan: se BERGSTRÖM, Sten; se JAURIN, Bengtåke NY, Tor, ELGH, Fredrik & LUND, Björn: The structure of the human tissue-type Plasminogen activator gene: Corrélation of intron and exon structures to functional and structural domains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 81(1984) pp 5355-5359. NY, Tor: se EDLUND, Tomas; se GUSTAFSSON, Åke; se LEANDERSSON, Tomas; se Lee, J Y; se LUND, Björn; se LUNDSTRÖM, Sture; se WALLEN, Per OHLSSON, Helena: se LUND, Björn OLSSON, Olof: se BERGSTRÖM, Sven; se NORMARK, Staffan OHLSSON, Rolf: se PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan PERSSON, Håkan: se LEANDERSSON, Tomas; se RUUTH, Erik PETTERSSON, Sven: se COUTINHO, Antonio PFEIFFER-OHLSSON, Susan, GOUSTIN, Anton Scott, RYDNERT, Jan, BJERSING, Lars, Wahlström, T, Stehlin, D & OHLSSON, Rolf: Spatial and temporal pattern of cellulär myc oncogene expression in developing human placenta: Implications for embryonic cell prolifération. Cell 38(1984) pp 585-596. POBOR, Grgur: se COUTINHO, Antonio; se GULLBERG, Martin POHL, Gunnar: se WALLÉN, Per ROOS. Göran, Adams, A, Giovanella, B, LUNDGREN, Erik, Nilsson, K, NORDENS­ SON, Ingrid & Sundström, C: Establishment and characterization of a human EBV- negative B cell line (MN60). Leukemia Research 6(1982) pp 685-693. ROOS, Göran, LEANDERSSON, Tomas & LUNDGREN, Erik: Interferon-induced cell cycle changes in human hematopoietic cell lines and fresh leukemic cells. Cancer Research 44(1984) pp 2358-2362. ROOS, Göran: se MARKLUND, Stefan RUUTH, Erik, WIESLANDER, Åke, PERSSON, Håkan, FRIEDRICH, Bengt & LUNDGREN, Erik: Lymphokine-like activity of a strain of Mycoplasma Arginini. Israel Journal of Medicai Sciences 20(1984) pp 886-890.

311 RUUTH, Erik: se LEANDERSSON, Tomas RÅNBY, Mats: se EDLUND, Thomas; se WALLÉN, Per SUNDSTRÖM, Sture, NY, Tor & LUNDGREN, Erik: Growth-state independent induc­ tion of specific proteins in Swiss 3T3 cells by interferon. Journal of Interferon Research 3(1983) pp 223-229. SUNDSTRÖM, Sture: se GUSTAFSSON, Åke; se LEANDERSSON, Tomas Walker, M D, EDLUND, Thomas, Boulet, A M & Rutter, William I: Cell-specific expression controlied by the 5' flanking region of insulin and chymotrypsin genes. Nature 106(1983) pp 557-561. - : DNA element Controlling cell specific expression of insulin and chymotrypsin genes. In: Molecular biology of development, pp 481-490. New York 1984. WALLÉN, Per, POHL, Gunnar, BERGSDORF, Nils, RÅNBY, Mats, NY, Tor & Jornwall, Hans: Purification and structural characterization of a melanoma cell Plas­ minogen activator. European Journal of Biochemistry 132(1983) pp 681-686. - : Structural characterization of tissue Plasminogen activator purified by immunosorbent chromatography. In: Progress in Fibrinolysis 6(1983) pp 338-343. WIESLANDER, Åke: se RUUTH, Erik Wildeman, A, Sassoni-Corsi, P, GRUNDSTRÖM, Thomas, Zenke, M & Chambon, Pierre: Stimulation of in vitro transcription from the SV 40 early promoter by the enhancer involves a specific transacting factor. EMBO Journal 3(1984) pp 3129-3133.

TILLÄMPAD PSYKOLOGI Allander, Bertil & BERGSTRÖM, Sten Sture: Kameran och ogat. Stockholm 1982. 100 s. ISBN 91-522-1600-4. ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke: Diagnostik av strukturell personlighetsorganisation utifrån strukturell intervju samt DMT. TIPS 1983:2. Även i: Psykisk Hälsa 3(1984) pp 145-155. - : Group personality and group behavior. An expansion of Bion's model. In: The individuai and the group. Vol 1. Eds. Pines, M & Rafaelsen, L. London 1982. ISBN 0-306-40837-6. - : Intraklasskorrelation och reliabilitet. TIPS 1984:7, 22 s. - : Psykologiska forsvar i samband med borderlinediagnos. TIPS 1983:4. - & ARMELIUS, Kerstin: Group composition and task as déterminants of the group climate. DAPS 1984:10. ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke, KULLGREN, Gunnar & RENBERG, Ellinor: Borderline diagnosis from hospital records: Reliability and validity of Gunderson's DIB. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 173(1984): 1 pp 32-34. - : Rétrospective diagnosis of borderline personality disorder by means of Gunderson's DIB. DAPS 1983:9. ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke: se ARMELIUS, Kerstin; se FOGELSTAM, Hans ARMELIUS, Kerstin & ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke: Work and emotionality in small groups working with probabilistic inference tasks. DAPS 1982:7. - : Groupthink in probabilistic inference tasks. DAPS 1983:8. ARMELIUS, Kerstin, LINDELÖF, Inga-Stina & MÅRTENSSON, Birgitta: Structural analysis of social behavior (SASB) — En modell för analys av interaktioner. TIPS 1983:5.

312 ARMELIUS, Kerstin & MÅRTENSSON, Birgitta: Analys av relationer i termer av dimensioner: aggressivitet-intimitet och kontroll-autonomi enligt SASB (Structural analysis of social behavior). TIPS 1984:9. - : Hur reagerar män och kvinnor på olika gruppsituationer? En jämförelse mellan psykologlinjen och systemvetenskapliga linjen. TIPS 1984:11. ARMELIUS, Kerstin: se ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke BERGSTRÖM, Sten Sture: Illumination colour and 3-D form. In: Representation and Organization in perception, pp 365-378. Ed. Beck, J. Earlbaum 1982. - , GUSTAFSSON, Karl-Arne & PUTAANSUU, Jorma: Information about three- dimensional shape and direction of illumination in a square-wave grating. Perception 13(1984) pp 129-140. BERGSTRÖM, Sten-Sture: se Allander, Bertil; se GUSTAFSSON, Karl-Arne FOGELSTAM, Hans & ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke: Mätning av psykiatrisk vårdmiljö utifrån Bion's teori. TIPS 1984:12. GARVILL, Helena: Kropp — själ — medvetande. Några filosofiska och psykologiska aspekter. TIPS 1984:13. GUSTAFSSON, Karl-Arne, PUTAANSUU, Jorma & BERGSTRÖM, Sten Sture: Infor­ mation about 3-D shape in a square-wave grating projected on back-grounds of diffé­ rent complexity. Poster paper to the 6th European conférence on visual perception, JI Ciocco, Castelrecchio Pascoli, Lucca, Italy, 28-31 August 1983. Perception 12(1983) p A33. GUSTAFSSON, Karl-Arne: se BERGSTRÖM, Sten Sture JEANNEAU, Madeleine: Jacques Lacan och språkets betydelse för identiteten. TIPS 1984:8. KULLGREN, Gunnar: Borderlinediagnostik med DSM-III och diagnostisk intervju för borderline. TIPS 1983:3. - : se ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke LINDBERG, Lars-Åke: Projekt IFK rapport nr 1 — Problemanalys. Institutionen för tillämpad psykologi. Umeå universitet 1984:(a). - : Projekt IFK rapport nr 2 — Gruppintegrering av rörelsehindrade barn i förskolan. Institutionen för tillämpad psykologi. Umeå universitet 1984:(b). : Projekt IFK rapport nr 4 — Tabellbilaga. Institutionen för tillämpad psykologi. Umeå universitet 1984:(c). - : Projekt IFK rapport nr 5 — Personalens arbetsmiljö. Institutionen för tillämpad psykologi. Umeå universitet 1984:(d). LINDBERG, Lars-Åke & RICKNELL, Lars: Finns det en generell pedagogik? In: Mot vetandet — att undervisa i högskolan, pp 220-228. Red. Lindberg, Lars-Åke & Ricknell, Lars. Stockholm 1983. - (Red): Mot vetandet — att undervisa i högskolan. Stockholm 1983. 229 s. ISBN 91-40-71007-6. : Är jag en bra lärare? Sanning och nytta i samband med pedagogisk utvärdering. In: Mot vetandet — att undervisa i högskolan, pp 153-169. Red. Lindberg, Lars-Åke & Ricknell, Lars. Stockholm 1983. LINDBERG, Lars-Åke & ÅSTRÖM, Torsten: Ensamboende vårdnadshavare i Sverige. Nordisk sosialt arbeid 1982:2 pp 20-29. I INDELÖF, Inga-Stina: se ARMELIUS, Kerstin MÅRTENSSON, Birgitta: se ARMELIUS, Kerstin PUTAANSUU, Jorma: se BERGSTRÖM, Sten Sture; se GUSTAFSSON, Karl-Arne RENBERG, Ellinor: se ARMELIUS, Bengt-Åke RICKNELL, Lars: se LINDBERG, Lars-Åke

313 STIWNE, Dan: Ledare och ledda — några dynamiska perspektiv. TIPS 1983:1. - : Narcissistiska patienter i gruppsykoterapibehandling. Teoretiska och praktiska syn­ punkter. TIPS 1983:6. SUTTER, Berthel: Ramfaktorer och icke avsedda utbildningseffekter. Reflexioner om högskolesystemet utifrån lärarintervjuer. In: Mot vetandet — att undervisa i högskolan, pp 179-180. Red. Lindberg, Lars-Åke & Ricknell, Lars. Stockholm 1983. - : Utbildningsmiljö, examination och kvalitet i högskolan — tre försök. TIPS 1984:10. ÅSTRÖM, Torsten: se LINDBERG, Lars-Åke

TYSKA ANDERSSON, Sven-Gunnar: Brecht: "Nicht so gemeint". Eine textlinguistische Gedicht­ beschreibung. Text & Kontext. Zeitschr.f.germ. Literaturforschung in Skandinavien, 11(1983): 1 pp 73-97. - : Deutsche Standardsprache - drei oder vier Varianten? Muttersprache 93(1983):5/6 pp 259-283. - : Ist die Glottochronologie endgültig ad acta gelegt? Indogermanische Forschungen 89(1984) pp 39-52. - : Probleme und Schwerpunkte sprachwissenschaftlich orientierter Forschung. Referat vid nordiska germanistmotet i Helsingfors 1979. In: Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilolo­ gie in den nordischen Ländern. Tagungsbeiträge eines nordischen Germanistentreffens ( = DAAD-Forum 15), pp 304-306. Bonn-Bad Godesberg 1982. - : What is Aspectual about the Perfect and the Pluperfect in Swedish (and German)? Rapport från aspektologisymposie i Vasa, 1983. - : Wortwanderung. Zur Beschreibung der deutsch-deutschen Sprachsituation im Bereich des Wortschatzes. Deutsche Sprache (Freiburg) 12(1984) pp 54-84.

UROLOGI OCH ANDROLOGI ABRAMSSON, Leif, BECKMAN, Gunhild, DUCHEK, Milos & NORDENSSON Ingrid: Chromosomal aberrations and male infertility. Journal of Urology 128(1982) pp 52-53. ABRAMSSON, Leif, DUCHEK, Milos, LISSPERS, Karin, ODEBLAD, Erik & ÅS­ BERG, Karin: Studier av human seminalplasma med Raman spektrometri. Samman­ fattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1982 p 257. ABRAMSSON, Leif: se NORDENSSON, Ingrid; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin Anderström, Claes, Johansson, Sonny, Nilsson, Stig, Unsgaard, Bertil & WAHLQVIST, Lennart: A prospective randomized study of preoperative irradiation with cystectomy or cystectomy alone for invasive blad-der carcinoma. European Urology 9(1983) pp 142-147. BECKMAN, Gunhild: se ABRAMSSON, Leif BERGH, Anders: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik BERGMAN, Bo: Prophylactic antibiotic treatment in urologie operations. In: Antibiotics and surgery. National Board of Health and Welfare Drug Information Committee, Sweden. 1984:4 pp 73-80.

314 BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, LITTBRAND, Bo, SJÖGREN, Kerstin & TOMIC, Radisa: Sexual function in prostatic cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, orchiectomy or oestrogens. British Journal of Urology 56(1984) pp 64-69. BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & TOMIC, Radisa: Effects of total and subcap- sular orchidectomy on serum concentrations of testosterone and pituitary hormones in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. Urologia Internationalis 37(1982) pp 139-144. - : Långtidsuppföljning av prostatacancerpatienter där östrogenbehandling utsatts. Sam­ manfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1983 p 261. BERGMAN, Bo & Johansson, Sonny: Pyelonephritis in patients with ileal conduit urinary diversion. Abstract. Edinburgh Urological Festival. Edinburgh 1984 pil. BERGMAN, Bo, Löwhagen, Gun-Britt & Mobacken, Håkan: irritant skin reactions to urostomal adhesives. Urological Research 10(1982) pp 153-155. BERGMAN, Bo, Nygaard, Erling, ÖSTERMAN, Göran & TOMIC, Radisa: Vesical calculi. Experience of electrohydraulic lithotripsy with URAT I. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 16(1982) pp 217-220. BERGMAN, Bo, Sivertsson, Ramon & Suurküla, Madis: Penile blood pressure in erectile impotence following cystectomy. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 16(1982). BERGMAN, Bo, TOMIC, Radisa & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Long-term hormonal follow- up after cessation of oestrogen treatment prostatic cancer patients. Prostate 4(1983) pp 429-430. - : Testicular endocrine function after withdrawal of estrogen treatment in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. Proceedings. European Association of Urology. Wien 1982 p 239. - , LITTBRAND, Bo & LÖFROTH, Per-Olof: Effects on sex-hormone concentration of external radiation therapy for cancer of the prostate. Proceedings. 13th International cancer congress (UICC). Seattle 1982 p 618. BERGMAN, Bo, TOMIC, Radisa, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: Total and calculated unbound testosterone concentration in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with orchiectomy or estrogens. Proceedings. European Association of Urology. Wien 1982 p 240. BERGMAN, Bo & WEDRÉN, Hans: Analys av 50 sepsisfall vårdade vid urologklinik. Sammanfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1984 p 272. BERGMAN, Bo: se DAEHLIN, Lars; se LÖTZ, Hartmut; se MODIG, Hans; se NIK- LASSON, Bertil; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin; se TOMIC, Radisa; se WEDRÉN, Hans BJORK, Glenn: se RASMUSON, Torgny BLIND, Per-Jonas, BLÄCKBERG, Lars, HERNELL, Olle & LJUNGBERG, Börje: Amylase and/or carboxylester hydrolase in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis? Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 1983:Suppl.516 p 22. - : Är bestämning av carboxylesterhydrolas av varde vid diagnostik av akut pancreatit? Svensk kirurgi 42(1984) p 57. BLACKBERG, Lars: se BLIND, Per-Jonas DAEHLIN, Lars, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Direkta inhibitoriska effekter av ostrogener på prostatablodflödet. Sammanfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1983 p 261. & Thore, Johan: Direkta effekter av östradiol och olika östrogena preparat på den humana testikelns testosteronproduktion in vitro. Sammanfattningar. Svenska Läkare­ sällskapets riksstamma. Stockholm 1982 p 257. DAEHLIN, Lars & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Den androgenstimulerade tillväxten av prostata adenokarcinom (Dunning R3327H) hämmas av östradiol Sammanfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstamma. Stockholm 1984 p 268.

315 DAEHLIN, Lars, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, SELSTAM, Gunnar & BERGMAN, Bo: Effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin and oestradiol on testicular blood flow in hypo- physectomized rats. Proceedings. 3rd European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis, p 48. Lyon 1984. - : Effects of testosterone and différent oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 120(1984) p 53A. - : Inhibitory effects of oestrogens on prostatic blood flow in the rat. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 19(1983):Suppl. p 7S. DAEHLIN, Lars, Thore, Johan, BERGMAN, Bo, DAMBER, Jan-Erik & SELSTAM, Gunnar: Direct inhibitory effects of oestrogens on human testicular testosterone sécrétion in vitro. Acta Endocrinologica 103(1983):Suppl. 256 p 246. DAEHLIN, Lars: se DAMBER, Jan-Erik DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGH, Anders & DAEHLIN, Lars: Effects of hCG on testicular blood flow and interstitiell fluid formation in unilaterally cryptorchid adult rats. Proceedings. 3rd European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis, p 49. Lyon 1984. - : Increased testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats after administration of LHRH-agonist. Proceedings. 3rd European workshop on molecular and cellulär endocrinology of the testis, p 50. Lyon 1984. - : Stimulatory effect of a LHRH-agonist on testicular blood flow in hypophysectomized rats. International Journal of Andrology 7(1984) pp 236-243. - : Testicular blood flow after treatment of unilaterally cryptorchid rats with HCG and in hypophysectomized rats treated with a LHRH-agonist. Inserm 123(1984) pp 329-334. - : Testikelblodflöde och testosteronsekretion hos unilateralt kryptorchida råttor. Sam­ manfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1984 p 148. - , Ekholm, C, SELSTAM, Gunnar & SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: The acute effect of oestrogens on testosterone production appears not to be mediated by testicular oestro- gen receptors. Molecular and Cellulär Endocrinology 31(1983) pp 105-116. DAMBER, Jan-Erik, BERGMAN, Bo, SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar & TOMIC, Radisa: Binding capacity of testosterone-estradiol-binding globuline (TeBG), total and calcu- lated unbound concentrations of testosterone in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with orchiectomy or oestrogens. Journal of Endccrinological Investigation 6(1983) pp 91-94. DAMBER, Jan-Erik: se BERGMAN, Bo; se DAEHLIN, Lars; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin; se TOMIC, Radisa DUCHEK, Milos, BJERLE, Per & KRONSTRÖM, Arne: Computer évaluation of urodynamic properties of the bladder wall in infravesical obstruction. Abstracts. The XIX International congress of the Société internationale d'urologie, p 221. San Fran­ cisco 1982. DUCHEK, Milos: se ABRAMSSON, Leif; se NORDENSSON, Ingrid Grenabo, Lars, Aureli, Mattias, Delin, Krister, HOLMLUND, Dan & SJÖDIN, Jan- Gunnar: Antidiuretic hormone levels and the effect of indomethacin on ureteral eolie. Journal of Urology 129(1983) pp 941-943. HELANDER, Kerstin, HOFER, Per-Åke & HOLMBERG, Göran: Karyometric in­ vestigations on urinary bladder carcinoma, correlated to histopathological grading. Virchows Archiv. A. Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology 403(1984) pp 117-125. HERNELL, Olle: se BLIND, Per-Jonas HIETALA, Sven-Ola & WAHLQVIST, Lennart: Metastatic tumörs to the kidney. A postmortem, radiologie and clinical investigation. Acta Radiologica 23(1982):6 pp 585-591. HIETALA, Sven-Ola: se LÖTZ, Hartmut; se NIKLASSON, Bertil HOFER, Per-Åke: se HELANDER, Kerstin

316 HOLM, Stig, WAHLIN, Anders, WAHLQVIST, Lennart & WEDRÉN, Hans: Plasma proteins and anti-kidney antibodies in renai carcinoma. Scandinavian Journal of Uro- logy and Nephrology 16(1982) pp 163-166. HOLM, Stig, WAHLIN, Anders, WAHLQVIST, Lennart, WEDRÉN, Hans & LUND­ GREN, Barbro: Urine microscopy as screening method for bacteriuria. Acta Medica Scandinavica 211(1982) pp 209-212. HOLM, Stig: se WEDRÉN, Hans HOLMBERG, Göran: se HELANDER, Kerstin HOLMLUND, Dan, Grenabo, Lars & SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar: The need of fluid restric­ tion in patients with ureteral eolie. Abstracts. The XIX International congress of the Société internationale d'urologie, p 179. San Francisco 1982. HÄGGMARK, Sören, Biber, Björn, SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar, Winsö, Ola, Gustavsson, Bengt & REIZ, Sebastian: The continuous thermodilution method for measuring high blood flows. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 42(1982) pp 315-321. HÄGGMARK, Sören: se SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar KRONSTRÓM, Arne: se DUCHEK, Milos LISSPERS, Karin: se ABRAMSSON, Leif LITTBRAND, Bo: se BERGMAN, Bo; se TOMIC, Radisa LJUNGBERG, Börje & RASMUSON, Torgny: Pseudouridine as a predictor of prognosis in renal adenocarcinoma. Abstract. International society for oncodevelopmental bio- logy and medicine. XI Annual meeting, p 56. Stockholm 1983. LJUNGBERG, Börje: se BLIND, Per-Jonas; se RASMUSON, Torgny; se ROOS, Göran LÖTZ, Hartmut, BERGMAN, Bo & HIETALA, Sven-Ola: Beräkning av residualurin vid cystografi och urografi. Sammanfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1983 p 259. LÖFROTH, Per-Olof: se BERGMAN, Bo; se TOMIC, Radisa MODIG, Hans & BERGMAN, Bo: Resultat av strålbehandling vid prostatacancer. Sam­ manfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1983 p 221. NIKLASSON, Bertil, BERGMAN, Bo, HIETALA, Sven-Ola & WEDRÉN, Hans: Efter- undersökning av urinvägarna hos patienter med ryggmärgsskada. Sammanfattningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1983 p 249. NORDENSSON, Ingrid, ABRAMSSON, Leif & DUCHEK, Milos: Somatic chromo­ somal aberrations and male infertility. Human Heredity 34(1984) pp 240-245. NORDENSSON, Ingrid: se ABRAMSSON, Leif ODEBLAD, Erik: se ABRAMSSON, Leif ÖSTERMAN, Göran: se BERGMAN, Bo Persson, A Erik G, Wahlberg, Jan & SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar: The effect of indomethacin on glomerular capillary pressure and renal pelvic pressure in ureteral obstruction. Scan­ dinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1983:Suppl.75 pp 31-34. RASMUSON, Torgny, BJÖRK, Glenn R & LJUNGBERG, Börje: Modified nucleosides as tumör markers in patients with malignant diseases. Abstract. VIII Congresso Nazio­ nale della Societ Italiana di Biochemica Clinica. Napoli 1984. RASMUSON, Torgny: se LJUNGBERG, Borje REIZ, Sebastian: se HÄGGMARK, Sören; se SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar ROOS, Göran, LJUNGBERG, Börje & STENLING, Roger: DNA-innehåll i njur-

317 carcinom — tumörcellsheterogenitet i primärtumörer och i metastaser. Sammanfatt­ ningar. Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma. Stockholm 1984 p 240. SELSTAM, Gunnar: se DAEHL1N, Lars; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar: Effects of intravenous indomethacin during acute uteral obstruc­ tion. Expérimental studies and studies in patients with pain due to ureteral stone obstruction. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations. N S 1981:75. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology (1982):Suppl 66 pp 1-43. - : Clinical experience of indomethacin in pain from ureteral stone. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology (1983):Suppl. 75 pp 35-36. - , Grenabo, Lars & HOLMLUND, Dan E W: Indomethacin administered intravenously on 785 occasions in the treatment of ureteral eolie. Abstracts. The XIX International congress of the Société internationale d'urologie, p 199. San Francisco 1982. SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar & HOLMLUND, Dan: Effects of saline load, roentgen contrast medium and indomethacin on diuresis and pelvic pressure in the acute obstrueted kidney. An experimental study. British Journal of Urology 54(1982) pp 446-450. - : Indomethacin by intravenous infusion in ureteral eolie. A multicenter study. Scandina­ vian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 16(1982) pp 221-225. SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar, HÄGGMARK, Sören & REIZ, Sebastian: Effects of indometha­ cin on central, renal and coronary hemodynamics. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 17(1983) pp 73-79. SJÖDIN, Jan-Gunnar, Wahlberg, Jan & Persson, A Erik G: The effect of indomethacin on glomerular capillary pressure and pelvic pressure during ureteral obstruction. Journal of Urology 127(1982) pp 1017-1020. SJÖDIN Jan-Gunnar: se Grenabo, Lars; se HOLMLUND, Dan; se HÄGGMARK, Sören; se Persson, A Erik G SJÖGREN, Kerstin, DAMBER, Jan-Erik, ABRAMSSON, Leif, BERGMAN, Bo & TOMIC, Radisa: Some circulatory and endocrinological déterminants of sexual func- tion in disability and chronic disease. Abstract. Rehabilitation medicine conférence. Tel Aviv 1984. SJÖGREN, Kerstin: se BERGMAN, Bo STENLING, Roger: se ROOS, Góran SÖDERGÅRD, Ragnar: se BERGMAN, Bo; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik

TOMIC, Radisa: Some effeets of orchiectomy, oestrogen treatment and radiation therapy in patients with prostatic carcinoma. Diss. Umeå University Medicai Dissertations N. S. 1983:108. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1984:Suppl. 77. - , BERGMAN, Bo & DAMBER, Jan-Erik: Testicular endocrine function after with- drawal of oestrogen treatment in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. British Journal of Urology 55(1983) pp 42-47. - , LITTBRAND, Bo & LÖFROTH, Per-Olof: Effects of external radiation therapy for cancer of the prostate on the serum concentrations of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin. Journal of Urology 130(1983) pp 287-289. TOMIC, Radisa: se BERGMAN, Bo; se DAMBER, Jan-Erik; se SJÖGREN, Kerstin WAHLIN, Anders: se HOLM, Stig WAHLQVIST, Lennart: The SWENOTECA care programme for non-seminomatous germ cell tumours in Norway and Sweden. Two years' experience from the SWENO­ TECA study group. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1983:Suppl.76 p 32. - : se Anderström, Claes; se HIETALA, Sven-Ola; se HOLM, Stig WEDRÉN, Hans, BERGMAN, Bo & HOLM, Stig: Does antibiotic treatment of non- bacterial Prostatitis facilitate colonization with urinary tract patogens in the genito-

318 urinary tract. Abstract. Scandinavian society for genitourinary medicine. Helsingfors 1984. WEDRÉN, Hans: se BERGMAN, Bo; se HOLM, Stig; se N1KLASSON, Bertil ÅSBERG, Karin: se ABRAMSSON, Leif

VIROLOGI BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt: se JUTO, Per Brodtkorb, Eylert E, Lindkvist, M, Jonsson, M & GUSTAFSSON, Åke: Diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. A comparison between electroencephalography and com- puted tomography findings. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 66(1982) pp 462-471. ENGBERG, Staffan: se JUTO, Per GUSTAFSSON, Åke, SUNDSTRÖM, Sture, NY, Tor & LUNDGREN, Erik: Rapid induction of seven proteins in human lymphocytes by interferon; corrélation to natural killer cell activity. Journal of Immunology 129(1982) pp 1952-1959. GUSTAFSSON, Åke: se Brodtkorb, Eylert dcJong, John, Wigand, R, Kidd, A H, WADELL, Göran, Kapsenberg, J G, Muzerie, C J, Wermenbol, A G & Firtzlaff, R G: Candidate adenovirus 40 and 41: fastidious adeno- virus from human infantile stool. Journal of Medicai Virology 1 1(1983) pp 215-231. JUTO, Per, Möller, Christian, ENGBERG, Staffan & BJÖRKSTÉN, Bengt: Influence of early weaning to cow's milk on lymphocyte function and infantile allergy. Clinical Allergy 12(1982) p 409. LUNDGREN, Erik: se GUSTAFSSON, Åke LUNDMARK, K M: se Olding-Stenkvist, Elisabeth MÖLLER, Christer: se JUTO, Per NORRBY, Ragnar: se SETTERGREN, Bo NY, Tor: se GUSTAFSSON, Åke NÅSLUND, Ulf: se SETTERGREN, Bo Olding-Stenkvist, Elisabeth, Forsgren, M, Henley, D, Kreuger, A, LUNDMARK, K M, Nilsson, A & WADELL, Göran: Measles encephalopathy during immunosuppression: failure of interferon treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 14(1982) pp 1-4. SETTERGREN, Bo, NORRBY, Ragnar, NÄSLUND, Ulf & WADELL, Göran: Dissemi- nated intravascular coagulation in a case of nephropathia epidemica. Lancet 2(1983) p 1419. Shaskan, Edward, Ballow, M, ORELAND, Lars & WADELL, Göran: Is there functional significance for dopamine antagonist binding sites on lymphoid cells. In: Advances in biological psychiatry, pp 123-141. Ed. Mendlewicz, J, van Praag, H M, Karger, S, 1984. Shaskan, Richard, Thompson, M A, van Dyke, R B, WADELL, Göran, Connor, J D, Wingard, D & Spector, S A: Adenovirus type 7b in a children's hospital. Journal of Infectious Diseases 147(1983) pp 814-819. SUNDSTRÖM, Sture: se GUSTAFSSON, Åke

319 Svensson, Lennart, WADELL, Göran, Uhnoo, I, Johansson, M & von Bondsdorff, C H: Cross-reactivity between enteric adenoviruses and adenovirus type 4. Analysis of epitopes by solid phase immune electron microscopy. Journal of General Virology 64(1983) pp 2517-2520. Uhnoo, Ingrid, WADELL, Göran, Svensson, L & Johansson, M: Importance of enteric adenoviruses Ad40 and Ad41 in acute gastoenteritis in infants and young children. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 20(1984) pp 365-372. - : Two new serotypes of adenoviruses causing infantile diarrhoea. Developments of Biological Standards 53(1983) pp 311-318. WADELL, Göran: Adenoviruses. In: Textbook of medicai virology, pp 286-293. Ed. Lycke, E & Norrby, E. London 1983. - : Cultivation of viruses. In: Textbook of medicai virology, pp 38-44. Ed. Lycke, E & Norrby. E. London 1983. - : Molecular epidemiology of human adenoviruses. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 110(1984) pp 191-220. - : Nya principer för utveckling av moderna virusvacciner. Svensk farmaceutisk tidskrift 88(1984) pp 16-17. - : se de Jong, John; se Olding-Stenkvist, Elisabeth; se SETTERGREN, Bo; se Shaskan, Edward; se Straube, Richard; se Svensson, Lennart; se Uhnoo, Ingrid; se Wigand, Reinhard Wigand, Reinhard, Bartha, A, Dreizin, R S, Esche. H, Ginsberg, H S, Green, M, Hierholzer, J C, Kalter, S S, McFerran, J B, Pettersson, U, Russell, W C & WADELL, Göran: Adenoviridae: Second report. Intervirology 18(1982):4 pp 169-176.

VETENSKAPSTEORI DAHLBOM, Bo: Heidegger — en traditionell filosof. Filosofisk tidskrift 5(1984): 1 pp 1-21. - : Inga genvägar i kampen för tillvaron. Recension av Richard "Dawkins' själviska genen". Västerbottens Folkblad 29/9 1984. - : Om att ta barn på allvar. Recension av Gareth Matthews' "Barn filosoferar". Sophia: tidskrift för filosofi- och psykologilärares förening 14(1984):2 pp 26-31. - : Skinner, selection and self-control. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7(1984):4 pp 484-486. - Vad är ett noem? Några funderingar kring Husseris teori om varseblivning. In: Språk, kunskap, medvetande. Festskrift tillägnad Ivar Segelberg på hans 70-årsdag, pp 29-50. Institutionen för filosofi, Göteborgs Universitet, 1984. ISBN 91-7260-95-0. - : Vad är normativ etik? En kommentar till R M Hares diskussion av John Rawls' "A theory of justice". In: Sagt och menat. Festskrift tillägnad Mats Furberg på hans 50-årsdag. Filosofiska meddelanden. Inst. for filosofi, Göteborgs universitet. Röda serien 1983:23 pp 115-134. JOHANSSON, Ingvar: Allmanmedicinsk forskning — finns den? Några reflektioner av en lekman och vetenskapsteoretiker. Allmänmedicin 5(1984):3 pp 114-117. - : Ivar Segelberg, Edmund Husserl och Tractatus. In: Språk, kunskap, medvetande. Festskrift tillägnad Ivar Segelberg, pp 109-120. Institutionen för filosofi, Göteborgs universitet, 1984. - : Marx' filosofiska positioner. In: Marx i Sverige, pp 151-74. Red. Vikström, L. Stock­ holm 1983. - : Ny världsbild — inget nytt. In: Nar, Var och Hur 1983, pp 259-261. - : Är naturvetenskapliga sanningar ideologiskt neutrala? Westlund, P O, (red). In: Naturvetenskap och samhalle, pp 33-42. Stockholm 1984. - : Är Newtons mekanik ännu inte filosofiskt förstådd? In: Att förstå världen — veten­ skapsteoretiska essäer, pp 87-95. Red. Welin, S. Lund 1984.

320 NORDIN, Ingemar: The concept of probability in quantum mechanics. Philosophia Naturalis 20(1983): 1 pp 14-30. - : Komplementaritet och "kropp-själ"-problemet. Filosofisk tidskrift 3(1982):3 pp 42-47. - : Kvantfysik och kvantmystik. Filosofisk tidskrift 5(1984): 1 pp 39-43. - : Niels Bohr som vetenskapsfilosof. In: Att förstå världen — vetenskapsteoretiska essäer, pp 97-107. Red. Welin, S I. Lund 1984. - : Physical determinism. Ratio 24(1982):2 pp 143-159. - : Popper och den kritiska realismen. In: Filosofi och kultur, pp 135-150. Red. Werner, A. Lund 1982. - : Tänkare om teknik. Bokbox 74(1983) pp 4-16. - : Vad är teknik? Tema T rapport 3(1983).

ZOOFYSIOLOGI BOQUIST, Lennart: se NELSON, Lennart HANSSON MILD, Kjell, LÖVDAHL, Lars, Lövstrand, K G & L0VTRUP, Sören: Effect of high-voltage puises on the viability of human leucocytes in vitro. Bioelectro- magnetics 3(1982) pp 213-218. HANSSON MILD, Kjell, SANDSTRÖM, Monica & L0VTRUP, Sören: Cell physio- logical effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Physiological Chemistry and Physics 14(1982) pp 31-39. HANSSON MILD, Kjell: se NELSON, Lennart Larm, Olle: se L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette LORENTZON, Ronny: se NELSON, Lennart LÖVDAHL, Lars: se HANSSON MILD, Kjell Lövstrand, K G: se HANSSON MILD, Kjell L0VTRUP, Seren: Epigenetic mechanisms in the early amphibian embryo: Cell differen- tiation and morphogenetic elements. Biological Review 58(1983) pp 91-130. : The eternai battle against empiricism. Rivista di Biologia, 77(1984) pp 183-210. - : The four theories of evolution I. The theories on the reality and on the history of evolution. Rivista di Biologia 75(1982) pp 53-66. - : The four theories of evolution II. The epigenetic theory. Rivista di Biologia 75(1982) pp 231-272. - : The four theories of evolution III. The ecological theory. Rivista di Biologia 75(1982) pp 385-409. : Hooker, Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce. Some views on the BAAS meeting in Oxford 30 June 1860. Rivista di Biologia 77(1984) pp 417-427. - : Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, Charles Darwin and the theories of evolution. In: Evolu­ tion and environment, pp 471-487. Eds. Novak, V J A & Mlikovsky, J. Praha 1982. : Macromutations, epigenetics and evolution. In: Evolution and environment, pp 21-40. Eds. Novak, V J A & Mlikovsky, J. Praha 1982. : The mechanism of the amphibian primary induction at the cellulär level of Organi­ zation. In: The role of celi interactions in early neurogenesis, pp 55-66. Eds. Duprat, A M, Kato, A C & Weber, M. New York 1983. ISBN 0-306-41716-2. : On Lovtrup's approach to evolution. Rivista di Biologia 75(1982) pp 563-577. : Ontogeny and phylogeny. In: Beyond Neo-Darwinism. An introduction to the new evolutionary paradigm, pp 159-190. Eds. Ho, M-W & Saunders, P. New York 1984. ISBN 0-12-350080-x.

321 - : Ontogeny and phylogeny from an epigenetic point of view. Human Development 27(1984) pp 249-261. - : Réduction and emergence. Rivista di Biologia 76(1983) pp 437-461. - : Rejoinders at various quarters. Systematic Zoology 31(1982) pp 511-517. - : Victims of ambition: Comments on the Wiley and Brooks approach to evolution. Systematic Zoology 32(1983) pp 90-96. - & PERRIS, Roberto: Instructive induction or permissive activation? Differentiation of ectodermal cells isolated from the Axolotl Blastula. Cell Differentiation 12(1983) pp 171-176. L0VTRUP, Soren, REHNHOLM, Astrid & PERRIS, Roberto: Induction of the synthesis of melanin and pteridine in cells isolated from the Axolotl Embryo. Develop­ ment, Growth and Differentiation 26(1984) pp 445-450. L0VTRUP, Sören: se HANSSON MILD, Kjell; se LoVTRUP-REIN, Huguette; se NELSON, Lennart; se Slatkin, Daniel N L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette & Larm, Olle: Structural studies on a sulfated fucan from early sea Urchin embryos. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B38( 1984) pp 899-901. L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette & L0VTRUP, Sören: Sulfated Polysaccharides and cell differentiation in the sea Urchin embryo. Expérimental Cell Biology 52(1984) pp 383-388. L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette & NELSON, Lennart: Changes in energy metabolism during the early development of Xenopus laevis. Expérimental Cell Biology 50(1982) pp 162-168. - : Changes in mitochondrial respiration during the development of Xenopus laevis. Cell Differentiation 11(1982) pp 125-133. L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette: se NELSON, Lennart NELSON, Lennart, HANSSON MILD, Kjell & L0VTRUP, Sören: Changes in tempera­ ture tolerance during the development of Xenopus laevis embryos. Journal of Expéri­ mental Zoology 222(1982) pp 103-104. NELSON, Lennart, LORENTZON, Ronny, BOQUIST, Lennart & L0VTRUP, Sören: Morphological differentiation of mitochondria in the early amphibian embryo. Expéri­ mental Cell Research 137(1982) pp 25-29. NELSON, Lennart & L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette: Changes in activity of mitochondrial enzymes during the development of Xenopus laevis. Development, Growth and Dif­ ferentiation 25(1983) pp 99-104. NELSON. Lennart: se L0VTRUP, Sören; se L0VTRUP-REIN, Huguette PERRIS, Roberto: se L0VTRUP, Sören REHNHOLM, Astrid: se L0VTRUP, Sören SANDSTRÖM, Monica: se HANSSON MILD, Kjell Slatkin, Daniel N & L0VTRUP, Sören: DNA concentrations in the human cerebellum. Computation from kinetics of deoxyribose extration in hot acid. Acta Chemica Scan­ dinavica B37(1983) pp 281-287.



ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Bråne, G, BUCHT, Gösta, Karlsson, I, Gottfries, C-G, PERSSON, S & WINBLAD, Bengt: A double-blind study with levodopa in dementia of Alzheimer type. In: Alzheimer's disease: A report of progress. Aging, vol. 19. (1982) pp 469-473.

ADOLFSSON, Rolf & FORSGREN, Lars: Kliniska synpunkter på diagnoserna Alzheimer's sjukdom och multiinfarkt demens. Läkartidningen 81(1984):43 pp 3919-3924.

ADOLFSSON, Rolf, NYSTRÖM, Lennart & SANDMAN, Per-Olof: Andelen institutionsvårdade dementa ökar i Västerbotten. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 3798-3800.

- : WINBLAD, Bengt & ÅSTRÖM, Sture: Personal inom åldersdemensvården - deras utbildning, kunskaper, arbetssätt samt attityder till vården. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 3661- 3665.

ALAFUZOFF, Irina, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, BUCHT, Göran & WINBLAD, Bengt: Albumin and Immunoglobulin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid and blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier function in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and multi-infaret dementia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 60(1983) pp 465-472.

Amati, A, Andreoli, V, Bernardini, C, Gritti, P, Kemali, D, Maffei, F, Minnai, G, PERRIS, Carlo & Stancati, G: Effekten av den psykiatriska vårdreformen vid några centra i Italien. Mordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift (1983) pp 27-36.

Amati, A, PERRIS, C & Kemali, D: Considerazioni, limiti e prospettive della ricerca epidemiologica, oggi in italia. In: Problemi di valuazione dell'intervento psichiatrico, pp 118- i21. Eds. De Martis, D, Pavan, F & Vender S. Rom 1984.

BOHMAN, Michael, CLONINGER, Robert, VON KNORRING Anne-Liis & SIGVARDSSON, Sören: An adoption study of somatoform disorders. III. Cross-fostering analysis and genetic relationship to ilcoholism and criminality. Archives of General Psychiatry '11 (1984) pp 872-878.

: Gene-environment interaction in the psychopathology of :-wedish adoptees: Studies of the origins of alcoholism and riminality. (In: Childhood psychopathology and development. 1 'ds. Guze, SB, Earls, FJ & Barrett JE New York 1983).

: Der Einfluss von Angage und Umwelt. In: Risikokinder. !• rgebni s se der Kinderpsychiatrie und Psychologie. Ed. "teinhausen, H-C. Stuttgart 1984.

: Arv och miljö vid alkoholmissbruk - en översikt av 'ktuell svensk forskning. Läkartidningen 81(1984):25.

323 Bracaie, M, Kemali, D, PERRIS, Carlo, Castaldo, R, Cesarelli, M, Ragosta, C & Galderisi, S: Evoked potentials in psychiatry: methodological considérations and clinical applications. (In: New stratégies in biological psychiatry. Biological psychiatry - new prospects 3, pp 88-97. Eds. Kemali, D, Morozov, PV & Toffano, G: London, Paris: John Libbey, 1984).

Brockington, IF, PERRIS, Carlo, Kendell, RE, Hillier, VE & Wainwright, S: The course and outcome of cycloid psychosis. Psychological Medicine 12(1981) pp 97-115.

Brockington, IF, PERRIS, Carlo & Meitzer, HY: Cycloid psychoses. Diagnosis and heuristic value. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 170(1982) pp 651-656.

BUCHT, Gösta & ADOLFSSON, Rolf: The comprehensive psychopathological rating scale (CPRS) in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 68(1983) pp 263-270.

, LITHNER, Folke & WINBLAD, Bengt: Changes of blood glucose and insulin sécrétion in patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer type. Acta Medica Scandinavica 213(1983) pp 387-392.

BUCHT, Gösta, ADOLFSSON, Rolf & WINBLAD, Bengt: Senile dDementia of Alzheimer type and multi-infarct dementia: A clinical description and diagnostic problem. Journal of the American Geriatrie Society 32(1984) pp 491-498.

BUCHT, Gösta, SMIGAN, Ludovit, WAHLIN, Anders & Eriksson, P: ECG changes during lithium therapy. A prospective study. Acta Medica Scandinavica 216(1984) pp 101-104.

CLONINGER, Robert, SIGVARDSSON, Sören, VON KNORRING, Anne-Liis & BOHMAN, Michael: An adoption study of somatoform disorders. II. Identification of two discrete somatoform disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry 41(1984) pp 863-871.

Cronholm, B & von KNORRING, Lars (Eds.): Evaluation of mental health services programs. Proceedings from a Swedish Medicai Research Council. Symposium held at Hässelby Castle, Stockholm, Sweden, March 23-25, 1983. Stockholm 1983.

Dimitrijevic, P, JACOBSSON, Lars & WALL, Stig: Mortality among patients suffering from organic psychoses. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidskrift 1984 pp 127-133.

EISEMANN, M: Leisure activities of depressive patients. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 69(1984) pp 45-51.

: Contact difficulties and the experience of loneliness in depressed patients and non-psychiatric controls. Ibid. 70(1984) pp 160-165.

- : The availability of confiding persons in depressed patients. Ibid. 70(1984) pp 166-169.

: The relationship of personality to social network aspects and loneliness in depressed patients. Ibid. 70(1984) pp 337- 341.

324 , Eriksson, U, von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo & PERRIS, Hjördis: Serum dopamine beta-hydroxylase in diagnostic subgroups of depressed patients and in relation to personality characteristics. Neuropsychobiology 9(1983) pp 193-196.

EISEMANN, M, PERRIS, Carlo, PERRIS, Hjördis & von KNORRING, Lars: Perceived parental rearing practices in depressed patiens in relation to social class. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 70(1984) pp 568-572.

Fagerberg, H, Bischofsberger, E, JACOBSSON, Lars & Lindmark, G (Red.): Medicinsk etik och människosyn. Stockholm: Liber förlag, 1984.

Gottfries, C-G, ADOLFSSON, Rolf, Aquilonius, S-M, Carlsson, A, Eckernäs, S-Å, Nordberg, A, ORELAND, Lars, Svennerholm, L & WINBLAD, Bengt: Biochemical changes in normal aging and in senile dementia of Alzheimer type (AD/SDAT). Neurobiology of Aging 4(1983) pp 261-271.

JACOBSSON, Lars: Socialpsykiatrisk forskning. Läkartidningen 79(1982) pp 212-213.

: Den förändrade läkarrollen och den medicinska etiken. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3521-3523.

: Tvånget inom psykiatrin - solidaritetens yttersta konsekvens. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 4878-4882.

: Neuroleptika och den totala behandlingssituationen. In: Antipsykotiska läkemedel, pp 135-154. Eds. Öhman m fl, Sandoz Läkemedel 1983.

: Psykiatri i primärvården. Behandling av psykotiska syndrom. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 1949-1953.

: Omarbeta lagförslaget om tvångsvården. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 4487-4492.

: Psykiatrisk vårdetik. In: Medicinsk etik och människosyn, pp 183-218. Red. Fagerberg, H, Bischofberger, E, Jacobsson, L & Lindmark, G, Stockholm 1984.

: Individ och samhälle i kris - missbruk och suicid. Ibid., pp 219-240.

: Forskningsetik. Ibid., pp 241-260.

: Förtidspensionering - sjukdomsbegrepp - psykosociala aspekter. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 2(1984) pp 79-84.

, von SCHOULTZ, Bo, LALOS, Ann & BJÖRK, I-B: Läkare och övrig personal skall ha rätt vägra utföra aborter. vårdpersonal om legal abort. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 3541- 3545.

JOHANSSON, Eva: Välfärdens styvbarn. BRÅ-rapport 2(1982) pp .'.3-26 .

325 JOHANSSON, Folke, von KNORRING, Lars & ORELAND, Lars: Platelet MAO in patients with chronic pain syndromes. Relationship to Personality traits, endorphins in CSF and plasma cortisol. Médical Biology 61(1983) pp 101-104.

Remalo, D, PERRIS, Carlo, Vacca, L, Marciano, F, Nolfe, G, Musch, B, Maj, M & Dubini, A: CEEG, VEP and biological changes in psychiatrie patients treated with Zetidoline (DL-308) and 1-Sulpiride. Advances in Biological Psychiatry 13(1983) pp 115-129.

von KNORRING, Lars: Effect of imipramine and zimelidine on the augmenting-reducing response of visual-evoked potentials in healthy volunteers. Advances in Biological Psychiatry 9(1982) pp 81-86.

: DSM-III - Ett exempel på ett multiaxialt diagnossystem inom psykiatrin. Forskning och praktik (Sandoz) 1982.

: Interhemispheric EEG différences in affective disorders. In: Laterality and psychopathology, pp 315-526. Eds. Flor- Henry, P, Gruzelier, J. Amsterdam 1983.

: Diagnostik av schizofrena syndrom. In: Antipsykotiska läkemedel, kap. 3, pp 31-50. Red. Öhman, R, Axelsson, R & Öländers, S. Stockholm 1983).

: Existentiell smärta - psykiatriska synpunkter. Läkartidningen 81(1984) pp 2043-2045.

: The biochemical basis of sensation seeking behaviour. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7(1984) pp 443-445.

: Biverkningar vid kombinationsbehandling lithium- neuroleptika. Kärnan 4(1984) s. 17-21.

, ALMAY, Béla, JOHANSSON, Folke, Terenius, L & WAHLSTRÖM, A: Circannual variations in concentrations of endorphins in CSF in chronic pain patients. Pain 12(1982) pp 265-272.

von KNORRING, Lars, JOHANSSON, Folke & ALMAY, Béla: The importance of the endorphin systems in chronic pain patients. In: Endorphins and opiate antgonists in psychiatrie research: Clinical implications. Eds. Shah, NS & Donald, AG. New York 1982).

von KNORRING, Lars, ORELAND, Lars & WINBLAD, Bengt: Personality traits related to monoamine oxidase activity in platelets. Psychiatry Research 12(1984) pp 11-26.

von Knorring, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo, EISEMANN, Martin, Eriksson, U & PERRIS, Hjördis: Pain as a symptom in depressive disorders. I. Relationship to diagnostic subgroup and depressive symptomatology. Pain 15(1983) pp 19-26.

: Pain as a symptom in depressive disorders. II. Relationship to personality traits aas assessed by means of KSP. Pain 17(1983) pp 377-384.

326 von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo, EISEMANN, Martin & PERRIS, Hjödis: Discrimination of former depresseci patients from healthy volunteers on the basis of stable personality traits assessed by means of KSP. European Archives of Psychiatric and Neurological Sciences 234(1984) pp 202-205.

von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo, Goldstein, L, Remali, D, Monakhov, K & Vacca, L: Intercorrelations between différent computer-based measures of the EEG alpha-amplitude and its variability over time and their validity in differentiating healthy volunteers from depressed patients. Advances in Biological Psychiatry 13(1983) pp 172-181.

von KNORRING, Lars, PERRIS, Carlo, ORELAND, Lars, EISEMANN, Martin, Eriksson, U & PERRIS, Hjördis: Pain as a symptom in depressive disorders and its relationship to platelet monoamine oxidase activity. Journal of Neural Transmission 60(1984) pp 1-9.

von KNORRING, Lars, Terenius, L & Wahlsdtröm, A: Fraction I endorphin in cerebrospinal fluid: clinical studies. In: Neurobiology of the cerebrospinal fluid (II), Chapt. 6, pp 83- 93. Ed. Wood, JH. New York 1983.

LALOS, Ann, Frankman, O, JACOBSSON, Lars & von SCHOULTZ, Bo: Bakgrundsfaktorer till bristande antikonception hos abortpatienter. Läkartidningen 80(1983) pp 2646-2648.

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Allmän språkvetenskap 7 Medicin 168 Analytisk kemi 107 Medicinsk fysik 188 Anatomi 9 Medicinsk genetik 190 Arkeologi 20 Medicinsk och fysio­ Barn- och ungdomspsyk. 23 logisk kemi 195 Biokemi 110 Mikrobiologi 204 Carioiogi 25 Miljö- och hälsoskydd 207 Centrum för regional­ Nationalekonomi 209 vetenskaplig forskning 26 Neurokirurgi 212 Demografiska databasen 27 Neurologi 215 Dermatologi och vene­ Nordiska språk 218 reologi 28 Obstetrik och gyne- Diagnostisk radiologi 30 kologi 222 Ekologisk botanik 32 Odontologisk röntgen­ Ekologisk zoologi 36 diagnostik 230 Ekonomisk historia 41 Odontologisk teknologi 231 Endodonti 43 Oftalmiatrik 232 Engelska 45 Onkologi 233 Etnologi 46 Oorganisk kemi 116 Experimentell fysik 57 Oral kirurgi 237 Farmakologi 48 Oral mikrobiologi 238 Finska 53 Oral patologi 239 Fonetik 55 Organisk kemi 118 Forskningsenheten i Ortodonti 241 Vilhelmina 56 Ortopedisk kirurgi 241 Franska 56 Oto-rhino-laryngologi 244 Fysik 57 Parodontologi 248 Fysikalisk kemi 113 Patologi 249 Fysiologi 65 Pedagogik 258 Fysiologisk botanik 75 Pediatrik 264 Företagsekonomi 78 Pedodonti 272 Genetik 80 Protetik 273 Geografi 81 Psykiatri (Addendum) 320 Geokosmisk fysik 61 Psykologi 275 Histologi m. cellbiologi 86 Radiofysik 279 Historia 93 Regionalekonomi 280 Hygien och miljömedicin 95 Rehabiliteringsmedicin 282 Idéhistoria 101 Reumatologi 286 Infektion 102 Rättsmedicin 287 Informationsbehandling 105 Rättsvetenskap 291 Kemi 107 Samiska 292 Kiruna geofysiska in­ Skoglig produktionslära 293 stitut 61 Socialmedicin 294 Kirurgi 124 Socialt arbete 297 Klinisk bettfysiologi 132 Sociologi 298 Klinisk fysiologi 132 Statistik 302 Klinisk kemi 135 Statskunskap 304 Klinisk mikrobiologi Teoretisk fysik 59 och bakteriologi 142 Teoretisk plasmafysik 59 Klinisk neurofysiologi 146 Tillämpad cell- och Konstvetenskap 148 molekylärbiologi 308 Kulturarbetarlinjen 149 Tillämpad psykologi 312 Kvinnovetenskapl. Forum 149 Tyska 314 Litteraturvetenskap 151 Urologi 314 Lungmedicin 152 Vetenskapsteori 320 Långvårdsmedicin 158 Virologi 319 Matematik 165 Zoofysiologi 321 Matematisk statistik 166

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