w AIRIAL w EUROCONTROL Air Navigation Inter-site Acronym List w w w AIRIAL lists abbreviations and acronyms used in EUROCONTROL documents and publications. This PDF version is generated automatically from the AIRIAL online database (hyperlink) as regularly updated. w User input is an important part of the AIRIAL system. Should you have any feedback (new acronyms for inclusion in the list or proposals for corrections or amendments), please use the 'Add New' function available on the AIRIAL webpage, or contact us at
[email protected] w w The AIRIAL Editorial Board blanc Denis Deramaut (Central Flow Management Unit) Robin Deransy (EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre) Angela Friesen (Directorate Resources) Michel Nicolay (Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre) Rik Simoens (EUROCONTROL Institute of Air Navigation Services) Lut Stessens (Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre) Mark Whitely (Corporate Network Design) blanc Stephen Fairhurst (AIRIAL Project Manager) w w w w Browsing of the material available on the EUROCONTROL site (including the copying of such material in RAM or other temporary forms of storage necessary to facilitate such browsing) is authorised. ReproductionEUROCONTROL is authorised for personal use only provided AIRIAL the source is duly acknowledged.All other uses are prohibited. w Information on air navigation and air traffic control does not engage the responsibility of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. While our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate, we cannot guarantee either.