Simulation/Optimization Modeling for Robust Satellite Data Unit for Airborne Network
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AIAA 2015-3100 AIAA AVIATION Forum 22-26 June 2015, Dallas, TX AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference Simulation/Optimization Modeling for Robust Satellite Data Unit for Airborne Network Joe Zambrano*, Omar Yeste† and René Landry, Jr.‡ Laboratory of Space Technologies, Embedded Systems, Navigation and Avionic - LASSENA École de techologie supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 1K3 The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) are both ambitious and technically complex government programs. Among their objectives, they propose constant transmission of the exact aircraft’s 4D (latitude, longitude, altitude and time) position vector via Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), not only to air traffic controllers but also to other aircraft equipped with similar technology. This allows reducing both horizontal and vertical distance between aircraft, as well as securely flying from origin to destiny through more efficient routes without needing to be on the coverage volume of ground stations (GS). As a result, an increase in air traffic density is expected both in transoceanic flights, where Air Traffic Management (ATM) communications are via satellite, and in areas covered by GSs. In addition to the growth of air traffic density, there is the growing demand for communications bandwidth by passengers. Some Satellite Communications (SatCom) service providers such as Inmarsat, Iridium, etc., have already planned their new service offer in Ka-Band in order to support high speed applications and enable airlines to provide better In-Flight Connectivity (IFC). Added to this, different studies conduct researches on a concept called Airborne Network (AN); where aircraft are connected in an ad hoc fashion via wireless links in order to provide broadband access to passengers and crew. Therefore, it becomes a major challenge to define and investigate new communication platforms capable of supporting the increasing demand of high-speed data rate for satellite multimedia and broadcasting services. The importance of overcoming this challenge lies in the diminution of equipment and systems on board; that is, these communication platforms should not mean an increase in weight on board, but rather the opposite. This is possible through the integration of existing equipment and systems in reconfigurable, robust and flexible equipment, able to support and implement new applications as well as new standards without increasing the amount of equipment on aircraft. All of this must be achieved while providing Air-to-Ground (A/G) and Air-to-Air (A/A) communications, large scale coverage and while meeting the recommendations of regulatory agencies. With this objective, LASSENA Labs leads AVIO-505 project to establish new design methods and digital signal processing techniques for robust and efficient universal navigation and communication equipment in the fields of aeronautics and aerospace. The objective of this paper is to present a Simulink model based approach for simulation and optimization of a robust Satellite Data Unit (SDU) able to deliver safety and non-safety Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS) and including capabilities to operate into an Airborne Network. For this Downloaded by ECOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE SUPERIEURE on October 20, 2017 | DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-3100 purpose, analysis and modeling of the main avionics system signals and data traffic to be treated in a SDU will be performed. Next, the priorities of communication systems based on the phases of flight are analyzed. After the study of signal processing in SDU, we simulate in different scenarios A/G broadband SatCom and A/A communications in order to test, improve and optimize the SDU without compromising flight safety. The main contribution * Ph.D. Student, Laboratory of Space Technologies, Embedded Systems, Navigation and Avionic (LASSENA), Department of Electrical Engineering, [email protected]. † Institutional Researcher, Laboratory of Space Technologies, Embedded Systems, Navigation and Avionic (LASSENA), Department of Electrical Engineering, [email protected]. ‡ Director, Laboratory of Space Technologies, Embedded Systems, Navigation and Avionic (LASSENA), Department of Electrical Engineering, [email protected]. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Copyright © 2015 by Joe Zambrano, Omar Yeste, René Landry, Jr. , École de Technologie Supérieure. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. here is the design of the SDU data traffic model, which integrates different simulation models on avionics systems such ADS-B, Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) and IFC for future implementation and optimization; thus allowing the characterization of a device on board about which there is not much information disclosed. Early results have helped us to simulate independently and even real- time transmission and reception of ADS-B messages as well as the transmission and reception of data on L-band using different modulation types to which the routing policies such unicast and multicast for AN are added. To conclude, this paper describes a modeling and analysis tool, aimed at providing the aviation industry with the means to reduce the amount of equipment on board (and thus the weight of aircraft to reduce fuel consumption) and fulfill passengers demand for connectivity. Finally, note that this modeling is a step further to the development of a device that ensures greater operational safety and ease of repair and maintenance. Nomenclature A/A = Air-to-Air A/C = Aircraft A/G = Air-to-Ground AA = Aircraft Address AAC = Aeronautical Administrative Communications ACARS = Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACK = Acknowledge ADS-B = Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast AES = A/C Earth Station AMSS = Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services AN = Airborne Network AOC = Aeronautical Operational Control APC = Aeronautical Passenger Communications ATC = Air Traffic Control ATM = Air Traffic Management ATS = Air Traffic Services AWGN = Additive white Gaussian noise BBG = Bernoulli Binary Generator BEL = Bell BLOS = Beyond Line of Sight BS = Backspace BSU = Beam Steering Unit BW = Bandwidth CAN = Cancel CAN = Collaborative Avionic Network CDTI = Cockpit Display of Traffic Information CR = Carriage Return Downloaded by ECOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE SUPERIEURE on October 20, 2017 | DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-3100 DC = Device Control DEL = Delete DLE = Data Link Space DLNA = Diplexer/Low Noise Amplifier DoD = Department of Defense EM = End of Medium ENQ = Enquiry EOT = End Of Transmission ES = Extended Squitter ESC = Escape ETB = End of Tx Block ETX = End of Text 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics FAA = Federal Aviation Administration FF = Form Feed FIS-B = Flight Information System - Broadcast FS = File Separator GADSS = Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System GES = Ground Earth Station GIG = Global Information Grid GPS = Global Positioning System GS = Ground Station HF = High Frequency HPA = High Power Amplifier HT = Horizontal Tabulation ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization IFC = In-Flight Connectivity IFEC = In-Flight Entertainment and Communications IP = Internet Protocol LASSENA = Laboratory of Specialized Embedded System, Navigation and Avionic LF = Line Feed LOS = Line Of Sight MANET = Mobile Ad-hoc Network MDDU = Multi-purpose Disk Drive Unit MLPP = Multiple simultaneous multilevel precedence and preemption MSK = Minimum-Shift Keying NAES = Neighboring AES NAK = Negative Acknowledgment NextGen = Next Generation Air Transportation System NIPRNET = Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network NUL = Null OQPSK = Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying PI = Parity Information PPM = Pulse-Position Modulation QoS = Quality of Service RF = Radio Frequency RFU = Radio Frequency Unit RS = Record Separator SatCom = Satellite Communications SDR = Software Defined Radio SDU = Satellite Data Unit SESAR = Single European Sky ATM Research SF = Spreading Factor SI = Shift-In SIPRNET = Secret Internet Protocol Router Network SNR = Signal-to-noise ratio SO = Shift-Out Downloaded by ECOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE SUPERIEURE on October 20, 2017 | DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-3100 SOH = Start Of Heading SP = Space STX = Start Of Text SUB = Substitute SYN = Synchronous Idle TCAS = Traffic Collision Avoidance System TIS-B = Traffic Information Services - Broadcast US = Unit Separator VHF = Very High Frequency VPN = Virtual Private Network VT = Vertical Tabulation Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics I. Introduction lthough the introduction of Wi-Fi connections using Air-to-Ground (A/G) on commercial flights is something A recent, the fact is that airlines carry more than ten years experimenting with the possibility of offering high- speed Internet for airline passengers safely without compromising the security of the Aircraft (A/C). Today, more than 1500 commercial and 5000 business A/C are equipped with this technology1. However, this technology does not cover transoceanic flights or remote areas because a direct link with Ground Earth Station (GES) is required. AES AES A/G BROADBAND A/A A/A A/A A/C Earth Station (AES) A/A A/A AES A/A A/A Wi-Fi AES GSM AES Ground Earth GES Station (GES) Air Traffic Management (ATM) Terrestrial cellular Service network with Service broadband Provider